#so a lot of the people who live there are now at high risk because of the lasting effects of tear gas on surfaces
ronithesnail · 2 years
People really be like “uwu look at these quirky trans people born in the wrong bodies owo what a quirky lifestyle lol” like no bitch im in so much pain rn that i cant fucking get out of bed and my spine is so fucked up from slouching in order to cope with the dysphoria and ive been binding so much that its causing severe chest and stomach pains and I STILL KEEP DOING IT BECAUSE ITS GENUINELY BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE
“Being born in the wrong body” is a fucking dehibilitating condition and i desperately need medical treatment for it.
#im not saying that being trans is a disorder or something#i do like being trans imean i wouldnt be the same person if i wasnt trans#but i just think that people need to realize that this isnt a fun or easy thing this shit is mentally emotionally and physically painful#and causes so many problems like omygod if i wasnt such an optimist i would be dead so long ago#being “born in the wrong body” or whatever is a lot more painful than just being mildly uncomfortable with social norms#For me at least#others are different and thats valid#But like#i can’t go to the fucking grocery store because of this dysphoria its just too much#trans is not a disorder…#but imean… some of yall would benefit from that kind of view#like any disorder- treatment needs differ from person to person#for some people its as simple as acknowledgement and some mild accommodations#meanwhile others may be in such high risk that they need surgery and prescription drug therapy#neither is more valid than the other#we all have needs that need to be respected and treated if we are to ever live healthy happy lives#why are yall so obsessed with mistreating people who are already in pain like fr first ableism now this shit#When you force your trans kids into clothes that make them dysphoric you’re not disiplining a bratty punk or protecting them from anything#You are not only ignoring an “accommodation” that your child needs to live a normal healthy happy life#But you are also adding to the pain of an already painful experience. You are choosing to amplify the sufferring and the limitations caused#Jesus chrsit im so tired my body hurts so much rn#I wrote this a while ago actually but i had it saved in my drafts and completely forgot about it
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genericpuff · 19 days
Tbh at this point you should just make your own webcomic app/website because it would probably be 100 times better than whatever going on with webtoon right now.
hahaha it wouldn't tho, sorry 💀
Here's the fundamental issue with webcomic platforms that a lot of people just don't realize (and why they're so difficult to run successfully):
Storage costs are incredibly expensive, it's why so many sites have limitations on file sizes / page sizes / etc. because all of those images and site info have to be stored somewhere, which costs $$$.
Maintenance costs are expensive and get more so as you grow, you need people who are capable of fixing bugs ASAP and managing the servers and site itself
Financially speaking, webcomics are in a state of high supply, low demand. Loads of artists are willing to create their passion projects, but getting people to read them and pay for them is a whole other issue. Demand is high in the general sense that once people get attached to a webtoon they'll demand more, but many people aren't actually willing to go looking for new stuff to read and depend more on what sites feed them (and what they already like). There are a lot of comics to go around and thus a lot of competition with a limited audience of people willing to actually pay for them.
Trying to build a new platform from the ground up is incredibly difficult and a majority of sites fail within their first year. Not only do you have to convince artists to take a chance on your platform, you have to convince readers to come. Readers won't come if there isn't work on the platform to read, but artists won't come if they don't think the site will be worth it due to low traffic numbers. This is why the artists with large followings who are willing to take chances on the smaller sites are crucial, but that's only if you can convince them to use the site in favor of (or alongside) whatever platform they're using already where the majority of their audience lies. For many creators it's just not worth the time, energy, or risk.
Even if you find short-term success, in the long-term there are always going to be profit margins to maintain. The more users you pull in, the more storage is used by incoming artists, the more you have to spend on storage and server maintenance costs, and that means either taking the risk at crowdfunding (ex. ComicFury) or having to resort to outsider investments (ex. Tapas). Look at SmackJeeves, it used to be a titan in the independent webcomic hosting community, until it folded over to a buyout by NHN and then was pretty much immediately shuttered due to NHN basically turning it into a manwha scanlation site and driving away its entire userbase. And if you don't get bought out and try your hand at crowdfunding, you may just wind up living on a lifeline that could cut out at any moment, like what happened to Inkblazers (fun fact, the death of Inkblazers was what kicked off the cultural shift in Tapas around 2015-16 when all of IB's users migrated over and brought their work with them which was more aimed towards the BL and romancee drama community, rather than the comedy / gag-a-day culture that Tapas had made itself known for... now you deadass can't tell Tapas apart from a lot of scanlation sites because it got bought out by Kakao and kept putting all of its eggs into the isekai/romance drama basket.)
Right now the mindset in which artists and readers are operating is that they're trying way, way too hard to find a "one size fits all" site. Readers want a place where they can find all their favorite webtoons without much effort, artists wants a place where they can post to an audience of thousands, and both sides want a community that will feel tight-knit. But the reality is that you can't really have all three of those things, not on one site. Something always winds up having to be sacrificed - if a site grows big enough, it'll have to start seeking more funding while also cutting costs which will result in features becoming paywall'd, intrusive ads, creators losing their freedom, and/or outsider support which often results in the platform losing its core identity and alienating its tight-knit community.
If I had to describe what I'm talking about in a "pick one" graphic, it would look something like this:
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(*note: this is mostly based on my own observations from using all of these sites at some point or another, they're not necessarily entirely accurate to the statistical performance of each site, I can only glean so much from experience and traffic trackers LMAO that said I did ask some comic pals for input and they were very helpful in helping me adjust it with their own takes <3).
The homogenization of the Internet has really whipped people into submission for the "big sites" that offer "everything", but that's never been the Internet, it relies on being multi-faceted and offering different spaces for different purposes. And we're seeing that ideology falter through the enshittification of sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. where users are at odds with the platforms because the platforms are gutting features in an attempt to satisfy shareholders whom without the platforms would not exist. Like, most of us aren't paying money to use social media sites / comic platform sites, so where else are they gonna make the necessary funds to keep these sites running? Selling ad space and locking features behind paywalls.
And this is especially true for a lot of budding sites that don't have the audience to support them via crowdfunding but also don't have the leverage to ask for investments - so unless they get really REALLY lucky in EITHER of those departments, they're gonna be operating at a loss, and even once they do achieve either of those things there are gonna be issues in the site's longevity, whether it be dying from lack of growing crowdfunding support or dying from shareholder meddling.
So what can we do?
We can learn how to take our independence back. We don't have to stop using these big platforms altogether as they do have things to offer in their own way, particularly their large audience sizes and dipping into other demographics that might not be reachable from certain sites - but we gotta learn that no single site is going to satisfy every wish we have and we have to be willing to learn the skills necessary to running our own spaces again. Pick up HTML/CSS, get to know other people who know HTML/CSS if you can't grasp it (it's me, I can't grasp it LOL), be willing to take a chance on those "smaller sites" and don't write them off entirely as spaces that can be beneficial to you just because they don't have large numbers or because they don't offer rewards programs. And if you have a really polished piece of work in your hands, look into agencies and publishing houses that specialize in indie comics / graphic novels, don't settle for the first Originals contract that gets sent your way.
For the last decade corporations have been convincing us that our worth is tied to the eyes we can bring to them. Instead of serving ourselves, we've begun serving the big guys, insisting that it has to be worth something eventually and that it'll "payoff" simply by the virtue of gambler's fallacy. Ask yourself what site is right for you and your work rather than asking yourself if your work is good enough for them. Most of us are broke trying to make it work on these sites anyways, may as well be broke and fulfilled by posting in places that actually suit us and our work if we can. Don't define your success by what sites like Webtoons are enforcing - that definition only benefits them, not you.
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And so it makes sense that these are now the places where fascism grows; that’s what these places were designed for. The suburbs were invented as a reactionary tool against the women’s liberation and civil rights movements. The US government, in concert with banks, landowners, and home builders, created a way to try and stop all that, by separating people into single homes, removing public spaces, and ensuring that every neighborhood was segregated via redlining. The suburbs would keep white women at home, and would keep white men at work to afford that home. These were explicit goals of the designers: “No man who owns his house and lot can be a Communist,” said the creator of Levittown, the model suburb. “He has too much to do.” The reason Target has become the locus of today’s particular right-wing backlash is the same reason countless viral TikToks attempt to convince women that they’re at risk of being kidnapped every time they’re in a parking lot. It’s the reason why true crime is one of the most popular podcast genres in America, and why many refuse to travel without a gun by their side and shoot people if they set foot on their driveway.
It is of course true that these mass hysterias are part of an organized right-wing movement that is attacking human rights across the country—through legislation banning abortion, gender-affirming care, and books, and making it illegal for educators to teach American history accurately. But the shape this movement has taken is not coincidental; it is in fact the product of the unique shape of public life in America, or lack thereof. Suburbanites do not have town squares in which to protest. They do not have streets to march down. Target has become the closest thing many have to a public forum. We often hear that urban areas are more liberal and suburban ones more conservative, and we’re often told that this is because of race. That may be partly true, though cities are whiter than ever and suburbs more diverse than ever. Instead, it may be that suburbanism itself, as an ideology, breeds reactionary thinking and turns Americans into people constantly scared of a Big Bad Other. The suburban doctrine dictates that public space be limited, and conflict-free where it exists; that private space serve only as a place of commodity exchange; that surveillance, hyper-individualism, and constant vigilance are good and normal and keep people safe. It is an ideology that extends beyond the suburbs; it infects everything. Even cities, as Sarah Schulman writes in The Gentrification of the Mind, have become places where people expect convenience and calmness over culture and community. What is a life of living in a surveilled and amenity-filled high-rise and ordering all your food and objects from the Internet to your door if not a suburban life? To make matters worse, the people who have adopted this mindset do not see it as an ideology, but as the normal and right state of the world; they, as Schulman writes, “look in the mirror and think it’s a window.” So when anything, even a gay T-shirt, disrupts their view, they become scared.
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knowyourplace-fool · 7 months
Bully gojo and shy oc !! Who always torments you and humiliates you. Makes you do all his works and you do out of fear. You don't question him and feels smug . He tells how he hates you( but actually he likes her a lot but he doesn't confess because ypu keep rejecting every guy so he thinks you don't accept him either) and tells you that you are just a burden on this earth but then you get into an accident and don't come to scl for a week. Gojo doesn't know what happened to you and can't find out cuz you don't have frnds either. After a week you come to schl with a bandage to your head and a fracture sling on your arm. He gets worried and clings onto you and tou lash out for the first time telling him that he got what he wanted and he could be happy now. He gets angry and kidnaps you and fucks you🙃
-> omfg YES! gojo is such a bully
-> sorry for any mistakes!
⚠️: NON CON, Kidnapping, Mean!Gojo, physically, mental and emotional abuse, manhandling, bullying, biting, groping, size difference
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All you’ve ever done is mind your own business
Sure, you don’t have many friends but that doesn’t really bother you
You enjoy being independent. Your grades are high in the air, your part time job in your school is more than enough for you to live comfortably. (In this universe, inflation doesn’t exist)
You don’t really talk to anyone, not even family. Whole bunch of drama happened, and they were toxic so you ended up leaving them for university.
Everything seemed to be going as planned until a 6’4 menace walked into your life.
Gojo Satoru was your typical frat boy and the star of the university’s basketball team.
Some may even say the Golden Boy of your university. He was smart, athletic, had a good reputation among the professors and just with people in general. Not to mention, he was ridiculously handsome. Man literally had girls fighting over him.
You’ve seen him in the hallways but never actually interacted with him. He was in a few of your classes but luckily, you guys never were put together in a group.
Until today. Your prof is running a lab and gathered the smartest students he knows to do it for him. It’s kind of a two in one for him, the lab gets complete and you guys gain some experience.
Anyways, the group consists of you, Satoru and his friend Suguru and some other nerdy people
Now unlike Gojo, you already sorta knew Geto. He was really friendly and kind towards you so you were kind of excited to be working with him.
A few days into the lab and Gojo has a sudden fixation with you. Well he always had, but this lab is letting him work closely with you and it’s making his obsession worse.
You’re stupid if you think that Gojo Satoru hasn’t kept on eye out for you. Every time you walk by him in the halls, he gets a hard on just by catching a whiff of you. The cute skirts and the pastel closet you have drives him over the fucking edge.
It takes every cell in his body to resist the urge of grabbing ur wrist, pulling u into the janitors closet and fucking you absolutely dumb and stupid.
You look so cute and innocent, like a little bunny. And god, you are just an easy target to corrupt.
So, Gojo plans a party. A party on the following Saturday after your lab is complete because he knows that you’ll be free.
His plan is to get you to come, keep you company, get you a little hammered, then get a feel of your pussy. Simple plan.
It’s now up to Geto to get you to come to this party. And of course, for his best friend, he’s 100% on board with his plan.
All goes well in the lab and in your final days of completing the report, Geto asked the big question.
“Satoru and I are throwing a party tomorrow. If you’re free, we’d love for you to come. You can bring anyone you want.”
You blush. Party? Your first party? Your brain breaks out in celebration because as much as you liked to spend your weekend relaxing, you also have a severe case of fomo. (Fear of missing out)
Your eyes lit up, saying yes on the spot in excitement. The following day, you went back to your dorm and tore your closet apart, looking for a nice dress. You settled for a blue, body con, summer dress. (despite it not being a party dress but who gives af bc it’s summer)
The next night, you got all dolled up for the party. You made arrangements with Geto to pick you up. He made it on time, looking handsome in his all black fit with his hair in a bun.
You were excited… for nothing.
There was a party (a lit one), but you realized a little too late that your social skills were next to non existent. The whole time, you felt out of place. So you stood in the corner, drink in hand and watched others dance and interact with each other.
“You don’t look like you’re having fun.”
You turn your head only to be faced with a bright blue eyed man, the one and only Gojo Satoru.
“I guess partying is not my thing.”
“Oh come on, come with me.”
He grabbed your hand and headed towards the beer pong table
You and Gojo were a team and surprisingly you two worked perfectly together
The alcohol in your system made you flush, and you found yourself loosening up a bit and having a bit of fun.
