#so chances are she has little trinkets from all the friends shes made
crsdtm · 4 months
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i’ve been praying for this episode since the series aired and now you’re telling me its never gonna see the light of day???
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yourlocaltreesimp · 9 months
could you do yan legend and/or hyrule? i love your writing so much! ❤️
Both? Both.
TW: Yandere and all it’s accompanies (obsession, violence, etc)
Yan!Chain Headcannons
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Really sweet once you first met, definitely one that became your friend before shit began to spiral. The familiarity of his old guide made becoming close friends really easy.
Once he fully realised who exactly you were, however, platonic standards are thrown out the window. Chances are he’s latched to your side, constantly making sure you’re happy and healthy. Lord forbid he found out that you aren’t, he’d spend all his magic fixing your ailments to whatever degree of success before striking down whatever dared try and harm you.
He’ll hold your hand or give you a kiss when you need healing, savouring being the one to hold you
Love languages are probably Physical touch and Acts of service. Making sure to be close to you, to shield you from the horrid world he’s seen. He likes to know you’re close, that you’re there.
Not to say he’s adverse to singing your praises. He’d write hymns and gospels if you asked. Afterall, who was Hylia to think she was divine when you stood right there.
Keeping up my love of Fae!Hyrule he definitely thinks you’re married to some extent
To him, he’s utterly devoted to you, at your beck and call. He’d bring the greatest of warriors, including the very deity that traveled with the chain to their knees if you said the word. The world would burn to ash and yet he’d shield you from the fire if it ment you could be close. He’d fight drove after drove of monsters if it ment he could collapse into your arms at the end. And in turn you give your time and compassion, you grace him with your presence. You let him heal you not that there’s any other option and you let him fawn and you keep his gifts. That’s as good as married to him.
Definitely uses his magic to… pull some strings. Make his words more persuasive, make the colours shine a little brighter, make his words more alluring, make the blood on his clothes less noticeable. Your clothes are enchanted, your jewellery as well. Your food magicked to calm your nerves and ease your heart.
You’ve met his faerie sisters. They love you. They’d riot if you were hurt. They’d tell him if you ran off.
Not to mention that it’s good practice to gift the fae with silver jewellery for safe passage or protection (yeah i mentioned this in a post before, idc). If you so happened to do this, he’s sold. Done for. Any question of his feelings for you? Gone. He’d pierce his ears to don your trinkets, flaunt the necklaces, adore the bracelets. But goddesses above, if you got him a ring? Well my friend, you’ve sealed your fate. He’d flaunt it, proud of his successful courtship, if his divinity being pleased by him. No one can touch it, no damage will come to it, it will be just as pristine as when it was in your hands.
Probably not one to kidnap you per say, but would be confused if you didn’t want to come with him. You gave him your ring, that’s binding to humans isn’t it? Your his and he’s yours. Why would you want to leave? He has everything you want. And anything more you could possibly want, all you’d have to do is utter the words and it’s yours.
For nicknames, Love, Honey, Sweetheart, Flower, a variety of faerie nicknames
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Off the bat remembered your guidance. While this led to some shakiness in his trusting you. The second he realised you’re real and not some cruel imposter, that too is thrown right out.
Doesn’t spare you from the sarcasm, in fact, he’s right on your nerves. He itches for your own snarky comments and blows. Itches for your voice and your attention.
Again with the enchanted jewellery. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, whatever it is that you want, it’s yours. No questions asked.
Sleeps on you… and odd headcannon, but sprawls out completely over you like a starfish whenever he needs to sleep.
Love language is Quality time and Gift giving. Quietly letting you braid his hair or run errands side by side, getting you rings and clothes. Picking flowers to bring back to you while he’s on patrol. The quiet things. Lest someone find out his moth eaten heart still beats.
Protective to a T. Literally feral. Will bite a man.
Snide comments? Only from him, watch your back. Dirty look? Pulling you close and glaring right back. Directly rude? Hope you have enough rupees to foot a medical bill (do they have those? do now.) But if you’re the unlucky soul that lay a hand on his heart? I hope you have good locks.
Definitely keeping up with the long lived headcannon that animal traits stick to their respective people. Will make a home for you if you happen to land in his Hyrule. Idealises the quiet life with you, getting the life he never got. Loving parents, kids *cough* breeding kink *cough* , happy life, free of Hylia’s trials and falling through his own reality.
Would probably kidnap you, he isn’t loosing again. His poor heart, battered and beaten as it is won’t just let you walk out. Nope. Not on his watch. He knows every forest, every cave, every home in every village. You’re not going to up and leave him again.
Nicknames: Babe, Love, Beloved on special occasions
Not really one for using pet names infront of others, not until there’s a competition for your favour.
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omamorens · 20 days
If you, a divinity amongst mortals, did inkblade headcanons with Oisin and Aelwyn becoming weirdly good friends, and bonding over how they want to be better people for Adaine - it would be extremely delightful, is all <3
AELWYN MY BELOVED of course lovely anon!! this was cooking for so long in my asks i apologize for that
you know what Adaine’s worst nightmares are made of?
its her scheming sneaky older sister being weirdly good friends with the newly reformed and redeemed dragonborn that may or may not have a crush on her.
Adaine isn’t one to assume his affections though (she found out from Aelwyn).
But Aelwyn is definitely not their wingman, mind you
Everything she does is for her entertainment
And seeing her little sister be very skittish around the hot dragonborn trying his best to make amends with Adaine, then you better bet Aelwyn is watching it while eating popcorn
On the other hand, Aelwyn’s tips on how to apologize to Adaine isn’t working so well for Oisin
Adaine avoids him every chance she gets and at some point he even asked Aelwyn to set up a trap or something just to have Adaine hear him out
“That’s not how you apologize, dragonboy.”
“Okay, since you’re so great at it, how did you apologize?”
Aelwyn thinks the real!Oisin is too catty for his own good sometimes
But oddly enough, Oisin knows a lot of stuff about other people (is he just that observant? does he have his own network of spies like Aelwyn does? who knows)
And they bond over shit-talking about other people (they have to be a little bit evil. it comes with the territory im afraid)
Oisin is the type to rant logically too. what i mean is, when he rants, he pulls up a whole ass whiteboard and explains every reasoning as to why this thing infuriates him.
Ivy was his usual audience for his rants, but eventually Aelwyn becomes a regular too.
its actually such a healthy coping mechanism that Aelwyn takes up the same habit too.
but her audience is Adaine and Boggy, and theyre both very supportive of her rants (better she rants than enact physical violence or blackmail because she’s irritated)
Aelwyn and Oisin definitely bond over magic too. Wizards and their little tower of trinkets (but for Aelwyn, its just her apartment and the dozens of cat she has)
Oisin feeds the cats for her sometimes, in exchange for knowing about Adaine’s favorite things (so he can apologize to her with them)
Does it work? Definitely not. Adaine’s forgiveness cannot be bought with material riches
But she does notice how Oisin seems to handle himself better than before (healing looks good on him, though she wouldn’t admit that out loud)
she also gets the nagging suspicion that having Aelwyn and Oisin meet is certainly good for their individual psychological health, but terrible for the rest of Solace (again, being a little bit evil comes with the territory)
i love me some evil (handshake) evil best friendship. sure theyre trying their best to be better people but not much fun being the goody-two-shoes all the time
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genderlessghoul · 10 months
A bit of Phantom headcanon with a side of Dew angst at the end.
Phantom was never meant to be Aether's replacement. He knew the rhythm guitar parts, yes, but that was required of him as a Quintessence ghoul living at the Ministry. He also knew drums, as expected of him for being part Earth ghoul.
He was originally only summoned to help around the Ministry when Copia first started touring in 2018. Quite a few new ghouls were summoned back then to make up for the 7 ghouls the Cardinal decided to take on the road with him. Such a large number made a big gap in the ghoul staff, not to mention all the ghouls who decided to go back to the Pit after the little... Accident... With the 3 previous Papas.
Ghouls are very loyal creatures after all and did not take kindly to the news of their favourite humans' departure from the mortal realm.
So Phantom learned his part, doing the tasks expected of him around the gardens and the infirmary, spending his free time with a guitar in his hand or sitting behind a drum kit. And he'd wait for the touring ghouls to come back. They'd be back with trinkets from various countries as gifts for their friends and lovers, and of course a thousand tales from the road.
Phantom could spend hours listening to Dewdrop talking about his and Aether's antics on stage, about the adrenaline rush, about the screams and adorations from the fans, the precious gift that were made for them. He'd watch the way all of them came back closer to each other than when they left. He loved them all but it's oh so hard to carve yourself a place when all the touring ghouls have been so tightly knit together by their adventures.
He longed for the stage, for the attention and adoration of the crowd, for the chance to see the world and serve his Lord in such a special way. But more than anything he longed for that bond shared between all of them.
It wasn't the same at the Ministry. Yes he had ghouls he cared for but they would barely speak in a day, all too busy with the chores appointed to them. And they would spend most of their free times alone in their room, trying to relax in whichever way they could.
His heartbreak only grew stronger when Sunshine, one of the ghoulettes who was summoned around the same time as him, got to join the band. Because they were able to make extra space for another hell creature but it wasn't him. He desperately craved to be a part of the band and he knew he could never share those feelings because that would be asking for Mountain or Aether to leave and he simply wouldn't do it. Could never do it.
Aether's always been very intuitive about other people's feelings. It's a blessing and sometimes curse that comes with his elemental affiliation. He sees the way the small ghoul looks up in awe at him and his pack. The way he's hung on their words when they tell him stories. He can almost hear the other ghoul's heart ripping when he watches his mates interacting in the closest ways.
Aether's the one who goes to Imperator and asks her to take him out of the Ghost project. Touring is fun and all but he's not getting any younger and those bus bunks, sleepless nights and rough mornings are really starting to take a toll on his old bones. Maybe she could find him a place in the infirmary? He's even willing to just sit around and do taxes all day. Surely they would have no hard time replacing him, they already have this Phantom guy who knows his part. Oh and if it could stay a secret between them, he doesn't want his mates to worry about him.
Phantom is both ecstatic and terrified at the news, what if he's not good enough? What if his bandmates hate him? What if the fans hate him? What if he disappoints Papa? All of his cares melt away the second he first step into the band practice room. Everyone there is so warm and welcoming, even Aether is there to show him a thing or two. He looks very happy for someone who's just been replaced and has to teach the guy taking his place.
Everyone welcomes him except Dewdrop. Dewdrop never liked change. He didn't like having to take on Ifrit's role, being the only ghoul part Fire still in the Ministry at the time. He didn't like his costume being changed two times. He didn't like when Sunshine first joined them. He doesn't like when new ghouls are summoned, they always want to be all up in his business. More than anything, Dewdrop doesn't like Phantom.
Aether, his Aether, has to leave the band and do taxes all day because Phantom somehow impressed Imperator enough. He's not even that good, he's heard him play before. Nothing that even comes close to Aether.
Dewdrop bottles those feelings and opts fot ignoring Phantom's existence for as long as he can, which happens to be a little after they were officially on the road again.
Dew's had a particularly long day and even longer evening. He's barely slept, he ran out of cigarettes, he misses Aeth and the food is terrible. He keeps missing his cues during the ritual and he knows everyone knows. So when Phantom makes the mistake of accidentally bumping into him in the hallway, every word comes flying out and he's screaming at the poor ghoul before he can even process it.
Why does he has to constantly ruin everything? He can't even keep his shoulders to himself, as to take up everyone else's space. Life would be so much easier if Phantom had just stayed at the Ministry instead of trying to play rockstar. He's clearly not cut out for the road or for Dew's pack so why does he even bother trying? He's supposed to be Aether's replacement but he'll never be him so what's the point?
By the time Dew's voice runs out, both small ghouls are crying. Phantom's shocked by Dew's words and is carried into his locker room by Swiss while the Fire ghoul locks himself in a bathroom.
Aether hears about the incident from Mountain. He gives Dewdrop a call the following day. He explains everything to him and begs him to stop hurting the new ghoul. He wanted Phantom to take his place.
Dewdrop leaves the call a complete mess. He's confused, doesn't know which emotion to feel first. All he knows is a truth he'd rather have never known. Aether wasn't kicked out of the band. Aether left him.
