#so good uwaa
gearchronocle · 6 months
I love Shindou Chrono, who sings with a very cute voice
(from the Striders character song!! Enjoy 💕💕)
When I first got into Vanguard I looked obsessively for character songs for Chrono and when I stumbled upon the Striders song, without yet knowing who Kazuma was, I was surprised!! I wasn't expecting Chrono to sound like this at all honestly... normally he has this slight roughness(?) to his voice? Very boyish, still somewhat soft at times but definitely very fitting for Chrono.. and then when singing it's like a complete 180 and suddenly you're hit with this? Cute...soft..extremely good gap moe.. Very lovely and I love very much...
I won't say anything further, but all the G NEXT character songs are on streaming services so please listen to them! They're all very good!!!!
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unknownarmageddon · 1 year
So like the jock/cheerleader kross au, to sum it up, is cross is a big softy with a motorcycle, and killer is every gender on the planet in a skirt!!! And the plot of it was like the cliche thing, where like killer slowly learns that cross is more than just some nice guy at school, and he's not actually rich
There's like a thing where killer finds out that cross works at a fast food joint where he barely makes enough to pay off his motorcycle maintenance bills and stuff, and killer also discovers that cross's like smile that he always has is like, always tinged with sadness in some way, like a forlorn kinda melancholic smile, and the first time killer gets cross to actually smile, they like, make out in a closet
Anyways the idea for that au that I was gonna share!! (copy pasted from my notes and from a convo with paper'd because I'm so in love with the idea)
theyre in some run down abandoned school!!! And killer is playing around on the rusty bleachers, and cross is like, trying to blow up a deflated basketball and killer is like " so. Have you ever done graffiti?" And cross like, drops his half-blown basketball and stares at killer like they're insane
And killer like, grabs their cheerleader duffel bag off of Cross's bike and unzips it to reveal a buncha bottles of spray paints and stuff and cross is like "killer-- wait, hold on--" and killer is already shaking up some neon red paint and cross watches, a lil stupefied as killer starts vandalizing the gym, spraying paint everywhere and making just a horrid mess of red and killer eventually stops to grin at cross and they use their foot to kick a bottle of green spray paint towards cross and theyre like "cmon, tough guy, lets draw some dicks on this rotting floor" and cross is like, shaking in his boots at the notion, and killer comes over, takes his hand, and like, presses their own spray can into Cross's hand and they like, guide him into spray painting the floor and cross is like, staring at it in wide eyed terror, but just the littlest bit of curiousity and killer nudges him, and is like "give it a whirl." And cross shakes the can a bit and hesitantly sprays a sloppy smiley face on the cracked floor and he grins just a little
and then it hardcuts/time jumps to killer on cross's shoulders, spray painting flame patterns on the backboard of the basketball goal and that room is just a mess of obnoxious colors and designs
and like, they're not even good at it, theyre just being goofy
Cross draws one singular dick shape, and killer insists on taking a picture, and cross obliges, and they take a selfie beside cross's masterpiece before they dip
and they nyoooom away, and cross drops killer off at their house and killer is like "you did good, crossy" and cross is like. [LOUD STARING] and killer watches em drive off and they're like "im so gonna ruin his reputation"
and cross gets home safely, avoids his shitty dad, and flops onto his bed and just kinda. Goes all soft and dorky thinking about killer and then it ends :]
cross just kinda, does a really slow crooked grin and flops an arm over his face and huffs a tiny little laugh and is like "...i GOTTA get their number."
Meanwhile, Killer has Cross's phone and is disappointed at the lack of anything on it
Killer takes a few selfies, and the next day, they run up to hug cross and casually slips his phone into his backpack before strolling away to find horror for their first period and cross is like "wait- ah. Nevermind" and he discovers his phone and suspiciously takes it out of the pocket he never puts it in and opens it to find a picture of killer and their smug, self-satisfied grin, and he's like "oh of course they would" [he totally makes it into his background] and THEN he finds a new contact in his contact list of like, three people and its !literally just titled 'call me <3' and its totally killers phone number
Because the dork put their number in before giving cross his phone back
And they totally send each other silly memes all through the night and chat about fuck all and that's all :]
The bit I specifically like the most is killer on cross's shoulders spray painting the basketball goal, like thats such a silly image, theyre so dorky and in love
Losing my shit over all of that that is SO good holy fuck dude
I don’t even know what else to say that’s all just. Yeah absolutely fuck yeah
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hiwo (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ i luv u all so much (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) like,, SO SO much...
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totallyblooktacular · 2 years
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love to pick up a random older anime and then it turns out the main character’s designs have me in a vice grip almost instantaneously,
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lonely--seeker · 1 year
I spent like $5.4K on just half the study books i need this semester (that's in our currency) and i was already sad because i still need like $6K more for the rest half of this semester. So I'll probably just not buy the rest and just go with the PDF versions on my phone. But, I just checked how much that was in USD and let me tell you, OUR ECONOMY IS IN SHAMBLES! When did $15USD BECOME $5.400 What's going!!
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styxwanderer · 5 months
The Wrong Fake Identity | Twisted Wonderland [pt.3]
part 1 Part 2 <part3> Part4 part 5 part 6 part 7
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙˚*
" This is bad! we can't find them at all!" Deuce grimace
"I can't smell them at all!! where can they be? they say they are going to take the mushroom in the glass house, but we searched that place for hours at end and still no result at all!" Grim started to feel guilty for letting you go by your own.
