#so idk why this sounds so venty
nyancrimew · 1 year
gougle . caom really sleepy go bed but insomniat ?? possible to dissociate somuchy you forget the dissociation how to deal with The Situations tin6y kitten sleep like tiny kitten become tyibyt kitten solve problem?? tin7y kitten dot com
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paimonial-rage · 2 days
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aetheternity · 2 years
I love LunAsmr but I wish she'd make a patreon with spicy audios or something.
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valeriele3 · 2 years
I want a Sagau/Imposter Au! Where the Reader “forgives” everyone but doesn’t trust them and always on edge/cautious around people especially the Archons. Then one day Reader finds their phone and manages to charge it, now they spend 24/7 on their phone and everyone thinks it’s a special holy artifact and are jealous on the amount of attention their phone is taking
Now add a crossover.
(Imma use Enstars(or maybe TWST?) since why not? Plus it’s Tori's birthday
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“Your Grace”
“Your Grace~”
“Ahem..Your Grace, I don’t mean to question or command you but..It’s been a whole week and you haven’t put that artifact down for even a second..How about a break? With me of course! Ehe”
“Do you have hearing problems Barbatos? Their Grace clearly said “No” to your foolish request”
“Oh shut up old man! Stop acting like you aren’t bothered or jealous.”
“I heard you crying last night saying things like “HuHu their grace doesn’t love me anymore huhuhu’”
“Stop spouting lies. I did not.”
Ring ring
Venti and Zhongli turn their heads to the sound
“Hello~? Ah..Ritsu!”
‘Who—’ Venti and Zhongli think at the same time
*Giggle* “How’re you doing? Have you been well? You didn’t have trouble sleeping did you?”
“..Couldn’t sleep well? What happened..?”
“Oh..Ah..I would love to cuddle with you right now to help you but I can’t. I unfortunately can’t go back since I don’t know how to open the portal”
“I promise I’ll try to get back as soon as possible! Oh right, are the others doing okay without me?”
“..Mhm..Okayy..Sleep well Ritsu..Love you bye~”
“Ahem..Your Grace who was that?”
Zhongli sends Venti a deathly glare
“Ah..I mean, can I please have a friendly talk with them? For uh research purposes of course..!”
“Wait— Your Grace..! Come back..!”
“You idiot! You scared them away!”
And so you leave them in that room unaware that a “few” people happened to eavesdrop “overhear” what happened a few minutes ago
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I picked Ritsu bc I was like “why not make the characters think Reader sleeps or cuddles with someone in their original world? Like a lover”
This could I guess also work maybe with Leona? Like him calling his lovely herbivore to idk complain or something about how Reader isn’t doing their job a.k.a being a pillow for Leona
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ronniaugust · 1 year
How To Write Good Dialogue (Part 1)
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I'm gonna start this by saying I'm not trying to sound like a know-it-all. I am just tired of posts like these being absolutely fucking useless. I am aware this is basically me screaming into a void and I’m more than okay with that.
This guide is meant for intermediate screenwriters, but beginners are also absolutely welcome. :)
(about me)
I've noticed a rise in film students who want to make films that have no dialogue. Probably after your professor showed you Doodlebug, right? Fuck that.
I'll make another post about writing a short film, but all you need to know is: Don't waste the audience’s time. Most of these no-dialogue shorts have very little substance and take way too long to tell the shortest possible story. Not a good idea.
Useless Dialogue
Plain and simple, don't write useless dialogue. Useless dialogue is dialogue that just doesn't fucking matter. Dialogue matters by having ✨subtext.✨
What is subtext? Subtext is the meaning behind the action. That's it.
If I tell you that I love you and I got big doe eyes while I say it, it means I love you. If I tell you I love you through a clenched jaw without looking at you, I don't necessarily love you right now.
Simple, right? Great.
Now think about the subtext behind every line. Does your character mean what they're saying? Are they doing it to get what they want? What is going through their mind as they say it? As long as you know your character, you’ll have these answers ready to go. If you don’t, you’ll figure it out eventually. Just keep writing.
When you write your character walking into a Starbucks and saying, "One venti iced coffee," does that do something? Why do I need to see someone's boring Starbucks order? Do I need to know that your character's boring? Why are you writing a boring character? [Of course, in the rare situation where this is some revealing clue to the massive crime investigation, then it makes sense.]
Useless dialogue is any dialogue that has no meaning or purpose in your script. Delete and move on. You don't need to write entire conversations or scenes that bore us, just write what we care about.
I took a class once where my professor called a version of this "trimming the fat." Get us into your scene and out of your scene in as little time as it takes to have it achieve its full purpose in the script.
[P.S. You don’t “inject” subtext into your lines. Idk who started that vernacular in subtext teachings but I hate it.]
Show vs. Tell
I remember a glorious fight I got into with a Redditor last year about show vs. tell… TL;DR: Dialogue is “show” if you write it with intention and subtext. If someone says that dialogue is inherently “tell,” they’re wrong and can go fuck themselves.
Dialogue that is “tell” is expositional dialogue. But, hot take: Exposition isn't just in dialogue. It’s also those annoying clichés that make you roll your eyes in the theater (which we just call clichés and not exposition). I’m sure every professor I’ve had will disagree with this and then get me into a long conversation about it, but let’s ignore that for right now.
Have you ever seen a movie where a character rubs an old, worn-out photo of a young girl while looking depressed? That's exposition. That character has a dead daughter. No shit.
Clichés are incredibly annoying. We all know that. Assume that any cliché you see - in this context - is exposition and try your best not to write it. (Tropes are different and sometimes necessary, so I’m not talking about that.)
Point blank: When you have subtext in your lines, they are "show,” not “tell.”
Before moving on, I'll bring up that while technically the dead daughter photo is subtextual, it is as close to the character saying “My daughter is dead,” as you can get. Don't treat the audience like we're fucking stupid.
The First 15
If you don’t know what the Inciting Incident is, please look up “3 Act Structure” before reading this.
The first 15 pages of your script is the part that comes before the Inciting Incident. This is the part you want to get right because, although people probably won’t leave the theater, they will absolutely find something else on the streaming service they’re using. The people making said movie will also just toss your script in the trash before it’s even produced, so it's best to get it right.
Dialogue in the first 15 generally follows the same rules, but carries a heftier additional rule. All dialogue in the first 15 minutes must, must, must tell us something about your character.
Remember when I talked about that boring Starbucks order? Why is your character boring? Don’t write that. Don’t write nice characters. Or pleasant characters. Or friendly characters. No one cares.
You want empathy. This does not mean “relatable.” It means “empathetic.” There is a difference.
I personally relate to Vi in Arcane, but I empathize with Theo in Children of Men. Both are excellent, but one personally resonates a bit more with me. You cannot write a character that deeply resonates with every single person, it is impossible.
With each line of dialogue, you must be saying something about your character that generates the empathy. Instead of telling you how to do this, I’ll direct you to a movie that will do better than an explanation: Casablanca.
