#so good luck with that *fingerguns*
honorhearted · 1 year
hmmmm would you rather smooch washington or caleb
Go on anon and suggest someone for my muse to kiss, and see their reaction! Or give them two names and ask who they’d rather kiss! / @rhogeminid
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"I'd rather kiss your mother."
"And are you asking on behalf of yourself with the hopes of finding an in, or are you being facetious? Because surely you must know that as my commander and best friend, I do not have romantic aspirations for either."
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okay but 👀 2016!Thomas+Sides 👀 meets 2020!Thomas+Sides 👀 absolute CHAOS on both sides (pun absolutely intended)
virgil, hugging 2016!anxiety very very tightly: things WILL get better. it’s going to be so fucking good i promise
2020!roman, doing weak listless fingerguns at 2016!roman: it hasn’t stopped getting worse. good luck
2016!roman: oh no
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Patty have you ever asked Janus to join for dinner when you meet him? Maybe that can somehow help Logan with his flirting? Or at least get Janus more relaxed?
(btw you're adorable ily!!)
(*cracks knuckles* Oh yeah baby we’ve gotten to the angst. Words: 2364 )
Patty: ": D Oh hello lil magical bird who just talked to me! I love you too!! I didn't want to barge in too much into their relationship but now when my honeypie has asked him out once already I guess I can help just a bit!"
Patty had sunglasses on to look like a secret agent. This was an important step in her plan, she swore on it. She sneaked into the open library while chuckling to herself.
She glanced around and almost immediately caught her eye on Janus standing in the reception. She did a few sneaky walks between the bookshelves before sliding up to him.
"Hello Janister!" She greeted with a bright smile while putting her elbows on the reception to lean closer.
"Hiya PatPat. Logan is off helping a customer but he'll be back soon"
"Oh silly I'm not looking for him right now. I am actually here to ask if you could come over to our place tonight. You see I'm planning on making Jambalaya but I always make too much! I'm talking leftovers up to the roof!! But if a third person was there maybe I would be able to make a perfect amount" She lied. She was making jambalaya for Janus purposes alone!
Janus' heartrate shot through the atmosphere "To- me?- your place?- tonight?- I uh- I don't know if I have time-"
She pouted and did her puppy eyes "You sure? You don't have to if you don't want to!! But it would be nice!"
He let out a happy sigh "Sure"
She took his hand and let out a sqeaul "aaah Great! It'll be so fun!!"
Logan was leaning down so Patty could help him with his bowtie. "Are you completely sure I look adequate?" He asked.
"Oh honeybee, You look super duper ultra adequate. You're literally wearing a sweater with a math pun on it!!"
"Hmm sound argument. I can not deny the sexiness of math puns"
A knock came on the door. The couple stared at each other. Logan stimmed out of nervousness. Patty gave him a quick kiss before pointing between him and the door. They did a good luck high five.
Logan combed his hair back and leaned on the wall to look cool as he opened the door. Janus stood on the other side looking like a sardine that had just been pressed into a can.
He had on a purple vest with embroidered flowers details and with a long sleeved black button up under. Also a very funky pair of stripped pants with even funkier yellow snake socks under.
"Greetings Jan. You are looking" Like a dream. Like someone he wanted to kiss right this moment. "Very good"
"Aww are you trying to be a snake charmer Log-boy" Janus replied with a smirk.
"I am not a log or a boy. I'm an adult man made out of meat"
"You better be because I'm starving" He had downed 2 shots of vodka before coming to try to and cool his extreme anxiety. He was a lightweight.
Logan lead him into the living room "Are....Are you implying cannibalism?"
Janus shrugged while smiling.
The apartement truly did look like a mismatch of the couple's personalities. The walls were filled with maps of constellations and uplifting cat posters. On the bookshelfs cook books and travel books were stacked next to thick philosophy books and essays. The decorations were either cute porcelain animals, magical anime girl figurines or figurines of characters from Lo's different hyperfixations. The sofa was filled with fluffy blankets and pillows and stuffies were scattered around the light blue carpet filling the living room.
“Do you want to watch star trek while eating?” Logan asked with a hopeful glint in his eyes.
“As long as I get to watch your beautiful face as well” Janus flirted back while doing an unsteady fingergun.
“Oh- Of course” His crush’s sudden forwardness was making his heart flutter.
Janus curled up in the corner of the couch, making himself as small as possible. Logan sat down pretty far away from him.
He started the first episode. Janus had a constant smile on his face as he listened to Logan go between telling him facts and gushing over his favorite moments. All while he could hear Patty in the kitchen half singing along to dad rock.
“Does she want help with that?” Janus, known gentleman and also nervous wreck, asked.
“She’ll tell us if she need it. She likes cooking. I like baking. It usually works out”
Janus got an amused look on his face “You’re into baking? So all those times at work when you brought desserts, that was your making?”
“Yes. And they were delicious. Anything wrong with that?”
“No. No. I simply didn’t take you for the type”
“Well cooking involves creativity and there’s room for your own ideas. Baking doesn’t. It is only about following a structure and doing kitchen chemistry. Of course I love it” He lowered his voice “It is also tremendously good for when you need to flirt without words”
“Oh really? I better start looking up recipes then” He pulled in Logan's bowtie “You have any favorites?” 
In his head he had the guts to say ‘Your lips against mine would be my favorite’ in reality he said “HehuHFKdjf jam drops in the shape of heart. The heart part is important. It adds to the taste”
“It usually does”
Janus slowly looked him up and down. And then he realized what the fuck he was doing. He shot back into his corner of the sofa like a naked rat. Logan sat still with blushing cheeks, staring at the tv but not taking in anything that was happening except his racing heart.
“Done!” Patty exclaimed, coming in with a big ass fucking pot of jambalaya and a just as big bottle of wine.
She saw the nervous state both of the guys were in and quickly made up a plan. She slammed the pot down onto the coffee table and moved the blankets so they took up about half of the couch. Then she sat down using up as much space as possible leaving the guys no choice but to move closer to each other, If both of them sat their hands down they would touch.
Patty cuddled up to her husband with a proud smile on her face. Logan moved his arm around her. 
“It looks great sweetheart” He pressed a kiss to her cheek making her giggle.
“So do you!! And so does mr. star trek captain man!”
 She enjoyed the hell out of her jambalaya while the two idiots sent each other awkward smiles. Janus downed his glass of wine in record speed. (He took it slower with the food, he didn’t want to seem disgusting). 
The whole star trek episode went by. Logan asked Janus a thousand excited questions about how much he liked it. All of his answers made the nerd happy stim. They put on a documentary none of them were really interested in the background while continuing to chat. Patty went on a long epic story about how a kid at her daycare had tried to bite her finger off last week.
“Soooo” Patty sudenly changed the topic. She said it with an innocent tone “My nerdy lil honeypie over here had the biggest crush on Data for a while. It was adorable. ANd while we’re on the topic” The look she gave Janus was happy but it still sent shivers down his spine “You having any crushes lately? Just curious!”
Both of the men internally gasped at the audacity. The gall! The sheer power!! Janus was sweating like a naked rat who had just been clad for the first time.
“...Well.......I have actually been meaning to....Ask about the polyamourous thing?” 
The couple exhanged knowing glances before looking back at him “Mhm yeah Mhm” “I am poly and also a thing so I am an expert in this”
“So...I totally haven’t fallen in love with 3 people. 2 of which I met in the span of around a week”
Patton did a double thumbs up. Logan took a long sip from his wine. “We’re all gossipy bitches here. Tell all about it”
“Well. The first one is Remy-”
“The one with the sunglasses?”
“...Yes...Are....Don’t tell me they’re a serial killer”
Patty broke up into a chuckle “Logie-bogie tried to kiss them while he was drunk once”
“I threw up on their shoes”
“He threw up on their shoes!”
Logan saw the terror in Janus’ face as he worried that maybe 2 of his crushes were exes and quickly added “We are only acquaintance and I was momentarily struck by the impressive lenght of their legs” 
Janus went on to gush about Remy and Remus. Why he loved them. All the dates he had daydreamed about. And then finally his voice was shaking when he mentioned just having a third crush.
Patty let out a long yawn before he could say anything more. She stood up “Well looks like it’s time to snooze! I assume 2 big burly ultra masculine men like you two can handle the dishes”
“It will be a challenge but we shall do our best. Goodnight honey” Logan kissed her.
She leaned in and whispered “Good luck Logie-bear! You got this”
She giggled mischievously while going off into the bedroom. She closed the door behind her. Only the two lovebirds were left now.
“So the third crush? Who’s the lucky gentleman?” Logan asked.
Janus held onto his newly refilled wine glass so hard it nearly cracked. He forced a smile “Wouldn’t you want to hear about the fake couples counseling I go to together with Remus instead?”
“Fake what now?”
“Well me and Remus, who I am hopelessly in love with even though he clearly doesn’t feel the same way, started going to a therapist pretending we were a couple to see how long it would take before he realized we didn’t know each other. He hasn’t realized anything yet. It’s great!”
It looked like Logan’s eyes was about to bulge out of his skull “That sounds illegal. It should be. You are dragging shame onto the face of psychology you double dumbass!”
“I have done nothing wrong ever in my entire life and frankly I deserve to waste even more therapist’s time” Janus replied.
He let out a deep sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose “Which therapist is it that you’re harassing exactly?”
“Dr. Picani”
Logan’s eyes widened and he shut his lips tightly “Emile Picani?”
“Yes.....Please don’t tell me he’s a serial killer”
He slowly looked away while taking a sip from his wine “I have had intercourse with that man”
Janus choked on his drink. He coughed while staring at his friend with wild eyes “YOU FUCKED MY THERAPIST????”
“No.......He fucked me” Logan replied in a quiet tone. “Besides he’s not even your real therapist”
“He is still a sort of therapist man to me! I told him I enjoy Lana Del Rey. That was a very intimate moment for me!”
“Well I had a very intimate moment with him too”
Janus looked at him with flushed cheeks and wide eyes. He let out a chuckle which turned into a laugh which turned into Logan not being able to not laugh along which turned into the room filling with nothing but flustered happiness and laughter.
Logan grabbed onto his crush’ arm just to have some contact with him while his eyes teared up from laughter. Janus leaned his head against his shoulder and curled up close to him while giggling so much his stomach hurt.
“Oh we’re idiots” Janus sighed.
“We are. We truly are”
They stayed sitting like that. So so close. Logan’s arm around him. Janus breathing being felt against the other man’s skin. Their hands touching. Only comfortable silence surrounded them.
A few minutes went by. Janus looked at him shuly. His thoughts worrying about everything and anything “Should we- ehm- the dishes?”
The moment broke. Logan moved away before standing up “I uh yeah- we should”
It was strange. Just dishing together with his crush made Logan happy. All he could think about was getting to be this close, this domestic, with him every day. Getting to wake up next to him. Kiss his knuckles. Share a morning with him.
“Who was the third crush by the way?” Logan asked, glancing over at his crush.
Janus stared down into the water “I- I can’t say it”
He stopped and turned fully to look at Janus. He had never been more unsure of where to put his hands before.
