#so I was like kind of accepting I’d be stuck with it forever
cooki3face · 1 year
why are they silent?
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message: I’m feeling called to do this reading so I’m doing it. My posting and content schedule was literally all planned out and organized but I am unfortunately the embodiment of chaos however organized so now everything is all jumbled up. I think I’d love to have a little schedule and do all these wonderful things but I don’t believe that it’s really indefinitely the right direction for me to go in. I’m naturally spontaneous, I kind of go against the grain and go my own way all the time naturally and have done so since I was a child and so I think it’s time I live in my reality and find some acceptance here lol. I’m in the process of working through my drafts I have countless readings set up to be written and posted that I haven’t even tackled yet. Well anyways, hope this brings you peace and clarity.
Guys, *deep dramatic sigh”, this person has a lot to say. I can’t stop channeling. It’s running through me like water lol. You could’ve stopped speaking to this person, cut them off, or cut them off from your energy all together here. Someone feels like something is incredibly unfair or unjust. They may feel like the world or the most high is against them and they feel like you slipping away from them is a manifestation of what it means to hit rock bottom. But , I don’t see you able to romanticize this, this person, this behavior, their feelings for you (any longer) you’ve expanded much too big or experienced what it means to be valued and you’re never going back there or you simply don’t resonate with this at this time.
teenage dirt bag
I smoked away my brain- asap rocky
“Lowlife energy”
Peter Pan syndrome
“I don’t want to grow up.”
Life lessons
“Bigger than me” “you’re bigger than me.” “Larger than life.”
“It’s above me now.” “It’s out of my hands.”
Looking to the moon for answers
666- “a reminder to refocus and find balance in your life.” “a positive and transformative message from the celestial realm, representing self-discovery and spiritual essence.”
777- “linked to self-discovery and personal growth” “a signal to get present with what's going on between you and your significant other”
8891- “centers around personal growth and development”
786- “centers around personal growth and development” “healing and self-care. This number encourages you to take time for yourself and to focus on your own well-being”
**the angel numbers were insane, confirmation on confirmation***
“The devil”
Forbidden fruit
Forbidden love
Unrequited. Unrequited love
“Are you finished with me?”
“Can I be your shadow?”
“Within you.”
Karmic cycles
“See you again” -Tyler the creator, kali uchis
“Can I get a kiss? And can you make it last forever? Because, I’m about to go to war and I don’t know if im going to see you again.”
“La la la” “ok ok ok”
Ends of the spectrum
Redbone- childish gambino
Someone is coming to a conclusion about you and about themselves through you. I get mirror energy here this could be twin flame connection that you’re keeping small here. There’s imagery of someone trying to blow out a candle, or a flame that’s flickering and small. It’s not being fed. A fire that’s dying. Whomever this person is, they’re receiving their karma for who they were to you, for not making the right decisions, for being disrespectful, for stumbling through life like it’s a joke. Your spirit guides, ancestors, deities, the divine, stand behind you so fiercely. Someone is feeling some sort of wrath here for who they were to you or what they’ve done to you. I just heard, “you’ll know loss.” Someone is going to have to rise out of the ashes like a phoenix, exorcise parts of them that have kept them stuck, be physically pulled away from karmic cycles and habits. Someone says, “they aren’t learning. They aren’t moving.”
They’re feeling very restless and burnt out here. Someone’s tired of fighting. Someone’s being brought to their knees. “I hear you haven’t seen or felt rock bottom yet.” I even hear an ancestor saying, “watch this.” I’m getting the imagery of very divine and large beings sitting in a row of chairs. Almost like the last supper or the imagery of it and looking down on what’s happening attentively. This person is undergoing large heart chakra openings or having an awakening here. The imagery of the ace of swords gives me the energy of someone pulling a sword from the earth, after it’s been buried for ages. Someone is finally picking up their sword or stepping into their power here. But I see you being completely inattentive to this here. If you’re even reading this right now this is a privilege to them to have you sit and see what it is they’re going through. Someone’s not available and has made themselves unavailable or out of reach.
This person is so stubborn, they’re hard headed, and they’ve sorted planted themselves firmly in their place and have refused to move. They’re obsessed with status or are obsessed with keeping up some sort of facade or reputation to protect themselves or make them appear invulnerable, heartless, reckless and damaging. This person could like to fight, could be someone whose met with a lot of criticism or always is pushing up against or things. Using or manipulating some sort of influence. I see you coming to terms with this person and not resonating with who they are and not seeing any admirable qualities within this person any longer. This person is going to have to fight their way through the thick of the situation that they’ve built for themselves, undergoing inner purging, arising out of karmic cycles, disconnecting from karmic connections in all sorts and shapes.
This person is avoiding making hard decisions and setting themselves apart from others and owning up to their mistakes and actions. Something about this persons lack of accountability may trigger deep childhood wounds within you of some sort or be a pet peeve that you dislike very intensely in others that you now dislike very intensely within them. This person has to make a choice. The right one this time after a long time of playing games with the divine and playing games within the lives of others. They’re going to have to be reborn and undergo immense transformation and change. And this is what is going on. There’s a massive tower moment in store for them they you won’t be there for or won’t be a bystander in. This is for them to experience all on their own. It’s very likely that you may find this persons demise satisfying or be apathetic towards their hard ship at this time, I almost typed heart ship. You may be apathetic toward their internal conflict and heartbreak as well. It’s a long time coming I heard.
Someone is allowing the scales to be balanced out and protecting themselves by being nowhere near this incoming explosion or tower moment. They won’t be stepping in, helping to protect this person from their karma, or hiding this person away from their shadows. I’m getting imagery of the shadow man or Dr. facilliers death in the princess and the frog. This person is so unattractive to you right now. After a long time potentially of being your wish fulfillment and end all be all.
“ I’m scared somebody will take you from me.”
“ I let others interfere with our connection.”
“Go back to our spot.”
“I want to call/text you, but I’m afraid you won’t answer.”
“The warmth of your hands keeps my insecurities away.”
“Don’t give my love to anybody else.”
“I was too stubborn to admit that you were my person.”
“I need closure from you.”
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everything is okay pile two, you can relax. You may feel tension in your neck, your back, and feel a lack of energy in your legs or have some leg pain. You’re purging energies, undergoing transformation, and getting ready to accept more gifts and more happiness. Make sure you prioritize your rest, your eating and your overall health. The color blue could be significant, beige or light shades of brown, the color white, doves, crows, cats, and spiders. Snakes as well. If you feel lost, answers are on the way. If you feel alone and/or abandoned, spirit is always standing with you and protecting you. Spirit will not allow you to be mislead, be hurt, or be put in situations that will destroy you. Your spirit guides and ancestors commend you. I hear round of applause, whistling, and chants of encouragement. I actually left and took my ass to bed after pile one because pile one’s energy was crazy asl, I actually know pile one in real life. Bless their heart for real. ANYWAYS!!
Tangled up in you- the Alton’s
Heart to heart- Mac Demarco
Let’s stay together- al green
Tell it like it is- Aaron Neville
I put a spell on you- Nina Simone
Fade into you- mazzy star
Inner peace
222 - you’re on the right path. “signifies good fortune in finances, relationships, and career, as well as a reminder to work towards your soul's purpose.” “symbolize balance, harmony, and spiritual alignment” “the time has come for you to be more self-reflective, and focused on the duality of situations”
444 - your spirit guides are protecting and supporting you. “conveys a powerful message of love, support, and guidance from your angels”
22 - “welcome balance, wisdom, and divine transformation into your life.”
12 - “something in your life has been completed, and it's time to turn your attention away from the past and look into the future.”
896 - personal growth & development. “896 encourages you to put your devotion and efforts towards your spiritual passions and interests, in turn, manifesting abundance and plenty into your life”
888 - “positive flow, abundance, and rewards are coming your way.” “Stay open to abundance in whatever form it appears, not just what we expect or want”
8 - infinite possibilities
0 - “the number 0 is ultimately about unconditional love. "The force of love is around you all the time, taking the form of other people, opportunities, and even moments of clarity”
65 - “Angel Number 65 is giving you a message from the guardian angels that your efforts to transform and improve your life are being appreciated by the divine energies.”
100 - “symbol of new beginnings, manifestation, and spiritual guidance.” “aligning oneself with eternity while finding balance between our inner world and outer reality so that true harmony may exist within us.”
110 - “it’s time to manifest your dreams.”
Careful consumption of media
Deciding on morals & boundaries
Shadow work
Smoke cleansing
Water cleansing
Mother Nature
Mother Earth
The Moon
Menstrual cycle
Divine feminine energy
The metaphysical
Inner child
Inner compass
Erykah badu
pile two… this person.. this person.. I’m so obsessed. This person is open and genuine. They may have expressed to you so much already but anything their withholding is more and further confirmation of deeper feelings and desire to do more for you and offer you more love and more peace. You may be in a relationship with this person, this gives committed relationship vibes, it doesn’t give situationship vibes, nothing is in the air, there’s no dust kicked up or fog that’s obstructing the clarity of the situation. It is what the two of you say it is, it looks like exactly what it is. It sounds like exactly what it is, devotion. Amy winehouse “love is a losing game” just came on, I have it playing on my tv and I just turned it up because it’s playing so quietly all of a sudden when my volume is already high and everything else was loud and clear.
It kind of gives me the impression that anything within the energy of loss and heartbreak is over and silenced. Spirit is covering your ears and covering your eyes to perspectives and ideas that aren’t in alignment with this connection and the love you share. The song just ended, “tell it like it is” just came on, blaring loud I was like 🫨🫨🫨. This person is a real man or a real woman. They’re ready to love you, to give you everything. They’re asking that you be honest and bare your soul and tell me them how you feel. Pride aside, fear aside. This person loves you beyond the fear and ego. I’m getting sensual energy, it’s deep and it’s passionate lol I feel like someone is squeezing my heart right now. This person applies pressure or they really get you riled up. I’m feeling all of this persons feelings. I hear my heart in my ears, you know those chills you get when you listen to oldies, the blues, or that STANK face you make when you feel something deep in your spirit. This person is in your spirit, coursing through your veins right now lol. I haven’t even began reading through the cards. UGH! Unhand me immediately!!!
This is like an intensely passionate saxophone solo. If this person is silent in any way, it’s because they’re trying to take action in their lives to get themselves in a position to show you how much they love you in a material and physical aspect. They already have laid out so much love for you to have but they want to give you more. They want to over fill your cup. They fill your cup. Your cup is full but I keep hearing “more.” I’m seeing imagery here of a divine masculine giving you everything in his pockets or anything that he has and carries with him. For some of you this is a divine masculine energy. They know your love and devotion isn’t free and isn’t cheap. They’re willing to put it all on the line. They’re even becoming more enlightened spiritually. I see the imagery of the five of pentacles and one of the men on the card is looking up the sky here. This person is looking to the heavens behind you, looking to the divine, to the moon, to spirit. Showing their gratitude, asking for and manifesting success for them to give you, asking for and manifesting safety and protection over this connection.
