#so I’m happy to see them with so many comedians who turned out to see them
nova2kss · 2 months
Influencer island
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“I’m your host Yanna Bailey and we are back here on the influencer island”.
“On the previous episode we introduced the men that dared to step foot on this island and you guys went absolutely wild!”
“I know we picked a top tier cast but damn, #theinfluencerisland number 1 trending on twitter?”
“You bitches are eating it up, so I know for a fact when we introduce these ladies yall are going to be in absolute shambles.”
“Starting off hot as HELL”
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“….sorry y’all I had to take a breath.”
“It’s Mikasa fucking Ackerman”
“I fucking love her okay! And I’m not gon lie I don’t know if ima be able to host this show…you can’t put Mika in a room with Yanna cause ima jump on this woman bones.”
“Anywho.. Mika is a celebrity nail tech and hair dresser, you’ve seen her on tour with Victoria Monet, Megan the stallion, so many more but most importantly ? Cardi B!”
“Yes the girl who gives cardi those gorgeous claws and the girl who be giving cardi that long ass weave that be tickling her ass crack that is THE Mikasa Ackerman.
Aside from her gorgeous looks and work she is a party animal and you can see her turning up in multiple crowds of the artists that she stays with…let’s see if she can bring that same energy to the island.”
“Gosh I am so excited to introduce this next hottie, she so soft spoken but I heard she gives it up pretty wild off the camera, as you know she is a pretty new influencer so I think she’s coming in here with something to prove.”
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“The gorgeous blonde baker Historia Reiss”
“So off topic but her name is sooo cute”
“Historia went viral showing her tremendous cooking skills back in mid 2023, and since then she’s been going viral for baked goods and beauty.”
“But let’s not forget about the time this little firecracker whooped ass at a Fourth of July party THIS YEAR!”
“Something that not only myself but the fans were not excepting, I know you guys are gonna be so happy to see her on here”
“We’ve seen how Historia gives it up in the in the kitchen, we’ve seen how she gives it up in the field, now it’s time to see if she can hang with these animals on this island”
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“As stated she is pretty like an angel but the call her the devil…(there were no lies told)”
“Sasha braus first rose to fame on TikTok reviewing foods and looking so hot with that gorgeous maroon hair”
“You can see her with the talented man himself Jean Kristen, according to them they are childhood best friends and we’ve seen Jean and party mode but never sash…that’s gonna change on this island.”
“Sasha was ranked on the 2024 top 20 comedians list at #12, I can honestly see why everyone loves Sasha pretty, hilarious, and relatable… mhm she’s gonna fit right in here”
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“Calypso, calypso, calypso…mhm girl you are gonna get me in TROUBLE”
“This short haired hottie calypso blue has been on a longgggg break from the internet and the only time we’ve seen her is when she popped outside with her influencer bestie y/n”
“And mind y’all we only knew it was her cause of them famous short hair..”
“Well let me tell yall, after a damn near year long hiatus she has popped out and boy oh BOY!”
“This girlie done came back with some longer hair, and some Tatts…?? We already knew calypso blue was a hottie but this?? Oh she is taking it hunty”
“The intro is no longer needed calypso blue is here and you’ll be seeing her first hand on influencer island.”
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“…..I don’t like this bitch.”
“But it’s my job to introduce her.”
“Ummm so i really don’t know who picked her BUT this is Pieck finger, she’s a black haired bitch who party’s a lot fucked porco on video tried to get at my nigga and I’m probably gonna beat her ass.”
“On a brighter note we know she can party cause it’s all she does, no questions asked she could get as wild as the other guys and gals…NEXT”
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“Our next and final blondie is Mrs. Hitch”
“And according to her Rihanna’s faviorite which I’m pretty sure the whole internet disagrees with but..I digress.”
“Beautiful girl who rose to fame back in 2022 being spotted with Rihanna and I mean if you’re being spotted with someone as big as mofucking riri you think we not finna check you out?”
“But besides being ri right hand women it’s time to see what else hitchey can do…you know without the co-sign ”
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“The beautiful Ryan!!”
“Ryan is the owner of the ASOS clothing brand which is a brand for plus sized men and women.”
“She became very popular on TikTok while promoting her clothing brand and since then she’s taken off with so many sells, fans and followers”
“We know she can design the hell out some clothes but I wanna know what it she gonna do once her toes hit this sand.”
“As y’all known she’s known to be a shy girl and doesn’t party much…BUT WE CANT BE HAVIN THAT HAIR”
“So we gone need Ryan to come up out her shell and hopefully survive on this long awaited journey”
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“And finally we have the beauty, the mogul, the TOP influencer y/n”
“She needs to intro we all know her”
“And we all love her”
“She is THE beauty influencer, 9 time outta 10 if you’re searching tips and tricks you’re on her page scrolling endlessly”
“I’ve partied with this city girl before so I know how she gives it up now it’s your turn to see and boy I cannot wait for you to see, you guys fav isn’t as innocent as you think”
“Whew lord I pray for the beds in this house cause with these fine ass men and these gorgeous women I feel like they’ll be broke before we ever get to finish filming.”
“Know that you know which of your favs will be participating in the match a vote will be up shortly you can choose who you want to stay or go before they even get into the house, and remember to chose wisely after all you don’t want the wrong person to get that 1 million dollar check.”
“I’m your host Yanna Bailey signing out, make sure you stay tuned for the pilot of influencer Island.”
The girlies are here!!!! Sorry if I didn’t add an aot character that you wanted, I needed my sexy ocs to shine 😁
Idk if you guys peeped but I tried to do different shades of black for y/n but yea first ep coming soon and make sure to vote on the poll !!
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randomfoggytiger · 4 months
The Evolution of Gillian Anderson's Friendship with David Duchovny
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Early friendship:
He was an experienced actor when they started The X Files, she had been receiving unemployment benefit and had been in front of cameras only once before.
And she admits: "I desperately needed someone to show me the ropes and David did. He was wonderful."
There were rumours of a secret romance, which would have got them both fired on the spot. It is a strict studio rule that there will be no intimacy between the stars - off screen as well as on.
But Gillian did find love on The X Files, in the shape of assistant art director Clyde Klotz. And she did turn to Duchovny for advice after acting spontaneously on her wedding night, taking no precautions and finding herself pregnant.
She was horrified, believing she would get herself fired and ruin her career.
[“I went into his trailer,” she recalls, “and I said, ‘David, I’m pregnant.’ It looked like his knees buckled.... And he asked me if it was a good thing. I said, ‘Yeah, it is.’]
But her co-star, who was the only person she confided in apart from her husband, put Gillian's mind at ease.
He advised her not to have an abortion - that things would work out. And they did.
He kept her secret while Gillian thought things over for a month.
David Duchovny is not happy.....
Anderson, sensing Duchovny’s mood, looks down at his hand on her left shoulder and tries to brush it away, as if it were a mosquito. Then she turns and jumps into his arms, laughing, looking like a little girl making trouble for a protective older brother. Startled to be holding her, the smile on Duchovny’s face is forced no longer.
...“We really trust each other,” Duchovny says simply.
There is, between these two, a real-life camaraderie born of necessity, a friendship strong enough to survive too many work hours, and a chemistry powerful enough to rearrange the atoms on-screen. “Whenever we’re acting together,” says Anderson, “it’s there.”
But in real life, Duchovny and Anderson have a relationship as much a conundrum to outsiders as any X-File.
“We have a relationship that is completely odd and fabricated,” Duchovny says. “We’ve been thrown together, two people who don’t know each other, and we’ve been forced to spend more time together than married people do. So you can’t describe our relationship as ‘like’ or ‘dislike.’ ”
Sounds a little frosty.
“It is frosty,” Gillian Anderson agrees when she is read Duchovny’s description of their relationship. “But it’s accurate.” She laughs. “It’s not that we don’t like each other. It’s complicated.”
Question: Can you talk about getting back into these characters after a five or six year period?
David Duchovny: The first two weeks I felt a little awkward and I didn’t really feel like I wanted to do longer scenes. I was just fine running around. Then as soon as Gillian and I started working and it was Mulder and Scully, then I kind of remembered what it was all about and that relationship kind of anchored my performance just as I think the relationship anchors this film.
Shock: What’s that like with David now that you’re not with each other 16 hours a day on a series?
Anderson: It’s great, but it was great then, too. This is like a sibling relationship and I never had siblings.
What is your favourite thing about each other?
Duchovny: Gillian just doesn't give up.... She'll hang in there 'til we get it right.
Anderson: ...The easiest answer, I guess, is his sense of humour. He's always looking at the funny side of things, especially when he's around other actors who are comedians or funny themselves - it can turn into a bit of a contest to see who does the best impressions and such. But aside from that, there's a gentleness inside him that comes out every once in a while that is quite disarming and lovely. It's rare, but very nice.
Q: Was there a sense of almost a bunker mentality where you were at least going through this process with David? You mentioned he had more experience, he had done some bigger films but still the phenomenon that emerged within the first couple years was pretty remarkable. Did it help to have him there too and kind of like “Are you getting this too? Are you going through this too? Is this weird?” 
A: No. No, not really. We talk about the fact that it’s crazy that we didn’t. And that we didn’t take advantage of the fact that we had each other but it was complicated. These were long hours that we were working. We spent more time in each other’s presence than we did with our, you know, spouses and children, etc.
But also, you know, I think we p***ed each other off, quite frankly. And I have no doubt that after they’re waiting – we’re gonna roll and somebody has to come in and redo my lips and the difference between the maintenance for guys and gals and we’re shooting in all weather – you know, we never shut down except for one day for weather in the entire show.  We were shooting up in Vancouver through rain, sleet, everything. And my hair would frizz up to here in between takes and they’d have to get the blow dryer out under the tent and we’d be waiting for Gillian’s hair to do another take. You know, that p***es you right off. It adds up. So I, you know, I’m sure there were plenty of things he did that p***ed me off too. It just wasn’t, you know, but on the other hand.. NOW, we get to talk about that and we’re probably closer than we’ve ever been. 
Not surprisingly, she and Duchovny also became the story – according to the press, they were having an affair, hated each other or both. “I mean, yes, there were definitely periods when we hated each other.” She starts again. “Hate is too strong a word. We didn’t talk for long periods of time. It was intense, and we were both pains... for the other at various times.”
How was Duchovny a pain... for her? “Erm ...” Ten seconds pass without a word. Meanwhile, her smile gets wider and wider till it’s halfway up her cheeks. “I’m not going to get into it. I’m not even going to begin to get into that. But we are closer today than we ever have been.”
Anderson on working with Duchovny “Our relationship has definitely become a proper friendship over the last few years. I think we’re more on each other’s side. We’re more aware of the other’s needs, wants, concerns, and mindful to take those into consideration— and just sharing more about our experiences in the moment, under the sudden realization that we’re both in this together, and wouldn’t it be nice if it were a collaboration?”
They've worked together for 25 years but Gillian Anderson wants to make one thing clear: David Duchovny does NOT feature in her Ex Files.
While on screen their relationship left viewers wondering whether they would ever hook up romantically, Gillian says that off camera they were never very close.
In fact, she goes so far as to admit: "I don't know much about David Duchovny. If you asked me 10 things about him I'd probably get nine of them wrong."
...But now Gillian sets the record straight, saying: "We were never close. It's true we spent more time together than we have in any other relationship but it doesn't mean we were close.
"Very often when you're working long hours you may have a chit-chat between scenes but you're not really standing around talking about personal lives.
"And very often you don't have meals either at work or outside of work together because you're in each other's company all the time.
"So I actually don't know very much about David Duchovny, but we appreciate and respect each other."
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Stella made a new friend today.
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A huge congratulations to my old friend @davidduchovny on the world premiere of his film Bucky F***ing Dent @tribeca which he wrote, directed and stars in! A massive accomplishment and can’t wait to see it. (ps I’d say some of your prior writer / director gigs with me went pretty well and this was all just yesterday, right? 😉) #Tribeca2023
Awww Double D I’m so sorry. He was your guy. RIP Brick Duchovny
Lastly but not least,
a comment from David, 2024:
"My former X-Files costar Gillian Anderson and I are really good friends. ...When you share a seminal kind of experience in your life-- the huge success we had with that show-- only we know what it's like to be in the center of that. It's almost like being in the same family...."
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
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One in a Million
S4 | Bruno/MC, Youcef/MC | 3800+ words | @tammyisobsessedwith
Best friends Bruno and Youcef meet up only to discover the girl's they're seeing have a lot of suspicious things in common...
Written for Suzi's bday 💕
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The afternoon sun glinted off the door when Bruno walked into the pub, a nearly perceptible spring in his steps matching the wide smile on his face, both obvious signs to even the most casual of observers as to his general good mood ─ not that that would be an uncommon sight. After all, one would usually count on Bruno Kaminski to have a smile on his lips and a joke at the tip of his tongue.
The man sitting at one of the high tables in the back was more observant than most and he also had the added bonus of being one of Bruno’s best friends, so his eyes tracked his progress towards him with interest. While it was true that he could always expect the comedian to present to the world his rather goofy and sunny disposition on any given day, it seemed there was something else behind the energy surrounding him today.
“Youcef, my boy!” Bruno greeted him with a huge grin, clapping a hand warmly on his shoulder before taking the seat opposite him.
His friend merely raised an eyebrow back at him, a barely-there smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Boy? You do remember I’m two years older than you, yes?”
