#sneak a peak at his would be nephews
lieutenantbiscute · 2 years
*Slams open door*
Bro remember that ask you sent me about your Shellshock au meeting my Turtles Forever au??? I'd just thought of something horrid.
Ronin Mikey.
Can you imagine how absolutely devastating it'd be to him??? To see these adult turtles who got to grow up and not be in a war and get their happy endings??? To see one of his older brothers being a father and married?? To seeing Mona Lisa who in another reality would have been his sister in law??? Can you imagine how awful and broken he'd feel when he sees this tired but happy little family, when he sees his brothers finally looking at ease and having lived to adulthood without being brutally murdered one by one????? It'd be like a sick joke to Ronin Mikey, a cruel slap in the face from fate to see them and thinking of his world and how he and his family were robbed of domesticity such as the Shellshock family.
Just......the pain bro.
How dare you I just got off of WORK—
Ronin cringing and shying away from having to interact with the ShellShock boys for fear of any untapped jealousy coming out. Knowing that his family lives and grows with 4 additional boys hurts.
The only family he has left is April and Casey Marie and to know that Casey himself is still alive and kicking alongside his brothers hurts. Sure it isn’t all sunshine for the ShellShock boy, they still lost their father; the same as Ronin. But they got to live their lives to the fullest, even with the scars.
Ronin definitely can’t look at any photos Raph cares to share with the other variants of he and his brothers. But just by hearing Rise Leo make a comment about how he and the kid look alike is enough pain as it is.
ShellShock Leo know the haunting look of Ronin right off the back and Ronin hates it. Hates that no matter what his older brother; in any universe, can read him like a book at a moments glance sometimes. ShellShock Leo wouldn’t comment on it, he’s been in Ronin’s shoes before with his own brothers.
So on occasion he’ll just sit by Ronin. Never comment about who he actually is even though he has a sad and accurate hunch. Never talk about what he’s gone through to save face, just being there in the moment.
For a small moment, Ronin can pretend is just him and his brother again. 16 and young.
And so, so naive.
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gracexthoughts · 3 months
jacaerys velaryon x targaryen!aunt!oc
content/warnings; canon typical incest, slight talk of death/violence, Alicent being rude, angst and fluff
summary; Jacaerys and Aelyria were childhood bestfriends, inseparable and mischievous, until the princess Rhaenyra moved her family to Dragonstone, leaving her youngest half sister without her closest companion. Nearly a decade later, King Viserys has decided the feud within his family too far gone and declared the betrothal of Prince Jacaerys to his youngest daughter to help heal the rift. 
a/n; inspired by seven by taylor swift and jace’s talk with baela about fathers. I know this pairing has been done a lot but I really love it and hope I did it justice. about 4k words. 
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Please picture me In the trees I hit my peak at seven feet In the swing Over the creek I was too scared to jump in But I, I was high in the sky With Pennsylvania under me Are there still beautiful things?
“Aely!” The young prince Jacaerys called after the princess as she sprinted off into the woods. “Slow down!” Even though he was taller, she was quick and had run off before he could even get ready. Her laugh rings out over the grass as she darts into the woods, Jacaerys on her heels. 
The entirety of the royal family, accompanied by many lords and ladies, had traveled to the Kingswood for a royal hunt in celebration of the Prince Jacaerys' 10th name day. As he is the future heir to the Iron Throne, the crown had spared no expense for the celebration. Jacaerys himself, however, was not at present interested in whatever creature was being tracked down in his name, his sights set on adventure with the young Princess Aelyria, the King and Queen’s youngest child. Having been born mere months apart, they had grown to be quite close; they trained with their dragons together in the Dragonpit, had discovered and begun exploring the passageways in the Red Keep, and Aelyria had taken to sneaking into the princes’ training sessions in her own desire to learn to fight along with her favorite nephew. And when she would inevitably get dragged away by her mother or the septa, Jace would sneak into her chambers later that evening with two training blades in hand to teach her what he had learned that day. 
As Jacaerys breaks through the treeline, he runs straight into Aelyria, who had stopped suddenly in the woods, sending the pair tumbling forward in a heap of limbs. “Jace!” the princess cried, a laugh in her voice as they disentangled themselves and their cloaks. 
“You’re the one who stopped!” Jace laughs in his defense. “Why did you? I thought we were racing to the creek,” he wonders, standing and extending his hand down to help up the princess, a princely boy even at his young age. 
“I thought I saw something but we must have scared it off now,” she says, taking his hand and standing, not bothering to brush the dirt off her skirts. The princess’ lilac eyes flicker with mischief as she looks around the woods surrounding them, her eyes settling on a nearby tree with low branches fit for climbing. “C’mon!” 
Before Jacaerys can respond, the princess is pulling herself up to the lowest branch, swinging her legs over with ease, not a care in the world for the preservation of her skirts. She was always quite boyish, never heading her mother’s lessons of ladylike manners and behaviors. The young prince has never minded though, enjoying her wildness and sense of adventure. A day with her was never boring. 
Soon the young royals were high in the treeline, standing on either side of the large trunk balanced on branches as they took in the view around them. Their breaths were labored from the climb, their cheeks flushed and smiles wide. The ruckus of the hunt was left far behind and below them, not able to reach them in the trees. “I wish we could stay here forever,” the princess sighs, sitting down on her branch, her legs swinging. 
“Why?” the prince asks, watching her curiously. 
“It’s quiet,” she says softly, looking up at the still standing prince. “And beautiful and here my mother can’t yell at me to be more ladylike.” She rolls her eyes and mimics her mother’s intonation. Jacaerys laughs, climbing over and sitting next to the princess on her branch. 
“When we are older, I’ll be King and I’ll command your mother to leave you be.” 
“Will you let me be a knight?” the princess asks, excitement in her voice. 
“If you’d like!” Jacaerys laughs. “You could be my sworn protector.” 
“I’d be a brilliant knight.” the princess declares, straightening her back and puffing out her chest and the pair fall into giggles. 
“Well I promise then, once I’m King I’ll make sure your mother can never tell you to be ladylike again!” Jacaerys declares, holding out his pinky to the girl, who smiles and links hers with his, thankful for him. 
Sweet tea in the summer Cross your heart, won't tell no other And though I can't recall your face I still got love for you
Jacaerys makes his way through the dark halls of Dragonstone, his footsteps echoing through the hall as he makes his way to the Great Hall. Nearing his destination, the voices of his mother and stepfather leak out through the ajar door. He pauses for a moment, not wishing to walk in on an intimate moment. 
“He says he wishes for it in the hope it will heal the rift between our families,” his mother says, her voice smooth and calm. 
“So he may fall prey to their vicious children? How do we know this isn’t a Hightower scheme?” Daemon challenges with clear disdain in his voice. 
“I cannot believe this idea came from Alicent nor Otto,” the princess responds. 
“Does not mean she won’t take advantage of it. She may be instructing Aelyn on how to best manipulate him at this moment.” 
“Her name is Aelyria, Daemon,” Rhaenyra corrects, peaking Jacareys’ interest further. His mother’s youngest half-sister was not a common topic of conversation in their home, even if she far preferred her half-sisters to her half- brothers. “They were friends when they were children; Jace doted on her even. It may prove to be a good match.” 
Daemon opens his mouth to respond but stops when he sees Jacaerys entering the room with a questioning look on his face. 
“Jace,” his mother says happily, smiling at him and motioning for him to come in. He obliges, his long stride carrying him through the room quickly to stand at the Painted Table with his mother and stepfather. “Apt timing. We just received word from your grandsire the King, he has suggested a match for you.” 
“A match? Who?” the young prince inquires, his gaze darting between Rhaenyra and Daemon, acting as if he had not been eavesdropping. 
“The Princess Aelyria. You are the same age, both unwed, and the King remembers how close you were as children,” his mother states, setting down the scroll of parchment in her hand on the table. “He thinks you would make a fine pair, and she a good Queen to have by your side.” Daemon scoffs slightly to her left, walking away to lean against the mantle above the hearth. Jacaerys stays silent for a moment. Marriage was something he knew would be coming but in truth, he hadn’t given it much thought. The princess he remembered was a small, spirited little girl with a quick wit and even quicker temper. She often snuck out of her own lessons to join the princes in their trainings, and trained in the Dragonpit alongside them for many years. He’d certainly held a boyhood crush on her then but Jacaeyrs struggles to imagine who she has grown into.
“What say you, Mother?” he asks finally, looking up from the Painted Table to meet her eyes. 
“I quite agree with my father,” she says after a moment. “It would do well to have our line of succession shored up, and the princess would make a fine match. While she has a reputation for being a little wild, I also hear that she has a good heart and a kind reputation among the smallfolk that would strengthen your reign when the time comes,” She says, moving closer to her son, “But it is your opinion that matters most in this.” 
“And of the Hightowers?” Daemon interjects from his place at the hearth, his eyes fixed on the flames. 
“Even they are not above the will of the King,” Rhaenyra responds, “We would have to go to King’s Landing for the wedding, but we needn’t stay.” Jacaerys holds his mother’s gaze for a long moment, mulling the idea of marriage, to someone he hardly knows any longer, over in his mind. “So?” 
“Yes, I accept,” he says with a nod, attempting to look more sure of himself than he feels. His mother smiles, raising his confidence slightly, and nods. 
“Then I shall write to my father,” she says, and kisses Jacaerys’ forehead before retrieving the scroll from the table and retreating from the room. Jacaerys lingers for a moment, watching Daemon whose eyes are trained on his wife’s retreating figure.
“The Hightowers are scheming and dangerous. You should watch this girl carefully,” he says to the young prince finally. 
“She’s not a Hightower, she’s a Targaryen,” Jacaerys responds quickly, already feeling protective over his betrothed. 
“Same thing for that lot,” Daemon responds darkly before grabbing his sword from the table and following after the princess. 
Your braids like a pattern Love you to the moon and to Saturn Passed down like folk songs The love lasts so long
The Prince grunts slightly as his feet hit the solid ground after lowering himself from Vermax’s back, stiff from the long ride. He and his mother have come to King’s Landing for the first time in many years so he and the princess can be reacquainted before their wedding in a moon. The rest of their family will come for the wedding but Rhaenyra wanted to avoid any repeat of the last time they were all together. 
Jacaerys would never reveal this secret but he was quite nervous. He could barely remember the face of the princess, let alone what she could look like or what her personality was now. Was she still as wild and rebellious and boyish as she was or has she relented to her mother’s will and become a lady? Jacaerys watches quietly as his mother speaks with the guards, requesting a carriage be brought to take them back to the castle, and as the Dragonkeepers escort Vermax and Syrax into the Dragonpit. Jacaerys wonders if Vermax remembers his first home still, the place they first bonded. He is quickly torn from his thoughts as a shadow passes over them and looking up, he sees a beautiful white and golden dragon making its descent to the ground.
The dragon and her rider’s backs are facing the prince once they land but the woman in front of him was undoubtedly the princess, for he’d recognize her dragon, Starfyre, anywhere. He watches as the princess pats her dragon on the neck, before leaping from the saddle and landing easily on the ground. She faces away from him still, speaking to the Dragonkeeper in High Valyrian but the prince finds himself taking in every detail he can. Her silver gold hair is intricately braided to hang down to the small of her back, her legs are long and wrapped in trousers made for riding, and a black riding coat accentuates her curves and hangs to her knees, her voice is melodic and sure in her High Valyrian. She nods to the Dragonkeeper and turns, pulling her riding gloves off with her teeth before her lilac eyes find Jacaerys and Rhaenyra. 
“Jace?” she calls, stepping away from her dragon and closer to him. She has the wide doe eyes of her mother still but everything else of her is Targaryen through and through, sharp features and high cheekbones, and her smile more beautiful than Jacaerys remembers it. 
“Aely,” he responds with a smile, resting his hands on the hilt of his sword, unsure of where else to put them. 
“I didn’t think you were arriving until later this evening,” the princess says, her eyes scanning the prince. Like Jacaerys, she has spent much time wondering how the boy she knew has changed into the man she’s been betrothed to and she is stunned at what she finds. His face is angular and handsome framed by long dark curls. He is tall and lean while still appearing strong, his warm brown eyes the exact same as she recalls. 
“We got an earlier start than expected,” Rhaenyra steps forward, “How are you, sister?” 
“I am well, and you?” Aelyria nods. Rhaenyra has always been her favorite sibling, even if they weren’t close. She looked up to the women as a child, and her mother’s distaste towards the princess made Aelyria feel a certain kinship with her half sister. 
“We are well. Are you headed back to the Keep?” 
“I am, would you ride back with me?” she offers, motioning to the carriage pulling up to the gates of the Dragonpit. 
“That is kind, thank you,” Rhaenyra says with a smile, and a wink for her son, and moves toward the carriage but Aelyria hangs back, her eyes trailing over her betrothed again. 
“You are much changed since I last saw you,” the prince says, stepping forward. 
“I can say the same for you, nephew,” she says, failing to keep her mischievous smile from her face. Jace had always hated when she called him that as children, but he can’t find the annoyance in him at the moment, too entranced by the sound of her voice. Instead he laughs and shakes his head, holding his arm out to escort the princess to the carriage so they can make their way back to the Red Keep. 
And I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted Your dad is always mad and that must be why And I think you should come live with Me and we can be pirates Then you won't have to cry Or hide in the closet And just like a folk song Our love will be passed on
Jacareys wanders through the halls of the Red Keep, familiarity and strangeness battling in his mind. The castle has changed much in the near decade of his absence and yet, he could see it as it was in his youth: the halls the same he and his brother ran through, the Dragonpit the same as it was the first day he rode Vermax, the secret passages the same as when he and Aelyria discovered them as children. Jacareys found himself mindlessly making his way to the training yard, allured by the sound of steel against steel. 
Jacareys steps into the training yard to find Princess Aelyria and Prince Aemond sparing in the center. He remembers well how she would watch the princes in training, even picking up a sword and practicing herself before being run off by Ser Cristen or her mother or the septa. She’s grown much in the years since he last saw her, her skills far outpacing that of which he had imagined. Jacareys watches as she circles Aemond, striking, blocking and dodging with surprising speed and accuracy. Jacareys finds his gaze drawn to her legs, unhidden by skirts as she stands in trousers, the riding coat she favors tossed over a training dummy. 
Princess Aelyria’s laughter echoes off the walls of the yard as she stands up from her dodge of her brother’s blunted sword, having ducked and rolled under the blade to recover behind him. Aemond turns around in frustration, swinging again with his blade as Aelyria reaches up to block his attack before stepping under his reach and elbowing the prince in the side. With her small stature and lesser strength, the princess had learned that speed and agility were her friends in bouts and quickly excelled in her capabilities. Aemond grunts from the blow to his side, his steps staggering slightly as his sister circles him, waiting for her to recover. 
“Ready to yield, brother?” she taunts, her lips turned up in a smirk. 
“You’re the one running,” he bemoans, righting himself and raising his sword, readying to strike again but lowers his blade, his eyes fixed over Aelyria’s shoulder with a sly smile. “Come to train, nephew?” The princess turns, her eyes finding Jacaerys pushing off the wall, his brown eyes trained on the prince. 
“To speak with my betrothed,” he answers, his gaze shifting to Aelyria and softening for her. Aemond eyes narrow, upset at the match as much as his mother, leveling a menacing glare at his nephew before taking his leave without another word. “He doesn’t like me,” Jacaerys states, as the door to the yard slams, and turns back to Aelyria who chuckles. 
“Aemond likes no one,” she responds, leaning on the training blade, "He merely tolerates me as he has no one else to spar with save Cole."
“It may be,” the prince says, suddenly feeling uneasy under her gaze. “When did the Queen surrender to your training?” 