Watch how Rick interacts with the world. What kind of man is Rick? Watch what he does, what he says, and how he treats people and himself. Watch that empty glass on the table. Watch his contradictions. Everything. Those things matter and it’s what makes you want to watch Rick for the entire duration of Casablanca.
This is maybe more directorial, but make your characters human enough, not too human.
Too human is when you’ve tried your best to capture all those little life-like speech patterns. You know, the ones that no one fucking cares about.
If your character coughs, they’re sick. If they clear they’re throat, they’re uncomfortable. If a bruise isn’t going away, they’re going to die. Simple.
Every moment on screen matters. Everything the audience sees is meant to lead them to a conclusion. Not the conclusion, just a conclusion.
The realism you want is in the choices your character makes, not how many times they say “Uh,” in a sentence.
Dialogue matters and should not be treated lightly or without care. Once you have this all engrained in your mind, dialogue should become effortless.
If you want an excellent way to think about this, Robert McKee's Story has an excellent chapter that helped clarify this all for me. Here's an excerpt and the context.
Warning, spoilers for Chinatown.
"If I were Gittes at this moment, what would I do?"
Letting your imagination roam, the answer comes:
"Rehearse. I always rehearse in my head before taking on life's big confrontations."
Now work deeper into Gittes's emotions and psyche:
Hands white-knuckled on the steering wheel, thoughts racing: "She killed him, then used me. She lied to me, came on to me. Man, I fell for her. My guts are in a knot, but I'll be cool. I'll stroll to the door, step in and accuse her. She lies. I send for the cops. She plays innocent, a few tears. But I stay ice cold, show her Mulwray's glasses, then lay out how she did it, step by step, as if I was there. She con-fesses. I turn her over to Escobar; I'm off the hook."
Gittes' car speeds into the driveway.
You continue working from inside Gittes' pov, thinking:
"I'll be cool, I'll be cool ..." Suddenly, with the sight of her house, an image of Evelyn flashes in your imagination. A rush of anger. A gap cracks open between your cool resolve and your fury.
The Buick SCREECHES to a halt. Gittes jumps out.
"To hell with her!"
Gittes SLAMS the car door and bolts up the steps.
Story by Robert McKee, pg 156
The context of this page is McKee's way of explaining how to write characters. I found it very helpful.
Thanks for reading! I probably forgot something, so I made this a “part 1.”
I hope this helps someone since I’m really tired of finding short films on YouTube that are all fucking silent. The few who have done it well have been copied to death, so please write some dialogue. I promise you it’s so much better if you do.
Asks are open! :)
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husbandohunter · 1 year
hello!! this is my first time requesting something ever so if i did something wrong im so sorry 😭
but i’d really like to request something with xiao where reader really wants to go to the festival with him but obviously he can’t/doesn’t want to so he rejects them :’) and reader ends up not going and just watches the fireworks alone from afar untilllll xiao comes and sits next to them and it’s just the two of them enjoying each other’s company 🙊🙊 and maybe like an angst to fluff/comfort typa moment
idk idk AHH if u aren’t comfy writing that it’s all good! this scenario just been stuck in my head for a while.
The Lights Bring me to my Qixin [Xiao x Reader]
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Synopsis: He was hard to love, you were easy to love
Genre: angst/comfort, gender neutral reader, You fell first but Xiao fell harder and I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!!
(A/n): tldr; Xiao needs to love himself 😤 also I'm so sorry it took this long anon. And you didn't do anything wrong! Thank you for sucha cute prompt :)
Xiao materializes himself on a bridge, a gust of wind fading beneath his feet. He doesn't move for a certain time, standing still as if he had no presence and just stares quietly. Only the moon was present tonight. No stars. A lone glow emitted right above where he remained and briefly he imagined, there was something melancholic about it. How the scenery made the lights in Liyue Harbor more apparent.
You would have loved to see this.
The adeptus recoils immediately and shakes away from those impending thoughts. No, he musn't dwell too much. He already made his decision. When you asked him to spend the lantern rite together, a voice inside his head acted before he even realized.
That was what he told you. It came out far more blunt than intended, followed by the poor choice of teleporting away. The pain on your face was something Xiao didn't want to think about. Because to him, you were like the city he gazed upon. Best admired from a distance. What affected the adeptus at the cost of what he wanted didn't matter.
His heart tightens. It's better this way.
"Why hello there! Care to join me for a drink this fine evening?"
Xiao spun around and saw Venti crouched on the handle while holding out a ceramic cup. Was he there the whole time or had his senses been dulled? It was hard to tell coming from an Archon.
Normally, he would refuse just as he would with anybody. But a part of him wanted to. Part of him wanted something that would help him take off his mind from those bothering emotions.
The two anemo users share a glass of rice wine pudding under the sky. Venti downs his fourth drink and Xiao glances at the watery reflection held by the glossy rim.
"If I recall, festivals are meant to be celebrated with wine and laughter. Maybe more of the former but it can't be complete without the other!" The bard cheers, his voice echoing around them, "Is the taste not to your liking?"
Xiao frowns, "No."
"No? Hmmm," Venti hums and taps his chin, "That's a shame. You were the second person who told me that."
As if he waited for Xiao to ask him who exactly, Venti proceeded to answer anyways, "As a travelling bard, I like to spread tales of heroic stories far and wide. Just so happened I landed a spot at the Teahouse yesterday. This good fellow sat in a corner, not even reacting to a single word I spoke, hmph!"
The teahouse? Wasn't that the place you always told him about? Repeating exaggerated stories about the mighty Yakshas who fought beside Rex Lapis during the Archon war?
"Ridiculous. Adepti cannot transform to anything but what they're already given. Mortal imagination are incomprehensible these days."
"Though you gotta admit, Bosacious with a serpent guardian sounds pretty cool...hold on, are you...laughing?"
"Did they say anything in particular?"
"Let me think, aha!" The bard snaps his fingers and looks upwards, "They said my interpretation of the story brought back good memories. That it reminded them of someone, which, they didn't tell me the name. But poor thing looked as if they were about to cry."
"...I see," he downs the drink in one gulp.
"Not even curious about who this mysterious person may be?" Venti insisted.
The adeptus huffs quietly and turns his head, "I have no recollection of such events. I must have mistakened them for someone else."
That's right. Whether you were happy or sad doesn't affect him in any way. Xiao knew where he stood. Karmic debt was a heavy burden to bear, it could be contagious and destructive if he wasn't too careful. Although you didn't like whenever he mentioned this, he truly believed that soon the curse will consume him completely. The yaksha's sole duty exists primarily for Liyue and to serve Rex Lapis whenever needed. Everything else becomes insignificant.
It's better this way. Xiao tells himself again. Mortal desires have no substance to him and neither does his own. I really don't care.
Settling down the glass, the adeptus walks toward the opposite direction, his back facing Venti away from the Harbor they watched.
"Leaving just when the celebration started? Someone's in a hurry," Venti chirped.
