#so I had to find someone else and rewrite the whole thing
jmflowers · 2 years
something I wrote the pitch for has been picked up by network for the 2023 season
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jiarkives · 3 months
Azriel meets his mate who is a no nonsense female and isn’t dealing with the IC busy body bullshit. And azriel loves it cause he wants to be able to have something that is just his
He loves his brothers but they don’t know how to butt out of things. But his mate puts her foot down and lays down the law.
I need someone to stand up for him and take care of him.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ summary — azriel’s mate does not take shit from anyone, not even the high lord.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ character — azriel (a court of thorns and roses)
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ content — fluff ; written with fem!reader in mind
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ notes — i loved the idea but i fear i didn’t write my thoughts well enough so i might rewrite this completely and i changed the plot a bit so yeah !! thank you for requesting !! 🤍
“Love? Where’d you go?” Your voice was soft and so was your touch as his eyes focused back on you. It was early in the morning and you were both still in bed, opting to spend your day lounging around to let him rest after his week-long mission with the Night Court’s general in Windhaven.
“It’s Rhys.” He sighed and you knew immediately what he wanted, your eyebrows furrowing as you sucked in a breath. “He needs my help with something regarding Autumn.”
“But you just got home last night,” you said. “Have you talked to him?”
“Yes, but—”
“Did he listen?”
That was all you needed to pull away from him and get off the bed, going straight into the bathroom.
“Wait, Dove.” He quickly followed after you, gently grabbing your wrist and turning you to face him. “It’s alright. It’s just a quick in and out. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“I know you can handle it, but just because you can doesn’t mean you have to, especially not this soon,” you said firmly, giving him no room for arguments.
And that was how you found yourself barging into the High Lord’s study after knocking briefly with Azriel trailing after you quietly, causing both him and the High Lady to look up at you with confusion written all over their faces.
“Good morning, High Lord, High Lady,” you greeted politely, looking at them as you addressed them. “I heard about you wanting to send Azriel to deal with the Autumn Court, but if you aren’t aware, he just got home last night.”
“We are well aware.”
Azriel sucked in a breath at Rhysand’s response, his eyes widening as he shook his head at his brother as he attempted to get you to back off with a gentle touch of his hand and his shadows.
“Then why are you sending him to another mission so soon?” You crossed your arms, looking at Rhysand with an eyebrow raised. The corner of Feyre’s lips twitched into a smirk as she witnessed the scene before her.
However, you did not give him a chance to respond as you cut him off, “Well, you better find someone else to do it for him because he will be resting at home with no interruptions.”
“You do remember that I am your High Lord, right?”
At this point, Azriel had given up completely and let you take the reins, while Feyre watched in amusement as you grilled his mate on his seat.
“Alright then, High Lord, find someone else to deal with your shit in Autumn and let my mate rest,” you said, your tone firm and stern as you practically glared at him, no room for any arguments.
Rhysand could only gape as his widened eyes flitted over to Azriel, then to you before quickly clearing his throat as he composed himself, “Alright.” He relented. “Azriel may take the whole week off and rest with you. Then, I get the Night Court’s Shadowsinger back.”
“Good,” was the only thing you said before giving Feyre a polite nod, staring at Rhysand for a moment longer, and finally leaving the room, leaving the two of them alone with a smirking Azriel who looked proud (and aroused).
Azriel was not even surprised when his shadows left him and followed his mate out of Rhysand’s study.
“Sorry, brother.” He shrugged. “What the missus says goes.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Rhysand nodded with a grin, waving him off. “You go home and rest, brother. I’ll see you in a week.”
Azriel grinned and bowed slightly in goodbye before moving to leave the room.
“Wait,” Feyre spoke and Azriel immediately stopped and turned to face his High Lady. “Please tell your mate I’d love to introduce her to Nesta. I have a feeling they’d get along well.”
“I will.” Azriel nodded.
“Leave, brother, the scent of your arousal is starting to flood the room.”
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ineffable-endearments · 10 months
Aziraphale's Entire Bookshop Is A Trauma Reenactment
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This essay got so complicated. The main point is that Aziraphale's bookshop is a trauma reenactment and that's why he had to give it up.
This post of mine recently got a bunch of notes and I'm so glad people have liked it. For the unfamiliar: the gist is that Aziraphale wants. He wants books, he wants Crowley - but he can't let himself just desire things for their own sake or for his; he'll only allow himself to have what he wants if it serves a greater purpose. That's why Aziraphale has a shop full of books instead of just a collection of books. That's why Aziraphale always has some scheme for Crowley to get involved in.
However, I think that underneath the "purpose" of selling books and participating in the local economy, the shop has another purpose that Aziraphale hasn't faced. Instead of rewriting this, I'll partially copy over something I wrote after Season 1 and before we even knew Season 2 was a thing:
Aziraphale’s squirreling away of old books and erroneous Bibles, his hoarding of humanity’s misguided attempts at prophecy…he is roleplaying his relationship with Heaven, but with himself in a position of power. He’s gathering Knowledge and keeping it a secret while knowing all along that it’s inaccurate, so in that way, he is a lot like his superiors and God. Crucially, he gets to role play the entity powerful enough to have, but not share, his knowledge.
Note that also, in this scenario, the misprinted Bibles and vague or incorrect prophecies are highly prized. They are Aziraphale's favorites - just as you'd expect for a being who knows he's not what an angel is supposed to be but is desperately hoping God will favor him for exactly that reason.
So. The bookshop is a reenactment of Aziraphale's trauma in the same way that yelling at plants is a reenactment of Crowley's trauma. In both cases, the two of them are identifying with both their abusers and themselves. Crowley recognizes that his abusers are malicious and have only their own motivations, no drive toward the "greater good." That's why it's a sign of healing that he has started showing more attachment to his plants in Season 2 and seems to be treating them better: he is no longer acting the part of his own abuser.
Aziraphale is, despite his conscious efforts, still identifying with Heaven. Through his bookshop, he is trying to act like he thinks Heaven should, preserving (his books) and protecting (his books, Jim, Crowley) and orchestrating Good (the whole Ball fiasco). And each of these behaviors is for a Great Plan: running a bookshop, solving a mystery, throwing a ball. Everything he does has to align with a higher purpose, a grand scheme of some kind. Otherwise, how is he going to take on Heaven's role and do it better?
It's a twisted way of trying to make things right. Heaven has failed at its job. It's supposed to be the ultimate Good, but it hasn't been. Even in the Final 15 minutes when Aziraphale says "It's the side of truth, of light, of good," I'm more than convinced he's saying that because he wants it to be so rather than because he's sure of it. (Someone else pointed out this possibility, but it was many posts back and I'm not sure who. If I find the post again, I'll link it here.)
Aziraphale is stuck in a pattern of trying to play the role Heaven failed at. To be clear, this role is "motivating humans to do Good and keeping it all (the universe) running."
...But nobody should be doing Heaven's job. Nobody should be "orchestrating Good," not by trying to control other people. Nobody should be making grand plans for the universe. People should be allowed to just live out their lives.
I want to add, in case it's not obvious, that this is not a conscious process. With human beings, it typically is not. And as other people have pointed out, Aziraphale is smart, which is why he can end up in these patterns in the first place: he's good at rationalizing!
While his need for control is intensely unhealthy, it's reasonable that he would have ended up here. Aziraphale has never been in control in his entire existence. That's Heaven's form of abuse. I mean, I start having an existential crisis when I don't feel like I can say "no" often enough at work - I can't imagine being created with the same amount of free will but denied the knowledge to make any choices for millions of years.
(That's also where some of his most infuriating behavior comes from - another way of trying to exert control is through acceptance: to just insist on being happy even when things are obviously wrong. God is cruel? There must be a good reason we don't understand. Armageddon is coming? Well, it will all be lovely afterward, of course. The Metatron is being really persistent about trying to get me back in Heaven? That's great, actually! Now I can make a difference! Neil has commented that Aziraphale's favorite song with lyrics is "Spread A Little Happiness." Look up the lyrics. They are all about simply denying bad feelings.)
You know how we've observed that the bookshop is painted in Crowley's colors? And how Aziraphale left both of them behind at the end of the season? Well, also consider how Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship pattern has become unhealthy and codependent - Aziraphale genuinely loves Crowley, but the only model of love he's had in his own personal experience, outside of fiction, is this weird power-control thing Heaven has going on.
He needs to break out of the control pattern before he can admit that he loves books and Crowley for what they are.
This is why I think the definition of "goodness" isn't necessarily Aziraphale's final final boss. The narrative could go that way. But I have a strong feeling his final boss will have to involve control.
When people wonder "Why is it taking so long for Aziraphale to figure out that Heaven is bad," my personal suggestion is that good intentions are a red herring for both the audience and for Aziraphale himself. He needs to stop believing that Heaven's job is necessary at all. He needs to see that the whole existence of the institution is a problem, not merely the management. No, not even the really bad management.
On one hand, Aziraphale needs to figure out the same things that Adam Young figured out - that existence is meaningless when people don't get to make their own choices; there's no point in having friends who can't talk back, and there's no point in making people's decisions for them. It's very honorable to want to truly do Good. But you can't do it through control. Even if you completely ignore the moral issues with controlling people, it simply does not produce a worthwhile result.
Aziraphale technically knows all this already. He knows people need to have choices. He knows choices hold no meaning unless people make them freely. He just hasn't grasped that Heaven is, at best, creating unnatural consequences for people. Heaven itself is getting in the way of that ability to choose.
On the other hand, Aziraphale needs to figure out that he CAN make his own choices. He doesn't need Crowley to dance him into the right decision, and he doesn't need God to tell him what to do. Aziraphale has already done some of this in the past, under extreme pressure. He needs to get more comfortable with it. I think his realizations about control will help this part fall into place. Realizing that Heaven's role is a problem can more easily cascade into a healthier notion of his own boundaries - choices that are his and choices that are other people's.
Giving up the bookshop is actually a step toward healing because Aziraphale is stepping up to see the inner workings of his abusive institution head-on instead of reenacting the abusive actions with his bookshop, his neighbors, and Crowley. We know that in reality, people don't get over trauma thanks to one event, but for the sake of the story, realizing that individual or institutional control is not the way to Goodness might just be the breakthrough Aziraphale needs.
And then he can stop feeling compelled to put the things he loves through Great Plans in order to spend time with them, and he can simply love them, hopefully in a cottage where no one ever tries to buy books from him and Crowley will sleep soundly every night.
How this will come about in Heaven is anyone's guess. I think it might, again, happen the same way it happened for Adam Young: with Aziraphale getting his way only to realize it's not what he wants.
Of course, the bookshop deserves to live on. It was a safe place for so long. Like all of Aziraphale and Crowley's other respective coping mechanisms, it offered protection and comfort, and it's become an inspiration to Muriel.
That's why I have a strong feeling Muriel is going to formally inherit the bookshop - with Aziraphale's full permission and enthusiasm, for keeps, not as a coerced posting by an authority figure. I may be getting ahead of myself, what with the enormity of what has to happen first, but it feels right.
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astrecium · 5 months
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𓍯 that one specific special day.
CW. pronouns for reader are (you/your), modern au? Reader likes sweets. (does this count as a warning?×.×)
summary. Kuni trying his best to make you have a nice birthday.
A/N. My birthday is close so I decided to do this soo.. happy birthday to whoever is reading this !! By the way, do y'all mind the small letters? Or do y'all like the big ones more?🥲 Had to rewrite this🥲
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He can't say he understands the concept or birthdays, he can't get what is the happiness on being closer and closer to your death. But, he understands that for you, it's something special, and he would do his best to make you happy on this day.
Believe it or not, he would never forget what day your birthday is. He has it craved on his mind, something he would never dare himself to forget, since he know this action would disappoint you. In the day, he wouldn't even sleep, trying to prepare the best day for you.
‘I could do better than this if I had become a god.’ the thought would cross his mind, which he would instantly brush away, not letting such trivial bothers ruin his focus. At 00:00, he would be awake, thinking on what to do before you wake up. ‘breakfast, maybe.’ yes, that will do for the morning. Wanderer would spend the whole night trying to cook your favorite dish, paying attention to every small detail, and doing his best even though he had no idea on how to cook things like that. But fortunately, the final result was better than expected. The image of the small cake was good, but just as you yourself told him, looks aren't everything. He hated sweets, yet he had to do the sacrifice of discovering if it tasted good.
After putting his finger somewhere discreet of the cake, he hesitantly puts it on his mouth. ‘eugh.’ it was sweet, just how you liked it. It was good, for you obviously.
He would cover the damaged part of where his finger damaged, leaving it perfect like it was before. 01:30 would show up on the clock. He needed to be faster. Placing your cake on the fridge, he didn't know if juice suits morning.. though, you'll probably wake up late today. If not, he'll have his way.
But even though he knew how to cook, celebrations were new for him. He had to search on what do to on someone's birthday. "What to write in a birthday card(so that they'll actually want to keep it)" he found a site, and immediately clicked.
It was so... Cringe. Corny. Or.. maybe he just wasn't used to seeing caring words. He looked at the birthday he card he had bought just yesterday, and though in writing just 'happy birthday.' nothing else. But no, that's too dry. You deserve more than that. He decided to look a bit more into the site, trying to find something he finds acceptable.
But that took more time than expected, too. 02:00. He immediately put his phone down when he sees the time, going back to the kitchen. He was in a hurry and frustrated, but all he let out was a sigh.
After some time, he checked the clock again. 06:00. It took some time, and you should be waking up soon— wait nah! He didn't get the most important thing. He shoves his head on his hands, and sighs again. He knew you were waking up, so he went to your room.
When he saw your figure getting up, he gently pushed you back to bed.
‘nuh uh uh, go back to sleep.’ he covered you with a blanket after shoving you on the bed. You tried to get up again, b ut he shooshed you and got you back to sleep. ‘try again uh.. when it's 09:00.’ as if you could know what time it is when you are asleep. He doesn't mind it though, the more time he got the best.
He rushed to buy you a gift. But don't get this words wrong, he'll carefully look at everything on the store, carefully pick the one you would like the best, judge every small detail that could go unnoticed. It took him... 3 stores. He judged the soul of everything, to the shop workers to the items. He decided to buy your favorite drink too.
When he came home, you were still sleeping, thankfully. He sighed, relieved, and went to wake you up with the cake on his hands, carefully shaking you so the cake doesn't fall and you don't wake up annoyed. He has... War flashbacks on when you did so.
When you woke up, you saw him looking away, a gift box by your side, and a cake and your favorite drink on his hands. ‘dont you dare get used to this.’ he would say dryly, in contrast to the sweet actions he did. If you hugged him, you couldn't even see, but he would smile slightly, relieved that he managed to actually please you.
on the birthday card, which he would only give to you at the end of the day, the words written in soft and elegant writing were surprisingly sweet. The day you came into the world was one of the best days of my whole life. I hope today is one of your best days, too. But he doesn't dare to look at your face when he delivered it, looking away with his arms crossed, a faint red on his face. ‘you are smiling like a fool.’ he would say even though he lives to see you smile like that.
Huh, what do you mean your birthday doesn't last three days? He bought three cakes and even more!!! Bro probably bought you airpods and a giant plushie since he thought you liked hugging them to sleep and said it's nothing💀(I have a fic about this :0)
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Happy birthday to you 🫶
This is cringe im going to kms
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f1goat · 1 year
his teammate + lando norris x part one
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In which you find yourself getting closer to your brothers new teammate who's a dick.
lando norris x fem!verstappen (sister) + cursewords + eventually smutty i wrote this before, but i'm rewriting it because i missed somethings. you can comment if you want to be added to a taglist :) thanks for reading!
masterlist x playlist
You remember that one afternoon where your brother Max Verstappen first heard about his new teammate. The whole afternoon was filled up with angry phone calls, many curse words, frustrations and even angrier glances at everyone who had the tiniest part in this decision. You didn’t really get it at first. Max always wanted a teammate who could challenge him on the race track. He didn’t like the last seasons where he had no competition from his own teammate. So what was the problem? It’s safe to say it didn’t took you long before you understood Max his reaction. After you googled his new teammate for a bit, you were quick to find out that the new RedBull driver is trouble. Trouble with a capital T. Maybe even with every letter in capitals. 