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pearlywritings · 11 months
I really want to help
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synopsis: coming to your place after one of his missions, Sampo doesn't expect to see that your daughter got sick... And despite you suggesting him to leave, he really wants to stay.
pairing: Sampo x fem!reader
tw: implied slowburn, kind of mutual pining, fluff
word count: 2.4k+ words
a/n: related to Sampo's part in my In father's embrace fic. I tagged at the end a couple of people, whom I saw in the tags, and who seemed interested in seeing more
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"Hey, gorgeous~ Guess, who came to visit~"
Sampo sing-songs in his best female voice and when you emerge into the corridor, you are not even surprised to see him in one of his disguises. Long wig of his rich dark hair color, a portion spilling over his boa-covered shoulder and the rest streaming down his back, perfectly picked makeup, accentuating his gleaming green eyes and pretty lips, a black choker hugging his neck snuggly with an emerald trinket, and a long black dress with a slit from the mid thigh and down, open back and sleeveless. It seems like he's already abandoned his coat and heels while you were walking his way.
"Up to your business again, I see," your words lack any bite, they've been for a while, and Sampo charmingly smiles, stepping closer to you, fake manicured nails grazing your upper arm. The other hand cups the side of your face - you stopped rolling your eyes and swatting his hands maybe a couple of months after your acquaintance with him, realizing that without being handsy Sampo Koski wouldn't be Sampo Koski. After all, he is always gentle and respectful and never makes you feel uncomfortable. So you shakily exhale and lean your cheek into his palm, closing your eyes - bloodshed, as the man has noticed.
"Yep, had a thing or two to do in the Overworld. Don't you think I look absolutely divine though? Worth falling for?" You snort at him clearly fishing for compliments. Lifting eyelids just enough to see him, you regard him with an expressionless gaze and close your eyes again.
"Nuh, could've made your chest more alluring."
"Wouldn't want others to have a chance to see more than you do," he gently pinches your cheek, making you huff. "Wanna tell me why you look so tired, pretty mama? I thought the princess left the castle yesterday for the weekends at her school friend's place. Why weren't you resting?"
"Exactly why you'll have to leave now," your tone gets serious and eyes turn solemn. "She got sick on Thursday, so, obviously, no sleepover for her. Your phone was off, I assume, because my messages weren't delivered. I don't want you to fall ill too, so, go while you can. I'll tell her you came to visit."
Right, he switched his phone off not to be distracted or have his cover blown. And he is a bit unsure how he would've acted if he did receive the messages. Listen to you? Or stubbornly show up still?
Can he handle a sick child?
"Do you have the medicine, do you two need anything?"
But he wants to.
"Yeah, I have, and the doctor has seen her, so now it's just helping her get better. Don't worry about us, Sampo."
How can he not? When over this past half a year both of you managed to worm your ways into his heart?
"But what about your work? Don't you have performances almost every single night?"
"Oh, it's fine. I ask a lady from the floor above to sit with her."
"Do you even sleep?" Worry laces his words - an emotion one rarely may hear from the conman. Now both of his hands are cupping your cheeks, eyes closely observing your face, noting every single evidence of tiredness.
"A couple of hours here and there. It's fine," and just as you say that, you yawn. Sampo is not having it.
"That's it. I am going to change and then I am taking over caring for the little princess while you rest."
That's the biggest he's seen your eyes open this afternoon, owlishly blinking, clear shock written all over your face.
"Wait, Sampo, you don't have to-"
"For the girl who calls me 'pa' I want to. For the woman who didn't chase me away I want to as well," he leans down and presses a kiss right under your left eyes, letting his lips linger, enough for feeling your skin heating up. "Let me help you, please. I promise I am not pushing myself to. I genuinely desire so. Don't you believe your man, Sampo Koski?"
When he says 'your man', the heart in your chest flutters and the cheeks turn a bit rosy. Trying to mask that you hang your head low and murmur.
"Not when this man of mine is wearing a wig and a dress."
"Point taken, already on my way!" Lifting your face he smooches under your other eye and quickly leaves to your dressing room - which you've been sharing with him at this point you guess. Inhaling deeply and exhaling as much, you turn to the mirror on the wall, checking on your flustered expression.
Ah, no lipstick marks like last time. What a pity…
The thought makes you blush harder.
Squeezing eyes shut and profusely chastening yourself on the inside you are trying your best to self-compose. Why must this man be so insufferably lovely? With an ability to leave one with a truly indelible impression.
It's so hard to understand Sampo sometimes. And even if you learned quite quickly that not all the things he does hold any proper meaning, it was more and more evident that behind his affections towards you, towards your daughter - it's significant. You've heard rumors, you know what people say about him - a conman, a two-faced liar, a scammer, a swindler and any other word to paint a not-so-great picture. You know of some of his deeds firsthand - no matter what your clown says he tends to ramble. Yet somehow it hardly pushes you away.
He is just…different when he drops by. First clue is him sticking to you and your daughter in the first place, I mean, where would you find a man of the Sampo Koski kind who would willingly hang out with a divorcee and her seven-year old kid? Who would go to the Opera just to see you perform? Play babysitter for your girl whenever he visits? Flirt with you without any ulterior motives included? Occupy your kitchen without blowing it up? Hold you in his arms at night and happily welcome the little princess to cuddle? Never ever ask to get intimate with him, even though it's clear as day that his antics have rubbed on you, making you more receptive to his affection? 
And now he is offering his help to a sick girl, who's just recently started calling him 'pa'. Either the snow will melt tomorrow and the sun will burn the metal, or Sampo is complex and loyal enough to view your extraordinary trio as a functioning family.
And the second probability is the one you like to believe in.
You almost jump when an arm slithers around your waist and brings your body closer to the sturdy one. Glancing up you see a grinning face lacking any trace of makeup, familiar short hair with a rollicking fringe and a precious gem of an eye gazing at you with teasing.
"What got you stuck here for so long, gorgeous? Were you daydreaming of me, perhaps?"
Damn, now he is lifting his eyebrows suggestively.
"Not necessarily daydreaming, but I was thinking of you, yeah," you yawn again, stepping forward and making him, still attached to your side, follow you.
"Good things, I hope?" Unintentionally his fingers flex, digging lightly into your skin. You decide not to look into his eyes this time - as much as you want to turn him shy.
"Mhm. With a hint of you being annoying though."
He huffs in offense. But fingers relax.
Just as you arrive at your daughter's bedroom you slide out of his half-embrace and reach for the knob, turning it quietly and opening the door. It’s quiet inside, with light pouring through the big window and illuminating the small figure of your daughter, seated under the blanket and reading a book. Upon hearing spotting the motion on her left, she glances up and when your gazes meet, you softly smile.
"Hey, sweety, guess who came to visit?"
The girl leans forward from multiple pillows behind her head and back, and little eyes sparkle with excitement. She notices the tall man in the door frame as you open the door more, revealing the pleasant surprise. Your angel claps her hands and wants to laugh, but sharp pain claws at her throat, choking her with a cough.
You and Sampo both rush to the bed. You understand that only when your hands cup her face simultaneously - his on her cheeks and yours on top of his knuckles. You coo sweetly, kissing her forehead and letting her into the man's embrace, closely watching when his strong arms tenderly wrap around this fragile body. She is murmuring something to him that makes him smile, and then he whispers something back, making her bury her face in his chest more and the lock of arms around his neck get tighter.
"He'll keep you company while I'll be sleeping for a little bit, alright, baby?" You caress her back and see her nod. "Then I'll leave you two to it. Sampo, her medicine is on the table over there, she needs to take the next pill in two hours. Also some chicken soup is in the kitchen. And if something goes wrong-"
"It won't," he cuts you off softly, "Sampo Koski will try his best."
"Okay… but if anything I'm one phone call and one door away."
"Point taken. Now go and rest. Me and princess have some quality time to spend."
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For the first time in three days your eyes do not hurt upon opening up. Head doesn't throb, and heart doesn't ache for your girl, pushing your whole body to run to her room and tend to her. Allowing yourself a nice stretch - all arms and legs and arched back, you spread out on your bed. A quick glance to the alarm clock on a bedside table tells you it’s evening already and a stomach that rumbles the next second reminds you of a missed lunch. But first you have a girl and a man to check on.
Groaning, you force your body to get up and leave for the bathroom.
A little fresher and with hair a bit less wild, you exit your room and quietly tiptoe to your daughter’s bedroom, listening to any sign of interaction inside. Finding none, you carefully push the door open and stick your head inside, immediately noticing the familiar soft light of the nightstand lamp.
And then your gaze meets the one of gleaming emeralds. They steal your breath away and for a few moments you can’t bring yourself to look anywhere else. And then his eyes crinkle and you glance lower, seeing his lips tugging in an adoring smile. Can you still be dreaming? It sure feels like a tender fantasy, especially with your girl tucked to his chest with his arm around her little body and sleeping - her breath is still labored and nose is sure stuffy, but she looks much more content than this morning.
Just before you can open your mouth, Sampo hastily presses a finger to his lips. Next he lifts a hand with a phone in it and shakes it a little, accentuating your attention on the device.
Oh, right, your phone!
Quickly nodding you step out, not missing a quiet chuckle he releases, and as quickly and soundlessly as you can, hurry back to your room.
When you pick your phone there are already a couple of messages awaiting you.
Popo: Hey, just so you know she took her medicine and soup and we are reading fairy tales rn Popo: She fell asleep
You coo out loud at the cute selfie the man sent you with the message. Your daughter’s cheek pressed to his chest and little hands holding onto the blanket as the lower half of Sampo’s face got into the image as well. And there you see a smile.
As you are grinning giddily and saving the picture, a new message pops up, and then two more.
Popo: Heeeey where are you, pretty mama Popo: What takes you so looooong Popo: I wanna see your beautiful face, come baaaaaack 😩
‘Clingy,’ you snort, and type the very same word back, which gets you a gasping sticker.
You do, however, come back, and you never knew a person’s face could light up more. Oh, wait, you knew. Exactly because of Sampo.
Slowly lowering yourself on the edge of the bed - which is almost completely overtaken by a buff man (no surprise he had your daughter on his chest) you open the chat back.
You: Thank you, Sampo. She looks better than before. Popo: Don’t even mention it. But I want a reward~ You: Sampo, I am not kissing you, do you want all of us to potentially get sick? Popo: I wasn’t going ask for a kiss, but now that you mention it hehe 😙
You glance up from your phone and pinch his calf, making him bite his lip. At least it wiped that shit-eating grin off his face.
Popo: Ok, ok, I was kidding! But I do want a reward. Gimme your hand. You: What for? Popo: Just gimme.
Raising an eyebrow, you regard both of his hands - which are occupied. But Sampo winks and takes the phone in a hand, previously resting on the girl’s shoulder, and curls the fingers of his now free outstretched hand. And you slide your fingers over his.
Now the man too looks content.
You: Happy now? Popo: Blessed, I’d say 🥰. Want me to stay for a couple more days? I could help you around.
You glance up at him again. Your face must be wearing a stunned expression once more, because why else would he rub a thumb over your knuckles in a comforting manner?
You: Actually… I’d love that. And she would too. Popo: Perfect, good thing I already canceled all my plans. You: …what if I would’ve said no? Popo: I would’ve still stayed. Or get into your apartment against your will. You: Like I didn’t willingly give you a spare key - don’t make it sound like a breaking in. Popo: You know I could 😇
Shaking your head, but nevertheless smiling you tighten a hold around his hand.
You: Yeah, I know. Thank you again. Really. It means a lot. Popo: What, suggesting breaking into your apartment? You: Sampo… Popo: I’m messing with you! Just don’t pinch me again, I beg you.
You swear, if this man gets sick, you are not going to take care of his sorry ass.
…the decision you completely ditch when he actually does. Well, at the very least you girl, who recovered with your combined efforts, is happy he is staying for longer. 
Also hearing him whine and demand kisses is so funny.
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taglist: @aksellerate, @keinavs, @the-fangirl-arrived, @nebulabunni3
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Transfem Buggy anon here to drop a silly valentines idea-
1) don't worry too much about speeding through asks, sweetheart, you're doing fine. Take your time and do your thing at your own pace. Anyone has an issue with it? I'll fight em 😤
So imagine Buggy getting absolutely SMOTHERED in valentines days gifts - from friends, underlings, allies, secret admirers (she thinks they're all fake or lies), and her partners of the year.
She and Alvida do a Self Care Self Love event (maybe include Uta and Perona bc smth about them being so supportive of Buggy coming out as trans and just so easily slotting her in to girls night makes me soft).
Ritchie wears a special Valentine's Day bow, and he gives extra lion licks to his favorite people. He doesn't quite get the whole concept of HOLIDAYS beyond that it makes his humans so happy and silly and so he too is happy and silly. Lion loves.
