#so even just small gestures like the one anon did make me insanely emotional
yujeong · 5 months
I LOVE the poem you just shared 🥺 I definitely thought it was Pete's pov before I read your tags, and figured that Pete's death was when he nearly died in the safehouse. Maybe it's super cool that it can be read both ways or maybe I'm just delusional. Either way, thank you for sharing 💕
My sweet anon, I would have replied to your beautiful ask sooner, but unfortunately, it made me cry a little too hard for that to be possible. Thank you so, so much for sharing your thoughts about my poem with me. You're definitely not delusional; the beauty of poetry is that each reader can find their own meaning in it. I'm so glad I wrote this in a way that it might not make it clear who's talking: both Vegas and Pete are obsessed with each other, so it'd honestly fit Pete's POV as well. Thank you for opening my eyes to this, I had no idea before. I've been struggling with my writing a lot this year. It's been a struggle to even post those snippets for the 2 year kpts event I share, because my overthinking brain keeps finding flaws in everything I write. Even with my poor beta's help and encouragement it's been a pain, so just know, your message means the world to me. Thank you ❤️
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britishassistant · 3 years
When Villain!Yuu manages to return to their dimension and finds out their minions did, it’s one of the few times that the Supervisor has lived up to their title as heir. The next day the head of the minions of the attempted murder squad was found battered, covered in bird poo, and tied in front of RSA. If Crowley asks, Yuu makes the excuse that they are simply following one of the rules of villainy. If a minion steps out of line, don’t correct, make an example out of them.
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
Warning for dark under the cut.
There are three items on the desk.
One is a cellphone. It’s a compact, black brick of a thing, the sort that could survive a drop from a window a story up. Its screen is currently dark and silent. It has not buzzed or vibrated, or given any indication that it’s even on.
The second is a glass of clear liquid. The glass looks pretty standard, no fancy plane designs or rectangular shapes. Just a squat round cup with a round lip and clear liquid an inch or so from the top. There are small bubbles forming in the bottom, the longer it remains undisturbed. It doesn’t seem like those are the results of carbonation, or some other nefarious properties.
No. If anything, the cup is there for the third object on the table.
A pair of two pills are sitting innocently by the cup’s side. One is larger, pale pink, and lozenge shaped. The other is smaller, a capsule that’s colored dark green and blue.
The minion swallows. The phlegm feels like it’s lodged in his throat.
There’s a sigh from the other side of the table.
The Supervisor leans forward. The supervillain’s features are slightly drawn, like they’re preparing to undertake an unpleasant chore.
The minion has the insane urge to giggle at the sight.
“So…” The Supervisor splays their hands. “Unfortunately, following reviews of your recent performance, we have found that you are…not a good fit for this business. It’s been determined that it’s in everyone’s best interests for you to be terminated from your current position effective immediately.”
The minion—or rather, ex-minion—gives a shaky nod.
The Supervisor tilts the brim of their top hat up, so they can better make eye contact with him. “You have two choices for your…ah, severance package.”
One hand gestures to the glass and pills. “Option one: you take these. The pink one is a sedative, and it’s up to you whether you take it before or after the other. It’s pretty fast acting, so it shouldn’t matter so much either way. All you’ll know is just falling asleep.”
The other gestures to the phone. “Option two: I make a call to Dr. Crewel. You’ll be transferred to his department. But in the, ah…volunteer capacity. Instead of the minion one. Do you have any questions?”
There’s a moment of stunned silence.
“W-what?” The ex-minion stutters. “B-but…I, I don’t understand?”
“What don’t you understand?” The Supervisor asks, patience in every line of their posture. Like they were an adult helping to explain something complicated to a small child.
This, in spite of the fact that the ex-minon was a decade the supervillain’s senior.
That helps the ex-minion order his thoughts somewhat. “I-I thought the rules for g-getting fired were that the min-minion in question would be turned over to the police for arrest. Or to the local sup-superheroes.”
The Supervisor nods. “That is what happens in most cases, yes. However, in those cases, the termination is contingent more on minion incompetence or betrayal. You and your…friends, regrettably, fall outside that purview.”
The ex-minion’s mouth moves soundlessly. “But…I don’t understand. Isn’t this for betrayal? That I betrayed you?”
The Supervisor’s mouth tightens, even as the rest of their face remains impassive. “That…is another crime you committed, and one that was taken into account when making this decision. But it is far from the main motivating factor behind all this.”
The ex-minion wracks his brain. “But, what…?”
“You attempted to murder a child.” The supervillain exhales, some dark, wounded emotion entering their eyes for the first time. “Another version of myself, true, but an injured, defenseless child. One who had never done anything to you, or anyone else in this world. Who had no involvement in whatever quarrel you have with me. Who nearly bled to death on my roof due to the injuries sustained as a direct result of your attempted murder.”
The Supervisor shakes their head. “And that would be bad enough, especially as I was under the impression that they would at least be cared for in my absence. Except this? This was not an isolated incident, was it? Looking over the behavior of the perpetrators, it’s become clear this is only the culmination of a dangerous trend I should’ve seen and put a stop to ages ago.”
The ex-minion doesn’t think he can breathe.
“The first endangerment of Miss Elena Blackwood back at the bank. The repeated suggestions of attacking elementary, middle or high schools or public playgrounds to divert heroic attention during heists or schemes. The inclination to ignore my orders when I specified that children were to be released immediately if caught up in a hostage situation we organized. The attempted hostage taking of Mr. Cheka Kingscholar while he was my guest.”
The ex-minion tries swallowing again. When he speaks, his voice is hoarse. “I thought you didn’t know about that.”
He winces at the mindless admission.
The Supervisor’s eyes narrow at him, and fury rolls off them in almost visible waves. There is no doubting the Night Raven’s genetics were used to make them like this.
“I have my ways.”
The ex-minion quails under their glare.
The Supervisor sighs, scrubbing a hand over their eyes. “Do you understand now? You are not being fired for betrayal. You and your cohorts are being terminated for repeated and willful perpetuation of un-villainous crimes of one of the highest orders, in accordance with League Statute A55. So, what’ll it be?”
“Sh-shouldn’t there be a hear-hearing, or, or an appeal, or something?!” The ex-minion begs desperately.
“If you wanted forgiveness, you should have applied to the Royal Sword Association.” The Supervisor rattles off blandly. “We here at Night Raven Corporation specialize in putting the super back into supervillainy.”
The ex-minion slumps. “…I always hated that slogan.”
The Supervisor pulls a commiserating face. “Not some of Dad’s best work, I’ll admit.”
He stares at the pills and at the phone.
“…Which did Miette pick?”
The supervillain pointedly glances towards the glass and its companions.
He snorts. “Naturally. She’d rather be dead rather than be something monstrous like you.”
The Supervisor inclines their head but doesn’t deny his words.
He considers it some more. “…Would I still receive a paycheck? As a volunteer?”
The Supervisor shrugs. “One that’s considerably reduced from what you currently earn, but yes. You would be compensated for your services. And your current life insurance will still be maintained and paid out to those you specify in the event of an accident under Dr. Crewel’s care. Or, indeed, if you take the other option.”
Like he has anyone he wants that money to go to.
His eyes dart between them.
The choice is easy in the end. Miette can call him a coward all she wants beyond the grave, but he’s not letting this thing be the last sight he sees.
“Make the call.”
The supervillain nods, and picks up the phone.
It’s screen lights up as they lift it towards their ear, pressing a button. “Dr. Crewel? Mr. Aston Michaels has expressed his consent to be transferred to the volunteer department. When can we expect pickup? Five minutes? Yes. Yes, this is the last one. Well, thank you for your help. Have a nice day.”
They hang up, and set the phone back down on the table.
Something flickers across their face— distaste? Weariness? Regret? Whatever it is, he hopes it haunts this thing’s nightmares for the rest of its miserable existence. It’s the least it deserves.
The two of them sit there in silence. Then there’s a knocking behind him, and light spills over him as the door is opened.
A pair of minions in impeccable suits step through, nodding to the supervillain, who nods back. Each one of them takes one of his arms and gently pulls him up from his seat.
“I’d say you’re going to be dammed to Hell for this.” He says, almost cheerfully, before they can turn him away. “But I’m pretty sure you need a soul to go down there, and things like you don’t have those.”
There’s a subtle intake of breath from the suited minions on either side of him. He ignores them, his glare fixated on his now ex-boss.
The Supervisor smiles grimly back at him. For some reason, that kind of pisses him off.
“Oh, believe me, Mr. Michaels. I know.”
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spideyspeaches · 3 years
Dead man walking -> s.h
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A/N: I'm in my Sherlock mood so here you go besties 😃 beta read by @peterbenjiparker 😘
Summary (request from anon): hi bestie, heard you were horny for sherlock, and honestly, same. So could i request maybe after he "dies" first thing he does is actually going to see you, so you have some really sweet sex or angry sex cause reader is angry at him for lying to her.
Warnings: bestie I ended up making it all fluff-, um mentions of suicide/death. Y'know.
Wc: 1.1k
"You're angry." Was the first thing he said, looking at you with a tiny smile, his face bent down as he met your eyes through his lashes. 
You were standing in his apartment- 221B Bakers Street, as he liked to introduce to everyone he met, mouth gaping and hands folded over your grocery bags as you saw your very alive boyfriend standing in front of you, the collar of his trenchcoat upturned, front button undone in his trademarked style, one that you had always commented on that his buttons were just begging to be popped.
You were coming back home from grocery shopping, going by your normal work schedule from before Sherlock had thrown himself off of a building, trying not to think of his corpse you had seen in the morgue. It was a tough feat to do, when you remembered that the Sherlock standing in front of you was very real and not just a figment of your worst imagination.
The day had been a horrible day for you, and you had by the grace of one Molly Hooper, survived the guilt of living while your boyfriend, the one person in the world that meant the most to you was dead. 
And now here you were, standing in front of your not dead boyfriend, who was looking increasingly smug by the minute as he saw your foot tapping angrily on the ground. 
"Is that so? And how did you "deduce" that, Mr. Holmes?" You snark, folding your hands beneath your chest as you tried to look as intimidating as possible.
Truth was, you were fuming. It had been two years since the insanity that was Sherlock's death, two years since you got yourself caught in the scandal of his death, two years since you watched John Watson, the strongest man you've ever met, crumble underneath the weight of his best friend's death. 
You had tried to get over him, even helped John in finding his lovely partner. Mary was a lovely woman, she was everything you wanted to be, but deep down you know you could never be. You were grateful for her to have entered your and John's life, you didn't know how long you could take John's pitiful puppy face every time he looked at the skull on the mantelpiece, or even the sofa that had the indents of Sherlock. 
Everything in 221B Bakers Street reeked of the detective, even when he was gone. And it got crippling at times, but you had survived then.
Two years may not seem much to a mundane human, but Sherlock was anything but mundane. He was the most insufferable man you'd ever had the pleasure to come in contact with. But two years meant twenty four months and those were, no doubt, the most excruciating twenty four months of your life.
"You're doing the thing.. the thing with your eyebrow where they go all," he muttered, his voice lowering an octave as he did some weird gesture with his hands, stopping when he saw your glare, "sorry." 
"Sorry? Oh you'll be sorry Sherlock Holmes, when I give you a piece of your mind for hiding this from me!" You shout, walking towards him till you were chest to chest with him, your breath heaving due to your aggressive stance. 
You felt him stiffen in front of you, his pupils visibly dilating against his stunning blue irises, breath hot on your face as his hands come to caress your waist.
"Well what else do you want me to say?" He asks, bringing you closer to him. His apartment was empty, Mrs. Hudson had left the minute she had stopped to kiss Sherlock's face and then proceeded to slap him, giving him a piece of his mind from her own side.
You had always found their relationship endearing, but you were trying not to divert your mind with stupid things and you were fuming at Sherlock Holmes for faking his fucking death!
"Why didn't you tell me." You said, gulping as he touched your face, his slender fingers pushing back stray hair from your face, caressing the place underneath your eyes.
Sometime between glaring at him and holding your grocery bags, you had moved into the small room, still littered with rotten science experiments and robes that were hardly washed by their owner.
"And get you involved in dangerous business?" He answered, giving you a small smile, his dimple making a rare appearance.
"I live with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson, I think just existing in this apartment puts me in danger." You huffed, moving away from him and flopping down on the couch. 
Pushing your legs towards your chest, you wrap your arms around them, looking at him through the wisps of your hair.
"Speaking of him, have you told John yet?" You asked, rolling your head towards him as he nodded a no.
"No you're the only one who knows," he said, shifting on his legs, "and Mrs. Hudson, of course." 
"Makes sense," you nodded, shifting on the sofa, "cause if I were John Watson then I'd punch your stupid face off." You joked, hiding a smirk behind your legs.
"Oh he totally would." He laughed, meeting your eyes as you joined in his laughter, the heavy feeling in your chest dissipating as your ears filled with the melody of his laughter. 
It felt familiar, sitting on the couch as you both laughed, just like the old days when he'd come to you with a case, rambling your ears off at the possibilities of the way the burglar would have entered a ten feet high window. 
Getting up from the sofa, you walked towards him, standing in front of him and sighing as you wrapped your arms around him, squishing your face to his chest, feeling the familiar thumping of his heart as he hesitantly wrapped you in a hug. 
Contrary to popular belief, Sherlock Holmes did not have a heart made of ice. He may not be the most affectionate person you've ever met, but he had his own ways of showing his love.
But this blatant display of affection startled you, sniffing as you picked your head up from his lean chest, looking at his sparkling eyes and the way his curls fell on his forehead. It took everything in you to not to kiss him, a lump of emotions taking residence in your throat, forbidding you from taking a deep breath. 
"I'm here now." He said, rubbing your back lightly as you sniffed, chuckling with a watery smile as you slapped his chest, him joining in your laughter.
"How long?" You cracked, wiping a hand under your nose, "How long are you gonna stay?" 
"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." He said, taking your face in his fingers, swiping them on your lips as you wet them with your tongue.
"Promise?" You whispered, leaning on your toes to meet his mouth. 
"I promise." He said, capturing your lips in his, and you felt like yourself again. After two years of tears and yearning for the most important man in your life, you felt like you could breathe again.
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
Livestream Revelations [Christen Press x Reader]
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requested by anon: Can you do a cute Christen Press Quarantine type of imagine? There could never be enough Pressy to go around hahaha. Thank youuu
requested by anon: Could you please write a cute quarantine interview/livestream with christen?
A/N: i agree! there def could never be enough cp to around...gosh i love that woman. also, this was one of my favs, so i hope you all enjoy it too! lemme know what u think :)
“Hey guys.” You smile into the camera, as you lean your phone against your water bottle. “We’re extremely bored, so we decided to come on here and answer some questions.”
You look over to your girlfriend, encouraging her to say something.
“(Y/N) practically forced me to do this.” Christen rolls her eyes, hiding a grin.
You playfully push her shoulder, laughing. “Don’t even lie, Chris. You love interacting with the fans, plus you were bored out of your mind.”
At that, Christen can only smirk, knowing you were right.
The two of you had been dating for almost four years now and lived together in an apartment in Seattle during the offseason. When COVID first hit, before lockdown was enforced, Christen quickly got on the first flight from Utah, so that the two of you could quarantine together. Now, almost 5 months later, the two of you were going slightly insane. Although you loved spending time with each other, especially considering the NWSL season often separated you two, not being able to go out was causing you to go a little stir crazy.
“Alright,” you clap your hands and scroll through the incoming comments, “let’s see what kind of questions you guys have.”
“Oh, there’s one.” Christen squints, pointing to one of the recurring questions. “How did the two of you meet?”
“Oh, this is a funny story.” You chuckle. “Well, we met in college, and we actually met in our Philosophy class before we even met on the team.”
Before you can continue to tell the story, Christen interrupts you, her cheeks flushed. “Nooooo. Please don’t tell this story. It’s so embarrassing.”
“Awww,” You coo, pinching her cheeks, “it was adorable, babe.”
Your girlfriend pouts and crosses her arms, as you start again. “So, basically, our professor had assigned seats, but Ms. Press over here didn’t know that. So, I go to sit in my seat only to find that someone else was sitting there, and I say to her, ‘I think you’re in my seat,’ and she looks up at me and said… what did you say to me?” You look over at your blushing girlfriend with a teasing glint in your eye.
Christen covers her face with her hands and mumbles out something.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” You lean in closer.
The older forward removes her hands. “I said, ‘Your seat? This can be your seat if you give me your number.”
At that, you throw your head back and burst out laughing. Looking back at your phone, you see a flood of comments from many of your national team teammates.
“Ha! Megan said, ‘That doesn’t sound like the Pressy I know.’” You turn back to your girlfriend and poke her side. “Yeah, that was a pretty bold move for you.”
“I thought you were beautiful, and I didn’t know if I’d see you again, so I thought, why not?” Christen shrugs.
“Awwww, babe. You thought I was beautiful?” You give her a wet kiss on her cheek.
“You still are.” She grumbles, wiping her face. You feel your cheeks warm and your heart melt, and you give her a quick kiss.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” Christen responds, before looking at the incoming questions. “Hmmm, okay, next question. Let’s see… oh, here’s one: (Y/N), what’s your favorite thing about me?”
“Is that really a question, or do you just want me to boost your ego?” You raise your eyebrow skeptically.
“It’s an actual question!” Christen insists, gesturing to the phone.
You breathe out a laugh. “Okay, uhhhhh, do you mean like favorite physical feature or favorite personality trait…?” You trail off, and Christen slaps your shoulder.
“Stop stalling!”
“Alright, alright.” You throw your hands up in innocence. “Well, I’ll just answer both. My favorite physical feature of my gorgeous girlfriend would have to be her smile. It literally just lights up my entire world and is just so infectious.”
As you answer, a wide smile breaks out on your girlfriend’s face.
“See what I mean.” You find yourself grinning, fondly admiring the woman you love. “And, my favorite personality trait of Christen would have to be… hmmm, this one is difficult because I just love everything about her.” You honestly admit.
“Aw, babe, I love you, too.” Christen’s face softens, and she pulls you in for a tender kiss. “But answer the question.”
“Ahhh, okay!” You chuckle. It takes you a couple of seconds to come up with a succinct answer, but you finally find the words to an answer. “I wouldn’t say that I have a favorite trait, but one thing that I appreciate about Christen is her huge heart. She is just so compassionate and caring for everyone around her, and she’s so selfless, just always giving. She has so much love in her heart, and I’m just so lucky that she’s shared some with me.”
Your voice cracks at the end, as you start getting a little emotional, and you can see Christen discreetly wiping her eyes.
Clearing your throat, you look back at the comments, and you smile, as the forward mouths an ‘I love you.’
By now, there are many comments from fans saying ‘They’re so cute!’ or ‘MY SHIP’ or even ‘my heart can’t take this.’ You scroll through them and spot a few from your teammates.
mrapinoe: This is so gay
mrapinoe: I love it
tobinheath: You guys are so cute!
ashlynharris24: Wow, who knew (Y/N) could be so romantic
kelleyohara: C’mon dude answer my question!!!!
You let out a small laugh at your best friend’s comment. “What’s your question, Kel?”
You and Christen wait a couple of seconds for the defender to type out her question. Amidst the hundreds comments, you finally see Kelley’s name pop up again. 
“Kelley says, ‘(Y/N), is it true that you had a crush on someone while at Stanford?’” Christen reads from the screen, before turning to glare at you.
You cringe under the scrutiny of your girlfriend. “Wow, Kel, are you trying to get me in trouble?” You mutter out.
“Answer the question, (Y/N).” Christen pushes, jealousy seeping through her voice. Throughout your time at Stanford, the two of you had been best friends, telling each other everything, but Christen had never been aware of any crush you’d had.
“Ummm… well there was this one girl that I really liked.” You trail off, avoiding your girlfriend’s eyes.
“Really?” Christen raises her eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, but I was too nervous to do anything about it.” You shrug, not wanting to elaborate anymore, but the forward wasn’t going to let you off the hook that easily.
“Who was it? Do I know her?”
“Chris, it’s not that big of a deal. This was like ten years ago.”
“Was it Ali? Morgan? Lea? Oh my gosh, was it Kelley?” Christen interrogates, as you shake your head to each of them.
“Ew, Chris, you think I had a crush on Kelley. She’s like my sister!” You gag at the mental image.
“Well, then who was it?” She wines.
“It was you.” You admit. Although the two of you met at Stanford, and Christen so boldly asked for your number, you hadn’t started dating until four years ago, as neither of you wanted to ruin your friendship.
“What?” Christen’s eyes widen.
“I had a huge crush on you when we were in college. From the moment that you were sitting in my seat, I knew you were the one, as cheesy as that sounds. And as we spent more time together, on and off the pitch, my feelings grew stronger and stronger, but I didn’t know if you felt the same, so I never told you. I didn’t want to lose you as a friend.” You reveal, rambling on.
“Seriously?” Christen whispers, and you nod.