This person is not undecided about you, they’ve made a decision. They have some self doubt about how well they’ll be able to show up for you or how able they will be to provide you with everything you deserve because they smell your divinity, they wouldn’t do wrong by you, betray you, or give you less than what you deserve. I’m hearing “don’t” by Bryson tiller. This person feels sorry for your exes. This person is ready to give you everything and do anything on your behalf and it only gets more intense everyday. This person is in their bag or about to be, making plans for the two of you, planning a future for the two of you, making decisions and making choices behind you and your influence and your presence in their life. Financial choices, spiritual choices, emotional choices.
This person is thinking of all the things the two of you can do together or build together it’s their primary focus. Any of this persons silence is them exercising self restraint or making room for you or for this connection to unfold and blossom naturally. They want you to feel safe and feel valued despite how passionate they feel or how much they want to envelope you in all of their love and desire. This person is levitating right now. They often feel they have to take moments to pull back and gather up their energy and bring themselves down from a high or an obsessive part of them that feels driven to you.
This person, in their silence, is constantly thinking about more ways to be honest with you, value your boundaries, express their own, communicate their feelings to you. This person wants to earn your trust and your devotion.
“ save the date.”
“ will you marry me?”
This person is most definitely thinking long term commitment, sees you as someone who could be their wife or husband. Wants to live harmoniously with you and have you for a long time ❤️
“you’re a witch.”
This person feels as though you have so much power over them. They constantly feel your influence. You could be into witchcraft or be into spirituality and manifestation and they believe in your power and divinity wholeheartedly. They don’t doubt you.
“You have so much power over me.”
“Healing my mother wound.”
You could’ve brought to light some maternal issues within this person or opened their eyes to the gravity of a situation regarding their mother.
“Sending you all my love.”
“You have my undivided attention.”
“Open your heart to me. Let me in.”
“Please wait for me.”
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This reading is being done in such immensely high and free floating energy. Someone is relaxing into something or surrendering, I’m getting imagery of someone being fully submerged into something warm or something with healing properties or that has the intention of transforming and rejuvenating them and restoring magic within the spirit. I’m getting Steve lacy - infrunami. Someone was hiding in plain sight here or may have been hiding away on purpose but the both of you are being met with true devotion from one another. There’s a lot of passion and longing I’m feeling. Someone misses someone or has plans to come to someone and be near them. Spirit is telling me, “I’m giving you space to miss one another or come to terms with who one another really are and what you meant to one another after a long time of being right underneath each others noses” there’s this energy of truths being revealed, the light or divinity in someone or the both of you being revealed. Someone within this collective may be drawn to pile two or have messages in two piles.
Love on the brain - Rihanna
Infrunami - Steve Lacy
Tears dry on their own - Amy winehouse
Mercy mercy - Marvin Gaye
Let’s stay together - Al Green
Wet dreamz - J. Cole
CPR - Summer Walker
Trust - Brent Faiyaz
(There is) no greater love - amy winehouse
Just another interlude- Bryson tiller
Glory box- Portishead
Accepting love
Energy of recieving
Divine timing
Divine plan
“Proud of you.”
66 - “a powerful symbol of balance and harmony.”
67 - “you are on the right path and to keep going.” “prosperity and good fortune are on their way.”
68 - “your angels are encouraging you to take a leap of faith and start something new”
88 - “great success, abundance, and prosperity.” “ This number's presence is a positive sign for matters of the heart, often associated with the abundance of love and blessings.”
99 - “spiritual growth and awakening” “it confirms that your bond is based on mutual respect, understanding, and love. But, there's always an opportunity to enter a new phase of even deeper connection.”
600 - “Your material security and wellbeing are protected. Balance, harmony, and stability in your relationships. Spiritual growth and higher understanding.”
666 - “ a positive and transformative message from the celestial realm, representing self-discovery and spiritual essence”
789 - “number centers around healing and self-care. This number encourages you to take time for yourself and to focus on your own well-being. It serves as a reminder that it's important to make sure your emotional, physical, and spiritual health are all taken care of.”
884 - “ a powerful reminder that you should stay open to what life brings your way. It's time to trust that everything is happening for a reason. The angels are reminding you to stay in alignment with your heart and soul. If you do, the universe will aspire to bring you what you need.”
200 - “conveys a message of hope and optimism for your future endeavors”
211 - “guides us to maintain balance and harmony within our relationships.” “a positive omen that learning to trust yourself will set you free”
Equal give & take
Space to be yourself
Overcoming fears
Emotional stability
Throat chakra
Chakra activation
Kundalini activation
Intense physical & emotional intimacy
Red roses
Vinyl records
This person is carrying with them a lot of emotional stress and burdens here but I also see them carrying themselves almost. Like they’re trying to hold themselves back from coming face to face with you on a deep and personal level. This person is having hard time and is tired and a little burnt out from feeling as though they have to suppress their devotion or their love for you. This person is incredibly attached to you as well as sexually attracted to you. They may hide from you or try to create space between the two of you so that you won’t see just how much they like you or how much they want to be with you, how much they want to be intensely intimate with you. This person overthinks a lot, they’re an anxious person and they’re afraid of embarrassing themselves in front of you or disappointing you. This person also feels like they might inconvenience you greatly by being authentic with you due to past connections and heart break that made them seem or feel like they weren’t important or valued or weren’t owed loyalty or devotion because of the way they were when they they showed up honestly. This persons needs weren’t met and their nervous system is in overdrive trying to overcome their fear of being close to someone again despite how much they love they hold for you in their heart.
Someone in this persons past may have gaslit them or told them that they weren’t as special as they advertised themselves to be or that their love and support wasn’t genuine or wasn’t worth fighting for or sticking around for or their portrayed this to them through actions. This person has been tired, carrying a lot of tension in their bodies, or are burnt out from how much energy it takes for them to keep themselves from you. Heard the worst by Jhene aiko, not necessarily the whole entire song but “I don’t need you but I want you.” And “I don’t mean to, but I love you.” But this person, they’re afraid, because they think that they love you but are afraid to tell you or reveal their love to you through words and action. This person feels as though you’re meant for them and they constantly feel the need to apologize for pushing you away or holding off from you out of fear.
This person adores you, they care for you genuinely, and they feel they’ve been blessed with and given divine love. You may come as a surprise to this person, you catch them off guard, or appeal to them in a profound way due to past experiences. I hear this person hoping and wishing that nothing takes you away from them. This person is in a constant state of healing and transformation in order to accept you. Manifesting their fear away, taking steps to let you see them, practicing putting down their weapons, leaving their past in the past, and breaking down the walls they’ve built around themselves in order to call and manifest true love and now you’ve arrived and the walls are ready to come crashing down. This person is reprioritizing things within their life as well. They could’ve had to shift into their dark feminine energy if this is a feminine energy. This person could’ve had to remove people from their lives, undergo a lot of purging, awakening and healing in order to put themselves in their divinely ordained position to receive love and love themselves.
This person is coming to terms with the fact that the worst is over and they won’t have to fight anymore and that they can fall into you finally and be taken care of and loved correctly. They’re in the process of coming to terms with the fact that the past is in the past and they no longer have to revisit it or hold onto it. That they’re safe. That nothing else can harm them any longer.
“Every song reminds me of you.”
“You taught me what real love is.”
“Divine masculine.”
you represent true masculine energy to this person. True divine masculine energy. Especially if you identify as the divine masculine within this connection.
“You have a lot of heart.”
“I’m sorry I pushed you away. I didn’t understand you, I didn’t understand my feelings.”
“Forgive me.”
“My souls purpose is to love you & be loved by you.”
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*double confirmation about spending time apart.*
Hope this served you right and brought you Justice and true clarity! I enjoyed curating this reading, thank you for co-creating my reading by being apart of the beautiful collective, by loving my work, by being patient with me! You are so loved and valued. ❤️!
235 notes · View notes
honeybeefae · 8 months
For the First Time In Forever…
I feel like writing again! I’ve missed you all so much and am so thankful for all of your love and support and kind words and just your existence! You are all amazing!
To celebrate, and because I’m wanting to ease myself back into writing as I am afraid I’m severely out of practice, I’m posting some prompts below that I would love for you all to look over and choose! Any character you want, any scenario, and you can combine!
I don’t know if I will get to all of them and as a forewarning, most of them will probably somewhat short, but I will do my best! I also want to extend this offer to the Baldurs Gate 3 fandom as that game has been my saving grace for awhile! But ACOTAR is very much accepted as well!
I love you guys and can’t wait to write again for you! ❤️
1.) “Don’t lie to me. I know everything”
2.) “I don’t love you.”
3.) “Please don’t do this.”
4.) “I can’t believe I fell in love with you.”
5.) “Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
6.) “Us? There never was such a thing.”
7.) “You think I would fall in love with someone like you?”
8.) “You don’t deserve me.”
9.) “You….you cheated on me?”
10.) “Don’t leave me, please, I still need you.”
11.) “What do you want me to say?”
12.) “You promised!”
13.) “Stop pretending this wasn’t your plan all along, to break me down until I’m nothing.”
14.) “You can’t do this.”
15.) “I hate you.”
1.) “Can I hug you?”
2.) “You’re everything to me.”
3.) “Surely you know how much I care about you?”
4.) “Come for a cuddle?”
5.) “You’re so oblivious, aren’t you?”
6.) “Stay with me tonight. Please.”
7.) “I love you.”
8.) “Can I keep you?.”
9.) “Come on, I wouldn’t forget your birthday!”
10.) “I’ve never seen someone so beautiful.”
11.) “I never thought I’d see you again…”
12.) “Come dance in the rain with me!”
13.) “May I have this dance?”
14.) “Will you marry me?”
15.) “I want to show you something.”
1.) Enemies to Lovers
2.) Friends to Lovers
3.) Strangers to Lovers
4.) Soulmates
5.) AU
6.) Amnesia
7.) Marriage of Convenience
8.) Lovers to Enemies
9.) Forbidden Love
10.) Fake Dating
11.) Second Chances
12.) Damsel in Distress
13.) Stuck Together
14.) Opposites Attract
15.) Love Triangle
1.) “I want to fuck you so badly.”
2.) “You can take it, pretty girl, can’t you?”
3.) “Mine.”
4.) “On your knees.”
5.) “Submission looks good on you.”
6.) “You look so pretty with my cum painted on your face.”
7.) “Please let me cum inside you, please, I need to breed you.”
8.) “Beg.”
9.) “Someone’s been bad.”
10.) “Don’t you want an audience?”
11.) “Use your words.”
12.) “Such a fucking brat, you should know your place by now but it seems I’ll have to remind you.”
13.) “Do you know how much I’ve been wanting to do this to you?”
14.) “No more, I can’t take anymore.”
15.) “Swallow.”
1.) One person is injured
2.) One person is sick
3.) One bed trope
4.) Pregnancy
5.) First Date
6.) Wedding/Reception
7.) First night together
8.) Truth or Dare
9.) Forced proximity
10.) One person discovers their secret
11.) Meet cute
12.) Accidentally hurting the other
13.) Hurt/Comfort
14.) Confessions
15.) Breakup
112 notes · View notes
gxldenlush · 17 days
prison for life || m.s
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based on this and this
pairing: murderer!matt x wife!reader
warnings: mentions of murder/blood/violence/etc, being held at gunpoint, use of y/n & random name for victim, angst, no happy ending, lmk if I missed anything
a/n: i’m not glorifying any of this. it’s just a story :)
blue-matt red-reader
I never thought it would come to this. My husband has always been protective of me. But never like this. My Matt. Standing in front of a judge because of me. He protected me. It’s my fault. My Matt. Being sentenced to life in prison.