“Well I can...Say it I mean....I....I...Janus.....You make me happy just by being near me...You are so wonderful...I....I love you”
Logan couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He took a step forward and cupped Janus’ cheeks. He leaned forward, so close, so close that their noses and foreheads were pressed against each other. It felt like had been starving for this.
Janus froze. His wide eyes stared in shock at the other man. His hand moved up to his chest on instinct, to try and push him away.
Logan noticed his reaction. Of course he did. It was blindingly obvious. He forced himself to move away. He forced the desire to kiss him to simmer out.
“I-I’m sorry-” He mumbled out.
“No....Lo..” Janus took his hand. Holding it so so lightly in his own “I know” He looked up at him “I know. I’m sorry. I should go”
A horrible feeling of guilt filled Logan’s throat “You don’t have to” 
“I should go” He repeated, letting go of his hand.
Logan walked after him as he went to get his jacket “A date. Do you want to go on a date? Not just a hangout. Janus I- I want so badly to be close to you. We could go to the zoo, look at the snakes?”
Janus held his hand on the handle of the door. He didn’t look at Logan “Thanks for having me over”
He left. Logan stood alone in the hallway. His arms hanging helplessly at his sides.
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santaverse · 4 years
THE BIG DAY drabble! (3 of 3)
Once again a portal opened in the middle of North’s Workshop. From within, Secret Santa and Gruzzlebeard both emerged from the tear in the dimension on their feet. Gruzzlebeard in particular was very happy about the smooth landing. 
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“ HOO-YEAH!! FIFTH TIME’S THE CHARM, SANTA BABY!! ” Of course coming from behind them was the Santa from the world they had just visited; Big Boss Santa, nicknamed by Gruzzlebeard himself. He wasn’t as lucky as Secret Santa or Gruzzlebeard, falling right on his chest. 
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As soon as the trio landed, they were soon surrounded by the crowd of other Santas, each thrilled to see their pals return. 
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 “SS! GRUZZY! You’re back!! ” Sea Santa was the first to greet the two Santas, and he did with hug! But as soon as he did, the playful Santa noticed the other man alongside them. 
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“ ...and y’brought a friend!! ”
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“ Friend may be pushin it a little... -OOF! ” Gruzzlebeard’s remark got him a slight elbow from Secret Santa.
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“ What Gruzzlebeard is referring to is a bit of a long story really... but, why don’t you hear it from him? ”
Secret Santa and Gruzzlebeard moved to the side, revealing Big Boss Santa to the rest of the crowd of Santas. He stood up fiddled with his rings before waving towards the crowd. 
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“ Er... hello everyone. My name is Santa Claus- “
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“ I call em Big Boss Santa,” Gruzzlebeard interrupted with some fingerguns.
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“ Yes, and I come from a world where holiday figures live together amongst the common everyday man! These two showed me how... harsh I was being when I thought no one else can! Now they’re off making toys of their own creation, not at ALL wasting time! ” He said the last part with a strained smile. Noticing his tone, Big Boss cleared his throat and fixed his smile.
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“ ...HAPPY to be here otherwise! Ho ho... ho!! ”
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Classic Santa stepped forward from the crowd of Santas and observed the new addition. “ Well, it sounds to me our new friends have taught you well! I knew they would make a great team!! ” He winked to the both of them.
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Gruzzlebeard elbowed Secret Santa this time, and in response Secret Santa smiled at the troll and at Classic, giving him thanks. “ Oho, thank you sir! ”
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“ Oh uh, yeah thanks Shorty! ” Gruzzlebeard said with a light handwave.
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“ You three showed up at the perfect time. We’re just about to head out! ” Slim Santa said, motioning his arms towards the readied sleighs.
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“ Are you gentlemen ready? ” Small Santa said with his deep voice. “ This isn’t going to be an easy flight! ”
“ We were born ready!! “ both Secret Santa and Gruzzlebeard eagerly responded.
And just like that, each Santa hopped in their own sleigh. As they did, portals to their world’s workshops opened up one by one. Unlike most portals, these ones were transparent, allowing others from within to see from the other side. Most portals showed elves eagerly awaiting the return of their retrospective Santas.
Before the takeoff however, some Santas had a few words of encouragement.
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“ HO HO HO!! ” Everyone chanted.
As Secret Santa loaded the slegh, he looked at Gruzzlebeard and placed a hand on his shoulders. Then, he pulled the troll closer. 
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“ This is it Gruzzlebeard! The night we’ve been training for! No matter what happens tonight, I just wanna say... I’m so proud of you! You’ve come a long way! ”
Gruzzlebeard’s face flushed a quick red, so he looked away from Santa... only to go back on his tough image and face his pal with a smile. 
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“ Thanks... Santa. If it wasn’t fer you belivin’ in me to begin with, I sure as heck wouldn’t’ve been here n’ the first place. Now uh, STOP with the dang mushy stuff! We’ve got some stuff to deliver! Am I RIGHT FELLAS?! ”
“ HO HO HO!! “ The Santas’ chanted one last time.
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“ WHAT ARE WE WAITIN’ FOR FELLAS? “ Pilot Santa yelled. “ LET’S GO GO GOOOOO!! ”
Just like that, every single Santa thrust the reigns of their sleighs and were off to deliver some gifts. North flew upwards, while everyone else headed through their own portals, disappearing without a trace! As the Guardian soared into the night he cheered.
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- A Massive Thank You and Merry Christmas from Santaverse!! Thank you all for a bright spot in a dim year!! 
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Neeeemo eeeeeeep❤❤❤❤! //is dissapointed in self🥺🥺🥺 but also loves spamming your box and chatting to ya so here i am once more with random..... thoughts and spam? 🥺
I cant believe i forgot my first impression of you🥺🥺❤ stupid memory! Hehehe it would appear that i am the dory to your nemo🐟🐟🐟😂 lol //fingerguns 😂 hehehe well i stan with the memory i have! I swear u left me a comment in my ask box that one time that made me laugh so hard that i could help but instantly love ya😂😂❤❤🥺😳 hehehe regardless i am happy u are in my life and i love ya dearly 🌻😳🥺🌈
Hehehe sending ya all the catbus hugs and cuddles! Good luck with all your meetings nemo dear ! Ooooh and your thesis!🌈❤🌻 hope ya sleep well and have sugary sweet dreams of sunshine, foxlings and crows☺☺🦅🦅
Also ps: i freaken love that keiji fic omw! My actual heart hehehe my day has been made!😳☺❤
Also pss: //slides over some cookies! 🍪
Hehehe okay im going now! Before i ramble any further! //dances out 💃💃
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Zeta-dearest!!! Please don’t be disappointed in yourself! 🥺🥺🥺 Turns out you do have a greater memory than me, because I totally forgot about the time I sent you that anon-ask in which I was like: the Dutch, the Dutch, it buuuuuurnsssss...
Can’t believe that made you laugh like that. 😂😂😂 I was even making fun of the Afrikaans. 😅😅😅Though, you can totally be my Dory! 💞💞💞
Eugh, I have to go on location again tomorrow and //sweats... just submitted the first few chapter drafts and //sweats harder 
I will just let myself be slaughtered by feedback. 😂😂😂
And you dream of Keiji! He is honestly so precious and I have a bunch of fun writing for the dude (expect more of him tomorrow 😉😉😉). For some reason I can write fanfic throughout the week, but not in the weekend. Fanfiction truly is just stress writing. LOL 😂😂😂
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8, 16, and 21 for Pollux and/or Rabbit? 💕
totally! :fingerguns:
super detailed ask meme!
8. did they have pets as a child? do they have pets as an adult? do they like animals?
pollux had several beta fish growing up since rebecca nor the nannies wanted to have to deal with any other sort of pet. he was really into taking care of his fish, so he had a whole really nice like five gallon tank with a filter and a heater and all those things--he was really into taking care of his fish.
as an adult he’s got a cat--a big fluffy grey one named eggs. he found her as a stray in the dumpster behind his apartment and it took weeks to get her to trust him, but she’s his baby now. he thinks animals are cute in general and likes them well enough
rabbit had a family dog before they ended up in getting adopted after things happened. he was a big old newfoundland that slept in bed with them a lot. they don’t have any pets now as an adult--their job means they don’t have a residence so keeping a pet is out of the picture. they don’t really want any pets either--they can barely take care of themselves. they’re sort of indifferent towards animals/have this weird thing where they’ve seen too many animals like dogs, deer or rabbits that have been mutilated by anomalies to be really comfortable around them. 
16. do they collect anything? what do they do with it? where do they keep it?
pollux sorta(?) collects stuffed animals. he likes beanie babies and has several of the rarer ones he keeps tucked away. he’s also got a lot of other sorts of stuffed critters like a moose and a duck, named duck and moose respectively. but he’s bigger into collecting jellyfish things--anything jellyfish-esque he likes a lot. he loves them critters.
rabbit has a few lighters that count as a collection. they have a few of the snap open and closed lids ones. they have a bronze engraved antique lighter that’s a bit like a good luck charm. they also have a plaid oversized shirt with patches sewn on from all the different states they’ve visited. it’s like “if im gonna travel this much might as well collect something for it.
21. do they have a temper? are they patient? what are they like when they do lose their temper?
pollux doesn’t have a temper--he’s got a quiet seething anger that builds and builds. he doesn’t have a short fuse--he shoves most of his anger down. but when he does lose his temper it just all comes out and he’s just nonsense, gets so angry he starts crying sort. he’s between patient and impatient, leaning more towards impatient for sure. 
rabbit does have a temper and it can be vitriolic at times--many poor walls and mirrors have suffered under their ire. anger is a difficult emotion for them to process bc it’s so closely tied to their grief which they’ve never really dealt with in a productive and healthy manner. they were never given the tools or a know how. they aren’t really all that patient either--they want what they want when they want it.
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highdwightofmylife · 5 years
Bro,, can I get uhhh festive hc w/ David, Ghost(meme)face, Ace, and Adam??
yeehaw more celebratiOnS!! sorry I'm skipping over a few asks in favour of Christmas related ones, I just wanna ensure these are done before the date passes over lmao... Keeping em' relevant you know!! I will get to the other ones soon I promise!!
Christmas Headcannons With Their S/O
Ace Visconti
Gift king. You have absolutely no idea how he got you some of these things, but he did. Where on Earth did he get a copy of your favourite book??? Where?? Ace just has good luck when it comes to stumbling across certain things during trials. Just be happy be nabbed it for you and don't stress about the hows.
Urges you to dance with him. Throws you dumb fingerguns and winks and dances while beckoning for you to join him. Kate is playing her guitar, and whilst it's not a completely 'Christmassy Vibe', it's still nice.
"I don't need any gifts, I've got you," he says with a wink. But then he lowers his voice and, "but you did get me a gift.... Right?" In a really cheeky tone. Honestly Ace would be delighted with you just giving him so good ol' smooches for Christmas.