“Dead serious, babe.”
Not knowing what to say, your girlfriend cups your face and brings you in for a sweet kiss.
Before the kiss could get too heated on camera, Christen pulls away. “By the way, I had a little crush on you in college as well.”
“Hm, really?” You smirk.
“Well, we ended up together in the end, didn’t we?” You brush a hair out of her face.
“Yup, I always had a feeling we would.” Christen playfully boasts.
“Okay there, Delphi.” You joke, as your girlfriend pushes you away, calling you a nerd.
“Well, alright you guys, I think that we’re gonna end this livestream right now because we’re not too bored anymore, or at least I found something else to do.” You wiggle your brows at Christen, smirking.
“(Y/N)!” Christen slaps your shoulder.
ashlynharris24: Get it (Y/N)!!!
alexmorgan13: Real smooth (Y/N/N)
allie_long_: 🔥🔥🥵
“See you all later!” You wave at the camera and end the stream.
After you shutting off your phone and tossing it on the couch, you turn to your girlfriend. “So now what?”
“Well, all of a sudden I’m not that bored, and I think we have some lost time to make up for.” Christen sings, looking over her shoulder, as she makes her way towards the bedroom. “You coming?”
“Gosh, I love you, Christen Press.” You grin, before scrambling off your chair and following your girlfriend into your bedroom.
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deobienthusiast · 4 years
TUDC (The Ultimate Dance Couple)
• pairing: ji changmin (the boyz) x reader
• word count: 2,870 words
• genre: fluff, idol au
• warnings: none
• notes: i could really see changmin dating a dancer. he would love that!!!!🤍
• requested: yes | no by anon
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There were always pros and cons to being an idol. Despite the fact that it was your dream, the job was extremely demanding. Being the main dancer of your group left you with a lot of responsibility when it came to the performance aspect of things. With the busy schedules, fans, and contractual obligations, it was hard to find time for yourself or even time for relationships. Throughout your time, you have made some amazing friendships. One that even blossomed into something more.
You met Q at a music show. Your group was promoting your new single as well as Q’s group, The Boyz, promoting their new single, Bloom Bloom. He had an infectious smile and bubbly personality. Not to mention he was an insanely talented dancer and sweet singing voice. Q prided himself in performance. He always wanted to be as perfect as possible when it came to performing. He was a hard worker, and you definitely admired that.
The day you two met, Q gave you the sweetest smile and spoke in the softest tone. When you two introduced yourselves, Q told you to call him Changmin. He wanted all formalities off the table. You eventually got his number and texted with him nonstop. This turned into hanging out, which turned into being each other’s emotional supporters, which eventually led to Changmin finally growing the courage to ask you out. When the news broke, fans were ecstatic. Yes, some were upset and rather hurtful, but the majority were so extremely happy for you two that it drowned out the hate.
You two ended up being nicknamed the ultimate dance couple. Fans would always end up begging for some type of collaboration stage. They lived for interactions between the two of you, and they loved whenever they could get them.
Waking up a little later than you usually do, you checked your phone as it buzzed on your bedside table.
Manager-nim: Be at the company building at 12:30. We have some important things to discuss.
A worrisome heaviness fell over your shoulders at the message. You hadn’t done anything wrong, at least not that you knew of. So for a message like this to come through, you were insanely anxious.
The day went by fast. Your arrival at the company building made your stomach coil up in knots as you entered, greeting some of the staff workers. You made your way to an open meeting room and noticed your manager.
“How are you feeling?” She asked softly.
“Nervous. I’m not in trouble am I?” You asked her.
She shook her head with a smile. “Quite the opposite actually. Come on.”
She opened the door for you as she laid her hand at the small of your back to guide you into the meeting room. At the giant table in the center of the room sat your CEO and another man you had never seen before.
“Please have a seat.” The CEO said as he gestured towards a chair opposite of the unrecognizable man.
You sat down as you swallowed back the lump in your throat.
“We’ve been doing some brainstorming. Preparations for your new album are going well, and we think that a pre-release will help give it more anticipation.” The CEO said as you let out the breath you were holding.
“So I’m not being asked to leave?” You said quietly.
The three people in the room with you laughed.
The man across from you shook his head. “Absolutely not. You’re one of the biggest stars out right now. We want to continue to see you grow. You may not recognize me, but I’m the manager of a group you know pretty well.”
You scrunched up your face as your CEO spoke. “We want you to do a collaboration stage to promote the new album.”
You suddenly felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders and felt giddy at the thought of getting to perform on stage. You felt at home on stage, especially when you were doing your absolute most favorite activity on the planet, dance. You were so caught up in your thoughts, you didn’t hear someone else walk into the room. You lifted your head and your eyes widened.
“Q,” You said softly.
The boy gave you a shy smile as he sat down opposite of you.
“Your The Boyz’ manager,” You said, finally putting two and two together.
The man nodded as he spoke. “You are a fabulous dancer, and we know that your album is going to focus on your dancing skills so we want to help promote that. We want you to do a collaboration stage with Q.”
Trying to fight back the smile growing on your face, you looked at your CEO. He smiled as he spoke.
“I know we are asking for a lot from you two, and we know that this might be weird as you two are dating, but we believe that you two will continue to be professional during preparations for this and during the time of the stage. Personal feelings aside, this will help you both. You with your album,” Your CEO said as he pointed at you. “And Q with The Boyz new album.”
The smile you were holding back finally made its way to your face as you watched your manager and CEO address your boyfriend. You could tell he was just as excited about this collaboration as you were while they both filled him in on what was at stake.
Your manager smiled as she looked between you and Q. “You both have outstanding skills and amazing creativity so we are leaving the theme and planning up to you. We have a date picked out which is about two and a half to three weeks from now.”
You both nodded as your CEO stood up. “Let us give you two some time to think it over.”
Both your managers and your CEO headed for the door as you watched them leave, feeling Q’s eyes on you.
“Stop staring,” You whispered as you heard him chuckle.
“I can’t help it. You’re just perfect.” Q whispered back as you shook your head, feeling heat creep up your neck.
You finally looked at him and smiled. He had no makeup on with glasses and unstyled hair. Q was wearing a light blue jumper with white details as he grinned.
“That’s not being professional, Ji.” You told him.
He leaned back in his seat as he shrugged. You stared a little longer, making the boy reciprocate with a cocky smirk. “Speaking on being professional.”
Rolling your eyes, you spoke. “Any ideas for our collab?”
Q nodded almost immediately. “I do, actually. I think you’ll like it too. We could even have Kevin help us out.”
He stood up, making his way around the table before taking a seat next to you. You giggled as he leaned forward slightly, his button nose that you adored so much bumping against yours.
“Forbidden forest.” He whispered.
You tilted your head as you thought about it. “That’s not a bad idea, Min.”
A dopey smile made its way to his face as he quickly leaned closer, pecking your lips as you squeaked.
“Changmin!” You whisper-yelled, looking towards the windows of the meeting room to make sure no one saw what he just did.
He watched you look around before laughing. “Relax, no one saw me kiss you. Now my idea, pretty good right?”
You looked back at Q as you nodded. “How’d you come up with it?”
Q smiled sheepishly. “Well, us of course. We’re idols, it’s almost like we’re forbidden to do anything that could hurt our careers.”
A small smile grew on your face as you whispered. “So a routine about our love story? I like it.”
Q laughed as the door opened.
“So, have we come up with a theme?” The CEO asked.
You both nodded before explaining the concept to the three of them. Q went more into detail with it before you both brought up Kevin helping with designing and bringing the concept to life. Once everything was finalized, you and Q were both released as you two wanted to get to work right away on the choreography.
“I’ll talk to Kevin when I head back to the dorm, but for now, let’s talk intros.” Q said as he sat down on the floor.
You sat next to him as you both brainstormed ideas. The both of you would stand up every so often, showing different combinations that could be used in the intro before you lost Q for a moment, continuously going over a certain combination that the both of you liked.
“Yeah, yeah. I like this one. What do you think?” You asked the boy who had gotten lost in watching you dance.
“Changmin?” You asked again, looking at him through the mirrors hanging on the wall.
He shook his head as he spoke. “Huh? Oh yeah. Yeah, it looks good.”
A blush grew on his cheeks making you giggle. You walked over to him as he shyly smiled. Wrapping your arms around his slim waist, you pecked his nose.
“What happened to being professional?” Q asked softly.
You smiled to yourself. “You just look so adorable when you’re shy. I couldn’t help myself.”
Q blushed again as he pulled you closer, burying his head into the crook of your neck. “Stop it. You're embarrassing me.”
Another giggle slipped past your lips as you pecked the side of his head that your lips could reach. He dug his face further into your neck as you unwrapped yourself from him.
“So, did you pay attention at all to what I was doing?” You asked.
You heard Q mumble something as he lifted his head. “I watch a little bit of it. Bits and pieces. It looks good, from what I did see.”
You smiled. “Then we have our intro.”
Q grinned as another blush bloomed on his cheeks.
“What now?” You laughed out.
“I’m starving.” Q said with a small smile.
Rolling your eyes, you pulled back from your boyfriend as you chuckled. “Let’s go get you some food.”
The next couple of weeks flew by pretty quickly. You made sure that Q stayed as focused as he possibly could be which proved to be even more difficult than you thought. The thing about Q is that when he was in a cuddly mood, there was no getting him out of it. Throughout your practices, you kept having to unravel the boy from around you. Especially during the last practice.
“Changmin, focus! This is our last practice.” You said, pushing the boy off of you for what felt like the umpteenth time.
You caught his gaze in the long mirror as he threw an over exaggerated pout, making you shake your head with a grin.
Q knew you were starting to crack despite your hard determination to stay focused. He just wanted to take the load off for you. You always worked so hard, and he just wanted to help you relax. Q walked up to you, wrapping his arms around you once more, making you sigh.
“Min, I’m serious.” You said as he tightly hugged you.
Q pecked your cheek as you stared at him through the mirror. “You need to relax. The choreography is perfect. There is no need to over rehearse. You worry too much. We’re going to be fine, so just let me hold you.”
You struggled slightly before relaxing in his arms. A victorious grin made its way to your boyfriend’s face as he cuddled into your neck.
“What if the fans don’t like it?” You suddenly asked, making Q lift his head.
“Why would you ask that?” He replied.
You shrugged. “I’m just worried. I know people still aren’t supportive of our relationship and,”
“I don’t care about that. This isn’t about those people who support us, and it isn’t even about the people that do. This stage is about us. It’s about you and your new album. It’s about The Boyz and myself,” He slipped his hand under your chin to lift your head so you would look at him. “Don’t worry about anybody else. Tomorrow is going to be perfect, and you are going to look even more amazing than you already do. We’re going to kill it.”
Smiling at his small pep talk, you pecked his lips as he gave you an adorable grin, dimples on full display.
You didn’t get much sleep that night. Tossing and turning over the performance kept you up. When you had arrived at the recording studio for M!Countdown, you slept your way through makeup and hair. The nerves of the performance were still fresh on your mind and growing as you got into your outfit. When you were completely ready, there was a knock on your door.
One of your stylists opened the door to reveal your dance partner. Q looked incredibly handsome with his dark hair styled back and himself fitted into an all black outfit that fit with yours. His makeup was done and his microphone hung around his neck as he smiled at you.
“Just like I predicted, you look amazing.” Q said with a smile as he walked towards you.
Shoving him lightly, you softly retorted. “So do you.”
“Just amazing? I don’t look handsome?” He questioned teasingly.
“Yes Changmin, you look very handsome.” You told him, making him cheer quietly.
As if sensing your nerves, he reached for both your hands as he gripped them tightly. “Still nervous?”
You looked at him. “Is it that obvious?”
Q chuckled. “You’re shaking.”
Closing your eyes, you took in a deep breath before opening them. Your boyfriend smiled at you before looking around the room. He turned back to you as he laid a kiss on your forehead.
“Hey, we’re going to be fine. Okay?” Q’s soft spoken tone made you relax almost instantly as he backed away from you. “We got this.”
You smiled with a nod. “We got this.”
Q led the way as the two of you headed to the stage. It looked absolutely incredible as you and Q got into formation. You started with your back to the camera and Q in front of you, facing forward. He eyed you before mouthing with a smile.
‘We’ve got this.’ He mouthed as the music started and the stage lit up.
The two of you danced like your lives depended on it, hitting every accent perfectly. Both of you were in sync with each other as the backup dancers killed their parts as well. The middle of the song started to play as the stage cleared for you and Q to do a solo part. You felt yourself get lost in the music as you danced your heart out. As the ending drew near, you finished strong before doing the last part of partner choreography that was left with Q as you both ended the performance.
The fans cheered loudly as you both headed off stage with the dancers falling behind you. As soon as you stepped off stage, Q couldn’t help but pull you into his arms, hugging you tightly.
“We did it! We did it! That was amazing! I told you you would kill it. You should listen to me more often.” Q said as his hands hung loosely around your waist.
You pulled him in for another hug as you both headed for your dressing room. You grabbed your phone to take pictures before hearing Q speak.
“Sunwoo texted me,” He started. “He says we’re trending on twitter.”
Immediately going to the app, you went to the trending page and smiled.
“What does ‘TUDC’ mean?” Q asked with a lopsided grin.
You giggled as you skipped over to him, pecking his cheek. “The ultimate dance couple.”
Q looked at you with big eyes as he laughed. “I like that, because we are amazing dancers.”
Looking at him, his face held a cocky grin. “You’ve been spending too much time with Sunwoo.”
He gave you a sheepish grin. “I can’t help it. He’s my member, so I’m around him 24/7.”
“Well I’m gonna have to tell him not to rub his cockiness off on you. The world can only handle one Sunwoo.” You said with a teasing grin.
Q pulled you into his arms as he kissed you. “I told you people would like our performance. We are trending on twitter because of how amazing you did.”
You looked away shyly. “I wasn’t the only one on the stage.”
“Yeah, but you definitely caught my attention.” Q said with a grin as he pecked your lips once more.
You rolled your eyes this time. “Looks like we'll have to do another collaboration stage soon so I can show off how good of a dancer my boyfriend is.”
Q smiled slightly before shrugging. “I much prefer keeping you to myself, but you can dance for me whenever you want to.”
Shoving him away from you, he laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind. I love you, Changmin.”
Your statement made Q grin as he pecked all over your face. “I love you too.”
122 notes · View notes
oureuphoria · 4 years
One-Step Forward, Two-Steps Back
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Genre: angst, slow-burn, friends-lovers (kind of?), a sprinkle of fluff 
Pairing: tattoo artist jungkook x college student reader
Word count: 6.8K
Warnings: Profanity, mentions of alcohol
Synopsis: You’ve heard of the forbidden love trope and it almost always ends tragically but, falling for your roommates fwb wasn’t forbidden, right? Besides, you totally had everything under control until Taehyung needed your help with a mid-term and used your (tiny, almost non-existent) crush on Jungkook to blackmail you into helping him.  or “Help me pass the mid-term and I won’t tell anyone you have a crush on Jungkook.” “Library. 2pm. Don’t be late.”
Note: Oh boy, okay so I got a request for tattoo artist jk which was *chefs kiss* thank you anon. I was brainstorming ideas and then thought, tattoo artist jk but make it: angst. Therefore, this one-shot (maybe two-shot) was bred. I really liked writing this because I tried to focus more on the emotional aspect than humour which is what I normally do. Forgive me if the emotional parts are horribly depicted, I’m still learning! Enjoy readers, I love you all.
- Part 2
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College was hard. You knew that much. But it didn’t help that everyone around you made it insanely harder. It was impossible to get anything done among the ruckus of your two roommates, not to mention their impending need to fuck at ungodly hours. They had simply no regard for your existence. They ate your food, used your stuff without permission, went inside your room and one time they even copied your class notes while you were sleeping. You didn’t hate them though, things could have been worse but in moments like these, you wanted to bury them alive.
You were quarter way through a video of the lecture you had missed when you began to hear the clamorous sound of Suzy crashing into your apartment with her fuck-buddy, Jeon Jungkook. Fun fact: you had a small, microscopic, tiny, itty-bitty crush on Jungkook that you’d never admit to having. He was actually super sweet but whatever douche-ness he lacked in personality, he made up for in looks. He had a full sleeve of tattoos and loads of piercings. He looked like every mother’s nightmare but from what you had been able to infer, he had the personality of an angel. You rarely talked to him and your interactions were mostly brief, only ever talking when nobody else was there.
It was a Sunday morning and you had gotten up at around 9am. You were on the kitchen island, eating cereal when you saw Jungkook stumbling out with dishevelled hair and a messy appearance. Naturally, he still looked hot and you choked on your mouthful of cereal. Your choking startled him and he chuckled at your loud coughs. You drank some water and eventually calmed down but by then it was too late to save you from the embarrassment.
“Morning Y/N.” He greeted you a little bashfully because he wasn’t expecting to see anyone as he was leaving. You gave him a tight-lipped smile, one that was more awkward than polite. “You have a little…” You gestured to the side of his neck where a lipstick stain rested. He wiped at his neck, checking his hand and cursing at the sight of lipstick. You grabbed the tissue box, gesturing it towards him as he muttered a quick thanks. “This shit never gets off.” You watched him angrily wipe at his neck, the stain seemingly endless. “Then I guess this is a bad time to tell you about your lips?” He looked at you with panic and you had to stifle a laugh, messing with him was practically your favourite pass time because he was always so unsuspecting.
You ran into your room to grab make-up wipes and handed them to him. He gratefully took one out, going to wipe his neck. “I feel like I’m missing it, can you do it for me?” No, fuck no. You were supposed to be getting over him and this would definitely not help. “Okay.” You nervously grabbed the wipeout of his hand and wiped his neck for him. You were standing lightly on your toes to see his neck better and out of instinct, you placed your other arm on his shoulder for balance. The proximity made your heart stutter but you tried to ignore the deafening beating in your chest. You watched him flinch when you went over a sensitive spot and you quietly apologised, returning to your original stance that was at a safe distance from him. He thanked you once again, the same bashful smile on his face that you were beginning to find insanely adorable. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He joked, and you felt a sharp pang in your heart because it seemed that you were making more out of the situation than what was really there. All you were was his fuck-buddy’s roommate who he talked to every once in a while and you had to learn to accept it.
You were always a meticulous and organised person but no matter how hard you tried you could not organise your emotions. It frustrated you to no end and the best you could do was hide behind a nervous facade that often failed you because you were incredibly obvious. You pretended that you disliked him. It wasn’t hard, you had almost every reason to because all he seemed to do was disrupt your sleep. You’d been crushing on him for 6 months and nobody had figured it out yet, you were weirdly impressed. You sighed loudly out of exhaustion as you stared at your ceiling in despair. Feelings were horrible and if you had the choice, you’d become a sociopath. Oh, the tranquil ease of never having to worry about your emotions ever again.
In the midst of your blissful daydream, Lisa opened the door to your room, a beaming smile on her face that warned you trouble was to come. “Hey, we’re inviting some friends over tonight, okay?” She asked cutely but before you could argue that it was a school night she zoomed out of your room with little care about what you had to say. You groaned painfully at the realisation that you weren’t going to get any sleep tonight.
As expected, once the clock hit 7pm your apartment began filling up with Suzy and Lisa’s elaborate group of friends that consisted of 11 people; 7 men and 4 girls (including Suzy and Lisa). They came over every once in a while and every time they did you knew to brace yourself because they were loud, disruptive and messy. One time they played a drinking game and it turned into absolute anarchy so you made your roommates promise to never let it get that bad again. All you were left to do was hope they could keep that promise.
You were hungry but venturing out into the living area (which was inconveniently connected to the tiny kitchen) was too scary and you already brushed your teeth. Not only was Jungkook there but you had grown a genuine distaste towards your roommate’s friends. Perhaps it was because you only ever saw them when they were drunk or partying but you liked to stay away when they were over. You decided against going out of your room, you knew that you should probably just have sleep for dinner instead. And that’s what you did, for a total of 50 minutes before the loud chaos began. You were a light sleeper which proved to be a curse in situations like these. Your sleepiness had conjured up a sense of anger and you messaged your roommates to keep it down. They didn’t reply but you heard some hushing which satisfied you enough however they were too drunk to remain orderly and it broke out into undesirable noise once again.
Blinded by your impending need to sleep, you shuffled out of your room in your pyjamas and slippers. You had absolutely no shame when it came to sleep because without it, you couldn’t function. “Can you all please keep it down for the sake of me and the entire apartment block?” They all turned to you, an awkward silence engulfing the room. A couple of them stifled laughs, some giving up and laughing obnoxiously. Your roommates gave you remorseful smiles as they muttered out insincere apologies. They clearly were not taking you seriously so you returned to your room with an angry huff, trying to drown them out.
