#so i really should be enjoying my time in the fandom before its all over
an-theduckin · 4 months
Wait shit people might actually care about me
#sorryyy for the personal posts lmao just not having a great time lately . ill go back to posting abt fandom stuff soon dw#hopefully the self loathing phase is over now cuz i really didnt enjoy that!#mf got me thinking thay everyone secretly hates me n itd be better if i was dead ahahaha#but like. my friends talk to me daily. my mutuals love me. i didnt go to school for like 3 days and my classmate who im kindaaa friends wit#texted me saying. and i quote “Hi [name]. I know its late but i hope your doing well. Hope to cya tmr.” (the full stops symbolize each text#cuz she sent three seperate texts)#and i was just. so flabbergasted at that#i didnt rlly think anyone would really notice if i was gone#i didnt think anyone cared me enough for that#i thought theyd just be indifferent to it#also i sound pathetic rn but i reread that girl's text over n over again when she sent rhat. was literally on the brink of tears#and i just. wow.#people might actually care for me. they might actuallynotice when im gone. they might actually miss me#ive been so inside my head n thinking allat bad stuff about myself that i. didnt think that people might see me differently than the way#i saw myself#really and truly i love you guys so much#even if we've never talked to each pther before or interact very little. i appreciate all of you. you guys rock#anyways aha i should stop rambling now loll. as for now i think im doing a bit better#life still sucks but hey at least i have my friends. at least i dont hate myself anymore now#at least now i dont believe that everyone was being friends with me out of pity#thank you all for everything :')#man i need a hug rn lmao#tw vent#tw sui implied#tw sui ideation#tw self loathing#tw self destructive behavior#<- dw about the tags i dont feel/do those anymore#if you wanna talk to me abt this or just talk in general hit me up!! i love talking to ppl i dont like being alone xd#love youu <33
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signanothername · 2 months
What makes an Undertale AU like interesting and fun to get into?? I’ve always wanted to make one but I’m terrified no one will like it
Ok before i answer i’d like to make it clear that my answer is not objective or correct, i’ll only be talking about my own point of view of what makes an AU interesting to get into (it’ll also be a good idea for you to ask this question to different people to see their point of view, so you’d get an idea of what people usually care about)
So with that in mind, for me it’s the uniqueness of the Au
But don’t get me wrong with this point, what I mean by uniqueness of the Au is whether the Au’s concept take interesting twists and turns, the base concept or main idea can be like other Aus or it can have similarities with other Aus it’s fine
To elaborate further, let’s take a look at “Something New” and “Dusttale”, both Aus’ main concepts are Sans killing everyone in the underground, but this is where the similarities end, cause we can all agree that Killer and Murder couldn’t be further from being different, with different motives, different stories, different characteristics, etc
It’s completely fine if the Au has similarities with other Aus, but what does the Au have that’s different/unique about it? Does it explore something that’s been explored before but with its own unique take? Or does it explore a new idea/story?
To give you an example, @byrdblood ‘s TAU is an Au that I was immediately immersed into, and while it focuses on the Nightmare gang (which so many other Aus do btw), Keegan is using their amazing Au to explore concepts in so much depth and detail that nobody usually explores, which are all also explored through the pov of their own unique character called “Abaddon” (my beloved), who Keegan uses to explore their own ideas, what I’m saying, is that while Keegan is using characters that people have used before in so many stories and Aus, Keegan still brought his own unique take on the characters with emphasis on exploring traits and characteristics that people usually don’t really think of, all while bringing his own new and unique character into the mix to explore Abaddon’s unique story as they try to reach their happy ending (correct me if I’m wrong about any info here Keegan i’ve yet to read the carrd in full hchchcch)
Hell, you don’t have to bring in an idea, your Au can simply be unique by exploring a story through the eyes of a character that isn’t usually used in the fandom, for example, i always immediately get hooked to any Au that has Papyrus as the main focus! I really love Papyrus (and believe it or not, but in terms of favorite characters, Papyrus has always been my number one fave character, i prefer him over Sans actually), so when i see Aus exploring Papyrus in a fandom that explores Aus through Sans most of the time? I literally melt with joy, an example of this is the forgettable Au that I’m shaking with excitement to see what its creator has in store for it (the prologue starts tomorrow OML EEEEE)
But i still want to emphasize again that it’s ok for the Au to have similarities with other Aus, we all get inspired by each other and we all have our own fave things to explore even if it was explored a hundred times before, so please don’t get worked up about whether your Au is “unique enough”, or assume that you have to make up a completely new concept that has never ever been explored before for your Au to be interesting, cause believe me, people will recognize your hard work and the love you bore in your own Au, regardless of whether it explores a unique concept or not
With all this in mind, i’d like to emphasize again that this is all from my point of view, my answer isn’t an objective answer that should be taken as a rule for how you should make your own Au
And i have a genuine small advice, when you make the Au, make it so YOU enjoy it, not so it gets popular or that other people love it, i completely understand the desire to have what you worked so hard on and what you love shared with people so people will also love it, i genuinely understand it, but if you only make the Au with whether people would enjoy it or not in mind, it’ll only make you perceive your Au as some sort of burden that you have to perfect or that you have to make into something you yourself don’t even enjoy just so other people love it
And y’know, allow me to get a bit personal here
But I say this as someone who used to base my art and ideas/stories’ worth on numbers and likes and reblogs, etc, by the time i reached 2021? I actually genuinely and legitimately hated my own art, and it reached a point in which i was genuinely contemplating to quit making art altogether, but then i remember taking a 4 months break from social media after, and in that break, i continued making art without posting at all, in which i would literally cry cause i genuinely couldn’t even love what i made anymore, but i still pushed and continued making art, and it took me 3 months before i started liking what i made again, those 4 months reminded me what was genuinely important, why i made art in the first place, I made art cause I love it, i made art cause I enjoy it
And i made the decision after that numbers will never be my priority ever again, i’d be completely lying if i told you that it was easy to let go of the habit to care about numbers (and sometimes even get back to that habit from time to time), but it wasn’t easy at all, it took time, effort, and so much self discipline, but i actually did reach a point where I genuinely just don’t really care, but do you know what helped me not care? I stopped seeing my notes as numbers and start seeing them as people
Cause even if I get 1 single like or 1 single reblog, it is still one person who took time of their day to like/reblog the thing i made
What I’m saying, is there’s no way your Au will never be loved by anyone at all (it’s literally statistically impossible) even if it’s one singular person, someone is absolutely bound to care about your Au, and please cherish the people who care and love your Au even if they’re few, cause even if they’re few, they still love the thing you made y’know? And would definitely love to see what you do with it
And i’ll be the first, if/when you make your Au? Please send it over, i’d love to see your Au and know what it’s about if it’s ok with you (i’ll also reblog the main post you make about it so more people know about it and hopefully love it)
Good luck with it! Don’t let this fear stop you from doing what you love <3333
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yinyuedijun · 4 months
end notes for zero-sum game (tw: slavery, sexual abuse)
hi if you're here it means you read my deranged aventurine smut. thank you for reading that abomination lmao I hope you enjoyed it 😭 once again I've touched on really sensitive topics and don't want to be misread so I'm writing some disclaimers/explanations below:
In the act of gambling with human stakes, as well as doing business with human traffickers, Aventurine is essentially himself engaging in human trafficking. This is not something he particularly enjoys doing or wishes to exploit (which I did try to indicate in the narrative); he only does this for his role with the IPC. 
The reason I made this a narrative about human trafficking is not because I wish to glamorize this crime. I framed the narrative this way because I wanted to point out how Aventurine actively perpetuates the kind of capitalistic violence that ruined his life by being a Stoneheart. This is something that is implicit in the game but not openly explored, hence I expanded on it here.
Somewhat thematically related: the reader actively engages in self-objectification—using it neutrally as a tool for their espionage work at times, but also positively in order to eroticize their one-sided and exploitative relationship with Aventurine. This was not intended to condone the objectification of human beings; rather, I wanted to show how a lifetime of sexual objectification and extreme dehumanization as a slave has led them to objectify and dehumanize themselves, sometimes even in the capacity of enjoying it. 
Aventurine in canon similarly engages in self-objectification and dehumanization as a trauma response  (i.e. he refers to himself as a chip in a positive manner, clearly as a reaction to how his owner referred to him callously as a chip when he was a slave), though in my opinion he's not really implied to derive any real joy from the idea.
Related to the point of objectification: Aventurine and the reader clearly do not engage in particularly safe, sane or consensual sexual dynamics (specifically referring to how he started undressing them before they fully consented to public sex and just kind of decided what to do with them without prior discussion). This is not because I think this is acceptable behaviour; it is a reflection of their unequal power dynamic that the reader actively encourages and Aventurine is fine with perpetuating. It is also implied to be the result of his own distorted relationship with sex—he has literally been coerced into doing exactly the same thing in the very same establishment, and assumed that the reader would be fine with doing it too because they generally enjoy it when he exercises "ownership" over them, which they both associate with sexual control for traumatic reasons.
I've seen discourse around the fandom where people interpret the act of kissing Aventurine’s commodity code as a purely sexual or fetishizing action. I thus feel compelled to explain that the act of Aventurine and reader kissing each other’s codes in this story served a specific purpose within the wider narrative about dehumanization. I wrote a lot of things in this fic purely because I was ungodly levels of horny for Aventurine (lol), but those particular actions actually had narrative weight lol 
With all this being said, I hope it is clear that the reason I chose to focus on themes of slavery and dehumanization is not because I intend to promote or glamorize them, but because I wanted to explore specific points of Aventurine’s characterization that exist in canon. The theme of sexual abuse (and its psychological fallout) is also something that is a natural extension of his story arc in canon. I have no wish to perpetuate any of these things, and I have faith that my audience can distinguish fiction from reality and thus will not have their perspectives on real life issues be seriously influenced by my dumb horny fic on tumblr dot com. 
Also I should hope this is obvious but do not use your regular everyday gloves to finger someone! I like to imagine that Aventurine’s expensive science fiction gloves has the incredible ability to remain sterile in everyday circumstances 👍
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
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@sasheneskywalker i love when you enable me to ramble about things because oh my god do i have thoughts.
so recently, i made a post discussing the phenomena of DC x DP and DC x MLB crossovers and why they exist and part of that post was discussing how largely speaking, at least half, if not more of the Batfamily fandom doesn't read the comics. if they interact with canon DC material, it's adaptations that are their own sequestered universes and oftentimes not remotely comic accurate or seeking to be. the most obvious example is the Young Justice cartoon. i'm adding a cut to this post because it just got so long i'm so sorry.
a lot of times, when people are discussing the "why" of this oversaturation of fanon-only fandom, they blame Wayne Family Adventures. and i think, to a point, i agree WFA is responsible for a boom in this fandom. but as someone who's been in the fandom long before we had WFA, to me it's the other way around. WFA was DC's way of meeting the demand for this easy-to-get-into, easy-to-consume content about the Batfamily that predicates itself on the comics just enough to be vaguely the same characters, but has a more sitcom, slice-of-life sort of vibe so DC could profit off of this section of the fanbase that otherwise wasn't consuming its primary material. and well, it's definitely worked. not only that, but i have a weird theory that the decline in the MCU also led to the rise in the Batfamily fandom. when you consider the fan content that made the MCU popular within fandom, it's that 2012 "they all live in Avengers Tower and Thor is eating poptarts and Clint is in the vents and there are movie nights every Friday" sort of vibe. those were the fics that were a hallmark of the fandom. and as the MCU has strayed from well... quality content in general, but specifically well-thought-out crossover content where characters can have their own arcs but also exist in a wider story where they clearly care about each other, that fandom was sort of homeless. so where do you go, if you like a superhero found family where you can have villains for angst but also stick them all in one big family-like home for silly crack and have a plethora of options for gay ships? well. you go to the Batfamily. if you write a crack/fluff Batfamily genfic with silly vibes and low stakes instead of say, a fic about a very specific comic issue even if it's a popular comic, you're *going* to get more traction for the former. because the fanbase largely just isn't reading the comics.
and i feel... complicated about this. because on one hand, Don't Like Don't Read has been a tenet of my fandom experience. i'm very pro-fandom and that includes fandom content i don't like. and to an extent, i do think this sort of should apply to Batfamily fanon. i enjoy having my moments with other comic purists, giggling over exceptionally painful OOC headcanons or even facepalming in pain over some content but it is on me to not interact with that content. you don't make fandom a better place by being hostile to fans who engage with canon in ways you don't approve of. and frankly? we as comic readers are not going to get non-comic fans to read the comics by being asshats to them. no one is going to want to pick up any comic if we get a superiority complex about it. and also, i feel like we're all lying to ourselves a little bit insisting comics are so, so easy to get into. they're not. we can just all agree, they're really not. i've been single-handedly helping my sister get into comics, specifically Wonder Woman and no matter how simple i make it, i watch her get frustrated trying to understand what pre-Crisis and post-Crisis and New-52 and Flashpoint and all these things mean and what a retcon vs a reboot is and what a Crisis Event is and what the hell Diana's current backstory even *is*. sure, you can give someone a beginner list of comics to start with and slowly dip their toes in the water but sooner or later, *something* is going to confuse them. comics as a medium straight up aren't going to be everyone's cup of tea. and if someone *just* wants to read silly fluffy fanfiction about the Batfamily, i can't entirely begrudge them for not wanting to take the hours and hours out of their day to understand this medium. it's not an accessible medium to get into. "read this and this, but this run is out of print and this run wasn't collected in trades at all but also make sure you read that event in order and this is a good comic but the backstory in it is retconned and you *have* to read this it's so important but it's also really bad because the author kind of sucks" sounds. ridiculous for someone who like. just wants to read some stuff about Nightwing. sometimes, we all make reading comics sort of sound like a chore, not a hobby.
