#slender man headcanons
Slenderman Headcanon No. 4:
Coming into psyical contact with him makes your limb feel like it's fallen asleep. Like, if it touches your shoulder, it's gonna be pins in needles for the next few minutes after touching you.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 4: Exhibitionism
Exhibitionism [Slender Man X GN!Afab Reader] 
[Warnings: the entire fic is a warning, degradation, dub-con, generally very, very uncomfortable, MINORS DNI]
[AN: as you can tell, my Slender Man is an absolute dick. 961 words <3.]
Reblogs are appreciated!
Kinktober Masterlist
“This is for your own good,” his voice drips like rotten honey in the back of your head as his tendrils caress your body. Inky, sticky and black like the abyss of space, he touches you in ways no one, no being ever has before. “You really thought you could get away with insubordination that bold?” He chuckles deeply and the ice of it pierces your heart like a pick. The snake-like tendrils pull at your exposed thighs and chest to caress your nipples before crudely pinching them. 
You gasp from the sudden contact but remember all too well where you are and just who you’re in front of. Your face burns with embarrassment from how they watch you. Your teammates, your group, they look more than uncomfortable with the situation. Their faces are burning with just as much heat if not more. Those that tried to tear their gaze away were only met with the stern reminder to keep their eyes focused on you because this was the true punishment. 
The Slender Man’s tendrils hoist you up a bit for your group to see. They loop around your waist and ankles to spread your legs open wide to reveal a glistening pretty cunt just waiting to be used. You’re dripping arousal, more than turned on by the situation even though you know you shouldn’t be. The tendrils move around your body to map you out to your entirety, one of them resting on your chest just to feel you gasp and silently beg for air from how he works you. 
“You pathetic whore,” his voice sneers in a malicious chuckle, “soaked from making other people watch your punishment? What a disgusting, dirty slut and excuse of a proxy,” he leers further as he presses his tendrils hard against your thighs. They caress your legs, the soft flesh making them shudder. You feel so warm and soft, like something he could crush in an instant if he really wanted to reprimand you but won’t because you know he takes pleasure in this as much as you do. He touches the space between your legs, caressing your lips as if he’s making love to you before cruelly pushing in. 
Your back arches but he holds you in full view for your teammates. They inwardly cringe at how the tendril pushes into your hole, filling you to the brim with him. It’s a hot, sultry mixture of pain and pleasure. You’re dripping on his beautiful floor, but the sheer intensity of it makes tears pool in your eyes. Your walls squeeze around him as he pushes another tendril into your asshole, slowly spreading you open and filling you to what you know you can just barely take. 
He laughs deeply as the tendrils begin to fuck you. They move hard and quick, not wanting to let you get a breath in as you soak him. “You enjoy this, don’t you? What a fucking whore,” he guffaws in a deep tone, his German accent growing thicker and thicker by the second. He lets out a breathy sigh at how you squeeze around him, but it only seems to be heard by you. The tall suited man watches as heat flushes and blankets your face. He’s enjoying this purely hedonistic act, even when you grow more and more embarrassed by the second. 
You try in vain to squeeze your thighs together to relieve some of the pleasure that he’s giving you while also letting the tears fall down from your cheeks. It feels so good but you know it’s really, really wrong. Your hole is constricting around him like a snake. “I-I don’t think I can-”
“Stop speaking,” he growls as another tendril slides between your legs to your overworked cunt. “You’ll take as much as I say you can.” 
You briefly catch the eyes of your teammates as they wince seeing another thick, girthy tendril prods at your cunt. They hold their breath as it pushes in roughly just underneath the one that’s already stuffing you. You can feel it intertwining with the other, wrapping around each other like they’re lost in an embrace. “Fuck!” You cry out as your eyes roll upwards. You’re squeezing him so tightly, you’re sure you might break him off. Your body is pulsing, you want to cum so badly, but you know he won’t allow it. This is your punishment after all. 
Your chest is heaving as he pushes in and out, roughly, while letting your teammates gawk at you. You’re getting close, oh so close and you know he knows it. You pant wildly, and your cunt begins to flutter. 