"we've searched around the main hall and around the glass house too, their smell stopped at some point making a dead end." said the white wolf sniffing the ground.
" Where can they be.."
" This is my greatest shame of a day, not only i have betrayed waka-sama, i can't even protect them properly, i shall beg for forgiveness a thousand time.. i will punish myself later, for now i need to find them."
" Scanning surroundings, detect body heat."
" Scanning complete."
"body heat detected."
" oohhh! Guys Ortho detected something! epel following the hovering humanoid.
Left, right, straight, turn, turn left from the shed.
" it says body heat detected right over here.
" huh there is nothi-- Wait a minute! That's a tarp!!" Epel half scream.
In a haste, he ripped the tarp away, revealing you in an unfortunate position. Leona body on top pf you as his arms, legs and tail caged you in, Head on his peck both of you still soundly a sleep.
" UWAA---HMMPHH" ace and deuce both covered their mouth and Grim's. Epel stood shock, eyes widened, with the tarp in his tarp, regretting his hasty decision to rip the tarp without any care.
"dorm leader...." jack crosses his arm and whispered.
" You...youu... YO-- HMPHHHHH!!"
"Unhanddd Themm you foul beasttt!!" all of that is silenced by the hands of Ace, Deuce, and grim, who was also holding Sebek's body as to not letting him make a rash decision.
Ace, deuce, and Grim ran to shut his loud mouth.
" oh nooo.. the lion had gotten to her!!" ortho whispered.
" i probably should warn brother" He silently thought.
" What should we do?" Ace whispered.
" I don't knoww.. i try to think hard but thingg..." deuce answered panicked.
" Leona is usually a pretty fast sleeper, we just need to play, don't wake the sleeping lion game."
" Huh, how are we supposed to do that?" Epel answered
"Look there the fertilizer in the cylindrical bag, maybe we can swap them up."
the first-year students all nodded and starts with the plan.
Epel's and Orho's job is to hold leona's position (arms and legs) so that they could remove you and swap you with the fertilizer.
Grim's job is to kepp an eyes on leona to make sure he is still sleeping.
Sebek's and Deuce's job is to get the fertilizer bag.
Jack's and Ace's job is to slide you off leona with your ankle.
of cource they all had to do all of this very silently.
"alright! all ready.."
epel begun to softly pull Leona's arm as ortho pull his leh upward, just enough to release you.
"now jack, ace"
Both of them begun to slowly slide you of the cage whose named is Leona.
"hnnn..." Leona stirred slightly causing all of the first-year student to stop in their track. they wait a second, three, four, five...
" is he waking up,," Epel whispered.
"No no.. he is still asleep all good now continue!"
Once you are completely free from his grip and into Ace's embrace. Sebek and Deuce quickly but softly slide the fertilizer into Leona's embrace.
" Hug shit you beast." Ace silently cheered.
" a suiting pillow for a foul behavior beast." Sebek joined in.
"Myahahaha, that's what you get for taking my sidekick.
" Alright guys let's celebrate somewhere else." ortho said.
You sleeping body now hugging Ace's neck as you lay your head sleepily in his shoulder. This boosts his ego to a trillion.
" heh... guess you are comfortable in my arms."
" Is it just me of she is more sleepy and well cute in this form." Deuce asked.
"She is certainly more docile." Epel whispered back trying to straighten your unruly bed hair covered in weed and tiny flowers.
And so, the first-year students went on their way, satisfied with their fruitful mission and their bounty. Now they just need to ensure you are safe with them till the rest of the hunt. Besides if you are with them that means they would win you, right? Sure, its Crewel order, what what he doesn't know won't matter. But crewel being Crewel, i am betting he would have known from a mile away and are prepared.
" Hahahahaha..." a low pitch laughter could be heard from behind the first years. Making them all freeze as shivers went down their spine. Jack's ears and tail now standing.
" You think you could take the lion's prey from his mouth... not to mention you dare to make you hug me a royalty dirt?" Leona kicked the fertilizer far away from him with great strength as he slowly and creepily stood up
" ergh!" all of them felt saliva pooling their mouth as they take a big gulp.
" Jack I thought you said he is a fast sleeper!" Epel panicked.
" u, uhh.. That's how usually is !!" Jack answered with the same panic level as Epel.
" I will teach you first year not to mess with a sleeping lion." he eerily grin as he braced before charging at the first year who are halfway through to the door.
" AAAAAA!! RUN RUN RUNNN!!!" Ace shrieked.
" We're DOOOMEDDD!!" Grim shrilled.
" HUMANS WE ARE NEAR THE DOOR ALREADY! KEEP UP KEEP UP" as much as Sebek wanted to be calm, leona's aura did managed to shook his backbone and he is driven by his survival instrict. Afterall everybody would run when a lion is running full speed towards them, not to mention this is an ANGRY LION, he does not plan to stick around and find out.
All of them charged with and effort greater than the last, this could be a record run for them. Driven by pure instinct and adrenaline they hoped a miracle was to come by.
" Summon cauldron!"
CLANGG!! the cauldron didn't even manage to scratch a wound as Leona swiftly avoid the falling heavy cauldron.
" Heh, you think some measly trick is able to stop me from getting my prey."
Jack and deuce managed to open the door before all of them ran out.
