#so i said yikes! and hit the block button
brobotsbro · 6 months
...........if this was not somehow readily apparent by the constant talking about queer robots. this blog is run by a real life queer person. and I will not tolerate transphobia or homophobia and if I find out you are those things I will block you. Just letting anyone who may have somehow not gotten the message know. Trans rights isn't just referring to the transformers.
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sshbpodcast · 1 year
Won’t someone think of the children?! A Dal R'El Appreciation Post
By Ames
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Okay, I meant to only do a Rok-Tahk appreciation post because a) she’s the best and b) who has the time to write all these blogposts? But I just can’t help myself. The community’s efforts to #SaveStarTrekProdigy have motivated me to keep the posts going, so here’s some more love for Star Trek: Prodigy. These installments probably won’t be as intense as the Rok post, but check out what makes Dal R'El such a great character.
[images © CBS/Paramount… I guess? For now? Yikes.]
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Dal starts off as a terrible captain
The great thing about starting off a character with a lot of messed up personality flaws is that there’s that much room for them to grow. Like I said in Rok’s post: Perfect characters are boring. We saw a similar guided development in Julian Bashir in Deep Space Nine; he was downright unlikable early on until his relationships with other characters on the station gave him some foundation and his experience throughout the seasons provided the building blocks to becoming an ethical, respectable, and likable person. We’re seeing the same thing with Dal, whom we first see as a jerk for a lot of the show. He’s selfish. He’s clueless. He sees his crew members as things that do his bidding while he only does what’s best for him. You’re meant to hate his character. And that’s a good thing, because he’s not done cooking.
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Dal comes clean to Janeway
One of the first really redeeming moments we see from Dal is when he first comes clean to Janeway about being Starfleet at the top of “Time Amok.” Damn, I just can’t say enough good things about that episode apparently. It provides so many learning moments for the characters, as you can see in spades in Rok’s plot in that episode as well. Dal could have continued the lie that they are cadets, but he’s growing. And out of some combination of frustration, guilt, and finally doing the right thing, he starts thinking of people other than himself. “Time Amok” is the perfect place for that first step in the right direction since it’s when the kids start acting like a crew themselves, way near the midseason break! Baby steps, Dal. He’s getting there.
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Dal has inner demons
The longer character arc for Dal over the course of the season is his quest to find out who his people are. Being the only one of his kind is a huge weight for him to bear, and his loneliness guides his character for better or for worse (very frequently for worse, as mentioned above). He feels alone and so it’s fitting for his character to look out for only himself. It’s a long road to discovering his origins in “Masquerade,” an episode which expounds on his character isolation right when he was feeling like he might belong, and turning that character trait on its head by shifting it to his being an abomination. Dal is incredibly fragile, and it’s only through love from his friends that he starts to accept that he doesn’t need a family because he already has one in them. Sure, that’s a cutesy message, but it’s a kid’s show. Duh.
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Dal goes fast
Okay, this one’s silly, but considering the whole Star Trek franchise has decided for some reason that all captains need a catchphrase and also a comical little metascene about them creating their catchphrase, Dal’s quote “Go fast” is probably my favorite. Okay, Captain Pike’s “Hit it” is pretty good too and always delivered excellently (that man can say anything and it’ll sound great), but there’s something innocent and sweet about “Go fast.” Dal is almost always out of his element when captaining the Protostar, and shows his naïveté by calling things childish names like the “pew pew button” and the “beamy part,” and it’s all a nice little giggle because he’s a kid. “Go fast” is the sort of silly that’s appropriate for his character, who is faking it until he makes it. And boy does he make it! Go Dal! 
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We love you, Dal! We love the other crew members of the Protostar too! We love Star Trek: Prodigy! Check out the other character appreciation posts for Rok-Tahk, Gwyndala, Jankom Pog, and Zero while you’re here. I know I can speak for not only the other hosts here at A Star to Steer Hey By but for myriad other fans when I seriously hope someone picks up this wonder of a show. We’re really looking forward to seeing more from these amazing child characters, and we’re seriously wishing we get that opportunity. #SaveStarTrekProdigy
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
BTS Reaction To: Them Breaking You Out of Jail
Mafia!Au & Hyung Line
Summary: the boys are not happy when they find out that their girl was arrested and put into jail.
Warnings: mafia au, guns, any and everything that relates to mafia aus, my terrible writing, fluff, Jungkook being mentioned a lot because I see him as a member who loves hurting people (yikes), and a pouting taehyung
W.C.: 1.5 k
Notes: heeeeeey, I know,, this probably sucks, but I am trying to get stuff posted, but I am stressing and having terrible writers block, so please bear with me on my little rut
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Kim Seokjin:
You did not mean to get yourself put into jail.
You really did not – it was for a good thing, though, because you were just trying to protect your husband, Kim Seokjin.
Even though you are not a fan of the underground world, the situation was meant to get rid of a threat, and you did – just not smoothly. Getting caught by the Seoul PD was where you messed up because you did not look for any secret buttons that the bastard had laid around his bar which alerts the police.
So, you are now stuck here in the jail cell that had a dirty toilet, blood stains on the wall and bars, and a lumpy bed that was uncomfortable. The sound of security guards running down the hallway, shouting commands at one another was what woke you up from your sleep. Confused, you sat up, making sure that you did not hit your head on the top bunk.
“He’s here! He broke in!” A guard yelled panickily, shouting over the radio to someone.
Before the other person could reply, guns were firing rapidly, one of the hitting the guard in your line of sight. Deep down, you knew that it was your husband coming to get you, and the excitement that you felt had you smiling happily.
The outline of your husband’s body caught your attention and you could see his favorite pistol in his hand. On the right side of him was Namjoon, his second in command who was making sure that no one could get to your husband. It took not even forty-five seconds for your husband to get to you, the smirk that he had on his face made you feel all giddy on the inside.
“So,” he began unlocking the cell door, “My wife somehow got put away for murder…” Jin spoke with a bit of mockery in his tone, making you smile innocently.
“I was trying to help you out, Jinnie.” You replied, leaping into his arms when he opened the cell doors. “That’s all…” you murmured into his neck, placing a kiss to it.
“Well, lets get you home, love, before they send the S.W.A.T. team to this stink hole.”
Min Yoongi:
When Min Yoongi found out that you were taken to jail due to the Seoul PD putting a target on you, he was not thrilled. He knew that they were doing this purposely to get a dig at him, which unfortunately did not do them any good because they now had to deal with the wrath of the mafia king.
On the way to the jail, Yoongi kept a straight face, plotting the officers deaths. He wanted to make an example of what will happen when someone dares to mess with you, his wife, his love. The example will not be pretty, but it will for sure get across to those who want to mess with him.
As soon as the car was parked in the jails parking lot, Yoongi got out of the car with a sadistic smile on his face. “Jungkook?” Yoongi called out for his youngest gang member and friend, glancing at the eager boy who was excited for the job he was about to do. “Make sure you make a grand entrance, okay?”
“Yes sir.” Jungkook replied, a smile and an evil glint in his eyes.
As the first screech of terror rang through the air, Yoongi began his way to where the front desk person would be sitting at, which is a young woman that looked like she was in her early thirties. Once the lady found out that it was the one and only Min Yoongi, the color of her skin went pale.
“Do you happen to know where my wife would be? I’m here to pick her up.” Yoongi spoke in a polite tone, but the smirk on his face was anything but that. Instead of speaking, the lady handed him the key to the cell, hands shaking violently. “Thanks.”
It was very easy to find you, thanks to Yoongi’s men who got rid of the obstacles and Jungkook’s eagerness to kill and torture. When Yoongi caught sight of you, a smile that he only ever holds for you made its way onto his face. “Honey, I’m home.” Yoongi spoke in a low tone, smile getting wider when the relief and happiness that made its way onto your face.
“Yoons!” You cheered happily, racing to the door, hands gripping the poles tightly, eager to be in your husbands embrace once again.
Once Yoongi opened the door, you threw yourself into his arms, cupping his face into your hands to bring his face closer so you can kiss him. The kiss did not last as long as both of you like, being interrupted by Taehyung who was letting you guys know that more police were coming their way.
“Don’t worry baby,” Yoongi chuckled at your neediness, kissing the pout that made its way onto your face. “You’ll have my attention once we get home.”
Jung Hoseok:
The sadistic laugh that rang through the halls that held you and other ‘criminals’ told you that you that your boyfriend was here. You could tell that he was not happy, and that J-Hope was out and that was not a good side for those who are on the receiving end. The sounds of screaming from guards did make you feel sick to the stomach, but you could not deny the happiness of that those who manhandled you into the car were getting what they deserved.
Being put into jail because you were dating Jung Hoseok is ridiculous. Yes, he may be a mafia boss, but the authorities see it as you are a bad person and always doing whatever they can to get information from you. And this time has been the last time, which was them forcing handcuffs on you as you were exiting work without giving you chance to grasp what was happening. So, you knew once the news got to Hoseok that he was going to let J-Hope out.
“She-She’s the second to last cell on the left!” You heard a guard yell, pain from being beaten by your boyfriend.
Right after that, a gun shot rang through the hallway, causing you to cover your ears closing your eyes from the irritating sound of the echoing that gun shot caused. As soon as the ringing stopped, you opened your eyes and became face to face with your boyfriend who was sporting a smirk on his face.
“Baby girl,” he cooed, his voice soft, but you could see in his eyes that he was still eager for blood. “Did you miss me?”
Smiling back at him, “of course I did, Hope.” Your reply earned you a kiss on your forehead, causing your heart to flutter from your boyfriends’ affection.
“Let’s get you home, baby girl.”
Kim Namjoon:
Not liking to get down and dirty, Namjoon prefers to talk instead of shoot, he has the maknaes do the murdering. With that, Namjoon likes to be classy. That is why when he answered a phone call from you, stating that you were arrested for being a witness in a murder, Namjoon had a few ideas in mind on how to handle the situation.
Walking into the jail, Namjoon was greeted with a guard who automatically knew who Namjoon was. Going pale, the guard shakily pulled out his guard, which led to Taehyung and Jungkook pulling out their guns, too.
“Kook, Tae, it is okay. No need for those, yet.” Namjoon smirked at the guard who visibly gulped when Namjoon said ‘yet’. “This man is going to be helpful, right?” The mafia boss dared the guard to protest. Nodding his head ‘yes’ the guard put his gun back into his holster, bowing to the king to show him that he will help the man.
The guard, who had no choice, led Namjoon and the two maknaes to the hallway where you were kept in custody. Chaos began to rise when other guards saw the guard who was leading the underground king and his two men to you. But once the other guards saw the Taehyung and Jungkook draw their weapons, and then Jimin and Hoseok popping up out of nowhere to defend their leader and best friend. They knew that if they dared to harm the king, all bets were off.
“Joonie?” You called out, hearing the ruckus that had begun, and Taehyung’s and Jungkook’s bickering on who gets to set off the bomb.
“I’m right here, my Queen.” Namjoon replied, steps becoming eager to get to you. Once he made it, he felt relief flood through his body when he saw that you did not have any marks on you, just the cuffs that you were placed in.
Looking at the guard who led Namjoon to you, the mafia king smirked at the terrified guard. Glancing at Jungkook with a knowing nod, Jungkook stepped into the guards personal space, causing the guard to cry for mercy. “If only your boss knew not to fuck with my Queen, this could’ve been all avoided. But sadly, no one learns from the last example.” Namjoon explained unsympathetically.
Opening up the cell, you leapt into Namjoon’s arms, clinging onto your boyfriend tightly. “I missed you, Joonie.”
“I missed you too, my queen.”
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
MCC 18 SEP 21
Yellow Yacks and Cyan Coyotes with a little Aqua Axolotls. Part 1/1
The only reason I didn’t forget MCC was because I got the notification for Eret.
I have Wilbur on my TV. I’m going to watch Eret on my phone. And I’ll have Tommy on my iPad probably.
Wilbur throwing a tantrum and saying he won’t play.
I feel like a true Gen Z member with my multiple screens of minecraft.
I’m only just getting the Wilbur notification.
I love watching everyone run around before MCC and scale things.
Griefing the thumbnail. 😂
Wilbur just causes problems on purpose when it comes to group photos doesn’t he.
He just loves finding ways to cause problems.
Wilbur got a coconut!?!
I didn’t mean to type the question mark originally. But I am a bit confused.
Wilbur just stocking up on coconuts
True friendship is a quote book. I have several.
Baby banana boo.
Wait. I heard the word tumblr
Scott what did you do with tumblr?
I’m scared. Only Eret permitted on tumblr.
I remember watching hole in the wall as a tv show as a kid.
Wilbur’s glasses that don’t do anything.
There are September discounts for subbing?
The conversations in my work discord are something else.
Not surprised that Wilbur is going for top swearer of MCC
But my residents are going to walk by my door and judge me.
Alright I apparently wasn’t signed in to twitch on my iPad and it took me entirely too long to learn to remember it.
Tommy looks like he’s really concentrating. Oh wait never mind.
Wow the yaks are in first currently. I might be cheering for a winning team for once.
Alright I have my iPad split screen between Tommy and the MCC website.
Everyone break the elevator!
In the game, not in the building I work. I don’t want that paperwork.
Stick together and place many block.
I’ve been in Wilburs position. “I’ll be captain” “yeah let’s let Wilbur be captain”
Not a single POV I have up is synced. But that’s life.
Oh not starting out strong.
Just keep going. Ignore the falling people just like ranboo last time.
We are at the absolute bottom for this game.
Where’s a bag of popcorn or something?
“Stay down there. That’s how I won that one time” -Ranboo
Down they go.
They didn’t have anywhere to run.
Second round!
Oh that wasn’t their best idea. It was fun seeing Erets POV of that.
Go Teams.
Turning down the volume on yellow yacks to listen to aqua axolotls.
Aqua please. You have so much potential.
Switching audio again.
Yellow back at the bottom.
Ranboo ranboo ranboo ranboo
Down he goes. 😂 the timing of that was funny.
Please. Don’t die
Wilbur. Scott. Please.
Scott uncovering the creeper.
Their plan is literally just sit and be.
To be fair that’s my plan for everything I do.
Oh cobwebs are smart.
I’m eating very salty Chick-fil-A chips and need water.
We are still doing ok. Wow.
Cobwebs man. The real MVP.
They are still in 10th
COBWEBS!!! And Wilbur standing on the edge of a block.
It moved them from last to eight. But still. Wow.
Holy cow. How did that happen.
I always forget what the acronym game is.
Oh yeah. Wilbur snuck and found this. I remember.
Go team!
Oh the website updates faster than the game. But we’re starting off decent.
I’m going to have to take back that statement aren’t I?
Go go go go
Fly fly fly fly
Build build build build
Go Wilbur!
Rafter strat.
Wilbur found the rafters and everyone else loved it.
Blocking his own jump. 😂
I really should do the inside joke chair emoji thing for laughing. But I don’t care.
Tiktok is nice. Depends on the side you are on, but it’s nice.
We are doing halfway decent. I’m proud of us.
Wilbur is struggling and I think he might cry.
Not bad. I don’t think.
Power sweater.
This game in MCC has rainbow road vibes
I’ll have to make that it’s own post since I feel that’ll be popular ish.
Holy cow we hit first on the website!! How?
Ranboo sweet one.
They said no peaking to Wilbur.
Wilbur making them block stuff off and the like is so funny.
Run yaks run!
I missed the moment Wilbur just mentioned. Oh well I’m sure I’ll see the clip.
First last first.
Hey 4th overall. Look at em.
Wilbur switching to full screen to show us his M&Ms.
Let me balance my water bottle on the bedpost above my head. No way this could possibly go wrong in multiple ways.
Double coins. Gorgeous.
Chickens are being sniped.
What’s going to work? TEAM WORK!
I don’t think I have ever watched a game of grid runners in my life?
Alright game should start any second because it started on the website.
Alright stream is delayed about 13 seconds.
Go teams go!
Wilbur just sniping targets.
We’re doing ok.
All this dirt.
Go go go
We’re completing things first.
Wilbur got in!
Now they eat
Oh but they are falling.
Oh wow the painting is complicated. My friends and I would fail to communicate so fast.
Is this lever thing just find the button but complicated?
Go you got the levers!
Items grab!
My friends and I would seriously struggle unless I was allowed the lead. But I would lead us off a cliff.
Everyone get ready to go in as soon as the cake is done.
Exit! You guys are so close! Please!
Go Ranboo! Go Scott!
Come on guys. Come on. Good communication.
I think I like watching Wilbur with MCC because he had a similar strategy to what I would do.
Wilbur why did you try to act cool!!!
They keep saying they are miles ahead but not according to that scoreboard.
You placed 3rd. Good job y’all.
I’m excited for bonuses.
They have another minute until the others run out of time.
Good soup.
Oh wow. Ranboo and Wilbur really are always totgehe.
We are doing well. I see the board changing on the website so much.
Where will they land.
Looks like 2nd or 3rd
Fourth overall. Not bad.
Lap time is logical.
Audience vote?
Look at me redownloading twitter.
Can you not see how others have voted on twitter?
Oh there it is. It only showed mine for a sec there.
Battle box looks close. I voted ace race.
Oh it all looks close right now.
Long break my beloved.
I don’t have time to start my laundry but still. My beloved.
Game 5/8 so MCC won’t be too much longer.
I look up and Wilbur is shaking his ass at George. I’m not surprised.
Phil and Sneeg judging Wilbur.
Wilbur twerking on Phil and Sneeg joining.
Poor Phil.
Wilbur just having visited so many random places with so many random words just gathered.
Oh wow parkour tag is low. But so is sands.
Oh wow it was a tie. Between Sands and Parkour
“Wilbur is Sand Daddy” -Scott and then all the agreement noises.
Sands of Time is my favorite practical game
Maybe because Wilbur is really good at it. And Ranboo had been trained by him.
This is just good.
I swear Sand daddy is going to kill me during this.
I am just going to pass away.
My stream delay though.
Wilbur who says he stays very quiet as he makes circus music noises.
Minecraft Rhinos. Because I can’t spell their real name.
I don’t quite understand sand of time. But I like watching. It’s like college football.
I am missing the only college football game I care about for MCC.
Go Team.
No blue yet.
All the mobs.
“You better not die” sung to the tune of Santa clause is coming yo town. -Wilbur
Keep it up guys.
Oh no. They lost the key.
Oh good they found the key.
You can tell Wilbur had a musicians brain. He just hears something vaguely lyrical and starts singing a song.
Gotta promote your band whenever you can I guess.
I listened to the last Ep for like an hour and a half yesterday while I went about my day.
I wonder how we’re doing?
Only a few seconds.
I could warm a heating pad in the amount fo time they have left.
Ranboo doing these puzzles so amazingly.
Quit caring about what others think. Just do your thing.
I swear the sand daddy thing.
I love the cage of shame for not tracking your sand.
I zoned out. Red cyan orange?
We’re almost 15 minutes into sands.
I want to play Minecraft on my iPad right now.
Wait the website updated. We were 6th?
Yikes. I thought they did better.
3rd overall though!
Wait what was that about most influential improv thingy? Good for them.
Build mart!
Oh Ace Race. Wilbur calling Ace Race his girlfriend now.
I want to see the enemies to lovers fan fictions of Ace race and Wilbur.
Oh wait I can do that. I can verbally tell one like I have others in the past.
I’m excited to watch this.
Wilbur flirt with the race.
I’m not mentally prepared for this.
Everyone just joined because they don’t want to miss Wilbur x Ace Race.
Oh no. He’s not doing so well.
Oh Wilbur is giving us more.
Complicated history…
Whispering to Ace Race and Solidarity.
You’ve got it Wilbur.
Keep on talking. Keep your brain busy while you play.
Mommmm Wilbur is flirting with Ace Race again!
He’s whispering though so I can’t quite hear it and will have to find a clip channel that added subtitles.
Oh teams are changing on the website.
“What are you doing in my women Philza?” -Wilbur
“I will end your bloodline which is canonically also me.” -Wilbur
I can not track all the quotes from this. That’s beyond my abilities.
Wilbur did halfway decent, but it still uncomfortable.
Ace Race is a person now. Also the fact that Wilbur compliments Ace Race so much.
Sally v. Ace Race.
I want to find that fanart now.
Scott honey. Confirmed cannon is everyone fancies the fish.
4th. Not bad.
We’re still talking Ace Race x Wilbur
Build mart! My dearest buildmart!
I miss them sliding around in the sleds.
Grab da flowers!
We’re in 1st at the minute.
Come on yaks!
No coyotes!
Hurry hurry hurry.
Work discord going it’s thing again.
Oh we’re dropping fast.
Move the redstone! Thank you
Alright back on top. Keep it up.
I love the way the build spaces for the different teams work.
Who is the person on the build?
Oh first again? Nevermind.
Oh we popped up to second. We’re so behind. Come on.
Good soup energy. Now all I can think is the bi wide energy song.
Time is running out.
Yeah we aren’t catching up to first. Just hold second.
Where is granite?
Game over.
Third overall now. Not bad. Last game time they can possibly pull it into dodge bolt.
I need to go get a picture with the President of the university for a game with my work.
Good Soup.
I’m sitting here making popcat noises while waiting.
Game time! Go team! Survive!
Wait where did the steamer go? I wasn’t paying attention.
He’s back.
He’s swearing for his points on the swearing list.
Is pee a soup? No. I don’t think it’s think enough under normal circumstances.
Karl is apparently swearing according to Twitter. Good for him. He deserves to swear some as a treat.
Everyone running and leaving shubble.
Oh good they are all together.
Just keep running.
4th so far.
Cars. Beep beep.
Ranboo breath child.
Calling Wilbur like some kind of golden retriever.
Bow boy
Scott is leader now. Because otherwise they are arguing.
We are playing the don’t die strategy.
Come on team.
Did I put my cut in this post? I did.
Ranboo having stolen the airdrop. And he has a thing!
Oh the boarder is right behind them.
They are fighting Dream?
Nice Will.
We’re in fourth.
Boarder is right there.
Sapnap? Nope.
Pink attack and they book it.
Oh no. There goes Wilbur.
Is it just Scott?
Scott vs the world.
Just Organe and pink. They came third.
Please. Please let us do it.
Overall third. Pink overtook yellow.
Ranboo has achieved: Found Hated Game
Ranboo has been hit by Survival games so many times now.
If they had just lasted a tiny bit longer they would have come second.
Cheering Orange I suppose.
I have no skill at picking winner POVs.
I have 3 teams I was at least kinda watching. And none of them are in dodgebolt.
Gosh can hear Ranboo tweaking.
Wow. Yellow yaks just as a team twerking.
What is Wilbur chewing on? Wilbur don’t chew on things that probably aren’t meant to be chewed on.
I can hear the band outside of my window. I think my campuses football game is starting.
The drum line practiced outside my window all the beginning of the semester so it’s fun seeing them march to the stadium.
Oh and there are the cheerleaders.
Oh right I was watching MCC! Who’s winning?
Come on Orange. So close.
Wait I looked out my window. Why is the band walking back to where they were?
Along the sidewalk?
I thought it was game time for a minute.
Oh dodgebolt could go either way.
Distracted by Jesus.
Grian! You got this!
Nice Grian.
Oh Grian has a chance!
It’s so close!
Ooo ooo!
I’m so invested.
I SEE THE CONFETTI IN THE SITE! But I don’t want to miss the shot.
Come on Grian.
I know you do it. But you’ve got this
Woo hoo!!
That was a good MCC. Now to do the chores and homework I originally planned to do today.
That was a nice stream.
Scott is separating Ranboo and Wilbur?
Please. Scott.
Don’t separate the beings.
You know. Twitter needs to politely bully Scott into keeping Ranboo and Will together.
Oop and that’s Wilbur done. That was fun.
See y’all next time!
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xbellaxcarolinax · 4 years
Heartbreaker- Part 3
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Pairing: Modern Ivar x Female character/ reader (She)
Word Count: 6332. Yikes.
Warnings: Sexual content, language, angst
AN: The third part of this thing I did for @youbloodymadgenius 400 Followers Writing Challenge. I’m a bit insecure about this part, and it was hard to write but I hope ya’ll like it. Shout out to my girl @shannygoatgruff for helping me and encouraging me with the writing process. You da best.
Part 1, Part 2
The stars were mocking her, she was sure of it.
Her eyes were glued to her ceiling, the stupid LED’s sparkling brighter now that the sun had completely set and the moon had taken its place. She started learning her constellations when she was 10, the age when shit at home started to hit the fan. It was her attempt at an escape to avoid her parents fighting in the other room. She ignored the yelling and banging against the walls by running to her tiny window and staring out into the sky in the hopes of catching sight of Orion’s Belt or any of the dippers. The stars were nicer then, comforting her as she did her best to drown out her mother’s screaming. They weren’t so visible now that she lived in Oslo, the city lights blocking everything that glowed in the sky. She had to settle for the cheap projector she purchased off amazon when she first called the city home, and it had been enough for her to get by until now. It ridiculed her, the fake stars shimmering together as if to form a smirk.
Fuck that.
She reaches behind her nightstand, yanking the cord from the wall with force, cutting off the starlight and leaving her ceiling pitch black. The candles were still flickering as the only light source, the scent of roses still strong. At least it smelled nice. Flopping back against her pillows, she runs her hands down her damp face from her salty tears, dropping her arms to her sides and dragging the sheets over her still naked body. She hadn’t moved since he left. She couldn’t move even if she wanted to. Her body felt rooted to the mattress, her skin glued to the sheets. She gives the dark ceiling one last glare before rolling to her side, burying her face into the pillow where Ivar’s luxurious hair had left the fragrance of his coconut shampoo and his Armani cologne. She was fucking pathetic.
Sending him away felt like a mistake.
She wanted to feel powerful kicking his ass out. She wanted to feel in control and confident watching him leave, but she didn’t. He wasn’t even angry. As soon as she told him to leave, he silently gathered his wrinkled clothes thrown about in their haste. In rigid movements he dressed himself, grabbed his crutch, and turned to look at her over his shoulder, his eyes scanning the shape of her body under the thin sheets. He said nothing, just stared at her with this look of longing, like they were the most unfortunate pair to grace the earth. It certainly felt that way. Then he reached over, holding her head gently to place a kiss on her temple before leaving her bed. All she wanted to do was to cry and call him back as soon as she heard her front door close with a soft click.