“Alright, my good sir. Excuse-moi, monsieur.” Bruno said gamely in an exaggerated French accent.
“Although many people would be hard pressed to know it, as I’m obviously far more mature.” Youcef rolled his eyes gently before bringing his glass of sparkling water up to his lips.
“Mate, don’t start on me with the whole grumpy Frenchman routine already,” Bruno said dismissively with a laugh even as he signalled a waitress over.
“Why not?” He challenged, his voice soft and a gleam visible in his dark eyes. “You’re obviously about to get into your bad comedian routine.”
“Oh-ho-ho, touché.” Bruno made a silly sort of half curtsy before he turned to the waitress who approached their table.
Youcef watched him indulgently with a small smile even as his friend joked easily with the waitress before placing his order. The pub was one of Bruno’s favourite dives, not really the sort of place that Youcef would frequent these days, but he always made an exception for him whenever their busy schedules would align and they had time to meet in person. He supposed that for someone watching them without any context they made an interesting duo, one so unlike the other ─ Youcef with his carefully bleached and coiffed hair and obviously expensive yet subdued clothes, Bruno with his colourful patterned shirt and blow-dried hair with the ridiculous (in Youcef’s opinion) frosted tips. 
And it was true that they might have never met if it wasn’t for the fact that they had the same agent, Valentina Castillo, who had introduced them during an event that her PR firm had organised a few years before. Despite having such different personalities and against all odds the two of them had become fast friends.
“So tell me, mon cher.” Youcef said once the waitress had left their table. “What has put you in such a good mood hmm?”
“Life is good, my friend!” Bruno said cheerfully. “I’m halfway through my tour and most dates are sold out. There’s a couple of interviews scheduled for next month and I’m also itching to try out some new material at the clubs when it all winds down.”
“I’m happy for you.” Youcef told him with a quiet and sincere smile. He knew how much Bruno had dedicated to his craft in the last few years and how he was sowing all the rewards of his hard work. “You deserve all the good things coming your way. Although it does make me fear for the state of Britain’s collective sense of humour.” He added the last jab with an obvious teasing smirk.
Bruno took no offence at the words and simply gave him a wide grin in return, as after many years he knew that Youcef’s teasing, dry humour was his own brand of love language. 
“Yeah, things seem to be going so well. Almost too well.” He said, his eyes darting away and a small sigh escaping.
“Oh?” Youcef merely intoned, raising an eyebrow at him before taking another sip from his glass.
Bruno’s light blue eyes darted back to him and he seemed to try to suppress the smile overcoming his lips before giving up on that losing battle. “Yeah. So I met a girl. And mate, I swear, I think I’m in love.”
The French man couldn’t help the small, low chuckle that escaped and the slight shake of his head at hearing those words. Bruno himself couldn’t stop his own laughter as he looked back at him. Right then the waitress breezed by and put a pint of beer before him and the two just enjoyed a moment as they silently clicked their glasses and sipped their drinks.
Youcef didn’t doubt what his friend said, although he would debate that between the two of them they had very different definitions of ‘falling in love’. For as long as he’d known him, he saw Bruno falling in love almost as easily as breathing. A cute girl at the crowd watching his set, a salesgirl at a store when they went shopping together, a new assistant in the PR team handling his affairs, a bartender at a club when they’d go out, one of Youcef’s model friends when he’d come out to watch one of his fashion shows. Bruno just wore his heart on his sleeve and the poor little thing would flutter in excitement, never worrying if his hopes and dreams were about to be smashed to pieces before anything had even really happened.
Which was the complete opposite of how Youcef would go about things. Ever since Camille, he’d hide behind his armour of smouldering good looks, high fashion clothes and lavish lifestyle, easily engaging others in physical intimacy while keeping his heart hidden behind locked doors and avoiding any type of real, heartfelt intimacy. Well, at least that was what he’d been doing in the last few years until…
Anyway, he shook his head to get out of his own thoughts and focus back on his friend. He could see Bruno was bursting to share the story with him and Youcef should have time to tell his own tale later. “Tell me all about it. Have you actually gone out with her yet?”
“Oh ha ha.” Bruno replied easily, a sardonic eyebrow raised, but his lips still sported a smile. “Yeah, I know you’re always making fun of me for my ‘love at first sight’ tendencies and how I say I’m in love with a different girl every week, but I’ll have you know I’ve actually been going out with her for two months now.”
“Really?” Youcef asked, watching him with interest, as it seemed like this time there was something substantial behind the words his friend would usually throw out rather carelessly.
“Yeah,” Bruno replied, his eyes and smile sparkling. “We both have busy schedules, so it gets tricky but we meet up every chance we get. When I’m on the road we just chat for hours on the phone after I’m done with my set and honestly… I’ve never felt like this before.” He said, a happy sigh escaping his lips, a serene, contented expression taking over his features.
“That sounds great.” Youcef gave him a small smile back. “How did you two meet?”
“She pulled me up for a chat after one of my sets at the stand up club.” Bruno explained. “At first I couldn’t believe she was really into me, she’s just so bloody gorgeous! And she’s smart, too. Way too smart for me. Went to Oxford and now works as a manager at a big pharma company.”
“Oh?” Youcef merely said, one eyebrow twitching up momentarily. Something stirred deep down in his stomach as he heard those words, but surely they wouldn’t mean anything? Lots of people went to Oxford and worked at pharma companies in the city.
“Yeah, I know, not the type of girl you’d think would be into me, right?” Bruno said easily with a smile. “But she’s genuinely one of the nicest girls I’ve ever met. We can chat about anything for hours. And she could give your model friends a run for their money, too! Picture this: light tanned skin, deep blue eyes that shine brightly like sapphires, golden hair as smooth as silk.” He said in an exaggerated tone, making wide hand gestures as his description veered into waxing poetic territory before continuing in a less joking tone.
“She even got a beauty spot near the corner of her eye that makes her look like those golden age movie stars. She’s about 5’7 with legs that go on for days and her hips…” He let out a breathy sort of chuckle as he shook his head a little. “I don’t wanna get crass, but man, her hips drive me crazy.”
“Sounds like a real bombshell.” Youcef commented softly, a barely visible frown forming a line between his eyebrows. The more he heard about this girl, the more he felt like an unpleasant feeling was spreading throughout his body, but he didn’t think his friend had noticed anything strange in his demeanour so far.
“Tell me about it!” Bruno said with another light laugh. “She’s always dressed to perfection when we go out, I can’t believe she’s willing to be seen in public with an idiot like me.” He chuckled in that self-deprecating manner that was a signature part of his humour. “But to be honest my favourite look is when she’s at home just lounging about, her hair up in a messy bun. I feel like no one else gets to see her just like that, you know? So relaxed as she just scrolls through her phone, biting on her lip and running a finger on the pendant with the letter S on the golden chain around her neck. I swear, she never takes it off, it’s almost like a part of her, like the tattoo she has on her ribs of the moon and stars that she got— "
“─after her name.” Youcef completed the thought before he could stop himself, the two of them speaking the words in unison.
“Yeah,” Bruno said, giving him a somewhat amused and confused frown. “How did you know? What, did you become a mind reader since we last saw each other?”
Youcef just stared back at his friend for a moment, unsure of what to do. “Merde,” he murmured softly under his breath before taking a sip as he avoided his eyes. As the glass hit the table with a dull thud, his fingers slipped into his pocket and he pulled out his phone. “I can’t believe this is happening, but…”
He could feel Bruno’s eyes watching him in confusion and Youcef swallowed with difficulty before turning his phone over and showing him something on the screen. He could see the moment realisation dawned on him, but a part of his friend was still confused as his mouth hung slightly open and he pointed a finger at him. “Hey, that’s my…” Bruno’s voice trailed off, his brow furrowing. “Youcef, why do you have a picture of my girlfriend on your phone?”
“I swear to you on my life, mon ami, I had no idea.” Youcef said, his voice coming out softly but his eyes were shining earnestly. “I met her a couple of months ago at an after-party for a fashion show and we’ve been seeing each other ever since.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Bruno said, his voice deadpan and still considerably calm despite his words. “So my girl and my best friend…”
“She never said she was seeing anyone else.” Youcef was quick to say, rather defensively. “In fact, I remember her specifically saying she was single when she approached me, asking if she could buy me a drink.”
Bruno blinked dazedly at him for a moment. “That’s the same thing that happened to me.” He paused and saw his friend just nodding back at him. “She’s been playing us both.”
“It would appear it is so, yes.” Youcef said with a long sigh.
“Oh man…” Bruno whispered, leaning back on his chair and running his hands over his face. His fingers went into his hair and he avoided his friend’s eyes for a moment before asking. “Was it just like a casual sex thing or…?” He trailed off with a shrug, as he knew most of Youcef’s relationships tended to be like that.
“I…” Youcef said, his mouth hanging open for a moment as he debated on how to answer this, but he’d always been brutally honest to a fault and it wouldn’t do to lie now, even if a part of him wished it weren’t true, if only to protect his friend. But he also knew Bruno had a tendency to forgive too easily and he deserved to know the truth. “Honestly? No, not for me. And up until now I had thought not for her, either.”
“Shit.” He closed his eyes and hung his head for a moment. “I really thought she was the one, y’know? Well, what are the odds?” He said with a smile that somehow managed to be sardonic, rueful and heartbreaking at the same time.
“Most unlikely.” Youcef said quietly, his lips pressed on a thin line.
“I guess this is it, then.” Bruno let out a long-suffering sigh and shook his head. “I knew this was too good to be true. She was like one in a million.”
They remained in silence for a few moments, just sipping their drinks as the shock washed over them. “What are you going to do about it?” Youcef asked with a raised eyebrow.
Bruno shot him a look, the corner of his lips turning up in a rather humourless smirk now. “Well, seeing as the ground still hasn’t opened up to swallow me whole, I guess I’ll have to do all the legwork myself and just… disappear?” He finished with a shrug.
“What?” Youcef asked sharply, a frown marked between his eyebrows. “Why should you have to hide away?”
“Uh, to spare myself from the pain and utter humiliation?” The comedian raised an eyebrow at him as if that should’ve been obvious. “I mean, I know I joke a lot about this kind of stuff on stage, but even for me this is a bit too much.”
“You have nothing to be ashamed of. You’re not the one who did anything wrong.” Youcef insisted in a firm tone. “In fact, we should both confront her and say our piece.”
“Hard pass.” Bruno retorted promptly, his words coming out along a short bark of laughter. “Hi, have you met me? I’m the least confrontational person, ever.”
“And you know I don’t suffer fools gladly.” The French model insisted, crossing his arms over his chest. “I believe in honesty and openness, and what she did to the both of us is… detestable.” He said, a sneer forming on his lips. “She should at least hear that we figured her out and will no longer be pawns in her game.”
“Oh man.” Bruno whispered, looking up for a moment as if asking for strength from some deity above before running one hand over his face and looking back at his friend. “Yeah, I know, you’re right. Fuck. How do we do this?”
Youcef’s sneer morphed seamlessly into a smirk then. “When we made plans to meet today, you mentioned you were coming back into town earlier than planned. Does she know?”
Bruno shook his head. “No, I was gonna surprise her later.”
“Well, we can still do that.” His friend said, a gleam visible in his dark eyes. “I’ve been texting her and we had arranged for a dinner date tonight. How about you join us hmm?” He suggested with a raised eyebrow.
Slowly, a smirk also took form on Bruno’s lips and he nodded back.
They made the arrangements and parted ways to get ready for the night and to put their plan into action. Normally Youcef would make a point to pick her up if they were going out, but he made an excuse of a last minute meeting with his manager and said he’d meet her at the restaurant. She agreed to it quite easily, unsuspecting that anything was amiss.
That night, the two friends were sitting at the bar in the lounge area of one of Youcef’s favourite restaurants, watching the entrance avidly until they saw her walking in through the front door. Youcef could see the pang of pain cross on Bruno’s face as they just observed her for a moment. She did look quite exquisite, golden hair pinned up and a few loose strands elegantly framing her face, the golden chain with the delicate S pendant gleaming just above her modest cleavage, her hips swaying tantalisingly as her dress swished around her legs, the deep blue of its fabric no doubt highlighting her bright sapphire eyes.
She went straight to the maitre’d who had been instructed to lead her to a secluded table on the back near the window. Both men looked at each other and traded a nod before downing their drinks and Youcef pushed off against the bar, heading towards her first.
“Youcef, darling.” She said, a dazzling smile forming on her full lips as she saw him appear suddenly before her.
“Bonsoir, bébé.” He said smoothly, leaning in and kissing both her cheeks before taking a seat in front of her. “My apologies for meeting you straight here. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”
“No, not at all. It was perfect timing, I just got here.” She said with an easy smile, reaching across the table to take his hand.
“Good.” He said, his smile sharp. “I hope you don’t mind, I ran into a friend at my meeting and invited him to join us.”
He looked up just as Bruno approached them, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his trousers, looking like the very picture of casual coolness despite how nervous he had been earlier. She looked up as well, her eyes widening a little as he stood next to their table.
“Hello.” Bruno said with a smile, his voice somehow coming out way smoother than they’d expected.
“Oh.” She said a little breathlessly, blinking up at him for a moment. “This is your friend?” She glanced at Youcef before reaching her hand towards Bruno. “I think I know you. The comedian, Bruno Kaminski, right?”