Mohji and Cabaji, every year, make Buggy a gift for Valentine's. She gives them little gifts too, but theirs aren't conventional - they were there from the beginning, and so they've seen the best and worst of each other. They're besties your honor.
After Impel Down, Buggy wakes up on Valentine's to a MOUNTAIN of cards, candies, stuffed animals, flowers, and balloons. Maybe half of them are signed. It's a long ass affair to organize them.
When she starts dating Crocodile and Mihawk, they hadn't seen the Karai Bari Variant of Valentine's Day. Needless to say, when they wake up and walk with Buggy to get breakfast, they are both BLINDSIDED and BAMBOOZLED by this veritable TON of gifts. Buggy just sighs. "Guys. Really?"
"I can't eat all this. Okay, line up, I'm passing out candies at random. Consider this a treat before breakfast."
"I- ya know what, sure, whatever. I haven't had coffee yet. I don't feel like arguing."
Crocodile and Mihawk though are surprised when she offers them a soft smile and... two boxes? "Open them when you want to, boys, no rush."
She gets a delivery later on in the day, a crate with a blue rose painted on the top. She huffs. When asked, she shrugs it off. "Shanks is still being a damned sap."
He sends her presents as often as he can - with a relatively ser address for Karai Bari, she is more easily accessible, which makes him go a little overboard. In the crate are her favorite candies (ghost pepper flaked dark chocolates), soft stuffed animals, new clothes, a dress, flowers and silly trinkets. ((And maybe a little treasure map he made just for her)).
Buggy would give thoughtful gifts - smth for Croc's bananawani nursery or specialty cleaner for his jewelry, new seeds for Mihawk's garden he mentioned wanting once in passing or new cording to rebrand Yoru's hilt, etc.
She also ties her hair up on holidays, puts on an apron, and joins the cooks in the kitchens. Cooking is smth she's good at, if a tad embarrassed by, but baking if her favorite thing to do. It's like chemistry and showmanship mixed together, two of her most favorite things. Getting the chance to indulge in it is smth she rarely lets herself have, but she makes exceptions for certain days.
And if Mihawk and Croc, knowing this by that point, pooled together to get her her own supplies to indulge more freely in their shared space, away from prying or attentive eyes, well...
Valentines Day isn't exactly a cliche on their little handmade home, but the sentiment, the intention, the love is there.
((And if Buggy just so happens to send a few batches of Shanks' favorite cookies to him a week after the day, well, he'll treasure them!!!
Until he eats himself sick, that is.))
1) Thank you <333 That's really sweet 😭🧡
AND THIS IS ALL AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A bit late to Valentine's Day (sorry, really akjjddnjk) but I absolutely adore it. Buggy loves Valentine's Day and the thought of everybody getting her gifts and also enjoying the holiday on her island is so cute,,, Everything is perfect and tbh, after coming out as a woman is even better because she's finally able to do it as herself. I think she wanted to do it really bad when she was a kid.
Her crew is so silly,, And having a whole day with Perona and Alvida makes her feel so loved,, Crying and sobbing. Also, Crocodile and Mihawk aren't used to celebrating these things, so now that they're with her they're surprised by how much they enjoy it. Not the holiday itself because in general it's extremely annoying and they do not want to be there with all this drama-- But they do like seeing her happy and giving her gifts <333 Why have mafioso-looking boyfriends if they aren't going to shower you with gifts, you know? And also, they're losers for her, which makes it better.
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apenguinbird · 7 months
Animal familiars in NRC: Scarabia and Pomefiore edition.
(A continuation of this and this.)
Jamil: Parrot
I’ll take no criticism for this!
The parrot was actually one of the many animals Kalim’s family had. They found each other by accident back when Jamil was pretty young.
Jamil was very proud of himself for finding his familiar, it was even a parrot, like the one the Sorcerer of Sands had. His parents were horrified though, I don’t think the Asim family would have been bothered by it but his parents still ordered Jamil to not let anyone know about his familiar.
 It wasn't until Kamil got his familiar that Jamil also totally found him too. Kalim was very happy for him though! He did always notice that parrot flying close to them, what a coincidence!
A great help for the kitchen and around the dorm… also a smart little spy.
The parrot can speak some words. Sometimes he likes to mess with other students.
Kalim has tried to feed him crackers in the past which Jamil has had to stop.
Jamil’s sister buys him little trinkets when they visit. She has even made come assesories with the feathers the parrot loses naturally. Jamil those keep some of them.
The parrot has saved Jamil from many insects in the past.
Honestly, that parrot is the only one in the dorm Jamil respects.
Kalim: Monkey
Again, no criticism.
With all the animals the Asim family had it was just a matter of time for Kamil to find him.
Instantly best friends, usually found on Kalim’s head or shoulder.
They had to teach him the proper diet for a monkey.
Kalim is actually very responsible with his family. 
His familiar enjoys to play with his younger siblings but they can be too much sometimes.
That monkey LOVES shiny things, jewelry, coins, or paperclips, he will take it. A bit spoiled ngl, still a sweetheart though.
Also a little bit of trouble maker but Kalim is there. 
They like to drink coconuts together.
“No, he didn’t do anything bad, look at his little cute face!” “Kalim, his hands are covered in paint.”
Kalim and Jamil’s familiars have the same dynamic as their respective mage.
Vil: Albino Raven
A graceful beauty just like Vil. 
Her name is Ivory.
Vil actually found her injured (albino animals don’t do well in the wild most of the time), the diagnosis didn’t look good but the raven pulled through, and Vil didn’t realize it was his familiar until after the bird fully recovered.
Has had photoshoots with Ivory in the past and Ivory is a natural for the camera and his followers love her.
Vil always makes sure she is on her best behavior and condition. Ivory loves to be pampered.
They have heard more than once about ravens being bad omens or something villainous, and they are so done.
Ivory helps Vil to make potions doing things like passing him ingredients and such.
“You wish you could be half as graceful as Ivory.”
Rook: Falcon
A scary duo, ready to hunt.
“My dear Faucon!”
If you are walking around campus there is a chance you will see a falcon staring directly at you. People say if you stare at it too much something bad will happen.
A great hunter just like Rook.
They used to go hunting together, they can no longer do that in NRC though, for the safety of other familiars and whatnot.
Nothing prevents them from stalking though!
Somehow the falcon has the same love Rook has towards Vil and his familiar.
Epel: Fox
Dang it Epel you messed up the bird theme the dorm had going on!
Back in his hometown Epel was really hoping his familiar was something strong and intimidating like a bear or a wolf.
He got a fox and was actually really disappointed he got a fluffy and cute little animal. Then he soon learned foxes are not animals to be messed up with. “You’re just like me fr.”
I can see his grandma knitting things for his familiar, also I feel like Grandma Marja would have a reindeer or moose as her familiar.
Once in NRC Epel had to teach him not to attack the familiars of other students.
Fun fact: Apparently foxes are rather fond of fruits, especially apples, they were destined for each other.
That little fox is a master at getting in and out of trouble.
Vil gave Epel a skincare (Furcare?) routine for his familiar too, for the horror of both Epel and his fox. His familiar has a very pretty coat now.
The fox is terrified of Ivory.
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envy-of-the-apple · 2 months
Hello! I have a little story idea that you can use for your own work (or not, it's up to you). Since English is not my native language, I hope that I will express my thoughts correctly, but if you need clarification on what I meant, speak up! I'll write more!
In manga (anime) we are often told that love is the strongest curse, it was from this phrase (as well as a little from the story of Yuta) that I came up with this idea for the story about Satoru.
The reader (not a sorcerer) works at a convenience store, where she meets Satoru. At first she has no problem with him, as she considers him just another random customer. She smiles politely at him while serving him, despite the fact that she has an unpleasant feeling when he stands near her counter. Politely answers his questions. And it would seem that everything should have stopped there, until he comes again, and again, always ending up on her shift.
Communication becomes more uncomfortable for her when Satoru begins to talk about curses, about various mystical things (at some point she begins to think that either he is taking some kind of hallucinogenic drugs, or he is a member of some sect), about himself ( about being the strongest and all that). And although she has met her share of strange customers, it is because of him that she feels uneasy. And when he starts asking too personal questions, the reader decides that she needs to stay away from him. At first she switches shifts with her co-workers, but this precaution quickly fails because Gojo somehow always knows when she's working. (And no matter how much she would like to go to the police, she cannot, because in fact, apart from the unpleasant feeling that she feels next to him, she has no other charges, since he always pays for his purchases, and puts ridiculously large money in the donation jar)
So the logical step for her was to change jobs, but even that doesn’t work. He finds her, always. To others, he seems like a romantic beau (and no one seems to even perceive her words that he is not completely normal, or that he is pursuing her). Many colleagues encourage her to come to him, talking about how lucky she is. He is rich, handsome, and it would be stupid of her to miss such a chance.
But even despite the fact that in general he didn’t do anything creepy (and rather, on the contrary, gave various gifts, which she had to accept under the close attention of her colleagues, so as not to seem ungrateful) he scares her, especially his words when he talks that he will protect her (from what? from whom?) because he is the strongest and she does not need to be afraid of anything in this world. He swears allegiance to her and that now they are forever bound (hello binding oath), because he made an oath and he will never leave her (that he will marry her, but not now), that when she is with him , she will no longer need to work, because she will have everything she wants. But first he needs to deal with one case before he can devote all his time to her.
And just when she thinks that he will never leave her side, an incident occurs in Shibuya and Gojo disappears and life gets better again. She no longer needs to change jobs and housing, she even finds a guy she likes and lives with him. And everything seems fine, until one day her boyfriend suddenly disappears, leaving only a note for her in their shared apartment, which breaks their relationship; colleagues she doesn’t like either disappear or have accidents at work. At home, she finds things that didn't belong to her (or her ex-boyfriend), expensive trinkets that she definitely couldn't afford. Various paranormal things happen to her that haunt her and for some reason remind her of Gojo. Therefore, when she complains about this to one of her colleagues, she suggests that she go to her friend, who is a shaman and can help her. Out of powerlessness, the reader agrees to this.
She learns from a fortune teller that she is cursed, and that she needs to perform a ritual to rid herself of the cursed spirit that has become attached to her. The reader agrees (even if she doesn’t quite believe in all these mystical things like curses, spirits and all that, but she has few options). And when the fortune teller begins to carry out the ritual of cleansing, something goes wrong, and instead of getting rid of the curse (as intended), the reader suddenly begins to see it with her own eyes, but not immediately, all the hints and oddities are simply ignores it, attributing it to self-hypnosis, that it all seems to her, and that there is no curse, but one night, when she wakes up, she sees Gojo, who holds her hand, putting a ring on her finger, tells her that as he promised , now they are connected forever and that even his death (spoiler for those who have not read the manga) will not separate them (and now he does not need to do any work for his superiors), that all the vows that he gave to her were real and now when he put on she has his ring on her ring finger, they must perform a wedding ritual so that she becomes his full-fledged wife, as he promised to do.
brave of you to assume i have an attention span long enough to read that
i could have sworn the inbox had a word limit...oh well new rule! it needs to be under 500 words
also I don't take fic requests and that includes fic suggestions. no, thank you, I am not interested! i have plenty of ideas swirling in my mind, i don't need another^^
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imdoingaokay · 1 year
R!DAI Companions + Advisors with an Inquisitor that wants a baby (and/or is pregnant)
Hey guys, I'm alive. This is something I've had for a while, and it's also the longest post I've made. So... yeah. Sorry I don't post all that much, I promise I'm trying.
Anyways, enjoy this self-indulgent fluff piece that I've been working on.
This had every companion, romanced except for Cole, Leliana, and Vivienne (so that means you get romanced Varric in this, you're welcome.)
HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD! And slight NSFW, nothing too bad, just Bull being sex-positive.
It started innocently enough, the Inquisitor would wander around Skyhold, visiting their friends and lover, just to check in (or give their lover a smooch.) Then a squeal of delight was heard, probably by everyone from Undercroft to the Rookery, that came from the Inquisitor. What they were squealing and cooing about? A baby. A chubby, chortling baby a pilgrim had brought to Skyhold that the Inquisitor had practically stumbled into. The Inquisitor was so enamored with the child, that they ended up spending the rest of the day wandering around Skyhold with the little one.
Then it got worse.