The facade immediately collapsed and the smirk slipped from her lips, settling into a deep frown. Her eyes welled up with tears and cascaded down her cheeks without so much as a fight. She had felt a heaviness in her chest, a burning that ached over her as if Ivar himself had reached inside her and ripped out her heart. He had broken it, so why did it hurt just as much when she tried to hurt him?  
Because she loved him. She loved Ivar.
She was in love with him. Completely and hopelessly and stupidly in love. Like a fucking idiot. She loved him when he visited her at the museum. She loved him when he took her home. She loved him when he took her to bed. And she loved him more when she watched him leave, his expression forever implanted in her mind like a photograph. She’d never seen such a look on him before.
When the hell did it start to get to that point? She wasn’t too sure. It started simple enough, boundaries were set, and they were both happy with what they had. The sex was great, and even greater still when she realized her feelings were getting involved. She found love in the simplest things. She felt it in their little touches whenever she handed him something, in the smile that lit up his face when she made his favorite meal of steak and potatoes, or the way he looked at her when he knew she was wearing something particularly naughty under her clothes. Or maybe she loved him from the moment they met at that fucking party. Apparently it only takes the brain 2 seconds to fall in love with someone. She couldn’t even remember where she’d read that. Probably from that corny lifestyle magazine she picked up while waiting her turn at the dental office. Whatever. The damage was already done.
She fights to ignore the delicious throbbing between her legs, her body craving more of him and his touch. It bothered her, how her body was betraying her. With a sigh, she shifts away from Ivar’s scent, curling into herself and making a mental note to wash the bed sheets as soon as possible. A bath would be nice, preferably with lots of bubbles, but she was too lazy. She’d just have to wake up earlier.
She takes even breaths to calm her heart rate as she watches the candle on her nightstand flicker, hoping she’d find sleep soon.
Morning came a lot quicker than she hoped.
She was the epitome of a zombie, which meant she’d need her morning coffee. Her eyes were sensitive against the morning light and her body ached from more than just a sleepless night. She took a quick shower, fed Benji, and made her caffeinated drink. She was in complete autopilot, that is, until there was a knock on her door. Irritated at the early disturbance, she goes to the door with half a mind of what was on the other side of it.
Pink daisies. Twice as many as before. This time, they were arranged in a stained glass vase, much like the windows of a cathedral, with vivid colors of green, blue, and red, depicting a simplistic design. It must have cost him a pretty penny no doubt, but money was never a problem for him. It was lighter than the porcelain vase, but still heavy in her hands. She places it on the counter, her fingertips skimming over the silky petals as gently as she could without damaging them. They were beautiful, but she found herself unable to admire them. She had a melancholic view of them now. They couldn’t be her favorites anymore.
There was that white card again, hiding within the stems of the bouquet. She hesitates, her fingers grasping the rough textured paper, reluctant to peer inside in fear of another hurtful message. With a shaky breath she flips it open.
I’m sorry.
Love, Ivar.
The words were written messily, unusual for him as he had perfect penmanship learned from his years in boarding school. Again, the water from the vase dotted the card, causing the black ink to bleed a bit. Her fingers follow the streaks down to the edge, picking up some of the faded pigment. It was as if he were the one crying this time, asking for forgiveness with fucking flowers. Either this solution worked for him in the past or he was just really fucking stupid.
She bites her lip, fiddling with the card before opening her junk drawer and tossing it inside. She didn’t have the strength to get rid of it. She carefully takes the vase in both hands, setting them down on her coffee table and arranging her candles and other knick knacks around it until it pleased her. She sits on her sofa, watching Benji put both his paws on the surface of the coffee table, curious of the new scent in the flat. Pulling her phone from her back pocket, she searches her contact list, going to her blocked numbers. Ivar’s name was the only one on that list.
She pauses, her finger hovering over the button. One tap, and she would be signing up for more heartbreak. Then the image of the blonde appeared in her mind, her in bed with Ivar, smirking and devious. Mocking.
It wasn’t worth it.
With a sigh she tosses her phone onto the table with a loud clack, the corner smacking against the edge of the vase and spooking Benji. She sucks her teeth.
Forget it.
Ivar runs his large thumb over the smooth cream colored domino piece, watching Hvitserk deal the pieces out to him and Sigurd. He’s been in a foul mood since the night he left her flat and he’s been hugging alcohol and cigarettes to his side like long lost friends, specifically Patrón and Marlboro. They dulled whatever strange feeling he felt that fluttered in his chest whenever he thought of her.
Normally, women were never a problem for him. It was always the same routine. He’d find himself a pretty girl, date her for a bit, and find another one when he got bored. He’d tell them that love was out of the equation and that was it. There were a few that grew attached, but he’d nip it in the bud before it could escalate. Others were understanding. They’d have their fun and go on their merry way to do it over again with some other asshole. It was supposed to be simple. So why was she making things so fucking difficult?
Well, he wasn’t being entirely fair, he had to admit. They were both difficult. She had fallen in love with him after he warned her not to, and he couldn’t bring himself to keep away from her after he’d sent her away. He had a routine, dammit, but now all he finds himself wanting is a fucking routine with her. Like maybe a normal one. He had gotten use to her, her smile, her touches, her scent, fuck. How long had it been? A year? The longest he’d ever been with a girl. Seriously. And now Freydis was up his ass for attention. He knew the bimbo didn’t feel anything past physical attraction for him. It was just for his time and money, which he didn’t mind at first, but the bitch was terrible in bed and an unpleasant person to be around.
And so he hoped she’d appreciate the flowers. Women loved flowers, right?
Ivar gives the longest sigh he could muster in order to keep his thoughts at bay, deciding to stare at the domino in his hand. It had 2 giant black dots, and the longer he stared at it, the more they appeared like scrutinizing eyes, judging him and his decisions. He slams the piece face down on the table with a glare. Fuck, he was going crazy.
"Where'd you even get these?" He grunts, snatching up his forgotten beer and taking a sip. It wasn’t tequila but it’d have to do for now.
"Bjorn bought them for me from Cuba." Hvitserk says pointing at the little wooden box they came in with the Cuban flag expertly painted on the surface.
"He brings domino's but no cigars?" Sigurd grumbles, arranging his pieces away from the prying eyes of his brothers, “I’d rather cigars.”
"Domino's are way cooler than cigars, Sig," Hvitserk argues, "And maybe Bjorn doesn’t like you enough to bring you fucking cigars, but forget that. What I really want to know is why our baby brother here looks like fucking shit." Both the older brothers turn to look at Ivar with knowing looks, ready to tease if need be.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Ivar argues, slamming his first piece down to commence the game. Maybe he wasn’t sleeping much these last few days. And maybe he had bags forming under his eyes and wasn’t eating much, preferring his alcohol and chimney sticks, but he wouldn’t go as far as to say he looks like shit. Then again, he wasn’t looking into his bathroom mirror much either.
“Hvits is right. You look like a kicked puppy, and not even a cute one.” Sigurd snickers, placing his own piece down with that stupid little smirk on his face.
“There is no such thing as ugly puppies.” Was the grunted reply.
“Point is, you look like shit. Have you been sleeping? We know how much you love your beauty sleep.”
“And fucking,” Hvitserk chimes in, placing down his domino, “I think Ivar has us beat. He’s competing with Bjorn at this point.”
“Or maybe it’s that little vixen of his causing trouble. How is she doing by the way? We haven’t seen her in a while.” Ivar flares his nose at the nickname that Sigurd had given her. He fucking hated it now more than ever.
“Shut. Up.” He snarls, sliding his domino piece hard enough to push the rest off the table.
“What the fuck, Ivar! If you break my shit, I’ll-”
“So this is what you guys do when I’m not at the office?” Ubbe bursts in through the door of their little lounging area, a frown forming on his lips as he eyes them in pure displeasure before they settled on the game pieces, “Who’s idea was it to play dominoes when we have clients blowing up our fucking phone’s? And drinking beer? That’s just brilliant. Assholes.”
“That’s why your girl is the secretary, Ubbe, she can handle it.” Sigurd waves his hand around, glad that Ubbe’s outburst overshadowed Ivar’s. When the youngest got mad, it wasn’t pretty, but it was fucking entertaining.
“It was my idea, by the way,” Hvitserk chuckles, placing all the pieces that fell back on the table top, “Wanna play? There’s more beer in the mini fridge.”
“You’re all fucking garbage.” Ubbe mutters, but heads over to the fridge to pull out a beer before plopping down on the empty chair beside Ivar with a sigh, “Before I forget, Ivar, Torvi says some guy just came by to drop something off for you.”
“I’m not expecting a package.”
“You sure? I’ll tell her to bring it in.” After a few minutes, Torvi peeks her head in through the crack of the door before fully opening it, a bouquet of wilted pink daisies in her hands. The color drains from Ivar’s face as the blonde approaches, handing him the flowers with this odd look on her face. Who would send Ivar fucking flowers anyway? And dying ones at that. His brothers immediately start to laugh at Ivar’s stunned look, another session of teasing on the way.
“You have another admirer, little bro?” Hvitserk chortles, mixing the domino pieces for a quick shuffle before dealing them.
“The flowers look like shit.” Comments Sigurd, leaning back against his chair. Ivar, still bewildered into silence, blinks stupidly. He stares at the wilted daisies, the petals easily falling off when he brings his fingers to touch them. They really did look like complete shit. Just like how he felt.
“There’s a card clipped in there. You gonna read it or what?” Ubbe taps his youngest brother's shoulder to elicit some kind of reaction from him. Ivar composes himself before quickly snatching the white card. It was one he had already written a message in by the looks of it. The card was bent at the edges, and he recognized the black ink from his favorite fountain pen.
Finally summing up the courage to read the message, he flips the card open, his previous simple apologetic words were crossed out. A new message was written below it that had his little cold heart hammering in his chest. He bites his lip, his blue eyes scanning the 4 words over and over again.
Sorry isn’t good enough.
The Tune ship is a fast sailing vessel able to transport passengers quickly across 100 meters. It is speculated that the vessel was a warship, able to carry its passenger and light cargo farther distances at a much faster-
“Ahh, there you are. In the library just as I assumed.” She quickly removes her eyes from her laptop screen in favor of the intruder that addressed her. She immediately stands, pushing it aside and placing her hands behind her back. The museum director, Mr. Kent, chuckles at her nervousness, smoothing a hand down his pale beard. He must have been a blonde in his youth as his hair had a faint yellow glow when under sunlight. He was a decent man of English origin, specifically from Winchester, who had taken over as the museum director about a year ago. He was a man who loved to dress well, fancy suits and shoes to demonstrate his abundance of money, but it wasn't haughty, not like the Ragnarsson’s. Mr. Kent came from even older money, and apparently from a line of kings that ruled England centuries ago. He had a massive reputation, to say the least. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m actually in need of a favor. Do you have a moment?”
“Of course, Mr. Kent, what can I do for you?”
“Please,” He chuckles, “Ecbert is fine. As for the favor, my grandson will be moving from Winchester in a few short weeks, right before the gala for the Tune ship exhibit. I’d like for him to shadow you during your tours, if that is alright with you?”
“Oh! Yes, of course. It would be an honor.” Fuck no, it wouldn’t. The last person that shadowed her was super fucking annoying and ended up getting fired anyway, but since this was Ecbert’s grandson, it would be different, he’d have privilege. Hopefully he wasn’t douche.
And shit. The fucking gala. She’d almost forgotten about it. It was the only event that the museum held in which she could attend, dress up, and feel pretty, but it was the one event that made her more nervous than anything else. She’d be surrounded by the richest people in the country, patrons of the Viking Ship Museum and other prestigious institutions and universities.  And champagne, lot’s of champagne. Rich people knew how to party.
“Excellent,” He smiles, clapping his hands together as if to solidify their agreement, “Don’t let me take up more of your time, I know you're doing your research for the new exhibit. I’ll be happy to give you access to the archives if you’d like? You might find something of interest that isn’t in the scholarly journals online.”
“That would be fantastic, Sir, thank you.”
“Have a great day.” She watches the older man leave, before plopping back down onto the cushioned seat with a sigh. He wasn’t as intimidating as their last asshole director, but she still treads softly around him. You can never get too comfy with those above you.
She did some more research for another half hour before checking her watch. Another tour of the Oseberg ship was scheduled in a few minutes and she would be free to go home and feel sorry for herself and her love life. She puts away her laptop in her purse, quickly rushing over to her office to freshen up before the tour. It was a busy day at the museum as they were now at the start of tourist season, which meant the museum allowed for bigger groups to be guided, and more people meant more noise and more irritation. Walking toward the entrance of the museum, she scans her eyes over the group of the afternoon, suddenly hoping to find a pair of blue eyes looking back at her. But that wasn’t the case. She frowns. He wouldn’t come looking for her after that fucking stunt she pulled. She shouldn’t want him to look for her anyway.
She sighs, plastering the fakest smile on her face before greeting the group.
Her phone was truly the devil. Honestly, did it intend to constantly notify her on Ivar’s posts and images? And since when did he post so damn much? She’d have to turn off her notifications, or block him off of Snapchat. Actually, why not just throw the whole fucking phone away? Ridiculous. She grumbles to herself, wondering why she hadn’t deleted him off of any social media apps yet. There was an answer to that, she just didn’t care to admit it. She was never into that stuff anyway, just keeping her accounts for communication purposes for her friends and family back home. It was getting rather lonely. Her time was mostly spent with Ivar, and now that they’re having their little rift, she realized her lack of friends. Had she really revolved her life around him? Shit.
Stretching her legs down the length of the sofa, she makes herself comfortable for the stupid shit she was about to do. She grabs her phone, scrolling through her apps and goes on Instagram. Ivar had posted 3 new photos. He was out at some bar in the city having a good ass time it seemed. His best friend, Heahmund, was in all of them, probably as a chaperone since Ivar couldn’t handle his liquor much. Heahmund was a good friend for that and Ivar was lucky to have the British fuck look out for him.
Ivar’s story was filled with clips of him goofing off. He was totally drunk, she could tell by how lidded and unfocused his eyes were, and how pink his lips were from constantly pursing them over a glass. His hair was all fucked up and out of its usual bun, as if he were fucking someone right before the video was recorded. Almost immediately after the thought, a drunk Freydis comes into the shot. That explained it. She should really throw her phone away.
Freydis giggles at the camera before placing her lips to his cheek, trailing them down his neck in sloppy kisses.
A rage boiled within her and she felt her fingers tighten around her phone. She needed to calm down. He was doing his own thing and she might as well do hers, though it was much easier said than done. The other videos he posted were of him taking shots of whatever it was, most likely tequila, and grinning into the camera like an idiot. Or maybe she was the idiot. Why should she mope around while he was having the time of his life? She knew how to have fun!...Right? Well, sometimes. Okay, maybe not. That party she met Ivar in? It was an invitation she had refused countless times. She couldn’t be bothered with the guy who begged her to go, but she went anyway due to her lack of socialization at the time.
Going out and partying was never fun when she was always the sober one. She did drink of course, but her tolerance was a lot better than most, say, like Ivar. She couldn’t count with her fingers the amount of times she had to call an Uber to get his ass home. The very few times she’d gone out with his brothers, it always ended with the same outcome, except Ubbe would end up saving their sorry asses.
Ubbe was the sweetheart, why couldn’t she have felt this way about him instead? Right, he had a girlfriend. She grumbles to herself, thinking she's better off alone.
“Where are you going?” The scent of alcohol had rooted itself deep within Freydis’s pores, her breath tickling his ear in an unpleasant manner. She stops him when he slips off the bar stool, pulling him by the collar of his shirt to bring him back to her side. He didn’t like that. He didn’t like how her hands felt on him or the look she wore. He didn’t like any of it. The loud trap music that blared from the speakers had activated him earlier that night, but now it made his head ache something terrible. The bass seemed to be vibrating right through him and he rubbed the side of his temple to subdue the growing headache. He reached out to stabilize himself on the bar counter. He was so fucking drunk.
“I gotta pee. Get off me.” Ivar grumbles, pushing her away with little grace. Clingy bitch.
“What?” The blonde scowls, her eyebrows arching and her lips set in a tight line. Shit. He said that out loud?
“I think he called you a clingy bitch, actually.” Heahmund repeats Ivar’s demeaning words, a chuckle escaping his red stained lips from the wine he was drinking. This was the fun part of the night for the older man. Ivar had no filter when he was drunk. Well, he never really did have a filter, sober or not, but it was a lot funnier when he had alcohol in his system. He could be ruthless.
“I fucking heard him, asshole.” Freydis snaps, seemingly sobering up now that she was angry. Heahmund breaks out in a smile to which she glares in return.
“I gotta pee.” Ivar announces again, not bothering to look at Freydis before stumbling towards the restrooms. He belches after letting out a series of hiccups, pausing to place a hand on the wall to steady himself. He was so fucking drunk. How many shots of Patrón had he taken? 3..4..? He started counting out loud, bringing his unoccupied hand to his face in order to use his fingers. Wait, there weren’t enough fingers on that hand. He stumbles again when he lets go of the wall, using the other hand to make his calculations. 5...8? Shit, he lost track. Forget it. It was a lot of Patrón.
Using his shoulder, he bursts in through the restroom door, mumbling an apology when he runs into someone. Ignoring the blurry image of the guy scowling at him, he makes his way into a stall and pisses his life away, his head resting against the cold tiled wall as he scrambles to gather his thoughts. He wasn’t happy. The alcohol wasn’t making him happy. Freydis wasn’t making him happy. What the fuck was wrong with him? He was a simple man with simple pleasures yet for some reason, a basic routine and a basic girl weren’t enough anymore. This was all her fault. Why was she torturing him without even trying? In his intoxicated state he could still remember how her voice trembled when she cried and how her eyes looked when they glossed over with tears. How drunk did he need to be to admit that he had hurt her? Really fucking drunk. Like now.
He slams the red door of the stall open, not even flinching when it banged against the stall beside it, maneuvering himself clumsily over to the sink. Gripping the porcelain, he leans forward to get a good look at himself through the streaky mirror. His eyes were so low he could barely see himself, cheeks flushed bright pink and lips matching in color. When did his bun get loose? He looks at his wrist hoping to find a hair tie but scowls when he finds none. He grunts in annoyance, turning on the tap to wash his hands before dragging his wet fingers through his hair. The cold water felt good on his heated face and he closed his eyes for a moment. He gazes at himself one last time before coming to a decision. He needed to talk to her. Right now.
Digging in the pocket of his simple denim jeans, he whips out his phone, struggling to find her contact name before pressing the call button and bringing the device to his ear.
You have reached the voice mailbox of 45-
Fuck. He forgot. She blocked him.
He wanted to throw his phone in frustration. Why did she block him? Did she not understand that he needed to talk to her right now?
Oh wait. Snapchat. Snapchat has video calls. That’s it. Ivar immediately takes a fat finger to scroll to the app, forcefully pressing down on the little ghost in haste. Finding her name in his contacts list, he presses the little video icon, hoping she’d answer. After a few seconds he almost gives up, but then his screen lights up, and he is rewarded with her tired eyes.
“Hey,” He breathes, noting the dim light in her room, “Were you sleeping?” He slurs, and immediately curses himself for sounding so stupid. He clears his throat in the hopes of gaining his language skills back.
“Ivar?” Her voice was heavy with sleep. It was exactly how she sounded when he used to wake her up in the morning with soft, lazy kisses to her shoulder. He missed that. “It’s like 2am. What are you calling me for?”
“I...I don’t know. Missed...your voice.” The words poured out his mouth like vomit. Actually, he was shocked he hadn’t gotten to that point. He threw up at least once after a hard night of drinking. His eyes fell shut as he leaned his head back against the wall beside the sink. God, this speech impediment was bad. He hears her snort tiredly on the other end.
“You’re drunk.”
“Mm...noooo, no. Mm not.”
“I can smell the tequila from here.”
“Wait, really?” His eyes pop open as he brings his phone closer to his face. He couldn’t focus all that well, but he could make out her sleepy features. Those pretty lashes of hers brushed over her cheeks with every lazy blink, and her messy hair was placed in a high ponytail at the top of her head.
“No.” Was her flat reply, pure irritation seeping through the word. Ivar stares at her displeased look for a moment longer, sighing in an almost dream like manner.
“You look beautiful.” He answers back, sliding down the wall to sit in a much more comfortable position. He didn’t care if the floor was dirty, he was drunk, and he didn’t want his legs to start hurting like a bitch.
“Shut the fuck up,” She says, “Words of a drunk.”
“I’m being serrrrious,” Ivar whines, “You always look amazing, you know that?”
“Right. Is Heahmund still there?”
“Yeah,” He pouts, “Why? You’d rather talk to him? You like him or something?” Ivar had never been the jealous type, but he was whenever it involved his brothers or Heahmund. When he had started seeing her, their interest zeroed in on her like fucking hawks, and so he made it abundantly clear to them that she was off limits. She was his conquest, no one else’s. So no, he wouldn’t consider himself the jealous type, but everyone else needed to stay the fuck away from her, even if she wasn’t his to play with anymore.
“No, Ivar, to make sure you’re gonna get home okay.” She sighs, shifting in her sheets and rubbing her face in frustration, “And it seems you will.”
“Aw, you worry about me?” He grins stupidly, his mood shifting wildly as he rubs his phone on his sweaty cheek as if to send her affection.
“No more than you do for me. How’s Freydis by the way?” The bitterness in her tone was enough to bring him down from whatever high he was feeling. Ivar scowls, shifting the phone back so they were now directly looking at each other. He blinks, trying to clear his head again. Freydis. He forgot about her already. And he didn’t really care anyway.
“Clingy bitch,”  He muttered his words from earlier, “I don’t wanna talk about her. I wanna talk about you.” He almost laughed when she pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.
“What about me, hmm?”
“I dunno,” He shrugs, his eyes searching hers through his fingerprint covered screen before passing them over her visible form again. She was wearing that one t-shirt she favored, the comfy one with the large neckline that always slid down enough to expose one of her smooth shoulders. Her messy hair and tired eyes reminded him of the many nights spent together tangled under his sheets. It made him swallow thickly as he brought a hand down the center of his jeans to ease the growing ache. Fuck, he needed to get his shit together. Still, in their silence he conjured up images and ideas in his head that he certainly shouldn’t at that moment, but fuck it. He licks his lips, feeling the sly grin stretching across his face at the words his brain had given to him, ready to spill from his mouth, “Maybe I just want to talk about the way your back arches under my hands, or the sounds you make when I-”
“Ivar,” She stops him immediately, her face blooming that pink color he loved, “Kindly shut the fuck up.” She looked like she was about to say something more, something much harsher and meaner, but she stopped herself. Instead, she takes in a breath, rubbing her eyes, and suddenly, she didn’t seem all that tired anymore. “Did you like the flowers?” She asks instead.
“Huh?” His eyebrows curve in confusion as his hazy mind tries to decipher the meaning behind the question. What was she talking about? Flowers? What flow-Oh. Right.
Sorry isn’t good enough.
He sighs, leaning his head back against the tiled wall. He could hear the transition of trap music out in the bar to some basic pop he hadn’t heard on the radio in years. He was in no mood for Kesha.
“I hated them.” He mutters truthfully. The wilted daisies made his heart sink. He’d never felt that way before. Was that how he made all those other women feel? He chews the inside of his cheek, ignoring the pulse behind his eyes and the ache in his head. Finally, the nausea kicked in and his stomach churned for the inevitable. He swallows thickly, running his hand through his messy hair, her eyes following his every movement trying to read his expression. Even in his intoxicated state, he made it hard for her to read him.
“This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.” He says miserably. Why does he fuck everything up? If he had never gone to that stupid party in the first place, he would have never met her, and he wouldn’t be feeling that way he does now. Like complete trash.
“What a shame,” She says, cocking her head to the side, her ponytail brushing against her cheekbone, “Just take your own advice, and try not to fall in love.” She gives him one last look before she hangs up, having him stare at his screen for a few seconds to understand what just happened. He remains seated on the dirty bathroom floor for a few moments longer, continuing to ignore his churning stomach and the tightness of his throat.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Heahmund bursts in through the door, immediately grabbing hold of Ivar’s arm and helping in lifting him up to his feet, “You’ve been in here for 20 minutes. Freydis left in a cab.”
“Good for her.” Ivar grunts, shoving his phone back in his pocket. He pushes Heahmund away, going back to stand in front of the mirror. He looked sick, sweat building up near his hairline.
“What’s wrong with you, hmm?” The older man questions, crossing his arms and using that tone on him as if he didn’t have 4 fucking older brothers already.
“Being a fucking idiot, that’s what.” Ivar says, closing his eyes as his chest burned with that familiar sensation.
“Finally feeling bad about what you did, huh?” Heahmund questions, “You know, no amount of fucking flowers and alcohol is gunna fix anything or make you feel better. You needed a reality check. She gave it to you.”
“And you call yourself my friend, traitor?” Ivar managed to say before pushing past him and into a stall, heaving out all the contents from his tequila filled stomach.
The Tune ship exhibit was coming together.
The fragments of the ship were strategically pieced together to form the remains of the ancient ship to its former glory. Well, most of it anyway. It was a fraction of what it once was in the past, but it was still an impressive archeological find, and although it wasn’t as massive as the Oseberg or the Gokstad, it was still considerable in length. She felt like a speck of dust standing beside it despite its lack of framework. She observes the rotted wood and the grooves within each ancient plank, wishing she could reach out and touch it; to feel what they must have felt like a thousand years ago. It’s been 2 years since she began working at the Viking Ship Museum and she still found herself in awe at every artifact that entered their exhibits. She supposed it was the bookworm in her. Ahh fuck. That’s what Ivar calls her.
She immediately frowns, her face twisting in displeasure. Somehow, her thoughts always went back to him, and that irritated her greatly.
“Hello?” The unrecognizable voice echoes throughout the empty exhibit. She looks over her shoulder at the intruder, her gaze gravitating to meet the clearest blue eyes of a boyish young man. The blackest hair she’d ever seen frames his blushing cheeks and the tips brush softly over his shoulders. She blinks at him, cocking her head.
“Uhh, hi?”
