#like I’m sorry I’m working my way through the most popular animes and when I have a New Interest
cfierce116 · 3 months
No Sleep Part One
A/N: Hi. I've been wanting to write about this man since 2017 and finally got the inspiration to do. This one started off as one piece but evolved into more (whoops) so let's see how it goes. This piece is loosely connected to my prior story "I Want You Around". As always shoutout to @krysxtotheo and @lisayourworries for the encouragement. Enjoy.
*Pairings: Jey Uso/OC (black fem)
*Warnings: 18+
Word Count: Approximately 2200 words
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Krystle exhaled softly. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Look at you like what?”
“Like you wanna kick my ass.”
“Actually I want to strangle you to death.” 
Krystle glanced over her shoulder with a slight scowl on her lips. “Don’t you think that’s a little melodramatic Imani?” 
Imani rolled her brown eyes as her sleek black stiletto heels clacked against the pavement, her legs quickly moving to keep in step with Krystle. “Can you blame me for being melodramatic? My best friend promised to take me to dinner for my birthday and somehow it ended up being a date between her and her man with me being the odd person out!” 
“And then to make it even better you weren’t even gonna tell me! I had to find out because he blurted it out when you had him on speaker phone on our way over here!” Imani hissed. 
“For the millionth time I got my dates mixed up with me and Sefa’s date night. And seeing as how this is the only night we’re both free I had to combine the two. It’s fine,” Krystle reassured her friend.  
Imani silently counted to ten to stop herself from losing her composure. The fact that Krystle couldn’t understand why she was so upset and dismissed how she felt was pissing her off. She understood the need for the couple to keep consistent date nights to keep the spark in their relationship. But they couldn’t choose another day? It’s not like they weren’t constantly on the road together or lived together so Imani was certain they could’ve skipped one date night. Especially since she hadn’t hung out with her best friend one on one in over a month. Their friendship went from going bar hopping every weekend and recounting their escapades over greasy breakfast foods on Sunday morning to Krystle falling off the face of the Earth the moment she moved in with Sefa and subsequently started working on the main roster. Imani understood the two were settling into their new normal and she was happy for Krystle. 
But she also missed her friend. 
The two women finally arrived at the Brazilian steakhouse Imani selected for dinner. The duo slipped inside the foyer of the restaurant. An enormous tropical floral arrangement greeted them as they waited in line at the hostess stand. Imani ran a hand over the animal print flared dress she wore as her eyes darted around the restaurant at the busy dinner crowd. She exhaled to calm her bubbling anger. 
“All I’m saying is we could have gladly rescheduled so I wouldn’t be put in this awkward situation Krys. I would’ve been disappointed but I would’ve understood.” 
Before Krystle could respond, the hostess appeared to greet the pair asking for the reservation’s name. The two friends followed the young woman through the crowded restaurant as she expertly dodged waiters and other patrons. Krystle fell in line next to Imani and weaved their arms together. 
Krystle turned to face Imani. “I am truly sorry Mani. When I get back in town next week, we will go have a spa day with just us two,” she promised. “And furthermore you’re not the od-“
Imani abruptly stopped in her tracks. “Who the hell is that sitting with Sefa?”
Krystle’s eyes traveled towards the area Imani was staring at with a bated breath. A crooked grin spread across her lips as she watched her boyfriend speaking with the man sitting next to him. She turned to face her friend, stifling a giggle.
“Girl stop playing. You know who Josh is.” 
Imani exhaled softly. She definitely knew who Josh was. One of the most popular wrestlers in WWE, one half of arguably the best tag teams in WWE history, the older brother of Krystle’s boyfriend.
And the guy she had a teensy weensy crush on. 
One quick glance at Josh and anybody could see why Imani would have a crush on him. From his muscular physique, handsome face, & infectious personality he was FINE. Josh was the type of fine that it made it hard to look him directly in his eye without blushing and giggling. And now she was expected to eat as much steak and chicken her heart desired while sitting next to the man that she could barely mutter more than five words to before scurrying away and not choke on her birthday meal?
Absolutely the fuck not. 
“Yes I know Josh. But why is he here?” Imani asked gesturing to the restaurant. 
“Well if you would’ve let me get a word in earlier when you were berating me I was trying to tell you that you wouldn’t be the odd person out tonight because he was coming as well.”
“But why?”
“Because that man like to eat food? Shit I don’t know,” Krystle said with a shrug. 
Imani opened her mouth to ask another question but was interrupted the moment Sefa saw the two women. The couple smiled at one another before Krystle dragged her friend towards the two brothers. Once they arrived at the table, Sefa stood to greet his girlfriend, his large arms wrapping around her smaller frame. Imani couldn’t help but smile as Krystle squealed as she stood on her tiptoes to peck her boyfriend’s lips. 
“Sorry we’re late. But the birthday girl had to make sure she looked perfect before she left out the door.” 
Imani waved off her friend’s comment. “It takes time to look this good,” she responded with a flip of her perfectly curled black hair that grazed her back underneath her shoulder blades. 
“Well you definitely succeeded.” 
The sound of the deep voice caused Imani to drag her gaze away from Krystle and Sefa before landing on Josh. He was now standing as well allowing her to observe his simplistic outfit of his slightly wrinkled black long sleeve shirt that hugged his muscular physique and matching black pants. A gold chain sat around his neck and glistened under the restaurant lights which also illuminated the faint blue color at the ends of his curly mullet. 
A small smile tugged at the corners of Imani’s lips. “Thanks. Although you probably say that to all your women.”  
Josh chuckled softly as he pulled out a chair. Imani slid down into the seat which was sitting next to him. “I see Krys been tellin’ you these lies that I got a squad of women.”
“How can it be a lie if it’s the truth?” Krystle asked as she sat in the seat Sefa pulled out for her. “I’ve heard about all those women that be waiting for you at the hotels after the shows with their cut up Yeet shirts to show off their curves to get your attention.”
“They is fans. I keep tellin’ you I’m single.” 
“Mhmmm,” Krystle mumbled with a playful eyeroll. 
Imani laughed quietly at their banter as she quickly turned over the card sitting on the table next to her to indicate to the waiters she was ready for the entrees. She had been dreaming about the Garlic Picanha melting in her mouth all week long and she was ready to dig in. 
“My fault for just insertin’ myself into you and Krys girl’s night.” 
Imani’s attention landed on Josh again, his dark brown eyes staring intently at her. She wiped her palms on the front her dress and cleared her throat as she felt her earlier anger slowly disappear. 
“Don’t worry about it. At least I don’t have to play third wheel with those two.” Imani gestured to Sefa and Krystle who were cuddled close together and whispering amongst one another. She shook her head with a smirk as she watched Sefa poke Krystle in her side making her giggle quietly as she playfully pushed his hand away.
Josh smacked his lips. “Never thought I would see the day Uce became such a sap,” he stated. Imani laughed. 
“Be nice. They can be a little sickening but they’re happy.” 
“I guess you right.” Josh’s eyes traveled over Imani’s frame causing a rush of warmth to course through her body. She inhaled quietly as he leaned closer to her, his musky and rich cologne invading her nostrils, her fingers fidgeting with the gold tennis bracelet on her wrist. “So what you drinkin on tonight birthday girl?” 
Imani shook her head with a wave of her hand. “Not a thing. I’m just here for the meat- I mean the food.” 
Josh twisted his mouth in disbelief. “What chu don’t drink or something?”
“I don’t drink like I used to but I’m not against it. I just have to be at work early tomorrow.” 
“One drink won’t stop you from waking up early. Let loose a lil Mani,” Josh goaded with a grin, his dark brown eyes sparkling with mischief. Imani inhaled deeply. “Come on I’ll buy you whatever you want.” 
Imani watched as Josh stood, his 6’3 frame towering over her as she still sat in her chair. She tilted her head to the side pensively before grabbing his extended hand and following him towards the bar.
Three shots of Jack Daniels & a never ending amount of steak & chicken later and Imani was feeling good. Once Sefa and Krystle finally stopped acting like lovesick teenagers and started interacting with Imani and Josh the night turned out to be exactly what Imani needed despite her earlier resistance. The laughs were endless whether it was a result of Josh and Sefa retelling humorous stories from their childhood or Krystle and Imani reminiscing about their outrageous moments they shared in undergrad and their early days of working in NXT.  As the liquor continued to flow, the more relaxed and comfortable Imani felt, a feeling she hadn’t felt in quite some time. 
However reality slowly crept in as the night winded down to remind her that after spending close to two hours at dinner it was time to go back home to prepare for the week of work ahead. For Sefa, Krystle, and Josh that meant going back to the couple’s house to sleep off the liquor and prepare for a day of travel the next day to the location of the Smackdown taping. For Imani that meant returning to her own dark and lonely condo to face plant in her bed until her alarm jolted her awake the next day so she could report to work at the Performance Center to record some digital content for NXT.  
Well that was her plan. But Krystle wasn’t exactly onboard with it. 
“The night is still young Mani! And it’s your birthday! Why you in such a rush to go home?” Krystle asked as crossed her arms over her chest with a pout. 
Imani rolled her honey brown eyes as she stared at her cell phone trying to place a reservation for an Uber. “So I can go to bed. I got a long day of work tomorrow.” 
“Work that you can do with your eyes closed. I remember back in the day when we used to stay out until the sun came up the next day.” Krystle glanced at her phone. “Now you ready to go to bed before 10 PM?”
“That was when I was 25!” Imani replied with a laugh. “I’m 35 now and unlike your young energetic self I am washed. I need my bed.” 
Krystle smacked her lips. “Oh girl please. First of all I’m only 32 so stop acting like you’re way older than me. Secondly you’re not washed. Women that are washed don’t look as good as you do in this dress.” 
“She’s right.” 
Another shiver rolled through Imani’s body as she slowly turned around. Josh and Sefa stood behind her, having returned from their trip to the bathroom as Imani and Krystle stood outside to enjoy the warm Orlando night breeze. Imani fought the urge to squirm under Josh’s gaze as his eyes dragged over her frame, studying every inch of her body before finally returning to her face.
“What the hell are you two over here arguing about anyway?” Sefa asked, his voice interrupting the moment between his brother & Imani. He wrapped his muscular arm around Krystle’s torso and pulled her body closer to his. 
“I’m trying to convince her to come back to our place so we can hang out. But she wants to be a lame and go home.”
“Come over to hang out until you and your man ditch us to go have sex?” Imani asked with a raised brow. She rolled her eyes as Krystle turned her head with an embarrassed expression, burying her face into Sefa’s chest as he sheepishly grinned. “Thanks but no thanks. I’m going home.” 
“So you just gonna leave me to be the third wheel and listen to them?” Josh asked. “That’s fucked up.” 
Imani laughed lightly. “Y’all just really won’t take no for an answer huh?” 
“Not a chance,” the trio answered.
Imani sighed as she glanced back at her phone, the screen waiting for her to confirm her Uber request staring back at her. Before she could second guess herself, she locked the phone and tossed it into her purse. “Fine. Are y’all happy now?”
Krystle clapped her hands excitedly as she detached herself from Sefa’s embrace and looped arms with Imani. “Don’t give me that look Mani. It’s your birthday! Stop acting like a Grandma and live a little,” she told her with a grin.
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k-atsukibakugou · 5 months
Mercury your event is SO cute I’m actually obsessed! I’m such a beer girlie, but if I had to pick a drink it’s gotta be a jägerbomb! And for the character you pick because I want you to be as free as possible I’m ready for anything👀
ehehehe i was a lil cheeky with this one, i leaned more into the leave you wanting more vibe with the jagerbomb also im sorry for the lack of beer i've never met a beer or cider i've liked LMAO i was going to make this endeavor but the more i wrote it the more it worked better with bakugou but i hope u like it!! teehee birthday bash intro + rules + menu | event masterlist
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anyone who wasn’t a couple jagerbombs deep could tell you how bad of an idea jagerbombs are at an work party, but when you work at one of the most popular bars in musutafu, it’s more a rite of passage.
not even here a year, your work-best friend was the very first to inform you of the notorious annual work party, how messy they get, how she’d gone home with the chef one year, and how many servers had crashed in the booths over the years. finally, the time had come for the party, your friend already abandoning you to flirt with the chef again, although, you couldn’t play the morally high act about it when all your attention was on your boss behind the counter.
walking behind the bar, you perused the liquor on offer, mostly mid-tier stuff, but god, did the imported stuff look good right about now, something smooth to take your mind off of him. fuck, why’d he have to roll his sleeves up like that? his forearm muscles enough to make you wonder what else lies beneath that damn shirt, an endless expanse of muscles underneath a wife-pleaser singlet, thick thighs caged in his expensive slacks.
“need some help?” lost in your daydream, bakugou is beside you before you realise how long you’ve been ogling him, your indecisive daze in front of the alcohol drawing his attention (any excuse to talk to you, really). you’re nowhere near drunk enough for him to be this close, to get this messy. yet.
“you don’t have my beer on tap.” his eyes nearly roll back at your sweet tone, your gentle teasing that’s been driving him up the wall for months. he stays steadfast, dark garnet eyes unwavering, despite the top you’d worn specifically for them to wander.
“let me make it up to you,” he takes another step closer, the expensive scent of his cologne filling your lungs when he reaches around you for the distinct green bottle, trapping you between his biceps for a fleeting moment, “we’ll do something i used to have in my party days.”
grabbing two pint glasses and two shot glasses, you watch him work with the kind of swiftness and expertise decades behind a bar could give a man, every twist of his wrist calculates, not a single drop of jagermeister or redbull spilling, even when the latter threatened to bubble over the top of the glass.
“you used to do jagerbombs?” you can’t help but sound incredulous, your eyebrows shooting up to your hairline when you accept the drink from him. mesmerised as he pours his own, you try to imagine him younger, chugging back the bomb, swallowing shot after shot, stumbling home in the am. even in your daydream, his hair had speckles of salt through the blond of his hair, the silver fox look worked too well for him to see him any other way.
“why are you so shocked? i was twenty once.”
“it’s hard to imagine you… like that.”
“like what?”
“you know, a party animal, i can only see you drinking bourbon on the rocks.” he chuckles at the memories, of sleepless nights, of horrendous hangovers.
“i could still drink you under the table.” he challenges, already reaching to pour another, you try not to laugh in his face, the image of your all-powerful boss drunk and stumbling was something you’d pay to see. with a smile you could only describe as evil, hot, you clinked your drink with his before knocking it back, “sure you can, old man.”
after too many bombs, an assortment of other shots, some cocktail bakugou poured you and a sip (you weren’t game enough to have more of it, there’s a reason you weren’t a bartender) of the one you poured him, the pair of you stumbled into his office at the back of the bar. half the buttons are undone on his shirt, your hands sliding beneath the hem of his shirt even when he pulled away from you long enough to unlock the door, pulling you inside with him and nudge it closed once more before turning all his attention back to you; the way you stared up at him with glassy eyes, the way your lipstick smudged under your bottom lip, how your chest heaved (the way your tits looked when you did), how your dress rode up when you pulled yourself onto his desk, tugging him in by his belt loops.
he can’t even find it in him to care about the time-sheets crinkling under your ass when you bite your lip, can’t care you’re his employee and his mind goes blank of everything when you wrap your thighs around his hips. fuck, you’re irresistible like this; arching into him, kissing and biting his jaw, one hand tugging your dress further up your thighs, the other working off his belt to slide into his slacks, searching for more and more, more he wants to give you.
you’re just so, so, so hot… and he’s soft. he’s fucking soft. he finally has you under him and he can’t get it up.
let’s hope the alcohol buzzing through your blood is enough to clear your memory of this in the morning.