The next morning you were up early (much to your dismay) because you had a morning lecture. You saw Jimin, who you recognised because of his pink hair, passed out on your couch. You contemplated on whether or not you should wake him up but decided against it. That was a problem you had no obligation to deal with. Like clock-work, Jungkook was quietly sneaking out of Suzy’s room, meeting your eyes while you slipped on your sneakers. “Good Morning.” He gave you a tired smile, no matter how sleepy he was he always made sure he left before Suzy woke up and he explained that it was better that way. You responded to his greeting with a nod, just as tired as he was however unlike him you had lectures and classes to attend while he was content with his job as a tattoo artist. You wondered what is was like to be so sure of what you want at a young age but stopped yourself from pondering while you tied your shoelace. “Y/N, I’m sorry about last night.” He apologised shyly but you knew it was useless. He apologised every time but things always ended the same way, at least there was an attempt though.
“Where are you headed?” He asked you out of politeness, you guessed. “I have a lecture at 9.” He nodded while slipping his shoes on. You opened the door to leave and he followed suit. It was awkward, you walking out of the building together. He tried to make small talk but it always ended dryly. Once he reached his car, you gave him a wave. He waved back and opened his door but paused momentarily before getting in, he watched you tiredly walk away and he felt guilty so he yelled out your name and waited for you to turn around. “Do you want a ride?” You stood there in shock for a moment, trying to contemplate what to say. He gave you an expectant look but you could tell he was just doing this out of pity so you saved him the trouble. “It’s okay, I’m alright with walking. Thank you though!” You forced out a polite smile before quickly continuing on your way. Jungkook didn’t dwell on the rejection too long, he always assumed you weren’t his biggest fan.
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Hey, you’re Lisa’s roommate right?” You nodded at the extremely perky boy with a frown on your face. “I also go by Y/N but Lisa’s roommate works too.” He rolled his eyes at your comment before moving to take the seat next to yours. “I need your help.” You ignored his statement because frankly Flappy Bird was more interesting than what he was about to say. “I’m failing this class.” He admitted and you paused the game before turning to him with false sympathy. “I send my condolences.” You joked, sarcasm laced within your words. He didn’t appreciate it but he made no comment against it, if he was going to get your help he’d have to be nice. “I know we’re not close or anything but all I’m asking is for you to help me with the mid-term.” The boy, which you could barely remember as Taehyung, pleaded with a charming smile. You could have ignored him but you decided to humour him for just a little longer. “What’s in it for me?” He gave you a smirk that almost made your hard face falter. “Help me pass the mid-term and I won’t tell anyone you have a crush on Jungkook.” You should have denied the comment, laughed at it, dodged it with all your might but instead all you did was gulp and stare at Taehyung with fear. “Library. 2pm. Don’t be late.” You muttered bitterly and Taehyung was so proud of his triumph. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You ignored his thanks, dwelling on your sad defeat.
As promised, Taehyung showed up to the library at 2pm, with absolutely nothing but his phone in his hand. “Taehyung where are your notes?” He looked at you with absent eyes, confused by the question you had asked him. “What notes?” Your eyes widened with shock, mouth opening and closing like a fish because you had no idea what to say. “You didn’t take notes in class?” Even though he sat next to you, you paid little attention to what he was doing and now you were regretting it. “No…?” He sat down on the chair in front of you and rested his head in his arms with a pout. “I’m totally failing this semester.” You didn’t mean to feel bad for him but you couldn’t help it. He looked like a kicked puppy, big eyes and pouty lips. You let out a huge sigh before sharing your notes with him and preparing for the horrible 2-weeks that lay ahead.
“Taehyung, we literally just went over this.” You were holding a flashcard, one of many that you crafted to help yourself prepare for the mid-term. Now, your hard work was wasted on a blonde-haired boy with no regard for school. “Um…patent?” Your frustrated face morphed into a beaming smile once he got the question right. You resisted the urge to scream in relief but Taehyung didn’t. “Did I get it right? Fuck yeah!” At the pointed glares from fellow students in the library, he apologised shyly and you quietly snickered at his embarrassment. “Congratulations, you got through the all 3o cards with only 29 wrong answers.” He stuck his tongue out at your pessimism, this was a huge moment for him and he wouldn’t let you ruin it.
You decided you’d see Taehyung 3 times a week, noticing that he was a fast learner after you second lesson and you still had to work at the campus bookstore. It was the weekend following the unexpected deal and your roommates had invited their friends over again. This time, something out of the ordinary happened. There was a knock on your bedroom door at around 8pm, one that you were a little hesitant to answer because your roommates never knocked on your door. Opening it with caution you saw Taehyung’s long figure standing outside your door with an uncomfortable smile. “I was going over the notes you gave me and I have some questions.” He walked into your room uninvited and took a seat on your bed. “This couldn’t wait till next week?” You muttered, you preferred to teach when you weren’t in Iron Man pyjamas. “Why wait when I have the chance now?” He gave you his endearing box smile and you begrudgingly sat down on your desk chair, parallel to your bed. “Go.”
“Why is Taehyung in Y/N’s room?” Jungkook asked from his position on the couch, everyone shrugged, just as confused as he was though no one with quiet as much concern. “I think he mentioned something about her helping him with mid-terms. They share the same major.” Jungkook nodded absentmindedly at what Jimin had said. Unsure of why his roommate would be in your bedroom instead of out there with him. “Why do you look so worried Jungkook? She’s not going to steal your roommate.” They all laughed at Hoseok’s comment, Jungkook joining in a little too. There was some truth in his statement but he wasn’t worried about you stealing Taehyung, he was worried about Taehyung stealing you.
Jungkook would never admit it but he found your interactions cute. They were pretty much the only thing he looked forward too when he forced himself to wake up in the morning. He wasn’t sure about the origin of his attraction or why he found you so adorable but he knew the kind of person Taehyung was and convinced himself that the light sting in his heart was purely friendly worry. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Seokjin had shaken him, repeating the question he had asked before. “Are you okay, bro?” He nodded, refiling his cup with whatever liquor was on the table.
“Thanks Y/N, I owe you.” You nodded his way with a tired smile, it was only 9pm but you could feel your eyelids getting heavy. “It’s okay and about the Jungkook thing…you won’t tell anyone right?” You asked nervously, a timid look in your eyes. Taehyung looked at you sympathetically before making a gesture to seal his lips. You gave him a thank you and then he was on his way, the moment he got to the couch Jungkook began bombarding him with questions. “What were you doing in there?” Taehyung lifted up some papers from his hands. “I was asking her about some notes.” Jungkook nodded before checking the time on his phone. “That’s all you talked about for an hour?” Taehyung nodded, wondering why his friend was suddenly giving him the third-degree. “Why, you didn’t catch feelings for your fuck-buddy’s roommate, did you?” He joked, but there was truth in his question. In all honesty, he hoped that Jungkook liked you back. “No, I’m just making sure you don’t screw her over and ruin what I have going with Suzy.” Taehyung could feel the disappointment rush over him, but made sure to shake it off. Just a few drinks later and the entire conversation was forgotten.
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Taehyung missed a class because he had a shift at the tattoo parlour that day and asked you to bring over a copy of your notes to the shop. You agreed solely because that would mean you could escape studying. You followed the navigator to the store and you were pleasantly surprised. It was actually aesthetically pleasing. The monochrome style and minimalist design made it look incredibly elegant for a tattoo shop but you might have had pretty low expectations to start with. There was a wall on the back with photos of some tattoos and sketches. You were skimming through the pictures when your name was called out. “Y/N?” When you turned around you were met with Jungkook and you inhaled so abruptly you choked a little. “Hi, is Taehyung here?” You watched his eyes darken a little at the question but you paid it no mind, he nodded before cocking his head to the room adjacent to the one he just left. “Thanks.” You quickly shuffled to the room, knocking on the door and running in the second Taehyung opened it.
“Hello to you too.” He looked a little taken aback by your sudden entrance but you were too busy trying to calm your nerves. “You didn’t tell me Jungkook was here!” He laughed at your panicked expression. “He works here, Y/N.” His comment made you glare at him because that was clearly not what you meant. “Whatever, here are the notes. Make sure to read them so I can quiz you tomorrow. Oh and make sure you’re revising every night. The exam is next week and we only have 5 days.” He nodded dutifully, adding a salute for good measure. His reaction made you laugh and Jungkook could hear the sound from his room. The familiar stinging feeling was back and he gave up trying to identify it, he just knew he needed it gone.
Once you got back to your apartment, you were startled by the view. Suzy was making out on the couch with Jungkook who was hovering over her. You tried to close the door as quietly as you could so you could make it to your room unnoticed but Jungkook saw you. In fact once his eyes met yours they didn’t falter. You were a little annoyed at the fact that he was staring at you with such sultry eyes while his tongue was down your roommates neck. It seemed as if every time you took one-step forward with him, you took two-steps back. You walked to your room while narrowly avoiding his stare. You sat on your bed with a frown (which was growing to be your permanent facial expression) as you tried to navigate through the hurt that suddenly consumed your heart.
Unrequited love hurt a lot more than you remembered it to and you wondered why you had done something so self-destructive. You wondered why you fell in love with Jeon Jungkook when he was so unattainable. He had been Suzy’s friend for 2 years, her fuck-buddy for 3 months and your crush for about 6 months and yet you still couldn’t find the power to convince yourself to just let him go. When his piercing eyes locked with yours in that moment, you could feel the gut-wrenching pain that returned every time you had to see him with her but you were powerless. You felt like you were losing something, something you never had.
Jungkook didn’t know why he looked at you the way that he did or why he kept going for so long. He had betrayed the entire purpose of going to your apartment in the first place, forgetting about you. He tried to shake off his thoughts, tried to focus on the gorgeous girl that was literally under him instead. Once Jungkook was in her room, he wondered if you could hear the sounds they made. He thought about you listening to his moans and he moaned a little louder. He asked for Suzy to scream his name more often. All he could think about was you the entire time and once it was over, Jungkook acknowledged that he was completely and utterly fucked.  
Jungkook was already weirded out by your appearance at his work place but now, you were at his apartment. “Hi, is Taehyung home?” Of course, why else would you be here other than for Kim Taehyung. He nodded, opening the door wider and moving out of your way. You stepped in with a little apprehension, the concentrated look on your face making Jungkook smile. “He’s in that room there.” He pointed at a door and you thanked him, walking to knock on it. Once Taehyung had opened the door and dragged you inside, Jungkook let out a breath he forgot he was holding and took a seat on the couch, turning the TV on.
You came out about an hour later for what seemed to be a glass of water. Once you were in the kitchen and pouring water into the cup, Jungkook came over and leaned on the kitchen island, eyes fixated on your now nervous frame. “What’s your business with Taehyung?” You choked on your water, now meeting Jungkook’s serious face with a flabbergasted one. “What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked sincerely because you genuinely didn’t know where he was going with the question. “I just want to know if you’re sucking my friend’s dick, that’s all.” You scoffed at the irony of your situation before washing the glass and putting it back. “It’s not like you tell me the details of your ‘relationship’ with Suzy.” Your use of air quotes made Jungkook cock his eyebrows up and you gulped, feeling nervous once again. “That’s because you never asked.”
Jungkook was now standing upright and making his way to stand in front of you. You didn’t allow yourself to wither away in fear no matter how much you wanted to. “So if I did, you’d answer? Honestly?” He nodded without hesitation and playful smirk grew on your face. “Taehyung and I are just classmates, he asked me to help him pass his mid-term, that’s why I’m around a lot. Your turn.” He nodded with a chuckle, stepping closer to try and intimidate you but it wasn’t working. You were too curious to back down now. “Do you like Suzy? In a non-platonic way?” You hated how the question sounded more personal than objective and you hoped he wouldn’t notice. “No. Do you like Taehyung in a non-platonic way?” He now had you cornered between his body and the counter. “No.” You replied, voice still as strong as when you started but you couldn’t say the same about your will. He was inching closer, so close you could feel his breath on your face but before anything happened, Taehyung bursted through his bedroom door.
“Y/N, I found the- Oh…” He began to regret bursting out after seeing what he interrupted. Jungkook moved away from you quickly and you rushed into Taehyung’s room not daring to look back. “Did I cock-block you? I did, didn’t I?” Taehyung was mad at himself, he had been not-so-secretively hoping that you two would end up together however your angry glare told him he should stop talking about it. You went back to studying and 3 hours later, you decided to call it a day. “Good luck on your mid-term tomorrow.” You said to Taehyung, a tired smile on your face. He gave you a bone-crushing hug that you returned even though it was suffocating. “I’m sorry that I pretty much blackmailed you into doing this but I am so grateful I did.” You laughed once he pulled away and you didn’t realise how much you missed oxygen. “I owe you, therefore from now on I will be your wingman!” Once the words had processed into your brain, you quickly grabbed a pillow from Taehyung’s bed and smashed it into his head. “No. I need to get over him, Tae.” He pouted but respected your decision, or at least he pretended to.
Once you were leaving the apartment, Jungkook was still on the couch. This time he was on his phone, the TV long forgotten. You tried to quietly make your way to the door so he wouldn’t notice you but luck was not on your side. “Y/N? You’re still here?” He seemed genuinely bewildered and once you turned around with a shy smile you saw him check the time on his phone. “It’s late, I’ll take you home.” You tried to reject but he was already getting up, grabbing his jacket off from the couch beside him. “It’s okay, I don’t mind walking.” Of course you minded walking. It was like 11pm and your apartment was a good 15-minute walk away but you couldn’t let him know that. “It’s not a bother, I’m going there for Suzy anyway.” Then you turned to him with pleading eyes and a pout on your face. “No. Please not tonight! I have a mid-term tomorrow.” He laughed because the situation seemed humorous but you clearly didn’t appreciate his input. “Sorry love, duty calls.” He gestured to his phone while he said it and a frown donned your face instantly. “Please try to be quiet. The walls are paper thin and I’m a light sleeper.” You found his dutiful nod adorable, your frown softly turning into a smile. “You have my word.” And then you both left the building, you preparing for an exam and him preparing to get laid.
Jungkook’s word was good for nothing. Sure, he was quiet but Suzy was loud. You tossed and turned, hid your head under the pillow. You even searched the Internet for how to sound-proof rooms but it was useless. It wasn’t quiet again until around 2am and you had to be up by 7am. You decided to treasure whatever hours you could get and prayed they would be enough.
You were peacefully eating your toast and Nutella when Jungkook stumbled out of Suzy’s room, just like every other morning. He gave you a pitiful look when he saw your evident exhaustion and hoped you wouldn’t be too mad at him. “I gave you one job, Jeon. One. Job.” He ruffled his hair tiredly and you couldn’t help but find the action endearing. He came over to where you sat on your kitchen island and shameless took a slice of Nutella toast that you put a lot of effort into making. “Hey! First you steal my sleep and then you steal my breakfast.” He groaned as he rubbed his head from your loud whining but you weren’t about to pity him. You had just as big a headache as he did and he was the primary cause. “How are you so energetic in the morning?” His tone was groggy and deep. The low baritone of his morning voice definitely ignited something inside of you but you had to keep it at bay. You absolutely needed to ace this test and you’d be damned if the reason you failed was Jeon Jungkook.
“I’ve been subjected to feign energy regularly because of my callous roommate and her disruptive boy toy.” You heard a small chuckle but paid it no mind, frowning as he stuffed the last of the toast into his mouth. After he was done chewing (and you were done glaring), he got up and began to stretch. His shirt rid up, revealing just a smidge of his glorious body and you drank your tea with concentration as you tried to distract yourself from him. You weren’t sure why you were suddenly so bothered by everything he did, perhaps it was the tension from last nights endeavours but you couldn’t let it get to you. Unfortunately, you did a bad job because you were now in his car staring at the way his hands wrapped around his steering wheel. He insisted on driving you to school and once he dropped you off, Taehyung was sprinting to your side. “Okay, we have 15-minutes so quiz me.” You nodded with newfound motivation and Jungkook was perplexed by the sight of his rambunctious friend so immersed in his studies.
After your exam which both you and Taehyung were sure you aced, you decided to get ice cream together because you deserved it. He told you that Lisa and Suzy had invited everyone over again and that you should join them. Of course you rejected, that was your worst nightmare. You decided you’d spend most of the night in the library because you needed to finish a paper. Taehyung didn’t protest because he was determined to unleash his self-proclaimed wingman skills tonight. Skills you had no idea would see the light.
Once everyone but you was inside your apartment, they almost instantly began drinking because it was pretty much the only thing they knew how to do. Jungkook was in the midst of complaining about his family problems. “My brother is getting married next week and apparently I have to show up and with a decent date too because ‘my reputation is damaging the prestigious family name’ or whatever and I don’t fucking know who to take.” Taehyung giggled, a little tipsy before suggesting something incredibly stupid (alcohol is a hell of a drug). “Why don’t you take Y/N?” Yoongi started laughing obnoxiously, cueing in the others to join. “He’s got a point. With her perfect grades and her church-girl attitude she’s bound to impress your parents.” Lisa joked before Taehyung was slapping her across the head playfully. “Stop that, she actually really loves him.” Suddenly everyone’s eyes zeroed in on Taehyung and that was when he knew, he fucked up.
An awkward silence engulfed the room and Jungkook downed the rest of his drink instantly. “I’ll go with you, Jungkook.” Suzy suggested and he nodded at her statement, everyone choosing to ignore what Taehyung said but he knew there was no going back now and you might never forgive him. The conversation moved onto to something else but Jungkook was still stuck on what Taehyung had said and his brooding was incredibly obvious. “Come on, Jeon. Don’t feel bad for not liking her back, she’ll be fine.” Jimin comforted and Hoseok nodded, giving him a comforting pat on the back. “You should set things straight with her.” Taehyung gave Yoongi a glare at his suggestion but all he did was shrug in response. “She already knows, no need to rub salt in the wound.” He sighed, exasperated. He hated himself for randomly blurting out your secret but what could he do? Drunk Taehyung was uncontrollable. “Jungkook, come on, you’re not actually thinking about it, are you? You work in a tattoo shop and have enough emotional baggage for a lifetime, she has a 4.0 gpa and dates to marry. You’ll just break her heart.”
Jungkook nodded, brushing off whatever worries he had. Jin was right, you and him was an impossible concept and he could either dwell on it perpetually or get his shit together. The conversation moved on again, this time Jungkook kept up and when you stumbled into the apartment at 10pm, they were already far too wasted too care. Once you got into your room, you changed into your pyjamas and quietly snuck into the bathroom to get your night routine over and done with.
You were in the middle of washing your face when you looked up at the mirror and saw Taehyung staring behind you in the reflection. Naturally, you screamed and then screamed some more because you got cleanser into your eyes. Taehyung apologised but couldn’t stop laughing, his giggles irritating you and your eye. “What do you want Taehyung?” His face got serious incredibly quickly and you began to worry. “If I tell you, you have to promise to not get mad.” You nodded instantly, crossing your fingers behind your back out of childish habit.
“I accidentally told everyone you had a crush on Jungkook.” He blurted it out incredibly quickly but it was still coherent and you stood there, comprehending his words and their consequences. You took in a deep breath, which then turned into 10 because you couldn’t seem to get the oxygen to reach your brain. “Y/N…?” Your silence was scarier than your rage and Taehyung prepared to get shredded into a pulp. “It’s okay.” You whispered, and Taehyung looked at you with his eyes almost bursting out of their sockets. “At least now you’ll stop that wingman crap, right?” You laughed, and you were actually faking a strong front because you didn’t want him to feel bad. You made mistakes too. He was too drunk to read past your facade and smiled, believing even if just for tonight, that he hadn’t turned everything into a catastrophe.
Once you were back in the safety of your room, you began to feel worried. How were you supposed to face Jungkook, anyone, now? The embarrassment hit you harder than your younger brothers toy car in 2010 and you could almost hear your heart shattering and plummeting to your feet. You cried a little but before it could progress you fell asleep and hoped you’d have a better day tomorrow. You hoped you’d wake up with the realisation that Jungkook would never be yours and you hoped your heart would be void of him. This night was his eviction notice and all you could do was hope he’d listen.
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You spent the week avoiding Jungkook, Suzy and Lisa excessively. You woke up early and stayed out late. You shoved yourself into school and picked up almost every shift at the bookstore. You did absolutely anything and everything to make sure you were out of his way. You knew the only thing left unspoken was, “Y/N, I’m sorry but I don’t like you that way,” and you really didn’t need to hear it. In fact you hoped that the amount of times you repeated the phrase in your head would be enough to spare you from a rejection in general.
It was a Saturday night and you were shamelessly scrolling through twitter when you heard your door slam open and then shut. “Jungkook, are you going to stay mad at me forever?” You heard Suzy yell the moment she got inside, and you heard Jungkook laugh bitterly before yelling back. “Did you have to talk about our sex life in front of my fucking family, Suzy? Did you have to tell them that we get drunk every weekend and that I work in a fucking tattoo parlour?” You winced at his voice and more importantly his words. So, their Saturday night didn’t go well, that makes the 3 of you. You shouldn’t have been eavesdropping but did it even count if they were yelling?