Youcef let out a loud, humourless laugh then, drawing attention to himself. “Ah chérie. Are you seriously attempting to say you don’t know him?”
She looked back at him with a frown, withdrawing her hand as Bruno never reached for it. “Well, I know who he is, but I’d never met him before.”
“Really?” Bruno scoffed in disbelief. “You’re gonna keep denying it even now?”
“I swear, I don’t know what you’re─”
“Hey! There you are, you dropped your phone in the cab—"
The three of them looked up as another person approached their table, hand outstretched with a phone in her hand and suddenly they were all frozen in place. Bruno did a comical double take as the woman drawing closer to them was the exact spitting image of the one sitting down at the table, only this one had her blonde hair cascading in gentle waves down her shoulders and she was wearing a business casual black dress.
“Bruno?” She said, brow furrowing as she realised he was standing next to her. “What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” Bruno repeated in an utterly befuddled state. “I think I might be having a stroke, that’s what. Am I seeing double or, or — what in the world is going on?” He said, reaching for a chair and shakily sitting down.
“Wait, you thought—" The woman sitting at the chair said, interrupting herself as she pointed from Youcef to Bruno before both women looked at each other and burst out laughing.
“Bruno, this is my sister, Selena.” The woman standing said, once their laughter had subsided, gesturing from the man still sitting in apoplectic shock towards the woman who was sitting down.
“And Youcef, this is my sister, Stella.” The one who had been introduced as Selena gestured from the French man towards the woman standing next to her.
“What?” Bruno said rather dumbly while Youcef could only raise both his eyebrows as he took them in. “I mean… What?”
“Twin sisters?” Youcef asked, his soft voice not quite masking the shock he was in.
“Yes.” The women said in unison, smiling and nodding at them.
“But your uni, your job, the necklace, the tattoo—" Bruno said, still spluttering in disbelief.
“Yes, we went to the same uni and work at the same pharma company now. I’m a product manager in the marketing department.” Selena said, still with a smile before gesturing with a hand at her sister. “Stella is a project manager in the clinical research department.”
“And we got matching necklaces for our 18th birthday, then we got the same tattoo on our ribs to represent our names.” Stella picked up on the explanation. “Moon and stars? Selena and Stella?”
“Mon Dieu,” Youcef whispered, still a little dazed but shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts. “This is quite unbelievable.”
“No shit,” Bruno muttered under his breath. “I mean, what are the odds?” He said, before his eyes found Youcef’s and they both burst into laughter.
A little while later the four of them were sitting at the table, laughing together and having drinks after placing their dinner order.
“I remember you said your sister was your best friend,” Bruno commented, a smile etched on his lips and he shook his head a little as he held Stella’s hand over the table. “But you never said she was your identical twin sister.”
“I’m sorry,” Stella said, laughter in her voice as she squeezed his hand. “I swear it wasn’t on purpose, I really thought I had mentioned it.”
“Well, I’m really glad this whole thing turned out to be nothing but a huge misunderstanding.” Bruno said, his clear blue eyes sparkling as he looked back at his girlfriend.
“Despite the confusion, it’s actually great that we happen to be dating two guys that are already best friends.” Selena said with a smile, glancing from her sister to Youcef.
“It certainly leads to less chance of having awkward double dates or family functions.” Youcef said with a nod, bringing Selena’s hand up to press a gentle kiss on her knuckles.
“I wasn’t even thinking about all of that,” Bruno said, a huge grin on his face. “You two have just given me the best material of my life.”
They all laughed at his remark, raising their glasses to toast to the future set of jokes he’d get to tell on stage and thankful that in the end everything had worked out perfectly for all of them.
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abbacuuss · 10 months
1. selfie: I'll post one after this.
2. what would you name your future kids? Genevieve and Canderous Scott or Scott.
3. do you miss anyone? I miss my brother, Drew.
4. what are you looking forward to? Just being happy.
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? My mom.
6. is it hard for you to get over someone? Absolutely.
7. what was your life like last year? Full of sickness.
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? Yes
9. who did you last see in person? My mom.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings? Yes. I'm a Capricorn.
11. are you listening to music right now? No just a fan.
12. what is something you want right now? Tacos.
13. how do you feel right now? My body hurts.
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? Its been a while
15. personality description: Sarcastic nerd
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? Yeah.
17. opinion on insecurities. I am insecurities personified.
18. do you miss how things were a year ago? Not at all.
19. have you ever been to New York? I've never been out of the Tristate area.
20. what is your favourite song at the moment? Word up by Cameo
21. age and birthday? 32 and Jan 15th
22. description of crush.
23. fear(s): Death.
24. height: 6'
25. role model: My brother.
26. idol(s): Billie
27. things i hate: myself
28. i’ll love you if… you accept me as I am.
29. favourite film(s): Donnie Darko, original Ghostbusters, and 10 things I hate about you
30. favourite tv show(s): too many to name
31. 3 random facts: I can't roll my tongue, I can't blow bubbles in gum, and penguins have a gland above their eyes that convert salt water to fresh water to see when diving.
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? Girls?
33. something you want to learn: more languages
34. most embarrassing moment: peed myself at a church sleepover. I didn't even go to that church.
35. favourite subject: pottery
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? Be happy, be comfortable financially, treat my mom right.
37. favourite actor/actress: Paul Rudd
38. favourite comedian(s): Gabriel Iglesias
39. favourite sport(s): curling
40. favourite memory: Coming home from the hospital after my blood clot.
41. relationship status: single
42. favourite book(s): World War Z
43. favourite song ever: Pearl of the Stars by Coheed and Cambria
44. age you get mistaken for: 20s
45. how you found out about your idol: He is my sibling.
46. what my last text message says: "nope. Not hurt."
47. turn ons: ask me privately.
48. turn offs: Dishonesty
49. where i want to be right now: Im in bed so...
50. favourite picture of your idol: nope
51. starsign: Capricorn
52. something i’m talented at: making people laugh
53. 5 things that make me happy: my cats, tacos, video games, giving love, and learning new things.
54. something thats worrying me at the moment: my heart.
55. tumblr friends: all of them.
56. favourite food(s): Mexican food, Italian food, American Chinese food
57. favourite animal(s): otters and cats
58. description of my best friend: n/a
59. why i joined tumblr: was reporting e3 back in 2009
60. ask me anything you want: you didn't ask me anything.
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neon-jackalope · 2 years
Was requested to do all the numbers by @nicothepico
1. selfie
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2. what would you name your future kids?
Hypothetically i like Athena, Gülben, Reza
3. do you miss anyone?
Some of my siblings
4. what are you looking forward to?
My trip to Washington this summer
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
My coworker nate
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
Used to be. Now i just move forward
7. what was your life like last year?
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
Annoyed no
9. who did you last see in person?
My boss
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
Very good
11. are you listening to music right now?
Yep, tan dun compositions
12. what is something you want right now?
To get railed and some kosher pizza
13. how do you feel right now?
Deeply and woefully depressed 😘
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
Uhhhh a couple months ago my mom hugged me when my dad died
15. personality description
Rolf from ed,edd and eddy but make him spooky and jewish
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Yes. Its a daily struggle
17. opinion on insecurities.
Its normal but you should work past them
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?
Absolutely not
19. have you ever been to New York?
Used to live there
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
Cruel by tori amos
21. age and birthday?
Gregorian july,1st 1992. Hebrew 30th of sivan 5752. Age 30
22. description of crush.
Truthfully like my uncle anush
23. fear(s)
The ocean, jellyfish, arachnids, christmas nutcrackers
24. height
5’10” / 177.8 cm
25. role model
Che guevara
26. idol(s)
Uhhhhh none?
27. things i hate
Cauliflower. Texas
28. i’ll love you if…
You let me info dump and actually take an interest in what im going on about
29. favourite film(s)
10 things I hate about you, the craft, fiddler on the roof, yentl, umma
30. favourite tv show(s)
Inuyasha, naruto, uhh various documentary shows
31. 3 random facts
I assume about me so..
1. I have marfan syndrome
2. Im multilingual
3. I have 14 siblings
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
Mostly equal mix at this point, though most of my close friends are neither
33. something you want to learn
How to sing
34. most embarrassing moment
Thats hard because im a fool. Probably when i out of habit from my job, i met newbies in my synagogue and i reached to shake the wifes hand and i forgot she already told me she was shomer negiah
35. favourite subject
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Spiders crawling out of my mouth
Going back to school and my hebrew teacher speaking to me backwards
Becoming an artist
37. favourite actor/actress
Michelle yeo, melina kanakaredes , parminder nagra.
38. favourite comedian(s)
Kathleen madigan, margaret cho,
39. favourite sport(s)
Soccer/futball. Hockey
40. favourite memory
My summers in cloudcroft
41. relationship status
42. favourite book(s)
The black tide of heaven by neon yang
43. favourite song ever
Impossible to narrow down to one.
44. age you get mistaken for
I was once told i looked 37 when i was 24 at the time so do with that what you will
45. how you found out about your idol
I dont think I have one
46. what my last text message says
“Also long. And emotional” (recent death stuff)
47. turn ons
Very long list.
48. turn offs
Being conceited. No weird sense of humor. Toe jam.
49. where i want to be right now
British Columbia
50. favourite picture of your idol
51. starsign
Gregorian cancer, hebrew gemini
52. something i’m talented at
Track and field
53. 5 things that make me happy
Japanese food
My friends
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
Whether or not im about to snap and sling myself off this mortal coul
55. tumblr friends
So many. Just check who i reblog from lol
56. favourite food(s)
Baklava, gözleme, litteh torshi, lamb
57. favourite animal(s)
Bats n lizards
58. description of my best friend
Ethereal, we are not worthy. German
59. why i joined tumblr
Porn and witches
60. ask me anything you want
Well whats your question????
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indri-on-ao3 · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)❤️❤️❤️
This got long. TLDR: science, friends, helping, art, queer. I want to follow up with 5 things I don't like about myself, but that is against the spirit of the ask.
I’m a pretty good applied scientist. I have a reasonable grasp of the relative importance of things, but also an ability to focus on detail when it’s needed—the combination is a useful one. These days I’m more of a science facilitator. I talk with people who need science done, work out the critical and achievable questions, find researchers with the right skills and the funding bodies looking for projects, then persuade everyone to work together. It can take years of patience and frustration, but when it happens it’s fantastic. I love it.
I have a lot of friends, many of whom I’ve known a long time now, all of whom are superb people. This means a lot to me, as I had few friends at school. I was still wary when I started making friends at uni, uncertain as to whether they actually liked me or just found me useful or inoffensive. Eventually, the evidence that they liked me for myself became insurmountable and I had to accept it. What’s more, I keep making friends: there are many compatible and fascinating people out there and I keep finding them. But I’ve retained the core friends from my late teenage years; we’ve seen so much together and most of us are still close.
I’ve been able to help and mentor junior scientists since I became a bit more established. Sometimes I introduced them to a field they came to love. Other times, they faced serious—undeserved—difficulties and I could support them, like helping them find a new job. And once an excellent person had to leave science for the sake of her mental health, and all I could do was say that her life and happiness was worth more than whatever projects she was working on.
I’ve become a great supporter of amateur and semi-pro artists, especially local ones. I give substantial financial support to a studio for diverse visual artists. I regularly turn up and pay money at tiny cupboard venues to see comedians, musicians, cabaret artists, acrobats and drag queens. I go to art exhibition openings in cafés and the backs of sheds. I used to edit an amateur fiction magazine. Online, I give kudos to AO3 authors and reblog Tumblr commentary and art. All of these forms of self-expression are worthy and fascinating, if sometimes a little raw. Their value under capitalism is not an indicator of their artistic value. Wanting to make and share something is a fundamental human activity and I am here to be your audience, except when I’m busy making something myself.
I persevere in being queer. When I was a young adult, I was unable to find any support for bi+ people—my identity was invalid and my peers invisible (even when, as we later discovered, we had been standing right next to each other). Then I got into a long-term relationship with a lovely different-sex partner, and I thought my straight-passing privilege outweighed the heterosexism and biphobia. But it did not. I now know that bi+ people in straight-looking relationships have terrible statistics for mental health and life outcomes: we’re sometimes missing something vital. I found myself gravitating to hobbies and venues where the gender of my partner didn’t matter, for who wants to feel that their welcome is conditional? And now that times have changed a bit, I’m trying to be more visible and I’ve joined a committee to help others and I’m still working out what more to do. And yes, I joined Tumblr so I could obsessively reblog pictures of Loki and the Valkyrie and sometimes other bi+ pop culture characters because it comforts me somehow, I’m retroactively trying to tend the hapless teenager I once was. I always knew I was real, but it still shocks and shakes me when someone else acknowledges it. I scared but I’m still moving. 
