#so i will wait until i put some cosplay routines together
splorpo · 1 year
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hi <3
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thefrogdalorian · 9 months
It's New Year's Eve and I just wanted to share some mushy thoughts about life and Mando and Din and how this year has been overall for me!!
If you don't want to read below the cut I just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year!! I hope you have a wonderful time, whatever you do to celebrate. I'm currently on a trip so I may not be terribly active, but if you're struggling and the emotions of the day are a little too much, please do message me. I've been there plenty of times. You're not alone. NYE should really be about looking to the future rather than dwelling on the past, but I know how easy it is to get caught up in that depressive loop of thinking.
But if you do want to keep reading, then strap in for some Oversharing Online and gushing about how much Mando means to me:
I first started watching Mando during the pandemic in 2020, I think the first episode released like 2 days after the UK went into lockdown or something. 2020 was an awful year for me, as I'm sure it was for so many of you. A lot of things happened to me that I'm still trying to process but I hope to start therapy in the new year and go some way to addressing it.
Anyway, The Mandalorian came to me at a time I dearly needed it. It was welcome relief from The Horrors I was experiencing. I was hooked pretty much straight away, who was this mysterious man? What were his intentions? Was he good or bad? OH WOW THAT WALK. THAT VOICE!!! I loved it, but it wasn't until The Believer that everything changed for me. It went from enjoyment to full-blown obsession. I couldn't wait until Season 3 aired, and I think the expectations I had built up in my head could never have lived up to the reality of what I felt upon watching it for the first time. I was pretty disappointed most weeks, but I feel so differently now.
This year has been pretty strange for me. I had some amazing highs (like being able to go to Star Wars Celebration where I got to see so many amazing Din and Mandalorian cosplays which was an INSANE experience and I still kind of haven't properly processed yet??) and also some difficult lows.
In June I finally got my autism diagnosis, something I'd been essentially waiting for for EIGHT YEARS. It was a huge shock but also not shocking at all. As in, I knew I was autistic since being a teenager but I was absolutely not expecting to be told right there and then at my assessment. So when the psychologist looked me in the eye and told me that I was autistic it was somewhat of a gut punch. Processing it was extremely difficult but during that time I found myself drawn back to Mando and particularly to season 3. I rewatched it again and again fell in love with a season that I'd probably felt on the whole underwhelmed with at the time, until the last two episodes, which I loved instantly.
When rewatching it, I noticed things that I'd missed before, which led me to become kind of obsessed with the idea of Din and Bo together. I know not everyone enjoys that but that truly is what I love about media, that we can all watch a similar thing and interpret it differently! I don't think I'm any more correct about the way I view certain interactions than anyone else. Shipping should just be a little fun, not ruin your mental health or dictate how you treat strangers on the internet. And it especially should not lead to any real world harassment of creators and actors.
So in September an idea formed and between then and November a 182,000 word fic landed in my lap. That's the best way I can describe writing it for me, I was so fixated on finishing it and the plot just kept coming the more I wrote. It is by FAR the longest thing I've ever written and probably ever will write, but the routine of writing it and publishing it helped claw me out of a spiral I was in after my diagnosis.
And it was publishing it on AO3 that gave me the confidence to rejoin a fandom space again. It was a big step for me to put myself out there but I'm so glad that I did because that's what led me here, to discover this wonderful community who adore Din and The Mandalorian just as much as I do. I'm so happy that I finally found my way here. It was way less intimidating than I ever thought it would be!
I know that I haven't been here for the longest time, I wish I just got over my nervousness and made a tumblr earlier in the year so I could have joined in with the hype before season 3. But also considering how poorly received the season was overall, maybe it was for the best that I wasn't here.
Despite my relative newness here, I just wanted to say how welcomed I've felt and that is a truly lovely feeling. Thank you so much to everyone who has interacted with any of my posts and especially my writing in any way, big or small. It means a lot to me! I cannot wait to be around for all the buildup to Season 4, honestly. I know it seems so far but after midnight we can say it's (probably) only NEXT YEAR!
I have no idea what 2024 has in store for me. That doesn't scare me, in fact I'm quite excited about not knowing what will happen. I
Of course, I have some goals I'd like to achieve for myself but whatever happens, I know that Mando will be there to endlessly rewatch and whatever comes my way, I'll always have Din Djarin. He's the only man to ever exist! That gorgeous tin can who instantly soothes me every time I get to watch his silly little exploits with his silly little son. Where would we be without him, eh?
Anyway, whatever you're doing tonight to celebrate and even if you aren't, I wish you all the best. Stay safe, enjoy yourself and I'm sending you lots of love and light for the year. May 2024 be a healthy, happy prosperous year for you and your loved ones.
See you in 2024!
Spud 🥔🐸
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Bickslow/Laxus Hcs please since hes officially number 2 best boyfriend?
I'm sorry for making you wait this long for this request, anon. I had started a Bixxus fic and wanted to get the first chapter written. In case you wanted to see it.
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Each member of the Thunder Legion, Laxus included, is very particular about their grooming and appearance. Evergreen and Freed, obviously, like to dress rich, as does Laxus. Bickslow may have a more openly bizarre and off-putting presentation, but he is very much equally as careful about how he looks.
Consequently, Laxus is one of the only people Bickslow will let touch his face or hair, or make modifications of any kind to it. Laxus gets this privilege because Bickslow knows he likes the regular looks of his just fine. Laxus takes the time to learn Bickslow's routines and self care, and is pretty quickly trusted with helping Bickslow dye and chop.
Bickslow's dolls are hollow. If Bickslow ever actually needs to hide something or be discreet, he can stuff little notes into one of his 'babies' and float 'em over. This is how Bickslow asked Laxus to go steady with him that fateful day.
Bickslow's dolls also, although generally in league with him, can speak his mind without him meaning to if he isn't careful. Thanks to not being careful one day, one of the dolls blurted out 'I love youuuuu!' and Bickslow about died right then and there.
Laxus starts wearing reading glasses with no prescription in them so that Bickslow doesn't have to wear his visor all the time. Bickslow at first only allows this at night, when his visor is, ahem, in the way, since otherwise he very much likes wearing it. Laxus, though, has a desire to see Bickslow's eyes as often as possible. When they're not glowing green, they're a very pretty dark red.
Laxus likes to hold his man and Bickslow very much likes to cling. Their ideal spot is in a hammock where the only weight on them that matters is each other.
Remember when I said Laxus would learn to dance for Bickslow? Yeah, well, give it a couple years, and Laxus will know some great hip hop routines. Bickslow can do voguing, too.
Bickslow also has a strong creative bent and a love for authenticity. He's great at cosplay and could even try his hand at drag here and there. Relatively serious and masculine Laxus' only condition in relation to these is that Bickslow win any competition he enters (he does).
They sketch each other's tattoos and plan each other's piercings. It's very cute if you can watch them doing it.
When he decided Bickslow was the one, Laxus hid a very expensive ring inside one of the dolls. It drove Bickslow crazy for weeks, trying to figure out what that rattling sound was, until it finally occurred to him to check. He damn near fainted when he found an engagement ring box inside.
NS/FW section:
Laxus fucking loves Bickslow's ass, okay. Remember when I said he'd wear a speedo? Laxus loves that shit.
Bickslow likes it rough and he likes it k/nky. And Laxus is very happy to deliver. Hell, sometimes he surprises Bickslow when he's in the mood.
Bickslow did in fact underestimate his boyfriend's size once.
Bickslow kisses like a whΩre, even when he's trying not to. It's very wet and involved and Laxus slowly learns to like it.
Bickslow has his fair share of sΣx toys and is fairly open about them. Laxus dislikes him using them, since he's never needed toys and feels like Bickslow using them implies he's not enough on his own.
The only exception is when they have to be apart for long periods of time. In fact, Laxus has outright bought Bickslow the odd d/ldo when he knew they wouldn't have a chance to get nasty with each other for a while. He intentionally bought it at a size slightly smaller than his own cΩck, juuuuuust enough that he knew Bickslow would notice. And he did. And it drove him crazy and made him miss his man that much more--all according to plan.
Bickslow has outright begged Laxus to film some of their intimate moments together. Did Laxus ever say yes? I'm legally not allowed to reveal the answer to you.
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
hello 🫶🏻🫶🏻 can i req a peter parker x stark!reader who r also bffs (with feelings 4 eachother) where both of them have this little game they like to play with eachother where they make up like insane conversations and the other has to follow along until they get tired ?? like “oh you look fine even though you got stabbed by an alien yesterday” “u dont look too shabby for someone who had to give birth to a baby” IDK like anything u want but they didnt know that their conversations were getting overheard by the other avengers and once the avengers come together and talk about it they’re like wait.. why the fuck does it sound like [] have two children at home and are secretly married IDK ANYTHING U WANT BUT AS CRAZY AS POSSIBLE i love crack fics
TYSM <33
— 🦜
i've been putting this off bc i love the idea and want it to be perfect so i stayed up late last night and in my delirious haze i came up with some dialogue prompts and i woke up this morning and found it in my notes so here's the beaut! i lowkey love it thank you 🦜 !!
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞
peter parker x stark! reader
summary: at first, you and peter were like "let's see who can uphold the most ridiculous conversations," but bro... you don't think the sexual tension is a joke anymore, and neither do the other avengers.
w/c: 3.1k
notes: crack crack crack, fluff, swearing, many sexual innuendos (and also just jokes about sex outright) and swears (c'mon it's me), mentions of abortions and roe v wade in a humorous context, murder, cannibalism, and foot fetishes in a humorous context, one "ur mom" joke, if it sounds crazy that's because it is crazy and i think u should just read it already
you and peter’s friendship was anything but normal. well, you supposed, nothing could ever be normal for the two of us. peter’s an arachnid abomination and i’m the daughter of an egotistical billionaire who cosplays as a flying suit.
there were two ways in which your relationship was unusual. one: the practically nonexistent line between platonic and romantic, which everybody just always had to point out. the two of you had always been a bit touchy-feely—to be fair, mostly with each other, but were you really to blame? you were stuck in a tower full of traumatized assassins, spies, and people in metal suits; it wasn’t like there was any good cuddling options around. peter was a self-described “nerd and loser,” so girls weren’t exactly lining up to cuddle with him either. 
two: you had a game going on (if it could even be called that). peter had a hard time transitioning into an “official” member of the team, so you, being the coolest and closest to his age, tasked yourself with the responsibility of being his friend.
what started as making up nonsensical greetings or coming up with more and more obscure versions of “see ‘ya later, alligator” had spiraled into a competition of who could keep the most ridiculous conversations going.
you were sitting beside natasha at the kitchen bar, the two of you nursing copious amounts of black coffee and sporting dark eye bags. (so maybe karaoke with katy and shang-chi on a wednesday night wasn’t the greatest idea you’d ever had.)
peter took a double-take as he made his way towards the fridge, looking perfectly refreshed and wide awake.
“lookin’ good!” peter clicked his tongue at you in greeting, smirking at the scowl on your face. he knew you would’ve flipped him off had you not been holding your drink.
“thanks,” you drawled sarcastically. “i’ve been trying this new diy skincare routine, where you use curdled breastmilk as a face mask for 20 minutes. it’s really helping with my dark circles.”
natasha, the woman who was never caught off guard, was caught off guard.
peter hummed thoughtfully as he poured himself a glass of milk, which he was now losing his appetite for. “20 minutes seems pretty short, don’t ‘cha think? i keep my menstrual blood mask on for at least 35 minutes.”
you scoffed, taking a large swig of your coffee and wincing at its bitterness. “yeah, well you should probably do it for longer. i can see your premature wrinkles forming from here.”
peter slipped into the seat beside you and smiled in greeting to natasha, whose eyes were bleary and unfocused. peter turned to shove his face close to yours.
“hm, maybe you should try juice cleansing. your skin is looking awfully dull today, unlike mine, which is dewey and radiant.”
you rolled your eyes. “sure, dude. look at your birdnest for hair.” you tangled your fingers through his mess of curls and scratched his scalp. peter couldn’t hide the content groan that slipped from his mouth.
“if my skin is dull, your hair is practically straw. unlike mine, which is easy, breezy, beautiful: covergirl.” you made a big show of preening your bedhead.
natasha made gagging noises. “alright, you two are disgusting. in more ways than one. can you please stop, because i’m so hungover right now and i will not hesitate to aim my projectile vomit onto one of your faces.”
you and peter looked at each other with big grins. peter shot finger guns at natasha. “eyy, that’s the spirit!”
you and peter found it especially funny to start these sorts of conversations in front of steve and bucky. not only were the two perplexed by modern lingo, they were also the most gullible two people on the team, which made them easy targets.
bucky and steve exchanged testosterone-fuelled jabs at each other in the sparring ring as you tied your shoelaces as peter sprayed his face with water. the two of you listened to the grunts of exertion and the various gruff noises that filled the air to appease the two supersoldiers’ masculinities.
you sighed, stretching your sore arms. you and peter had been fooling around with the gym equipment for an hour now, waiting for bucky and steve’s match to finish (and it didn’t look like either of them planned on backing down anytime soon). with a final tug on your shoelaces, you looked up at peter curiously, who blushed at your wide, innocent eyes. or perhaps he was just red from the exercise.
“you smell really good,” you commented, bumping your shoulder against his. “what cologne do you use?”
peter paused to consider his response. “it’s… my au naturale body odor. it’s cruelty free and uh, vegan.”
“that’s so earth conscious of you!” you gushed, running a warm hand up and down peter’s arm. though he was sweaty, gross, and overheated, he shivered at your touch.
“y-yeah. i haven’t showered in three weeks. it really enhances the… musky base notes of the scent. it’s very masculine,” he nodded as if he knew what he was talking about.
“well, it’s very aromatic. i like it.” you patted peter’s bicep definitively, jumping to your feet as you bent in half to stretch out your limbs. peter stared at your ass toned calves, and thought that he should work on his legs as well.
“oh hey, it looks like bucky and steve are done!” you pointed at the two heaving supersoldiers, who had stopped fighting altogether so they could stare at you and peter.
bucky mouthed “what the fuck?” to steve. steve mouthed “language” back.
peter was busy scrawling illegible physics notes as he, tony, and bruce watched planet earth intently. bruce was busy jabbering away at the “incredible biological discoveries” that david attenborough was narrating, and tony was absentmindedly filing his nails while occasionally poking peter in the back with his toe to correct him on a mistake he’d written.
“hey dad. bruce.” you caught sight of peter’s unmistakable form, hunched over the glass coffee table with papers scattered haphazardly across the surface and a bulletpoint pen between his teeth tha you found very seductive endearing.
“hey peter!” you squeaked. “it’s- uh, fancy seeing you here!” you blurted, cheeks heating as peter turned to you with his cute stupid fucking glasses.
“hey,” he raised his eyebrows. “you come here often?” peter purred lowly.
you gulped, unsure as to why he was bothering you so much today. maybe your period had come early.
“no, actually. i was stopping by to meet my real estate agent here; i’m loving this property,” you played along, tucking yourself into peter’s side.
“ah, well, they’re not here at the moment. i think they got stopped at security—something about smuggling exotic animals. but i could be your tour guide, if you want? i’m very… thorough.” peter waggled his eyebrows.
david attenborough began discussing whale mating habits.
“oh, are you now?” you challenged, biting your lip smugly as you watched peter began to stutter.
“y-yes, i am. and, as a matter of fact,” peter turned to pull something from his pocket. he presented you with a microfiber cloth. “i’m such a gentleman, i’ll even clean you up after.”
peter’s head was suddenly slammed into the glass table. tony had rammed his foot (not just the toes) against peter’s curls.
“stop sexing up my daughter, spiderling. i’ll take out your suit’s built-in heater.”
“i’m sorry, i’m so sorry, mr. stark,” peter sputtered.
you giggled at his immediate change in attitude. leaning in, you murmured into his ear. “me, you, my bedroom, nine pm. i’d like that thorough tour.”
neither of you were sure if the offer was genuine.
sam had invited the team to a backyard party with his family, but not without warning everybody to watch their language around the kids. (it was an empty threat; everyone knew sam would be the first to slip up.)
you were “chatting” with a little kid; in other words, nodding along as they infodumped about cretaceous period with surprising expertise for a 5 year old.
you felt a poke in your side and screamed embarrassingly loudly. peter stared at you for a second, cheeks puffing and lips pinching together, before he burst into laughter. spit went flying all over your face.
“ew, you nasty! eugh,” you made a big deal of it. looking at the kid, you pointed at peter. “c’mon, let’s attack him! like a… brachiosaurus!”
the kid looked at you disdainfully. “the brachiosaurus was a herbivore, idiot. and it lived during the jurassic era, not the cretaceous period.”
your jaw dropped at the child’s betrayal. the mini-paleontologist toddled away, leaving you and peter dumbfounded.
“i sure missed a lot,” peter gaped.
“i- apparently, yeah.” you tucked your head into peter’s shoulder, fiddling with your empty plate. conversation buzzed steadily around you, but you and peter only cared about each other.
the two of you sat in comfortable silence, watching as sam teased his sister and as wanda was unsuccessfully trying to teach bucky how to use a pair of tongs. (bucky insisted that his vibranium hand could do the same job.)
“so, how many of those things have you eaten?” peter pointed his chin towards your empty plate.
“uh, approximately four.”
peter nodded approvingly. “four’s pretty good. you still hungry though? i could go for some food right now.”
you smiled evilly, untangling yourself from peter. “oh petie… i’m always hungry. i was skeptical at first, but damn, do these barbeque grilled fetuses hit. they’re gluten free, i think.” 
you stood up and yelled over the table to sam. “hey, are these things gluten free?” you pointed to where wanda and bucky were tussling over the grill.
sam looked at you incredulously. “no?” 
you turned back to peter. “well, you heard the man. at least they’re ethically sourced, though. better eat up quick, before roe v. wade gets overturned. fuck scotus.”
“yeah, fuck scotus. i’m all for womens’ sexual liberation. anyway, once you’re done, can you fuck me too?” peter deadpanned.
you choked. “oh, wow. you got me that time. i concede. i-”
“so, what’ja do for your art project?” you and peter were entwined on a common area armchair, you resting casually on peter’s lap with one hand pressed to his chest and peter’s arms pulling you even closer to his body.
“i made a collage of my feet pics.”
“huh.” you nuzzled your nose into the collar of peter’s shirt, taking a deep inhale of his cologne (his actual cologne, not his au naturale body odor). “for free?”
“what?” peter, much like everybody else in the room (who were all clearly listening but pretending not to.)
“i mean, you’re showing your feet pics for free? you’re spiderman, pete. you could charge so much for them. here, you can use my onlyfans account.” you began to pull out your phone.
“DAUGHTER?” tony roared from the couch diagonal to the two of you. whoops.
“can somebody tell me why my pure, uncorrupted, virtuous daughter is in the lap of a hormonal, horny teenage boy? god knows what the white sticky stuff actually is…” tony cursed under his breath. “and would somebody like to explain why the words onlyfans, peter parker, and feet pics are being used in the same sentence and coming out of my daughter’s mouth?” 
you cringed at all the innuendos (intentional and unintentional) that tony had just dropped in front of nearly the entire team.
bruce choked on the sandwich he was eagerly chowing into. natasha choked on air. wanda was biting back a mischievous smile and steve looked like he was about to faint.
bucky leaned over to sam and loudly whispered, “what’s an onlyfans?”
friday rolled around, which meant it was time for the avengers’ weekly family bonding event. this week, it was movie night. wanda and natasha were clapping enthusiastically as sam and bucky danced along to the jingle bell rock winter talent show performance, which meant you and peter could snuggle up to each other and converse freely without fear of being overheard.
peter’s head was in your lap, and you were mindlessly scratching and tugging at his curls as you smiled at your teammates’ antics. even from this odd, unflattering angle, peter couldn’t help but think you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. the television screen illuminated your face and made your eyes sparkle more than they usually did. and he had the perfect view of your lips—so soft, sensual, always containing such happiness, always begging to be kissed…
“hey bug?” you looked down at peter, smiling softly with the look you seemed to only reserve for him.
“hi,” peter whispered breathlessly, heart racing at the nickname. the corners of his eyes crinkled in the way that seemed to be only reserved for you.
“uh, this might be a- a little forward, but what are your weekend plans, ‘cause-”
“excuse me?” you squinted at peter.
“you heard me. this weekend, i plan on committing homicide.”
you sniffed, a little disappointed in where the conversation had gone but willing to play along nevertheless.
“that’s it?”
“what do you mean, that’s it? what are you doing?”
you smirked deviously. “UR MOM!” you burst into a fit of giggles that peter found adorable, so he couldn’t stop himself from laughing with you.
“my mom- my mom’s dead!” he said through cackles.
the two of you looked at each other and only laughed harder, garnering the attention of the rest of the team. 
wanda opened her mouth to speak, but tony was too quick.
“alright, this has been going on for too long. peter, off of my daughter. daughter, off from… underneath the kid.” he cursed. “god, that sounds so wrong.”
“what?” you questioned, genuinely confused at what the issue was.
peter rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, a warm pink crawling up his cheeks and to the tips of his ears.
“what? the problem is, you two are discussing matricide in front of a team of superheroes, not to mention practically dry-humping each other in a public space! not that it would be acceptable in a private space, but you get what i mean,” tony gritted.
“while we’re at it, can we talk about how your daughter has a stash of breast milk? and peter has menstrual blood? where do you even get the menstrual blood, peter?” natasha shook her head before gasping in horror. “it’s not- it’s not hers, is it?”
you waved your hands. “no, ew, gross! on the plus side, if it were hypothetically mine, that would mean i’m not pregnant.”
tony glared at you, finger in the air pointing shakily at your chest.
“okay, am i the only person who’s worried about the murder bit? because i’m pretty sure the kids were talking about cannibalizing dead fetuses at the party i threw last weekend—”
tony shrieked. “excuse me? you just said you weren’t pregnant, missy. where are you getting the fetuses from?”
“i said, hypothetically, but anyway-”
tony slapped himself in the face a few times. “god, this is why we need to stock up on condoms around here. do you guys even have sex ed in school? i don’t care if the two of you,” he waved a finger between you and peter, “are doing the deed—wait no, i do—but please tell me you’ve had the banana demonstration.”
“tony, i think the kids are quite a nice couple,” steve chimed in bravely. tony spun around and gave him a withering glare, but the supersoldier didn’t back down. “i said what i said. well, peter should definitely shower more, three weeks is criminally disgusting, but other than that, they’re good for each other.”
wanda nodded seriously. “i can hear both of them thinking about jumping each others’ bones every time i see them together. it’s kind of annoying, actually. so if you just let them fuck, my mind would greatly appreciate that.”
bruce sighed. “the sexual tension is so obvious that david attenborough doesn’t even need to narrate it for me to identify it. it’s like when those two whales were mating…”
tony dragged his hands down his face, overwhelmed. you and peter’s hands had found their way closer to each other, despite your bodies being a modest distance apart, and your pinkies intertwined reassuringly.
“care to explain?” tony waved his hands around. “the sexual tension bit? the cannibalism? the feet fetishes? just… anything?”
“it was a joke, i swear, mr. stark!” peter jabbered desperately. “it’s… a game we play. where we try and come up with the most ridiculous conversations and then just keep it going.”
you nodded furiously. “right! and i’m totally the winner. none of it was real. plus, friday would have alerted you if i ever made an onlyfans account.”
tony stroked his chin contemplatively. “so, the sexual tension bit? that was also a joke?”
peter opened his mouth, “ye-”
you opened your mouth, “no!”
the two of you gaped at each other.
“what we mean to say is, no, it’s not a joke! yes, there is… sexual tension.” you widened your eyes at peter pleadingly.
tony mumbled angrily to himself, pacing the room as the avengers watched the live-action reality tv unfold before them.
“is there really sexual tension between is?” peter hissed at you.
“uh, yeah. unless you were being serious about wanting to thoroughly fuck me and also fuck me after i went through the entire supreme court, then no, that would just be flat-out sexual.”
peter pursed his lips. “right, okay then. you’re right. there is sexual tension between us.”
you mock pouted. “so you’re saying you don’t want to thoroughly fuck me?”
peter turned bright red just as tony turned to the two of you, who had gotten much closer to each other in the time that he’d been worrying.
“gross! i’m getting secondhand cooties. whatever, you guys go have a play date or something. just… please be more classy than cady and aaron, dear god. the teenage foolery in this movie is actually-” tony shuddered, unable to express himself with words.
“i’m still interested in the property, y’know?” you whispered.
“well then, can i extend another real estate tour offer?”
“absolutely. and i will gladly take you up on that offer.”
you took peter’s hand, the two of you giggling madly as you raced and slipped down the hall towards your bedroom. you heard tony groaning and whining from the common room before he shouted, “keep it pg-13 in there!”
peter parker masterlist | main masterlist
@bambamwolf87 @cowboibeepbeep @yourallihave @im-a-slut-for-fluff
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
I don’t know if this’ll make the cut, but brothers with an MC wearing their (the brothers) clothes, and I’m talking full ensemble not just a random jacket or accessory (you can delete if you’re not comfortable of course)
So when left with the question of whether this was a full on clothing theft or a cosplay of some kind, I'm going with theft because that's just funnier to me. Just a little MC marching around in Beel's tent of an outfit… Hilarious. 🤭
MC Steals the Brothers’ Outfits
It started out like any other morning, Lucifer woke up early in bed - as he always does - but when he rolled onto his side to stir the MC, he found their side of the bed empty… 
Normally, he’d have thrown up the alarm in an instant, but his mind was still groggy as he tried to recall what happened the night before… He could have sworn the MC slept over… unless…
MC: “Good morning, love.”
Their voice was enough to get him sitting up again and he uh… well he was not prepared for what he saw. The MC was sitting with their legs crossed at his desk, attempting to imitate his “I’m-in-Complete-Control-Here” energy as much as they possibly could, but with an added detail…
They were wearing his clothes. His favorite suit to be specific which was tailored to his much bigger frame, resulting in a frankly ridiculously ill-fitting look on their smaller human body...
MC: *picks up a poisoned apple off the desk, continuing their very best Lucifer-impression*  “You should get up, love. We have an early meeting today and we can’t keep Lord Diavolo waiting.”
The MC appeared to polish the apple with his sleeve for a moment before taking a bite, looking pleased with themselves before their eyes widened in complete horror. It only took a split second for them to spit the unchewed hunk of apple into a nearby waste basket and toss the apple away in panic.
MC: “Ah FUCK!! I forgot I can’t eat these!!! SHIT!!”
Their panic only grew as Lucifer could no longer hold in his laughter, the booming volume of which is enough to wake up all his brothers throughout the House.
MC: “Lucifer, don’t just sit there laughing!! Bring me some water or something!!! LUCIFER!!!”
Look, Mammon always gets up late so not being able to find, like, any of his normal clothes was a serious problem! He’d already dug through half his closest and still couldn’t find anything!!
He had a photoshoot that he had to get to in less than hour and he still needed to take a shower, get dressed, get his stuff together, then bolt halfway across town before-
MC: *literally kicks open his door Kuzco-style* “Yo, yo, yo!! What’s up, Mammon??”
First off, the sudden loud bang of his door hitting the wall nearly scared him out of his skin, but before he could even yell at the MC for their weird entrance his brain had to process what they were wearing….
Good news! He found his missing clothes, the MC had thrown them on while he was sleeping - sunglasses and all - and now stood before him with a toothy grin on their face.
MC: “What's the problem, Mams? Lucifer got your tongu-EEEK!”
Apparently, they weren't expecting Mammon to literally lunge at them and capture them in a tight hug, practically lifting them off their feet with a laugh.
Mammon: “What'cha think your doin', MC?? I'm gonna need those back ya know?”
MC: *laughs loud and bright, throwing their arms around his neck* “I know, I know... But I wanted to surprise you!” *stops laughing suddenly and blinks* “Huh…”
Mammon watched the MC experimentally lift his glasses off their nose then put them back down, repeating the action several times before snickering.
Mammon: *frowns* “What's so funny?”
MC: “Nothing really but… Mammon, do you wear these just to make everything look like gold?”
Mammon actually had to pause before responding, pulling the MC closer with a devilish grin.
Mammon: “Nah… I ‘cause got all the gold I need right here~”
MC: *chuckles and nuzzles his cheek* “Nice save...”
Mammon: *his cheeks flush and he frowns* “I dunno what your talkin’ about... But could ya go put on a t-shirt or somethin’? They’re paying me big for this shoot and I really gotta go!”
Another convention, another cosplay far too complex to ever hope to peel out of… Though Levi would never regret wearing his five piece Lord of Shadow cosplay, it’s a heavy thing and certainly not something he can change out of in a bathroom stall…
When he finally got back to the House, he wasn’t looking to do anything but drag his tired body back to his room and change into some more manageable clothes… but… well…
When Levi opened his door, he saw the MC sitting alone at his computer desk playing a game by themselves. That was all well and good but… WHY IN DIAVOLO’S BLACK HELL ARE THEY WEARING HIS CLOTHES???
When they heard the door, the MC whipped their head back and they both stared at each other in an awkward silence… His clothes didn’t even fit them right!-or maybe they did?? His mind was panicking because they had the collar of his shirt covering their mouth and it looked so moe it was actually ridiculous!
Levi: ……….
MC: ………….
MC: …. “I can explain.”
Levi: ……. “Y-yea?”
MC: “I was having trouble on this one level and you wouldn’t pick up the phone… so I thought ‘What would Levi do?’... and it escalated…”
Levi: “You think??”
Levi felt like he could die right there, but he wasn’t entirely sure if it was from embarrassment or happiness… On the one hand, the MC was  literally trying to be him in order to get better at video games - which was flatteringly adorable… And on the other, the MC is pretty much cosplaying as him, right in front of him… and looked so damn cute doing it too… 
MC: “Is this weird…? This is weird. I’m sorry, I’ll go change-”
Levi: NO-agh! *he throws a hand over his own mouth, surprised by how loud he just shouted* … “U-uh… no it’s fine…”
MC: “Okay...?”
MC: “But could you put your phone down? I think you’ve been taking pictures for the past two minutes…”
Levi looked down at his hand and sure enough he unconsciously pulled out his phone in camera mode and has been spamming the “Capture” button long enough to have his thumb cramping...
Levi: “Oh.” *stops for a moment, then seems to second guess himself*
Levi: “Uh… just one more?”
When you share a house with Mammon, you grow accustomed to not being able to find things from time to time, but an entire outfit?? 
When he woke up one morning to find that he couldn't find any of his normal clothes, he blamed Mammon right off the bat… 
I guess in hindsight, what would Mammon want with his jacket? But anger doesn't always jump to the most rational conclusion, you know?
After searching for "long enough," Satan stormed out of his bedroom on a warpath. He didn't stop his march until he was banging on Mammon’s door with a closed fist!
Satan: “Mammon!! What did you do with my clothes you useless, money-grubbing asshole!?”
When he didn’t get a reply, likely because Mammon was hiding in his closet or something, he was about to kick the door in when he felt a tap on his shoulder...
When he turned his head, much to his surprise, he found his missing clothes!... They were on the MC - right down to the single sleeve - and the MC met his eyes with a mischievous grin…
They had a book in their hands he recalled seeing once at the library: "101 Ways to Prank Your Partner," open like they'd been reading down the hallway.
MC: … Page 47.
They winked at him before bolting back down the hallway in a fit of giggles and oooh, it was on now.
Satan spent the morning chasing the MC through the House, both laughing and dashing around in reckless abandon. He really needed his clothes back and he wouldn’t mind an extra hour or two with the MC when he got them… 😏
Asmo isn’t exactly a morning person… Though he forces himself awake so he can perform his wake-up routine, by the time he comes to the table it’s a hit-or-miss on how irritable he’s going to be...
Of course, his favorite outfit suddenly disappearing from his massive closet did not help his mood in the slightest!
Who would take his clothes?? Well, that’s not even a question - surely plenty of his devoted, adoring stans would kill to even have his scarf, so maybe the better question was, “How??” Lucifer keeps all the doors and windows magically sealed at night! (He would know, having been locked out on numerous occasions)
Asmo was tearing through his closet, wracking his brain for any place he might have left his beloved outfit, before he heard someone clear their throat by his bedroom door.
What greeted him was a lovely look at the MC wearing the missing clothing in question, even with all the grace and style he would himself!
Asmo: *jaw-drops* “MC???”
MC: *smirks at his delight and winks at him* “Looking for something?”
They strutted into the room with the confidence of a mock fashion model and took a silly vogue pose in front of the closet, barely holding in a fit of laughter from their actions.
MC: “… Or just at me?”
Asmo, of course, snatched them right up in his arms with a delighted squeal.
Asmo: “Oh. My. Diavolo!! MC, you look just gorgeous!!!- Because you look like me, of course.” 🤭
MC: *laughs and cups his cheeks to pull him closer* “Who wouldn't want to be you, Asmo?”
Asmo: “So true… But you’re already perfect, my love~” 😘
And he went on to prove that to them all morning long...
Beel didn't even get the chance to notice his clothes were missing. He had a tournament the night before and was sleeping even harder than Belphie that morning...
What woke him up was the smell of food: scrambled shadowhawk eggs, hellboar bacon, pancakes with nightshade syrup…. 
Beel's stomach had him sitting up long before his eyes ever opened, drawn in by his nose alone.
MC: “Beeeeel. Wake up!”
Beel's eyes dragged open at their request and what he found had his mouth watering... The MC had brought him a dining cart with a complete breakfast spread, brimming with portions only Beel could ever finish, but for once he wasn’t looking at the food.
The MC, for whatever reason, had decided to put on his clothes… And keep in mind that Beel's built like an ox compared to almost anybody. They were absolutely swimming under all that fabric (thank the Devil for his suspenders…) 
MC: “Congratulations!!!”
They throw their arms up excitedly, making the unzipped jacket balloon out like a parachute behind them… It's a remarkably cute image.
Beel: *blinks* “Oh.” *he gets a little pink, still very confused* “What did I do exactly…?”
MC: “You won the championship last night, remember? Or did you forget already??”
The MC takes a step to the side and begins pointing at the plates on the cart.
MC: “I thought we'd celebrate with some breakfast! I brought you eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, cereal-”
As they continued their list, Beel's hand naturally reached out towards the cart eagerly, before something finally clicked in his head. WHY were they wearing his clothes??
Beel: “Wait. MC, why are you wearing-...?”
MC *holds their hand up* “Hold on!”
MC: “-oatmeal, muffins, banana bread, annnd…” *they get onto the bed and plop down onto his lap with a grin*
MC: “Me! Congratulations, Beel!!”
They lean up to peck his cheek while his arms automatically wind around their waist. The combination of their scents already bringing out a different sort of hunger in him…
Let’s say if this is his reward, he'll never lose a game again. 😏
Belphie was in the middle of his afterschool nap in the library. The day was exhausting, so he didn’t even bother changing uniforms… The couches there were comfortable and the space was quiet, really nothing should have woken him up...
But somehow, for whatever reason, something did. A tug… Something was chasing away his dreams by tugging on the cow pillow in his arms.
MC: “Beeelllppphie….”
The tugging did not cease and he half growled in response, still keeping his eyes firmly closed.
Belphie: “What now...?”
MC: “I need this…” *they tug on the corner of the pillow a little harder* “Can you let go please…?”
What kind of question is that?? No one takes away his favorite pillow!
Belphie: *hugs the pillow tighter* “Go away, I'm trying to nap…”
MC: “Noooo please…! I need it for something right now…!!”
They started really pulling on his pillow now and he only held on tighter in annoyance. Since they wouldn’t leave him alone, he finally opened his eyes.
Belphie: “MC! Why are… you..?”
His voice trailed off as he finally saw the MC standing there in his usual outfit. His cardigan was so long over their arms that they had to grasp his pillow through its sleeves...
While his drowsy mind tried to catch up, the MC snatched the pillow from his grasp with one swift yank.
MC: *grins* “Mine now!”
They turned to bolt out of the library, but Belphie snatched them by the waist and dragged them back to the couch with him.
Belphie: “Fine, but then I get a new pillow.” 😏
The MC yelped as he flopped on top of them, pulling them close like a body pillow and resting his head into the crook of their neck to enjoy the soothing smell of their scent mixed with his.
MC: “W-wait Belphie…!” *tries to wiggle out from under his surprisingly heavy deadweight* “I was just playing around…! Please don't fall asleep on me!!”
