#so echo and cody die together right
mash-the-buttons · 2 years
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Did I want Echo to leave? Yes. Absolutely. Am I proud of Echo for leaving? Yes. Absolutely. Am I devastated and scared that it will be a long time before I see him again? Yes. Absolutely.
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Louk’s Bad Batch rewatch pt 5 (pt 2 hehe)
The first ep of tbb is so long so here’s part 2 of episode oneeee
Bad Batch 1x01 (part 2)
Hunter playing with his knife 💕
Wrecker and Crosshair crying at the new armoury 😭
Hunter!! Listen to your little/big sister/daughter!!
“Change takes getting used to” ~ Hunter but it reminds me of Tech in the cave, I keep jumping ahead Louk SLOW DOWN
Omega with her lil nervous hands 🥹🤲
Crosshair listen here you little shit (said with love)
Nala Se and her helicopter parenting sheesh
Hunter: *gives orders* Wrecker: *runs off* Hunter: 🖐️ “covertly”
“Easy Wrecker, your programmings kicking in” ~ Tech the comedian
Hunter: “children???? civilians????” Crosshair: ‘so anyway I started blasting’
Crosshair’s dramatic sigh beats all of Echo’s so far actually
nvm I’m jumping ahead now idc SAW GERRERA IM COMING FOR YOU PERSONALLY 👀
“Adapt and survive or die with the past” ~ Saw, still love that line tho
Crosshair does not flinch when Hunter fires his blaster right next to his head, the complete trust even in the middle of an argument
Tech just casually dropping the biggest plot point of the episode and literally said ‘bro it’s so obvious’ while they’re all like 🤯
like: ‘Omega is an enhanced clone’ ‘haha funny’ ‘I literally dna tested her ???’
“What is all this stuff Azi?” illegal
Hunter’s box with name on it with his spare bandanas and the picture !!! who took it vote pls
Omega holding Azi’s hand 🥹
the boys in their blacks 💕💕💕
every time I hear “good soldiers follow orders” another piece of my heart shatters I swear
when the shock trooper hits Hunter, Echo bends down to check him 🥹
the last thing Crosshair heard before they fried his brain was Hunter saying “we stay together” what if I cried forever ???
Omega copying Hunter 🥹💕
Tech covers his own mouth when Wrecker talks too loud 🥹
“Where’s the girl” Hunter: “girl? Idk what you’re talking about” Echo: I will literally murder you all
pull the lever kronk
I love how they show they don’t always kill people.. like the regs groan a little lmao
Omega knows Crosshair is coming before Hunter does !! she turns and looks at the door and says they don’t have to go far to find him…..y’all tell me how she knew he was there before Hunter …..
Crosshair calls Hunter “sergeant” 😭😭
Crosshair shoots Wrecker in the same spot he got short earlier 😠bro give my mans a break!!
Nala Se! thanks for the override girlie
Omega has perfect aim !!! It’s all about tuning out distractions
I don’t even want to think about how Crosshair feels watching them fly away without him 🥲 he looks more sad that angry to me idk
Omega distracting Wrecker while he’s being treated 💕💕
Wrecker: “it’ll take more than a blaster shot to take me down!” Echo: bruh 😑
“We know a guy” YAYAYAYAY
Omega in the front seat like 🤩
and that’s part 2 of ep 1 done my friends!!!
I hope you enjoyed it !! Episode 2 up next 💕
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trixree · 1 year
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They'd been in love as cadets, but a relationship is hard to maintain from half-a-galaxy and a war-front away. "In love" feels… too simplistic for what it was, for how badly it hurt when their deployments came down, for the distance that Cody never really stopped feeling, as prevalent as the ache in his skull along the lines of his scar. A grief carried around every second of every day like a missing limb doesn't fit inside the words "in love". But those are the only words that Cody has—clones don't say the riduurok.
What they did say, stolen between gasped breaths, crammed into spaces too small for two was: Fox, I want to force myself inside your chest and never leave; Kote, that's kriffing nasty, tell me again. They say, stolen when satellites connect, tucked under layer upon layer of encryption: CC-2224: I miss you; CC-1010: I know. 
They'd connected on Triple Zero only four times before the war's end. 
On the first, they'd met with such a combined fervor that it ignited between them like a wildfire, the kind that leaves a landscape devastated in its wake. They'd come together in Fox's private quarters in the GAR barracks— old and ugly, unremarkable and uncomfortable but for that it had a horizontal surface and a locked door, and that was all they really needed besides each other. 
Fox had made a sound like a sob when Cody pressed him down to the bed, licking deep, wet, and deeper into his mouth with months worth of wanting it and Cody had echoed the sound right back. They'd always been the same, matched from their scores throughout training down to their fucking personalities; their viciousness, their acerbic humor, and yeah, their weaknesses and comforts, too. Of course, Cody had needed it just as bad as Fox had—the animal comfort of it. The sheer relief of their proximity, finally. 
They’d brought each other to emotional, spine-melting, toe-curling orgasms—practiced hands on familiar bodies, racing down a well-known path—before collapsing into a damp heap, Fox spooned along the length of Cody’s spine, clutching him close. Cody held on equally as tight and felt grounded.
"They trained us so well for everything else about the fucking war," Cody would rasp in the afterglow, tracing mindless patterns on Fox's skin with his nails, scratching just enough to show faint red lines, "but they didn't bother to train us how to be apart from each other. Or how to die next to each other." 
It was morbid. He meant every word of it.
Cody would never share a thought like it with anyone but Fox. (His General would earn the honor later, but not now. He hadn't yet. This was early days, still.) 
"That's because we weren't meant to get attached," Fox muttered into the skin behind Cody's ear, slightly garbled from how tightly he was pressed up to Cody's back. He'd clung like the glue the medics use to sew men back together; like he was trying to fuse them into the whole entity they were supposed to be. 
"They were wrong, vod," Cody kissed the words into the top of Fox's bruised and battered hands. (He was taking and giving hard hits even through his gloves to have such marks, and Cody had wondered about it at the time but not enough.) 
"I'll keep coming back to you," Cody had eventually picked up the conversation's sentiment if not the exact thread, because Fox can hold a silence like no one else. "K'oyacyii, Cyare.” 
Their second meeting some months later had been... less ideal. It was the first real misstep of so, so fucking many in a campaign Cody didn’t know he was waging until it was too late.
Cody had arranged to be in Fox’s private quarters by the conclusion of his shift. He’d tapped Thorn for the intel ahead of time. It’d been so long since he and Fox had exchanged more than a quick check-in—Me'vaar ti gar? and an answering oyayc. K’oyacyii over comms—let alone had a moment to call. Cody had wanted to do something mischievous, something a little like the trouble they used to get into on Kamino together, but with a whole lot less risk—something to distract, because kriff knew he needed it; and they’d always, always been the same. 
Fox had been four hours late; Cody had been upset, and frustrated with Fox’s complete and uncharacteristic lack of a reaction. 
“I missed you,” Cody had said, frustrated, tired, wanting to say something much harsher. Why did I come here if you weren’t going to be here? If you were just going to ice me out, even when you bothered to show up?
“I know,” Fox had replied. It had sounded like an apology. Cody was too distracted by the smarting hurt of it—of the acute yearning for that something between them that neither of them quite had the opportunity to have anymore—to realize it was an apology. (It was the only one Fox knew how to give.)
They hadn’t done more than sleep beside each other that night—and Cody remembers clinging so, so tight and it still not feeling like enough to hold them together. They ate a quiet breakfast together in the GAR barracks before Cody had been called away to the Jedi Temple on urgent business.
The hurt was little, in the grand scheme of things, but their time together was so rare and the enormous distance between them let it smart. Let it turn into a bigger scab than needed grow at all. 
The third time Cody saw him, an even longer stretch of time had passed since the last interval between their infrequent visits. Time had grown a series of red flags around Fox, flags Cody didn’t want to see.
Fox was thinner than Cody had ever seen him with bags under his eyes like bruises and new, little silver hairs creeping out from his temples. Fox had done what Fox always did when hurting, when vulnerable, when he felt backed into a corner and on the defensive.
They'd fought bitterly. Fox was like a veritable land-mine of barbs, criticism, and cruelty; Cody gave it as good as he got. They’d always excelled at fighting each other—both of them stubborn, mean, overachieving bastards down to the marrow.
Fox had called him “Marshal Commander” like it was an indictment, like it was an insult, like he’d never say Cody (let alone the reverently-whispered, achingly tender Kote).
“Coruscant changed you,” Cody had said, low and serious, and perhaps it would have been better if he’d shouted, screamed, or otherwise been karking unreasonable about it. Maybe if he hadn’t said it like he believed it, like he wasn’t just fucking angry and hurting, needing comfort Fox couldn’t give—because Fox needed it too, needed it just as badly if not more, and Cody had missed it through his own pain—just to have spared himself the memory of the little flash of agony in Fox’s eyes when Cody’s words had registered. 
Fox had shut his face down fast, icing Cody out in a second flat. He’d said, “You’re right, Cody. It did." And then, "There’s the fucking door.” 
And Cody hadn’t left. He’d pounced instead, dragging Fox down to the rough carpet of his office, kissing him like he was laying a fist across his jaw. Fox had kissed him back with equal ferocity. They hadn’t spoken a word otherwise, just gasps, moans, and yes’s, more’s, please’s. 
They hadn’t held each other in the aftermath. Cody had reached for it, had reached out to hold him, and Fox had turned away.
There were so many scars on his back that Cody did not recognize. 
He’d dressed in silence. Murmured what they always did, even when they were furious, fighting, whatever.
K’oyaci. And then he’d left him. 
And the final time—the blood-thirsty, vengeful now of it all—had been about Fives.
Cody had—in all honesty, Cody wasn’t sure what he was intending to do. But Rex was insensate in the weeks after Fives' death, and it was Fox that had taken the shot—Fox who took a vod from Cody’s vod’ika.
Cody had come to Fox looking for blood. He’d found it alright, but he hadn’t had to work for it. 
Fox was deliriously feverish when Cody found him, slumped over his desk in a puddle of bloody vomit, murmuring nothing but nonsense, eyes bloodshot and rolling in unseeing circles. A fever of 103, the responding medics had told him. A bleed in the brain, the med scanners had said. 
But nothing spoke louder than the chip the surgical team had found in Fox's fucking head.
By the time Fox wakes from his brain-surgery and bacta-dunk combo, Cody has had plenty of time to process—and plan. About thirteen hours, to be exact. Cody can get a lot done in thirteen hours with a holopad and some intel. As soon as he talks to Fox, he’s going straight to his General.
When he does wake, it's all at once: breath hitching, hands twitching, eyes snapping open.
“I’ve got you,” Cody says, and gets to watch those eyes lock on his own. 
“What,” Fox rasps. His eyes say, don’t. Don’t tell me the truth, please, it’ll hurt too much. Don't say a word.
“I wasn’t paying attention. I am now,” Cody says, squeezing the hand sans-IV. With the other, Fox is gingerly touching the plast over his surgical site, eyes widening with something like horror, something like oh fuck, like dawning understanding.
“Cody,” Fox keens, an agonized sound, and Cody crawls in the fucking bed. 
He carefully straddles Fox’s lap as his vod scrambles to bury himself in Cody’s chest, claw his way under Cody’s ribs, and Cody would let him, would keep him there if he could.
“Mhi solus tome,” he presses into Fox’s hair, and Fox wails to hear it. The keening cry turns into full-body sobs, hands clinging to Cody bruise-tight, and Cody rocks him through to the lullaby of, “mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde."
“You can’t marry me, you piece of shit,” Fox says when he’s finally cried himself out (it could be an hour or an eternity later) limp and exhausted in Cody’s arms. 
“Fucking watch me,” Cody replies, unbothered. 
“Cody, you have no idea what I’ve done. You can’t.” 
“Let me be the judge of that, Fox.” 
“I won’t survive it,” Fox whispers. 
“Let me prove you wrong,” Cody says, and means please; I love you. 