Xiao looks with downcasted eyes, stopping right at the edge. The trees rustle and a soft breeze picks up, brushing against his skin. It was colder now.
"Sorry," he breathes out, "Tonight, I just want to rest."
You headed home through your usual route, sword in hand, except now there were no monsters to be dealt with.
How strange. Surely the landlord didn't suddenly commission members from the adventurer's guild, at least not regularly. It had been reoccuring for the past couple of days. Hilichurl masks sprawl across the field and whoever left this mess surely wasn't the type to play gently. Judging by how it looks, they were probably an aggressive fighter. A very powerful and aggressive fighter.
"Totally not complaining, though..." you mumbled, still perplex. It would be nice to know who did all this.
Xiao pierces the eye of a ruin guard and grunts as he retrieved his spear forcefully.
Just how many lives does he need to keep taking until he can finally rest? The question occasionally pops into his mind. Though seeing that he was fighting another day is proof enough. These hands were meant for war and destruction. Whatever comes near him, whatever he touches, would wither like a Qixin affected by poison.
When Rex Lapis appointed him, the adeptus said to be treated at his disposal. Xiao was a tool for battle. An extension of his blade and a mind equivalent to the vigor of any weapon. If he was ordered to throw his life away by facing the gods of Celestia, then there would be no hesitation.
But really, Xiao was more of a shield than a blade. He took every blow without complaining and did so for many years. Even if his achievements resulted in no glory, Xiao would remain in the shadows, exactly where he belongs. Just as you would one day come to hate him for hurting you that day, despise him for his silence, and see him as untrustworthy, Xiao would never leave his post. Because...that was his duty. The guardian yaksha.
Yes he'd rather had you hate him. Yes, he distanced himself without explanation and left things unsaid in more instances than one. Yes, it was better this way.
What am I even doing?
Regardless, in this year's lantern rite, he wanted you to enjoy the festival as you did the last. It was the least he could do. Xiao thought by eliminating the monsters that crowded your path would somehow alleviate the trouble he had caused. So he tosses blow after blow, harder than the last, trying to eradicate that pain and these unecessary emotions.
And right before the final strike, he stops. Within the adeptus a Qixin flower sprouted alone amongst the depths of his withered heart. Something that had already been planted during last year's lantern rite. Xiao made his decision. But he hesitated, unable to gather the strength and remove the thorn that bothered him incessantly.
"Adeptus Xiao."
The yaksha's breath races. Your voice. Thankfully he didn't sense any danger and concluded you made your way home safely. Did you eat yet? What were you doing out this late? Xiao waits and listens, once more, watching from a distance.
"Nevermind. I just missed saying your name, that's all."
The hard line of his mouth opens halfway as he tried not to make a single sound. He camaflouges himself among the trees, your back in his view while you hugged your knees close. Xiao leans against the bark, a shadow casting over his features.
He really shouldn't be here. An adeptus has no right to traverse into the realm he does not belong in. Xiao knows better than anyone exactly how the events will turn out between god and humanity. Like dark and light, made to balance the other, but too close would result in one's destruction, and the thought of that terrifies him to the core.
"I wonder if I said something wrong back then," you softly said, "He always did how much of a nag I could be. What if he...was fed up with everything I did...?"
Xiao caught his breath on hold, almost saying something he shouldn't. That's not true! Those words are clawing on his throat. You have no idea how hard it was for him to reject you over and over again. He pushed you away because he was afraid he would hurt you in more ways than one. Do you realize these feelings have been torturing him? Seeing you hurt, on the verge of tears, why can't you just understand that all he wanted was for you to be happy?
"I'm sorry. I had no idea that my actions affected you so much."
Yes. Yes they have, and he was forever grateful for it.
"Are you...happier though? If you're out there."
Silence passes through between the mortal and yaksha, accompanied by the chilly touch of a sky's breathly sigh. Bright rays thinned across the plains built upon Wuwang hills as the sun sets and around your small form. A golden reflection mirrored in the adpetus' eyes. 
He could never.
You hear a thump and the sound of leaves falling down as Xiao unmounted himself from the branches. Seeing him was like a dream, you hardly believed it was real. The man wore an unreadable expression, often carrying the hard edge in every part of his features. However perhaps it was the sunset which hindered your perception. There was something different this time, something you haven't seen before and you were oblivious to.
"You called?"
Even until now the shock hasn't left you completely and you struggled on what to do next, "I did, but," still seated where you were previously, you dared not to blink, "Why are you here?"
Xiao casted his gaze to the side as if unable to look at you any longer, "I should be asking you that question. Didn't you want to see the lantern rite?"
What a silly statement. Of course you wanted to watch the lanterns, and most of all, with him by your side.
You stood up and dusted the grass of your sides, "It's not the same without you, Xiao."
"They're just lights," he dismisses.
"Yeah, now that you mention it, there really are just a bunch of floating lanterns," you shrugged your shoulders, "But not for me. When my siblings passed away, I thought nothing would ever be the same again. We used to make lanterns every year. I didn't have the courage to do them on my own because I just thought there was no point."
For the first time in a while, Xiao stays instead of leaving, "Is that so?"
The adeptus has observed the changes Liyue had gone through. If there is one thing in this world which can carve the core of every human, it was loss. He has known many who were victims to it or were the cause of each grief. An emotion that can warp a man, to something more darker, more distant.
"I was right. Things won't be the same," you parroted, yet grinning from ear to ear, "When we watched the festival with you last year, I realized just because you've lost something good doesn't necissarily mean you won't find it again."
"Don't ever change," his gaze on you was softer now.
"I didn't but you did," stomping up to him, you puffed out your cheeks with an angry look, "What has gotten into you? If I did something to upsetting, don't just get up and leave me hanging! Here I thought I made you so angry which caused you to he in a bad mood around everyone else."
"I-- I apologize..." Xiao nears himself to you, little by little, he examines your countenance, "It wasn't my intention."
"I was worried, you know?"
Although you were showing signs of relief, you continued to bring forth your hands and wipe away the tears building up at the corner of your eyes. What an emotional creature. His Qixin. While you slowly recovered, Xiao waits patiently, with every passing moment filling his withered heart. And then things became clear to him.
It was impossible for the adeptus to severe his bond with this human.
"You can be such a fool sometimes," you meekly stated, sniffling from the cold, "The worry you cause others. Always putting up a mask when you obviously don't want to."
"I know."
"And going off on your own without considering how they feel."
"I know."
He wasn't going to argue against your words and admittedly, well deserved. You let out a breath and the two of you stayed there in comfortable nothingness. No exchanges but the gap mended itself somehow. Xiao hadn't moved all that much even when you were in arm's reach. This man was always so careful and you knew he wouldn't hurt anyone out of his own selflessness.
You took a hold of both his hands and brought them to your face.
"What are you doing?" Xiao retorts, desperately, "You can't touch me."
The nudge indicates that he wanted to pull away, but when you squeezed them a little tighter, his tugs have grown weaker.
