#so instead we say ''goodnight'' and 'see you tomorrow'' because it means ''i wanna do this again. with you''
dragonbleps · 2 years
getting emotional about having friends. dont look at me
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cloudybarnes · 11 months
bad idea right?
Pairing: theodore nott x reader
Summary: after theo breaks up with you, he pledges to make things right and do anything necessary to win you back. however, you are determined to make him work if he wants to win you over again aka part two to new beginnings
Word Count: 2.3k
a/n: LONG AWAITED PART TWO WOOHOOOO also this could be read as a solo instead of a part two if you really wanted, but here's part one in case you wanna read that as well ;)
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“Please don’t tell me you got back together with him!” Ginny groaned. She sat on the edge of your bed as Hermione braided your hair for the night. 
“No, I didn’t get back with him. I told him if he really wanted to prove it to me, then he could.” 
“So you’re thinking of getting back with him.” She said disapprovingly. Hermione chuckled from her seat in the bed behind you. She was working on doing dutch braids in your hair. 
“I think it’s fine, Gin,” Hermione said. “It’s not as if she’s going to jump back in bed with him.”
You waggled your eyebrows teasingly to Ginny. She gasped and swatted your shoulder. “That’s so not funny, (Y/N/N). Just because you think he’s sexy doesn’t mean you should get back with him.”
Theodore broke up with you very unexpectedly. He barely even had a reason for breaking up with you, which left you heartbroken and devastated. You were in bed for a few days, had a good cry, and then you were back. 
Theo had tried to mend the broken bond between your relationship, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to take him back that easily. Your ego was high, and you knew you would be kicking yourself if something like that happened again right when you took him back. 
“Don’t worry, Ginny. If he really wants me back, he’s gonna have to work for it. He knows that.”
“Alright,” Hermione said as she tied off the end of your hair. “All finished. Your hair’s gonna look so good tomorrow.”
“Theo better be drooling when you see him,” Ginny said, “if not, I’ll give him a different reason to drool.” She made a motion of punching her fists together, insinuating she would punch him in the mouth. 
You chuckled. “Hopefully there won’t be any blood drawn. I don’t think he’d really wanna go through all the trouble if it just got him a busted lip.”
“Oh no,” Ginny grinned, “it would be more than just a busted lip. I’ve got five brothers, I’m known to throw a mean punch or two.”
“Lights out girls!” The prefect yelled as she knocked on your bedroom door. 
Ginny rolled her eyes. “Alright, I’ll see you guys at breakfast. But for real, if Theo tries anything you know I’m right there for you.” 
You smiled, grateful to have a friend as awesome as her. “Yeah, Gin, I know. Thank you.” 
She smiled, “night guys.”
You two said your good nights as Hermione moved from your bed to her own. 
“What do you think he’ll do tomorrow?” You asked Hermione as she shut off the lights. You pulled the covers close to your body, waiting for her response. 
“I’m not sure,” she replied, getting comfy in her own bed. “Hopefully something sweet. He’s got a lot of making up to do if he wants to get back on our good side.”
You smiled softly, “yeah, you’re right. Night, ‘Mione.”
✰  ✰  ✰
The next morning at breakfast, the owl dropped a letter in front of you.
“What’s that?” Ron asked, his mouth filled with food. 
Ginny slapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t talk with your mouth full. Honestly, you act like you were raised in a barn.”
“We were raised in the same house, you know.” He pointed. 
“What a shame that was,” she replied. 
You chuckled at their banter, and ripped open the seal on the letter. 
“What’s it say?” Hermione asked. 
You scanned over the words before you read them aloud. “It says,
I hope you know how much you mean to me. I was a fool to break things off with you. I only hope one day you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me. 
Forever yours,
“Forever yours?” Ginny squealed. “That is so romantic.” 
Hermione raised her brow quizzically. “Weren’t you the one telling her not to get back with him?”
Ginny rolled her eyes. “I can have mixed feelings about this. He breaks her heart but then he writes her a love letter. It’s got me confused, okay?” 
You chuckled. “I think it’s cute. It’s not gonna win me back, but it was an alright effort.”
“Oooh, what a burn,” Harry chuckled. “Poor bloke must’ve forgot how stubborn you are.”
You shook your head with a smile, “nah, he didn’t forget. If I know anything about Theo, he’s just getting started.”
“So, (Y/N/N),” Ron said, “do you want to get back with him or what’s going on with this?”
You shrugged. “I mean, obviously I still love him. It just sucks what he did and I don’t think he should be able to get off the hook that easily. He shouldn’t be forgiven for breaking my heart just because he writes a little letter.”
“I love you for that,” Ginny said as she nodded her head. 
“Hey, (Y/N/N).”
Looking behind you, you could see Enzo give a sheepish smile and a small wave. 
You grinned, “Hey Enzo, how are you? Sorry about yesterday, by the way, Theo’s a little crazy sometimes.”
He chuckled and awkwardly rubbed his hand through his hair. “Yeah, I’ve noticed. But, yeah, no, Theo and I are all good. He apologized last night and told me all about his plans to woo you.”
You chuckled with a roll of your eyes. “Go figure.” 
“Yeah,” he smiled, “anyway, I just wanted to come by and resume how we were before, you know, the whole break up thing, and drop off this book I think you’ll like.” 
Enzo pulls out a book from his satchel and hands it to you. 
“Coraline?” You asked as you flip it around and skim over the synopsis. 
“Yeah, it’s kind of spooky and psychological which I think you’ll really enjoy.”
You grinned up at him, “that’s perfect. Thank you, Enzo.” 
He sent a tight lipped smile, and nodded before turning away and walking back to the slytherin table. 
“I like Enzo,” Ginny said with a dreamy look on her face. 
You rolled your eyes with a smile. “Go get him then. He’s a sweetie.” 
“You guys and those Slytherin boys,” Ron shakes his head with a scoff. “Not even that cute, I’ll tell ya.”
“Oh, what?” Ginny asked sassily, “like you’re cute?”
“I think Ron’s cute,” Hermione winked at her boyfriend. 
“Ugh, barf,” Ginny said. 
The bell rang. You all stood to gather your things for first class. 
“We’ll see you guys later,” you smiled as Hermione and you walked out to your shared first class. 
“That was a pretty cute letter,” Hermione said as the two of you started walking down the hall. 
“Yeah, I think it was sweet, but like I said, he can’t win me back that eas-“
“Excuse me?” Someone tapped your shoulder. 
Stopping, you and Hermione turned to see a younger Slytherin boy, presumably a first year, standing before you. 
“Uh, yes?” You asked confused, “do you need help with something?”
“Um, Theodore says I have to carry your satchel and books for you.” The first year stood awkwardly. 
“Oh, uh, that’s okay, you really don’t have to.” You blushed, a little embarrassed that Theo would make a first year cater to you. 
“I have to.” He said adamantly. “Theodore said he’ll set me up with this hot girl I like if I carry your books for you.” 
Hermione snickered from next to you. You turned back to her, a bewildered smile on your face as you tried not to laugh.  
“Well,” you said as you handed the young boy your satchel. “I can’t be the one to stop your true love, now can I?”
The boy grinned as he held on to your satchel as well as his. 
“Theodore is crazy,” Hermione remarks as you continue walking to your next class. The boy followed behind the two of you all the way to your first period. 
As soon as your classroom came into view, you could see Theodore standing there with a bouquet of flowers in hand. He grinned a devilish thing as he saw you approach. 
“I’ll meet you in there,” Hermione said with a knowing smirk. 
You walked up to Theo. He was beautiful as ever, but even he knew that wouldn’t get him anywhere. 
“Hi (Y/N).” He smiled at you then turned to the kid. “I’ll take it from here. I’ll have my guys put in a good word with Maizy for you.”
The kid nodded his head and smiled as he ran off. 
Theo threw your satchel over his shoulder and held out the beautiful assortment of flowers towards you. “For you, to say I’m sorry for being a douchebag and an idiot and a stupid motherfucker. All in the words of Draco by the way. Never knew how much he liked us together.” 
You chuckled and grabbed the flowers out of Theo’s hand. “Thank you.”
He smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets. “So, have you thought about what I said yesterday?” 
You sighed. “Of course I’ve thought about it Theo. Just like I’ve thought about how much you broke my heart when you dumped me.”
“Okay, I deserved that.” 
You chuckled. “Yeah. Thank you for the flowers, Theo. And… I still care about you, I just need time to figure this all out. I can’t just forgive you that fast when you broke my heart, just  last week!”
Theo sighed, “I know. I know! Fuck! I know I fucked up, baby, but I am going to do everything I can to win you back. I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait as long as it takes, baby, I swear it to do. The boys are down my back yelling at me for how hard I screwed everything up. They think I’m stupid, and I think I’m stupid too for letting you go. I promise you, I will do everything it takes for you to trust me again, mi amore.”
Your eyes softened. Theo knew exactly how to make your heart soar. 
“No, baby,” he shook his head. “You take your time. I’m gonna be here whenever you decide if you want to forgive me or not. Hopefully you decide you do want to forgive me.” He chuckled awkwardly. 
You matched his awkward laugh. “Well, thanks again for the flowers. They’re very pretty.” 
Theo smiled and nodded before turning around and walking away. 
✰  ✰  ✰
Later that night, you sat in the library studying for your Herbology final. Ginny and Hermione offered to help you study, but you knew you’d be here too late to want to burden them. 
As you flipped through the pages of your herbology book, you tried your best to take down any notes that you thought would be important. 
Your stomach growled. 
“Knew that was inevitable.” 
When you looked up from your textbook, you could see Theo sheepishly smiling as he held two trays from the cafeteria. 
“What was?” You asked with a smile. You cleared some papers to make space for Theo to sit down. 
He grinned and placed the trays on the table as he took his seat next to you. 
“Knew you would forget to eat while you studied for this exam.” 
You chuckled and peered over to see what Theo brought you to eat. Ham, potatoes, and stuffing from the dining hall. 
“Thank you, Theo. That’s really sweet of you.” 
He slid a tray closer to you, and you eagerly picked up the provided fork and dug in. 
Theo chuckled as you scarfed down your food. “Pretty hungry?”
You nodded as you finished chewing. Theo smiled to himself and started to take a few bites of his potatoes. 
“You’re being awfully sweet to me, Theo.” 
“Haven't I always been sweet to you, darling?”
“Well, yes. But that was before.”
Theo sighed. “I know I screwed up royally. I’m trying to make up for my mistakes. I’m still the same boy I was just a few months ago. I had a lapse in judgment and that cost me the best thing in my life.”
You frowned. “Theo…”
“Don’t you miss me, (Y/N/N)?” Theo shifted to face you straight on. He nervously leaned forward on the table, staring into your eyes, waiting for your response. 
“…of course I miss you, Theo. How could I not? You’re everything to me, and I’m just so scared of something like that happening again.”
“(Y/N),” Theo started. He tentatively grabbed your hands in his. “I promise you, with everything in me, if you decide to take me back I will never hurt you or disappoint you ever again. You have my word mi amore.” 
You were conflicted. You miss Theo like crazy. You couldn’t help it. No matter what you said to your friends about him having to work hard for you, it tore you apart every time you saw him knowing you still weren’t together. You missed being his. 
“Okay,” you said. 
“Okay?” Theo’s face lit up. “You-you’re giving me another chance?”
“Yeah,” you softly smiled, “I miss my boy.”
Theo grinned and yanked you toward him, engulfing you in a hug—one you’ve been waiting days for. You missed him. You missed being held by him. 
You held around his neck tightly, scared to let go. You never realize how much you craved his touch when it was gone.  
Theo buried his face in your hair, breathing in your scent. “God, I’ve missed you.” 
You smiled and pulled back. Theo smiled back at you. Slowly, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his in a warm, longing kiss. Your hands rested on his cheeks, his on your waist as you kissed with all the love stored up between you. 
When he pulled away, Theo stayed close with his forehead rested against yours. “I promise you baby, I’m here for good.” 
“You better be.” 
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moonschocolate · 6 months
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PAIRING: loser!Theo Nott x hufflepuff!female!reader
GENRE: Fluff
WC: 4.1K
SUMMARY: Y/n gets a text late at night from Mattheo, who's asking her on a date, but is it really Mattheo who's gonna show up, or...?
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It was well past midnight, when Mattheo texted y/n. “Hey wanna talk abt that potions project in front of a butterbeer, tmrw?”. Not sure if he was hitting on her, she woke her friend Leanne up. At least, she believed she was asleep. “Hey, Leanne, wake up.” she said whispering, getting close to her bed. 
Leanne just grabbed the blanket over her and threw it away, red and tired eyes glancing at y/n, phone in her hand. She was probably reading something. “Why are you whispering? I’m everything but asleep” she said as she fixed her hair, trying to get it out of her face. “Oh” y/n said, doing what seems to be thinking, and the second after throwing herself on her bed. 
“Mattheo,” she paused, looking at her waiting for a sign of Leanne, which would show that she knows who he is. She nodded. “literally just texted me, asking if I wanna go out with him to talk about a potions project, which was assigned today” Leanne looked at her, a smirk growing on her face. “THAT Mattheo asked you out?! Show me that text right now” Leanne said looking over y/n’s phone, which showed her the chat. “You think he likes me? I don’t” y/n said, anxiety rushing over her. 
Sure, Mattheo may be good-looking and charismatic, but she had her eyes laid on Theodore, one of Mattheo’s closest friends. She believed it would’ve been impossible being with him, a dream which would clearly not come true, given that she was too shy, and just being around him would make her super anxious. Theo on the other hand…was just as awkward as her. Maybe he wouldn’t feel uncomfortable, just really awkward, and would start stuttering and saying unnecessary things. Leanne knew about this, but she didn’t want to make her friend uncomfortable, since that unlucky episode which leaded y/n to go to the hospital wing. She’s still so sorry, and she doesn’t want to talk about this again.
“Are you gonna go or not?” Leanne asked, impatient. “Yes, I’m gonna go, but I want to make clear that I don’t want anything romantic with him, but if it’s just as friends then I’m cool with it.” she said, ready to take Leanne’s disapproval. “y/n” she sighed out, looking at her with her head tilted. “Of course he’s going out with you romantically. Just go and see if you’re gonna get a second date.” y/n just nodded, murmuring a yes. Then she quickly said goodnight to Leanne, and grabbed the phone which she previously threw on her bed just to answer the boy. “Yea cool!! Does 4:30 pm sound good? :)” it took no time for the boy to reply. “Sure! See you tomorrow! Gn” she smiled. “Gn! :D”
It was total chaos in the slytherin dorms. Theodore was sitting on his bed, head in his hands as he refused to talk to anyone, Mattheo proud of himself, while Draco, Lorenzo and Blaise were drunkenly cheering, alcohol in their hands, ties gone who-knows-where. 
“Boys we did it!” Mattheo cheered out loud, throwing himself on the bed. “Mate you’re gonna have such an amazing date.” “Matt I’m really not going anywhere, you’re just drunk.” Theodore replied, still in misery. 
He was really frustrated, because there is no way his best friend just set him up on a date with the most stunning girl of Hogwarts, who probably doesn’t even know him. He was so sure she would be disappointed if rather than Mattheo, he showed up instead. So he had to plan a simple excuse out, so Mattheo could go, as y/n expected. 
“Hey, the fact Matt’s drunk just means that he got the boost he needed to actually do this, ‘cause we sure as hell had this planned out a DECADE ago” said Lorenzo, who was sitting on the floor with his back on his wall, trying to defend Mattheo. “And a little boost is all you need to finally get together with that girl.” Said Draco, supporting Lorenzo. “It’s not gonna be that bad anyways, she’s just a girl, and we’re sure you’re gonna do a great impression!” Blaise said, trying to cheer Theodore up. “Remember how me and Lo got together? Just as this, Blaise planned a “date” with Lo and I showed up instead, and that’s when we finally got together!” Matt said, looking over at Lo, who leaned over the bed to give Mattheo a quick peck on the lips. 
“Yea but you were best friends who were just confused and wanted to get together, we haven’t ever talked and she probably doesn’t like me!” Theodore spit out, his expression just as emotionless as before. “Don’t be quick on making assumptions, ‘cause that’s what I exactly thought about Astoria, turns out she had been obsessing over me for a year or something” Draco said, trying to get Theodore to look on the bright side.
“Yea but can one of you come with me at least?” asked Theodore hopefully. “Hell no! We’re just gonna watch from afar, it’s a fucking date, mate” bursted out Mattheo. “Yea yea” babbled Theo. He thought ‘That was a really dumb question’. “Hey we’ll help to get you ready, don’t worry too much about it, ‘kay?” said Lorenzo in a reassuring tone. Despite their comforting words, the date was all he could think about.
“Casual? Something more tight? A cute dress?”. 
Pansy was violently looking through her friend’s wardrobe, asking her other friends what she could wear. It was 3 pm, which was way too late for the other girls, considering there was only an hour and a half left before her date. Padma, Parvati, Pansy and Leanne were hurriedly running around her room trying to find the right things: the right make-up, the right clothes, the right accessories, the right everything. 
“You have to look stunning- not that you usually don’t but- ugh you got it” she said giggling. She nodded at her best friend, with an understanding look on her face, laughing too. Although Pansy was y/n’s best friend, she had quite a bond with the other girls, too. “You can absolutely trust with your life me and Padma on the hair. After all, Indian hair care is the best one ever, everyone knows it.” Parvati declared, with Padma humming along.
“Okay so you and Parvati do the hair, I choose the outfit, so Leanne, you’re in charge of the make-up.” Pansy clarified, with a strong “say no more” from Leanne. “Listen, if I really can’t wear pants I can only wear that long skirt right there, or in general any skirt or dress that reaches further than my knee” said y/n, making clear that miniskirts were not going to be worn. 
“Y/n babe, listen I got the perfect outfit in mind. This sweater” a beige cable knit sweater, pretty short with long sleeves “with this” just a simple white shirt with a collar “with these tights, with this miniskirt, that you will wear” she said strictly “okay but I get to wear a long coat right?” asked y/n, hopefully getting a ‘yes’ in response. “If you don’t you’d freeze so…yeah I’m letting you” Pansy said, reluctantly. 
She could’ve sworn that she heard y/n hiss a yes, but it wasn’t really important. 
“And, for some accessories, these cute white leg warmers that I didn’t know you had, when were you gonna tell me? Plus these Vivienne Westwood jewelry, that I know you love. What do you think girls?” as y/n was about to speak, Pansy shut her off. “I’m asking the girls.”  
As y/n rolled her eyes smiling, the girls were all so approving of that outfit and they couldn’t wait to see y/n in it. “Now, make-up. What color do you-” y/n roughly interrupted Leanne “No color. I’ve already sacrificed a lot with the outfit, no color please. If you really want something more colorful, anything brown or bronze. Leanne don’t look at me like that NOW YOU’RE MAKING ME FEEL GUILTY-” y/n joked chuckling a bit.
After a sigh, Leanne continued “Fine”. In something like 10 minutes, the make-up was done, and it turned out so good y/n almost didn’t ever want to take it off. The dressing part was quite fast, except for the jewelry, which took a lot to be chosen, between all the necklaces, and earrings. As for the hair, after a lot of styles, which were all denied by Padma and Parvati, y/n surrendered and styled her hair the way they wanted, which included letting her hair loose; even not styling it, it looked so cute. Now she was ready, and just in time. It was 4:10pm, which gave her the time to walk to Hogsmeade. The girls all cheered her on, but y/n really felt bad, because she really didn’t want to date Mattheo, he wasn’t really her type. Always screaming, interrupting lessons, and overall he wasn’t really her thing. 
He was probably a very nice person, but…she was not romantically interested. But if he really liked her, which she believed would be very unlikely, she would feel bad for breaking his heart, and would probably cry. She wished she had Pansy’s personality, she always looks so sure about what she does… Why would she feel bad for something she doesn’t believe will happen? 
Just ten minutes before, Theodore was freaking out, while his friends were all happy and yelling. In this situation, he didn’t see anything funny, he was about to go on a date with the cutest girl of all Hogwarts, who he admired for so long from afar, never had the courage to approach her, and now without knowing even what’s her favorite color (he actually knows, it’s lilac) he’s going on a date with her?! What if she’s disappointed? She’s probably going to be disappointed. But now there was nothing he could do except dress how they wanted and just go. 