“God, how many times do I have to say I’m sorry? I can’t change myself for your parents, Jungkook!” He scoffed and you could hear the anger seeping in his bitter tone. “For fucks sake, Suzy. I asked you to act for one goddamn night and you couldn’t fucking do it. It’s not like you’d ever meet them again, we’re just pretending!” “What if I don’t want to pretend?” There was an awkward pause after Suzy’s question and you gulped. Things had just escalated incredibly fast and you were still now standing next to the door to hear them better. “You can’t do this. We made a deal, no catching feelings.” You could hear that his voice softened and you wondered if your rejection would have gone the same way. “I know, but I couldn’t help it!” You heard him sigh, you also heard heavy footsteps and assumed them to be his. “How long?” “2 months.” You heard him curse, you realised she’d liked him for two-thirds of their arrangement. “You should have ended things the second you found out.”
You could hear her crying and you realised this was not your business to listen to. You walked back to your bed but hit your toe against your chair and tripped. You fell to the ground with a loud thud. “Ow! Shit!” You got up from the floor and your door was opened. “Y/N? How much did you hear?” Suzy stood at your door with a tear-stricken face and panicked eyes. “How much did you want me to hear?” “None of it.” “Then I heard nothing.” You were speaking through the pain as you clutched onto your poor toe. You saw Jungkook behind her, watching you both with darkened eyes. You’d never seen him genuinely angry and at the sight, you hoped you never would. “I can’t handle this.” Suzy walked off into her room and slammed her door and you quietly wished that Lisa was here.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked and you couldn’t help but laugh. Physically? You were absolutely fine other than the numbing ache in your pinky toe. Emotionally? You had a broken heart and a bruised brain. “I’m fine unless clumsiness is a disease. Then I am very sick.” You tried to relieve the tension the only way you knew how and it worked, for a little. He chuckled a bit before leaning onto your door frame with fatigue. “My parents would have loved you.” He said, eyes filled with adoration as he looked at your pouty face. “You can’t say things like that.” “I know, I know.” He ran his hand over his face before he ruffled his hair. “When did this get so complicated?” You gave him a pitiful look, 2/3 of the members of this apartment were in love with him and the poor boy was unaware the entire time.
“You could just leave and pretend his night didn’t happen. I’m sure Suzy wouldn’t be opposed to it, she values your friendship a lot, you know?” Jungkook smiled at you but it seemed more sad than happy. You wondered when something as simple as a smile could be so complex. When did it get so complicated? “And how do I fix things with you?” He was inching closer to you again and you could feel your eyes tearing up. You quickly faked a smile because the only way to stop yourself from crying was by pretending you were okay until your body believed it too. “There’s nothing to fix here, I promise.” Your method failed you because a tear slid down your face that you quickly wiped away. He leaned down onto his knees, now face to face with you who was seated on your bed. He had his hand on your cheek, wiping the second tear away. He came close to you again and you were leaning inwards too, you were about to kiss, so incredibly close to everything you ever wanted, but you pulled away. “Please don’t kiss me if you don’t mean it.” You hoped he’d tell you that he did, that his lips would be on yours and your feelings would be returned but things never went that well. He gave you another sad smile, before getting up and walking away, the sound of your front door closing was your cue to cry. One-step forward, two-steps back.
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Hey!! I am the anon who’s requested, many things for the Punk!AU, and I’ve loved every single one, even all the little changes you’ve made to the request. Would it be okay to please write the Honeymoon between Jaskier and The Reader? Thanks so much!!! x
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader Word Count: 1,260 Rating: T Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me​ @mycat-is-mylove a/n: I remembered that reader is pregnant when they get engaged and timed out where she’d be in the pregnancy and landed on this idea. I hope you like this little snippet of how I see their honeymoon playing out. There is a fic planned for the future when they take their REAL honeymoon trip after Sam is born. Enjoy!
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Whoever called it “morning” sickness was either super misinformed or just a dick. You and Jaskier had talked through whether you’d be well enough to go on the honeymoon and since you were still in the first trimester you’d felt confident in booking the flight to Paris. In the last week or so, though, your body had been through hell and it felt like there would just be more of the same for a bit. As you pulled yourself off of the airport bathroom floor and went to wash your hands and rinse out your mouth you took a look in the mirror. This was not the face of the fresh-faced bride off on an adventure. This was a sick, tired person who was praying for a merciful death. Still, you were determined to pull it together and go ahead with the trip. Jaskier had planned it so carefully and you wanted him to have a nice time. You tried to freshen up a bit and by the time you moved to leave the bathroom you thought you actually did a pretty good job. You took a deep breath, pushing down the queasiness, and confidently strode out of the bathroom where Jaskier looked up from his phone, concern etched on his face.
“Ready?” you asked brightly. He placed both hands on your arms and tilted his head, ocean blue eyes fixing you with a look that said he wasn’t fooled a bit.
“Let’s go home,” he said softly.
“Jaskier no, it’ll be fine!” you protested.
“As much as I love your determination, I’m not going to push us through a trip just because it seems like a thing we *should* do. You wouldn’t enjoy yourself,” he insisted.
“Well… maybe you could still go? Maybe with Geralt or Aevryn or someone?” you asked. He looked at you incredulously, opened and closed his mouth a couple of times and finally just took your arm and picked up his bag.
“I am not going on our honeymoon with my friend, you ridiculous woman,” he said with a little chuckle, “We’re going to go home and I’m going to pour you a bath and we are going to have a lovely week at home. Phones off, comfortable, just you and me and all nine seasons of the office.”
He spoke the words in a seductive little purr, strong arm wrapping around your shoulders as he guided you back through the main lobby and outside towards the car you’d paid to park at the airport through the week you’d planned on being gone.
“That does sound nice,” you admitted begrudgingly.
“I may even be convinced to bake you some croissants,” he said as he opened your door for you. By the time he got to his side of the car you’d strapped in and considered what he’d said.
“I didn’t know you could make croissants,” you said.
“Oh I’ve never done it,” he explained, “But it can’t be that hard.”
You weren’t sure how they’d done it but in the hour you were at the airport your friends had gone to your house and transformed it. The basics were still there of course, same furniture, but when you walked into the front door there was music playing and a platter of fruits. In the fridge you found a variety of cheeses and there were a couple of baguettes that were actually warm to the touch. In the bedroom there were mints on your pillows and fluffy robes and slippers. In the bedroom there was a set of nice bath oils and bubbles and scrubs and towels that matched the robes. Jaskier went to get you some water and when he returned with the bottle of san Pellegrino in a champagne bucket filled with ice you were crying, sitting on the edge of the tub holding the little jar of rose petals that had been lovingly placed there by your friends.
“Darling what is it?” Jaskier asked, crouching by your side.
“It’s just all so sweet and they’re so good,” you replied, sniffling. He moved in to hug you but you quickly shoved him aside and when he sat back up he pulled back your hair, smiling when he noticed a velvet scrunchie had been left by the edge of the tub. They really had thought of everything.
Jaskier filled the tub when you were done and as you sunk below the lavender scented water you took a deep breathe of relief. You tried to coax Jaskier into the bath with you but he simply rolled up his sleeves and began to wash your hair, massaging the tension from your scalp and shoulders, pressing featherlight kisses against your temple and cheek and jaw and shoulder as he went. By the time you were done with the bath you were half-awake and Jaskier wrapped you in the fluffy towel and when you stretched out on the bed he stretched out next to you. You fell asleep with your head pressed against his chest, his hand rubbing small circles in your back and his voice singing a quiet melody in your ear.
You woke to the sound of him yelling.
“Fucking French people with their insane fucking recipes fuck!”
As soon you reached the bottom of the stairs your eyes widened in surprise. There was flour everywhere – made more noticeable by the dark wooden floors which Jaskier slid on as he tried to move around the floor. There was a great deal of flour on him as well and something that looked like it could be dough in his hair and hands and some on his nose. The counters were covered with butter and dough and a cookbook you’d been given as a wedding present was propped up by a bottle of wine which Jaskier regularly took drinks from. There was a slightly mad look in his eyes and you would have been concerned if you weren’t so utterly amused.
“I’d ask if everything’s ok but I think it’s pretty obvious that it’s not,” you said with a little smirk. He looked up in surprise, oblivious to your arrival, and gestured at the whole kitchen widely.
“Well this is… listen, I’m making croissants if I have to sell my soul to do it,” he said fervently. You walked closer, skidding slightly on the flour but steadying yourself on the counter. You rested your hands on his arms, much as he had that morning, and fixed him with a very similar look of tenderness and determination and a dash of amusement.
“Let’s clean up,” you said softly.
“Y/N no, I will make this work!” he protested.
“As much as I love that you want to do this for me, I would much rather have my husband in our bed than in this kitchen. We can just order in something from the bakery that made those baguettes. And while we wait for them to arrive, I can return the favor and wash some of this off of you,” you said with a suggestive little smirk. You saw warring emotions in Jaskier’s eyes, he struggled let go of something once he’d decided to do it. But your robe was a bit loose and he saw a glimpse of you through the parting fabric and suddenly croissants seemed a distant memory. You took his hand and began to lead him up the stairs.
“I’ll clean that up later,” he said, gesturing vaguely to the kitchen.
“Oh I know, love,” you replied sweetly, “Because I’m definitely not. I’m on my honeymoon.”
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jungkookiebus · 6 years
Hello! I love your fics, you're such a great writer! Could i request a smut where Jin gets jealous of the reader playing around with another member?
Hello, anon! As requested! And thank you!
Genre: smut, angst if you squint 
Pairing: idol!Jin x reader 
Warnings: unprotected sex, exhibitionism 
Summary: The guys are all back together after Christmas and celebrating Tae’s birthday. Jimin calls you over for a little chat that Jin feels was a little too personal for his taste. Once the entire dorm is asleep, Jin teaches you a lesson about you letting other people touch his things. 
It was Taehyung’s birthday and the first day they all hadoff together in a while. Since everyone had celebrated Christmas at home, youwere finally able to get together to celebrate both. All the boys werecollected around the table in their dorm laughing uncontrollably at a storyHobi was telling. You stood nearby watching on, drink in hand, and laughingalong with them. Jimin turned around and spotted you standing at the counter.
“____!” he called out to you while patting the spot on thelong bench next to him. “Come sit down!”
You happily obliged as the beaming blonde’s eyes disappearedinto his smile. He then pulled himself away from the banter to focus solely onyou.
“How was your Christmas? It’s been so long since I’ve seenyou,” he said angling his body towards you.
You look a long drink out of your glass before setting itdown. “Actually, it wasn’t too bad. Normally my family drives me insane, but Ispent it with both them and Jin’s family.”
“Did you tally how many bad jokes he told?”
You reached into your bag that you had set by the tableearlier and pulled out a small piece of paper and handed it to him.
“As promised,” you smiled.
He unfolded it to find 12 tally marks. Before Christmasvacation, he had asked you to count how many jokes Jin told to his family. Hequickly threw his arms around your neck in excitement.
“I didn’t think you’d actually do it!” he laughed.
You did what you would instinctively do and hugged him backwith just as much glee, but that was the moment you caught Jin’s eye across thetable. He was no longer laughing and upon glancing down you saw his whiteknuckle grip on his glass. Pushing Jimin back from you, you smiled at him andgave yourself small distance from him as you scooted down the bench. He didn’tseem to notice as he turned to join the conversation again and you went back tosipping on your drink. A glance every now and then in Jin’s direction told youhe was upset. He wouldn’t look at you and his jaw would flex every time hetightened it. You could tell that he was gritting his teeth and trying to playalong in the conversation, but his mind wasn’t in it. Surely, you talking toJimin hadn’t pissed him off? You had known them all for years and they werelike brothers to you.
It was late in the night when you decided it was time foryou to head back before the buses stopped running. You glanced around to seeTaehyung and Jungkook draped across one another on the couch, Yoongi had longsince gone to his own bedroom, Namjoon was sitting up in an arm chair passedout, and Jimin had more than likely crawled into bed alongside Hobi. Jin had wanderedoff down the hallway earlier and you decided it was best to just leave him besince he seemed to be in a mood. You shrugged your coat on in the hallway andwas just about to pull on your shoes when you felt a tight grip on your upperarm.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Jin said lowly behindyou.
You turned around, moving your arm so that his grip slippedfrom you. “Home.”
“It’s late and the buses will stop running soon. Why else?”
“You’re not staying?” His face was still passive, displayingno emotion as he looked you in the eyes.
“Why should I?” you challenged him.
“Because you don’t know how to behave yourself.”
“Excuse me?” You were thoroughly pissed now. “You ignored me all night.”
“Only because you seemed to be having a good enough timewith Jimin.”
“Oh, don’t play coy, _______. You and Jimin were all buddybuddy,” he said with a flit of his fingers, “at the end of the table earlier. Heeven hugged you after you were both done having your private conversation.”
“Are you kidding me right now? I’m done having this,” you said as you gestured betweenyou, “conversation.” You turned to continue putting on your shoes when hegrabbed your arm again.
He was quick as he walked you backward and had you pinnedagainst the door, his hand at your throat.
“You’re not going anywhere until I teach you a lesson,______,” he said hotly against your ear.
You were pissed off, but fuck this was hot right now. Hepushed your legs apart with his leg and pushed his knee against your achingcenter. Involuntarily, you trembled.
“W-what are you doing?”
“Showing you what happens when you do things like you didearlier.”
“Then stop playing around and show me,” you challenged him.
He pushed his knee harder against you as his grip on yourthroat tightened. He lips came down hard on yours and you moaned into the kiss.Down the hallway you heard the tell tale sign of Jungkook moving around in hissleep; the youngest seemingly like to thrash in his sleep. Taehyung let out alow moan as his sleep was interrupted, but the living room was quickly envelopedin silence again.
You pulled your head away to whisper to Jin. “We should g-gosomewhere else.”
“And why would we do that? You better stay quiet then.”
You swallowed thickly as Jin only loosened his grip on yourthroat slightly.
“Did you wear this skirt for me or for Jimin?” he asked in awhisper as his hand traveled up your thigh and underneath.
“You. Always for you.”
He gripped one side of your underwear and tugged them down,letting them fall to your ankles and you stepped out of one side. His hand wentback under your skirt to cup your heat and then he started to slowly run hisfingers over you, collecting your arousal now coming out on his hand beforereaching to circle your clit. Your mouth opened to let out an uncontrollablemoan when Jin quickly slapped his hand over your mouth to muffle it.
“I told you to stay quiet,” he said never stopping his movementson your clit. You shook your head in agreement under his hand. “Do you want theguys to know how dirty you are getting finger fucked in the hallway?” You shookyour head no as you pursed your lips together, willing yourself not to make asound.
“Alright, baby, I’m going to fuck you against this door andit’s your job not to wake anyone up.” He undid his pants enough to pull himselfout and with that he grabbed you under the ass and lifted you up with your backagainst the door. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist as hepushed against your shoulder for support so that he could line himself up withyour entrance. Slowly, he pulled your hips down on him.
“Remember your promise,” he said before moving inside of you.He started slow at first and the initial stretch had you squirming to distractyourself from making any sounds. Before too long his chest was flush withyours, placing hot kisses along your collarbone, and gripped your hips harshlyas he fucked up into you without abandon. You tasted blood on your tongue asyou bit your lip to stifle your moans. Jin ground himself down on you hopingfor you to reach your end before he did, and it was fast approaching. Somethingabout the idea of being caught had your eyes rolling back into your head.
“Are you going to come for me?” he whispered against yourneck.
All you could do was shake your head fervently, too afraidto open your mouth. This time he pulled out as far as physically possible oneach thrust and made sure each one hit home harshly. Your breath quickenedabove him and he knew you were close. He began placing open mouthed kisses toevery inch of available skin and before you knew it you were shaking and comingundone in his arms. It took a few more thrusts into your now extremely wet heatto have Jin coming inside of you. Shakily, you relaxed your legs from aroundhim and let them drop back down still letting most of your weight lean againstthe door. Jin leaned down and grabbed your underwear from the floor and let youstep into them before sliding them back up. He reached to pat your hair downand brush imaginary dirt off your shoulder before caressing your cheek.
“Did you learn your lesson?” he asked.
All you could do was gulp and shake your head inaffirmation.
“Good,” he said doing up his pants. “And you’re staying heretonight. I might need to teach you manners on a few other matters, plus thebuses quit running thirty minutes ago.”
Drabble Masterlist
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riddleredcoats · 5 years
Prompt: Bellamort and Anti-Tomione where Bella and Tom torture and kill Hermione together.
Anon, I’m so sorry for the delay, but I wasn’t sure how to do this prompt. But I did manage to come up with something… different?... I hope you like it anyway.
So, I really like Hermione (xd) and couldn’t bear to make this anti-Hermione, which I’m not even sure was what you wanted anon, but still there it is. The torture is also mostly emotional torture and even might not even be really be called torture? I mean Bella and Tom hurt her, but it’s kinda unintentional?
Also, this a Mafia AU because *shrug*, also ‘Mafia’ AU, since everything I know about the Mafia is from Godfather, the Simpsons and some shallow research.
Also posted on AO3
Some slang.
Boss – self explanatory
Consigliere – an advisor to the Boss, most decision are run through this guy
Underboss – right bellow Boss.
Boss, Consigliere, and Underboss run a particular Crime Family and are referred to as the Administration.
Capo – short for caporegime mid-level boss who leads a crew of soldiers
Soldier – is the low of the low in hierarchy.
 The one you least expect.
 New York in 1929 was a bustling city, skyscrapers ripped across the Manhattan skyline, smoke rose from cars, trains and buses alike while the waters of the Hudson ran black and dirty from the freighters. The city, grey and watery during the day shifted at night, to a minefield of jazz clubs and theatres and cabarets in which downtown New York City could rival the Paris as the City of Lights.
 When Hermione Granger had first arrived in the city a staggering 15 years-ago, at the ripe age of eleven from a little county in Georgia, the differences from her quiet hometown threatened to overwhelm her and wrestle her to the ground. Still, the sheer vibrancy of the city guaranteed amazement at every corner, something that Hermione couldn’t help but acclimate to, easily. Her want of answers and sense of adventure couldn’t help but make it so, and so, to her, the city had welcomed her with open arms.
 Getting up every morning – or really, middle of the night, seeing as she got up at 3:30AM – was a challenge, especially in wintery days where the warmth of the bed would be replaced by the cold, rarefied, smoke-filled air of her studio apartment. Nonetheless, work was waiting for her.
 Walking lazily to the kitchen, she made sure to turn on the gas to make her first cup of coffee, making sure to turn off every other appliance or light in the house since the gas and the light fixtures couldn’t stand to work at the same time. Rising off an old but reliable percolator – making sure to, of course, first let the water of the tap run for a while to get rid of the runny, brown water that always came in the morning – and then adding a filter and a spot of coffee to the old percolator, Hermione finished off the preparations for her breakfast by suspending a bit of the hard butter over the stove so it would be easier to spread on her hard bread. She ate mechanically, occasionally listening to the sounds of people coming home from a night out.
 After breakfast she walked to her bedroom and tied her bushy, brown, curly hair back into a ponytail, the humidity of the City making her hair even more frizzly than it already was. She donned her beige suit and with a last check of the buckles in her heels was out the door to the dewy-foggy morning, making sure to bring her umbrella.
 “Hey, Granger!” A man came up to her; Ronald Weasley, resident good boy from the scarce Scottish family that had moved into Harlem about 20 years or so ago, living in a predominantly black neighbourhood would be a big change for almost any white family, but the Weasleys… Well, the Weasley had Molly who, with a swift and caring ease, warmed her way into the Community; and so, her six sons and one daughter had been one of the few white families growing alongside the black ones in Harlem.
 “Hello, Ronald. I see you had an interesting evening.” Hermione knew that the disapproving tone in her voice was very noticeable, but then again so was Ron’s wobbling walk indicating of a night abusing one of the cities many illegal speakeasies.
 “’Mione! Don’t be like that!” He screamed, laughing all the while, and his happiness was infectious. Hermione let out a small laugh too. He twirled around her, “It such a fantastic day.”
 “Ron,” she said, laughing, “It’s raining! And the skies are grey!”
 “And yet,” Ron said, his ginger hair falling flat against his freckled face, framing his attractive blue eyes pleasingly, he came closer to her, holding on to her and twirling her around while she giggled at the drunkenness much as she loathed to do so, “It is fantastic!”
 He made sure to make her stop twirling and grabbed her carefully, looking into her with his slightly hazy blue eyes. Hermione, despite herself, felt her heart catch in her throat at the naked emotion that was lodged in those eyes. Ron seemed to come back to himself and take a step back, giving her personal space back. He chuckled a little, and rubbed his neck as he flushed red.
 “I-I gotta go.” He said quickly and stumbling, he turned fast and almost ran into a lamppost such was his rush, Hermione barely had time to say goodbye as Ron was already turning the corner to his house.  