"You're saying they do nothing but kill and destroy," whispering, you closed your eyes and reveled in his warmth, "They're rough from years of use but so soft. I can't help think about those horrible things you said about yourself, weren't true at all."
Xiao feels as if he was being washed away in a current he couldn't control. It brings him from his own sense, watching you fondly speak of him with words he didn't think was very fitting. Not a single drop of urge from the adeptus wanted to remove your touch. Like water to the Qixin growing in his heart, a healing balm to his tattered soul, he revels in it.
"Stay with me," you whispered.
How could he refuse?
In the sky, a thousand lanterns lit up among the stars. Xiao wonders to himself, if it would be selfish for an adeptus to dwell in human feelings. The battles he fought over a milennia was enough to make him solidify his identity as a warrior. Yet the new emotions he have come across, Xiao doesn't know when he will ever have the courage to give it a name.
Time. He has plenty.
Whatever the future may bring, Xiao will accept it as long as he can see you flourish into the beautiful Qixin he'd come to cherish.
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thewordqueening · 3 months
sorta venty post about why i like firefly so much
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about a month ago i was diagnosed with hypermobility after a lifetime of constantly being exhausted and in pain with no idea why.
the thing that led to me getting diagnosed with hypermobility was getting tendonitis in both my wrists by lifting something slightly too heavy 4 months ago
even before this i always described myself as having the body of an old person. im always slower than others and weaker than others. as the older i get the more i feel my body give up on me.
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ive been going through all that (with it being especially bad recently) so seeing a fictional character who has something similar going on made me feel happy and seen. like firefly i just want to live a normal life and do fun things. but like her im held back by my body.
i know it sounds stupid but i also like that even with her condition firefly gets be a badass and do cool things.
idk just seeing firefly gives me encouragement that ill get through this and be able to be happy again
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kazumist · 1 year
masterpost / prev ep / next ep / timestamps don't matter
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scaramouche must have been crazy.
seriously? a date? it was the last thing you expected! however, if you were going to pretend to be a couple, going on dates is actually a given. and like you said in your message to him:
we both have to suck it up.
even if that means having your first date with the guy you hate.
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luckily enough, the awkward ride to the aquarium ended faster than you expected. but now that you’re here, how does one enjoy an aquarium date anyway? or what does one even talk about on their first date in general?
these were the questions running through both of your heads as you mindlessly wandered around.
“hey,” scaramouche starts.
“this fish looks a lot like childe for some reason.”
when you turned to look at what he was looking at, you seriously had to hold back a loud laugh. because why does the fish actually look like childe? “that’s a clownfish, right?” you ask him.
“you know about these things?”
“not really; i just watched finding nemo back then as a kid.”
“oh wait, here’s the description. yeah, it’s a clownfish, and it seems like even their description fits childe even more,” scaramouche says, pointing his head at a podium nearby with his hands inside his pockets.
“clownfish are active and territorial fish with an erratic swimming pattern who sometimes appear to be doing acrobatics while defending the area around their anemone," you read aloud. “see? it fits him perfectly.”
“are you saying childe seems to do acrobatics sometimes?”
“no, i’m saying that he’s way too hyper for his own good.”
“isn’t that supposed to be venti, though?”
“they’re practically the same kind; does it really matter who is who?”
you laugh at his response. 
maybe this isn’t so bad. just maybe.
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with the sun almost setting, your little trip to the aquarium ends, and you both decide to stop by a cafe on the way home.
but unfortunately, the awkward tension comes back.
what now? are you supposed to say, “hey, i had fun today,” and just move along? are you supposed to ask, “so how did the date go for you? did you have fun like i did?” you couldn’t find the right words to say, but you couldn’t stand this awkward atmosphere either.
“i… kinda had fun today.”
can this guy read minds or something?
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time flew by faster than you expected, and now you were walking out of the cafe with scaramouche. “thanks for today, even though i was kinda against it at first,” you said.
“i hope you realize that we have to do this often if we really want to be convincing.”
“yeah, yeah, i get it. give me a break. who would’ve thought that i would be going on a date with you, of all people?”
“why do you sound so icked by the thought of going out with me?” he rolled his eyes.
“because i am icked by it, smart ass.”
“says the one who equally enjoyed the day like i did?”
“sorry, my pride is too high to make me admit that i actually enjoyed your company.”
he shakes his head at your response. how very… likely of you to say such a thing.
“i guess this is goodbye, then?” scaramouche asks.
“yeah. why? do you not want the day to end?”
“don’t put words into my mouth.”
“you didn’t really deny it, you know.”
“why are you like this?” 
“why shouldn’t i be like this?”
from your peripheral vision, you could see a familiar sight of blue-ish white hair as well as a blonde walking nearby. since they didn’t really know that this wasn’t real, you acted out of impulse. but what did you do exactly?
you kissed scaramouche on the cheek and waved him goodbye, just like that.
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extra notes.
i didn't expect this chapter to be so long uhm idk im 50/50 on the narrations bc deadass it was hard 2 write for me ... OTL
theyre kinda getting close! emphasize on kinda though
more silly little romance in the next chapter haha pls stay tuned
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what happens when scaramouche, your rival since the first year of highschool, had some annoying admirers on his back? easy—he (fake) dates you to shoo them off. nothing can possibly go wrong with faking a relationship with the guy you hate, right?
spoiler: apparently, a lot can go wrong.
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 3 months
I’d like to add to the Mondstadt thing that like?? You mention it’s the USA of Teyvat and like. Yeah. Remember the Eula thing? Girl wasn’t even allowed to buy her own groceries, good hunter and the general goods store refused her service because of the Lawrence thing. Homophobic bakery vibes fr.
god you're so right............. mondstadt why are you consistently built like this...... you're rivaling sumeru in terms of fucked-up-ness...
another thing that i find very funny about the entire mondstadt situation is decarabian, and the whole misunderstanding surrounding him. like there are so very few accounts of what happened back then and so many are either entirely biased on the rebellion's side or far too divorced from what happened that it's hard to fully accept it as fact (especially given the way genshin has always presented its lore via multiple unreliable narrators).