“So what pair of jeans do you want? What hoodie?” Mattheo asks, opening his wardrobe. “Are you kidding me? Hell no I’m not wearing jeans and a hoodie for a date!” Theodore said, feeling kind of attacked. “You make me so proud Theo” Blaise said while jokingly wiping a tear off his face. He was surely the most fashionable one of the group, no one ever questioned that. “Ahem, if you let me” Blaise made his way to the wardrobe, without confronting anyone he pulled out the wardrobe what needed to be worn. “First of all, blue aran sweater with a shirt under it, and some brown trousers, with a thin belt of course, and most important of all, these loafers” Blaise then turned around, proud of his choice of clothes, looking at the others. 
As they all went silent, thinking about it, Mattheo burst out laughing. “Loafers?! Are you kidding me? Fucking loafers?!” “If you knew what to wear except for the same two sweaters everyday, didn’t smell like a fucking elephant and didn’t wear those shoes just because they’re expensive and not because you like them, you’d have a say in this, but guess what! You don’t.” Blaise shrugged. 
“Okay he may not know how to dress, but-” Lorenzo stated, to which Mattheo interrupted him. “You’re supposed to defend me!” “Okay first of all, don’t interrupt me, second of all, he may not know how to dress, but he definitely doesn’t smell, and Mattheo I’m just saying that when we go on dates, I pick your clothes” “you’re not supposed to say that!” 
While everyone laughed, Mattheo wasn’t as entertained. 
“Now quit with the chatting, go change and then Draco can finally choose your cologne” Blaise threw himself on a bed, his hands intertwined behind his head, with Draco sitting on the same bed, gently placing some colognes on another bed. “Be quick!!” Lorenzo shouted from the other room, while Theo closed the door of the bathroom, sitting on the WC for some minutes, trying to clear his mind. 
It’s no problem at all, I’m just gonna go on a date with a girl that doesn’t know I’m her date and- everything is gonna go so bad. 
His moral was really down and nothing could really help, but he tried to let these thoughts go away and just change instead. It wasn’t long until he came out of the bathroom, Blaise fixing his hair a bit, while Draco, who had tested all colognes on Blaise’s arm, sprayed, finally, the cologne on Theo. “The scent of tobacco is too strong, did you just smoke?!” Theo hummed a no, smelling his clothes. They didn’t quite smell like tobacco, though. “Draco I haven’t smoked since…an hour or two ago? Maybe it’s just the bedroom” “No no it’s you pretty boy, it’s definitely you” Mattheo accused Theo, walking up to him. 
“Just abuse the hell out of this and spray the whole bottle or something” Mattheo grabbed the bottle and sprayed a lot  of it on Theo, who kept coughing uncontrollably. “Now I think you’re ready!” 
Draco though wasn’t as pleased with himself like Mattheo, who just wasted not-so-few milliliters of his dear cologne. Enzo also walked up to him, putting his hands on his shoulders. “Make her yours Theo, now go there!” “first I…wanted to um…buy her a bouquet of flowers” the last sentence was barely audible, but oh if they heard it. “AWH that’s so cute yea yea but do you know what her favorite flowers are? You can’t just go with roses you kno-” “of course I know what her favorite flowers are. WILDFLOWERS.” Theo interrupted Blaise, who looked at him shocked. “That’s impressive…but creepy too” “Yea yea now go buy those damn flowers and take her out on this damn date, we don’t need to know what flowers you get her, we need to know if she likes you or not and if you’ll be girlfriend and boyfriend” Draco harshly said, which made Theo stop and think about it. 
He was really paranoid. Luckily he was just in time to be able to buy the bouquet and be a little early too. Would she show up? He didn’t want to embarrass himself waiting for a girl who wouldn’t arrive. He shaked those thoughts out of his head and kept walking to Hogsmeade. 
While walking to The Three Broomsticks, the atmosphere was just as cute as it could be. It was the middle of October, and the colors that dominated were red, orange, yellow and brown, on the trees and on the ground. Looking around, she saw first years jumping over the crunchy leaves, with big scarves around their neck, to prevent getting a horrendous cold on this freezing day. She thought that deciding to wear tights right now could’ve been a really bad decision. 
Just as y/n was walking over The Three Broomsticks, looking for Mattheo, she spotted Theodore instead, with a bouquet of flowers who happened to be her favorite. She immediately felt a chest pain which wasn’t about to go away in a short period of time. Was he going on a date with another girl? Right now? It’s not like he fancies her, and he can’t know she likes him, quite a lot to be honest. So, obviously he has the right to go on dates. Why is this pain not leaving her alone? She tries to not think much about it (unsuccessfully) and to just wait for Mattheo, who was probably just late. 
As time went on, she saw that Theo still didn’t go in with a girl, so he was probably waiting too, until…she saw him coming towards her, really awkwardly she might add. She felt like being swallowed by the ground would be the best option right now, but unfortunately, it wasn’t an option. Just before speaking, Theo cleared his throat. 
“Um…I know you’re probably waiting for Mattheo right now but…I’m here instead” he smiled awkwardly, but after a slight look of confusion on y/n’s face he quickly corrected himself “It’s not like he’s sick or anything I’m just here because well um my friends set this as a date for me and you but they wanted it to look more mysterious so they didn’t really want you to know that…I was gonna be here” while talking, Theodore looked everywhere but to y/n’s eyes. She also noticed he had started rambling, and honestly it was really cute. 
“Oh I almost forgot- these flowers are for you…” he looked really interested in y/n’s shoes at the moment, who had captivated Theodore’s sight. Y/n could feel her ears burn, as she got the flowers he gently handed to her. “T-Thank you…” not talking for a while made her voice crack at the start, which made her get even more embarrassed. “Should we, um, get in?” Theodore started immediately fidgeting with his fingers, looking for once at her. “Yea!” they awkwardly walked in, Theodore opened the door for her, while y/n admired the flowers and how much of a gentleman Theo was. 
She noticed she has never fully admired how cozy The Three Broomsticks looks. Given that it was winter, the sun was going down earlier, so the lights were on, which gave the pub a rather warm look. The chatting noise in the background made it more lively, and while y/n was lost in admiring the lights, Theo shook her from her dreams, walking pretty slowly to a table. She ran quickly to it, sitting down, picking at her fingers. The silence between them was agonizing, because neither of them wanted to break it, waiting for the other to do so. 
Y/n decided to speak first, choosing a basic phrase that would help move things along. “So…how was your day?” a genuine smile made its way on y/n’s face, waiting patiently for an answer. “Pretty good” Theo then realized that she probably wanted to start a conversation, so he tried saying something more
“except for potions, and the fact that I got paired with Cormac McLaggen, who wouldn’t stop talking about girls, not in an admirable way I might add.” When the smile slowly vanished from y/n’s face, Theo realized he probably made her uncomfortable. 
“But um…how did your day go?” he leaned forward on the table, his forearms resting on it. “Pretty good for me too, Pansy has been talking about this date all day, helping me get ready with other girls and all…” Oh god. There was a high chance she probably messed this up. She wasn’t supposed to say this, but luckily enough Theo realized too from the look on her face, so he quickly changed the topic. “I heard you like listening to music, what music do you like?” y/n almost jumped from her seat. She definitely loves that question. Especially when she doesn’t know what the other person listens to. “Oh it really depends, I listen to literally anything! But most commonly I listen to Laufey, Lamp and TV Girl,…What about you?” Theo quickly replied. “Blaise listens to TV Girl so I do know some of their songs, but I usually listen to Frank Ocean and Mac Miller, I know quite a lot of their songs.” Y/s eyes lit up, she really found a boy who listened to that kind of music! That just made him prettier. 
Finally the time to order came, and…panic. Usually, when they were with their groups, other people ordered for them, so it had never been a problem ordering, but now…As the waiter came, they quickly ordered something, and they only managed to do it because they didn’t want to embarrass themselves in front of the other. While chatting and getting to know each other, their orders came, and they began to quietly eat.
Theo only now realized that this was the right moment. Now there was no going back, and he had to ask her to be his girlfriend. If she answered no…well, maybe it’s better asking first, and think about it later.
“Y/n mmh I…have been…admiring you for a long time and I…” y/n almost choked on her butterbeer. She quickly wiped her lips and looked at him, her heart beating too fast. She tried controlling her breath, listening to his every word with all the attention she had. 
“Well, I really wanted- well- want, to ask you if you’d…like to be my girlfriend” Theo could now run away or listen to her answer, but he was too anxious to move. Y/n’s voice cracked, so she slowly nodded “Yes- yes!” it was so surreal, none of them believed it. Theo had never been so proud of himself, he packed all that courage to be able to ask her this, and it was totally worth it. Y/n felt her ears go on fire, and she anxiously played with the hem of her beige sweater.
Wait, what did Theo have to do now? Oh. Oh. Kiss her. What if she thought he was a bad kisser? (Joke’s on you Theo, she has never kissed anyone and doesn’t know how) What if- oh fuck it- he leaned in close to her, looked at her eyes with his magnetic ones and did it. He kissed her. It was rather awkward, but this was their first kiss. Ever. 
“Now um do we go back to our dorms or…”maybe she shouldn’t have said that. She definitely shouldn’t have said that. But another time, Theo just pretended there was nothing wrong with it. “Yes, let’s go” they got up, both going to pay. 
“Oh don’t worry, this was on me.” Theo gently put his arm in front of her, as if to stop her. “But-” “I insist. Please.” Y/n then put her wallet in her pocket, smiling. “Fine.” Theo smirked back, and paid what needed to be paid. 
As they were walking back to Hogwarts, silence reigned. A comfortable one. Their hands, intertwined with one another, were warming each other. The sky was now dark, and Theo then spoke up. “Now it’s too dark to go to your dorm alone, let me escort you.” “Are you sure?” “I’ve never been more sure than now.” “I appreciate it. Thank you.” With the flowers in one of her hands, after being escorted from Theo to her dorm and kissing his cheek (which made Theo stutter all over again), she finally made it inside her dorm.
“So? How did it go with The- uhm Mattheo?” Pansy was towering in front of her, her hands on her shoulders, and she had the biggest smile, ever, waiting for a reply. The other girls were all just behind her.
“You knew?!” “Well…maybe Mattheo…Draco…or Blaise…mentioned it but uhm…” now Pansy backed up a little, trying to hold her laugh.
“Hello? We’d also like to know!” Parvati was looking expectantly at both y/n at Pansy. “Looks like it didn’t go that bad, looking at those flowers you’ve got over there” Padma took the flowers from y/n’s hand, placing them near, with the intention of putting them in a vase.
“The thing is…it wasn’t Mattheo who was waiting for me…but uh…” their expression was priceless. Pure confusion, as they waited to hear who the other man was. “Well, Theo.”
“THAT Theo!?!?” Leanne bursted out, and again, the girls’ reaction was genuinely hilarious.
“Yes, Theodore Nott.” y/n tried to hold in her laugh as much as she could, their faces were getting funnier and funnier.
“Damn y/n how did it go?!” Now they were all impatient, but they sure as hell wanted a long explanation, so they sat on the floor and on the beds, waiting for y/n to start telling the whole thing.
Some good 20 minutes passed, and she told them everything. Every little detail, from how he opened the door to make her go in first, to how always ignored her totally-out-of-place comments (to which they “scolded” her, and laughed at her). She also told them about his horrible jokes (that didn’t stop y/n from laughing a lot to them). She might’ve also cried a bit from happiness, who wouldn’t? After going out on a date with your crush, and getting literal flowers. Not only that, but they’re also your favourite kind.
“I know we asked you to tell us everything, but we need to go eat dinner too!” Leanne then got up and continued, “So maybe, we should go eat dinner, and on the way you’ll tell us everything, ok?”
They all slowly got up, and walked their way out of the dorm, to the great hall. Y/n took a moment to stop, and think. She had a boyfriend. not just any boyfriend. Theodore Nott. 
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A/N: Posting this feels like some kind of liberation honestly, it's been so many months since I got that request that I'll probably never find anymore, here we are. Also, did I actually write in the fic that reader is a hufflepuff? I don't remember. Sorry for using y/n but in third pov, I can't help it. Last thing, absolutely tell me if you can find anything worth a trigger warning! I think this is the fluffiest fluff ever, so I'm not sure there may be any.
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(young man what do you wanna be tag | Ch1-2 on AO3)
“Hey, did you and Jonathan tell Will to ask me about—” Steve glances around like the world’s worst spy, and leans close even though they’re the only living souls in the trailer. “About gay things?”
“Uh,” Eddie says. “No? Wait, Jonathan might’ve.”
Steve pushes both his hands through his hair. “Why would you do that! Shit!”
“Again, I did nothing in this scenario,” says Eddie. “I’m pretty sure this one specific thing is not my fault.”
“He asked me about our relationship,” says Steve. “He wanted gay advice.”
Eddie swallows down his first impulse, which is to demand to know whether Eddie’s advice isn’t good enough for Will all of a sudden. “Okay,” he says instead. “What did you tell him?”
“I don’t know! I quit giving Dustin advice on girls, like, years ago! By the time I was Will’s age, I was pretty busy fucking up the only serious relationship I ever had.”
“Sure, maybe, but you can’t think about age that way. It’s like…” Eddie tilts his head. “For a lot of us, there’s a—a late start, right? It’s like a whole different time scale, because we gotta figure ourselves out first. We don’t get the manual to all this shit, so we either waste our time chasing some kind of picket fence life that we don’t actually want, or we just make it up from scratch.”
“Right, cool, okay,” says Steve. “I didn’t say anything like that. I told him to keep his chin up. I—think I called him slugger.”
Eddie pats him on the shoulder sympathetically, definitely not feeling at all vindicated about the fact that he’s clearly winning at gay mentorship. “Could be worse. What did the littlest Byers say?”
“He’s taller than Jonathan now,” says Steve.
“So not the point, sweetheart.” Eddie rolls his eyes. “C’mon, how’d it go?”
“Shit, I don’t know.” Steve huffs out a breath and pushes his hand through his hair. “Not good, I don’t think. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing with that kid. He just wanted to know how I figured stuff out, and like—why I wouldn’t just go with girls.”
“Yeah, uh, on that note,” says Eddie. “Is this a new development? Like.”
He pauses, trying to figure out the exact right arrangement of words.
“Like…” he says, slowly. “I’m just wondering, you know, why it hasn’t come up before. I mean, you already know about me, everybody knows about me. Is it—”
Did you not want me to think—
Did you not want—
“Pretty new, I guess,” says Steve. He lies back, arms folded behind his head, taking up more than his fair share of Eddie’s bed. Eddie climbs over him and takes his usual place tucked up against the wall, keeping a careful distance.
Steve’s parents are leaving again tomorrow, so this might be the last time for a while. It’s not like they won’t be seeing each other all the time; at this point, they’re so tangled up in each other’s lives that it’s not so unusual for them to hang out every day for weeks without even trying.
But it might be the last time for a while that they lie here like this, in a shadowy space where the line between thoughts and words gets slippery enough to cross. Eddie tries real hard not to think of it as anything special; it’s just his stupid fucking heart running away with him, the way it always does.
“Okay,” says Eddie.
After a while, he says, “Goodnight.” Steve doesn’t answer.
“Eddie!” Robin hollers from across the store. “We’re enemies now!”
“Okay!” he yells back. “Why?”
“Why do you think, asshole!”
This is getting unsustainable, so Eddie wanders over to the counter where Robin’s cashing out.
“Is it because I’m giving you a ride home out of the goodness of my heart? Unconventional, but I respect that.”
She chucks a balled-up receipt at his head. “Steve, dumbass.”
“Whoa, whoa,” he says, ducking out of the way and holding up his hands like he’s trying to soothe a spooked horse. “I dunno what he told you, but I didn’t do anything to him.”
“Exactly,” snaps Robin.
“Robin,” he whines, switching tactics. “C’mon, don’t be pissed at me. You know you’re my favorite lesbian in the whole wide world. You’re the cheese in my burger, the fries in my shake. My wretched soul cannot bear the weight of your scorn.”
He can tell she’s still trying to be mad, but the corner of her mouth is twitching, so he drapes himself over the counter and wails, “Milady Robin! Say only that you can forgive my dark and unworthy deeds, whatever they may be, or I shall perish right here in this fine establishment.”
“You really don’t know what you did, huh,” she sighs. “God, you’re the worst.”
Eddie peeks up at her through his hair. “Planning to enlighten me any time soon? Or are we going straight to pistols at dawn?”
“We are going to be driving me home,” says Robin. “And we’re going through Taco Bell on the way. We’re still gonna be enemies, but you can purchase a temporary peace treaty for the low, low price of two chalupas and a large Sprite.”
“Hey, Harrington, why’s Robin mad at me?”
“Mad at—? Oh. Uh, I think she misunderstood some stuff.”
Eddie groans. “Is this about the fake dating thing again?”
Steve looks a little pained. “Maybe?”
“Byers needs to go his own way! Call it another—lonely day, or—you know what I mean. Buckley can’t take in every wounded baby bunny that stumbles across her path.”
“I don’t think that’s what’s happening.”
“Sure, okay. So, do I need to defend my honor by finding Will a boyfriend or something?” Eddie pauses. “I realize that sounds like an insane scheme, but consider this: it’s still better than Operation Happy Ending, so I’m standing by it.”
“Not cool, man,” calls Argyle from the floor. Eddie has a theory that Argyle likes lying down on the floor because he’s tall. It’s not a very well-developed theory.
“No, no, I’m fully on board with the name,” Eddie assures him. “Baller name. You hit it out of the park on that one, dude.”
“Righteous,” says Argyle. “Appreciate the support.”
“The idea still sucks,” says Eddie. “But that is one hundred percent the fault of Jonathan Byers, and you remain the utterly blameless light of my life.”
A sudden thought strikes him, and he sits up, dislodging Steve’s hand in his hair.
“Hang on, Steve—did you ever actually tell Will that we’re not dating?”
“What? Yeah, of course.” Steve frowns. “Uh, probably? Man, I don’t really remember.”
Eddie shoots him a squinty look, and Steve holds his hands up. “Dude, I don’t know! I wasn’t trying to lie to the kid, there was a lot going on. Don’t know why he didn’t go ask Argyle instead.”
“Oh, he totally did, my bro,” says Argyle. “I think he’s, like, doing the rounds. I just told him not to worry about a thing and let the Lady Fate lead the way. I dunno if he was ready to embrace the Lady, though. He didn't really seem to get it.”
“Fucking great.” Steve leans back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. “Between the three of us, maybe he’ll get some kind of actual goddamn life lesson or whatever.”
“Fuck you, I am an amazing Gandalf. I mean mentor,” says Eddie. "Wait, shit. Does that mean Byers has been getting most of his actual gay advice from me? Holy shit, we can't let that happen. I'm like—the worst possible future for that kid. Steve, you gotta go back and try again."
He smacks Steve's shoulder. "Go back and tell him some real stuff! And tell him we're not dating, or he'll think he has to settle for the first loser that threatens him with a broken bottle!"
"Wait, is that—you don't actually think that, do you?"
"I mean, I'd like to say nobody will ever threaten him with a broken bottle, but Lady Fate works in mysterious ways. And frankly, given his whole…" Eddie waves a diffident hand. "Penchant for sniffing out trouble like a bloodhound after a T-bone, he's definitely going to wind up on the wrong end of a bar fight at least once or twice."
He pauses. "Don't tell Jon I said that, he'll wig out."
"Okay, but like—you know you're not—a loser, right?"
Steve touches Eddie’s back, a warm brush of fingers, and Eddie shrugs uncomfortably. "Just a figure of speech, Harrington. Don't worry your pretty little head about my ego, I'm doing great."
"Hell yeah you are," says Argyle. "Great as Gandalf."
Eddie is like 90% sure Argyle doesn't actually know who Gandalf is, but he appreciates the gesture.
"Thanks, dude," he says, poking Argyle’s head with his foot affectionately. "You're a great Gandalf too. The most Gandalferous."
"Can everyone stop saying Gandalf please," says Steve, so obviously Eddie has to bellow "Gandalf Gandalf Gandalf" right in his ear until Steve puts him in a headlock.
It's a pretty good afternoon.
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boygiwrites · 1 year
Harley D. Dixon 2
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An amazing edit inspired by this story! (Cred to Cora_Line99) Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note. Get ready for the first major change in the canon story-line hehe
Please enjoy reading! :)
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"You want me to sing tonight, chicken?"