Lando Norris is the kind of driver that doesn’t care about anything else then driving. He’s not like Lewis Hamilton who’s putting effort in all kind of good deeds for society. He’s not like Yuki Tsunoda who helped cleaning after the flood in Imola. He’s not like Pierre Gasly and Charles Leclerc who always seem to be with each other in their spare time. He’s not like your brother who always tries to maintain a good relationship with everyone on the grid. Lando Norris doesn’t care about things like that. 
After a bit of searching around, you were quick to find out that Lando Norris only cares about a few things. He cares about girls. No wait, that isn’t the way you need to say this. He doesn’t care about girls and their feelings. He cares about sex. He’s always seen with a different girl, who is gone within a couple hours. He also cares about himself. Maybe a bit too much even. Everyone who talked with you about Lando Norris told you that he’s egocentrically. He cares about his own needs, but doesn’t think about others. 
The most surprising thing about what he cares, is actually a person. It took you a lot of digging, but you found someone Lando Norris actually seems to care about. Someone called Max Fewtrell. They seem to be friends. You found out a bit more about them. It seems that his friend Max is going online often to stream, sometimes Lando shows up for a bit in a stream. You even found some edits on YouTube from streams that were a couple years back. Lando seemed a lot more open on those streams.
Your brother has spend a long time being known as the villain of formula one, but it’s safe to say that Lando Norris took that title from him. He’s known for the dirtiest tricks on and off track. He’s an arrogant ass. Media don’t know a lot about him. His socials are done by media workers from RedBull. He doesn’t post anything himself. It seems like he has walls as high as the Mount Everest all around him.
After all your research about your brothers new teammate, you can safely say that you understand your brothers reaction. Lando Norris seems to be an awful person. You didn’t formally meet him yet, but now when the first race is happening it can’t be long before you do. Max is already complaining about him since he joined the team. You have heard countless complains about the British driver. 
It’s a shame, really. They seemed like a potential match for a great friendship. Your brother is well liked by many of the other drivers and by many fans. He has friends all around the world and always wants to do everything for them. At first you thought it would be Max who could get Lando out of his shell. But apparently they aren’t a great match.
“He doesn’t even care about the team.” “He’s awful.” “He can’t even greet me when I walk into a room.” “You should have seen him, he doesn’t give a fuck.” “He doesn’t want to do media activities.” 
You can dream about his complains. But you get it. So every time your brother is complaining, you listen to him and tell him that he’s right. Lando Norris is an asshole.
Some frustrated sounds around you wake you up from your thoughts. With all this thinking, you almost forgot about the race. It’s the first race of the season. You’re quick to look at the screen in front of you. What is happening? What is causing everyone around you to seem frustrated. When you look at the screen, you notice it directly. There are two cars of the track. Two drivers who are going down in the ranks with a three small letters next to them. DNF. When they replay the accident, you see what everyone around you already saw. Max and Lando pushed each other of the track. 
What an idiots.
Who’s fault was it? You’re tempted to say that Lando is the one to blame, but you don’t know. It seems like a racing incident in which both drivers took too much space from each other. It almost seems like your brother and Lando are testing each other. Who’s the first one to back out? Apparently neither of them. They would rather crash. Idiots. 
You notice that Lando is the first one to arrive back at the motorhome. This race week you barely saw Lando. You have only seen him from a distance. Of course you have seen photographs and even TikTok edits from him before. But you never saw him up close. So you can’t help yourself and stare a bit at him. The angry look on his face is hard to miss. It’s a shame. You have seen enough pictures in which you couldn’t deny that you found him nice looking. Beautiful even. You don’t like anything about the boy, but you can’t deny his good looks. You like the way his curls seem to have a mind of their own. You like the way he always seems to be dressed in a hoodie. Something about him breathes calmness. At least, normally. With the way he’s looking right know, there’s no calmness to be found anywhere close to him. Although, he does look a bit hot like this. Maybe you can scrap that a bit part. He looks hot.
Sometimes you try to remind yourself that you don’t actually know Lando. You’re judging him by words of the media, fans and others. What if it’s all an act to safe himself and his friends from the cruelty of the media and some fans? For all you really know, he’s actually a nice person. When you look at Lando, you are quick to throw that thought away. You truly believe that he isn’t a nice person in secret. He seems coldhearted and closed off to everyone. His attitude and looks from now tell you enough. 
“What the fuck was that Norris?” 
It’s Christian Horner who disrupts your thinking session. You have seen Christian angry plenty of times, but that was always at people from other teams. Mainly at Toto Wolff now you think about it. It’s long ago that you have seen him this angry with a driver of his own team. You start to fear for his reaction to Max.
“I told you to keep it clean!” Christian continues to shout at Lando when he doesn’t get a reply fast enough. 
“Tell that to your other driver,” Lando replies angrily, “He crashed into me. The fucker.”
You can actually hear the frustration in Lando his voice. You don’t like it. They both crashed into each other. This was not your brothers fault. 
“I don’t care what you have planned for this afternoon, but you can scrap all of those plans. Max, you and me are going to talk until you both can race as normal people with each other,” Christian states. 
“Oh fuck off,” Lando says angrily. You notice the way his voice is starting to raise in volume. “We will fight it out on track like actual race drivers,” he continues.
“Like you did today? That would be a great season if you both crashed into each other every race. Don’t you think so?” Christian asks sarcastically. You notice that he wants to continue talking, but Lando is already walking away. He storms off to his drivers room. 
Just in time. Your brother is also walking in right now. Christian is quick to notice Max. He’s even quicker to start shouting at him as well. It’s the same things as he told Lando before. You’re not in the mood for another screaming match. You know your brother well enough to realize that this is going to last for a while. Max is full with frustrations about Lando and those will probably come all out now. You decide to walk away from all the screaming. You can spend some time in Max his drivers room until everyone is calmed down. 
You wander around for a bit. Every new season they change the RedBull motorhome, so the first weeks you’re always lost. Apparently they didn’t use name holders this year. Which room was your brothers again? At the end of the hallway you notice a familiar image. You’re sure that his drivers room is here. There is only one question, which room is his? There are two doors. You guess that if you chose the wrong door, you will find Lando. You sigh and take the guess to open one of the two doors.
“Fuck off.”
Of course. You have enough luck to chose the wrong door. You barely dare to look into the room. Lando is staring at you with an angry glance. You should be nervous about that, but you’re a bit distracted when you notice that Lando isn’t wearing a shirt. Fuck. 
“Shit, sorry,” you quickly mutter, “I thought..”
You can’t finish your sentence. Lando is quick to interrupt you. 
“You thought what? That you could come here to talk about me how I fucked up your brothers race? Get fucking lost,” Lando sneers to you.
You don’t know how to react for a couple seconds. Is this actually happening? What did Lando just say? How can he be blaming you for all those things, when you didn’t even say anything like that. What a dick. 
“Are you fucking deaf? Go away,” Lando continues to say to you. “I don’t care about you or your brother or what happened, so don’t try to make me.”
You start to get angry as well in the mean time. Who does he think he is to talk to you like this? Where’s the respect? He is even worse then you already thought. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You ask him annoyed.
“You’re in my fucking room.”
“I’m not. I’m standing in the fucking doorway because I thought this was Max his room,” you argue.
“Then why are you still here?”
“Because I wanted to apologize for storming in like this, but never mind that.”
“Save the fucking bullshit princess,” Lando sneers at you again. 
“Don’t,” you grunt. 
“Don’t do what?” Lando asks.
“Don’t call me that and stop acting like such a dick,” you sigh annoyed.
“It’s not an act princess, it’s just the way I fucking am,” Lando states.
“That doesn’t work for someone like you.”
“Someone like me? What the fuck do you mean with that?” Lando asks you angrily.
“Do you have to say fuck in every sentence?” You ask annoyed. 
Lando steps closer to you. He seems to be waiting for some sort of explanation. As if you know what you meant with your earlier sentence. You’re mad and aren’t thinking at the moment. You almost take a step back, but you stop yourself from doing so. You don’t want him to know that he’s intimidating you. He is intimidating you, you should be stepping backwards but instead you keep staring at him. You look at the frustrated glance in his eyes. 
“I meant someone like you who’s clearly an arrogant dick and doesn’t have anyone around him. It seems like everyone is done with you and your act. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who thinks he’s better then them. Maybe your dick attitude and your small dick make some girls happy, but we both know those girls are only with you for your name,” you improvise to annoy Lando further.
Lando lets out a low chuckle. “You think that I have a small dick?” He asks you. 
“That’s the part you remember?” You ask annoyed, “I though arrogant, no friends or girls who are using you would have more impact.” 
“I don’t have a small dick princess,” Lando states confidently. 
“Great to fucking know!” You reply annoyed, “Maybe you can start acting like it.” You don’t wait for another reply from Lando. “I just wanted to say sorry for entering the wrong room, but forget it. I’ll gladly leave you alone Lando.” 
With those words you turn away from Lando and are quick to walk towards the other door. Your brothers actual drivers room. You feel Lando his eyes burning on your body. When you’re in Max his drivers room, you’re still annoyed by Lando. How can someone be like that? You only tried to apologize. Lando is plain rude and incredibly annoying. What a dick. 
“He’s the absolute worst,” Max sighs, “I have spend hours in that little office of Christian and Norris still won’t say sorry about anything! I even apologized for going a bit to wide on track, but he doesn’t say anything.” 
“How further?” You ask your brother, “I can’t imagine that the team is going to drop him. So you have to find some way to work together with him, right?”
“I don’t even want to think about that,” Max states.
You doubt about telling Max about your own encounter with Lando. It won’t be good for his already angry feelings towards Lando. But it would be nice to talk about it with him. After a bit of doubting you decide to tell Max a few things about it. Maybe you can leave the worst stuff behind. You know it isn’t the best plan to tell him, but you’re in the mood to vent about it. And who’s better to vent to then someone who also hates Lando? 
It doesn’t take long before Max is even more angry then before. You told him about your encounter with Lando, but you left behind some details. Like what you said exactly or what he said exactly. You just told Max what happened. 
“He’s the absolute worst,” Max tells you. 
You nod as a form of agreement. 
“I don’t like asking you things like this, but please stay away from him,” Max asks, “You can’t trust him and I know for sure that he’s already planning to use you to annoy me even more.” 
“I get it Max,” you say, “I’ll try to stay away from him.”
“Thanks,” Max sighs. He seems a bit more relaxed now. “I hope this doesn’t last too long, I’ll try to be friendly with him.” 
You slowly nod. “You do realize that if you become friendly with him, he’ll probably see me more also?” You ask Max.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Max says, “Just keep watching out around him. Don’t trust him. I have heard enough stories about girls who did trust him and that didn’t end nicely for everyone of them.”
“I’ll keep my distance,” you promise Max.
“Come on, let’s go out,” Max says suddenly, “I’m in the mood for some alcohol and fun after that awful race.”
You smile. Max doesn’t want to go out a lot, but you do always like it. You tell him enthusiastic that you’ll make yourself ready as fast as you can. You search in your suitcase for a cute outfit and are quick to find a nice dress. You put it on and look in the mirror for a bit. The dress is a bit on the short side, but it fits nicely. You like the way white looks on you. Quickly you continue to search for matching shoes and a bag. After that you redo your make up for a bit. It doesn’t take you too long before you’re ready to go. 
This is a great idea. Dancing and drinking will make the both of you forget about the frustrating day. Full with enthusiasm you walk with Max towards the taxi he called. 
part two
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rewrittenmha · 2 months
I'm gonna be completely real... I feel like BNHA should've been more about the LOV fighting to change a corrupt system instead of what we got.
They're way more interesting than the cardboard heroes and that they actually had a point in how things were and wanted to change that.
And that the ending would've been something similar to the ending in the DLC We All Fall Down from We Happy Few. Where now the people hate them, with time others will start to realize that they really did the right thing.
I like the idea of them meeting somewhere in the middle.
Because when you think about it, the heroes suffer a lot of the same things the villains do. Hawks and Nagant were exploited children raised to be assassins and used to do the HPSC's dirty work. Izuku, Shoji, and Monoma faced discrimination. Shoto was abused.
Someone, forgot the name, made a good point a few weeks back. That MHA is the only series that pits victims against each other instead of the abusers. And in a lot of ways, that's right. Because other series do that, but in a way that it's obvious and supposed to be something that's called out and amended.
A great example of this being The Hunger Games. The Districts are pit against each other to keep them separated and foster animosity so that they won't rise up against The Capitol. That's why some Districts are kept in poverty while others prosper. The only way to resolve this is to unify the Districts by making them realize that the true enemy here is the corrupt system.
I was waiting for the LOV to start to actually be the ones to teach Tomura this because let's be real, he's sheltered. What he knows about heroes was a bad experience one night and everything AFO told him. The other members actually lived through and faced corruption firsthand. Tomura didn't actually have a plan in the beginning; he wanted to destroy heroes but he didn't actually know why. Not until he formed the LOV. But the majority of the LOV's goals didn't align with Tomura's in the beginning, they aligned with Stain's.
Spinner, Dabi, and Toga even explicitly state that they were only joining the League because of its (fake) connection to Stain. Spinner because he wanted a world with justice and equality. Dabi because of his detestation for false heroes. Toga because she felt a kinship with Stain due to their quirks and wanted to find people like her after being outcast and shunned for so long.
And if we take these goals/motivations for what they are, they aren't bad at all. In fact, I would even say that they're reasonable. I barely counted Spinner as a villain until the Final War because he believed in true heroes and wanted equality for people like him, he even saved Izuku from Magne. Out of all of the LOV, he would have been the easiest to redeem.
(Yes I'm still mad that Horikoshi ruined him leave me alone)
The problem is, those goals were undermined by their actions later. They were either completely disregarded (Dabi), simplified (Toga), or contradicted (Spinner). Horikoshi basically said screw their established characters, they're one dimensional mustache twirlers with no substance. Every character who points out the flaws of society is demonized to justify the status quo.
And this is actually why I take issue with the whole every character having a villain thing. Because this shouldn't be a case of Hero vs Villain. We shouldn't be looking at the LOV like obstacles to defeat, or even to save. We should be listening to them. The goal here should have been to make a better world where what happened to them doesn't happen to anyone else.
My Hero Academia should have been a story of change, not war. And I think that's going to be the heart of this rewrite
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Happy Wife, Happy Life.
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Hantengu clones x Fem!Reader [Yandere-Angst-Fluff]
Part one.
Dividers by Saradika
Dividers by Saradika
Synopsis: Another punishment causes her to finally go cold with her 'beloveds'. They finally know what has been bubbling up inside of her after the many harsh punishments given to her.