I’m sat, helpless, as Matt is in the stand being asked about that night. He’s so calm, so collected. The total opposite to me, tears are streaming down my face as I hold back sobs.
“Mr Sturniolo, did you know the victim?”
“How long did you know this man for? Were you close?”
“I knew him for a few days. Only met him once. Heard about him before I met him”
“Heard about him? Can you elaborate?”
“The stupid piece of shit mugged my wife.”
“So you shot him?”
“Yep” His simple, relaxed reply shocked the whole jury.
He’s telling the truth. My husband shot the man who threatened to shoot me. I shouldn’t have walked home alone with my new Prada handbag that Matt bought me for my birthday last month. He came from nowhere and pressed a gun to my side until I put the handbag and my engagement ring into his open hand.
On our wedding day, Matts vows brought me to tears. The one sentence that has been stuck in my mind since Matt was arrested was when he told me “I’ll always protect you, and if anybody hurts you, I’d go to prison for life.” I guess he kept his promise… He stood over that man’s already agonising body as he shot him. multiple times. all while giving him a speech about how it’s a big mistake to fuck with his family.
You’d think he’d try to deny it, cover it up. I did. He promised he’d never leave me, and now here he is, owning up to a crime that will send him away for life. My Matt. Leaving me forever. He kept one promise at the expense of another. The sentence that snaps me from my thoughts is: “We’d like to call Mr Sturniolo’s wife, mrs Y/n Sturniolo to the stand for questioning please.”
My head snaps up.
“No. She has no involvement in this.”
“Mr Sturniolo, you will speak when spoken to.” The judge speaks up. “And yes, your wife does have involvement. Especially if she is the reason you murdered this innocent man in cold blood” This man clearly doesn’t love anyone the way my Matt loves me.
“Mrs Sturniolo? Please stand. Do you consent to questioning?” I stand and I nod. My voice breaking as I reply.
Someone leads me up to the stand where I take a seat and take oath.
“Mrs Sturniolo. May I call you Y/n?” The lawyer that is against my husband speaks to me, the fact that this woman is against my Matt makes me hate her instantly.
“Alright then, Mrs Sturniolo, is what your husband said about the victim mugging you true?”
“Yes. It’s true. But that man wasn’t a victim, he was a criminal, the same type that you are trying to depict my husband to be”
“Ma’am, he is a victim. He is a victim of a murder. Your husband murdered this man. Do you agree or disagree?”
I don’t answer yet. I look over at Matt. My Matt. His eyes are filled with love and acception. He knows what’s going to happen and there is no point in denying it. He gives me a small nod to tell me to tell the truth. Tears flood my eyes again as I nod, keeping eye contact with the love of my life. I fell in love with those eyes eight years ago. Everybody told us we got married to early in life. We were 20 years old, but we had been in love since 13.
The judge asks Matt to stand up. He starts to speak but I cut him off.
“Your honour, may I please just say something? To you and to my husband? Please” He gives me a sympathetic look as my tear-filled eyes beg him to say yes. He nods and allows me to speak.
“My husband is a good man. He is kind, caring, considerate, and he makes me so so happy. He doesn’t deserve this. At all.” I meet Matts gaze. “You promised to protect me. You did that. But what about your promise to never leave me? Did you forget about that? I can’t live without you, Matt. My Matt. You are my love, my lifeline. How am I supposed to go about my days without you? You can’t leave me Matty.”
Matt looks down, almost ashamed. Not of his actions towards that man, but of the promise to me that he is definitely breaking today.
“My husband didn’t kill that man in cold blood. It may be a crime but he did it out of love. I understand that it’s no excuse but…” I turn to the judge and then to the jury “haven’t you even loved someone so much that you never want to see them cry? You would move the world just for them because the only world in your mind is them. Please, don’t take my world away from me”
I look down as I sob. The judge stays quiet for a moment. “Ma’am I’m sorry but it just doesn’t work that way.. Your husband committed a crime. A very bad crime. He much be punished for it. You may go sit down”
The guy who escorted me up there takes me back to my seat. Half way I stop and turn to the judge again.
“If you’re going to take him away from me then can I at least get a goodbye?”
The officer grabs my arm again, at the corner of my eye I see matt jolt forward but his lawyer holds him back. The judge waves the officer off me.
“I can’t allow that. You will be informed if and when there are visiting hours where we send him. I’m sorry Mrs Sturniolo” I nod, dropping my head again as I sit down.
“Mr Sturniolo. You are being charged with the murder of Caleb Montgomery. How do you plead?”
Matt turns around and finds my eyes. I shake my head, knowing what’s going to happen next. He nods, silently telling me that everything will be alright.
“Then you are sentenced to life imprisonment, minimum 25 years based on behaviour.” My entire body flinches when he smacks the gavel down. Two officers go over to Matt.
My Matt. Being handcuffed and lead out of the room.
My Matt. Leaving me forever.
My Matt. Going to prison for life.
@h3arts4harry @mattscoquette
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Turns out my brain never knows when to stop (😅), so now I have even more plot bunnies for Descendants and I thought I’d share them with you!! Keep in mind that I probably won’t do official intro posts for most of these, but you can still feel free to ask me questions about them if you want!!
Bella Wolf, daughter of the Big Bad Wolf, poly Carlos/Jane ship, Fivel Stewart FC. A member of the VKs, despite being a total sweetheart for a villain kid and never really wanting to be evil, because she was the only kid who tried to befriend Evie when she had her mother were exiled and she and Evie have been stuck like glue ever since. Not originally selected to go to Auradon, but the VKs managed to sneak her through the barrier and Ben decided to let her stay. Genuinely befriends Jane pretty quickly since they’re both really sweet and quiet, and doesn’t necessarily like her friends using the girl, but she goes along with it and it breaks her heart to distance herself from Jane after Family Day. Has also had a crush on Carlos forever but doesn’t realize she likes Jane too until after Jane and Carlos start dating, and she thinks she’s missed her chance with both of them until they approach her about being a part of their relationship. Has been purely in human form, like her dad, for most of her life because of the magic blocker on the Isle, but when she gets to Auradon she discovers that she can shift into a wolf and back at will, and also has heightened senses and reflexes, which she uses to join the tourney team after it becomes more inclusive after the second movie.
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Charlotte Cogsworth, daughter of Cogsworth, Gil ship, India Eisley FC. Homeschooled in Auradon’s palace for most of her life, because she’s been in training to follow in her father’s footsteps and become an advisor in Ben’s future court and also because Cogsworth is a very protective father, but Ben manages to convince his parents to convince her father to let her go to Auradon Prep shortly before the VKs come to Auradon (and she almost gets pulled out of school again when Cogsworth learns about villain kids coming, but thankfully it doesn’t happen). A bit socially inept since she hasn’t spent a lot of time around kids her age other than Ben, but a very sweet and fiercely intelligent girl who’s accepting of the VKs right away. Offers to tutor the Sea Three and catch them up on any education they might lack after Ben brings them to Auradon after the second movie, and falls in love with Gil that way. Absolute besties with Ben since they grew up together, and is also really good friends with Lonnie and Evie and Doug (and also forms a kind of unexpected friendship with Uma after a while). Her father nearly has a heart attack when he finds out she’s dating Gaston’s son, but he eventually comes around.
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Beauregard “Beau” Beast, son of Belle and Adam, poly Harry/Jay ship. Younger than Ben by less than a year, but has always grown up in his brother’s shadow as the “spare heir”; even though Ben never tried to make him feel less than, he’s always known that his father didn’t care about him the same way, that he was meant to just be Ben’s right hand and nothing else. Inherited his mother’s love for reading and knowledge and has spent most of his life locked in his room or the palace library studying history and politics, hoping that he could become a well-known senator or ambassador to another kingdom. A bit wary of the VKs at first, but eventually befriends all of them and starts dating Jay (to Adam’s consternation, especially since Ben’s already dating Mal), and winds up being the one Uma’s pirate crew kidnaps instead of Ben when they go to the Isle to bring Mal home. He and Harry are intruiged by each other and flirt a little while he’s captive (awkwardly on Beau’s part), but he finds out after the Sea Three come to Auradon that Jay and Harry were actually involved for a short while before the fight between the VKs and Uma’s crew got really bad. Eventually Jay and Beau realize that they (still, on Jay’s part) have actual genuine feelings for Harry, and invite him to be part of their relationship. Beau is very sweet but intensely awkward and insecure due to never being the first choice growing up, but as he gains more friends and starts dating Jay and Harry he’s able to come out of his shell and starts being able to stand up for himself.
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Wesley Darling, son of Wendy Darling, Mal ship, Tom Holland FC. The son of Wendy and the man she married after becoming a writer and putting Neverland behind her, but there are rumours that he’s actually Peter Pan’s son because of all the mischief he gets into. Hates Auradon’s thinking of “moving past” magic and how perfect and prim everyone pretends to be, so he’s constantly pulling pranks and getting into trouble with Fairy Godmother. Immediately recognizes that Ben’s under a love spell because he sees him eat the spelled cookie and approaches Mal about it, not to confront her or rat her out but just because he’s impressed by her prank skills (he obviously doesn’t realize that it’s part of a bigger plan). He and Mal fall in love leading up to the coronation, and Wesley is so relieved when she chooses good and admits to Ben that she doesn’t have any feelings for him - which he’s fine with because he’s a good friend and genuinely likes Wesley - so they can be together. The very definition of a class clown, laid-back and mischievous and doesn’t take a lot seriously, but also a lot smarter than most people think and would do anything for the people he cares about.
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Aurora Andersen, daughter of Ariel and Eric, poly Mal/Evie ship, Zendaya Coleman FC. Ariel and Eric’s younger child, after her older sister Melody who’s already graduated Auradon Prep. Shares her mother’s curiousity and sense of adventure, and so she makes a strong effort to befriend the VKs when they first come to Auradon. Realizes she has feelings for both Evie and Mal after they almost steal the wand at the coronation, and is thrilled when they choose good and decide to stay in Auradon. Confesses to them sometime between the first and second movies, and they all become Auradon Prep’s power throuple. Pretty much exactly like Ariel in terms of personality, bold and inquisitive and kind, but with Eric’s occasional recklessness thrown in. Can change between mermaid and human forms at will, thanks to Fairy Godmother’s magic. Wanted to be on Auradon Prep’s swim team but it was deemed unfair since she’s a mermaid, so she settles on joining the R.O.A.R. team after Lonnie becomes captain.