Gojo’s plan seemingly was rolling out perfectly. You were a bit drunk, so he took you back to his room to “sober up” (but it was just an excuse to get u alone so he can fuck u but u don’t know that)
Now listen, Gojo got rizz alright. So imagine the look on his face when he went in to kiss you and you slapped him so hard, his face turned the other way.
“I’m not some whore you can use for tonight. I was genuinely having a good time with you, I don’t know why you had to make it sexual.”
You felt like crying. Is this what all guys think about?? Sex?
You get off the bed and head towards the door before you’re pulled back and thrown on the bed
“Satoru, stop! I want to go home.”
And just like how you did with him, he slapped you. Much, much harder.
He didn’t say anything, he just had this look in his eyes that could honestly kill. He took a hold of your wrist with one hand and let his other roam and touch your body.
He pulled your dress up, revealing the lacy, white, underwear you wore. You were a teensy bit wet, not because of him but maybe the alcohol? Or his best friend?
You don’t know, but Gojo thought the wet spot was because of him.
“Tch, saying you don’t wanna hook up but you’re fucking wet f’me.”
He pulled you closer to the head board, reaching out to his night stand and pulling out,,,, cuffs?
“Wait wait wait wait!” You say in a panic. You squirm to get your wrist free but once you feel the metal snake around your wrists and the click afterwards, you were doomed.
Your dress was ripped off by him. Your panty was somewhere on the ground and he easily took off your bra by doing the same thing he did with your dress. You laid nude under him, against your will.
As you can imagine, the night went terribly for you. You weren’t a virgin but it had been a while since you had sex (all the way back in high school) and really it was your first time with someone so experienced.
The next morning, you woke up with him cuddling you from behind while his lanky legs were intertwined with yours
You somehow managed to escape his grip and sneak out of the house before anyone could notice. You did have work, but decided to call in because of… well for obvious reasons.
On Monday, you dreaded to go to school. But with midterms coming around the corner, you couldn’t afford to miss a lecture. You dressed in baggy clothes and took a different route to class to avoid Satoru.
The day was going alright until you had to go to the library to pick out a few books to help you on an assignment.
While you were reaching on your tippy toes, someone behind you grabbed the book which made you quickly turn around. Your eyes meet his bright, blue eyes.
“You’re avoiding me now?”
The anger that overcame you in that moment was indescribable. You wanted to scream at him, hit him, threaten him or somehow bring him down, but you couldn’t.
“Did I fuck you mute? Answer me.”
You took a deep breath in and said, “leave me alone”
“Why? What, you think you’re too good for me? That I don’t have enough worth to fuck you? Is that what it is?”
He grabbed your cheeks with one hand and squished them together, pushing you back against the bookshelf in the process. He was holding you so hard, you couldn’t move.
“Listen to me, you slut. Don’t get our roles mixed here. You’re literally a piece of shit next to me. You hold no value in this world. If you died, no one would even think twice about it because no one gives a flying fuck about you. You think you’re soooo fucking special or something. You think you’re too good for everyone. Well you’re not. You’re just a broke whore, with no friends, no family, no hobby— nothing.”
He roughly let’s go of your face that you nearly fall to the floor. You tried your best but couldn’t help but cry at his words. Gojo swings off his backpack, grabs a note package and hands it to you.
“This assignment is due tomorrow at noon. I haven’t gotten the chance to start it because of basketball. So you’re going to do it for me cause you’re a worthless, bunny that has nothing else to do after school hours. And before you think about handing in something stupid, take a look at this.”
He pulls out his phone and in a matter of 10 seconds, you felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach.
A video. Of you. Getting fucked by the Gojo Satoru. It’s evident that you’re crying but it’s easy to cover it up with an “excuse”. Your face held a horrified expression.
“P-please, delete that! Please, I’ll do it but please just- just delete the video please!”
“No, not until that assignment is handed in and I have to get 100% on it. If it isn’t handed in or I don’t receive 100%, this will be leaked to everyone in a matter of minutes. I’ll post this shit everywhere with your full name on it, got it?”
You felt like crying and throwing up at the same time. This felt worse than a nightmare. This felt worse than dying even. “Okay, I’ll try my best but I don’t know if I can get-”
“If you don’t get 100 on this assignment, I’m leaking it. I don’t give a shit. I already showed Suguru— sick bastard got off to it, and I’m sure many more will too if you don’t score 100.”
He picks up his backpack and leaves while you stood in distraught. The following night, after work, you immediately started on his assignment. You saw the assignment date and it was assigned 3 weeks ago. He wants you to do 3 weeks of work in 15 hours.
Somehow, you pulled through the night. Researching the best you can on the internet and trying to make it as best as you possibly could. You were able to send him the file at 11:30am so he could skim through it and hand it in.
You ended up leaving early for the day so you could go home and get some sleep. When you woke up the next morning, your nearly dead phone kept ringing over and over.
You pick it up and see hundreds of notifications on various social media’s and a few iMessages
Your thumb clicked on one of the iMessage notifications and there was Satoru’s name with the following message:
“I told you, only 100%”
Below the message was an image of his mark
A 98%
You swipe off of iMessage and open Instagram and boom
Hundreds of new follower requests, numerous dms and clicking of Gojo Satoru’s story, was the video of him blowing your back.
You checked Snapchat and there it was on his story too. You wanted to die. You wanted to dig a hole and bury yourself alive than live another day in this situation.
Later that day, you had received an email from the dean’s office regarding a “very sensitive and confidential” meeting that would be taking place tomorrow.
You had an idea of what it might be about but hope and prayed to god that it wasn’t what you were thinking.
But to your luck, this meeting was regarding your sex tape and how there is no longer a spot for you on the dean’s list or team.
Your whole world was crumbling apart. You spent your whole life to get to where you are today, only for him to ruin it in a matter of 12 hours.
You left the building slowly, still deeply thinking about what you could’ve done to prevent this. How stupid you are to go to that party and slap the Gojo Satoru.
“Why is this happening to me?”
All of a sudden, everything goes black.
You wake up in a hospital. Your head felt heavy and your arms was twitching. You look around and see… no one. The nurse catches a glimpse of your eyes and quickly walks in to check on you.
She explains that you were in an accident and that they tried to get in contact with an emergency contact but you hadn’t stated anyone. You stayed at the hospital overnight so they can monitor your brain activity and fortunately they were able to discharge you the next morning.
You took the rest of the week off from school and Gojo Satoru was losing his mind. He had spammed called you from various numbers but you weren’t answering your phone at all. He went from his usual mean insults to angry insults to pleading for a response back.
He doesn’t see you until Monday, with a bandage around your head and your arm in a cast which is also in a sling. He nearly runs to you, wanting nothing but to embrace you.
And he does. Holds onto you tightly, inhaling your shampoo until you knee his in the balls.
He immediately drops down and you completely lose your cool. “Don’t fucking touch me! I hate you! You ruined my life! You’re not allowed to touch me after you forced me to have sex with you and shared the video with the entire campus! You got what you wanted Satoru! You stole everything from me! Broke my entire world, burned my hard work down! Made me feel worthless! And now you want to act all concerned?! I hope you rot in hell!”
You ended up going home for the day, otherwise another headache would’ve set in. You took a quick lap before getting up and getting ready for work because those hospital bills weren’t going to pay themselves.
You had the closing shift and although working with one hand was quite the challenge, you desperately needed the money.
After closing up, the walk to your apartment is about 10 minutes away. Everything was going fine until a car quickly pulled up next to you, two men sprung out and shoved you into the car before you even had the chance to react.
One of them had his hand over your mouth while the other held your legs together.
You were blindfolded and tied in the car and after a while the car came to a stop and you were carried out.
You were thrown on the floor and when the blindfold was removed, you were met with his eyes again.
You immediately started crying. You were afraid and quite frankly exhausted of everything that’s happened over the last week.
“Please. I’m sorry. Just let me go. I’ll never ever bother you again. I’m sorry.”
You plead and beg but you hear his belt unbuckling. “Please! Please, I beg you Satoru! I’m sorry! I can’t- I can’t do it again please!”
You were left unheard. He threw you on the bed and tied your limbs to the bed. One of your arms was already in extreme pain and the other arm was starting to hurt too because of how tightly he tied you.
Every ounce of hope drained from your body when you felt his cock push into you. He pushed your head into the mattress and fucked you hard, like there was no tomorrow. Your tears soaked the mattress. Sweat, tears and snot covering your puffing face.
Satoru went on for hours. Abs glistening in sweat, his arm veins popping out because of how hard he was holding you. Not to mention his cock was coated with loads of cum.
You were passed out by the time he finished with you. Your body shaking on its on, cum dripping out your cunt and marks/bruises left all over your soft skin.
Hopefully his bunny learned her lesson.
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daskolas · 5 months
Rahu and Ketu in houses
Rahu (north node) and Ketu (south node) are always in opposition. Whatever house they are in, they bring emptiness into it.
Rahu in 1st house/Ketu in 7th house
This position gives individuals a lot of wisdom. Here, the person is very clever and mysterious.
Native's priority is to earn fame, being people's first choice and to be successful. They try to achieve these things by hook or crook.
Native's focus is on themselves, their independence, to learn new years and to identify their purpose.
These people also get mature really young because of the hardships they had to face.
People with this placement usually have dental problems and may even some sort of chronic illness.
This placement makes a person different from others in a positive manner
This placement can manifest lots of loneliness in native's life but it also grants them the ability to explore their self
future spouse can be indecisive but they will give good advices
Individuals can face some problems in their married life IF they won't be able to have proper amount of freedom.
Many of people with this placement like to live in dark or may prefer slow songs.
Rahu in 2nd house/ Ketu in 8th house
people with this placement have a harsh tone
native with Rahu in 2nd house, try to earn money even if it is not in a conventional way. This placement makes people extremely materialistic.
they are also prone to addiction so try to stay away from things like smoking
Your life partner can be rich and you can inherit property from your in-laws.
they like to research about different things. Trying to get to know which isn't noticeable
They also live too much inside their head
This placement also grants you good intuition and someone who is a risk-taker especially when it comes to earning money
you will also face fast changes in your life whether it is of health or career
people with this placement have high will and also are very concentrated individuals
ADVICE: changes whether negative or positive are fine. They are extremely common. Even if you facing loss right now then you may earn profit tomorrow. Try to be good and faithful to yourself.
Rahu in 3rd house/Ketu in 9th house
The person is hardworking.
They also face issues related to throat.
This placement indicates a cooperative personality so these people are prone to help someone who doesn't want to improve themselves. "I can fix them" personality.
Natives with this placement will not get support from their younger siblings if they have
Things will get delayed in life such as marriage, having children, or even career.
this placement makes a person religious and someone who respects their teachers
Even though life can get difficult but people with this placement know how to handle whatever gets thrown their way.
People with this placement know a lot of things. In fact some people may even consider them "know-it-all".
They are also good with hands so might be a good artist or do calligraphy or might have beautiful hands
You can know how to express yourself really well
Rahu in 4th house/ Ketu in 10th house
A person with placement is very courageous.
Mother plays an important role in a person's whether it is because she influenced natives a lot or because she had no influence.
people with this placement have a hard time feeling satisfied.
People with this placement face many financial issues or there were many distractions due to which they were not able to complete their studies on time.
This placement indicates that the person can live abroad.
They are also constantly moving so living far away from their birthplace or even marrying someone with different background.
you might also have an obsession with having a fixed asset like having a house, car, land etc.
Have difficulty concentrating.
you might feel like you are not welcome anywhere but mainly have a hard time feeling like you belong somewhere.
lack patience, and want things fast.
Rahu in 5th house/ Ketu in 11th house
This placement is considered very neutral as Rahu is sitting in a triangular house so there will be positive sides as well.
This placement gives a lack of happiness and benefits either from the father or children. Some people can even have difficulties with having children.
You will also not have a good relationship with your elder brother if you have any.
This placement makes a person extremely social and someone who knows how to communicate.
natives here are very good with hands. So you may have skills such as art and craft, sculpting or even some healing techniques like reiki.
person's focus here is to learn new things. They are extremely curious and are also invested in creative aspects.
this placement also makes natives intelligent so they do very well in school and are also good at additional aspects.
You will also be able to do good or achieve success in the entertainment industry so maybe an actor, singer, dancer, etc.
You may get some problems with your undergraduate degree like maybe you took a break.
This placement also makes the native mischievous or someone very active or restless.
Rahu in 6th house/ Ketu in 12th house
people with this placement are believed to be old souls.
when a person becomes old, they become extremely religious and someone who does a lot of charity.
this placement is considered good as people always stand up for themselves and are not easily repressed.
However, you will often feel that you are not surrounded by people who want the best for you. It may or may not be true.
A person's focus is on health, self-improvement, and having rules for themselves, and is also on how to develop good habits to be the best version of oneself.
they are also mature and know what to do in any situation. They also have an idea of the world.
they have contact with foreign companies or you will form connections with people from foreign countries.
you will also fall ill easily. During Rahu/Ketu Mahadasha you will also not be able to get diagnosed properly.
you will get success only by doing a lot of hard work.
You will also not face any mishappening or something happening unexpectedly.
Rahu in 7th house/ Ketu in 1st house
You can have problems in your married life. This can be especially due to misunderstanding or you may have different personality from your future partner.
You can marry someone from a different culture or after getting married, you will become extremely focused on your growth and self-improvement.
This placement makes the native yearn romantic relationships when they are young. However, when they get older they start focusing on themselves.
If Rahu is not afflicted, then you will come only in serious relationships.
This placement makes the person indecisive or someone who sometimes face difficulty in understanding what is going on because of lack of mental presence but you will be very smart.
You will also be kind or someone who likes to help people but at the end of the day, you would want to be in touch with yourself.
You will also have natural talent for astrology and tarots. You will be deeply interested in spiritual aspect.
this placement makes person very successful and creative. They will also be surrounded by many people.
