#smoke from the fire
jarondont · 6 months
Chapter 1!!!
So I finally finished Ch. 1 of my book Smoke from the Fire- the first installment in The Reign of the Revolution series :DDDDD
Remember that NOTHING is final (but this is what I'm likely going to stick with), and also due to personal reasons this is the only full chapter I'll be sharing. I'll share snippets of certain scenes, certain lines of dialogue I like, or anything else like character-related stuff, but I won't be sharing any more full chapters :(
Word count: 2,056
Anyways, I hope you like it!
Let's begin, shall we?
In my life, I’d made a lot of mistakes.
But none quite as bad as this.
All I could do now was close my eyes, clench my fists, and hope that they wouldn’t find me.
Because if they did, I was as good as dead.
In case you haven’t seen the overabundance of wanted posters with my name on them, let’s begin with an introduction.
My name is Silas Crow. Guilty until proven innocent; wanted dead or alive.
It’s not that I’ve led a life of crime. Quite the opposite, actually. Up until a few years ago, my parents and I had been living a simple life on the island of Cartris—a territory of Losca, just a little south of the mainland. Popí was a fisherman, although he liked to call himself a sailor. Mimá would sell the fish he caught. She was also well-educated, so she’d reserve some time every day to teach me. When I didn’t have lessons, I’d often go on fishing trips with Popí or help Mimá at the Cartris fish market. Sometimes, Popí would even take us to mainland Losca for a week. We’d sell fish there—at the larger market, so that we’d get more money.
It was a peaceful life. But that was before Endox came around.
Emperor Endox II had been a horrible ruler since about three years ago—shortly after his twenty-eighth birthday, when he killed his father to get the throne for himself, and with him, his mother, since she tried to protect him. Everyone put up with him at first, since we knew how dangerous he was. But then things started getting out of hand.
A few months ago, news spread throughout Losca that Endox’s wife, Meralina, had been brutally murdered by him after they had an argument about matters regarding their son, Prince Faelen. What matters, no one knew. In fact, rumor had it that the man who told this story in the first place was never seen nor heard from again.
Endox only grew more unfair and selfish since then. Taxes had always been high for us peasants, but Endox wasn’t satisfied. A few weeks ago, he raised them impossibly high, and for what? So that he could benefit off of the people’s hard-earned money. He raised them so high that many peasants started dying of starvation.
By then, we’d had more than enough, so we protested. A simple, bloodless protest. But since so many peasants had gathered for the protest, we had Estraham Castle surrounded, and the emperor’s troops panicked.
So they attacked.
The March on Estraham marked the beginning of the Loscan Revolution. Hundreds of lives were lost that day: the emperor’s troops—twenty-seven; the peasants—over three hundred.
My parents included.
It had been one of those weeks where Popí took us to the mainland. But this time, instead of selling fish, we were there for the protest.
If only we had realized beforehand what a mistake that had been.
I could still hear the gunshots; the screams of innocent protestors. Later, I’d find out that only about thirty of them made it out alive. I could still see the horror on my mother’s face as my father was shot square in the chest, blood spewing violently from the wound. I still felt her fingers digging into my arm as she begged me to leave, to save myself.
Then she, too, was shot. The bullet lodged itself in her leg, causing her to cry out in pain and collapse to her knees.
“Mimá!” I screamed, an agonizing mixture of fear and sorrow building up in my chest.
Mimá grasped her calf where she had been shot, but she gathered up her strength to look at me one last time. “Go, Silas, please!” She cried. “Find the Nemesis. Find Hunt. He’ll help you.”
“No!” I yelled, tears streaming down my face. “Come with me, please—I can’t lose you, too.”
“Go,” she whispered, her voice cracking from the pain.
Then she was shot again. As the second bullet struck her in the back, I heard myself screaming, crying, begging for her not to leave me.
Yet she did.
The last words Mimá said to me were, “Vei livé, Silas.”
Live free.