Adam Francis
Frets for ages before the date arrives. How's he supposed to get you a good present?? He dwells on it for ages. He asks everyone for advice, but they're all in the same boat. Starts overthinking everything. Everything he sees when out and about, he considers whether you'd like it. Everything. He just wants to make you happy!!
His ideal way to spend the day is just having you curled up beside him. You both talk about past Christmases you've had, how the days went, family traditions, etc. He loves hearing about it all. What do you have in common? What do you do different? Tell him all about your family and friends!! Listen to him when he talks about his!
Probably quotes some winter related poetry that he read once. You're just lying together, and he's holding your hand and he starts reciting it out of the blue. It's nice.
David King
Gets over excited. "CHRISTMAS!!!" He screams at the top of his lungs. He's really jovial the entire day. He keeps trying to play fight with everyone. He's making playful jabs at poor Dwight and you have to gently tell him to stop. "David sweetie, you need to chill." Honestly he's just... He's excited. You gotta cling to the joy in these times, y'know?
Says that he's a gift and you're very lucky to have him. But he says it while grinning like a snarky bastard. So you challenge it with, "oh yeah? Can I get refund?" And then he'll be like "heY" and put you in a playful, gentle headlock.
He's very playful all day but by the time night rolls in, he's tuckered himself out. Expect him to lie on your lap and just grin up at you. He tells you he loves you then. Says you mean the world to him. You're not sure whether he's just exhausted or what, but it's nice to hear.
[DBD] Ghostface | Danny
"I got you a gift," he says during a trial. You look at his knife. You're waiting to be stabbed by your boyfriend on Christmas. "Oh yeah?" And then he calmly goes, "outrun me to the exit gate and I'll give it to you. Fail to do so, you die." A nice game. You end up failing because he's one fast boi, but he doesn't kill you. Instead he drags you down by your leg, lifts his mask half off his face and then attacks you with kisses. It's wholesome.
Takes loads of pictures of you. Asks you to pose all the time. There's so many selfies of the two of you. He's normally into taking the pictures himself, but for a few of them... "FranK COME HOLD MY CAMERA I NEED A PIC OF ME AND MY BOO". A lot of the Christmas photos look really blurry. Cursed and cryptic. Frank's not a good camera man.
Wraps your gifts is newspaper he found in a trial. And said gifts are... Confusing. He gives you one of those Halloween flashlights with the ghosts on because he thinks it's cute and he found one and kept it for you. Just don't use it on him. Otherwise?? Go nuts. "Should we go see who we can blind first?" Cue you two sneaking around and shining the torch at every killer (and survivor) you can find in the fog. He has a hell of a time.
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suppressedanxiety · 5 years
Omg I love this so much!! I just binged it and I am super excited for more!!! :)
Anonymous said: AAAAAAAAA I just binged this whole thing! It's so good! I'm praying that its not on hiatus cuz that would be just my luck huh?
Anonymous said: Lime, i swear to god! my boys!!! my poor precious boys!! stop hurting them!! (on one hand, i want them all to be safe and happy. but on the other hand, im weak when it comes to angst and i am LOVING this AU! cant wait to read more ^-^)
Anonymous said: welcome back!!! hope you've been doing well, lime!
Anonymous said: You’re not a month late if there’s no schedule *fingerguns*
((thank you all so much! i promised myself id come back to this before the new year, so im very excited to get back into the swing of things! :D hope you continue to enjoy!))
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 07
Warning: swearing.
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- Okay, I wanna go to that bakery. We NEED to travel there. - proclaimed Beetlejuice with a self-summoned 3D glass on his nose and popcorn on his lap. Rei was out, shopping for a new screen since one of hers got broken during moving, and Sof had a job interview for a position of visual leader for an artistic magazine and a business dinner that day, so Ari and Beetlejuice had the house all to themselves. They've been watching Sweeney Todd in the living room, with Sirius laying between them. - Seriously, don't tell me you don't want to taste those pies. - Ari scoffed.
- I mean, duh, they look delicious, but they're made out of human flesh. - Beetlejuice blinked, with a puzzled look on his face.
- I don't get the problem with that. - Ari tried to conceal a giggle with clearing her throat. He sounded so clueless.
- I meant I wouldn't eat human meat, Bug. - Beetlejuice let out a sigh of understanding. - But give me one of those pies with chicken filling and I'm SO down. - Sirius lifted his scruffy head up and jumped down from the sofa. He headed to the front door. Ari heard it opening up and someone stepping inside.
- I'M HOOOME! - shouted Rei from the hall. She came into the living room, carrying a huge box and a bag, while Sirius was barking at her and was jumping around. - Supp bitch? - she said to Ari. - Got ya chinese for dinner. - and with that, she put the stuff she was carrying on the dinner table and then handed Ari a takeout box from the bag.
- Thank yooouuuu! - said Ari in a sing-songy voice. - You are my favourite sister. - Rei winked and fingergunned at Ari, then bended down to Sirius and started to babytalk for him.
- And how was my little budbud's day? Was it good? Did ya get enough ear scratchies from Ari? - she leaned closer to Sirius, like she was listening to him. - NO?!? - she gasped at Ari who put her tongue out at her. - Ohmygod I gotta do my part then! - she started giving belly rubs to Sirius while looking up at Ari, who was already stuffing herself with noodles. - Gee, this place really is good for you. You look so much happier. - she stood up, got herself the other box and sat upon the dinner table. Ari smiled lightly.
- Yeah, I feel a lot calmer. - Rei started stuffing noodles into her mouth as well.
- If I wouldn't know you better... - she said with a full mouth, then slurped the noodles. - ...I would say there's a certain someone who's making you feel better. - Ari cleared her throat and shoved a handful of noodles into her mouth. She pulled her chocolate hair behind her ear. Beetlejuice looked at her with a huge grin and questioning eyes. He rolled over to his belly, legs playfully dangling in the air.
- Yes, babes, tell her how much you adore yours truly!
- Don't be ridiculous, Rei. - she said with a full mouth and a light smile. She wrinkled her nose a bit as she smiled. Rei swallowed her noodles too, got off of the table and grabbed the big box she was carrying before.
- Mmmhmmm, you do you, ya hoe, but I know that look too well. - she went to the sofa and blew a kiss on her sister's cheek. - Imma head back to my room, get this shit going and stream a bit. What are ya up to? - Ari shrugged.
- I don't know, maybe listen to a podcast and sew some shit.
- Great, have fun babe. Later skater! - and with that, Rei headed upstairs. Beetlejuice floated next to Ari.
- Soooo, you like my companyyy~~~ - he said in a sing-songy voice. Ari laughed quietly while playing with her food.
- Like you didn't know, stupid. - Beetlejuice looked at her with a huge grin and light pink tips in his hair. - How many times do I have to tell you how funny and awesome you are?
- The more the better! - Ari rolled her eyes. - Besides, how ya doin' with the whole "looking for my name" thing? Will you be able to summon me soon? I'd be way more fun if you'd see me. - Ari shut the TV off.
- Since you said you are not some kind of biblical idiot, the whole searching is not going that well. - they both sighed. A tiny strike of purple appeared in BJ's hair. - But look, I found a paranormal podcast where the members talk about not-so-mainstream demons, so we might have some luck with that. - Beetlejuice's hair lit up in green again.
- Great! That's awesome! Good luck, while you're listening to that, I'll just scare Rei out of her skin. - Ari rolled her eyes again. One of her sisters will die of anger issues caused by this idiot one day.
Beetlejuice went through Rei's door. The girl was setting up her new screen, cussing at the cables. He grinned, showing his sharp canines. Oh how much fun he'll have this night...
Rei's room was between Ari's and Sofía's. The walls (which were almost fully covered in posters of TBBT, Marvel and SW) were turquoise, and the ceiling was pale turquoise. In the middle of the ceiling, there was an industrial lamp. The floor was covered in fluffy brown carpet. On the right side of the door, Rei had a shelf full of videogames. The wall on the right side of it was fully covered with a closet. Opposing the door, there was a window, framed by dark blue curtains, glowing stars, moons and planets hanging from it. On the left side of the door, there was a mattress on the floor, covered with pretty starry covers, surrounded by a canopy, like it came straight out of "One thousand and one nights". There were thousands of pillows on the mattress, mostly with pop-culture references on them. On the wall, above the "bed", there were lightsabers, gently placed on holders. Next to the bed, in the corner, there was a detached little room, which Rei furnished as her studio. On the walls, there were a shitton of cute light pink shelves with anime figurines on them, and a hexagon-shaped lamp, glowing in green, blue and red. In the corner, there was her PC and next to it, a greenscreen.
When Rei finally started streaming, Beetlejuice took his place.
- How's it going slurpies? Welcome back to The Wonderful World of Rei-Chann, here's another Rei Plays! Tonight we're gonna play...
- Yaddi yaddi yadda, boooooring, get started with the game, sweetie. - proclaimed Beetlejuice with a smug grin and gestured with his hand. The screen turned a bit grainy for a second.
- ...okay, let's jump right into it! - she loaded a creepy-looking game and squeaked in excitement. - In advance, I'd like to say thank you for the creators for sending me their game to test out, I'm very thankful, you guys are awesome! - she smiled and did that japanese heart thing with her thumb and pointing finger that made Beetlejuice gag.
After like one and a half hours, when Rei was deep in the game, Beetlejuice started having fun. He made the camera grainy a couple of times, which made Rei groan with anger and bewilderment. The screens were next. He made some black and white stripes appear on them, and then giggled when Rei almost hit them once with her fist, she got so startled. He made the lamps glimmer as well.
- Guys, I don't know what's going on with my tech today... To be honest, at this point I'm pretty sure that this really is a haunted house.
Beetlejuice was grinning, his sharp canines flashing. This was the moment he's been waiting for. With a hand gesture from the demon, Rei's headset started creaking and her microphone started to make an unbearably high pitched noise. She quickly got it off her head, and held her ears in pain, but she didn't expect something to happen on her screen as well. Without any transition, a monster from the game jumped at the screen. Rei screamed, and in terror, she fell backwards with her chair.
- Oh how I missed that sound... - said Beetlejuice proudly, with a loud sigh and horniness in his voice. He hovered out of the room, leaving Rei on the floor, gasping for air. That was enough for the day. He had to leave something for the next day too, didn't he?
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morelikesin · 4 years
The fourth chapter of my self-indulgent kiss fic! Caustic and Bloodhound are the exclusive focus here, but the other love interests are mentioned. Below is the chapters in order.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Intro
Chapter 2 - Mirage
Chapter 3 - Octane
Chapter 4 - Caustic (You are here!)
Chapter 5 - Ending
Chapter 4 below the cut!
Teams had already been randomly selected by the time Octavio and Bloodhound made their way to the dropship loading dock - the former of the two strapping on his mask just as they approached the others. Their entrance earned a few brow raises.
"Late with someone, huh?" Anita chortled under her breath, looking the pair up and down as if trying to uncover something - her and the others remembering distinctly that Bloodhound and Octane left the group hangout early together last night. Bloodhound cleared their throat and, fighting away the flush appearing on their face, defended themselves with a "It vasn't like that. We just sl'lept in."