so my point is, i do extend some grace to Batfamily fanon for existing. i think my biggest gripe is, as i said in my other post, misuse of tags (if you're not creating content about comics, maybe you don't need the comics fandom tag on Ao3, just the all media types umbrella tag) and my far bigger gripe: when panels are taken out of context to support fanon only headcanons. if i could impart *anything* onto the Batfamily fandom as a comic fan it'd be this: if you haven't *read* the comic, don't spread the panel. if you don't even know what comic it's *from*, don't spread the panel. it's fine to use comic panels to discuss your headcanons, but so often i see someone spreading a comic panel from a comic they haven't read, and when asked where it's from, they can't source it. a silly example that comes to mind is a post going around, taking a panel where Dick, in his internal monologue goes "here comes the sun. do do do do." and the post is claiming it's from him getting buried alive. when that panel comes from Nightwing (1996) #140, and he gets buried alive in Nightwing (1996) #127, two completely different moments frankensteined together. if you're going to not read the comics, that's completely fine, but unless you're sure of the source and the context, panels shouldn't be spread around. i'm sick of this specifically happening to Red Robin (2009), with ppl claiming Tim has totally killed people because he blew up some of Ra's' bases, when those panels within context, make it clear he gave everyone time to escape. and in a later arc in that very comic, Tim grapples with the idea of murdering Captain Boomerang, and *specifically chooses not to*, because he doesn't agree with murder, even against the person who has hurt him the most. if you'd like to write fanfiction where Tim is pro-murder and has done some sketch things, i'm totally on board and would probably like to read it. but there's no need to pretend it's canon from a few panels you saw out of context.
beyond that, i think it's not *entirely* correct to say that fanon is harmless. whenever i see very WFA-positive posts, they often default to the argument that WFA is fun and silly, and comic fans are killjoys for not liking it. which. i think is complicated because the issue is, WFA and fanon don't exist in a vacuum. if you like WFA power to you, i don't think it's the worst thing ever, but i do think it's degrading to these characters because honestly? they feel incompetent in the webtoon. it's one thing if WFA was solely a slice-of-life sort of deal, just having silly episodes where Bruce is taking on a PTA mom or they're all fighting for the last cookie. but when WFA attempts to take on more serious plots with these characters, it *fundamentally* falls flat in understanding them. i get it, Bruce comforting Jason having a panic attack because a noise reminded him of the crowbar felt cute in a microcosm, but i'm so serious when i say that storyline destroyed how like. half of this fandom understands Jason Todd's relationship to his trauma. it doesn't understand how he reacts when he's triggered, what coping mechanisms he seeks out, and how he would handle Bruce comforting him. even if i can believe for a brief moment Jason *would* be triggered by something like that, him running and trying to hide and then getting a hug from Bruce to make it okay is just. painful. WFA needs everything to be wrapped up in a nice, neat little bow. so even when it starts to tackle interesting concepts, it makes them fall flat with its need to be soft, low stakes, hurt/comfort. there was a two-parter episode that dealt with the complicated mutual hatred/jealousy between Tim and Damian that *almost* really interested me because for once, it felt like the webtoon wanted to explore canon messy dynamics. but of course, it had to be fixed with one conversation and a hug. you don't mend the *years* of issues these characters have like that. WFA isn't in character because these characters are hyperbole cartoonified versions of themselves to fit within the medium and be a cute happy family.
because that right there, is the crux of it. the Batfamily fanon seeks to simplify the Batfamily and force them into a nuclear family. there are so many fantastic posts on here discussing how the nuclear family-ification of the Batfam is eroding decades worth of complex histories so i won't go too far into that. but what i will say is that there's this need, in the Batfamily fandom, for the Batfamily to exist as a unit. they are a *family*. (honestly i think calling it the Batfamily is a misnomer and has been for years but we're in too deep now.) they exist to each other first, and any teams or friends they have come secondary to this family unit. you can *specifically* see this demonstrated in what headcanons are becoming popular these days. i have an entire lengthy meta in my drafts about how i *loathe* the "the Batfamily meets the Justice League" genre of fanfic because it makes no *sense*. in order to have this genre of fic exist, you must operate under the assumption that no one in the League, or adjacent to the League, knows the Batfamily exists and are thus utterly shocked to discover Batman has kids. and to make *that* work, you have to strip *every single Batfamily member* of such important dynamics and friendships so you can lock them all in Gotham for their whole lives. Dick can't have the Titans, Tim can't have Young Justice, Duke & Cass can't have the Outsiders, Jason can't have the Outlaws, Damian can't have the Supersons, Babs can't have the Birds of Prey, and so on. because if they had these relationships, they would be known to the League. the Batfamily fandom doesn't care about this, it's just "silly fanfiction", it's not trying to be serious. but how can you say you like Dick Grayson as a character if you don't understand the Titans *are* his family? at some points of his life, moreso than the Batfamily even is. it is constantly repeated to us in most comics with Dick how much the Titans mean to him. he *needs* them to be who he is. the same extends to every other Batfamily member, most of which have been full League members at this point. but in fanon, that doesn't matter. the Batfamily are a sequestered unit first, and all of those side relationships are secondary and easy to toss away, if it makes your fanfic work better.
and because they have to be a unit first, you have these forced relationships that dump years of actual canon material for the sake of making them get along. the Batfamily fandom has its favorites and well. it's no secret it's usually the boys. Jason and Tim by *far* stand out as fandom faves so, their dynamic is a heavily explored one. it does matter that in canon they don't tend to get along and especially don't see each other as family. what matters is that you can push dynamics onto them. and so fanon gets all twisted up about which Robin Tim actually idolized as a kid (Dick) and what member of the Batfamily is pro-murder but still an older sibling figure to him and looks out for him (Helena, or if you want the dynamic of once tried to harm Tim but they've reconciled, Jean-Paul) in favor of who's the most popular. Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian are always going to be the standouts for popularity, but it's specifically Jason and Tim who are getting fanonized the most. and that's because really, we don't have much canon content of Tim that *isn't* the comics. for Dick you've got Young Justice (tv), for Damian you've got the DCAMU, for Jason you've sort of got the Under The Red Hood movie, but Tim sort of lingers in this limbo. (yes, he's in Young Justce (tv) and Titans (live action) but in neither is he the main character nor given much depth) so, he gets a *lot* projected onto him and has become fanonized. and even with Jason's animated movies, you don't see him interact with Tim, so people build it from the ground up how they want to see it, disregarding of canon comics. i think it's what makes him so popular in the first place- he's malleable into whatever you want or need him to be.
and of course, the fanon ignores other characters in the Batfamily it doesn't know about. i feel like you could create a tier list of Batfamily characters by their popularity, going from the fandom main characters: Tim, Jason, Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Damian. to the underrated: Steph, Duke, Babs, Cass. to the forgotten about unless they're convenient for a story: Kate, the Foxes, Helena Wayne, Carrie, Selina, Harper Row, Maps, Minhkhoa Khan. to the absolutely unknown: Helena Bertinelli, Jean-Paul Valley, Onyx Adams, the Clovers, Julia Pennyworth. it's not lost on me that the ignored characters tend to be women and people of color. which is both a canon and fanon problem, DC will continue adding interesting characters to the Batfamily, play with them for a few years, then drop them to default to the "Batboys" again. and it's a vicious cycle of the fandom only caring about the "Batboys", and thus people entering the fandom via fanon osmosis won't have content about the other characters, therefore, they won't be interested in those characters enough to create it, and it's just this ouroboros consuming itself, no matter how much canon content we have of these other characters. and it's ridiculous just how large the Batfamily is becoming because of this, which is why i'm a pre-Flashpoint fan, because then the Batfamily was contained enough to actually feel like a family with every character having nuances relationships with each other, but i digress because those thoughts could be their own post.
and the thing about fanon is it doesn't exist in a vacuum. DC has started turning the comics to accommodate for what fans are asking for, because fans will beg and beg for content they're not going to consume. Tim Drake: Robin had Tim as a coffee drinker because that's the fanon accepted headcanon. and the resolution of the recent Gotham War arc was for Bruce to buy this new manor for everyone to move in and call him. nevermind that most of these characters have their own homes and have zero reason to be moving in with Bruce. Tim had his marina in Tim Drake: Robin, Dick has Bludhaven, Cass and Steph have their little side of town in Batgirls (2022), and so on. these characters are being forced together as a unit, as one big happy family living together, to appease what non-comic fans want and it's damaging comic relationships. Robin: Knight Terrors saw Jason and Tim team up and working together, which i've seen varying opinions on but i personally despised. their interactions made zero sense for any of their canon history, but it appeases them being this close sibling relationship that fanon acts like they are. also the fears they faced in their respective knight terrors didn't make sense for either character and *only* worked as a moment of bringing them together so they could reassure each other and have this weird dreamscape bonding moment. the canon is bending itself to the will of fanon rather than building on the pre-existing complex relationships. Tim barely even gets along with his most important team in Dark Crisis: Young Justice because it seems the only important relationships the Batfamily can have is with each other. and when we do see them outside of the Batfamily, it only seems to be to relive the glory days like with World's Finest: Teen Titans, instead of developing them as they currently exist. this isn't recent in the comics, it feels like you can trace it back to the New-52, but it does feel a *lot* worse over the recent years. WFA is fine when it exists in its own bubble, but the simple truth is, DC content never exists on its own. the adaptations will reflect back onto the comics. (the damage the Young Justice cartoon has done to some characters should honestly be studied) and so it does frustrate me a bit when fanon-only or adaptation-only fans act like we're being nothing but killjoys for being frustrated with this. since they don't read the comics, they don't see how the comics are suffering as a result of this.
people argue about what's out of character for the comics they don't even read. i'm sorry, but "bad dad Bruce" is consistently canon. that man is just kind of shitty. when you take someone who has the drive he has, who has this need for the Mission first, who needs a teenager in spandex next to him to keep him off the ledge, that guy is sort of going to be a shitty father figure. he just is. not on purpose or with malice, but when you compare him to any other dad in a big DC family, he sure takes the cake. it's why characters like Oliver Queen tend to *really* fucking hate Bruce for how he treats his kids. Bruce loves fiercely, but he doesn't do well with putting that love first. and his love is a controlling one, he is very particular about controlling how others in the Batfamily are "allowed" to operate. it's what drives the wedge between him and Dick, it's why Steph is never a true daughter to him. (besides the reason of her needing to be a love interest to Tim first, anyway-) i've never understood the massive outcry of people reacting to Bruce kinda being shitty in comics they're not reading. there are some moments that get ridiculously OOC with how cartoonishly evil he is (the whole Gotham War arc and that... complicated mess with Jason) but largely if you want sitcom loving nuclear father Bruce, you have to accept that is a fanon thing, not a canon one. the Batfamily being a nuclear family in *general* is fanon. most of the "Batkids" don't actually see Bruce in a particularly fatherly light and begging for moments where he calls them his kids or they call him dad outside of incredibly specific circumstances is just OOC.
it's getting harder and harder to exist peacefully in this fandom it feels like, if you don't comply to the standard fanon has set. i'm happy people are having fun with their blorbos, even if in ways i dislike, but that "harmless fandom fun" does ripple it's way back to canon, eventually. so i end up pretty tangled with my feelings because are fans at fault for DC making these poor decisions? probably not, but it certainly feels like an unfortunate cause-and-effect situation whether at the end of the day, nobody is happy. and of course, i know some fanon-only fans are striving to be more canon accurate and care about canon dynamics more than others, but for them it's always going to be an uphill battle with the above-mentioned out-of-context panels thrown around and ever-pervasive fanon overtaking anything that's truly seeking to be canon compliant. so really, it sometimes feels like we're all losing.
#necrotic festerings#batfamily#batfamily meta#dc comics#fandom meta#fan studies#fanon vs canon#i deleted paragraphs of this to try to make it shorter. it failed btw.#anyway i got into comics when i was like 12 with the dark knight returns#and if i hadn't been into this medium for a decade i don't think i would be able to get into it as an adult so i get it#bc i'm trying to get into marvel comics and fuck ME am i confused as fuck.#do marvel comics have like. an equivalent to crisis events?#is the ultimates like their version of the new-52? i do NOT know#it's so hard and daunting so trust me i get it#if you never wanna pick up a comic god i respect you you're so right this is fucking miserable#i want to live and let live in fandom but *god* i'm struggling here#i used to bend to the will of fanon fun fact#i wrote my share of tim and jason fics playing into fanon tropes. god i hate them *now* but they did fucking numbers.#and i used to care more about getting attention in fandom than being accurate#i've matured now. it's why i write on anonymous so much to remind myself this should be for me.#anyway i could do a character study on every batfam member as fanon vs canon#ESPECIALLY tim and jason. i know so much about them trust me.#jason todd fans annoyed me so much i once sat and read almost every fucking jason comic. i didn't even like him.#but i tell you what i know that man and he will never leave my top five characters on league of comics.#this is so long. is anyone going to read all of this.#if you do you're a fucking trooper i'm saluting you.#this isn't even all of my thoughts i had to condense myself.#bc i also have thoughts about how this means some characters no longer get to exist outside of the batfam#because they only exist as a member of the unit#ergo we have very little current content of helena bertinelli or onyx adams or duke thomas
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rhiaden · 2 months
I just like Ascended Astarion.
No. I will not be giving any caveats, no, I will not be saying I think he would be bad IRL. I might explain why I like the route but not because you demand that I justify it. He makes me happy. My chars have a blast with him. He has helped me have a RL breakthrough. I am sorry if you dont like him. Luckily other companions exist and other routes for him. Oh, I also won't be hopping into your tags and flairs and comment threads to tell you why I am totally not thinking about the companion you prefer...definitely not thinking about him, nope....but here is a thesis about how I definitely dont spend hours fantasising about him..but in a moral and pure way you understand, because I spend hours thinking about how nasty he is to my character and you just have fun with him and that is wrong....Also I would never tell you that you are only doing it for sexualizing the companion while I keep a save of their romance scene before smashing that reload button For real, it is ok if you want to play AA route....we don't judge you for it...we have a wide variety of HC and ways we enjoy him in the fandom. I promise you will be able to find people who enjoy him the same way you do and even if you don't....we won't tell you how to enjoy him. We are just happy to have people enjoying the route. Go full dark evil HC, go full political machinations, go turbo romantic..go clownst..ok, maybe not clown (j/k) Hell, I make the most ridiculously romantic videos with him because I can. Most of my friends love some very dark AA, some of them love dark and twisted AA. My Tavs/DU and AA? we are political schemers who get puppets in all the important places and rule from the shadows. (Well, apart from my gnome who..likes being fired from cannons at the circus and then getting our political enemies to take the ride too because its safe! - My gnome and AA now own the circus after it was shut down for OSHA violations! My gnome is the brattiest thing in Faerun, and AA loves it) We have some really good art too! I promise you the church of our Lord is a broad church with room for many takes on him. You don't need to frame your like of him as a moral lecture to get purity points (And let's be real, I have read your HC about him...so maybe it is a bit late to be trying to get those purity points..) Come on in, you are halfway there with the amount of time you spend thinking about him already (I swear its more than I do, and I have 700 hours ingame with AA alone...and have written a load of fics with him, and made...25 videos set to songs with him) We don't judge over here. You should try it sometime.
