#so idk if i would like what she had to tell me
justmehernthemoon · 3 years
moving on from friendships that have ended is so weird and hard lol
#this is just me ranting abt missing my ex best friend sorry sjdjd#trying 2 decide if me wanting to reach out to my ex best friend is because like it would genuinely be a positive thing for me or if it’s bc#i miss her so much sometimes i can’t think logically…#like everything reminds me of her i HATE it!!! and at first it was really freeing not having her in my life bc when i say she was a bad#friend that is a extremely nice understatement#but like . i was talking to my friend the other day and i realized like every other thing i talked abt was a memory tied back to her and i#just miss her so much 🥺 but also like. what if it’s just as toxic and one sided for me again?? it’s been over a year and like i would like#to believe she’s changed bc every time i have spoken to her since i ended our friendship she always seems to miss me but idk if it’s just#because i am not in her life anymore so like when i am it would go back to how it was? eventually? like her being basically a bystander in#our friendship#i mean we have only spoken like… idk twice since last august but like never more than one text each lol like#on birthdays and when I found out smnth about her family#hhh it’s very difficult moving on from it when it’s someone who had been your friend from when you’re like 11 to 21 lol .#and like she was essentially never a good friend but i am like well maybe she’s different now 😭 can’t decide if that’s my mind just being#sad abt her though. wish my brain was just straightforward w me#like it’s like i was on a happy note not having that sadness and negativity in my life for months but now i’m just like i have so much to#tell you every day i see something i want to text you i miss you
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tj-crochets · 2 years
Weird question time! Okay so I found a new weird food allergy* (the hard way) on Thursday** trying a piece of cake from a local restaurant. Once I stopped wheezing, I called up the restaurant and asked what was in the cake to try and figure out what I reacted to, and the lady there was super helpful and clearly felt bad I’d had an allergic reaction. I know that that restaurant was also super helpful when my dad stopped there one time to check if their chicken had anything in it I’m allergic to, and since it’s a restaurant known for their chicken I kinda want to make them a plush chicken? So, my question is two-fold: 1. I know it’s weird but would it be bad weird to make them a plush chicken as a thank you? and 2. this chicken or the chicken from this pattern pack *I took a bite of cake and it induced a bad asthma attack, which has never happened to me before?? I’ve never had a food pass a smell test for asthma triggers and then trigger asthma only when I eat it **I’m okay now! I think I’ve finally started to even out. Major allergic reactions or asthma attacks tend to put me on a bit of a hair trigger for another reaction or attack for a while, but I’m doing better. Hated the time change, though lol 
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forevercloudnine · 2 years
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Pamela Isley in Batman Secret Files: The Gardener (2021)
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
women will sshake you like dice and baby? mousetrap
women are literally dropping cages on me because i want the cheese (🧀) so bad. for the high score or whatever
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spoopy-fish-writes · 2 years
I got a mad and blunt with my little sister for only talking to me whenever she wants me to do something for her and now she's crying and I don't know what to do
#im aware that im the one thats mostly at fault for this but its just been getting in my nerves and someone was bound to tell her eventually#if not me then it was going to be my younger brother who would have been a lot harsher about it#but i still feel bad because shes a kid and i know its not her fault that shes used to always getting her way without repercussions#but idk its just#i hate having to be the bigger person every time when she does need to eventually be told that shes not always going to be able to get#away with treating people like her personal transportation#but im just pushing her away because of it because i keep assuming that she only wants to talk to me becasue she wants soemthing#and i dotn know what to do#i know i bitch about my family a lot and shes no exception but shes still just a kid and i dont want her to think i hate her#i dont want her to go through that like me and my older siblings did but i dont know how yo fix it#my younger brother isnt any help because he hates our guts and he hates my little sister even more but i want to fix it#i want to fix it but i dont know how#i dont even know if its possible at this point#and i know its late to feel this guilty about it but i cant help it#i get so mad at the fact that my parents alienated me from my siblings while i was growing up and i feel like im just doing the same thing#to her now and as much as I want to teach her how to treat people well i dont want to push her away at the same#she doesnt deserve it#im going to try to fix this but i dont know if it'll work#i want to be close with her but ive never had the chance in the 10 years that shes been alive becayse of my parents#i take care of her but its not the same#i just want#i just want to have my siblings again. i dont want them to hate me or each other#and maybe its stupid that im crying over this but i just want it back#i miss my family#i miss before this all went to shit#i miss how we could be around each othwr and have fun even if we werent close#i miss it#spoopy fish rambles#tw vent
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liquidstar · 3 years
who remembers when nickelodeon premiered the movie “spectacular” and disney premiered ”dadnapped” on the same night and you had to make a choice
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running-in-the-dark · 2 years
my nephew's confirmation was yesterday, and it was actually a pretty fun day. absolutely exhausting though - which is why I just woke up after sleeping for 14 hours.