Parents, unable to resist the temptation of the Inquisitor offering to take their little ones for a stroll while they got some well-deserved rest, happily gave the Inquisitor their children. The children that did get babysat by the Inquisitor had far more fun than expected, walking along the battlements, eating a meal or two curated by the Inquisitor, and even being told stories of their exploits. The children of Skyhold grew to adore the Inquisitor, and the Inquisitor adored them in turn.
Soon enough, The Inquisitor became often sidetracked while on missions (more so than usual.) They would stop in their tracks to hold up a trinket or a flower and smile to themselves, telling their companions how they intended to give whatever they held to a specific child. By the time the mission was over, the Inquisitor had lined their pockets with various items to give to the children. 
All of this led to the Inquisitor’s friends and/or lover asking “why?” To which the Inquisitor looked them dead in the eye and shrugged.
“I want a baby of my own.”
Blackwall/Thom Rainier: 
Platonic: Blackwall shrugs, he gets it. The kids are cute. And it’s far more healthy for the Inquisitor to spend time taking care of other people’s children rather than go out and just… have one. 
Not like he wouldn’t mind, Uncle Rainier sounds like a nice title, right? Hopefully, The Inquisitor wants a hand-carved cradle when they have their child.
Romanced: He goes “Uh… is that… something you… want to do… now?” Rainer never truly saw himself settling down officially. He didn’t think he truly deserved that. But the idea of having a few kids? With the woman he loves? Top-tier fantasy in his book. And now with his true identity out of the way, he feels a little better about his future. Especially with his lover.
He needs to hear his lover say “not right now” because he would be more than happy to give his Inquisitor a few kids, and he wouldn’t have the mental strength to say no if they asked. 
Now if his lover does, by some chance, get pregnant. He’s over the moon. He fights harder, and faster, always eager to end Corypheus and retire. He’s such a sappy guy too, always wanting to stay as close as possible to his lover. So one should expect him to personally request that he be sent out all the time with The Inquisitor. That man has a nursery ready to go by the time The Inquisitor’s ready to give birth. He carves a cradle, high chairs, and everything the baby could need. He’s willing to build a palace with his two bare hands for his family.
Platonic: She gets it. Kids are super cute, why not have a few? If she didn’t become a seeker, she knows she would have a few of her own, whether she wanted to or not. But hopefully, the Inquisitor isn’t planning on having any now. Like… now, now. Because the Inquisition still needs them, she still needs them.
If The Inquisitor ends up pregnant or their partner ends up pregnant, she gets furious. She chews them out a little, claiming how immature they are for bringing a child into the world when the world is in so much turmoil. 
She calms later, especially when the child is born, recognizing the love The Inquisitor and their partner show for the child. She doesn’t apologize, as she’s still pissed, but she does adore the child.
Romanced: “Oh.” She says before her face goes completely red. She’ll have to pull them aside and talk about their future together. She’s honestly flattered when the Inquisitor claims they want to have children with her. She’d be a liar if she said she didn’t want kids of her own, especially with the Inquisitor, but the both of them ought to know that they can’t… not yet… anyways. But once all the rifts are closed and they have some more time for themselves, then… then, yeah. Yeah, she would like that.
Maker, help her if she ends up pregnant, she’ll be extremely stressed, for both her and her lover’s sake. One should expect her to refuse to go out on missions until the baby is born, and expect her to be furious when her lover goes too.
Cole: He understands, mainly because he read the Inquisitor’s mind, but he understands deeper than that. He thinks the Inquisitor would be an excellent parent, especially with how they treat him (if high affinity.) He holds a great deal of respect for them, and he knows that their heart is full of a very fluffy, wholesome type of love. One that Cole is more than happy to reciprocate. 
If the Inquisitor does end up having children, Cole is a very willing babysitter, as he doesn’t sleep and he’s able to tell what exactly a baby wants.
Cullen Rutherford: 
Platonic: Cullen furrows his brow before his gaze softens. He understands, he does. The thought of a little house, a family dog, and the sounds of little feet pittering against the floorboards, it’s nice. But that life is… unachievable, especially for a man like him. A man who is so busy, who has no right to live such a dreamy life. But The Inquisitor? They deserve that. They truly do.
He doesn’t need to ask if they mean right then and there, he knows what they mean and that they don’t intend on bringing in a child just yet.
“You would be wonderful.” He says, placing a comforting hand on their shoulder
If the Inquisitor ever ends up pregnant, Cullen won’t be able to stay very calm at all. He encourages the Inquisitor to stay behind in Skyhold but gives up when the Inquisitor becomes stubborn. He eventually has to turn to Leliana or Cassandra for help.
Romanced: It’s a simple desire, to have children. And Cullen’s had it every once in a while, like when he was in Kirkwall and saw a small child toddle towards another templar. He watched his colleague’s wife follow after the child, about to scold the babe for interrupting their father in the middle of work. The templar, instead, scooped the child up in his arms and showered the child’s pudgy face in kisses. That domestic bliss was something Cullen found himself longing for. But he was too busy, life was too busy. And then The Chantry exploded, and he was in The Inquisition… he couldn’t think about that. Not until he met his Inquisitor. Now he imagines what life will be like after the pair are finished. If The Inquisitor has already affirmed that they aren’t leaving him, Cullen’s willing to have a family with The Inquisitor, as long as the two are finished with Corypheus first.
But if life finds a way… he’s happy and nervous. He begs his lover to stay behind in Skyhold, terrified of the billion things that could go wrong. Of course, rifts must be closed, so, against his better judgment, he lets her go.
His dreams get progressively worse when she’s away, it was always like that… but the dreams are worse when she’s pregnant. It gets to a point where he goes weeks without sleep, aside from the occasional nap that he gets jolted up from. The second his lover is back, Cullen whisks her away from the War Room and ushers her back to her quarters, where he has a healer check on her and the baby. Once he is certain she is fine, and the sun has gone down, Cullen lays down next to his lover and passes out into a dreamless slumber.
Dorian Pavus: 
Platonic: “Oh that is hilarious.” He laughs before his smile falls, “Wait you’re serious?”
He listens to his friend, but worriedly reminds them how dangerous it is to bring a child into the world, especially with the Inquisitor in such a highly scrutinized role.
If the Inquisitor assures him that they don’t plan on having kids just yet, he’s relieved, but secretly disappointed. He does like babies… when they’re not puking or pooping.
Now if the Inquisitor is planning on having a child or is already pregnant, he’s ecstatic. He’s all over that and can’t wait until the baby comes. The man buys cribs, toys, parenting books, and much more. Don’t be surprised if he gets a “world’s best uncle” wine glass or something.
Romanced: He jokes, “We could just adopt, I’m sure there are plenty of little Tevinter babies that need two insanely beautiful fathers.”
Now, he is joking, but he’s secretly terrified. But not because he’s worried he’ll be a lousy father or anything, he knows he’ll be different from his father. But, the thought of having kids is something he always knew he was going to do. And then everything happened with his father and his Amatus, and now he feels like… he has a choice? He can say no. He can say yes. He can adopt, or have a surrogate. He doesn’t have to fit into the status quo anymore.
But what if something happens? What if something goes wrong? What if he isn’t able to provide for his child the way they deserve?
It takes some talking down from his Amatus for him to truly relax. The two will need to speak about what they both plan future-wise. And while Dorian may not follow the same ideals as most of Tevinter, he still plans on putting a ring on it before they have kids. After all, they have to have some decorum. But, he also wants to get married because he does love his Amatus and marriage just makes things feel more official.
Iron Bull: 
Platonic: He likes kids, so he gets it, too. He may not outright encourage it, but he assures the Inquisitor how great of a parent they’ll be. Now, if the Inquisitor does end up pregnant, he’s overjoyed… on their behalf… not, like, because he wants to be called an uncle or something… (he wants to be called “uncle” very badly)
He makes the kid an honorary member of the Chargers and attempts to make the little one a onesie that has an embroidered “Bull’s Chargers” lettering on the front.
It takes him all of the pregnancy, but once the baby is born the child has a lovely little onesie that looks incredible. He won’t admit it, but that embroidery took way too long than anyone expected.
Romanced: “We can make that work.” He smiles. Honestly, he assumes that The Inquisitor might have some sort of kink. He’s more than happy to oblige. If the Inquisitor doesn’t clarify what they desire, claiming that they want a baby, Bull watches them closer. He notices small things that make him draw his conclusions. The way his lover holds a small child, how they speak to them, and how sad they look when they have to hand over the child to their parents at the end of the day. He will bring it up in the next few days, and eventually ask them if they want to be parents together, once everything is handled. He wouldn’t mind a kid or two, if his kadan wants it, Bull knows his kadan would be one hell of a parent.
Maker help him if The Inquisitor ends up pregnant, he’s so happy he can’t bother himself by being nervous. Just kidding, he’s super nervous. The Qun doesn’t have fathers, how the hell is he supposed to be there for his kid when he has no idea what kids need?
He needs constant reassurance and ends up going to Krem for advice on taking care of children. Krem had siblings, so he should know… right?
He has his game face on by the time The Inquisitor has the baby, Bull read every single book on childbirth, so he’s basically an expert. He’s all about that counter pressure and breathing techniques, so much so that the midwives are impressed themselves.
Josephine Montilyet: 
Platonic: She sighs, one of those dreamy sighs, “Oh I completely understand, well… a little bit. I’m sure having children is much different from having siblings, so I’m certain it’s better.” 
She knows the Inquisitor isn’t going just to waltz off and get pregnant or get someone else pregnant. But she does clarify if they want a child right then and there. If they say that they intend to have a child as soon as possible, she may faint.
She’s stressed if the Inquisitor or their partner ends up with a child, and gently encourages the pair to get maybe married. Less of a reputation sting that way. If they refuse, she mentally prepares herself for questions from nobles and a few Orlesian nobles who were interested in The Inquisitor themselves.
Romanced: She smiles, “I would… like that.” She says. She’s come from a big family, Josephine would be a liar if she said she didn't want to have a big family of their own. But then she proceeds to clarify “not right now.”
“I do think about children, but you and I both know what a terrible idea it would be to bring them into their lives now." She also clarifies that she intends to cross a few relationship milestones too.
Leliana: A decade younger, Leliana would’ve been right next to The Inquisitor, cooing over the children they affectionately spoke so much about. But Leliana was older… and admittedly more cynical now. It didn’t help that Leliana was now a spymaster in the Inquisition.
“I… understand, but do try to resist any temptation that points you towards… having any children at the moment.” She says plainly.
Maker helps Leliana if The Inquisitor has children with their partner. She’ll end up frustratingly baby-proofing the entirety of Skyhold.
She’s happy when she finally meets the baby, and she can’t help but soften for a little while as she gazes down at the newborn. Her faith somehow returns and any doubts she had over the Maker disappear, as if there was no Maker, how could something so perfect exist? At least, she thinks that until someone looks at her, then she’s all business again.
Platonic: Not interested, or at least, the statement doesn’t faze her. Why would such a badass want little kids? Snotty… annoying… chubby cheeked… super cute- okay, she gets it.
She tells her friend they would probably be a good parent, but would also totally not believe the Inquisitor if they were pregnant or got their partner pregnant. It would only be until she saw The Inquisitor or their partner’s bump that she would accept that maybe they were having a baby.
She loves the kid like a sibling and often offers to make cookies for the baby, not realizing that the baby cannot have solid food for the first few months. She counts down the days when she can goof around with the kid on her own, whenever that might be.
Romanced: Laughs for a while, only to pause when she sees the serious look on her lover’s face. 
“You’re serious? You want…” She thinks for a moment before laughing again, “Yeah… I’d want that too! We’d be great mums!” She giggles.
She’s super on board, and would be the “fun mom.” This means The Inquisitor would be the one that would have to discipline the children. But aside from that, Sera’s all over having kids.
Platonic: High approval Solas would approve, he would nod and tell The Inquisitor that they would be an excellent parent, that they have the wisdom and patience that would be fit for a parent. He advises them to wait, first, as having a child while Corypheus is still at large is a terrible idea.
Low approval, he kind of just nods. He tells them that they should wait if they intend to have a child, as it’s a bad idea. He doesn’t do much else, no encouragement, just a simple shrug, and sigh. He doesn’t care.
Regardless of approval, if the Inquisitor or their partner ends up pregnant, and Solas is still there, he sort of freaks out. His main concern is the mark and its effect on the child, but once that’s ruled out, he still feels guilty. Hopefully, he leaves before the child is born. Because he cracks when he sees them for the first time. Does he really have it in him to end the world when someone as pure and untouched as that child exists? 
It takes some deliberation, but he does. And he leaves, praying he never meets the child ever again.