Those words were since etched into my mind.
I vaguely remembered running away, ignoring the pain in my shoulder as a bullet ripped through my flesh, and pushing through the crowd that was rapidly falling around me. I ran, and I didn’t look back.
After what seemed like hours, I found myself in a small alley. I touched my injured shoulder with my other hand, and it came back soaked in blood. Ripping off a strip of cloth from the bottom of my trousers, I wrapped it tight around the wound and knotted it. That took up the last of my energy and willpower. Leaning my head against the stone wall, I slid to the ground and closed my eyes.
Vei livé, Silas. Vei livé…
And it all came flooding back.
That was it. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. Tears streamed down my cheeks as great sobs shook my body. They were gone. My parents were gone, along with far too many others.
And I was alone.
I wasn’t sure how long I sat there, nor did I care. I remembered hearing voices outside the alley and the stomping of boots. The emperor's troops, no doubt searching for anyone who escaped. They never found me, but if they had, I wouldn’t have fought back. What was the point?
Then I remembered what Mimá had told me to do—to find the Nemesis. I wasn’t sure what that was, but one thing was certain: I couldn’t let any of their deaths be in vain.
So I stood and brushed away my tears, hearing my mother’s voice in my head once again.
Vei livé.
“I will, Mimá,” I whispered. “I promise.”
Days passed, then weeks, but it felt as if the March on Estraham had happened only yesterday. The streets were plagued with the emperor’s soldiers, or the Dekhrinn, as they had come to be known—Loscan for people of terror.
They accepted this name—in fact, causing terror was their main goal. Whenever they saw the Dekhrinn coming, people hid away in their homes, shut the curtains, and locked their doors. And yet, every day, someone would disappear, usually in the dead of night. But no one dared to fight against them. They were too terrified.
As for me … I lived off of whatever I could find. And I had come to discover just how many alleys Losca’s capital city, Cyvalos, had.
Alleys that were perfect for hiding.
As the stomping of boots drew closer, the only thing I could focus on was the racing of my heart in my ears. The voices became more and more defined until they stopped right outside the alley.
“Have you found anyone?” a deep voice asked.
“No, sir,” a second man said.
“Tell me their names,” the first one demanded, irritated.
I heard the crinkling of paper, and I took that opportunity to slightly peek my head out from the shadows. Four Dekhrinn were positioned just outside the alley, their armor shining red and gold. Loscan colors. Two of the men stood off to the side, one twirling his fingers nervously and the other rocking back and forth on his heels. Another Dekhrinn stood with his back to me—the one who had fished the piece of paper out of his pocket. The last man stood in front of him, a badge on his shoulder making it clear that he was the one in charge.
“We were assigned four revolutionaries, sir,” said the man with the paper. “Fenerias Hunt, Annwyl Cadarius, Eraka Orelein, and—” he hesitated. “And Silas Crow.”
So they were looking for me.
“You still haven’t caught Crow?” growled the man in charge. A pause, then he mumbled, “The next time I ask for a report, that Silas boy should have been brought to the emperor, alive or dead. Is that clear?”
“Y-yes, sir.”
“Good.” With that, I heard his boots stomp away.
The other three Dekhrinn let out a long exhale as soon as he was out of earshot. For a few seconds, all was silent. Then the man with the list of names yelled, “Well? Don’t just stand around! Find them!” and he, too, stomped away.
The two other Dekhrinn shuffled closer to the alleyway entrance. I ducked into the shadows, my heart pounding.
“How do they expect us to find them?” one wondered aloud. “Losca is huge. They could be anywhere.” Silence, then he prompted, “Henrik?”
“What?” The other man—Henrik—asked.
“Do you ever wondered what would happen if we … you know, ran away?”
Henrik was silent for a beat. “Don’t say that. You never know who’s listening.”
“Yes, but …” There was a shuffling of feet. “Endox—”
“The emperor, Keflas,” Henrik corrected. “Show some respect if you want your head to stay attached to your neck.”
