blackinnonism · 2 years
can u write a blackinnon fanfic where she and sirius are matchmaking jily but realise their feelings towards each other x
Look, i know this took me awhile, but i'm back on the marauders era trend and I will be here to stay for awhile! Send me prompts or send me whatever you want and please let's keep this ship sailing<3
i'm not sure how much i like this one but I hope you do like it as much as i did writing it. I might need to practice more but here it is, my fic after awhile.
He was rolling his eyes as Marlene went over the top once again convincing Lily about James’ qualities as they sat at the Gryffindor table for dinner. Sirius swears the blonde doesn’t know this thing called subtlety, the red-haired girl looks at her bestfriend amusedly though. “How much did Potter even pay you to say all of these, Marls?” The head girl chuckled with a shake of her head. Marlene pouted. “What? I just think it will be nice for you to actually give James a chance, it has been seven years after all, Lils!” The other beater of the Gryffindor team argued. “McKinnon, honestly, I think Evans could have said yes all those years ago, quit it.” Both the witches looked at the raven-haired wizard with a look of surprise, even Remus and Peter whipped their heads at Sirius.
The blonde’s expression changed from surprised to annoyance. “Aren’t you supposed to back up your best mate on this?” She challenged but all Sirius did was shrug. “They’re both old enough to make decisions for themselves.” Soon, James Potter himself took a seat next to Sirius, fresh from shower. The Gryffindor Quidditch captain always takes his time during days that they have practice and comes in late. “What are we talking about?” The headboy asked. “Nothing…” Lily answered off handedly and focused on her plate, avoiding James’ eyes. Sirius immediately changed the subject to other things and the evening went on as usual. The rest of the students all filed out the Great Hall going in different directions as the dinner comes to a close. “Are you coming?” Lily asked Marlene as Mary and Dorcas were already standing up. The blonde remained seated as if taking her sweet time finishing her treacle tart. “Nah, I’ll see you all up in the tower.” The redhead looked at the blonde with suspicion but didn’t say anything else. “Okay…See you later then.” 
The marauders are usually the last ones to leave the Gryffindor table as well and Marlene has been giving Sirius dirty looks the whole evening. “Stop glaring at me.” The animagus told her as he finally took a seat next to her, now that her friends are no longer around, his back leaning back on the table. “I think it’s time for us to be going too…” Remus said standing up and looking around the almost empty Great Hall. “You guys go on ahead. Blondie here needs some one on one.” Sirius said with a mischievous grin which earned him another glare from the lioness. “You two had been spending way too much time together lately.” James mused but stood up as well ready to go with Remus and Peter. “Catch you later, Pads.” Sirius just nodded at his friends and focused his attention on Marlene again. 
“What the fuck was that, Black?” the witch snarled as soon as their friends are all gone. “What?” he asked innocently. “We agreed we will speed things up for those two already.” She huffed. “Your tactic is clearly not working, I suggest we do the opposite and let Lily realize what she has been missing by acting nonchalant about it.” Sirius stated. The suggestion made sense but Marlene had doubts about it, afterall, she was very much into this little project they started a few weeks ago. Sure, it started with just some drunken conversation about how better it will be if James and Lily will just get on with it and snog already, that way they won’t have to watch them throwing each other those looks of longing. They also agreed that if the two actually started dating maybe it will help James relax on the pitch too which will be beneficial for both of them. Being both beaters of the team, they’re the most extensively worked during practice.
However, during those weeks that they have conspired to bring the two closer, Marlene had sensed something changing in her too. Sirius Black had always been gorgeous, everyone with two working eyes can see that but she never really paid that much attention, he was afterall never settled down and flirts as much as he can especially if it works on his favor. He was just a friend, a housemate, and her partner at the pitch. But the more she looks at his stormy eyes and the way he leans in to whisper another sneaky plan to get their bestfriends together, Marlene finds herself having butterflies fluttering in the pit of her stomach. She didn’t even want to acknowledge it. He is Sirius bloody Black for merlin’s sake. But then, no one has control on how they’d feel right? “So, are you saying we should stop then with this?” Marlene asked. 