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Delfina Madrigal, daughter of Dolores Madrigal, Lonnie ship, Rachel Zegler FC. Daughter of Dolores and Mariano, and the oldest of the five children that her father always wanted. Received a gift from the family miracle on her fifth birthday like the rest of her family, becoming able to create illusions through her singing voice. Homeschooled for a good portion of her life, like most Madrigals, but Mirabel, now head of the family, decided she and a few of her cousins should be allowed to go to Auradon Prep after the coronation, since she thought that King Adam’s attitude towards magic might be changing. A clumsy lesbian disaster, a bit like her Tía Mirabel, who gets an insta-crush on Lonnie and whose brain tends to stop working when she’s around her. The two of them get together shortly after the events of the second movie, and Delfina attends all of Lonnie’s R.O.A.R. tournaments religiously despite not really knowing anything about the sport. A bit quiet and nervous like her mother, but also has her quiet strength and her tía’s tendency to let her mouth run faster than her brain. Joins Auradon Prep’s acapella club and makes them into sensations, due to her gift making their performances into full spectacles.
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Theodore “Theo” Maldonia, child of Tiana and Naveen, Chad ship, Jonathan Daviss FC. He/they kid of Tiana and Naveen and heir to the throne of Maldonia. Very studious, quiet, and dedicated to learning how to be the best ruler he can be, but also doesn’t have very many friends as a result. Unexpectedly winds up becoming close to Chad after being assigned to tutor him when he starts failing a class, and actually helps him to reconsider his ways and mindset when the VKs come to Auradon. They develop a crush on him eventually but acknowledge that he still has a ways to go before becoming a better person, so it’s a while before he asks him out, but they’re very cute when they do get together. Through dating Chad, Theo starts to come out of their shell a little, and becomes really good friends with Doug and Carlos. A member of the Auradon Prep student council, and eventually becomes the tourney coach’s assistant as an effort for them to better learn how to plan strategies.
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Maizie Hatter, child of the Mad Hatter, poly VKs ship, Erin Kellyman FC. Wacky non-binary sweetheart, and a complete outcast in Auradon, as most kids from Wonderland are, due to their odd style and outlandish personality. When the VKs originally come to Auradon (already all dating each other), they try to befriend Maizie because they figure it will be easy to convince them to help them steal Fairy Godmother’s wand, but all four of them find themselves falling in love with Maizie over time. After they all choose good at the coronation - and Mal profusely apologizes to Ben for the love spell and explains that she doesn’t really have feelings for him - they ask Maizie to be a part of their relationship, which they’re only too happy to do. An incredible artist and lover of tea who forms Auradon Prep’s art club with Mal and gets all four of their partners addicted to rose hip tea. Exactly what you’d expect the child of the Mad Hatter to be, wacky and curious and often living inside their own head, but also a lot more observant and smart than people expect. Becomes besties with Ben after the events of the first movie when they start to become more accepted by Auradon society and, later, the Sea Three.
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Tagging my Descendants besties: @auxiliarydetective, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ginger-grimm, @ginnystilinski-reblogs, @cecexwrites, @come-along-pond, and @manyfandomocs!!
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the12thnightproject · 4 months
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Chapter Nine: A Tangled Web - In which Nobunaga trolls, Hideyoshi fumes, Mitsuhide teases and Mitsunari soothes. In other words, situation ... normal?
Mitsunari x OC; Nobunaga x Mai
Previous Chapter
Logline - In order to protect a political alliance, Katusko and Mitsunari must pretend an engagement. But this “all business” arrangement is threatened by a coup against Nobunaga… and by feelings.
From the Military Notes of Ishida Mitsunari…
Reconnaissance: to explore beyond the area occupied by friendly forces to gain vital information about enemy forces or features of the environment for later analysis and/or dissemination.
Personal comments: Due to an accidental reconnaissance mission, I learned that Lady Okatsu is soft, like Kitty.
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The spider incident, as it was going to be called so in my mind forever, continued to reverberate throughout the halls of Genba. Both Hideyoshi and Mai had hurried to tell Nobunaga the story – Hideyoshi’s version accompanied by sputters of anger and Mai’s by giggles. Depending on whose story you listened to, I was either a wicked flirt or half of a charming love story. Neither were true, but who knew which one Nobunaga would choose to listen to.
Nobunaga looked from me to Mitsunari for a long moment. I lifted my chin, braced for a potential lecture, but determined to defend myself if necessary. I had done nothing wrong. The true antagonist was now a smear on the bottom of Lady Yone’s sandal. Finally, his face completely solemn, Nobunaga turned to Hideyoshi. “What other behavior can you expect out of … newlywebs.”
That set off a fresh round of uncontrollable giggles from Mai, but I was too surprised to laugh. Nobunaga had punned. It was out of character for anything I had known or heard about him.  Mai must be a bigger influence than I thought. In any case, his was the final word on the matter, so the five of us continued on to the main hall, where we were placed at the front end of a long table that ran the length of the room.
Throughout the meal, Mai continued to tease me, in an increasingly wild and animated fashion and until I finally asked, “Are you really this amused, or have you had too much sake?”
She paused to gaze into her cup. “Both.”
On my other side, Mitsunari played miserably with his food. Our misadventure had basically set things back to square one. Once he realized where his instinctive spider hunt had led, he’d apologized, looked at his feet, and apologized again. Those had been the last words I’d heard from him all night.
I’d have to fix that… later. Later, when I was not busy avoiding Hideyoshi’s eyes. It was obvious he hadn’t believed the spider story, even after we all watched it scuttle out from under my kimono. Maybe he thought I had put it there myself.
Across the room from us, Shohime was looking as wretched as Mitsunari – although she had a better excuse, as she was sandwiched between Lade Yone (brrrr!) and an old man who leered down the front of her kimono. If that man was anything like her father, I didn’t blame her misery. Was that man the Daimyo she was engaged to?
It was understandable that Mozumi wouldn’t want her married to Mitsunari, who though regarded as an up-and-coming strategist, hadn’t proven himself yet. But I wondered if she would have otherwise been happy as a prize in her father’s plan to gain a powerful alliance. That was how things were done in this time – in fact, that kind of marriage would probably be better than being traded into a hostage union. Shohime likely had been raised to expect and accept this as her future.
Obviously, I had not been raised that way and instinctively, I wanted to help her. Yes, my job was to make sure she stayed away from Mitsunari… but she shouldn’t be stuck with a lecherous old man like her father either. I turned to Mai. “Has Shohime mentioned anything about the man her father plans to ally her with? Is it one of those old men over there?”
“It can’t be – she said he would be arriving tomorrow. And yes, he’s old… but when I asked ‘how old’ she said he was about Nobunaga’s age. Which I guess seems old to a seventeen-year-old, but…” she patted Nobunaga’s arm. “This one is definitely in his prime.” Then she looked over at Shohime, who was making a show of brave martyrdom. “Feeling guilty? Oh, what a tangled web we weave.”
It was unprincesslike, but I had to roll my eyes. “Don’t quote poets who have yet to be born. It took me years to train the twenty-first century idioms out of my speech pattern… oh, and by the way, avoid being alone with Mozumi if you can manage it.” I explained what happened with the pillow book.
“Ew.” Then she patted Nobunaga’s arm again. “So… which shelf were those books kept on? Nobunaga and I might find something … interesting to read.”
“Did I hear you mention my name?” The man in question turned away from his conversation with Hideyoshi and smiled down at her. Whoa… even with the prior evidence of his punmanship, it was jarring to see how much he had changed from the stern, uncompromising man I had met in Osaka earlier this summer. Not that I didn’t think his stern, uncompromising side was gone… just… no longer his default.
“Okatsu and I were just discussing some of the books she found in the library,” Mai answered him with a giggle.
“My name came up?” He brushed a lock of hair out of her face.
“What kind of book?” Hideyoshi apparently didn’t even need to hear the conversation to leap to conclusions. Ok, his conclusion that the books were a bit… naughty… was correct, but it wasn’t as if I had sought them out.
I decided to just to yeet my way out of this conversation. Otherwise, I was certain he’d find something else to blame me for. “Mai thought some of them sounded like good bedtime reading.”
She whispered something in Nobunaga’s ear, and I looked away to give them at least the illusion of privacy. Hideyoshi too, turned his face from them – but before he did, I caught the flash of pain in his eyes. It was the look of a man who wanted what he could not have and hated himself for doing so.
He loves her too.
That didn’t explain, or excuse his attitude toward me, or his micromanaging ways, but it at least made him seem a little more human. No way would he appreciate that I’d clocked his feelings though, so I directed my focus on the man who was supposed to be the love of my life…
…just in time to see Mitsunari’s elbow heading for impact with his nearly empty soup bowl. I automatically shifted it out of the danger zone. Mitsunari froze and looked at my hand on his bowl. “Lady Okatsu, you do that a lot… am I correct?”
I didn’t pretend to misunderstand. “Honestly, it’s instinctive at this point… but would you prefer I didn’t?”
“I’d rather I didn’t make it necessary.” He shrunk into himself, his posture a portrait of dejection. Oh boy. Aside from the fact that we were supposed to look like we were enjoying each other’s company, I felt terrible for causing his distress.
From across the table, Hideyoshi gave me a ‘what did you do this time look.’ It was none of his business, so I ignored him and gave Mitsunari my full attention. Some people were just clumsy and there was no solution to that, but Masamune had told me that Mitsunari was an adaptive genius when it came to sword fighting. Maybe giving him a new way of thinking about things would be helpful. “Pretend your meal is a sparring match and your goal is not to come into any accidental contact with anything on the table.”
Sort of a ‘floor is lava’ thing, only with dishes.
He was quiet a moment, although I imagined the gears were whirring in his mind, then he gave me a smile of such brilliance that it made my heart hurt. “Thank you, Lady Okatsu. I will try that.”
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After dinner, Hideyoshi took Mitsunari off to consult about something, leaving me with some unexpected free time. As much as I had come to like Mitsunari and the majority of the Azuchi warlords (the jury was still out on Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide), I wasn’t used to spending so much time in the company of others. So, I took a short stroll out to the stables to say hello to my horse.
I wasn’t the only one who had made the stables their destination. It looked like Hikosane had escaped his tutor or nurse or page or whoever was responsible for him most of the day. The kid was halfway to falling into the stall that housed Nobunaga’s horse.
“Careful there!” I helped Hikosane before he tipped right into the stall. Nobunaga’s horse was even-tempered, but… “No horse likes to be startled.”
Then I took a quick step back and bowed, because I had put my hands on him without permission. In this era, such an act could have resulted in a sentence of execution. Luckily, Hikosane was also even-tempered, with a rather adult like way of speaking, and he formally thanked me for my assistance. “Did you come from the banquet? Is it still going on?”
The eating was over. The drinking had barely begun. “Yes, and no, but most of the vassals and your father are still in there.”
He glanced over his shoulder to the main castle building. “That is good.” His demeanor switched back to child-like. “I don’t want to go to bed yet.”
I showed him that I had a handful of dried fruit. “Do you want to help me feed my horse? She’s not as impressive as Nobunaga’s mount, but she is sturdy and surefooted.”
Hikosane nodded, and the two of use made our way to Moonlight’s stall.
“She’s friendly.” Hikosane smiled as Moonlight, sensing the fruit, nudged him with her nose.
“Yes, usually she’s a nice horse, although she hates getting wet.” Moonlight could be a total bitch when it rained.
“I don’t like it either,” Hikosane confided. “I hate baths.”
“But… you wouldn’t get even with the person bathing you by dumping them in a mud puddle, would you?” Moonlight had done that to me on more than one occasion. “Moonlight would. And has.”