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runariya · 3 months
One-Shot: A Sip Of Eternity (JJK)
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pairing: vampire!Jungkook x f!reader genre: vampire!AU, coffee shop!AU, yandere-ish? idrk warnings: foul language, obsession, mentions of blood and ripped out organs, death, hunger, feeding off humans and animals, throwing up, Jungkook doesn't know what hit him, reader is sus, allusion of abuse, lmk if I forgot something word count: ~ 4.370
a/n: okay...I know I said I'm taking a break from writing while mini-me and I are down with sickness BUT hear me out....those fever dreams...uffff👀....I just had to write it down somehow. It's not edited and I think it's a bit jumbled up at places-sorry for that. I'll think about rewriting it, when I'm at full capacity again. Until then, have fun reading👀
a/n 2: This work is purely fictional. All characters and events are entirely imaginary and do not reflect reality. Please do not use this story as your own. No translations are allowed without permission. Thank you for understanding! 💕
🎵K.Flay - High Enough🎵 Do you see anyone other than me? Baby, please I'll take a hit of whatever you got Maybe two, maybe three Oh, you're phenomenal, feel like a domino, fall to my knees I am a malady, you are my galaxy, my sweet relief, oh, oh, oh
Thursday morning
It has been 811 years, 296 days, 13 hours, and 49 minutes since he was turned. 811 years, 296 days, 13 hours, and 49 minutes far too long, too boring, too repetitive. Jungkook has seen it all. He’s done it all. But this little human right in front of him? No, you’re new. Exciting, even.
He’s been the chief of this city for half his immortal life, running a cafe for his kind, invisible to anyone else.
So why on earth did a human find its way in here? And why do you smell so, so delicious?
“Back off or you’re dead” Jungkook growls in his head. The other vampires stop immediately, no longer ready to pounce. Knowing they don’t stand a chance against him, they only watch.
“Hello,” you say shyly, with the softest smile he’s ever seen.
“Good morning.” He scans your hands, looking for a wedding band, but your fingers are empty. “Miss.”
You flush, your heartbeat picking up. You’re cute, he thinks. So innocent.
“I said back the fuck off!” His voice booms, snapping the other vampires out of their trance. “What can I get you?”
“I’m new here…I mean in town…and here at this coffee shop, obviously…so…ehm…could you…if it’s not a bother…recommend something?” You stutter, your heartbeat now through the roof. Calm down, he thinks.
“Sure. The crimson latte is the most popular.” Of course, it is; it’s full of blood.
“That sounds fancy.” You cringe. “I’d like one, please.” Your voice is so soft, like a feather drifting in the breeze.
“Coming right up.” Jungkook turns to the coffee machine. “Okay, listen here, you little shits. If anyone in this godforsaken city even looks her way, they’re getting staked. You hear me? Spread the news. This little human is mine.”
A chorus of acceptance of his command echoes in his mind. Looking over his shoulder, he sees you looking around, oblivious. You’re wearing a summer dress, its colour making your skin glow. Your hair is beautifully styled, and your makeup matches your style so effortlessly it’s making him a little breathless. Or maybe it’s your quick pulse; he isn’t sure.
Just as he reaches for the blood on the counter, his fingers halt. Idiot, he reprimands himself. Shaking his head lightly, he takes the strawberry syrup and pours it into your coffee. This will do, he thinks.
Turning around, he falters, seeing your blinding smile. Your eyes sparkle like the tutus he sees little girls wear.
You look so sweet. Would you taste the same? But he won’t do anything. Your poor, precious soul shouldn’t be harmed.
“Here you go, enjoy.” He says, and when your fingers brush his, he feels a jolt. Retreating his fingers instantly, he looks at you with wide eyes.
You’re also startled by his reaction, your eyes wide and full of apology as if he was repulsed by you, which is not true.
“Sorry…how much do I owe you?” Your voice is like tiny bells to his ears.
“No worries. It’s on the house.” Jungkook wants so badly to reassure you, to smile, but all he manages is a twitch of his lips.
Your gaze drops down to his lips, and he’s impressed and elated you noticed his attempt at smiling. When your breathtaking smile reappears on your lush lips, his dead heart sings. Or is it his thirst?
It doesn’t matter. Because when you leave, he’s sure he’ll never see you again.
Friday Evening
Jungkook can smell you before he turns. Why are you back again? He thought it was a coincidence you could enter yesterday. An error in the spell protecting his shop from human eyes. But two days in a row seems troubling.
“Hobi, go out, find a human and bring it before the shop. See if it sees us.”
“Yes, JK.”
You’re now standing directly behind him, the counter separating you both. You’re not even a minute into his shop, and your scent has overpowered every molecule in the air. His thirst burns in his throat. He needs to hunt tonight. Damn you. If it weren’t for your delicious blood, he would have held on for a week more.
Jungkook takes a deep breath to ground himself, but it’s the worst decision of his dead life. Your scent now clings not only to his skin but to every cell of his.
Nonetheless, he turns around. But now he’s not sure anymore if it’s your scent or the sight of you that’s more compelling.
Dressed in another flowy summer dress, you look like a goddess. A human goddess, he corrects himself.
“Hello again.” Your smile blinds him, and even though it’s as bright as the sun, it doesn’t burn him. Or does it? Because he feels excruciatingly helpless.
What should he say? What did you say? What time of day is it even? He’s not sure. He’s also not sure who he is. No, that’s a lie. He knows who he is. He’s a vampire, an old vampire. But why does he feel so basic beside you?
“Hello.” He hears the snorts of the other patrons in his head, and they all get a glare in return.
You turn around briefly, then look at him questioningly.
“The usual?” He needs to distract you.
“Oh. Yes, sure! This strawberry latte was soooo delicious. The best coffee I ever had. You must have magic hands or something. Really, when I finished it, I thought, ‘Wow, you need one more.’ And then I thought…” You trail off again, face flushing, heartbeat accelerating as if hunted down, but your eyes turn sad, and you stare at the counter. “Sorry.” Despite his inhuman hearing, he needs to strain to hear your whispered apology.
“I’m glad you liked it.” What’s wrong with him? Why is he consoling you? Argh, you’re so pathetic, Jeon. Whatever.
Jungkook turns around in a rush, starting to prepare your coffee. Your heartbeat now slows down second by second. And it’s nearly at normal when he pours the strawberry syrup in it.
Just as he’s nearly finished, your heart rate rises in panic. He turns around at that, seeing you take a step back from the counter. But you’re looking to your left. And as he follows your view, he sees why.
“Pete.” Jungkook’s voice is grave. Said man startles and looks him in the eyes, like a child caught doing something it shouldn’t. “Sit the fuck down.” And down he sits.
When Jungkook turns back to you, you look at him with wide eyes and mouth slightly open. But it’s not fear he sees in your eyes but pure admiration and respect.
He would be lying if he said he didn’t just now push his chest up a little more. And he would be lying if he said he felt more powerful than he does now.
He steps to the counter, this time placing your not-so-crimson latte on it. Again, your smile and gratitude throw him for a loop he can’t understand.
When you leave with a wave and the door falls shut, he takes off his apron and turns to Pete. A terrified Pete.
“Get up. Follow me.”
And both disappear through the back door, Jungkook the only one with a blood-dripping heart in his equally bloody hand coming back.
Monday Morning
The weekend was horrible. No, it was more than that. If there was a word for the hell he went through, Jungkook would send a thank you note to whoever invented it.
Friday night, Jungkook was starving, so he went for his hunt. At first everything went smoothly, as always; he lured a poor soul in, took a bite, but then everything went downhill. The blood tasted foul.
Thick like tar, bitter like coffee grounds—he threw the sip of blood up in an instant, coughing violently while pushing the human away. He couldn’t help but  heave like a cat trying to throw up a hairball.
Saturday night, the same thing happened. Lure, bite, puke.
And guess what? Surprise, surprise, Sunday night was the same again.
So, when Monday morning came, and with it your positive, content, chipper self with your savory, inviting, toothsome blood—oh boy, Jungkook wanted to cry like a baby.
To suppress the growing hunger, he starts counting the seconds, but when you stand before him, and he knows you’d never have a chance if he wanted to taste you, he’s done.
So done that he starts smiling at you. 
No, not a friendly "hey there"-smile. A grimace more fitting on the face of a psychopath. But where’s the difference between him and a psychopath, really? 
You beam at him regardless, not phased at all. “Hey! Your smile suits you! Your teeth are so nice!”
Jungkook malfunctions at that. His face falls, and he rolls his tongue over his teeth as discreet as he can. Did he show his fangs by accident? No. Hm. 
“Thank...you...?” He questions you more than really being grateful for the compliment.
“I’d like the usual, please.” The wide, happy smile just doesn’t leave your face.
He’s only able to nod, and again like routine, turning around and doing his job. Your scent makes his hands shake uncontrollably. He’s starving, his stomach squeezing uncomfortably. He waits a moment so he’s able to continue. 
“She’s checking out your butt,” Hobi giggles.
“Shut up.” But he can’t help but flex his buttocks and thighs on purpose while shifting from one foot to the other. He stops abruptly, realizing his doings. Why is he like this? He sobs internally, this isn’t him. 
Jungkook again starts counting the seconds, willing his hands to stop shaking again, but this time he just can’t.
When he looks over his shoulder, he catches you indeed checking out his butt. Your eyes snap up, locking with his. You’re clearly embarrassed, and your little heart starts pounding violently. No, please don’t. 
He forces his eyes back to the coffee. It takes all his willpower to take the cup and hand it to you without spilling its contents.
You thank him, as always, with a smile more soothing than any high he’s ever experienced.
“See you tomorrow.” Your airy voice wraps around him, squeezing his airways tighter.
“Bye,” Jungkook presses out, barely able to gulp the saliva collecting in his mouth. 
The air in the coffee shop turns still with your departure, and he’s finally able to breathe normally again.
Tuesday Morning
This time he sees you outside his shop through the windows. You’re looking up at the sign and with that your face lights up. 
You enter, and Jungkook is already on edge. The way you navigate his shop, as if it’s a normal coffee place, unnerves him to the core. How do you keep finding this place?
“Hobi, did you check the spell again?”
“Yes, JK. It’s still intact.”
Your presence disrupts his thoughts again. His body reacts the same way it does every time you’re near: adrenaline courses through his veins, making his hands shaky and his hunger rise exponentially.
You approach the counter, your scent now a familiar, maddening presence.
“Good morning...” Your soft voice trails off, and he finds himself leaning closer to hear you better.
“I'm Jungkook. Hello.” He feels foolishly pleased at how natural his voice sounds while his insides are on panic mode. “The usual?”
“Yes, please. Your strawberry latte is the highlight of my day.”
He turns with a nod and prepares your drink. His dead heart stirs, and he chides himself for being affected by your words and presence. He’s a vampire, the vamp-chief of the city, not some lovesick human.
Wait. Stop. What? He’s not lovesick. 
When he places the drink before you after he’s finished, your smile is radiant. “Thank you.”
He watches shocked as you find a seat, not leaving like the days before. His eyes narrow at any vampire who dares look your way. You are his. No one else must interfere.
And it’s 52 minutes later when you leave with a wave his way.  But who’s counting? 
Wednesday evening
Yesterday he tried to feed off of animals. It went as horrible as he expected. And when you didn’t show up today, he didn’t know if he’s euphoric from the break from you or dejected because you need a break from him. 
So when the door chimes this evening, and there you are again, he doesn’t know how to feel nor react. Jungkook’s throat burns in an instant, his thirst intensifying to infinity. He considers closing the shop early, but your smile as you approach the counter makes him change his mind. 
“Hi, Jungkook.” Your cheerfulness is infectious, despite his inner turmoil.
“Hi. The usual?”
“Yes, thank you.” You lean in closer, and he catches your scent full force. It’s torture and pleasure combined. Oh, what a beautiful drug you seem to be to him. 
As he prepares your drink, he overhears a couple of vampires discussing you. His glare silences them instantly. No one must threaten you. Not while he’s here.
“Today’s been so busy, I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner. Oh, what am I saying? I’m not your only customer. You’re clearly busy all day and probably didn’t even notice I wasn’t here.” You’re so cute, he wants to eat you. Literally.
“I’ve noticed” Your eyes meet his as he hands you the latte, and for a moment, he forgets to breathe. He can see your racing heart, all the veins zeroed into his sight. Your blood is being pumped furiously through your whole system. “Thank you, Jungkook.”
“Anytime…” His voice is softer than intended, startling him to the core. He needs to fucking feed. 
You say your name in the lightest voice he has ever heard in all his centuries, and he thinks he might faint for some inexplicable reason.
After you've left, he's seconds away from murder when Hobi, sipping his actual crimson latte by the window, teases, “You’re so whipped.”
 Monday Morning - One Week Later
Okay. So. You haven’t shown up since Wednesday evening.
By Friday, Jungkook ordered his subordinates to comb through the whole city to search for you and make sure you were fine. They came back empty-handed.
So, on Saturday, he did it himself.
On the positive side, he could feed on some stray cats. It still tasted like shit, but he managed to suppress the gag reflex.
On the negative side, he didn’t find you. Your scent is unique to him; he's sure he could find it in the middle of an overcrowded stadium, but for some unknown reason, he couldn’t trace it at all.
Thinking it had to do with the nauseating taste of the cats, he searched the rest of the weekend. Every corner, every nook of this shit hole of a city, but it was as if you had disappeared into thin air.
To say he’s surprised to see you enter his shop this morning would be an understatement.
You look drained. The colour and brightness he’s used to seeing you radiate are dull. Your face is sunken in, and your eyes lack their usual sparkle.
“Good morning, Jungkook.” Your voice sounds hoarse, void of the warmth he learned to yearn for in your absence.
“Where were you?” He didn’t mean for his voice to come out this grave, and he winces internally when you look startled and take a step back. “Sorry…”
“I... I needed to go back to... to my hometown for a couple of days. I…” Your pupils tremble, and Jungkook isn’t sure if you’re scared of him or what happened in your hometown. “I forgot some important stuff there... and... it was hard to come back here.”
You’re a riddle. He just can’t figure you out. But the person he sees before him isn’t the girl he got to know. Yes, he doesn’t know much about you, but he knows that this isn’t you—this is a shadow of who you can be.
“You’re regretting coming back?” He needs to know if your state is due to leaving your hometown or leaving this city.
So, when your eyes shine with a silver lining on your lower lash line, and your voice breaks in a barely audible hush saying, “No,” he knows he’s going to take matters into his own hands.
“Good you’re back then.” He stares into your eyes, a flicker of warmth returning at his words. “The usual?” A tiny nod from you is answer enough for him to prepare your latte.
“You heard her. Find this hometown and figure out what happened.” At that, three vampires rise from their seats and are gone within seconds as you look on curiously.
“Jungkook?” His hand halts mid-air as he’s just about to reach for the strawberry syrup, your small voice blaring in his every fibre.
He doesn’t move when you whisper, your voice oh so fragile, “Thank you.”
He stares at his hand, which still hovers mid-air. What should he do? What would be appropriate human behaviour? He doesn’t know anymore. He’s too far gone to know that after centuries of being this emotionless creature. But is he really that emotionless when his dead heart seems to stir since he met you? He isn’t sure anymore.
Nodding once, he hopes it suffices. And when he’s done with your cup and turns around, he knows it did. Because the small smile and gentle sparkle in your eyes are something he seems to reciprocate without wanting to.
“You’re an angel, thank you.” Both your hands gently take the cup out of his large one, brushing them so feathery and warm that it isn’t a jolt that runs through Jungkook’s body but a sparkle as bright and soothing as the light in your eyes when you gaze at him.
Tuesday Morning
When you enter today, you’re wearing cozy loungewear and carrying a book in one hand.
So adorable.
So when you step towards the counter, Jungkook can’t help but lean on it with his elbows to be closer to you. He takes a deep breath of your scent and he’s high again. Even though it amplifies his hunger, your scent has become his drug, and he can’t resist it anymore.
“Good morning, ___,” he hears himself purr, and when a chorus of laughs echoes in his mind, he really couldn’t care less. Because in his vision, there’s only you. He wonders, do you see anyone other than him, too?
“Hey, Jungkook. Lovely morning, isn’t it?” you chirp, now standing so close he can almost taste your blood on his tongue. The pulse at your neck calls his name.
“It’s quite buzzing,” he husks. If only you knew that it’s you who has him all buzzed. If he could just have a little taste...
“Is it okay if I stay in today? I’m off of work and it’s getting so lonely at my apartment…” You bat your eyelashes at him, and those tiny waves of air drifting into his face nearly make him fall to his knees.
“Of course.” He licks his lips, imagining the taste of you on them.
You look down at the motion. “Good,” you husk back, equally drunk on him, it seems.
