#sirius black x male reader x remus lupin
tiredofthehumanlife · 6 months
Quiet time
Barbie dolls: poly maurders x reader (James, Sirius, Remus, you)
Word: 1.2k ish
Summary:you're overstimulated (autistic not sex) and Remus' chronic pain flares up and hilarity ensues
Warnings: you stim with your hands and also are overstimulated, I described it with my own experience so it might not be like yours, Remus Sirius and James are dating I know that's crazy but sometimes poly gets tagged with it just being an odd threesome and not actually poly, you watch TV? I think that's it dude
James and Sirius had left for their date a long time ago. You and Remus decided to spend the time they were gone at home. After they had closed the door a lot had happened. When Remus woke up that morning his hip was bothering him. 'only a little' he whispered to you three as you all watched him take pain meds. Remus often downplayed his pain for the benefit of others. He seemed okay though after his meds he was going about his tasks like normal. After Sirius and James left, his pain seemed to quadruple. So you got him into a warm bath. You made him his favorite soup. You made the bed, adding extra pillows for his back. You pulled out Remus' heating pad. You tucked him into bed with his soup and everything else you could think of. Unfortunately within the time it took for you to take care of Remus the world got too loud, your clothes got to clothesy, you could feel your teeth, everything was too much and now you were overstimulated and your boyfriend was practically bedridden.
When you did get overstimulated your partners were nothing but helpful. You often would stop talking, opting for silence. You wanted it dark and the only sound you wanted were sounds that you picked. Like the TV show you've already seen eight million times, the music you picked out. You need your weighted stuffed animal, your weighted blankets, your clothes needed to clothes in the right way, you needed to sit and not do anything for as long as possible.
Your partners were exceptionally good at working with your needs. Remus didn't mind when you stopped talking. He loved your voice but he also enjoyed quiet time. It was nice sitting next to a bundle of blankets that occasionally sprouted a hand holding out a peice of chocolate for him. Sirius would doodle on your arm, the repetitive movements calming your brain. He'd sit in a dark silent room anyday. Getting him to stop talking was sometimes a feat but you could press your finger to his lips and he'd get the message. James would squeeze you very tightly and the compression helped a lot. So that's how you and Remus ended up on either side of your bed, both wrapped up in your own comfort items. Your tv show was playing on the television, Remus didn't mind that he had all the lines memorized. You'd shake your hands every time the intro played and mouthed the words. It's all he needed to know you were more than happy. You had your stuffed animal pressed to your chest and your blankets wrapped around you.
Sometimes Remus felt too hot from pain to want to be all over another person. Sometimes you were too aware of your skin to want to cuddle. The only physical contact you two were sharing was your arms outstretched, your hands resting on the mattress, pinkies pressed against each other. That's all you wanted. The lights were off. Remus thought he might drift off and he hoped when he woke the pain would be gone. Then the door opened.
James and Sirius came prancing in. James was already moving towards the dresser, pulling out comfy clothes. Sirius looked like he wanted to jump into the bed, but he recognized the position you and Remus were in. He moved over to Remus and gently kissed his cheek. Sirius asked him all his regular doting questions. Remus answered all of them. Remus waved Sirius off when Sirius asked if he needed anything. James left to the bathroom to get changed as Sirius moved around the bed to your side.
"How you feeling about physical contact?" You pointed to your cheek. Sirius quickly leaned forward and press a kiss to your cheek.
"How do we feel about cuddles?" Sirius asked, looking between you and Remus. You heard Remus shuffling and moving his blankets to be more accommodating for another person.
"I suppose I could." Remus muttered. Sirius turned to you, waiting on your reply. You pointed to the bathroom. You held your thumb and pointer together to make a tiny spacy between, and then pointed to Sirius.
"You'll cuddle James but not me?" You nodded. Sirius clicked his tounge before pecking your cheek again. He whispered an 'I love you' before quickly moving over to Remus. He gently snuggled up to Remus, not wanting to hurt him. Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius. Sirius stuck his hand out behind him and wrapped his pinkie around your yours.
Soon enough James came into the room in his pajamas; red plaid pants, one of Sirius' worn band shirts, and fluffy socks. He first checked on Remus leaning over Sirius' outreached hands to kiss Remus. Sirius tugged on James' shirt, pecking him too. James moved to you, holding his hands behind his back. He knew if he didn't restrain himself he'd want to cuddle you immediately.
"Oh I love this episode." Sirius whispered, staring at the screen. He started to mouth the lines to himself.
"World got too much?" You nodded, letting out a sigh. You leaned to the side, knocking your head into James' abdomen. He took that as a sign you needed his physical affection, wrapping his arms around you.
"You want squeezes?" You nodded against James' chest. He pulled away from you. You scooted forward on the bed, giving James space behind you. He quickly crawled in. James had his legs on either side of you before gently tugging you back. Your back pressed against his chest. James wrapped his arms around you, squeezing lightly. You sighed against his shoulder. James kissed your shoulder. He looked over to Remus. You ran your fingers over the back of Sirius' hand.
"How are you feeling, Moony?" James whispered. He didn't want to be too loud for you and you greatly appreciated it. Remus groaned.
"Like an old grandpa." Sirius smiled at you before nipping at Remus' forearm with his teeth. Remus kissed the top of Sirius' head. James cooed. He gently kissed Remus' shoulder.
"Well I think you're a very hot grandpa." Sirius grimaced at James. James smiled at Remus. Remus burried his face in Sirius' hair looking up at James.
"That was gross James." Sirius whispered. His voice was muffled by the sleeve of Remus' sweater. James sighed, dropping his head against the headboard.
"I'm trying to be positive." James argued, still keeping his tone hushed. Sirius shook his head.
"It was nasty. What kind of person finds old grandpas attractive?" Sirius asked. Remus loosened his hold on Sirius.
"Ouch, Pads." Remus muttered. Sirius glared at him before looking back at James.
"I was being kind, but of course you wouldn't know much about that. I swear you almost mugged that guy at the restaurant." James rolled his eyes as he argued with Sirius. Sirius scoffed before looking to you.
"Can you believe this, baby? He's such a scoundrel. You should've cuddled with me." Sirius giggled at his own joke. You looked over Sirius' head to make eye contact with Remus. He shook his head.
"Would you like to leave them both and run off on our own?" Remus asked. You shrugged and turned your head. You looked away from them entirely. They took that as a sign you wanted quiet time. You slowly fell asleep in James' tight hold. They all kept quiet as they got ready for bed themselves. James just threw a pillow behind his head and scooted down further so he was laying down. Sirius washed his face and Remus took his melatonin. His insomnia and pain often made it difficult for him to fall asleep. They both bolted back into each other's arms the second they finished. Sirius rested his head on James' shoulder as he fell asleep.
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nightsmarish · 5 months
Hihi!! I saw requests are open and I wanted to send in a request if that’s fine haha. here I go
could I request wolfstar x masc! (or GN but I prefer masc) who goes to school at durmstrang AND hogwarts? like the reader is REALLY good at defense against the dark arts and the reader also has handsome looks as well and both sirius and lupin fall for them?…
sorry if it’s confusing 😭! you can decline this if you’d like but thank you so much !
A/n: I'm not even gonna lie, I am NOT a fan of how this came out amd might rewrite in the future. I just can't finish on another fic it this one wasn't done, I am so so so sorry if this sucks ass.
Poly!wolfstar x masc!reader (Remus lupin x masc!readee x Sirius black) | 800+ words
Tw: reader is hot, possible illusion to smut but not in a cool way
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ
Sirius comes running into the dorm, of which is mostly empty besides Remus.
"Moony-" He pauses, panting from running through the moving staircases, planting himself dramatically onto Remus' bed next to the lycan, "did you see the Durmstrang and Beauxbitons students?"
Remus infact did meet the exchange students. The headmaster of the three schools had come to decide that it would be beneficial to have an exchange program for a few months. Allowing students to learn magic under different teachers and styles, as well as continuing the bond between the schools.
"Yes, I did, why do you ask?" He raises an eyebrow, lowering his book to give his boyfriend his full attention.
"That bloody Durmstrang boy, he's fucking hot." Sirius moves over Remus, sitting on his abs while he lays back on his bed.
"Which one, love, there was 3 of them." Remus looks up at Sirius, who is fiddling with one of the gold studs Remus' in his ears.
"The hot one."
Remus smiles up at his boyfriend, hands moving up under the button up shirt Sirius is wearing for his uniform. "I think they all where rather hot. I think it may be a requirement for attending Durmstrang."
"Well I don't bloody know, he was just fucking hot, babe. Like, dear Merlin he was a looker." Sirius' smile matches Remus' hands moving from his earings to rake through his boyfriends hair. Remus draws little shapes onto Sirius' spine.
"Am I not enough for you anymore? Need another boyfriend already?" Remus leans up, kissing Sirius' neck.
"You are more than enough, I'm just saying he's hot." Sirius chuckles, ducking down to capture Remus' lips.
Okay, Remus gets it. After Sirius pointed you out the next morning at breakfast, you are bloody hot. Both boys shared Defense Against the Dark Arts, the first class they share (other than breakfast) that they can properly gossip in.
"Okay, okay- yes, he's hot, I get what you mean." Remus puts down his book bag, leaning back in his chair as everyone filters into the room.
"Exactly! He's eye candy, right?" Sirius has one foot on the chair, knee bent, while the other leg is like a normal damn person in a chair.
Before he can respond, someone speaks up, "Hey, sorry, is this seat taken?"
Both boys look to their left. And dear Merlin they were not prepared for you to be there.
"Yeah- sure, of course." Sirius answers for them, Remus opting to stay quite.
You smile and take a seat, dropping your book bag on the floor as you scan the room.
None of you talk much during the lesson, at least not verbally. Remus and Sirius keep discreetly writing notes to one another.
Oh Merlin he's next to me
I see that, love
What am I supposed to do???? I look like a sodding idiot!
You look fine, I promise.
Only fine? Thanks, babe, great to know I only look fine when I am next to him!
You look fucking hot
I don't believe you anymore
Want me to prove it in a supply closet after lunch?
Class is dismissed, so everyone quickly gathers there things, excited to go to lunch and see their friends. The boys share a look, do they talk to you, or be a wimp?
"Hey," Sirius grabs your attention, of which you give him, undivided and it makes it slightly harder for him to breath, "I'm Sirius Black, it's a pleasure to meet you." He offers you his hand, which you shake and give him your name.
"And, I'm Remus Lupin." He adds, not entirely a fan of the first greeting people bit, very awkward about the whole thing.