The boy laughed. He seemed like such a serious child that I was glad I had been able to provide him with a moment of amusement. “I like you, Lady Okatsu.”
“I like you too, Hikosane.” I wasn’t a huge fan of very small children, but they did tend to becoming interesting around age nine or ten.
There was a rustling from another stall – not one where there was a horse, and I caught a quick glimpse of long dark hair. Ah right. Mitsuhide had said he was sending Kyubei along. Well, I didn’t have much to report, but once Hikosane left, I’d let him know what was going on so far.
“Perhaps one day when I’m the Daimyo, I’ll marry you.” It was said with complete deadpan seriousness. Hikosane might just as easily have said, ‘maybe I’ll have fish for breakfast tomorrow.’
But.. uh, what?
“Hikosane, I’m already engaged. And by the time you’re old enough to marry, I will be too old, and you wouldn’t want me anyway.” However, I didn’t want to hurt the kid’s feelings, so I added, “And, I will be sad about that, then.”
“An engagement doesn’t mean a marriage.” Hikosane had returned to that mini-adult personality. “I believe that my father would break Shohime’s engagement if he could convince Nobunaga to take her as one of his wives. And it would be a good thing for her if that happened, because I do not like the man she is to marry.”
I filed away that last thing he said to think about later, because my brain had needle scratched on the Nobunaga part of the sentence. But before I could question him any further, a retainer came and bore Hikosane off to bed.
Once I had completed a ten count, I directed my voice to the stall where Kyubei was hiding. “Did you get all that?”
His head popped up and he peered over the stable wall. “I would have had to have significant hearing loss to have missed it. Impressive accomplishment, Okatsu, to have received two marriage proposals in a month.”
The dark wig looked natural enough, but there was no disguising those amber eyes and the teasing in his voice. “Changed your mind about the situation, or were you and Kyubei always planning to switch places?” I would bet all of my money (not that I have much of it) that Hideyoshi didn’t know Mitsuhide was here.
“I needed Kyubei to be elsewhere.” He hopped out of the stall and leaned against a post. Heck, put a piece of straw between his teeth and he could easily pass as an extra in a western musical. Hm. An elegant extra.
Many questions were in my head, but those could wait. “Am I completely wrong in thinking that any overture from Mozumi advancing Shohime as a wife would receive a categorical no?” It was clear how much Nobunaga loved Mai, but that wouldn’t rule out a second wife. “I don’t see any advantage to it. Although I suppose he could offer exclusive rights to the silver mine.”
“He could. It wouldn’t be the wisest strategy.” Mitsuhide picked up a fallen piece of fruit and fed it to my horse. “I’ll investigate that further, as from what I’ve gathered from the servants, Mozumi’s not particularly intelligent, so any talk of aligning Shohime with Nobunaga is wishful thinking on his part.”
“His archives, is, as advertised, rather expansive, but I got the sense most of what is in there was collected by his father, and he only adds to it out of habit, not out of inclination or love of reading… except for a certain type of literature.” For the second time, I had to tell the story about Mozumi’s pillow books and his clumsy pass at me.
Unlike Mai, Mitsuhide kept his face expressionless as I described the incident, though once I finished the story, he reverted to teasing. “Not interested in those books yourself?” He raised his eyebrow at me (which annoyed me, as the single eyebrow raise was a skill I had attempted and failed to master).
“Princess Okatsu is above such things.” Whereas Katsuko… well, love took a back seat to not-dying. “And I ensured that Mozumi thought I was too stupid or naïve to understand.”
“I didn’t anticipate that you would have to put up with that sort of behavior – the Oda name ought to have been enough to protect you. I’ll give you a standard, Hideyoshi-style be careful warning, but will step back from any insinuation that you can’t handle him.” Then he spoiled that perfectly acceptable speech by adding, “hopefully better than you can handle intruders of the eight-legged variety.”
“Do I have permission to be insubordinate and tell you to shut up?” I swear by the time I left this gig, I would be remembered as The Girl with the Spider Tit-too.
He slanted a cool glance that told me not to push him too far. “I believe you just did.”
Turning the topic to more pressing issues, I asked, “Any new instructions? Or should I just continue to stay alert?”
“The latter for now. If you see anyone spinning lies, you may feel free to catch them in your web.” He then effectively ended the conversation by disappearing into that empty stall.
I stood there for a moment trying to come up with a capper pun to that, then gave up and headed back to the room, only to be stopped in my tracks by Hideyoshi. “Okatsu.” Aware that he preferred the formalities, I bowed to him. What did he want? “You shouldn’t be wandering around a strange castle at night. It’s not safe.”
“Oh. I was just checking on my horse.” As for the rest of his statement, I could take care of myself, but knew Hideyoshi would not appreciate that being pointed out. “I’m going back to our room now.”
“See that you do.” I’d half turned to continue on my way, when he called after me. “Mitsunari told me what happened with Mozumi. I’m sorry.”
“Why? It had nothing to do with you.” Unless he was apologizing on behalf of the entire male sex.
“You should never be subjected to unwanted attention.” He paused a moment, then clarified. “No one should.”
“You’re right, Lord Hideyoshi. Thank you.” I bowed again and hurried on my way. Hideyoshi and I might be socially incompatible, but I’d never questioned that underneath that bossy exterior, he was a good person.
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When I finally reached the room (after a creepy trek up that dark staircase), Mitsunari was still awake, and reading (no surprise there). He apologized again for chasing the spider down my clothes.
Enough about the spider. “It’s ok. Really. I know it was an accident.” I tried to lighten things up a bit. “Could have been worse. Could have been a snake.” I retreated behind the screen to change into my night clothing.
“Are you afraid of snakes?” Mitsunari’s voice floated over the side of the screen.
“Only if they are poisonous. It was more that I was thinking a whole snake would have been pretty annoying in my clothes.” I tightened the sash on my kimono, imagined a snake in there and shuddered. Ok. I might be slightly more squicked out by snakes than spiders. They’re so… slithery.
After emerging from the screen, I dithered a moment over where to put my futon. I didn’t want to crowd Mitsunari (or myself, for that matter) but this room did not lock, so the potential of servants walking in and catching the engaged couple sleeping on opposite sides of the room was fairly high.
Eventually, I settled for placing my futon perpendicular to his, so that the tops met at the corner. Our heads would be near, but there was no danger of one of us accidentally rolling onto the other, or, more likely, me kicking him while I tossed and turned.
Mitsunari had stopped reading to watch me. I nearly asked him if he was ok with this set up, but he’d already expressed dismay the last time I asked. If he had a problem, he would have to tell me. Instead, I told him about finding Mitsuhide in the stables.
“Did he explain why?” Mitsunari did that instant change to tactician.
Hm, he hadn’t. He’d only explained why Kyubei was not there. “No. Simply that he’d originally planned to send Kyubei, but that he needed Kyubei to go somewhere else.”
“It is always a good idea to have an undisclosed agent in reserve if you are unsure of your territory.” He watched as I arranged my blanket and crawled into my futon. “Are you going to sleep now? Should I blow out the lantern?”
“If you want to keep reading, go ahead. It likely won’t make any difference.” Insomnia is an evil bitch. I got as comfortable as I could.
Mitsunari elected to blow out the light and the room was instantly pitch black. It was cloudy outside, but even if it had been a bright moonlit night, very little light would come through the tiny slitted windows. In the dark, it seemed like every noise was multiplied tenfold. I could hear Mitsunari settling in his bedding, the soft inhale and exhale of his breathing, as well as other further away, household noises, like the building settling into the ground, and the padding of footsteps outside. I listened to those steps, as they went past our door without slowing or pause, so, likely a servant or someone heading to their own room.
As the night lengthened, Mitsunari’s breathing became slow and even and I used its metronomic quality to relax into my own slumber…
How much time has passed? It was as dark as ever … my knees and elbows bumped against the side of the crate. My nose was centimeters from the lid. Yeah, I really needed to move around. I grabbed the latch and –
The lid didn’t budge.
I tried the latch again, and again. No, it was unlatched, but the lid wasn’t moving. It was like there was something on top of the… another crate maybe? I pushed on the lid harder, but I couldn’t move it. That’s when I started kicking.
My breath started to come out in sobs – was I trapped in here? How many crates was my crate under? How long would it be before someone came to get them? If I screamed, would anyone hear me?
My throat constricted…
Time passed – I lost track. I phased in an out of nightmare filled dreams and dreams of rescues that became living nightmares when I woke up again and faced the emptiness and the dark and the walls. I could sense the weight of the other crates pushing on the top and the sides of this one, shrinking it… in moments, it would collapse in upon itself, upon me and-
I woke myself up with a gasp of choked air, that followed the receding nightmare. The same one. The crate. The dark. The walls pressing in. It regularly visited me and loved taking advantage of nights when I was in an unfamiliar room. Reflexively, I reached out to reassure myself that I was surrounded by air, not walls.
“Okatsu? Is anything wrong?” Mitsunari’s half-awake question floated to me like a fresh breeze.
You are not alone.
“I’m fine. Sorry. Did I wake you up?” Hopefully I hadn’t talked, or worse, screamed in my sleep. That would be humiliating.
“Yes, but I don’t mind. Did you have a nightmare?” There was a rustle of fabric, then his voice sounded closer. He must have rolled onto his side to face me. “This is why you don’t sleep?”
How can he be so absentminded, and yet forget nothing?
Well, I was awake, and I don’t know, something about the soft darkness, and the sense of his gentle presence by my head made it easier to talk about things I’d normally deflect. “A few years ago, I got trapped in a crate for a day and I still have nightmares about that.” Not that I hadn’t already been a terrible sleeper, but that experience had made it worse.
Another rustle from Mitsunari then I felt his hand on the top of my head, patting me as if I were his cat. It was weird for a moment, then soothing, and I scooted closer and went with it.
“I’m sad that happened to you.” Mitsunari took a breath, then added, in his typical mix of curiosity and ignorance of conventional conversational boundaries. “Why were you stuck in a crate? Was it too small? I once got my hand stuck in Nobunaga’s candy jar.”
The image of Mitsunari blundering around with a jar stuck to his hand was a momentary distraction. “Was he upset?” I’d barely spent any time with the man, and even I knew how much he loved konpieto.
“No. Hideyoshi started using bigger jars, which resulted in more candy, so Nobunaga said he was pleased with my strategy.” Those fingers, no longer stuck in a jar, were still rhythmically stroking my hair, and the tension began to unravel and seep out of my limbs. “Why were you stuck in the crate?”
Right. I hadn’t answered him the first time. “It’s kind of a long story. It was part of a plan to rescue my brother, but things went wrong.” Horribly wrong. “Or I thought it was part of a plan to rescue my brother, but apparently it was actually a plan to get me out of the way, or even kill me… and no I don’t know why, but if I ever find the person who shut me in there, that’s one of the questions I plan to ask him.” Prior to killing him.
“This is why you like being outside or near windows, isn’t it?” Once again, he surprised me by making an unusually (for him) perceptive observation. I’d tried not to be obvious about my preference for the outdoors and being near windows, but I suppose Mitsunari had been paying more attention to me. For the sake of the masquerade, of course.
“Yes. That’s-” My response was interrupted by a yawn.
“Maybe you can sleep better now?” His voice was soft and kind – a security blanket in the night.
