#so he'll probably be really handsome when he gets to be human again! right? that's how it works. he'll be handsome.
Gerard, who hasn’t seen his human form since before puberty and who’s only skills are running from danger and overconfident bluster: of course i’ll be a handsome prince when we break the curse i’ll be so handsome i will look so cool and strong and handsome
Elody: okay sure
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masiola · 1 year
How Lucifer, Mammon and Leviathan would react to MC coming home drunk, calling them handsome and asking them out (even though they are already dating lol).
Contents warning: intoxication, alcohol, flirting
A/N: I wasn't sure if I should make this brothers x MC or x reader. Reading back on this, it's not my best work 😭
MC goes clubbing with a few demon friends from RAD. They finally find a drink that affects them, and let's just say they go way overboard. The drinks slowly start to take effect, by the time they get back to the HoL they are completely out of it. They barely make it to the stairs in the lobby, loosing their balance and grabbing onto the handrail for dear life. This causes an onset of giggles and laughter that alerts one of the brothers.
Lucifer is not impressed. He's going to lecture MC in the morning because all that matters right now is getting them to bed. He'll probably humour them or say something he normally wouldn't because they won't remember it the next day.
"Who's making so much noise this late at ni-" He comes storming in. His expression softens slightly when he sees MC.
"Hello handsome~"MC winks.
"You should stop talking or you might say something you regret tomorrow." SIGHS. He picks them up into his arms so it's easier to take them to their room.
"Oh really? Then I have a question."
"Yes?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Will you go out with me?"
"You're a mess MC let's get you to bed." He grumbles
"Am not! I can walk by myself and you didn't answer my question!" MC huffs.
"Okay, show me." He let's go of MC and crosses his arms.
"Watch this."
MC walks relatively straight but walks into the wall. Lucifer pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs deeply.
"Come on dear, let's get you to bed."
"Skipping straight to bed? You're bold."
"That's if you can handle it." He smirks.
MC happily takes his hand and leads him to their room. As soon as MC gets on the bed, they pass out. Lucifer chuckles softly.
"Sweet dreams MC." He whispers kissing the top of their head.
Mammon would become serious here because he wants to make sure his human is safe.
"Jeez MC, how much did ya drink?" He sighs.
"C'mon on up ya get." He carefully picks them up off the ground.
"Mammon can I ask you a question?"
"Do you want to go out with me?"
"MC yer drunk..."
"Is that a no to going out with me?" MC sulks and tears threaten to fall down their face.
"Huh? N-no! MC listen. Yer beautiful, kind and amazing in every way. I-l like ya a lot 'kay. So please just cooperate with me for a bit until we get ya to yer room." He stops walking to look them in the eyes, caressing their cheek with his thumb.
"Alright...babygirl." They smile cheekily at the nickname, before erupting with laughter.
"N-now why'd ya call me that?!" He yells, hiding his blush because he secretly enjoyed it. Will he ask you to call him babygirl again? Probably.
Removes MCs makeup if they're wearing any, and helps to change them into something more comfy, maybe one of his t-shirts.
He gets really worried and panics a little.
"MC? What's so funny? OMG are you okay?!" He helps them stand up
MC looks up. "Oh hello, handsome." They smile sweetly causing Levi to blush.
"S-stop that! Let's just get you into bed." He holds MC by the waist, helping them up the stairs.
"Levi...I want to ask you something."
"Do you want to go out with me?"
"MC! We're a-already dating!! Don't you remember?" He's flustered at how bold they are right now. MC stops walking to look at him dumbfounded and proceeds to kiss him on the cheek.
"I must be the luckiest human ever!" They cheer.
"That's not true you could do so much better." He mumbles under his breath.
"Nonsense I only want you!" MC pouts.
"Speaking of... we're sleeping in your bed right? So we can be nice and close to each other." They smile innocently.
"MC!" He feels like his heart is going to explode.
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Hello!!! =D
This follows from Part 1
Warning: long post 😊😅
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Oh you're still here 😶
Honestly, I was really liking his character right up till he said this. He was nice, friendly, and yes, a little invasive, but as long as Peem didn't mind, I was okay. But we all know how a love rival saying these words go in BLs, so when he said this, alarms went off in my head. And he continued flirting. Which is not okay. I know Peem doesn't really mind, but still. Kluen, you are a mostly decent human, but please take a rejection as it's supposed to be taken.
Also, when he says he's handsome and rich, and Peem jokes about how much he's willing to "invest", Peem says "Phum is handsome, too." No mention of his money. If Phum heard this, he'd be jumping and squealing, but it also tells us that Peem cares fuck all about how rich Phum is. Which will probably help Phum gain more confidence in this love.
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Who the fuck cares. 🙂
Listen, as I said in my previous post, I'd decided to ignore the parents because they didn't deserve any attention, but when he stopped Fang from going after Phum, I was furious. That is nothing compared to what I felt in this scene. You ruined his childhood, gave him trauma that he'll never be able to fully leave behind, gave Fang trauma too, and then you dare to ask him why he doesn't talk to you? You have the audacity to keep pestering him even after he says he has something to do? And now you're ruining his adult life too. With all due respect, which is absolutely none: fuck. off.
@almayver I'm really thinking of writing that fic. 🙂
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I love this friend group so much.
The moment Q says Peem is sad they all barge into his house to cheer him up, no hesitation. They don't demand to know the whys and hows (Q does, but he already knows), just settle in comfortable and loudly, and be their chaotic selves. This reminds us that despite all the flirting and cheesy lines and hugging and kissies, friendship will always be a priority for these group of friends.
And let's be honest, Peem expected Aunt Pui, and we all expected Phum. This was a very nice surprise.
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All this time, Peem wasn't upset Phum was late. He was worried about Phum.
This was the scene that made me cry. We Are was supposed to be a simple romcom. WHAT IS THIS THEN.
I just- I really have nothing to say here, they said it all.
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They both did what they did and are feeling what they are because they're important to each other.
Phum did it because he didn't want to ruin Peem's big day again. And Peem is upset and worried because he thinks he might not be Phum's safe space anymore.
Peem's reaction tells me that maybe he was over the moon last episode when he could provide comfort to Phum. And he's very very glad that at least with him, Phum can be himself. This incident makes him question that, which leads him to questioning their entire relationship. Phum himself said (many times in various ways) that Peem makes him feel good and warm and comfortable, and he's not lonely anymore. But... if Peem isn't that to Phum anymore, then what is he?
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This is one of the best love confessions Thai BL has ever given me.
I have nothing else to say. This has already given us all enough emotional damage.
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This reminds me of that textpost: "Caught giving a fuck. Embarrassing."
Love that Q has already accepted Phum hehe. You know your man is good when he's bestie-approved.
Love even more how he's giving the cold shoulder to Phum and then defending him to Peem 😭
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Well he did, but apparently your ears were "muffled".
Also- love this scene.
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I mean, I get him though, who the hell would be able to say no to Phum's "please? 🥺"
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Just putting this here 'cause I happened to pause at the right moment and this scene is beautiful and very pretty. <3
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I missed Matt (JJ) and his impeccable sense of humour so bad
Every group is incomplete without a Matt hehe
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If I had a rupee for every time a couple kissed at this booth, I'd have two rupees, which is nothing, but it's strange it happened twice.
Another very beautiful scene. <33
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He says that as if he isn't squealing and giggling inside. But. FINALLY. OUR PATIENCE HAS BEEN REWARDED, THEY'RE FINALLY DATING!!!!
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OOH flower bouquet kiss hehe
Reminds me of QToey tote bag kiss
Next ep:
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Portrait drawing?!!
Anyways, that's all for this week, see you next ep!
If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have some ice cream 🍨
My We Are posts.
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aerkame · 1 year
Just noticed we weren't giving enough attention to Finfolk Wally'(cause Howdy is just so fkabfoenodj) so is there any fun facts you can share about Finfolk Wally?
You are so right, I have not been giving the star of the island any attention at all! Even though I still think Howdy is a very handsome dude-
It is no secret at all the most if not ALL finfolk are vain with their looks. This is based on the lore surrounding the reason they have such an obsession with marrying humans.
Wally is especially careful with styling his hair and picking the best outfit each day to match. Sure, he might wear the same suit a lot or just the same suit in another color, but sometimes he likes to mix things up and wear his down. It's something between being wavy and curly. Usually he lets Julie style it if it's down since she's used to it from her job on the mainland. He even wears seashells and other ocean-themed accessories in it!
Being vain will of course mean he wears makeup (surprisingly). Usually it's just eyeliner and light eye shadow though to really make his eyes stand out.
May whatever god you pray to save you if you so much as ruin his hair. You will NOT come out of that unscathed. Even Sally thinks Wally tends to go too far when he's angered at someone. Though she can't say much considering she's the same way if you ruin her claws nails.
Obviously he's got a giant ego to match. If you really want to hurt him, aim for his ego. But then again, that will probably land you 6 feet under.
He isn't the violent type, much. It's just finfolk nature when it comes down to it. Most finfolk are even considered evil at birth when compared to other creatures. The residents of Home might be a bit different from the rest though. They can be truly kind...only to each other or anyone else that lives on the island. Just about everyone else on the outside are given the fake smiles and double-edged kindness.
Wally of course is second to the most "kindest" of them all. Poppy being the first and genuinely kindest.
When on mainland, he'll put up a friendly and welcoming 'can-do' attitude for others when really he just wants to punt whichever puppet dares to step in front of him. Usually if he is so well disguised not even other finfolk know it's him Wally will really let his aggressive nature take over. But that's wishful thinking. He's usually stuck with being an on-off art teacher for college and elementary students (he hates rowdy teens with a burning passion). Usually seeing the adorable children in a classroom is what brings out a rare calmness in him. He took note that children have the same effect on Howdy. Perhaps he wanted to be a father too.
He hopes to be a dad one day, but for now, seeing kids be happy to go wild with paint is all he needs.
When Wally returns to Home he always spills the tea while sipping literal tea. He likes his wine, but tea is the most beloved by him. Sometimes Wally will even add in drops of a potion that he and Howdy had brewed together. It's usually stress relief or magical enhancers.
It's when he meets you on the mainland does the thought of kids come up again. He rarely ever has a tolerance to puppets outside of Home, but you? How could he ever pass up the chance to get the perfect life? No longer does he have a fake smile around others, and no longer is he as aggressive as he was before. It's like what happened to Eddie when he met Frank. He loves you so much it hurts. He has to bring you back with him no matter what.
Home thinks it's a great idea.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Platonic obey me brothers reaction to MC dating Solomon?
Absolutely! I also added that brothers have a little crush on MC while discovering they're dating Solomon since I LIVE for ANGST~ (hope you don't mind) but despite that, I hope you'll enjoy this <3
Brothers react to reader dating Solomon
TagList: @indi-has-fallen @vodka-glrl @miya-akane
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⊱ Lucifer really thought that you know your own value but... is Solomon really your best choice?
⊱ at first he really tried to find some rational reasons why you could fall for him but as much as he tried, it didn't work
"What is it that they see in him? Let me think... high status, good at magic, troublemaker, always interrupting, loud... no, I don't know what they see in him."
⊱ yeah, he don't understands it all...
⊱ also, he'll never admit it but he does feel like you could've done better, he's not feeling angry or jealous, he just thinks you could do better than dating troublemaker like him
⊱ sure, he'd much prefer if you dated him but someone else who's reliable and little serious would definitely be much better for role of your lover
⊱ whenever you tell him about your recent date, he'd always find something to complain about and it always has to do with your boyfriend
⊱ honestly, if you'd get 1 grimm for every time he "sercretly" suggested you break up with him, you'd be like a millionaire right now
"That doesn't sound like enjoyable date to me. Although everyone have their preferences, I assume..."
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⊱ you don't know how sad Mammon was when he discovered that you're dating sorcerer, of course if you told him yourself then you probably did since he's really bad at pretending he doesn't care
⊱ for first couple of days after discovering that, he probably avoided you and if you'd ask him about it, he'd say he simply has some business to do
"What ya mean I'm avoiding ya?! THE Mammon simply has business to do! Those sweet money don't come that easily, ya know?"
⊱ he probably won't admit it but the truth it, he'll give up every single grimm he has just to be at that sorcerer human place
⊱ I swear if you ever be all lovey dovey with Solomon while he's watching, he'll start making disgusting face or maybe even leave the room
⊱ suprisingly tho, he never insulted your boyfriend around you just because he's dating you, sure, he made some face of disgust but he usually is nice compared to some of his other brothers
⊱ I dare you to tell him about your date and he'll start complaining sooo much about it
"Alright, well I don't really care about that stupid date of yours! C'mon don't waste my time and let's do what we supposed to in the first place!"
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⊱ looking at fact that Levi is literally Avatar of Envy, you can only imagine how much jealousy he felt in that moment
⊱ boy literally can't sleep at night because he's thinking if he's really worse that Solomon
⊱ trust me when I say that he actually tried to find some points putting him in better light but he ended up understanding why you picked human sorcerer over him...
⊱ that doesn't change the fact that he can't sleep at night, he still can't but instead of thinking he just feels sad and maybe game all night to focus on something else
"Am I really that bad...? I mean I must be better than Solomon at least! He's talented, smart, handsome, successful... yeah, no, I am worse..."
⊱ this boo is on his phone basically all the time and when your partner is around, he's not even looking up from his phone, even if it's just staring on his wallpaper
⊱ of course he'd prefer if you'd just broke up with him but then again, you're always so nice to him so there's no way HE will bring his friend down
⊱ so if you ever try telling him about your date, he'll be silent and just add from time to time something like "oh yeah, that's nice"
"That's nice... have a nice date then, I assume... I will just... play in my room... alone..."