 Hermione shook off the awkward and charged exchange, even as it lingered in the back of her mind, and quickly rushed herself to the subway stop. If she delayed any longer she’d be late for work, and that simply wouldn’t do, she had never been late, not once in her life and wasn’t about to start now. As the subway arrived and Hermione got in, along with the rest of the sludge of New Yorkers ready for another day at work, she got thinking about the job that she had fought tooth and nails for.
 Hermione Granger was a damn fine detective of the New York City police; she was hardworking, she was tenacious, she was ambitious, she was smart as a whip, but most of all, Hermione Granger longed for the days when the Mafia would stop running her city to the ground.
 Ever since the end of the Great War, things in the city had only gotten from bad to worse for everyone, it seemed, except for the Mafia, who now had a steady and much desired product to sell. The temporary ban of alcohol production during the War as an effort to avoid grain shortage was mostly viewed as essential, but then the War had ended, a half-of-a-generation of men came home and the so-called Prohibition Law remained in effect, increasing the demand of bootleg alcohol, speakeasies and gang violence who maintained control of the first two demands of the people.
 While Hermione found the Prohibition Law more harmful than good, it was the law of the land and she had to enforce it, no matter how she wished to indulge with the others. If for no other reason than to stop the rise in Mafia crime that threatened to almost sink the city to ground; dead politicians, corrupt cops, blackmail, torture, shakedowns and a culture of fear permeated the air of the city like the smoke of the factories in the East side. It had to stop, or it would suffocate them all.
 Hermione sighed as the subway arrived at her station and rushed to leave the carriage she was on, breathing the polluted, but not stale, air of the city. She still had a half-an-hour walk to the Police Station and as she dodged the incoming people that rushed to catch the transport, she sighed as she started walking along the blocks, hearing the occasional curse as some driver or another got frustrated with traffic.
 Turning the final corner of her route, Hermione sighed with relief as she entered the precinct, a cold and humid building, at 4:45 AM on the dot. Hermione cursed at the cold but was glad that at least it wasn’t raining inside. Well, not in most places in the station, that is; the building was old enough that some roofing was missing. Hermione made sure to greet the doorman, a fellow policeman who nodded politely at her as she made her way to the stairs.
 Reaching the third-floor, Hermione smiled as the usual chit chat rumbled from inside the room. She pushed the door open and the smell of third-grade, terrible coffee entered her nostrils, the earthy smell was the only thing about the beverage that was passable, but every single detective in the squad used and abused of the swill that Chief Shacklebolt insisted in calling coffee. Walking over to the old oak desk she shared with her partner – budget cuts were the real devil – she laid her purse and her umbrella down.
 Her partner – already on his side of the desk smiled at her – and just he was about to say ‘Good Morning’ as he usually did, she beat him to the punch.
 “I saw your brother-in-law today.” Hermione said as a form of greeting.
 The grin on Harry Potter’s face was unmistakably smug. The man that had welcomed her into the force with big, open arms and never, for once second stopped doubting her abilities and their friendship was also a smug little shit that drove her insane.
 “Oh? How’s Ron?” Asked, said partner, his wild jet-black curls falling over his face and catching on the wire of his round glasses that made his big, striking green eyes more prominent on his face already blessed with a big nose that went swimmingly with his large lips and stunning dark complexion.
 “Don’t give me that! He was slurring, wobbling around and hugging lampposts. You’re wearing last night’s clothes and smell suspiciously of mint… You went to a speakeasy again, didn’t you?”
 Harry’s green-eyes looked terrified at her and then all around them and then he started making wild gestures with his hands, telling her to shut up “Shhh!” Harry looked desperately around, “Hermione, please, it was just a drink and a bit of dance.”
 “Alcohol selling establishments are against the law, Harry! Something we are meant to enforce, not indulge!”
 “Christ.” Harry sighed, “I’m sorry, Hermione, you’re right. But this time it was a special occasion…”
 “Oh, really?” She asked, sarcasm in her voice, “Was it like last week, you went there because Ronald just happened to not have fallen on his face working at the docks that day.”
 “To be fair, for him, that is a miracle.” Hermione had to agree, Ronald Weasley was a gangly walking disaster, “But no, Hermione, that isn’t it.” Hermione took note of her partner’s soft tone, awed reverence in his voice. She looked on as he turned to look in her eyes, his emerald-green and filled with happy tears, “Ginny is pregnant… I’m going to be a dad!”
 “Harry!” She nearly screamed, and her lecture was immediately forgotten in favour of holding her partner – and closest friend – close to her as they hugged, truly happy for him, “This is great news! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m sorry!” He said, rubbing his neck sheepishly, “We found out yesterday, and you were already gone.”
 Hermione winced, knowing how little Harry would approve of why she left early, “I had a date last night,” Harry was already groaning, she knew that he had been trying to set her up with Ron, and that he liked her date as far as he could throw him, “with Tom.” She confirmed, to his frustration.
 “You know I don’t trust him, ‘Mione.” Harry said, his hand rubbing a odd lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, “There is something wrong with that guy, more than the fact that he is almost old enough to be your father.”
 “We’ve been together 9 months, Harry! And he’s 36, it’s not exactly ancient!” Hermione said with a smile on her lips, Harry’s care for her always warmed her heart, “Besides, he is smart and upstanding and makes me feel important and doesn’t care that I cancel our date thirty minutes after they were supposed to be starting. Also,” she said with a lecherous smile, “he is very sexy.”
 Harry made a face, scrunching his nose, “Gross.” But laughed easily, after, “But you know what you’re doing, ‘Mione. But come on, we’re almost late.”
 “Oh, and where are we going?”
 Harry turned serious and Hermione immediately straightened her back in anticipation for what was to come, her partner was usually either jovial or irritable, never both at the same time, his perchance for mood swings was negligible, but he seemed to be oscillating today, and Hermione figured that if not for Ginny’s pregnancy Harry would be absolutely impossible to put up with.
 “You wanted to meet my informant?” Hermione nodded and moved already to her side of the desk, picking up her discarded coat, “Good, then. Let’s go.”
 “Has he given you any decent information?” Hermione asked as she put on her coat, ready to brace the rain again.
 “He’s young,” Harry admitted as he too put on his coat, “He mostly confirmed intel, which honestly is as good as it gets.”
 Hermione hummed distractingly. Yes, Hermione supposed, getting confirmation from another source usually went a long way to make sure that the intel was acted upon. Hermione’s own sources were more volatile and required a lot more of careful handling, since the intel was usually good enough to take down at least one crew under the purview of a Capo, and sometimes even managing to snag the Capo themselves. So, Hermione had to check and double check every detail.
 “But,” Harry said, drawing her attention back to him as he led her out of the precinct, “he said that today he would give me something more substantial.”  
 Harry and Hermione got in the car and drove off in the direction of the docks, all the while shifting between work talk and talk about Ginny who was apparently entering her second trimester in a week or so. As they drove off, the sun – which had yet to rise – started picking through the horizon
 Reaching a shady-looking warehouse in the middle of nowhere didn’t exactly raise Hermione’s hopes that this meeting would go well. But, as soon as Harry parked the car, hidden – of course – behind some sort of construction site, they entered the deteriorating warehouse. Careful not to trigger any alarms, and to check corners where they could.
 Once they figured the building was clear, Harry yelled out, “Hey, kid, you in here?”
 A rattling sound, silence and then a stage whisper, “Would you be quiet? Do you want to get us all killed?” A figure stepped out of the shadows and Hermione gasped.
 “Harry, he’s like fourteen! He’s not young, he’s a kid!” Hermione yelled at her partner.
 “Sixteen!” The kid yelled, glaring defiantly at her.
 “Oh, yes, that makes it all better.” She deadpanned.
 “Hermione…” Harry started, a rueful tone to his voice, as if he knew that she would be even madder once she knew the whole story, “This is Draco Malfoy.”
 Hermione couldn’t hold back the gasp. Draco Malfoy, heir to the Malfoy Crime Family. Hermione looked at the skinny, tall kid with a long thin nose, intense blue-grey eyes with a slick top and thick sides blond hair and an expensive suit that probably cost more than her apartment complex.
 Before she could say another word, voices ran out, rough and low and at Draco’s look of panic Hermione knew that the boy had been followed. Hermione and Harry cursed, and grabbing Draco by his shirt dragged him to a nearby office space and made sure to hide with him behind a desk.
 The voices grew louder and louder as they entered the warehouse and Hermione counted at least 4 people.
 “Spread out and find them!” The voice, accented and tilting towards French, seemed to fill the expanse of the warehouse, the voice of Rodolphus Lestrange, Boss to the Lestrange Crime Family, she had heard him testify, once, “Gaunt will get here soon enough, and I’d rather have them in hand.”
 Hermione and Harry exchanged surprised but determined looks. ‘Gaunt’ was the name of the Boss of the Slytherin Crime Family, the oldest crime family in New York City; they had stopped operating a few decades back but about 10 years ago they started wreaking havoc again in the city and re-establishing old supply lines and having more politicians in his pocket than out of it, but no one had even ever gotten a good look at the Boss, creating a mist of mystery and fear around him. Hermione and Harry didn’t have to do more than exchange looks; a glimpse at Gaunt was enough for them to risk their lives.
 Draco, sat between them, was trembling and Hermione was stuck with the sudden realization that Draco knew who Gaunt was. Hermione silently looked at Harry, tilting her head asking a question she was sure her partner would understand, Harry shook his head telling that leaving this hiding spot would not be a good idea.
 Still, they had to do something.
 Hermione was running scenarios in her head when the door to the office space opened. Draco whimpered loudly enough for whoever had opened the door to ear. Without much thinking, Hermione shot out of cover and fired her gun directly at the man’s chest. BANG! Hermione’s brain took a fraction of a second to reassert itself after the gunshot left her ears ringing, and a plan – clumsy as it – was formed in her mind
 “Run, Harry! Run!” At his shocked look she yelled again, “One of us has to make it. Go! You too, kid.”
 They didn’t need anything more from her and took off running, Harry and Draco to the left and she to the right. They had a shot with only four people of the Mafia and with this much ground to cover they might make it.
 “Hey, look there they are!” one of the men shouted, “Wait, is that Malfoy’s kid?”
 Another shot ran out. BANG! Hermione took off running even as she heard someone getting closer behind her. And, then another shot. BANG! A cry – young and high-pitched – Draco. A thud as bodies fell to ground. Harry yelling. Another shot. BANG! Hermione panted as she felt the man chasing her, getting ever closer to her. She forgot Harry, whose voice she could still hear, yelling and pained. She forgot Draco, whose panicking sobs, still echoed in the warehouse. She forgot everything and just focused on getting out there alive. If just one of them made it, it would be enough.
 But it wasn’t meant to be. A grunt from behind and Hermione shrieked in surprise as she was tackled to the floor. “Got you bitch!” The man yelled as he pinned her to the ground, Hermione tried to fight him off. The man on top of her growled, grabbed her more firmly to haul her off the ground and push her towards the centre of the warehouse.
 Harry was already kneeling, bleeding heavily from a wound on his leg, but he continued resisting even as chains rattled with his fury. Draco, however, was unharmed but in the same position, kneeling and chained to the floor, and yet, he didn’t try to resist; the boy seemed resigned to his fate.
 There were two men remaining, not counting Rodolphus, one was standing guard behind the Boss and the other was leading her to where Harry and Draco were, to force her to kneel and be chainedbesides them.
 Hermione cried out as her knees hit the pavement, hard, and as the soldier behind her chained her to the floor, she turned to look at where the Boss of the Lestrange Family was kneeling, taking the hand of a wounded man and closing the dying man’s eyes, then bowing down to say a prayer over the now-dead man. So, she had managed to hit one; she hoped whoever it had been was someone important like the Underboss or the Consigliere. Hell, Hermione would settle for a Capo.
 Hermione felt the men that had dragged her here, search for her gun and handling it to the other remaining guard who put it atop a nearby table alongside what Hermione guesses was Harry’s own gun. Hermione sighed, as she found herself weapon-less and plan-less.
 “You killed our Capo with that gun, Detective.” The soldier snarled in behind her back, seemingly hearing her thoughts, and Hermione smirked in victory, which earned her backhanded slap that threw her to the ground, “Enjoy being smug while you can, you aren’t going to live for long.”
 Rodolphus rose from paying his respects to the Capo, with a heavy sigh, “Augustus, enough. We’ll get our revenge.”
 Before either of them could say anything else, the sound of rhythmic steps echoed in the warehouse and the silence that followed was heavy with anticipation. Had someone come and save them? No. It was unlikely, no one knew where they were. But whoever had come in was powerful, revered, easy to see by the way the two-remaining soldiers straightened.
 “Gaunt.” Rodolphus said in greeting, dashing Hermione’s hopes. Still, at least she’d die knowing who the infamous and mysterious Boss was.
 “Told you this was a bad idea.” Hermione stifled a gasp at the distinctive drawl. Hermione felt the soldier behind her tighten his hand over mouth and grip her tighter.  
 That voice… That croon-y voice that had sang her praises over dinner, whispered carelessly in her ear, led her into a nearby bed… That voice. That was the voice of the man she was seeing, Tom Riddle. Hermione tried to squirm out of the soldier’s hold, to see the face of the man for herself, to maybe see him being coerced into helping… To beg him to tell her they were lying and that he wasn’t the Boss of the newest – and yet, oldest – and most efficient crime family the city had ever seen.
 Hermione finally, carefully as to not draw attention, twisted enough to see the man she had been sleeping with for the past 9 months and yes, there he was. Tall, taller than most certainly, and handsome with his well-maintained black hair shining in the light of sun coming through the windows, looking as if he was dreadfully calm and completely at ease to be in this grim place.
 Hermione watched as the face that had become familiar to her, come fully into her field of vision and couldn’t help but flinch at the high-cheekbones she had ran her hands along, a pair of piercing blue eyes that bored into her, the thin lips that when stretched into a smile managed to make her catch her breath, the elegant nose and the long neck that matched the rest of his long and thin, although deceptively muscular, body. Dressed in a three-piece black suit, completed with a matching black tie, he looked ready for one of their dates. God. Bile rose in her throat and Hermione had to hold herself steady not to break down.
 “You came alone?” Asked Rodolphus, more curious than suspicious.
 Tom hummed disinterested, and repeated again, “I told you this was a bad idea.”
 “I know. I know.” Rodolphus growled, “But this bitch and that fucker have been killing off my men for a year and a half now, I’m not going to let that stand.” Rodolphus this time, sighed, “I probably should have listened to you, but we do have her now.”
 “Yes, you should have.” Tom agreed, easily, “That’s why you made me Consigliere.”
 Hermione bit her lip to not gasp aloud, although Harry wasn’t so lucky and received a club in the head for his outburst. For Gaunt – a head of a Crime Family himself – to be made into a Consigliere, the most trusted person in the Administration, it was unheard of. Whatever Tom had done to endear himself to the Lestrange, it must have been something big.
 “Ah, Hermione,” Tom finally addressed her, with the charm and smooth he always had, but the bastard made sure to keep himself away from approaching her, “I’m sorry to say you won’t be able to make our date tomorrow.”
 “Fuck you!” It wasn’t her gave into her anger and made that outburst, but Harry who was seething in place, kneeling as she was, on the other side of Draco, “Fuck you! How dare you? How could you?”
 “Augustus, please, gag him.” The soldier behind them did as Tom asked, even as Harry raged about him. Tom then turned his blue eyes towards Draco, “He is your nephew, is he not?” Asked Tom, pointing towards the kid between Hermione and Harry.
 “My wife’s.” Rodolphus drawled out, immense anger about him.
 Despite herself, Hermione felt a chill run through her spine, and she saw Harry do the same.
 Rodolphus Lestrange’s wife… Bellatrix Lestrange, merely dubbed ‘The Woman’ since she seemed to be involved in every major crime family in one capacity or another although of course there was no proof, was a chill-inducing person. Originally coming from the Black Crime Family, where her father had been the  Boss and had only had two girls for heirs, everyone thought the family finished, but much worse had happened…The Boss’s daughters had each married into distinct crime families, Narcissa to the Malfoys and Bellatrix to the Lestranges, effectively bolstering each family with men and supply routes.
 That seemed to be the end of it, the Black Family was through after having been absorbed by the others. But then reports of the old Black trading posts, M.O.’s and business fronts roaring to life, putting the family on the map again…All clues led to Bellatrix being the mastermind behind the new life in her old family’s old grounds, although no proof was ever found. Even more concerning, the Gaunts and the Blacks seemed to be coordinating.
 And, instead of having to wrangle with the four crime families squabbling amongst themselves, the city had to start wrangling and negotiating with three strong ones.
 “Your wife’s…” Tom repeated, blue eyes analysing seemingly every part of the scene,  he gestured again towards Draco, “Is he the traitor?”
 “It appears so.” The cold, calculating tone of Rodolphus voice didn’t spring much hope that Draco would live to see the day.
 “Uncle! NO!” Draco yelled, before the soldier behind them gagged him. The boy’s blue eyes – warmer than Tom’s, but much colder than Ron’s were at the thought Hermione shook her head, Ron didn’t belong here in this desolate place and Tom didn’t deserve to be in her head any longer – were wide and teary, pleading for mercy from a man that had none to give.
 “Shut up, boy, you’ve caused enough trouble. My damn wife will have my head.” Rodolphus grumbled, as he took a drag of his cigarette.
 “That’s what you get for making Bellatrix your Underboss,” Tom chuckled, even as he refused Rodolphus offer of a cigarette, “Too much power. Although, she does wield it well.”
 It was then that the sound of high heels, reached their ears, the click-clack of the shoes on the pavement drowning out every sound in the desolate warehouse. It was as if the mere mention of her name had been enough to summon her. Hermione scarcely had to turn to see the woman that had arrived, her present was felt with no need to accentuate it by her image or her voice. Still, having read but descriptions of her, Hermione couldn’t help but be curious about The Woman’s appearance.
 She turned to her side and the first thing she noticed was the deep, black hair styled into a high bun with curls on the side settling nicely into the beaded headband which despite looking like the rest of the country seem to shine with unparalleled rival. A long-beaded necklace adorned her long and elegant neck, while her golden earring dropped to almost hit her slender shoulder.  Her dress – a sleeveless evening dress, meaning she probably came right off one of her speakeasies – was deep black accentuating her figure, and came to rest bellow her knee with a waist drop lined with beads to match her headband, and it gave off a silky quality to it. On her feet, the heels, high and black and T-strapped completed her outfit. To the casual observer The Woman blended in with the other high-class women, if only to attract attention for her exceptional beauty, but there was a hint of something dangerous in her walk, something that Hermione knew would be the end of them.
 “Auntie!” Draco, shaking himself out of the gag, yelled from between them. Hermione and Harry looked over Draco’s head, hoping against hope that at least the police’s source would still make it out even if they wouldn’t, “They are-…”
 Before Draco could finish, Bellatrix snapped her finger and the soldier near Lestrange shot at his Boss, once and then twice. Rodolphus Lestrange fell to floor, grunting and moaning in pain as the bullets that entered his kneecap and abdomen in a way that wounded him but didn’t kill him… yet. Hermione doubted by the way Bellatrix was acting that Rodolphus would last the night.
 “Bella!” The man groaned and yelled, twisting on the floor, blood sputtering out with the effort. A grim sign on all accounts. By the time the dawn was through, New York City’s two most profitable boroughs would be under new management.
 “Oh, shut him up, Theo.” Bellatrix waved the man off. Hermione watched as the large man that had been beside Rodolphus all morning, put a cloth in Rodolphus’ mouth effectively shutting him up. It seemed that the woman wanted him to suffer… Or to hear why she had done what she’d done.
 “You’re late.” Tom said, smirking, remarkably calm in the face of one of his conspirators being under a hostile takeover… Hermione then deduced that Tom had already known about the coup then, which boded badly for everyone. Two of the major three Crime Families plotting together was never good, but when the wife – who was also the Underboss – of one conspired with the Boss - who also a Consigliere to said first family – of the other, to seemingly have the wife take over… It was a hot mess of a disaster.
  Worse still, it seemed, because Bellatrix bypassed everyone and walked towards Tom, pulling him down by his neck, kissing him soundly on the mouth. Hermione was unable to tear her eyes from the passionate display as Tom’s icy facade seemed to thaw enough to grasp the woman closer to him, his hands firmly on her waist and her hair.
 Hermione heard Rodolphus let out one last muffled, pained yell over the cloth in his mouth and she knew it had nothing to do with the gunshot wounds… It was the betrayal of seeing his wife in the arms of another. A pain, Hermione was agonized to find, that she shared; her heart seemed shattered in two, more so than when she found out he was the so-called ‘Gaunt’.
 Bellatrix and Tom separated, begrudgingly, although they remained in each other’s personal space and exchanged whispered words. Bellatrix then, finally, turned towards them; her eyes travelling the three of them kneeling. Hermione watched as The Woman caressed Tom’s arm before walking over to them. The soldier behind Hermione and Draco tightened the grip on their shoulders as Bellatrix drew nearer, making sure that no one would jump The Woman when she got too close.