“The usual?” Jungkook straightens, no longer able to be this close to you. A flash of disappointment washes over your face and he sees you retreating into yourself even more.
“Yes, please,” you say rather sadly, staring at the counter separating you.
As he pours the coffee into your cup, the door chimes.
“JK, we found out what happened,” one says breathlessly.
When he turns briefly, you look at the three vampires skeptically. All three are standing in the middle of the room, staring at Jungkook without saying a word.
“Hey guys, take your seats, I’ll be there in a minute.” Jungkook glares over your head at them. They seem to get the message and do as he says.
“Next time make it more obvious, will you?” The irritation oozes off him and he finishes your latte with more force than necessary.
When he turns around and sees you, still so innocently looking into his eyes as if he were a hero just for existing, his irritation vanishes instantly.
“Here you go, beautiful.” WHY DID HE SAY THAT?!
Your heart stops, then you turn as red as the blood in your veins, and your heartbeat hums as fast as a hummingbird’s. Please don’t die...
“Thank you.” You take your cup with shaky hands and stumble slightly to a free nook, sitting down and staring at the cover of your book until he hears your heart go back to normal.
He walks over to the three vampires who investigated what happened to you, and when they tell him what your uncle did to you again and again, he unleashes the beast he’s known for.
Hushed as the whole conversation, he orders with a sinister smile, “Go kill him and everyone who knew and didn’t do shit.”
The rest of the day he spends watching over you, bringing you more lattes on the house, and using every opportunity to stand near you.
At midday, you ask if he serves anything to eat, and even though he knows he doesn’t—well, for humans he doesn’t—he says he’ll bring you some pastry.
“Go to the bakery at the other end of the city and bring some cake as fast as you can,” he orders Hobi, who chuckles and shakes his head but goes immediately.
He’s back in a couple of seconds.
As Jungkook serves you the cake as if it were his, you thank him profoundly. “You take such good care of me.”
If he had blood running through his veins, he would blush. So he flees to the backroom to shred the packaging, destroying all evidence of his care for you.
Wednesday Morning
You enter the coffee shop again, wearing a beautiful dress, but your gaze is fixed on the phone you're clutching in your hand.
Like a puppet on autopilot, you stand before Jungkook, not once looking up.
"The usual, please."
Jungkook doesn't like this. Why aren't you looking at him? What's with you?
Did something happen again? "Are you alright?"
At that, you finally look up, startled like prey facing a predator. You're clearly in shock, and he's sure it's not because of him.
"He's dead," you mumble.
"Who?" He knows.
"My uncle." You sigh, a smile spreading on your face. Not your usual one, but one that's neither fully sinister nor relieved. A perfect blend, he concludes.
The darkness suits you.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"I hope he rots in hell."
Jungkook snorts, and your loud laugh in response is music to his ears. 
"So, the usual for celebration today?"
"Hell yeah!" You cheer, which earns you some agreeing laughs from the other patrons around you.
Your eyes sparkle more than ever.
Jungkook turns around, the euphoria in your veins too strong for him to ignore the hunger screaming inside him.
"I'm finally free. I can go wherever I want now," you muse behind him while Jungkook's heart drops to the cold, hard floor.
No. No, no, no. That was not the plan.
"Will you leave?" His nerves are over the roof, and even though his instincts urge him to drink you dry, he turns around to gauge your reaction.
"No." Your voice is determined, not any less euphoric than minutes ago. "I'm safe here, aren't I?"
There's a challenge in your eyes. As if you're aware of where you are, who he is, who you're with at the moment.
Jungkook cocks his head sideways, challenging back, "Are you?"
The glee on your face is replaced by the most unarmed look he has seen in his life. Your eyes drip with adoration and devotion when you say, "I'm safe when I'm with you."
"Leave. Now." He barks out, and while the coffee shop starts to empty, your delicate voice calls after them, "Yeah, please leave."
The room freezes, every vampire on high alert when they realise you could hear all they ever said to each other.
Jungkook watches you sharply, calculating the threat you might pose.
But when nothing seems suspicious or even dangerous, he nods to the others, and they fly out.
The silence between you and him hangs heavy, your heartbeat gaining in power and speed with every second.
"What are you?" Jungkook forces out.
Your eyes soften even more at him, tears collecting again at your lower lashes. "I don't know."
He knows you're telling the truth. So when your next words reach him, he can't hold back any longer.
"Please don't make me leave you."
Jungkook springs over the counter, embracing your tiny, fragile form in his arms. When your fingers cling onto his tall frame as if your life depends on it, and you turn your neck to offer him your carotid artery, he's a goner.
You're not only his new drug but also his only supplier.
"Please don't ever let me go." 
Your words flutter against his whole being, intoxicating him further. And it's the squeeze of your tiny hand on his right bicep that unleashes him. He takes a deep breath of your scent and sinks his fangs into your neck.
You moan instantly, running your right hand through the hair on his neck.
You're it for him. He was right. You're fucking it for him. He'll never go back from you. Your taste invades his mouth, and every cell in his body sings with it. The buzz is so strong, he thinks it compares to a golden shot.
"I love you so much," you whisper, your hands running softly over his cold skin.
He retreats, high on you, pupils dilated, with a mouth smeared with your blood.
You look up at him with hooded eyes, the love and admiration pouring into his with every second.
It has been 811 years, 279 days, 15 hours, and 34 minutes since he started walking on Earth. 811 years, 279 days, 15 hours, and 34 minutes until he finally says the words for the first time:
"I love you."
a/n 3: lmk what you think in any way you like! 💕 also - character asks and drabble requests are open
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plague-of-insomnia · 4 months
I'm sorry if this is a silly question but I'm just curious. Do you know how much time Ciel and Sebastian spend in Weston? I haven't read the manga in a while but while watching the anime I just feel like everything is happening too fast??? Luke the whole are was done in 2 weeks max
Hi, anon, I am not someone who pays super close attention to the chronology of canon (as in, exactly what day/date things happen) partly bc I care more about the overall story and themes and the characters than minutiae like that. Not bc I think people who do are dumb but bc I’m more of an AU creator than canon so knowing the details like that to extreme doesn’t really benefit me much so it doesn’t interest me to spend the time doing it. (Though I know at least one person did come up with a timeline through a certain point in the manga years ago, which you may find if you do a google search.)
But what I can tell you is Ciel comes home from the Campania before Easter and arrives at Weston presumably after that holiday, so likely in March or April. (I could probably find out exactly when Easter happened in 1889 but I honestly could care less lol.) We also know from McMillian that he is joining mid-term. It’s actually a clever way for Yana to have the school “begin” in Spring (which is familiar/nostalgic for Japanese audiences, where school years begin in April, usually) while still reconciling with the Western tradition of beginning in the fall.
We also know the cricket tournament takes place on the 4th of June—probably a day Yana picked since it plays with the theme of four (four houses, four prefects) in the arc but also because the number has an association with death in Japanese.
This means that Ciel is not a student at Weston for very long at all—only 2-3 months at most—since the midnight tea party happens after the cricket completes and presumably marks the end (or close to it) of the school year/term.
Honestly, until the last episode I think the anime has been perfectly paced with the manga. They’ve really made only minor shifts and mostly expanded things, so they’re following Yana’s vision fairly closely.
The one major thing is that this episode shoves most of two chapters into one, when it really could have been done in two. But that would mean 12 episodes. and I suspect the team was worried if they didn’t get the cricket part over fast, they might risk losing/boring their core audience.
One huge change they did was take out the explanation of the game itself and its basic rules, which Bard explains in the manga. This was likely done for time/space reasons but also because they may have figured most viewers don’t care and they can communicate enough for people to understand and follow along even if they don’t understand the rules of the game itself.
This is partly perhaps because the cricket part of the arc was not well received in Japan and was one of the least popular chapters, supposedly. It’s why I was shocked they turned it into a musical a couple years ago.
I was a bit disappointed to lose all that not only bc we lost a nice scene with Bard and the servants (they cut a scene with them where they have lunch, though it’s possible that could make it into next episode, but I won’t hold my breath), but also bc I’m like the ONE person who genuinely enjoyed the cricket part of the arc, and it’s one reason this arc is my second favorite in many ways.
I LOVE seeing Ciel and Seb working together in devious ways to get their mission accomplished, and how far Ciel is willing to go to win. Ofc we can still appreciate it anyway, but the fact that he so carefully works within the limits of the rules— and in fact, I learned in commentary on the arc that some of the rules Ciel takes advantage of were actually changed not long after this period of time, which is a fun detail.
So it could be things feel like they’re moving fast because in a sense they are, but it also could be you’re sensing that urgency from how rushed this last episode was. But I suspect when all is said and done, and you watch the entire thing, it probably won’t feel as off. Book of Murder took place over only 3 days, and Seb and Ciel were not at the circus long at all. I can’t be sure but maybe only a week or two? And ofc the campania adventure was also only a few days. In fact, this may actually be the longest mission in the series to this point. So it seems like most missions don’t take too long.
Hope that answers your question! I’ve been looking through the chapters in this arc before every episode to get a sense for the pacing and they’ve generally fallen exactly where I expect. This episode being one exception since they really did condense a lot.
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4ttack-ur-heart · 1 year
connie x y/n date at the zoom🦙
Lions & Polar Bears
Pairing: connie x gn! reader
Summary: You and Connie go on a cute date to the zoo.
Genre: Fluffy af
Warnings: none
authors note: glad I am finally posting this. It's been in my drafts for months and wanted to send it out earlier, but writer's block and a bit of seasonal depression hit and I wanted to end it good.
okay and ngl, towards the end it’s really fluffy and totally cringe and cliche so I’m excited. also i'm pretty sure I used only gender neutral terms in regards to the reader, but if you catch something I missed just lmk :)
——— he's literally adorable-
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“Babe, look at the wolves!” Connie gushes out to you and grabs your hand.
He’s been dying to go to the zoo lately, so he was ecstatic when you bought the tickets online to surprise him. Apparently it was the best gift you could’ve gotten him, as Connie turned into a kid going to Disneyland for the first time.
“I see, baby.” You smile at him and link your arms with him. A few people surrounded you, but thankfully you took a day off of work so it wouldn’t be as crowded as it would on a weekend. “What do you wanna go see see next?”
He hovers over your shoulder, glancing between the park map and the wolf enclosure. “The elephants are near by. Can we go see them?”
“Of course.”
Your local zoo was a popular tourist spot since it was also a rescue center for the animals, thankfully not just some poor creatures behind a steel fence.
It was pretty humid unfortunately, but you and Connie prepared. Both of you were twinning with a couple anime t-shirts and shorts with a pair of sunglasses.
He dragged you through the park, hand desperately clutching onto to yours in hope you’ll match his speed. “C’mon, slowpoke. Don’t make me carry you.”
“If you do in front of all these people, you can sleep with the polar bears tonight.”
“What’s the difference?”
He earned himself a light smack to the back of his buzzed head.
It was around noonish by the time your stomach started growling. Between the sun, the humidity, and walking, plus the water bottles you stored in your little backpack were rapidly declining.
“Baby, we should find somewhere to eat real quick.” You tell him as the smell from the food stands started to waft in your nose.
“Weak.” He replied.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Most people don’t survive off of Oreos and a redbull.”
“Ugh, fine- whatever Mom.”
Connie laughed at the glare you sent his way. He wasn’t wrong though. He sure acted like a kid rather than an adult, but his goofy personality was what you liked about him. “Okay, okay, what do you want to eat?”
After various glances between the different food stands, you both decided on getting burgers, which made your stomach growl even more.
Connie came up behind you and placed a hand tenderly on your stomach, “Hey quiet that thing down, it’s gonna attract the animals.”
“Sorry, my handler hasn’t fed me yet.” You let out a giggle as Connie places a small kiss on your cheek.
“Let’s go, babe.”
After a good meal of overpriced food, the hiking up the many hills of the zoo were no match for you two.
“You liked the elephants?” You asked and swung your clasped hand with his. He’s been in a great mood all day and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in yourself that you made the right choice in buying the tickets.
“Yes, you’re the best,” He gave you a kiss. “What do you wanna see?”
A confused look took over your face and your eyebrows raised from behind the lenses of your sunglasses.
“Uhh, it’s only like 2:00 pm…” You tell him. “Why do you think I spent the night at your place? I made sure I was going to wake your ass up early, babe. We’re gonna see everything.”
Connies brain felt like it was short-circuiting.
“You okay? You look liked you’re about to faint.”
His hand squeezed yours in response and he nods, a small tint of pink staining his cheeks. “Yeah.” He let out a small chuckle as you started dragging him toward the lion exhibit. “Never been better, actually.”
“C’mon! They have a show soon, let’s go watch.”
“This is Mila,” The zookeeper’s voice rang through the small headset from atop a podium. “She’s a lioness who was rescued from poachers about five years ago. We got a call from a rescue organization out there and we managed to send a team out to safely get her and her cubs out.”
The lioness sat comfortable on top of the large rock platform. Her eyes scanned the crowd of guests before sharply shifting her gaze to her cubs. The two smaller lions started nipping at each other playfully, definitely putting on a show for the crowd.
“They’ve grown a lot since they’ve been rescued, but a mother never stops being a mother.” The keeper laughs as Mila starts to trek towards them. The two quickly separated, their manes bustling with movement.
A deep and almost guttural noise echoed through the enclosure. Mila and the zookeepers attention shifted to the noise.
“How exciting, it looked like our male lion, Apollo, has woken up from his afternoon nap.”
“That’s something you two have in common.” You playfully elbow Connie in the ribs.
“Ha, you think you won, but I don’t see how being compared to a lion is bad.”
The crowd let out sounds of wonder as Apollo made his appearance. The lion stood strong with his large and dark mane.
“Apollo was transferred from another zoo due to issues with mating with another lioness. We were a bit nervous when he was relocated here, since we didn’t know how he would react to Mila and her cubs.”
While Connie pretty much had a front row seat, a few people started to trickle in closer and obstruct your vision, but you didn’t mind. He looked back towards you and pulled your arm to make you move closer as the crowd started to ‘aw’ at the lions. He pushed you in front of him so you could see what was going on.
A cub slowly emerged from under Apollo’s legs. The little cub seemed skittish from all the attention, but a slight bump from Mila encouraged her to move out from Apollo.
“As you can see, the two have bonded very well and had Serene. Normally, male lions won’t really take part in raising cubs, only seeing it as a the lionesses job. They mostly add protection and watch over the pride while the mothers go out to hunt. After Serene was born, he immediately showed signs of care, which surprised us, and he always has her in his sights. Talk about daddy’s little girl.”
“Dude, that’s so cute.” Connie wrapped his arms around your front and rested his chin on the top of your head.
As the show continued, the zookeeper gave out other information about the lions and Mila’s family.
“Hey, I think it’s ending soon.” Connie’s voice whispered in your ear. “Wanna beat the crowd and go check out the llamas?”
“Whatever you want to do, Connie.”
And with that, you both snuck out and headed for the llamas.
“Holy shit, they’re fluffy.” He gaped at the animals.
“Connie, there’s kids here.” You whispered as a few parents glanced in your direction at his profanity.
“So? Take them to Disneyland then. The animals won’t censor their lives, why should I?”
You shrugged off the glares, he did have a point. The pack of llamas and alpacas were sifting past each other behind the fence. The smell was… tolerable- kinda and globs of spit dribbled down some of their mouths. You decided it was safe to keep your distance.
“Would you like to pet him?” One of the handlers asked.
“Wait- yes, can I?” Connie asked.
You quickly take out your phone and snap a few pictures of Connie with the llama. His hand gently rubbed the furry muzzle and the llama bleated a bit at the touch. It was going great, until a large thick glob of spit trailed down Connie’s wrist and down his elbow.
“Careful-! Sorry, he’s drools a lot. Here’s a tissue.”
After many more hours of seeing the animal habitats, the sun started to set. The warm summer atmosphere started to glow dim with dark colors painting the sky. Torches and lamps illuminated the walk ways and guests were busy trying to catch the last shows and exhibits before closing.
“Babe, let’s go to the gift shop.” Connie drags you towards the small shop, like a little kid in a toy store… literally.
The shop was filled with souvenirs ranging from magnets, water bottles, and plushies. The cute jungle theme was spread throughout the store with bamboo flooring and vines hanging from the ceiling.