" GET THE pipe! GET THE PIPEE" Ace said hands occupied so he could only command the rest
Ortho quickly took the pipe and throw it to jack.
Jack finally managed to push the pipe and bend it around the handle so that Leona could not pass through."
They both paced away of course just in case.
" Pheww.. That was close.."
" THE DOOR!!!" Sebek shouted
" WHAT KIND OF BEAST IS HE" Ortho followed
" JUST RUN JUSTT RUNNN ALZRiGZht!!" Grim screamed.
" O Great sevens help us, please, after this we all be a good boys.. pleaseee."
deuce begun praying.
" OFF WITH YOU HEAD!" the King of hearts spoke.
" RIDDLEE!!!" all the first-year sigh in relief.
"Riddle i thought you would've learned from back then; your fancy little magic trick won't work on me." Leona smirked.
"Then i will keep trying until it does. Just like last time. a misbehaving Lion need to be held on leash afterall."
"Haa,, bring it."
" Ace, Deuce i will find you later so better prepare your neck."
"eugh.." the two of them gulped
with that the two of them fight as the first year not willing to stay around ran as fast as they could.
You had stirred, awakened from all the rustling. arms still around Ace's neck. You Yawn.
" o look! The sleepy head has awakened!" Ace said.
"Rise and shine!" Deuce said.
"y/n! Are you Alright? DID THAT FOUL LION DID ANYTHING WIERD TO YOU?" Sebek face peering to Ace's shoulder, much to his annoyance, and closer to you. his loud noisy voice irritates your ears.
" LET ME HAVE A LO---" you place your palm into his face.
"I'm fine Sebek, He just let me sleep in his pecks." you dreamily sigh, missing the comfort of them abs.
Your sleepy state had made Sebek fawn over, He never expected your morning wake up voice to be so alluring and hence he just nodded his face flushing red.
" Let's rest here! it is pretty much covered up. No body can disturb us here. Plus, I can utilize my brand-new update brother give to me! invincible shield, people outside of the shield wouldn't even notice our presence!"
" Ooo! that is very helpful." Epel agreed.
" Of course! My brother is a genius! too much for our own good of course hehe." The whispered the last part. Of course, he cannot openly confess that he is trying to help your brother got to you
The eight of you settle down behind the ivy-covered shack covered with invincibility shield near the woods behind the campus.
"Ehem," Jack puffed up his chest as he straightened his back. Showcasing you his very much grown Pecs and abs.
"oooo.." you had now been officially distracted. pushing Jack to lay on his back and start to poke his pecs. Now you are making dough on his pecs.
" NUh SEDUCIN' EM WIT ER BODILY GIF" Epel shouted irritated, going back to his dialect.
"No FAIR!" ortho huffed. " Maybe i should ask brother a body with pecs"
" EHeM" Sebek now puffing his broad chest closing his eyes, face too flustered. " i can open these obsticle away if it pleases you."
" Not you too!"
" Look some of us are not built instantly with muscle and milk! But give us a chance alright! we will definitely have them someday! Look i have muscle too!" deuce tying to pull his pants all the way to show his strong thighs.
" Uwaaa.. my troublesome sidekick turns out to have this kind of side. Don't worry once i have grown into the greatest mage i am sure my body would too! then you can serve with me forever!! NYAHAHAHA!"
You smash your head into his pecs and give it a loud sniff before relaxing. Jack had one hand to his face to cover up all the red hues and another gripping the grass on the ground so that he won't squeeze you to death. He is not Floyd, he reminds himself. He let you do it, ignoring all the other's whining.
" THATS IT GIT!" Epel rushed to remove you away from jack now in Epel embrace.
" Don't let Abs and pecs seduce you, It the heart that matters, no?"
you nodded and gave a lick to his cheek then nuzzle yourself to the side of his face.
" Don't hog them too, Epel!"
"You are stealing my sidekick right in front of my eyes!"
"Hey i just got em fo a while, wait yer turn patiently!" he huffed.
the group was thrown into an argument with jack trying to be a mediator calming the group. as you got distracted with the butterflies.
Your eyes are suddenly flashed by some kind of light.
"EUgh what is that.." you mumbled, eyes sliting into a line as u observe the shiny circle patch on the other ground. your tail swishing back and forth
'intresting.. i must.. i must'
Capture it!
you pounce on the spot outside of the shield only to find nothing.
" huh where did it go?.. Over there!"
You pounced foward toward the forest, nothing again?!
now irritated you let a low growl.
'There!' you scream in your brain before the shiny patch moves swiftly in a zig zag closer and closer to the forest. you move on tow pouching and prancing too invested with the moving light.
You had managed to enter the wood, just under the three the light stood. You pounced to it yet still nothing in hand. Still in your crouching position you inspect your arms in confusion. there is no longer a light patch anywhere else.
before suddenly.
" MREOOWWWWW!!!" you screech and hiss as you suddenly felt somebody jumping down right above you before grabbing you from the back of your neck to the ground. his strong grip put you in place
" Oh my what do we have here! Monseur Trickter! oh how glad am i to have such beautiful thing in my arms."
you know that voice.
" good work, Rook! now let's see.... Ahh i knew it! That lazy lion is no good for you! look at your hair all messed up! your clothes have creases too! your face! is that dirt? Simply no good at all! come I shall make you the prettiest cat in town. Rook carry them. please."
