#so damn grateful
patchyourbrokenwings · 6 months
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like a lucid dream, like a rosy tint on a glass lens ✨️
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galaxicnerd · 8 months
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SM1L3! >:]
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pigidin · 4 months
I know well it won't ever happen, but it'd be great if on FIRST (official) Hazbin (as a show, not a pilot) pride, Al's finally confirmed to be AROACE.
The rejection of Al's orientation in this fandom is crazy and I'm not speaking of fanon, but CANON.
I'm SO tired of people saying "but he was just confirmed to be asexual!", "but the moment with rosie!", "what amir said was incorrect and he apologized for it!", "what faustisse said isn't canon anymore!" COZ-
Viv literally heavily implied on one of the streams Al's aroace, saying:
Oh no, I'm going to destroy the ship. I can't say. I don't want to ruin the fun for everybody. That's why I've been very quiet on whether or not Al is aromantic.
If I give a real canon answer [..] I don't wanna ruin anyone's fun
She knows the CANON answer to that question but doesn't say it aloud coz the canon somehow ruins fanon fun.
I really don't get why viv was then so eager to give everyone right to do whatever the hell they want but never confirm Al as aroace in the same. damn. fear. to ruin shipper's fun. Like? Bro if you gave the opportunity to do everything why hide what will change nothing? People will still ship, people will still play with his orientation (which is valid as long as you're respectful), but you know what it will give instead? Damn REPRESENTATION, damn CONFIRMATION, the damn thing your show is supposed to give.
Not to be rude, but then Husk being pan is non-canon as well (that's faustisse who said he is). And then media literacy is dead once again coz it's obvious Rosie was talking about dating Charlie not bout Al f=cking her. I might sound like overreacting but it's viv herself who is the reason of the war.
Screw fanon, canon should be stated by you, as a creator, giving the canon answers, coz you provide the show, you provide the characters, you provide the plot and lore and you are the one who created the characters the way they are. You can't really affect what people do with them, how they interpret them and how they create stories of them, but you are responsible for giving clearly defined information especially if it plays part in representation of the repressed group of real people.
Coz having actual confirmed aromantic IS a big achievement for us. Forcing him into the closet and taking away the bits of rep we could have is, honestly, a highly unwise choice. Saying fanon is a wide playground on which canon can have minimum influence but never giving specific canon statements is just utterly hypocrite. Aaand hiding the fact that someone is meant to not have any relationships for the sake of fanon (which is somehow much more important than real-life issues of literal erasure of aromantics) is pretty aphobic ngl.
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ipwarn · 5 months
Just watched the latest Starkid livestream - yes of course I was awake at 5 am on a Sunday - and I love this very specific throughline of Darren's life. It is especially clear after listening to his recent episodes of And That's What You Really Missed. Darren has always pissed off the people around him by being happy when everyone else was stressed.
Nick and Matt went on a mini rant about their experience making Starship and how the show was so derailed by Darren getting cast in Glee. He barely managed to write half of the intended songs for that show - all in his trailer on the Glee set. Matt specifically recounted the story of Darren popping over to Chicago to surprise his friends while they were rehearsing and it was hilarious. Darren being Darren he thought they would all be thrilled to see him and just thrilled to be doing a new musical, but instead he was met with dead silence, followed by a demand for the rest of the songs.
This man is forever happy to be making fun things with a big group of people. And the people around him have to deal with it.
The actual world inside Darren's head VS everyone around him:
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danerom · 6 months
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capitalism is the bad guy and we’re all living in a d20 campaign run by brennan
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remyfire · 16 days
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Much as it pains me to do, I must ask once more for a little bit of help to pay for Peach's medical care for this month.
Peach is my wonderful, beautiful, perfect, sassy, cuddly, loving cat. She's 12 years old, and a few months ago we found out that she is diabetic. I love her so, so much and I will do anything I can to keep her healthy and give her a wonderful life as she enters her senior years, but unfortunately the costs of caring for a diabetic cat are more than I can afford right now.
Thanks to the AI boom, the transcription industry is drying up because if there's one thing these things are good at, it's transcribing audio files. Work has been increasingly difficult to come by—I have yet to receive any for this week—and while I've been fortunate enough to have a handful of job interviews recently, I might not hear back about if I got a position until the end of September. And wouldn't you know it, but my credit card is just a hair away from maxing out.
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Here's the current damage, which includes Peach's prescription food ($67), syringes ($19), and a fresh bottle of insulin ($133). Cats can have their diabetes go into remission, and if that happened then we would only need to maintain her diet, but in order to make that a possibility, I need to be meticulous about her care.
I've set up a Kofi goal here ($230 in order to cover PayPal fees) so you can see how much I still need for her cost of care. I know that this is a miserable time to ask for donations and that we are so fatigued on giving already, but I legitimately have no choice. Until I can find work somewhere, I desperately need help.
Reblogs are appreciated. And here's a video of her playing with a shoelace as thanks for taking the time to read this post!!
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princesshair · 1 year
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happy 30th birthday niall! love you ♡
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jessieren · 5 months
Dear Mr Evans
Please find within a formal letter of complaint regarding your non compliance with specific terms in your recently signed contract.
Specifically, the women of tumblr would like to express their concern that they are running extremely low on HNW content and are even having to resort to duplicating previously used content.