It’s only been a few months of you two dating, but you’ve both have been inseparable. There was never a dull moment with Connie. Weekends could either be going to a dive bar or watching Netflix with takeout, which both of you never minded. He was also treated you like royalty too, always opening the doors, complimenting you when you’re feeling down, fuck- even tying your shoes.
Your thoughts were interrupted when Connie shoved a monkey plushie in your face. Blinking your eyes to focus, you took in it’s abnormal appearance: wide body, small head, scrawny legs.
“Look how ugly this thing is!” He laughed and tossed it back in the basket with the others.
You chuckled at him and glanced at the other plushies. An adorable lion caught your eyes and you picked it up. The soft fuzz from the mane tickled your fingers. “You’re coming home with me.”
Connie bumped into you and you both made eye contact, a light blush heating up your faces. He cradled a polar bear plushie in his hands.
“That’s the one?” You asked, your gaze fixed on the stuffed animal.
His eyes never left you. “Y-yeah.”
After paying for both the plushies, it was finally time to go home. The plushies rested under your arm as the two of you walked back to Connie’s car hand in hand.
The other families were trailing slowly to the exit with exhausted kids sleeping in their parents arms and strollers.
“Thank you for today.” He said once you two reached the parking lot.
“Of course, baby.” You squeezed his hand tighter. “I’m glad you had fun.
“Nah, like…” Connie trailed off for a moment, biting his lip. “You don’t understand.”
Your head creaked to the side in confusion. “Understand what?”
“Fuck, like other people I’ve dated in the past never really enjoyed doing stuff like this.”
He walked you to the passenger door of his car.
"The zoo? Who doesn't like the-"
“Nah, they’ve always wanted to go clubbing every night or go to five star restaurants- and like don’t get me wrong, I like to go out and get fancy once in a while too.”
“But it’s draining. Overall it wasn't what you wanted to do, was it? Plus we’re young and broke, who can afford it in this economy?” You finished for him with a giggle.
A sigh of relief escaped him. “You get it.”
Your hand reached up and swiped through his hair. “I do. Wanna get Taco Bell on the way home?”
“Dammit, how are you-”
"So perfect for me," he wanted to say. “Fuck it, Y/n, I love you.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and Connie looked like he was about to pass out- again. A warmth flooded through your body and you couldn’t help the smile forming.
“I love you too.”
He was wide-eyed. “R-really? You aren’t just saying that cause I did? It’s okay if you don’t yet- or if you never do- wait…”
A loud laugh escaped you as he continued to ramble. “Connie, I love you too.”
Connie let out a heavy sigh. “That’s a relief, the drive home would’ve just been...” He whistled lowly.
You leaned up to kiss him. “Get in the car, I’m hungry again.”
Connie finally pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex. The music was playing lowly in the background and his hand never left your thigh the entire drive. Taco wrappers and hot sauce packets littered the floor by your feet and both plushies resided with you under your seatbelt so they could be safe.
“Y/n, babe, wake up. We’re home.” He gently shook your sleeping form.
A grumbled left your lips, but you didn’t stir. Connie grabbed the trash and threw it out in a nearby bin then opened your door. He reached over and unbuckled your seatbelt. The two plushies found their way into your tiny backpack which Connie reluctantly put on.
“Come on, my little polar bear.” He laced your arms around his neck and edged you off the seat. Your legs wrapped around his torso and his arm secured itself under your butt to support you. You hummed into his neck, ever so grateful he was carrying you.
“Fuck, maybe I should’ve called you a koala instead.”
Taglist: @cullenswife @sad-darksoul @laylasbunbunny @kokosmiles
(Lmk if you would like to be added or removed)
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mamadoc · 7 months
The next chapter of my most popular story, Catch of a Lifetime, is posted. Lucy and Tim *finally* make it to their first date!
Here’s how it starts:
At 6:02 Lucy heard a knock on her door. She and Jackson had rushed home, and she barely had time to change her clothes and curl her hair, but she was ready.
“Sorry I’m late,” were the first words that fell from Tim’s mouth as the door started to open. It’s a good thing he was ready to say them, because once he saw Lucy, his mouth became dry, and all other thoughts were erased from his mind.
Lucy was wearing the green dress she had purchased a couple weeks prior when she had a girls’ day with her friend Rachel. It was a deep, emerald green satin dress with a v-neck that came down just to the edges of her breasts. The skirt dress extended down to her ankles where it flowed like water around her legs with a slit or two that occasionally allowed her muscular legs to show through. Her hair was curled into long, loose waves that she had partially pulled back. She accessorized with a simple gold St. Michael pendant that the West family had given to her, small gold hoop earrings, and her favorite oval moonstone ring.
“Come in,” she said. Then she laughed softly and said, “You’re not late, it probably took you those two minutes just to come up the elevator.”
“If you’re not early, you’re late,” he replied when his brain started functioning again.
“Ah. There’s the control freak again,” she sing-songed.
Tim rolled his eyes and decided to change the topic. “You look absolutely beautiful.” Then he suddenly remembered the flowers that were still in his hand. “These are for you.”
“Thanks,” she said. Lucy let her eyes wander up and down his frame. He was wearing black slacks with a matching black suit jacket. Underneath the jacket was a dark gray button-up shirt with the top two buttons unbuttoned. As she leaned forward to take the flowers from him, she popped up on her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re looking very handsome yourself,” she said. Then she giggled for a moment. “Particularly since you running the bases at Dodger Stadium less than an hour ago.”
Tim smiled. “I try.”
Lucy grinned back at him. “I’m fairly certain it would be impossible for you to not look breathtakingly handsome regardless of what you wear,” she said as she was looking for a vase. Finding one that would work, she stretched, wiggling her fingers while up on her tiptoes to reach it.
Tim came behind her and easily took the vase out of the cupboard. “Hmm… Quite the compliment from a woman that has made me speechless more times than I can remember. You just seem to get more beautiful every time I see you.”
They moved together to the sink where Lucy filled the vase with water and trimmed the roses’ stems. “It is oddly satisfying to break your brain every once in a while.” Then she paused for a moment, tilting her head to the side. “Do you think that will wear off as we spend more time together? That I won’t be able to stun you the way I have?”
Tim was standing right behind Lucy with both hands on her waist. Lucy could feel the rumbling of his voice against her back and the warmth of his breath next to her ear when he spoke. She felt that familiar tingling feeling spreading from her waist to her entire body. “I guess we’ll have to wait and see, but I can’t imagine a situation in which I don’t think you’re absolutely gorgeous.”
Lucy turned her head just slightly toward him. “Even when I wake up after a sleepless night and my hair looks like a small animal made a nest in it?”
“I’m sure I’ll love that bedhead look of yours. Especially if I was the cause for the sleeplessness.” He whispered the last part into her ear and then started kissing down the column of her neck.
Lucy felt a shiver go down her spine. “Okay. What if we’re out on a hike, and I fall into a big mud puddle and tear by pants?”
“Still beautiful,” he mumbled into her collar bone as he continued to kiss her.
“What if I have a stomach bug, and I’m pale and sweaty and have spent hours bowing to the porcelain throne?”
“Then I sit there with you and hold back your hair. I’ll wash off your face and cool you off with a soft washcloth. And you’ll still be beautiful.” He had reached her shoulder and then started kissing back toward her neck.
“What if I’ve had a rough day at work, and I come home covered in scrapes and bruises?”
“Come home?” he repeated in a whisper right in her ear. “If you’re coming home to me, then I’ll be the luckiest guy in the world. I’ll kiss every scrape or bruise, and you’ll still be the prettiest woman I’ve ever met.”
Lucy put the last rose into the vase. The two dozen red roses towered over the tulips and daisies he had brought earlier, but they were each associated with equally happy moments for Lucy, and she loved having this physical reminder of the time they had spent together. She turned around to look at Tim. He kept his hands on her waist as she twisted. She smiled up at him, studied his face for a moment, and then asked him a question that had been on her mind for a full three weeks. “You could have almost any woman you wanted. Angela has mentioned a few times that hundreds of women have thrown themselves at you. Sooo… Why me? There’s nothing special or particularly interesting about me. There are plenty of thinner or fitter or more beautiful or smarter or more… basebally women out there. Why me?”
Tim looked deeply into her eyes, and then breathed out her name. “Lucy… The answer to that may take more time than we have, but I think you are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.” He moved his hand to cup her cheek and stroked it gently with his thumb. “You’re very interesting and special. Beautiful. Smart. Strong. Caring. Athletic. Kind…” With each word he planted a tiny kiss around her face. “And… Distracting,” he said with one last kiss on the tip of her nose. “We’ve gotta go. I love spending time with you here, but I have plans tonight.”
Lucy’s eyes fluttered back open as she felt him move away from her. He had practically kissed and complimented her into a trance. As her eyes started to focus again on the stunning man standing in front of her, she shook her head a couple times and took a deep breath. Blowing out the breath, she said, “Yeah. Right. Plans.” She stepped over to where she had set down her clutch purse. “Any chance you’re going to tell me what we’re doing now?”
“Not a chance in the world. Let’s go,” he said while putting gentle pressure on her lower back.
Read more here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51183676/chapters/137827918#workskin
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sumikatt · 9 months
frankly, i think your point about "some people train their own AI art models" is inherently flawed because rhe vast majority of people are not training their own model. they are paying for a service which was trained on art that was taken from the internet and used without permission in order for a machine to try snd recreate something similar bit by bit. i havent gotten a commission from someone who isnt a friend of mine in well over a year because people are just choosing to generate art with AI. i dont think AI art isnt "real" art because yeah, i agree with you, the whole idea of real art or not is complex. however, it is an undeniable reality that AI is trained on the work of artists all over the world who do not even get asked for permission before a tech company makes money off of their hard work.
I agree it’s a small, small portion of people making their own models that ensure that all art involved is used with consent. Many people buy a subscription or credits to generate what they want. Most people probably use free credits on Discord to make a meme or anime girls. Many people use it many different ways, yes.
I’m sorry you’ve lost a client over it. I know commissions are hard. Freelancers without dedicated clients would be the ones to suffer most from the popularity of AI art. I can’t say I’ve felt the impact myself, since it’s also very popular to be anti-AI.
Actively searching through job boards, I also feel like it has barely affected those listings. Maybe one of like 300 art jobs in the USA/Sweden asked for AI experience (Prompt Artist), and it was an AI startup. The “normal” art jobs like UI/UX, Environments, Materials, Concept, Technical, Animator, etc all still asking for 3 years experience for entry level lmao. Saw an intern position that required an “industry-standard” portfolio. So still a pain as it was before advanced AI gen.
Many paid AI art services have takedown options for their training sets and can block names from being prompted. If you were a popular enough artist to be in a training set, you can remove it and block the majority of AI art users from copying you—like you said, a majority of people use these services instead of self-hosting.
(Sending DMCA takedown requests are actually pretty easy. I had to send one to an old teacher who reposted my art and a bunch of classmates’ art on her ArtStation. that was funny lol)
I’m not sure how I felt when I went to search up my art on haveibeentrained. Because I’m a nerd, I’d preemptively blocked scrapers on my portfolio, so nothing was there when I looked. Searched up my legal name, my old Twitter (which had some popular pieces), my old DeviantArt usernames. Nothing there, either. I was probably pruned from the set for being low-quality. Kinda funny, I thought I’d be good enough to include at least once. Maybe next time.
.safetensors / .ckpt files (which are the models Stable Diffusion runs) have no image data in them, by the way. It is all math and numbers in there. There is no way of telling what was included in the training set, unless the dev(s) that made the model release it publicly. The models themselves are usually around 3–6 GB, though there’s larger ones and mini ones.
Like my own silly brain, there’s no way of tracking down the exact art pieces the software was referencing off of when it generates something. Am I making money off of another artist’s hard work when I remember how to draw heads from a Proko video? Am I ripping off photographers when I recall their pictures when drawing my characters? I’m not a tech company, but I still make money off of the things I copy and filter through my mind and hand.
I’m rambling at this point, sorry. Of course, the core issue is capitalism. How different would people see this medium if money were not an issue? How futuristic, how exciting it is to visualize something from words alone. It’s that art machine I’d always wanted as a kid, where I think of something and it pops out on the page finished.
I think it is worth to uplift those who use the medium as ethically as they can, as @are-we-art-yet is doing—having a do-not-use artist list, avoiding corporations, don’t try to undercut traditional artists. Like with any medium, there’s a variety of artists. Some are nice and do their best to have a good impact, some don’t care at all about the ethics of their art.
I’m still pretty firmly a “traditional” artist. I won’t stop drawing or give up because of AI. I play with AI on my own hardware and power for fun and for getting ideas (is that stealing?). It’s mostly replaced scrolling through Pinterest for me, but I still save people’s art and photos that I like in my computer, so I can look at em later, maybe get inspired. And steal like an artist, I guess.
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queenpiranhadon · 8 months
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A/N: UGHH IM SO SORRY I'VE BEEN SO CAUGHT UP WITH EXAMS I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO POSTTT. Anyways here's chapter nine :D. This chapter is written by the lovely Nyota (@labaguetteisdabest). You can find the masterlist here
Warning(s): Apex gets panic attacks (kinda), mentions of death
Pairing(s): Kaepex
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Three Days Later... 
I snack on an apple I discovered I had, at some point, packed in my bag, and flip the pages of one of my favorite books. 
But the excitement flowing through my veins keeps me from focusing all the way. 
Clip clop. 
Clip clop. 
Clip clop. 
The rhythmic clopping of the horses’ hooves had become reassuring by now. It tells me that we’re on track and that everything is fine. 
Totally fine. 
But there’s still something nagging at me. It feels... weird that there’s no other carriages traveling this route. This one isn’t the most popular, but it’s commonly used. 
So, then, why is there no one here? 
The carriage begins slowing down. I peek out the window, delighted to see the lush gardens and pristine pathways that surround the palace I call home. 
Burgunjax Palace. 
The carriage stops moving, and I hear Avior jump down to open the door for me. I grab my bag, sling it over my shoulder, and adjust the red vest I’m wearing. 
Once the blond knight opens the door, I hop down, my black boots thumping against the cobblestone. 
I look ahead and I feel a smile spread across my face. 
Home, I think. Finally. 
The palace looks just like when I left. The same white bricks, the same colorful mosaic window on the largest tower that shows the Pyracent crest (a golden crown with a flame in the center; simple, I know), the same red-roofed towers... 
But it’s eerily quiet. 
Too quiet for a wild 11-year-old boy who’s probably overly excited to receive his Reya. 
What shocks me the most is that the drawbridge is open. … My parents would never leave it open. 
Something’s not right. 
Avior says something I don’t hear and walks off. I begin to walk towards the palace. 
Something rustles in the bushes behind me. I whip my head towards the noise, but there isn’t anything there. 
I step in the palace warily. 
“Hello?” I call, uncertainty lacing my voice. 
My footsteps echo through the halls as I make my way to the throne room. 
No one. 
The kitchen? 
No one. 
The maids’ quarters? 
No one. 
The stables? 
No one. 
I rush up the stairs, worry flooding my veins, my heart racing. 
“Is anyone up here?” I try to disguise the shakiness of my voice, but it doesn’t work too well. My voice is still noticeably shaky. 
Covyn’s room? 
No one. 
It's messy, as if someone trashed it and bolted away so they weren’t caught in the act. 
And while the Covyn I knew was young, I feel like he would never mess up his room this badly. 
Daxton’s room? 
It's a long shot, but maybe he came back for a visit while I was gone? 
No one. 
My parents’ room? 
No one. 
“Where is everyone?” I ask aloud. My eyes begin to water. 
It feels like I’ve been abandoned. 
They all knew I was returning soon. 
The letters I exchanged with my parents and Covyn said that he was counting down the days. 
So why is no one here? 
Is this a cruel joke? 
I hate feeling like I've been abandoned, thanks to my older brother, Dax. 
I rub at my eyes gently, careful not to irritate my burn. 
But the emotions overwhelm me, take control of me, and I fall to my knees, trying my best not to cry. 
A sudden crash comes from outside. 
I jump, startled, and leap to check out the window. 
I clap my hands over my mouth in horror. 