"Yes Roi du Poisson, What a bountiful hunt!"
knowing Rook and Vil's voice you had calmed yourself and become your docile self again. Rook picks you up under your arms as he was going to carry you, before he could move or positioned you, you had latched on like a koala to his body. arms around his pecs shoulder and legs around his abs waist.
" Oh My! what is this? Have i been blessed by the goddess of hunt and beauty at the same time?! i shall frame these clothes as a memory! AH such a bliss!" Rook exclaimed face flushing, Rook felt he doesn't deserve such thing from someone like you, but it is you who iniciated it so he dared not waste your affection, hugging you tight in returnand he nuzzled his face to the top of your head between your ears. " i could kiss you over and over again!"
" Oh, my what a clingy cat you are... Don't worry you could have however much pampering you need with me." Vil grinned petting your head.
" Now let us depart from this horrid place."
" yes, Roi du possion."
" hey guys.. Where is Y/n?" Epel asked
" Ohh shi--"
"UWAHHH!! what is that?" Grim franticly asked.
" The shield is under attack!" ortho answer
" WHAT i thought you said it is invicible!" sebek yelled
" WHo! who is it!!" Ace screamed as deuce went to quickly grab is magi pen.
" Shield proficiency.. 60%....... 30%......5%.......0! BEEP"
the shield ran down as the first year frantically look around for the attacker.
" ARGBHBHHHHHH!!!" all of them, except for jack, screamed.
" There you are Sebek." silver asked still searching around between the groups.
" i heard from a little bat that y/n is here with you, but it seems they had escaped as well, such an unfortunate timing. right? Malleus."
a wave of freezing cold stuck the first year.
" yes, how unfortunate indeed."
" My leige!"
" Sebek, i never expected your treachery, but if you come now and rejoin us for the hunt then all will be forgiven." he mussed
" Oh how generous you are Waka-sama, I shall rejo---HMPPH HMMPH!!'
" yeah NO! you are not leaving us to our fate!" ace yoinked Sebek back to the group!"
" we first year stick together, right?!" Deuce smirked as he too dragged Sebek away.
" if i'm going to be punished by my housewarden Then you should too!!" Epel helped.
" Hell naw!" Ortho now helping as well.
",,, you guys.. " Jack sigh
"nyehehehhe... you are one of us treacherous group like it or not" Grim smirked
“MY LEIGEEEEEeeeeeee" Sebek cries as he is being dragged away by the first year group who is running away from the great dragon and his peer.
" Khufufufu such a lively group. it makes me feel youthful."
"indeed.. lets presume the hunt."
" yes, Malleus-sama" silver said, although still dissapointed that he is to late to get to you, he is still determined to have you in his embrace.
" i'm will make sure, I'll catch you."
Meanwhile in Sam's shop,
" Whattt?! WHat do you mean by the stock of potion you sent me is a defected one? HUH? especially the transformation potion! Arghh.. well i demand for a new set of batch free of charge! you won't do it? oho..do you want to play with my frien dfrom the other side then? Right.. make sure that batch is given by tommorow." Sam sigh in defeat before remembering.
"OH SHOOt! they haven't drink the transformation potion, right? They messed up the dose so the person drinking it would act more like a cat than a cat beastman. i probably need to talk to crewel about this." he shivered.
" eurgh.. i can already imagine his pissed expression once i break the news to him. Makes me shiverrrs! you! shadow you better help me this time alright.
" What do you mean maybe? we are friendss." Sam whined as he put "a be right back' sign in front of his shop and make his unavoidable journey to Crewel office. "i hope he is not in a pissy mood, you know how he gets to his favorite student, like c'mon they're my favorite too!!" he whined.
[ Words 2951]
>> to be continued<<
.·:*¨༺ ❈ ༻¨*:·.
Taglist: @agaygothicmushroom @feverish-dove @jjsmeowthie @losingmybrain @mysticcyan
[ hey if anybody want to be added in this taglist please do comment and i will add you in the next part]
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just-null · 1 year
I spent all my tv time watching the episodes that noritoshi appeared in over and over again literally squealing and kicking my feet whenever noritoshi is on screen that my family is just sick of my shit
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Noritoshi scolding abt using indoor voices...... swoons....... He would be so orderly and nagging abt it too... uwaa....... coughs
you and me both, bro. The way Noritoshi presents himself with such grace and stoism is so fucking beautiful, even my ancestors possess me to let out their shock. the way his type of character talks, too, with formalities and like he has an image to uphold... HOW CAN YOU NOT YELL AT THAT. Not only that, but he's so... flowy.... from his clothes to his hair and the way he uses his bow in the fight scenes..
the fight scenes served hella cunt. I love shonen sm. Noritoshi fight scenes are so good.... but stop fucking giving him concussions @ gege
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shiningfremi · 10 months
hi! could i request? admiring freminet's freckles by tracing them like connect-the-dots, and then kissing his freckles until he's all cute and shy
- *️⃣
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freminet’s freckles
uwaa this is so creative!! here you go, *️⃣ anon! ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
[ freminet x gn!reader,
a bit suggestive at the end (´∀`;) ]
a fluffy short story~
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𖦹 °.🐟⋆❀˖°🦈
donning your comfy pajamas, both you and freminet were on the couch together, wrapped up in soft fuzzy blankets watching your favorite tv show as the fireplace crackled and the sweet scent of a warm vanilla candle filled the room.
leaning your head on his shoulder, you turn your attention towards him, observing him carefully. his gaze was focused on the screen. until he notices you and cracks a tiny, awkward smile, his eyes squinting. his freckles were prominent from this perspective, as if cinnamon was sprinkled onto his cheeks.
