#sleeping lady mt
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A conversation with @kiribread sparked this doodle, so here have this-
Shinya third-wheeling will forever be the funniest thing to me
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delaware-lemme-smash · 5 months
Hii! May i request some headcanons were mt. lady, sir night eye, present mic, eraser and all might react to their s/o wearing their clothes after sex? Like if they didn’t have any clothes with them what weren’t… dirty so they stole some! Sorry if this is boring but I thought it was kinda cute :)
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Hope you enjoy these, lovely!
Characters: Takeyama Yuu/Mount Lady, Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye, Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori/All Might
Contents: gn!reader, mild nsfw
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Takeyama Yuu/Mount Lady
Perhaps it was an impromptu tryst, because you’re at Mount Lady’s apartment and your only clothes are dirty. Perhaps your stuff got torn up in a fight with a villain and now you’ve come back to hers to ‘celebrate’, you find yourself left with nothing but your underwear. Perhaps not even that. 
You could sleep naked, but it’s not the most comfortable situation to be in. So you wander over to Yuu’s wardrobe (really a walk-in closet). She might only be a debut hero, but she’s very popular and spends a lot of time in the limelight. This translates to making absolute bank, and she spends a lot of it on beautiful clothes. Obviously, you’re not going to wear a gala dress to bed, so you grab a t-shirt that looks pretty old, and maybe a pair of yoga pants. 
Depending on your size compared to her, they might be fine, or they might be a tight fit. When she comes back into the bedroom, her skin gleaming from her nightly skincare routine, she stops in the doorway and pouts at you.
“If you stretch those out, you’re going to have to replace them.”
“...says the woman who turns into a titan?” The irony is too much for you.
“Only my hero costume stretches with me, duh.” A pause. “Your butt does look good in those yoga pants, though.”
Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye
It would seem that if you’re dating Sir Nighteye, you’ve at least got some sense of planning and responsibility. But you’re only human, and sometimes you’re going to find yourself caught short. Short on clothes, in this case. Even if your clothes are clean, you couldn’t fathom sleeping in your work clothes.
You wait until Sir Nighteye is in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, before sneaking open one of his drawers and grabbing something at random. You end up with…
A pair of boxers and a vintage All Might t-shirt.
It’s hardly the sexiest of nightwear, but you make it work. He leans back into the doorway to tell you to borrow some clothing, and you’re lounging on his bed, all “Paint me like one of your French girls”. 
“I’ve been waiting for you~” you purr.
He nearly spits out his mouthwash, and disappears back into the bathroom to gather himself. You distinctly hear him chuckle under his breath, then clear his throat.
“If you want to entice me, darling, don’t wear the face of my former boss on your torso.”
Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic
Hizashi’s always trying to get you to wear his clothes, anyway! He drapes his little moto jacket (the casual one, not the studded one he wears as part of his costume) over your shoulders a lot and tells you how great you look. 
Seeing his partner wear his clothes just gives him this little kick and makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 
You’ve got a variety of options in Mic’s wardrobe. In the t-shirt section, you’ve got a lot of band t-shirts, weird, bright coloured ones covered in fruit or English slogans, a few rare Eraserhead merch t-shirts he got done to piss off Aizawa, and if you want to borrow some boxers, you’ll be hard pressed to find some that don’t have a loud, zany pattern on them. 
If you want to be (moderately) sexy, grab a vintage band t-shirt and a pair of his black boxer briefs. If you want to make him laugh, grab the stupidest t-shirt you can find and pair it with an eye watering set of boxer shorts, especially if they have bananas on them. 
Hizashi grins wide enough to split his face in half at the sight of you in his clothes. It doesn’t matter if you went for sexy or stupid, really, because he’ll just try to get you out of them again, if you know what I mean~
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
This is one of those things that Aizawa doesn’t know he likes until he sees it for the first time. He’s probably dragged himself out of your post-coital snooze to get you both some water or feed the stray cat on his balcony, leaving you to ponder your clothing situation. 
When you open Aizawa’s wardrobe, it’s 75% loose black shirts and pants, with a few non-black items crammed at one end, including those infamous pink sweatpants. 
It seems he’s not totally averse to colour, just not when he’s working. He has a few t-shirts (gifts from Hizashi) covered in cats (as opposed to just covered in cat hair, like the rest). 
If you’ve cuddled him at all, which you have, thoroughly, you know that all his clothes are surprisingly soft and comfortable. He tends to end up with raggedy cuffs on his sleeves, but even so, the shirt has that soft texture clothing gets when it’s been washed many times. You dig out some random black shorts he has, though you’ve never seen him expose his pasty legs in public, so they must be old.
Shouta shuffles back into the room to find you asleep, curled up in your borrowed finery. There’s something about the sight of you lying in his bed, wearing his clothes, looking so warm and comfortable. It’s like a little gut punch of domesticity. 
“You’re meant to ask, you brat,” he says fondly, flopping onto the bed next to you. 
Still, he reflects, as he pulls you closer, that shirt’s gonna smell like you now. Maybe he should make you wear it every time you sleep over.
Yagi Toshinori/All Might
All Might’s still pretty nervous about being in a relationship so he’s not 100% sure of the protocol, especially when you’re at his place and you don’t have any clean clothes to wear to bed. He gets flustered and goes to see if he can quickly wash your clothes, forgetting the entire wardrobe of clean clothes right there.
All Might or Small Might, his clothes are going to absolutely drown you no matter what size you are. Toshi’s a titan. Any t-shirt you try to borrow is basically a giant nightshirt. 
Toshinori splutters a little at the sight of you swimming in the fabric of one of his shirts. Once he’s done coughing into his elbow, he offers you a toothy grin, his eyes crinkled up.
“That…might be a little big on you,” he says, tugging playfully on all the excess fabric. “Are you sure it’s going to be comfortable?”
You tell him that you like the feeling of the soft, loose fabric, and the fact that it smells a little like his cologne, even after being washed. He’s chuckles at that, wrapping his large hands around your waist, the fabric cinching in against you.
“Well, never thought one of my old shirts could look so adorable.”
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her-satanic-wiles · 8 months
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October 16th
Public Sex, Papa Emeritus II x Reader
Words: 3.3k
Warnings: Public sex; cheating; exhibitionism; power play; abuse of power; forced cucking (so, dubcon); fingering; piv; vaginal sex; unprotected sex; public masturbation; degradation; finger sucking; cum eating?; breeding kink; creampie;
Taglist: @sodoswitchimage @enchantedbunny @bitchywitchygardener @thew0man @sodomiser @the-did-i-ask @copias-sewer-rat @gehrmansbignaturals
🔞 MDNI 🔞
As this is dark fiction, I'm choosing to rate it 21+. Please respect my rating. Thank you.
I went a bit feral with this... please enjoy the depravity.
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Papa Emeritus II was, for lack of a better term, a menace to the Ministry. He had always been a bit of a ladies’ man, but upon taking over Papacy from his older brother, he became a pure, unadulterated nightmare. For the most part, he never abused his power. He never threw his title around and stomped his feet every time he couldn’t get something his way. He would always sit back, contemplate, and form a solution even if it wasn’t the ideal outcome. However, he hated most of the Clergy members. Most of the Cardinals that surrounded him, the Bishops, just most of the people who decided that they would try and brown nose their way to Secondo’s position. Or at least into becoming his right-hand man.