“Soon after your leave, if I remember correctly. They grew weary of disciplining me with no effect,” the princess smirks. 
“As you always hoped,” they chuckle, a hint of their old familiarity returning. The prince glances at the table of training weapons. “Care for another round?” 
“If you can keep up,” she smirks, tossing him the blade Aemond had left in his wake. Aelyria makes the first move, but Jacaerys quickly counters. He holds back at first, unsure of fighting with a woman, but he quickly learns that Aelyria is quite capable and a formidable opponent and he begins to let loose. They are well matched, meeting blow for blow until both of them are sweaty and panting. 
“You fight well,” the prince compliments, his chest rising and falling quickly and a curl sticking to his damp forehead. 
“Thank you, you do as well. Much better than when you would teach me in my chambers,” Aelyria laughs, wiping at her hairline where baby hairs stick to her skin. 
“You make it sound quite scandalous,” Jacaerys jests, setting aside the training blades. 
“It was to us then,” the princess points out, remembering how careful they were to not get caught. 
“True enough,” he laughs, his eyes lost in hers, the soft lilac of her irises beautiful and intriguing to him as ever. “You know, I’ve missed you, in truth. I never had as much fun alone as with you here,” the prince says softly, stepping forward and brushing a stray hair from the princess’ brow. The air becomes thick between them, their eyes locked together. 
“I missed you too, my brothers are poor company compared to you-” 
“Aelyria!” The voice of the Queen rings out over the courtyard, startling the Jacaerys and Aelryia who back away from each other quickly. The queen stalks over to her daughter, grabbing her arm roughly. Aelyria’s face sours and she yanks her arm from her mother’s grip, leveling her with a hard stare. “You have a dress fitting you are currently missing and you look a mess. I thought you could put away this foolishness for one hour. You would think this is my wedding for as much as you seem to care about it!” 
“Mother, I-”  
“I apologize, your Grace. The princess had finished near an hour ago but I stepped in. I don’t have many sparring partners save my brothers on Dragonstone. The fault is mine,” Jacaerys steps in, unable to ignore the anger bubbling in his stomach at the queen’s treatment of her daughter. 
“Price Jacaerys, it is good to see you again. I am afraid I cannot stay, but I hope you are settling back in well,” Alicent says to the prince, her face barely masking her distaste of him, before she turns back to her daughter. “Come, Aelyria.” Jacaerys watches as the princess takes a deep breath and, flashing him an apologetic smile, turns to follow her mother back into the castle. 
Please picture me In the weeds Before I learned civility I used to scream ferociously Any time I wanted
“Come in,” Aelyria calls softly at the knock on her door. Jacaerys steps into her chambers at her permission and smiles as he closes the door. “Hi.” 
 “Hi,” the prince says softly, moving to sit next to Aelyria at the table in the center of her room. “I wanted to apologize for earlier. I did not mean to keep you and I regret that I did.” 
“I do not. I could have been bathed and early and perfectly excited and she still would have found something wrong. The fault is not yours,” the princess assures, placing a hand over his and squeezing gently. Before she can pull her hand back, Jacaerys clasps his hand to hers, relishing the feeling.  
“I’m sure it is hard for girls and their mothers as it is with boys and fathers,” the prince says sympathetically. 
“Is it hard, with you and your stepfather?” The princess asks, her eyes on their hands. 
“Sometimes, it was strange at first but he’s been my father almost as long as my actual father was,” Jacaerys shrugs. 
“You know, I don’t think I ever got to tell you how sorry I was for you when your father passed,” Aelyria says softly.
“Oh,” the prince says, surprised by her and shakes his head. “Seems so long ago now but I was glad he passed on Driftmark, I know he missed it while away.” 
“That’s not who I meant,” the princess says, and Jacaerys, on instinct stiffens at the realization she means Ser Hardin Strong, and not Leanor Velaryon from whom Jace received his name. “I don’t hold it against you like my mother and brothers do. Seems a silly thing for them to care so much about,” Aelryia adds quickly, sensing his unease. 
“Really?” Jacaerys eyes find hers, shock shining in the dark brown of them. 
“You wouldn’t be you if you had another father and I’ve always quite liked you as you are,” the princess smiles, her thumb grazing against the back of Jacaerys’ hand as a slight blush colors his cheeks. “What was he like?” She asks after a moment. 
“He was gentle, and fierce… They called him Breakbones,” Jacaerys smiles, Aelyria along with him, but there’s a sadness in his eyes still. “He loved us, I think.” 
“Of course he did. Otherwise he would not have defended you so fiercely against Cole.” 
“You remember that?” 
“I do,” Aelyria nods, leaning back in her chair. “It was the first time I saw a true fight. I remember thinking that I had to learn how to fight like that. It felt so necessary, like it was all I wanted… Your father gave me that.” Jacaerys blinks at her for a moment, a strange smile on his lips. “What?” He shakes his head slightly. 
“No one ever calls him my father, not even my mother,” he says after a moment, looking down to where their hands are intertwined on the table. “It’s nice,” he adds after a breath. 
“He’d be proud of you, of who you’ve become,” Aelyria says suddenly, sitting forward and using her free hand to lift Jacaerys’ chin. 
“He’d be happy we’re betrothed,” Jacaerys smiles, leaning closer to the princess. 
“Yes,” he nods, “I remember one time, he happened to be watching training and you had just gotten dragged away by the Queen but you had put up a good fight before you left and he said, ‘There’s a warrior if I’ve ever seen one.’ I remember looking up at him and he just winked at me, almost like he knew.”
“I wish I had known him better,” Aelyria says softly after a moment and  Jacaerys nods, squeezing her hand. 
“Me too…” Jacaerys nods. For a moment, the pair sit in a comfortable silence, gazing at each other, taking in the fact that they’re together again after all this time. “Do you remember that hunt we had on my tenth nameday? When we ran off into the woods, hiding in the trees?” Aelyria laughs, the memory washing over her at his question and nods. 
“Yes, I do. Oh, what fun we had that day. We only got found because we could not stop laughing as they rode underneath us. Mother was so angry I ruined that dress,” they laugh at the memory together. Even though it had ended in a scolding for each of them, neither ever regretted that day. 
“I remember what I promised that day, and I swear I’ll keep it. Now that we’re betrothed, you are mine, and I am yours and once we’re wed, I’ll make sure you never have to heed your mother unless you wish to,” Jacaerys leans forward, intensity in his gaze as he makes this promise to Aelyria. “I quite like you as you are, and I won’t have her try to change you.” 
Aelyria smiles gratefully, wondering how she got so lucky as to be marrying this man; the boy she grew up with and loved as a girl, and the man sitting in front of her, with all his fierceness and devotion. Aelyria, too moved to speak, leans forward instead, pressing their lips together softly in thanks. Jacaerys doesn’t miss a beat, his hand reaching up to cup her cheek as he kisses her back. Her hand winds in his hair and their hands hold to each other tighter on the table between them. As their lips part, they don’t move away, instead connecting their brows together. They smile at each other, giddy in their love, hearts beating rapidly as one, as they always have and always will.  I, I Sweet tea in the summer Cross my heart, won't tell no other And though I can't recall your face I still got love for you Pack your dolls and a sweater We'll move to India forever Passed down like folk songs Our love lasts so long
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juanbodyswapstfs · 1 year
Being my Uncle John.
Every year, On the 1st day of the six month, 2 males in Jacks family switch bodies for a month. Unfortunate for Jack, he is a male. But fortunate enough for him, he has never been switched, but this year would be different.
1 day before.
“Aw cmon bud its not that bad.” “You have never been switched before anyways.” said my Dad. “I know but what if this year is different?” I said. “Like I said, Its not that bad.” “Unless your luck runs out and you get switched for many years in a row like your Uncle mark.” “But that’ll never happen ha.” said my dad with a unsure tone. “Yeah I guess your right.” “How have you switched with before dad?” I said. “Oh I switched many times haha, With your uncle Mark, your uncle Tom, and even your grandpa Joe! hahaha.” “But for some reason your uncle John has never switched, lucky son of a bastard.” Im really hoping I don’t get switced but something inside of me wants me too. Just the thought of being a real man, just feels so right. Now its time to go to Bed and wake up as myself or even one of my uncles, I really hope I switch with one of my Uncles it just feels right.
The next day,
As I woke up, I knew something wasn’t right, it felt like my cock and everything else has doubled in size, I mean WOW, this cock is really huge! I mean i like girls and all but im way more attracted to men. I stood up on the side of the bed and just admired the manly body im in, as i looked closer I realized im in the body of my uncle John, which has also never been switched.
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I was having fun being in this big body, but then I realized im gonna have to be John, he has a life, job, and even husband! good thing his husband is on a business trip and gets back on the day we switch back. I decided to call my “nephew”. “Yo how ya doing bud?” I said with a grin. “Im doing great Uncle John!” “How do you like being a man?” said Uncle John. “Amazing, how do you like being a teenager again?” I said. “Ha you are exactly how I was when I was a teenager.” Uncle John said. “Ok now lets get serious, how do I become you?” I said. “Ok first thing off, I have a job at the gym as a trainer, they should know what to do just hype them up.” “My husband is on a business trip so he shouldn’t be a problem, pretty easy right?” Uncle John said. “Yeah not so bad after all.” I then tell Uncle John how to pass as me and we eventually hang up. I now got dressed and jerked off before I headed to the Gym. It was amazing how much this body can come and how big my balls are now.
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At the Gym I got greeted by some muscular men, which I tried to hide my boner from. Turns out I was pretty good as a trainer, It was like I’ve been doing this my whole life! After my shift, I decided to go take a sneak peek at the locker room, I mean just a peak right? Then I saw a guy with his package out and couldn’t help get cum a little. I mean, if John didn’t have a husband I would totally help him out. I then headed home and took a hot warm bath and played with my cock. I then went to bed. It’s pretty fun being uncle John I wish I could be him forever.
The next day,
Its now the next day and I woke up with a huge morning wood. It was the weekend which means I didn’t have to go to work and had the whole day to myself! But then I got a call from my husband, “Hey John, im coming back early in the afternoon can we have some.. alone time?” said my husband Joseph. “Of course my love, anything for you.” I said. “How is your families swap going? Do you know who switched?” Joseph said. “Uh no actually.” I said. “Okay well get ready for when I come back!” “definitely” I said then hanged up. I know how bad it seems lying but I just wanna feel how this body would be during sex.
In the afternoon,
As I was getting ready for uncle Johns husband to come back I got a call from uncle John, “Hey “Uncle John” is Joseph coming from home from his trip early?” Said Uncle john. “No he hasn’t called me or anything why?” I said lying. “Just wondering, If he is, please don’t do anything with him please.” Uncle John said. “Gotcha nephew.” I said and then hanged up. I felt bad lying to Uncle John but I just wanna experience getting fucked in this big manly body. An hour later Joseph knocked on the door and greeted me. “Hey babe, I’ve missed you and your big manly ass.” Joseph said. “I missed you too and that big monster.” I said. I knew it was wrong what I was doing but it was natural for some reason. Joseph then proceeds to take of his shoes and puts his feet on the coffee table. “Babe you know what to do.”Joseph said in a stern voice. “Oh yes master.” I said obeying his orders. I get down on my knees and lick his big manly feet.
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He then proceeded to Unbuckle his pants.
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“Now suck my cock boy.” “Yes sir.” I started sucking my “husbands” cock and loved the feeling. I loved being commanded by a big man and obeying him, I could do this forever.
“Now roll over and let me fuck your ass.” He then fucked my ass and I could feel the hot cum. “Good boy, Now continue to lick my feet and my armpits.”
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We continued for about 18 minutes, I really did love him and could live happily with him forever. If only I could stay in this body forever. Joseph then left the store and Uncle John called me. “Hey uncle the switch is almost over, and be honest, did you jerk off or have sex in my body its important beca-” “I jerked off in your body and had sex with your husband im sorry I didn’t mean to.” I said regretting everything I have done. “YOU DID WHAT. NOW WE CANT SWITCH BACK.” Said my nephew angrily. But then I realized that this means my “uncle” is now my nephew, so I had more authority over him and he should obey me. “I don’t know who your talking to young man, but that is not a way to talk to your uncle John.” “The closest thing you get to this body is me fucking your teenager ass.” I said with a stern voice. I then hanged up and jerked off to the fact that im now John. I admired every inch of my body until Joseph came back. When he comes back im not gonna be the servant, Im gonna fuck his ass and command him to suck my dick.
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tcfactory · 10 months
I have Other Projects that need writing first, but I have this mighty need for like. An SVSSS fic with Shen Jiu getting Tianlang-Jun out from under the mountain for whatever reason, consequently gaining just the worst kind of meddling gremlin matchmaker who is now dead set on fixing his life.
Shen Qingqiu is going to get therapy whether he wants it or not!! Tianlang-Jun can't go enacting vengeance on Huan Hua yet and has nothing better to do with his life right now! Zhuzhi-Lang, tell the prickly immortal master that this is for his own good! Attaboy.
Did I write almost 3k words of an outline for a fic I don't currently have the spoons to write and might never get around to? Yes. It was originally a twitter thread here, enjoy the very lightly edited details of this madness under the cut:
Maybe some business takes Shen Qingqiu near the mountain and curiosity bites him to see the sealed demon emperor - to see how good of a job stupid Qi-ge did because his shizun is singing praises about how Yue Qingyuan did the main seal and without him the whole thing would fall apart.
So he hides his presence - can't have the head disciple of Qing Jing Peak snooping around after all - and goes to take a look. It's soon enough that Tianlang-Jun is not completely out of it yet, he's humming and reciting and singing to himself in the dark to stay sane.
It gives Shen Qingqiu pause because he knows that song the demon is singing in a voice that would be surprisingly nice if his throat wasn't halfway crushed probably. One of the jiejies at the Pavilion sang it to him once when they were talking about composing, one music master to another. She composed it before she came to the city, for a likeable if spoiled young master, who then fell in love with an upstanding cultivator and kindly paid her ten times the original commission fee to please don't ever perform it in public because his beau is the jealous type.
So how does Tianlang-Jun know the song, Shen Qingqiu wonders. There's something very fishy about this. The songstress spoke only highly of the 'spoiled young master', but now that he thinks about it the timeline seems to check out... So he sneaks closer to investigate.
Tianlang-Jun hears him approaching and turns towards him. There are talismans over his eyes so he can't see Shen Qingqiu, but he quietly asks "the immortal master" to please don't be loud, his dear nephew have only just now fallen asleep. Poor Zhuzhi is running himself ragged trying to keep his uncle's spirit up and trying to find any crack in the talismans, but he already reverted to his original form and can't do much. He's curled up next to Tianlang-Jun so his uncle can just barely rest a hand on his head and is deep asleep.
Shen Qingqiu can't resist commenting on how hideous Zhuzhi-Lang is and Tianlang-Jun agrees but insists this is his nephew they are talking about so could the immortal master please not pick on his sweet hardworking Zhuzhi-Lang? Ah, master, did you know in some parts of the demon realm this counts as flirting? No?
They talk some more and Shen Qingqiu is mystified by how cordial the demon is - "What point is there in wasting my energy on raging against you, master Shen? You were not one of those who sealed me and my throat hurts so much afterwards you just wouldn't believe. 0/10 would not recommend."
Gets confirmation that yes this is indeed the 'spoiled young master', he does remember the girl he hired to write him a song, he now regrets terribly that he didn't just stick with it instead of running after romance. Was the money enough for the girl to buy her contract? Oh good. He was worried he didn't give enough.