“huh?” freminet wondered why you were staring for such a long time.
“you know, i never noticed how pretty your freckles are..” you marvel, a finger leaving from beneath the cashmere fabric and onto his nose, irises darting back and forth.
“it reminds me of a constellation.”
“d-does it really?” he stuttered upon feeling the tip of your finger begin to trace the light brown spots.
“mhm~ and i can connect them, just like this.” you make a shape of a star on his cheek, before leaning forward to give him a quick smooch.
“i never thought about it in that way.” he furrowed a brow. nobody had ever done such a thing to him..
shyly attempting to cover his face with one hand out of embarassment, he changes the subject. “you don’t want to miss your show, do you?”
“you make a good point darling.” reaching toward the coffee table for the remote, you press down on the pause button. it could wait for later, you tell yourself.
“now, where was i?” you gently pull his hand away from his face, interlocking it with yours. you then crawl atop his lap, and freminet sank into the cushions, laying backward.
his beautiful crystalline eyes gleamed as he looked up at you in awe.
“oh, over here..” you lightly trail your digit across, marking out a small path.
“it could be a little heart.” giggling, you give him another kiss, accidentally leaving evidence behind as it was a bit sloppy.
“y/nn..! you’re too sweet.” freminet muttered with a gasp, his cheeks growing red, which enunciated his adorable freckles even more.
“well then, i’m glad that it’s working.” you tease, before peppering his tender face with a whole bunch more. you just couldn’t help yourself.
it was beginning to get colder outside, the seasons were slowly but surely changing. even so, the sunshine still peeked through the clouds. what other way to spend a calm chilly day, than with your precious boyfriend?
besides, right now, you were much more interested in spending valuable time with him than watch the tv, as no form of entertainment could top his pure company~
he scrunched his nose as you giggle inbetween each kiss.
you were absolutely lost in his beauty.
“mwah, mwah!” you exaggerate every kiss as the poor boy feels like he’s about to evaporate under your touch.
at this point he is getting attacked by your affection. you simply could not get enough of his graceful essence.
but he adored you so much that you could do whatever you desired to do to him. freminet was so deeply infatuated with you.
“i’ve heard that freckles are proof of where your lover kissed you in your past life. i suppose this is a guarantee that you’ll have them again.” your voice was as smooth as could be.
“my love..” freminet was so undeniably flustered.
caressing his face with your free thumb, he gently let go of your opposite hand and found his arms wrapped around your lower body, hoisting you up, not wanting this moment to end. you gladly accepted this preposition.
“and, let’s not forget about your forehead.” you give him even more soft pecks inbetween his blond eyebrows, resting both of your hands right on his shoulders. when you come back up again, freminet was timidly tugging on your shirt.
his head was tilted to the side, and he was brightly beaming, face burning aflame, knowing that he couldn’t possibly hide his joy from you any longer. you then trail your way down past his chin, letting a hand settle against his chest in the process.
even more specks of melanin could be found on the base of his neck. your kisses became longer and increasingly sensual. freminet's palm unknowingly brushed against your upper thigh as he adjusted himself.
“can i have more..?” he quietly asked you in one breath, accompanied with an indicative expression.
“hmm?" you pick up on his words.
𖦹 °.🐟⋆❀˖°🦈
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tonkatsubowl · 1 year
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vampire!blade x fem!reader.
hella smut. blade eats u out while it's shark week eheh
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"aah... aa—! w-wait, slow... slow down..!"
when you started your menstrual cycle, you were always given the respectable space and distance from blade whenever it was needed. the cramps? the abdominal pain? it was too much to bear, especially knowing that your significant other was literally a vampire as well.
he thrived off of eating and drinking the flesh of blood of his victims, and if he needed nutrients, he would go out and kill to make sure his mara infestation doesn't get too erratic. that was how he lived. sometimes you'd even suggest that he can take nutrients from you, like biting your neck from time to time. but because how protective blade gets with you, he would never oblige to your offers.
...but this time, it was different. he needed you. he needed nutrients — and you.
a moment ago, you were incited for whatever reason. you were already on your menstrual cycle, and one of those annoying days came where you would be in heat for absolutely no reason... and blade knew of this.
and now would be the time he'd replenish himself with nutrients and your needs, too. originally, you didn't like the idea. you felt odd being on your cycle and having your partner just devour you there. would it be... dirty? yeah, you felt dirty from it. you felt filthy.
but blade didn't care. he loved you and wanted to be there for you, as well as wanting to satisfy himself (and you).
right now, he has you over a desk, your legs spread wide open for him. he was careful not to cut you with your fangs, but he was drinking, slurping and licking away at your rosebud as you were a messy, moaning mess. you were already at the moment of climaxing, and you had already came on his face once.
he was cleaning you up good. taking in every nutrient and fiber that left your system while also just practically fucking you with his tongue. he was already pent up, even, and was ready to stain himself with your own blood.
a string of saliva was connected between his mouth and your lower region, giving you a chance to breathe as he lifted himself up. you were breathing heavily after climaxing once again due to his masterful tongue, your eyes dazed. your hair a bit of a mess, and your body was full of hickeys, licks and trails of blade's saliva. you watched as your lover began to grind himself against you; his pent up frustration rubbing against your wet folds, hitting your most sensitive area as he was dry humping you.