 “Well, yes, Narcissa was bugging me about Draco, again.” The Woman answered Tom and as she got closer still, Hermione found she had striking grey eyes which were currently fixed on Draco. Hermione watched as she took Draco’s chin in her hand lifted his face up, making him look at her, “Now, now, Draco… Your mama says I should leave you alone, and let you go your own way, but apparently your own way involves the police, a wire and selling your family out…” Draco was trembling, “How shameful.”
 “Auntie…” Draco tried, his voice coming out steady, chin still in Bellatrix’s hands, even if therein laid a hint of fear, “… They are saying I sold you out, but I didn’t! I mean, you wanted these Detectives here, right?”
 Bellatrix snarled, and shoved off Draco’s head away from her, “You should leave the lying for those able to lie, boy.” With that, Bellatrix took a step back, the look in her eyes undecipherable, but Draco seemed to know it well.
 “No, Auntie!” Draco was crying, tears running down his face unabashed now, his age showing as he pleaded with his aunt for his life, “I’ll change, I swear. I’ll never-,” Before Draco could finish making empty promises a loud ‘BANG!’ echoed in the desolate warehouse, and the only thing that left Draco’s mouth was a surprised sob as his body fell to the ground, lifeless.
Hermione looked behind her and saw the soldier that had been holding Draco and her looking at the lifeless body as surprised as she was. Hermione knew that Bellatrix hadn’t done it, having been looking at her the whole time, that left… No, God, no. Turning her eyes to Tom, she found him hand still raised with her police issue gun smoking in his hand. Bile rose in her throat, not so much for the smell of blood although it was potent, but more for the cruel act that a man she had admired just committed.
  “So that was a gun in your pocket,” Bellatrix sighed, shaking her head, disappointed, “And here I thought you were happy to see me.”            
 Hermione shook her head, disgusted by Bellatrix’s heartless reaction to the death of her nephew, traitor or no. Family first seemed to be the one Mafia motto that Hermione could get behind, and yet, here was The Woman, committing most foul sin against kin. Hermione didn’t dare look at Harry, for she knew that her partner was seething, the energy coming off of him was almost overwhelming.  
 Tom chuckled, a sound she had heard a dozen times but had never rang as true as it did this time, “We can talk about it later.” He said, his tone full of promise, as he put her gun back on the table where it had been before.
 The Woman smiled back, “I can’t wait.”
 Hermione felt more than saw the soldier behind her shaking, and Hermione couldn’t be sure, but she felt that he disapproved of the couple, their little affair and their coup. Maybe she and Harry could exploit this, but not when Harry wouldn’t even look at her, his furious gaze still fixed on Draco’s lifeless body.
“Congratulations on your wife’s pregnancy, Detective.” Bellatrix Lestrange said as one of her husband’s – or just hers, now? – soldier, Theo, bought over a chair for her to sit on. Hermione felt more than saw Harry tremble beside her, her partner terrified by the fact that the woman knew of his new family. When Harry said nothing, and kept his head lowered, with a snap of Bellatrix fingers the soldier behind them pulled her and Harry’s heads up by their hair so they might look at Bellatrix in the eyes, “Mister Potter, I said ‘Congratulations’.”
  When the pain of having her hair pulled and her head yanked up subsided, Hermione saw Bellatrix sitting on that same chair, looking like a queen on a throne. Hermione felt Harry stiffen himself, unwilling to show fear in the presence of The Woman.
  “Thank you, Bellatrix.” The eyes of Tom and the two-remain soldiers narrowed at Harry for his use of The Woman’s name, “But you can go fuck yourself with your congratulations.” The man behind Harry and herself growled at the detective. Hermione felt her heart catch in her throat… Harry was as good as dead.
  “Mm-hmm,” Bellatrix nodded, looking disinterested, when the beautiful women snapped her finger again, but this time said, “Rookwood!” Hermione had barely time to close her eyes when the pistol behind Harry fired directly into her partner’s chest.  Hermione bit her lip, willing the tears in her eyes not to fall. Oh, Harry… I’m so, so sorry.
  “Why?” Hermione asked, tears clouding her voice despite her best efforts, “Why did you…?”
  “Why did I kill him?” Bellatrix interrupted, baffled, eyebrow lifting in confusion, “I think it’s rather obvious, Detective. He was in my speakeasy last night even as he arrests those who visit those places frequently, flipped my nephew, and shot at my men.” She then turned to Tom, a pout to her lips, “Bloody hell, Tom, you told me she was smart…”
  "She is, Bella.” Tom’s voice, as it had done all evening, stabbed at her heart. The kiss hadn’t helped… But the way he said the woman’s nickname, the same nickname the woman’s husband had uttered before he died was like pouring salt in a wound.
 “Well, darling, I’m not seeing much of it, I admit.”
  “I meant,” Hermione tried again, voice more-or-less steady, interrupting the banter that was sure to ensue, “Why do all of this?”
  “Well, Detective, I thought it was obvious.”
  The first thought that came over was that Bellatrix had wanted to be with Tom and her husband was simply in the way. But thinking about it, it became clear. The way that the Black and Gaunt family seemed to be operating, the way that Lestrange was organizing his businesses… It was more than a crime of passion perpetuated by lust. It was a business deal.
  “You wanted your husband’s power, almost as much as you wanted him.” Hermione gestured towards Tom.
 “Hmm… rather easy a question, Detective, you don’t get any points for this one either I’m afraid.”
 “And how?” Hermione asked, ignoring The Woman’s goading, but unable to stop her curiosity from sprawling, “How did you…?”
                “Taking over my husband’s men took me a while longer than I care to admit,” the woman spoke, her hands running over her silky dress, taking special care to remove any piece of lint from the where the slit ended at her hip, “Of course, I do have to thank you for continuing to make use of the information we passed to you and continuing to kill my husband’s loyal men.”
                “W-What?” Hermione stumbled and before she could blink, both Bellatrix and Tom pointed their guns at the two remaining soldiers and shot at them, hitting the two targets square in the chest. The men’s eyes were already glassing over before they hit the ground.
                The issued ‘BANG!’ echoed in the warehouse and rang in Hermione’s ears, the sound seemingly much louder than it had any right to be. Hermione closed her eyes tightly, both against the ringing in her head and the knowledge that she’d be next. When no other shot ran out, and she found herself still breathing, Hermione opened her eyes to look at the two-remaining people in the room.
                “W-Why?” She asked again, but now significantly more confused.
                “Again with the questions.” Bellatrix sighed, as she cleaned the weapon in her hand and laid it besides Harry, clearly making it look that there had been a shootout between him and the soldiers, “Blindingly obvious answer again, too, Detective Granger. You are disappointing me…”
                Hermione thought back to the way the soldier behind her had been shaking and realized that the question was a dumb one, indeed.
                “These men still followed your husband,” Hermione said, “Or rather, they didn’t follow you enough.”
                “Yes, good.” Bellatrix said as she retook her seat in the chair, “Of course, there is the issue of loose ends. We couldn’t just let them know about the specifics of Rodolphus death, not after selling out so many of Rodolphus’ men, most of which these two had been comrades with. They’d never accept me and Tom as the new heads. Loyalty is important, after all.”
                “But why go through all this trouble?” Hermione asked, again, “You could have killed him more easily at home.”
                “Well, you can’t just kill a Mafia head, Detective.” Bellatrix explained, as if to a baby, “We needed a motive, someone to blame it on. We started this several years ago, I admit, but then, this one here,” she pointed to her side, towards Tom, “got me pregnant and plans got delayed, some of the men switched from my control to my husband’s and vice versa. It was a mess.”
                The girl she had seen in the company of Lestrange’s men in various photographs… The dark-haired little girl with pigtails and pretty red dress was the heiress to the Lestrange Crime Family – or was the Black Crime Family resurrected once more? – but more than that, she was Tom’s. Tom’s. He had a daughter and a… wife, or maybe a comare, when this was over?... out there while he had been screwing with her head.
                “We could have done something after Del was born, but…”
                “It was too risky,” Tom said, certain, pursing his lips and wincing as he did so, “We had to make sure that people would respect Bellatrix, that no question of Delphie’s parentage would be put in question. She’ll always be a Lestrange.” He seemed aggravated by the thought of his daughter having another man’s name, “But at least she’s safe.”
                “And we’ll tell her, eventually,” Bellatrix said, nonchalantly, “Although I’m sure she’ll be elated to live with her uncle Tom, for now.”
                “In a few months.” Tom said, tempering Bellatrix’s apparent speedy plans, “We have to wait for everyone to adapt, although I’m sure people will push us to act sooner rather than later, we’ve planted the image of us together for too long. People have expectations.” Bellatrix hummed in agreement, Hermione watched as Tom tightened his grip on her shoulder, and said, smirking at The Woman seating on the chair, “Have a few siblings for Delphie, maybe.”
              “Oh, shut up.” Bellatrix said, and Hermione could hear the smile she wasn’t able to hide.
                “That wasn’t a ‘no’.”
                Bellatrix hummed, as she caressed the hand on her shoulder, “I’ll think about it.”
                As Hermione turned from the loving display, part of her longed to beg Tom for her life, longed to say to him that he could have her whatever way he wanted if that was his wish or that she could disappear forever and never step foot in this wretched city again… But she knew, whatever he had had with her was fake. Looking him looking at Bellatrix with a softness in his gaze that was uncharacteristic of him… He had never looked at her that way, not even when faking to be in love with her.  
                But even as part of her begged her to plead for her life, the bigger part of her wrestled to rebel, to shout in their faces that they would be caught and brought to justice… But she knew the likelihood of that was unlikely, Hermione knew that the police were as much in the pocket of the Mafia as the politicians were. Odds were that Bellatrix and Tom would get away with this, scot free. Still, another question plagued her mind.
                “How are you planning to contain this? Two detectives, an heir to one of the Crime Families, a Boss to another, a capo, and couple of prominent soldiers. All dead.” Hermione said, contemplating, “The two of you escaping, and then taking over is a very big coincidence.”
                “Well, the public story will be that Rodolphus was at the warehouse to make an appraisal of the place to invest, Draco came along with him to learn the trade and got caught in shootout between the police and known Mafia members, then a gas pipe burst and the building went in flames.” Tom explained, “Rather amateur-ish but decent enough for the newspapers.”
                “As for our families, something more elaborate,” Bellatrix continued from Tom, “It is well-known that you have been a thorn in our side for quite some time, Detective, something that Tom and I engineered, of course, by giving you intel to arrest many of our least loyal, more problematic members. The meeting that took place here was, of course, spread about the families relaying the intent of catching you, your partner and your ‘informant’.”
                “We’ll pin it on Augustus, he has some connections with a former lover in the police,” Tom then, took over for Bellatrix, gesturing to the dead man behind Hermione, “So you arrive and you, your partner, and Augustus overpowered Rodolphus, killing him and that’s when Bellatrix and I ran. Then Draco, ah, we didn’t plan Draco,” He said chuckling, faintly, “He was never meant to come. Still, some cover will have to be made, about him coming here with Rodolphus and dying as a hero by sacrificing himself, injured after the shootout, to set off the explosives.” He snorted, “Worked out rather well, that.”
                “Cissa will buy it, if only because it makes her son a hero.” Bellatrix explained, “Of course, we always planned on having him killed. Stupid boy was always too clever for his own good and far too close with Rodolphus,” Bellatrix ‘tsk’ed, disapprovingly, “something that will, at least, work in our favour for him being here.”
                “So, Draco was always going to die then?” She tried, one last time, to make the people in front of her show some sort of emotion, some sort of remorse for the life they led. Hermione should have saved her breath, because Bellatrix only chuckled.
                “I admit, I had hoped that he wasn’t stupid enough to come here today, and that he would give up on the foolish idea of becoming an informant and convince him that he had a bright future if he kept his mouth shut, but it is as it is… But don’t concern yourself with my nephew, Detective, because everyone here but the two of us,” long fingers on elegant hands pointed to herself and to Tom with a commanding ease, “will die today. No loose ends. That includes you.”  
                Hermione shook her head, helplessly, there was nothing left to be done. She lowered her head, indicating that her questions were over, that she was, if not ready, resigned enough to her fate. She heard Bellatrix chuckle softly, almost pityingly at her and couldn’t find it in herself to care.
                “You want to do the honours?” Bellatrix asked softly, and the part of Hermione that couldn’t help but care for the man that had been her lover for 9-months was comforted by the fact that Tom, if nothing else, had someone to care for him.
                “You do it,” Tom said, carelessly, as he fiddled with a lighter in his hand, “I still have to set up the explosive. Besides, I know you’re dying to.” He finished with a smirk on his lips. Seemed like he didn’t have the same consideration for her, but Hermione wasn’t surprised, couldn’t bring herself to care, she was numb, her fate decided.
                Hermione heard the heels clicking on the ground as Bellatrix got close and had to fight off the chill that enveloped her body as Bellatrix tipped her head up, hand on her chin, to make her look in the calculating grey eyes, and a cruel elated smile of  the blood-red lips belonging to the woman that would end her life.
 As she felt the barrel of the gun against her temple, a thought ran through her head that she couldn’t stop; she wished she could have, even just once, felt the taste of smiling lips on hers, of worker’s hands on her body, of running her hands over the ginger locks of a man so good and so nice and so uproarious as Ronald Weasley.
 With that thought in her head, she barely felt the gun discharge into her head.
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taetaespeaches · 6 years
CAn i request for a JK fluff where he's a baseball fan and goes w a group of friends, including a friend he's had a crush on and they're both on the kiss cam all of a sudden?
also can they either kiss OR the crush just kisses her fingers and puts it on his lips as a quick way to get the cam off of them and he’s shocked but also disappointed?? thank you!!
��You didn’t let me tell you that I like you too”
Jeongguk x Reader
Word count: 2K
a/n: Omg this concept is so freaking cute. Thank you for sending this in, anon. I enjoyed writing this one. I hope you like it! 
Also, I just reached 300 followers today and that is INSANE! Thank you to everyone who has followed me. I hope you stick around :) 
You didn’t even like baseball that much. You didn’t dislike it,but you didn’t really feel strongly either way. However, the boysitting to the right of you could easily change that.  
With just one glimpse of his doe-like orbs sparkling in excitementwith a giddy smile spread across his face as he watched the game, you foundyourself thanking the creators of the sport for sparking such enthusiasm out ofthe adorable man child. However, the creator of the kiss cam could fuck right off.
“Oh my god!” Your friend yelled at you, smacking your thigh as the rest of your friends started hooting and hollering. “Look!” Following their finger, your eyes fell on the big screen, which was displaying you and Jeongguk, centered inside of a cheesy heart. 
Snapping your head to your right to look at your friend and longtime crush, you took in his reaction. Jeongguk was shielding his face with thosepretty hands as he peeked through his fingers at the big screen, a wide smilehidden beneath his palms.
Your friends on both sides of you were cheering in excitement, their“OTP” finally coming together. The friend to your left jabbed your thighrepeatedly, telling you to “go for it! Kiss him!” Taehyung, who was seated tothe right of Jeongguk, beat on the younger man’s shoulder like a drum as heshouted encouragements into his friend’s ear.
 Panicked, you looked at your friend and longtime crush, trying to find an answer as to how to handle the situation. That’s when you notice, he looked kind of… excited? But no,he couldn’t possibly be excited, he’s never shown an interest in youbefore. You, however, had harbored a crush on Jeongguk for as long as you’dknown him. He was, of course, very handsome, but when you found out he was justa massive dork with a heart of gold, that was it for you.
As Jeongguk lowered his hands from his face, he locked his eyes onyours. His cheeks were flushed red, the blush even tinting the tips of hisears, but he had a big, shy grin spread across his face. Despite theembarrassing situation you found yourselves in, his beautiful doe eyes weresparkling. Those eyes were pulling you in, literally, as you started to lean towards him.
Your movement wiped the smile right off his face, a nervous expression replacing it. Takingthat as a sign of discomfort, with you and kissing you, you sat up straight.
Flustered and desperate to make the camera switch to its nextvictims, you kissed the pads of your pointer and middle fingers and pressedthem to his lips, resulting in some “awes” and some “boos” from the crowd. As you friend booed in your ear, Taehyung awed in Jeongguk’s. 
The touch of your fingers on his lips was brief as he jolted back in surprise, wide eyeslocking on your fingers, as you froze, holding them right in front of his face.His eyes crossed slightly as he gazed at your digits, almost entranced by themand their touch. Jeongguk’s tongue swiped across his lips for the briefestmoment, the subtle action making your body tingle. 
 You had imagined over and over what kissing him would feel like,and there you were, given the opportunity to kiss him under the excuse of peer pressure, but you couldn’t do it.Not when he looked so uncomfortable.  
 Jeongguk looked up to check the big screen, making sure you were in the clear before looking back at you to meet your eyes. You weren’t sure what emotion wasetched into his features, but it looked like an unfavorable one.
You feltyour heart plummet into your stomach as you shot him an apologetic look, makinghim scrunch his eyebrows in confusion. Shaking his head just the slightest bit,his lips perked up into a small and brief assuring smile. His hand moved fromhis lap to situate itself on your knee. Giving your leg a squeeze, hecomfortingly ran his thumb across the material of your jeans, lingering for abit longer than you expected before pulling away and focusing back on thegame. 
Though his comforting gesture settled your frantic mind a bit, youstill felt confused and worried. Fuck, Ishould have just blown him a kiss, or flipped the camera off or something.Turning to look at your friend to the left of you, you sighed. “I hate baseball,” you told them as they frowned at you. 
After about two minutes had passed, you got the nerve to glance overto your crush, inspecting his mannerisms out of the side of your eye. Chewingon his bottom lip, he played with his fingers in his lap. You watched as hebrought his fingers up to his lips, touching them softly.
Suddenly, he looked over at you, catching you in the act of staringat him. Shit. You cleared your throatand cast your eyes above him, looking around before turning back to the field,pretending to watch them game. Jeongguk immediately stood up, excusing himselfto “go get a snack.”
As he made his speedy exit, you watched him, worry bubbling upinside you. Was he really that uncomfortablewith you? Without even acknowledging your friends’ questions of what you weredoing, you stood up and followed after Jeongguk. As you passed Taehyung, he grabbedyour hand, pulling you down to whisper into your ear. 
“Are you going to go talk to him?” Nodding at him, he squeezedyour hand, waving it around it in excitement. “Good,” he beamed. 
Confusion set into your features as you looked at your enthusiasticfriend. He dropped your hand and shooed you away, still sporting a big assgrin. Walking away slowly, you shook your head in puzzlement.
You easily spotted Jeongguk leaning against the wall of thebreezeway, smiling politely and nodding at an old couple as they strolled byhim, hand in hand. 
As he watched them pass by, his eyes fell on you, widening a bitbefore he recovered, nodding a hello at you. 
“Hey, I thought you were getting food,” you smiled awkwardly asyou approached your crush. “I don’t think you’re gonna find any concessions inthe breezeway,” you attempted to tease. He smiled in response, pushing himselffrom the wall, looking down the hallway. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” he chuckled.
“Guk,” he immediately looked at you, his eyebrows raised expectantly.“I’m sorry if I weirded you out or—”
“Weirded me out?” His expression showed utter bewilderment. “Y/n,”he chuckled humorlessly. “You definitely didn’t make me feel weird,” twitchinghis head to the side, he smiled to himself. “Far from it, actually.” What the hell is that suppose to mean?
Nodding slowly, you feigned understanding, but Jeongguk noticedyour confused expression. “I just— I should have kissed you.” Your heartskipped at his blunt statement. “I wanted to.” 
Before your brain could prepare a response, your mouth was movingat its own accord. “Why didn’t you?” 
Jeongguk was taken aback at your question, looking at you witheyes wide in shock. “Did you want me to?” 
You bit your bottom lip in thought. “I didn’t not want you to kiss me,“ you hesitantly admitted.
Gawking at you, he looked deep into your eyes, as if he was tryingto figure out if you were messing with him. “Did Taehyung put you up to this?I’m gonna kill him if he—“
“Kookie, what are you talking about?” You could see the gears inhis head turning as he tried to figure out what was going on and what to say. “Why didn’t you kiss me?”You asked more confidently, tired of hiding your feelings.
With a deep breath, he shook his head. “I was going to, but… I didn’treally want our first kiss to be on the fucking kiss cam in front of a wholestadium of people,” Jeongguk laughed dryly. “That’s not really how I imaginedit.” As soon as the words slipped out of his mouth he smacked his palm against hisforehead in a literal facepalm 
A small giggle escaped your lips as you stepped towards him. “Hey,look at me,” you told him as you pulled his hand from his face, keeping hold ofhis wrist. When he peered up at your face he was met with your shy grin, thougha mischievous glint played in your eyes. “So you‘ve imagined kissing me,huh?” 