And the more he hears about Tianlang-Jun's shenanigans in the human realm, the more Shen Jiu has Doubts about what went down. A man who fusses over his unfortunate, hideous thing of a nephew like Zhuzhi-Lang is the most precious good boy, who pretends to be drunk and 'accidentally' rents out a whole brothel for a week so a violent young master and his buddies can't hurt the girls while they are visiting the city is about as high up on Shen Qingqiu's 'good person' scale as a man can ever get, regardless of what else he is.
Shen Qingqiu has a good sense for Men That Are Better Avoided and Tianlang-Jun is tripping none of his badtouch feelers - very much unlike the Old Palace Master. Zhuzhi-Lang eventually wakes up and tries to scare Shen Qingqiu off, with mixed results. His unusual loyalty to Tianlang-Jun is noted, however.
So Shen Qingqiu goes back to the sect and hatches a Plan. It involves Mu Qingfang who knows all sorts of truth pollen, Shang Qinghua who can source basically anything they need and Yue Qingyue because stupid soft-hearted Qi-ge would not stand for being complacent in injustice. Plus they can count on his good nature to cover their asses if they are caught. Always good to have a backup plan in case they get in hot water, head disciples of a notable sect sneaking into another sect's territory to tamper with the sealed heavenly demon emperor.
It is fortunate that Tianlang-Jun currently can't see and Zhuzhi-Lang has no words to tell him Yue Qingyuan is there, because all Shen Qingqiu told him was that they are not with Huan Hua and that he wants to get to the bottom of this - preferably so he can dig a hole there and bury the Old Palace Master for good, the wording of which highly amuses the demon. So Tianlang-Jun is very cooperative, for the relief their company brings if nothing else. They hear all about his enthusiasm for the human realm (now a little bit dampened, he admits with a strained laugh) and figure out that he can't keep a serious lie up for more than 5 minutes. He probably could, Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua agree, finding common ground in their mutual bullshit/lie-radar, but it's not in his nature. Shang Qinghua mimes checking with his sources, goes for a good round of complaining to his ice prince, then returns having 'confirmed' Tianlang-Jun's recounting of the events.
So next point on the agenda: fixing this shit. Getting Tianlang-Jun out and finding out what happened to Su Xiyan. After that: finding a pit of demon ants they can shove the Old Palace Master into for a slow death, getting him to confess all his crimes in writing beforehand optional.
Getting Tianlang-Jun out is easier than anticipated because the sect leader was only exaggerating a little when he said the Yue Qingyuan's seal is the thing holding the whole binding together. With it willingly undone Yue Qingyuan can go wreck the other bindings with his cursed sword to weaken it further. Tianlang-Jun has only been under the mountain for a few years so he's not completely depowered, and after Mu Qingfang gives him some very rare demonic boosters ("Shang-shidi, stop shaking, nobody is going to ask where you got them!") he can break out no problem. It comes with a huge earthquake tho, so they must make a run for it. Huan Hua does find out that Tianlang-Jun got out as a result, but they are not suspected of freeing him for now.
They must hide the still recovering Tianlang-Jun and the now conveniently humanoid Zhuzhi-Lang and they need to track down what happened to Su Xiyan - which is probably the easiest, because Zhuzhi-Lang can remember her scent and her qi and he's a demon snake so he can use those to track her path, even years past. They find no Su Xiyan, but they do find baby Luo Binghe and that makes things uuuh. Not really better, honestly. The washerwoman is glad that the father came to track the child down, he looks like a very upstanding young master ("How?! He looks one bad step away from feral!"). Nobody listens to Shang Qinghua and Zhuzhi-Lang when they try to explain that maybe Tianlang-Jun as a single father is not a great idea, but they are kind of short on great or even passable ideas so they will take it.
Mu Qingfang however discovers the seal on Luo Binghe and declares that it shouldn't be carelessly undone. So they can't go and hide in the demon realm with effectively human baby Luo Binghe and while Tianlang-Jun can actually hide his demon nature very convincingly, they can't go around with Zhuzhi-Lang being so clearly recognizable.
Shang Qinghua and his plot devices to the rescue!
It's the flower of a very rare demonic plant with the ability to change half of a mixed-origin demon's nature - was originally meant for a wife plot with a demoness with similarly incompatible heritages who of course turned into a beauty afterwards...
Heavenly demon blood is very resistant to tampering, but nothing stops the flower from changing poor Zhuzhi's snake half - in this case to that of a human, for easier blending in purposes. Zhuzhi-Lang is not happy about this, but he can see the merits in it.
The drawbacks: the flower blooms once every three centuries (Shang Qinghua gets Mobei-Jun to steal a preserved bloom for him from the Northern treasure vault) so if he changes, he can't change again until then, quite a few decades from now. He will be stuck as half-human. He would lose all his snake traits, which he is not happy about.
The pros: easier hiding among humans, if something happens and Tianlang-Jun dies for real he won't turn back into that awkward half-snake form. He would remain humanoid.
The neutral: Mu Qingfang realizes that his mental health is depended on his snake familiars and sets Shang Qinghua to get a bunch of very rare ingredients for a potion of permanent speak-with-sneks. The family resemblance between Tianlang-Jun and Zhuzhi-Lang is more obvious so they can pass him off as Tianlang-Jun's son to make their made-up backstory more coherent. Mobei-Jun is a little suspicious about Shang Qinghua's sudden interest in rare demonic things, but mostly he's happy that his human is asking things of him, and he can start working off the life debt he owes Shang Qinghua. He might teleport into the middle of shenanigans and get drafted into the madness.
Zhuzhi-Lang never looked very old, but he looks maybe 13-14 now. So after overhearing Shang Qinghua's mumblings that they will have to get Luo Binghe into the sect to start cultivating before his seal is broken so he has the basics of cultivation down, Tianlang-Jun gets a wonderful idea. And unfortunately, the person in charge of babysitting 'runaway young master single dad' is Yue Qingyuan who feels too guilty about sealing him under a mountain to oppose him before it's too late. They end up similarly sealing Zhuzhi-Lang so he can 'scout ahead' and as 'the big brother' prepare a spot for Luo Binghe in the sect.
It's bit of a tossup who gets the newly renamed Luo Yuxi shidi, but Shen Qingqiu will probably call dibs, let's be honest. He can't trust Yue Qingyuan not to go along with more madness and Zhuzhi-Lang has no talent for medicine (and he is getting really fond of Mu Qingfang, nope, not under Shen Qingqiu's watch!). And he still doesn't trust Shang Qinghua, period. They are all in this together and yes, they are terribly entangled with demons and schemes now, but he's not letting Shang Qinghua off the hook for already being all that and strangely knowledgeable about things to boot.
Tianlang-Jun moves into the city with Luo Binghe, fully leaning into the whole 'rich widow who ran away from his responsibilities after tragic death of wife' angle, takes on the washerwoman to help with the child rearing and almost accidentally builds a spy network (he calls it 'gossip club'). And what better gossip than what Zhuzhi-Lang brings him from the sect! While Shen Qingqiu and the others work their way up to peak lords, Zhuzhi-Lang makes it to head disciple instead of Ming Fan (he's just barely categorized as next gen compared to the Qin lords, due to how long it takes him to get the hang of human cultivation as opposed to demonic power) and passes all the juicy bits to Tianlang-Jun. And what juicy bits they are! He could write a romantic tragedy about QiJiu from all the details Zhuzhi-Lang overheard and/or strongarmed Shang Qinghua into telling once Mobei-Jun accidentally let it slip that Shang Qinghua might be something of a seer.
Actually, not just could, he does. Names and identifying details are tastefully changed - and he does a somewhat better job of it than Mingyan, so it's not immediately traced back to Shen Qingqiu and Yue Qingyuan. Partially because unlike The Regret of Chunshan, Tianlang-Jun's chosen medium is prose, so it doesn't catch on that quickly.
He can't help himself tho, it is still a yellow book, so there is a lot of added spice to that tragedy that decidedly did not happen and Shen Qingqiu will hound him about when he finally hears about it - lucky thing that Shen Qingqiu doesn't find out until after Tianlang-Jun decides he wants a happy end and starts meddling to make them reconcile/get together. Zhuzhi-Lang is happy that his uncle is busy trying to set Shen Qingqiu and Yue Qingyuan up because it means Tianlang-Jun doesn't realize that Zhuzhi-Lang started dating Mu Qingfang somewhere along the way. Luo Binghe grows up happy and spoiled rotten by his father, his Zhuzhu gege and several uncles, including Mobei-Jun.
Linguang-Jun eventually notices that his nephew keeps disappearing to the human world (to babysit Luo Binghe, mostly, but he still often sleeps in Shang Qinghua's room) and comes to investigate, only to be fully drawn into all the matchmaking shenanigans and maybe get surprise wifebeamed by Tianlang-Jun. Tianlang-Jun might cause a ceasefire between Linguang-Jun and Mobei-Jun by accident because the relationship between Tianlang-Jun and Zhuzhi-Lang makes Linguang-Jun reconsider his hate towards Mobei-Jun. He still doesn't approve of Mobei-Jun marrying Shang Qinghua though! Seriously Mobei, at least pick a bride who notices when he's being courted!
Liu Qingge shows up at one point, probably, trying to investigate what's going on with those four suddenly becoming like peas in a pod. Idk what he would achieve other than get underfoot, but he tries his best. Tianlang-Jun might dupe him into becoming his sparring partner, by pretending to be "Luo Tianlu, absolutely legit rogue cultivator who retired into a secular life and settled down as a young master with his two sons". Shang Qinghua finds it funny, so he helps Tianlang-Jun forge evidence for his fake identity.
Binge's gay awakening is one day realizing that the annoying shishu who likes sparring shirtless with his dad is really hot actually. He still ends up on Qing Jing Peak because Tianlang-Jun would cry if his son didn't become at least somewhat aware of arts, and he doesn't want to disappoint his dad. But the Endless Abyss arc is basically just a big Training Montage of Luo Binghe trying to become a worthy challenger to court Liu Qingge. When he finds Xin Mo he leaves it the fuck alone because the adults have taught him not to touch obviously evil swords whispering questionable promises. Besides, he can ask Mobei-shushu to teleport him home - or airdrop a very protective and ridiculously overpowered Tianlang-Jun in - any time he's in actual danger. It's a little bit embarrassing, but Shang Qinghua taught him that surviving is worth a little embarrassment, and he should know, right?
Airplane gets to watch the disaster of a setting he wrote spin towards multiple happy endings instead of tragedy, to the tune of a song about a spoiled young lord, because it was Shen Qingqiu and the others who set things in motion and it fried his System.
He likes it better this way.
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alexagirlie · 1 year
Flesh of the Dragon
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Header by me, divider by @zaldritzosrose
Fandom: Flesh of the Dragon
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen/Jacaerys Velaryon
Rating: E
warnings/tags: Dragon Cock. Oral Sex. Anal Sex. Targcest
Summary: The first time Aemond saw his nephews after that fateful day on Driftmark, where he lost his eye and gained a dragon, he immediately noticed a difference. Not only had they aged, it had been 10 years after all, but that they had grown… beautiful. Jacaerys in particular caught Aemond eye, which he hadn't expected, he thought he would be focused on Lucerys, on the nephew who took his eye, but something about Jace captivated him.
It was more than just his appearance, though Aemond could admit in the privacy of his own thoughts that he found his eldest nephew immensely attractive and that he could now see the Targaryen in him. His colouring screamed bastard but it was there, in the shape of his face, the curve of his jaw, the slope of his nose, the slant of his eyes, it was all Targaryen and he was beautiful.
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The first time Aemond saw his nephews after that fateful day on Driftmark, where he lost his eye and gained a dragon, he immediately noticed a difference. Not only had they aged, it had been 10 years after all, but that they had grown… beautiful. Jacaerys in particular caught Aemond eye, which he hadn't expected, he thought he would be focused on Lucerys, on the nephew who took his eye, but something about Jace captivated him.
It was more than just his appearance, though Aemond could admit in the privacy of his own thoughts that he found his eldest nephew immensely attractive and that he could now see the Targaryen in him. His colouring screamed bastard but it was there, in the shape of his face, the curve of his jaw, the slope of his nose, the slant of his eyes, it was all Targaryen and he was beautiful.
His nephews said nothing as he taunted them in the training yard and Aemond felt a strange energy as they stood facing each other, a very similar energy to when one faced down a dragon and it piqued his curiousity. What had they learned in their time away in Dragonstone, what secrets had the Targaryen home taught them. He burned with jealousy.
He itched to start a fight, to test whatever it was that his nephews had learned that gave them such a presence and he gripped the pommel of his sword tightly, poised and ready to strike when they were rudely interrupted. A courtier had come to gather the princes and announced that the hearing was about to start and their presence was required in the throne room.
The dinner his father forced them to have after the petition ended gave Aemond another opportunity to attempt and provoke his nephew, this time with a bit more success. His brother had eased the way, mocking Jace's prowess in bed, or the lack thereof, made passes at his fiance, and so Jace's temper was already up. It took very little for Aemond to fan the flames, a few carefully curated words and Jace was out of his seat and finally ready for the fight Aemond had been dying for.
Aemond huffed and sheathed his sword. Another time then.
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They were stopped before Jace could throw the punch, his stepfather and several guards blocking the way but Aemond spotted something peculiar. Some sort of discolouration, which peaked out from Jace's hairline, over the collar of his tunic and his eyes, his eyes burned with dragon fire and Aemond needed to know what was the cause.
His nephews were sent to their chambers and Aemond burned with impatience as he waited, cup of wine in hand, for enough time to have passed so that he could sneak off and investigate. He knew where his nephews' chambers were located and he knew that no Kingsguard had been assigned to that wing. As he arrived he saw that his sister had the arrogance to not assign any of her household guards outside his nephews rooms either. All the better for him.
He did not knock or announce himself in any way, he found the door unlocked and simply let himself into Jacaerys' chambers and froze at what awaited him.
His nephew was shirtless, his tunic folded over the back of a nearby chair and Jace's back was to the door, the lines of his shoulders relaxed, not at all alarmed by his uncle's unannounced appearance in his chambers. This allowed Aemond to see what it was that had enamored him so.
Scales. Green with just the slightest edge of burnt orange, the same colour and pattern which Vermax boasted. They ran from his hairline down across the breadth of his shoulders and crawled down his spine before they spread around his hips and disappeared down under the hem of his breeches. Aemond spotted patches on the backs of his arms, centered around his elbows and the curve of his wrists.
Jacaerys looked over his shoulder and smirked at Aemond "Hello Uncle."
"What… how… '' Aemond didn't even know what he wanted to ask, all words wiped from his mind at the sight before him.
Jace turned to face him fully, the laces on his breeches were untied and opened just enough that Aemond could see the scales traveled down over his groin and the implication of what his cock must look like made Aemond inexplicably hard in his own breeches. He wanted to see.
Aemonds desire must be clearly evident on his face for Jace laughed and tugged his breeches further down his hips until the base of his cock was visible and Aemond could now clearly see that it had the same scales as on his nephew's back. Aemond barely held back the groan which wanted to escape his throat.
Jace grinned at him, boyish and carefree in a way that Aemond did not expect to see from him. "There is an underground spring on Dragonstone, one used by our ancestors and their dragons since they arrived in Westeros." Jace stepped closer to his uncle and it took everything in Aemond to not step back. His face was no longer boyish, but hungry. "It had been lost for the last 40 years or so, since Daemon was a babe in any case, but Lucerys and I found it while exploring."
Jace slid his breeches the rest of the way down his hips until they fell in a heap at his feet, he stepped out of the bunched up fabric and took another step closer to Aemond. His cock was huge, ridged and scaled, much like what Aemond imagined a dragon's cock would look like. Aemond had never wanted to suck a cock so hard in his life.