like all the sources we have are: - a tidbit from alice, but she sounds more like she's quoting local legend than speaking from experience, so idk how much she counts. she also purposefully fucked up the ruins so like. i don't trust her when it comes to keeping a truthful record of the past LMAO - amos' very poetic very small blurb on amos' bow - weapon materials that take a more descriptive/impartial tone in describing decarabian and boreas' feud, which wasn't even like- i don't think it's ever stated who shot first beyond boreas declaring war (which could've been bc of something decarabian did but we just don't know) - venti
the only one there that even remotely suggests there was any attempt at speaking with decarabian about letting them out is amos' account, and even then you have to assume that's what's happening. from the way it's worded it sounds more to me like she's simply giving decarabian hints that she wants out by telling him she dreams of the outside, but like. girl. and even if that's just flowery prose to tell us she did actually try to ask him to let them out, that leads to another pair of problems, which are,
we don't fucking know when boreas died, so for all we know, decarabian could've still had a very good reason to keep them all in the wind barrier. bc y'know it was fucking frigid and inhospitable outside and they were all likely going to suffer massive casualties and he very much wanted to keep them safe. like the teaser implies the skies were clear when the barrier came down?? but i'm not sure that we have a confirmation of what that means (could've just been a clear day, the barrier could've been keeping that area clear, etc). and even if boreas had already died by the time the rebellion started, we still don't know if decarabian knew that, so like. in his mind, he still had to keep his people safe. and yes his idea of keeping them safe was keeping them trapped in there and very organized to the point of micromanagement but you gotta keep in mind that, 1. if it was so horrible outside that sal vindagnyr was founded entirely because of how shit to live in mondstadt it was, then of course keeping them trapped is the more sensible option. like if you complain about that, i'm not going to say you have no right nor reason to complain, but you *are* going to come across as a bit of a naive child 2. they had limited space to live and so of course you'd want to keep things as orderly as possible through micromanaging. and yes it likely came across as dictatorial and controlling but also, 3. we have no clue what the fuck decarabian was. i'm asuming not fully human. regardless, we know he didn't have the same perception of things as humans had. the more impartial accounts from the weapon materials all say decarabian did love his people, it's just his love for his people was not really understood *as love* by his people. like the way he saw the world was just Different. like elynas. it's literally just elynas all over again. this also makes the possibility that amos never said let us out outright and instead tried to just hint at it even worse, because if he's not even capable of perceiving emotions and reality and seeing things the way humans see them, how is this man going to catch your hints????? girl. nothing against amos i just find it very odd that she was dating a non-human being and didn't think there was a possiblity that he wouldn't have human-like feelings. like that sounds a bit... yikes, at that point.
so ultimately it all just seems to come down to people wanting out (even though there's a good chance it was still death and desolation out there) and having a fundamentally different worldview from decarabian. and again, i can't really blame the old mondstadters for wanting out (again, ignoring they would've possibly wanted out in that fucking hail storm), but i can blame them for seemingly never attemption to talk some sense into decarabian. like is that ever mentioned, outside of amos? i feel like i'm going crazy over this. it has to be somewhere and i can't just find it, i have to be missing something, bc are you going to tell me that venti saw a fellow non-human isolated from his people in a tower doing things in a way that his people found Not Correct (and yet not horrible either, like beyond being a bit of a micromanager and having them in the storm barrier, it's never stated that decarabian did anything tyranical) and instead of saying, oh maybe he just doesn't realize he's hurting us by holding too tight bc y'know he's not human- he just went yeah let's kill him????????????????????? without talking to him first??????????? are you fr?????? i could understand the humans assuming things bc humans dumb yada yada but VENTI?????? a NON HUMAN?????? bruh
there's also this weird bit with the gunnhildr clan that- left???? at some point???? before the barrier came down?? so like- did decarabian let them leave bc they asked nicely? did they manage to sneak out?? if it was the former all the more shame to literally everyone else for killing the guy in the first place, but it seems unlikely. and if it was the later then why were they the only ones to leave. again, if it was possible to just fuck off, why the need to kill decarabian. it just does not make sense, and it gets worse the more you think about it. even moreso bc i think we know that the gunnhildr clan must've participated in the rebellion???? so they came back???????????
if boreas had died before this all went down then it would make sense if the gunnhildr clan left, saw there was no blizzard and snowstorm and that the outside wasn't entirely fucked up, and returned and told the others this discovery. and so the rebels were like 'they why tf are we still trapped in here???' and they'd have been right to be angry about it but like,
if the gunnhildr did leave (and it seems they did), then any method they used to get out could've been used for the others to leave as well, no?? like- again, if decarbian let them leave, why not ask again and tell him hey, it's not fucking frigid outside anymore?? and if they sneaked out, why not sneak out too??
if it was some other mysterious reason, like they abused a window of oportunity that just- vanished. ....and then reappeared for them to return and vanished again (what??????), that still doesn't explain why nobody gave a fuck about talking sense into decarabian.
like yes yes amos could've been trying to talk sense into him but amos is literally one (1) person!!!!!! that seems so fucked.
no matter how i spin it i've just never been able to justify how the rebels went about it, based on the information we have rn. like if you want to tell me they started their rebellion n so decarabian got mad and tried to kill them, that's like.... doesn't sound in-character for a guy we know loved his people and that has never been stated to have ever actually tried to harm them. plus the entire thing of their rebellion was how it was all planned out in secret until they striked?? so decarabian wouldn't have known until amos was literally trying to shoot him?????????
and if you want to say that they did talk to him- first off, why would miyoho not mention that. that seems like a pretty important detail to just not mention anywhere. and again- the way the rebelion is worded implies they did it all in secret in order not to alert decarabian. having tried to talk to him about it and pretending he got mad over it doesn't fit with that idea.
so yeah! mondstadt's citizens have been fucked since before venti set them loose on the world LMAO
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Sobbing and crying just saw your post of us sounding like a Sim, and I am DYING.
What if it went the other way? They can understand us, but we can't understand them!
Us : hey so what the fuck is happening why tf am I in genshin impact
Them : OMG ASKSKSKSKS FEDERRRALL MEERKK TREEESO! (Omg it's the divine God I'm shittinh myself oml) or whatever idk)
Us: excuse me what the fuck did you just say about my mother? (US mishearing or maybe the words are randomized? Who knows)
Everyone just being confused and frustrated on why you can't understand them. Is it because they aren't worshipping you enough? Maybe some friendship level BS where obly those who are lvl 10 can understand u or smth? Who knows, certainly not the Creator.
I highkey am thinking about writing smth for this now but having it be for like each archons reaction or smthin but who knows. I just wanna see a bunch of divine beings confused outta their mind in like whatever cities square and it turning into a "holy game of charades"
Also happy early birthday ajdjdjkdkdkdk
(づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ here have a hug for your patience- sorry karma!! :')
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LMAO this inuyasha gif- obviously everyone else guessing what ur doing and the 2 others r like ppl like Venti or Kaeya who r just fucking with ppl by joining you lol
Oh no.
Oh god (you??) no.
What if you had the highest friendship with little d**ks like Scaramouche.
He’d be like, “Eh, I don’t feel like translating today.” 💀
Also I’m rolling with the idea that 
perfect understanding = lvl 10,
Most words 7-9
Some words 5-6
Kinda ?? they get 2 words per sentence or smth 3-4
Basically nothing 1-2
Anyway ornery bitches like Scara/Xiao/Alhaitham/Rosaria/Diluc (all for diff reasons like diluc/xiao would just be overwhelmed and dont like ppl that much lol, whereas haitham doesnt give a fuck lmao) would kinda suck to have as translators
They pull something like “oh well the god of gods said I could have the last slice of cake/an extra glass of wine hehe”
For different reasons these people would also be ROUGH translators: FISCHL OH NO- , Zhongli, Albedo (he simply would omit “unnecessary details”, cyno, ITTO PLEASE, Raiden (puppet) bc shed take stuff too far/too literally u would never be able to communicate jokes, Razor (im sorry bbyboy), Shenhe
You may or may not get another title of a jokester god bc of these SILLY charades 💀
The people u have higher levels of friendship with giving hints LMAO
“Uhhh….. Oh! Oh! Greatest Lord wishes to see a dance performance!” 