“If the emperor hears what I have to say about him, he’d behead me anyway,” the man named Keflas mumbled. “I think … well, don’t you think he’s a bit unfair?”
I had half a mind to run up to his face and yell, you think? but I forced myself to take a steadying breath.
Keflas continued, “I’m scared, Henrik. Just the other day, Sigourney’s husband disappeared.”
Henrik grunted, finally opening up to conversation although he still sounded a bit uncomfortable. “I heard about that,” he said. “Rumor has it that he was turned in by his own brother. They say you could hear his screams from the other side of the castle.”
Keflas shuddered. “Whatever he said, he probably didn’t deserve and end like that.”
“Exactly, which is why you should shut up before someone hears you!” retorted Henrik.
Keflas mumbled an apology. “Maybe we should start searching.”
Henrik muttered his agreement, and I heard their feet stomp away.
I slowly peeked my head out again, checking to make sure they were gone. Once I was sure that the alley was empty, I tiptoed out of my hiding place. This was my chance.
I ran as fast as I dared out of the alley—or tried to. Halfway out, I tripped on a root and fell on my face with a thud.
“Did you hear that?” came Henrik’s voice from the other side of the alley. 
“Dakhas,” I cursed quietly. How could I be so stupid?
“Someone’s in there,” said Keflas.
I cursed again, then stood and quickly brushed myself off. Maybe I could still make it out without them finding me.
“There he is!” Henrik yelled.
I glanced behind me. Henrik and the other Dekhrinn from earlier—the one with the list of names—were running towards me while Keflas called for more soldiers.
That settles it, I thought. Time to go.
I sprinted out the alley.
Blood rushing in my ears and the Dekhrinn only a few paces behind me, I turned a corner just as a gunshot rang out. A bullet whizzed past me, just missing my ear.
I paused only for a second. Almost there, I thought to myself.
I kept running, pushing past confused passersby whose eyes widened when they saw who were behind me. I just had to get to the docks.
To the Nemesis.
As it came into view, I paused for a second to catch my breath, resting my hands on my knees. After weeks of searching, I had finally found what Mimá had told me to find. The Nemesis was what seemed like a large trading vessel. Why she asked me to find it, I didn’t know. All I knew was that I had to get aboard, or else I was dead meat.
Oh no.
I glanced behind me and saw not two, but eight Dekhrinn running after me, pistols drawn. I eyed the docks again, but it was too far of a run. They’d shoot me down before I even got close.
To my left was a bustling fish market that seemed to go on for miles. If I mixed in with that crowd, they’d never find me.
I whispered a request for the Nemesis to stay at the docks for a little longer, then raced toward the fish market with eight Dekhrinn hot on my heels.
So, what'd you think?
Also, keep in mind the names of the three revolutionaries (excluding Silas) they're searching for. These characters are important later 😉
(So is the prince but he comes in in book 3)
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bacchuschucklefuck · 1 month
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beautiful! majestic!
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lygma-nygma · 1 month
Being a batfam fan is funny because people will make a post like “here’s my headcanon-“ and it’s just something that’s directly canon to the story then post about major canon events and get everything wrong.
#this post was inspired by me remembering the experience of reading death in the family#after only knowing the fanbase version and realizing oh none of that shit happened okay#like girl you don’t understand it’s so bad#Jason wasn’t even fired as Robin#He’s not accused of murdering anyone by Bruce#He’s not trying to prove himself at all he’s just looking for his mom#The reason Bruce didn’t go after him right away is because he was tracking down a goddamn nuke the Joker stole#Then after he finds it and handles the problem he helps Jason track down moms 2 and 3#Also Jason died in like 20 minutes?? even less??#He died in less time than it took his mother to smoke a cigarette#Bruce literally went ‘wait here I’ll be right back’ and was gone for less time than a trip to the grocery store#and then you go into the Jason Todd tag and they act like Bruce pulled the damn trigger on him#Like besties I don’t know how to tell you this he basically did everything right he possibly could have#Even him benching Jason from Robin temporarily happens so that he can get Jason into therapy about his trauma#Like the whole point is that neither of them did anything wrong bad shit just sometimes happens#That’s the tragedy. The drama.#Bruce couldn’t have made better choices in the position he was in and Jason was never going to make different ones#It was inevitable#Anyway rant over please read death in the family before I lose my mind#batfam#batman#jason todd#tim drake#dick grayson#damian wayne#bruce wayne
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b0bs0ndugnutt · 10 months
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From one of the RWBY concept artists.
