#so I think I have a new genshin fic idea.. and it’s not like something I’d be forcing to write for the sake of it
lordsardine · 5 months
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akutasoda · 7 months
Noticed ur requested are open so I gonna the idea I had so got inspired by Genshin archon quest and I was in love furina charcter and sm wondering if u can like crossover type request if ok with u
So I was wondering if I may request a Dan heng / IL X fem Reader
Where reader is basically similar to furina maybe Reader
was tasked by hydro archon focalor maintaining the guise of an Archon; as a new "human", she had difficulty taking the role but eventually mastered it. Additionally, a curse was placed upon her, rendering her unable to die so long as Focalors lived, but also preventing her from pursuing her own happiness. Reader is Aware of the prophecy that would doom Fontaine so reader has to play the e role of Hydro Archon for 500 years . maybe the astral express landed like in new universe tevat Fontaine and trying to figure out the new world maybe Dan heng Mets Reader noticed her and like feels connect to her due to him having experience past burdens and he can tell something up with can see right through reader act. Wants to get to know her maybe reader and how to help her and
Maybe reader like has momment alone to herself crying carrying this burden not be able to show it until Dan heng shows up but reader is stubborn to show or to tell her burdens maybe she goes to trial for being fraud and the express and Dan Genf have to help reader if this makes sense
(This idea I had in mine but I hoping romantic fluff comfort fic but also lore wise I hope this makes sense again if this too difficult of request I can change it I just like hope this is ok
Aslo furina supremacy love her
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a preferred outcome for a doomed prophecy
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synopsis - maybe the prophecy wouldn't turn out all that bad
includes - dan heng ft express crew + neuvillette
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns mentioned howeve), reader is based on furina, fluff, angst with some comfort, maybe ooc?, wc - 1.5k
a/n: ahhh im so sorry this took so long!
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the express had experienced all sorts of worlds within the galaxy, some not even taking form of planets but rather ships and such. each and every one housing a variety of colourful characters and deep history that spurred the current state it resided in. but they all had one thing in common, they all had a page in the expresses data bank.
the memories however, travelled with the trailblazer that experienced them. and after trailblazing for so long nothing seemed out of the ordinary when the express had an unexpected malfunction and needed to dock at the nearest planet - it wouldn't be the first time. however one would only need to take a step outside to realise that something indeed was different.
you were aimlessly wandering around the vast halls behind the court, looking for something to satiate your boredom. recently the lack of trials had bored you half to death and more annoyingly gave you less things to think about so, more often your mind would drift the the prophecy.
but you wanted to shake these horrid thoughts and push them to the back of your mind. and your wish was soon granted when you heard the voice of fontaine's ludex call your name from behind you. your initial reaction was to turn around with the biggest grin and address the man in front of you but he looked more somber, more serious than usual.
he kept his words short and brief and urged you to follow him to help with a situation that he claimed 'shouldn't get out of hand' or 'into public news'. and while you did follow immediately, your mind resurfaced the ideas of the prophecy and assumed the worst - maybe today was the day?
and as much as you tried to force yourself to not assume the worst, you couldn't stop the rapid pit of dread forming in your stomach.
you were your nations archon. and so it seemed only appropriate that you were the first person to greet the newcomers from beyond your world. all your boredom soon dissipated as you became rather eager and intrigued about your nations new visitors - but all questions would have to wait until you got the express members into your proper office.
and you had managed to get them there with minimum stares and whispering from your nations residents. you felt as though this issue was definitely better tackled within the confines of your private office. and based on what the lady named himeko had briefly told you, it seems you made the right call.
you had been introduced to all the members, seeing they would be staying here for quite a bit it'd only be polite - you may have additionally asked alot of questions as it wasn't everyday you met people that travelled through space. you also told them a tad about yourself and offered some background information about your lovely nation.
you welcomed them to look around and told them to not hesitate to ask for any help. in turn, himeko told you about the expresses data bank and gestured toward dan heng who you had been told compiles most of it. you expressed how you would be honoured you nation would be included.
over the next few days the express came to learn that they would not be leaving for a few weeks, but out of all the express members the one you had encountered the most was dan heng. he had gotten himself quite well acquainted with neuvillette and so you saw him often - mostly on his quest to fill out the data bank. and from your very first interaction it seemwd as though you both were doomed to get along.
over the first week, you and dan heng often conversed to the point ehere it seemed as though you had known him your entire life. neither of you could explain it but there was something there, something that made it easy for the two of you to converse - much to the expresses shock.
dan heng was quite surprised himself but he had grown accustomed to your presence in an alarmingingly short period of time, but there must've been a reason for this right?
he had a very strong, natural sense of perception - so much so that he could tell something was bothering you. no amount of happy go lucky attitude could fool him into thinking something didn't plague your mind constantly and because he had barely known you, he didn't say anything. it wasn't his place, he would tell himself.
but he could hardly ignore it when he walked in to your sobbing form. it had only been two weeks and the express was near ready to depart, so dan heng wanted to collect some final information. he had wanted to know more about the residents and who better to ask than you. he found neuvillette and asked where you were, he was told your office. when he arrived at your office he knocked, knocked again and knocked again. but each time was met with silence, normally he would've turned around and assumed he went the wrong way but he had heard sniffling on the other side of the door, so he opened it.
your head immediately whipped around upon hearing your office door creak open and you were left shocked at the sight of dan heng. you immediately swiped your eyes of any lingering tears and asked him in a meek voice that he should 'come back at a better time' and how he should 'seek out the ludex for anything at the moment'. dan heng wanted to protest, sure he wasn't the best at comforting people but it was clear that you needed some support. but he left.
and that wasn't the last time. only a few days later did he re-emerge in your office just to catch you crying as you stared aimlessly at the mirror that, for a brief moment, he swore had another reflection in eerily similar to you. now more than ever did he want to help. he had briefly heard you mumbling about some prophecy and he could immediately gather that this was some sort of burden you carried.
now, he knew a thing or two about carrying burdens, he knew how tormenting and stressful they could be - he did have frequent nightmares afterall. and even though he had know you for a mere few weeks, he wanted to help. afterall, wasn't it the trailblazers mission to help those across the galaxy?
unfortunately himeko and welt helped remind him of a painful reminder. once the express was up and running, they would leave and the likelihood of him ever seeing you would be close to none. and no matter how much he would talk about atleast trying to help now, if you didn't let anyone know what was your burden, no-one could help.
it was the last day in your nation, for the express and for you. the express were set to part and dan heng wanted to bid you farewell but only neuvillette showed to bid them farewell. neuvillette expressed how you had told him to relay your goodbye message. but even so, neuvillette also knew some of the prophecy and he encouraged them to go despite their joint insistence on thanking you - if they didn't leave soon, they too would be washed away in fontaine waters.
but the express crew knew something was up by now. and very reluctantly neuvillette told them of the prophecy after their insistence that they travelled worlds to help people and so if they could do anything they would. neuvillette expressed how nothing could be done. but dan heng wasn't so deterred.
however, it seemed as though the celestia herself had taken a form of pity. the prophecy didn't come true. and despite your trial going ahead and you being found guilty, you weren't to be executed. neuvillette still gained full control of hydro and sovereignty and forgave the sins of the residents of your nation but in turn he found a way to forgive yours aswell.
due to dan heng's insistence of helping you, it spurred the rest of the express to want to try just as much. and so neuvillette was offered with the idea of you joining the express. this way you could be free from the curse and still live out the rest of your days, and neuvillette allowed it. it was still your final decision however but you gladly accepted.
you still felt sorrow of having to leave some people behind, namely neuvillette, but he encouraged you to go - he would've of been in much pain to see you die. and your connection with dan heng seemed to pull through once more. as the instant you saw him you ran to give him the biggest hug anyone could offer in thanks for everything he did and he gladly reciprocated the action.
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genshinluvr · 2 years
In Loving Memory
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: While exploring Inazuma, Watasumi Island, and Stormterror's Lair with the men, you guys run into people with familiar faces.
Note: I need to change my posting schedule because it's no longer being posted on Saturday because of how busy I am with school work 🥹 Ah, idk how to feel about this fic in particular. This idea has been in my orbit for a while, and I think it's time to write a story on it! For those who have been following me for a while on Tumblr, some of you might remember this idea that I talked about on my page a few months prior. Anyway! To all of my new readers and returning readers, I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: None that I know of 🤔 maybe mentions of the death of a dearly beloved friend(s)? Mentions of a wound.
Word Count: 9.2k
The sun is high in the sky, shining on your face, almost blinding you. You held your hand up to your face to shield your eyes from the blinding sunlight. You walked over to the edge of the cliff and sat down with your legs hanging off the edge. Today was another day of your exploration of Inazuma, though you’re not exploring the region on your own. The men are your tour guides, mainly the Inazuman men, when you’re exploring the nations.
“What do you think about Inazuma so far, [Y/N]? Way better than Liyue, I bet!” Itto says, plopping down beside you with a big smile on his face.
Zhongli rubs his temples with an irritated sigh, his eyebrows furrowing. “While Inazuma is a beautiful region, I believe that you can talk highly about another nation without bringing the others down,” Zhongli stated, shooting a glare in Itto’s direction.
You give Zhongli’s hand a light squeeze. You turn to Itto with a smile on your face. “Inazuma is beautiful! I love seeing the difference between the regions we’ve explored!” You said.
“What’s your favorite part about exploring Inazuma?” Gorou asks, plopping down next to you while gazing at you curiously.
“And you can’t mention that you like the food because we all know you love trying food from various regions.” Childe teases you, ruffling your hair as he walks up behind you, standing beside Zhongli.
“Oh man, you got me there.” You grumbled, lightly tapping Childe’s legs as he snorted at your response. “Other than the food, my favorite part about exploring Inazuma is seeing Cyno shock the sakura blooms and being able to see the gorgeous view.” You said, pointing to the view of the sea.
“Don’t other regions have a nice view too?” Heizou asks, popping up from Itto’s side.
You nod your head. “Yes, other regions have a beautiful view as well! That’s what makes every nation unique from one another. These regions have so much to offer, and it’s a shame that I can’t wake up every day to see all of these sceneries at once.” You sigh wistfully. 
“Speaking of food, is anyone here getting a bit famished? The smell of street vendors is making my stomach growl.” Aether says, rubbing his growling stomach.
“We did have breakfast, but that was a few hours ago. I think it’s about to be lunchtime,” You said. “Do any of you want me to buy lunch? I can grab something for us to eat while we have a picnic under the tree shade.” You got up from your spot and dusted your clothes off.
Kazuha walks over to you with a smile on his face. “May I accompany you?” Kazuha asks, looking at you curiously— the way he stares at you with curiosity, his head tilting to the side, reminding you of a confused yet curious puppy.
You smile back at Kazuha. “Of course you can, Kazuha! I’d love to have you keep me company and help me bring back lunch for everyone,” You said.
Before you and Kazuha walk off, Diluc grabs you by your wrist and gently pulls you to him. “Do you need any mora for the food? Buying food for this many people can be expensive,” Diluc says, crossing his arms over his chest.
You shook your head. “No mora needed, Diluc! I bought mora with me!” You said proudly, pulling a bag of mora out from your bag and holding it up to show to Diluc and the others. “See! I’m prepared this time with the moras I’ve earned from working at the Maid cafe.” You smile widely.
“You mean the job you worked at in the past?” Scaramouche asks, looking over at you with his eyebrows raised.
You pursed your lips together and nodded your head slowly. “Yes, Scaramouche. That is correct.” You were about to walk off before it dawned on you. You turned towards the other men and looked at them curiously, pointing at the group. “Is there any specific food you guys want to eat?” You ask.
“I think any food should be good as long as there’s no ingredient that we’re allergic to. And by we, I mean Itto.” Thoma says, pointing his thumb over to the oni.
“Of course! I’ll make sure to order food that doesn’t have any ingredients that any of you could be allergic to,” You said. “Anything else you guys want me to make a note of?” You question, putting the bag of mora into your bag.
“If you’re able to, maybe have the restaurant label some of the food containers so some of us wouldn’t accidentally try something we’re not fond of,” Venti suggested.
Your eyes light up, and you nod your head. “Right! Can’t forget about the labels.” You said.
After gathering information and suggestions from the men, you and Kazuha walk to the biggest restaurant in Inazuma. Entering the restaurant, you and Kazuha noticed that it was quite a full house; therefore, it might take some time to order food to go.
“Do you want to order, or do you want me to order?” Kazuha asks. He glances over at the menu and then looks over at you.
You pressed your lips into a thin line before answering, “Both of us can order something! After all, I wouldn’t know what to pick for the others to eat.” Kazuha nods his head and grabs you by your wrist, and leads you to the front of the restaurant, where the menu hangs.
Both you and Kazuha stood at the front of the restaurant, pondering what you two should order for the other men. Before you made an order, you and Kazuha strictly told the workers not to add any beans to the food that may have it as an ingredient. Once you and Kazuha were able to order food for everyone, you handed the bag of mora over to the cashier.
“It’s a lot of food, but at least everyone will be satisfied with what we ordered for them!” You smiled happily.
Kazuha quickly excuses himself for a moment, saying something about how he’s going to take a restroom break and will be returning momentarily. You nodded your head and watched Kazuha walk to the small room at the corner of the restaurant where the restroom was located. You weaved through a crowd of people, trying to get to the wall to wait for your order. Your foot gets caught in one of the loose boards of the restaurant. 
Just when you were close to hitting the floor, someone reached out and caught you by your waist and your biceps. The person helps you up and pushes through the crowd of customers in the restaurant, muttering something under their breath. You and the stranger stood by the wall, away from the large group of people in the restaurant.
“Are you okay?” The man asks, squatting down in front of you to get a clear look at your face.
You give the man a grateful smile and nod your head. “Thank you for saving me from hitting my head on one of those wooden stools. It would’ve been bad if it did happen.” You reply. 
You feel heat rush to your cheeks when you realize how attractive your savior is. You blinked and came to a realization after getting a much closer look at him. The blond male looks at you curiously before standing back up, towering over you.
“Do you… know Kazuha by any chance?” You whispered.
His eyes light up. “Of course I do! He’s my best friend! Do you know him by any chance?” He asks, tilting his head to the side while leaning on the wall with his right arm propping him up. You smile widely and nod your head at his question. Now, how in the world are you going to tell him that you’re dating him along with twenty other men? Now that you think about it, would it be a good idea to let him know that you’re dating his best friend?
“We’re actually dating!” You said, feeling your cheeks becoming hot.
The man’s eyes widen. “You two are dating?! And he didn’t tell me?!” The blond man gasps dramatically. “That punk, hiding his cute lover from his own best friend.” He clicks his tongue with disapproval, and the corners of his lips quirked up.
“He has talked about you a lot; Kazuha speaks very highly of you.” You said softly, and a tiny smile appeared on your face.
“My name’s Tomo, in case he hasn’t told you my name yet,” Tomo says, holding his hand out for you to shake.
You grab Tomo’s hand and shake it firmly. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Tomo! My name’s [Y/N].” 
“[Y/N], huh? A fitting name for someone as cute as you,” Tomo says. He reaches up and pinches your cheeks lightly with a grin on his face.
You glared at Tomo and lightly slapped his hand away from your face. “Hey, no pinching! That is reserved for my boyfriends only!” You huffed, looking away from Tomo.
Tomo’s eyebrows quirk up at your comment. “BoyfriendS? As in more than one person?” Tomo asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Yes.” You muttered under your breath, continuing to look away from Tomo. 
Tomo chuckles. “Listen, I’m not judging you, alright? I can see why so many men want to date you. You’re adorable!” Tomo says, patting the top of your head with an endearing smile on his face.
“Say….” You trailed off when you caught the sight of his electro vision. “What’s it like to have a vision?” You ask, looking over at Tomo curiously.
Tomo raises an eyebrow at you. “Do you not have a vision?” His eyes scan your body for a vision.
You shook your head at his question. “I don’t have a vision, but it’d be pretty cool if I got one!” You said, smiling at Tomo. If you were from Teyvat, that is.
“Hm, well, having a vision is like—”
“[Y/N]!” You turn towards the direction where the voice came from and see Kazuha emerging from the crowd of people. Kazuha’s eyes land on you, and a relieved smile appears on his face.
“There you are! I was worried that you might’ve left.” Kazuha says, stopping in front of you.
You smile and pat Kazuha’s cheek. “No need to worry, Kazuha! I was just talking to—” you turn to face Tomo only to see that he is gone. “Huh. That’s odd. He was just here a second ago.” You muttered.
You let out a gasp and jolt in your spot. Your head snaps towards the direction where the voice came from, only to see Kazuha and Tomo doubling over each other, their bodies shaking, their hands covering their mouths. You cursed under your breath before lightly hitting both Kazuha and Tomo’s arms, face heating up. 
“That’s not funny! Stop laughing!” You whine, stomping your feet on the ground before turning to look away from the two men with your arms over your chest.
“I didn’t know you were jumpy.” Tomo teases, poking your ribcage lightly. 
You growled and slapped Tomo’s hands away from your ribcage. Tomo snorts, throws his arms around your shoulders, and pulls you to his side while rubbing the top of your head with his knuckles.
“Ow! Ow! Unhand me, you uncivilized fool!” You hissed, thrashing around in his arms. “I don’t care how handsome you are!” You added, jabbing him in the ribs with your index and middle finger.
