#smart peripherals
NXP - MCX Announcement
https://www.futureelectronics.com/m/nxp. The NXP MCX N Series are high-performance, low-power microcontrollers with smart peripherals and accelerators providing the ultimate balance of performance and power consumption. https://youtu.be/-bIDXCx_V_0
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jzixuans · 1 year
i feel like it’s kind of obvious by now that jin zixuan is my favourite character but when i say that if i think about lan jingyi or wen ning for too long i start spinning in circles so hard that i begin to levitate
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goodjohnjr · 2 years
Smartglasses & Chip Flavors?
Smartglasses & Chip Flavors?
File:A Google Glass wearer.jpgDescription: A blogger and entrepreneur, Loïc Le Meur, selected for Google Glass explorer edition shows off wearing Google Glassr I had more dreams that I barely remembered briefly until they faded away as I moved to other dreams, so now I only remember part of one of my dreams, which was probably inspired by the TV show The Peripheral. The Peripheral Season 1 –…
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spencereidluver · 7 months
A is for About Time
summary: You’re paired up with Spencer on a mostly physiological case… He’s impressed with how many of his obscure references you understand and how you’re able to carry on conversations with him unlike anyone else.
word count: 1.3k
warnings: details of a case: strangulation, blood writing
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“y/n and Reid, I need you to stay here at the station while the rest of us go search the area.” Hotch said, handing you and Spencer each a file. “There’s information about the case in here. The PD thinks we’re dealing with someone who is able to outsmart that of the normal man. We need both of your heads on this. Got it?”
You and Spencer both nodded. You were smart, no denying it, but you know he knows everything you know times two.
You’ve only been in the BAU six months, but you’d only need to know Spencer two minutes to know just how intelligent he is. You don’t quite understand why Hotch wants you to stay back on this case with him, but who are you to deny the man.
You and Spencer take the Manila folders and make your ways to the conference room. He does a little jog to catch up with you. “You know, I’ve never had anyone else stay back with me on cases like these.” He says as he slows his step to match yours.
“Yeah, we’ll maybe you’ve never had anyone quite on your level Dr. Reid.” you joke as you pull the glass door open. There’s a bulletin board with photos from the case. You see Spencer grimace at them out of your peripheral. No matter how many cases you go on, this is one thing that will never be easy for anyone in this job.
Spencer sprawls out his folder on the half-circle-shaped wooden table in the center of the small office. The first image is a photo from the crime scene. It’s a white brick wall with blood writing, it reads:
“in this moment, she was mine, mine, fair, perfectly pure and good”
“It’s a poem.” He says. “Porphyria’s Lover.”
You interrupt him, “a mid 1800’s poem written by Robert Browning.”
“You’ve heard of it?”
“A poem in which a beautiful woman’s lover strangles her with her own hair? Yeah I’ve heard of it.”
He flips through a few more pages in the folder. They’re all just copies of what’s on the bulletin. You’re not too sure why you were each given folders containing the same pictures, but I guess consistency is key in this job.
“I never took you as an 1800s poem freak, y/n.” He says with a smile that you can’t quite tell the intention behind.
“Maybe you’re not as many levels ahead of me as you thought, Dr. Reid.”
It’s only day two of the case, but between stupid jokes and bonding over old literature, there’s only one thing you cannot seem to pinpoint the reasoning for. And probably the only way you’ll be able to directly connect to the unsub.
He’s working off a dating app. He searches for women who meet his physical criteria, then stalks them until he’s able to pounce. Smart guy. Very smart guy.
“The one thing I just cannot understand is why if the poem he’s working off of is so keen on blonde hair, why have only half of our victims been blondes?” Spencer says, reading through a print-out of the original poem.
“Maybe the women with brown hair were just more available?” You say, not sure if you believe it.
Spencer takes a sip of his coffee. “No, a man like this would want blondes. He’s working of the exact motive of the poem.”
“And he must have a lot of time with his victims to be able to strangle them with their hair.”
You and Spencer spend hours reading over the poem and investigating that photos. Hotch comes back to the station to bring photos from yet another crime scene. Another blonde. If anything, that takes you further from figuring him out, messing up the blonde-brown-blonde-brown victim order.
“There’s no way he’s picking these victims at random. He’d have to spend far too long watching them to know their work schedule to be able to get into their apartments.” Hotch says. “I need you guys to further analyze the poem. It could have the key and hopefully we can find him before he strikes again.”
You and Spencer spend a further hour and a half looking over and annotating the poem. You’re both about to give up on the poem when you notice something: the rhyme scheme.
“A-B-A-B-B,” you think outloud.
“What?” Spencer is confused.
“The rhyme scheme, Spencer. It’s A-B-A-B-B. Auburn-Blonde-Auburn-Blonde-Blonde. That has to be it!”
“So he’ll go back to the beginning. He’s looking for his next victim with auburn hair, just like Julia Dempsey and Katie Flanagan. Nice catch, y/n. We’ve gotta call Hotch.”
He pulls out his phone and dials the eight digits quickly. He fills in Hotch on the info you find as you email over to Garcia. It’s only a matter of time before Morgan and Hotch move in on the man, Garcia finding him from a simple categorical search of dating profile preferences.
You’re sat on the jet next to Spencer on your way home. You’re going on about old literature and artifacts pertaining to them. No one else understands a word either of you are saying, but they’re rather in awe of how the two of you are able to bounce off each other and carry on about, what to them, is utter nonsense.
It’s late. Early. Well, both. 2:47 AM. You’re leaned with your elbow on the table and your head in your hand looking and Spencer as he recites an old poem from memory. His voice is calm and warm. JJ and Emily are asleep in the booths next to you, Hotch minding his own in the back, and Rossi and Morgan make small talk a little closer to the front.
“y/n?” You hear your name being whispered.
You hum in response, opening your eyes to see a wide-eyed Spencer looking at you.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He says.
“It’s okay. I’m kinda glad you did, my neck would be sore when we land.”
“We’re still three hours from Virginia. Think you can make it that long?”
“Hell no, I’m exhausted.” You try cross your arms on the table, laying your head in them as you try to get comfortable.
“That position may feel better on your neck, but it’ll do a number on your back in record time.”
“Well, Spencer, there’s only so much room to work with on this jet.”
“I can move so you can lay in the seat if you’d like. But that could also hurt your neck considering you’ll be lying flat and have no incline.”
“Well then why don’t you tell me the most comfortable position and let me sleep in peace.”
“Studies show the best position for sleeping without a pillow is leaning against a wall or something of an upright nature. But there are no walls to lean up against, so you’re pretty much out of luck there y/n.”
He shifts in his seat, reaching for the blanket behind him. He tosses it at you and settles back down. He sips from his coffee. No wonder he’s not going to sleep, he drinks coffee 15 out of the 24 hours in a day.
You scoot a bit closer to him, wrapping the blanket around yourself. You tip your head forward, groaning. Tiredness overcomes you more than it already has, making it near impossible to even keep your eyes open.
“Hey, Spence…” You look up at him. His head tilts down to meet your gaze, flattening his lips in form of response. “Can I…” You let your sentence fade out, pushing yourself closer to him.
He softens his voice. “Hmm?”
Before he can even finish his hum your head has slumped on his shoulder and you’re already falling unconscious on him. You feel him reach his arm around you- pulling the blanket up- you assume. He does that, but his arm never leaves. His head flops gently on top of yours, his one unruly waft of hair falling over his face. You could stay like this forever.
“It’s about time those two realize how similar they are.” You hear Rossi’s gravely voice say.
And just like that, you’re asleep, in what is probably the most comfortable you’ve ever been in your life.
next chapter: b is for Boy Genius
a/n: hiii! i really hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Chapter 2 will be released tomorrow! Sorry if this one was a little boring, I promise the next chapter is more interesting. Im just trying to set up the story a little before we get into it!
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jeonjcngkook · 1 year
clandestine | myg (m) teaser
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pairing: gangleader!yoongi x f!reader
genre(s)&au(s): gang au, bitch better have my money or i'll fuck ur girl au, angst, pwp, smut
rating: 18+
word count: teaser - 405
warning(s)&smut warning(s): strong language, mentions of weapons, threats of murder
summary: bloodthirsty and dangerous, yoongi wont stop until he gets what he is rightful owed. and if you're on offer, then he just cant say no to that.
banner: @kth1 | @kth1fics
note: hehehe...
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“Sir, over here,” you overhear someone whisper — probably having heard the snoring from above you.
The sound of heavy duty combat boots picking up pace and heading straight in your direction makes you still. You don’t move an inch in fear of getting caught, placing a hand over your mouth to keep your breathing at bay.
From underneath the bed, you count five pairs of boots. They move slowly around the bed surrounding you in a circle. Two of them make their way to the side of the bed where Hee-won lies and another two direct themselves to your side of the bed, vanishing behind the comforter that you had pulled down earlier.
The remaining body doesn’t move from the bottom of the bed. Instead, you watch on as he pulls out the chair from underneath the vanity; the scraping of the chair legs against the floor is like nails on a chalkboard causing you to hiss at the sound.
He sits down in the chair and spreads his legs too casually for someone who is breaking into an apartment which can only mean he has done this many times in the past. He’s calculated and smart — knows how to play the game.
The room is silent.
Nobody talks and nobody moves.
Your eyes frantically dart back and forth between their legs, watching for any movement…but nothing. The sound of a large heavy bag being dropped to the floor makes you jump in terror, your body hitting the framing of the bed.