A reddish-brown wild animal – but not an animal, somehow? - had jumped at the carriage. It tears the wood apart, splintering each piece and throwing them around. Then it stops, suddenly. It sniffs the air and turns in the direction of the palace, so I can finally see what animal it is. 
It's a bear – but at the same time, it isn’t. It has the body of an espyn, but bear attributes are all over its body. Reddish-brown fur, sharp claws and teeth, fuzzy ears. ...  
Its eyes. 
Its eyes are teal. 
The same shade as my father’s. 
The same shade as Daxton’s. 
And when I look closer, it’s clear that the bear-espyn-thing is Dax. I don’t know how I can tell – the behavior of the creature that used to be my brother, maybe? 
The creature that used to be my brother. 
Those are the words that throw me over the edge. My body is racked with quiet sobs and hot tears stream down my face. 
Someone screams from outside, and I hear a loud snarl. 
I whip my head towards the sound. 
The bear-creature had attacked Avior. 
“No!” I shout, disregarding my own safety. 
I want to run down there, to save Avior, but I’m frozen in place. 
I watch the animal slash its sharp claws at my friend, deep red lines appearing in their stead. 
“No, no, no, no, no,” I mutter under my breath. 
My eyes continue to widen to levels I didn’t even know were possible as I watch the scene play out below me. 
Avior shrieks in pain when the bear-espyn-thing knocks him off his feet. 
The animal pins Avior down. 
And slices at his face. 
The tears only keep streaming from my eyes as I switch to thermodynamic vision and watch the heat gradually fade out of my friend. 
The bear-espyn-thing – whatever it is – clambers off into the gardens farther away from the palace, sensing that its job is done. 
I want to run down and... save Avior? I don’t know. 
But what I do know is that it’s not safe yet. And I don’t know if it ever will be. 
My stomach growls and I realize that I desperately need to find food. 
There's no way I’m surviving off a singular apple. 
I've scoured the entire palace – and for the record, this place is huge. And I haven’t found a single scrap. 
So, either my family escaped and took everything, or my newly-turned-bear-brother ate everything before I arrived. 
The latter seems more likely, considering I have no idea how long Dax has been here. 
Panic begins to pulse through my body. 
I have no food, for one. 
Two, my brother is half bear. 
Three, I don’t know why he’s half bear. 
And four, I have no way of communicating with other survivors – namely Cari and, ugh, Kaeda. 
Even worse: Kaeda’s my best bet on surviving. She lives closest to Asraxvale and is probably having the same thoughts as me. 
Now, I hate Little Miss Flawless with my whole soul, but if she’s my only way of survival, I must accept my fate, right? 
Or she’s already been attacked by some other wild animal and is unfortunately (read: fortunately) bleeding to her death. 
I don’t know which I prefer. 
But my preference on whether Kaeda survives or not shouldn’t be my greatest concern right now. 
I should be worrying about my survival. 
As I walk back to the immaculate staircase, I hear a low growl come from far behind me. 
I freeze, then slowly turn my head. 
The Daxton-bear-espyn-thing is in the entryway. 
Crap, I think. 
Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. 
I need to run. 
I sprint up the stairs, two or three steps at a time, and run into the first room I see. 
It’s Covyn’s room. 
Where can I hide here? I think. Panic clouds my mind and I can barely think straight (not that I could in the first place). 
I scan the room frantically, then realize: 
The closet. 
I dash across the room, dodging the disarray on the floor. Hopping into the dark closet, I gently shut the door behind me. 
Then it hits me. 
Oh, how cliche. 
I quiet my breathing so that, if my brother comes in here, I don’t get caught. 
One minute passes. 
Then two. 
Then three. 
Heavy footsteps come from the hallway, and I bite my lip so I don’t shriek. 
Just don’t die, Adrienne. 
Just don’t die. 
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The Journey
*This is part of a requested imagine. I might expand on this later, just not right now as I’m also currently working on my book and want to focus some attention on that. Thank you for reading!*
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You knew your soulmate was a shapeshifter. Being a witch had its perks sometimes and one of those was finding information on your soulmate before actually meeting them. The powers that came with being a witch were pretty cool too, but you really just wanted to meet your other half. You knew he was a shapeshift, most likely canine, and that he lived on the west coast. You spent the last few months traveling the west coast but to no avail, you still hadn’t met him yet. You hadn’t even met any shifters to begin with. Plenty of vampires and some other witches, but no shapeshifters. You finally stopped in La Push, hearing a rumor from a vampire that their legends said they were descended from wolves. You figured if anyone were to be a shapeshifter, it’d be them. That’s how you found yourself at the little diner in the small reservation. You sat back into the booth along the wall so that you could see everyone that came in.
“Good morning,” a waitress came over, a name tag on her shirt stating her name was Kim, “How are you today?”
“I’m good, thank you, and you?” You really weren’t sure what you were going to do about everything. Even if you met them, would you really want to settle down?
“I’m good, thank you for asking!” She seemed pretty nice and peppy, “What can I get you to drink?”
“Water is fine,” she walked off and was gone for a minute before she returned with your glass, setting it in front of you.
“Are you ready to order?” She asked politely.
“Not quite, but I do have a few questions,” you replied, setting the menu down and looking at her, “It’s not about the menu, though.”
“Uh, sure, what’s up?
“Are there any hiking trails near here?” you wanted to know where the most popular spots were. Shapeshifters wouldn’t bother going near them, “I’m new to town and  kind of wanted to go sightseeing, but I’m more of an animal enthusiast. I want to know where the animals are more prominent and the people aren’t.”
“Um, I’m not really sure, I guess,” she looked uncomfortable, like she was hiding something, “We don’t really get visitors out this way. There are too many dangerous animals around, like bears.”
“Any wolves?” you asked, watching as she shifted from one foot to the next.
“I mean, sure, but why?” her eyes were narrowed in thought as she looked at you quizzically.
“Well, I study them,” you were lying through your teeth but you had to find out if there were any wolves in the area that might be shapeshifters.”
“I’d leave the wolves alone,” she said sharply. You heard the door open and looked over to see a group of tall men walk in and make their way to a booth, some stopping and saying hi to Kim. She turned back to you, “We don’t like it when people mess with our wildlife here.”
“I just study their behaviors, it’s not like I get near them or anything,” you replied, wondering why she was getting so defensive. She kept looking over at the men, who looked like they were intensely reading the menu, which was pretty odd considering they look to be locals and they knew Kim. 
“I couldn’t help but overhear,” one of the men joined Kim, standing beside her, “and she’s right. I’m part of the wildlife preservation team here. We don’t like people around the wildlife. It can upset the balance of nature.” He was tall and had a tattoo on his arm. Now that you looked, all of the men had the same tattoo on their arm. Weird. You silently cast a spell, reading their energy and realizing something seemed off. They weren’t completely human, but they weren’t witches or vampires either. Are these the shifters you were searching for? You had never met one before so you didn’t know what their energies felt like. “You understand?” 
“I’m sorry?” you were brought from your thoughts at his words, not sure when you had zoned out and what exactly he had said.
“I said if I were you, I’d stay away from the woods,” he repeated, staring down at you, “It’s too dangerous.”
“And you are?”
“Sam Uley,” you stuck your hand out as if to shake his hand, he returned it but you felt him burning up. It was like his skin was on fire. He let go as quickly as he could.
“Sam. I appreciate the concern,” you started, looking over to the other men who were all focused on your conversation now before looking back at him, “But I can take care of myself.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, outsider,” he said before walking back to the table.
“Are you ready to order now?” Kim said, her face telling you she wanted to exit the conversation too.
“Sure, I’ll just have the pancakes and eggs, over easy,” you handed her the menu. When she walked away, you reached into your bag, pulling out your phone. You texted your coven leader about what happened, and how you thought they were the shapeshifters. After sending the text, you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up, catching the gaze of the most handsome man you had ever seen. He was tall and kind of gangly but looked like he was starting to fill out with muscles. You saw him freeze for a moment before he smiled brightly, sitting across from you.
“I’m sorry about them!” he reached his hand over the table, holding it out for you to take, “I’m Seth Clearwater.” You shook his hand, feeling a shock when you did, and let go quickly.
“______,” you replied, clearing your throat, trying not to show the touch bothered you.
“So, what brings you around these parts?” he asked, still smiling.
“Searching for something,” you felt like you could be honest with him, like he was pulling it out of you against your will.
“Something? Like what?” 
“More like someone,” you muttered, looking down at your hands.
“Oh, someone?” he cocked his head to the side as he looked at you, “Who?”
“It’s hard to explain.”
“I’ve been told I’m a good listener and catch on easily,” he looked like he was really interested in what you had to say.
“It’s complicated and probably will sound stupid,” you insisted, not wanting to reveal to him but at the same time the words wanted to come tumbling from your lips.
“Nothing you say could sound stupid,” he looked a little love-struck to you, and it kind of made you nervous, “I… I mean, I’m sure it’s not stupid.”
“Okay, I’m looking for my soulmate,” you replied quickly, the words coming out like vomit, leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
“Your soulmate?” he smiled again, humming to himself, as if he knew a secret, “That’s a little cheesy, isn’t it?”
“Maybe so, but that’s what I’m doing. My journey led me here, somehow,” you couldn’t believe that you were telling him all of this, but it felt so right. Maybe this was him? Maybe this was your soulmate? And maybe he felt it too?
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nighttime-tea-party · 11 months
soooo idk who else to ask but like what happened to all the big names during the sebaciel renaissance?? I’ve kinda been off tumble pretty much since nsfw ban, but what happened to blogs like chromehopelite and ciel’s lingerire or vexing young master? Im sure there’s others I’m missing I just can’t remember but I feel like no one uploads on the sebaciel ao3 tag as much as it used to in like 2017 and 2018. hopefully the fandom will come alive again with a new season?
Hello! I have no idea what happened to Vexing Young Master but as for the others, as far as I know, Ciels Lingerie got obliterated again and again, both here and on twitter, and I guess at one point they gave up. Their latest twitter seems to have been hacked by crypto bros.
Chromehoplite is still around, just not in the fandom anymore. And who can blame them, considering the amount of vile messages they got on a daily basis.
To be honest, I've been active in the tumblr fandom for... Idk how long, before BoC, and it was the most prolific back when BoC aired. After that, it's been a downward spiral. It got a bit refreshment through BoM and BotA but not in the same way. Back during BoM, the fandom felt huge.
I think it's a natural development. Manga fandoms are most active when there's a fairly recent tv anime adaptation (movies just don't do it like tv shows). There hasn't been one in a long time, and additionally, we've had to put up with our main characters virtually missing from the manga for about half a decade now. The twin reveal was that long ago!
So I completely understand that the fandom has become the way it is now. I consider myself crazy for still sticking around the way I do (but I have no plans of changing that) but most people aren't as weird about Kuroshitsuji as I am.
That being said, I also believe that the fandom will have a real renaissance when the show airs again. I never expected that twitter-borne renaissance to hold on anyway because it was mostly just born out of spite against antis (which is valid but not enough to give people the motivation to stick with a manga that's barely progressing over the course of years). Chrome and the others were there before the twitter renaissance and they were there after it too to some extent, but I guess lives go on, priorities and interests change and also, fandom can just be really nasty and detrimental to your mental health sometimes.
Maybe we'll see some familiar people come back when the new show airs, who knows!
I hope my answer helped!
P.S.: from the perspective of a creator myself, the disappearance of popular creators coincides with a strong decrease of engagement with authors' and artists' works. You could say it's a hen and egg kind of situation but I think the common denominator is the lack of progress in the manga and everyone's fatigue with everything. In any case, from a creator's POV it does feel kind of discouraging sometimes when you feel like your skill has increased over time but people don't interact with it as much as they used to. Like, I know it's the size of the fandom but I sometimes think, "has my art gotten that bad?" and I mean I don't draw for attention or else I'd draw Genshin or sth like that but it is a little difficult to process anyway. Sorry for the rant.
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kn1felady · 2 years
If you want to read QUITE POSSIBLY THE BEST WRITING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!! then I highly suggest reading Dermabrasion by Pennydaniels.
It’s an incredibly popular fanfic so I’m not surprised if most have read this already but the final chapter just posted today and I legitimately cried my eyes out.
The link is at the bottom (sorry about the shitty formatting)
Here is the comment I left on the chapter:
Words cannot explain how much I loved this fanfiction. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I bawled my eyes out by the end of this chapter. No writing before this (even in published works of fiction) has ever made me feel such a wide range of emotions - the most prevalent being content. I love how it didn’t end with the “happily ever after”, but with so many threads that still can be pulled. The best way to describe this ending was bittersweet. It was just…perfect, honestly.
I loved Natsuo’s whole storyline and how he used this trip as a way to escape from heartbreak. I also found it refreshing for a relationship to just…end. Things like that happen. I wasn’t expecting dabi and Hawks to split (how could they??) and thought Haru and Fuyumi was unlikely, so I thought this choice was a great idea.
Fuyumi is one of my favourite characters in this fic because even if she doesn’t always significantly affect the “over-arching” story in the manga/anime, in this she does and it’s given justice. She’s truly the heart of the todosibs. I liked how she was given her time to shine in this chapter, dealing with all the realistic adult issues she would.
Dabi is always fantastic. His one liners always make me exhale through my nose (even chuckle at times!!!) but what I love most is his ability to get vulnerable and, inexplicably, profound. His relationship with hawks was one of my favourite parts of this story and knowing that they’re happy together, even considering marriage, just clenches my heart a tad. A truly understated part was “ Dabi muttered before he turned to Hawks and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.” I’m pretty sure (if my memory serves correctly) that this is the first instant of “romantic” physical intimacy. Seeing how Dabi went from being unable to stand casual touch and the idea of sex with another person, the fact that they’re so comfortable with eachother shows their growth. And I also love the time dedicated to Hawks’ own traumas. One of the first times I genuinely shed a tear for this chapter was when I read: “ And if he walked the Todosibs to the lift and stayed watching the numbers go down and long after for far longer than necessary or appropriate that was his own secret to keep.” Again, I’m not really sure how to explain it aside from how my heart ached for him. Like, I’m happy that this fictional character now has someone to hold and, in extension, a family of his own, but there’s also a part of me that pities him. Does that make sense? Maybe not. It feels like he’s in disbelief with how lucky he is…when he should’ve had it all in the first place.
And that moves me onto Shouto.
Shouto took a bit of a backseat (haha) in this chapter which I…actually don’t mind. This fic started with him alone but now it ended with him accompanied by the people he loves most. He has always been my favourite character for reasons I don’t really know why. The way you write him makes him so much more loveable in so many different aspects. Whilst he may not talk a lot in this chapter, I love how he’s always in the background doing something. I like knowing that he doesn’t have to force himself into discomfort and he can just be. The part that broke my heart a little was: “Sometimes this happened, he was randomly hit by happiness. It could be a little frightening in its intensity sometimes and the fact that (like all intense emotions) it never stayed.” It reminded me of one of the earlier chapters when he left Mina’s party and wanted to shout out that he could be happy. Like Hawks, it makes my heart ache but in a way that I don’t mind. I’m glad he’s happy, with my whole being.
The ending was just the cherry on top. To be perfectly honest, I was expecting a conversation between Shouto and Dabi as the final send off but…I’m not too bothered anymore. They’ve been the central focus within this story and so it doesn’t feel out of place for us to be left with the knowledge that they are just that: Dabi and Shouto. Shouto and Touya. The (I’m assuming) Naruto reference was perfect and added the bittersweet ending I think we all were expecting. It had been a while since the last Naruto reference so it really was a blast from the past!! And the cameo from class 1A was always going to be comedically perfect too!! (as well as the League…who could forget them?? I didn’t even know that I wanted them to find out who Dani’s secret boyfriend was!)
I think what I like most about this fanfiction is how contained it is. It didn’t have to be that massive fiery showdown between Dabi and Endeavor, or a melodrama between Hawks and Dabi. Instead, it’s the complicated mess of relationships and how trauma can be healed. I love the title too; “dermabrasion”. I have to be honest, I had no idea what that meant about a year and a half ago when I first started to read this. But now, especially after finishing it, I’m in awe of how aptly named this is. Dermabrasion doesn’t have to be harsh and quick, it’s the slow healing of skin.