“Wow, feisty one, aren’t you?” Tomo lets out a burst of boisterous laughter. 
Kazuha stands to the side and watches you and Tomo bicker with a look of amusement on his face. Not once did he imagine you, his significant other, meeting Tomo, his best friend, only to bicker like siblings. After what felt like an hour, Tomo finally releases you from the clutches of his hands and gives you an innocent smile, as if he didn’t mess up your hair and poke you in the ribs moments ago.
“I think our food is ready to go. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get the food.” You huffed, walking away from Kazuha and Tomo, weaving through the crowd of people waiting to be seated or just waiting for their take-out orders.
Once you had successfully pushed through the crowd of patrons, you grabbed the bag that had your and Kazuha’s name on it before walking back to where Kazuha and Tomo stood. The paper bag was heavy; no surprise there. You’re just glad that they labeled the take-out boxes, or else someone is going to be eating something they’re not too fond of.
“Our food is ready! Should we go back to the guys now? I bet they’re starving.” You said, adjusting the paper bags in your hands.
“Here, let me help you with that,” Tomo says. Tomo reaches down and grabs two out of five bags from your grasp and smiles at you. “The bag looks heavy; we wouldn’t want you to drop it because of the weight,” Tomo adds.
You cocked your eyebrow at Tomo. “What? Trying to save face now after what you have done to me?” You huffed, looking away from Tomo, your eyebrows furrowing.
“Oh, come on [Y/N]! Don’t be like that.” He pouts at you while batting his eyelashes. 
You mumble to yourself and hand the other bag to Kazuha, who is stifling his laughter behind his pursed lips. You, Kazuha, and Tomo walk back to where the men were sitting, patiently waiting for you and Kazuha to come back with food to eat. Upon your, Kazuha, and Tomo’s arrival, the men hound the three of you for food.
“Who’s that guy?” Dainsleif asks, gesturing his head toward Tomo’s direction before slurping up the udon noodles.
You hum and wipe your lips on your napkin. “That’s Tomo, Kazuha’s best friend! I met him today while Kazuha and I were ordering food.” You reply, lifting up your chopsticks to grab the imitation crab and munch on it.
Xiao cocks his eyebrows at you. “I thought you hated seafood.” 
“I do, but imitation crab is excused from my hatred towards seafood.” You reply, shoveling glass noodles into your mouth, almost moaning from how delicious the food tasted.
Kaeya rests his head on your shoulders before stealing a piece of your narutomaki. “Is there a reason why you dislike seafood?” He asks, pressing a quick kiss on your cheeks after putting the narutomaki into his mouth.
“My family was obsessed with seafood! They would always have seafood when we celebrate something or when we want to go out and eat somewhere. They always choose seafood buffets, and I got tired of constantly eating seafood,” You reply. Your face scrunches up with distaste before continuing to slurp up your noodles. Your family ate seafood so often when while you were growing up that you developed a distaste for seafood. If you were to eat seafood from time to time, then perhaps you wouldn’t dislike seafood as much as you do now.
“So, what I’m hearing is…. Your family is the problem.” Tighnari says, tapping on his chin with the end of the wooden chopsticks.
You nod your head with a shrug. “You can say that, yes. Plus, I’m not really fond of the fishiness and oceany taste of seafood.” You added.
“As long as you’re not allergic to seafood, then that would be bad,” Albedo says, eyeing the imitation crab between your chopsticks.
Al Haitham raises his eyebrows at Albedo. “Why would it be a bad thing if they’re allergic to seafood?” 
Cyno’s head snaps toward Al Haitham’s direction. “Are you implying that it would be a good thing if they’re allergic to seafood?” 
Al Haitham rolls his eyes. “I’m not implying anything, you idiot.”
Cyno narrows his eyes at Al Haitham before zapping Al Haitham’s tempura off his plate. “Guess you didn’t sea that coming.” Cyno snorted. Al Haitham glares at Cyno before picking up the tempura and places it on the pile of napkins.
Baizhu chuckles and shakes his head. “They always bicker with each other, and Cyno is always the one to come up with a joke in the end,” Baizhu murmurs, eating his sushi roll beside Ayato.
Ayato sighs. “It’s something we’ll have to get used to from now on. I have to say; their bickering is quite entertaining.” Ayato mutters to Baizhu, who nods his head in agreement.
Tomo walks up to you and sits beside you, his shoulders brushing against yours. “How do you deal with these men? Just being around them and seeing how they interact with each other is….” Tomo trails off, unsure of what he should say next.
“Overwhelming? Headache inducing?” You ask, the corners of your lips quirking up.
Tomo laughs and shakes his head. “It’s entertaining. Being able to see people from different regions bond and bicker with one another while having one common interest.” Tomo says, brushing his bangs away from his eyes.
“Uh, having visions? Being attractive?” You list, stroking your chin. 
“No, being with you,” Tomo says, bumping shoulders with you. “They all care about you, and it’s sweet! I may have met you not too long ago, but I can see why they care about you so much.” Tomo smiles at you.
“Well, I hope you can see that I care about them too. Each and every single one of them.” You look over at the men with a small smile on your face. 
Tomo leans close to you. “If you want another person in your growing harem, would you want me to be part of it?” His warm breath was fanning your face, sending chills down your spine and goosebumps appearing on your arms. Shit. Would you want Tomo to be in your harem? You’re about to answer Tomo’s pressing question, only to be cut off by a loud whine. 
“Snookums!!! Are there forks somewhere? You know I can’t use chopsticks! My chopsticks skills are lacking, and I still need practice!” Childe wails, shoving his way between you and Tomo before nuzzling up against you like a puppy demanding attention.
“Aw man, I think they forgot to give us some forks.” You muttered, reaching over to the paper bag and searching through it. “Oh, yep. They forgot to give us some forks.” You sigh. Childe shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly before throwing his arms over your shoulders, burying his face into your neck before peppering kisses all over your neck. You pat Childe’s head lightly before looking over at Tomo, who is staring at Childe with an amused look on his face.
“My, quite affectionate, aren’t you?” Tomo asks. Tomo crosses his arms over his chest, gazing at Childe with the corner of his lips quirking up. “Anyway, what is your answer?” Tomo turns his head to you.
“My answer?” You squeaked.
Tomo nods his head. “I believe that I would make an amazing lover of yours. After all, I know how to get under that cute skin of yours.” Tomo grabs your right hand and lifts it to his lips before planting a kiss on your knuckles. You look at Tomo with wide eyes; the two of you make eye contact before he gives you a wink.
Childe glowers and yanks your hand out of Tomo’s grasp. Childe suddenly stands up, grabs Tomo firmly by the back of his collar, and drags him over to where Kazuha is standing with Gorou and Itto while eating his dry-braised salted fish. Childe pushes Tomo over to Kazuha and crosses his arms over his chest with a glare.
“You should learn not to touch other men’s significant other, or else it’ll get you into trouble,” Childe growls, glaring at Tomo.
Tomo’s shoulders shake, covering his mouth behind his hand. “You sure are possessive, aren’t you? A bit ironic since you do share [Y/N] with twenty-three other men.” Tomo raises his eyebrows at Childe.
You gripped Childe by the biceps, your nails digging into the sleeve of his jacket. “Childe, please don’t start any trouble.” You whisper, tugging onto his arms. “He’s just trying to rile you up.” You whisper.
Childe’s shoulders sag, sighing in defeat. Childe looks over at Tomo from the corner of his eyes with a sharp glare turning to walk away. Childe throws his arms over your shoulders and drags you over to where the others stand while Tomo watches the two of you walk away.
Itto places his hand on Tomo’s shoulders. “Tomo, you’re a good guy and everything, but I wouldn’t mess with Childe if I were you.” 
“Yeah! He’s a Fatui Harbinger! The man is dangerous all around! You don’t want to be picking fights with a man who is always bloodthirsty.” Gorou frowns, slowly slurping up his ramen nervously.
Tomo chuckles. “I’ll be fine. Besides, it’s not like he can attack me if he wants to. [Y/N] has him on a tight leash.” Tomo smiles, his electro-vision glimmering under the sunlight.
Zhongli glares at Childe when you and Childe walk up to him. “You need to control your temperament more, Childe. Lashing out at another person in public is inappropriate.” 
Ayato chuckles, approaching the three of you with Thoma in tow. “Childe lashing out at Tomo for being touchy with [Y/N] is no surprise.”
“I think out of all of us, Childe isn’t afraid to show his possessive side,” Thoma commented, taking a bite out of his tri-colored Dango.
“He’s also clingy.” You snorted. Childe pouts and hugs you to his chest tightly, resting his chin on top of your head. “And a big baby.” You said, reaching up to pat his cheeks.
“Is anyone done eating their food? We should head back to the abode once everyone is done eating their food.” Diluc says before tossing his trash into the garbage bin.
Your eyes widen before you rip Childe’s arms off your body. “I’m not done eating my noodles!” You exclaimed, running over to your now cold noodles. You grumble to yourself and scoop the noodles and shovel them into your mouth. Oh, yeah. The noodles are cold.
“Let me guess. Your noodles are cold now, and the noodles sucked up the majority of the broth.” Heizou says, resting his arm on top of your head.
You begin to sulk and nod your head at Heizou’s observation. “You’re correct.” You sniffle, resting your head on his hips while sorrowfully chewing on your cold glass noodles.
Once everyone finishes eating their food, you all decide to sit under the sakura tree in Inazuma to digest your food. Your head is resting on Scaramouche’s lap while your leg is tossed over Kazuha’s lap. You’re fast asleep. When you finished eating your noodles, you told the men that you wanted to rest under the sakura tree to digest your food before returning to the abode. And now you’re asleep on Kazuha and Scaramouche’s lap, with Scaramouche playing with your hair, his head resting against the tree trunk.
“I can see why you all like [Y/N],” Tomo murmurs to Kazuha, taking a peek at your unconscious body. 
Kazuha smiles and rubs his thumb over your thighs. Kazuha’s gaze slowly lingers over your sleeping face; you look at peace. A sakura petal lands on your face, tickling your nose. You scrunch your face up and swat it off while remaining unconscious.
“How can we not? They’re special, and they mean the world to us.” Scaramouche speaks up, continuing to play with your hair before running his slim fingers through your hair.
Tomo hums, leaning back with both of his arms propping him up. “It’s rare to see this kind of relationship in Teyvat. Maybe it was normal a long time ago, but this is my first time seeing a relationship like this. A polyamorous relationship.”
“Just to let you know, we’re only interested in [Y/N], not each other,” Tighnari says, plucking a sakura blossom off the ground before letting it get carried away by the wind.
Tomo snorts. “Yeah, I can see that very clearly. You all look at [Y/N] like a bunch of lovesick puppies when they’re not looking.” Tomo says.
“They appear in our world because perhaps a Celestial god wants to give us someone that knows us all very well and…” Aether trails off, rubbing the back of his neck. How in the world is he going to come up with a backstory without giving away that you’re not from this universe?
“Where are we going to explore next? I was thinking somewhere in Sumeru after this.” Kaeya changes the subject, closing his eyes when a gentle breeze fans his face.
Xiao crosses his arms over his chest and looks out to the ocean. “I heard that General Gorou wants us all to go to Watasumi Island to explore. After all, we’ve never visited Watasumi Island before,” Xiao answers, not taking his eyes away from the ocean view.
“That is true. While we stay in the abode and would visit the cities often, we have yet to explore other parts of the four nations.” Albedo says, putting his pencil and sketchpad down on the grass.
“Maybe we should visit Stormterror’s Lair when we stop by Mondstadt! We’ve visited Windrise plenty of times already, and I think a change of scenery would be nice.” Venti says casually, his lyre materializing in his hands before he lays down on the ground.
Dainsleif sighs. “If we are going to visit Stormterror’s Lair, we better make sure that [Y/N] doesn’t roam off on their own. We wouldn’t want them to get injured or run into danger while alone,” Dainsleif says, looking over where you slept.
“I’ll be bringing a first aid kit with us when we visit Stormterror’s Lair.” Baizhu smiles. 
You toss and turn in your sleep, mumbling incoherent words to yourself, making the others around you chuckle. Itto pulls out his kamera and snaps a picture of you, almost wincing when the flight flashes and the kamera clicks loudly. You crack your eyes open at the sound and rub your eyes sleepily. 
“Oh shit, I fell asleep, didn’t I?” You mumble, sitting up.
Pantalone chuckles. “You did, but that’s okay. You do need rest after pulling many all-nighters for school.” He rubs your head affectionately.
“Shall we all head back to the abode now? It seems like [Y/N] still needs their nap,” Dottore says. He gestures over to you, resting your head on Scaramouche’s shoulder, eyelids threatening to close.
“We shall.” Capitano nods his head, getting up from where he previously sat.
Pierro nudges you with his foot. “Wake up, little one. Say goodbye to the samurai’s friend before we go back to the abode.” 
You rub your eyes, slowly getting up from the ground. “Bye, Tomo! It was nice meeting you!” You yawn.
Tomo smiles and wraps his arms around your shoulders. “It was nice meeting you too, [Y/N]. I hope we get to meet each other again one day.” He pats the top of your head.
“Me too!” You smile at Tomo before being dragged away by Childe.
A few days later, you and the men returned to Inazuma, but it was to Watasumi Island this time. Gorou is the tour guide for this next area, and since Kazuha is also familiar with Watasumi island, he also pointed out the unique and beautiful things about the region. You know that Watasumi Island is a beautiful region, but seeing it in person is even better than you thought.
“Do you think we can meet up with Kokomi if she’s not busy?” You ask, walking beside Gorou.
Gorou hums. “Her Excellency is currently having a meeting with Kujou Sara about strengthening the allyship between the Shogunate and the Resistance.” 
“Aw, bummer. I wanted to meet Kokomi.” You sigh. “Maybe next time! It’d be nice to meet Kokomi and maybe Kujou Sara.” You said, turning around to take in the scenery around you.
“Pfft! Why would you want to meet Kujou Tengu? Her presence alone makes anyone want to scurry off in fear!” Itto says, rolling his eyes dramatically with his arms over his chest.
You snort at Itto’s comment and rub his back lightly. “I wouldn’t mind meeting anyone in Teyvat. Especially if that person is Shenhe herself.” You said, casually walking ahead of the others.
“Shenhe? Out of all people, why would you want to meet Shenhe?” Xiao asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
You let out an audible gasp. “Have you seen Shenhe? She’s perfect!” You gushed, covering both of your cheeks while holding back a squeal.
All of the men stop in their tracks and stare at you, collectively crossing their arms over their chests. Some are giving you the look of betrayal, while others are gazing at you curiously, almost with skepticism. You continue to walk backward, smiling at them sheepishly.
“Listen, I believe that I should be able to meet the women in Teyvat too, you know? I need friends!” You exclaim, throwing your hands in the air with a dramatic sigh.
Ayato lets out an amused huff. “Why need friends when you have us instead?” Ayato jokes.
You point an accusing finger at Ayato. “Don’t give me that look that would make me go all soft and mushy! I should be…. Upset!” You exclaimed, feeling your face becoming hot under his gaze. You know the men wouldn’t mind letting you have friends outside of the abode. But ever since your first friend incident, they’ve been a little bit more cautious about making friends with people in Teyvat. And you don’t blame them for being so cautious about the idea of you making new friends in Teyvat!
“But what if you end up liking them more than you like us?” Aether asks, popping up from behind you before resting his chin on your shoulders.
You pat Aether’s cheeks lightly. “Oh, Aether! All of you are my boyfriends! There’s nothing to worry about!” You smile, turning to press a kiss on his cheek. “But really, though, when can I be friends with these women? I think I’ll be great friends with Shenhe, Lumine, and Yelan!” You said, propping your hands on your hips with a big smile on your face.
Zhongli hums, resting his chin on his hand. “I’m sure you will be great friends with everyone. You’re a loveable person, so I don’t see why not.” 
“But before you do become their friend, please let us do background checks on them,” Heizou says dramatically, draping himself over your shoulders, almost smacking Aether in the face.
You chuckle and pat Heizou’s head. “Alright, you all can do background checks on the people I might befriend,” You said. “Now! Let’s continue our little tour now, shall we?” You ask, taking Aether and Heizou’s arms off your shoulders while walking backward.
“Maybe you shouldn’t walk backward! You’re going to bump into something or someone.” Tighnari warns you.
Baizhu sighs and holds up the small white box. “It’s a good thing I brought the first aid kit.” 
“Oh, relax! I’m not going to run into someone or something! I got this!” You chuckle. “But to ease your worries, I will turn around and walk normally.” You sigh dramatically.
You twirl around dramatically, only to bump into someone’s chest. The person grabs your arm to steady you before you can stumble back from the impact. “Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to—” Your eyes widen.
“No need to worry! I can see that you’re occupied. I should’ve moved out of the way to prevent this from happening.” The black-haired male laughs shyly, rubbing the back of his neck as blood rushes to the apples of his cheeks.
“Oh! Teppei! It’s good to see you!” Aether smiles widely, waving at the black-haired male named Teppei. 
Teppei smiles widely. “It’s good to see you too, Aether! Care to introduce me to your twenty-four other friends?” Teppei waves at everyone in front of him with a sweet smile on his face.
“Oh, this is going to take a while,” Thoma murmurs to Diluc, who nods his head in agreement.