"I see," She hummed. She looked as if she wanted to say something else, but caught herself. She turned her head and went to her assumed teammate, Loba, leaving the two to their own devices.
Octane rest a lithe hand against the small of Bloodhound's back. As the hunter looked to him, he gave a fingergun with his free hand and a tilt of his head, "I'll see you later, cariño."
Bloodhound flushed slightly deeper. They're never going to get used to how outwardly affectionate Octavio was, but they didn't fully mind. "The Allfather will gift us today."
"I don't need gifts, mi amado! I have skill. You do, too - ten cuidado."
Bloodhound bore a snort and a smile. "You, as vell."
The two split off to find who they were paired with - Bloodhound making their way to check the roster. Lifeline and Wattson, Revenant and Gibraltar, Crypto and Mirage, Wraith and Pathfinder, Loba and Bangalore, Octane and Rampart, and Caustic and-
They jolted just slightly when taken out of their thoughts by the tap on their shoulder - quickly turning to see who it was.
Hello, six foot five.
Caustic gestured subtly between the two of them. "Suppose you're my partner, this match."
"Suppose," Bloodhound nodded. "I don't r'recall us ever being paired in a duos before."
"There's a first time for everything," The man spoke, "Doubt it to be far different from our trios matches."
Due course of the dropship had Caustic and Bloodhound land near the front of the Bunker. Their luck could have been worse, considering - Caustic managed a Hemlok with every possible attachment at level two, while Bloodhound had to make the best of a Mozambique and a single arc star. They both managed entry-level body shields to boot.
When they reconvened in a seperate building overlooking the events taking place in the valley below them, Bloodhound was offered a Triple Take and a level three magazine for it.
"I know you're a damn good shot," Caustic quipped as the hunter took the gun with a minor bow of their head.
"Þakka fyrir," Bloodhound loaded the lengthy rounds into the mag as they spoke, "That's ver'ry kind."
"Truth isn't kindness, I assure you," Caustic replied.
It took only mere moments of quiet to pass - the two of them just done with looting - to start hearing nearby gunfire. Bloodhound aimed their sniper towards the noise to observe the line of fire. As they predicted, the streams followed from atop the hill to the right of bunker, and similarly from a rooftop below said hill. The hunter leaned towards their teammate for confirmation, "It's two teams so far. I say we push forward."
Caustic gave a nod and held his Hemlok close to him, "I'll head onto the roof first," stopping his speech to open the building door, making sure Bloodhound kept close behind before continuing, "You keep back with that sniper of yours. Mozambique for if things don't go according to our calculations."
"I can do that."
As they got closer, the figures became clearer - the two on the roof happening to be Lifeline and Wattson. Bloodhound split off from Caustic and took cover behind an already-opened supply bin - nearby the fight but far enough to ensure the shots would be as effective as they could get them. Taking a second to look where Caustic was, the man watching for a signal, they quickly looked back to the two teams and studied the situation briefly before steadying their aim on Wattson's middle back and giving a raise of their arm to signal Caustic. As the man lifted himself up onto the roof, the hunter fired a shot at his target - and as planned, it immediately downed her.
Caustic wasted no time giving two shots towards Lifeline, and as she was already understandably confused as to the rapid events, she took few secondary bursts to go down as well. With that, the woman gave a playful scoff, with her and her partner quickly clearing themselves of their items and shields.
Bloodhound made their way to the roof after watching the hill for a moment - deciding that their ceasefire was a result of their third party. They assumed right now they'd be healing up, giving a small window to pick them off as well.
"Good game," Wattson politely complimented the pair before jumping down the roof with Lifeline, and of course now making their way towards the center of the map to wait out the games and watch. It was always a shame that stakes were normally so high that teams couldn't exchange pleasantries after a fight, but post-game always made up for that.
Bloodhound immediately switched out that Mozam for a Spitfire, along with its ammo, as Caustic lifted a hefty L-Star and kept tab to conserve its ammo as their wasn't much of it. A few quick armor trades and some shield cell and syringe collecting were necessary before the hunter nodded towards the hill incline.
The two slowly made their way up, the task slightly harder for Caustic given the heft of his ability equipment and his larger size. Deciding against a quiet approach, deeming it unnecessary given the team most definitely heard their fight be stolen from them, Bloodhound holstered their gun and activated the tracker on their wrist.
"They're both on the upmost fl'loor."
Caustic nodded as he prepared one of his gas traps near the front door, giving a "I'll block the ground floor, keep them from the roof."
Bloodhound proceeded to find a steady foothold in the metal legs of the building before jumping up and grabbing onto a shallow beam. Before their grip could falter, they tucked in their legs and pushed up with their feet to then scramble up to the roof. It was an impressive height to do so seamlessly, and so quickly.
It always impressed Caustic how Bloodhound could so easily climb and maneuver themselves places - figuring it from their time spent in the woods and their innate talent as a hunter. The thought shook itself from the scientist's mind as he heard shuffling from inside the building. He responded with a reload of his Hemlok.
Bloodhound had since lost the sight on the team - their tracker able to give them vision on persons through walls for only a few moments - but based on hearing alone, they sounded as though they haven't moved from the floor they were on.
That was until the door to the roof opened. The hunter instinctively reached for the arc star and flicked their wrist sideways to throw it directly towards whoever opened it.
"Well, damn," was all Mirage said after realizing Bloodhound managed to stick him with the star.
Backing away in time for the burst of electricity to surge momentarily, Bloodhound could hear Caustic's gas trap from below be set off from, assumedly, Crypto. As per the men's firefight below, the hunter finished off Mirage with relatively few hiccups, proceeding with a notification from the game announcer that another team was eliminated.
"Of course you'd have an arc star - why wouldn't you have an arc star?" Mirage teased prior to unloading himself of his items.
Bloodhound hummed and picked up the level two helmet diagram Mirage had dropped, inserting the chip into their belt so other teams' guns would register the head protection. "I almost didn't take it, Allfather believe me."
"Good thing you did, I guess," Mirage laughed in the charming way he always did, "But I'm sure you would'a got a- would'a found a- would'a.." Mr. Witt paused briefly and restarted, "Sure you would'a came up with somethin' either way. You're smart like that."
"Þakka fyrir," the hunter gave a nod at the compliment, "that's ver'ry humble of-"
Mirage then leaned up and gave a kiss on the side of Bloodhound's mask. His voice dripped something playful as he spoke, "Win the game for me, will ya?"
Bloodhound could only nod and watch as Mirage backed away and threw a pair of fingerguns before leaving the building by heading downstairs. The Gods must think it funny to watch their reserved hunter be so outwardly flirted with by not one, but two people.
They found themselves wondering what Caustic was like in that regard.
The thought, along with Mirage's well-meaning kiss and the casual flirting of Octane earlier that morning, flooded Bloodhound in the form of suddenly hot skin. They tried to push those ideas into the back of their mind.
Upon returning downstairs to check the loot Crypto had, Bloodhound noticed Caustic had been inserting a scope into his L-Star.
"..Ve make a formidable team, Dr. Nox," the hunter praised, replacing the simple scope on their Triple Take with one that had a four times range. "I mean it as a compliment when I say I'm impr'ressed."
The scientist cracked a gritted, throaty chortle, "The same can be said about you."
Bloodhound knew it was probably meant to be a simple courtesy, returning a compliment, but it did make them feel a special kind of appreciated. "..Thank you."
The match proceeded to go almost unnervingly well (not to mention quick) - Wraith and Pathfinder were wiped by Loba and Bangalore, who were then shortly after cleaned by Rampart and Octane, who were then almost immediately picked off by Bloodhound and Caustic - the two watching the events unfold and partaking when they knew they could secure the overbearing amount of loot.
Rampart held out a lovely Kraber for Bloodhound to take ahold of as if it were a gift - wearing a cheeky smile and chewing her bubblegum before blowing it in a big, round bubble. It popped, and she pushed the piece to the side of her mouth to speak, "Guess you earned this then. You mates did good! Real good."
Bloodhound bowed their head a bit upon taking the new weapon, and traded it out in place of the previous Triple Take. In regards to her compliment, Caustic and Bloodhound gave a simultaneous "Thank you," surprising them both in doing so.
Rampart had then started walking towards the zipline to leave - the line still bouncing slightly from the previous team's departure - turning around and waiting for Octane by leaning against the balcony railing.
"I'll be rooting for you, amigos!" The man gave a playful, loose salute as he took a step backwards - his head turning a bit to look up towards The Cage. He then gave a quick "Aguas!" and nodded up towards the tall structure before quickly escaping with Rampart via zipline.
As soon as the two heeded the warning and looked behind themselves, a sniper shot cut through the air and just barely missed Caustic - the bullet marking etched deep into the thick metal of the wall not a few inches from him.
Taking that as a clear sign to haul their asses somewhere else, they took cover inside the building they previously stood on the balcony of, and kept away from the main window.
"Dammit - they have high ground over us," Caustic spoke gruffly, and took a moment to prepare a gas trap behind both doors that lead outside. As they inflated with the concentrated poison, he spoke again, "Do you think you could get a shot on them from here?"
Bloodhound, in an attempt to answer that question, stood closer to the window and discreetly lifted the Kraber to aim towards the tallest point of The Cage. They caught a glimpse of Revenant and Gibraltar leaving the tallest ledge and retreating inside - the hunter lost as to what they could be doing in there.
"Not at the moment," they finally replied to the scientist as they lowered their gun and backed away from the window again. "They retr'reated inside. I assume them to have to come out sooner than later."
The man nodded and crouched down, one knee on the ground. Resting his arm over his opposing thigh, other arm at his side, he checked the timing of the ring via tool-bracelet. "We have thirty until the ring closes in. My guess would be that they'll wait to see who the ring favours, and act accordingly."
The hunter, while Caustic was talking, had crouched down similarly to how he did - though one hand planted itself to the ground.
"I think that to be our best bet," they agreed. "I'll keep a concentr'rated eye on their position - be my better ears."
Caustic remained nonverbal, but aloud confirmation wasn't needed to understand that he would do that anyway. At least, it's just something Bloodhound has taken note of him doing during games or day-to-day.
Inching closer to the window, remaining crouched, they aimed their Kraber once again towards the doors of the tallest floor.
As if on cue, Gibraltar had opened and kept close to the doors - seemingly using a shield cell.
Bloodhound relayed back to their partner, "I have an opening."
"Take it."
And so they did - a perfectly lined up headshot on Gibraltar cracked his armor and left him bare for another shot. Attempting to realign, Bloodhound held their breath once more, and just as they had a shot-
They were suddenly pulled back and heard a deafening crack whizz by where their head once was. Their breath was caught in their throat, and the grip on the Kraber tightened from the sudden event.
Bloodhound looked back to Caustic, who had pulled them closer to the wall - out of sight of the window - and flush against his body, arm tightly wrapped around the front of the hunter's waist. The relieved breath the man exhaled came before his statement, "Revenant had a shot on you eastward. I'd noticed just before he took the shot, it seems."