For @flowerparrish! Thank you for the prompt, I had so much fun with them!!!! Support me on Ko-Fi! Reblogs are always welcome! Edit: posted to AO3
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shivunin · 7 months
Songfic Tag Game
Rules: Pick a song to accompany each of your fics or as many as you like. This might be the fic's inspiration or just pure vibes that you'd like to share with readers. Tag as many people as fics you feature (or do as you please!)
Thank you for the tag @greypetrel!! You know I'm a sucker for anything music-related 💗
Lol well I sure have more fics than I remember, so I'll do them until I'm ready to go back to writing/editing the oc kiss things c:
Tagging back @idolsgf @nightwardenminthara @inquisimer @dreadfutures @bitchesofostwick @vakarians-babe @jtownnn @ndostairlyrium @dungeons-and-dragon-age @star--nymph @zenstrike
Your Fate For Mine: (Elowen decides to sacrifice herself instead of allowing Hawke or Stroud die in the Fade; her friends try to find and bring her back) Anywhere On This Road by Lhasa De Sela
Wander the Drifting Roads: (After a horrible accident, Emmaera loses her Commander and lover in one stroke of a knife. Separated, the two of them must relearn who they are and where their paths lead) Mausoleum by Rafferty or Remember Us by Gabriel Royal or Flowers from Hadestown
Between Strokes of Night: (Hawke and Fenris's first night after deciding to be together again) Awake at Night by half alive
Saccharine: (Arianwen gives in to emotion for the first time in her life and takes Zevran to bed) Saccharine by Jazmin Bean or Kiss Me You Animal by Burn the Ballroom
To the Bone: (Soulmate AU! The last person Salshira intends to seek out is the one on the other side of the flame brand at her jaw. Love is, after all, one of the most dangerous things a person can do. Luck--or fate--drags her to the Inquisition anyway) Die Young by Sylvan Esso or All I've Ever Known from Hadestown
Scattered Stars: (Fenhawke anthology fic--this is where all my Tumblr fics go when they've been edited and expanded upon c:) Right on Time by Brandi Carlile or Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac
Palimpsest: (Fenris's perspective of the events leading up to the romance scene in Act II) That Unwanted Animal by The Amazing Devil or Peregrine by Mako
Tempered: (The Inquisitor learns of a death in the family and tries to manage her grief) Good Grief by Dessa
In Any Life: (Fenris leaves for Tevinter; he and Hawke try to write to each other, but their letters have gone astray) Siuil a Ruin by Anuna or Francesca by Hozier
The Scourge of Sundermount: (A monster lives in the mountains outside of Kirkwall. What fate is there for a monster but a knight with a blade sent to kill it?) Leviathan, the Girl by Phemiec or The Killing Moon by Echo & The Bunnymen or Strangelove by Black Math
Misericordia: (An elaboration on the scene where Cullen explains lyrium addiction to the Inquisitor) The Myth by San Fermin or Nothing Fades Like the Light by Orville Peck
As Two Reflected Stars: (Hawke and Fenris's developing relationship, as traced by the healing of wounds) I Know You Know by Charming Disaster or Arms by San Fermin or Anybody Else by The Ballroom Thieves
Book of Memories: (Sequel of sorts to Wander; moments in Emma and Cullen's relationships, each carefully noted in a single book for later reference) You and Me On the Rock by Brandi Carlile or Photograph by Cody Fry
Sleight of Hand: (Hawke is a stage magician. She's asked very few questions about her surly assistant, which has worked just fine for both of them--until his past comes calling) Enchante by Dirt Poor Robins or The Magic by Lola Blanc
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cortosis-ct · 1 year
So, yeah. Hi.
I would like a wholesome Rex, Cody, Fives, and Echo headcon.
Just a suggestion. I MISS FIVES
Let me think, might get a little angsty (I'm also interally happy-screaming about getting a request)...
After Rishi Moon Fives and Echo were devastated about their loss. A few hours after getting back to the ship Cody approached Rex with the suggestion to take the last two Dominoes under their wing and into one of their battalions so they won't be reassigned to some other random battalion and to make sure they won't be separated and assigned to different units.
The two officers went to medical but couldn't find either of the boys. Kix told them he had cleared them for duty hours ago and they had left.
Rex found them, eventually, hidden in a storage closet and huddled together. Cody came and brought blankets. Echo and Fives cried a lot that night but Rex hugged them a lot and Cody gave them some of the sweets he got from his last time on Coruscant. The young troopers were showered with reassurances and sweet words to make sure they would be okay. They eventually fell asleep, all cuddled together. Trauma bonding does weird things to people but that's how they felt the most save.
Echo and Fives had some trouble deciding but eventually chose the 501st as their new unit.
After the ceremony with Anakin and Obi-Wan they meet up again at midday meal and Cody made sure they got enough food down. Echo and Fives still felt like they failed their brothers and they missed them so so much. They didn't ever want to forget Droidbait and Cutup and want to honor Hevy's sacrifice. It was Cody's idea to paint their names on the boy's armor. For Hevy. Together they all worked on the new paintjobs until the 212th departed for the next mission and Cody had to leave.
They met again a few weeks later when the battalions worked on a joint mission again. Together they sat on the floor of the big hangar and helped cleaning each other's armor to show Cody the finished paintjob. It became a tradition after that, a post battle routine. The troopers of 501st and 212th sit together and take care of their armor, laugh, cry and tell stories. Rex, Cody, Echo and Fives sit together to share hopes and memories.
When the war is getting closer to an end and Rex is hearing an Echo on Anaxes, Cody finds him in the field barracks looking at one of the many holos they took with the Domino boys. Rex is talking about Echo, Fives and Hevy. They'll be together again one day, Cody is sure about that. He's right.
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(There's Echo, close enough that they can almost grasp him. The war is coming to an end, slowly but surely. The Sith they're all looking for will die and when they're searching through Palpatine's living quarters and hidden rooms they find a cryo chamber with a sleeping trooper who has a raging scar on his chest and a little 5 tattooed on his forehead.)
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sailinginstars · 5 months
oh my GODDDDD im actually crying and screaming they did so good😭😭
i. just. wow. ok so.😭 FIRST so glad people were right about this being an hour long episode theres genuinely no way it could’ve been 25 mins. seeing omega already having escaped before anyone could reach her was awesome shes so skilled love her. AND ECHO AND EMERIE WORKING TOGETHER i love them they’ve both been brainwashed by the opposite side and seeing them fight for a better future for everyone else is so touching.
ANYWAYS OMEGA RELEASED THE ZILLO BEAST WOOOOOO‼️‼️ ECHO SAYING THATS WHAT HE WOULDVE DONE!!! echo is literally her mom im crying😭 erm the really long ladder the kids had to climb up was a mgs3 reference guys☝️ ANYWAYS THE TORTURE SCENE HELLO 🙏🙏 i love men screaming 🫶
UGHHHH NALA SE I KNEW YOU WERE NEVER EVIL. she was so real for taking out rampart with her MAN FUCK RAMPART i kinda thought he changed lmao😭
GRRR OK SO THE FIGHG BETWEEN ECHO AND WRECKER VS THE TWO TROOPER LORRRRD, i was literally on the edge of my fucking seat the whole time i thought they were COOKED so many times. OH also crosshair loosing a hand OH MY GOD???
the bridge scene. GODDDDDD like i KNEW hemlock wasnt going to shoot omega but i was still so scared. AND CROSSHAIR MADE THE SHOT WOOOOO. scorch tho😭😭 so sad to see him go🙏 BUT THEY KILLED HEMLOCK HELL YEA‼️‼️ uhm also hunter with his hair wet⁉️⁉️
ANYWAYSSSS everyone made it home safe (well mot crosshairs’s hand but oh well, now him and echo match) nice to see clones looking sorta domestic and not in a war setting lmao. and like i get why echo is leaving but😒 MAMA ECHO PLEASE STOP LEAVING OH MY GOD JUST STAY ON SCREEN IM BEGGING YOU. reallllly hope we get some kinda show about him, rex, wolffe, and gregor and the whole clone rebellion thing PLEASE WHAT HAPPENED WITH WOLFFE⁉️
sobbbbb hunter, cross, wrecker, omega, and batcher just resting im tearing up. they literally just get to be family now im so happy
now the last few minutes…
I SCREAMEDDDD WE WERE SO RIGHT ABOUT THE TIMESKIP IM SOOOKK GRATEFUL tbh i did get nervous seeing the panover pabu but as SOON as i saw omega ik what was happening 😭😭 OLD MAN HUNTER IM SCREAMING HE LOOKS SO GOOD (he also looks strangely like blackbeard from ofmd lmao) he def has dad bod ill die on that hill😭 they both looks so happy and domestic i cant OMEGA GOING OFF TO FIGHT IN THE REBELLION I CANTTT shes def going to see hera again thats so sweet. ughhhh hunter worrying over her hes such a dad GOD. but anyways this moment was so sweet, been missing the hunter-omega relationship this season so this had me tearing up and shi😭
TECHS GOGGLES ON THE SHIP… i knew tech wasnt gonna come back, it would’ve taken away from his sacrifice but i would’ve loved to see him again. lowkey surprised we didn’t get a cx-2 reveal, people thought he was tech, cody, a clone specifically of crosshair, dogma, fucking slick. (real ones know cx-2 is actually fives hes not dead guys TRUST!!11!!1111!!11!!)
anyways god that was such a satisfying ending and im VERY pleased, crazy how this season had NO bad ep. incredibly sad this show is over tho. this show has been on my mind constantly for the past three years im so sad to see it go but im also see happy we got to see these characters lives play out in such a beautiful way. sorry for this being essay length i just had a LOT of thoughts about this ep.
for the last time, anywaysss. (also this is not proofread sorry for any grammatical errors lol) this ep was amazing and the team did WONDERFULLY!! good bye bad batch😢
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mamuzzy · 5 months
From the salty list, how about numbers 1, 17, and 21?
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
I use a lot of clone x jedi ship in my brainstormings but QuinFox usually never one of them. They just didn't click for my brain. No happy chemicals when thinking about them. No bad ones either, so I'm kind of neutral about them.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen...
I already wrote a rant about the Bad Batch series.
In addition to that, it would have been nice to get an actual TBB show about Echo is still adjusting of being part of his new team, getting used to his cybernetics, getting used to the Batch's shenanigans, occasionally teaming up with Rex or Cody. Echo is really neglected in the show and no amount of last minute awesomeness can cure it.
21. What are your thoughts on crackships?
I LOVE crackships!!!!! Okay, I wouldn't go that far like shipping characters from different shows, so they have to stay in universe.
The process when you try to come up with scenarios how these characters would meet and fall for each other is always exciting!!!
Also merging RepComm and TCW universe together is already a challenge, and because my fixated characters are the Nulls, I have to ship everyone with them right now, or I'm going to implode and die.
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joannasteez · 7 months
thanks so much for the tag! @theninthwonder !! warning: this is another little AU ive been working on…(do u all see a pattern lol) but yeah. lawyer AU that im slowly working through. its got some workplace spice to it. but heres a lil bit of it. no real warnings besides foul language. note: who ever wants to participate in the challenge is of course welcomed to do so!
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"what would you do without me?"
"suffer". "survive".
you thumb over your phone, ending the call. amused at the irony. cody could—contrary to what he thinks, but with barely any feet left to stand on—survive on his own. just barely. but roman would absolutely suffer.
and though you've never let the words leave your lips, form the letters together to produce such a humble grouping of syllables, suffering would be your portion without them. because new york, in all its supposed opportunity, was overly congested with ambition and malice and corrupt spirit. it was a machine of a city, and would soon turn anything and anyone into a lowly little cog, before it ever showed you some much needed grace and favor. thats why it never slept, and maybe thats why you barely do either. forcing caffeine down your throat to your belly to keep up with the pace. they, the boys, probably did it for the same reasons. and they weren't even from here. conforming to this jungle of a landscape out of pure will to succeed. to say they did it. pride and ego. that's what you think it is anyways. even amongst the satisfaction of so called justice. that's all it ever was. 
your stomach grumbling again. pushing forward past the entrance of the firm and hustling up two flights of steps. coffee boxes and bags of cups, sugars and creamer running across to crease your fingers. it was a bad day to forget your gloves. but it was either that or miss the train. 
steps clack with an echo. warm, strong fingers pulling at the boxes in your hands. its roman. small smile slipping into his lips. and its probably only because you've come with his coffee. 
he takes everything from you. and the relief is sweet to your fingers. 