You send Remus the same smile you sent Sirius and dear fuck they have gotten down bad way to quickly, "Great to meet you two."
"Would you like to sit with us? At lunch." The shorter of the two asks, "Obviously our friends will be there too, it would *just* be us."
"Oh, yeah, sure, that'd be nice, thank you." You follow both of them out the classroom and to the Greathall.
Are they super sweet? Dear Vulpelara, they very much are. As is their friends. You got to meet Peter, Lily, and James so far.
Though, you've met who you are pretty sure is Sirius little brother a few times in passing but you are not completely sure.
Are you having a harder and harder time keeping up your chill persona? Holy fuck, yes.
They are flirty, smooth, and devastatingly hot.
While Sirius is quick to make a flirty remark, so quick you almost don't notice, or throw in a pet name (gods forbid he calls you "Pretty Boy"). Remus is smooth, subtle, and it's like you're his damn prey.
Like now, you're sitting with the group for dinner a few weeks later, James, Lily, and Peter sit across from you. You learned Lily doesn't always join the boys, but James seems to be very pathetic for her and begs her a lot. While next to you, on your left is Sirius, and on your right is Remus.
Your thighs are touching theirs, and at some point Sirius hooked his foot over yours and you think you lost the function to breath seven minutes ago and.... and this is going to be a long, and painful exchange program.
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kingofvipers · 11 months
Marauders Incorrect Quotes #1
Lily: We fight so much not even our friends want us around
M/n: James is NOT my friend, I only tolerate Remus. No one likes Peter and Sirius is technically a pet!
Sirius: woof
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utterdisaster1 · 2 months
The Teenage Foolishness
Pairing: Sirius Black x male!reader angst at certain point, kinda smut at another. If you haven't read the previous post/chapter whatever, Y/N is muggle-born
Hope you like it! TW: use of Y/N, internalised homophobia, pining, erotic thoughts, erotic things in general, AMAB! reader, swearing, mentions of war, mentions of toxic family
After the first year, the following two were not particularly remarkable. That is not to say that the days were mundane, or that nothing interesting ever happened; rather, you were immersed in a routine devoid of anything exceptional to distinguish it.
You and the rest of the Marauders—a nickname coined by Lily of all people - "Unbelievable! You cost us 50 points, and for what?! Marauding around the castle like vagabonds… I cannot comprehend what is so special or enjoyable about being as much of a nuisance as Peeves!" - continued to pursue your intention of making the most of your years at the school, pranking those who deserved it (mainly the Slytherins) and not taking life too seriously
At times, you felt that James and Sirius, in particular, went a little overboard in targeting a specific individual, but simultaneously, he gave as good as he got, so you did not see much issue with the clear rivalry between your group and Severus Snape.
You continued to learn, to excel, and to immerse yourself in magical education, relentless in your persuit of knowing everything.
In your third year, you began tutoring some first-years in Transfiguration and Charms. You also encountered your first struggle - Arithmancy.
You chose it alongside Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures as your electives, thinking it wouldn’t be too challenging.
You did enjoy the Creatures class the most and found Ancient Runes, which included lessons on enchanting objects, warding, and curse-breaking, truly fascinating. You were always eager for those classes.
But Arithmancy… You thought it would simply be wizarding maths, but it was far from that. You barely scraped by in it and fully intended to drop it before fifth year. Spell-crafting be damned; if you had to read one more paragraph on the properties of numbers and shapes, you felt like you might spontaneously combust. And preparing for an OWL in it… that would be unbearable.
Another struggle that began in third year was dealing with feelings. Suddenly, you started experiencing peculiar emotions. Of course, there had been boys who caught your eye before, but it had never been significant. However, the affections you might have had, or not, seemed to grow in intensity.
Suddenly, instead of a mere sense of admiration, a deep longing emerged. You would catch yourself imagining how delightful it would be to walk hand in hand with them, to embrace them, to kiss them, to…
Even with the knowledge that your proclivities were not frowned upon in the wizarding world, the years you spent before joining it had conditioned you to feel guilt and denial. It felt as though you were being pushed by shame from one side and encouragement from the other, leaving no space for action.
So you suppressed those feelings, turning to those shameful late-night moments in which you inflicted some self-pleasure upon yourself.
You felt guilty thinking about schoolmates that way. The only comfort was that it usually wasn’t someone you were particularly close with, so objectifying them wasn’t thrown in your face the next morning.
Then the fifth year arrived, and with it, a very changed, taller, better-built Sirius.
He said he had spent most of his summer at his uncle Alphard's house, which had a Quidditch pitch nearby, allowing him to fly and work out every day. Training for his Beater position on the Quidditch team involved a lot of work from his arm and chest muscles.
And what a sight those muscles were, when he took his outer robe off, leaving only a thin dress shirt on. They were enthralling to watch, and it took you greater effort than fighting any duel, facing any Slytherin, or preparing for any exam to avert your gaze elsewhere.
It didn't help that he paid particular attention to you. There was something in his gaze that made you want to squirm.
It's worth mentioning you changed over the summer too. You barely had to lift your head now to look your dad straight in the eyes (which came with your mum droning on about needing to buy an entirely new wardrobe for you since all your clothes were too short). Your face became thinner, and your jawline more pronounced. You would often run, not from schoolmates, but for the simple release of pent-up energy from being deprived of magic (you would curse whoever it was that created the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, if they were still alive) and worrying about a possible raid from Death Eaters all summer.
You did try to act casual. But you were also 16. And suddenly, when the night came, the only thoughts you had, were of him.
His nature didn't help either. He was always affectionate with touch - an arm around your shoulder when walking together, his head always resting on someone's lap while relaxing on the couches in the Gryffindor common room. He did that with all of his friends.
So it meant he did it with you as well. In those moments, you begged to be back in the Arithmancy classroom, listening to lectures about numerological transcendence or whatever else you couldn't grasp, because it would still be easier than withstanding the force of Sirius Black's friendly affection. Friendly.
You always made sure to keep the outer robes on, so you could cover your crotch and the erection that occured whenever he tugged you closer to him or rested his head on your arm.
After one very close call, when he laid his head on your lap, you realised it had become essential never to sit next to him again. Not as long as you felt the way you did. It didn't help that the thoughts of his mouth so close to that particular area contributed to your unseemly activities later that evening and were followed by a sense of shame when you saw him the next morning while preparing to go down for breakfast.
And even if you told yourself that you were dealing with this insufferable infatuation, you couldn't help but feel jealous of the people who sparked Sirius' interest. You weren't the only person who had noticed how he had changed over the summer, after all.
It seemed every other week there would be a new girl clutching onto him like a lifeline. And considering the affection he showed his friends, you shouldn't have been surprised by how flagrant he was with them.
The shameless make-out sessions, blatant touching, and disgusting displays like feeding each other were hard to ignore. But over time, you got used to it. You didn't accept it, but it was just something that happened, yet another flaw in the world. It still was better than the fact that there was an actual war happening outside the school halls, a war against people like you, or rather, about ridding the world of people like you.
But then, one day, Sirius showed up for lunch with a boy. A Ravenclaw, one year above you. All of you were confused. And confusion turned into many different emotions when the ministrations that Sirius' girlfriends received were extended to him.
If you felt uneasy before, now you were actually physically sick. You wanted to vomit, to break something, or rather someone.
Ironically, one of the few comforts you had in the entire situation was knowing that if you never stood a chance with him, it wasn't because of your appearance or any other personal attribute, but simply because he was exclusively into girls. This made it easier to avoid letting yourself fantasise about being with him. At that point, however, the reality stung more sharply—knowing that he chooses not to have an interest in you, despite being open to it. It just made it all more painful.
So you quickly excused yourself and exited the Hall. You didn't run and cry, thinking about jumping off the astronomy tower like some heartsick, stupid people would do. You weren't sad. You were angry. Furious. Livid. Violent.
You hadn't noticed Remus going after you, all the way to the Forbidden Forest. You hadn't noticed him as you were throwing all known curses and hexes at a large pile of rocks, annihilating it in the process.
But after you were done, and decided to go back, there he stood. With this look of pity. Maybe you weren't as subtle as you thought, or maybe it was him being his usual, too perceptive self.
"I would say that it gets better, but I'm not going to start lying to you," he said.
"Are you- Do you- You too? With Sirius, I mean," you replied.
"Merlin no!" and after a short pause, "Well, maybe a little last year. But it went out the window after he insulted Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, massive turn-off," he said, the last part with a scoff, "And I'm more partial to the fair sex, being honest with you."
"How long have you known?" you asked.
"You know how my senses are heightened? Due to- you know. Well, some stronger emotions have the slightest scents that I can detect. They don't really compare to any normal ones… well, the technicalities don't really matter. Arousal is one of those scents, and I smelled it off of you while you were looking at him in the distance once or twice."
"Well, thank you for not calling me out on it," you said with the slightest of smiles. At that point, you also had to ask, because you knew it would nag you forever, "So if you can actually smell emotions, that means that things like…" You didn't exactly know how to ask whether he could smell you wank in the night, so you just made a gesture. He didn't seem unsettled by your question, to his credit.
"Oh, yeah, at first it was quite uncomfortable, but you weren't the first one to do it... Sirius was always hyper and he is the oldest, I suppose," he said, then continued, "I learned a spell to shield my bed from all smells in Second Year, but I forget to cast it sometimes," he said while rubbing the nape of his neck.
"Well, I've never felt more sorry for you, especially with Peter's dirty socks..." you said.
“Yes, well, it comes with living with four other teenage boys. But I’m the one who’s supposed to comfort you right now, not the other way around,” he said with a small laugh.
“You did say it wouldn’t just get better, as if from experience… Who were you that angry about? You, the calmest, most reasonable and even-tempered Gryffindor in history.”
“There was one particular girl that Sirius had dated about a month ago, and now even if I did try to ask her out, I’d be asking Sirius’ ex out. It did irk me, knowing he would drop her after a week or so anyway.”
“A shame you hadn’t told me; then we could wallow in self-pity together,” you chuckled a little. Maybe Freud was onto something with his “just talk about it and it will get better.” Although, you were also quite tired, so maybe there was simply no energy for anger at the moment.
“Do you want to smash some things too? I could conjure more rocks if you’d like,” you asked.
He smiled. “No, but I will tell you if I do. Let’s head back; I think we’re already late for Potions.”
You groaned. “Fuck Potions, we’re both rubbish at it anyway. Besides, I don’t know if I have it in me not to throw some beetle eyes or something equally disgusting at him right now.” You said this as you started walking back towards the castle.