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dearlymrme · 3 months
Five Times You Showed Satoru You Could Be Trusted and The Moment He Realized It
Synopsis: Not to say that he doesn't receive kindness from Suguru or Shoko, but as a new student or a background that's just offering kindness with no strings attached? I don't think he'd trust it when he's young.
Author's Note: This is my first submission to the JJK fandom. My offering, if you would, tenderly left at the foot of the door to fandom in hopes it will suffice as good tribute. So, please enjoy.
It's his first opinion: You must be an idiot.
Despite the fact that he told you not to bother covering for him--that with Infinity nothing could touch him, on your first mission together you still put yourself between him and the attack he could see coming from miles away. An attack that would never even make contact with him.
You smiled at him and told him, "Just because they're not gonna be able to hit you, doesn't mean it's acceptable for anyone to try to." Duh, he knows that.
It’s stupid…-It’s just pointless.
"Why'd you eat it in the first place if you knew it was going to give you stomach pain?"
"Because it’s so goood." He whined, clenching his gut with his chin on his desk and a sour expression. Satoru loves tiramisu. His stomach does not.
"I can’t argue with that. Here, eat this." You say, handing him what looks like a Hi-Chew. "It's a ginger chew, they're really good for settling stomach pain."
He passes it off with a huff.
"It'll go away on its own in a minute." You raise a brow and force the chew into his hand
"So? Why suffer yourself that extra minute when you could just end it now?"
"Pain builds tolerance. Weren’t you taught that? Soon, my stomach will get with the program and I can have tiramisu whenever I want!" He pulls a shining but forced grin.
"…--Just take the chew." You strong-armed him into eating the surprisingly sweet ‘medicine’.
It’s stupid…–It’s just a stomach ache.
"Hey Satoru, can we take a picture together?" He raises a brow, pausing from his fidgeting with his pencil.
"Huh? Why?"
"Well, I mean. I got some of selfies with Suguru and Shoko but I barely have any with just you and me." He shakes his head.
"No, I mean, why are you asking? People do it all the time." You blink, confused.
"Suguru and Shoko don't see it but they don't have Six-Eyes--"
"People are taking your picture without your consent?"
"Yeah, it's nothing new."
Later he stares in mild consideration when you corner a woman in the streets and berate her for pointing her cellphone at him without asking first. How she should be ashamed as someone older, who should know common courtesy and--
"Delete it. Now!"
It's stupid…--It's just a picture.
"I heard they're sending you on a mission out of the country." You mention idly, sitting on his couch and playing Pokemon on your Gameboy as he sits over on his bed, likewise on his Gameboy but playing Mario Kart.
"Yup," He pops.
"Anything I can do to help while you're gone?" You ask and he snickers.
"How are you supposed to help me? It's not like you're coming with me."
You snicker in turn, shaking your head.
"Well, obviously. I mean, do you have anything you want me to do for you while you’re gone? I could take your notes for the classes you miss?"
"Those classes are excused."
"They'll still be on the midterms?" He snorts at your institution that he needs to study for the midterms.
"You could take care of my Digimon for me." He jokes, earning a shrug.
"I mean, I don't know much about Digimon but sure."
He thought it was obvious that it was a joke. When he gets home you hand him back over his Tamagotchi and not only is his Augmon still alive but you’ve managed to get it to evolve to Metalgreymon.
It’s stupid…-It’s just a toy.
"What do you want?"
You've seen him irritated before, at other people but never at you. It's pretty intimidating for him to walk up to you in the middle of the hall and glare you down like you've done the most offensive thing possible to him but you can't recall doing anything wrong. He'd tell you if you did, right?
"What do you mean?"
"What do you want? Money? Brownie points? Just tell me what you want out of this already!"
"I don't want anything. I thought that was pretty obvious, dude. I just like hanging out with you." You frown, brows pinching. "I mean, I kinda got this impression that people only got close to you to use you but I'm not doing that."
"Why not?" Is he…really asking that?
"Because it's fucked." You shake your head.
You know he's known Shoko and Suguru a lot longer. You knew that there was a chance this kind of confrontation and assumption would happen. You had hoped that by now you made it clear he could trust you but having him outright tell you to your face that he doesn't and seemed to never did…really hurts.
"There's no ulterior motive, Satoru. Can't I just be nice to you for the sake of being nice?"
"That's…really stupid."
"It's not." You disagree. "I'm playing Mario Kart later. You're welcome to come over and join me if you want."
He watches your retreating back with a miffed expression. The way your voice waivers with some dying hope. He clicks his tongue, stuffs his hands in his pockets, and goes to hang out with his real friends.
It’s stupid…-It’s just a game. It has to be...
"She's gotta be dumb as bricks if she thinks any of this stuff is actually helping me?!"
Satoru complains, pacing a racetrack around the room. Suguru sips his freshly made tea and flips through his magazine as Shoko idly smokes her cigarette near the open window. They both listen to their friends complain with equally half-amused attention.
"Like, what the hell does she even want!? She never asks for anything in return! It's so fucking weird, I don't know what her deal is!!?"
"Satoru…" Geto sighs, flipping another page but saying nothing else.
Shoko flicks ash out of the window edge and says what they’re both thinking.
"You're a genius but you are so fucking stupid."
He stops at their statement and gives them a betrayed look, glancing between the two as they level him with exasperated expressions. Suguru then gestures to himself, to Shoko, and then to Satoru before rolling his hand.
Satoru does the math and…
Oh…Maybe it's not so stupid.
You very quickly learned that the world decided to do Satoru Gojo dirty. Making him the strongest sorcerer in the world: put on the pedestal of a 'god' and treated so objectively. Like a commodity rather than the privilege and person that he is.
You hope that the people who use him get what's coming to them. You hope that when the day comes they expect him to 'save' everyone that he'd be vindictive about. You know for a fact that you would.
You don't care that he's the strongest. You only care about the subtle moments you get to share with him. You only care about the blue shell he's thrown from 6th place and him taking your lead.
"Fuck you!"
"Fuck me yourself, coward!" You break out into laughter that he echoes, knowing his sass wasn't meant to be taken seriously but hardly believe you're hearing it to begin with. Just like you hardly really believe he’d show up at your door at all with a pained expression and an apology.
"What?" Satoru parrots.
"That's stupid." You snicker and shake your head.
"You’re stupid!"
Your room is filled with laughter as you soak in the warmth of the moment and his side pressed against yours without the cold of Infinity to be felt.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
If you want to add anything else, feel free /(^♡^)/🌻. I don't know if this is where I should ask for one but... Forgive me if it's not, it's the first time I ask 🙂😊, so forgive me. But anyway... Hello, first of all I really like your writing and works very much, because they are completely wonderful 😔🙌🏽. Well, I'm going to request a poly!volturi kings x fem!reader (I absolutely love it 😭🤗), the reader is Bella's adopted sister who went to visit her right after the fight against the volturi, she knew about her sister and the Cullens being vampires and decided to play a prank on them. A few weeks after their arrival, the volturi kings and the guard went to visit them to find out how Reneesme was living, when they arrived the reader was playing in the back of the Cullens' house with the little hybrid, who was laughing for her aunt playing tag with her. As soon as the volturi saw the reader, some Cullens were afraid and were kind of protecting her, but the reader's only reaction was to laugh and go towards the kings, more specifically Caius, and give him a quick kiss on the mouth . While the Cullens' only reaction was to be shocked. The reader is a witch who has a strong connection with nature, and is also a plus size woman. 🙃🌌🍃☀️🦋🌻.
❝the hybrids aunt❞
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✭ pairing : poly volturi kings x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is the newest student at University of Oxford . She’s got the looks and brains to back her up and it doesn’t hurt that her body draws attention too, so as a bet the men of the infamous riot club see who can bed her first
✭ authors note : this was requested by @beatrizdostoddy :3 enjoy
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the quiet town of Forks. The aftermath of the confrontation with the Volturi had left the Cullen family and their allies in a state of relief and exhaustion. Bella Cullen, now a vampire, had finally found the peace she had longed for, but there was one more surprise waiting for her.
As Bella and Edward stood on the porch of their secluded home, their daughter Renesmee played in the yard with her supernatural grace. They exchanged a loving glance, grateful for the tranquility that had settled over their lives.
Suddenly, a rustling in the trees caught their attention, and they both turned to see a figure emerging from the shadows. Bella's sharp vampire senses immediately recognized the scent, and her eyes widened with astonishment.
"(Y/N)?" Bella whispered, her voice filled with disbelief.
Stepping into the moonlight, (Y/N) smiled mischievously, her eyes twinkling with a secret. She was Bella's adopted sister, and they had shared a bond that transcended the supernatural secrets that surrounded them.
"You're back from the States?" Bella exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace her sister.
(Y/N) chuckled, returning the hug warmly. "Surprise! I couldn't stay away any longer. I had to see how my big sister was doing, especially after all that drama with the Volturi."
Bella's eyes glistened with tears of joy as she held her sister at arm's length, taking in the sight of her. "I've missed you so much, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) grinned, her mischief evident. "I've missed you too, sis. But I couldn't resist coming back and causing a little chaos."
Bella raised an eyebrow, curious. "Chaos?"
Before Bella could react, (Y/N) pulled out a small remote control and pressed a button. Suddenly, the lights in the Cullen home began to flicker wildly, and eerie music filled the air. The front door swung open and closed on its own, and Renesmee stared in amazement at the spectacle.
"What in the world?" Bella exclaimed, both amused and bewildered.
(Y/N) couldn't contain her laughter as she turned off the prank. "Just a little welcome-home surprise for you, Bella."
Edward joined them, his golden eyes gleaming with amusement. "You always did have a flair for the dramatic, (Y/N)."
Bella couldn't help but laugh, feeling lighter and happier than she had in a long time. "(Y/N), this is Edward, my husband."
Edward extended a hand, and (Y/N) shook it warmly. "Nice to finally meet you, Edward. Bella has told me so much about you."
Edward smiled, genuinely pleased. "Likewise."
As the three of them chatted and caught up on each other's lives, Renesmee approached shyly, curiosity sparking in her eyes.
Bella knelt down and gently introduced her daughter, "Renesmee, sweetheart, this is your aunt, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) and Renesmee locked eyes, and there was an instant connection, a recognition of family bonds that transcended words. In that moment, a deep and unspoken understanding passed between them, a silent promise of love and protection.
"(Y/N)," Renesmee said with a shy smile, "I'm so happy to meet you."
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she embraced her niece, feeling the warmth of family and the promise of a new chapter in their lives. The Cullen family had faced countless challenges, but with (Y/N)'s return, they were reminded that love and laughter could always light their way in the darkness.
And so, under the silvery moonlight, the Cullen family welcomed (Y/N) back into their supernatural world, ready to embrace the adventures and joys that awaited them together.
It had been a month since (Y/N) had returned to the Cullen family, and the days had been filled with laughter and bonding. She had settled into the Cullen household comfortably, grateful for the warmth and love that surrounded her. While her new house was being built in town, she cherished this time with Bella, Renesmee, and the rest of the vampire clan.
On a crisp, sunny day, the Cullen family gathered in their spacious backyard. Bella and (Y/N) had organized a game of tag for Renesmee, who darted through the trees with unnatural speed, her laughter ringing through the air. It was a perfect day filled with the joy of family.
Unbeknownst to (Y/N) and Renesmee, Alice suddenly froze, her golden eyes distant as she received a vision. The others noticed her abrupt change in demeanor, and her words came out in a hurried whisper, "The Volturi. They're coming."
Edward's eyes widened in alarm, and he swiftly relayed the message to the rest of the family telepathically. Panic spread like wildfire among the Cullens, their thoughts racing with the implications of the Volturi's arrival.
Except for (Y/N) and Renesmee, who continued their playful game of tag.
Carlisle, always the calm and collected leader of the family, stepped forward, attempting to reassure the others. "Stay calm, everyone. Remember, they may be coming to check on Renesmee's growth. Let's not jump to conclusions."
Esme nodded in agreement, though her eyes betrayed her concern. "You're right, Carlisle. We should be prepared, but not aggressive."
The Cullens tried to carry on with their activities as normally as possible, casting occasional worried glances in the direction of the approaching danger. Their protective instincts were on high alert, ready to shield Renesmee and (Y/N) from any potential harm.
Alice, who had been watching the Volturi's movements carefully, suddenly spoke up. "They seem to be approaching slowly, Carlisle, like they're not in a hurry to confront us."
Carlisle nodded, his brow furrowed. "That's unusual. Let's continue to monitor the situation closely, but we won't escalate things unless necessary."
As the Volturi drew nearer, Alice continued to provide updates, and tension hung in the air like an oppressive cloud. The Cullens' protective instincts were impossible to ignore, and they subtly positioned themselves between Renesmee and the approaching danger.
(Y/N) and Renesmee, unaware of the impending threat, continued their game, giggling as they tagged each other beneath the dappled sunlight. The innocence of their laughter stood in stark contrast to the uncertainty that loomed.
The Cullens watched, ready to defend their family, their gazes never wavering from the approaching Volturi. They couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and the overwhelming need to protect the precious bonds they had formed with (Y/N) and Renesmee.
As the Volturi came into view, the atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation, and the Cullens braced themselves for whatever awaited them, determined to safeguard their loved ones at all costs.
The Cullens stood in their backyard, tension hanging in the air as the Volturi kings and their guards approached. Aro, Caius, and Marcus, the ancient leaders of the vampire world, wore their customary regal attire. The Volturi guards, a formidable force of vampires with unique abilities, fanned out behind them.
Aro's crimson eyes scanned the scene, and his polite smile remained firmly in place. "Isabella, dear, I take it you are in good health?”
Bella's eyes met Aro's, her expression calm. "Certainly, Alice told me you came to check on my daughter. She’s currently playing with my sister. Follow me."
With Aro and the other Volturi kings in tow, Bella led them to the back of the house, where the laughter of her daughter and sister filled the air. (Y/N) and Renesmee were engrossed in their game of tag, their supernatural speed allowing them to dart gracefully among the trees.
"I didn't know you had a sibling, Isabella," Aro commented, his curiosity piqued.
Bella gave Aro a small, mysterious smile as they approached the playing pair. "I've had many surprises, Aro."