Nahida’s sweet voice rings out in Yujing Terrace, her tiny hand waving in the air like an elementary student who’s really excited to answer. …Which isn’t that far off honestly.
“Hmm, I disagree Buer, I believe the Hundun Emperor is saying they wish to take a bath perhaps. I am also attempting to use context, as it has been a long day for them.” Zhongli is in his classic “majestic thinking gentleman” pose, and you’d admire it more if it weren’t for the fact that they don’t seem to be getting what you’re saying.
You hadn’t yet found someone with a higher friendship level than 2 or 3 (hey, don’t blame yourself, you really have to put effort into friendship levels to get them anywhere and you were still busy screwing around in Sumeru when you got spirited away).
So needless to say, most people were getting “the, me, I, you, etc.” rather than the actual important keywords you needed them to, hence the godly charade game now.
As you “hold” something, you throw your hands up in the air, still keeping your hands wrapped around nothing. You think if somebody told you last week that you’d be playing charades with the archons in Genshin Impact so you could actually communicate with them… well you don’t know what you would have done. Maybe just gave them a really awkward laugh.
“Oh! Are you asking for a weapon? Akitsu Mikami, my emperor, we or our nations will surely provide protection from any harm that might befall you. Hm, I suppose we should offer something anyway… I wouldn’t want to displease them…” Ei mutters to herself, having taken over her puppet once more for the occasion.
She and Buer, still retaining their authority status, had asked for the area to be cleared in order to try and get closer to communicating with the Divine First, or you.
“Ha! What idiot would try to hurt the All-Parent in their home, unless they wish to get thrown?” Venti cheekily says, as you don’t understand him, but judging by Zhongli’s clenched jaw, Ei’s sigh, and Nahida’s giggle, you can guess.
You give your own sad sigh… it’s already been 3 hours. 😭
How hard is charades for 4 archons??
Well… apparently very hard.
You put your face in your hands, and you hear the (retired) archons start to debate something, you can tell it’s getting a little passive-aggressive between Venti and Zhongli by their tone alone. 
…Okay, now it’s just aggressive.
The archons eventually give their attention back to you so you can go back to your charades lol
You tried opening your mouth and closing it, very obvious, they can’t go wrong. 
…Turns out they can. 
Somehow you find yourself with a hot tea brewed by the geo archon. 
(Venti attempted to offer you Dandelion Wine, or Osmanthus Wine even, and only god, well you now, knows where he pulled them from. Ei swatted his head, he looked so offended, and his cheeks were all puffed up, heh.)
Giving up, you just try to motion for them to stay still, your hands gesturing like trying to calm a wild animal.
They give you questioning looks, and you begin to walk off, they all seem to immediately start discussing something with each other. All of the gods look very conflicted, and after a minute of you getting further away (yes, you’re almost home free, Xiangling here you come! ) Nahida skips to catch up with you.
She gives you a beaming smile, and you can’t bring yourself to not return it. She's so much cuter in real life, even the official art didn't do her justice.
You make your way towards the restaurant, finally.
And apparently you’re happier than you thought to smell the savory scents flowing out of the kitchen because your stomach growls loudly.
You’re too hungry to even attempt to stop it, no one will care, except Nahida’s eyes go wide. She begins to sputter, and flail her hands desperately trying to charade an apology at you.
…you were just trying to tell them you were hungry. 💀
Ask box open again! :] 🎊
✨️Hope you guys got smth out of this rough draft✨️ ♡
:D hope u guys have had a good weekend!
My senior art exhibit is april 6th so wish me luck and prayers (from any religion im not picky pls)
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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imahinatjon · 10 months
Bath time!
Venti x Reader
18+ 💋
Idk what possessed me.
Reader has male parts.
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You, yes you, are Venti's lover. Partner of the great Lord Barbatos... not that anyone else would know that.
Venti is an eccentric person. He drinks a lot, he sings such beautiful songs, he's friendly to basically everyone and- and he's a little touchy feely. You get what I mean?
He's not like it with everyone, don't get me wrong, he only does it to you. His partner.
The love of his life. He adores you SOOOOO much. Its why he can't keep his hands off of your for the life of him.
A quick hug here, and even longer one later, a peck on the lips there, maybe even an arm around your waist.
His favourite though?
When he sneaks you off into a corner so his hands can reach down below your waistband. He stands behind you, resting a chin on your shoulder while his hand works at your length. He enjoys the sounds you make as you try to hold back from moaning out his name, though he'd much rather you scream it out for the whole of Teyvat. But even he knows that there is a time and a place.
That time and place today is your bathroom.
All you wanted was to hop into the bath to clean off after a long day of adventuring with the travler. Venti had other ideas, naturally.
When he entered into your bathroom behind you after you told him your plans, he just couldn't resist the state of undress your beautiful body was in (he could, he just didn't wanna) - he just HAD to take you.
"Venti, what are you doing?" You asked him, as he slipped his (somehow now) naked self into the tub behind you, enclosing you in his arms, his legs also moving to circle you, so he was pressed as tightly against your back as he could be.
"I'm just coming in to join you, my love. That's okay with you, isn't it?" He asked - like he had no ulterior motive.
You nodded, allowing him to stay where he was. With how close he was to you, you could feel everything, that included his hard on. Which rubbed on your back every now and then, twitching slightly every time.
'What was he up to?'
Sex. Of course. In the bath too!
Welllllll, this was something you'd been wanting to try out for a while now...so indulging him wouldn't be so bad, right? Exactly!
That's why you leant back into him, turning your head so your lips could meet his, in a slow and passionate dance of tongue.
His hand reached around your body, reaching and gently stroking up and down, working you up until you were no longer soft and panting into his mouth, blush coating your face so vividly that no pink flower of Teyvat could ever hope to compare. God how he loved you.
His legs unwrapped from you, and he moved so he was sitting on his knees behind you, his lips decorating the top of your back, the unoccupied hand gently stroking at your side.
He pushed you forward slightly, Hand on your back while he asked
"Could you get on your knees please?"
You didn't even hesitate.
The water was enough of a lubricant for you as he toyed with his own hardness at your backside, dipping in slightly to test the waters.
You couldn't tell if he was teasing you on purpose, or if he was actually worried that it would hurt. Either way, you needed him to hurry on along.
"Ventii~" you quietly whined out, wiggling your ass infront of him, in hopes he'd move on.
That only earnt you a light slap.