some things that happened:
I was inside a restaurant for the first time in over two years and it was really weird and I didn't like it (and of course someone made a stupid comment when my husband and I were still wearing our masks when we sat down... like just fucking mind your own business maybe?)
the same guy who made that comment said this about a 15 year old girl: "she looked nice but her outfit was too sexy for a 15 year old" what the fuck dude you're in your 50s, the girl's (completely normal) clothes are not the problem, your fucked up thoughts are.
my mother said a lot of weird shit that wasn't true (about my childhood mostly. like she really proudly listed movies she'd seen with me in the cinema and none of it was true. also every time she did see a movie with me she'd just keep telling me how terrible it was. like she still talks about how much she hated watching Corpse Bride with me as if that's really fucking funny - that was at least 15 years ago, it was my favourite movie at the time and I was so excited to watch it with her, but she wouldn't shut up about how awful every single thing about it was. I haven't been able to watch it again since then.)
also - watching movies with your kids isn't some special accomplishment, it's just a normal thing that you do. and even if it was - I've seen at least 5 times as many movies with my nephew as she ever did with me, and I've never said any of them were fucking awful.
my niece was incredibly excited all day, she kept running around and dancing, it was very adorable - and my mother said that I never would have done that, as if it's funny that I was such a boring quiet child, when in reality I stopped doing anything like that at like 5 or 6 because she wouldn't stop making fun of me or yelling at me. lots of stories about my brother being exactly like my niece when he was little, and me just being quiet... like dude that's literally your fault but okay
every time my mother left the room everyone relaxed, and when she came back everyone seemed tense, and everything had to be about her at all times or she'd get angry and aggressive.
she also went on a long rant about how boring Toto is because she can't not tell me how terrible all the things that I love are - and in the end it turned out that she literally only knew Africa and none of their other songs.
[we had music on in the background and she kept saying 'oh I like that one, who's it from?' and they were all Toto songs. in the end she admitted she only knew that one song but still insisted her opinion was correct. and I know it doesn't matter at all but it still really fucking sucks that every time my brother chose a song she was all nice about it and told him how good it is and how she likes that band too, and with me it was all negative, but only when she knew I picked the song (it's hard to explain, but she only said bad things when she saw me pick a song. when they came up in a playlist she liked them, when I chose them she didn't. some of them were even the same songs, she just didn't notice.)]
[and like. my brother chose a Volbeat song. she fucking loved it. I loved them for years when I was a teenager, and she never had a single nice thing to say about them. but as soon as my brother started liking them a few years later, she thought they were great. what?? her taste in music hasn't changed in at least 30 years so it's definitely not that. or when I chose a song that she liked and she was like "??? how do you know that band?!" as if the idea that I could have even heard of a band she liked is just insane. I'm an adult and this really should not matter to me but it just. does.]
I think the exhausting part was just my mother, now that I'm thinking about it. everything else was fine - fun, even.