As (Y/N) suddenly sensed the multiple eyes upon her, she abruptly halted, her senses tingling. She turned, meeting the gazes of the Volturi, who stood a few feet away. Her sister's protective stance did not go unnoticed.
(Y/N) and Renesmee slowly made their way toward the Cullen family, and Bella stepped in front of them protectively. Aro observed the child with interest, his eyes appraising Renesmee.
"She appears to be in good health," Aro remarked.
Then, Aro's gaze shifted to (Y/N), his eyes narrowing with curiosity. Bella couldn't suppress a low growl, warning the Volturi leader to keep his distance.
However, (Y/N) bypassed Bella's protective stance with a mischievous smile. She reached up and planted a kiss on Caius's lips, surprising everyone, especially Aro.
"When did this come about, brother?" Aro asked Caius, his eyebrow raised in amusement.
Caius had his arms wrapped securely around (Y/N), a rare smile gracing his lips. "It's been going on for a few months now. While I was overseas on a mission, I met (Y/N), and we hit it off. I've been meaning to introduce her to you for a while."
(Y/N) turned to Bella, her eyes expressing gratitude for her protective instincts, but she also exuded a quiet confidence. Her eyes flashed a deep, mesmerizing purple, and Bella gasped in surprise.
"What are you?" Bella asked, her voice barely a whisper.
(Y/N) chuckled softly, her aura radiating power. "I'm a witch."
The revelation sent shockwaves through the Cullen family. Witches, with their own unique supernatural abilities, were an enigmatic addition to their world.
Aro's interest was piqued, and he regarded (Y/N) with renewed fascination. "A witch, you say? How intriguing. It seems our visit has brought forth quite the surprises."
(Y/N) remained at Caius's side, her presence an enigmatic blend of magic and the supernatural. As the Cullens and the Volturi watched with wary eyes, they couldn't help but wonder what other secrets this unexpected alliance might reveal in the days to come.
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comicalfont · 7 months
Undertale is for Everyone
Happy Valentine's Day! Yesterday marked five years since the day I first started playing Undertale. It's led me to dwell on what exactly I would say the game has meant to me, with how loaded a question that is. There's so much I owe to Undertale, and the joy it's brought me is something everyone is as deserving to be a part of. Despite some recent fandom events, all members of the fandom need to know that the game celebrates and welcomes them with open arms, which I'll get to more in a bit.
I first played Undertale at a period in my life with a lot of unanswered questions, both for present me and future me. I'd managed to not give it a try in the first few years it was around, but after running into enough Deltarune fan content in the wild when it came out, I played Chapter 1 and loved every bit of the atmosphere and characters, and I wanted to play Undertale right after. After accidentally killing Toriel and starting over, I was immediately drawn into the story it told and the friendships I was making. My appreciation of Sans was there from the start, and here I am, many reader fics with him later, and the rest of the main gang felt like buds I'd been hoping to meet some day. Even the minor characters meant so much to the journey, and by the time it was done and I'd seen what Frisk/the player's kindness and want for peace can do, I was completely hooked and the game rented a free condo in my brain.
What I wasn't expecting was the other ways Undertale's touched my life. I'm trans, and before I'd played, it had only really been associated with discomfort and a wish for things to be better, without much of a light at the end of the tunnel to look at. Undertale's queer-friendly themes and the characters' insistence on being themselves opened me up to thinking about a future where my own kindness and, well, determination can lead me to being the true me. While my trans story was far from done, it helped me see the future as something I can smile about, rather than needing to be afraid. The fics that I've written about Undertale, and especially the bone-friend, since I played have also led me to meet the people I consider my closest friends, as well as being a gateway to other fandoms that have captured my interest. These connections I've made through the game are ones I'll carry with me for the rest of my life.
So, where am I going with all this? Undertale has invited me into a better path than the one I'd been taking, and that's an opportunity I'll forever be grateful for. Unfortunately, there are some in the fandom space who have shared hateful views about people simply for who they are, and everyone should know how far those views are from the truth. Undertale is a game about love and growth, and it is the responsibility of those who participate in its community to follow its footsteps and celebrate everyone for their traits; not just tolerate, but celebrate. For fellow trans people in particular, I've been thinking about this the most; you are real men, real women, and real non-binary identities, and all of those things are represented in Undertale itself. Celebrating trans lives isn't just the right thing to do, it's a part of this wonderful game we're all enjoying together.
Maybe this reaches just two people, or twenty, or more if I'm lucky, but whoever does read this far, thank you for taking the time to see how much Undertale has meant to me over these five years, and I hope you know how much you mean to the community. We're all making it a better place by being ourselves, and I hope the game keeps lifting people up for many years to come. Now, go read that new volume of the Undertale/Deltarune Newsletter!
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Hello! ^^ Can you write a first time smut for Lindir x female elf reader? They both fell in love with each other and they take their time exploring each other's bodies. Super soft and gentle, from Lindir's perspective. Please!🙏 Thank you 💙
Hi there, Nonny! I'm sorry it took me so long, but here it is and I hope you enjoy it.
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Summary: You and Lindir consummate your romance…
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairing: Lindir x fem!elf reader
Warning: oral sex (m/f receiving), unprotected intercourse
Rating: M
Word Count: 3.4k
A cool breeze wafted gently through the treetops, the rustle of the leafy canopies blending seamlessly with the chirp of crickets and the throaty growls of the frogs that called the various lakes and fountains home. The night sky looked spangled, the sparkling stars looking like diamonds that had been strewn about along a bed of inky black velvet. 
Lindir cupped a hand about a thick white pillar candle, trying to shield it from the wind as he attempted to light it. It took several tries, but finally, the wick caught and held long enough for him to slip the glass cylinder over it to protect it from the wind. He set it on the low, white stone wall that ringed the small courtyard just off his chambers, where it joined nearly a dozen of its brethren, their small golden flames flickering every now and then, but their dance did not include bending to the wind or succumbing to it, thankfully.
His gut churned with a nervousness he’d not felt in what seemed like a lifetime. He could not recall the last time his stomach was in such knots, which was silly, really. You had been a couple for a while now, and saw one another on a daily basis. You’d shared a few kisses, but that was all.
Until this night. 
He looked over at the large fleecy blanket spread out across the lush green grass. A bottle of wine chilled in an ice bucket to the side. Two goblets stood beside said bucket, just waiting to be filled. He’d set out the candles.
Now, he waited.
Then, he heard your steps on the grass and smiled even as his heart sped up. Even as his mouth went drier than it had ever been. Even as those knots instead became butterflies and without even seeing you yet, his blood seemed to rush warmer through his veins.
“Oh, how lovely.”
His heart skipped a beat as you came into the courtyard by way of the gate. The moonlight shone silver upon you and he knew he’d never seen anyone as beautiful as you were right then. “I thought the candles might be a bit too much. Are they?”
You shook your head. “Not at all.” 
You crossed over to where he stood, stopping before him to smile. “I think they look lovely.”
“Good. I was a bit… nervous. I should hate to have to explain to Lord Elrond how and why I burned down the whole of Rivendell.”
“What would you tell him?”
He reached for you, catching your hand in his, and drew you into his arms. “I’d blame you.”
“He would never believe it.”
“Never say never. I can be quite convincing when need be.”
You gazed up at him. “I’m a bit nervous, I confess.”
“You needn’t be,” he assured you. “But, if you’d rather not tonight, we can always—”
“No, I didn't say that,” you were quick to reply. “I am just being silly.”
“Would it help if I was to ask for your hand first?” A hint of teasing wound into his smooth, low voice. “That way you’d know I am not going to disappear on you come sunrise.”
“Lindir! What a thing to say. Do you think that is what I’m thinking?”
“I hope not. But, just in case. Will you marry me?”
“You know the answer is yes.”
“Very well. Now you have no reason to fear, my darling. You have said yes and you are not forever stuck with me.”
“Oh, no,” you replied dryly, trying, but failing, to look utterly serious, “I have made a terrible mistake.”
“Liar.” He leaned in to sweep your lips with his. He’d meant it to be but a gentle, innocent kiss, but the moment he felt your soft lips against his, he had no choice but to press his a bit harder to yours. 
You melted against him, parting your lips and he released a hand to slip his arm about your waist, pulling you flush against him. Your firm breasts pressed against his chest, heating his blood as it slowly changed course in his veins, tightening every fiber, every sinew and tendon, as he responded to just that pressure. 
You wound your arms about his neck, welcoming the silken soft stroke of his tongue along yours. His kiss deepened, and when you traced your fingernails lightly along the back of his neck, he shivered against you and sighed heavily into your mouth. 
He could resist temptation no longer, the hand he’d splayed across your back sliding down to curve against your backside. He cupped a cheek, pulled you firmly against him, and it was your turn to sigh as that telltale bulge of his erection ground into you to create an altogether new and delicious ache deep inside. 
His hand slid up, the other one joining it at your shoulders, where his nimble fingers made quick work of the row of tiny buttons that trailed from the neckline of your gown almost to the small of your back. The fabric parted, the cool breeze skittering across your bare skin as he skimmed his hands outward and the material poured from you to pool at your feet.
You stood naked before him and he almost moaned aloud at the sight—at the high, proud breasts with their already-beading nipples, the curve of your waist and the slope of your hips. Just the sight of you was enough to make his blood scorch through his veins as it flowed south now, his manhood responding to give him away, should you lower your gaze.
But you didn’t. You held his and that served only to fire his lust further. Without shyness or hesitation, he let his gaze roam over you and smiled as he murmured, “You are so beautiful, my love.”
“Thank you,” you whispered back, and then you caught your bottom lip between your teeth when he reached out to cup your left breast. He was so gentle, his fingers dancing along the delicate skin, his thumb slipping lightly about your nipple, which tightened even further beneath his touch.
His fingers tightened about that breast, kneaded it gently, and then leaned in to sweep his lips down along your neck. You tilted your head to the side to allow easier access, and his kisses came softly hot against your increasingly sensitive skin. He punctuated each kiss with a teasing nip, and soothed that with a flick of his tongue. 
His thumb slipped about your nipple again, then caught it between thumb and forefinger to roll until you gasped. It was amazing to see how tight it beaded beneath his touch, how you responded when he gave a gentle tug, and when he leaned over to take it in his mouth? You shoved a hand into his hair, twisted your fingers into the length, and gave a tug that sent a sharp zing across his scalp. But that only heightened his arousal for you, only made him want to explore you further, to see what else would make you pull his hair and arch hard against him.
He took his time, let his lips caress each delectable inch of you as slowly as he could, which was no easy feat, as the very sight of you, the scent of you, the feel of you—warm and soft—against him was enough to drive him mad with desire. But, he wanted you to feel that same fairy desire, wanted you to ache for him the way he did for you. This was not only your first time with him, but your first time ever, and he wanted it to be as magical for you as he could make it.
He caught you in his arms, maneuvered you onto the soft blanket, and came over you gently. His lips found yours, his kiss hot and teasing and slow and he fought back a sigh as your lips parted and he slid his tongue along yours again. You tasted of sweet strawberries and he took his time exploring your mouth, drawing your tongue back into his own to savor that heady sweetness for himself.
He swept his lips down over your chin, down the front of your neck, which bowed as he caressed the sensitive flesh. He continued down, moving slowly along you body, kissing his way along your creamy soft skin, burnished ivory in the candlelight, his lips smoking a path along the inner curve of the breast he’d been teasing. With each sigh that wafted to your lips, each hitch of your breath, he grew bolder. Your body fascinated him, so soft and curvy, and as he kissed his way down, he sank to his knees before you. A hint of wildflowers and musk floated up to tease his senses. Your scent. Yours and yours alone. 
“My love,” he breathed, drawing back to gaze down at you, at the way your hair glinted in the moonlight, fanned out beneath you. Your eyes were heavy-lidded and sensual, your lips full and pouty from his kisses. “You have no idea how often I’ve envisioned this moment.”
“Do tell,” you whispered, your lashes fluttering against the pale expanse of your cheeks.
“I’ve dreamed of it. Of you. Lying just as you are now, bathed in silvery moonlight, a temptress amongst women.”
Heat crept into your cheeks even as you smiled. “You do have a golden tongue, my love, know you this?”
“I speak only the truth,” he whispered, letting his fingers trail lightly along the rise of your left breast. You sucked in a sharp breath, and he repeated the motion, smiling as he held your gaze even as he cupped your breast, slid his thumb harder about that aching bead, then worked down along the curve of your waist, over the rise of your hip. Each caress left you more languid than the one before it. Each one had you pressing your thighs together because the sensations offered up a hint of relief from the maddening tightness of arousal. You wanted to grab his hand, to guide it to that ache between your legs, but hesitated. What if he thought you wanton for aching to be touched there? What if he found you too brazen for wanting that arousal sated?
So, you bit down on your bottom lip as he continued his leisurely exploration of your body, as he moved slowly down along your thigh, over the back of it, to that sensitives patch just behind your knee. You couldn't help your sigh, which made him smile and switch direction, now skimming long the back of your calf. Up toward your backside. Over the rise of that cheek. Back down. You shivered against him, which spurred him on even further. As he drew closer to those curls at the apex of your thighs, he looked up and whispered, “I love you.”
You smiled, a hand curving against his cheek as you murmured back, “I love you, too.”
He winked then, and moved lower, his lips following in the path of his fingers—thigh, knee, calf—each kiss followed by a hot, teasing swirl of his tongue. 
He moved over your thigh and you bit down harder on your lip now. You ached with wanting him, the achy tightness between your legs growing damper with each caress. Everything inside you hummed with the need for him to quench the fires he sparked to life.
Your soft mewl didn't pass unnoticed and it took every bit of will he had to keep moving slowly. He felt your dampness. The scent of your arousal grew stronger still, as if trying to guide him to where you wanted him to be. 
He followed that guide, leaning in to graze your inner thigh with a teasing kiss. Your legs parted of their own and he almost signed at the heavy musky scent that filled his nose. Wildflowers. Honey. The most enticing of perfumes greeted him, welcomed him.
Lured him in.
He bent to you, his nose brushing the damp curls between your thighs. Fire swirled through him at the soft gasp that reached his ears when he slipped a fingertip into that wet heat. Slick. Hot. Enticing. He ached for a taste and so bent to you to slip the tip of his tongue into your folds, tracing along the curve of that satiny bead nestled within them. Your hand sank into his hair, spurring him on, encouraging him to caress you slowly, increasing the pressure against you as you sighed and moaned beneath him. 