Someone had to have heard that…
Your body chills at the thought of being caught; who knows what awaits you outside of your hiding spot. Who knows what these men are capable of.
You’re able to make out someone shushing those around him and you watch as the man who is sitting in the chair eventually gets up and walks over to the side of the bed to join the other two where Hee-won lays.
One of the men bends down in your peripheral vision as his leather gloves starts to unzip the bag, emptying the contents all over the floor. The sound of metal on metal hitting against each other is deafening in the small bedroom. You watch as guns, knives and an array of other weaponry is scattered in a small pile on the floor.
“Where is she?” You hear who you presume to be the leader of the home invasion ask. “She’s supposed to be here. I swear if this fucker has touched her, I’ll bury him myself.”
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They unknowingly bring up an insecurity Seungmin|
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Your heart was strung in your throat. Seungmin was always one to tease; and for the most part he was good about shying away from topics you were sensitive about so no problems had ever arisen. But as you read over his texts over and over again you felt your heart pinch in a way that was all to similar to what you had felt in your previous relationship.
"You talk too much, you know that?" Your ex had told you that numerous times, and eventually it led to a break up. And your constant yapping became something that made you insecure.
But when you first met Seungmin you felt like you were perfect the way you were. Chan had said you would balance Seungmin out quite well. And up until now you felt as if that were the case.
Now you wondered if maybe you did become to much.
Maybe the constant chatter had become annoying to the quiet boy you loved dearly.
And while you had been in love numerous times before, it hurt more to even think of losing Seungmin than all your previous heart breaks combined. And that was a lot considering you had always been the one to have your heart broken.
You couldn't tear yourself away from your phone screen - rereading those texts and overanalyizing the tone.
Maybe it was in a light hearted way? Or maybe it was the complete opposite and it was fully aggression?
You sat there trying to pick apart every single meaning, connotation, and tone the words he sent could have when your phone dimed again.
"I'm guessing your busy shopping since my phone has been quite for more than fifteen minutes. Haha, I think that's a first!"
You did everything in your power to try and bite back the knot in your throat from coming up and causing tears. So much so your eyes started to burn and you ended up shedding a few quietly.
The rest of the day you busied yourself with miniscule little tasks like dusting the fans and sweeping the welcome mat that you intended to take along with you when you moved in with Seungmin.
You tried to take your mind off of the texts. You figured Seungmin didn’t mean it in anyway malicious sort of way. In fact you knew he meant it as a lighthearted joke. In the time you had spent with him you had easily learned just how kind and loving of a person he was, and how much he cared for you.
You just couldn’t shake the hurt from those words - and more importantly the fear you had deep down that there was some truth to the words he had sent.
By the time Seungmin arrived at your apartment it was early evening. Every Wednesday you guys would cook together ever since you witnessed him and Felix blowing food up by accident on a live. Seungmin followed the normal routine of slipping off his shoes and into his house slippers and immediately changing into a cheap shirt he had bought when you first had started your endeavors since he was smart enough to realize he was a messy cook.
“Hey baby.” He said as he greeted you with a quick hug from behind and a chaste kiss to the cheek before he went to wash his hands.
You have a small noise of acknowledgement as Seungmin dried his hands off on a plaid towel and turned to you with happy anticipation.
“What are we cooking today?”
“Spaghetti and meatballs.” You replied as you started to grab the necessary ingredients. Seungmin followed you around like a happy puppy and helped you a carry everything to the counter you reserved for preparation of ingredients.
“So how do we start?” Seungmin asked. By now he had noticed your face was a little droopy and your responses were short and if there was any conversation it was only in answer to his initiation.
“With the ground beef.” You said as you pulled out a big bowl to put the meat and seasonings in. Seungmin watched you from his peripheral as you poured in some panco bread crumbs and a bunch of other various aromatic seasonings while he opened up the meat packaging.
As he kneeled everything with his hands he tried asking you about your day.
“So did you end up ordering the mugs baby?”
“No, I didn’t.” Silence.
“Oh…maybe after dinner we can look on Etsy together? Or maybe find a website to customize them? It might seem like a lot but I think the guys would really appreciate your sentiment.”
“Yeah, we can do that.” Silence.
Seungmin started to roll out oddly and unevenly shaped meatballs and continued to try and ask you questions as you guys worked, but your answers we short. Not rude. But literally short.
Not thouroghly explained like usual.
Even at dinner you were quiet and barely even touched your food.
“Do you not feel good baby?” Seungmin asked you as you played with a piece of garlic bread.
“I feel okay…maybe a little tired.” You said popping the piece into your mouth as if to show you were feeling fine.
Seungmin sighed and put his fork down.
“Did my text hurt your feelings?” He had been worrying about it all day when he had seen you had left him on read. It was an odd thing but nevertheless endearing when you would finish a conversation over text and send a meme to him just to acknowledge the end of the conversation, and to make sure he “didn’t find it hurtful” that you had left him on read. Even if he constantly assured you it was in no way shape or form a problem.
You hadn’t sent him a meme. And the more he thought about it he realized that his humor might not have translated through text.
“Im sorry if I hurt your feelings. It was a joke, Y/N. I would never purposefully want to hurt you. I love when you share about your day. I was a bit tied up so while you texting me might have been inconvienent at the moment doesnt mean I don’t appreciate you wanting me to know everything about what you are doing. I love that you want me to be a part of your life , even the tiny thing.”
“It’s okay babe.” You replied putting a smile on your face. “I know you didn’t mean it to hurt me. I’m just tired that’s all.” You let out a breath as you stood up and collected Seungmin’s plate. “Maybe we can just watch a movie instead of shopping? I just don’t feel like thinking very much right now in any capacity…” You let out quietly.
“Of course.” Seungmin responded, trailing you into the kitchen as you set the plates in the sink. “I love you.” He said quietly, his voice lilting up slightly. Were you actually okay?
“I love you too Minmin.” You place a a small kiss next to his eye and head towards the living room.
During the movie Seungmin kept stealing glances at you as you leaned on him but not into him. As you laughed but the curve of your mouth didn’t exactly reach your eyes. And how those same eyes were focused on the screen but your mind was obviously some place else.
Although you had said you were fine your silence gave him the answer you actually wanted to give. That Seungmin had struck a nerve more sensitive than he had known.
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midnightarcheress · 2 months
woke up wanting to write something with my pretty boy kyle and this was born.
cw: nsfw. f!reader. gaz obsessing over the pretty college girl by his side. implied future stalking ig? unedited. part one | part two
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someone catches Kyle’s attention on the plane.
his legs are on the verge of cramping and his breath is ragged, running to board his connection flight at the last call. after falling off a helicopter twice in the last operations, he developed an uneasiness of flying, no matter the aircraft, preferring taking the train over being miles up in the air, even if it triples the travel. but this time, he just wanted to get home the fastest way possible for a much-needed night of sleep in his own bed, instead of the barely cushioned military-issued mattress.
he hopped on the plane and made his way through the corridor, gaze fixed on the numbers under the luggage rack, attentively looking for his spot. he stopped by row thirteen, eyes darting between the number and the woman on the window seat. i could’ve sworn i marked that one when i booked? Kyle checks the boarding ticket again – row 13, seat A. it’s the right seat, why is there someone on it? 
an annoyed sigh escapes his lips, gathering the energy to speak up and reclaim his rightfully bought seat. the problem is, he gets ultimately struck when the seat-thief notices him standing and turns to face him. wide eyes meet his brown ones, immediately softening at the sight of your tempting glossy lips and delicate fingers pushing a lock of hair behind your ear. pretty little thing.
“i’m sorry, is this your seat? it was empty on the first flight,” you say, an apologetic tone in your voice as you frantically close the book on your lap and shove it in a bag, “i’ll move back for you–”
“it’s alright, keep it.” he interrupts, throwing his carry-on in the rack and taking the empty middle spot beside you. he smirks at your appreciative nod and watches you settling again on the backrest, buckling the seatbelt at the shining signal hovering your heads and paying extra attention to the flight attendant announcements, even when no one around seems to care. sweet girl, so considerate to everyone.
the plane starts speeding on the runway, and from his peripheral he views your squeezed eyes and nearly white fingers gripping the armrest, breathing quickening during the gravity push of the take off. it takes a moment for you to release your tight grasp and exhale, making his hand twitch with an urge to soothe you, tell you that you’re safe.
he shakes the sensation and leans his head back, focusing on the one thing he can do to pass the time – sleep. but he can’t keep his gaze out of you, glancing to his left whenever you make a movement, no matter how small. the rapid keyboard tapping guides his irises to your laptop screen, catching a few words in a sea of what for him sounds like an alien language. DNA strand? allele? locus mutation?
he sneaks a look through your figure and his eyes land on the familiar blue logo on your hoodie, the same one he always sees on the walk from the market to his flat. uni a couple blocks from me. do you live on campus? or nearby? that neighborhood is awful at night, full of old blokes searching the pubs for a quick fuck with a naive college girl. but you seem smart, not the type to fall for their tricks, right?
the harder he tries to avoid your presence, the more you make yourself known, almost making him feel like it’s on purpose. the way your plump lips wrap on the water bottle, slight drop scaping on the corner and trailing down your neck, your flowery perfume filling his nostrils when you shift on your seat to remove the top layer of your clothing, exposing the low-cut blouse underneath and the soft roundness of your tits. is that for me, sweet girl? need a break from studying so hard? the sudden tightness of his trousers brings him back to his senses, stirring the thought out of his brain. 