The thing about Secondo was, he never had right-hand men. Knew all he needed to know about men given that he was one and, quite frankly, he couldn’t stand them. No, no, Secondo had right-hand women and enbies. Career-driven, powerful women, and enbies that had tempers and formidable demeanours rivalling that of Mt. Vesuvius. To be perfectly honest, his previous right-hand would have made Vesuvius shake to the size of the Viminal Hill in Roma.
Secondo would never sleep with his right-hand and personal team, of course not! And how dare you suggest such a thing? That would be a breach of his power, a total imbalance of the Force. No, no. He would never sleep with them. He would, of course, provide pleasure should they ask for it, though. The man was an open book many had read. A beautiful person teary-eyed and complaining that their spouse wasn’t pleasing them right? Ugh, a plague on their house. As leader of the Satanic Church, where the vulva’s orgasm was the utmost of their priorities by order of the Dark Lord and father, Lucifer, it was his right - no! His duty as Papa to make sure that this person felt loved and appreciated, and so overstimulated they could hardly walk. But that was neither here nor there. It was only his duty after all.
So, needless to say, when sweet, young, distraught you walked into his office in tears, he was beside himself. His favourite Sibling is struggling? No, this can’t happen - not on his watch. You didn’t want to tell him at first for fear of being unprofessional, but Papa was insistent you unburdened yourself. When you explained that you’d caught your partner in bed with another Sibling and he didn’t feel in any way remorseful for what he’d done, Secondo almost hit the roof. He was only able to keep himself calm for your sake. However, once he was no longer seeing red, devising a plan was as simple and easy as taking candy from a baby. Your partner was a piece of shit to you, but he was also just a general piece of shit. He was one of those brown-nosers who was after a higher position in the Ministry. He practically sold you into Secondo’s employment so you could put in a good word with Papa. But you were the kindest, sweetest, most angelic in the Ministry, and Secondo couldn’t quite bring himself to hate or be wary of you. And so now he was hatching his own plan for revenge on your behalf.
There were plenty of things he could have done, but only one thing he wanted to do. One thing that would really send a message. You. And with your consent he did just that. Papa was, unsurprisingly, the best you’d ever had. And every time you two slept together you were reminded of just how awful your partner was and how much you’d been screwed over. And so by welcoming Papa into your bed you were actively disrespecting your partner in a private way. And while it was good enough the first three times, your partner was none the wiser and was certainly not being shamed for it. Revenge is best served cold, but yours had only just entered the fridge.
You didn’t have a plan so much as a spontaneous idea stemming from the perfect situation. The Clergy had a twice-yearly dinner that all the higher members and their partners would attend. Meaning you would be there with him. And you were just as stunning as usual. You chose an emerald, sequin ensemble that made you look divine and flattered your body in such a way all eyes were on you. And this clearly frustrated your partner as when Secondo found you in one of the alcoves you were sobbing again. “He was fucking her in one of the rooms. Sister Imperator informed me. Now she knows, everyone else will.”
Secondo wrapped you into a warm hug and allowed you to cry into his robes. He was a bitter, miserable old man to most, but to those closest to him he was insanely kind and thoughtful. Ruthless and intimidating, but wonderful. “I want to embarrass him.” Secondo told you. “I want to humiliate him the most. Sathanas, if I could, I’d spread you on the dinner table and have my way with you in front of him, and watch him try to keep his cool head in front of the entire Clergy.”
You didn’t know what came over you. You didn’t know why you said what you said, but you looked him in the eye, wiped a tear away and said, “Do it.”
Secondo was clearly taken aback because he asked for clarification.
“I want him to hurt. I want him to suffer. I want you to let everyone know how much of a piece of shit he is. Ostracise him.”
Secondo gulped and looked at you with wide eyes and his hands tightened their grip on your waist. He let out an involuntary groan at the thought and before either of you could change your minds, he took you by the hand and led you back to the dining hall. He waited a second longer just so that you could make sure you looked presentable and like you hadn’t been affected by your partner’s infidelity and you entered the room, disappointed to see he still wasn’t back yet. Secondo had a plan, though, kissed your hand and told you to sit in your seat until your partner came back. Secondo would go back to his.
The power he exuded just walking back to his high backed seat had your thighs rubbing together to relieve the pressure that was building in your core. He sat down, tilted slightly to the right and resting his whole body on the arm rest, with his knees spread apart and anger in his eyes. He was intimidating, almost emanating a black smoke that subtly alerted people to his foul mood and warned them to steer clear. Your eyes were so fixed onto his, you didn’t notice your partner had walked back through the door with his own lover following moments after, until you watched Secondo’s eyes trained onto him and glowering as he came over and placed a chaste kiss to your temple. As subtly as he wanted, Secondo patted his thigh while making eye contact with you, inviting you to come over to your Papa. And you did just that, making excuses to your partner and walking over to Secondo, butterflies fluttering in your stomach in fear but mostly excitement.
Secondo took hold of your hand once more and placed a kiss to the back of it, chivalrously greeting you and welcoming you back into his presence. He decided against making a speech, believing that in this instance actions speak louder than words, and so he delicately grabbed you by the waist and guided you to sit atop his lap, the backs of your knees hooked over the armrest he was leaning on before. Now his hand rested on your thigh, and his thumb was stroking the sequined material there while his eyes gazed up at you. He sat up, stretching his back all the way up so his lips could reach your neck and attached them to your most sensitive spot. He chuckled when your eyes fluttered closed and a breathy moan escaped you. “Straddle me.” He ordered, loud enough for only you to hear.
You obeyed, hiking your outfit to it’s most comfortable position and allowing you to sit comfortably on his lap. People had begun to take notice now, but conversations were still being had. He cupped your face and pulled you down for a kiss, wasting absolutely no time in making it as filthy as he possibly could. Never had Secondo been so brazen as take a Clergy member’s wife into his lap and treat her like a common whore in front of the whole Clergy. The thought alone excited him more than he could possibly say.
His gloved hands came down your hips and grasped onto your ass cheeks, pulling your body closer to him and giving them a rough squeeze. Into his mouth, you moaned, loud enough now for more to start taking notice and conversations to begin dwindling. You barely heard the hushed whispers of people discussing how scandalous it was. But the whispers didn’t stop Secondo from taking one of his hands to his lips and spitting on it. Nor was he deterred from pulling your clothes to give him better access to your core. The only face and voice he was focussed on was yours as his middle finger made contact with your now sensitive clit. The only reaction he gave was when he watched your mouth hang open with the pleasure from the leather. Your face alone was almost enough to make him cum in his robes, but he did everything he could to make sure that the only place he’d cum tonight was inside you.
When you had gotten used to the feeling of his finger on your clit, he once again spat on his finger and used that one to breach your walls, tapping up just as you liked and making you let out a much louder moan. Whoever’s attention you didn’t get, you had now. Your hips began to move on their own in a grinding motion so you could wriggle his fingers deeper into your desperate hole. When he added a second finger, your loud moan was coupled by your back arching and your head falling backwards, allowing you to open your eyes briefly to see the entire Clergy staring back at you. Most had amused faces or disappointed looks, but your eyes flickered over to your partner to witness the look of sheer fury on his beet-red face. There was his spouse, in the lap of Papa Emeritus II, getting her pussy pleasured by him in front of the whole Ministry. You felt your nipples growing hard beneath your clothes at the thought of his embarrassment, and just how much he wanted to stop this but had no authority or power. No one did. Secondo was head of the Satanic church now - he could do what he liked. Which is how you’d both been allowed to go on for as long as you had.