After Aether has introduced each person to Teppei, Aether pauses for a moment when he gets to you. You smile at Aether and pat his head at his uncertainty. It wasn’t because Aether didn’t want to introduce you to Teppei; it was because Aether didn’t know how else to introduce you. After all, everyone he has presented comes from a specific region in Teyvat. Minus Dainsleif. 
“Teppei, meet [Y/N]! They mean the world to me, and they make me really happy.” Aether says, wrapping his arms around your waist with a shy smile on his face.
“They also mean the world to us too, but I guess since you’re introducing them, it would make sense,” Cyno mutters, looking off into the distance.
Teppei looks at you all curiously. “It’s nice to see friends that care about each other a lot!” Teppei smiles at everyone.
Scaramouche stares at Teppei blankly. “Right, friends. That is something that we all are.” The corners of his lips tilt up, but he presses his lips together to hide the smile that was creeping up his face. 
“So, [Y/N]! If you don’t mind me asking, what region of Teyvat are you from?” Teppei asks.
You stare at Teppei blankly, unsure of what to say. You slowly turn to look at the other men, making a face that says, “what do I do?” The men make a face back in return, shrugging their shoulders. While you and the men are mentally communicating, Teppei stands to the side awkwardly, waiting for your response.
Venti lets out a nervous laugh. “[Y/N] is from a mysterious place! Somewhere we’re all not familiar with!” He rubs the back of his neck.
Teppei raises his eyebrows at everyone. “A mysterious place? Could it be Enkanomiya?” 
Kaeya chuckles. “They’re not from Enkanomiya. Though, that would be interesting if they were to be from Enkanomiya.” Kaeya strokes his chin and looks over at you.
You let out a nervous laugh. “My place of origin isn’t important right now, Teppei! What’s important is exploring Watasumi Island! I’ve never explored this beautiful island, so I would like to explore as much as I can before heading home,” You said.
“I agree; the region is not only beautiful, but the environment is intriguing.” Albedo murmurs from beside you.
“Oh! Well, if that’s the case, then I’ll gladly be everyone’s tour guide alongside General Gorou and Aether!” Teppei smiles at everyone before leading the way with Aether and Gorou walking beside him.
You held onto Al Haitham’s arms tightly as everyone crossed the bridge. You completely forgot how high up things are on Watasumi Island. The sound of waterfalls and the Nobushis sitting in different locations, minding their business while on edge for any potential targets, was making you feel a little bit anxious. 
“Are you alright?” Al Haitham asks, placing his hand on the small of your back.
You laugh nervously and bury your face into Al Haitham’s arms. “I’ll be okay as long as I’m with you guys. I completely forgot that Watasumi Island is high up.” You clear your throat, tightening your grip around his arms.
Teppei pauses in his steps and turns around, making eye contact with you. “We can take a break from the tour around Watasumi Island if you like! I’m not sure if all of you had anything to eat today yet, but we can stop by a camp and cook something for everyone to eat.” 
Diluc nods his head. “I agree. We should all take a short break and have something to eat before continuing the tour of Watasumi Island.”
“I’m sure [Y/N] is starting to get hungry,” Dainsleif commented.
You were about to protest when you felt your stomach growl. You pucker your lips and slowly nod your head. “Dainsleif’s correct. I’m starting to get hungry.” You said, rubbing your growling stomach.
“Alright, then, let’s head to the nearest camp and cook some food for us to eat!” Teppei says happily, leading everyone to the closest camp— which is about fifty meters from where you’re all currently located.
When everyone arrived at the campsite, you offered to help the men cook food. Since they wanted you to rest and enjoy the scenery of Watasumi Island, you find yourself sitting about ten feet from the campsite, sitting with your legs crossed while leaning back on your arms. It has been a while since you’ve been able to relax like this. Well, it has been a while because you’re now an Akademiya student who barely has enough time to sit back and relax ever since the quarter has begun. You close your eyes and let the cool breeze fan your face; you breathe in the scent of the food wafting in the air. 
“May I keep you company?” 
You crack your eyes open and look up at where the voice is coming from. Teppei was smiling down at you shyly, the pink color tinting the apples of his pale cheeks.
You smile widely and nod your head. “Of course, Teppei! I wouldn’t mind you keeping me company while we wait for the food to be finished cooking.” You said, tapping the spot beside you.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how come the others don’t want you to cook something to eat?” Teppei asks, looking over at you curiously.
“Oh, it’s because I’m an awful cook and almost burned the estate down one time.” You reply nonchalantly. Teppei looks at you in horror and concern. You snorted and shook your head. “I’m kidding, Teppei!” You lightly nudged him with your elbows.
“Is there a real reason why?” Teppei tilts his head to the side.
You shook your head. “Not really. Thoma is usually the one that cooks for everyone; he’s an amazing cook! I do cook sometimes, but ever since I started going to school, I didn’t have time to cook food. I have to focus on my studies and wasn’t home as much on the weekdays.” You explain.
“That’s understandable! I was worried that you almost burnt the entire house down with your cooking.” Teppei laughs awkwardly.
You shake your head. “Oh, no, no! If I was a horrible cook, I wouldn’t step foot in the kitchen or near the stove!” 
Silence fell between you and Teppei; both of you admired the beautiful sight of Watasumi Island. In the background, you can hear the men bicker with each other over what food to cook and how much should be cooked, while Zhongli and Dainsleif scold them for almost spilling the ingredients.
“I’m curious. What is your relationship with these men?” Teppei’s question catches you off guard. “I was under the impression that you’re all close friends who are roommates with each other, but the more I spend time with all of you, I couldn’t help but notice that there is something more than just being friends and roommates,” Teppei says. Teppei starts to mess with his shirt, glancing at you from the corner of his eyes.
“Oh! A-And what would that be?” You laugh nervously. You know Teppei isn’t the kind of guy that would judge a relationship, but you didn’t want Teppei to feel uncomfortable about the topic of one person dating over twenty people.
Teppei hums and leans back on his hands. “I saw the way they stare at you when you’re admiring the view of Watasumi Island. Not to mention when you tripped and almost fell off the cliff, they hounded you like rifthounds to make sure you’re okay and safe.” 
You sigh in defeat and nod your head. “Alright, I admit it. We’re not just roommates and friends, but we’re also lovers.”
“How does that work?” Teppei asks, squinting his eyes as he tries to imagine how a relationship with over twenty people works.
You blink at Teppei. “How does what work? The relationship?” Teppei nods his head before motioning over to where the other men stood, particularly Childe, Zhongli, Dainsleif, Al Haitham, Xiao, Cyno, Scaramouche, and the four Harbingers stood.
“Those groups of people look like they’re possessive. Specifically, those four scary ones that are wearing masks and are wearing fancy clothing.” You snort at Teppei’s observation of the men in your growing harem of men.
“You’d be surprised! While they seem like they’re possessive, they’re actually okay with sharing me with the others,” You said slowly. “With an exception, of course.” You quickly added.
“Exception?” Teppei raises an eyebrow at you.
You shake your head. “You don’t want to know, trust me. What Tomo received is lighter compared to what others have gotten.” 
Teppei opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by Thoma walking up to you with a plate of food in his hands. You smile at Thoma gratefully and grab the plate from his hands before digging into your food as he sits down beside you.
“I never got to ask you this, but how were your studies?” Thoma asks. He pulls your hair back and brushes the stray hairs from your face.
You sigh dramatically and chew your food. You hold up your index finger and swallow the food. “It’s even more stressful than the university in my world.” You said without even realizing it.
Thoma’s eyes widen, and he looks over at Teppei, who is giving you a questioning look. You slowly look up, your eyes wide after it dawns on you that you kind of exposed your origin. 
“Shit.” You muttered.
“Your world? What do you mean by your world?” Teppei questions, crossing his arms over his chest.
You laugh nervously. “Oh! Would you look at that? It looks like someone’s calling for me!” You squeak, getting up from your seat before rushing over to where the others stand, with Thoma following after you. Teppei watches you and Thoma with a quizzical look before slowly getting up from where he sat.
After everyone has finished eating, you all continue your tour around the Island. From time to time, the men couldn’t help but notice that Teppei was sneaking glances over in your direction. The look on Teppei’s face is hard to decipher. On your last stop at Watasumi Island (it was the Sangonomiya Shrine), everyone crowds on the bridge to admire the architecture of the building. You stand in front of the pillar, leaning up against it while admiring your boyfriends from afar with a small smile on your face. The way they look at the shrine in awe is adorable, and you wish you have a kamera on you to capture that moment.
You feel someone tap on your shoulders. You turn your head and see Teppei standing there, giving you a shy smile before gesturing you to follow him. You and Teppei walk down the steps of the Sangonomiya Shrine and sit at the edge of the seashell.
“Today is our last meeting, isn’t it?” Teppei asks sadly.
You blink at Teppei. “What do you mean by last meeting? The guys and I can always come back to the Sangonomiya Shrine to visit! Plus, I would love to meet Kokomi too, if she’s not busy.” You said.
Teppei places a hesitant hand over yours, interlocking his fingers with yours. “What I meant is that our meeting is a cruel fate.” 
You furrow your eyebrows. “A cruel fate?” You whisper. Teppei smiles sadly and nods his head, squeezing your hand lightly. You look down at your and Teppei’s interlocked fingers in confusion. What did he mean by that?
“Can you please elaborate on that? I may be an Akademiya student, but that doesn’t make me a mind reader or good at riddles.” You joke lightly.
Teppei gives you a pained smile. “It’s too early for you to go. You still have a lot of places to explore.”
You open your mouth to respond.
“Yo, [Y/N]! It’s time to go! Venti over here wants to go to Stormterror’s Lair right now!” Itto hollers from the other side of the Sangonomiya Shrine.
Your eyes widen. “Huh? Already? I thought we were going to visit Stormterror’s Lair tomorrow!” You exclaimed, pulling your hand out of Teppei’s grasp and getting up from the ground while dusting your clothes off.
“Yes, but since it’s almost nightfall, the Stormterror’s Lair will be lit up, and it’s going to be a breathtaking sight! I want you to be able to see it before this phenomenon is gone.” Venti exclaims, skipping over to where you stand.
You hum and stroke your chin for a second. “A phenomenon, you say? Well, then, that means we can’t miss out on it! We should take pictures while we’re there!” You chimed.
Heizou smiles and points his thumb over in Itto’s direction. “It’s a good thing that Itto brought his kamera with him! I’m sure you’ll be able to take as many photos as you like!” Heizou reaches up and caresses your face in his hands.
“Hey, Baizhu. You have the first aid kit with you, right?” Tighnari asks, turning over to the green-haired male.
Baizhu smiles and nods his head. “I do. I brought it with me just in case something goes down south while we explore Watasumi Island.” Baizhu holds up the white first aid kit.
“Guys, come on. I’m not that clumsy. You don’t see me falling all over the place everywhere I go,” You said.
“I don’t know. You did fall for all of us.” Cyno strokes his chin while gazing at you skeptically.
Al Haitham looks over at Cyno, unamused with the play on words. Al Haitham shakes his head with an eye roll. 
Al Haitham grabs your hands and pulls you forward. “We should head off soon, or else we’ll miss this phenomenon Venti spoke about.” 
You and the men bid Teppei goodbyes before walking to the closest waypoint near the Sangonomiya Shrine. Teppei watched the distance grow wider and wider as you and the men walked to the waypoint. Teppei’s chest begins to throb in his chest, swallowing a lump in his throat.
When you and the men arrived at the Stormterror’s Lair, night had fallen, and the twenty-five of you approached the lair. The night air sent chills down your spine, causing you to shudder at the breeze. Diluc took notice and took his coat off, draping it over your shoulders. You give Diluc a grateful smile and snuggle into his jacket, sighing in contentment when warmth engulfs your body.
Everyone crosses over the bridge and comes to a halt halfway. “Whoa! That’s so cool!” You gasp in awe, staring at the glowing building in front of you. Venti wasn’t wrong when he said that the phenomenon is a breathtaking sight. You wonder why the Stormterror’s Lair emits this beautiful yet ominous glow from it. Either way, you’re not complaining at all! If you’re able to witness this phenomenon with the loves of your life, then you’re not complaining one bit. As long as you’re with them, seeing this beautiful sight live, you’re not going to question it.
“I have to say; this phenomenon is beautiful,” Ayato says, his blue eyes taking in sight in front of him with his mouth agape. 
“I agree! It’s a rare sight to see; it’s one of my favorite things about Old Mondstadt.” An unfamiliar voice chimes in.
Everyone turns around and sees a male almost identical to Venti, only his braids aren’t blue at the tips, nor does he wear the same clothing as the anemo archon. You look at Venti, then over at the black-haired male standing beside Venti; they’re the same height. The male has a soft smile on his face, a lyre in his hands, and the breeze blowing in his black hair. 
“Nameless Bard?” You whisper.
The Nameless Bard looks over at you, his eyes meeting yours. A smile appears on his face; he walks towards you before stopping in front of you. Nameless Bard looks down at you with his stormy gray eyes. You feel your face heat up under his gaze.
“So, you’re this special person that Venti couldn’t stop talking about.” Nameless Bard commented. You feel your face heat up even more at his comment before looking over at Venti.
“Hey! You promised me that you wouldn’t tell Windblume!” Venti whines, jumping onto Nameless Bard’s back.
Nameless Bard laughs and lightly bats at Venti, pushing Venti off of him. “Oh, come on, Barbatos! I’m sure that everyone knows about your love for Windblume. After all, you’ve written lots of ballads about them.” The Nameless Bard pokes Venti in the ribs, making Venti sputter and laugh nervously.
“Shall we start the tour of the Stormterror’s Lair? The phenomenon is much more beautiful when you’re close to it.” said the Nameless Bard, flashing his pearly whites at you all.
“Well, lead the way!” Scaramouche gestures for the Nameless Bard to the ruins that were once Old Mondstadt. 
Nameless Bard smiles widely and walks through the crowd before catching onto your wrist, bringing you along with him. You turn to look back at the other men with wide eyes, unsure of what to say, but you go along with it. Something tells you that Nameless Bard knew that you’re not exactly from Teyvat— maybe Venti told Nameless Bard that you’re not from Teyvat unless Nameless Bard knew the minute his eyes landed on you.
The closer you all got to the Stormterror’s Lair, the brighter the light became. You stopped in your tracks and shielded your eyes from the brightness before turning around, your back facing the building. You blink away the black dots in your vision, the men standing around you, doing the same thing as you.
“Is it just me, or did the light suddenly get brighter the closer we approached it?” Gorou asks, covering his eyes with both of his hands.
“It’s not just you. It’s strange that the light got brighter all of a sudden.” Diluc mutters, his eyes glued to the ground.
Xiao looks over at Venti and the Nameless Bard. “Is that supposed to happen if people approach closer to the building?”
“I don’t think it’s supposed to happen, but I notice something strange the closer we get to the building.” Nameless Bard taps on his chin. Everyone looks at the Nameless Bard curiously, waiting for him to explain what he has noticed.
“And what would that be?” Zhongli asks, raising an eyebrow at the black-haired male standing beside you.
“Dainsleif, would you mind stepping close to the barrier?” Nameless Bard asks.
Dainsleif raises his eyebrows at the Nameless Bard, internally asking himself as to how the black-haired male knew his name when everyone hadn’t introduced themselves to him. Without questioning the Nameless Bard, Dainsleif walks over to the barrier before turning to look at everyone else.
“Alright, now, [Y/N], you take a step towards the barrier.” Nameless Bard lightly nudges you toward the barrier.
You hesitated for a moment before slowly walking to the barrier. With each step you take, the light emitting from the building grows brighter and brighter, thus blinding everyone in its presence. You stop in front of the barrier, your hands covering your eyes from the overwhelming brightness that was coming from behind the anemo wall.
“That is strange,” Kaeya mutters, squinting at the sight in front of him and the others.
“Is there a meaning why the light gets brighter the closer [Y/N] is to the barrier?” Albedo asks, looking over at the Nameless Bard.
Childe takes in a deep breath before motioning for you to come back. You walk away from the barrier and stand next to Childe; Childe immediately grabs your hands and squeezes them. You give Childe a smile and squeeze his hands back.
“All [Y/N] has to do is not to walk into the light.” Nameless Bard says.
“What?” You ask, your eyebrows furrowing.
Nameless Bard steps in front of you and places his hand on your shoulders. “Don’t walk to the light. Stay as far from it as possible, you hear me? You still have many places to explore.” Nameless Bard gives you a rueful smile.
“Teppei said that to me.” You whisper.
“[Y/N].” You look around in confusion.
“Come on, wake up!” Wake up? Were you asleep this entire time throughout your and the men’s exploration around Inazuma, Watasumi Island, and the Stormterror’s Lair? Speaking of Stormterror’s Lair, you barely explored the area. What was going on?
“They’re losing too much blood! How did this happen!?” You hear Dainsleif demand; his voice sounds much closer. You turn to look at the men around you, only to find yourself alone, standing in front of the Nameless Bard, who smiles at you sadly.
“Your time isn’t up yet. Go back. You’ll be okay.” He squeezes your shoulders gently.
You close your eyes. The frantic voices around you soon grew louder and louder. You feel someone shake you and lightly pat your cheeks. Something wet fell onto your cheeks, the warm liquid slowly trailing down your cheeks.
“Please, wake up. You can’t leave us like this.” Childe cries, continuing to pat your cheeks.