Belphie: *yawns and settles in, already drifting off* “Too late… G'night, MC…”
MC: “Belphie!!!” 😫
They could complain all they liked, he wasn’t going to let them go for a few hours. Cute or not, MC, nobody takes his pillow!
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In The Coffee Shop
Summary: You work in a coffee shop and preparing the special of the month starts something you’d never thought would happen at your work place.
Pairing: Sharon Carter x Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Dubcon (sex pollen), smut, oral sex (m and f receiving, m and f giving), fingering, anal
Word count: 4.6K
A/N: This is my entry for @tinymalscoffee 400 follower writing challenge. Congrats on that milestone and thank you for hosting this challenge! I chose the prompts sex pollen and coffee shop AU. The graphics I used are by the amazing @firefly-graphics
It was, surprisingly, a slow morning in the coffee shop. Well, maybe not that surprising. There had been a warning for an extreme weather phenomenon and judging by the lack of customers in suits, several of the big employers had for once decided to not force their employees to come into work during this. You could already see the dark clouds forming on the sky.
The bell above the door rang and in came a red head with shorter hair. You didn’t look up from the flat white you were preparing and put some chocolate powder on it when your colleague yelled to you to get started on a double espresso. The flat white was done and snatched up by someone who visibly thought himself a hotshot, and even more visibly, wasn’t. Probably why he was out, to show his unwavering dedication to the company…
Then came the red head into your line of view directly. She was beautiful. And your hands trembled when you pushed the cup over the counter to her.
“Here’s your coffee, ma’am. Enjoy” You were surprised you were able to keep your voice steady.
“Thanks. Sugar is…?” Her voice was beautiful.
“To your right, ma’am.”
She smiled. “Do I look that old?”
“N-no, miss” You felt yourself get hot in the face.
“Don’t worry, just pulling your leg.”
You smiled at each other. Her smile made her even more beautiful. She nodded once more to you and then went to find a seat in the farthest nook of the shop. Your shift went on like usual after that.
Some days later, you had the afternoon shift. Your favorite. There were mostly students chatting about their lectures and during ordering, they were the nicest of customers and even chatting with you and the other baristas about their own side jobs, often in other cafés like yours.
This time you were on the register. Because of the influx of customers, you didn’t register the black-haired man and the blond one next to him until they stood directly in front of you.
“What can I get you, sirs? Our feature of the month is the flat white and the blueberry muffin.”
“I’ll have a latte macchiato and one of those blueberry muffins. Sound delicious.” The black-haired man grinned at you.
“And for you, sir?”
“Just a black coffee, thanks.” The blond one smiled.
“Right away, just wait for it over there.” You pointed to the end of the counter.
“Thanks” The black-haired one smiled. “So, Steve about that idea for Veterans Day…”
A week later, right at noon, a blonde woman and a brown-haired man came in. You were just finishing up an americano when they came over to you and you caught a snippet of their conversation: “… but knives-“ Said the blonde woman.
You had expected normal talks about work or whatnot. But not about knives, and apparently that had shown on your face.
“Don’t you scare the lady that’s granting you tea, Sharon!” The man said and smiled at you.
You smiled back as you gave them their tea and coffee and they smiled back. Like customers and employees smiled at each other.
Days later, when you were on table cleaning duty, your eyes swept over the customers’ heads. There was that cute couple that had had their first date here. You had no idea what number date they were on, but they were clearly progressing. The redhead putting her hand on the hand of the other woman after she put down the cookie she just broke in half.
The next table already had drunk their orders and the crumbs on the one plate in front of the brown-haired man signaled them being finished.
“Can I clear away?” You asked.
The brown-haired man and the redhead woman nodded.
There was even more traffic than usual in the morning today. Some conference was happening near you. And it wasn’t the fun kind for comics or books or games or a combination or all three with people in cosplay and sometimes, literally, screaming about who they saw and who was gonna be where and what they wanted to do and fandom discussions you got way to invested in for the fact that you were working. No, it was some business conference. It meant even more suits and even more snatched drinks without so much as a glance. It shouldn’t have bothered you, but it still did.
On one table though, there were two blondes and a black-haired man next to them. When you yelled out their orders, the blonde woman came up and took them with a genuine but tired “Thanks.” It was the first thanks you had heard that day by a customer.
When you went to do your cleaning rounds and came to their table the black-haired man and the blonde woman seemed to be dozing. The other blond smiled to himself. You took the cups and remembered how they all had wanted a double-caffeine shot.
“Thank you very much, ma’am” The blond man said.
You looked up at him, aghast. Thanking customers were one thing. They made your day. But this? This much manners? Calling you ‘ma’am’? Wow.
“O- of course. You’re welcome.”
You came out of the back room and had to grip the doorframe to hold yourself up. Your head was swimming.
“Hey! … okay?” You heard a voice in front of you.
You clenched your eyes and opened them again.
“Hey. You okay?” The blonde woman came into focus.
“I feel … weird…” You mumbled.
“I’ll take a look” The blond man said and went to the back room. A few minutes later, he came back, carrying a tray with a coffee grinder and half of the beans already ground.
“Did you just work on this?”
“Yeah… it’s… it’s our … special feature … the coffee with … with our special… home-ground beans…” Speaking was hard, you slurred, but somehow you managed while the blonde woman stroked your back.
“And you prepared them for tomorrow?” The redhead asked.
You nodded.
“Right, there was an ad about the new monthly feature” The brown-haired man mused.
You nodded again.
The blond man bent over the tray and took a whiff.
“Steve, no!” The black-haired man shouted.
“That’s been a losing battle for decades now, Sam” The brown-haired man sounded almost resigned.
“It smells a little weird.”
“I don’t smell anything” The redhead said. “But if you sense something, it must be there. Probably not strong enough for her to pick up.” She nodded to you.
The brown-haired man stood up from where he sat and went into the back room. He came back shortly after and pinched his nose in what seemed disbelief. “I think I know what it is. And all of us already inhaled it.”
“What are you talking about, Bucky?” The blonde woman spoke up.
“There were rumors about a substance that could be both used in liquids and in air to heighten sexual arousal. At the moment I don’t yet know who exactly produced it or why they need this and I also don’t know who ‘they’ are but the rumors I could listen to years ago when they were slow with wiping me, apparently led to something.”
“So, ‘they’ isn’t Hydra?” That was the redhead.
The guy shook his head.
“So, what happens now?” The blond man, Steve, asked.
“Most likely, all of us will go more or less crazy unless we…” Bucky scratched his neck and trailed off.
“Getting ourselves of by ourselves isn’t an option?” Sam wanted to know. “The whole thing would be weird if it was just people we knew from work, but she” He pointed to you. “doesn’t know us, we don’t know her and besides introducing ourselves, there won’t be much getting to know each other.”
“I know your orders, but that’s about it. I can’t even tell if you have a routine for which you need caffeine, because you all came in at different times and all the time” You mumbled with a tight-lipped smile.
“They say something about ourselves, right?” The man who was called Steve.
You nodded and looked at the blonde woman. “You have someone British in your family.”
Now Steve. “You want something simple. Maybe you don’t care for all the special things coffee shops have, but maybe, you’re also overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choice.”
The one called Sam was next. “You want something sweet but unlike others, you don’t want it contrasted with a drink on the bitter side of the spectrum. You want something toned down. You don’t need another stark contrast.”
“You” You looked at the redhead- “want something strong and sweet. Always. It’s both a pick me up and something to calm down but stay energized.”
“And you, ordering a black coffee but with caramel and peppermint syrup. There are people who order one of the two syrups in their coffee. Maybe caramel and hazelnut together. Peppermint on its own. But caramel and peppermint? That’s very unusual.” That was the last one of the group.
As much as they looked stunned, you looked proudly at them.
“How do you know I have someone British in my family?” The blonde woman seemed a little lost for words.
“Tea in this shop is either ordered by people who wanna seem fancy but not too fancy to hinder their career or by people who have an emotional response to tea. That’s why we sell almost no tea when there’s a conference, even to those suit-wearing people from around here who normally order one.”
“But how?” The one called Sam wondered.
“If you know all that just by our drink orders and we’ll probably have sex with each other tonight, we should probably know each other’s names, right?” Steve said.
You nodded. “I’m Y/N.”
“I’m Steve and this are Sharon, Natasha, Sam and Bucky.”
You shook their hands and looked them in the eyes when their names were called and they smiled at you. You shook hands with people you barely, if at all, knew and who you were going to have sex with in probably a few minutes.
“Is there somewhere where it wouldn’t be that uncomfortable?” Natasha asked.
You nodded and led them to the very back of the shop, right where Natasha had once drunk her double espresso.
“The first time I came in here, you made the coffee and I went to this nook. You make a mean double espresso.”
“How do you remember that one coffee?”
“Because the first time it wasn’t you who made it, it didn’t taste as good.”
“Oh. Thanks.” You smiled; the barista part of your ego needed that and getting that compliment from someone like her, was an added bonus.
“May I?” Sam asked and untied the apron, now working on your shirt and you nodded.
Your clothes went one by one, slowly and when you were just in your underwear, you saw the others had taken off their clothing as well, except Sam of course.
You looked at Sam and when he smiled at you, you took off his clothes, first the sweater, then the pants.
Someone took your hand and you looked to your right to see Sharon pulling you with her on the couch. She put her hands on your cheeks and slowly kissed you. Her lips moved with yours and left you breathless when she let you go.
You felt someone on the other side of you who rubbed your waist. Turning your head, you saw Steve who looked encouragingly at you. He kissed the junction of your shoulder and neck. You could feel his chest pressing to your back and leant into him.
Suddenly there was something cold on your left leg and you flinched away, only to be stopped by soft hands.
“Sorry” Bucky mumbled and when you looked down you saw him massaging your leg with his hands, one flesh, one metal and you couldn’t help but think of how his metal hand would feel between your folds.
On your right leg were Natasha’s hands, massaging, kneading higher and higher until you felt her between your folds. She rose up until you could feel the tip of her tongue when you heard Steve say: “Nat, wait a second.”
You tore your eyes away from Natasha and saw Steve push a pillow under Natasha’s knees. She turned her head to give him a quick smile of thanks and then licked a stripe on the junction between your vulva and your right leg and then on the other side. Her hands had left your leg to hold you down at your hips and not too soon, because as her tongue was on your vulva longer than a second and she moved around, licking up and down your lips, your body bucked into her mouth on its own.
Sam moved behind Sharon, pressing himself into her, pushing her on you and both of you a little more into Steve. He somehow got his hands under your butt, letting his fingers dance over it, rubbing all the spots that you didn’t even know would make you moan. And then, he removed one of his hands. You just heard a wet pop and felt Steve’s forefinger at your hole.
You tried to nod but in that moment Natasha inserted two of her fingers in your channel, and already, you could hear your wetness. So, instead of a nod, a moan escaped your lips and that was the non-verbal “Yes” Steve needed and he pushed his finger in.
Your mouth, still open from your moan, fell open even more and Sam traced it with his thumb. You moved your head forward a bit and closed your lips around it and sucked. You wrapped your right hand around Sam’s wrist to keep his hand where it was and linked your left hand with Sharon’s. You could feel her thighs next to yours on the couch moving. You looked at her. She had her eyes closed, whimpering into your neck.
“Y/N, hold her hip” Sam ordered.
You moved your hand from his wrist to her hip and Sam held her other hip. He moved forward and Sharon whined when Sam sank into her.
“Good?” You asked her.
She smiled lazily at you and nodded. You rubbed her neck and with each thrust of Sam, he squished her and your chests together. You angled your head a little to easier to kiss Sharon. You traced her lips with yours, she traced yours with hers when you pulled back for a second. She caressed your cheekbones with her thumbs and only when you opened your lips a bit further, did she use her tongue. She poked yours playfully, you poked back and could hear her giggle that traveled straight to your core. You entangled her in a light dance until you both had to breathe.
You leaned against each other, foreheads touching. You felt Sam moving his arm but couldn’t see where it went. You just noticed Sharon jolting and looked down to see him rubbing her clit.
“Baby, open up” Sam purred and pulled down your bottom lip with the thumb of his other hand.
You parted your lips immediately.
A second later, Natasha pulled her fingers from you and held them up in front of your face. She scissored them a bit and you could see your wetness between them.
“Oh, yeah” He chuckled and removed his thumb from your mouth to a whine from you but that turned into a moan when Nat pushed her fingers into your mouth. You moved your tongue around, tasting yourself on her and maybe, just maybe, putting on a little show for her.
Steve kissed your shoulder blades, your neck, your collar bones while he moved his finger in you.
“Ready for the next one?”
This time you could nod, and you did.
“Alright” You could hear the smile in Steve’s voice.
He inserted his middle finger alongside his forefinger slowly and gently. He waited until he felt you relax and suck on Natasha’s fingers again. Just enjoying the feeling of being full and you felt your pussy clenching around nothing.
Now, you felt Bucky moving up a little. He looked up at you through his lashes. He massaged your tummy, going in circles until his hands gripped you were Natasha had had her hands. Bucky dove in, kitten licking your pussy and Nat’s soft hair was one thing between your thighs and definitely something you’d enjoy later when you were alone, even if it was just a memory, but Bucky’s shorter hair combined with his stubble was something else.
You couldn’t help but put your legs over his shoulders and link your ankles.
“Good… so good…” You moaned. Natasha had pulled her fingers back by now and kneaded yours and Sharon’s breasts.
“Yeah? What exactly feels good, baby?” Sam purred as he thrust into Sharon.
“Nat’s… Natasha’s fingers… and Steve’s as well” You could feel Steve’s grin on your shoulder blade and his fingers thrusting a bit deeper. “And-“ Bucky’s tongue entered you, going back and forth, in and out and you clenched around him.
When he pulled back for a moment with a grin, he said: “You were saying?”
You swallowed thickly and summoned your will to answer him. “Your beard! It feels so good on my thighs, never had one between them before…” You moaned again.
“Then I’m honored to be your first” He winked and dove back in.
He continued right where he left of. His tongue fucked up into you, his hands pulled you down onto him and soon your hips were basically riding his face. After a very pointed movement of his tongue, perfectly timed with Bucky squeezing your hips while pulling you down again, made you come undone. Your pussy spasmed around him, your mouth opened and your eyes closed.
You couldn’t hear anything, you couldn’t move anything but when you came down back to earth, you could still feel your pussy spasming. Apparently, you had gripped Bucky’s hair at some point and carded your fingers through it and scratched his scalp to ground yourself. But that plan backfired. Your scratching of his scalp made him purr. Understandably because having your scalp scratched was nice but after such an orgasm it was too much for you and you whimpered.
Bucky moved his metal hand to cup your pussy and the pressure of the plates without much structure plus the coldness soothed you and you sighed.
You felt several hands stroking you, calming you down and Sharon and Natasha kissing you.
“All good?” Steve wanted to know from behind you.
You nodded and turned your head to kiss him, moving your tongue against his.
They all pulled back a bit, Natasha and Bucky sitting back on their heels, Sam pulled Sharon from you and leant back and Steve removed his fingers and while you still felt Steve’s chest at your back and Sharon’s thighs next to yours but other than that, nothing.
You whined at the loss of contact and of the confusion until Steve lifted you up by your waist.
“Spread your legs, love” He commanded softly, and you did. As he lowered you down, you could almost feel his thighs under yours and the tip of his cock at your spread butthole.
“Then breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Steady, okay?”
You followed Steve’s advice and you felt him slowly inch in. He stopped every few seconds, letting you adjust to it all until you felt his hips digging into your butt.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and slowly leaned back, until he laid flat on the couch with you on top of him. He rubbed your arms
Bucky climbed between your and Steve’s legs, holding his dick and looked to you for confirmation. You made grabby hands and he chuckled.
Bucky bent over you and looked you in the eyes. And he continued to hold your gaze as he entered you. You couldn’t have looked away if you wanted to.
“Wet. So warm and wet” His eyes were screwed shut and he leaned his forehead on your collarbone.
Natasha moved to your head and you moved so your head was on Steve’s shoulder. You put your hands on Nat’s hips and pulled her down until her clit met your lips and she hissed on contact, while facing away from Bucky. She slowly began to ride your face and you moved your tongue a bit to touch her.
Seeing Natasha in this position, you below her, your mouth on her clit, her using you for your pleasure and her stiff nipples and her breasts moving made you wish for two mouths. You wanted to taste her but at the same time, you wanted to suck and bite her nipples until they were swollen and she’d push you away because it felt too good.
Bucky and Steve held you close, sandwiched between them, their arms around you and each other and when they started to move, they moved in unison. They made you feel almost completely empty and then full again and Bucky rubbed your clit with his left middle finger and forefinger.
That was the moment Sam softly took your left hand from under Bucky’s and Steve’s arms. Sam wrapped it around him and started moving it up and down. When you looked to your left, you saw Sam, but you also saw Sharon looking straight at you as she quickly rode Sam’s thigh. She smiled and reached out to stroke your forearm.
You were so glad Sam helped you, because on your own, you wouldn’t have been able to do something. The stimulation of Bucky’s slow and deep strokes that hit all the points in you, Steve grinding and keeping you close, Sharon’s touches a contrast but at the same time not to it all, the heat of them around you, Natasha on your face and moaning. It was all too much.
Natasha rode your face rhythmically, you licked and sucked on her until the rhythm she had built stuttered, her moan broke off and her legs twitched. You could see her bending forward to rest on her forearms.
Sam moved your hand along him, he squeezed your hand around him, lessening it a bit when he came to the tip and twisting your hand around it.
You moved your right hand from under Bucky’s arm and put it on Natasha’s hip to stabilize her. She moaned at the contact and the moan morphed into a whimper when you switched from using your tongue to nipping and sucking on her with your lips.
At the same time Steve gripped your hips and used what leverage he had to chase his release and soon you could feel him cumming with a groan. After the last spurt, he pressed you to him.
The slightly new angle seemed to trigger something in Bucky. He started rutting arrhythmically in you. With each thrust, he bent over you a little more until he effectively blanketed you with his body. Bucky softly rubbed and pinched your clit and you clenched around him. He stopped moving and you heard his growl as he started cumming in you.
And then you felt like you were floating up and away from the earth.
For a short time, nothing.
And then you felt like you were floating back down to earth.
You could feel your pussy still spasming, although now around nothing, and you could hear voices. You couldn’t discern who said what.
“Hey. Hey! … Oh shit, I think that was too much.”
“Too much of what exactly?”
“Of everything.”
“That wasn’t me, was it? The weight of my body?”
“Don’t think so.”
“Hey, Y/N. Hey. Come back to us.”
“Oh, good, you’re back. Thought we’d lost you there for a second.”
“You probably did, but I’m back now.”
You were maneuvered to lean against the back of the couch and just breathed in and out a few times. When you calmed down and got your beating heart a little more under control, your eyes fell to Sam’s cock, which still stood at attention.
“May I?” You asked and looked at him, at his cock and back at his face.
Sam just nodded and that was enough to lick long stripes up and down, only sucking on his tip for a second before you went back to the base of him and massaged his balls until you could feel him twitch. You waited until the last second to put your mouth on just his tip and sucked.
You continued sucking on Sam, letting him buck up his hips and swirled the tip of your tongue around the slit until he couldn’t take it anymore. Sam came and spurted in your mouth until he literally tore your mouth off his dick. You swallowed and grinned at him like a Cheshire cat.
You turned to Sharon, and this time, you pulled her on the couch. You pushed her back until she laid on her back. You moved down her breasts and tummy with little kisses and bites. You ignored her whimpers when you neglected where she visibly wanted you the most in favor of her thighs. You altered between nips, kisses and bites that would leave a memory for a few days, until you reached the junction between her legs.
You pursed your lips and only moved them over her. When your mouth was back at her entrance, you flattened your tongue and licked up until you swirled your tongue around Sharon’s clit. First in bigger circles that went smaller and smaller up to the point where you sucked her clit in your mouth. You continued sucking on her with alternating pressure until you could feel her twitch and buck her hips into your mouth.
Each time Sharon bucked into you, you made it a point to get closer to her, until she couldn’t take it anymore and came. She whimpered, she wailed, you could see several hands stroking her body, soothing her and you felt her thighs shake next to your head. After some time, her thighs stilled and you gently uncrossed her legs and took them off your shoulders. You licked your lips and grinned at her.
Sharon only nodded with a smile.
One day after this one-of-a-kind night, Natasha came back in the morning and left with a little black container under her arm and a double espresso to-go.
One or two weeks later, you had the day shift and were solely on coffee making duty. Your coworker had just told you the next order and it was a big one all at once.
“Latte macchiato, one blueberry muffin, black coffee, double espresso, black coffee with peppermint and caramel and a black tea!” You yelled out.
Someone came up to you and you recognized Sam.
“Good to see you” He winked with a smile.
“Not like I work here” You retorted with a smile of your own.
“Buck! Help me carry all these things!”
Bucky came up and looked at you. “Hey. Nice seeing you.”
“Surprisingly, I work at the place that I also call ‘my workplace’” You deadpanned.
Bucky let out a dry laugh. “Yeah, should have expected that.”
They both took half of the order in their hands and went to walk to the table where the others were sat. Although you couldn’t see the entire table, you knew exactly who sat at it, just from the orders.
Sam turned his upper body to you again. “When do you get off work?”
“In an hour. Why?”
“Wait for us here?”
“Who is ‘we’?”
Sam only winked and he and Bucky went to their table.
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storysofmyown · 5 years
Obey me! The passing of time
Plot: One by one, the brothers start to notice how Mc changes as time goes by.
Warning: None that I can think of
Word Count:2480 words
It started slow, very slow. You never noticed, of course you didn't. For you, this was something entirely normal but for the demons, it wasn't. After all, they could live for millenniums without suffering much but a cold but... for a human well... that's another story.
So no, you didn't notice as you grew older and started to look older, but the brothers certainly did.
The first one to notice was Asmodeus. The two of you were in one of those intense cuddling sessions; while he stroked your hair, he suddenly noticed a white hair. It made him froze in an instant.
It was such a slow process for them, for demons, angels and alike. But for humans, humans didn't even have a fraction of a demons life span. They all knew it. Humans were so fragile that even sleeping in a wrong position could hurt them. Yet, here you were. A human, surrounded by demons and still being able to hold your self with such confidence, sometimes even he forgot you were not one of them. Nevertheless, here you were mortal. Because you were human after all.
Asmodeus stared at your sleeping face, so peaceful... It made his heart ache, how has he gotten so close to you? To appreciate you as much as he does? To cherish you, to adore you...to love you? That night, he vowed to make the best of the time you two spend together. Occasionally, you noticed his sad face while painting your nails... but you never mentioned it.
The next one to notice was Belphegor; you usually napped together after classes every day, to get your energy up. However, he started to notice unusual sleeping patterns, the way you slept less at night and more during the day. At first, he thought it was probably Leviathan keeping you awake while gaming at night or watching some anime, but when Levi made a comment about you not connecting in a few days it sunk in.
He had researched human aging once, not because he cared or any deeper reason. He was just curious. He read that getting older, for some people, implied changes in their sleep routine. After that, he started noticing how tired you were often, the black circles underneath your eyes.
Ever since that day, he found himself thinking of Lilith, death, and mortality. Why? There wasn't any real reason, but just something in his heart that made him remember of how long ago his time at the Celestial Realm was every time he looked at you.
Ever since that, Belphie makes sure you go to bed at a reasonable hour, and even uses just a little of his demon powers to make sure you get enough sleep, and if sometimes he stayed awake just to look at you sleep... well that was for him to know and for you to never find out.
Next, was Lucifer. You both had fallen into a kind of routine; you would help him organize papers and such, nothing too important, just to help him around with minor stuff. Today was one of those days. He was looking at some papers and he gave you the ones that weren’t so important to either categorize or to dispose of. He lifted his gaze from the papers for just one second and noticed that something was off. The scene before him… it wasn't quite right. Maybe it was the fact that you had been looking at the same paper for 4 minutes trying to figure out where it belongs, or how your figure seemed... smaller for some reason.
As he stared at you, he suddenly remembered something. The Exchange Program you had participated in ended a while ago, but you had chosen to stay with them. He tied the knots by figuring that, yes, some time had passed since then and it was normal you didn't look the same. So, he kept reading a paper but then realization hit him…. the exchange program ended more than 15 years ago.
It cut him like a knife. It felt like yesterday you had just gotten into the Devildom and now... it had been more than 15 years. For him, it felt like nothing, but for you, a mere human, it must feel like a lifetime ago. Lucifer put the paper down, and suggested you two went out for dinner that night.
You found it odd, but not unwelcomed, and if this started to become a habit between the two... well you sure were not going to question it.
Then, it was Satan the one who noticed. You were reading with him, when he saw you struggling to read some words. You kept shuffling the book closer and then further from you, making weird faces and sighing in frustration. He put it down as you not being particularly interested in that book. So he suggested that the two of you took a break and watched the new episode of a detective show they were airing.
However, it kept happening every time you read together. So, one day Satan surprised you with a trip to the human world… but for medical reasons, he took you to an oculist. While waiting for you, he was reading a book, and he saw an old person walk by him. He then looked at the book and the first word his eyes saw hurt him.
He read around thousands of books explaining humans. From the way their minds worked on a psychological and biological way, to the way a human’s body rotted after dead. Quite fascinating, but the thought of that happening to you... made him land from his fantasyland. Once you came out you, to no one's surprise, announced that you needed reading glasses, he only smiled and told you to pick whatever style you preferred. As you looked around and asked for his opinion on the glasses, Satan noticed another thing.
Even if you were getting older, your spirit was still the same. And that made him smile genuinely. Afterwards, he seemed to be more and more interested in your health and stuff like that, you really didn't question it, your memory was already bad, so it was not bad to have someone remind you to take your vitamins.
Beelzelbub has been sneaking into the kitchen every night of his long life. But specifically, tonight he sneaked into the kitchen and found you, bent over the counter with just a glass of water. He smiled and asked if you were also hungry, but you shook your head, explaining that the dinner you had eaten earlier made your stomach ache and you just wanted some water.
Beelzelbub stared in confusion, after all it was not often food made him feel ill. But lately, this has been something that happened to you a lot. He figured his midnight snack could wait and gave you a hug, hoping it will make you feel better. You smiled and hugged him back, resting against him.
You felt... tired and it wasn't because it was almost midnight or because you had a tummy ache... no, it was a different type of tiredness. After a while, you smiled at Beel and went back to your room. Beel staid in the kitchen, not eating but thinking. He was worried about you; Lucifer mentioned the other day a little off of hand that you seemed weaker.
Beel didn't pay much attention to it, until now. His mind went from Lilith to you, how that affected him, and suddenly, the answer was clear. Beel slumped in himself and tried hard not to wake anyone up on the way to his room. Ever since that day, he asked you to work out with him, even for just a little bit, and the intense cuddling sessions were now even more intense.
The truth was he was scared of losing you too. Only Belphie knew that, and he planned to keep it like that. And if the nightmares ever shifted from Lilith to you well... at least he had you to hold his hand... for now.
It was 3 am... and if Belphegor knew you were awake at this unholy hour he might kill Leviathan and never let you sleep alone in your room again. But here you were, Levi had told you he would be binging one of his favorite animes all night, and you just had to watch it with him. So there you were, 3 am and both, you and Levi, watching anime.
Levi was all excited about the story, the characters, and the plot but you... not so much. So, you ended up falling asleep. Once Levi noticed, he muttered something about how your normie blood had taken the better of you, before falling silent as he kept watching the anime. There, right in the middle of the screen, the protagonist best friend had been killed. Blood was everywhere and the episode ended. Levi's eyes fell on you.
You were Levi's only friend, and the thought of losing a friend made him break a bit. He’s been noticing how you have changed in the passing of time, but he never actually stopped to think of the implications of that. Humans die, very, very easily. He wasn't certain on how much longer you would be around to spend time with him, do cosplays, and talk about anime or manga. He was going to be as lonely as the Lord of the Shadows was before Henry became their friend.
Leave his room? He never did such thing. At least not for a few days after that realization hit him... but then he realized that he was wasting SO MUCH TIME. So, after that, wherever you were, Levi was. He started to talk more about your own interests and stuff. It was nice, he learned new stuff about you, and while the thought of losing you always lingered in the back of his head, he wanted to be close to you no matter what.
Now Levi spent less than 4 hours in his room during the day, it was a miracle really... that was something absolutely no one has ever done before. And honestly, you were not going to question it.
Finally, Mammon, THE Great Mammon noticed. You two were walking in town after one of his photoshoots. He was going on and on about how amazing he was while you trailed behind him... really behind him. Once he noticed, he slowed his pace to match yours. You started talking about something else entirely when suddenly your D.D.D rang. While you answered he checked the hour, and upon looking at his background, he felt a part of himself die.
As his background, he had set a picture of you and him. Not taken too long ago, just a few years... or so he thought. You looked so different. Your hair was now entirely white, matching his; he noticed the wrinkles around your face and the glasses that you now had to use all the time. Mammon fell silent. You informed him that Lucifer had called and wanted you two home now. He just nodded and didn’t say a word for the rest of the walk. You found it weird because... well, because it's Mammon, but you didn't mention it.
That night, Mammon didn't go to your room. He stayed in his, thinking about everything. Thinking how he didn’t notice that you were growing old. He was always with you, ALWAYS. It was impossible for HIM to not notice. Yet here he was, wondering how time slipped between his fingers, and now who knows how much time you would spend together. Mammon cried... all night, no one knew because he made sure it was a silent cry... but the idea of losing someone he cared about so much. IT hurt when Lucifer confiscated Goldie, and he knew losing you would feel the same... who was he kidding? It was going to be worse, so much worse. And so, he cried, but only for that night, the next day he was his usual self just... now he was aware. Suddenly he was being super kind to you and buying you stuff.
It weirded you out but it was fine, you let him have it... you knew what it was about. You started at him with a smile on your lips, ruffled his hair and made snarky comment about him already being broke and to stop spending in you.
If Mammon never left your side before just imagine now. And he was not the only one. You were constantly followed around by a group of demons that wanted to spend time with you. You knew why, but you never mention it... why would you?
Mammon and the others had never talked about it, they refused to do so but whenever you didn't look, they looked at each other, and with sad expression, they made sure to take in the moment, to save it in their hearts.
It was night. You and the seven brothers have been having a horror night but you were tired already. Your entire body ached. And halfway through the movie you fell asleep.
You woke up by a hand shaking you, once you opened your eyes you saw Lucifer. You smiled at him, sat up, and, to everyone surprise, hugged him. Blame it on your half-asleep state, but you dared to hug him, and even give him a kiss on the cheek. Then proceed to hug and kiss every other brother.
No one knew what had gotten into you, but once you kissed Belphegor and were about to say good night, Beel and Asmo pulled you into another hug, and before you realized, you were in a cuddle mountain with ALL the brothers. Lucifer may have taken a little convincing but at the end, he joined you all. After an intense two hours of cuddling, you went to your room. As you laid down in the bed with a smile plastered on your lips, you felt... at peace. With how your life had been up to this point, with how much you loved those seven idiots. Yeah, you really loved them.
During breakfast the next day, none of the brother ate. Not even Beelzeebub, they all waited patiently for you, they wanted to wait for you, even though... all of them knew you were not going to come down the stairs.
That's how it was, humans are born and humans die in less time than any other creature. It was the sad reality of their world, and as the brothers waited for a human that was never going to come down the stairs, all they could think about was you. It was sad, but it was true. And even if they were never going to see you, again... they really were grateful for everything.
Hello sweeties, this is actually the first fan fic I've ever made. I could not get this idea out of my head so I just had to write it. Hope y'all enjoy it!
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sinnercerely · 4 years
𝕋ɪʟʟ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴅᴏᴇs ᴜs ᴀᴘᴀʀᴛ|
To be her’s and only her’s! //  𝒯𝑜𝑔𝒶 + 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇!
♡ Toga only. However, a poly relationship with uraraka is coming! ♡
🥀 reader-type:
o Black (familiar with African-American culture) 
♡ She/Her/They/Them
o Asexual
♡ Feline Quirk 🥀
Headcannon: Himiko and the reader’s relationship dynamic and love between the two troublemakers! ————————————🔪————————————
(fluff!) |Here kitty, kitty, kitty!
🌸 Possessive
🔪 Touch-Starved
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🌸 A week hasn’t even passed, yet she is absolutely DEDICATED to you. She makes sure to kiss all your tears away and clean all your wounds. Emotionally and physically.
🍡 When she cleans your cuts and bruises from fights with heroes, that slimy bastard is all over you (her tongue)! She won’t lick you on the intimate parts of your body, she respects you too much to break your boundaries!
🌸 When it comes to comforting you, she loves to make jokes out of dark situations. Nothing is off-limits for her unless you say so. If you want her to be more serious, she will, even if that lasts for at least 3 minutes. She will always be serious about you, so she will show you that. As long as you give her cuddles for her effort! She wouldn’t want for her kitten to be forced to be put back in their place...though, you do look cute with bite marks, cuts, and bruises...
🍡 Won’t let her help you? Fine. Hope you are prepared for feral Toga. She gets nasty with you by, talking over you, attacking you with her love bites in public, ignoring you when you want her attention, killing everyone in the damn place for talking or looking at you, and cutting you with her knife. The cuts usually are on your thighs, stomach, and arms. She would mark your face, but, that area is for her slaps. Though, don’t worry she would kiss all the tears away and makeup if you wear that. Just...let her love you lol.
🌸 If you have a side job, she will stand in the corner of the store and watch you. Her posture tenses up when someone gets near you. God forbid someone tries to hit on you...at least 5 bodies are dumped in the dumpster at the back of the building. She won’t even collect their blood. Only the tastiest and worthy blood enters her. So...I hope you can handle her trying to suck onto you like a CapriSun lol. Even when you are working. Might need to knock her in the head to stop her.
🍡 Now, is you won’t allow her to be in the building you are in, that’s fine. She will follow you either way. Behind a counter? She is outside the door and staring at you with a hoodie that says ‘Thot Destroyer’. Getting some fresh air? Cool, she’ll stand on top of a building and stare down at you. Taking a shower?.........where are your clothes?
🌸 She has a tracklist of being a pervert, so, yeah, she will take your clothes to admire your body as you search for a new set of clothes...which is all under her butt. But, you don’t need to know that :].
🍡 Insecure about your body? Oh hell no! Not on her watch! “WHAT?!- DID SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR BODY KITTEN?!?- OH HELL NO-” If you have slang in your vocabulary, she will take that crap and slander a bitch until all their insecurities are popping out. She will drag that bitch by their roots (anyone can get it) and disfigure their asses. Just to throw their asses outside with no dignity and missing limbs (if that’s what you want honey) or slowly and painfully end them. 
🌸 No one is making you insecure? So, your thoughts are making you insecure? "Well, when are those thoughts gonna show up for these rounds?". She is kidding of course. She would make sure to praise you every day and 24/7. Feel ‘too fat’? She will encourage you to wear tight underwear and kiss all your fat! Suffocate her with your thighs, please! PLEASE. Discolorment on your body? She will spoil you in products that will help ease that insecurity while making sure it does not hurt your gorgeous melanin!
🍡 Now for the educational bit! Japan isn’t free from colorist ideas and racism. So, you need to be honest about your experiences with being black in Japan. She will educate herself on black culture and history, if anyone tries to deny the damage colonists have created, bastards are gonna be laying cold on the floor. She isn’t ignorant to how shitty black people are treated, especially if you are dark-skinned, just know she isn’t gonna be a ‘savior’ for black people. She will be an ally, she will respect your culture, and hit people with true history!
🌸 Now, back on insecurities, creams that 'lighten your skin' is very common in Asia. So, she would not shame you if you did that or is considering doing that, she will however compliment you. Not for brightening your skin, but for being black. She will praise your culture and make sure to buy things that are very prominent in your community. She will encourage you to start embracing that melanin! You do not have to pay for your thickness, big lips, beautiful big eyes, and THAT SHINE. My dude, that glow on dark skin...welp, she is jealous!
🍡 She will definitely do your hair for you! No matter how long it may take, she will make sure your hair is healthy and moisturized! She will order products from amazon for your hair type if you are going natural, like puffballs, afros, braids, and etc. However if you have your hair relaxed or permed, she will buy the best products for your hair, things that strengthen your hair definitely. Wear wigs? Cool! She will try some on with you! Praise you, no matter what others think, you are beautiful/gorgeous/breathtaking with and without the wig.