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daydream-the-demon · 2 months
1. selfie 2. what would you name your future kids? 3. do you miss anyone? 4. what are you looking forward to? 5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? 6. is it hard for you to get over someone? 7. what was your life like last year? 8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? 9. who did you last see in person? 10. are you good at hiding your feelings? 11. are you listening to music right now? 12. what is something you want right now? 13. how do you feel right now? 14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? 15. personality description 16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? 17. opinion on insecurities. 18. do you miss how things were a year ago? 19. have you ever been to New York? 20. what is your favourite song at the moment? 21. age and birthday? 22. description of crush. 23. fear(s) 24. height 25. role model 26. idol(s) 27. things i hate 28. i’ll love you if… 29. favourite film(s) 30. favourite tv show(s) 31. 3 random facts 32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? 33. something you want to learn 34. most embarrassing moment 35. favourite subject 36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? 37. favourite actor/actress 38. favourite comedian(s) 39. favourite sport(s) 40. favourite memory 41. relationship status 42. favourite book(s) 43. favourite song ever 44. age you get mistaken for 45. how you found out about your idol 46. what my last text message says 47. turn ons 48. turn offs 49. where i want to be right now 50. favourite picture of your idol 51. starsign 52. something i’m talented at 53. 5 things that make me happy 54. something thats worrying me at the moment 55. tumblr friends 56. favourite food(s) 57. favourite animal(s) 58. description of my best friend 59. why i joined tumblr 60. do u like cheese
Under cut because this is a lot.
1. selfie
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First day of school selfie. (Taken on a flip-phone-)
2. what would you name your future kids?
I don't want to have children EVER, but if I had to... Veronico, Riley, and Aria. (Male, gender-neutral, and female. I'd rather have gender-neutral names because in case they're trans I don't want them to suffer like I do. I also like Italian names so that too.)
3. do you miss anyone?
Lucifer-morningstar-the-hellster... Please tell me you're alive.
There was also this girl I met on Omegle, her name was Alyssa. I think about her a lot. I had contact with her through Twitter but my old Twitter account was deleted because of my mom. I kinda still miss her and think about her a lot.
4. what are you looking forward to?
That I'll have time to do art and animation throughout the school year. And that this school year won't be as bad as last year where I literally wanted to kill myself. I'm hoping school won't make me as stressed of depressed this year. It's starting off well (got all my supplies and all, unlike last year where everything was jumbled up).
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
Almost all my friends! Seeing them happy makes me happy. Though the amount of simping and dirty jokes I get is a bit overwhelming though I do sit back and just laugh about it.
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
Sometimes, but not really. I can pretty easily just say "fuck it, what do I care?" and move on.
7. what was your life like last year?
Really depressing. Being always called by my deadname, being really stressed and depressed, I never had time for anything fun and I had way too many all-nighters. As said before I was really suicidal, and also my friends and mutuals were being depressing.
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
Well annoyance at sound because of overstimulation is a thing. I have almost broke down crying because of how loud everything was and my school and class. My parents want to get me noise-canceling headphones (like the ones that don't play music and stuff). And I already have ear plugs.
9. who did you last see in person?
My friend, he is a brother of a previous friend I had, and he's in 9th grade I think? We're chill with each other and talk about memes and The Click and Hazbin Hotel.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
I have no idea. I think I am because a lot of people think I'm happy-go-lucky.
11. are you listening to music right now?
Not as of writing this. I would like to but it's late and I don't want my mom knowing I'm staying up. Also it's a bit hard writing thoughtful things while listening to music (with lyrics especially).
12. what is something you want right now?
I wanted to just talk to my friends and simp over a character. I wanted to draw and animate a bit so I'll do that after finishing this Q&A.
13. how do you feel right now?
I think I'm happy. I'm a tad bit bored but I LOVE answering questions. I rarely get asked things and so I'm happy answering questions.
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
Opposite sex and opposite gender? Both I have no I idea. I think opposite gender was last year or something. Opposite sex like never. I usually hug my friends instead of them hugging me because I get really freaked out by people touching me.
15. personality description
Hm... I'm chaotic, I talk about murder and cannibalism a lot, I'm charming and have charisma (as the kids these days say "rizz"), I'm old-timey and I've been described as "your like when I drop a book and it lands half open" instead of an open book. I'm bombastic and energetic, argumentative and stubborn yet willing to change opinions and acknowledge I'm wrong. I can be loving and caring and many people see me as the therapist friend and the parent friend. I am theatrical and cartoonish in the way I talk and do things.
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
I mean yeah, I think we've all done this at some point. I mean sometimes it's things I'm debating or for my own safety (like pronouns because my parents are transphobic).
17. opinion on insecurities.
What is there to say? They exist and they're there for a reason.
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?
19. have you ever been to New York?
I flew over New York on an aeroplane when I immigrated from Russia to America for the first time. But I have never officially been there.
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
Bad Boy Good Man, Play Me Friday Night, and The Magic Slapstick all by TAPE FIVE (guess what my favorite band is-). I like them a lot for some reason, really catchy and the lyrics are fun. I like to imagine myself or my original characters to them.
21. age and birthday?
I'm twelve, but in nine days I will be thirteen. I was born August 12.
22. description of crush.
Hm... An antique copper trawler lantern, and a half-deer radio demon.
Or Airy from Hfjone and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel.
But if we're speaking like people crushes, I'm AroAce. But squashes and such, my last one was Dread, partner in crime. Not wedded in case any of us commit a crime and we don't want the other to deal with that!
23. fear(s)
I hate spiders, just no. But I would have one as a pet if it was under control and not poisonous or venomous or dangerous. Also I don't like small dogs they just scare me. I have a lot of anxiety, and I fear death a lot. I have constant existential dread that absolutely ravishes me. I have a fear of not doing the things I want and not having enough time to do things. I fear my parents will find out I'm trans and queer in general, and that I think I may have mental illnesses.
24. height
I'm 155 centimeters, about 5'1" in imperial units.
25. role model 26. idol(s)
Both Alex Hirsch. I'm Alex, for one, I want to be a cartoonist, voice actor, and create and do amazing things. But basically I am my own person and the role model and idol I have is myself.
27. things i hate
Social situations where I don't know if I'm supposed to be there or not, places I do not know how to navigate, large crowds, a lot of sound, I have a couple drawing pet peeves like tangent lines and drawing eyelashes directly on the eyes and blushing done wrong, when my art program crashes and doesn't save anything, when I make a mistake... Etc.
28. i’ll love you if…
Hm, if you treat me as an equal and don't discriminate against me for any reason. If you don't interrupt me, ignore me, and leave me out like many do. If you remember things about me others wouldn't. If you have the same interests I have. If you don't pick on me and make fun of me and bully me. Just please understand me and I'll be your friend.
29. favourite film(s)
I like Mary Poppins (1964), The Wizard of Oz, and old-timey things are my jazz. Though anything with a good story and plot and action are also my thing.
30. favourite tv show(s)
Hazbin Hotel, Gravity Falls, Inside Job, Hfjone, The Series of Unfortunate Events, and some other things like that. I watched a couple shows in my time though a very long time ago.
31. 3 random facts
I was homeschooled for 3-4 years, I am one of the best performing students in school, I play the saxophone.
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
My real-life friend group is mostly gals, but my online friend group (which I consider my actual friends) are mostly trans guys and non-binary people.
33. something you want to learn
I want to learn to do art at a professional level along with animation, and I want to learn to produce music and play the sax, and I want to learn how to properly voice-act and have a male voice.
34. most embarrassing moment
There are a lot. I would rather not type or choose. Basically "I say something" *cricket noises*. Usually I feel second-hand embarrassment too instead of actually being embarrassed for myself.
35. favourite subject
In school? It's linguistics.
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
I want to be famous, I want to be good at art, I want to be good at sax.
37. favourite actor/actress
I'm not much for actors and actresses, I can't name any. I just watch the movie or show and not consider the names of the people behind them. Though voice actors I'd say Alex Hirsch.
38. favourite comedian(s)
There is a guy I used to like named Jack Whitehall, he was pretty funny I think.
39. favourite sport(s)
Biking and swimming. I don't exactly do sports but I do enjoy these things. It's relaxing though it does give me a workout. I'm going swimming to the creek this morning!
40. favourite memory
There are plenty. Talking to my friends and me saying something smart or hilarious, people laughing or loving me. I want love for me and my favorite memories is when I get it. I also remember a time where I lost my plushie, and then my mom finally found it. Yeah...
41. relationship status
I'm single and not ready to mingle~ Though Dread is my partner in crime I just consider him a friend. QPR shiz. I do like to flirt with others to mess with them and whatnot.
42. favourite book(s)
There is only ONE book/book series I ever read for my own pleasure. All the Wrong Questions by Lemony Snicket, it's amazing and really my genre.
43. favourite song ever
Hm... That's a really hard question. I'd say most of TAPE FIVE. Boheme Supreme, Play Me Friday Night, Ballroom Troopers, The Magic Slapstick... There is so many. But those are the main ones.
44. age you get mistaken for
I always get mistaken for being older even if I'm on the shorter side. Like a year or two older than I am usually. Probably because of how I act a bit more mature than some but I'm still not that tall.
45. how you found out about your idol
I of course was obsessed with Gravity Falls, and Alex Hirsch is a big part of the community, so yeah! And he's everything I want to be.
46. what my last text message says
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47. turn ons
Oh really~? Hm~ Okay, well, when people are overly-seductive and they're serious (help me dear god). Though being AroAce it's like "Uhm I'm flattered but oh my-"
48. turn offs
Awkwardness and lack of ability to proceed with things. Awkward, silly, and embarrassing conversations are just weh. Whenever I read fanfiction I just can't and have to skip over those parts.
49. where i want to be right now
I don't know. I want to be happy and not in school. I want to do the things I aspire to do.
50. favourite picture of your idol
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51. starsign
I'm a Leo which honestly meh.
52. something i’m talented at
Art. I am amazing at art and consider myself an intermediate artist.
53. 5 things that make me happy
My friends, moths, my fandoms and the characters I simp for, my dogs, wearing a suit with a bowtie.
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
School, that today I'm staying up a bit late, and that I am anxious I won't have enough time for all the things I want to do.
55. tumblr friends
I have way too many. I'd list them from-time to time so that's that. Also it's in my introduction post!
56. favourite food(s)
I have a dish I made myself. It's rice, fried grated carrots, eggs, chopped peppers and parsley/cilantro. It is SO good. I can't live without it. It's also like the only healthy thing I eat so obviously. I also like broccoli with sour cream with garlic, it's so good.
57. favourite animal(s)
MOTHS! I am OBSESSED with moths, which makes sense considering I'm a moth therian. I love the Cecropia Moth and I can't live without it, it is MINE. I also like black snakes, because Lucifer and all that, and AXOLOTLS. My mom recently gave me an Axolotl necklace to me.
58. description of my best friend
Author-of-the-year. The sweetest, most positive person in the world. She has no bad in her and she is the best and how did I even end up with her-
59. why i joined tumblr
So funny thing, I used to be absolutely in love with Bill Cipher. Then I learned he was a Tumblr Sexyman... So naturally I joined Tumblr and started Sexyman-posting about Bill.
60. do u like cheese
I like things with cheese in them, yes, like cheese pizza, macaroni and cheese, toast with cheese, a sandwich with cheese... I'd say I like Velveeta (brand) cheese, and Aged Swiss cheese. Though cheese on its own is just bland.
Alright, I had fun doing this Q&A, I love answering questions about myself.
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petrovna-zamo · 2 years
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Scott Thompson was in the audience to see Trixie & Katya! — The comedian from this story:
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floral-poisons · 2 years
Hello, may i request romantic headcanons for savannaclaw with gn!s/o that secretly loves to watch their boyfriend playing or practicing magift and get caught by their boyfriend. Thank you!
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hi anon!! i'm happy to provide romantic head canons for savanaclaw when their partner loves watching their boyfriend practice and play!!
you spent quite a bit of time watching your boyfriend play magift. leona was very attractive in his state of being active. on top of that, his confident demeanor as a leader really shined through.
you made sure to keep your presence quiet even if you were out in the open. not many people paid attention to you since you didn’t make any noise. it was nice to watch practice undisturbed.
however, you were not expecting his voice to sudden pop up when you were about to leave. you always left a little bit early to prevent your boyfriend from knowing.
“(y/n)!” leona called. you froze and turned around. he was smirking. “i see you were enjoying the magift practice i was leading?”
“umm...yeah...” your face got hot. “i hope it didn’t look creepy!”
he gently pats your head. “it wasn’t. i appreciate the encouragement. though make sure you come to the game. that’s when the real stuff happens.” you could see his incisors.
he was so attractive.
ruggie had a thing for strategy. and on top of that, his speed was pretty much outmatched by many of the savanaclaw dorm members who tended to rely a lot on their brute strength.
you absolutely adored your boyfriend. the way he played was so cheeky. and the way he made fun of his opponents? kind of hilarious. he was funny, a comedian.
you were embarrassed to find magift so entertaining. everyone knew you as the bookish student, even more so than riddle. you enjoying sports was probably something you would never live down considering how much you rejected joining ace and deuce for tournaments.
you were trying to leave after this last practice until you suddenly heard a familiar giggle. “(y/n)~”
“AH!” you exclaimed, turning around. there was ruggie, holding a towel for himself.
“nice to see you here, sksksksk.” he chuckled. “i thought you didn’t like sports?”
“only with you.” you mutter. “you’re the reason why.”
“awww how romantic!” he exclaims as he hugs you.
“ruggie!! i just showered!!”
jack was in his element on the field. sometimes, you’d help him train and practice, packing him a good lunch and snack. but once in a while, you’d go visit and watch him. you said it was to make sure he ate what you packed him (which was always). but you just wanted to see him.
you haven’t been seeing him a lot recently because of magift practice. he was busy preparing for a tournament and leona was making them practice extra so they could beat their opponent.
you kept your visits a secret, mostly because you had tutoring with riddle who would not be happy to learn you were skipping out for watching your boyfriend on the field. if jack found out you were skipping because of him, he probably wouldn’t forgive himsel-
“ah!” you turned around seeing jack. you didn’t even notice he was gone from the field.