“Papa!” You screamed as he hit a particularly great spot inside of you.
Secondo chuckled. “There?”
“Cum for everyone here, principessa. Show them how pretty you look when you cum on Papa’s fingers.”
And oh boy, did you. Secondo’s fingers were playing you like an instrument he’d been playing for years. It was like he knew every single one of your quirks and desires and used them against you while he touched you. The combined eyes of the upper-Clergy and your irate partner’s expression caused you to tip quickly over the edge and cry out as you did so, toes curling and eyes shutting.
Once you’d come down, Secondo guided you to the table where he gently sat you upon it, situating himself in between your open, yet tired, legs. Secondo’s voice sounded again, “Ripple!” He called.
One of his Ghouls came forth instantly and waited for his master’s instructions. “Yes, Papa?”
Secondo’s eyes moved towards your partner and he grinned slightly. “Make sure all the paperwork for Mx. ______’s divorce is prepared. I want her free from that cheating scumbag as quickly as possible.”
“Of course, Papa. Right away.”
Ripple turned and made his exit, and when you watched him go, your eyes locked onto a particular Cardinal whose sinful smirk had caught your attention: Cardinal Terzo Emeritus. He stood, clearly not comfortable seeing what was about to come next, but he shot you a casual salute before picking up his glass of wine and pulling his own squeeze for the night, and his personal Ghoul with him as he walked away. Of course Terzo appreciated this display, it was probably something he’d do himself if he was given the opportunity. Rumours of his own infamous orgies spread like wildfire after every single one - this would normally be right up his alley.
Secondo, still looking at your partner and once your cunt was exposed to Secondo and only him, proceeded to press himself inside you. This animalistic display of dominance was almost too much for you - you were about to go feral over Secondo and the way he was silently daring your partner to do something as you were willingly defiled in front of everyone. The gasps other people made as Secondo was sinking himself into you set your body on fire, and you fell backwards onto the table allowing Papa to see you entirely.
“Are you ready, principessa?” Secondo asked looking down at you.
“Yes! Please fuck me, Papa!”
He gripped onto your soft waist for leverage as he started his movements, snapping in and out of you over and over again and making you scream with each hit. You were, perhaps, going a little overboard with some of the noises you made, but the majority of them were completely involuntary. Secondo’s cock was the best you’d had, and his attention to your body made him an expert in you. He knew you liked it rougher, filthier than most of his previous partners. And now he could add exhibitionism to the list. The way you clenched around him every time you locked eyes with someone new made his own grunts and groans appear.
“Does that feel good, principessa?” Secondo asked, his eyes locked onto your body as it jiggled with the force of his thrusts. “Do you like the Clergy watching your Papa fuck you?”
“Do you like watching the Clergy touch themselves while your Papa fucks you?”
“Oh fuck!”
Secondo wasn’t lying, there were numerous Cardinals and Archbishops present, rubbing their very obviously hard cocks over their robes as they watched Secondo bury himself deep inside you over and over again. And fuck did it turn you on to see that. Quite a few people had left for reasons you couldn’t ascertain, meaning the people that were left either wanted to remember this whole scene for later, or enjoy it while it was still live. You had noticed that the remainder of Papa’s Ghouls were ushering people out as well, no doubt to give you as much privacy as possible under the strange circumstances.
Your cunt tightened, however, when you locked eyes with your partner once more, laughing deliriously at the look on his face. He couldn’t look away from you whoring yourself out to Papa - like this! While you still looked at him, you let out a loud, obnoxious moan, and set your hands to work. One pinched your nipple and played with it while it was still under the fabric of your outfit, the other moved down to your clitoris and rubbed it matching Secondo’s pace. This earned you an appreciative grunt from him.
While your eyes were still locked onto your partner’s, Secondo spoke again. “Tell me, whose cock is better? Mine or his?”
“Satan! Your c-cock is so much better, Papa!”
“Why, principessa?”
“You’re b-bigger! And you reach deep inside of me. Oh fuck! Papa, you feel so good! You always touch me in places he can’t reach!”
“Poor baby. Did he always leave you unsatisfied?”
“Could he make you cum?”
“No! E-every time he fucked me I was disappointed!”
“How many times have I had you, principessa?” When you couldn’t answer, Secondo grew impatient. He landed a particularly hard thrust against your cervix that had you screaming. “How many times?”
“How many times have you cum around my cock?”
“Fuck, Papa! I don’t remember.”
“Try harder for me. How many?”
“Maybe - fuck, Papa! T-ten times? Papa, you’re gonna split me in half!”
“Where did we fuck the first time, principessa?”
“On his desk! I’m so close, Papa, please!”
“You’re mine now, aren’t you?”
“Y-yes, Papa!”
“Say it.”
“I’m yours, Papa! I belong to only you now. I’m gonna fucking cum!”
“Cum for me. Show him what he’s been missing out on all this time. Remind him how much of a waste of space he is.”
With one final flick of your wrist, you came undone on Secondo’s cock, your body tensing and locking as you rose off the table. Your breath escaped you and your eyes widened. You couldn’t breathe or see. All you could do was feel. Feel your fingers still working at your clit while Papa continued to ride you in front of the Clergy members that were left behind. He was still going as you came down from your second orgasm. His gloved fingers wrapped around your hands and brought yours to his lips. His tongue flicked out as he took each individual finger into his mouth, sucking off your cum from them and moaning as he did.
“Papa!” You called up to him weakly. “I want you to cum deep in my cunt!”
He took your fingers out of his mouth and grunted in agreement. “You want Papa’s cum?”
“Yes! I want you to fill me up. I want you to fuck me full of your cum and show everyone who I belong to. Remind everyone I’m yours.”
“Knock you up,” he grunted, “do what your failure of a spouse couldn’t.”
“Please, Papa! Cum inside me!”
“Be a good girl for Papa and take it all, won’t you?”
“Yes, Papa!”
“Take it, principessa. Take every fucking drop.”
And with that, it was Papa’s turn to topple over the edge. He stilled inside you and let out a gutteral groan, releasing his seed and filling you just as you asked him to. You’d won. Your partner was completely humiliated, but the cruel beast inside you wanted to take it one extra step. Once Secondo had pulled himself out of you, you sat up and swivelled round on the table, resting your back against him. Papa took this opportunity to kiss your neck and move up to bite your ear, hanging over you protectively and dominant just to further stake his claim to you. You spread your legs once more, and showed your partner exactly what had just transpired. You shot him a smug look as you spread your cunt apart and Secondo’s cum began to drip out of you and onto the table. All of the orgasms Secondo had given you were exquisite, but watching your partner walk out of the dining hall a smaller person than before came as a close second.