You will also easily able to tell what others are feeling and would help them a lot.
You will also want to be with yourself especially when you get older, you will try to understand deeper aspects of life.
Rahu in 8th house/ Ketu in 2nd house
People with this placement tend to be mysterious and secretive. Even if you tell things about yourself, people around you can feel like they don't know you much.
You can have problem with your voice. Like have a cough or people misunderstand you a lot or you may have badmouth.
You may also talk without thinking so think twice before saying anything to anyone especially when you are angry.
this placement makes someone who spends a lot of money. So saving money can be a problem. If that is not the scenario then there can be fluctuations in finances.
This placement also makes the person money-minded so natives can think about how to generate money a lot.
You may also have some unexplained fears like you may become fearful of many things even if you haven't had a bad experience with them.
People with this placement tend to be scared of animals when they are young but when they get older, they start to love them.
You will be understanding and calm a lot but are also prone to extreme outbursts or some heavy emotional experience.
This placement also makes the person good astrologer or you will definitely study astrology.
You will also research about many things. Or you will like learning about many things.
Rahu in 9th house/ Ketu in 3rd house
this placement indicates the person will settle in a foreign. And they will also be able to achieve most success when they are working abroad.
this placement also makes the natives travel a lot. However, you will start feeling dissatisfied and can feel that traveling brings you a lot of problems.
you can have a problem with your sibling. like a strained relationship even though you love them a lot and overprotectiveness.
You will also study a lot. You may even be inclined to get a PhD.
You will people a lot. So you may donate a lot or even start an NGO to help needy people.
You can also have a hard time saying No especially in financial matters so you may give money to whoever asked you but would never be able to ask them back.
You will also care a lot about nature. This placement makes the person ecocentric.
you will also tend to share your knowledge with people as soon as you learn about them.
You will also love taboo things. You can also start connecting with the higher self. Many people with this placement tend to be agnostic.
You may face delays in your life in some places so you can do certain things like live in a foreign country, try to do meditation and become more in tune with yourself or do not talk to people who are not treating you well. Learn to cut off people.
Rahu in 10th house/ Ketu in 4th house
The person is very clever.
Career will be progressing from short scale to big scale. Long-term growth.
They can also feel very stressed due to work only. The focus is on career.
Might not receive support from parents.
A person will be highly influenced by their father but can have a negative relationship with him.
This placement is an indicator of moving abroad.
people with this placement want to be in leadership positions and have a need to be powerful. Kind of like having it all.
natives with Rahu in 10th house do well in career where you can help people or where you can influence them.
people with this placement can gain benefits from the government whether it is in terms of job or anything.
you will constantly shift between wanting to be more spiritual or wanting to have money and power.
Rahu in 11th house/ Ketu in 5th house
people with this placement can feel unlucky at times. For example, if someone wants to start a business then suddenly you start having financial issues.
relationships will not be successful.
Person's entire focus is on completing their desire like being financially strong or having materialistic growth.
relationships with elder siblings will not be good.
People with this placement should start with a job as doing their business at the start can take a lot of time. So start with a job first then move towards business.
Person is very helpful and cooperative.
they also take care of their parents.
people with this placement gain lots of spiritual and philosophical knowledge from their parents.
you will be able to get more success working with people from foreign country or settling abroad.
people with this placement do not feel satisfied easily. Always wanting to achieve more and more.
Rahu in 12th house/ Ketu in 6th house
This placement is considered very good as this makes a person very successful.
This placement is the indicator for settling in a foreign country or working with people from a foreign country.
person has a desire to live alone or live a highly spiritual life.
Even though they desire to live a detached life, but at a young age they will live a fast-paced life but as they become old, they will live the life that they desire.
Person might also not care too much about their health or even daily life issues.
This placement gives people lots of difficulties but it also grants them the ability to overcome them.
They also spend a lot of money on things that they do not need or require.
you can have psychic dreams or dreams which are extremely imaginative which you might find weird.
You might not be close to your mother or there is some distance between you and your family members.
During Ketu Mahadasha, you might fall ill and not be able to be diagnosed properly.
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scientia-rex · 11 months
I also spend a lot of time trying to convince people to prevent problems, because prevention still works better than cures. Don't fucking smoke! I would instantly become the best doctor who ever lived if I could just convince all my patients to quit smoking. Avoid alcohol! Don't do meth! Don't do fentanyl! Things that are poisons will poison you in ways you understand, in the short term, but also ways you can't really understand until you've watched dozens of people die from it thirty years later, struggling to breathe from their COPD or weak and nauseated beyond bearing from their end-stage liver disease. I watched a man take 3 weeks in the ICU to die from what meth did to his heart. Your heart isn't meant to beat 145 times a minute for weeks on end. Your liver isn't meant to metabolize 5 shots of gin a day. You aren't going to be able to use denial and willpower to repair the damage your own habits did.
I drink a lot less now than I did before I went into medicine. Lot of different reasons, including that I'm older and more settled. But I can't look at it the same way I used to; I can't brush off as a "fun quirk" what I know is alcohol use on a level that risks withdrawal seizures if they were to suddenly stop, like some of my family members do, nervously asking me about their loved one's drinking when we're alone because beneath the jokes they know it's a problem.
If you're having more than one, maybe two drinks a day on average, over a long period of time, you are damaging your body in ways you don't understand. You're setting up a permanent heightened inflammatory state. Your heart cells don't like alcohol; Google "alcohol-induced cardiomyopathy." Your esophagus and stomach respond to incessant bathing in poison by first developing wounds and then cancer. Your liver, of course, doesn't like it. Your liver not only converts poisons to harmless substances you can excrete, it also makes your platelets, so your blood can clot. It makes albumin, a protein that's essentially for keeping water in your blood vessels and not letting it leach into your tissues. So people who are dying of liver failure are in pain and weak and tired and sad the whole fucking time! And the only solution, a liver transplant, will come with a lifetime of medication and specialist check-ups and the knowledge that if you fuck up and kill this liver, too, no one is going to be eager to give you another try.
I don't guilt-trip my alcoholic patients with liver disease. I don't guilt-trip my smokers with COPD. They chose to cope with substances for reasons, even if I disagree with their reasons, even if those reasons are opaque to me. They will suffer the natural consequences of those actions whether I guilt-trip them or not. I want them to continue to see me, I want them to be honest with me. Other people will lay enough guilt on them. And nothing I can say or do would ever compare to the physical and mental suffering that goes with those diseases.
But if you can prevent these diseases in yourself, prevent them. Quit smoking. Do it now. Your lungs are going to look better starting almost immediately, with positive changes continuing for many years. Drink less alcohol. Sure, it's fun, sure, it's a longstanding human tradition, but it is also unfortunately a straight up poison and your body knows that no matter how persuasively you argue about the obvious failure of Prohibition. You can't argue with a cell. You can't convince your kidneys that high blood pressure shouldn't damage them. They are a system; they do what they do; they existed long before prefrontal cortex existed to justify what we want to do but know to be harmful.

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✨Staticmoth wedding headcanons✨
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Because I have a lot of thoughts but can't come up with the plot to turn it into fic
✨ Vox absolutely loses his shit. You would think that Valentino would be a groomzilla material but oh no no, Val just wants sexy dress and enough coke to last three days of partying. Vox needs everything perfect. He has his grand vision and is ready to tear with bare hands everyone who does not deliver. During the preparation time, he murders as many people as Val usually does. Velvette bails on being the wedding planner after just two weeks because it was seriously straining their friendship. But after a month, she's back in the game. Why? Because Vox strangled three other wedding planners in frustration, and things weren't moving forward, so Val was starting to freak out.
✨ The event is held at the Vees' Tower. I reckon they've got a venue suitable for hosting conferences and porn award shows.
✨ It's a grand event. I'm talking Grand™, like the Kim K and Kanye West of Hell kind of grand. But it's also elite, so the guest list isn't that long, around 200 invited people plus 50 ticketed spots for anyone willing to drop 100k hellish bucks to attend. Everything is dripping with gold and diamonds because "quiet luxury" isn't in the Vees' vocabulary. The whole affair reflects Val's aesthetic more, as it's Vox's love letter to him. Vox already had his wedding, and now it's time to fulfill his husband's dreams. So Val makes about 90% of the decisions without shouldering any real responsibilities. Which is fine by everyone because he's annoying as hell when it comes to picking roses, flamingo feathers, and starters. Nobody wants to put him in high-stress situations. Expect lots of red, pink, and gold, with heavy, decadent fabrics and neon lights; it's like an exclusive brothel meets the Las Vegas strip.
✨ When it comes to flowers, they settled on roses because they're Vox's favorites, which naturally made them Val's favorite too, given the sheer number of bouquets he's received. Vox, being the freak he is, counts every single bouquet he's ever given to Val. So, for their wedding, he ensures there are twice as many roses. Yes, he's a pathological overachiever.
✨ As for attractions, there’s a plethora of erotic dancers in cages and mesmerizing drone light shows. Karaoke, slot machines, live cooking stations, and all the drugs you can imagine. And let's not forget a fountain flowing with tequila. It's a true adult wonderland.
✨ Valentino skips the whole white dress thing and rocks a fierce red latex gown that's very Mugler but with a fetishcore twist. Vox keeps it sleek in a sharp black three-piece suit. His shirt's a bold blue, and his tie matches Val's dress. His shoulder pads are pointy, his waist is slutty, his ass looks divine. Oh yeah, about slutty waist - underneath the shirt he is hiding a leather corset, as a treat for the wedding night.
✨ Also none of them really have friends other than Velvette, just associates so there are no groomsmen/maids.
✨ Since there aren't any traditional churches or government officials in Hell (if there's even a government at all), Velvette takes on the role of officiating the wedding. Vox isn't entirely thrilled with this choice because there's always the risk she might crack a joke or publicly rib him, but hey, there's really no one else who could pull it off. I imagine that a wedding in Hell is also some form of magical contract but more about partnership than ownership. They do not exchange rings but blood sksksk also I don’t think that Vox can really wear rings with his claws? And they couldn't quite agree on a design that satisfied both of them. In the end, Val ends up wearing his illegally imported engagement ring from Earth, featuring four pink diamonds shaped like a moth's wings.
✨ Val's vow is, well, atrocious. It's the kind of thing that would definitely land him in one of those TikTok compilations of terrible grooms ruining their weddings. He mentions cream pieing Vox at least once. Vox at first freaks out but seconds later realizes Wow that's the man I'm marrying. I wouldn't want him any other way On the flip side, Vox's vow is immaculate. Crafted with the assistance of Voxtek's CMO and practiced to perfection, it leaves everyone in awe. He has out-of-body experience playing this role of prince charming.
✨ For their first dance, they opt for a steamy tango. Picture this: swirling red smoke on the floor, making it seem like they're dancing on the sky of the pride ring when the sun is setting down. Little do the guests know, the smoke is laced with drugs, sending most of them on a wild trip. The party quickly goes off the rails, but in the best way possible (according to the Vees’ standards).
✨ The cake is a five-tier monstrosity with five different flavors: tres leches and chocolate-cherry chosen by Val, confetti cake and strawberry cheesecake chosen by Vox and Red Velvet for Velvette because she couldn't shut up about it To top it all off, there's a big chocolate figure of Vox and Valentino dancing. Val is later caught drunk, eating it with his bare hands like the filthy animal he is.
✨ Velvette’s wedding gift is a pair of customized matching guns with small engravings that read "Partners in Crime."
✨ Valentino pulls off a surprise special pole dance performance as a wedding gift for his husband. Let's just say it's scorching hot and leaves at least 50 guests with, uh, visible excitement. Later on, things almost escalate to a full-on table bang, but...
✨ Velvette spends the entire evening reminding them that they can't just vanish to consummate their marriage because this whole party took months of preparations, and they need to be present. After all, people paid good money to be around them. The threat of cock cages hangs over their heads, but they promise to behave. However, Val being the horny beast he is, ends up taking Vox to the bathroom for a quickie anyway. Velvette decides to let it slide this time.
✨ At least 20 casualties mark the night. Vox ends up zapping one of the guests who gets a bit too clingy with Val during the dance. Meanwhile, Val gets into a brawl and, well, let's just say it doesn't end well for the other guy. Surprisingly, everyone seems to be having a great time, but hey, these are the Vees' colleagues we're talking about—they thrive on violence and sex.
✨ Yeah, there's no shortage of sex at this party. With a guest list mainly consisting of businesspeople, adult performers, and mobsters, tensions escalate rapidly. By around 3 A.M., half of the party is busy getting down and dirty in every corner imaginable.
✨ When Vox reaches the perfect level of drunkenness, he seizes control of the DJ station. Surprisingly, he's a natural, dropping beats like a pro and having an absolute blast. Val, meanwhile, goes absolutely wild watching him, thrilled to see Vox letting loose and embracing his creative side.
✨ Derek, Vox's assistant, is the odd one out, the only low-status person to snag an invite because Vox felt kinda generous. But truth be told, Derek hates the idea and wasn't keen on attending. However, when Melissa caught wind of his invitation, she practically dragged him there to be his plus one, desperate to get closer to Velvette. Derek's terrified of most of the guests, but Melissa's over the moon. She later fucks him as a reward for being a very brave boy. Angel is not invited because he would ruin mood of both grooms.
✨ Valentino had prepared the filthiest, kinkiest, most elaborate wedding night, but it doesn't go as planned. Surprisingly, things turn out very vanilla for their standards, with a lot of missionary, eye contact, and hand-holding. After 16 hours of non-stop action, they're both too exhausted to even think about getting creative.
Thank you @purrpleowl @watcherofeternalflame @canadianlucifer @aroromantic @malu897 @staticmothed @chaggieslovechild @gumm1defloor @mayflowersfly for your thoughts!
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staytinyville · 5 months
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Kiss a Girl
↣ Summary: When Bang Chan is finally over a break up, he comes across someone that seemed to make things feel like he was a high schooler again.