Jace reached out with one hand and cupped the side of Aemond's face, his thumb lightly stroking the edge of the leather patch over his eye. "We bathed in that spring and when we emerged we had been changed. The power of the dragon is no longer only in our veins but in our whole bodies…"
Aemond stared into his nephew's eyes and could see the truth in his tale, it wasn't some curse but proof of his Targaryen heritage, indisputable and beautiful.
The hand on his face slid down until Jace's hand was resting on Aemond's shoulder. "On your knees Uncle."
The pain that shot through Aemonds knees as he hit the floor barely registered, his mind now singularly focused on the cock in front of him. He had never sucked another man's cock before, though he had been on the receiving end many times and had a general idea of what to do.
It should have been humiliating, brought to his knees and servicing his bastard nephew in such a way but instead it made Aemond harder than he could ever remember being. Jace's cock doesn't even fit fully in his mouth, it was far too large and he could only suck sloppily at the head and mouth wetly along the sides. The skin was hard under his tongue and he could feel the edge of each individual ridge and scale.
Aemond wasn't sure how long he spent worshiping that dragon cock before Jace pushed him back, panting and flushed an alluring shade of pink, the stain creeping down his chest. It complimented the scales perfectly. "Take off your clothes."
Aemond rushed to comply, shivering with a mix of excitement and intimidation as he systematically stripped off his tunic, breeches and boots.
He wasn't sure what to expect when Jace guided him to the bed and shoved him so he was sprawled on his back on the blood red sheets. Jace crawled over him, a small clay container he assumed was filled with some form of oil in hand, and to Aemonds shock his nephew covered Aemond's cock in the viscous liquid before he straddled him and sank down on his cock.
It was slow, eased only by the oil and Jace was tighter then any cunt Aemond had ever fucked before. Hot and perfect around his cock.
Once Jace had worked the entirety of Aemon'd cock inside him, and he had given himself a minute to adjust, he set a brutal pace and rode Aemond like a beast, his huge dragon cock bouncing, wet and dripping all over Aemond's stomach. Aemond just had to hold on for the ride and try not to cum first, he still wasn't sure how he ended up here but he would be damned if he didn't see Jace cum before him, the tattered remains of his pride demanded it. Aemond braced his feet flat on the bed and thrust up into each roll of Jace's hips down, the sound of skin against skin filling the room, mixing with their panting and moaning.
Aemond tried to wrap his hand around Jace's girth and jerked him as best he could. Jace seemed to like it well enough, if his ever crescendoing moans meant anything and when he finally came with a scream only a few minutes later he drenched Aemond. Spurt after spurt of his cum covered Aemond's stomach, chest and neck, hot and slick. Jace didn''t slow the motions of his hips, he continued to ride his uncle with abandon until Aemond came with a cry, body trembling as he flooded his nephew's still convulsing arse with his cum.
They laid there, chest to chest with Jace's face buried in Aemond's neck, sticky and sated. "You could come with us back to Dragonstone… I would love to see what colour your scales would be…" Jace sounded so vulnerable, so honest and Aemond found himself agreeing without thinking.
A week later he emerged from the spring under Dragonstone forever changed, in more ways than one. He came out of that spring with his own set of shimmering bronze scales edged in blue, proving beyond a doubt that he was always meant to claim Vhagar. This went a long way with patching the rift between himself, his nephews and cousins.
He would never be able to go back to his family in King's Landing, the betrayal of his leaving putting him firmly on the side of the blacks and Rhaenrya after the news of his father's passing reached their ears but it was worth it. Aegon would make a terrible King.
See the amazing fanart I commissioned for this story on twt
pls ask if you would like to be added to HotD taglist!
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dunefandomhub · 2 months
2024 Dune Mini Bang Sneak Peak #1
Title TBA
Ship: Paul x Duncan
Author: Plombieres on AO3
No one wanted to hijack the Baron Hakonnen’s ship. Fleet of ships, Duncan should add, the Baron did not travel with just one ship, he was always accompanied by his nephews. Rabban’s harpoons would pierce anyone’s ship before they even made an attempt to board, and perhaps that was a mercy, sinking before you made contact with the elder of the nephews. Or maybe not. Some have said that the younger of the two was worse. Feyd was the worst, the sailors whispered. You could survive Rabban. You couldn’t—There was a metallic click-and-hiss of doors opening, and he (along with the other recruits) stood up to attention, and the man in question stepped forward, with another man, willowy and tall, trailing after him.
Artist: @zaldritzosrose
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: explicit| Warnings / Tags: m x m smut, use of sex toys, spanking, spanking via a belt, use of a vibrator, bondage, some degrading language used
Summary: TK posts a picture that certainly gets Carlos' attention.
Author's Note: This fic took entirely too long to write, but that happens sometimes. What started out as me being silly (and a little parnoid to share parts of this fic because I was having issues with someone copying my ideas) and using [redacted] in place of names when posting sneak peaks of this turned into my actually titling it that. I had a lot of fun with this fic. Thank you to @paperstorm , @thebumblecee , @mooshkat , @cowlos-reyes , and @detective-giggles for allowing me to scream about this fic to no end. Thank you to @meditating-honey-badger for being the best beta.
And thank you to my lovely friend in the TWP Discord who are always so encouraging and wonderful. This fic would be nowhere without you guys.
set in the same universe as my slutty carlos fics We can get a little crazy just for fun
Carlos has the day off so he decides that he’s going to spend it visiting with his sisters and their children. It’s been a few weeks since he’s last seen them - busy with work, attending galas, and keeping up with TK - so he wants to take advantage of the day off while TK has to work. They try to get their days off to line up so they can spend time together without being tired from work, but there are always a few days during the month when things don’t align perfectly.
They don’t mind though, they use those days to do things they might not do when they’re off together. Sometimes TK attends meetings or spends the day on Facetime with Jonah - virtually going to museums and other places - and Carlos usually spends the time with his family or any of the dozen errands he never seems to have time to catch up on.
On this day he met up with his sisters and their families at one of the local restaurants for breakfast and then Carlos tagged along with them to the aquarium for the afternoon - thankfully not the zoo because last time his nieces and nephews made him go through the reptile exhibit and Carlos had hated it. Fish were much safer to look at and there was no chance of seeing a lizard.
They’re on their way to the dolphin show when his phone chimes with TK’s text tone. He digs through his pocket for his phone and gets it out, pulling the preview down to look at it. It’s a picture, and Carlos is almost certain it’s probably something he shouldn’t be looking at in public. He makes an excuse, dips into the nearest restroom, and opens the text.
His mouth goes dry as the picture loads. It’s obscene and unsafe to look at in the aquarium, but he can’t help it. His body heats up, cock twitching in his jeans and he’s filled with want that just keeps growing the longer he looks at it. TK is in the shower, sitting on the floor, and the glass door is steamy - probably due to TK trying to make a faux sauna in their bathroom. He has one leg bent at the knee, the other crossed on the floor in a position that makes him very open and if it wasn’t for the towel artfully draped across his middle Carlos would be able to see everything.
Carlos spends entirely too long looking at the picture, taking in every single detail, and committing it to memory. He’s not sure how he’s supposed to finish the day with his family with that image burned into his brain. It takes all his self-control and willpower to pull his eyes from the photo and type out a message to TK.
tag list (you can always ask to be added or removed) @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @noxsoulmate @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @cowlos-reyes @meditating-honey-badger @paperstorm @otter-love-asl @kiloskywalker @angeltk @firstprince-history-huh @brouill3r
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 2 months
WIP Eeeehhhhhh *gestures vaguely*
Was tagged by @rainwingmarvel7, thanks!
Enjoy a little sneak peak of chapter 20 of SOTF
“Uncle Aemooooooon!” Satisfied with her family having come out to join her in the fresh air, Rhea interrupted Lord Desmond’s greeting of everyone to run across the courtyard at a full tilt while she waved the crumpled piece of paper gripped in her fist high above her head. Her words warbled as she ran, the bounce of her steps keeping her voice from going even as she dragged Aemon’s name out. He crouched down to her level, and Rhea slammed into his chest to nuzzle into him. She’d gotten so big while he’d been at New Castle, and she probably did not remember him, but she loved Aemon just as much as she had before he’d left. He wrapped his arms low around her so she'd be stable, and stood up with her securely in his arms. She giggled and squealed as she hugged him, and once she was fully in the air she studied him with wide, mismatched eyes. If Aemon did not love her so much, being held by her black and pale purple stare would be unsettling. “I knew my favorite uncle would have papa’s eyes!” Something stirred in Aemon’s chest, tiny and fragile, but good. It was warm, but lighter than how Medrick made him feel. He was happy in a way he couldn’t place. Yorick’s eyes, not His. That being all his niece and nephews knew was comfortable, it was right. As right as anything could be. “I won’t tell Robert or Borros that I am your favorite.” He replied with a laugh. “They already know!” Aemon laughed harder now, his eyes squeezing shut as his head tilted forward slightly. Rhea’s warm little hand came to rest on his cheek as she yelled “open.” When he finally did as she wanted, Yorick was before him. His elder brother looked different and the same all at once; his beard was fuller and his hair dipped past his shoulders, he looked properly like a lord with children, but he still had the same streak of brown running through the right side of his hair and his nose was still crooked and even under all the time that had passed he still looked like Yorick.
tagging (if y'all want): @vampire-exgirlfriend, @queen--kenobi, @alicent-boleyn, @darkwolf76, & @godswood-girl
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urfavblackbimbo · 2 months
Chapter 9
Summary:It’s been a couple of months since the business has started the air to becoming colder in South Central area and celebrating Frankie’s birthday and one gift he will cherish forever, one day getting a call from Avi saying he wants to meet and with lapd breaking into Avi’s place then arresting Avi and Lee, Frankie wanted him out that day and had to cough fifty gs for the lawyer and that raises a couple of eyebrows at y’all. And now the coke is all officially gone then Frankie comes up with a plan to drive down to Oakland to meet Swim to end up finally meeting the man that we all were looking for…. Avi’s connect.
Warnings:afab-reader, n-word usage, cursing, minor character death, kissing, oral (female & male rec.),  sneak-peak of dad!frankie, making crack-rock, slight fear of heights
Word count:8.6k mdni+ Happy reading
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This takes place in Season 2 ep. 1 and 2
Four Months Later 
The business is going good, really really good. You and Frankie were the only ones that was allowed back to Avi’s place from now on, walking into the cookhouse to see Louie stirring the mason jar, you grabbed a black bandana and wrap it over your nose then tying it behind your head and grabbing kitchen gloves, then pouring equal parts of the baking powder and coke in the mason jar with a little bit of water and stirring in the water. Lee and Kev were breaking up the large rocks into smaller rocks then bagging them, Jerome, Peaches and a couple of other guys were  bagging the rocks in chip bags. Once your shift was done, you went to the ice cream truck, had ice cream for the kids and rock for the adults. As the kids were coming up for the ice cream and the adults would walk around back to get their rock 
Peaches is tying up the bags of money in the truck, while you and him were sitting on the car waiting for everybody to finish up, getting back to Jerome’s house  he unlocks the backroom with two deadbolts behind it, Frankie opens it to show the back wall is in containers of money and Jerome dumps bags of money on the table, Jerome leaves to grab more bags of the money and left you and Frankie to count it.
Couple weeks later
Today is Franklin Saint's birthday. The man is turning the big 20. He wanted to do something small with just his family, friends and of course you. The gift you got him was a gold chain with the word ‘Saint’ in the middle and a fresh pair of white sambas with light blue stripes going on the sides. You had them both wrapped in birthday paper sitting next to you.
Once he enters to Jerome’s house seeing Lee making out with Wanda, he takes of his dark blue jacket, showing off his white shirt, blue and green shoulders and the color going across his chest, he sees you in the corner and Kev stops in his tracks “Ladies, I would like y’all to meet Franklin Saint aka our savior aka the big black apostle.” He smiles “Franklin’s fine, alright, nice to meet you ladies.” all the ladies smile at him, and one of them is staring a little too hard. Frankie walks away to greet Jerome “What’s up unc?” Jerome puffs out some smoke “Sup nephew.” He grabs some chips and starts eating them and sees you sitting on the couch “What you doin’ here alone?” you couldn’t wait to show Frankie what you got him, you pick up your large gift first and you handed it to Frankie “Happy birthday baby.” he looks down at the gift and takes the large gift and takes a seat next to you, opening his gift of a red adidas box carefully to see a pair of white sambas with a light blue stripes going across “Holy shit baby, you know I can never get enough with these shoes.” Frankie has been collecting sambas shoes for a while, the boy has a damn near obsession. He gives you a kiss “Thank you baby.” you smile “Your welcome baby, but I have one more gift.” you bend down to grab the smaller gift, your back was exposing to him showing your purple waist beads, you were wearing a black backless dress and black wedges with your necklace on display. 
Suddenly you find your next gift, you handed it to him he opens the gift to see the gold chain with the words ‘Saint’ written on it, he holds it in his hands not saying anything “Do you like Frankie?” he turns to you “Of course baby I love it thank you really.” you kiss him on the lips “Your welcome baby.” Louie walks into the family room wearing a red long romper, Jerome slams his hand on the table “Goddamn! I don’t know how you got the energy.” Louie takes a couple twenty’s in her bag “If I got to spend my time my days in that cookhouse. I sure as hell ain’t spending my nights in here.” Jerome yells and takes a sip of his drink “Hey Peaches! Hey hey make sure she get to the club aight.” “Bye Jerome.” “Give me a kiss.” Jerome smacks her ass “Give Claudia a kiss for me too.” Louie looks back “I will if you want to.” “Tell her to come see my tree!” Louie laughs “She ain’t wanna see your tree, but she do like pie though…. I tell her that y’all said hi too.”  you smile at Frankie “Come on, put it on.” he open the clasp and lock it behind his neck, as it lays there resting on his second button “What’chu think?” You rest your fingers to touch his necklace the smooth golden in cursive of his last name “I love it on you baby, the jeweler did a really good job gold is definitely your color.” he smiles at you showing his pearly white teeth he grabs your hand “Come on let’s go to our room.” 
As you enter to the guest room Frankie starts kissing your neck feeling his gold rubbing against your neck, he spins you around to take you in his lips he slips off your dress and takes off his shirt to only have his necklace on he pulls down his khakis pants to show his red plaid boxers you push him on the bed you climb on top and makes out with him he grabs your ass and flips you over slowly takes off his boxers and starts to stroke himself he lowers himself on his stomach to face your pussy he leans down to kiss your soft inner thighs “I should be givin’ you head today it’s your birthday.'' he looks up “You right it’s still my birthday and one of my wishes is to eat you out.” he dips his head his tongue sliding all over your pussy he moans all over it. Loud banging was coming from down the hall. It sounds like Jerome is yelling “Open the gooddamn door! The fuck is wrong with you.” you put on your dress and Frankie puts on his boxers to see what the hell is happening Frankie opens the door first to see Jerome busting through his room to Kev with two girls in his bed Jerome grabs his shoe and smack one of the girls ass “Oh you wanna fuck in my house nigga.” and start smacking Kev he was naked to only have his bucket hat to cover himself he runs out of the room and down the stairs and Jerome chasing him “Grab his ass!” they both pass you, Frankie, Lee and you all laugh “Is that your birthday Franklin?” he smiles “Yeah and I was showing Lexi how thankful I was.” you smack his shoulder Lee sticks out his tongue out in disgust “Leon what’s taking you so long?” coming from Wanda inside of the room Lee touches his shoulder to say good night to him and Frankie copies “Good night Lee.” “Good night Lex.” 