Just before he left, Secondo shot him a middle finger that only you were really paying attention to, and it made you giggle. It made Secondo giggle, too. This whole ordeal had been about revenge but it also brought you closer to Secondo - and right now, even though you were still in front of a few people, the whole moment felt very intimate and private. That was when you realised you were falling for him.
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kaidabakugou · 9 months
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🕸️ ʟᴏɴɢ ꜰɪᴄꜱ 🕸️
🕸️ ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ ꜰɪᴄꜱ 🕸️
🕸️ ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ 🕸️
asking him to suck your tits
intimate morning sex
thigh riding
witchcraft | crystals | tantric sex
torturing you with his cock
his stuffy nose | example lol
merman bkg snippet | hcs
spooky szn snippets
crime shows & podcasts
angry sex w/ leash n’ collar
calling him after a villain attack
new haircut sex
when you’re getting sick
pinching wars
hospital bed cuddles
first time passion
size kink
winter cuddles
clumsy reader
injured thoughts
engagement thoughts
mafia boss n’ his dog w/ kippen | more
kippen’s sugar daddy thoughts
barista au w/ kippen n’ kat
when he asks to go camping
meeting at a tattoo competition
scent kink thoughts
🕸️ ʟᴏɴɢ ꜰɪᴄꜱ 🕸️
🕸️ ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ ꜰɪᴄꜱ 🕸️
🕸️ ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ 🕸️
beauty appointments together
how he is in his sleep
piss drinking
switching hero costumes event
🕸️ ʟᴏɴɢ ꜰɪᴄꜱ 🕸️
🕸️ ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ ꜰɪᴄꜱ 🕸️
🕸️ ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ 🕸️
69 position
eating you out at the same time
crack moments
katsuki vs. your hairs
working out
villain selfship snippet
when you’re getting sick | more
when they sleep
bartender! kirishima ft. bouncer bkg | full w/ sainty
winter cuddles w/ shouto todoroki
body worship w/ mt. lady
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ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴏ ©ᴋᴀɪᴅᴀʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏᴜ 2022-2024 | ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ ᴏʀ ʟᴀʏᴏᴜᴛꜱ | ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ, ʀᴇᴘᴏꜱᴛ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢᴇ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴅ ᴏɴ ᴀɴʏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴘʟᴀᴛꜰᴏʀᴍ
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Cursed BNHA takes 5
Aizawa Pisses off Mic by buying the ugliest Present Mic merch & leaving it on the dashboard of Mic's car. Mic complains it makes his car look 'tacky' but secretly keeps it all.
Mic Pisses off Aizawa by buying all the bootleg eraserhead merch & making a shrine to "Walmart Shota" in his apartment.
Baby Ochako got in trouble when her parents took her to the state fair with a pie eating contest. She made all the pies float & everyone got pied in the face when they fell down.
Mic keeps His own action figure as well as one of Aizawa on his work station & when nobody is looking he makes them kiss. (every faculty member has seen him doing this)
Dabi had a YT channel he used for LOV income where he'd anonymously judge people's outfits in hottopic.
Mic trolls Allmight by dedicating an 'oldies' night to him on Put Your Hands Up Radio.
Baby Shoto got in trouble for trying to flush all his Endevor action figures down the toilet. After that he just started melting their heads off with his flames.
When Mic starts dancing he becomes a danger to society. (his hair could take out everyone the dance floor.)
Mic brings Aizawa clubbing, except Aizawa is unconscious in his sleeping bag & everyone just circles around him yelling & pointing like the toy unicorn at a festival meme.
Best Jeanist wears sweat pants on his day off & everyone finds this incredibly cursed.... except Hawks who gave him the sweat pants.
When Mt. Lady first got her quirk she got stuck inside her house like Alice in Wonderland.
Natsuo got in trouble for retweeting a video compilation of Endeavor Getting his ass kicked.
Shigaraki is good pals with Elon Musk. Netzens call the pair Musky & Flakey.
Aizawa is like the uncle that always falls asleep at family gatherings & all the baby cousins (eri) use his leg as a hot wheels track. And he only wakes up in time for dessert when his S.O. (Mic) brings him pie.
Bakugo got signed up for mandatory anger management classes by a judge after he found out Deku would get multiple quirks.
Toga's favorite book is Twilight.
Deku's dad is actually the encouraging citizen who calls him a fan boy in episode 1 & reappears in the vigilante arc.
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fatkish · 1 month
Hi! I'm a big fan of the work you do, and I was hoping that I could make a request! Headcanons for Midnight, Mt Lady, Ryukyu, and the Wild Wild Pussycats (Sorry if this is a lot! Please feel free to take as much time as you need if you choose to do this! Also I think that the Wild Wild Pussycats deserve more love from the MHA community) with their adopted son or daughter who suffered from abuse by their previous family and now has a hard time dealing with their trauma.
I'd really appreciate it! Hope you're having an awesome day!
(Sorry for not including Mt. Lady, Pixie Bob, Tiger or Ragdoll. I tried to look up their character profiles but I just couldn’t come up with anything for them or I just couldn’t picture them actually looking after and taking care of a child, sorry)
Midnight, Ryukyu and Mandalay x Adopted, Abused Child Reader
The story here is that your parents were drug addicts or criminals that basically ignored you. You were 8 when you were saved. Each of these guys have different scenarios on how they found you as well as how your life is with them. (Sorry if it’s a little redundant)
Your parents were drug addicts that cooked meth and barely ever paid you any attention
You had gotten used to constant hunger and had learned to live off of dumpster diving
You’d go to the dumpsters behind stores and collect whatever goods/food you could find
Places you often went to were beauty stores since you learned that there was money to be made by selling the products that the stores dump
You were quirkless which is why you were constantly on your own. You’re parents had no idea where you were half of the time and didn’t care
One day when Nemuri had the day off she saw the dirty and malnourished child walk into the alley behind the makeup store
She followed you and saw you climb into the dumpster and start filling up a small backpack with items from the dumpster such as lotions, lipsticks, foundations, perfumes, etc.