"my savior", he muses. "i got a nice little gift for your efforts". 
"paperwork isn't a gift. it's labor". trailing behind him till you both come upon the open space styled office area. "and to be quite honest, i feel like, me, specifically, i've lived past the need to work". 
he sets the bags and boxes down in the kitchen area tucked away from paper riddled desks, fashioned with computers, printers and other general office supplies. a mocking pout set into his mouth as he looks to you. standing tall and wide. 
"theres this little thing called reality and adulting...", his voice smooth, mirthful and patronizing. and if not for the handsome ways of his face, you'd lean into the violent intrusive thought of splashing hot coffee at him. just where his freckles scatter across his cheeks. "...where you pay bills, get too little sleep, eat, fuck, stress and solve minuscule problems that make you go gray. and then you pay more bills". 
"sounds like a slow painful death". 
roman pours his coffee. sipping at the undefiled black of it. no sugar or creamers. just the bare bitterness of a pure brew. "we die daily anyways don't we?". 
"i'd like not to die without the suffering and student loan debt". 
"you do realize that you went to law school and became a paralegal right?"
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Some long rambling speculation on the last couple episodes of The Bad Batch below the cut.
(If any of it doesn’t make sense please forgive me, today’s round of chemo fucking flattened me.)
Going off my other post about how I do suspect CX-2 is Tech and Omega is Force-sensitive (I don’t know how to embed it and I’m too tired to figure it out right now, I can edit this when I don’t feel like I could be slipped through a letter slot) I’m caught on how Omega said that last time she escaped she had help. That was Crosshair.
She doesn’t know he missed, but she has to know there’s a chance. Even though his hand was steady after he started meditating with her, that sort of problem doesn’t get fixed overnight. So I’m still wondering if she had a backup tracker on her that wasn’t scanned - or, in a callback to the scene in the mine, she and CX-Tech had a heart-to-heart in the ship. Maybe she knows she has help coming separate from what we the viewers know.
The previews showed Hunter in what looked like a single-person vessel (the one they were in didn’t have a fully glass cockpit? Well, transparisteel. You know what I mean.) which suggests to me that they get into the base and wind up in the base’s fighter craft somehow?
(I’m fully expecting Hunter to do a sacrifice play. I hope he doesn’t succeed. I want the whole Batch together and happy again.)
The Cavalry mentioned in the last episode title seems like it would be a callback to their first appearance in TCW - Wrecker says ‘the cavalry has arrived!’ as he’s stepping off the ship to greet Cody and Rex - which gives me hope that the cavalry in question is not only the reunited Bad Batch but also Rex and Cody coming to their aid.
Another scene I can imagine happening and would love to see: Crosshair taking a shot at CX-2, who falls, helmet dramatically rolling away to reveal a scarred Tech - who, after a long moment of shock and horror, opens his eyes to groan out ‘Crosshair, you missed.’
Presumably the station on Tantiss will be destroyed - by the Zillo beast we saw the shadow of? By Wrecker and Crosshair planting explosives and then detonating them with one of the signature ricocheting shots? (Please not by someone pulling a Hevy. I am tired and everyone has enough trauma, Echo especially.)
Ideally the Batch would be presumed dead and Hemlock and all his research would be destroyed so there’s no reason for the Empire to continue searching them out, and they can retire in peace (although I do see Omega seeking out more training and involvement with Rex’s clone rebellion once she’s older - and I really fucking hope we get a series of that. Echo is my favorite, I would genuinely like to see him onscreen more. Also, we never did have the story behind how Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor wound up in their mobile fishing home. I’m fairly sure it’s horrible and tragic and I want it anyway.)
What they’re going to do with Rampart is baffling me - he doesn’t seem to have realized that his surviving this escapade is entirely reliant on Crosshair’s goodwill. Y’know, the guy he relentlessly dehumanized and never let eat a full meal and seems way too comfortable casually pushing around. (What is the way Crosshair is holding him when he stumbles in the ‘negative’ scene? It would make sense for Cross and Wrecker to be restraining him but it’s so weirdly tender?)
So, in very rambly conclusion, my speculative theories:
- CX-2 aiding Omega and revealed to be Tech
- Callback to the mine cave scene with Omega and Tech talking
- Cavalry is Rex, Cody, Gregor (and possibly Wolffe? Unless they are giving us a Clone Rebellion series and Wolffe joining Rex is covered in that)
- Crosshair’s tremor comes back, but as a positive (doesn’t kill his brother!)
- Deaths include Hemlock and Hunter (I don’t want Hunter to die. I just have a feeling. They’re not going to kill Omega and killing Crosshair at this point in his character arc would just be bad writing. Redemption equals death is a sloppy, lazy trope and it doesn’t work when someone’s already doing the work to redeem themselves. I’m unsure about Wrecker, but I can see him pulling a Hevy to let the others escape.)
- Emerie turning on Hemlock enough to help the children escape but not escaping with them. I have no guesses on Nala Se. TBB has pushed to make her a more sympathetic character, but it also seems like her imprisonment is weakening her a great deal. If I had to guess, she will try to tell Omega what Omega’s mutation is but die before she can finish, setting up Omega to research/train etc in any possible sequels/later appearances.
If this makes no sense blame the Taxol, if I’m right about anything blame the dodgeball.
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bylightofdawn · 5 months
Okay, finished TBB series finale and spoilery talk behind the cut.
I'm kinda lowkey sad they didn't bring Tech back in some way but I understand why they did it from a narrative standpoint and HOLY SHIT the emotional impact seeing his shattered goggles as Omega was leaving home really sucker punched me. So, I'll give you that point, Felony.
I'm refusing to acknowledge Scorch is dead. NOPE. Clone Commando's have katarn armor and he completely survived being shot in the chest four times and then falling hundreds of feet to the foliage.
He ends up falling into a lake, pulls himself to shore and is discovered by the Imps and given treatment only to be rescued by his squad afterwards. That's the real canon ending. La. La. La. La. La.
Honestly, it wasn't even Scorch, they murdered my murderbaby and I'm so grumpy about it. You can't just use his colors and then completely wipe out his ENTIRE FUCKING PERSONALITY.
So yeah, I refuse.
Riyo is STILL alive and doing well and is helping rescue clones because she is the GOAT. This makes me so happy. I also game away lowkey shipping Emery and Echo?
Uhhh all in all this season has been mostly okay. NGL TBB has always been kinda mid in my opinion. I am glad we got a REAL ending for TBB and ugh Hunter telling Omega she's their kid really tugged on my heartstrings.
I love the idea Wrecker/Crosshair/Hunter co-parenting Omega.
I am however freaking the fuck out over her becoming a Rebel pilot considering their average life expectancy. LOL
It DOES feel like bait for maybe a new project maybe? Like I would absolutely die and be sent to another plane of existence for an active Rebellion era project, especially one that is centered around the pilots because GIVE ME MY FAVORITE CORELLIAN SON WEDGE ANTILLES RIGHT NOW.
This would also give us a chance to get some damn answers about the clones. How did Wolffe escape the Empire? How did he and Gregor and Rex end up living together on Seelos.
What happened with Cody and WHY DID REX CALL OUT FOR HIM IN THAT ONE EPISODE. -slams pots and pans-
I have more questions than answers than when this show started. L M A O
brb gonna cry at the thought this might be the last real clone content we get in SW.
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Hello there,
this is the first time I am posting something. I have many ideas that I want to write, from many fandoms
But I think I like this one the best so far:
It's a modern/university au with Star Wars characters, with a big cosplay war going on...
So... It would be a huge cosplay war between university students. With Comic Con or something like that coming up, everyone is busy making their costumes and getting their teams together. But just like within the Star Wars universe, there are problems. Everyone is trying to protect their favorite character and make the best cosplay to prove their character/team/theme is the best. Because whoever wins this bet gets the right to be the official cosplayer of the Star Wars company at these events, and the losers have to stop representing their character at events, college clubs, etc...
So it all started because of a rude bet and since then the whole community, friends and couples have been torn apart because of their views. Of course, no one wants to lose or admit they were wrong anymore.
It's affecting everyone in and around the university. But maybe that's what helps everyone realize what's really important.
They must survive university, the growing tension, sudden bursts of emotion, and win a bet while everyone is just a huge star wars nerd
But to get to the specifics:
Groups, characters:
- Anakin, Obi Wan, Ahsoka, Padme, Rex, Cody, Dooku, Ventress, Palpatine, Maul, so pretty much the Jedi Council and most of the clones.... They would be the team who live and die for the Clone Wars and the times around, prequel
- Mandalorians who follow the Way: Din, Paz, The Armorer, and those who live in the cover, foundlings, and those who later became friends of Din, e.g. Cara, IG-11, Luke, Grogu....
- And of course the Night Owls, led by Bo-Katan and the rest of the Mandalorians who served her
- Maybe from the Original and the Rebels, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, Lando, Ezra, Sabine, Hera...
How it works:
There are a lot of characters and relationships that need to be developed, and of course because it's an AU, minor major shaping is needed to fit the Star Wars world into the story.
So the main change would be how they know about their characters. I imagine that there are movies and series, but since I'm mainly informed about them, comic books/video games unfortunately wont be featuring now. And since the characters will be playing their own movie/series characters, they will never be named, which explains why they're called the same name.
For example, Anakin watched the Clone Wars and decided to be the character who is the General of the 501 and a Jedi knight with his own padawan, but he will never say that "I am Anakin Skywalker from the Clone Wars!" And since everyone here takes character role-playing very seriously, everyone knows their own or rival gang's character inside out, so you never have to introduce yourself.
How are they related:
- Since I want Anakin and Padme to be in the same time as Luka/Leia, they will probably be Anakin's cousins, but they are close enough, they are not in college yet
- I love the idea of Obi Wan, Anakin and Ahsoka being adopted siblings
- Also the whole Fett clan is some sort of brother/cousin relationship, I haven't decided who with who yet, butfor sure Echo and Fives are the Chaos Twins
- The foundlings will be little cousins, or brothers in some cases
- Anakin and Padme, together since Anakin's first year
- Obi Wan and Cody, chill boyfriends who look after their friends/siblings
- Paz and Axe bc im the kind of person who sees two characters fighting each other and go for enemis to lovers trope
- Luke and Din bc they are Grogu's dads for me
- Leia and Han
- Bly and Aayla
- Fox and Rio Chuchi (not sure)
- maybe some Boba x Cal too
I may add more, but if there is something you would like to see I look forward to your suggestions
When and how?
I have no idea, because it takes a lot of planning, because there are a lot of characters and stories, but I'm trying.
I will post it on Ao3 as soon as its ready
- I'm not familiar with the American university system, not even with the university, since I'm not there yet and I'm from another country, so I'll try to rely on what I know and since this is my fic, there will be some changes from reality obviously
- since I live in a completely different country than America, I won't be able to give you exact descriptions of places and things, but I'll try
- also my spelling, as it's not my first language and I often use a translator, it can be a bit weird, but feel free to correct me
- I don't think I will write any detailed smut, but anything is possible
Well, thanks for reading, I'm really curious to know what you think about all this and if you have any suggestions...
I hope to update the news soon, may the Force be with you!
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Different ( The Bad Batch x OC)
A/N: So after much internal debate I decided I am going to post the first chapter of my OC Bad Batch fic. This is just to test the waters to see if anyone is interested. The story takes place before season 7 of Clone Wars so I apologize to Echo fans. This is also a small self insert OC because I am lonely and love clones.
Warnings: Mentions of prison, crime, and canon typical violence.