Pierro shakes his head. “You were all being too wreckless, and now look what happened.” Pierro pinches the bridge of his nose with a sharp exhale.
Al Haitham pushes Childe away from you and watches Baizhu scoop you up into his arms and press a cloth over the gaping wound on your back. You wince and crack your eyes open, looking around with bleary eyes.
“It hurts.” You whisper, tears blurring your vision.
“We know, sweetheart. We’re going to clean and patch up your wound before we take you to the infirmary.” Baizhu says.
You whimper. “What happened? I thought we were exploring the regions with Tomo, Teppei, and the Nameless Bard.” You mumble, gripping Baizhu’s shirt tightly.
“Who?” Itto asks.
“A friend of mine, Kazuha, Gorou, and Venti,” Aether says, pressing his lips in a thin line.
“The friends that are no longer with us in this world,” Thoma whispers to Itto, whose eyes widen.
You bury your face into Baizhu’s neck, gripping his shirt so tightly that you can feel your nails digging into the palm of your hands through the fabric of Baizhu’s shirt.
“You’ll be okay. Just keep your eyes open for us, alright?” Tighnari says, brushing your hair away from your damp forehead.
You nod your head weakly, letting Baizhu carry you to the infirmary at the abode with the men following closely behind. While Baizhu takes you to the infirmary, you can’t help but wonder what had happened before meeting Tomo at the restaurant in Inazuma. You have no recollection whatsoever, and maybe that’s why Teppei and the Nameless Bard were telling you that it wasn’t time for you to go yet and that you have more places to explore in Teyvat. 
You later realize that you almost died, and the light that grew brighter the closer you got to it was the afterlife, and Nameless Bard was trying to stop you from going there. You almost died. Tomo, Teppei, and Nameless Bard were trying to find a way to get you to wake up this entire time, and you didn’t realize it at all. 
Note: Man, I really need to update my navigation post and my posting schedule because I'm no longer able to post on a Saturday before Sunday 🥹 I hope I can maybe update everything once I'm on my two-day Thanksgiving break in November 💀 Anyway, I hope you all like this story because it features three special guests! It's now 2 AM, and I need to go to sleep now. I'll try to post a new form for taglists because it needs to be updated. I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for "Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader" and my overall taglist: @xxkatsusjinsux, @huboi, @plumpkie, @crazyrichdaughter, @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff, @patata52, @honeybedo, @thedivinepriestress, @pencil-of-ashes, @samarill, @bakuhve, @yukima, @chaosinanutshell, @emperatris-rinaka, @neilify, @ksjjkthpjm, @jaisithebird, @mouchie, @emerald-smile, @jixlem, @the-blob-fish, @jiminscarmex, @bananazzzen, @thelost-in-time, @kryloxen, @ayolk, @tomansimp, @lordbugs, @c-camellias, @chihawari, @lilliansstuff, @zhongloml, @sweethcnvy, @wolf-chan2134, @simp4-fictional-men, @dai-tsukki-desu, @trash-queen-af, @tamayakii, @stellaris999, @hispasian-otaku, @stygianoir (if you have not been tagged, it’s because you have your settings turned off for people to tag you in posts, or you changed your username)
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currentlylovingyou · 2 years
genshin streamer x reader
general genshin streamer! au headcanons
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before you read!♡ ~ many writers have already covered this idea, so in no way am i claiming that i came up with this topic! the writer areislol have really inspired me with her streamer au. in no way am i trying to copy her work, but i must admit that reading her fics a while ago has inspired me, and sparked more ideas with this au.
♡ at first, he never really had any dreams of becoming a streamer himself. although his two close family friends, ayato and ayaka, had tried to persuade him into trying it, he honestly thought that he wouldn't be very entertaining.
♡ it kinda changed for him when he was vcing with ayaka during her own stream- ayaka being a vtuber and gaining a quick following after ayatos quick sucess after debuting his model months prior.
♡ when chatters aked about the mysterious, yet warm and friendly friend, who joined and chatted regularly, she was more than happy to introduce him. ayaka, being protective about her private life, of course aked thoma beforehand.
♡ he had gained fans from hyjacking his friend's stream- and that's when it really hit him that.. i could also do this. in honest, he loved being with ayaka while she streams. never getting enough of chatters- whether trolling or doting.
♡ asking ayato where to even begin.. a second twitch channel on ayaka's reccomended popped up.
♡ although he chose not to be a vtuber, fans still adored him. his quick humored yet warm and caring personality drew thousands of fans just within a few months of starting. a small community growing and growing until it's more than a few thousand- and slowly climbing upwards.
♡ thoma hadn't really branched out from the community of ayaka and ayato. he still felt new to the career, and nervous that he wouldn't be able to branch out to others. that all changed however, when a new friendly face raided one of his streams, hundreds of views sending variations of: "y/n raid!!" or, "y/n sent us!!"
♡ he had seen your name before- he recognized you as another smallish channel that started around the same time that he did. reacting quick, a warm smile spread onto his face, waving a sheepish hand to welcome you and your overly excited followers.
♡ "thank you so much for the raid, y/n! yes-yes, we're playing minecraft today! how was your stream?"
♡ he found that you're channel was entertaining- deciding to stlak (all) your socials once his own stream ended. something about your personality and voice seemed to pull him into a trance, deciding to follow you immediately. and smiling when he noticed a few moments later, you followed him back.
♡ it was rare for another streamer to attract him as much as you did, and you felt the same. the funny horned-headset he wore on top of the messiest blond hair made you feel helpless. the witty remarks to his two close friends making you fall harder.
♡ you two hit it off pretty closely, both of you making similar content, it was almost too easy to become close friends with you. he found streaming with you more fun than the ones he did alone, without ayaka or ayato.
♡ speaking of his friends, ayato and ayaka both seemed to love your content. if you were a face cam streamer like thoma, they would laugh about how out of the four of us, only two have faces. if you preffered to stay faceless, or become a vtuber, they would welcome you with open arms to their community, adding small hints of your character to their streams aswell.
♡ days turning into months spent with you, it was obvious that you both had fallen. thoma knew that he liked you- no, loved you. confiding in ayaka, she smiled and pressed him for information. only when he told her did he realize how much he wanted to tell you. ♡ one day while on a valorant stream, it was all too much. ayaka had been pestering him about it earlier, and e took a second to really think about it.. ♡ the only outcome was ruining your entire relationship... haha... wow.. ♡ clearing his throat, a blush spread on his cheeks. he pressed to voice chat in valorant. ♡ chat started spamming like crazy, telling everyone to start clipping..!!! ♡ "(um ur val main)- no.. y/n? i um.. i.." " i think i like you"
♡ ayato, as mentioned before, had started streaming before thoma. his cool persona reflected his little blue haired vtuber. with a complex design, his vtuber avatar was single handedly fueling artists artblock world wide.
♡ he charmed every person withim a hundred mile radius, and the idea of even meeting The Ayato felt impossible. more than impossible actually.
♡ similar to thoma, you probably met him when you befriended thoma or his sister ayaka. of course you didnt intend to meet ayato through them, not even thinking about doing any malicious things to the two, but you’d be lying if you hadn’t dreamt about meeting him one day.
♡ if youre a streamer yourself, best be prepared to be constantly raided and included in ayatos community. it would take a while for him to open up to you, having previous encounters similar to this end poorly, but he cant deny that he found himself attracted to you.
♡ if your a vtuber, again, he would do literally everything to include your model. going as far as commisioning a little plush of your character to go alongside his avatar during chatting streams.
♡ facecam streamer? its basically all the same! he feels smitted whenever he hops onto your stream, losing that poised and cool attitude when he even glances at your face.
♡ even though he doesnt enjoy showing his face, preffering to stay hidden, he loves yours. hes one of the busiest streamers you think, yet youd never expect him raving about you to his sister, smiling at how absurd he sounds. an opposite to his mature outlook and personality.
♡ months after meeting you does he realize that he likes you. he actually likes you..
♡ “ haha, greetings chat. how have you all been today? oh? it seems that plenty of you are mentioning… y/n? hehe.. what about.. them?”
♡ he'd console thoma immediatley, with a cute blush on his face he'd call him. only when he starts to talk about you, thoma would yelp, yelling that "AYATO IM STREAMING!!!" ♡ if ayato didn't dc almost immediatley, he would awkwardly stay silent in the vc. clicking to thomas stream, where thoms himself has a blush on his face as the chat goes crazy.
♡ the next stream he does, chatters would basically interrogate him. poor mods would have to go to sub only- or even emote only for half of the entire stream.
♡ his voice would be shaky in that stream, on the verge of stuttering but seemingly composed to the naked eye.
♡ he doesn't confess early on. although he thought about having a spurratic impulsive decision to sputter out his feelings, it was always just too embarrassing to do in real life. this isn;t some manga fanfiction.. right? 
♡ if you don’t confess to him first, there may be a period of awkward mutual pining!! the tooth rotting-just-tell-each other-before-i-vomit kind of period!! ♡ always subbing to your twitch the day it expires, as you do the same. subscribing to your pateron if you have on, and generally being the most generous almost-boyfriend-but-just-friend ever.
♡ falling asleep on call with eachother, he’d do a face reveal to you early on. he trusts you with everything at this point.
♡ he somehow gets your address, and sends you plushies. always telling you beforehand of course- he doesn't want to seem creepy!
♡ when he confesses- it would be in person. he’d buy you a ticket and fly you out to his and ayakas place, letting you sleep on his bed while he takes the couch- or falling asleep with you by accident. who can really tell if this was an accident, or an attempt to  cuddle? lolol
♡ he’d buy ayaka and himself face masks and ridiculous sunglasses- the stupid reflctive kind just to get a laugh out of you and thoma. 
♡ inviting thoma over, you would all do a sort of baking stream- failed baking at least..
♡ “ayaka- did you add the tapioca starch or the corn starch?”  “oops…” ♡ it would be okay, though! all laughs and giggles, the stream eat it up.
♡ down time, while the almost brownies cooled (they gave up on making boba) thoma and ayaka cleaned up while you and ayato brought the computer to entertain the stream. you trying on ayakas sunglasses because she wasnt in frame.
♡ talking to chat, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. you’d only been in his house for almost a few days, but he wished it was like this forever.
♡ you smiled, answering a peculiar question, when he cracked. you were going to go home soon, and he couldn't miss this chance! ♡ pulling down his mask, you looked at him before he pulled you into a hug. you un-stiffened and hugged him back, asking if he was alright. 
♡ pulling away, you sat a bit closer, worried about your (obvious) crush..
“y/n. i want to be your boyfriend, right now.”
♡ you know those like vtubers that duet those singing tiktoks and sing along to popular songs? HE IS ONE OF THEM.
♡ probably would stream genshin- but also party games that are super hyper like jackbox(!) mercy main KING and i like to imagine he plays yoru JUST BECAUSE chat simps so much for him.
♡ started making videos when he was a teenager but it wasnt anything special. like those minecraft videos almost every kid made with bandicam and like a macbook lol ♡ and because he started so early, he A. has gotten cancelled almost every other year and B. really took advantage of the algorithm!!
♡ his intuition really also helped with channel growth- though his voice and personality was the real deal!!
♡ although he does do facecam from time to time, he really prefers his little vtuber icon. mostly because he splurged thousands of dollars on it..
♡ he is totally one of those aforementioned vtuber tiktokers who post clips of their streams, or doing silly trends. on tiktok he blew up, which made it easier to continue growth because he'd been at it for a while before.
♡ probably would stream genshin- but also party games that are super hyper like jackbox(!) mercy main KING and i like to imagine he plays yoru JUST BECAUSE chat simps so much for him.
♡ and because he started so early, (he has gotten cancelled for being mischevious on the internet...) he was able to really study the algorithm. and when tiktok started getting popular his intuition told him to Buy a Vtuber Model.
♡ (definietly jumped on the amoung us train. hes literally a detective in canon dudes)
♡ because his main type of game is party games, you would probably meet him through a mutual streamer friend who recently gained popularity.
♡ probably really connected through scary games like phasmophobia or overwatch2!!
♡ because of his really sudden upward climb in popularity, ot wuld take a while to get closer. he's been through those people trying to be friend with him for the sake of popularity, and it really made me consious of who he hangs out with.
♡ so when he realized how swagger you REALLY are- and not because he's there- he falls hard and he falls fast.
♡ his mind going NONOONONONOONONONONO and heart going AWhAHWhAWhAIOFKDFIGJJKMHNhlgf iykykikyk
♡ if youre also a streamer- be prepared for countless spammy comments in your chat- or honestly weird tweets pinging you.
♡ vtuber? he'd include you in all his tiktoks! duet him with christmas carols!!
♡ facecam? he is reposting those silly capcut edits of you! (or thirsty if youre comfortable..)
♡ he likes you a lot. a lot a lot. because he has so many streaemr friends, he doesnt really connect with anyone of them on a deep level like thoma and ayato. hes been so focused on working at the algorithm and posting and everything that now he wants you- it's toubling lol
♡ would confess to you off stream for sure. he's smart- like really smart- and doesnt want anyone to figure out! he's a detective- he knows this stuff
♡ although he's wary of edating- like i said before he knows himself and he has clues!!
♡ wouldn't need a wingman to dig for information. he is his own wingman.
♡ so when the day he planned for this comes he is Frantic. streams a whole hour late than he announced, and is everywhere. his cool, lively and excited persona GONe!!!!!!!!
♡ you two had liked to do little sleep calls- i mean this has to all be a year into your friendship for him to really be confidient. he may be a rusher but he has brains!
♡ you call with him during his stream randomly- just waked up. groggily responding with his bits and his jokes- and even with chat !!
♡ when he wraps up, he takes a really long look at you. usually these looks are inquisitive and endearing- a smirk or a raised eyebrow scanning your features like he's trying to get clues for some big grand theme- but this time he just looks. nothing reading into you.
" hey y/n- can you like date me or something?"
♡ he is another one of the tiktoker streamers but in a different way. although he thinks that the vtubing thing is alright for the branding, he finds that it's easier to just use a plain old facecam.
♡ right off the bat- this man has imposter syndrome. although he knows people like him because of his well crafted and imbreakable persona he's slowly sculpted around himself- he still feels like he doesnt deserve it.
♡ his persona is like a giant, multilayered wall and mask. a disguise that people like more than the real him- and he gets lost in it. all these identities- famous streamer "scaramouche"- his mothers "kunikuzushi"- or himself. a wanderer that everyone likes to label.
♡ on top of this, he didn't have many friends. people were turned off by his abrasive attitude, and although he was popular bordering famous, it felt so lonely.
♡ probably plays competitive games like valorant and overwatch and rust- and prefers it. another distraction to get petty in these lobbies, and somehow hidding radiant in valo...
♡ he's a total god at almost any pvp/competitive game- but he is also the pettiest and most spiteful gamer-rage fueled player to exist
♡ you probably arent a big fan of his, actually. i feel like if you were a watcher before meeting him, you would also be sucked into this dark humored- petty little character he built for himself. for a non vtuber- he has lore alright!!
♡ of course you'd heard of the name scaramouche mentioned somewhere, but you hadn't actually seen of his content- or any clips for that matter
♡ you were a fairly new streamer, garnering around 10k followers on twitch with a nice 13k subscribers on youtube! good job, y/n!
♡ you two met at a local gaming cafe. the town you two lived in was fairly small, and the main attraction for people who don;t touch grass was this place. you had came hoping the vlog the expirience, as you'd only come here once or twice with kunikuzushi when it first opened while in your highschool years.
♡ you two were buddies throughout middleschool and highschool- kunikuzushi being severly bullied throughout those younger years, and you trying to stop it.
♡ he got teased relentlessly throughout for having a "weird family", or the fact that he had two moms. it also didn't help that all throughout this he was struggling within himself.
♡ so he was more than suprised when you- a not-too-popular but generally well liked individual- invited yourself to the seat next to him almost every shared block you had.
♡ after three or four years, you started to just join him on things like walking home, or on fieldtrips. of course at first he thought you were the most annoying person ever- or even suspicious this was all a ploy- but after you'd stuck aroundwith him to freshman year- he started to appreciate your company
♡ after highschool, you two had lost touch, and he felt the presence of your company vanish like almost all of his other friends
♡ so when he heard the giggle of your voice sit down on the chair next to his, he felt his eyebrow twitch almost involuntary. what was this loud, annoying noise that felt a little too farmilliar doing here?-
♡ "oops- sorry i was being loud! i hope i didn't both-"
♡ yk that awkward moment when you make eyecontact with someone who was staring at you, but you know exactly who that person is? it's a very niche expirience, but BOY IS IT EMBARRASSING
♡ "hey... you are.."
♡ he braced himself for all the weird and uncomfortable fan expiriences coming his way, and started prematurley praying for there not to be a weird photo request..
♡ "hey- kunikuzushi! how have you been dude- it's been like forever!"
♡ his eyed widened and he really looked at you again- "y/n??"
♡ after that first interaction, you two had started talking. at first he felt uncomfortable in his own skin- like maybe it had been a little too long since he had a real friend. but soon, he started melting for your personality.
♡ insanely protective of you- but not like in a weird way. at this stage he values your friendship, and like everything about his personal life, he really wanted to keep it under wraps for the prying eyes.