#I literally didn't realise that last bit until I wrote it all down#I thought people in general are just exhausting and they are. but it's completely different with her#I always have to pay attention to everything she says especially when there are kids around. I won't let her treat them the way she#treated me#like yesterday she started screaming after my niece did something really nice for her just because she didn't do it exactly the way she had#wanted it.#and I had to calm her down before my niece came back so she wouldn't hear how angry she was#a normal adult wouldn't get that angry because a 10 year old brought her an open bottle of coke instead of an unopened one.. right?#I'm just now realising how fucked up that is. it's so different seeing her do this stuff to my niece and nephew#when I was that age I just thought that was normal#I only realised it wasn't when I told my therapist a few stories about my childhood and she was shocked lol.#but it's still really different seeing it happen now because I had convinced myself I was probably exaggerating.#because no one else from my family ever seemed to think it was weird#but now my husband has seen her do that shit enough times to tell me it's not normal#and my nephew is old enough to see it too so we talk about it sometimes#it still feels weird being the only person who ever tells her to stop but I guess that'll never change#this was supposed to be a short post about how weird it was to be around so many people after such a long time 😬 fuck.#and I know that most of what she did and said would only seem like a fun little anecdote to most people. that's what usually happens at#least. but it's not fun or quirky when it's been happening for 30 years and when someone is ALWAYS like that. idk. I'm probably just#fucking overreacting because that's what she's been telling me for 30 years so she's probably right. I don't fucking know.#personal
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arklay · 2 years
I wish capcom gave us more information on Jake's mother, like what was her relationship with Wesker like and etc
me too anon me too!! 😭😭 the files in re6 absolutely destroyed me… specifically “jake’s childhood” one. like saying her death could’ve easily been prevented if they had enough money??? like i’m gonna cry capcom you can’t do this to me. i have so many like what ifs and what could’ve beens with wesker’s life if things just. turned out different. like what if she had told him about jake? would he have helped her? would she still be here? would jake’s life have turned out the way that it did? like jake is under the impression wesker abandoned them, but then they say that she went back home to edonia after finding out she was pregnant so i’m like. capcom please. i need to know what happened. considering she was still in love with him and raised jake to respect him (even if internally he was like absolutely not no thank you), like i’m definitely under the impression that it was more than just some fling 🤷🏼
#and like the fact that in the letter bit she goes ‘i’m sure he loves you and is thinking about you’ oughgh like we don’t even know if canon#wise wesker is capable of love but i mean i definitely think so and i think that bit kinda shows he had expressed Something towards her (if#that was just false or not we don’t know) and in my mind (okay hc territory but bear with me) i think that maybe whatever was between them#he definitely Could have loved her. like how do i explain my thought process here? he was maybe on the path to falling for her? idk he could#have seen himself loving her? 🤔 but like why did they split up? what happened? like the way they make it sound is that she found out she#was pregnant and just up and left… like why? and to never tell him? because if he was a mole in the army at this point then she’d probably#have no idea about him being a scientist right? Unless again. they were a lot closer than we thought? and then like idk if she would be wary#of umbrella finding out he had a child that could potentially be exploited (but he didn’t know about project w at this point so who knows if#spencer was out here like omg perfect little guy albert has a bub?) i need more information capcom i am grasping desperately for more lore#i need it so bad like pleeeaaaase#edit: i know he was an an engineering officer in the army so like she’d surely know some background but i mean like pharmaceutical company#mega conglomerate umbrella kinda science#asks.#anonymous
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skinreflectsthesun · 2 years
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saturnsorbits · 3 years
I’m losing major faith in the last two parts of BNO.
I’m still probably going to post the epilogue for the sake of rounding it out (and seeing if I stop having itchy fingers about it), but if some of it goes missing in the next week or so we’re just going to ignore it and pretend it never existed at all. Ite? Ite.
#saturnsays#I feel like to do it actual justice I’d need to make it 10ish chapters?#And I just don’t have that in me.#Idk. I’ve mishandled Bakugo’s character arc and it’s annoying me… I think that’s what it is.#He’s so set in his ways and after the concrete rejection in part 2 it was so fucking hard to turn him around?#Which is why I had Kiri confront him (Kiri being his strongest ‘relationship’ and the one pushing him through his ‘flaw’)…#and then the whole thing with Midoriya that made him directly confront the issue of ‘number one’/the job vs the reader -#Him having won the job over Midoriya vs ‘losing’ Reader to Midoriya.#(Which I realise is pretty shitty motivation; but it works in story w/Bakugo’s thought process; the issue is work vs ‘love’ after all).#And at the end of it all I’m still left unconvinced.#I don’t think it would be enough.#And that’s the crux of it all.#(Side note: In the original draft of the story. He takes the job…#He has too many whiskeys before he goes down stairs to tell Reader that he’s leaving -#and it’s Reader who tells him he can have both; that he’s stupid and scared and convinced he can’t be happy w/o success.#And even then it’s not enough. He clings to it. Breaks down; telling Reader that he has to realise his dream first - he HAS to go.#He tells her not to wait. Tells her she deserves better than him. That he wants her more than anything but; CAN’T give this up.#They cry. She promises not to wait despite knowing that she will and then; he tells her that he loves her.)#And then; when he comes back there’s a whole new host of issues for them to work through (things can’t just be okay) -#which is why I think I’d need 10ish chapters to flesh the whole thing out properly.#But; back to the point: I don’t think I’ve done it justice; hence the itchy fingers so - Parts 3&4 might have to go.