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⊱ again, someone who's sin affects his reaction, as an Avatar of Wrath, Satan will be furious when he discovered you're dating the sorcerer
⊱ although obviously he tried to control himself since he doesn't want to scare you away and that wouldn't be very polite of him, so as much as he hates it, he's trying it be calm
⊱ don't be surprised if he randomly leaves tho, better that then him yelling at you or your boyfriend
"That's one way to suffer in your life... No, I'm not complaining or anything. You're free to do anything you want."
⊱ he'll try to not say anything mean when your partner is around but he will send him some states filled with pure madness from time to time
⊱ unlike others, he doesn't even try to find some positives in Solomon but he still sees why you'd choose him
⊱ as much as he'd like to just beat up say mean stuff to your partner, he also wouldn't want to harm your opinion on him
⊱ alright but talking to him about your date is something he definitely won't be able to handle so he'll probably just straight up tell you that he's not interested
"Sorry to brak it up to you but I don't have slightest interest in your date."
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⊱ finally, one of the boys who's actually supportive of your relationship even tho it hurts him
⊱ Asmo definitely was you biggest supporter when you told him you're dating sorcerer, like he accepted it easily or even knew from beginning that you're going to be together
⊱ of course on every sleepover with him, he absolutely has to ask you everything about your boyfriend
⊱ part of him just likes the gossips and the other just wants to make sure he's treating you like you deserve
"Alright, hon, we're having sleepover at my room today! How's that, huh?"
⊱ his behavior doesn't really change much after you found a new boyfriend, sure, he is slightly less affectionate with you but that's really it
⊱ as you can imagine, he's all in for listening about how your date went and even will give you some nice recommendations on to where to have another one
"Let me think... Do you want date in formal or fun style? If formal, I'd mostly suggest you ask Beel for restaurants recommendations... If fun then I might just have couple of places in mind~"
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⊱ another one that's completely supportive despite being sad you didn't choose him
⊱ Beel won't ask for any details but he'll gladly listen to what you have to say about your new lover
"Congratulations! I'm happy that both of you are now happy together!"
⊱ it's a little different when telling him about your date, he'll ask for details just to make sure you had a great time there
⊱ I know he's sweet and all but let me tell you something: he WILL beat up Solomon if he hurts you, if not then he's safe!
⊱ he doesn't really act any different towards you or your partner, he's still his same and usual sweet self
⊱ although he is more hungry and always has to snack on something when you start talking about your boyfriend but he's telling you it's just his gluttony
⊱ while that's not fully a lie, it's also not complete truth, he also prefers to have something else to focus on, as much as he enjoys listening how happy you are in your relationship, it also makes him sad it's not him
"Ah? About your date? Yeah, of course you can tell me about it! I'd be glad to listen! Just let me grab some snacks first."
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⊱ I'm so sure Belphie would be last one to know about your relationship, like maybe he just slept through your monologue about you getting a boyfriend
⊱ but once he finally discovers that, he'll act like he completely don't care but looking at how much he naps, it's easy to say that it's a lie
⊱ whenever you even try to start the topic of your boyfriend, he'll simply reply that he's too lazy to listen and much rather to take a nap
"Are you gonna ramble? Alright, then you ramble and I'll take a nap. Goodnight."
⊱ it's even worse when you try to tell him about your date, if you start, he's ready to even leave the room
⊱ change in his behavior really will depend on how close you were before you started dating Solomon
⊱ if you were close then nothing will change except him randomly falling asleep when topic of your boyfriend starts, but if you weren't so close them he's slightly distancing himself from you
⊱ similar to Beel tho: your boyfriend hurts you and he hurts him but unlike his twin, he's not afraid to tell that to his face
"Tell me if he will ever do something to you. I'll make sure to have some chat with him if he does."
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tellodona · 8 months
hello hiii dcd anon (i’ll just use 🤡 anon from now on its easier) here, i hope i’m not making too many requests i’m very sorry if i am
a thought i’ve had for like a while is how demon skin works like, i feel like it’s less stretchy and soft to the touch than human skin because demons are simply just tougher, and also it heals faster. so what i am trying to get at is that demons probably don’t have like stretch marks? it rarely gets to a point their skin would do such a thing and even if it does it heals very fast so it’s not ever acknowledged.
so what about mc with like an abundance of stretch marks? like i can somewhat confidently say at least 15% of my body is just purple lines everywhere so i wonder how would the brothers react to that? once again sorry if i’m doing too many requests
it's alright ! all your requests are so fun to do so don't feel bad about them ! they're topics that i really like learning about
the brothers with an mc who has stretch marks
heads up: gn!mc, hc that demons and angels alike get stretch marks when overworking
is probably curious about it
"so you're telling me humans don't smoothen out their skin easily? i see, i see"
probably doesn't even care, if you're still alive even with that abundant of stretch marks, there shouldn't be any problems
he might think it's a condition you're not telling him though
he'll try to rub pride on you if you're insecure about them
you're great just the way you are, mc. your appearance isn't going to change the person you are today
"what the hell happened to ya?????"
pretends he isn't worried, but he totally is
he'd ask a lot about how you got them because as far as he knew, demons get them when doing lotsa strenuous work
so at first he'd say you're stupid and to stop overworking
when you probably tell him it's not because of that he blanks
he'll understood soon enough
but he'll bark at people who'd look at you weirdly
he raises an eyebrow at you
dang, what happened?
wouldn't speak it out though, afraid you're insecure and you'd dislike him
if you're self-conscious about it and see someone with "better" skin than you, he'd feel envy off of you right off the bat
he'd try to comfort you as much as he can
he likes sewing, so if you're insecure, he'd sew some clothes for you to make you feel better and look "prettier"
you're already pretty/handsome/great/awesome/good in his eyes, mc
"i've read humans don't heal easily like demons, but i didn't expect this..."
he didn't mean it in a bad way, though. he'd have to assure you, he's just curious
he thinks it makes you prettier, because it's unique on you
encourages you to accept yourself, because these don't make you less beautiful
he turns demons who make fun of you into shreds behind your back
oh, sweetheart! those marks look so beautiful!
this man sees art in everything, so it's like seeing some intricate designs on your body, and he absolutely loves it
he offers you some soothing lotions though, because he knows they're not normal
if you're insecure about it, he'll absolutely fight you because honey, you're so beautiful!
you shouldn't think that way, it makes him sad
spa days bi-weekly to help soothe your marks
he destroys every demon's social lives when they make fun of you even just once
oh, you have marks, mc?
he sometimes gets them when he exercises a lot, so it's nothing new to him
but why aren't they going away for you
oh right, you're human
you look nothing different to him, anyway, it doesn't matter to him
he'd eat the people who'd look at you wrong
this is why you should always nap with him, mc, now look, you've got marks-
oh, they've always been there on you?
he'd grimace since he sees stretch marks as a sign of lack of sloth, but he wouldn't judge you
would always use it as an excuse to cuddle with you though
demons looking at you wrong? eternal sleep, it is
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neerons · 3 months
Kind of curious about what you think of Yuzuru. In terms of him as a character, his storyline, and his friendship with Kaz and Kei.
Hi there!
[Warning: Mentions of a spoiler from Yuzuru's S3]
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What do I think of Yuzuru's route and characterization?
I will be discussing this more in depth in my character analysis on Yuzuru, but I think Yuzuru has a lot to offer and is equally as interesting as the other LIs!!
Years ago when the title started releasing, Kazuomi had instantly caught my attention, followed by Kei and the Boss who was way too mysterious and handsome to be ignored.
When it comes to Yuzu, I didn't focus on him right away simply because I usually need more time to develop an interest for "cold" characters like him. But back then I didn't know I would become obsessed with this title, so I fell into the abyss and checked out Yuzu's story as well soon after Kazuomi and maybe even Kei, and he then became as interesting to me.
Out of the 3S's, he's the most difficult to approach in his MS and it's harder to really bond with him at first. He basically doesn't give you any space in his heart for you to occupy. He wouldn't give you the time of day if it weren't beneficial for him to have you.
This is why, in the universe of MK, he was probably the hardest target to ever approach for MC. She had to hope she'd be able to see him again to continue her mission, otherwise she'd have been in trouble.
Because compared to Kei and Kazuomi who themselves gave her a reason to meet again, she had to go find Yuzu herself with an excuse that could have failed.
Also, what I appreciate in a way is that he truly is a "cold" character when you first meet him. His words are cold and sharp. His attitude is also pretty shocking at first. And he's not just someone who acts cold for a specific reason.
Being almost robotic and set in his ways is just part of his persona. And he doesn't mean to be cold, he just is, because of his own overly logical mind.
It makes him practically inaccessible, which makes the challenge even more worth it at the end, when you finally find the way to his heart and get to see his human, emotional self.
He is also extremely well developed throughout his stories. I'm currently re reading every MS for the guys' character analyses, and although I didn't re read Yuzu's S3 yet, from what I remember, this is the season that had a lot of moments I loved in his development.
Especially the part about him choosing MC over Victoria... This is the kind of thing that can make me cry 🤣
One thing I also really like about Yuzu's personality is that he is very realistic. I wouldn't know how to explain it, but the way he forces himself to be constantly logical and rejects his emotions at first is something some of us might have experienced, when we try to take the "right" decisions.
Something extremely realistic too in my opinion is the fact that his actions speak louder than any words. Personally, I was raised by a father who is like that, so I really enjoy seeing how Yuzu's personality is depicted. And I appreciate that despite how bad he is at conversing, he'll try his best to communicate with the woman he loves and will work for the relationship just as much as her.
Speaking of MC, what I absolutely love is how Yuzu always respects her and learns to rely on her, even in other routes. (Although all the LIs respect her, it feels even more meaningful with Yuzu due to his personality and the way he used to treat women).
He redeemed himself pretty well after recognizing he didn't compromise enough in their relationship and said he'd respect her more. I absolutely love that side of him. The way he is able to see his own mistakes and then acts to fix his poor attitude shows how truly intelligent and mature he is.
His friendship with Kazuomi & Kei
Now, when it comes to his relationship with Kazu and Kei, I really REALLY love how they all came to meet and share a bond.
Because if we think about it more in depth, how the hell did these three manage to become friends when they're practically opposites!?
We have Kazuomi who is so free-spirited he does whatever he wants, is also hedonistic and can socialize very easily.
Then there's Kei, worshipped by many because of his nobility and charming, angelic looks. Also a social butterfly and can learn anything he wants about anyone.
And finally Yuzu, who focuses all his senses on his work, sucks at handling conversations and understanding others. Hates anyone nosy who might disturb his perfectly organized schedule and lifestyle.
Let's just say that for Yuzu, Kei and Kazuomi simply sound like his worst nightmare. However, they both become extremely important people in his life later on without him even realizing it, when they were simply supposed to share a transactional relationship.
What I personally really love that they all complete each other. While for Yuzu conversing is not really his forte, he has Kei and Kazuomi serving as examples and means to build his network.
As extremely observant people, his friends are also here to notice Yuzu's troubles and help him out even if he insists he doesn't need it. They often make him realize things he doesn't see himself when it comes to his own emotions.
The pattern I love the most in their friendship is whenever Kazu and Kei tease Yuzu 🥺❤ He's just so easy to annoy, I can see why they'd be tempted to do that, since they are both so easy-going and relaxed compared to him, who is always so uptight.
I love when they manage to make him frown just as much as them hahaha:
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As I mentioned, I will be working on analysing it all better and more in depth in their character analyses, but I hope I satisfied your curiosity for now!
