#i get so mad at the fact that my parents alienated me from my siblings while i was growing up and i feel like im just doing the same thing
carnocus · 2 years
writeblr introduction
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Hey! I'm Arsen, I'm a Ukrainian-American in high school. I've been writing and making other forms of art for many years, and am planning on posting both my writing and my other art on this account! I've had this account for a while, yet it has undergone many breaks and changes so I'm reintroducing myself.
Some basic facts...
I'm 17 and will be 18 later this year
I currently live in the Northeastern US but my family is Ukrainian
My main blog for everything but my art is @thembones07
My account used to be under @/cryptidsandqueers
I tend to write mostly dark fantasy, horror, gothic, and literary fiction. I write both short stories and novels, and most of my works include a good deal of body horror. I am a big fan of using gore and horror as a vessel to demonstrate themes and put societal commentary in my writing ("A Modest Proposal"-style). I write mostly LGBTQ+ characters, and am a big fan of haunted house and mad scientist tropes. I make patches for clothes, including band patches, make other crafts, and draw. I am also into goth, industrial, metal, and grunge music, oddities, and fungi. I am currently planning on studying biology or mathematics after graduating high school.
I love doing ask and tag games, though sometimes I do get lazy and forget to. I also don't mind adults following me, but I am very liberal with my block button, so don't do any weird stuff no matter your age!
I've been wanting to connect to more writers on here, especially more horror writers, and refreshing my dash!
So with that out of the way, here are some of my works in progress...
The Promethean Society (working title) - novel series - currently planning - dark fantasy/horror/apocalyptic dystopian
On a post-apocalyptic earth where some possess the ability to manipulate bodily tissue, a prestigious university opens its doors for the first time in 15 years, and young adults eager to serve the god of flesh pour in. The select few with the power are taught how to harness and grow it, given special treatment above the rest. They stumble into a world of lies, illegal experimentation, and fraudulent history. While trying to stay alive in the dungeons of the academy, which are crawling with unfinished experiments, the students must decide wherever to obey the Clergy and the god they supposably serve, or rebel and reveal the truth.
This is my main project right now, I am veryyy attached to it and it has undergone SERIOUS changes over the years. It features me being overly edgy and also a nerd, and is an exploration of corruption in the scientific research field but with body horror and gore. There is also a great deal of speculative biology, mad science, sibling relationships, and enemies to lovers.
Untitled - novel - currently planning, on the backburner - contemporary fantasy/folkore fantasy
After being away from her hometown for many years, a Ukrainian trans girl comes back and discovers a ecosystem she believed she'd imagined there. This is a novel about reconnecting with ones culture while feeling alienated from it because you are queer and grew up in a different country, as well as a love letter to nature and folklore.
This is a VERY self-indulgent story. The main character is Ukrainian-American and trans, like me, and the story deals with many issues I face everyday. I still need to do a lot of research before writing this because its setting is based on Ukrainian folklore and spirits.
Short stories:
The Architect - short story - 2nd draft completed - literary horror
A man is pressured by his dead mother's aspirations for him, with her dreams for him physically manifesting on his body.
This is a story about parents who raise kids for self-indulgent reasons and pressure them to fulfill the parents' unrealized dreams.
The House of Famish - short story - 1st draft completed - gore horror
A couple living in a carnivorous house fight over wherever to live by tradition or reject the harmful past.
I am very happy with this title and this story. It discusses familial attachments to unhealthy traditions through very cool visuals and features a subverted haunted house.
If you read this to the end, ily <3
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cozycryptidcorner · 3 years
Monster Match #2
Hi! Special thanks to the absolutely phenomenal and positively lovely @floral-and-fine​ for commissioning this monster match! You gave me nothing but absolutely delightful vibes.
I’m a straight girl, Gemini, infp, and an elementary school teacher but my degree is in Fine Arts. I have blue eyes, brown/blonde wavy hair, plus size and 5’8”. I like to write, draw, play video games and watch movies. Personality wise, I’m sweet, mellow, timid with occasional moments of confidence, excitable, and a homebody but occasionally I like getting dressed up and going out. I love floral prints and wearing dresses. I’m terrible at being organized. I’m also very conflict averse and it takes a lot to make me mad.
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Song I just happened to be listening to that I think fits the character very well: City of Ghosts by Melodysheep.
You have been matched with a Chalkydri! The Chalkydri are an ancient race of creatures thought to be angels, dwell near the sun, feasting on its vast energy output the same way a human might consume food. They are a space-faring species, only half physical, half made from energy, in an appearance that can only be described as mesmerizing. While looking like scales, their skin actually consists of crystals that keep their energy form solid, their eyes and hair the only parts they let flow free. Each Chalkydri has a different color of energy that matches their Soul, one that reflects their Name and harmonizes with the surrounding universe they were born in.
Your Chalkydri has an energy that flows from blue to green to purple, shifting and fading based on his mood. His eyes are electric, throbbing, and pulsing with unfathomable power, his hair long and glowing, visible from long distances even during the day. Each Chalkydri has a myriad of wings, about a dozen sets stacked on top of limbs and body parts- some even looping over each other. They are paler colors compared to their true Soul resonance and float against the sky almost the same way as their hair. At first glance, the wings might look feathered, a gently orchestrated pattern twisting around like an evaporating gas. He's tall, even in the form he chooses to show to humankind, but he is unfathomably large when he is in his natural state. The scales that cover his arms, neck, and portion of his face almost look like a mosaic of emerald and lapis, the colors matching so close to his Soul that it must have been intentional.
Many of his kind exist, but they are slowly dwindling as the rest of the universe runs burns the fixed amount of energy. In the beginning- the very beginning, they came to consciousness, as though from failed stars that never managed to collect enough cosmic dust to start. The Souls are another thing, no one is entirely sure where those came from, though your Chalkydri believes that the universe is a single, outstretched creature, and that all Souls of every living thing are an extension of Her. Almost like a god, yes, but with an equal amount of omnipotence or control that a human being has over their own body.
Meeting him was an accident, though falling to earth was his bad. It was after a brief scrabble with another of his kind- an argument too heated, a push more forceful than intended, and he was hurtling through an atmosphere with no means of stopping. The impact was painful and the recovery was long- especially since the sun barely offers the required nutrients he needs so far away. His body bled out upon a barren wasteland, and from that, sprung life almost overnight. The soil suddenly turned fertile, dead seeds sprouting from the cement cracks, a forest overtaking the ruins of a city before he even wakes from his slumber.
And what person finds an odd figure stumbling out of the surprise wooden area?
After trying to get him to eat (he can't) and trying to get him to drink (he can't), he finally gets enough energy from sitting against your home's windowpane that he can at least speak. He needed to get to a higher altitude to speed his recovery, and you had nothing going on that weekend. Helping the strange, blue and green man to the closest mountain range might not have been on your to-do list, but you were able to shift some things around to accommodate him. After all: alien. Space. Alien from space, need you say more?
Everything about him breathes and speaks of power despite the fact he can't necessarily use most of it on earth without vaporizing a chunk of the population. He is a being made of energy, he knows, but his people are not warriors or conquerors:  they're primarily scholars. They are curious people who like to study what they do not understand, largely how the universe came to be. But still, even with the academic rigor, you have never met a gentler soul in your life. Despite his massive frame and ability to carve out the moon into a permanent crescent, he much prefers to use his power for small, almost unnoticeable ways to improve life on earth.
His initial fall might have been an accident, but your Chalkydri cannot deny the connections he made during his stay. Especially you, because there was something about you that was just so vibrant and sweet and Alive, despite your shorter lifespan. He had always thought terrestrial beings experienced only short, quick bursts of rotting misery, but you changed that perspective. Even if the relationship is bittersweet for him- keeping you close is the only remedy to the aching pain he experiences whenever he leaves the planet. Love, but not the kind he has experienced before with his parents and siblings. It's a biting thing, one that chews from the inside of his chest out like a feral animal. He knows you are not as permanent as he is, knows that he will outlive you by leagues, but he is drawn to you so closely regardless.
That's the state of the universe, though. Gravity draws primordial dust around it, creating planets and stars and galaxies, as though closeness in itself a fundamental law of nature. Some people are pulled to each other, orbiting and pulling at the other's paths until they are in perfect sync. Some people crash and implode, a fiery display of the raw, horrifying side of that truth. Does life not form only when gravity pulls together the correct elements? Is that not the universe herself begging for a form of companionship? Love, he might argue, be an equal force to the natural state of things as gravity.
But sometimes, when he looks at you, whether that's making breakfast, sleeping, or going through your work, he thinks he wouldn't mind if you were the cause of another explosive downfall.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 34
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I was a part of something bigger, made of something bigger. When I opened my eyes, Ruby was there. All of RWBY was there in fact, JNPR too. And CRDL even. Everyone I had ever met and, you know what, everyone I had ever not met was stuck too. Not just humans but faunus too. All Cetra in one giant groaning mass.
It was everybody. It was everything and at the center of it all was a mad god and the distant sound of flute playing. Out of tune. Out of beat. It was a horrific whistling sound like if somebody tortured the wind and made it shriek wildly in the abysmal mass.
And we were made out of it. And we were trapped in it.
We were all there and made and trapped in this stuff. I tried to move but I was stuck in it. Like I’d been cemented into place in this wall. But the stuff wasn’t cement, it was flesh. It was both human and Grimm flesh and I was stuck inside of it. When I looked out beyond there was only one thing that wasn’t stuck in the goo, only one person.
A woman.
I knew her. Her straw-blonde hair and pale skin stood out to me. Her sharp facial features were a match for my own. I had her nose and eyes a few shades darker than hers.
“Mother!” I called out. “Mother save me!” With pale eyes, she turned towards me.
She walked towards me and cupped my chin with ghost white hands. “Of course, my child. I will save you. Hush now.”
With one gentle pull she ripped me free of the wall into her ghostly white arms. I shuddered as she cradled me.
This isn’t what I wanted. This wasn’t what I had in mind. I was a tentacle. I was merging in my flesh with my mother and becoming one with her. I wasn’t saved here. I was just as trapped.
When I woke up, Ruby’s arms were tight around me. Her face held the exact same soft expression it had when she was stuck in the wall. I couldn’t look at her. Especially as she sighed softly and nuzzled her face into my shoulder.
There had been cries for help. People sobbed in the wall. But I knew that no one made it out of the four and a half billion year deep corpse pile. I screamed and something had looked at me. I called out in pure instinct for my mother and something had answered. It was alien, foreign. It was not like us.
My mouth opened in a silent scream in the real world, I’d drooled all over my pillow and sheets. I flipped the pillow over and laid my head back but I knew I’d never get any sleep now.
All I could think was that she wasn’t my mother.
Ruby hushed me and rubbed my chest softly. Harsh red and orange scars stood out across it. She mumbled softly in her sleep. I watched her adjust her position across my chest, her hands taking mine in hers as she did.
I relaxed but only slightly. The sight of the woman’s eyes were burned into my mind.
I checked my scroll. It was three thirty in the morning. Way too early to go about waking Ruby or any such nonsense. I slid out of bed carefully, avoiding any movement which might wake Ruby and slid my pillow into my place. She adorably wrapped her arms around it and I couldn’t help but brush her hair back and kiss her forehead.
I made my way over to the minifridge and helped myself to some of the icecream Ruby had bought and binged to make herself feel better. Strawberry sherbet. Fitting. And for breakfast no less. I sighed and wiped my forehead.
“Jaune…” A quiet whisper. I’d failed and been caught. Ruby came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me. There was a mirror which ran across our wall in which I’d failed to notice her creeping up behind me within. Her tight pjs pressed against my back and her fingers traced about the scars on my chest.
“It’s nothing, just a bad dream.”
“You’ve been having a lot of those.” She almost scolded me. But if it was a scold I wanted to be scolded again, it was so gentle.
“They’re nothing,” I tried.
“Not nothing," she denied easily. "Tell me about them,” she murmured. Her voice like a shallow creek. “Are they about Tyrian?”
“Who? The scorpion?”
I felt her roll her eyes against my back. “His name was Tyrian.”
“He doesn’t deserve so much as a name. Calling him ‘The Scorpion’ is already too good for him.”
“Tell me about your nightmares, Jaune.” She was impossible to distract, it would seem. That’s why I loved her; I think. Not only was she a sweetheart, she was unrelenting. It was unbelievably attractive.
I told her about the mound of human and faunus flesh. But I didn’t mention my mother pulling me out of it and into her arms. I didn’t mention how I became one with her instead. I told her about how I saw her sleeping in the massive wall. Just another person shaped tentacle.
I shuddered as she ran her hands through my scars, the warmth of her fingers rocked me to my bones. The feeling spread across my ribs as I turned around and wrapped her in my arms. Her arms stayed tight within mine and she leaned her head against my chest again.
“I’ll be okay Rubes. Pinky promise.”
She wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed me.
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Ruby went back to bed. I could not. I was awake and out and about. And if I had another dream like that one I never wanted to sleep again.
Weiss was the first one up. It was early too when she joined me in the living spaces. As in, it was like five in AM. She must be an early riser. Maddening.
“Jaune…” she murmured my name sleepily. “What’s got you out of bed so early.”
“Bad dreams. Family problems probably. Couldn’t get back to sleep. Why are you up so fucking early?”
“I’m always up this early.”
“I like the mornings. If you’re up early you can get a lot done. Coffee?”
“I made a pot already. Help yourself.”
“What a gentleman.”
“I guess.”
“So, family problems,” she muttered. “I know a thing or two about that.”
“Ruby mentioned you did. Not any of the specifics,” I said hurriedly when she turned swiftly in my direction. “Just that your parents were mean to you.”
“Well. ‘Mean.’” She managed. She thought for a moment. “My father was physically and emotionally abusive. My mother was a drinker and was totally absent in any way that matters.”
“Mean,” I leveraged. “My parents were… I don’t know how to describe it. They didn’t believe in me. For one thing. My father especially didn’t. He thought I didn’t have a prayer. Especially at being a huntsman.”
“But you showed them. You’re quite the huntsman now.”
“Yeah. I guess. Wait until my sisters find out. That will mean something.”
“How many sisters did you have again?”
“Seven?!” She asked as she sat down on the couch opposite me.
“Seven. I’m the oldest. They matter to me. Are you close with your siblings if not with your parents?” I asked.
“Maybe with Winter. So maybe one. But she’s distant. It’s a part of who she is. It’s also a survival trait in a family like mine. My brother on the other hand…” she trailed off but I just waited. “My brother is like my father,” she decided.
“Bad, then.”
“Bad,” she agreed.
“I was the oldest by quite a bit. And I was the only guy. So… I was excluded from stuff. But not intentionally. You know? It’s just how that goes.”
“Mmhmm,” she hummed. It was a pleasant sound in her throat. I stared at her neck for a moment. Her early morning clothes were a soft grey and blue gown that showed off all the way down her collar. I glanced away as my eyes trailed a little lower than her collar.
Girl’s in their pajamas, man. Something about it… What was I to do?
“But I’ve got Ruby now. She believes in me,” I continued. “I mean you and I both do?”
She choked a little on her coffee. I stared. “I’m sorry?” She wondered. “What do you mean?”
“She’s your partner. You two are like, besties or whatever. I’ve never really had that either.”
“Oh. That’s… that’s what you meant. Yes, I suppose. We’re good friends. I… I never really had that before Ruby. A best friend.”
“Me neither. I’m none of my best-friends’ best friends. It’s a bit of an insecurity of mine. Yeah I’m dating Ruby but…”
“But that’s different,” Weiss whispered. “What you and Ruby have is different from what Ruby and I can have…”
“Yeah. I mean, I guess. What is friendship anyways? I was close to Pyrrha but I wouldn’t say we were best friends like you and Ruby are. We also were never a couple. And Ren has Nora so while he’s definitely my bro, he’s not really my best friend.”
“When did you find out that Pyrrha liked you?” Weiss murmured.
“She… she kissed me before she went to fight Cinder. So… she had to be pretty obvious. With Ruby, too. It was that way. Or I never would have found out. I’m… for someone who is… I don’t know… I’m kinda smart. Right?”
“Yes, you’re smart. You fight in a way that’s about the mental battle as much as the physical. Like your empty hops. You’re always trying to psych your opponent out. You’re pretty smart. We pretty much all go to you for plans.”
“Right,” I agreed. “But holy fuck am I dumb. You get what I mean?”
“I mean I went after you instead of Pyrrha who was right there in front of me. I didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell with you. But my dumbass just kept tryin’.”
“ Well …”
“So man, am I dumb. You feel me? I’m too fuckin’ dumb to be this smart.”
“A little , but what makes you say you didn’t have a chance with me?” Weiss rubbed her coffee cup and stared into the liquid distantly.
“Did I have a chance with you? You can answer that.”
“Not when you were putting on that act, no.”