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someone in the notes of that last reblog mentions a psychiatrist who before he diagnoses anything asks people about head injuries/impacts/checking for mold and gas leaks and like. i understand this is a niche opinion but a part of me does believe that literally all psychiatrists should do that + ask for a full bloodwork panel
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pepprs · 3 years
Not to CONTINUE to do this but mutuals i am fucking losing it. Losing it so much rn
#so my grandma passed away last week etc etc and now her house that she shared w my grandpa (who is also gone now) needs to be sold and my f#family is like really making moves to sell it ASAP… kinda weirdly fast in my opinion but anyways. mutuals. we are going to get my#grandparents car. and the van that i spent a) my entire childhood in and b) my entire COVID time in up to the point that i moved…#is gonna get scrapped. and my mom is yet again minimizing my feelings abt it and telling me i need to be worried abt more important things#and ik she’s right and it’s just a car but like…. i am fucking distraught ajf trying not to cry. i knew this would happen but i didn’t think#it would happen like… this soon and we have like a month left in it basically. feeling hollowed out with grief rn#purrs#* making moves to sell the house which means getting rid of all of their stuff obviously#like idk… it’s just a van but also so much happened in it. like THAFS where iweorked and had meetings and went to class and it’s gonna be#gone.. idk. i reallt do not take changes like this well.. and yeah i can set up in the new van too (though ideally i won’t bc like iwontnbe#living in my family’s house anymore lol) but it’s not gonna be the same. ALSO WHAT THE FUCK WAIT MY MOM JSUT TEXTED ME THIS IS GONNA MAYBE#HAPPEN AS SOON LIKE 2 WEEKS FROM NOW WHEN MY DAD AND I GO UP FOR THE FUNERAL????????? JUMPING OFF A CLIFF RN BYE#death tw#* where I worked went to class etc and MORE IMPORTANTLY CALLED MY FRIENDS???? had conversations that changed my life??????? and it’s gonna#be gone forever and like destroyed AHHHHHH 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝
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tennessoui · 3 years
For the prompts - childhood best friend au bc i’m a sucker for them
- tealbluemagic
ah yikes i had thought and scripted like....two more scenes of them actually growing up (16/20 and 22/26) in my head dialogue and all but suddenly this was 2.3k because once again i was worldbuilding my cares away RIP!! palpatine was supposed to be the evil adviser it was gonna be great sad days.
2. Childhood best friends AU (medieval, fantasy, royalty AU--whichever term conveys the absolute zero amount of fact-checking that I have done)
They meet when Anakin is seven and Obi-Wan eleven.
Anakin’s tutor wants him to write lines. Again. According to the man, his letters do not look kingly enough.
Thank the gods that he set him to work and then left to flirt with the chambermaid. Otherwise, he probably would have had something very mean to say about the lack of kingliness that is required to climb out the window and down the ivy creeping up the castle.
Anakin lands on his feet and looks up in time to see his tutor’s red face in the window. “Prince Anakin!” The man yells, but no one is around to grab at him and he’s a very fast runner, even at the age of seven. He takes off to the gardens, laughing in joy at the freedom of it all.
Through the gardens and at the edge of the grounds are the stables. He’s not allowed to go there yet, because he is so small and the horses so big. It’ll be the last place they’ll check for him.
Anakin bursts through the doors and runs headlong into another boy, knocking him clean off his feet and into a pile of straw.
“Hey!” The boy shouts, shoving Anakin harshly off of him, face turning almost as red as his hair. Anakin blinks stupidly up at him as he rises and puts his hands on hips. “Who do you think you are?”
“I come seeking shelter and refuge as the prince of the kingdom of Tatooine,” Anakin blurts out the phrase he’s been taught to say should he ever find himself in danger in a new land.
Both of the boy’s eyebrows go up, and he looks scared for a second, which Anakin doesn’t understand. He’s much bigger than Anakin is and he’s still standing all angry over him. If anything, Anakin should be the one scared.
“Uh. Okay. Yeah, you can stay,” the boy says, backing away and crossing his arms over his chest defensively. “Just please don’t tell anyone I shoved you, your um highness. I need this job.”