It's way past my bed-time. The sky looks like a giant film of blue cellophane above us, with millions of little white holes poked through. I pick out the shiniest one, 'cause that one's my Momma. Then I realise I gotta pick one out for Uncle Merle, now, too, so I pick the one right next to Momma's and wish him goodnight in my head.
After my Dad dragged all our stuff further into the woods, because we shouldn't sleep next to people we don't trust, we curled up in his camping chair and we haven't moved since. I'm wrapped up in a grubby gray blanket that I think used to be white, 'cause it's all we got, and I'm wearing two pairs of socks plus my Dad's jacket but it's still cold. I feel like a baby joey in a Momma kangaroo's pouch. Through the trees, I can see the main camp's fires all glittering like tiny orange fireflies and I can hear 'em all laughing. I think they're celebrating. Me and my Dad — We're mourning.
Tomorrow, they're heading back to the city to look for my Uncle Merle, even though we all know he's dead already. He's dead and he's gone and he ain't never coming back, so why does my Daddy wanna go get killed, too? Don't he know I need him?
"I don't wanna go to sleep."
"Well," He reminds me, "Sometimes it don't matter what little girls want. I'm sayin' it's time to sleep, so it's time to sleep."
If he wanted to talk about it, I'd tell him that I don't wanna go to sleep because it means that when I wake up, it'll be the day my Daddy either dies in the city or he doesn't, and then I'll be all alone forever. I don't wanna pick a star out for my Dad. But I don't tell him any of this.
"Now, you want me to sing, or not?" He asks me again.
"I said," And half-way through I'm huffing this out, I know I've made a mistake, but I keep goin', anyway, because at least if I make him super angry, he might wanna talk. Unlike Officer Rick, my Dad is easy to make angry. "I don't wanna go to sleep."
I feel his stomach fill with air underneath me. "Scuse me?"
I twist to face him. Half his face is glowing from the fire, and the other half is glowing just from how mad he is.
"I... don't... wanna," I spell it out real slow. That's what people do when someone's not listenin' properly. "Go... to... sleep."
I hear main camp laughing again. For just a second, I wish I was over there, instead.
I look my Dad in the eye. It's really hard.
"You lookin' for a spanking, Harley Dixon?"
"No," My voice wobbles.
"'Cause you keep back-chattin' me, that's where you're headed."
"What I just say?"
I snap my mouth shut like a kettle lid. Does he even have the words in him? Do I gotta beat on his chest 'till they come flying out? Do I gotta kick and yell and scream 'till he can't hold 'em in anymore? What do I gotta do to make him talk? How am I meant to like it over here, in this lonely camp with no Momma and no Uncle and maybe after tomorrow, no Dad, neither?
"Quit that look, Harley Dixon. I'm warnin' you."
"You really gonna make me repeat myself?"
I snap.
"Maybe I'on care!" I shout. We're both shocked. Then, he's about to lay me over his knee and whoop me 'till I'm black and blue, but I don't stop for nothin'. "Maybe I'on give a crap! I said I don't wanna go to sleep, so why you makin' me? I don't wanna! Uncle Merle's dead! He's dead and you don't even care!"
"How can you say tha—"
"You don't care because you're goin' back to the city tomorrow and you're gonna die, and I'm gonna be alone again, and you don't even care! Uncle Merle is dead! Just like Momma, he's dead!"
"We don't know that, Harley."
"Yeah, we do! Rick killed 'im, and now he's dead."
"That ain't true. Harley, you listen—"
He grabs my arms, but I smack him away. He gets angrier.
He points a finger in my face. "Do not fuckin' hit me, girl."
"I'on care."
Now he really grabs me, and it's so tight I can't smack him at all, or wriggle, or even look away. I see two miniature versions of our campfire in his eyes, burning away. It's a familiar look. I start to cry. I wish I wasn't here. I wanna be in main camp, where they're laughing.
"You stop this bullshit right now, Harley." He says, low. "I don't know what's gotten into you, but if it don't stop right this second, you're gonna regret it. You understand? Don't you ever hit me again. I'm leavin' tomorrow, and that's final."
"But why?"
"'Cause I'm choosin' to believe in yer Uncle Merle. You heard what all them said. There's a chance he ain't dead, and that's a chance I'm gonna take, because I'm a Dixon. Dixons look out for each other." He gives me a little shake. "If it were either one of us in that city, he'd be raisin' Hell on his way there already. Now, I don't wanna hear another word outcher mouth 'bout this. No more tears, neither. Got it?"
It's still not good enough. I want more.
"You wouldn't go back for Momma." I mutter, before I even realise that's what I've chosen to say. Somehow, that's the worst thing I've told my Dad all night, and I didn't even need to shout it. We stare at each other for a bit. "You wouldn't go back for her. You killed her."
I promised I'd never bring it up again, but there it is. I said it.
I think I might throw up again.
Just like that, our argument is over. He doesn't say anything, and then I don't say anything, either, and the not-saying-anything keeps going until we're back to sitting against each other in silence. The moon is high in the trees, now. One by one, the orange blips in the distance die. The chatter gets quieter and quieter until it's gone, and then me and my Dad are truly alone. He holds me tight, but it doesn't feel nice like it did before. It just feels like we're back to square one, because we are, and everything is a little to the left. Like when you get a pebble in the corner of your shoe, and you gotta walk a little funny to pretend it's not there, but it is, and you can feel it, and you hate it.
"You want me to sing for you, chicken?"
This time, I just say yes.
I watch the cube van drive into the distance until it's a white speck.
Dale stands next to me, even after everyone else has shuffled back to camp. "You've probably heard this from ten other people by now," Dale says, holding onto the strap of his heavy sniper rifle, "But your Dad? Well, he's going to be just fine. Toughest man in camp, I'd say."
My Dad, he's tough as nails, and he could shoot a walnut off a fencepost from a mile away, but he's also just a man. He's just skin and bones and blood like everyone else, like me, like deer and squirrels, and a bite from a dead person will kill him just the same. I don't say this to Dale.
He doesn't seem to mind. "Do you remember your first day here?"
A strange thing to ask. 'Course I remember. "What about it?"
"Things were a little more desperate, back then. We'd just ran out of our last tin of beans. People were hungry. I remember your Dad spent the whole morning telling people to leave him alone, because everybody was just begging him to go hunting. I think I did, too." Dale laughs. "One by one, he shot them all down. We were all so sure we'd have to start rationing. Then, the next morning, I go to wash my face behind the RV, and what do I see? Your Dad, dinged up and covered in sweat, dragging this... just... huge, simply huge... deer, into camp. I was gobsmacked. I remember thinking, 'who on Earth could have possibly convinced this stubborn man to go hunting'? Then, later in the day, I see him handing you a bowl of fried deer meat, happy as a clam, and that's when I knew he did it all for you. Tooth and nail, he made sure you were fed. And that's how I know he's coming back."
I think about all the times my Dad's done somethin' like that for me, like with Ronnie, and I feel a little better. My Momma once said my Dad would crawl back out of Hell on hot coals for me, and that I should never forget that. I feel bad for forgetting.
"I didn't tell him I love him, before he left." I admit to Dale. "I was real mean to him last night. I wish I told him."
"That's okay," Dale bumps my shoulder, and when I look up, there's a smile in his white beard. He winks. "I think he knows. Dads always know."
Something about Dale's cheeky attitude makes me giggle. I think I believe him.
"Now, lucky for us, we're certainly not short on food around here anymore. So, how about we go get you some breakfast?"
The day goes by like it always does, 'cause it don't know any better.
I can see Amy and Andrea fishing from the bank of the lake. Their boat looks like a little grain of salt in the middle of a giant green coin.
I'm up to my knees in the water. I'm trying to catch frogs. I'm missing. Shane and Carl are here, too, because even though we ate a whole sleeve of cheese and onion crackers for breakfast, Officer Shane says frog legs are gonna be all the rave, soon, when the peaches and jerky run out. We told him that's super gross, but he just smacked his lips and told us to grab our hats. We gotta do things like this, now. Things like sharing one tube of toothpaste, and only using two squares of toilet paper when you gotta go, and the adults gotta try and make it sound fun. 
I hear Carl somewhere down the rocks, going awww and man 'cause he keeps missing, too. All I know 'bout Carl is he can't spell 'adventure'.
"Hey, man, it happens. How you doin' over there, Harley?" Officer Shane asks me. "You managed to catch any of the little suckers yet?"
"No, not yet." I say. "But I can see 'em."
When we first got down here, Shane asked us kids to provide a little muscle for him. Shane's got plenty of muscle, already. He was just kiddin'. He does that a lot, and his laugh is real loud. He also gives high fives that knock you on your butt, and he's got a heavy walk and a dog tag. I think he must have taught little league, or somethin', before, 'cause he talks like a teacher. All fun and games, but also lots of rules. Like how if you say a bad word, he flicks you on the ear and tells you to mind your language.
I'm still not used to any of these people talking to me. I think they're just glad I ain't biting and hitting on them, anymore.
"How many's in there?" Shane wades over to me.
The only reason I trust Shane is because he's an adult, and adults can be trusted.
I count the frogs. "Um... Three."
"Three? Hm, talk about a gold mine, huh?" He laughs and, yep, it's real loud. "Let's see if I can't help you out here."
He sets our bucket down, which has two wet frogs slipping around inside it.
He rubs his hands together. "C'mon, girl. Let's catch us some frog legs."
He says they eat frog legs in France. I never knew that before today. French people are weirdos.
"You gotta get 'em quick, 'cause they're quicker." I warn Shane. It's something my Dad says 'bout squirrels and possums, so I say it now, too.
"Sure are." Shane agrees. "How 'bout I scare 'em out, and you try grabbin' one?"
"With my hands?"
"What? You plannin' on using your feet?" Shane grins, and he splashes me. I giggle. "C'mon. Get ready."
Officer Shane rolls up his blue sleeves. I take three long steps backward and squat a little, like I'm playin' basketball or somethin', and then Shane grabs the metal bucket and clangs it against the rocks, and all three of the fat froggies come bursting out into the water like wind-up toys. I almost panic — almost — but that's what idiots do, so I steel myself, which means I'm not an idiot. I lunge at the closest frog and wrap my hands around the green blob it makes under the ripples.
When I pull my hands out, I realise I've caught it. It's real wriggly and its skin is cold.
I jump a little, smiling wide. "Look, Shane! I got one!"
"Way to go, Harley!" Shane says, and if I pretend hard enough, it sounds like my Dad's accent praising me instead. "Look at you!"
I drop the frog in the bucket. I hear cheering, and when I look out, I see it's Amy and Andrea. They're clapping. I guess they were watching. Carl comes hopping over, too, and tells me I did a good job. I know he's a bastard cop, and I know his friend murdered my Uncle, but maybe Shane ain't so bad. He makes me miss my teachers. Maybe this group ain't so bad. Maybe, maybe, maybe.
We call it a day after that, and we squeeze out all the water in our clothes on the gravel shore.
"C'mon, y'all," Shane says, "Time to haul butt back to camp."
What he really means to say is ass.
The sky goes from blue to purple, and soon, it'll be black.
We're gonna have a feast tonight. A fish feast.
Dale, who's sitting up on the RV, because he's like a barnacle on a boat, reads us a poetry book while we scrape scales off of fish with plastic spoons. After the book runs out, we pop cassettes in the radio. It's nothin' like what my Dad listens to. It's too nice.
I try really hard not to think about my stomach. It hurts real bad, which is what happens when you're nervous. I realise, a little guiltily, that I almost haven't thought about my Daddy or my Uncle Merle all day, until just now. I say sorry to them in my head, because I didn't do it on purpose, I promise. I was just focused on other things, like doing dishes, and getting my hair brushed by Lori, and strippin' fish skin. It was easy, during the day. But it's gettin' late, now, and every minute that goes by, I'm closer to being the only kid in camp with nobody to tuck me into bed.
I'm standing on a crate, which means I'm almost as tall as all the ladies. Makes me feel a little better. All women remind me of my Momma.
Maybe if I ask, Lori can tuck me in tonight.
"Hey, Harley, you're doin' real good over there." Jacqui tells me. The sun's on her shoulder. "Doin' better than me, at least."
I mumble a thank you, because it's good manners. I done dressed plenty of fish before. It's easy. Like peelin' bananas.
"Our Dad used to take us girls fishing all the time." Andrea tells us. "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, you name it. We were out on the water."
"Sounds fun," Lori says. "I always wanted to go fishing with Rick and Carl, but it never happened. We were indoor people."
Jacqui laughs. "Not anymore, you're not."
Lori makes a face. "You don't gotta tell me twice."
"What about you, Harley?" Asks Amy. "Your Dad ever take you fishing?"
There it is again; my stomach climbing up the back of my throat like a balloon. "Uh," I mumble. "Yeah. A lot."
Carol asks me, "You like it? Being on the water?"
"It's okay if you don't." Amy scrunches up her nose, smiling. "I was never that into it. Motion sickness 'n all."
I'm about to say no, I didn't like it, but something stops me. It's true, I never liked stabbing the alive worms on the hook, or gettin' sunscreen smeared all over my face, or carrying all them heavy buckets full of crayfish and bluegills back to the truck, but that doesn't matter. I was with my Dad. And I liked that. So, "I liked it," I say. "We went every weekend, in Dad's boat. It was sorta old, but he liked it a whole lot. He let me name it."
Lori smiles. Lori loves when people tell nice stories. "What'd you choose?"
"I named it after our old dog." I tell her. Hey, I'm smiling. "His name was Tank. So, Dad's boat was, 'The Tank'."
Lori pouts. She loves animals, too. "Aw. That's nice. We had a dog."
"What was his name?"
"Fido," She scoffs. "You can thank Carl for that one."
"I can't imagine Daryl lettin' anybody tell him what to do," Amy chuckles. "He's always so grouchy."
Dale must be eavesdropping, because he leans over his fold-out chair and calls down to us, "Now, now, remember that time with the deer?"
The story he told me this morning, to make me feel better.
All at once, the women start giggling together, and nodding, yes, they do remember that time with the deer. I catch it, like a stomach bug, and I start giggling, too, because I guess it is kinda funny. My Dad, with his squinty eyes and angry mouth and big, scarred fists, doin' whatever I tell him to. I never saw it like that, because it's always the other way 'round. For the first time today, I'm thinking of my Dad, and it doesn't hurt, not one bit.
"Like a gaggle of geese over there," Shane shakes his head from the fire. He's laughin', too. Bunch of eavesdroppers, these people. "Get back to work!"
"Yes, sir!" Andrea salutes, rolling her eyes.
We can't stop giggling.
The fish fry is, basically, a family barbeque.
My dinner is hot, and greasy, and it's even got yellow rice and onions in it, like takeaway. Takeaway is always good. Around the fire, all I see are happy faces and all I hear are jokes, and gasps, and laughter. They're talking about college, and how Lori used to wear the ugliest skirts, and how, yes, Shane can confirm, he was there to see it and, no, it wasn't pretty. When I look through the trees, I imagine me and my Daddy's sad little camp on the other side, abandoned. I was right. It is better over here. I hope he would think so, too.
"W— Hey! They were in style, back then!" Lori holds her fork up, like a pointing finger. "Everyone was wearin' them!"
"Oh, I remember." Shane shakes his head. "N— No, listen, I remember, alright! So short it was like a damn belt!"
Amy slides off her tennis shoe and launches it at Shane's legs. "You can't argue with fashion, Shane!"
He laughs. "Oh, that's what that was? Fashion?"
"Hey, I got some pretty nasty pictures of you with that damn perm on your head, so you might wanna quit while you're ahead." Lori sasses.
We all picture Shane with a mop of curly poodle hair, prolly posing like He-Man, and we all roar with laughter again.
Up until the very last grain of rice gets eaten, we talk about everything and anything, because stories are all we got to give each other anymore, Dale says. Dale talks about how he planned to take a trip around the state with his wife, in their RV, but she passed away before it could happen. So, when the world ended, he was in a gas station, buying ice creams and lookin' at maps, 'cause he was doin' the trip on his own. He says he's glad that all the small decisions he's made in life has led him to this quarry, with these people. Everybody calls him a sap, but he gets a side-hug from Jacqui. He smiles over the fire at me. Andrea and Amy talk more about their Dad.
I talk about the tyre swing I used to have, in my yard. Shange suggests building one here, too.
Jim talks a little about his old job as a mechanic. Morales talks about how much he misses his recliner.
"Aw, man, I'm telling you," He groans, like he's in a deep, deep pain. "It was remote-controlled, and it had blue-tooth, and everything."
Shane slaps him on the back. "Too bad the world ended; Had to get off your fat ass!"
More and more warm, silly laughter.
It's around us kid's bed-time when Dale checks his watch.
The other kids all complain straight away, but we get dragged away, anyway. I can hear my Daddy's voice in my head, telling me sometimes it don't matter what little girls want. Lori and Carol take us around the back of Shane's Jeep, where all the bathroom stuff gets kept, like the gallon jugs of water, the towels, and stuff Glenn brings back from runs. We brush our teeth, and splash our hair with water, and use baby wipes on our armpits.
I can see the tippy-tops of the city's tallest buildings from here, like skinny black popsicle sticks in the smog. I keep lookin' back, for my Dad.
I'm lookin' right now. Everyone else is trying to find Sophia's hairbrush in one of the bags, but I'm not helping. I can't look away.
There's a figure, stumbling up the road.
At first, I think it's my Dad, somehow. When you're expecting somethin' so much and for so long, and with all your heart, it's the first thing you think of. Even if it makes no sense. If they were really back, they'd all be together; Glenn, T-Dog, Daddy, and Rick, because my Daddy would make them all stick together, 'cause he's smart like that. But the shadow's alone. And he's got a limp. Just a little one. He hop-shuffle-hop-shuffles closer to us. No, no it's not my Dad. There's no crossbow; no big boots, no backpack. The shoulders aren't wide enough. Actually, the shoulders aren't wide at all. They're droopy. Too droopy, like they're... like they're melting off the bone, like hot cheese melts off pizza.
I hear a gurgle through the night. That's when it all makes sense.
And one second after that, the fish feast goes to Hell.
Someone snatches my wrist. We go rushing back into camp, where there's people, and lights, and noise. And shouting. Lots and lots of shouting; so much shouting it's like being stuck inside a beehive. I see flashes of legs and t-shirts and hands pulling me around, toward the bonfire. The bonfire must be brighter than a lighthouse out here, in the dark. Suddenly, I'm noticing everything wrong with the fish fry. The smells, the noise. I'm remembering my Daddy's rules, 'bout how loud is dangerous and dangerous is stupid and oh God — I can hear Amy shrieking like a piglet, near the RV. I hear shotguns pumping and bullets exploding and sloppy plops of skin falling of the dead people afterwards. I'm screaming.
The bag — The emergency bag, the one in our tent. I should grab it, right? That's what I'm supposed to do, right? So we can live?
"Lori!" Shane's hollering. "Carl! Harley! Where are you?"
"We're over here!" Lori cries.
"Start moving!"
Everywhere, everywhere, legs, legs, legs, all rotten and slimy and dead. Then, a gap, filled with darkness. The tent is out there. The bag.
I can make it. I know I can.
That's Lori, screaming like she's never screamed before, because I just broke away from her, and I can feel something hot sliding down my arm, and it must be blood, 'cause she must have ripped my arm open with her short razor nails. I run straight for the gap in the wall of dead people, and I throw myself past them, like they're bowling pins and I'm the ball, and then I'm on the other side, in the dark, dark woods, running, running, running, all by myself. I remember the path to our camp. Big rock, little tree, old fence. It's all there, it's just covered in night.
I hear Shane yelling for me, and Morales, too, and more screaming, more dying.
A dead man slams into me. We go tumbling into the branches and the leaves, and then down a little hill, and then into a ditch. I smack his growling face away from mine, and I kick his stomach, and I wriggle away. The dirt is slipping away from underneath me, like dust, but the roots are easy to climb so I climb those, and the dead man follows me out. He's swiping at my ankles, scampering for my legs, slobbering on his lips.
His nails catch my arm.
I see the tent.
I'm running again, but only for a second. It's my pants. They're stuck. The dead man's grabbing onto them. I kick his fingers off.
"Get away," I grunt.