Your hips moved with him, and he responded by flicking the tip of his tongue over that silken pearl, and when you grew wetter still, he let his fingers slip through that slick, stroking toward your opening. You moaned softly again as he eased his finger inside you, teasing you, caressing you inside and out, as you quivered around him. You thrust your fingers into his hair once more, twisting even harder now, your hips rolling slowly toward him to meet each caress. He was in no hurry, savoring every moan that bubbled to your lips, every drop of arousal that clung to his tongue, and he knew you grew close to your release in the way you moved with him. 
“Lindir…” Your breathless whisper rose into the gilded darkness. You trembled against him, your fingers twisting harder now, your breath rapid as you arched to meet each slow, teasing thrust of his tongue. He laved along that delicate pearl, gentle at first, but as you whispered “Yes…” he licked harder. Faster. He slipped his fingers into your slick, and when he found what he sought, he slid a finger inside you and smiled as you tightened around it. You sank against him as he continued his onslaught, stroking until he found that small swelling along your front wall and teased it as you pulsed around him.
“Lindir!” You shattered, your release as sweet as your arousal and he was relentless in his caresses as you throbbed around him, trembling and pleading with him to not stop. As if he would. Your cries of pleasure were the sweetest music to his ears and while he ached to find his own relief, he was in no hurry to end yours, either.
He slipped his finger free as you stilled against him and when you sank to your knees to meet his gaze, you whispered, “My turn,” and offered up a smile that turned his knees to jelly.
A hand pressed into his chest urged him onto his back on the soft blanket and he smiled as you straddled his hips and caught his hands in yours before pinning them to the blanket on either side of his head. 
Your lips claimed his and as you deepened your kiss, you slid your hands free to catch his tunic by its hem. You shoved upwards, breaking the kiss only long enough to whisk it over his head and then, when you came flush against him, he couldn’t hold back his moan. Your breasts, with those rosy beaded nipples, pressed into his skin, made the ache twisting his insides even worse. Your heat beckoned him, his hips rising to meet it, the pressure offering a bit of relief, but not nearly enough. 
His eyes closed as you moved down along him, trailing kisses over the smooth, warm skin his bared chest, and when you swirled your tongue along his left nipple, it was almost his undoing. He had no idea how sensitive his own were until then, and his entire body ached with the need to be inside yours, to feel that wet heat tight about him. 
Your hair spilled across his chest, warm and silken, and he buried his hands in it, let the gossamer strands caress him as you did. His head spun from the slow, teasing kisses you rained down over his belly, to the waist of his trousers.
Then you looked up and smiled as you unfastened them. As you gripped them. As you tugged them down and he sprang free from them, hard and proud and begging for your attention. 
Your name rose to his lips as you bent over and your lips closed about him. Your tongue moved slowly up from his base to his tip, your lips teased where your tongue did not, and when you gave a gentle pull…
He twisted his fingers in your hair as ever fiber in his body tensed, as the need for release tightened about him like a powerful fist, squeezing and pulsing with each stroke, with each teasing pull. White lights danced before him, and when you traced your fingernails along his sides? His moan rose like a mist into the air. His hips rose to meet each caress. The ache inside him grew stronger and more demanding and he had to force his eyes open as he gazed up at you. “Please… I need you…”
You pulled away, a look of utter satisfaction on your face as you whispered, “Need me for what?”
He smiled. “I think you know, love.”
He came up then, his lips seizing yours, his chest pressing into yours to urge you onto your back once more and as you obliged, your legs parted to let his hips settle between them. 
You felt the silken steel of his erect member slip into your folds, slide along your aching, overly sensitive flesh, and you shivered beneath him as he moaned above you. You teetered on the precipice. There was no going back now.
He caught your lips in a lingering kiss and you felt the gentle probe as he positioned himself. You were so tight about him, the resistance greater than he’d thought it would be. He drew in a deep breath and thrust, and you cried out at the brief sting of his breeching you. Then he went still, and you whispered, “What is it?”
“I love you,” he whispered back, then began moving inside you, each thrust slow and controlled, and little by little, the stinging ebbed and only pleasure remained. 
And what pleasure it was! It swelled within you both, fiery and hot and sweet, and with each thrust, that pleasure grew. It engulfed both of you, driving you both closer to the edge of madness. 
Your heat fed his. His fed yours. He surged harder now, tensing as his climax took root. It began in the soles of his feet and worked its way up like a rolling wave of thunder, and all he saw was you, your eyes sparkling, your cheeks flushed. You were close. He felt it in the way you tightened about him, the way you pulled him deeper still and throbbed around him once more. 
Everything inside him tightened. Twisted. Threatened to drive him insane as his climax bore down upon him. He couldn’t put it off, had no choice but to surrender to the inevitable as you squeezed him with a powerful rhythm and your fingernails dug into his chest. You tensed about him. 
He twisted his fists into the blanket beneath you, arched hard, and climaxed with a blazing fury that had him moaning and shuddering above you, that had him going rigid from the force of spilling hard inside you and you eagerly accepted it, pulsing and throbbing around him. You clung to him, your fingernails digging deep into his back. Your surrender met his and as he sank against you, you wrapped him in your arms as if you would never let him go. 
You fought for breath, as did he, and you held him as he trembled against you. Smoothing his hair away from his temple, you murmured, “I do love you.”
“Oh, I love you, too…”
“I think we should do this again.” 
You smiled as he lifted his head to stare at you incredulously. “Already?”
“Well, perhaps we should wait a few minutes,” you amended. “At least my head clears. I might faint otherwise.”
“Probably a wise idea.”
“I thought so.” You tightened your arms about him, and it all just felt so perfect, so right. You were where you belonged and you were not about to let him go. Not ever, if possible. No moment had ever been so perfect, as the one you shared with him in the moonlight on the most romantic night of your life. 
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cantstoptheimagines · 2 years
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Eternity (Walter DeVille | The Invitation)
Summary — Walt’s jealousy shines through.
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ There’s something about this man that really makes me want to write smut; mentions of vampirism (including biting, blood, etc.); mentions of jealousy; cursing; Google Translate is a gem (Latin... because, well, vampires).
Notes ➳ Word Count is 2,558. ➳ Reader uses feminine pronouns (she/her). ➳ Translations for Latin words and phrases are at the end of this work. ➳ Special thanks to Yoshino for brainstorming this idea with me. You’re one in a million!
FAQ | Masterlist | Fandoms | Requests | Coming Soon | Schedule 
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His gaze burned into you, dark and brooding.
Walt’s lips were drawn into a line, sealed closed in an effort to hide his annoyance. He tightly clutched the champagne glass in his hand. Next to him, Viktoria cast amused glances between the two of you with a smirk. Lucy, however, was entertaining guests, far too busy to notice the tension. 
“He’s quite handsome,” mocked Viktoria, ignoring the way Walt’s sharp glare snapped to her.
“Must you make me angrier than I already am?”
Viktoria chuckled in response to his question. Other than that, she remained silent, nursing her own drink as she went to join Lucy. If he wanted to wallow in misery, then she would let him.
Walt’s eyes returned to you. The man standing before you was some tall, aristocratic stranger. With blond hair and a perfectly fitted suit, the man had been brought along by the Billingtons. And while Walt hadn’t even spoken to him all evening, he hated him.
He watched as the man brought a smile to your face with what Walt assumed to be foolish jokes. The distance between the two of you was miniscule. Tugging at the thin strap of your dress, you meet Walt’s gaze over your shoulder. 
Walt could feel heat rising within himself as a smirk made its way onto your lips. He shook his head at you with narrowed eyes, but that only made your grin widen. You gave your husband a once-over before returning your attention to the stranger. 
Walt had never been good at hiding his jealousy. You, meanwhile, had always been the wife who enjoyed testing his patience the most. You knew what you were doing to him.
And as his champagne glass developed a small crack within his tight grip, Walt decided it was time to adjust that arrogant façade of yours. 
He put the glass aside, shoved a hand deep into his pocket, and moved in your direction. His other hand corrected his tie before trailing along your back, drawing your focus to him just as his palm came to rest upon your shoulder.
“I need your help with something, my love,” he said, fully ignoring the unknown man. “Come with me?” 
He tightly squeezed your shoulder. Although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were dark and his jaw was clenched. You furrowed your eyebrows, trying your best to feign innocence with a tilt of the head. You quickly bid the Billingtons’ guest goodbye and allowed yourself to be led away. 
The cool breeze of night wasn’t the only thing that sent shivers along your spine. Rounding a corner, you gasped as Walt shoved you against the manor’s stone wall.
“Foeda meretrix!” he sneered, towering over you with sinister intent. “You think you can fool me with your tricks?”
To a stranger, the situation might have appeared concerning. The lord of the manor pinning his lover against a wall, hidden deep within the shadows, with an angry expression on his face. To you, however, your position was anything but.
“It seems that I already have,” you shrugged. “You’re here, aren’t you? Or should I return to my previous company? He was so entertaining.”
Walt paused. His eyes narrowed at your carefree attitude, irritated by the sly grin that spread across your lips. In a flash, his fangs were bared and his chest was pressed flush against your own. 
He breathed deeply, taking in your scent as his nose traced over your skin. You bit your lip and closed your eyes when he released a low groan. His hands were pressed against the wall, leaving your body trapped in his embrace. 
“Entertainment? Is that all he provided?” he chuckled.
One of his hands placed itself beneath your jaw and slowly tilted your head to the side. He then began trailing kisses along your exposed neck, allowing you to feel the scrape of his threatening fangs. 
“Think of what I have given you.” 
His other hand trailed along the wall. You couldn’t stop a quiet gasp from escaping you when it wrapped around your body. Walt grinned through his kisses as he pulled you closer to him. Your hands wrapped themselves around him as well, one of them weaving itself into his dark hair and tugging harshly. 
“And what’s that?”
He paused again. The smile on his lips was evident in his tone as he whispered, “Aeternum.”
“You can speak your dead language all you want,” you huffed, nearly rolling your eyes as he continued applying kisses to your skin. “I still have no idea what you’re saying.” 
“Eternity,” he cooed, translating so that you could understand. “It will be you and me.” 
Your mouth fell open and your grip dug into his clothing. The feeling of blood cascading along your neck took you by surprise. Walt usually wouldn’t bite you so soon in moments like this. You loved to watch him become desperate.
His hips grinded against your own, allowing you to feel the way his pants strained around him. You quickly got to work on freeing him from his layers. Your back arched as he continued indulging himself on your blood, both of his hands pulling you as close as possible.
Walt’s tie was the first thing to disappear, falling to the ground, before you began to unbutton his shirt. Your hands then began exploring the expanse of his torso. He groaned, finally ripping his fangs from your flesh. He tried to soothe the wound with his tongue while he took off his belt and unzipped his pants.
“Tam dulcis,” he muttered. “Tu semper gustas tam dulce mihi...”
Slowly, you kissed down the length of his neck, ignoring his mumbles. Walt’s hands rested upon your shoulders, unsure of where to put them as your affection traveled down his chest and stomach. He watched with hooded eyes as you kneeled before him. You tugged at his clothing and freed him from his constraints.
His head tilted back and his mouth fell open in pleasure. His large hands landed on your temples, searching for a way to help your movements. Walt groaned at the feeling of your tongue swirling around his thick cock.
His fingers grasped at you. With a sharp thrust, his cock hit the back of your throat. Your eyes widened in surprise and your hands quickly gripped his thighs as he took control.
Walt’s thrusts were rough. Not to mention, you were sure that every guest could hear his loud, pleasured moans.
You gagged with every thrust of his hips, barely able to keep up with him. His balls slapped against your chin. Tears welled in your eyes from lack of air.
Walt could feel warmth building within him. His hips stuttered. With a final thrust, he shoved his cock to the back of your throat, pressing your nose against his warm skin.
You slapped at his thighs, gagging and aching to breathe again. Walt’s eyes rolled back as he held you against him until his pleasure finally hit its peak.
“Fuck,” he groaned.
His cum shot down your throat in bursts. You swallowed as best as you could before he let you pull away. His hands remained on your temples as you gasped for air. He panted heavily, staring down at you and stroking your skin with the pads of his thumbs.
Slowly, he ventured to where your hands rested against his thighs. His fingers grasped at your wrists, tugging you to stand once more. He placed your arms around his neck. Your fingers immediately delved into his soft hair.
His lips met yours in a rough kiss. Meanwhile, his hands busied themselves with hiking up your dress. Your grip on him tightened as he came to a pause. He pulled away from the kiss, looking down at the space between you.
With his fangs out and pupils blown wide, he grinned darkly, “No underwear? So you planned this?”
He moved closer, trapping you between his strong body and the stone wall of the manor. His sharp fangs grazed over your neck. You gasped at the feeling of his fingers delving into you. 
Walt smirked when he felt how wet you had become. While his fingers pumped in and out of your center, his thumb massaged your clit. He watched as your expression shifted into one of pleasure. His eyes examined the open wound he had created on your neck earlier, smirking to himself in amusement.
You whined as his fingers left your aching center. However, you didn’t have time to complain before Walt lifted one of your legs around his waist. Your eyes quickly followed his downcast gaze.
You bit your lip in anticipation at the sight before you. Walt’s free hand stroked his cock. The tip leaked with precum, swollen and red. A prominent vein made its own appearance along the side.
And with your legs spread, you were his for the taking.
The tip of his cock met your slick. His lips collided with yours in another kiss as he finally breached your entrance. His forehead landed against your shoulder, mouth agape as he panted at the feeling of you clenching around him.
His fingertips ran over your thigh while his free hand came to rest on your back. His sharp claws were almost digging into your skin. He bared his fangs as his jaw clenched.
“Hoc maturum cunnum...” he muttered, groaning as he kissed your neck. “Fuck, you feel wonderful, my love.”
You opened your mouth to respond, only to let out a loud cry, “Oh!”
Walt’s skin met yours with every slow, rough thrust. He couldn’t resist the urge to sink his fangs into your flesh once more. You could feel blood trailing over your skin as he drank your metallic taste with deep moans.
As he took in the taste of you, Walt felt his self control slowly slipping away. His claws finally pierced your skin, creating wounds that would need some attention later. He was aglow with sweat beneath the manor’s outside lighting.
You took pleasure in his animalistic nature. His grunts and moans were music to your ears. Your hands weaved through his hair, tugging sharply. The sound of skin against skin rang through the air. His thrusts left you gasping for air.