In the thoughts of Natsuo: There in the glow of the little bonfire they made Natsuo felt like… well he felt good. And that was it. Simple.
I’m just so happy they’re all okay now.
I am one of four siblings myself - I’m in Natsuo’s position as the second youngest - and so I feel like the reason I was so emotional reading this final chapter is because I can resonate so well with the Todosibs. It’s currently the winter holidays so for the first time in around 7 months it’s been all my siblings back together again. My two older sisters were both away at university and my younger brother and I were slowly getting on each others nerves. Being together all of us again made me happy. Simple. And it’s weird because we’re finally at an age where we can just be friends now. There’s fewer petty squabbling and I can talk to them as if they /are/ just my friends. One of my sisters is going back to uni tomorrow and I’m sharing my room with the other, and I genuinely feel like I’ll miss them all the more.
Anyway, I commend you if you read all this way (yes, I know it’s really ramble-y) but I just couldn’t think of a way to otherwise express how much I loved going through this journey. I feel eternally grateful for you creating something as truly heartfelt, painstakingly perfect, and beautiful as this. If you ever decide to write something as amazing as this, I’ll be sure to follow every step of the way.
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kai-keda · 2 years
i kinda get and kinda dont get what you mean when you say dragonfru1t is most likely to be canon? like i get they have a lot of interactions but i think its more accurate to say no ships will be canon, flying bark seems to really steer away from romance in their shows (glitch techs, rotmnt, 100% wolf). the company seems to super focus on platonic bonds and found family as a whole
off topic , do you think if calabash didnt make it explict that mei and mk are only friends do you think people would say they were endgame?
(sorry for ask dumping!)
Never apologize for sending me an ask like this, I love them!
I’m assuming this is coming from these tweets I sent recently out of frustration with some “my ship isn’t the most popular one!!” whining I saw going on so I’ll add a screenshot for anyone who’s curious about the full context here:
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Just to help clarify right off the bat, my main point of bringing Dragonfruit up was to say that, if I were to be one of those people who genuinely felt I needed to ship the most “analytically “cOrReCt” ship”, I would be shipping Dragonfruit and Dragonfruit alone.
Yet here I am with Spicynoodles as my OTP (despite Dragonfruit being my first ship of the series and the one that I have the most AMV’s about as well as still being a ship I enjoy because I am a multishipper)
Because I’m not held down by the bitter bs of when I was a teenager thinking I had to be “Right” in how I approached things that are meant to be for fun. Like shipping in fandom. (See also - my whole rant towards those people who were whining about how “If all you do when you take in media is look for ways to ship in it, you are objectively missing out and thus are bad and stupid”)
To answer your questions:
My main point that I didn’t have the character space for in regards to “Which is most likely to become canon” would be better worded as “If any ship was in the running of possibly being canon, it would be Red Son x Xiaojiao/Mei.“
While I am of the opinion that - similar to my hot take that the LBD host does NOT need to become a major character - this series does not have enough time to waste on dealing with the complications romance would bring to a story already focused on complicated platonic relationships, I still can’t ignore the simple fact that the only couple that has the most on-screen reasoning AND out-of-universe meta elements lined up to make them canon is Dragonfruit.
(See also - my reasoning why “What Makes It Complicated” will never have romance in it outright. The story is about complicated relationships with those you care about but fear you SHOULDN’T care about despite their best efforts via Wukong and Kumi, and adding romance to it would muddy the whole thing up in ways I have no reason to put the audience through)
I haven’t seen anything else of Flying Bark’s unfortunately (please don’t suggest Rise to me. I do not care for TMNT. It has NEVER appealed to me in any iteration. I’ve seen clips from Rise already. Animation looks other worldly. The show’s not for me.) but I am definitely willing to take your word for it that they don’t include romance in their work.
My opinion that Dragonfruit is the most likely ship to become canon comes with a giant “IF” in front for “IF there is going to be ANY ship that becomes canon”.
And for the last question:
Yes and I would hate it and that’s exactly why I am in love with how Calabash shut down my nemesis before they could even get off the ground.
“Main guy should always get with main girl!” is the source of so much shipping drama - even when people don’t realize that that’s exactly what their “But they have the most screen time together!” arguments are based on - and more for more than one ship war that I have seen for myself and I am glad to have that explicitly avoided.
If someone still ships them, that’s fair.
I still ship spicynoodles despite, as I’ve said, there’s not a whole lot of in-universe reasons to see them as “correct” analytically speaking.
I’m just relieved to have avoided “Main Guy x Main Girl just ‘cause” arguments being thrown around in fights.
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prismatranslates-cue · 9 months
Rie [Sabbath of Castor] Part 2
Previously: Part 1
Rie: A lot’s changed since we were kids. Like the stores, for one thing. So many of these places weren’t around back then.
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Mei: Yes…oh.
Mei: Wait here for a moment.
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Mei: Here you go.
Rie: Hm? What’s this? Oh, it’s warm…
Mei: A corned beef taiyaki.
Rie: A…corned beef taiyaki? They really make those?
Mei: And this one’s chili cheese flavour.
Rie: Is that even still taiyaki?
Mei: This kind of food–and the store that sells it–wasn’t around when we were younger.
Rie: Yeah. This is definitely my first time having something like this. It’s not bad, though.
Mei: You’re a different person now than you were before. You’re a Team Leader and all that.
Mei: New food for a new Rie. It’s only fitting.
Rie: What an oddly threatening way of saying that. You sound like you’re describing “eye for an eye”. …Oh, but don’t get me wrong. I appreciate you going out of your way to find these.
Mei: Rie. I want you to let go and not be so concerned about all the people around you.
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Rie: Huh?
Mei: It’s just you and me. Be as “Ellis” as you want today.
Rie: Oh? Very well. If you so desire…
Rie: Hmph. This foodstuff is queer but I cannot deny it is also quite delectable. Did you track this down for my sake? You have my gratitude.
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Mei: …
Rie: Was that okay…?
Mei: There were no issues.
Rie: I don’t know if anyone’s ever actively encouraged me to lean into my Ellis persona. I’m kind of at a loss, honestly.
Mei: Rie, you have undergone quite a few changes since becoming leader, but you’ve clearly been spending less time as Ellis as a result.
Mei: So at least this much is okay.
Rie: I detect some faint hints of reluctance in those words…or is my mind playing tricks on me…?
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Rie: For those who consider themselves seiyuu, reading manga is not only a hobby but a duty. One could call it training, if not outright part of our mission.
Mei: I’ve never thought of it with any such gravitas.
Rie: You’ve always had lots of manga and books and games and stuff in your room ever since we were little, after all.
Mei: Yes.
Rie: And ever since we were little…I would always ask to borrow them from you.
Mei: You were content with that.
Rie: …Oh? This is that anime that Team Flower were cast in…oho. So they already have merch.
Rie: A matter of course for such a popular work. But we can hardly sit by and let them leave us in the dust.
Mei: …Indeed.
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Rie: Ah!
Rie: This is that book that everyone’s been talking about lately! I’ve been considering reading it myself…
Mei: I own a copy of that already.
Rie: Oh, do you? Can I read it when we get back home?
Mei: Sure.
Rie: I’ve had my eye on it for a while! It sounds super interesting from what I’ve heard about it. Gosh, sorry that I’m always imposing on you like this.
Mei: Rie? Ellis.
Rie: You may always ask me to return the favour, if you wish me to lend you something you desire.
Mei: Sure. I’d likely already have anything you could lend, though.
Rie: Yeah, I think so too…
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Rie: Oh! Do you mind if I try that claw machine for a bit?
Mei: Is there something in there you want?
Rie: That figure. It’s one of my most admired characters in all demonkind, a great leader among us fell creatures…
Mei: I’ve never seen you succeed at one of these.
Rie: Tch…well, allow me to show you now. I will make short work of this feeble machine.
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Rie: Hah, a worthy foe…How did I burn through 3000 yen so fast…?
Mei: …Here, let me try.
Rie: R-right.
Mei: It’s important to analyze the target’s weight and centre of gravity, in order to understand where you want to apply the force. You should be able to picture the action in your mind.
Mei: First, you shift the target’s position, like…so.
Rie: So then with a second one…
Mei: See?
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Rie: Gosh, you’re always so amazing, Mei. You make things I could never pull off look easy.
Mei: It’s no big deal. …Behold, I present to you my tribute for your nativity.
Rie: Yay! Thanks, Mei. I’ll treasure it forever!
Mei: Rie? Ellis.
Rie: My boundless gratitude defies expression with mere words!
Mei: …There you go. That’s good.
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Rie: Lo, the night already approaches, for the sun returns to the horizon so early during the winter moons. Truly the perfect season for denizens of the dark.
Mei: …It’s almost time.
To be continued...in Part 3
0 notes
fae-spy · 9 months
Twilight shook out his hand for what seemed like the millionth time.
The chain was currently in the champion’s Hyrule, the nine of them cooped up in his house on the outskirts of Hateno village while a blizzard raged on outside.
The rancher grumbled to himself as he looked back to what he was working on.
While they were trapped inside, Wild had managed to wrangle most of them into helping decorate his and Zelda’s house for something the champion had called “Christmas”.
While none of the other boys had heard of the holiday, most (notably Wind and Sky), were eager to help.
Wind, Warriors, and Four had quickly called decorating the large pine tree towards the back wall, the other boys either decorating the rest of the house, or helping Wild make a garland of popcorn and cranberries, which was what Twilight was currently stuck doing.
He started threading the needle back through the piece of popcorn in his hand, mindful this time to keep his fingers on the side of the snack, and not where the point would come out on the other side.
The champion had explained to him that garlands were a popular tradition in Hateno, the townspeople strung them in the trees around the village each year as a way to give back to the birds and other animals that lived near the area.
A loud yell near the tree had Twilight looking away from the project once again.
“Hey! I’m the youngest, so I should be the one to put the star up, obviously.”
Four was stood next to the sailor with an incredulous look on his face, the both of them in front of the now fully decorated tree. It looked like all that they needed was the star at the top, but neither seemed willing to give up the opportunity to place it.
“Oh, so you only act like the youngest when you want something? I should have seen this coming,” The smith was now facing Wind head on, a playful glint in his eyes, “Anyways, I’m the shortest, so I’ll be the easiest to pick up, duh.”
What they hadn’t noticed while they were arguing was Time sneaking up behind them, and before it was too late, he silently plucked the star ornament from out of Wind’s hands, effortlessly reaching up and securing it on the top of the brightly decorated tree before he walked away.
All Wind and Four could do was stare at where the star now sat, far above their heads, Time leaving wordlessly, taking a drink from his mug of hot chocolate as he went.
oh my gosh! I love this so much! I'm a sucker for the chain doing family like activities together. and the banter between wind and four was fun to read! thank you so much <3
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malewifespike · 2 years
they really did not have to make death note this homoerotic that was certainly a choice that was made. or maybe this whole scene is more about the Jesus imagery of washing Light’s feet and like I get that but by god damn they made it sooooooooo gaaaaaaayyyy
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗽𝗲𝗿 ⪼ 𝗝𝗝𝗞 [M]
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⤜PAIRING: Jungkook x reader 
⤜GENRE: smut, minors DNI, fluffy, soft, intimate, cute, anime AU/anime inspired, tutor x friend, friends to lovers, hidden life, 
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - October 2022
TW: Mentions of not being good enough, slight bullying
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"Yn how many times do I need to tell you, no phones in my class." Your tutor snapped, all eyes turned to face you and you stared over at your English tutor. The anxiety bubbled inside of your chest but you didn't let it show, <<don't let them know you're sweating>> you simply took in a breath through your nose and smiled at the teacher. This wasn't something you exactly wanted to say out in the open as to why you had your phone and you'd hope she would remember your earlier conversation from before the class started,
"Sorry, I'm just expecting-" The light bulb inside of her head seemed to go off and she let out a loud and audible gasp before nodding her head at you.
"Oh! Yes, yes! Sorry, of course! Just keep it on your desk and don't get distracted by it," She offered as you placed the phone onto your desk and smiled politely at the teacher. It wasn't as though it was greatly impacting your ability to work but it was starting to get in the way whenever you would just stare at it, afraid it would start ringing. 
Your best friend - Krissy - on the desk beside you smirked and winked at you for getting away with having your phone out in class. You knew what she must have been thinking, what they all were thinking when you got away with having your phone out. 
They all thought it was simply because you were popular and could get away with anything but it wasn't anything like that...Not that you would ever correct them for believing it though. The truth was more embarrassing than that and you didn't need people taking pity on your home life or thinking less of you because you were the main carer and provider for your youngest brother. 
The reason your phone was out in the final hours of school in every class you had was that you were waiting for a phone call from your brother's school, you were always waiting for a phone call from them and each of your teachers knew that. 
To them, it was no secret that you were like a mother to your younger brother and they had all been pretty accepting of you needing to leave classes to answer calls or even leaving in the middle of the day if it called for it. You were always good and caught up on everything but lately, your grades were beginning to slip and you knew that better than anyone since you'd gotten emails and texts about it. All originally addressed to your mother who never really cared to look into any of it, she was far too busy being elsewhere in the world to even try and be a mother to either you or your brother.
But your grades were getting worse, especially in English since whenever you had English at the end of the day it was when your brother would get out of school and want to be taken home. Unlike you, your brother's school day finished one hour before your own and you always had to leave early to get him home safely. 
Today though was one of the first days he was attending an after-school activity, something the two of you had talked extensively about him doing so that you wouldn't have to keep missing so much school. You knew he'd been nervous about it that morning since he wasn't normally one to do after-school activities and you didn't blame him. With you being the sole carer for him he was constantly wearing his clothes multiple days in a row and a lot of them had holes in them since you spent most of the money you earned on making sure the two of you were fed enough. You hated the fact that he was bullied for things that were out of his control but you were doing your best to work on improving things for him.
You'd hoped by joining the music club it would maybe try and bring some new friends for him, Gun-il was supposedly one of the best music teachers inside of the elementary school and you knew your brother would be well looked after there. If he didn't get too upset with anyone that was also inside the club.
The familiar sound of chalk being used on the chalkboard brought you crashing back to reality and you stared at the front of the class, taking notes on everything Miss Adams was writing down on the board. 
"As I was saying, Hamlet is going to be the play we'll be studying from." She announced while turning back around to face everyone, her eyes quickly finding you as she sent you a warm smile. Luckily for you, Hamlet was something you'd studied earlier in the year and you knew most of the work she was going to be covering within her class and even if you didn't. You were almost sure she was going to lend you a lot of study materials to take home like a lot of your other teachers did.
"Why Hamlet? Why not something romantic Like Romeo and Juliet?" Lucy - another girl in your friendship circle asked while pouting out her bottom lip. Turning to look at her you let out a small giggle, your friendship group wasn't exactly well-known for their brains but you were doing your best to make them see that learning wasn't all that bad. 
"Hamlet is probably the best one to teach us through Kirssy," You said as you looked over at her. Trying to remember why Hamlet was one of the best plays that Shakespeare had written but before you could even fathom the words someone did it for you. 
"It's one of Shakespeare's greatest pieces," Jungkook finished before you even have the chance to speak. Your eyes slowly wandered over to the quiet nerd of the class and you drank in his appearance. 
Jungkook was the quiet and introverted type, he always sat in the back of the class and answered only to the teacher whenever they would speak to him. His hair was always slicked back with so much gel it looked as though he was from a cartoon and he was always wearing dark hoodies that covered every inch of his body. From his build it was obvious there was more to Jungkook than met the eye but you were never interested in finding out. 
You're staring again and is that drool on your cheek?
You gently raised your hand to your cheek to check there was no drool like the voice in your head was saying and you glanced over at Lucy who was staring at Jungkook with her mouth hanging open a little. You didn't blame her for being surprised though, this was the most Jungkook had spoken to anyone that wasn't a teacher or in his friendship group and it was a little jarring. You hadn't expected him to sound so sexy when he spoke about something he enjoyed but you stared at Lucy trying not to seem bothered about the nerd in the back. 