“I’m sorry,” He lets out a nervous chuckle, looking around the unfinished exhibit to avoid meeting her eyes from his embarrassment, “I didn’t mean to startle you.” He had a gentle voice, a hint of shyness in the undertones. And extremely British.
“No it’s fine,” She approaches him, sticking out her hand to greet him with a handshake and a small smile, “You must be Mr. Kent’s grandson. I wasn’t expecting you so soon…?”
“Alfred,” He answers, grasping her hand and offering her a timid smile back, “It’s a pleasure.” 
@a-daydreamers-day @heavenly1927 @didiintheblog @inforapound​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @leilabeaux @shannygoatgruff​ @syrenak @soleil-dor @walkxthexmoon​ @zuxiezendler @homeyzeus @redenzione​ @mariaenchanted​ @laricebabe @hecohansen31
There are some of you that Tumblr won’t let me tag! They are in bold. I’m sorry 😭
168 notes · View notes
You Again
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part 010/?? “the encounter with oliver queen”
previous part // next part
word count 6k jorwbngjroeagn
WARNINGS: slight mention of thoughts of suicide; smut i.e expressive word usage, dry humping
an: erajibgijrea;bgj;ire don’t kill me. this was the dress inspo. also, for those who didn’t see my post, I was considering switching Bruce Wayne descriptions and face usage to our new batman, robert pattinson. and also switching barry allen to the grant gustin one.. yikes so much has happened to our dc people huh?
Being back in Star City (although the last time you wandered the streets it was still known as Starling) felt like you were eighteen again. You were instantly hit with the memories you had shared with your college roommate Laurel wandering these streets at night from one destination to another every Friday night. You also remembered why you were jumping destination to destination, and that was following in the steps of her high school sweetheart: Oliver Queen.
You had only met him once or twice in passing. One of those times was when you had returned from that first fateful trip back home and he nearly immediately left the room. The second and final time you had seen him was shortly before his disappearance, and with him went Laurel’s sister… But Laurel pushed through, and last you knew still lived here in the city. You wondered how Oliver’s reemergence from death affected her. Regret settled into the pit of your stomach with the thought that you hadn’t been there for her with that, but you chalked it up to being in two different worlds now.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when the front desk attendant was handing back your credit card and a little envelope with the standard two keycards. You nodded your thanks and walked back over to Clark, who had been patiently waiting close by the elevators and carried all the bags. “Got the keys?”
“Yup,” you replied. You had moved to grab at least your bag from him but he shook his head. “Oh come on don’t be a macho man. I can carry a bag”
“You have a bag,” Clark grinned and motioned to the small wallet in your hand. You rolled your eyes and tapped the button on the wall. “Really it’s no problem. I’ve carried more.”
The door dinged softly before the doors opened, and you each stepped inside. You could feel the elevator shift slightly with Clark’s weight and couldn’t help but bite your cheek. When the doors finally closed you let out a small chuckle. “Yeah yeah. Cars, planes, spaceships--”
“Buildings,” he chimed in. You smiled a bit.
“Oh yeah can’t forget the buildings.”
Your voice trailed off, watching the floor numbers move one by one. Clark had caught the tone shift, but he didn’t push any further. He let you lead the way when the doors reopened to a hallway, he followed you down a few feet and then around a corner before coming to a halt before a door. You pushed it open for him and held it ajar for him to easily enter, and when he did he set the bags down on one of the couches that adjourned the suite. It was a large room, or rooms really, and he took a quick glance around. “You paid for a suite for only one night?”
“No,” you said as you worked on grabbing things out of your bag. Clark raised a brow before you looked up and offered him a smile. “Bruce is paying for this for only one night.”
Clark chuckled a bit but continued to watch while you pulled out a garment bag, which must have housed your dress, other pieces of black fabric, and then a bundle of essentials. You hummed quietly to yourself, and went over to one of the double doors and pushed it open, and he was knocked from his train of thought. “I’m going to shower then get ready.. The other room should have a bathroom as well if you wanted.”
“Yeah, I probably will. Thanks,” he replied. You gave him another smile before closing the door behind you and Clark finally let out a pent up sigh. He went to rummage through his own bag when he heard the shower turn on, and he could hear the faint echo of your feet hitting the shower floor. Clark took a deep breath before moving again to the other room, he needed to cloud his senses so he couldn’t focus on the sound of you drenching the included loofah in soap before running it over your skin. He quickly turned his own shower on to block out the sound the fabric made as it worked across what he knew to be bare skin. Clark couldn’t help but shutter as he himself discarded his clothes and stepped into the freezing water.
Anything to get his mind off of the idea that he could just easily be in the other shower with you.
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It was nearing time for them to leave. Though the venue was a short ways away from where you had chosen to stay, though now that Clark thought about it this looked to be the nicest hotel in Star City, he was eager to get what they needed and get out. He knew who Oliver Queen was, he had also seen some of this Green Arrow’s early work, and though he knew you could handle yourself he couldn’t help but worry about how tonight would go. Clark was looking out of the ceiling to floor windows when his phone began to vibrate in his pocket. With one fell swoop he pulled it out and answered it.
“Diana,” he greeted through the line. Though he couldn’t see it, Diana was sitting comfortably back at the warehouse bunker, enjoying the peace and quiet not having people around brought her.
“Hey. Listen I was going through Bruce’s information on Star City, and wanted to give you a bit of a warning.”
Clark took a couple steps away from the window and raised his brow. “What exactly are you warning us of?”
“Well,” Diana sighed into his ear. “There have been attacks recently. The media refers to him as the Throwing Star Killer. Nothing you can’t handle, but.. Something to keep an eye out for. I’m not sure if Mr. Queen’s presence will draw any unwarranted attention from this guy.”
“I won’t be too far from her then,” he said. The two mumbled goodbyes to one another and when Clark went to put his phone back into his pocket he heard you tumble in the other room, followed by a quiet “shit”. Cautiously he neared the door and tapped on it with a couple of his fingers.
“Yeah!” You had called out, though he could hear the exasperation in your voice. Clark cleared his throat, shuffling his feet a bit to speak closer to the door.
“Is everything alright?” He asked. You hesitated for a moment from what he could tell before he heard your feet shuffle over to the door. You unlocked one of the sides and pulled one door open just a crack, just enough for your face to come into view. Clark could see your work, your hair shaped in a way that framed your face, which was painted in a way that accented your skin perfectly. If anything you knocked the wind out of him, but he couldn’t help but see you hide yourself behind the door and look over him with curiosity.
“You look nice,” you offered him. Clark looked down at himself for a second before meeting your gaze again.
“Thank you,” he said in a light tone. “Are you..?”
“Ready? No, I.. I kinda need help.”
“Help,” Clark repeated. He felt his stomach twist but he kept his cool, only offering you a nod. “I can help..?”
“Okay,” you replied back rather quickly. “Hold on just a sec.”
You had closed the door again but didn’t lock it. Clark wondered where you were off too but he didn’t have too long to think about it before you cleared your throat and offered for him to enter. Clark carefully pushed open the door again, letting himself in and glancing around the room. When his eyes fell on you he had to catch his breath. You were standing inside your dress, which draped down you beautifully in a light grey color. The strapless number was framed in the front in a low v shape, with two straps that hung over your arms. Clark could see you holding the fabric up with your hands, your own fingers draped across your chest and he blinked when you began to speak. “I was putting it on and the zipper stuck and.. Well can you finish zipping it?”
Speechless, Clark could only offer a nod but you turned away from him regardless. Now taking steps closer, he held his breath in fear of what being so close to you would make him do. Clark had never been one to be able to control his desires around you, and with your back turned he got a full look of your soft back. As he stood behind you now, one hand worked on the zipper and pulled it up carefully as to not ruin this beautiful piece of clothing. He had to ignore the feeling of your skin under the graze of his fingers, up and up until the zipper was done, and he could close the little latch on top. He could see the little ruptures of goosebumps across your back, and for some reason he was able to play it off cooly when you turned around again. If you had felt anything, he couldn’t see it past your offered smile but then your face changed.
“Oh hold on,” you told him. With another simple nod you turned your back to him and grabbed something from the bed. When you turned back to face him you held a set of heels near in color, and you grasped onto his shoulder and knelt down to slide your foot into one shoe, then face him at a higher level and smiled. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Clark chuckled. You switched the hand that held onto him to balance yourself and moved to put the other shoe on. Clark could almost sense it before it happened, the foot already in a heel wobbled a bit, and he quickly gripped onto your waist to steady yourself. You inhaled sharply, stopping your movements, and you both stared at one another, as if daring one to make a move. Clark slowly took the heel you were still holding from your hand and kneeled down before you. Careful not to shudder at the intimate way he was before you, and your one hand now seemed to tense up around his shoulder, you slowly lifted the slit of your dress to arch your leg for him. Clark gripped onto the soft skin of your calf and ankle and slowly ease your foot into the heel, fighting the urge to follow the curve of your leg up past the material that covered you.
The room held a heavy feeling in it when he straightened back up, now at near equal heights both could see the slight darkness in the other eyes. It was dangerous territory, and luckily before either could make a move they might regret, the sudden burst of the main hotel room door broke them apart. Barry Allen stood gracefully tugging at the clasps on the wrist of his suit.
“Did I miss something?”
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These galas were everything you had always loved about your job. With the recent contract signed with a notable client, due to an NDA you couldn’t discuss of course, you were always in search of something spectacular for them. Spectacular pieces were found in spectacular places after all, right?
Tonight was no different. It was easier to be relaxed in a place you had frequented before (you actually had done your internship with this particular company during your undergrad in the city) and though you didn’t know it, any hint of a threat was hidden by Clark. Entering at separate times, when you did catch a glimpse of him he was surveying something, but he seemed to hear your entrance. You offered a slight nod to one another, and as you made your way through the small crowds surrounding pieces of art, you looked around for the Mayor himself.
He seemed liked by the people, like he cared about the city which was a refreshing thing to know given who you knew him as all those years ago. In all honesty, looking at the piece before you kind of reminded you of him. The legacy behind Oliver Queen, that was. It depicted a new beginning, being brought from the darkness and into the light. If that didn’t scream Queen then what did? It also made you wonder while purchasing it, that maybe Bruce wasn’t so far gone as well. You didn’t look back towards the entry until you heard the feverish snaps of cameras and calls from outside, all echoing the same word.
Oliver Queen looked near identical from what you could remember in passing. Though he had light traces of a beard and was definitely more muscle now, there was one thing that hadn’t changed. The smile. It dazzled even all the way across the room. You were brought back to the moment when the art curator offered their hand, and you obliged in a simple shake. Once they departed you you grabbed a flute of champagne and sipped on the bubbly drink as you lingered around the outskirts of the room. Soft music rang in your ears, some swaying to the stringed instruments, but you wanted to look around a bit longer. Your eyes gazed over the intricate painting, splashed with green but the figure in the water distorted and lonely.
It made your chest tighten. It was speaking to you directly.
“Covo’s Swimmers would be one of my favorite series of paintings I’ve seen,” a voice said from beside you. You swirled your flute around as the person settled in by your side, letting out a sigh at the tilt of their head. “The lack of distinguishable features really makes you feel it--”
“That it’s you,” you finished the thought. You glanced over at the person who tore their eyes from the painting and greeted you. You smiled a bit before facing them fully. “I didn’t know you were a man of art, Mr. Queen.”
“And I believe we’ve met before,” Oliver offered. “We have haven’t we?”
“Briefly. In passing,” you chuckled a bit. “Though you probably wouldn’t remember me. I was Laurel’s roommate in college.”
He thought for a moment before something seemed to click. You didn’t know if he was playing this off, but if so he was good at it. He was so casual with himself it would’ve fooled anyone. “It was after the fall break right? If I recall correctly I booked it as soon as I heard the crying.”
“Yeah. Yeah you did,” you said lightly.
“I’m sorry,” Oliver offered. But you feverishly shook your head.
“Oh god, no, really it’s fine. Who really wants to hear about hometown boyfriend drama anyway?”
Oliver laughed a bit, and you could see why the people liked him. He was easy going despite his name and title, he just looked to connect with people. If he was the Green Arrow, then you wondered what that looked like. You heard the menacing stories, but for some reason they didn’t line up with who you were talking to right now.
“Are you still living in Star City?” He asked you. You both had moved on, walking shoulder to shoulder and he grabbed a flute of champagne for himself. He occasionally glanced over at you, really engage in what you had to say. But you also couldn’t help but notice Clark linger at every word too in the distance.
“No, I primarily work out of Gotham now,” you explained. “I was in Metropolis for a couple months but--”
“Let me guess,” Oliver cut in. “Someone kept you in Gotham.”
“More like bamboozled me,” you joked. “We aren’t together anymore. But gosh that’s neither here nor there.”
“But you stayed,” Oliver stated. You nodded a bit to yourself before sighing softly.
“I did. Partly because I thought something would work out, and partly because I can’t get out of my lease agreement.”
You tried to make light of the situation, and though you had hoped for more time with him, to try and sprinkle in some kind of notion that you needed to talk to him alone. Another man came to his side, whispering something into Oliver’s ear and when offered a nod, disappeared nearly as quickly as he had shown up. Oliver turned back to you and offered a smile, but also offered a goodbye.
“My apologies but--”
“Duty calls?”
Oliver smiled and nodded. “I’m afraid so, but it was nice to catch up again (Y/N).”
You watched Oliver disappear back to the front, and out the exit before being met again with the flashes of cameras and hollers of his name. You were stuck in your place, not noticing Clark moving around the room but when you both were able to share a gaze at one another, it was as if you shared only one thought.
You didn’t remind Oliver of your name.
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Tonight was a bust. You certainly didn’t get what you wanted.
After departing separately, when you had gotten back to the hotel room and slid the key into the lock, you were met with the quiet and emptiness the room had to offer. You set the key down on the table as you entered, the click of your heels radiating against the linoleum floor, as you headed over to the minibar (well it was more like a full sized bar, definitely held more than your average hotel) and poured yourself a glass of bourbon. Though the champagne left you just slightly warmed, you wanted more. As you sipped at the darker liquid you made sure to press the button that closed the blinds on the large windows before setting yourself down on the couch. The fabric of your dress sat nicely on the cushions and you crossed your leg over the other, the slit letting your exposed skin breath. You didn’t have long to wonder what the other two knuckleheads had been up to.
One drink in. That was for Bruce and his dumb little credit card.
Two drinks in. Another one for Bruce and his dumb little credit card and equally dumb Catwoman. You hope they choked.
Three drinks in. Okay maybe not choked. Maybe just hoped that it was not as good as you knew it to be.
Four in? Doesn’t excuse the cheating.
You were on five you think when the door beeped quietly and it was pushed open by Barry, followed by Clark. Barry was talking about something or the other but you couldn’t quite hear him over the rampant thought swirling in your head. The warmth in your chest also helped make his voice a little more garbled as you set the glass cup down on the table, and squint over at them. Barry grabbed his bag from where Bruce had left it and glanced towards the room you had gotten ready in. “I have dibs on the other!”
With his declaration he was gone in a flash and the door was closed shut behind him. You were left alone with Clark who had undone his jacket and placed it over the back of a chair. He surveyed the room before looking over you, and could see the light flush of your cheeks. “How many did you have?”
You tapped your fingers on your thigh and hummed a bit, eyes fluttering shut at the sensation. “Hmm.. Five. But tiny glasses.”
“Tiny glasses, yeah, okay,” Clark said as he picked up the half empty bottle. You smiled sweetly at him and he looked over to the only doors open in the hotel still. “Think we should get you to bed.”
“I think you should leave me be,” you said, nearly immediately followed by a small hiccup. Clark bit the inside of his cheek to not laugh.
“Still can’t hold your liquor huh?”
“Still can’t leave me alone, huh?” You mimicked. Clark rolled his eyes and walked over to you offering his hand.
“Come on,” he said, wiggling his fingers at you. You grumbled in response but took his hand to help you up. You gripped onto his hand as he walked you to your room, but the alcohol didn’t stop you from talking.
“He knew me, Clark! Isn’t that weird? I mean I only knew him from my friend, but we never met met. Y’know? S’all a little weird, hm?”
“Definitely a little weird,” Clark offered you. You hummed happily and eased yourself to sit on the bed. You had easily taken the heels off by yourself, and Clark looked over at your bag, which you took as an offer to grab you something.
“Oo oo can you grab the tank top and black shorts?”
Clark nodded and did as he was asked as you stood from your spot. He laid the pieces of clothing out on the bed and you turned your back to him, and he knew what you were asking. He moved your hair over one shoulder and relished at the fact he got to undress you again. He pulled open the delicate clasp, and managed to get the broken zipper down. Clark didn’t know what to expect, not with the state you were in, but he wasn’t expecting you to let the dress fall to the ground. He watched you turn to grab the clothes he had just seen, the curve of your body he couldn’t seem to forget about, bent over for his full viewing. He could see from the side the perfectly round sides of your breasts and erect nipples, more likely from not only the alcohol but rubbing against the fabric now on the floor. But he also couldn’t help but look over your perfectly round ass, stretched up for his eyes only, and how the fabric of your panties seemed to quench around your pussy.
Clark was in over his head. He thanked someone, anyone, when you were finally covered up, but it didn’t help the dryness in his mouth or the tightness he felt in his core. You pulled your hair out from the shirt and turned back to face him. “Get some rest.”
Clark needed to get out but when he moved towards the door he hadn’t expected you to grab a hold of his hand again. “Where are you going?”
“To sleep on the couch,” he said, turning back to face you. You frowned at him and glanced over his shoulder.
“You wont fit.”
“It’s okay,” he tried to reassure you. He tried to turn away again but you didn’t let him go. You looked over him with curiosity, and shook your head.
“This bed is big enough, Clark,” you said. Your voice didn’t shutter or hold any trace that you weren’t sully aware of what you were offering. Clark looked over your body, and took your other hand in his, giving you a firm squeeze.
“I’ll be fine on the couch,” he repeated. You narrowed your gaze at him, though it didn’t look menacing at all. You were trying to win this fight, and he knew that with a heart like yours, you wouldn’t settle with an oversized man sleeping on a small modern couch like in the other room. Clark wasn’t going to win this battle. He sighed and you smiled. “Okay fine.”
You clapped one of his hands before you finally climbed into the bed. Clark averted his eyes as you crawled up to the top and peeled back the covers, and he had to quickly grab his bag and lock himself in the bathroom. Clark peeled himself out of the formal dress top and fumbled with his own pants. He had to collect himself before going back out there.
Was he acting irrational? Yes, of course. He had only had a few good interactions with you, who was he to feel any kind of attraction towards you like this? Like nothing had ever happened? His mother raised him better than to think he was entitled to anything. Whether that was forgiveness, or especially your body. You deserved better than the rampant thoughts that coursed through his mind. Even if he had seen you so exposed, that didn’t mean you were asking for him to ogle you. Clark caught his breath, made sure the persistent twist in his stomach was gone before he opened the bathroom door and entered the room again.
You were laid down on the side closest to the bathroom, so Clark made sure to close and lock the door to the main room before moving to the other side of the bed. You rolled onto your side as Clark climbed in under the sheets, laying flat on his back as you watched him. He let out a long sigh as his muscles relaxed into the bed. And with one flick of his fingers the lamp on his side was out, enveloping the room in near darkness. The only light that peered in was from the window, peeking under the curtains in a dim light, just enough to where you both could see one another. Clark positioned himself with one arm under his head, the other neatly by his side. But you peered over him and nestled your head into the pillow you laid on.
“Clark?” You asked, and he replied in a small hmm. You hesitated to ask him something, but when he turned to meet your gaze, you smiled a bit and whispered to him. “Can I ask you a dumb question?”
“I’m sure it isn’t dumb,” Clark whispered back. You scoffed a bit, but moved just a tad bit closer to him.
“I mean I’ve read some of the stuff written about you but I never knew if that reporter was right or not--”
“What reporter?” Clark asked. You hummed a bit as if searching your memory before nodding to yourself.
“Louie? Lana?”
“Lois,” Clark breathed. He felt you nod again and he sighed a bit. “What she wrote was right.. She was the uh, woman I was seeing before-”
“Oh,” was all you needed to say before he went too far with the details. You had rolled back onto your back, and Clark felt something drop in his chest. You had pulled away from him. Silence enveloped the two for a couple moments before you spoke again. “What did you find out? When you left I mean.”
“I learned that I’m from a planet called Krypton,” Clark began to explain. “It orbited a Red Star which enhances our powers, but here this sun isn’t as strong, almost poisonous. But since I’ve been here since birth it doesn’t affect me like it could others.”
“The others who came here a few years ago.. They were from your homeworld?”
“Yes,” Clark replied. “They wanted to rebuild Krypton on Earth. I couldn’t allow that to happen. The symbol.. It stands for hope. And what’s hope is you’re eradicating people from their own homes?”
“When I read the stories about Superman, before seeing any pictures I knew it was you.. Deep down,” you smiled to yourself in the dark. “I was happy you found what you were looking for.. But honestly I was jealous.”
“Mhm,” you offered. “You figured out your purpose.. Not everyone gets to figure that out.”
“You don’t think you have a purpose?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t really know.. I think about it sometimes, now more than ever y’know? You’re a literal superhero, Diana is a goddess, Barry is not only a genius but also a superhero, and Bruce, as angry as I am with him.. He’s a genius. A philanthropist.. He can enact change. Even that woman you mentioned got to help save the world from what I recall.. What have I ever done?”
Clark didn’t even think about the fact that Louis had been able to tell her story about helping him defeat Zod in some way. He never thought about how that would have settled in your mind, someone he told he wanted to protect from that life only to then throw someone else into it. But seeing it plant this seed of doubt in your mind made him roll over to face you.
“You stood up for the alien boy without even realizing it because it was the right thing to do. You became his friend and his rock through the most turbulent years of his life, when all he wanted was to make it all stop, but you always showed up at the right time. You let him be him. And you stuck with him through his stupid phases, and never forgot who he was and who you always thought he was going to be.. You graduated as Smallville’s valedictorian, and top of your program at your university.. Now you work at the most flourishing company in Gotham City. All that? All of that was because of you.
“And now you’re risking your life for others.. Call me crazy but that’s what a hero does.”
Clark had watched your face in the dark. The shock that wrinkled at the corner of your eyes when he spoke about his own dark thoughts. You had rolled over to face him, offering a shake of your head. “I-I didn’t know--”
“I didn’t want you to know,” Clark cut you off. He instinctively brought his thumb up to wipe the small tear that had slipped down your cheek. “All I ever wanted was for you to live your life without worrying about me. Nothing I do or say can make up for making you feel.. Less than what you are. But fuck I regretted it everyday.”
He could see your eyes flash over him with his words. The slight tilt of your head as you brought your own hand up to his cheek, your fingers glided over his skin until your thumb rubbed at the slight stubble of his chin. Clark felt as if he was holding his breath, but when you moved in closer all the tension in his body evaporated.
You ghosted over his lips for a second, allowing him the chance to stop it. But Clark was almost all too eager to close that gap and taste the hint of vanilla dancing on your lips. It was a slow and tender kiss, allowing one another to gauge themselves, which was needed on both accounts amongst all the thoughts in their minds. It was short lived, the two figures letting their lips detach and taking another glance at one another. Their breaths mingled as one, the darkness hid the flush in your cheeks, and Clark’s hand trailed down to grip onto your waist, and then your lips were on his again. This time everything was more aggressive, your fingers had entangled themselves into his hair, and he dug his fingers into your hip, any tighter and he would more than likely leave a beautiful bruise.
The thought Clark had all came rushing back as you had moved to close the gap between the two. Clark tilted your hip in just a way that forced you to arch your leg up a bit. The feverish kisses grew more rough and sloppy, mouths parting and tongues slipping against one another that when you pressed against him he wasn’t ready. You rolled him over to his back, pulling yourself along with him as your legs wrapped perfectly across his waist. Clark could feel you settle on him, his cock tenting up beneath you and stretching against what he could feel was that pretty little pussy he remembered. He twitched at the idea that this may really be happening, that he may be blessed enough to feel your clenched walls around him, but the throbbing made you pull away for a second.
On top of him you looked him over with wonder, and caution. Your hands trailed down his chest, and your fingers dug into his shirt and tugged on the fabric. Clark sat up, arm snug around your waist as he slid himself backwards to rest against the headboard. You still sat on his lip, perfectly elevated by his grip on you. His hands traced up the length of your back, fingers gliding the fabric of your shirt up and over your head, which you let him toss to the side. When his hands traced back down the curve of your upper body, his thumbs rubbed over your rough nipples, which earned him a small gasp. The cool air did you no favours, and as if to pay him back for the sudden pleasure, you grabbed a hold of his shoulder, and deliciously rolled your hips against him.
Clark groaned a bit, much to your satisfaction. He could only imagine what it would have felt like to feel you closer. He wondered if you would be as brave with your movements. You took your chance when he was distracted and lifted his shirt above his head, going over every glorious detail of his chiseled body. Clark ran his hands down to your waist, and you moved in time with him and lifted yourself up slightly to get your shorts off. He gripped a hold of your ass with one arm, and pulled his own pants down and kicked them off. Clark was left in his boxers, his cock eager to be released, and you readjusted yourself only left in those silky panties on top of him. Clark could feel the wetness seep through the soft fabric and press against him and he inhaled sharply. He could just make out the smirk on your face when you rolled yourself against him again. He guessed you were just as brave even with nearly nothing on.
With each roll of your hips he could feel his cock press against your folds. You pressed into him at just the right angle not only for yourself but for him, and Clark was falling apart beneath you because of it. His lips fell and encaptured your nipple, and his nibbled on the soft skin. You let out a quiet moan, and rested a hand behind you on his leg, and rolled your hips against him sharply. Clark in turn nibbled on your other breast, his free hand pulled you against him roughly. Tensions were at all time high, he was ready to flip you over and relish those sweet juices he could feel through your panties when a knock at the door sent you both scattering. You had flopped back beside him and hidden under the covers, and Clark took a second to fix himself when another knock was heard. “Are you guys awake?”
“What is it Barry?” Clark called out, doing his best to hide the irritation in his voice. He glanced over at you who smiled a bit and watched your eyes flutter shut.
“I just got super hungry, are you guys up for Big Belly Burger?”