“shouldn’t you be studying?” he crosses his arms.
“i...yes. i just wanted to see you because we’ve been spending less time together!” you pouted.
“ah well...” jack frowned. “i’m sorry. i’ll make it up to you soon, okay? how about tonight? just me and you?”
“that sounds great.” you smiled before hugging him. “i miss you.”
“i know...but also i’m sweating a lot right now. maybe hugging me isn’t the best thing to do.”
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Lenny runs into Abe post-Carnegie and accidentally gets himself roped into dinner at the Weissmans unbeknownst to Midge. Shenanigans ensue + the blue room is revealed? Idk I’m imagining the chaos of the s2 Yom Kippur dinner scene lol
Pairing: Lenny Bruce & Midge Maisel Rated T
Shit. Fuck. Damn. Shit.
How did he end up in a cab with Abe Weissman?
During Hanukkah, no less.
He's heard Midge's stories about her family - particularly about those insane extended-family dinners, and there is no way in hell he's going to survive dinner with the parents, the brother, the ex, and the ex-in-laws.
And yet he sits in an Upper West Side-bound taxi with her father.
When they get to the building, he pauses on the sidewalk, remembering the first and last time he was here, the horrible argument. "Abe, I should go."
"Nonsense. You're already here, and Miriam will be thrilled."
"I'm not so sure about that," Lenny mutters, rubbing his jaw.
"She will," Abe insists, leading him into the building and up too many floors to the apartment. "Rose!" He calls when they enter. "Rose, we have another guest for dinner!"
"Papa, who - Lenny," Midge breathes, stopping in her tracks as she comes out of the kitchen and makes eye contact with him for the first time in weeks. "What are you - "
"I ran into Lenny when I was leaving the Voice," Abe explains, clapping him on the back enthusiastically. "He had no plans, and with Mei's absence, I thought he would be a nice addition. Where is your mother?"
"Kitchen," Midge says, still staring at Lenny in a way that has him questioning whether he wants to close the distance between them to kiss her or bolt out of the apartment again.
His feet stay planted.
Abe heads for the kitchen, leaving two uncharacteristically quiet comics in the foyer.
Lenny’s the first to speak. “I can just - ”
“I booked the Gordon Ford Show.”
A little smile finds his lips. “That’s great, Midge.”
“It’s sort of a trial run. First couple shows in the new year. But if they like me - ”
“They’ll like you,” he says, causing her to arch a brow skeptically. “Gordon’s got good taste. But, uh, word of advice?”
Midge nods.
“Keep your guard up with Ford. Unless you’re suddenly attracted to scary goyish men with wandering hands - in which case, go nuts.”
It’s her turn to smile then. “I’m not,” she assures, finally taking a few steps toward him. Still a respectful distance, but not so awkward as before. “Turns out I’m currently only attracted to tall Jewish comedians with an affinity for the color blue.”
“If I run into Mel Brooks, I’ll let him know.”
Midge scoffs a laugh and rolls her eyes as Lenny hears a voice coming down the hall. “Hey, Midge, where’s the - ” He looks over Midge’s head to see a dumbfounded man staring back at him. “Midge, what’s Lenny Bruce doing here?”
“Papa invited him,” she replies, turning to face the guy.
“How does Abe know Lenny Bruce?”
“Intimately,” Lenny drawls, earning a swat on the arm.
“Lenny, this is my ex-husband, Joel. Joel, meet Lenny.” She gestures between them.
A little girl toddles in then, grabbing her father’s pants and looking up at the adults before pointing at Lenny with wide eyes. “Cookie man!” She squeals, bouncing on her toes.
Midge presses her fingers to her lips to stifle a laugh. Joel, for his part, looks even more stunned than he did just a moment ago. “Midge, why did Esther just call Lenny Bruce ‘cookie man’?”
“That’s a very long story,” she replies as Esther rushes toward her as fast as her little legs can carry her. “Esther, this is my friend Lenny. Can you say Lenny?”
“Len-ny,” the little girl sounds out.
“Did Esther want a cookie?” A loud voice comes from the living room just before an older blonde woman enters. “Oh, we have more company. Rose! We have more company! Miriam, is this your new boyfriend?”
Lenny has never been so happy to see anyone in his life as he is when Rose Weissman finally makes her appearance. “Miriam, it’s rude to receive guests in the foyer. Leonard, I hear you’re staying for dinner,” she says, moving toward him and helping him out of his coat.
“I, uh, guess I am,” he says dumbly.
Rose takes Esther and manages to usher everyone into the dining room, and Midge grabs Lenny’s hand as he goes to follow. “If you want to make your escape, this is your last chance,” she warns.
Ten seconds ago, he would have taken the out. But somehow her hand in his makes this all seem worth it.
He gives her hand a squeeze. “And miss the opportunity to see your crazy in-laws firsthand?” He smirks and lets her lead him toward the dining room.
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I Don’t Want to See a High School Football Coach Praying at the 50-Yard Line
by Anne Lamott
Many of us who believe in a reality beyond the visible realms, who believe in a soul that survives death, and who are hoping for seats in heaven near the dessert table, also recoil from the image of a high school football coach praying at the 50-yard line.
It offends me to see sanctimonious public prayer in any circumstance — but a coach holding his players hostage while an audience watches his piety makes my skin crawl.
We are fighting furiously for women’s rights and the planet, and we mean business. We believers march, rally and agitate, putting feet to our prayers. And in our private lives, we pray.
Isn’t praying a bit Teletubbies as we face off with the urgent darkness?Nah.
Prayer means talking to God, or to the great universal spirit, a.k.a. Gus, or to Not Me. Prayer connects us umbilically to a spirit both outside and within us, who hears and answers. Is it like the comedian Flip Wilson saying, “I’m gonna pray now; anyone want anything?”
Kind of.
I do not understand much about string theory, but I do know we are vibrations, all the time. Between the tiny strings is space in which change can happen. The strings are infinitesimal; the space between nearly limitless. Prayer says to that space, I am tiny, helpless, needy, worried, but there’s nothing I can do except send my love into that which is so much bigger than me.
How do people like me who believe entirely in science and reason also believe that prayer can heal and restore? Well, I’ve seen it happen a thousand times in my own inconsequential life. God seems like a total showoff to me, if perhaps unnecessarily cryptic.
When I pray for all the places where we see Christ crucified — Ukraine, India, the refugee camps — I see in my heart and in the newspaper that goodness draws near, through UNICEF, Doctors Without Borders, volunteers, through motley old us.
I wake up praying. I say a prayer some sober people told me to pray 36 years ago, because when all else fails, follow instructions. It helps me to not fixate on who I am, but on whose. I am God’s adorable, aging, self-centered, spaced-out beloved. One man in early sobriety told me that he had come into recovery as a hotshot but that other sober men helped him work his way up to servant. I pray to be a good servant because I’ve learned that this is the path of happiness. I pray for my family and all my sick friends that they have days of grace and healing, and I end my prayers, “Make me ever mindful of the needs of the poor.”
Then I put on my glasses, let the dog out to pee and start my day. I will have horrible thoughts about others, typically the Christian right or the Supreme Court, or someone who has seriously crossed me, whose hair I pray falls out or whose book fails. I say to God, as I do every Sunday in confession: “Look — I think we can both see what we have on our hands here. Help me not be such a pill.”
It is miserable to be a hater. I pray to be more like Jesus with his crazy compassion and reckless love. Some days go better than others. I pray to remember that God loves Marjorie Taylor Greene exactly the same as God loves my grandson, because God loves, period. God does not have an app for Not Love. God sees beyond each person’s awfulness to each person’s needs. God loves them, as is. God is better at this than I am.
I lift up one of my grown Sunday school kids who is in the I.C.U. with anorexia. I beseech God to intervene, and she does, through finding my girl a great nurse later that day. (Nurses are God’s answer 35 percent of the time). My prayer says to whoever might be listening, “I care about her and have no idea what to do, but to hold her in my heart and turn her over to something that might do better than me.” And I hear what to do next — make her one of my world-famous care packages — overpriced socks, a journal, and needless to say, communion elements tailored to her: almonds and sugar-free gum. It’s love inside wrapping paper.
Especially when I travel, I talk to so many people who are absolutely undone by all the miseries of the world, and I can’t do anything for them but listen, commiserate and offer to pray. I can’t turn politics around, or war, or the climate, but in listening, by opening my heart to someone in trouble, I create with them more love, less of a grippy clench in our little corner of the universe.
When I get onstage for a talk or an interview, I pray to say words that will help the people in the audience who feel most defeated. When I got to interview Hillary Clinton in Seattle a few years ago, we prayed this prayer huddled in a corner backstage — to bring hope to the hopeless.
Do I honestly think these kinds of prayers were heard, and helpful?
On good days, I feel (slightly) more neutral toward Ginni Thomas and the high school coach praying after games. I pray the great prayer of “Thanks” all day, for my glorious messy family, husband and life; for my faith, my sobriety; for nature; for all that is still here and still works after so much has been taken from us.
When I am at my most rattled or in victimized self-righteousness, I go for walks, another way to put my feet to prayer. I pray for help, and in some dimension outside of my mind or language, I relax. I can breathe again. I say, “Thank you.” I say, “Thank you for the same flowers and trees and ferns and cactuses I pass every day.” I say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.
A walk is a great prayer. To make eye contact and smile is a kind of prayer, and it changes you. Fields and woods are the kingdom. You don’t say, “Oh, there’s a dark-eyed junco flitting around that same old pine tree; whatever,” or: “Look at those purple wildflowers. I’ve seen those a dozen times.” You are silent. There may be no one around you and the forest will speak to you in the way it will speak to an animal. And that changes you.
At bedtime I pray again for my sick friends, and the refugees. I beg for sleep. I give thanks for the blessings of the day. I rest into the vision of the pearly moon outside my window that looks like a porthole to a bigger reality, sigh and close my tired eyes.
I have the theological understanding of a bright 8-year-old, but Jesus says we need to approach life like children, not like cranky know-it-alls, crazily busy, clutching our to-do lists. One of my daily prayers is, “Slow me down, Girlfriend.” The prayer changes me. It breaks the toxic trance. God says to Moses the first time they meet, “Take off your shoes.” Be on the earth. Breathe with me a moment.
[NY Times]
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Hello. Could I request a Chris Evans x reader, where they have a little girl and she finds out that peple kiss under the mistletoe. So she's always running around the house with it playing matchmaker (obviously everyone is taller than her) and she's like: "Now you have to kiss."
This is the cutest request!! Omg🥺❤️ Thank you, hun! I hope you enjoy it🎄❤️
Under The Mistletoe
Major dad!Chris
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(Gif from @cevanscentral )
Ever since Chris had hung the mistletoe up in the living room’s doorway, it had always caught the curious eyes of your sweet Audrey. Your daughter, like her father, was always full of wonder and anticipated to learn new things. She was always curious about her surroundings and had a never ending amount of questions.
Lately, the mistletoe had been the subject of her thoughts. She would wonder what the purpose of the mistletoe was and why it was hung in the living room doorway instead of the tree. Sometimes the little girl would find herself standing underneath the mistletoe, staring up at it as she tried to come up with some kind of reason as to why it were there.
One day, Chris had found his daughter standing underneath the mistletoe, her big blue eyes sparkling from the lights of the Christmas tree a few feet away from her. A classic Christmas cartoon played on the tv, though it was long forgotten by Audrey.
“Hey jellybean, watcha up to?” He crouched beside his daughter as he followed her line of sight.
“It’s a mistletoe, bean. It comes out during the holidays and whoever is underneath the mistletoe gets a kiss.” He explained to her as he gathered her into his arms. He stood up, resting Audrey on his hip so she could touch the festive plant.
“Do they really need to be kissed?” She continued to quiz her dad.
“Do they really need to be kissed?” She continued to quiz her dad.
“Of course they need to be kissed! It would be a crime if someone doesn’t get kissed underneath the mistletoe!” Chris claimed causing the eyes of his daughter to widen. Suddenly, Audrey cups her dad’s face and presses a giant kiss onto his cheek.
“I can’t go to jail, dada! I’m too young!” His daughter says, a hint of fear in her voice. Chris lets out a heartfelt laugh at his daughter’s reaction. His other hand comes to land on his left pec as he continued to laugh.
You walk out of the laundry room, having just finished throwing in the wet clothes into the dryer.
“Mama!” You heard Audrey whine. You rush to where her voice came from, which was the living room. You enter the room to see Chris red in the face as he tried to stifle his laughs.
“What did you do?” You eyed the two loves of your life. A pout is on Audrey’s lips, her brows softly furrowed together.
“Mama, dada keeps laughing at me!” She wiggles her way out of her dad’s arms and crashes into your legs. Her face was tucked into your thigh in embarrassment.
“And why’s that, babe?” You ask her, running you hands in soothing circles on her back.
“Dada said that if you don’t give kisses under the mistletoe, you go to jail! So I kissed dada’s cheek and he laughed!” An adorable little pout was set on her lips, her arms crossed. You give a look towards Chris, who was now silently laughing in the corner.