↣ Characters/Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
↣ Genre: fluff
↣ AU/Trope info: idol!au, webtoon artist!reader, foreign!reader, post break-up, song inspired fic
↣ Word Count: 2.9k
↣ Warnings: none
↣ A/N: I am from Texas where country songs are just a must. I grew up on like 2000s country songs and will always go back to them lol. But I heard Keith Urban while I was in the store the other day and was like. This is giving Bang Chan. Could it be because they are both Australian? Quite possibly. But TBH I do wanna hear Bang Chan sing one of Keith Urban’s songs. 
Staytinyville’s Permanent Taglist
↣ Affiliates: @cultofdionysusnet , @k-labels , @k-vanity
↣ Special Thanks: Thank you @saradika-graphics for the amazing banners! Please go check her out if you have specific banners in mind. She is great!
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You have been in Korea for the past month doing some things for a work project you would never have thought to be possible. You were just a simple college kid a couple years ago who enjoyed making comics about a couple OC you created years ago. When the story became a hit around the world it garnered a lot of attention. 
Especially TV companies that were asking you if they could create your story into a series. 
You, being someone who was studying in the entertainment industry, agreed they could use it so long as you were allowed to work on the project with them. Your credits in college really help to put them along for the ride. Now you were going to be living in Korea for a bit until production finished and the whole series came out on the TV. 
In the past month, you had made some good friends with the people you worked with. There were A-list actors who enjoyed your company and sometimes would invite you out to go drinking with them. While you did enjoy going with them, you found yourself attached to your translator a lot more compared to them. 
It was easy to find people who spoke English, especially in the area you were working in. But the way your translator had to stick closer to you than others, you both found yourselves becoming close friends. And for them, as someone who worked closely in an industry that called for a lot of high ends, they were the ones who often took you out to fancy places where normal people would only wait years to get reservations. 
“This is a very classy spot.” You told your friend as you looked around the club. 
“It's a very high end club.” Your friend/translator told you. “Like only a select few people can get in.”
You laughed out loud. “How did you pull it off then?” You asked. 
“Did you forget where it is that we work at?” They laughed. “Of course we are going to get the best stuff. Just gotta be careful because they will make us sign NDA.” They deadpanned at the end. 
You laughed even louder. You glanced around for a moment to find where the bar was, easily spotting it along with a crowd. Just as you were about to head in that direction, you froze for a moment just as someone passed in front of you.
You let out a polite excuse me, bowing your head just a bit. The person looked at you oddly for a moment before giving you a small smile and telling you it was alright. When the man began to walk away, you tried to keep a neutral face, but were secretly panicking inside over you had just ran into. 
“Bro!” You gasped quietly, smacking your friend’s arm. “Did I just see Yugyeom? Like the idol?” You gushed. 
“Probably.” They looked over your shoulders, frowning as they nodded. “This is a popular club for idols because it's so exclusive.”
“Why would you bring me here?” You looked at them wide eyed, feeling like you were going to make a fool of yourself and risk a lot of things. 
“This is where a lot of people in the entertainment industry come when they want to experience normal things. Like a club.” They explained to you. “This place is also really popular with the younger generations. You’ll probably come across a couple of people winding down from promotions and stuff.”
You did in fact see a couple of more idols. Your friend was the one who explained to you who was in attendance at the club for the ones you weren’t able to pick out right away. There was a good amount of older people as well, at least at the bar. 
Once you got a drink in, you dragged your friend out to dance, laughing as songs you weren’t able to make out the words to blasted on the speakers. WIth how much your smile seemed to stretch across your face, other people began to notice you. Many of them were much to shy or reserved to go out and dance along with you but there were a few who wanted to feel your excitable energy. 
“Hello.” A girl smiled while talking in English, coming into your closer circle. 
“Hi.” You beamed, holding your hands out to grab onto hers. “Come dance!” You swung her arms around as you tried your best to not look like a fool. 
But it seemed the more others drank and the night went on, you didn’t have to worry much about that. Things would never change once people had alcohol in their systems to make them let loose just a bit. 
With you dancing along with the girl, a lot more came to join your side as your contagious positive attitude had an effect on others around you. 
“Like this.” The girl laughed, trying to copy your silly jumps.
“Yes!” You laughed, trying to get others to dance as well. 
Just as a large crowd was beginning to form on the dance floor, there were others going around and enjoying their time with friends. There was an idol who had just arrived after finally getting out of his post-break-up slump. He was ready to get back out there and mingle with new people after being in a mental blockage when it came to friends. 
His bandmates had gotten him to agree to going out with his closer friends that weren’t any of them. They had other things to do, which did make him a bit upset but as they had told him, he had a life outside of them as well. 
“Chan!” Yugyeom hugged the man’s side. “Look at you! Finally out.” He said, showing him towards where the others of the group were. 
“I don't know.” Chan nodded to himself. “I'm ready to be out.” He said. 
“For once and it's not in the studio.” Another one of their friends teased, lightly punching Chan in the arm. 
The Australian laughed, looking around the club he had not been to in a while. He took in the large crowd that was going on around the dance floor. 
“There's a foreigner?” He furrowed his eyebrows, turning to the others. 
“She's cute!” A friend called out. “Been dancing and getting others to join. Seems social.” He added. 
“I'm going to go ask her to dance.” Yugyeom called out, going to join the crowd. 
Once others saw the boy coming down to stand next to the floor, everyone else seemed to join as well, having you get sucked into the crowd that was chanting as songs continued. Yugyeom came up to you giving you a smile as he caught your attention. 
“Dance?” He asked you.
“Oh, sure!?” You nodded your head, moving to turn and face him as his song started to play. You laughed watching as he tried to explain to you the dance moves that came along with it. 
You kept laughing, cheeks hurting from the fun you were having. You hadn’t really gotten the chance to experience something like this back home. You have been to bars but the energy isn’t the same as a club that was meant to pump people full of adrenaline. You enjoyed the atmosphere, it helped your need to be social. 
“Yes.” Yugyeom gushed in English that had an accent. “Like that. Good!” He gave you thumbs up to show that you were correct. 
You laughed at his way of trying to speak to you. You waved him off, telling him thank you in Korean which made him laugh even more. He tried to have a conversation with you, but you laughed most of it and tried to explain to him he needed to speak slowly in order for you to understand just a bit more. 
When a new song came on, you hadn’t noticed someone else coming up to your side. All you did was turn to face the DJ stand as you began to sing to Stray Kids TOPLINE. You laughed as those around you began to do the same, in your own world. You turned to the person next to you, shouting out lyrics as you both gave off the same energy. 
You started singing louder when you noticed it had been Bang Chan singing along with you. The chorus came around and you fully turned to give him your attention, trying to keep up. Bang Chan felt something in his chest as he danced with you to his own song. It wasn’t that he was proud, it was just that he seemed to be content with how you didn’t seem phased with who he was. 
When the song came to an end, you clapped for Bang Chan, giving him a dazzling smile that made him turn his lips up. 
“You know Stray Kids!?” He asked you, shouting over the speakers. 
“No, who are they!?” You shouted back, face looking serious. 
You almost laughed at how Bang Chan’s eyes went wide and he looked at a loss for words. “I'm just kidding. It's really nice to meet you.” You gushed, bowing your head.
“Oh, you don't need to bow.” Chan awkwardly giggled. “It's okay.”
“I got used to it here!” You told him, coming to stand up straight. 
“Would you like to sit with me?” He asked you after a moment.
Your eyebrows raised, eyes wide as you took in his question. Looking just around him, you noticed your friend quickly nodding their heads, telling you to accept the offer. 
“Am I allowed to?” You laughed.
He thought about it for a moment, looking over at his group of friends. “Ah, if you don't tell anyone.” Chan chuckled. 
“Sounds like a risk.” You hummed. “I'll take it.” The smile you had made Chan a bit dizzy.
It had been so long since he had seen someone look at him that way. He had a ton of people look at him that way actually, but never to someone who made it seem like they just wanted to be friends. Chan had no problems with hookups, but it was refreshing to meet someone who wasn’t over him because they knew him. 
You did know him–sure–but you were taking into account who he was which made you a bit cautious. While it was normal for others to be that way, you weren’t scared of talking to him like you had been friends for years. 
When he showed you where his friend group were, you laughed a little at how they seemed to begin hollering when Chan brought you over. 
“Don't listen to them.” He shook his head. 
“Even if I did, I don't think I'd understand much.” You told him honestly. 
“Are you visiting then?” Chan asked, allowing you to sit down first before he sat in front of you. 
The music was much quieter in the area, but you figured it had to do with the fact that the table was sectioned off in the VIP. They had their own bar as well, classy stuff. 
“It's for work. I'm going to be here for a few months.” You answered him. “I did study what I could but I still need people to talk slowly.” You explained. 
“Ah, I see. I see. Lucky you, I speak English.” He laughed. 
“Even if you didn't, I'd try my best.” You nodded your head. “Miss the chance to speak with Bang Chan? Mega producer who’s part of 3RACHA?” You gushed, making his face turn red. 
“I wouldn't say mega.” Chan shrugged, getting bashful. 
“I mean I don't know.” You pursed your lips in thought. “The Scoville scale is out here close to blowing up.” You laughed. 
Chan bursted out laughing, cheeks hurting from how much he was stretching them. “You're cool.” He told you. 
“Why thank you!” You waved him off. “I pride myself on being cool.” You said.
“Han would like you.”
“Just going to drop bandmates on me as if I'm not freaking out on the inside.” You suddenly said, making him laugh. 
“You and I both.” Chan answered truthfully. 
“No! Please don't! It's all cool!” Your eyes went wide hearing his confession.
You both spent a good hour sitting at the table laughing about stories that would come up or just things about the other’s life. Chan hadn’t noticed when his friends would get up to get more drinks or when they would go out to dance. And they didn’t want to disrupt you two either, eyeing each other with smirking as they teased the poor boy behind his back. 
Before you knew it, you were telling your friend that you would be heading back to your temporary home with Chan as company. They gave Chan a thankful smile, bowing down in respect for someone of higher standard. But they told you to be careful, having gotten used to you always telling others that whenever they would leave. 
You found yourself outside some plaza eating Tteokbokki from a small restaurant outside on the sidewalk. The night was nice and cool, leaving you in a refreshed feeling after having danced in the hot club. Chan was laughing at you struggling to get the rice cake on your chopsticks. 
“Why would you eat it like that!?” He laughed, covering his mouth.
“I can't pick it up with the chopsticks!” You exclaimed, stabbing the rice cake treat with both chopsticks so it looked like you were at least eating them correctly. You managed to put it in your mouth before looking up at Chan who was pursing his lips. 
“Don't look at me like that!” You gushed, smile on your face. 
“It's like this.” He moved closer to you, trying to get you to hold the chopsticks correctly. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t know how to use them, it was just that trying to pick up slippery food proved to be harder than you cared to admit. 
“I'm trying!” You exclaimed, moving closer to him as he kept trying to put some food on your chopsticks. 
As you were moving to place it in your mouth, the slippery cake fell from your utensils and onto the floor. “My Tteokbokki!” You cried out.
“Ok fine. Keep stabbing it.” Chan laughed, giving up.
Next thing you knew the night had come to an end and Chan had walked you to the building you were staying at. He had his hands in his pockets, looking up at the tall apartment building before giving you a kind smile. 
“This is me.” You told him. “I had a great time.” You confessed. 
“Me too.” Chan smiled softly. “Thank you for coming out with me.” He added. 
You laughed as your face flushed red. “Of course. Thank you for inviting.” You told him. 
“Ah. I guess I'll see you.” Chan nodded his head, shoulders dropping for just a moment. 
“Yeah.” You nodded your head, soft smile on your face. “I had a really great time. I mean it—thank you for taking me out. Only could ever dream of something like that.” You told him honestly. 
“Yeah.” Chan thought about something for a moment, which made you stop from going in completely. “Ah, is it okay if I ask for your number?” He asked you.
“I mean for me it is but is it for you?” You joked once more. 
“Sounds like a risk. I'll take it.” He mocked you from earlier.  
“You know though, I really don't want to make you sign an NDA.” He quickly added after you both traded numbers. 
“To kiss and tell is just not my style.” You sang off, grinning from ear to ear. 
Chan laughed for a moment, understanding your joke. “But the night is young and it's been a while.” He played along. 
“Ah, you know it! Wasn't expecting you to honestly.” You told him.
“I'm a music producer—I listen to a lot of things. Besides, it's kinda relatable.” He smiled a little, looking down as he took in a calming breath. 
You weren’t going to ask about it, it wasn’t your place. You knew what the song was about–it was one you had heard since you were a little kid. Besides, Chan was an idol who had secrets to keep from the public. That was one of the first things you had to get used to when moving to Korea and working in the entertainment industry. 
“Then I'm happy to be that girl you wanna kiss.” You joked, thinking about the rest of the song.
“I wouldn't go that far.” He laughed, shaking his head. 
You gasped, eyes going wide at the scene you had just made. “Making me sound like a fool then. Ah, forget about it.” You said in a rush, face red from actual embarrassment this time. 
“No, I don't think I will.” Chan hummed, stepping closer to you. 
You watched him step closer, feeling your heart stop for just a moment as he placed his lips against your cheek. “Goodnight, (Y/N).” He told you softly.
“Goodnight Chan.” You smiled. 
You waved him off, turning around when a cold breeze blew past you. He continued on his journey towards his car parked in the front of the building. 
“I wanna kiss a girl. I wanna hold her right. Maybe make a little magic under the moonlight.” You sang to yourself, nodding your head along to the nonexistent beat you were playing in your head. 
“Don't wanna go too far just to take it slow. But I shouldn't be lonely in this big ol world. I wanna kiss a girl.” Chan quietly sang to himself as he walked home. 