“There you go then. Not a prayer. And Pyrrha was right in front of me. Am I blind? What’s the matter with me?”
“Well, yes. Okay. So you don’t have experience with girls…”
“No experience with girls-I have seven sisters! What the hell are you talking about?” I demanded. “Seriously what’s my excuse? I’d like one.”
“I… I have nothing for you. You’re pumping in a dry well.”
“Yeah. So that’s what’s wrong with me.”
“Oh is that all?”
“Probably not but let’s say it is. So what’s eating you?”
“Nothing. Why would you say something’s eating me?”
“Okay. Nothing’s bothering you.”
“No seriously was it something I said?”
“Well a little. Something seems up with you. You’re actually talking to me.”
“You’re actually talking to me,” she pointed out. “None of the fake stuff.”
“The fake stuff got me nowhere fast anyway. Good riddance to that sweet trash.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
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“Things aren’t looking good, Oz.” I overheard Qrow from the kitchen beside Ruby.
“Ever the optimist. Even with the strides in progress we’ve made with you recently.” Ozpin was in control so I suppose it was he who I heard take a sip of coffee rather than Oscar. “While I would not say our current predicament is ideal I think we can both agree the situation could be much worse. Humanity is a resilient force.”
“Oz. Pro-huntsmen don’t just bite it like that all at once. Salem’s powerful and it seems like her reach is growing by the day. What does that say about humanity?” I shuddered. I thought of my mother and sisters who were out there somewhere right now. Ruby set her arm on the small of my back and I gave her a firm nod. She sighed and turned around and paced away from me.
I hated to see her leave but I loved to watch her go.
“That there are indeed a misguided few who have filled their hearts with malice. It doesn’t take a great number of people to cause harm but I believe there are far more people in this world willing to prevent it.”
Ruby paced over to join her uncle and Ozpin for their discussion. I loomed in the doorway, against the garden glass. “Um excuse me?” She was still a tad shy where her own leadership was concerned when things weren’t in the heat of battle.
“Ah Ms. Rose and Mr Arc, join us.” I snorted and stayed standing. Ruby took the red love seat next to her uncle. “We were just about to gather everyone to discuss our next steps.”
“Oh, uh, great.”
“Something on your mind kido?” Qrow asked.
“Well if it’s okay to ask…” Ruby trailed.
“Of course,” Qrow encouraged.
“Well we’ve been talking about the relics, Jaune and I that is, and if they have the fall maiden…”
“Cinder,” Ozpin clarified.
“Doesn’t that mean that they already have the Beacon relic?”
"Very astute Ms. Rose. I was wondering who would be the first to ask. It's true that the Haven relic, the relic of knowledge, is very much at risk, and for now that should remain our primary objective. Let's just say I made finding the relic at Beacon a bit more challenging than at the other schools."
"Ah, that's good to hear."
"It is. But let's not forget the challenges that still lie before us."
"Oh well I did have one more question."
"No my cane is not a relic."
"I have no more questions."
They shared a polite laugh and I snorted again at my girlfriend's antics from my spot in the corner. Arms folded I still eyed Ozpin warily.
"Yes while this cane is indeed very precious to me it is only that, precious to me. And while it still has a few tricks up its sleeve, I can firmly say being a relic is not one of them."
"Now why don't you run and get the other students."
Ruby gave me an indecipherable glance as she walked past me to gather our friends.
"Now something we can help you with, Mr Arc?"
"You let me into your school." It wasn't a question. "I have to know why. Why you took that risk over other applicants. I can't trust you otherwise."
"Yes. You did stand out to me at Beacon. Glynda, too. Your records indicated someone with shall we say more skill than you displayed."
"That charade should have lasted all of five minutes into initiation. I didn't even have aura."
"I took a calculated risk."
"You thought I was Salem's. My records didn't fool you."
They shared a glance. "Now is this the source of your hostility towards me. I thought it had its origin in my selection of Pyrrha as the new fall maiden."
"That too. Her blood is on your hands." I looked to where I wore Pyrrha's banner on my bicep. "How many others have you gotten killed that I don't know about? How many people have you had die? How old are you really? And why did you let me get past you?"
"Very well, if you'll allow me to tackle the questions in order?" He seemed to be actually waiting for me to answer so I nodded. "Many. Too many to count for the first two. I suspect you know something about that. It has escaped me." I shuddered again and nodded. The exact number of people I have killed has run from me, after all. "I am very old. I predate modern Remnant by a few thousand years. And yes I thought you were an agent of Salem's. I'm glad to see that you aren't given the alarming competence you've shown me these last few weeks. I took a gamble and I'm happy to see it paid off."
"So you didn't know what I would become? This… this thing?"
"I saw potential in you, if that's what you're asking. I was hardly the only one. You were willing to put in the work to catch up to your peers. And you're hardly a monster, Mr. Arc." He gave a little laugh.
"I could have been one of Salem's agents and you still let me in. I could have killed someone. I could have been anything. You made the wrong choice."
"Even with the benefit of hindsight?"
"I could have been anything. You took too serious a risk where my friends are concerned. I think you have a bad habit of playing fast and loose with other people's lives, given that immortal perspective and all."
"Perhaps I did.” He confessed, maybe conceding the point. “What would you have me do?"
"Be more careful. We're counting on you."
"You don't seem pleased by it."
"I don't have any other choice."
Qrow's scroll buzzed. He'd been watching our exchange with a sort of jealous attention. I had the feeling I'd asked questions he himself wanted answers to, like I had said things he wanted to be said. He looked at the device.
"It's Leo, hang on." He opened the communication. "Yeah? Okay. Yeah, we'll be there."
"And?" I pressed.
"He says he had a break-through with the council. Said he might just be able to put that raiding party together and that we should join him tomorrow evening to talk about it."
"Perhaps time was all Leo really needed." Ozpin sounded like he didn't believe it.
"But you doubt it," I said.
"I do. Leonardo disobeyed direct commands I had given him. You yourself are suspicious of him, rightfully so. As am I, as you were suspicious of me."
"Are,” I corrected. “I am suspicious of you. Do you really think you’ve won me over. I know you have designs for my friends as pieces in your game.”
“And what about your role in the games I play?”
“I can eat shit, and die. And I totally fucking will. My friends. They actually matter. Their lives have real value.”
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adiwriting · 4 years
Sunday Mornings 12/?
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So this started out as a cute little fic of the boys being doggy daddies... and quickly it turned into phone sex. So... heed that warning. 
If anyone has any prompt fills for this, let me know. I’m slowly running low on my own ideas for domestic bliss fic! 
Gif by the lovely @manesalex​
Week 12
The phone rings so early in the morning that it’s still dark outside. Of course the sound causes the three littlest ones on the bed to jolt awake and start barking. Michael groans, reaching out to grab his cell phone off of the nightstand without moving too much. He’s worried if he sits up that John will go tumbling off of his chest and to the floor. It wouldn’t be the first time. His smallest child really is an uncoordinated mess. 
When Michael is able to pull his phone to his face, he smiles when he sees an incoming FaceTime call from Alex. 
“You woke up the children,” he playfully admonishes Alex in lieu of a formal greeting. Alex has been away on a training for the last several days and isn’t due back home until Tuesday. 
“Sorry,” Alex says, not looking sorry in the least. “I have to report in thirty minutes and I didn’t want to leave for work without seeing you guys.” 
Michael smiles at that. Or, he would, but Peter, little shit that he is, climbs over his face in order to see his daddy properly. 
“Hey baby!” Alex says, his entire face lighting up. “Are you being a good boy for your old man?” 
Michael rolls his eyes and Peter literally sits on his face. He most certainly did not agree to being called ‘old man’ and every time he says as much to Alex, Alex makes sure to use it that much more. The fact that Peter is also a little shit is one hundred percent Alex’s influence. 
Michael lets Peter say hi for a minute before he reaches up and grabs him, moving him to his chest so that Michael can breathe properly and Alex can see more than just Peter’s nose. Wendy and John squeeze themselves into the frame as well to say hello. 
Alex spends a solid minute greeting each of them personally and Michael has to bite back a goofy smile at the way they all get excited to hear their name and attempt to reach Alex through the phone. 
“So we’re letting the puppies sleep in our bed now?” Alex asks, amused once he’s done saying good morning to the littles. 
“They missed you,” Michael says defensively, not bothering to mention that it is indeed Michael who misses Alex and he’s been letting the puppies sleep in the bed so it won’t feel so big and empty. 
“That’s very sweet,” he says. “If they pee on the comforter I’m gonna be mad.” 
He has a fair point. Which is why Michael had thought ahead and stripped the bed and replaced the linens with the cheap sheets they only ever use on laundry day.
“Aww, come on babe, you can’t be mad the dogs are in the bed. Look at our girl,” he says, flipping the camera around and pointing it at Bell, who is currently under the covers next to Michael with her head on Michael’s pillow, eyeing the entire thing skeptically, but not running away, which is progress. 
“Oh my god, when did this happen?” Alex asks, his hands coming up to his mouth as his eyes water. 
Bell has been home with them for three whole weeks and has spent most of her time under their bed. So much time, in fact, that Alex and Michael have taken turns hanging out under the bed with her so she wouldn’t be alone. She would only ever leave to go outside during the day. They’ve had to keep their master bedroom door open at night because the only time she’d venture into the kitchen to eat is during the middle of the night when the entire house is asleep. 
“Two nights ago, I woke up to her crawling under the blanket from the foot of the bed. I was gonna text you, but I didn’t wanna jinx it,” he says. “She still goes under the bed when anyone knocks on the door, but otherwise this is her new spot.” 
Michael flips the camera back around as Peter tries to lick the phone and Michael has to hold it above his head and out of reach. 
“Well that’s certainly progress,” Alex says with a smile and Michael agrees. 
Wendy barks at the blanket when Michael moves his foot and pounces at it and John stands up to egg her on. 
“Jesus, it’s too early for this shit,” Michael says with a laugh even as he moves his foot around and watches Wendy jump around at the foot of the bed trying to attack whatever beast she assumes is under the sheet. 
“I feel bad leaving you with all four of them yourself,” he says. “I know they’re a handful.”
A handful, they certainly are. But that’s not the reason that Michael is annoyed that Alex had to go away this week. Despite his loud protest for weeks about getting a dog, Michael is completely satisfied with their crazy brood. 
“I feel worse about you being gone on a Sunday.” Michael pouts at the camera and Alex lets out a groan. 
“I know, why do you think I called you so early?” he says. “I wanted to at least pretend that we woke up in bed together before I had to go through another one of these long ass days.” 
Michael wants that too. It’s crazy, in a matter of weeks, Michael has completely forgotten how to sleep alone. 
“Next time the stupid military decides to send you somewhere, I’m throwing the kids in the airstream and we are coming with you,” he says. 
Alex’s soft smile tells him that he wants that too, even as he questions, “And give Bell a nervous breakdown? Wouldn’t that make us bad parents?” 
“We’ll train her up,” Michael says, he’s about to say more, when John starts circling around, doing his potty dance. 
“Nope!” Michael yells, grabbing John and shooting out of bed. He rushes to the back door, letting him out, before he can poop in the house. Unsurprisingly, his siblings run after him and head outside as well. Perfect. The kids are officially up, everyone’s out of bed except for Bell, and there’s no way Michael is getting back to sleep. It’s not even six in the morning. 
He sighs, pulling the phone back up. 
“Sorry,” Michael apologizes. “I should probably let you go or something.” 
“Wait,” Alex calls out before he can hang up. Michael gives him a questioning look. “I just want to look at you for another minute.” 
Michael blushes at that, stepping out onto the patio to take a seat at one of the chairs, watching the kids run around the yard, distracted for a few minutes. 
“Is that all I am to you? A pretty face?” he asks in mock outrage. 
“I want to be loved for more than just my beauty you know,” he teases him. 
“Oh, I appreciate your mind as well.” Alex’s eyes darken and he licks at his lower lip in the way that always turns Michael on. He reaches down to rub at himself through his sweatpants, and he doesn’t have to be able to see all of Alex… The look on his face tells him that he’s doing the same thing. 
“My mind was it?” Michael asks, as he starts to get hard. He flips the camera so that Alex can see the tent in his pants. 
“I hate you,” Alex groans and shifts around on the bed until he’s resting back against the pillows. 
Michael can just picture him, laying out, feet on the mattress, knees spread, and touching himself. He glances around to make sure the puppies are still distracted before he slips his hand under the waistband to touch himself properly, letting out a moan as he does. 
“Fuck, Michael.” Alex bites his lip and it does things to Michael. 
“Yes please,” he says, not even embarrassed by how breathy it comes out. “Hurry before the kids want my attention again.” 
Alex laughs, but angles his camera down so that Michael can see his hand pumping himself slowly under the thin sheet. Michael slows down his own pumping to match Alex’s pace, trying to picture it’s Alex beside him, touching him. 
“You say the sexiest things,” Alex says. 
“You love it.” 
His breath catches as the sheet covering Alex drops and he can see him in all of his glory. Alex lets go of his dick to lick at his palm before returning back to touching himself. Michael practically whines. Alex paints a positively filthy picture and if he hadn’t upgraded both of their phones with some military grade encryption software he’d be worried… But they are safe and Michael can enjoy this moment with zero guilt.
“I love you,” Alex says. 
Despite the fact that both of them are touching themselves, breathing heavily, and moaning loud enough for the neighbors to hear if they were awake, Michael positively melts at Alex’s words. Alex always makes sure that Michael never feels like they are just having sex. They make love every single time. 
“I love you, too,” Michael whispers, slowing his pace so that he is able to get the words out without sounding like a damn porn star. 
Alex changes the camera angle so that his entire face comes back into view and while Michael was enjoying watching Alex touch himself, he has to admit, he’d rather get off to this view instead. Alex is so fucking beautiful. 
“I should be the one touching you right now,” he says, and it sounds sad. 
Michael drops his grip on himself and sits up, watching Alex’s face carefully. Somehow, his tired eyes had missed it before, but he can see it now. The weight Alex is carrying in his shoulders. The stress around his eyes. Michael isn’t the only one feeling the distance between them. He wants to ask Alex about the training, but Michael already knows that whatever the military has Alex working on is classified and Alex isn’t allowed to say. And while Alex may disregard the military’s need for secrecy when it comes to anything alien related, he’s a stickler for it with everything else. 
“You’ll be home in two days and then you can do all the touching you want,” Michael assures him. 
Alex smiles, and though it doesn’t completely erase the stress, it’s something. “I’m gonna hold you to that.” 
“You can hold me to more than that, Baby,” he says with a wink that has Alex laughing again. 
“Are you gonna come with me or not?” Alex asks and Michael’s not a complete idiot. He flips the camera around, pulls his pants down, and gives Alex a show. After all, his soldier deserves to know what he’s coming back home to, does he not? 
Tagged: @callieramics​ @redstalkingdeath​
If anyone else would like to be tagged- let me know! 
PS- if anyone wants to see the inspiration photos for Bell in this fic, here you go:
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some-cookie-crumbz · 3 years
Hello 👋🏼, sorry if I’m bothering u but ever since the recent chapters of BNHA I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the Todoroki family. Not many of my friends are into this anime and I just couldn’t stop myself from sharing this with you because I need to let this out.
First of all:
(I’m still screaming as I write because the backstories RUINED me.)
Poor Touya having this horrible obsession over heroics and having his father acknowledge him but ever since his quirk started reacting against his body the whole family got negatively affected by it.
Rei and Enji wanted to stop at two kids but with Touya’s sudden disadvantage and the latter’s craving for power, Natsuo and later on Shouto was born (the youngest getting titled as the perfect heir from the moment he was born). I got torn seeing Touya’s eyes succumb to absolute madness at the birth of his younger brothers.
What scared me the most was how when it was just Touya and Fuyumi, the two hardly interacted despite being only a year apart in age. Touya claimed that ‘girls just don’t get it’ this small foreshadowing was later brought to light in the most recent chapter where he once again rejects Fuyumi’s company in favour of ranting to only Natsuo and where he disregards his own mother— another ‘girl’ that doesn’t understand his obsession passion for surpassing All Might and someone who plays along to the acts of those stronger than them. Touya saw his mother as a weak person who had no choice but to marry for the sake of her family and have custom children. Little Touya firmly believed his very existence depended on getting acknowledged my his father and defeating All Might but it sadly didn’t come true😭😭
Also..... LOOK AT THE BABIES!!!! They’re all so CUTE!!!
Chubby Fuyumi!!!