You both get undressed to get back on the bed you rest your head on the pillows spreading your legs “I think you want to finish what you started, birthday boy.” he smirks “I ain’t no boy, I'm older than you now.” He climbs on top of you his necklace dangling in front of your face your eyes switch back and forth to his face and neck “Well if I’m the birthday boy then I’m about to make to make one of my wishes come true.” you rise on your elbows “Can you tell me one of your wishes?” He pulls closer to your face grazing your lips “If I tell you. Then it won’t come true and one of my wishes will definitely come true.” kissing your lower stomach moving down to your pussy dragging his tongue to touch your clit and down to your lips and your softest walls gripping the sheets his hands grip your thighs to hold you in your place, your hands find their way to his hair your fingers touching his tight coils “Fuck baby oohh ughh shit.” Pants and moaning coming out of you he moans into your pussy feeling the vibration “That’s right baby you fuckin’ nut on my face.” Frankie slips his hands to your knees bending you in half seeing him admiring your pussy and let’s a long drop of saliva on your warm pussy before you could realize he is deeper in your pussy getting your juices all over his face the wetness leaking out of you then you try to fight back with closing your legs but there was no use you couldn’t win even if you wanted to. You continue to grind against his face  he ate you up like you were his last meal he kept moving his face to rhythm of your hips your waist beads were riding up  to the middle of your soft tummy once he felt you relax under grip he slowly rise to grab a small washcloth to clean up the excess of you and throws it in the dirty hamper “Thank you for my wish baby.” he kiss you “I’m still not tired.” you rolled on your stomach to crawl to where he was and opened your mouth to take him in your mouth “What do you say to the birthday boy baby?” you mumble ‘Thank you’  you look up to him to see that he is already looking at you “Stretch that throat baby I wanna fuck your throat.”  you relax your throat  to take him deeper feeling his slighty over gown bush touching your nose “Fuck-kk baby you’re taking me soo goo-od.” his chest is puffing out taking deep breaths and even deeper moans “I wanna see your eyes baby, let me see your eyes baby.” his hips strokin’ out of your mouth his necklace catching your eyes resting on his chest with his new accessory he fo’real could be a male model with the looks he was givin’ you, he grips the back of your head you grip his ass to bring him closer and cumming in your  throat “Fuckkk baby I’m bout to nut baby ohh fuck.” there was so much sliding down your mouth tasting his musky and clean nut you take one more swallow to taste all of him “I’m glad to spend your birthday Frankie.” he grabs your face to pull you in a sloppy wet kiss “I’m glad too baby.”
A few days later you get an unexpected call to from Avi saying he wanted to do a another pickup “Just sayin’ a little heads up would be nice.” he’s holding a duffle bag of forty-two thousand dollars and Avi puts his arms up “But I like seeing you Frankie and the beautiful Lexi…eve-even  Leon here is growing on me.” He pats on Lee’s shoulder “You know how stressful it is to ride through Encino with this much fuckin’ coin in the car?” Avi walks over to his bar “Okay, maybe Leon is not growing on me show much. I got a few ounces lying around somewhere so you don’t feel like you wasted your time. Muir go to the stash see what you can find for Frankie.” the gunman walks away “You got it.” Avi takes a sip of his drink “You know not too long ago you were happy with just a few hundred dollars.” “How we grow huh?” “Like weeds. Hey, on Friday both of you  come over for shabbat dinner, wear a nice coat.” Avi pulls on his jacket “Come on Franklin and Alexia, you both  have money now, get yourself a nice coat and flowy dress to match.” He puts his hand on Avi’s shoulder one of the gunmen comes back running back “Avi! Avi!” the men are scattering around trying to hide the drugs and the money “Hey what’s goin’ on?” you turned to look at Frankie “What did he say?” Frankie asking around Avi is speaking in hebrew to the gunmen to calm down “LAPD! HANDS UP LAPD.” He pats on your shoulder to run from the cops one of them starts chasing you “Right there! Don’t move!” you run around the house to see a fence blocking you Frankie throws the duffle bag over the fence and hops over it effortlessly you climb the fence and Lee pushes you over the fence to escape you run to Frankie and see Lee getting handcuff “You thought you can run from me punk ass kid.” Lee puts his hands on his head “Shut the fuck up.” and gets dragged back to the house.
Frankie finds a payphone to make a call to Jerome “What’s up nephew, you heard anything from Avi.” Frankie hands you the duffle bag “Hey unc and Avi got raided the cops came and they got Leon.” Frankie kept nodding his head and listening to Jerome and hangs up the phone “Jerome wants us to meet Tyrone, he's a lawyer.”  Jerome was already there waiting for the both of you he walks up to Jerome and Frankie opens the car door setting it on the ground, walking into the office there was a lightskin man in a suit named Tyrone and a darkskin man named Biscuit and sitting on the table behind him “Apparently your boy’s  in business with a babe ruth motherfucker, that dude Avi? Hitting him with possession with intent to go along with a hefty gun charge?” Biscuit spoke up “intrems y’all lame-asses can understand. That boy fucked” your eyes shift to Tyrone “What about Leon?-”  you get cut off by Biscuit “Hit him with a 69-PC.” “The fuck is a 69PC?” Jerome turns to Biscuit “Felony evading.” Jerome puts his hands out “Why the fuck you ain’t just say that then?” Biscuit kept looking at Jerome “Cause I’m a fuckin’ professional J-rome.” “No you’s a moron Biscuit.” Tyrone trying to calm them down “Now the bad news is your boy got priors and because it’s a felony bail is fifty.” Jerome looks in shock “Thousands?” Biscuit looks fed up “Ain’t fifty hundred nigga.” Jerome looks at Biscuit “I want him out.” “Gonna need ten percent down cash, collateral, whatever.” Jerome sucks in his teeth “Shit fifty thousand ain’t shit.” Biscuit and Tyrone make quick eye contact “Yeah it is, it’s a lot Jerome actually I’m need a minute to get that for you.” “Aye ain’t my boy on there, do what you gotta do.” You all walk out of the office to Jerome’s car “Nephew you got the fifty gs right now, let’s get this shit done.” He turns around “Avi and Leon are locked up and we spent the whole day running around Enico with forty-two gs in a duffle bag, trying to find a cab or a bus before the cops found the both of us.” Getting in the car “So yeah maybe I’m a little on edge.” Jerome takes his cigarette out “Well with Avi in the clink you know where we can find some more coke?” Frankie just stares off into the distance as Jerome pulls off to the courthouse.
It’s been a few hours since Lee has been locked up and Frankie decided to get him out that day you were sitting on the rail with Kev in front of the courthouse with Jerome and Frankie “Aye he still ain’t out?” Jerome was pacing back and forth “Any minute man Tyrone is in there now-” Kev cuts off Frankie “Where was I?” Kev was wearing a red adidas tracksuit “Uhhh, you was getting ready to ruin the rest of the fuckin’ movie.” He puts his hands in his pockets “Damn right and he go ‘Say hello to my little friend’  doing finger guns imitating gunshots “Yo he bad, I seen this shit twice” Jerome still pacing around “So he lived?” you look at Kev for his answer “What nah man, everybody in that motherfucka died. What’s up Jerome you got crabs or something?” he flinging his arms around “I don’t like being around this motherfucka gooddamnit.” Lee and Tyrone walk out of the courthouse “Ahhh this fool.” “So when you drop the soap, do you bend over to pick it up or do you squat? Like how does that work?” you all go into a fit of laughter filling up in your tummy Lee shakes his head “This motherfucker.” “Hey y’all make sure this little nigga don’t run, you hear?” “Who the fuck you talkin’ to?” Lee deepens his voice “Aight playa. Look y’all need me again and it sounds like you will, you know where I’m at.” Frankie shakes Tyrone hand and walks away you walk up to Lee to give him a hug “Thanks for pushing me over you know I can’t hop no fence.” “Yeah no probs I wasn’t gonna let you go to holding.” Frankie wraps his arms around Lee and starts walking “They sweat you hard?” “Some.” “You give them my social?” “Name, number address.” “Appreciate that, man. So what you want, huh? Drink? Lap dance?” Frankie pushes Lee to the front “Wanda didn’t wanna come with y’all, huh?” “Oh nah man, she was havin’ a little trouble walking spent a little time with her while you was gone.” you all laugh at his joke “Oh, you wanna to fuck with me after I just got out, huh?” “Nah we wanted to fuck with us.” Pointing at all of you “Oh really? So I have to beat all y’alls ass huh?” 
It’s late in the night and you were sleeping with Frankie in the spare room you had a his red and white baseball shirt on and some panties with your bonnet Frankie his arm over your tummy pulling you closer in his dreams he was wearing a undershirt and blue boxers to cover you both in a yellow blanket that you took from your house. Two loud bangs ring through the house and the sound of smash glass hitting the floor screaming  to the extent of your heart exploding “AAHHH!” Frankie jumps up to grab his gun from under his pillow and runs to the family room you quickly chase after him to see as well “HEY WHAT THE MOTHERFUCK!” coming from Jerome and “WHAT THE FUCK!’ from Louie you all see each other in the room Frankie running in front of you to shoot his target, there were two bodies laying on the ground with ski masks. Peaches has his gun pointing down to the ground “There we go, Peaches.” Jerome cheers to him and walking to the window “What the fuck happened?” you looked at all of the broken glass “How they get in?” “Back door.” Peaches says it sarcastically “Somebody didn’t lock that shit. Somebody left that shit unlocked.”Louie runs back to the back door and Frankie went to go check the windows “They jimmied the shit.” Frankie yells “And Peaches you aint hear it? And so what you just kill some motherfuckas in my house, you ain’t wanna scare them first?” Louie getting louder and louder by the second “What you gonna do that for?” Jerome yells at Louie “I ain’t asking you!” Louie waving her hand in Jerome’s face “Well I’m answering you!” you put your hands out the to hush them “Stop! Fucking stop. Keep your voices down. Who the fuck are they?” you step back to see the faces of the dead men Jerome lifts up the mask “It’s motherfuckin’ Biscuit.” your heart drops to your stomach almost feeling nauseous Frankie lifts up the mask “That ain’t Tyrone.” Jerome walks over to see “That’s Jamal, that’s Biscuit older brother.” Frankie walks closer to Jerome “Biscuit’s older brother, who’s paranoid now, unc? I told you not to mention that fuckin’ money!” Jerome snaps his fingers at him “They wouldn’t even thought twice about this shit if you ain’t make a big deal of it, goddamn!” you walk up to Jerome “Jerome why did you even bring it up? you should of never said anything!” Louie steps in front of Frankie “And I told you not to keep that fuckin’ money in our house!” “Wanna talk about this now!” Frankie yells in Louie’s face “Hey if nosy-ass Shirley heard the shots, then the cops is probably on the way now, so now what you gonna do?” Frankie slams his gun on the table “Fuckk.” There was silence not knowing what to do you try to turn your wheels but you were still tired “Me and Jerome go load up the bodies, drive ‘em out, bury ‘em, you three stay here and clean this shit up. Sun rises, this never happened.” Peaches says it with a calming voice and there was another silence “I’m with that shit. Come on.” Jerome walks into his room to go get dressed “This shit is fuckin’ crazy.” You and Frankie go back to the room to put on your clothes.
Frankie comes back inside from throwing the last trash bag away and washes his hands in the sink then comes into the living room to clean the last piece of the glass and throwing it away then taking a seat a the table Louie folds her arms “Why they ain’t back yet?” “Gotta dig. Shit takes time.” he takes a seat with you “How you know?” Your thoughts traced back to Karvel the way your bones were shaking after burying him and how you all had to take turns to dig deep enough for a his body he gives you a quick glance “This house ain’t never gonna be the same.” Louie pulls her chair out and sitting on it “You know, we should probably get some bars on the windows.” “And some new doors.” A knock on the door breaks everyone’s thought and looks at a figure at the door  “That them?” Frankie sits up “Nah, they wouldn’t knock you expecting somebody?” “At eight in the morning?” Louie looks at Frankie crazy. He walks closer to the door and peeking through the window “Aw shit.” “Who is it?” you stand up and  ask Frankie he puts the gun in the couch and grabs a jacket to cover his blood stain undershirt “One second.” He opens the door and see Melody “Mel what’s up?” “Hey Franklin I wanted to wish you a happy birthday even though I couldn't see you on the actual day.” Her eyes look straight a you “And I wanted to give you this.” Melody pulls out a light blue card with his name on it. “Thanks Mel, I wanted to ask you if you or Andre talk to my mom’s at all?” “She and my dad spend some time together, I see her here and there.” Frankie leans more on the door “How she doin’ ?” Melody look in disbelief “How she doin’? Her heart is broken, Franklin. How you think she’s doing?” Frankie slams the door in front of  Melody’s face and walks to the side yard and throws the letter away.
Back at the cookhouse everyone was there even the bodyguards  “Coke is officially gone, we got enough of rock maybe another day or two but that’s it.” Louie puts out her cigarette Frankie is getting frustrated “What about you Rob?” “You know how hard it is to find someone to get you more than two kilos a week who isn’t full of shit. He’s trying to rip you off, he’s trying to kill you-” you roll your eyes, sitting next to Jerome  “Yeah yeah whatever, man. Anything for you two?”  Lee says “Nigga, you want a chopped up key for twenty-five grand? Guy just a motherfucka.” Kev looks at him “Nigga it was your connect. I mean it’s like the white boy, Rob say.” Jerome laughs “There’s a lotta bullshit out here, Frankie.” He puts his hand behind his head and puts them on the table “Okay. First thing in the morning, we head up to Oakland. Visit Swim get enough rock to tide us over. Maybe even talk our way into they connect. Set up a pipeline south. That’s what we do.” he taps on the table “I’m down.” Lee nods his head “Same.” Kev lights his cigarette, he looks at you and you nod your head “Good, get some rest man. We’ll link up at Jerome’s in the morning.” He pats on his unc shoulder you stand up to walk with him to his  1982 Silver Toyota Celica he opens your side first to let you in  and rounds to his side and gets in the car pulling out to slowly drive back to Jerome’s house the radio filled up the silence between you too the groovy music playing he taps his fingers to the beat of the music you sway your head to the beat as well his fingers grazed over your pink adidas  tracksuit moving his fingers to your inner thigh when he had to turn on a street he uses both hands to turn the steering wheel hearing the music to keep say ‘Keep on doin’ it, Keep doin your thing.’
Hearing another car screeching on Frankie’s side and hitting you both, your body moves with the crash thankfully you had seatbelt on your head hurts feeling groggy from it then some white man comes out of his car and walks up to him “O my god dude I’m so sorry hey how’s your neck?” “It-s’s good.” a taser coming to  him tase in the neck and putting a cloth over his nose to him to sleep you unbuckle and try to get out of the car the white man see you and puts the cloth over your mouth and puts you to sleep as well then fading to darkness.