Romanced: He pauses, were they… serious?
Solas can’t help himself but imagine a life with his vhenan, away from responsibilities, with a few children surrounding the pair. He’d be a liar if that lovely thought didn’t cross his mind when he would steal gazes at his vhenan, but… that’s all it was… right? A thought.
He claims that his vhenan would be an excellent parent, but also ensures that he doesn’t want children, not before Corypheus is defeated. But maybe it’s an accident. He breaks his rule of not sleeping with Lavellan under false pretenses. Once his vhenan is pregnant, his actions depend on The Inquisitor’s dialogue choices. If The Inquisitor were to drink from the Well of Sorrows and then affirm Solas’ choice of fixing the past, he would leave. Not without incredible pain, but he leaves. But if by some chance, by some sliver of a chance, Lavellan says the right things, Solas stays. He hates himself for it, so he promises himself he’ll stay until the birth. Then he looks at his child and weeps. Like if he was platonic, Solas is thrown into turmoil, how could he destroy the world of a child? His child? So he resolves to stay and give up on his mission.
On another note, if he leaves, and Lavellan sees him in Trespasser, he’s more willing to take his vhenan and his child with him.
Varric Tethras: 
Platonic: Varric laughs, “Now that would be a twist… The great Inquisitor, changing diapers in between closing rifts and demon fights.” He smiles to himself. 
As a dwarf, their fertility is comparatively lower than the other races, and honestly, he never thought of himself as a parent, at least, not until he met and started parenting Cole. Of course, he doubts he’ll ever have his own family, Bianca and he, it would never work out. But he can understand the desire. 
He laughs so hard he cries if The Inquisitor or their partner ends up with a kid, like, hunched over, can’t breathe laughing. 
He’s nervous for The Inquisitor, though, he knows how hard it is to be a parent, but having a kid while they’re so… important? It’s a recipe for disaster.
Might end up writing the kid out of the story if The Inquisitor requests, maybe The Inquisitor doesn’t want anyone knowing they potentially had a child out of wedlock.
Romanced: Varric doesn’t laugh, he just smiles. He hadn’t started thinking about having a family until he and The Inquistor started going out officially. He nods, 
“I’d like that too.” He says, and the pair might find themselves discussing their future more often. Names for future children, where they’d live, does the Inqusitor want a dog?
He reminds his lover that Dwarves aren’t known for their fertility, but reminds his lover that “they can still try” and winks at his lover. 
Varric is so caught up in the feeling of being loved so freely, that he sometimes forgets that there’s an evil, red-lyrium magister that wants to rip his lover apart piece by piece. It get’s him nervous, but he’s confident in their shared abilities. And damnit, he loves The Inquisitor, he’s not giving up on them.
He’s speechless if his lover comes up to him and confesses that they’re pregnant, like… actually speechless. He opens his mouth to say something before closing it. Then he just smiles and throws his arms around his lover and says that he loves them. He’s happy to be a dad… he’s happy to have a family, he’s happy to have something he never thought would be his.
Vivienne: She doesn’t laugh, at all. She’s kind of pissed.
“You aren’t planning on bringing in a child now? Not here, right?” She has to clarify.
She thinks the Inquisitor and their partner will be wonderful parents, but they shouldn’t have kids right then. They need to wait. 
If the Inquisitor ends up pregnant/getting someone else pregnant, she scolds them fairly harshly, not to be mean or anything, she’s just upset with how “careless” they could be. If the Inquisitor tells her off or, Maker forbid, starts crying, she’ll feel bad. She doesn’t apologize, however, she knows that having a child while the world is still basically in peril and you’re the main person preventing utter chaos is one of the worst things you can do. 
However, the second the child comes into the world, she’s all over them. She isn’t obvious and wouldn’t be caught dead with the kid on her own, but she can’t help but smile when she sees them all swaddled or when they look so chubby she just wants to eat them up. Only when she sees what a wonderful parent the Inquisitor is, she apologizes for being harsh. She does it in her way, so the Inquisitor shouldn’t expect an “I’m sorry” or anything, but they will get some sort of comment on how she may or may not have been wrong to judge them. Regardless, the Inquisitor better take what they can get.
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The Lost de Rolo Chapter Two
Scries and Answers
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After that morning's revelations and decisions, Vox Machina began preparing for their next journey.
Grog, Scanlan, Vex, and Trinket had all gone to the shopping district of Emon to stock up on healing potions, weapons, and whatever else they thought they would need before setting off. But what surprised everyone, was when Vax had declined to go with them.
They may tease him about the flirting between himself and Gilmore, but there was a genuine friendship between the rogue and sorcerer.
So, it felt a bit worrying that Vax was not jumping at the chance to see Gilmore and only gave a half-hearted reason to go to the temple.
Vex had eyed her brother, giving him a look that said 'We will talk about this later,'
Vax responded with one of his own that told her, 'I know,' as he trailed after Percy and Pike.
The three of them walked in silence, Pike's armor being the main sound as they made their way toward the Temple.
The rogue hung back at the end of their little train, his feet feeling like lead as they drew closer to the temple.
He was happy that Percy would get answers for his sister, Vax truly was. What worried the half-elf was the question he needed to ask, and the answer he may receive.
When they entered the temple, there were the usual groups of worshippers praying to Sarenrae and speaking with the clerics mingling around.
Pike weaved her way through the worshippers, stopping before the familiar elderly man dressed in the robes of Sarenrae and thinning hair on the top of his head,
"Father Tristan,"
"Pike Trickfoot. We welcome you and your friends here," The man said while giving the gnome a slight nod,
"Thank you, Father. We need your assistance on a private matter,"
Father Tristan looked between Pike and the two behind her, his eyes squinting a bit at Vax and Percy before nodding and leading them away from the main hall of the temple.
When they were separated from the rest of the groups, Father Tristan asked what they needed,
"I'm sure you've heard of the latest escapade that we went on," Percy said to which the cleric nodded,
"Yes. The tale has spread about your victory against those unholy creatures that subsequently freed our Sovereign and an entire city from their control," He said, "Many have come to pray for those recently freed. For the Everlight to assist Lady Cassandra as she leads your people through the rebuilding of Whitestone, My Lord,"
At first glance, it would seem like hearing himself being referred to as 'Lord' had little effect on Percy. But both Pike and Vax saw him make a small, jerking flinch that went unnoticed by those around them.
Percy managed to clear his throat,
"I... thank you, Father. I will be sure to inform my sister of the support we have here with the Everlight's followers," He straightened his shoulders and began their business as to why they had come.
The older Cleric listened to why they were seeking his help, a frown forming as Percy came to the end of their tale,
"We are aware that the source we got the information from is possibly the most unreliable out there," Vax said, 
"That is true," Replied the Cleric, "Though, I can understand the need for truth in this matter,"
Father Tristan went silent for a long moment, deep in visible thought as he pondered the situation before saying, "I shall do what I can to assist you, My Lord. But, am I correct in assuming you have nothing that connects to your sister? No objects or clothing that would have belonged to her?"
Percy shook his head, "No. Everything that belonged to my family was destroyed years ago,"
"I see," Father Tristan hummed, "That will make scrying difficult,"
"But not impossible?" Questioned Pike, a hopeful tone lighting her voice,
"No. Not impossible," He replied.
Father Tristan continued his conversation with Pike and Percy, but Vax had distanced himself from the trio. 
The rogue found himself standing before the main altar of Sarenrae and stared up at the image of the Everlight. 
He was never one for prayer, especially since he and Vex'ahlia had returned to Byroden and were told that their mother had been killed. But recently... Vax has been unsure as to where to turn for answers.
Ever since the feast, since Sylas Briarwood had used him as a blood bag, Vax had been having...
Dreams? Visions?
It always happened when he was asleep, but they never felt like dreams.
Vax, when he went to sleep, would fall. However, it wasn't like falling from a cliff. It was more like... Sinking into a pit of honey.
But instead of honey, it was soft feathers that gently lowered him toward into a dark, endless void that was filled with shadows. Shadows that were illuminated by streaks of gold that flew illuminated the darkness.
There would be a gold streak circling around him, weaving up from the ground before becoming level with his chest and branching out in two directions.
The first found its way around a group of people Vax recognized easily as Vox Machina, illuminating their faces with its gold light while a small section branched off to circle tightly around Vex'ahlia.
Vax would always try to walk towards his friends, but the second streak would always pull him back, tugging him further into the darkness until his friends, his family, were no more than a small, golden light in the distance.
He would then be faced with who was on the other end, but could never make out who it was.
This figure would be clouded in a black energy with an electric purple hue that reminded Vax of Delilah Briarwoods' magic. 
Vax would stare at the figure, unable to make out anything other than emerald green eyes that peered at the half-elf through the magic surrounding them. 
The rogue would try to catch a glimpse of the face behind the haze, but his concentration would be broken by the croaking call of ravens as a pale, masked face loomed over the both of them.
Vax would jolt awake in a cold sweat after meeting the dark holes of the mask were eyes were supposed to reside.
He'd been unable to make sense of, whatever these things were. But, Vax needed to be sure this was nothing in relation to the Briarwoods. 
Delilah Briarwoods had been a damned necromancer, it didn't seem beyond the realm of reason for her to be able to reach out to the living. And if she were trying to make some kind of connection with the living world through Vax, the half-elf needed to find out how to severe it before she succeeded,
"Hey, Stringbean?" Vax tore his gaze off of the Everlights image and looked down at Pike who returned his gaze with worry, "You okay?"
He glanced back up at the altar before responding,
"Yeah, Pickle, I'm okay. Just thinking things over,"
His friend looked unconvinced, but temporarily dropped the subject and pointed to where Father Tristan and Percy stood,
"If you're sure. We're ready to start,"
The room Father Tristan led them to was dimly lit with candles as a bowl of what Vax assumed was Holy Water sat on a small table.
The older Cleric stood at one side of the table while the members of Vox Machina stood at the other,
"This may take a moment," He murmured while focusing on the water, "And as I said before, Lord de Rolo, this may not work,"
"I understand," 
Vax could see Percy's fists clench at his sides.
Father Tristan began speaking down toward the Holy Water, casting a spell that made it glow as the surface shimmered.
There was a blurred image shown that began to fade as soon as it appeared, prompting the Cleric to renew his spell with vigor. His eyes scrunched in concentration as Percy grasped the edges of the table with shaking hands.
Pike rested her hand against Percy's, and the Lord glanced down at her. The gnome offered an encouraging smile then turned toward the water, prompting Percy to the same as Vax came to stand beside them.
The water's surface was still blurred, but it slowly began to clear after a few excruciating minutes to show them the image of a young woman with striking white hair that was pulled back into a loose braid,
"Is that her, Percy?"
Percy didn't answer Pike as his gaze was fixated on the image before them.
Vax stared at the image from over his friend's shoulder, studying what was shown in the water.
The woman was walking down a crowded street that looked familiar to Vax.
He'd walked that street before, looking for the people who were after his sister. 
Vax had followed a dwarf with a staff made of tongues into that building.
Vax had walked down that street, away from that building with a threat looming over his head, while the new brand on his back burned under his cloak. 
The group watched the image in the water as the woman, whom Vax assumed was Percy's sister, entered a tavern that the rogue recognized.
But as Ciara stepped inside, the image flickered and blurred before fading completely, showing only their reflections in the water,
"No! No!" Percy's head shot up and his eyes landed on Father Tristan, "Bring it back! The image! That was her! Bring it back!"
The Cleric shook his head with a weary sigh, "There is something blocking my sight, My Lord. I'm afraid that I am unable to-"
"Try! Please just-"
"Percy!" Pike was now between Percy and the table. The gnome grasped his hands tightly as she said, 
"Percy, for an image to be disrupted like that- Something had to have disrupted it,"
"But we didn't see anything, Pike!" He exclaimed, "We only saw her walk into a damned building! And we don't even know what or where that is!"
"I know where that is," Everyone turned toward Vax who had slunk back into the shadows of the room, "I know that place,"
Percy reached Vax in two steps and grasped the rogue's arms, "Where is she, Vax?"
The half-elf remained silent for a long time before carefully peeling Percy's fingers from his arms,
"Westruun? Are you sure?" Pike questioned, "I don't recognize where-"
"Pike," The serious tone of his voice had her cutting off, "I know that area. It's in Westruun,"
Percy stepped away from Vax, his shoulders dropping in relief, "Westruun is only a day's journey from here. Ciara is closer than I could have ever imagined,"
"There is a darkness about her, My Lord. Even through the scrying I could see it," Father Tristan added, "I'm unable to discern what caused it, but don't imagine your sister has had a good life,"
The members of Vox Machina all tensed as each of them remembered a smoking demon made of shadows that had made itself known underneath the Castle of Whitestone.