Natsuo with a running nose
And Baby Shouto with a meme like face since the day he was born🤣🤣🤣🤣
And another thing. FUYUMI WAS EVEN YOUNGER THAN I THOUGHT TO HAVE STARTED ACTING LIKE A SECOND MOTHER TO HER BROTHERS!! Look at the way she defended Natsuo when Touya went on a rampage and tried to attack Touya! And during moments when Enji and Rei fought the two most notable heroes were Shouto and Fuyumi; the former fighting on the frontlines to face his father while the latter stood behind to once again care for her remaining family that though weren’t involved in the fight, they still needed emotional support to get through it.😭
TW: Spoilers, Brief Mention of Child Abuse (Physical, Emotional and Mental), General Fandom Wank
So, like, SO MUCH HAPPENED in those chapters and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ALMOST ALL OF IT! There’s obviously all the things you mentioned above that were just amazing to see and learn! I know that a majority of the fandom has been absolutely livid about the reveals involving Touya being drastically different than what fandom thought they were all this time, but I think it honestly highlights how smart Horikoshi’s writing really is.
In Shoto, we see the effects of physical and mental abuse on a child, and how easily he could have ended up going down a troubling road much like Touya. Shoto’s saving grace is facing off against Deku in the Sports Festival, giving him an outside perspective and makes him realize that he can choose to be better, but that doesn’t just magically fix all of Shoto’s problems. Shoto still struggles with his feelings towards his Father and how he is perceived by simply being Endeavor’s son. We see that in the Provisional License Arc, where Shoto is so thoroughly rattled by Inasa. It’s even further pushed through how Shoto struggles with his feelings about Endeavor trying to better and whether or not he should forgive him. I feel like Shoto’s arc is incredibly strong and that his struggles are very realistic, which is why people love him so much. This whole concept is another thing I could rant about but I’m going to leave it here.
Meanwhile, with Touya, we see the effects of mental and emotional abuse on a child and how it can completely destroy them. I think people that act like Horokoshi “down played” and “ret-conned” Endeavor as a character to make him more sympathetic/ redeemable or that he’s simply writing Touya as “always being a bad seed” are missing the mark. This is, admittedly, something you see a lot when it comes to victims of abuse in the real world as well; the idea that if you weren’t physically or sexually abused on top of emotional or mental abuse, your abuse is somehow less “valid.” Now I’ve seen more voices speaking out against this mentality - which is relieving and positive - but it’s still a problem. The way Touya was abused is no less valid or scarring to himself as a person as what Shoto has been through was. Touya and Enji clearly had a deep bond as father and son. Hell, the fact that Enji is sobbing and saying he “can’t fight his own son” in regards to Touya, but clearly had less issue training Shoto until he got ill or passed out says a lot.
Touya was put on an incredibly high pedestal by Enji’s constant praise and attention. He was the apple of his father’s eye until the limitations of his Quirk were discovered. Enji had filled his head with promises and goals for what his future would be, essentially selling him what turned out to be a lie. We see Rei herself tell Enji that Touya “knows you expect something out of the kids.” Touya’s whole life up until that point was being told of all the great he would someday accomplish, and equating that to being deserving of his Father’s love, attention and affection.
And then he couldn’t live up to that expectation. And then his parents had two more kids following that revelation. The idea that Touya doesn’t realize that Natsuo and Shoto were meant to be his replacements - unbroken models that “deserved” Enji’s love - is clearly not missed by him. It’s evident in the way he looks at Natsuo after he’s born. He sees this as a sign that he is no longer deserving - no longer worthy - of love or support from the parent he absolutely adores.
We see this mostly from Enji and Rei’s perspectives, so we know the reasons they did it, but it’s clear they didn’t stop to think about the way this would be interpreted by Touya himself. This whole matter is only worsened by the fact that Enji refuses to make sacrifices for the sake of his oldest son. He pushes Touya to live a life outside of Pro Heroics while Enji himself refuses to do the same, thus setting a positive example and showing solidarity with his son. He instead pushes him away and distances himself, loses himself in focusing on Natuso and, once his Quirk turns out to not be what he wants, Shoto. Touya continues to push himself despite his limits in a desperate bid for Enji to look at him the way he used to; with pride and love. 
What caused the fire that “killed” Touya? His anguish over being neglected and abandoned - left unloved - by his father yet again. It’s clear that Touya’s mental health is in need of some real focus that he has never gotten - due to both his parents negligence as well as the fact that mental health is highly stigmatized in Japanese society - and pairing that with the emotional and mental abuse he suffered at Enji’s hands broke him.
So many people are claiming Horikoshi is trying to make Enji “more redeemable”, but how do you get that? Enji abused Rei, his own wife, physically and emotionally and mentally until she had a psychotic breakdown, hurt their youngest child, and then robbed her the right to mother her children further by having her locked up in a psych ward for the next decade or so; built their oldest son, Touya, up only to then emotionally and mentally abuse him to the point he damn near killed himself in a frantic bid to garner Enji’s support only to return years later completely unhinged and looking to murder his entire family out of spite; neglected Fuyumi and Natsuo to the care of each other and hired help; alienated Shoto, his youngest son, from his siblings for his entire formative years, physically and mentally and emotionally abused him, groomed him to accomplish a task he never wanted, put him through such extensive physical training that Shoto would get sick or pass out.
Enji was a shitty father. He has a long ass road to continue walking if he ever wants redemption. The fact he didn't physically hit Touya doesn’t mean that Enji didn’t abuse his son and it doesn’t make Touya any less of a victim.
* End TodoFam Rant*
On a slightly lighter note, I also like all the information with Hawks’ past and all the parallels we’re seeing develop!
I’ve rambled briefly about this in other places the Huwumi discord but I want to expound upon this a bit more here.
I feel like Touya/ Dabi and Keigo/ Hawks are meant to be parallels to one another.
Back to back, we had proper name claims by these two characters. We had Dabi reveal his true identity as Todoroki Touya and then we have Hawks choosing to abandon his hero name to instead step up to fight as Takami Keigo.
I feel like “Dabi” was always a mask, of sorts. Dabi is typically pretty calm, cool, composed with the occasional bites of snark and cruelty. Meanwhile, we see Touya emoting and moving in a manner more akin to himself as a child, dancing about in manic delight over revealing his true identity and intentions. The pair of them are two drastically different people when you stop and look at it. “Dabi” was the mask he wore to gain ground to enact his revenge, and now that he is there? Now Touya can burn everything tethered to it down to ground.
Meanwhile, we have "Hawks” as he was forced to become as per the Hero Public Safety Commission. We had it revealed quite a while back that Hawks was a man of many faces, jumping from laid-back and chill to serious and focused quite frequently. “Hawks” is the presentation for the public and the Commission, groomed to be the perfect little canary in the mine that was Pro Heroics. The reveal of his true heritage, however, is not the killing blow Touya wanted it to be. Instead, it allows Keigo, the one who wanted to be a Hero to help people, the chance to truly dedicate himself to that. In being freed from the cage of “Hawks”, he is given the change to really soar as Keigo.
Now, I feel that “Dabi” and “Hawks” are most certainly parts of Touya and Keigo as well, respectively. Even though those titles were masks, they were masks made from parts of the men who wear them. I think what we’ll see going forward is the true elements of those masks bleeding back into the whole, and seeing the truest forms of each character.
For better or for worse. 
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dendylabyrinth · 4 years
Why Magical Girls keeping their Families in the dark is the best choice
We all had that thought, right? Watching Madoka get swerved left and right in the original series while her mom gives her advice that she mistakingly thought was for some middle school drama rather than a life or death dilemma, 'If only she told her mom about magical girls...' and yeah, the whole 'my daughter has gone MAD!' bit is the first reason not to, but that can be dealt with by just using magic to prove its existence. So then why should girls keep potential support figures in the dark about their secret life as witch slayers that risk death every time? lemme tell you!
I will be describing the whole thing from my own personal perspective (Which shouldn't be alien) if I, as a teen, made a contract with Kyubey (I won't dwell on what wish I could have made, it could be for anything honestly, I was a VERY troubled kid) and my family was in the know, how would it work?
Well, let's get something out of the way first: it got to be the worst thing to place on a parent's mind: the fact that you have to fight horrific monsters regularly, not knowing if you might get back home every time. Like you can be as idealistic as you want about 'Saving People' and 'Being a Hero' because the only thing a parent would hear would be: 'You can die', this is touched upon in Green Jasper Diviners with Chiharu and Shizuka's mothers. A parent is an adult, they're realistic, they most likely would see through how the system is unjust after dwelling on it.
If my mom knew about a secret magical life I had and its duties, she would be a 24h worried wreck and I would lie like hell just to ease her mind (which honestly? wouldn't work).
Like here's a scenario: Me and my mom are on a walk and suddenly 'FLASH' there's a witch in our neighborhood! I would probably try to act casual about it like “UGH! talk about timing, hey Mom? go wait for me by the park, I will deal with this one quick!” And my poor mom would ask “...Isn't there someone you can call to help you?” and, of course, territorial problems would make it hard to (like the other person demanding the grief seed since I called them), so I will try to lie to assure her by saying “Oh! no need! It’s a weak one, so it will be easy, don't worry!” And she will try to calm down and head to the park, but will actually stand around a corner and wait until I go so she can follow from behind, knowing that, while she can't do anything if the need rose, it's the most she can do.
So here, imagine the feeling of waiting for your kid near a labyrinth, knowing that they were probably fighting an unimaginable horror inside (probably worse than the glimpse you would get while they slayed the occasional familiar), not knowing if it will end up dragging you in or if they won't be coming back.
That kind of stress would be way worse if you learn about where witches come from. Since now, your poor parent(s),will have to weigh their normal kids over their magical one that might turn into a horrific monster randomly because of exams or a sad novel or some dumb teenage stuff, right under your roof.
Personally? I would rather suffer alone and turn into a monster that, if lucky, would get slayed immediately, rather than let my family go through that enormous amount of emotional pain and turmoil.
It stops being about what kind of parent they are at some point and become more about 'What can they actually do??' Staying up late every night waiting for me to come back so that she can sleep knowing that I'm still alive is something my mother would do. And imagine how much pain seeing your family go through that would cause you on a daily basis? (Aka ++corruption rate) your relationships won't be the same anymore, since everybody knows you might die any day, you won't get to fight over stupid stuff with your siblings like pizza slices or picking the channel anymore since they won't be able to bring themselves to be selfish with someone risking death everyday (Hell, they might as well start resenting you for making their problems seem minuscule in comparison since they don't involve death). You won't get saddled with chores since your parents would worry that you will need all your energy to get through your hunt. School will be secondary at best, since you might not have a future to devote all that time to anymore. And many other parts of daily life that won't be as they used to be. It would be a daily struggle with no end. Some family members might start giving up on you, since it's easier to see you as a dead person walking. So, while we have examples of good parents like Madoka's and Ren's, it's more about protecting them in the long run than about teens being angsty and dumb.
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planetsam · 4 years
Michael Sanders prompt: could you do a follow up where Walt makes Michael go to college? 
Follow up to THIS
Walt isn’t surprised to see Alex waiting there alone.
Alex looks heartbreakingly young but still every bit the stubborn punk whose defied his father enough times to be sent away. Walt wishes he could say he’s disappointed Jesse isn’t here to see his son off, but he expected that from him. No, Walt realizes the person he’s disappointed in his own son. Which he’s planning on dealing with in due time. But first things first. He puts the truck in park and tries not to watch hope and then disappointment fall over Alex’s features.
“Don’t look too disappointed.”
“Mr. Sanders,” he says respectfully, “I’m sorry I thought—“ he stops and Walt remembers that the military is about as understanding as Alex’s father, “Sorry.”
“You don’t gotta apologize, I saw you waiting here, figured you might want the company.”
“That’s very kind of you,” Alex says.
“It’s nothing. Apparently my son was an idiot last night and punched out Wyatt Long’s tires,” Alex’s face falls and Walt realizes he’s not the only one disappointed in Michael’s behavior, “I gotta go knock some sense into him.”
Alex pales and Walt realizes his mistake instantly. He’s never raised a hand to Michael in his life and he sure as hell isn’t about to start, but it’s a sore subject. Especially for someone like Alex. He looks like the kid in the principals office. It breaks Walt’s heart to see him looking like that.
“Shit I didn’t—“
“I know you wouldn’t,” Alex says. Walt nods, “I have to go,” he adds abruptly, “this is my chance, you know? I don’t want to but—“
“I know,” Walt cuts in, “you should take your chance,” he adds, “It doesn’t mean anything about that,” he adds, “you’re both young anyway, you got lives to live and shit to figure out.”
“I don’t need to figure that out,” Alex says.
Walt hates it when he’s proved so epically wrong about something. He’s always tried not to judge Alex but he’s never been the boy’s biggest fan. He remembers his family too well for that. But he’s going to have to make an exception. He hasn’t had this big of an “I told you so” since he put down the bottle all those years ago. Right down to the headache.
“You know he’s doing this so he doesn’t have to say goodbye,” Walt says. Alex nods, “doesn’t mean you have to forgive him right now, he should be here, but in his own way he’s trying to say how much he cares.”
“He’s also saying how hurt he is,” Alex adds. He straightens up more if possible and turns to him, “you know he’s spiraling right? You can stop him can’t you? I tried but—he won’t listen to me.”
Walt doesn’t think there’s anyone on either planet that can make Michael do what he wants but that sure as hell isn’t going to stop him from trying. But Alex’s worrying is another point in his favor, not that he needs more of them. Walt’s got no frame of reference here, is he supposed to approve of the boys Michael brings home? Is that even a thing? He digs into his pocket and pulls out one of those business cards Michael made up to help compensate for his people skills. He scribbles the number on the back and hands it to him.
“I’ll deal with my boy, but if you need anything that’s my cell. Damn social worker said parents needed to have one and I never bothered to shut it off.”
Alex looks stunned but nods, quickly putting the card in his wallet. They both turn to look at the bus that pulls up. Walt wants to tell them to fuck off but he remembers Michael’s drying out in a cell, if he shows up they’ve got bigger problems. Alex gets up. Walt wishes he had something wise to say but he’s never been that kind of guy.
“He’d want you right now,” he says, “but no boy of mine is being with someone who hasn’t graduated college or proved himself in some other impressive way so I’m convinced to approve when he asks in person—so you’d better go make something of yourself and come back here, you hear? It doesn’t count if you die.”
“Yes Mr. Sanders,” he says, “can you tell Michael I said goodbye?”
He nods.
Alex gets on the bus.
He looks for Michael the entire way until it’s a speck in the distance, never once giving up hope.
Walt drives to the police station. If he wasn’t mad before, he’s damn near livid when he forks over bail and is presented with his son. Michael stinks of alcohol and acetone, like he got drunk in a beauty parlor. He stumbles out with a stupid grin that falls the moment he sees it’s not his brother. Max feels guilty still about them being separated, Walt can’t hold that against him. But when Michael gets ugly mad that doesn’t stop him from using it. Walt’s got no such leverage over his head.
“I thought you were Max,” he says.
“Well I was in the neighborhood seeing Alex off, so I guess we’re all having a shit disappointing morning,” he says, “get in.”
Michael clenches his jaw. Walt doesn’t blame him for wanting to say no, but he’s also not doing this. Michael stares him down for a moment, then he wisely gets in the car. Walt slides in too. Michael reeks worse in the closed space. Walt’s never had to wonder how much it takes to get an alien drunk, Michael isn’t that kind of kid. But the answer is apparently ‘a lot’. He looks ahead as Michael slouches in his seat, like he’s on a quest to annoy him as much as possible.
“I want to know what happened.”
“Alex left—“
“Bullshit,” Walt cuts in, “you think I was born yesterday because you managed to hide some boy behind my back for a few months?” Michael looks down, “what happened?”
“I can’t tell you,” Michael says finally.
Apparently Alex isn’t the only one whose trying to look young. It’s like looking at Michael when he first came to him. He was all broken edges then. Now he just seems broken. It’s not something Walt wants to see. He’s never been the best parent but at the moment he feels like a failure. A part of him wants to let Michael have this, but the rest of him refuse. Letting Michael go or have his secrets has never served Michael well.
“You got words don’t you?” Walt says, “or should I call Isobel?” Michael’s jaw clenches, “okay so this involves her. You want to spit it out or should I keep playing 20 questions.”
“I’m not a kid anymore,” Michael says stubbornly.
“Then stop acting like one,” Walt shoots back, “you’re a man. A man takes responsibility for his actions,” Michael’s jaw clenches, “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on—and don’t tell me you don’t want my help. I’m your father. You being an adult isn’t going to change that.”
Michael stares ahead but the stubborn clench of his jaw softens and his straight spine slopes slightly. Michael’s always worn his heart on his sleeve. Walt can see him starting to crack, even if a moment later he’s back to sitting up straight with a clenched jaw. Walt knows he’s not gonna be able to just pry what happened out of Michael. But he can’t exactly let him just take his sweet time if he’s in real trouble. Not after letting him take his sweet time resulted in him being maimed. He figures lightening the mood will maybe get him to let his guard down.