When you had finished, you climbed out only to see Nemuri staring down at you
When she asked what you were doing, you immediately tried to run away but she quickly used her quirk to put you to sleep
After finding out about your situation when she brought you to the hospital, your parents were arrested and charged with child neglect and endangerment
Nemuri noticed that you would rarely ask for things and had a hard time advocating for yourself
If she didn’t bring something up first, then you’d likely ignore it or wouldn’t say anything
You felt immense guilt in simply asking for a snack or a hug or things like that
So she started having you use a journal to help you understand and validate your feelings. She’d leave a notepad with a box for you to write down your thoughts and feelings so that you guys can read them together when she has the time
You had been another child who was used by the Shei Hassaikai. Your quirk allowed for your blood to cure all types of illnesses
Your parents sold you to Chisaki due to them being in debt and needing the money
Chisaki was using you to create vaccines
When the Raid took place, you managed to escape but were terrified of men
Since Ryukyu was one of the few females involved, she decided to adopt you
You originally hated touch but learned to love it after awhile
Your favorite thing is cuddling with Ryukyu
Ryukyu brings you to her agency and has you do your homeschooling there. If you want to go to public school then that’s fine, but while you’re healing, you get to stay with her
She tells people to let you come to them instead of walking up to you
Nejire is like a big sister to you
Wild Wild Pussycats, Mandalay:
In this case, your parents weren’t as bad, but they weren’t the best. They struggled to understand you and how your mind worked which ultimately led them to unintentionally neglecting you
You were a very quiet child and had a hard time with talking, not that you couldn’t talk, it’s just that speaking was very difficult for you
Your parents lived in a cabin in the woods and you loved it, until a forest fire broke out, you see, your quirk is fire manipulation, basically fire bending, you were playing outside at night when you accidentally set fire to the forest
It quickly spread and ended up consuming your home at night, your parents tried to drive away but they realized you weren’t with them which led them to suffocate from the thick smoke whilst they searched for you
You thought your parents abandoned you so you stayed put in your little tent in the woods. Your quirk allowed to keep the fire at bay but the panic and fear caused the flames to out of control
When the Wild Wild Pussycats got the call, Ragdoll reported your location and quirk. Pixie-Bob used her earth manipulation to smother the flames. While Tiger searched the area, Mandalay tried talking to you telepathically
She helped you breathe and calm down, as you breathed, the flames seemed to grow and shrink with your breathes. After you calmed down, Mandalay eventually reached you and brought you to their place in the woods
Originally you were terrified of fire due to the trauma of accidentally killing your parents, even though they ignored you often
Mandalay introduced you to her nephew Kota, Kota saw how terrified of fire you were and showed you his water quirk
Together with therapy and the joined help of Mandalay and Kota, you slowly learned to accept your quirk and lost your fear of it
Kota also helped you with speech therapy and you slowly learned to speak
Every step of progress you made, no matter how small, was celebrated and praised, even when you relapsed your were congratulated for your effort
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barid-bel-medar · 4 months
For Sticks and Stones, I am very curious to know the in-universe reasoning for the HPSC to choose Mt. Lady to teach at UA and for Mt. Lady to agree. I would think that the HPSC would choose a more experienced and reputable (and in their pocket) hero for the job, and that Mt. Lady would want to do fieldwork so soon after her debut to gain money and ranking. I would love to know their thought processes for these decisions.
She's got absolutely no connections to UA.
She's not a UA graduate, she doesn't closely work with UA graduates. If anything she's got a bit of a rivalry with a UA graduate (who happens to be one of Aizawa's best friends).
She's also easy to control because she needs two things; a steady income stream (like say, a teacher's paycheck) and the HPSC can offer to cover her insurance costs (which is canonically one of the reasons she's constantly in the red). Heroes pretty much work on commission and sponsorship, so a steady income stream is definitely helpful.
There's also no real sign teaching at UA really effects someones ability to do fieldwork. All of the teachers pretty clearly are still doing active fieldwork. Hell, Present Mic is juggling three jobs (active hero, English teacher, and radio host; man must not be sleeping at all and we've seen he's got bloodshot eyes under those sunglasses of his). So she'd still be able to create a reputation, and you can even spin her taking to the UA job as her 'being trusted to guide future heroes after what UA has done to them'.
Since she's not really in the HPSC's pockets, and thus potentially aware of HPSC secrets, she's also not a security risk to them, the way say, Hawks would be. If Nedzu for example goes poking around he's going to find jack all because at the end of the day all the Commission is really doing with her is covering insurance costs and earning good will from her that way. The Commission also doesn't exactly need an on-site hero agent to poke around UA. The mess with Aizawa has already given them leave to do that since it's such a spectacular fuck up.
And from a meta standpoint I just wanted her to be the homeroom teacher to do something unique.
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abeehiltz1159 · 7 days
some Link hcs I have :>
i love the idea that Link takes after his mom. like i imagine his dad as being this tall muscly dude with the squarest jawline you've ever seen and his mom is a little matronly-sort of lady who works 24/7 to keep her kids happy and healthy and ensure they feel loved. Link learned how to love and care from his mother, whose height, eyes, hair, and heart he inherited, and he learned to fight and protect and put his family first from his dad, whose emotional and physical strength he inherited.
i also imagine Link being like the 3rd of 7 kids and he was the only son. he grew up fighting alongside the men in his life for the women in his life, and over the story this doesn't change. he's obedient and serious and incredibly committed to everything he does. he never turns down a challenge.
while Age of Calamity isn't canon to the main story, i do think it reveals a lot about the characters. one thing I think about Link is he is very humble. he's just a knight's boy. i imagine he doesn't originally want to wield the Master Sword, but he pulls it out of the pedestal bc he felt like he needed to. Hyrule needs the knight capable of pulling the sword, and if that knight needs to be Link, then he will accept it, he will submit himself to his duty.
also can we talk more about the fact that Link was strong enough to pull the master sword when he was TWELVE???? he canonically was about 12-13 when he pulled it, meaning he was worthy to wield the sword when he was really young. this kid is insane!!
i also think the theory that the house you can buy in BotW in Hateno was Link's childhood home is very interesting, especially paired with the method of how he regains his memories. to complete the Captured Memories quest, you have to visit the locations in the pictures in the Sheikah Slate, BUT what about the Champion memories? he regains those memories by seeing things related to them: Revali's landing, the Thunder Helm, Mipha's statue, and Daruk's face carved into the Goron's version of Mt Rushmore. based on this, seeing things that were significant to him/people he knew and loved is enough to trigger a memory. if Link really grew up in hateno, then he should be able to regain his memories just by wandering around the village, if only in flashes. maybe just remembering the name of the lady who used to own the armor shop when he was a kid, the song his mother sang to him to get him to sleep, the games he would play with his siblings and the village kids, colorful banners the townspeople would put up around the village for holidays. little things.
link is so interesting in this game, and since he doesnt have his memories and just about nothing about his past has been canonically confirmed by Nintendo, there's a lot of room for us fic writers to play around in, and oh boy do I intend to make full use of this empty space of possibilities >:)
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Me: *Trying to sleep*
Brain: What if Mt. Lady adopted Himiko since according to Smash she knows all too well what it's like to get shit for an inconvenient quirk?
On one hand yes on the other hand like.
I'm reminded of that scene in one of the X-Men movies where Rouge is like "omg they said there's a cure for us is it true?!" and Storm's immediately like "There's nothing to 'cure' we're perfect as we are!", which makes sense because you have girl who kills everyone she touches vs. goddess of weather.
While Mt. Lady's Quirk can be inconvenient, it's also something far more controlled. She can just choose not to go big unless she's somewhere safe to do so, like out in the country where there's not a bunch of cities. Even when she's in the city, she could be a lot more careful. But it's easy to forget about the inconvenience of it if you're just told 'oh she can grow giant' so everyone thinks it's neat.
Meanwhile Himiko's Quirk is constantly giving her problems like needing to consume blood as part of her diet, and just the mention of it rubs people the wrong way. Not to even get into the bit about being able to copy and replace someone like a Changeling would freak people out.
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deusvervewrites · 9 months
So, I just remembered that some of the volume back covers have adverts / brands / celebrity endorsements from pro heroes. Midnight promotes a perfume "Next Dimensional Fragrance", Mt. Lady promotes "Lady Hair", Endeavor promotes a black coffee "Burning", etc.
Present Mic's radio show is apparently "every Friday night from 1 AM to 5AM".
UA has school on Saturdays. When does the man sleep?