"I'll go when I'm ready"
"No buts"
You shut up after that. I mean, its not like was wasn't pleasuring you, he still had his hand around your own cock, and his movements only ever halted slightly when he was messing with his own at your entrance.
Speaking of - the moment you distracted yourself and relaxed as you looked down into the water of the bathtub, he pushed himself inside, as far as he could.
Your mouth dropped open and you made no sound. It was so sudden and intrusive. Yet relatively painless as he waited for the moment you relaxed. He still held still though, it was bound to sting a little while he stretched you so suddenly.
"V-vent-ti.." You whimpered out, hand reaching out behind you to hold onto him.
Oh how this man has you so weak at the knees. Every single damn time.
He held onto your arm that reached back for him, his hand wrapping around your arm while yours weakly gripped his and he begun to thrust. In and out. Steady, but gradually faster. You could barely hold your moans in, and your other arm was starting to feel weak, your knees too. But what had you concerned more was your arm. You were right above the water.
Luckily your god loves you, as he caught you and held you up as best as he could.
A few more quick paced thrusts and a few more firm yet gentle tuggs at your shaft and you were done, painting his hand in your essence.
"Hey, how about we take this out of the bath and back into the bedroom"
Yep... venti wasn't finished. He hasn't filled you up yet...
Sorry 😅
Masterlist :3
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yancherrysoda · 1 year
I think I've got writer's block. Here’s a draft of a deleted scene from a previous fic, I guess.
This was going to be part of Ephemeral Emancipation, where the reader asks Venti to let them go out of the Serenitea Pot. Since the Venti I’m writing about is nice and gentle, I thought this scene didn’t show that, so I removed it.
Not proofread so it might contain mistakes. I might use some parts of it for other fics 🤭 The neck licking is inspired by this art. Also, this is my first time writing this sort of thing, and it’s vanilla lmao so bear with me, please. It sounds so silly to me too, so I will probably delete this out of embarrassment later, idk.
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“You see, I need some…” He gave you a quick glance. “Motivation.”
“And what is it that you want?” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“A kiss.”
“No way.”
He chuckled, biting his lip. “You want to go out, don’t you?”
You placed your hands on your hips and sighed. You then made your way over to him and carefully settled beside him, gradually leaning in close to his face, then planting a light kiss on his cheek. “There.”
“I didn’t say I wanted it to be on the cheek.” He looked at your lips, then back at your eyes.
You huffed annoyingly. “Why don’t you just do it yourself instead of humiliating me like this? You’re so much stronger than I am; you could easily have your way with me.” You leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before quickly withdrawing.
“Is that what you call a kiss?” Venti tugged on your wrist, pulling you closer to him. His hands were firm as they guided one of yours to rest on his shoulder and the other around his neck. He held you close to him, wrapping his arms around your waist. “You want to go out, don’t you? Earn my approval.”
You gritted your teeth and leaned in once again, connecting your lips with his; they were soft and welcoming, but once the kiss deepened, he abruptly thrust his tongue into your mouth, making your body respond to his touch.
You were starting to melt away into the kiss when you sensed the palm that was holding your waist gradually sneak down and squeeze your thigh, at which point you abruptly broke the kiss, and a faint ‘smack’ echoed off as your lips disconnected. You tried to stand up, but he took both of your hands in his and pinned them to the ground.
His spare hand kept on doing its work, shifting up to your shorts and clasping your backside instead of your thigh. His gaze met yours, and he then leaned in close to your ear, his breath hot. “If I wanted to have my way with you,” he said huskily, “I would have done so.” Venti pulled away and connected his lips with yours again in a heated kiss as his free hand now left your ass and slid to grab your waist again, pulling you close and deepening the kiss. He would occasionally pull away to nip at your bottom lip, eliciting a chill throughout your body.
Strangely, you were so taken by the moment that you weren’t aware when his other hand let go of yours above your head and began to move along your body, tracing the curves of it as if they were made for him.
Seeing as you responded in kind to his actions, his kisses slowly made their way down your neck and onto your collarbone as one of your hands cradled the back of his head. He then grabbed your hair and gently forced your head back, licking a long stripe along your neck and making you let out a low moan.
At that, he pulled away and hovered over you, admiring your flushed face and the way your eyes were half-lidded in pleasure. He moved his lips back to your neck, just below your ear, whispering softly with a slight smirk, “As much as I would like to continue, I don’t think we’re that far in our relationship yet.” He gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek. “I’m also very, very patient and not someone who would force myself on anyone.”
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gold-rhine · 1 year
If it's not too much trouble, could you expand on Diluc's "already incoherent characterization" you mentioned in one of your recent posts? I'm just curious cause I also feel that there's something off about him writing-wise but I can't put my finger on it.
sigh. so, at the start of the game hoyo wrote diluc as super aggressive and negative towards kaeya specifically and knights in general, and all of their interactions are very hostile. they are having bitch fights every time they are in the same room.
like, fandom likes to pretend that diluc has guilt, bc of like some anonymous message on a public board that sounds like it's diluc feeling bad, which hoyo back-wrote. but they can't gaslight me, i just recently replayed start of the game content on my new account. like first time diluc appears is in kaeya's domain after traveler and kaeya cleared it, and diluc bitches at kaeya for no fucking reason and kaeya is v passive aggressive back at him. they have bitch fight in venti's quest. diluc's entire quest is about him trying to keep kaeya from discovering he's darknight hero and he specifically makes it known that kaeya is unwelcome every time he shows up in the tavern. and he sounds negative when bringing up kaeya for any reason.
and then hoyo started to back-pedal. idk what happened, maybe the direction of the plot shifted. maybe the writer who was writing them in this conflict vein quit. maybe at the start they only had vague idea of like brothers at war with each other, and once they started to flesh it out and add nuance, they've realized that like, burning your baby brothers' eye out might be understandable in the moment of trauma and shock, but then acting like you're on high horse and treating him like garbage for YEARS after is a bit of a psycho behavior.
quick aside bc i know there are ppl who think that, um, kaeya "deserved" it and like. he was what, not older than 10 when he was left at the winery. and he was about 17 when he confessed. he was a traumatized kid who kept a secret bc his bio father told him that the fate of his entire country depends on it. get a grip. but as i said, with the same logic, diluc was also in shock and trauma, and i do not fault him the fight itself. what doesn't track is how diluc acts years LATER, when he had time to think.
so they started to drastically soften diluc AND back-writing retcons. Hidden Strife letters are all about it. They were like oh, brothers were always in contact! Diluc is not a maniac, he was polite to the knights and he told kaeya to take care :) :) :) this creates new set of problems. not only it gives diluc personality split where he was incredibly aggressive to kaeya in person, but apparently normal in the letters. But also, we have letters from Kaeya that make it obvious he knew immediately that diluc is a darknight hero and they both were chill about it. But like! diluc's entire story quest is about him trying to keep kaeya from learning that! like, come on! why then diluc did all these stupid scooby doo shenanigans with slimes and shit???