Warnings: Possessiveness (duh), gaslighting(?), manipulation, coddling, isolation, monophobia, stalking, reader loses her shit at them, ANGST, more suffering! :D
Requested by: luvcOree
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Ps: I didn't notice that my tumblr auto updated and I had saved this on schedule only to find out that I couldn't edit it, so I had to delete the whole thing and rewrite it only to find out later that you could edit the post 😭 so that's why I have to reset to this- I'M SORRY
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Y/N inhaled deeply before timidly asking him the question. "May I go spend some time with my family for today? I promise I'll be home early! I just... want to see them. It's been too long..." To Y/N, this was nothing more than a simple request and perhaps even a reward for having been the obedient wife they wanted and giving them all an equal amount of attention, keeping them all satisfied. To the Hantengus however, this was a question they all dreaded. Their dear wife asking to go outside, even more so to visit someone? What was wrong with staying home? They provide her with everything she needs, get her everything she asks for one way or another. What more does she want? Cowardly as the demon may be, he could not let his dear go. Not the one who he knows believes in his innocence. Not the one he needs. "N.. No... You can't! W-What if you get hurt and.. and I'm not... there?" "But it's just my family! I'll just be there for today and nowhere else! Please, let me go visit them!" But the wife was desperate. She doesn't ask much of neither him or the clones, much less Zohakuten, who she knows is more strict and harsh. Y/N does as she is told, stays home where she is safe and gives them attention.
Even Urami and Zohakuten on the rare occasions they reveal themselves. Y/N is a good wife, never asks for anything, but this time, she was desperate. She even said that she'll be home before dusk. But the husbands, they disagree. She cannot leave. She'd be out of their sights, vulnerable, in danger. They cannot risk their lovely wife dying, the risk is too grave. "No! You c-cannot go! You'll... You'll get hurt!" What would he do without her? What they do without her? All he would offer is to stay home and spend some time with him which she reluctantly agreed to. Y/N wasn't happy. She could never be happy. Her family! She needs to see them at least once after having left without much of a valid explanation.This morning was no different from the others except for a little bit of harsh weather. Y/N was simply cooking for herself while also being deep in thought. She's been thinking about her family for some time now, especially her sibling. She's been missing her mother and father dearly and it's been eating up at her for too long, she can't take it anymore. After having finished making herself her meal, the woman took a deep, nervous breath and left for the dark room her husbands stayed during daytime.
Walking up the stairs, Y/N was certain that they had already heard her since she was in the kitchen and by the time she arrived, they were all in the darkest corners of the room, or in this case, he was. "Dear?" He was quick to flinch at the mere sound of her voice, but that was just him in general which did not surprise Y/N in the slightest. Hantengu, the main body of the clones, was currently the only one present due to the clones not being seperated. They often stayed merged together with Hantengu to avoid the sun and only revealed themselves at night. This gave Hantengu time to spend with her since his clones would all simply want her attention to themselves (if you like the clones, love him too beuz they're all the same person). "Y.. Yes?" The demon answered timidly to his wife as she entered the room, closing the shōji door behind her.
If they wouldn't let her see them once, then she'll go herself with or without their permission.
For the entire day until dark, Y/N was with Hantengu and didn't really do much. She did have some surprisingly pleasant conversations (and with his constant complaining of the evil around him and that he is an innocent demon), cuddled with him the same way she would with the clones, took a day nap and so on. However, while she was a sweet and loving wife towards him, she was waiting for him to leave in search for humans to eat and to find the Blue Spider Lily for his master. Soon, evening would arrive and Hantengu would go out for his hunt and mission leaving Y/N alone until he would return. She watched him shrink and leave through the dark forest of where their shared home is located. When she was sure she was alone, she too would leave. Y/N would pack her delicious sweets for her parents and sibling before then leaving her home.
After almost forty five minutes of travelling by foot, Y/N finally made it to the home of her parents. luckily for her, her sibling was there as well. Running up to the door excitedly, Y/N knocked and waited for one of her family members to open for her. Eventually, all would go as she had hoped. Y/N managed to see her parents after so long, caught up with her sibling and would finally be able to spend some time with them after not having seen them in so long. She laughed, she conversed, she cooked with her father/ mother, played with her sibling like children once more knowing that Hantengu would return at midnight. But that wasn't the case this time.
The clones were beyond furious that their wife was not where they had left her. They were all lucky enough to have returned home early after successfully killing demon slayers and humans, but another unsuccessful scavenge for the Blue Spider Lily. The entire ordeal had left them all irritated as usual and they simply wanted to be comforted by the loving embrace of their betrothed only to find out that she wasn't there. Sekido yelled and threw a fit, as expected from the clone of anger, and in a desperate attempt to have her back, he forcefully fused. The only reasons the others did not have a problem with Sekido's rather daring stunt is of course for none other than Y/N. Once Zohakuten was formed and Urami had revealed himself, both clones immediately went for the search of their beloved wife. They immediately knew where she was anyways and she would return by choice or by force.
Both clones watched from afar as Y/N laughed loudly with a person who they assume is their sibling. Neither of them could believe she would ever do such a thing despite having been told that she wasn't allowed to go! Both would soon close in on the home of where she was, but would keep their distance. Zohakuten would hit one of his drums and would command one of his wooden dragon heads to close in and for Y/N to return. He was still quite furious at the fact that she left despite having been told not to and Urami even more so. It wouldn't be long before Y/N noticed a strange piece of wood moving and eventually realise who it was. Soon, she would bid her family farewell and leave as they hoped she would. Without wasting any more time, she went to the forested area where Urami and Zohakuten stood and would timidly approach. Zohakuten gave her a steely glare and simply pointed towards his wooden dragon head while Urami would already begin his scolding. "How dare you leave! You had us all worried sick! Did we not tell you that you could not visit your family? You could've gotten hurt or worse! Do you know how much it would've broken us if you did?" That is all she heard until she arrived home.
Urami carried her inside and placed her down before shrinking back to Hantengu, who began to bawl his eyes out. Zohakuten eyed Hantengu for a moment with pity before returning his intimidating gaze back to her. "How dare you leave me, woman. Have you no shame? I thought you were hurt!" Zohakuten continued to go off angrily at Y/N, blaming her for his anxiety and worry. Being the foul-mouthed boy he is, he cursed in his sentences. "You ungrateful wench! This time, punishment will be longer and harsher! You want to disobey me? Fine! I've been too lenient with your behavior!" Said the boy while dragging her by the wrist to the solitary room. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to-" "Silence! I won't hear it!" The door to her punishment once again opened as Zohakuten then so rudely shoved her into the room, this time without a candle before slamming and locking the door shut. "No... No!" Begging would get her nowhere. Not this time.
"Sweet thing... You've disappointed me."
"When we tell you something, you listen. You will regret disobeying us."
"My little songbird, I thought we had an agreement!"
"... Perhaps a harsher treatment shall remind you not to disobey us again, dewdrop."
And it starts again.
But she didn't beg this time. Perhaps a few tears, but Y/N didn't beg nor did she scream or cry. It dawned on her that perhaps they truly don't care for her feelings and only their own. Perhaps they are selfish monsters who only want to hurt her for their own amusement. At least, that's what their wife began to think. Y/N dragged her futon to the corner and made herself comfortable (as comfortable as she could get in a cold, dark and solitary room), simply staring up at the ceiling in the pitch black room deep in thought of the husbands she loved so much. Before long, the woman fell asleep with a new hatred for her husbands.
The punishment went on for three days instead of the usual two hours. Three entire days of no social interaction, not a word from them and almost no food or water as well. The clones truly did consider depriving her of human necessities, but Urogi had convinced them to be more merciful on their poor wife, having convinced them that she would learn her lesson.
The end of her punishment had arrived. It was over and the clones couldn't wait to hear her say that she had learned her lesson. That she would be a good wife and admit that she will be home where it's safe. That she'll apologise for her misbehaviour. But no, that's not what happened. The clones were absolutely shocked at her behavior when they finally let her out of the room. She was irritable, scornful and suddenly sharp-tongued almost as if someone had flipped a switch and changed her personality entirely. She didn't even want to be in his same room as them, much less have them look at her. Even Sekido began trying the gentle treatment to get closer to her, but that didn't work. "Dewdrop... What happened to her... This isn't the woman I married..." Aizetsu's sapphire coloured eyes began tearing up as he thought of her disrespectful behavior. Y/N would spout hurtful comments at them and express her hatred towards them as if they had hurt her in some way and Aizetsu, he hated that very much. It made him quite sad.
"How dare she speak to us that way!" Sekido growled angrily while thinking of her new behavior towards them. Karaku and Urogi stayed mostly silent about the situation, thinking of what could've happened for her to act like this (hm, I wonder why). They would all continue to discuss among themselves, trying to figure out a way to get closer to her without being met with scorn. "It doesn't matter if either three of us say it, she won't believe us. She'll just shove us away and continue with this." Urogi argues while looking at Sekido. It is true, any apology from either Karaku or Urogi would sound fake and from Aizetsu would sound merely like something to ease her hard feelings. "He's right, you know..." Karaku mumbles quietly while playing around with his uchiwa. Aizetsu knew Sekido would have a huge problem with apologising since he finds it pathetic for someone such as himself, and considering the emotion he is, he would absolutely refuse due to his pride and brash personality. "I already told you fools, I'm not going to apologise!" "Then how do you want her to trust us again, Sekido? If we want our dear back, we have to apologise." Said the relaxed clone in a rather stern tone. Karaku would be the last clone to ever speak in such a stern and serious tone due to his mischievous behavior, but there were times even he knew when it was needed.
He got up from where he said and got face-to-face with his older self, staring at him with a blank expression. "You do it. You'd be the most convincing out of all of us. That or we risk losing her, because then, we'd have to move to measures that we would all like to avoid for her sake." Sekido knew exactly what Karaku meant, he wasn't stupid. If they let her continue this, she would grow more reckless and rebellious, and they couldn't risk that. The vexed clone huffed reluctantly, acknowledging the fact that what his clone stated was indeed correct. He, out of every clone, is least likely to apologise and admit that he was wrong. It's a rather stupid solution in his eyes, but the one that they've come up with currently and they will act on it.So, with a deep breath and some preparation from his clone brethren, he walks to the room where his lovely wife is to apologise.
"Y/N-" "You again? I told you not to even look at me, you disgusting demon!" Those hurtful comments irked him, yes, but if he wanted to get on her good side again, he would have to swallow his pride and apologise like a mature adult. "What do you want from me? Just looking at your hellish eyes makes me sick! How did I even fall in love with you?" Her crude comments continue to flow freely and uncensored as if he were a mere stranger to her. The woman didn't even give him a chance to speak which led him to approach her in the blink of an eye, gripping her shoulders tightly. "Will you let me speak, woman?" Sekido asked and as usual, his snappy tone seemed to slip through. This did not come off well to the wife, as she merely continued to berate him and his clones. Finally, Sekido lost it and yelled at her, shutting her up for the moment. "LISTEN TO ME. I..."
It was a struggle trying to utter those embarrassing words. A demon doesn't apologise, much less an Upper Moon! How dare she make him seem like a fool! How dare she make him be so- so... so weak! This wasn't how things were supposed to be! But... Sekido will play nice, for now, suck it up and apologise. "I'm... sor... I..." Sekido huffs again while interally cursing at himself for being so pathetic. ["It's just a damn sentence...!"] His monstrous grip tightens, but he remembers to tone it down for her fragile human body. After almost a minute of struggling to get out a simple sentence, Sekido does it. It was the simple thought of Y/N leaving him that pushed him to do so. What would they do without her? Who would calm him down when he would have one of his rage fits? Who would Karaku tell his hunts and mission to? Who would keep Aizetsu from sulking? Who would preen Urogi's wings? Who would love him?
There was no one like you. Not in their demented eyes.
"I'm sorry."
Her expression immediately went from annoyed and hateful to shocked and confused. Sekido apologising? What possessed him to do such a 'shameful' act? "I... Understand that what we did to you was too far... My dear wife." It was rough at first, but soon, the words flowed out flawlessly. "My dear wife, I apologise for my and Zohakuten's brash behavior. In a moment of desperation I lost my composure and did not realise what the consequences of my actions would lead to." It was pathetic, but better to seem like a fool than lose the one thing you cannot live without. But she wouldn't fall for it a second time. "How dare you..." Sekido was understandably surprised. "You think a simple apology would have me running back into your arms like the many, many times before? Have you forgotten what you did to me, Sekido? Have you forgotten the many tears I cried because of my fear?" No, he did not. Did they really think she was going to forget it all just like that? All the torture, the punishment just because they did not see whatever she did that time fit? "How many times have you lied to me? How many times have you guilt tripped me into thinking it was my fault even though it was yours?!" "Y/N I-"
"DON'T interrupt ME while I'm TALKING!!"
It was practically trauma at that point and the clones had no one to blame but themselves. What did they expect? The pain and fear would've caught up eventually.
"I'm afraid of you... I don't love you anymore. I-I..." But even then, does she truly believe her own words? Is she that naive that she truly can't see what is wrong here?
"You put me alone in a room without a single thing but a futon and a chamberstick. You're insane...! All of you know I hate being alone! I'm afraid of being alone!! Do my endless screams and cries, begging and hitting the door entertain any of you?" Y/N hoped it wasn't true, but at this point, she was smart to know it was. Her fear entertained them. They were after all still demons and a human fearing a demon is the greatest sight and feeling a demon can get. "No-" "Don't lie to me..." He knew he needed to tell the truth eventually. "... Yes." The thick streams of tears continued more and more like a raging river crashing down a dam and flowing freely. "Get away from me..."
They can't lose you.
She was in their arms faster than she could blink. "Dewdrop... I'm sorry... Don't leave us... please." The sight of his betrothed's beautiful face stained with tears was enough to shatter Aizetsu. He didn't mean to push her this far. What kind of husband tortures his wife? Oh, how wrong they were. "Songbird, you can do anything but leave. You can scream and yell at us, hit and stab us, we will take it all with grace, but please, I beg of you don't leave. I swear on my lord's name we will be better!" The all clung onto her as if she were their lifeline. They will beg, scream and cry if they must in order to get her to stay. She cannot leave. "I'll never laugh at your tears again, I'll never make you cry. Sweet thing, don't leave. I will get on my knees if I have to..." The woman can put them all on a leash if it meant that she'd stay. They might have been all high and mighty then, but the moment she even hints at leaving for good, suddenly they're her lapdogs. It would crush them if she were to leave for good. They cannot lose that one good feeling not even they can describe. It wasn't joy or pleasure... What it was? They did not know, but it felt too good to be let go and she was the cause of this. Neither dignity or pride was no longer of importance to them, only Y/N was.
"You can put me on a leash and I'd say 'Thank you'... Do whatever you want, but you will not leave me." The lengths these psychopaths would go for one woman is near insanity. They were all demented and she was the one person keeping them sane. Possessiveness in a human can only go so far, but a demon is a new thing entirely. Considering their power, they will do what they must for their love, for that one person. They cannot leave, who said they could leave? Some may hurt them and prevent them from doing so, others may become their servants. Whatever works is what they will do. That one person is their entire life. They cannot live without that one person.
"Don't leave me, please."
No, she could never. They had gotten her too far in. She was theirs, she was already claimed by them. Y/N was going nowhere and she accepted that. Horrid as their actions may be, these man-eating demons loved her. They love her.
"I won't."
So it all starts again. Y/N goes back to them, rushing into their arms as they had hoped for. Their arms clung onto to her as if she would disappear if they didn't hold her. They hugged her tightly, not daring to let go of her in fear of her disappearing. They all told her how much they loved her, how they would sell their soul for her to be happy. The clones and their wife cuddled together for the entire night, not daring to let go of her. She was constantly met with kisses, small love bites, licks, whatever, as long as it expressed their love and affection to her.
She wouldn't ever leave them. She was theirs and it was written in stone.
Which still begs the question Sekido had asked last time.
"... Would you like to bear us a child?"
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Ps: I added Zohakuten, because he too is a clone. Yes, he does see reader as his wife, but that doesn't mean he engages in those acts with reader. He loves her too, but only in a romantic sense. He has the physical build of a child, yes, but that doesn't mean it's sexual. Just thought I'd clear it up for you snowflakes out there.
Note: Yes daddy, I would love for you to breed me.