A harsh sigh left Percy as he began pacing the room while violently tugging at his hair,
"But she is alive! And we know where she is!" He whipped his gaze toward the older cleric, "And right now, that's all that matters to me!"
With those last words, Percy stormed out of the room, the door slamming against the wall as he left.
Pike sighed while gently clasping her symbol of Sarenrae before apologizing to Father Tristan,
"We do appreciate the help, Father, truly," The Cleric waved his hand in a slight dismissal,
"I can understand his frustration, Pike Trickfoot. Though I do not appreciate it being thrown at me,"
Pike apologized a second time and made to leave the room, but stopped when she saw that Vax hadn't moved,
"You go on a head, Pickle," He said, flashing her a tight smile, "I'll catch up,"
Worry was still visible on her face as she nodded and exited, leaving Vax and Father Tristan.
The Cleric tilted his head, "Is there more assistance required of me?"
Vax sighed, pushing off of the wall to stand more in the center of the room,
"Yes. I am, worried that the Briarwoods have, left some kind of mark, or, connection to me," He said, then began explaining the dreams, or visions, he'd been having.
Father Tristan listened carefully to what Vax told him and thought for a long while before agreeing to check for any dark arcane energy that maybe clinging to him.
He placed his hands on either side of Vax's head and murmured a few words as the symbol around his neck began to glow. 
A divine energy began to pulse through Vax and he felt a warmth fall over him. It wasn't invasive like Sylas' charms had been, but it was more like a friend welcoming him home, a secure embrace that made him feel safe. But, despite the warm feeling, it still felt uncomfortable having someone else in his head so soon after the Briarwoods.
It lasted about five minutes, then Father Tristan let his hands fall to his side as Vax released a breath he had been unconsciously holding.
He blinked a few times and looked at the Cleric, fearing the worst as Tristan began to speak,
"I can say with absolute certainty that there is no dark magic left by those unholy creatures," The weight on Vax's shoulders immediately lifted.
But it came back crashing down on him with Father Tristan's next words,
"There is, however, someone watching you," Vax stiffened, "But there is no darkness within this gaze. I cannot say who, but there gaze is, divine, in nature,"
Feeling more confused and uneasy than before, Vax questioned,
"Why would something like that be watching me?"
"I cannot answer that, Vax'ildan. I have a feeling, that the answer will be one you must decipher for yourself,"
The small tavern was quiet when Ciara de Rolo entered. But what surprised her was the fact that it was empty. Even though it was about midday, there would be some signs of life roaming about.
But at first glance, it seemed like Ciara was the only one there.
However, there was a man sitting in a darkened corner, the red glass of his monocle glinting at her through the low light,
"You were almost late," He tsked, "You know how dangerous it can be, to be late,"
Ciara said nothing as Spireling Shenn stood and began making his way toward her.
The man towered over Ciara as he stepped directly before her,
"Oh, why so quiet? I do love our chats,"
She dared not move and carefully forced out,
"You called me. That means you have a job,"
Shenn's face twisted into a smile, "Down to business as usual, Little Bird. Very well, very well,"
The Spireling straightened up and motioned for her toward the table,
"Sit. Have a drink and we'll discuss what I need from you,"
Ciara pursed her lips, closed her eyes, counted to ten, then sat across from the Spireling and braced herself for the long, drawn out meeting she would be forced to sit through.
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heyyallitssatan · 18 days
Todo fam headcanons
Enji isn’t a dick addition
He didn’t intentionally train any of his to be heroes, he just accepted them as they were
Touya really wanted to be a hero, but when they figured out his quirk didn’t work with his body they had to have a lot of long hard talks, they tried to find a lot of support gear but nothing could completely keep him from burning himself and they didn’t want him to risk his life
He came around to the idea eventually and ended up going to school to become a paramedic
Fuyumi didn’t get parentified and was allowed to explore what she wanted, she ended up loving art and went to an art school before apprenticing under a sculptor and then a tattoo artist, she eventually went back to sculpting and runs her own studio now
Natsuo followed in his big brothers footsteps and went to med school, he’s an er doctor
Shoto loved the skating trips his mom took him on and became a professional/Olympic figure skater and coach
Also, Rei was a snowboarder in this universe because I said so
It should be mentioned, Touya took up rock climbing as a hobby and got really into it
Fuyumi started doing mma as a stress release, she tried to get her siblings into it but it reminded Touya too much of training and the other two never enjoyed fighting
Natsuo feels like he gets plenty of physical activity between the er and his twice weekly workouts, so his hobby is playing video games,
Enji picked up crocheting after rei told him he needed a non stressful hobby to help him relax
Rei I turn felt she also needed a nonstressful hobby, and promptly chose rebuilding old cars because they have more money than god and can certainly afford it
Shoto never really made time for hobbies until fuyumi taught him how to sculpt, now he enjoys making weird little trinkets to give friends and family, and occasionally his competitors
I like to think the show still progresses normally, just with shinsou in 1A instead of shoto
The the reason we find out about the todoroki family is cause bakugou and midoriya both do their internship with Endeavor sanders he gushed about his wife and kids every chance he got
Midoriya thought shoto was the best thing ever and rei tried to set them up
She succeeded and got an adorable little son in law
Fuyumi showed up during bakugous internship with miruko to drop off some food for her wife and he freaked out cause he thinks miruko is so cool and turns out she has a badass wife too, best day ever
Touya meets both of them when he shows up at hawks agency to pick him up for their dinner date, they both lose their shit cause why are so many of them dating heroes
They meet natsuo during his internship/study program with recovery girl
Then they see rei on tv as a pro snowboarder
Now they’re wondering how many todorokis there are cause they just keep showing up everywhere
Then they find out that Touya and fuyumi are both in a heavy metal band, which segways into them finding out all of the todoroki play various instruments, and sports
When they ask how the hell they all know so much and have so many hobbies they just respond that they were homeschooled and rich, this left a lot of time and money to invest in random interests, so they all developed a ton of skills for absolutely no other reason than they got bored
Now Endeavor is number one after allmight retired, and they were competing for that spot beforehand but it was more of a friendly rivalry to encourage them to get better (maybe it started out legit but they both chilled quite a bit as they got older and eventually became friendly, though they kept up the image for the public and because it made them better heroes), but after all might was forced to retire endeavor publicly stated that this wasn’t the way he wanted their rivalry to end, but he would do his best to honour all might memory and carry on his legacy
He also encourages the new number two, his son in law hawks and every other hero to challenge him and make him keep working for his position
Now, this was cleared with hawks beforehand kind of as an announcement of his engagement to Touya, sadly the public misinterpreted that and thought that he was dating his daughter fuyumi, miruko shot that down quick and informed everyone that fuyumi was hers and hawks could fight her for it, all in good fun, and hawks clarified that he appreciates the offer cause fuyumi is great, but he’s very gay and quite in love with her brother
This was great, it was the closest to celebrity drama they’ve ever gotten from the todoroki family and it’s still super wholesome
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Hi Dillo! I’m new to your blog but I’m already obsessed with it <3 would you be able to do some headcanons about the gang with an s/o who travels a lot? Thank you!
A/N: There a little short, but I hope you like them! Thanks for the request and I hope you stick around for a while <3
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I think there’s a part of Darry that wants to travel?
Like at one point, maybe even still, part of him wants to get out of town and go somewhere else for a while
But he knows his place, at the moment at least, is at home in Tulsa with his brothers, he sticks around for them
He’s gonna live vicariously through you y’know? He wants to hear all the stories about your escapades throughout the wide world <3
If you send him postcards or gift him little trinkets from your journey, Darry treats them like they’re made of gold, sticking them up to the fridge and putting them up on the mantle
Sodapop is going to beg and whine and pester Darry into letting him to tag along with your adventures
If he gets to go? You’re in for one of the best trips of your life
He’d be such a good road trip buddy to have, the drives would never be boring and you guys would have the best conversations
If Darry doesn’t let him go, very rare chance guys but he does have a job and Sodapop just can’t take time off all the time, Sodapop will set things up that he can call you
Anytime the phone rings while you’re gone, Sodapop is sprinting to get the phone before anyone else can      
Pony wants to travel too, I think out of all the gang, he’s going to be the one that gets out and goes somewhere else
I think that’s even more likely if going somewhere else involves you-
You and Ponyboy rarely stay in the same place for a long time, there’s just so much to see and you guys are trying to make the most of it
Pony has a sketchbook full of all the different places that you’ve been, almost all the drawings have you in them
You guys definitely stop by Tulsa every now and then though, you check up on his brothers and the gang 
It wouldn’t surprise me that Dally would end up with someone who likes to travel? He’s got a can’t-be-tied-down spirit so I think you guys would vibe well
But if it’s the kind of leaving where Dallas doesn’t go with you, there’s a possibility for a different outcome
If you leave Tulsa, the kind of leaving where Dallas can’t follow, there’s going to be a fight
I won’t lie to you dear friends, Dally doesn’t like the idea of you leaving him behind
He’s gotta really love you, and I mean really love you to do this, but there’s a chance of him sending you off with his ring so that you’ve got part of him still with you    
Take Johnny with you!! Please take Johnny with you!!
He deserves so much more than Tulsa offers him and I think he would really thrive if you took him traveling with you
Johnny’s never been out of Tulsa before, it’s canon, so I think he’d really enjoy traveling!
Imagine all the memories you guys’ll make together <3 you’ll never have a dull moment when you go somewhere with Johnny
For some reason the mental image of sitting in a bakery with him somewhere in the world, where the only things that matter are you and him is floating around in my mind-
God he wants to go with you, Two-Bit would give anything to go traveling with you
But, like with Darry, Two-Bit’s got a lot that’s keeping him in Tulsa
His mom is almost never home because of how much he works, he’s gotta keep an eye on his sister and make sure she’s taken care of too
When he gets the chance though, Two-Bit does everything he can to go traveling with you
You’re not allowed to drive honey <3 Two-Bit’s mama taught him to be a gentleman which means the two of you can take your car, but you’re gonna be in the passenger seat
He’s gotta get someone to sub in for him at the DX, but other than that, there’s not really much to keep him in Tulsa
Steve’ll said good-bye to the gang, but he doesn’t care for his parents too much so there’s nothing there
With you, he’s got almost guaranteed happiness, anywhere you go, he’s gonna have a good time
Won’t Let You Drive Because He’s A Gentleman Pt.2
Steve would love those little tourist traps with all the junky things like magnets and t-shirts and those types of things, he’d buy you something from every place you go
It takes a lot to convince Tim to travel with you, he’s practically a single parent trying to raise Angela and Curly
But I can see him putting the effort forth to make a long-distance relationship work, especially if he really loves you
Phone calls every so often to catch up, Tim’ll sit in the kitchen with the phone, sipping a mug of coffee while he complains about what you’ve missed in Tulsa
These phone calls involve a lot of complaining about whatever Curly and Angela have gotten into
He’s the first one to greet you when you get back to town too, he’s waiting for you to be home
Whenever you tell stories of where you’ve been, Curly’s hanging on your every word, waiting to see what’ll happen next
It gets to the point where he asks you to tell them so often, he knows them by heart and call fill in the blanks before you get the chance
One day, Curly wants to travel with you to all the places you consider your favorite
You don’t have to do anything fancy, hell you can sleep in the car and Curly’ll be fine
He just wants to go somewhere else with you, see something with you, just stay with you for a while and explore somewhere new and exciting
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fernandidilly-yo · 4 months
A Mostly Unbiased Review of Netflix’s Avatar The Last Airbender:
I had avoided any spoilers/trailers/press releases of this show for the sole purpose of being as unbiased as I possibly could. I knew absolutely nothing about this show going in. I was doing my best to give it a fair chance, even with the past live-action’s corpse hanging over our heads.
So, as an og Avatar fan, here’s is my overly annalistic take on Netflix’s Live Action Avatar Series. In as neat of a chronological order as I can give them.
(Heavy Spoilers)
Wish they would have let Katara do the opening credits like she did in the show, it was a good way of giving her depth and showing what kind of person she was, someone filled with hope.
But I can forgive it.
Love the costume and set designs, you can see the love and care that went into making them.
Love that we got to see more of the Air Nomads.
And the fact that there was a Comet Festival makes a lot of sense actually.