keep it cool, Garrick, he repeats over and over in his mind, ignoring the tent forming on his lap and praying to whatever god is out there that you won’t see it, even while standing up and brushing your legs on his knees to get to the corridor due the cramped space. however, he doesn’t miss how the guy by his side shamelessly ogles your cleavage when you step past him, making his blood boil and his fists clench – like he wasn’t doing the same exact thing minutes before.
while you're away, he glances at your screen again, noticing the constant message notifications from the contact ‘Marcus - DO NOT ANSWER’. already looking bad for you, mate. curiosity takes hold of him and he starts reading the texts, silently chuckling at the guy’s pathetic attempts to get your attention. what did he do to earn a cold shoulder, sweetheart? did he hurt you? didn’t he pay enough attention to you? i bet he couldn’t even fuck you the way you deserve. 
he keeps skimming the messages until the grin tugging on the corners of his mouth fades into a frown when he reads ‘you’re gonna regret leaving me’. now, who’s this prick? think you’ll get away with threatening my girl?
his body stiffens when you come back, eyes darting back to the small telly in front of him when your hand brushes on his thigh while sitting once again. he hears your irritated huff when you skim through the messages, shutting the laptop with near violence. i can take care of him for you, love. you won’t have to deal with that by yourself anymore. 
the pilot’s muffled voice coming through the speakers and announcing the landing shortens his daydreams about getting rid of Marcus. it would be a great way to keep himself busy while on leave, making sure to do it fast and secretly, of course, just to protect his sweet little thing. poor guy wouldn’t even know what hit him.
the pressure change on his ear is the telltale sign of the aircraft lowering its altitude, landing gear out to hit the lane and brake the machine. he turns to the side, watching again your knitted eyebrows and how your nails dig into the seat. this time he doesn’t contain himself and his hand gently lingers over yours, the softness of it sending lightning strikes over his body and almost making him cum instantly. 
your glinting eyes find his face with a grateful gaze, lips mouthing a sugary thank you when the plane finally stops. he helps you take your handbag out of the rack with ease, using the situation to flaunt his muscles. i can even pick you up, darling. would love to feel your pretty thighs around my waist. you wouldn’t have to walk a day in your life. 
his eyes follow the sway of your hips through the airport, heart almost bursting when you wave goodbye and flash him a timid smile. you think that’s the last time you’ll see him, he thinks this is just the beginning. a name and university? he’s used to finding people with even less information. see you soon, sweet girl.
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dubuy · 2 years
Shop Online Computer Electronics | Low USD Prices | COD Across UAE - DUBUY.com
Buy computer electronics and all kinds of electronic & computer accessories online at low USD prices. COD across UAE is available at DUBUY.com.
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mistydeyes · 9 months
I had an idea for a fic you might enjoy writing! Reader is injured in the abdomen during a mission (maybe a building collapse with a lil bit of impalement?) Which in itself is a great angst opportunity, but when She's medevac'd to a hospital to have surgery it ends up she is no longer able to have kids due to the damage. BUT WAIT 🫸 this isn't a run of the mill "upset because she can't have kids fic" everyone's worried about what her reaction to the news is going to be. But it turns out she NEVER wanted kids and is actually super cool with the fact she's sterile now? I just thought it would be fun twist! 🥚 Anon
ahhh thank you so much for requesting!! this is such a unique idea especially the little twist at the end :)
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summary: After a sudden building collapse, you are left recovering in the hospital with an injury to your lower abdomen. You surprise the team when you tell them, that in your opinion, it hadn't hit anything vital.
pairing: Task Force 141 x platonic!fem!reader
warnings: swearing, depictions of violence and injury, medical inaccuracies/terminology
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"IRIS, IRIS GET OUT OF THERE!" was the last thing you heard before your sight was darkened by falling rubble from the war-torn building. As you felt the crushing weight of concrete and miscellaneous items on your chest, you couldn't help but feel the warmth of liquid around your lower half. The air smelled sickly of iron as you slipped in and out of consciousness. You tried to feel around with a free arm but your tac vest was pinned and your comm spewed out random static and the loose strings of words. As your peripheral vision began to cloud with darkness, you could hear the thundering of boots towards your location. You felt a small smile on your lips before you fell completely out of consciousness.
When you woke up, the bed felt cold and the sheets offered minimal comfort. You tried to sit up but were pulled by tubes running throughout your body. You could hear the monitor beside your bed rapidly beep as your heart rate rose at the unfamiliar surroundings. The charge nurse came rushing in, reassuring you to lie back down as she clicked a few buttons on the monitor. As you cautiously laid down, she calmly took a breath and explained she would help to take out the tube currently lodged in your nostrils. "Hold your breath now, love," she calmly instructed before swiftly removing the device and allowing you to breathe in the fresh sterile air. You coughed for a few moments before she returned with a cup of ice chips. "Where am I?" you asked in between your crunches. "Base medical," she explained as she disposed of the nasogastric tube, "you were flown in yesterday." You nodded as you slowly swallowed some of the remaining water. "The doctor will want to talk to you though so I'll be back to check on you soon," she smiled and without another word, you were left alone in the room.
Almost on schedule, the doctor entered your room. As she hastily put on gloves and checked on your vitals, you sat there patiently. "Mind if I take a look under?" she asked and you nodded before you felt her cold hands move the lower half of your gown. As you met her gaze at your abdomen, you felt nauseous. "Are those stitches?" you asked shakily and she nodded as she fixed your gown. "You came in last night stabbed through and through with some rebar," she explained, taking a seat next to your bed, "your team was smart enough to carry you with it still in to minimize the blood loss." Your mouth felt dry as she continued and you couldn't shake that image of your iodine-stained and stitched stomach. "We were able to stabilize you but," she hesitated, "but unfortunately it penetrated through your uterus." Upon hearing this, you breathed a sigh of relief. As she looked at you skeptically, you were more than happy to share your life plan.
"You have some visitors, ma'am," the nurse called, making you feel much older than you were. As the curtain was pulled back, you smiled upon seeing the rest of the team. "Yer alive!" Soap exclaimed and was immediately met with a slap on the back by Ghost. "Alive with some shitty food more like it," you replied as you put aside your jello cup, "they have me on a liquid and soft foods diet." "We heard about that," Price said as he walked over, "how are you holding up?" "I'm doing alright, doctor told me it didn't hit anything major," you replied happily, to the surprise of the surrounding group. "But, it went through your lower stomach and…" Gaz trailed off as he averted his eyes from your body. "My uterus Garrick?" you said laughing, "Don't need that anyway." There was a moment of awkward silence as they mulled over your response. "What?" you asked as you examined the shocked faces surrounding your bed, "didn't want kids anyways." To your surprise, Ghost laughed and you couldn't help but join in with his low tones. "You think I could actually keep up with little demon spawns? I was glad when the doctor told me it hadn't hit anything vital like my liver." As you wiped away the tears that had formed from your laughter, the team took a breath and smiled at your antics. "Good to have you back, Iris."
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: Caught In The Spider's Web.
Pairing: Yandere!Miguel O'hara x Reader (Spiderverse).
Word Count: 2.8k.
TW: N0n///C0n, AFAB!Reader, Biting, Mentions of Blood, Implied Kidnapping, Obsessive Behavior, Verbal Degredation, Slut-Shaming But In A Projection Way, and Choking.
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“Get back here, qué perra!”
“Keep your voice down, we’re in a museum!” You called over your shoulder, chasing it with a breathless laugh before sparing a glance behind you, to where Miguel was still busy clawing through the layers of haphazardly laid webbing that were currently keeping his chest and arms pinned against the far wall of newly-emptied display. You saw his talons tear through the last of it before turning your attention forward – to the tall, narrow halls of the museum, or more specifically, to the stone archways spaced every twenty feet or so. With a wild grin and one last squeeze to the diamond-studded necklace around your neck, the strap of the rucksack weighing heavy against your back, you shot your webs toward the next archway and flew.
Or, swung, more accurately – with Miguel close on your heels. He was more experienced than you, more used to superhuman strength and animalistic agility and everything that happened when a radioactive spider took an interest in you, but no amount of refined skill could’ve measured up to your raw, unrestrained zeal, to the rush of adrenaline that came with every new heist, every new opportunity to use your new powers. Even in the confined space, you moved erratically; vaulting off of walls and falling into jagged nose-dives, never gaining any distance on Miguel but never letting him catch you, either. More than once, you felt his claws graze your back, heard his low growls and muffled cursing, but you couldn’t bring yourself to worry. Why would you? You were a superhero, now, even if you didn’t do many heroic things. You felt invincible. You were invincible – at least in that moment. At least before Miguel got his hands on you and put an end to your fun for the thousandth time. “Y’know, I really thought you’d be cool with this,” you went on, bouncing off of a display case a fraction of a second before he crashed into it, shattering the glass. “I’m like Robin Hood, dude!”
There was a half-snarled bark, a flash of red in your peripheral. You threw yourself to the left just in time to avoid a tendril of pulsing, luminescent webbing – earning yourself just enough time to shoot a playful wink back at him. He bared his teeth, in response. “Robin Hood gave to the poor. You just steal and cause anomalies.”