Red tinting his skin, he groaned. “Y/n, please…” 
“I’m just wondering how you imagined it,” you smirked at hisembarrassment, your mouth spreading into a wider grin the longer you watched. “Imean, do you imagine me as a good kisser? You do, right? You wouldn’t fantasizeabout me being a bad kisser, I would hope.” You giggled at yourself as abashful smile appeared on Jeongguk’s face.
You noticed how his eyes sparkled as they bounced between your owneyes and your lips. He twisted his wrist in your grip so he was nowholding onto your hand. “Can I kiss you?” He smiled nervously as you noddedquickly.
“Please,” you whispered. He pulled you towards him, his handfinding your hip, the other hand releasing it’s hold on your own as it clutchedyour waist. 
He stared at your lips as they inched closer to his own. Justbefore your mouths met, his eyes glanced up to meet your own. “I really likeyou, y/n,” he whispered, the air hitting your lips. Before you could respond tohis confession, his lips were on yours in a dizzying kiss. You couldn’t quitewrap your mind around what was happening as you put your hands on his chest,pushing him away slightly.
Thinking you were protesting, he tried to pull away further,concern etched across his apologetic features as his eyes scanned your facefrantically. Before he could back away from you, you grabbed the material ofhis shirt, keeping him in place. 
“You didn’t let me tell you that I like you too,” you told himbreathlessly, your eyes wide. As he processed your words, his expressionchanged from concern to relief as his nose scrunched in amusement.
“Oh, thank god,” he breathed in relief. “I’m sorry,” he saidsweetly as he placed his hands on your face, cradling your jawline, leaningforward again. “Go ahead and tell me, Baby,” he flashed you a cocky grin. Baby?! This boy was going to be thedeath of you. 
“I like you,” you affirmed, cracking his confident expression ashis smirk transformed into a glorious giddy grin. 
“Good,” he inched forward until his lips were hovering over yourown. “Kiss me then.” 
With your hands still gripping the material of his shirt, youpulled him forward, your lips lliterally crashing into each other roughly.Laughing into the kiss, he mumbled a “sorry” onto your lips as you shook yourhead, letting him know it was ok. As your lips moved together, you mumbled an“are you ok?” to which he nodded as he deepened the kiss, one of his handsmoving to hold the back of your head, his fingers tangling in your hair. Hisother hand pulled your hip towards him, enveloping your body in his. Your handsmoved down his chest, over his toned abdomen, clutching onto his sides.
Pulling away breathlessly, he rested his forehead against yours asyou kept your eyes shut, reveling in the feeling of him. When your eyelids opened, you found him staring down at you,so intensely that you became bashful under his gaze. Smiling at him, he let outa single breathy laugh. “I’m trying to memorize every bit of this. I don’t wantto forget a thing,” he whispered, your entire body tingling in response to hiswords.
As he softly pecked the tip of your nose, you scrunched it,eliciting an adoring giggle from him. “So how do I compare to yourimagination?” You teased.
Chuckling in response, he kissed your lips again, softly andquickly. “So much better.” He pecked your lips again. “You’re so much betterthan I could have ever imagined,” he whispered against your lips. With the wayhe said those words, the way he was looking at you, and the way he was holdingyou, you knew he wasn’t just talking about the kiss.
As you melted into his embrace, you had one thought– Fucking hell, I love baseball.
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stateofloveandnegan · 6 years
I’m Here - Eddie Vedder
1) Could you maybe write an Eddie one shot, like where you’re not feeling well and get all emotional or something and Edie comforts you and it’s all fluffy with a bit of kissing lol ;)
2) I know your prob got a long list of requests but when you get to it, could you possibly do an Eddie one shot where he comforts his gf because shes upset like really upset and he just holds her and lets her cry and whispers sweet nothings in her ear and it’s cute and fluffy
I decided to put these two requests together, because they’ve got very similar plots!
I know this is much shorter than usual, but I just didn’t know what else to write and I’m kind of satisfied with the way it is...
Requested by: anon
Warning(s): bit of angst
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It takes me about an hour before I am finally ready to go, ready to go out with my boyfriend, my best friend and her boyfriend. We always go on a double date on Friday and it’s become a tradition.
Today I’ve been feeling rather off, not being in the mood to talk to anyone, really. At first I was really worried about it, I’m always very happy and I’m never sad, but later I realised that everyone has a day off every once in a while, haven’t they? Work was awful because of how I felt and I was happy when it finally ended.
“I’m coming!” I yell out of my window after Jeff honks a couple of times.
As soon as I reach Jeff’s car, I get inside and sit in the backseat next to Kate, my best friend. “Hey guys.” I tell the boys and they both send me a smile. It doesn’t take us long to reach the club, only about ten minutes.
We all step outside of the car after it’s parked and I immediately walk over to Eddie, who I didn’t have the change to greet properly yet. “Hey handsome.” I smile up at him as he returns the smile. “Hey gorgeous.” he says before placing his lips on mine. It’s an innocent kiss, but even though it’s innocent, it still makes me feel a little better than I did before. When we part I rest my head against his shoulder and we make our way inside the club, following Jeff and Kate to a booth in the bar-area.
Eddie sits down next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulder and I immediately sink into him, happy I’m finally with him again after a rough day at work.  “You alright?” he whispers in my ear, probably noticing I’m not smiling as much as usual. “Just had a rough day, that’s all.” I mumble into his neck and he pulls me even closer to him, as if he wants to protect me. My heart flutters at the gesture and it makes me melt into him even more.
“What do you guys want to drink?” Jeff asks while standing up. Eddie looks down at me and I nod, he immediately knows what I mean, “The usual.” he tells Jeff and Jeff takes off to the bar.
The evening goes on and everyone’s having a great time, though I still feel a bit off. It’s just small things that get me annoyed and easily in a bad mood, especially when Eddie suddenly sits up straight and waves at some girl entering the club. I feel my heart clench and I feel some kind of jealousy. I’m never one to get jealous of such things, especially if he just waves at someone, but today it’s different. I immediately am done for the night and the things I want to do most is run out of the club and crawl into my bed to cry my eyes out. But I cant; Eddie is sitting right from me, blocking my way out of the booth.
“Hey, I’m gonna go see how Jenny’s doing, alright?” he says before getting up; well, now my problem’s solved..!
Jeff notices how my face drops when Eddie leaves and eyes my curiously, “Something up, (Y/N)?” he asks and for some reason, that’s the drop. I tell them I’m sorry and start gathering my things before running towards the exit to go home.
I can hear both Jeff and Kate calling after me, but I decide to ignore them, really not wanting to be around people any longer. I reach my apartment in no-time and step into the shower as soon as I’m able.
I shower for god knows how long and when I’m done I hear someone knocking on my door. Once again, I decide to ignore it, but the person keeps on knocking. “I know you’re in there, (Y/N). Please open the door.” Eddie’s voice comes from behind the door.
I sigh and put on some sweatpants and one of Eddie’s old shirts. I slowly move to the door and open it while looking at the ground. I know my face is completely red and my eyes are puffy. I know Eddie’s eyeing me, but I avoid to meet his gaze and walk back into the living room without saying a word.
“What’s wrong? Jeff and Kate told me you left the club instantly after I went to say hi to Jenny..” he says and when he mentions Jenny’s name I feel a pang in my heart once again.
I just shake my head and try to ignore the thoughts running through my mind, but I can’t help but feel some kind of numb and tears start running down my face again. I silently sob, but Eddie notices and quickly makes his way over to me, we’re now sitting on the couch.
“Love, what’s wrong? You’ve been acting a bit off all night.. Something bothering you?” he asks with a lot of concern and I instantly feel my love for him increase.
I slowly turn to face him and look up to meet his eyes, “I don’t know what’s going on today…” I confess, but a confused expression enters his face. “What do you mean? Something happened?”
I shake my head, “No, I’ve just- ever since I woke up I’ve been feeling weird and incredibly off and I don’t know but when you waved at Jenny the way you did I couldn’t help but feel insanely jealous and I know I shouldn’t be, but I just couldn’t help myself..” I ramble, moving my gaze to the ground.
Eddie chuckles a bit and brings his hand to rest on the side of my face, “Darling,” he starts, moving my face to look at him once again. “there is, indeed, no need for you to be jealous, I choose you. And I’ll choose you, over and over and over. Without a pause, without a doubt, and in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you. I love you, so much, (Y/N).”
My heart flutters at his words and I feel tears escaping my eyes again, only this time they’re happy tears. I move forward and hug Eddie tightly, “You’re too good for me, Eddie. I love you so much.”
“There’s no way I’m too good for you. And it’s normal to have a day off every once in a while; it’s humane.” he tells me, “And you know what, let’s just put on a good old DVD and do nothing for a while?” he offers.
I smile at him and nod, “That sounds great, really.”
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thinkyoureholy · 6 years
Just The Two of Us
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Requested by anon : hi^^ can i do a fluff/smut scenario of a casual date with kyungsoo ending in late night fun and breakfast in the morning? i love your blog!! thank you so much ❣️
[A/n: Oof this gif kills me I love him so much. Also thank you so much my lovely anon💕]
Pairing : Do Kyungsoo / [fem] reader
Genre : fluff / s m u t
Words : 2.4k
You jogged over to your door in worry as you suddenly heard someone start banging on it. Your worry grew once you opened it to see Kyungsoo on the other side. He said nothing as he walked into your apartment, going straight for your bedroom. You were so dumbfounded by the whole thing that you just closed the front door and followed after him, your confusion growing even more at seeing Kyungsoo going through your closet.
“What are you doing?” You asked, walking over to him.
He ignored you, pulling out some black jeans and a striped red and black long sleeve shirt, handing them over to you. You were started to feel a bit annoyed that he was ignoring your very presence and just kept rummaging through your things. You had enough of it when he walked over to your shoe rack, grabbing onto his forearm to stop his movements.
“Kyungsoo...what the hell is going on? Why are you going through my things?”
“We’re going out.” He said, nice and short, with a smile on his face.
“Soo...it’s-” You paused to looked over at the clock that hung on the wall, “It’s 9 in the morning.”
You sighed heavily, rubbing your hands over your face, noticing the small smile on Kyungsoo’s face which turned into a full blown grin as you nodded. You knew that once Kyungsoo set his mind to something there really was nothing you can say to change his mind. Actually the more you think about it the more you come to realize that it might not even be that Kyungsoo’s stubborn, it might be because you can never really say no to him, giving in easily. You sighed once more and grabbed the pair of red shoes he had in his hand, shooing him out of the room so you could change. You didn’t want to keep him waiting for too long so you quickly got dressed.
You walked out of your room, trying your best to keep the laugh from falling from your lips as you took in his outfit. You soon realized why he picked out the clothes he did, feeling amusement by his choice of outfit. He was wearing the exact same thing as you were, a warm feeling spreading across your chest as you were touched by the gesture. Kyungsoo typically hated wearing matching clothing even wearing somethings as the same color was a rarity but to see that he went out of his way to dress like this told you he had something special planned out.
“Where are we going?”
He simply grinned, intertwining his fingers with yours and dragged you out of your home, all the while keeping his mouth shut about where he was taking you.
No matter how many time you asked he always avoided the question, answering with a question of his own or just changing the subject entirely. Your annoyance from before was starting to return but once you saw a familiar ferris wheel come into view the annoyance vanished, a wave of excitement washing over you. You turned to look at Kyungsoo only to see a smug smile spread across his face.
“You know you could’ve just told me we were coming here.”
“The look on your face wouldn’t have been the same.” He said, his voice low as he glanced over at you quickly before returning his gaze to the road.
It was little things like this that reminded you why you let yourself far as hard for Kyungsoo as you did. Not only was he a total gentleman but he always paid attention to the little things, letting you know that deep down in his heart he really loved you.
You turned to face him when your heard your name, Kyungsoo giving you a small smile, “We’re here.”
“You cheated!” Kyungsoo groaned out.
You laughed at his reaction, knowing he was going overboard because you knew for a fact he let you win. You could tell, the other people playing could tell, hell the guy running the game to tell Kyungsoo let up towards the end, allowing you to win. You didn’t say anything though, letting him act disappointed, he seemed to enjoy it so you kept your mouth shut.
You picked out a small stuffed panda as your reward, handing it to Kyungsoo as soon as they gave it to you. Kyungsoo just looked at you with a smirk on his face, the roll of his eyes telling you he found it amusing. You left him there as you started walking towards another game, a grin spreading across your face as you felt his arms from behind you. He rested his chin in the crook of your neck, squeezing you in his hold tightly as he made you let out a squeal of surprise when you felt his lips on your neck. You tried pushing him away but his grip on you only tightened. You heard his deep chuckle as his chest rumbled against your back before he finally let you go. He kept an arm around your waist, keeping you close to him as he lead you around the carnival.
You had already played plenty of games and eaten a shit ton of food but the one thing you both had yet to do was ride the ferris wheel. Kyungsoo must’ve remembered that that was the last thing you needed to do as he started leading you towards the ride. Thankfully there wasn’t a long line and you got to the front pretty quickly. Kyungsoo pulled you closer to him as the ride started.
At that very moment you felt pure unadulterated happiness, content with life. That was short lived as the words that left Kyungsoo’s mouth had the smile fall off your face.
“We’re going on tour soon.” His voice low, almost as if he was afraid the volume of his voice would break you.
You kept your gaze ahead as you smiled softly to yourself, mostly to keep the look of disappointment off your face, “For how long.”
“Three months.”
You turned your head to the opposite side of Kyungsoo, not wanting him to see how tears gathered in your eyes at his response. You knew that dating him would come at the cost of not being able to see each other for long periods of time and you were okay with that but that didn’t meant it hurt any less when ever he had to leave.
“When are you leaving?” You asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Tomorrow night.”
At knowing that he was leaving so soon you couldn’t help but let a small tear trail down your cheek, Kyungsoo reaching over to wipe it away. You felt his thumb and index finger grab your chin gently, turning your head towards him.
At soon as your eyes met Kyungsoo you could see all the emotions swimming around in his eyes but the most prominent ones were love and adoration, for you. Your breath caught in your throat at the intensity of the look, Kyungsoo taking initiative and leaning in towards you. You kept his gaze until he was mere centimeters away, closing your eyes as you felt his lips brush against your softly before he applying more pressure. Every time Kyungsoo’s lips met yours he always managed to take your breath away and this time was in exception. You turned your body towards him, reaching over to fist his shirt in your hands and bringing him in closer. You felt him smile against your lips, his hands coming up to cup your face as he deepened the kiss.
“Shit...you drive me fucking insane.” He hissed out, planting kisses on the side of your jaw and down to your neck.
You couldn’t help but let out a moan as he found you sensitive spot almost immediately. At the sound of your moan he raised his head to look into your eyes, the look he had before completely gone as it was replaced with lust.
“Fuck I love you so much.” He groaned out, grabbing your hand in his before leading you towards the car once you reached the bottom of the ferris wheel.
He said nothing as he drove the two of you back to his apartment, clutching onto the steering so tightly that his knuckles were white. He stepped on the brakes roughly, getting out of the car and running over to open the car door for me, grabbing your hand and dragging you inside. You didn’t even make it to your apartment before Kyungsoo grabbed your waist in his hands and spun you around, pinning you against the door as his lips found yours.
You whimpered against his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him towards you. He grabbed the keys out of your hand, opening the door to your apartment all the while not breaking the kiss. He started walking forwards, leading you into your apartment and before you knew it he pushed you back as you landed on the bed with a small thud. You tugged your bottom lip in between your teeth as he tugged his shirt off his torso, throwing it across the room as he crawled over your body. He hovered over your frame, leaning down to suck on your neck, finding your soft spot immediately. He lick and nipped at the area, drawing moans from your lips.
You felt his hands move down to your jeans, fumbling with the button for a few seconds before finally getting it undone, pulling down the zipper and practically yanked the jeans down your legs. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh at his eagerness, a smile gracing Kyungsoo’s lips when he heard you laugh. Before Kyungsoo could come back up to kiss you, you pushed him to the side, making him lay on his back as you straddled his hips. He let out a small groan as you settled over his clothed member. You rid yourself of your shirt, reaching back to undo your bra and leant down to plant your lips on Kyungsoo’s. A moan of surprise left your lips as you felt him buck his hips up against yours.
“Baby, no teasing tonight.” He murmured against your lips, his hands reaching up to knead your breasts.
You let out a needy whimper as his fingers soon started to tweak your nipples. Without a word you reached over to the nightstand, reaching into the drawer and pulled out a condom. You used your teeth to rip it open and putting it on him, Kyungsoo having already pulled down his boxers by the time you turned back to him. At this point you were too impatient to waste any time in removing your underwear so you simply moved them to the side and grabbed his member in your hand. You bit your lip as you aligned him with your entrance, moaning as you sank down onto him. You were wet enough to take in his length with ease. Kyungsoo threw his head back, his fingers digging into your waist as you started grinding slowly before you started moving up and down. A low groan left his mouth as you slowly started picking up the pace, his hands moving up your sides you grope at your breasts.
Your moans were loud enough for the whole apartment building to hear but you didn’t care. You knew that it’d be alone before you’d be able to see Kyungsoo so you went harder. The only thing being heard was the constant sound of your moans and the sound of skin slapping on skin. You felt you release approaching quickly and Kyungsoo could feel it too as he reached over and held you against his chest tightly. Kyungsoo planted his heels into the bed firmly as he started thrusting into you, hard and deep. A choked moan left your mouth as the pressure started to build up. You came undone when you felt Kyungsoo’s thumb press against your bundle of nerves, his thumb rubbed the nub roughly. You thighs shook as your orgasm ripped through you a loud moan of his name falling from your lips. Kyungsoo’s thrusts became faster, harder as he chased his own high all the while helping you ride out yours. You whimpered due to the overstimulation but you wanted to help Kyungsoo reach his orgasm as well so you whispered words of encouragement into his ear. Not too long later you felt his hips stutter as he came with a groan of your name.
You laid on top of him for awhile, letting your breathing go back to normal before rolling onto your side, Kyungsoo’s now flaccid member slipping out of you. You stared up at the ceiling as you heard Kyungsoo get up from the bed, your eyelids feeling heavy. Before he came back you were fast asleep.
You woke up to the smell of pancakes, stretching your limbs as you sat up in bed. You could feel a slight throbbing coming from your core, a small smile spreading across your lips when you remembered what happened the night before. With the smile still plaster on your face you got out a bed, putting his shirt on before you walked out to where you knew he was if the smell coming from the kitchen told you anything. And low and behold he stood there in only his jeans, slaving over a hot stove. You grinned at seeing him, leaning against the wall as you watched him cook, your hands folded over your chest.
It didn’t take long for him to notice you, a huge smile taking over his face as he turned off the stove, waltzing over to you. You let out a sigh of content as he wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you flush against his chest.
“You know I love you right.” You said, your voice barely above a whisper.
His arms tightened around you at hearing those words leave your mouth, “I love you too.”
I moved my hand up and down his back soothingly before pulling away and putting a smile on my face before looking him in the eyes, “Let’s eat. I’m starving, especially after last night.”
Kyungsoo smirked at that but offered no retort instead. You both avoided the topic of him leaving as we ate, simply enjoying each other’s company. There really wasn’t much to say, Kyungsoo knew you’d always be there waiting for him to come back and as long as your heart belonged to Kyungsoo you’ll always receive him with open arms.
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beepbeeprichiellc · 7 years
Another Anon here: the werewolf fic is amazing! I really enjoyed it and I would love more!! 💞💞
You got it love.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Eddie awoke in a mess of limbs, well before his alarm. Hecould feel Richie’s hand around his waist, keeping him in place. The nightshirt he was wearing had rode up past his navel, Richie’s palm placed softlyalong the exposed skin, branding him. His breath hitched as Richie’s nuzzledthe back of his neck, his hot breath sliding down the nape, making his entirebody shiver. The room was empty, the quiet air carrying whispers of the nightbefore, uttering heated things into Eddie’s ear.
They hadn’t fallen asleep like this. In fact Richie hadn’teven been in the same house when Eddie had slid into his own bed. The Losershad left some time that afternoon before, the weekend coming to an abrupt end, bringingresponsibilities to their horizon. It had been an agreement that they would allget together later on after school to continue their discussion about the wholewerewolf thing, and Eddie was grateful for the break. It was like the pressurehad been almost too much, the hushed voice and sideway glances as they argued aboutwhat had happened to Eddie’s wounds were torture. There were theories, plentyof them but the true reason remained kept between Ben and himself.
Once everyone was gone Eddie could finally breathe. He tooka long shower, his mind wondering to unresolved emotions as he traced hisscars. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be the one Richie imprinted, hell thethought of it being anyone else made him sick but he was afraid what it entailed.They were mates now? Sometimes Eddie wondered if Richie even thought ofhim as a friend. What did that even mean? Eddie had never even imagined beingwith Richie in this way, let alone thought it possible. What if the wolf chosehim but Richie didn’t? What if it was a mistake? What if Richie took it allback?