The hunter swallowed. The way Caustic was holding them made thoughts they ought to push deep back into their mind bubble up and come into disconcerting clarity. If it weren't for the current situation, they would've taken the opportunity to shyly entertain these thoughts - but the ongoing game kept their mind rational.
"Thank you - you're a gr'reat scout," they praised.
Caustic's hold around Bloodhound loosened as he took away his arm - the latter kneeling as they had before and holstering the Kraber. Caustic offered a cheeky "Last I recall, you're recon."
Bloodhound merely gave an exhale in response - the kind that isn't a laugh, but is indicative of one. Promptly after their banter ceased, the ring had stopped and highlighted the new arena.
"The ring is to our benefit - good faith."
"My assumption prove true?"
Bloodhound answered the man's question by activating their tracker - sure enough, Revenant and Gibraltar had now met up and were heading towards their building. Deciding against leaving the inside, despite how most often it was fitting to get to the roof, the two looked at one another with a nod before standing up and equipping their weapons of choice - the Spitfire and L-Star for the hunter and scientist respectively.
"They'll have to pass through these variables to come inside," Caustic began, "though my grenade is prepared if they become unpredictable."
Bloodhound nodded and gave a raise of their hand - the motion urging them to listen in on any noticeable footsteps or noises likewise. Several moments of patience granted them the detection of the opposing team coming up to either door - Caustic and Bloodhound reading each other like a book and splitting to take on either opponent.
Bloodhound took the opportunity to call upon the beast - speaking a low "The hungr'ry wolf always tekst að vinna," and releasing a noise similar to that of a wolf's cry from somewhere almost otherwordly.
Gibraltar hadn't been fast enough to notice the traps before attempting to get close - the gas set off quick and Caustic's stream of fire coming quicker. As the tank rose his shield and fired his G7 Scout, however, the scientist found the fight surprisingly even-matched.
This left Bloodhound to take care of Revenant. Figuring the bot to be smarter than to trot inside a building where Caustic was known to have set up camp, the hunter made a hasty exit via the window - finding the bot attempting to scale up the roof. Raising their gun to land armor-shattering hits, Revenant bailed on the high ground idea and threw down a dark swirl of power that left the hunter shamefully confused - the draining power emitting from it making their head near-dizzy as it mixed with their Gods' given inner beast.
They then found themselves being pinned against the outer wall of the building by their neck - the bot's spindly fingers digging into the skin. The pain was different from the paint-ball-esqe bullets that they faced on a regular basis while partaking in the games. Kicking Revenant square in the chest, the blow quite powerful, to try and get away only caused the bot a moderate stumble and an immediate harder press against the wall. The dull pain became more noticeable, and it was then that another kick was delivered into his attacker's chest out of genuine injury.
If Caustic hadn't broken away from the fight with Gibraltar - the latter unknown to Bloodhound to be downed or otherwise healing - to aid the hunter in the form of shooting burst rounds into Revenant's side, Bloodhound imagined they wouldn't now have the chance to scramble up to the roof and recharge their shield.
The next few moments were almost too quick to occur for Bloodhound to take note of in detail; Revenant was painfully low from Bloodhound's earlier shield-break and Caustic's several rounds put into him after that, Gibraltar came from the other side of the building to back his teammate up, and as a final stand Caustic threw down the gas grenade he held onto and made his way up to the roof with Bloodhound. It was then that, with clear sight on either enemy through the noxious fumes, the pair brandished their weapons and opened fire until a loud clash erupted through the arena.
The announcer spoke.
"We have our Apex Champions."
Almost as if they didn't believe it, Bloodhound checked their tool-bracelet. In bold, block letters read the title "CHAMPION".
They released a shocked breath - the high of their beastly calling wearing off just in time to exchange words with their fellow competitors. Just before they left the roof, Caustic and Bloodhound looked to one another. The look lingered for a deceptively long moment before Caustic turned his head and left for the ground - the hunter swallowing back a dry throat and taking after him.
It wasn't until all the Legends returned back to the dormitories, their pleasantries and praise on one another's efforts (especially towards the winning team) having been exchanged in full and then some, that Bloodhound started to really feel the aftermath of the wound they received.
They bit it back. Given what happened the last time they dared to share their discomfort after a match, they felt no desire to bring it up in front of anyone else. They considered having a word with Revenant about etiquette and watching his inherent roughness, but he'd apologized for the last time. It took him a while to do so, but he did nonetheless.
Chalking it up to a mistake, the hunter stood the dull ache and simply kept their hand against the side of their neck to hide any visual marks as they spoke with their fellow legends and humbly accepted their compliments regarding the game, not to mention the collective eight eliminations between the two of them, along with Dr Nox.
Unbeknownst to them, however, the man could tell something was wrong by the ever-so-subtle hitches of their breath at the ends of their sentences. This worry was confirmed when Bloodhound had moved their hand to adjust their gloves - a splotch of irritated red staining their skin.
The legends talked for nearly an hour in the dorm's communal living room - though when conversation ran dry due to everyone's growing need for some personal time and relaxation, Dr. Nox had asked Bloodhound to stay. With everyone else gone to their rooms upstairs, the hunter expected the man to want a word about their win.
"You fought well, blesséd hvati," Bloodhound praised. They were cut off from offering any more as Dr. Nox gave a "You, as well." He kept speaking as to make sure he got in what he needed to say.
"My intention isn't to pry where I'm unwanted, but I've noticed your demeanor to be...concerning. I've taken note of an irritation on your neck."
Bloodhound quickly swallowed. He noticed? They knew the scientist to be observant - it being one of his more obvious traits - but they could've sworn to the Gods that they kept the injury well-concealed.
With nothing able to hide it anymore, as a deflection would prove useless, Bloodhound slowly removed their hand and gave a slow nod.
"..Perhaps. It simply aches, Dr. Nox - I'm capable of withstanding it."
The man took an odd breath in, one indicitative that he had gone to speak, but it didn't see itself through. He gave a hesitant "As long as you're sure."
With that, they parted with a nod, a gracious "Good game," and left for their respective rooms.
The sudden knock at Bloodhound's door caused them a momentary startle. Realizing the cause of the noise shortly after, they sighed and turned to grab their mask. Quickly clipping it on, thoughts focused on who could be visiting mere hours after the day's game, they grasped the doorknob and opened the door just enough so their figure could be seen.
Sighing in a small amount of relief, the hunter gave a small "I didn't expect you to visit, Dr. Nox."
The man released a small chortle, grainy and throaty as his voice always sounded. Bloodhound was shy to admit that they'd grown to like it over the time they've known him.
"I can leave, if you prefer time alone. I simply worried about your injury."
"That's very consider'rate of you," Bloodhound assured, their tone purring as they dismissed the other's concern, "But you needn't tr'rouble yourself over me."
Dr. Nox merely snorted in response, before following it up with a "Your health affects the games. Even if I weren't personally concerned, I'd be concerned for your performance."
He was personally concerned, then?
Bloodhound quickly sighed. They found themselves flushed, all of a sudden, and the thought that Dr. Nox cared on a personal level - or assumedly so - was the reason for it.
"...Thank you, I suppose."
"Welcome. Could I take a look at that wound of yours?" Almost as if to prove his intentions, the man casually displayed an ornate medkit - not unlike the ones used in the games, but it was clearly more expensive and probably even better equipped. "It'll heal on its own fine, but I assume you'll want it gone faster."
Bloodhound slowly nodded, hand reaching cautiously up to their face to start undoing their mask. Turning around and using the heel of their foot to pull the door open a bit more, inviting the scientist inside, they gave a softened "You'd assume cor'rect. I vish not to hinder myself if I can help it."
Dr. Nox proceeded into the room carefully, closing the door behind him. He took note of the desk against the western-most wall and set the kit down, wasting no time getting it open and the needed aid ready.
Bloodhound was known to be somewhat of a hybrid naturalist-botanist-zoologist (talk about a mouthful), and proved extremely useful in and out of the games if one wanted trivia about the wildlife, the extinct wildlife, or if no syringes were available and a plant or two could be makeshifted into some sort of medicine. They had plenty of abilities beyond that, but these were the ones that their teammates would experience the most. Dr. Nox could recall several times the hunter would mention the Leviathans path as they travelled through King's Canyon - and even more times they would easily identify a medicinal plant and save them an extra syringe, or especially if they didn't have any in the first place.
The scientist only recalled this from noticing the various potted plants set on the sills of the room's windows - lush and clearly thriving under the hunter's care. From the time spent with Bloodhound, he's gotten quite familiar with the various species they run into - and every time he would correctly identify something, the hunter would give praise.
It was sickly sweet, this praise that they always gave, and yet the man has yet to find himself grow tired of it.
He, in the past, would chalk this up to his never-ending crave for knowledge. Bloodhound was a great resource for new information, and even someone he could discuss higher levels of conversation with - but in the past few months (not to mention this past definite tension-filled game), the feeling has since become more than a need for knowledge, and a need for something else. He didn't dare try to find what this was, but in the back of his mind he knew exactly.
The hunter then set the mask beside the kit - pulling the man from his observations. The motion caught his peripheral vision and urged him to look to the other - with the view amazing him still, albeit how much he tried to not confess it to himself. Dr. Nox thought it a shame how that hunter hid that pretty face under a mask all the time.
"The br'ruising has deepened, I believe," they suddenly spoke, their fingers brushing against the sizeable bruise on their swan-like neck - to which Dr. Nox merely swallowed and stuffed the feeling that action overwhelmingly filled him with.
He made a subtle turn of his head to inspect these said bruises. Reaching out a bit, the man made sure to confirm that Bloodhound would be okay with them being touched by giving a low "I need to be able to touch you to give you proper treatment." The hunter simply nodded.
It was a foreign feeling, being touched on their skin by anyone, let alone skin-to-skin. They couldn't help but feel themselves becoming flushed again - hoping Dr. Nox wouldn't notice.
Dr. Nox noticed. He made sure as hell to not make it seem that way, though. Taking a cotton pad doused in antiseptic, he gently pressed it into the abrasion and monitored Bloodhound's reaction.
They made a soft wince through a bitten lip, closing their eyes and furrowing their brows just slightly. Dr. Nox felt obliged to give a "Sorry," and the other replied with a dull-pained "No need."
After a thorough cleansing, the cotton pad was discarded and traded for an applicable square bandage. He was careful to be gentle around the area as he applied it. Bloodhound looked grateful for the caution.
They blinked their eyes open, looking to the man and his focused grey eyes. They'd only been able to admire them for a moment before Dr. Nox noticed the gaze and met it back - to which they quickly looked away as if they had been doing nothing. The man went back to the bandage applying. Both of their hearts might have skipped a beat there.
It didn't help the hunter that Dr. Nox's fingers brushed against the angle of their jaw occasionally - damn the placement of that wound. Swallowing out of a habit of nervousness, the man obviously noticed the feeling and met his eyes back to the hunter.
It was so quiet, between the two of them, and yet the situation was so loud in trying to make itself known. The near-caressing hand on Bloodhound's neck, the axiomatic want in their eyes, and when did their bodies get so close-
The final straw might have been when Bloodhound raised a hand to softly, so achingly softly, touch the hand the man had pressed against the side of their neck.