"uwaa..." your moans were too adorable. too sweet. intoxicating to listen to. your hot breaths hit his neck as he leaned down to hold you, thrusting his hips into you.
"you sound so fucking cute." blade murmured. "you liked it when i had you with my tongue, huh?"
you turn red, murmuring a quiet, "s-shut up..."
earning a chuckle from blade, he raised himself up, unbuttoning his pants, letting his amazing girth reveal itself.
originally when the both of you began having sex, you were unsure if you could take his size, thinking that blade wouldn't fit. but after nights of pounding you in different locations of the stellaron hunters headquarters, he made sure that his pretty little thing could bear the size of his massive length.
when you felt his tip enter inside, a wave of pleasure hit you, granting you a small moan that escaped your lips. you gasp, your sickly sweet voice entranced by your heated breaths, your pupils shaping themselves to little hearts as blade began to fuck you there and now.
he rolled his hips back, already violently and roughly ramming his massive member into you, sounds of your skins clapping and juices squelching could be heard within the room the both of you were in. you could see there were soft traces of your blood painting all over his length, but he didn't care, he was into it.
he was fucking you rough, and boy he was fucking you hard. he made sure that only his princess would get some goodnight sleep after filling you up with his seed, or breeding you a couple of times at least.
blade began to breathe a bit harder, giving a visual indication that he was nearly at his limit. he leans down, pressing his lips against your neck, rolling his tongue all over your skin as he continued to ram inside of you. you felt the head of his member hit into your cervix points, granting you even more pleasure and..
god, it felt amazing.
you close your eyes as you felt yourself ready to cum as well, feeling the overall building up sensation in your lower regions.
"y/n... i'm—"
he began to speed up, and something hot and sticky began to flood inside of you immediately. his seed began to flood from your cute, puffy little folds as he finished pumping into you, filling you up with his seed.
he slowly rolled his hips into you, feeling your climaxing sensation as you twitched underneath him, your breath hitched as you felt everything in your body release, granting you that satisfaction and exhaustion that finally hit you.
you took a moment to realize what had happened. you were seeing stars, and your legs were so dead. your body was out cold, and you were too incredibly exhausted to move.
blade removed himself from you, leaning down to give you a kiss on your cranium. "you did so well," he whispered to you, "i'm so proud of you."
you couldn't respond as you were breathing too heavily, your eyes dazed and still shaped as hearts as you watched your lover began to take care of you. he picked you up, scooped you into his arms and carried you into the bedroom where he took care of you.
he retrieved a towel, cleaned you up, set aside some cold water and some warm tea if you needed it. it was right there on the nightstand next to your guys' bed if you ever wanted it.
as you both laid down, you cuddled blade, still bare naked as your head remained on his chest. your eyes were heavy, coming to a close as you allowed exhaustion to take you.
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herbgroom · 6 months
it's annoying, dare I say frustrating, when I see burakhovsky fanart/headcanons in the lines of daniil being like "uwaa I can't doctor good. this strong man will help me. also I'm trans :3" while artemy has a 1000 yard stare like "I have seen the horrors the humans have brought into this mortal and fragile world. nevertheless I shall persist"
because 1. it engages in harmful trans stereotypes of trans men being just small, helpless, useless and horny, and also not real men 2. it removes any actual characterisation of both doctors 3. it's boring, shallow and unoriginal, therefore just plainly offensive
of course not everyone is guilty of this, so I'm calling the fandom to stay vigilant regarding this sort of thing, thanks!
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dollivication · 1 month
Hi!! How r u today dolly? 🌚 Wish cai filtr would stop being such a jerk! Your bots are literally the best! <3 Like, you've lowkey given me leon AND hybrid brainrot. I never cared for them until I used one of your bots and it for sure altered me bc I CANNOT stop thinking of owner!Leon who absolutely spoils his bunny hybrid, buying you all these cute clothes and whatever else because you're like the sun and moon to him. Especially older Leon like I KNOW when that man gets home from work after a hard day he's pressing his bunny into the mattress, pushing your knees to your chest as he drives deep just to watch you tug at your velvet soft droopy bunny ears in overwhelm. I need to be FIXED OMGG
Anyway hope you're doing well 🌚
uwaa.. KDJSG thabk yu so mauch.. THATS ACTUALLY??? THE HIGHEST COMPLIMENT I COUKD GET?? i can’t handle this you’re tickling me pink…JSJRTKGH❤️❤️
I DUNNO IF YEW CAN TELL, BUT I LOVE BUNNIES!!! THINGS WITHBUNNY HYBRIDS AND MY FAVS MAKE ME TWEAK OUT, so omygosh the imagery yu gave me rn……. older!owner!leon looove loves his bunny!! ears so fluffy, so pristine and well maintained because he buys only the finest products for his little cottontail (^人^)
doesn’t mind blowing some cash on you, you deserve the best after all! it’s always so worth it seeing your ears perk up and your eyes brighten every time he brings you a new stuffie!
leon looooves seeing ur cute nose twitch while slamming his cock deep into you, listening to your sweet sounds and tiny cries of his name while you cling tightly onto the newest stuffie he got you. such a good bunny for him, he’s so proud of you! will absolutely smother you in kisses, pressing his lips against your forehead and cheeks as he bounces you on his dick<3
don’t tug on your ears too hard! he can’t have you hurting yourself. but leon’s not gonna chastise you, not when he’s so close to pumping his precious bun full of warm cum >.<!!!! he loves you soso much :3
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enden-k · 3 months
remembered how when i streamed the 2.2. trailblaze mission and we were in dreamflux reef after gallagher "killed" sunday and everything was so uwaa whats happening and the moment we saw them next to each other it broke and my friend couldnt hold the funniest snortlaugh in bc she was taken aback at how fucking tiny sunday is. spent several minutes just walking around our short king. good times
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viv4-h4ppy · 5 months
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🥖 -> Kasane Teto (Utau & SynthV) Stimboard
📝 -> With Pokemon stims!