“I’d be poor if I stopped stealing!” Finally, you came to the room you were looking for – an open lobby with a domed, crystalline ceiling – a ceiling with a panel no one ever seemed to remember to lock. You’d left it open on your way in, and if you were lucky, you’d be able to slip out of it without alerting the guards posted at every other exit. After that, it was only a matter of losing Miguel in the dark city (you’d apparently been the only spider-people smart enough to skip the eye-bleedingly bright color scheme) and hiding a place to lay low in your own dimension. You’d have to come back in a few weeks to sell what you’d stolen, but that was something you could worry about later on. You’d earned your haul, tonight. “It’s been fun, Miguel, baby,” You let your swing go wide, vaulting yourself towards the ceiling and landing just underneath your escape hatch. You let yourself hang there for just a second longer than you could afford, flashing another smile toward Miguel before—
 Before you felt his webbing latch onto your lower back, wrenching you away from the domed ceiling and sending you plummeting downward before you could think to react. Your back hit the floor with enough force to crack the marble, your rucksack of stolen art and jewelry landing somewhere to your left and spilling open. With any chance of escaping Miguel gone and your latest haul scattered across the museum floor, you went limp, letting a pained groan slip past your lips. That was the thing about super-durability. The fall hadn’t broken every bone in your body, but your bones didn’t know that.
Miguel was bolting towards you in a second, on top of you in another. You managed to lift your arm, but your web-shooters only responded with a sad, dry grinding – out of ammo, because you always ran out of webbing at the worst times. His hand shot to his mask, his bared fangs catching in the dim light, but you raised your hands in surrender before he could bite down. “Hey, hey, you can save that for the thirst traps. I can spend the next twelve hours catatonic without your help.” With a heavy sigh, you collapsed, letting another wave of aching soreness wash over you before going on. “Take me home. I’m done for the night.”
It took him a few seconds to bite back his anger, to put on that stoic, put-together face you loved to tease him for. Pursed lips, narrowed eyes – all the things that’d fall away as soon as you got on his nerves. “You’re not getting off that easily, this time.”
“C’mon, Miguel, what do you think you’re going to do to me? Lock me in a cell for a couple days? Let your mega-spider bite me? Lecture me until I buy into your ‘great power comes with great responsibility’ bullshit?” Even exhausted and worn down, you couldn’t seem to stop yourself. He made himself an easy target, and you’d always loved the taste of low-hanging fruit. “We both know how this works. You toss me around a little, tell me to spend more of my time saving orphaned puppies trapped in burning buildings, then send me back to my own dimension. Don’t tell me you’re gonna break our routine now.”
He didn’t answer, a pressed scowl pulling at the corners of his mouth as he worked off his mask. He hand dropped to the collar of your suit, and you let out another laugh, this one more nervous than the last. “Are you going to take my watch? You know I’ll just make another one when I get home.”
His fist wrapped around your stolen necklace, wrenching it off of you with enough force to snap the silver, jewel-studded chain and send rubies and sapphires scattering around you. You watched the precious gems clatter to the floor, mentally tallying up how much you could’ve gotten for each. Clearly, Miguel wasn’t as concerned with their value as you were. “You’re not going home.”
“Miguel, that’s not fun—”
“Say my name one more time and I swear I’ll—” He cut himself off with a throaty growl, turning his claws toward your chest. Before you could so much as think to panic, the front of your suit had been torn to tattered shreds, leaving you vulnerable and exposed to the open air and thrashing against the hand now wrapped around your neck, clawing at his wrist and kicking at his chest for all you were worth. If Miguel noticed your meager attempts at resistance, he didn’t seem fazed, didn’t feel the need to respond with anything more than a harsher glare, a straighter posture, a row of pointed nails driven that much deeper into the side of your throat. “Cállate. Just shut up and take what you deserve.”
The palm pressed into the base of your windpipe, a flash of sharpened teeth in the corner of your vision, and then, Miguel’s fangs were planted in your neck, his venom sent coursing through your veins. The feeling, while unpleasant, wasn’t alien to you. You were hyper-aware of your joints locking into place, your limbs going stiff and still, a heavy fog forming over the part of your brain that told the rest of your body to get up and fight. He pulled away before the numbness set in, before you could completely float into that void of immobile, oblivious existence, but when you tried to lift your arm, to kick at his chest, your body failed to respond. You cursed under your breath, glaring at Miguel, but he'd already moved on.
A gloved hand worked its way under the tattered remains of your suit, grazing over your lower stomach before cupping your cunt. It was the adrenaline, the high and the sudden let-down. Miguel must’ve known that, but it did little to dampen the condescension in his faint smirk as he collected your slick on his fingertips, swiping the pad of his thumb over your clit and drinking in the way your expression contorted. “Little slut,” he muttered, the scarlet shine of your blood still visible on his fangs. “You’re already soaked. Can’t let someone put their hands on you without dripping all over them, huh?”
You grit your teeth, doing what you could to swallow back a half-choked moan. “Stop,” And then, with more than a note of desperation in your voice, “This is a crime, you’re not supposed to—”
The air hitched in your throat as he brought his open palm down on your cunt – the blow rough, sudden, sharp. If you’d been able to, you would’ve gone stiff, would’ve lashed out, but you couldn’t move, couldn’t squirm, couldn’t do anything but hold your breath and stifle a pained moan as the first blow was followed by another, then another, then another, until your cunt was sore and throbbing, until there were tears forming in the corners of your eyes and Miguel was breathing heavily above you. “I told you to be quiet.” It was a hiss, more than anything. A threat he could carry out, but not say aloud. “I’d tell you not to make this worse for yourself, but you were always going to find a way to make this more difficult than it had to be.”
You moved to apologize reflexively, to beg him to let you go, but he clearly didn’t have an interest in anything you had to say. He was already shoving two fingers into your burning entrance, adding something else to the ache – not quite pleasure, but not as far as you needed it to be, either. Everything he did was rough, cruel, from the way he stretched you open to how much force he used while grinding the heel of his palm into your clit. Everything he did was less for your gratification and more for his own entertainment, for as humorless as he’d always seemed to you before. Miguel’s paralysis limited your reactions, stopped you from grinding into his hand or squirming underneath him, but it didn’t help to hide your expression, to stop you from biting your lips or rolling your head to the side, giving in to the baselessly hopeful part of your mind yelling that not looking at Miguel would make him leave. He only laughed, the noise low and dark and infinitely more than anything he’d ever given you, before. That made sense. Miguel had always struck you as the kind of man who could only let his guard down after he’d already broken through yours – this was just the first time he’d gotten the chance to prove you right.
Eventually, he pulled back, drawing an airy whimper from the base of your throat at the sudden lack of stimulation. There was a wet, distorted sound you couldn’t bring yourself to name, a fist wrapped around your arm, and then, he was turning you onto your chest, keeping your wrists pressed against your back with one hand while the other spread your thighs apart. You felt his cock, already hard, already thick enough to send a pang of dread to your core, against your ass, and suddenly, you were very aware of just how easily he towered over you, just how little effort it took for him to press his chest into your back and cage you underneath him. Even if you hadn’t been paralyzed, you didn’t know if you’d be able to do anything to get away from him. Not after you’d already been caught in his web.
“You’re going to cum on my cock,” You felt his lips against your ear, the low timbre of his voice reverberating in the back of your mind. “And you’re going to fucking thank me, when you do.”
There might’ve been more. There probably was, but whatever he said was drowned out by a dull, droning buzzing in your ears – a lifeless static that nearly blocked out the feeling of his hands on your hips, his knee nudging your legs apart, the leaking head of his cock resting against your entrance before he thrust into you, splitting you open in an instant.
He was so, so much bigger than you. Even with the fall, even with his venom, you could still feel so much of him, still couldn’t seem to block out the way your own dripping cunt struggled to clench down around the girth of his cock. You let out a fractured gasp but regretted it immediately, trembling as you struggled to inhale while feeling so impossibly full. There might’ve been blood. It was hard to tell with the slick dripping down your thighs, with Miguel lapping over the side of your throat. He sounded animalistic, growling as he rolled his hips and buried himself deeper in your core, his nails burrowing into your hips and mangling what was left of your poor, ruined suit. You’d have to make a new one, when you got back to your own dimension, when you got back to your tiny apartment already over-crowded with stolen art and half-finished projects. If Miguel ever let you go back.
“You’re tight for a little whore.” He made no effort to be gentle, to hold back, to do anything but bully your cunt, bruise your ass, leave you breathless and struggling just to keep yourself sane. “Must be a tease,” he went on, dropping a hand to your clit and rubbing circles into the abused bundle of nerves. “That’s it. Stealing everything you could get your hands on, wrecking the multiverse – that was just your way of getting my attention, huh? Bet you were just waiting for someone to pin you down and fuck you.”
You could feel your legs starting to shake, in spite of the paralysis. “Please, I can’t—”
“So fucking needy, too.” There was a deep laugh, an open-mouthed kiss pressed into the curve of your throat. “I’ll have to put a collar on you. Might catch you bending over for the first person you see if nobody knows who you— fuck, who you belong to.”
His pace had been punishing from the start, but at that, it turned brutal. You felt tears starting to form in the corners of your eyes, a tight knot of tension forming deep in your core. His cock beat against something sensitive and vulnerable in your pussy and you screamed, a strangled moan tearing past your lips. “Please, Miguel, I need you to stop—"
Your voice gave out before you could finish, but that was all Miguel needed to hear. Before you could take it back, before you could bite your tongue and curse yourself for trying to say anything at all, his hand was on your neck, cutting off your oxygen supply and leaving you choking for air, leaving your cunt convulsing around him. “De nuevo.” It was a demand, an order. You were starting to wonder if he knew any other way to speak. “Say that again, before I change my mind and snap your neck.”