Summary: After being caught by the Republic for attempting to steal from various senators Tessa is given a unique prison sentence. This leads to her being forced into various rotations throughout the GAR, but due to her personality not many of the clones like her. Now she has one last chance to prove she’s not difficult to work with, but the squad she is assigned to isn’t what she expected.
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Life has so many twist and turns, and for some it happens so often that it feels normal that couldn’t be more true for Tessa. She had an interesting life to say the least. Fleeing her home planet after a political take over, having to split up from her family, bounty hunting, and getting arrested by the republic. That last one would change her life forever. It was supposed to be an easy job, steal a few trinkets from a list of senators and sell them back to people they have wronged. She got greedy though when she noticed one of the senators personal computers had been left out. The codes were rather easy to crack and a quick download later she had the entire drive copied on to a disk.
As she finished an alarm was set off that sensitive materials were downloaded by an unknown source, usually Tessa knew how to override such controls but this code was different and there was no time to mess with it. She ran and got pretty far and made it to her ship. As she was leaving the atmosphere a ship caught her in a tractor beam. Making the decision not to go out by trying to escape she surrendered. Something happened at her trial that she never expected, they offered her a job instead of prison time. According to the senate and Jedi’s present, they were impressed that she had gone undetected for hours and after reading her records had only been caught or even noticed now. The job was to rotate between battalions and fly them for any stealth or special operations.
At first it was weird for both Tessa and the troopers, then as time went most clones were annoyed that she was going with them. She had quite a unique personality and can go from sweet to rude in less than a second. It didn’t help that a lot of troopers just treated her like a criminal, she was but hey at least she was helping and always did her job. One day while assembling her gear back together Commander Cody came in with her new rotation and briefing. “ Hey, Commander what do you have for me this time?” She asked . Shaking his head he handed her the data pad and explained. “ You will be gone on your usual 6 missions with this group-“ “ Who are these troopers?” She interrupted. “ I’ve never worked with them before. '' He sighed, looking at the girl and rubbing his temple slightly. “ No you haven't. I was ordered to add them to your rotation due to multiple complaints about your more recent missions.” She rolled her eyes as she continued to read “ I’m not that bad.”
Cody then started to go into his Commander voice which he knew would get her to listen to him. “ You have not followed orders for the past seven rotations and have made reckless decisions threatening the mission and some of the men.” Looking him directly in the eye she responded “ Commander, with all due respect through that so called reckless ness we didn’t loose as many men as we would have. Sure more were injured, but I’m tired of everyone here acting as though having more men die than just hurt is better. I do what I think is right, even if no one agrees. I get the job done so why should it matter!” The whole “ do what your told” mentality of the GAR always bothered Tessa. It’s why she became a bounty hunter, usually the client didn’t care how your job was done so long as it was done.
Sighing Cody then explained “ You can’t keep doing this. It is rare that we have civilians help in the field as much as you do. You know that the conditions of your arrest and your time can change very quickly and if you can’t change or at least get a higher standing review from a commanding officer they will send you to prison. Do you understand?” The girl averted her gaze and looked at the floor. She knew he was right, and it wasn’t that you had no good reviews, a few divisions liked her. Or at least she thought so. The 501st, 212th, and the 114th seemed to like her okay.
However the Jedi generals of those groups tended to be more understanding of her situation and of how being able to critically think was a good skill to have in the war. The clone commanders of those groups did try to help her, that’s why Cody, Rex, and Wolffe were more than willing to make sure to send her to the proper type of missions during her rotations so that she couldn’t cause too much trouble. “ Yes sir, I understand.” Placing a hand on her shoulder Cody complimented “ Your a good person Tess, but the courts only look at your reviews and data.” Taking a breath you told him “ I know.”
“ Promise me this time around that you are actually going to try with this group. Do what you do best, analyze their needs and what they need from you and do it. Don’t let this be your final group and rotation.” Cody asked patting your shoulder to leave you. Noticing a few fields in the paperwork not filled out you called after Cody “ Commander Cody, there are a few blank spots on here. Some of which are important like what ship I’m taking, what do you want me to do with them?” Turing back he smirked “ Maybe you should go and see them about it. Try to make a good impression before you officially meet tomorrow. “
Shaking her head Tessa let out a frustrated sigh. This was just great, the one squad she knew absolutely nothing about was the one she had to go make a fool of herself in front of. It’s not that she was bad at coming off as professional, she just got flustered easily in “social situations”. She didn’t really have to talk to anyone before and she didn’t like talking to most troopers anyway since they were the only people she was really allowed to talk to. Plus judging by the information given to her, this group wasn’t like regular clones so who knows how they would react. Heading out she made sure she had everything and at least looked clean to meet these people. As she got closer to their door she noticed a weird smell coming from the room. Tessa has gotten used to most smells, sweat, dirt, blood, etc., they never really bothered her. But this smelt like that ten fold.
She knocked on the door and did not expect to be greeted by a tall, lanky, and gray haired man. He didn’t say anything, just stared at you not recognizing who you were. Taking a small breath she started “ Hello, I’m so sorry to bother you guys, but I need whoever is in charge of the group to fill out the blank spots on my paperwork. If I’m to be working-“ quickly the man cut her off turning around calling “ Hunter, its for you.” Tessa just gritted her teeth as she continued to have a polite smile on. Mumbling an “ Okay.” that was barely audible as someone who shared a few more traits with the clones she was used to came to the door. “ Can I help you?” He asked his tone leaning more towards confusion than towards polite.
“ Yes, I’m sorry. As I told one of the others of your group. I need you to finish filling out the blank spaces on this paper work if we are to be working together. Trust me I don’t like filling these things out either, but it needs to be done so that it’s official.” She presented the pad to him that had the pages already pulled up for him. As she continued to explain “ After today I think it can be whoever can fill the information at the time is allowed to provide information, due to how small the team is, but for the start and end of this rotation I need the highest ranked of the team to fill out this information. It’s just a lot of formalities.”
“I’m sorry but who are you?” He asked genuinely. Most of the battalions and divisions were rude when asking this when she first met them. As time had gone on the different groups had heard of her, so when asking this sometimes it was out of disgust or annoyance. He was different, Tessa could tell he actually didn’t know who she was. “ Oh, you were supposed to get a transmission. Anyway, I’m sorry, I’m Tessa Rodamantez. I am going to be your Pilot and Accompaniment for your next few missions.” He glanced down at the data pad and back at you “ Your a what?” Quickly you replied “ I don’t know, they never gave me an official title so I just introduce myself as anything along the lines of “ a pilot that can do other things”. It’s better than calling me “ a prisoner with a job.”” He smirked a little at that, which made you feel better. In her life she felt like to at least make a good impression you have to get someone to laugh.
“ I’m not sure you have the right unit. We don’t work well with others.” He started to hand you the data pad back when you stopped him asking “ Your Clone Force 99 right?” He was a little taken back by the question. You knew who they were, or at least you knew their name. He slowly answered “ Yeah.” Smiling Tessa responded “ Then your the right unit.” This girl was bold, not like how most would talk to them on Kamino or anywhere else. She seemed nice enough it was just weird meeting someone who was a civie instead of a reg or a Jedi.
Tessa continued “ Well, I will see you guys tomorrow for a more formal introduction and explanation of what we are going to be doing together.” She turned to leave when she remembered “ Oh and it was nice meeting you Hunter.” She still had to be polite and she did promise Cody she was actually going to try to behave with this group. “ Wait, you know my name?” Hunter called after her, she pivoted around and replied “ Yes, well I mean I heard the other guy ask for you when I first arrived so I just assumed.” And with that she left not wanting to feel nervous anymore especially before the briefing tomorrow. That’s usually when Tessa would determine the type of person she would be working under and how to best approach things.
After closing the door and walking back towards the beds Wrecker asked “ Who was that?” As Hunter made his way to his section of the room he replied “ Some girl.” Interrupting Wrecker said “ A girl? That’s weird, what she want?” With a sigh Hunter said “ I guess we are working with her for the next few missions. Someone was supposed to send us a transmission about her.” “ They did.” Tech chimed in as he sat repairing some of their recently broken gear.
They all sat there wide eyed at their brother and stared. When he noticed he commented “ What? I thought we all read it.” Shaking his head Hunter “ No Tech, we did not read it. Why didn’t you tell us about something this important?” Tech shrugged and continued working on repaired “ Like I said , I thought we all read it. They sent it to all of us. I’m not sure if whoever sent it wasn't familiar with our group or if they thought all of us should know.” Rubbing the back of his neck Hunter instructed “ Alright Tech, since you're the only one who read it summarize for us. Who is she?”
“ Well like she told you, her name is Tessa Rodamantez and she is a prisoner of the Republic. Arrested for breaking and entering the senate building on Coruscant, as well as the theft of multiple items from various senators. Most notably many top secret files from Senator Orn Free Taa. She claims she didn’t know what was on them, nor was she asked to get them. All she knew was that his computer was on and that it seemed “ fun” to hack into someone’s personal device who was that high up in the senate.”
Wrecker laughed at that before Tech continued “According to these records she was one of the best, which is why she got an obscure sentence. She was very successful at what she did and never got caught, that is until her attempt at the senate. For the past 2 years she has been a pilot for small missions or as an extra pilot for multiple larger ones. She is also used for a long list of tasks that coincide with special operatives, stealth, and a lot of areas we usually cover.”
Crosshair interrupted him asking “ So why do they claim we need her?” “ They don’t.” Tech replied “ She has these six mission rotations before she is transferred to another division.” “ So why are we just now hearing about her?” Hunter asked as he glanced down at the pad filling out the blank spaces. “ Perhaps it is because of her mission reports and reviews. She is not great at following orders and many have stated that she is hard to work with, has an attitude, makes risky judgment calls, talks back to her teammates, has been described as a danger-“ Hunter stopped him knowing that his brother was going to list everything ever described about the girl. “ Okay, I think we got it.”
Tech nodded, wiping up his work station as he put finishing touches on their gear. “ So what you're saying is that she’s a problem that they keep dumping on people until they can figure out what to do with her?” Crosshair speculated as he propped himself on his elbow on his bed. Not entirely enthused about the whole situation of a new person being forced upon them. “ I don’t see anything wrong with her.” Wrecker commented to which Hunter calmly explained “ She’s a criminal Wrecker.” Remembering the first part of Techs spill a “ Right.” Was all Wrecker could respond with.
“ That is why there has been many debates of whether or not she should still be able to work with the GAR. If she can’t work with others then they’ll send her to prison.” Tech explained. “ Well we will just have to stick it out like everyone else.” Hunter said definitely. “ Goodie.” Crosshair said sarcastically, laying back down to try to get some sort of rest before tomorrow. “ Well, I think she sounds cool. We don’t follow orders well either!” Wrecker said as he moved Lula’s arms up and down mindlessly. “ Precisely why I don’t think we would have too much trouble.” Tech agreed, finishing up his work and heading to his bed.
Hunter just sat there reading the paper work she handed him. This was a long document describing different rules and what or what not the Republic is responsible for with this girl. It’s not that they hadn’t worked with other people before, they have helped with backup and a few missions here and there, but this was different. Having someone who will be staying with them for a while twenty four hours a day is going to be really difficult. Tessa is in for a rude awakening with this group. From what it sounds like they have similar personalities which only means that they might clash which is going to be a problem. He hoped this girl isn’t more trouble than she’s worth.
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nevertheless-moving · 4 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding X
Star Wars Time Travel AU #27
Part I - - - - - Part II - - - - - Part III - - - - - Part IV - - - - - Part V - - -  - - Part VI - - - - - Part VII - - - - - Part VIII - - - - - Part IX
“I realize this is incredibly difficult,” the Nautolan Soul Healer said calmly. “But in order for us to help Obi-Wan, we need to determine the cause of his current disconnection with reality. Based on the drug panel, and convenient surveillance, we have, to the best of our ability, ruled out temporary psychosis brought on by a drug interaction.”
Cody stiffened further, not sure how to react to anything anymore. When a brother tried to end his own life, it was usually obvious why.