“I am a prefect, you know,” Remus replied.
“Oh? So I suppose it wasn’t you who turned Mulciber’s hair into snakes yesterday?” you responded with a small chuckle.
He just huffed but didn’t rebut.
What you and Remus failed to talk about and consider were appearances. There was nothing out of the ordinary with Remus’, but you, however, looked as if you’d just emerged from a fighting ring - messy hair, ruffled clothes, and scratches from the rock shards that you hadn’t even registered.
After worried questions stemming from a calm, “What happened?” from Peter, to James’ intense, “Did someone do this to you?! Tell. Me. Who!” you just said you’d fallen down the stairs, and Remus had taken you to the infirmary, which explained your absence during Potions class. And since it was just a theory lesson, you doubted Slughorn noticed or cared much.
The rest of the day, after fixing yourself up in the bathroom, you tried to act as usual. And it mostly worked. But, as seemed to be the pattern of the day, Sirius disrupted your attempts at casualness. It wasn’t his fault per se, since you always sat together in Defence Against the Dark Arts. Normally, you would chat and joke, having already mastered the subject. But today, you didn’t even want to see him, let alone talk to him.
Sirius wasn’t stupid, nor as self-conceited as some believed. He noticed the lack of banter and witty responses from you and asked, “Are you okay? You seem a little off today.”
Clearly he didn’t connect the dots that your being "a little off" might be related to your supposed fall down the stairs. His mind was probably preoccupied with that Ravenclaw arsewipe he had shown up with, making it clear he was bi.
So you simply responded, “I’m fine,” and started taking notes. This really set Sirius off, because you never did that in Defence class. By Fourth Year, you had enough knowledge and skill to score an Outstanding in NEWT for the subject. You had even ventured into Knockturn Alley to buy books on martial magic, most containing curses only found in the restricted section of the school library. He knew why you were so determined to master this area of magic. With raids, disappearances, and murders reported every other day, who wouldn’t be?
Sirius thought that maybe something else had happened other than the fall, but what could it be? No one dared to challenge you to a duel or sneak up on you after you sent the youngest Yaxley brother to the infirmary with so many afflictions and injuries he didn’t get out until a week later (you only got three nights of detention since it was technically self-defence after he tried to use the body-bind curse on you from behind first. The Gryffindor privilege probably played a part in that as well). You didn’t seem to be under a side-effect of pain medicine either.
He only realized the lesson was over because of your abrupt departure the moment the bell rang.
But there was someone with you when whatever happened had occurred - Remus. He had the answers, and Sirius was adamant about finding out the truth. But when he turned towards the desk Remus sat at, it was empty as well.
Both of you disappearing halfway through the day and then coming back disheveled with a very convenient story... Could you...? Together?
Now, with his mind racing, Sirius reached the only plausible conclusion: it became clear he was into guys too, and one of you must have gotten jealous, so you sorted it out. The idea that Remus could have been the one to be with you like that, while Sirius was left out, sparked something he never wanted to feel about any of his friends - jealousy.
He loved Moony, don't get him wrong. But it was you and him that always had a little stack of letters after the holidays for each other, since neither could send them during the summer. "Merlin! I didn't know we had some summer essays set to write. What will we do, Pete?" James would always laugh. It was you and him that hated going away from Hogwarts because the castle was where you truly felt at home. It was you and him that sat together by the Black Lake in you spot, sharing those quiet moments that seemed to stretch into forever.
Why wouldn't you consider him for something more, then? He wasn't a saint, he knew that. But he also had access to mirrors, and he was a friend as long as Moony was.
And he had to admit, when he saw you on the train in September, desire surged through him. But you never seemed to look at him too long, let alone show any sign of actual interest. So he tried what he had seen work on those desperate girls and used all the tricks he had. But those attempts only seemed to turn you off, making you retreat from him. He recalled that evening when he laid his head on your lap, asking you to braid or play with his hair, and instead of blushing and giggling like those girls did, you immediately needed to get back to the dorm, claiming there was "a book you forgot to return to the library, and you better run before Madam Pince closes it" or some other excuse. After that, you avoided sitting next to him, except for during class.
When he saw you could defend yourself from the baby death eaters - commonly known as Slytherins - he stopped pretending not to associate with you. He was openly best friends with a "blood traitor," which, in his parents' eyes, was as bad as being a "filthy little Mudblood." So, he would get punished anyway.
He cherished the surprise on your face when he sat next to you at the Sorting Ceremony, the delight in your eyes when you realised he wasn’t playing the charade he had in First Year.
He was always honest with you. He never felt it important to discuss his sexuality, especially since you never mentioned yours. He assumed you shared his sentiment. But now it was clear that you had discussed it with someone - just not him. Maybe you and Remus had a special spot as well? Or maybe, the spot by the lake was only special to Sirius, and you came there only when dear Remus was too busy, or worse, out of pity, because Sirius would sit there sometimes, hoping you would appear.
He hated that feeling. You were his friends. He shouldn't be mad at you two being close, being together. But he was. He was angry with you, and he was even more furious with himself.
Maybe if he just mellowed down his advances, you would start to show similiar affection towards him as well? Or maybe you did feel it, but was just awkward about it and he hadn't noticed?
And then there were the flings.
So on one hand, you might be plainly uninterested, wanting nothing more than friendship. On the other, you might have been interested, but he had ruined it.
He had ruined it all, just as he always seemed to. His mother had often said so. His father, his br- Regulus, never disagreed.
He didn't ever realise he was now alone, with tears glistening in his eyes, heading towards nowhere in particular
The rest of the week was tense for the Marauders. Sirius retreated as he had after his first Howler back in First Year. Fortunately, this time he already had James. Pete stuck by him too, offering snacks in the evenings and welcome distractions. Both of them knew Peter didn’t need help with Herbology, yet he asked Sirius for it, for example.
Not that you and Remus were there to witness most of these moments. You were cooped up in the library, sometimes together with Lily, Marlene, and Mary.
You didn’t know if it was just instinct or if you were that easy to read, but the three girls took to comforting you as well. Your study sessions continued with the addition of Lily’s dormmates, which made things much more fun, but also much riskier, since Madam Pince didn’t take kindly to any disturbances of silence, and snickering was very much a disturbance.
One evening, Marlene said that when she was sad she did her first piercing by herself. She mentioned it off-handedly, while being scolded by Lily and Mary for getting her nose infected - that attempt was not as successful as the first one “or numerous following ones!” Marlene didn’t fail to add.
So, when you were returning to the common room, you asked her which piercing wasn’t too painful and if she would be willing to do it for you. She eagerly agreed, recommending helix piercings since earlobes were “too obvious.”
And as much as it wasn’t the most pleasant experience, it wasn’t too bad either. You settled for piercings in each ear. Marlene said it was fate, since the Hogsmeade trip would be happening in two days. You would be able to buy your own jewellery, wearing hers for now.
You were barely the first person to have some alterations to their appearance done, so it didn’t gain much attention from most, only your friends, who you didn’t have many of, especially since three of your dormmates seemed engrossed with something they were sharing with neither you nor Remus. Even Mary said you looked "dashing", and with her being one of the icons (Marlene had called her a guru) of style by that point, you knew it really meant something.
You saw the dark circles under Sirius’ eyes, as well as how puffy they were. You wanted to comfort him, truly you did. He was your friend, first and foremost. But now, it seemed he was avoiding you. You thought of cornering him somehow but thought better of it. One can’t make Sirius Black do or say anything he doesn’t want to do. And he did not take kindly to attempts at trying.
So, you left him be and didn’t address any of the occasional looks you got from him with anything else but, what you hoped was, a comforting smile.
The trip to Hogsmeade was as eventful as any other, but with you not only buying earrings but some rings as well. You made sure none were made of silver, mindful of Moony.
The Sunday, however, proved to be something entirely else. You were planning on writing the Potions essay and reading the latest issue of Transfiguration Today. You hoped there would be at least something more than a mere mention of the Animagus process, having found only some sparse remarks on it in the books you’d read in the library so far.
There was always the Restricted Section, but you needed the Cloak for that, and James was always with Sirius.
And as much of a pain as it was to write about the Draught of Peace, it was one of the possible potions to brew for your OWL exam, and you needed one in Potions, no matter how much you loathed the idea of studying the subject at NEWT level. But you needed the NEWT to be allowed into the Auror Training, and complaining would get you nowhere.
But when you were finally done and reached for the magazine on your nightstand, the dorm room burst open, and in came James, Peter, and Sirius. And they came with purpose.
“Right, we’re going to settle this. You,” James pointed at you and Sirius, “will stay in this room until you’re okay again. I will let you starve to death if I have to.” And with that, he came out, locking the door.
You looked at Sirius and didn’t know what else to say but, “Always with dramatics, that one.”
Sirius didn’t respond at first, just looked at you for some time. You avoided his stare, which clearly was the wrong thing to do, seeing what he asked you next.
“Why can’t you even look at me?” he said in a tone much more broken than Sirius should sound like. You had only witnessed a few times over the five years you’d known each other. So you did look at him, straight in the eyes, and responded.
“Of course I can look at you.” You really didn’t know how to handle this. You didn’t even know what exactly it was about.
“Since we returned in September, you don’t want to, though,” after a short pause, he asked, “We’re friends, right? Friends tell each other things.”
“Of course we’re friends. Why would you question that?” you said immediately.
He looked at you, intensely, expectantly. But you really didn’t know what he could want you to say. There was no way he knew about your crush, right?
Seeing that he wasn’t going to receive what he had hoped for, he said with a clipped tone, “Then why didn’t you tell me about you and Remus? Or James and Pete, for that matter?”
Now you were really bewildered. You wanted to ask what he meant, but he clearly wasn’t finished.
“I bet you told Marls and the other two, though, always hanging around with each other now. I mean, I could understand if you’d just started and were figuring things out, but once you’re having sex, I think it’s serious enough to mention it to people you claim are your family!” he finished, shouting.
“What do you- Are- Sex!? With who!?”
“Well, Moony of course, unless you were doing it with Marlene in the third-floor bathroom on Thursday too!”
"For fuck's sake, have you taken something!? Or is this some very elaborate prank!?" You didn’t allow him to respond just yet. "I’m not having sex with anyone, I’m not in a relationship with anyone, Marlene only pierced my ears," you said, pointing at your ears. "And I really don’t think that Remus fetching me from the Forbidden Forest is that significant to mention!"
Sirius seemed surprised. You rarely screamed or shouted, preferring to just hex someone if they were going too far. Of all the questions now flooding his mind, he asked,
"What were you doing in the Forbidden Forest?"