🌸 Though, she will need to be reminded to not harshly brush your hair, since your ears are big and blends into your hair (and well it hurts as well!). She will be mindful but will mess with your ears, you will need to bite her hands to get her to stop!
🍡 When she is allowed to bathe you, she will fill the bathtub with bubbles and terrorize you! She will scare you by popping out of the water without your acknowledgment, pull your fluffy tail, and tickle you into submission so she can mess with your big ears. So, lock your bathroom door! But, even then, she will wait in a bathroom counter just to bathe with you, soooo, you do not have a choice.
🌸 Anyway, she goes by the rule, “Talk shit, get hit.” Soooo, yeah, lol. She does not play when it comes to you, no matter how different you are to her, she will love you regardless! You two are always ready to fight for each other, so you two are quite the dynamic! Plus, fashionable! Even when blood stains your clothes, beauty cannot be hidden, love.
🍡 Now for some chaos! You two steal from everywhere! Malls, houses, banks, and grocery stores of course! Toga tends to overfill her bra with snacks for you and her (even if you don’t want to eat something, she will ‘gently’ force food down your throat). She likes to get you thicker, even if you are skinny, she will want some type of change in your body, even if it just shows in your face. Also, she will make sure to get supplies for periods as well, if you have those.
🌸 If you two are unfortunate enough to have devils disguised as the uterus, you two will cry, stuff your faces, force a lot of water into your system, and holding heat pads against each other! Even if you don’t have that, she needs you! The girl throws up, cries, and can faint when on her period. So, cuddle her, make her food (something is southern please! She likes southern food from America! Grits, biscuits with gravy, and sausage please!) even cover her in kisses, she will pay you back when the pain stops :)
🍡 When you two are working in the LOV, you two create a lot of fun. Stealing Tomura’s game systems to throw them in the nearby garage bin, cock blocking Dabi, hooking Mr. Compress up with multiple people (even if they are married 👀), and being degenerates in public while cosplaying with Spinner. When Tomura tries to end you two, Toga whips his ass lol. You’ll jump in of course (don’t worry, Tomura won’t actually kill you two, you two are too valuable to the team. Also, he loves his team! He will kill for you two! He loves y’all too much 🥺). Dabi will laugh his ass off while recording the scene, Spinner’s jaw is on the floor, but he is chuckling silently, Mr. Compress breaks it up, but he does watch for a while and poorly hides laughter. So, Tomura now sits in the corner of the bar and complains under his breath, if Toga looks at him, he turns away and tenses up. Toga is a baddie honestly!
🌸 For softer days, you and her whip Tomura’s ass while playing games (he will use cheats to prevent this! Do not say anything though, he is a brat and will dust your controller right there and then). Next, go to the arcade with Spinner, you two always compliment him to ease his insecurities. When someone says something about his appearances, you and Toga plan a homicide. Now, being lazy with Dabi is rare, but fun. You all chat about random stuff, even if he taunts you two, he does still listen and care (he is trying!) about you two. Finally, Mr. Compress is the person who takes you two out for dinner. Toga eats like a pig, but you and Mr. Compress wipe her off and scold her. She has a tendency to swipe both of you two's food, so be careful, and she does bite if you try to take it back!
🍡 You two made a nighttime routine, which will include cuddles, kisses, and a lot of talking. She can not shut up until you fall asleep, she usually talks about the future and how much she loves you. She is considering repurposing her life because she wants you to be able to reach your dreams without her criminal record weighing you down. Even though you have a criminal record as well, she is willing to do anything just for you to go get a high school diploma and go to college. No matter what it takes. She wants you to be happy, successful, and healthy. Hopefully, you two can change together. She would not look bad in a doctor’s coat, and you would not look bad with a diamond ring on your finger...
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gerbiloftriumph · 5 years
So you wanna be a king (pt3)
or maybe you just wanna cosplay one.
Continuing the cosplay semi-tutorial-semi-rambling for those who love one smol bean and wish to dress as him for funsies:
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Part 3: Trousers and Boots
Okay, so, at this point you’ve probably spent at least $150, and at least enough hours to watch every Game Grumps King’s Quest LP (that's three and a quarter full games) three times. Likely more. 
It’s time to pull out your screencaps again, to remind yourself why we’re here. 
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(it’s for this cute face, with all his determination and compassion and bravery and intelligence. That’s why.)
You’ve got a jerkin (pt 2) and a cloak (pt 1) but it’s indecent to walk around without anything waist down, so let’s a’stitch some trousers. And also some boots while we’re at it. 
When I was at the Renfest, someone asked me where I got my neat blue riding pants. Well, for starters......they’re yoga pants. And also, Goodwill. Have you noticed a trend with me yet. 
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This knobbly-kneed lad is definitely not pulling a Men In Tights routine--there’s too much definition and stiffness in the wrinkles. I decided on sweatpants, though, because why not? May as well be comfy. (The more accurate fabric choice would probably be like, a khaki material, but, nah). I selected two separate pairs in the colors I wanted.
Because this costume isn’t warm enough, I attached the lighter pair over the darker rather than Frankenstein-sew two chopped parts together. It’s kind of like wearing pants and a half. Because I’m the monster. And also I was concerned that long-term wear would weaken the stitching if I pulled a Frankenstein, and this costume has been time consuming enough without risking it falling apart on me. 
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What that means is this: I put on the darker pair, measured about how wide it looked Graham’s pants were vs on me, turned the lighter pair inside out so I could mark the width on them, and cut out a long and bizarre looking rectangle from the inner section of the light pair. 
The reason why we cosplay is to get into our favorite character’s pant--no, I’m sorry, the joke’s too bad, I’ll see myself out. 
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I selected three inches wide on either side of the inner pant hem, so six inches wide in total, from ankle to ankle. This does mean there’s more fabric around the ankle since they naturally slim down, but the boot covers that. Since the lighter pair had an elastic stretchy cuff, I left that intact so the pants wouldn’t bunch up when walking. 
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Immediately after cutting out the light pair, I ran it through my sewing machine with that herringbone stitch (the zigzag triangles) to “seal” the fabric edge and prevent fraying. It gives it kind of a bubbly textured look if you look closely, but if you’re not about that life, you could cut out an extra inch and hem it back for a straight clean line. 
I then carefully lined up all the hemlines, light to dark, pinning as flat and evenly as possible. Then, hand sewing. Bane of my novice cosplay life. 
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First I stitched hemline to hemline so it would be precisely centered, then again along the edges of the light fabric. So I sewed this thing by hand three times, paying special attention to the area where the legs intersect since that’s where the most friction from walking and picking up inventory items and the like will wear. Just sew along existing hemlines. It can be sloppy; no one will ever see your stitches--unless you turn it inside out to make a semi-tutorial for strangers on the internet, and then they’ll laugh at you.
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If you feel fancy, you can add the thick patches on Graham’s trousers. I didn’t bother at the time because it felt like a bit much, but I do really like those patches. Maybe someday. 
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Also, you should probably handwash this piece too. Unless you trust your sloppy stitches more than I trust mine. 
I’ma tell you a secret: my absolute favorite part of all of Graham’s outfit is the boots. I love them. I want a real pair. Like, with actual metal bits, not cheap eBay boots and shoe goo and hope. The boots are at least a quarter of the reason why I made this costume in the first place. 
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And yet, the boots were the last thing I made, more than a year after completing the rest of the costume. I wore shin-high lace up boots in the meantime, and it was fine, but knee length is truly the ideal silhouette against your cloak. It does make a difference.
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I’ve made boot covers before (Lynne, Ghost Trick, bright red), and it’s fine, but it’s also frustrating. I highkey recommend just modifying a regular boot. There are lots of gorgeous, expensive options out there, but in the end I settled for a bootleg boot from China (you know, the ones that are “fashion” but which all use the same stock image and are fake mimics for a fraction of the cost on eBay) for a grand total of...$25.00, with shipping. Ye boi.
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According to the receipt this boot is an.....”American Rag Ada Round Toe Synthetic Over the Knee Boot.” Cool, deffo bootleg. 
Another secret: I put gel inserts in both the toe and the heel, I wear gel-ankle socks over my regular socks, and I stuff the heels with leftover plushie-making cotton fluff. Because bootleg boots are cheap and blistery, and comic con floors are hard enough even with a nice sturdy pair of shoes, so seek every advantage you can. More cotton fluff. More! Stuff it in there! And also wear your favorite patterned socks, because it’s my tutorial and I said so. 
Okay, back to the store. Get the following things: a small amount of stretchy black fabric, a small amount of gray fabric, a sheet or two of craft foam, a tube of shoe goo, and popsicle sticks or some other way to “paint” the goo. Also an audiobook to help pass the time. (can you believe no one’s recorded the King’s Quest novels into an audiobook form, how tragic.)
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Using some of the boundless scrap you have from the rest of this cosplay, determine how wide you want the black pieces to be, and maybe the gray while you’re at it. That fully depends on your boot. 
Cut out your black for the front and back pieces. They won’t be pure rectangles, but have a trapezoid curve to them to mimic the shoe curve. Pin and hem.
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Apply shoe goo around the whole section of the boot you’re covering, as flat and even as possible, and stretch, apply, and pin your black fabric into place. Do little detail work with the popsicle sticks, and once it’s all pinned, leave to dry for a while. Ideally, overnight, so the glue can set. 
Go play King’s Quest again or something while you’re waiting. It’s not like you have anything else to do, right?
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This boot happened to already have a buckle on the back which I wrapped in gray fabric to mimic the silver on Graham’s heels--your boot probably doesn’t have this, so use this following method instead.
To get the silver cuffs, I cut out foam (you might have to look around for foam in a good thickness, or glue multiple sheets together--mine is, uh....the thick foam my bose headphones came in.....), and glued fabric over it. Then I glued the foam/fabric curve to the shoe, pinned it in place, and walked away again. I sure hope you like your audiobook. There’s a lot of downtime here. 
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This method works for the anklets too. Wrap foam entirely in black fabric. Hilariously, since it’s foam, I didn’t have any trouble pushing it through my sewing machine to add the gray on top of the black. Another secret: my anklets connect via elastic, so I can get the boots on while still having a snug anklet. No, it probably doesn’t look great if you’re walking right behind me, but there’s that 5 foot rule of cosplay that means no one should see it, and who’s staring at my heels anyway, that’s weird. 
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Cut thin regular plain sheet foam in the right size to fit over your toe. To achieve the curve, cut out little notches (you can just see a discarded notch in the included picture), then glue the edges together again sans notch. Bam, curve. Cover in fabric, glue to the toes of the boots like everything else, pin, and wait until dry (yes, overnight again--I did tell you about the audiobook). 
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And that’s that! (At least, for me: I have not done the laces on the front, or cut out the knee guard, or anything that requires actual intensive boot modification because I was in a hurry to go meet Christopher Lloyd and on a deadline and forgot to come back to it. No, for reals. Comic cons are magic places.) It’s held up for two full years at cons and renfests and even in a light rain without trouble, tho I do need to touch up some of the edges a bit. 
Put the whole thing together: jerkin, cloak, cowl, trousers, boots. You’re looking fiiiine. All the cool cats are jealous of your sweet new kicks.
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And with that, all the giant heavy pieces of your cosplay are done! It’s just accessories and details left. And the adventuring cap, one might argue the most important piece of all. But we’ll get there. Probably. As long as this is helping someone. 
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kanene-yaaay · 5 years
It started when...
Kanene’s note: Aaaa, okay! This little guy here give me some trouble and I had to re-write it some times but I really liked the ideia, so my butter heart didn’t let me to dig it in some deep archive of my computer, soooo…
Here he is!! Is a boy fluff! xDD
Well, at first it was suppose to be a OC fanfic, but then I felt some urge to made a Logan liking tickling and I think I didn't captured his personality very well xD. However, I really loved the result! Hope you enjoy this as well!!!
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belongs to Thomas Sanders! Yaaay!
* This is a SFW Tickle-fic, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another arts. There are a lot of wonderful arts in this site!!  ^w^)b
* Something around 4000 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* This idea, like most of the good ideas came from NOWHERE! It’s pretty funny to write, tho. Hope you all enjoy it!
* Portuguese Version coming soon!! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Have a incredible week!  Byeioo!~
‘If you could create your own Tickle World. How it that would be?’
For Roman it started when Logan stopped going to his room to talk about new video ideas and their developments. Not that it was an obligation of the said (in truth, sometimes it was very frustrating and tiring), but it had become part of the creative guardian routine, almost a bonding moment between both.
Most of time it was good and the royal side found himself waiting for this weekly moments that for some unknown reason  simply ceased from existion. They diminished little by little until  became so sporadic that Roman took the responsibility into his own hands and now made a point of visit the other when he missed these meetings or just had a random idea and felt the necessity to share it, even if it was undeveloped.
He never addressed this fact to Logan, simply for the lack of some subject that connected or lead to that or for being too distracted debating the good and improving points in the script, where they could be changed and the trails that it would be leading. Because of this he just remembered to bring up the conversation when he already was out of the other’s room, don’t find much motivation to return and broke the pleasant conversation they both had, for the most of time at least, for a subject of which Roman didn’t even knew to what territory it would lead.
For that reason, the subject on matter was left aside.
For Patton, the things initiated a little earlier, perhaps at the very beginning of everything. Just at that period when the one who wears tie moved his balcony chair for a point further away and hidden from the front window.
Those moments when the evening reading in the living room were shifted to the went to his bedroom from where he didn’t came back so early, and, when he did it was only for a short amount of time or somewhere a little farther from the couch itself. Patton lost the count on so many times Virgil had to hiss, like an adorable and cute dark kitty- Okay, focus! Focus!!- until Logan transfers himself to other place or furniture.
The guardian of morality couldn’t help himself in feeling… a bit worried with the behavior change, however, every time he thought in mention it he noticed the extremely rare and calm smile opened so naturally in Logan’s face as he stared something in his phone.
For this reason, for him, the subject on matter was half left aside.
For Virgil, realizing the change on the routine and natural order of the house was absolutely common, small changes happened with small new activities, and the curious aspect definitely was someone who always sought to explore the newest types of knowledge and, due this, for him the things just really began when this change on the routine became… well… routine.
The brain of one on hoodie didn’t waited too much before starting to have the most miscellaneous theories as answers to the not-so-sudden but equally strange change. The hypothesis varied according to his humor, going from it all being Deceit faking being Logan (refuted since both already had been seemed together fighting for the last cup of coffee) to everything being his fault because of his adaptation by the Light Sides, which was the favorite one of that voice in the deep of his mind.
Nevertheless, between all of them, just one hypothesis proved itself as the truth. It was proven on a cold day, the reason why everyone was locked in their room enjoying the warmth from their own beds.
Everyone but Virgil, who already had an almost natural protection (he already accepted the hoodie as part of his own body, it doesn’t matter what the society says.) and calmly headed for the television looking forward to re-watch some movies seeking the references that the last conspiracy theory video he saw said to exist, when his gaze met the shape layed on the couch dropping bubbling giggles.
Logan. Bubbling giggles.
These was for sure two things which didn’t seemed nestable at all, but wow, formed a pretty picture.
So that was it. Logan has an obscure secret. An obscure secret that made him lightly, happily giggle.
(Blackmail, maybe?)
The anxiety’s representation cursed the logic side for being always so respectful about his personal space, his thoughts opinions, desires and almost everything that involved Virgil feeling comfortable, supported and calm around them; because this fact just pushed away any and every evil will to sneaky behind Logan and finally cease once and for all his curiosity.
Consciousness. For that reason, he had to leave the subject on matter aside. But not completely, oh no, never completely.
Logan felt restless. He tapped the fabric of his pants lightly and observed all the landscape, trying to focus on its details and analyze them, seeking for distract his brain off the story he had read the last night, however his mind was always an indomitable spirit when it was referring to this subject. He spent the entire morning thinking, visualizing it, and before he could have a minute for researching about the stars and finally focusing in something else Roman called everyone to discuss in his room about the new scenario that would be used for the special video, which it showed as a proposal practically irrefutable to Logan, who put his obligations above almost every other thing.
- I let the room as a white canvas for we paint it at our desire! - The nomination maybe have been a little too literal, although it didn’t captured the whole essence of the albino forest surrounding the quarter. -   Sure I will be the first who- PANDA COSPLAY, IF YOU PUT ‘WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE’ ONE MORE TIME, I SWEAR FOR THE HOLY SWOR-
Logan rolled his eyes for the duo fight, and when his glaze dropped all his body froze, electric goose bumps ran down every inch of his skin, his eyes slightly widening, tense muscles.
The grass around him was beginning to transform, to color itself. From where his feet touched green spirals started to very calmly unfold, as if unaware about its surrounding, including the fright of its ‘creator’.
But, since nothing in life is easy, of course it was not only in color that the grass was being transfigured, but also in shape. The centimeters around his shoes were no longer grass, and yes small green, and as it seemed, extremely soft feathers.
Logan felt blush, nevertheless, more than blush he felt scared… No, ‘scared.’ wasn’t the correct word.
Apprehensive. He felt apprehensive
The rationality’s representation glanced at the others, who fortunately wasn’t paying any attention to him.
He stepped back. The color and feathers followed him, each footprint leaving the place more modificated and colorful. Logan felt his mouth dry. That was a bad idea. An awful idea. He wasn’t supposed to feel that way, wasn’t supposed to have this kind of thoughts. He was the logic, rational, serious, trustworthy, fact-based, not shaken up by feelings side.
Apprehensive. Anxious.
Virgil turned around, letting Roman and Patton chat a little about the scenario to discuss a few option with Logan, since he probably would already have some analysis about the place and more tangibles ideas whic-
His eyes widen.
“Coming here was a mistake. I need to do something. I should…. I should….”
- Logan. Logan. Hey, hey, hey. - He lifted up his glare, allowing himself to look as vulnerable as he felt. Virgil moved closer, their eyes met. - It’s alright. Everything is alright. - His voice was in a slowly, velvety, paused tune. Logan’s muscles slightly relaxed. - There are no problem, ok? It’s alright. We are here. It is we, and we are here at your side.
The one who wears a tie nodded, closing his eyes for a moment and bringing up Thomas’ memories from when he was anxious. He taken a deep breath, always a deep breath.
Breathe in. Hold it for seven seconds.
- Everything is alright.
Yes. It was. It was they and everything was alright.
Virgil finally looked down, seeing what was source of concern for the rational side. The green color began to grow more vivid, more palpable as the spirals increased and expanded, getting bigger and bigger until the divisores lines mingled and they form a only one greenish circle.
Keep your eyes closed. It is more easier to control myself when my eyes are closed. Focus on the breathing. Focus on the dark. There is nothing to be afraid of.
The movements were bold, precise and calculated. Almost mesmerizing. Now little white particles loosened from the circle that resembled the grass. These particles fluttered in the air for a few moments before starting to stretch and took… a softer, fluffier, delicate shape.
There is nothing to be afraid of.
Wait. Is those feathers?
It is they. It is they. It is they. There is no problem because it is they.
A pleasant cold wind became, as if it brought distant news of a coming rain. It was so nostalgic that automatically all the muscles off his body loosen and the sound of small raindrops hitting the treetops became present, even if there was no visible cloud.
They are family. And respect me, so it is alright. Everything is under my control.
The wind made all the feathers move faster and faster, spiraling around Logan and his concentrated countenance. It was like a little private swirl.
And it spined, it spined, it spined and spined spined spined spined.
And he could be the aspect responsible for the rationality, knowledge and logic for certain, however it didn’t prevented him to be something more, or to appreciate what he appreciated. It was ok.
It always was.
Patton and Roman’s voices stopped to echo across the room, their gazes finally meeting the peculiar scene unfolding in front of their eyes. They both turned, the attention completely captured.
- Logan?
The logic side opened his eyes.
Breathe out.
The swirl exploded consuming everything in a matter of few seconds. Nobody could hear nothing and even less utter some other word. They assumed a defensive pose, arms in front of their eyes and legs tensed ready to run away from any danger; until they realized that wasn’t any real danger. The feather didn’t even touched much their skin, feeling more as a stroke than any other thing.
The sensation ceased. The weather seemed different, colder, lighter, cozier.
And, when they were sure that everything really stopped, that there would be no further transformation, everyone opened his eyes, their breath catching for an instant, as if afraid to spoil the art-  no! Even better… the world around them.
Through all the space white feathers graciously floated to the ground, as little drops of paint in a emerald green that covered the whole grass, which stirred with the calm breeze that hitted it and and lead to green feathers also been released from the said and fly for few seconds before coming back to their original places. Not that it was always possible, since some usually  ended up trapping themselves in the greyish trunks of leafy trees painted in colors that went from pastel to vivids, flashy shades. Small vines decayed from the branches.
Roman stepped forward, curiously touching a pastel one, which wrapped around his wrist, soft as a blanked, each touch leading to electric shivers that made an involuntary smile groom in his face.
The trees were neither too tall nor too high, fact that allowed the cloudy sky been easy seem, not as an anticipation for a storm, but as if it was predicting an pleasant weather either to go out for a wandering or to stay home under the covers catching up on your favorite series. Virgil heard something else, however, he didn’t needed to focus too much before listen the velvety voices came audibles, as if they were brought by the pleasant-scented breeze.
“You are wonderful.”
“Does it tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle?~”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“Oh, it seems like someone is a bit ticklish.~”
“Thank you for all your effort.”
“I didn’t even did nothing and already became a blushy mess! Coothie coothie coo!”
“You did a good job.”
“The tickle monster is gonna getcha, getcha, getcha!”
- No! - Logan’s protests snapped everyone out of their trance, causing their eyes quickly find him, who had tripped and now attempted to get away from two floating gloves that mischievously wiggled their fingers in his direction. The huge smile on his face was almost as noticeable in his tune, whose its owner didn’t had any really warm on trying to escape. - Don’t  you dare to approach an infinitesimal cent-ack!! Nohohohohohohohohohohoho!
All the words went in vain, transfiguration  themselves in laugh when the two gloves ignored his warnings and attacked his ribs. Logan let himself lay on the grass, little snorts flying from his mouth as the said struggled to hold back his laughter, but nothing compared to the volume of the squeal that came from Patton’s lips as he processed the scene unfolded. He excitedly bitted his knuckles, don’t waiting a half second before running to the other.
- Logan!! I can’t belive you like tickling!!!
- Ohohohohohohohohohoho nahahahahahHAHAHAHAAHAaha!! - Their fingers started to focus in his hips, reason why the loud squeaks and more uncontrollable giggles leaved his mouth, but the logic aspect used all his willpower to cover his face with his hands, rolling to the opposite side in order to not being able to see the expression which the cat lover gives to him. Part of him relieved for don’t need to hide nothing anymore and part still very apprehensive with what all of this would result.
- Uh huh, sir! - Patton playfully complained, a grin spreading across his face as he sat at Logan’s side, his hands quickly, and very skillfully, meeting his armpits. Logan shrieked before get lost in a laughing sea, removing his hands from his face in a attempt to stop the new pair which tickled him. His face was completely red, the smile almost brighten the room for its light for being so big, his nose wrinkled and little dimples starting to been present. Patton felt his gaze shine, also laughing. - No hiding that wonderfully cute face of yours, mister! I can’t believe that you didn’t told us sooner, Lo-lo! 
- We can all agreed that this is… how would you say it…? - Virgil showed up, discovering to be an impossible mission not smile at the scene. The melodious giggles, yelps and squealing from both sides filled the air. - undeniably adorable.
Unable to explain why, Logan’s laugh increased, his legs squirming when the dad’s quarter got bored from his armpits and now went for his tummy, scratching, poking, squeezing and making his fingers dance through all its extension, which would surely made the mind’s representation curl in a defensive ball, if it wouldn’t the gloves changing its tickles to his thighs, each knead leading to a different squeal.
A thought crossed the one on hoodie’s brain. His smile faded.
- Hey, Patton. - His voice was more serious, a little fearful. - Wait, wait, wait! - He holded his shoulder, slightly pulling him back and making the paternal one reluctantly stop his ‘attack’, staring Virgil with that ‘lost puppy’ eyes, with a Logan behind thanking silently, or as quietly as possible when laughter and snorts unintentionally kept escaping from his lips due two fingers that teasingly scratch the underside of his knees, taking a few sips of air.
- Kiddo, I know you also wanna have some fun, but you need to be patient and wait your turn! -Virgil felt his entire face on fire, especially as Logan turned, apparently interested in the conversation.
- That isn’t it! - Patton couldn’t help but grin with the defensive tune the other used. Virgil frowned and rolled his eyes, his hands gesticulating all over the room. - This situation… It’s too much to show at once. Logan can be feeling vulnerable, maybe even uncomfortable to being exposed like this.
Both turned to the said, worried, alarmed looks. Logan opened his lips, only for a little squeak jump when the gloves started to squeeze and knead his kneecaps, his wobbly arms tried to remove them, but in vain.
- He need a little break… Roman! - The guardian of anxiety drew the other’s attention, who had to break free of some vines before joining the group, his hair a little messed up and with a breathless smile.
- Oh, why do you call , stormACK!! - The prince’s phrase was interrupted when the purple lover grabbed the gloves and tossed them on him, who even tried to fight against the saids, however ended subdued by skills when they found way to his feet. - VIRHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIGIL!! NOhohohohohohOHOHOHOHO!
- Sorrey, dude. - Virgil smirked receiving a sharp, but without any anger in it, glare from the aspect of creativity. It was pretty hard take him serious when the said was squirming and happily laughing, tough.
- Uhuhu. You are evil. - Patton also excitedly smiled, before the duo remembered the previous topic of conversation and turned round to the logic side.
Logan was already sitting, adjusting his glasses and tie, his face still had remnants of the blush so as the smile. Everything got quite quiet, apart from Roman, who still laughing with the tickles. Maybe it was that laugh that gave Logan a bit more bravery to lift his gaze, clean his throat and stare the two side who observed him full of cautelous.
- A-about the previous question, Virgil. - For a moment he wished that the voices stopped their teasing, being promptly answered. Thank you. - I appreciate your concern and the free of judgment reaction of everyone, nevertheless. - “The vulnerability, no, the intimacy doesn’t bother me for the only main fact that it is you all, and I know that I’m more protect in your hands than any other on this vast universe.” - N-no hassle. - At least he could remind and utter something from his lift cards, since his brain didn’t seemed to much helpful on this moment. His face was gonna to melt, he was sure of it. - The sensation of vulnerability just would bother me if the fear of rejection was still present or our intimacy wasn’t yet strong. - Looked away. - The latter situation clearly isn’t the case and the first one… There is no reason to be afraid of. - And shut himself.
- Oh, Lo-lo, you are so silly… - Patton knelt down in front of him, staring in such a tender and affectionate way that for a moment Logan really realized how his fear was irrational. - There is no problem in like tickling. - The smile of the paternal figure increased when notice Logan squirm and lightly blush as heard the word.
- We would never criticize you for something like that. - Virgil didn’t knelt down, but the meaning on between his lines already demonstrate enough. -  Liking is liking. If it’s nothing hurting anyone… - Then shrugged.
- In fact is making good! Now we know what to do to hear your fabulous laugh! - The representation of morality evil smirked, wiggling his fingers, which made Logan instinctively stepped away, seeking help on Virgil, who seemed a bit surprise by his action, but he grinned, grabbing one of the flying feathers and twirling this between his fingers.
Logan stepped some more centimeters away as precaution, little giggles beginning to form between his lips.
- Without to mention that he seems to having so much fun! - Patton pointed to Roman, everyone turning to observe the scene where the aspect of hope and dreams still laughing with the gloves’ attack, which apparently found themselves in the mission of create the most bubbling and snorts almost at the same time by scribbling white feathers on his neck.
- Don’t we should help him?
- Do not worry. - Logan adjusted his glasses, voice stuffed with a slightly playfulness. - I programed the gloves to feel when you want more tickles or not. As long Roman don’t wish anymore tickle there wouldn’t be any of it. All of this ‘world’ works as this.
- I have to admit I’m a bit jealous. - Patton absently commented, taking one of the feather falling in circle moviments to the ground. The creator felt his eyes gloom, an absurd urge to smile taking over his body.
- Is that so, Patton? Well, allow me to help you with this impasse. - and before anything could be answered Logan hugged him from behind, digging his fingers on his tummy and leading belly laughter to explode from the cat lover, who started to squirm almost instantality. 
- THAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT WanS’T WHAHAHahahahahAHAHAT I meAN! LOHOHOHOHohohohohohohohohohohoHOHOHOHO! - His laughter were totally filled with high pitched squeals and screams almost as adorable as his personality.
- Oh, but after your attack I believe that is my right to seek revenge. - His whispered words tickled the shell of the other’s ear, who immediately attempted to hide the ticklish spot in his shoulder, receiving a raspberry in the vulnerable side of his neck. - How kind of you to show that delicate point of yours so I can tickles, tickles, tickles, Patton. Very considerate of you.
- NahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahaha!!! - He stopped to struggle, just lightly squirming and letting himself to be carried away on this moment of playfulness and affection from the other, the teasing painting a strong blush on his cheeks and small droplets started to accumulate in the corner of his eyes. Virgil snorted.
- Don’t think that I forgot you, Virgil. - Logan only glanced the one on hoodie, but that alone was already enough to release cold shivers down his spine, smile starting to rise in his face. Even when the logic side came back to give attention on the victim on his claws his Fight or Flight instincts didn’t stopped to kick in.
Something velvety wrapped around his waist.
- NO! Wait!!! - Virgil tried to dislodge the vine that involved him, turning around on time to see other in light colors happily coming towards him. - I didn’t even did nothing! Let me g-
- Precisely, dear Virgil. You have allowed me to be attacked without lifting a single finger, and I believe that  judicially, this can be termed ‘complicity’. - The soft vines began to curl up around all his body, vibrating as they purred. Virgil closed his eyes and pursed his lips tightly, putting effort for any giggle came out of his mouth. Logan’s expression softened a little. - Do not worry, the pastel ones are responsible for light tickles. - When one found its way to that sweet spot beneath his shoulder blades and camped there the barrier broke, a flow of giggles, snorts, and low yelps flyed from his mouth. Virgil’s legs failed in keep him up and for that reason he ended up being carried, having the sensation that he floated in pure light, soft and unbearable tickles. The smile on his face wasn’t huge, but seemed able to light all the space with its cuteness.
And, for Logan, it was in this exact moment, when the carefree laughter walked and danced through all the room that he spent hours and hours imaginating, that everything started…
… to get really interesting.
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awkward-marinette · 5 years
Unprofessional “Desperada” Recap
It’s been a day after “Desperada” aired and I decided to do a rewatch of this episode. I’ve watched it 3 times already and I’ve changed opinions about many scenes that initially made me mad so that’s why I’m doing a recap. Be prepared because it’s going to be a long one. It’s going to contain unprofessional, sometimes blurry screenshots, Luka praise and grammar mistakes but... let’s get to it. 
- Lukanette in this episode was kinda ruined by how Marinette considered Luka her second chance choice. I know it's related to snake miraculous but still... My boi deserves better. Hell, MARINETTE deserves better than being written like that and those are main reasons why I was so pissed after watching "Desperada" for the first time
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- girls (Alya, Alix and Mylene) are noticing Lukanette only now? I thought it was obvious that the chemistry is there - but also, I agree with their opinions with my whole heart
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And I'm also starting to see that girls are getting tired of Marinette's obsession which Adrien which is understandable. They help her all the time trying to get her with the boy of her dreams and nothing happens. Yeah, I would be pushy and annoyed as well. But it makes me worried for one of next episodes which title I can’t remember but in the description it said that Marinette’s friends will be group akumatized because of something that Marinette is going to do. 
- quality Adrigami right there - I need to double check correct episodes order (by production number) to be 100% sure but I'm convinced that this episode is before "Ikari Gozen" otherwise I don't see the reason why Kagami is so distant towards Marinette again. But I appreciate scenes with them, especially when they rebel against their overprotective, overcontrolling parents
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- about this disastrous greeting Adrien and Kagami scene - it's not easy seeing your crush laughing and being comfortable with someone else and we see it on Marinette's face. And yet again she decides to interrupt it by getting in their space. Doing and saying stupid things because of her skyrocketing nerves caused by Adrien's presence. Without thinking leaving Luka’s side to run to her crush like she did a bad thing. During my first watching, I didn't notice just how nervous she was until everyone started to look at her after Kagami's comment implying Luka is Marinette's boyfriend, waiting for her reaction. We know that for most of the time Marinette is not doing well under the pressure from other characters and this scene is no exception to that. No wonder she messed up later too, being looked at from all sides makes you super nervous. I can sympathize with that
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Also, wow, Kagami, you don’t need to cling that much to Adrien. It’s not like Marinette is gonna attack him or something. 
- "he's just a friend" - Marinette, you're definitely spending too much time around Adrien. As the blond is doing the same with his feelings towards her vs. Ladybug, she openly denies her feelings for Luka despite having them. That's why she brushed off what Alya said and will continue to do that until she realizes it herself. It’s as if those two didn’t know that you can have multiple crushes on people
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- Jagged/Anarka scene - there's some backstory here and I need to know more! I don't think it was just playing together in a band and there were some romantic feelings involved. Although I don't like the idea of Jagged being Juleka and Luka's father (that would be lame), it would definitely be an interesting plot to explore for the sake of Couffaine family story arc. Especially after seeing Anarka's steel refusal and Couffaine siblings being shocked that their mom was once working with their music idol
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- Jagged having a soft spot for Marinette is still one of the cutest things ever. Mere concept of an international music star acting as a cool uncle for ordinary artist girl is awesome. I really like that he always seems to actually listen to what she has to say and doesn't treat her as a kid who don't know anything. And asking her if she knows some talented guitarists although he probably has lots of connections in the industry just proves how big that soft spot for her is. He visibly perked up at her sight and started playing happier melody!
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- nominating Adrien for new guitarist disastrous scene - OH MY PLAGG, I don't know what to say about the scene everyone is talking about. This is definitely one big triggering scene and if I was annoyed at Marinette when she dropped Luka to greet Adrien earlier, this one made me: mad, sad, embarassed at the same time. Cringefest at its finest.
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You know what I mean? Look at everyone’s reactions: 
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Even Rose was shocked! Yeah, Rose who always seems to be in her own little world!
It made me regret that she didn't decide to give up on Adrien in "Puppeteer 2.0" (yeah, I know episodes are not in the order and it seems that "Desperada" is chronologically after that). I mean, girl, even being under the pressure is not gonna save you this time in my eyes. You had the right to be super nervous around your crush and babbling incoherently when you didn’t expect to see him but trying to impress him by recommending him for skills you know he doesn’t have? Your feelings for that boy are not healthy for you and you need to see that. If Adrien visibly has doubts and says he's more of a pianist AND JAGGED STONE HIMSELF IS QUESTIONING THAT CHOICE AND POINTS AT LUKA, it should give you a signal that you're not in your right senses. I really want live to the day that in one episode she finally realises that and will start to move on. I bet it will improve her character and relationships with everyone around her. And I can't believe that writers decided to include that scene - there were probably few different ways that this scene could go without making Marinette a fool blinded by her love.
And man, I was feeling so sad for Luka there. Being overlooked like that just because the girl he likes nominated a guy she loves when it's clear that he's not suited for the job must be hard to accept. And how does he manage to make me like him more every time he shows up? He handled that situation with levels of maturity he should teach main charactes about.
- Desperada - it was this rare kind of episodes when we didn't get akumatised character's backstory first, that's why sometimes I thought this episode had quicker pacing than usual. We got more information from the villain herself this time and it was a nice change of routine. Also, Desperada was so cool! Her design is absolutely fantastic (one of the best in the show imo), her powers were deadly, she had amazing voice and she was competent enough to create such a threat that it forced Ladybug and Chat Noir to reach for miraculous that could mess with time. And it wasn't obvious she could be this dangerous at first glance! The only thing I didn’t like about her is why she was akumatized - REALLY, JAGGED?! Come on, dude! 
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I would totally cosplay that if I wasn’t a complete disaster with instruments.
Her trumpets made funny noises when she shot from them, it cracked me up a little. And I need that guitar axe for... reasons...
- yo, Kagami proving she's worthy of dragon miraculous! She charged at Desperada without hesitation although she just met Anarka! 
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- Rose went through a surprising change in last two seasons - I never expected to see her do things like shielding someone from the villain. On second thought, she was protecting her dear Juleka so it shouldn’t be that surprising. But it is, at least for me. 