The pebbly ground barks under my shoes when I tear off again, and it only takes a couple heartbeats for me to reach my Dad's camping chair, and then the black fire pit, and then the truck, and then the tent. I rip open the zipper and fall inside. The bag, the bag, the bag. I scramble for my Dad's sleeping cot, and drop to my knees, and pat around all the spare shirts and pants and socks and blankets he's got stuffed under here, praying, please God, it's gotta be here, like he says it is. My fingers hit something soft, then something hard. A buckle. I grab. I pull.
It's the bag. It's the bag, with the compass and the rope and the matches. I did it.
A branch cracks. I look over my shoul—
The dead man crashes on top of me, all two hundred pounds, through the tent lining. He squirms against me like a finger in a glove.
I scuttle backward as fast I can, under the cot. The dead man flops and turns and twists until he finds the tent opening, and he slithers inside, 'cause he's a hungry animal and I'm his food. An electric lamp clicks on underneath my foot. The dead man's shadow gets projected onto all four of the tent walls; big, like the bogeyman. I hug the bag like a teddy bear and then that's it, and there's nowhere else to go. His fingers reach for me, and they look like big, black, dead spiders, all curled up. I see his face, now. It's shredded. It's beaten.
It's Sophia's Dad.
Something clamps around my shoe, and it's his teeth. A whole row of thick, white teeth. A bite.
I squeeze my eyes closed and hope my shoe's thick enough to keep me safe. There's nothin' else I can do.
Then, a great, big bang.
Then, hot, slippery puddles of blood, and little bits of neck and skin and jaw, splattered across my face. He slumps. Is it over? It's over? His head's cracked open like an egg, and his brains are leaking out like yolk. There's a bullet hole between my two feet. That means — That means someone shot his shadow, through the tent. Only someone with a very good shot could have made that, without killing me at the same time. I claw my way out from under all the blankets, and the body, and the cot. I can hear voices shouting, Oh Fuck, Oh God, and, Where are you, baby, and, If you hit my daughter, I will fucking end you.
The electric lamp flutters off.
The tent is ripped open. 
I look up. I'm blinded by big, white circles of flashlight light. Someone gasps.
My chin crumples 'cause I'm crying, like a little baby.
Rick's standin' there, Sherriff's hat on, revolver smoking. Shane's there, too, wild-eyed, and very, very sweaty, with a shotgun. There's Glenn, panting. They look at the blood on the blankets, and the blood on my face, and their dead friend on the floor, with half a head. Then, they see the scratches on my arm, and for some reason, some of them look like they're about to throw up all over themselves. But the person in front, the person that got here first, that's my Dad. It's my Dad, and he's alive. He doesn't even stop to look, like the others. He doesn't care.
"Harley," He chokes, like he's been punched, and he drops to his knees in front of me. He presses me into his chest. He's alive. He's alive. 
I'm alive.
"Daddy," I cough-sob, 'cause I can't help it.
I only ever call him Daddy instead of Dad in my head, or when I'm really, really upset.
He must notice, 'cause the hug gets tighter; safer. "Baby, I'm here. You're alright. You're alright. S'alright, now."
I bury my face in his sweaty, stinky, dirt-smeared neck, and I never wanna come back out. I sob and I sob and I sob, and I sob some more. He pets my hair and shushes me, like how he does when I get nightmares. We rock back and forth. I sob, sob, sob.
Someone says my Dad's name real weird, like they're boutta keel over, and only then I remember me and my Dad aren't the only two people in the world. Footsteps crinkle on the tent canvas. Someone kneels next to me. It's Rick. He takes off his hat and sucks in a breath, glances at the others — He steels himself — and then he gently grabs my green sleeve, and I wriggle into my Dad, who's lettin' him do this, and he slides it up my arm. Fresh claw marks, and blood, pouring down my skin. We stare at my arm for a long time. They glance at Sophia's Dad. Why are we staring at my arm?
I look at Rick. I look at Glenn; at Shane. I look at my Dad. He's gone white as a ghost.
"Harley, what is that?" He whispers to me.
I look back at my arm. It's just some stupid scratches. I wipe 'em away, 'cause I want 'em gone. "It's nothin'."
"Harley," He says again, this time with a very clear, very angry, no-nonsense voice. "You look me in the eye. What is that?"
Something is very, very wrong.
Glenn has to walk away.
"Wh—?" I shake my head, sniffing. Why do I feel like I'm in trouble? I didn't do nothin' wrong. "It's nothin'. Lori, she scratched me."
"It was Lori?" Rick raises his eyebrows, like it's very, very important that I'm not lying right now.
I'm not lying. Rick, he's a liar, but not me.
"Uh-huh." I nod hard, so they believe me. "It was Lori. H— He got me, too, I think, but it don't hurt. I promise. He ain't do it too hard."
I didn't say the right thing.
They're all looking at each other. They're speaking without talking, and I don't like it.
"Daddy, what's goin' on?" I'm mumbling now, 'cause I only want my Daddy to hear me, 'cause I'm scared. I'm really scared. I don't know what I did wrong, and I don't know what they're thinking about, but I'm sorry, and I'll never do it again. I was so busy worrying about the teeth in my shoe that I wasn't thinking about anything else. I think I should've been, though, and I'm sorry I wasn't. I'm sorry. All I know is that I'm sorry. I don't know why, but I'm sorry. Daddy picks me up, even though he's told me over and over I'm too old for that, now. He's shuddering.
"We'll check Lori's nails." Rick tells him, nice and steady. His police-man voice. "If there's blood under them—"
"This bastard's got blood unn'er his nails!" Dad gives Sophia's Dad a hard kick in the head. I shriek. "The stupid fuck! It don't fuckin' matter!"
"It does matter. It does." Rick keeps saying. "We can't make any conclusions. Not 'til then. We just can't."
"You wanna talk 'conclusions', officer? Let's talk 'conclusions'."
"Daryl, we'll figure this out."
"How the Hell did y'all even let this fuckin' happen?" Dad yells. "You're like a fuckin' bad luck charm, you people!"
"This is nobody's fault." Rick says, but he sounds like he knows he's lying.
I can hear people panicking far away, back at camp, in whispers. Glenn ran back there a few minutes ago.
"First my brother, now my—?" Dad cuts himself off. He's about to cry.
Nobody's got anything to say.
We listen to the sounds of leaves rustling and crickets chirping and the distant yelling and the breeze and my Daddy's big strong heartbeat, which is goin' buh-bump, buh-bump, buh-bump under my ear, real, real fast.
Shane steps forward, but it's all over already.
This is what it was like the night Tank got put down. I realise that I'm like Tank. Tank was dying. I'm a dying dog. The scratches on my arm, I get it now. They're from the dead man and they're from Lori at the exact same time, and until we know which it is, that means I'm dying. He scratched me — I remember, now. He got me. He did. I don't wanna be dying. I was alive just a second ago. I swear I was.
Unlike yesterday, Daddy doesn't bat Rick off when puts a hand on his shoulder. Something changed in the city today. I think we're all one team, now, even if my Daddy likes to bite and snap and blame. There's no more line between them and us. There's not two camps, anymore. Only one.
The stars are bright, tonight. I watch them twinkle over my Dad's head.
"If this happens," Daddy's voice cracks. "Every single one of you are gonna be real, real sorry."
Author's Note. Yep, you guessed it, Jim survives! And Harley is the one that gets attacked.
No more ominous hole-digging for you, Jim. Sorry.
Phew. This took a long time to write. I had to re-work almost every scene about four times, because some things just weren't working, and I had to delete some others. It all worked out in the end, though. Here we are with chapter two.
Please let me know what you think! :)
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stranded-in-salem · 2 years
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[wattpad link] [last chapter]
warning: arson
Mafia’s POV:
The Mafia sat inside the Mafioso’s house, thinking. The day before was fun, but now it was time for business, & by business I mean deciding on who to kill.
“So what’s the plan tonight?” the Janitor asked, eating some leftover pizza from earlier. “You know..” the Mafioso said, leaning against the wall. “I think we’ve already got this in the bag. We can just sit back & relax while everyone else fights among themselves-” “You just don’t wanna kill anymore because it’s fucked up, huh?” “I-”
The Mafioso sighed, processing the Consort’s comment. “Y’know what? You’re right. I really didn’t wanna bring it up, but this is a little fucked up.” “A lot fucked up, actually.” “Yeah. Also, we’re not even GOOD at killing! We only killed one person, & it made me feel sick.” “So.. what are you suggesting we do?” “I say that we don’t kill anyone tonight! All in favor, say aye.” “Aye!” the Consort & the Janitor said, in unison. “Then it’s decided. Have a nice night, you two. Hope to see you tomorrow!” “Same with you.”
Arsonist’s POV:
The Arsonist stood at the gallows, a pack of matches in hand. Tonight, nothing would get in their way. The four people they had doused would burn to the ground, & their life with them. They approached Charlie’s house, taking a match out of the pack & lighting it. “Farewell, Mayor Charlie.” they grinned, flicking the match upon the house. “You sure tried your best, but it wasn’t enough.”
The house went up in flames. A scream rang out as the Arsonist moved on to the next house, which coincidentally, was the house directly next to Charlie’s. Finn’s house. The Arsonist lit the second match & flicked it toward bros house. “Farewell, Finn. I never wanted to douse you, but I had no control over that.” they said as Finn’s house burst into flames.
Onto the next house. Marina’s house. Once again, they lit the match. “Farewell, Marina. Thanks for not telling anyone my role.” The Arsonist flicked the match across to Marina’s house. It caught on fire. “I won’t miss you, though.”
Now, the final house. Rosie’s house. For the final time, they lit a match. “& Farewell, Rosie.” they grinned, flicking the match onto her house. “We had a nice conversation about the universe. Hope you enjoy it there in the afterlife.”
With the sound of four houses crackling under fire, the Arsonist went back to their home & slept soundly that night.
Ollie’s POV:
Ollie sat in their living room, still staring at the gun Charlie had given them. She really trusted them with this. It did feel nice being trusted, though, with something important. Ollie couldn’t remember the last time that had happened, because they had lost almost all of their memories.
A knock at the door alerted them. “Come in!” they said.
The door opened. The green cloaked figure, G, walked inside. “Hello again, Ollie.”
“Hey! Where’s the other guy?” “C had to take care of some.. business, regarding the boss. She would have come here to talk to you alone, but something came up, & the boss sent me instead.” “Ahh. I see.”
G noticed the gun. “Where’d you get that gun?” they asked. “Oh, the Mayor gave it to me!” “Mayor Boyer?” “Yea, her. What other Mayor would there be?” “Anyways,” G continued, ignoring Ollie’s rhetorical question. “The boss wanted to make you a deal.”
Ollie was intrigued.
“You see, the boss can get you your memories back.” “He can?” “Yes! But there’s a catch. You have to give up your win as a Jester. “Oh.”
“If you’re interested, follow these instructions exactly.” G said, handing Ollie a piece of paper. “Goodnight, Ollie. Hope to see you soon.”
The figure left Ollie’s home as they held up the paper & read it. Could they really get their memories back? Was it absolutely worth losing the game?
Ollie had a lot to consider.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
yay! requests are open! y'know that thing where the s/o being so weak for their partner? I wanted to request the demon bros being weak for their s/o? does that make sense?
like, for example, MC would pout a little, and say 'pwease 🥺' and the demon bros would be like, 'yes, go on, what do you want from me? would you like my-' they'd just be so weak for mc.
I hope that makes sense! also, if it's too much characters, you can just do mammon and satan :) thank you ;3
Their One Weakness: MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Lucifer is known as the cruel eldest of the brothers. A sadist whose word is law, whose will can only be bent by Lord Diavolo himself. And yet since you came to the Devildom, all you ever seemed to do was the opposite of what he asked. Yet he still came to love you. He wonders if he spoils you too much...
Especially when you always seem to get your way one way or another. When you proposed the chaotic idea of a massive get together between the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall, Lucifer immediately said no. It’d be way too noisy and he had things to do.
But THEN... You fixed him with those damn EYES of yours.... The big eyes filled with sparkles and hopes that pleaded to him.... stop staring at him with them big ol eyes-
Lucifer REFUSES to acknowledge how cute you are when you look at him like that. Well, verbally anyway. You look like a kicked puppy...and he loves puppies...
"............I suppose if we prepare right now and get a dinner menu ready, it could be possible. And if you pout any harder you might pull a muscle, and I doubt I could explain that to Lord Diavolo. Now, go tell the others what you have planned."
Mammon is practically the biggest MC simp in the world. You always occupy his thoughts any time of the day. 'Oh, MC would probably like one of these'. 'MC's always eatin' this for lunch. I'll grab one.' 'This would be way less borin' if MC were around...'
But as the Tsundere 🤢 king of the Devildom, there's no way he'll admit to any of that! So what if he's head over heels for you?! That doesn't mean he's gonna be all weak in the knees the moment you-
Wait, you're saying that because he lost a bet yesterday and promised he'd take you out to Ristorante Six and pay for the whole thing, now he's gotta pay up?!?! No way! He doesn't remember what you're talking about, and that voice recording you've got on your phone is clearly fake!
Mammon's dead set on weaseling out of his promise, until you freeze him in place with your pouty face... then you hit him with a "please..?" and the Avatar of Greed swears he might die right then and there.
"Tch..! Damn it, I ain't got a choice when ya look at me like that!!! What're ya playin' at, pulling' my heartstrings like that?! Hurry up and get dressed so we can go! A-and ya better eat your fill, too!"
The founder of the top secret MC Cult Fanclub, there's not much that could keep Levi from becoming putty in your hands. He's used to idolizing the objects of his affection, and you're no exception!
So when it comes to bending to your will, he's definitely the easiest. Except when it comes to n-...normie stuff...
Seriously, do you think someone like HIM should be going to The Fall?!?! No way! Not in a million, billion, trillion years!!!! You shouldn't get him to go to that crowded club even if you dragged him there!!!
Then... you hit him with the cute act... You declare your loyalty to him as his beloved Henry, fixing him with a pleading look that shoots him straight through the heart, and... GAH, HE'S GOT NO CHOICE!!!!!
"At... at least help me choose something to wear..! I don't know how I'm supposed to dress for normie stuff like this!!! Aaah... I wanna stay home, b-but when you say something like that, I just can't win-!"
Satan openly admits to how he likes to spoil you. It's cute seeing how big your grin becomes when he gives you something you wanted, and how happy you are when he takes you out for the evening.
But there are some things even he doesn't want to do, like when you suggest going to a chess tournament with Lucifer. You've been pressured by Lucifer wanting to attend, but figured it'd be easier to sit through with someone else. So why not Satan, who'd mentioned liking chess?
Yeah... he'd go if Lucifer weren't involved. As much as he'd love to go and pull some strings to ruin the match for the dear eldest, he's got something else planned involving a well timed glue bomb and Lucifer's study. So he'll pass.
Or so he thought, until you started poking your fingers together and mentioned how you'd hoped you could both enjoy it together. Kind of like a date..? Gah, his heart and its weakness for unconventional dates-!!!!
"...I... suppose I could go. It’d be nice to study how Lucifer plays, so I can finally beat him. Don't you think the look on his face will be priceless? And if you're there as well, I'll be able to stomach watching his face for an hour."
Asmo LOVES you more than aaanyone!! There's no one who loves you more, you know? Why, he wants to involve you in every aspect of his life, and actively tries to do just that! He's even tried dragging you into the tub with him a few times...
And when it comes to spoiling you, he loves it! He's always the one being spoiled, so it makes him giddy when he can give a little back. If there's anything you want from him, just tell him and he'll make it happen!
Eh? You want to play fangol? With HIM?? Um... pass. You know he just got his nails done, right? Asmo's not really a fan of running around with a ball and getting knocked to the ground, so... no thanks! ❤️
Wait, don't make that face! What're you looking so glum for?? He'll kiss your sadness away, and- Eh?! You don't want a kiss?? You really wanna play THAT badly?????
"....You really don't have me mistaken for Beel, right..? You really want to play with ME? ...Haaaah, fine! I'll play one game with you, and in exchange, you have to spend all of tomorrow with moi! Sounds good, right~? Now let me see if Satan will let me borrow some of his clothes...urgh..."
As a 'go with the flow' guy, there's not much Beel won't do with you, even if it's not really something he's interested in. As long as he has you around and a surplus of snacks, he's fine with anything.
Until you suggest going to Majolish to try on some stylish outfits. You mention how Beel wears variations of the same thing all the time, so it's time for an update! He thinks you're spending too much time with Asmo...
Beel isn't really into tight, itchy, stiff fabrics like the 'stylish' things they sell at Majolish, and decides he'd much rather go to Hell's Kitchen instead. He's hungry. Are you hungry?
'Stop changing the subject'? Ah.. damn it 😔 Wait, now you're saying you just wanted to buy fancy outfits because you were planning to take him to Ristorante Six?! You can't tell if he's blushing over your consideration or the idea of food, but now Beel's looking through the clothes with earnest.
"I didn't know you were the winner of that 'all you can eat' coupon lottery. When I didn't win I was pretty upset, but I'm glad to know it was you. Even if these clothes are weird, I'll wear them. Can you pick something good for me?"
Belphie likes to spoil you in more subtle ways, instead of simping as hard as his brothers. He's still as much of a sucker for you as they are though, much to his dismay. All you have to do is smile and you've got him wrapped around your gross human finger.
But when you mention wanting to go biking with Lord Diavolo and wanting him to come along, Belphie suddenly discovers that his ears don't work anymore. Anyway, goodnight-
Hey, stop poking him like that. Can't you see an deaf man is trying to sleep here?? And what's with that face..? You're pouting so hard you look like you're going to explode. It's cute, but Belphie can close his eyes an not see it.
But then you scoot into bed with him and hold him from behind, and the sleepy demon starts feeling his resolve crumble. You have some dirty tactics, huh..? Getting all cozy with him just because he's got a soft spot for you...
"...............Why Diavolo of all people..? I'd prefer anyone over him. Ugh... Hey, they still rent out those two person bikes, don't they? I'll only go if I can ride on that with you. I'll sit right behind you and cheer you on, okay? ..What's with that look? I'm joking...maybe."
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ptergwen · 3 years
you know that one scene in ffh when people keep knocking on the door while fury is trying to speak to peter? could you maybe do something like that but instead it’s peter and stark reader wanting some alone time (you can make it smut or fluff idm!) also, i am so in love with your work it’s amazing :)❣️
knock before you enter
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w/c: 1.3k
warnings: implied smut, dirty jokes, swearing
a/n: i went a lil overboard because i was having too much fun :,) and i kinda combined the two i hope that’s okay!
you let out a breath of relief as peter finally presses his lips to yours. he grins at that, his hands continuing to roam your body while you kiss. it’s a needy kiss, one you’ve been waiting the whole day to share.
you’d thought europe of all places would give you the opportunity to explore each other more. you’re away from your overbearing father, you don’t have team responsibilities. there was one mishap with a water monster nearly destroying the city. you both managed to fight it off together. tony was right to make you bring your suit, and may encouraged her nephew to do the same. the stark’s and parker’s think alike.
most of the pestering you’ve faced this trip has come from your teachers and fellow classmates. whether it’s mr. dell assigning work or flash trying to film you two for a livestream, you and peter can’t get a moment alone. that’s about to change. you’re in peter’s hotel room after a fun yet highly supervised day in venice.
most kids are getting ready for bed, at mr. harrington’s request. he’s adamant on everyone having a good night sleep before the walking tour you’re taking tomorrow. you and peter plan to do everything but sleep, however.
“you taste like toothpaste,” peter mumbles against your mouth, arms winding around your back. “is that a good or bad thing?” you giggle and tug at his undone curls. that elicits a high pitched whine from him. “depends on who you ask. me personally, i think it’s sexy.” he’s laying over you on his bed, your fingers tangling in his locks. “open up, then,” you practically purr. peter happily obliges and resumes his kissing.
right when his tongue glides over your lower lip, there’s a knock on the wall.
“i thought you said ned wouldn’t be back…” your words trail off when peter starts to kiss down your neck. “for a while,” you add, softer. “he won’t. last time i checked, he was with betty,” peter replies and effortlessly finds your sweet spot. he nudges it with his nose, making a smile spread across your face. “ok, keep going,” you pull on the roots of his hair gently. peter pecks at your lips. “gotcha, baby.”
he’s kissing his way back to your sweet spot when there’s more knocking, this time much louder. with quirked eyebrows, peter detaches his lips from your skin. “um… hello?” he hesitantly answers. “finally. i was ready to come kick down your door, you idiot,” mj speaks through the thin wall. you squeeze your eyes shut in annoyance, not saying anything. “what do you want, mj? it’s late,” peter sighs back.