Thank you for the ask, and have an amazing day! ❤
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newkittypoom · 1 month
i am absolutely having thoughts about how karan wongkarun probably grew up his entire life feeling unseen, for all that he's always been popular and the center of attention, it has always felt like wearing a theatre mask.
everyone looks at him and sees the shell of him. "oh, what a pretty face," they all say and that's all karan is to them. even with 7 consecutive years of best employee awards, sometimes he's not sure if the other staff at the company realize that he's more than just "that good-looking guy in sales". but then again, when he goes home, he's just karan, the model son, the one who dabbles in strange interests sometimes but always returns back to the right track. so he doesn't expect much from people who aren't even his parents.
it's no surprise that he fell for achi, really. it makes sense that karan would fall, headfirst, crashing so hard that he can't make sense of the world without achi anymore, after that disastrous night with kun kem and the sales team seniors. after all, he's always ached to be seen, to be known, to be understood and achi is perhaps the first person who has ever made him feel that way, that he isn't just a vapid face breezing by comfortably in life with no direction, carried by luck and human fondness for what counts as a handsome face.
when he finds out that achi can read his mind, he's surprised achi was ever even worried in the first place. the sense of overwhelming bliss and rightness that settles in his gut is immediate. the idea that someone heard everything that was going on inside his head and didn't flinch away, but drew closer to him instead? the words asking achi to move in form faster than he can think to hold them back.
the days that come after that are a dream within a dream. achi doesn't shy away or get sick of him no matter how many times he says "i love you". there are never any requests for time alone or for karan to keep his hands to himself, so that achi can finally have some peace. the voice that karan has learnt to smother away inside his head can run free, nattering at a mile a minute and he's never told, "karan, please keep quiet" or met with a stretch of uninterested silence.
every time karan reaches out to connect to achi, he's greeted with quiet, shy pleasure. it's mind boggling. the novelty of being so wholly accepted and loved doesn't wear off.
but being loved doesn't heal all wounds. and as much as karan relishes in being loved by achi, he can't help the niggling voice at the back of his head that whispers, "no one likes a crybaby, karan. stop those tears now." especially after achi moves back into his own house, even if it was at karan's suggestion and for practical reasons. after getting a taste of achi's unconditional acceptance, karan wants to be even better. he wants to be good, the best.
when achi pushes about loy krathong and tries to touch him, karan reflexively hides. he's not mad. he really isn't. the logical part of him has all the reasons lined up inside his head, and he knows he isn't angry with achi for things beyond their control. it would be ridiculous. but that doesn't change the fact that he's sad. he feels all of four years old again, stifling his tears because "at a party, karan? you should know better." and he should. he should know better than to feel sad at the thought of parting with the one person who has ever made him feel like a human being, not a human doing. it's not even about loy krathong. karan is just incredibly sad to be apart from achi and he doesn't know how to handle it.
his ignorance costs him. achi excuses himself and leaves and a part of karan feels devastated. he wants to immediately run after achi, to grab him, and offer him unfettered access to karan's mind again. if that's what achi wants, if that's what will bring him back, karan would do it. never mind the gulf of sadness that he doesn't know how to set aside. he'll do anything to get away from the bone aching absence of achi from his life.
instead, like a dog that's been perfectly trained, karan follows his pavlovian reaction and stays quiet. he doesn't push to reconnect with achi. he doesn't reach out to apologize. all he knows how to do is give achi space. he is always too much, more than what people want of him, so he has to swallow all his words and keep them inside, and never let a single peep slip out. the only way he knows how to do that with someone who knows how to read his mind is to stay away, even if it's at odds with everything he wants to do. he knows better than to force the subject.
but achi isn't karan's parents and he's never wanted to file off karan's sharp edges. when karan confesses to his sadness, achi doesn't blink at it or frown. that sends a thrilling realization through karan that perhaps, even if he really is all of his ugly, jagged pieces of himself, achi will still love him.
it's not a cure-all miracle, but it's a start and it gives karan the confidence that there might really not be anything about himself abhorrent enough for achi to ignore until karan fixes it by hiding it away.
every little message or update that achi sends him from nakhon si thammarat reassures him that achi isn't going anywhere, that there is nothing he can do to drive his beloved away. when achi does his best to make it for their promised video calls, even when he looks absolutely exhausted, it silences the voices in karan's head. all karan has ever wanted was for his love to be seen and reciprocated, if not in full then perhaps as much as the other could do.
achi makes karan feel like his love is worth fighting for, like his love is something that motivates and strengthens, not something that needs to be controlled and moderated.
ANYWAY this got way out of hand and ended up more like a drabble than some lighthearted meta about my karan feels. i also absolutely do think that if anybody regrets achi no longer being able to read minds, its karan. not to the degree that he would sacrifice any aspect of their relationship to have it back or to not have lost it in the first place, but i do think karan will always be nostalgic for the idea of someone being able to read him so completely just by touching him and still loving him anyway :-) thank goodness achi knows him and continues to get to know him and still loves him anyway
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not-a-space-alien · 1 year
K&J x MMSS 3: Kane & Valen Part 10
Chapter 10 of the third crossover with @whumpsday!
K&J masterlist
MMSS masterlist
K&J x MMSS crossover masterlist
Warnings:  Aftermath of torture
To be added to the taglist, contact @whumpsday
In this chapter:
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It's apparent Valen will be able to speak again any day now. Jim tries to hide it, albeit unsuccessfully, but he's nervous about the situation. But he knows that his own anxieties shouldn’t trump Valen’s comfort. If Valen hasn’t used persuasion on him through writing, he won’t use it through speech, right?
"Just so you know, I'm not gonna bother with the muzzle,” Jim tells him. “We're cool, right?" 
Valen's heart swells. Jim is so very brave. We're so cool, Jim. He gives two thumbs up, then shapes his hands into a heart. I'll show you there's nothing to be anxious about. Thank you for trusting me.
Jim smiles and makes a heart right back. "Awesome."
He’s been having a lot of thoughts about the situation. Holding just Kane here would be different, because that would be fair. Kane kept him, he keeps Kane. But Valen is innocent. He's holding an innocent person captive, and he hates that. But if he lets Valen go, he'll obviously take Kane, and he's still worried about Kane taking a human.
But his worries about Kane taking a human are... low. Normally he'd think I can't take that chance even if it's small. But now, not taking that chance involves imprisoning an innocent person.
Well, it’s not really imprisonment if Valen could just use persuasion, right?
Maybe Kane is less likely to take another human than he’d thought.
Valen's vocal cords heal enough to speak later that day. It happens when Valen instinctually clears his throat and finds that it makes a sound.
"Oh?" he says, and finds that the exclamation comes out aloud as well. "K-Kane, my dear!" He grins widely and rushes to Kane to hug him.
Kane wraps his arms around Valen, lifts him into the air, and spins him around. "Valen! Your voice!" he exclaims with a huge smile.
Valen revels in being spun before Kane puts him down, and he immediately decides what to do next. Announcing his good fortune to Kane had been the first thing he'd wanted to do when he got his voice back, but he knows the second thing: He quickly gathers up the clothes he and Kane had been making for Jim, which were just about done, and rushes to go find Jim. 
Kane trails behind him as Valen tromps upstairs, now healthy enough to get around on his own at a moderate pace, and finds Jim in the living room.
"Hey, what's up?" Jim asks.
Valen holds up the outfit they'd made for him. He’d previously asked Jim's favorite color and taken his measurements, so the gift is probably not entirely a surprise. It's in the style of vampire nobility formal wear, not at all Jim's style and probably gauche from his perspective, but Valen is proud of it. It's a white ruffled top with a brocade vest, the pattern Jim's favorite color, and black slacks. There's also space for a pocket watch, but obviously Valen didn't have one or the ability to make one.
Voice still low and hoarse, to keep from straining it too much, Valen says, "Kane and I made you a gift, as a thanks for letting us stay here."
Oh, it's so not Jim's style, but he's very touched by the thought that went into it. He takes it gingerly. "First of all, congrats on talking again! This is awesome, thank you both. This must've taken you guys a while."
"Valen's been teaching me how to sew!" Kane interjects proudly.
"That's great, Kane," Jim says with a smile.
"Try it on!" Valen enthuses, oblivious to the fact that wearing this is about as in character for Jim as wearing a trash bag.
Jim laughs. "Okay, yeah, I gotta try it on, right?" He shoos them out of the room while he changes, then goes to show them, posing exaggeratedly.
Valen claps his hands to his chest and sighs, like a proud mother. "Ooh, you look so handsome." He reaches out and straightens the cravat. "My mother was so disappointed when I started wearing clothes like this. She was infatuated with the beautiful dresses Priscus always got for me.” His voice is getting tired quickly, but he’s caught up in the euphoria of being able to talk again. “Sometimes I wonder if it would have been more fulfilling for her to have a baby doll than a child." His hands falter. "Well–well, I'm not sure to what events you could possibly wear this, but you look quite handsome. I'd love to make something for Liz as well, but I'm not sure if she wears dresses or something more like this."
"Sorry your mom didn't respect you." Jim says sympathetically. "I don't think I've seen Liz in a dress since she was like, eleven. But I'm sure she'd rock whatever you make her."
Valen beams. "We should have a party. You and Liz can invite whatever friends you like, and Kane, you can invite your lovely friend Bellamy, it sounds like he has lots of human friends as well, and I..." Valen trails off as he realizes he doesn't really have anyone to invite. The pause also makes him stop to actually consider what he'd just proposed, as though just now only realizing why it might be a bad idea. "Well, well it was just an idea. I shall ask Liz what she would like me to make her next time she is over."
"Bellamy's not my-" Kane starts, realizing Valen must have a very different impression of his relationship with the childhood friend he’s spoken to exactly once in the past century.
"Valen, you're great, but I think if there's any more vampires in this house, I'll have a heart attack," Jim says gently. "We can probably get Liz and Laken over for something, though."
Valen blushes. "Of course. I apologize, it was insensitive of me to suggest." He gives a polite little bow. "But that sounds lovely, I would certainly love to meet Laken."
"Laken's a hunter, just so you guys know,” Jim warns, wanting to avoid any more freaking out. “Liz's partner. They're cool, they won't hurt you.”
The smile drops from Kane's face and he whimpers, clinging to Valen.
"Or maybe not," Jim amends. "It can just be the four of us."
Valen gives Kane some taps. "Kane, dear, come now. Liz has been so generous to us. It would be unfair for us to shun her partner. Do you think someone like Liz, who would feed us, would partner with someone who would be cruel to us? Can you picture Liz doing anything like-" Valen breaks off, eyeing Jim, walking back the grisly details he was about to divulge. "-that?"
Kane hesitates. Yes, yes I can picture that. Liz hates me, she only likes you. If you weren't here I am 99% sure she would hurt me. “...Okay. If, if you think it'll be safe, then, then okay." he settles with.
"Laken's cool, I promise." Jim gives a thumbs-up. "Then it'll be the five of us. Laken has a karaoke machine, I think. Maybe you can use your new voice on that."
Valen taps Kane three times, like he had before when he couldn’t speak. "It will be nice, my dear, I'm sure it will. And you want Liz to like you, right? If you can get Laken to like you, I'm sure that will win her favor. After all, a good relationship with someone's partner is a sure shortcut to getting on their good side." This with a wink at Jim. "And a karaoke machine sounds wonderful." A pause. "Except, tell me, what exactly is a karaoke machine...?"
Liz is not pleased when Jim tells her Valen's speaking freely and not muzzled, but the fact that it went well is proof it wasn't needed. She chides Jim for taking a stupid risk, then lets it go. A full-strength vampire with persuasion and Kane living in Jim's house makes her anxious, but she doesn't really see Valen as too much of a threat.
Next time Jim is talking to Liz on the phone, Valen pipes up in the background demanding Jim to ask Liz what sort of outfits she and Laken would like to wear, and to dictate their measurements to him. After getting the information he needs, he works furiously in the days leading up to the planned get-together. He’s very excited to have something constructive to do with his hands, and plans a flowy gown for Laken, and a suit with coattails for Liz. He is not sure if anyone will want to actually wear theirs, but he plans to wear his nicest outfit, which is similar to the one he made for Jim, but in a darker color palette.
When the day they’ve planned the party for does come, Kane is inseparable from Valen, clinging to him anxiously. He's already scared of Liz, and now there's going to be a second hunter, and it's daytime.
Valen tries to distract Kane by having him help finish the clothes in the hours leading up to the planned event. 
"Kane, darling, what do you think is going to happen?" Valen asks, keeping his hands busy with the needle and thread, weaving in and out with practiced ease, like a spider spinning. "Do you think Laken is going to start getting violent with us, and Jim and Liz will just stand by in silent approval? Why do you feel like the addition of Laken is going to change anything when it's Liz you're scared of?"
"Sometimes the... the hunters would goad each other. There were hunters who never touched me- you were only there for a couple of weeks, I don't know if you saw them, we were apart for a few days- there were some hunters who wouldn't hurt me themselves, but would encourage their friends to be meaner. Maybe someone would be about to give in to my begging, and they'd convince them not to. Or they'd be about to use a regular whip, and they goad their friends into a silver one. More hunters is worse." Kane rambles, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "And Liz already hates me. And Jim... he's been kind, but he probably does, too. He's at least scared of me."
Valen sets down the sewing supplies, taking Kane's face between his hands, tilting him to look at him. "Dear. Liz and Jim are anxious around you, but they still help you. They feed you. They're scared that you're going to hurt them, but they put in the effort to be kind anyway. It's alright to be anxious, but they are already doing this for us. It would be uncharitable to assume the worst of them, and refuse to do the same." He removes one hand from Kane's face and takes his hand with it. "And I will be right there the whole time.”
"Oh. I... I don't know how to stop being scared. I didn't know it was... bad, or ungrateful. Do you think it would be enough to just pretend I'm not, in front of them?" Kane asks.
"You don't have to stop being scared. It's only natural to be scared. You can't help it. But you can choose to be kind and trust them anyway, because they're already trusting you and I, when they didn't have to. You can see it when Jim and Liz are scared. They don't hide it well. Do you wish they would just pretend to not be afraid?"
"I don't wish that. You're right, I'll try to trust them," Kane agrees.
Valen smiles. “Now, do you want to wear the outfit I made you? It matches with mine."
Kane takes the outfit. "I'd love nothing more than to match with you." Even through his fear, he smiles a little.
Kane's outfit is white with gold trim, and Valens' is dark blue with silver trim. Valen's has a small moon embroidered on his breast pocket. "Um..." he says sheepishly. "I thought this color scheme would look good, and it reminded me of how the first song you sang to me was Fly Me To The Moon, and it made me want to add a moon, and then I thought a motif of day and night would be delightful, before I realized it may be in poor taste to embroider a sun on yours. So I didn't. But if you would prefer some other symbol, I can add it in not too much time."
Kane’s delighted about the matching outfits. "They're wonderful, Valen. I love it. Thank you so much." He gives him a peck on the lips. "Maybe mine could have a star? If, if you want to. That's still kind of like the sun, since the sun is a star, and it matches." He chuckles a little, thinking about that first time he sang to Valen. "I guess Cyril was right about us after all."