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- Marinette realised she wasn't in her right mind after all - well, better late than never, right? What Tikki said about her having a troubled heart - I want to believe it's something that will make her rethinking few things and will be a spark that will eventually ignite character development. I hate seeing her like this when she proved many times she’s better than that
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- Lukadrien - you know, on one hand it's good to see two male love rivals being on good terms with each other (although I wonder how long it's going to last after Adrien gets to his senses regarding liking Marinette as more than JuSt A fRiEnD), on the other it's depressing when you look at how girls are treated, all hating each other (well, except Marinette and Kagami now). Why can't we have nice things... Also, Lukadrien was strong in this one.
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- Luka proving he deserves to be a hero - it's not usual for civilians in this show to willingly put themselves in villain's path to help heroes but it's always appreciated when it happens if that civilian isn't hurt in the process. Luka managed to distract Desperada so that Ladybug could corporate a plan that helped trio to escape her.
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- Ladybug, Adrien and Luka in sewers - so she gets the message to go to Master Fu for new miraculous, meanwhile we continue with Lukadrien scenes. They find a locker room for employees and Adrien finally can separate from Luka to transform into Chat Noir. I'm surprised that Luka didn't hear door opening and closing again despite being right next to it. Or maybe... he did since I suspect he knows Ladybug’s identity so him knowing Chat’s identity would be pretty funny. 
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- snake miraculous - Master Fu said that this miraculous is really powerful (duh) and must be used by wise person who can resist a temptation to abuse its power. Kinda foreshadowing for what's going to happen later, isn't it? I've got no idea how Marinette could think Adrien was suited to be a snake. It doesn't fit him at all. There must be other miraculouses in the box that would be more fitting for him. I need to do a research.
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- Adrien gets his chance with Ladybug - well, he wasn't against the idea of her giving miraculous to Adrien despite his identity crisis (cue: “Onii-chan” and the scene where Chat Noir lands on the billboard with Adrien’s commercial on it). It's clear he didn't think about risking being discovered as Chat Noir and jumped in this train because he was blinded by the opportunity to finally get his Lady to love him as Adrien. After rewatching the episode I've changed my opinion about this moment and I think that it was somehow needed at this point in the show. It can be treated as a simulation what would happen if the reveal happened right now, when Adrien/Chat Noir is blinded by his love for Ladybug and Marinette/Ladybug is being blinded by her love for Adrien. And it does not end well.
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I can't at Plagg when he realises that Adrien is going to use new miraculous offered by Ladybug so quickly and willingly. When PLAGG drops his usual behaviour and channels his inner TIkki by saying serious, wise things, you should know that this is a huge mistake, Adrien. Just look at his face:
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And I suspect that Plagg has some history with Sass because it's not the first time he acts weird around snake kwami. Yet again, I want to know!
- Adrien is (temporary) a character with the highest amount of magic transformations - and, tbh, Aspik’s transformation wasn't very good. His suit looks weird in motion, although I understand choice with a cowl to not look similar to Chat Noir. But Aspik's final pose is so ridiculous it hurts - even Kim's wasn't at that level. 
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But maybe, it was another element that proved Adrien wasn't the right choice for snake miraculous. 
Also, him acting oblivious to what kwami is and "What am I supposed to do?!" were priceless. Very subtle acting, Adrien. A+.
- blinded by love - this is the theme of this episode. But this time it was from both sides. We got used to it coming from Marinette in most episodes and fandom has made many creative works with how it could happen from Adrien's side, and we finally could see it in cannon. Since we know how it is with Marinette when it comes to Adrien, I'm going to focus more on him and Ladybug.
  So Marinette as Ladybug makes mistake twice in this episode. This time with more serious repercussions since it concerns miraculous and success of the mission. Focusing more on giving miraculous to Adrien and his presence by her side, she isn't able to focus on defeating akuma at all. 
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She compliements him for the smallest things (like choosing his hero name), laugh at the joke that was so Chat Noir, looks at him all the time. She even went to that extreme as saying that they don't need Chat at all! BOI WASN’T HAPPY: 
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Ladybug has always been the responsible one and always puts the mission first. But here, she wasn't even caring for her own safety by checking her surroundings, something that you thought could never happen.
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As for Adrien, he knew how powerful snake miraculous is. But because he prefered to woo Ladybug instead of eliminating akuma threat first, he failed to prove he was the right guy for the job as Aspik. 
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And failed miserably. I won't go as far as saying that he deserved to end up with PSTD syndrome after failing to save her so many times but if he was smarter, he could pull himself together much sooner and fix it without hurting. He had a tool that could cut his pain and suffering of losing Ladybug short. But his determination/obsession made him overlook that simple fact. I mean, dude, it took you THREE MONTHS to realise it's not working?! And what irked me is the fact that despite all those chances he had, he was still prioritizing flirting with Ladybug instead of defeating Desperada. 
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I'm sorry but after that confession, he lost another points in my eyes. Also, it showed that he is more like his father than we gave him credit for with that unhealthy determination to achieve his goal. It's downright scary.
But one good thing emerged from this horrible montage of his failures: Ladybug’s reaction to the reveal he’s Chat Noir. In spare of few seconds she went through all package of emotions - confusion, shock, bewilderment, comprehension, anger. It was delightful. 
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After thinking about it for some time, I came to a conclusion that this plot is kind of a warning from writers. We, as a fandom, want The Reveal to happen, some of us want it now, others (like me) don't want it fastforwarded and now I see why it's not a good idea. Adrien and Marinette are at that moment that both still have an unhealthy perception of love and their feelings are more like obsession. They're both putting other one on the pedestal as a person completely rid of flaws and ability to make mistakes. They have tunnel visions and don't see anything around but the person they love. So if they knew each others’ identities now when their feelings are in such underdeveloped stages, they would fail as superheroes because those feelings would got in the way. And it's something that they can't allow since Hawkmoth is getting stronger and is plotting something big. The message is clear: don't expect The Reveal to become cannon now because it's not the right moment.
But I'm not trying to give writers enough credit - at least, this time. I want to see characters learning from events that took place in this episode. I want to see them actually realise that their concept of love is flawed and decide to be better than they are right now. I want to see Love Square finally going somewhere rather than being constantly stuck in nowhere. That's why I have high hopes for the rest of season 3 and have big expectations from season 4 (because, if Love Square developing will happen, it's now or never).
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Ok, let's continue.
- Sass - poor kwami was active for months, didn't get a snack, had a short break in the box and was summoned again very quickly (although refreshed). #letsassrest2019
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- Luka being the chosen one - ok, as funny as it sounds, there's no better summary why Luka got snake miraculous in the end. When he reentered the scene, he witnessed some serious talk between Ladybug and Adrien, the latter obviously crying, both visibly down and disstressed and, blessed his soul, said he's glad that Adrien was found because he was worried (Lukadrien fans must have gone wild at that). Adrien looked at him and made this face:
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The face of realization. Because, as he experienced, snake miraculous requires to be used wisely while keeping a cold head. Something that he couldn't do. And before him stood a guy who's really calm, collected but brave and caring (Adrien's words). Fortunately, Adrien didn't continue to pout but immediately suggested to Ladybug to give Luka a miraculous. After saying goodbye (with bittersweet Ladrien moment), Ladybug turned to confused Luka and it was his time to shine. And boiii, he shone alright! I mean, look at those majestic screenshots of his transformation:
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Sidenote: this tranformation was probably the longest one but it could give Chloe a run for her money in fabulous department.
- new trio of Paris - and we got cool trio of superheroes to deal with Desperada (who was still laying down in sniper position on Eiffel Tower, lol) who were working very well together. Main duo was back in their game and overall I'm here for Chat Noir/Viperion bro ship.
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- plan to take down Desperada - as I said earlier in the recap, Desperada didn't seem that threatening at first but she quickly showed that I was mistaken. It was no overexaggeration when Marinette said that there is no room for error with her because of variety of weapons she used. That's why they needed to plan their ambush from A to Z and that's why snake miraculous was better for this mission than, for example, rabbit miraculous. It's good that Viperion wasn't hit during those chances because they would be screwed and Hawkmoth would probably win.
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As I predicted, Viperion needed considerably less time to figure out how to get the upper hand in the fight. And although it was strange that both Ladybug and Chat Noir struggled more than usual with defeating an akuma, it was nice seeing other hero forming a plan in the meantime. 
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Now I wonder if Viperion's lyre has the function to distract opponents with its melody or it was the fact that Desperada was just sensitive for hearing music in general. Also, lyre can be used in other ways:
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- I need a confirmation that those two are officially together (and Fang is their pet)! Pleeeeaaaaaseeeee!
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- Vivica is so cute! And I love that heroes always do "pound it" next to confused victims
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Luka is so freaking tall here! And I thought that Adrien got taller this season! He looks so small compared to Viperion!
- oh yeah, with that look he gave her, it's pretty much confirmed that Luka knows Marinette is Ladybug. Otherwise it wouldn't be shown like that.
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- Kagami giving Marinette an opening for fair rivalry is something you don't see everyday. Kagami encourages her to make up her mind with all that Adrien-Luka thing - another motivation for Marinette to push her character development ahead.
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Alya chimes in saying that boys also have to decide. We know what Luka thinks but Adrien still needs more time to clarify that. And waiting for that is going to kill us all.
So that’s all, folks! TL;DR, thanks for coming to my ML Talk! Man, why am I doing these only when an episode creates a lot of fandom salt?
48 notes · View notes
romansrgn · 5 years
AN: I apologize for the wait but the new chapter is finally up after going back an fourth with what I wanted to happen in this chapter. Anyway, thank you guys for liking and sending feedback. You’re excitement means alot and it fuels me to update more so if you want faster updates please like and or review. Happy reading!
side note: let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.
taglist: @queenofthearchitect @calicina @never-sawft-princess @5dsinyourdirection@fancybarbii @aria725  @5ds-inmydirection, @lustyromantic 
“I think you're trying to kill me.” Braelin huffed at her part time trainer and full time friend “Is there a hit out on me that I don't know about?”
Dante snickered “You're lucky this isn't our normal routine. Otherwise, I would’ve wore your ass out.”
Braelin blushed deciding it was best to move the conversation to safer ground “Not everyone is willing to train with a pregnant woman, so thank you.”
Dante agreed grabbing his water bottle “Some people like to think pregnant women are fragile and don't want to take the risk.”
“And you don't think so?”
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“Yes and No. Women in general are amazing. Their bodies are capable of carrying life and everything that entails. As  gentle and protected as women should be handled, they're god's greatest creations. They can handle more than what any man can.”
Braelin looked impressed “Well, I can't speak for all women but I definitely appreciate a man that doesn't take a woman for granted.”
“Spoken like a woman whose been taken for granted.”
“Unfortunately, I'm quite familiar with it. But I've learned to put what I want someone else to give me into myself. “
“I'm glad you're motivated to take care of yourself but sometimes it doesn't hurt to lean on someone else.”
“I did and it hurt..alot.” She really didn't want to talk about this anymore so changed the subject again  “My body is changing. There's some things I won't be able to do but right now I can go the distance so don't take it easy on me because you don't  think I can handle it.”
Dante pulled his shirt off “My issue isn't that I don't think you can’t handle it. My issue is that you don't know when to quit.”
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“I’ll quit when I’m good and ready. I’m not ready.” Braelin placed the boxing glove on her left hand and handed him the other one to assist her.
Dante’s dark eyes swept over her “Always with the three B’s.” Braelin raised a brow obviously confused. “Brains, brawns and beauty.” he said placing her glove on her small hand.
Her only response was tapping her gloves together “Square up.”
“I’m not fighting you?”
Braelin dropped her arms “Why not?”
“Because, I don't fight--”
“If you finish that sentence I’m really going to kick your ass. I just need you as a sparring partner. I haven't boxed in a while and I could use some practice.”
“That's because you said you hated boxing, remember?” he said putting the gloves on his hands nonetheless “That’s why I stopped adding it to our sessions..”
Braelin shrugged “Well, since I can't beat bitches up in the ring anymore this will have to do.”
Dante chuckled “So you’re making me the bitch you want to beat up for fun?”
Braelin threw her head back and laughed  “You know what I meant. Are we going to do this or not?”
Sighing dramatically he squared up with her “Alright, B. Let’s throw hands.”
She grinned and for the next hour they  did nothing but spar.
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Fan Axxess
“You didn't have to come here with me.”
“I know I didn't. But it's rare that I get to see you outside of  the element I'm used to seeing you in.”
“Which is?”
“Our training sessions and inside the ring. I wanna know who Braelin is when she's not in battle or preparing for one.”
Braelin raised a brow “You know who I am. We've been friends for years “
Dante stepped a tad bit closer to the little lady “You know what I meant.”
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Braelin tilted her head to the side “Yes, but who said I wanted you to see that other side of me?”
Dante shrugged “No one. But then again you haven't turned me away yet either.”
Despite herself she smiled at that “No, I haven't. Outside of my sister and Naomi no one else knows I'm pregnant. And if I were being honest it feels good to have someone around me that isn't family. I feel like I can relax.”
Dante popped a piece of popcorn in his mouth “I'm more than happy be your escape. Where is your family by the way?”
“The twins and Naomi have a signing at 2:30. Everybody else is sight seeing since I have interviews for the rest of the day and a signing after this.”
Dante nodded “Well, in that case.” he threw a piece of popcorn in the air and grinned when Braelin caught it with her mouth. “You know that was my piece, right?”
The sound of Braelin’s giggle never seemed to get old to him which is why he always made it his business to put a smile on her pretty face despite whatever’s going on with her.
During nights when she felt like letting out her frustrations at the gym he never let her go at it alone and all the way to their random phone conversations at 2 am when she couldn't sleep after traveling all night. Whatever it was he was there and like hell if he wouldn't do it all again.
Dante looked around the Wrestlemania Fan axxess. Seeing the fans so excited about seeing their favorite superstars while cosplaying them was unreal. It sorta reminded him of the insanity at San Diego Comic Con.
Braelin angled her just a little to stare at him “Stop acting like a first timer.”
Dante smiled wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her into his side “Technically your popping my Wrestlemania Axxess cherry. You should be happy I chose you to do this with.”
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Braelin giggled  “I promise it won't hurt. Just squeeze my hand and let me know if it's too much.”
Dante nodded dramatically “Just be gentle.”
They both laughed.
“Seriously, I'm feeling so much better with you here.”
Dante kissed the top of her head “Well then, I need to start being around a lot more.”
“Really? I mean I'm not asking you to travel the world with me but it would be nice to see you more.”
She didn't know what she was asking of him but Braelin knew she just needed someone familiar around. Someone she can talk to that didn't  judge her and scowl her like she was a kid.
“I don't say things I don't mean. If you need me then consider me already there.”
“Braelin, this is probably the worst timing ever giving your situation” he looked down at her stomach which she smiled at “But, I really want to kiss you and I have for a really long ass time.”
Braelin blinked in almost disbelief  “You want to kiss me?”
“Why do you sound so surprised?”
“I don’t know. I just thought you had other girls you liked. Not that I think you like me, like that.” She held up her hands ”I’m not saying you just kiss random girls, I--”
Her rambling was cut off by a pair of full lips. Braelin kept her hands to her side and her eyes opened deciding it was best to keep whatever this is as platonic as possible. But when she made the mistake of parting her lips slightly granting his artful tongue access. It didn't take long for this friendly kiss to turn into a whole different ball game.
Damn this man can kiss.
Her small hands involuntarily grabbed fists full of his shirt, pulling him closer.
Vaguely she could here the whispers of the people that were walking past them. But It was the sound of someone clearing their throat that ultimately broke them apart.
Dante rested his forehead against Braelin’s “Damn woman.”
Braelin who was slightly panting and on the verge of expressing her own gratification stopped cold at the sight of the angry Samoan behind them.
Roman couldn't remember the last time he has ever been this pissed. He tried to recount a few moments in his life that maybe can top this but came up short. His jaw clenched and his hands flexed but he reminded himself that they were in public and there was no need to show his ass in front of mixed company despite Braelin’s willingness to do so.
Naomi told him that Braelin would be at axxess around noon even though her meet and greet didn't start until two. With her being there early he wanted to get another opportunity to talk too her. He wasn't hoping for anything, honestly, he just wanted to see her. He hated the way they left things last night. Which seems to he a recurring theme in their relationship.
When she didn't answer his calls he walked the landscape of axxess looking for her but a crowd of people taking pictures stopped him in his tracks. Roman was seconds away from turning in the opposite direction so he can remain undetected but something told him to check it out.
And there she was. Standing in the middle of a crowd of people swapping spit with his fucking trainer.
Dante brows furrowed in confusion wondering what the hell was so fascinating behind him. He turned and yup, right on cue. The ex boyfriend “Sorry, Rome. We didn’t see you there.”
Roman glacial grey eyes left Braelin’s and moved to Dante’s “I can tell. You probably didn’t notice the crowd of people you’ve managed to attract either.”
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Braelin’s eyes widen a bit in mortification. She decided that now was probably best if they went to a more private setting separating herself from the public and her embarrassment. So she attempted to walk past Roman but he stopped her in her tracks. “What are you doing?”
Roman held up a finger “I came to remind you that our autograph session has been moved up to 1:30.” After hearing that the crowd scattered probably to get in line a bit early. Once they were free from prying eyes he continued “When did this start?”
“That’s none of your business.”
Roman had to disagree “I think it is my business. Especially, since you and I--”
“Last time I checked you two were over.” Dante intervened “Which means you don’t have a say in who she talks to or otherwise.”
Roman grinned and looked down at Braelin “You want to tell him or should I?”
Braelins eyes widen.
“What happened in her past is just that? The past.”
“And what? you think you’re her future.” Roman almost laughed “Braelin doesn’t even know what the hell that is.  Love em and Leave em. Once you fuck up your done for, kid. No more second chances. No more anything. It’s a harsh world but it’s her rules.” He looked down at the small girl in front of him “Isn’t that right, baby girl.”
Braelin reached up and slapped the hell out of him causing his head to swivel to the side at the not so surprisingly hard slap. “Fuck you.”
Roman smirked his big hand rubbed his stinging jaw “We played that game already. You lost.”
Braelin inhaled sharply before leaving the two men alone.
The two men eyed each other a bit before Roman shouldered past Dante.
Game on, they both thought.
Roman grabbed his cellphone out of his pocket and without looking at it and yelled in the phone “What?”
Janelle was a little taken back by the attitude “ I guess axxess isn't going so well.”
Roman blinked at the sound of the voice “I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to yell.”
“Its ok. Is everything alright??”
Roman rubbed his furred beard “The morning didn't start off the way I wanted it but it’s all good.”
“Don't tell me you've already had a bad encounter.”
Roman looked across the lot and saw Braelin with her security “Something like that.”
“Well, I hope your gets better. You shouldn't let one bad egg ruin it for everybody else.”
She already has. 
“I'm trying to baby. But some encounters are hard to shake.”
Braelin and Roman made eye contact but it was him that turned his back to her “Whatever, it only made me realize that I need to look at the situation deeper, that's all. Things have changed a lot and I just have get use to the new set up.”
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Janelle was quiet for a bit not understanding what he mean’t “Are you sure you're ok?”
“I'm fine. So, what's up? How is the spa day with my mom and sisters.”
Janelle beamed “Its going great. I really missed your family.”
“They've missed you too.” Roman took a quick peak behind the curtain and noticed that his line started to form at his booth “Baby girl, I have to get ready to go. But I'll call you as soon as I'm done here.”
“Ok, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Janelle looked at the phone and frowned suddenly having a bad feeling.
“Are you seriously pouting right now?” Finn squinted at his partner in crime who was in quite the mood this evening.
“No, I’m not pouting. I’m hot.”
“I’ve noticed.” he winked.
Braelin rolled her eyes “Why is Wrestlemania always in Florida? I mean do we not know any other fucking states to host this. What about Wisconsin?  I hear Wisconsin is  beautiful this time of year.”
Finn wanted to laugh but he could tell she was being dead serious “You’re from New Orleans. You should be use to the heat.”
“Well, I’m not use to the heat. I actually” She kicked off her heels “Hate the heat. It does weird things to my hair and I can’t stop sweating.”
“You are perspiring more than usual.” He raised a brow “Maybe we need to take a break. Our next set of interviews isn’t for another hour and then we have another autograph signing at axxess. You still have time to get cool down and rest.”
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At this point Finn felt like he was talking to himself because Braelin managed to tie her hair in a messy bun and remove her blazer leaving herself in only a black camisole and some slacks. “You do know you have a hotel room for this, right?”
Braelin smiled tightly at him “Stop being a dick and give me a piggyback ride. My feet hurt and if I walk any further I think they might fall off.”0
Finn through his head back laughing “I dont know what’s up with you lately but I’ve never seen you act like this before.” instead of giving her a piggyback ride he picked her up bridal style
Braelin yelped in surprise.
Just as soon as Braelin was safely secured in his arms. Renee, Seth, Dean and Roman approached the duo wondering about the situation. But it was Renee who asked “What are you guys doing?”
“She’s hot and her feet hurts.” Finn shrugged.
“So you decided to sweep her off her feet?” Dean asked earning a glare from Roman.
Braelin again rolled her eyes “Dean, don’t make me kick your ass. I was actually hot and my feet really does hurt. So I’m going back to my hotel to cool down and change.”
“It doesn’t take two of you too do that.” Roman looked pointedly at Braelin.
Braelin didn't miss the attitude in his voice “It does when he has too take me to my hotel. We came here together.”
“You guys are a we now?” he asked ignoring everything else she said. He knew he was being ridiculous but he couldn’t help it.  Roman was more than a little peeved at what went down between them last night, earlier and then finding her literally in the arms of another man. It just pushed him over the edge.
“Hey, relax man. We’re all cool here. I’m just helping out a friend.” Finn said attempting to put Braelin down who was too busy having a glaring contest with Roman.
Renee nodded “Well, it obvious you two have a few things to discuss. Well just--” she pointed before leaving the ex lovers alone with Finn, Seth and Dean falling behind her.
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“What the hell is your problem?”
“My problem? First, I see you kissing my former trainer and now this shit.” Roman whispered heatedly
Braelin’s eyes ballooned “Former? You fired him. Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Damn right. His ass can stand in the unemployment for all I care.”
Braelin small hands clenched wanting nothing more than to slap his ass again but she knew it wouldn’t solve anything. She couldn’t be mad at him, not with the secret she’s literally caring/ “For whatever reason you’ve become extremely bitter with me lately and I’m not sure why that it is. You’re so hell bent on making me the bad guy.”
Roman snorted “You think I’m bitter?.”
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“Why the hell else have you being acting like spoiled ass child who had their favorite toy taken away from them. I’m not yours anymore, Roman.”
Roman took a step closer to her. His large hands cradling her face. He smiled when her eyes involuntarily closed as she melted into his touch “There are times when I know down to my bones that you were made for me. I crave you so much that I can’t even think about anything else but you. Seeing you, talking to you, holding you and making love to you. It’s always you. But then I remember how crazy we make each other. Us not being together was and is still probably the best option.”
Braelin took a step back. His hands dropping to his sides “I didn't realize I made you crazy.”
“I'm not arguing with you about this. You and I know both know that we lose touch with our emotions whenever we start circling each other. I need to remain level headed and I can't do that with you around.”
Braelin's breath hitched as if she's been punched in the stomach “Wow, you've said some hurtful things to me today but--”
Roman sighed “You know I don’t mean it that way. I sought you out these last three months because I did want to be your friend again. Before we were anything else. We were friends first. But I realize after seeing you with D and how I reacted. I can never just be your friend.”
She couldn't say she disagreed with that statement. Roman meant more to her than a casual acquaintance.  
“Well, you won't have to put up with me for too much longer. I'm taking a leave from the WWE indefinitely very soon.”
Roman frowned “Is that necessary? I thought your knee didn't require another surgery?”
“My knee is fine. I just need time. My life is changing and I need to start thinking about my future outside of wrestling.”
“It sounds like you're retiring.”
Braelin said nothing.
Roman attempted to pull her into his arms but stopped cold when she took another step backwards. “Don't do that. You I didn't mean to hurt you baby girl.”
“You know... you say that too me an awful lot.” she did the one thing that came natural to them, she walked away. “Goodbye, Roman.”
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Roman pulled out his cellphone “Hey, can you meet at my hotel room in an hour? We need to talk.”
Roman untied the knot at the nap of his neck when he heard a knock at the door “It's open.”
Keyon and Roman once again did the bro hand shake before bumping shoulders “What’s up man?”
“Have you talked to Braelin today?”
Keyon nodded “Yea, we all went to breakfast before she had to head to axxess, Why?”
“Did she say anything about retiring to you or the rest of the family?”
Keyon thought for a moment. Nothing stood out about breakfast outside of Braelin not drinking a mimosa which she was known to do in the morning when she needed to be woken up and with her schedule he thought she probably needed at least three of them “Nah. If she did you know momma would’ve been happy as fuck. We wouldn’t be able to hear the end of it.”
Roman already knowing that to be true nodded. He knew Mama C was never a fan of Braelin’s decision to pursue wrestling so she would’ve been the first person Braelin told. That was if she hadn't told Briyanna and Naomi.
“You know B likes her mimosa’s with her breakfast to wake her up. This morning she passed on it”
Roman sat down in his chair. He was suddenly reminded of last night when he offered to buy her drink and  she turned him down. “Braelin is not drinking and she’s retiring. Something’s up man.”
Keyon had his theories but he wanted to run them by his baby sister first. “Maybe it’s not as deep as we think it is. She’s getting older man and the things that she once loved before she’s probably just not into them anymore.
Roman almost flinched at the implication “Yea, you’re probably right. Thanks for coming by man.”
“No, problem. Despite what’s going on between you and my baby sister. We brothers.”
Braelin used her key to unlock her hotel room door. Suddenly feeling  emotionally drained, she collapsed against the door. She placed a hand on her slightly protruding stomach “Well. kid. I apologize in advance for all the drama today. Mommy made a mistake and now everything is all messed up. Some people have double lives but it seems like I have three. I’m whatever my  fans want me to be, I’m whatever my family wants me to be and then there’s me. Your momma. It’s going to be scary for a while because it’s just me and you but I promise everything is going to be ok. I’m going to make sure of it.”
There was a knock at the door “Who is it?”
“It’s me. I’m just checking to see if your ok.”
Braelin smiled before opening the door “I’m feeling much better now, thank you. I need to apologize too you. Roman had know business firing you because of me.”
Dante shrugged “I was going to quit anyway.” “Why?”
“Something tells me there’s going to be a conflict of interest.”
Braelin grinned up at Dante “Oh yea. I wonder what the conflict of interest might be.”
Dante pulled her small body to his, his large hand cupping her cheek “As if you don’t already know.”
“I think I need to be reminded.”
Dante who was all to happy too oblige eagerly captured her cupid bow shaped lips with his own. He absolutely loved the way she tasted. Every part of him was wondering  if the rest of her tasted just as good but he knew she was nowhere near ready for that so he planned on getting his fill with this kiss.
Braelin moaned her small hands bringing him closer to her. She knew she needed to put the breaks on this before it went further and despite what her body was telling her she wasn’t ready to go any further without regretting it later.
She pulled away licking her lips and staring into his lust filled eyes “My situation is complicated. My job requires me to be on the road all the time and on top everything else I’m pregnant with another man’s baby. I’m not expecting anything from you which is why I think we need to take a step back and slow things down because the last thing I need right now is too lose your friendship. I can’t.”
Dante frowned “You’re not going to lose me, Brae--”
“You say that now but what if someone else comes along and you realize everything you want and need is with her and not me. I can’t handle that, not again. Not from you.”
Dante wiped away the single tear that fell from her green eyes “What is this about?”
“No, it’s definitely something. Is this about Roman?”
“He’s the father of my baby.”
Dante's eyebrows practically lifted off of his forehead  “If he’s the father of your baby then that means you two--”
Braelin hung her head in almost shame “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. It was a one time thing that didn’t mean anything, I swear.”
Dante tried his best not to pass judgement because he had a front row seat at how difficult the break up between them were. Not only has he been the trainer for them both for the past three years he was also a friend.
Braelin bit down on her bottom lip as she watched as he tried tpo process what she just told him “Please, say something.”
“I understand if this is too much. It’s too much for me too. But I hope we can still be--”
Dante placed his large hands on either side of her face once again “I’m not judging you. It just took a me a while to process everything. But I’m ready and despite you telling me this I know you’re not. But I just want you to know that I’m here and that’s where I’ll stay.” he searched her eyes for a second “He doesn't know does he?”
Braelin shook her head “It’ll mess everything up. It’s best if he doesn’t know.”
Dante didn’t totally agree with that. In fact there was a part of him that knew if Braelin did tell Roman that she was pregnant he was sure that Roman would drop everything especially his wife to play house with Braelin and their kid despite the life long promise he made to Janelle and selfishly that was the last thing he wanted.
“I know I should tell him and eventually I will but I can't be the distraction and the reason he loses everything.”
“A distraction?”
“It doesn't matter. Everything is better the way that it is. So I need you to promise me that this stays between us.”
“I promise. In the meantime you have to promise me that you'll come to me if you need anything. Unless, Rom--”
“Roman is no longer an option. I'm ready to move on I just need to do it when I'm not so overwhelmed.”
Dante nodded “Well, I'm going to let you get ready. Call me after your done with your interviews/.”
Braelin nodded and kissed him on the cheek “Thank you. For everything.”
“You don't have to thank me. Take care of yourself. That's all the thanks I need.”
Naomi scrolled down her twitter timeline and her eyes widen. There it was plastered all over TMZ's twitter page: Pro Wrestler Braelin Williams is now dating Actor/ Boxer/Trainer Dante Munteanu. With a picture of them kissing.
Braelin placed her small hands over Naomi's eyes “Guess who?”
When Naomi didn't respond Braelin removed her hands and frowned when Naomi went back to looking at her phone “What's got you so fascinated?”
Naomi held up her phone “Please tell me this is bullshit?”
Braelin cursed “They must have gotten this picture from one of the fans.”
“So it's real?”
“Yea, it's real.” Braelin rolled her eyes when Naomi stared at her dumbfounded  “Don't look at me like that. It just happened.”
“You've been having a lot of those ‘it just happened’ moments lately. Roman is going to flip the fuck out “
“He already knows. He caught us kissing and basically fired Dante and told me I make him crazy.”
Naomi wasn't surprised Roman and his cousins all had the same temper. They react first and think later. “Good, thing it was just a kiss and nothing else. You have way too much going on to add more drama too it.”
Braelin bit her lip “I don't know what's going on between Dante and I. We're taking it slow.”
“Slow as in not at all, right?”
“Brae.” Naomi yelled.
“I don't know.” Braelin yelled back  “I’m feeling so much right and I don’t have a handle on any of it. Roman and I will never be what we use to be and that makes me sad. I'm tired of being sad, Nao.”
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Naomi nodded “I didn't mean to yell. I just want you to be ok.”
“I'm carrying his child and he will never know. I will never be ok. Not completely. But I need live with this and I need to move on. I owe myself that much.”
Roman and The Usos  joined the girls in what appeared to be in high spirits.
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Naomi was the who of course called them out on it “Why are y'all in such a good mood?”
“Its Wrestlemania weekend. Why aren't we in a good mood.” Jimmy said kissing Naomi on the lips.
Naomi rolled her eyes “Nice try. What's really going on?”
Jey shrugged “We just got some good news. That's all.”
“Ok, what was the good news.” Braelim asked causing all three men to look at her.
Roman cleared his throat deciding it was best to just put it all out there “Janelle and I have decided to start a family after Mania.”
Braelin merely stared at Roman not knowing what else to say “Wow, um. Congratulations.”
Naomi held her head down. That was all she could do without blowing the entire lid off this damn thing.. She could literally see her baby cousin struggling to come up with words fitting for the situation. At Least some that wouldn't break her own heart further.
“I hope everything works out for you. No one knows how much of great father you'll be more than me.”
Roman held Braelin's gaze seeing something else there but deciding not to comment on it “Thanks Brae.”
“Of course.” Braelin pulled out her cell phone and sent Dante a quick message.
Naomi looked at Braelin already knowing what the message said.
I think I’m ready.
AN: Alright, so what do you guys think? Will Dante and Braelin have a shot now that she’s attempting to move on with her life? Or do you guys think both she and Roman are making one bad decision after another?
I’ll give ya’ll a hint on the next chapter: It’s 50% Roman and Braelin in the past. Let me know whatchu think by leaving me a message under the story or in my inbox. Until next time.
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peaches-of-1 · 6 years
The College Crush ~ Chapter 1: Twisted Girl
Black!MC x E’Dawn
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Just a flash of red and brown, and E’Dawn couldn’t help but stare. His smile fell and it felt as though his world had stopped. Your hair was in twists and so was his stomach after seeing you. The other guys didn’t fail to notice their friend’s new infatuation with the girl who had just passed by.
“You think she’s cute, huh?”
He nodded and fell off the wall since he had been too occupied staring at the beautiful brown girl who had passed by to worry about his own safety. Hyojong just had to know one thing. Who were you?
[Two hours earlier...]
Hyojong woke up and stretched, turning off his phone alarm and almost forgetting he wasn’t living on campus this year. He was so used to seeing the cream colored walls, that his black painted ones surprised him. Yawning, he smacked his lips together and tasted last night’s sleep on his tongue. It tasted like spit.
“Good morning, Cheolsoo! Yeonghee, how was your sleep? Is Nari thirsty this morning?” He said cheerfully as he watered the growing sprouts on his windowsill before getting ready.
Skipping forward, Hyojong spit foamy toothpaste into the sink and wiped his face. Only as he double checked his freckled face did his roommate Hongseok came out of his room to do his morning routine.
Scratching his tummy, he said his usual greeting, “Mornin’”
“Sleep well?”
Hongseok nodded and yawned, splashing his face with cold water, “Ah, we’re meeting the guys at the brick wall outside the library today for lunch. Bring cash. Jinho says the card swipe thing got stolen over the summer.”
 “Well fuck,” He pouted. “Ok.”
The be-speckled blonde beauty opened his closet and changed his bottoms to the black slacks required by the school that sported his grade’s color. He slipped on a white tank top after flexing in the mirror a bit. High white socks and black tennis shoes. They could have been any color, but Hyojong decided to keep it simple.
He’d put on his jacket last in case something spilled on his shirt and he had no time to change. Speaking of which. Breakfast. Nothing too big as he’d get coffee with his friends soon enough. Yuto was in the kitchen, toast waiting on the counter with jam and butter surrounding the green plate.
“I made two slices for everyone. Do whatever you want with them.”
The three waited for the last one to wake up as they ate in the living room and played a few video games. None of their classes were until 11am, and it was just now 9:23. Wooseok shuffled in his pajamas and drank some juice.
“Cute.” Hongseok smiled.
They talked about their classes and what they heard about their teachers until it was time to go. They buttoned up their gold buttons that shined brightly against the black fabric
“These look like Japanese high school outfits.”
“And here I thought I had gotten rid of these awful collars when I graduated.” Yuto looked at himself in the mirror. “Why are they trying to copy the uniform style?”
Hongseok shrugged, “Don’t know. But I don’t exactly hate it. You look adorable, Wooseok.”
Hyojong smiled, “He’s always adorable.”
“Oh, be quiet. These pants are so stupid. Why aren’t they full length?” The adorable one turned his ankle to emphasize the fact that it showed off his navy blue socks instead of covering them like regular pants.
“Fashion!” Yuto said. “I like that feature. Makes me feel young.”
“I feel like I’m cosplaying.” Hongseok laughed. “Anyways. Let’s go. We’ve got classes to get to, and it’s best not to be late on the first day.”
After their first classes, the boys met up where they had the past two years after making their rather large group of friends. There were ten of them in total, Jinho, Hui, Hongseok, E’Dawn, Shinwon, Yanan, Yeo One, Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok. Hyojong went by E’Dawn because he messed up creating his first semester schedule so badly that he had classes at the crack of dawn for a whole term.
Most of the others had regular nicknames. They always met for lunch outside the library since Jinho worked at the school cafe located on the library’s first floor and got off at the time. He always brought his friends food that was fresh but would be thrown out after his shift. It was ok as long as he didn’t get caught, and his boss didn’t tell on him.