I also really appreciate Aang and Gyatso’s relationship, the lines “can’t I just keep pretending I’m your friend?” and “you are my friend…you will always be my friend.” Actually straight up killed me.
The line brought to life just how young Aang is, a twelve-year-old boy. Which made it all the more gut-wrenching.
However, all this build up, Aang and Gyatso’s scene, showing us the genocide, it felt like it was leading to something.
But when Aang is triggered into the Avatar State upon seeing the destruction of his home…it fell very flat.
He had more emotion at finding out he was the Avatar than he did seeing his people massacred…Netflix, would it have killed you to use some fake tears, have the kid emote, let him scream a little?
I don’t think I’m asking for much.
Zuko’s scar who? I don’t see her.  
I like the awkwardness that the actor brought to Sokka’s character, felt real for a teenage boy and he played it well.
Gran Gran straight up taking lines from the show. I like it, and the fact that Gran Gran was the one that originally told Katara the legend, it fits.
This however, is some of the only times they use any lines from the original show. :\
Love Zuko’s room. Top Teir. Artist Zuko is kind-of-canon, and I am here for it. Love the dragon scales, the notes, the drawings and maps on the walls.
And I also love, love, love that Zuko has trinkets from his travels, as well as Avatar artifacts. 🤌
I’m sorry but why do Sokka and Katara’s necklaces look like they’re made of plastic? Do better, Art Department.
Shout out for giving Katara her hair-loopies.
Also, credit to the Make Up Department, you somehow made Aang’s arrow look like the shows while still giving it more detail. Something that was apparently impossible in 2010.
Also! Asian/Native people exist! Something that also didn’t seem to be true in 2010!
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gachagon · 1 year
hello! i was about to sleep + doing my nightly 'read a fanfic to bed' routine until i saw that your requests are open (and i haven't requested in a long time too 😭) and i got curious!
may i request a drabble for nagi wherein reader eventually realizes that he doesn't have a single romantic bone in his body – and she feels like their dates so far (arcades *a nagi staple*, coming over to his house anytime bc his parents arent around to watch movies) are very low-effort in itself and she feels bad for wanting more than this because nagi has been a very nice boyfriend but he just doesn't go out of his way and she doesn't know how to express this to him without sounding shallow or asking too much from a literal high school student – she ends up overthinking that maybe she's too intense for someone like him but nagi eventually realizes this and feels bad himself but he's also at lost at what to do and communicating makes him uncomfortable so he tells everything he knows to reo to be greeted with a taken aback reo who goes 'not even a single gift? even a little trinket? what do you two even talk about? WAIT YOU'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP? how did that happen? is it pity dating? you like her? WHAT' kind of thing and nagi realizes that relationships are a two-way street and that cuddle dates just don't cut it anymore
Hiiii I really liked this idea and thought it was pretty cute. I don't really get to write a lot about Nagi most of the time, even though he is one of my favorites! I cut this a bit shorter and was going back and forth with how I wanted the conversations to go, but in the end I think I nailed it and made it really cute! There were moments I thought "Geez I'm making Nagi too much of a bad boyfriend" lol so I also just kept going back and forth with the tone.
Here is the short drabble anon!
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Words: 1.3k
Pairing: Nagi/Fem!Reader
You and Nagi have been going out for a few months, however you notice he's not the best when it comes to planning dates. In fact, it's starting to get to your head and you wonder if he likes playing games more than he likes being with you! You decide to talk to him, about it
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You and Nagi Seishiro have dated for a few months now, and at first you were so ecstatic to finally have gotten a chance with your crush that you had purposefully overlooked a lot of his flaws. Sure Nagi was a bit lazy when it came to school, and he was kind of slow to talk to (you normally did most of the conversating when you were together), but he listened to you anyways and always made sure to help you with your studies after school. Nagi had his own hobbies, but unlike most people he was just incredibly serious about it. You could understand that, seeing as you were also quite passionate about your own club meetings, and Nagi even supported your club by going to the meetings with you, or waiting after school to walk home with you. 
These were all things that you had decided weren’t worth the trouble of looking deeply into, everyone has their issues. Your friends complained to you that they didn’t think Nagi was that attentive, but it didn’t matter to you what they said. You enjoyed all the walks, and the one sided talks, and on the rare occasion that Nagi was really focused on something he’d even ramble to you about the latest game he’d been fixated on. 
You were determined to make it work, so you decided you’d take things a step further and started to  invite Nagi out on dates. Though, all the places he suggested you go to were not…the most romantic choices you’d have picked out. 
“Do you want to come over and play Dragon Quest? My parents won’t be home for a few hours…” Nagi would ask. 
“We could go to the arcade…they’re having a competition with one of the fighting games.” 
“They’re selling copies of a new game at this cafe, let’s go and get 2 and play it.” 
No matter what, it always went back to games. There were some days you almost thought Nagi was more enamored with games than he was with you. It got to a point where you spoke with your friends about it, and of course they agreed but you couldn’t bring yourself to believe that. “Maybe I should just talk to him about it…I mean he is a bit spacey.” You say to them. “Sometimes it’s like he’s in a world of his own, you know!” And yet this too was something you also had in common with Nagi that you couldn’t fault him for. The more you talked about his flaws, the more you realized you held the same ones. 
So you decide to do it, to talk to Nagi and to ignore your friends who desperately want you to break up with him over this. Frankly, you think they’re kind of bad at advice anyways, seeing as you're the only one who has a partner now. You talk with him after your club meeting, and broach the subject as nicely as possible. 
“Hey Nagi…I was wondering if maybe we could, oh I don’t know…do other things besides going to the arcade for dates?” You said, and Nagi looks at you confused. 
“But I thought you liked going to the arcade.” He said.
“I do! It’s just, well I don’t know how to put it…” You look away for a moment as Nagi searches your face for an answer. “It’s just-the arcade, gaming cafes, all those places aren’t really…date places. They’re places you bring your friends.”
“But you are my friend.” Nagi said simply. 
“Ugh, I know that! But I’m also your girlfriend! You should take a girl to places that are romantic, you know.” You crossed your arms. “Especially if you’re dating her.” 
Nagi’s head tilted to the side, it looked adorable but you decided to ignore it. “Really? I thought…those places were romantic?” Nagi shrugged casually. “We were having fun together, so I thought that was all that mattered.” 
Oh my gosh he hasn’t got a clue…You think hopelessly to yourself with a sigh. “Oh, just forget it, Nagi.” Maybe my friends were right…Maybe he should date someone who’s not so clingy…You sulk off alone without Nagi to your house, not even sparing a glance back. However, unknown to you, Nagi is not finished with the problem. 
“I think my girlfriend’s mad at me.” Nagi laid on Reo’s very expensive couch in his room while he spoke. Reo was his only real friend, so when (Y/N) walked off by herself, Nagi knew he had messed up. Though he was incredibly confused on how. 
“Wait, what? You got a girlfriend??” Reo asked from his bed. He leapt out of it, and immediately began to bombard Nagi with questions as he shook him by his shoulders. “When did that happen?” 
Nagi shrugged, “I don’t know. I think maybe…a few months ago?” He said. “But that’s not the issue. I think she’s gonna break up with me, dude.” 
Reo sighs, and rubs his forehead. “I can’t believe this. You get a girl to go out with you, and the moment I even hear about it, you’ve already messed it up.” He said. “Well what did you do?” 
“That’s the thing, I don’t really…know?” He had thought he was doing everything “right”. He liked walking her home, and staying with her for her club. Sometimes she would talk for hours about everything she did that day or even that week, and Nagi liked listening to all of it. He wasn’t much of a talker, even Reo couldn’t get a lot of words out of him most days, but he loved listening. And he had a lot of fun with her on all their dates. “I thought she was having fun on all the dates we went on…it looked like she did, anyways? She was smiling and laughing, and we play games together all the time. But today she said none of that was ‘romantic’ enough. I just don’t get it.” 
Reo shook his head, “You can’t just bring a girl to an arcade and internet cafes all the time, Nagi. Have you ever brought her to, I don’t know, a fancy restaurant? A scenic view? The movies?” Reo listed all these places off, and Nagi answered no with each one. 
“Well…what makes something romantic?” Nagi asked. Is “have fun” not part of romance? What else was he supposed to do alongside all the other things?
“Atmosphere! And intent, it has to be places that really intrigue her or that speak to her interests. A place where you two can talk a lot, as well.” Reo explained, and Nagi cringed inwardly. 
“Talking…I see…” He was terrible at that. He never knew what to really say to people, oftentimes his mind would run blank unless it involved games. Listening was just so easy, and he could fill in his half of the conversation with questions about the other person’s talk. Though, now that he thinks about it, that’s not really a conversation. It’s more of an interview…or worse…an interrogation. 
“Tell you what, the next time you see her, you have to get her a present to make up for it. And! You have to take her out on a date, a real one that’s super romantic!” Reo exclaims, and Nagi agrees. 
“Okay. I know all about her…I have the perfect gift in mind.” Nagi had always thought gifts were meant to be given during special occasions, but now he realized that he should’ve been treating these past few months with (Y/N) like a celebration. “She’s in this club, and she’s really into (insert reader's passion/hobby). So I think I’ll get her something as a surprise.” And this time…it won’t be a game. 
Nagi rushes out of Reo’s room to hurry and prepare the present and even to plan out where he would take (Y/N). As he rushed out the door, Reo called after him. “And make sure the place you pick for your date is actually a place girls like! Otherwise, she really will dump you, dude!” He yelled. 
“I will!” Nagi called back as he slammed the door behind him. He was prepared to fix things tomorrow for certain, he would get the perfect gift and plan the perfect date. Nagi was ready to set this right, even if it meant never going on another “arcade date” ever again. 
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Pre!4.0 Fontaine Thoughts & Musings
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While I do plan on dropping my Fontaine theories pre!4.0 at some point, this is just more of my thoughts surrounding the nation as a whole based on the teasers and summaries of some leaked items. So this is most definitely your chance to back away now if you end up being one of the few people that read my ramblings and find them amusing in some way.
But yeah if you were here way back during 2.1, you’ll have seen this post of mine talking about how excited I was for Sumeru and Fontaine. I started playing the game in 1.1 and these were the nations I looked most forward to after seeing the Teyvat Travail trailer. My interest in these nations only grew further with the various NPCs we’ve run into talking about these countriesー and now both of my preferred nations are finally about to be on the ‘released nations’ list.
I’ve enjoyed Sumeru’s deserts and forests, the struggles of the desertfolk and the Eremites and seeing Cyno and Collei again, as well as some new friends made along the way. Now it’s time for Fontaine.
(Fingers crossed for some Afro-Fontainians since rock n roll was in real life was made by African Americans evolved through several genres of our music like Blues, Jazz, R&B and gospel among other genres but because this is Hoyoverse and we all saw how ‘well’ they did with Sumeru, I highly doubt there will be any despite France’s diversity. Welp, nothing the power of making OCs and edits can’t fix. Maybe I’ll use that time to finally relearn French like I’ve been planning, which I took for a year in high school because Creole runs in both sides of the family but then I forgot it all.)
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Fontaine had me in a death clutch a while back during the Tatara Tales questline when Xavier had a small little monologue about his homeland in 2.0:
"For instance, I could tell you of the majestic waterfall that made a deep impression on my soul as I worked in my study in Petrichor. Or perhaps I could sing the praises of the countless gorgeous maidens in the Court of Fontaine, ethereal as the clouds themselves... Or the mesmerizing lake that held the reflections of the stars and the moon, such that walking along its banks was like treading amid the celestial skies..."
It sounded so beautiful that I wanted the remote from click to just fast forward to the point in time in which we’d finally be there. Every NPC from Fontaine until that point had talked about Fontaine being pretty, but none of them ever went into that much detail before.
I ate up the Dew of Repudiation Petrichor crumbs "Even if it were to flow into the surpassingly pure waters of Petrichor, this drop of water will likely resist assimilation as strongly as mercury."
Pocketed every trinket of info given by event NPCs about Fontaine’s energy crisis and how 
Noted the lore on the Lochfolk/Oceanids from Rhodeia to Endora to the Spring Fairy and the information about the Lord of Amrita.