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Permanent Taglist: @hecateslittlewitchling , @ldysmfrst , @rln-byg , @vampcharxter , @angieskzzzz , @puppyminnnie , @marvel-potter-1d-korea , @smilingtokki
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wszczebrzyszynie · 9 months
Please, may we have the essay
With pleasure. The oc-fication is strong on this one. Its also a bit long so its under the read more thing. Have a space mining Jimmy concept thing as a bonus. He was born in a wet cardboard box all alone
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They met through Grian. After Scar and Grians amazing plan of tracking Tango down and offering him a job (in worlds most suck up way possible) semi failed because Tango turned out to not be the a high level criminal they though he were, instead they got someone who very much has not had a proper meal in at least 5 months. Almost imidiately deemed not dangerous, they wouldve turn him in for extra money if not for the fact that he still is an engineer genius they needed. Which is why Tango was stuck with them for a while; including for their visits to Jims ranch. Living in the middle of nowhere comes with peace and as much safety as you can get as a wanted criminal, but for Jim it means constant lack of supplies alivable in bigger parts of the universe; Grian, esentially, does shopping for him, and even if he teases him about it, theyre both glad he has a reason to stop by. Because the thing is, Jim doesnt handle the self imposed alone time well. Hes a very social person but also a stupidly proud one and cannot admit he maybe made a mistake after losing Scott (they divorced on mutual agreement, but that doesnt mean he handled it as well as he thought he did) and acted too impulsively; he loves the ranch, sure, and doing work associated with his home planet makes him feel better, but hes very much dependent on his close ones visiting. The fact that the ranch is so far away from civilisation is something he learned to cherish, in a way, as its the main reason why both Grian and Pearl can go and visit him for longer periods. No one can really find them there.
Its one of the reasons why he and Tango got along so fast; ranch is designed as a safe space. Jim is fairly okay with his friends lifestyles (even if hes not a fan of Grian bringing more wanted people there; but its not something hes willing to argue about if it risks Grian leaving. He doesnt believe that he would, but the fear is there) and likes the fact that his house operates as such. He can give them a place to sleep, something to eat; basically, he can take care of them, be of use to them, and he wants them to feel like they can depend on him, too. Tango desperately needs that space; he feels guilty for endangering Impulse and Skizz (hes been staying with them after the moon blowing up situation; they know he didnt blow up callisto up for sculk related profits, even if he doesnt want to tell them what exactly happened there, and that the area of explosion itself was an accident. They want to support Tango as much as they can), and even if staying with them makes him feel better, he cant keep on doing it. That, and theyre also similar enough... very much unfit for living among space crime, even if its something they cannot run from, and are much more interested in more... earthly, everyday matters, than space mining and enhancing humanity. In Tangos case especially its the longing for a simpler life, away from everything that made him what he is now. Its not that staying with Jimmy is completly safe, especially with the amount of people wanting to get Tangos bounty, but its safer, and something he keeps on doing selfishly, even if hes constantly feeling guilty for it. Even after Tango parts with Grian and Scar, he keeps coming back to the ranch, quickly making it a regular thing; Tangos ship is extra small (its not designed with living in mind; like a car) and doesnt even have a kitchen, so hes kind of... dependent on the ranch for basic life comforts. He helps a lot around the ranch to not feel like a parasite; helping Jim with optimizing mostly. Up to this point id describe their relationship as close but normal enough; theyre both slightly broken people who got to find peace in each other. Desperate for normal human relationships that both keep on losing the longer they live. Very much soulmates; if the world was different, they would live by each others side, but it isnt, so they try to make it work as well as they possibly can.
It takes a turn the moment Grian disappears. That itself very much ruins Jimmy, who already was worried about him and Pearl enough (even if hes admittedly a bit afraid of Pearl, he still cares for her), and now that his fears became real he just... couldnt deal with it well. Its both the fear of Grian leaving them behind, as well as the posibility of him getting imprisoned or dying. Jimmy is already painfully lonely as it is, cannot afford to lose more people, but hes also well aware that Tango wont stay; not because he doesnt want to, but because Tango cant afford to lose people either, especially since Grians disappearance happens at a similar time to Cubs sculk corruption (its complicated and this things already long enough, so ill just say its exactly what it sounds like) - something he absolutely blames himself for (as does Scar), and even when he manages to help Cub against his will, he knows that friendship is unsalvagable. So, instead, Jimmy makes Tango stay by sabotaging the ranch both of them worked on; whether its a small accident he needs help with, or a machine thats suddenly broken, or his poor excuse of a ship not starting properly, or Jimmy himself thats hurt, because he is clumsy and all bad luck tends to gravitate towards him. And when he breaks down and comes clesn to Tango about all of this, Tango cant really bring himself to be angry about it. He doesnt even really register it as an awful thing to do (he knows it is, but emotionally hes just... okay with it. The idea that maybe, in a different scenario, he would do the same, even if its manipulative and cruel), instead taking the way out hes been given and properly moving in. They both live in guilt of being too much to handle but its quieter when theyre together. Theyre both tired and willing to pretend everything is okay if it means getting some peace; and it goes surprisingly well for a while, not having to separate for longer periods and suffer the consequences of it. Until Scar comes and burns their home down in revenge
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lupunsus · 1 year
lots of people like bunny hybrid, but I already have Gorou so I'll expand more on Tighnari so the fucker will come home.
based on genshin hybrid au by @cinnamonest
warning: ashamed novice writer writes bad smut, tighnari drugs, manipulates, and almost eats reader several times while treating them like a living fleshlight as well as emergency food. Reader is also degraded because he thinks you're a dumb bunny who can't do anything themselves :(
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In a previous post, I left off on the cute floppy eared bunny, obliviously eating an aphrodisiac flower, which makes Tighnari throw all senses out of the window and act on his predatory instincts.
Of course, as a fennec fox, he had to have a taste of your blood first. What's the harm in biting down a little too hard on those cute ears of yours? Don't cry. You clearly wanted someone to breed you. Why else would you eat such a thing in his garden? Even if you didn't know, it's too late to go back now. As a fennec fox, he already saw you as his mate. And his kind mates for life. Do yours too? It doesn't matter. Tighnari will keep you in his den far away from the humans, in a nest he lovingly made for you, and you alone.
You should be thankful he chose you. Nobody else will be able to satiate you when he conducts his specialized research focused on how your body reacts to being his mate.
For now, he can't get enough of the feeling of your little insides suffocating him. It's a bit hard to get his knot in, but it must mean it's your first time. He'd reassure you and be more gentle, but it won't be long until the flower takes effect and turns you into a stupid whore begging for his knot. Ah, but should he call you that? You're just an innocent bunny who knows nothing of the human language. It isn't your fault that you were born without ever receiving an upbringing similar to what he had.
Tighnari would think of it as a sad thing, as maybe if you had an ounce of knowledge, you'd know better to assume he wouldn't devour an adorable thing like you are. He bets you don't even have a name or an identity. He'll teach you to address yourself as "Tighnari's Mate." The only name you'll ever need as the only place you'll be is by his side, coupling to his heart's content.
You don't understand the feeling of something trying to force its way into you.
At first, it hurt so much. Even worse than how hard he'd bite into your skin and tear it with his claws. It wasn't hard for him to mark his new territory as you were bare for everyone to see. But it was because you didn't need clothes! You were a wild animal, of course, and they'd be unconventional to wear if you needed to escape. Would it have been better to have something to cover you? Just to help shield yourself from the onslaught of his attacks? Why did it start to feel good? Like a feeling of pleasure and content. An itch that's finally been scratched.
When Tighnari finally forced his knot inside, you came.
This was your first time having this kind of experience, and it was exhausting. Not even the flower could keep you from passing out. It didn't matter to Tighnari, too drunk on how absolutely tight you became, the feeling of being smothered within your warm insides driving him crazy. He emptied his load into you soon after, sinking his teeth and claws into your flesh while he rode out his high. If this is how it felt to breed you, he really had to control the predatory urge to eat you.
His private quarters weren't too far. He mainly uses it when he's going through his ruts or when he absolutely can not be bothered. But it only means he can enjoy the feeling of keeping his knot inside without anyone walking in on the two of you. It crossed his mind before on whether someone would see you being bred out in the open by him, but after experiencing your sweet, delicious body, Tighnari was willing to take the risk. But you looked as though a wild animal got to you, so he would be in big trouble as it looked as though he fucked you while you were injured, but it was obvious that those were "love bites" by his design.
It's good he knows how to patch someone up. Such a cute bunny like you deserves to be kept. He can teach you how to be a good mate in his standard. What the different chirps he makes mean, how to tell his mood based on his body language, how to kiss him, his favourite position to take you in,
Ah, he's beginning to get hard again. You wouldn't mind taking in some more of his love while he bandages and licks your wounds clean, would you? Of course not. You're his beloved mate. Leaving him isn't a choice either, not when he can just make it so that you're too drugged to even walk properly. To have you crave him as much as he hungers for you. Just thinking about the future he has planned for the two of you is enough to bring him to the edge once more.
Tighnari thinks he can get used to this lifestyle.
You, on the other hand, can't even remember your life before meeting your mate.
Being so weak and unable to walk for long, he was attentive to all of your needs. It makes you feel useless to see him do things you're supposed to do, but he insists that he wants to do them. Reassuring you lovingly by nuzzling against you and whispering some words that you didn't understand. It's okay, though. The only words you need to know are the ones he teaches you. From calling him your "beloved mate" to breathily moaning out the filthiest things that will get him going.
Tighnari is always kind enough to give you "love marks" as well. Even if they hurt at first, they are meant to represent how much he loves you, as they remain on your body for long periods of time. And when they start to disappear, he leaves more, sometimes biting down to the point where you think he'll eat you alive. It's okay, some panicked squeaks and "Mm! H-Hurts..." Will snap him out of the trance. He always feels so guilty until he licks at the wound. The taste of your blood is so sweet to him. It's addicting.
The only way to get him to realize his precious little bunny is also his one and only mate is to try to intertwine your fingers with his own. Tighnari taught you that it's what mates do to tell each other that their love is true and will last forever.
"For, rever?" You curiously asked one day, looking up at him during another breeding session. He almost came then and there from how adorable you looked, but managed to stop himself and halt his movements. "Even after your eyes close for a long time." Was his response, but it was more of a reminder to himself to rein his instincts in when he gets too far. He's taught you to trust and love him unconditionally. Even if he were to eat you alive someday, you'd still look at him with hazy and unfocused eyes filled with love and adoration.
He's drugged you to rely on him and only him, to see him as your mate. Tighnari knows that if anyone were to see you two now, you'd be taken away from him, as people would see this entire relationship as toxic and inhumane. But without him, you'd probably be in the hands of some degenerate pervert who couldn't even experience sex with a fellow human. To him, though, you weren't something to be used, but something that provided nourishment to both his body and soul.
And if you were to be moved away from him, he'd be no better than other hybrids that developed an attachment to their masters. After all, no matter how many times Tighnari may use you as he pleases, and how incapacitated he's made you with drugs, you are the only thing that can bring Tighnari to his knees.
It contradicts the way he treats you, but he truly wishes to see you happy while in his care. Even if you're not in the proper state of mind to realize that all of this is wrong and against your nature. That you have to run away from this man and live in a completely different country just to feel safe. But when he considers gradually decreasing the amount of drugs he has you on, he fears that the heaven he made for the two of you will completely disappear. And he'll have to eat you so the two of you can truly be together forever.
Tighnari has a feeling that a close friend of his knows about the secret he's kept from the other forest rangers, but seeing your tuckered out form laying in your shared nest, he decides that his friend would've stopped him a long time ago if they felt that his actions were truly wrong. But he can't help but consider a life with just you. The Withering has stopped appearing, and Collei's disease has been cured. Would it be ok to live in seclusion and succumb to his animal instincts?
"Mate..." You're calling out for him even in your dreams. He thinks you know when he's lost in his thoughts, as your actions bring him back to the present. Tighnari always sleeps with your naked bodies pressed closed together, to the point where one could consider it an attempt to strangle them. But you're used to it. Your body can tell when he doesn't have a protective grip on you, and you get really pouty in the mornings. He thinks it's adorable and apologizes by emptying several loads of his love into your body.
As Tighnari presses himself closer, nuzzling and licking at your cheeks, he wonders if he can make a potion that'll make you start lactating. When he succeeds, he'll consider finding a way to make you give birth to a healthy litter. And if there really is no way to make you compatible with his seed, he'll just fuck you enough times so your tummy stays round and full of him.
He doesn't mind pretending you're pregnant with his pups
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caraphernellie · 5 months
cowboy like me // e.w. [chapter two]
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summary: a modern day princess living under outdated royal protocol in which your own existence is forbidden. in a typical state visit to strengthen your country's relations with the united states, you find it harder than ever to keep your sexuality secret when you meet the president's daughter, ellie williams, and sparks fly.
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an: hello guyzzz it took me ages to get off my ass and write this chapter. um i dont think i like this. as always i am very unhappy with my own writing i wish i could just take ideas directly from my head and show u guys because i feel like my writing has not lived up to that. this chapter is a lot shorter than i wantedddd and idk it feels rushed but likeee??? idk this is more to move the plot along. the juicier (angst) stuff happens next chapter tho
wc: 1.5k masterlist
cw: being closeted, having a beard/merkin, rejecting a man lmfao, being publicly embarrassed, kinda angsty? not much ellie, more focused on reader this chapter! however ellie's kind of an asshole! she's privileged as hell
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cameras are on you at all times in public. so there’s no room to risk exposing yourself. no room to hold hands, or for a tantalising exchange of words into each other’s ear, or for kisses.
what the public can pick up on is at the very least a very tight knit friendship. the kind of friendship that allows you to feel like being yourself for once. they’re seeing more of your personality than ever, with ellie’s constant need to make you giggle in that way you always do. even if it’s unintentional, and she’s making a fool of herself, it’s her favourite thing to hear, therefore the public embarrassment becomes worth it.
like that time you were complaining to her about those scuffed up converse– how she could definitely afford nicer shoes, how they look out of place amidst her nicer, dry-cleaned suits, though her messier demeanour is just something very charming, very ellie. and it was the untied laces of those very converse sneakers that she tripped over and almost fell on her ass in front of everyone. you couldn’t control your laughter, snorting in a way in which royal management would scold for being ‘unladylike.’ for ellie, the embarrassment subsided immediately, blooming into a fondness in her heart instead as she guided you away from cameras with a hand on the small of your back.
in that very same office you had your first kiss, you wake weeks later in a frenzy when the president barges in. scrambling to get up, off of ellie who sleeps like the dead, and calm the beating of your heart.
but you aren’t met with judgement, only his chuckling face having assessed the scene. ellie stirring awake, and you quickly standing. both fully dressed, no reason to assume anything happened.