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annymation · 8 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 9- Tangible Things
Chapter 8
Asha and Aster are walking through the kingdom of Rosas.
There's people everywhere, walking through the streets, all of them wearing the same style of medieval clothings with dull shades of blues, yellows and purples. The people of Rosas are all very diverse in ethnicities... But their cultures are not showcased at all through their clothing styles.
Asha walks through the sea of people wearing her mom's cloak, she's wearing the hoodie so her face is not visible.
Meanwhile, Aster is "wearing" his human disguise, looking like any average human teenager... If you ignore the uncommon combination of brown skin and blonde hair, as well as his black clothes with a looong cape that doesn't quite blend in with everyone else's clothing style.
... And the fact he's as happy as Ariel on her first tour with Eric through the kingdom. Or Rapunzel getting to know her kingdom for the first time, yeah, he has those same big eyes full of wonder.
If you ignore all that, yeah he's just a normal human, nothing to see here.
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"Okay Aster, stay close to me. We're almost at the plaza..." She got no response "Aster?" She looks behind her shoulder
... Aaaaand Aster is nowhere to be seen.
Asha scrunches her eyebrows in frustration, she's gonna have to put a bell on that star.
Asha feels a slight dejavu feeling from that dream she had last night.
She scrunches her eyebrows in frustration, now contemplating putting a bell on that star "*sigh*... At least you know how to behave, huh Valentino?" she says to the baby goat walking next to her, Valentino is just happily wagging his tail.
She takes off the her hoodie for a moment to get a better view of her surroundings
"Now where could he be?" She sounds worried, looking around, but there's no sign of the star.
Asha just took her hoodie for a moment...
But just a moment was enough for two people to notice her...
She hears someone calling her name in the distance
"asha! asha-when I catch you asha! asha! when I catch you- it is on sight!! you are so-"
The voice is getting closer. Asha looks around at the sea of people walking, but she can't seem to find who's calling her, the girl voice gets louder:
A second voice joins in, male this time
"DAHLIA! WAIT UP *huff huff* I can't run that fast!"
Asha turns around and... Yup, it's Dahlia and Simon.
Despite the fact that Dahlia walks with a crutch she's moving way faster than him, that's not even to emphasize how slow Simon is, no, Dahlia just so happens to run really fast in general.
They finally reach the girl wearing the purple cloak, and she seems preeetty nervous about having to explain the whole situation
"Oh- hehe hey guys" Asha waves to her friends awkwardly
Dahlia was having none of that "OHOHO Don't "Hey guys" me! Where were you last night?? My mom was worried sick"
"We woke up early to go looking for you, we were just on our way to get the others" Simon said while trying to catch his breath
"I'm fine, really. I just needed a take a walk you know? Get some air, and then I slept in my old home." She tries her best to calm them down "Dahlia, you didn't have to organize a search party for me, I can take care of myself." She tells her best friend.
"Actually, it was Simon's idea, he's the one who went to wake me up"
That surprised Asha
"... Simon... Woke up early?"
"That's how worried I was" He said with his usual monotonous voice "And... I wanted to apologize, last night I accidentally-... I assumed that you were crying because of something YOU did, without knowing the whole story, I shouldn't have pressured you to tell us like that... I'm sorry"
(Aww Simon is so nice... I sure hope he never does anything lame or stupid or uncool to his friends, that would be so sad.)
Asha kinda needed that apology, she gives him a warm smile
"Thanks for saying that Simon, it means a lot. And sorry for stepping on your foot... And running away." She places a hand on the back of her neck as she says that.
"Honestly, if I found out that the king wouldn't ever grant my wish, I'd feel really awful too" Simon, ironically, is the one who comments this
Asha remembers... Oh yeah she mentioned that to them.
"Yeah speaking of which... What is up with that?!" Dahlia exclaims, looking outraged "I mean, they put you on the spot, call you to come in their house, get your wish, and then they just say "Oh actually noooo, we won't grant your wish" HUH?! That's not fair at all." She rants with her arms crossed
Asha is just kinda nodding in agreement, like, what really happened was waaaay worse than that but yeah Dahlia got the spirit.
Simon doesn't seem to relate with her frustration though.
"Did they tell you why they weren't gonna grant your wish?" Simon asks.
Asha analyses the situation... She could tell them the truth, she could tell them everything she has seen... But then again, if she tells them, they might be in danger... She told Aster that she wanted to plan this out before acting, involving her friends is a big risk, so for now... She would have to lie.
"They... They just said they couldn't do it, nothing else happened, really" She said, trying her best to sound honest but kinda failing, her friends didn't seem to notice though.
"... Seriously? They didn't even say why?" Dahlia is dumbfounded.
"... Now I understand why you were crying..." Simon sounds really sad for his friend "But even still, you shouldn't have gone to the woods all by yourself-"
"Who said she was by herself?"
Simon and Dahlia jump in surprise because of the unknown cheerful voice coming from behind them
They turn around and see Aster... holding a bouquet of purple flowers.
Asha can feel a drop of sweat running down her forehead... This might be way harder to explain.
"Aster where were y-" Asha is about to lecture the star, but she is stopped when he shows her the flowers he got by holding them right in front of her face.
"Asha look! These flowers are called "Aster" just like me! and they're your favorite color too!"
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(Hahaah told y’all I’d reference these flowers!)
Aster hands her the bouquet, but in a way that her face is covered by the flowers for a second before she manages to hold it by herself
"O-OH Yeah I can see that... thanks Aster, they're really pretty heh heh" She says nervously, as she notice her two friends staring at Aster and then staring back at her.
"Uuuh so I take it your name's "Aster"?" Simon asks, looking at the boy from head to toe.
Aster turns around to greet them
"That's me! So nice to meet you two!"
Aster gives Dahlia a handshake...
And we take a look on what he sees
Now you see, Aster can naturally take a peek on what's someone's wants and beliefs, but when he touches someone... They can see something even more special.
He sees that person's star, their center, what makes them who they are.
When Aster touches Dahlia's hand, we see how her star looks like.
It's bright, red, and full of determination to achieve whatever she sets her mind to...
If confidence was a tangible thing, it would be Dahlia.
from the other's point of view, Aster is just shaking her hand quickly and very happily.
"Oh- Hehe I'm Dahlia."
Aster then goes on to shake Simon's hand and...
Aster's smile disappears...
Simon's star is still there but it's... weak, flickering away like a flame that is about to go out at any second
Aster feels a pain in their chest...
If hopelessness was a tangible thing, it would be Simon.
Aster let's go of the young man's hand, his eyes are downcast and he's frowning like he's about to cry.
He looks up to Simon and just says "I'm so sorry"
So needles to say our boy Simon is terrified thinking this weird kid Asha found in the woods predicts he's gonna die in 7 days or something.
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(That’s it, that’s the face he's making. lmao.)
Simon gives Asha a panicked look, and she seems just as confused as him.
"Hey Aster?" Asha calls his attention placing a hand on his shoulder, the star turns to her curious "Did you uh- Pay for these flowers?"
Aster tilts his head to the side "What's pay?"
("At All Cost" ruined me, because every time I re-read this line my mind goes "What's pay? When I look at you no way-" and that's so funny to me)
Simon who happens to be the son of a cop the captain of the royal guard becomes even more suspicious of Aster, knowing this guy just STOLE something and then played innocent.
Asha just smiles at that comment and patiently explains to him "Okay, now you gotta put these back where you found them, can you do that please?"
Aster's smile returns as if it never left "Got it! I'll be back in a sec!"
Aster runs with an almost inhuman speed, leaving the three friends in an awkward silence
Simon breaks that silence.
"… Where did you find that guy?"
"And where can I find one for myself?" Dahlia asks as she watches Aster run off.
Simon: "What?"
Dahlia: "What?!"
This time, Asha kinda gives them a half truth
"Well... Let's just say Aster was at the right place at the right time... And he helped me feel better" That's technically true.
Simon looks very dissatisfied with that answer though
"... So you spent the night with a stranger in the woods?"
"Not a stranger though!" Aster pops out of nowhere behind Simon,
"OH GOSH-" Simon almost has a heart attack,
Asha realizes the longer Aster keeps talking with other people the more suspicious they'll seem, so she just grabs him by the arm
"Great talking to you two but we reeeeally gotta get going. So tell the others I'm fine, we'll be at the main plaza if you need me!" She says already running while dragging Aster with her.
The star boy is just happily waving them goodbye as he's dragged away by the arm. "Bye Dahlia! Bye Simon!" he exclaimed excitedly
"... Soooo how much do you wanna bet she actually just wished for a boyfriend?" Dahlia asks
(Dahlia is a self insert of me at this point, her lines are what I'd say in this situation)
Simon kinda ignores Dahlia's comment as he realizes something odd "Wait ... I never told him my name, how did he know I'm "Simon"?"
We cut to Asha and Aster in an alley.
“Okay, we need to talk" Asha begins, looking at the star boy seriously "If we're really gonna do this, we gotta establish some ground rules."
"Sure! We stars are all about rules!" The star says, sitting on some barrels while kicking his feet.
She begins listing the rules:
"So rule number 1: You can't run off without me, you gotta stay close to me at all times."
"Rule number 2: You gotta act as HUMAN as you can, that means do what I do, and use NO magic at all."
"Oh you don't have to tell me twice, that's a rule I already HAVE to follow as a wishing star anyway"
"And rule number 3: ..." She stops to think for a moment "Umm... I feel like there should be a third rule but I don't know what"
"I know! Rule number 3:... LETS HAVE FUN!" Aster exclaims with a beaming smile as he holds her hand and walks with her out the alley "You don't need to worry about a thing! I'll stay with you at all times. All you gotta do is focus on inspiring everyone with your music!"
Asha looks at the mandolin in her hand. She's honestly not sure if she'll be able to make any difference... But if she can make at least a few people consider getting their wishes back so they can grant it by themselves... Then it'll be worth it, because then they can start something.
She feels her hope returning, as a confident smile grows on her lips and a fire burns in her eyes.
"Yeah, and I know just the song for it!" She starts running faster, and soon she's the one who's in front, dragging Aster by the hand...
Aster can see Asha's star, and he looks at it with eyes full of what can only be described as disbelief and a passionate admiration.
Her wish was taken from her, just like Simon's, but Asha was different.
Unlike Simon, her light refused to burn down, her old wish was replaced by a new one, that shined just as brightly.
A star that wants to shine upon others and give them joy, guidance, something to believe in... To Aster, her glow was the most beautiful one of all... And when he looked at it he felt...
Actually, he couldn't describe it... It's still a feeling he can't put into words.
So for now, he doesn't know what tangible emotion Asha is.
But he'll probably find out eventually.
They both reach the plaza. There's a water fountain at the center of it, a few people are walking around and talking, but there's not much of a crowd.
Asha takes the mandolin and starts singing a song... Based on a poem her father wrote:
A Wish Worth Keeping
[Verse 1] Take it from someone like me When your hopes are in despair If your desires have strings Free them, give them some air
[Chorus] 'Cause any wish that's got your heart On the edge of breaking Is a wish worth keeping
[Verse 2] Yeah, everybody dreams To be something someday somewhere Even kings and queens Daydream to be free from their royal chairs
[Refrain] Well, any dream that's got your heart Even when you're not sleeping Is a drеam worth dreaming
[Bridge] Yeah, we all start as wildlings Playing in thе sun Then we grow up with wild dreams Just waiting for our day to come
[Verse 3] So if hope schemes against time
Tell them, "be nice, play fair" Yeah, they may kick and cry, yeah But just show them they're better when paired
[Refrain] 'Cause if they both can hold your heart There's no way you're not sowing A dream that will never stop growing
[Chorus] Yeah, any wish that's got your heart On the edge of breaking Is a wish worth keeping...
It's a poem her father wrote to encourage people to not give their wishes to Magnifico, but instead keep their wishes and fight for what they dream of. In this moment, she's playing her grandfather's mandolin, while wearing her mother's cloak and singing a poem her father wrote, it's like they're all there with her.
Asha sings in a more festive rhythm than the original "Wish Worth Making" from the Wish soundtrack, it's a song that makes people want to join in and dance with Aster, who's bringing in people around the plaza to join in.
And among these people there's also Asha's friends, they seem happy for her but also confused. Since when did Asha play the mandolin? And who on earth is that guy with her?
As Asha plays, she and Aster share a little duet in the third verse of the song, as if Aster also knows the poem too. Asha looks at the star dancing with such energy, doing literal backflips, twirls, jumping all over the place, bringing in people to dance with him and just being himself like no one's watching.
And for the first time, she actually feels her heart bumping faster by looking at the star, and not because they're a literal star or because he scared her by popping out of nowhere... but because he's himself.
(Yup, that's when she fell)
Everything is going well, Aster can even see the stars inside some of the people in the crowd shining brighter...
It's actually working.
Some of the younger people are actually considering not giving away their wishes, and others feel like maybe going after new wishes by themselves.
Aster moves with even more energy now... His eyes are closed.
Asha also has her eyes closed, lost in the moment as she plays the song.
The sky is full of thick grey clouds, the sun was nowhere to be seen.
If only Aster's new friend Sunny could've warned him who was coming.
Aster is spinning around quickly with his eyes closed and-
Aster bumps on someone and falls on the floor.
Asha hear's him falling and opens her eyes, she looks up to see who he bumped into...
She instantly stops playing.
Her face is horrified, and she quickly covers herself more in her mother's cloak.
Valentino who was hopping around also sees who it is and hides behind Asha's legs.
Aster is just laughing on the floor, still high on the adrenaline, their eyes are still closed as he laughs so he still hasn't seen who's right in front of him...
But he can tell that he just bumped on a man taller than him.
"Hahahaha sorry sir, I wasn't looking at where I wa-" Aster looks up...
Oh no.
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“No problem at all, little one. Are you alright?”
The king and the queen are standing right in front of Aster.
It’s quite unusual to see them just out and about in a normal day, so the few people around start mumbling among each other.
… Aster doesn’t have a heart but somehow he could feel something in their chest sink as he looked up at the two monarchs…
He could see what they wanted, but to be honest the magic in his eyes wasn’t even necessary for him to see it, they looked down on him with the eyes of two hyenas staring at their next meal.
They wanted him... They knew what Aster was.
The star is just looking up to them with wide eyes like a deer in headlights.
“Here, let me help you.” Magnifico extended his hand to help them get up.
Aster knew very well what would happen in he touched that hand, and he was not looking forward to see what the king was like on the inside…
But then again, he promised Asha he’d act like a human, and most humans in Rosas would gladly shake the king’s hand, right?
So… Aster reached out for it, and once he touched it...
Aster had to hold in a gasp.
That is NOT a star.
See, Aster actually had heard from the other stars that there are many different kinds of people on earth.
There are those who are stars. Those who shine upon others by inspiring them, and make their own glow through their own actions. Like Asha.
There are those who lost their spark, those who no longer have hope or dreams to follow, they’re fading stars. Like Simon.
And then.
There are black holes.
Do you know how a black hole is formed?
They’re formed when a star dies.
Black holes have a gravitational pull that sucks in all the light around them, leaving nothing behind.
And in Aster’s eyes, Magnifico was a black hole.
Stealing away the light of all the stars around him.
Aster had heard that people who become black holes were very hurt in their lives, and thus their star died completely.
But Aster knew better... Magnifico choose to be this way, and he loves it.
He loves to pull others in only to steal their light away...
Aster felt disgusted.
... If selfishness was a tangible thing, it would be Magnus.
As the king pulls him up Aster's is glaring at him, no longer looking scared...
He's angry.
His brow furrowed, his pupils shrunk and his jaw was clenched. He was almost shaking.
It was like he was holding himself to not just jump on this man and punch him.
... Magnifico is content with this reaction.
From what he read, he knew that stars had "Eyes that see the truth", so Magnifico knew that the star could see who he really was.