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And now we have Idyia in that lineup with the new summer event going on right now in 3.8! It has long-since been stated since 1.4 that the Lochfolk were followers of the previous Hydro Archon, now known as the Lord of Amrita aka Egeria (according to leaks). They were tasked with spreading out across Fontaine as her spies, but they note it wasn’t because she was plotting war or anything of the sort on the other nations, but she wanted to do so as a way to connect everyone similar to how water is connected (or like how the Lochfolk come together in water to quote Endora:
Want to grow quickly. Want to find Rhodeia. A child. New life, like Endora. A child's mission is to grow. To grow? I thought it was to see the world. Love. For Oceanids, this is to meld together as one. There will be no division then. That is why Oceanids need no learning or thoughts of their own. All that is needed is love. It seems that Oceanids cannot love others, for others will only drown in the embrace of pure waters. So they disguise themselves as the dreams of young children, and withdraw from the lives of all other people. Every day, a child takes a stumbling step forward. Every day, a stream flows into the sea. Love, that is our destiny. But I still have a whole world left to see.).
But once the Lord of Amrita died, most Lochfolk went on a self-imposed exile from Fontaine, not getting along with the current Hydro Archon, Focalors, the God of Justice.
In 3.8, we got some more information on that from Idyia:
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According to her, the waters of Fontaine changed when Focalors came into power, the water now full of pain and hatred and for those who left fleeing seemed like the best choice “if we wanted to live.” But as shown in 1.4′s Wishful Drop event with Endora and Rhodeia’s line at the beginning of a fight (and with some leaks stating that wild Oceanids can be fought in Fontaine’s overworld), line at the beginning of a battle, there are some Lochfolk that still remain in Fontaine for some reason unexplained.
According to the descriptions of the Water-Splitting and Water-Spouting Phantasms, new enemies in Fontaine, with most of the Oceanids having left Fontaine, new strange elemental lifeforms have taken their place after the cataclysm.
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According to the Water-Splitting Phantasm description, while the water have long since been diluted and cleansed, Fontaine’s waters will never naturally birth Oceanids again until there are containers of pure water somewhere.
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And if you look at the description of the Water-Spouting Phantasm, it states that: It is said that in Egeria's era, the Oceanids often lived alongside humans, and lived in the springs of clear waters dotted across the lands, and through this, they connected the waters of the world. But most died with their god, and for the survivors, the world no longer has any god they recognize. That unrecognized god obviously being Focalors. 
I’ll expand on it in an actual theory post, but I do believe part of the Fontaine AQ will be restoring the waters of Fontaine to how they once were, allowing new Oceanids to be born from Fontaine’s water and bringing the Oceanids back to the regionー maybe even get them on better terms with Furina.
Speaking of Fontaine’s water, ever since 3.0, I am fascinated with it.
If you go to Port Ormos, specifically the port close with all the porters and the Eremite guards, you’ll run into an adventurer NPC named Vasco. If you talk to him, he goes on a bit of a tirade about sea monsters, but he starts off the dialogue with something very interesting. “Should I go to Fontaine and get a diving certificate?”
Even more interesting was the follow up: “To prevent myself from the cook's fate, I'm considering getting a diving certificate from Fontaine before adventuring again. But I heard the water in Fontaine is different from here, so it won't be a useful endeavor.”
Fontaine had me in a chokehold just by being the Hydro nation to start with, but the idea that Fontaine’s water is different from the rest of Teyvat’s? How is it different? What are the unique properties that separate from Fontainian water from regular Teyvat water? What do Fontainians living in/visiting other nations think of regular Teyvat water? What do people from other nations think of Fontanian water? I’ve got to know.
Part of “The Terrestial Sea, Origin of All Waters” description mentions that Fontaine where all waters of the world originate. It’s further elaborated on in the description of the set of drops from the Fontemer Abberant enemies (I will not be fighting the Puffbeast. Fuck everything else though lmao, those crabs and seahorses can catch these hands).
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From left to right:
Transoceanic Pearl: A small crystal obtained from a defeated Fontemer Aberrant. Fontemer Aberrants arise from Fontaine's seas. They are believed to be a unique life form born from the mysterious energy in the water.
Transoceanic Chunk: A crystal obtained from a defeated Fontemer Aberrant. It gives off a somewhat mysterious energy. Although many legends speak of great life forms residing in remote seas beyond human reach, ordinary oceans can hardly compare to the vibrant seas of Fontaine.
Kaleidoscopic Crystal: A large crystal obtained from a defeated Fontemer Aberrant.It contains a mysterious energy. All rivers and seas originate in Fontaine, but the water loses all its unique properties once it flows outside Fontaine's borders.
Back to back, each description mentions that Fontaine’s water has a certain energy to it, that ordinary oceans cannot compare. But most interestingly enough, it reaffirms that all rivers and seas in the world of Teyvat originate in Fontaine but the moment it leaves Fontaine’s borders, it immediately loses all its unique properties.
I don’t doubt that the uniqueness of Fontaine’s water will be mentioned in Fontaine’s storyline. A good chunk in the AQ, considering Furina coming into power led to the Lochfolk leaving the country. But I also think a good chunk of it will come from WQ’s and likely from the Melusines, a race of seafolk unique to Fontaine that still live there. Which begs the question as to why they haven’t left Fontaine when nearly all of the Oceanids have.
According to one Melusine NPC from a leaked video that’s been removed, Melusines originate from a creature called the Elynas and if I remember correctly they come from its flesh or bones. And the Primuses came after the cataclysm and can be found near the Elynas, but I’m not sure if that’s the same for the Melusines since there isn’t more elaboration on it but I hope to find out more once Fontaine’s initial WQs start dropping.
And of course, I’m excited for the lore potential of the upcoming character.
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Lyney, Lynette and Freminet all seem to have a connection to Arlecchino and the House of the Hearth and may even be working for her now as Fatui agents who possibly hope to one day live peaceful lives.
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Neuvillette was once speculated to possibly be an Oceanid who remained in Fontaine, but it now looks like he is the Hydro Dragon. It sucks that it isn’t Kokomi but either way it doesn’t change the fact that the Hydro Dragon IS living among humans and even working closely with an Archon, when it has been shown through Apep that dragons from the time before the Seven hate Celestia, Archons and humans alike in this new era of Teyvat. So why live peacefully with them? I’m curious to know!
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But by far, the character with some of the most interesting lore potential is of course going to be the Archon especially with what we know about her.
She’s a reason the Oceanids left Fontaine, according to Neuvillette she’s prone to hysterics and in a leaked clip of the AQ she even liquefies a man. Like, she is truly prepared to be the best worst Archon and I am here for it, she’s getting my guaranteed pull and maybe even her signature weapon if I can get it without pushing myself back too far on my Clorinde pulls.
And if we look at the Hydro gemstone for the Archon quote that gives more insight into their character, Furina’s says:
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And according to Dainsleif in the Fontaine portion of the Teyvat trailer: “The God of Justice lives for the spectacle of the courtroom, seeking to judge all other gods. But even she knows not to make an enemy of the divine.”
If we look at some more leaks about her, we get some more interesting tidbits.
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More specifically in this dialogue exchange with some NPCs:
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In other words, it is looking like Furina is going to be a Chaotic Neutral character. She’s nonsensical, she’s a wild card, she welcomes being judged by even her own subjects she holds dominion over yet she considers herself pure and magnificent. If you’re able to win some sort of trial she places you in, she’ll be thrilled. Hell one might even get a medal. Sure that could all just be hyperbole from the locals, but even hyperbolic statements have some truth to it and with how long she has been in power, there have probably been instances such as the ones those NPCs described.
Yet even Furina fears Celestia because she knows the sort of damage they are capable of delivering if they ever deem her an enemy or a liability.
And with the concept that she may have two personalities, one can’t help wondering how that will come into play if it was kept as something final for Fontaine’s story and her design. I can’t help wondering about how she came into power as well. I don’t want it to be another ‘family’-based story.
Ei and Makoto were twins, Rukkhadevata and Nahida are avatars of Irminsul with Rukkha essentially being her mother plant so to speak.
I would like for Furina and Egeria to be unrelated. Maybe Furina was once a nymph that resided in Fontaine who later on ascended or I would find it cool if she ascended to Celestia as a regular mortal years ago and was given Fontaine to govern. And I would also like it if Fontaine didn’t have a new Archon for a while after Egeria’s death.
Both Ei and Nahida were able to immediately step in for their respective predecessors after they died. It would be interesting if for Fontaine, it took a while for someone else to step in which lead to a civil unrest. That could be used to even tie into Zhongli’s hesitance in retiring from being an Archon, siting Fontaine’s period of Archon-less complications as a reason to stay until he was otherwise reassured that Liyue would be fine without him.
There’s just a lot of potential with Furina and Fontaine’s story and I’m hoping they stick the landing considering how poorly Inazuma’s storyline was completed.
Anyway, this is getting long enough so I’ll stop now. This is mostly to just look back on my hype for Fontaine in the future when it’s been a while since its release and Natlan is on its way out of the basement.
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Snatched the bio template from 👉here👈.
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General Information:
Full Name: Clara Clawthrone.
Nickname(s): Claire, Eclair, Love, Dear, Cutie, Sweetheart, Charmer, Enchanter, Witchling, Good Girl, Bad Girl, Wench, Hateable Sorceress.
Age: 25 (long hair) 26 (short hair).
Gender: Female (She/Her).
Place of Birth: The Demon Realm.
Date of Birth: September 22 aka First Day Of Fall!🧡🧡🧡💕💕💕🍁🍃🍂✨
Species: Witch.
Occupation: Being pretty. Kidding! Saleswoman actually lol! She could be spotted a lot in the town's marketplace trying to sell little knick knacks and trinkets.
Skills / Abilities : Magic wielder!🔮✨
Voice: Tw//ilight Sp//arkle (M//y Lit//tle P//ony) And Il//ana (S//ym-Bi//onic Tit//an).
Status: Deceased.
Height: 5'4.
Weight: 130 lb.
Skin Type: Fair.
Hair Color: Shifts during seasons. In winter and fall, she's a full brunette with bits of orange in her hair. But in spring and summer, she's 🧡half🧡 and 🤎half🤎 lol.
Hair Style: (Left) Long and lovely! (Right) Short and super cute!
Eye Color: Green.
Clothing: Medieval / Renaissance / Fantasy style dress!
Accessories: Her staff!
Features: Her most prominent features are her freckles! <3 Also her cowlick! <3
Family: Mother, Father, Older and Younger Sister (she's a middle child), her baby.
Love Interest/Crush: A CERTAIN BLONDE.(⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡(⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡(⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^)(⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)
Friends/Allies: Being a friendly and outgoing witch, she's made alot of friends / allies on the Isles, but her bestest, most closest friend and ally of all time has to be her blue jay palisman, Syrup.🐦💙
Enemies: Uh, DEFINITELY Philip after that cave incident... That man really killed her hubby and JUST ran away. Coward.
Other Information:
History: Clara Clawthrone had a happy childhood growing up. She was a bright and bubbly little witch who loved her parents and sisters dearly.❤️ As a kid, she had a huge fascination with magic! Seeing it being used and using it herself was always a fun experience! Speaking of fun, as a teen, something else she found fascinating were humans and romance! She's never met one, but she's seen images of them. Alot were cute! Especially the boys.💕 A witch falling in love with a human might sound absurd to some, but to Clara, it was a dream come true! Almost like something in a fairy tale! Now an adult, that fantasy would soon become reality when the witchling one day crosses path with one in the marketplace. His name is Caleb...
Personality: Clara is a cute, cheerful, and carefree witch with a heart of gold and an eye for adventure! She's also quite inquisitive, always asking questions about new or unknown things.
Quote(s): "Ooo, can I touch it?" (I just feel like that's something you would hear her CONSTANTLY say lol).
Likes: Adventure, magic, fun, learning new spells / things in general, baking, birds (specifically blue jays), making friends, falling in love, gardening, dancing, dresses, using her fists in self-defense, being a bad girl™ rebel, children, dolls, flowers, sparkles, fireworks, shopping at the marketplace, and being a Clawthrone.
Dislikes: Long lines, bad attitudes, running out of / not having enough snails, her freckles (sometimes), upsetting someone she loves, feeling alone, getting hurt, seeing plants die, Caleb's fate, crooked daggers, and having her heart broken.
Goals: Finding the love of her life and getting the chance to one day travel the Isles with them.💕
Flaws: Her occasional naively and ditziness. Also, her tendencies to act immature sometimes.
• I named Clara 'Clara' because I think it goes well with the name 'Caleb'. Also, it's got 5 letters like Caleb so lol.😁
• She would LOVE chocolate and beef jerky.
• Her favorite flowers are orange lilies!🧡
• Is strong enough to pick up Caleb bridal style (and definitely has lol).
• Is pan💖💙💛
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