“No, Barry, that’s-that’s alright,” Clark replied. He listened as the speedster grabbed his things and left the hotel. With a relieved sigh Clark laid back into the bed, and glanced your way. You had managed to pass out, probably the alcohol finally catching up to you. But he didn’t mind. It took him awhile but eventually his body calmed down, his mind following soon after, and right before he had fallen asleep completely, you had rolled over back into him. And as if instinct he enveloped you under his arm.
They could deal with this another day.
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this is the old tag list y’all I cannot believe im doing this to you, if you wanna be removed just let me know but I think its updated correctly, if I missed you pls lemme know!
@panic-angel3314 @dutifullyfuriousnerd @mrsemmaevanswriting@fourtristattoos@offlikeadirty-shirt@barrel-racing-lover @sexyvixen7 @bless-my-demons @sarcastic-ohohoh @whovianayesha  @my-dccomic-dreams @hellomistressj @avengersgirllorianna@spunky-89@dammitkyloben@topthis808 @theboldandthebootyful@andtheytoldustotellyouhello@amandakwoodstock @brooke-supernatural16@kissingwintergoodbye@missthang2734 @random-fandom-lady@supernaturaldean67@crimesolversherlock​ @lunaticgurly @sweetiele-ash @alwayshave-faith​ @fightforspring​ @tweedlydumbtweedlydoo​ @starrybounds​ @chewymoustachio​ @blackrockshooter780​ @cheeseman​
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
Like a House of Cards Ch. 2: Not What He Seems
Summary: With their new glitch in the system captured, the heroes need to figure out what to do.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
After they had finally caught him, Logan didn’t scream or hiss at them. He was entirely too calm, just sitting within the circle, seemingly meditating or sleeping. One leg knit under the other, his back perfectly straight, and his eyes closed.
It wasn’t until Marvin walked in that Logan seemed to glare at him with unfathomable hatred, and because Nate and Bing were close enough that they watched his pupils dilate with robotic precision.
He didn’t say anything, just staring at Marvin and Nate.
“Logan?” Joan came as close as he was allowed. “You okay, buddy?”
The trapped Suit broke eye contact with Marvin to look at Joan. To them he seemed perfectly normal. His normal polo shirt and square glasses. His mouth was its usual flat line. “I am more than sufficient.”
To Joan, Logan didn’t look like a demon. He looked like he always had.
“Hey big guy,” Marvin smiled, leaning down a bit with his hands on his knees. “Don’t worry, we’ll make yeh[1] feel better soon.”
“When I get out of this, I will shove your tongue through your larynx and make a xylophone out of your rib cage,” Logan threatened Marvin.
“Yikes,” Marvin commented, the venom in the threat surprising everyone. “What did I do? Piss in yer[2] coffee?”
“If you had just done that I would have killed you outright and been done with it,” Logan didn’t even blink.
“How far gone is he?” Marvin asked, “I’ve ne’er[3] seen one go through a shift.”
“Hard to say,” Nate sighed. “He should still be within the first stages, but he’s got all the signs of a fully turned demon.”
“Would twenty fookin[4] years be enough?” Marvin suggested.
Nate shook his head, “No, he would have much more apparent signs that the process was starting.”
Ethan and Chase ran in, Ethan was looking around, “You guys catch him?”
Then he stiffened nervously, “Oh there he is, is that Logan, he doesn’t look like a demon.”
“Yeah, that’s the problem, he reeks of glitch demon aura,” Mare told him. Mare got dangerously close to the circle, hoping for a territorial reaction but Logan just stared at him. “He’s been coached. He should be hissing at me. He should be doing something.”
Logan just stared at him, not blinking and not defending or rejecting Mare’s accusation.
“So who got you that body?” Mare asked. “I know you’re in one.”
“Perhaps you should go and pleasure yourself with a cactus, you might find your answers there,” Logan told Mare.
“Points for creativity, Pixels,” Mare smiled and he could have sworn he saw the shadow of a smug smile on his face.
“How far along is he?” Ethan asked, kneeling next to Logan but not within arm’s reach. “I didn’t know people could turn into demons.”
“They do it all the time, if there’s enough trauma to the soul to cause it,” Mare explained.
Bing suddenly raced out of the room, he’d been trying to get the base off the lockdown protocol and the instant he did was flooded with messages and warnings. The city was in a crisis while they’d been off line. “Battle stations, everyone. There’s something wrong.”
Wade, Jackie, and Marvin raced out with Bing as Mare and Nate hesitated next to Logan. Ethan was right behind the three and Jackie had already dashed off to the comms room as fast as the corners allowed.
Once the three remaining heroes had cleared the doorway, “Ethan” elbowed through a piece of weak glass and pressed in a code before hitting the big button that sealed the entryway and the common room from the rest of the base.
Wade turned around to see the smile on Hearts’s face as the door shut closed and the anti-magic wards came up to protect the base from magical intruders.
“The hell, Crank,” Nate shouted.
“Chase” took out a baton and slammed it into Mare, and caused the demon’s tentative corporeal form to shatter apart and rush for Nate’s body for safety. The sudden rush of aura caused Nate to collapse and drop to the ground, unconscious.
“Five minutes,” Chase set his watch.
“We won’t even need two,” Ethan chuckled as he took something off his belt and cuffed Nate’s hands in magic-nullifying cuffs. Then he pulled up a chair and smiled at Logan. The Suit made a pretty pathetic mockery of Logan’s voice. “I’m not gonna get captured, I know what I’m doing. I’m fuckin’ Logan. I’m hot shit in a fucking champagne glass.”
“Enough,” Logan glared at him.
“Oooh, I can go through walls, I’m unstoppable” Ethan taunted.
“Are you going to help me or not?” Logan growled, clearly angry.
Ethan leaned forward, the tip of his nose centimeters from crossing the circle’s barrier, “So how’s Patton?”
“Safe,” Logan promised, his tone dangerous. “I told you, he doesn’t feel anything anymore. Complete topor.”
“I know not to trust a demon,” Ethan reminded. “ Especially when they’re trying to sell me bullshit. I saw him when you took him out last time. He was looking bad.”
“He’s fine,” Logan snarled. “I have the situation under control. He is not a threat, he is sleeping.”
“Fine, let me hold him, and I’ll let you back out,” Ethan proposed.
“You are not taking him anywhere,” Logan growled. “He is mine.”
“You demons are just sad, old bastards who can’t let the past die,” Ethan reminded. “If you actually cared you’d take Patton out into the Mojave and I don’t know, turn him loose. Not like he’s gonna start killing immediately. You guys don’t lose everything day one, right?”
Then bangs on the door began in earnest and Chase glared at Ethan, “Two minutes, huh?”
“Hey math, wasn’t my strong suit,” Ethan chuckled and broke the circle with his foot. Logan immediately rushed for the door. He was out first before slamming into the barrier that had been designed to keep Lunky in now kept Logan in.
Chase caught up and his hand went through the back Logan’s chest and grabbed the handle of a blue solid state drive, a single golden heart locket hanging from the notch on the drive. the nanites surged into the drive just before Chase took him through the boundary. Ethan was hot on his heels as they raced out. They stilled to a halt at the sight of the huge black energy dome that covered over half the town.
“Well that was fast,” Ethan said as he looked up. “What is this, the second time we’ve seen the dome?”
“Yeah,” Chase commented and brought up a nanite shield and braced as Jackie slammed into it. “Fookin’[4] go!”
The nanites surged around the solid state drive and Logan appeared, his eyes still glowing a fierce blue for a couple seconds after forming.
“I’ll get the generator,” Logan called out as Ethan disappeared with his invisibility. He took a step before Bing was facing towards him with a laser.
“Yer not goin’ anywhere,”[5] Bing warned.
“Crank, where are yeh[1]?” Marvin demanded angrily. “I just wanna[6] talk.”
“The hell are yeh fookers?”[7] Jackie spat at Chase. “Yer[8] not Average.”
Jackie felt a ripple of time wash over them and at first felt relief, until he was suddenly face-first on the asphalt, Bing was a block down from them and fighting with Logan, and Marvin felt already drained of some magic in a fight he couldn’t remember.
Then there was the harsh force of a foot stomped into Jackie’s back. “Why don’t you take a rest, ol’[9] boy?”
Jackie felt horror coursing through his system, a matching look on Marvin’s face. The speeder knew that voice, he hadn’t heard it in years and it was half buried by a filter, but the cadence was the same.
He looked up to see J.J standing there, his foot planted squarely on Jackie’s back. He should have felt relief that he was here to help. But all he felt was a cold chill.
J.J was mute. Magic nor medicine had helped after Anti’s first attack against him and his emerging powers had destroyed his vocal cords.
And the idea of fighting another J.J terrified him.
“You seem troubled, old boy,” J.J had a smile on his face, his voice sounded like an old timey radio announcer, but that voice was fed through a crackling speaker of some kind.
“No,” a slow dawning washing over Séan like an ice bath. How the imposters had gotten so close. How they had managed to stay unseen for so long. And how none of them had been reset to prevent it.
If not for Joan’s text who knows how long they would have gotten away with it?
“How?” Jackie asked. “What’d yah do ta J.J?”[10]
“Well the lad wouldn’t keep helping us so he had to take a little vacation,” false-J.J admitted. “He should be back in about two weeks.”
“What do yeh[1] want with us?” Jackie demanded. “We got somethin’ yeh want?”[11]
That question earned Jackie a smile, and moved to open his mouth but another ripple in time happened and J.J jumped back just in time to not get hit by Silver who was flying by. Bob and Amy charging in at the same time. Bob’s shield hitting something as he was rolling in. Which was Ethan, and it caused his invisibility to go out for a second which let Marvin blast him with magic and Ethan was further knocked back.
“Googs, now is not the time ta grow a ****in’ conscious, help me catch ‘im!”[12] Bing shouted as he was chasing Logan back towards the base who was shooting from electrical outlet to electrical outlet trying to escape towards the Gainesville part of the city. Google wasn’t that far behind.
Chase’s arm was covered with nanites and he snagged Logan out of the air, pulling out his solid state drive by the handle. Marvin watched the little locket jingle. “Hold it, hold it Lo.”
There was an angry crackle of electricity before Logan reformed as Bing and Google followed him out of the closest electrical outlet or bundle of wires.
The heroes and villains around the area facing down against the Suits as the dome loomed overhead in the city’s skyline.
Accessibility Translations
1. you
2. your
3. never
4. fucking
5. You’re not going anywhere
6. want to
7. Who the hell are you fuckers?
8. You’re
9. old
10. What did you do to J.J?
11. We got something you want?
12. Googs, now is not the time to grow a fucking conscious, help me catch him!
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pumpkinpaix · 4 years
Hello! and PSA
*waves* hi everyone! so uh, I’ve kind of had a bit of a surge in followers recently, and I thought I would make a bit of a PSA/intro post with a bit more targeted info than my about page.
anyways, I’m cyan! statistically speaking, you are probably here for one of the following reasons:
my fic
my meta
my gifs
my translation
all of the above
this is pretty much an mdzs blog on main these days, but I also rb a lot of other misc things because I have never been good at keeping my interests separate. it’s also my personal blog, so expect some of that? i am very all or nothing ahaha. my opinions change very quickly as I process new information, so like, something I said last week or yesterday might be different now! I’ve seen several people going through some of my older posts, and I’m just like oh dear, I said a lot of things six months ago that I no longer vibe with. /o\ please keep that in mind as you go diving in my blog!
i don’t have a BYF or DNI policy, but I reserve the right to block anyone for any reason because this is a personal blog first and foremost, and I do need to be better about setting my boundaries and curating my own online space! on that same token, you are free to follow, unfollow, block, whatever, even if we’re mutuals. <3
you’re free to come talk to me in my inbox or dms, but please be aware that there’s a very high chance I will never get back to you /o\ it isn’t personal!! I am just very mentally ill and have many difficulties with keeping up social interactions or talking to people.
in the interest of trying to be more open about myself, my brain, and what that means for me in an online/fandom space, I’m gonna do a boatload of mental health talk under the cut (or, if you’re looking at this on my blog proper or somewhere where the cut doesn’t display, it starts right after this paragraph), including mentions of self-harm/thoughts of specific self-harm etc, just so you are warned! I’ve been thinking recently that it’s good to try and take steps towards being more open about my issues, both for my own sake and others’. It’s long, because one of the fun things about my mental illness is that I am hyperverbal ahahaha (if that... wasn’t already obvious orz)
so if you’ve read pfmmpd, you can kind of get a sense of what I’m working with. a lot of how i wrote lwj was drawn directly from shit happening in my own brain, but like? dial that up from the specific issues that lwj had in that fic and apply it unilaterally across the board to almost anything you can think of.
I hesitate to describe my OCD as debilitating, but only because my specific cocktail of compulsions and anxieties and triggers push me to be hyperachieving and hyperfunctional. I consider myself pretty fortunate (?) in that regard. on paper, you could never tell how absolutely batshit my internal landscape is! which is very good for me practically in that I can hold down a job, keep scholarships, graduate with honors, have good prospects for my future, hold onto relationships (usually yikes) etc. but the fact of the matter is, I’m like. oh boy.
to give you a peek, here’s a non-exhaustive list of things that have triggered me to varying degrees of severity within the last like, week or so:
my dog
a chinese folk song
my mother reading a chinese haiku to me written by a young gay man
a chinese reader of my fic lovingly and gently giving me a history lesson on china and on mdzs while praising me
stepping on a piece of snow that didn’t collapse in the precise way i expected it to
writing meta
reading meta
ruminating on my triggers (honestly, I played myself)
seeing a twitter thread going around tumblr with decent information but the OP is someone who was exceedingly cruel to a good friend of mine
visiting my grandmother’s grave
deciding to visit my grandmother’s grave
discussing the concept of cuddling my partner whom i love and have been with for four years
self-harming (truly the height of irony, being triggered into self-harm and then getting triggered by the result of the self-harm hahahahahaha)
dropping off a package
trying to explain queer-coding to my parents
talking about stressors in my life related to covid19
having a very pleasant conversation with a person i admire
editing my translation
the fact that the “close” button on my accessibility sidebar on the translation website is the wrong color
choosing between eating all the shiitake mushrooms in my soup and purposefully giving myself a bad reaction or throwing one out and wasting food
thinking about playing a fun game with my partner and a mutual friend
my mom asking me to take a photo of some tea for her
my mom asking my opinion on a photo she was photoshopping
animal crossing
writing this fucking post HAHAHAHA
like!! it goes on!! endlessly! obviously, these triggers are not simply “bad” things. the chinese folk song and the haiku were both really beautiful and i love them! but I did spend a good amount of time curled up on my floor in the dark sobbing as i played the song on repeat. the haiku was one of the last straws that ended up with me screaming and crying and hurting myself. the snow??? like wtf the snow thing. I stepped on the snow and it felt wrong and my brain just started screaming SMASH YOUR KNEECAP. ???? (I didn’t, for the record, and I would never.) I love my partner very much! I love my friends very much, and my mother, and my grandmother etc. my triggers are infinite, unpredictable, and bizarre.
I’m saying all of this because I want to be clear that MDZS/CQL fandom specifically triggers me on a daily basis, sometimes very very badly. this is just a fact! it is no one’s fault! I have decided it is worth it for me to stay anyways. it is impossible for me to request people tag for certain things because I myself have no idea what my triggers are until I encounter them. It’s like a fun mystery boss encounter! sometimes it’s low level and i’m well-equipped to handle it. other times it’s a one-hit KO. We just don’t know! there are lots of very cool content creators in this fandom that I can’t follow because it would make my dash that much more high stakes. the original source canon material triggers me! all the events leading up to Lotus Cove massacre? I was shaking at work for three hours after consuming it for the first time.
Meta specifically is something I know a lot of people like me for, but it’s 100% the most triggering activity I participate in for this fandom. like, that suibian meta post I wrote that’s currently going around? Probably took me four or five hours of concentrated effort to write because I was compulsively panicking and rewriting and editing and panicking more and qualifying and editing and qualifying some more and then debating whether I should post it or not and then fighting with myself about my wording and then immediately regretting it and then every time someone commented on it (regardless of positive or negative!) my anxiety spiked. I started a reply to a response on that post and had to stop after a few minutes because I was already starting to trigger myself over it.
this is actually a pretty good outcome when it comes to meta! I recognized that I was hurting myself before I got any further, and I only spent like, five hours on it! it was good exposure therapy for me! the bad outcome is. well. bad, as you might imagine lmao.
I like writing meta. I like talking to people about it too! I like participating in fandom, I like writing, I like translating, I like all of these things. they’re just also really hard for me! there’s a couple meta requests sitting in my inbox right now that I want to get to, but it might take me like. a long time because of. you know! *gestures* Everything takes me a long time. that first chapter of the translation took me literally five months from beginning the project to posting a final edited version. It’s just over 1k words. D8
I try really hard to be chill and kind in public and I largely think I succeed on the kind part (I hope!). If you thought I had even an ounce of chill before this, perhaps I have disabused of that notion entirely now lmao. I’m not saying this for pity, but like? just so we all know what we’re dealing with here. I don’t want anyone to get hurt when I don’t engage with them or feel snubbed if I never reply to them. and also like, hey, if someone relates it’s like hooray, high fave, solidarity! we’re not alone in this world! or maybe this will help someone understand OCD a little better! I don’t know. I hope this post is a positive thing. BUT! I’ve spent three hours on it already, and i’m definitely starting to compulsively spiral, so instead of going back and editing it over and over, I’m just going to post it. thank you everyone for your understanding! I hope you enjoy your time on my blog! (*´▽`*)
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bechloeislegit · 5 years
2020 BeChloe Valentines
Prompt from FanFiction User ElectronisZappa: AU, of course. [See note at the end for full prompt because I don't want to give anything away].
Chloe was in the Bride's Room of the church with her sister Carrie as she prepared for her wedding.
"I can't believe you decided to get married on Valentine's Day," Chloe said. "Such a cliche."
"I know," Carrie said with a laugh. "Everything about our relationship has been a cliche. From literally meeting each other when he bumped into me. To him singing Bruno Mars' I Think I Want to Marry You to me when he proposed."
Chloe laughed and turned her head when there was a knock on the door.
"Maybe it's mom," Chloe said and called out. "Come in."
Chloe sighed in exasperation as Chicago, the groom's Best Man and brother, walked in.
"Hey, Chloe," Chicago said, walking over to stand in front of her. "Since the ceremony won't be starting for a bit, I was wondering if you'd like to take a walk around the garden with me. It's gorgeous, just like you."
Chicago winked at Chloe, who grimaced and rolled her eyes.
"No, thanks," Chloe said, standing with her arms crossed as she spoke with him.
Chloe didn't say anything else, and Chicago shuffled his feet nervously after a moment.
"Chicago, shouldn't you be with Denny?" Carrie asked, trying to ease the uncomfortable tension and get the man to leave.
"Um, okay. You're right, Carrie," Chicago said, pasting a smile on his face. He looked at Chloe and said, "We can take that walk later when we have more time. See you girls out there."
Chicago left, and Chloe let out the breath she had been holding to keep from tearing him a new one.
"I swear to God, Carrie," Chloe said. "If Chicago hits on me one more time, I'm going to lose it."
"I see what you mean about him," Carrie said. "Maybe you should tell him you're gay."
"I did!" Chloe said.
"And he's still hitting on you?" Carrie asked, shaking her head. "Some guys."
"I think he took it as a challenge, instead of the fuck off I'm not interested I intended it to be," Chloe said.
"I'm sorry," Carrie said. "I'll have Denny talk to him after the ceremony."
"No, it's your wedding day," Chloe said. "I'll handle it."
"I'll still have Denny talk to him," Carrie said. "And keep an eye on him. Maybe he can stop Chicago before he starts anything."
"Hey, girls," Charlotte Beale called out as she entered the bride's room. "Carrie, why aren't you dressed?"
"Chloe was helping me, and we got sidetracked talking," Carrie said.
"Chloe, you put on your dress, and I'll help Carrie with hers," Charlotte said.
"Yes, mom," Chloe said.
Twenty minutes later, Carrie was sitting in front of the mirror while Chloe did her makeup. There was a knock on the door, and two women walked in.
"Oh, my gosh, Carrie," Ashley said. "You look amazing. That dress is perfect on you."
"Thanks," Carrie said, smiling at her through the mirror.
"Don't smile or talk," Chloe said as she was putting lipstick on Carrie's lips.
"So, Chloe," Jessica said. "Seeing anyone? Will the elusive Chloe Beale be the next to settle down? You know Ashley and I would love to be your wedding planners. I'll even give you a discount."
"Thanks," Chloe laughed. "But, nope, not ready to settle down. I expect to see you and Ashley walking down the aisle way before I do."
"You may be right about that," Jessica said as Ashley came up and put her arm around Jessica's waist.
"Still breaking hearts everywhere you go?" Ashley asked.
"If they get broken," Chloe said. "It's because they didn't pay attention when I told them I wasn't looking for anything serious."
"Is the groom ready?" Charlotte asked.
"We were just going to check on the groom," Jessica said.
"We should be starting in about fifteen minutes," Ashley said. "We'll come back to get you when everyone's ready."
"Thanks, Ashley," Charlotte said.
"All done, Care," Chloe said, dropping the eyeliner on the table.
"Wow, Chloe," Carrie said, looking at herself in the mirror. "I look beautiful."
"Yes, you do," Chloe said, smiling at Carrie through the mirror. "Now get up so I can do my makeup."
Carrie laughed as she lifted her dress and moved away from the vanity. Charlotte helped her straighten out her dress.
~ 2020 BeChloe Valentines - Walp/Beale Wedding ~
Beca Mitchell walked into the church to be confronted with several men in tuxedos and a few women in matching knee-length dresses. One young man came over to her with a charming grin.
"Hello," the guy said. "I'm Jesse. Are you with the bride or the groom?"
"Neither," Beca said. "I'm the DJ. Ashley told me to meet her here to go over to the reception hall with her."
"A DJ, huh?" Jesse said grinning. "That fits. You're hot, sexy, and mysterious at the same time."
Beca chuckled and shook her head. "Not gonna happen, dude."
"Why not?" Jesse whined. "I'm a good guy. Let me take you out and give me a chance to show you."
"Dude, it's not you," Beca said. "It's the guy part that does nothing for me. Now, do you know where Ashley is or not?"
A short distance away, Chloe sees Jesse talking to a slender brunette who she doesn't recognize.
"Jessica, who is that girl?" Chloe asked, indicating Beca.
"Oh, that's Beca," Jessica said. "The DJ."
"DJ? Hmm," Chloe said, looking the DJ up and down. "I think I'll go introduce myself."
"Behave!" Jessica called out.
"I make no promises," Chloe shot back.
Chloe was a few feet away from Beca when Chicago intercepted her. Chloe let out a heavy sigh.
"There's my girl," Chicago said.
"Not your girl," Chloe said and tried to step around him.
"Not yet, anyway," Chicago said, chuckling as he blocked Chloe's path. "I mean, I'm the Best Man, you're the Maid of Honor. I'm the brother of the groom; you're the sister of the bride. It's inevitable that we'll be together."
"Look," Chloe said rather loudly, causing several of the wedding party to look at them. "I don't know how many times I can say-"
"Okay, everybody," Jessica called out quickly. "Time to line up."
Chicago moved to get into position, and Chloe noticed Beca was gone. She sighed and got into position. She refused to stand close to Chicago or take his arm until it was time to walk down the aisle.
~ 2020 BeChloe Valentines - Walp/Beale Wedding ~
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Denver Walp."
Chloe giggled. Who names their children after cities? Carrie and Denny started to walk down the aisle; Chloe and Chicago fell in behind them. Chloe discreetly removed Chicago's hand that he had placed on her back and moved to put more space between them.
Carrie grabbed Chloe in a hug as soon as she exited the chapel.
"Can you believe it, Chlo?" Carried squealed. "I'm married!"
"I know," Chloe responded with a laugh.
"Come on," Carrie said, leading Chloe over to Denny. "We have to take photos before we can head to the reception. We're taking them in the garden out back."
Chloe linked her arm with Carrie's as they walked to the garden. Chicago did everything he could to stand close to Chloe during the photo shoot. Chloe was continually moving his hand off her ass.
After all the photos were taken, Chloe went over to Carrie.
"I'm done," Chloe said. "Please ask Denny to talk to Chicago, or else I will punch him the next time he 'accidentally' touches me."
"I'll talk to him on the way to the reception," Carrie said.
"Thanks," Chloe said. "I'm going to find mom and dad and head to the reception. I need a drink and fast."
"See you there in a bit," Carrie said as Chloe walked off.
The venue where the reception was to be held was only a ten-minute ride from the church. Chloe walked in with her parents, and Chloe's eyes immediately fell on the DJ. Chloe watched her as Beca held her headphones against one ear and manipulated something on the table in front of her.
Chloe was enjoying the view. Beca had removed her leather jacket as was now in a white button-down shirt, with several buttons left undone. Chloe bit her bottom lip as Beca bent over and showed quite a bit of cleavage, much to Chloe's enjoyment.
"Keep it in your pants, Chloe," Jessica whispered next to Chloe, causing her to jump.
"Sorry, but there is something about her," Chloe said, not taking her eyes off Beca. "She's hot, and for such a petite person, she has this commanding air about her that I can feel all the way over here. I can honestly say I've never been this attracted to someone before and we haven't even met yet."
"Well, there's a couple of things you need to know about DJ hottie," Jessica said. "First, she's Ashley's cousin. Second, she is definitely hot but doesn't know how hot she is. Ashley and I get together with her all the time, and whenever someone hits on her, she gets flustered, and it's adorable. She's funny, too."
"Are you trying to keep me away from her?" Chloe asked, turning to look at Jessica. "Or pushing me toward her?"
"Personally, I think you two would be good together," Jessica said. "She'll challenge and surprise you. Come on. I'll introduce you."
Jessica walked Chloe over to the DJ.
"Hey, Beca," Jessica said. "This is my good friend, Chloe Beale. She's the bride's sister. Chloe, this is Beca Mitchell. The DJ."
"Nice to meet you," Beca said, smiling at Chloe.
"Likewise," Chloe said, smiling back at Beca.
The two stood smiling at each other. Jessica looked from one to the other.
"I guess I'm no longer needed here," Jessica said and left the two alone.
"So, a DJ, huh?" Chloe said. "Sounds like a fun job."