“Miguel.” Croaked, airy, only half-coherent. When his grip only grew tighter, you said it again, and again, and again, his name forming an incomprehensible mantra that played in-time with the pulsing in the back of your skull, in the walls of your pussy. You felt yourself clench around him, your vision burning white as either his cock or the lack of oxygen or some awful combination of the two vaulted you to a breath-stealing, mind-numbing climax – strong enough and blinding enough to leave you crashing on the downswing, plummeting into an infinite abyss of searing heat and overstimulation as soon as your climax gave out under his violent affection. Vaguely, you were aware of Miguel’s touch growing rougher, of his voice in your ear, of his cum flooding into your sore pussy. He made no attempt to pull out, but you weren’t surprised. You didn’t know if anything Miguel did could surprise you, anymore.
You were in a haze as Miguel drew back, nipping at the corner of your jaw one more time before finally letting you go. It wasn’t his venom keeping you still, anymore, but your own exhaustion – weighing you down as he lifted you into his arms, letting you rest your head against his chest. Through your eyelashes, your watched Miguel type something into his watch, a neon-shaded portal cutting through the fabric of reality a moment later. You tried to protest, to call on whatever hidden pocket of strength you still had and get away from him, but all you managed to do was squirm in his arms and let out a small, pathetic whine. Miguel responded by pressing his lips against your forehead, chuckling softly. As if this was funny to him. As if he found this cute. “Settle down. You have nothing to worry about.”
He smiled for the first time that night, and you felt something in the pit of your stomach crack.
“I’m taking you home.”
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liv2post · 6 months
Late Night Zoomies
Word Count: 500 Summary: Animagus!Reader get the zoomies while Severus is grading.
Read here or on ao3
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The quill in Severus’s hand had been scratching away at potion papers now for the past couple of hours, a recent delay in his schedule costing him what could’ve been a relaxing evening. His gaze was fixed on a line when he heard the sounds of something scraping stone and a blur of orange run by his peripheral. The writing tool ceased, his eyes flicking up to the couch where he swore he saw the shape disappear behind. No sounds, no movement. He returned his attention down to the paper. 
The shape entered his sights once again, retreating back to the bedroom. He turned his gaze up again, this time looking at the clock on the wall. Ah. 1AM. He cast a quick protective spell on his legs before turning his eyes towards the bedroom.
You came sprinting out of his room again in your animagus form, an orange cat. This time you had opted to use the coffee table as a platform to leap onto the couch, your claws gripping into the upholstery as if prey as your gaze darted around the ceiling like you were seeing ghosts. He should’ve known the second he heard the scratching of your claws against the stone. You were having what you had told him were called “zoomies.” They usually struck around or past midnight. Even in sleep you’d awake restless and go to the living room to shift into your animagus form to burn off energy before returning to the potion master’s side in bed. One too many drive-by swipes at his legs were enough to make the professor cast a spell on himself when they occurred.
“Are you having fun tearing up my couch?” he drawled teasingly. 
You snapped your blown out eyes to him, raising from your pounced position so that you were crab-walking along the top of the couch, your back arched like a croissant, ears splayed back and tail poofed up and flailing around wildly as you angled your head downwards while your pupils made direct eye contact with him; like he was a mere mortal who dared to challenge you.
While you were very smart as a human, he suspected you lacked a few brain cells when in such a form. Out of nowhere, as if someone snuck up behind you and scared you, you jumped a foot or so in the air, limbs flailing about as you fell down the front of the couch onto cushions, the stimulation riling you up more and prompting you to attack the corner of the rug and batter it with your hind legs.
After a good five minutes of chewing on it, you suddenly stopped and shifted back into your human form, cheeks blushed with embarrassment as you got up from the floor and made your way back to the bedroom.
“Shut up,” you huffed, having caught the amused expression on his face. The potion master simply chuckled to himself under his breath and returned to the papers at hand.
This is my first time posting work on Tumblr. Check out my other works on ao3 here.
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papayadays · 2 months
summary: lando norris x uni/f1-engineer! reader gf - where you’re both lucky to have to each other
a/n: very self indulgent, second piece of writing posted! holy mac n’ cheese balls, 2,600+ words!
warnings: none, fluff, surprises, shenanigans, language like once?
“congratulations, graduate class of 2024!” your grin grew wider as it sunk in that you had officially graduated with your masters degree. you celebrated with close friends and family, cheering and taking loads of pictures before you felt two arms wrap around your waist. “lan!” you exclaimed, turning around to face him. “you’re here!”
a week or two ago, lando had told you that he wasn’t sure if he was able to come, considering mclaren needed him at the factory that week. you obviously reassured him that the team came first, but you would be lying if you said you weren’t thrilled that your boyfriend was here. another great part of graduation was that the paparazzi couldn’t follow lando in, though you hoped your classmates would have the decency to not take pictures as well.
“i’m so, so glad i could make it,” he mumbled into your neck before pecking your lips. “you just got your master’s degree! i’m so proud of you, love.”
“thanks,” you responded, a giddy grin on your face as one word flashed in your mind. perfect, everything was perfect. “i’m so happy you’re here for this. i know i said mclaren comes first, but right now, i’m glad that you’re with me. i love you, lando.”
he gave you his radiant smile that you had grown so fond of. “i love you too, y/n.”
later that evening, you were hunched over your laptop on the sofa while lando was playing some games with his mates. you were applying to some jobs, with around 15 tabs open.
you heard some footsteps after you uploaded your resume for the third time, and a head rested on your shoulder, brown curls falling into your peripheral.
“whatcha doing?” lando asked.
“just applying for jobs,” you replied.
“which teams have you applied to so far?” you had wanted to become an f1 engineer for as long as you can remember, and lando knew all about your aspirations.
“hm, let’s see, rb, mercedes, and aston martin,” you said, showing your boyfriend your screen.
“no mclaren?” he pouted, making you laugh.
“i’m getting there, don’t worry, lan,” you chuckled, clicking onto the mclaren website.
while you were doing that, lando commented, “y’know i could ask andrea if there are any travelling jobs available.” you scrolled through the jobs, frowning at the small number of vacancies.
“there’s not really anything,” you answered. “the tyre engineer looks like the only thing for my skill set, honestly.” lando leaned over your shoulder to get a better look at the job description.
“hey, that’s a travelling job!” he smiled. “i can talk to andrea, put in the good word for you and-”
“lan,” you interrupted. “i know you mean well, but i want to get in by my own means.” lando opened his mouth to protest, but you continued, “it would be amazing to be able to travel with you, but i need to be able to get in by myself. i need to know that i can still make it independently. i really hope you understand.”
“of course i understand,” lando sighed, a small smile of disappointment on his face. “you know i only want the best for you, love. it’s just that i could finally do something meaningful with my status, but that’d be giving you an advantage, so i’ll back off.” he finished by pressing a kiss to your temple.
your heart melted at your boyfriend’s actions; he wanted you by his side, but he put what you wanted first. “thank you, lan,” you smiled. “but fingers crossed i’ll get hired anyways.”
“luck? you don’t need that,” lando responded. “you’re smart, kind, beautiful, and amazing.” with each adjective, he pressed a kiss to your face.
“you flatter me,” you said, laughing.
“it’s true!” lando protested.
your gaze softened. “you know you’re the best, right, lando?”
“eh, you can say it again.”
you were travelling with lando to the mtc because you were “going to the race” with him, but really, you were there for your first day of work.
a few weeks ago, you had gotten emails from mercedes and mclaren, saying you got the job. however, you wanted to surprise lando, so you only told him about mercedes, telling him you were going to work for the silver arrows.
his disappointment almost made you change your mind, but it was going to be worth it to surprise him. ahead of time, you had reached out to oscar (well, mostly lily) and asked if he and zak could help you surprise lando. surprisingly, (but also not), they both agreed with eagerness, which you suspected was because your boyfriend was very lovable.
once you arrived at the mtc, you and lando walked around, getting an extra-warm welcome from zak, oscar, and lily. you introduced yourself to lily, for it was the first time you two had met in person, all of your previous contact being calls or texts.
“where and why have you been gatekeeping her, lando?” lily scolded, immediately wrapping you in a hug. “it’s so nice to finally meet you in person. now, we can finally ditch lando and oscar.” you gave her a smirk, leaning into her side as the two of you grinned at your boyfriends.
“this is exactly why,” lando scoffed. “hands off my girlfriend, even you, lily.” the aussie pouted before giggling, and everyone in the room knew she had no intentions of leaving you alone, nor did you want her to.
“anyways,” zak started, sending a quick pointed glance in your direction. “lando, you’re needed on the sim. oscar, lily, wanna chat with y/n?” personally, you thought it was too obvious but nonetheless, your boyfriend went along without question as zak ushered lando away to another mclaren employee before turning to the three of you. 
“okay, so here’s the plan, we’re going to show you to your office, give you the teamwear, and then bring in lando for the surprise. i’ll go to lando and you two show her to her desk. you know what to do if we need to stall,” zak stated. lily and oscar nodded solemnly, and you almost burst out laughing at how serious they were taking this.
“i’m so excited you got the job!” lily gushed, linking her arm through yours as the three of you went to the offices. “we can spend so much time together now.”
“she still has to work,” oscar pointed out, amusement on his face. “by your reaction, it almost sounds like she did all this for you.”
lily gave her boyfriend a conspiratorial glance. “maybe she did,” she smirked.
the aussie driver sighed in mock-annoyance before turning to you. “but in all seriousness, i think lando will love this surprise.” you thanked him, grinning at the prospect of the surprise about to unfold.
the couple stopped by an empty desk with the teamwear folded. “alright, so this is your temporary desk for now, since you’ll mostly just be travelling,” oscar explained.