✏️ -> Requested by: @glitterpixiestims
📁 -> X - X - X | X - 🥖 - X | X - X - X
✉️ -> Requests: Open!
Uwaa this was kinda hard to do, I couldn't find any good stims (*´-`) sorry for taking so long btw!! Exams are killing me rn but I'll try to post more often
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madmutts · 1 year
I am in physical pain so I hope this isnt too shit- (/nf) not complaining btw I am just so- bleh
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Enjoy ur dress, have fun lookin at all the patterns- I also I was too tired to try and find ur eye color so I just went with blue- if anyone else wants a dress feel free to ask but do NOT expect it today- :'3
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YOUR ART IS SO GOOD.... <3 <3 <3 <3
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fyodior · 3 months
I've been thinking about how toji would tie you up with ropes and fuck you until you pass out ... (´//▽//`) He starts out with gently eating you out, then fingering you, then actual penetrative sex ... All the while getting so many orgasms out of you ... And you're so overwhelmed, you can't help it when you cry and wet yourself around him, but he doesn't stop !! 6ou feel so good to him ... Uwaa ...
When you pass out he doesn't stop immediately either! He makes sure you're full of his cum before cuddling beside you and letting you cockwarm him while you rest. To keep everything inside! He gets a wet dream about how you'll look pregnant with his child and the cycle repeats ... (●^▽^●)ゝ
- 🧸
he obviously loves when you're a willing participant in your dirty activities together, but there's just something about you being bound so tightly and unable to resist him that gets toji going fucking crazy... he can take his sweet time with your cunt, making out with it before shoving his wide fingers in it to prep it for his thick cock, absolutely loving the way you try to wriggle but can't.... he's essentially using you as a fuck toy, thrusting into you while you can't move or do anything about it. and it's so fucking hot to him. and it's so hot to you too... him going so feral for your pretty pussy makes your mind fuzzy until you're coming and coming from his fingers and his mouth and his cock to the point where you can't hold your bladder anymore and have an accident.... which only encourages big bad toji even more >:(
he absolutely will plug you up with his dick before both of you finally pass out, refusing to let even a drop of cum escape you. at that point you can't even remember what it feels like NOT to be full of toji's cock <3 (he wants u pregnant with all of his babies so bad but thats another conversation.........)
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millecrepe · 1 year
I thought the relay interview for the movie was cute so translation under the cut
Q. Please introduce yourself
Taisei: Thank you Kuwagon! In the role of Gira Husty, Sakai Taisei.
Aoto: I'll take you to the top like a grasshopper! In the role of Yanma Gast, I'm Watanabe Aoto.
Erica: Let's go! Scorpie <3 Playing Hymeno Ran, I'm Murakami Erica.
Yuzuki/Yuzuyan: The mirror of the people, in the role of Rita Kaniska, Hirakawa Yuzuki.
Masashi: Did you have a good dream? ~ Playing Jerami Brasieri, Ikeda Masashi "to sa ~" (or so it goes).
Q. What do you like about your character?
Taisei: He's always outright and full of emotions!
Aoto: I respect that air of distance he puts up with people.
Erica: The way she always gets involved and be kind.
Yuzuyan: Eeeeeh, they're intersting...
Souchan: Eeeeeh, he's cute!
Masashi: Umm, his elocution.
Q. If you became a king what would you like?
Taisei: To slack off.
Aoto: I want to eat delicious foods.
Erica: If I was a king that's it? I want to try out lots of different fashion/styles.
Yuzuyan: Eeee, er, I'd like to eat luxurious foods everyday.
Souchan: I want to end wars (make them disappear). (everyone: wwwwww)
Masashi: Eeer I want Doraemon as my retainer. (everyone: wooo)
Q. What kind of extraordinary power would you like?
Taisei: Is it as a king? Er... Manipulating time. (everyone: ohooo) (taisei makes extra gestures) (everyone: wwww)
Aoto: Umm, free control over weight.
Erica: A power that would let me travel to various place... A door to everywhere! (off screen: Wait is it okay to say??)
Yuzuyan: (laughs at Erica's question) Err, something simple, to fly!
Souchan: I want to eat honyaku konjac (t/n > ref to Doraemon "translation gummy" he wants to speak every language)
Masashi: I want to be a human car-wash (t/n > ?? if you know what he means teach me, "want to be like a bathtub or something")
Q. If you could change countries, which king would you like to be?
Taisei: Yanma Gast. His chivalry... I like it ✧
Aoto: Kaguragi Dibowsky! I want to eat delicious foods (editors: second time lol)
Erica: Rita Kaniska, I want to become very smart.