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cafezinho9 · 2 years
Could a male reader with wolf quirk, 2.10cm tall, tail then appear in an ear bumping and waking up like a dog and what is his girlfriend's reaction to seeing for the first time, a fluff with Mt. Lady, Midnight and Mirku please!
How could I turn down an offer like that? Both are one of my favorite characters! by the way, tall readers are rare, I like to write rare things lol
Gn reader(It can be read as male reader or female reader too!)
remembering, english is not my native language!
Mt. lady
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It was a tiring week for Yu, constant patrols making her turn nights, but it was finally over and she ended up visiting her boyfriend y/n to enjoy the little break she would have, they both had a great date night, went out to dinner, went to beach, at home they had a game night while eating junk food, it was very comfortable, although she teased you a little about how you looked like an excited puppy because your tail wagged frantically when she saw it at your door.
In the end it ended up getting late and you asked if she would like to sleep there, Yu didn't refuse and decided to stay there for that night, showered and put on one of her clothes which by the way was too big on her making her wonder how you grew so much , the two of you lay down on the big double bed in your room and fell asleep together, it might not seem like it but she was happy, she slept a few times with you since they lived far away so these moments were very precious to her.
You both woke up slowly and at the same time, she shifted a little on the bed noticing you starting to pull away and when she turned towards her she caught a glimpse of your ears down as you made a little ball and opened up for good as if you were stretching right after sitting up and shaking her head, she'd never seen you do that since whenever you slept together either she woke up first to have to go to work or you woke up hungry first.
She stared at you sitting on the bed looking at some fixed point just finishing to really wake up, her tail was stretched out moving slowly, it seemed like stars appeared in Yu's eyes, she thought it was very cute, she sat on the bed and crawled up to you and jumping giving you a long hug from behind.
-How cute!
-hm?-You were confused and sleepy.
-Do you do this every time you wake up?
-What I do?
-A kind of ball and then stretch!
-I think so, it's customary to help me stretch.
-I need to see this more often! -She stated laying her head on her lap and looking at her face.
-I think you can only see if we wake up at the same time, which is rare.
“I should spend a whole week here just to wake up at the same time as you and watch this!” Her hands went up to her head and she started to caress her ear.
Yu will definitely talk about how cute she found this for the rest of the day and the heroes who go to work with her will have to listen, its lucky she doesn't talk to fans about it so as not to cause you trouble as most of her fans are half crazy, otherwise half the world would know how you wake up.
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It was a cold dawn when Mirku arrived home, she had prevented a school massacre with other professional heroes and it took much longer than imagined since the villains had hostages, as soon as she opened the door she could have a vision of you sitting lazily on the couch watching the news about life in the wild in a bunny sweatshirt he got from his girlfriend for his last birthday.
-I am home.
-How was work?-You asked the woman who was slowly approaching you, apparently tired, it had only been a few days since you started living together so there were many boxes around the house for you to pack.
-We had a lot of problems to ambush the group of villains who were holding hostages, but as I'm a great heroine, I successfully concluded.-Mirku sat next to her, opening her arms in which you soon approached her and hugged her.
-I think you better rest, tomorrow I'll pack the rest of these boxes.
-I'm not tired!
-Rumi...-You sighed-I'll buy you some fresh carrots tomorrow, ok?
She smiled and walked down the halls of the new house going to your room, getting some clothes and going to the bathroom.
You got up turning off the tv and went to the bedroom changing your clothes for a sleeping one (Imagine what you want, shirtless or not), took the big cotton blanket and spread it over the big double bed, it didn't take long for Mirku finishing your shower and jumping into bed, you laughed a little and then lay down next to your girlfriend, both hugged and curled up falling asleep in each other's warmth.
At dawn the alarm clock went off, for the first time Mirku didn't grumble and kept sleeping after the alarm clock went off, you curled up and then stretched out sitting on the bed and shaking your head, your mouth slightly dirty from nanny and your hair mussed by Mirku slept with the hands on it.
-I never noticed that you did that! It's funny.-Rumi ended up laughing.
-hm-You grumbled still trying to wake up fully.
-Is it something normal among wolves, or is it just you for being half wolf?
-I really don't know, my parents told me that some dogs did that.
-Puppy-Rumi scoffed.
-I don't say anything when you curl up like a rabbit in bed or when you're on your back wanting a little rub on your belly to sleep.
You guys had a cute little fight about your customs...
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You had been dating for some time, you two had just arrived from a coffee, Nemuri had the day off today and took the opportunity to spend the day with you, it ended up getting quite late and you invited her to sleep at your house, they often did that, despite when you wake up she is in the kitchen or has gone to work.
Entering the house she put her coat on the chair at the table next to the door, took off her shoes leaving it on the small rug in front of the door, you did the same and went right behind her towards the bedroom, there were some of her clothes that were there every time she slept so she took those clothes that were folded in her locker while you took your own clothes.
"Want to take a shower with me?" Nemuri asked as she opened the other door of her wardrobe and took a bath towel for herself.
-It might be.
The two of you even liked to relax together in the bathtub, no obscenity of course, just enjoy a hot bath in each other's comfort, although Nemuri sometimes says some naughty things.
You took a long shower together, dressed and went to the kitchen to get a piece of cake from the fridge and eat it, the woman stared at you for a few seconds while she ate her cake making you confused.
-Something wrong?
-I wonder how you grew so much, I'm even considered tall but look at you-You couldn't tell if she was incredulous or confused.
-Genetics? Or maybe my quirk, I don't know.
-You look like a basketball player.
-Was it supposed to be an offense?
-I don't know, but for me this is exciting.
-I think everything is exciting for you.
-All about you, now let's sleep, I need a good night's sleep.
- Alarm clock? - You asked as you went with her to her room.
-I think at noon, tomorrow I'll just go to the agency later.
You set the alarm for noon and the two of you lay on the bed, she hugged you putting her head on her breasts and caressing your ears which by the way she likes a lot.
-Good night dear.-Nemuri kissed her head while you hugged her tightly.
You fell asleep quickly and by a miracle you didn't wake up earlier than the alarm, you both woke up to the alarm clock ringing, you turned it off and slowly separated yourself from your girlfriend who sat on the bed wiping her eyes with her hand until you cringe like a ball and stretch out by sitting in the middle of the bed with her legs crossed while shaking her head and yawning.
Nemuri was surprised, she found it very cute, especially her ears down and her tail stretched out as if it was stretching too, she approached you and hugged you from behind admiring the sight she just had.
-So cute! I need to see this more often!
-What?-You were confused and slightly flushed from feeling your girlfriend's hot body pressed to your back.
-You waking up, you're so cute, I definitely have to wake up more often when you're waking up!
-Y-did you find it cute? I find it kind of weird...- Her face was getting redder
-Baby this is so beautiful!
Midnight after that started sleeping with you more and trying to get up at the same time as you because she thought it was very cute, she will always hug you after you sit on the bed and talk about how cute it is, Ia's teachers had to listen to her talk about how cute you are waking up for almost 1 hour, Aizawa almost threw the bread she was eating in her face to see if she would stop talking and freak out.