“sorry to wake you,” president williams smirks, straightening down his tie. “couldn’t find either of you.”
it’s something everyone’s grown used to now. ellie taking you for random escapades that stresses the secret service when they realise they’ve lost you. but this was no random escapade. this was a late night guitar lesson that ended with you cuddling on the couch until sleep consumed you.
“oh, i see,” you murmur, clearing your throat and attempting polite conversation to dull the nervous thoughts in your mind. hoping to whatever’s above that people haven’t picked up on the blossoming romance between you and ellie. “we were up late last night. i’ll admit your daughter makes a comfortable pillow.”
president williams, much like said daughter who is grumbling beside you, seems to find humour in anything. he’s a more pleasant man than one would expect with the power he has. your comment leaves him chuckling again, but again you fear the worst. maybe he’s only laughing because he’s picking up on your feelings. “well, i’m glad to hear that, your highness. however i have come to tell you the king and queen have requested to speak with you.”
“oh!” you nod, smile reaching your lips. overthinking everything possible– what if it’s about ellie? what if they know? what if it’s something simple and i’m freaking out over nothing? is it obvious that i’m freaking out? what if i just look guilty about something? it feels pathetic the way you start trembling as you stand there. “thank you for telling me, i’ll get ready for the day and go speak with them as soon as possible.”
it was almost worse than you imagined.
“we can’t let the public keep thinking this, do you understand?” your mother asks. “it’s not that there would be anything wrong with it, but it’s so controversial that this could very well damage our reputation.”
it’s sickening. nausea swirling your stomach, as if you’re rocking on a boat in a wild tide. you almost feel like you’re going to start sweating bullets soon.
“to clarify, there’s nothing wrong with it if the rumours are true,” the king repeats, looking at you so intently you feel like shrinking. “is it tr–”
“absolutely not,” you say quickly. “no, that would be weird. ellie is my friend, the closest friend i’ve made in a while. it’s not like that.”
quick to lie, eager to defend yourself. this feels easier than just coming out.
“alright,” your mother nods. “but we still have to do something about this. something subtle. of course it won’t be a real relationship, but we’ve had to organise a boyfriend as advised by the public relations officers. public dates, public appearances, but you won’t need anything further than that.”
and there’s no choice but to accept. 
you wish sometimes that ellie knew how to take things seriously because she bursts out laughing the minute you tell her you’ve got a date with your shiny new pr boyfriend tomorrow morning.
but it’s the way you aren’t laughing with her that has her sobering up instantly, brows furrowing. 
“a…. pr boyfriend?” she murmurs, leaning back in her chair. ever so casual. the manspread, the arm resting around the back of the chair. her life seems simpler. she’s never had need to worry about this. “why?”
“well, apparently some people online are saying they think there’s something going on between us.”
“there is.”
“i– yes there is, but–” you look away, making a few frustrated gestures with your hands before turning back to ellie. “i told you. there is no royal protocol for a gay princess. people can’t be thinking this.”
“what makes people think there’s something going on?” ellie asks, raising an eyebrow. “it’s not like we go out kissing and fucking in public.”
if only she could take something seriously for once, this conversation would be easier to have.
“well apparently we’re just… i don’t know. i saw people saying it’s because you’re too handsy or whatever and i guess because you’re publicly out it just… makes people think things.”
“aw, well… that’s not your fault if people think that. rumours happen all the time, shouldn’t your family be used to this?”
“the rumours aren’t usually like this though,” you reply, legs bouncing, hands clasped together. “we’re big news, you know, and something like being gay is a huge controversy, it’s not like we can control how people will react. it– it could damage my reputation.”
ellie looks all but empathetic. if anything she’s blank. she doesn’t get it. “it’s not that bad. your sex life shouldn’t concern people.”
“but it does, that’s the thing,” you insist. “and as first in line, too. it’s not even clear if non-biological children would be accepted as an heir. there would be much discussion about if i could have children and what would happen there. and the people who are just blatantly homophobic would have a lot to say about my family. there’s no way of knowing what people will do.”
“okay, well,” ellie looks away for a moment. she doesn’t get it. she didn’t even have to come out– she had her first girlfriend as a teen and that was that. nobody had cared, and with her father’s liberal government nobody had much to say. “i have to sit and watch this weirdo who wants fifteen seconds of fame take you on the dates i want to take you on?”
you feel like banging your head into the wall. to tell the truth that would solve all your problems. no pr boyfriend, no more not being understood, no more having to hide yourself. “it will only be a few dates probably. just to cool things off, you know? you and i can still hang out too.”
“i still think this is bullshit,” ellie grunts, waving her hand. “so what, even if you don’t want to, you still have to?”
ellie observes you, your lips pursed into a thin line as you look around, staying silent. she moves, rising to her feet and holding out a hand.
“i’m mad for you, baby,” she murmurs. “come here.”
worst day ever. ellie’s jealous. and so you were late to your first public date with the new boyfriend– she had insisted on kindly picking your dress out and of course having a quick fuck before sending you on your way with a pat on the ass. one disaster. the second disaster was the date itself.
third disaster was currently the public amusement that said disastrous date is arousing. why? the boy tried to kiss you. in public. and so clips are sent viral, of the way he leaned in, and you pushed him so gently with a hand on his chest and an awkward and polite laugh.
and in speaking of laughter, ellie found it as funny as the public did. in fact, she was the one who had shown you it. she spent all afternoon chuckling over the video and when you came back from the date, confused, she handed you her phone. and the sheer look of embarrassment on your face– the furrowed brows, the way your jaw dropped– it was all too funny for ellie. she just about lost it.
but just as humiliating as it can be when the whole world is laughing at you, you could also laugh at yourself. 
only thing is the fourth disaster that had struck.
packing bags, spending one last night with ellie before being ushered home earlier than planned. see, with a date that was supposed to silence any rumour of your sexuality, rejecting the boy’s kiss is not the right move. now if anything those rumours had grown in absurdity and in popularity.
so your parents made the decision to leave the united states, head back to the palace, before any more speculation could be made. oh, and of course the boy was going to be sticking around longer, too.
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tags: @dinasvampgfpgf @fadedin2uu @eurewilii @diddiqueen @machetegirl109 @craz1er4youu @divinediorss @onlinelesbo @thecowardwrites
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devastatinglygreen · 24 days
Why do you think they're waiting for the Lady Whistledown reveal?
aside from drama? and i mean that seriously. i know everyone had headcanons and wants for years here but they're building tension. there was no real tension in part one outside of sexual and the stakes need to be higher for the penultimate episode.
the next bit is spoilers we know have been pretty much seen by too many people for ep 5 at least so wander under the cut at your own risk:
i think, and i know a lot of people aren't going to be thrilled about colin not knowing before some things happen, that they need to do two things: solidify their relationship a bit and basically send penelope into a spiral to take the stakes higher.
they have plot armor, they're not going to behead penelope right there in the queen's garden with the peacocks once she gets caught. the only thing truly up for grabs is polin. and not even that, not really, but it's the thing the audience is going to care about.
the spoilers have penelope trying to tell him but failing because she keeps getting interrupted. every time she fails, the clock ticks further. it's a pressure build. eloise is on her back. colin is just wandering along, deliriously happy and penelope knows she's carrying this bomb she's gonna blow up in his face.
she lost eloise to it. colin is the love of her life. i think we can all do that math. she's so stressed out by eloise's timeline she can barely breathe and then comes cressida.
you've got cressida taking credit for LW, colin's happiness sitting on her shoulders (tho i do think it's also so smart of them to have him defend penelope to portia before he finds out, it might give him some insight to how penelope is treated and feels when the right time comes), eloise is assuming things and giving her hell.
i mean, wouldn't you be a mess too? like, give the girl some grace her entire life is imploding right after getting what she's always wanted and never thought she'd get and losing the two most important people in the world to her only a few months before. would you want to blow that up again? yes, yes, i'm sure everyone who says "but she has to!" is very morally outraged and perfectly righteous in their own lives scoffs at the idea that penelope might struggle with a secret she doesn't know what to do with.
it's not like we've never seen how that eats her up before, right? oh. we totally have. nvm.
anyways. cressida. i kind of hope it's the turning point for peneloise because i think even eloise knows she's not a good person to have in a position of power like that. say what you want but penelope doesn't lie in LW.
add in they seem to be bringing in book scenes and i'm going to guess colin catches her after she takes off to print something saying cressida is a whole ass lie. fight ensues. angst! stakes are ridiculously high. the wedding is planned. the pedestals are knocked over and now colin will know everything. does he love her after that? can he? does he trust her ever again? (clearly yes or they're gonna need to change up that family tree thing they released lol).
this will give way to colin having to come to terms with penelope's legacy and how it affects his own estimation of himself and his writing. jealousy like the book. it's a colin issue and he knows it but he still has to deal with it.
colin very much thinks penelope is his purpose, right? the book says it. LN said it about show colin. he's gotta reconcile that LW and penelope are two halves of the same person. he can't put them both in boxes.
anyways what i mean is that the stakes need to be high and her blurting it out then having 2.5 episodes of them moping around about their LW fight isn't really the thing that gets your heart racing when you've got 8 episodes to tell the whole story.
(also as an aside, i think it's going to lead to us getting second "firsts" in a way. it's not going to be a first kiss or anything but i feel like the energy of it all will be different and i, personally, think that could be very fun)
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hellooo how about a Minho x she/her reader where Minho has been hit by the lightning and hs the scars and one day Reader walks on Minho being half naked and she traces his scars and theres tension building up ;) THANK YOU
I love lightning scars Minho so absolutely.
This is a relatively new request, but I'm trying to get some of the easier ones done since I'm currently away.
And I just liked this idea.
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SUMMARY: See above. After TDC in the Safe Haven. You're a Right Arm member because I just like the idea.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, spice, typical dumb horny teenage bullshit. That's it, really.
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You're a member of the Right Arm.
You're not high-ranking or necessarily special. You just ended up tagging along after Vince came through the refugee camp you were staying at.
But that doesn't mean you don't do anything. You're bold and forward, and you went through life-risking measures to help WICKED's Subjects escape.
Because, well, everyone did.
That doesn't matter now, though. They're safe, you're safe - everyone is safe and everything is okay.
Well, kind of.
Trauma doesn't just vanish. But, people are getting on with their lives.
And so are you.
You've ended up befriending some of the Gladers. Originally, you were friends with Harriet and Sonya since they'd been around a while - and they introduced you to the boys. So, you've got your own little friendship group now.
You're particularly close to Frypan and have some friendly competition with Gally. But you like them all the same.
You don't know what it is about Minho that has you in such a chokehold. Sure, maybe if you were some innocent girl from a Maze who didn't know how to act around boys, it would make sense. But you're not.
You've survived the Scorch and the land outside of the remainder of society. It's not like Minho is the first person you've ever been attracted to either. So, why does he make you feel like this?
Apart from the fact he is undeniably attractive.
You figure it's just dumb surface level physical attraction. And with nothing else better to do, you decide to test the waters a bit.
Glancing at him across the table as the bonfire dances and his friends chat, often meeting each other's gaze. He holds it longer than he should. He always does.
Always standing or sitting next to him; your arms or your knees brushing as neither of you make any effort to grow the distance between you.
Playful inside jokes that often have subtle suggestive undertones. Normally, in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it style that the other Gladers brush off or don't notice. This results in Minho smirking into his chosen beverage, drinking up your figure out of the corner of his eye.
It goes on like this for a while; just being in the same friend group with some subtle flirtations going on. It's actually kind of fun and a much needed way to relax.
But it doesn't actually go much further than that. And you're fine with that.
For a while.
The jokes start becoming more explicit. The eye contact becoming less subtle. The closeness becoming drunken dancing instead of just standing together.
People are starting to notice.
The dumb attraction is starting to become actual feelings. He's brave and strong and funny and everything you want - and it's just making the sexual tension thicker.
God - it's getting bad. Anyone and everyone in a room with you two would be able to feel it.
The Gladers often tease Minho about it, talking about how he's one wrong move away from ripping your clothes off and cracking where he stands.
It's taking a lot of resilience from the both of you. Especially since you're both stubborn - it's become a silent game of who will crumble first.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" You're currently sorting out bedding and hauling different types of sleeping arrangements around camp. With Gally being put in charge of the Builders now, the huts are being thrown up like there's no tomorrow.
The Gladers and other Maze Subjects got the first available buildings, along with high up Right Arm members. You don't really mind, to be fair, you enjoy the hammocks and are happy to help the Gladers.
But as Thomas shouts you, you groan, turning around, blankets threatening to spill out of your hold. "Hey, Thomas. You good?"
"Yeah," something seems off about him as he fiddles with the hem of his shirt, "I know you're already busy, but could you check on Minho for me?"
"Huh?" You tilt your head, concern immediately setting in. "Why? Is something wrong?"
"Uh," Thomas did not think this far ahead of his dumb plan. "Well, we just haven't seen him all day - seems kinda down. Figured you'd be the best person to speak to him."
This perplexes you. "Why me? You guys are closer."
And you could've sworn you'd seen Gally and Minho shoving each other about earlier today. Though, maybe you're just mixing up your days.