“so what? i know you’re not sleeping,” mj insists, leaning against the wall. “i can hear everything. hey, y/n.” peter’s face tints a light shade of pink. you make wide eyes up at him. “hi, i guess. you good over there?” her lips form a line. “i was until the horrendous sounds of parker clapping your cheeks disturbed my reading.” peter grips at your waist with a pout.
“what? we weren’t- i- i didn’t-“ “spare me the details,” mj sharply cuts in, opening whatever mystery novel she recently bought. “i don’t care what you do, as long as you do it quietly. deal?” seeing as peter is too flustered to speak, you take over again. “yeah, sorry. we’ll tone it down. goodnight, em.” “ciao,” she says before returning to her book.
peter shakes his head, fully burying his face in your neck. “that was embarrassing. she’s so…” “nosy,” you finish for him. your fingers brush back some hair that flopped over his forehead. “at least she’s not telling on us or whatever.” he puffs air out of his cheeks, placing a kiss under your chin. “true. you wanna pick up where we left off?” “ugh, yes,” you instantly groan.
your lips are colliding with peter’s again, just like that. it isn’t for too long. his hands settle on your stomach and under your shorts, then you hear someone banging on the door. they talk before either you or peter can tell them to fuck off.
“y/n, is that you?” brad questions, your face twisting in confusion. “uh, yeah. how’d you know?” peter bites the inside of his cheek while brad converses. “i stopped by your room. betty said you might be here… with him.” the him in question is peter, who chuckles bitterly. “what’s up, buddy? we’re kind of in the middle of something. i’m sure you knew that, too.”
“i didn’t, but thanks for sharing,” brad sarcastically responds. “y/n said she’d give me her notes on one of the da vinci exhibits.” peter cocks his head to the side. “she did?” he wonders, looking over at you. “you did?” “it was either that or help him myself,” you explain and drag your fingers along the back of his neck soothingly. “the kid doesn’t leave me alone.”
peter nods, wrapping a protective arm around your middle. “she’ll give you them tomorrow, brad. isn’t it past your bedtime?” “point taken,” brad scoffs and heads back to his room. you draw peter in closer to you. “thanks, pete. hopefully, that’ll be our last guest for the night.” he kisses both your cheeks with a grin. “where were we, mio amore?”
“ooh, i love it when you speak italian,” you giggle, peter cupping your face in his hands.“grazie, bellissima.” he winks and earns a puzzled face from you. “bellissima?” “that means beautiful.” instead of responding with words, you use your mouth to move on his. peter happily kisses back and lets your tongues intertwine. things quickly heat up, peter slipping your shorts down your legs and you lifting his pajama shirt.
you’re both only half undressed and running off broken up kisses, but so desperate. you part your legs for peter, his fingers hooking in the waistband of your panties. “think you can keep your oath of silence?” he teases and nips at your covered collarbone. “the real question is, can you?” you challenge. peter doesn’t get the chance to answer because the door suddenly flies open.
there stands ned, his mouth agape at the sight of a shirtless peter undressing you. you’re the first to notice. you see over peter’s shoulder and gasp. concern covers his features. “what is it, baby? do you want-“ “ned!” you whisper yell. his concern becomes shock. “you want ned?” “no, peter! he’s right there!” teeth sinking into your lip, you point behind him. peter looks and surely enough, there’s his best friend rendered speechless in the doorway.
“dude, what the hell are you doing here?” peter squeaks, you grabbing your shorts from next to you. he turns around to shield you while you put them back on. “aren’t you supposed to be with betty?” “we, um, finished,” ned gulps in response. “finished what- oh.” peter scratches the back of his neck as it hits him. “yuck, ned. a gentleman never tells.” “says you! this is my room too, you know,” he defends himself, you moving out from behind peter.
“and betty’s room is also mine. consider us even,” you hand peter his t-shirt with a satisfied smirk. he murmurs a thank you and throws it back on. ned uncomfortably shifts from foot to foot in the doorway. “that’s fair… are you leaving now?” “i should before mr. harrington makes his rounds,” you reluctantly decide. “i liked it better when people actually knocked,” peter says under his breath, standing to give you a goodnight hug.
“it’s not even this bad at home. i’ll take my dad and friday spying on us over a walk of shame any day,” you exhale as peter pulls you into his chest. hugging back by his torso, you give him an innocent kiss on the cheek. his lips brush your forehead. “maybe we’ll have better luck tomorrow. should we try again, same time?” a familiar and irritated voice yells through the wall. mj.
“please god, no!”
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tenswrld · 3 years
old enough to understand
mark lee x reader, childhood friends to lovers, fluff
summary: now that you’re older, you seem to finally understand how mark makes you feel
a/n: came up with this at 2am while listening to my mark lee dedicated playlist and pluto projector came on and u already know that one part made me emotional also do u like my doodles i made on the photo ^^
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growing up, you were surrounded by the concept of love. you witnessed it with your parents, when you got your first pet, and even when you took your first bite into your favorite fruit.
when you first met mark lee at the age of 6, you didn’t think that the word love would apply to him. at least, not in the way that you knew it. 
“no! it’s mine, i don’t want to give you any!” the young boy yelled.
“you can just go get more! i just want some watermelon!” you screamed back.
“go get some yourself!”
angry, you stomped away towards the table of adults. “mrs. lee, mark won’t give me a piece of his watermelon.”
the older woman laughed softly before getting up and leading you to the table of fruit. “forgive him, watermelon is his favorite. i’ll be sure to make sure he shares next time, okay?”
while you ate your own fruit alone in the grass, mark came up to you scratching his neck awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. “i’m sorry for being rude...i just really like watermelon...”
you narrowed your eyes at him before bursting into a fit of giggles, offering your own watermelon out to him. “it’s okay, mark, i like watermelon too. i understand.” he took the piece that you held out to him and took a seat next to you.
when you first met mark, you didn’t think anything of him except for that he was the dorky boy next door who seemed to reserve the concept of love for his favorite fruit.
in middle school, you and mark seemed to clash heads more often than not, and you found it hard to stick around him. desperate to seem cool in front of the new friends that he made, mark steered away from you and teased you whenever he saw you in the halls. you almost despised him in your middle school years, but no matter how much teasing he did mark always waited for you outside of the school gates and walked you home safely. 
though he was still unsure of the role you had in his life, mark knew that he wanted to keep you around.
in high school, your parents fantasized about the idea of the two of you dating, but you and mark always recoiled at the thought. friend groups and social status set you and mark even further apart and before you knew it you became a messenger to girls who wanted mark to call their own. when you got your first boyfriend in sophomore year, mark tried to warn you that the guy was no good, but like always you never listened to him. when he broke your heart, you expected mark to scold you and tell you he told you so, but he provided you comfort in his arms instead.
though he didn’t love you then, mark vowed that he would never let your heart get broken again.
when it came time for you and mark to go off to college, you found yourself a lot more upset than you had initially thought you would be. you were excited to go off and find yourself elsewhere, but something about not having the silly, brown haired boy by your side 24/7 felt strange. granted, you two weren’t as close as your six year old self thought you would be, but you found that you and mark held a special type of bond that you feared you wouldn’t find anywhere else. 
you still hadn’t figured out your love for mark lee, but you knew that leaving him was one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do.
“just...promise to call often, okay?” you told him as you walked with him to his car, a box of his things in your arms.
mark’s lips curled up into a smug smile. “why? gonna miss me that much?” 
you rolled your eyes. “you’re making me regret saying that. you’ll be lucky if i don’t block you after this, idiot.”
mark laughed loudly and you found yourself smiling softly at the sound. you placed the box in his truck before you both turned to each other. “i’ll text you everyday and call when i can. don’t worry, you can’t get rid of me that easily. you’ll probably be hearing about my uncontrollable gas everyday so if that’s not what you’re looking for then...”
you laughed and shoved his shoulder, mumbling for him to shut up. “it’s gonna be weird without you, i think.”
mark shrugged. “yeah, well, we’ll see each other again. just think about it like that time where you got so mad at me for blowing up your house in minecraft that you ignored me for a week!”
mark expected you to laugh but became concerned when he saw your lip quivering and your eyes threatening to spill tears. “y/n? sorry, is that, like, a sensitive memory?”
when you suddenly wrapped your arms around his torso and mumbled a soft ‘i’ll miss you’ into his chest, mark cursed at himself for being the first one to fall in love.
“isn’t it like 4am for you? you should go to bed,” you scolded him half heartedly. you sat at your vanity on facetime with a sleepy mark as you did your nightly skincare routine.
mark groaned through the phone and shook his head. “but i wanna talk to you,” he whined groggily. “i miss you.”
your cheeks heat up and you smiled shyly. “i miss you too, mark.”
mark blinked slowly with a tired look, his hair all messed up and his face in need of a shave. he watched you silently as you rubbed your moisturizer into your skin, smiling at the sight. “...you’re really pretty you know that?”
you froze and chuckled nervously, keeping yourself busy with your moisturizer so you didn’t have to see the way mark was looking at you. “you’re talking nonsense again.”
he grumbled, “i’m not talking any nonsense. you’re so pretty, y/n, i miss seeing your face. i hate facetime and my shit wifi.”
“you’re rambling, marky, go to bed,” you ushered him, this time grabbing your phone to look at him.
he smiled fondly at you. “i like it when you call me marky.”
“okay, i’ll call you it more if you go to bed.” 
mark huffed and complied, bidding you one last goodbye. “fine. i miss you so much, y/n, call me tomorrow.”
“okay, i will.”
“promise?” mark asked softly, peeking open one eye to look at you.
“i promise, you big baby.”
“okay, goodnight. love you,” mark mumbled softly into his pillow, already half asleep.
your breath hitched in your throat at his words. you two hardly ever said that phrase to each other but you began to realize that nowadays mark seemed to say it quite often. before, you’d probably make a face in disgust at the cheesiness, but now it only made your stomach sick with butterflies.
“yeah, love you too, marky. sleep tight.” 
already fast asleep, mark stayed silent. your thumb hovered over the ‘end call’ button, but you waited a few more seconds just to look at how peaceful mark looked. you could see the sky turning from a dark black to a paler blue from his window, making you frown since the boy had stayed up so late. before you could look at him any longer, you ended the call and sat back in your chair.
loving mark lee had always seemed impossible to you, but now you realized that it was the one thing that you wanted to do for the rest of your life.
you spent a lot of time thinking about your feelings for mark while you were away and most of it was you being in denial. you thought that maybe it was just because you weren’t used to being so far away from him, but deep down you knew otherwise. your friends had tried setting you up on blind dates, yet no one seemed to fill in the gap that you felt you had in your heart.
after you finished your first year of college, your mother began to pester you about having a boyfriend for you to bring home for the holidays. yet no matter how many guys you thought about, your mind would always bring you back to mark.
it was now christmas time and your family and mark’s family were going to have a small get together, meaning that you and mark would get to spend time with each other in person again. you weren’t sure if you should tackle mark at the sight of him, but you figured he would do the same to you anyway.
“y/n, sweetheart! my gosh, it’s been so long! you’ve grown up so well,” mark’s mother cooed as she gave you a warm hug.
you chuckled and returned her hug, replying with, “thank you, mrs. lee. it’s nice to see you again.”
she playfully nudged your shoulder. “any boyfriend yet?”
you laughed awkwardly and shook your head, looking away. “oh, um, no...not yet.”
she beamed. “mark will be happy to hear that.” she said it so fast that you almost didn’t catch it. “he’s out back waiting for you. i told him i’d tell him when you got here, but it’ll be a nice surprise for him,” she winked.
you thanked her briefly before making your way to the backyard excitedly. you thought that you’d be more nervous facing the boy you loved but, frankly, all you wanted to do was finally tell him that you loved him.
when you opened the door mark immediately turned his head, expecting to see his mom, but his facial expression completely changed when he saw you. he ran up to you with the brightest smile on his face and engulfed you into his arms. you laughed joyously into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you as close to his chest as humanly possible.
“you have no idea how long i’ve been waiting to do that,” he mumbled into your hair.
you smiled against his shoulder before pulling away to look at him. the two of you held eye contact for what felt like an eternity before mark finally returned his arms back to his side.
“even though we call everyday, it feels like i’m meeting you for the first time all over again,” mark said with a light laugh.
“i hope i lived up to your expectations, then,” you joked.
mark smiled fondly at you before brushing snow out of your hair. “definitely above expectations.”
you blushed at his comment but thanked the cold weather for hiding your rosy cheeks. before you could make more small talk, mark burst out into another sentence.
“y/n, i have to get this off of my chest before i explode,” he blurted.
your eyes widened and you nodded your head. “oh, um, okay, what is it?”
he gripped at his hair and turned around, beginning to whine. “oh my god, i’m gonna sound like the biggest idiot on earth. please don’t hate me after this.”
“...what did you do, mark?”
“i didn’t do anything! well...” he faced you again with a sigh and grabbed your hands taking you by surprise. “y/n, i’m in love with you. and i know you probably just see me as that stupid annoying boy your mom forced you to be friends with but i’ve loved you for over a year and it’s driving me crazy and i-”
“mark!” you interrupted him, placing a hand over his mouth. he looked at you with wide eyes while you smiled at him, practically glowing with happiness. you removed your hand from over his mouth and he sighed again.
“just reject me so i can go cry in my room.” mark shut his eyes and prepared himself for rejection but it never came.
“i love you too, mark.”
mark opened one at to stare at you suspiciously. “...really? like, seriously?”
you chuckled. “yes, really. for a few months now.”
“wait, you’re not pranking me or anything, right?” mark asked with a small laugh.
you glared at him. “mark...”
“i’m sorry, i’m just really surprised!” mark opened his mouth to say something but then gasped and dug into his back pocket to grab something.
when he pulled out a small piece of mistletoe you seemed to fall in love with the brunette boy all over again. he grabbed one of your hands and gently pulled you closer to him, using the other hand to hold the mistletoe over your guys’ heads. 
“i brought this just in case. i know that you’ve always fantasized about a moment like this so...” he said sheepishly. “kiss me?”
you laughed and brushed his hair out of his eyes before cupping his cheeks and placing a soft kiss on his lips. you felt him smile into the kiss, making you laugh and pull away.
“been waiting for that one too, huh?” you teased.
mark waved the mistletoe above the two of you and shook his head. “less talking and more kissing please...”
it took you over 10 years for you to realize that you loved mark lee but, if you had to, you would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
artificial scarcity || (soft)dark!Jake Jensen x reader
summary: you'll realize how good he can treat you, how badly you need him, one way or another. you just need a little encouragement, that's all.
word count: 4k, somehow...
warnings: smut! (dubcon; she is fully consenting but under dubious circumstances), drugging (technically), kidnapping, imprisonment, starvation, touch-starved reader, bed sharing, grinding/thigh fucking, size kink, spanking, implied stalking/voyeurism, implied noncon (kinda?), jake being possessive and manipulative and creepy
a/n: this was supposed to be a drabble which is why the pacing might feel a little rushed in the beginning but I hope you guys don’t mind!
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Jake was normally a relatively patient guy, especially with you since he had an obvious soft spot for the newest member of the team.  But after months of trying to get your attention, of his abysmal flirting not getting him anywhere, of you becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of him as a friend and nothing else, his patience was running thin.
He was tired of waiting for the perfect opportunity to rescue you and show you that he was the perfect guy for you.  He was tired of waiting for you to figure out that he could be everything you needed if you just let him.  So, he figured he needed to manufacture a chance to save you; he needed to take away some things just to bring them back, show you what it was like to let him take care of you.
Getting close to you was easy, you were teammates and friends so you trusted him.  The tricky thing was he didn't want you to know it was him, so he used your trust to lure you right into his trap.
Movie night tonight? There’s some cheesy slasher playing at the drive in at 1930, he texted you as soon as he could to the showtime to decrease the odds of you having any time to tell anyone about your plans to meet up with him; he’d rather not have the heat of being the last person to see you before your disappearance.
yeah sure!  are you driving? you replied almost instantly.
Yep, I’ll pick you up at S Lamar and Hanover in 10, he informed you, knowing it was close to your apartment but far away from any security cameras or likely witnesses.
He parked a block away and walked around the corner to see you standing there under the flickering streetlight looking at your phone.  You were waiting for him, and as he hid behind cover to come closer, you were clearly looking around for where he might be.  Thankfully, you didn't see him or his tranq gun, and he got your neck on the first shot.
He ran to catch you before you fell, relishing the weight of your body limp and pliant in his arms.  Somehow, he resisted the urge to play with you now, knowing it would be worth the wait to let his whole plan come to fruition.
The room he locked you in was dark and damp, barely any light but enough to see the half-full water bottle he left for you; your chain was short but you could reach everything you needed.  It broke his heart to hear your cries but he had to ignore them, if he came in now it wouldn't make sense.  He needed to be patient.
When the video feed from his camera inside showed that you'd fallen asleep for the night, he snuck in to bring you a new water bottle and a little granola bar since you'd screamed all day about being hungry.  You seem surprised when you woke up and saw it, quickly grabbing the bar but taking a long time to examine and smell it first before eating, like you were afraid it was poisoned.  But you ate, and drank your water, and waited for rescue.
Day 3 was the hardest to watch.  You tugged at your chain so much that he worried you'd hurt yourself.  He decided tomorrow was the last day because he couldn't take any more of this.
On the fourth day, he waited until you started to cry yourself to sleep before shutting down his equipment and finally coming to the door; he took a deep breath, preparing himself, before dramatically kicking it down and gasping when he saw you.  He called your name into the dark and you barely had the energy to open your eyes, poor thing.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" he yelped, dashing over to where you were chained and picking at the lock.  "I'm gonna get you out, don't worry, you're safe now."
"Jensen...?" you mumbled sleepily, making him smile and stroke your face a little.  
"Yeah, I'm right here."
He carried you to his car and drove you home-- not your old home, your new one which also happened to be his apartment.
"I think it's time to wake up, I'm guessing you wanna take a shower," he cooed at your sleeping form, watching you stir in his arms before finally blinking your eyes open and looking up at him.
"Oh," you whispered.  "Did I fall asleep?"
"Yes," he laughed, "you've been out the whole ride here."
"Oh…” you repeated, “and where are we?"
"My apartment.  I didn't want to leave you alone right now."
You nodded, seemingly in agreement.  "You can put me down now."
He reluctantly did as you'd asked, watching you carefully put weight back on your legs.
"Woah!" he chuckled when you wobbled a bit, reaching out to catch you, but you recovered.
"Thank you," you whispered, and he smiled at you.
"Just wish I'd found you sooner.”
"Um, you said I can take a shower?"
"Yeah, down that hall, first door on the right.  I'll bring you some clothes,” he explained, and you smiled weakly before navigating your way to the bathroom.
You looked so good in his clothes that his heart skipped a beat when he saw you step out into the living room.  The t-shirt that was almost too tight on him was baggy on you, reminding him of how delicate you were in so many ways, how much bigger he was than you.
It reminded him that if he really wanted to, he could force himself on you and you'd be helpless to stop him.  But that wasn't what he wanted.  It was going to be so much better this way.
"Wanna go to bed now?  I'll take the couch," he offered.
"N-no," you stammered, and he gave you a quizzical look.  "I don't… I don't want you that far away."
"Okay, I could sleep on the floor," he bargained instead, "in my room, with you."
"No," you sighed again, "then I won't be able to see you."
"I'll be right there," he reminded you.
"It's a king, right?  You can share with me."
"Are you sure?" he pressed.  "I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"No, please, this is the only way I'll be comfortable."
"Okay," he smiled, guiding you to the bedroom.  He let you watch him take off his shirt and smirked a little when he saw you ogling.
"I usually just sleep in boxers," he admitted nervously.  "I'll put on some pajama pants at least."
"It's fine, really," you smiled.  "I don't wanna be any more of a burden than I already am."
"You're not a burden."
"And I'm not gonna wear pants to bed anyways," you shrugged.
But he hadn't given you a new pair of panties to wear because he didn't have any to give you.  Which meant that if you took off the sweats he'd given you, that'd leave you in his shirt and nothing else.
He tried not to let that thought go straight to his cock as he unbuttoned and pushed down his pants, seeing you conflicted on where to look, before getting in bed.  You did the same, taking the sweats off once you were under the covers and tossing them out from under the blanket.