"Hah. If Cyril was ever right about anything, it would have been entirely by coincidence only." Valen takes the top and quickly starts stitching a star over the breast pocket. "And we can give Liz and Laken theirs as soon as they get here. I'm positive if we spend some time with them, and have some positive interactions, they will start to view us less as predators and more as friends. I'm glad my face is finally starting to look a little less ghastly. For the longest time I looked hardly more than a skull. Dreadful."
"I don't think you looked dreadful, but maybe I'm biased. But I'm very glad you're healing." He puts the outfit on. It reminds him of when he would model Bellamy's creations when he was a boy.
Kane, Valen, and Jim are already in their outfits when Liz and Laken arrive. Liz carries a karaoke machine, and Laken a small cake.
"What's up, party people!" Laken shouts. They grin at Kane and Valen. "Hey, vampires. Sorry, no cake for you. Got some extra blood if you want it, though. I'm Laken."
Kane is kind of half-hiding behind Valen, but he does a little wave. "Hi."
Valen smiles broadly. "It's wonderful to meet you, Laken." He gives a quick curtsey. "I'm Valen. And this creature lurking behind me is Kane."
Kane blushes with embarrassment and comes out from behind Valen a little bit. "I am indeed Kane. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for coming," he says politely, trying to work past his fear.
Laken copies Valen's curtsey. "Cool. Nice to meet you guys, too."
Liz and Laken are both delighted with their gifts. Laken gives Kane and Valen each an extra half-meal, which they both accept gratefully. Kane quickly becomes okay around Laken, disarmed by Valen's presence and the calm atmosphere.
Valen is upon Laken instantly as they’re setting up the karaoke machine. “Jim told me this is basically a singing machine.”
Laken laughs. “Yeah, it’s totally rad! Vampires don’t have karaoke? You wanna give it a try?”
Valen is horrible at singing, and knows he’s probably just going to humiliate himself, but it’s been so long since he’s done anything lighthearted in a group like this. “Yes,” he says emphatically. “I would love to.”
Laken sets the machine on the table and starts flipping through the songs it has. “What do you wanna sing to?”
Valen doesn’t know anything about music. He turns to Kane. “Um…I’m not really familiar with human composers. Kane, would you help me pick?”
After they all fiddle with the machine to set it up and pick a song, Valen stands up at the front of the room, taking the little microphone to sing a song Laken had assured him would be a great karaoke song.
“Toniiiight, I’m gonna have myself a real good time. I feel aliiiive.”
Valen squints to read the lyrics on the machine, regretting that he’s never heard this song before. “And the world, I'll turn it inside out, yeah, I'm floating around in ecstasy. So don’t. Stop. Me. Now. Don't stop me.”
Valen’s eyebrows shoot up as the music swells unexpectedly, and he stutters to try and keep up as the pace increases. Everyone laughs good-naturedly.
“'Cause I'm having a-time, having a good-I'm a shooting star leaping through-like a tiger–Kane, I think whoever wrote this has unrealistic expectations on what tigers can do–”
“Don’t stop singing!” Laken calls. “You can’t just stop, you have to keep going!”
Valen scrambles to try and pick up his place. “-r-racing car passing by like Lady Godiva–Am I supposed to know who that is? Should I-”
“Don’t stop singing!” comes the chorus of gentle heckles.
“I’m burning through the sky, yeah, 200 degrees that’s why they call me Mister Farenheiiiight.” Valen is starting to get more comfortable and starts to walk away from the machine, forgetting it’s connected by a cord, accidentally pulling it taut and being slightly yanked back. “Kane, you should call me Mr. Fahrenheit, that’s delightful.”
Kane gets up and joins Valen at the mic for the next part, trying to be brave. “I wanna make a supersonic man outta you!”
Valen flushes beet red. They continue to duet for the rest of the song–Kane is a much better singer than Valen is, but both of them seem to trip up over the more explicit parts of the song–neither of them can bring themselves to say I’m a sex machine ready to reload out loud, and Valen hides his face when he realizes that explode is in this case a euphemism for orgasm.
Valen does have some confusing but positive feelings when he sees the lyrics say “I wanna make a supersonic man out of you” and “I wanna make a supersonic woman of you” and he realizes you can do that. He’s definitely not the first person to have their bisexual awakening via Freddy Mercury, but he’s probably the first vampire (but not the last).
When the song is over, Valen sits on the couch, happy he did it, but resolving to never sing in public again.
“You did great,” Kane says. “Your voice is beautiful.”
Valen flushes and squirms, unsure of how to handle the praise.
Laken does karaoke next, then Jim takes a crack at it. They even manage to coerce Liz into trying it at one point, after the humans have loosened up with good food and beverages. It’s about as good of a party as can be managed with three humans and two vampires.
As their day of hanging out winds down, Jim says, "So, I wanted to say something. Um, you guys are free to go. I've been thinking about it, and... I don't wanna like, hold prisoners." He looks to Kane. "Just... as long as you're not gonna take anyone else."
"Never. Never ever, I'd never take anyone else." Kane promises. "Thank you so much for trusting us."
Valen is shocked. That was so fast. He'd expected to be kept here for much, much longer.
But it's also a little scary...where would they go? The thought of returning to normal life suddenly seems so overwhelming and impossible. What would he do?
"Thank you, Jim," says Valen. "I assure you that I would never let Kane do such a thing, even if he felt so inclined, though I know he doesn't." Valen turns to Kane. "I suppose we need to...talk about what we want to do, then, later when we're alone?"
Kane nods at Valen's question, but he's staring at Jim. He held Jim captive for five years, and Jim's letting him go after less than two weeks. He knows it's probably because of Valen, but still. "I'm so sorry for everything, Jim. Thank you for everything you've done for us."
Jim shrugs. "'Course. You were all fucked up. I wasn't just gonna leave you there. And, I mean, you could pretty much leave any time you wanted anyway, considering you can talk now and all. Figured I'd make it official. Plus the blood thing can't really go on forever, 'specially with the both of you." Jim explains. "Don't feel rushed or anything, though. This's gone... pretty much as great as it could possibly go. You've been awesome guests. Glad I could give you somewhere safe to heal up."
Valen deflates a little bit. It seems like Jim is mostly letting them go out of practicality, because he doesn't want to feed them anymore, rather than sentimentality. Part of Valen wants to stay longer, but it wouldn't be right given Jim and Liz have to feed them from their own bodies. He understands that no humans would really be eager to have them around, but...
"Um," says Valen nervously. "Would it be possible for me to ask for a favor? I...was on human territory originally to gather ingredients for an experiment I was conducting, but I'm not sure if I'll have the courage to work in human territory anymore." He reddens. "Would you be opposed to helping me gather some before we leave?"
"Yeah, I could help with that. Um, what was the experiment?" Jim asks.
"Valen was making blood!" Kane says excitedly. "He was making blood from mushrooms!"
Jim's eyebrows shoot up. "Really?"
Valen flushes, embarrassed. "Well–well I was trying to test various methods of making artificial blood...none of them were exactly successful, but...yes, that was my goal. Th-thank you in advance for your help." Valen ducks out of the conversation, regretting asking. He's not good at being confident in his experiment, since everyone says it can't work, and he hates talking about it --it makes him feel exposed and embarrassing.
Jim and Kane keep talking about the experiment while Valen goes to sit with Liz and Laken.
"He told me it's not enough to live off of, but it makes you feel full, staves off hunger." Kane says proudly. "And it just wasn't done yet. I'm sure Valen could do it if he kept trying. He's really smart."
"That would be amazing, I'll totally help." Jim agrees.
Valen goes to the table, sitting in front of the cake that Laken has brought. "Laken, I barely ever see human food. What is this, exactly? It looks delightful." It looks delightful in the way an oil painting looks delightful, with the icing shaped into flowers, and it smells about as appetizing to eat as an oil painting as well.
"Baking's kind of a science. You're into that stuff, right? If you get a bunch of chicken eggs, flour- that's from wheat- butter, milk, sugar, and baking power together, and you mix up the right amounts and cook 'em at the right temperature, you get this. I actually dunno what's in baking powder." Laken says.
"I've never been good at that stuff. Jim always cooked for me, and now I mostly do just the easiest stuff. I tried to make a birthday cake for Jim when I was 14 and it did not go well," Liz laughs.
"What are you guys talking about over there? Don't let her in my kitchen!" Jim calls.
Valen listens to Laken's explanation with fascination. "I would never have guessed. The artistry behind it is commendable. Humans are so clever." He taps a fork. "I know this is unconventional, but I'm...very curious as to what actually happens if I try to eat human food. I've never done it before. May I try some?" He knows he's probably really, really going to regrets this, but he's always had a hard time stamping out his curiosity. And they all look like they're enjoying it so much. This must be one of the more delicious human foods.
"Fuck yeah, I wanna know too! I already know blood tastes like copper. Tell me, too." Laken pushes their plate toward Valen. "Hope it doesn't make you sick, though."
"I don't think vampires get sick," Liz says with a shrug.
Valen cautiously takes a fork and cuts off a small piece. The texture looks like it would be interesting in his mouth, far more solid than anything he's ever eaten, and the icing is creamy. It looks like it should taste very good, but it smells just about like paint thinner. His nose warns him with increasing urgency to abort the mission as it gets closer to his mouth.
If vampires don't get sick, this must be as close to feeling sick as they do get. Valen immediately spits it out, unable to even keep it in his mouth long enough to swallow. "Oh--oh my," is all he's able to say.
Kane looks over. "Did you just eat human food?" he asks incredulously.
Laken laughs. "Yeah."
"No, he spit it out," Liz corrects. "You okay?"
"Physically, yes," he says. "Emotionally, I may be compromised from hereon out at the sight of cake." He bows his head mournfully. "A small price to pay for satiating curiosity." He grins. "Kane, you should try it too!"
"No thank you."
Liz and Laken eventually go. Jim makes plans to help Valen get the stuff from his house plus gathering materials. After that, Jim says, "Hey, I just wanna say, thanks. I dunno if I'd be able to handle being at home with Kane after everything if you weren't here too. And you're sweet for making me a whole outfit and everything, and you're really cool to hang out with. I know we haven't known each other that long, but I'm glad we're friends." He smiles.
"I'm so happy too, Jim,” Valen agrees. “You're so kind, and I owe you so much. If...if you'd like to, we can keep in touch?"
"I would be sad if we didn't!" Jim hadn't even considered the possibility that they wouldn't. He hugs Valen. "You don't owe me anything. I know it's not... the same, but I get how hard it is to come right out of captivity. I'm glad I could help it suck less."
Valen is so happy to be hugged. He'd wanted to, but knew Jim might be too afraid. Jim is the first friend he's made ever since he'd upended his life to try and live authentically and lost all his old ones... Though they could hardly be called friends after that.
While they're still hugging, Valen says quietly, "I do owe you. You have every right to kill Kane, but you let me keep him. I know it is little comfort to you now, but he really has changed completely. I know that...such a thing would be difficult, if not impossible, but I would love to see him make it up to you and the two of you become friends. I know I'm full of such lofty and impossible ideas, but I at least have to try."
Jim gets somewhat uncomfortable. "I can't do that. I can't just... be friends with him, after everything. I really can't." After he pulls away, he nervously palms at the neck of his turtleneck to make sure it's still there.
Valen folds his hands neatly in front of himself. "I understand completely. Forgive me for being so bold. Still, I hope you can find some sense of peace. He isn't dead, but the man who abused you is truly gone. I hope you never feel anxious about your safety again. You deserve to feel in control of your body. Everyone does."
Jim gives him a tiny smile. "Thanks. I've been trying. I think feeding him again's helped, in a weird way. 'Cause it's my choice now, I'm in control of it. I hope you and Kane can feel safe again, too."
Later that night, after the party is over and the humans are gone or sleeping, Valen and Kane lie interlocked on the air mattress in the basement. They both know it’s going to be the last time they sleep here–the last time they’re going to be here, under the authority of humans, and the thought is hard to wrestle with for both of them.
They’re going to be free. They’re going to be able to do whatever they want. It’s what they want, of course, but it’s still going to be….scary. And hard to adjust to.
Kane rolls over, red eyes shining in the darkness. 
"Valen... after this, wherever we end up... would you want to stick together?" Kane asks timidly. "I had no one, in my old life, not really.”
Valen rubs his hands on Kane’s. "I also don't have much to go back to. Ever since I left my husband, I've had a very hard time making friends, or keeping the old ones. So...I think I would like that."
Kane slowly reaches out and brushes Valen’s hair out of his face. “I just want to stay with you, whatever you want to do."
Valen smiles, feeling warm, and puts his hand over Kane’s. “And I would be delighted to have you.”
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ask-a-bot · 11 days
I don’t know if this has been asked before but what’s your favorite song/genre. Both earth and cybertroian if you have one that is
I like Behind Blue Eyes by The Who. I think it's about me. I've got blue optics. I never had red ones. That was just a way to make me look evil and scary in the original cartoon (like I even need to look scary! Ha! You humans are fragging weird) – my optics were always blue. And I do lie a lot and I'm not good at keeping my cool and... it's me, isn't it? The bad guy.
Oh, Starscream. May I put an arm around you?
I suppose.
I like the song How Many Friends that you showed me. I feel so good right now. A handsome boy tells me how much I changed his past. He buys me a drinkie but I think he really just likes my aft. How many friends have I really got? You can count them on the one hand.
You really listened to it! I didn't think you even liked The Who!
You were right. It is a good song. Their songs are so well written, even if they are a little too noisy for my taste. I like the words.