“this is surprisingly well planned out,” you laughed, knowing who was likely spearheading this ‘project.’
“zak was really invested in this,” lily chimed in, confirming your suspicions. “let’s be real, he’s been waiting to do this to one of his sons.” you snorted at that.
“anyways, i’ll be right back,” you said, leaving to change into the clothes. while in the bathroom, you also put your hair up into a messy bun to throw off lando even more.
when you came back out, only lily was sitting there. “oscar went for some last minute meeting,” she explained, getting up so you could sit. “and lando and zak are on their way, so i’ll need to leave so he doesn’t think it’s you.”
“great, thanks so much, lily!” you pulled her into a hug. “catch you later?”
she nodded with a smile before turning and walking, leaving you alone. however, a minute or two later, you heard footsteps and voices behind you.
“lando, i need you to talk to one of our engineers real quick,” zak said, but you didn’t turn around. not yet.
“sure, what’s up?” you heard lando say before you turned around. you smiled as you saw your boyfriend’s jaw drop, rushing to hug you.
“i- what, how?” he sputtered. “i thought you were going to mercedes, baby.” you gave him a mischievous grin.
“it was all part of the plan, lan — wow that rhymed — i just didn’t tell you about mclaren,” you explained. “and then zak, oscar, and lily helped me distract you, which wasn’t a hard task.” lando sent you a pointed look before pecking your cheek.
“i’m so proud of you, y/n,” he beamed. “i’m beyond happy right now. wait, does this mean you can travel with me?”
“yeah.” you nodded, not prepared for when lando leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours. as you felt him smiling, your own lips began to curve upwards too.
“alright, we get it, son,” zak commented, amusement on his face. “please don’t show too much pda, please.” lando gave him a salute, goofy grin on his face as his green eyes met yours.
“you have no idea how much this means to me, love,” he said softly, reaching for your hand. “and i’m so happy for you, and us.”
and so, your first day in f1 was a success.
it had been about a year since that eventful first day at mclaren, and you had enjoyed the ride since. now as you stood in the garage, watching as lando passed the chequered flag in first place for the first time, hand clapped over your mouth. you had left your usual spot with the telemetry to go stand next to his parents. cisca wrapped an arm around you as you cheered, headphones still on, while adam had tears in his eyes as he stared at the screen with pride.
it had been an eventful race. opening lap was chaos, with three cars retiring just from turn 1. after that, the sun started beating down on the track, making tyre degradation rather high and the heat affecting driver performance. places were being gained and lost constantly, and strategies were all over the place. despite all the drama on track, your boyfriend stayed level headed and calm as he lead the pack. of course he did. you had stood nervously to the left of will, glancing at the telemetry of the tyres.
lando was losing pace in the tyres, and fast. you could see the visible graining and the lap times increasing, and the gap to second place was shrinking quickly. he needed to pit before his tyres truly dropped off.
“i think we need to pit for mediums,” you had stated, earning a questioning glance from the race engineer. “we’re in the latter stages of the race, and if we pit, we’ll only drop one or two places, so then lando can use the faster tyre to overtake and then manage for the rest.”
you consulted a bit with the rest of strategy before telling will, who was now on board with the plan. the pit stop was smooth, the crew doing a wonderful job, and sure enough, lando was leading again after a couple of laps.
now, you were pulled out of your cheering and blissful state by zak. “y/n!” he called. “that was some amazing call. i think you should go on the podium.”
despite your heart leaping at the words, you pushed it down, shaking your head. “surely someone more important like will should go,” you stated, ignoring your temptation.
“how about we ask lando?” zak proposed with a sly grin, knowing damn well what your boyfriend would say. he turned on the radio, asking, “lando, who do you want on the podium with you today?”
“y/n,” he replied with no hesitation. “i mean obviously, thanks to the whole team for everything, but she’s the reason for my win today, and beyond that, she’s been my rock throughout everything.”
“well then,” zak said, turning to you with a smug expression. “i guess that’s settled.” you grinned back at him, unable to contain your excitement anymore.
rushing with the rest of the team, you waited by parc ferme, leaning against the metal barriers as the papaya car pulled up in front of the first place, flanked by a red bull and another mclaren.
lando took his time getting out of the car, letting it sink in. then, he got out, standing on top of his car, fist pumping and pointing a finger towards the sky. jumping off, he made his way to you first; he always found his way to you.
you pulled him in close, lifting up his visor and kissing his helmet. suddenly, lando reached up and took of his helmet, pulling you in for a real kiss. you felt the pride, elation, and everything with that kiss, sparkles tingling along your spine. “lando, baby,  i’m so fucking proud of you,” you said, eyes meeting his. “this is your moment to shine, and i’m so glad i’m here with you. i love you so much, lan.”
“i love you too, y/n.” he didn’t have to say it back with the way he was looking at you, but god, did it make the moment even better.
as lando was whisked away for the interview, you were ushered behind to get ready for the podium, where max and oscar were already waiting.
“y/n!” oscar smiled. “you’re going onto the podium? lando’s request?”
“yep,” you nodded. “zak and lando insisted even though i said will or someone else should go.”
“you deserve to be here,” oscar protested, making you grin. “you’re our tyre engineer, after all.”
“thanks, oscar,” you responded. “congrats on the podium as well!” the aussie thanked you, but you hardly heard it was another person walked over.
“lan!” you exclaimed, rushing towards your boyfriend. you felt his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you towards him. “that’s my race winner!”
“thanks, love,” lando replied, and you would feel the vibrations in his chest. “it honestly feels so surreal and amazing.” just then, all of you were directed to start entering the podium, with oscar going first.
eventually, it was your turn, butterflies starting to flutter in your stomach. as you stepped out onto the podium in front of the crowd, your breath caught in your throat. it was absolutely breathtaking and so gorgeous. the cheers of the crowd and all the fans and team members were something else.
and then they called lando’s name. you cheered as he walked across, pumping a fist to the team before his eyes met yours. the british anthem started playing, and you felt your heart swell with pride and happiness as you watched your boyfriend smile and take in the moment. he noticed you watching and gave you a wink that left you blushing.
once the music was over and the trophies were handed out, lando grabbed the champagne bottle and smashed it against the podium, turning towards you and drenching you. you tried to fight back, but to no avail, laughing as you gave up.
after the little celebration, you and lando went behind the podium and cameras with the champagne and trophies in hand. you held out your bottle for him to clink. “to us,” lando stated.
“to you and your amazing win,” you corrected before taking a sip. afterwards, your gaze met your boyfriend’s and something made your heart skip a few beats. maybe it was the sparkle in his eyes, or the pride you felt, but you were just so overwhelmingly happy. 
“y’know, i’m so lucky,” you started. “to experience this with you and to be your girlfriend. i love you so, so much, lando.” as you smiled up at him, his expression almost melted your heart.
“i’m the lucky one, love,” lando protested, threading his fingers with yours. “you’re so amazing, kind, and always there for me. i think the stars aligned when they brought us together.”
you leaned forward, pressing your lips to his. “i have to agree with you there, lan.”
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celtic-crossbow · 8 months
Bring Us Back to the Heroes We Were
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Wife!Reader
Setting: France
Summary: Daryl loses his temper with Laurent and you are having none of it.
Warnings: SPOILERS, Yelling at a child, mild violence against a spouse
A/N: That scene was emotional. I felt it in my soul. morgan556 suggested this and I had to go with it!
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You had admittedly lagged behind when Daryl and Laurent had walked away to the waiting boat. Azlan had been so kind to both you and Daryl, smiling and welcoming. He had shared his stories and his wisdom. Even so far from home, you felt less alone in his company. 
You knelt and placed a trembling hand on the fresh pile of dirt. “We’ll get him there. I promise.” Sniffling, you wiped at your face. You turned once, thinking you heard Daryl’s voice but he’d have to be yelling for you to hear him from there. When you heard it again, you were on your feet in an instant, bolting toward the river. That was definitely Daryl. 
“You stupid little shit!” Daryl was leaned into Laurent’s space, fury radiating from him in waves so strong, you lost your breath for a moment. “Do ya know what ya’ve done?!”
“Daryl!” You dropped your bag and ran toward them, your own rage bubbling to the surface the minute your husband’s fingers came in contact with the kids’ jacket. 
“Ya think you’re so goddamn smart! Worthless!”
“That is enough!” You grabbed both of his forearms and squeezed, making sure your nails bit into skin. He was bigger and stronger than you, but you had to get him to let go somehow. Placing yourself between him and Laurent, you shoved Daryl back hard, but he stepped into you and leaned around to point a finger in the kid’s face. “I should’a left ya right where I found ya! What do we do with ya now?!”
“Stop it!” You shoved him again and when he came back, your palm met his cheek with enough force to whip his head to the side. “Get yourself under control! No matter what he did, he is a child! A fucking child! Calm the fuck down!”
The slap seemed to have made him take a breath, his voice much lower when he pointed to Laurent again. “I wanna know why. Why would ya do this?”
Barely containing your wrath, you looked over your shoulder. “Laurent, why would you cut loose the boat?” While your head was turned, Daryl shoved past you and grabbed the kid again. 
“Why?! Tell me why?!”
You grabbed the back of Daryl’s jacket and yanked, nearly throwing him off his feet while you placed yourself between him and Laurent. “Try it again, Dixon. I dare you. If you think I will let you—”
“Everyone I care about is gone.” Laurent’s broken voice had you turning, his tear-filled eyes flickering between you and your husband. “When we get to the Nest, you’ll both go, too.”