"The play showcases the struggles of Danish royals..." Jungkook stared over at you as he spoke, it was like he was speaking right to you instead of Lucy. He wasn't exactly sure what had possessed him to start talking but when he'd seen you turn to look at Lucy with a giant grin on your face it filled him with a feeling he'd never had before. There was an intensity to show off that he knew things too, he wanted to impress you even if he didn't like who you were. The popular prissy type that everyone adored and worshipped no matter what you did. 
"Shakespeare wrote about the core components that drive all of us throughout life..." As soon as he noticed that it wasn't just you paying attention to what he was saying he began to stumble over his words before staring down at his notebook. The harsh reality that other people had been staring at him while he spoke hit him and he hated the idea of people watching him, god why had he been so stupid to speak out?
because you have a crush on her, even if you won't admit it to yourself 
Jungkook stared at the notebook trying to ignore the incessant voice bouncing around in his head and you took over what he had been saying once you noticed he was no longer going to say anything else.
"The components being: grief, betrayal, love - Or I guess lack there off and family," You told your friend as she stared at you, blinking as she cutely giggled a little, trying to appear as though she had been listening when she hadn't.
"You know, you're really smart when you put your mind to it," She complimented, your body turned back to face your tutor who was smirking at you a little. While you and Jungkook had been busy staring back at one another she had just found the person who was going to make your grades high once again.
It would be the perfect plan since Jungkook was always staying late in class and paid avid attention, he would be able to give you the notes he took whilst helping you study the materials. 
"Yn is, it's a shame she's in desperate need of a tutor though," You looked down at the phone on your tablet and you tried not to let the thought of needing a tutor bother you. It was just because of the missing time you were having, it had nothing to do with you not being smart enough. "You are smart, you are kind, and you are more than good enough." You said that matura over and over again in your head, maybe you were trying to trick yourself into believing it but you didn't care. 
It helped. 
You're not smart enough, everyone in the class already knows it. You're failing your classes and you're going to lose Henry.
 You pushed the thought down inside of you, trying not to let the thought of losing your little brother get to you. There was no reason someone was going to take him, no one knew your mother wasn't around anymore and it wasn't as though someone could take him away when you were doing everything you could to care for him. Once you reassured yourself that everything was okay you continued to stare at the phone waiting for it to get you out of this mess.
"Your tutor can be Jungkook. The two of you are the smartest in the class it seems only fitting." Your head shot up to stare are your tutor. Jungkook? Of all people she was going to choose the same guy that ignored every single person in the world and acted as though he didn't need any friends because he was better than them? The same person that was probably going to pretend to tutor you so he wouldn't have to go near you. 
You're just worried because you find him cute
"You're paired with the loser! Fuck, I bet he's going to be too busy drooling over you rather than studying," Chris broke the chain of thought in your head and you stared at the back of his head as he began to let out a giant belly laugh. Your blood boiled as you heard him call Jungkook a loser out loud and loud enough for Jungkook to hear so you booted the back of his chair making him grunt.
"Knock it off asshole" You hissed at him, there was no reason for others to belittle people around them. It was the one thing that made you angrier than anything else in the world, the idea of someone being bullied for something that wasn't their fault or for just being who they were really got to you and irritated you.
Jungkook may have been a "loser" or a "nerd" and you might have been one of the popular girls but you weren't going to stand for anyone being mean to people around you. Images of your brother sobbing about being bullied flashed in your mind and your hands clenched into tight fists on your desk as you tried not to think about it right now. If you thought about Henry too much you were going to end up walking out or hitting someone for saying the wrong thing.
"He's not wrong though. All Jeon does is stare at you like you're a piece of meat or something, it's creepy. Don't you ever catch him staring at your ass? I've seen it far too many times," Krissy says before you stare at her in silence, your eyes narrowing as you warned her to shut up with just a stare. 
Jungkook's entire body was on fire as he realised that people had been noticing him watching you and it meant that you probably knew as well and if you didn't...You did now thanks to Krissy and her big mouth. 
You made it obvious enough anyway, staring at her perky ass whenever she's in that uniform.
 Jungkook shifted in his seat as he tried to remove the mental image of you in cheerleading outside out of his mind, getting a hard-on in the middle of class wasn't something he needed right now. 
"But he's always watching you, I'm just saying. We don't know what he's like outside of class, he could be the silent and murdering type...I mean, look at him." Lucy chimed in with her opinion and Jungkook's grip on the notebook he was holding tightened so much he could have sworn that he was going to rip it apart. 
"Enough!" Miss Adams announced as everyone turned their attention away from Jungkook, except for you your eyes stayed lingering on him a few seconds more.
she wants to see the pain you're in, she enjoys watching people belittle you
"Yn, you'll be taking tutoring from Jungkook. I'll make sure he gets a copy of all of the materials I send to you," You nodded slowly and looked at your phone, your brother's name flashed on the screen and you let out a small sigh. 
"Take it, I'll make sure to give Jungkook everything he needs." Your tutor said as you quickly answered the call and rushed out of the room with your things. Your brother's cries on the other end of the line sent you into a wild frenzy as you did your best to get to him before anything else could happen. 
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After you'd left class and the day had finished Miss Adams had given Jungkook your mobile number and a folder filled with everything you were going to need to study about Hamlet over. He had no idea why you were being given so many different pieces of materials to everyone else in the class but he didn't ask questions he simply nodded and headed out of the class. He'd worry about texting you tomorrow but tonight was his time to relax and unwind with his friends and not think about school on Monday.
"I'm telling you, bro, you should have heard the way she was moaning out on my dick." Jimin laughed loudly as they walked down the street. Jimin was one of Jungkook's closest friends but he had to be one of the crudest people on the planet and it put Jungkook off a little. He was all for having a great time in the bedroom but that was exactly where it should have stayed, along with all of the details of other people's sex lives.
"Hey, I'll catch up to you. I think they finally got the new manga in." Jungkook announced as his friends continued to walk down the street to their usual hang-out. It was a small bar just down the street, it was hidden well enough so no one knew where it was unless they knew what they were looking for. 
The bell to the comic book shop chimed and Jungkook smiled to himself as he walked inside. This was one of his favourite places to come whenever he'd had a bad day or just needed something new to read. There was nothing like opening a fresh comic book or manga and just getting completely lost in the pages of a story. Besides, it was a nice break from all of the textbooks he was normally finding himself stuffed inside.
"Hey Kookie, the new selection is in!" The owner called out when he noticed Jungkook looking around for the one thing he'd been wanting. It was the latest edition of a manga he'd been dying to read for months and he couldn't wait to get his hands on a copy. The publishers of the manga had originally put a hold on productions and he was ecstatic to find out they were finally being put out again.
"I think there's one copy left, you might wanna be quick. I saw some kid and his mum looking at them." Jungkook nodded nonchalantly as he headed in the direction of where they kept his manga expecting to see some little kid and his middle-aged mother blocking the stand but instead he found you. 
Dressed in a maid uniform and looking at the little boy in front of you as he bounced up and down excitedly while you were frowning at the manga. Jungkook knew that you weren't the boy's mother since he'd known about Henry since he was born, it was all anybody in your school would talk about since he was such a cute baby. His eyes lingered on your outfit a little too long and he quickly looked down at a comic on the shelf in front of him, trying not to make it seem as though he was paying close attention to you.
"Can we get it?! I've been wanting to read, I saved up a bunch of money," Henry said as you looked over the manga, turning it around to see the price was way more than he had saved up but you didn't have the heart to tell him that. All henry had was enough to get him a couple of sweets and maybe a bookmark but not enough for the manga in front of you. 
Biting down on your tongue you fished into your bag and counted the money you had in your purse, you could make it work if you didn't have food in school for the next two weeks.
As long as he's happy that's all that matters, Henry deserves the world
"It's my favourite, you get to see all of the guys kicking the bully's asses," You gasped and looked at Henry, you hated the fact that he was picking up so many bad habits from you, you needed to stop swearing so much in front of him.
"What did I say about bad words?" You questioned while pretending to scold him for it, you bent down to be eye level with him and he looked up at you with an apologetic look on his face.
"Not to use them, they're naughty and naughty boys get into trouble," You nodded before patting the top of his head as a sign it was all okay, 
"Why don't you go and ask if they have any job applications for me and I'll get the money sorted?" You questioned, not wanting him to see you count out every bit of change you could to get the manga for him. Henry rushed off within seconds and you sighed a little, gently putting the manga down onto the shelf and rooting around inside of your bag. There had to be some more money in there somewhere, you were almost sure you'd earnt enough tips tonight to at least get half of the book paid for and you had some more stashed in the back of your purse for an emergency. 
"God, I need this job." You hissed to yourself, not noticing that someone else was even standing close to you as you took out your purse and took some money from the emergency fund. It was all worth it if it meant seeing your youngest brother smile and not letting him know just how bad things were financially between you all. If your mother hadn't walked out on you none of this would have happened, you'd still be top of your class and focusing solely on your grades instead of worrying if the next paycheck was going to stretch enough for two growing people.
"They don't have any jobs," A voice said suddenly making you flinch and jump back a little, your eyes glanced over the man in front of you and you almost knocked over. There was no way it was Jungkook and yet...It looked exactly like him minus a few differences of course. 
When did Jungkook get tattoos and piercings? Your eyes continued to drink all of him in as you stared at him a little shocked at how different he was. The jungkook you knew from school was shy and wouldn't talk to you unless prompted to but this jungkook exuded confidence, it was like he'd bathed in a tub of confidence and came out drenched in it. 
Instead of the usually slicked-back hairstyle, his hair was styled to perfection and he looked as though he'd been ripped from the pages of a fashion magazine. 
"Erm...H-How do you know?" You stuttered a little, you never stuttered in front of anyone before much less Jungkook. The fact that he'd just heard you begging for a job was a little nerve-wracking and you'd completely forgotten the fact that you were wearing the maid cafe uniform you had on.
"I've got email alerts on for them to let me know when they do have one, nice uniform." He nodded as he looked you up and down and you suddenly felt yourself turning defensive. The fact that he had just heard you begging for a job and seen what you were wearing wasn't good, he could tell everyone and your social status would be completely ruined. You stepped closer to him, almost reaching out to touch him as you pleaded with him,
"P-Please don't...Please don't tell anyone you saw me like this," Your eyes were wide as you stared up at him, Jungkook could have sworn your eyes were sparkling as he looked down at you. Your hands slowly and shakily reached out to touch his hand and he froze in place a little when he felt a spark fly through his body from your touch.
**she'd look so good begging like that for you*** Jungkook shook his head and stared at you. Why would he ever tell anyone what he'd seen? It wasn't as if he was some gossip around the school, the only people he spoke to were Jimin and his teachers.
"Why would I?" He questioned as you slowly stepped back from him and stared back at him. You didn't like the fact that he was so adamant that he wouldn't tell people, it made you feel uneasy. 
He'll use it against you in the future. People are always using information against you
"Because I'm dressed in a maid cafe uniform and looking for more jobs...People would die to get their hands on a photo or information about this." You blinked at him and he shrugged his shoulders at you. Doing something like that wasn't worth the time and effort and Jungkook didn't care if you worked nine jobs or none, it was your life and you were free to do whatever the hell you wanted with it.
"So? It's not my place to tell anyone what you do and don't do outside of school," You were slightly taken back, you were sure if it was anyone else from school you would have to beg and plead with them for hours - maybe even owe them a favour if they saw you like this.
Maybe he's going to tell people anyway. You look kind of pathetic begging like that
"They said that they don't have any jobs but I gave him your number for when they do," You smiled and let out a breath of relief when Henry made his way back over to you, you took in a deep breath and nodded a little trying to get him to go anywhere but here right now. The last thing you needed was for Henry to hear what you and Jungkook were talking about.
"Great, erm...Why don't you go over there while I talk with my friend?" You said as Henry turned to face Jungkook, looking him up and down before he let out a loud and excited gasp. You froze in place before you noticed Henry getting overly excited by the tattoos that were covering Jungkook's arms.
"Is that a manga sleeve!" You frowned but stopped when you noticed Henry pointing out all of the different manga that was tattooed up and down Jungkook's right arm. Shouting their names out whenever he found one he particularly enjoyed which made you smile. Henry had always found love inside manga and would always read and reread them whenever he was at school just so he would have something to do since he didn't have very many friends. He'd told you once that he didn't need friends as long as he had the fictional ones by his side and it made you smile to know his inner child was still there.
"Yn, your friend is so cool." He gasped out as you smiled weakly at the mention of Jungkook being your friend. It wasn't as though the two of you were the best of pals or anything, you just tolerated one another but Henry didn't need to know that. 
"Jungkook this is Henry, Henry this is Jungkook. My tutor." You told him before Jungkook knelt and began to show Henry all of the different tattoos that were coating his arms.
No wonder he was always wearing hoodies, tattoos were banned from the school so you knew he must have been trying to hide them. Then there was the lip piercing, you didn't sit too close to Jungkook so you never would have seen the tiny hole in his skin where the piercing was supposed to go. His arms were so buff too but you were almost sure you'd never seen him working out before.
"You like Kiri's guide to bullies too?!" Henry yelled out a little when he spotted one of the main characters tattooed onto Jungkook's skin. "Kiri's guide to bullies" was one of Henry's favourite manga, the one you were struggling to gather to money up to buy for him and you knew why it was his favourite.
The main character - Kiri - was bullied constantly for everything he did and one day he woke up with an intense superpower he used to help other kids that were being bullied. It was mainly aimed at kids since it was a lot of repeated storyline but you liked the fact that Henry had something to put his attention on. Something that resonated with him deep inside, you just hoped he never physically hurt anyone as the main character did sometimes.
"I do. I came to grab a copy but it looks as though you got the last one." Jungkook nodded at the manga book you were holding in your hand again and you felt a little bad knowing that you were going to attempt to buy it, 
"We can share it though! If you're going to be tutoring my sister you can read it when I'm done with it. I don't dog-ear the pages! Yn says that's something people should never do," Henry said while your eyes met Jungkook's and you bit down on your lip. You were sure Jungkook wasn't going to want to share a book with someone young enough to be his little kid brother,
"Henry, I don't know if Jungkook would want to share-" Before you could finish what you were trying to say Jungkook was shaking his head. He didn't mind the idea of getting to share a book with someone and if it meant he got to see you more often then he was more than willing to do so.
"I wouldn't mind. He's right, I'll be helping tutor you at your place so I might as well share it," You smiled a little as Jungkook spoke but then the words he'd said hit you.
"My place?" Dread washed over you like a wave hitting the ocean and you suddenly lost the ability to think clearly. There was no way he was going to come to your place, the house was a mess since you'd barely had any time to clean after school this week.
"Yeah...Over the weekend? The school library will be closed and I doubt you want to travel two hours to the one downtown." Jungkook mentioned before instantly regretting it, without saying much he'd just told you he knew whereabouts you lived. It wasn't as though he was stalking you though, the two of you lived pretty close to one another.
"We live in the same neighbourhood," He quickly added before glancing over his shoulder at the door, Jimin was staring at him while smirking at the small interaction he could see happening. 
I'm never going to live this moment down. He thought before looking back at you, hoping you'd just accept the idea of studying at your place. At least if he went to yours he wouldn't have to hide his tattoos since you'd seen him already, he could just be himself in front of you.
"I don't know if my place is a good idea-"
"Please, that means I can sleep in again and I haven't gotten to do that in a long time," Henry said before you felt a pang of guilt hit you. Every weekend you'd been dragging him up early so the two of you could go into town to do the food shopping and then study together at the library until it shut. It was the routine you'd had for a while and you thought Henry was enjoying it since he could read all of the books he wanted while you worked.
"I'll text you and you can tell me the exact address," Jungkook smirked a little before heading over to the counter leaving you and Henry alone. You licked your bottom lip slowly before letting out a deep sigh, 
"We need to do the food shopping tonight then if you want to sleep in." You told him as you both headed in the direction of the counter, anxiety bubbling inside of you as you prayed you'd have enough money for the food shopping later. 
"Just this please," You said while laying the manga down on the counter but the man behind the desk smiled and shook his head,
"Already taken care of. Your friend paid before he left," Your stomach sank as you heard the words. Usually, it would be the part in the movie or the book of a meet-cute moment but this made you feel sick. You didn't need anyone to take pity on you and you certainly didn't need Jungkook paying for things for you when you were perfectly capable of doing them yourself.