“Babe, why’d you laugh at her?” You asked your husband, finding the situation slightly amusing. Knowing your husband, he had probably teased your little girl to the point where she grew upset at him.
“She literally said, ‘I can’t go to jail, I’m too young!’ And proceeds to just press kisses onto my face.” Chris explains through his laughter. A hint of a smile is on your lips, shaking your head at your husband. Crouching down to your daughter’s height you told her, “Don’t listen to half the things your dad tells you, he’s messing with you, bean. You’re not going to go to jail if you don’t kiss anyone under the mistletoe.”
Chris had calmed down and sat beside you on the floor. You daughter glares at him causing him to snort. You roll your eyes before nudging your husband’s shoulder.
“C’mon, babe. It’s funny, our daughter’s a comedian.” Chris sees the smile hinting at your lips, trying to get you to crack.
“Shut up.” You whisper to him through gritted teeth. “Now apologize, you dork.”
Chris tries to recollect himself before looking at Audrey seriously, “Jellybean, I am so sorry for laughing at you and tricking you. It hurt your feelings and I’m sorry.”
Audrey sighs before pressing a light peck on her dad’s forehead, “I forgive you.” Chris wraps his giant arms around your daughter and pulls her into a hug.
Over her shoulder, the goofy look comes back onto his face as he mouths, “So gullible.”
You quietly chuckle as your daughter pulls away from the hug. She turns back to you and a smile is on her face.
“Mama, can I have my own mistletoe?” She asks you, looking at you with those puppy eyes.
“What’s the harm?” You thought to yourself. It was just a plant and she would probably use it on her dolls or stuffed animals. She’ll probably forget about it in a few days.
“Course you can, I’m sure daddy has some leftover decorations in the garage. He might have another mistletoe.” You shrugged as she happily jumped around.
Boy were you wrong.
The mistletoe had become a hit with your daughter. To her, it was her most prized possession. She held onto the mistletoe everywhere she went and used it to her advantage. When she wanted kisses, she would ask one of you to carry her and she would hold the mistletoe to the best of her abilities above your heads. She even taught Dodger that when the mistletoe was above him, it meant a kiss on the cheek for Audrey. Or a lick to the face in Dodger’s eyes. You and Chris enjoyed the fact that something so simple could bring your daughter so much joy. Compared to the dolls and stuffed animals she had, nothing compared to the mistletoe.
Audrey had pride in her mistletoe and showed it off to everyone who entered the house. She made it her own mission to spread more love in the house by making everyone kiss each other with the mistletoe.
This year, Christmas Eve was being held at your household. Chris had suggested it since your shared home was bigger than the other’s houses. Because there were many additional rooms, his siblings and their kids would be able to stay the night for Christmas Day.
The house was full of chatter and Christmas energy. All the kids were running around from room to room as the adults yelled after them to be careful. Dodger was hanging out under the dining room table, taking a break from the energetic kids. The dining room table was full of food, Lisa had arrived at the house earlier in the day to get a headstart on the cooking. Together, the two of you had filled the table with multiple dishes and an assortment of sweets.
You were sat on the couch talking with Carly and Shanna, catching up with each other’s lives. Scott was with Chris, along with his new boyfriend, who was celebrating Christmas with the family this year.
You and Carly were talking about your kids. You had just mentioned the little mistletoe incident that happened a week ago with Audrey and Chris. “Is that why she’s been carrying that mistletoe around?” Carly asked as she motioned to your little girl. She was running around with her cousins, her styled hair now messy, dress sleeves falling past her shoulders, and the mistletoe still enveloped in her hand.
“Honestly, I didn’t know she would grow such an attachment to it. I thought she was going to get over it in a few days and jump on some new craze.” You laughed sipping on your wine.
“I think it’s cute!” Shanna chimed from beside you. The boys had moved into the living room after standing in the dining room. Chris shot you a wink from across the room as he talked to Carly’s husband.
Scott and his boyfriend approached the three of you, a toothy grin on both their faces.
“What are you girls gossipin’ about?” Scott presses a kiss to your cheek and pulls you into a tight hug.
“Oh yeah! This is Steve!” Scott motions to the man beside him who shyly waves at you. “Steve this is (y/n), my sister in law. (Y/n) this is Steve, my boyfriend!”
Instead of going in for a shake, you pulled Steve into a hug, “It’s nice to meet you! We’re glad to have you over for Christmas!” The Evans were really rubbing off on you.
“Likewise, thank you for having me!” Steve hugs you back. The two men sit on the rug as you all fall into a conversation. A half hour in and Audrey comes running into the living room. Her bright eyes spot her uncle Scott, as excitement bubbles in her stomach.
“Uncle Scott!” She runs up to him and wraps her short arms around his neck. Scott chuckles as he hugs his niece back.
“Uncle Scotty, look what I have!” Audrey holds the mistletoe up in pride. Scott’s mouth gaps as he sees the plant.
“Is that a mistletoe!” He moves the plant closer so that he’s getting a better look. What Scott doesn’t notice is that he’s moved the mistletoe directly above him and Steve.
“Yeah and look uncle Scott! You guys are under it!” She excitedly cheers. You see Scott and Steve both blush, you’re about to protest when Chris calls for his brother across the room.
“Scott, you know what that means!” Chris teases his younger brother from across the room.
With the encouragement from her father, Audrey says, “Now you have to kiss!”
Scott turns to Steve with a smile, “It’s a mistletoe, I don’t make the rules.” Steve agrees and the two share a peck on the lips. Everyone at the house cheers when they pull away. Satisfied, Audrey giggles at her work.
“Okay, little miss matchmaker. Back to your cousins, the adults are talking.” Scott teases Audrey as he nudges her back to the other kids.
“That’s my girl! Doin’ god’s work!” Chris cheers in pride as his daughter skips out the room. The holidays were about family and seeing his brother so happy made him happy. Without the help of your little girl, Scott probably would’ve never made the first move on Steve. It was a holiday miracle, thanks to that mistletoe.
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citrus-lady · 4 years
Hi! Can i ask? Soulmate AU. They get an orgasm every time their soulmate laughs. Shigaraki, Dabi and Hawks? Sorry my English isn't very good
I think it's pretty extreme to have an orgasm every time someone laughs, not gonna lie though I thought this idea was pretty funny and it did throw me for a loop when I read it. So I’m just gonna tweak it to a person getting a boner/turned on every time their soulmate laughs. As always 18+ minors do not interact. 
This dude gets pretty annoyed about getting boners all the time, especially if his soul mate is a particularly giggly person. 
Like he gets hella embarrassed about it if he's in front of others. 
He’s also pretty annoyed because he himself doesn’t laugh a lot so there's not really a lot of chances to get back at you. 
It takes him a while to actually figure out it's you because once in a while someone will coincidentally laugh in his vicinity when it happens. 
 It is only after a few times that you laugh in the same room as him and he pops one that it finally clicks in his head that you are the one causing it. 
The final piece of evidence that hammers the nail in your coffin is when the shoe is on the other foot for once. 
It was one of the very rare times when Shigaraki did laugh and you just so happened to be in the room when he noticed your behavior change. He took notice of your odd behavior and flushed face as you quickly left the room to relieve yourself and he finally was able to confirm that it was you. 
It is then that he is both simultaneously happy and angry. He is so happy that he has found his soul mate after so many years but he is also pretty angry about all the times you unknowingly caused him to embarrass himself. 
I wouldn’t count on walking correctly for a couple of days after he finds out because he is going to make sure he gets you back for all those times.
Anytime after that, he will make you take care of him yourself no matter what you two were doing or where you are. 
Shigaraki is never masturbating again. 
I think Dabi is generally more cocky and horny than Shigaraki so I don’t think he would be as bothered by it.
He would probably just leave the room discretely to relieve himself elsewhere. 
Even if someone did notice I don’t think he would care. He might even smirk or send a wink their way depending on who they are. 
He might get a little irritated if his soul mate is having a particularly giggly day or a laughing fit and he can’t seem to get any relief down there. This is especially true if it starts to get in the way of things he needs to do.
Dabi wouldn’t really care about the whole soul mate thing and wouldn’t be up in arms to find them. He’ll pretty much sleep around with people he likes regardless of if they're his soul mate, though he’ll be loyal once he does find them. 
Dabi does however like to make people he’s attracted to laugh to see if they are his soulmate. That’s how he found out you were it. 
Dabi’s a low-key pervert and will try to make you laugh all the time. Likewise, he will try to laugh more so he can see your aroused face.
Dabi will do the above at the most inappropriate times too. Like y’all could be in the middle of a league meeting and he will be winking at you and wiggling his eyebrows to try and make you laugh. 
It’s like a kinky game he plays because if you laugh and he pops a boner then he is definitely going to excuse the two of you from the meeting whether you like it or not to punish you. Like he will throw you over his shoulder or drag you by your arms while everyone just watches in pity. 
If you get giggly or into a laughing fit while he is away from you or when he is busy then he is going to do one of two things. 
One is that he is going to drop everything and find you to make you deal with it. He won’t take care of it himself and he might even tease you by grinding himself against you and telling you about how you caused it and therefore you should take care of it. 
Two is that he won’t take care of himself and will wait and hold out until he gets home. By then he will be so pent up it's almost scary. He’s definitely taking it out on you though. 
Either way, you won’t be walking right afterward. 
Hawks is a hero which means it's really inconvenient for this to happen a lot. Especially if he is on hero duty, patrolling, fighting, or interacting with fans.
This means he has to figure out how to get rid of boners really effectively (masturbate in alleys and bathrooms) or exhibit amazing self-control and discretion. I don’t know which is hotter
That being said, Hawks is a pretty cocky and mischievous guy so when he does get one he gets off on the idea of making you take care of it and punishing you for causing him so much discomfort from having to restrain himself. 
 I think Hawks would be someone who really wants to find his soulmate and won’t really date or sleep with others if he knows that they aren’t his soulmate. That and hero work keeps him pretty busy so he doesn’t see the point of making time for others that aren’t his soul mate. 
It was actually pretty hard for him to find his soul mate considering he doesn’t have a lot of time to search for them and he doesn’t hang out with a lot of people consistently.
The day he figures out that you’re his soul mate is one of the rare nights when he isn’t working and he goes out to a club/bar with a couple of other pro heroes. 
The whole night he can’t figure out why it keeps happening and he's starting to get a little frustrated with his soul mate wherever they are. 
It’s not until he becomes aroused for the 4th or 5th time that night that he finally notices clear and consistent laughter coming from you. Your tipsy and have been laughing all night at Mirko’s jokes. Hawks honestly doesn’t know how he has missed your laughter all night. Probably because he was distracted with more pressing issues. 
After relieving himself again he decides to test you and he walks up to tell you his best joke. After you laugh and he springs up yet again he knows.
Now that he finally knows it's you he is so happy and horny at the same time. 
He promptly picks you up and throws you over his shoulder and flies out of the party to his place. He has to make you pay with a night full of aggressive and passionate lovemaking. 
That being said Hawks is a pretty laid-back guy and does his fair share of laughing too so he doesn’t feel as left out as Dabi or Shigaraki. He also takes place in knowing that every time he laughs it has a direct effect on you. 
Hawks are like Dabi in the fact that he will try to get you to laugh as much as possible and will try to laugh as much as possible too. He’d even be mean and schedule front row seats to your favorite comedian as a date just so he can see you get flustered. He thinks it's hilarious watching you squirm in his seat while he seems perfectly normal (since he's used to hiding it on the job). 
He makes you wear a feather around your neck so that if you get giggly while he's on duty he can fly to your location quickly and make you take care of it with a quickie or a blowjob/handjob as punishment. 
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prioritysope · 3 years
Behind The Scenes
Reader: Female Character: Akaashi Keiji Rating: Explicit Summary: when you start working as an assistant to one of the actors in the Volleyball tv series, Akaashi Keiji. Tags: Actors AU, Drama, Angst, Smut, Slow burn, Fluff
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This fic is also in Wattpad and AO3. If you wanto to read it there.
behind the scenes spotify playlist
Table of Contents
Chapters 1/? (without the prologue and epilogue)
Chapter one: Are You Good?
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"Are you sure you will sign the contract? Remember I tell you that according to other Akaashi's assistants, he's too strict and grumpy. I don't know how true that is, but I'm just warning you." Miss Nakamura said. She was the former assistant to the most heralded bachelor, Akaashi Keiji. Better known as his role in the famous men's volleyball series, Haikyu.
Right now you were at the show's recording facility in Tokyo. You had been looking for any job for months, and your friend Saeko, who is part of the cast, told you that one of the boys was looking for an assistant, and you didn't think twice. You had previously worked with actors, but they were theater, but you already wanted to aspire to more. You felt able to withstand the pressure of something bigger, or so you thought.
You looked expectantly at the girl who was about your age. This would be your first time working for a highly reputable actor. Deep inside you did not believe the rumors that revolved around Akaashi, because you knew that the assistants are usually somewhat gossipy and like to create rumors. That's why you didn't hesitate for a second to answer her question.
"I'm sure." You nodded, taking the pen and quickly signing in the appropriate places. Since you had already read it before, you were not so stupid to sign a contract without first reading it. You also noticed that Akaashi's signature was already there, which surprised you even thinking about how beautiful his handwriting is. You returned the pen and the papers at the girl, seeing how she stared at you with eyes full of surprise by how you signed without thinking twice.