I thought you would! You might like Madness too. They're surprisingly poetic. Oh! And there's an Elton John song you might like, called Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting. That one's good!
One at a time, Starscream. Time and patience.
That reminds me! You need to try out The Divine Comedy, too.
Are there any bands you don't know and like, Star?
I know ABBA, but I don't like them much. I find the music too... bouncy. I don't like The Beach Boys much, either.
Oh. I like The Beach Boys! Does that mean I'd like ABBA too?
Maybe. I don't know. You like most music, so you probably would like them. At least a song or two, probably.
I like most music, too! Earth music is pretty cool. I like Highway To Hell! Woohoo! And Bohemian Like You. And the Woohoo song by Blur that says something about jumbo jets not being easy.
I like Wouldn't It Be Nice by The Beach Boys. That's a good song. And I like Meatloaf. We were racing! We were soldiers of fortune! We got in trouble but we sure got around!
Bumblebee! I'm not sure how I feel about you listening to that.
Why? It's a great song!
I liked the song that got sent in a while back. The video was weird, but the song was good.
Get Some Scars by Lux Lisbon. Yes. It is about how simply living our lives is constantly shaping us. It is by our experiences that we become who we are and can tell each other apart. When we are older, we should meet up and show the scars we got when we were young. Or... something like that.
While we're young, yeah, let's go out and get some scars... we'll wear them to tell us apart.
That's the one!
I think I like The Beatles best. Here Comes The Sun, The Blackbird, Hey Jude...
Maxwell's Silver Hammer!
Oh, you would like that one.
Back in school again, Maxwell plays the fool again, Teacher gets annoyed. Wishing to avoid an unpleasant scene, she tells Max to stay when the class has gone away, so he waits behind, writing 50 times "I must not be so..." But when she turns her back on the boy he creeps up from behind. Bang, bang! Maxwell's silver hammer came down on her head! Bang, bang! Maxwell's silver hammer made sure she was dead!
Yeah, but he got caught and came to a sticky end.
He killed the judge!
Maybe, but it was in a court room. With witnesses. Even the people who – very stupidly – said he should go free wouldn't be able to defend him after that! Next time, he'll be secured better and get his sentence. It won't be good.
He's just a school kid! He should go free!
Star. Being a kid isn't an excuse for killing people. It just isn't a thing you should do. It's wrong, OK? He killed his teacher for trying to discipline him. He killed a girl who he was supposed to be taking to the pictures (British word for movies, I'm guessing) and he killed a judge for... well... like the teacher, for doing his job. Each time, he's a little more... more... I don't know... he seems to care less each time about being seen or getting caught.
It's just a song! I like it – it's exciting! I want a hammer!
There is no way I'm getting you a hammer. Silver or otherwise.
What about a yellowhammer? It doesn't go bang, it sings. It says "devil don't you touch me" in Scotland and "little bit of bread and no cheese" in England.
I don't think we're allowed to buy or sell native songbirds here either.
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hinatastinygiant · 2 years
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Chapter Forty Nine
Kamehameha Eruca
Pairing: Haikyuu!! x Fem!Reader
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"Man, I don't know about this," Yamaguchi mumbles to himself.
"Well you better go 'cause I'm not doin' it without you guys," I smile as I switch out one of my poker cards for another in my sleeve. The dealer is watching me like a hawk, but he still doesn't see the simple trick. If he wasn't handsome looking I'd probably laugh right in his gorgeous face.
Suga smiles as he plays the game honestly. "We're not gonna get caught as long as we use our, ahem, items properly."
"Yeah, see!" I grin as I nudge Yamaguchi. "It'll be alright. You're just worried about that stockbroker, aren't you."
"What?! Of course not," he lies as his face turns red. Good thing he's not playing Poker with us because it's always so obvious when he's lying.
"At least think about it," Daichi says to him. "I mean, it'll be a great experience at least."
"And we've got about thirty people going with us! If anything, you can just hide in the crowd," I add.
"I guess you're right," he sighs. "As long as we don't get caught it'll be fun."
"There's the spirit!" I chuckle as I put down a perfect royal flush. The dealer's mouth drops before he shuts it and grinds his teeth together while sliding me a buttload of chips.
"Fucking asshole," he grumbles to himself just loud enough for me to hear since I was paying attention.
"What was that?!" I hum back, hoping he'll curse me out. But instead, he only shakes his head.
"Nothing, sir. Playing again?" he asks.
"Nah, that's it for tonight. I'm going to cash these in. See you guys tomorrow," I wave, throwing a quick wink the dealer's way before getting out of my chair.
As I head toward the chip counter, Yamaguchi follows after me. "Hey," he whispers as he looks around to make sure nobody's listening. "Are we really going to the National Diet Building guns blazing?!"
"Yeah, well that and-"
"Gross, don't... Just, Jesus, how'd I get myself wrapped up in all of this," he sighs.
"Listen, you don't have to come. If you think the naturalism laws are being appropriately used then that's fine but I think being clothes obsessed only makes you a victimized pawn to the government," I shrug. "Go if you want, or don't, it's up to you but I'll have an extra AK if you want it."
"Yeah, alright," he smiles softly. "Enjoy the rest of your night, Shoyo. I'm heading out."
"See ya!" I wave as I arrive at the chip counter. "Make sure you get some sleep tonight so you can think clearly for tomorrow!"
"Mhm," he nods his head nervously. "See you."
The following evening I meet the group of about thirty to forty people at Sugawara's house just down the street from the National Diet Building. Thankfully, Daichi's brought a fuck-ton of tequila and weed to settle the group's nerves before we go out.
"Man, this feels good," Suga sighs as I approach him with an extra gun of mine.
"Yeah, I love the feel of the wind between my legs," I smile.
"It's not just about the fucking nudists, stupid," Suga says as he gently hits the back of my head. "We'll get anything we want... nobody will get in our way once they see our guns!"
"Which ones?!" Daichi laughs loudly as he holds up both of his arms and flexes.
"But even if we don't get what we want, we'll still attract attention for the cause..." I intervene.
"Look, Shoyo," Suga sighs. "The cause is great and all but we'll have so much power if this shit goes through! That's what matters, not some stupid belief about whether you can show your balls at the mall or not."
"Balls at the mall?" I repeat quietly. I thought we were all on the same page. Naturalism is about humanism, equality, and progressivism... It's not about hurting other people to get what we want.
A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. I walk over to answer it and see Yamaguchi on the other side, fully clothed and not in the black rope we discussed we'd all wear at first.
"Hey," he says quietly. "Can we talk?"
I nod as I reach for my rope and step outside so the two of us can have a private moment. "What's going on?"
"Listen, you were right about what you said yesterday," he sighs. "I can't do this anymore, Shoyo. I'm a manga artist now. I just got published in a magazine and I was a big hit. I can't fuck it all up because I stormed the government for naturalist reasons... You get that, right?"
"Yeah," I sigh. "I get it. This isn't going the way I planned it would either. You don't need to explain yourself to me. Get outta here before something happens, Yams."
"Thanks, Shoyo," he smiles softly. "Be safe tonight."
"I will," I nervously nod back at him. "Same to you."
I then wave as I watch Yamaguchi walk away. However, I don't have much time to contemplate my thoughts before Sugawara and Daichi approach me on either side. Suga hands me my AK while Daichi rubs the top of my head.
"Ready?" Daichi asks proudly.
"As I'll ever be," I gulp, my stomach in knots as I respond.
"Then let's do this!"
Less than an hour later I was in handcuffs. I was read my rights and stuffed into the back of a police car. Both Sugawara and Daichi ran off before getting caught. It was only me and two other random people who ended up behind bars.
I never thought I'd actually be charged with 'Advocating the Overthrow of Government', but there I was with that label hanging over my head for the remainder of my life. Though I knew my life would be drastically changed after the charge, I had no idea the insanity that was to follow.
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hello! may I suggest hc's about how the brothers would react to MC telling them they like another brother? :) I'm thinking about it more in a friendly way rather than in a angsty way, like "you're one of my best friends, so can I tell you something?.." and maybe wanting advice on if they should act on their crush, if they think the feelings are reciprocated.. :)
Thank you very much!<3
Ohh that's a cute request and I'm happy to finally be back!
He is the best when it comes to listening to you. He RADIATES comfort and attention.
Oh, you like Beel? That's really cute.
He never really doubted that one day, you'd fall for him.
"You know MC, he is probably the best out of us all. When he loves, it's always from the bottom of his heart".
When you leave his room, he'll send you a long text with all Beel's favorite coffee shops and foods so you can surprise him.
He might also hint Beel to be more attentive, especially around you.
He LOVES gossiping so when you say "I need to talk to you about someone", he gets E X C I T E D
Maybe you'll tell him something about Lucifer that he will be able to sell. OR EVEN LORD DIAVOLO
"Huh? You fancy Belphie?"
He is somewhat surprised because he thought you'd pick Lucifer or Satan but he is also happy because he really believes Belphie deserves the world.
"Ya know, he has a thing for humans" *wink wink*
Being a good big brother, he'd go right to Belphie and tell him to never be rude or ignorant towards you. And that he deserves your love.
He doesn't really like talking about feelings but he loves helping you out so you can tell him anything.
He was sipping on his boba tea when you told him you like Lucifer and naturally, he choked on his drink.
"Oh wow, I always knew you have great taste but wow".
"You know, I think he likes you too but he is too arrogant to admit it. Try taking initiative, he never experienced that".
Levi will be secretly 110% rooting for you because it's like an anime but IRL!
You two were shopping for books when you confessed your sympathy for his older brother...
"Are you serious, MC?"
"Out of us all... Mammon??"
I mean, he gets you. Mammon is handsome as hell, funny and protective.
But he is also such a....
Never mind. He looks at your glowing eyes and doesn't dare say a word about Mammon's bad traits.
Instead he sighs and says, "Maybe you'll text him and ask him to join us for dinner? Tell him I'm paying".
Ultimate gay friend (there, I said it)
Of course, you told him the news while he was doing your hair.
"Ahhhh you like our Satan! How cute is that!"
In fact, Asmo really adores Satan and he adores you so he is so happy about you two becoming a couple!
"Want me to set a perfect date for you two? There is a new cat cafe that opened recently!"
Asmo will be 100% supportive and in case Satan ever decides to ignore you, he will turn his destructive mode on.
Beel does not really understand complex emotions but he understands that you look different.
"MC, you are too excited. Did anything happen?"
"Oh... Levi, huh? Sudden but great! Levi deserves it".
"He never had a partner, you know... All of us did and he was kind of a loner. Oh wait, Mammon didn't have a relationship too. I forgot".
"MC, don't get offended if he does something wrong. I know he likes you a lot but is too nervous to admit it".
So, you woke him up to tell him something "important". It better be really important.
"You like Asmo, huh?"
"Hey, don't be insecure about it! No, even though he has tons of admirers, he doesn't love anybody except you".
Oops he gave away Asmo's secret.
"How do I know? I know what? I don't understand what you are talking about."
"Go and ask Asmo about it and then wake me up again ONLY after you talk to him".
When you leave, he will get back to sleep, smiling.
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bbyheedeungie · 3 years
Fluttering Machinery | Robot! Sunghoon AU
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Genre: Fluff, mild angst
Pairings: Robot! Sunghoon x Reader
Warnings: Character death, little suggestive content
Synopsis: Sunghoon was a humanoid built by your father, with the sole purpose of taking care of you once he passes away. But it seems like taking care of you came with discovering emotions that wasn't necessary for cooking, cleaning, and keeping you safe. What is this warm fuzzy feeling that resonates deep inside Sunghoon's mechanism?
It's been months. 6 dreadful months since your father has passed away. The doctors have warned you that he didn't have much time left, but that didn't make the goodbyes hurt any less.
You were 4 years old when your mom left you and your father for another guy. A more successful guy. Your father was bright, with an insatiable hunger for discovery and invention. But his field of work didn't always bring food to the table. And so on most days you had to, well, compromise.
But you loved your father so much, and still do. Although you didn't grow up to be a scientist like him, you knew the basics on automation and robotics. You were 11 years old when you first saw it, the humanoid that he worked on for years came to life before your own very eyes.
He had no skin nor face that made him look human yet. Just a chunk of metal with a head, arms and legs that moved mechanically. Nevertheless, you will never forget the joy and pride in your fathers' face as he watched his creation. The humanoid was a work in progress and you knew one day he's going to change the world. Unbeknownst to you, he was going to change your world.
And now here you are, years into the present as you stood infront of the humanoid who had his eyes shut. Yep, he's a he now. He is Humanoid SH-1282. Your father made him for the purpose of serving the community, to help people. But when he discovered his illness, he started making alterations to his design. He made SH-1282 to serve as the perfect companion, but only to you.
He filled the humanoid's hard drive with everything that he'll need to help you and take care of you. He input cooking, cleaning, and even martial arts. You sighed, remembering your father's last words.
"I'm gonna leave him in your care now, err leave you in his care or whatever. Take good care of each other okay? I love you both so much."
You were such a crybaby, holding on to your father's arm as the nurses were ushering you to wait outside because the doctors are about to perform surgery.
"You'll be okay." Your father mouthed as he smiled knowingly in content.
You reach for the humanoid's neck to find the power button, finally deciding to activate him after holding it off for months.
You held your breath as his eyes open, immediately scanning his surroundings. His eyes land on you, a smile forms on his lips.
"Hi, I'm SH-1282. It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N." He said naturally, offering his hand. If you didn't know any better, you would think he was a normal boy.