Before Bloodhound could register what was happening, the two of them suddenly had their lips pressed together - passionate and hard as if Dr. Nox was unable to hold back from kissing the hunter any longer. They emitted a low, short whine as the man then held the back of their head - Bloodhound melting into his firm, sizeable hands.
Unbeknownst to the hunter, that whine did a thing or two to the scientist. Dr. Nox pressed their lips a touch harder, making Bloodhound emit a smaller, higher-pitched mewl in response. The hunter found their hands reaching to grip the collar of Dr. Nox's fur overcoat - and when they pulled away just slightly, parting their lips to breathe, the scientist took the opportunity to kiss against their open mouth and press his tongue against the other's. Bloodhound's brows furrowed further, their skin became unbearably hot, and their grip tightened as the kiss melted into a tight-lipped french.
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A long moment after, the kiss was over, and the two pulled away for a needed breather - eyes still shut.
Bloodhound swallowed. The aftertaste lingered.
Dr. Nox then took his hands away to rest them at his sides. Bloodhound noticeably hesitated to take their hands back.
It was quiet between the two of them for a brief few moments - each processing what had just took place.
Dr. Nox spoke first. "..My apologies."
Bloodhound blinked, moving their dominant hand to hold the other in front of their waist, arms bent. Before they could even think to ask what he meant, he continued.
"..Suppose I should've..." The man paused briefly to take in a breath, "requested permission in advance of that."
Bloodhound looked down, loosening the hold on their hand a bit, "..Suppose."
There was another second of quiet between them.
"But I.. vouldn't have said no, Dr. Nox."
The two looked at one another again at roughly the same moment. Bloodhound swallowed again - their gaze soft. To their surprise, Dr. Nox's own gaze was softened as well.
"You can call me Alexander."
Bloodhound liked the feeling of that name in their mouth just as much as Alexander liked hearing it come from their mouth.
"..You may call me Blóð. Blóðhundur."
"Blóð I shall call you, then," Alexander spoke with a perfect pronunciation.
They watched each other a few moments more, both silently realizing just how much they loved hearing the other intimately saying their true name, before tearing their eyes away reluctantly out of tension. They found themselves in distaste of the quiet replacing what they wanted to be the other's voice. The hunter raised their hand and rest their fingertips against the bandage Alexander had applied - making a small wince. It felt better than before, though.
"..Þakka fyrir. For your concern about me."
Alexander gave a taut nod, "I couldn't not be."
There was another few moments of silence - despite how much the mind thought, their mouths didn't move.
In an attempt to find a place to start, Blóð spoke up in a softened voice. "..Ve should talk. I.."
They couldn't finish the idea, with the unplanned words never making their way past their lips. They slowly closed their mouth when they realized they couldn't convey anything verbally.
Though, the hunter felt a wash of relief douse their nerves when Alexander seemed to understand what they meant anyway.
"We should," he began cautiously - taking his time with how he was saying it. "Talk about.. us, I assume."
Blóð gave a weak nod.
In truth, they were nervous. Differing reasons they were, with Blóð being anxiously new to romantic relationships and Alexander focused intensely on not messing anything up. While the former had gotten experience with their feelings and otherwise these past few days with Elliott and Octavio, they've quickly learned that with each person, the experience is different each time - the only factor that remained the same was how incredibly strong the hunter felt for each. To their lack of bemusement, the experience with Alexander was no different.
When they gathered a humble amount of courage, Blóð reached out to touch the man's hand. The hold was loose, and only consisted of their fingers pressed together, but it was something.
That something visibly took the scientist aback - but when he then pulled their hand closer and properly held it, palm to palm and fingers intertwined, suddenly it felt as if everything would be just fine.
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patchdotexe · 5 years
explorers of arvus: raid on house dalton, pt 2 / 3.24.19
thorn is apparently a snorcel now (pronounced "snorkel") 
spent the first 15 minutes petting my cat on camera 
Charlie Uses A Firebolt To Perform Surgery 
Hello, My Name Is Crest Warcraft 
"[charlie] is doing it for the vine. the vine is a hallucinogenic tree that transmits people doing stupid things." 
"why did you roll 1danganronpa?" 
thorn may snipe me and i am so afraid
"you say 'holy shit!' and then 'a horc' softly."
Sieron Has Become One With The Books 
[charlie voice] I'm Taure Now! 
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oh my god it was the coolest thing ever i was wiggling in my seat amd squeeing on camera 
i love whenever charlie gets to do rad things, mostly involving fire
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Let Thorne Say Fuck!
oh my god charlie did a wild magic surge with intention of being cool.. ..and got 2 years older. 
"charlies gonna open the door again [after closing it on sieron to protect him in case she exploded] and hides behind sieron.” "theyll all get an attack of opportunity on you." "ah."
almost exploded AGAIN 
sieron: [knocks on door] uh, charlie? charlie: IM OKAY! penn: the door gives you a thumbs up. 
this combat is SO fun 
leo: im gonna knife this guy in the kneecaps. michael: okay so you aim for this guy's kneecaps, but charlies a bit taller now and not used to it, so you stab him in the thigh and hit a major artery. leo: charlie goes "[makes a O___O face]" 
btw i LOVE wild magic. it is so fun and im glad my Very First Played Character is a wild magic sorcerer
michael: oh, leo, do you have a question? leo: oh, no, im just holding up charlies fingergun (she was readying an action and was gonna use Firebolt but with fingerguns)
[in combat with a spooky shadow entity] michael: are you attacking the figure, or the shadows? leo: UHHHH 
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im so pale that im Reflective 
charlie surged AGAIN and basically got muted for casting magic missile at the darkness 
charlie is Very chatty ic so she is Miserable 
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(he lost 16 MAXIMUM hp bc of that saving throw, bc this creature can do that! terrifying!) 
Leo Eat Cookie 
is thorne gonna lose an arm? find out next time on explorers of arvus! (no.)
my mic got disconnected for a sec and i didnt notice and when i fixed it i complained about my soda being full of ice and then had an Intense burp and died instantly solar: CHARLIE CAN SPEAK AGAIN, BUT IT STARTS WITH A BURP 
also taure tried to heal thorne taure: do you feel better? thorne: i dont feel much better but i feel less worse.
Charlie Eat A Cookie 
[charlie voice] wow sieron, i didnt know youre a weeaboo 
also thorne rolled a 1 and thought the transmutation circle was a nightlight
solar: dm is gone, everybody riot leo: [full body flailing] AAAA 
[sieron boops the magic sigil of the campaign's enemy with the brand of the same sigil on his hand, which does weird things] michael: so sieron, your arm hasnt been injured, right? it's not bleeding? jorb: ...no michael: okay. [stands up and leaves] leo: UHHHHHH 
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michael: and sieron, you get sucked through the wall. leo: NOPE. I GRAB HIM. IM RIGHT NEXT TO HIM, I GRAB HIM
"You grab on to Sieron's coat... and the both of you get pulled through." 
oh my god that was so cool though???? this session was SO FUN i had such a good time aaaAAAaaa 
"please don't fuck in the other dimension."
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dragonflystudi0s · 5 years
Remember Me For Centuries Ch. 1
Words: 692
Relationship: Logince
Short Summary: Logan gets lost in time
Here it is, folks! As previously announced! I'm so proud to show you all this fic!!!
Taglist (omg I have a taglist): @lucifer-in-my-head @romantichopelessly @sunshineandteddybears @silversunshine2012 @chillinwithvirjay @unlikelynightmareconnoisseur @teacupfulofstarshine @softestvirgil @i-really-dig-the-purple
“Agent Prince, we got a Code Purple in Sector 3T9, get there on the double!"
The voice of Roman's commander rang over his radio, and Roman cursed.
"On it,” he muttered before making his way to the building number he was told.
Roman Prince worked for the Global Time Control and Management Agency, a group dedicated to time travel, and more importantly, to making sure time progressed as it should. Roman himself was a Time Agent, one who travelled through time in order to keep order.
All the agents hated hearing the words 'Code Purple.’ That meant that a person - not an object, a person - had gotten displaced in time.
Damn, and just when I was about to go home! Roman thought, scanning his ID and entering Sector 3T9. Once in, his commander, a rather friendly man by the name of Thomas, rushed over to him and led him where they needed to go, briefing Roman on the situation.
"So, Agent Prince. We've got an American soldier, uniform says maybe Vietnamese or Korean wars. He looks about 19, super terrified by the look in his eyes. Good luck."
Thomas gave him a reassuring smile and stopped in front of a room, gesturing for Roman to go in and closing the door behind him.
The room was a standard time portal control room, 'desks' covered in buttons, displays, and other tech lining the walls. The portal itself, a raised platform outlined in an ethereal yellowish-orange glow, stood in the center of the room. Everything was regulation, right down to the tech workers’ uniforms. Except there was one anomaly.
The terrified soldier on the platform.
Roman took a deep breath before slowly moving closer to him. "Hello," he said softly, making himself as non-threatening as possible. From this new proximity, he was able to read the soldier's name tape on his uniform.
'Cambridge', as the tape read and therefore identified the soldier, shifted awkwardly.
"I'm not going to hurt you," Roman said quietly. "Do you know what day it is?"
He nodded. "It's, uh...the 17th! Of September!"
Roman glanced at his chronograph watch, which clearly read the date as March 2nd. "And do you know the year?"
He nodded. "1957."
Another glance at the chronograph told Roman the year was 2019 - but he already knew that. He looked back up at Cambridge.
"Do you know where you are?"
Another shake of his head. "No sir."
"Do you know where you were?"
Roman sighed and nodded softly. "What's your name?"
"Staff sergeant Logan Cambridge, sir." Logan looked around the room, fidgeting with the button on the sleeve of his uniform.
Roman nodded again. "Well, Logan, my name is Roman Prince. Currently, the year is 2019, it is March 2nd. You're in New York City."
Logan's eyes widened, fear and confusion clouding his midnight blue eyes. "B-But how?"
"You got stuck in some kind of rogue portal. I'm going to take you home," Roman promised.
The fear in Logan's eyes was replaced by hope. "Really?"
"Really." Roman gave him a reassuring smile.
Logan grinned. "How are we going to get there?"
"Using this." He tapped the chronograph on his wrist and grinned. "It's what I use to travel through time, it's gonna get you home in no time flat."
Logan's grin grew. "Well, what are we waiting for?"
Roman joined Logan on the platform and looked over to one of the techs at the desks. "Alten, keep an eye on my office. If Sanders steals my lunch again I'm going to go feral," he joked.
The tech in question chuckled and shot fingerguns at Roman. "See ya soon, Prince."
Roman messed with the dials on his chronograph before taking a tight hold of Logan's hand. "Ready?"
Logan nodded quickly. "Ready."
Roman double-tapped the surface of the chronograph, and the floor-to-ceiling height of the platform was surrounded by the yellowish-orange light.
Not a minute later, the lights vanished, and a large cloud of smoke engulfed them.
Logan soon felt the familiar crunch of rocks under his boots, and for a moment, he truly believed he was home again.