“Walt!” you moaned. “Please!”
He ripped his fangs away from your neck. Instead, he glared into your eyes, lips stained red as his pace only grew faster. The manor’s stone wall was harshly scratching against your back each time he shoved himself back into you.
“You know, I wonder if all those people can hear you take my cock,” he chuckled, still panting as he pressed himself closer. “Do you think they can hear you beg for it?”
His strokes were growing sloppy. Heat was pooling within you. His words had only made your folds become more slick. The thought of Walt’s guests overhearing your sensual encounter made everything feel more intense.
“I’m sure that pathetic excuse for ‘entertainment’ wishes that he were in my place right now,” he continued. “How does it feel? Knowing that everyone can hear you, my sweet, precious wife, being nothing but a cocksleeve for me?”
“Walt! Oh, please, Walt!” he mocked, laughing at your desperation. “You’re mine, aren’t you? Tell me!”
It was so hard to concentrate with his hips still pounding against you. Yet, you still found the capability to respond, “Yes! Yes, I’m yours! All yours!”
“Fucking perfect for me,” he growled, pressing his forehead to yours. “Cum with me, my love!”
You nodded, panting with a slack-jawed expression. A wave of pleasure washed over you. Shivers made their way along your spine as you came around your husband’s cock.
Walt’s eyes traveled downwards. He grinned as he watched your wetness gush around him. Biting his lip, he shoved his hips firmly against you, holding you in place as he painted your walls white.
His eyebrows furrowed as he pulled out. You could feel his thick release pouring out of you. You quickly gripped at the fabric of his shirt, head tilting back and whimpers escaping into the night air.
Walt had taken his cock into one of his hands with an arrogant smile. He slapped the mushroom-shaped head against your entrance, listening to your quiet pleas. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he came to a realization.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he chuckled, softly kissing your temple. “Adhuc dura sum.”
You whined, “Walt—”
“Turn around.”
His demand was quickly followed by his hand finally releasing your thigh. He grasped your ribcage, twirling you away from him. Your eyes met the manor’s stone wall. Your hands pressed against the rough exterior, searching for some semblance of balance since Walt clearly wasn’t done with you.
The bottom of your skirt was quickly shoved up and out of his way. He then hit your bare skin with a loud SMACK! Upon hearing your surprised yelp, he rubbed his large palm over the area and kissed your shoulder as an apology. 
He reached down to grasp his swollen cock. You couldn’t stop yourself from groaning at the feeling of the head repeatedly slapping against your clit. With his lips trailing over your skin, you could feel Walt’s smile growing as he listened to your pleasured sounds. 
As soon as he buried himself within you for the second time, he began thrusting at an almost overwhelming pace. He held onto your sides and used his harsh grip to tug you back and forth on his cock. His hips collided with your backside with every thrust. You were that there would be bruises on your flesh by the next morning.
You could barely keep up with him. Sweat trickled along your skin, despite how cool the nighttime air was. Walt panted heavily, hunched over you, seeking another climax.
Although he was still hard, both of you were still sensitive from the previous round. Walt gritted his teeth, eyes focused on where he was pounding into you from behind. He was practically rearranging your insides. 
You could feel another orgasm building within you. There was no way his guests couldn’t hear the two of you at this point. Not with the loud cries of pleasure that escaped your throat, despite any efforts to contain them. Not to mention, the sound of skin against skin echoing in the dark.
Cock twitching and aching within you, Walt growled, “Take it, darling! I’m cumming! Take all of me!”
Another climax took over his body. As his release flooded into your tight walls, your own orgasm followed suit. Walt grinned as you came over his thick cock. His thrusts slowed, though he continued to fuck his load into you, desperate to have you dripping with his cum.
He wrapped his arms around you, tugging you away from the wall. Your back was flush against his chest. His lips trailed kisses over the available skin of your neck.
Your eyebrows furrowed when you suddenly felt his thrusts building up once more. Your hands tightly wrapped around his. He was grinning against you as his pace began to slowly increase.
Twitching from overstimulation and laughing quietly, you muttered, “Walt! Wasn’t that enough? How long are we going to keep this up?”
“It’s like I said, my love,” he chuckled, hips grinding heavily into your backside, “eternity will be you and me...”
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Latin Translations, In Order of Use: ➳ “Foeda meretrix!” — “Foul whore!” ➳ “Aeternum.” — “Eternity.” ➳ “Tam dulcis... Tu semper gustas tam dulce mihi...” — “So sweet... You always taste so sweet for me...” ➳ “Hoc maturum cunnum...” — “This ripe cunt...” ➳ “Adhuc dura sum.” — “I’m still hard.”
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so-bitya · 6 months
As someone who likes the character of Elizabeth and well to some extent Cielizzy. I think something people should take into account is that they both don't know each other deeply and only have an idea of ​​what the other is.
I think what happened from Lizzy's "betrayal" to Ciel is important. Because first he makes Ciel deal with the consequences of lying to everyone he knows. Yes he have good reasons to lie but that doesn't mean people will be any less upset with Ciel because He openly LIED to their faces and even more so considering that he used the identity of his "dead" brother.
Lizzy makes sense in feeling hurt and betrayed because first they lied to her face and played with her feelings. But it is necessary because she must finally question why she "loves" Ciel. And what meaning does her indentity and life have next to Ciel (who she really doesn't know at all) I hope Lizzy can finally decide what she wants for herself and not what she expects from her and decides to return to Ciel (or Sirius?) and maybe finally THEY CAN SPEAK THINGS WITH THE TRUTH And well, maybe Lizzy will finally decide BY OWN DECISION to love Ciel/Sirius.🩷 And as for Ciel, I'm not sure how things will be on his side, but maybe he'll finally know and understand Elizabeth, and well, who knows, maybe he'll appreciate Lizzy more. 💙
Although knowing Yana I have the feeling that this could end very badly and painfully 💔But well just my thoughts I love your content of Elizabeth and Ciel 💕hasta aquí mi reporte Joaquín 👍
YES! this is everything I find interesting about them. that Ciel and Lizzy only know an idea of each other. they both hide behind masks and rely on each other for their identity as "Ciel" and "Lizzy". they've both been using each other to play their roles, but that's what makes their bond so strong to me? because that constant devotion, even when it comes to sacrificing themselves, is their sense of love.
And the betrayal!! that's what i don't understand fandom, the betrayal was incredibly well-written! fans just place the burden of the relationship on Lizzy constantly "oh she should've just asked first, how could she not trust him?" um... why would he answer her. why would she ask him?? her not trusting him is what kicked off this arc! how could they ever be honest with each other when this whole time they've been playing pretend!
and that's what im trying to get to here, that Lizzy's just like Ciel. she placed all her pride on being a fiancee, made an identity out of it. "how could Lizzy lie? how could she not trust him?" well just like how Ciel lied! like how Ciel didn't trust her, she's mirroring him! she repaid him for how he lied to her for all 4 years in one fell swoop! people cry about her not communicating, but this was the best way for her to communicate. how it felt for all those years not to matter, the humiliation of being lied to, the betrayal.
and im looking forward to them meeting again and speaking honestly for once. i like how you pointed out, it wont be just Lizzy coming to understand Ciel (the burden still falling on her) but Ciel coming to understand her too! how tragic it'll end up, i cant say for sure, I feel like Kuro kinda lost it's edge (i know, snake and agni, but an even more prominent character needs to die before i change my mind) ...and yana does have a soft spot for Ciel and Lizzy. however it turns out, as long as the characters are giving justice im happy.
anyway thanks for enjoying my writing lol, its kinda all over the place lol, but im planning more bigger posts in the future. i hope you'll enjoy them 🤞🏽💕
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minnophee-writes · 2 months
No One Escapes Death... Unless?
A/N: Hello again! I'm alive and well, just been really busy with job searching recently and had a job interview earlier this week so I had that take up most of my time. It's looking very promising so if I suddenly become very spaced out with posts then it'll be either because I got the job or I'm still searching ;w; Anyway, I hope you enjoy this Ghostface fic I did! Drew artwork that kinda inspired this fanfic as well <3
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Pairings: Danny "the Ghostface" Johnson x Penelope (OC)
Fic Warnings: Character death, blood, violence, knives, death, dub-consensual touching, dub-con, smaller female / taller man, size difference, dark smut, injuries, doggystyle, nonconsensual pictures and video taken, spitting, claiming, breeding, brief squirting, creampie, slight cumplay (if ya squint) (🔞MDNI this fic is for ADULTS! Begone minors🔞)
Summary: Screams echoed all around Penelope as she tried to work on repairing generators and helping her fellow teammates from being strung up on hooks like some sort of sick trophy. One by one her friends are slaughtered viciously; multiple, deep knife wound bleeding from the tops of their backs, and a river of fluids leaking from their mouths. When Penelope becomes the last survivor standing its a scramble to find the hatch before getting caught by the killer, but he's got better plans in store for her~
Word Count: 2,505 words
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Her hands shook slightly as her fingers tried to pair the correct wires to each other, slowly making progress on one of the many generators around the MacMillan Estate, her heartbeat was pulsing fast and loud that it blocked out the harsh sound of her panting. It wasn't long ago that Penelope had helped Dwight off the hook after the killer, Ghostface, had stalked and ambushed him inside the main structure. Penelope had quickly assisted in patching up his injuries before Dwight then guided her to a nearby generator, promising to aid her in repairing it.
Dwight was sweating bullets and constantly kept glancing over his shoulder, his nerves were like a live wire and brain on high alert. Penelope stayed focused on her task when a piercing scream rang across the air, freezing the two in their place. She held her breath as she looked at Dwight from the corner of her eyes, a silent question dancing in her stare.
"I-I'll go get her, you stay here and keep working on the gen. It's got two pistons pumping so you just need to get the last one and you're done!" He slowly stood up and awkwardly started to shuffle away while staring back at her, "Don't worry, you got so much progress on it already."
Those were his parting words before he vanished within the dark fog that was floating around the atmosphere. Penelope nervously nodded her head, mainly to herself, before turning back to the generator - hoping not to accidentally connect the wrong wires together and risk blowing it up, and injuring her hands. While she worked on the generator and all her focus was on her task she didn't hear the footsteps approaching her - not until a light touch to her should spooked Penelope out of her head and ripped a yelp from her. The generator sparked and sputtered, from the harsh yank her hands would have done when she got scared, and her eyes darted hysterically between the gen and the person who had invaded her space.
The person who had startled her was none other than Meg, the redhead having a look of mortification and fear on her face from the generator short-circuiting. Tears streamed down her face as her hands covered her mouth and her breaths came out as fast, stuttering breathing.
"He killed her..." Meg muttered.
"What?" Penelope's brows pinched in the middle, a pensive expression marking her features.
"Ghostface!" the woman sobbed, a little louder this time, "H-he just kept stabbing her - over and over and over again... The sicko even took a picture of her after she was already dead."
Penelope went to console Meg when they both heard Dwight's scream ring out from the distance, sending a chilling feeling through her body. She managed to talk Meg into working on the generator with her so that they could get out of their current hellscape, they only needed to complete that last generator then they were scott-free! Penelope could only hope that Dwight was running the killer through many loops and pallets, buying them time to gain progress on repairing the generator. Meg's hands suddenly stopped moving, her head staring at the side of the gen and her breathing was a wet gasping.
Penelope froze, listening to Meg's breathing and slowly connecting the dots that is doesn't sound right, before shakily turning her head to the redhead to peak at what could be wrong with her. What caught her attention was the trail of blood leisurely flowing out of her parted lips before a dark figure looming behind Meg drew her eyes next. Her green eyes made contact with two, black holes glaring back at her.
Ghostface grouched behind Meg's body, his head tilted as he stared at her, his hand slowly creeping up to grasp the hilt of the large knife that was embedded into the other woman's back, and giving it a hard yank. A whimper escaped Penelope's mouth, her body dropped to the ground, and her arms struggled to drag her backwards - away from the killer who had just murdered her friend right beside her. He stood up menacingly, keeping eye contact the whole time, as his feet gradually carried him toward her retreating figure.
"What do we have here?" His gravelly voice sent shivers down Penelope's spine, her eyes widening as her back hit a solid wall behind her.
"Please... I-I'll do anything, please!" Penelope begged, "I don't want to be in pain..."
Ghostface seemed to pause, tilting his head further as if contemplating his options. Her words echoed in his head, sprouting a few sinister ideas on how she could convince him her spare her - a dark chuckle errupting from him as he then rapidly approached her and harshly grabbed a hold of her arms.
"Anything, you say? Well... I can think of a few things you could do to show me how much you really wanna live, sweetheart."
Ghostface then quickly lifted Penelope onto her feet and pressed his body against hers, making sure to specifically press his growing erection against Penelope's stomach. Penelope let out a yelp and clung to the front of his robe, hoping to push into his chest to create some distance but that was dashed away when he grabbed each of her arms and bent them behind her own back, binding her wrists with one of his large hands while the other started to grope her hip and thigh.
"So, Sweetheart, can I ask what your name is so I know what name to say when I'm cumming in you-" Ghostface leaned close to her face, his breath fanning over her through the mask, "- or would you rather I call you Sweetheart and Baby Mama? Since that's what you're gonna be once I fill that pussy up with my cum."
Penelope let out a shout in protest, kicking and thrashing about in his hold hoping to losen his grip but he held strong, not even budging slightly - patiently waiting for her little 'tantrum' to simmer down so he could get on with his plans. Her strength diminished in his hold and she eventually went still, her head bowed - she didn't dare stare into his eyeless gaze for fear he'd take her soul as well as her dignity. His hand roughly grabbed at her belt, struggling to unbuckle it for a moment before popping the buckle, loosening it before unzipping her jeans and rucking them down her plush thighs. He then shoved his pants down his muscular thighs, his throbbing cock springing up and slapping against his lower stomach from how hard it was. Beads of pre-cum leaked from the head, his shaft was medium length but was slightly thick which caused a pang of fear to shoot through Penelope.
"L-look, I'm sure there's other ways I can show how much I want to live besides this!" She stammered, her thighs squeezing together in small retaliation.
"No way, Sugar. This is happening my way or you're getting the same treatment I gave your little buddies, and trust me, you don't want me to play with you that way - do you?" Ghostface threatened.
Penelope's lips quivered and tears started to build in her eyes as she slowly accepted her fate, her own self preservation and fear of suffering a painful death ultimately winning over her own self respect.