With that in mind, his grip tightened on Aster's hand.
"Are you hurt at all, lad? You seem to be in pain or something." The king asks referring to the scowl on Aster's face, in a tone that for everyone else watching may sound like concern, but both Aster and the king know it's a mockery.
Aster actually didn't even realize he was scowling, he's just not used to hiding his emotions... But it surely not a "Normal human behavior" to glare at the KING after he just helped you up, is it?
So Aster takes a deep breath and... Smiles.
"I'm quite alright your majesty, just felt a bit dizzy from all the dancing hahaha" He laughs to himself.
Aster may not be the best liar but he is a surprisingly good actor.
"Ah I see." The king says as he let go of Aster's hand, he's now looking down on the young star with a friendly smile "And what a dance that was indeed. Why, we saw you two from our window and we just HAD to take a closer look."
Aster felt a stab of guilt... It's his fault for bringing too much attention.
"I don't think we've met this little rose in our garden before." The queen chimes in sweetly, reaching her hand to caress Aster's face "What's your name, my flower?"
Aster quickly takes a step back, escaping the queen's touch as if he's dodging a bullet.
"Ah- I- My name's Aster!" They stutter, the star really didn't want to be touched by this lady, who knows what he'd see inside HER soul.
Aster tries his best to pull it together, the star knows what to do, he has watched from above how people act around the royal couple. So all he had to do was mimic that behavior.
The young star bows down with one hand on his chest
"I'm humbled that our performance has caught your majesty’s attention. It's a great honor to meet your graces in person." The blonde spoke so eloquently no one could ever guess he's screaming internally.
The king and queen seemed pleased as they exchanged a quick glance to one another... This was going to be fun.
"What an eccentric partner you've got here, Asha" Magnifico says with a calm voice, now looking at the girl sitting by the water fountain, trying her best to hide her face with the hood of her mother's cloak...
… They recognized her? How?
"Aww and how lovely, you're wearing Sakina's cloak aren't you? It fits you so perfectly." The queen said, answering her question as if she could read Asha's thoughts.
Oh yeah... She forgot they knew her parents...
Asha gets up and takes off the hood, trying to act natural like Aster did.
"Thank you, your highness... I didn't expect we'd meet again so soon" she HOPED they wouldn't meet again so soon.
"What a nice surprise though, isn't it?" The king says casually "But speaking of last night... You've never mentioned you played any instruments Asha, I thought your only interest was drawing."
"I-I just didn't see any reason to comment, I'm still practicing is all" She says holding the mandolin close to her
The king chuckles at that "Now now don't be so modest my dear, you played so beautifully it almost seemed like..." he turns his gaze to Aster as he finishes with a knowing smile "Magic."
And with that, Asha realized what Aster already knew since the moment he saw the couple... They knew.
Somehow, they know Aster is a star.
The two teens are thinking the same thing, they gotta run.
Aster begins to walk backwards towards Asha as he says in a not so subtle nervous voice
"Aaaanyway, thank you so much for coming but I'm afraid there'll be no encore, we gotta take a break and-and it looks like it's gonna rain so-"
"Aw leaving so soon?" The king interrupts with a sad tone "We've got a bit of a crowd here. I believe this is as good a time as any for me to share two VERY important announcements... You both should stay and listen, I think they might be of interest to you." He says walking closer to them, to which Aster grabs Asha's hand and they both start moving away.
"O-oh sure the crowd is all yours. We're just REALLY in a hurry." Aster says while still walking backwards, keeping eye contact with the king with a forced smile.
"Hmm" The king hums while tilting his head to the side "Very well then, I'm sure the news will catch up to you two... Sooner than you think." He whisper that last sentence while looking at Asha with that same knowing smile.
And on that note, Aster and Asha just run out of there, leaving some very confused citizens staring at them. Including Asha's friends.
Magnifico follows them with his eyes with a confident and relaxed gaze... He can grab them later, now, it's time to set the stage.
"ALRIGHT! My people, please gather around!" The king says as he hits his staff on the ground teleporting him and the queen to the top of a stage in the plaza.
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(Let’s say the stage looks like this… Disneyland stage… But I’ll not be counting this as a reference because that’s kinda reaching at this point.)
More people around the plaza come closer to see what this is all about.
Meanwhile Asha and Aster hide in a alley to hear what the king has to say.
The king begins loud and clear
"Now, I know you are all wondering about that little light last night-"
The crowd cheers, assuming the light was a gift from the king.
"... A light I did not command nor condone." He corrects their assumption
The smiles on his people's faces deflated
"As a matter of fact, that light wasn't even from this world... It was a THREAT from beyond our skies." Magnifico explains with a serious gaze as he summons a book with his staff, the book floats next to him as the pages flip.
"A threat that my family has dreaded for generations. A being that comes down to earth and consumes all the hope, joy and love they can find..." The book stops on a page showing the illustration of a wishing star individual, with golden hair. The drawing seem to have been altered though, to make the entity look more ominous.
"A fallen star. This VILE creature is hiding among us. They can take a human form, gain your trust, make you feel all happy and warm inside even, BUT DON'T BE FOOLED!" The king exclaims warningly as he shuts the book "They're after ONE thing... Your wishes." He says menacingly, pointing at the top of the castle in the distance.
All the citizens look horrified, mumbling among each other, fearing for their wishes and themselves.
Among the crowd there's Asha's friend, they're all scared but Simon seems specially concerned.
The king lets the fear sink in for a few seconds before he switches back to his upbeat friendly king persona.
"BUT HEEEEY! Relax! No need to panic ladies and gentleman. As always, you can trust in me to keep you, and your wishes, safe and sound. This star may be powerful, yes, but their magic is no match for me!" He illustrates his point by creating a light show with his staff, creating fireworks and briefly a dragon made of green magic.
The crowd cheers and claps, trusting Magnifico wholeheartedly.
Aster and Asha are just watching all this play out, hiding away in a nearby alley.
Aster is going through a lot of emotions, scared of what might happen if the king does capture him, angry at himself for not keeping an eye out like he promised he would, and sad that all those people just took everything the king said as gospel.
His animation (That is now 3D, but with a different frame rate depending on how he feels) becomes more laggy and jumpy, like he's not in control of his own body movements as he speaks.
"I didn't think he'd know what a wishing star IS. Had I known this was a possibility I would've NEVER suggested for us to get exposed like that... I'm sorry Asha" They apologize for something he couldn't have predicted.
"It's not your fault." Asha reassure him holding his hand "...But when we were playing, did you see if anyone changed their minds?" She asks curious.
"... Yeah, actually... I could see some sparks of hope! I could tell some people considered granting their wishes by themselves..." He says, calming down a little, his animation going back to somewhat normal.
Asha felt relieved by that, at least they did a little bit of a difference...
But that wasn't enough, they had to actually MAKE a difference, and the only way of doing that was by showing everyone the truth, and proving what was happening with their wishes, if only Asha could show them-
Wait... The king and queen... They're not in the castle right now...
Asha has an idea.
She holds Aster's hand tightly and starts walking out the alley, going through the plaza.
King Magnifico and Amaya are still there, he's answering a few questions about the glow and what people should do.
He follows the two of them with his eyes for a moment.
"Woah- hey I thought we were gonna run away from here." He says quietly to her, trying to keep up the pace.
"No. Come with me.” Asha starts running, pulling Aster with her.
They’re running towards the castle.
“O-okay so what's the plan now?”
“I'm tired of running away from them." Asha says determined
She points at the castle.
"My wish, and the wishes of dozens of people in Rosas are in there. We can sneak in while those two are outside, then we can grab my wish and as many others as we can." Her eyes have a burning passion as she runs with Aster just in toe holding her hand.
"... Wait, but isn't that pretty much my first plan from yesterday? What changed?"
"What changed is that Magnifico and Amable aren't in the castle..." She thinks for a moment, then she looks back to Aster and gives him a thankful smile "And also, you've shown me that I CAN inspire people, I CAN show them the truth, we can do this together!"
Aster's eyes sparkle in awe when he sees her face.
She continues, now looking at the castle with no doubts left in her "We can even grab some wishes that they changed and show to their owners, to use as proof of what the king and queen are doing!"
Aster can see Asha's star shinning even brighter than before, a huge smile grows on his face.
"That's brilliant!" Aster lets go of her hand and starts running faster than her “Then let’s go! Last one there is a dusty nebula!”
The two are now racing to the castle, with Aster running considerably faster than Asha.
Both hopeful that they'll succeed.
They're far, but the king can still see them in the distance. He smiles.
It's adorable how she thinks she can actually change anything.
Asha and Aster don't hear as the king says to his people:
“Now… My second announcement is about this veeeery special wish that I’ve received last night...” he says with a smirk.
He summons a green orb in his hands.
He holds it, in a way that no one can see what's inside the wish yet.
"My dear people, as you all know, nothing in this life brings me more joy than making ALL your wishes come true- Well, that is aside from my beloved queen." He says giving the queen a passionate glance and kissing her hand.
"Oh you!" She giggles.
"However, yesterday something quite... Unfortunate happened, and I had to do something I swore I'd never do... I denied granting a wish." Some citizens gasp in surprise, thinking someone must have wished for something really bad
Asha's friends look surprised at that, they already suspect whose wish this is.
"I know, I know, shocking, yes. It was a wish that just- Well-Surprised us, really, I wasn't sure if I could allow it..." He looks down on the wish with a introspective gaze "But after putting some thought into it, I realized: Isn't this kingdom all about dreams coming true? No matter how outlandish they may seem? Well I say YES. That's what MY Rosas is all about!" The king announces passionately.
"So we decided to do something new... For the first time in my reign... We're getting a PUBLIC WISH GRANTING CEREMONY!" He exclaims. This is a big deal, Magnifico never granted a wish in front of people, only at night while they sleep.
The green gem in his staff glows…
Creating a huge hand made of green magic.
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“I’ll just grab our lucky winner real quick, so we may get started.” The king says wearing a huge grin.
His predatory eyes are fixated on Asha running after Aster in the distance.
Aster was right about one thing.
It does look like it's gonna rain.
Chapter 10
Final Thoughts
... Soooooo yeah hahaha, we're getting to some INTENSE stuff in the next chapter, buckle up.
But about THIS chapter though, those sure were some good vibes at the beginning, huh? Aster getting to see the kingdom, giving Asha flowers, they promise to stay togetheeeer, and then they sing and daaaance and then Magnifico shows up and the good vibes are gone.
Like... I'm really proud of my work with him as a villain, like, if you're writing a character and YOU dread getting to the scenes that he shows up, you KNOW you're doing something right... I think, you tell me, how did you feel when he popped up?
I'm REALLY proud of how this chapter turned out in general. The idea of Aster seeing humans as tangible emotions just HIT ME one time when I was listening to "At All Cost" for the 1000000th time, and it just fitted perfectly with everything.
Shout out to @gracebethartacc I made Magnifico call Aster “little one” in your honor… And he’ll do it often.
Oh and one more thing, you may have noticed I'm implying that it's gonna rain... Yeah I'll just say one thing about that:
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151 notes · View notes
krystalcat · 5 months
can I get a slight fluffy soulmate au ot8 oneshot of (me) meeting ateez after a show and catching their interest when I say something in my native language out of nervousness 🙈
since I am kinda tall (172cm), to have that as a mental image
Of course! This was my first time writing a soulmate AU, so I had to search a little to be sure of the story ideas. I hope I didn't drive away from what you were expecting and that you enjoy this! Also I'm so incredibly sorry for taking so long to post this, I was constantly rewriting the ending but finally came with something I also enjoyed.
This is also my first time writing ot8 so I tried my best to every member have some spotlight as well
What Is Love?
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ღ Pairing: AteezOT8 x afab!Reader ღ Genre: Fluff, Soulmate AU ღ Word count: 1,8k ღ Warnings: some cursing and I think that's it ღ Summary: For everyone, it was a known fact that the name of someone's soulmate appeared on their skin after meeting them. Spending your whole life watching your friends and acquaintances getting those marks on their skin made you believe perhaps you didn't have an assigned soulmate. ღ Disclaimer: This is only fiction, by writing this I am not trying to represent the members in any way. Not proofread!
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It was that time of the year again, a week before Valentine’s day. Once again, you were out with your girl friends in a cafe, discussing how everyone was spending their Valentine’s day with their soulmates. Except you.
Your 23rd birthday was coming up, and you still didn’t find your soulmate, despite visiting tons of places and currently living in the South Korea. Almost every one you knew had already found theirs, so saying you didn’t feel left behind was a blatant lie, despite it being no one’s fault.
At this point you had lost hope, you accepted you were part of the small minority who didn’t have an assigned soulmate. Your friends and parents suggested that you could start a relationship with someone else who also didn’t have a soulmate, and oh man you tried. Unfortunately, there was either always a spark missing or your date had to tell you they had found their soulmate.
It felt like it was destined for you to be forever alone, like the stars played a cruel prank on you.
“Yn? Did you hear me?” One of your friends woke you up from your deep thoughts, making you realize the table was looking at you.
“Sorry what was it? I was just thinking about something”
“Do you have any plans for Valentine’s day?” The same friend asked you, almost in a whisper. They knew they were touching a sensitive topic, but they still had hoped this year would be different from all the others.
“Probably the same as last year, being alone on my apartment and binge-watch some movies and series” The air now thick after your answer, leaving your friends both feeling bad for their nosiness and your situation.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with you, but I think I should go. I shouldn’t make you guys feel bad for something that is out of your control” You grabbed your things and gave them your part of the bill.
“Wait, just to make sure, you’re going to Ateez’s show tomorrow right?” She asked after you got up
“Of course I am, bye!” All three of them said goodbye as well as you left the café, making your way back to your apartment.
Seeing all the couples hugging and holding their hands felt like a stab in your heart, you just wanted to know what it was like to feel loved. You wanted to know what love felt like. Was it sweet like candy? Was it addicting? Could it make you feel like you were in heaven? Could it hurt you?
Ever since your teenage years those questions lingered around your mind, still left unanswered.
«—— ღ ——»
You were now waiting outside for Ateez to leave their music show to greet the fans, it was your first time going to one of the k-pop music shows, so you had no idea of how it functioned, but nevertheless you had a great time watching Ateez perform.
By the end your throat was sore from all the cheering and fan-chanting, you would hype each and every members during their parts along with your friend, despite knowing your screams would combine with everyone else’s. Every single one of the members looked so charming and charismatic with their stylish outfits and stage presence, too bad they couldn’t manage to get the win, losing only by a few points, you would’ve loved to hear them sing the encore as well.  
“Look yn!” Your friend patted your arm as screams erupted, making you look up from your cellphone, the members were leaving. Lucky you, they were passing right by your side, just on the other side of the iron fence.
You nervously clutched the album you brought for them to sign, your mind rehearsing what you would say. It wasn't every day that you got to meet your favorite group, after all.
The members approached, greeting fans and signing merchandise. As they drew nearer, you couldn't help but marvel at their charisma and genuine smiles. One by one, they signed your album, each exchange leaving you more in awe than the last.
When it was finally your turn to meet Hongjoong  you felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. You handed him the album, and he smiled warmly, ready to engage in a brief conversation.
As you stammered through your words, you inadvertently let out a nervous laugh and muttered something in your native language. The members exchanged curious glances, and Hongjoong's eyes lit up with interest. He leaned in, asking, "What language was that?"
You blushed, realizing you had unintentionally piqued their interest. "Oh, sorry, that was just my native language. I tend to switch to it when I'm nervous."
Seonghwa, who was standing nearby, grinned and joined the conversation. "It sounded beautiful. What did you say?"
You smiled back, feeling a bit more at ease. "I just said that meeting ATEEZ feels like a dream come true."