"I was smashing up some rocks, if it’s that important to you. And I left the centaurs one of the phoenix feathers I found last year in the Astronomy Tower, along with a very sincere apology letter the next day, so I doubt they’ll want to hunt me down. It was only a pile of rocks anyway; I made sure not to harm any trees or animals."
"You know centaurs are the ones that planted and protect the forest. They demand respect. I doubt me coming in all unreasonable and entitled to destroy parts of it, even as irrelevant as a pile of-" At that, he interrupted you.
"I don’t care about the centaurs! Why were you wrecking rocks, and if that’s what happened on Monday, why are you cross with me?"
"I— I’m not cross with you, and it doesn’t matter why. It’s stupid, and I’m dealing with it."
"Maybe I could help, you know. Or at least you could have told me."
You were getting sick of his apparent entitlement to all your issues and that, mixed with still not fully gone anger at him over the Ravenclaw, prompted you to say with a clipped tone, "Well, you seem pretty preoccupied these days. I wouldn’t want to get groped by accident."
His eyes widened, cheeks reddened, and his mouth opened and closed in a repeated cycle. He was visibly thinking about what to say next.
"Is that why you’ve been avoiding me? Seeing me with those girls?"
You barely even registered saying, "You forgot the Ravenclaw already?"
At that you saw a hint of a smirk on his face, but what was more noticeable was the step he took towards you. "Did it bother you? Seeing me like that?"
Oh, you definitely didn’t like the direction this conversation was going. So you quickly tried to escape the looming vision of actually confessing your feelings to him.
"Who wouldn’t be bothered? People do go to that Hall to eat their food. You and whoever else was your conquest of the week were trying to eat each other."
He only inched closer. "No one else was demolishing the forest because of that, though, were they?"
You faltered. You were losing this argument, and you’d have to go past Sirius to reach your wand, which you had inconveniently left on the bed.
"You know, a lot of things just started to make sense to me..." He was almost within touching distance.
"Well, enlighten me then," you said, hoping your tone was more confident than you felt.
"The way you distanced yourself, wouldn’t look at me too long... I thought I might have done something bad or wrong, but now I’m realising," and after a pause, in a much huskier tone, "I actually might have done the opposite."
He did touch you now, caressing your arm. "I’m going to ask you something, Y/N, and I need you to be honest." The hand went from your arm to your chin, directing your head to look him in the face. You hadn’t realised you had been looking just past his shoulder for most of that monologue.
The only thing you did realise, was that Sirius was tall.
"If I kissed you right now, would you return it?"
You were overwhelmed. And, more importantly, starting to get hard. No.
But apparently, your subconscious decided to answer for you, and you nodded.
Sirius didn’t wait a second. He leaned in, practically attacking your mouth.
The kiss was rough, with teeth clashing at first. You supposed it was probably clumsy, but you didn’t have anything to compare it with.
You tried to mimic what Sirius was doing, and in a moment of daring (you were still a Gryffindor, after all), you bit his lower lip, eliciting a low groan from Sirius.
You usually learned best through practice, and kissing apparently wasn’t an exception. You became more confident with each second his lips moved with yours, and when you felt his tongue brush against your lower lip, you instinctively opened your mouth.
The tongue slipped in immediately, accompanied by a satisfied hum from Sirius. It was strange, the sensation of it in your mouth at first, against your own. But you quickly found yourself enjoying it, and the fact that his hands were now firmly on your waist, running up and down, certainly didn’t discourage you.
For someone who detested the very thought of being overpowered, you surprisingly enjoyed Sirius’ dominant position right now.
You rested your arms on his shoulders and started running your right hand through the hair on the back of his head, eliciting another groan, of satisfaction, you hoped.
You began to move your tongue along with his, and sooner than you realised, it became a battle. You were growing more and more eager to explore his mouth as well.
The fact that you were currently making out with your long-term crush was not lost on you, nor did it fail to make you even more aroused with each passing second. You had imagined a moment like this many times. In fact, you had imagined many other moments, and seeing how physical Sirius was, there was a big chance of them turning into memories or maybe, if you dared to think, regular occurrences.
In fact, you wouldn’t settle for anything less. You were not interested in becoming one of many in the long line of Sirius Black’s dalliances, as Remus liked to say sometimes.
And so, with great effort - both in actually willing yourself to do it, as well as managing against Sirius’ strength - you pulled away.
His eyes were half-lidded, pupils dilated, but a brow started to rise in question.
"I’m not ruining our friendship for a week of fun with you, Sirius," you said, still breathless, but it was clear you were being frank right now.
"I’m not either," he responded. "I want it to be more," he said.
"What are you saying?" you asked with a smirk, knowing very well what, but still wanting to hear it.
He rolled his eyes playfully. "And you complained about James’ flair for dramatics," he said, and immediately dropped to one knee and took your hand. "Y/N L/N, will you, the breathtaking vision of enchanting beauty, the enthralling light of brilliance, do me the honour of allowing me to become your partner in love and life?" he asked in an over-dramatic tone.
You laughed and said in the same manner, "Sirius Black, your words have melted my heart completely. I’d be thrilled to become your boyfriend."
He pretended to cry, followed by a quite amusing spectacle of pretending to die out of sheer joy, and then stood up, held you to him, and kissed you again, this time more tenderly. This kiss didn’t seem desperate but wasn’t chaste in any way either. You pulled him closer by his shirt, having your chests press together. He seemed very satisfied with it.
He was starting to pull your sweater off when the doors burst open with James in the front yet again, this time shrieking. Remus, who apparently joined him and Peter in the common room during your time alone with Sirius, said, "Turns out you were right, they were suffocating each other... Not in the way you predicted though," he added with a low chuckle.
Peter’s face was as red as a beet, and James just stared. After a while, he said, "I call you both my brothers, so it’s incest, you know. I’ll tell my mum."
"You’re just worried I’ll cut into your cuddle time with him," you said to James, receiving a laugh from Remus and a smirk from Sirius that contradicted his severe tone.
"He could never cut into that, Jamie, you don’t have to worry."
James decided to just shove him with a laugh as a response.
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ellecdc · 1 month
Hiya ^^
I'm kinda new here, but I really love your writing as was wondering whether you could do a wolfstar x male reader os for me?
I'm thinking that Sirius and reader are in a relatively open relationship and remus is kinda panicking, bc he's having a major sexuality crisis and then one of them notices and invites him to join them to get some experience and figure himself out and they kinda tease him for not figuring out that he's gay sooner, but it's all in good fun and love.
Thank you you much, I'd be really happy if you could do that (no worries if you don't want to though.)
hahaha this was such a cute concept, I had fun daydreaming about it! I've only written I think for one male!reader before so I hope I did it justice!
poly!wolfstar x male!reader or..... I suppose poly!sirius+male!reader x Remus? idk, you decide
CW: gay awakenings, bi-panic, not internalized homophobia BUT Remus doesn't really realize he's allowed to like both girls + boys, coming out/experimentation, suggestive content but nothing is described or explicit
Remus was beginning to think he’s made a terrible, terrible mistake.
Two mistakes, perhaps.
The first one, admittedly, was getting caught.
Sirius came bustling into the dorm room with you following closely behind, both damp from Sirius’ post-practice shower that you had clearly been invited to. 
“Gods, that was nice.” Sirius sighed as he fell back, spreadeagle on his bed.
You snorted as you ran a towel through your hair before tossing it at Sirius. “Would have been even better had you and James stopped snickering to one another through the bathroom door.”
Remus let out a snicker at that, earning him a knowing smile from you and a salacious smirk from Sirius.
“Hiya, Moons.” 
“Good practice?” Remus asked awkwardly as he repositioned himself in his chair.
Sirius hummed in acknowledgement as he watched you change into a pair of comfies with a hungry expression. “Just sore now, but this one’s offered to help me on that end.”
You snorted at him again but Remus noticed a slight hint of bashfulness as you pulled a shirt over your head. “You’re such a flirt.”
Sirius made a low sound in the back of his throat as he positioned himself on his elbows; eyes still glued to your form. “Can you blame me? You look good enough to eat.”
And fuck did Remus know it. He watched as the last sliver of skin disappeared as the bottom of your shirt met the top of your joggers, which Remus mourned the loss of. He found he wanted nothing more than to run his fingers through your wet hair and see if he couldn’t convince you to take that shirt back off.
What was wrong with him?
Not only had Remus never even been with a guy, but he was also fantasising about his best friend's boyfriend? He felt like a fraud and just downright despicable. 
Remus had a rather sheltered upbringing; living in the rural coast of Wales whilst being unable to attend school with the village kids meant a lack of exposure to, what his mother would call, less traditional lifestyles. 
Remus enjoyed girls, he knew that because he’d experienced girls. Sirius enjoyed boys, Sirius knew that because, well, he’d experienced boys. And that drove Remus barmy. 
Because you either liked girls, or you liked boys, right? 
So how come he felt as though he’d be equally happy should you or Sirius fall into his bed as he would with the likes of Emmeline Vance? 
“Don’t you agree, Moony?” Sirius asked, startling Remus from his gay panic musings only for him to find the two of you staring at him.
“Sorry?” Remus choked out, causing Sirius’ smirk to grow both wider yet somehow softer.
“Doesn’t he look good enough to eat?” He asked again, using his head to gesture towards you where you seemed to grow somewhat shy.
“I’ve seen you lookin’, Moons.” Sirius continued regardless of your warning. “First it was just me and I couldn’t really blame you, but now I’m starting to see a trend.”
Remus felt nauseous; Sirius would hate him, surely? Ogling him and his boyfriend like some pervert. 
“M’sorry, Pads.” Remus whispered hastily as he closed his book and made to stand. 
“Whoa, whoa, hang on.” Sirius stopped, standing from his bed to stand in front of Remus with his hands up in surrender; his towel falling sinfully lower on his hips. “I only asked in case you wanted to…you know, join?”
“Join?” Remus parrotted, looking between you and Sirius only to find your eyes glued to the side of Sirius’ face. 
“Well aren’t you curious at all? Isn’t that what all the staring is about?” Sirius continued, his hands falling more relaxed now as he opted to lean against one end of his four-poster bed. 
“Have you ever been with a guy, Remus?” You asked softly then.
“Uh, well, no.” Remus responded horribly awkwardly. 
“Do you want to try?” You continued, smiling at him with nothing but kindness.
And Remus tried.
He tried to search your face for any signs of malcontent, taunting, mischief, or jealousy. But all he found was understanding. 