They are also suffering from a near complete drought of new work, new photo content and well, frankly, new you.
We hereby demand that you engage in some new projects really fucking soon, preferably with the aforementioned contractually agreed levels of nakedness.
And yes we mean any project..
Thx babe
Love tumblr
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swordsandholly · 1 month
Talking to my wife about how I’d be nervous to start T if I have to do the shot bc I can’t look at needles without getting faint and she just immediately goes “oh, that’s not a problem. I’ll do it for you” I said idk if I can return the favor and she says “love isn’t about an expectation of equal exchange like that” and I just
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thepoisonroom · 1 month
[chanting doggedly into my bathroom mirror while white-knuckling the sink] i will not envy those who have things i do not want i will not envy those who have things i do not want i will not envy those who have things i do not want
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peaches2217 · 29 days
How do y’all make binders work? I see so many people slap one on and bam! Passing. I just go from a D-cup to a C-cup. 😭
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But! Some good news! My voice has been going through its first major change here recently; I’ve been explaining away the cracking and scratchiness as a combination of allergies and a holdover from covid.
Today I had lunch at my favorite pizza buffet. There’s a woman there who’s known me since I was a baby because she’s a lifelong member of the cult I escaped. She’s very familiar with me, has known me literally from Day 1… and she said “Oh, baby girl, you sound like you’re feeling SO much better!” I was speaking as low as possible (pitch-wise) to avoid cracking, and it’s very clearly lower than I was capable of speaking pre-T, but this person who’s known me for 27 years and sees me at least once every week and a half or so thinks I sound perfectly fine.
Which means I may be able to pavlov people into thinking my voice has ALWAYS been this deep. 😆
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simplydnp · 5 months
dawn of the first day in many weeks that i will be entirely unavailable and off the grid during any possible dnp upload time and several hours later, with also no way to know if they do upload or not. i humbly sacrifice my day for the rest of you to experience it takes two part two 🙏
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wistfulwatcher · 2 years
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most confused hardest working kitchen staff in all of exandria!
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sseulr1n · 4 months
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=͟͟͞♡ tysm for 2.7k !!
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sarucane · 9 months
Stede's *sob* Last Story (Kinda)
(Parentheses in title because I'm a big believer in stories having a life of their own, and hell this is the kind of thing where a cast would agree to a movie in 10 years, and that's before we get to fanfic...but as far as OFMD the tv show goes, this is the last one)
Stede's last story doesn't really begin with him. It begins with Ed.
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Ed's the one who's suggested being innkeepers. Who decided he wanted to stay on this island, to set aside the impossible bird and rest on land. Ed's adding one more story to his cacaphony of contradictory stories. But this one isn't an extreme "I'm THIS now, and my name is JEFF." It isn't a death, or a personality shift. It's a story he'd like to "give a go."
Stede used to be so obsessed with his own stories that he couldn't--or didn't dare--see what others thought of them. He had to learn to set some stories aside, in order to live the life he wanted to live.
And that's just what he's done here. The life he wants to live is one with Ed, and this is the life Ed needs to live.
This is the story Ed's telling. So, Stede tells it too. With his whole heart, and no second thoughts, none of the doubts and fears that plagued him for so long.
Stede may be binding himself to land now, to Ed, but he's more free than he's ever been--to tell any story he wants.
Ed is more scared than Stede. Is too willing, as always, to tell a story that devalues himself.
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But Stede takes that story and transforms it. Because telling a story together is far, far more powerful than telling a story alone.
So Stede takes Ed's story and transforms it. Into something full of honest hope. No more buying a boat and crew and pretending to be a pirate hoping it'll change him; no more clinging to vision without action. The house needs work. The relationship needs work. The story won't become reality all by itself.
But it can.
And I love that Ed doesn't quite engage with this (yet). That even now at what turns out to be the end, he's still a bit more uncertain than Stede because he's just not as secure as Stede yet. Because that's honest.
Instead, Ed focuses on the practical. On needing some food , on the need for a bit of violence.
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But that doesn't change Stede's story. And neither does the crappy smell awaiting them inside.
This is a story of hope. And it can shape reality. A heap of painted wood can be a real boy, and a terrible smell can be a smell of the future.
And Stede holds true to that long enough for Ed to finally join in telling this story. To say, "love that," and stop trivializing or devaluing the story he wants to tell.
And then Stede says "Me too." They're in the same place, telling the same story.
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And then--now that the story has legs, now that the core truth of love is where it belongs, at center --Stede doesn't cling to perfection, to completeness. He doesn't try to pretend the smell is nice, or doesn't bother him.
He embraces reality, and goes about doing what needs to be done to make the important story true.
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A seabird to land; a unicorn still standing in defiance of everything and everyone; two mad queers packed with insecurity and trauma finding love and peace together.
A last story, gently setting aside any ugliness of reality, kindly shoring up insecurities, and seducing its listener into becoming another storyteller.
Stede's stories carried him from one family, to another, to one last and truest family. The one he chose, with both eyes open. Took him to a home he'll build with his own hands, alongside his love.
It's story that will shape his reality--and that of those who trust him--forever. A story he'll tell, forever.
Because now, he can. He knows how.
And he won't do it alone.
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lifemod17 · 3 months
do you have any cheese to spare for a measly little mouse such as myself, m'lord? I am begging.
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