“That’s not what I said, what i said is we should change our plan of attack.” Sirius said with mirth in those grey orbs as he meet her blue ones. As much as she hated to admit it, there was relief she felt deep inside. This means she still has an excuse to spend time with him and that alone made her smile. “Okay, fine…let’s do it your way, but if this fails, we’ll do it my way again, yeah?” She told him, her usual bossy tone apparent. Sirius chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, McKinnon. We already know your plans don’t work.” He teased and she hit his arm playfully which made the wizard laugh. What she didn’t know was Sirius had already let go of this notion that they can even get those two together. Lily can be very stubborn even though everyone can already see her softening up to James. The once Black heir was just continuing the pretense so that he can actually spend more time with Marlene. The girl never gave him the time of the day in the past. Always treating him as just another bloke she conversed with, to say that she had friendzoned him was an understatement and he had been wondering for years why. When they came up with this plan, Sirius saw the chance to actually get close and somehow learn why she never seem to even look at him with interest. Not that it’s the only reason why she caught his eye too. Marlene has always been a looker, but she also has the wit and that athleticism that she puts to good use in quidditch that just renders anyone spellbound including him. 
“Ready to go up?” He asked, looking at her plate with food she probably won’t be eating anymore. “Yeah…” She nodded with a smile. “Alright.” Sirius got up, offering his hand to help her to her feet. It was not something he usually does and Marlene also looked at the hand that was offered with a pleasant surprise on her face. “Developing manners, Black?” The blonde teased with a quirk of her brow but took his hand nevertheless. “Don’t get used to it.” He bantered back, liking how her hands felt soft on his. Now on her feet, she expected for him to let her hand go but he didn’t. Instead, he continued holding her hand, gently intertwining their fingers together and Marlene’s ears felt hot as she felt herself blush. It’s really happening, Sirius Black was holding her hand. “You mind?” He asked, looking at her with an expression that was so foreign on his face. She had never seen him like this, almost unsure and afraid she will say that she does mind. “No…it’s fine.” She assured him, giving his hand a soft squeeze. They exchanged shy smiles, which both are never known for and headed for the door. Maybe this could be the start of something new for the two lions. 
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readingellen · 4 years
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Il mondo è cambiato (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/6Iprot4k85 L'ultimo anno dei Malandrini ad Hogwarts, un anno che cambierà per sempre la loro vita. La guerra imperversa indisturbata nel mondo magico. Un gruppo di ragazzi tenta in tutti i modi di fermarla, non lo sanno ma stanno creando quello che diventerà l'unica barriera tra Voldemort e la quasi inevitabile vittoria: l'Ordine della Fenice. Dalla storia: "Siamo tutti consapevoli che là fuori la guerra è iniziata e che noi non siamo pronti per combatterla. Certo, sogniamo di fare gli Auror e tra qualche anno avremo una preparazione decente, ma non credo che avremo tutto questo tempo a disposizione. (...) L'idea è di fare una lezione a settimana per materia, dobbiamo prima trovare un gruppo di ragazzi disposti ad imparare e a non parlarne con nessuno." "Nessuna delle tre riuscì a dormire molto quella notte. Il mondo era cambiato. E non sarebbe mai più stato lo stesso."
(Disegni di Viria13)
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lippskinn · 5 years
Sirius Black Masterlist
Since it’s his 60th birthday today, here’s a master thread for you guys to enjoy!
Little Lion Man (SiriusxRegulus)(First Wizarding War)(Angst)
Accents (Marauders)(General)
Legal Advice (Kingsley)(General)
Pickup Lines (Marauders)(General)(Funny)
Tropical Birds (General)(Funny)
Fight Or Flight (SiriusxRemus)(General)(Angst)
Why We're Not Staying for Christmas (SiriusxMolly)(Post-Azkaban)(Angst)
What's in the Trolley(Marauders)(General)(Funny)
Sirius Speaks German (General)
Blackinnon (SiriusxMarlene)(First Wizarding War)(Hurt/Comfort)
The Hound of Hogsmeade (Post-Azkaban)(Angst)
Deer Hound
Haunted (Black Family)(Post-Azkaban)(Angst)
A Crime is A Crime(Post-Azkaban)(Theory)
Computer Scientists AU(Marauders)(AU)(Funny)
Why the Order Doubted Sirius (Post-Azkaban)(Angst, Personal)
Gossip (General)(Funny)
Magic 101 (Marauders)(First Wizarding War)(Funny)
Family Values (Black Family)(Marauders Era)(Funny(?))