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Tales From The Darkside | Family Reunion | S04E16 | 1988
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cozystars · 3 months
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tee hee
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wigglebox · 8 months
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Suptober [Extended] - Day 24 || Smoke
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kopykunoichi · 5 months
No thoughts in my head, just them.
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Left column: chapters 47, 62, 98
Center column: chapters 137, 175, 175
Right column: chapters 201, 225, 225
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briarrolfe · 3 months
Our 78 year old Italian neighbour Josie might not remember my name, and may never get my pronouns right, but the thing is: We Are Besties and I am totally obsessed with her. She blasts disco music 24 hours a day. She chain smokes. She is so obsessed with Vegemite that she cut a holiday visiting family back home short because she was seized by Cravings. She took her first ever selfie with me. She flirts with my fiancé. Once I had to rescue her from her finding a lizard in her toaster. She drinks her first coffee of the day at like 4 am. Recently she told me “if anyone tries to take you away from me… I will kill them” with total seriousness and I fully reciprocate it. She is a constant source of chaos in our lives. I would do anything for her and I love her with all my heart
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pallanophblargh · 1 year
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So I learned something a while back that I’m surprised I didn’t learn earlier:
Pyrography fades considerably in even bright indoor lighting: specifically, gallery lighting. Doesn’t even need to be sunlight, I guess any intense sunlight within the span of a year will drastically lighten the burned in marks.
So this piece suffered after its time on display, and it was only today that I set about trying to remedy it by going back in and darkening the tones and deepening the outlines. The final resting place of this piece will have to be a more dimly lit wall or corner until I can think of some good archival method that won’t crack or discolor over time.
The top of the piece has yet to be touched; you can see the contrast with where I’ve been working in the middle/bottom.
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stergeon · 2 months
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jarondont · 7 months
I'm writing a book series that is HEAVILY based off of the French Revolution. It's called The Reign of the Revolution (or TRotR for short). Here's the backstory of my main character, Silas Crow. It also explains how the revolution began. I plan on including this in my first book, so I'd love it if you could read it and give feedback! Thank you :)
Up until a few weeks ago, our country of Losca was at peace. Or at least, as much peace as you can get with a self-obsessed emperor.
Emperor Endox II had been a horrible ruler ever since about three years ago—shortly after his twenty-eighth birthday, when he killed his father to get the throne for himself, and with him, his mother, since she tried to protect him. Everyone put up with him at first, since we knew how dangerous he was. But then things started getting out of hand.
A few months ago, news spread throughout Losca that Endox’s wife, Meralina, had been brutally murdered by him after they had an argument about matters regarding their son, Prince Faelen. What matters, no one knew. In fact, rumor had it that the man who told this story in the first place was never seen nor heard from again.
Endox only grew more unfair and selfish since then. Taxes had already been high for us peasants—sailors, farmers, and laborers alike—but Endox didn’t stop at this. A few weeks ago, he raised them impossibly high, and for what? So that he could benefit off of the people’s hard-earned money. He raised them so high that many peasants started dying of starvation.
By then, we’d had more than enough, so we protested. A simple, bloodless protest. But since peasants made up over seventy percent of the population, we had Estraham Castle surrounded, and the emperor’s troops panicked.
So they attacked.