"It is," Beca said. "How about you? What do you do?"
"I teach second grade," Chloe said.
"Yikes," Beca mumbled. "That sounds like a, um, good job."
"It is," Chloe said with a laugh.
They stood quiet for a moment, listening to the music.
"Your mixes are really good," Chloe said. "Is the DJ allowed to dance if someone asks her?"
"Depends on who's doing the asking," Beca said, winking at Chloe.
"What if-"
"Chloe, there you are," Chicago said, putting his arm around Chloe's waist.
"Oh-kay," Beca muttered and went back to her turntable.
"Stop it," Chloe said, pushing Chicago away from him. "I've told you countless times I'm not interested and I'm gay."
"No, you're not," Chicago said with a laugh.
"Dude, why would a girl tell you she was gay if she wasn't?" Beca chimed in. This guy had been there for all of thirty seconds and was already getting on her nerves.
"Girls tell guys that, thinking they'll leave them alone," Chicago said.
"And you still haven't gotten it through that thick head of yours that Chloe's not interested?" Beca asked incredulously. "Dude, get a clue. She wants you to leave her alone!"
"How the hell do you know what she wants?" Chicago said, stepping closer to Beca.
"I know because she said it out loud," Beca said.
"She has a name, and she's still standing here," Chloe said.
"I'm sorry, Chloe," Beca said, taking Chloe's hand and giving it a squeeze.
Chicago saw Beca holding Chloe's hand and moved to reach for her. Chloe stepped in front of him and placed a hand on Chicago's chest and pushed him back away from Beca.
"Chicago, you may be a great guy, but right now you're being a jerk," Chloe said. "This is the last time I'm going to ask that you leave me alone."
"Come on, Chicago," Denny said, grabbing Chicago's arm from behind. "Leave Chloe alone. We've talked about this. She's not interested. There are plenty of girls here you can talk to."
Chicago looked at Denny and turned and stalked off.
"I'm sorry, Chloe," Denny said. "I talked to him like Carrie asked. I don't know what his problem is."
"Thanks, Denny," Chloe said, hugging her new brother-in-law. "I'll see you at the table in a few minutes."
Denny smiled and walked off.
"Wow," Beca said. "I thought this was going to be a boring wedding gig. I was wrong."
"So, about dancing," Chloe said, causing Beca to laugh.
"I think I can manage to make that happen," Beca said.
"Good," Chloe said. "I'll be back."
Beca watched as Chloe sashayed away, looking over her shoulder to smile back at Beca.
Beca shook her head and started the transition into the next song.
~ 2020 BeChloe Valentines - Walp/Beale Wedding ~
"Beca, come eat," Ashley called out from a table near the DJ stand.
Beca looked over to see Jessica and Ashley already digging into a plate of food. Beca tapped a few buttons and a soft instrumental piece started to play. Beca joined Ashley and Jessica at the table.
"This is a nice reception," Beca said. "You guys did a great job."
"We love being wedding planners," Ashley said. "But, planning a friend's wedding is exhausting, since we're also guests."
"How do you know the bride or groom?" Beca asked.
"Jessica's family has been friends with the Beales since Jessica was a baby," Ashley said.
"Chloe and I are best friends," Jessica said.
"Dude, you're best friends with Chloe?" Beca asked. "Why haven't we met before today? I thought you liked me."
"I do like you," Jessica said, chuckling. "Chloe's kind of a player, and I didn't want you to get hurt."
"Oh," Beca said, her eyes seeking out Chloe across the room.
Chloe looked up then and gave Beca a megawatt smile.
"Don't get me wrong," Jessica continued. "Chloe's one of the best people I know. She just doesn't do relationships."
"Maybe she hasn't met the right girl yet," Beca said and then shook herself. "Gross. Now I sound like that douchebag Chicago."
"I think you two would be good together," Ashley said. "We should have introduced to you two sooner. Maybe then Chicago would leave Chloe alone."
"Speaking of the devil," Beca said, looking across the room. "Looks like he crashed and burned again."
Jessica and Ashley looked where Beca was looking.
"Aubrey doesn't look too happy," Jessica said.
"It looks like Chicago might have hit on Stacie," Ashley said.
"Chicago does not want to try and mess with Stacie," Jessica said. "Aubrey will eat him alive."
"We should keep an eye on him," Ashley said. "If he gets drunk, there's no telling what might happen."
"Do you think he'll start after Chloe again?" Beca asked.
"Getting protective, are you?" Ashley teased.
"Maybe," Beca said, blushing. "I like her, and I'm curious if we could be something. I'm thinking about asking her out."
"As your cousin, I approve," Ashley said.
"And as Chloe's best friend, I approve," Jessica said.
"What do you approve of, Jess?" Chloe asked, startling the girls.
Beca blushed and looked down at the table.
"The music," Jessica said quickly. "We were just telling Beca how much we approve of the music she's playing."
"Everyone seems to be enjoying it," Chloe said, looking around. "I approve, too."
"Um, Ashley and I have to get back to work," Jessica said. "Chloe is the wedding party done eating?"
"Yeah," Chloe said.
"Okay," Jessica said. "We'll get the wait staff started on clearing the dinner dishes, while we get the cake ready."
"Okay," Chloe said.
Jessica and Ashley left Beca and Chloe alone.
"Oh, shit," Chloe mumbled, quickly turning to face Beca.
"What's wrong," Beca asked.
"Him," Chloe said, pointing over her shoulder.
Beca looked to see Chicago making his way over to them.
"Come with me," Beca said, taking Chloe's hand.
Chloe let Beca lead her behind some curtains, to a hidden door. She pulled it open and motioned for Chloe to enter. Chloe looked around; they were in some kind of closet.
"I have about twenty minutes left on the dinner playlist," Beca said. "So, we can hide out here until it's time to do the cake. Maybe he'll find someone else to bother while we wait."
Chloe smiled and stepped into Beca's personal space.
"Whatever shall we do to pass the time?" Chloe asked, putting her hands on Beca's waist.
"Um, I-" Beca cleared. "What do you have in mind?"
Chloe smiled and smashed her lips against Beca's, pushing Beca back into the wall. Beca moaned and grabbed Chloe around the waist, pulling her flush to her.
~ 2020 BeChloe Valentines - Walp/Beale Wedding ~
Twenty minutes later, Carrie was looking for Chloe. She searched around the room but didn't see her.
"Jessica," Carrie said. "Do you know where Chloe is?"
"Last I saw she was sitting and talking with Beca at the table by the DJ setup," Jessica said.
Both women looked over to the table where Jessica had left them. Carrie walked over to the table and looked around the area near the back.
"Chloe!" Carrie started calling out, walking along the back of the room.
"Shit," Chloe said, scrambling out of Beca's embrace and trying to straighten her dress and fix her hair.
Beca quickly buttoned her shirt and tucked it into her pants.
"Let me go out first," Chloe said, still messing with her hair.
"Hurry," Beca said. "The music has stopped, and I need to get back to it."
"So, would you want to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?"
"I'd love to," Beca said. "Now, get out of here."
"Feisty," Chloe said, kissing Beca once more before pulling the door open about an inch.
Chloe looked around and didn't see anyone, so she snuck out of the closet. Beca stepped out close behind because she needed to get back to the music.
"Oh, my God," Carrie said, looking at the two.
She laughed as Beca and Chloe both blushed.
"Beca, you might want to get back to the music," Carrie said. "Denny and I will have our first dance after we do the cake."
"Right, uh, yeah," Beca said. "I'm on it."
"And you," Carrie said, linking her arm with Chloe's. "You'll have to give me all the details before I leave for my honeymoon."
Chloe laughed. "We have a date for tomorrow night."
"That's great," Carrie said as they came from behind the curtains.
"Chloe, there you are," Chicago said, coming up to the sisters. He looked at Chloe and furrowed his brow. "Chloe, are you okay? Did you have an accident or something?"
"Accident?" Chloe said. "What are you talking about?"
"Your hair is all," Chicago said, waving his hands around his head. "And your dress is lopsided or something."
"Oh," Chloe said, straightening her dress and fluffing her hair. "Something happened. But it was definitely not an accident."
Carrie couldn't hold back her laughter as the two sisters left Chicago standing there, looking dumbfounded.
Full prompt from FanFiction User ElectronisZappa: AU, of course. Chloe's sister is marrying Chicago's brother. Chloe is the Maid of Honor; Chicago is the Best Man. Chicago thinks it's a license to pursue Chloe because he doesn't realize Chloe is gay and interested in the DJ, Beca. Of course, side pairings of Staubrey and Jessica/Ashley if they fit in somehow.
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ddaengyoonmin · 5 years
BTS Friends To Lovers Series (Jungkook)
Pairing: Swimmer!Jungkook x Swimmer! Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Cheating, Fingering, Nipple play, Praise kink, unprotected sex, outdoor sex
a/n: I included another member in this and we are just going to assume that they are the same age as Jungkook and the reader for this fic. 
Song Inspo: Swim- Chase Atlantic;  Youth Water- Manila grey
Word Count: 8k (Wow yikes so much for these being drabbles lmao)
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Weightlessness, the cold water holding your body up.  Nothing else matters but this, your mind completely focused on pushing your muscles to their limit, to victory.  Your arms moving with purpose, propelling you towards the touch pad, you are staring up at the bright lights on the ceiling through the water droplets splashing onto your goggles.  Red flags that hang over the pool now come into your view and you know what that means, you are only a few arm lengths away from the finish.  You use every last bit of your strength and glide with an outstretched arm, reaching your destination.  
As soon as your hand hits you instantly tear off your goggles and whip your head around to the screen high on the wall to your right.  Adrenaline flooding through your body. 
1: Y/L/N 00:57.96
Your face lit up instantly and you pumped a fist into the air, you grabbed on to the bars under the starting block and pulled yourself out of the pool, speed walking over to your team who were cheering and hugging you. 
“I broke a minute!” you squealed “Oh my god I can’t believe it” 
You’d been aiming for breaking a minute in your 100 yard backstroke your entire high school experience.  Now finally at 18 and a senior only a few weeks away from graduating, you’d finally done it and by way more than you thought you could.  You were so proud of your hard work paying off
Your spring team coach shot you a thumbs up and a wide grin from the other side of the pool. 
After the meet was over your coach pulled you aside with an excited look on her face, putting a letter into your hand. 
“There was a scout here from Bangtan University, and they think you have potential.  They are inviting you to a summer swim training camp for incoming freshmen and if you can get to 55.0 by the end of summer you’d get a full ride scholarship.  Even if you don’t make the time, they want you on the team and are offering a pretty nice scholarship” she clapped her hands together. 
You clapped a hand over your mouth
You hadn’t thought that you were anything that amazing, you weren’t the best swimmer on the team overall but you couldn’t argue, that backstroke time you’d just swam was quite impressive.  If this team saw potential in you, you weren’t going to pass up the opportunity to prove yourself. 
You had pulled into the parking lot of the university’s athletic center, many others were pulling in and walking over to the pool doors.  You felt so much excitement and nervousness at meeting your new teammates. 
You noticed that there were also men that were in the crowd of swimmers making their way to the pool doors, you hadn’t realized this was going to be a co-ed training.  You’d only swam with your girls from high school and it was the same team since you were in elementary school.  One of your best friends had also been offered a place on a college team, but to a different school.  You were going to miss her a lot, but you’d still get to see each other occasionally, and you were excited for this new adventure.   
You grabbed your bag that held your towel and gear and followed the crowd to the pool. 
After getting changed and admiring the incredible size of the facility you walked out to the pool where you could see the rest of the team gathered around a white board waiting for the coach to give further instruction. 
You found an open space to sit down on the floor next to a blonde tall man with broad shoulders, the perfect figure for a swimmer, you wondered if he did butterfly.  His shape and muscles seem to be very fitting for that stroke.  He was shirtless and you had to try to not make things awkward by staring at him or any of the other shirtless men scattered among the swimmers here. 
The man turned to you and extended a hand for you to shake.  
“I’m Jin” he smiled at you. 
You shook his hand and returned his friendly smile “y/n” 
The coach now started a speech introducing himself to the group and talking about the types of things that would take place here at the training camp, you’d get to compete against other colleges in practice meets and you’d be doing many time trials throughout the summer to see how you were improving. 
As the coach was starting to explain the workout for the day, the sound of a door slamming loudly from the direction of the locker rooms. 
A tall man with gorgeous jet black hair walked out from the men's locker room.  He was wearing the same tight fitting speedo that most all the other men were wearing and was wearing a white warm-up jacket that had a blue stripe down the side.  You let your eyes linger on how it was completely unzipped and exposing his extremely sculpted and muscular chest.  
“Ah Mr. Jeon.” the coach glared. “Thanks for gracing us with your presence today.” 
You half expected the coach to yell at the man and tell him to get out.  Showing up to your first day of practice was quite rude and didn’t really show good commitment to the team in your opinion.  
The man just silently stood back behind the rest of the team with his arms crossed, nodding for the coach to continue.  He was quite cocky you thought.  He must be really good to be able to get away with an attitude like that.  And as rude as it was, you also found it slightly amusing. 
The rest of practice went well, you work your hardest and tried to prove yourself, you ended up becoming the lane leader for your lane and were quite proud of that.  
There were eight lanes and it was split up by your times,  the fastest swimmers all in lane eight and the slowest in lane one.  You had surprisingly landed yourself in lane three which had surprised you, you weren’t the worst, and that was something!  
That cocky man Mr. Jeon had ended up in lane eight, and you noticed he was lane leader at that.  You were right, he had the speed to back up his cocky attitude.  The tall blonde named Jin was also in lane eight right behind him, so he must be the second best swimmer on your team. 
After practice was over you decided to step out of your comfort zone and approach him. 
He was pulling himself out of the pool to sit on the edge, pushing his wet strands of hair out of his face and breathing heavily from the workout. 
“Hey” you said with an awkward wave. 
He glanced up at you, raising an eyebrow wondering what you might want from him. 
“I-I just... wanted to say, I s-saw you swim and, y-you did a really good job, I mean, you swim well.  Your stroke is p-pretty, I mean pretty good.” Fuck why were you being so fucking awkward.  You weren’t very good at making new friends, but something in you just really wanted to get to know this man, and hoped that maybe he could help you improve on your times so that you could get that scholarship. 
He chuckled at your bumbling around. 
“Ah, Thank you” he stood and started to walk away. 
“What's your stroke!” you yelled after him.  
He turned and smiled “Freestyle.” he said simply, starting to walk away again.  He probably thinks you’re a complete weirdo but swimmers were always hungry, so...here goes nothing…
“Wanna grab some dinner?” 
He spun around again.  “Uh,” he thought for a moment “Yeah sure, why not.  Meet me outside the doors after we get changed, did you have something in mind?” 
Shit, you had nothing in mind.  “I was thinking pasta?” 
He put a hand to his chin in thought, “Okay, I know a good place.” 
You followed in your car behind Jungkook’s car to the place he had suggested for the two of you to eat and then got a booth seat at the restaurant, sitting across from each other. 
Jungkook ordered a big glass of milk and you chuckled a bit at that.  
“Good for the muscles” He shrugged cutely with a smirk. 
“So how long have you been swimming?” you asked, trying to make some small talk and swimming was basically your only conversation point even with your non swimmer friends. 
“My whole life pretty much”
“Yeah me too! I took one year off where I tried track but, I discovered I’m more of a water creature” you laughed.
Jungkook stared at you, narrowing his eyes.  You thought you must’ve been being awkward or offended him somehow without realizing it. 
“I feel like I’ve seen you before…” Jungkook says. 
“Um, not sure…” you didn’t quite know what to say. 
“4th grade! Summer swim team!” he exclaims.  “y/n y/l/n right?” 
Oh my god, you had actually done a co-ed swim team once when you were younger at a pool your family had a membership to.  You had totally forgotten about that. 
“Jeon...Jungkook!?” it suddenly clicked.  “Holy shit, yes, I remember you” 
He grinned and took a large drink of his milk leaving an adorable milk mustache on his upper lip. 
The two of you talked for the rest of the meal reminiscing on your memories of the team you were on together.  He had changed so much from the skinny dorky boy you’d known.  He was a man now and had grown up well. 
Suddenly he stopped mid conversation as his phone rang, he put up a finger and mouthed a sorry.  
“Hey hon” he answered. “Yeah-” he nodded “Okay I’ll be there soon, Just finishing up a meal with an old friend I reconnected with today…” he paused as the voice on the other end of the line said something “Yep, see you soon babe, love ya” he clicked the button to hangup. 
“Girlfriend?” you asked, slightly jealous for reasons you couldn’t quite understand, it’s not like you had any place to feel that way. You’d only just re-met him today, and he was an attractive man, of course he had a girlfriend. 
“Yep, I gotta hurry up and get going, she’s had a rough day at work” 
The next couple weeks you went to practice every day besides Sunday and each day you and Jungkook would end up hanging out for a bit after. Sometimes going out to eat, and sometimes you’d stay late for him to help give you some tips on your swimming form.  You were happy to have made a friend like him.  You feel like you’d already improved so much. 
Today was the first practice meet you were going to have with another school and It was a home meet.  You were nervous but also couldn’t wait to see how much you’d improved.  
Right before you were about to enter the locker room to get changed Jungkook yelled out your name and motioned for you to come over to where he stood.   He was next to a skinny, curly haired blonde woman with glasses, she was dressed all in pink, tiny hot pink shorts, a tiny baby pink crop top that exposed her tanned stomach, and a pink headband holding back her perfect hair. 
“Y/n this is my girlfriend Missy” Jungkook motioned towards the girl.
You tried to give your friendliest smile and extended your hand out to the girl.  She didn’t return your gesture and instead rolled her big blue eyes slightly and looked you up and down while blowing a big bubble from the gum she was chewing loudly.  When it popped she turned to Jungkook
 “Kookieee, I don’t wanna wait in the stands for you, it’s way too hot up there.  Can’t I just be with you in the pool area” She spoke in a ditzy voice while she pouted, crossing her arms and pushing her perfect perky breasts up as she did, almost as if she was trying to use them to convince Jungkook to cave into her. 
“Missy I told you, you aren’t allowed in the pool area during a meet, I promise it won’t be too bad up in the stands.  Do you need some money to go to concessions and buy a cold drink or something” he whispered, but it was loud enough for you to hear.  
You shifted uncomfortably, debating on whether you should just leave to go get ready for the meet now.  Jungkook’s girlfriend obviously didn’t care for meeting you, and you didn’t quite care for her at all. 
Missy groaned childishly and just put a flat palm out towards Jungkook, which had him scrambling through his pockets and pulling out his wallet to put probably five times more money than she needed in her hand for the drink.  Yet she still held her hand out until Jungkook put even more money into her hand.  Then she instantly spun around on her heels and left. 
“Nice meeting you!” you yelled after her, well aware that you were lying. 
You turned to Jungkook with wide eyes. 
“Wow.  Whipped.” you chuckled. 
He sheepishly ran a hand through his hair, “She’s actually awesome once you get to know her.” 
You shrugged, “I’ll take your word for it” though you can’t imagine anything about that girl that would end up being a redeeming quality. 
“It really does get hot up in the stands…” he tried to stand up for his girlfriend. 
You chuckled “Well you gave her enough for like twenty cold drinks so I think she’ll be fine” 
Jungkook and You went to your separate locker rooms to get ready and then out to the pool.
The meet was going extremely well, you had placed in second in the last heat of the backstroke and improved a lot on your time just in the few weeks you’d been training.  You couldn’t be happier. 
It came time for Jungkook to swim the 200 Free, you made sure to stand on the edge of the pool  with the rest of the teammates where he could see when he went to take a breath, while you cheered enthusiastically for him. 
“Go Go Goooo Jungkook!” you yelled, jumping up and down in your spot.  He was amazing, his muscular arms pulled him forward through the water so gracefully, he was at least a full body length ahead of the other swimmers in his heat.  It was incredible watching him. 
You happened to glance up into the crowd to see Missy sitting on her phone, sipping on a lemonade and texting, not even looking up from it once to see how Jungkook was doing. 
It irritated you quite a bit.  Why was she even here?  
Jungkook finished in first, no surprise.  He seemed happy with his time, a wide grin on his face while he was hopping out of the pool.
You ran over to him, both hands out for a double high five that he returned instantly.  
The rest of the meet went well.  Your college ended up winning overall which put everyone in high spirits. 
After getting dressed and exiting the locker room out to the lobby of the aquatic center you decided you wanted to at least try to extend an olive branch to Jungkook’s less than pleasant girlfriend.  You didn’t want to lose Jungkook as a friend over something as silly as not getting along with Missy. 
You found Jungkook standing in the lobby looking around. 
“Hey you!” you smiled as you approached him “Do you and Missy wanna go out for a celebratory dinner on me?” 
“That sounds awesome! I just gotta find Missy.  Did you see her come down from the stands?” he looked confused as he scanned the crowd for her. 
“I didn’t, I’ll help you look around for her” 
He nodded and the two of you walked through the crowd to try and find her.  She was nowhere to be seen and the crowd was slowly getting thinner and thinner so it should’ve made it easier to see her.  Odd. 
After about ten minutes of searching the whole crowd was gone and it was only you and Jungkook standing in the lobby. 
“Okay, y/n, I’m kind of nervous.  Where could she be?”  Jungkook's eyes were full of worry. 
“Maybe she wasn’t feeling well and went home early?” you suggested. 
“She would’ve texted me…” his brow furrowed as he checked his phone to see if maybe he had missed a message or call. 
The two of you started to walk some of the hallways of the building looking around.  
Then an odd noise hit your ears, there was some giggling coming from a storage room. 
“That sounds like...What would she be doing in here?” Jungkook gripped the door handle and swung it open. 
His eyes almost flying out of their sockets at the sight of Missy completely naked her legs wrapped around your teammate Jin. 
“What the fuck!” Jungkook screamed angrily. Causing Missy and Jin to realize for the first time that they had been walked in on. 
Missy instantly jumped off of Jin, and Jin scrambled to cover himself up. 
“Jungkook wait!” Missy squealed as Jungkook slammed the door shut on the two of them, shaking slightly while he stomped down the hall away from them.  
You followed right behind him silently, not really knowing what to say. 
“Babe wait!” suddenly Missy was sprinting down the hall after the two of you, grabbing Jungkook by the shoulder trying to turn him around to face her.  He shook her off and kept walking, trying to just make it out the doors of the building and to his car, wanting to get as far away from her as possible. 
“Jungkook, please I can explain!” Missy was sobbing. 
“Missy.  Maybe now’s not the time.” You softly spoke at her in a serious tone. 
“Sorry bitch but no one was talking to you.” Missy snapped at you. 
At that Jungkook finally spun around to face her. 
“Don’t you dare Missy.  You’re the bitch right now okay? And I never want to fucking see your face again.  So please, leave me alone, go home.” he growled. 
Missy froze on the spot, Jungkook had never spoken to her so harshly before.  You felt that she deserved even worse than just some mean words after what she’d done, but that's none of your business. 
You drove Jungkook home, telling him it was probably not a good idea for him to drive himself due to the state of mind he was in, and he reluctantly agreed. 
You pulled up to his house and the two of you sat in silence for a moment before Jungkook spoke. 
“I was with her since eighth grade…” he choked out, covering his face with his hands as he was starting to tear up. 
You put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.  Wishing that you had the right words. 
Jungkook missed practice for the next two days.  You texted him asking where he was both days and each time he answered with a simple ‘don’t feel well sry’ 
When he finally returned to practice he seemed to be pushing himself even harder than he was before.  You wondered if it was hard for him to swim in the same lane as Jin.
And your curiosity was answered when you were taking a breather after a set and heard some commotion going on from lane eight. 
“What the fuck did you just say?” You heard Jungkook screaming. 
“I said, it’s not my fault your girl is a SLUT” Jins voice boomed
You looked over to see Jungkook starting to pull his fist back, he wasn’t able to land his punch before a few of the other teammates from the lane were holding him back. 
The coach ran over and tried to defuse the situation. 
“That's it. Everyone out of the water!” The coach yelled to the whole team.  You all hopped out and went to sit on the benches or the floor to wait for further instruction. 
“You two.  Up on the blocks” the coach motioned for Jin and Jungkook to comply with his orders. 
“100 Freestyle.” the coach informed them. 
The two men glared at each other and hopped on the block. 
You thought this was probably a good way to settle things without violence.  Jungkook was the fastest on the team, and freestyle wasn’t even Jin’s stroke, so it would feel good for him to beat Jin after all that went down. 
“Ready. Set…” The coach blew the whistle to signal the start. 
Jungkook dove off the block, his arms outstretched and strong as he hit the water.  
You stood up and yelled “Gooooo Jungkook!” then motioned for the rest of the team to stand and cheer.  Most of them did, all cheering for Jungkook. 
But...the cheers started to die down on the last lap.  Because...Jungkook was losing? No.  Not good. 
Jin touched the wall about a few seconds before Jungkook, a big smirk on his face as he turned to him. 
“Better luck next time buddy.” he chuckled. 
Jungkook was in shock. He...lost, he never lost…
He hopped out of the pool fuming, stomping off to the locker room, kicking a stack of kickboards and knocking them all across the pool floor on his way in. 
You covered your mouth with your hand.  Poor Jungkook.  Your heart was breaking for your friend and you had no idea what to do. 
After practice was over you were walking out to your car and noticed that Jungkook’s car was still there.  You’d thought he left but he must still be somewhere back in the building. 
You decided to go and find him, returning back to the pool area and searching around.  Everyone else including the coach had already left, so you decided you would take a chance and check the men’s locker room. 
When you entered you heard a shower running and walked towards the sound.
You found Jungkook sitting on the grey tile floor with his back against the wall, eyes closed, letting the water fall onto his face. 
“J-Jungkook, are you okay…” You said quietly. 
He jumped, and snapped his eyes open, wiping the water out of them quickly to see you better. 
“Shit y/n you scared me.” he whispered. 
“Sorry, I just saw you were still here and wanted to check on you” you explained. 
He nodded, bending his head down and letting the water fall on the back of his neck. 
“Well, I’m fine” he spoke quietly. 
You were still wearing your suit under your clothes, so you decided to take off your sweats and jacket and sit next to him in the shower. 
“This is probably not very sanitary” you laughed as you sat down. 