“I’ll try.” I closed my eyes again, this time not seeing the walls of the crate, but the memory of Mitsunari’s calm amethyst gaze. “Thank you.”
“You are welcome Okatsu.” Mitsunari had kept his hand in my hair, and the last sensation I remember before drifting off was that peaceful, gentle touch on my scalp.
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@lorei-writes @bestbryn @lyds323 @katriniac @briars7
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insane4fandoms · 9 months
I imagine the first time Ness and the other egos met they were all confused because Ness is just like. A normal guy. No trauma, no sad backstory, nothing. (btw I love your stuff!)
Oh, definitely! Matt is relieved that Ness is an alter ego that has a normal backstory and one he can have a nice conversation with. No mentions of murder, taking over the world, digging up mysterious bones, or hot dogs or clowns.
The other egos… well… they would at first be skeptical. How can this average waiter with no outstanding, traumatic, or cool backstory be a Matpat ego? Meanwhile, Ness is just mesmerized with the whole existence of alter egos, and the shock he felt when he was an ego himself to a YouTuber. It made him question his existence for a while.
Eventually, Detective will be the first one to accept Ness with open arms. He may not have a normal backstory, but he is also one of the sane egos. Detective might be a little envious of Ness because he was normal, but it was for a short time and he considers Ness to be his friend. Ness is fascinated with the adventures Detective went through, and how smart the guy can be. As Detective finds clowns delightful, Ness is terrified anything circus related, so whenever Detective mentions something during the Circus Arc, Ness is freaked out like the other survivors.
Hermit is also instantly tackle Ness into a hug and welcome him as a friendo. Would show him all his bone collections, his bats, his family, his island he used be in isolation for 20 years which caused his sanity to forever be lost by lack of human interaction- all the good stuff. I’d think Ness is someone who loves unusual things, so he would be curious about the kinds of bones and built skeletons Hermit would have. And he of course would meet the ego’s family, where they would confidently say he’s one of their favorite egos.
Mack sees Ness as inferior. He’s just a lowly waiter, while Mack is the Captain Head Engineer to one of the most advanced space ships in the human race, why would he see the newbie as part of the group? Well, because of Ness’s love for unusual things of course. He has never seen a space ship up close before, and he definitely never interacted with an astronaut, so he would instantly ask so many questions about The Invincible II and what Mack can do as an engineer. Mack would get caught off guard by the waiter’s enthusiasm, but took it to stroke his ego more as he grinned condescendingly and bragged on about his captain’s ship.
Madpat takes one took at Ness, and pulls out his flamethrowing chainsaw. In an affectionate way of course! He respects people who work in the food industry, as he of course owns a restaurant himself. Of course, he kills his employees after awhile, but that’s irrelevant! Mad already made Ness his third best friend (After Hermit and Warfpat of course), but Ness more or less fears Mad to the core, and tries to stay away from him as possible. However, Mad claims Ness is now stuck with him, and drags him to his wacky and bloody adventures. Oh god, someone call Mike another pizzeria killer traumatized his boyfriend.
Darkpat doesn’t like the other egos, why would Ness be any different? Though, he wouldn’t mind having a lackey by his side to do his bidding. He forces his hatred for everything down to get Ness’s trust. Ness is slightly uneasy about the whole vibe Darkpat gives out, but is still fascinated about the whole reality breaking entity. Detective would protect Ness from Darkpat, but the entity would pretend to feign ignorance about his accusations. Curse Ness’s curiosity and love for the unknown! Now Dark’s made a new evil plan to brainwash Ness and use him for his very evil and deadly bidding!! Mwhahahahaha!!! (His plans always fell short)
Warfpat is so happy to have another lab rat ego he could have fun with! He could his him as a puppet! Or a pet! Or bend his mind into insanity! Or warp his reality into nothing but chaos! Or-! Yeah… Matt smacks Warf for trying to already abstract Ness’s mind. Ignoring his intentions, Ness is friendly towards Warf, but only because he feels like if he isn’t, Warf might switch his vital organs around. Warf pouts at his restrictions, but still claims he can still have fun with his new toy friend!
Overall, half of the egos sees Ness as an escape from their messed up lives, and the other half sees him as a puppet to use for themselves. And Ness is still excited about learning what these egos can give his life to make it more adventurous.
(Also did you know there’s an anti-septiceye version of Matpat? And I might add in Matthias Patthias too, but who knows?)
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anamoon63 · 9 months
Rather Long Sims 4 Rant
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Before I continue with my The Sims 4 stories, it is with sadness that I inform you that the Wilsons recently lost the beautiful celebrity home they had just moved into. I don’t know exactly what happened, what I know is that it happened right after the For Rent EP update (which I didn’t buy or install, but yes, I did update). From that day on, my sims, who were on vacation in Sulani at the time, were unable to get back in the house. Every time they tried to return, the game would get stuck eternally at the loading screen. I tried everything, even evicting them and returning them to the house. Nothing, just the screen kept loading forever.
I also tried to demolish the lot to re-install the house, but every time I did this, (and I tried a lot of times), the game either crashed or kept loading infinitely. After many attempts of a lot of things like repairing the game, resetting it to factory settings, removing my mods folder, restoring saves, and all the solutions I know (I am die hard when it comes to troubleshooting The Sims), I finally decided to leave it alone and accept that my sims would never recover their beloved house and that they had to move.
Now they’re happily living again in Brindleton Bay, in one of the bigger houses there; they are comfortable, and going on with their lives, though I still really miss and long for the other house, which is still sitting there, since I have not been able to demolish it to put a new one. It’s still stuck there, which annoys me to no end cause I like my cities clean and functional, and just knowing that there is an abandoned and inactive house there really upsets me.
I know I could start a new save and install the house in a clean Del Sol Valley, but that would mean Allan and his family would lose all their current social and work relationships, which at this point for me is unthinkable, with all the networking they have established, co-workers, school friends, romances, etc. Plus, what about all the makeovers I did to everyone they knew? I mean, I saved every townie I made over in my library, but would I have to reinstall them one by one? Maybe, but how? I still don’t know much about this game; I know that in The Sims 3 it wouldn’t be a problem for me.
Anyway, the Wilson’s story wasn’t over, it wasn’t difficult to move them, the only thing that hurt me were Allan and Zoe’s awards, trapped in their lost home. But in one of the rare and fortunate times that I was able to enter the bugged house in build mode, I saved the room where the awards were in my library, and then installed it in the Wilson’s new house. That’s how I rescued the awards that now lie on a shelf in Allan and Zoe’s new bedroom. I continued to play and got a lot more photo footage of them, in addition to what I had before the update disaster. By the way, this is the first time I’ve had problems with an update, of any kind. I pride myself in being an expert at troubleshooting The Sims, but I guess I still have a lot to learn regarding The Sims 4, which is a relatively new game for me.
Anyway, I plan to uninstall the entire game soon and reinstall it on my other hard drive cause I’m running out of space and will need more since I plan to get a few other game packs in the future. Once my game is reinstalled, I’d love to be able to demolish the ruined house in Del Sol Valley and, if possible, reinstall it on the cleaned-up lot to give the Wilsons back the home they lost. So, if by any chance someone read this very long post to the end, and has gone through something similar to this, (i.e. not being able to enter a house but also not being able to demolish it in order to reinstall it), please let me know if you were able to solve it and how. Any new ideas, other than everything I already mentioned and all those obvious solutions around on EA’s Q&A, would be welcome.
Sorry for the rant, and thanks for reading this far. 🩷
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Note: The house is Famous Mansion, in the Sims 4 Gallery, by emma4101, original by JL_Sims 4. Never had issues with it before.
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rayclubs · 2 months
I know this probably comes out of nowhere, but I randomly remembered some hundred years ago you posted asking for language-related questions on the blog and also another time you mentioned being a native Russian speaker to talk to, so I’d just like to pose one question if it’s ok.
Are there any grammatical mistakes natives make in speaking/writing the language (either as dialect or in informal situations) that you’ve noticed, and are there any which seem more natural to say or read than the “technically” correct approach ?
Hi, sorry this has been stuck in my inbox for forever, but yeah! I'm assuming you mean Russian speakers making mistakes when speaking Russian, and yeah, we make a ton of mistakes.
Incorrectly stressed words: saying красивЕе (incorrect) instead of красИвее (correct), дОговор instead of договОр, etc, nothing else comes to mind right now but there's a ton of these. Forgot to translate, the words mean "more beautiful" and "agreement" respectively.
Attributing the wrong gender to words - кофе (coffee) is male but people call it an "it" instead of a "he" in Russian. Though that's technically not a mistake as of 2016 since they re-gendered it, kind of. SO many snobs were pissed off about it lol
Wrong words! Just. Words that do not exist. Old-timey, village ass words. Тудою-сюдою, тама-тута, евоный / еёный / ихний / нашний. I kind of love these but that's because I'm a forever "commonly accepted linguistic norm" apologist.
Using wrong prepositions or cases. "Скучать за кем-то" instead of "скучать по кому-то" (miss someone), "согласно контракта" instead of "согласно контакту" (according to the contract), etc. English doesn't have cases so it's hard to explain what's wrong with these, but they're pretty common.
There are more but they're kind of individual and situational, I can't categorize them meaningfully. Hope this was at least somewhat informative, again, sorry about the wait!
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leonscape · 10 months
leon, the lonely king of beasts
leon angst; jin x reader (2nd person pov)
leon never hesitates to lend a hand to those in trouble. he didn't think twice when he saw you in trouble, even though he didn't know who you were. after chevalier was finished threatening you for mistreating the books, leon made sure you were okay. when he looked into your eyes, and it was then when the seed of a rose nestled itself into his heart. seeing your eyes shine with kindness and strength stole his breath. they were traits he's always strived to embody so when he saw them in you, an instant spark of admiration ignited deep in his chest.
that’s why when you were selected as belle, he was perhaps the only prince to encourage you to take on the role. he understood why sariel chose you and he knew that you could handle this task. when you accepted the position of belle, a little rosebud silently emerged from where it had taken root.
leon did his best to show off his charming side. he wanted leave you with the best first impression he could. he showed his character through acts of heroism and kindness, always encouraging you and making you smile. suddenly taking up a vital position you never asked for was something he heavily empathized with. the quiet rosebud finally bursted and bloomed into a beautiful red rose.
he would always look for opportunities to steal your time. whether it was in between studying or sariel’s lessons, he always invited you out for a break. even if you were with one of his brothers, he would ask if he could tag along.
it wasn’t long before the rose began to wilt. his rose mirrored the rose of beauty’s time. one by one, the petals began to flutter to the ground. leon never realized your feelings for his brother until it was a little too late. he always thought highly of you, someone that could never do wrong.
but the way you smiled at his older brother, jin, made him feel an ugly jealousy. what he would do for you to look at him and only him.
what started as jealousy turned into anger. never before had he been truly angry at his most trusted older brother. listening to you cry after jin warns you and chases you away was the worst feeling he’s ever felt. what gives him the right to decide what’s best? he thought to himself. i’d never make you cry like that, he thought very quietly to himself.
jin wasn’t oblivious to leon’s feelings. jin spoke with honesty, “even if i end up making her unhappy… i still want to be with her. i’m sorry… but i love her.”