“Oh no, none of that,” he hums deeply before pulling out of you in a teasingly slow pace. They roughly thrust into you once more as if to highlight your neediness before completely withdrawing from your warm, overworked body. His other tendrils keep you hoisted up with your legs spread. Smaller tendrils that remind you of his long, spindly fingers travel down your abdomen to your puffy lips and spread you open. “Take a look at this,” he commands, “see how needy they are? Their greedy hole is still begging for me, fluttering, waiting for me to give them respite,” he coos in a falsely sweet tone. He laughs deeply and lowers you to the ground before unceremoniously dropping you.
You shiver without his touch and scramble to cover your naked, vulnerable body. Your teammates haven't made any motion to come get you for fear their boss will do to them what he did to you. You look up at the Slender Man, still believing he is a vision of beauty and power, a god on earth.
“Get dressed and get the fuck out of my office.” 
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r0s3m4ry-mp3 · 1 year
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I stand by that some the older creepypastas probably barely know how to use twitter and cant change their pfp💔❗❗
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slutforben · 1 month
hey guysss hiiiiiii after two years heyyyyyyy
here are my headcanons for the slenderman Manor as an apology for being gone for so long woopsie daisy. this’ll have lots of stuff but not everything so maybe i’ll make another part who knowsss, this is things such as how to access the Manor, who lives there and visits, what the Manor has to offer, things like that. i yapped a lot so get comfy. 
outside and around the manor
- first, i imagine the Manor being set in the pacific northwest, mainly somewhere around upper washington, although the location of the forest changes at slender’s will. the pacific northwest is known for it’s natural beauty and dense forests, and as someone who lives there, i’m biased in saying it’s the best part of the country. the Manor and the forest it resides in have their own magical cloak due to slenderman’s manipulation. the Manor’s forest resides in a bigger, normal forest that humans can access whenever, although this magicial cloak is very effecient at keeping them out.
- what seperates the Manor’s forest and whatever normal forest it resides in aren’t obvious boundaries to both humans and sometimes Pastas. to a human, the forest will seem highly uninviting; once crossing the boundary, the sky will turn much darker and the weather will be unpredictable, ranging from a cold, light sprinkle, to dangerous, violent, howling thunderstorms that can make thick trees crash down into your path. this weather won’t be seen from outside the boundary, only once you cross into the boundary. 
- the Manor and the surrounding forest are sort of in their own magical “ dome, “ protected by slenderman’s magic and manipulation. he can manipulate the nature in the forest, doing things like making pathways pop up out of nowhere to lead you farther from his home, or closer to it, depending on whatever you have to offer him. he can make trees crash down into your path, warning you to stay away, or draw the animals of the forest closer to you in an attempt to scare you back down the path. in desperate attempts, he can shift the physical properties of the forest, creating a trapping maze with winding pathways, thick, blinding fog, trees that didn’t seem there twenty minutes ago, or by carving a violent, crashing river crossing your path. if slenderman wants you out, he’ll make sure you get the message and get out. 
- if you’re someone who’s not supposed to be there, the forest will be incredibly uninviting and eerie. as you walk through the dark and dangerously cold weather, you won’t be able to ignore the feeling that you’re not alone; you won’t be able to ignore the feeling of shivers and goosebumps shooting up your body everytime you hear an unsettling whistle, or smell the smoke of a cigarette of another unseen inhabitant, or hear your name being whispered in the howling wind. the forest wants you out, and the entire time you’re looking for your exit, you won’t feel alone. 
- for Pastas, the forest is much more inviting and familiar. there will still be the shitty weather sometimes, but that’s just mother nature’s doing, not slenderman’s. the pathways will stay where they were, and the trees will have recognizable markers on them, leading the Pastas to where they need to go. the weather in the forest is usually weather that slender likes, which can either feel like a warm spring day, or a foggy, wet winter morning. slender likes to feel at home in his forest, but he knows that mother nature will do her own thing sometimes. the boundary is easily recognizable by the inhabitants of the Manor and regular visitors by smell; there will always be a cold, rainy smell the closer you get to the boundary, no matter how the weather is outside. they also have crossed it so many times going on missions and such, that they get pretty accustomed to the forest outside their own and can easily recognize when they’re nearing home.