now i think they are trying to shift responsibility for reconciliation from diluc to kaeya, which is the only issue that affects kaeya's own characterization. bc they are very hard going into "all servants at winery ADORE kaeya and treat him like family and welcome him!!" and fandom like, extends it to diluc now, like diluc is welcoming kaeya too and kaeya is a silly goose who has his hang ups and refuses to visit. as if getting your eye burned off, trying to reach out first and getting "ugh, its you" treatment when you show up at your brother's tavern is just like. a lil awkward situation that kaeya himself should get over without any effort on diluc's side and he should just ~realize~ that he's still part of the family lol. and ppl justify it like "well we don't know how diluc actually feels, he probably feels guilt (anon message) and wants to reconcile". which like. so we don't know, but kaeya is supposed to figure out and reach out AGAIN, when diluc at any time could've just told him that he's welcomed.
and now in kaeya's hangout we learn more about their childhoods which tbh hurts diluc even more. like how are we gonna be pretending that diluc cares about kaeya when he returned to mond and found his baby brother, who was apparently the sweetest gentlest child in the world, his loyal shadow for entire childhood, couldn't lie, was taking punishments for diluc, and see him now becoming a high functioning alcoholic with brazenly unhealthy persona of liar and manipulator, and like NOT get worried and try to reach out. which i don't think it was hoyo's intention, they just wanted to add the tragic sweetie uwu to kaeya's characterization, but they did not think how it reflect on diluc in global context
so now diluc's characterization flip flopped in several directions, and he doesn't really has an arc or plotline going. he's kinda just there now, more of symbol than character, and hoyo just writes whatever they want for him without any regard for any previous lore
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struck-by-the-rain · 2 months
sorry might be a lil venty here and a bit more serious than the Funny Rhythm Game People I usually post about but can I give a negative shout-out to misophonia???? I've suffered from it for pretty much as long as I can remember and guh. for a lot of that time I didn't even know that it was a thing. like when I was a kid completely innocuous noises from ppl (chewing sounds are the Main One for me) were legit driving me up the wall, making me lash out, leave mealtimes without warning/beg to be excused without knowing what was up with me.
it's not a v well known disorder in general, esp back when I was a kid, and not the "typical" manifestation of sensory issues. so my parents and family just thought I was a dick. and they were right in a sense (experiencing triggers with no way to mitigate/avoid them made me into a Massive Cunt) but they'd get upset when I tried to accommodate myself by wearing headphones or asking to eat in a separate room, and confused as to why I was more sensitive to triggers from some people compared to others (another common misophonia thing). theyd say stuff like "oh nobody likes [sound]" which is true, but for me it legit set off my fight/flight response rather than just being annoying!!
I only learned what was up w me later on and only then was I able to properly explain myself to my family and insist on doing the things that helped me. they're pretty understanding now about it, but i wish that it wouldn't have taken so long and I didn't have to spend most of my childhood struggling w this condition without an acceptable way to mitigate it!!! and even though they understand better than they do it's still ass!! I still get "oh you never used to wear headphones before" "oh this never bothered you as a kid" even tho a) lots of stuff used to trigger me but id just Suffer and b) sometimes I just get new triggers for No Reason! or I'd be more sensitive when stressed/pmsing/whatever!!!
but yeah, idk really what my point is other than just to talk about something that I've struggled w for my entire life... yeah thank u for coming to my ted talk. shout-out to my friends tho for being absolutely epic and understanding about this bullshit condition :)
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Now, you who has set foot in this world. Your journey has reached its end, but one final doorway remains. Step forth, if you have understood the meaning of your journey. Defeat me, command me to step aside, show me that you are worthier than I to rescue her. Then, the threads of all fate will be yours to re-weave. My memory has all but faded completely... But I will always remember how much she too, loved these flowers.
—Dainsleif, Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview
anyways soo. who is she? lumine? she has inteyvats (“these flowers”) in her hair so is it her? also, the final quest of genshin should be called “The Sea of Flowers in the End” (did i capitalize that correctly?) who does dain wanna rescue? WAS DAIN IN LOVE??? his last sentence makes it seem like he may have loved “her”. My memory has all but faded completely… But I will always remember how much she too, loved these flowers.
it sounds like “she” may have been his lover or smth. dain in love? im actually kinda here for it tbh. or i might be overthinking cuz i know shit about the lore. i had to read about every. single. damn. thing. in every. single. archon. quest.
i wanna actually skip the entirety of natlan jus for snezhnaya cuz like, yess??? i want snezhnaya. i wanna infiltrate a few fatui strongholds (maybe meet pantalone i simp-) i wanna see the tsaritsa cuz we know what mauvika (pyro archon) or smth looks like. dont know bout you but i dont actually really like her design. idk why i dont like gingers (childe is an exception) her and aloy just arent it (nobody likes aloy anyway) also, arent her (pyro archon) and zhonglis japanese voice actors married? i will pull for her JUST to put her and zhongli in one team*. unless shes strong, ofc. if shes like, alhaitham level strong then bitch ill main her (ill just switch between her, alhaitham, and scara. simple.) but besides that, if she isnt strong and/or doesnt make exploring easier then i dont see a reason to main her. the archons should be strong, theyre fucking gods if theyre weak thats wrong. for ex, zhongli drops THE FUCKING MOON ON YOU for his burst, ei whips out an EYE??? and slashes you with the ELECTRO-LIGHTNING-POWERED-BOOBA-KATANA-SWORD, venti summons a LITERAL BLACK HOLE as his burst, nahidaaa… nahida, gives you… free housing? with furina you can turn into JESUS and WALK ON WATER (idk if this counts but neuvilette kills ANYTHING and EVERYTHING within like oh, i dont know! THREE SECONDS???)
*if guizhong ever becomes playable somehow (ik shes dead but still) then scratch that i will pull for guizhong and put HER and zhongli together just because, lovers shouldnt be seperated.
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cashewally-sarcastic · 6 months
okay so you know the ley line stuff with Ruu? I think it would be funny if there was a ley line disorder on stormterror's lair and the mondstadt gang had to watch a time loop of a person that looks and sounds like Venti constantly dying. Venti isn't saying anything cause he's more focused on making sure none of the leyline juice gets into the remains of Decarabian (It hurts seeing his old friends but its been so long that he's made peace with it. Like how an eraser damages the paper's surface).
Traveler is like: Oh i've seen this before. Let's rule of four this!!!
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The KoF going into the ley line past ^^^
“Wow wouldn’t it be funny if [says one of the most gut-wrenching things you’ve ever heard]” -steel
Idk man because if it’s NB who’s the center of the leyline issue then like…he’d see Traveler (and the people around so KoF and Venti) and that would probably cause so many emotions/questions on his end. Why does someone look like him? Is that Gunnhildr? Who is the blonde person? Did Decarabian die?
But also if there’s no center of the leyline and it’s just “oops leyline fucked up lmao” (like the hidden strife event) then some historians would have a field day recording all that stuff
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