Even in this large group, they talked about the new uniforms for guys. Every grade had its own color that they had to wear. Freshmen in red, Sophomores in green, Juniors in pink, and Seniors in blue. Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok wore red while Yeo One, Shinwon, and Yanan got green. Hui, E’Dawn, and Hongseok got to wear black this year and Jinho was the only one who wore blue.
The colors were on everyone’s Student IDs. For the guys, they had two sets of pants. One were plaid and whatever color they needed to be. The others were black with a colored stripe down each side. The color also showed up on their ties they wore for their alternate uniforms.As for girls, their skirts signified their current academic level. Although girls could wear pants, there was just social pressure that made skirts more common than not.
Hyojong had decided to wear his black pants today. He met Yuto and Wooseok during their summer orientation since Hyojong was their Orientation Leader. They mentioned not wanting live on campus but not wanting to stay with their parents and E’Dawn said he had two empty rooms in his apartment. They’ve been close ever since.
The guys were taking turns walking on the red brick wall in front of the library to see who could do it the fastest without falling. Hyojong fell and landed on his ass, making the others laugh. He laughed along with them until your red skirt caught his eye. Your legs were an earthy brown, and you wore high black socks in combat boots.
Looking at the rest of your body, he saw that you had on a blazer with red accents and a white dress shirt underneath, red ribbon tied under the colar. The messenger bag you held was an army green color and covered in all sorts of buttons. Some E’Dawn recognized since he was a fan of the shows and bands.
Your hair was natural and in a plethora of twists, but you didn’t really notice him among all the other handsome men. You just saw them as a group of men you had to pass by. It didn’t occur that one of them had been captivated by your presence. Then again, while you were trying to see if you were headed towards the right building, E’Dawn was trying to get a better view of you. He sat up from his first falling position, fingers hanging off the edge of the wall.
After you passed the group, you didn’t see your newest admirer fall to the ground after losing his balance since you were already inside the building and taking everything in. So this is what the inside of a Korean library looked like, you mused.
Hyojong scrambled to his feet and followed you. He just had to make sure that what he saw was human not a goddess made from his imagination as he currently believed you were. When he got inside, he saw a red skirt go around a corner. Your twists bounced with every step and suddenly stopped as you searched for the right room. Hyojong couldn’t help but reach out and touch your shoulder.
You turned around, “Yeah?” You spoke English.
He didn’t know a lot of English. Right now, he barely remembered any Korean as you two met eyes. Yours were such a dark brown, tunnels to another world. E’Dawn had to say something.
“Hi. I’m Kim Hyojong.” He bowed. “I help with new students. Are you lost?”
Having bowed when he did, you sighed and spoke Korean, “Yes, I’m lost. I’m looking for this classroom, but I don’t see this number anywhere.”
He loved the sound of your voice. You showed him the number, and E’Dawn saw the number written in both Hangul and Romanized alphabet.
“Ah, I’m guessing you didn’t get the email. That class is now upstairs in the computer lab.” He pointed upwards. “I can take you to it if you want.”
The way you smiled made his heart skip, “Could you, please?”
Hyojong smiled back, “Sure. Follow me. What’s your name, by the way?”
“I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you.” You gave a small bow and your twists trickled down your cheeks.
“Nice to meet you.”
There was no way he was going to tell you how easy it was to find the classroom since they were mostly glass walls and had the teacher’s name on the door. E’Dawn wanted to spend more time with you wanted to learn more about this beautiful black girl with a voice like the sea.
“Where you from?”
“I’m from North America. And before you ask, I learned Korean and moved here because of K-pop. Mostly the fashion aspect.”
He smiled, “Sounds about right with all the foreigners here. What’s your major?” E’Dawn asked as he opened the stairwell door for you.
“Thanks,” You grinned. “And I’m undecided at the moment. Just trying to get my general studies out the way and try a few things out before committing to a specific field just yet.”
“You’ll find your place here rather quickly. Um, let me see that paper one more time?”
You hands him the paper, and he took a pen out of his pocket to scribble something on it. He handed it back to you, and you noticed a few extra characters along the bottom.
“Wow” You heard a voice whisper.
Both of you turned your heads to see the stairwell door closing even though it should’ve already been shut after E’Dawn and you stepped out. You guys decided to ignore whatever it was.
“It’s my KTalk. You can message me if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy your class.” He opened the glass door leading to the largest computer room.
“Thanks. Hyojong-oppa?”
He wanted to clutch his chest as he was having a heart attack from how cute you were, calling him oppa. He almost forgot you were younger than him, but the red skirt was obvious. You were just very comfortable to be around that you didn’t feel younger. Must’ve been because you were American.
You took his reaction the wrong way, “Oh, sorry, I guess we’re not close enough for me to call you that yet.”
“No, no, no, no, no, no. It’s fine. You can call me oppa if you want.”
“Oh, that’s a relief! Thank you, oppa!”
Hyojong nodded, caught his breath, and put on a charming smile, “Yes. You’re welcome. I’ll see you around. Your Korean is very good.”
“Thank you! I’ll see you around.” You bowed to him and went inside.
He nodded back at you and let go of the door. Releasing the breath he didn’t even know he was holding, E’Dawn gave you one last glance and headed downstairs to rejoin his friends. However, as he opened the door that lead to the stairs he saw several of them standing on the landing.
“Hey, guys. What were you doing?”
They all looked at each other until Yeo One spoke, “Nothing, oppa~”
The others joined in teasing him about having the freshman girl call him oppa even though they had just met. Hyojong was a blushing mess, and nothing could hide it. The librarian shushed them and pointed outside.
Once outside, Jinho was the first to tell the other five, “She called him oppa and almost took it back, but he said it was ok. Dawnie’s got a crush~”
“So, is she Korean?”
E’Dawn shook his head, “American. Not sure which area. Her name is (Y/N).” He touched his cheeks, starting to blush even more. “She’s really cute.”
This was fun. Should I write more? I should. Five chapters. I’ll write five chapters of this with this one being the first.
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
DokiDokiCon III + The Fic of Destiny
"Welcome to the annual Otaku Festival of Daten City- DokiDokiCon! This will be our third year running, and boy is it another wonderful sight to see!" The reporter chirped as she walked down the halls of the convention center, "Despite the terrible events of the previous two years, the convention is still going strong! I'm sure they feel safe because our very own Daten Celebrities have attended- maybe some people are coming just to see them in action!"
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The truth was, the Angels had been asked to attend by the convention's very own curator. Due to his terrible luck with ghost attacks every year, he bribed the Angels with free tickets and merchandise if they attended- even going as far as to offer Hollywood-tier costume artists to make their cosplays. Needless to say, Strappon couldn't refuse the offer lest he be hated forever by the resident Anime Enthusiasts. The most pressing matter, of course, was the note that had been slid into his DMs by God: "Story..." Strappon whispered to himself, "What kind of story? Romance? Suspense? God, I wish You would give us more than one word..."
"It's aight, I'm sure we'll be good knowing what we know." Blazer waved their hand dismissively. Their costume had already been made prior in anticipation of the event months in advance, so they were just there for moral support, so they say. "I really hope it's not another 'inconvenient super power' ghost..." Duster sighed. Everyone likely felt this way, considering the circumstances last time in addition to the debacle at the hotsprings. --- Just as Angels surely got their note, so did Demons. Even those who had moved to the Abbey for amnesty got the email for their glorious, murderous Supreme Absolute. "Lost Soul sighted at or near the Convention Center in the center of Daten. Those not attending will be culled. We see all. We know all. Do not disobey." Talk about creepy. 
The air around the convention was filled with excitement and merriment a s thousands of attendees piled in, with plenty more waiting in line to g et their bags and badges checked on the way in. The Angels were lead in with their VIP badges, caught up in the energy o f the convention scene- especially with their fancy costumes.
BRIT:  Strappon walked in behind Blazer and Duster, attempting not to get swa  mped by the fans of their professional-looking Zelda cosplays.  "Remember, we do have a mission to follow-up on..." He said, trying no  t to say it too loud so as to ruin the fun they were obviously about t  o have.  "Relax, Strap. We got this." Blazer said as they posed with their swor  d for a photo. There was a hairflip for emphasis.
KURP:  Luna followed up behind the group, holding a poor cramped up Sukajan w  ho was still recovering from his failed Kinjaz routines. Now he truly  misses his cybernetic body, he played himself.  Out from behind them popped in Hot Pants who was rather excitable to b  e walking around as Toon Link. He was mostly excited to make faces whi  le taking pictures if anything.  In some other nondescript area of the con, there was a Bayonetta cospl  ayer who was in obvious emotional distress, their makeup constantly be  ing cleaned off their face and reapplied by a lovely Jeanne cosplayer.   There was a small pig accompanying the pair.
COFFIN:  Dzilla followed close behind the group, stopping to take pictures. The   giant woman cosplayed the giant woman, Opal. On her shoulder was an e  xtremely excited Mary Janes.  The bean of a boy was dressed up as Sapp  hire.  Foxstole was chilling, sipping a cappuccino in her Tracer cosplay.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt arrived wearing the same damn cosplay outfit that he'd worn   the last two times because he's unoriginal, along with Wristband and  Tuxedo Jacket. TJ didn't really want to get into the whole dressing up   aspect so he wore his usual outfit. Wristband decided to go as Videl,   having her hair styled into two magenta pigtails. The three of them r  an into Blazer and their little group.  "Oh, hey guys, nice choices of cosplay!" he said to Blazer and the res  t.  Meanwhile on the other side of the convention, Bowtie was there, dress  ed as Azula from the best anime //shot.  She accompanied the Bayo and  Jeanne cosplayers in their struggle with makeup.  "Are you two good there?" she asked them.
OMEGA:  Boxer was cosplaying as Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, he was s  o excited to come to Doki Doki Con! "This is so awesome!" Boxer said a  s he was ready was the Con.  Raincoat was cosplaying as Aqua from Kingdom Hearts, she had worked ve  ry hard on the costume along with the Keyblade too. "I get to finally  try out my Aqua Costume." Raincoat said with a smile on her face as sh  e looked at Boxer.  Emperor Crown was cosplaying as Gilgamesh from Fate Series and Father  Crucifix was cosplaying as Dracula from Castlevania Series. These two  were focus to cosplay by Raincoat and Boxer. "Well, at least this cost  ume doesn't ruin my looks." Emperor Crown chuckles a little with a smi  rk on his face. "I will never until kids and their cosplaying..." Fath  er Crucifix sighs as he follows Boxer and Raincoat.
HITA:  Skipping and jumping and twirling into the entryway, Brooch managed to   somehow get over to where Mister Strappon was standing.  Regardless o  f how fun it was to dress up as the character Lana from Hyrule Warrior  s, she at least took her job seriously.  She squinted out at the crowd  s, eyes darting around to assess what all was happening.  "I just hope we don't wreck the center.  My cousin said her boyfriend  has had to fix it every year since the Con started."  She glanced arou  nd again, hoping to spy others she knew.  She spotted the blue man, Mi  ster Undershirt, and was happy when they made their way over.  Almost.    She squinted at the Tux Man and had a thought, digging into her bag  and pulling out a domino mask, top hat, and cape.  "Wear them."  She shoved them straight at Tuxedo Jacket.  "Wear them n  ow, you can't not cosplay!!  Be Tuxedo Mask!!"  She was definitely not   shoving her magical girl agenda, no.  On the other end of the Con center, a tall person was dressed as an ex  ceptional rendition of the Fierce Deity from Legend of Zelda.  Meander  ing through the halls, VF, the Fierce Deity in question, hummed in its   doubled voice in amusement at the way people were reacting to various   cosplayers.  Humans were so silly, really.
KURP:  "No, we're not good, my kid was taken for crying out loud!" Replied th  e Bayonetta cosplayer, who was actually Hairpin.  "At least my photo shoots are coming out amazing..."
OMEGA:  "I don't know why we have to wear this Brother!" Tank Top said as he w  as cosplaying as Hikaru from Ouran High School. "You just have to wear   this today, Brother." Dress Shirt said as he was cosplaying as Kaoru  from Ouran High School. "But couldn't you find any better costumes..."   Tank Top mutter as he didn't like this costume. "These were the only  twin costumes i could find. Besides, you look cute in that costume." D  ress Shirt chuckles as he looks at his Brother. "W-Whatever." Tank Top   said as he blushes a little from that.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket was taken aback by Brooches' sudden appearance as he was   quickly handed a mask and a cape. Normally he would have said no, but   with items he was handed it was better to just accept it.  "UGH! Fine!" he groaned as he put the items on.  "How do I look?" he asked.  Meanwhile, Bowtie frowned a bit at HP's response. Poor guy, he was goi  ng through a lot.  "Oh yeah, I kinda forgot about all that. At least you have the picture  s!" Bowtie said before leaning in a bit.  "Is there anyway I can make this better?" she asked HP.
KURP:  "Yeah, if you got my kid back! We still haven't gotten any leads and t  his is honestly upsetting," he said, wiping away the makeup that had j  ust been reapplied to his face. His husband had his work cut out for h  im, honestly.
BRIT:  "Thanks." Blazer said nonchalantly in reply to Undershirt, "I see you'  re using the same costume as you usually do. You're well-known for it  anyway, so there's no reason to diss your lack of originality."  "Blazer, please..." Duster muttered. He adjusted the hat to his Vaati  cosplay before being asked for another picture and meandering off. He  took Hot Pants' hand so they could pose together.  Amulet, dressed as Jeanne, handed his husband another tissue. He was g  lad they were using magic for some of the makeup, and that his costume   was made of premium red vinyl, otherwise this would be messy for both   of them.  "Honey, we'll find him. Just... Try to enjoy the convention a little."   He said.
COFFIN:  A black hearse rolled up to the entrance. Vampire Collar stepped out f  irst as Thorn. Assless Chaps soon followed as Dusk. Lastly, Jong stepp  ed out as Luna. The Hex boys had made it to DDC. They made their way t  o the group with a trail of Scooby Doo fans close behind.  Mary Janes just climes on Dzilla. Dzilla turned and waved to Foxstole.   Fox yawned,"Ciao D. Nice cosplay, never pegged you as the type."  Dzilla shrugged and tossed Mary in the air. "Do not judge by covers Fo  x. " She caught the giggling boy as she completed the sentence.  Virgin Killer nyoomed down the street on her Harley. She stepped off a  nd took off her helmet. She gave Diadem a kiss on the forehead. The tw  o had gone as Dexter and DeeDee. "You look so cuttte~!" Virgin squeale  d.
KURP:  "How can I enjoy it knowing my baby boy isn't in my arms!"  At this point Hairpin was getting somewhat hysterical, but he did try  to calm himself down, blowing his nose in the tissue hand to him.  "Fine, but. No promises," he said.  Archer gloves literally arrived a few minutes later with some starbuck  s, in full-blown Revali cosplay, catching up with Strappon's group. He   wasn't really appreciative but how could he deny Luna after being sho  wn the kid dressed as Zelda.  "Should we move around? I'm interested in seeing what this 'artist all  ey' is all about."
OSCAR:  Gloves and Sapphire followed the group, and was taken few pictures by  other cosplayers. Gloves was cosplay as Lucario and Sapphire was cospl  ay as Shalour Gym, Korrina. They don't mind getting pictures by other  cosplayers. They like it.  Meanwhile on the other side of the convention, Dress Socks and G-Strin  gs was there, getting pictures by other cosplayers as well. Dress Sock  s cosplaying as Soul from Soul eater and G-Strings was cosplaying as M  aka from soul eater. Both of them are in their human disguises and des  pite Dress Socks hate being in one since it makes him itchy, he don't  want to attract the wrong crowed. So he brought himself some lotion fo  r himself from home and apply to his skin so it won't itch that much.  Overall, they're with the other side with the demons, hellbents, and i  nquisitors.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong had a smile plastered on his face. He was clearly enjoying himsel  f and all the attention they were getting. It reminded him of his burl  esque days. He reached for Vampire Collar's hand and took hold of it.  He was hyped.  Near the entrance, there was a rather peculiar Sucy Manbavaran, who wa  s really just Pointe. What made her so peculiar was the giant glowing  blue sword strapped to her back. She somehow managed to get the sword  past security under the excuse that if you look really closely, it was   clearly lined with pixels. whatever that meant. She was taking pictur  es with other Little Witch Academia cosplayers, and handing them 20% o  ff coupons to an actual real actually legit witch shop.  Diadem smiled sheepishly at Virg's comments. "So do you. We should mee  t up with the others now." He was a bit nervous to be out and about, b  ut he had been convinced to go. He held on to Virgin's arm.
OMEGA:  "Jong! Vampire Collar! Over here you guys!" Boxer called out to them a  s he waved his arm in the air to get their attention.  Raincoat was with Boxer excited for the Con.  Father Crucifix and Emperor Crown were getting a lot of people to come   up to them and take picture of them in their costume.
KURP:  "Boxer, dear!"  A rather sultry voice came from behind him and suddenly the imposing f  igure of Asmodeus had his grubby little hands all over Boxer.  "So who are you supposed to be, huh? Some big tough guy from some post  -apocalyptic universe or something?
OMEGA:  "I am Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, it is a very classic anime  ." Boxer answered Asmodeus the Demon Lord of Lust.
RYAN:  Pauldron slowly moved through the crowd, dressed as Kaneli from Zelda,   looking very confused as he looked for his Revali. A blushing mess, h  is ease disappearing the second he posed for photos.  Thigh High was currently using him as a human shield to slowly push th  rough the people. Dressed as our Lord and saviour Sonic the Hedgehog i  n her own homemade suit, she was having the time of her life.  “For someone so nervous, you’re fitting in rather well.” She mused at  the old man.  “I used to attract crowds like this all the time when I was younger.”  He pointed out as he turned to look down at the angel.  “But it has been quite some time since I’ve been treated like this…” P  auldron confessed as he tried to black out that one time when everyone   called him a bear on Twitter.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar held Jong's hand and kissed him. He snaked his arm arou  nd Jong's waist and he smiled.  Assless Chaps moved his arm around Jong too and he smirked, walking to   the group with them. "We look absolutely wonderful."  Virgin Killer took Diadem's arm and walks with him. "Of course babes.  C'mon let loose!" She giggled. "We look bomb."
SAIYAN:  Bowtie patted the poor man in the shoulder. He was really torn up abou  t this, and rightfully so. But she smiled when he took up her offer.  "I'll help you take your mind off of it for a bit, don't worry." She c  onsoled him.  Meanwhile, Undershirt turned to Blazer with an eyeroll.  "Thanks for the backhanded compliment, totally makes me feel better" h  e said to him.  While Undershirt was talking, Wristband noticed that Asmo had made an  appearance. Without saying anything, she walked away from the group an  d wandered to his side. She silently placed a hand on his shoulder.  "Don't think about slinking away anywhere, I'm gonna be watching you l  ike a hawk. So no funny business, okay?" she asked him.
FUJOSHI:  Somewhere in the midst of the chatter, a small, chubby girl was wander  ing and weaving between all the cosplayers with hearts in her eyes. Sh  e was so mystified- everyone was so real!  "Oh, this is so much like I've dreamed! So many kawaii Anime character  s surrounding me- I could just write a fanfiction right now!" She sque  eled, "But I don't know what to do, yet! I should find some muse with  them..."  Fujoshi wandered further into the crowd to find some pretty damn profe  ssional cosplays. She stood back and sat down to watch them talking to   each other from a distance.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong gave a little wave to boxer with his free hand, then nodded with  respect to Asmodeus.  Pointe noticed the group Jong was in, and immediately gravitated over  there. She was now walking beside them. She was bodyguard Sucy Manbava  ran.  Diadem smiled and nodded, as they caught up with their squad. He point  ed at Boxer, and then made the throat cutting sign while mouthing "If  you hurt him you're a dead man."
KURP:  "I would say that's a little too old school for me, but I am partial t  o the JoJo series myself," Asmodeus admitted.  "How about we try and have a nice time today. After all, we're technic  ally still /boyfriends/."  His fun was immediately interrupted by the sudden appearance of Wristb  and. Oh bother, what does she want. He rolled his eyes as she spoke, a  lmost shooing her away.  "Listen, the worst I'll do is go fuck someone behind the con or someth  ing. This is a good opportunity for me to feed. I won't kill anyone, I   promise."  "What do you have in mind?" Hairpin asked. He would be lying if he sai  d he wasn't curious.  Archer looked around as his group began chattering among themselves, t  rying to figure out what venue to hit first when he spotted what seeme  d to be Pauldron. He waved enthusiastically, hoping to get the attenti  on of the man.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Meanwhile, just outside the Con, Ruka was on his knees, weeping over h  is ruined Doomguy cosplay with Flat Cap and Vest in their costumes wat  ching over him. "Nice going, Helmet. Ya ruined his costume with your m  eat juices. Now we gotta get him a new one." Flat Cap said to Helmet,  who was rather stupid in his ham costume.
OMEGA:  Boxer was surprise that Asmodeus like Jojo, he thought that he would l  ike Yuri on Ice or Ecchi Anime. But he was getting nervous by Asmodeus   trying to seduce him? Is that it? Well the boy had to get out of ther  e.  "Actually Asmodeus, me and Boxer were going to check out the Art and Anime Figures they have." Raincoat said as he grabs Boxer to her side.  "And i think a demon like you wouldn't be interest in that." She said  as she had found a way to save Boxer.  "Brother Pauldron! It's good to see you here!" Father Crucifix said as   he walked over to Pauldron with a smile showing his fangs.  Emperor Crown was taking more Pictures with Fans of the Fate Series.
SAIYAN:  It was Wristband's turn to roll her eyes this time, as Asmo tried to d  ownplay her concerns.  "That's exactly what I'm concerned about. That's why I'm keeping you i  n my sights for the rest of the con" Wristband said sternly.
OSCAR:  While walking around in the con, Gloves and Sapphire was enjoying gett  ing pictures by other cosplayers. Especially for Sapphire, this is her   first time for her to be in the convention and having the time of her   life. Plus, she can rollerblade around at the convention. Gloves was  also having fun, not only he's in his second favorite cosplay as Lucar  io, but getting hugs by young and old people, with permission of cours  e. While  enjoying, they spotted Archer Gloves from afar and approach  him with smile on their faces. He can't see Gloves smile since he's we  aring a mask, but he's smiling.  "Hey, Archer!" Gloves said, waving to him. "Nice cosplay you got on."  Sapphire was next to him and she's waving as well.  Meanwhile, Dress Socks and G-Strings are walking around in the crowed  of cosplayers at the sight to find the Lost Soul. Yet, nice and kind k  ids walk over to them and ask if they could have a picture with them.  They look at each other and look back at the kids with the kids. Might   as well have fun first while finding the Lost Soul. After all, it's t  heir first time being here.  While taking picture, they all made a cool pose and say the line, "Sou  l Residence!"
EMI:  Finally making his way through the line, Trenchcoat, dressed as Joker  from Persona 5, made is way through the crowds of con-goers while star  ing at his pamphlet, walking passed the giant lion-like statue that wa  s also surrounded by a crowd. There were so many damn people here and  he was starting to get irritated.  Meanwhile, Mong was enjoying his freedom from Hell, and his freedom fr  om clothes since he was cosplaying a strange orange-haired version of  Felicia from Darkstalkers. Man he loved being mostly naked.
RYAN:  Pauldron visibly cringed when he heard many onlookers praise his outfi  t, too many mentioning d*ddy under their breathe.  “You know if you went as Kass, Cheeky could have lent you his accordio  n.” Thigh High remarked as she leaned on his back, completely obscured   by the sheer size of this lad.  “I do not know where this instrument has been, so I do not wish to tou  ch it. Much less, carry it around for a whole day!” He laughed through   his teeth so he could continue to pose for photos. A hand waving in h  is peripheral caused him to turn his head. Immediately he began to try   to walk towards Archer Gloves only to blocked off by more admirers. P  auldron let out a sigh and was about to give up on his pursuit when hi  s companion came to his rescue.  Coming to stand in front of him, Thigh High raised her arms and simply   announced,  “Move, I’m gay!”  “Thigh High, that’s not exactly… helpful?” He began to whisper before  being astonished as the crowd parted before her, not unlike that one b  iblical scene.  “Never underestimate the raw power of our Lord and saviour!” Thigh Hig  h scoffed at the non-believer as she tugged him towards the man of int  erest.
HITA:  Humming the Zelda theme to herself, Brooch began to wander off, her ha  ir still moving as if sentient when people came too close.  She was al  l too happy to pose for pictures, striking poses gleefully.  Her atten  tion was snatched by an exceptional Sonic and it made her sad she didn  't have her Tails costume.  She basically nyoomed to Thigh High, clapp  ing happily at seeing the outfit.  "You make me wish I had my Tails outfit and that Visor was here as Knu  ckles!!  It'd be great!"  So excited she was, she didn't notice her ha  ir lifting like it was in a Ghibli movie.  VF finally spotted people it knew, heading to the grouping of Bowtie,  HP, and Amulet.  While it didn't much care for this sector and it foun  d the absolute to be a few plastic monkeys short of a full barrel, HP  would have made the South-West proud.  It slid a notepad out of its cl  othes, eyebrows furrowing and mouth pulling into a frown at the conver  sation that had been going on.  'Has there been any updates?  Your girl-child keeps pestering it for s  ome reason to aid in the search.'  Its fingers twitched and it wrote a   further note to the group.  'If It can assist, It will do so.'
YARANAIKA:  This was the best convention she'd ever seen!  Hearts in her eyes, Yar  anaika's expert outfitting skills had hidden was she really looked lik  e.  Yes, she still had a bit of a give away but give her a break!!  Sa  ilor Scout ensemble set, she wandered through the halls, hoping for th  e best of the best to inspire her.  If only she could find someone who loved the animes as much as she did  !  If only she could find a partner to bring the most sugoi of love st  ories to life in this place!  With this in mind, the disguised ghost became a bit lost in thought as   she prepared for the story to unfold.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar yoinked Jong away from Boxer, dipping him into a kiss.  Assless Chaps shook his head and he crossed his arms. "Annnd there the  y go."  Virgin Killer looked at Asmodeus and gave him the Chancla eyes. She ch  illed and took pictures with Diadem.  Fox sat on Dzilla's shoulder and Mary Janes gave her a high five. Mary   looked on at the crouds. "Look at allll these chickens!"
KURP:  "Now, now dear," Asmodeus said to Diadem, "I can take care of myself.  I can take rejection, at least."  No, he honestly couldn't. He was sensitive.  He smiled deviously as Raincoat spoke, wrapping an arm of his with Box  er's, "Actually, considering I hang around many enthusiasts, I acquire  d quite the taste for Japanese related animation so I'd be interested  in coming along with you two. Well, specifically Boxer."  He huffed at Wristband, once again, gesturing her to leave. "Listen, I   prefer some privacy when I'm in the act. At least respect that."  Archer quirked a brow as he was approached by Gloves and Sapphire, wav  ing a bit at them.  "Uh..Who are you?" He asked. He never seen these people in his life, a  s if he could see who was under what he assumed to be a fursuit. Furri  es do not interact.  His attention was refocused on Pauldron who was inching closer. Taking   deep breaths, he also approached Pauldron, looking up to the large ma  n. God, he just knows he's got a big dick, he just knows it.  "I see Lady Luna made a good call, huh? You look rather dapper in that   outfit."  Hairpin took the note he was handed and looked up to VF, shaking his h  ead, "No. Nobody's seen those 'Flies' anywhere since they took Armlet.   Hopefully we get new leads soon...Maybe you could speak to Sash? I kn  ow the two of you were kind of close."
SOUP KITTY:  Jong's eyes widened at suddenly being dipped, but he eventually just c  losed his eyes and let it happen.  Pointe had separated from the group and was reading through some magic  al girl mangas somewhere, clearly starry-eyed because of the chapter s  he was on.  Diadem pat Asmodeus on the back. "Still, cant hurt to have back up, ri  ght?" The boy smiled at his grandad, before adjusting his glasses, whi  ch admittedly were is /actual/ glasses and not just ones for the cospl  ay. He went back to taking pictures with Virg.
SAIYAN:  Wristband laughed a bit at Asmo trying to get out of this situation. A  s if there was any chance that she'd leave him alone for any amount of   time.  "Well that's too bad buddy, I don't want people being sucked dry and d  ying on my watch" Wristband replied.
OMEGA:  "Fine..." Raincoat sigh as she took Boxer and Asmodeus to look at Anim  e Figures and Art.  "Mother, save me." Boxer thought to himself as he thought Asmodeus wou  ld live him alone.  Emperor Crown was starting to love the Pictures.  Meanwhile the Brothers were searching for the Lost Soul. "Where could  that Lost Soul be?" Dress Shirt ask himself as he looked around with h  is Brother. Tank Top was eating some cookies that he bought but was ge  tting some crumbs on his face. Then Dress Short got a idea going over  to his Brother and licking the crumbs off his face. The plan was to lu  re out the Lost Soul with the power of Yaoi and Brotherly Love! Though   Ouran High School Fans were storming at the twins!
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar slowly tilted him back up and he pulled away with a hap  py sigh. "Glad to see I can still surprise you."  Assless stretched and yawned. "Weirdos. I'll meet you dweebs later, ch  ecking on dad boy blue bunny guy." He walked over to Asmo.  Virgin bumped Diadem's hip with her own and she took his hand. "Wanna  go to the r-section and check out a lil surprise~?"  Dzilla walked over to Asmodeus and she patted his shoulder. "Hello Asm  odeus, Wristband. I can watch him if you'd like?"   Mary Janes squeaked and hopped down, hugging the leg of the large dem  on. "Azzy!"
OSCAR:  Gloves was little surprise that he doesn't know him, but I guess it wa  s his cosplay at fault. It did cover his whole entire body after all,  including his head.  "Who am I? Oh right! This mask blocks out my head to everyone to see.  Gives me a sec..." He said. He took off his head with his paws to reve  al Gloves under cosplay Lucario to Archer Gloves.  "Sorry about that. I guess we haven't introduce to you." Gloves said.  "My name's Gloves Stone and this here on my left side is Sapphire, wea  ring her Korrina cosplay." He looks at her.  "Hello." Sapphire said. "Isn't this con wonderful?" She ask. "This is  my first time being here and there's so many people here wearing aweso  me cosplays, including yours." She smiles to Archer Gloves.
SAIYAN:  Meanwhile, Bowtie tried to think of something fun for her and HP to do  .  "Well....maybe we could go out for ice cream? Ice cream always makes m  e feel better" She said to HP.
HITA:  Frowning in deep thought, VF considered its options here.  Tilting its   head, a new note passed to the distraught man.  'It will get in touch with him and grandmother.  The Flies as you call   them sounds familiar.  Almost like something its grandmother ousted s  ome time ago.'  It frowned even harder at the thought.  Actually, it s  ounded very familiar.  What was it about that name?  'A cult It thinks  ?'  Fingers curling, it smiled almost cruelly at the thought of wiping out   a cult.  One of the many things it had yet to let go of was the urge  to purge all cults.  'It will aid you how It can.'
SOUP KITTY:  Jong was blushing, and it was noticeable as heck. He held on for dear  life to Vamp. This truly had swept him off his feet.  Diadem looked a bit confused but agreed. "What is the surprise?" he as  ked. It was almost as if he didn't know the implications of where they   were going. Still, oblivious as ever, he followed happily and innocen  tly.  Pointe had found somewhere to sit, and kept reading her magical girl m  anga. She had managed to save up all her allowance and the money she m  ade from helping around the shop, and was having tons of fun buying al  l the merch that her little heart could desire.
BRIT:  Duster pulled Hot Pants along as they had just exited the merch room w  ith more than enough Doujins, several figures, a body pillow, and too  many stuffed alpacas. Duster was carrying everything, being the talles  t.  "Hots... I think we need to bring some of this merchandise to the car.  " He said, "It's a bit much to carry."  Strappon wandered the con aimlessly, feeling terribly out of place. He   did take pictures of some cool costumes that he liked regardless of w  hether or not he was familiar with the series.
RYAN:  Giggling at Brooch’s sentient hair, Thigh High beamed at the woman bef  ore her.  “We should have called to coordinate, but your Lana looks so good!!!!”   She squealed as she did the ok hand, shaking it for emphasis.”  Pauldron gazed down at Archer Gloves and simply stated: “You dress wel  l.”  Thigh High cackled at the display in front of her before slapping Paul  dron on the back as she pointed at his tree trunk arms,  “This bad boy can fit so many feathers on his “wings”. I ‘m honestly h  ella jealous.”  “Luna has very good tastes when it comes to this sort of scenery! Much   better than Cheeky’s.” Pauldron stammered out as he began to fan hims  elf, was it hot in here or was it just him.  “It’s just you.” Thigh High smirked much to Pauldron's horror he'd act  ually said it aloud, what a fucking pleb. Then she gestured towards Cr  ucifix. Pulling him by the collar to whisper in his ear, she held up a   hand and whispered, “You’ve been so busy being gay you didn’t even no  tice that he’s right beside you!”  “Uhhhh….. Hello there Father Crucifix, long time no see!” The man righ  ted himself up immediately and turned towards the man, holding out his   hand. Pauldron, baby, please get your shit together.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar picked Jong up and he casually danced around with him i  n his arms.  Virgin plopped by her booth. She smiled and Bob slithered out of her c  leavage. Bob waves to Diadem. "This is the booth for me and Flat's com  pany."
OMEGA:  "Indeed, I see you are cosplaying too. Boxer and Raincoat made me cosp  lay, they thought that i would make a good Dracula." Father Crucifix s  aid as he smiles at his friend. "Though how are you doing?" He ask as  he looked at Pauldron.  Meanwhile Raincoat and Boxer along with Asmodeus were by the Anime Fig  ures. "I wonder if that got a Gundam Figure or Jojo Figure!" Boxer sai  d as he looked at the Figures. "Today, i will find that Aqua Figure!"  Raincoat said as she was looking at the Kingdom Hearts stuff.
SAIYAN:  Wristband turned to Dzilla and smiled a bit at her offer.  "Thanks, but I think I got this. Unless you wanted to help me, then I  have no issues with that." Wristband replied.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Ruka walked around the con in his Doomguy costume, looking at all the  stands, merch, and all the goddamn furries everywhere. What he wouldn'  t give for a flamethrower right about now. Distracted by his disgust t  owards the furries, he accidentally bumped into Strappon, falling on h  is ass. "Hey! Watch where you're going, fucker!"  Flat Cap and Vest were just looking through Dark Soul merch at one the   stands, with Vest hissing at the statues of Smough and Ornstein in ba  ck the stand.
KURP:  Seeing that Strappon went on without them, Luna and Sukajan got an ide  a. They let Strappon mosey around the convention floor before approach  ing him, Sukajan swinging Strappon to pose with them as Luna held out  a phone for a selfie-styled picture.  "Say Till Valhalla!" Luna said, trying to impersonate Mercy as best sh  e could.  "Ugh," Asmodeus groaned as Wristband began following his little group.   "It's already in my contract that I can't kill, why keep watch over m  e? Go out and enjoy this convention!"  Archer looked back at Gloves and Sapphire, squinting a bit, "Uh, it's  alright I guess. This isn't something I'm really used to."  At this point he practically stuck himself to Pauldron's side, wrappin  g his arms around Pauldron's as the man was speaking to someone else.  Boy he was getting nervous for no reason.  "Yeah, they're a cult from what little information we scrunched up. Ap  parently a group of people that deeply worship an old demon of lore, B  eelzebub. Everyone thinks Sash is him, but who knows. Any help is appr  eciated, nonetheless," Hairpin said, giving a smile to VF.  He crinkled his nose at Bowtie's silly suggestion, "Honestly, I don't  have the appetite to eat anything right now..."  Hot Pants looked at everything Duster was carrying, arching a brow. "I   mean, if you let me carry something, this wouldn't be a problem but y  eah, let's go back to the car real quick before your arms pop off."
SOUP KITTY:  Jong giggled in delight. The dancing seemed to have attracted some sta  res, but honestly he was having too much fin to care.  "Hey thats pretty cool!" Diadem said. "what do you guys do?" He was ho  nestly clueless, he probably missed the memo.  Pointe was walking around again, and bumped into Thigh High, in the no  n literal sense. "Oh hey! Aren't you friends with my sister?"
SAIYAN:  Wristband just shook her head again, her magenta pig tails swishing ba  ck and forth in front of her.  "Because, Asmo, it's my job. As an angel I gotta make sure no one gets   hurt by demons and ghost and the like" She said to him.