The March on Estraham marked the beginning of the Loscan Revolution. Hundreds of lives were lost that day: the emperor’s troops—twenty-seven; the peasants—over three hundred.
My parents included.
I could still hear the gunshots; the screams of innocent protestors. I could still see the horror on my mother’s face as my father was shot square in the chest, blood spewing violently from the wound. I still felt her fingers digging into my arm as she begged me to leave, to save myself—but they didn’t seem to hurt. Nothing hurt. I had gone numb.
Then she, too, was shot. As the bullet struck her in the back, I heard myself screaming, crying, begging for her not to leave me.
Yet she did.
The last words Mimá said to me were, “Vei livé, Silas.”
Live free.
Those words were since etched into my mind.
I vaguely remembered running away, ignoring the pain in my shoulder as a bullet ripped through my flesh, and pushing through the crowd that was rapidly falling around me. I ran, and I didn’t look back.
After what seemed like hours, I found myself in a small alley. I touched my injured shoulder with my other hand, and it came back soaked in blood. Ripping off a strip of cloth from the bottom of my trousers, I wrapped it tight around the wound and knotted it. That took up the last of my energy and willpower. Leaning my head against the stone wall, I slid to the ground and closed my eyes.
Vei livé, Silas. Vei livé…
And it all came flooding back.
That was it. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. Tears streamed down my cheeks as great sobs shook my body. They were gone. My parents were gone, along with far too many others.
And I was alone.
I wasn’t sure how long I sat there, nor did I care. I remembered hearing voices outside the alley and the stomping of boots. The emperor’s troops, no doubt searching for anyone who escaped. They never found me, but if they had, I wouldn’t have fought back. What was the point?
Then I remembered what Mimá had told me to do—to find the Nemesis. I wasn’t sure what that was, but one thing was certain: I couldn’t let any of their deaths be in vain.
So I stood and brushed away my tears, hearing my mother’s voice in my head once again.
Vei livé.
“I will, Mimá,” I whispered. “I promise.”
Thanks for reading! Feel free to let me know what you think, things you liked, suggestions you have, etc.
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plannette-drawz · 10 months
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Some Dreys from the last few months. This by no means All Of Them just the ones I like the most.
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chimerahyperfix · 29 days
Being frozen in time definitely does something to you. Physically it cages you. Mentally it throws you into the longest dream you could ever have. It's not comfortable-- far from it in fact-- but you've grown to look forwards to it, when you loose. It's better than being mashed to dark paste at least.
You're frozen right now, in fact. Waiting in silence for time to loop back. Stuck with your thoughts and a vauge feeling of a dream. The house is around you and you're moving through it. Empty rooms and endless hallways, curling and twisting in ways that make them feel alive despite the lack of any living thing that isn't you. No sad monsters, no frozen bodies, no dark stains. There doesn't seem to be an exit.
The dreams you have when frozen seem to correlate to how you're doing emotionally. Most of them have been lost to time, like most things in your life now. Dreams, wounds, emotional bonds; everything is turning back with you, and that’s started to do something to you, because now you can predict the actions of those around you with quite a bit of accuracy. You can recall little bits of things, but the further back you go is just static. There was a bunch of dumb things that you can’t piece back together anymore, there were times with those you love, there was endless rage flowing through your very being, and there was this. The desperation. The empty halls of the very House you’ve worked so hard to protect.
You want out.
You've kept count of how many times you've been frozen. How many times you've died. How many loops. 61 is the counter and it's far, far too many times to relive the same day over again. You grew tired of the monotony by the tenth go around. Twenty five felt like a stab wound. Forty, like you were being split in two. Big 6-0 felt like drowning. You don't feel real anymore.
But that's fine! You can still see the good in this, if you stretch your imagination like taffy, as far as it'll go. It's better to be just you, just one person, than everyone else! You can live with the weight of the country on your shoulders for a bit longer, if only to keep it off of Euphrasie's. You’re doing this for her! For everyone. You can do it for a bit longer. You just need to find the King’s weakness, or something. Make a more powerful potion, or scrap together the materials to make a second craft bomb, or, or something! You’ll find it soon enough. You’re smart! You can do this!