- slenderman can also influence things such as day and night, what plants are growing, and how scary or welcoming he wants the forest to be, although he doesn’t mess with those things often, unless he’s feeling truly nostalgic about some time in history. he appreciates the natural beauty of the world and nature, and doesn’t see the pleasure in changing it. sometimes the weather can drastically change following his emotions, but that doesn’t happen too often, unless something like a majorly important mission is messed up, or the government picks up something new on slender’s existence. 
the manor’s architecture
- the Manor looks a lot like an english country house, although when being built, it took inspiration from all sorts of architecture styles, from those such as victorian, italian, and german architecture. when it was built and who built it is still unknown to most residents, and it’s unknown if even slender himself knows that answer. surrounding the Manor are spiked fences and a large gate, and on the surrounding property are communal things to do; there’s a community garden, and whoever wants a little plot, ranging from 4x4 to 16x16 can have one, there’s a flower garden, with benches to sit at and a range of flowers depending on the season, with a pond that lots of Pastas swim in during the summer, and there’s also old, worn down horse stables that have been there forever. tim likes to fix them up in his free time, but he doesn’t have much of that, so it’s an ongoing process. 
- the Manor has lots of useful rooms and attributes, things like an old library with books written by authors long forgotten, a large basement/cellar that’s used to keep victims and torture kidnapped government officials, police, and special forces members for information, a medical ward, where jack spends most of his time with his assistants, indoor and outdoor training grounds, a rundown shop used to store stolen vehicles, a large kitchen, multiple main rooms, an office near the top of the Manor for slender, and enough bedrooms to house a small army. 
- the library is one of slender’s favorite areas of the Manor. if he’s not in his office stressing over his Proxies and jeffery, he’s sitting in the library, reading journals from authors long forgotten, in a cozy grandpa chair with a cup of tea. not many Pastas go into the library, mostly out of fear of accidentally disturbing slender, but also because lots of them have better things to do, like launch cyber security attacks on the government. sometimes sally will join him, and together they’ll write stories and makeshift poetry and draw. slender cherishes those drawings. 
- the shop is where the Pastas store stolen or broken down vehicles, tools and parts, unclaimed extra weapons, and where those men can be boys and do stupidly dangerous teenage things, like light fireworks dangerously close flammable liquids, and put bricks onto car pedals and see just where those cars end up. tim and brian spend a lot of their time here, planning missions, mapping out nearby towns and cities, and planning their next move on whatever poor victim they have their eyes on. they’ll also mess around on cars with toby, jeffery, and natalie. ben will sometimes hang out, but that’s only to smoke outside with jeff in their free time. the floor of the shop is littered in cigarette butts, something slender isn’t exactly fond of, but lets go of anyway. they also store large stolen things here, like furniture they thought they’d have a place for, or cool shit they found in an abandoned building that they wanted to mess around with. the shop is near the worn down horse stables, down a path made of broken cement and gravel, framed with wild blackberry bushes that toby and ben like to snack from. 
- the medical ward is in a lower part of the Manor, but not as low as the basement is. jack spends a lot of time here, organzing medical tools, cleaning up after past checkups and procedures, and making sure the ward is stocked up enough to treat whatever wounds the Pastas stumble in with. he has a couple of assistants, victims that the Pastas have kidnapped and realized they had something to offer, and jack will send them out shopping to get supplies he needs, often with a Proxy to make sure they don’t run off. these assistants are usually young nursing students, and have their own knowledge on the majors they studied that helps jack a lot when he’s unsure about a topic. there’s lots of medical books, tapes, and things you’d find in a classroom, such as anatomy figurines and plastic toys of different organs. there’s also fridges to store… things… and beds that a wounded Pasta can rest in. 
- the basement is more underground than the medical ward is, and is a large, cement-walled dungeon with a small amount of prison cells, torture tables, and even more storage for weapons. it’s dimly lit and cold, and has an eerie, haunted feeling to it. the floors of the cells are worn and stained with blood, and pairs of shackles sit in waiting for the next unfortunate soul. the main users of the torturey parts of the basement are jeffery and tim, but everyone has used it atleast once, even sally. 