Of course, that was only a hope.
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 4 years
Well since I already shared one of these short stories here's another: a fantroll story
Alternatively titled: What Happens When Rubele Decides To Ignore His Moirail's Advice.
Consider this an alternate timeline of sorts to the previous one, but if both events were placed on a calendar this one would take place immediately after the first.
Look it's a spiritual successor to this just take it and good luck understanding anything ok.
Content warning for active drinking this time (it's a recurring theme for reasons, sorry); also for semi-descriptive death via choking.
"Whoooeee! That sure is the stuff!!" Rubele exclaimed, giving the glass he had just quaffed from a swish. The reddish fluid splashed inside the cup, and it took everything Zeerce had not to twitch as a stray droplet or two escaped, staining the white rug below.
"I must admit, Ms. Cruorr, I've never been one to drink anything as fine as this, but you have wonderful tastes. A troll like me could get used to this sort of thing," Rubele laughed as he imbibed from his glass once more, leaning back in his seat.
"I'm glad you can still appreciate the finer things in life, Rubele... By now I had all but given up on there being any hopes for you, given the company you choose to keep."
Rubele frowned over his wine glass, eyes meeting Zeerce's from under tinted shades.
"Now, Ms. Cruorr... Don'chyou... Don't you think that's a mite harsh? After all, I'm not the only seadweller here with a cerulean moirail," he pointed out, taking another sip of that sweet soda. Zeerce gave a ghost of a smile, faint and unreadable.
"True. But you and I both know very well that that's not what I was referring to. Nor is your social life the reason I let you into my hive.
"As much as I enjoy your company, I'm a very busy woman, so I'll keep it brief - I procured the materials you asked for, and have upheld my end of the bargain. It is your turn to return the favor, don't you think?" Zeerce cocked an eyebrow at Rubele, tapping a sharpened claw on the armrest of her chair. Rubele gave her a lopsided smile in return, setting his glass down on the side table next to him as he leaned forward in his chair.
"Ahh, yes, of course, of course... I would hardly be a businessman of my repute if I didn't have it ready, huh?" He paused as he purposefully made eye contact with Zeerce, clasping his hands in front of him.
"But, I've been doin' some research of my own while assembling this, this thing, if you will... And have found the results significantly affect the price you'll have to pay for it. I have one more condition I'd like you to fulfill, before I let you have this program."
"That was not part of the--"
"I would like you," Rubele interrupted, holding a finger up to her, "to include my moirail and I when you play this 'game'. In fact - I want ya to let us be the first to start the program, so that we know you won't skip over us."
Zeerce narrowed her eyes into a withering glare at the troll across from her.
"And if I refuse, as a customer who already paid her dues?"
Rubele scoffed.
"Then no deal. I keep the program and use it for myself, while you remain stuck here.
"I mean, s'not fleet science, Zee. If my sources are to believed, then this program will destroy this world and everything on it. Why would any troll just willingly give you such a device after hearing that, without at least ensuring that their own carapaces were saved?"
Zeerce scowled, tapping her claws thoughtfully as she let her gaze roam around the room.
"And where did you even hear such an... outlandish rumor, about this program, hm?"
Rubele leaned back into his seat, a knowing smirk on his face as he watched Zeerce.
"What, you think you're the only one with sources? Or rather that you're the only one who can contact yours?"
"...I see. The horrorterrors, hm," Zeerce said shortly.
"Bingo-rooney!!" Rubele snickered, crossing his legs and shooting fingerguns at Zeerce. He barely noticed the toe of his boot kick against the side table until it was too late, jostling his glass off the edge and spilling Faygo all over the rug.
"Ah, whoops... Lemme get that for you, Zee," Rubele stood from his seat, pausing for a second as the world seemed to reel around him. Zeerce smirked.
"You're not looking too good, Rubele. Are you sure you don't want to let me handle it?"
Rubele shook his head obstinately, even as he reached out for the arm of the chair to steady himself.
" 'mfine just, uhhh... not used t' the vintage I guess," Rubele slurred, holding his head in his hand as he tried to pull himself together. Instead, he slowly sank down on one knee, his limbs feeling so tired... his eyelids so heavy....
Zeerce chuckled lightly as she rose from her seat.
"I suppose it was a... little strong for such unrefined tastes as yours, wasn't it?" She sneered down at him, stepping closer. Zeerce bent closer to Rubele, putting a finger to his chin and lifting his head upwards to face her.
"Would you like me to call your moirail to come get you? Do they know you're here?"
Rubele stared up at Zeerce, eyes unfocused. He hesitated, thinkpan so foggy he could barely formulate the answer. He felt so tired....
"No... no, they.. they barely know 'bout any of this..." he managed, struggling with every word.
Zeerce smirked.
She'd heard what she needed to know.
"And here I thought you were smart, Rubele."
Within the blink of an eye, a whip lashed out, encircling around Rubele's neck. Rubele gagged, eyes widening behind his glasses as he stared at Zeerce in shock.
"A word to the wise - never show your hand, if you want to live, hm?" Zeerce smiled down at him, giving the whip a jerk. Rubele fell forward, still choking silently. He couldn't fight back. He could barely stay awake, let alone muster the energy to resist. His bleary gaze strained itself upwards towards Zeerce, silently pleading.
"You may not have relinquished the Program to me... but I'm quite sure it will be no trouble at all for me to find it," Zeerce sneered, keeping the whip taut as he slowly sank more and more to the floor.
"Especially if I... enlist... the help of your dear Moirail," she hissed into his finned ear, her grin broadening as she felt his struggles grow frantic.... then stillness.
Zeerce gave it a few moments - waited to make sure the body was truly dead - before she finally allowed the whip to slacken. One figure crumpled to the floor as the other stood up tall, winding her whip up to tuck back onto her belt. She stood for a moment, contemplating her blood brother's cowardice. And here she thought that spiking his drink might cause her more problems than help... She'd had a feeling he'd turn on her somehow, but didn't have a clue that he had found out about the program. It paid to be prepared, after all.
Zeerce stepped around the body, stiletto heeled shoe crunching the discarded glass beneath her in her efforts to avoid... the rest of the mess. No matter. She could always procure more glasses if need be. Like everything else in her life, they were expendable, after all.
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storiesnobodyreads · 6 years
I’m the Boyfriend
Characters: Bucky Barnes x reader
Ask: would you write one where reader and his new guy friend are becoming suepr close and have inside jokes and stuff and Bucky gets alarmed bc HE is the boyfriend HE should be the one making her happy like that 😘 (fluffy ad pouting puppy Bucky pls) YOUR URL IS SO NOT TRUE BTW CUZ I READ YOUR STUFF AND LOVE IT 
A/N: anon, first things first, thank you so much, you’re amazing, and second, I loved this idea very much so here it is! Hope you like it!
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“Hi love!” Max pressed a firm kiss on your cheek as he strolled through the door. “You look great.” 
“Thank you very much,” you beamed, leading him to the kitchen. “So, what do you want this time? Orange juice or orange juice?” Max had always made a point to drink nothing but orange juice before 4 pm, after which he usually switched to beer, or stuck with orange juice.
Max leaned with his elbows on the kitchen island. “I think I’ll go with orange juice.”
You were loyally pouring a cup for Max and for yourself, when Bucky came home. You heard the door open and fall shut, after which the keys were thrown on the desk in the hallway. Bucky strolled into the kitchen, blindly walking toward you to kiss you, but as soon as his eyes fell on Max, did his carefree demeanour falter. “Oh, hi,” he grumbled darkly.  
Max smiled at your boyfriend. “Hey, Bucky.”
Since Bucky had given up on coming over to give a kiss, you settled with offering him something to drink. “Orange juice or orange juice?” you asked, causing Max to snicker.
Bucky didn’t understand the inside joke and glared at you. “Water, please.” He studied you as you jokingly rolled your eyes and got him a glass of water. You looked extremely cute with your hair bundled up in a messy knot bundled up above your head, short black top and comfortable flower-print shorts. Hadn’t Max been here, he would have done something else than drink a stupid glass of water.
“Remember that time,” Max was already laughing, taking a sip of his orange juice and almost choking in it. “When you drank so much water just to make a statement that water was better for you than orange juice, and then when you moved your belly you could just hear the water splash.”
You were laughing so hard that you had difficulty holding the glass of water straight. “That was so weird!” you giggled.
Bucky took the glass from you before you spilled any of it. His gaze was sharp as it flickered from you to Max and back. “Hmm,” he did, carefully taking a sip. “So, Max, why are you here?” 
“I just came by to borrow your lawn mower,” Max explained. “Y/N told me about the automatic machine that you have, from Anthony Stark, and she asked me if I wanted to try and use it. Since it’s from Anthony Stark, it’ll probably work perfectly, but I’m curious to see how it works.”
You were laughing again, though Bucky found it quite a normal, non-funny reply. “Stop calling him Anthony, Max,” you brought out in between your laughs. 
“What, Anthony is a cute name!” Max exclaimed. 
Bucky frowned. “Why are you laughing?”
You waved it off, bending over from laughter. “Just... something that happened,” you excused yourself between high-pitched breaths in the fit of laughter, as Max bend over forward and clapped the table. 
“Right.” Bucky sounded pissed off. “Where is this lawn mower? I’ll grab it for you.” 
You could barely talk, that’s how hard you were laughing. “In the shed in the garden, Buck,” you informed him slowly. “Left side, up.” 
Bucky growled something inaudibly and rapidly fetched the keys off the counter, marching out of the house to get the lawn mower. Max let a deep sigh escape once the Winter Soldier was out of hearing distance. “Every time I see him, I have just forgotten how handsome he is.” 
You shot Max a look. “Calm down there, cowboy, he’s mine.” 
Max rolled his eyes. “Doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate it.” 
“Fair enough,” you shrugged, leading Max to the living room, where you sat side by side on the grey sofa. You folded your legs underneath you and then propped your head on your fists, planting your elbows on your knees. “Now tell me everything about your date tonight.”
Max firmly shook his head. “No way. It’s a Grindr thing. I’m not telling you about how cute he is because I don’t want to get my own hopes up. I’ll app you my location, and I do expect you to come rescue me with your Soldier if something goes wrong.”
You nodded slowly. “Alright, Bucky and I will come save you when you use the safe word. What’s the safe word?” 
Max thought about it for a second. “Raspberry bubbles.” 
You almost choked in your sip of orange juice. “Raspberry bubbles?” you asked confused. “What the hell is that? I was thinking more, you know, code red.”
“Isn’t code red for when you’ve lost your virginity or something?” Max pointed out with a laugh. 
“True,” you giggled. “Well, maybe you’ll be using that, too.” 
Max gently punched you against your shoulder. “I’ve lost my virginity!”
“Yeah, to a girl,” you mocked him jokingly. When he shot you a murderous gaze, you raised your hands up in the air to signal your innocence. “Okay, okay, we’ll stick to raspberry bubbles. Send it to me when you feel uncomfortable, or just, you know, whenever you want to be saved.” 