"He paid for it?" Henry asked while smiling, he found the exchange entertaining as he grabbed his book and clutched it tightly against his chest not realising how upset you appeared to be over it. 
He's going to use it against you, laugh about how poor you are behind your back
You ignored the voice and smiled, slowly taking Henry out of the store and in the direction of the bus shelter. It was going to be one long night of shopping and cleaning for you.
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The next day when Jungkook arrived you'd made a point of trying to give him the money for the manga, refusing to let someone take pity on you but Jungkook was just as stubborn as you were and only let you pay for half. Since he and Henry were going to be sharing the book anyway.
"Can we have Kimchi-jjigae tonight?" Henry asked making you and Jungkook look up from the book you were reading from. It was an annotated version of Hamlet you'd had since you were in middle school and the two of you were trying to see if any of the notes could help with your studying. 
"Erm," You glanced over at the kitchen. There really wasn't enough inside of the house for you to make Kimchi-jjigae and you knew you didn't have enough money to order any from a take-out place. Besides, you had a job that week and you were almost sure if you could get more tips there would be more than enough for Kimchi-jjigae next weekend and maybe even to last the full week if you weren't too greedy and had two bowls each time.
"Maybe next weekend? I have a big test coming up this week so we can eat all the Kimchi-jjigae you want after that? I'll make as much as I can." You smiled reassuringly at Henry he chuckled and ran back to his room while you looked back down at the book. There was no big test this week and Jungkook knew that, he'd know about it if there was something coming up.
"Why do you do that?" Jungkook asked when he heard the door to Henry's room shut, he faced you with a deep frown on his forehead.
"Do what?" You quizzed, looking up from the book to meet Jungkook's eyes and instantly wishing you hadn't. There wasn't an ounce of judgment in his look but you could already tell he was looking right through what you had just told Henry.
"Lie to him about working? I know there's not some big test coming up. Doesn't he know you work a lot?" Jungkook quizzed, putting down his pen. Why wouldn't you just tell him the truth about your job? It wasn't as though it was a huge deal for people your age to have a job but Jungkook knew you also worked odd jobs as well as holding down three main ones.
"He doesn't need to know." You mumbled, staring down at the words on the page in front of you and pretending to read them. Jungkook wasn't here to analyse your life, he was here to help you study and then he could leave and go back to whatever he would normally do on a weekend.
"What about your mother? Where is she? I haven't seen her car parked outside in a few months," That irritated you. The idea of him watching the comings and goings of your mother suddenly made your blood boil and you snapped without thinking it through.
"Are you keeping track of me or something loser?! Huh? Are you stalking me or something?" You angrily asked him harshly without thinking, you were just trying to hurt him in order to push him away and not let him see what was really going on. But Jungkook didn't even blink when he heard the words fall from your lips,
She's just like everyone else. She's just as bitchy as the rest of them
Jungkook looked down at you and frowned when he heard the small sob coming from your mouth. Why were you crying? You'd been the one to say something mean not the other way around.
"I'm sorry...I-I-" You sighed and buried your face in your hands, shaking your head as you thought about what you'd just said to him. It was the only thing you could think of since it was what everyone at school had called him before but you hadn't meant anything you'd said. It was the one thing you knew would hurt him the way it hurt when he bought up your mother.
"I'm sorry. I don't like it when people question me about her, I didn't mean it," Jungkook stared at you completely dumbfounded, it wasn't as though the comment had hurt his feelings. Hell, he heard it so many times it was like a nickname that he had. But why were you suddenly so upset by it and apologetic? Maybe he had been a little quick to judge and brand you as the same bitchy girl all of your friends were.
"Don't worry about it, I'm used to it." He shrugged it off and you shook your head in your hands. It didn't matter if he was used to it, no person should have ever been made to feel the way that he undoubtedly did when he was called those things.
"You shouldn't be. It's not nice to be bullied, I see what it does to Henry so I am...I am really sorry," You said as you looked up at him, your faces close to each other and Jungkook's heart thumped.
She means it, you can hear it in the way she speaks
There was a sense of sincerity behind your voice and he bit down on his lip a little. It wasn't hard to put two and two together to notice your mother wasn't around anymore and with all of the stress you were under he could see that you were probably the only one that looked after yourself and your little brother. 
"I'm here...You know if you ever want to talk about it." He offered as he stared at you, your heart raced against your chest so much you could hear it in your ears. No one had ever offered that to you, not even the teachers who knew of your mother's habits had tried to talk to you about it.
"Thanks." You said slowly before biting down on your lip.
"I won't tell anyone either...Just like I know you won't tell them about me." He says while pointing down at all of his tattoos and you smiled. A warm feeling spread throughout your body as you listened to someone be genuine with you for the first time in a long time. There was just something about Jungkook that made you feel as though you could truly trust him with everything that was going on. But you didn't open up about anything, you thanked him and went back to studying together. 
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Weeks flew by with Jungkook and it was honestly some of the best times you'd ever had with someone. No one had ever made you smile or laugh more than he had and it was the happiest you'd seen your little brother in the longest time. It also appeared that the two of you seemed to be rubbing off on one another, you started to be yourself more and more around Henry and told him that you were going to work instead of lying about having tests. Not only that but you'd even admitted to Krissy - your best friend - that you had been working more jobs and she seemed to be pretty accepting of it to you. Even coming to see you at work occasionally. 
You weren't the only one changing though, Jungkook was starting to be himself more in school. He'd started talking more in class and even sitting by you in any classes you had with no partner and you'd started to become close friends.
You trusted Jungkook a lot with different things since you were always hanging out together and not just studying anymore either. Since he was pretty good with Henry he would come over whenever he had to work late and look after your little brother, even spend the night if it was too late for him to walk home. It felt good to not have to stress all too much about Henry all on your own since Jungkook had picked him up from school a couple of times. Even taking the time to teach him how to play the drums whenever you went over to Jungkook's house for a change of scenery. It appeared as though you and Henry had gained a lifelong friend since your studying sessions together and you couldn't be happy with it all. Your grades had improved once again and you felt more open with jungkook now that you'd formed a close friendship with one another which was why tonight you were going, to be honest with him.
You slowly looked at the bedroom door where Henry was asleep and then back at Jungkook,
"The reason I don't tell him I work so much is so he doesn't worry." You admitted before putting the cap on your highlighter and staring at Jungkook. You wanted to be out with everything, you wanted him to know the truth about all of your life and you knew why. You'd been crushing on him majorly for weeks now. 
"You don't have to talk about it," Jungkook said as he gently placed his hand on your thigh but you smiled and shook your head,
"I want to...When mum left Henry tried to do everything to bring her back. He didn't sleep or eat, he'd constantly be trying to ring her or our family to ask where she was but no one knew...No one knows." You scoffed a little at the thought of it,
"She walked out and we don't hear from her but...He would jump whenever he heard the phone ringing thinking it was her and he would get so excited only to be hurt when it was just a telemarketer." You swallowed the lump in your throat before Jungkook squeezed your thigh softly in his giant hand. 
"When I realised she wasn't coming back I started working but when he noticed that he wanted to work too and I...I didn't want him to. I wanted him to have the childhood he should have," Tears rolled down your cheeks, it was the first time you were admitting this to anyone other than yourself and Jungkook moved closer to you. Sitting in front of you as he reached his hands up and gently wiped away the tears that were rolling down your face.
"Hey, hey, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. I'm not going to judge you for any of it," He whispered as you lent your face into his touch and relaxed completely against him. There was one thing Jungkook was exceptionally at and that was making you feel as though you had a home with someone. 
"Fuck, you make everything feel so much better," You sniffled, using your sleeve to wipe your face as he chuckled a little at the sight of you smiling. 
"Yeah?" He quizzed, slowly snaking his arm around your waist as you leant your forehead against his, 
"Y-Yeah...You make me feel complete." You admitted as you slowly took his free hand in yours and linked your fingers together. Your heart racing so fast you were almost sure he could hear it but he didn't say anything, he just smirked and leaned forward. The two of you let out a shaky breath before your lips were pressed against one another fusing together as the buildup from weeks of you being together came undone around you. 
Your entire body was on fire as he pulled you closer to him, slowly losing himself in the taste of your lips as he whined a little. 
"M-My room," You whispered, not wanting Henry to come out of his room and see the two of you together like this.
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Tiny kisses grew into so much more as you made out with one another on your bed, Jungkook's hands slowly stripping you off the oversized hoodie you were wearing, 
"Is that mine?" He asked as he watched it fall to the floor but you gripped his chin in your hand and kissed him again to avoid answering the question. Jungkook chuckled against your lips as your both stripped one another of your clothes and you admired him from the bed.
"You're so beautiful," You whispered to him, his cheeks flaming bright red. It may have been a simple compliment but coming from you it meant the world and more to him, 
"As are you," He whispered before kissing down your neck slowly biting down on your skin as you let out small and quiet moans. Even though the door was locked you didn't want to risk waking up your brother and scaring him for life with what you and Jungkook were doing. 
"Jungkook," You sighed happily as he kissed down your legs slowly, biting down on each of your thighs as he grunted a little. His cock was throbbing with how badly he needed you but there was one thing he needed more in the world and that was to taste you, he'd been dreaming of what you would taste like for weeks now. 
He gently pushed your legs apart and trails kiss up your thighs before staring up into your eyes and devouring you as if he'd never eaten something in his life. A loud gasp left your mouth and you grabbed onto a pillow holding it over your mouth to keep yourself quiet. Usually, Jungkook would want to hear every sound you made but tonight he knew he couldn't. He groaned happily as he ran the tip of his tongue from the line of your pussy to your clit, gently sucking on your sensitive clit as you squirmed against his touch. Your back arched away from the bed as you moaned out into the pillow, one of your hands looking around for Jungkook's as he gripped onto your hand tightly. Your other hand held onto his hair as you pushed him against your cunt, desperate for him to keep going as you could feel your release coming over you.
"J-Jungkook" You muffled out as he pushed two fingers into you, moaning a little when you clenched around him, fuck it was going to be torture being inside of you and he knew he wasn't going to last long.
"So wet for me baby, is this how wet you get whenever you see me?" He smirked as he began to slowly push his fingers in and out of you, curling them up as you moan out into the pillow. 
She's all mine
Jungkook got a little faster with you, adding a third finger into you and changing up the tempo with you. His mouth wrapped around your clit and he began to suck harshly as you wriggled around uncontrollably, your orgasm hitting you like a freight train as you came around his fingers, jerking your clit against his mouth as he chuckled softly. 
"Tastes like heaven." He says before you grab him and kiss him deeply, your hands working their way down to his cock and pumping him softly and slowly in your hands as he let out a small whine against your lips.
"I want you," You told him as he nodded at you, scrambling away to reach for his wallet grabbing the condom he always kept on him in case the need for it ever arouse. 
"You always keep a condom in your wallet? Or just because you met me?" You teased as he slowly rolled the condom onto his cock and hovered above you again, he slapped your legs softly and you spread yourself for him. Smirking as he slowly ran his cock between your folds making you whine a little as he leaned down to hiss you deeply.
He slowly pushed into you and your back arched away from the bed while you moaned against his lips. Jungkook pulled out and pushed back in slowly until he was buried deep inside of you with ease and you gripped onto him tightly. 
"F-Fuck, you're like a little vice," He moans out as he slowly began to thrust in and out of you, doing his best to focus on something other than his incessant need to cum right now. He wanted to make you feel good a little longer but you were so tight he could hardly control himself. 
"F-Faster," You rasped out as a shiver ran down his spine at the sudden command from you. A smirk played on his lips as he began to thrust deeply into you and your legs wrapped loosely around his waist desperate to feel him so close to you. 
"You're always such a fucking tease at school," He moans out as he thrusts into you a little harder, smirking as he looks down at you with your head rolled back against the pillows/
"J-Jungkook," You breathed out as he began t thrust in and out of you at a steady rhythm, your fingers dragged down his back and you were sure that they were going to leave marks for people to see.
"Always in power at school, huh, but look who's fucking you into submission now," He grunts while laughing softly as he rammed into you over and over again, your body shaking with every hit of pleasure he was giving to you. Moans slipped through your lips louder than you wanted but you were too lost to even care anymore as you tightened around him. The growing tension in your stomach let you know that you were close again but before you could even warn Jungkook you came undone.
Tightening around him as you cried out into his hand that was covering your mouth as he smirked at you, grunting as he came into the condom.
"I-I'd like the record to s-show I last longer than that normally," He panted as he looked down at you, a giggle escaping your lips as you brought him down to kiss you deeply.
"I hope you know this means something to me," You told him once he laid down beside you on the bed, running his hands up and down your arm as you moved to snuggle into him. Jungkook smiled to himself as he held you close to him, he was happy to hear this wasn't just some one-night stand to you as it meant everything to him,
"It does to me too, I don't share." He told you as he gave you a small squeeze making you giggle a little. It was true and there was one more thing. There was no way he was going to hide the fact that the two of you were together anymore when he wanted everyone to know that you were taken by him,
"I don't want to hide us. That's my main condition to this." He told you as you slowly looked up and smiled warmly at him. There was no way you were going to hide this either, not when Jungkook made you the happiest girl in the world.
"I don't want us to hide either." You said before gently kissing him on the lips softly, the two of you softly making out until you fell asleep cuddled into one another. 
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The following day the two of you rocked up to school together, Jungkook's sleeves rolled up and his hair styled the way he had it outside of school. There'd been no time for him to style it that morning and he couldn't wear his hoodie since you'd decided to wear it today and let everyone know that you were officially his girl.
"I say that you cook tonight," You told Jungkook as he stood between your legs while you sat on your desk waiting for the class to start and for the teacher to arrive. 
"How about I order in instead? We both know you hate my attempts at cooking," He smirked before kissing you deeply, your arms wrapped around the back of his neck as you tried to pull him closer to you. The two of you couldn't get enough of one another and it was sickening to see from the outside. Krissy dropped her bag next to your table and scoffed,
"Of course, the class slut gets the hot nerd guy," Krissy mumbled just loud enough for you to hear, you slowly pulled away from Jungkook's lips a little shocked that someone who was supposed to be your friend had said that. 
"Krissy..." You whispered softly hoping that she was just joking but she was smirking at you both before she stood up from her seat again.
"There is something you should know about the beauty and the geek though," Your entire body went numb as you stared at her, Jungkook's grip around your waist tightened as you both braced for what she was about to say.
"It's more The prince and the pauper, isn't it Yn?" Krissy asked while smirking back at you, people began to murmur and wonder what Kriss was talking about. 
"Krissy, don't." You begged, your voice cracking a little as you tried to get her not to do this. The two of you were supposed to be friends and now she was doing this all because you were dating someone? What kind of a friend does that? 
"The young and handsome prince falling in love with the poor loser with no family, no money and works about 4 different jobs to keep herself afloat." Krissy spat out with such venom and your entire body heated up as people began to laugh and look over at you, 
"Why do you think she's always disappearing or on her phone? It's in case her clients call her and she needs to fuck them to get paid." Laughter broke out around you and Jungkook stared back at Krissy while he shook his head,
"Maybe you should get your facts straight though Krissy. Because while Yn is out here making her own money, you're still at home living on daddy's credit cards." Jungkook wasn't going to let them get away with hurting you, not when they had absolutely nothing to attack you for.
"Well...I-I- At least I don't dress up as a maid for a living," She snapped but people stared at her realising that she was grasping at straws to come up with reasons to attack you. People around the class began to lose interest and went back to their own things,
"Grow up," You told her before grabbing your thighs and moving to go and sit beside Jungkook at the back of the class, there was no way you were going to sit by someone who would rather tear you down than support you in a relationship.
"You okay?" Jungkook whispered as he linked your hands together, giving it a small squeeze as you nodded and smiled up at him.
"More than okay," You promised before kissing him deeply.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog @rjdy-367 @rjsmochii @tinyoonsblog @sw33tnight @taestannie @cherrybubblesandvodka @army24--7 @acciocriativity @mitzwinchester @heyjiminnie @kimahnjung98 @halesandy @jin-from-the-block @aerastus @namjooningelsewhere @psychosupernatural @afternoonteabiscuit @lyoongx @heeseunger24 @laylasbunbunny​ @shadesbyjungkook​ 
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