“The water washes the germs away” he mumbled, his head still down on his knees. 
“I’m not sure I buy that one, but I’ll let you have it” you chuckled, leaning your head towards him and resting it on his shoulder. 
“I’m really sorry Jungkook” you got more serious. 
He lifted his head a bit, turning to look at you.  “I just don’t understand what I did wrong.  I treated her like a queen, I gave her everything.” he sighed “I haven’t seen her since the meet, but I have to swim with Jin right next to me every day now.  And hes so fucking smug about it, and now on top of everything hes somehow faster than me” Jungkook spoke with his hands emphasizing his anger. 
“He’s definitely not faster than you, I think you’re off your game a bit cuz of everything that happened.” 
“Still…” Jungkook sighed “That was embarrassing and just the icing on the cake of the worst week of my life” 
He leaned his head so it was resting against yours. 
“Hmm, I might have an idea on how to cheer you up!” you grinned, lifting your head and meeting his eyes. 
He looked confused and then suddenly he seemed to form an idea of what you might have meant. 
He brought his face close to yours, and before you could tell him that wasn’t what you meant his lips had landed on your own.  He tasted like chlorine, and his lips were so soft.  As much as you enjoyed it, you pulled back quickly. 
“I-I didn’t mean.  I wasn’t trying to say that…” you stuttered out in shock that you let that happen.  He was vulnerable right now after having his heart broken, you shouldn’t take advantage of that. 
Jungkook looked mortified, “You didn’t want me...fuck.  Y/n I’m so sorry.  I’m not thinking right” he shook his head embarrassed. 
“It’s fine Jungkook” you chuckled “It was...nice actually.  I just don’t think we should, we’re friends, and you are going through something.” 
He still looked ashamed of acting on what he assumed you had wanted “So...what did you mean?” 
“I was thinking a midnight star swim?” 
Jungkooks face lit up, “Oh my god I haven’t done that in years” 
There was an outdoor pool in your town that most of the swimmers knew how to sneak into at night.  There weren’t any cameras or security, and the fence was easy to jump.  It was up on a hill and if you went on a clear night, it had the most beautiful view of the stars.  So everyone called it a star swim. 
“I’m so down for that” Jungkook nodded excitedly.  “Oh, and thanks for not being weird about…” he trailed off looking down. 
You chuckled, “Weird about what?”  you smirked knowingly. 
It was about 11:30 when you pulled up to Jungkook’s house.  You hadn’t stopped thinking about the kiss since it happened.  At first you really had planned on brushing it off like nothing happened, but the memory of the feeling and taste of him wouldn’t stop pushing itself into the front of your mind. It was so persistent that you almost cancelled your plans with him, faking being sick or something like that.  But, he had thanked you for not making it weird, and that’s exactly what you’d be doing if you cancelled plans.  Just pretend it never happened. You told yourself.  Yet that seemed so impossible. 
Jungkook was skipping out to the car not long after you arrived.  He seemed to be in better spirits, which is exactly what this was for, you were quite relieved to see a smile on his face as he hopped into the passenger seat. 
“Sup Y/n” 
“Sup Jungkook” you chuckled
As was usual for star swims you parked down the road from the pool and not in the parking lot so as not to be suspicious.  The two of you walked in the dark towards your destination. 
You didn’t want to use your phone’s flashlight as you walked just in case someone saw.  As common as it was, it was not in any way legal for the two of you to be going into the pool at this hour, and you were slightly nervous about getting caught. 
But, because of the lack of light you happened to trip on a dip in the road you hadn’t noticed.  You fell forward and let out a small gasp, but before you got close to hitting the ground, two strong arms wrapped around you and caught you just in time.  Jungkook pulled you up and steadied you. 
“Woah there” Jungkook whispered. 
You awkwardly stood up straight, quite embarrassed of your clumsiness. 
“Shit, thanks…” 
“Here,” Jungkook grabbed your hand “I have good night vision, I’ll guide you” 
For some reason, the small and seemingly platonic gesture of his fingers intertwined with yours made your heart skip a beat.  The kiss popped into your mind again.  
No, he's just confused because of everything that happened with his ex, you aren’t going to let yourself just be a rebound, he’s just your friend! Your mind tried to reason with your heart.  Your heart didn’t seem to want to listen, it continued to flutter as you walked hand in hand with Jungkook the rest of the way. 
When you got to the silver chain link fence Jungkook motioned for you to go first, offering to help give you a boost up.  You declined and pulled yourself up easily,
 “You forget I’m pretty strong too Kook” You winked at him as you landed on the other side. 
There was something behind the smile and soft, admiring look he gave you through the holes in the metal fence where he now stood opposite you.  Maybe your stupid heart was making something out of nothing, but something flickered over his expression, that seemed like...nah, it couldn’t be.  
He hopped over effortlessly and landed next to you.  He almost instantly pulled his white t-shirt up and over his head. 
You’d seen him shirtless so many times at practice, but being here at night, and alone with him had you feeling slightly shy.  Trying not to look his way you decided to get undressed into your suit that was under your clothes as well. 
You cursed yourself for deciding it was a good idea to wear a skimpy bright red two piece.  You thought it would be more comfortable, but, you should’ve just worn your completely unattractive practice one piece suit.  Then you wouldn’t have to notice the way Jungkook’s eyes were bugging out of his skull upon seeing your figure.  
You noticed him bite at his lower lip and gulp, not being able to tear his eyes away from you.  
“Ready to swim?” You asked, hoping to snap him out of his trance. 
He nodded, his eyes still glued to the skin right above the fabric of your bikini top. 
You decided to take his view away, jumping into the pool quickly.  
Jungkook wasn’t far behind, taking off his shorts so he was wearing only his tight workout speedo, then doing a dive into the pool. 
You swam over to the edge of the pool, resting your arms on the side and laying out on your back to stare up at the sky.  It was peaceful and calm, the dark black sky was lit up with sparkling lights, and they reflected almost like a mirror in the water of the pool.
It was one of the most beautiful sights in the world to you.  
Jungkook slowly swam over to you, not wanting to disturb the stillness of the water and break the calm glass like reflection of the stars.  It did slightly, but it almost made it more beautiful, the ripple in reflection now looked like the stars were dancing. 
You felt Jungkook’s arm rest against your own. 
“I’m not sorry that I kissed you” he whispered, almost like it wasn’t meant for you to hear.  Yet when you snapped your gaze over to him, he was looking right at you.  Staring at your lips, his eyes full of want. 
“Jungkook...You just got out of a super long relationship that ended badly.  I don’t think you’re thinking clearly” 
Jungkook sighed. “Honestly, she was so controlling and I always just did whatever she said.  I never realized how much of my life was just me following her orders until I left her.  It’s like I didn’t fully understand everything I was missing out on in life because of her.  I’m upset, mostly because I realize how much time I’ve wasted not being with someone good and kind who actually cared about me the way I care about them…” 
Your heart was beating wildly and you had to take some deep and quiet breaths, trying to not make it noticeable to Jungkook how much he was affecting you. 
“So I think I’m actually thinking more clearly than I have in quite a long time.” He smiled at you. 
“I hope you find someone who treats you right Jungkook, you deserve it” you muttered, continuing your efforts to ignore that he was now staring over your whole body hungrily.  
“Yeah…” he murmured, “They say sometimes there’s moments in life where you realize everything you’ve been searching for has been right in front of you the whole time.  I feel like maybe I…”
You suddenly jumped out of the pool, trying to stop him before he got any further with that thought. 
You ran over to the diving board and sat on the very edge, your legs dangling off the edge. 
“Um, this way...we don’t mess up the view with our movements.” You explained your awkward and sudden escape. 
Jungkook sighed and got out of the water as well.
“Why are you avoiding me y/n.  I thought you weren’t going to make things weird after the kiss” he spoke as he started to walk over to the diving board. 
“Shit. I-I’m not trying to make things weird, it's just, I don’t want you to think…It just sounds like you think that...” 
“That you’d want to kiss me again?” his hands rested on the metal bars on either side of the board.  He was now standing right at the opposite end from where you sat. You turned around to face him, your back now to the pool with your legs still dangling off the edge.
“And you really don’t want to?” he cocked his head to the side. 
You bit your lower lip nervously, of course you wanted to again.  Look at this gorgeous man, shirtless, muscular, and he’s almost begging for it.  But, this is your friend, you couldn’t just be his rebound.  So you regrettably settled on that as your next words.
“I’m not interested in being your rebound Jungkook” you almost snapped, realizing how harsh that came out, you added in a softer, “Sorry” 
Jungkook seemed to not have lost his determination though.  He slowly walked towards where you sat.  He teased for a second like he was going to bounce the board and make you fly off.
“Don’t you dare!” you giggled. 
Jungkook smirked, when he reached only a few steps in front of you he sat down facing you and hanging his legs off of either side of the board. 
“If we hooked up, I wouldn’t think of you as a rebound…” Jungkook said quietly.
You sighed “Ugh, Jungkook, I still think it’d be a bad idea” 
“Is it because you actually like me?” he said raising one eyebrow, “And you’re thinking ‘oh if I give into him now he’ll never be serious with me,’” he said trying to mimic your voice.  
You reached out and smacked him on his arm, “My god, you are full of yourself aren’t you” 
Jungkook let out a loud laugh and scooted forward on the bench a bit closer to you, your knees were touching now. 
“But, what if I told you that I liked you.  Like... actually liked you.  At first I thought we were just good friends...but I think I’ve felt this way since that first day of practice.  So maybe I deserved getting cheated on like that.  In a way, I was cheating in my heart by liking you the way I do.” 
You really didn’t know what to say.  
“I...don’t know if it’s quite the same thing.  I’m not really any kind of relationship expert.  But, you definitely didn’t deserve what happened to you.  That’s all I know” You said then suddenly the entirety of what he said hit you.  You wanted to just toss yourself off the edge of this board, he really just said he liked you?
“You like me?” You said with your voice wavering. 
“Ah you got that part now huh?” He chuckled. 
“Jungkook are you sure…” your eyes widened as you trailed your gaze over his sinful half naked figure sitting in front of you. 
“Quit trying to fight it y/n.  Let's just live in the moment, huh?” 
Fuck.  You really were getting mentally exhausted by trying so hard to hold back your feelings.  You liked him, a lot, maybe not right away but now? Definitely. You leaned in close to him, hoping you weren’t about to ruin everything by caving in. 
Jungkook’s mouth pulled into a smile as you inched closer to him.  
“That’s my girl” he whispered, reaching a hand to the back of your neck to pull you in closer.  His lips touched yours gentle and smooth,  the kisses he pressed into you were so innocent compared to the way his eyes had been roaming you hungrily.  
You started to speed the kisses up, running a hand through his soft locks of pitch black hair.  He groaned softly into your mouth as you touched him. 
You felt an ache in your core just from these small kisses and touches, you couldn’t tell if you were wet from swimming or from your own arousal, you were deeper into your feelings for him than you’d even realized.  
Jungkook’s hands gracefully trailed down from your head to your sides, the feeling of his fingers tracing your bare skin sent a shiver throughout your body.  You whimpered slightly when his hands reached the fabric of your bikini bottoms, he reached under your ass and pulled you up from where you sat and onto his lap. 
The board bounced up and down at the movement, causing you to bounce on Jungkook’s lap.  He grunted softly at the feeling. 
You could feel the hardness of his erection through his swim shorts, and you started to roll your hips against him, enjoying the friction and pressure that you could feel on your clit through the fabric of your suit. 
If you had any doubts about whether or not you should be doing this, the feeling of his hands starting to untie the string of your suit that was resting on your neck, had washed them all away. 
Your top fell down, exposing you to him.  He inhaled sharply and shook his head.  
“I imagined this so many times.  And you just had to go and be better than any fantasy I could’ve come up with” He said breathily. 
“You’re being cheesy” you giggled. 
“I mean it though” he smiled, giving your breasts a small squeeze. Then taking each of your nipples between the tip of his thumb and index finger, pinching them lightly.
You moaned out lewdly and tossed your head back at the pleasurable feeling. 
“Fuck” you hissed. 
“You like that baby?” Jungkook smirked, already knowing the answer to that question but wanting to hear you say it.  Needing to know how it would sound to hear unending praises fall from your lips. 
“I love it Jungkook” you gasp as he pinches you again, then brought his lips to one of your breasts, trading places with his fingers and nipping at you lightly.
“How much?” he asked, his breath warm against your tits as he spoke. 
“So much, I love it so much Jungkook, you’re amazing. I want you so badly” you admitted.  
Jungkook moaned against your skin at your words. 
“Don’t feel shy to let me know you’re enjoying yourself babe.  I wanna know how good I make you feel” he whispered, pulling himself from your chest and planting sloppy kisses on your neck. 
Jungkook started to move you off of his chest and lay you back on the diving board.  It shook up and down at the two of you moving around.  You laughed as you almost fell off at one point, Jungkook having to steady you with his hands on your hips. 
He hovered over where you laid, his hands gripping the edge of the board in a plank position, and gave you a quick peck on your lips. He then pushed himself up, standing between your legs that hung off the side of the board.  He pulled his swim shorts down quickly and stood confidently with his hands on his hips showing himself off to you with a smirk. 
You giggled wildly at his cockiness, which he mistook for you giggling at his...cock. 
“Hey now.” He growled crossing his arms against his toned bare chest. “Don’t make me bounce you off this thing” 
“Oh my god, no It’s just that you’re so cute.  Displaying yourself with that confidence” You assured him. 
“Well, I have reason to be confident no?” he moved his eyebrows up and down, and motioning his hands down around his hips, gesturing to his erection.  He wasn’t wrong...He had plenty of reason to feel proud of the cock that was hanging between his legs, long and large.  You’d never been with someone as big as him and you started to feel slight nervousness as you anticipated and hoped for the feeling of the stretch. 
Jungkook got down and balanced himself on his knees between your legs, pulling the string on one of the sides of your bikini bottoms.  
You felt the fabric being lifted away after he’d untied it, and you were completely bare and exposed to him now. 
He growled lowly.  
“Fuck you have a perfect pussy” 
“And you have a perfect cock” you returned. 
He smiled widely, you had a feeling that a strong feeling of pride grew in him at your words.  And you were right, any bit of praise that you gave him made him even more excited to dive into your pussy and feel you around him, he wanted to hear how good he made you feel. 
He gripped himself in one hand, trying his best to stay balanced as his other hand started to lightly touch your entrance. 
You gasped at his touch, and tossed your head back,  you were right on the edge of the board and the feeling that one wrong move could throw both of you off into the water was scary and exciting. 
You were seeing stars, literally as you stared up into the sky while two Jungkook’s fingers entered you, moving around and stretching you out, preparing you to take him. 
“That feels so good Jungkook” you moaned.  His ego swelled at that and it only made him want to work harder to please you, increasing the speed of his fingers. 
“Fuck” you whimpered out, gripping the sides of the board and trying not to squirm too much. 
Suddenly, he pulled his fingers out, you pouted at the feeling of emptiness and loss of his touch. 
But he was now pulling you on top of him and flipping the two of you around so he was laying in the spot where you were just seconds ago. 
The sight was nothing less than magical. 
You were sitting on top of him with your hands on his chest, the moonlight shining on his skin making him almost glow.  And framing his perfect face on every side from below was the dark water reflecting the stars from above, it looked like something straight out of an artsy indie movie.  
You lifted your hips slightly and he brought a hand to position his cock at your entrance. 
You lowered yourself down onto him excruciatingly slow, but you wanted to give yourself the chance to adjust to his thickness. 
His hands squeezed your ass tightly as you sank down onto him, and he threw his head back in pleasure, biting down hard on his lower lip. 
“Fuckkkk” he hissed once you had him completely sheathed inside your pussy. 
You started to rock your hips slowly, not wanting to move too much and bounce the two of you off and down into the water.   
But Jungkook seemed to be a bit overtaken by the feeling and started to grab your hips and lift you up, slamming you down onto him.  He set a steady pace of bringing your hips up and down onto him, and it was the most incredible feeling ever.  Every time you took him fully at that speed, the board would bounce and cause a second in and out, causing him to thrust up into you effortlessly. 
“Jungkook, oh my god” you screamed out.  Jungkook grinned widely, loving how good he was making you feel.  It felt like a dream having you here riding him. 
His hands continued to guide you up and down on his cock, the board bouncing made it hard to keep a steady pace now.  
“You gonna cum for me baby? Use my cock however you need y/n” Jungkook moaned, releasing his grip on you and putting his hands behind his head.  You swore he was flexing his biceps right now.  So cocky, you thought.  Though, you couldn’t deny, he was so fucking hot like his.  He always seemed to have the goods to back up that cocky attitude of his. 
You started to bounce and roll your hips around in small circles, it took a lot of effort to continue without having any support for your knees, you really had to thank yourself for all those ab exercises you’d been working on.  
His cock was hitting you in all the right places now and you felt yourself approaching your high.  
“J-Jungkook, I’m gonna cum” you whimpered. 
“Yeah baby? My cock is gonna make you cum?” he smirked.  
You nodded biting your lip while you stared down at the god like man below you. 
“Say it.” he growled.  
You figured it didn’t hurt to indulge him, he really was rocking your world right now. 
“Jungkook, your fucking amazing, giant, sexy, cock is gonna make my pussy cum” you moaned.
“Fuck, hurry up if you’re gonna keep talking like that” he chuckled. “I’m so fucking close too y/n” 
After a few more bounces your orgasm was on you, it ran like a tidal wave over your whole body, nothing you’d ever felt before could compare to the incredible feeling rushing over you.  
Your walls tightened and spasmed around Jungkook’s cock, you had stilled your movements and fell down onto his chest, but he kept moving himself into you quickly, approaching his own orgasm.  His hips rolling up into you were greatly assisted by the bouncing of the board.  
He gripped your ass hard and sped up even faster, his face contorting into an expression of intense pleasure. 
“F-Fuck, Y/n baby” he groaned loudly, his nails biting into your ass cheeks and his head burried into to crook of your neck as he came. 
At that moment he completely lost control of his balance, and you, who were also overcome with post orgasm bliss were in no place to steady the two of you. 
And before you knew it both of you, clutched tightly onto one another, and him still twitching and emptying hot cum inside of you, were rolling off the board and crashing into the water. 
The two of you were now completely submerged, bodies still intertwined and holding each other tightly, Jungkook brought you into a passionate kiss as you rose back up to the surface. 
Once you reached air again he slowly pulled out of you and you both laughed wildly. 
“Holy shit” you threw your head back and floated on your back savoring this blissful moment. 
You turned to Jungkook who did an excited forward somersault in the water, which caused you to laugh even more. 
“Well that's how fun that was for me” he chuckled as he paddled over to where you floated and kissed you on the cheek. 
“You’re a dork” you shook your head. 
“And amazing...giant...and sexy” he listed your previous words while he wiggled his eyebrows up and down. 
“Yes that too” 
“And completely falling for you…” he whispered. 
You stared up to the stars, you swore you saw a shooting star right then. 
You don’t know what you could possibly wish for in this moment.  Everything already felt so perfect. 
You were completely falling for him too. 
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Ladies Man
Denki Kaminari x 2nd Year!Reader
Warnings - none
Summary - A second year decides to follow Denki’s spam it just turns out it’s his crush what happens next is pure fluff
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• discountpikachu uathotpatrol requested to follow you
Denki looks curiously at the notification. Spam accounts weren't uncommon even at UA. It is a highschool after all. No matter how elite they claim to be they still feed into the same childish  stuff when they have free time. So who's this one? I mean he already has his entire class and most of 1B so who's it now? As the account pulls up he looks at it carefully.
uathotpatrol thots will be blocked out on sight. no affiliation with ua main : _ghostie
Ghostie? Oh she's a second year. He presses the button to allow the request then moves to request to follow her. 'I wonder why she followed me?' Denki thinks to himself.
"Kaminari have you seen this," Mina says shoving her phone towards him. "It's that cute second year that we saw at the movies."
"Yeah Ghostie," Sero tells him, "pretty h/c hair and rocking body."
"She's also really nice," Kirishima adds. Denki looks at the picture to see the girl sitting on a car with two other girls. She's smiling brightly. You'd hardly imagine her as the type to become a hero. Flashy pretty girl. But like Kirishima says she's really sweet. Constantly working to tutor other kids. She works with Uraraka and Tsu a lot with combat training.
"She followed my spam," Denki adds as he hands Mina back her phone, "I'm finally in with the older girls."
"Yeah you wish," Sero says shoving him lightly.
"She has a pretty fun spam," Mina says pulling up the account, "her last post made me think of you."
"Yeah how so?" He asks her. She shows him the picture. It's of Ghostie holding a pikachu plushie up. 'Gonna catch me a pikachu to finish my Pokédex."
"Oh so she's nerdy?" Bakugo says finally joining in.
"Hot nerdy," Mina says pulling her phone back, "anyways you are the Pikachu knock off Kaminari."
"Eat a dick," Denki shoots back. He looks to his phone as it buzzes.
uathotpatrol has approved your follow request
'Nice' he thinks to himself.
uathotpatrol sent you a message
uathotpatrol: Kaminari as designated thot patrol I have to inform you that you are under  thot watch
DiscountPikachu : oh damn Ghostie you've got me
uathotpatrol: ew don't use my hero name that's too formal it's Y/n here
DiscountPikachu : Ah of course.                                   And I'll have you know I'm no thot
uathotpatrol: hmmmmm you might be
DiscountPikachu: bruh
uathotpatrol: I don't make the rules my guy
DiscountPikachu: you gonna block me???
uathotpatrol: Nah you cute
DiscountPikachu: you think I'm cute huh?
"Denki? Denki?" Mina calls, "who are you texting?"
"Shinso probably," Kirishima says as he scrolls boredly through his phone. 
"No it's Ghostie," Kaminari says smirking to his friends, "she called me cute."
"No way!" Sero says diving to his side to look over Denki's shoulder. He looks at the texts and smirks. "Dude don't fuck it up because she's super hot."
"Super hot," Mina says looking at Denki. Making sure to emphasize her point.
"Yeah I didn't need help realizing that," Denki says chuckling lightly.
"Yeah? You should realize she's out of your league," Bakugo says snarkily, "I mean she's more on my level-"
"Don't insult her like that," Sero says chuckling.
Kirishima holds back the angry blond as the group chuckles. Denki feels his phone buzz and looks down excitedly.
uathotpatrol : don't let it get to your head, but yeah you're cute
DiscountPikachu : awe you're cute too
                                      more hot then cute
uathotpatrol : i know bb ;) 
He puts his phone away as Aizawa moves into the classroom starting class at once. Denki tries to pay attention. He really does but when his phone buzzes and he see's another message from her he knows all productivity is out the door.
uathotpatrol : are you a torch? Because you light up my world
 DiscountPikachu : nice 
uathotpatrol : I have more 
DiscountPikachu : please tell me them
uathotpatrol : You must be from nether, because you are out of this world.
        DiscountPikachu : XD I love that
uathotpatrol : you in class?
DiscountPikachu : Yep hero studies with Aizawa
uathotpatrol : yikes
DiscountPikachu : You?
uathotpatrol : All Might has us taking turns in a rescue simulation and I went first so I have the rest of the period to do jack shit
DiscountPikachu : lucky 
"Kaminari what did I just say?" Aizawa asks harshly. Denki looks up in slight horror as he shoves his phone into his pocket. 
"Uhhh something something hero," Denki says tensely. Aizawa sends the attack weapon at him. It knocks Denki back then automatically returns to the teacher. He returns to the lesson and Denki tries his best to pay attention. As class ends and they head off to lunch Denki see's the very girl that hasn't left his mind all day. 
"Hey L/n," He says smiling lightly at her. She waves him over.
"Hey Kaminari," She says brightly, "I see you survived Aizawa."
"Barely," Denki says with a nervous chuckle. Her friends watch them carefully. Amused with the situation. Denki doesn't exactly know why. 
"Wanna eat together?" She offers, "my friends are leaving for a field trip so I'm gonna be alone."
"Yeah of course," He replies. She smiles standing then waves to her friends. 
"Follow me," She tells him. He nods following her as they move past his friends. Who, rightfully so, were freaking out about the situation. As they take their seats he notices she had lead him into a sea of 2nd and third years. He see's the big three and a couple other noteable upperclassman.
"What field trip are your friends going on?" Denki asks her.
"To check out Ryuku's hero agency," She explains, "pros let the upperclassmen at hero schools tour every so often."
"You didn't want to check it out?" He asks.
"I'm commited to Mirko's agency," She admits, "I started working at her agency last year and she's invited me to stay."
"Oh thats so cool!" Denki says smiling at her. She nods.
"She's a good hero a lot of people girl her crap for her cutesy appearance," She starts. Denki can she she's passionate about the subject. "She's strong and powerful. I wanna be just like her... Gah sorry I'm rambling."
"No you're fine," Denki says smiling at her, "you're passionate. It's cute."
"You're such a charmer," She says giving him a smile, "what about you? Any heroes that stick out?"
"MT Lady is one of my favourites," Denki says, "I also really like Edgeshot and Hawks."
"Hawks was the one I did my internship with," She tells him, "he's dreamy."
"Dreamy huh?" He asks.
"Yeah- when you're older you'll have the same effect," She says giving him a wink, "I mean that little smirk. When you've fully grown into you're features you'll be one hell of a ladies man."
"Yeah you reckon?" He asks smirking.
"Yeah," She says, "now Denki I'm thinking after school we head out on a date."
"A date?" 
He's nervous but trying to keep his flirty nature.
"You wanna go on a date? With me?"
He's failing miserablly.
"I kinda think you're cute and my childhood friend Shinso really talked you up to me," She explains, "he said you have a little crush on me. So wanna go on a date?"
"Of course- I mean yeah sure babe," He says attempting to keep his cool. She smiles at him. 
"Let me give you my number," She says. He nods handing her his phone. She puts in her number then snaps a picture of her self. Once he gets her phone back he notices the cute photo. Man she's really cute. He can't help but sneak a glance at her as she sips on her drink.
He moves typing a quick message to send her. She smiles at the quirky greeting. Then hands him her phone. 
"Take a picture for your contact," She tells him. He moves posing for the selfie. Snapping it then returning her phone. "Well I'll meet you by the 1A dorms. I'm thinking pizza?"