♡ if you’re a streamer, he defienetly gives you streaming tips and will help- but don’t expect him to carry you to fame. he actually doesn’t want to taint your own career with his crazy and weird fans, so you and him stay quiet about your growing relationship.
♡ it doesn;t take him long to fall, and he defienetly fell first, but boy did he try to ignore everything. this connection fuels him, but it feels like it’s eating him aswell. he’s kinda scared on the hold you have on him lol
♡ he doesn’t fold though, even after three or four months of reckless platonic flirting and sleepovers and weird romantic tension, until his coord breaks
♡ his chat had found your channel in an open tab- a mistake of his- and after weird speculation tiktoks they had raided you essentially
♡ some had good intent! but others left a nasty trail on your quaint little community that he wanted to desperatley to avoid. he actually found out with you when you two were hanging out at his place and a mod had dmed him
♡ you were none the wiser, but apparently your name was trending on twitter with kuni’s aswell...
♡ he kinda liked seeing your names together
♡ he really liked seeing your names together
♡ for how he confesses- i think that it was private and clumsy and messy but the most loveable
♡ he asks you to sleepover- which you oblige after mentions of snacks and games and drinks- and when you arrive you see him sitting pensivley on the couch
“y/n? i like you.”
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imari4444 · 2 months
Imma ramble about a fan fic idea I had centered around the nameless bard. (Warning, a lot of text ramble)
Okay so Yknow how there’s a lot of fics where the nameless bard comes back to life?
When i first joined the genshin fandom i used to eat these fics up, but something that always upset me was the lack of nameless bard reincarnation fics (i think i came across one in my hours of internet searching). Let me ramble further here… to me, reincarnation and ‘resurrection’ are two completely different concepts.
Coming back to life; that person is still them, same memories, same face, taken right from death and brought back in the future.
Reincarnation however? New relationships, new face, new person, and sometimes the character doesn’t even remember there past life.
So before I wrote my current fic I use to play around with a fic idea that would have been nameless bard centric. The nameless bard or carmen as I call him would have been reborn in Mondstadt about 14-16 years before the Dvalin crisis. (Building relationship with the mond characters wayyy before venti even wakes up)
At first he’d have no recollection of his past life, just feelings and senses of Deja vu.
When his hair started growing out as a little kid he’d braid it in the way that felt right to him (his classic braids) and I had this funny scene in my head where an adult would coo at baby Carmen like “oh! Taking after Barbatos are we?!” And baby Carmen would feel so offended that he’d cut his hair short the following day. Yeah… drama (also when venti does arrive in Mondstadt… so much miscommunication )
Carmen immediately doesn’t trust Barbatos at all! Because seeing Barbatos face feels off, and the idea of a god ruling Mondstadt’ feels off, so being compared to him just makes him the pettiest kid ever.
Also to add spice to Carmen’s wounds I planned that he’d be a ward of the church like rosaria, and be an unwilling devote of Barbatos (rosaria is his role model of rebellion of course!)
Later in the fic he’d start to remember everything! And of course Barbatos just becomes even more suspicious ! Because he’s wearing his past face and for some reason Barbatos has the credit for aiding the rebellion even though Carmen was the leader and definitely doesn’t remember a winged god there.
But Carmen would ignore this in favor of finding out what happened to his family. Beginning the serching of trying to find out what happened to his friend and little brother venti when the stormterror Crisis begins.
I have more silly ideas with this AU, but I haven’t been able to write them since I’m focusing on Windwheel. However I have considered once I finish book one I could write this story (since it’ shouldn’t be too long -) before continues Windwheel but in case I didn’t, I wanted to share the main idea because it’s been in my head for years! I needed to write it somewhere!!!
In case I do ever write the full story in my head I think I’m going to call this non existent fic ‘A second chance at freedom,’ so… I can organize my tumblr tags… I like organizing sue me ;-;
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industria-adastra · 19 days
[Genshin Impact] Time Trial #7
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Summary: It was nice and all that the Iudex and Lady Furina had finally made up. The sudden new period of picture-perfect weather was truly much more suited for spring compared to the previous second coming of the prophesied flood. That being said, it would've been preferable not to be able to be an ear-witness to their attempts at both embodying the spirit of spring and their horrifically public honeymoon period.
Maybe he should've ordered some soundproofing earpieces from Sumeru. - TD;LR A short piece looking into the mind of a beleaguered Palais office worker on a Friday afternoon.
Pairing: Neuvillette/Furina
Note: I have a decidedly juvenile sense of humour. Please note that there is implied sexual content between nvfr in this fic (albeit mostly through terrible innuendos).
As par the course with days like these, the sun shone bright and cheery, with nary a cloud in sight. With the accompaniment of a muffled, staccato thudding, Claude smacked the Autostamper 300 every so often with a stoic look. One by one, the papers were stamped in an excruciatingly slow fashion, inadvertently forcing him to listen to the music of creation. This duet was certainly more well-oiled than the hunk of scrap metal they called the Autostamper 3000. 
Flipping open his pocket watch, Claude noted—alongside the rising frequency of the thudding, much like the last six times—that it took about 10 stamped proposals for the Chief Justice’s (now weekly) office exercise to supposedly come to a close. Well, even if it wasn’t for this particular timed trial, it would be for Claude’s work day. 
With the same stoic look (that appeared increasingly similar to the blank-eyed stare of a medaka), Claude locked up the Autostamper. Just in time for the echo of a church bell to resound throughout the room. He supposed that’d be the new Friday lunch bell now. 
Shuffling the papers together and walking past the room where the Iudex finally discovered the joys of a healthy work-life balance (which was also his office), Claude placed all his completed work on Sedene’s desk. As he waited for her to finish checking all the papers, Claude debated the pros and cons of a proposal regarding the Palais Mermonia’s soundproofing. 
He wondered if it’d be blasphemous to indirectly comment on your ex-Archon’s healthy sex life. 
Perhaps it’d be better to simply propose a four-day workweek instead. Especially given his superior’s tendency for early celebrations of the weekend…  
Sedene’s voice cut into his thoughts, pulling him out of his musings. “Everything here seems to be in good order,” she said, paws deftly sorting the papers into particular groups. “I’ll make sure to notify the relevant departments about them on Monday.” At this point, it was clear that they both knew the lunch bell also signified the end of the work day for workers like him. 
He nodded, “Thanks, Sedene.” Muffled noises trickled from the Chief Justice’s office. The four-day workweek proposal was sounding more and more appealing at the moment. After a pause, Claude decided to ask Sedene for her opinion on a four-day workweek. After all, it was always good to get some alternative views on ideas before even attempting to create proposals based on them. It was also the better topic to ask her about, rather than something like, ‘Do you think Lady Furina and Iudex Neuvillette are attempting to create a sister race for the Melusines?’. That would’ve probably been prosecutable under one of the Acts relating to defamation law. And genuine blasphemy.
“Sedene.” He said, unknowingly taking out his pocket watch.
“I wanted to ask…” Claude trailed off, absent-mindedly rubbing at the delicate filigree of his watch. “What are your thoughts on a four-day workweek?”
“A four-day workweek?” Cocking her head to the side, Sedene blinked at you with curiosity. “Well, that certainty sounds—”
Just as she was about to give her opinion, the Chief Justice’s office door swung open with a bang, cutting off Sedene. Instinct compelled them both to look at the source of the disturbance. Logic told Claude to continue pretending nothing happened. 
He ended up staring blankly at Lady Furina’s dishevelled figure for a good ten seconds—looking like she was wearing yesterday’s clothes with how rumpled they were—before turning his head back to look at Sedene. Just barely, he managed to avoid looking Lady Furina in the eyes. Had she caught him looking, he would’ve had to feign sudden blindness with his poor acting skills. 
In the back of his mind, Claude noted that her legs had been shaking ever so minutely, but asking if Lady Furina ‘needed a chair or anything’ would probably just add further embarrassment to an already embarrassing ordeal. Unlike the ex-Archon, he was not a master of social skills. He was also very satisfied with his job and wanted to keep the risk of losing it low, please and thank you very much.
It seemed like Sedene was of a similar opinion to him, as she had been staring expectantly at him. “Ah, sorry, as you were saying, Sedene?” Claude asked, ignoring the choked noise of surprise behind him.
“Well, as I was saying, I think a four-day workweek sounds quite interesting. An extended weekend sounds like it’d be quite nice to have, although I’m not sure what that’d do for the current work hours… But why the sudden ask? Is this a new proposal you want to file?” Sedene’s paws moved to pen down the idea as she said so, briefly looking away before she then continued to speak. “If so, I believe you’ll have to wait until Monday for the proper forms you need to do.” 
“No, no, not a proposal, just something I thought about at the moment,” Claude answered. “I was curious about your thoughts on it, since you’re the only other co-worker I can ask right now.” With gentle hands, he tossed his pocket watch from palm to palm. The singular source of noise only emphasised the lack of workers within this particular area of the Palais. “I thought it might help cultivate, ah, what to call it? A…more harmonious working environment. Mn, yes, those were the words I was looking for.” Tossing his pocket watch into his other palm for the final time, Claude gripped it tightly as his gaze darted over to Sedene’s scribbled note. He wondered why he hadn’t seemed to hear the echoing clicks of Lady Furina’s heels growing quieter as she moved toward the exit, as per the regular schedule. 
Then again, for all he knew, he could’ve simply gotten too used to filtering out any noises originating from his superiors, to the point where being willfully deaf to them was a passive skill of his.
Almost immediately, the Chief Justice’s voice appeared out of what seemed like nowhere, just to add weight to that hypothesis of his. “And in what way would you suggest a four-day workweek would help to facilitate a more harmonious workplace, Claude?” He asked, sincere curiosity evident in his tone.
Claude did not jump, shriek, or attempt to obtain a trip to Fortress Meropide via an offence of battery, but his hand did violently spasm around his watch. Quickly, Claude turned around to see Chief Justice Neuvillette, staring curiously at him and Sedene. A quick look to the left showed Lady Furina with a mortified expression on her face. An oddly heavy scent of seawater hung in the air. For someone with such a towering stature and wearing heeled shoes, he certainly knew how to make a surprising entrance to a conversation. Literally.
Or maybe he truly was going selectively deaf.
“Ah—” Very eloquent of him. 
As usual with social blunders like these, the Chief Justice’s verdict was swift, and no remedies were offered. He merely looked on expectantly, leaving Claude to flounder about and think of the best way to phrase something like, ‘Please just take Fridays off so I don’t have to hear the efforts involved in creating the miracle called life.’ Or ‘Your office is not as soundproof as you think,’ which was the real reason for his four-day workweek proposal. 
After an awkwardly long period of silence, where even Lady Furina didn’t offer any justice, Claude simply decided to say, “I…just think it might help promote a better work-life balance and workplace efficiency if there are more days to rest.” 
Yes, that would probably work, even though he, for one, did not have any data to back up the claim. To top off the steaming pile of complete and utter bullshit he just served—like some rancid egg on an equally rotten steak tartare—Claude was not a member of the Maison Gestionne.  For goodness sake, he was part of the Maison Ordalie, and lying to his direct superior due to the sheer embarrassment of the truth was not something he’d ever thought he’d do, nor ever wanted to do. In his mind, it seemed evident that this so-called “proposal” would only end with the Chief Justice outright dismissing it.
Not that he’d mind if he did, to be honest.
“Is that so?”
Somehow, against all odds, his provided “reason” seemed to work—Chief Justice Neuvillette now looked to be silently, and even seriously contemplating the idea. From the corner of his eye, he could see a relieved expression on Lady Furina’s face. 
However, that relief quickly turned into a steel-like determination. One that was possibly brought about by some minute expression or action from the Chief Justice that bode ill for everyone’s continued sanity. 
But with a determination to do what, Claude wasn’t sure. That said if it got rid of the awkward atmosphere hanging around like a bad smell, or like the weekly reminder that your rulers were cultivating a healthy appreciation of physical activities— (He forcefully stopped that train of thought for what seemed like the nth time today) 
Anyways, Lady Furina had always been a master of social interaction, and currently, more importantly, the one who knew the Chief Justice the best. If there was anyone who could get him to drop this evidently loaded situation, it would be her. With bated breath, he watched her step towards the Chief Justice.
Her steps were stiff and wooden, but Lady Furina didn’t stop for even a moment’s hesitation. Due to the speed at which she walked, she inevitably made short work of the distance between her and the Iudex. At that point, Claude had finally decided to emulate a cardboard standee—or customer service personnel.
“Neuvillette,” she called, bravely grabbing both his hand and his attention in one swift move. “Should we not go for lunch now? I feel positively famished, and I’m sure you’re hungry too. Besides, haven’t you previously lectured me on the importance of having scheduled mealtimes?” With a gently scolding tone, Lady Furina added, “It’s no good overworking yourself without taking breaks.” 
“While that may be true, I’m sure you, in turn, have lectured me before about the importance of properly ‘finishing up’ conversations with people.”
“Well, have you come to an opinion on this unofficial proposal?”
“It’s certainly one that could be pondered upon for a potential trial period. After all…” At that point, he’d bent down and whispered the rest of his words into Lady Furina’s ear. Meaning that Claude and possibly—hopefully—Sedene, didn’t hear any of it. Thankfully, that also meant that Claude didn’t need to either pretend or legitimately go deaf from a momentary period of legal insanity. 
Judging from the way Lady Furina’s face practically exploded into red, and the almost imperceptible quirk of the Iudex’s lips, Claude was rather assured of the implementation of the solution to all his current workplace problems.
“Ahem!” Lady Furina coughed into a gloved fist, looking as if she now found the carpet to be the most interesting thing in the room. “I… I also believe that it could be something worth trying out. After all, as I’ve said earlier, there’s no benefit in overworking oneself without breaks—which we should be taking right now, as I’ve also said. If there’s anything else you’d like to say, I’ll be waiting for you outside the Palais.” With that, she sharply turned her heels and practically fled.
The Iudex watched her go, before turning to Claude and Sedene to say, “Given the lull in recent workload, perhaps we could try it out in the coming weeks.” He smiled at Sedene, saying, “I hope you rest well during those times.” His attention then went back to the both of them as he said his goodbyes for the period. “I also hope you two have a restful break.” With that, he finally went away.
‘Well,’ thought Claude, watching him walk away whilst holding in a palpable sigh of relief, ‘I certainly won’t be missing having to do any more trials. Nor this particular lunch bell.’ With a resounding snap, he closed his pocket watch, already beginning to think of what he could do with a three-day weekend.
“Say, Sedene…”
“What light novels have you been reading recently?”
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lotusseedguy · 5 months
The Devil's Price!
Platonic WHB kings +Sibling reader: How it came to be This is going to end up being my base for reader in platonic WHB fics, but I will specify if otherwise Short, Also the reader pretty much gets kidnapped and doesn’t care at all in most of them- No Beelzebub here, forgot him-
Long before you had met Satan, you lived in a small hut deep in the forests of Gehenna (Think like Gamigin when he first met Lucifer). Despite your young age and lazy behavior, you survived on foraging alone with no one else around to help you. Satan found himself wandering the outskirts of Gehenna when he first laid eyes on you in a little hammock outside the small abode you had made for yourself, snoozing away without a care to be found. He felt something in his mind telling him that he MUST take you home. Satan wasn’t sure how to do that, so he waited for you to wake up. Once you did wake up, Satan looked at you, and said one thing; “I’m your brother now, no questions.” You didn’t get a chance to properly process what he said before Satan picked you up and walk back to his residence. You never questioned it, and neither did anyone else. It just worked out.
MAMMON: KING OF GREED Mammon has always been a busy man, more often than not consumed by the work of ruling over Tartaros. Despite this, he found himself craving something new: something that he couldn’t put in his treasure warehouse but was just as valuable as all the items inside. Mammon went to Eligos for advice, as Bimet wasn’t much help. Eligos, after listening to what Mammon had to say, suggested what may have been the best thing he ever said. “Maybe,”- Eligos starts- ”You should make a sibling for yourself, your Highness.” Mammon had a good idea of what to do after some thought and he went straight to work carving a small statue made of gold in the shape of a child. With a tiny bit of magic, you came to be. Though Mammon could technically be your father, He’s your brother, no questions.
You were a spirit husk (Think like a Seelie from Genshin), floating around the world aimlessly, no ideas in your head to give you any sort of direction. Time was nonexistent to you, and so too was thinking foreign to you. Sometime within your thoughtless roaming, there was a blond man with white eyes and black Sclera, as well as a blue-haired man beside him. The blond man held his hand out to you, and within a blink of an eye, you had a form. Small red horns sat on your head, and a very confused look on your face. The blue haired man laughed slightly, and put a jacket on you, as you may or may not have had any clothes on (That's up to you).
The blond spoke quietly, almost unable to be heard. “Good. Come now, we’re going home.” He grabbed your arm, and within time, you became ‘Lucifer’s little sibling’. Unbeknownst to you on that day, Lucifer had been watching you for quite a while, and had been keeping an eye on you. Unlike the relationships he had with his brothers in heaven, Lucifer wanted a more… Simple relationship. A sort of relationship formed by trust. Lucifer had never been one for words, but you always knew what he wanted to say when Lucifer made subtle gestures to show that he cared.