You have to.
You turn down the hallway. Find yourself on an entirely different floor. Just as much of a ghost town. Just ice and cold and tiredness, your breath forming clouds in the air. That’s fine. This is just a dream or something, anyway. You’ll wake back up at your desk any time, with the looming vials of all sorts of toxic stuff you keep drinking that you crabbing neglected to put away because you didn’t think time would crabbing loop, because realistically, WHY would you assume that would happen? Preposterous! Ignore the burning feeling in your throat and the smell of sugar and push on. Wait for it to start all over again.
Because it has to be you, doesn’t it? You wished for this, or something. You don’t remember. It was a long time ago. It has to be you, because only you have the power. It HAS to be you, because who else would it be? Euphie? She’s already got enough on her hands. Mirabelle? You’d rather die. It’s better you do this than the ones you love.
It has to be you.
it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be
It's sucks, having to be the one to do it. Your limit was a long time ago.
You can't do this forever.
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mishapen-dear · 2 months
au where qbad chose the other way. his other home. finally return to heaven and the embrace of his first family. and his body lay rotting in that field never discovered forever. and pomme knew and dapper knew that he was dead and never coming back and pomme accepted it first, started acknowledging it first, and dapper kept searching for a full month before finally accepting the truth.
and then she gets to work.
she even has some of the theory worked out beforehand. he’d discovered all he’d wanted in this dimension before, and started to research others and how to go there. it’ll take time, and effort, and fieldwork, but Pomme will help, and then it’ll go even faster.
after all. what is heaven but another dimension to explore?
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luck-of-the-drawings · 8 months
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#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi prime defenders#jrwi pd spoilers#william wisp#FIRST: IF YOU DONT PUT ROB ZOMBIE IN YOUR WILLIAM WISP PLAY LIST I KILL YOU. SECOND: BEHOLD MY EASTER EGGS. FIRST EASTER EGG IS THE CHAINSA#I WROTE CHAINSAW ON IT A BUNCH BC I DIDNT WANNA DRAW DETAILS. ALSO ITS FUNNY. SECOND EASTEREGG IS THE LOBOTOMY CORP HOODIE.#THIRD : HEY KIDS YOU WANNA SEE A DEAD BODY? QUOTE FROM HELLSING ABRIDGED. REMEMBER HELLSING ABRIDGED? YEAAAH YOU DO#OKay those are the easter eggs. also i hope william actually gets into smoking i think thats SO funny. also its cool as hell#like with the blue wisp fire n everything? COOOl as hell i hope he gets his leather jacket back too. REMEMBER KIDS!#smoking is COOL AS FUCK but also itll kill you so dont. if ur undead its fine though.#IN OTHER NEWS! williams 'need a hand?' bit was SO fuckin funny. like it didnt need to be that funny. I WISH I COULD ANIMATE THIS WHOLE SHOW#ITS SUCH A CLEAR CARTOON IN MY FOUL BRRRAAAAIIINNN!!!!!! SPEAKin o my foul brain i LOVE SWIRLS!! CAN U TELL???#I LOVE DRAWIN WILLIAM WITH THE SQUARE/ROUND SPIRALS DEPENDING ON HIS MOOD. ESPECially in the black/white/grey arc#i draw him with only sharp spirals in that arc. the spirals soften once he chills out tho. YOULL SEE IN THE NEXT DRAWING I POST#guyyysss i love william so mmuuuuch i project all my middleschool gothness onto him and it makes me so happy#im sO GLAD I FIUCKIN FIGURED OUT HIS HAIR BTW. IT LOOKS SO GOOD NOW. LOOK AT ME IMPROOOVOEEE AAAAAIUURURUGHHRAAAUUGHHHHHHH
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