You were dreaming you slowly raise up to see him sitting on the patio and reading the newspaper wearing nothing but a long gray robe you slowly rose from your bed and see tall skyscrapers next to you looking down to see your two beautiful kids both of them was a copy of him and you their were sleeping peacefully and holding there stuff animals you  grabbing  your matching short gray robe off the hanger in your walk-in closet and wrap around your body  and as you walk to him saying in your morning voice “Good morning baby.” he sets down his newspaper and poke his lips out for a kiss uncontrollably you do “Good morning sweetcheeks.” you giggle “Sweetcheeks? Nigga you know you’ve never called me that?” you sit on his lap and give him an another kiss softly resting your fingers on necklace and you hear a another voice in your head “Lexi wake up, come on baby just wake up for me. Leon come on Lee.” It was Frankie. You pull your lips back away from Frankie and you heard it again “Fuckkk come on Alexia wake up please.” You slowly open your eyes and you look to see that you were handcuff with your hands behind you to a pole “Lexi is that you, you okay?” Seeing Frankie handcuff and craning his neck to look at you “Yeahh my fuckk my head hurts, where the fuck are we Frankie?” “I-I don’t know baby?” and another groan coming from the front of the basement “Hey Leon…Leon is that you?”  “Yeah man what the fuck is goin’ on? Aw hell nah I fuckin’ pissed my pants.” You tug on the handcuffs “Hey where were you grabbed?” Lee groans “I was walking home and some white dude asked me for directions but… I don’t know man?” Your throat was dry you didn’t how long you were out for “Did any of you get a good look you at him.” “No Frankie.” “No not really my motherfuckin’ head hurt.” You hear whistling and someone coming come the down the stairs “Hey how many out there?” “I -don’t know, I only seen one.” the man comes to the tall gate and locks it with a key and enters then emerging the same white man that hit you with his car “You punk motherfucka. On my momma, I’m going to kill you when I get loose. You hear me, you fucking worm? I’ma kill you!” Leon yells at the white man he waves his finger in a no and leaves and to go come back with a long taser stick “What the fuck is this? What the fuck are you going to do with that?” the man walks to Lee and tase him with it “What the fuck -ow fuck!” the electricity runs through Lee’s body. You and Frankie begs for the man to stop “Hey man please stop.” you try to kick your feet at him “Hey hey! Stop man.” you stuck your feet out to trip him he stumbles almost catching his balance “Bitch.” you say to the man and the man walks over to you to tase you as well your muscle tighten up you couldn’t do anything but scream and groan.
“Tell me about the bust.” “What?” Frankie sounds confuse “Tell me about the bust.” “The bust?” “Tell me about the bust.” “What bust?”he looks down at the taser “Oh fuck.” “At Avi’s.” “It was nothing man, we showed up at Avi’s to buy, fuckin’ cops showed up, we ran. That’s it.”  “It’s the truth he’s not lying.” you groaned out  “Oh yeah, that’s right, right and you too got away.” “Yeah that’s right.” “Right.” the man walks in front of him “But he didn’t.” “Right?” “He didn’t get away. And yet, somehow… twenty-four hours later, he’s out. Free as bird. How?” “What you think we lyin’ to you?” “He didn’t snitch man.” and Lee yells “Hey kiss my ass I ain’t talk to no motherfuckin’ police.” “All right check with the courts, you don’t belive me just check with the courts man. He charge with felony evading, man and I bailed him out and he didn’t snitch he’s got a lawyer. A court date, it’s all legit.” the man nods his head and taps the taser on his shoulder “I’ll check, we’ll see okay?” as the man pass and and Lee he kicks his feet out to try to trip him, the man moves his feet out of the way “Best to back the fuck up with that shit.” the man steps closer to him “Oh, I would love it if you do that one more time, do it.” and points the taser in his face “You are the stupidest person I’ve ever met.”  and then the man leaves and lockes the tall gate
It feels like it’s been hours the man comes back “Your right, Leon Simmions was arrested for evading and resisting, Out on bail.” “We already told you that, dumbass. Now let us the fuck go.” your shoulder were aching to the point you were couldn’t even feel them anymore the man leaves to go grab something “Where the fuck is he going? Hey just be cool, man just relax man, we gonna get out this shit. ” the man comes back with putting a clip in a gun and walks towards Frankie “Hey! Hey, what are you doin’, what are you doin’ man?” “We’re not fucking lying.”you look at the man  “You said we were telling the fucking truth!” Lee craning his neck to look at him “Yeah, no, I believe that you’re telling the truth. That’ll help me sleep… but now you three have seen my face.” “I-I can’t see you fuckin’ face.. Huh we still don’t know who you are. Won’t tell a soul about this shit.” “Come on, you have to think I’m pretty stupid to believe that, wouldn’t you?” Frankie takes a breath and begins to smile “Okayy…. I’ve got a ton of fucking cash huh, I’ve got a lot of money I could offer you-”the man shakes his head “That’s not worth it to me.” “Then what is?” “See if you knew the answer to that question, you might be of some use to me. But seeing as how you’re not even smart enough to figure out who I am, I’m afraid there is no benefit to me letting you live .” the man is pointing the gun at him “Do you work for Avi?”the man shakes his head in a  “No.” “Man, if you don’t work for Avi then why the fuck do you care if we snitched?” “Hey man, fuck it Franklin. Piece of shit going to put us down like dogs, fuck him.” “Shut the fuck up Leon!” you both say “You’re trying to stay alive, that’s not the way.” the man cocks the gun back and puts the gun under Lee’s chin and grabbing his hair “Fuck you fuck you fuck you.” “Come on, Franklin. Think about it. I’m gonna shoot him.” you try to move your arms but it was no use “Gonna put a bullet in his brain. Who am I, Franklin? Who am I!” you see a light bulb go off in his head “You’re the connect!” The man lets go of Lee and stands up walks over to Frankie and gives him a smile “You’re the plug. The guy we was looking for.” the man pulls out photo of Rob sitting in his car “You trying to cut Avi out?” “Avi’s a crazy person, and he upped the prices. It’s stupid to want to pay less and deal with somebody sane?” “No Franklin, It’s stupid to trust a stoner kid to get it done.” Lee turns to say “Whitey got a point.” “Shut up, man. Look, you’ve lost a buyer and I’m out of my supply. Why don’t we help each other out.” the plug laughs at Frankie “Come on you were selling dimebags on the street corner six months ago. You’re gonna take Avi’s place?” Frankie not breaking his concentration “I’d like to try. How much you sellin’ to Avi?” the plug stands up “A lot more you can than you can move, kid.” “At the right prices, I could move six a week, easy.” the plug shakes his head “Eh, six won’t even make a dent.” Frankie thinks “Ten, then.” you lift your head to look at him “ten a week. Hmm that will help you out?” Frankie looks at you quickly “How are you going to move ten keys in a week.” He looks at the gun “Put that away… and iI’ll tell you.” the plug turns “Convince me and I’ll put it away.” 
“And once we figured out how to rock it up and sell it for cheap, we were sellin’ more and more. We got dealers spreading out all over my neighborhood, we expanding every week.” he talks to the plug “ “What do you do with your cash?” “Storing it for now. I’ve been growing a business.” “Security?” he nods  “We got plenty.”  “Fuck is this? A job interview? You got a supply, we want to buy. What more is there.” You roll your eyes “He’s just being careful. Wants to know if we foreal. Which we are.” “What’s the high like? This rock?” “Short and intense then you need more right away.” “You speaking from experience?” “Nah man I don’t deal with none of that shit.” “You’ll never turn me down, now excuses, no bullshit. I show up with ten keys every week. Do you understand?” “Yes.” “And you see what happens to people who fuck with me?’ “Hey we good? Because I’ve got to use the fucking  bathroom or I’m piss my pants.” The plug pulls out a switchblade  and cuts Lee loose. Once he got out of the bathroom he lets you and Frankie loose, your shoulders finally relax and you slowly got up the plug hands you black bag “Put that on, I trust you three understand why this place needs to be kept secret.” he squats down to grab something and said “What’s your name?” ”Richard Nixon. No I’m kidding it’s Reed Thompson.” he stands up “Reed Thompson and how do I get in contact with you,  Reed Thompson.” he stuffs something in his pocket and walks towards you and pulls you to follow him “You don’t. I contact you.” as Reed walked out and you all followed him “Well that don’t won’t work for me.” Reed puffs out some air “I’m sorry?” and put his arms out and keep walking “We talkin’ a lot of money and product, man you know everything about me, I don’t know shit about you.” As you kept walking through the underground facility with pipes everywhere “Yeah, that’s because you don’t need to know anything about me except that I can supply you.” to seeing a tall and long hallway it was dimly light with tall windows at the top of the ceiling. “Where’d you get your product?” Reed raises his eyebrows “Why?...So you can cut me out now?”  “Come on, man. Put yourself in my shoes, you get T-boned, electrified, thrown in the shithole, gun in your face and now what?” he walks right next to Reed and looks back at you and back at Reed “You’re supposed to go along with some crazy-ass deal? How am I supposed to trust you?” “trust is overrated.” “Not to me.” Frankie side-eyeing Reed “Are you always going to be this big pain in my ass?” you nodded your head “Yeah, he is.” “Look, you can’t afford to walk away from this deal, you don't have any leverage.” Reed stops in front of a door  “Right, but I will if I have to.” Reed smiles at him his thick mustache resting on his thin lips “Help me sleep at night, Reed Thompson.” “Put your hoods on.” he tells all of you to do Lee puts it on first then you and Frankie, looking through a black bag and you can’t see shit. Hearing a car opening and having him push you in and closing it.
 It’s been twelve hours since anybody has seen any of you and everybody was trippin’, Rob was all calling every south central hospital and emergency room and Jerome was loading up his pistol gettin’ ready for war, Kev and his little cousin Delory comes in with his friend Victor saying “There’s the mexican lady that wants to know how to make a whole sale with Franklin, her name is Lucia Villanueva she’s from Pico-Union.”Jerome perk up and wanted to know why was they selling to the mexicans, Jerome puts his foot down with them “You know what tell all you fuckin’ corner boys to stop selling in Pico-Union!” and grabs Delory by the shoulder to push him out and screamed “Fuck you lookin’ at fat boy.” at Victor, Jerome checks Kev to get the boys out of Pico-union eventually Lee was drop off to go back to Jerome’s house and tell everybody the news, everybody was in a frenzy when they saw him, asking him if he was okay and if he was hurt, he tells them “I just need to take a shower and change my clothes.” Kev touches Lee's shoulder “Where the hell you been at him? You smell like piss, aye Jerome we need towels or something.” Louie is anxious waiting for you and Frankie to show up, she turns to Rob “Franklin and Lexi, need to walk through this door right fuckin’ now.” 
Pulling into a airport that was reserved for private planes, Reed parks and steps out of the car, Frankie is seating in the front seat and you are in the back seeing a jet  parked in an aviation lot walking closer and seeing somebody working on the plane “Hey Matt. I want you to meet one of our new customers.” a another white man steps of the plane and cracks a beer open takes a swig of it and  walking in the lot and get closer to the jet “This is Franklin and Alexia, Franklin and Alexia this is Matt he’s my pilot.” Matt walks to him and shakes hands with him “Nice to meet you both.” you get closer to Matt and shake his hand as well “Same here.” you nod in agreement “You wanted to know we bring it in.” Reed staying back “This your own plane? How far does it fly?” Frankie looks inside of it seeing all of the controls and buttons  and back at them “Well, with the weight stripped out, and the auxiliary fuel tanks and about twenty-two thousand nautical miles…give or take? Far enough.” you turned to Matt “How y’all two know each other?” then looking at Reed “Uh, we met at this bar of this little cafe up near the Agua Dulce Airport. You’ve ever been up there? Antelope Valley?” he starts walking closer to all of you “Have any of you ever been up in one of these small planes?” “Nah man, we never ever been on a plane.” Matt puts hands out “Hold on for a second! Y’all have not experienced the greatest thrill a man or woman can have besides, obviously, banging a regional cocktail waitress, well shit’s about to change.” Matt takes off his sunglasses to look at him and you, Matt walks away to grab his jacket and his beer.
You sat in the back of the jet behind Matt with Frankie sitting in the front seat, Matt gets in and takes a another swig of his beer “You always drink when you fly?”he looks at  Matt close on his side of the plane “Always.” “How’s this thing stay in the air?” you heart was beating a little too fast for you, taking deep breaths to slow down your heat rate “Uhhh ...luck? mostly?” you turn to see headsets for the plane, you put them over your ears and squishing down on your afro “It’s actually physics.” Matt puts on the headphones and so does Frankie “Ever crashed?” “Oh yeah, all the time.” Matt smiles sarcastically “He’s kidding.”Reed talks over the radio “Listen kid, relax nobody does anything better than I fly.”Matt cuts on the jet and starts driving it runway, he slowly picks up speed and once he got to a certain speed the jet started to lift “Hold on boys and girl and here we go.” Once Matt got in the air a voice was coming through the headphones “Tower to forty-one Foxtrot, radar contact. Fly heading two three zero. Climb and maintain two thousand.” Matt talks over the radio “forty-one Foxtrot to tower, heading two three zero climbing and maintaining two thousand feet, thank you tower. Forty-one AMF out.” Frankie turns back to Reed “Aye-. who he talkin’ to?”he looks back to Reed “Hawthorne Tower, but we get far enough out, and we check in with someone else.” looking through the glass and down at the ocean, seeing it at this height the waves went so far “Yup, you are never alone when you’re up here Franklin.Don’t ever say this country doesn’t have it’s moments” Matt says in the radio, you see him leaning over the glass to see more of the ocean, a little smile going across his lips “So are they tracking us the whole time?” looking over to Reed “Yup….but there are ways around it if need be.” Reed looks back at you “Yeah, going low is the mainway.” Matt forwards the steering wheel down and drops the plane down and heart falls straight down to your ass, you clench your fingers to a handlebar squeezing it so tight that they almost turn a different color, you couldn’t help yourself but to laugh in this moment “Please don’t do that again. What the fuck man?” He says in a shaky laugh “So after you pick up the product, how you bring it back to the country?” Frankie looking back at Reed “Hey Franklin, ask me one more question?” Reed pulls the headphones back off of Frankie head “I’m going to throw you out of this fucking plane!” Frankie belts a hearty laugh “I could do this all day.” Matt taps on Frankie’s leg “Go ahead and take a yoke.” Matt lifts his hands up “Nahhh.” Frankie shakes his head “Yeah man grab that fucker right now.” he lifts his hands closer to the steering wheel “Not that!” Matt screams over the radio he jumps back “I’m just kidding, grab that, grab that. Come on and fly this plane pilot.” Frankie turns to look back at you and gives you a small smile and turned back to the front and grabs the wheel “All right, all right I got it.” he steadies the plane, your heart swells in tenfolds the smile that Frankie had was easerable from your memory “We got a pilot here boys!” Matt takes a swig of his beer “Yeah, running South Central baby!” Frankie yells “Stop yelling, stop yelling I got you over the headset.” Reed says through the headset and they both yell to having your ears pop “Oh man I can’t  believe this shit, I’m flying this motherfucka! You see me Lexi? You see me Reed?” He flies  over the ocean looking at the beautiful skies and clouds, thinking one day you would be in the front seat of your very own plane with him.
“Here’s good man.” He tells Reed to park around the corner of Jerome’s house “You don’t want me to drop you off at the house?” Reed trying to crack a joke “Nah man it’s fine.” “So, a couple of days, you’ll be ready?” Reed turns to look at him “Mm-hmmm, ten keys. Ten grand a key.” He looks at Reed “And, I’ll uh I’ll pay to fix the car up.” “No, I don’t need it. Just need your product.” he steps out of the car and grabs your door to let you out and closes your and his door then dips down his head to look at Reed with the both of you looking at him “Hey man, I understand why you did what you did today I do. From here on out, no games, no tricks, no bullshit you be straight up with me, And I’ll be straight up with you. But if you ever fuck with me…or anybody that I care about, then it won’t be good for you. You understand that?” Reed nods his head “Yeah I do Franklin.” He smiles at Reed and taps on the car then digs in his back pocket to pull out a screwdriver and throws it on the seat “Reed Thompson.” He grabs your hand to walk to Jerome’s house.