Max cocked up one eyebrow. “Oh, I want to be saved by Bucky any time of the day.” 
Both of you exploded in laughter again, just when Bucky returned from the shed, carrying the heavy lawn mower in his arms, grunting as he stepped through the doorway. The nerves in his arms popped out with tension, showing off his ripped muscles. He growled when you were laughing with Max, again. “Want me to put in your car?” he asked Max curtly. 
Max was gawking at Bucky’s tense body, which was something only you noticed, not Bucky. “Jesus,” you cursed, nudging Max in the ribs with your elbow. “Raspberry bubbles!” 
Max coughed loudly to mask the fact he had basically been drooling over your boyfriend. “Yes, thank you,” he said to Bucky. 
Bucky was once again caught off guard when the two of you started giggling unstoppably, after having used the ridiculous safe word for the first time. He could feel his heart sinking when he saw you so happy with someone else. “Be right back,” he informed you, though he doubted that you were even listening to him. 
“Well, raspberry bubbles has already proven to be successful,” Max joked with a shrug, receiving your deadly stare and smiling through it. “I am serious about this, though. I do want you and Bucky to come rescue me. Like, I refuse to get murdered when I have connections with the Winter Soldier. That’d just be stupid.” 
“Right,” you snorted. “We’ll be there, I promise.” 
Bucky returned, shoulders tense as he studied the vibe between Max and you. “You really shouldn’t leave your car unlocked,” Bucky grunted at Max.
Max aimed his fingerguns at Bucky. “Thank you for the tip. It was just a short visit, so I’ll get going now. Thanks for the land mower.” He finished his orange juice, kissed you on the cheek, waved goodbye to Bucky. You walked him out, wishing him good luck on his date and promising to remember raspberry bubbles. 
As soon as Max was out the door, Bucky grumbled a number of inaudible curses from the forties that made you raise your eyebrows. “Okay, Buck,” you grinned, crossing your arms over your chest. “What’s on your mind?”
Bucky stood still, pointing at the door. “You’re spending too much time with that guy,” he said decisively. “All those... All those inside jokes. I understand like one percent of what you’re talking about. And I don’t mind you having guy-friends but, but this is getting out of hand! I want--” He inhaled sharply, his face making a pouty turtle face. 
“Yes,” you were still smiling, amazed by how awkward Bucky looked, “What do you want?” 
Bucky shrugged uncomfortably. “I... I want to be the one to make you happy like that.” 
“First of all, you do make me happy,” you intoned, reaching out to him, smiling when he grabbed your hand with a stifled sigh. “Are you jealous?” you asked, your brows shooting up. Not once during your entire relationship had you thought Bucky could ever even remotely suspect that you’d be interested in someone else--Bucky was so far out of your league that you could do nothing but admire him and thank all the gods for him. 
Bucky’s face flushed bright red. “I... I’m not... Why would you--No, I’m not...” he stopped and forced himself to take a deep breath. He needed a second, and then bore his blue eyes straight into yours. “Okay, yes, I might be a little jealous.” 
You squeezed his hand. “You do know that Max is gay, right?”
Bucky frowned. “So?” 
“Well,” you returned his frown, “It’s not as if he’s, you know, hitting on me. He’s not interested in me in that way, so you don’t have to worry that something like that’s going to happen. Not that I’d ever do that anyway, but you get it. He’s more interested in you, that way, anyway.” 
“I don’t care that he’s gay, that’s not the point,” Bucky busted out. “But you’re spending so much time with him and it seems like you two are just the best of friends, but...”
“But you want to be my best friend?” 
Bucky’s chest stopped moving as he appeared to be holding his breath, studying your face intensely. He stared at you for so long that you had to look away, feeling goosebumps rise on your arms. Bucky then nodded firmly. “Yes. I want to be your best friend.” 
You smiled cheekily. “You want me to friend-zone you?” Moving closer to him, you could feel his body stir. “Friends don’t kiss friends, you know. Friends don’t do a lot of things that we do.” 
Bucky pouted, placing his hands on your hips to draw you closer to him. “You know very well that I want to do all that, too.” 
“Now I’m really confused as to what you want, Buck,” you said teasingly. 
“Please stop mocking me,” Bucky murmured. His hands were roaming your flowered shorts, remembering how he’d intended to compliment the way you looked before he’d spotted Max. “This outfit looks good on you,” he said, using it as an excuse to grab your ass and lift you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling him underneath you. “But, you also look good without the outfit.” He kissed you hard, tongues fighting for dominance, sending chills down your spine. Bucky made you feel unlike any other man had ever done. 
His sloppy kisses went down your neck, making you tilt your head to give him more access. “Is that something you’d say to your best friend?” you brought out. 
“No,” Bucky growled between kisses, leaving marks on your skin. “I say that to the love of my life. I love you so fucking much, doll.”
His words made you feel warm, electricity spreading through every cell in your body. “I love you too, Bucky.”
And that afternoon, oh boy, he showed you just how much he loved you. 
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michinekot · 5 years
Ooh, the mental image of Nao actually chasing laser dots and animals is so cute! So is Ruby nibbling on carrots and- well, you get what I want to say, haha~ I'll be sure to pester you about your OCs more then :3c *fingerguns at u* Love ya too, and also best of luck with your VN project!! Letty looks like such a relatable character already, pft- ~FH Anon
*fingerguns back* thank u!! I’m pretty sure even more people’ll find them relatable after I reveal a bit more, haha- but I think that’s really good!! It’s exactly what I wanted ^^Annd- feel free to pester me about my ocs whenever you want!! I said it before but I’ll say it again: it makes me really happy kjshdghsALSO your asks make me really want to draw my babies so thank you again!!
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Cornered - Shklance
  Here’s the 5th part to that Shklance series. Um follow the tag Shklance series at the bottom of this one to see the first four if you want! Anyway, this is kinda rough but have it I guess. Uhhhh I might continue this, I might slip something between this chapter and the previous one, I just already had plans for this. I mean, I still want to show how their relationship settles and works out, and maybe explore more of Lance’s insecurities in depth. And I want to try a version of this one, but from Lance’s POV so we’ll see what happens. I’ve also begun work on some other projects so wish me luck, guys!
             Shiro was going to kill him. He was absolutely going to kill his stupid, stubborn, hard-headed boyfriend. Why couldn’t he just listen?
              “I love you, Lance.” Despite his irritation, Shiro found himself holding his breath in anticipation of Lance’s response. But Lance didn’t even look up. “Yeah, yeah, love ya, Keith. Love ya, Shiro.” Keith and Shiro stared at each other in amazement. Was that it? Was it really as simple as that? “Love ya, Hunk, Pidge! See you guys tomorrow!” Then with a quick flurry of motion, and a couple of fingerguns, Lance was gone. Shiro face-palmed while Keith groaned.
              “Keith, goddammit, I told you to wait!”               “Your stupid ‘wooing’ idea isn’t getting us anywhere! He’s not even getting used to it! He won’t reciprocate! None of this is working!”
              Hunk and Pidge exchanged a look. Hunk’s small smile and Pidge’s dangerous smirk telling Shiro that maybe they should’ve gone to them for some advice. Well, no time like the present, right?
              “Um. Do you two, uh. Have a suggestion? Please?”
              Pidge merely laughed and returned to her laptop. Desperate, Keith turned to Hunk.
              “Lance has self-esteem issues.”
              They blinked at the simple statement.
              “O…kay? You already told us this, Hunk.”
              “Right, so he’s gonna have a hard time believing that either one of you could like him. It’s a thing with him. He has a hard time believing that anyone would really want to be with him, especially anybody who knows him so well already. So he’s going to take a lot of time to get to the point where he’s willing to openly accept you,” Hunk frowned. Keith exploded, rocketing straight out of his chair. “But that’s stupid! He’s incredible and sweet and funny and—” And Keith broke off, suddenly turning bright red with embarrassment. Hunk’s smile reappeared.
              “I’m honestly glad that you guys think so. I think you two will be good for him. If you can get through to him, anyway. It’s probably going to be a waiting game with him, honestly.”
              “Well, how the hell are we supposed to do that?” Pidge sighed and rolled her eyes, finally setting aside her laptop in the face of her friends’ utter hopelessness. “Get over here, you idiots. Here’s what you’re going to do.”
                “Um. Are we sure that this is going to work?”
              “Shut up, Shiro. This is literally the best plan ever.”
              “Well of course you would say that. This is exactly the kind of plan you would come up with.”
              “Which is why it’s so good.” Keith shot him a heated glare, somehow both a threat and a promise. Shiro flushed. “Now shut up, because he’s coming down here now.”
              And the minute Lance turned the corner, they set their plan into action. Keith leaned in behind, one arm supporting his weight against the wall, while Shiro stood in front of him, effectively cutting off any escape routes. Shiro watched hungrily as Lance visibly gulped. Keith wrapped an arm around his waist, where he could feel the jolt run through his body when Lance tried to bolt but barely managed to stop himself from running. “Uh h-hey guys. Um. What’s. Uh. What’s up?” Lance stuttered and Keith and Shiro just couldn’t get over how cute it was on the normally confident and smooth Lance.
              “We’ve been waiting for you, Sharpshooter.” He could feel Lance relax at the familiar nickname. “You finally done with classes?” Keith reached a hand up, set in on Lance’s head. Lance jerked away, but Shiro cupped his face in his hands, ensuring Lance stayed still as Keith replaced his hand in his hair. He gently stroked as Shiro smiled down at Lance. “Well? Have you finished?” Lance looked awestruck. He missed a beat, but then licked his lips. Shiro zeroed in on the movement.
              “Yeah. Yeah I finished. Classes are. Classes are done.” Keith loved that breathlessness in Lance’s voice. He scritched against Lance’s scalp, watching through narrowed eyes when Lance leaned subtly into the touch. Shiro smiled, thumb rubbing against Lance’s bottom lip. “Good.” And then he was kissing him. Keith could see that the kiss was rougher than the little ones they’d been exchanging with Lance before. More demanding, more intense. There was no way Lance could mistake it for a simple gesture between good friends.
              When Shiro released him, Lance was panting hard. His eyes were squeezed shut, and his whole body was tense. Shiro rested his forehead against Lance’s and chuckled. Lance’s eyes fluttered open at the sound, and Shiro’s chest went tight at the look of absolute adoration in those blue depths. With an impatient growl, Keith used his hand still tangled in Lance’s hair to twist his face to meet his own. Lance’s small yelp was all but swallowed by Keith’s mouth as he took his turn devouring this beautiful boy he’s been pining over for more than a year. Shiro’s hands moved up and down Lance’s sides and hips as Keith ravaged Lance’s mouth, pushing him hard in this the same way they push each other any other time. And when they finally did pull away, Keith couldn’t tell quite who had won. The other boy’s chest was heaving, his breathing now rough and ragged. His kiss-swollen lips were curved into a dazed smile, and when Keith’s eyes met Lance’s, when he took in the fondness and love in those gorgeous eyes, Keith suddenly knew that he had won.
              Both Shiro and Keith knew they still had a way to go, but maybe this really was the start they’d needed.
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