You were lost. You were a demon, but that’s all you knew. Wandering the woods of Hades for even an idea for your identity, but you never found it. You watched the water levels rise and fall, until they didn’t stop rising. The land where you had once lived was flooded, turned into what could be considered a lake. You sat on the ground. Starting out at what had been your home. You felt watched; as if there was someone there. And there was. A gorgeous demon with black horns stood behind you, and put a hand on your back. “Tears are futile. I am now your home.” Leviathan yanked your arm, and shoved you into what seemed to be a coffin. You pounded on the door, desperate to get out. Seconds felt like hours as you became exhausted from trying to escape. You were scared; petrified even.
At last, the door opened and you tumbled out, falling flat on your face. Looking up, you see the beautiful face of Leviathan staring down at you. You frantically look around at the lavish bedroom, before you feel a yank at your neck. Within the time you spent confused and panicking, Leviathan put a red-rope noose around your neck, and pulled you up by it.
"Look at me." Leviathan stated grabbing your chin in order to force you to look at him. When you do, he looks at you as with an oddly calm face. "This is your room now. I am your brother, and you WILL stay here when I am not with you. Do you understand?" You nod, confused but you don't really care because he's pretty.
This makes no sense but take it anyways.
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fandangotales · 2 years
what if you accidentally left your computer on when going out for a quick grocery shopping? and what if the characters accidentally stumble on your nsfw liked posts, arts or even worse! asmrs? as someone who has a good stash of sub genshin things i would be ready to yeet myself off of my balcony🤭
Warnings: NSFW mention/content, cult au, a pinch of yandere. <3
Pervious fic mentioned in the ask HERE
Characters: Albedo, Venti <3
A/n: As somebody who also has a good stash of sub genshin things, I would gladly join you… especially if they found my tumblr.
You were casually sitting on the couch one day, scrolling through your phone. Another Qiqi meme, and another ad for “free” primogems…
You were getting rather bored, and a little creeped out at how much Albedo was staring at the “strange device” in your hands.
You decided to ignore his analytical stare, as the alchemist would often look at you for extended periods of time.
You shrugged it off, going back to your scrolling.
To anybody else, it would probably be seen as strange, but considering that you were The Creator…
Any opportunity to behold your holiness, to be in the same space as you, or to simply to bask in your presence…
It is an honor of the highest degree.
So please, don’t be too bothered by his unblinking stare.
Albedo observed the way you would always have it with you, and how you seemed to give it most of your attention. Perhaps you were revisiting the “Posts” in your “Saved Folder”?
The one time you showed him how to navigate this thing you called Instagram, he might’ve clicked on something he wasn’t supposed to see…
Now, it wasn’t his intention to snoop into your saved folder! But, Albedo’s curiosity was piqued. And with that curiosity, it becomes impossible for him ignore the subject of interest. Especially when that specific subject pertained to you.
53 saved posts, the screen read.
His eyes had widened, as he took in the contents of your screen.
53 posts of… him and some of your other acolytes, in questionable angles, often doing questionable activities, or wearing questionable articles of clothing… was this something you were into?
He’d need to document this new information, to know more about Teyvat’s Creator.
His memories were interrupted by your voice.
“…do you want something?” You asked, wondering what Albedo was thinking about.
You saw him nervously shift where he sat, as he cleared his throat.
“I… would like to ask you about the art you have saved on Instagram.”
You froze, immediately turning off your phone and shoving it underneath you.
“Oh! Hahah! Of course…!” You trailed, silently dying on the inside.
If he had saw THAT folder, you were in for quite a bit of explaining.
“Art! Y-yes…” You said, seeming to avoid eye contact.
“If that stuff can even be considered art-“ You half mumbled, indiscreetly shoving the phone into the depths of the couch cushions.
He could sense your obvious discomfort, so he decided to cut straight to his point, in an attempt to spare you some embarrassment.
“Your Grace.” The blonde started, in all seriousness, “Would it be pleasing to you if I were to wear cat ears?”
The room was dead silent, except for the occasional bird chirp from outside. Albedo was unnerved by your blank stare. He wasn’t being too presumptuous to assume that you wanted him in that way-
Or maybe you were disappointed in his lack of enthusiasm? He could assure you that he would be delighted to serve you in that way, to gain your favor, to be yours-
“I-if that’s not enough I could wear a collar too!-“ He blurted, sitting up completely straight.
The silence returned momentarily, as your mind whirled with ideas of what to say, how to even deal with this…
Before you could come up with a response, the image of Albedo in cat ears and a collar was conjured up into your mind.
His soft blonde hair and matching cat ears… a turquoise collar to match his eyes…
The way he might look up at you, not so innocently pawing at your body, desperately panting for your attention-
“Your Grace, are you alright?!” Albedo panicked, quickly approaching you with a cloth. “Why is your nose bleeding?”
“Yeah, and there’s a ton of music that people from all over this world have recorded, and the best part…”
You trailed off, for a dramatic effect. You saw Venti’s aquamarine eyes follow your every move.
“You can either listen to music, or watch anything on this platform, as long as you have WiFi!” You gushed, going on and on about the wonders of “YouTube”
A chime sounded, interrupting your rant.
“Oh, the cookies are done!” You exclaimed, getting up from your spot on the bed. “I’ll be right back, feel free to browse YouTube for whatever you’d like to hear!”
“Ehe, ok!” He smiled, gleefully clicking into the “Library” section of the “app”.
The door of the room clicked shut, and the ex-archon was left by himself.
“Recently watched?” He said to himself, curiously tapping on the category.
A wide variety of videos pulled up on the screen of the phone.
He hummed, casually kicking his feet in time with the rhythm, as he scrolled through the videos.
“Daddy Diluc punishes you for not paying your bar tab? ASMR?”
He tapped the video, as the first hints of sound emit from the device.
“You’ve been naughty, kitten…” the voice trailed, sounding eerily similar, if not exactly the same as Diluc. “But I think you already know that… don’t you?”
Venti wheezed, doubling over laughing. To think that the Creator of Teyvat would watch and listen to something of this nature-
The door opened, as you finally returned from taking the cookies out of the oven.
Venti flinched, attempting to hide the phone behind his back. However, in his haste to move the object, it fell out of his hands.
You stared at the bard in confusion, still standing in the doorway. Before you could ask him about his flustered state, a loud clunk sounded throughout the room. The phone had fallen right between your desk and the wall.
You choked when you heard the oh-so-familiar voice coming from the phone.
“Since you’ve been so naughty, basically begging for my attention, I guess I’ll just have to punish you. Hm? You’d like that?”
“VENTI WHY DID YOU CLICK ON THAT?!” You screeched, immediately dropping to the ground, desperately reaching your hand into the crack between the wall and your desk. You failed to reach the device.
“I-“ he started, continuously being interrupted with laughter. “I-m sorry, y- Your Grace-“
You were mortified when the less appropriate part of the video started, the lewd noises echoing through the room.
“H-hah, kitten… you’re so tight- so perfect for me, bent over the bar like this…”
Your face went bright red, as you stood up, hastily grabbing Venti’s arm, proceeding to drag him out of the room.
You slammed the door shut, as Venti kept laughing.
“You. Heard. Nothing.” You said, your face turning bright red.
“Nothing.” He said, an innocent smile on his lips.
You sighed in relief, before seeing the mischievous expression on his face.
“Venti…” you warned, side eyeing him.
“I heard absolutely nothing, kitten.” He cackled, before he went dead silent. “Is…that my voice?”
From under the door, you heard a new video begin to play.
“A-ah- please-“ somebody said, imitating Venti’s voice.
“W-windblume- I’m- hAH~ g-going to c-cum!”
Your face somehow managed to get redder, as you slowly turned back toward him.
“I… I am so sorry you have to hear that.” You muttered, your eyes meeting his amused ones.
“Don’t worry about it! After all, I wouldn’t mind if we were to record our own video like that.” Venti grinned, taking your hands in his own.
You blushed even harder, as he continued his rant, excitedly detailing all he wants to do with you. His fanatical expression was making you a little nervous.
You just didn’t understand how euphoric this made him, to know that you were watching things of this nature about him- and that he was with you now, all alone…
“Anddd, maybe you could bend ME over a bar? That could make for a really interesting ballad, about the scandalous love between the Creator and the Anemo Ar-“
He was cut off by a particularly high pitched moan coming from behind the door.
You swiftly retracted your hands, running back inside of the room, thankful for the excuse to escape his tightening grip.
“I am turning this phone off, if it’s the very last thing I do!” You screamed, angrily attempting (and failing) to reach for the wretched device.
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nyxronomicon · 8 months
ahh ok i got tagged by @consolationblog (like a month ago oops) and @peachsayshi RIP y'all forcing me to look at the ever growing WIP pile......
rules: post the names of all the files in ur wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send u an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have wips!
death painting womb || choso dating sim! featuring a band au and choso's band mates toji and sukuna assassin toji x widow reader || you've just killed your husband. except a sexy assassin just walked in to tell you he's supposed to do the same... roommate toji || sleazy craigslist roommate who gradually manipulates you into getting more physical with him... vampire toji || not really a WIP bc @pearlsxandxpeonies and i started a vampire jjk rp with it but i wouldn't mind posting some of it neighbor!toji || inspired by that day i was raking the yard and i was like "wow this would be great if i was actually getting fucked silly by toji instead" emo!Nanami || best friends to lovers. i wanted to make this multi chapter but i had too many ongoing series (and still do lol) nanami cucking gojo || i was gonna do a whole series bc gojo is such a cuck to me... seven minutes in heaven || just an excuse for Sukuna to get, uh, handsy... (if you know what i mean) CEO!Sukuna || drabble for a sukuna sugar daddy au... stepbrother choso || this is OLD and not usually my thing but damn if choso was my stepbrother... hatefucking || okay i admit it. i wrote hatefucking with gojo. i wanna punch his face with his cock inside me ok. i wanna make him bleed and cum at the same time. don't look at me rejected excerpt || OKAY I ADMIT IT the hatefucking got a little too soft so i put the gooey romance shit in a separate doc. in this house we punch gojo mid-coitus. don't look at me getting his head ripped off? || literally 28 words i will never finish this. but yeah gojo again salvation || ongoing series but i'll answer stuff about the upcoming parts! parent trap || ongoing series but i'll answer stuff about the upcoming parts!
embarassing how many of these i have when i have literally posted like two genshin fics lmao divorced detective wrio || just a gratuitous amount of a messy divorced man sigh. meant to be multi chapter mara struck || uhh yeah fueled by the idea that what if blade goes into heat from being mara struck... werewolf, werewolf take 2 || multiple attempts at werewolf!wriothesley smut for monsterfucktober god || scara x reader based on that scene with haypasia in that greenhouse. i was self-inserting so hard, don't lie you did it too itto || bbg rescues you from some guys and has to bring you home with him. you know. for healing purposes... alhaitham || classic sex pollen going feral on each other lol dumb bitch juice || alhaitham begrudgingly agreed to tutor you, his friend's little sister, but he actually just spends the whole time objectifying you (until...) dottore bondage || dottore kidnaps you and reprograms your memories with the akasha yakuza au || i just felt an urge to make an au that feels like the yakuza games. i don't think i had a pairing in mind i was just having fun lol captured || you're a stellaron hunter and jing yuan captures you. such a shame for such a pretty girl to be stuck in jail on new year's
bnha / stockholm syndrome || overhaul kidnaps you and learns you have a unique quirk; complete adoration and obedience to whoever drinks your breast milk (please don't look at me WHY is this so embarrassing to summarize lmao) csm / kishibe || incubus!Kishibe for monsterfucktober! somno and infidelity you know the drill
no pressure but ppl i'd like to peer into their cursed wip folder (if u didn't do it yet lol) @solomons-poison @pearlsxandxpeonies (i know u have one now hehe) @suget @vampyrsm
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essential-oils234 · 6 months
Writing 101: Tips and tricks for experienced authors to novice ones, or just a little reading for anyone who wants to learn something new.
Have you ever gotten into a slump where writing feels like a failed career and nothing you write ever seems to turn out well? (I know I have). Maybe you're itching to write something, it's been so long since you've looked at your notebooks of inspiration or google docs of madness. Maybe you just don't know where to start, and it feels like you've failed before you even begun.
Well, I have a few tips that just might remedy that!
(I'm in no way an experienced writer. I've read a lot of books, watched a lot of character analyses on Youtube, but I'm only at the start of my writing journey. So please don't take this to be expert advice and don't feel disheartened if my methods don't work for you. Everyone has a unique style of writing, and it's only through trial-and-error that you can really begin to find yours too.)
So, without further ado, here are some tips and tricks that helped me organize my thoughts and plan out chapters, develop my characters, and resist the call of procrastination.
"What do I want from this story?"
It's a question that sounds elusively simple, but it's one that's more tricky to answer. For me, at least, it's hard to pinpoint a few ideas that manage to encapsulate what I want the readers to feel or understand from my story. It's even harder when I try to summarize my thoughts into broad themes/ideas, such as love, compassion, hard work, etc.
I usually start a story on the basis of something really small, and then I work out from there. For example, I'm currently working on a Genshin Impact fic that I only started writing after watching an animatic. An animatic. (The link will be at the end of this post, if you guys want to check it out and show some love to the creator.)
A whole freaking story started on the basis of an animatic that is 1 minute and 41 seconds long. It's kinda crazy how that worked out. But in a way, it makes sense. The biggest creations start from small, simple ideas that slowly grow over time.
What I'm trying to say is: don't disregard those silly little ideas that you think don't hold much importance over trying to figure out the big, important plot. Oftentimes, it's those silly little ideas that make up the big important plot. So I'd advise you to turn to a blank page or start a new google doc and write that question at the top. "What do I want from this story?" Your answers could be anything, from little details like "he goes back to his birthplace to confront his family" or more broad ideas like "they have a conversation about loss and how to cope with that". Bullet points or sentences, whatever you choose, this is your dumping ground for all the stupid ideas you have that might not ever make it into your story. The point of the question is to exercise your mind and get it thinking about the main plot, as well as a helpful organization tool for all those scattered thoughts that don't really fit anywhere else.
2. "What if I can't start writing a story because I just don't have any ideas?"
That is a harder question to answer, since writer's block has a multitude of solutions that work for some people and don't for others. My advice is, keep focusing on the small things, since it essentially forces you to start minimally and branch out from there. Inspiration is all over the internet, and those small ideas can help jumpstart your brain into creating something new. If you see a few posts about 'cottagecore' on Pinterest and that inspires you to write a fantasy story about witches, then go for it! If you read a book and want to write something similar, except with a different ending, go ahead! (Except if you're posting it on the internet, please credit the original creator.)
Don't feel guilty for "stealing someone else's idea" or mad at yourself for "not being able to come up with anything original". We all have to start somewhere, and it's okay if what you write isn't completely novel. (That's what fanfiction is for, after all!)
Oftentimes, our brain puts us in a corner where we convince ourselves that we just can't write anything because we don't have any ideas. Maybe that's true, but the thing about writer's block is that you really won't have any ideas unless you start actively thinking about potential plots or characters. Searching up 'writing prompts' on Tumblr will no doubt feed you with a slew of interesting ideas that you can build off from there, and Pinterest is a gold-mine of creativity. The main thing, of course, is to have fun in the process. In the end, the person who you're really writing for is yourself.
3. "Okay, I have a few ideas and plot points, but what about organizing it? How do I go about organizing a multi-chapter story?"
This question is from people who are mainly like me, who like organizing their chapters out before they actually write them. It's good to have a reference point to come back to if you take a writing hiatus, and it's just nice having everything jotted down somewhere I can easily find.
I'm not going to get too specific here, since everyone has their own way of writing notes, but after I have a bunch of main ideas that more or less make up the whole plot, I start narrowing those ideas down into chapters. I have sections of bullet-points for each chapter, which have general ideas that aren't too specific, since I tend to figure out the specifics as I'm writing. (ex. He has a flashback that shows his past before switching back to the present) If you're a person who's pretty gung-ho about these things, you might lean towards the idea of "figuring it out as you go along". If you're super organizational, your chapter notes might go down to the most minute detail before you actually start writing.
I also have a few 'braindump' sections that are pretty much like the "What do I want from this story?" notes, except they're a bit more relevant to the plot instead of just random details and dialogue I want to insert sooner or later. I also have sections where I write about important themes in my story that require further elaboration (ex. the concept of morality, what it means to be human, etc.) It's important to flesh out these ideas beforehand so you have a good idea of how to show these underlying themes in your actual story.
Last but not least, please, please, please flesh out your characters before you start writing a story. It's honestly my least favorite part of writing, but it's incredibly important because your characters are what makes up your story. A good story is known from it's good characters. I, personally, create lists of traits/flaws for my main characters so I can, as a writer, understand them better and know how to show their personalities in writing. I also write lists of attributes before and after they go through ✨character development✨ so I can understand how they've changed and grown and start formulating ideas on how to show that in my writing.
So, we've reached the end! Yay, that took way too long and I didn't even get to talk about procrastination!!🎉🎉 Hopefully, this will not be the first and last 'Writing 101', since there's plenty more I'd like to talk about and plenty more to learn. If you have any questions or anything you want me to talk about next, don't hesitate to drop a comment or ask me anything! I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities. If you liked this post, please leave a like or a comment. It's really motivating and just feels great to know if people like my content.
(Here's the link to the animatic I mentioned earlier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REBxGWSMRn4. It's been a huge source of inspiration for my writing and art, and the person who made it is insanely talented. If you're into Genshin Impact or just want to see some good art, go check out their other animations and comment/leave a like!)