- the decoration in the Manor consists of marble headpieces who’s eyes may or may not follow you as you walk, old beautiful paintings that are probably the originals, fancy plants in fancy vases, soft red carpets, stained glass windows in the kitchen and halls, dark wooden staircases, oil lanterns on the walls, tapestries, antique mirrors, antique grandma decorations that slender loves, miniature greek and roman statues, historic appliances, and much more. think fancy, well upkept, and comfortable, but at the same time, starting to wear down and knocked off the walls too much, and that’s the kind of furniture in the Manor. 
who lives there
- in my headcanon, the Proxies each have their own room, and the Pastas that live there are jeffery, ben, natalie, dark link, glitchy red, lost silver, sally, x-virus, eyeless jack, laughing jack, kate the chaser, liu, and nina. jane visits, although she has an apartment she lives in. jack’s assistants also have their own rooms, just much smaller and farther away from the main Pasta’s rooms. 
- everyone who moves in gets the same size room, although the Proxies get significantly larger ones, to make up for more responsibility given to them, and space needed to plan out personal missions. everyone gets to decorate their rooms however they want, it just depends on them to get what they want. some ask ben to order things online for them, using an account that has so much money in it that the owner wouldn’t notice it missing, or taking the fun route and hauling a bunch of stolen stuff in the back of a truck and driving like maniacs into the night. slender doesn’t care how they get their stuff, as long as they don’t make themselves too obvious to society. the medical assistants all have the same stuff provided to them by slender, and often higher quality things too, as a thank you for choosing to stick around and help instead of having their life cut short. all the Pastas bedrooms are on the second floors of the manor, and the Proxies and slender’s are on the third floor. the medical assistants rooms are on the first floor. there’s also spare bedrooms for when other Pastas visit, and those are decorated with basic needs and comforts. 
the Manor in total has 24 bedrooms, 20 of those being used including the medical assistants, and 20 bathrooms in the Manor, 6 of those being on the second floor, and 3 being on the third floor. there’s one bathroom in slender’s office, a couple scattered throughout the library, 2 in the medical ward, and 4 in the general areas of downstairs. the second floor isn’t all bedrooms, there’s also a decently large living area for the Pastas to hangout in, and most of the storage is split between that floor and the third floor.
anyway that's what i got of the creepypasta traphouse if i think of more i'll make another part, i missed ya'll and i love ya'll and i have a lot of ideas to write so maybe i'll be back anyway peace out
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ashieeeesh · 4 months
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Masky version still on WIP tho
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eyelessjackssister · 1 year
(Based on a personal headcanon)
Jeff: Hey Liu.
Liu: What?
Jeff: Why do you have depression? There’s so much fun in the world.
Liu: I don’t know, Jeff. Why do you have asthma? There’s so much air in the world.
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SlenderMan X biological teen child reader who he didn’t realize was his until they used their similar powers to try and run from his proxies
Maybe he was expecting a child with someone but they either ‘died’ or just disappeared so he’s shocked meeting his actual child who grew up surprisingly nearby in a town next to his woods.
It's been way too long since I've written about Slenderman. Thank you for the ask!
Slenderman x lovechild Reader
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★ Your mother had a reason to leave once she got pregnant by him. I'd imagine that having a eldritch horrors child would draw people's attention and God forbid anyone he's wronged, like Zalgo, found out.
★ I'm not saying that he feels bad that he never had a chance to know you, but he definitely doesn't feel good about it. Family is something that means a lot to him and the fact he has a child that he never knew about doesn't sit well with him.
★ If anything, he blames your mother for never telling him but understands why she didn't. He really wishes that he knew about you sooner.
★ If you inherited any of his abilities he would want you to understand them, and not be afraid. Maybe if you did he would have a good reason to contact you, it would be great opportunity to bond.
★ Slender wants to respect your boundaries but if you need anything he will try to help. Money, clothes and he'd even pull some strings to get you a scholarship for whatever you're interested in.
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angelic-waffles · 3 months
Ima be so fr the way I see people living in The Slendermansion is like
So obviously his proxies are there right? But then everyone else(the supernatural things and killers and shit) kind of just… showed up.
I like to think Slenderman like demanded they leave and they just kinda… didn’t. And now he essentially runs a group home crime organization he didn’t even want because why even fight it anymore?
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thatonewatching · 1 year
What irks them?