Soul Transplantation (Post-Azkaban)(Funny)
Semantics (Remus)(Post-Azkaban)(Funny)
Spitting Image (SiriusxAndromeda)(Post-Azkaban)(Funny)
Plans for the Order (SiriusxSeverus)(Post-Azkaban)(Funny)
Heated Argument (SiriusxRemus)(Post-Azkaban)(Angst)
Dear Diary with @1x-goddess-x1 (SiriusxRegulus)(First Wizarding War)(Angst)
The Marauder's Era in 70s Songs (Marauders)(Marauders Era)(Angst)
Irrefutable Proof (SiriusxPeter)(First Wizarding War)(Angst)
Ghosts of Twelve Grimmauld Place (SiriusxHarry)(Next-Gen)(Angst)
After The Prank (Marauders)(Marauders Era)(Theory)
Debates and Unpopular Opinions
Sirius vs Dumbledore
Secret Keeper
Mentions and Broader Headcanons
Tibet (Post-Mortem)
When all this is over(Post-Mortem)
Dementor's Disease (Azkaban)(Framework Headcanon)
Peter Pettigrew (SiriusxPeter)(Framework Headcanon)
Moneybag (Black Family)(Framework Headcanon)
SuperMax (Azkaban)(Framework Headcanon)
Runs in the Family (Black Family)(Framework Headcanon)
How The Order Almost Blew Their Cover (Order)(Framework Headcanon)
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amepotterevans-blog · 7 years
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1Blackinnon!!!!!!!!!! Love them! Okay, its my fav couple, sorry, but it’s number 1.
Like if you think they r  #1
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chetupotterhead · 6 years
I am thinking about writing a blackinnon fan fiction
And for that i have to decide who is going to play the roles, after that i can think of them and write.
Any suggestion guys?
#blackinnon #siriusxmarlene #siriusblack #marlenemckinnon #harrypotter #fanfiction
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So what's the deal? Are you two dating?? Do we need to come up with a SiriusXMarlene ship name? Cuz like- those names do not easily blend
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- we’re a squad, bitch.
Sirius: @callmegoddaddy
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https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12561497/1/Fragments-of-life-love-loss PeterxEmmeline. JamesxLily. SiriusxMarlene. RemusxDorcas.
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mckiinnons · 8 years
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Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon, when she got the owl telling her about her father's death -taken by Unknown Circa 1976
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regulusly · 13 years
Would someone please let me know why this is?
This is really really random but I I have been wondering it for a while now... Why is it that when it comes to shipping Remus and Sirius with Marlene and Dorcas why is it always Sirius/Marlene and Remus/Dorcas? There is very little Sirius/Dorcas stuff and even less Remus/Marlene and I've always sort of wondered why that was. I mean, all we ever got about Marlene and Dorcas were their names and the fact that they were in the Order, not really much else at all. I don't really get it. (I mean, if I was to ever stop shipping Remus/Sirius, Marlene/Peter and Dorcas/Benjy; in my headcanon it would be Remus/Marelene and Sirius/Dorcas...)
So, my question is, how did it become almost universally accepted in fanon for Sirius and Marlene to be the couple and Remus and Dorcas to be the other?
Just to clarify, I am NOT trying to hate on anyone's ship. I'm just legitimately curious. 
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smadfoot-blog · 7 years
🎼 - Marlene
🎼 I surrender
After all I've been throughI can't say what is trueBut I choose to believeThere's a hand guiding meThere is hope, there's a homeFor my soul.
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smadfoot-blog · 7 years
Marlene & Gabrielle?
I feel like I’vefailed Marlene. I should’ve done more on that night we lost her brother. I won’t stoptrying to compensate for my incompetence even though I know nothing can ever really make up for it. 
Gabreille? I honestly don’t careabout her and she’s just been a whiny little piece of shit who can’t dealwith a little heartbreak, if you can even call it that. But she’s mybrothers best friend so whatever. I’ll just stay out of her way, I guess. 
@shipyoutomarsmckinnon @itsybitsynott
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