I hope your writing journey is nothing short of spectacular and creatively amazing, and I'll see you in the next one!
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kurogane2512 · 6 months
The jealous cocolia scenario has me intrigued, and I can not get over the fact that she is dead we just saw a third mommy and she died 😭 I do wonder what will happens after the stellaron affected cocolia and the reader relationship will be.
I'm getting desperate of HSR cocolia one-shots like Signora....
I did not think much for the aftermath of that particular fic, but briefly thinking about it I imagine there are moments where Cocolia keeps slipping between her past self and Stellaron affected self, cause she's internally trying to fight it for Y/n and others and she starts recognizing her errors. But the Stellaron keeps overpowering her and soon after the Express arrives, Y/n would ask them for assistance to save Cocolia and I imagine they'd do things differently than the canon story in this case.
Then by whatever means they are able to take out the Stellaron from her, she'd likely face some trials and be given punishment most likely either jail time or banishment. But I feel she'd want to contribute to heal Belobog from her actions, so some kind of community service would be best. She'd assist Bronya being the new Supreme Guardian, even though she may be reluctant but Bronya would want her advice. Then ofc she'd be grateful to Y/n for saving her and they live happily <3
The main reason I find Cocolia difficult to write is the lack of her lore and screentime. I'm usually confused if I should show her being affected by the Stellaron or not, and if not then how drastically different is she from what we saw in the game? I do imagine there is some notable difference, but I feel some traits would be retained given her position and status. Then Signora being a Harbinger has a lot of story potential outside of her own lore, the Fatui have extensive connections everywhere so I naturally get ideas to put her in different scenarios and I have settled with how to write her satisfactorily.
I definitely agree I want to write Cocolia more, I have been playing hsr regularly for some time now but I don't feel a connection with Belobog and it's characters the way I do with Genshin's setting. It kinda feels we left Belobog too early and idk if any event brought us back to it, but yeah I don't find opportunities where I can put in Cocolia for now. Still, I'd try to get up to date with more lore and quests and see if I can make up something :)
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kabira · 2 months
a much-needed update.
hiiii so i realize i've pretty much left everyone here hanging for the past year, almost? and mentioned reposting on ao3 about a billion times but haven't really followed up on it. i've toyed with multiple ideas, like reposting, rewriting, deleting this blog off the face of the earth to disappear forever (jk), etc but! i've done some soul-searching in the sweltering summer and finally come to a decision.
there isn't a lot keeping me in this community now, but writing - for fun - isn't something i want to stop doing, because it's really important to me even outside the context of a fandom. i've become pretty rusty lately, though, owing to the fact that my last stint with writing a full-length piece was over a year ago, and i haven't really had the time or brainpower to chase down those plot bunnies (though they remain persistent). however, there's nothing that makes me want to write more than going through my old fics and being horrified by my many mistakes <3 so <3 i will instead be slowly rewriting and reposting my old fics.
does this mean i'll delete the old versions? probably not, because i like to see my own growth. i'll leave them unlinked on the masterlist and floating around on my blog in case anyone wants to revisit them. can't say i'm going to fix every single fic, but i'll try to do most of them. might even combine a couple of them into a single continuity (looking at you, spider-vernon).
i know i'm the prime example of all talk and no anything else, but i swear i'm going to try my best this time. hell, i opened my original draft of bhobc last night and redid the whole last scene on a whim, so i'd say the process is already in swing. if i can't bring myself to commit to something completely new, i'm at least going to try and redo what i already have. until then, i have some new ideas brewing that i'll probably end up either posting on ao3 (here) or my genshin blog (here) because i don't think i can fully come back to writing for kpop anymore. there's a million reasons for this, but the one that stands out the most is the way this community has responded to the events of the past few months.
despite all the atrocities being committed in gaza, i haven't seen most people even deem to comment on the state of affairs or use their accounts to bring light to them (some have talked it about their mains and not their kpop sideblogs with a SIGNIFICANTLY larger following - i wonder why!). even if you say it's for the sake of keeping content apart, why does this divide exist to you, truly?
it's disgusting to see that even some of the people here i used to respect haven't mentioned it, instead choosing to talk about their favorite kpop boy or, i don't know, what sonic character they'd be. even if something happens within the fandom, the outrage seems to be only momentary, a couple untagged posts expressing disappointment here, a two-week break there, and then they're right back to writing egregious smut as if nothing ever happened. where's your anger? where's your fucking humanity?
anyway, tldr, i'll be rewriting a big chunk of my fics and reposting the older versions anyway. also, fuck you to everyone who's been silent about the ongoing genocide.
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kanonavi · 9 months
2023 XVX Fic Recs!
Hi, all, I hope you're having a lovely holiday season! Around the beginning of this year, just for fun, I decided that I would record all of the fanfics that I read this year, and during the summer I had the idea to take some of the best fics I read in 2023 and compile them at the end of the year into a rec list. Since xiaoven was the ship I read the most fics for, I've decided to just do a rec list for them this year, but maybe in the future I'll branch out more!
As with any rec list, please take note of the ratings and the tags for any given fic! Just because something suited my taste doesn't necessarily mean it will suit yours, please take care of yourselves. Now, here are 10* fics that I read this year and think that other xiaoven fans should read too! (Also uh. Sorry for how much I'm about to talk in the reviews lol)
*Keep an eye out for a few bonuses that I've peppered in ;)
We Creatures of Fate, by Wackachu
[Ongoing, Teen, 57.9k, 7/?]
Xiao is a weapon forged from red, carved from the hearts of weeping souls and etched into the memories of grieving mothers. While free under the care of a new God, he finds salvation, yet feels as trapped as the day the chains first clamped down onto his wrists. Venti is a God, one born from the wishes of others as opposed to his own. After losing his loved ones, he can't help but feel lost, high on a throne all alone, built upon all things he despised. The two find each other by chance, yet the rest can only be described as fate. ---------- A telling of Xiao and Venti's story with a hefty load of lore
If there is any fic on this list that should be read, it’s this one. I am an absolute sucker for speculative lore when it comes to Genshin, and the picture that the author has assembled of Archon War-era Liyue is absolutely masterful. Within the threads of that beautiful tapestry, they’ve also been interweaving Xiao and Venti’s developing relationship all the way from when they were a newly-freed Adeptus and young Archon respectively. They have a long journey ahead of them (the burn is slow, folks), and I think that said journey is an absolute must-read.
Extra Recs: Wackachu has also written two other xiaoven one-shots, which I highly recommend for more bite-size pieces of their excellent taste!
the holy light of your single lantern, by boxofcrows (@miralia)
[Complete, Teen, 34k, 6/6]
“Long divided by river and sea, For years we two have failed to meet – And suddenly to find you seems like a dream.” Thousands of years of silence, broken by a single visit.
This fic wrapped up recently, so it’s a great time to go and show it some love! One of my biggest sorrows is that xiaoven is rather lacking in really good canon universe fics compared to other Genshin ships, but this fic managed to fill that hole in my heart. The author does a fantastic job of capturing the way that Xiao and Venti’s conflicting natures and ideals can cause friction between them, all while maintaining the undeniable magnetism that they feel towards each other.
Relax In My Arms, by alphaparrot (@aparrotandaqrow)
[Queerplatonic XiaoVen, General Audiences, 5.9k, One-Shot]
As Lantern Rite arrives, Xiao is found exhausted and spent by Qiqi of Bubu Pharmacy, who brings him back to Liyue. Upon awaking, Xiao quickly makes his exit and returns to Wangshu Inn, where Venti is waiting for him on the balcony. Xiao isn't in the mood to party, but maybe a chill hang-out would help him relax. Venti knows just the thing to help Xiao relax and recuperate, and as they both get comfortable, they begin to reflect....
Author's Original Promo Post!
Queerplatonic xiaoven was a flavor of their relationship that I hadn’t tried before this fic, but it really sold me on it. What I’ve always loved about xiaoven so much is the inherent intimacy that can be achieved between them once all of the emotional barriers between them have been stripped away, and I think that those ideas are explored very beautifully here. Xiao and Venti trust and love each other so deeply here, and it shows in every word and touch that they exchange, and I think that it’s a must-read for anyone whose brain chemistry was altered by the ‘Endless Suffering’ trailer (so basically, every xiaoven fan ever lol)
i can not save us (but you can), by anemowisp (@sillygirl19)
[Teen, 19.4k, One-Shot]
two boys figure out what the hell they're doing
In the midst of one of the most turbulent times in my life, one particular line in this fic really hit me where it hurt, and it’s one of the few times that I’ve actually cried reading a fic. In my xiaoven-enjoying friend groups, we sometimes call Xiao and Venti old men with teenager problems, which means they don't always work when turned into actual teenagers/young adults with those problems, but I think this fic pulls it off really well.
what queer sins stain thy soul, by Anonymous (@sincerelyandyourstruly)
[Mature, 3.2k, One-Shot]
In which Xiao, long-established asexual, learns that identity is not as stable as he’d like to believe.
As an ace person myself, I feel it’s so rare to find a really good asexual character study where the asexuality is actually one of the central focuses of the intimacy taking place (if anyone has any recs of that variety please hit me up!), but I think that this fic pulled that off really well. It also delves into that particular vibe of when one’s identity might be shifting, which can be a really scary thing, but Xiao in this fic is lucky enough to have someone he loves and trusts to support him as he explores his new desires, which was really comforting to read about.
Where Words Fail, by kavvueh (@kavvueh)
[Complete, Teen, 34k, 12/12]
Author's Original Promo Post!
"You're Barbatos," Xiao repeats breathlessly. The young man in front of him nods. "Yep." "But..." Xiao cuts himself off and tries again. "You're the God of songs and poetry." The Anemo Archon nods his head sagely. "More or less." Xiao fixes Lord Barbatos with the most incredulous look he can manage. "... You're failing Music Theory."
As someone who was also suffering through music theory alongside Venti as this fic was publishing, all of the attention to detail in the musical aspects of this fic absolutely tickled me. But all of that was merely a foundation for a lovely story about a pair of souls finding their partner in a new life. The musical connection that xiaoven have is one of the essential tenets of the ship, and this fic did a beautiful job of using that idea to its fullest potential.
Extra Rec: kavvueh has recently started publishing a new xiaoven fic with a similar setting, so if you enjoy these kinds of fluffy modern aus, give that one some love as well!
The Stars in Teyvat are a Lie, and So Is the Sky, by yueyunn
[Complete, Teen, 148.2k, 13/13]
There were several issues that Xiao immediately took with Ningguang’s proposition for him to produce for Barbatos: his other artists had upcoming comebacks and year-end stages that required his attention, he was overworked enough as it were already, and Ningguang was not exactly someone he was looking to do any favors for. While her persistence to overlook all this was one matter, nothing aggravated him more than Ningguang completely ignoring the obstinate fact that he. doesn’t. work. with. idols.
Perhaps I was a bit like Xiao in this fic at the beginning of this year, because I approached the two idol/celebrity aus on my to-read list with open skepticism, and then ended up absolutely adoring them both. What I loved about this fic the most was how much care was put into actually translating the character’s canon backstories into the modern idol au setting. The author clearly has so much love for the characters, and it really shows through in the way that everyone has their chance to shine, even the side characters. This fic also updated recently with 15k words of extras, so it’s a great time to visit or revisit it!
Extra Rec: gold rush, by underthethousandstars was the other idol/celebrity au I read this year and really enjoyed, so if those aus are up your alley, I highly recommend it!
low-key (no pressure!), by windrise (Twitter - @/wyndrise)
[Ongoing, Teen, 75.7k, 11/?]
Following his friend’s questionable suggestion, Venti partners with Xiao—the resident grouch of his early morning stats class—for his music project.
If you want to sit down with a fic that will give you the warm fuzzies, this is definitely the one to pick. As alluded to previously, I don’t really go for modern aus as much, but this fic absolutely blew my expectations out of the water. I was getting the ‘squee’s as I read about Xiao and Venti growing closer over the course of working on Venti’s project, as the author has an excellent grasp of the deep inner kindness that the two of them hold, and how that kindness would naturally draw them together.
bouquet of lies, by underthethousandstars (Twitter - @/zhongliorder)
[Complete, Mature, 85.9k, 12/12]
In a world where humans can use elemental magic, Xiao uses his to move through the shadows becoming Liyue’s phantom killer. Known to the public as Alatus, he is their most notorious assassin. One day Xiao secures his biggest job yet: kill the Crown Prince of Mondstadt, Venti. Harbouring no love towards any royal family Xiao pulls off his mission with success. Or so he thought.
This fic falls solidly on the darker end of xiaoven stories (the ‘Dark Fantasy’ tag is there for a reason!), so if you happen to like your ships with an enemies to lovers flare, this is definitely one to check out. This is one of those stories that really managed to pull me into the world of assassins and political intrigue that the author has crafted, and on top of that it puts a fun spin on exploring Xiao and Venti’s individual guilt and the way that it affects them as people. The first fic in the series is finished, but the second installment is currently in progress, so I highly recommend checking that one out as well!
every morning in the dark, by magicites (Twitter - @/bribird_wings)
[Complete, Mature, 77.1k, 34/34]
Stuck in a time loop where he succumbs to his karmic debt, Xiao struggles to see the point in moving forward. Venti struggles to save him.
While by far the heaviest of any of the fics I’ve recommended so far (mind the warnings and the tags!!), if you can stomach the subject matter, this is one of those fics that I would refer to as XiaoVen Essential Reading. The author has a pitch-perfect grasp of what makes xiaoven, qualities which are pushed to their limits as the two of them struggle to break free of the loop that they’re trapped in. I took severe emotional damage while reading it, but my only regret was that I hadn’t read it sooner. It’s definitely A Lot, but it’s so, so worth it for anyone who really enjoys this pairing.
And with that, we reach the end of the list! If you've made it this far, thank you so much, and I hope I've given you some fics to add to your to-read list for the coming year! I tried to incorporate some newer fics with some classics, so hopefully there's something here you haven't heard from before.
With that said, I'll hopefully be back next year with some more xiaoven or other Genshin fic recs! <3
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pocarinapyon · 2 years
For the rules of the SAGAU fics, I offer a new idea. What if the reader wore a sleep mask? They can't see them unless it's off so they shouldn't disappear.
Hi, hi, dear anon! 🤩
Ooh. Thank you! That's an interesting idea! 🤩
If it is the original brainrot, then the boys will still disappear because the requirement is "there should be no (fully) conscious people around".
About how to prevent the boys from disappearing related to the sleep mask. I'm thinking of two scenarios here. 🤔🤔
Scenario #1 : You being only half-awake because of the sleep mask, the boys are not disappearing. Have you ever felt like you were still in a dream but actually you're awake? It's like that. The sleep mask prevents light from pestering your eyes thus your brain thinks you still need to sleep or you are still asleep.
In your semi-conscious state, the boys can stay IRL but Teyvat is trying to tug them back...slightly. 😅 They're just glad that you being half-awake does not equate to half of their body being transported back to Teyvat. 😅😱😳
Scenario #2 : THE GLITCH! Similar to this glitch here - wherein the boys get stuck once they have materialized and Genshin closes unexpectedly. Now, what are other rules that can be bypassed? Example... At first, you all thought the boys can only stay when Genshin abruptly shuts down. Until one day, you accidentally found out that the boys won't dematerialize when your eyes are covered with something else. There are specific steps / requirements, though. First, of course, Genshin should be open. The boys will materialize once you are asleep. Second, you should sleep with eye-mask on. Third, keep your eye-mask on when you wake up. The game will still think you are sleeping because they can't "sense" your eyes.
Now imagine a free day alone with your bond 10 Genshin boy? 🤩😍♥ (Sleep mask = blind fold? 🤔 Imagine the chilis potential for extra spiceeeeee! 🌶🌶🤤)
Sooo... My biases are Albedo and Childe (plus Alhaitham OMG ALHAITHAM AHHHHH!!! ♥♥♥) - Sorry, no chilis yet
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Scenario #1 :
Albedo chuckled as he watched you sleeping. The mask covering your eyes seemed useful. He should definitely get one of those masks - one matching yours to be precise. It helped drift you into dreamland once again when he almost accidentally woke you up.
How silly. What he did were risky moves.
Risky yet fruitful.
Risky because, in a more powerful voice, he expressed his desire for you.
Risky because he kept stealing kisses from you.
Risky because he kept touching you in an attempt to determine how far he could go.
Yet fruitful because, with the aid of the sleep mask, he was able to do so much while you remained in your half-conscious state.
Scenario #2 :
"Let me guess. They're [food], right?" you spoke, guessing the source of the delicious aroma filling the air. Wearing a sleep mask, you were robbed of the sense of sight in exchange for heightened sense of smell.
"That is correct, my princess," Albedo, with a chuckle, answered back while continuing to cook your breakfast. "I know you love this so I thought I'd cook it today."
You smiled at the sweet gesture of your prince. Bliss filled your every being as you cherished the moment Albedo made for you. Last night, you did not expect to wake up to the Chief Alchemist's gentle voice; or to be kept blind-folded by your very own sleep mask; or to be surprised with a delicious meal; or to be pampered.
Really, you were so lucky to have a loving man.
Ah, if only he could stay forever.
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Scenario #1 :
Childe couldn't help it. This man loved to cuddle you and kiss your every inch. He was so clingy; so jittery that he accidentally woke you up.