"Goodnight," he smiled as he turned off the lamp, hearing you whisper it back before starting to shift around and get comfortable.
He didn't have to wait nearly as long as he had expected to hear you meekly whisper, "Jensen?"
"Yeah, is everything alright?" he asked, voice full of concern.
"I… I don't want to ask you for anything else…" you sighed.
"No, hey, it's okay," he assured, "ask for anything."
"Would you, um, would you hold me?" 
He cleared his throat a little.  "If you need me to."
"Please, it's the only way I'll be able to sleep."
He sighed a little but relented, coming over to your side of the bed and spooning you, gingerly laying one arm over you and trying to avoid touching you anywhere too personal.
"Thank you," you sighed sleepily.
"Whatever you need,” he assured.
"Jake, why are you doing all this for me?" you asked quietly, turning back a little to look at him.
"You're my teammate, nobody gets left behind,” he explained.  “Besides, this is all my fault anyways.  You were waiting for me when they got you."
"No, Jake, don't say that.  It's not your fault."
"Alright, but it's not yours either.  You didn't deserve that."
“You’re right, but I don’t deserve this either,” you mumbled.
“Yes, you do.”
You shifted slightly against him, humming contentedly, and he groaned.
"I think maybe we should stop," he hissed, pulling away— but you stopped him by grabbing his arm.
"No, wait," you whimpered.  "Why?  What’s wrong?"
"I, uh, I guess I'm just experiencing some of the consequences of laying in bed with a beautiful woman…"
"The, um, the biological consequences."
"I— oh,” you whispered.
"Yeahhh...” he trailed off awkwardly.
"No, hey, it's okay.  I don't mind, I mean, you can't help it,” you shrugged.
"Sorry, I'm not normally this easily amused but it's been a while, so…"
"I understand," you assured, "really, it's okay… just don't go."
He just barely heard your gasp as he pressed himself against you, his shaft cradled perfectly between each soft globe of your ass.  "Is this okay?" he asked quietly.
"Y-yeah," you answered, making him suppress a laugh since it was obvious you were noticing his size.  He would bet a grand at least that you were getting wet right now, if he had anyone to bet against.
Your back arched a little, pushing your ass into him with more force, and you actually started to rock your hips ever so slightly.
"Stop moving," he hissed through his teeth.  
"I'm not…" you denied weakly.
"Yes you are, you're… rubbing yourself on me."
"I'm sorry, it just feels good,” you admitted sleepily, surprising him with your forwardness.  “You like it too, right?"
"Yes, but I feel like I'm taking advantage of you,” he admitted worriedly.
"You're not,” you promised, “you did so much for me— you saved me— and I want to help you, too.  You said it's been a while since you were with anybody, I could help you out… you know, you could rub up against me until you…"
He groaned a little but leaned in closer until his lips were right against your ear.  "Are you sure?  Don't do me any favors, you don't owe me anything."
"I want you to," you assured, making him smile and nod a bit, taking a moment to enjoy a deep breath as he prepared himself.
Carefully, he began to rock his hips forward, rubbing his cock on you through his boxers.  Even with a layer of cotton in the way he could feel your warmth, he could imagine how smooth your skin was.  If you hadn't been able to make out the shape of him before, you certainly could now— the ridge of his head was probably digging into you, and on particularly long thrusts he could feel your ass against his balls (which, inversely, meant you could feel his balls against your ass).
He held your hips as he picked up his pace a bit, grinding into you and breathing heavily in your ear.  You gasped and tried to hide a moan by biting your lip but he heard it.  It was even more obvious when he whispered your name to you, heavy with desire, and rubbed your spine with his finger.  Your back arched even further, inviting him to push harder against you until he felt the slightest wet patch forming on his boxers— not from him, from you.  It made his cock throb and his breath catch in his throat.
Overcome with need, he pushed his boxers down quickly before getting back to it, both of you moaning at the feeling of his skin on yours.  He was so close to your pussy he could hardly stand it, and he knew you must be dripping right now, desperate to be filled.  He could probably slip right in and you wouldn't even stop him, but that wasn't what he needed from you right now.  You needed to ask him for it.  He knew you wanted it, but he needed you to know you wanted it.
A drop of precum formed at his slit, smearing onto your skin and easing his way further.  
"I want you to feel good, too," he whispered.  "I don't just want to use you."
He pushed his cock down and slipped it between your thighs instead, sliding right against your wet, silky folds.  You whined beautifully as he thrusted forward, your thighs clenching (and therefore gripping him even tighter) when his cock slid right over your clit.
Your wetness was plentiful enough to drench him just from this, so he already knew the answer but he still asked, "does it feel good?"
"Yes," you sighed.  "Yes, it's good…"
He knew he could make you come like this, and he knew exactly how to, but that wouldn't get him what he wanted.  Instead he only gave you enough to keep you on the edge, moving too slow to really let you finish.  You even tried to move faster but his grip on your hips was too tight, keeping you still so he could savor his own pace and keep you desperate.
"Fuck me," you moaned.  
"I don't have a condom," he whispered nervously.
"I don't care, just please…"
That was all the encouragement he needed, pulling back enough to guide his head to your entrance before sliding right in.  Your wet, hot walls stretched open to accept him, struggling against his girth but eventually giving way.
Your hand shot back to grab onto his thigh, trying to keep him from going too deep, but he had no intentions of holding back now that he was inside you; he delicately grabbed your wrist and guided your hand back to your chest where he wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly.
"Baby," he moaned into your ear as his hips met yours.  "This is my pussy now."
You gasped and shivered in his arms, eyes falling shut as he pulled back and pushed in again, incredibly slow but as deep as he could push himself.
Your moans were perfect, even better than the ones he'd heard when he hacked into your webcam because it wasn't just your fingers or toy anymore, it was him— exactly what you'd always needed, whether you knew it or not.  He'd dreamed of this for so long and now that he had you he couldn't imagine ever letting you go.  Every inch of your channel was like heaven, every moan was somehow more beautiful than the last.
"That's it, baby, take all of me," he purred when he pressed deep into your cunt, holding your hips so the tip of his cock hit the deepest parts of you.  You made the cutest little choking noise and he kissed your neck while trying his best to make you do it again, moving faster and slapping his hips against yours more firmly.
"Jake," you managed to whimper, and he groaned through his teeth.
"Yeah, I'm right here," he promised.  "That's me inside you, sweetheart, that's my cock filling you up."
He leaned back slightly and pulled your ass apart so he could see his cock stretching you out, disappearing into your body.  It made his head fall back for a moment before he pulled you close again and started thrusting faster.  He reached around and brought two fingers to your clit, rubbing it fiercely as he kept thrusting.
"Oh fuck," you moaned, "Jake, right there… I'm gonna come…"
He laughed a little, kissing your ear as a show of approval.  "Baby, you're so sensitive," he praised, giving your clit a little spank.  You cried out and shuddered, bouncing yourself back on his cock, meeting his thrusts.  Amused by your neediness, he stopped moving and watched you go.
"There you go, sweetheart, fuck yourself with my cock.  Make yourself come."
You whined and kept going, your ass slapping against his hips loudly.  He kept rubbing your clit as you worked his cock, your walls starting to clench down on him rhythmically and your body beginning to shake.
The absolute second he heard you cry out with pleasure as you reached the peak, he grabbed you and rolled both of you over until you were on your stomach and he was brutally fucking you into the mattress.  He could still feel you pulsing around his length, gripping him tight and pulling him deeper.
"That's it, keep fuckin' coming for me," he groaned.  "Gimme one more and then I'm gonna fill you up."
"Jake!" you yelped, grabbing onto the pillow and even biting it as he slammed into you.  
"You're so good, baby, your pussy feels so good," he growled, pinning you down by your shoulders as he sped up even more.  He laughed when he felt your walls weakly fluttering, his balls hitting your swollen clit with each thrust.  "Gonna come again already, baby?  Just from my cock?"
"Yes," you sobbed hoarsely, "yes, Jake, I'm gonna come again— oh my god, please don't stop…"
"Oh, I won't stop," he assured.  "You take it so fuckin' good, sweetheart, like you were made for it.  Like you were made for me."
You moaned loudly and he took the opportunity to spank you— not incredibly hard but enough to make you whine a bit… and get even wetter.
"Oh fuck, you like that huh?" he purred with a grin.  "You like it rough."
"Yes, fuck, I love it," you agreed with a moan.  "I'm— I'm coming, Jake, don't stop."
"Yeah, I know," he chuckled, "I can feel it.  Feels so good when you come on my cock, baby…"
You went suddenly from arching your back and gripping the pillow to falling limp and relaxing, your body his toy now as he fucked you to the point of overstimulation.  Your moans were exhausted and muffled now, your walls clinging to him desperately as he continued stroking every sensitive place he could reach (which was all of them).
He could so easily pull out and paint your back, or jerk himself off over your ass, but if he was going to claim your body then he was going to do it right.  
He didn't warn you in advance, just in case you suddenly decided to tell him to pull out, but he did make sure you knew what he was doing.  "Fuck, I'm coming!" he moaned as his cock flexed and his seed filled you, still thrusting in time with each pump of his release.  It was nearly overwhelming, physically and psychologically.  He was finally filling you like he'd fantasized about basically every time he got off since he met you, finally making you his the way you should've been from the beginning.
He sighed and laid down on top of you, smiling as he kissed all over your face, neck, shoulders, and back.
You giggled sleepily, but whined when he tried to pull out, bringing your legs up to hold him inside.  "Don't go yet," you pleaded.
"Okay, baby, I'll stay right here until you fall asleep," he promised.  "Goodnight, beautiful…"
Not only could he not think of a night he'd slept better in his life, but he was pretty sure this was the best any man had slept in the history of sleep.  But even then, he wasn't at all disappointed when you woke him up.
"Good morning," you whispered in his ear with a giggle, making him blink his eyes open and look down at where you were resting your face on his chest.
"Good morning," he returned with a grin, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close.
"Last night was… pretty amazing," you smiled coyly, and he stroked your cheek as he felt it warm even more.
"Yeah, you have no idea," he chuckled, lifting your head so he could give you a kiss.  It was supposed to be quick and wholesome but you deepened it instantly, wrapping your arms around his neck.  
Just as you started to climb up to straddle him, he heard your stomach loudly growl and he pulled back to laugh.
"Sorry, sweetheart, but it sounds like you've got some other needs to take care of first," he smirked.
"Ugh, you're right," you sighed, "I'm going raid your kitchen."
"No, let me do that, I'll make you something— whatever you want," he offered, starting to sit up, but you pushed him back down.
"Jake, you've done enough for me already.  I don't even know what I want, that's why I wanna go look at what you have."
"If you insist," he relented, watching you hop out of bed and playfully smacking your ass when it was within reach.  You giggled and scampered away, leaving him to lay back and put his hands up behind his head, taking a deep breath of satisfaction.  His plan had not only worked but gone beyond his expectations— clearly you had wanted this, on some level, from the beginning, you were too eager for him to believe otherwise.  But that didn't matter now, because you were finally his and it was exactly as he'd dreamed it would feel: right, undeniably and overwhelmingly right.
He decided to take a break from basking in his own glory for a while to get up and find some food for himself as well.  After all, he planned on fucking you at least one more time today so he'd need lots of energy to keep him going.
He slipped back on his boxers and walked to the kitchen, finding you there standing oddly still.  "What are you doing?" he asked with a bemused scoff.
"Jake…" you mumbled, staring into the cabinet blankly.
"What's wrong?" he asked, stepping closer but stopping in his tracks when he saw what you were looking at: a six-pack box of granola bars.  He sighed a little as he internally chided himself for such a rookie mistake.  "Baby, seriously, what's wrong?"
"I… these… this is the same kind they gave me… it was the only thing I ate for almost four days."
"Oh my god," he whispered, stepping up behind you and wrapping his arms around you to try to soothe you.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring back any bad memories.  You only ate granola bars for four days?  Honey, you must be starving, please just let me cook you something—"
"No, not only granola bars: only a granola bar.  Just one…"
You reached up to grab the box but he held you tighter, trying to stop you.  Instead what happened was you accidentally knocked the box over, exactly five bars sliding out and landing on the floor with a crinkly thud.
You gasped with realization and tried to squirm away but his comforting hug turned into restraint instantly.  "Jake, let me go…"
"I'm sorry, baby, but I don't think I can do that."
"Jake, please," you begged with a sob.  "Why did you— how could you?"
"I know you had feelings for me, you just needed a little encouragement."
"Feelings for you?  I hate you!"
"Huh, that's odd, because I distinctly remember you begging me to fuck you last night,” he taunted.  “I remember you coming for me, twice.  Is that what you normally do when you hate somebody?"
"You're a monster," you sneered.
"And you're stuck with me, whether you like it or not," he chuckled, spinning you around to bend you over the counter, pressing his hips against yours as you whined and failed to squirm away.  "So you might as well let yourself like it."
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nightwishesworld · 3 years
hello! do you think you could do a chapter with fem!reader whose afraid of thunderstorms and wakes up in the middle of the night because of it but doesn’t wanna wake alcina so she just stays awake but the storm goes on for like a week and this keeps happening until she notices and comforts you through it by like cuddles or talking you to sleep to distract you from it :)
Oh my god I hate the way this came out. My brain just could not process this for some reason. I also couldn't make it as long as a week, my apologies.
One dark evening at Castle Dimitrescu a storm rolled in. Relatively speaking, it was quite harmless and most of the inhabitants of the castle were unbothered by the storm.
Except you.
Late into the evening, whilst most were asleep, the storm was at its strongest - the crackle of thunder rolling through the halls as flashes of lightning illuminated the darkest corners of the room. You were trying to sleep, honest, but just as you felt the drowsiness of rest come to take you - a loud crack of thunder would jolt you awake and paralyze you with fear.
You sat with your back against the headboard, your breathing rapid.
You pulled the covers up to your chest and hugged your pillow close to your chest. Resisting the urge to run and hide in the closet like you used to do as a kid was becoming more and more difficult.
Another flash, another boom.
You knew it wasn’t logical, but you couldn’t stop yourself from flinching or jumping as the sounds of the storm roared outside. It was just so loud and you could swear the castle was shaking with it.
You squeezed your eyes shut, white-knuckling the pillow held tight against your chest and humming a song to yourself in order to distract your brain.
The sound of constant rain was suddenly accompanied by heavy hail falling, and that’s when the thoughts started charging at you full force.
What if the lightning strikes the castle? What if the castle collapsed? Did it have the right infrastructure? What if-
“Stop it, God. Stop it!” You begged your brain but to no avail. Your mind kept generously providing you with possibilities and images you did not ask for.
Another loud boom and this time you couldn’t help the cry let out before clapping a hand over your mouth and diving under the blankets.
When you didn’t hear anything for a few minutes you felt it safe enough to come out of hiding. Thankfully the vampire slumbering next to you wasn’t disturbed by your pathetic cries and whimpers. She had a rough day dealing with a very pissed off Mother Miranda and needed rest and relaxation as much as she could possibly get.
You forced yourself to lay still on your back and focus all your energy on controlling your breathing. That was the key to saving yourself a panic attack. You don’t know how long you were staring up at the ceiling, but dawn eventually came and your partner stirred from her sleep.
She would have been happy to see you if not for the redness in your eyes and puffiness surrounding them, obvious signs of lack of sleep.
“Are you alright, draga mea?” She wrapped her arms around your midsection and rested her head on your shoulder, kissing your cheek.
You didn’t answer, even though you knew Alcina wouldn’t just drop the question. She was sweet and caring like that, which is probably why you never had the heart to tell her how much of a coward you actually are.
“You didn’t sleep very well, did you?”
“Nightmares,” you rasped, trying to focus on Alcina more than the low rumbling outside. “I’ll be fine after a cup of coffee.”
She looked as though she didn’t accept that answer but quickly hid any doubts behind a warm smile. “If you’re sure.”
It felt wrong lying to her. You had never felt the need to hide anything from Alcina before, but this was just embarrassing. She’d probably laugh at you told her you were still afraid of thunderstorms.
The day progressed with relative normalcy despite the occasional sounds of rumbling. Alcina busied herself dealing with the mountain of paperwork on her desk for Mother Miranda and the girls were running amuck in the basement. Depending on which room you were in you could hear their laughter below you. Their mischief down there has always been a mystery to you, even now after living in the castle a couple of years. You knew what they were doing, but couldn't fathom the idea of enjoying it so much. You did find it rather disturbing that their torturing frightened you less than a stupid thunderstorm.
You huddled in the back section of the library behind the bookshelves so you couldn’t see the lightning out the windows. The loud rumbling still had you on edge, but a good book is always a welcome distraction. It worked so well, that you didn't hear Daniela approaching. You practically jumped three feet in the air when she was stood in front of you.
“What’s wrong with you?” Daniela asked, her voice was stern, but it also had a concerning tone to it. She had dropped her bag, keeping the knife at her side. Your breathing was heavier than usual as you tried to think of what to say. It was more than embarrassing to tell Daniela the truth. You knew for a fact she out of everyone in the castle would laugh at you. "You scared me,"
She rolled her eyes. "No, Dummy, I mean what's really wrong?"
You shrug and turn the page of your book. “Nothing.”
Another boom. You couldn’t fight off flinched.
“Oh, I think I get it. You’re afraid of-”
“Don’t tell anyone.” You clenched your fists, shutting your eyes tightly. Daniela wanted to laugh, but she didn’t. You watched as she cautiously sat back down. The redhead sat in front of you, the rain somehow sounding even louder than it had before. You looked over at Daniela, feeling the embarrassment creep upon you.
Daniela started at you with a rather confused expression, resting her arms on her knees. “Out of everything we’ve been through,” she began, “everything you’ve seen us do. Everything that goes on in this castle just below your feet,” she paused. “And you’re scared of thunder?”
You sat silently and twiddled your thumbs.
“Doesn’t matter,” you whisper. “It’s not important. You’re only going to run off and tell everyone.”
Daniela rolled her eyes and picked up her bag, headed once again for the basement. “Whatever, y/n, have it your way.”
You spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening shuffling around the library hiding from the white flashes. It was only when Daniela came to fetch you for dinner that you left. Luckily you were eating in the kitchen instead of the larger Dining Hall. The kitchen is much more manageable; marginally fewer windows to see the lightning. The meal carried on as it normally would; the girls boasted about their successes in the basement, Alcina discusses all the work she got done today and complains about the work she put off for tomorrow. It was almost enough to take your mind off the chaos happening just outside the windows. Almost.
The storm carried on just as confidently throughout the evening and into the night. It showed no signs of relenting, which in turn meant another sleepless night.
You wasted no time stripping your clothes and crawling into bed, back to the open windows. Alcina didn’t think much of it, simply chalking it up to being exhausted from the previous night’s lack of sleep. She wasn’t completely wrong, you did feel like you were ready to sleep for the next 24 hours. But you knew the storm wouldn’t allow you that luxury.
Pressure against your back and an arm wrapping around your midsection snapped you out of your thoughts.
“I hope you sleep tonight, my love.”
“Me too.”
An hour later and you were still wide awake listening to the rain being pelted against the windows. An anxious voice whispered impossible scenarios of the rain breaking through the windows and lightning striking you down in the safety of your bed. You tried your hardest to not toss and turn as to not disturb the woman next to you. She's not asleep yet, you can tell by the lack of snoring, but her breathing is starting to even out. You were curled up on your side, back to Alcina. She wrapped you in her arms, her chest against your back and arm across your waist. "Dove..." she whispered in your ear. "Y/n... "
"I'm sleeping, Al." You murmured snuggling further into the vampire’s arms, your eyes still closed.
"No, you're not." She stroked your side absently. “Are you sure you’re ok? You aren’t falling ill are you?”
You sigh. “No, I’m not getting sick. My body is just too exhausted to relax.”
Alcina hummed, burrowing her face in the crook of your neck. “I’ll stay up with you for a while.”
“You will not. Go to sleep Al, I’ll be fine. You had a long day yourself, one of us should be able to sleep."
"Why don't we go sit in the Drawing Room or the Library? I'll hold you in my lap and read to you." God no. Way too many windows. "Goodnight, Alcina." You feel her sigh against your skin, pushing a few stray hairs around. "Can I do anything?" "Stop worrying, it's just insomnia." "I'll stay up with you then. You shouldn't be up all by yourself staring at the ceiling." "I'm not alone, Love, you're right here with me. Asleep or not I'm still in your arms, and that helps a lot." You feel her smile against your neck and pull you closer against her front. "wake me if you need anything."