"My name's Penelope..." Penelope's voice was barely above a whisper, yet his keen ears was able to hear her but he wanted to humiliate her a little.
"What was that, Honey? Couldn't hear ya', gonna have to speak up!"
"My name-" She swallowed, a bead of sweat falling down her temple, "- is Penelope..."
"Awe, such a cute name for such a cutie~" He teased, "You know me as Ghostface but tonight you can call me Danny. That's the name I wanna hear you moanin'."
Before she could even process what his next course of actions would be he was already 2 steps ahead, manuvering her to the ground with her hips in the air - her arms still held behind her back. He squeezed her wrists in warning before letting her go, his touch vanishing and, so too, did his presence looming over her arched body. As Penelope debated taking a peek over her shoulder, she suddenly felt a cool breath fan over her exposed pussy lips right before the moist sensation of a tongue licked a stripe over her clit and folds.
A shocked moan left her lips as he did it again, the repeated action shooting bolts of unwanted pleasure through her body, her thighs quaked with each tongue stroke Danny delivered. A few licks later Penelope felt something small, yet thick, start to probe her opening, her hole fluttered at the contact as it circled her twitching hole before it slowly started to insert itself into her - Penelope then realizing it was his finger while his thumb rubbed against her sensitive clit. Penelope gasped which ended in a prolonged moan, her pussy clenched around his finger and drenched it in her arousal, a smirk plastered across Danny's face at hearing her sounds of pleasure.
"That's it, Penny, just think about how much better it'll feel once my cock's in it." He purred into her ear as he introduced a second finger into her, "Poor thing's practically beggin' for it."
Danny managed to fit his middle and ring fingers snuggly inside Penelope's pussy as it fluttered around them, his wrist and arm moving fast to bully the spongy walls of her g-spot while her juices coated his entire hand. Danny rolled his tongue around in his mouth to gather more saliva before spitting a big glob of it onto her pussy and finger-fucking it into her, making her more slick and slippery. Penelope's eyes started to blur and her brain felt hazy, she felt completely boneless from the pleasure Danny was giving her and a tight knot was forming deep inside her stomach, threatening to snap the longer Danny continued his fast, brutal pace.
"D-Danny... Gonna c-cum..." She barely managed to mumble out and he was quick to withdraw his glistening fingers from her pulsing cunt.
"Think you're ready for this? Heh heh..."
He grasped her hips tightly, arching her back and lifting her hips higher, alining his hard cock with her pussy and gently pushing into her - a stuttering gasp escaping Danny while Penelope groaned at the stretch, not use to a cock as thick as his. Each inch Danny would slowly fuck it into her before trying to introduce another inch inside her, almost cumming at the sight of her beneath him and clawing at the dirt in a very weak attempted to crawl away from him. He chucked at her and leaned against her back, smothering her with his body and pressing her further into the ground to ensure she couldn't get away.
"There's no escape. You're mine now, Penny, and there's no point in fighting it." He whispered into her cheek, lightly pressing a kiss there while shoving the last inch into her pussy.
He took a moment to get adjusted to her throbbing walls, waiting for her to settle before tilting his hips back and delivering a deep, hard thrust back into her, a wet smack following whenever their thighs made contact. Each thrust caused his balls to slap against her clit and pulled a sweet moan from Penelope, fueling Danny's ego and triggering his primal brain - his hips working hard to fuck into her with the goal of breeding her encouraging him. Danny's hands became restless and wandered up her soft stomach, gliding under her black shirt and pulling down her bra, his fingers manuvering their way toward her stiff nipples, pinching and tweaking them while Penelope squirmed from overstimulation.
"Danny, please!" Penelope begged but she didn't know what she was begging for - freedom or more pleasure?
"Don't worry, Honey, I'll make sure to fuck you so full everyday until it takes. I can promise you that." He panted while his thrusts got more aggressive, one hand going toward her wet cunt and rubbed sharp circles on her abused clit.
Penelope let out a scream, her pussy clenched Danny so hard it pulled a grunt from the man as he drilled into her faster, he panted into her ear as he worked to get Penelope to an orgasm so he could pump her full of his seed. Her toes curled and her fingers gripped the blades of grass as the knot in her stomach suddenly snapped - her shriek ripped itself from her throat, fluids shooting from her pulsing cunt while his cock continued to bully her g-spot. Danny's fingers proceeded to play with her bundle of nerves, pushing Penelope onto the line of pleasure and painful overstimulation but he didn't seem to care.
"C'mon, Penny... Gimme one more..." Was his delirious demand.
Penelope wasn't sure if she could give him another one, her pussy clamping down hard each time his cock slid into her gummy walls, his leaking tip kissing her cervix anytime he buried himself to the hilt. Danny leaned back onto his heels to glance at where they were joined together and witnessed a foamy white ring of her cum around the base of his cock, each thrust only smearing it across his dick. He groaned, quickly taking out his small camera and took 3 photos of the messy view before setting the camera to 'record', and placing it on the ground somewhere to the side. Pleased with what the camera would be capturing Danny then hugged himself around Penelope's body, his hips then manically bucked into hers, his own orgasm crawling up on him steadily.
Penelope's second orgasm came out of nowhere, her cunt squeezed around Danny's cock and pulsed in euphoric waves which triggered Danny to slam himself as deep into her as he could and shot rope after rope of potent cum into Penelope's warm pussy. Deep groans and little whines left the killer's mouth as he pumped his seed into her before he rested his sweaty forehead against the back of Penelope's neck, taking heavy breaths while his hands roamed over her fucked-out body - groping her ass and thighs before slowly pulling out of her puffy cunt. A few droplets of cum began to leak out but Danny just 'tsk'd, grabbing his camera once again, and used his pointer and middle fingers to push it back in - making sure to get it all on film.
Danny placed his mask back onto his head, shoving his flaccid cock back into his pants before rucking Penelope's panties and jeans over her hips, making sure that the panties would keep the cum inside her pussy and any drops would be saved onto the gusset. He took it upon himself to pick up the cock-drunk woman and carry her to the hatch, gently placing her onto the ground and nudging her into the open hatch, watching her disappear from sight but knowing that from now on she'll be his forever.
hope y'all liked it! Please be sure to like and reblog <3 <3 <3
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crooked-wasteland · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel LiveBlog: Scrambled Eggs
So I’m watching Hazbin with my partner who has already seen the entire series. It took us 5 minutes just to get this episode to play from the beginning because it would just skip to episode 4 while the credits where playing before i could pause or rewind. That has nothing to do with the show, it just made me unbelievably enraged, so we ain’t going into this episode happy.
What is with the cat?
It’s been a week since the last episode and every ounce of progress Sir Pentious made last episode is just thrown out as an excuse to introduce yet another character in Carmella. Was there not another way to do this? Like I get Sir Pentious wouldn’t be reformed, but just having him be suddenly paranoid with no reason isn’t founded. Even just a background detail of Angel Dust watching him from a doorway would have been enough to found that suspicion. Especially when Pentious wasn’t shown to be paranoid as a trait. I get this is narrative utilitarianism, but it’s just weak and changing one character’s personality to establish a new one is poor writing.
Sir Pentious to his eggs just feels like fandom
“That’s a lot less hot” That feels out of character
So Trust exercises to tone down the sudden change in Sir Pentious’ character and also to give Vaggie a leading role. Got it. Very utilitarian, very disjointed from the previous episode.
Sidebar, I googled who wrote this episode and it wasn’t Vivienne, however I never would have known because the last episode was equally full of contradictions that it also felt like someone else wrote it. Now maybe that was because Adam had a hand in thing, but The fact I have to google this stuff to know for sure is a joke kin its own right.
I am so conflicted about Niffty. She feels less childlike here and I like find her demented fun, but last episode she was literally written as being child-like so the pain fetish going on is repulsive, despite it not being this writer’s fault. If I want to enjoy anything about this show, I really have to just see every episode as one singular complete entity without calling back on previous ones, however this is a series and thus needs to expand itself through subsequent episodes. To not do so is a failure of concept because this series is very serialized. So in a bubble I really enjoy Niffty. In the series she is a very uncomfortable character to give violent fetishes to and make them so overt. Vivienne ruined that for you all, don’t blame me. Someone should have said how this should have been scrapped before we got this far.
Zestial is suggesting that Alastor may have died at Heaven’s hand. Alastor looks away while laughing. So there is a connection between Heaven and Alastor.
Egg Bois are cute.
Carmella has a bad case of Character Design does not match vocal performance.
Velvette, please never speak again.
Velvette is now 5 inches tall
The yellow blood looks like piss
Can someone tell Lilli Cooper that a lot of British singers don’t have such strong accents when singing. Just please, it’s a great time top drop that bad accent.
James, hi, your singing voice lost the character
The kink shaming be real.
Even Charlie infantalizes Niffty. Geez
This scene in the Turf war was peak Angel Dust. I laughed.
I have to ask, was the music written before or after the singing, because for one, Carmella sounds like she is trying to be heard over it, and second the beat of the music is either lacking or there was an issue with the audio mixing because it just sounds wrong. Like there are melodies and harmonies to a score and one of those is missing. OR, the music is just out of sync entirely with the performer.
Again, just don’t have Vaggie sing. You directed the actor to perform out of her vocal range for her modal voice. Don’t do this to her.
They are not at all harmonized, this is the worst duet I ever heard. Don’t you usually have singers record duets together so they can harmonize their voices? Why didn’t that happen here.
So this big conflict for Vaggie was never a conflict. Best resolution ever.
I like Carmella’s concept. Her character design is kinda trash and the songs were terrible. There was a good idea somewhere in this episode, but from beginning to end every aspect was contrived to just make the story work for the greater plot, the dynamics between the characters be damned. There is a sense of someone wanting to have fun with it while Medrano’s stood behind them with a chokehold on the narrative. It’s disappointing and I feel the writing suffers from Medrano’s obsessive and frantic need for control. This writing feels so insecure and I can only imagine that comes from having a very narrow box to fill.
I’m taking a break.
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partyanimal167 · 1 year
Hey i saw your post about wanting to do some law fics and i had an idea how about a law x fem or gn reader that is a excellent sworddswomen and can take out someone even with their sheth still on! ( like kagra from fairy tail the anime) but the catch is that when not fight shes super awkward and shy and flustered with him (because he saved her and she attracted to him and his character)Also could the fic being about their first meeting like asking her to join his crew and after time becoming a thing and going to dressrosa together, it could start with law telling the straw hats how they met
(Sorry i know thats a lot but i’ve had this idea for while now and would really appreciate it you can do it but its too much please let me know i dont want pressure you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
Hi!!! Thank you so much for requesting. I'm super nervous to write about Law, but this is a really nice prompt to use. Plus, I'm so stoked that you referenced Kagura! I love Fairy Tail; that was the first fandom I wrote about when I was younger lol. I'm going to try to incorporate everything you wrote. I hope you enjoy it~
She's Just Shy, ok...- Law x F!Reader
CW: Fluff, canon au, nongraphic action, awkward reader (mood)
In hindsight, Law should have realized he wasn't lucky enough to have a normal person on his crew...but she was special to say the least...not that he would say it.
Law was trying his hardest to not break his mug as he watched you going at it with the Strawhat's swordsman. It was his fault though. He had been too deep into his studies and planning, so after continuously rejecting Zoro for a sparring match, it made sense that he would go after you. You were more of a challenge really. Law flexed that strength of his sword at any hint of danger, but you, oh, you weren't bothered by any threats at all. Few could tell the story of seeing your blade at all. A swordman's that used only her sheath, yeah Zoro would be all over that.
Law nearly jumped out his skin when Luffy appeared hanging upside down from a rail. He grumbled into his mug. "What!"
He only laughed. "Y/n is so cool~ I bet Zoro is happy to have a strong person to fight with." he grinned. Law only grunted. "Hmm, maybe she could join my crew. OI! Zoro! Ask Y/n to-," Luffy groaned after being hit upside his head. "Nami! What was that for?"
The navigator rolled her eyes. "You can't go trying to steal people's crew members. What if someone tried to recruit Zoro?"
Luffy understood her point but still whined. "But she's so strong~ Zoro would like it!"
"She's not a pet!" Law argued back.
Luffy laughed. "Ooo, what about a competition! Y/N, would you join my crew if I beat Toroa at a game?"
You skidded across the floor and smiled at the goofy captain. "Sorry Lu-chan, I can't leave my captain yet." she beamed even as she blocked an attack from Zoro without looking. "I owe him too much." she grinned before turning her attention back to her opponent while Sanji threatened to starve Zoro if he so much as got a cut on your skin.
Luffy pouted. "Boo, I want her..."
"Be nice captain." Robin lightly chided. She turned to the doctor. "I am curious though. How did you two meet, Tra-guy?"
Your ears picked up the question. "Cap-captain, no! Don't tell them!" you nervously stammered and waved your hands.
Zoro raised a brow. "Why not? Couldn't be that bad." he grabbed a towel and tossed it to you. You wiped your face, neck, and bosom. He gulped down some water.
Seeing that your attention was back on him, Law relaxed a little. "It's nothing dramatic." he grumbled. "More embarrassing for me really..." he muttered.
"Huh???" everyone asked. For the doctor to admit that and not hold back was certainly something.
Law reclined back and spread his arms out. "I needed some assistance..."
You were finally able to relax and enjoy the warm weather after spending the morning training. Sitting and meditating was a great way for you to recenter before continuing about your day. You found a nice tree and were wrapping up when a heard some loud commotion nearby.
You opened your eyes to see a group of shady-looking men running away. A few moments later, an anxious looking polar bear was running around searching while tears seemed to be flowing from his eyes. You cocked your head to the side curiously. The polar bear cried out. "Captain is going to kill me!!!"
His uniform seemed to be unique enough from the townspeople, but not quite individualistic. You stood up and stretched. You weren't sure what to do about what you saw and decided to head back to your solitary home in the woods.
You left the busier town and continued walking casually in the woods. You knew this path well seeing as this was your childhood area filled with palm trees and secret waterfalls. You neared the summit of a hill and tensed as you felt an odd, distinct air. You dodged a knife thrown at your head and rested your hand on your sword.
A few of those men from before jumped out of the bushes. "Hehe, seems the rumors were true. What is a woman like you doing with that on your hip?"
"Looks expensive too." another added.