“i’m happy for the both of you,” leon told him. “i know you won’t ever make her unhappy. it’s just not in your nature.”
the two brothers chuckled and grinned at each other. with a firm pat on the back from jin, everything seemed like it had been resolved.
after it was made known that you and jin shared the same feelings for each other, leon’s anger quickly turned into sadness. he didn’t mean to, but he accidentally overheard the gossip. “prince leon is a nice guy, but he’s just not for me,” you spoke candidly. his shoulders slumped over as he walked away.
at the end of beauty’s time, you named leon as king.
“once you become king… you will be all alone. forever.”
"even when you're surrounded by crowds who adore you, you won't be able to open your heart to anyone. you'll spend your life acting out the role of king."
"the lonely king of beasts. that is the future that awaits you."
those words echoed in his head as the crown was carefully placed onto his head during the coronation ceremony.
sadness turned into loneliness. the intense passion of the red petals were dead and gone. all that’s left was the thorns of the rose, encasing his heart. a lonely lion slumbered under the thorns as if stuck in a cage.
he often wondered if this is what the previous king felt. did their father constantly choke on the sobs that bubbled up, the sobs that only appeared late at night before falling into a deep sleep?
would his loneliness weigh heavily on his soul more and more each year? whatever happened, he promised not to let himself withdraw from the social scene, even if the feeling of loneliness only amplified in the presence of others.
leon had always taken on hardships by himself. this was no different. it was easier to suffer by himself than to drag more people into his suffering. it was easier to suffer by himself than to repeat history.
guys this is a joke pls don't take this seriously this is just entertainment not meant to offend anyone
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notmayawithadash · 11 months
I’m not sure what this rant is, but it’s tumblr and I feel like tossing something into the abyss.
It’s been hard lately in an artistic sense, I haven’t been able to write anything in a good few months (or almost a year really) and I feel like the songs have been lodged in my throat.
They can’t be forced out of me. I need the time and space to breathe, to write something of meaning. I want to be able to produce something that feels like me, feels honest, something that reverberates in your chest and bounces off the walls. I want to write something that will hold you, that will accept you as you are, it will take the good, the bad and the ugly at face value and tell you; that’s life, that’s life, that’s life.
Life is loss,
Life is love,
Life is yearning,
Life is realising the impermanence of everything and trying to find comfort in that, rather than fear.
I’ve always been terrified by what I leave behind, that’s the scary part for me, not necessarily the whole “not existing” part. (Not in an immortalising kind of way, I don’t have an obsession with being remembered) I just don’t want to leave this world dishonestly. Then I’d be one of those souls stuck in limbo forever.
I know that I am so much more than who I am right now.
I have so many more layers to peel back before I’m satisfied.
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moonjxsung · 2 months
star, i’m gonna suffocate you with some praise for a minute here because i don’t think you’re understanding the kind of influence your writing has on me and no you have no choice but to accept it all 🩷
first of all, when i say you’re my favorite writer ever i don’t just mean on this platform or even related to fanfictions only — i mean in general. try as hard as i can, i can’t ever come up with an actual book that i bought with actual money that has made me feel all the rollercoaster of emotions that your stories have, and i mean that from the bottom of my heart, babes, you just need to know that. so that you have a better idea of how good of a writer you are, you should also know that i have an entire bookshelf in my room full of mostly books i’ve finished reading, even all my books don’t fit there and i walk past stacks of more books i have against my walls every single day. even so, i literally have a whole box shoved into a storage unit near my university campus filled with nothing but books. not one of these books inspires me like your fanfics do. this is not to say that i don’t enjoy the other books i own and have read, but your work just really stays on my mind 24/7 it’s honestly very ridiculous.
not to mention the fact that it was your works that pulled me out of a writing slump i’d been stuck in for ages when i first joined stayblr — i’m sure you can find my very first message to you where i tell you this. and i still mean every single word of it. your writing fills me up with so much inspiration and motivation to write my own silly little stories. so much so that i am writing to you after spending my entire day writing nonstop because your channie fic ignited something within me and i just sat in front of my computer just pouring every thought that came to mind for a new hyunjin fanfic and i am now at 15K words into the story and i still have so much planned for it. this is coming from someone who’s only been able to write maybe 4k-5k words for a single storyline. and that’s if i’m being nice.
i’m still so shocked i’ve just accomplished such a crazy milestone, and i honestly have no idea how i managed to do it. what i do know is that inspiration struck after reading your recent work and i will forever be thankful for you. so please believe it when me and other people praise you for your writing, because yes, it is that good.
anyway my rant is over, ily and please take care of yourself always!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
CRIESSSS….?..??.?,???.?., this is so sweet I love u :( it’s like. crazy to comprehend that anybody would consider me a favorite author when I remember this all started with one direction fanfic back when I was maybe 11 years old LMAO 😭 never did I think I’d be writing for this long, let alone garnering such a lovely following on tumblr of all places (the first tumblr acc I ever made was randomly banned and I didn’t revisit this site for about a decade) but I am so grateful I wandered back on here and I’m even more grateful to share this corner of the internet with such lovely people 💓🥹
I am so so glad to hear that you remain inspired and that you’re coming out of a slump too !🫶 I’ve been in SO many this year and I’m no stranger to the taxing effects of them. It’s not easy, but it’s truly the best feeling to be able to look back and see that you are capable of getting past them. Whether it takes a few months of just slumping around, leaving to another city, putting stuff on hold for a bit. I’m a firm believer they can always be worked through !!!
Sending you all my love always to wherever you are. I hope all finds you well and that you’re taking good care of yourself in the process 🥹💖💘🩷💓💝🫶
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nickfoo · 11 months
O fellow fire tank enthusiast, I have an extremely unique question for you that’s kinda important to me 😅
How do you think Bege would think of Sugar , from Dressrosa? 
I’ve got this whole series of events that live in my head rent free where Sugar used her powers to evade capture by the marines (after the whole fiasco with the straw hats) and she ends up meeting Bege when the Fire tanks go to Dressrosa. They kinda know who each other are and have a small temporary alliance to get rid of the kissy-germ people and get away from the marines, and she just ends up leaving with them because she doesn’t have anywhere else to go
What if the Doflamingo family never felt like a real family to her, and on top of that she recently learned that her actual sister (Monet) got killed?? Bege’s papa gut kicks in and he treats her like his own?🥺
Aand she joins the family ?? maybe?? Bege and Sugar are like my top fave one piece characters and this whole mess started from the most random oprp convo on Twitter.. A Bege acc said something about hating absent fathers and a Sugar acc asked, “I don’t have a dad, will you be mine,” and he says YES. It’s so ridiculous but it just stuck in my head and it’s forever canon for me now because they’re my blorbos 
IM SORRYY I kinda rambled a bunch but I’ve not really told anyone about this and I just wanna know what you think about it bcuz you’re like the coolest guy ever to me with all the fire tank stuff you do 🥺🥺
Hey there! This is a long reply from me, so its all under the read more.
I can’t speak for what another person rping as a character would do, as my take on the character might be different than theirs. But I can give you what I’d think the character would do! I've always felt that Sugar seemed quite happy with her life in the Donquixote family. She was doted upon by Doflamingo, not only as a member of his 'family', but with her power, she was a vital to him as a piece in his hold on Dressrosa. Despite its dysfunctions, the Donquixote family is a tight knit group - even if one of the only things holding them together in unison was their mutual devotion to their captain. A form of comradery was definitely there. They were a group of misfits who had found something to be united and accepted in. But now, I'll give my opinion on how I’d think Bege would go with your scenario of if Sugar evaded military capture in Dressrosa and was present when the Fire Tank Pirates were around looking for Lola. I actually think Bege would be wary of Sugar. She was a member of the Donquixote pirates - a ruthless group. And she was also hugely responsible for the subjugation of Dressrosa. Her devil fruit is very dangerous. Due to her fruit power, she looks like a 10 yr old child, but she's actually 22. It's a deceptive appearance that could be used ( and which she has used ) quite maliciously, and I think Bege would pick it up as such. ( and respect that lol. ) As for adopting her, I'm...again not sure. Bege's not like Doflamingo, who had a knack for finding abandoned kids with nowhere to go and taking them into his crew. I think not only do those kids remind Doflamingo of himself as a child, but kids have a sort of pure, honest admiration that he craves and that kind of unfiltered affection can't be found anywhere else. Its also very easy to win that admiration over to devotion. Doflamingo adopted both Sugar and Monet into his family when they were very young. Sugar was 9 and Monet was 17. They are both surely devoted to him. Anyway, I think Bege has instinctive dad tendencies to look out for the kids and young adults who he's allied with (now that he's a father and he’s learned some basic human empathy ), but I'm not sure he'd be adopting kids into his crew/mafia family out of the blue. He's not very into doing good deeds without it having any benefit for him. (Unless Chiffon helps him change his mind.) Also to keep in mind that Sugar is mentally a young adult. He wouldn't talk to her like a little kid. He might slip up now and then, but quickly remind himself she’s a full fledged dangerous pirate with a history. Bege’s a very practical thinker. I think he'd be more interested in her skills and power. But I think he'd not be so sure he could trust her. That power of hers is pretty scary, after all.
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naneun-no · 2 years
Hello! I was just reading your ask replies and thought I’d send one of my own:-)
Sometimes I wonder if I’m reading too much into jikooks relationship w/ each other - they clearly are good friends! But sometimes I think maybe I’m just seeing things, when it comes to something perhaps “more”.
But then when instances happen like jungkook starting his live (on white day no less) at 8:11pm (when we think that 11/8 or 8/11 is an important number to jikook) I’m like hmm ok…. And there’s been so many other things like this, surely it just has to be TOO big of a coincidence ?? Because it keeps. happening.
I can think of many times this number has popped up, even like one time Jungkook included it on his Instagram story when it wasn’t even that time in Korea when he posted it.
I just don’t know !! I never know what to think haha. it’s not just number theory that makes me believe in jikook but it’s one little subtle thing that seems to keep cropping up
I hope you have a lovely day:-) thanks for reading my jumbled ask
Hey there 😊 thanks for sending!
Yeah, I think for a lot of people, it’s the suspicious moments for them that just keep adding up, you know? To be honest, all the theories can sometimes be a little much for me. Not to say there’s nothing to them, they just seem to rely so heavily on cultural nuances that I don’t completely understand or have context for, and to be honest, I never needed them to see something going on between them. It was just the very obvious stuff that stuck out to me, which is that:
They do seem like best friends. But when said best friends also seem like they’re probably very likely both queer/into men, and also sort of seem into each other, then it’s not out of the realm of possibility to wonder if something more is going on. They do a lot of things that best friends do (watch the same tv shows, have a billion and one inside jokes, spend so much time together that their other friends mix up their names, always gravitate to being in each other’s space). They just also do things that seem kind of… sexually charged sometimes? (Getting visibly distracted/flustered by attractive pictures of each other or flashes of skin, checking each other out pretty obviously, biting each other on the neck hard and long enough to leave a mark because the other wouldn’t stop spinning them around in their arms 😬, posting sexy thirst trap birthday wishes for each other, calling each other sexy, touching each other much more than strictly necessary, just straight up flirting wow there are a lot of these).