Sife Aerdo continued on. “There have, of course, been cases of Jedi Seers giveing into their fears of the future, or losing their sense of reality, but every case study involving such an extreme reaction was the result a gradual degradation over the course of many years. Nevertheless, it seems clear that Obi-Wan experienced a vision, and it may have impacted his breakdown to some extent. The more we know, the more successful any attempts to convince him of reality will be.”
Bant furrowed her brow in thought, trying to replay three decades of increasingly vague discussions of nightmares.
”Considering the high profile nature of his position, we cannot rule out some kind of psychological attack, perhaps even a darksider incursion.
Anakin leaned forward intently, the inside of his skull buzzing with white noise.
"All that being said, we must be prepared to treat Obi-Wan’s self harm as the  culmination of a long and quiet mental health struggle. He would not be the first in the Order to disguise such a thing with durasteel self-discipline.”
At that, Bant and Mace took a moment to release their feelings to the force, while Anakin raised his shields defensively.
Master Aerdo finally hesitated, before continuing in the same smooth tone. “I would ordinarily prefer to structure this kind of conversation quite differently- allow Obi-Wan time to share his feelings first and invite you each separately to support him in the healing process. But he’s gone from fighting sedatives and force compulsions as though the fate of the galaxy depended on it, to a self-induced coma. All while barely lucid, yet still somehow maintaining Master Class mental shielding. We need to get a better understanding of his mental landscape if we’re going to even begin the process of treatment."
It is necessary to note that everyone in that room had led, in one way or another, a somewhat miserable life. This was the main reason none of them could claim that the next five hours were the worst they had ever experienced. 
“But he’s always had terrible sleeping habits.” Anakin said hoarsely.
“Yes, but I think they got worse after Qui-Gon passed,” Bant argued, not sure what point she was making. 
“When I pointed out he couldn’t be getting more than three hours a night he told me that he could manage on meditation” Cody offered irritably.
“That’s technically true,” Mace confirmed. “If the Master in question is well-balanced otherwise”
“So its like his eating habits, crushing responsibilities, and repeated exposure to violence, then? Completely fine for a Jedi, in less it’s not, in which case it’s a major red flag?” 
“I think it would help to establish a timeline.“
Aerdo actually dredged up old mission reports, leading to the group reluctantly contacting Ashoka for her memories of Mortis.
At her Master’s insistence, she told them everything she remembered, hazy as it was, nervously elaborating on her own memories of falling. To her confusion, Master Windu all but brushed past that, assuring her that the important thing with stepping into darkness was the choice to the return to the light. Anakin bizarrely agreed with Windu. Out loud. Unnerved by the cooperation more than anything, she put her holographic foot down and demanded to know what was going on. 
Anakin took the comm-link into a separate room to speak privately.
Upon return, he informed the group (with a visibly red and puffy face) that Kit would be escorting her back from Mount Cala cleanup early, daring anyone to disagree. Windu nodded and the conversation continued on.
Together they rewatched holo-footage of Obi-Wan laughing amongst Ghost company the night before last, and debated reports from psychometric investigators who had scoured the cantina as well as Obi-Wan’s personal quarters for traces of illicit substances. Between that and another drug panel, they were finally forced to conclude that despite the timing, the alcohol at most confused Obi-Wan’s perception of a vision, or possibly simply loosened his tongue.
Bant prodded Cody to repeat every word from the holocar ride to the temple, taking furious notes. Cody was unable to stop the heat that crawled up his face.
Just when the looming horror of Obi-Wan actually preparing to intentionally die started to break over Anakin, Windu interjected.
“You don’t see what I do,” the Harun Kal said grimly. “Something galaxy-sized shattered around Obi-Wan and he didn’t break from it. The closest comparison I have is Master Yaddle’s presence when she meditated on her confinement. He’s chosen to keep going, even when, quite frankly, death would be a release. We’re missing something fundamental.”
“He said there were ‘other dark forces at work.’ Even if the fight was objectively hopeless... there’s no way he would choose to die because of it!” Anakin agreed vehemently, shaking off morbid fears.
“But he did choose to die.” Cody said quietly. And the wind went out of Anakin’s sails.
“Lets go back.”
Anakin gritted his teeth as they picked apart everything ‘unusual’ Obi-Wan had said and done leading up to his visit with Bant.
“What exactly did he...”
“So Plo Koon was able to get a read through his shields?”
“Did he have anything to eat?”
“How did that compare to...”
“When he's mentioned things in the future...did it seem good or bad to you?” Bant asked.
“Bad.” Cody and Anakin said in unison. Remembering the trip to the temple Cody spoke again, “Definitely bad.”
“Right. When we were talking he sometimes used the wrong tenses for things, people. I confronted him on not knowing ‘when’ he was after Knight Skywalker left. He told me that he knew what was real, but he was “enjoying not fully living in the moment” he also said that he intended to “wake up”
“Enjoying? That’s the exact word he used?” Cody asked incredulous. 
“He did seem...mostly happy yesterday. Giddy, at points.” Anakin said, slumping in on himself.
Bant looked at her notes once more before addressing the group.
“This isn’t vision psychosis in any manner I’ve heard of before...but I think I might have a theory. He used to have intense visions when we were kids; plenty of us did sometimes, but Obi-Wan would be unable to sleep after. What terrified him more than anything was the uncertainty that he might make the wrong choice- even when the vision was about something good, or neutral. His visions gradually stopped coming around puberty. We just had a conversation about this a few months ago- how relieved he was to only have to manage flashes of precognition. If he had a random, horrifying vision of a terrible future...suicide wouldn’t be his reaction. It’s too final.”
“Even if he blamed himself for what he saw coming?” Mace asked.
“Especially if he blamed himself.” Bant said. 
“What’s your theory?” Aerdo prodded.
“What if...what if he was telling the truth when he said he could separate out what was real and what was not? What if there was no distortion or blurring between now and then? What if he was just wrong about which was which?”
“That...would be a very extreme and abnormal manifestation of force-induced psychosis. He has training in distinguishing reality from visions. The continued presence of his mental shielding means that the fabric of his mind can’t be so horrifically collapsed in on itself.” 
“What if the vision was actually that realistic?” Bant said, pushing back against the soul healer. “So detailed and vivid that it effectively was a reality in itself, and everything else, all of us...”
“Were just memories” Anakin finished. “It would...actually explain pretty much everything. You said he wanted to wake up and when...when I found him.” He stopped, swallowing. “When I found him, he argued with me...what if he wasn’t trying to hurt himself? If you’re right...that would mean I found him trying to get back to reality.”
“It could explain his behavior in the halls...his desperation to wake...” Sife mused “But it runs counter to every other experience I’ve had with those managing prophetic visions. Master Windu, could that explain the shatterpoints you saw?”
“I’m not certain. It would have to have been extraordinarily real to create the echos of Shattering I witnessed. I don’t know if that depth of vision has occurred before, but then again, many things are possible in the force.”
“You really think he might have been...trying to wake up from dream? By killing himself?!” Cody asked incredulous.
“If that ends up being what happened I am going to give him such shit. That is the worst way to end a vision.” Anakin replied.
“Yes. It is.” Bant said pointedly. “That’s why it’s a last resort, after every other attempt to wake fails.” 
They all sat in silence, processing various implications. Cody was unnerved by another terrifying insight into force powers, as well as the idea that the General might vividly remember Cody being inexplicably mind-controlled into trying to kill him. Anakin was trying to understand what this would mean for them, and the conversations he had thought they had had. Did...any of it count, if he thought he was offering it to a hallucination?
“Alright, this is a valuable working idea, but let’s make sure to examine everything with an open mind before we draw any more conclusions. Anakin, what happened after you left the healers office?”
Obi-Wan’s critique of the practicalities of visiting a soul healer could be and was interpreted multiple ways. The incongruity of peacekeepers in war sparked a rehash of earlier discussion. More apologies. Self identifying as ‘crazy’ inspired new debate, especially in the context of the new theory. 
“When I saw him enter the fountain room I assumed he had had a brutal run-in with  dark force user.” Windu explained. “Based on everything we’ve gone over, I don’t understand when...but some of the more insidious sith compulsions work by taking whatever small anger or hurt you feel and magnifying them until they consume you. If Obi-Wan was already experiencing self loathing...”
Cody sucked in a breath. “Then a Sith mind suggestion would bring him to commit suicide. It...sounds like something he might do, if he was partially in control. Take the blow rather than let himself be used as a weapon against anyone else, even his worst enemy.”
“Hells, it could have been an even vaguer compulsion, driving him to attack the person he hates the most,” Bant added darkly.
Anakin buried his head in his hands, trying to hold it together. He couldn’t afford to lose control or get angry. Hells, getting angry at Obi-Wan for ‘failing him’ when in pain could be the reason Obi-Wan was currently in the healing halls. The man said he loved him unconditionally, then practically had a breakdown over how much Anakin pushed that unconditional love to the breaking point, then killed himself. How was he supposed to-
“Anakin? Are you alright to continue?” someone said.
“Yes. No. There’s more I have to tell you...I don’t know if it will help but - it was hurting Obi-Wan...I...”
“Let’s just take it one step at a time. What happened after you left Mace?”
Apparently even Cody somehow knew more about Bruck Chun than Anakin. Master Windu and Eerin told different sides of the same sad story, which spiraled back into a conversation about Obi-Wan’s inadequacy issues, which somehow devolved into a long rant about Qui-Gon Jinn that Master Windu had apparently been holding back for years. 
“My apologies.” He said afterwards, clearing his throat as the group stared, taken aback. “Old grievances. Go on Anakin, what did happened after you got to the ‘secret spot.’”
“He...was skirting around whatever was bothering him...I pushed him...told him I wanted to help...he said I couldn’t...because it was me...because of what I...”
Anakin stood up suddenly, feeling the walls of the room closing in.
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry I-” 
He ran out.
He turned around almost immediately, pacing in the small corridor, knowing he couldn’t leave, simply needing a minute to catch his breath.
Master Windu followed him out after a moment, not saying anything, just standing there. Watching him.
“What!” Anakin finally snapped. “What do you have to say that I don’t know already!”
“Knight Skywalker-”
“Don’t call me that! I DON’T DESERVE-” 
Anakin let out a frustrated snarl, punching a wall. The crumble of stone beneath this fist briefly made him feel better, but then he remembered Obi-Wan’s heartbroken expression in the light of an underworldly glow, and the tiny, choked sound he heard when the healers moved him and Anakin just...collapsed, falling to his knees.
Master Windu sank down gracefully beside him.
“Anakin. This isn’t about attachment issues, is it.”
“Not really, no. I mean, maybe you’ll blame attachment but it’s more about...”
Anakin looked up at that, trying to regain the meditative calm he had felt for a glimmering moment yesterday, right in-between making peace in the cave and everything burning to ash. 
“You know that I have had my own struggles with anger. It is how and why I came to develop Vaapad.” 
“Yes, but you’ve Mastered your anger. And you’ve never...never given in to hate.”
A beat passed and Windu watched some of Skywalker’s familiar breaking points flicker into view. 
“You’ve done something. Something you know the Jedi won’t forgive.”
“Obi-Wan forgave me.” Anakin said, whispering. “He said that even though I couldn’t fix what I did he loved me anyway and I just needed to...to honestly regret what I did and not do it again. I told him I’d get rid of my lightsaber and I meant it and...I thought he forgave me. I was ready to go to the Council with him, come clean about everything. And then I left him alone to get dinner and when I came back...he was holding my lightsaber. My lightsaber.” 
Anakin buried his face in his hands, shuddering with creeping cold.
“I’m not going to critique your and Obi-Wan’s attachment to each other right now. I’m well aware that much of the order has turned to personal ties to maintain their stability given the ongoing horrors of war. I am, for many reasons, wary of the risks this brings us, yet it is also true that risks do not automatically mean failure. I myself have mastered my emotions in a different manner than conventional wisdom councils.” 
Windu spoke carefully. For all that he and Anakin had similar relationships with the force, they rarely saw eye to eye on any given subject. At a certain point, Mace had accepted that the volatile young man was determined to find the worst possible interpretation for anything he said. And Mace was not the order’s most patient diplomat.