You actually slept fairly well; only waking up a few times to have Alcina soothe you back to sleep. Being tucked away in her embrace did a world of help, but you still woke up hours before Alcina did. Her eyes fluttered open and focus on your groggy face. She frowns.
"Did you sleep at all?"
You smile and kiss her lips. "Yes, I actually slept a lot better last night than before."
"Good," she pulls you back to kiss you again.
Later in the afternoon Bela and Cassandra invited (dragged you really) into the Drawing Room to play a game of cards.
Everything was going really well. You were laughing and playing with the girls like everything was as it should be in Castle Dimitrescu.
You were made astutely aware of the situation outside again when a loud crack of thunder shook the castle. There was another flash and clap of thunder, this time loud enough to make Cassandra flinch.
You abruptly shot up from the table. “Sorry. I need a minute.” You rushed down the hall into one of the guest rooms. Cassandra and Bela shared a confused glance and watched as you hurried away. They’d never seen you so flighty and nervous before. Neither could tell what was wrong.
They laid on the carpet and silently counted to sixty before following you to down the corridor.
“Y/n?” Bela softly knocked on the door. “It’s been a minute.”
There was no response. More thunder. Bela frowned. “We’re coming in, okay?”
She opened the door a crack and poked her head inside. You were nowhere to be seen. “Y/n?” Cassandra called, stepping further inside and glancing around the room. The sisters checked under the bed, then under the covers, even under the shade of the bedside lamp. Then Bela peered out of the rain-soaked window for good measure. Where else could you be?
Just as Cassandra decided she was stumped, she heard a rustling from behind her and a muffled, “I’m in here.” She turned around in confusion because the only place they hadn’t checked in that direction was…
They crept over to the closet and carefully slid open the door. The girls smiled when they found you sitting on the ground, curled up with your head between your knees. “Playing hide and seek now, are we?” Bela said. “Next round I call being the— um, y/n?”
“I’m fine,” you mumbled, staying right where you were. “Sorry.”
“S-Sorry for what…?” Cassandra crouched down beside you. The closet almost had enough space for the three of you to fit.
“Y/n, please. Something’s obviously bothering you, can’t you tell us?”
All three of you startled as another flash of lightning cut into the room, followed by another growl of thunder. You tightened your grip around your legs. Bela’s jaw dropped.
“It’s the storm,” she said, half a question, half a statement. “You’re scared of thunder?”
“It’s childish.”
“Oh, y/n…”
“I’m weak. Something as dumb and simple as loud noises shouldn’t make me so—”
“Y/n. Look at me.” Cassandra’s gently stern tone convinced you to move your head so your chin rested on your knees. You side-eyed the girls, trying to imitate your usual stoicism. It was difficult with red-rimmed eyes.
“A phobia doesn’t make you childish, or weak— do you know how many people have a fear of thunder, y/n? A lot of humans.”
“A lot of Uncle Heisenberg’s lycans as well,” Bela chimed in.
“And are you going to go around insulting them? No, Y/n, because that’s not nice. So don’t insult yourself for the same thing.” Cassandra waved around her index finger as she spoke. Your eyes widened and followed the movement. Both girls laughed.
“Is that what’s been giving you nightmares?”
You shake your head. “I just haven’t been sleeping; too tense.”
Cassandra giggled. “Just ask mother for extra cuddles, not like she’ll say no.”
“Or a more intimate distraction,” Bela winked.
Both sisters giggle at the blush creeping on your cheeks.
“Can we sit here with you?” Bela asked, already taking the vacant spot on your right.
You shrugged— as much as you could in this balled-up position. “You don’t have to.”
“It’s ok y/n, we don’t mind.”
They sat on either side of you, Bela holding your hand, enjoying the comfortable silence that cast over you.
A loud crack of thunder jolted Alcina awake. Cursing to herself she eyed the clock across the room–2:06 am. Raking a hand down her face, she jolted again when another crack of thunder echoed through the castle. It wasn’t a minute later that an insistent downpour of rain started pelting the roof and windows followed by an angry howling of the wind. You stirred next to her in the bed. You were mumbling in what sounded like a mix of Romanian and English. Alcina swallowed thickly because she knew what that meant; another night terror. She laid back down and curled herself against you, cocooning herself against your back. Alcina placed a few stray kisses on your shoulders and the nape of your neck, smoothing her hands along your hipbone in the process. You calmed after a few minutes, your mumbling returning to the steadying breaths of deep sleep. Alcina sighed in relief and closed her eyes in hopes that she could drift back to sleep.
Alcina sat up on the bed and saw you still appeared to be sleeping, though you looked somewhat agitated. She reached over and attempted to run her fingers through your hair but all that succeeded in doing was causing you to jolt awake.
You woke up with a strangled yell and starting crawling out from underneath the sheets. You sat with your back against the headboard, your breathing and heart rate rapid. Alcina crawled over and realized you were having a panic attack. “Y/n, can you hear me?” You nodded, your eyes squeezed shut as tears started leaking from the corners. You clamped a hand over your mouth, and Alcina realized you were trying to silence your breathing. “Honey no, don’t do that, just focus on me,” she pulled your hand away from your mouth slowly. You shook your head and tried to take your hand back. “No no no... I can’t- I-I-I can’t wake Al-Alcina,” you gasped. “It’s alright, Dove, just follow my breathing.” Alcina took exaggerated breaths to demonstrate. You started calming down slightly. “That’s it, everything is alright, just keep breathing.” You seemed to calm down more with the breathing exercises. “I’m going to get you a glass of water“ Alcina started to say, but was cut off by you grabbing her arm. “No! Don’t-don’t lea- don’t leave, please, don’t- don’t” you closed her eyes, her breath quickening again. “Sweetheart, breathe with me. In, out. In, out.” Alcina took your hand and put it on her chest. “Breathe with me. In, out. In, out.” Your breathing returned to normal. After sitting in silence for a bit, Alcina turned to her.
“Another night terror?” She asked. You looked away for a minute, ashamed of yourself.
God, you probably woke her up, good job.
Alcina couldn’t keep an amused smile from forming. “Can my little dove not sleep because of the thunderstorm?”
As if on cue, a blinding bolt of lightning crackled down from the sky. The following rumble of thunder seemed to shake the castle. You let out a whimper and shielded yourself from the sky. “How could I possibly sleep when it sounds like the sky is falling?!”
Alcina hums and pulls you close against her. “There’s nothing wrong with a healthy fear, Dove. It brings out the human in you.”
“UGH! Just-!”
Another shriek, barely muffled by Alcina’s shoulder, had you violently trembling. You were barely holding yourself together.
Wracked with terror, eyes shut tightly, you found yourself unable to prevent the reflexive compulsion to cling to something nearby.
Which, in this case, was Alcina, who was left staring in shocked silence at the violently trembling form with arms wrapped tightly around her midsection. She immediately wrapped her arms around you again and began rubbing soothing circles on your back.
“Calm down. You’re fine,” She spoke softly, ignoring the buzz under her skin as she soaked in the unwitting embrace like a dry sponge in water. Soothingly, she rubbed up to your shoulder blades. “There we are, my love,” Alcina chuckled. “I’ve got you. Listen to my voice,” She rumbled, speaking soft but firm as the thunder forced smaller tremors through the floor. “You’re going to relax. I’m going to help you. Just lay here with me and close your eyes. I’ll hold you all night if you want me to.”
Gradually, the sound faded and petered off back into the loud patter of rain against the windows but Alcina held you tightly still. She could feel the flutter of your heartbeat against her own, almost impressed that you hadn’t passed out from fear alone.
“Why didn’t you say anything? The storm’s been going on for days now you must have been petrified.”
“I didn’t want you to know,” you mumbled into her neck. “It’s a pathetic fear I’ve had since I was a kid. I don’t want you to think less of me.”
“You think something as trivial as a phobia would make me think less of you?” She pulled you even tighter against her. You melted into her embrace. “Clearly I haven’t been a very good partner to you.”
“No Al, it’s not like that. Gods, you’re an amazing partner. It’s just my stupid insecurities. You’re all so fearless and brave. You’re not afraid of anything, and then there’s me; tiny, inferior, afraid of a little thunderstorm.”
She sighed and continued rubbing circles on your back. “I’m not fearless.”
“Yeah right,” you scoff. “What could the great and powerful Alcina Dimitrescu possibly be afraid of?”
You wriggled out of her arms just enough to turn and face her. “What? But, you’re immortal. Death isn’t really something you have to worry about.”
She gave a small smile and brought a hand to cup your face. “I never said my death, sweet one.”
“The girls are clever, they can get themselves out of most situations unscathed, but still, we can be slain. And there have been some pretty close calls in the past. And you,” she rubbed gentle circles on your cheek. “Your death is inevitable. It gnaws at the back of my mind every time I look at you. Every time morning I have to untangle myself from your embrace I remember that one day I’ll wake up alone and wish I cuddled with you for just a bit longer."
"Al, I didn't-"
"I can't always be there to protect you, including the girls. If I could take the brunt of all conflict for you I would gladly do so, but that's unfortunately not how life works. I'm just left worrying until I know for sure you're all safe."
She hummed into your neck and kissed your pulse point. "How selfish of me, I'm supposed to be comforting you, not the other way around. If I paid more attention I would have known, I’m sorry, my love.”
“Don’t apologize, just hold me.”
Alcina kissed the top of your head. “With pleasure.”
Soon enough you did fall asleep again, your arms still clinging tight around the vampire’s upper midsection. Alcina found a comfortable enough position and allowed herself to drift away as well.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Trial Failure
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader enemies to lovers!
Read the series or on its own
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You were sitting in your car a few months later, sending Peter a text telling him to be safe on patrol. Before you could get out of you car, you heard a knock at your window. You jumped and looked up to see Spiderman standing outside your car with his hands on his hips.
“Ma’am, I’m gonna need you to step out of the vehicle.” Peter said as he rested his hands on an invisible belt.
“What did I do, officer?” You played along.
“It says here that you don’t have a permit for being that pretty.” Peter replied.
“Aw.” You chuckled a little. “You’re such a loser.”
“Shut up.” He laughed. “It’s dark already. Let me walk you home.”
“In the suit?” You asked as you got out of the car. “I feel so fancy.”
“Only the best for my lady.” He said as he took your hand. “It’s so creepy in here. I wish your parking lot wasn’t so far from the actual building.”
“Me either.” You shrugged. “But at least I have a parking lot. May still has to park on the street. She and I complain about it a lot when you’re not around.”
“Well I would also have my license if I wasn’t so busy, you know, saving New York or whatever.” Peter shrugged.
“Shut up.” You laughed as you leaned into him. You slipped your hand into his gloved one and fell into a comfortable silence.
When you passed by the bodega near your apartment, you caught the attention of a man sleeping outside.
“Hey.” He chuckled and pointed at Peter. “You’re that spider guy.”
“You can call me Spiderman.” Peter said kindly.
“Okay Spiderman. And who’s this?” His attention shifted to you. “Spider-Man has a girlfriend?”
“No.” Peter said quickly and dropped your hand. “We just met. I’m just doing my duty and walking her home.”
The man didn’t take his eyes off of you, which made you step closer to Peter.
“Yeah?” The man asked. “And where’s that?”
“Nowhere.” You answered. “Don’t worry about it.”
“All right.” The man narrowed his eyes at you. “I hope I’ll be seeing you again, beautiful.”
“You won’t.” Peter said, trying to keep his tone neutral. “Have a nice night, sir.”
Peter put his hand on your back and quickly lead you away. He stayed silent until you got to your apartment building, the tension between you palpable.
“I shouldn’t come in.” Peter said. “Not while I’m in the suit. People shouldn’t see Spiderman going into your apartment.”
“No ones around.” You chuckled to break the tension. “I think it’s fine.”
“I can’t.” Peter shook his head. “Your neighbor could see me or the cameras could pick me up or-“
“Hey.” You cut him off with a smile. “It’s okay. You don’t have to come up. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay.” Peter sighed sadly, hating to have to leave you without a kiss goodnight. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Once Peter had swung away, you blew him a kiss when you knew no one could see. You went inside and didn’t give the night another thought. Elsewhere, Peter was torn up over what had happened. The way the man had been looking at you was shaking him up. He let it go for the time being, but it stayed with him in the back of his mind.
The next night, you were making the ten minute walk from your apartment to Peter’s. You put your keys between your fingers and kept your head straight as you walked. When you passed the bodega near your apartment, the man from the night before noticed you.
“Hey, aren’t you Spider-Man’s girlfriend?” He asked with a wicked grin. You ignored him and kept walking, picking up your pace as he followed.
“You are, aren’t you?” He continued when you didn’t respond.
“No.” You said flatly.
“Yes you are.” He cooed. “You’re pretty.”
You ignored him and sharply turned a corner, but he followed.
“Hey!” He called after you. “Don’t I get a thank you?”
“No.” You called back. “You don’t.”
“You know.” He seized your arm suddenly, making you stop. “I don’t like Spiderman that much. He webbed up my buddy and got him sent to jail.”
“Aw. Poor you.” You said as you pulled yourself out of his grip.
“No, pretty girl.” He shook his head. “Poor you.”
You watched his hand disappear into his pocket and soon heard the click of switch blade.
“What are you doing?” You asked as you backed away from him.
“He took my buddy from me. I wanna take something from him.” The man growled as he held the knife up to your throat. Your back hit the wall as you craned your neck away from his blade. You could feel the sharp blade against your throat and felt a cold panic run down your spine.
“Wait, please.” You gulped as your hand went into your pocket. “Don’t hurt me. I have a baby sister at home. She needs me.”
“Aw.” He said sarcastically. “Do you?”
“I do.” You nodded and pulled something out of your pocket. “She needs me to take care of her. I’ll show you.”
Instead of pulling out a picture, you pulled out your pepper spray and sprayed it in his eyes. He backed away screaming and you took this opportunity to punch him in the throat. He doubled over in pain, so you swiftly kicked him in the stomach and took off. You didn’t stop running until you reached Peter’s apartment, never once looking back. Once you were in his room, Peter caught sight of your messy hair and the tiny red line on your neck and immediately panicked.
“Woah, are you okay?” He cupped your face so you’d look at him. “What happened to you?”
“I’m fine.” You huffed and dropped your bag. “It was that stupid guy from last night.”
“What guy?” Peter asked as he fumbled through his desk for a bandaid.
“The one we passed by the bodega. I saw him again.” You explained as Peter’s shaking hand out a bandaid in your neck.
“What happened?” Peter asked. “Did he hurt you?”
“No. I had my pepper spray on me.” You told him.
“Did he try to hurt you?”
“I mean, I guess.” You shrugged. “I think he just liked that I was your girlfriend. Apparently he’s not much of a Spiderman fan.”
Peter withdrew his hands from you when he heard this as if he was scared to hurt you further.
“He attacked you because of me?” He asked quietly.
“No. He tried to attack me because of you. Pepper spray, remember?” You cracked a smile, but Peter didn’t return it.
“Peter, I handled it. It’s fine.” You put your hands on his face when you noticed how scared he looked.
“He…he shouldn’t have done that.” Peter stammered. “You didn’t do anything. He had no reason to go after you.”
He pulled away from you again and ran his fingers through his hair. He was deeply distraught over this, even though you were okay. You reached out for Peter again but he swatted your hand away.
“Peter, it’s okay.” You said quietly. “I’m okay. Nothing happened.”
“Nothing compared to what could have happened.” He corrected you.
“Look, I was really scared back there. I understand if you’re scared too, but I’m on your side here.” You said softly. “You can’t pull away from me right now. I need you. I need my boyfriend to tell me it’s okay.”
Peter’s face softened when you showed a rare sign of vulnerability. He slowly opened his arms to you and you stepped into them. Peter wrapped his arms around your body and rubbed your back and you took a deep inhale.
“I love you.” He said before kissing the top of your head. “It’s okay. You’re safe now. I got you, princess.”
“I love you too.” You mumbled against his chest.
Peter looked up at the ceiling to keep tears from falling down his face as he held you. He let out a deep sigh as he rubbed your back, silently thinking about the effect this would have on his future.
Especially his future with you.
“Some guy attacked Y/n because he saw her with Spider-man the night before.” Peter said as he set his lunch down. Ned stopped eating and let his jaw drop.
“Are you serious?” He said with a full mouth.
“Yeah. I put one of his friends in jail so he went after her. She had nothing to do with it but he still targeted her. Because of me, Ned. It’s my fault he went after her.” Peter sighed and rubbed his face.
“Dude, it’s not your fault.” Ned said. “You didn’t know he was gonna do that.”
“But now I do.” Peter stated. “And it’s only gonna get worse from here. I mean, you’ve seen the guys that have gone after Mr. Stark and Pepper. What if some guy tries to hurt Y/n to get to me? Someone a lot worse then some hobo with a switchblade.”
“You don’t know that will happen.”
“But I know that it could if I continue to date her.” Peter sighed again. Ned furrowed his eyebrows when he heard this, jumping to the conclusions of what that could mean.
“What are you gonna do?”
“I don’t think there’s anything else I can do.” Peter said quietly. “I think I have to break up with her.”
“Are you sure about that?” Ned leaned forward to ask.
“How else am I supposed to keep her safe?” Peter’s bottom lip began to tremble. “As long as she’s my girlfriend, she has a target on her back. I can’t knowingly put her in danger like that.”
“But, Peter. You love her. And she loves you. You can’t just end it.” Ned countered.
“I have to end it because I love her.” Peter explained. “I have to love her enough to put her safety over my happiness.”
“She’s gonna hate you.” Ned shook his head. “You know her.”
“Maybe not. Maybe she’ll understand.” Peter said hopefully.
“I don’t know, man.” Ned sighed. “I think you found something really good here. I don’t think you should mess it up.”
“But if she got hurt because of me...” Peter trailed off. “I’d never forgive myself. I can’t risk it.”
“I’ll support you either way.” Ned said. “But only if you stay with her.”
“That’s not really supporting me either way.”
“Yeah. Because I think your way is really dumb.” Ned deadpanned.
“It’s not dumb. She could’ve been killed.” Peter protested.
“Do you honestly think she’ll let you break up with her over this?” Ned asked. “Shes gonna tell you that you’re ridiculous and she can protect herself.”
“Then I won’t tell her my reasoning.” Peter decided. “I love her but she’s stubborn as hell. Especially with me. If that reason isn’t good enough for her then she won’t get a reason at all.”
“Peter, that’s even worse.” Ned whined. “There’s no coming back from that. You know how much she values communication. That will crush her.”
“I’d rather her have a broken heart then be killed.” Peter said simply. “She’ll hate me for a while, sure, but at least she’ll be safe.”
“I don’t know about this.” Ned frowned. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”
Before Peter could answer, you sat down at the lunch table with a smile. Peter gave Ned a look that told him to cease all conversation of the breakup, which made Ned look away.
“Hey guys.” You smiled. “What’s going on over here? You both look so sad. Did you break up or something?”
Peter and Ned froze at your joke, giving each other a knowing look. You looked between the two of them and noticed the icy tension.
“Woah.” You laughed awkwardly. “I was kidding. Is everything okay?”
“It’s fine.” Peter lied as he kept his eyes on Ned. Ned stayed silent, knowing he couldn’t lie to you.
“Okay.” You said skeptically. “Are we still gonna hang out after school, Petey?”
“Yeah.” Peter gave you a tight smile. “We can talk after school.”
Ned let out a sad laugh before looking at Peter. He silently picked up his backpack and left the table, not wanting to be a part of Peter breaking your heart.
“What was that all about?” You asked once Ned left.
“I don’t know.” Peter said without looking at you. The guilt was already eating away at him and he hadn’t even broken up with you yet. You changed the subject and started to talk about something else, but Peter barely heard. He felt sick to his stomach, knowing he was acting like everything was fine when he had every intention of breaking up with you. When the bell rang, Peter snapped out of it and looked at you longingly. You gave him a small smile, having no idea what was coming. It broke Peter’s heart to know this was the last time you’d be happy while looking at him. Peter leaned in to kiss you, letting it linger much longer than usual. He figured it would be your last kiss, and he wanted to make it last. When he pulled away, you had confusion in your eyes.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You asked. “That felt like a goodbye kiss.”
“I’m okay.” Peter nodded. “I’ll see you later.”