You let out a shaky breath as you accept his hand. He frowns, it seems like he is studying your facial expression and posture.
"You seem like you are in distress. Are you alright?" He asks in concern.
"Yeah, I am." You reply weakly.
"Will a hug improve your mood?" He asks. He was programmed to know about the benefits of physical intimacy, but he was also programmed to know consent and so he will not do anything unless you want to.
You contemplated, biting your lip.
"No, thank you." He simply nods, stepping out of his charging port.
"Will you show me around the house?" He asks and you nod.
"Damn this feels so awkward." You think to yourself.
"So here's the living room." You say as SH-1282 takes a good look around the area, his eyes falling to the dirty coffee table with tons of papers stacked messily. The couch looked greasy, with breadcrumbs stuck to the sides of the couch cushions. He scrunches his nose, involuntarily adding a new emotion to his database: disgust.
And as you led him to the kitchen, this emotion intensifies as he sees the containers of Chinese takeouts and cup ramen littered around the counter. He walks to the fridge and finds it empty except for a carton of milk that you put into your cereal for breakfast.
This awakens another emotion for the humanoid, frustration. He pinches the bridge of his nose as he contemplates on what to do with the mess, aka you.
"This won't do. You have been living unhealthily which may reduce your chances of living a long life."
You scoff, "Excuse me?" He gives you a dead stare, an eyebrow raised.
"No, excuse me while I clean up all this. I'll leave you to your own devices, thank you for showing me around today." He says sassily as he goes to find where you hide your cleaning utensils. You stood there dumbfounded.
"Unbelievable." But you let him be anyway. He wasn't wrong, you've been a total mess this past few months but that was all because of the grief. You basically had no family now.
And so for the rest of the day, you lock yourself in your room and do homework. About 5pm, you hear a soft knock at your door.
"Hello, it's me. Can you spare me a minute? I have something to ask of you." You inwardly groan, not really wanting to face the humanoid.
"Can you accompany me to get groceries? I swear this will only happen one time. It is only because I am not yet accustomed to my location. But after I mentally note the directions, you won't have to come with me next time." He didn't really want to bother you, but he knew that going out by himself and getting lost will be much more bothersome for you.
"Sure thing, just let me change into— oh no, you have no other clothes. It's kinda chilly outside today." You mentally facepalm yourself. Why didn't I go shopping for men clothes first before activating him?
"That is fine, I am immune to any temperature." He says as-a-matter-of-fact. You roll your eyes.
"I know that but people will probably get suspicious to see a man walking around in a shirt and jeans when everybody else has coats on. We need you to fit in as much as possible."
You search for your father's old coat that you refused to throw away even months after he's passed.
"Sorry dad, but he kinda needs this right now." And so you dress the humanoid in your oversized university sweatshirt (which surprisingly fits him perfectly) and your father's old coat.
"How do I look? Will I fit in now?" He asks as he scans his appearance in the mirror.
"You look—" absolutely breathtaking. You had every urge to slap yourself. Your father really didn't play around when he made the humanoid's face. He could pass up as an idol. And the cute little mole on his nose was a good addition to his features that made him even more realistic.
"Great. People won't suspect a thing."
The two of you head out. Contrary to your expectations that he would marvel at everything he sees outside, he just casually looks around. You ride the bus together, and the humanoid processes everything that you do, noting how everything works.
What caught you by surprise though, is how he immediately stands up in instinct to let an old lady sit down in his place. He sure was programmed with manners and chivalry. You smiled at the thought.
You made your way inside the grocery store, only intended to grab a basket but the humanoid insisted on a push cart.
"We have so much to buy, I've taken a mental note of everything we'll need." You simply roll your eyes and let him push the cart around as you wandered behind him. You look around as he reads the nutritional facts of every single thing he sees.
"This is definitely going to take a while." You muttered.
"Y/N? Is that you?" A voice squealed. You hissed and attempted to turn away, pretending you didn't see her. The humanoid saw how you reacted and swiftly rushed to your side in a protective stance. The stranger eyes the humanoid, her eyes sparkling at the sight of such a gorgeous man.
"Why hello there. Y/N you didn't tell me you've been busy with your boyfriend, we haven't hung out in a while." Both of your eyes widened at the misunderstanding.
"Oh, no he's not— we aren't—" You tried to explain but she just laughed out loud.
"Look how flustered you are. You know what, it's okay. But we have a lot of catching up to do!" She said, squishing your cheeks in a playful manner.
"So what's your name, handsome stranger?" She asks, turning to the confused humanoid.
"I'm S—"
"Sunghoon! His name is Sunghoon." You blurted out. Sunghoon was the name of your childhood crush when you were like 7 but that'll have to do. Unfortunately, it seems that the humanoid got even more confused.
"I am Y/N's—"
"Neighbor. He lives next door to my apartment. I was just showing him around because he just recently moved into the city." You say quickly. She can't know that you're living with a guy. Even if said guy wasn't human.
"Awww how sweet of you to go shopping with your neighbor." She said, winking at you. She's definitely not convinced.
"I'm Yeonmi, Y/N's friend." She introduced, offering her hand to Sunghoon. He took her hand reluctantly.
"You mean my super obnoxious friend." You roll your eyes.
"Shut up, you love me." She teased. Admittedly, you've been avoiding her for months now. Ever since your father passed, it was as if you didn't want to deal with anyone anymore, with the fear of being left behind again. So you shut everyone out. You know it was a very selfish move and must've made everyone worry, but you have yet to figure out how to fix things back to how it is.
You said your goodbyes not without a long, tight hug from Yeonmi and Sunghoon noticed from his scanners how your vitals greatly improved from it. This made him feel another new emotion: relief. He was very thankful for your friend who made you feel better.
You continue venturing down the aisle of food, and you find the humanoid smiling to himself. He notices your attention on him and he shakes his head, as if shrugging his thoughts off.
"What?" You asked.
"You gave me a name. Although I'm unsure if it is necessary, thank you." He says genuinely as he smiles at you, your heart skipping a beat.
"You're welcome, Sunghoon." You smiled back.
He picked up lots of fruits and vegetables, with you whining the whole time. Your whines unlocked another emotion of his; annoyance.
"No wonder her father thought she is in need of taking care of, she acts like a child." He concludes, running his fingers through his hair as he lets you get an ice cream of your choice. Oddly, seeing a bright smile on your face as you show him what flavor you got seems to put him at ease.
The two of you got home at dawn, with quickly stacking up the groceries into the cabinets and fridge, with you slumping down on the now squeaky clean couch.
It had been quite a long day and you found yourself dozing off. You woke up from the light tap on your shoulder, eyes fixating on Sunghoon with your apron wrapped around his torso.
"I could get used to this." You thought, admiring how adorable the humanoid looked but quickly pushing the thoughts away.
"Sorry to wake you, it's time for dinner." He announces and you lazily nodded, not before yawning and stretching your arms.
"Uhh, what is this?" You asked, eyeing your plate.
"It's your dinner." He says nonchalantly, expecting you to start eating. Your face shows utter disgust at the plate of vegetables.
"Please don't make me eat that." You begged. Sunghoon rolls his eyes; a trait he adapted from spending just a day with you.
"Don't be dramatic, vegetables are good for you." He states, taking the plate from you and attempting to feed you.
"Come on, say ah." He says playfully. After realizing how much you acted like a child, he researched on how to take care of children and downloaded it into his database. You scrunch your nose, leaning away from the food and shooting him a glare.
"Sunghoon, I'm not a kid." You deadpanned.
"Oh, but you won't get your ice cream if you don't eat this." He says, pouting at you teasingly. He's really good at this. With a sigh, you open wide and allow him to feed you.
"Yep, definitely a kid." He thinks to himself as he smiles in satisfaction, another emotion unlocked.
That night, you decided to move his charging port (with his help) from the lab into the spare room of the apartment.
"You know, I'm completely okay with staying at the lab." He reasoned but you quickly hush him.
"Nope. That is no way to treat a person. You deserve your own room, okay? A room that you can fill with your own stuff and decorate with your own preferences. End of discussion." You sassed as you fix his charging port into place. Sunghoon blinked at you, unable to express how grateful he is of how kind you are to him.
"She wants to treat me like a real human being." He thinks, his mechanical heart overwhelmed with gratitude.
Days went on with a routine, with him cleaning all day and you attending online classes. There were occasional bumps in the road, with you getting annoyed with how much of a neat freak he is and him getting irritated with how lazy you are at taking care of yourself. You've also taught him how to watch tv, deciding not to let him use the internet yet because he might gain too much unnecessary information online.
And so on a saturday night, you sat together on the couch as you watched figure skating competitions. Sunghoon was at complete awe the whole time, studying how the skaters moved through the ice.
"I want to skate too." He states absentmindedly, attention still on the television. You smiled, thinking how it was the first time he actually said he wanted something.
"Then let's do it, let's go skating tomorrow." You say, his head immediately shot to you.
"What, really?" Sunghoon asks in disbelief, his eyes widening.
"Yes, really. Although I'm warning you, I don't know how to skate." You laughed, with him chuckling as well.
"Then we'll learn together." He promises.
What a total lie that is. He didn't need to learn, as you watched him move swiftly against the ice, the wind in his hair as he circled around, his focused eyes twinkling in the fairy lights. He looked ethereal. You could have sworn there were tears there as you cheered him on like a proud momma. Ah, they grew up so fast.
People at the park also stopped to watch Sunghoon, whispering about how talented the young man is. His eyes caught yours, and you weren't sure if you were seeing things but you thought you saw him send you a wink and smile.
"The TV been teaching him things." You muttered, blushing but not from the cold. Sunghoon skates towards you, pulling you with him. You're eyes widened in fear.
"N-no Sunghoon I can't—" but he was already leading you through the ice, eyes never leaving yours.
"You can." He whispers, taking you by the waist as he spun you around. You giddily laughed as you threw your arms out, savouring the chilly air. You didn't even notice the people watching and cooing at you as some joined in as well.
That night, Sunghoon felt something he never felt before, and you in a long time. You felt happy.
"Say aaaah~" Sunghoon said as he fed you chicken soup. You caught a cold from skating yesterday and now you're wrapped in a super cozy blanket with Sunghoon worrying about you.
"You know I can feed myself right?" You said, swallowing the food.
"I know, but I just feel responsible because I was the one who wanted to skate. You got sick because of me, and that kinda defeats my purpose because I'm supposed to be keeping you healthy." He rambled. You roll your eyes at him.
"Colds are normal, okay? Besides, I haven't had that much fun in a while. Thank you for that, Sunghoon." You say, reaching up to tussle his hair playfully. He froze, cogs in his mind unable to process as something inside him stirred, but in a pleasant way.
"So you dance while rubbing your body on a stranger?" Sunghoon questions, but he's not sure if he wants to know the answer. Tonight, you wore a simple black dress that teasingly showed a little bit of cleavage and a decent length of fabric that hugged tightly around your upper thighs but had a daringly high slit. Sunghoon approves and disapproves at the same time.
"Yeah, it's kinda like that. But don't worry, I won't be doing that. I'll just stay by the bar the whole time." You reassured as you struggled to put on your strappy heels. Sunghoon kneels down infront of you and helps you clasp the straps around your ankles, handling it very delicately. Your heart thumps as he looks up at you.
"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?" He asks for the fifth time as he follows you around the house like a puppy. You sigh, actually considering it. Although it was supposed to be a girl's night according to Yeonmi, you thought maybe having Sunghoon tag along wouldn't do harm.
But it did. It did harm to you, alright. And you wanted to harm those girls who kept on grinding their asses onto Sunghoon as slow, sexy music played. You were fuming, regretting dressing Sunghoon in such fashion that screamed big D energy. Why am I being so possessive? But then again, Sunghoon does look uncomfortable. I should go save him. Yeah, I'll do that.
"Hold my drink." You tell Yeonmi as you made your way to Sunghoon.
"You go girl! Get your man!" Yeonmi cheered drunkly.
Your train of thoughts were blurred by the alcohol as you struggled to walk straight. You had only one clear thought in mind: Sunghoon. I need to get to Sunghoon.
Sunghoon stood uncomfortably, eyeing the girls who rubbed their bossoms and derriere all over him. Is this supposed to be fun? He thinks innocently. He sees you walking towards him, swaying your hips side by side as you strode towards him like a predator.
Girls hovering around him going unnoticed as you were the only one he could see.
Stunning, beautiful. He thought.
"Hey handsome, care to dance?" You asked, pulling him to you before he could even answer. The girls spat at you, telling you to 'get in line' but you just shot them a smug look.
"Sorry ladies." Sunghoon apologized, but his smile told otherwise as he let you pull him away from them.
"You don't know how badly I wanted to get away from—" He froze in his spot as you wrap your arms around his neck, inching closer than ever before. You felt bold, but maybe that was just the alcohol in your system. And as you started moving your body against Sunghoon, you knew it wasn't just you who felt the heat. His large palms go down south, resting on your swaying hips as both of you moved to the sultry rhythm.
His mechanism was going nuts, threatening to malfunction as his sensors detected your very close proximity to him. Whatever you were playing, it was dangerous. But Sunghoon couldn't help but to want more, to desire more.
"Y/N." He whispers, and you look up at him with half lidded eyes. And damn did he find you so sexy right there, under the strobe lights. No girl in the club could ever compare.
"Home?" You suggested.
"Home." He agrees.