“As for your crime, whatever it is, l will tell you this: Unless you choose to renounce the code and leave our number, you will be treated as a Jedi Knight, subject to our protections, as well as our judgement. You will receive appropriate mental counseling. If you are judged to be a danger to those around you, your actions will be curtailed and monitored, possibly through temporary confinement.  The Jedi do not believe in punitive measures for their own sake, but you may be required to provide restitution to those you harmed, perhaps indefinitely. 
Silence hung perilously between them. Windu watched a tremor run through the unfathomable kaleidoscopic of shatterpoints that had orbited Skywalker since he was a boy. A small one broke inward, and an attached tangle of larger, darker ones fell away, crumbling to dust. The rest faded from view, invisible for the moment. A choice had been made, some decision that closed off at least one path to the darkside.
“There’s no one to make restitutions to.”
“...You’re going to have to elaborate on that.”
“Let’s go back inside- I don’t want to do this twice.”
They returned to the increasingly hated meeting room.
Anakin spoke in an outpouring of words about love and hate, about misplaced revenge and now uncertain forgiveness. When he finally finished, the room was deathly silent.
The three Jedi sat quietly while Cody pinched the bridge of his nose. “I guess this is why Jedi have the no attachment rule, huh? I admit I never really got it, but I suppose even if I-”
Bant abruptly lunged up, fumbling to bring her lightsaber to Anakin’s neck. Everyone jumped to their feet, except for Anakin, who stared at Bant with a wretched expression.
“MASTER EERIN! This is not-”
“Did you do it?” she asked, ignoring the Master of the Order.
“It was my first thought after I saw him. We all rushed in expecting a fight, or a bomb, only to find you, insane, and him with a hole next to his heart. I didn’t want to believe it of course, but you’ve always had a violent streak that Obi-Wan, force help him, couldn’t quite soothe away. A fight gone wrong. Master Windu said it was suicide, and I believed him, and I’ve been trying to make sense of that ever since. But Mace found you after, didn’t he? After you felt guilty? Did you think he was going to turn on you?”
“Bant Eerin, you are dangerously-”
“No.” Anakin whispered.
“Obviously I might be why. But I didn’t- I couldn’t. I know I’m not good but I can’t even imagine- holding a saber against him like that. Kriff, do you not get how much I can’t handle losing people I love? I was insane when you saw me because I saw someone trying to kill Obi-Wan and I couldn’t even fight them.”  
Bant held his gaze for several lingering seconds, deactivated her saber and dropping it with a clatter. They stared at each other, breathing heavily and not blinking. She returned to her seat, moving jerkily. “I apologize Knight Skywalker. That was uncalled for.” 
“I wish I could say I wouldn’t have done the same thing in your shoes” he responded lowly. Bant made a tiny, unintelligible noise in reply. 
Cody collapsed back into his chair, holstering his blaster.  “Alright then...so after you finished sitting in the fountain room...what happened next?”
Everyone stared at him.
“You’re handling Anakin’s confession somewhat dispassionately. We’re simply surprised.” Mace said slowly, returning to his seat at the same time as Master Aerdo fell into theirs.
Cody shifted uncomfortably. “The vod were trained in a wide range of enemy suppression tactics. While we’re extremely glad the Jedi have never asked us to employ them, I’m not...unfamiliar with this scale of deliberate slaughter. At least in the hypothetical, sir.”
“I see.” Aerdo said. “That is a valuable insight to have, thank you. Knight Skywalker-”
“Just...call me Anakin. Or Skywalker.”
“Anakin. When did this happen?”
“About two years ago, immediately before the First Battle of Geonosis.”
“And have you had any similar experiences with giving into the darkside since?” they asked placidly.
“I don’t think so but...we went to war the next day and....I don’t know if I’ve stopped fighting since it- since I did what I did.”
“Hmm. Anakin, would you mind stepping outside the room and waiting in the corridor for a moment please?” 
He bit his tongue, tasting blood, and quietly walked out the door while the Masters decided his fate. He leaned back against a wall, desperately wanting to see Padme. 
To his surprise, the door opened barely a few minutes later, and he was politely invited back in.
“Anakin.” Master Windu spoke. “Thank you for telling us this. It’s an important insight into Obi-Wan’s feelings right now, and I recognize that you could have kept it a secret. As Head of the Order, and with the advice of a Senior Soul Healer, I have made a decision. You will be assigned a personal soul healer, who you will start seeing tomorrow. Commander Cody pointed out that over nearly two years of continuous warfare, you have maintained some of the the lowest trooper casualty units of any division, by a significant margin if we evaluate based on mission risk level. Your civilian and enemy casualties will be reviewed, but even considering constant war, since your massacre of the Tuskens, you have clearly managed to at least... direct your violence away from the innocent. We do not consider you a threat to the inhabitants of the world. For the time being, I see no real benefit to limiting or tracking your behavior within the temple or on planet, but you are barred from leaving orbit. I have decided to delay a full reckoning before the council until such time that your former Master is well enough to provide his own opinion. Give me just cause, and I will have you confined to a force-suppressing cell. Do you understand?”
Anakin nodded, bowing in acknowledgment. All things considered, it was...honestly better than he expected.
“Now, as Cody” Windu paused. “My apologies, as the Commander was saying-” 
“Cody’s fine, sir” Cody said, wrung out in a way different from anything Kamino had trained him for.
“...I think we can all consider ourselves on a first name basis at this point.” Bant said with a snort. She paused. “That includes you Anakin. I really don’t know how to handle what you did but kark it, I don’t want to hate you. For myself.”
Everyone nodded.
“As Cody was saying, what happened next?”
Peace. Comfort. Hunger. A warning in the force...
“I tried to pull the saber back but his finger was already on the igniter...” 
“You probably saved his life. Even a second later-”
“I know, that’s almost the worst part.”
“-his neck”
“Why would he change weapons?”
“What if-”
“He said what to you and Healer Che?”
“That has to support the detailed vision idea, think about-”
“I’m sorry, Emperor?”
“I think we’re done.”
Anakin stared blankly at Sife. “But we didn’t figure anything out.”
“Not conclusively, but we’re unlikely to make any more progress, you’ve given me enough information to preform a meaningful meditative scan, or guide a conversation, should Obi-Wan wake, or navigate through his mind, should we decide to make a more decisive attempt at his shields.”
“Master Aerdo... I leave the final judgement up to you, but I strongly urge you to make a more decisive attempt. I am more convinced now than I was...” Mace glanced at the chronometer “five hours ago that this was motivated by a specific, external stimuli, likely dark. Do you disagree?”
“No.” they said with a sigh. “But I don’t want to underestimate how much underlying factors might have contributed to his response to stimuli, including underlying factors that none of you were aware of.”
The Nautolan Soul Healer stood up, tucking their hands into their sleeves to address the room with classical Jedi serenity. It was a little irritating.
“In any case, we all need to sleep, eat, and meditate. Master Eerin, you have the rest of the day off, I've cleared it with Master Che already. Master Windu, I leave the final judgement up to you, and I am aware that your duties as Master of the Order are unceasing, but I urge you to take some time to center yourself before returning to the council. Commander Cody, I would be more than willing to arrange soul healing for you or any of the Vod, please let me know. Anakin, you will receive a comm later today with further details on your future healing sessions. 
They bowed low, then glided out the door.
Bant stood next, bowed individually to each soul, and sped walked out.
Commander Cody cleared his throat awkwardly, “Mace- what should I tell the troops? We’re supposed to have command briefings later tonight.”
“If anyone asks about General Kenobi, tell them its classified.” I’ll schedule a briefing on the subject. Now go find Captain Rex and take care of yourself, that’s an order.”
Cody saluted, first to the high General, then to Anakin.
Finally it was just Mace and Anakin.
“Is there anyone who you trust who I can call to stay with you.” Master Windu asked.
“I can manage on my own” Anakin replied, not willing to give the Master of the Order anything else he could use against him, even after everything.
Master Windu held back a sigh.
He continued once more, making a deliberate attempt to soften his tone. “Anakin- I know we’ve had our differences, but this is not a trick, nor a trap. You’ve suffered a series of great shocks in the last 24 hours and handled them with immense maturity. I myself am struggling to deal with the emotional fallout.”
Anakin looked up at that, surprised. He didn’t seem to be struggling, but maybe that was what made him a good Jedi Master...
“As I told you before, I am not going to begrudge you the comfort of attachment. I’m rather convinced it would do you more harm than good at this point. I don’t want you flying right now, and you don’t have to be alone. I hope we have come to a better understanding today, but I doubt my presence is suddenly a comfort, though please correct me if I’m wrong. Now is there someone I can call?”
Padme ended her call with Master Windu extremely discomfited. She had barely heard from Anakin since he ran out on her the night before last to take care of an apparently extremely drunk Obi-Wan. He had messaged her a few times that night, promising to make it up to her, but had been comm-silent since. She had been starting to get worried, and now the Master of the Order was asking her to pick him up from the temple. Fortunately, she had already cleared most of her meetings for the week well in advance (Courascant leave usually meant THEM time, not that she was jealous of Obi-Wan, of course).
The speeder ride back from the temple was silent. All Anakin would say was that he would explain everything once they were in ‘a secure location.’ 
The door to the apartment had scarcely closed behind them when Anakin fell into her arms, shaking.
“Anakin, talk to me love, what’s wrong?” She gently guided him to the couch, arranging him so she could hold him protectively.
“Obi-Wan tried to kill himself.”
She let out a harsh gasp, “No! He can’t have, he would never-” 
“I got to him in time, but Padme... he was holding a lightsaber to his heart. It was...really close” He burrowed deeper into the folds of her dress, and she gripped him fiercely.
“Oh gods, is he-”
“He’s physically healing, but he’s still...not all there. I spent all of today locked in a room, trying to figure out if it was a Sith Attack, or an insane vision, or..or me”
“Anakin! What do you mean ‘me’ - Obi-Wan loves you, you-”
“I know.” Anakin interrupted her again, knowing he was being unfair; he was just too exhausted to be patient.
“He told me loved me. He...he...found out about what I did to the Tusken village, You should have seen his face, Padme, he was horrified, but he still told me he loved me, and he was willing to forgive me, even though he shouldn’t”
“Of course he forgave you,” Padme whispered. “You’re not a monster, Anakin, I know you would never do something like that again.”
"And then after we talked, I left him alone and he-” Anakin choked out into her dress.
Tears ran down her face, heart breaking. “That’s- that’s horrible. Anakin...it must have have been a attack, Obi-Wan wouldn’t do that.” she said urgently.
He pulled away, horrified. “I made you cry. I made Obi-Wan cry too. I’m sorry- Padme please, promise me you won’t-”
She grabbed the sides of his head. 
Her nails bit into the soft skin behind his ears as she pulled him down so they were face-to-face, vowing, “Never. I swear by the force itself, I will never choose death over life.”
He let out a relieved sigh, eyes fluttering closed.
“Now you,” she demanded
“As long as I have anyone to live for, I swear by the force, I will never choose death over life.”
She pulled him the rest of the way in for a bruising kiss. He lifted her, and they desperately clung at one another as he carried her to bed. They continued like that, clinging and grasping, until exhaustion carried him to sleep. She pulled the covers over top them both and curled around him defensively as the day slowly faded away.
Part XI
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gaeasun · 3 years
I’ll Rest When I’m Dead
Commander Fox Week 2021
Prompt(s): Forgiveness (out of order but whatever)
Warnings: Major Character death (don't worry its not really sad)
Relationships: Fox & Thorn, Fox & Fives
Characters: Fox, Vader, Fives, Thorn, tiny little bit of Dogma and Tup
Additional Tags: I’m pulling a Risk Riordan, Fox needs a hug, Fox needs a nap, and he gets BOTH. Fox gets closure. Clone Heaven, hurt comfort but more comfort than hurt for once
Summary/Description:  CC-1010 is killed by Vader. Fox wakes up and sees brothers he’d never thought he’d see again
@loving-fox-hours @amikoroyai cause it’s Fox related
“You have failed me for the last time, Commander.”