"Hey, [your name]? Are you awake?" Childe excitedly asked.
Teyvat was pulling him back. It was a sign that you were awake. He could feel it, yet the force was weak. So did it mean that you were awake because he felt he was going to dematerialize? Or were you still asleep, given that he was still here in your room?
"Yoo-hoo, [your name]? Are you awake?" Childe repeated.
He poked your cheeks. The only thing in his mind was to introduce himself to you - not as Childe from Genshin Impact - but as Ajax, the man who secretly admired you. The thought of finally interacting with you clouded his mind that he was set to wake you up.
"Hey, wifey! [Your name]! Wake - ack!!"
You laid still in bed, waiting patiently for any signs of movement in your room. There was someone, you're sure of it. Yet a few minutes passed and nothing weird happened. Did someone actually pole and call you? No? Maybe it was just you still dreaming?
Scenario #2 :
"Childe, I love you but I need to do stuff," you whined at Childe.
"No way! Let's just stay in bed, yeah? I want more cuddles. I didn't wake you up and I patiently waited for a veeeeery long time, you know? I deserve this reward," the man demanded, squeezing you in his arms.
This clingy man. Your alarm went off around half an hour ago. Whatever it was you planned for today, you should forget about it because today was Childe Day.
"Five more minutes," your Snezhnayan hubby negotiated as he nuzzled you.
"You said that thirty minutes ago," you grumbled yet reciprocated the ginger's affection.
"Haha! No. I said that an hour and a half ago," he instigated.
"What?! Childe!!"
The only way to stop this man from preventing you to do what you needed was to remove your sleep mask. But to accomplish that, you had to free yourself from his bear hug.
Cuddled by Childe. That was your life now.
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Scenario #1 :
"Hmn... Not bad," Alhaitham remarked to himself.
He shouldn't but he did.
He actually rummaged through your stuff to look for spare sleep masks. And success, he found them! These had different designs from the one you had on, but it didn't matter to him. What mattered was the object did its job perfectly: to protect his eyes from intruding light. With it - paired with his noise-cancelling earpieces - he could get more rest on lazy days. Pocketing the loot, he continued to rummage through your stuff, as if he was in an archaeological area.
He shouldn't but he did.
"Hoo....?" he noised as a his chest got heavy for but a slight moment.
Alhaitham approached you to find a peaceful sleeping beauty. A peaceful sleeping beauty? If so, then why was Teyvat gently pulling him back? The logical explanation would be you were almost awake. He couldn't let that happen now. Thus, he did what was needed to do: to lull you into sleep by soothing your body.
Scenario #2 :
"Mmh... Alhaitham...?" groggily you asked.
The smell of brewed coffee wafted in the air. Still with your sleep mask on, you sat up and trained your ears on any signs of Alhaitham.
"I am here," the man finally responded as he approached you, bringing with him the scent of caffeine.
"Ahaha... You really enjoy making coffee, don't you?"
"It's not about enjoying the process but rather enjoying its product in an efficient way. The simplicity of adding coffee beans and letting the machine to automatically-," Alhaitham then went on about the difference between manually making coffee from beans versus using your coffee maker. You listened to how he enthusiastically told how your coffee maker worked step by step.
"Simply put, enjoying coffee was made easier with your new machine."
You smiled at where you assumed Alhaitham would be. He may not admit it, but you could hear how marveled he was in your coffee maker. Buying a new one with grinder was worth it after all.
With your sense of sight blocked by cloth, you failed to know Alhaitham had been smiling at you the whole time. Of course he was happy about how efficient your coffee maker was. But what made him happier was he could spend more time with you. The thought of you and him cozily cuddled together and sipping beverage filled him with ecstasy.
"I made you drinks as well," he mentioned, putting his own cup down to assist you. He held your hand and guided yours towards your cup of favourite drink, "Careful, it's hot."
By the way, sorry for the late reply. 🥺
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ahhhsami · 9 months
AO3 Writer 20 Questions
Saw @thatonebirdwrites answer these questions focused on AO3 writers and thought it'd be fun to answer them too!
1) How do you keep getting ideas for your ship/fandom?
Day dreaming, music, and other media (books, movies, TV series).
2) Which authors inspire you in your fandom, and why are they so freakishly good?
This is the main question I wanted to answer because I wanted to just praise people and share their works!
A_M_Nicholson since I really adore their AUs and amazing vibes you get from their settings. The characters are always so interesting and they're able to maintain the characters' personalities and traits even though they are in an AU.
RaeDMagdon since her stories introduced me to omegaverse. She also cranks out solid works consistently and it's extremely impressive and admirable.
Xaibaugrove's writing makes you feel things through her words. Each chapter, paragraph, and even sentence is so well thought out and her story telling is to die for. Plus the depth and details she goes into for the surroundings is beautiful and immersive.
Tabsbee writes for Genshin Impact and I adore her style of writing and the modern AU settings she uses. Everything she posts is a banger. Plus they feed my need for more JeanLisa stories!
AnotherShotofBourbon was one of the first fic writers I ever read in the korrasami fandom. They started a series of soulmate AUs and I adore them so much! Their new works are also just as exciting!
Velvet95 has super unique and fun AUs. They're working on their sequel to a galactic sci-fi story that they had created a while ago and just as the first part, it's super enjoyable and creative!
AsamiOnTop has a behemoth of a fic (I think almost 300k words) and it's such a fun read. I loved seeing her growth from chapter 1 to the ending and it's always so admirable seeing people wrap up long fics like hers!
kittymannequin is another OG korrasami writer that inspired me to write fics myself. Whether her stories are for TLOK or Arcane or another fandom, it's always a delight to read.
tumblr blogs: @raedmagdon @xaibaugrove @tabsbee @abronzeagegod @kittymannequin @asamiontop
3) Aside from the characters of your main ship, who are the characters you love to write?
There's a handful but here are the ones that come to mind; Vi & Caitlyn from Arcane, Jean & Lisa & Beidou & Clorinde from Genshin Impact.
4) Are there pairings or tropes you know for sure you'd never write about? Which ones?
I lean away from tropes that delve into Family dynamics. Mainly pregnancy since I actually don't like babies...
5) What is your writing process and why is it cursed?
Get an idea
Jot down a rough plan
Start writing and stray instantly from the plan
Get a new plot bunny and fight with myself whether to continue what I've written or scrap it for a new shiny story
Obviously the 4th step is where things become truly cursed.
6) What is your favorite part of your writing process?
Since I write so many AUs, the world building aspects are my favorite.
7) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve had to research for a fic?
I've had to research a lot of things... but the weirdest usually revolve around bodily injuries or time period research to keep things as accurate as possible when needed. If you need to know how to prepare opium like they did in the 1800s... I got you.
8) Is there a particular writing rule you struggle with (grammar, spelling, tense, reality in general)?
Grammar 100%. But I also think breaking grammar rules are okay for vibes, bruh.
9) What was your hardest scene to write so far and why?
It's one I'm currently working on and have been for years. It's the next chapter of Start Again and I'm struggling to progress the story in a way that I like. I've written and scrapped it so many times that I've lost count at this point.
10) Have your characters ever done something you didn’t expect, changing your plot completely?
All the time...
11) If you could converse with any of the characters, who would it be and why?
It'd have to be Korra. She's got such a special spot in my heart that I don't think I could choose anyone else.
12) What are some of the tropes or themes that you find yourself returning to in your writing?
College AUs just keep coming back even when I think I've had enough of them.
13) What's your most important resource as a writer?
Other books. I don't have a book in particular, but just reading other books and fics is helpful. I've also joined a local writer's guild that has been helpful too!
14) Can you share some of your strategies for editing and revising your work?
I read/mumble my stories aloud to myself to see if things come out clunky. I also have a wonderful partner that betas the majority of my stories and I couldn't be more grateful for her.
15) Which is worse: making the summary, picking the tags, or the anxiety when you post your fic?
SUMMARY. God damn, I will spend more time on a fucking summary than the story. I will also be lazy at times and just copy and paste an excerpt if I'm at a real loss.
16) How do you define success for your fanfic - hits? Kudos? Comments? Bookmarks? Or just if you like it?
A huge factor for me is if I personally like it, BUT hits/kudos/comments are always appreciated. The goal is to share my stories with people and for them to enjoy their time reading, so it's always nice to receive all of those. I don't gauge much off of bookmarks since I often write explicit fics, which tend to be privately bookmarked or not bookmarked at all.
17) Do you have a playlist for your favorite character/ship?
I make playlists for stories/chapters. I don't do them individually for characters. I wouldn't be surprised if I have 50 or so playlists for my writing though.
18) If fan art was going to be made from your work, which fic would you pick and which fan artist would you like to create it?
When it comes to the story, I'd want the artist to do art for one that resonates with them. One that somehow inspires them. And oh man, when it comes to specific artists, I'm not sure since there are so many amazing ones. I've recently been inspired by @seijousai and am writing a story inspired by their Clorivia art. @ppyuuingles art is super wholesome and adorable. I love their JeanLisa stuff. I also have always adored @persnickety-doodles style of drawing when it comes to Korrasami. In the past I had the pleasure to collaborate with @unii-outlawed and later commissioned her. If you don't know her, then definitely check out her stunning artwork! Other amazing artists that deserve a follow are @ttanaart, @kf1n3, and @mimiendos (follow their twitter).
19) How many WIPs do you currently have?
Erm... posted on AO3 there's 20 unfinished stories BUT I also have over 100 completed ones. As for the WIPs that are written and not posted... that's also probably in the 20s. It goes back to all of the plot bunnies that I get and the battles I lose which results in partially written stories.
20) What's your advice to new fanfic writers?
Write what you want. Even if you feel that it may be niche there'll definitely be people out there that will read and enjoy it!
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lovelynim · 2 years
Hiii!! Congrats for reaching 300 followers, you deserve them and even more 😸
If I'm not too late, I'd like to propose an idea for the drabble event with lee Tighnari and ler Cyno (as a romantic ship) 👉👈
It's set when they were both students at the Akademiya and they're working on a chemistry experiment together, but Cyno does something wrong and everything explodeds. No one gets injured but they're all covered by a red pigment so they have to shower. When they're done, Cyno notices that Tighnari is still sulking about the failed experiment and he thinks of a way to cheer him up
He points out that the fennec has some red pigment that wasn't washed away (obviously it's not true), and pokes Tighnari on that spot, then gives him another poke, and another, and another, until he starts tickling him for real until he forgets about the experiment
I'm sorry if the idea was too long or too detailed, if you don't choose to write it I won't mind at all 🥰 Felice anno nuovo 💚🤍❤️ (Happy new year)
Genshin Impact - Tighnari x Cyno
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A/N: Sooo, I know this was supposed to be for the Drabble Event, but the prompt was so well written that I felt I’d waste it if I only wrote a drabble… Then, here am I, humbly offering you this fic. Thank you so much for your kind words and support and I hope you like it!
Summary: After a failed experience, Cyno tries to find a way to make Tighnari smile again.
Word count: 1323 words
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Tighnari muttered something under his breath, using a towel to dry off his hair and ears, with some extra care on the latter. What a bad idea. The recently borrowed shirt was a little too big for the fennec fox, but it was the best Cyno could borrow him at that point. Tighnari was wearing an oversized shirt and shorts, with his legs and arms bare, a comfort clothing to spend the night at someone’s dorm. 
“Sorry, I don’t think I have anything smaller,” the other student pointed out, his voice coming from behind. With one hand over his hip, Cyno watched the other student from the door. With his chest bare a towel over his still-half-wet hair, he had only a pair of light trousers on. 
Tighnari turned his head back to the wall as soon as his eyes landed on Cyno, feeling the heat taking place at his face just from the sight. “A-ah, don’t worry about it, it’s fine,” he replied in a hurry, coughing to clean his throat. The other could see how the fennec’s ears lowered and his tail curled moments before he continued to talk.
“Also, I’m sorry for earlier,” he muttered with embarrassment in his voice, using his hand to hold his arm, “I should have helped you…”
A few hours ago, the two of them were experimenting with some flowers Tighnari picked the other day. Despite not knowing their exact nature, the two students were confident enough to start working with the plants, after all, it could be the start of a research that would greatly contribute to the Akademiya’s projects. 
Mashing a few petals, mixing them up, adding some liquid and pouring them together in a flask. In the worst case scenario, it should only be a waste of time… or, at least, they thought so. 
Being his major, Tighnari was the one conducting the whole experiment, studying how the components of the flower would react to different stimuli. And, at some point, he requested his laboratory assistant (and secret crush), Cyno, to pour the flask’s contents into a bowl with some powder they prepared earlier. 
The goal was to see what kind of effects a cream produced with said flower would have. However, what they didn’t expect was that the mixture started to foam. 
Confused by the results, it was then that the students realized their mistake: instead of the powder, Cyno had poured the liquid into a bowl with some kind of yeast that was supposed to go into a later step of their experiment. Then, in a matter of seconds, the foam became thicker, bubbles started to form and, before they could cover themselves, boom.
Despite the loud sound that left Tighnari stunned for a few seconds, the only thing harmed was their ego. The laboratory was a mess, their clothes were a mess and so was anything in a radius of a few meters from the bowl. To make things worse, the red pigment of the flower was covering the whole scene. Even the rooftop was tainted in that bright reddish tone. 
Because of their impeccable historics as students, their professor let them slide out of it with just a short scolding and a simple punishment: they would have to clean the laboratory. 
From the moment of the explosion to the moment when they finally managed to get the red stains out of the ceiling, Tighnari was dead silent. And Cyno could tell how upset he was just by that. He wouldn’t mind messing up this kind of thing, but making the fennec fox so frustrated was worse than having to walk around the Akademiya covered in a bright red color from head to toe. 
And that's why he knew he needed to do something about it.
Back to the present, Cyno was trying to come up with the right words, wanting to say something to ease his friend’s frustration.
“It’s me who should be apologizing, Nari,” he spoke softly, taking a deep breath to gather the courage he needed at that moment and stepping inside the room. “If I acted more carefully, your experiment would have turned out right.”
There was no answer. Tighnari just kept sulking in the corner of the bedroom, without even looking back. Alright, let’s try again, Cyno thought.
“A-and who cares about what the others say? I mean, who are they to even judge us for a single mistak-”
He stopped himself from finishing his sentence once he noticed it had zero effect. He needed a different approach. 
“Nari… well, ahm��”
“Yes?” Tighnari said in an emotionless tone, slightly turning his head to look at the other student. 
“I think… ah, yes, I think I saw some red spots on your arm!” He said, reaching out for Tighnari’s hand without a second thought, pulling the other towards his bed.
“W-what? I’m sure I washed them awahay- ahah, C-Cyno, what are you dohoing?” He asked between soft chuckles, twisting and turning around as the other kept pinching and poking his torso.
“I’m trying to get rid of them, stop moving!” Cyno smiled, pushing Tighnari closer and closer to the mattress.
“T-this is a clean shihirt, how ahare yo- WAAH!” The fennec gasped in surprise when he was cornered against the bed, falling on his back on top of it. 
Once he had the other laid down, Cyno wasted no time and sat on his lap, sneaking his hands inside the large shirt, scribbling over the fox’s sides and stomach. “Let me help you, Nari ~” 
Tighnari could swear he saw Cyno grinning, but he wasn’t sure. As soon as his crush’s hands made contact with his bare skin, the only thing he could do was to throw his head back and press his eyes shut, as if it would somehow ease the feeling.
“NoHOHoho, C-Cyno plehehEASEHE!” Tighnari pleaded while trying to push Cyno away, placing both his hands on the other’s shoulders, hoping to defend himself against the tickling.
“Please? You don’t even need to ask twice, Nari… It’s my pleasure to help you,” Cyno grinned, feeling how the other’s legs kicked the air behind him. “I think there is a stain right heeere,” he teased, vibrating his finger against one of Tighnari’s ribs.
“AHAhaha, y-yohou aAHare n-not hehehelping! CoHOhohme on!”
“Then, Nari, what am I doing, hm?” Cyno muttered, letting his hands travel as they pleased inside Tighnari’s shirt, exploring each inch of bare skin they could find and drawing the sweetest laughter he ever heard out of the fox with each touch.
Cornering Tighnari against the mattress, Cyno leaned closer to his face. The fennec fox had his arms clasped down against his sides, with his hands clenched into fists resting over his chest and, for Cyno, that was the perfect position to trap him.
Keeping a light tickling over his hips and lower sides, Cyno kissed the other’s forehead, making Tighnari wide his eyes in surprise.
“Don’t blame yourself for that experiment, ok? You have a really pretty smile, Nari, don’t waste it frowning like that,” Cyno said fondly, looking down at the fox in silence for a few seconds.”Hey, Nari,” he resumed to speak, pulling his hands away and freeing the other student from the tickling.
“Y-yes, Cyno?” Tighnari said, with an uneven breath pace and still processing what just happened.
“I think there is some pigment left on your face too. All over it, heh,” he joked, with a grin on his lips. Before the other could even protest back, Cyno was already holding Tighnari’s wrists, keeping them pinned next to his head, making the fox gasp in surprise. “or is it something else?”
“Yes, it’s you, you big lummox, not the pigment,” the fennec admitted, sighing and turning his head away. 
“Yeah? Then let’s take care of it, Nari ~” 
That experiment could not be the beginning of a new research, but it was definitely the beginning of something else. 
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