“Come on, it’s not like you murdered someone.”
Michael folds.
The boy doesn’t have much of a poker face when it comes down to it. Not with people he loves. Walt stares at him. He may not have fully succeeded in raising Michael to be an outstanding member of society but he sure as hell thought he got him over the ‘don’t murder’ part of that curve. Walt’s spent the past decade evading the law on one level or another, depending on how you looked at it. But Michael murdering someone is a whole different story.
“Shit,” He says.
“Yeah,” Michael agrees. He glances at Walt out of the corner of his eye, “I guess I should—“
“Just wait a damn minute,” Walt snaps as he reaches for the door, “let me think.”
“You’re not going to turn me in?” Michael asks.
“Just wait,” Walt repeats.
This isn’t something he thought he’d have to weigh. He almost feels sympathetic to Jim Valenti, though nothing Kyle did in their school days comes close to full on murder. Still Jim was stern but he stood by him. Walt didn’t think he was going to have to feel sympathy for what happened there.
“Walk me through what happened,” he says. Michael stares at him, “everything. Every damn detail,” Michael looks at him, “Now, Michael.”
“It was Isobel,” he whispers.
Walt’s glad he’s sitting down because otherwise he’d be on his ass with relief. It’s a horrible thing to feel, someone got murdered and Michael was somehow involved. But finding out your son isn’t a murder is relieving. And makes a lot of sense. Michael would trust him with everything except his siblings. Walt knows that there’s a difference and he’s always done his best to respect that.
“Shut up and let me enjoy the fact I don’t have to be sympathetic to Jim Valenti,” he says. Michael raises his eyebrows. But he keeps quiet until Walt straightens up, “now tell me what happened.”
“Isobel killed them,” he says, “she blacked out and she killed them. Max and I made it look like a car crash,” he swallows tightly, “I told her I did it so she wouldn’t feel bad.”
“Shit,” Walt says finally.
“Yeah, shit,” Michael echoes.
“There anything else?”
Michael shakes his head. He’s gone back to looking small and miserable and Walt finds himself torn between hugging him and shaking him. It makes a damn lot of sense why he’s been acting the way he has. Like lying, subtly has never been Michael’s forte. He looks exhausted too but Walt can’t tell if that’s the hangover or the fact that the weight he’s been carrying is less.
“Right,” Walt says, “here’s what we’re gonna do—“
 “Isobel can’t go to jail,” Michael says abruptly, “I have the most control. I can figure it out.”
“No-one is going to jail!” Walt cuts in, “none of you belong there. What’s wrong with your sister is—a problem for another day,” he says. It’s not like Isobel can go to the doctor or anything, “but you sure as hell ain’t going for her.”
Michael doesn’t like that answer, but Walt’s used to Michael needing to protect the people ehe loves no matter what. He’s too hungover and a murder is the biggest thing happening but Walt’s not stupid enough to think that Alex leaving is just going to be brushed aside. It’s too much happening at once, but they have to start somewhere. He puts the car into gear and figures home is a good place to start. He’s not cruel but there’s no way to get there without passing the damn bus stop. Michael peers out the window just like Alex did.
“Bus came about an hour ago,” he says, “but you knew that.”
“Did you see him?” Michael asks quietly.
“Course I saw him,” Walt says, “I wasn’t going to let him ship off standing there alone,” Michael cringes, “you thought his dad was going to see him off?”
“I didn’t deserve to say goodbye,” Michael mutters.
“Alex’d disagree with that,” Walt says, “not that it matters but he earned that goodbye from you,” Michael gives a slight nod, “instead he had to make due with me. I told him he wasn’t getting near you until he went to college or did something impressive,” he says, “since his dad isn’t going to say it, I’ll say the same thing to you.”
“Say what?”

“You aren’t getting within 100 feet of him without going to college,” Walt says.
Michael gives a miserable sort of smile.
“They probably took back my acceptance,” he says, “I got arrested.”
“Then you’re going to reapply,” Walt tells him, “it’ll probably put you and Alex graduating at the same time. If that’s any incentive,” he clears his throat, “in the meantime, you can work in the yard.”
“I already work in the yard,” Michael points out.
“You gonna undo everything I say?” Walt demands.
Michael shakes his head.
Walt feels relief coursing though his veins. He might not drink but he sure as hell is going to need some coffee to get his head back on straight. He’s damn proud of Michael for a lot of things, but mostly he’s relieved it looks like his boy is back. Still Walt’s not about to commend him too much and risk it going away. He claps Michael on the shoulder instead.
“Good,” Walt says, putting the car into park, “I got a car they just brought in that needs some new tires and an apology.”
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Putting it Out There (A Biracial Child)
I’ve always wanted to address this, I just never knew where or how to. But, as I write, I see the influences come into play more and more (More so when I am writing my B.B fanfic and the Tourist), so I thought, now is a good time as any and this is the only account and platform I feel safe (maybe because I don’t have 200+ friends or followers here who know me outside of social media). I also feel as if this prospective of life isn’t given much attention or heard. 
I, as some may know cause I had commented as such, am a biracial child. My father is a Caribbean Hispanic male and my mother of German and Italian descent. 
This does not mean I have the best of both worlds. In fact, most of the times I feel alienated. 
Born in the early 90′s, the song “Livin’ La Vida Loca” by Ricky Martin was every where. My mother would tell me that song was about me, now I was 5-6ish. I thought she referred to me liking cats, and trying to go out to perform a crap version of ‘Singing in the Rain’ along with the love for magic. 
No, it wasn’t so innocent. It was straight up because of my skin tone. I looked like the girl the song was describing. I had no idea. Nor did I realize a silent war was raging in my family. 
Growing up was...hard to say the least. It is even harder when you have racism on both sides pointing fingers at each other. On my mother’s side, my aunt and uncle wouldn’t allow me to visit unless it was a holiday to which there was pressure from the family. Out of spite, they would invite my much older siblings father over to cause a fight (The man did not celebrate christmas). Meanwhile my other aunt would tell me over and over again I was Italian. In the end, during these events I would end up alone and not know why. 
Now lets turn to the other side of the family, my father’s. My first words had been Spanish. Yet, I lived with English speaking relatives... guess who stopped speaking Spanish for a long while. When visiting my family on his side, none of of my relatives would address me, only if they had to because my father was not around. These people knew how to speak English, very well even though they had moved from their native island. They just refused to speak to me. This sucked cause where it was 3 people on my mother’s side, it was 16 aunt’s and uncles on my fathers not counting the dozens of cousins I had. So, as the other family events, I ended up alone not knowing why. 
The answer was rather simple but much to complicated for my child self. Both sides of my family was and still is completely racist. My white mother was near exiled for being with a man many would consider black (he considers himself Spanish and oddly doesn’t get the fascination on why his skin matters or makes me worry about him when he is stopped by cops...). I was the ‘mixed’ baby, a simple of her family’s shame. 
My father’s side could not care what color my mother was, only that she was not Spanish. For those who don’t know, Spanish can be an array of color, its cool. But, she was no Spanish, did not speak Spanish and therefore my father was exiled by everyone but his own mother for many years (which is why we ended up in family events, my mama wanted to see her youngest grandchild by her baby boy). This meant being put at the back table, being openly mocked, and never told of big family events like babies or weddings. 
This only lead to more fighting at home and in the end even my own siblings, alienated me. It was a pretty lonely experience. 
This carried on to school and friendships. Elementary was not fun, but I felt the effects more in Jr. and High school. In elementary I was grouped with the other Spanish kids, because starting in late summer I had my Spanish tan on and therefore, I was not white to other white kids. But I did not speak Spanish. At one point I spoke gibberish to just to be able to hang with the Spanish kids at recess. It worked and I still don’t know how. 
In Jr. ahhhh... at one point my family was making good money, which originally, it once took the income of five adults to keep us afloat, now it just took 2. My father and my grandpa (who I will talk about later). We moved to a ‘nicer’ neighborhood. In the early 2000′s that mean, a white neighborhood. Boy, did I stick out. 
Now you might think “But you grew up in NYC, said you were from Brooklyn” well, here is a fun fact. Nothing is more segregated than NYC schools. The north did not do busing like the south did, so white schools stayed mostly white while schools in low income areas stayed mostly black or other minority races. I was a very tan child going into a white neighbor hood to a white school. Lets top it off that I played video games and Yu-Gi-Oh, HA! 
I received hell. I had legit parents sneer at me, and girls asking me if I had sex because I was Spanish. A 12 year old, got hit on by 15 year olds because they thought my race made me easy. I was 12, all I wanted was to collect cards and play Pokemon on my stupid advance, I had no time for boys unless they were anime. But... someone (more than likely their parents) had set these ideas in their head on how Spanish people, more so girls, acted. 
Then I realized, I really liked all things Gothic. A Spanish Goth.... it pains me to think about it. Everything from poser, to faker, and ‘trying to act white’ was laid on me. I could not wait for Jr. High to end. And when it did, a whole 180 happen. 
I was no longer Spanish. I did not know why, just everyone referred to me as ‘the ONLY white girl’ in the school and that is not a joke. My school, was dubbed the worse in all of Brooklyn and shut down, which I believe it was dubbed that because of the 1% white population... I was the 1 after my second year when the other white kid (who was a boy people asked was my boyfriend) graduated. Now, in high school it wasn’t the kids who gave me hell. It was the teachers. 
In fact, high school led me to meet others who were also feeling alienated. One of which I am very close to, a black man who is Jewish (adopted by a white couple) and gay. He did not where he belonged either. In the mid-00′s to be a black gay man living near the ghetto was dangerous. I can’t count how many times he had to hide who he was so he wouldn’t get shot. Nor could I count how many times my other friend coped with being a biracial black man who loved anime and being goth so much he was bullied for it when we weren’t together (who I ended up dating throughout high school). 
Suddenly being labelled white get me an acceptance I was not expecting. I ended up being popular against my best efforts and people who I did not know knew me. At 15 I did not get what had changed, because no one had told me yet. No, I figured it out at 16, when I was placed in senior English because of my grades. My English teacher told me, I was white, in the worse why I could ever imagine. 
My English teacher, a beautiful black woman who celebrated her African roots, gave an assignment one day. I was one out of five in a class of thirty who did it, because I did it in her class the day before. I played sports, so did half the other kids, I did not have time after school. This did not sit well with her, she was mad, which was an understatement. So, she turned to the class and said
“This is why our people end up in Jail or having babies to early. Because like black people don’t take education seriously.” Then called be out by name and continued “is why she will end up being successful, because white people know the importance of an education.” 
First off, she was very racist towards EVERYONE, second I at 16, who was always called Spanish in school was now labelled white in front of everyone by an adult. I was both confused and terrified as my boyfriend who knew my family cared JACK SHIT about education looked ready to kill her. Luckily, he just walked out of class and waited for me as I was too studded to move. 
I later asked him if he thought I was white, he admitted he did until he saw my father and called me biracial. For the first time in 16 years, I had been called biracial. Went home, did not tell anyone what happened, asked my mother if I was biracial and she said yes. To shorten this up, this was what life felt like, 
At home, I had no race. Neither side welcomed me. 
In school, I was told I was Spanish and had to fake my way in the Spanish group.
Jr High, I am now trying to distance myself from everyone as being Spanish makes me a target. 
High School, I thought being Spanish would be a good thing. Now everyone is telling me I am white. 
I had not idea who or what I was. 
All I ever wanted was to be me. I wanted to understand why my family never got close to me, and I wanted friends who were friends because I was me. 
It was like I was being ripped to pieces. I could be what others wanted or be no one at all. I had no idea what to do. If people at the new school found out I was Spanish, would I become a target again? I was allowed to freely play games, watch anime, and be my gothic self if I were white. But that also meant I could not hang out with my friends who lived in the Ghetto, shouldn’t like rap, R&B, and reggaetón or use the slang I grew up always using. 
To be a Spanish person trying to be white
A white person trying to be black/another minority of color. 
I had watched as the former got my friend (boyfriend at the time) kicked out of classrooms as he was compared to those involved in columbine shooting from teachers since he was different. Also the hell he received from other boys for cosplaying and playing anime based card games. At one point it was so rough he thought about dropping out and I begged him to stay along with his mother. I was so afraid of going through that again.
So I kept my mouth shut. 
I took on the military standard of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”. My father never came to the school because he worked so much so no one knew. Everyday, I just took what my English teacher said to be without any force back. When Obama was voted in, she told me I had no right to celebrate, that my people had JFK and that Obama was for all the minorities to celebrate. I fell into a dark hole of hating myself. My home life was awful and now school I had to pretend to be something I wasn’t comfortable with. I started ditching classes, got into more fights than I would care to admit, did some really shady stuff and began hurting myself. 
The only joy I got was when I busted my ass grades wise and got out of school six months early. I did not have to go to school anymore and I could lock myself away to be no one but myself. It was lonely but I found company in books and my art. Through art I was allowed to be me and no one could take that away. 
When I returned for Graduation I June, did I get the final laugh on that English bitch. My mother and father showed up, she asked if my father was a cab driver helping my mother as she had gone blind. I told her, rather happily, that was my father. She went from joy to sheer disgusts faster than you can blink. For years she kept talking about who ‘mix babies’ never got any where as their fathers were never around. Yet, despite me hardly showing up, I gradated top of my class, never had a baby nor was I ‘loose’ (In fact I feared sex as a teenager), and my mixed couple parents as she lovingly called it, were together. 
She walked away from me and never said a word since. 
But now school was over, college was starting. I still hadn’t figured out who I was. Was I white/Italian or Spanish. In college I learnt no one was going to tell me who I was anymore, nor did they care. At home, it was still a battle of the races. Finally, one of my cousins spoke up and declared I wasn’t Spanish as I knew nothing of the language. At home, my aunt and uncle decided I was Spanish and called me a ‘Spick’ as a joke. I did not take it as one and therefore I was called ‘uptight’. 
My siblings also informed me, if I wanted free college to put down Spanish on everything unless it was the census. Then I should be white. Sometimes I still run into people who think I am one over the other. I had people come up to be speaking Spanish to be highly offended when I tell them I don’t speak the Language well. (I tried learning but it is hard when motivation is not there). 
In recent years, I had someone at work tell me how they met a Spanish person, shockingly where my father works, and then described in detail my father and then tell me they thought he was illegal since he looked the type. All because they thought I was white... proud to say that person got fired for being racist.I did also inform them that was my father to their response was “you’re one of them”. 
It never ends. 
No, the reason why I haven’t been driven insane is because of my late grandpa. My grandpa was a man I adopted to be my grandfather. My biological grandfathers on both sides died long before I was born and the man I adopted was close to the family and acted like a father to my parents. He was a good man and the reason I had a childhood. 
He once went through the same, Italian/Jewish, you wouldn’t think there would be a problem but when he was growing up that equaled Catholic/Jewish, to which he too was either pinned in the middle or rejected by both sides, this is the 1930′s-1940s. He gave me the best piece of advance ever. 
To be myself. 
That if I were myself, then it did not matter. The moment I stopped being who I am, that passing or faking would never tell me who my real friends were. That if he, could love me for who I was, a weird girl who liked boy things and drawing strange looking characters, then anyone else could. Being a stranger to myself would never bring happiness. So, after years of not listening to that, I finally decided to listen to my Grandpa. 
I know who I am, I know the history of my families. They might not like that I am not what they want me to be, but they don’t have to live with me. I have to live with who I am. My friends are my friends because they know who I am, not who they think I should be. 
So for all my biracial brothers, sisters and them’s, be yourself. Don’t try to force yourself into a mold, it isn’t worth it. None of it is worth it. 
Look yourself in the mirror and say your name. Say it loud and let everyone know they can not define who you are, and so what if they say you don’t belong, guess what? You do if you want. You belong because YOU say so, because that blood runs in your veins as well as theirs. So you get to make that choice! 
Make that choice of being you! Define yourself to YOUR standards. 
Don’t let anyone take that away. I know I won’t.
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So here I see myself! A strange fox who changes coats with the seasons, that loves anime and video games, who plays Yu-Gi-Oh and listens to opera and Metal while can twerk and get low to Daddy Yankee! Who eats sushi and makes a mean chicken cutlet but can also make the best empanda with beans and rice with the rest of them!
And no one can take that from me.
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euaxel · 4 years
heyyy, eonia. i’m reid, i’m twenty-three, still can’t read, and all i know about pjo is that it fucking rocks and the protag has the same learning disabilities that i do! also, i picked hypnos for this punk mainly to be mean to him and because in the hades game hypnos bullies me every time i die and i’m kiiiinda into it. hmu on discord one on one for the best plotting experience, but i’ll be around plenty to bug y’all in the gc too. you can read about bastard boy number one right here and under the cut we’ll get down to business. 