COFFIN:  Dzilla smiled back,"I would love to help you. I would also like to cat  ch up a little with him is all."  Was Mary Janes nibbling on Asmo's leg? Yes. Was he ready to rangle the   bullworm? Yeah.  Virgin chucked and shook her head, "Oh Dia.. We have an adult toy comp  any." Bob wiggled and stuck his sucker to Diadem's hand.  Vampire Collar placed him down after a little bit, laughing some. "I l  ove you darling.~ "
BRIT:  Strappon had probably been knocked foreward by the force of Ruka's ent  ire self, but was swept up by Sukajan. He had not only been accosted b  y a man in full armor, but was now having pictures taken of him.  "I was watching where I was headed!" He shouted to Ruka from Su's heft  y grip. He pouted at the man who was holding him. "And can I help you?  "  Duster was glad Hot Pants offered, because he was now going to carry 8  0% of the items. They were dropped on him.  "Fuck, I'm glad you offered." He said simply, "Carry your own weight."
HITA:  Giggling at the sillines of the people before her, Brooch bounced a bi  t in joy at Thigh High's compliment.  She was happy!  She had a chance   to get it made professionally but her cousin wanted to make it.  Of c  ourse, because of this, the outfit was bulletproof.  Kevlar was appare  ntly a hassle to sew into clothing but it was still there.  "My cousin made it for me!  You haven't met Sleevies yet but she wants   to meet you one day for sure!  We've all just been... looking for Mis  s Bifocals."  She shifted, hair going limp before she bounced back.  "  Anyway!"  She smiled at how silly everyone was being but kept her eye  warily on the floor.  She turned her eyes back to the people in front  of her with a grin.  "What interesitng costumes you all have!"  And with the mention of Beelzebub, it clicked.  Eyes narrowing, it cur  led its lips in annoyance.  'You speak of they that are banned from its home, then.  It thought so  .'  Nodding as it handed off the note, it tilted its head at the demon  s before it.  Eyes alighting on the way that Amulet and Bowtie seemed  to be reacting to this, it inclined its head to the trio.  'It will be   bringing this to its grandmother and the hunting will commence in glo  rious fashion.'
YARANAIKA:  Seeing a girl by herself, Yaranaika wandered over to Pointe and giggle  d at the mangas.  "Hello pretty girl!!  Mind if I sit here with you??"  Her hair seemed  to look slick in the light and almost moved on its own before she sett  led to smile kindly down at Pointe.
OMEGA:  "Boxer! I found one of Kotobukiya Bishoujo!" Raincoat said as she hold  s up one of the figures which was Female Version of the Thor from the  Marvel Universe.  "So Cool! How much is it?" Boxer ask as he looked Raincoat though keep  ing his eyes on the figure.  "Seems to be fifty dollars." Raincoat answer as she holds the figure.  "I'll buy it!" Boxer said as he buys the figure.  Soon the two started to buy some Figures and Artwork of Characters tha  t they like.
OSCAR:  Gloves smiles back to Archer Gloves and wears back his cosplay helmet.   When he does that, he turn too Sapphire and she was looking at someth  ing on her left side. Turning his head at the direction, she was looki  ng at the ice cream stand.  "Wanna get some ice cream?" He ask her. She respond to a yes and went  towards the ice cream stand.  Waving goodbye to the little ones, Dress Socks and G-Strings continue  their search for the Lost Soul.  "Okay." Dress Socks said to G-Strings. "If I where to be a Lost Soul,  where would I be?" He said.  "Probably at the merchandise?" G-Strings guess. "Most people usually g  et cool figures and T-Shirts, so why not?"  "Yeah." Dress Socks said. "Let's start." Like that they're walking tow  ards to different merchandises in the search of the Lost Soul.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem's face looked as if he had just learned all the secrets of the  universe. "Oooooh" He just nodded his head after that.  "I love you too~" Jong cooed. It was probably super apparent to anyone   who looked at them, that they were super in love. Jong kept an arm ar  ound vamp's neck, and gazed lovingly into his eyes.  "Sure!" Pointe chirped, this person seemed nice enough. "Would you lik  e to read with me?" She asked, offering up a bag filled with a bunch o  f newly bought mangas.
KURP:  Taking some of the merch off Duster, Hot Pants yanked off the more imp  ortant hauls of their little trip, the stuffed alpacas.  "I have no idea how you could see with these obviously obscuring your  vision," he commented.  Upon reading the note that he was handed, a chill went down his spine.   He wasn't even the target and he feels afraid for his life.  "T-thank you," he managed.  "It's us, Strap. You just kind of left us in the dust," Sukajan said a  s his grip loosened, straightening up the former Templer. He looked do  wn at Ruka who had his ass flat on the ground.  "Nice Doom Marine outfit there, dude."  Asmodeus rolled his eyes again.  "Fine, but please don't be in the room when I'm feeding!"
RYAN:  Thigh High sweated nervously before tugging on her collar and averting   her gaze from Pointe's.  "Haha, yeah, friends. Haha"  Pauldron looked down at her and said what we're all thinking,  "Stop laughing, it makes you sound very suspicious!" As he was feeling   way more confident with how close Archer was standing to next to him.  "I'm doing a lot better now that Cheeky is now preoccupied with this,  Leon Leonhart." Pauldron answered Crucifix's questioned.  "Uhm actually you forgot a Leon. There's three (3)." Thigh High correc  ted as she poked her head into the middle of their conversation, holdi  ng up three fingers to emphasize her point.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Thanks, i guess." Ruka said as he got back up on his feet, "That Helm  et fucker got meat juice all over it earlier but I managed to clean mo  st of it off. Afterwards, I puntkicked his ass back to the Abbey."  Flat Cap eventually got tired of staring at Dark Souls merch and left  Vest to go do his own thing, forgetting that Vest was liable to steal  everything in the booth. After some walking, he noticed VK and Diadem  and walked over them. "Oi, Virgy! I see ye got a booth set up, eh?"
KURP:  "Hell yeah I'm three (3) whole Leon!" Leon yelled from the distance. W  here the fuck did he come from.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie's smile fell from her face. She really didn't know what to say  to him right know. His child really was all that was on his mind and t  here was nothing that would be able to change that it would seem.  "Well, I'm sure that he'll turn up soon." Bowtie said, trying her best   to comfort the poor carrot.  Meanwhile back with Asmo and Wristband the two just kept on arguing.  "How about I just turn around while you do it. But if I hear screams o  f pain I will step in and put and end to it" she said sternly.
OMEGA:  "That's great to hear." Father Crucifix said as he smiles showing his  vampire fangs a little. "I wish Ball Gown was here with me. Maybe she  could of been the Bride of Dracula." He chuckles as he looks a Pauldro  n.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer started to laugh, holding her stomach. She loved him to  bits and pieces. "Yeah, so I figured why not have a lil somethin out."   She shrugged and squeaked when she heard Flatcap. "Heya sweets! Yeah!   I talked to the event management office and they were chill with it."  Vampire Collar kissed his nose and he moved his arms around Jong's hip  s. "Good.~ How're you holding up Dulce?" He rubbed the others sides.  Mary Janes heard feeding and he gasped. He then took his Hello kitty l  unchbox out of his bear. He opened it and it was filled to the brim wi  th dino chicken nuggets. "If you get hungry you can have some of these   with me!" Oh this sweet boy.  Dzilla chuckled and she shook her head.
KURP:  "Her name is /Lisa/, at least have the decency to look up the series y  ou're dressing up as, you," Archer spat, looking at Crucifix almost ac  cusingly.  He tried to hold on to Pauldron's hand, noticing that his tiny ones we  re absolutely dwarfed. Feeling his face flush, he grabbed on to it wit  h both hands. He felt like he was going to die on the spot, Lord help  him.  "So anyways. I've been interested in going to this artist alley they h  ave here. Anyone want to come with?"  "Ew, no!" Asmodeus said, "Just stay outside the room, goodness! Even I   have more decency than that..."  Sighing, he caught up with Boxer, once again wrapping his arms around  him.  "So tell me /Boxxy/, what do you want? You can ask me for anything, I  have unlimited funds for your pleasure! Just point to it and it'll be  your's."  "I hope so too," Hairpin said. It finally seemed like his crying spell   was ending, tugging on Amulet to reapply some of his makeup.  "That's kind of a justified response," Luna said to Ruka, "If you need   any proper repairs on that costume, just ask? I'm sure we got some ma  terials to spruce it up back at the house."
OSCAR:  While walking to different Booths with no sigh of the Lost Soul, Dress   Socks spotted a booth that got his interest. He walks over to it with   G-String with a curious look on her face. As they reach to the booth,   theirs an item that was calling out to him and it was cosplay Inuyash  a Tessaiga Sword. His eyes was glittered and want it so bad.  G-Strings looks at the sword, then back at Dress Socks. "Are you sure  you wanna buy it?" She ask him. "It cost $120.00 to buy it."  "Yes!" Dress Socks answer immediately. "I know that we got...'Cosplay  weapons', but this sword look so cool!" He don't want to blow their co  ver that they have demonic weapons on them. Otherwise, they'll be kick  ed out.  G-Strings sighs and looks at him. "Alright. If you demonic hearts want  s it, then go for it." She said.  With that, Dress Socks immediately bought it and strap it behind his b  ack.  Meanwhile, Gloves and Sapphire are enjoying their Ice cream and sittin  g at the bench. Gloves purchase Vanilla and Chocolate swirl and Sapphi  re purchase Resse Pieces Ice Cream.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem laughed along with her, he was glad he came.  Jong giggled a bit "I'm doing okay. A lot better than this morning." J  ong stood on his tip toes and planted a kiss on Vamp's cheek. "I had p  retty bad morning sickness." He sighed a little bit. "How about you? A  re you doing okay?" Jong smiled warmly at his fiance.
OMEGA:  "Ummmmmm" Boxer said as he started to sweat nervously as he look at As  modeus. He try to find away out of this before the things go "Sexually   Wrong". "I NEED TO US THE RESTROOM!" He shouted out nervously then ru  nning in the Bathroom.  Raincoat sigh as she wanted to have fun time with her best friend but  can't because of Asmodeus.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Nah, it's fine." Ruka began, "This shit's actual combat armor I bough  t off Ebay so a little meat juice ain't gonna do much to it."  "Fuckin' A!" Flat Cap exclaimed, pumping his fist, "Which reminds me.  I got an idea for a new dildo." He sat in a chair next to VK as he spo  ke.
RYAN:  "I'm so sorry to hear about Bifocals. Is there anything I can do to he  lp?" Thigh High quietly asked. This the third disappearance, and she w  as getting a bit worried. However, before the dread could consume her  she spotted the couple before her.  Thigh High blinked.  She was laughing at Archer's attempts to hold Pauldron's hand that her   laugh became silent and she was rolling on the floor.  "His hands to small for his got dang boyfriend." She croaked out betwe  en breaths.  Pauldron rolled his eyes and began pulling Archer with him. Mostly to  escape Thigh High, partially to ensure Archer doesn't murder someone.  "An artist alley sounds great!."
SAIYAN:  Wristband chuckled at Asmo's decency assertion.  "Oh come on, I could give you some pointers on your technique if you w  anted" she said jokingly to him.  Bowtie could only give a reassuring smile and a pat on HP's back as he   seemed to start getting ahold of himself after what seemed like and e  ternity crying.  "How about we go look around at some of the booths that are here, huh?  " She suggested to HP.
KURP:  "Who the fuck just sells the Doom Marine's armor? Dude, good luck that   you'll live by the next weekend," Sukajan said, adjusting his cosplay  's scarf. He was an avid believer that the Doom Marine actually existe  d.  "Oh shut it!"  It was clear that Asmodeus was flustered. How dare this woman just say   that, in front of his anime merch booth!  "Anyways, at least let me have fun with this Boxer kid. I want to see  how long he'll last before he actually dumps me. After all, we never d  id break up. Wouldn't you like to know how terrible he is to say no?"  "I guess we could go out and look at stuff in the merch room, yeah," H  airpin said, getting up.  It was a good call that Pauldron decided to move on as Archer was actu  ally more than ready to maim a person for his hardships. He simply poi  nted as he was dragged away. He'll get his chance some other day. Righ  t now, the focus was Pauldron.  "Maybe we could find some nice things to take home! Though, my budget'  s limited for today..."
FUJOSHI:  As the convention fun continued, the small woman pattered around to fi  nd a muse. Entering the Dealers' room, she gasped softly as she spotte  d two pristine subjects: an elusive otter and a twink with the cutest  little feet she ever did see. She whipped out her notebook and began w  riting:
As a laugh escaped the young demon's supple lips, it sounded uncharacter istically cherubic. There was something so mesmerizing about the demon, even despite the fact that Flat Cap was an Angel. It was as if something came over him at that very moment... Diadem was undeniably adorable. "You know," The Angel said suddenly, turning toward the cosplay-clad dem on as if nothing he'd said previously mattered, "You're pretty cute in t hat dumb costume." Diadem blushed violently and covered his face with a squeek. How sudden this compliment came from this dashing stranger!
SAIYAN:  "I'm not saying you can't have fun with him, just don't suck him dry u  ntil he disintegrates" Wristband replied to Asmo as she folded her arm  s and leaned against one of the booths.  Bowtie grabbed HP and started walking towards some of the booths to ch  eck out some of the stuff that they were selling.  "Well, what do you think? See anything of interest?" she asked him.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar rubbed his lower back. "I heard...I'm sorry sweetheart.  " He nuzzles him. "I'm fine dear no worries."  Virgin clapped her hands excitedly,"Ooo! I can't wait~!"  Mary realized that the adult he was clinging to indeed ment sex. He st  arted to eat his chicken nuggets, boy was stressed but fuck was Asmo g  ood transportation.  Virgin Killer blinked "uh..n..nani?"  Assless yeeted himself over to check on his sister.  Dzilla blinked and looked around. "Where is my grand child..?" She sta  rted to panic and search around.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Pfft, I'll be fine. Especially since I got this bad boy along with th  e armor." Ruka said, pulling out a shotgun that looked just like the o  ne Doom Marine uses.  Flat Cap held his mouth after he said that. "Uhhhh....okay, that was f  uckin' weird." He said, confused about what just happened. Yeah, he'd  totally fuck Diadem if he could but he was a demon so why the fuck he  did just call him cute?
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem removed his hands from his face, and blinked slowly. He looked  over at Virg, and then back at Flat Cap with a concerned look on his f  ace. "What... was that..?" He cleared his throat. He looked nervous.
OMEGA:  Emperor Crown was still taking pictures because his Pride was taking o  ver him. The Demon Brothers were still trying to lure the Lost Soul ou  t with Fan-service of Brothers "Loving each other" though Fans of Oura  n were taking pictures and some going crazy over this.  Boxer then came out of the Bathroom slowly thinking that he got that a  ll out of his system.
BRIT:  Strappon felt terrible for not recognizing Luna and Sukajan to begin w  ith and cleared his throat.  "I'm so sorry. I guess I got a little lost in my thoughts." He apologi  zed, turning toward Ruka. He looked the costume up and down, "The armo  r is pretty wild, actually."  Blazer walked out of the bathroom behind Boxer and noticed he looked n  ervous.  "Hey, man. You alright?" They asked, "You're lookin pale."
SOUP KITTY:  Jong looked over at Boxer, a little bit concerned. "Baby? I'll be righ  t back.." He walked over to boxer to see what was wrong. "Hey, are you   doing okay?" Jong was clearly very concerned.  Pointe was still reading her mangas somewhere. Hoping that somehow, th  igh highs could pick up on her thought, which went something like "I k  now you guys are in lesbians with eachother."
RYAN:  Pauldron was about to brag about covering it himself, but then he reme  mbered that he had most of his money on lockdown ever since Cheeky ema  iled that Nigerian Prince and used everyone's info. Pauldron was regre  tting leaving Thigh High behind. She may be intolerable at times but,  she does have deep pockets.  "Mine is too... However, I'm sure we can combine what we've got to get   something nice!" He looked down at Archer and smiled,  "Though I'm sure the time we spend together will be more valuable!" He   said as he squeezed his hands.  "Ha gay!" Thigh High called from her spot on the ground. Pauldron's sh  oulders fell as he sighed. It was beginning to become very clear to Pa  uldron that Thigh High got her personality from his other partner and  not her mother.
OMEGA:  "Asmodeus is acting weird. Our Relationship was fake and stuff but he  still acting like he is my boyfriend." Boxer said to Blazer and Jong a  s he looks at them. "I want to have fun today and be a nerd..." Boxer  said as he look down feeling that this day was sour.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Vest was casually trying to sneak out a duffle bag full of Dark Souls,   Monster Hunter, World of Warcraft, and The Witch merch. Pay no attent  ion to this man.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong chuckled a bit and pat boxer on the back. "Maybe it was a little  more real than you thought?" Jong smiled.
YARANAIKA:  Having been reading mangas with Pointe, Yaranaika's eyes locked onto t  he pair that had become, clearly, an OTP.  Squealing in delight, hands   clapping together, the ghost thanks the Shipping Gods for their decis  ion to answer her prayers to give some juicy ship fun.  "This is exciting!  That was cute, cute, cute!"
KURP:  "Are you sure you should be encouraging that? I mean, that kid is an a  ngel." This simply confused Asmodeus. Is she going to watch over him o  r not, make up your mind.  It took him a bit to realize that he had a child in tow. He looked ove  r to where Mary was and blinked.  "Oh, well. Guess he's going to have questions later on."  Luna's face paled, taking the gun real quick as she painted a bright o  range tip on it.  "Sorry if you don't want this confiscated, it's gonna need that orange   tip."  Sukajan patted Strappon, "Don't sweat it, I'm guessing this is your fi  rst proper con experience?"  Hairpin tapped his chin as he looked around the dealer's room.  "It'd be nice if I could find something for Piggles," he said, "I know   Amulet wanted to buy her a new sweater but I doubt people are selling   anything small enough for her."  Archer could feel the heat on his face at the suggestion, "We could! I  'm sure we have enough for something that's of high quality. Or maybe  we could buy some nice stationary, that's always nice."  He was close to fainting as Pauldron went on if it weren't for his mig  hty need to rip his namesakes off to summon his bow.  "Yeah and what of it!" He called back to Thigh High.
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi giggled wildly as she heard the interaction between the two an  d decided to turn it up a notch.
The squeel Diadem made was the cutest thing Flat Cap had ever heard! And look at that blush- he thought to himself- it only makes his boyish fac e look even cuter! He seemed to flustered. "Mr. Flat Cap, please. I'm a gentleman!" Diadem managed to sputter, batt ing his lashes in a flirtatious manner. His voice was soft and British a s usual. "If you intend to court me, do it correctly." "Correctly, huh? Then how about-" Flat Cap moved closer to Diadem and sw ept him backward in a dip! "A kiss?" A wind blew and Sakura petals scented the air sweetly as their moment wa s held for what seemed like ages in time, but was actually a few moments .
OMEGA:  "If it was real then i would be a Demon and i don't want to be a Demon  ." Boxer said as he look down. "I don't want to end up like my Father.  " He said as he was starting to feel more sour as he talked.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar nodded, "Be careful love." He checked on his phone to s  ee what everyone else was doing, keeping an eye on the two.  Virgin Killer made a small noise and she raised a brow. "What in the d  ick suck...?" She smelled something fishy.  Assless crossed his arms and looked around. "I'm gonna check on the sp  ooks. Be back." He walked off to go check on Vampire after pecking Dia  dem's cheek.  Dzilla finds Mary on Asmodeus' leg and she sighs. He'd be okay.  The Tracer of the group made her way over to the other overwatch dweeb  s. Foxstole stretched. "Glad to see more people doing this game." She  looked at Luna.  Mary was nugget filled and embarrassed. His face was hidden in Asmo's  leg. He mumbled hello.
BRIT:  "Man, if he's making you uncomfortable, you have the authority to brea  k it off." Blazer explained, giving him a reassuring hand to the shoul  der, "You're not obligated to stay with him, 'specially if you feel li  ke he's using you. It's not healthy. Just tell him: 'I don't think we  should be together anymore.' You don't gotta explain yourself, bro."
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem snapped out of it and planted his feet on the ground making him  self stand up, the nervous look was one of fear now, as he had no idea   what had happened. He started muttering to himself, clearly terrified  . He stepped away from Flat Cap and stood behind Virg.  "What the h*ck   is happening?"  Jong gave boxer a reassuring no homo bro hug. "Just break it off then?  "  Pointe continued to be intrigued by her manga, way too invested in the   story to be paying attention to anything else.
OMEGA:  "But he knows it's all fake! We staged so he could help me get my job  back when he was Gogo!" Boxer said as he stand up and looked at Blazer  s. "Why are Demons drawn to me..." He said as he sat back down and loo  k down.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong rolled his eyes a little. "Just do it anyway. Things might seem o  ne way to you but they may not be like that to other people."
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Ruka grimaced when Luna placed the orange tip on the gun. "Come on, it  's not like im actually gonna use it. Not yet, anyways." He said as a  smirk appeared on his face.  Flat Cap blinked a few times before coming to his senses as well and l  ooked at his hands. "Okay...I'm actually starting to get a little scar  ed now. And comin' from me, that's sayin' something."
SAIYAN:  "Look, do you want to smash or not?" Wristband said with a glare at As  mo.  Meanwhile Bowtie looked at HP with a raised eyebrow.  "Who the heck is Piggles?" she asked him
COFFIN:  Mary Janes straight up faints. Wasted.  Virgin Killer scoops up Diadem and she chancla glares at Flatcap. "Lip  s off my twink mr."  Assless Chaps and Vampire Collar were watching things, well mostly Vam  pire. Assless was patrolling around him.  Dzilla was trying to get S.U merch for her boy.
BRIT:  "This is Lady Piggles, you uncultured fop." Came Amulet's voice as he  strolled in with a stroller. It contained one (1) tiny piglet in a beh  emoth costume, "And you will address her as such."  "Buddy, just dump the fuck." Blazer pushed a bit, "He seduced Cowlneck  , too, remember? Cowl hasn't spoken a positive word to Asmodeus since  then. Usually he's a catty bitch, but he knows he was wronged, and you   do, too."  They sighed and shook their head.  "And Demons are drawn to you because you fall for it. Some of us are j  ust way too susceptible to their temptations. You wear your sins on yo  ur sleeve a bit." They explained.
FUJOSHI:  The little lady gasped as Virgin Killer scooped Diadem up. She had to  fix this, and quick! She sat on the floor and really let her notebook  have it:
"Hey, Virgin! What's going on?" Diadem asked the tall, scantilly clad la dy with rage in his eyes, "This absolute stud is trying to give me the b est romance of my life!" "I can't keep this going, I know you two are terrible for each other! Wh at about me? I thought we were a thing!" Virgin Killed wept, holding Dia dem crushingly close to her. She seemed so angry about this- the injusti ce was too much for her, but she didn't realize how she was coming betwe en such a beautiful relationship! ((Just like a dumb baka girl to come between two kawaii boys having a re lationship, said Fujoshi as she wrote feverishly)) Flat Cap acted immediately and swept Diadem out of Virgin Killer's obvio usly weak grip. "Don't worry, Di. I'll keep you safe." He said, holding the boy close. D iadem looked like he was going to cry!
OMEGA:  "Alright, Jong and Blazer. Thank you." Boxer said as he hugs the two g  iving them the most strongest hug ever.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Flat Cap shook his head and noticed Diadem in his arms once again. He  quickly pushed away, though not hard enough as to knock him over. "OOo  ookay!!! Yeah yeah yeah something's really wrong and I dont like it! I  ....fuck, I need to use the restroom." With said, he quickly made his  way to the nearest bathroom to wash his face. "What the fuckin' hell..  .?" He muttered to himself.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer blinks and nearly summons her weapon. "Hold the mother f  ucking phone and put it on vibrate, what the fuck!?" Bob yeeted himsel  f out of her cleavage and he stuck a sucker to Diadem's face. "Okay no  w this shits definitely a good damn ghost. I can feel it in my cooch."
 Assless Chaps rushed over to his sister and he hugged Diadem. "Sweet l  orrrd..I leave forrre two minutes..arrre you okay?" Assless looked dow  n and squished Diadem's cheeks.  Vampire Collar quickly moved to Jong and took his hand. "I feel like s  omething might be up."
SOUP KITTY:  And he did start crying. Tears started streaming down his cheeks as he   was pushed away, clearly more confused now than ever. He had bumped r  ight into to Virgin. "I'm so sorry I don't know what's happening a-and  .." he couldn't finish his words now. He was too confused. He came out   here to have a good time and he was honestly feeling so attacked righ  t now. This boy was sensitive beyond belief. Rest in peace Diadem.  Jong wiggled out of the hug "Dude careful, I have buns in the oven." h  e then looked at vamp "Hmm?"
KURP:  Luna looked at Ruka with an exasperated expression. She didn't even wa  nt to know. She instead turned around to see Foxstole, smiling as the  other angel approached her.  "Hey, that's a pretty nice Tracer cosplay you got going on!"  "I do!" Asmodeus began, "But I'm concerned over the fact that you're m  aking an exception, is all. Unless the kid is truly that bad..."  Upon seeing the piglet, Hairpin began to make small kissy noises at it   as he grabbed the piglet and held it in his arms.  "And she's the fairest Lady in the convention. Aren't you?"
SAIYAN:  Bowtie's eyes lit up as she saw the adorable little piglet in a stroll  er. She never really had felt like the way she did when seeing a cute  cat or dog when she saw a pig before but her she was fawning over one.  "Awww! Isn't she adorable?! I didn't know you guys had a pig! How long   have you had her?" she asked, completely ignoring Amulet's orders to  call her by a certain title.  Wristband laughed at Asmo's comment.  "You don't know the half of it" she replied.
OMEGA:  "Oh Sorry, I just like hugging people." Boxer said with a smile as he  feeling better.  Raincoat was watching the Weird Fanfic happening.
COFFIN:  Dzilla  Usain Bolted over to Asmodeus and she scooped up Mary Janes. "  Um what exactly happened and why is he out cold??"  Vampire Collar looked down at Boxer and he cleared his throat a tad. "  I feel like something's going on. I have no clue what but if this is l  ike last year I suggest we keep our guards up." Dadpire has arrived.  Virgin and Assless hug Diadem and they start to purr, trying to calm h  im. "It's okay sweetie." They said in unison.
KURP:  Asmodeus got closer to Wristband, "Do tell. I wasn't really paying att  ention to him under aliases. Had to play the part of some catty actor  and all."  He was caught off guard by Dzilla's entrance and shrugged.  "Guess the kiddie heard things he wasn't supposed to because I didn't  even know he was around until it was too late."
BRIT:  Blazer very well dangled in Boxer's grip, adjusting the sword on their   back to avoid hurting the boy holding him.  "Yer welcome." They said through a smooshed face.  Amulet crossed his arms and rolled his eyes as Bowtie fawned over his  little piglet.
KURP:  "We've had her for a few years now. I'm sure we've had her for at leas  t three years," Hairpin said, "Amulet gifted her to me but truth is, h  e fell smitten with her first."
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Wanting to explore the con some more and maybe get some merch, if Vest   hasn't stolen already, Ruka walked off and took off the orange tip fr  om the shotgun cause fuck Luna. He eventually ran into Tank Top and Dr  ess Shirt doing some gay shit in front of a bunch of fangirls. "What t  he flying fuck are you sons of bitches doing?" He asked as he approach  ed the brothers.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie was surprised to hear how old the pig was. She thought it was s  till a baby, but it turned out that she was actually much older than t  hat.  "Wow, I didn't think she was that old. I thought she was still a littl  e piglet." She replied to HP.  Meanwhile, Wristband rubbed her temples, thinking of Boxer and his ant  ics that he's pulled in the past.  "Jeez, where do I begin? The dude's been a hassle from day one. He eve  n managed to punch a Seraph in the face. That was pretty amusing to wa  tch. So no one would object to something bad happening to him. It woul  d be karma for sure." Wristband explained.
COFFIN:  Dzilla nodded,"Yeah makes sense." She took him off to go get the print  s signed. Was he limp on her shoulder? Yeah.
YARANAIKA:  It took some time but Yaranaika stood, waving happily at Pointe after  returning her manga.  "I have to go!"  She placed her hands on the girl's face and skipped o  ff.  Unseen to her and probably to Pointe as well, a small tendril of  ghostly energy attached to Pointe's cheek and sank into the skin.  Aft  er she skipped away she began to look for others.  Eyes swirling in he  r joy, she saw her new goal.  Hot Pants and Duster may have been expecting a fun day but she could t  ell this OTP would be amazing!  It just wasn't... sugoi enough.  Yeah!  She clapped her hands together in devious glee as her pigtails almost  looked to be curling.  Skipping over, she giggled in what she deemed t  o be a cute manner but was truly just... mad.  Insane, really.  Like a   Hime laugh.  "Your cosplays are so sugoi!!  Where'd you get 'em?!"
RYAN:  Shaking herself out of her stupor, Thigh High stood up as she was call  ed out by Archer Gloves.  "You're both hella old and yet, you're acting like you're highschool c  rushes it's honestly kinda pathet-"  "Your father told me about your date with Pumps and Luna." Pauldron cu  t in, he's maybe a healer but.....  "And I'm the only reason he hasn't told anyone... Though I don't belie  ve I should be trying to protect you when you're clearly okay with air  ing other people's business."  "No papa." Thigh High dropped her accusatory pointed finger and shook  her fist at the sky. How could you father? Not even the McCree Voice R  eel was enough to shut him up, she should have known that. Hanging her   head in defeat.  "Fine, but don't expect me to part the sea of weebs for you anytime so  on!"
SOPHIE:  Ruffles was making her way down town, walking fast, faces past on the  way to a shitshow. BA DA DA DA DA DA.. DA DA DA DA. After abruptly clo  sing shop upon hearing this con had full sets of the Pokemon mangos, s  he was ready to blow hard earned money on stuff that had already been  uploaded illegally online, that she had red about 4 times prior. She s  lipped through the crowds, and for once nobody seemed to question why  she dressed like a 10 year old from a video game.  She scanned through the seating area in the front of the con and locat  ed her target. Her eyes glint red as a grin swept over her face. Money   in hand, the 23 year old raced over to Pointe. "HI SO-" She started,  jumping in place. "THE MANGAS?" She finished.
OMEGA:  "What is happening with Mr. Banjo?" Boxer ask as he looked over at Fla  tcap and Diadem who were acting weird.  All other character are busy. Maybe. I have to much characters.
SOUP KITTY:  Pointe looked at the girl who had just touched her face, and then over   at Ruffles "oh here-" she said, handing over the full sets she had pi  cked up. She smiled.  Jong was pretty much heart eye emojis for vamp right now. He loved his   Dadpire.  Diadem had calmed down a little. What a horrifying experience that was  . Truly one he'll remember for years.
KURP:  "The Seraph in question?," He inquired, "If it's Dermal, then the guy  deserves it too."  "Yeah. I'm unsure of why she retained this size, but I'm guessing she  must be a different type of micro pig," Hairpin said, setting Piggles  back down on her little stroller.  Archer huffed as he tugged on his namesakes, straightening them out, "  I'm sure yelling has the same effect to get them out of the way," he s  aid.  Hot Pants blinked as some girl suddenly approached them. He was strugg  ling to keep the alpacas within his grip, adjusting himself as he trie  d to find words.  "Uuuuh, we had them custom made by a friend," he said.
SOPHIE:  Ruffles blinked, holding out AT LEAST two hundred dollars in cash. _"W  ill this cover the fees, my fair lady?"_ She uttered, in the very most   seriously serious tone. After all, it was a convention. Shits pricey  there m'dude.
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi was stunned. These two were not as kawaii as she had first hop  ed. Giving up on this current fandom, she stood and pattered off to fi  nd another possible ship she could write about. Life was too short to  write about a sunken ship.
OMEGA:  "We are trying to lure the Lost Soul out." Dress Shirt said as he look  ed at Ruka. "This wasn't my idea but my Brothers idea. He is fucking B  i after all." Tank Top said as he looked at Ruka too. "So, what the fu  cking is going on with your friend?" He ask as he points over to Flatc  ap.
SOUP KITTY:  Pointe nodded "that should cover it." In reality, pointe had dished ou  t a lot more than that for one set. But she wasn't about to break some  one's dreams like this.
SOPHIE:  Ruffles blinked, glossing over what books were included, she was shock  ed. "Wait-are you sure? Dude this stuff goes for loooaaads more online  , especially if it's collectors edition-" She blinked, taking a seat n  ext to Pointe. She opened her purse and began shoveling out quite a lo  t of 20 dollar bills.  "Honestly just tell me when" She stated, as if the money was water and   the space she was placing the money was a glass, being filled at a re  sturaunt.
BRIT:  Duster snagged a few alpacas away from Hot Pants to keep them from fal  ling over. He turned and quirked a brow at the young woman. She had th  e chaotic air about her... Like one of the Silver Elite. It made visib  ly uncomfortable, but he had to be courteous.  "A few touchups were made by professionals, but my brother helped us m  ake them. Thank you for the... Compliment." He said, moving the cape a   little bit. He wondered if he should cheese the Vaati charm he'd lear  ned about, but he didn't want to get caught up in all this. That was m  ore a Cowlneck thing.
SOUP KITTY:  "holy shit you're good its okay" Pointe just stared wide eyed at the n  ew stack of $20s on her hand. She was mildly shook. A light shookening  .
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Ruka looked over at Flat Cap as he walked into the bathroom. "Okay fir  st off," he began, turning back to the brothers, "That fucker ain't my   friend. Second of all: How the fuck should I know? And third of all:  What kind of ghost would be attracted by this degenerate shit?" He the  n remembered the incident with Jackalube a while back, "Actually, dont   answer that."  Flat Cap, meanwhile, started washing his face.
OSCAR:  As Gloves and Sapphire was done with their delicious ice cream, they g  o on a walk through the con and look at the different booths.  Meanwhile, Dress Socks and G-Strings was getting a little tired from w  alking and rest on the brown bench. "Man," Dress Socks said. "There's  lots of people in here and it's hard to find the Lost Soul. It's like  finding a Lost Soul in a Hay Stack!" He shouted.  "I know," G-Strings said. "But we need to be patient. Sooner or later,   that Lost Soul will be found. For now, I need to rest."  Dress Socks nod and now watch other Cosplay pass by them.
COFFIN:  Dadpire held Jong close to his hip and he pecked the top of his head.  "Nothing is happening to my husband to be."  Foxstole sat near a booth on her phone, she was bored and people were  loud.  Virgin Killer sighed and she coated her baby carrot boy in kisses.  Assless Chaps sighs,"I'll get you some waterrr." He walked off and bum  ped into Ruka before losing his balance in his heels and falling on to  p of him. "Holy fuck.." He looked down at Ruka. "Oh. Grrreat."
SOPHIE:  Ruffles stopped mid-pouring cash into a minor's hands and blinked.
LAST TIME ON DCM: Doki Doki Con was underway and Angels had been so graciously invited to this year's convention, taking advantage of this as a time to relax and have fun from their busy work schedules. Demons, on the other hand, had been instructed to keep an eye out for a potential Lost Soul but they we re having poor luck in trying to draw it out...for the most part. Abbey-goers, that included both Demons and Angels, began experiencing we ird events where they acted out shitty fic scenes that were probably wri tten by some middle school kid that barely discovered yaoi. Will it be all sakura petals and fun times or turn into something more s inister? Hopefully neither.
SOPHIE:  Ruffles is queer and here.
BRIT:  Strappon had found himself someplace to be with Luna Circlet and Sukaj  an.  Blazer had recovered from the bearhug and went to seek out some of the  ir fellow cosplayers, trying to keep a lookout for odd activity that w  asn't being caused by Asmodeus.
OMEGA:  Boxer head back to re-join Raincoat to continue their convention fun.  Emperor Crown got done taking pictures and join up with Father Crucifi  x.  Tank Top and Dress Shirt stop with their "Brother Love" and started to   search for the Ghost.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Ruka dropped his shotgun as Assless bumped and feel on top of him. He  shook his head and looked up at Assless before furrowing his brow. "Ge  t the fuck of me!" He exclaimed, pushing the Hex Boy off.  Flat Cap finally emerged from the bathroom, a large cloud of smoke exi  ting the door as he opened. Motherfucker was smoking weed again.  Helmet finally arrived at the Con, waddling through the entrance in hi  s ham costume that smelled of stinky meat.