“Do you want one of us to leave? Do you want to watch? Do you-”
“Watch.” Remus blurted quickly, cutting Sirius off mid-sentence. 
And if getting caught had been his first mistake, that had been his second - agreeing.
Because what had started as Remus watching quickly turned into you offering to do the same for him, which quickly turned into Remus offering the same in return, which then officially found Remus naked, panting, and satiated on his back in Sirius’ bed. 
“You alright, Moons?” Sirius asked half-teasingly, half-earnestly as he rose from his bed to look down at Remus who was still holding onto you for dear life. 
He suddenly felt like he was intruding, which was hilarious considering what the three of you had just done, and Remus tried to ignore the slightly hurt expression that crossed your face when Remus ripped his hands away from you as if they burned.
“Erm, yeah, yeah! No, I’m uh…I’m fine, good.” 
“Do you have any questions?” Sirius continued, one of his perfectly groomed eyebrows arched in scepticism. 
Remus groaned and covered his face with his hands. “None that you can answer, I don’t think.” 
“Why don’t you try us?” You offered then, standing from the bed and retrieving your clothes and tossing Remus’ at him as well. 
“Does this mean that I’m gay?” Remus all but whispered, though Sirius’ surprised bark of laughter let him know that the two of you did, in fact, hear it. 
“This doesn’t have to mean you’re anything, Remus.” You chuckled as you elbowed your boyfriend chidingly. 
“I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you.” Sirius apologised as he wiped a tear from under his eye. “This is just so funny because you were my gay awakening.”
Remus felt light headed as he blurted “what!?”, looking to you in horror of what Sirius just admitted only to find you laughing. 
“I had always sort of known that girls didn’t exactly…do it for me, but I remember in fourth year you came back about a foot taller and had an ear piercing and then I knew that boys definitely did do it for me.”
“I guess I have you to thank then, Remus.” You said with a wink, and Remus felt his already furious blush migrate down his torso. 
“But…I still think I like girls, too.” Remus mused aloud.
“You’re allowed to like both, Moons.” Sirius emphasised with a nudge to his shoulder. “Or neither, or everyone or whatever…you also don’t need to figure any of that out right now.”
“But now at least you can know that it’s not just in your head, yeah?” You continued.
“Yeah.” Remus agreed breathlessly. “Yeah, thank you…both.”
Sirius laughed again and looked like he found some renewed energy. “No, thank you; fourth year Sirius would die to know I finally got you in my bed.”
“I’ll certainly be fantasising about that for a while.” You continued with a smirk.
Remus made a terrible, terrible mistake.
Two mistakes, perhaps.
Because he was officially, well and truly fucked (read: pretty well officially gone for his best friend and his best friend’s boyfriend).
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off-phelia · 2 years
200 followers!! Thank You Everyone ♡
Hi! I came here to thank you all for the 200 followers!!
I haven't written in many years and personally I don't think I'm very good at it xD. But apparently you guys are enjoying it, so thanks for the support 💕
As a thank you, I came to share some links that I found interesting on Twitter. Hope you like it 😏
Warning: NSFW content below. If you are a minor, please do not access 🤚⚠️🔞
James Potter 🦌
1. 2. 3. 4.
Sirius Black 🐾
1. 2. 3. 4.
Remus Lupin 🐺
1. 2. 3. 4.
Peter Pettigrew 🐀
1. 2. 3. 4.
Stanger Things
Eddie Munson 🎸
1. 2. 3. 4.
Steve Harrington 👑
1. 2. 3. 4.
Nancy Wheeler 📰
1. 2. 3. 4.
Robin Buckley 💸
1. 2. 3. 4. (+Nancy)
Hannibal Lecter 🫁
1. 2. 3.
Will Graham 🐕
1. 2. 3.
🤚If you don't like NSFW don't access these links and please don't report the content🤚
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goblinpuppy35 · 6 months
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Out of Place Together
University Remus x Male Reader
(Previous Chapter) - Part 2 - (Next Chapter)
Summary: An academia-core themed story about the Marauders during their final year of university in the Muggle world. Soon after meeting each other  Remus begins to fall for one of Sirius' friends Y/N another shy student.
It was 5:35 am and Y/N was in the university library. It wasn't his original plan to be hunting the long corridors of tall bookshelf this early but his inconsiderate housemates had chosen 3 am on a Thursday morning as the perfect  time to come home after a extensive night of clubbing. Their return had not annoyed him greatly, Y/N accepted he was a light sleeper, what more annoyed him was his housemates insistence on coming home to continue thier intense audio intact of drum and bass music by hooking up their speakers in the kitchen and jumping up and down until the clock on Y/N's nightstand which painfully remained him of what time it was, was shaking and jumping itself.
This was not the first time Y/N's housemates had done this and despite the results of limited sleep turning Y/N into something which resembled a dishevelled and angry badger, Y/N was also an incredibly non confrintational person. Therefore once his shaking alarm clock woefully passed 4 in the morning he made the decision to get up. Flinging his notebook and some books into his bag and putting on his long black coat on as he briskly walked down the stairs, ignoring the loud chaos coming from the kitchen and left through the front door. Y/N had felt the temptation to slam it behind him but with his housemates speakers on at full blast he doubts the passive aggressive gesture would have even been registered.
Now at the library Y/N felt a lot calmer, the warm morning light was starting to shine through the large windows and highlight spots on the carpeted floor. Y/N happily spent a peaceful morning writing and reading until his stomach began to grumble, so he wondered to the universities cafeteria to pick up a sandwich and a peppermint tea. Cradling the warm cardboard cup as he rested his back against the buildings wall outside in the smoking area Y/N suddenly thought back to being at James and Sirius' house and how their housemate Remus started to make Y/N's tea for him. This made Y/N smile to himself a little before returning to his cigarette. It assumed him how flattered he was by the gesture, a rather minor act of kindness, nevertheless one which took Y/N by surprise. Y/N contemplated whether he needed a new found sense of self worth as he finished his food and returned back to the library.
The afternoon rolled on by and Y/N was still happily spending his time in the library as he often did if he wasn't in his own department. At this point he was running his finger across the spines of the books in the 'Art and Illustration ' sections, looking for something specific. "Hello again." sung a low voice suddenly taken Y/N out of his tunnel vision searching. Standing in the hallway between the shelves stood someone whose tall figure almost surpassed the height of the shelves themselves. At first Y/N recognised the baggy jumper before he recognised the handsome face of the man he'd met earlier that week. "Remus! hello" a mixture of surprise and delight came through in Y/N's voice which he instantly felt embarrassed by. "Not interrupting am I?" Remus asked pleasantly surveying the rows of books in front of them "oh no, no not at all, I was just looking for something. A book about northern landscapes painted in the Romantic period." "Ah I see" Remus replied in a low purring like sound pushing his shoulder off the shelf and starting to look at the books on the top row. Y/N stared at him befuddled for a moment before silently returning to his search as well. A moment of silence passed between them. "So, if your looking up art books I can assume your an art student?" Remus asked still looking at the books, Y/N did the same as he answered. "No, well sort of. I'm a drama student but I'm not into acting or anything. I'm studying to be a theatre technician you know building sets, rigging and doing the lighting mainly". "Oh, so while everyone is watching the stage your the one in the little room above all the seats making the lights switch on and off" Remus mused as he gently pulled down a book and handed it towards Y/N, eyes still locked on scanning the shelf. Y/N took it and smiled "Yeah exactly, though we call that little room the box", after saying this Remus turned to face Y/N his eyes bright with amusement, "oh really?" he smiled and Y/N found himself getting lost in the corners of his raised lips. He felt weak for a moment and then incredibly tense.
Remus was able to help Y/N find several useful books which he explained he wanted to look through for lighting inspiration for an upcoming play. Sitting across a table together in a corner of the library the two men sat, Y/N hunched over several large open books, flicking through the pages and making notes while Remus sat pressed into the corner against the wall, feet propped up on the seat next to him while he read his own book. He had not asked to sit with Y/N nor did Y/N ask him to however they appeared to find each others company relaxing. The afternoon gradually transformed into evening.
Before starting his third book Y/N looked up and titled his head in Remus' direction, "Your and English student right?" Remus hummed in agreement without looking up from his page. "So why have I never seen you in the library before?" with this question Remus smiled and looked up "I get most of my books from charity shops, they are always teaming with them and selling them for basically nothing". "Well that explains the mound of books flooding your guys living room" Y/N said with a small grin, "You should see my bedroom!" Remus chuckled with a sense of pride. The thought of Remus' bedroom gave Y/N the same weak then tense feeling from before, this feeling then increased when Y/N wondered if that was an actual invitation.
A wave of energy was about to burst upon their tranquil evening as Sirius stried through the library doors. Resulting in a sharp shush from the libraries desk. "Sirius! You alright?" Y/N asked pleased to see his friend. He believed this was the first time he's ever seen Sirius inside the library and not outside in the smokers corner. "Oh hello you too!" Sirius was noticeable taken a back seeing Y/N and Remus together but quickly his mind refocused and he grabbed Y/N's shoulders. "Y/N please I need your help. I'm handing in my course work tomorrow and I haven't finished it yet". "STILL?" blurted out Remus, "oh shut up Mooney! since your here you will need to help me too. Y/N I promise I've written all the personal analysis I just need some help finding case studies and you know this library so well and" Sirius' words began to drift off and his face took on the expression of a melting puppy, it made Y/N laugh more then feel sympathetic, regardless he agreed to help. With a long sigh Remus also rose from his chair to help look for relevant books in the psychology section. 
The evening yawned on and grow dark, the groups table was now littered with books and pages of Sirius' coursework. He frantically scribbled in paragraphs as the other two handed him books, open on the key pages. Every now and then Y/N would look up and across the table and lock eyes with Remus, they would smile at one another, primarily because of silliness of the situation they were in, but Y/N also got the sense that they liked to look at one another, he did at least. 