⟨ ELLIOT FLETCHER. TRANS MALE. HE/HIM. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, AXEL EVERETT is actually a descendent of H Y P N O S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT & COMBAT TACTICS MAJOR from BROOKLYN, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite WITTY & SELF-DEPRICATING.
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be advised, axel’s a pretty heavy character.  i’m gonna keep it brief for the bio & need-to-knows, tag around the parts with bold applicable triggers so you can skip around as needed, and tag this post accordingly, but just let me know if i miss anything and i’ll fix it & be safe reading. godspeed and i apologize in advance for bringing you all my personal punching bag as my first muse. 
the main triggers that are gonna come up are: parental abuse, alcoholism * major, mentions of bullying, drowning * major, religious trauma, and drug abuse with some harder drugs ( particularly, weed, pills and cocaine / nothing with needles. )
general stats. 
— full name ,  axel harley everett.  — nicknames/alias ,  axe, ax, wolverine jr, tyler durden jr, trouble, Who? - every professor he’s ever had. — house,  hypnos and mad about it.  — age, 22, as of today. also mad about it.  — gender,  trans male.    — pronouns,  he/him.  — sexual orientation, bisexual with a somewhat heavy masc lean.  — d.o.b, january 1st, 1999. ( generally unknown to anyone but maybe siblings, he will probably lie and say Nobody Knows... I Just Am unless he really fucks with you. ) — hometown,
— height,  5′0ft even. furious about it. — eyes,  brown. — hair, brown.  — face claim, elliot fletcher.
— zodiac,  capricorn. — alignment,  chaotic good. — character inspo,  lip gallagher, steve rogers ( young ), ellie from tlou1, logan howlett, stiles stilinski ( if anyone says shit i will scream ), probably someone from euphoria but i’m too scared to watch that, peter parker ( andrew garfield ), shinsou hitoshi, finn mertens, marceline the vampire queen, dipper pines, this is all over the place but it’s there.  — most played spotify songs, passion for publication by anarbor, sober haha jk unless by hospital bracelet, nobody by mitski, class of 2013 by mitski, king princess’ cover of monster from adventure time, way too much phoebe bridgers, in love or whatever by future teens, and the entire front bottoms discography but especially in sickness & in flames with the hard way & bus beat well at the top of his loop.  — aesthetics,   bloody knuckles, left open and tipped over prescription bottles, walking on the carpet with socks to get that tingly feeling, skateboarding inside, dozing off at the bar, tangled legs in messy sheets, ten pillows on a twin sized mattress, laying down in the shower, brian sella’s cracky singing voice. 
— axel was born and raised in brooklyn, new york, and he was claimed at thirteen, on his thirteenth birthday, by hypnos. — the day he was claimed, axel ceased contact with his human mother and his step-dad, and he attended a camp for half-bloods that wasn’t far from home. he spent his adolescence there year round for safety from monsters at home and abroad, then moved on to eonia.  — ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw begin ) i don’t want to be too graphic here so i’m going to plainly say that axel’s mother was a very, very bad person, and the man she married was absent at his best, physically abusive at worst. axel’s powers (  hypnokinesis, namely )  were potent and difficult to control at a young age, and as a deeply religious catholic woman, this scared his mother and influenced most of the animosity in their relationship. she was convinced that the defensive visions he created and his ability to put her to sleep ( an attempt to help her, on his end; insomnia plagued her and later, it would him, too ) were of demonic origin, and tried to drown him more than once; cleansing, she claimed. the worst instance was the day he was claimed, actually — new years day, 2012; his life was saved by hypnos, and that was the last he saw of her.   ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw end. )  —  that said, he’s a little ( very ) hydrophobic. poseidon kids do NOT fucking interact ( i’m kidding. kind of. he Will avoid a little though ) —  anyway! moving on. all of this aside, axel did his best to put his past behind him, and he was actually super stoked to learn that his powers came from somewhere good and that there was places out there for kids like him; to learn he wasn’t any kind of monster. ( still working on believing that, though.. marcelines monster.mp3 right here )  — he’s less stoked when he starts having trouble falling asleep, and really, it feels like a more cruel twist than any other fate has thrown at him ( his upbringing was chock full of mean twists, so that’s saying something ); and really, it’s more like insomnia just full on kicks in, but he can put other people to sleep. great, right? whatever, though — combat classes are kickass and he’s surrounded by babes that think he’s hilarious so things could be totally, way worse.  — ( bullying tw (brief) ) for the most part, axel was pretty well liked among his peers. he was bullied as a young kid (pre-claim), but he bit back and he bit back hard, and sure, some of that followed him into his teen years but he’s more confident by then; less fun to poke at, and absolutely unhinged when provoked, so people learn better of it. the only real lasting effect was one instant that hit him a little too deep in the inferiority, when he was seventeen — he fell in love with a girl, told her that, and found himself at the end of a very mean spirited prank. he shook it off like he did anything else, or at least — he told himself he did, even if the hurt hit him somewhere a little too deep rooted ( ie. being god’s most unlovable son would naturally land him here, right? ) love’s kinda stupid anyways, so what the hell, right?  (bullying tw end.)
— ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw begin ) this is already obscenely long so i’m just going to keep it to the point here and say he began drinking when he was sneaking booze in to camp at fifteen, and it just never stopped there. he’s also a massive stoner, which is all well, harmless and good for the most part; he’s always grinning, half-lidded, and has a room full of smoke at any given time. it’s the pills that do him in, and he did them at first just so he could get some shut eye, and... well. after that, because he’s dependent on them. but he keeps this part under wraps for the most part; it doesn’t have to be anyone’s problem but his, and it’s not a problem until it is one. partying’s fun, so is coke; so is taking a few too many xan’s, mdma.   ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw end )
— i swear he is not as doom and gloom as he sounds from the bio, and yeah, writing that made me so sad i feel like we absolutely must hone in on the fun and cute things about him!?!  — he loves dnd. he can talk about it for HOURS and if you let him, he absolutely will. — adventure time makes him cry. he’s a baby don’t let him fool you.  — very into cryptids, aliens, horror stories, conspiracy theories, in love with ryan from watcher, wanna be shane medej.  — he loves to draw! the one thing he loves about his power is what it’s done for his imagination, and sure, he mostly draws horror things, but it’s why he went into video game development. he wants to be a concept artist.  — his double major is in combat tactics because he loves fighting. he thinks it’s so fun. he’s a little nuts, actually — i mean, get hit in the face and come up grinning. all he’s ever wanted is to run a fight club and be the shortest, baddest little bitch on the planet.  — he tends to nod off in weird places because he doesn’t sleep enough at night, which is sad, but; he can seriously fall asleep anywhere. standing up, in a tree, you name it.  — he’s a hobby musician! he loves singing and playing guitar.  — he’s a huge flirt.  — loves to scare people. he’s harmless, though. like, honestly. he might make you think you’re seeing a walking toadstool but he’ll probably apologize later.  — he’s very much a singing in the shower type?  — clothes thief. friends and significant others beware.  — actually, just kind of a thief? but of weird, little things. like, just the left shoe. puts them in a little corner in his room that he has set up like an exhibit. “things you thought you lost lol” is written on the whiteboard on the wall above it. he likes collecting rocks too. he’s a little freak!!  — he’s better at the memory retrieval part of his power than the rest. naturally, as this mostly applies for other people. 
WANTED CONNECTIONS. im literally so tired of hearing myself talk... 
friends/squad. self explanatory!!!  he’s friendly, a class clown, and a loyal friend through and through; he’s also adaptable, and his demeanor is very relaxed and inviting. he’s probably gonna have 2-3 people that he’s really close with, and he’d do quite literally anything for them. seriously, don’t tempt him.  a best friend.  so this is kind of vague but. i’d really love for him to have one person that is just a tier above the rest? they’d know things about him that are like pulling teeth to find out ( aka, anything deeper than his most recommended podcasts and loudmouth opinions on non important things ), someone who will call him on his shit, and maybe take care of his stupid little self when he gets too fucked up, because they’d be someone he trusts enough to let them.   enemies?    he probably gets along with most people until given a reason not to? but he is a loud mouth and if one of his friends gets into drama, he will stick his nose where it doesn’t belong and he will throw hands, so it could happen.
harmless rivalries. maybe even steamy ones. he’s a little shit and he likes banter so, so, so much? if given the opportunity and if someone rubs him a certain type of way, he’s so not above being a menace, although never super maliciously. just, you know, annoying the shit out of them on purpose, for fun. he’s also not above blowing a few kisses their way.
current hookups. self explanatory too. he’s a little harlot. HFBHVFNJ. it’s gonna be kinda hard to go beyond sex with him because he’s very deep in his own insecurity but he does catch feelings, he’s just mad about it when he does. i’m mostly gonna go off chem for that though! an ex. could be on friendly terms? but, it should be noted that he could’ve ghosted someone too; or pulled from the relationship when things got serious and he couldn’t choke out that ‘i love you’, even if he felt it. worse, if he did choke it out, but they didn’t feel the same way.  siblings. hypnos kids he is gonna be so protective of all of u... family is hard for axel, i’m ngl, but he really wants one is the tragedy of it all, i guess? so he just really wants to be a good brother. he thinks hypnos is kind of a dick for making him but he tries not to fault him for his existence. fuck u dad i dont wanna be alive feels a little unfair. HDBHFDSJ. anyways he’s a good brother even if he is absolutely so reckless and terrifying in regards to himself but his siblings. his siblings he will do anything for. ALSO!!! FOUND FAMILY!!!! it would be kinda nice if he bonded with someone a little older maybe, could be outside of the hypnos house even, someone he’s kind of a bratty-little-brother type with.... or bratty older brother that takes your things and makes you laugh, y’know. 
PERSONALITY.  just tacking this part of the app on at the end too to highlight parts that i think are important for understanding who he is, and just so it’s all in one place!
toothy grins, half-lidded eyes, and keepin’ them laughing is what it’s all about, baby. axel walks with more confidence in his posture than he’s earned ( or claimed, for that matter ), and it’s the backbone of what gets him by. he’s a glowing example of the fake it ‘til you make it mentality, and he knows what he wants, usually how to get it, and doesn’t mind letting you know that. there’s an ever present mischievous glint in his eyes that says more about what to expect from him than he does, and that’s still not much? he likes to have fun, and there isn’t a whole lot of regard for righteousness or responsibility on his end, but hey! it’s usually only ever at his own expense, so what’s the damage? he’s an absolute clown and he knows it.
axel loves people. he does — you might not guess that with how elusive he is, but it’s true. there’s nothing he likes more than a good conversation with someone interesting, or maybe not even then; if there’s a sparkle in you, he’ll see it. ( might even draw it, not that you’d ever know. ) he’s warm, loyal, compassionate, relaxed, and understanding; and none of that is at the cost of being passive, or lacking passion. 
as long as the vibes are right, he’s happy to just be; though, he’s known to have a fuse for certain provocations, and will jump readily at chance to fight in someone else’s honor. also, it’s not unlike him to spar for the sake of sparring; but that’s all in good fun, no worries.
there’s no way to sugarcoat it — axel has an inferiority complex. where that stems from is something he’s more self-aware of than he’s willing to admit, but he doesn’t have the patience or the will to dissect it; much less do anything about it, and he’s as bull-headed as they come — especially regarding anything related to the psyche. how much this impacts his demeanor and relationships with others varies on the situation, but one constant is that he’s going to retreat before things get bad; even if ‘things are getting bad’ exists only as his own paranoia-born hypothetical.
things can’t go bad if you don’t let them, and he’s content to keep it that way; even if it means being stuck in the stasis of missed opportunities. it’s when he’s retreating into himself that he can get irritable, anxious, jumpy; secretive, defensive, even. he’s personable until he isn’t, essentially.
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The First One - Bonus scenes in traditional written word
This is a smau and a zukoXreader, although i haven't decided how this ends yet.
Y/n has recently transferred to Ba Sing Se from Omashu university and meets the gaang through a schoolproject they do with sokka and suki.
Bonus 4: Good Morning
The sound of a machine of some sorts woke you up. A look out the window confirmed two things: It was still rather early and Haru’s parents’ neighbours had no idea what an appropriate time for high-pressure-cleaning patios was. Sighing you sat up and looked around. You found your shoes and thought you remembered where the bathroom was.
The short night definitely left its traces on you: Your clothes and hair looked deschevelled, you didn’t smell as fresh as you would like, you had dark circles under your eyes and your voice was rather hoarse. You did what you could without rummaging through the drawers of the bathroom, then you wandered through the house.
There were fotos everywhere. Most of them were of Haru, who you guessed didn’t have any siblings, but some had a very kind-looking couple on them. A wedding picture in which they both laughed at something happening out of frame. It seemed genuine, a true candid shot. He had his hand around her waist and her hand was in mid-air, presumably on its way to fix his tie for the actual wedding picture, but something must have had happened. They both were bending over laughing pointing out of frame looking at each other.
You studied the picture. I made you like the couple. It made you believe in their love and their relationship. It made you want to get to know them. Be a part of that happiness and trust and joy. There was no question why they chose to display this picture. It was amazing!
You watched the couple become parents, buy a house, get older and go through the decades that saw Haru grow from a baby into a smiley toddler, distracted child, unimpressed teenager and openhearted twenty-something. They seemed a happy family. Truly.
The journey through Haru’s life had left you at the front door and wanting some coffee. You found the kitchen empty but quickly discovered a coffee machine. While it was entirely too sophisticated for the broke student you were, you did manage to get it to spew out some dark and caffeinated goodness into a cup you found in the second cupboard you opened. With it you kept on strolling through the house until the living room introduced you to the French doors that lead into the garden. And boy, the garden!
You sat in that little paradise when your phone buzzed and Zuko begged you to talk to him. Apparently, he was at his uncle’s shop working the early shift and there was not a lot to do as it was Sunday. You texted back and forth for a good while.
Yesterday you hadn’t talked to him a lot, outside of him apologising for his uncle and the Sokka-rum-discussion. You know learned that he was a good nephew and studied International Business and International Relations. When you called him out as ambitious, though, he was quick to bring up the words pressure and expectations. You didn’t know him. And whatever those expectations and that pressure were about it seemed you weren’t competent to comment on it or them. Zuko struck you as a private person. You contemplated telling him exactly that. You didn’t. You conveyed the message, though. He seemed relieved. And he liked politics and diplomacy which told you a number of things: 
Be wary of any promises he makes. He might be doing that politician thing where he doesn’t keep them
If you ever want to ruin somebody’s life or career, ask him how to do it, he will have learned about it and remembered
If you ever don’t know how to handle a conflict ask him, he’s into figuring out compromises and status-quo-situation
He probably gives good advice. The kind that will be good for you and not too offensive to others
He is smart
He is into reading
He can find the good in the bad.
After all it sounded like his parents made him study those subjects and if he had had a true choice he would have gone for something else. Yet, he found aspects that he enjoyed, that he could use in his life and that he could be passionate about.
He liked travelling
All in all he was intriguing. A lot of layers to peel back. Whether it be the interest in politics – which were a lot of smoothtalking, manipulation, using popular opinions AND ideologies, the fate and future of countries and people and so many struggles or the family history. You could probably have real conversations with him. And you decided you would like to as well.
Another thing you learned about Zuko was that he was Sokka’s secret source for his part of the Worldhistory project. In the past couple weeks Sokka had gone on and on about how much information he had gotten form an anonymous sponsor.
“Sokka made it sound like you were the discovery of a century!”
“Am I not?” No, for all you knew he wasn’t.
Yes, he was intriguing and most likely multi-layered; yes he was tall and dark and handsome and that scar on his face added several facets to that handsomeness; yes, he had that tea-loving angel of an uncle, but he was no discovery of a century. He was some good-looking guy with an interesting background.
“To be determined” Better not alienate him by telling him he wasn’t all that special. You still wanted to be his friend.
Could you have gone on for two more hours talking to Zuko? Yes. Yes. You could have. But you didn’t because there were footsteps in the house. And it sounded like they were coming from the kitchen. You got up to investigate. Hoping you’d find Sokka, Suki, Toph, Aang or Katara in the kitchen, you would have been okay with Haru, but instead you found an agile white haired gentleman. From the fotos you recognised him as Haru’s father. He was doing something to the sophisticated coffeemachine and congratulated himself. Then he turned around, saw you, got scared and nearly let his cup fall and crash on the kitchen tiles. Instead he just made a weird move with his arm that resulted in a wave of hot liquid jumping into the air and splashing on the floor.
“Ouch!”, the man screamed. “Who the hell are you?”
“Sorry, Sir. Y/n. I’m friends with… I know your son. Haru. We helped him pack up the party yesterday and he told us we could stay here. I assumed you knew…Excuse the intrusion, please.”
“Tyro”, he extended his hand. You shook it.
“You’re not intruding. Haru told us that some of his friends might stay over. I just didn’t expect anybody to be awake yet. And we don’t know each other.”