What if.
The cold water eventually forced him from his thought filledwashing, making him face his empty room. With a sigh and curse he climbed intobed around eleven, letting himself drift off into nothingness. A fear ranthough his dreams. A fear of rejection and intimidation, of boldness and bluntforce. One of full moons and blood soaked jeans. Of a far off gaze, one thateven Eddie himself couldn’t reach. It was the end. The end to it all.
A knock made the small boy bolt upward in bed, the noiseloud and demanding. Looking to his window he found a hunched figure, hisfingers pressed against the glass while the rest of him hung from an extendedtree branch. It took a second but eventually the dark blob became Richie,making his heart leap into his throat.
“What are you doing here?” Eddie demanded, opening thewindow to allow his friend to crawl though. “I thought you said you were goingto go home? It’s past midnight and I have school tomorrow.”
“I needed to see you.” He replied in a hushed voice, hisentire body tense and ridged like he was fighting himself. “I’m sorry I justcouldn’t-I couldn’t-ugh.” Richie’s fingers raked though his hair, ananimalistic whine ripping though his chest making Eddie cringe. “I don’t knowwhat’s wrong with me.”
“It’s okay Richie.” Eddie whispered, taking a cautious step forward.“Whatever it is, we can work through it. I’m right here.”
“But you weren’t, that was the problem.” He replied, histone soft and submissive.
“You weren’t there, and I tried to stay at my house but-“Richielooked up, meeting Eddie’s concerned gaze and it was like physical pain. Eddie coweredat the sight, his heart tearing at its already fragile seams. “I can’t. I’m sosorry Eds.”
Eddie understood more than Richie knew. There was an ache inhis heart too, maybe not as excruciating as the one that Richie felt but it wasthere and it demanded to be felt. With a nod he led the trashmouth to his bed,gesturing or him to climb in. He obeyed, but with a few more heartfeltapologies that Eddie merely brushed off. They kept an invisible barrier betweenthem, a lingering silence that deafened both of them. There was so much that neededto be said, but, for the life of him, Eddie couldn’t find the strength to uttera word.
“Hey Eds?”
Eddie closed his eyes, forcing his breaths to come slow andeven. Richie was so close, his body right there beside him and it was enough todrive him insane. “Yeah?”
“Are you afraid of me?”
There was a pull in the small boy’s chest, the quietquestion like a screaming confession in his ear. He took in a deep breath,swallowing his emotions. “Why would you ask that?”
Eddie knew why, he saw the change as plain as day. Theothers were different now, careful around Richie even when it came to simplethings. No one sat by him on the couch, some flinched when he spoke or made asudden movement, even going as far as screech when he offered a friendly touch.It wasn’t anyone’s fault, what had happened changed everything, including theirdynamic but the hurt look Richie carried spoke volume.
“I could never be afraid of you.” Eddie found himselfreplying, rolling his body to meet his friend’s distraught gaze. “You have beenmy best friend forever and a day, nothing is ever going to change how I feel. Iwould trust you with my life and as of this weekend, I have.”  
“The others-“
“Are processing. Give them time, it’ll all be okay.”
Richie nodded, whipping the wetness from his eyes. “You aretoo good for me, do you know that?” The hiccup that followed made Eddie’sstomach drop, “I’m sorry to put you out like this.”
“It’s nothing, what else are friends for?” Friends, the wordtasted sour in his mouth. Were they just friends now? His brain was bellowing,grinding his feelings into his petite frame. Eddie took in a deep breath,trying to calm down his buzzing nerves. “Go to sleep Richie, you need the rest.”
“Thank you Eddie.” Richie breathed, rolling onto his back assleep began to invade them both. “For everything.”
The alarm blared loudly, the noise making the lanky boy whowas holding on to him jump. His grip faltered for a second before he clutchedEddie’s shirt a little tighter, a groan dripping though his teeth. “No. Fivemore minutes.” The tip of Richie’s nose grazed Eddie’s cheek, sending a shockwave though the smaller boy’s entire body. “Not ready to get up.”
“I have to get ready for school.” Eddie nipped, prying thefingers from his clothes. “If I miss my mom would freak the fuck out.”
Richie whined, “Let’s jip and stay in bed all day.”
The plea didn’t go unnoticed, the sweetness in the words madeEddie shake. Forcing sinful thoughts from his mind, he pulled a fresh pair ofshorts from his dresser, making sure he faced away from Richie so that hisblush wasn’t visible. “You can stay here, in fact it’d probably be better,considering. Ma will be gone till next week so you can stay and lounge around, eatour food and waste our cable. I’m sure you don’t want to-“
“If you are going to school then so am I.”
“Gotta keep up appearances.” He jeered, wigging his eyes. “Wouldn’twant anyone to miss me too much.”
Eddie opened his mouth argue but was cut as Richie brushedpast him towards the bathroom. The door slammed shut, the sound of runningwater following shortly after. Eddie pursed his lips, scowling at the closeddoor. “Great.” He hissed to himself, pulling on clean clothes. “Yeah sure, whatcould possible go wrong?” Sitting on his bed, he continued his rant. “How wasyour weekend Kaspbrak? Oh great, my friend turned into a wolf and is now boundto me by some voodoo that we don’t understand. Ya know, the usual.”
“Are you talking to me?” A voice yelled from the other room.
“Just hurry up fuckface!
Richie only laughed.
It was like all eyes were on them as they walked into theschool. He could have sworn Greta Keene gave him a curious look, her zombie friendsfollowing her lead. This was crazy, it all was. He didn’t belong here, notafter what had happened and yet here he was, nipping at Eddie’s heels. In truthhe had planned on skipping school, to just take a day to get his head togetherbut once Eddie had confessed that he would be attending Derry High for theentire morning and part of the afternoon he felt a need to follow. He wasn’tsure what it was, but being away from Eddie made him sick. Literally.
The losers looked like they has seen a ghost, their facesturning white as he strode up to them, a fake smile plastered on his face. “Heyguys, what’s happening?”
“Richie.” Stan said, his face void of any emotion. “You’rehere.”
“Yup.” He replied, popping his mouth. “You know school isreally important to me.”
Beverly gave him an exasperated look, shaking her head. “Sincewhen.”
“Since…shut up.” He joked, bouncing on the balls of his feetnervously. “Is it a crime to come to school? Gosh, you people act like I’mdefective or something.”
Bill’s face fell, his eyes casting downward in shame. “It’sn-not that, it’s ju-just after everything we th-thought you would want to-“
“Richie is here. Let’s just drop it.” Eddie cut harshly,eyeing the others. “Nothing’s changed, let’s just get on with the day.”
There was a sudden swelling in Richie’s chest, the shortboys command making the others nod in agreement. Conversation turned to anothertopic, the others going on about their day as a sense of normality washed overthe group and Richie was grateful, even if was just for a moment. “God Eds, usea dick next time.” He joked, lightly nudging the boy with his elbow.
“Beep beep Richie.” Eddie replied just as the bell rang forhomeroom.
The first half of the school day went by agonizingly slow, hedidn’t share one class with Eddie making it near painful to sit though theteachers lectures. His bouncing knee drove Stan crazy making him give dirtyglances every few seconds. Beverly managed to ignore him, although her grip onher pencil gave way, snapping into two.
It was nearly an hour before lunch, and Richie decided thathe need a break from the mind numbing biology lesion. Reluctantly his teacherallowed him to use the restroom and with a cigarette in hand he hurried to thenearest boy’s laboratory, intent on some much needed time between him and hisnicotine.
As the door swung open he was met with a rush of lilac andcopper, the smell stinging his nostrils. He could feel something beganto bubble under his skin, the scene before him beginning to unfold. There,pinned against the wall was Eddie, his feet lifted off of the ground by thestrong hold on his shirt. Blood ran down his chin, originating from a cut onhis lip, painting him with imperfections. Henry Bower’s head snapped to meetRichie, his face turned into a scowl and his fist raised mid punch.
“Get the fuck out of here!” The bully yelled, spitting inthe direction of the door. “Now, before this becomes you!”
“Eddie?” Richie choked, watching the short boy’s eyes widen.“What in the h-”
“Get out of here Richie.” Eddie hissed, his fingers bitinginto Henry’s grip on his shirt. “I’m fine, please just go.”
Something primal over took Richie, making him turn into ananimal right there in the disgusting boy’s restroom. A fire ignited in hisstomach, awaking the madness within. Disobeying his friend’s orders he pushed Henry’sbody, forcing him to drop the small boy before planting a solid punch to theboy’s ugly mug. Eddie’s screeched something that he couldn’t hear, his formpressing forward.
Blood began to fall from Henry’s swollen face, his body witheringunder Richie as he pinned him to the ground. He could feel his fists hittingthe other boy, could hear the bone crushing noise that came each time he madecontact but there wasn’t much else. There was no way of telling how long he continuedafter Henry lost consciousness, but it was the sudden grip on his fist that haltedhis movement.
Richie growled, pulling away but Eddie’s voice finally brokethrough the veil. “I said that is enough!” He screamed, pulling the trashmouth’sbody away from his victim. Richie huffed, falling back onto the tile floor, hisfists dripping with fresh crimson.
Eddie didn’t say anything else, kneeling beside Henry, hisfingers searching for a sign of life. “Eddie.” Richie choked, tears welding upin his eyes, burning paths down his face. “Eddie, please.” It was a different feelingthat was left in the wake of it all, the anger subsided leaving a withered boyhuddled against the wall, begging for validation.
“He’s alive.” Eddie whispered to himself, ignoring thebroken boy beside him. “He will have a splitting headache, probably a concussionwhen he wake up but he should be-“
“Look at me.” Richie forced, harshness interlacing itself inhis tone. “Fucking look at me!” The short boy’s head snapped, his eyes catchingRichie’s in a tense gaze. Richie’s blood ran cold, his body shakinguncontrollably from fear.
“I’m looking Richie.” Eddie whispered, his eyes soft and sincere.
He broke then, burring his face in his hands, his sobs camewith a cruel vengeance. It wasn’t like Richie to cry, or to even show vulnerabilityin front of anyone but it seemed that when it came to Eddie, he had no controlover his own emotions. There was a part of him that wished the small boy away,to forget about him and allow the world to consume him but as Eddie’s armspulled at him, he knew that that part would soon die along with his sanity. Hedidn’t want to drag Eddie down with him, but it seemed that they wereintertwined.
“Let’s get out of here.” Eddie said, gently pulling Richieto his feet. “Before lunch starts and people find us.” Richie obeyed, allowing himselfto be dragged off of school grounds, leaving his mess there before the toilet stalls.
He had no idea what was happening to him.
And for the first time in a long time, he was terrified.
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richie-txzier · 7 years
Shut The Fuck Up, Eileen
Request:  Do you need a prompt?))) Soulmate AU: you can hear the thoughts of your soulmate! Fluff Reddie?
Requester: Anon
Pairing(s): Eddie Kaspbrak x Richie Tozier, Stan Uris x Bill Denbrough
Word count: 2060
Warning: None
Author: Admin Tozier
Note: I added to the AU slightly so that when you kiss your soulmate you stop hearing their thoughts
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Bill loves his friends. He really does. He believes each one of the six people in his friendship group brought something - a new perspective into their otherwise monotonous, sickeningly-suburban lives. Mike brings the logical aspect, while Ben balances this with emotional opinions; Stan brings cynicism, while Bill brings optimism; Beverly brings calm, while Eddie… Yeah, Eddie brings unadulterated rage that, if they all weren’t so used to it, would make have them all shaking their boots, because, despite his short stature and smooth young complexion, this boy had a dirty mouth and a glare to match.
Piled on the small pic-nic bench during their lunch break, the six Losers watched as Eddie paced in front of them, eyes blazing and hands flailing wildly as he emphasised his points with crude gestures towards the sky as if his soulmate would be able to see them somehow. He twisted towards them with a disbelieving and manic expression, “All I wanted to do was take a fucking piss and this goddamn bastard just had to be thinking, admittedly, a great song, but definitely not one appropriate for the time of night! But the worst thing was they weren’t even the right lyrics! THEY WEREN’T EVEN THE RIGHT LYRICS, GUYS!”
Eddie collapsed on the seat between Beverly and Mike, breathing heavily and tugging his jumper sleeves over his hands to rub at his eyes. Beverly smiled softly and wrapped an arm around his shoulders to hug him into her side, plucked the lollipop out her mouth, and remarked, “At least it’s a good song this time.“ 
They all shuddered as they remembered the expression Eddie held after he had to go all day with Final Countdown pounding in his mind. It definitely made Bill grateful for the comparable calmer mood Eddie was in this time; but, with a tug in his heart, he realised it may be because of how exhausted Eddie was. He had his head rested on Beverly’s shoulder as if he couldn’t hold it up himself, dark bruises under his drooping eyes and just an overall slouched demeanour so unlike the usual pristine boy held.
He looked fucking shattered. 
Bill felt Stan reach over to steal a couple of Bill’s M&M’s, and, with his signature lip curl, snorted, "Maybe he thinks he’s a goddamn DJ." 
Mike shook his head, stroking Eddie’s hair softly and they all watched with a similar stinging feeling how he tilted into his touch with closed eyes, a yawn roaring from his mouth, "He’s an asshole, that’s who he is." 
"And it was so fucking LOUD as well. Like, Jesus, how can someone think loudly?” Eddie whined into Beverly’s shoulder, and she rubbed his back, freezing for a moment as she completely took in what he had said. 
“Wait it was loud?” She repeated. Eddie nodded. 
“Well, that’s great!” Ben erupted from across from her, smiling brightly through his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, “That means they’re close!" 
"They better not get too fucking close or I might just ‘accidently’ kill them,” Eddie grumbled as he picked his head up to start massaging his temples. Mike patted his head, “It’ll be all over soon, Eddie. You’ll find ‘em.”
Eddie dropped his face in his hands with a groan. 
Eddie really wanted to meet his soulmate. He really did. The prospect of meeting the person the universe had literally said is the most compatible and wonderful person for you was a glorious idea if it ever happened. But right now, he would gladly give up his soulmate if it meant them shutting up for five fucking seconds. He honestly didn’t know if this person ever stopped thinking; thoughts when he was brushing his teeth in the morning, thoughts all throughout the day when he’s trying to concentrate on work, thoughts while he’s eating dinner, thoughts when he brushes his teeth before bed, just thoughts all day, every day, non stop.
Eddie wondered if anyone had gone insane from too many soulmate thoughts. Maybe he would be the first.
That would be cool, I bet I’d get a reward as I was shipped off the loony bin-
What if rocks are actually soft but just tense up when we touch them? 
Oh fucking hell here we go
If I were in a video game I wonder what kind of stats I’d have? 
Fucking 0 intelligence, I can tell you that, Jesus Christ
I wish I cried macaroni because I would get free macaroni and that would make me so happy that I would cry from happiness and make more macaroni
...what the actual fuck?!
Eddie's pen went straight through his English work and he cursed under his breath, and then promptly smacked his forehead onto his desk with a groan. He was losing sleep over this; nights of where his brain wouldn't shut off became sleepless, causing him to curl up in a ball and try to push the loud thoughts of someone else from his mind. They were loud, which meant his soulmate was nearby, maybe they went to his school? That would be convenient. He knew the best places to hide a body around here- 
"Mr Kaspbrak?" A voice interrupted his vengeful plotting and he lifted his head to meet the stern look of his English teacher, "Are you alright." 
"Sorry, sir, I'm uh, don't feel too well. May I go to the bathroom?" 
The teacher glanced at the clock and sighed, "I suppose so. It's nearly the end of class so take your belongings with you." 
Eddie nodded before sweeping all of his things into his backpack and bustling out the classroom, ignoring the curious stares of his peers. He could feel the pounding in his head with every step he took and decided maybe going to the bathroom was the best solution after all - he didn't want to be stuck in the lunch rush anyway. He swung open the door, slipped into a stall and leaned his throbbing head against the cool cubicle door. 
With scrunched up eyebrows, he wished his soulmate luck if they were to ever meet. 
"Anyone seen Eddie?" Bill asked, slowing his steps to look at the backs of the apparent five of them his mouth drawn to a line. He bumped his lunch tray between Stan's shoulder blades and the curly haired boy shouted in protest, twisting to see his innocently smiling face with an unimpressed expression.
"He ran off in English. He said it was to the bathroom, but I think he was having soulmate problems again." He offered and sped up his steps in case Bill was to nudge him again. 
"I hope he's okay..." Ben said, looking back into the hoards of children crowding the corridor. 
The five of them appeared outside, the white blinding autumn sun piercing their vision causing Beverly to squint to see that their usual pic nice table had been taken by another group of friends. 
"Bastards." She reacted simply and scanned the rest of the courtyard to see if there were any free spaces. All were taken except for one near the edge which held a sole boy that, with a sudden brightness of her eyes, she instantly recognised. "Let's go sit with Richie!"  
"Who the hell is Richie?" Mike asked, being the first to follow her with his packed lunch swinging in his hand. She didn't answer as she reached the table, setting down her lunch tray.  
He looked up suddenly, the noise of the tray scaring him, and the momentum causing his large and frail looking glasses to bounce out of place on his nose. He fixed them, smiling widely as he recognised the redhead, showing slightly large front teeth out of plump lips. 
"Bevster! What a pleasure to see you this fine Wednesday afternoon!" He spoke with a fake cockney English accent, one that broke considerably due to the chip he was still chewing on. 
"Heya Richie, how's life?" She asked as the rest of them tentatively sat down around them. Ben and Mike slotted in next to Richie as Bill and Stan quickly sat next to Beverly, unsure of the new person. 
"Wondrous, now that the prettiest girl in school has blessed me with her presence," Richie remarked, flashing her a wink. Ben tensed up next to him. 
"Shut it, Rich." She laughed, before realising the rest of them were awkwardly looking at them, "Oh shit! Richie, these are my friends, Bill, Stan, Ben and Mike! Guys, this is Richie, we hang out when I smoke sometimes." 
There was a chorus of various greetings from the rest of them and Bill even leant over the table to shake his hand, which Richie laughed at. There was a bang as the doors to the building slammed closed and Bill looked behind her to see Eddie has emerged and looked confused. 
"EDDIE!" He shouted and the boy jumped to look over in his direction, before coming over. 
"Fuck me, Beverly, how many friends do you have? This is getting close to a gang bang-" 
Richie stopped as Eddie reached them and he took in the boy's face.
Mama mia, he's adorable
"Fucking hell!" Eddie said aloud, clutching his head and stumbling back, his face contorted in pain. Mike jumped up to skip around the table and hold his elbows as try to look at his face. 
"Eddie, Eddie! Are you alright?" Eddie looked up at his friend before leaning sideways to stare a the wide-eyed long dark-haired boy. 
"YOU!" Eddie shouted, ripped away from Mike's gentle hold to point at Richie intensely. 
"ME?!" Richie exclaimed back. 
You fucking asshole! 
Richie winced in pain, hand coming to hold his head as he stared back, realisation melting over his features until a brilliant beam shot through his face. He muttered a soft, "Holy shit." 
Ben's jaw was slacked while Beverly's mouth was curled into a warm grin as in unison they said, "No fucking way." 
Eddie's eyes were rock-hard as he glared at the taller boy with all his might, Richie's goofy smile slipping as Eddie clambered to stand on the table, towering over the now standing gangly boy, steaming practically bursting from his ears.
"He's going to murder him," Stan stated quietly as he sat to the side, casually playing with Bill’s fingers, the two of them watching the scene unfold. Bill clicked his tongue.
"Think positive!"
"I'm positive he's going to murder him."
Hands suddenly came to cup his cheeks and Eddie was suddenly being tugged forward, his mouth crashing into Richie's. He froze, eyes blown and looking at Richie's closed eyes behind thick frames as his soft mouth moved gently into his. 
And honestly, as much as Eddie ranted and raved about wanting to murder his soul-mate, this was the feeling that ultimately changed everything. Suddenly he realised why people do so much for those who they loved, why they'd sacrificed everything just for a taste of this kind of physical affection from someone that made a rush whoosh through them, electricity spark across his skin and his heart drop so far he felt it in his stomach. 
Eddie looked shell-shocked as Richie pulled away, his own eyes wide as he was sure he felt the same thing. Richie’s voice was breathless as he spoke, “I’m Richie, by the way.” 
“Eddie.” He replied, a smile twitching at his cheeks. Richie chuckled shortly and then stepped back, hands going into the pockets of his heavy denim jacket. 
“At least now you won’t hear my thoughts anymore.” Richie offered. Eddie blinked. 
“Oh um, yeah.” 
They stood awkwardly for a moment. 
“I think you stood in my fries.” 
“I think you should kiss me again.” 
Eddie smacked a hand over his mouth, surprised at the words that jumped from his throat. Richie just grinned. 
“You’re cute, Eds.” 
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