FEAT: Jeff t.K, BEN Drowned, EJ, Masky, Hoodie, Helen Otis/Bloody Painter, LJ, HABIT, Slenderman.
Jeff t.K- He hates when people give him weird looks. Like, yeah, he knows he's weird looking and all, but won't you give him a break? It doesn't hurt his feelings or anything, but it just pisses him off. It only pisses him off, however, if it's someone in the manor or someone who serves under Slender. If someone, someone like him, gives him a weird look, whether it be of disgust or apprehension, he does not appreciate the judged feeling he gets. He feels that the only person allowed to judge him is himself. Also, he hates people who talk over him. He feels like his words are just as important, if not more, than anyone else's.
BEN Drowned- He hates when people touch his stuff without asking and when they treat him like a child. If he allows you into his room, he expects you to respect his boundaries, whether you're close or not. He trusted you, so he expects you to not to break that trust. His items are his property, so why can't you respect it? He feels like it isn't that hard. (I'm not projecting, I promise) And if he were to tell you that he's upset with how you're acting and what you're doing, and you invalidate his feelings, he doesn't like you, anymore. He'll tell you to get out, once you do, he'll pace around and be a little storm cloud for a bit till he's calmed down. He won't be the first to reach out to you to make things right, however. He'll wait for the wrong doer to apologize. He knows when he's in the wrong, and can act mature about apologizing, though it may hurt his pride.
Eyeless Jack- Hates when people don't listen even after countless reminders and warnings, also hates being called 'Eyeless' Jack. Despises that he's known for being a scary demon man that patches people up, despite being one of Slender's favorites, due to his convenient skill. His hearing is exceptional, and he can pick up on more things than an average human can. He will have to confront you if he hears you talking about him, bad mouthing or not. Doesn't allow certain people to return time after time to his infirmary, especially Jeff, Toby, and Jane. They often return multiple times a day, and he doesn't tolerate people abusing his kindness and dedication to his work.
Masky- Loud people or people who don't respect his boundaries. If someone is continuously being loud and obnoxious, he will lose his temper and begin to yell. A bad habit of his is throwing things or punching them. If he has reminded you at least once to be quiet or calm down and you haven't listened, he'll go off. Or, if you don't listen when he tells you to back up or stop touching him and you don't, he'll lose his temper, too. Doesn't like when people don't listen to him, really. That's mainly what it boils down to at the end of the day. God complex 🤷‍♂️ what can ya do about it? Also, weird thing, but he hates people who use the word 'like' in a sentence too much. (Ex. "And he, like, told me about what she said, and I was like🧍‍♂️! Can you believe that?) Lastly, he hates people that twirl their hair or play with it constantly. Finds it a sign of stupidity and incompetence. Thinks that women who do it are bimbos with no brains and men that do it are gay or stupid. (I'm sorry)
Hoodie- Doesn't like being treated like a child or with condescension. He is a grown man and expects you to treat him like one. Or if you demean him and try to gaslight him into believing he's in the wrong. Has the patience of a saint and will make sure he's in the right before confronting you. Does not tolerate him or his friends being insulted or demeaned. Will confront you if you try to manipulate or gaslight anyone, whether he's close with them or not.
Bloody Painter- If you bother him while he's painting or cooking, he'll remind/warn you to leave him be. If that doesn't work, he'll shove you away, but not hard enough to leave a mark or make you fall, just a slight warning. If you bother him again, he'll grab you and force you out of the room by your wrist, shoulder, or upper arm. Doesn't deal with constant interruptions or irritation. Doesn't often yell but will deprive you of entertainment or distractions. Occasionally, he will deprive you of food for hours to up to a day and a half.
Laughing Jack- Being disrespected or walked on. Though he might be malicious and hundreds of years old, he doesn't like being treated like he's below anyone, especially someone who he finds below him, like a human being. He will quickly put you in your place, seeing as you can do nothing about it, considering his size and strength. He views himself as something of a God or something to be worshipped. Looks down on those he views below him.
HABIT- People who disobey him. He also looks down on everyone, but he will actively make sure you are obeying his orders. Do not disobey him. You will die. He doesn't tolerate disrespect or questioning. He expects nothing but loyalty and devotion to him and his goals, and if you aren't willing to provide that, then he'll find someone who is. You are disposable and easy to replace in his eyes, and when you don't act as such, he will put you in your place. Don't cross him.
