#smokey goodness
smokestarrules · 10 months
gotta say I am a huge sucker for how Adventure Time will sometimes just cut to Princess Bubblegum doing something extremely morally dubious like cutting off a tiny person’s limbs with scissors and then sticking those arms and legs onto another tiny person’s limb stumps but then she'll turn around and go like "Good morning, Finn! Are you ready for a sploinking day?" and whatever atrocities she had just been committing will Never be brought up again.
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alaraxia · 11 months
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long live the king.
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cantdealwiththisnow · 3 months
Part 1 - Appreciation post for all the TFP universe Autobot mugshot cameos (known and unknown) in RID2015 3x25 (even if the context is that they've been OUSTED against their will)
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witchofthesouls · 1 month
A crossover between TFP and my "there by the oceanside" series AU because of mermay.
The family portaled into TFP along with a metal transformation, got separated, and picked by the warring factions because the Autobots and Decepticons were curiously over the new signals.
Fae!June and the kids are on the Nemesis. Mer!Soundwave got snatched by the Autobots.
The 'cons are getting creeped out by the new carrier and the two sparklings. They're starting to figure out that something is really off with the femme, especially when Insecticons go missing with scrambled coordination in her vicinity. Fae!June enjoys Soundwave’s vicinity and doesn't mind his silences. The kids, however, miss their papa.
Meanwhile, Mer!Soundwave is in hell. He hates the Nevada heat, so dry and scorching, and he wants his wife and kids back. The 'bots are so confused by this guy. He has no T-cog, no understanding of Neocybex, and no point of reference when it comes to polite Cybertronian society. But he's able to survive porking down raw Energon crystals, deal with the revived Predacon, and has a far greater ease navigating humans.
Any thoughts of a clone had died when someone needed to go poke the guy out of the cold hidey hole of the deep mountain fissures and was an absolute menace to drag back from Antarctica missions.
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plutonianplaything2 · 2 months
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back from my outing, time to play Firewatch in my Smokey Bear shirt!
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kazroze · 11 months
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meet luke dowey
he likes CHUGGING unpasteurized milk straight from the cows tit like a REAL MAN
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97luvs · 1 year
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the eye makeup is so pretty☺️
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
ultimate hater take is that there are two types of targ nation people, there's the rabid twitter people who think every single targ except like three or four (usually aegon ii, aemond, aegon iv, sometimes maegor and aerys ii) are Undisputed Uncomplicated Heroes Of The Story and that the series will end with a targ restoration happy ending. then there's the targ nation people who think basically every single historical targ was a villain EXCEPT FOR dany and she is not only the Undisputed Uncomplicated Hero Of The Story but will absolutely burn/sack both Vaes Dothrak and Volantis but these will be Good Things because she's killing slavers.
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aphrogeneias · 8 months
i need assistance from people who know more about makeup than i do: what's the best way to blend black eyeliner? can i do it with any brush? or just using your finger does the trick? is there a secret i'm not aware of?
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bonefall · 1 year
I really appreciate your Dawn of the Clans rewrite because I've been in the foosteps of Thunder Storm. Not to be the one to dump a lot about my past, but I've acted like the Thunder Storm in my family because of my grandmother, who was a piece of work who my mother continued to try and maintain a relationship with. It was to the detriment of both of us, and reading the "Whatever Clear Sky had that Gray Wing loved, Thunder Storm has never been privy to it" hit home in a way I wish they wrote
Without getting too much into it myself, BIG mood. "Failure to protect" is such an underrepresented thing and it's so complicated. Loving someone who didn't do the right thing, not being able to hate them because you know they did it because they were misguided, or too hopeful, or too forgiving.
I wish that more of these types of dynamics were explored, but in order for that to happen, the writers have to identify that this sort of situation is fucked up. That Gray Wing DID fail Thunder, and that there isn't... this weird, magical "blood bond" you inherently have with shitty biofamily. That those ideas come from somewhere.
They are so close to it sometimes it hurts.
But then you get a big old bucket of icewater with stuff like the Tom Debaucle lmao. ugh. Nope, they cannot even get the literal bellowing wifebeater dynamic right, let alone any other type of abuse.
But hey that's what fic's for, y'know?
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smokestarrules · 1 year
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that moment when the second episode of the series foreshadows the last. 
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As I was saying
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nectar-cellar · 1 year
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some pics of dani 🥺
let’s talk about this body highlighter. i caught up on downloading some makeup cc and umm.
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mappingthesky · 2 months
ok ok i know plane is like very popular already yeah BUT hear me out. her beauty is still so underrated like… her face bitchhh people always talk about her humor but yall need to talk about that mug bc she is literally one of the prettiest queens i know
no i could talk about it all day. i dont even care if you think she’s overrated, adequately rated… i will Still Be Talking About Her. the face is right & im aroused
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smokeys-house · 2 months
gang I am so not doing well
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cqcandchill · 3 months
second hardest thing about all this is not knowing what to do with all his stuff... the toys and blankets and dishes... all the beds at his fave spots by the windows. i haven't moved anything yet bc i don't think i'm ready. same with the euthanasia deposit. god this so sucks
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