And it’s just… usually when you have two best friends who are sexually attracted to each other, that’s a pretty solid foundation for a pretty solid relationship. For most people it’s kind of a no-brainer, actually. That’s not to say the relationship will inevitably last forever, if it’s even official enough to be a relationship. That’s for them to know and define, not us.
I’ve accepted that we’ll probably never really know, and that’s okay. I want them to be safe, and happy, and at peace more than I would ever want my suspicions confirmed. I don’t really need them confirmed anyways — I have fun watching original content and the occasional Jikook serotonin-boosting compilation, and joking around on here with other people who see and appreciate their magic with me. It doesn’t have to be that serious. Welcome to the club 🥰
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girlreviews · 7 months
Review #96: Automatic For The People, R. E. M.
Are you very depressed? Me too. Automatic For The People is rich, beautiful, tonally downer music for sad people who occasionally have bright sunny days.
It describes such a complex sadness, and that’s something I love about it. In Nightswimming, we aren’t just swimming at night, we are “pining for the moon”. Who among us sad losers doesn’t pine for the moon from time to time? Hmm? And we are doing so alongside glorious strings, oddly chirpy piano, and what I believe to be a damn OBOE. How often do we get to hear an oboe? Do you know? I do. It’s not that often. It’s not.
I have complicated feelings about Everybody Hurts. I was only four when this record came out. But this song didn’t go anywhere for a really long time. It was constantly on the radio well into my teens. The riff becomes very monotonous. What is supposed to be a comfort, a message that you’re not alone, can kind of eventually sound like, hey get over it because your problems are the same as everybody else’s, everyone has heard this song too, and everyone kind of hates it by now. It’s been a long ass time since I’ve spent time with it, and it might just have been long enough. Let’s try again in a few years.
I have always liked R.E.M. and a lot of their songs well enough, but maybe never known their albums inside out. More like, well versed in their radio hits, and I definitely always had an attitude about them. I wouldn’t admit to liking them, kinda thing. Imagine my surprise when I stuck this album on for reviewing purposes and I started singing all the words to all the album tracks? I knew them all. All of them! Suddenly I was taken back to Sunday afternoons in my house when it was time to clean, or cook, or whatever you know, just boring nothing Sunday stuff, and I guess this one was one that my Mom liked. It must have reverberated through the house and I must have absorbed it. This is the way I’ve come to know and love a few artists and albums that I believe I previously held disdain for. Over time, I have reluctantly accepted that they’re just pretty fucking good, and I can’t hate it just because my Mother likes it. Simon and Garfunkel being probably the greatest, and most painful example. Sigh.
As annoying as this might be, Drive, the opening track, is pretty joyous to relive. I mean, it’s the opposite of joyous in that it’s a huge dose of frowny-face sounds, but joyous in that it’s a song about challenging the status-quo by voting (seriously, it is — they were a big part of the Rock the Vote campaign and some of the lines are very pointed towards Bush Sr, who was running for a second term), but also questioning your sanity and driving around to uh, feel better. Relatable. It also references another song, a mechanism that I delight in — Rock Around the Clock, by Bill Haley and the Comets, if you’re wondering.
R.E.M. stand out with their use of mandolin and other not so typically utilized instruments, and it’s always really funny to me that they were so popular in top 40 music when they just, aren’t pop music at all. But that isn’t a bad thing. The bright sunny day for your average sad sack lives in The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite, where you even hear Michael Stipe laugh his way through the lyrics. It’s upbeat, it’s absurd, and it’s also fucking great. It’s fun as hell to sing. Lastly, I may be in the minority, but I love instrumental tracks (when they’re good), and New Orleans Instrumental No. 1 is two minutes and thirteen seconds of someone letting me fall asleep on them like a cat while they gently play with my hair. I could listen to it on repeat forever and I’d never be sick of it. It’s so beautiful. In my incessant need to know everything about every song, I have learned that a longer version exists (may I hear it?), and that it has never been performed live (may we hear it?).
I guess my Mom just really liked them. She grew up playing a few different stringed instruments but is deaf in one ear and can’t hold a tune to save her life. Still, once, she took me and that shitty boyfriend to our hyper local village music store (it’s long gone but was such a gem), I think so I could buy some guitar strings. The woman picked up a mandolin, and played a few chords perfectly. Our jaws hit the floor. Every time I hear the mandolin in one of their songs, I think of that moment and how cool she was to me in it.
They will always get bonus points for two additional things: Mike Mills is a consistent staple in the modern day Big Star lineup, with R.E.M. being one of the bands responsible for their later resurgence by citing their influence. Actually, I’m only just realizing this, but I HEAR IT IN ALL THAT MANDOLIN. Holy shit.
So, okay, I’ll always love them for that. But also, they are fictional character Ben Wyatt’s favorite band in the dorkiest and most pure, sincere way ever. Could a depressed person make this?
I had no idea I had this much to say about R.E.M. I’m a little embarrassed.
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godblooded · 2 years
hey guys. gonna have a moment and do a good old fashioned kat speak from the heart post so here we go.
i’m so fuckin’ thankful for all of you. thanks be so much to those of you who have stuck by me. thanks be to those of you who love me. thanks be to those of you who so much as spare me a positive thought in your day. i’m grateful to exist here in a space where even when i’m going through a lot and i disappear, i’m welcomed back so beautifully and so openly.
it’s been a difficult go of it. this is the very first time in my life i’m learning myself, and that’s a very complicated thing to try to do at 32. the concept of ‘having things figured out’ isn’t quite a logical concept at all nowadays.
i’m grateful for learning i can be loved, and in a huge way a lot of you have contributed to that. @shelassos is always so supportive and always has a kind word when i really need it like intrinsically. @crimeloyalty is one of the most marvelous writers i know, and has rekindled in me an old love of something i didn’t even know came true for me (yeah, batquinn is very dear to my heart and i’m not kidding when i say it’s so healing to think something that beautiful i always wanted came true???). @rekhenung is my brother, the person who i can confidently say we’re on a forever journey together, and whenever i look over there you are, and making me prouder every day. @inexactexpiration has been a close, close, close, very bestie brother mine for so long i got to see him get married, and witnessing and feeling his happiness was my greatest joy. @vorcotec is one of my most cherished people and no matter what, i’ll never ever feel like i can do anything but go to rabbit as though nothing has ever changed. @bornbreathless has made me want to write my goddamn oc again, truly. has made me realize i can make something worthwhile, and inspired so much of the development that kitty would not be who she is without you today. @misereternal has always been the best of all and any, standing by no matter how many ages i tend to disappear for. and so talented at sparking my creativity— at making me feel loved when i need it the most. without my fox shaped sibling sometimes i don’t think i’d know what it felt like to feel accepted. @zloslwy might only just be someone i’m speaking to now closely, but i’ve always admired with such great ferocity the talent and unabashed passion they attack every character of theirs, and i find myself more often than not inspired just by reading their work. @pessimistics has been wonderfully welcoming to a passion i have for a show i have not seen simply because i developed a passion for a character from said show i have not seen only through hart’s work. rustin’s so important to me, and i mean that, and i only know what you’ve written. @atrohphy is a constancy i cannot tell you how much i adore— not just a bright light, but a person i always feel like i can say practically anything to. pitch anything to, and receive back some ingenuity. @villainsrph is someone i met through a fucking accidental giveaway and to this day i can’t go through a moment without thinking about spending two hours on a random friend date in burrito bar having what i still consider one of the most fun times of my life, and i always feel welcome with briar, who has a talent for making everyone feel welcome. @asteritm has left me messages that at times have legitimately saved my entire day from the depths, and sometimes just straight up saved me. @parameddie is one of the most intelligently thought out writers i’ve ever, ever seen and i’m in love with every single thing ric writes because all of it is fascinating. all of it is driven by such a powerfully analytical lens— none of her characters are ever just characters, but they’re studies, too. @jokethur does such beautiful writing that there isn’t a day goes by i don’t find myself idly scrolling headcanons just out of curiosity limitless. i think i’ve rattled off everything i can through my glasses fogging constantly. @standbetween is an absolute gift. a person whose positive vibes emanate into my life. a dude who writes a character so marvelously that frankly i care not about the series. I care about thom and bishop’s heart and that’s all.
i have been through a relationship that i genuinely thought was it, but it was an experience i had, and i still got through it— albeit delayed, with the help of a lot of you guys. a lot of you i love so much. through my mom’s sickness, losing her; through grad school and fluctuating depressions— through so much of the hard stuff, you have been here for me. and for that i am grateful. i am thankful for the patience and love i’ve been shown at my hardest and i’m thankful for the honesty i’ve been given when i’m at my most difficult. i’m just thankful for all of you, and i need you to know that.
writing is my catharsis. musing is my catharsis. thinking, talking, creating, is all my catharsis. and i wouldn’t have it without you all.
thank you thank you thank you.
i’m gonna go drive on up to ct to see my family for a little while so i’ll be mobile (ask for disco or wire if you feel so inclined!) but thank you. thank you thank you. i want to write when i get back. fucking hell I want to. so hopefully i can.
i’m so thankful for everyone reading this. i love you.
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neon-junkie · 1 year
I’ve been sitting on this for years because I always felt it was kinda silly/didn’t exactly know how to explain it but it’s gotta go somewhere at this point…
So even though I’m not as big a fan of Steven Universe as I used to be, the fusion bit always stuck with me as one of The Best concepts both because of the design potential and because of how they can reflect all kinds of relationships (platonic, goal-oriented, romantic, toxic, etc). Sometimes my brain goes all fic-y and thinks about an AU where fusion is possible in the SW universe for a good number of beings but due to how they’re made, clones’ capability of fusing is very touch-and-go: Sometimes it works and the fusion is deemed acceptably battle-worthy (a la the mega Ruby) but in other cases, either their genetic tampering makes it difficult or the fusion is deemed too unstable/unacceptable and thus restricters are put on.
The Batch, unfortunately, cannot fuse amongst themselves because the tampering meant they can either have their enhancements or they could still fuse, but generally they can’t do both. At least not with each other.
They can, however, fuse with their respective S/O, however. Or rather, the S/O can fuse with her Batcher (or anyone, if the fusion is needed to accomplish a specific goal). Kinda like how Steven can fuse with humans, who can’t do it without him in the equation.
I’m especially a sucker for the idea of how a Batcher might fuse with a fuse-capable S/O or what features they might display but this is already getting long enough and I dun wanna pester you further 😅 I just needed to finally tell somebody about this.
(Sorta Angst Bonus: Somebody who’s been with or has known the Batch for a while gets so stunned by them getting separated from Crosshair/his seeming betrayal that they find themselves unable to form a stable fusion for a good while [read: most of what takes place during s1]. Considering fusion is a big deal for them and reflective of a mental and emotional state, it only furthers the stress and depression of it all. However, I’d like to think that they snap out of it at one point while saving Omega, creating their first fusion in a long while born out of a protective sort of love one might give a sibling. They feel forever indebted to her for it in a way.)
I'm posting this ask as-is cause theres a lot of good detail here, and I wouldn't want to smother it. Maybe some of my followers want to add comments? I love both SW and SU, so this is a cool crossover idea!!!
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