"Yeah, but he likes you, so..." You pause, farrowing your brows. He likes you? In what context? Like you know that he likes you. But... like, more than just the dumb flirting?
You shake it off. "Alright, gimme a second."
You dump the bedding off where it needs to be and make a beeline for Minho's hut.
Little do you know that Minho has just gotten out of the shower - and is completely fine. Thomas and Frypan decided they'd had enough of enduring the tension between you and this is the result that.
Reaching the door, it's slightly ajar, and in your concerned state, you, for some reason, decide not to knock.
"Hey, Minho, are you-?" You push open the door and immediately freeze.
Well, shit.
Minho stands with his back to you, loose sweatpants hanging off of his hips and he's without a shirt. He rubs his hair with a towel, freezing at your voice and turning slightly to look at you.
Which would be less awkward if you weren't in some kind of trance.
Minho is tall and muscular, and he doesn't have to be half naked for you to be aware of that. But, that's not what's stands out.
All over his upper body, mainly populating his back, are pinkish lines. They travel down his spine and split like webs across his back, some whisps creeping across his sides and grazing his front.
"You just gonna stare or ask me about it?" Minho says after a good few seconds pass.
What do you even ask?
"Uh, what... why..?" You trail off and Minho raises his eyebrow before scoffing.
"I got hit by lightning." He states matter-of-factly. "Ended up giving me some scars."
"When did that happen?"
"Out in the Scorch, just before we met Brenda and Jorge."
"And you never mentioned this?"
"Well, it didn't seem like a big deal," he smirks. "And I'm kinda enjoying the look on your face."
This kind of snaps you back into reality. You're here for a reason.
You clear you throat, closing the door behind you for more privacy just in case the ex-Runner is on the verge of a meltdown. "Are you... alright?"
"Uh, yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Minho is growing more concerned by the second. What is happening here?
"Well, Thomas said that something was wrong and asked me to talk to you."
Minho scoffs, putting the dots together and slowly nodding his head before rubbing his face with his hands. "Did he, now? Shuckin' slinthead. I knew they were up to something."
"They're messing with you - us, even."
"Huh? Why would- oh! Oh."
Ah. That makes more sense. And is mildly mortifying.
"Yeah." Minho shakes his head, turning away from you again as he mumbles to himself. "Sorry, my friends are dicks."
"It's uh, fine. It's fine."
Your gaze falls back on Minho's chiselled form. He's practically mouth-watering.
And it's not like this is weird. You've been pushing each other's boundaries since day one. This could be another opportunity to see how far you can take things. I mean, he would if this were the other way around. So, with a sudden peak in confidence, you walk over.
Minho chucks his towel on his bed. "So, are you-?"
Minho doesn't even get the chance to finish his question as electricity sparks through him. Again. This time, not because he's nearly dying, but because your fingers graze his back.
His entire body stills, his mind immediately becoming foggy, and the hair on his arms stands on end.
"Do they still hurt?" You ask, your gaze focused on his skin and your voice low.
You're gentle in your moments, letting your fingertips barely tickle his flesh. But with the immediate and tense reaction, you're reminded that Minho is about as touch-straved as someone can get.
He's just good at hiding it.
"Uh, no, not really. They kinda feel weird sometimes, and I was really buggin' out about them when I first noticed them. But I guess I had bigger klunk on my plate." He tries to maintain his composure, but his voice wavers at several points.
You bring your hand higher, dancing across his spine and between his shoulder blades.
"Why were you buggin' out?" You've grown somewhat used to the Glader way of speaking.
He hesitates for a second, physically jumping when your other hand joins in, using your thumb to rub circles and pull at the scars threating to escape to his middrift.
"Well, I uh- shit," he mumbles the cuss word, stepping back more and into your touch, letting his head fall back. "I just... they just look weird, yanno?"
"I think they look hot."
Okay, you're becoming very bold.
"Hm? You think I look hot?" He asks, half-looking over his shoulder at you, not wanting to fully turn around and lose the feeling.
"That's not what I said."
"That's what I'm askin'."
You blink at him, watching his lopsided smile creep across his face.
In a game of confidence - Minho will always win.
Which means trying to play it cool.
"I just think scars are interesting, they tell a story."
"Do you go around touching everyone's scars, then?" He cracks a wicked grin you can't see as he turns his head away again. "That might get you in a bit of trouble around here."
"Yeah, but not with you." It actually is genuinely fun tracing the patterns in his skin. You have one hand following one path and the other following a different one.
"Oh, yeah? How do you know that?"
"Because you like it."
He peers at you again, his face suddenly serious and his tone lower than before. "You're really starting to push it, yanno that?"
"Push what?" You tilt your head, pretending to play innocent.
"You know what."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"So, you're just feeling me up because you think my scars are hot?" He scoffs. "That's what's happening here?"
You think for a second. Fuck it. "Yep."
"Well, there's more scars if you wanna touch them?"
Your eyes flicker to his face, letting your arms fall from his skin. He turns around, holding his hands behind his back, he rocks on his heels.
From his back, travelling to his front are smaller webs of the scarring. At first glance, you thought they only reached around his sides, but now you're realising there's thinner, less noticeable branches trailing across his abs.
He presses his lips into a thin line, almost like he's calling your bluff. Because this is the game you've been playing. Pushing each other. And you've pushed him so he's pushing you.
Though, this very well might end up being the breaking point.
Too stubborn to back down, your hand connects with his stomach area. He flinches, but very quickly relaxes again. You gently run your fingers across the lines and the curves of not only the remains of the electricity, but of just his body.
Your eyes flicker to his face as you expect him to make some cocky comment about how that's not a scar. But he doesn't. His eyes are fixated on your hand.
It's a feeling he's never really experienced before - watching someone enjoy him. Someone touch him with such care. With such want. Someone touching him like this at all is new.
And it's you.
You're the one touching him.
And that's making it so much worse.
He doesn't make any effort to hide or stop the tightening sensation in his pants or the way his chest is rising and falling. His mind is falling into complete fog; he feels like he's taken something he probably shouldn't have.
You notice it, too.
"Shut up," he says almost immediately, eyes finally meeting yours. His pupils are wide and his eyelids heavy. "This... this isn't fair. You can't..."
He seems a strange mix of stressed and turned on.
"Okay, I'll stop," you pull your hand away, but he immediately grabs it, laying it flat against his middrift. "Minho?"
"Don't," he mumbles. "Don't stop." He can't look at you properly.
God, what's happening to him?
"Look," he continues, trying to gain some sort of clarity for a second. "If you're just messing around, that's fine, but leave now, okay? 'Cause this is getting cruel."
His words and the way he's acting is sending heat straight to your core. You step towards him, your faces inches apart.
"Are you caving, Minho?" Your voice is sultry as your hand slides further down his front.
"Are you?" He responds, leaning in further, your noses brush and you can feel his breath on your face.
"We can't keep doing this, yanno? One of us has to break eventually." You mumble, practically into his lips.
His eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips.
"Shuck it," his hands come to your waist, yanking you closer as he finally kisses you. You squeak from the force behind it as you throw you arms around his neck, clawing into his back to try and steady yourself.
It takes a matter of seconds for Minho to spin you around, pushing you onto the bed, both of you tangling together. Desperation sets in fairly quickly.
Minho's hands under your shirt as you try to pull it over your head. His lips on your neck and chest as he slips a hand under you, trying to yank your jeans down. You leave stains on his skin from your nails.
It's a blur of emotion and hormones.
Then Minho hesitates as he sits back. At first, you think he's just admiring you as you lay in your underwear, but there's something else.
"You good?" You ask, becoming concerned.
"You know we're not gonna be friends anymore if we do this, right? Like the flirting and klunk is fun, but this is different. We can't take this back. A-and I've never done this before. I don't wanna shuck up our friendship or make things weird."
You blink at him before sitting up. He watches you as you move onto your knees and kiss him again.
"I don't wanna be your damn friend, Minho. Take the hint."
It's like there's a light behind his eyes, a smile creeping across his face, but unlike his usual cocky smirk, it's soft and warm and genuine.
He pecks your lips. It's sweet and unusual for him. "You wanna be more than friends, then?"
"Yeah," you chuckle, "but I'm sure we can worry about that later. We're a bit busy right now." You wrap your arms around his neck again, lightly touching the scars on his back. He grins at you, connecting your lips again as he pushes you down.
He pulls away, his teeth brushing your ear lobe as he lets out a low chuckle.
"Sounds like a good plan."
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Here ya go, another spicey Minho piece for y'all.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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tomssexdoll · 6 days
PLZ ANGST, nd how the story goes is ur choice!
Guess who's back, back again
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"Tom what the fuck?! You can't just come back into my life after I've finally found someone who can make me as happy as you could!"
PAIRINGS: Tom 2010 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: Y/N has escaped from her gang life and has been living with her boyfriend of 3 years, she was only 17 when she escaped from Tom and the gang, leaving her dangerous past behind her. Then, one day she gets a call from a random number, she thinks nothing of it until she picks up and hears his familiar, haunting voice.
A/N: i hope you guys like this!!! <3
WARNINGS: dom!tom, reader!sub, p in v (riding and doggy), rough kissing, hickeys, pulling hair, light arguing, mentions of violence, drugs, etc
I used to be in a gang, I was only 15 when I joined, my boyfriend Tom being the leader. We did stupid, irresponsible shit. Stealing cars, threatening people, robbing stores, etc. I loved that life at the time, it was like a rush for me, it was exciting, nothing like the life I had before it.
My parents were worried sick most of the time, I'd be gone for days and return drunk, high or covered in cuts and bruises. Me and Tom really did love each other, that's what made it so hard to leave.
We met when we were 14, he was quite a badly behaved student, known for smoking and drinking and starting fights, stealing and shooting things.
I don't know what it was but I just fell in love with him, the second we locked eyes it's like the world stopped, I could tell he felt the same way, the way his eyes softened as he looked at me.
He had a really bad childhood, his father was an addict and blew all their money on drugs and booze, leaving them to starve for days. His mother abused him and his twin brother Bill. Tom always looked after Bill, even at school, Bill was bullied heavily but Tom always had his back and I did too.
Bill was never interested in the whole gang life, he stayed far away from it while still having a close relationship with his brother. I loved how close they were, how they had that love for each other despite never been shown it growing up.
He was a runaway, he left home around 50 times in the span of a year, always being dragged back by the cops. We formed a friendship after months of passing notes to each other in class, everyone could sense the tension from a mile away, the way I'd stutter when talking to him or the way he'd just stare as I walked by.
I still remember the day we first kissed each other, we were at some ratty corner shop trying to buy cigarettes from the cashier, his friends were inside while we were flirting outside. He grabbed me face and kissed me softly, nothing like I expected from him, the tough gangbanger he made himself out to be.
I knew that wasn't the real him, I wanted him to just let go of it but he could never do it, he always would run back to the gang life, dragging me with him. I eventually joined his gang when I was 15, robbing and starting fights with them, everyone at school being scared of us.
The teachers would just look at me with sadness in their eyes, I never understood why, weren't they scared? Now of course I know it was because they saw a model student turn into something they feared the most.
My first everything was with Tom, we had so much fun together, so much love for each other. Even when we'd fight we'd usually end up fucking or cuddling for the whole night. Our relationship wasn't healthy at all, we fought a lot, mostly because of my jealousy issues and his possessiveness. We'd go at each other for the silliest things.
He wasn't scared of anyone, he would quite literally square up to a guy who was a foot taller than him, this is only because he was very good at fighting, he trained since he was little because of his abusive parents, wanting to prove to them he wasn't worthless.
I really did love him, I loved the risks, the gang life, the violence and the drugs but I couldn't do it anymore. I knew I'd end up dead or in jail and I didn't want my future to be on the line just for a boy.
At the age of 17 I finally left, it was the middle of the night and we were in one of our usual spots, sleeping in a random house. I snuck out and just ran for it, running as fast as my legs could hold me, running until my lungs gave out.
I made it to my house, quickly packing some things and stealing some money from my parents. I wrote a quick note to them and added my contact details if they wanted to stay in touch.
And with that, I left, I got on the nearest train and just left, going anywhere it would take me. I just had to stay hidden, not let him find me.
Then, when I had settled into my new life I met someone, after 6 months I moved into his place and we got engaged. I was so happy, forgetting about everything that had happened, my life amazing and better.
Then, one day, 4 years after I ran away, I got a call. It was from an unknown number so I just stepped outside the house, wondering who was calling. I figured it was a scam call and wanted to mess with them, but when I picked up, his voice was the only thing I heard.
I froze, all the memories coming back. How the fuck did he find my number? After nearly half a decade he found me? What was I supposed to do, I can't go back to that life.
"Baby?" he said, his voice deep. "To-...Sorry..uh, I think you have the wrong number," I said, my voice shaky with every word that came out of my mouth. "Don't bullshit Y/N, I just...I've missed you," he sighed.
"I left for a reason Tom, you know I couldn't stay," I felt tears welling up in my eyes, all the love I had for him returning just at the sound of his voice. "I know liebe, but I can't stand seeing you with that guy you're with, I want you back, I need you," his tone was desperate, almost urgent.
"Tom no, it's too risky!" I grunted, "too bad, I'm in your city and I need to see you, just at least once, please," he begged, the sound of his sports car echoing from the phone.
"Tom what the fuck?! You can't just come back into my life after I've finally found someone who can make me as happy as you could!" I yelled, tears falling down my cheeks.
"Don't cry baby, you know I hate to hear you upset.." he sighed, "I'm pulling up to your house now," he said before hanging up, not letting me get a word in.
I heard his car roaring through the neighbouring streets until he approached my house, the tires screeching as he came to a halt. As he got out my eyes widened, he looked so different now.
He used to have his dreadlocks, his baggy clothes but now, his head was covered in black cornrows, his body covered with dark blue jeans and a black jacket. A black and white bandana wrapped around his forehead.
With every step he took toward me my heart rate went crazy, basically ready to jump out of my chest and run away. "T...tom..." I breathed out, my jaw hanging low on the floor.