The members exchanged appreciative glances, and Yunho chimed in "We feel the same about meeting our fans. It's like a dream for us too"
They brisked towards the van, continuing greeting the other fans until disappearing inside of the van. You could see some of the girls looking at you weirdly, but as you stared down at them they diverted their gaze and stomped away.
“Girl you were noticed by them! We need to tell the others about this! It was so cool and honestly a little funny when you basically said ‘fuck off’ with your stare to the other fangirls”
After talking for a little while, you said your goodbyes and went to your house.
«—— ღ ——»
You tossed your little purse anywhere and took off your shoes right after closing the door behind you. You immediately went to the bathroom, pulling your hoodie sleeves up to wash your face after a long day. It seems only now your face had cooled a little.
But you noticed something on your right arm, the Ateez’s members names were written on it. You scrunched your eyes, not remembering when you had written their names there, shrugging your shoulders after thinking it was probably something you and your friend did out of boredom waiting for the queue to the music show.
Grabbing some soap and washing your arms didn’t seem to work, which made you even more confused, and then it dawned on you: it was your soulmate mark.
Water kept splashing against the sink as you kept staring at their names with an agape mouth. After all this time cursing the destiny at how you didn’t have a soulmate, you had finally gotten, not one, not two, but eight of them.
But now there was another problem: how the hell were you supposed to see them again? Their promotions are ending, they don’t have any fansign planned anytime sooner and you sure as hell wouldn’t be stalking them with a chance to talk to them. Especially when they didn’t even have your name, sure they might have it on their arm now, but who could say they would associate your faceto the name on their arm?
Needless to say you barely slept that night, and the one after that, trying to find a solution to no avail. It seemed like you had to wait even more time before you could meet them once again and talk about all of this.
«—— ღ ——»
It is now Valentine’s day, and you still haven’t seen the members. At this point you had accepted you would only see them next comeback season, which at least 4 months waiting. Different from the other years, where you would hide in your cave, today you were going for a walk, seeing the various couples dining in restaurants.
You were only sad you couldn’t spend the day with your soulmates, deep down knowing sooner or later you would meet them once again.
You sat on a bench, still seeing all the lively cafes and restaurants adorned with red and pink decorations, music buzzing through the walls, the loving gazes couples would give to their significant other.
“Excuse me?” A voice behind you interrupted your thoughts, “Is this yours? It was on the floor” turning around you saw a man wearing a mask holding a butterfly hair pin, touching your hair, you realized it was actually yours.
“Yes it is, thank you” He gave the pin back and walked away after mumbling a ‘you’re welcome’, you pin it on your hair more securely and turn to the path you were facing before, only to turn your head back once more when you hear quick footsteps approaching you.
The same man from before sprints into your direction, stopping in front of you, “Ex-Excuse me once again,” He says between breaths, “Is your name y/n?” You quirk your eyebrow, backing away from the man.
He takes off his mask, leaving you dumbfounded: it was San, Ateez’s San right in front of you, in casual attire. “I’m so sorry for scaring you, I realized you seemed like a girl I saw a few days ago” He backed away, giving you some space.
“Y-Yes I’m y/n, I’m the one you saw”
“Oh my God, we thought we’d never see you again” He gave you one of his signature dimple smiles, turning your belly into mush. “Are you busy? Do you have any place to be?”
“No, I was going back home in a few minutes”
“I’m actually a bit late to a dinner with the other members, but I’m sure they would forgive my carelessness if I brought a guest, don’t you think?” Nodding, San put his mask back on and gave you his hand - which you obviously accepted - guiding you to the restaurant.
«—— ღ ——»
They were dining in a secluded part of the restaurant, as you greeted them with a smile, you could see them changing their annoyed demeanor (due to San being late) to a surprised and happy one and called for the waiter to add another plate.
As the dinner progressed, you quickly began getting used to their attention and personalities. It was crazy how you turned from strangers to lovers in such limited time.
You finally understood what is love. Love is unconditional, the greatest gift you could ever give or receive. Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own. To love is to be vulnerable, to trust others. Love is pain, and the enjoyment of it is anesthetic. To love is to admire with your heart, and to see something positive in every person. It is blind and the energy of life.
But you’d choose it everyday over being alone in a world devoid of connection and warmth.
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serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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got a request for jeonghan, so here it is! I had quite a hard time writing this one :’) i might rewrite it in the future
Yoon Jeonghan is a confusing man
he always jokes around, in dating situations as well
he flirts but not really???
with literally anyone he finds pretty too
its like he doesn’t believe in boy & girl friendships, but at the same time he never goes as far as making people actually fall in love with him
as a result, he doesn’t make any new friends, and dates no one either
very clown-like behavior
but if you tell him that he’ll deny it
at some point he starts jokingly flirting with you, since you work for Hybe as well
and for the sake of the story, you don’t react like others
other people were flustered and giggled at his pick-up lines (some, rare as well, didn’t react at all and told him to leave them alone)
you, being different, answered to his flirt with flirt
it confused him at first but he went on, and you did as well
so almost every day (any time you crossed paths at work) you either commented each other’s outfit/haircut/makeup look, or said a cheesy pick-up line, or anything that would make people around you roll their eyes and laugh quietly
he truly found you attractive and funny, and you did as well
maybe you’d consider yourselves as friends if you knew each other well enough
because you both joke around and stuff but you know nothing about the other
it takes some time for you both to notice it
once jeonghan does, its almost too late
he had seen you many times with one of your coworkers, you were great friends, and he asked you out on a date
Jeonghan didn’t show any reaction, but deep inside he felt jealous
either because he wants to be the only one to be flirted with by you
or because he knows that this date between you and your coworker could lead into something deeper, like an actual relationship
and he didn’t want that
but he didn’t want to show it, and at the same time, if he didn’t interrupt your co-worker’s date proposal, then his chances of getting in a more-than-friends relationship with you would be gone
because he actually wants this more-than-friends relationship
teasing you everyday made him grow fond of you 
he memorized your work schedules, noticed when you changed something with your everyday makeup look, when you bought some new clothes, or when you changed your perfume
he was falling in love with you real fast, and couldn’t let you slip through his fingers, going with someone else
so he interrupted your coworker while he was asking you out on a date, pretending that there was an emergency meeting you had to attend
so you followed him in the corridors of the building, a bit surprised by the whole situation
when you got in one of the many meeting rooms, no one was there, only the two of you
so he used this opportunity to tell you how he really feels about you
he seems kinda distant in his way of saying things? jeonghan always sounds a bit detached from things when he tells a story or speaks important matters
but he is very honest with you, he looks at you straight in the eyes and just tells you all the things he feels for you, even how jealous he was when he saw your coworker trying to ask you out
From then on, you started dating
at first you went out a lot, going to the museum, or some coffee shop, basically anything that could make you see each other
a bit of physical touch was progressively added, then some sincere compliments
all of this before your first “i love you” 
then you started sleeping at each other’s place
the members knew you already, and they were like “omg they’re finally together! what took you so long??”
they liked you lmao
but jeonghan preferred the intimacy of your appartment, its like he left the dorms at some point, because he was always at your place
cooking together was your thing
more like cooking experiences, because it was messy everytime
you once tried to make pop-corn in a frying pan, but there was too much corn in the pan so it overflowed and went everywhere in the kitchen, making a big, big mess
you even messed up some pizzas once
so you end up ordering take-out most of the time
also your dates go on, its like a habit, once every week (except when hes on tour) you go out somewhere to discover a new place
this involves you being a part-time photographer for jeonghan lmao
you never ask him to take pictures of you, but he still does, when you’re not looking, and when you look like your most natural self, the person he fell in love with
also jeonghan is very much in the traditional korean couple idea
so he celebrates your relationship’s anniversary every month during the first year, just like koreans do
he loves matching outfits, accessories, pins and everything
he also likes trying out your hobbies
so if you paint, he’ll try, same for reading, drawing, sculpting and stuff
sometimes it looks bad but hes very dedicated to anything he makes
at some point he’ll make a storage shelf in which he’ll put all of the artworks you made together, you often find him looking at it with a coffee in hand, as if he was admiring a museum’s masterpiece
he makes plans quite fast with you, in his mind at least
he projects himself a lot with you, but doesn’t want to scare you so he keeps it for himself at the beginning
like he always wanted to adopt a kitten and a puppy, giving them the names of some of your funny artworks, like “kerfuffle“ or “gobbledegook”
ofc he wants to get married, and maybe have children as well, if you want to
in the end, he went from joking around about love to getting in a very serious realtionship x)
smutty part below :)
first of all, i think that jeonghan isn’t that fond of sex
i think he’s one of the members who has had the least one-night stands, if not zero
he never flirted as far as getting himself in a sexual thing with someone
so he doesn’t have much experience with you, and i think he’ll get shy lmao
poor man can’t look at you without blushing  h a r d
but once he gets really comfortable, he becomes more and more of a tease
his dominant side shows more, he talks more and teases you both with his words and acts
because he enjoys seeing how flustered you become when he does
as we know, he is the most sporty guy with absolutely NO stamina, so he rarely does more than one round 
he is VERY good with his hands 
like he analyses your reactions over his touch, and knows what to do to stimulate you 
loves kisses too, everywhere, mostly in your/his neck
he also likes when there are risks of being walked in, or heard
he loves the thrill of it, and he feels some sort of pride knowing that people are hearing you moaning his name
speaking of moans, this man is noisyyy
when he isn’t talking to tease you or ask you how you feel, he just moans and groans
his low groans in your neck always make you shiver, and he knows it 
aftercare with him is always either a bubbly bath, or just you both staying naked on the bed, cuddling while waiting because you’re both too lazy to move
at some point you’ll go shower because the heat of the act left, and it’s cold quite fast
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Hi. Can I request something similar to the immortals outliving you? Could it be with the rest of the characters and us passing from other causes?
Their reactions to losing you
I wasnt sure if you wanted the immortals as well, so I added them in here as well!
This is all written in one go since tumblr doesnt let me save drafts for asks so I apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes <\3 it's like 1am rn
CONTENT WARNINGS, idk what all needs a warning but I'd rather play it VERY safe:
M*rder revenge, almost all of them touch on it tbh, love me the revenge trope
D3ath, obviously
Grief and the general hurt that comes with it
In EJs case he sees your death first hand
Does violently slamming yourself around count as SH /genq, because if so that's vagued in EJs part as well
Maskys handles a hit and run but its vague
Masky also hints to a smoking addiction
Nonspecific illness in hoodies part
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I remember that I mentioned this for Slendermans part, but I had an idea that he already accepted that fact that you wouldn't last forever
But I don't remember if I mentioned/vagued the idea of how he'd react to you're life being forcibly cut short
Accepting the fact you'll eventually pass away does nothing when he finds out someone else was responsible for your sudden end
All that comes out is a cold rage, something that the creature hasn't experienced in a long time
Writing this, it makes me remember that clip from the first episode of castlevania where dracula appears in the fire in episode one, after they kill his wife
But instead of carelessly showing himself to the world in a fit of rage, he fiercely protects everything that you touched; his forest, your home, your grave, ect
But despite the rage he doesnt immediately take down the person who caused this
Nonono, he does what he does best; he chips away at the person's mind through stalking and paranoia, essentially tormenting them for.. god knows how long until he gets bored
When he does decide hes through with them he'll make sure their... death... is drawn out
Basically don't meddle in the life of a forest monster; he may be a very... passionate.. lover
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Incredibly similar to the other version of this post where he naturally outlives you
But if you pass unnaturally, he'd be even more torn up about it
His time with you was already going to be short to begin with, but it was cut down even shorter
Doesnt matter the cause; murder, illness, accident, ect.. he'll be just as broken up
There's no real significant changes; he still mourns and honors you the same way for the most part
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Laughing Jack;
It was an accident; one day you were there and the next, gone
He would stay in the house for a few days, not even knowing what was going on
At first he'd be worried and confused, before those feelings would deepen into something debilitating
He'd probably eventually find out through the news, after turning on the tv to pass the time and fill the silence
His worry immediately morphs into ice cold; he could feel his heart drop
He'd throw caution to the wind and try to track down whoever did he
He doesnt care if it was an accident, he wants justice and compensation
He follows a similar route as slenderman; the only thing is, is that jack lacks the patience to draw it out
After everything is said and done he's beside himself; avenging you didnt bring him back and it hardly made him feel better
He likely just. Goes back to what he was doing before he met you; drifting from house to house and causing havoc; but now he carries a melancholic aura
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Eyeless Jack;
Another story of revenge, but with a twist so his part isnt too similar to LJ and slenders
So I'll be using the idea I should've given slenderman (but I'm too stubborn to rewrite his part)
Like Slenderman, Jack is seen as a cryptid and thus, there are naturally going to be people trying to hunt him down. Especially considering before he was a cursed monster he was a normal dude who got caught up in a whole... thing... and who's body was obviously never found as it still walks
Jack is.. semi used to that; but one day he completely catches him off guard, and what's worse is that you were there when it happened
It was a group, too, usually they come in two; but there were more that day. If it were less Jack could have easily put a stop to it all
It escalated
You had tried to step in to help him, to buy him some time so he could run; but it all went wrong
I don't like going into detail about this kind of thing, so this will be up to interpretation
The whole thing flings him into a rage and he makes quick work of the remaining hunters, but it's all too late
Even if he wasn't, how could he help? He cant just leave the woods and dump you at a hospital... but he doesnt have the supplies to help you then and there... and even if he did you were both much too far away from the cabin
It just leaves him helplessly trying to stop the bleeding
He hardly ever leaves the woods after that; not even to eat
He's resorted to.. rather violently subduing the monstrous side of him that craves flesh
There's broken furniture everywhere
He blames himself
He should have had you stay in the cabin
He should have told you to run
He should have told you to hide
He should've...
The worst thing is that he begins to believe that it was his fault; afterall he let you out of his sight when he began fighting. Even worse, and perhaps stupidly, he believed this wouldn't have happened if he never met you
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He just sits there, quietly
Be it shock or something else he just sits there
But his mind is going a mile a minute to try to figure out what exactly happened to you
You were.. in a wreck, and the other person just. Fled.
As feral as I tend to write and interpret masky, he can be thorough when it comes to investigating
Though I'm torn in whether or not he'd actually be able to find the person; especially because I'm kinda. Dumb when it comes to crime stuff and I'm not about to do mental gymnastics on something I'm not confident in <\3
In terms of grief, he seems... lost...
I don't usually hc that Masky smokes; that's just a Tim thing
But I feel like the smoking would bleed into Masky and become a whole... issue.. whether or not Tim as his own person knows about you/was involved with you is up to interpretation; as I tend to write the proxies as a separate.. thing
Still trying to find the correct term
But yeah
Focusing back in on Masky, he's kinda just lost. Angry, definitely, but mostly just. Wandering through life
He doesn't want to forget you
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Similar to Masky he's quiet and lost
Similarly he would feel the urge to try to find out who took you away; but I feel we've had enough "S/o dies at the hands of someone else" for this post, so we'll do something else... and because I fear hoodies portion will be too similar to maskys
You got sick, to put it simply
It's.. odd..
He's well aware that you're deteriorating, and he's aware that time is running out
But he can't help but feel calm in your presence; its only when you're apart that he feels that dread, and its constant
Maybe it's the fact that when he's with you he can easily convince himself that, in that moment, you're alright
It hurts when it finally happens
Out of all the guys, he's probably the most normal(?) About the situation
He visits your grave, a lot of the time, leaves little gifts there
He doesn't talk much, but he probably talks to you
Likely keeps something on him to remember you, like a locket or something
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thatonefandomjumper · 2 months
If you were able to make Valdangelo canon how would you write them ?
Very good question.