“Again, sir, sorry.”
“That cup empty?” Tyro pointed at the mug you had brought with you.
“Nearly. I took the liberty of drinking your coffee.”
“Do you want more? I can offer you black coffee and black coffee with milk from the fridge. The thing is supposed to be able to come up with all kinds of fancy drinks, but that’s more my wife’s department. I didn’t bother learning about that.”
“Black coffee would make me really happy, Sir.”
Tyro filled your cup and gestured for you to follow him back into the garden. So, you did. He asked about who you were and how you knew his son.
“To be honest, Sir, there isn’t a lot to tell. I moved to the city for this semester. Transferred from Omashu University. I’m studying anthropology. One of the classes I take together with Sokka and Suki, who are friends with Zuko who used to be Haru’s roommate. Aaaaaaand they brought me to the party yesterday. There I met Haru. The end.”
“You helped him tidy up the speakers and all that jazz after having only met him that night?” You nodded your head yes.
You carried on talking to Haru’s dad, brushing on the subjects of family, education and music. The band Haru played in was called “Grounded”. According to Tyro they were “just having fun” but they also “sounded like actual musicians”. This band needed to be inspected.
You told him about Gray Sky and Tiff on the Rocks, the pub you used to play. It turned out that Haru inherited his passion for music from his father. Dad all but interrogated you on you average guitar playing and experience with piano lessons, when his wife walked through the French doors.
She introduced herself to you and asked if you wanted more coffee. As she was the coffee-maker-whisperer, you now were offered the entire range of coffee-drinks and gladly accepted a Cappuccino the size of your head. After she mad you happy with that, she sent you back out, with the intention of preparing breakfast. You offered to help but were quickly shut down.
The moment you sat down in the lounge chair by big tree, Haru entered the kitchen, got a cup of coffee from his mum and was surprised to find you in musical discussion with his father. Thankfully, he did remember you and was delighted to hear that you were a fellow guitarist, even though he was likely a lot more skilled than you were. In fact, you said this multiple times, resulting in Haru running inside and grabbing one of his dad’s guitars.
You  started by playing some of the 90's hits that Sokka had massacred the night before, proving that Haru was better than you. You handed the instrument back to him. 
"How about You Oughta Know?", he suggested. You looked at him, blinking. 
"You said you used to sing in Omashu. Let's hear it."
"Uhm…", you hesitated.
"I'm with stupid", Tyro chuckled. "I'm curious."
"Fine."  You let Haru play a few tacts before you started the verse. He harmonised with you in the chorus, during which Tyro got another guitar.
From Alanis you moved to the Verve; from "Nothing compares 2 u", to "Loser". Haru and his dad loved the 90's. Nirvana, Take That, TLC, Blur, Oasis, Britney, Beasty Boys, you named it they had it. Aang, Katara, Suki, Sokka and Toph joined you three out on the patio, all carrying cups of various coffees and plates full of food. While harmonising to Tyro's lead you remembered that his wife had talked about preparing breakfast. From what you saw on your friend's - yeah friends! - plates, she had not held back. There were eggs and bacon, pancakes, bread, cinnaminrolls and meats, cheeses, jams, butter and honey.
When she herself came out to join the table, she carried a  bowl of yoghurt and nuts, that she assured everyone was an option for everyone. Tyro got his own plate and dat down next to Sokka. He motioned for Haru and you to come eat but you two were determined to finish the decade. So, you did. And then you entered the 2000s. Every now and again you'd pick up the second guitar, while alternating with Haru singing lead and harmonising. You had the time of your life!
Haru's mum topped off your coffees and although your stomach was screaming at you to give it some of the wonderful smelling food, you played and sang for more than two hours. The others enjoyed your efforts and sang along when they were done eating. Tyro relieved his son of guitar duties and jammed with you while Haru diminished the pancakes. 
He then took your spot and you praised the eggs, bacon and cinnamonrolls.
"If you're ever desperate  for something to do, you're welcome to my appartment and put on breakfast!",  you said, all but crying, after noon when you had finished. Haru's mum blushed. But die didn't say no.
After you had finished your breakfast, everyone helped clear the table and load the dishwasher. Tyro insisted you all had another round of coffee, during which there was more music and Sokka got the recipe for the hangover cure smoothie that Mrs Haru  had made him as soon as he entered the kitchen.
You left around 2:30 with many "thank yous" and "you're the bests" and "we can help some mores". Although you hadn't slept much you decided to hit up the Jasmin Dragon to see if Zuko had  died from boredom already. 
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delectablesinn · 4 years
💙 10 Characters Tag 💙
Rules: Make a new post, name 10 characters from 10 different fandoms that you like, and then tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @spaceship-amie​
These are not listed in any particular order of favouritism, I decided to organize them by fandom instead. (Yes, I’m breaking the ‘10 fandoms’ rule.)
1. Ciel Phantomhive (Kuroshitsuji) - I have never empathized with a character so fully as I have with him. Arguably one of the most well-written characters of all time, next to Hannibal Lecter. Silly as it sounds, I feel as though I could have lived his life in another time. The definition of what a truly ‘morally-gray’ character is. His character design is also very aesthetically pleasing.
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2. Sebastian Michaelis (Kuroshitsuji) - I felt compelled to return to my pagan roots after being introduced to this character, and have since developed an interest in demonology. Another incredibly multi-dimensional, complex character. I appreciate his mind and objectivity. He’s eye-candy too, which is a plus.
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3. Will Graham (NBC’s Hannibal) - Another higher up on the list, his character possesses qualities I don’t often see represented in male characters - a nearly debilitating sense of empathy, sensitivity, emotional intelligence and introversion. Another character I empathize with very much. 
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4. Hannibal Lecter (NBC’s Hannibal) - I have a love/hate relationship with this character I don’t think I have ever felt before. Even if one were to disregard how ridiculously handsome Mads Mikkelsen is, Hannibal’s mind itself is awe-inspiring and something that I have fallen in love with. He introduced me to a more multi-dimensional depiction of a sociopath. 
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5. Oh Sangwoo (Killing Stalking) - What I find interesting about this character is that he isn’t a ‘toned-down’ depiction of a serial killer. He is cruel and abusive to everyone, including his own love interest. His unhealthy mannerisms and toxic personality affect all areas of his life. He instilled in me a constant sense of dread while reading Killing Stalking the likes of which I have never felt before. However, he is not a completely irredeemable character in my eyes. He was the consequence of apathy and an abusive father with an even worse mother. His suffering felt like it had no end in sight, & his entire development as a character felt ultimately pointless at the end, which unfortunately often reflects how these situations play out in real life. He is also, admittedly, handsome and quite funny at times.
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6. Will Byers (Stranger Things) - While we saw very little of Will in season 1, his development throughout season 2 and especially 3 has led him to be one of my absolute favourite characters. He seems to be perceptive and intelligent in a way that many of the other ST characters lack, and his depiction as a gay teenager in conservative 80′s Indiana is nothing short of heartbreaking. I feel that there is so much potential to do amazing things with his character. I also feel a kinship with him, between the alienation being in the Upside Down has brought him and his fractured relationship with his father and now friends.
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7. Chloe Price (Life is Strange) - I fell in love with her character, and she in fact was what brought me to realize my bisexuality. She has one of the most accurate depictions of the effects of trauma I’ve ever seen, and has a duality in her personality I don’t think I’ve ever seen. She can be hostile, insensitive and irresponsible, yet also truly loves those she develops close relationships with, to the point at which it is almost detrimental to her as she has a hard time letting go. She is like a force of nature, a disastrous storm contained within one person. She is beautiful.
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8. Graham Eaton (But I’m a Cheerleader!) - While the movie itself was rather short, it was still one of the most beautiful, emotional, hard-hitting depictions of gay romance I’ve ever seen. It addressed the horrors of conversion therapy in a comedic, lighthearted manner. Graham appears to be the only one to see through the disgusting imposition of the camp’s beliefs and their manipulation from the get-go, and chooses to push at the boundaries of her controlling parents and her conservative environment. She has a hard outer shell, but is incredibly sweet and loving to Megan. Clea DuVall is beautiful, which also helps.
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9. Spock (Star Trek: The Original Series) - I only have just recently begun watching TOS, but I adore Spock’s character and find him very relatable. He is one of the few healthy examples I’ve seen of what ‘logic’ truly is, and is incredibly balanced, intelligent and well put-together. He is rather stoic and often comes off as cold to others, but he is one of the most pure-hearted, self-sacrificing characters I’ve ever seen on television. Leonard Nimoy was an incredibly wise, talented man, and the world will forever miss him.
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10. Mikkel Nielsen (Netflix’s Dark) - I have never felt such a sibling bond with a character before, and it tore me apart to watch him suffer the way he did. I wanted nothing more than to protect him, as I would my own little brother. He was so sweet and intelligent, both as a child and adult, and he deserved far better.
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I tag:
@lifeisabouttogetstranger​ (I don’t have very many friends on here. If you wish to be added to the tag list, you can PM me.)
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onewfantaesy · 4 years
Omg I'm getting flashbacks from my childhood, my siblings and I held no loyalties. Survival of the fittest! Get in where you fit in was a way of life. Label your food, clothes belong to no one if you didn't buy it yourself, the driver is always right, if you passed the class then give your old work, to snitch or not to snitch lol. Man, it was a mad house sometimes.
The Brother Chronicles AU is 100% a mad house. Four boys all within four years of each other age wise? Including a set of twins? Absolute madness. The fact that they have enough room for each kid to have his own room is a miracle, because lord knows they’d all rip each other to shreds regardless of who roomed with who. And they did; until Taemin was five, they lived in a three bedroom house where the twins shared one room and Jinki and Taemin shared another. Their parents saved every extra penny they could to buy a bigger house because they couldn’t handle the constant fighting and yelling and name calling and toy stealing and crying.
And after Taemin, the “happy accident” baby, they made absolute sure they wouldn’t have any more kids. No way they could handle another one.
Even though Minho and Kibum are twins, they don’t always have loyalty to each other. “We aren’t identical after all,” Kibum always says. Minho and Kibum fight more than any of them. When they were all younger, it would usually lead to Taemin finding Jinki and hiding in his room because he was afraid the twins would turn on him afterwards and take it out on him, and Jinki usually protected him from their ire if it wasn’t truly deserved.
Jinki does always joke though that Taemin is his favorite brother. “It’s because you’re cute and you listen to me and you hang off of every word I say.” Taemin always just grins at him. Jinki is not so secretly his favorite brother, but the twins don’t really care. They often call Taemin the annoying baby brother anyway, and they push him around and pester him more often than Jinki ever has, so it makes sense. Plus, they assume it’s because Taemin shared a room with Jinki the first few years of his life; Jinki must have brainwashed him when he was a baby, they say.
“Jinki stuck worms in your ears to eat your brain,” Kibum would whisper to him.
“He’s actually an alien pretending to be your brother, and he’s going to abduct you,” Minho would say.
“He’s a serial killer and he’s gonna hack your head off when you’re asleep.”
“He’s gonna sell you to a stranger for a puppy, we heard him.”
“He eats your Halloween candy.”
“And tells Santa you’re on the naughty list.”
“Did you know you’re adopted?”
“MOMMY!” Taemin would scream and run to their mother and cry about the crazy, mean things they say to him. Kibum and Minho can always be heard laughing hysterically in the background until their mom or dad goes in to scold them and tell them off for being mean to their baby brother. Jinki would usually go comfort Taemin too, even though some of the things they said would make him scared of Jinki for a day or two.
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h3l10tr0p3 · 5 years
Bnha Spoilers Chapter 232-235 ahead:
Shigaraki Tomura's Past
This is an analysis of what we know as of yet about the boy born as Shimura Tenko.
The Shimura Household-
Shimura Koutarou, son of Shimura Nana (7th OfA holder, and All Might's mentor) is a successful businessman who owns a two-family home, invites the parents of his in-laws to stay. The joint family consists of- Koutarou, his wife, his in-laws, his (elder) daughter Hana, his son Tenko and their Corgi Mon-chan.
From the start, Shigaraki describes this family as a family of his Father- Koutaro, and not the family of the eldest in the household (the in-laws). It gives us a clear idea of where exactly the authority lies and how much of an influence he holds over its members.
The family is a really well-off one: Two cars, a two-stored suburban condo with a seperate study, a lovely backyard, and they have a pet dog. Shimura Tenko was far from poverty.
Let's look at the members
The Grandparents
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Clearly, they love Tenko and Hana a lot, and dote upon their grandkids as grandparents are wont to. But they are 'adults' the same as Tenko's father and Tenko's mother.
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When Tenko keeps craving for approval and validation of his dreams to be a Hero from an adult figure, they their try to distract him into psuedo-satisfaction (with his favourite food) or try to (mildly) guilt-trip the boy so that his dreams and his 'inconvenient' calls for acceptance remain buried under the 'happy and peaceful' suburban dream that they seem wary of breaking (and it seems like they are wary of provoking the final authority in the family, Koutarou)
These kind of actions are incredibly commonplace and it happens all the time - this doesn't make their actions excusable though, only relatable. But from another point of view it implies that the grandparents are meek and might actually be afraid of Koutarou for either of two reasons- his known history of violence or the instability of his character (more on this later).
The Mother
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She is also caring and loving just like her parents- she takes care of Tenko, is incredibly worried about his allergies. rushes after Tenko when The Father pulls him away to punish him, and finally confronts him when he has gone way too far. But Like begets like, environment moulds character. Thus, she too is another meek personality who cannot stand up against the overbearing authority of the patriarch up until the last moment where violence gets involved. She too is undoubtedly aware that Koutarou can indeed get violent and grim- and this makes her the cautious parent, the stopgap, trying to keep the children in line so that the Father doesn't have to resort to drastic measures. Thus, despite all the love she can shower her son with, she never once supports Tenko's dream. Again, it's understandable. It's cause she knows very intimately what happens to the families of Heroes - she married the man who came from such a family. Instead of supporting Tenko, she asks him if he is sure of it, perhaps trying to seed doubts in his mind, perhaps being sympathetic to his wishes. But rven when Tenko repeats he likes to play Hero and was really happy when his friend compared him with All Might (showing us once more how deeply rooted the currently retired Hero was in Tenko's childhood)- the mother never really encourages Tenko's dream.
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When Tenko asks if his dad hates him for being possibly quirkless, she says it isn't so. It's just that his father knows how hard a Hero's life is. And that's that.
You can see that longing for approval in Tenko's eye and the disappointment that follows when the words he yearns for (You can be a Hero) remain unsaid once more. Up till now, 3 people, 3 adults out of 4 have denied this dream and the last adult, The Father, is vehemently adverse to it.
"Children can be surprisingly self-centered and straight forward"
Let's take a small break here from the family members- here, we see one of the two monologues that has been repeated in the chapter 'Children can be surprisingly self-centered and straight forward'. Ngl, I thought this was Shigaraki commenting how his friends Mikkun and Tomo-chan repeatedly left him out when they played together. But the sequence of scenes, gives me a different idea.
From what I gather, it is Shigaraki saying that 'Tenko' as a child, was self-centered and straight-forward. Because right after his conversation with his mother he should have felt dissuaded from continuing with his dream to be a Hero, it has already worried his mother, grandparents and sister, and possibly led him to believe- that his father hated him. However in the very next panel, we see Tenko has gotten into trouble for persisting with that dream and getting into trouble for playing 'Hero'. Shigaraki, as an adult, has begun to condemn that idea in retrospection- going as far as to alienate himself from the past by reffering to his own childhood self with a generalization - 'children'. (There is an alternative reason for this)
Self-centered because Tenko didn't think of the grief and unease of his family when he continued to dream;
Straight-forward because Tenko doesn't have the complex rationale of an adult to support his dream. He selfishly wishes to be a Hero, not for anyone else, but only for himself - there is no other reason for it. A child shouldn't have anymore complicated reasoning for it either.
But Shigaraki clearly considers this his own folly for giving into such emotions at that time.
The second time where this line is repeated when The Father comes up threateningly towards Tenko with the intention of punishing him.
Contrary to the previous use of thia line, here it implies that there is a different subject as the panel moves directly from Hana to Tenko. Which brings up two possibilities -
The line is meant for Tenko himself again. But it doesn't seem to fit.
It is meant for Hana.