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magicianenthusiast · 1 year
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jeanist, edgeshot, kamui and mt lady from the genshin au
(genshin spoilers below the cut)
Best Jeanist
born in port ormos and grew up admiring the fabrics imported from across the world
entered the akademiya and joined the kshahrewar darshan, focusing on textile production and machinery
he rose to become one of the youngest sages in the history of the darshan and is well known in sumeru city
despite all of this he's sometimes mocked thanks to his area of study being seen as 'boring' and the darshan remaining the most underfunded in the akedimiya
as a student, he met shinya when the two of them were paired up for a study trip to the desert
both had different areas of study that they considered more important, and bickered their way across the Hypostyle Desert
they eventually reached an understanding after getting lost in the tunnels below the desert
the two developed feelings for one another, but it wasn't until shinya returned from inazuma that they started dating
he has a hydro vision and uses moves a lot like yelan's
probably a bow user too? unsure.
born in Konda Village to a long line of samurai serving the pyro archon
he trained as a swordsman from an early age, but bucked the trend by entering the akedimiya instead, causing a rift between himself and his family
he joined the Spantamad Darshan, studying ley lines
after their misadventures in the hypostyle desert he and tsunagu become close friends, even living together
six years before the present day, the pyro archon (enji) enacts the sakoku decree and recalls all inazuma-born researchers from the akademiya
the akademiya wanted to remain trading partners with inazuma so they order their inazuman researchers to return, by force if necessary
shinya goes willingly, thinking it's just a misunderstanding
upon return to sumeru he's ordered to either give up his vision, or swear loyalty to the shogunate and hunt down other vision holders
shinya refuses, and is sentenced to jail
after a year of continual refusal, he's sentenced to face the musou no hitotachi but escapes at the last minute and manages to stow away back to sumeru
unable to return to the akademiya, he now works as a mercenary
Kamui Woods
the current dendro archon, reborn after the fall of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata during the Cataclysm
for almost five hundred years he remained in the Sanctuary of Surasthana, sleeping thanks to the Akedimiya siphoning his power for the akasha terminal
he never physically left during this time, but would 'dream' by seeing things through the akasha
after one of the inazuman researchers sent home was executed, her grieving widow set shinji free in a fit of spite
not knowing what to do with himself, shinji found the city too loud and confusing, and fled into the countryside
he lives alone, wandering the forests and helping where he can
he's quite shy, and hides his status of a god, not wanting to be caught again by the akedimiya
Mt. Lady
yu is a researcher in the spantamad darshan, and previously a student of shinji's
she grew up in an orphanage in the grand bazaar, and learnt to dance at the zubayr theatre
although a talented dancer, she stuck out from an early age due to her height compared to the other kids
one day she left the grand bazaar to explore the city and got into a fight after mouthing off to some mercenaries
she was saved by shinji and after this became a fixture in his and tsunagu's lives, eventually moving in with them and joining the spantamad darshan
during shinya's time in inazuma and his supposed 'death' she and tsunagu remained very close
after shinji's return she began to take trips out of sumeru city fairly often - whilst she didn't want to be banished to the desert, she didn't trust the akedimiya
her work with the elements and ley lines brought her to shinji
she realised instantly who he was, but shinji seemed so keen to keep his identity hidden that she pretends not to
she accompanies him in his work in the forests
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milesasinmorales · 1 year
Tolkien idea of the day- pets in middle earth.
Dwarves would definitely have dogs. But like really big dogs. Like st bernards, newfoundlands, maybe even Irish wolfhounds but like very big fluffy dogs (fluffy bcs they have to stay warm in the mts!) that protect them from stuff and maybe help them hunt. I love the idea of dwarves having dogs as big as them.
And cats in the Shire! Imagine outdoor farm cats sleeping on the grass on top of a smial or napping in the sunlight coming in from the window in a hobbit-hole. They are very well taken care of. I could totally imagine Bilbo as a crazy cat lady and Frodo inherits the cats. Frodo loves cats.
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
i hope you guys like this type of post bc they r so easy to do in between me writing longer stuff
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big spoon:
miruko. hawks. mirio. mr compress. magne. la brava. fuyumi. sero. iida. kirishima. ojiro
little spoon:
present mic. tamaki. twice. gentle criminal. shigaraki. jirou. ururaka. tokoyami. aoyama. koda
sleeps on top of you:
midnight. nejire. spinner. izuku. shouto. mina. kaminari. tooru. toga.
you sleep on top of them:
aizawa. fatgum. dabi. kurogiri. natsuo. bakugo. shoji. shinso. tsuyu. momo. sato
you both starfish:
ms joke. kamui woods. mt lady. stain
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
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all of my works can be found here! reblogs, likes, comments and feedback are always appreciated.
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♡ asking katsuki to suck your titties 
♡ intimate morning sex w/ katsuki 
♡ thigh riding while sucking katsuki’s fingers
♡ witchcraft w/ katsuki | crystals | tantric sex |
♡ 69 w/ kiribaku
♡ katsuki torturing you w/ his cock
♡ kiribaku eating you out
♡ katsuki & his stuffy nose | example lol
♡ merman bakugou snippet | hcs
♡ funny moments w/ kiribaku
♡ spooky szn snippets
♡ locker room sex w/ kunigami
♡ crime shows & podcasts w/ katsuki
♡ winter cuddles w/ todoroki
♡ angry sex w/ leash n’ collar w/ katsuki
♡ domestic moments w/ kiribaku
♡ beauty appointments w/ eijirou
♡ mt. lady body worship
♡ calling katsuki after a villain attack
♡ new haircut sex w/ katsuki
♡ katsuki when you’re getting sick
♡ pinching w/ katsuki
♡ hospital bed cuddles w/ katsuki
♡ first time w/ katsuki
♡ size kink w/ katsuki
♡ winter cuddles w/ katsuki
♡ beefy kirishima in his sleep
♡ piss drinking w/ eijirou
♡ switching hero costume w/ red riot
♡ working out w/ kiribaku
♡ clumsy reader w/ katsuki
♡ villain selfship w/ kiribaku snippet
♡ small injured bkg thoughts
♡ kiribaku when you’re getting sick | more
♡ kiribaku when they sleep thoughts
♡ engagement thoughts w/ katsuki
♡ mafia bkg n’ his dog w/ kippen | more
♡ bartender! kirishima thoughts | full
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ SHORT FICS ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
♡ just like old times ft. villain eijirou kirishima
♡ pampering eijirou on his birthday
♡ moonlight madness ft. werewolves! kiribaku
♡ blood bound ft. vampire! katsuki bakugou
♡ make you melt ft. bakugou + food play
♡ after dark ft. trueform! sukuna
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ LONG FICS ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
♡ sacrilege ft. priest! bakugou x demon! reader
♡ the mighty passion ft. forest god vidar! bakugou x elf! reader | glossary
♡ underwater delights ft. merman! bakugou x f!reader
♡♡♡♡♡♡EVENTS & COLLABS♡♡♡♡♡♡
♡ kinktober‘22 | kinktober’23
♡ 12 days of christmas ’22
♡ the more the merrier collab | 1k celebration
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♡ last updated: 09/03/23 ♡
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genshinlover101 · 2 years
Hi, I hope you’re having a good day! Can I request fem reader who’s clumsy and really bad at their job, but also has a big crush on their boss. For example reader being a new shrine maiden etc. With Yae, Lisa and Hu Tao? So sorry if this doesn’t make sense!