"Sounds good to me," He tells her. She gives him a wink then moves to leave the cafeteria. Denki retreats to his friends who are yelling at him.
"WHAT HAPPENED?" Mina shouts.
"Yeah what was that?!" Sero asks.
"She asked me on a date," Denki says with a smirk. Suddenly horror hits him. "Oh god she asked me on a date. How how do I date?"
"Oh god you're hopeless."
"We have to help him," Kirishima says.
"AH come on lighting extra let's go!"
(I’ll do a part two with the date later)
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torannosaurusrexy · 5 years
Champagne & Pools
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Chapter 1/?: “Commando”
➝ Genre: Fic
➝ Pairing: Jeon Jungkook | Reader
WARNING: This AU contains language, recreational drug usage, and sexual themes that some readers may find unsettling, please take caution when reading.
➝ Word Count: 5.2k
➝ Summary: After a night full of red solo cups, gyrating bodies, and too many hot frat boys to count ends, you wake without a memory of it. Jungkook however, remembers all of it, and will do whatever he has to to convince you that it was the greatest night of his existence.
➝ Chapter Song: < LISTEN HERE >
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Pain floods your head when you wake this morning. Bounds of bad decisions coalesce and force the pain to get even worse when you open your eyes. Whatever happened last night was more than you originally signed up for. Flashes of colorful lights, jello shots, and cannon balls assault your hungover memory. You press the heel of your palm into your sore sockets, pining for a relief that never comes. When removed you examine the room around you. It’s not yours that’s for damn sure, unless of course you forgot how to clean and own a bong. Not Yoongi’s either, he’d never live in a room that wasn’t a shade of gray. 
You must still be at the frat house. Its the only true way to explain your hangover and the fuzzy memories you have of vibrating bass and—oh shit, where is your phone and your…panties? With your mind bombarded and worrisome tendencies you hadn’t even come to realize that astride your body, with an arm holding you firm at the waist is a slumbering young man. His hair is a deep cocoa color. His lips are parted by incoming air, and his other hand is tucked neatly behind his head. Slowly, you try to peel yourself away from him but of course, his bed creaks more than your sore bones. 
You manage to escape, finding the jeans you wore last night. Thankfully, your bra is still on and a shirt remains flush against your body. Fuck your panties, leaving before he wakes up is more important right now. Besides, they were not your favorite pair anyway. Creeping over discarded socks, questionable pizza boxes, and condom wrappers, you enter the hallway. 
You jump upon spotting your best friend, fingers toying with the button to your jeans.
“You look like shit.” Yoongi chimes, brushing his teeth.
“Morning to you too.” You whisper, trying to keep your pain at an all time low. 
He chuckles, pausing his teeth brushing to point at you. “Fly’s down.”
He points again, shrugging, “Your shutters are open. Y’know, I can see bikini bottom…are you commando?” He spits into the bathroom sink, filled with crushed beer cans.
“Shhhhh, I’ll explain later, please tell me your bed is open; I can’t possibly walk home right now.” Yoongi smirks, a knowing look.
“That good huh?” He rinses the toothbrush.
You scratch your head, suddenly worried about your hair and the clown mask smeared across your face. “Nothing memorable that’s for sure.”
“You don’t remember last night?”
“Just the couple hundred jello shots I downed.”
Yoongi sucks air through gritted teeth, “Yikes.”
“Yeah…now, bed?” You point at his door, across the hall and ajar from him coming out of it. 
“Sorry Captain Commando, unlike someone…I scored last night.”
“Who’s to say I didn’t?”
Yoongi crosses his arms, amused. “You didn’t, I handed you off to Jungkook when you tried to strip near the pool. I figured if you were going to be naked I’d rather you do it behind closed doors.” So that’s who’s bedroom you woke up in. You should’ve recognized him, it must’ve been your rush to leave that kept you from realizing.
You clear your throat, “I’ll repeat my question, who’s to say I didn’t score?” You cross your arms.
Yoongi continues his assault, smiling wide. “I. Handed. You. Off. To. Jungkook.”
You nod, still confused. You have just emerged panty-less from a rather attractive college frat boys bedroom. To many, that’s enough to say you got laid. Then again…you don’t remember getting dick, and you have a feeling Jeon Jungkook’s would be rather memorable.  “Yeah…Jungkook is the designated panty dropper of BTS, and clearly he snatched mine.”
“Nah, he knows you’re off limits.”
You cluck your tongue, “Which only makes me more desirable.”
Yoongi sighs, rolling his eyes. “None of the guys will touch you because you’re friends with me. Get used to being dry sweetheart.”
“Ugh, cock block.” You sigh, smiling because you know he’s right.
“Trust me, Jungkook would be just as surprised as you were this morning to find you half naked. He was clothed wasn’t he?”
“That should be enough to prove me right. Now if you’ll excuse me…morning head is calling.” He walks towards his door.
“Fuck you Yoongi." You call after him.
He whispers back, sending you a kiss. “Love you too babe, there’s food downstairs if you wanna make some breakfast. Jin might have a spare pair of panties too if you’re interested.”
“Hard pass.” Jin’s collection of hoe’s lingerie is enticing, but equably disgusting.
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What Yoongi called food was leftover chicken stir-fry, a questionable jar of mayonnaise…and whipped cream which you have a sneaking suspicion is Taehyung’s and isn’t meant for regular consumption. Thankfully, they own a box of just add water pancake mix, and you count that as a major score. You try not to make too much noise, considering you’re probably not the only one around here with a pounding headache. You’d already searched for some sort of over the counter relief only to come up empty. So you settle for a glass of water instead. Using your phone to play some light music, you flip the pancakes with ease. While doing so you can’t help but let your mind wander back to the night before. 
What could have possibly led to you falling asleep in Jungkook’s arms? To be fair, you are a rather flirtatious drunk and think that could have led to Jungkook being fished in by Yoongi. Yoongi would have enjoyed watching you make a fool of yourself all over Jungkook. He definitely saw more than he bargained for. Then again…knowing Yoongi, he would’ve pushed for Jimin instead. Its possible that Jimin was…preoccupied and Jungkook was a last stitch resort. 
Poor Jungkook, the kid has only been part of the frat for a couple months now and he’s already been subjected to assault via drunk you. You figured he would’ve gone at least a year without that happening. Now that you’re thinking about it, you probably cost him a hookup last night. 
“Crap!” You yelp, inhaling smoke from a now charred pancake, hacking it back up. 
“Having trouble?”
You turn, finding Jimin shirtless and leaning against the countertop. 
“Clearly.” You choke, drinking him in. “I’ll blame it on the hangover.”
Jimin laughs, gleaming under his faded orange locks. His roots are darker now, smothering the orange in an inky hue. It has definitely been a few months since the initial dyeing. Curse the fact that he makes it look so fucking good. “After last night I figured you would have one. I’ll make you a protein shake, god knows I need one.”
“Thank you, I’ll return the favor in pancakes.” You clear your throat, trying to sound less squeaky. “What do you mean by ‘after last night’?”
Jimin licks yogurt off a spoon, pointing it at you after he does so. “Right…Yoongi mentioned that your memory might be a little fuzzy.”
“You saw him this morning?”
Jimin grins, eyes on what he’s preparing. “Nah, heard him though.” You shiver. “I caught him kissing some girl late last night, dragged him by the ear to find out if you were alright, he mentioned it then. Considering the unholyness I heard when I passed his door, I think he found her again after we talked.”
You blush, clearing your throat. “And..?”
“He said that your liver couldn’t handle Jin’s jello shots and that he called time of death just a few minutes before I found him.”
“That bastard.”
You both chuckle lightly at Yoongi’s dark humor. “Yeah well, thank god that wasn’t the truth.”
“Maybe not, but this pounding in my head is making me re-think the whole living thing.”
You hear something rattling behind you, and turn to see Jimin shaking a small pill bottle. Advil no doubt. “Breakfast of champions.” He smiles, tossing it to you.
“Balanced as all things should be.” Jimin laughs, watching as you place two on the counter before pushing the bottle back to him. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.” Jimin turns the blender on. You flinch. “Sorry.” He says once that step is complete. “I should have warned you.”
“No it’s okay, I deserved that.”
“And this.” Jimin winks, sliding a freshly blended protein monstrosity towards you.
You shut off the stove, serving your pancakes on a large plate next to the drinks. The sound of their preparation may have ripped your mental state to shreds, but the taste of protein pumped berry goodness was well worth it.
You end up moaning out loud when the shake hits your tongue, a soothing hint of mint serenading the thumping of your skull. You swallow the Advil with it. When you open your eyes Jimin is watching you closely, taking a hefty swig from his own shake. “Good?” He asks after swallowing, a knowing grin smeared across his pillow lips.
“If my moan wasn’t clarification enough, then yes.” He nods, pleased with your answer. You pick up a pancake, dousing it in the syrup you found in one of the cabinets that wasn’t dedicated to hot Cheetos or peanut butter.
“So, I heard about the pool.”
“Oh god don’t remind me. All I know is Yoongi handed me off to Jungkook at some point…I’m assuming it was after my thirty-second jello shot, but before my walk of shame.”
You hum an affirmation, “Yeah, I think Jin cut me off at some point. So maybe doing a strip-tease by the pool was my form of rebellion.”
“It definitely was something.”
“Oh great, you saw it too?”
“Everyone saw it love. I hate to say it but…you were the highlight of the party.”
“That doesn’t make me feel any better.”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head too much, Namjoon ended up slipping in some puke last night, landed in Tae’s lap. Everyone forgot about your debut into stripperhood by then.”
“Phew, good thing Jungkook was there when he was. There could be a viral video of me naked by your pool if he wasn’t.”
“Would that be such a shame?” Jimin smiles, wiggling his eyebrows. You punch his shoulder. 
“Trust me, it would have been.” 
Jimin pauses his sipping, “I’m kind of surprised Jungkook was by the pool at all. I figured he of all people would’ve been drowning in some freshman pussy.” 
You chuckle, but deep down you’re worried that pussy may have been yours in the end.
“Yeah I woke up next to him this morning, it seems like he took watching me pretty seriously.”
“If he took advantage I swear I’ll--”
You laugh, “I don’t think you need to worry. Yoongi laughed when I mentioned that possibility. He said I’m off limits.”
“I just feel bad. I would have gladly given you my bed instead beautiful.”
You blush, licking remnants of syrup from your fingertips. The plate of pancakes now finds itself empty, syrup littering the expanse. “I’ll remember that for next time.” You manage to say, a finger brushing your lower lip. Jimin gleams. “I should probably meet up with Raegan, she’ll want to know if I lived.” Gulping the last bit of shake, you grab the last strand of dignity you have and start for the door.
“You sure you don’t need a ride or anything? I don’t have class today.”
“Thanks Chim, but my dorm is only a block or so away, I’ll manage.” Jimin follows you into the foyer, ripped streamers and empty solo cups littering its usually pristine landing. “Thanks for the shake. I feel a lot better.”
“Anything for my favorite girl.”
You roll your eyes, “I thought that was Tae’s spot, don’t let him catch you slipping.”
Jimin laughs, “Tell that to Namjoon. I’ll text you.”
“Okay, bye Chim.”
You close the front door behind you, finding the sun to be more bearable now that your stomach is happy and your liver doesn’t want to kill you. “Holy shit, Jimin wasn’t wearing a shirt. And I was able to talk…this has been a strange twenty-four hours.” 
“Strange isn’t the word I would use.” Hoseok emerges from the bushes below the front steps, his shirt is half unbuttoned and he has leaves in his hair. “What time is it?” He rubs his eyes subconsciously.
“My god Hoseok! What the fuck!” You hold your heart, coming down from the scare you just received. 
“Ow! Don’t fucking yell dipshit!” He screams back, squinting at you under messy red locks.
“What in the sam hell are you doing sleeping with the worms?”
“I must have blacked out here, that rager really was something.” He points to the mulch he used as a mattress, an assprint pushed into it. “Leaving so soon princess? The party isn’t over yet.” 
“Funny, but it’s noon and I have an iced coffee with my name on it. You need to eat something solid, and find a breath mint.”
“I can give you something solid.”
“Goodbye Hoseok~” You say as you continue down the frat house walkway, giving him a cute little wave as you do so. You can hear him laughing, and it makes you smile. Hoseok may be gross, and he passes out in bushes…but as Yoongi said before, he and the others know you can’t be touched. It sure is funny watching him try though.
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“And the jello shot junky returns!”
You do a sarcastic pageant queen spin, complete with an ending pose. “I prefer pong princess. Here.” You hand Reagan her usual order from the Starbucks down the street. 
“Thank you, slave.” She smiles through whipped cream dusted lips. You chuckle, plopping yourself into the corner of your shared L-shaped couch next to her. Stained with remnants of Italian Nights and Taco Tuesdays. “So…did you ever find your panties?”
“Fuck, I forgot about those.”
“How could you forget you’re nakey when denim is all up in the Cock Kingdom?” 
You exhale a laugh out of your nose, “First of all, please never refer to my place of business as the Cock Kingdom ever again.”
“Would you prefer Pussy Palace? Dick Dungeon? Phallus Fort?”
“No I- Dick Dungeon? That’s not bad actually…but still a hard no.” You shake your head, both equably disappointed and proud of Rae for having the braincells to come up with such a cacophony of nick-names after the mental beatdown both of you surely took last night. “I forgot to look for them before I left.”
Raegan huffs an affirmation. “My money’s on the pool pavement. It’s definitely out there just waiting to be found by an unsuspecting frat boy. Maybe Jin will add them to his collection…he does have one right?”
“A collection of conquests panties? Sadly yes. And let’s just agree to forget that whole strip tease ever happened.”
“It was more than a strip tease Honey. I will be sure to play the video on your wedding day!” Raegan sips her peppermint monstrosity unphased, mint on her tongue.
“What?” You turn your head violently to face her, sitting up in a rush.
Raegan continues to describe the horror of a maid-of-honor speech you need to start preparing for, its bound to be a whopper at this rate. “It can be part of my maid of honor speech. Be all sentimental and crap, then just when moms in tears…BAM, stripping at a frat party.”
Grabbing her by the shoulders, you shake your best friend and recorder of all embarrassing moments in your life, “Rae, did you say you have it on video?!”
She breaks free, steading herself with another sip. “Well obviously, drunk me still has her priorities straight.”
“Can I see it?!” You yell.
“Alright alright! Don’t get your panties in a—oh wait…”
“Shut up.”
She laughs, pulling out her phone and scrolling through what must be hundreds of selfies and videos from last nights mistake. Raegan has always been the social drunk. She’s constantly throwing herself in the arms of strangers and chanting the words ‘Lets take a picture!’ through alcohol slurred lips. You are honestly shocked she didn’t wake up alongside Hobi in the bushes this morning.
“Holy shit, Rae is that Taehyung?” You point at her screen, a blurred mess of a snapshot smeared across it.
“Nope, Namjoon.” She beams.
“What is he—“
Raegan swipes twice, “Here wait I have a better picture of it.”
“Oh my god! Raegan Louise!” You yelp, clarity making you look away.
“What?! I saw an opportunity…and I took it!” 
“Never in my life would I picture Namjoon as a human shot glass!”
“His belly-button was the perfect size. Carpe Diem my love.” Raegan shrugs, acting nonchalant about slurping a mouthful of tequila from the frat presidents belly button.
“Fair enough, now where is this life-ruining video of yours.” 
She scrolls further, finding a couple from just after the incident along with a zoom in of your panties.
“If I knew this was going to happen I would’ve worn a cuter pair.” 
“Oh cmon, the giant panda face on the back is so innocent~”
“I’m burning my wardrobe.”
“Here, I found it.”
Raegan presses play. The video shakes for a second and there’s far too much yelling to make out any coherent words. At first, she’s recording the inside of the house. In the background Taehyung is seen doing a keg-stand. If you weren’t so concerned with the upcoming turn of events you would’ve glanced at the way his shirt is gathered around his neck. Instead, you see what Jimin meant by Yoongi kissing some girl. More like swallowing her. 
That’s when you hear it, a cheer so loud it turns heads. Someone runs into the room, informing all of those in it that you’re about to turn the heat up a notch. Yoongi bolts from the girl, no apology leaving his lips when he separates from hers. She follows, wounded and confused. You can hear Rae muttering a profanity under her breath. The camera fumbles in her hands, she pushes past the crowd to reveal you, half-dressed with your arms behind your back about to unclasp your bra. 
You watch in horror, hands over your agape mouth. “Oh god no.”
“Oh honey yes…”
She fast forwards a few seconds, revealing a starstruck Jimin who rushes forward with Yoongi in tow. Before you know it Jimins shirt is off and thrown towards your face. You catch it with a giggle, shimmying your panties off before Jungkook suddenly appears from behind you. He grabs both your legs and throws you over his shoulder. Your ass is completely exposed to all those watching. The cameras final frame shows the slammed back door before it cuts out and all else is left to the imagination. 
“Welp, there you have it.” Raegan says, shrugging.
You are absolutely starstruck, embarrassed and shocked. On the bright side, you now know exactly what happened. Also, that Raegan seemed to be the only one sober enough to record. That’s the hope. “Delete it.”
“What? But I just said—“
“Raegan please. I can never see that video again.”
“Okay, just know that doing so brings me great pain.”
“I apologize.”
Raegan deletes the video with just a few taps, the first frame disappearing from view in lieu of a conversational meme she’s uses over text. “There, goodbye sweet sweet memory.”
“And hello sweet sweet relief.”
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The days following seem to be for the most part normal, you attend your classes normally, pumped full of caffeine and dreading finals week. The only ones who spoke of The Incident were Raegan and the BTS boys. Yoongi in particular, just couldn’t let the story go.
“I still can’t believe you made Raegan delete the video. That shit was comedy gold and could have had you going down in BTS rager history.”
“As invigorating as that would have been, I really don’t think I need my portrait framed above the words ‘Pool Panty Princess.’”
“I beg to differ.” Yoongi looks away, swirling a finger around the spoon he submerged in liquid energy. “He told me that he’s been looking for you.”
“What? Who has?” You take a jab at the plate of disco fries ahead of you, doused in gravy and snug beneath layers of cheese. Yoongi watches you do so, content with his black coffee and dark intentions. 
“Jungkook; he’s been acting strange since the party.” You pause your eating, mouth full of the one dish you wish to be buried beneath. “You swear nothing happened between you two?”
“Why are you asking me when you were so sure I would be left high and dry?” You fall back against the booth, worn with previous diners butts. “Besides, I can’t remember anything after darts with Jimin. Everything is a messed up blur.”
“I know. Its just really weird, I’m so used to seeing Kook as the kid who never shuts the fuck up. Lately, he’s been the opposite.”
“Alright well, I was in the kitchen with Jimin the day after the party. Kook came down from his room in the middle of the conversation we were having. Your name happened to come up and he froze.”
“Half the guys have been like that, the party was crazy. Also, what kind of conversation were you having with Jimin where my name was involved?”
“Irrelevant, have you even seen Jungkook?”
You roll your eyes, “No, why?”
“My point exactly. He’s avoiding you.”
“You just said he was looking for me.”
“I’m just saying, it seems like he’s conflicted. Confront him, clearly he remembers something you don’t.”
“How the hell would I do that, Jungkook is like a baby bird. Flightless, skittish, and far too innocent.” 
“Geez, and here I was thinking you always had eyes for Jimin.”
“Besides the point, Jungkook’s in my psychology class, I’ll see him then. I’m sure everything is fine.”
Yoongi laughs, taking another sip from his mug. You blush, suddenly losing your appetite. “You’re not very good at hiding things.”
“And you’re not very good at giving head, so shut up.”
“Oh honey, now you’re just grabbing at straws.”
“Yeah even I knew that was wrong before I said it.”
“How would you know? I’ve never given you head—is this your way of asking?”
“God no! I’ll pass.”
“I’m sure Jimin would oblige, and given the way he’s been acting I’m sure Kook would be down too.”
“Relationship advice from Mr. One Night Stand himself? I’m honored.”
“Eat your fries.”
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“Hey.” You try to say the word with some power behind it, however it falls flat against the tile of the stingy classroom floor. Jungkook slips into the seat next to you, looking your way when you speak. 
“Hey.” He copies, slipping his red backpack off and tossing it to the floor. 
You bite your lip, hearing Yoongi’s voice like a mantra in your head.
When you look up from the face of your desk Jungkook’s eyes are on yours and the class is silent. He looks away almost as fast as you looked up, brushing a hand through his fluffy hair. It’s now or never and you can’t possibly let Yoongi berate you about putting this conversation off any longer.
“Jungkook, I need to ask you something.” You watch him lift his head, promptly scanning the class before answering. 
“Okay?” He whispers, displaying a slightly crooked tooth through an agape set of lips. “If this is about finding an old childhood photo of you dressed as a milk man in Yoongi’s wallet then I swear I didn’t tell a soul.”
“No Kook!” The class shushes you. “I’ll explain that another time, this is about last weekend.” Jungkook raises an eyebrow, confused. You explain further, “I woke up in your bed…I didn’t have pants on…ringing any bells?”
Jungkook smiles, on the verge of laughing. “I think I’d remember sleeping with you ______.”
“I beg to differ, you sleep with a lot of girls Jungkook.”
“You calling me a tramp?”
“Maybe, just tell me please. Did we have sex?”
“Why? Do you want to?”
“Kook!” Another shush from the class. 
“I have fifteen before my next class, there’s a janitors closet down the hall, meet there?”
“Jungkook, no. I just want to know if we did anything.”
Jungkook looks away, searching his memories for something helpful. “Tell you what, come to the BTS house tonight, maybe Jin’s jello shots will spur your memory.” 
You roll your eyes. “Just what I need, more vodka.”
“I’d love to help; except there’s still some parts i’m trying to remember myself. So, sorry sweetheart, my lips are sealed…tight.” He puts emphasis on the word tight and it makes you shiver with some kind of foreign anticipation.
“What if I said please?”
“Get on your knees and i’ll consider it.”
You roll your eyes, “You’re starting to sound like Yoongi.”
“Ouch.” Jungkook stands, fellow students rising to rush off to their next lecture. “See you later.” He winks, leaving promptly.
“And how dare you assume a lady like myself would do it in a janitors closet!” You yell after him, but he’s already gone.
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“He said he was still trying to figure it out himself, and then he tried to seduce me into a janitors closet.”
“I admire his boldness, but the fuck?” Yoongi licks peanut butter off the knife he’s holding, gingerly using it to cut his sandwich into four little triangles.
“You sound like my inner monologue right now.” You lean against the countertop in the BTS Frathouse kitchen. To your surprise, it looks very nice when the counters aren’t covered in solo cups, horny sorority princesses and stale chips. 
“What happened afterwards?” Yoongi continues, pouring himself a glass of OJ with enough pulp to scare oranges into hiding.
“Nothing, he invited me to the house party tonight—which you happened to not tell me about.”
“Must’ve slipped my mind.” He slurs through the first bite of PB&J.
“I sense sarcasm.”
“At least now you know he wants you here. Maybe stay away from the jello shots this time?”
“I know that much, thanks.” You steal a triangle.
“And if you’re going to do anything with anyone tonight…maybe shoot for Jimin.”
You pause, placing your hands on your hips. “I guess the whole ‘off limits’ thing is shot to hell now.”
“That was before I thought you had a shot with not one, but two of the guys currently drooling at your feet.”
“Oh please…they’re not drooling.”
“You’re right, the word slobbering fits better.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t go, people are going to laugh and say stupid shit about the last party.”
“So what, you have me and the other guys here to back you up. There’s nothing to worry about. Besides, everyone was wasted that night.”
You hear heavy footsteps cascading the staircase as Yoongi speaks, its obvious that they belong to a focused Namjoon even before he slips into the room. “’Sup guys?”
“Hey Joonie.”
“Hey Hyung.” Yoongi barely takes a breath before continuing to bombard you with reasons to attend tonight. “I’ll tell you what, the second your social meter runs out I’ll give you my room key and you can hide in there all night if you want.”
You fake a sniffle, “You’d give up the chance at some random freshman pussy for me?”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, “Just say yes before I change my mind.”
“I would’ve gone anyway but you just kept going.”
“Fuck you.” Yoongi laughs.
“What’s this I hear about pussy?” Taehyung says, bouncing into the kitchen with a suspicious glass of clear liquid in his hand.
Sadly, you’re the one to catch a whiff of his breath as he passes. “Taehyung its not even noon yet what in the holy mother of hell are you doing with that?” You point to the glass, and he smirks.
“Five o’clock somewhere.” He shrugs, sipping generously. “I’m kidding, its sparkling water, here.” He slides it towards you before walking next to Namjoon who’s absorbed into the grilled cheese he’s trying not to burn. You scrunch your eyebrows, lifting the glass and taking an experimental sip. Immediately, you gag as the raw tequila touches your tongue. You jump up and spit it into the nearby sink, drawing laughter from everyone in the room. 
“Sparkling water my ass!”
“I’m sorry, you made it too easy!”
“Fuck!” You turn the tap on, sticking your head underneath to rinse your tongue and gargle water.
Due to your luck, both Jimin and Hoseok walk into the room as you turn the water on and they get to watch as you stand head back and tongue in the wind. “Ah fuck, this situation looks vaguely familiar.” Jimin chuckles, picking up the glass you hastily sipped from. He sniffs it, ripping his head away the second his nose hairs are disintegrated. “Jesus Tae.”
“Oh cmon, I saw an opportunity!”
“You okay?” Jimin slips past the crowd and slowly rubs your back as you wipe your mouth and nod. You catch a glimpse of Yoongi smiling into his orange juice, his eyes suggestive. 
“Hm? Oh yeah, psh, fine…thanks.”
“Want a grilled cheese?”
Yoongi nods furiously, dropping not so subtle hints.
“No; its okay, I think I’m gonna go for a swim. Thirty minute rule…you know.”
“Good call, I guess I should skip the grilled cheese too.”
“What? No!” Your hands land of Jimin’s stomach as you reflexively move to stop him from following. He looks down, confused until you revoke them, “You should eat, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Join me after?”
Jimin grins. “Okay.” He says in short, a smile still on his face even after you’re moving towards the patio. You look over his shoulder one last time to see Yoongi slam his face into the countertop, awash with disappointment. 
The sound of their distant talking fades once you escape to the back patio, however you aren’t alone for long as Yoongi and his orange juice joins you.