The thing is, Valdangelo is a relationship that I feel had so so much potential due to how the characters were individually written, but at the same time, I really don't trust that Riordan would have done them justice just on account of how Heroes of Olympus was written as a whole. To really make their relationship satisfying, I'd probobly need to make some substantial rewrites to the series as a itself.
But for simplicity sake, let's say we're keeping all big plot points and beats the same with the only difference being that Valdangelo is endgame.
House of Hades would be the most logical place for the two of them to shine, considering Nico was, uh, quite occupied during Mark of Athena. Leo is canonically very spooked by Nico's mere existence on the ship and Nico prefers to keep to himself most times. Not only that, but the two places they each spend the most time is not only the most isolated parts of the ship but also, sort of the furthest away from each other (Crows nest and Engine room).
Not only that, but these two are so bad at normal human interactions that the only way they could genuinely start to open up to each other and find that they are oh so eerily similar is for some outside factor to push for it to happen.
Whatever that is, and no matter how it happens, the biggest thing the two of them need is just a conversation. Genuinely, I think that's all that is needed for something to happen. Something romantic? Not necessarily, but hoo-boy if they opened up to each other in one way or another things would never be the same.
There will always be a terrifying thought of "Oh god, you see right though me and I see myself in you. This is awful I must stay away or I might learn something about myself that I don't want too." But at the same time, no one else will ever get it. To hate yourself so much. To feel alone all the time. To be unworthy of love and broken beyond repair.
So as much as they want to stay away, they inevitable meet again. Possibly in the night, when they are alone, because they would not want anyone around for this.
I am a dynamic girly at the end of the day, so when I ship characters I rarely actually think about the getting together part or anything that relates to that, but were they to get together at this point, it would be in a sort of fucked up self-discovery way where both of them adamantly agree to keep it a secret. They do not want anyone to find out ever that they kiss when they are on the verge of breakdowns.
But evolving from that (And after Nico's outing and Leo's stay in Ogygia, probobly with platonic Caleo or at least Leo feeling obligated to save her out of guilt for not being able to be with her) they become each others confidants. They both dislike showing true weakness, especially of the emotional kind so having someone who just gets it is not only new but terrifying. Whether that be the deaths of their family members or both of their serious cases of internalized homophobia, the other will understand.
People notice, of course, but Nico and Leo avoid each other in public to such a comical degree that it makes it almost more obvious that something is going on. They deflect like crazy when their relationship is brought up and most back off out of respect, but Piper and Percy are the two who speculate the most...
As the journey passes, little things start happening. Leo tells Nico to eat once in a while. Nico forces Leo to take a proper nap. Things the others either don't know they struggle with or aren't thinking about because there ae more important things going on. And slowly, the two start... improving? It was never the intention because they don't see themselves worthy of healing, but the other wants them to get better, and they don't want to lose the one relationship that let's them be wholly vulnerable. It's strange, but it feels good.
Now, I have always hated how angry Nico was at Leo for dying in canon because it makes zero sense in my opinion, but that's a whole 'nother conversation. But this time around, Nico would feel every right to be furious, because let's be real, Leo's secretive ass would not tell him this. There is a line to his emotional openness and telling his sort-of-dating-for-convenience-boyfriend about the fact he's actively planning his own suicide, despite the fact he's planning to bounce back from it is just a step too far. He knows it's selfish. But he just can't.
And it's in the time they're apart that they truly understand just how much they'd started leaning on each other in the time they were together. The bad habits they broke coming back and the longjng to see the other growing stronger. They both sort of hate it. Nico joins Jason and Piper in their search while Leo is trying his best to get back to camp.
No matter how the reunion would go, I like to think that Nico would have spilled the beans about their relationship to the others at that point, so Leo, who had been psyching himself up to swoop Nico into his arms and declare their love to the camp doesn't exactly get that. But what he does get is tears, angry, possibly unfair words, and reconciliation. Their back with each other, and this time, they won't screw it up.
Valdangelo is a story of healing. Of two broken people building each other back up. No matter what direction I'd go with actually making the relationship happen, they will always represent the mortifying ordeal of being known.
Anyway, they are actually impossible and there is something very wrong with them. Thank you for the ask and here's a drawing:
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Also, I wrote a Valdangelo fic way back in 2021 where a similar scenario played out if you are interested:
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buterccup · 2 years
Okay so what about the 141 reaction to the M!Reader full blown laughing while fighting Ghost and when someone asks about it later the M!Reader says how it's because he's fought worst.
I hope this is what you asked and if it isn't then I'm always happy to rewrite the request, and I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for the request as well!! (If only I could find a gif with them all)
Sparring with THE Ghost
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Summary: You somehow convinced Ghost to fight you but you couldn't help but laugh during your fight with Ghost which did get a reasonable reaction for your boys.
Warnings: swearing, normal CoD violence(?) (Other than that I don't think there is a lot)
Character(s): Task force 141 x Male! Reader
You were rethinking your life decisions. Somehow you got your 6'4 Lieutenant to spar with you. And now you found yourself in front of Ghost in a clearer area while the rest of 141 watched from the side, partially worried for you and came in case you got your ass handed to you but also for support.
Of course, you weren't the weakest but Ghost turned you down many times before for a reason but soon got sick of you pestering him and soon got curious if you would do well.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Of course." Hell no. Why did you say that?!
Before you could shout at yourself Ghost let out a grunt before getting into position, giving you a look, making you let out a little laugh before getting into a stance.
Price then stood at the side, yelling out the go-ahead. While you said a little prayer before seeing Ghost move closer to your right side making you sidestep and lunge at him. The voice in your head screamed at how well you were doing until you felt a sharp nudge at your side make you cry internally.
The side elbow from Ghost made you lose your balance but fortunately, you quickly regained it with a stumble. This made you relax your nerves but nut until you saw Ghost in the side of your eye causing you to bend one of your legs and dodged Ghost attack.
And if Ghost was going to be honest that impressed him but that didn't stop the Lieutenant from kicking your leg from under you once you got up and tried to punch him.
But before Ghost could do anything else a small snicker left your mouth before a full-blown laughing fit started to leave you.
"Uh...[c/n]? You okay?" Gaz would call out to you as you wiped small tears from your eyes. Your laughter never seeming to end as you tried to continue sparring with Ghost.
"Maybe we should stop..."
"Wha--ha- No! I'm- Haha! I'm okay!
"Ghost are you sure you didn't hit him too hard??"
Soap just looked at you concerned but still have a smile on his face. But once he felt a nudge from Gaz with a look saying they both had to stop you.
Meanwhile, Ghost just stared at you like he stared at soap and at Alejandro through the rear-view mirror back in Las Almas, a small chuckle leaving him as he watch you try to tackle him.
Price on the other hand just groaned and rubbed his temples as he went to light a cigar as he watched Gaz and Soap drag your laughing figure away from Ghost.
It had been a couple minutes after the little 'sparring' session with Ghost and your boys were still wondering what happened while you were getting yourself a drink while Price sat somewhere near you with Gaz, screaming at yourself in your head until you heard Soap's voice making you turn around.
"Sooo, [c/n] what was with that whole laughing thing earlier." He would ask, with a smile. Not trying to make you feel bad about what happened while Gaz made a gesture with his hand for Soap to stop.
You just let out a sigh as you leaned onto the counter.
"I fought so badly.."
"Ahh- Mate it's okay!"
"Ohh, don't worry about that-"
"He fought quite well in my opinion.." Ghost would then say out of nowhere making everyone look at him wide-eyed.
Requests: Closed
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wangxianficfinder · 11 months
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Fic Finder
1. Looking for a smut fic I remember reading. WWX was testing an invisibility talisman and ended up in the jingshi in time to watch LWJ masturbating, and rode him after he fell asleep. LWJ woke up and made WWX get rid of the invisibility after a bit. I think it was a roleplay between the two but I'm not fully sure
FOUND! Clinomania by malkinmalkout (E, 6k, wangxian, Voyeurism, Masturbation, Somnophilia, misuse of talismans, PWP, Riding, Oral Sex, binding, Happy Ending, canon typical non-con)
2. Hi! So I'm looking for this one fic, I remember that it was set in post-canon & Wangxian go to help this village, I remember that the Juniors (all four) followed them without their knowledge & the village had a barrier preventing people from leaving, the village had a curse where they got to see their close-ones negative memories, the juniors learnt of what actually happened to WWX & the villain turns out to be a "god" like on Dafan, it had 4 chapter (I think) & was finished. @i-like-snakes-and-spiders
FOUND? Down comes the night by danegen (E, 67k, wangxian, Alternate Universe, Canon Era, inspired by From, Horror, Sharing a Room, POV LWJ, no jiangs, a whole village of OCs, tiny mention of past wwx/omc, Happy Ending)
FOUND? unhappy stories with happy endings by Last_for_Hell (M, 30k, WangXian, Memories, Memory Fic, Kinda, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, sexual content maybe, References to Torture, PTSD, Characters Watching Their Series, kinda, but not entirely, very light consensual non-consent)
3. good day! 😊 I read this fic before and I know that I've bookmarked it but I can't find it in the list. So the story is after wwx fell, baoshan sanren and lan yi rescued him, nursed him back to health, and waited for him to wake up. I remember that when he woke up, they also taught him cultivation (he got a new sword). He also hid his face (i think he also wore a different name and different voice(?)). There's a yi city scene where xxc asked them who they were because he cant see, then bssr is also with them at that time. thank yoooooou! 💓💓💓
FOUND! Until The End by abCEE (M, 365k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, war changes people, resulting to OOC, no pinning, Established Relationship, Mpreg, Good Uncle LQR, a little grey LWJ, a bit of JC bashing from LWJ, BAMF JYL, 16 years of yearning, mainly CQL verse but has scenes from the novel as well, LSZ is WangXian's Child, WWX Has a New Golden Core, Canon Rewrite, Happy Ending, Fix-It of Sorts)
4. hi, I hope you can help me find this fic I've been looking for, I'm sorry I don't really remember much, just that WWX can cook non-spicy food but he does it on purpose, it might have been because of his time in the streets? or because someone would take his food? (maybe JC???)
5. I cannot for the life of me remember anything else about the fic but I think it was cql based with lwj as chief cultivator? wwx returned to cloud recesses and the first thing he did was beat someone up for saying horrible things about lwj. I can't remember if it was multichapter or not so it might have been in the middle of a longfic?
FOUND? 🔒make this chaos count by devotedbones (E, 15k, WangXian, Post-Canon, CQL Compliant, canon compliant until the very last scene of episode 50, Getting Together, First Time, First Kiss, Hand Jobs, Chief Cultivator LWJ, a flute used as a melee weapon, Fist Fights, Gossip, Self-Worth Issues, Love Confessions, Mutual Pining, Mentions of Canonical Abuse, Minor Misunderstandings, [podfic] make this chaos count, by devotedbones by inkpens)
6. this may as well be an itmf for its general nature, but it's actually a ficfinder! except. i only remember a single detail LMAO, and it's that wwx and lwj consider all four juniors to be their children, blood relation be damned. I'm so sorry i have literally nothing else to go on 😅 i think there's a similar theme in 'tragedy is not the end' specifically with zizhen, but not the exact detail im looking for... thank you for the help!
7. Hi, first of all I want to thank y'all for the hard work, and I wanted to know if a fic has been deleted or if anyone has it, I don't remember the name but it was a time travel fic where Qishan Wen win the sunshot campaign and asked for war prizes (?) Zewu-Jun goes instead of his brother, Yanli is alive, they all have them captive, Meng Yao betrayed them and ultimately sided with the Wen's who were winning the war, and I think no one remembers Wei Wuxian, something like that, it would be great if someone could help! Thanks so much 🩷🩷
FOUND? The Way It Wasn’t by KouriArashi (T, 72k, WangXian, XiYao, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fix-It, (eventually haha), Slow Build, Family Feels, Moral Ambiguity, Eventual Happy Ending)
8. Hi!!! Its me again!! Thanknyiu so much again!!! This time im looking for a time travel fic with lan qiren as the timentraveller. Pretty sure him and wen ruohan travelled together and MAYBE involved with each other??? Im not so sure but i do know that lan qiren time travelled. Sorry its not much thats all i remember hehe @sirius-bus1ness
might be one of Nirejseki's works. They wrote several on that subject (including in a big anthology work, so finding it might take some time)
FOUND? Cursed Couple by shorimochi (M, 121k, LQR/WRH, CSSR/WCZ, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Out of Character)
9. Hello, I am looking for a fic but I only remember a scene from it
It was a fic wwhere wwx died and there was a scene where a-yuan was crying while laying above wwx's grave in the burial mounds. Thank you!
FOUND? To Offer a Heart by WhiteCrane (M, 111k, wangxian, major character death, Sad WWX, Hurt WWX, YLLZ WWX, soft wangxian, Cinnamon Roll WN, WWX Whump, WQ is a good sister, WN is a good brother, everybody loves wwx, yunmeng siblings, Triggers, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst with a Happy Ending, Taking care of WWX, Give WWX a break, Canon Divergence, Disturbing Themes, Changing Perspectives, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Grief/Mourning, Temporary Character Death, Getting Together, Redemption, Sibling Bonding, Marriage, Marriage Proposal, Brotherly Bonding, Brotherly Love, Brother-Sister Relationships, Parent-Child Relationship, Sad and Sweet, Tragedy, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF JYL, BAMF WQ, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Everyone Needs A Hug, WIP)
10. Hi Mods (^◡^) I really hope that you can help me find some fics I've been looking for! (^◡^) if you can't that's ok, if you can then many thanks in advance! y'all are awesome!
A) this one is set during CR studies, and wangxian go on a date? in Caiyi and I think WWX gets emotional about something they are talking about? and I know they hug, and WWX don't want to let go.
B) this one wangxian gets married, WWX marries into the Lan, and there are a lot of rules specifically for married people/how to be in a relationship, I'm pretty sure that is a very big part of the story
FOUND! 🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 712k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement) The scene described sounds like something that happens pretty early on
NOT FOUND! Into the Oubliette by Ruixx (M, 124k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, graphic depictions of violence, underage, Growing Up, Fix-It of Sorts, Arranged Marriage, Time Travel, Sibling Bonding, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Canon Divergence, Light BDSM, Breathplay, WWX protection squad, Sunshot Campaign, War, Politics, Hostage JYL, Visions, LXC Redemption, general LWJ, Internal Sect Politics, Good Uncle LQR, Lan OCs, No Golden Core Transfer, Empire Building, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence)
NOT FOUND! seldom all they seem by Fahye (E, 25k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, or rather Arranged Betrothal, followed by Weapons-Grade Thirst)
FOUND? Wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave by failedcharismacheck (M, 15k, WIP, WangXian, Marriage Proposal, Fluff, Protective LWJ, Domestic Fluff, Kissing, POV LWJ, Hair Brushing, Implied Sexual Content, soft horny)
11. Noncon tw. Looking for a fic where when the wens burn lotus pier, they threaten to rape yanli but Wei Wuxian offers himself instead. So the wen soldiers rape Wei Wuxian in front of the Jiang sect,l. Yanli cries
12. Looking for a specific fix where Wei Ying is dead and the sects come together to watch through his memories and end up finding out for selfless he was. @aviidaviibiitchboii
FOUND! Misunderstood by Silver_Flame_2724 (M, 250k, WIP, WangXian, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Heavy Angst, Suicidal Thoughts, Canon-Typical Violence, Self-Worth Issues)
13. Hi, I'm looking for a modern au where Wei Ying is a grad student in an orchestra and A-yuan is dropped off at his door by his cousin Mo Xuanyu. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan get together while caring for A-yuan and end up getting married. A-yuan has a fear of airports in this fic because of his abandonment issues. This was on AO3 but I can't seem to find it. @amindonbreak
FOUND! The Simplest Way Forward by harriet_vane (E, 70k, WangXian, Modern AU, Accidental baby acquisition, Kid fic, Green card marriage (but not really), Slow Burn, Endless Pining, Happy ending, [Podfic of] The Simplest Way Forward by knight_tracer, Translation into Русский: Самый Простой Путь Вперёд (The Simplest Way Forward) by grand_R, Spanish Translation, Turkish translation )
14. hello! im looking for specific fic, where after burial mounds wwx thinks he's dead. instead of joining sunshot campain he storms nightless city and kills all cultivators without anyone knowing it was him (exept meng yao who survived but is wounded)
he then "haunts" yumeng for a while until he runs into wen quing and takes wens to burrial mounds
eventually ppl find out and together with meng yao they outsmart jgs to pardon all wens @chellsky
I can't find 14, but I do remember reading it; they ended up pretending Wen Qing was the one controling the dead and killing the Wen, and they faked her death
FOUND! can't find a way home by KouriArashi (M, 109k, WangXian, XiYao, XuanLi, ChengQing, Canon Divergence, Angst, Family, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Politics, Family Feels, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Developing Relationship, Canon-Typical Violence, canon-typical political bullshit, Mental Health Issues, Eventual Happy Ending, Descriptions of suicide, (caused by dark magic))
15. Hello! I'm looking for a fic where Sizhui's bio parents are alive and come to Cloud Recesses looking for him (post-canon, iirc)
Hello! I'm #15 from the latest fic finder. I'm quite sure that the fic was on ao3. It may have been inspired from the angstymdzsthoughts posts but it was a proper fic posted on ao3
NOT FOUND! This Post by angstymdzsthoughts Mad idea, could 15 be from angstymdzsthoughts?