Anakin lifts his hand so the boy can help him up, but the other boy doesn’t do anything but stare at it with a furrowed brow. “You may help me stand,” Anakin prompts him.
“Shouldn’t be touching no prince,” the boy mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets. “People can get killed for less.”
“Well, I want you to help me,” Anakin says, glaring at the boy who’s being very stubborn and silly right now. “I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
The boy looks skeptical, but takes his hand in his.
“What’s your name?” He asks him as he brushes off his fine clothes.
Now the boy just looks reluctant, but he must know better than to disobey a command from his sovereign, even when the sovereign in question is a child, because he crosses his arms over his chest and mumbles out, “Obi-Wan, milord.”
“I’m Anakin,” Anakin says, even though the boy probably knows this. It’s still only polite and his mother has always told him that being polite is one of the best things a prince can be.
“Yeah,” the boy says. Maybe his mother had never given him the same lesson. “I have to get back to work now, milord,” he turns before Anakin dismisses him, which is quite unheard of. Maybe Obi-Wan’s never been to court. Judging by the state of his clothes and the dirt on his face and beneath his nails, Anakin decides that’s probably true.
“What are you doing?” Anakin asks curiously, following behind the boy. It’s just he doesn’t meet a lot of boys his age and sure, this boy seems a bit mean and certainly at least a little uncivilized, but he still let Anakin stay.
“Shoveling horse shit,” Obi-Wan says. “Would you like to help?”
Anakin wrinkles his nose. “What’s up there?” he asks, pointing to a ladder as they pass it.
“That’s where we keep the hay. And it’s where I sleep.”
“You sleep here?”
Obi-Wan doesn’t respond, but his cheeks grow a dull sort of red.
Tactfully, Anakin changes the subject. “What else do you do?”
“Feed the horses, brush them, put them out to pasture, call them in, brush them again,” Obi-Wan lists. “When a nobleman wants to ride, I tack up their steed for them.”
A horse blows out a breath, right near Anakin’s face and he flinches, clinging onto the back of Obi-Wan’s shirt automatically. “And they let you?” he asks, trying to sound like he isn’t frightened.
“They don’t have much choice,” Obi-Wan says, smiling a bit as if something is funny. “Bit of a luxury around here, choice is.”
“What happens if they don’t?” Anakin asks, deciding to not let go of Obi-Wan’s shirt. Any proper gentleman or lady would have offered to let him hold their hand by now, but Obi-Wan is rough around the edges. Anakin finds that he doesn’t mind much.
Obi-Wan casts a look at him from the corner of his eye that Anakin doesn’t know how to interpret. “They get whipped.”
Anakin gasps in shock. “That’s so barbaric!”
The other boy snorts and shakes his head, as if Anakin is just too dumb to understand. “What are you doing here, little Prince?” Obi-Wan asks as he finishes dumping a pail of water into a horse’s bucket. “Why're you running?”
“My tutor was being absolutely awful,” Anakin replies with a pout. Obi-Wan hums, grabbing a shovel from where it’s leaned against a wooden door and carrying it to an empty stall. He follows him, wanting a proper response from the other boy. All that writing had been hurting his hand! The tutor is so unfair and mean and evil, and Anakin deserved to be treated with dignity and respect!
He tells all of this to Obi-Wan as he paces in the tight space of the stall, the other boy occasionally making noises to show he’s listening as he goes about his work.
“I don’t know what sort of problem he has with my letters! I know all of them now! Isn’t that enough?” Anakin asks angrily, crossing his arms. He’s tired and wants to sit down, but it smells poorly here. Maybe he can convince Obi-Wan to go to the ponds with him?
But Obi-Wan pauses, leaning against the handle of his shovel to look at Anakin. “You shouldn’t be complainin’ about getting to learn to read and write,” Obi-Wan says and then hastily tacks on, “milord.”
“But I don’t like it, and I shouldn’t have to do things I don’t like,” Anakin protests.
Obi-Wan smiles in a funny way. “You think I like shoveling shit, do you? But someone has to do it.”
“Are you saying that someone has to read and w--”
Obi-Wan interrupts him loudly. No one’s ever really done that before.
“I’m sayin’ that reading and writing is a...a privilege, milord.” He says the word privilege like he hasn’t ever said it before, like someone had said it around him and he’d memorized the sound and played it back in his head every night.