As you got in the cab, you immediately find yourself half straddling Sunghoon's lap as you attempt to kiss him. Luckily, Sunghoon can think clearer now and concludes that a drunk Y/N is a very horny Y/N. And though the thought that it was only the alcohol that made you want him made him feel sad, he knew it was wrong to demand such things from you.
And so with your futile attempts to get into his pants, he gently lays your head on his shoulder and hugs you to keep you still. But even that couldn't stop you from squirming to get away from his hold, trying to get some action. He chuckles as he held your hand tightly in his to prevent it from landing into his crotch.
"Now now, you have to stay put. I won't be taking advantage of your state." He scolds gently. And by the time the cab had stopped in front of the building of your apartment, you were fast asleep in Sunghoon's arms.
Times like these were when Sunghoon is glad he was made of aluminum. He scooped you up in his arms like a pillow as he walked up to your apartment. You snuggled up into his chest, looking so innocent as you soaked up his warmth. Sunghoon cooed about how adorable you are, talking to you in your sleep.
He placed you delicately on your bed, contemplating whether to change your clothes or not. He decided not to, noting how your privacy is important to you. You're too drunk and asleep to give him permission right now anyway. He took off your heels and wiped your makeup off very gently, and tucked you in properly.
Long minutes pass as he studies your face, stroking your hair softly as the corners of his mouth lift up unconsciously. He really loves taking care of you. He loves you.
This realization hits him like a truck of overwhelming emotions, but it all makes sense to him now.
"I love you, Y/N." He whispers, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead before retiring to his own room.
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
Summary: Sacrifices are often made for the ones we love....even if it might hurt.
Parings: Sam Winchester x Male!Reader, Hinted at Male!reader x John Winchester, and Sam Winchester x Unmentioned girls
Warning?: Bi Sam ,Dean still flirting with reader, No jess death for M/n, Reader is a hunter...and never told Sam, Yellow-eyes, mention(hint at) smut
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Sam looked up at M/n with a smile he wore a sexy fireman outfit for the bar outing the yellow shirt looked like it was going to rip if the surprisingly taller male flexed a little too much the red suspenders held up loss fitting brown pants and a axe that leaned on the door frame. "Come on Babe dress up a little." He said tightening the suspenders straps.
"You know I don't like Halloween." Sam sighed as his boyfriend came up to him kissing his cheek with a mischievous smirk. "Too bad guess I can't give you your treat." The h/c man growled nipping his ear as he walked out of their shared bedroom. With a fake pout he chased after him. "If I put on a Halloween shirt will it pass?" He said hopefully putting his arms over M/n shoulder causing him to put his hands on his hips. "Hmmm....If I get to pick the shirt." Sam chuckled and nodded. He'll soon regret that.
Luis was loosing his shit laughing at the shit while M/n smiled proudly at what his boyfriend was wearing it was a plain dark gray t-shirt with the words 'Just the tip. I Promise.' And a knife. "This has to be your best work, N/n." Stephan, M/n best friend, said dressed as a cop high fives the awaiting hand.
M/n gave Sammy a small grin and winked causing him to blush slightly. It was time to celebrate with friends Sam's accomplishment he can wait later to celebrate with Sam his own way.
(Time skip past smexy times~might do it later)
M/n woke up in a empty bed to the sound of a fight he quickly got up in only his boxers to see what was wrong. He knew it was human since he had symbols all under wall paper and floor boards. Turning on the lights he sees Sam and a shorter man next to him "Sammy?" He said causing both of them to look over maybe he should have put on pants eyes raked down his form. "Woah. Hi I'm Dean Rapunzel's older brother. You must be his roommate..." The green eyed man bit his lip looking down south of the s/c man before him. "...I just love Scooby-Doo.~" Dean said keeping his gaze on the mystery machine briefs M/n was wearing. Sam quickly got between both of them pushing his brother back. "Dean this N/n my boyfriend" A confused look crossed his face. "Where's Jess you girlfriend?" He asked. "She was my roommate graduated a year ago and M/n moved in."
Dean looked back at M/n the flirtatious smirk back on his face. "You're way out of my brothers league." Sam put a around his boyfriends waist pulling him close. "Why are you here Dean?" There was a pause of silence. "Dad hasn't been home in a few days." The blonde said before it was shot down. "Let me rephrase. Dad's on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days." With that Sam tensed up and looked over to M/n. "I'll be right back." His tone rushed as he peeked him in the cheek and left their shared apartment brother in tow.
Once the sound of their foot steps were heard going down the stairs M/n sighed his hand running through his bed head. "Fucking Winchester’s." He mumbled before going back up stairs going to his old room. M/n went to the closet moving boxes out of the way till he got to the duffel bag he was looking for. A burner phone weighed heavy in his hand as he wandered back to bed. "If he goes I go." He mumbled to himself looking at the mirror on the nightstand. M/n has been off and on with hunting ever since he started dating Sam and he knew who he was the moment his last name left his lips, but he only put on a smile and gave him his first and middle name since L/n were famous in the community.
Sam came back to the apartment and started to pack a bag. "Sam what's going on?" M/n said innocently as he watched more of his boyfriends clothes fill the bag. "Just going to help look for Dad. Probably just went out with a old friend and didn't bother to pick up." Sam zipped up the bag as he threw it over his shoulder. "You know what's Monday right?! You can't just not show up it's your dream on the line, Babe!" M/n stepped forward slowing down the rushed pace. "I know...you're right and I'll be back on Monday." We walked out of the building. "Promise to call me when you get there." The h/c man said hugging the long haired brunette close. "I promise." With a final kiss goodbye M/n waved him off before going inside. Time to jump back into the L/n family business. Pulling out the burner it rung as the first number was dialed. "I don't give a damn of you are the IRS or girl scouts selling fucking cookies it's one am you idjit!" The familiar voice rung out. "Good talking to you to Uncle Bobby." M/n chuckled and the older man's breath caught in his throat. "Well I'll be damned do my ears deceive me or is that little F/n all grown up?"
"Glad you didn't trash this number."
"What are you calling for boy its still 1am?" Bobby asked.
" I need to pick up my truck. I'm going hunting."
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
Sam sat in the motel room trying to call M/n, but he didn't pick up. If only he knew that right at that moment he was beheading a vampire while laughing like a sadistic prick. After cleaning the blood off and burning the barn that held the nest M/n tried calling back when it picked up he heard Sam's distressed voice. "M/n now is not a good time. I'm so cold hold me" A voice spoke over Sam's. "Who the hell was that?!" I heard a loud hissing noise. "Sam!" That's when a shotgun went off, glass shattered, and the lime went dead. M/n stood up and paced un his room it would be late before he got home he'll have to hall ass to get there before Sam.
Going out to the truck he opened the bed lifting the metal cover and false bottom loading the weapons. He had no time to drop it back off. The road was silent till a voice interrupted it. "Hello, handsome. What's the rush?" Almost swerving into a ditch M/n looked over and saw a man with graying blonde hair. Reaching for a weapon the man's eyes flashed yellow gazing at him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He snapped causing the h/c make to look straight and push hard into his seat. "You're the little Winchester’s boy toy. Well in two hours he'll be home and dead by the time you arrive." M/n's breath caught in his throat. "Liar. I'm not stupid every hunter has heard what happened to Mary it doesn't take a genius to see they weren't the only one's. You need him alive and well, so why are you hear?" He growled low in his throat as the demon chuckled. "Got me there. You see Sammy boy needs to get back in the life and you being, I don't know, alive is getting in the way." The pressure grew stronger on the restrained man's chest till he almost could feel his lungs squeeze. "But I'm a business man. You work for me you live and maybe see Sam again or die in a blaze and the last thing he sees is your burning corpse. Can't be a protective boyfriend if your dead."
"What will happen to me if I agree?" That's when a sick smile pulled on his lips. "You become a demon. No a demon doesn't possess you! You yourself become one you memories and personality intact. So deal?" He held his hand out to the s/c man as he sighed taking his eyes from the road. "Deal." The demons yellows eyes shined bright as he yanked the young man forward pressing their lips together sealing it. "You are mine." He growled possessively as M/n pulled out his phone and dialed Sam's number. It went to voice mail. "Hey Rapunzel. I want you to know...I love you. Hold on to that, never let that go. You mean the world to me...so once you figure out how to open you voice mail this is waiting for you."
Sam woke up from his nightmare of his burning apartment building. It been almost three years since then and he never gotten over it. It took a year to get to his messages and what M/ n left behind gave him more questions then answers. He couldn't even get into the apartment before the flames erupted. Sam had doubts about M/n in the fire, but after the police report was released only one casualty of M/n Middle/n. Dean tried to tell my it would at some point get better, but the guilt still felt heavy in his chest. Nightmares of M/n in the fire not in pain, but seeming to absorb the flames made him question what really happened. The brothers had a lead on yellow eyes that their dad led them to. It all seemed to convenient that after the fight he knew to much about the demon that pledged his nightmares. The warehouse was falling apart it was in shambles as Dean parked baby next to it. "Are you sure this is the place?" Sam asked his brother. "Dad said this was it. Load up." Dean got out the car popping the trunk. This didn't feel right.
Tied up, beaten, and tortured. The Winchesters look up at their own fathers face with those horrid yellow eyes. "You boys never questioned a thing didn't even hesitate to come inside!" He chuckled darkly as the surrounding demons grinned. "This would have been the part where I laugh at you kill you dragging your sorry souls to hell to be my toys for the next millennium, but I have something better!" Signature Winchester grin lifted his lips as he called out seeming to no one. "Oh, honey bear! Come say hi." The sound of a strong gust of wind came from behind them as the clack of well made dress shoes hit the shifty floor boards. A man wearing black dress pants, shoes, and a open f/c(not black) silk button up. His back was to the brothers as John lifted his head up to kiss the man's cheek. Turning around white eyes looked at them, but that face was unmistakably M/n's a scar on his brow but it was him. Sam was chocked up M/n was in front of him looking well and oh God he's with enemy that took their dad's body as a meat suit.
"Do you like him, Sammy? Hells best torturer!" John said running his hands over M/n as the man kept his gaze locked on the tallest Winchester analyzing him as he seethed with anger at the demon touched his boyfriend. "Oh the things he's done would make Lucifer blush." Yellow-eyes trailed his hand down the scarred chest biting his lip making Sam struggle more. Snapping his fingers the other demons took Dean, but Sam was left there. "You're not useful to me dead Sammy boi." The demon circled him. "What's the best kind of torture, love?" M/n seemed to move for the first time getting right in front of Sam dropping to his knees being face to face with him. Cupping the beaten cheek of the hunter in his s/c hand his white clouded orbs turned the lively e/c giving a sympathetic look before it switched off. "Physiological." Sam didn't notice the room shifted into their old apartment tears pooled in those e/c eyes. "Where were Sammy?" A hiccup in between silent cries ended the sentence as a scene played out of M/n on the phone trying to talk to Sam before it cut off. "I needed you!" A scene of M/n chained to a wall seeing figures of his past hurt him till he gave in. "You were mine. And you threw it all away, threw me away like garbage!" The images went to Sam being with girls, but he could see familiar h/c hair in the background.
Tears rolled down Sam's face as white eyes filled his vision the eyes he loved fading away. What felt like hours happened in only a few seconds and within those seconds Sam was broken. He buried his face into the palm still cupping his cheek. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!' Sam would do anything for his M/n back even if it meant killing the monster his father has become. A gentle kiss stopped the trail of tears. "You are mine."
A/N: Quote= I love you. Hold on to that, never let that go. -The Vampire Diaries
Tagged: @spnquotebingo
First male reader it was fun.
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sleepdeprivedqueer · 3 years
Need Help?
Miche Zacharias x Short!GN! Reader
Warning(s): None, just a little fluff
"Oh c'mon, work with me here dammit," your irritated voice was loud enough that it echoed through almost the whole stable. The new horse you got along with a new saddle has ruined your day. The saddle kept on acting up, the bay mare snorted in a mocking sort of way. Not only that but the mare seemed taller than your last horse, or it may just be you. During the last mission beyond the walls, sadly, some of the scouts horses were killed. One of those horses being yours.
It took a while, about two months but new horses came in with some new saddles and reins. And just like every scout has to do with their horses, they need to adjust saddles and get them used to thejr weight. Sounds simple doesn't it? Well it isn't for someone that's short, especially when the mare won't stay still and the saddle straps keep on getting stuck.
Although, to much of your frustration, it was being watched by a tall man who found it oh so amusing.
Huffing as your wrist and fingers groaned in pain from all the fast movement for what felt like an hour. The mare turning to look back, ears twitching before shaking her head and looking forward. Now it was time for the hardest thing of all. Mounting up. Taking a gulp, grabbing the horn and the cantle, moving it back and forth to make sure it was steady enough. Once it felt safe enough, balancing to the best of your ability, lifting your right leg up to the stirrup. But, it seems that the saddle stirrups and fender had some length adjustments.
Still watching from afar, his own mare watching, both amused at the action of a short scout mounting up. Watching as you proceeded to fail, loosing your balance, falling, having trouble lifting yourself. But of course, humans can only take so much, silently walking up behind your tired form, ab9ut ready to gjve up. His smooth deep voice sending goose bumps down your body.
"Need help?"
Whipping around to see no other than humanities second strongest soldier, Miche Zacharias. A male much taller than you, shaggy blonde hair, green under shirt, a slight smirk of amusement on that stupidly handsome face of his.