Before I explain how it is directed towards Hana, let's return to the Shimura family
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For a few chapters, Hana has been portrayed as Tenko's only true sympathizer and supporter who takes his side in the world of dream-crippling 'Adults'. Although she is maybe only 2 or 4 years older than Tenko, Hana has the wisdom that becomes the first-born, elder sister- she displays incredible emotional intelligence and understands her family dynamics well, probably from past experience. She knows that their Father would get mad at her if she openly declares her intentions to become a part of the Hero-Sibling duo with her younger brother, so instead she tells him that he wants to become a housewife like her mother - a very tactical answer indeed. I suggest so, because in turn it again subtly hints at how fearsone the Father's temper can be, which in fact gets so bad at times that Hana does not take any chances of tempting this ire by suggesting any profession other than that of a Hero. Saying 'housewife' is safe. It keeps her in the clear. From this itself, we can interpret that she values her self-preservation, and is prepared to bend her morality for it
But exactly how far will she go to protect herself? We get that answer very soon-
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To evade punishment from the Father, Hana, makes Tenko the scapegoat by suggesting that he was the one who roped her into commiting what was forbidden. It put majority of the blame on Tenko's poor shoulders. Was it cruel of her? Yes. Dud she want to do it? No. Why would she do something so cruel to him if she didnt want to see Tenko hurt then?
The answer is simple-
Hana probably did not think things your escalate so far. Yeah, she probably imagined her Father would be incredibly pissed and take it out on Tenko, but she didn't think it would go down the road of physical violence. What she did was not right, absolutely not. But can we really blame her for it? This is a child, we are talking about. By nature children are afraid to enrage authority, and Hana is no different. She was self-centered in what she did. But did she lie? Not really. Her wording might seem to the Father that it was completely Tenko's idea, but 'he wanted to see it', is not a lie. It's straight-forward. Tenko did want to see the photograph once he was told about it.
From what we have ascertained to be the common vein in all the members and how they have each failed Tenko in their own way is the Father. Either they are sympathetic of his past or afraid of his temper- the later being more prevalent and pronounced in it's effects. Tenko too, at some premature level, understands that all this happens because of his Father's Authority. Thus comes the second idea which was repeated twice-
"The house that my Father built"/ "This house was the one my Father built"
This line is always mentioned in conjunction to Tenko's punishments and can be said that Shigaraki considers his Home a Punishment in itself too.
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This idea is reinforced with this simple statement.
"It only itches at home"
The implications of this are perhaps more grave. This instance mentioned is by no means Tenko's first punishment. Tenko has gone through enough of them to have come to anticipate the emotional pain (and on one instance, physical) with every misdemeanour he commits. The cycle goes from his Dream to a Misdeed, to Home, to Punishment to Pain. It's a water-tight assembly line. No surprise why Tenko would come to think of his Dream as a Source of Pain later on. But at this point in his childhood we see how the flowchart cements the aspect of Home = Punishment.
We know (or at least conjecture) that the dermatitis that affects Shigaraki might be a side effect of his quirk as it has begun at such a young age. With that logic, it isn't a leap to say that since his quirk's effects Only at his Home (his source of Pain), it is a Protective Response. Shigaraki's quirk is Decay. It activates to Decay noxious stimuli - like pain. Like his Home.
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(Please excuse the horrible squiggly lines)
Why does this happen sting occur then?
Instinct. Quirks are physical abilities which heavily relies on instinct - which explains why Bakugou is so flawless in his control, he is 'pure instinct'; or why All Might had very little difficulty is mastering OfA - the answer is Instinct. In Tenko's case, it is the instinct to Protect Himself. Because right after he throws the ball and looks at his hand, his Father storms in with a brutal intent. That Sting is his Quirk telling him to Protect Himself. It isn't dog hair, or some indoor allergen that makes him hurt. He hurts because pain is the most powerful noxious stimuli that can incite a protective response.
It has a psychological as well as a physiological effect on Tenko. He hurts because he expects it. It's his body's way of telling him that 'If you dont use your quirk now- you'll hurt even more".
After the Father has hit Tenko. A new emotion takes the position of 'stimulant' for his quirk and that is
In here, Tenko throws a ball for the Dog and immediately after he feels a sting. At first it seems as if it might actually be from the Dog. But it doesn't make sense. Tenko says that it gets worse only inside the House, not outside it. Yet in this one instance, he feels a particularly violent sting not just outside the house, but also AFTER he as stopped touching the Dog. It isn't the post-monsoon moisture either which is making him hurt, his narration doesn't really serve as a clue as to what causes his allergy, it simply lends the vividness with which Shigaraki remembers this important moment in his life.
Another thing to notice. Shigaraki never once says "This is the Home my Father built"
He says House. Shigaraki has deliberately used House here, because he doesnt feel any familial warmth from this place anymore, and hasn't for a while now. Instead what he feels from this 'House' is pain and denial.
I am gonna break character here just to scream about this part. (*takes deep breath*)
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Koutarou is not her only child!! She has another child!!! And any fucking guesses who?
Both All Might and Izuku have agreed (indirectly at the very least) that Midoriya Inko has a likeness to Shimura Nana. SHIGARAKI AND IZUKU ARE COUSINS. I REPEAT. THEY. ARE. COUSINS!!
I don't give a fuck if this doesn't turn out to be canon. The manga reader can give me documented fucking proof and say it to my goddamn face that Shigaraki and Izuku are not cousins, Dabi is not a Todoroki, Inko didn't accidentally marry the biggest baddest evil legend of Quirk Era. I am gonna spit at their faces if they dare to feed that horseshit to me after THIS level of FORESHADOWING.
Okay, now to end this shitty long post!!
The Father
We are meant to hate Koutarou. We do hate him - he has imposed the absolute law of his will upon an entire family and terrorizes them with his temper. We should hate him. But then we are given a snippet of his past- A boy whose mom was hardly there for him and his sibling(s?), who left them behind to fight some evil guy without choosing her family and ultimately choose her duty as a hero over her family. But despite having this animosity towards his mother, Koutarou wishes that Nana had hated him, instead of loved him so much. He says so because then it woukd have been easier for Koutarou to whole-heartedly hate his mother for leaving them behind. But she truly, selflessly loved him - he understands that and still doesn't forgive her, because he wanted her to selfishly choose her family above everything else. Her absence has left a hole in his life that he cannot fill with hatred, nor with love - he is caught in this infuriating middle where he laments his short temper against Tenko, but also fears that his own child might be ripped away from his family again because of Tenko's dream. Heroics has taken the most important things from Koutarou's life and he doesn't want to see it happen again- he is prepared to go to any lengths to prevent that from happening. But he acknowledges that violence was a step too far. He blames his mother for his insecurities and fears of losing his family again.
In fact, Koutarou's desire for a complete family is so immense that he solely bought that two-family house for the exact reason he could invite his in-laws. He even calls them 'Mother' and 'Father' directly, as if they were his own. It doesn't fill that gaping hole in his heart that yearns for Nana, but it's atleast something.
Koutarou is not a good person. He is not meant to be, he is supposed to be relatable like so many bad guys in the manga - Everyone is a Hero in their own lives, everyone believes what they do is (if not right, then) for the better.
Fear drives Koutarou to extreme actions and cruelty. And I am convinced that whatever Tenko will have to suffer in the future due to his father will also be a byproduct of his immense fear of losing his family.
Does this imply that Tenko hates his Father?
Paradoxically, no. Although Tenko says he Hates everyone it isn't so for Shigaraki. Shigaraki keeps the 'Father' hand closest to Himself. Even when Bakugou knocked out the 'Father' hand, that itself was enough to spike Shigaraki's temper. He didn't have any recollection of his family then, but he still held on to it. Shigaraki, much like Koutarou himself, doesn't hate their parent - but is lodged in an in-between. For Shigaraki he is seeking his Father's approval even when he is long gone, he is carrying forward the misinterpretted hatred of Heroes by being a Villain set out to destroy everything. Out of everyone in the Shimura Family, Shigaraki constantly keeps craving the acceptance of one Adult Figure, and whose acceptance would mean the most? Obviously the one who held most Authority, whose opinion matters most. His Father.
Tenko may have decayed his family's everything but their hands. We know from previous chapters that he might have been handled with other equipment instead of direct skin contact because his family members were afraid of his power. But, instinctively again, Tenko wanted their physical contact so dearly that his quirk ended up decaying everything But their hands.
The Hands were the only things left because Tenko's power couldn't bring itself to destroy his last chance of physical contact with his family.
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shadowofthelamp · 5 years
Can I get a basic run down of each of your au’s? It’s really hard to keep track and I wanna understand what people are talking about
*cracks knuckles* Alright, let’s do this. I’ll probably just link this in my sidebar at this point, because these are getting built up pretty rapidfire and if you aren’t on tumblr as much as I am you’re pretty liable to miss something.
Now with tag links, going chronologically so you can catch up if you want to! Some of them have a lot of posts, though, just as a warning.
-Time AU: The original. Twix is accidentally sent back in time- why is still a bit fuzzy but I think it involves the Voot malfunctioning when a time machine is installed. She runs into Dib when rummaging around in the basement lab in his house for parts, and lets it slip that she’s his daughter from the future. Her skin is just not-green enough to slip past his radar, and a DNA text confirms that she is in fact related to him, but her lips are sealed about who her other parent is. 
She needs to break into Zim’s base to get the necessary tools to finish fixing the Voot to go back home, and Dib assumes she wants to expose Zim like she does, so she has to keep on his good side to get what she needs. It’s weird to say the least, seeing her parents fighting and Dib as a kid- especially since Zim looks basically the same.
After she finally fixes the Voot, it starts jumping through alternate dimensions before she finally makes it home, and she meets several alternate versions of herself. 
The tag needs to be cleaned up on this one- it was the first au and has scattered posts of the others still in it but it’s going to take a while to edit down to the individual ones, fair warning.
-Tallest AU: Zim is “co-Tallest” with Tak, and Dib is a rebel fighter trying to take down the empire- sort of a bounty hunter on the side too. Twix is created during a fight when Zim tries to rip Dib’s throat out with his teeth, as you do. Zim is yanked out of public view while pregnant- can’t let the Empire know one of the Tallests has a defect that allows him to reproduce naturally. When he comes back, Twix is declared an experiment of his to create an heir with alien DNA to help her be taller, stronger, and more resilient. She’s kind of a spoiled brat in this one, and has absolutely no idea who Dib is. 
When she’s about 12, Dib as a bounty hunter was enlisted to kidnap her in an attempt to rile up Zim and get rid of his heir in one fell swoops, having no idea that she’s his daughter. Eventually, that’s discovered, and she slowly learns what life is like for everyone who isn’t her, while Dib learns to be a parent and care for her instead of having to just rely on himself all the time. Things are pretty tense at first, though.
Eventually, after Zim gets her back, she’s injured during a fight and Zim and Dib make a reluctant truce while she heals, eventually becoming sort of ‘rivals with benefits’- Zim won’t kill him if he’s captured, and Dib won’t take headshots. Dib also gets a collar so he can walk around the Massive without somebody sniping his head off, although he’s very grumpy about this.
Eventually, Dib manages to convince Zim that he’s nothing more than a mascot for the empire, there to blow shit up to show their power. (Tak is the real leader, Zim doesn’t really have the power he thinks he does, and Tak was brought in as co-Tallest to do most of the real ruling and give an air of competence, with the Control Brains doing the rest.) This takes ages, and involves Zim being so deep in denial he literally shoots Dib in the leg to get him to shut up, but it needles at him until he accepts it. Needless to say, pisses him off. They run off together, something Tak’s actually pretty happy about because she figures he’ll just die without the protection being a Tallest gives him. Twix comes with them, and start causing problems for the Empire wherever they can.
Dib gets a robot arm at one point, we haven’t 100% decided on how, and they end up having a second kid, a boy named Kit. (Kit Kat. Thank the discord for that one.)
-WLOD AU: Based on the alternate future in Dib’s Wonderful Life of Doom. Dib is the villain in this one- Twix was made when Zim attempted to escape captivity and bit Dib in the process. She’s kind of a nervous, timid wreck, and Zim is incredibly protective of her. She doesn’t see the world outside of the lab until main!Twix stumbles across this world and helps break her and Zim out, bringing them to her reality and asking Membrane to help her ‘cousins’. They end up settled somewhere else. (She ends up good friends with Moth!Twix.)
The running joke with this one is if the other Dibs meet this guy they just beat the crap out of him.
When Twix eventually dies of health complications from being experimented on, Zim pretty much snaps. He goes back to his home dimension and burns down everything even remotely related to Earth and Dib and ends up conquering the Empire, his grief giving him laser focus and allowing him to work past his defects. He goes on pretty much on a multi-decade rampage, twice as ruthless as anyone else and blowing up planets with ease. One day, though, while he’s with the ground troops he sees a scared child who was orphaned by his attacks and sort of snaps back to himself. He ends up adopting them, and several others in an attempt to atone for himself. He trains them up, fully expecting one of them to end up killing him when they find out he was the one that orphaned them, but when they find out about Twix they tend to just leave over killing him.
He ends up dying near her grave of illness/old age.
-Human AU: This one’s gotten revamped. The old one is after the line, to explain the old fanart in that tag. (I… never really liked this one as much as the others because it didn’t feel Zim-like to me and Dib was barely a presence- and he was barely himself too.)
Honestly this one is still a bit of a joke, but Zim’s got a more mad-scientist edge to him, primarily with strange toys, furbies in particular. He makes lots of them and their house is overrun- Twix has no idea it isn’t normal. He enjoys making people squirm with his creations and ends up having a bit of a rivalry with Swap Zim.
Old version: Zim and Dib were both sort of academic rivals at school, but ended up paired together for a science pair project and became friends. They’re roommates at college and begin dating, and Twix just comes from a regular old broken condom, oops. Zim was kind of a party animal but cuts back for her sake. His water actually breaks during an important exam but he insists on finishing it, despite Dib’s blood pressure going up about 500%. Zim’s a Bio major, I haven’t really settled on Dib yet. Zim ends up working at Membrane Labs, though. 
Zim’s also a big fan of musical theater, and gets roped into subbing in as Billy Flynn on the campus production of Chicago while four months pregnant. Gir is his younger brother and currently in high school.
-Irken AU: This one’s set a bit earlier in the timeline, when Zim was still working at the labs for military research. (See the canceled episode The Trial.) He met Dib there, and at one point they ended up locked in for a whole weekend on accident. At one point they got into a fight, one thing led to another, and Zim ended up pregnant. He only found out when he started getting sick and went to the hospital. The problem? That’s a defect that hasn’t happened in a long time- he’s whisked to the Control Brains, labeled defective in both mind and body, and sent off to Foodcourtia so no one has to deal with him.
When Dib finds out, he steals a ship and goes to rescue him. Zim is completely miserable, exhausted, overworked, and all around pissed this is happening. He lashes out at Dib for doing this to him before completely collapsing since his body hasn’t gotten a chance to rest in too long, and his instincts tell him that Dib is safe because he’s the other parent. Gir is a malfunctioning food service drone that snuck aboard the ship. They have to figure out what’s going on because this kind of thing hasn’t happened in centuries.
Dib was initially only interested in studying Zim because of the rarity of natural-born smeets, but as time goes on they end up getting closer, especially because Zim gets clingy as time goes on. There are two endings to this one- either they keep wandering around space, or they end up on Earth since it’s uncharted and no one will bug them there. Twix comes from an egg and has three siblings (possibly more) in this one!
-Pilot AU: Related to the Time AU- while jumping around, she gets stuck in the pilot universe. She very much doesn’t like it, especially since Dib starts stalking her instead. When he finds out she’s his daughter, he gets even more obsessive about how and why she came back, and she has to escape him to keep going home.
-Adoption AU: This is the angstfest one kicked off by a particular anon- Zim has a miscarriage, but at some point afterwards when Twix is jumping through the multiverse, she runs into them. After realizing what happened, she finds a version of herself that lost both of her parents and brings her to meet the ones that never had her, and they’re all happy.
-Zimvoid AU: Twix lands in the Zimvoid from the few most recent comics. Not a lot of plot to this one, it’s just fun to imagine. The Zims meeting after Twix is born is under PZA Au, and the Dibs meeting is ‘Meet me in the dibpit’ which is the best tag out of all of these lmao
-Species Swap AU: Dib is, similar to in the irken au, there to study local flora and find uses for them. Gaz is the invader, sent here for her catastrophic body count on every other mission she’s had. She finds out Earth has good games and is just ‘eh, whatever’ and basically puts the mission on hold, letting Dib start stalking the one human that truly interests him- Zim. He’s almost irken-like, and clearly incredibly intelligent- and destructive!
I made a whole plot explanation for this one here.
Dib is actually the one to have her in this au. It’s also a running joke and I’m heavily considering making it canon that this Zim is the one that actually succeeds in taking over the world.
-Mothman AU: Dib is an actual mothman, and so is his family. Variation on this one: One has irken Zim, one has human Zim. Other Dibs find this version of Dib hot. Twix is raised in the woods and her only real friends are her parents, Gir, and Tulip. (Keef’s adopted daughter.)