“That was painful to watch.” He says, walking towards you.
“Leave me alone pulp boy.” You sulk, sitting on the edge of the pool and putting your feet in the heated water.
“Woah, my pulp never did anything to you.” Yoongi frowns, a short-lived sarcastic feature. He joins you.
You sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Ugh, did he say anything after I left?”
“Babe, Jimin’s a guy. The second you left he asked Joon to make him a grilled cheese and snorted a line of pre-workout.” He slurps more of his juice.
“Really?” You look up at him, a worried lip.
Yoongi suddenly feels bad for playing with you’re feelings…but can’t stop himself. Taehyung’s right, you make it too easy. “No, first he looked at your ass.”
“You’re lying.” You swallow, turning red.
Yoongi smiles, suggesting he’s joking. “Thats what you get for insulting my pulp.”
“Asshat.” You grumble, slightly disappointed. You couldn’t help but hope Jimin looked, or at least glanced.
“Cocksleeve.” He gibs back, finishing off his orange juice as you once again lay your head on his shoulder with a smile.
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79 notes · View notes
yikes here it is ah 
slightly nsfw i guess 
part 2
part 1
It hit like a truck in the night. The walls of the concrete hall beyond the elevator were painted with an impressive number of Sapphic murals, each different in style, but touching on a theme that resonated something like homesickness within Zhao’s chest. Like being a tourist in your own home town. They studied the paintings, trailing behind this strange woman, left almost incognizant by their awe to the bone-deep bass of dance music straining past the steel doors at the end of the corridor. 
A butch with their bubblegum princess and a parfait shared between them; satin-gowned hostesses with popped champagne bottles draped over a couch and one another; two women on a park bench snuggled in the snowfall. 
Maybe it was the lingering effects of too much to drink and too much to fight, but an unexpected amount of emotion welled at the sight of the painted cinder block - a subterranean ocean set churning by a sudden tectonic shift. 
It was so jarring that Zhao stopped dead, the woman’s hand slipping out of theirs with the abrupt lack of motion. “Uh, where are we going, exactly?” The undecided emotion made its choice and settled on anxiety. 
“Huh?” She back-tracked, sliding an arm through the crook of their elbow. “It’s just some place my friend runs.” The woman swung them around to look them in the eye. Zhao glanced down. She was smiling and still drunk, but there was something else swimming behind her gaze. Concern? Uncertainty? A hand came up to rest on their cheek and she came up for the lightest peck. So quick you’d blink and miss it. They almost did. 
Almost. Those near-quiet steel butterflies sprang back into action, competing with the weird anxiety and the quickly fading whiskey buzz. For a brief moment, they wondered if their soul might leave their body behind. Or if their very atoms would disseminate into the aether. When neither of those things happened, they let the woman lead them the rest of the way down the hall. 
The key to the elevator that she had picked up behind the trash bags also fit neatly into the lock on the steel doors. Out of their reverie, Zhao finally felt the music. It came in pulsating waves, rattling the knob, the doors themselves, the screws in Zhao’s glasses out of the frames. It almost reignited the ache in their bruises. The anxiety settled a bit. There would be no talking here - no thinking, no questions, no trying to decode whatever that was - just booze, and bass, and maybe a handful of titty.   
The doors pushed open heavy. You’d think they’d creak, if you could hear anything over the candy-coated, pixelated mess of EDM playing over a set of standing speakers hooked up to someone’s phone. 
There were more people here than Zhao had expected. Dozens of bodies crushed into the room, barely enough space for a breeze to slip between them. The person tending bar raised a hand when they entered, waving frantically. They shouted a name only for it to be swallowed by sound. Zhao wasn’t great at reading lips, but “Hikari”, maybe? 
Hand still in theirs, the woman waved back with a smile. It was immediately contagious. Any apprehension or weird too-complicated feelings Zhao’d had were chased to the corners of their mind. She turned back to them and leaned in, yelling over the music. “Go find a table; I’ll get drinks.” 
They nodded and set off to wander the perimeter of the room, where short tables seating two or three were shoved up against the walls. Three rotations later and they managed to swoop down onto a two-seater after another couple - two people that wouldn’t look out of place auditioning for a sci-fi movie - left. The top of the table was sticky with spilled liquor and something too small to see in the dark crunched underfoot, but they imagined that the woman had little intention of staying seated for very long. 
They scanned the crowd while they waited. For the first time in maybe their entire lives, they were in a space completely devoid of the traditional, hypermasculine energy they were used to. No shouted insults, no aggressive posturing. There was a lightness to the atmosphere that brought back that oddly homesick feeling. It reminded them of the one and only time they’d taken a family trip back to the mainland when they were a child. This place, unmistakably theirs and undeniably for them, a part of them, but still foreign. They were missing something they never knew they’d lost. Adrift once again in unwelcome introspection, Zhao was tempted to sink into a familiar melancholy, despite the synth drum beating against their body. But, like the sun breaking through the clouds, they were saved when a familiar face, still smiling, emerged from the crowd. 
She approached with two small trays that looked like they’d once been intended to hold those little candles. Though instead of candles, each recess was filled with a shot of different colored liquor in a classic rainbow pattern. She deposited one in front of them and sat in the seat opposite. “House special,” she yelled, knocking back the red, orange, and yellow shot in succession. The third one seemed to hit a little harder. The yellow liquid left her shuddering and shaking her head. “They get stronger as you go.” She winked. 
Zhao’d expected something along the lines of watered down vodka, with this many served at once, but was quickly proven wrong. Like her, the third shot sent a shiver down their spine and a line of fire into their gut. But it was sweet, lemon flavored and just slightly tangy. The previously waning intoxication came roaring back, painting their cheeks red and leaving them numb. They looked up after setting the shot glass back into its recess. The woman had already cleared her flight and sat staring at them with a heat in her eyes. They were thankful for the existing alcohol-induced blush. Once satisfied she had their attention, she reached across the table and grabbed a shot glass from their tray, skipping straight to the neon purple one at the end. The strongest one, pungently grape-scented. She raised it to their lips, eyes fixed on theirs, a slight smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Bottoms up, cutie.” 
Three songs later and they were back at the table - sweaty, out of breath, aching once again but for a much better reason. The weight of the alcohol had come down in full force half way through the first song, so they’d spent the last few minutes with very little awareness of their surroundings. The world had narrowed to the small bubble of her in front of them - full body pressed against theirs, hips fit perfectly against theirs, cheek pressed against theirs and arms draped around their neck. She’d whispered to them the whole time. Little things about her day, at first, but as the effects of the liquor swelled, little things became heated things. The Sexy Soapland Girl voice made its return as she purred sweet nothings in their ear - how strong they were, how hot they were, how pretty their mouth was…
You’re so sexy, Zhao-chan 
Touch me, Zhao-chan 
I’m wet, baby 
Hit it from the back 
By the time they stumbled off the dance floor, still plastered to one another, Zhao was so wound up they couldn’t think straight. She was so close and the rest of the universe had dimmed and quieted to a background hum. Surely no one would notice if - 
She pushed them down into their seat and followed, collapsing into their lap. Hands travelled up their arms to their neck, to their face, cupping their cheeks and wiping away stray particles of glitter. Eyes half-lidded, swaying slightly, she leaned in with little hesitation, capturing their mouth in a deeper kiss than had been expected. She was soft and warm and Zhao felt themselves melting under the pressure of her. They were momentarily content to let her control the situation, leaning back as she drove the kiss further, grazing teeth against mint-flavored lips. Until she shifted to swing her legs to either side of theirs, straddling them, skirt having slid almost too far up the thigh. A flush coursed from head to gut as she ground her hips against theirs with a quiet moan. If they didn’t stop now, Zhao wouldn’t be held responsible for their actions. 
They pulled back. “Hikari -” The name, hoarsely spoken, was a gamble. 
She moved farther down, trailing kisses down their neck with a layover to nibble along their jaw line. 
“Please -” 
She stopped at the crook to lap at the sensitive skin there. 
“We can’t, not here,” they choked out - breathy, light-headed. 
“Fine,” she said, face still pressed against their shoulder. A pause, then she peeled herself off of them. Her bright red lipstick was smeared half way down her chin. Her clothes had pulled in odd directions; her hair disheveled from Zhao’s wandering hands. She looked feral, with an intensity of desire in her expression that they’d never seen on a woman. Not one that was looking at them, at least. 
They started to stand but she grabbed them by the collar and dragged them not just to their feet, but out the main doors and into the long hall beyond. Zhao wasn’t sure where they’d go - a hotel, her place? 
Ultimately, it didn’t matter. They made it halfway down the hall before she lit upon them again, hands making quick work of shirt buttons and elastic bands as they braced their back against the wall. 
From a different angle, it was the perfect shot. A woman knelt before her lover, mouth descending upon delicate folds. A variation on a theme. A continuation of a purpose. A reflection of the scattered scenes of love and lust decorating this hidden place.
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anais-mitchell · 6 years
highlights from extremely amateur ith performance
-it was in a black box theater so cast members were walking through/interacting with the audience
-piragua guy gave the pre-show speech and was basically the 4th wall breaking star of the show
-graffiti pete could DANCEEE. i was so shook by the breakdancing
-vanessa had purple hair and honestly? into it
-nina’s voice was killer omg she slayed those notes in breathe and everything i know
-benny and nina were already super cuddly and cute before they even got together i support
-sonny had a fedora
-the music just. wouldn’t turn on for inutil so my dude playing kevin sang it acapella and killed that shit
-abuela claudia on the other hand was STRUGGLING djskakao she could barely remember her lines and paciencia y fe was yikes. also they had an ensemble but no ensemble for paciencia y fe which is like the best part of that song?? so there were hella awkward pauses
-everytime vanessa was on stage usnavi had the BIGGEST heart eyes and just sat and watched her happily. pure.
-piragua guy could not hit the high notes and was fully aware of this so he just made it a big comedic thing of missing the note and that’s Valid
-during the club dance break, they had like a circle where a guy and a girl would go in and dance and they kept switching, but nina went in and danced w another girl bisexual queen nina rosario #confirmed
-speaking of the club holy shit THE FIGHT WAS WILD someone threw a shoe and benny was full on throwing down w the guy dancing w nina
-blackout was fucking awesome tbh but 1) as i said, cast members were walking around the audience and one ensemble girl decided her character would be loudly sobbing during the blackout so that was all i could hear whenever she passed and 2) the ensemble completely blocked benina kissing???? like my friend who didn’t know the show had no idea they kissed
-piragua guy sold piragua during intermission, then spilled a thing of flavoring all over the stage and had to clean it up
-carnaval del barrio was so much fun they had all the flags and stuff and were so energetic
-except for the fact that daniela and carla started their lines abt benny and. he just never showed up. benny was absent for all of carnaval and the cast members on stage were clearly confused but continued like champs.
-alabanza still destroyed me oh my god. it started w just usnavi then the barrio gradually came out and joined him ugh i almost cried
-ok so i loved vanessa’s actress for most of the show but she completely lost me at champagne, it was like she was trying to seduce usnavi to have sex which is??? not the meaning of the song?? she was like feeling him all up and gave him this sultry look back after the kiss like girl ur supposed to be having an existential crisis and being emotionally repressed pls read the lyrics
-once again music just did not come on for finale so they sang it all acapella which. added a diff emotional effect i guess but also the music to finale is so good ugh.
-also did i mention that usnavi was wearing open button downs w anime characters on them for both acts?? this is important bc this shows two scenarios 1) dude playing usnavi owned anime button downs and they decided to roll w it 2) they specifically went out and bought anime button downs for usnavi. either option is wonderful.
so yeah solid show idk abt everyone else but i had FUN
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captainsrogers7 · 6 years
Babysitting Part 2
Send Request people!!! I’m dying to write things. 
Loki x Reader
Summary You have been assigned to watch over Loki. Over the few weeks you have spent with him you two grow close to each other. When it’s finally time for him to return to Asgard, you enter a stage of misery and depression. That is until Thor surprises you with something.
Word Count: 1,577 ( I know it’s long)
Warnings: fluff
Part 1  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
You wake up at 5 o’clock, you make your way to the kitchen on the helicarrier and you are greeted by the Avengers.
“Good morning Agent…..?” Captain America asks me.
“Y/L/N, Y/n y/l/n, please.”you answer his question.
He nods and continues with the conversation, “So I hear your babysitting him.” He really emphasized the last word.
“He has a name you know. And to answer your question, yes I have been assigned to watch over Loki.”
Everyone cringed at the mention of his name. Bruce sipped his cup of coffee a little louder as if trying to ease the tension in the room. Scenarios like these made him uncomfortable. All of you clue into this and change the subject, well sort of.
“So what’s he like? Me and Stark have a bet going on” Natasha asked hopefully, “ I say he’s not that bad just bipolar, Stark thinks he’s a raving psychopath. We have $100 on the table.”
Steve laughed but then focused his attention back on me, it seemed he was interested as well.
“Well I only met him yesterday but as of right now it seems like Natasha is winning the bet,” she pumped her fist into the air, “ but it may just be an act. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”
You checked the time, 10 minutes until your shift started. Might as well show up early, you took your cup of coffee and began to make your way towards Loki’s quarters.
Upon approaching the door, the air felt oddly cold. Colder than it was yesterday. You opened the door and the grouchy man who was supposed to be watching Loki was out cold in the couch. The room was freezing, you went to the thermostat and adjusted the temperature. As you were making the room warmer you felt your back side grow cold.
“Hello y/n, how are you?” Loki asked with an innocent looking smile on his face, even though he had just scared the daylights out of you.
“You have to stop doing that!” you shouted which woke up the man sleeping on the couch.
He got up and mumbled some rude words under his breath and left the room, giving me and Loki yet another strange glance.You laughed once he left the room.
“Why on earth is the room so cold?”
“He fell asleep within 10 minutes of you leaving so I decided to inspect my surroundings, that thing being one of them.”
He reached past your face to press the buttons again, this time causing the room to grow extremely hot. You smacked his hand away and readjusted the temperature. You turned around and scowled at him.
“What? I like to know what things do. Especially if I’m going to have to live around them for who knows how long.”
You didn’t know how to react so you decided to try and change the subject, “ So, do you still want to learn how to play those games?”
“ Actually I figured them out yesterday, you didn’t inform me that there was instructions. Now we can play as equals and you don’t have to explain things to me every 2 minutes.” He laughed at his own joke.
“I guess that makes things easier for me, so which do you want to start with?”
“How about Jenga?” He raised his eyebrows as if asking if he was correct. I nodded.
“Sounds good, let’s get started.”
You had been playing Jenga for at least 45 minutes before a stupid move on your half finally made the tower topple over. He laughed at this mistake and said that there were a dozen other you could have done.
You had a meeting with Director Fury so you left for that. it was about another mission in 5 months. You accepted it.You got back to the room confused. ‘Why is the door open’ you thought. You ran to the end of the hallway to see Loki rooting through the refrigerator. He turned around upon your arrival.
“ I thought I’d leave the door open, it was getting quite hot after I fiddled with the wall buttons,” he meant thermostat, “ What do you do with this?”
He was holding up a bottle of ketchup. You walked over and glanced into the fridge. You saw that there was very little, but there was hotdogs. You pulled them out and showed them to him. He seemed confused.
“I put this on that?” his remark made him sound disgusted but his eyes showed curiosity.
“Yup, you just have to heat these up,” you gestures to the hotdogs.
You placed two hotdogs in the microwave and waited. There seemed to be an awkward silence between the two of you. As if you both wanted to say something but didn’t know how to bring it up. As you were about to say something the microwave beeped signaling that the hotdogs were finished. The beeping seemed to have annoyed Loki because he rolled his eyes and covered his ears. You walked over to the microwave and took the hotdogs out. You then found some bread to replace the hotdog bun. You put ketchup on and handed one to Loki before taking a bite out of your own.
He looked appalled by the food you were offering,” You expect me to eat that.” he asked, “ you’re mistaken if so.”
He put in in the garbage bin. Then walked into the room where the games were and returned with Jenga. He began setting the game up at the coffee table while I ate my makeshift hotdog.
Once you had eaten the last bite, you made your way to the coffee table where Loki was almost finished assembling the game. You say on the couch beside him and waited patiently. He scooted away from you as though he was uncomfortable being that close to you. You don’t know why but it hurt a little.
“Well, should we start?” He asked turning to you, a large smile on his face.
You nodded. You removed the first piece. Then he took his turn and the game slowly progressed. After at least 15 minutes the tower was full of holes and growing more unsteady by the minute. Loki made the daring move to remove one of the towers main supports, surprisingly it didn’t fall. Then you made your move by removing a brick closer to the top. Once your next move came round you thought that you could take out block by the bottom of the tower. That wasn’t smart, the tower fell to the floor. Loki laughed.
It was half past 6 and you both were beginning to get hungry. You rummaged through the pantry and the refrigerator but came up empty handed. There was nothing that you could use to make an actual meal. You thought and you came to the conclusion that you needed to go get food from the kitchen of the helicarrier. There was always food there.
So you left the room, you were fairly confident that Loki wouldn’t do anything. He was still laughing at the move you made in chess. So you walked to the kitchen. You found macaroni and cheese, you also found some lettuce and dressing. That was good enough. You made your way back to the room. Sure enough when you returned he was laying on the couch still laughing hysterically. 
After the two of you ate you turned on the television that was in the living room. You hadn’t seen it yesterday. You turned on the news, you were greeted by the headline, ‘Unknown Man Kills Causes Riot in Germany’. Yikes, you clicked the channel button but not before Loki read it. It seemed to upset him very much.
“Hey don’t worry about it,” you tried to comfort him.
“Why not!” He yelled, “ this planet views me as a monster!”
He was scaring you. All the yelling and flailing of his arms. You had unconsciously moved to the opposite end of the sofa. He noticed this and his expression changed from anger to guilt.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to- I just- I didn’t want this to happen. The scepter took control over me and I couldn’t overcome it.” He began to walk away.
You launched up from off the couch and ran to him. He turned around as you reached him. You pulled him into a hug and you stood there for what felt like ages. It was nice, a little cold but it was welcoming and made you feel protected. After a long time, the two of you let go of each other.
“I’m sorry, I don't now what came over me- it’s that- I don’t know- Well I guess-“ you were cut off.
He pulled you back into the hug. You felt tears hit the top of your head.
“Y/n, I’m sorry” he let go, embarrassed, “ I shouldn’t have done that.”
You didn’t like the awkwardness, “ So I saw cards in there, do you want to learn how to play Go Fish?”
“Yes absolutely”
11 o’clock had come around, you had taught Loki all the card games you knew. Once he had learned he beat you at every single one. Then a knock at the door interrupted your game of Crazy Eights.
You laughed, “Alright Loki, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
And you walked back to your room excited for the next day with Loki.
Comment if you want to be tagged. 
Tags: @bellag8 @5aftermidnight @bethany-zor-el-danvers @kayleedolan101 @marvelouslyme96
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im sorry. ||sebastian stan x reader.
warnings: cursing, mentions of sex
word count: 1.6k
i was in a depressed mood when i wrote this. yikes. enjoy!! 
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you sat on the ledge of your bay window. watching the rain fall against the glass. you sighed, missing the feeling of sebastian’s warm arms wrapped around your waist, holding you as close as possible. you missed the scent of his cologne, you missed his goofy jokes, and that smirk, you always missed that fucking smirk. you missed the way he would make your knees weak just by smiling. he was the one thing in your life that was perfect. until one day. you had a fight, a big fight. one that ended in him leaving you in your shared apartment choking out his name, begging him to stay. your mind drifted off to that day.
it was two forty-six in the afternoon, the sun was high in the sky and the birds were chirping. you sat on the couch watching an episode of your favorite show. sebastian stormed through your front door, scaring you to death, “jesus, seb. what the hell?” he says nothing all he does is hold up his phone. you squint to see it better. on the screen there’s a picture of you and your friend, andrew. andrew is known for being a class A dick to most people but he was one of your best friends from childhood.
the day that picture was taken, andrew was being a bit ballsy. he was flirty all day and no matter how many times you told him your weren’t into him he still tried over and over again. he stopped you on the sidewalk and kissed you. you gasped and pulled away almost immediately and slapped him. however, you were too late. the paparazzi had already gotten what they wanted. you stormed off and walked back home. you knew sebastian would see the photos soon so you had to hurry. you called seb over forty times but each call was sent to voicemail. you had no choice but to sit on the couch and and wait.
“seb, i can explain. please just listen to me.” you said softly. “you know i never trusted that guy but i still let you hangout with him because he means a lot to you. but now he does this? i could kill him, i swear.” he’s seething. his face was red, teeth gritted, jaw clenched, and knuckles white. “seb, please calm down.” you walked over and touched his arm. he pulled it away so fast that it almost hit you. you jerked back, surprised. “you want me to calm down? the woman that i love more than anything is out there making out with guys that aren’t me! how the fuck am i supposed to be calm right now, y/n!” you’ve never seen him this mad. it was a foreign sight. “let me explain!” “there’s nothing to explain! it’s all right here!” he flips through the magazine until he lands on the page with my pictures on it. “y/n y/l/n was seen getting frisky with a man named andrew. the two were spotted walking downtown all day. getting ice cream, watching a movie and shopping. however, y/n isn’t single! she’s “dating” the avengers infinity war actor, sebastian stan.” he reads the dialogue off of the page “sebastian! that’s a fucking magazine article you can never trust what they write. please just hear me out!” your eyes began to fill with tears as you watched him roughly run a hand through his hair. “i can’t even fucking look at you right now.” he turned his back to you. you watched as he breathed rapidly, his shoulders rising and falling with every quick breath he took. you slowly walked over to his tall frame and reached a hand up to place it on his left shoulder. “stop fucking touching me!” you pulled your hand away quickly and lowered you head. sebastian turned towards the stairs and swiftly made his way up stairs. you followed him into your bedroom. both of your clothes were still strewn about from last night’s events. your attention was brought back to your boyfriend as you watched him grab a duffle bag from the shelf of his closet. “what are you doing?” you asked with a shaky voice. he didn’t answer instead he shoved past you to the dresser under your tv. he shoveled clothes into the small bag and made his way to the bathroom. taking his toothbrush and toothpaste and storming back downstairs. you ran after him. he walked towards the door, “sebastian.” you said weakly. you were so close to breaking down. “i’m leaving.” it was those words that sent you to your breaking point. you fell to your knees and sobbed “please, baby. we can talk. please don’t leave me your all i have. please.”  you said each word between sobs. he looked down at you and tears began to fill his eyes. he blinked and turned around to open the door. “sebastian! please!” your voice could barely yell. it was like a dream where your running from the monster but you can’t move. you were stuck and the one good thing in your life was the only thing moving further and further away from you. he slammed the door in your face and you got up and ran outside. he was already in his car. you heard the engine rev and he pulled away quickly. you stood there shocked and in tears.
your body shuddered at the one week old memory. in the past week you’d sent him 138 text messages and left him as many voicemails you could until it filled up. you brought your knees closer to your chest and looked to your right at your rose gold iphone 7 plus. you reached over to pick it up and dialed the number that was tattooed into your brain. the call went straight to voicemail, you furrowed your brows and tried to call him again. still straight to voicemail. then it hit you. he blocked your number. you sighed deeply and looked around your bedroom. every inch of this room had a memory. the bed; the first time you and sebastian had made love, the carpet next to the bed; where sebastian fell off the bed and you had to get him an ice pack for his head, the bathroom; where you walked in on sebastian singing in the shower, the closet; where sebastian blindfolded you and picked you out an outfit (he ended up picking a red lacy piece of lingerie). you didn’t even notice you were crying until a warm tear made its way down your cheek. you sniffled and decided to stop crying over him. you needed to distract yourself so you threw on a light blue sundress and some sandals. you walked down stairs and grabbed your car keys. you sat in your white volkswagen jetta and pondered over where to go. you wanted to talk to sebastian but you couldn’t. so instead, you called your best friend, chris. you clicked the call button and waited for him to pick up.
“hey chris. are you alone?”
“uh, one second. okay now i am.”
“good. okay so seb blocked my phone number and he also blocked me on every single social media account. i need to talk to him but i don’t know how to.”
“okay. hmm. listen, i’m with him right now so i could just give him the phone saying it’s someone else and then you could try to talk to him.’’
“oh my god! why didn’t you tell me?!”
“sorry. do you want to do that or no?”
“yeah give him your phone.”
your stomach did somersaults as you waited to hear his voice that sounded like sex itself.
“h-hey, seb. it’s me. please, please, please don’t hang up.”
“what do you want?”
“what do you think i want? i want you, baby. please meet at the cafe around the corner. we need to talk. you can’t just avoid me forever.”
“fine, what time?”
“ummm, twenty minutes?”
the line went dead.
you put your car into drive and made your way to the cafe. you pulled up to the small cafe that you and sebastian had met in over 3 years ago. you ordered a small iced coffee and sat at a table nestled in the back of the quiet room. you sat alone for 15 minutes praying he would show up. everytime the bell above the door jingled you perked up only to be let down. 10 more minutes passed until you finally saw him saunter into the cafe. you looked at him and guilt ripped through your entire body. he looked like hell. his eyes were red and dark circles were prominent under his bright blue eyes. his brown hair was a disheveled mess. he looked like he hadn’t slept for days and it was all your fault. you watched as he slowly walked to you. he pulled out the chair and sat. he lowered his head down and took a shaky breath in. you brought your hand up and started to lightly massage his scalp. “seb?” “hmm?” “im sorry.” he looked up at you, “why did you do it?” “i didn’t kiss him. he kissed me. i tried telling him that i wasn’t into him but he never listened. i tried calling you after it happened but you weren’t answering and then when you got home you wouldn’t let me explain and i’ve never seen you that angry and i was scared and then you left and i felt like i died and i just love you and please believe me. please.” you rambled on. none of what you said made sense but sebastian seemed to understand. he grabbed your shaking hands. “calm down, y/n. i’m right here. i believe you.” “you do?” “yes.” “i still hate that guy and your never allowed to see him again because if he so much as touches you i will beat the shit out of him.” “deal.” “i love you.” you told him for the billionth time. “i love you too.”
ok i didn’t really proof read this well so there might be some mistakes but yeah.
with love~ skye. 
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