"Oh my god, you're beautiful.." he approached me, towering over me and taking in my features. "My boyfriend is home Tom..you can't be here!" I gritted through my teeth, checking around to see if he was looking.
"Shut up, just come with me, I don't give a fuck about your stupid boyfriend," he grabbed my arm, dragging me to his car. "Tom!" I called out, trying to get him off me but his grip only tightened, his fingers digging into me.
He shoved me into the passanger seat, wrapping around the car and getting into the drivers side, speeding off. "Where the fuck are we going Tom, I didn't even agree to this, you better not be taking me back, you know I can't go back!" I whined loudly, "just be quiet! I'm just trying to find a quiet spot," he grunted, his patience wearing thin.
After a while he found a random empty parking lot, parking in the middle and turning to me, "I don't get it, how could you leave, just like that?" I could tell he was getting angry, "did you even care, did you even love me?"
"Of course I fucking did Tom! You don't know how hard it was to leave, for weeks after I left I cried non stop, missing you, hoping one day things could work out and we would be back together, don't act like I never cared you know I did!" I raised my voice, offended at his accusations.
"Calm down..fuck..I was just worried ok?" he reached out and took my hand in his, our eyes locking. "Tom we can't...I'm with him, this isn't right.." I knew I had to pull away but I just couldn't.
He slowly leaned in, wrapping his hand around the back of my head and pulling me closer, smashing his lips into mine. "Mmm! Tom!" I gasped, pulling away.
"Just come here for fuck sakes, I know you want me as much as I fucking want you," he growled, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me into his lap.
"Do you know how hard I've tried to move on? I've been with so many girls but they aren't you!" he held my face, forcing me to look at him. "Tom.." "No! I'm not going to let you go, I can't lose you again, do you know how hard I've worked to find you? I'm not throwing it away!" he yelled, "fine! For fuck sakes if you want me so badly here!" I grabbed his face and kissed him again, our lips locking in a rough and passionate embrace.
"Mmm!" I moaned, Tom sliding his tongue into my mouth and exploring every inch. He tugged at my clothes, practically ripping them off me, leaving me nude on his lap.
I pulled away from the kiss, taking his jacket and shirt off, his toned body revealed, lined with sweat. I hovered over him as he took his jeans off, letting them pool at his feet on the car floor.
He was left in his boxers, his cock straining against them, begging to be freed. I sat back down on his lap, my bare pussy grinding against his clothed cock, stained with pre cum.
"Mmm...baby.." he groaned, holding my ass while he kissed me passionately. He grinded up into me, the big buldge rubbing against my clit, driving me wild.
"Ohh fuck!" I whined, burying my face into his neck, rubbing my cunt over his buldge repeatedly, feeling myself getting wetter and wetter.
He reached down and finally took his cock out, freeing it from it's confines. I gasped as I saw his size, it was way bigger than before, growing 2 inches and gurthier. "Tom, how the fuck am I going to handle that, jesus!" I whined, he chuckled, "just relax baby, let me do all the work," he pushed my head back into his neck, rubbing the head of his cock through my folds, collecting the wetness.
He gripped my hips, thrusting upwards and entering me in a swift, hard movement, leaving me gasping at the sudden flood of pleasure. His grip tightened as he began to move, "fuck..you like that schatz?" he groaned lowly, picking up his pace and fucking me harder.
His hips slammed into mine with almost violent force, enough to make the car shake around me. His thrusts became more desperate as he heard my loud moans, I leaned back and let my tits bounce wildly close to his face.
He watched in awe, his cock throbbing in me and his hands reaching out to grab them, squeezing them roughly as his cock pounded into me. "Ohhh shit!" I whined, throwing my head back. He kept slamming me back into him in a harsh rhythm, his own pleasure becoming too much to handle.
"You're mine, always will be and always have, that fucker won't fuck you as good as I do," he growled lowly, sending chills down my spine. "Y...yes Tom!" I moaned loudly, he eyes practically gleamed at my reponse, the virile satisfaction flaring up in him.
His thrusts became even more frantic, his eyes closing as he possessively grips my tips tighter, almost bruising as he slams me back against him again and again.
The wet sounds of our bodies meeting filling the car, piercing our ears. "God..I'm not gonna last much longer, you're just too fucking good!" he whined, feeling my pussy tighten around him.
"Me too...fuck! So close!" I cried out, rolling my eyes back as the pleasure hit me like a truck, shockwaves coursing throughout my body. He continued to thrust into me, the car now shaking intensely from his rough movements, his own orgasm building rapidly alongside mine.
"Fuckk!" I practically screamed, my pussy clamping around his cock as my orgasm crashed down, triggering his own release. "Shit!" he moaned loudly, spilling himself inside my sopping cunt, coating my walls with his thick cum.
He grunted in satisfaction as he continued to slowly thrust into me, riding out the waves of my orgasm with his own. "Fuck..that was amazing schatzi.." he panted heavily, his hands gripping my ass tightly.
"I wanna feel you cum on my cock again...get in the back," he commanded, I instantly obeyed, crawling into the backseat and bending over, waiting for him.
He got out of the car and quickly slipped into the back, closing the door behind him. He didn't waste anytime and slid his cock into my wet, needy heat with a low groan.
He gripped my hips again, beginning to thrust into me roughly, savouring the feeling of my tight pussy squeezing around him in reponse to his touch.
He couldn't resist reaching forward and grabbing my hair, pulling it roughly, "that's it, take my cock," he smirked, pounding into me roughly, hitting my g spot with such force I thought I would explode.
He starts to move faster, slamming into me with such force, nothing compared to my boyfriend at home. His grip on my hair tightens as he fucks me harder, making me squirm beneath him.
I arched my back to meet his thrusts, rolling my eyes back at the amount of pleasure I was recieving. "Fucking whore, taking my cock so well.." he grunted, his hand coming down and smacking my ass roughly, leaving a faint red mark.
"Ah!" I yelped in response, he grinned at my reaction, pulling me against his chest, his lips brushing against my ear, "that's right baby, scream and cry all you want," he whispered.
The sound of slapping skin filled the car, his lips moving towards my neck, sucking and biting roughly, leaving huge, dark purple marks all over. He continued to pound into me, his hips moving in a perfect rhythm as he fucks me like there's no tomorrow, a hand coming to my breast and giving it a rough squeeze, almost for encouragement.
His thrusts becoming more rough and dominant as he takes control of me, his balls slapping against my clit, sending waves of pleasure throughout me, my second release dangerously close.
"Gonna cum, keep going!" I cried out, biting down on my lip harshly. He continued to leave rough and sloppy kisses on my neck, migrating towards my shoulders, leaving more marks there.
"Cum on this fucking cock, cmon," he roared, his cock buried deep inside me as he fucks me viciously, throbbing wildly, signalling his impending orgasm.
With one hard thrust I was sent into oblivion, cumming on his cock again, a clear liquid streaming from my cunt and onto the leather seats. "Ohh you messy girl.." he chuckled, continuing to thrust into me, trying to drive more orgasms out of me.
His method worked, my pussy streaming with the clear liquid again, "ohhh fuck.." he growled, once again emptying himself in me, painting my insides white.
"Fuck.." he panted, sitting down and grabbing me, pulling me onto his lap, letting our highs die down. "Jesus christ..." he chuckled, kissing the top of my head softly. "You did so well mein liebe, missed this pussy so much.." he mumbled, pulling out slowly, careful to not overstimulate me.
After calming down he held me in his arms, carrying me back to the front seat and helping me get dressed again, "how about we rent a hotel for the night, see what to do from here, hm?" he lifted my chin, making me look at him.
I nodded, barely conscious after he just fucked me dumb. "Good girl.." he chuckled, letting me sit in his lap as he drove off.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @ballhair @kaulitzsbabyy
tags: @kaulitzswhxre @cosmicck @bkaulitzlover
tags: @20doozers @tomsonlyslut @ge-billsgf
tags: @miyukafujii @ella1289
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 6 months
Shifting Your Mindset From Scarcity To Abundance 
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Your mindset can be the reason you're not reaching your goals or living the life you want. Philosophers say the way that you think is exactly the way you will live. A lot of people live with a scarcity mindset believing the things they want are unattainable and out of reach. And if you struggle with this way of thinking it's time to shift your mindset to an abundance mindset. Your goals are achievable and the life you want is achievable.
What is a scarcity mindset?
A scarcity mindset is an outlook on life that focuses on the lack of resources it's like putting blinders on limiting what you notice that can benefit you in the world. For example, you don't think there are any more good men in the world so you settle for a guy who doesn't meet your standards. Another example is wanting to start a business and assuming you won't be successful because there are others in the same niche as you. Even comparing your beauty to the next woman. Living in this cycle can create a lot of anxiety, anger, and resentment towards others and their achievements.
Signs you have a scarcity mindset 
♡ Perfectionism. You assume that anything less than perfect isn't good enough. This will only lead to procrastination and fear of risk-taking and the cycle will continue.
♡ You hate to see others succeed. Instead of celebrating the accomplishments of others you feel threatened by them. Thinking that their success takes away your chances of being successful or that they are outshining you. You feel that for your situation to get better others must fail so you can win.
♡ Competing with others. You might compare yourself to others and that can lead to competing and trying to outdo the next person. Some people will be in hard financial times and instead of being financially responsible, they will try to keep up with the Jones buying designer and so many other items that don't benefit them at that time.
♡ You blame others for your problems. We all know someone who didn't put in the effort to do something and when asked what happened they blame the world, economy, or anything unrelated to why they didn't achieve their goal. They lack accountability for their actions leading to their failures.
♡Being pessimistic. We will all have bad days and see things negatively we are human but always being pessimistic about all the things in your life is a terrible way to live. 
♡ Negative self-talk. You find yourself saying “I can't do that”, “this will never happen to me”, or “This isn't realistic for someone like me.” Your mind believes only what you feed it and if you feed your mind sentences like these you will always live with a scarcity mindset.
If you resonate with any of these signs now its time to change babes<3
What is an abundance mindset?
An abundance mindset is believing that the world is filled with enough resources and time for you to accomplish any goals you have. You optimistically see life and don't hold on to negativity. You let go and let things be. You trust yourself and pour into yourself and the world around you. Seeing the glass as half full.
Signs you have an abundance mindset 
♡ You are an optimist. Like I said above you tend to the glass as half full.  Negative things may happen to you but instead of thinking why me? You think what can I learn from this experience?
♡ High level of self-awareness. You're able to have a balanced self-image and can recognize the negative traits that you need to fix. You praise and optimize your positive traits.
♡ Being present. You focus on the now you don't get caught up in the past on what could have been or stress yourself on the future on what could be. You focus on the things you can control.
♡ You celebrate people. You want to see others achieve their goals even if they are similar to your own. You think there is enough room for everyone to be successful and happy.
♡ You are open to change. You believe the sky is the limit! And there is always room for new hobbies, careers, and so on. You take advantage of new opportunities that come your way.
♡ Generosity. You don't mind giving your time, money, and resources to others because you believe that these things are endless and always flowing into your life.
♡  Personal development. Instead of focusing on the shortcomings of others you focus on your personal growth and work on becoming the best version of yourself.
How do you cultivate an abundance mindset?
♡ Gratitude journaling. Make time during your day to journal the stuff that you are grateful for. Reflect on the small things in your life that bring you happiness, peace, and hope. Gratitude journaling can help improve your mental health, increase self-esteem, and reduce stress.
♡ Practice being mindful. Practice awareness in the present moment through breath work, sensory activation, and meditation
♡ Positive affirmations. Start speaking positively to yourself and focus on showing love to the things you can’t change about yourself and the things you love about yourself. Making positive statements combat limiting beliefs. This will increase your self-esteem.
♡ Surround yourself with people who have an abundance mindset. We don't realize but the people around us do slowly have an impact on us. Make friends with people who have an abundance mindset instead of those who think negatively with a scarcity mindset.
Going into 2024 we need to kick these scarcity mindsets and sit with abundance affirming that we can achieve our goals. If you have any other tips you’d like to share please comment below and share them with our other girliesss<3
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Now, don't misinterpret this question as me trying to excuse or justify the Vees' behaviour in any way. They're twisted, evil and have done a lot of messed up shit in their lives. However, I was wondering what you think their good qualities are (probably fairly few, but oh well)? Mostly personality-wise.
Oh I think they have plenty of objectively good qualities - that's what make them so successful. They just use it to do bad things.
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So he's for sure funny and charming. He's also extremely insightful and emotionally intelligent. He can easily recognize what other people need and is always willing to provide it (even though he uses those skills to prey on people). Also, I think he's a very chill and non-judgmental person (but he will say judgmental things to people when he wants to hurt them even if he wholeheartedly doesn't care). And he's fiercely protective of those he cares about. Things often get dirty after some time but as long as nothing triggers his abusive side, he can be genuinely the best, most supportive friend/partner ever that has this special ability to make people just feel good. With Val it's always a high-risk but also high-reward game and that's what makes him so dangerous.
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Vox is extremely intelligent and capable; as long as he doesn't let his emotions take over, he really knows what he's doing. He's ambitious, driven, and very solution-oriented. While it's a trait that can be perceived as coldness, we know how good it is to have this one friend who can offer a real solution instead of a shoulder to cry. Also, he's passionate - when he cares, he cares so much. About his work and hobbies, about his pets, and about his people. Not always he can properly show genuine care but he overcompensates for it by spoiling his friends with money and privileges.
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Vel is creative and has a great aesthetic sensitivity. She's also fiercely loyal and willing to put much effort into maintaining relatively healthy relationships, even if it means some compromises. It's complicated because she struggles with forming deep bonds but at the same time, she loves having a small community and cares about it. Also, she's extremely insightful and perceptive; she works really well under high pressure, she's brave and seriously believes that there are no things the Vees can't do if they just focus and work together; she generally is great at motivating people to take action and lifting them up if its needed.
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