In the irken au, Zim is actually accepted relatively fast by Membrane who thinks he’s just a strange, stunted moth. After having Twix he ends up growing wings and neck fluff because mothmen are actually a very distant cousin of irkens that diverged millions of years ago, and carrying Dib’s kid kickstarted the process. He also dies for like two minutes because giving birth to an egg a third of your size really sucks. (He’s fine, once Dib got him to the recharging chamber he woke back up when his Pak reactivated him, he was just really low on charge after a birth lasting like two days.)
In the human au, he’s not so lucky- Dib has to keep his relationship a secret, and Membrane only finds out when he sees Zim, already pregnant. Dib gets into a big fight with him because humans killed his mom and Membrane is pissed he’d get into a relationship with one. Things do end up working out eventually, once Twix is born Membrane is fascinated by her, but tensions are still pretty high for a while. Earlier in this version, Zim actually found out he was pregnant when he gets accidentally shot by someone who was aiming at Dib and had to go to the hospital and they took a pregnancy test before doing the x-ray. (In all aus where Zim is human, including swap, he’s a trans guy, and this one is set in the 1970′s/80′s. He ran away to live in the woods for a reason.)
-SU AU: Steven Universe AU! This one’s covering most of the plot of Steven Universe up to this point, so it got long. Link here. (For the aesthetic, think more Gravity Falls and late over early SU: Deep woods and dark colors.)
-Capture AU: A sort of flip of the WLOD au. Zim wins and keeps Dib prisoner, although he enjoys riling him up so Dib is much more of a firecracker than WLOD Zim is. Zim gets the itching feeling he’s missing something and uses a blood sample from Dib to get himself pregnant, but he realizes he can’t raise the kid alone without killing her (and plays it off as making Dib help with something he’s made it clear he hates) so he lets Dib out but on a very tight leash. This one is definitely on the darker end.
-Scandal AU: Zim is Tallest, Dib is an irken scientist. They ‘grew up’ together but Zim shot up and forgot about Dib because- well, his memory’s canonically pretty garbage and besides he often misremembers things anyway. Dib is hauled in front of him for causing problems at the labs like letting the specimens free because he hates his coworkers, and they just kept shoving him at successively more important people because he managed to keep slipping away before being fully punished and it ends up getting all the way to the Tallest.
Dib gets pissy at Zim because he’s expecting to get thrown out the airlock or whatever, before realizing just how terrible of an idea that is and that Zim could do something a lot worse. Mostly he’s just mad that Zim left him behind, but Zim, who only has faint inklings of Dib being familiar, decides to keep him around on basically a whim.
Things evolve from there, with Zim doting over his new ‘toy’ who treats him like an equal (which he didn’t realize he wanted, because duh, he’s the Tallest, why would he want to be anything other than shallowly worshipped?) while Dib has to walk the VERY careful tightrope of staying alive by not pissing Zim off while also not rolling over completely and betraying himself. (And that might lose Zim’s interest as well.) Things get even messier when oops, there’s eggs now.
-Treasure Planet AU: What it says on the tin, an au based off the movie Treasure Planet! Plot summary here, AU mostly belongs to @64bit-trash and @yeehawimscared.
-Dibbrane AU: Dib turns out to be a much better clone of his father and doesn’t realize that Zim is an alien. Zim ends up getting attatched to him because he takes him seriously as a fellow scientist and genuinely enjoys his company, and eventually they get married- all without Dib finding out what he really is. Twix ends up more like show-Dib, determined to prove to the world that there’s a world hidden underneath their own, and Zim ends up her ‘alien rival’ in order to train her. She doesn’t realize she’s half-alien… yet. Fuller synopsis here.
-Amnesia AU: Zim was a personal pet project of Tallest Miyuki’s, and treated him as a son, planning to raise him to succeed her, taking down the heightarchy in the process. She ends up assassinated by Red and Purple in an attempt to get enough power to laze around for the rest of their lives, and Zim is blamed for it. A lot of irkens are bitter and jealous for the attention he got, especially for someone so short, so it’s easy enough to do. 
While imprisoned, he tore up his Pak in an attempt to get rid of the grief and trauma of seeing his mother dead and ended up more defective, having mostly forgotten who he was before. The timeline ‘syncs up’ with iz show canon. He crashes OID2 and gets sent to Earth, and over the years enters a relationship with Dib and gets pregnant. When that’s discovered, he gets pulled back and his memory is wiped again, and when the baby is born, she’s taken away to see if they can shape her into a soldier.
Zim is used for more tests and Skoodge tries to help him, and ‘Brid’ is shuffled between career tracts before being sent out with the soldiers while still 11- practically a smeet. She meets Dib, who’s been looking for both Zim and his lost child. She promises to take him to Zim, but is going to try and bring him as a new species of alien to her superiors to get brownie points because she’s treated kind of like shit by the other trainees for being such a freak. (She always wears a helmet to cover her nose and hair.)
Eventually their paths cross as they get arrested and thrown into a cell near Zim’s, but Zim doesn’t realize he’s even got a daughter, much less this one, so there’s a while to figure things out.
All this time, Miyuki uploaded herself before her death into a side control brain that only Skoodge knows, and they stumble across her, and she helps fill in the gaps.
Aaaaaand I’ll go back and add more to this post if we get more, if I forgot one feel free to tell me.
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joygaytrash · 5 years
The Babysitter(Spiderverse AU)
Word Count: 1431
Notes: Hi, hello, I bring more of @sugarglider9603 and @galaxy-lilies-main Spiderverse AU because I can. I hope y’all enjoy <3
"I am sorry, you want me to do what?!"
"Listen, it's only for a few hours. MJ and I will be back before you know it, Dolion, trust me,"
"It's not that I don't trust you, Thomas. It's just that I'm not good with small children," Dolion lied, hearing Venom curse at him under his breath. 
"Emile told me you were great with kids,"
Dolion sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I mean, I guess I can do it," He agreed. A small, quiet cheer could be heard on the other end, making Dolion almost smile, almost. 
"Great. See you soon!" Thomas said. 
"Yup," Dolion responded before he ended the call rather quickly and let out a sigh. Venom seemed to make a growling noise, forming his face outside of Dolion's body. 
"What do you want now?" Dolion asked, shoving his phone in his pocket. 
"You look unhappy, why?" Venom asked back. Dolion let out a 'psh' noise, tugging his beanie so it fits snug on his head. "I'm not sad, I just ain't good with kids," Dolion, again, lied. 
Venom stared at the human and if he could somehow show human emotions physically, he would look unconvinced. Dolion stared back at the symbiote, scrunching his eyebrows together. The young adult could somehow tell what emotions the alien was showing, it may be the fact that they were bonded or it may be because Dolion was used to the symbiote. 
"Don't give me that look, Ve," Dolion hissed, grabbing his jacket and slipping it on. Venom mocked Dolion under his breath as the human tugged his shoes on. "I wouldn't be giving you this look if you hadn't lied to the human parent!" The alien yelled. 
Dolion rolled his eyes, practically shoving the symbiote back into his body. "You, shut up. You may have been around since high school but you don't know jack shit. Now, you behave yourself and don't eat the kid," He growled. Venom bared his teeth and growled back, sinking himself back into Dolion's body. 
The ride to the townhouse was unusually quiet; Venom would sometimes usually pop his head out and hold up a small conversation with Dolion, but knowing the symbiote all too well, Venom was mad at Dolion. 
Dolion sighed again, putting the kickstand down on his motorcycle and grabbed the keys, jogging up to the front down. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door before waiting a couple moments. 
The door opened seconds later, a dressed up Thomas standing in the doorway. "Hey Dolion, thanks for coming on such short notice" Thomas stated, letting the young man inside. 
"No problem," Dolion shrugged, scanning the living room a little, "I had nothing better to do anyways."
"Where's Emile and Remy?" Thomas asked. 
"Em's out to dinner with his mom, Lupita, Roman, and his siblings. As for Remy, he's helping his parents out with something. So, it was gonna be basically just Venom and I tonight," Dolion explained, stuffing his hands in his jacket pocket. 
"Speaking of Venom," MJ started to say as he stepped out from the hall, carrying a toddler in his arms, "Make sure he doesn't eat my daughter, Dolion."
"I already told him not to, MJ. I'm way ahead of you," Dolion said. 
"Good, I rather not lose my baby girl to space goop," MJ stated, booping the toddler's nose. The toddler giggled and hid her face in MJ's neck. MJ laughed a bit at the little girl in his arms. 
"Anyways, that's our little girl, Iris. Isn't she just the cutest, Dolion?" Thomas asked, looking at Dolion. 
"She sure is, old man," Dolion answered, smirking a bit at his joke. Thomas rolled his eyes, smiling a little at the joke as well. 
"Well then, MJ and I should get going. We have reservations at the new Italian restaurant downtown," Thomas said, clapping his hands together. 
"Right. Now, if anything bad happens, give Thomas or I a call, okay?" MJ asked, placing Iris on the carpeted floor by her toys. 
"Gotcha, MJ. Now go out and have a great night, love birds," Dolion exclaimed.
The couple gave Iris small kisses and said goodbye before rushing out the door, saying goodbye to Dolion on their way out. Dolion watched out the window as they left and sighed, flopping down on the couch. He watched as Iris distracted herself with her various toys, smiling a little at the joy on her face. 
As Dolion watched Iris play with her toys, Venom manifested outside of his host's body. "So," Venom looked over at the toddler and then back at Dolion, "We just lay here and just, watch the tiny human?" 
"No, we-,"
"Oh my gosh, you have a talking snake?!"
Dolion and Venom both directed their gaze over to Iris, who was now standing up by her toys. 
"Well, he isn't exactly a talking snake, pumpkin," Dolion started off, sitting up on the couch. Iris tilted her head in confusion, looking up at Dolion and Venom. 
"What do you mean, Dolly?" Iris asked again. Dolion could feel his heart met just from that nickname alone. 
'If anyone dares harm this little angel, I will personally end their life,' Dolion thought to himself as Venom began to speak. 
"He means I'm not an Earthen creature. I come from space, tiny human," Venom explained and Dolion swore to someone of higher power that Iris' eyes beamed with excitement. 
"So you're an alien?"
"Yes, tiny human,"
Dolion couldn't help but laugh a bit, covering his mouth to conceal anything else that may slip pass. Iris giggled at the young adult's reaction while Venom chuckled, silently glad that Dolion finally got out of an old funk. 
The three ended up watching movies a majority of the night, binge watching every Disney movie Thomas owned(which was a lot, thanks Roman). So it wasn't uncommon for Iris to fall asleep the fifth movie in. 
But, it felt kinda, strange to Dolion when she fell asleep in his arms, her head using his chest as a pillow. With the help of Venom, Dolion got himself into a more comfortable position on the couch. He had a small pillow under his head and the blanket from the back of on the couch covering him and Iris up. 
"Sleep tight, pumpkin," Dolion mumbled as be gently placed a small kiss on the top of Iris' head. 
The first thing MJ and Thomas were met with when they got home was a soft, yet stern, shush from Dolion. They looked at him, confused before they noticed that Iris was asleep in his arms. 
"So, I take it everything went well tonight?" MJ asked in a hushed voice, carefully taking Iris into his own arms. 
"Yeah, she was really interested in Venom," Dolion answered. 
"Well, at least he didn't eat her," Thomas said, just as MJ rolled his eyes and made his way to Iris' room. 
"Mhm. I should probably get going. Don't wanna be in your guys' hair for any longer tonight," Dolion stated, just as he was about to stand up when Thomas stopped him. 
"Nah, it's already late as is and I'm not letting you ride your motorcycle when you're clearly tired. Stay the night, you can crash on the couch," Thomas suggested. 
"Are you sure? Because I don't mind leaving," Dolion insisted. 
"Yes, I'm sure, Dolion. Now, lay down and get some sleep. You look like you need it," Thomas commanded, but still sounding sincere. Dolion sighed before nodding as he flopped back down on the couch. 
Thomas smiled, ruffling Dolion's hair as he covered him up with the blanket. "You know I'm capable of covering myself up, right?" Dolion asked, joking a bit. 
"It's parental instinct, Dolion. I can't help it," Thomas replied, joking as well. Dolion rolled his eyes sarcastically, laughing a bit. Thomas laughed as well. 
"Well, night Dolion. I'll see you in the morning," Thomas said, turning off the living room light. 
"Same to you, old man," Dolion said back while he got comfortable. He listened to Thomas' footsteps as he went to his room, sighing in a relaxed way. Venom formed outside of Dolion's body once again, resting his head on the human's chest. 
"I thought symbiotes didn't sleep," Dolion mumbled, looking down at the alien. 
"We don't," Venom answered, looking up at his host, "But since you are my host, I must adapt to your human patterns and behaviors."
"Fair enough. I'll see you in the morning, k?"
"Or whenever I'm hungry,"
"That too. Night Venom,"
"Night Dolion,"
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repost, don’t reblog (Doing this for Lace! Baby needs a bit more info and oh boy it was hard to decide who to do this for)
full name. Lewis Miller 
pronunciation. Loo-is Mill-er
nickname(s). Lou, Uncle Lulu, Lace, What the fuck is that-
gender. Cis male, but I’ve noted that he admittedly wants to try a more neutral aspect if gender but is currently still rather in the closet about it all and this comes out more in his kinks. 
height. 5′8, but Lace’s powers can illusion him as 6′0-6′3 
age. 26 but can be verse dependent 
zodiac. Leo - 23 July 
spoken languages. English 
hair color. Black
eye color. Silver, reflective 
skin tone. Olive tanned 
body type. Lanky from self nourishment, complete otter body.  
accent. American
voice. Surprisingly deep and tends to be gravelly due to not talking for a while but it can be rather smooth and baritone. 
dominant hand. Right hand
posture. Hunched over most of the time
scars: Rough and jagged scars over his upper arms due to self harming and two long slices around his neck from his father inflicting them. 
tattoos. None
birthmarks. A patch of darker skin under Lace’s right buttock, shaped a bit like a diamond, as some people have mused. 
most noticeable feature(s). Eyes and hands 
place of birth. Montana 
hometown. Polson 
birth weight. 5 lbs 
birth height. 46.4 inches
first words. Peanut 
siblings. Younger brother by four years 
parents. Mother is dead from illness and father is currently estranged 
parental involvement. Lace’s mother was neglectful by accident due to the fact that she struggled to deal with two children and Lace’s severe power. His father did okay until Lace’s mother died and he began to spiral and left all control over to Lace’s maternal grandparents, who were controlling and abusive. 
occupation. Online college student and works night shifts at a library 
close friends / family. Not exactly close but his brother Carter and his nephew Logan 
relationship status. Single at the moment! 
financial status. Middle class for the most part, but Lace can go through rough patches as well as making a sudden boost in cash around October. 
driver’s license. None
criminal record. Multiple restraining orders and assault charges have been mad against Lace and his family growing up but they’ve always been seemingly wiped off the records by the government due to his family history.  
character’s theme song. Careless whisper - Seether rock edition
hobbies to pass time. Reading, attempting to bake, playing with Ferret Bueller, Listening to podcasts and musicals, napping, talking/spending time with his brother and nephew.
mental illnesses. Severe anxiety disorder, ADHD, Depression, Paranoia, Some form of control issues 
physical illnesses. None so far? Has chronic pain issues sometimes.
left or right-brained. Left-brained 
self-confidence level. Looooooow! 
sexual orientation. Pansexual, but has easier experiences with women so far.
romantic orientation. Panromantic
preferred emotional role. submissive | dominant | switch
preferred sexual role. submissive | dominant | switch
libido. Can easily go around two hours without a break ;)
turn on’s. Feminine clothing, calling him names in a pretty manner (aka My Slut or Prettiest whore), collars, soft touches leading to soft sex, crops, halfway dressed sex, has a tiny thing for spur of the moment sex.
turn off’s. Actively trying to get him to use his powers, acting like you know what's best for him, commenting on his poor habits, being rough without asking, not sure how to describe it but...making him feel like he needs or should depend on you?
love language. Talking with the person of his affections, Gazing longingly, hesitant touches of fingers, shitty body maneuvers like yawning with the arm or trying to slide his fingers across a table slowly to hold someone's hand.
relationship tendencies. Lace wants to be drawn to someone who has an idealistic life because that's what happiness means, right? He wants what people on billboards have, or at least something alien the friendly relationship Carter has with his ex. Lace doesn't know exactly what he wants and honestly, he knows deep down that he would take what he could get if he has to carry on chasing everyone away just because he was stronger than most in his family. He just wants someone who can follow his banter and will reach across a table run their fingers over his hand and take his face into their hands. Lace saw the cheetah meme and decided that that was the goal of love. Unfortunately his issues of letting someone do the gestures and risk holding a hand that can be infested with worms or grow claws...it doesn't go well for Lace but he'll just cry into his pillow when you aren't looking.
Tagged by: @blind-mutant
And uh,,,,there isn't really anyone for me to tag but dang,,,I do love these kinda memes;_;
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