KURP:  It was clear to Hot Pants that Duster wasn't feeling like humoring a r  andom patron of the con and nudged him.  "Uh, thank you for the compliments, but we gotta go take care of a few   things right now. Our hands are kind of full, ya know?"  Near the entrace of the con, a  new face was being bombarded by enthus  iastic children, cosplayers, and cosplay enthusiasts alike. Speedo hea  rd about a potential Lost Soul from the work email but he wasn't expec  ting it to be this pact at the convention. He was actually regretting  not making a disguise for the occasion as he could barely move a foot  without being stopped for a photo or two. Oh bother.  Asmodeus spotted Boxer and approached him with open arms, ready to giv  e him a hug.  "Boxxy!" He cooed, "Sweetie. Was your stomach hurting? You certainly t  ook a bit over there. I hope everything's okay."  Luna was busying herself with making quick adjustments to Sukajan's co  splay, eventually moving on to fixing Strappon's shirt as well. Not so   much that Strappon needed it, but it was a force of habit at this poi  nt.  Sukajan looked around, sitting down for a bit in silence before jumpin  g up on his feet.  "We should probably go look for others, see how they're doing and all.   Something doesn't feel right..."
COFFIN:  Mary Janes woke up covered in Steven universe plushies and he nearly f  ainted again. He got up and climbed onto his nana. "THANK YOU THANK YO  U THANK YOU!" Mary screeched as he kissed Dzilla's cheeks.  Dzilla started to chuckle and she pecked his forehead. "Never a proble  m Mary."  Assless Chaps grunted when his ass hit the floor. He rolled his eyes a  nd he got up, dusting himself off. "Was planning on it dick munch."  Foxstole was taking a smoke break.
OWLIE:  "Um, hello guys!" Polo said, smiling and waving at some of the angels  as they approached. He was wearing his Blue Diamond costume and he loo  ked pretty proud about it.  In fact, every member of the Buttondown household was wearing Steven U  niverse-themed costumes. Monocle strutted in his Yellow Diamond costum  e, (Those boots made him feel tall and powerful) and Sneakers in a Rub  y costume followed closely, he was looking around, looking for his boy  friend.  Henley Shirt, dressed as Pink Diamond, was pulling a wagon, in the wag  on was Cardigan, cosplaying as White Diamond, Her headpiece was glowin  g like a lamp and she remained in a single pose while Henley dragged h  er along.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong scrolled through his phone for a bit before looking back up. Noth  ing seemed out of the ordinary yet but if his Dadpire was concerned th  en he would be alert.  Pointe shoved the cash into her wallet and cried internally. She could   get more anime figures now. She would like to not only thank God but  also the Goddess for this newfound fortune.  Diadem regained his composure. He definitely looked like he had been c  rying. Why was he like this. This whole thing was definitely cause for   concern though. "Hey, I'm gonna go meet up with Jong. That was way to  o weird." And with that, the twink was on his way. Blessed be his twin  k nubs, which so quickly carried him all the way to where Jong was. He   promptly let him know what had just happened.  "I'm gonna text Virg and Assless to meet us here. I dont want things t  o get too out of hand and have us all be split up."  Diadem simply nodded at this and stood next to Jong and Vamp, with his   arms crossed. Boy oh boy did he wanna go home.
OMEGA:  Boxer gulps and gives Asmodeus a gentle hug. "My stomach is fine just  need to take a number two, hehe." Boxer chuckles nervously as he looks   at Asmodeus. He would tell Asmodeus something later but not right now  .
EMI:  Mong was spending a lot of time showing off in his cute costume. It wa  s a perfect opportunity to binge, that's for sure, but the uh... Viril  ity of a lot of the men around here was questionable, at the very leas  t. Thankfully there were plenty of berzerkers around.  Why was he there again? Oh, right. Lost Soul or something. He was sure   he would find it by doing his usual duties anyway.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes boyfriend senses tingled and he steered his grandmother ove  r to the diamond authority. He hopped off of the giant woman and he hu  gged Sneakers. "Sneakie!!" Dzilla simply waved to the adults of the gr  oup.  Vampire Collar sent a text to Assless Chaps and he exhaled. He took hi  s sippy cup out of his hair and he started to chug it. He was indeed a   nervous drinker. "I sent Assless a text he should be over soon if he  sees it."  Virgin Killer made her way over to the two Hex boys and her Dexter. "H  ey kiddies. Anyone else getting the feeling some shit might be up?"
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Try to watch where you're fucking going next time, leech." Ruka said  as he got up and grabbed the shotgun before walking off. After passing   some booths, he noticed a man in an admittedly really good shark man  cosplay and approached him after a group of people were done taking ph  otos of him. "Gotta say, man. You're killing it with that shark man ge  tup."  Helmet wandered through the con like an idiot, amazed by all the booth  s and merch before noticing Strappon with Luna and Sukajan. "Brother S  trappon, Ser Sukajan, Madam Luna!" He exclaimed, waddling towards the  trio. "What doth thou all thinketh of my cosplay?"
OWLIE:  "This is fucking pointless," Circlet said in distaste as she looked do  wn at her costume, she was cosplaying as Allura from Voltron. She and  Pocket Watch (dressed as HIM from the Power Puff Girls) are walking ar  ound, looking for their comrades.  "Nonsense, Circe" Pocket Watch chuckled as he stopped and took some se  lfies with some cosplayers. He turned to her and grinned, let's just h  ave some fun while doing our job, okay?"  "Mary!" Sneakers said as he ran to catch the bean in a tight embrace.  "Wow... You look pretty"  "/Hello Starlight/~" Cardigan said, still remaining in character, blin  king at Mary Janes and gave him an eerie smile.
KURP:  "Do you want me to give you a few kisses to make you feel better anywa  ys?" Asmodeus asked, once again embracing Boxer, playing with his hair  .  "By the way, my offer still stands. Ever want anything from here, I ca  n get it for you."  "There are some right now," Luna said, pointing over to Polo's little  group. "Hi guys!" She called out, waving to them, "Your outfits are al  l nice, glad you could make it."
SOPHIE:  Ruffles was sitting next to Pointe, after making the young girl consid  erably more wealthy.  She had a gameboy in her hands and it was clear  she had some business to finish. Flipping open the lid on the device,  you could hear very distinct bells followed by what sounded like highl  y bit-compressed trumpets. It was then it became clear that the girl w  as trying to catch the legendary in her game, but not with a master ba  ll. No.  Her eyes had bags under them from the pure repetition she had to endur  e to try and catch a legendary whale in a simple pokeball. She'd spent   hours resetting her game and trying again and again. Her friends sugg  ested she just use a masterball, but no, it wasn't that simple. The ma  sterball was ugly. Who'd use that. Not Ruffles.
COFFIN:  "Trrry to be less of a chode next time." Assless spat before checking  his phone. He looked at his texts and he made his way to complete the  Hexes.  Mary's face paint covered his blush but he was certainly warming up. "  Y-y-you look pretty t-too." He smiled at Cardigan and he waved. "Hiya  White!"
OMEGA:  "You!" Emperor Crown said as he walks over to Henley Shirt. He looked  at him and started to chuckle. "It looks a i don't have to do anything   because you're ridiculous costume has done it for me!" Emperor Crown  laugh as he was being a asshole.  "Polo and Mono good to see you here. Also, great costumes." Father Cru  cifix said as he approach to them with a smile.  "Ummm not at the moment. I just want to have a fun day and be a Nerd."   Boxer said with a nervous smile as he looks at Asmodeus.  Raincoat was looking at the Art of Aqua from Kingdom Hearts.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Vest soon came back to the Con after shoving the bag of stolen merch i  n his truck and was now in his Sly Cooper cosplay rather than the Hann  ibal Lecter one Flat Cap forced on him. He looked around for more stuf  f to steal, he noticed PW and Circlet, more specifically PW. "Hey, Poc  ket Watch!" He called out as he approached them, "I love you Him costu  me! Oh, and your costume looks good too, Circlet."
OSCAR:  While walking at different booths, Gloves and Sapphire was looking at  different materials from the stands. Most of them contain some shirts  of different cartoon shows they've watch and some of them was differen  t anime that they never watch. While looking, Sapphire got a glimpse o  f an item that she look at and it was a Poké Ball. She forgot that her   cosplay doesn't contain a Poké Ball and plans on buying it. Luckily,  it was only five dollars to pay for a ball and she pays for it for her  self.  Gloves was with her getting a Poké Ball and he was getting few attenti  ons form other cosplayers. As such, they let them get a picture of him   and wave while saying, "Lucario!"  Meanwhile, Dress Socks and G-Strings was sitting on a brown bench sinc  e they walk for so long, but now they got up and continues to search f  or the Lost Soul again.
SOPHIE:  As Ruffles became more and more agitated by her game, one of the "mock  " pokeballs on her belt fell loose. As it hit the ground, the contents   inside popped out.
OWLIE:  "Thank you, Miss Luna," Polo said, grinning slightly. "Me and Monocle  worked hard to make the costumes, I'm glad it looks good"  "/Hello Starlight/" Cardigan said once again. Henley rolled his eyes,  but then his head turned at the direction of EC's voice. He gritted hi  s teeth. "Piss off, fucker, I'm not in the mood to talk to you, so get   out of my face or you'll get another round of ass kicking"  "No fighting" Monocle said strictly, his heels clacking against the ti  led floor as he approached the two. "Try to stay away as far from each   other, will you?  "Thank you, dear vest~" PW said, smiling widely. Circlet returned the  greeting with a simple wave.
OMEGA:  "My My My what rude little tongue you have." EC said as he was about s  ummon his weapon but was stopped by Mono with said "No Fighting". "Wha  tever, my revenge is complete thanks to your costume." He chuckles as  he looks at him. He was being like a asshole which he was.  Tank Top and Dress Shirt keep their eyes out for the Lost Soul.
SOUP KITTY:  As the pokeball opened, it wasn't a figure that popped out. Instead it   was a girl. An angry one. This particular girl looked like a very dis  gruntled Pikachu. Her eyes darted around the room. She wasn't in Kansa  s anymore. Kansas being the woods where she last remembered being. She   felt her eye twitch. /he/ was close by. Yes. ___He.___  Across the convention, a chill ran down Diadem's spine. "Pinafore is h  ere." He muttered. Now wanting to leave more than before.  Less importantly, Purity Ring had just shown up as Bombshell Wonder Wo  man. She kept getting pulled aside for pictures.  Pointe's jaw dropped at the sight of pinafore freshly out of her pokeb  all. "What the fuck" was all that she could manage to say. What the fu  ck indeed.  Jong just looked at Diadem. He blinked. "What. Isn't she like, in a ga  rbage can somewhere?"
SOPHIE:  Ruffles held Pinafore back by the collar of her shirt, slipping her fi  nger under it and hooking it around. "Hey, bad, we talked about this."   She muttered, searching through her bag. She reached in and pulled ou  t a Pikachu headband and fixed it on the girl's head. It was as if she   had a trainer's bond with her pokemon. Which was strange because this   wasn't a pokemon but instead a raging psychopath hellbent on getting  the love of her life in a Princess Lea costume in a dungeon.  But regardless, she turned to address Pointe's simple, and understanda  ble response. Still holding Pinafore back by the collar of her shirt,  Ruffles simply replied "She uh. Well, she broke into my house a while  back and I hucked this ball at her and it worked so. Yeah. Frankly I'm   rolling with the insanity."
BRIT:  Duster nodded at Hots' suggestion and made a break for the door with q  uick feet. No thanks, no fangirl today. After unloading their merch in  to his car, they made their way back into the con at a different entra  nce.  "I don't want to encounter her again." He said to Hot Pants, after bei  ng pulled aside by a few people for pictures. "I'd rather not deal wit  h the rabid types."  Blazer stared Asmodeus down for a good couple of seconds before approa  ching the group and giving Asmo a rough pat to the back.  "Listen, sugar daddy. Back off a bit. He's clearly crawlin in his skin  ." They said.
SOUP KITTY:  Pinafore made a pouty face. To a stranger, this would seem very very c  ute. She looked at Ruffles "Its not like i can be more than five feet  away from you anyway." She sighed, and opened her locket. It was a pic  ture of Diadem, her true love. Sure she had other loves, but, Diadem?  He was her first. Her first love that is. She started giggling quietly  , which quite frankly, was a bit unsettling the more it went on. And i  t went on for a /while./
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer heard Pinafore and she gripped the sweater in her bag. "  I don't know how Pg a beheading is but she's gonna need more than pare  ntal guidance after I'm done." She fumed.
 Assless Chaps licked his sisters cheek,"Calm down. We should be fine.  She's on bitch watch. We have biggerrr fish to frrrry."  Mary Janes was hugging his boy, showing him all the toys Dzilla had go  t him.  Foxstole stretched and walked over to Pinafore, "You good?" The Tracer   cosplayed rose a brow.
KURP:  Luna sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. Not only was a familiar  face, that she didn't like, there but now the despot of the Abbey as w  ell.  "Listen," she began, getting up and putting herself in between Henley  and Emperor Crown, "We're all here to have a good time. If you're here   to pick fights, then kindly leave this place."  Hot Pants nodded as he posed with Duster while taking pictures, "Somet  hing felt more off about that particular girl, but that could just be  me. You wanna go back and snag more merch?"  Clearly he was ready to blow out his monthly funds.  A small chuckle came out of Asmodeus as he turned around to Blazer, st  ill playing with Boxer's hair.  "What, I'm only fulfilling my role of being a good /boyfriend/. Now, i  f he doesn't want me to be that, /he/ needs to tell me, otherwise I'm  staying where I am. I want to hear it from him, only then I'll stop."
SOPHIE:  Ruffles simply pulled out a spritz bottle and sprayed the maniac. "Bad  . Stop it." She stated, holding the bottle sideways, as if it were a g  un in an edgy Hollywood movie. Even though holding guns sideways is ve  ry inefficient, and the same could be said about a spritz bottle, as g  ravity is not on your side.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Helmet slipped a banana peel and mcfucking fell on his back. He tried  to get up but his ham costume made his arms and legs like little nubs  so all he could do was roll around in a circle.  "So, is there any specific you guys are looking for here? I can go get   it if you want." Vest said, as his fake raccoon tail somehow waged wi  th excitement. Listen, this con had lots of stuff he could steal but h  e just didn't know to what to get next after that big haul earlier.  Flat Cap scared a guy in a Courage the Cowardly Dog costume with a big   green spooky mask, just like in the show.
KURP:  "Huh?"  Said shark man turned around to Ruka, trying to process the person tha  t was speaking to him and then looked at himself. He quirked a brow in   confusion.  "Uuuh, thanks I guess? This isn't really a getup. This is how I look,"   he said simply, "Your costume is nice too?"  Sukajan sighed as discourse almost immediately started up before he lo  oked over to the source of a foul smell. Of course, it was Helmet, cov  ered in rotting meat. He saw the man roll around and honestly? He wasn  't really going to help.
OMEGA:  "Fine, besides a Emperor doesn't need to waste his time with fools." E  mperor Crown said as he looks at Henley Shirt then walks over to fans  of the Fate Series. He started to take pictures with them.  Boxer went quiet.  Raincoat is almost done shopping.
HITA:  There was a twitch as VF smelled something tasty.  Following its nose  after politely waving to its superiors, the demon wandered towards a l  arge crowd.  Okay, so the tasty smell was kind of rank but that was fi  ne.  It was hungry, damn it.  It hadn't eaten lunch yet and the though  t of hunting a cult had its stomach rumbling.  Turning its head, it lo  oked over at Helmet and licked its lips a bit.  There it was again!  Hair twisting behind her, Brooch spun in place an  d took a determined stride back to the large group she'd left.  This f  eeling of dread twisting her up had to be nefarious!  How dare this vi  llain she sensed be invisible to her justice seeking gaze?!  So focuse  d she was, she walked right by a creepily smiling Sailor Moon cosplaye  r without noticing her hair curling in disgust.
YARANAIKA:  Yaranaika's eyes twinkled merrily as she viewed those around her.  Wha  t pretty people!  Her eyes locked onto Emperor Crown.  What a big man!    He clearly needed love!  And affection!  Rubbing her hands together  in glee, she began to skip merrily to the man, a pigtail wrapping coyl  y around his leg.  "Hello!  I love your cosplay!!"
FUJOSHI:  The tiny terror found her way to a larger group of cosplayers and near  ly squealed when she saw such a dashing white demon walking around. He   was so handsome! Now, who would he be perfect with?  She scanned the group and settled her bespectacled eyes on the yellow  lady.  She was clearly in a bad mood- she should gift her with this ha  ndsome man!
Yellow Diamond was so done with this crowd! To lower herself to such a l evel and keep company with such fools- even if the beautiful Blue Diamon d was accompanying her. How she wished she could find some company worth y of her presence. The White Demon Prince had caught her eyes, his aqua hair that flowed li ke a waterfall down his back, and those large horns... He was so beautif ul- the most beautiful specimen of another species she had ever seen. The demon turned to face the lovely lemon beauty with interest, catching her eyes with his own cerulean orbs. He threw her a charming smirk to m ake her feel welcome, and it caused her to feel her face flush.
KURP:  Asmodeus snapped out of his near trance-like state, looking around his   surroundings confused. When and how did he get where he was, he remem  bered that he was next to Boxer and Blazer.  "What...Uh..."
OWLIE:  "What the hell...?" Monocle shook his head and locked eyes with Polo,  what is happening to him?  "Are you okay?" Polo asked him. Monocle shrugged, he felt like someone   just assumed his gender, and why the hell is his face red?
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Wait, for real?" Ruka asked, taking off his helmet, revealing his dem  on visage, and looked up and down at the shark man. "Oh, you must be o  ne of those siren fucks, like Minishit."
KURP:  Asmodeus squinted at the cosplay group before him. Especially those as   Diamonds.  "My, uh. The Diaminds certainly got smaller than what I remembered....  "  "Mini-who?"  Speedo tilted his head as he spoke, tapping his chin pensively.  "But yes, I'm a Siren. Berzerker-Siren, rather..."
OMEGA:  "Are you okay, Asmodeus?" Boxer ask as he looked at him a little confu  se on what happen.
OWLIE:  Monocle kept looking at the towering (understatement of the year) demo  n before him. Polo began to get concerned over his fiance.
OMEGA:  "Why thank you! Someone finally realize my beauty and grace!" EC said  with a smile filled with pride. He loved when people compliment him. "  But please continue to praise me for i am your Emperor! I come from a  Bloodline of Kings!" He said as he getting some of his sin out.
BRIT:  Duster looked down at the rolling ham in front of him with pity.  "Hots, I think we should help him." He said in a sort of detached tone  .  Blazer watched as Asmodeus vaporized in front of them. Right in front  of their salad. How rude. They blinked.  "Uh. What." They said, looking at Boxer with a perplexed expression, "  Asmo just disappeared."
OMEGA:  "How did that happen?" Boxer ask as he looked at Blazer with confusion  .
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Hmmm, you're not inbred, are you?" Ruka asked, raising an eyebrow.  "Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling WHAT?! Keep rolling, rolling,   rolling, rolling!" Helmet sang as he continued to roll.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes watched everything going on and he nibbled a nugget. "The m  itochondria is the powerhouse of the cell."
FUJOSHI:  The giggling once again ensued at their confused expressions and Fujos  hi began to write more:
"Who are you...?" Yellow Diamond asked with a demanding tone. It seemed to waver as the domineering white Prince walked up to her in long stride s. "I should ask you the same question, beautiful. Your eyes shine like dia monds, as does your glistening golden flesh." He spoke, taking her hand and kissing it gently with his plump lips. "Thanks." She spoke, covering one of her cheeks with her hand, "I am mad e of them."
KURP:  Hot Pants made a face as he looked down at Helmet, cringing as the man   sang.  "I think he's fine, babe..."  Speedo's eyes widened with shock and disgust, staring daggers into Ruk  a for such a ridiculous question.  "No," he said simply.  As soon as Asmodeus snapped out of it again, he nearly began crying.  "What the fuck!" He yelled, "Whoever's doing that better stop before I   find you!"
OWLIE:  "EXCUSE ME?" Polo said, he was clearly shooketh, he moved in front of  Monocle and stared daggers at Asmodeus, "He's mine, buddy, back off"  "Ooh, drama~" Cardigan said, finally breaking character as she took he  r phone out and hit record.
KURP:  "Oh don't flatter yourself!" Asmodeus began, "Your guy's cute but he's   too broke for my tastes."  "Asmodeus!" Luna harped, "Don't be rude!"  "What? It's true!" He said.
OSCAR:  As Gloves and Sapphire continues to walk, they spotted Helmet from afa  r and seeing him rolling on the floor wearing a ham suit. They don't k  now why he choose that cosplay but if Gloves remember correctly, this  boy love hams, like, a lot. Plus, it's a little sad to see him rolling   around over and over. So Gloves ask Sapphire to take off his Lucario  paws and walk over to him to help him up.  "Hey there Helmet." Gloves said, looking down. "Let me give you a hand  ." He reach out his right hand to him.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Okay, good. Means you're not as much of a freak as him." Ruka said th  en put the helmet back on. "So, have you had any luck finding the lost   soul at all?"  Helmet stopped rolling as Gloves approached him and offered his hand.  He reached with his nub arm and grabbed his hand. "I thank you for you  r aid, furry man!" He said as he was pulled up.
OSCAR:  Gloves was feeling a little heart stab when Helmet say 'furry man', bu  t at least he knows that this cosplay really took effect on covering h  is whole body, including his face.  "Actually..." He took off his 'Lucario Head' and reveal to Helmet. "It  's Gloves." He said. When he did that, he smell something funky in the   air. He smell around at first, but the smell was coming to Helmet cos  play. "Helmet. Are you wearing actual Ham?" He ask, looking confuse as   fuck.
BRIT:  "Beat us to it, then." Duster said, clearly not concerned. He pushed s  ome of his hair back behind his shoulder. "That's an... Interesting co  stume, Helmet."  "Listen, if I knew how he did it I wouldn't be as concerned. We gotta  find him before shit hits the fan." Blazer stated, turning to look aro  und., "You can stay here and think about why you can't break up with t  his jerk or something."  They ran off. It couldn't be that hard to find a nearly 7-foot tall wh  ite demon.
KURP:  "No," he said, shaking his head, "At least not on the outside. Though  that lion statue gives me some bad vibes..."  "Didn't know Lady Googoo was relevant again," Hots added.
FUJOSHI:  Time for more drama! Fujoshi adjusted her place in the crowd and had a   sit on the floor, giggling madly. People around her began to make sur  e to avoid her, and there was a very clear 5-foot radius around the yo  ung girl who was feverishly writing in a notebook. She would write the   perfect romance! If not for herself, then for everyone around them!
"My darling Diamond." The tall Prince spoke in his charming manner, "It' s apparent that maybe this should be a threesome? Clearly all you diamon ds would like me, the most beautiful Prince of Demons." He flipped his aqua waterfall strands in dramatic fashion and it mesmeri sed the diamonds. Yellow Diamond blushed violently. The Prince took her hand and pulled her roughly into his chest. There was a heat in the air between them! "I believe we should take this... To more private quarters, dear. Unless your friends would like to come!" Surely, this was going to be something so...
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi stopped writing and covered her face.  "What am I doing! I can't write smut!" She screamed.
OMEGA:  "Okay..." Boxer said as he look down and stay where he was. Though at  least Raincoat was with him.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "I am glad you think so, Ser Duster! I made from chunks of ham and oth  er meats at the local butcher!" Helmet said proudly.  "Well, I'll just go shoot it then if it-" Ruka began before hearing th  e scream. He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Okay.....I think I know  where the ghost is.....and I hope i'm fucking wrong. Let's go, Sharkba  it." He then cocked the shotgun and headed the source of the scream. I  s this shotgun gonna be effective against the lost soul. Probably not,   but it's fucking cool.
KURP:  Asmodeus pushed Monocle away in clear disgust. This was anything but c  onsentual and he was actually starting to cry.  "I can hear you!" He yelled, shaking his fist at the ceiling. His voic  e lowered as his frustration grew.  "And when I find whoever it is, I will tear them apart!"  Speedo nodded and began following Ruka but stopped as the nickname was   brought up. He sighed, looking almost defeated and decided to let the   other demon do as he pleased. He just didn't feel like dealing with s  omeone calling him Sharkbait, it was always impossible to get people t  o stop calling him that once it started.  He instead went in the opposite direction, getting stopped occasionall  y for photos.
OWLIE:  "W-what the fuck..." Monocle stammered, seemingly snapped back to his  senses as Asmodeus pushed him away. He hid behind Polo, flustered as f  uck. Polo, who looked murderous as he looked around the vicinity, grow  led aggresively "I'm gonna fucking kill that ghost."
OSCAR:  While Dress Socks and G-Strings was walking, like forever within the c  on, they saw people that was getting a little crowded and bumping into   each other. They try to squeeze out of there and one they did, they p  op from the other side and see that everyone's like at least 5-foot ra  dius away from the person that was sitting on the floor. But this pers  on wasn't ordinary at all, but a Lost Soul. With Grin on their faces,  they summon out their weapons and pointed at her.  "Finally..." Dress Socks said in his Human Soul Disguise. "We finally  found Lost Soul number 3."  "Let's get her!" G-Strings shouted in her Human Maka Disguise.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer strayed away from the group she was in and decided to go   look for the soul on her own. She summoned cavity and walked with it,   stopping for pictures here and there. She bumped into Speedo and she  squeaked. "Sorry! Are you okay? Pleasetellmeididntfuckupyourcosplay."  She frantically checked him.
SAIYAN:  Wristband had been watching Asmo like a hawk...until he decided to poo  f on her. She gave a bit of a groan of frustration that he managed to  lose her. She quickly ran around for a bit before she bumped into Blaz  er.  "Hey, have you seen Asmo at all? He just poofed on me and I don't want   him causing a ruckus" she said, panting a bit from the sprinting she  was doing.
HITA:  Sidling closer, VF leaned closer to the ham clad Helmet, sniffing in i  nterest.  It leaned closer to tap on the man's shoulder, holding up a  hastily scribbled note.  'Are you going to eat all that?'  VF seemed far more interested in the   man inside of the ham than should be necessary but at least it reigne  d itself it.  Even if it wasn't allowed, technically, to eat humans, i  t also refused to waste all the ham.  In the meantime it was a time for a Brooch Approach™!!!  Brooch's hair   twisted and she began to leap around just like her character would.    She had heard G-Strings yell and like Hell was she letting a demon do  this!  Landing with a sort of inhuman grace she faced off against the  demons and the... tiny... child?  "Miss, I must insist you do desist!  You can't just jam people togethe  r like that!"
YARANAIKA:  Despite the way Yaranaika was clinging to Emperor Crown with her hair,   the crowd began to back away.  What was happening?  Why was her skin  slowly turning black?  The malevolent grin on her face split open and  before their eyes she began to warp.  "I think you'd be so sugoi with a nice lover!!"  It was this moment when the girl twisted from a Senshi into what could   only be called a creepy thing.  "Te...ke...te...ke...."  She twisted her head around, tongue still fir  mly around Emperor Crown as he began to shrink.  Eyes began to grow, h  is muscle mass decreased, and he began to clearly display typical of f  eminine people in yaois.  "Te...ke!  TEKEKEKE!  KAWAII!!"
OSCAR:  Dress Socks and G-Strings was surprise to see Brooch appearance out of   the sky and land gracefully. They don't know her, but they're not let  ting her to protect the Lost Soul. "Well Miss..." G-Strings said. "Sor  ry to burst your bubble, but where here on an important mission and th  at little 'child's' coming with us."  "We don't want to hurt you, but if you going to protect her and interf  ere us..." Dress Socks said as he weird up his Sabers. "When we're goi  ng to have a little problem."  Meanwhile, Gloves was right about the costume and feel a little gross  out of the ham Cosplay. It's meant for eating, not wearing. With a sig  h, he puts on his 'Lucario Helmet and look at Helmet. "Well...at least   you like what you love." He said.  Sapphire didn't say anything, but was making a gross out expression to   Helmet.
OMEGA:  "My Face! What did you do to my beauty and grace!" Emperor Crown said  as he was now Uke-ified. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed as he  looked horrible now.
KURP:  Speedo held out his hands as if trying to asses the lady that just bum  ped into him.  "Huh? Oh no, I'm fine. Are you okay?"  He noticed that she was holding a weapon-looking object and the color  looked oddly like a Demon's. Maybe it actually was. He pointed to it.  "I'm guessing you're also looking for that Lost Soul?"
BRIT:  "Helmet. That's actually disgusting." Duster sighed.  Blazer adjusted their footing before they were ploughed over by Wristb  and and looked at her with slight aggravation before realizing who it  was.  "Yeah, he disappeared but... There's a lot of screaming coming from th  at direction." They said, pointing in the direction of the ghost. Thei  r finger drooped a little.  "Oh."
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer sighed in relief, "M-me? Yeah I'm fine no worries." She  looked over at Cavity. "This old thing? Oh yeah, it's been fucking wit  h the con goers. I take it you are too?" She tilted her pigtailed head  .  Mary Janes ran over to the girl and he say down next to her. He offere  d her a chicken nugget. "Hiya! Mr. Ruka you're gonna scare her if you  use those!"
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "I was going to, yes! But I am more than willing to share!" Helmet rep  lied to VK after reading the note then turned to Duster. "That, Ser Du  ster is not disgusting. What is disgusting.....is....uhhh......FRENCH  CHEESE!" Someone help this man.  Ruka pushed and shoved people his way through the crow of people, cuss  ing as he did so, before coming to an open area where he saw Brooch, G  -Strings, and Dress Socks. When he heard G-Strings mention a child, he   turned to face the small girl sitting on the floor. So that's the lit  tle shit they're looking for. He approached the girl and loomed over h  er, shotgun in both hands.  Flat Cap had been wandering the con for the few minutes, being stoned  and scaring some folks and eventually came across EC caught in the ton  gue of a ghost, transforming before his eyes. "Yoooooo.....Freaky shit  e right there."
OMEGA:  "What is that idiot doing?" Tank Top ask he points to Ruka who was loo  ming over a small girl. Dress Shirt turn around to look at what Ruka w  as going to do.
FUJOSHI:  Fujo jumped at the accusations by others and adjusted her glasses to l  ook up at Brooch with a small gasp.  "M-miss? I-I'm sorry!! I'm just h-having some fun!" She squeaked and g  ot up, flustered, "I-I gotta go!!"  She turned to run and immediately encountered Ruka. She was shuddering  , but she stopped and puffed out her cheeks in a pout.  "Yara-sensei!!" She screamed to the ghost at the top of her lungs, "S-  Super Henshin Transformation!"  The small form of the Lost Soul was enveloped in a bright light and th  ere was some kind of show going on- but everyone was too blinded to ac  tually see it. It was safe to assume there was a fancy Sailor Moon-esq  ue henshin.  "Now you suckers are gonna get it!" She laughed. Her form had changed  significantly to be a tall slender woman with long twintails, a pair o  f cat ears, and a Senshi outfit.
BRIT:  Duster shook his head at the inference made by Helmet and turned to th  e entrance.  "I want to look at that statue outside. It must be a new addition. Mig  ht be a nice place to hold a photoshoot." He said, nudging Hot Pants.
KURP:  Speedo nodded at Virgin Killer.  "Yeah. It was in the work email at the office. Might as well do what I  'm told considering I just got here. Don't want to lose my job."  He noticed that there was screaming and people running from just behin  d Virgin Killer and pointed in that direction.  "I'm guessing we know where to look..."  Asmodeus was getting ready to maim the Lost Soul, but was promptly sto  pped by Luna by shoving over her prop staff at him as she had summoned   her weapon.  "Take Strappon someone safe, Sukajan and I will keep the perimeter cle  ar!"  "Ugh, fine. Make sure her death is agonizing if anything," Asmodeus sa  id as he took Strappon along.  Hot Pants squinted at the scene that played out before him, squinting  at it as it went on. He looked at Duster, then back at the scene, then   back to Duster with a heavy sigh. Taking his boyfriend's hand, he tug  ged at him to follow.  "Yeah let's just go. I came here to have a nice con experience and I'm   gonna fucking have it so I don't feel like looking at the fucking gho  sts or whatever right now."
JAY:  Ribbon was running drastically late, but to be fair, it was only becau  se she had no idea how to navigate the area around the abbey that they   had taken up residence in. She was clad in a rather well-kept black d  ress suit and skirt, with brown short hair. Definitely just a disguise   and not a dumb cosplay. Especially not a dumb cosplay of a Korean mob  ile dating sim.  In any case, she had finally managed to get to the convention, coffee  in-hand, as she looked around for familiar faces around the entrance.  She couldn't remember any of the Angels she had seen around the abbey.
YARANAIKA:  "Te...ke...?"  Twisting around almost more unnaturally than the way sh  e'd shifted before, Yaranaika's eyes on the side of her head zeroed in   on the mess with her OTP bestie.  She giggled maliciously as she race  d forward.  Imagine an enraged Winston but a Teke-Teke and there's som  ething you never want to see again.  Her tongue lashed out, catching G  loves in its slimy grip.  The slobber covering the poor boy soaked int  o his fursuit and into his skin, shifting him into a grossly vile warp  ing of himself.  "Tekekekeke!!  Coming, Fujo-chan!!"  A large hand reached forward and  grasped Ruka by the leg, tossing him up and then smashing him under a  large, meaty paw.  "How kawaii you are, Fujo-chan!!"  The demon in her   grasp was facing a harsh transformation himself, incapable of fightin  g the change overcoming him.  "Tekeke!  I can't believe you all tried that!"  Picking up Ruka in her   grasp, she threw him at the pair that had confronted her friend initi  ally, allowing him to slam into the floor before Dress Socks and G-Str  ings.  There was an almost sick thud as Ruka hit the floor even as she   dropped Gloves from her tongue's grasp.  "Tekekekeke!!!"
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi's smile widened as she began to whip around the con, flying wi  th the translucent wings on her back.  "Oh, how sad! Poor little Ruka has been battered to the ground!" She w  hined, "But he will get up and he will find his next Uke sugoi boy!"  She swept down and gave Dress Socks a hard hit to the head.
OMEGA:  "The Ghost!" Father Crucifix said as he gets out his weapon. "Boxer! R  aincoat! Time to fight!" He command as Boxer and Raincoat summoned the  ir weapons. Raincoat took cover and started to shoot at Yaranaika from   a far raining bullets on her. Boxer and Father Crucifix come charging   in at the Ghost sending slashes with a mix of punches.  Dress Shirt grabbed Tank Top's arm and spin him around and around then   sending flying at the Lost Soul with his weapon out. "Time cut you up  ! Sailor Girl!" Tank Top said as he slashes at her with a wild smile o  n his face. Dress Shit summon his weapon and started to fire at her.
COFFIN:  Dzilla runs over with Mary to attack Fujoshi. Mary trips on his dress  and he tumbles over gracefully. Dzilla lands a decent hit with her axe  s.  Foxstole lazily throws her naginata and slashes her cheek. She yawns a  nd grabs her weapon as it returns to her. "Booooring."
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Motherfuck...." Ruka grumbled as he got up on his feet then growled w  hen he overheard Fujoshi. "I'm gonna Uke sugoi YOUR FUCKING FACE!" He  shouted, not noticing or caring much about his enlarged body and small  er head then grabbed the shotgun, firing it at Yaranaika as payback fo  r slamming him into the ground even though it didn't effect her before   summoning his chained blades and slashed at Fujoshi as she flew in th  e air.  Flat Cap meanwhile just unloaded his gun at Yaranaika cause he only no  w realized that the ghost wasn't just him being high as a fucking kite  .