Vader reached out his hand, towards Fox, who never had a choice or a chance, who stood helpless while his neck jerked of his own accord.
A single crack sounded, and Commander Fox slumped to the ground, lifeless.
No one who was there mourned. No one could.
Fox opened his eyes. Strange. He could have sworn he was dead.
Then everything came rushing in, more clear than in years. Fox shot up and began hyperventilating.
“Woah there vod. Easy.”
That voice… the slightest inflection that Fox was able to pick out from the rest. Something Fox had never though he’d hear again.
“Yeah, vod. Come on, breathe. You’re safe.”
“I’m dead,” Fox choked out. “I, Vader, he-”
“Shhh,” Thorn said soothingly, and hugged Fox close. “Yeah, you marched on. But hey, nothing worse can happen now. You’re safe, vod, I promise.”
Fox panted into Thorn’s shoulder, until his breathing slowed and he’d stopped panicking. Which happened faster than usual.
“Thorn,” he said suddenly.
“Yeah?” “Thorn.”
Fox sprang up and tackled Thorn. “You slimy son of a shabuir, if you ever do anything like that again, I will having scrubbing the refreshers until-”
“Until what?” Thorn said all too cheekily.
Until the day you die, Fox was going to say. That didn’t exactly work here.
So he just tackled Thorn and pinned him to the ground, and draped himself over him.
“I missed you too,” Thorn said, from underneath Fox. Fox grunted.
After some time, Fox rolled to the side and allowed Thorn to breathe (did they need to breathe?). Thorn flopped an arm across Fox’s chest.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Thorn laughed. “Not that I wanted you to die, but you know how you’d always say, ‘I’ll rest when I’m dead’?”
“I’m dead, why do I need to sleep?” Fox pointed out.
Thorn groaned. “Because you can you di’kut. You finally can rest. No more paperwork, no more working yourself under the waves trying to help everyone around you.”
“No more Palpatine?” Fox said softly.
Thorn flinched, then shook himself. “No more Palpatine,” he promised. “Now come on. You’re taking a nap.”
Standing, Thorn offered a hand to Fox. He accepted, and let Thorn lead them deeper into the forest. Why were they in a forest? Fox had no idea. He’d never even seen a forest. It was nice.
Too nice. In all honesty, it didn’t feel real.
Fox froze.
“What’s wrong?” Thorn tilted his head.
“This can’t be real,” Fox whispered. “It’s too nice. I never get nice. This is all some crazy dream, isn’t it?”
Thorn sighed. “This is real Fox. I’m real. You’re here. Just please, sleep. You’ll feel better when you wake up.”
Fox had already let his mind wander. He numbly moved with Thorn to a large and gnarled tree, where Thorn sat down and pulled Fox down with him.
“Sleep, ori’vod. You’re safe now.”
It went against Fox’s instincts, but he so badly wanted to believe Thorn, he closed his eyes and let Thorns warm presence lull him into sleep.
When Fox opened his eyes, he felt refreshed like he hadn’t in a long time. Night had fallen, but light from a large moon above gave enough visibility in their surroundings.
Thorn stirred underneath him. “How you doing?” he yawned.
“This is real,” Fox’s voice trembled. “This is too good to be a dream. I don’t have good dreams.”
“Aw vod.” Thorn sounded so sad. “Come on. Let’s go find the others. They’re probably at the fires now.” Others?
All the shinies he’d failed, all the brothers he’d watch march on. Here.
“I can’t do this.” Fox found himself hyperventilating again. “I can’t, can’t face them. I let them down, I let them die.”
“You did all you could, and more Fox. Please. Let them tell you that they don’t blame you.”
Fox wanted Wolffe or Cody so badly. But they weren’t here, were they? They were still fighting. Or still trapped in their own heads, more likely. Fox’s fault. He could have stopped it. If only he’d-
“Breathe, Fox.” Thorn pressed his forehead against Fox’s, and patiently waited until Fox had calmed.
Once again, Fox let himself be led, like a tooka kit. Soon Fox heard noises, happy noises. Laughing and banter and cheering. Sounds he hadn’t heard in a long time.
One vod stood above all the others, shouting out a story.
“And then, you know what Tup did? He taunted Krell, may he be dead in horrible agony, and the besalisk fell right into his trap.”
“Kriff Krell,” shouted a vod with a v-shaped tattoo, while a long haired brother laughed in delight next to him. The cry echoed around the vode with much gusto.
“Krell died on his knees, like, like…”
The orator trailed off as he made eye contact with Fox.
Fox tore himself away from Thorn and ignored his shouting as he ran deeper into the forest, further away from the reason he called himself vod’kyramud on the nights where self-pity and shame threatened to drown him.
Someone was chasing him, Fox could hear the rustling behind him.
Fox ran faster and harder, until all the trees blurred together and too fast for him to really dodge-
Fox ran face-first into a tree and collapsed to the ground.
“I don’t think that was your finest moment, vod,” panted someone behind him. Not Thorn.
Fives hoisted Fox up, but Fox let himself fall to his knees, too ashamed to look his, victim, in the eyes.
“Aw jeez,” Fives muttered. “Please, just, don’t.”
I’m sorry, Fox wanted to scream, but his throat was all closed up. I’m so sorry, you were just trying to do your job and I had to do mine-
“Stop,” Fives said firmly, and Fox realized he might have indeed said those words out loud. “It’s ok. You’re right, you know. You never did have a choice.” Fives pulled him up again and held him so he couldn’t fall. “Honestly, I don’t know if Palpatine told you to do it, or you were just trying to protect yourself and your men. But I don’t care. We each just were trying our best, you know?”
Fives chuckled, and pulled Fox so his forehead was against his own. “I’ve had a lot of time to think. To wonder what I was going to say to you, what I was going to do. And even though you don’t need it, you have my forgiveness anyways.”
“I, don’t, deserve it,” Fox sobbed out. If it wasn’t his fault, then why did he feel so painfully guilty?
“It doesn’t matter. I’m giving it to you. Here, take it.” Fives pretended to hand something to Fox, so ridiculous that it pulled a half sob, half chuckle from him.
“Palpatine messed with your head, vod. The more you keep trying to blame yourself, the more you let Palpatine stay there. We were both victims of something so much bigger than either of us.”
Fives turned and pulled him towards the distant fire. “Come one. Why don’t you meet my aliit? They’re a good bunch.”
Fox shuddered. “You’re a good man, Fives. You don’t even need to call me vod. I’m so, so sorry.”
“I know. It’s ok. I forgive you.”
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greaterawarness · 3 years
The One Where The Clones Go Ghost Hunting
Tup finishes setting up the last camera before resting his mobile one on his shoulder.
“So, why are we doing this again?” Tup asks while focusing the camera on Echo and Fives.
“Because Echo and I saw something here that changed our lives!” Fives says.
“Same thing happened to Hardcase when we took him to that strip club.” Jesse says with a snickering Kix as they walk past Fives. Echo rolls his eyes and steps more into frame.
“Look, we saw a woman walk right through a wall the other night. We just want to see if we can prove that what we saw was real.” Echo explains.
“So, ghosts. We’re hunting for ghosts.” Tup clarifies flatly.
“Ghost hunters if you will?” Fives says making Echo give him a light shove.
“Ghosts,” Dogma starts before Tup can turn the camera on him and Hardcase while walking into the house, “Do not exists.”
“Bro I’ll punch a ghost in the face. I don’t even care,” Hardcase says before holding up a paper bag. “Also, I brought the midnight snacks boys!”
“Dogma, if you don’t believe in ghosts then why did you come?” Fives sighs. Dogma stops as if to think about it.
“I like getting out of the barracks from time to time. Plus, I like proving you wrong.” He eventually shrugs before the front doors open again. Rex and Cody step through the doors looking less then enthused about being here.
“Captain, glad you could join us!” Fives says. The Captain mumbles something under his breath before giving a forced smile.
“Commander Cody, what a surprise. I didn’t know you’d be here.” Echo says. The Commander shoves his hands in his jacket pockets.
“Yeah, well, me and Rex had this bet whether or not Gregor could eat an entire tip-yip by himself and well… yeah now I’m here.” Cody mumbles.
“Always bet on stupid, boys.” Rex adds while placing his hands on his hips. Tup turns the camera back on Echo and Fives.
“So, you two believe in ghosts?” Fives raises an eyebrow. Tup turns the camera back to Rex and Cody.
“Oh, hell no.” Cody shakes his head.
“Not a chance.” Rex nods.
“Then why are you here?” Tup chuckles from behind the camera.
“Someone has to chaperone you kids.” Rex says matter-of-factly. Tup turns the camera back on Fives and Echo.
“Fair enough,” Echo says before rubbing his hands together as everyone gathers round. “Alright, we’re going to split up into three groups. Fives, Dogma, Tup, and I will take the upstairs. Jesse, Hardcase, and Kix will take this floor. Rex and Cody will take the basement. Everyone understand?” “Wait,” Kix says after exchanging a smile with Jesse. “Why don’t you take Hardcase, and we take Dogma?” “Okay… doesn’t really matter to us who goes where.” Fives shrugs. Dogma stares at the grinning Kix and Jesse looking very concerned.
“Tup has cameras put up throughout the house to try and capture everything. Each group will also have a camera of their own.” Echo goes on.
“Do not break these cameras!” Tup warns. With everyone briefed on what to do they split up.
UPSTAIRS: Fives, Echo, Tup, Hardcase
Tup follows his brothers up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Fives sits on the bed while carrying a recording device.
“I read somewhere that you can catch disembodied voices with this thing.” He explains. Echo leans against a wall near him while Hardcase stands to the side. Tup keeps the camera focused on Fives and Echo.
“Did you die here?” Echo asks. They wait in silence for a response. Tup shifts the camera on his shoulder while waiting.
“What’s your name?” Fives asks after a time. They wait again. Fives opens his mouth to ask another question when he’s stopped by a cracking sound. Fives looks up at the camera wide eyed. “Do you hear that?”
“Yeah, its sounds like, like… like Hardcase eating a fucking taco!” Tup starts before whipping the camera over to Hardcase who is stuffing his face with a taco. He chews loudly while putting his hands up in a WHAT fashion.
“Hardcase, maybe not a good time for that bud.” Echo sighs.
“I’m hungry!” He says with his mouth full. When Tup points the camera back on Fives and Echo, he adds off camera. “I’m a growing boy.”
Fives shakes his head while staring at the camera.
“Come on, keep going.” Echo insists. When it gets quiet again, they continue.
“Are you angry?” Fives goes on.
“Can you show yourself?” Echo asks. They sit and wait again. This time a low gargling almost growl makes them freeze. Fives holds his hands out in a don’t move motion before pressing his lips together and squeezing his eyes shut in frustration.
“Dammit Hardcase!” He yells. Tup turns the camera on Hardcase once again. This time he is slurping up what is left of his drink.
“Want some?” He offers after a pause. Echo rubs his face tiredly while Fives takes the bag of snacks and drink from Hardcase.
“We’re trying to do something hear, Hardcase!” Fives says while setting the goodies on a dresser.
“Well, I’m sorry! But it’s not like anything was happening anyway.” Hardcase crosses his arms.
“I mean, he does have a point.” Tup says nodding with the camera. Echo sighs while putting his hands on his hips.
“They’re right. Maybe we did imagine it.” Echo shrugs. Fives lets out a disappointing breath but nods.
“Yeah, we should get the others and…”
Fives is cut off by two shrill screams coming from downstairs. They all stare at Hardcase who holds his hands up with wide eyes.
“That wasn’t me!” He says. Echo and Fives look into the camera before all four of them run downstairs.
DOWNSTAIRS: Jesse, Kix, Dogma
When Fives leads his group upstairs and Rex and Cody disappear into the basement, Jesse, Kix, and Dogma meander around their floor.
“So,” Jesse says with the camera first pointed up at his face then nothing but blurry movement before the camera finally focuses on Kix and Dogma. “We’re just supposed to walk around videoing ourselves getting scared in the dark?”