You met their greedy gaze with little interest. So they're robbers. You took a couple steps forward dismissively before they jumped to attack. You quickly reacted and swung your body around to dodge. You shifted on one foot before swinging the other to land in one guy's face. It would have been an easy conflict except more men appeared.
You grumbled before tying up your hair and pulling your sword from your waist.
"You got some moves, missy. But now we really know you don't need that sword. Those work better when they're out of their sheaths." he commented rudely.
You took an offensive stance and dashed to quickly to slice the shocked robbers. It only took a couple slashes or two before each man fell to the ground with serious wounds. You rolled your shoulders before sighing. You just saw them not so long ago, so their stolen goods were probably still on them. You peaked in a couple bushes before pulling out a long sword. It was heavy in your hand. You wondered how hard it would be to find its owner. Oh maybe, that polar bear would know. You continued to admire the blade when you felt the air shift once more. You turned around to see a man bring up a large hammer to swing at you. You tensed to move, but-
An odd light feeling surrounded you for a second before you were in the grasp of a stranger. You looked up confusingly as someone could just hold you with one arm then watched as the man froze. "You're- you're-, you're the Surgeon of Death!" the man only tch-ed at the accusation before rotating his hands and muttered. "Shambles."
You watched in shocked as the various men's body parts were dismembered before shuffling around and mixing with each other. Most of them were still knocked out though and wouldn't realize the uncanny circumstance until they woke up.
The man gently placed you down and you clenched onto the sword while bowing. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I should have totally seen that coming. How embarrassing!" the words blurted from your mouth.
The man's gold eyes looked at you with uncertainty. "Don't mention it..." he paused before reaching his hand out, "my sword, please."
You looked at his hand then clenched tighter on the sword. "Oh, huh, is this your sword?" you laughed awkwardly. "Oh jeez, heh, sorry here-,"
"Captain!!!" a high-pitched voice echoed up the hill before the polar bear from before appeared with tears still flowing.
You brightened! "Oh bear-chan!"
The bear stopped and looked at you. He immediately took a defensive karate pose in front of the man. "Did you take my captain's sword! You- you-, woman! I'll"
"Bepo," the man interjected annoyed. "This woman just defeated these robbers. Show her a little respect." The other immediately dropped his pose before bowing.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Thank you for recovering, Kikuko!"
You scratched your cheek awkwardly and waved your hand. "Ah no problem at all. He saved my life!" you then turned and finally handed back the sword. "Thank you, again." you bowed. You straightened up. "I'm y/n."
The man seemed to relax more with the sword at his side finally. "Trafalgar Law. I'm sorry if we caused you trouble." he looked at his subordinate. "My sword was taken away while he was on watch."
"I'm sorry, Captain."
"Tch, this is why I don't take naps..." Law muttered. "We'll leave now. I don't want to bother you more."
"Wait!" you called out. "I have to repay you! That guy nearly took off your head."
Law shook his head. "If anything, we're even. I saw how you fought; you would have been fine."
Your face warmed at the compliment. "No, I insist!" Law seemed to see your stubbornness despite the flustered appearance.
Law should have known better than to get his hopes up at your seemingly normal appearance. After meeting you a couple times while at your island, you proved to have a formidable reputation that had the Marines constantly trying to recruit you though you continued to reject them. As you two got along, you were amazed by Law and his crew's tales of travels and adventure. You recalled all the commotion that happened when the Worst Generation was at Sabody as well as the Marineford War. You never planned on being a pirate necessarily, but you had your own goals that meant you needed to leave home.
Law didn't know why you were so nervous to speak to him all the time, so he was shocked when you were able to as him to join his crew without a stutter. He wasn't sure what to think. You were strong and smart. And as much as he thought that another mouth to feed would be a bother, he couldn't deny that you would be a good addition. He'd hope that you at least learn to hold a conversation with him without playing with your hands.
"Law!!! You're so mean!" you wailed as you pushed your chest against the back of his head. He immediately blushed and tried to push you off. "I'm so embarrassed!" you clung onto him.
"Oh my god, I don't know why!" Law argued. You continued to fuss and Law shyly babied you in his arms.
The Strawhats were shocked by the softer scene in front of them. "He's surprisingly soft..." Robin noted.
Luffy groaned. "Oh boo, Tra is so lucky. No way she'll join us now." For some reason, he understood now.
*sprinkles in some slight jealousy because we like that here.* Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it @dancingnewcat Please let me know how it is. I'm so happy to finally get a request~
Until next time~
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rainybraindays · 3 months
Saying this as someone who was bullied, and who is fat, but a corner of this fandoms unwillingness to give Cressida any sympathy while stanning Penelope is weird to me.
Cressida and Penelope are incredibly similar. Their mothers are both abusive women who look down on those around them. They both enjoy gossip, they both have a mean streak, and they're both in similar positions this season.
But for some reason Penelope is forgivable but Cressida isn't?
People often talk of Portias cruelty (though they often downplay it but thats a different post) and how its why Penelope does a lot of what she does, but its the same with Cressida.
As early as s1 we see Cressidas mother brushing her off, she says to violet "My Cressida may have the fortune, but Daphne has the face." And if I remember correctly Cressida is beside her as she says this. Her mother casually insults her, in public to a rather influential person, with no care for her daughters feelings. In s3 its even more blatant with how the moment Cressida voices how she's not interested in Debling her mother starts in on how shes 3 seasons in an unmarried, how shes on the road to spinsterdom. She says "you may find me cruel" and then guilts her with how her father is cutting their allowance to justify it. Cressida has no siblings so Araminta has made every other girl in the ton her competition to a far greater degree than other girls, because while they all seem to have friend groups, Cressida doesn't consistently have the same friends. How is she able to keep a friend when the one time one shows up to see her, shes told shes not to be seen with her anymore?
Eloise is the first true friend shes had in years, and its clear through their interactions that while Cressida can be cruel, its not all she is. The cruelty is a shield, much like Whistledown is for Penelope. The main difference is that while Cressidas cruelty is open and known, Penelope is hiding the worst parts of herself. Part of this is because while both Araminta and Portia are open in their cruelty to their daughters, the former is overbearing while the later is neglectful.
While Penelope has been left alone to try and find a husband, given up on before her presentation, Cressida is constantly thrown at everyman who seems to be looking for a wife. Theres no attempt to have her actually form a connection, which I'd argue is part of why her courtships never leave the early stages. She puts on an act for them, likely at her mothers insistence, much like Portia insists Penelope play dumb for Debling.
People also keep asking "why isn't Cressida considered a spinster?" When she very nearly is? She says it herself, her mother says it, this is her last year to really have a chance. The only reason she wouldn't become an actual spinster is because th Cowpers have connections the Featheringtons don't, and are not against marrying her off to the first old friend of her father's who is willing.
Cressida has done everything she can to draw attention to herself, her hair, her clothes, they scream "look at me!" She has put on mask after mask to try and be the woman whichever man she may be speaking to may want, and has failed everytime. She is one of, if not the last, of the girls in her debut year who has yet to get engaged, or even close to an engagement, and she is scared. Anything she does in part 2, I expect because at this point she has three (known) failed courtship attempts, and the threat of a man the age of her father as a husband hanging over her head.
Cressidas been a bully, thats true, but shes also being abused. If you can justify Penelope as Whistledown because shes bullied and shes abused, but can't even find sympathy for Cressida you should maybe think about why ones negatives are okay, but the others aren't.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
Chapters: 26/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter Twenty-Six: The World's A Stage
After the play's opening night, Reese went out with Jason and his theater friends to get dinner. Jim and Barbara tagged along to chaperone to make sure that everyone got home safe. "Jason, you did great. Have you acted before?" Reese asked. Jason shook his head. "You're joking, right?"
"No, I just thought it'd be fun to give it a try... But I think I'll do this again," Jason whispered, "Well, actually... I know I'll do this again."
"You should definitely do Lenaea with us next year," an older girl suggested.
"Did you see who Bruce Wayne was with? Bruce Wayne is a god," one of the older boys chuckled.
"Guys, Bruce Wayne's coming over here... Everyone be cool," one of the boys from Jason's grade whispered.
"Sorry for disturbing your dinner," Bruce apologized as he shook each child's hand, "I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the play. Congrats on a perfect opening night." He stopped right before he got to Jason's hand and asked, "And you were the main guy, huh? Almost didn't recognize you without your mustache... You sure were something." Jason smiled and laughed. Suddenly, he had no words.
"Damn, he really is convincing," Jason thought to himself as he shook Bruce's hand.
"Thanks," Jason whispered. The corner of Bruce's mouth curved into a half-smile.
"I left my date all alone with the seafood platter, and I don't want her to get crabby," Bruce joked. The kids laughed. Jason smiled a half-smile in return, but he didn't laugh. Jason went back to his meal, and Bruce went back to his table. Reese gave Jason a peck on the cheek. Jason smiled.
"You're so cool," Reese whispered. Jason's cheeks went rosy, and he looked down at his plate as he continued to eat.
Once everyone was done eating and ready to pay, the waitress came and told them that Bruce Wayne had already paid for them. The other kids went home, and Reese left with Jason, Jim, and Barbara. "Commissioner, is it still okay for me to stay over?" Reese asked.
"Of course it is... Did you boys have a good time at dinner?" Jim asked.
Jason and Reese both nodded, and Jason rested his head on Reese's shoulder. He closed his eyes, and Reese relaxed a little bit.
"You're a good kid, Reese. You've got nothing to worry about," Jim replied. Jim glanced at both Reese and Jason in his rearview mirror. "Did you have a good time tonight?"
"I did. It was just kind of weird going to a school event without Ariel. I mean, it's really cool to be branching out, but I miss him a little bit," Reese confessed.
"You and your brother are close?" Barbara asked as she opened one eye.
"Yeah, we do everything together. I feel like people don't get how much I rely on him as my older brother because I'm bigger than he is... But I really do depend on him," Reese whispered, "He was there when I dislocated my shoulder camping when we were eight... He was also the one who popped my shoulder back into its socket that day. That was fun." Reese laughed and stopped himself as he realized he was sharing too much. He looked over at Jason, who was fast asleep, and he smiled.
"It's good for siblings to have their own thing. If Jason and I did everything together, I think we'd drive each other insane... It's okay to have your own thing," Barbara replied.
"Yeah, it's nice for kids your age to have your own things," Jim agreed. Instead of waking Jason, Reese unbuckled Jason's seatbelt and carried him to the elevator. "You don't have to carry him the whole—."
"He's not heavy—."
Jason groaned and lifted his head to look around. "Who—?" Jason caught Reese's scent, and he relaxed. "Reese, you can put me down," Jason whispered gently. Reese put him down, and Jason grabbed his hand. Reese pressed kisses to the top of Jason's head.
Jason showered and got into his bed. Reese climbed to the top bunk, and he leaned over to look at Jason.
Jason opened one eye. "Yes, Reese?" he asked calmly.
"Jason, I'm not scared of my father," Reese whispered. Jason opened both eyes and stretched out.
"Okay... I mean, I didn't think you were," Jason whispered.
"I'm gonna tell him," Reese replied.
"You want me to be there?" Jason asked. Reese lay back down and stared up at the ceiling.
"Yes... No... Maybe?" Reese answered.
"Okay," Jason whispered.
"Wait, should I tell him when he comes here to pick me up?" Reese asked.
"Sure, if you want," Jason replied as he closed his eyes.
"I'm not scared of him," Reese whispered.
"But you're worried about what he thinks. That's okay... I know you're not afraid of your dad. I know what it feels like to be scared of my dad, and I know what that type of fear looks like," Jason reassured him.
"Gosh, Jason. I'm sorry—."
"Don't be. I like when you tell me what you're thinking... I think we're both worriers," Jason smiled with his eyes closed as he drifted back off to sleep.
When Jason woke up that morning, Reese sat out on the fire escape alone in tears. "Reese?" Jason asked. He followed Reese out into the cold. "Hey?"
"He's gonna say I lied to him," Reese cried, and Jason embraced him. He shivered in the cold air, but Reese was so warm. Jason wished he could give Reese that warmth. "I messed up with him before I met you, and for the first time in two years, my dad is starting to trust me again... And, I don't want to ruin it, but if I don't tell him about us, it's gonna mess me up inside." Jason took a deep breath.
"You aren't a terrible person, Reese. If you were, it wouldn't be so easy to like you. I mean, sometimes I feel bad because as much as I like you, I don't know how to show those feelings... I don't know how to kiss you or—."
"Oh, thank goodness, I thought you just didn't want to kiss me," Reese laughed through his tears. Jason laughed with him.
"I'm trying to be supportive, but it's so cold out here. Let's go get breakfast before I freeze to death," Jason whispered. Reese let him back in the window before following him in. They hugged once more and changed out of their pajamas, facing away from each other. Jim knocked.
"I made waffles," Jim announced.
"You can come in, Pop," Jason answered him. Reese wiped his face.
"Everybody okay?" Jim asked.
"Yes, sir, I just decided to tell my dad today... It's just nerves," Reese answered. They followed Jim out of the room and to the table where they all sat and ate breakfast. Barbara offered each of them a nod as she drank her coffee. Someone rang the doorbell, and Jason got up to answer.
Mr. Polishuk smiled, and they hugged. Jason wasn't sure what moved him to hug Reese's father, but he was relieved that Mr. Polishuk didn't seem to mind it at all. "It was good to see you. You gave an amazing performance," he praised Jason warmly.
"Papa?" Reese asked as he walked over and stood a few feet from Jason and his father. "Papa, can we sit and talk... Right now?"
Mr. Polishuk nodded, and Jason smiled and nodded at Reese. "Alright, is this something you want to tell me privately?" Mr. Polishuk asked. Reese shook his head.
"You know how we talked about honesty? I would like to be honest with you, Papa... I just don't want you to be upset because I didn't lie. I was just scared to tell you, I have feelings for Jason, and we've been dating since the—." Mr. Polishuk held up a single finger, and Reese chewed his lip as a few tears escaped his eyes.
Mr. Polishuk looked at Jason, and Jim stood up. Mr. Polishuk sat on the couch and patted the seat, waiting for Reese to join him. "I told you it's okay with me for you to date... I'm not mad at you. I'm just surprised," Mr. Polishuk whispered. He relaxed his shoulders and embraced his son. "Kicsikém, I've been hard on you. I know I have, and I'm so sorry." He kissed the top of Reese's head. Everyone in the room seemed to relax. Reese cried as his father held him, and Mr. Polishuk extended an arm to Jason.
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