You waited for her to put a stamp on everything. When she returned, she gave you a smile which you reciprocated in the same way.
"Right now they are verifying the script with the rest of the cast, if you want come with me and I'll introduce you to them. I just warn you, Kuroo Tetsuro is big ass flirt, so don't be surprised if he says something to you." She whispered to you, making you laugh at her comment. She started walking through a huge door, you just followed her. The more you walked, the more many voices were heard, you assumed it was the actors reading their script.
Miss Nakamura opened a door as soon as they reached the end of a corridor. When you opened it, your cheeks were painted a pink color when a number of eyes fell on you. Getting flustered, you bowed to everyone, a nervous smile plastered on your face. Some of them started laughing, because they thought your reaction was cute. It was normal, but every time it happened, they enjoyed it.
"Sorry for the interruption guys, but I want to introduce you to someone who will be here a lot. I hope you treat her kindly." The girl started talking, a huge smile on her face. She seems like she is very happy to no longer work here. She turned a little to the right, pointing at you and you just smiled a little. "She is L/N Y/N, she is a new assistant."
You bowed again, receiving the same from them. With your gaze you took a look at each one. They were quite recognizable faces, others not so much. You noticed Akaashi Keiji in the background, who had a curious expression.
"Nice to all of you, as you already know my name. I'm just telling you that you can call me Y/N, confidently. I'm here to serve you." You were somewhat surprised that you could speak, having so many men staring at you.
"Welcome, Y/N!" They all said in unison.
You could feel your heart pounding into your chest furiously from how nervous you felt. You hoped you weren't saying something old-fashioned so you wouldn't get fired as soon as you've been hired. You heard a few steps next to you, with the corner of your eyes you saw his black hair as if he were just awake and a somewhat strange grin towards you. He made a gesture with his hand, asking for yours and hesitating a little, you gave it to him. However, it was his next action that totally surprised you and you could bet your face was like a tomato at that very moment. The tall, muscular man brushed his lips on the back of your hand, then kissing it before releasing your hand.
"Nice to meet you, beautiful. I'm Kuroo Tetsuro, but you can call me anytime." He murmured loudly, not caring if the others were listening. So that was the one the girl had warned you about, quite cheesy. You were going to answer, but all the boys laughed at what happened. Which made you wish the earth would suck and spit you out into another galaxy.
"In that case, Kuroo, you should call Akaashi directly because Y/N is his new assistant." Nakamura said, then chuckling at the growl of frustration the afore mentioned let out. You couldn't help but laugh too, covering your mouth so no one would see. You have always been ashamed of your smile.
"Why does Keiji take all the beautiful girls? It's unfair." The black haired one snaped, approaching a monochrome haired boy, who was next to Akaashi. Everyone laughed at his comment.
What a comedian.
After a while, everyone went about their business and Miss Nakamura told you to come over to Akaashi to introduce yourself to him. And with the nerves eating you from the inside, you were walking towards him. You thought of a thousand ways to introduce yourself to him, so as not to screw it up.
"Uhm, Sir Akaashi—," You started, but you got interrupted. You could tell in your voice how nervous you were.
"Please don't call me sir, I'm only 25 years old and it makes me feel old. You can use the san with me, it doesn't bother me." Akaashi said. You felt faint. Not only was he physically beautiful, but his voice was a beautiful contrast. It wasn't the first time you heard his voice, but hearing it in person was like a dream. His voice hoarse from him, but soft made your legs shake.
"Excuse me, Akaashi-san." He responded quickly, bowing apologetically, eliciting a soft laugh from the actor. Oh shit I made him laugh. You played with your fingers, not knowing what to say, but ended up saying, "It's nice to meet you and to be able to work with you."
You didn't know if you were dreaming or it was reality, but you managed to see a small smirk with his face before saying, "The pleasure is all mine, Miss L/N."
At this point you could see how nice he is. Which made you confused about the rumors surrounding him. Where did they get that he was rude?
However, you had no idea what was to come.
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seraphdarlimg · 4 years
wish I were (pt3)
 harry appreciates reader in his speech but finally talks to her when she runs off crying
part 1
‘heather’ by conan gray WARNINGS - ANGST, swearing WORDCOUNT - 3,501
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   My head was empty while I appreciated the company of a glass of wine and city view of the venue. I leaned against the railing of the small balcony nook I found, away from the crowd of people as Bowie was played faintly through the speakers.
I arrived to the party alone. Even if our relationship is awkward at the moment, I couldn't miss his birthday. Especially if it feels like it would be the last one I attend for a while. It took me only a few seconds to find him talking to his management team, a conversation that I didn't want to interrupt. And for the next twenty minutes I find myself isolated from everyone. Maybe because I know the relationship topic would inevitably come up at one point during any conversation I join into. But also because I didn't know how to approach Harry himself anymore. I can't bring myself to start the conversation, but for him, it seems like everything is good and normal.
I promised myself to only one glass of wine, so when I finished that rather quickly then intended, I honestly didn't know what to do with myself. As much as I've been trying to think like Harry and feel completely normal again, I hated how much our relationship has effected me. No matter how many times I've told myself that it's better this way, I've avoided hanging out with mutual friends to keep away from a conversation about Heather.
I took a deep breath and turned around, looking into the venue to catch Harry smiling and nodding to Gemma. One arm across his chest while his cheek rested against the other. He looked too good this evening, wearing a worn vest and matching bell bottom pants. I allowed myself to stare till his eyes glanced in my direction and catch mine.
I soften when his smile grows wider and he excuses himself away from the conversation. "For some reason, I'd knew you'd come here when we checked out the space." He says as he walks out into the balcony. "Almost had a reservation sign put up with your name on it."
He engulfs me in a hug, nuzzling his face into my neck. I slowly wrapped my arms around him and find myself resting my head on his broad shoulder when I realize this was our first hug in weeks. Oh how much I missed this feeling.
"I appreciate the thought but damn, am I thought obvious?"
"Oh I just know you too well and you love me for it."
I feel goosebumps, finding ourselves though pulled away, still in each other's arms while I smile up at him. I hummed In response before holding up a finger and turning to get the small box in my purse. When I turn back around he has a sly smirk on his face as he looks at the box wrapped with a yellow bow I hold out to him.
"Happy birthday Harry. I wanted to give this to you in person." He takes the box and unwraps the ribbon and opens it. I hold my breath, watching his reaction as he stares at a familiar string of pearls. He runs his fingers through them, a look of admiration set on his face as I twiddled my fingers.
"I always let you wear mine so I just thought you'd like a pair of your own."
"You know me well too."
"And you love me for it." I chuckled, immediately turning around and looking out onto the view as he situates himself next to me, the box once again closed and held tightly in his hands. "I'll wear these till I wear them out. Oh! We'll wear them at the same time like friendship necklaces." He tells me, giving me a side hug and squeezing my arm.
I laughed at the thought, "Only we could make friendship necklaces out of pearls worth hundreds of dollars."
We stayed quiet for a while, just enjoying each other's company. The elephant in the room knows it's been a few weeks since the last time we shared a moment alone. I'm just not sure how he feels about the reason why.
"Shouldn't you go back out there? Supposed to be a good host." I nudged his shoulder with mine, not wanting to take him away from his party and not knowing how much I could take how hard my chest is beating at the same time.
"Well you're here. Almost thought you wouldn't show since you're weren't early."
"Can't I be fashionably late for once?"
"Glad you are though, bubs. Honestly was about to spend the night a sad man when Heather canceled."
Here we go, the one topic I dreaded would come up. Of course it would be with him when it does. "Oh. Uh she isn't here?"
"No yeah she ehm. She left yesterday for Paris. Last minute gig she booked." He shrugged it off like it was not a big deal, but he's playing with the yellow ribbon in a way that tells me otherwise.
"I'm sorry, I'm sure she'll make it up when she get's back." He scoffs, undoing the bow he just made with the ribbon. "If by 'make up' you mean a few hours in bed before she jet sets to Milan for a few months then yeah."
"Harry, you should tell her that you want her here."
"No, no it's fine. She can do whatever she wants, it's her career."
"It's also your birthday. Shouldn't girlfriends or whatever you two are right now care about that stuff?" I sighed, gently taking away the ribbon and box from him, wrapping it back while he turns and rests his back on the railing, crossing his arms and facing the entrance back into the venue. "That's the thing, I don't know what she wants out of this. I never did even when we were really together. When we were, it's so picture perfect and then when we'd get busy with our own lives, it's just so on and off. We blamed it on bad timing and long distance in the end but now that I think about it, we didn't know where to go from there."
"Do you know what you want now?"
"I think I do."
I tilted my head, growing frustrated but kept my tone calm. "Then why don't you just talk?"
"Ugh you know I'm not a confrontational person bubs." He finally looks at me, seeing me roll my eyes while he laughs it off. I shake my head, tapping on the box as he reaches out to rub my arm. "You're a dummy, Harry."
"Why do you call me that?"
I glanced at him, shrugging. "What do you mean?"
"What happened to 'H' hmm? Been calling me Harry for a while." Though his tone was lighthearted, his brows are furrowed and I can feel his intense stare.
"It's your name isn't it?"
"Obviously, but...I don't know, never mind-"
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." We suddenly hear from inside, making us both turn at the same time to see Jeff holding a cake and a crowd gathered around him, slowly walking towards the balcony where the birthday boy was. His smile grows back and we exchange a look before I hand him back my present and walk back in towards the celebration.
"Well, I am a man of a few words... but a good comedian doesn't repeat the same joke two years in a row. Ehm, I'm gonna do what I know best which is to spew whatever I feel from in here and hope it sounds somewhat poetic." He laughs a little at his own joke, making little hand gestures and smiling when he gets the laughs and smiles back from his words. His eyes stray to the people in front of him and to the side in thought at times, but he makes the effort to look at his friends, family members and co-workers who he is ultimately grateful for. My eyes soften at his toothy grin, knowing I look like a complete fool as I stare at him in complete adoration despite it being completely obvious how enamored I am for this man.
He gives short thank you's to the his band members and relatives he's grown close too. I laugh at his awkward jokes but also the narcissistic ones he makes that boost his confidence a bit. He has one thing prepared to say for everyone that makes them melt. "Thank you Jeff for having to deal with me another year as well, while you do look after me I am always appreciative of how you act more as an old grandpa than a dude in a business suit."
"I also want to thank Heather..."
My smile dies down a bit, knowing he would want to say something about her even when she isn't here. What made my chest hurt once again was the realization that he hadn't said anything about me yet. I had anticipated it, wondering what he would say but he had skipped right over me. I placed my hand on my knee to keep it from shaking as Harry said her name instead.
"I'll just text her later but I wanted to thank her for allowing me to write about her and being an overall beautiful person."
Thinking his speech was over and accepting how little I meant to him, he finally calls my name. I froze for a bit, looking up at him to see him already looking at me. He paused a bit, an amused look on his face when he sees how caught off guard I was.
"I saved the best for last for two reasons, one because she looks adorably silly right now..." He chuckles when I save myself with an eye roll and stuck my tongue out at him.
"And two, because I knew it'll be harder for me to come up with the words to describe how important of a person you are to me."
The curiosity and need to know what he would say about me, as well as the internalized emotional stress grew. His tone was softer and he seemed more calmer than he was a few minutes ago. The sentence already began making my heart pump and ache, and the recent events that had shaken up our relationship almost thrown out the window when he continued.
"You're so good to me and I can't thank you endlessly enough for everything you've done for the past year since I hired you. Not only was it the best decision I ever made because of how talented you are, but it also gave me the opportunity to really know someone like you. I was in a bad place when you met me and I'll never forget the kindness and patience you showed me even then. And though you call me a 'boomer' so many times and constantly come up with better melodies than me, it's worth every witty joke and bad pun just to see a smile that lights up the room. Your friendship is worth every time you complain about my kale chips."
His eyes were caught on mine from the beginning, both his hands are holding his wine glass though he held confidence in his speech. It felt like just us two in the room, his words giving tone of a very intimate moment shared between two bestfriends. I bit my bottom lip, can't seeming to stop smiling.
"And though you'll be off writing more amazing music with different amazing artists - only temporarily - know that I'll always be rooting for you and always will be -"
He breaks eye contact for a moment, but that moment was enough. "- will be uhm, proud of you." His smile grows ten times wider and he sounds relieved when he looks off onto the entrance of the venue as someone arrives. His eyes go back and forth, distracted but wanting to finish what he had left to say.
"Through thick and thin, love, you always were able to be there for me."
At that point he was fully looking at the person who arrived and I didn't have the guts to turn around to see who it was. My smile instantly dies and the warmth in my chest was just filled with a familiar pang that hasn't left all this time.
Because there she was, though out of breath and all over the place, just looked perfect as she grins and mouths 'happy birthday' to him while he haphazardly continues empty compliments that are now meant for her. My vision is blurry but my eyes are stuck on the actual person he deems important in his life. This lovely being who canceled last minute but makes it in time so he'd be truly happy.
He meant to say all of it to her. You just happened to be here when she wasn't. He doesn't love you like he loves her and he never will. He never had.
It was hard looking back at him, already knowing the way he looks at her. It was deja vu. She shows up and he's instantly mesmerized.