“I think we’re supposed to ask it questions and try and catch it on this.” Kix says while holding up a small recording device Echo had given them. Dogma shakes his head.
“This is ridiculous.” Dogma sighs. Jesse zooms in ridiculously close to Dogma’s face.
“Why is that Doggy?” Jesse chuckles.
“Because they didn’t see a ghost. They spent the last few nights watching ghost movies and then were asked to house sit in an extremely old home that probably creaks and moans if you just looked at it.” Dogma says while crossing his arms. When Jesse can’t find a way to zoom out the camera, Kix steals it and fixes it. He aims the camera up at his face.
“Well boys, lets ask this ghost some questions,” Kix starts before clearing his throat, “If there are any spirits here tonight, please, answer me this one question… Who’s better looking? Me or Jesse?”
Jesse’s face appears in the corner of the camera.
“We have the same face, dumbass.” Jesse snorts.
“Yeah, but you’re uglier.” Kix says not missing a beat. Jesse gives a hurt gasp while Dogma laughs off camera. The camera blurs while Jesse steals the camera back. He points it at Dogma.
“Enough of this, lets keep moving.” Jesse insists. Dogma shrugs and walks further down the hall. They stop to stare at a painting when one the doors leading to the kitchen begin to rattle. Dogma freezes while staring at the rattling door.
“What is that?” Dogma starts to turn back to Jesse, but he pushes him forward.
“Go check it out!” He insists. Dogma slowly walks forward as the doorknob continues to rattle. He takes a deep breath before forcing the door open before Kix jumps out scaring Dogma. He doesn’t scream but he jumps and punches Kix in the arm. Kix and Jesse laugh and lean against each other.
“You’re jerks.” Dogma frowns.
“Couldn’t resist.” Jesse laughs from behind the camera.
“There are two doors to the kitchen. I snuck through the other when you weren’t looking.” Kix explains.
“Wow. This is me impressed right now.” Dogma says with a blank expression.
“Alright, I think we’re done here. Let’s…” Kix starts but stops when female screams make their blood run cold. They immediately run towards the noise meeting up with Fives, Echo, Tup, and Hardcase while they come down the stairs.
“Was that you?” Fives asks.
“No, I think it came form the basement.” Kix says. They tear open the basement door and run into the darkness.
“This is stupid.” Cody sighs once Rex has closed the basement door behind them.
“Just keep moving.” Rex says while trying to get a good hold on the camera. He wasn’t a tech wiz and wasn’t sure if it was even on. He lifts it to his eye and chuckles at the night vision Cody. Cody reaches up and takes the camera from him.
“So, what do we do now?” Cody asks once they’re down in the dungeon of a basement. Rex walks over and sits on a crate. Cody leans against the wall, keeping the camera pointed at Rex.
“Wait until the boys say we’re good to go home?” Rex shrugs.
“I can’t believe Gregor ate that entire tip-yip.” Cody sighs. “To think I could be doing literally anything else tonight.” “What? You had something better to do?” Rex arches a brow. Cody zooms in on Rex’s face.
“Did you seriously just ask me if I had something better to do then sit in the basement of a strangers house in the dark?”
“Good point.” Rex nods. Cody zooms out. “So, you wanna go to 79’s after…” Rex and Cody get to their feet when footsteps come from the pitch-black back room. Rex grabs a crowbar while Cody sets the camera on a shelf so he can grab a large wrench. They walk slowly towards the back room. One of the paint cans next to Rex rattles suddenly making him jump.
“Okay… that was weird.” Cody says softly. Rex grips his weapon.
“You aren’t seriously considering that there is a ghost here, are you?” Rex asks him but doesn’t lower the crowbar.
“Look, maybe it’s not as crazy as it sounds,” Cody starts, “I mean I fought zombie geonosians!”
A low growl stops them in their tracks.
“Okay… so maybe it’s not as preposition as it first seemed but…” Rex trails off the closer they got to the darkness. Rex almost thinks he can see eyes staring at him before a lothcat leaps at them with a growl making both men give high shrill screams.
“Oh my fuck its just a cat!” Cody breathes relieved. Rex rubs his face trying to get his breathing under control. When the basement door bursts open both men jump close together and then quickly part when they realize its just the boys.
“We heard a woman scream!” Fives starts. Tup points his camera at them.
“Did you see it! Did you see her?” Echo asks. All seven men stare at Rex and Cody waiting for their response.
“It was…” Rex starts while turning to stare at Cody whose face is as red with embarrassment as Rex’s. He slowly turns his head back towards the boys. “… a ghost.”
“It was a ghost.” Cody nods.
“Well, did you get it on camera?” Tup asks. Cody and Rex both look at the camera sitting on the shelf pointed at the dark back room.
“Uh…” Rex says while Fives picks it up. He shakes his head and frowns.
“Rex, you never even turned it on!” Fives says making Cody and Rex sigh with relief and then quickly change it to sighs of frustration when Kix and Jesse arch a brow at them.
“We never got anything on camera but if Rex and Cody say they saw something then I feel like that’s validation enough.” Echo says. Fives nods but still looks disappointed they weren’t able to catch anything on camera. Dogma rolls his eyes before starting up the stairs with the others. Cody and Rex start to leave when Kix and Jesse step in front of them.
“So, you saw a ghost?” Jesse asks with a smug smile on his face. Rex clears his throat slightly.
“Yup, saw it right there.” Rex says pointing to the back room. Kix and Jesse exchange a look.
“It’s just odd to us that we hear two screams and… well what do ya know? Its just the two of you down here?” Kix says with a grin. Rex bites his bottom lip before reaching out and placing a hand on each of their shoulders.
“You know what I heard?” Rex asks softly. “I heard that I haven’t finished the watch bill for the next month. I would hate for the two of you to be stuck on watch for the next foreseeable future!”
Kix and Jesse stare at Rex for a moment.
“It’s crazy that you saw a ghost!” Kix says finally.
“Yeah, Captain I would be scared shitless.” Jesse adds before the two of them run up the stairs. Rex and Cody exchange a relieved look before going up the stairs themselves.
As they wrapped up the night, they gathered up all the cameras and gear and loaded it into a speeder. Tup looks through the bags making sure he grabbed everything.
“Hey, Dogma!” Tup calls out. Dogma stands halfway to the speeder and the house. “I think I forgot the battery bag by the stairs. Can you grab it real fast?” Dogma jogs back to the house and pushes open the front door. He spots the battery bag on the bottom step. When he picks it up, he starts to turn to leave when movement at the top of the stairs catches his eye. He glances up to see a woman in white staring down at him. She turns and glides across the floor before passing through a wall. His jaw drops. He turns and runs out of the house as fast as he can.
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chaotic-noceur · 3 years
so what's the deal with cake?
characters: Echo, Kix, Cody, Wolffe
summary: coming out as ace to cw boys
warnings: asexual reader, probably ooc characters (im out of practice sowwy!)
a/n: yes this is late but we're ignoring that. Happy international asexuality day fwens! @ezrasarm and I decided to drag ourselves out of our own graves to put together a little something so here's part 2 of some ace hcs! [ part 1 here ]
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Knows more about asexuality than you do
You stare at him unblinking as he rambles on about the history of sexuality
“Echo… is there something you want to tell me?”
He fumbles then because he’s not about to tell you that he did some digging when Rex came out to him, it's not his information to share after all
But he also doesn’t see any other reason why he’d know this much information
“Oh, I was just doing some light reading about… sexuality” is what he settles for
Honestly gets so caught up at being able to use the information he learnt that he kinda forgets what he’s supposed to do when someone comes out to him
(he looked it up after Rex told him and he had stood awkwardly, wondering what he was supposed to do)
Eventually the ‘significant other’ part of his brain kicks in and he stutters through an apology
“That’s okay! It’s refreshing to find someone who doesn’t need me to explain it all actually.”
He smiles sheepishly at you before going through the step by step comfort guide in his head
step 1: accept and do not invalidate
“So, you don’t mind?” “Of course not!”
step 2: establish boundaries
Echo does the only logical thing he can think of and makes a list of things you’re comfortable with and things you’re uncomfortable with
“I’m still figuring a lot of that out,” you mumble when you’re a few bullet points in
"Ah, perfect interlude for step 3," he thinks
step 3: reaffirm love
“That’s alright. You don’t have to have all the answers. We can figure it out together.” He turns his head and kisses your forehead gently
step 4: ask for cuddles cuz poor bby is touch starved
“We can still cuddle right?” He says it so quietly you wouldn’t have heard it if you weren’t right next to him
Instead of answering, you pull his onto the bed beside you and wrap your arms around him as you let his head come to rest above your heart
gave up on having a sex life a long time ago
Is surprised when you tell him but isn’t all that bothered by it
He’s half asleep when he stumbles out of his office, only to walk straight into you
He grips your arm to steady you as you catch yourself
Seeing the state he’s in, you have half a mind to turn around and put it off for another day
Kix being Kix though, senses something's off and furrows his eyebrows before tugging you into his office
He seats you in his chair while he perches on the edge of his desk facing you
You fidget with the edge of your shirt as you gather your thoughts
Kix waits patiently, pulling your hands into his to save your shirt play with your fingers
When you finally tell him, he smiles gently at you before pulling you into his chest
“I love you,” he says as he runs his fingers along the length of your spine. “Nothing’s going to change that. I spent years telling myself that I could never have the happy future that the nat-borns dream of, but then I met you. You made me believe that I deserved love, made me remember that there is still good in the world. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.”
He plants a kiss to your forehead as he finishes and you tighten your hold around him
“Thank you,” you mumble into his shoulder, relieved at his acceptance. “And I love you too,” you add as you lift your head to press a kiss to his jaw
As long as you keep coming home to each other, you’d be okay
He’s slugging through paperwork when you let yourself in
Thinks someone broke something when he sees you nervously fidgeting
(it's not the first time the idiots he called family have sent you to report a broken item. He doubts he’s seen the last of it)
Sighs and moves to find the paperwork to file for a replacement of whatever-is-apparently-broken
Starts getting concerned when you stop him, even more so when you tell him to sit down
Doesn’t even bat an eye when you tell him
“You’re… fine with it?”
Shrugs as if you just told him Obi Wan had lost his lightsaber again
He’s never valued sex as much as society deems he should so he doesn’t feel the loss
Sighs when he realises how worked up you got yourself
Takes your hands in his and kisses the inside of your wrist before he speaks
“Cyare, our relationship is more than just sex. If that’s not something you’re comfortable with, then we don’t have to do anything. I fell in love with the person inside, not the appeal of the outside.”
“Commander Cody, are you saying I’m unattractive?”
Has to immediately back pedal and starts sputtering in an attempt to string words together
You laugh and pull him up for a hug, having teased him enough and honestly relieved he isn’t bothered
You stay wrapped in each others arms, enjoying the temporary peace
“So, just to be sure, the di’kuts didn’t break anything right?”
You snort and slap him across the chest
Stays quiet until you finish talking, squeezing your hand reassuringly every once in a while
Is genuinely confused when you ask if he still wants to be with you
“Cyare, you stayed by my side when I lost my eye. I’m not leaving you now because of this. I meant it before when I said I love everything about you, I still mean it now.”
Asks if it’s okay to hug you and envelops you when you nod, tucking your head under his chin
Gets a little insecure because so much of his affection comes in physical forms rather than words
But once you guys have a serious chat about boundaries, he finds ways to express his love without making you uncomfortable
Nose boop and forehead kisses are his personal favourite
Reassures you that it’s okay if you don’t know all your boundaries
Eventually asks you why you were so nervous to tell him
You tell him that not everyone’s accepting of it
“Some people think that we’re broken,” you say in what he can only coin as nonchalance
Your passive tone makes Wolffe grind his teeth together
He instantly wants a list of names of ‘the people who deserve to die’
Is only half kidding about committing murder
Plo doesn’t even try to stop him
Wolffe: roping the pack into his 5 step murder plan
Plo (& Fox): i do not see
You stop them before it goes too far but its endearing to see the lengths they’ll go to for you
You reward all of them with cake when they’re next on shore leave
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