OSCAR:  Gloves was surprise to get attack by the ghost and can feel the slim o  nto his skin from her long tongue, eww. "AH SICK!" He said. Without kn  owing, she turn him into a grossly vile and feel so weak and the boy's   upset that the ghost did this to him.  Once release with tears within his mask, he summons his namesakes, run  s over to her and give the ghost a punch at the face. "IT COST $300 DO  LLARS, YOU GHOST!" He shouted, upsettingly.  Sapphire was surprise to see Gloves taken by the ghost and made his co  stume cover in her saliva. How dare she. As she summon her namesake in  to a Glaive, she runs over to the ghost and slash her left arm.  As Dress Sock and G-Strings see Ruka flying by Yaranaika's strength an  d it was coming at them. Both of them got hit and when Dress Socks was   going to stand, Fujoshi hit his head hard. It hurt like hell, but he  was piss now. As his eyes was glowing in gold and growl angrily, he sl  ash Fujoshi with his Sabers at her guts. "DON'T MESS WITH ME!" He shou  ted.  As G-Strings gets up, she throws her Big Shuriken at Fujoshi, but it m  ade a grain on her right arm.
BRIT:  Duster was posing with Hot Pants in front of the large draconic statue  . People were going wild over their costumes, and the fact that Duster   was already a well-known model anyway.  Blazer made their way all the way to the Ghost scene and spun their sw  ord off their back- in classic RPG Hero Fashion. A few pictures were s  napped from frightened, yet intrigued, onlookers.  "Alright, Fucker-- Shit, there's a Lost Soul, too. How the fuck do we  deal with those again??" They asked, very confused suddenly.
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi screamed from the hit she took and turned to the crowd, much a  ngrier!  "That's it!" She yelled, "I'mma do the dance!"  She summoned a wand that looked definitely like a cosplay prop and beg  an doing a dance. She weaved and spun in a dance only classic RPG Fans   might have been familiar with- seemed like a ripoff, but it was enoug  h to make  any fan cry tears of blood. It was incredibly mesmerizing..  .  To the point where onlookers would be transfixed on it!
EMI:  Nightshirt was minding his own damn business despite the boring battle  s going on. He was sitting on a bench in front of a huge lion statue t  hat seemed to have gotten a lot of attention before the Ghost and Soul   attacked. He scratched his head, seemingly uneffected by all the shit   going on. He looked back at the "statue" that just flicked it's tail  and he blinked.
KURP:  Hot Pants felt a sinister presence beginning to loom by. It almost fel  t like it was his aunt and snapped his head behind him only to see the   statue's tail suddenly move. He turned around completely, getting a s  inking feeling in his stomach.
SAIYAN:  Wristband looked over at all of the screaming that was going on and qu  ickly saw the reason for the panic.  "Oh, so that's what's going on" she said before sighing.  Why couldn't they have anything cool going on that doesn't have ghosts   involved.
OMEGA:  Tank Top dropped his weapon as his eyes started to cry tears of blood.   "MY EYES!" Tank Top shouted as the dance was causing his eyes to blee  d. "I got your Brother!" Dress Shirt said as he sends a Hell of Bullet  s at the Lost Soul.
YARANAIKA:  Screeching violently, Yaranaika spun about, charging at Raincoat.  How   dare she??!!?!  She lifted a hand and slammed onto the ground   Rainc  oat launched into the air and the ghost used her to climb up and into  the rafters, letting drool drip onto the floor.  She hissed down at ev  eryone and then dropped down.  She staggered, slamming the ground with   massive fists and trying to startle the rest.
JAY:  Ribbon's directionless meandering was brought to a halt quickly when s  he heard loud screaming and other various noises from deeper in the co  nvention center. She quickly started to make her way towards all the l  oud noise.  "Geez, guys, already find the ghost?"
BRIT:  Duster heard the minute sounds of something moving behind them and his   head snapped around. His complexion would have paled further had he n  ot been wearing greyish-white makeup.  "The... Statue is moving?" He asked.
OSCAR:  As Dress Socks and G-Strings was about to attack Fujoshi, the light wa  s hitting on them by her and it's hurting their eyes. It hurt so much  that it start tearing in blood. "OWOWOWOWOW!" G-Strings shouted, painf  ully.  Dress Socks was hurting also and his tears starting to bleed also, yet  , his demonic pride won't get the best of him as he throws his right S  aber hard at her left leg.  Gloves and Sapphire was planning on their next attack at Yaranaika, bu  t both of them didn't land a hit as the Ghost slamming the ground, cau  sing the ground to shake and made them fall to the ground.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Gah, fuck!" Ruka shouted, gritting his teeth as he began to tear in b  lood but managed to shrug it off and landed another hit on Fujoshi's a  bdomen.  Flat Cap fell his ass but to managed to keep rooting, tooting, and sho  oting at Yaranaika despite his fall, turning the ghost into swiss chee  se.
KURP:  Hot Pants stared at the statue in silence as he got closer to Duster,  embracing the man's waist.  "Dude, I think it did. I just saw the tail move..."
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer noticed her fiance and she ran over,"Babe! Took ya long  enough!" She kissed her cheek. "Never a dull moment huh?"  Assless Chaps readied his Harlots and he stretched. "This should be fu  n."  Dzilla held up her screaming grandson like Simba. They were both bleed  ing.  Vampire Collar was pretty cool with it, just meant more for his sippy  cup. He's so licking Jong's face. Yummy.  Foxstole wiped her eyes and noped out to the statue.
OMEGA:  "Raincoat! Boxer!" Father Crucifix said as he wipes the blood from his   lip as he look at the Ghost. "Yes Sir!" They said as they looked at h  im. "Time to finish this!" He said as he charges at the Ghost head on  first. He was slashing the Ghost up like no tomorrow. Next was Raincoa  t who came close up to the Ghost unloading every shell on to her. Fina  lly, there was Boxer who could feel the power of the North Star callin  g to him as his ripped off and then...  "ATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA  TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA  TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA  TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA  T!!!" Boxer shouted as he hits the Ghost in every press-point then tur  n his back and started to walk. Though once he got a few distance away   he turn around and point to her recreating the most iconic moment in  anime history.  __"Omae Wa Mo Shindeiru"__
OSCAR:  As Dress Socks and G-Strings look at Fujoshi with fierce in their tear   bloody eyes, they going to corrupt this ghost once and for all. As G-  Strings took out another Big Shuriken, both of them throw their weapon   at her. Dress Socks Left Saber hit her chest and G-Strings hit her at   the forehead. "BULLS EYE!" Dress Socks and G-Strings said.
JAY:  Ribbon chuckled as Virgin came up to her and smooched her cheek, a war  m smile almost immediately coming to her face. "Aw, good to see you, t  oo! And, yeah, I can't leave you guys alone for five minutes, can I?"  Ribbon summoned Stripper and turned to face the Lost Soul. "Now, what  the hell is going on?"
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Helmet suddenly sat up in front of Ribbon and turned to face her. "Wha  t is happening.....is Beans!" With that, Helmet laid back down and beg  an rolling while singing Rollin' by Limp Bizkit again before hitting a   booth, causing the whole thing to fall on top of him.
OSCAR:  As Gloves and Sapphire got off the ground, they went over towards Yara  naika and hit the ghost with their namesakes. Gloves punch her face on  ce more while Sapphire thrust her chest with her glaive.
KURP:  Speedo was about to start greeting Ribbon, seeing that Virgin Killer n  ow had a companion before stopping himself as Helmet came in. He didn'  t say anything, he just watched as he felt his soul leave his body. Th  e smell of flesh beginning to give him a headache.  Someone help him.
COFFIN:  Virgin snickered and she gripped Cavity. "Fuck have I missed you.~"  S  he gave it a twirl. "We had two weebs now we got one weeb. Also, I met   a cutie~!" She smirked and pointed to Speedo.  Assless gulped. "Wow that's one hot piece of sushi."
BRIT:  Duster squinted at the statue and pulled his namesake out of his bag,  moving aside a few of the ferrets he had brought with him and turning  it into Blood-Coated. He very carefully extended it to poke the statue  .
JAY:  Ribbon turns her head to nod a short, silent greeting to Speedo, while   beginning to swing her whip around in her hand. Her head turned back  towards the Lost Soul, the demon deciding to boldly leap for her and s  end Stripper right into her face. Unfortunately, she totally missed, a  nd instead jumped right past her.
KURP:  "I'll pretend I didn't hear that..." Speedo muttered as he returned Ri  bbon's gesture before she went off. They had this covered so he felt n  o need to actually participate.  Hot Pants took Duster's bag, making sure the ferrets inside were still   there, stuffing in the few that were wiggling out. He took a step bac  k, moving behind Duster. If this was anything serious, he knew he was  dead, he didn't have a weapon on him.  "Be careful babe..." He said.
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi had finished her dance, skillfully dodging until she was able  to finish and bow. Of course, it was at that point someone hit her dea  d center and she went tumbling backward.  "You're all so rude!!" She yelled, rushing at as many of them as possi  ble and doing some kind of pirouette spin-kick! Ouch!  She then made a break for it, running out of the convention center to  try and escape. Her threads started to unravel and she turned dramatic  ally toward her opponents.  "Y-You!! You meanies!" She squealed, obviously starting to bawl like a   child.
KURP:  The statue suddenly came to life...because it wasn't a statue to begin   with. The statue was none other than the Teostra that wasn't captured   months prior to this event.  It didn't appreciate being poked by some sharp object and swiped at Du  ster. Not aggressively to attack, but to keep distance between the two  , a warning swipe.  It got up soon after that, its attention being caught by the distresse  d squealing of a spirit. With a roar it lunged towards Fujoshi and cau  ght her between its paws. Without hesitation, it just gulped her down  whole.  Hot Pants looked on in horror as he clutched the bag harder.  "I'm going to stay in the car," he said.  "I knew there was something up with that statue," Speedo said, crossin  g his arms.
YARANAIKA:  Yaranaika made a lot of noise suddenly. It was something like out of a   horror movie.  "TEKETEKE--- N-N-NANIIIIII!?!?!?!" She screamed, twisting and turning  and writhing. In a fit of rage, the ghost went scampering toward Glove  s and Sapphire, making an awful hissing noise.  She stopped suddenly, as if she had hit a glass wall, and exploded in  a powerful scream.  "MY OTP!!!!" She yelled before she blasted into bits.
EMI:  Nightshirt floated behind Teostra, holding his hands over his mouth.  "Oops. My bad." He mumbled. "Welp, that's enough excitement for me tod  ay."  He looked at his ringing phone and disappeared in a puff of fire.
BRIT:  Duster had backed up quickly to avoid getting swat into the air and lo  oked on in mild horror as the dragon devoured the Lost Soul that had b  een slowly becoming a ghost- it caused a mild explosion within Teostra  's mouth, but all that was left was a little smoke.  "God, why... Where did this thing come from?" He asked through gritted   teeth.  "Shit..." Blazer grumbled under their breath.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps blinked and walked to the Teostra. "That's a big big bab  y."  Virgin stretched and her tail moved about, she leaned on Cavity. "A ve  ry big baby."  Mary Janes yeeted outside and screamed puppy.
OSCAR:  As Gloves and Sapphire see Yaranaika exploded, it made Gloves feel not   weak anymore and was back to normal. Yet now, he's angry than before  for having that slime on his cosplay 'Lucario Suit'. "Aw man! Look at  my cosplay! IT'S RUINED!" He shouted, angrily. "$300 wasted."  Sapphire give light pats to Gloves back for his cosplay being ruined.  "Well...at least we get to live another day." She said. Gloves didn't  say anything, but feeling shame.  When they heard a big pound on the ground, they turn their heads at th  e big Teostra and made them fear from seeing it eat a Lost Soul.  "What the fuck!" Gloves said, shockingly.  As Dress and G-Strings was about to capture the Lost Soul, it was gull  ible up by Teostra and maaaan it's a big one. Both of them immediately   jaw drop at the sight and who knew it can eat Lost Souls.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  After watching Fujo get mcfucking eaten, Ruka decided he had enough of   cons for one day. He changed his blades back and walked over to Vest  who was hiding in a booth that got wrecked from the fight. "Let's go,  Kleptofuck. I wanna go home." He said, grabbing Vest by the collar of  his shirt and dragging him out the convention center.  "I don't wanna go though. There's still merch I wanna get, plus Pocket   Watch is here!" Vest whined.  "You can suck his dick after you drop me off at the house." Ruka said  as he tossed Vest into the driver's seat and got into the passenger se  at.
KURP:  Before Hot Pants actually left, he called out, "Oi, that's the cat fuc  k we needed to catch a few months back! Stay away, the fire permanentl  y damages Soul Threads!"  As if on cue, Toestra spread its wing and flew a few feet off the grou  nd, breathing its fire to disperse everyone that had gathered around i  t. It then quickly flew off to God knows where. Probably to have anoth  er sit without being poked at, maybe.
OMEGA:  "Fist of the North Star is the Father of all manly anime." Boxer said  as he grab his bag filled with anime figures and arts. He walked back  to his Raincoat and Father Crucifix with a smile on his face.  Dress Shirt picked up Tank Top and started to head out of the conventi  on. "Are we going home?" Tank Top ask as he breathes heavily. "Yes." D  ress Shirt said as he helps his Brother out.
JAY:  Ribbon was left alone by the Lost Soul, who simply ran right out, inst  ead of standing to fight. This left the demon rather confused, and may  be a bit embarrassed, considering she had just been so dramatic about  attacking. She looked back towards Virgin Killer with a nervous smile.
BRIT:  Strappon's struggle to release himself from Asmodeus' tittygrip came t  o fruition as he was finally free. He ran to the Angels as fast as he  possibly could, away from the Demon Prince.  "Oh, thank Heavens. Good job, Angels." He panted, giving them all a th  umbs-up, "Though, I wish we could have repented the Lost Soul peaceful  ly..."  "Yeah. Manly anime." Blazer said, adjusting their costume with a huff  and turning to Boxer. "Too bad you don't have the balls those protags  have to break up with your goddamn abuser. I really suggest you figure   out the words you gotta say, because your life is gonna be hella wors  e if you say nothing."
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer giggled and she hugged Ribbon close to her hip from behi  nd. "Nice going my little cherry.~"
JAY:  Ribbon smiled sheepishly, her face a slightly lighter tinge of red tha  n normal. "Eheheh... I just kinda went on reflexes there, but are we a  ctually even going to bother fighting? Since we, you know. Kinda aren'  t with Hell Corp, at the moment?"
OSCAR:  Hearing Hot Pants warning, Gloves, Sapphire, Dress Socks, and G-String  s was getting away from the Fire from Teostra as fast as possible beca  use in no way in gods hell they want their cosplay to burn. It's too e  xpensive! As they did, they see Teostra escape.  "We need to capture it." Dress Socks and G-Strings said, in sync.  Gloves and Sapphire painted and hear Strappon saying. "Same...here." G  loves said.
SAIYAN:  "Good job guys!" Undershirt said as he hopped down from the top of a m  erchandise stand he was using to watch the fight.  Tuxedo Jacket too came out of the woodworks to gather around with the  rest of the angels.  Wristband finally managed to catch up with Asmo after trying to chase  him down after so long, feelsgoodman!
OMEGA:  "Yeah, i didn't want to say it today but I will say it maybe later or  tomorrow." Boxer said with a smile as he looks at Blazer. "I am just g  lad that i got to do the one "Omae Wa Mo Shindeiru"technique on the Gh  ost!" He said as he looks at Blazer.
KURP:  Asmodeus tailed closely behind Strappon, looking almost offended, "Lis  ten, if you're not into vanilla, you could have just said so. Were you   not taught manners?"  He was holding a sundae of sorts.  "Or you could say you're not into the whole being fed deal. Dear mothe  r of mine, you people are shit at communication..." He said, shaking h  is head. He then turned around and gave his ice cream to Wristband.  "There, I lost my appetite."
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer shrugged and she kissed her shoulder. "I mean, if we don  't need to I don't see why we are. Though the work out is pretty nice.  "  Assless Chaps returned with a funnel cake shaped like a dick. "What ex  actly did I miss herrre?" He poked Asmodeus.
SAIYAN:  "Thanks, I guess" Wristband said as she grabbed the ice cream and bega  n to lick it. It tasted great, even more so because she was so done wi  th this job of babysitting this demon all day. She deserved a treat fo  r sure.
BRIT:  Blazer's mouth formed a tight line at Boxer's response and let out a h  eavy sigh.  "Kids will be kids." They said, "Whatevs."  Strappon shuddered slightly and jabbed an elbow backward into Asmo's g  ut.  "Give me a damn warning, heathen." He hissed.
JAY:  Ribbon nodded and leaned back into Virgin's arms, sighing gently. "Wel  l, that's a relief, at least. I didn't really feel up to fighting with   a ghost or lost soul today. Chilling at the abbey has been... Well, m  aybe more necessary than I thought."
COFFIN:  Virgin kissed at her neck. "I mean, if it'll help the angels out a lit  tle I don't see why not? But yeah, it's..weird."
OMEGA:  "Well then shall we continue on with the Convection guys?" Raincoat as  k as he looked at Boxer, Father Crucifix, and Emperor Crown. "Sure!" B  oxer said as he was excited to continue with a smile on his face. "Tha  t would be lovely." Father Crucifix said with a smile on his face too.   "I guess." Emperor Crown said as cracks his neck.
The Angels were able to continue their con-going antics with significant ly more ease knowing the Ghost had been repented. They were given praise by the congoers and were even awarded with free merchandise! In the distance, there was a dark figure holding the Banshee Threads fro m the  corrupted Fujoshi. He held up the thread as it writhed in his han d and let it go, letting it drift in the wind. "Weakling." He said simply, turning back and leaving wordlessly.
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mikumanogi-blog · 3 years
2017-05-04 “Avoiding the rails” Kubo Shiori Blog #12 [ENG]
The other day Riria asked if we could ride the train together and so together we waited on the train platform. The two of use waited for the train to come with a hat over our heads. The second the train came into the station our hats were magnificently whisked away by the wind. We both quickly ran after them, it’s a heartwarming and hilarious story. Be carful of the wind, and the flu. 
(TL Note: although serious in topic it is play on words as she uses both 風 (wind) and 風邪 (flu)both pronounced ‘kaze’)
Hello everyone, thank you for your continuous hard work! I am Nogizaka46’s 3rd generation member, 15 years old, 1st year high school student Kubo Shiori. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
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I know this is kind sudden but thank you for coming to our April handshakes.
During the 3rd slot…I wore a little purple parka.
During the 4th slot…I wore a white shirt, red bandana, and an embroidered skirt.
During the 5th slot…I wore an off-the-shoulder shirt and an embroidered skirt.
It’s probably hard to imagine since you can’t see it and so…
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It looked like this! As a result of the bandana showing in my blogs, there were a lot of people that wore it too (´・_・`) am I happy or... (´・_・`)
During the handshake event someone came up behind me, hugged me and asked “whooo is iiit♪” “huh? Huh?!?” I said in surprised, but I knew right away who it was. Manatsu san!!!!! For some reason I could by how Manatsu san smelled that it was her LMAO.
The fact that I wore an off-the-shoulder shirt our of respect to Manatsu is a secret. I’ve also grown a teeny bit since becoming a high schooler.
During the event I talked about a bunch of different topics with the fans but I feel like one of the topics I heard the most and made me the happiest was “I read your magazine article!” It made me even made me happy to hear people say, “the contents of the magazine where you got the opportunity to talk with the senior members was fascinating!”
Next week is Nagoya! I have the national handshake and the individual handshake back-to-back! I’m very much looking forward to it, I’ll be in your care.
That’s right! During the handshake the topic of NOGIBINGO also come up a lot! A few days a new episode of NOGIBINGO aired, did you watch it?? On this episode I also appeared in NOGIROOM, if you haven’t checked it out yet please do〜! The cheerleader cosplay was embarrassing (´・_・`) Way more than when I was an actual cheerleader… maybe I’m just getting old.
 Well then, I think it’s time to start the comment Q&A!
·         What’s a special skill that you’ve discovered recently?
A special skill…On Namadol san (Namaidol) I put pens under my nose for the first time in a while and I managed do get 11! I beat my previous record. The trick is concentration.
·         I find it hard to make friends when in a new environment.
I’m the same way…I don’t like spring that much, I’m always afraid of the class changes. When I first started cheerleading, I tried to overcome my fear of strangers and in the process make new friends, but in the end nothing changed. I did find some joy in being by myself, but it would have been nice to have at least one person to talk to! Let’s both do our best!
·         What’s your morning routine?
Going back to sleep. Although I think the correct answer to your question is “HISSSSS!” recently I’ve been careful to not fall back to sleep after waking up.
·         What something that you want to eat the most?
Whaaaat (´・_・`) I want eat everything… (´・_・`) yogurt, ice cream, gratin, pizza, white rice, bracken-starch dumplings, tarts, curry, gyozas, cheesecake, acai bowl, hamburger, strawberry smoothies, udon, dandan noodles, miso soup with tofu, beef bowl, nori bento, squid tempura, Takoyaki, monja, doughnuts, fried chicken skewers, pizza bun. Mmmm I want to eat all of them, I don’t think I can make a decision between them. (´・_・`)
Recently、。、。、 After reporting to Ayachan (Ayatii) “I ate ___ today! It was delichious” shocked she would respond “You ate that much!?” I have an insatiable appetite. I wonder why food makes me this happy.
 Today I’m going to end the Q&A here! Until next time!
 Right now all the 3rd generation members are putting all their effort into their lessons as we approach our solo live. Each lesson we learn more as we start to reach for the stars.
There was a time where I was just hitting a wall and I couldn’t seem to overcome it. It was days of thinking “how can I overcome this hurdle.” But somewhere along the way I realized I never even hit a wall, but rather I was standing in front of it. Out of fear of hitting the wall my feet had stopped. I wanted to run away from the problems I was having. I couldn’t dance well and I had so many feelings of impatience and anxiety. I’m such a truly spineless human. It was during that time that the other members and everyone else came along and renewed my feelings of positivity.
When facing the mirror during dance practice I would see the enjoyment the other members were having and once every so often our eyes would meet and in that moment I could feel their warmth. Those moments would make me realize “The only reason I’ve come this far is because of everyone’s support”.
Riria, who roughly ties her hair to move her bangs has recently become someone I can rely on.
Renka, who never whines to the other members and who is always showing off her biggest smile.
Minamin, who always thinks the same way, more reliable than anyone else and who is able to unify us.
Momochan, who is always saying “I can’t do it” but who works as hard as two people and who is always watching out for everyone.
Tamami, who always smiles at me when our dance styles are similar, who’s always beside me and listens to my problems.
Denchan, who has an inherent ability to entertain makes everyone smile when everyone’s feeling down.
Reno, who’s spontaneous comments seem to calm down the room and who is often supporting from the side.
Hazuki, who just by being there makes you feel calm but who also works so hard that it troubles other people.
Mizuki, who looks about to cry every time our eyes meet and who is my favorite, but I will never tell her directly.
Ayatii, who, is like a big sister, will always come over and comfort another member if they’re crying.
Yodachan, who says “I’m bad at dancing” but manages to make me smile while watching her cute dance moves.
I can honestly write so much more, but if I write more, it will get long and so I wrote a shorter version.
These 12 members, who are overflowing with individuality, will be performing in all 8 concerts from June 5th to June 14th.
I’m going to keep going. Everyone, what do you think the concert is going to be like? It would be great if you could think it is going to be fun.
Everyone, it is sure to surprise you. This concert is going to dare to raise the bar! The venue is AiiA 2.5 Theater Tokyo. I believe that performing at this venue is deeply significant to us. Until that day comes I’ll be standing right here once again on that stage. I’ll be doing my best, so please, definitely, come watch.
Well then moving on. To everyone. I would like to say that I’m very thankful for all the cheers of encouragement at the handshake events, the comments on these blogs and not only that but thank you for all the advice that you have given me.
Thanks to all your word of encouragement I feel as though I can once again aim for the stars. To shine as brightly as I can, I think “I would be grateful if you were to cheer me on at the concert.” On top of that it might be a start of you becoming slightly interested in the 3rd generation member Kubo Shiori. Rather than “you might” I’ll have to do my best to make it “you will.”
Make it…ah, I want to eat food.
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Haaazukichaaaan. Recently I’ve been eating as much as her. Haaaazukichaaaaaan. I love youuuu.
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Denchaaaan! Believe it or not this our first two-person selfie. I asked her for it! Without a doubt Denchan is the queen of the dressing room. I would be amazing if I could hurry up and show off to everyone how funny she is.
Anyways, there are also the upcoming handshakes, I’m looking forward to them (´・_・`)! I’ll be in your care.
I’ll write again soon.
Kubo Shiori
I’m going to do my best at the concert. I’ll do my best even for the people that can’t make it. It’s been a while since the meet and greet where I declared that “I will change”. Have I changed? Please come and make that decision for yourselves, not even I know the answer. It would be great if you could come and check. This is not my final form, this only the start and the first evolution will be seen at our solo concert. One more thing, I will change.
0 notes
lunawings · 7 years
Yuri!!! On Stage Event Report!
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So today (4/29/2017) I went to the Yuri on Ice Yuri on Stage event. To clarify though, I was not at the actual Tokyo event, rather a live viewing at a local movie theater. Which of course does alter the experience but it’s the next best thing. At first I thought the theater was only doing the afternoon session, but very last minute I ended up being able to attend both!
For starters, the voice actors of most the skaters were there +Nishigori. When everyone came out they more or less came out in order of popularity from lowest to high so it was all like... YURI ON STAGE... Here is Nishigori!!! to start which got a good laugh. 
(Georgi just existing always got a good laugh too.)
Characters of voice actors who attended: Yuri, Victor, Yurio, Phichit, Chris, Georgi, Minami Kenjiro, Leo, Guang Hong, Seung Gil, Emil, Nishigori.
Characters of voice actors who did not attend but appeared on video: JJ, Michele, Otobek.  And Kubo-sensei.
Victor’s voice actor cosplayed for both showings. First he was in a suit, and second he was in a black shirt and pants like his the new figure. YES he did the pose. He even dyed his hair. Apparently he kinda killed it dying and redying it though. 
Yuri’s voice actor was wearing a necklace that could have possible been interpreted as a silver medal. 
After everyone came out and introduced themselves with a key line from their character, we moved into the talk show section. Unfortunately I don’t have that much to say about this part because they just talk so much so fast that I only understand about 70% to begin with and only half of the jokes... 
Georgi’s voice actor was the moderator and they split up the characters into different groups. Afternoon session was.... Teens: Yurio, Emil, Leo, Guang Hong Kyushu: Yuri, Kenjiro, Nishigori 20-somethings: Victor, Chris, Phichit, Seung Gil
Evening session was...  Not not just cute: Guang Hong, Emil, Chris, Leo? “My Pace”: Victor, Emil... Phichit? (I might have mixed up some of these... sorry I don’t remember.) Surprising gap: Yuri, Yurio, Seung Gil, Nishigori
Kubo-sensei was very involved in this section. It was funny because at other events I have been to the voice actors were always like “lol well I think my character would be like this...” but at this event she kept interrupting like the voice of God to be like “Well, ACTUALLY.....”
Chris was only in the “cute” group because of his cute butt.
He put Chris character badges on his butt to show off too.
I think Kubo-sensei said something about when she starts drawing Chris she just starts with a butt.  The “My Pace” group refers to the characters all having a “do whatever I want” attitude. They came out wandering all over the stage. I had no idea how to translate “surprising gap”... it meant like, characters who have two sides to them. Like Yuri with his eros, and Seung Gil when he got really upset after losing. 
During the “gap” group Nishigori’s voice actor describes the gap with a very long convoluted story that ended with the birth of the triplets? So they were like Kubo-sensei did you know about this? Apparently she DID write it... then forgot about it. 
At one point they were talking about who they look up to as voice actors, and Kenjiro’s said he looked up to Yurio’s voice actor. This was during the Kyushu men segment, so he wasn’t on stage. But they pushed him out and made them sit VERY CLOSE. It was... a moment. 
There were a lot of innuendo jokes about how Phichit’s name sounds like “pichitto”, Japanese for “tight” or “snug.” For example: Phichit’s ass is pichitto.
Anyway, next came the world quiz section. 
So they separated everyone into four groups. During the afternoon session they drew cards from a box on stage, but for the evening they just did it in advance to save time. 
Every group got a table with a buzzer. They really liked the buzzer. 
So basically, what they did was they translated an anime scene into another language featured on the show and had a native speaker read it. Then the voice actors had to guess which scene it was.
In the afternoon session the language was Thai and it was basically impossible to guess right away. SO they had JJ’s voice actor, good old Mamoru Miyano, appear on the screen give a clue. He basically just gave us the Thai word for “onsen” then showed a several minutes long JJ montage to the theme of King JJ and then told us to enjoy “JJ On Stage.”
Also during the Thai reading the guys were laughing because a part of the Thai sounded kinda like “chinsuko” which sounds like an Okinawan snack which sounds like “penis.” Anyway.
After two more clues, first “hold back”, and then “internet” I was able to guess the scene and so did Yuri’s voice actor. (It was the Chinese restaurant scene.)
For the evening show however, the puzzle was MUCH easier. Even in the original Russan I could make out “piroshki” and a very heavily Russian-accented “katsudon.” You could tell from their reaction that the voice actors knew it too. But if someone guessed too early we would miss Mamoru Miyano’s clue so everyone stayed silent. 
Mamoru Miyano gave us the Russan word for “grandfather.” And at this point somebody (I forget who) said “Well clearly we all know it’s the scene where Yuri and Yurio eat piroshki--” BUT TOO BAD because we were shown the JJ video anyway ahaha.
So at this point everyone knew the answer but to keep the segment going they just decided to fuck around instead by buzzing in and saying random words in Russian. Phichit’s voice actor tried to make “miso soup” sound like a Russian word and the hosts got mad at him when he defined it as “japanese soup made from miso” without any other ingredients. Yuri and Guang Hong’s voice actors were on the same team with Phichit and both were wearing glasses so they were all like “which one is which???” and Phichit’s actor didn’t have glasses so he had to improvise with his hands and this foam thing he found. Victor’s voice actor tried to use the “grandfather” clue to tell long fairy tales “a very long long time ago there was a grandfather....” It’s so hard to describe well but this was so amazing and everyone was just having such a great time. 
Oh, and the Russian speaker’s name was Emil so we had a brief WHOS THE REAL EMIL contest. (If they were speaking English surely they would have said “would the real Emil please stand up?”)
So anyway, Kubo-sensei had to chose the winner in the end and she picked Yuri’s team twice in a row. This is interesting because she got to put gold medals on the winners both times. After that the winners also got to eat samples of the katsudon piroshki they are currently selling at Namja Town. 
After that they did some script reading of key scenes and it was very artistic and beautiful. While Yuri, Victor, and Yurio were reading on stage they somehow raised a TINY ice skating rink where a woman did Yurio’s Agape in the afternoon and free skate in the evening (or at least as much as she could on a tiny square of ice, no jumps or anything). 
And now, what you have all been waiting for... the original drama. 
(No, this was not animated. They could not. They just stood and read a script. Quotes are of course translated from memory and probably not 100% accurate.)
It starts off with Victor reading something vague about how unforgettable the previous night was. Yuri is making noises that sound increasingly sexual until we realize... actually he’s throwing up.  Phichit: Green stuff is coming out of Yuri’s mouth... I have to put this on the internet!! 
Seung Gil: I have something to say to you. Yuri: What do you mean, you’re just looking at me with that same unreadable expression as always. Seung Gil: Put some clothes on.  Yuri: HUAAAAHHHH.
So Yuri is naked with Russian written on his back that Yurio translates to “Overcome Chihoko” and a strange cap on his head which is actually Victor’s underwear. And his body is extremely sore. And he remembers nothing. And Victor is gone.
Yurio: Yuri Stinking Katsuki what did you do with Victor. Yuri: Don’t say “stinking” like it’s my middle name.... 
And so, piece by piece we figure out what happened. So the setting is that everyone is in Hasetsu for a “Onsen on Ice Victor With Friends” show and the night before they were all drinking at the Katsuki place. Victor is poking Yuri’s soft belly. But Chris comes into the picture and soon Drunk Yuri starts to get whiny and jealous...
Yuri: Victor... stop looking at Chris... look at me.... Victor: I am looking at you.  Yuri: No you’re not. Victor...... let’s do it...... Victor: ...........................do what Yuri: Do... what people do when they drink..... And to be honest I do not know exactly what he said next, but from the next few lines I gathered it was a drinking game where you get naked. So Yuri was like “SO I LOST THEN” but the others explained that.... ACTUALLY, Yuri then ripped Victor’s clothes off to practice a naked Eros routine and then also needed his underwear for a coronation ceremony. I may have missed a couple things but I’m pretty sure this is not supposed to make sense in the first place and Yuri basically wants to die. 
SO everyone is blaming Yuri for Victor’s disappearance when detective Minami Kenjiro steps in to solve the case. He mentions Yurio is the only one with a motive since he found a list Yurio made of different names for a show he is planning to take over the Victor With Friends show with. I wish I could remember them all but the only one I remember 100% accurately is Yuri on Tiger. Yurio denies it though. But also apparently Otobek came up with half of them. Also Yurio has no idea who Minami is even though they were “rivals” in junior.
To make everything worse we suddenly find out from Nishigori from the triplets that the skate otaku are flipping out because the Victor With Friends show will not have Victor in it. Somehow they found how he is missing. SOMEBODY uploaded photos to the internet of their get together... PHICHIT! 
But this is a blessing in disguise because now they can check the photos. And they find... Seung Gil kissing Nishigori.... AND IN THE BACKGROUND is Victor stretching out Yuri. (”Oh, that’s why I am sore all over,” says Yuri.)
Georgi then comes in to reveal that Victor and Yuri actually had a fight last night (Phichit: YOU... GOT DIVORCED...?!) , but about what he does not remember... he rattles off some words that sound vaguely like “penis” before they realize it’s “Chihoko”! The word on Yuri’s back! So, it’s in Russian, and if Yurio and Georgi didn’t write it, that must mean... VICTOR. 
So then Emil comes in, who apparently came to Japan on jet skis or something, and informs them that he knows where Victor is... He’s at Hasetsu Castle... on the roof, naked. 
So they all run down there and it’s revealed what really happened. 
While they were stretching Victor commented on how Yuri’s belly is soft but his back is rigid. Yuri says of course he can’t compare to Victor, but there is someone more limber than Victor... “Sha... Chihoko...”
Okay so. The joke here is that Victor hears this and thinks it’s the name of Yuri’s ex-lover and gets jealous. But the thing is, I have NO IDEA what Yuri was actually trying to say? It had to mean something because people in the theater were laughing. I know it also sounds vaguely like “penis” but that alone cannot be the joke... HELP. 
EDIT: OKAY. I think I got it. It’s a mythical carp which bends backwards. I should have known this because it’s also Nagoya thing. The statues of them are on Nagoya castle too. This ties in with them going to the castle in the end OF COURSE.
(EDITEDIT: Guys I’m sorry but it’s NOT that Yuri was saying Victor was too tense. I know you must think I’m nuts but grammar wise Yuri was comparing Victor to a person or an object. I know that sounds like that could make sense but you’ll just have to believe me. The whole point was that Victor IS flexable... but not as flexible as “Shachihoko”... Yuri even refers to “Chihoko” as “aitsu” as in “that guy” which makes Victor’s blood boil. And once again the castle part completes the joke.)
So Victor writes “Overcome Chihoko” in Russian on Yuri’s back and then goes off to train. There is this whole montage of scenes from the anime as Victor reflects on the fact that Yuri had a past before him but... VICTOR IS HIS NOW.
So, in present time Yuri shows up at the castle to find Victor bending over backwards on the roof:
Victor: IS THIS BETTER THAN CHIHOKO? Yuri: WHO THE HELL IS CHIHOKO. Nobody is better than you. 
In the end he convinces Yuri to strip and do stretching too as the skaters below gaze up at the amazing one in a million sight. 
The end. 
What followed was a live performance of “You Only Live Once” and a really cool ending ceremony. Everyone came out with laser pointers imitating the fireworks in the ending. Then they showed a slideshow of photos from the event (as in stuff that JUST happened) also to mimic the anime ending, and finally at the very end they showed a time lapse photo revealing that the voice actors were not waving the laser pointers randomly. They were spelling out the words “thank you”....... AWWWWWWWWWGHHHH--
So at the afternoon show the end was the end.
This meant if there was going to be any announcement it would be in the evening show. As it wound down I was skeptical there would even be one because Kubo-sensei actually said something about taking a “season off”... and I was like NO... NOOOO.
But then the display dimmed and we say that one card which said “All new original movie has been decided!” I wish I had more info, but that was it! No key visual or date, just... we’re getting a movie! It’s coming! It’s not a second season, but, I guess they have their reasons. 
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