Yuzuyan: Hymeno Ran, I want to wear a cute dress :)
Souchan: Hymeno Ran, eer, I want to be very strong (macho sdkfjhskdf) (everyone: akjzhdfkshfdslkf is that right???)
Masashi: Hymeno Ran, I want to be/feel beautiful.
Q. What's your favourite episode?
Taisei: Waah eer, the 1st? Ye personally I liked the first when I showed resolve to stand up to Racules!
Aoto: The 10th! When Legend KingOhger appeared!
Erica: 17th, when Gira and Yanma clashed and bonded more.
Yuzuyan: The 16th, when we saw Rita's right eye, it's my fav.
Souchan: 15th when we got confused about Suzume.
Masashi: 11th I like the spider mask.
Q. Can you imitate your second in command?
Taisei: I'll do Racules!! King of Shugoddom, Racules Husty. I am the country. (everyone: wwwww souchan: so he's the second)
Aoto: (imitating Shiokara) Here comes! Detective Pillbug ~ (t/n > sorry I forgot the ref ;-;)
Erica: (rolling her fake mustache in the manner of Sebas) (editors: Sebastian??)
Yuzuyan: (imitating Morfonia) Rita ~
Souchan: (imitating Kuroda) LORD KAGURAGI!!
Masashi: (imitating Gerojim <3) Jeramiii... I think you are the most suitable to rule over Chikyu...
Q. Who would you take on a deserted island?
Taisei: Uwaa eer, Kaku-san! Like he's so kind, he would give me everything... (everyone: wooah)
Aoto: I would take Kaku-san too, I think he would have brought food with him.
Erica: For me a character, Yanma! I think he would develop/create something from nothing!
Yuzuyan: Kaku-san also, he would protect me.
Souchan: Myself! Like I'm pretty strong...
Masashi: Kaku-san! I want to become strong (macho) (everyone: wwwww)
Q. If you could travel to another world, what kind of place would you go?
Taisei: In the show? Ummmmm, I'd go to Toufu! Want to eat good food.
Aoto: Let's see. A world where we all talk the same language, all 7billion of humans. (everyone: waah)
Erica: A place with a lot of different sceneries... a world where I can explore like in a rpg.
Yuzuyan: Another world... eeeer, hmmmmmm, WAH HARD TO SAY (everyone: wwwww)
Souchan: I want to go to a world with the cutting-edge technology of N'Kosopa!
Masashi: A world where there's no timescape. (everyone: wooo)
Q. Tell us what you like about the person after you.
Taisei: (looks back) Chivalry (repeats it again)
Aoto: Her guts!
Erica: Very kind and cheerful person! (yuzuyan: peace sign)
Yuzuyan: His funny side (who laughs a lot)!
Souchan: The fact that he'll definitely laugh at even my most boring gag! (everyone: wwww masashi: who will)
Masashi: His cute side.
Q. Altogether, do a pose of the kingohgers getting along!
Everyone: (peace signs) Kuwagooon!
Q. Please do your Moffun's voice.
Everyone: Rittan (moffun's imitation)
Masashi: Let's do it in relay.
Taisei: Rittan... Rittan. Rita, I like you.
Aoto: Rittaaaaaaan wwwww (goes off embarrassed) (yuzuyan: that's not right wwww)
Erica: Rita is a genius.
Yuzuyan: Welcome back Rittan...
Souchan: Jerami Brasieri...
Masashi: Rittan I love you (aishiteru) (yuzuyan: no that's too much)
Q. Expose something cute from a cast member.
Taisei: Eeeee?? Um Aoto, he seperates his lunch in half (half and half) (everyone: wwww)
Aoto: Ikeda-kun's reaction when a moth came flying. (imitates his fright) (everyone: wwww souchan: right right!)
Erica: Yuzuyan when she forgot her gloves (imitates flustered yuzuyan) (everyone: www yuzuyan: it's true!!)
Yuzuyan: Eee hm that's difficult (erica: ye right?) eeeer let's see... Taisei, when he made a mistake "SORRY SORRY"
Souchan: Aoto in the Line gc "ah shoot I drank a little and I cried reading the script..." so he said (everyone: gibberish agreeing laughing at aoto)
Masashi: Souchan's hm. When Souchan overreacted to a gag "THERE'S NO WAY THAT HAPPENED" line (everyone: wwww)
Q. Invite fans on a date to see the Kingohger movie.
Taisei: (gets close and winks) I'm waiting on the other side... (everyone: woooooo)
Aoto: Come (t/n > I'm sorry he just said 'koi yo' I'm howling)
Erica: (tsun) It's not like I want to go with you or anything... (taisei: wah)
Yuzuyan: Let's watch the movie. (plain)
Souchan: (playing cute) So hm I got two tickets and not really have anybody to go with, would you like to go together? (everyone: oh that's a good way around wwww)
Masashi: Let's (nah) I'm appearing (in the movie) won't you come together with me?
Q. Give us a reason to go see the movie.
Taisei: A thrilling and magnificent fantasy!
Aoto: The Gira fight at the climax where we all 6 unite!
Erica: The set is so extravagant/impressive it has great impact!
Yuzuyan: The super cool cast!!
Souchan: You'll get to learn about the 6 kings' past, it's so good!
Masashi: When we cross to the world of the dead, you'll definitely cry!!
(everyone gets in position) Go watch the movie!!! (waves at the camera)
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