16. Hi! I was reading a really interesting story about LWJ being cursed and WWX helping him and I lost it! Arg, now I'm so curious to know how it ends, I hope you can help me!
The story is about LWJ being cursed with a change in his private body parts. (The curse changes his p to a v). Then WWX notices this and decide to help LWJ and the way to revert the curse is that LWJ has to have an org@sm.
Can you help me? I'm dying to know how to continues!! 🤗🤗 @wangxiansgirl
FOUND! Coming Back to Yourself by acernor (E, 21k, wangxian, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Pining, Gender or Sex Swap, Vaginal Sex)
17. Hi! Looking for a fic wherein wangxian married and suddenly Mo Xuanyu woke up again in his body, he fell in love with Lan Wangji but Lan Wangji just ignore or formal with him. Mo Xuanyu heartbroken tried to bring back Wei Wuxian Soul on his body
I feel like this might be in the angstymdzs collection, since I think it's was inspired by one of those asks?
18. Kind of random, but I’m trying to find a fic I read awhile ago that featured hagfish? My memory of it is kind of vague, it was a college au and wwx was some sort of biology major i think and there were hagfish. Compelled to read it again because of hagfish reasons.
19. Hello! I'm looking for a specific fic which I've seen in a few people's bookmarks but for some reason neglected to even mark for later. It's a modern AU where LWJ is looking for a pet sitter for his bunnies and is recommended WWX's pet sitting/walking venture (no dogs allowed ofc). Can you help? 🐇 @linderel
FOUND! A Single Note by airinshaw (E, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Kissing, Anal Sex, Fluff and Smut, Light Dom/sub)
20. I search a fic where Jiang Cheng tries to ask Lan Xichen to marry him and Lan Xichen is super offended by it. Nie Huaisang may have done something to make JC fail even more in his proposal.
FOUND? To Take A Wife- Or Perhaps A Husband by Admiranda (T, 2k, one-sided LXC/JC, one-sided NHS/JC, JC's canonical homophobia, JC's canonical inability to get married, Decides to solve his problems with spite, not JC friendly, We all love NHS in this household, JC's canonical blind spots, Post-Canon, JC's canonical classism)
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builtbybrokenbells · 2 months
Melodic Memories | the interlude
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“Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.”
—Lord Byron
Late September, 2014
“Oh, fuck—here we go, I guess.” A small chuckle filled the air, ringing over the crackling static of the poor audio equipment. The scrape of wheels from a desk chair rolling over wooden flooring joined it, and the rattle of the items atop a computer desk topped it all off. The boy on the recording cleared his throat, a clear sign of nervousness as he prepared to confess the tellings of his heart.
“Hi, sunshine.” He started slowly, careful as he thought about what to say next. He threw the script in the garbage after rewriting it a million times, knowing that no matter how hard he tried, he could never perfect the things in which he wanted to say to you. It seemed robotic, impersonal, and cold when he read the words scrawled on paper. This way, he spoke straight from his heart, with all of the emotion running rampant throughout his body as he pictured your face in his mind.
“Dad showed me how to do this… I don’t know if it’s going to work, so I might be saying this all to myself for no real reason, but I thought I would at least try. You deserve it, and I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t, so here goes nothing.”
“If you’re hearing this, that means you got the CD and you didn’t throw it in the garbage—so thanks, I guess? Uhm, it also means that you’ve listened to the first four songs, unless you skipped them all and went straight to this, first. If that’s the case, go back and try again, or you’re defeating the whole damn purpose.” At that, he laughed at himself again, realizing how ridiculous his current situation was.
“If you’ve listened to the first four songs, and you haven’t thrown this in the garbage, or any other crazy shit you probably thought about doing, thank you, and please listen to what I have to say. I know I’m not the best with words, and in the last three years, I’ve said a lot of things I wish I could take back, and I’ve held back a lot of things I wish I could say aloud. I wasn’t the perfect boyfriend, but I tried my best for you, sunshine. Did all I could to show you I loved you, and tried my best to keep you happy. I hope it worked, and I hope you know that I’d do it all over again if I could.”
“These last three years were the best of my whole life. Every day was special, ‘cause you were always there beside me. I tried my best to find four songs that told you how much you mean to me, and I know now that it’s an impossible task, because there’s not enough music or words or anything in the world to describe it. So, I picked four songs that said most of what I wanted to say, and I hope that you can piece together the rest of it from everything I’ve told you since the day I met you.”
“You are everything I’ve ever wanted. You’re the sun shining in the sky, the birds chirping, the smell of the flowers in the air when they blossom in the spring. You’re my best friend, and I know that I’m young and stupid, but you’re the only person I’ll ever love like this. I know you have to go, and I know we said and promised a lot, but it still hurts. I wish that we could spend every day by the lake or on the roof of your mom’s house, but I knew we had to grow up eventually. We both did, even if we didn’t want to believe it. I don’t want you to go, or I wish I could come with you at least, but it’s here and it’s happening. We avoided it for three years, but we can’t do it anymore.”
“I’m scared, and I’m hurt, and I know I’m going to miss you like hell. I don’t know what to do without you, because we do everything together. I hope that you’ll miss me too, even if you meet someone else. It might be selfish, but it makes it easier to think that some part of you will always be mine, even if it’s small, and even if I don’t deserve it, ‘cause some part of me will always be yours. Probably a pretty big part, too.”
“You’ll always be the one, whether it’s the right way to think of it or not… whatever it means, you’ll always be it for me. The one that turned my world upside down, the one who deserves the world, the love of my life, my biggest supporter and my greatest inspiration. More than that, you’ll always be one that got away, and I wish things could be different. When I pictured eighty, gray hair and porch swings, I always pictured you beside me, just as beautiful as ever. I’ll still dream of that, hoping that one day the time will be right and you’ll come back. We can try again, try harder and be better, because I know that you are as good as life gets. I haven’t even lost you yet, but I know that for a fact. I love you sunshine, with all that I am and all that have… with all that I ever will have. I hope you know that, and I don’t want you to ever forget it. Even if in ten years you forget my name and my face, if you’ve got a family and you never think of the boy you left back home in Michigan, I will still love you the same.”
“You’re everything, Y/N—the sun, the moon and all of the stars. You’re the thing that helps me fall asleep and the reason I get out of bed. You carry me through every day just by existing, because knowing you makes the world a better place. You’re my sunshine, and you always will be, even if it’s not in the same way, anymore. I don’t want to take up all of your time, but I need you to know what you mean to me, or I’ll never forgive myself for not telling you. The last four songs tell you how much I love you, and the next four will tell you how I’m going to feel when you get in that car and drive away.”
“I’m so proud of you, and I’m so grateful that I got to call you mine, even if it was only for a brief period of time. You’re going to do so many amazing things, and you’re going to accomplish everything you set out to do. Just remember, when you feel alone or overwhelmed, even if you think the whole world is out to get you, I’m here, or somewhere, still cheering you on and wishing you the best, still loving you and knowing that you’re the greatest thing this world has to offer. If you ever get lonely, or too tired to keep doing it all on your own, call me—I’ll always be happy to carry half of it for you.”
“I love you, I wish you good luck in everything you do, and I’ll always be here, waiting for the time to be right. I’d really like to believe that if you love someone this much, it will make the difference. Someday, sunshine. Maybe not now, but down the line I’ll get to love you like this again, like you deserve and like I should have all along. I’m not saying goodbye yet, and I hope that I can see you again soon. Just remember, no matter where you are or what you’re doing, there’s always someone who loves you more than anything, Sunshine. Thank you for being the best thing that has ever happened to me. You’ll never know just how happy you made me, and you’ll never understand how grateful I am for the years we got to spend together. You’ve touched my life in so many ways, and I’m sure you’ll continue to do it, even if you don’t realize it. Give UPenn hell for the both of us, and know that wherever I am, I will always be your biggest fan.”
The sound cut abruptly, the static not even lingering behind to remind you of the sweet sound of his voice. Tears stained your cheeks, your heart desperately trying to mend the hole he left behind as you sat in silence, reminiscing on every good thing he ever did for you. Slowly, you were coming to terms with the fact there was no hole left to mend, because he’d taken the whole damn thing with him.
You always believed that loving Jake was a blessing, the greatest gift the world had ever given you, but right now it felt like a curse disguised as something beautiful. The pain that came from losing him was so great it nearly overshadowed every happy moment that played out in the previous three years. The sorrow was not because of regret, but because of fear, so paralyzing and haunting as you began to believe you would never find someone else who compared to him, that you would never in your life stumble across someone willing to love you so wholly and completely, without a single thing expected in return.
Jake Kiszka was one of a kind, and you were stupid enough to let him slip through your fingers. You hated yourself for hurting him, and you despised yourself for not knowing what else to do. You thought letting him go would spare the ache in your chest, to ensure he made it out unscathed, but it only seemed to worsen it, and now you were too stubborn and too far gone to fix it. Doubling back would get you no further, and apologies wouldn’t even touch the ruin that you caused. The only way out was through, and the more time that passed, the more you worried you wouldn’t be able to survive it.
You didn’t know much, but one thing was for certain; no matter where life took you, you would repent for your mistakes until your very last breath, constantly wondering how someone like you even had the opportunity to be loved by someone like him in the first place, constantly wondering if you leaving did all of the things you hoped it would, or if it hurt him more than he could ever recover from.
TAGLIST: @anythingforjtk @highway-tuna @klarxtr @hollyco @thetroublegetssoloud71 @ageofbajabule @dannys-dream @raceb14 @watchingover-hypegirl @starshine-gvf @do-it-jakey-baby @gretavansara @jakesbeloved @woyayaofdreams @jakeyt @kiszkas-canvas @gracev0609 @josh-iamyour-mama @musicspeaks @gretavangroupie @gretavanmoon @gvfmarge @takenbythemadness
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heavenlyascent · 5 months
Besides the mini games, there weren't really aspects of the changes in FF7 Rebirth that upset me too much. I can get over the additions of Tifa being consumed by a Weapon or the Gi being a more integral part of the story because, well, they're more additions than anything else. Unnecessary additions but additions never the less
(actually that's a lie the entire Glenn plot gets to me but only because if it turns out he's Cloud's long lost father, I will flip my absolute shit).
Then I got to Nibelheim and I honestly got so annoyed that I had to stop. That they changed it from a rebuilt town with people pretending nothing ever happened to a town that's being used as a recovery certain for degrading SOLDIERS and the mayor acknowledged that the Nibelheim Incident happened is insane? How could you take out one of the more horrific and pivotal points of the storyline for both Cloud and Tifa? Like sure yes Tifa is enraged that they rebuilt Nibelheim like it never happened but where's the gaslighting, the unsettling uncanniness of a town that is pretend it has been the same for five years, that a mass murder didn't happen?
There's a stark difference between Tifa going into her home and finding another person living in her room and saying she's always been there and her home being used a clinic. The pain and wrath of her coming home and having her trauma and pain being removed. That she's told to her face 'what happened to you, your family, your friends, that didn't happen, you're crazy' because Shrina HAD to hide what Sephiroth did--because if the world found out what he did, it meant they'd have to find out what SHRINA DID.
And Cloud? Cloud who is already mentally fragile, breaking slowly, coming back home and finding physical proof that everything didn't happen the way he remembered? Lies on top of lies that he can't untangle?
What about how Nibelheim is a central part of the main story??? Undeniable proof of Shrina's power that they can go back into a massacred village, destroy any proof that hundreds of people lived and died there, rebuild it, put actors in to those homes, and pretend like nothing ever happened? Does no one on the writing team see how taking that element out of Rebuilt Nibelhiem changes everything.
God, like the original storyline hit so hard for the player. For hours we're being told by Cloud and Tifa about the devastation of what Sephiroth and Shrina did; we see the physical and mental wounds that they carry from that night, we have a flashback we play through so we know exactly how it felt--and then we arrive at Nibehliem and it's fine. It's what one of the effective parts of the original story--a gut punch that takes the air out of everyone on the team and the audience.
The more I think about it, the more this change really pisses me off. I can't understand why they thought changing pretend Nibelhiem's story except that maybe they thought it couldn't be done with the way the upgraded technology works now? The world would have to know that something was wrong with Nibelhiem just pretended everything was okay.
Except, again, no one knew about Nibelhiem except for Tifa and Cloud. Nibelhiem is a small, remote village, no one would care if it suddenly disappeared off the map--and for the most part, we never run into anyone who actually acknowledges Nibelhiem except for Tifa and Cloud. It's, again, why returning to pretend Nibelhiem hits so hard--because it puts Tifa and Cloud's already questionable stories into jeopardy. Whose lying now about this? Tifa? Cloud? Both of them? None??? Can we even trust what we've seen in the story so far?
Or Shinra, this constantly looming shadow, so powerful it can rewrite history and memories.
The thing is they could have kept the clinic thing going if they had just kept up the plotpoint of people in the village DENYING what happened during the Nibelhiem Incident. If instead that guy had just said 'I have no idea who you are or what you mean, you never lived here Tifa' it would have worked so well.
It baffles me and kind of destroyed any generosity I had for the Remake. I overlooked a lot of things because, frankly everything so far was par for the course with Nomura. I expected going in to run into Kingdom Hearts level of absurdity, so when the Whisper plotline hit I was like ah, there it is, that's the over complication of an already complex plotline. It was fine, whatever.
But this? I even see metawise why you would remove the element? Doesn't Tifa have more of a reason to be fucking LIVID? Doesn't Cloud lose even more of grasp on reality? Doesn't Sephiroth kinda of more of a point about them being covering him up like the dirty secret he and JENOVA are--in both his birth and his death? Maybe they thought if they did so the Pretend Nibelheim story, they couldn't reasonable have Cloud explore the surrounding areas and do the stupid side quests. In which case, fucking just don't do that. Not every town had to have a goddamn a sidequest. You sacrificed one of the best parts of your story for SIDEQUESTS?!?!?!?
It's personally one of the worst aspect of the Rebirth for me. I haven't hit past it yet so I don't know if it's the worst part, but it sure as hell made me really dislike the game just for that. I can forgive a lot, I can't forgive this, and I won't.
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