He walked through the backdoor first and you close the door following him to the front porch with him walking in first then everybody stood up Louie jump on Frankie and gave you a hug too “God damn y’all where the hell y’all been at?” you gave Jerome a hug as well “We got a story for y’all.” Louie backed up “Yeah Leon told us.” He pats on Jerome’s shoulder  “Yeah that’s just the half of it we about to move into the big leagues.” Kev flicks his cigarette into the bushes “By trusting that white guy that kidnapped y’all ass, huh?” you both take a seat on porch rail “Yeah, something like that.” He groans as he lowers himself on it “Guess that mean I’m going to be cooking a lot more, huh?” Frankie lets out a soft “Mm….It means we all gotta step up.” he looks at everybody and then lastly at you he leans forward to grab your hand “Me and Lexi flew on  a plane together today.” everybody was asking questions from left to right “What was it like?” “Where did you go?” “What did it look like?” “Who flew the plane?” You both answer all of the questions and once everybody was satisfied they all relax in their chairs you squeeze his hand “I should go home.” He nods his head “I’ll walk with you but let me change first.” you whisper “I wanna take a shower with you Frankie but no funny business huh?” he cracks a smile “All right Lexiboo I promise.” sticking out his long and slender pinky to intertwine with your smaller one “Okay let’s go.” you both swiftly pass everyone to go into the guest bedroom and grab a extra towel for the both of you and Frankie kept his promise on the funny business then you both step out of the shower and Frankie opens the medicine cabinet to find your and his tooth brushes you both silently brush your teeth and walk into the guest room used the lotion all over your body still keeping his promise and put lotion all over his body and once you both got changing into a dark jeans and lilac sweater and white forces to keep you warm from the cold breeze of South Central, he changes into a knitted sweater that was a dark blue on top and darker green on the lower half then a red stripe going in the middle and to tie it all together with khakis and white sambas. You grab your backpack to stuff your old clothes in there zipping it up and putting your arms through them “I’m gonna talk to my moms once I walk you home, tell her about meetin’ Reed.” your eyes shift “I still haven’t told my momma about us Frankie, she thinks me and Shon-Shon are besties I know I’m gonna have too.” he steps closer to you and slowly grabs your face with two hands “I don’t think I ever told you how much I appreciate you being in this with me and I know I was very apprehensive about you being in this shit with me at first, but right now I wanna make you officially as my partner like if something goes down with me and I want you to run it for me and carry on my legacy.” you nod your head and kiss him on the lips..
Walking down the street to see your house light were off ‘Thank you Jesus’ silently going off in your head and continue to walk to your house stopping right before it “I’ll see you later baby.” you groan while putting your arms around his shoulders pulling him in a soft hug, his strong arms around you pulling you in closer you give in for a lazy kiss slumping his firm hold kissing his full lips “I lo-ve you-u bab-by-.” he pulls back to smile at you “I love you too partner, I’ll see you later maybe I can come cuddle with you.” you lean in “I’ll leave my window crack for you.” giving him a final kiss to walk up the steps and grabbing your keys to unlock the door, you wave to Frankie and waves back then puts his keys back in his pocket to ring the doorbell. Going inside the house completely dark just hearing your momma tv going off in her room, you swiftly go into your room and setting down her bag, then taking off your pants grabbing your bonnet securing it on your head slowly closing your eyes to dreamland, you had your window crack for Frankie to come and which he did, just leaving him in a boxers and white muscle-shirt  to cuddle you in a deeper sleep, not knowing that a war was about to happen because of Delory and Victor going back to sell in Pico-Union.
I feel like I just ran a marathon by finishing this chapter and I feel like I just couldn’t stop cliffhanging when Frankie and Lexia got in that accident with Reed anyways we finally get to meet Reed, y’all that whole integration took me out I was trying to incorporate Lexi-boo in this chapter like her arguing with the Saint family after Biscuit and Jamal broken in and her tripping Reed and then calling him a bitch but in the next chapter is a very iconic scene in the snowfall community 👀👀👀👀and Frankie made Lexi as a partner which was obviously going to happen in this fanfic but one thing I need to talk about is Lexi’s momma THIS BITCH HASN’T BEEN HOME IN WEEKS I feel like something is  brewing at the Johnson’s residence and shit’s about to get angsty but anywhore adding the little smut from the show bitch when I watch that seen for the first time seeing his chocolate skin I was like this nigga is soo fuckin and the peekaboo bootycheek I was gripping my sheets okay one last thing Frankie’s birthday of course Lexi had to be there like duh and not this bitch wearing a backless dress in the winter time and Lexi is the type of girl to wear waistbeads and the sambas you know Lexi had to get him some and finally the necklace I was actually debating on what the necklace should of been but I’ve decided that is Saint I just love the last name I couldn’t help it but thank you sososo much for reading it was definitely a rollercoaster for me to write this but I’m glad to knock down a another stone I love y’all so much 💞💞💞💞💞
Love Nazzy 😻 😻 😻 ps. I just bought a brand new laptop and I’m so excited to work this baby and of course it’s pink.
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slrsunfire · 1 year
Been working on a new fic on the side, and I'm hoping to have it out sometime soon. I'm planning on it being relatively short (for me at least, lol!) with maybe two chapters or it just being a long oneshot.
I had this idea hit me hard when I went to visit Tanganikya Wildlife Park earlier this month and saw these cute babies being bottle fed:
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YES, THOSE ARE BABY SNOW LEOPARDS!! They were adorable and watching them gave me some seriously wonderful mdtb ideas.
What you need to know for this AU:
Madara is a single dad in this, raising a recently orphaned Kagami. His cousin Shisui can see Madara is edging on burnout, and suggests that he take Kagami to the wildlife park Shisui works at in an attempt to get them both to relax and have a little fun.
In the process Madara meets the capable (and very distracting) animal handler Tobirama who manages the care of the big cats for the park, including the nursery.
Shisui can see the sparks flying between them and, like any good wingman would, decides to help his very useless cousin win a date.
Here's a sneak peak below :3 Enjoy! :
“Uncle, look, look! There’s cousin Shisui!” 
Madara barely bit back a sigh as he was all but pulled towards the waving figure of his own uncle’s eldest son who stood just beyond the turnstiles of Konoha’s Wildlife Park with a warm smile on his face. 
“I see him, Kagami-kun,” Madara reassured Kagami as he allowed the boy to lead them towards Shisui through the modest bustle of people heading to and from the giftshop which sat adjacent to the entrance they had just exited. 
He knew he should correct Kagami’s manhandling, but it was the most excited he’d seen his nephew in weeks since Shisui had first suggested bringing Kagami to the park. His cousin had been nice enough to offer to give them a behind the scenes tour even though he knew Shisui was just as busy as Madara was. As one of the park’s program managers that oversaw the various animal handlers that worked within the park, Shisui had somehow been able to pull strings to make their visit possible, and Madara was beyond grateful for it even though he strongly suspected Shisui was likely to ask for a favor in return.
Madara couldn't say he minded the way Shisui had continued to try and force himself into Madara's sphere the last few months, when before they'd seen each other maybe once a year, if that. He probably owed Shisui more than a few favors in totality, honestly, if he thought back on all that Shisui had done for him lately.
They all were still reeling from the unexpected loss of Kou and his wife to a horrific car accident nearly a year ago, but his nephew most of all. Kagami’s entire life had been upended in a short amount of time, and it was understandably taking some time for the boy to heal and work through his loss.
Madara and Izuna had quickly moved to do what they could to pick up the pieces, Madara by taking in his older brother’s son and Izuna by chipping in to help with smoothing out the legal aspects Madara hadn’t been prepared to face down on his own. As a well known corporate lawyer, Izuna had been invaluable in guiding them through the probate process as well as the legal guardianship considerations they’d had to undertake in order for Madara to legally adopt Kagami. Dealing with the loss of Kou had been hard enough to stomach, but all of the paperwork they’d had to complete in addition to divesting of Kou’s estate had been a special kind of hell that Madara never wanted to experience again.
Only now were things starting to begin to feel a little more normal more days than not, even though Madara still hadn’t quite wrapped his head around the fact he’d essentially become a father in all but name. He didn’t know how Kou and his wife had done it, frankly. Kagami was a good child, but he was a handful to say the least. At seven the boy had more energy than Madara ever remembered having even at Kagami's age, and Madara continually found himself exhausted beyond reason no matter what he did.
Maybe it would be easier with another person in the picture to help lighten the load so to speak, but Madara hadn’t been the most social of people even before adopting Kagami, both out of choice and because his job as a very in demand ophthalmic surgeon made it difficult at the best of times to find any time to get out to meet people.
It hadn’t gotten any calmer, truthfully. Especially now that he’d had to structure things a bit more tightly to make certain his schedule was more predictable so he could be home with Kagami during normal hours. 
It was good Izuna was always willing to fill in for him if his own schedule permitted, but it was another layer of stress Madara hadn’t had to deal with before, and he was only just beginning to grow used to having to fit his life around another human being’s. 
To be frank, Madara very much needed a vacation. Kagami did, too. Unfortunately such a thing wasn't possible at the moment for a variety of reasons, which was where Shisui's brilliant idea came into play.
“There’s my favorite little man!” Shisui beamed down at Kagami, making a show of looking him up and down. “You’re looking a little bigger, Kagami-kun.” 
“That’s cause he is,” Madara cut in, not even bothering to fight back the sigh he let out. The amount of clothing Kagami was going through was simply ridiculous at the moment. “He’s grown another three inches since you saw him in February.” 
Shisui’s eyebrows shot up at that, his surprise not faked in the slightest as he stared down at Kagami with a blatantly impressed expression. 
“No kidding? You’re going to be eating Madara-san out of house and home, soon at the rate you’re going.” 
“No I’m not!” Kagami giggled at that, looking quite pleased with himself and Madara lightly scuffed the boy’s hair, unable to help the fond look he directed down at his young nephew. 
“Yeah, you actually are,” Madara dryly insisted, before his hand came to rest atop Kagami’s messy head of hair. 
“Kou was a tall bas–” Shisui started to say only to quickly correct his choice of wording when Madara shot him a look hot enough to melt steel, “tall dude. Your mama, too. My money’s on you being just as tall when you grow up, Kagami-kun. So, ready to see some animals?” 
Madara had to give it to Shisui, it was a near perfect diversion away from his near slip up, but unlike Kagami who had perked up at the promise of seeing the park's inhabitants and had already forgotten their previous conversation, Madara made sure to level a flat look at his cousin that served as a wordless warning he knew Shisui would understand implicitly. 
“Right! Well, let’s get going then!” Shisui quickly clapped his hands together in a near hysterical manner, and Madara had to stifle the snort that very nearly escaped him in response.
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bibibbon · 4 months
Hey Bibi! 👋
What do you think of the revelation of Jin Itadori and Sukuna being Twins / Jin being Sukuna's reincarnated Twin?
Personally, while it doesn't infuriate me like some other creative choices, I do think it a waste.
Jin Itadori is a nothing character. All we know about him is that he couldn't accept his wife's death which allowed Kenjaku to successfully pretend to be her and to have Yuuji.
Sukuna gives no care to him.
Contrast this with Yuuji.
All the artwork Gege was doing seemed to foreshadow Yuuji and Sukuna being twins.
Sukuna hates Yuuji's guts and takes special care to degrade him, which is rare for him since he generally either doesn't care for his oponents or respects them.
He also doesn't call Yuuji his name instead opting for "Brat."
I had believed there was a deeper meaning for this, such as Sukuna previously having had a twin who he magically sacrificed / cannibalised (purposefully using Dark Jujutsu- none of this baby!Sukuna eating him inside the Womb stuff) for greater physical strength and power.
This would explain the great physical strength, two pairs of arms, two 'seemingly' innate techniques that he has to use at different times (Fire* and Cleave/Dismantle), as well as two pairs of eyes. It would also add a layer of irony in Yuuji being made to eat Sukuna's twenty fingers for greater power.
So making Jin someone as important as "Sukuna's Twin" when we know nothing about him is a waste. IMO.
* - I think Gege said that Yuuji also wanted to be firefighter if he weren't a Jujutsu sorcerer so that would add a level of irony if his original self had the innate technique of fire before Sukuna ate him.
Hi @doodlegirl1998 👋
Personally, I have mixed opinions on this topic. On one hand I do like that Jin itadori is sukunas twin because it basically displays their differences to an exaggerated degree. Jin itadori for what we know was fully head over heels for kaori and wanted to bring life into the world (by having a family). Jin also seemed to be quite distant when it came to Jujutsu society even though his wife kaori was from the kamo clan and had a space type CT. Jin isn't presented as an important figure which contrast with sukuna. Jins initial characteristics from what we know are also the opposite to sukuna.
In all honesty Iam much more interested in what truly happend to kaori then Jin. If gege really wanted to build up the Jin as sukunas twin then we should of gotten more foreshadowing (just sneak peaks really) and involvement but the lack of said thing could also be a contrast in a way.
I guess Iam quite bias here because I find the nephew and uncle dynamic between sukuna and yuji much more interesting than a twin type dynamic.
There's also the fact that twins are seen as one in the same in jjk. So this makes the dynamic even more interesting as sukuna can legit be seen as yujis father however, I do see your point and the fact that its more appealing having the two as twins instead.
Like you mentioned in this ask sukuna and yuji have their vast differences that are connected with similarities. A beautifully written dynamic by gege (later execution is lacking) the amount of irony sprinkled in is also interesting. If those two were twins it would also add more Parallels with yuji and maki (something I really like). Heck sukuna being a twin adds parallels and I like it.
Tldr: Iam bais and kind of like both ideas! I think the current situation brings an interesting dynamic but the cliche twins idea could of also been executed well and spiced up by gege
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goddessofroyalty · 2 years
Someone asked for more Blood for Blood verse porn on the last chapter. So take a sneak peak as I figure out what other scene/s I want to include in the chapter when I post on AO3.
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing: Aemond/Lucerys
Tags: omegaverse, mentioned-mpreg, uncle-nephew incest, background canon-typically violence
Luke has Arrax saddled as soon as he receives word that the shadow of Vhagar is over the city.  
Changing into his riding gear and taking to the skies to meet his husband and mate. Arrax flying above Aemond’s mount so Luke has a chance at seeing him past the she-dragon's size.  
Aemond’s hair is messier than Luke has ever seen it and his clothes are dirty, all evidence that he has been in a battle. But Luke just knows that it had been a victorious one – Aemond wouldn’t have returned until he claimed a victory.  
It doesn’t stop his guilt at sending Aemond alone to crush the attacks. But his grandfather had strictly forbidden him to go, it only after the party had been of off that he had admitted it was for fear that Aemond would kill him and claim it was the enemy. That the alpha would use their young child to take Driftmark for himself when the King died.  
Aemond looks up at him and tilts his head in a silent instruction to follow. Vhagar bowing as she turns to head towards the beaches.  
Luke directs Arrax to follow. Perhaps he is being foolish in it, but if he were to go missing all suspicions would be on his uncle.  
Aemond brings Vhagar down in the water as Luke lands Arrax on the beach. Luke sliding off and landing on the sand, resting a hand on Arrax’ side as he waits for the sound of Aemond’s footsteps hitting sand as well.  
“They’re all dead,” Aemond says with the kind of glee that Luke feels shouldn’t be applied to the deaths of others, pirates they may be. “My first kills an army who stood against us.”  
“We must inform Corlys of your victory.” The Lord of the Tides will be relieved to know the matter is settled and they do not need to send more men out to keep their routes open.  
“We will,” Aemond says, grabbing hold of Luke’s hips. The smell of fire and blood almost masking his scent. “But first.”  
The kiss he gives Luke is almost scary in its intensity. His grip tightening around Luke until they are all too quickly tumbling onto the sand. Aemond’s leg is sliding between Luke’s, his hardness pressing against Luke’s hip as his hands start working on unlacing Luke’s outer clothes.  