“Laurent.” You said gently. 
“I don’t wanna be alone.” 
You didn’t hesitate to pull the boy into your arms, burying your face in his hair and letting him cry. When you saw movement in your peripheral, you turned your head to see Daryl reaching for Laurent, his expression softened, those blue eyes shining. You only spared him a warning look before allowing him to pull the kid to him much as you had done. 
“Yeah. C’mere. I didn’t mean it.” He placed his chin on the dark mop of hair, shaking his head. “It’s gonna be alright.” He let Laurent step back, the boy’s eyes searching the both of you for reassurance. 
“It’s alright.” You smiled gently, wiping away a tear from his cheek with your thumb. 
“C’mon.” Daryl picked up your bag with his own and held it out of you. You snatched it from his grasp with a sneer, glancing over your shoulder to see Laurent staring at the empty spot where the boat once sat. 
You pointed back and forth between you and your husband. “You and me. We ain’t done.” You spun on your heel and wrapped an arm around the boy, setting off on foot to follow the river. 
You heard Daryl’s quiet grumble of “yes, ma’am” behind you before you could hear him following. 
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saey707 · 8 months
Hii! Omg can I request some Kayn content because I'm not normal about him at ALL!! Maybe how he is/acts when he's jealous? Hihihi bc yk yk being possessive is hot and he got that ego too
✿ Prompt: Jealous & Possessive Heartsteel Kayn ✿
♡ champion focus: kayn ♡ tw: possessive, npd ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: Hii! Omg yes hello thank you for requesting, anon! I did something similar with jealous Kayn in a previous request I fulfilled, so I'll write him out to be more possessive and egotistical in this one! ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ Enjoy!
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Kayn can be a selfish brat when he's jealous! Personally, he doesn't consider himself to be the "jealous" type. He knows he's pretty much the whole package, being your hot-and-extremely-talented-beyond-compare boyfriend! There are just... unavoidable instances where he lets his solipsistic head get the better of him!
Because Kayn is so used to having everything go his way, as soon as they don't, he can't handle it. He always has to have control over any situation and takes every extent he can to ensure he can keep that control.
Whenever you have one-on-one discussions with his colleagues in the band, Kayn always has to insert himself into the conversation. Usually, he only cares whenever you're laughing with them... Or whenever it's Ezreal. The last thing he needs is Ezreal flirting with you again! He knows how that boy can get!
It goes to the extreme that he'll inject himself into conversations with people outside of the band. Why should anyone have the privilege to even so much as try to make you smile or laugh when he can do that and more?
"Oh? Did they not tell you that we're together... Yeaahh, sorry~ Hahahaha..! You'll have to find another person to give your number to. Preferably far away from here..." His smile fell when the woman didn't take the hint, "...I'm telling you to leave, not asking you. Now go!" Holding your hand, Kayn continued to walk alongside you, failing to see the annoyed look on your face. "You didn't have to do that, you know. I told her that you were my boyfriend." He was silent at your response and stopped in his tracks, eyeing you cautiously from his peripherals. "... You did?"
"Ahaha! You do know that I'm their boyfriend, right? Yeah! The Kayn Shieda. Be sure to tell all of your little friends that before you try and offer to buy their drink again..." He huffed, wrapping his arm around you protectively. As if he'd allow another man to buy you a drink... That's basically an invitation to have a good time!!! "We were just talking. How can you be so jealous?" You pouted. Kayn placed gentle kisses against the side of your face, humming against your skin. "Babe. Why would you want to look at him when you could look at me?"
Sometimes, it can be as simple as Kayn not needing to say a word. He can easily intimidate or threaten someone by simply offering nothing more than a glare. And believe him, nobody wants to stare back into his eyes when the left is unpatched...
Even though Kayn is in the wrong (more often times than not...) whenever he's jealous, he does it because he just wants to protect you. There are a lot of selfish people out there... The last thing he needs is somebody using you to get closer to his friends.
He doesn't want to worry about you getting hurt or backstabbed because you are with him. He knows he can be a lot.
But anyone who's anyone knows that Kayn Shieda is not a superstar to be trifled with. And anyone smart enough will stay away from what- or more so who- is his. If they know what's best for them, at least...
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vixen7243 · 2 months
Undivided Attention: Soap
Johnny[Soap] MacTavish x AFAB!Reader | TF141 x AFAB!Reader
Masterlist | Gaz | Price | Ghost | Soap | Snake in the garden
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With the team back, you noticed you always had a shadow following you around base. Currently in the clinic you held back the smirk as you caught a glimpse of Johnny stepping in and leaning by your door to your office. Finishing up the last few stitches on the new recruits temple you turned around to clean up the bloody cotton swabs, "So, does a kiss come with the bandage?" Looking up to Johnny, you saw how his whole body tensed, face hardened, his sweet playful smile gone, he was glaring at the boys behind you.
"No, your buddy can give you one though if you really need it." You said taping a bandage over his stitches. Flinching a bit when one of the boys grabbed your right arm and tried pulling you more to them. "Owe, hey, let me go."
"Why you trying to be smart? Co-" The recruit was cut off as Johnny grabbed his collar and dragged him closer coming face to face.
"Let go of her right now." You shivered at his tone, following his hand, as he guided you gently behind him, "Bonnie, go back to the barracks, LT should be there."
"But Joh-"
"Go." He glanced at you, tone soft but warning, eyes holding his anger, not at you though, once he got a good look at you he softened slightly. "Go Bonnie."
"Okay." You were quiet as you turned and left following his order. Walking into the barracks, sure enough Simon was sitting on the couch leaned back flicking through the channels. "Hi."
"Hey luv, you okay?" You sat down beside him and fiddled with your fingers looking over to the door.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You'd said turning and looking at him trying to smile.
"What happened?" He'd asked, leaning forward onto his elbows on his knees, staring at you.
"I think Johnny might be killing some recruits in the clinic." Glancing to the corner of your peripheral at Simon, "They'd made something of an inappropriate comment and then grabbed me." And before your could say anything more the door to the barracks opened making you both look to it, and you shot up making your way around the coffee table. Johnny stepped in, blood all over his hands, and some on his cheek and on his shirt, "Oh my god, Johnny, baby, are you okay?"
"Aye, m' alright bonnie, not me to worry bout." His playful smile was back, eyes gleaming as he looked down at you while he made his way to the sink.
"Jesus, did you kill them?" You'd asked handing him soap and then finding a clothe to grab his wrists and take over helping him wipe the blood from his hands. "You didn't... did you?" His chuckle sent a cold chill down your spine and decided to stop any further questions on the recruits and after getting one hand cleaned, you pulled his hand up and kissed each of his knuckles and then turned his hand to kiss his palm. Drying it quickly, you then grabbed his other hand and repeated the process. Finishing you looked up at him just as he turned you around and sliding his arms around your waist and started guiding you to his room. Glancing back you saw as Simon was now talking with Kyle, where Kyle came from you had no clue but they both looked mad. Stepping into Johnny's room all you could think was that if Johnny hadn't killed them, the other guys were definitely going to based off their looks. "Johnny?"
"How's yer arm?" He asked after removing his shirt, grabbing your hips lightly, he pulled you between his legs as he sat down.
"I'm fine, really. I tried telling you that at the clinic." You cupped his cheeks, then started dragging your hands and fingers all over him, rubbing and squeezing. "Johnny, baby, what did you do?"
Looking up at you he smirked, "Ye know what I did bonnie, so does LT." That remark made you shiver, "I've no doubt he and the other two will take care of the rest if they are still sitting in there." Biting your lip you pouted pinching his chin and forcing him to look up into your eyes.
"Work is work, but not when it comes to this Johnny. I don't want you guys to do anything rash, especially because of me. You're such an amazing man and I appreciate you protecting me and standing up for me, but I would never get over it if anything happened to my bois." You kissed his forehead then littered kisses all over his face. "Please don't do anything rash because of me Johnny." You whispered against his lips before pushing into him, his back straightening into you, his hands fully wrapping around you and keeping you against him. "Promise me Johnny, I can't loose you guys."
Pulling you into his lap he kissed his cheeks and nose, "I promise bonnie."
Wrapping your left arm around his neck you pulled him back into a kiss, squeezing your thighs on either side of his hips. "Johnny." As he let kisses lightly trail down your neck and carefully graze over your collar being so delicate with you, you felt like glass. Shivering in his hands as he unbuttoned your shirt, ever so carefully sliding your shirt down and off of you. "So gentle with me, making me feel special." You said smiling as his eyes glinted up at you as his tongue dragged through your breasts. "Gentle but dirty." You giggled locking your lips with his, moaning as you sucked on his tongue when he slide it between your lips. Feeling him slowly grind your hips along him you started moving with him whining into his mouth as a hand dipped into your pants fingers teasing through your underwear. Gasping back as you both looked down, you undid your pants, and watched as he pushed your underwear aside and slide his middle finger between your folds before dipping it into you his thumb rubbing your clit just how you like. Johnny never teased you when you guys would start to get intimate, he loved getting on his knees for you and getting you straight to an orgasm, pleasing you and making you happy. In his eyes, you work more than hard enough, he is always happy to serve you, taking each word you tell him as a command and not hesitating to follow.
"Yer amazing bonnie, so lucky." He said sliding another finger into you groaning with you as he started pumping his fingers into you, feeling your silky walls clasp around him.