Anakin pouts, and Obi-Wan must see the look on his face because he softens his voice when he speaks again. “There’re...people who would kill for a teacher and they got none. If I was you, I wouldn’t ever leave my lessons early.”
Anakin crosses his arms. “But you’re not me. And I get to do whatever I want.”
It’s like a wall comes up between them. “That’s a luxury too, milord,” Obi-Wan says, turning away. “Excuse me. I need to work.”
The way he says this makes it clear that he doesn’t want Anakin around him anymore. “Fine!” Anakin snaps, face pulled up into a scowl. He pushes past Obi-Wan as hard as he can, hoping he can make the boy fall again, and leaves the way he’s come.
How dare the little stable boy try to correct Anakin’s behavior, when he’s the one with dirt all over his face!
He storms back to the castle and is in a horrifically terrible mood the entire rest of the night, right up until he goes to bed. Obi-Wan doesn’t know anything about anything, Anakin tries to reassure himself. He should have never met him.
He flips onto his side in bed, scowling even harder when his eyes alight onto the practice papers his tutor had left for him.
In his mind, Obi-Wan’s words repeat even louder. If I was you, I wouldn’t ever leave my lessons early.
Anakin rolls away until he can stare up at the ceiling.
He’d wanted a friend, but Obi-Wan clearly hadn’t wanted Anakin there at all. He wouldn’t have made a good friend at all. Anakin should just forget him.
But he can’t. He wants Obi-Wan to like him, although he can’t understand why or how to proceed.
He flips back to face the room again, too restless for sleep.
Inspiration strikes quite suddenly, making him sit up in his bed.
There’s one thing he could do that would make Obi-Wan like him. But there’s no time to waste.
He hastily dresses in his discarded clothes from yesterday and grabs two of the books on his desk. There’s a leather satchel hanging from his wardrobe that he’s never used before, but it’s the perfect size now. He slings it over his little shoulders and leaves as quietly as he can.
It’s a dangerous but relatively short journey back to the stables. The gardens look much scarier at night, but Anakin is being so brave about it. He’s on a quest. He clutches his satchel to his chest at every jumping shadow, but he makes it to the stable door and then through it.
The ladder he had pointed out earlier is a few steps into the barn, past two stalls. The horses look much scarier now that he’s here alone; their eyes seem to glow in the dark. He scuttles past them and grabs at the first wooden beam. Obi-Wan. He’s doing this for Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan, who is asleep among the hay, just at the top of the ladder. He’s curled up beneath a couple of blankets. He looks angry even in his sleep.
Anakin crawls forward and shakes him awake.
“Wha--” Obi-Wan jerks up.
Anakin clutches his package to his chest and sits cross-legged in front of him. “It’s me!”
“What?” The other boy asks, rubbing at his eyes. Anakin pouts. Has Obi-Wan really forgotten him in such a short period of time? That’s hardly fair, considering the fact that Anakin has not stopped thinking of him at all.
“It’s Anakin,” he says. “I came back.”
“Why?” Obi-Wan asks, squinting at him in the light of the moon that filters through the single window.
Anakin pouts harder. “I brought my stuff,” he says. It had seemed like such a brilliant idea, not even an hour ago, but in the face of Obi-Wan’s incredulity, Anakin only feels stupid. He pulls out the books anyway. “I thought. Well. That maybe I could teach you.”
Obi-Wan sits up all the way at this and bends forward to study the covers, although Anakin is sure he doesn’t understand the letters written on them. .
“Teach me?” Obi-Wan asks.
Anakin huffs. This is going to become quite a tedious conversation if all Obi-Wan does is repeat fragments of what Anakin says. “To read and to write.”
“Why?” he asks, but different than he had asked before.
He doesn’t think because I want you to like me would satisfy Obi-Wan now, and even Anakin knows it’s a rather weak explanation.
“Because...you want to know,” Anakin settles on saying, “and my mother always says that a king should do what he can to satisfy the desires of the kingdom.”
“Oh well,” Obi-Wan scoffs. “If the Queen says so.”
Anakin withdraws, stung at the other boy’s standoffish attitude. “Never mind,” he mumbles, reaching for the satchel to put away the books. “It was stupid.”
Obi-Wan’s hand flashes out to stop him. “No,” he says. “No, I’m sorry. I. Thank you, milord for this. You don’t know what you’re offering.”
“I���m offering you some lessons,” Anakin responds slowly. Maybe Obi-Wan had missed that part?