“I’m not in heat,” Luke manages to get out even as Aemond presses kisses along his throat. Because that seems to matter to his mate, the only times they lie together being when there is a chance of a child resulting. Luke’s attempts at offering out of it early in their marriage being embarrassingly fobbed off until he stopped even bothering.  
“I’ll get you wet enough,” Aemond promises, before sucking at Luke’s scent gland where he originally bit down to mark them as mates.  
They’re going to fuck on the beach with their dragons as their witness.  
Luke almost breaks out in a laugh at the realization. Daemond would be proud. Alicent would be horrified.  
“What about the sand?” Luke has no plans of being rubbed raw by it in the places his clothes normally protect.  
Aemond draws back, holding himself up on his arms and looking down at Luke like he doesn’t understand what he means.  
Before Luke has a chance to explain his alpha lets out a huff. Getting up off him and unclasping his cloak, lying it down on the beach and gesturing to it.  
“Is that adequate for you my Lord Strong or do you want to return to your chambers and your bed?” Aemond asks. The idea of even how they would get to said chambers in such a state a mortifying one. And that was before Luke dared to even think of how they would explain to his grandfather that, while, yes, the campaign Aemond had been sent on had been successful a full report would have to wait until that night or perhaps even the morning.  
“Yes, it’s adequate enough,” Luke manages, awkwardly shuffling over so he is sitting on the cloak. He takes off his outer clothes as well for good measure, leaving himself just in his underthings.  
That seems to please Aemond who is back on him almost as soon as he’s settled on the cloak. Pushing off his own outer clothes as he mouths and gropes at Luke.  
Aemond ducks down to tug off Luke’s breaches and toss them to the side with their outer clothes. Pushing up Luke’s undershirt so he can suck at Luke’s hip bones, long fingers tracing a path down to Luke’s hardening member before running behind it, softly prodding at Luke’s entrance.  
Aemond makes an unhappy grunt and Luke knows it's because he isn’t getting as wet as fast as he can with the help of his heat.  
He knows he should say it doesn’t matter, his mate and husband clearly want him and it is his duty to give his alpha what he wants. Not even as heir to the Driftmark seat can he avoid those responsibilities as omega.  
When Aemond draws his fingers back he almost does. Because he doesn’t want to ruin this moment of Aemond coming to him out of heat. Doesn’t want the feeling of being the failure in his marriage, even if his mother had made sure he knew that if his husband was going to stray, he would no matter what Luke did or did not do.  
“Shit-” Luke says instead. His member suddenly surrounded by Aemond’s mouth. The alpha’s hands on his hips to prevent him from bucking up at it. “Oh fuck.”  
Aemond grunts in response but doesn’t stop even as Luke reaches down to tug the long silver hair out of its tie and bury his hands in it in an attempt to hold on and not lose his mind to the sensation.  
He would almost swear Aemond had sent him into heat with it alone from the warmth that spreads through his body.  
Long fingers sliding along his entrance again startles him out of the haze. This time though, two slide in with only slight resistance. And that is lost quickly once they crook inside him turning his vision black.  
“I must be in heat,” Luke gasps out when Aemond releases his member. Returning to pressing kisses against the bare skin of Luke’s lower stomach.  
“You’re not,” Aemond says, his face suddenly back in Luke’s vision even as he presses a third finger in. His tone entirely too smug. “But you are as wet as you are in it.”  
Luke can’t help but laugh at it. It’s not inaccurate but it is strange for someone to say aloud.  
He shakes his head when Aemond’s expression twists at it. Arms coming to wrap around his alpha’s neck.
“You can fuck me now.” He should be ready enough even without a heat to ease the way. “If you want to that is.”  
Aemond leans down to press a quick kiss against Luke’s eye before drawing his fingers out. Luke’s wetness cold against his skin where Aemond grabs at his thighs to pull them up and over his lap to angle him how he wants before thrusting in.  
It’s not as easy as when Luke is in heat. His body not as naturally lax. But he is wet enough that it goes in easily enough, Aemond’s hips flushed against his without any real pain.  
There’s barely a moment before Aemond is thrusting. Quickly finding a fast pace that has Luke with little option but to cling to him. Letting out little moans in response to Aemond’s grunts.  
Long wet fingers find his member again and all too quickly Luke finds himself spilling between them.  
He feels Aemond thickening inside him and knows what it means.  
“Don’t knot!” Not only does Luke not know how enjoyable a knot will be without a heat to help his body with it he doesn’t want to be locked together until it goes down. Especially not on a beach where someone will eventually come looking for him.  
Aemond curses, pulling out enough that he doesn’t swell inside even if his seed still mostly makes it in, leaking out as soon as he fully pulls out and collapses next to Luke on the cloak. It’s probably best if they just have one of their dragons burn the thing rather than try and explain the stains it will now have.  
“We should not stay here much longer,” Luke says because people will be looking for him, especially after Vhagar was seen over town and then both she and Arrax have not been seen. It wouldn’t do for people to find them like this.  
“Of course,” Aemond says, standing up and tucking himself back into his breaches. Picking up his outer clothes and starting to get dressed.  
He looks over at Luke with a raised eyebrow when Luke doesn’t immediately follow suit.  
“Help me up.” It’s not that Luke needs the help. He can get up perfectly well on his own. But there’s a part of him that enjoys getting Aemond to do things for him.  
Aemond rolls his eyes at it but comes and offers his hands. Tugging Luke up with probably more force than necessary but Luke only laughs at it.  
“You are a child at times,” Aemond mutters as he returns to getting himself dressed.  
“We have a child,” Luke reminds.  
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mysticstarlightduck · 6 months
Find the Word Tag
Thanks for the tag, @tabswrites (here)! I'll go with my WIP Of Starlight and Beasts for this one (:
My words were: one, hand, fire and bruise
Your words are: lovely, sheer, tiresome, manic
"You're one of us now, kid" Scarlet smiled, giving her shoulder a reassuring pat. Nimwen smiled at him. "So, for better or for worse, we always look out for one another. And if the King himself has something to say about that, then he'd have to get his fancy butt off that throne and come find us first."
Hand (sneak peak into one of the final chapters eeee)
"I made a mistake, trusting you all those years ago. We both know that. I will not deny that I was foolish. You've got your oath, and I've got my own - that was always a fact we were both too blind to see" Lysander took a step forward, his hand resting firmly around the hilt of his blade. The priestess glared at him silently, eyes as sharp as the wind which roared through the statues of the Wall. "But if you think I'm going to just stand aside and let you hurt my daughter, after all that your absence already caused, then you're the only one who is being naive, Elsbeth."
A swirling spiral of fire hit the ground around them, like a giant faucet of fire had opened from the skies and onto the Crimson Queen's inqusitors. The ground shook, and Corah struggled for balance before looking up, glittering gold scales filling her vision before meeting her draconic friend's fierce eyes, as Tomasa landed behind them.
She pushed the long strand of hair away from his face, fingers gingerly ghosting over a blooming dark bruise on his cheekbone. Her eyes narrowed. "Where did you get this?"
Eidan smiled, though it wasn't quite convincing as he thought. "It's nothing, Maryon. I'm fine."
She shook her head and groaned. "I can still see, genius. This is not nothing, unless you somehow expect me to believe you suddenly started running into walls as a hobby, which I highly doubt. So, let me rephrase that question: who did this?"
Maryon could see in his eyes that he was trying to come up with some other ridiculous excuse, and could plainly see the moment he realized it would be useless. Eidan sighed. "... Just some asshole from the Council - he wasn't as keen to believe the word of the 'Traitor's nephew' as the others were. Except instead of making a coherent point he just talked with his fist. And apparently couldn't even do that right, 'cause that was one of the worst punches I ever got."
Tagging (gently) - @thepeculiarbird, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @little-peril-stories, @littleladymab, @clairelsonao3, @oh-no-another-idea, @conkers-thecosy, @crowandmoonwriting, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @mk-writes-stuff, @anyablackwood, @rickie-the-storyteller @lassiesandiego,@steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @trancetales, @doublegoblin, @gummybugg, @forthesanityofstorytellers and OPEN TAG
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jungle-angel · 10 months
Hiiii! Can i ask a Hannix Christmas story with prompts 9, 34 and 50?
Thaaaank you!
Babes I would be more than happy to do so, but I will ask just for safety sake to put your name and age in the bio. I know it's uncomfortable with alot of people but I've had a few run-ins with minors trying to follow both my blogs and I don't wanna get you or anybody else in trouble, that's all.
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Everyone had at last gone to bed, anticipating the chaos that would ensue in the morning when the nieces, nephews and little ones awoke at four-thirty in the morning to see if Santa had come. The gifts had all been piled under the tree and the house was beautiful, so beautiful that Natasha couldn't help but take pictures as soon as it had gotten dark out.
Jake and Natasha were snuggled under a blanket, warm and content as ever with the fire crackling away and the millionth rerun of A Christmas Story on the TV. It had been a long day, long but perfect in their eyes.
"You wanna sneak a peak at one of the presents?" Jake asked her rather naughtily.
"Well," Natasha said. "I know we're not really supposed to, but I had a little something I've been waiting to give you."
"Oh?" Jake asked, his eyebrows arching in curiosity.
Natasha handed him the little gold box with a silver ribbon tied around it. Jake very carefully opened it, parting the tissue paper to reveal a little wooden pendant on the end of a long, brown cord and bearing the image of Mary and Joseph with Baby Jesus.
"Baby what....?"
"I made that over the summer," Natasha explained. "Look at the back."
Jake flipped it over and saw his, Natasha's and Baby Jack's names on the back. "This.....this is us?"
Natasha nodded. "It might not be perfect, but at least I tried."
Jake, with tears welling in his eyes, leaned in and kissed her. "Baby thank you," he whispered. "I love you."
"Funny you say that, because we're under the mistletoe."
Jake looked right up and sure enough there it was, the pretty little sprigs of mistletoe, his quiet crying turning to laughter in a split second. The wood pendant may not have been perfect in Natasha's eyes, but in his it was......just like her and Baby Jack.
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shen-liqin · 9 months
My thoughts are a bit messy right now but someone please tell me how THE FUCK I DIDN’T NOTICE THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN (SIMBA + SCAR) AND (MOBEI-JUN + LINGUANG-JUN) EARLIER?!?!?!?! I’VE BEEN IN THIS DAMN FANDOM SINCE AUG 2022 😭
Simba used to be close with his uncle Scar. Mobei-Jun used to be close to Linguang-Jun as a kid. (both were close to their uncles as kids and trusted them whole-heartedly)
Simba gets betrayed/hurt by his uncle as a child and left for dead after being banished(?) from the Pride Lands. (happens after his uncle kills his father, blames the death on him, then sends hyenas after him to ensure he’s dead) Mobei-Jun is betrayed and left for dead by his uncle as a kid (left in the human realm and forced to survive against grown ass Huan Hua cultivators) (both were betrayed by their uncles as kids and left for dead one way or another)
Scar wants his brother (who he kinda resents) and nephew dead because he wants to be king. Linguang-Jun wants his brother (who he really resents) and his nephew dead because he wants to be king (+ revenge for his brother stealing his wife-to-be) (both want their family members dead so they can be king and have tried to have their nephews killed multiple times)
I got this belated enlightenment while doing house chores and listening to Disney Villain Songs on Spotify (Be Prepared was playing) and everything just clicked).
New head-canons for me guys:
Airplane-bro was inspired by Simba and Scar when he was creating Mobei-Jun’s dynamic/interactions with his uncle. This has led to him making Disney references in multiple chapters of PIDW (and of course, cucumber-bro rants about plagiarism and how much of a shitty author airplane is for not bothering to think of new material).
Ya’ll cannot tell me that baby Mobei-Jun DIDN’T sing or do something similar to “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King” when he was too young to understand the real dangers behind being a Northern Desert Prince.
I am now a firm believer of Linguang-Jun singing “Be Prepared” every damn time he tries to convince other demons to go against Mobei-Jun or assassinate him. Man’s gotta use his charisma and great singing voice somehow-
What would be even funnier is if Airplane actually forgets where he got the inspiration for Mobei-Jun’s relationship with his uncle. As far as we know, he was either in his 20s or middle-aged when he died in his first life, and has been alive for around 40-60 years since he first transmigrated. He’s bound to have forgotten some shit from his novel (even if it’s related to his ideal man/wank character).
Imagine if one day Mobei-Jun send Airplane out to spy on Linguang-Jun because the old man has been coming off as more slimy as of late and is practically begging to be monitored. Airplane bro is pissed at both of them because:
a) His King is probably making the right move but he still has a shit ton of paperwork to get done for both Cang Qiong and the Nothern Desert as the Anding Peak Lord and Mobei’s unofficial official adviser
b) Linguang-Jun was just caught for another scheme three fucking days ago and Airplane is so damn tired of all the work he’s had to do to remedy the treaties and alliances his scheming screwed up
Anyways, time skip a bit and Airplane manages to sneak into one of Linguang-Jun’s bases and sees him singing “Be Prepared” to the crowd of enraptured and slightly horny plant demons from the west and just- blanks. Mind you, this happens BEFORE Cucumber-bro becomes Shen Qingqiu, meaning Airplane has been bottling up so many modern day references and songs for the past 60-80 fucking years.
Once Linguang-Jun finishes convincing the plant demons that yes, “murdering my nephew for me will guarantee you and your kin a stable food source and power within my court once I’m King”. He goes back to the Northern Palace and comes across the puny human that his nephew has been trying to court for the past 40 or so years. He’s about to frighten the subject of Mobei-Jun’s failed love life when said human sudden looks at him with a slightly manic smile (which looks even more unnerving since he’s standing eerily still against the palace hallways) and asks,
“Do you know anything about Mickey Mouse, Linguang-Jun…?”
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radioactivewatson · 2 years
The dragon's heart
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x OC Targaryen x Aemond Targaryen
Warnings: Violence, strong language, smut, pregnancy (18+, minors do not interact!)
A/N: It's been a very long while since I first posted here and I've been wanting to get back to writing for a long time now. I've recently watched House of the Dragon and absolutely adored it, however I haven't read the book so I will most likely get some things wrong, all I ask is that all criticism is constructive and respectful. I am currently at uni so I don't know how often I will be able to post but I will try my best. I would lastly like to say that English is not ma mother tongue so I might make some mistakes along the way. With that being said, enjoy the sneak peak. Lots of love ♥️♥️
Chapter 1 Masterlist
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Sneak peak:
Viserra cradled her bump as she walked slowly towards her family. It felt good to see them all again. She looked upon her young mother first. The woman, ever so regal, held her chin up high, although that had little impact on her expression. On the contrary, the smile she was donning only got wider as her firstborn approached. The younger woman stopped in front of her mother and curtsied as far as her legs would forgive her. Once she looked up again, she got misty-eyed, she really should have visited sooner.
“My child” chided Alicent lovingly as she opened her arms to embrace her child.
“Mother” cried Viserra in response. 
She let go of her mother’s tight embrace and gazed at her younger siblings. The same pleasantries were exchanged among the two oldest and then she reached her younger brother, Aemond. The awkward teenager she had said goodbye to two years prior was no more. Instead he was replaced by a handsome young man who had, fortunately, grown into those enviously sharp cheekbones of his. 
Although Viserra no doubt held an inmensurable love for the rest of her family neither she nor anybody around them was blind. Aemond had been and would always be the apple of Viserra’s eyes. She felt her eyes gathering with tears.
“Do not fret, sister, you are home again, at last” he said, gently holding her forearms and looking at her with a gentleness nobody would have expected to come from the one-eyed prince.
Aemond then embraced his beloved sister as tightly as her pregnant belly would allow him. Looking over her shoulder he did not miss his nephew’s glare.
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