"You're going to drive me crazy Johnny, always knowing how to make me happy baby. You ne-shit-never disappoint me. Oh, right there Johnny." Focused on his fingers you whimpered, the sound of your pussy squishing around his fingers filling both yours and Johnny head. Eager to hear you some more, Johnny used his other hand to slide your tank top up your body and fondle your breasts, before then unclasping your bra. Moaning when he started flicking your one nipple and sucking your other nipple between his lips, suckling and flicking the bud you arched up to his mouth cupping the back of his head holding him to you, grinding your hips more into his hand. Trying to spread your legs a little further your breath stuttered in your throat as your clit throbbed under his thumb, the pressure fogging your mind making you delirious, mindlessly humping his hand aimless praise and pleas falling from your lips.
Grunting around your nipple he smiled looking up to you as he felt your arousal gushing and spilling around his fingers, your walls flutter, trying to suck his fingers deeper, all while you came, "FuCK! Yes, Johnny, fuck." Still moving your hips over his fingers you road out your orgasm, the warm tingling in your stomach only growing when he released your nipple with a pop, his saliva connecting his bottom lip to your breast, "Like a babe." You giggled as you relaxed into his lap smiling as he spun the both of you, trapping you under him making sure to lay your head into his pillows.
"Aye, if ye keep letin us fuck ye unprotected, ye'll have a real one soon nough. Might s'well get yer pretty nipples ready, ya?" You couldn't help the blush that dusted your cheeks or the way that your cunt continued to clench around nothing. Slightly embarrassed you grabbed his shoulders.
"Who said I wasn't using protection?" You said noticing as he halted his movements and stopped kissing down your stomach to look at you.
"Ye uses protection with the others?"
"With all of you. I take birth control every morning and if I feel after a time with any of you that I could be or get pregnant...I take... a pill." It was quiet for a moment, felt too long considering this was Johnny. You couldn't get a read on if hearing this mad him upset or not, although you don't lay with anyone else but them, or entertain talking to anyone, you know how intimately they own you, and you know that none of them sleep or talk to anyone else either, they believing that they belong to you just as much. But any thought to your personal lives, at home, away from all this work and blood shed, how your relationship from deployment would actually be you had no clue, none of you had ever talked of it. "Johnny?"
"Hm." He'd only hummed, but his lips didn't return to your skin as he looked into your eyes. "Would it make ye that unhappy... to get pregnant by us?"
Your eyes widened, this conversation truly felt like a group discussion, an important one at that, "It's not that it would make me... I don't feel... I just didn't know what you guys would think if I came forward one morning...telling you all that I was pregnant." You traced his jaw with light fingers, "This is something for everyone to be apart of, other matters to discuss and figure out."
"Are you no longer in the mood?"
"Are you?"
The smirk that reclaimed it's place on his face eased your heavy heart, "Whenever I can get ye in my arms and especially in my bed I'll always be in the mood bonnie." Continuing his decent down your stomach, you shivered as he started working your pants and underwear down your legs, nipping and kissing to your ankles and then back up. Slotting himself between your legs, "We can have that chat with the others, but I want ye to know, I'm going to bend ye in half all night, fillin ye womb to the brim with everything I have. I don't want ye to take any extra precaution in the morning either. If ye get pregnant, mine or the others, I will take care of ye and the babe. Always and forever bonnie." His soft kisses to the apex of your thighs, pelvic and finally cunt whispering of a house, kids, dog you've always wanted and cat that he could stand, his mother loving you, you always round with his babes. While his tongue worked your clit, fingers continuing to fill you till he's felt content with the amount of times you've cum on his fingers you took the time to take over his foretelling of what the future could hold for the two of you. Excitedly mentioning the other men, for every time you mention bedding one of the others, carrying their babes, them also at that sweet picture dream home he would suckle a little harder on your clit, moan louder against your cunt, fingers scissoring and curling abusing that sensational spot that curls your toes.
Huffing through another orgasm you drowsily watched as he worked back up, stopping momentarily at your stomach rubbing his thumbs on the sides, kisses all over your stomach, and again around your breasts. Cupping your cheek, he kissed you, slowly, while the taste of you on his tongue and feel of his wet chin made you moan with him, wiggling under him, fumbling with his belt and pants. Working them down he sat up and removed them himself, pulling your leg to his hip before bringing his tip to rest at your entrance, kissing you deeply he eased himself in both of you moaning and whimpering. Tongues intertwining just like your bodies, you raised your legs a little higher onto his hips arching up as his cock reached to your cervix you clawed his shoulders and back, falling over the edge when his whimpers and silent pleas for you to take everything he had.
Feeling as his cock twitched inside of you before pushing his hips into you, you pushed back against him. Pulling your knees up and against your chest he held himself into you, playing your clit, using that little pearl to bring you to another orgasm, one that felt hot and piercing, taking your breath away as he started pounding himself into you through the middle of it, making you practically scream writhing and twisting from the stimulation.
Nearing morning the two of you, covered in sweat, his cum filled you to the brink, slowly spilling and pooling at your ass, groaning at the sit he turned to his side pushing his fingers back into you, trying to pump all back to its home. "Don't waste it bonnie."
"I'm still on birth control Johnny, this is more or less just practice." You giggled, also turning to him, throwing your leg over his him, the both of you scooting impossibly closer to each other.
"Fine, practice, amazing as it is, we'll perfect everything." He said laughing against your neck. Shaking your head you closed your eyes and tucked yourself around him falling asleep, your light snores lulling him to sleep.
Waking up some hours later, you untwined from Johnny making your way to the shower before too long Johnny had awoken and joined you, helping you wash the soap off your body and giving you an early morning orgasm that had the both of you almost slipping and falling, laughing as he tried to refill your emptying womb.
Making your way into the rec room, you noticed the rest of the guys sitting around quiet, "Good morning." You said walking in, John reached his arm out, slipping it around your waist while you were walking past him, pulling you to his lap.
"Two of you kept us up all night." He said, voice rough, and his cock twitching against your thigh.
"Sorry." You said stifling a laugh as Johnny chuckled making the two of you coffee.
"Sure you are gorgeous." Kyle said smirking at you.
Taking your cup from Johnny you sipped while he sat by Simon, quiet settling over all of you again. Although it was comfortable, your mind wander to last night, the small chat of pregnancy and your guys relationship out side of deployment heavy on your mind. How were you supposed to bring that up? Biting your tongue you decided to wait, there will be a time, you just don't want to bother them. Rolling your shoulders, pushing that tension aside, you melted into John's chest slowly looking over all of them.
"So, what did you guys do to the recruits?"
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Snake in the Garden Love a dark twisted Johnny, beat the shit out of some creeps and breed the shit out of his girl.🥵 He'll do all that he can to make his girl happy, and make her cum.🫠 A real good man.🫡
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Prompt 39
Geralt is standing above the unconscious bloodied body of his beloved, Jaskier. The mage Geralt was tracking down to kill had meant to blast Geralt, but Jaskier had tackled the mage and things got ugly. The mage chuckles, eerily, and prowls closer. "So the mighty witcher has a weakness after all. Perhaps it'd be best if I do let you both live. Eternal sorrow is far more delicious than a passing trifle." And Geralt falls unconscious. He relives his entire life through flashes of memories, though they're all cruel and wrong. Things happen differently, skewed and twisted. The first time he meets Jaskier, he punches him in the stomach. Jaskier is standing beside him, near a body of water, as Geralt insults his voice. His passion, his livelihood, his reason for living. Jaskier standing outside awkwardly as Geralt fucks Yennefer. Geralt can see him in his peripheral, and yet he doesn't stop, nor even have the decency to pull the curtains, he just continues. Soon enough, the blur of colors at the edge of his vision disappears as Jaskier runs into the distance. Geralt however thinks that the worst memories are the quick three-second flashes of him just endlessly needlessly insulting Jaskier throughout their decades of companionship. It's not banter, it's not teasing, it's just abuse. Then Geralt is suddenly on a mountain, and he's yelling at Jaskier. "If life could give me one blessing, it would be to take you off my hands!" ... Nevermind. This is the worst one. Geralt is sick to his stomach. Jaskier's eyes widen, and begin to tear up. His face pales of blood, he looks like he's about to faint. His lip even quivers, the way it does when he's well and truly devastated. And Geralt did that to him. "Right.. Uh.. I'll get the rest of the story from the others. I'll see you around Geralt." But then he wakes up in Yennefer's hut. "Where's Jaskier?" he asks immediately. "That bard you hated? The one that followed you around for a few years? I don't know. It's been years since you've even thought about that wretch." He explains that this is wrong. That he loves Jaskier. He adores him. And she tuts sympathetically before explaining that it was a spell the mage put him under. Fake memories of a life where he paired up with the bard. She mimes gagging at the sentiment and he feels hot with anger. As if Jaskier is such a bad choice of romantic partner. He storms out of her place and races off to find his bard. He needs to know for sure what their standing is, and even if he has been cruel, he can at least apologize to the poor bard. "I don't know what to do, Yenna!" A bandaged Jaskier shrieked as the afformentioned witch examined Geralt for the fourth time that hour. Geralt lay comatose in her guest bed, under some sort of spell. Every once in a while, Geralt frowns or winces in his sleep, but that's all they can get from him. "He hasn't woken up since we were fighting the mage." She has a feeling she knows what sort of spell it is. A very cruel trick to play. The mage was smart enough to trust Geralt's self-flagellation. That upon waking from a fake world he perceived as real where all he did was harm Jaskier, he'd most certainly distance himself from the real Jaskier in fear of becoming the version of him in the curse. The mage was dumb enough however, to not think of how far Jaskier would go to save his beloved.
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