S/O Having a Crush on Their Boss/Her
Character: Yae Miko, Lisa, Hu Tao x gn!reader
Warnings: none
A/n: I wanted so badly to do a shrine maiden for Yae Miko, but for the sake of making this as gender neutral as possible I made reader into an employee for Yae’s Publishing House :)
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• You were aware that Yae Miko would’ve been way more popular within Inazuma if her attitude wasn’t so antagonistic. Despite her undeniable beauty, many thought you had a thing for masochism because of how suppressive she was to those who were easy to manipulate.
• You don’t know what possessed you to stay loyal to Miko, maybe it was her cleverness, her charisma, her womanly charm. You’d even pick up extra shifts and work extra hard just for the recognition of the fox lady. Praying that she’d descend Mt. Yougou to visit Inazuma City so that you might see her that day.
• Kuroda, an editor for the Publishing House, very obviously knew how down bad you were for your boss. Every time she visited the store your eyes would fixate on her and it was only her voice that you’d respond to. Your favorite book from the store being “Pretty Please, Kitsune Guuji”, featuring none other than a metaphorical version of your beloved boss.
You had your nose deep into the spine of the newest light novel brought to Yae’s Publishing House, your legs resting on the stand as customers passed your petite little store. The day was particularly slow, with only a few people stopping by to glance at your merchandise during what normally was considered rush hour for you.
So when you heard the bell on the front desk rink once or twice you groaned, not being in the customer service mood. “Yes hello, how many I help you,” you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes from the sleep that plagued you. As your vision grew crystal clearer a certain pink kitsune rested her upper body on the front desk. A goofy smile on her face as you stuttered your eyes popping from the surprise. 
Her index finger dragged across the wood, picking up dust along the way. “Not the cleanest I’ve seen this place hmm?” She said analyzing the gray particles on her slender hands, she didn’t look very impressed. “I supposed you’re working another double tonight? Are you burned out yet? You know I could’ve asked our editor-in-chief to lessen your hours,” she tried to make small talk with you.
Your face blushing a hot red, “C-certainly not Lady Guuji,” you shook your head vigorously. Cursing yourself that of all times for Miko to visit was when you felt your lowest. “I’ll clean the front desk immediately,” you bowed, ready to excuse yourself in shame.
That was until she placed a hand on your shoulder from over the front counter, her other arm supporting her weight as she stood on her tippy toes in order to reach you. Her mission was to stop you from leaving her sight. “That’s not necessary little mouse, you seem tired. I’m not so sadistic as to overwork my employees am I?” You felt your brain explode in overdrive as you tried to fathom her touch. Any bystander could see how weak in the knees you were.
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• You were the only one with the official title of “Lisa’s Little Helper”. Everyone in Mondstadt thought of you like her little doggy who went out and did chores for Miss Lisa when she was taking her afternoon break. Just hanging around the library 24/7.
• You would run around hog wild in Mondstadt as you tried to pursue overdue books, reorganizing the bookshelves, and restoring damaged books. You were Lisa’s favorite, so reliable, and so hard-working, that it created an opportunity for her to laze around more than she already did.
• Even though you had no coworkers, regulars of the library could very obviously see your crush on your boss. Most notable is whenever you made a scene in such a quiet environment because Lisa had embarrassed you thoroughly. Even a child like Ella Musk could see how brainwashed you were.
You sat in a squeaky chair with your head resting in your arms, absolutely exhausted from chasing down a book thief all day. Someone had stolen a book from the library, making it your job to pursue them even if you had to travel to Snezhnaya. 
With a pair of warm arms lowering around your neck, you felt the weight of someone rest on top of your back, taking deep breaths. You knew the only person with the nerve to bother your sleep was nobody but Lisa herself. “Lisa you’re crushing me,” you tried to say underneath her. 
“Hmm so grumpy,” she pouted against your back, you could feel her squishy bosom crush your back. “You wouldn’t even cheer up for a kiss on the forehead? I heard your journeys today from rumors while I visited dear Jean,” You raised your body to face her properly, Lisa following alongside your movements, her arm’s grip never relenting from around your neck. 
“Ah, so you heard,” you mumbled. Your eyebrows furrowed, you folded your arms, and your cheeks puffed up in frustration, not wanting Lisa to hear about your failures. 
“Of course I heard,” Lisa spouted joyously, poking the air out of your cheeks with a gleeful smile. “I knew you could do it for me.” Her eyes were half-lidded, it looked as if she were intoxicated.
“You know something as special as that heroic act you pulled off will get any little lady’s heart-pounding,” she told you. Her seductive raspy voice went through one ear and out the next like a symphony. Regardless of how unreliable Lisa could be as your boss, as a woman she was the only one who could claim your affections. “Don’t be so uptight cutie, let me reward you from time to time Hmm?”
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• Honestly, Hu Tao wasn’t the most reliable boss for the funeral parlor. She was 100% capable of running it when she was concentrating and in focus, but most of the time she was the same prankster that Liyue knew her for. Old man Zhongli was grateful for your helping hands at least.
• Hu Tao always had some unorthodox method of advertising on her mind, she’d jump up and down for you to make her ideas a dream come true. From a business standpoint, you wish you could deny every one of her requests as they all seemed crazy. But from a personal standpoint, you just couldn’t say no to her floral eyes begging you, claiming how epic it’ll be.
• Zhongli, the funeral parlors infamous consultant, would always roll his eyes at you two. Even though you couldn’t see it, you two were just two youngsters flirting in broad daylight. Even though it was supposed to be a relationship between boss and employee, the lack of professionalism was very prominent.
Hu Tao pranced around, her were spirits still high even after being rejected multiple times going door to door to advertise the Funeral Parlor. You would always mope around, it was a challenge not to get depressed after so much rejection. Almost none of the flyers you were carrying had been accepted, your feet dragging behind you.
She did a little circle around you, analyzing you up and down with her arms behind her back, everything from your facial expressions to your back aching in pain. “C’mon, look alive,” Hu Tao tried raising you from your slouched position, forcing your arm to wrap around her shoulders. “Hehe- get it? Look alive...? Man, you’re such a killjoy” Her puns certainly didn’t help anybody’s case. She continued on and on, her high-pitched voice rattling through your head.
For a brief moment, you felt like you could see through your blindness, why exactly all of Liyue found Hu Tao a pain. But no matter how much she annoyed you, something about her toothy smile, or her spunky way of talking, or the pep in her step, it put the veil over your eyes thata blinded you from the truth of your crush. “Boss, we still have many houses to go. Please save your energy as you’re the face of this brand.” You tried to reason.
“Pipe down you say?” She inquired. “How can I do that silly,” in fact your statement might’ve just riled her up even more. As if it were rather a challenge to see how long she could last. She began walking faster, her arm wrapping around your waist to get a better grip on you. Her other arm reached out to intertwine with the hand that floated over her shoulder, trying to drag your limp feeling body to pick up the pace. You could feel the cold feeling of her chunky rings in between your fingers.
“How could I manage to do this without you, my trusty attendee,” she mused. You couldn’t manage to find the words to reply to her obviously made-up flattery. “Number one in the Funeral Parlor will always be taken by yours truly, but number one in my heart will always be you y’know.”
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