But I did and it suddenly was all too much. Because he glanced at me when he was saying his last words, seeing me silently cry in the middle of the crowd and looking distraught. And it all grew too claustrophobic, needing to get away and leave because all I felt now was anger.
"Hey, you okay?" Gemma asks, her brows furrowed in concern. I force a smile and nodded before excusing myself. "Yeah, just fine."
 I pushed open the door and quickly walked out of the lobby and onto the parking lot, ignoring the distant calls of my name that grew louder and louder. I hugged my coat, trying to breathe but grew more frustrated with the growing ache in my chest. I sobbed, knowing he was catching up and didn't have the energy to deal with him right now.
"Hey, what happened - are you okay?" Harry had took hold of my arm, turning me around and all I could do was push him away. "Bubs, talk to me please."
"Stop, please I'm so tired and I physically can't be near you." I softly said, not bothering to wipe away tears anymore. He looks confused and I only scoffed at him, crossing my arms and moving back when he stepped closer, holding out his.
"What do you mean? Please let me- you're crying." He tries coming closer but I shake my head, dodging his embrace because I knew I would instantly melt.
"Yes, I'm crying! I've been crying and hurting all month because of you Harry!" I cried and he instantly freezes. "You keep doing this shit and all this time I've been coming up with excuses for it. That- I don't know, maybe that you can't help what you're feeling or that I really can't blame you- but now I do! Because you know exactly what you're doing and it's so shitty that I had to realize it this late."
"W-what are you talking about?" He's nervous.
"Oh shut the fuck up you know exactly what I'm talking about. You've avoided actually talking ever since we kissed, even before Heather came back into the picture. You completely pushed me to the side the second she gave you her attention and ever since then our whole relationship has changed Harry! And either you're so fucking oblivious or too much of a coward to face it because you just acting like everything was fine and normal broke my fucking heart even more. It obviously meant so little to you but fuck, it-"
I took a deep breathe only resorting to another sob as I placed a hand over my heart. "It meant so much to me."
I see him crying too, fumbling with his fingers and trying to hold those tears in only to lose some as he's stood still, not knowing what to do. He's guilty, his need to hold me and cry gives it away but I couldn't allow him that. And he knows it's something he doesn't deserve.
"I would of understood Harry. That you didn't feel the same fireworks and butterflies like I did when we kissed - as cliché as it fucking is. That you've fallen in love with Heather when she came back because I honestly still can't blame you for that, she's an angel. That you can't control who you love, but you never said anything. You just lead me on and didn't talk to me - why didn't you just fucking talked to me Harry, aren't we supposed to be best friends?"
He's now only inches away from me, taking hold of my hands because I was too worn out to even pull them back. "Yes! Yes, we are and I'm a stupid idiot. I'm sorry I- I should of just been upfront with you but I was so confused- and I still am. I just- I meant everything I said earlier and more because I'm always thinking about you bubs-"
I laugh at this shaking my head, not allowing anymore hope to built up. "I am! Mitch and Jeff are so fucking tired of hearing about it, but honestly so was I. But only because Heather was still in my heart and I just didn't know what to do or wanted and please believe me, I never ever wanted to hurt you."
"Why did you kiss me then?" I broke out of his hold, stepping back once again.
"I don't know darling, It just felt right and I didn't think. I-I just thought you'd leave if you knew I wasn't sure."
"Being honest about it with your supposed best friend was going to make it worse?"
"I just...I didn't want to lose you."
"But what now? you got her back, so what am I to you now? Was I supposed to be your distraction, the only option left for you to turn to? Because you fully well know that I'd drop everything I was doing just to comfort you when you were low Harry. I canceled set plans and promises because you simply asked me too, and I did since I'd always foolishly put you first because I thought you'd genuinely liked me."
"Don't. Harry you can't just put me on the side and come back to me later on if your relationships don't work out, that's not fucking fair! Ever since we met all I've been getting from you are mixed signals and I couldn't confront you about it because you'd always avoid the topic, making me feel damn silly for even thinking that way. It's just-  you can't build up expectation of something between us simply because I'm the safe second option - fuck that hurts saying that."
"I- I didn't mean to make you feel that way-"
"Bullshit. You knew exactly what you were doing Harry. You're just to arrogant to own up to it. So fucking immature, all you had to do was talk!"
"Okay, okay I'm sorry let's talk, please! Don't walk away like this, we can talk now and fix this."
"No. You only want to talk now because it's convenient for you. That's the thing Harry."
"You say you didn't want to hurt me, but you didn't want to hurt yourself first. And I just- I just hate how long it took me to realize how mean you are Harry."
"Don't call me Ha- you don't mean that."
"I do! and you know it too." He's struck by it and I'm giving up. Hurt is evident in his face and it doesn't feel good to make him sad, but now all I feel is disappointment and pity for myself.  
"Since you couldn't have the balls to talk to me, I just always really wanted to tell you that I love you. Really fucking love you. As if you didn't already know, but... I guess it never really even mattered."
He calls my name deflatingly when I turn around, walking away. His last attempts of apologizing and begging for me to come back to him drift off into empty words that I block out as I stepped into my car and drove away. The time it takes for me to drive felt like days pass, but now turned to seconds when I turned off the engine and idled inside. I was still crying, still processing, all while replaying our last moment together. The one spent on the floor of the recording studio with a makeshift picnic before I spend the next days erasing it from my memory.
I sent him a text before going inside, turning off my phone right afterwards to avoid the rest of the incoming calls and text messages begging to fix what was left of us.
'I'll email you the lyrics to the last song tomorrow. Then I'm done.'
A/N: i’m hurting. but this is the second to last chapter of this mini-series, pt4 is the finale and will be out soon :)
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beann-e · 3 years
“ let’s go“
“ excuse me “
“ I said let’s go . “
Your eyes creased as you leaned back into your desk chair —leg moving to cross over the other as your hands landed together in a hold on your lap. Eyes looking up at the male in front of you.
“ look at you looking everywhere but this messy ass desk I see “
you scoffed “ if it’s so messy why do you keep coming down here just to add on to it ? “
his head shaking a bit at your comment he had to admit he was a bit interested in your words even though he originally came here for a purpose. He had to see how this would play out. So yeah he’d play your little game.
“ huh mister prohero “ your face lit up in sadness to mock the male in front of you “ aw wait I forgot I have to be exact with my words when it comes to you because your emotionally challenged“
you stood up placing your hands on the desk in between you and the blond haired male.
“ the only thing ‘ challenged ‘ here is this crusty ass run down building I had to buy glasses to find “
“ ouu where are they? maybe they could also help you see this“ you smiled before reaching into your suit jacket only to pout “ crap hold up it’s not in there it’s something I picked up specially for you hold on “
“ what the hell are you looking for in there your taking awhile “ he spoke louder after a couple minutes seemed to pass and you were still searching around
“ huh that’s weird — hold on I can’t seem to find it “
“ find what ? “ his face made up in confusion as his eyes followed your body that was looking through your desk only to turn and rummage through the drawers behind you“ fuck is it really that bad —you’ve gotta clean y/n “
“ yeah I know hold on I swear I know where it is I keep a lot of them just in case “
“ is it important or some shit ?— if not I can wait I swear i’ll just come back down here tomorrow“ he sighed still trying to look over you shoulder “ I just came down here to fuck with you before heading ho—“
“ yeah no you’ll want it a lot of people seem to want it these days — it’s hot on the market “
“ well what the hell is i— “
“ AHA “ you screamed your hand stuck in the drawer as he tried to peek over your back to see what it was his body shrinking when he saw your eyes whip around to lock with his. Him going back to the cool, calm collected guy he was minutes ago as he ran his fingers through his hair
“ here look it’s limited edition these days “
“ what is it like an all might collectable or some shi— “
His heart stopped when he seen you fully turn around and smirk your eyebrow slightly raised as his eyes slowly went downcast on your hand showing off the freshly painted middle finger.
It straightened to perfection as it stood tall only causing the male to fume silently and speak under his breath “ what the hell “
“ look baku it’s the fuck you so desperately want me to give “ You pushed it towards him as you walked around your desk to get closer seeing the upset face he held “ aw what you don’t like it “
you sucked your teeth reaching into your back pocket “ here i’ll exchange it for you “ you brought your hand out from your pocket and back into his face as he started to shake slightly. You knew you’d went too far. Your jokes always went further than a person wanted you to.
You were fucking with him
He didn’t like it
He wouldn’t like it this time
.. He liked it
— he liked it
wait he lik—
Your eyes widened as you stared up at him face going stone when you finally seen that his lips were pressed harshly on yours. His moves were rough hands fast and quick already knowing what to do while you struggled with yourself over where to put your own.
No matter how many times the male before you kissed you it always felt differently each time. Your body relaxed into his as he smiled into the kiss only to laugh and bring his forehead to rest against yours “ your so fucking stupid “
“ but I beat you in class ranks in high school “
his smile widened he couldn’t even find it in himself to be upset not when you were having fun with your joke “ yes yes you did “
you smiled softly only to have it wiped away when he opened his mouth again “ but I beat you in jobs you asshole “
“ hey prick I enjoy my job “ he nodded his head as he moved to sit in your work chair “ yeah no no of course “
his hand moved to pull a cup of old coffee from behind your computer as he looked at you “ I would totally be able to tell— babe all id need is an everyday trip to your luxurious work place“ he lifted the coffee cup and held it to his cheek smiling softly to mess with you
he swiveled your computer monitor to the side to show off the millions of coffee cups you had hidden from his and your employees eyes
“ god so many— how would corporate feel about this knowing you’ve got all this shit piled up back here— it’s screaming that you overwork yourself y/n “
“ uh i’m mostly worried about my bosses opinion “
he smiled up at you only to shake his head with a small laugh whispering under his breath “ fucking stupid—you’re your boss “
he laid his cheek onto his palm as he looked up at you anytime he was around you it was like he was completely swallowed whole by your vibes. You were such a down to earth person and that’s what calmed him no matter what argument or how many there were you always found a way to calm him and the situation down.
no matter what you said or did he would always find a way to look at you as though you were holding the whole world in your eyes “ and what does your boss say y/n ? “
you perked up “ ouu good thing I have em on call let’s see “ you reached out to grab your husbands phone hand wrapping around it tightly feeling the many scratches it had on it’s back from the slams of it on the table after one too many documents he’d filled out the night before at work.
He was always so angry and mean—even to objects
Your fingers moved to put in the password as he looked at you head leaning back to rest against the chair as he moved the chair from side to side you having his full attention before he reached out to grab your phone sliding over to answer the call
“ hi is this big bird ? or also known as red from angry birds ? “
“ Ill let you slide with your comments because your voice sounds kinda hot right now and i like your suit — but yes this is your local prick hotline how may I assist you today “
A smile made its way onto your face as you watched his own just grow larger and larger over time “ oh I see so this is the one and only katsuki bakugou hmm “
you tapped your chin “ so tell me what’s someone as unimportant as yourself doing answering your bosses phone “
“ ouuu hard question “ he played with his keys that laid on your work desk “ I came here to ask em out for lunch maybe go out to go karts y’know since there’s a little brat at home who’s been dying to ride one ever since they’ve seen that shitty commercial “
“ mmhmm so please enlighten me what does this have to do with you answering your bosses phone “
“ nothing “
“ oh ? “ your eyes widened “ well I heard several complaints that you were just telling your boss what to do as if their not head of your company or in other words your “ you whispered “ boss “
“ yeah I guess i’ve fucked up huh ? should have actually dressed up instead of coming to get em’ in sweats serves me right— here i’ll pass the phone to my boss since they seem to look more business professional today — I don’t feel worthy enough to answer my bosses phone “
“as you should — nice to know you’ve finally learned your place“ you bit your lip at his quietness expecting him to go off or say something snappy but he only encouraged you to continue with a small smile and a head nod.
Honestly he was enjoying you he loved your jokes even if they sometimes went too far or if they hurt his pride he loved to see you enjoying yourself.
He’d rather you be open and comfortable with him and tell your horribly stupid jokes versus beating yourself up and thinking you have to watch what you say around him
“ fuck it’s gotta be the pantsuit is that why your letting me do all this—you douche your probably paying more attention to my suit than me “
“ correct smart girl —role reversal? “
“ we’re switching back? “ you laughed confirming his statement “ role reversal “
“ fine by me “ you smiled as he held out your phone to you and you held out his to him.
“ yes may I speak to y/n bakugou ? “ he stated as he spoke into his phone
“ mm i’m not sure I know them could you be more exact “
he scoffed “ yes my boss — i’m looking to speak with my boss please “
“ oo a boss —wife —plus a mother that’s a lucky catch you should be greatful — le asshole“
His smile faded as he stared at your eyes that locked with his . In this moment nothing could compare to the happiness he felt except for when he took his child to their first quirk appointment and received the good news of them not only having his quirk but yours too. Happily he wouldn’t have to deal with his kid getting bullied sadly he had a mini icy hot running around.
This was why he married you and this is why he loved you because what felt like hours of conversation had only been 10 minutes. He felt like he’d been transported to another world when he was talking to you. What originally started out as him just coming to take his wife and daughter on a lunch date turned into him on the phone with his boss.
yet again being reminded that he’d always fall under you in status , in authority , at home, in the marriage , at work , and in his heart. Youd always be the one in power
“your fucking funny — a comedian really —always keeping me on my toes so yeah—yeah a real lucky catch— ‘m fucking lucky “
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