In the moonlight, Obi-Wan’s smile breaks across his face like a sunrise. “Of course, milord.”
“Call me Anakin,” Anakin demands. He wants a friend, not someone who will bow to his title or shy away from his crown. He wants an equal, a familiar. He wants Obi-Wan to treat him as if they carried the same amount of dirt and grime on their skin.
“Of course, Anakin,” Obi-Wan whispers, like he’s breaking a rule and afraid he’ll get caught. “But….”
“But what?” Anakin asks, scooting closer now that he knows he probably won’t be kicked off the loft to be fed to the horses in the morning.
“Did you bring a light to read by?” Obi-Wan asks, looking around his bare accommodations.
Anakin bites his lip and looks too, but the search is fruitless. “Well,” he says. “No.” The truth is that in the castle there’s always light when he needs light. There are always servants, ready to bustle in and solve his slightest inconvenience. He had never thought of light as a--what had Obi-Wan said earlier? A luxury.
“Oh,” Obi-Wan whispers, tracing the cover of the book with something like longing.
“I’ll come back tomorrow,” Anakin finds himself promising. “I’ll bring a candle or something. I will. Tomorrow night.”
“Really?” The other boy’s voice seems to get caught in his throat because it comes out sounding much weaker and higher than it ever has.
Anakin nods. He would. He’d come back every night for the rest of his life if it meant Obi-Wan would like him, if it meant they could be friends. “I promise,” he says, reaching out with his smallest finger.
Obi-Wan looks at it for a second before linking their fingers together. “Okay, milord,” he says. “I believe you.”
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actualtoad · 2 years
my parents are fighting
#it had been a couple days and now my dad is really pissed#im just tired of all of it#im working on writing thank you cards to my teachers but im not feeling any positive energy anymore#so i think im going to just stop for now? but maybe i can finish before i go to sleep#they could keep this up forever though#im going to turn on some white noise because i don’t think i can deal with music right now but i could really use some sounds#anyway im doing okay i just kind of. have to complain to someone when there starts being screaming in my house?#because otherwise i end up feeling like im making it all up but my dad is SCREAMING at my mom calling her boring and unforgiving and#telling her to leave him the f*ck alone. so. that’s the vibe out here#they moved downstairs but the layer of floor does NOTHING. wait do you know what my dad sounds like#marlin when he’s yelling at nemo like toward the beginning of the movie my dad sounds like him#making the most of a bad situation with movie references#anyway i really want my dad to leave HER the f*ck alone actually. he’s calling her malevolent but he’s the one yelling and intimidating her#it’s not. fair. to decide that she’s a terrible problem when this is what happens whenever he gets upset at her. i just want her to get out#honestly. and i want them to get back divorcing please!!!! why did you guys stop doing that it was a good friggin idea#i told my mom that i didn’t want them to. back when she was first talking about it. but now i really wish she had#we can’t really afford for her to have her own apartment though so idk what would even happen. i just want it to end#anyway im fine but just. yeah. im going to turn on some music i think actually. and i think keep writing#me. my post. mine.#delete later#vent cw#don’t let me kill the mood this is just. a general vent because it’s kind of infuriating having this constantly in the periphery#i want a hug. and im tired. and i want to go home. but. im okay and im going to listen to music and everything’s fine
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malewifespike · 2 years
they really did not have to make death note this homoerotic that was certainly a choice that was made. or maybe this whole scene is more about the Jesus imagery of washing Light’s feet and like I get that but by god damn they made it sooooooooo gaaaaaaayyyy
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nrth-wind-a · 2 years
🍻+ "Have you ever messed up in a past relationship?"
Drunken Confessions II Accepting
Tim took a long sip before he was ready to answer that question.
“I… fucked up really bad, once.” He sighed. Best to just be honest. “I’m not proud of it, obviously, and I’ve since talked about all of this with both of them, but… Tim Drake and Ariana Dzerchenko were dating in high school… and then Robin and Spoiler started to, er…” he winced. “Flirt. Kiss, a few times, while that was going on. I felt awful about it and did my best to end things with Ariana gently; I think she took mercy on me because we hadn’t really had a great relationship to begin with—I had to cancel dates constantly, and my attention was always elsewhere with Robin; I was a pretty crappy boyfriend back then—but it still… sucked—and I still regret that, even now. Both of them deserved better than that."
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