Several hours later in victory Sirius pumped his fist into the air, clutching his pen, "I'm done! Victory is mine. Thank you again for helping me, really". "Anytime" Y/N said before he started to collect the assortment of books to return them. "Oh by the way what time is the play tomorrow?" Sirius asked leaning back in his chair, "what play?" Remus chimed in looking confused. "The play my year is putting on for this semester. It's the opening night tomorrow. That's what I was researching for" Y/N explained. "What! Pads you dick making him help you out when he's got to prep for a bloody play" Remus said kicking Sirius' tilted back chair making it wobble, forcing the relaxed man to panic and then grip the edge of the table. "No no really it's fine, us technicians are never allowed in the theatre to prep for a play until the morning before. It's too much in demand. The set has already been built and I have a lighting plan and everything for tomorrow. I was just doing extra research today for what colours I wanted to use". Hearing this Remus' face relaxed however he still seemed mildly annoyed with Sirius. "Anyway it starts at 7:30 pm Sirius. I'll be in from 7:30 am doing all the prep I can before the actors get there" Y/N added extra empathise on the "am" followed by a weak laugh. He loved his theatre lighting but show weeks were always brutally draining. Sirius looked at his watch quickly "It's already pretty late Y/N. The last bus might have already gone. Do you want to crash on our sofa again?". "Thank you but I can't, I have my script and cue sheet all at home" Y/N said looking at his own watch with concern, "I'm sure a bus will come along its fine". "Nope" interjected Remus shoving his book into his bag then swinging it over his shoulder as he got up "I'll drive you home come on". Y/N wanted to object but truthfully he was grateful for the offer, "Wow. you know he never busts out his car for me" Sirius said playfully while putting on his own jacket. "Finish your course work on time and maybe I'll consider it" Remus retorted back, he lightly placed his hand on Y/N's upper arm guiding him to follow. This contact made Y/N's breath hitch for a moment despite the touch being so delicate. Y/N was transfixed on Remus long slender fingers, coming back to reality he waved goodbye to Sirius and they left the library. 
In the dark car park only a few circles of garish orange light from the streetlamps highlighted the ground. One spotlighted the only car left in the parking lot a beaten up second hand grey one. "The real reason I don't give people lifts is I can't afford that amount of petrol" Remus said with a smirk as he reached the driver's side, fiddling with the key to open the car. "Well in that case, thank you really. Your helping me out a lot here" Y/N said as he waited, with a click the inside light in the car switched on and the doors popped open. Before dunking into the driver seat Remus straighten his figure and rested his hand on the cars roof, looking across to Y/N, "It's my pleasure". 'You really mean that' thought Y/N as he looked at the man's honest blue eyes, his chest tensed again.
As they began to drive across town Remus opened the cassette player and ask Y/N to pick something to listen to. Opening the glove compartment in front of him Y/N was welcomed with a flood of cassettes, some falling onto his knees. Rummaging through the box he was able to find Rush's album 2112, "an excellent choice" Remus remarked as he popped the cassette in and soon music filled the car as they drove into the night. Y/N watched the streetlamps in formation pass the car window, he felt very relaxed, it was rare he found traveling so easy. After giving him the address it took about 30 minutes before Remus' car reach Y/N's house, the Rush album was about half way through when the car stopped as did the music. "This is where you live?" Remus asked looking around and then pursed his lips realising how impolite his remark sounded. "It's okay I know it's a shithole but it's cheap" though this was what Y/N said he was reluctant to get out of the car. Thankfully there were no deafening drum and bass music pulsing from the house meaning his housemates were most likely out.
He thanked Remus again for the lift and then made his way to the front door. As he turned his key in the front door and started to step inside Y/N turned seeing Remus car still there on the street. In the dark night Remus hunched over his stiring wheel watching Y/N was framed like a painting in the car light. Y/N waved at him and Remus gestured back with his own little wave and then his engine weered into gear and he began to drive away. Y/N shut the front door behind him and made his way upstairs smiling. All these kind deeds were going to get to his head.
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edmetalqueer · 1 year
M/N: Where is Sirius?
Remus, staring at M/N: I thought you were with Sirius-
M/N: No, i was busy with paperwork!
M/N, frantically searching the house: PADS? WHERE ARE YOU!?
Sirius, coming out bathroom: I'm here
Sirius: I was in the bathroom-
Sirius, confused: Okay-
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rxsilabeth--er · 10 months
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| :: Masterlist |
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The "Pre-Marauders" Era:-
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Tom Riddle:
:: Scarily cute Boggart Tom Riddle with a reader who likes to sneaky up on him (drabble)
Euphemia Potter:
:: Through the years...
Fleamont Potter:
:: Through the years...
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The "Golden Trio" Era:-
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The end?
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The "Marauders" Era:-
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James Potter:
:: Back to us again.. :: Dressed for the special occasion...
Remus Lupin:
:: Hickeys and a Slytherin that's tricky...
Regulus Black:
:: Please be with me tonight, Mr.Ghostface!! (male! reader) :: Detective! Regulus NSFW drabble (male! reader) :: Detective! Regulus NSFW drabble (fem! reader) :: Eating out Regulus drabble ::1 ::2 :: You're worth a shot! :: (Detective) Pregnant! Regulus NSFW Drabble (male! reader) :: Regulus with a mommy kink :: Regulus mommy kink + vibrator imagine :: Tit for tat
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© rxsilabeth--er 2023 - do not plagiarize, images created by me.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 6 months
It’s that damn sweater vest
Barbie dolls: Wolfstar x reader (remus x reader x Sirius)
Word count: barely 900 its not that Sirius guys (do you see what i did there)
Summary: A Ravenclaw boy is like tots all over your boyfriend so you and Sirius make out
Warnings: YOURE A BOY, BOY LIKER 🫵🚨🚨🚨, um teenage alcohol consumption? Just pretend it’s apple juice, kind of exhibitism, ass grabbing, hair pulling, mentions of hickeys, Sirius gets lipstick fucking everywhere that whore, nipple rolling?? Idk, um jealousy, i think that’s it this one is really just a little making out scene not much going on
You and Sirius loved when Remus went to parties with you. He’d swap out his massive cardigans for a simple sweater vest. You and Sirius were like Victorian men seeing a woman’s ankle for the first time. You’d giggle into each other’s shoulders the second Remus pulled on his little vests. He looked amazing. His button up poking out over the neckline. He’d always get hot, rolling up his sleeves over his elbows. It made you want nothing more than to drag both your boyfriends to your dorm. Remus wasn’t the only one whose party clothes were way past hot. Sirius always wore the band shirts he’d cropped. The frayed hem hanging over his stomach. His navel was on display, often with a hickey or two peeking out from the waistband of his pants. Remus would always press his face into Sirius’ shoulder as he did his eye makeup, nipping at his neck. You were quite used to people drooling over your boyfreinds. This was different.
A Ravenclaw boy was totally flirting with Remus. He was touching on Remus’ exposed forearm. His fingertips gently tracing over the scars there. Remus had gotten up to get himself a new drink. Leaving you alone on the blue velvet couch. Sirius had wandered off with James. You glared at the boy as he giggled at one of Remus’ jokes. You shouldn’t feel jealous. Remus was extremely loyal. He’d never cheat but still the thought of the Ravenclaw’s hands on your boyfriend made you feel sick to your stomach. So you sat on the couch, crossing your arms, and staring at them. The couch dipped next to you as Sirius joined you. He looked just as jealous as you. You both glared at the boy as he trailed his fingers further up Remus’ arm. You got a petty idea, a sick grin pulling across your lips. You looked to Sirius, finding the same look on his face.
You gripped his band shirt, pulling him into you. You met his lips, cupping his cheek. Sirius held the back of your neck. You swiped your tongue against his lip. Sirius opened his mouth, letting you in. You met his tongue with yours. Sirius let out a quiet moan that you could barely hear over the music. You squeezed Sirius’ thigh. He nipped at your bottom lip. Sirius pulled back. He pulled himself over your lap, straddling your legs. You grinned. Sirius met your lips again. He grinded down on your lap, licking into your mouth. You dropped your hands to his ass. You slipped them under the waistband of his pants, squeezing his ass. He moaned again, tilting his head.
You thought of Remus watching the two of you from across the room. He’d ignore the Ravenclaw to watch his two boyfriends grind against each other. Sirius dragged his hand down your chest. He slid under the hem of your shirt. You brought your hands to his thighs. Sirius Black and his stupid leather pants. You dug your nails into his thighs, making him moan into your mouth. Sirius dropped his mouth from yours, to kiss down your neck. You could feel the lipstick smeared all over your face and neck. You dropped your mouth open, letting your groans fall out. You buried you hand in Sirius’ hair. You looked up from the back of Sirius’ band shirt. You stared across the room to meet Remus’ eyes. He stared at you, biting down onto the lip of his cup. You saw the Ravenclaw still talking to Remus but you could tell he didn’t hear a word. You winked at Remus. Remus grinned into his drink. You pulled Sirius’ head back by his hair. You slid both your hands under Sirius’ cropped shirt. You rolled his nipples between your fingers, nipping at his bottom lip. Sirius arched his back, pressing into your chest. Sirius moaned into your mouth, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth.
Across the room Remus shoved his drink into the Ravenclaw’s hands. The Ravenclaw stared at the drink in confusion before looking up at Remus for answers only to find Remus already gone. He had disappeared into the crowd of dancing people. Remus swerved through the dancers, making a beeline for his boyfriends. He watched as you dropped your hands from Sirius’ chest to his thighs. You squeezed hard, making Sirius grind against your lap again. Remus heard Sirius moan when he felt your bulge. Remus finally reached you two. He buried his hand in Sirius’ hair, pulling his head back. His red lipstick was smeared all over his mouth. It was staining your face and neck as well. Sirius grinned evilly up at Remus. You smiled at Sirius’ exposed neck, dragging your finger over his Adam’s apple.
“Okay boys, I got the message. Let’s go, huh?” Remus whispered, kissing Sirius. You nodded, nudging Sirius off of you. Sirius stood, wrapping his arms around Remus’ waist. The second you were standing, Sirius was grabbing onto your hand. You both giddily walked away, towards the door. Remus rolled his eyes following after you two. Remus’ lips had the same pink tint your neck did. It was more than clear to everyone you three were together. No more Ravenclaw boys on your or Sirius’ mind. Just the feeling of your boyfriends hand in yours and the reassuring sight of boyfriend number two following after you.
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pleasantangelpaper · 10 months
Character Masterlists:
Hello! This will be my Masterlist for fics about different characters!
(Anything made with FTM reader in mind is from when I was certain I was FTM, I am no longer sure, and therefore have settled upon gender neutral reader.)
If a story contains smut, I will have a 🍋
Remus Lupin:
-The Man in the Moon: Remus Lupin x Trans FTM! Reader
-To Keep You Warm: Remus Lupin x GN! Reader
William Afton/Steve Raglan
-To Run From The Sky: William Afton x GN! Reader (Part 1)
Stu Macher
-Video Killed The Radio Star: Stu Macher x Fem! Reader (Part 1)
Billy Loomis
*Coming Soon*
Stanford Pines
- My Knight in Shining Glasses (Part 1)
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laurel-vance · 7 months
“Kiss me. Kiss me until I am sick of it.”