"No, I don't," you answered, not really caring if he'll punish you for talking back in such a way. Grabbing the horn and cantle again, lifting your right leg once again. Hearing a soft 'hmph' before he left. Sighing softly, taking deep calm breaths to try and stop the shaking. Very carefully and slowly, balancing yourself, once again. Getting your foot in the stirrup, pausing, taking another couple of deep calm breaths. Gripping the saddle harder, a deep breath being held in as you jumped up. It was all going so good, so very good, but nothing ever goes perfecf.
The saddle slipped, spooking the mare, and making you slip and fall. Expecting the feeling of the hard ground, but it was replaced by a warm meat like feeling. The feeling of the saddle stirrup being stuck to your foot, dangling, noting that it wasn't the ground. No, it was a human, strong arms wrapped around your waist, soft breaths further confirmed it.
"You okay?"
That voice, cursing mentally as the reality that your mare had ran off. The saddle fell off, being stuck on your foot, while being held against probably one of the tallest men in the survey corps.
"Mhm," the answer was quiet, it was already bad enough that your were 1, blushing, and 2, embarrassed yourself by failing the simplest task. A small hum escaped him, still holding you, not letting go.
It was uncommon for Miche to do this, like, the only reason why he knows you because of Nanaba. During a mission, she left him to go to a flare signal, not telling him nor Gelgar about it. The both of them thought that she may of gotten eatin. But when regrouping before moving on the next area, Miche saw you and Nanaba chatting. Resupplying on equipment, course after the mission and he saw you walking around looking for something to do. Miche did what Miche does and sniffed you, getting a yelp and a elbow to the chest. But the look of complete terror yelled regret, falling to your knees and apologizing. Begging for mercy, body shaking, the male towered over, in amusement.
Giving a soft snort and a chuckle, then leaving, not saying a single god damn thing. Then the little games started of you and Miche seeing each other, during missions or simply just on free days. But mever interacting, he could smell the complete terror that rutted through your body. The only time the both of you ever came into human interaction was when he saved you. That was the only time, and now, being saved, once again, in his arms, in the air.
A soft chuckle heating up the vibrating heart amd heated face of yours. Softly being put down, careful to not trip over the saddle.
"I'll go get her," he hummed, walking off in the direction of the bay mare. Picking the saddle up and moving it, whining while doing so. It was one thing being helped by a section commander for just a silly thing, but at least no one was around. Both hands covering your heavy eyes, humming, tilting from foot to foot. Heavy hoof prints sounded off, telling you that he was back.
Removing your said hands, turning towards him, watching as he made the mare stop.
"Uhm, thank you for helping me, Section Commander Miche," your head was tilted to the ground, picking the saddle up. No reply. Hands tightening on the saddle, quickly walking to thr unnamed mare. Looking up to see how the blanket was doing, it was still on there, somehow. Tiredly lifting the saddle, setting his down onto the small curved back.
Trying once again with adjusting the saddle, everything seeming calmer than before. Your hands were shaky though, sweaty too, the presence of the higher rank man made you nervous. Considering that you did attack him the first meeting. Pulling the strap through the last hoop and locking it in. A soft sigh escaped you, but it was sucked back in as you now had to try and get on. Grabbing in the same places as before and placing your foot in the same area.
Giving yourself a little boost into the air, two strong hands landed on your waist, holding your small form up. The grip on the saddle tightening as your face became heated and flushed red once again. His grip was soft but firm, just holding you there, waiting for you to contuine your climb up. So that's what you did, with him holding you until your were fullt on.
Lifting the reins over the mares head and into your hands, fingers bumping each other. Bright green eyes yelled happiness for some odd reason.
"Thank you again, Section Commander," you thanked, adverting his gaze.
"It's what comrads do, I hope to see you back on the battlefield soon," Miche hummed, a half innocent little smile on his face, "by the way, Nanaba has convinced me to let you join my squad. So don't be afraid to ask for help."
Head whipping up and turning to him as he walked away, back towards the mess hall. A small blush on your face, taking in what Miche had said.
"Damn you Nanaba," you mumbled, legs squeezing to bring the still unnamed mare to a trot.
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
a little something for @bruciesnat :) i know i've promised it like a lifetime ago, sorry for the delay! oh, and i decided to combine it with a prompt i also received a long while ago <3
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Mike doesn't know why he's doing this. Doesn't understand how he agreed to it, can't comprehend why Erwin would make him do it. Mike doesn't know what he had done to deserve this- this punishment.
He's- he's a good man. An honest one. He serves to ensure the future of humanity, he risks his life to give others a better one.
He's good at it too, he's excellent at fighting and slashing and scouting. He was the best one at it, before- before the annoying midget came.
The same annoying midget, who is insanely strong and easily irritated. The same annoying midget, who has a crush on their adorable Hange. Hange, who Mike has to seduce to test Erwin's theory that Levi, insanely strong, easily irritated Levi, truly has a crush on their Hange.
Mike swallows heavily as he sits next to Hange, just a little too close as Erwin instructed. He smells that it won't end well.
He cringes, as he puts his arm around her shoulders.
Mike likes Hange, a lot actually. Sometimes he feels like they're siblings that were torn apart by some bigger entity. So yeah, he likes Hange. But definitely not like that.
But, oh well, anything for the cause, right?
"Hey, Hans," he murmurs, adopting his most seducting tone. He hopes that his smile is charming enough to captivate their dear scientist. "Are you free tonight? I have two tickets to the theater perfomance," he leans in closer, lowering his voice to what could probably (Mike is an eternal optimist!) be called an enticing whisper. "They're showing the creation of the the Walls tonight."
Somewhere on his periphery, Mike can see a swift dark shadow that oozes the smell of detergent. That shadow, it grows closer, its aura becoming more menacing.
Mike can only hope that if Levi attempts to kill him, Erwin would intervene.
Although... knowing Erwin, he'd just write Mike's death off as a necessary sacrifice.
He takes his hand off Hange. The shadow retreats a few steps back.
"Sorry, Mike," Hange shrugs with a small, apologizing smile. "I showed that play to Levi a few weeks ago. I had my fill of religious propaganda for now. But if you're looking for someone to accompany you," she winks and turns around. Mike's heart sinks. "Levi really liked going to the theatre! He'll be happy to tag along, right, Levi?"
Mike meets Levi's eyes, and sees nothing but desire for murder inside.
Mike quickly scrambles to his feet. "You know, I'll just ask Gelgar to go with me. I'm sure he doesn't have anything better to do."
And they can get wasted afterwards. Mike really needs that after this conversation.
Just as he retreats, Levi takes his place, sitting down next to Hange, also just a little too close.
The mission had failed spectacularly, but, Mike consoles himself, at least he learned that Hange and Levi went to theatre together. And sometimes intel is more important than the victory, right?
Ah, if only Erwin would share his opinion on that.
Erwin's second attempt is even worse than the first one, but, at least, this time it doesn't directly involve Mike. Still, he's an unwilling spectator to it, and, just as the last time, he doesn't like where all of this is going.
He already feels bad for the poor guy Erwin hired to hit on Hange during the annual military ball. Where did Erwin get the money - did he take them from the Corps' funds or his own allowance, Mike doesn't know, and, frankly, he isn't sure which option is more disturbing.
At least, the actor is handsome, Mike doesn't know if Hange would like him, he doesn't know if she has a type, and if she does, he hopes it's not annoying midgets, but the guy is handsome, there is no denying that.
Hange has cleaned up fairly well too, the white suit looks excellent on her, bringing out all of her best assets, demonstrating her wide hips and lean, long legs. The hair, gathered in a neat bun, shows her long, gorgeous neck, and the light make-up make her even more gorgeous than usual.
When she and Erwin walked through the front door - him in his blue suit and Hange in her white, symbolising their Wings of Freedom, everyone had their breath taken away.
Even Mike was a little shocked to see Hange dressed up like this, and Levi, who stood right next to him, was completely blown away, staring at Hange with wide-eyed, lovestruck look.
Thanks to Levi's ridiculous expression, Mike now understands why Erwin goes to such length to bring their resident weirdos together. It is delightful to watch Levi behave like that, and Mike longs to see more of this side of him.
Soon after Hange and Erwin make their grand entrance, their guy makes the first move.
He approaches Hange, his eyes bright and smile so charming it makes Mike envious that Hange is at the receiving end of it. He kisses her hand, whispers something in her ear.
"He praises her recent experiment. I thought it was a good place to start," Erwin explains quietly to him.
"Ah," Mike nods. So Erwin thought every detail through? Not surprising at all. "Think this would have an effect on Levi?"
"It already does," Erwin says, pointing to a furious cloud of black hair and suit that is approaching them at a rapid speed.
"Has four-eyes lost all shame?" Levi practically growls, his eyes throwing flames. "Is she seriously flirting with a fucker from the MP?"
"He's not a soldier," Mike answers, reciting a legend Erwin created. "He's actually a wealthy merchant from the South. Heard he sells apples to the King himself."
"And since when Hange is interested in someone like him," Levi crosses hands on his chest, his glare turning even darker, as Erwin's actor takes Hange by the hand and leads her to the dance floor.
"You know, you can ask Hange to a dance," Erwin advices with a pleased smile. "Then she won't be able to flirt with others."
Levi scoffs. "I would rather fight a horde of titans than dance with stinky four-eyes."
Maria, Rose and Sina, Mike thinks. They're worse than children.
"Hange has taken a bath before coming here," he tells Levi.
Levi rolls his eyes. "And now she looks even more awful than usual."
Mike shares a look with Erwin. Does Levi prefer usual Hange, when she doesn't bath for days and her eyes water from the lack of sleep? It almost sounds cute.
"This is the last time I'm attending this shitty ball," Levi swears to Erwin. "Even wine here is shitty."
He marches away immediately after that, heading to the table with wine. Mike can barely stop his laughter, as he watches Levi take a glass of wine, drink a few large gulps of it, and then wince, his mouth moving as he probably murmurs violent curses. He doesn't take his eyes off Hange and her dance partner, and relaxes only when the song ends.
Both Mike and Erwin watch intently as the actor kisses Hange's hand once again. Hange blushes, and Mike almost coos. Levi grabs another glass of wine.
When the actor starts leading Hange away, in the direction of the balcony, Levi starts moving too. He intercepts them just at the edge of the ballroom.
Mike knows he should have expected something like that, knows that Levi doesn't exactly possess the best of manners, but pouring wine over someone? Over his own colleague and friend? Mike certainly didn't expect that.
He's delighted to see what happens next, though.
What happens is that Hange's gorgeous white suit is ruined and Levi wraps his hand around her wrist and drags her to the bathroom. He sports a unusually pleased expression and Hange is laughing herself silly.
Not a bad ending to this endeavor, Mike thinks.
"Another disaster," Erwin sighs.
Third time is a charm, or so Mike hopes.
This time Erwin decides to take matter in his hands, and that another sign that this plan will succeed.
The plan is simple, yet, hopefully, effective. Erwin is to whisk Hange away to some remote location, create a scene that would look like a moment between lovers, and Mike is to call Levi there and make sure he witnesses it all.
Erwin is a brave man, Mike thinks, as his Commander explains the plan to him. He would never dare to do something like that to humanity's strongest. To awaken his jealous streak... Mike is glad he's not in Erwin's place.
One sunny afternoon, the plan is set in motion. Erwin takes Hange, and Mike goes to find Levi.
He finds him fairly quickly, in the middle of cleaning Hange's room. Man, he could at least try to make his crush be less discreet. But that's beside the point now, because Levi is cleaning Hange's room and not watching Erwin and Hange. Mike confidently strides up to him.
"Levi! I've just been looking for you."
"What do you need?" he asks boringly. "And have you seen four-eyes? I can't find her all day."
Erwin prepared some legend, a reason why Mike needs Levi, but in the heat of the moment, Mike can't remember a single word. So he just yells "Come with me!" and hope that Levi follows.
Thankfully, he does.
Mike leads him to the stables, where Erwin is already at it. His palm is on the wall, next to Hange's head, and from Mike's point of view, it certainly looks like they're in the middle of... something naughty.
Next to him, Levi tenses, and Mike can practically hear his teeth grinding.
Mike prepares for something very ugly, but then...
"I- I didn't know that Erwin and four-eyes-" oh, fuck, it sounds like Levi is genuinely sad, like he's heartbroken or something. Mike feels a strange desire to hug the little guy and pat his head. But then he remembers that he and Erwin are the reason for Levi's distress right now, and... remorse starts kicking in.
"Levi, listen, it's not-"
As always, Hange is the one to save the day.
She breaks free from Erwin and sprints to Levi, a wide smile on her face. "You won't believe what Erwin had just told me! He gave me permission to go in the town's library and bring back all the books I want! I'm in dire need of your muscles, humanity's strongest, you'll go with me, right?"
Levi still seems grouchy, but under Hange's sunny grin, his angry facade crumbles. "I don't know if Commander will allow it..."
He doesn't even try to hide his bitterness and irration. Mike disguises his chuckle as a coughing fit.
"Erwin!" Hange turns to him, eyes pleading. "Can Levi go with me?"
"Sure," Erwin nods. "Take all the time you need."
Hange yells in triumph, loud enough to make Mike wince. She grabs Levi by the hand and drags him away. Erwin watches them with a wistful smile.
"I don't think we should get involved in their relationships," Mike says, as he approaches Erwin. He stands close to his Commander, their shoulders pressing against each other. "We should let them figure it out themselves."
"Agreed," Erwin says. "I'm sure they'll manage well enough even without us."
Mike watches Hange wrap her arm around Levi, and is inclined to agree. They will certainly manage without them both.
Or, at least, Hange is able to manage.
And that should be enough.
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