Slenderman- He, much like Habit and LJ, sees himself above you, because he is. He is an eldritch, all-powerful being who will not hesitate to kill you the second you disrespect him, seeing as he can find anyone to take your place. You are something to toy with and use for entertainment and selfish purposes. You are going to know your place, whether he has to teach you, or someone else. Just obey. Simple as that.
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a-flipping-thumbtac · 6 months
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Bah Humbug!!!
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thegrimdog13 · 1 year
Chainsaw…. Just Chainsaw
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I’m I trash at drawing chainsaws yes yes I am lol
I thought I’d do another drawing of Nurse Ann because I love her now……help she has me trapped 🤭
Anyhow I’m sorry I can’t do her loveliness justice lol but she still slays…. Literally
Yooo she must be strong as fuck to hold that thing like that lol
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Slenderman Headcanon No 3:
Slenderman is just a small visible fragment of a much larger being beyond our comprehension.
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tic-toc-clock77 · 7 months
Lazari and Slenderman spend a lot of time together, he's the only who knows how to take care of her because they both eat people and are some sort of demonic creature. Lazzy doesn't get out often because of her anxious attachment to Slender and due to her aging slower than most beings, it's hard for her to relate to anyone but him, even Lulu is a bit of a stretch. She spends a lot of time in her room and isn't close with the other workers because she simply isn't a worker. Slender is like her adopted Dad rather than the boss he is to the others, which makes it hard to relate to them.
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r0s3m4ry-mp3 · 1 year
Some random creepypasta headcanons because i feel like it and haven't posted a actual post in awhile!!😭
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All the creeps dont live in a mansion obviously
Most live on their own by stealing their victims cash/getting a job or live in abandoned buildings/warehouses
Supernatural?ghost or Like demon or whatever type creeps live in their own dimensions (lj,jason,candypop,etc)
They come back to earth when they need to kill
Some live with their gf/bfs like judge angels and nurse ann(girlbosses!!!)
The proxies (toby,masky,hoodie,kate,etc) live in a proxy cabin in the woods
Most haven't even met each other before or have just heard of eachother from the news
Like for example puppeteer and helen probably don't even know esch other how are y'all hc them as friends??☠☠
Most of them probably have lice😭
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Toby drools because of his gash in his mouth
It also will never heal bc this mf bites his cheek when hes nervous without realizing
So does jeffs like smile but he keeps recutting it bc he likes looking edgy😭
Jeff is absolutely batshit gross
He probably smells like a schoolbus,sweat,cigarettes and weed☠(hes still my bbg tbh)
When helen is on a walk or smth he carrys cat treats with him for the stray cats
Bro loves cats sm
He will literally pick them up and cuddle them
He has a huge soft spot for them(as he should 😞❗❗)
He absolutely hates childern though
Liu doesn't have did and he actually went ro therapy after the incident and stuff
He also isnt a killer
He now works as a cop and hates jeff with all his heart
He kinda misses him though
They haven't seen eachother in more than 20 years
Sally is permently looks 12 but is mentally like 38 and hates when people act like shes a baby or smth
Like why do you all baby her sm
Shes not a toddler shes literally like 12 😭
Toby has a happy trail(bbg!!!😻😻)
Clockwork and toby used to date when he like just became a proxy but then she realized she was a lesbian
They're cool now though
Shes dating nina♡
Slenderman has been around for WAYYYY longer then every other entity type supernatural creep
Puppeteer lives in this creepy ass abandoned mansion
Lj listens to icp religiously 😞❗❗
Him and jeff would be yhe type to ask you to name 3 songs when you wear a band tee
Jeff has adhd
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geminison · 1 year
yeah, Daud might have a dad bod but dh1 Corvo is built like a stick figure, all limbs and head, barely any muscle, you can't convince me otherwise. he spent six months in prison, bad food and water, plus torture and horrible living conditions
that man is pulling himself up on the power of spite, anger and fear for his daughter
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nathdead444 · 2 months
I think Nina would like the monster High, idk, like, she gives me a Lot of Scene vibes and every Scene likes monster High.
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