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Your condescending laugh replays in his mind, almost like a mantra of your voice. Your voice is all he can think of. The way it sounded so condescending, yet loving. The way you mockingly spoke to him as if he were a small child.
“I’ll always love you,” the man spoke to his love. “I’ll always love you as long as I live.”
He didn’t understand then, and he most certainly didn’t understand now. Why would you say a thing only to lie? Why? What caused you to react the way you had? Was it something he had done?
“Oh dear.. tut tut. You don’t seem to get it, do you?”
He craves you - he craves your hugs, he wants your little notes you left him, he craves to only hear your voice, if only just once.
“If only there was someone out there who loved you.”
Your words stung. They really did. Except he can’t seem to hate you. It’s unfortunate. The more he tries to hate you, the more he ends up hating himself.
He hates himself for making you think that way. He hates himself for not being good enough for you. He hates everything about himself. He can’t hate you, even if he wished he did.
“Kiss me. Kiss me until I am sick of it.”
He really thought that you could manage to love him. He really did. He thought by saying these bold words he’d never otherwise speak, that it’d somehow lure you in, almost like a moth to a flame. However, his words seemed to have the opposite effect - they only drive you further away.
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nasa-writing-club · 9 months
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Golden Trio Era:
- Harry Potter
- Ron Weasley
- Hermione Granger
- Ginny Weasley
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Draco Malfoy
- Mattheo Riddle
- Theodore Nott
- Lorenzo Berkshire
- Blaise Zabini
- Pansy Parkinson
- Luna Lovegood
- Cedric Diggory
- Neville Longbottom
Marauder Era:
- James Potter
- Sirius Black
- Remus Lupin
- Lily Evans
- Marlene McKinnon
- Mary MacDonald
- Dorcas Meadows
- Regulus Black
- Pandora Lovegood
- Evan Rosier
- Barty Crouch Jr
- Tom Riddle
- Newt Scamander
- Charlie Weasley
If you don’t see a character you want a fic for on here, feel free to request them anyway (as long as they are Harry Potter characters) and I’ll see what I can do.
- headcanons, one shots, and series
- all either “x male!reader”or “x gn!reader” (if you want other specific pronouns, specify)
- fluff, smut (nothing excessive), angst, hurt/comfort, etc.
- any teacher/student relationship
- no she/her or fem readers in general
- things im uncomfortable with (If I don’t want to write it, im just not going to)
- anything noncon
- pregnancy (idk man im just not writing it)
imma write what you want and what i want just be nice and respectful
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utterdisaster1 · 2 months
Year One
Pairing: Sirius Black x male!reader So after this, we're going straight into pining, romance, teenager phase. There will be a time skip, I think 5th year. TW: mentions of food and eating, mentions of bullying and homophobia, the f-slur and related terms (not in the magical world though). Use of Y/N.
After, more or less arduous journey to London, which gave you plenty of time to ponder why some professor couldn't just come and apparate you to the castle, like Professor McGonnagal did to Diagon Alley, you finally found yourself at the King's Cross.
You didn't know how to feel about being instructed to "run through the wall of the third archway". On one hand, you were certain Professor McGonagall wouldn't play a practical joke on you, but on the other, she would be the perfect person to fool someone, because who would expect a prank from her?
Your parents weren't of much help either. A parent rather, your father couldn't take the time off. Clearly, there is a difference between acknonwledgement and acceptance, one you hadn't picked up on during the Professor's initial visit. Neither of them wanted to talk about it much.
Whether it was your recount of the trip to Diagon Alley or things you had read in books up until that point, of which you bought much more than expected, they would say, "It's not like it applies to us, honey. Let's go an a walk or let's watch some telly".
At Professor's querying look when you came up with a giant stack of books, you just said, "When one doesn't know anything, there's everything to learn." And you very much intended to know everything.
I mean, it's magic. Not tricks one may see at some fair or circus, but an actual power to change reality as you see it. How could you be satisfied with just the bare minimum profficiency in the first-year curriculum?
The possesion of magic was enough to make the normal world seem bleak in comparison. But what also sparked your interest was when you saw two women walking hand in hand in the Alley, clearly having an amorous conversation. At your look, which you hoped didn't give the wrong impression, the Professor said "The wizarding people don't concern themselves with notions of sexual preferences nearly as much as many muggles do. Relationships between people of the same sex are treated exactly as those between the opposite sex. We see no difference."
When you heard that, you wanted to cry. Could you have grown up like that? Without people calling you a faggot or a poof. Not that you ever expressed any interest in a boy openly. There were one or two small, innocent crushes, when simply being around them made butterflies fly in your stomach, but you never told anyone. You couldn't.
It wasn't that long ago that they decriminalised homosexuality, after all. You were six when they legalised it. The first time you were beaten up for "your poofness" you were five.
And again, it's not like you made any advances on another boy. It was either your face "looking gay", your weird behaviour, or maybe being one of the smaller kids in your year, and the slurs were just added in for further humiliation.
But now you were going somewhere where it wouldn't matter. So crashing into a pillar wasn't a bad price to pay for that. After one more look at your mum, you ran into the wall.
Fortunately you didn't crash. After a quick sensation you couldn't quite describe, you found yourself on a lively platform filled with eccentrically dressed people, similar to how they dressed in Diagon Alley. There was also a bright red steam locomotive: with "Hogwarts Express" engraved on the front of it. Everything was just magnificent.
You didn't even register your mum appearing next to you. But after a moment of silent awe, you pulled yourself together and went on. Seeing some kids with carts full of suitcases you were glad that Professor McGonagall had recommended buying a single trunk with extension charms on it. It barely weighed anything, which was a very significant advantage as well.
You wished you had gotten a heartfelt goodbye, but your mum seemed more overwhelmed by her surroundings than by the fact the soonest she would see you would be in three months. Maybe she still hadn't registered the fact.
Still, your hug was returned, and got you a kiss on your forehead, along with a "Stay safe and behave", before boarding the train.
You entered the first empty compartment you found. You were quite convinced you didn't want to intrude on a group of already existing friends, or worse, possible bullies. You quickly sat down and took out your book on protective charms and enchantments.
Seeing that you now actually had an opportunity to practice the spells, you immediately immersed yourself in training, your breath hitching every time you saw your wand actually perform the spell. You didn't even notice the train taking off.
But you did register being interrupted by two kids, first-years by the looks of it. One had dark red hair, startingly green eyes, and freckles on her pale skin. The other was a scrawny boy with greasy, shoulder-length hair and a scowl on his face. He clearly wanted to go further down the cart, but the girl said "Come one Severus, it's the first one that isn't full," and soon enough turned to you. "Hi, my name is Lily Evans, and this is Severus Snape. Could we join you?"
You simply nodded and said 'Y/N L/N', with your thoughts more focused on why the notice-me-not charm you had placed earlier had stopped working on your compartment door.
The girl continued, "You wouldn't believe what sort of buffoons we met earlier. So self-conceited and arrogant... I mean, why would you insult a stranger you've barely met!? I'll pray not to end up in the same house as either of them!"
"Well, I'm sorry that happened to you" you said quietly.
The boy hadn't said anything yet, but he did sit down next to the Evans girl, so you assumed they were both going to stay. At some point, she started talking about phones, or rather how much more convenient it would be if they just installed some phone booths outside so she could call her family instead of sending letters by owl.
"Yeah, I wondered the same thing," you interjeccted and silently added "Not that they would get what I'm talking about anyway; they seem weirded out by anything that has to do with the school."
"My sister's weirded out too," she responded with a tone that seemed to imply some deeper emotions. But she quickly asked "Are you from a normal- I mean, Muggle family too?"
"Yeah," you replied. "I assume you are as well"
The boy gave you a sharp look, apparently displeased with the attention you were receiving, and said, "Congratulations on stating the obvious"
"That's rude, Severus" Lily said.
He huffed but didn't say anything further, though whenever she wasn't looking, he would send you a glare, sometimes accompanied by a sneer.
Despite the shadow of despair that the boy seemed to be, you connected well with Lily. Being Muggle-borns, there were many experiences you shared, as well as a particular interest in the subject of Charms. You both received a visit from Professor McGonagall and quite agreed that you wouldn't want to do anything to incur her ire.
When the train finally arrived at Hogsmeade Station, things moved quickly. One moment you were on the platform, then, sooner than you realised, you were sailing on a boat to the castle. The castle was gorgeous and took the breath away from most, if not all, first-years present.
Then you were guided by the Headmistress towards a waiting chamber, given a speech about the houses, responsibility and consequences, and a few minutes later, you entered the Great Hall.
You wondered if you had any lungs left, considering how many times it seemed you could barely breathe that day.
The Hall could only be described as grandiose. "Impressive" or "grand" really wouldn't do justice to the beauty of your surroundings.
After listening to a song from a battered hat, it was time for the sorting. When your turn came, you quickly went up the stairs and put the hat on.
Interesting. Very interesting. So many qualities. A strong desire to learn, an abundance of curiosity. But I see there's something you want even more. To belong. To find people who will stand with you, not against you. And there's protectiveness as well. You're willing to fight for those you love, for what you believe is right. I think I know... Better be...GRYFFINDOR!!!
You were quite surprised, but not disappointed. They seemed like a nice group to be a part of.
You sat down next to a blonde-haired girl, and she quickly introduced herself. "Marlene McKinnon, nice to meet you"
"Y/N L/N, nice to meet you too," you responded.
After the sorting was done, and everyone was free to talk and eat as much as they wanted, you had more opportunities to get to know your housemates.
You already knew Lily, and by the stink eye she was giving two particular boys, you assumed they were the "buffoons" she mentioned earlier. One of them, with unruly dark hair, glasses, and a very loud voice, you learned, was James Potter. The other, with aristocratic looks, high cheekbones, a little haughy look that was tempered by a smile, and grey eyes that seemed to glimmer like stones underwater in sunlight, was Sirius Black.
You knew they would be trouble after their description from Lily. But what you didn't expect were the butterflies you felt in your stomach when Sirius turned to you, introducing himself and exchanging a brief conversation.
No. You were not going to be saddled with a crush on your dormmate. Not possible. And on your first day already. It had been going so well. You remembered the mess you were around the boy in your year 5 at your previous school, the simultaneous pull to him mixed with a fear of him noticing.
It will pass. You will make it pass. I mean, you barely knew him. If you can make an animal from a pebble, there must be a spell to just get rid of such a miniscule thing as a crush. There must be.
Weeks passed, and you had not found the spell. But you didn't really need to. You were only 11 years old, after all; the hormonal storm was yet to come, so it wasn't that hard to fucus on other matters with the abundance of things to do.
Schoolwork was the primary focus. You had read up on a lot before the term started, but there was still so much more. Potions, the particular bane of your existence, was what you had to work on the most. Any wand-work came to you naturally, often earning praise and acknowledgement from your professors. History of Magic was a good time to take a nap, you had neutral feelings towards Herbology, and Astronomy, despite the late hour, was wonderful in its own right.
Another thing taking up your time was dealing with the prejudiced, fascist vipers from Slytherin House. Apparently, being a Gryffindor and a mudblood made you a favourable target. It was a good thing you had experience with bullies and that you instinctivelly picked up books on protection spells first. Apparently, a succesful protego performed by a first-year was a rare occurence, so they hadn't expected it. And living with James Potter also gave you access to books on hexes more than effective for fighting back.
What allowed you to resist the most, though, was what the hat had predicted for you. You and your dormmates quickly became close - mischief being both a bonding experience and something too fun to resist.
James Potter would have become your friend even if you had resisted with all your might. The boy had a certain pull to him. He was like the shining sun - whenever he walked into a room, he managed to capture everyone's attention. He was friendly to you from the get-go, but it was the moment he witnessed you repel a hex sent at the two of you with ease that you truly gained his attention and admiration. His curiosity turned towards protectiveness, which quickly developed into a genuine friendship that you would never think of rejecting.
Remus Lupin was quiet and subdued. He had an air of fear and shyness around him that you could relate to. It was palpable he was trying to keep his distance from all four of you. You didn't have the flair of James Potter, but after one serendipitious meeting in the library followed by a shared study session, it became a regular occurence. You were inviting and never pushed him beyond what he was willing to share, and over time, a clear fondness developed between you both.
Peter Pettigrew came as a package deal with James, really. Usually content to listen and nod along, it took you a while to actually get to know him. Surprisingly, it was chess that allowed you two to actually develop a friendship. He was shockingly good and practically pulverised you in most cases, but the time you spent together allowed you to get to know each other, and over time, you didn't need James to have something to talk about.
And then there was Sirius Black. In the dorm, he was everything - funny, teasing and entertaining. But whenever you left the dorm, he would be at the farthest distance possible away from you. You understood why. The howlers he received left no doubt as to his family's stance on blood purity and status. To them, you were the lowest of scum, sullying the earth you dared to step on. And with serpent eyes tracking his every move, particularly from a girl with a perpetual look of distaste, it was clear that his parents were being informed about all his activities in detail.
Now, when it came to your feelings, you spent one evening pondering on them and came to a conclusion - you appreciated his appearance, there was no doubt about that. He was pretty, and it was pleasant to look at him, like it's pleasant to look at art too; there's nothing abnormal about that. He was a friend, even if a concealed one. Being his friend felt nice, much nicer than having a crush.
Living with him helped you get used to his presence, and soon there was no fluttering in your stomach or slight blush on your cheeks whenever you talked with him. You were a kid, romantic feelings were easily avoidable and fickle if present in the first place.
Together, you and the other Gryffindor first-year boys created a force to be reckoned with.
Of course, the scope of your abilities was limited. There are only so many spells, potions and schemes an 11-year-old minds are capable of. But with each prank, your drive to outdo the previous one pushed you further.
All that however, made things with your other friend - Lily Evans, difficult. You cared for her friendship. You two could relate with each other in ways you couldn't with any of the boys. None of them were Muggle-borns; the closest relation was Remus's mum, who was a Muggle-born herself. There was also Mary Macdonald in Gryffindor, but she was definitely not in a place where she was ready to befriend a boy, much to your dismay, because she seemed like great fun.
So, you tried to balance things with Lily and swore to try to sway the boys away from Snape. And you did try, but it was quite difficult.
He was a git. No other way to put it. Well, there's many other ways to put it actually - unpleasant, greasy, rude, strident, oily - many adjectives, none of which were appreciated by Lily.
The only friend of yours she tolerated was Remus. So, you made it a point to include her in your study sessions.
Remus was uncertain at first. But Lily was nice, and after offering him a bar of chocolate to share (in secret from madam Pince, of course), he gave her a chance and gradually got used to her presence. He even started engaging with her in discussions about literature, a shared interest. Over time, he even started to show his more cheeky side, with friendly banter developed between the three of you.
The other thing about Remus was his secret he went to great lengths to hide. Maybe, if it had been just you living with him, he might have managed to conceal it for longer. After all, werewolves were not high on your list of priorities to research. But with three magically-raised boys present, after the February full moon, there was no denying it. When the four of you discussed it in your dorm, having casted all sorts of silencing and privacy charms while Remus was recovering in the infirmary, the other three seemed startled, each on some level. Peter was outright freaked out, James was jittery, and Sirius was at a loss for words—a concerning sign, given that his voice was usually constant unless he was sleeping, and sometimes not even then.
You suspected it the least, and yet, reacted the calmest. And for someone who claimed he knew since november, James seemed really torn about what to do next.
It wasn't a matter of sticking by Remus - well maybe a little for Peter - but overall, the challenge was dealing with the whole ordeal. "How do we tell him we know? How do we help him? Should we tell him anything?"
You settled on subtlety. The plan was simple: mention the subject "casually", show support, and then quickly move on to a different topic. Simple.
But Remus was way too smart, and soon enough, he began retreating from you. You started catching him sleeping in the common room and could barely get a word in between classes, as he somehow always had a place to be or homework to do. So you had to take extreme measures.
One day, after letting him avoid all four of you, you waited until he returned to the dorm to take a shower. You went in while he was in the bathroom, locked the door, again casted all known privacy and silencing charms and waited to ambush him with support and love.
So that's what you did. The moment he exited the bathroom and saw all four of you, he knew what it was about. He went to the door, but it wouldn't budge, and you made sure a simple alohomora would not even make the lock stir.
That evening involved a lot of screaming, tears, crying and finally, hugs.
"S- So, you- you really- you don't mind? I'm a monster" he said, with tears streaming down to the floor.
"Of course we don't Rem. You're our friend." said James.
At that he only cried more. James hugged him first, followed by the rest of you. Ultimatelly, you all woke up with back pain from sleeping huddled up together on the floor, but closer than ever.
The Christmas and Easter holidays you spent back home were uneventful. You were asked if you were doing well at school, and upon affirming, you were not pressed further. You didn’t even get the chance to talk about how Professor McGonagall had called you a prodigy, or how you had successfully cast some NEWT-level charms already. Nothing about your victories in the school dueling club. You didn’t get to complain about Potions or History. You were told to stick with the story your parents had concocted while you were away—that you were attending a boarding school in Scotland and that there was nothing special about it.
Your time at home only made you realise how little at home you actually felt. The forest was your reprieve. Beatrice the doe was always friendlier in the winter, knowing you'd have some extra carrots or other snacks for her. Nature didn't judge you, didn't silence you. You were in perfect symbiosis with it. You respected it and received respect in return.
So, it was no surprise that the last week of the school year was one of your worst. You wouldn’t see any of your friends over the holidays and didn’t have any friends to return to. You wouldn’t be able to talk with anybody about school, the latest issue of Transfiguration Today, or about Hippogriffs and Bowtruckles.
You could only cling to hope that the letters you all promised to send each other would be enough, or that they would at least pick your mood up a little bit.
The day before the ride back, you were sitting alone by the Black Lake, right next to the Forbidden Forest, where you knew no one ventured for fear of being kidnapped by centaurs or acromantulas. But that day, you heard a twig snap behind you and saw Sirius standing there.
Your sulking hadn’t made you blind to your surroundings. He clearly was doing even worse than you, and from his sparse stories about his home life, you knew why.
Neither of you said anything. He simply sat next to you, leaning against the same tree, and took your hand. You stayed there together until the sunset.
When you stood up, he held on, keeping you from leaving, and said, “I’ll miss you, and I can’t wait to see you in September. I won’t be able to say goodbye tomorrow, since-” he clearly didn’t want to mention his family, and you understood that.
"I will miss you too. Maybe we can write letters to each other" you responded.
He was going to refuse, knowing the risk of his mother reading his mail, but you quickly added, “I won’t send any. I’ll just save them up and give them to you when we see each other in september. You can do the same.” and then you hastily added, “If you want to, that is. I don’t want to pressure you into anything, I just-”
He interrupted you with a laugh followed by a tight hug. “I’ll write to you too.”
After that, you went on your way to the castle, while he waited a little while before returning. You both knew he couldn’t risk anyone from his family finding out he was spending time with a Mudblood, especially when there would be no time for tempers to cool down.
The only thing on you mind now, though, was the flutter of butterflies that erupted inside you the moment he hugged you and the tingling you still felt in the hand he held.
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Hello, I just wanted to request for the ask game with 29 and 32 with wolfstar (Remus lupin x sirius black) with ftm reader. Thanks ❤️
29.Wedding Fic  and 32. Pregnancy Fic 
“I feel like making you pick between a pardoned criminal and a werewolf aren’t really what your parents had in mind for potential suitors.” Remus scowls and you shake your head.
“He’ll pick you; Remus; you’re a professor; you’re a good man; you can be seen with him in public...”
“Well yes but I want you both; also I think uh, getting knocked up by a werewolf might be the same in some people’s eyes...”
“Well it’s good you want.... wait what?”
“I’m assuming it’s Remus’ since Sirius has been a little bit uh busy with the order and Azkaban...”
“So I take it they’ll kill both of us before the wedding?” Sirius laughs at Remus’ horror stricken face.
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𝑯𝒆𝒚 𝑰'𝒎 𝑵𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒍, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒐 𝒂 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆
𝑰 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒉𝒆/𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒔/𝒑𝒐𝒄/𝟏𝟕
𝒊 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 (@𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆)
𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒕 𝒃𝒂𝒕
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⊷ 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕙𝕠𝕞𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕓𝕚𝕔, 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕓𝕚𝕔, 𝕤𝕖𝕩𝕚𝕤𝕥, 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕥𝕠 𝕡𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕕𝕚𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤, 𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖𝕚𝕤𝕥 𝕠𝕣 𝕒 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕚𝕟 𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝
⊷ 𝕀 𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕠 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕤, 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕞𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕥 𝕚𝕤 :)
⊷ 𝔸𝕝𝕤𝕠 𝕚𝕞 𝕒 𝕘𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕤𝕠 𝕚'𝕝𝕝 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕪 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕓𝕖 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕠 𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕝𝕪
𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒇𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆, 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒖𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 :|
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