Peter avoided you the best he could for the rest of the day. Once the last bell rang, he bolted out of school with stopping at his locker. He had felt sick all day because of his decision. He was so wrapped up in his guilt, he didn’t even hear you knock at his door.
“Hey, Petey.” You smiled as you shut his bedroom door behind you. “I looked for you at the lockers but you weren’t there. Did you run home or something?”
Peter jumped when he heard your voice and whipped around, all the color draining from his face.
“Um. Yeah.” He stammered. “I did.”
You were quick to notice his off behavior and furrowed your eyebrows.
“What’s wrong?” You asked as you approached him. Peter took a single step back from you, so you didn’t move any closer.
“Um…I have to talk to you about something.” Peter said quietly as he stared at your feet.
“Okay.” You folded your arms. “Is everything okay?”
“I think…” Peter gulped and shut his eyes. “I think we should break up.”
“What?” You chuckled as you raised your eyebrow.
“I don’t think a relationship is right for me right now.” Peter lied, finally looking up at you. “I think I need to be on my own.”
“That’s not funny, Peter.” Your smile fell as glared at him.
“I’m being serious.” He said weakly. “I don’t want us to be together anymore.”
“Why?” You asked as your eyes glassed over. “What happened?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I was into it, and now I’m not. So I want to break up.”
“That’s all I get? “I don’t know?” We spend six months in love but all the sudden, you don’t know?” You asked as a tear fell from your eyes. Peter had to look away, knowing he wouldn’t be able to continue if he saw you cry.
“Look, I just changed my mind okay? It’s nothing personal.” He said as he looked at the ceiling.
“Really? Because it feels a little personal.”
“We can still be friends.” He offered. “We said we’d give this a try, and we did. It just didn’t work out.”
“So the trip to the graveyard, you telling me your secret, bringing me to meet your team, all the kisses in your bedroom and the sex in mine, was all of that it not working out for you?” You asked him.
“No.” He swore. “That’s not...this isn’t about that.”
“How am I supposed to believe that?” You raised your voice. “Did you just use me for sex? Is that all this was? Some twisted way to get into my pants?”
“No.” Peter shook his head rapidly. “I loved you, I just-“
“Loved?” You cut him off and laughed sadly. Peter watched as you wiped the tears from your face with a broken heart.
“I’m sorry.” He said sincerely. “I wish I had something better to tell you. But my mind is made up. We can’t be together.”
“What did I do?” You whispered through your tears.
“Nothing. You didn’t do anything.” Peter promised as he took a step towards you, needing to hold you. This time, you were the one who backed away.
“Then why don’t you want me?” Your voice trembled as you struggled to look at him. Peter let out a ragged breath, shaking his head to try and convey that he didn’t mean anything he was saying.
“I…I don’t know.” He croaked. “I just don’t.”
“How do you not know?” You yelled tearfully.
“I just don’t. I’m sorry. I didn’t know my feelings would change.”
“But how could they change so fast? All those things you said to me, “That’s the only pain I’ll ever put you in”. ,you mimicked his voice, “Was all that just bullshit?”
“No.” He stated. “I meant it when I said that.”
“And I believed you. God, how could I be so stupid?” You cried.
“You’re not stupid.” Peter began to cry as well. “You’re just not what I want.”
“Not what you want?” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you repeated his words.
“I just don’t want to be in a relationship right now. Can you please try to understand that?” He begged, trying to salvage any sort of relationship with you that he could.
“No. Fuck you. I hate you.” You whimpered.
“You don’t mean that.” Peter said as he stepped closer to you.
“Yes I do. I never should’ve given you a chance. I fucking hate you, Peter Parker.” You cried as you hit his chest. “I wish we never met.”
“Please, don’t leave.” Peter pleaded as you grabbed your bag. “We can still be friends.”
“I don’t want to be your friend. I don’t want anything to do with you.” You sniffled as you went for the door. At this point, Peter was deeply regretting his decision. He knew he should have told you how he was feeling instead of acting irrationally.
“Wait. I think I made a mistake.” His hands began to tremble as a panic ran down his spine.
“No, I did.” You told him. “The mistake was believing you when you told me you loved me.”
“I do love you.” Peter said weakly.
“Then why are you breaking me?” You yelled at him. You and Peter fell into a defeating silence, both standing there with tears falling. You looked down at your feet and wiped your face, sucking in a sharp breath before speaking.
“You said you’d never break my heart.” You said quietly. You slowly looked up at Peter and sized him up and down with your eyes. In that moment, he was no longer the boy you grew to love. He had reverted back to being your enemy, and so you had just one word for him.
With that, you turned around and left his apartment. Your word suck into Peter like venom and he felt physically ill. He stumbled back and fell down on his bed, his full emotions finally being felt. Peter put his hand over his mouth and cried so hard that he began to dry heave. He was realizing much too late that Ned had been right. With the way Peter was feeling, he knew he had not made the right decision. He just chased his first love away in a mess of tears and shards of a broken heart.
You ignored the calls and texts from Peter for the following week. He didn’t want to bombard you, so he sent his usual good morning and goodnight texts with a little “please talk to me” at the end. After three days of tearing up whenever his name popped up on your screen, you blocked his number.
May let you in one night when he was on patrol so you could collect your things. You grabbed the shirts and underwear you kept in his drawer from all the times you “accidentally” slept over. You took your chapstick on his bed table, hairbrush on his dresser, and the toothbrush you kept in his bathroom. You held the box of your things against your hip and looked around his room. He had your project, the one that initially brought the two of you together, framed on his wall. You looked down at the ground, feeling like you might break if you looked at it, and left his room.
“Did you get everything?” May asked when you came back into the kitchen.
“I think so.” You said quietly, not trusting your voice not to break.
“I don’t understand him sometimes.” She frowned. “He loved you so much. I can’t understand why he’d do this.”
“Yeah.” You smiled tightly. “I can’t either.”
“Come here.” May opened her arms to you and you stepped into them. She blew cold air on your neck as you cried against her shoulder.
“He’s the smartest guy I know.” She said as she rubbed your back. “But he’s also incredibly stupid.”
“I know.” You laughed through your tears.
“He’ll come around.” She cupped your face and wiped your tears with her thumbs. “I can tell that he already regrets it. Give him a few days and he’ll be begging at your feet for forgiveness.”
“Maybe.” You smiled sadly. “Thanks for letting me in. I should go before he comes back.”
“Wait. Before you go.” May said as she took a bottle of body spray out of your box. She took your hand and lead you to Peter’s room, where she sprayed the body spray into the air.
“There.” She smiled. “That’ll torture him when he gets back. He’ll think he’s being haunted by you.”
“May.” You laughed at her ingenious. “That’s so mean.”
“He was meaner.” She shrugged. “I’ll see you soon, Y/n.”
You said goodbye to May and went to your next stop. This one being the Avengers tower. Tony put your face in the facial recognition system, so you had no trouble getting in. You got most of your things from Peter’s room, but took a page out of May’s book and left something on purpose. After collecting the rest of your things, you went into the kitchen. You slammed the box on the table and let out a loud sigh. An equally distraught sigh coming from behind the box made you jump out of your skin. You moved the box to the side and lo and behold, Bucky was sitting at the table scribbling in a small black notebook.
“Oh, sorry.” You blinked a few times to gather yourself. “I was just collecting my things. I didn’t think anyone would be here.”
“I’m not usually here.” He said without looking up. “But I’m making amends and Stark is on my list.”
“Amends?” You asked curiously as you fixed your hair. Bucky put the notebook down and looked up at you, his piercing gaze sending a chill down your spine.
“I’ve done some bad things.” He said simply. You gulped and looked him up and down, which he noticed. You weren’t really thinking straight when you walked over to him and ran your fingers through his messy hair.
“Wanna do some more?” You said slowly. Bucky moved away from your hand and gave you a strange look.
“What?” He asked you.
“I like doing bad things too.” You shrugged as you played with his jacket. “And I like having bad things done to me. If you’d like, I could show you.”
“Aren’t you dating the spider kid?”
“Nope.” You popped the p. “Not anymore. I’m free to do whoever, sorry, whatever I want.”
“How old are you?” Bucky narrowed his eyes at you.
“Old enough.” You cracked a smile and traced your fingernail down his face.
“So am I.” He said as he caught your hand. “Old enough to be a fossil. You don’t want anything to do with me.”
“Says who?” You pouted as you put your knee between his legs. You were leaning over him now, giving him no choice but to look at you.
“Says me. Goodnight.” Bucky got out of his chair and brushed past you.
“Wait.” You said, and he stopped.
You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, drumming your fingers on his back.
“I’m 18, I’m hot, and I’m really fucking horny.” You told him. “Why don’t you stay a while?”
“I was 18 almost 90 years ago.” He replied. “You’re a child. It would be really wrong.”
“But it would feel really, really good.” You whispered. Bucky stared at you for a long time as he contemplated it.
“You don’t want to do this.” He said finally.
“Yes I do.” You insisted. “I always have. Why don’t you show me what this arm does?”
“You don’t want me.” He repeated. “You want me to take your pain away. And you want to do it in a way that would hurt Peter the most. Am I right?”
You slowly took your arms away from him as you realized he just read you to filth.
“How did you know that?” You wondered.
“I go to therapy.” He shrugged. “A lot of therapy.”
You fully withdrew yourself from him now, feeling slightly embarrassed for coming on to him. Bucky could see that you had taken your guard down and relaxed as well.
“Thanks.” You said sheepishly as you adverted your eyes.
“For what?” He wondered.
“For being a good guy and not taking advantage of a sad girl.” You gave him a sad smile. Bucky cracked an awkward smile back at you, like it was something he wasn’t used to doing.
“I’m not normally described as a good guy.” He told you.
“You’re making amends right?” You gestured to the notebook. “Every one you make is another step towards being a better guy. It may not feel like it yet, but you’ll get there.”
“I guess you’re right.” He nodded a little, like he was too shy to fully agree with you. You smiled kindly at him, feeling like he could use a little tenderness.
“Have a goodnight, James.” You said as you picked up your box of belongings.
“Night.” He nodded at you before you left the room.
You took your things back to your apartment and went straight to sleep. Bucky had managed to relieve some of your pain, even if it was just a little. Ever since the breakup, you’ve been cursing the very existence of men. If someone as kind and innocent as Peter could break your heart, you weren’t sure there was any man out there you could trust. But after your brief conversation with Bucky, your hope was restored.
Meanwhile, Peter was making an opposite discovery. After patrol, he went back to his room and immediately spelled your scent. His eyes glassed over as you looked around, noticing all your missing items. He suddenly got a message from FRIDAY that someone had been in his room at the tower. He swung to the tower as fast as he could, but he got held up stopping some bad guys. By the time he finally made it there, you were gone.
“Damn it.” Peter smacked his dresser as he looked around his empty room. “FRIDAY, did Y/n come in here?”
“Yes.” FRIDAY answered. Peter looked in his drawers and bathroom and just as he expected, all of your things were gone. He sat down on his bed and defeat and rubbed his face.
“If she took all her things back, she’s done with me.” Peter mumbled as a tear rolled down his eye.
“Maybe not.” FRIDAY replied.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re sitting on something.” FRIDAY said, making Peter move. Underneath himself, he found the t shirt of yours that he had been sleeping with. There was no way you wouldn’t have recognized it, and it had been left out in the open. Peter held the shirt to his nose and took a whiff, inhaling your scent once again. A glimmer of hope sparked inside him with the discovery of the shirt. If you left it on purpose, maybe there was still a chance for the two of you.
“FRIDAY, where did Y/n go once she left my room?” Peter wondered. Maybe he could still catch up to you.
“The kitchen.” FRIDAY answered.
“In the kitchen?” Peter asked. “Why would she be in there?”
“You can see for yourself.” FRIDAY said as he projected the security footage onto Peter’s wall. Peter looked up to see you and Bucky in the kitchen, having a conversation. He couldn’t hear the audio, but he could see you playing with his hair and flirting with him. Peter dropped the shirt as a white hot jealousy ran through him.
“Turn it off, FRIDAY.” Peter swallowed angrily. “I’ve seen enough.”
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Rock N Roll People In A Disco World
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Part 5- Nobody Dance On A Sad Disco 
Intro: Paul doesn’t react well when your logical and practical side suggests you postpone your wedding…
Pairing: Paul Diskant x Reader
Warnings: Bad language, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Word Count: 7k
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar the reader and any other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Rock ‘n’ Roll People Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 4
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"I just don't understand why you think this is such a big frickin' deal, Paul." You said with exasperation. This argument had been carrying on for a good twenty minutes and so far, the only thing you'd accomplished was going in circles like a NASCAR driver. 
“You don’t understand?” He scoffed, hands on his hips, “seriously? You don’t see why I’m slightly pissed off you wanna postpone our wedding?” "You can't continue to tell me that not pushing everything back a few months makes the most sense right now. In a month’s time we were supposed to be going away for our stags, and since..... since... you.... This is just what's better for..." 
"Y/N, you do still want to get married don't you?" He interrupted. The strain in his voice was evident from both use and emotion. 
"What kind of fucking question is that?" Now you were raging. The absolute audacity of him to even ask that.  “Well it's non-rhetorical.” “Of course I still want to get married, you fucking moron!” You growled.  "Then explain to me wh.." his voice cracked out and he breathed harshly through his nose. “That!” You gestured to him. “That is why!” "So it hurts a little, it's fine. For fucks sakes, I'm fine," his voice was entirely strained from arguing, his chords stretch to their limit. “No, you’re not.” You shook your head before you took a deep breath and pinched your nose. “Paul, I want our wedding to be a day we both look back on in years, decades even, to come and still love every minute of it...” "And we will!" “Right, okay, so your voice fails during our vows or your speech and you’re gonna be okay with that, huh?” You put your hands to your hips and waited for his reply.  "No. I mean, I don't know." "My point exactly." You flung a hand up in his direction.  “But it’s another eight weeks off, plenty of time, I might be fine.” He shrugged you off like he could make it happen. You knew it wasn't possible. It had only been a week since he'd said your sweet nickname as clear as day and while more and more words were stronger and phrases longer and more clear, you knew him better than that and you knew he wasn't ready no matter how much he wanted to pissingly argue with you that the two of you could move forward as if his shooting were nothing. 
"Might. Key word." You sighed, clearly frustrated to the point of tears as they welled and stung your eyes.  “Okay, fine.” His hands flew out to his side. “Have it your way, call the venue and cancel.” Gritting your teeth, you replied, “I don’t want to fucking cancel, Paul, I just want to move it!” “You know how long in advance we had to book that place, Y/N, it could be another year before they have an opening again.” “Then we wait another year!” You sighed dramatically, “in the grand scheme of things what does it matter? Today, tomorrow, twelve months, it all amounts to the same thing.” "It matters to me, Y/N." “Okay... fine. Let’s keep the date.” She shrugs. “Let’s just go for it and when you can’t speak and start to get frustrated we’ll write our vows on a pad of paper. Or, better still how about we learn sign language?” “You’re a sarcastic bitch.” “Yeah? And you’re a stubborn asshole.”
There was a long, angry pause between the two of you, harsh jabs and insults now floating painfully in the air. The two of you glared at one another. Both of you furrowing your brows and chewing on the insides of your mouths.  Then, you sighed, again with a harsh tone. "God damned it, I hate this. I hate that we’re even having to have this conversation but we are. You were shot! You were moments from death and-“ "And now it's my fault?" He shrieked at a higher pitch than his voice typically was.  “Oh for the love of- I didn’t say that!” You balled your hands into fists, your body visibly shaking. “So what are you saying?” “I’m saying that given everything that’s happened, pushing the second biggest day of my life back is the least of my fucking concerns, Paul.” Now you were tearfully arguing, your eyes red as was the tip of your nose. You blinked hard to attempt to show your strength, not wanting to back down. “Second biggest?” “Yes, the second. Because when you...I mean the...” you swallowed back the sob that threatened to scream from you, so you choked in it. “The first was when they told me you were going to live.”
At your words, Paul blinked a little, his mouth opening before it snapped shut again and you shook your head, continuing to talk. “I know you’re hurting and struggling with all of this and it isn’t what you want but it hasn’t been easy for me, either.” You sniffed, the tears now falling from your eyes. “I might not have been the one that took a bullet to the neck but I had to sit there and watch you, barely able to live but fight so hard to stay and all I could think about was the fact I might have to live without you and for that reason alone I’d have changed places with you in a fucking heartbeat.” Your face scrunched up with heavy emotion that you'd held onto for weeks. 
“Y/N....” he tried to take a step toward you, but the damage was done for the night. You were done.  “Seeing you there, in that bed, wondering if you were gonna make it or not, it was the worse time of my life. So, yeah, frankly I don’t care when we say I do, but it can't happen the way we want it to right now. You’re alive. That’s enough for me. And right now, well it should be for you too.”
You turned on your heel and quickly left the living room. You slammed the bedroom door shut and leaned your back against it whilst you allowed your exterior to fully collapse. You buried your face in your hands as you sobbed. This wasn't what you wanted, you'd expected a better reaction from him as you'd hoped he'd have seen things the same way as you, but you were wrong. 
Now, all that was left was to go to bed. You had no fight left, no drive and right now, you didn't want to make up.
Eventually, you crawled into bed and moved no further. Sleep weighing on you heavily. 
When he'd watched her go, Paul was floored. The things she'd said to him had gone unspoken since he'd been home from the hospital. He knew it had been hard on her, the both of them, what he'd gone through but he'd never imagined how she'd have felt given she was always such a strong woman and that was one of the things he adored most about her. 
In frustration, he rubbed his hands over his face and decided he needed a walk. He walked around the neighborhood and back, taking in the cool air, realizing the fall weather was upon them. Shit, fall, the holidays were creeping up on them and he'd hadn't even given it a thought. 
It didn't matter, what mattered was the incessant need to push their wedding back another year, was his best guess, and that killed him. It wrecked him and he found himself getting angry all over again. He wanted to marry her now, drag her down to the Justice of the Peace and take her as his bride the minute the courthouse opened. So now, why, all of a sudden did she not want to do even so much as that. Was it cold feet? Was it him? What had happened to him? Was she ashamed of him being unable to speak? She said it was nothing of the sort but it didn't stop the thoughts from weighing on him. 
When he got back to their apartment, he found Y/N fast asleep in their bed, her back to his side of the bed. He hated that they were going to bed like this. He didn't believe in it, and if he was honest with himself, this was the first time this had ever happened in the span of their relationship. He was a firm believer in his parents golden rule, never go to bed angry and always kiss each other goodnight. Tonight he didn't get to do either. 
With a sigh, he pulled off his T-shirt and tossed it in the direction of the hamper in the corner of the room but it didn’t quite make it. Instead, it dropped about a foot or so away, ironically right on the spot where he’d dropped to one knee that November evening almost three years ago…
She'd stood in the bathroom across the hall getting ready for their dinner date, listening to him chatter on in their bedroom about whatever it was as he dressed for the night. It was mid-week and they'd both managed to be off in time for a dinner date. Paul had wanted to make it fancy, something special.
"Do you know what today is?" He asked as he tied his tie in the mirror that stood in the corner of their room.
"Er, Wednesday," she replied, loud enough for her voice to carry. 
"Of course, but try again," there was a hint of humor to his voice, sarcasm at best.
"Date night," she giggled. 
"Nope." He breathed out a nervous, shaky breath. A full two strides and he stood in front of their chest of drawers, pulling open his sock drawer, reaching for the small box in the back. 
"I give up."
He chuckled anxiously and closed the drawer. "Our anniversary." He took a knee, opening up the small box and waited. 
"What? No, that's not for a few more months," she said with a smile as she walked across the hall and into the doorway of their room. Her hands were at her ear, adjusting her earring.
She gasped seeing him on one knee, his eyes smiling but his hands shaking as he held out the ring box. The lid open to show her what he was asking. 
"Also true, but no. At exactly this minute, twenty-one months ago," he checked his watch, "I responded to a call for backup and my life changed forever. I met this woman who I just couldn't let go and that same woman took her time in giving me a chance. But I knew from the moment she kissed me that nothing would ever be the same. I fell in love that night, and I knew I wanted to make her mine, to keep on loving her forever. That is, if you'll have me forever?"
He watched as her eyes began to pool with tears as her own shaky hands covered her mouth as he spoke, a nervous silence crossing the room as she seemingly processed everything he'd said. 
Tearfully, she replied, "yes, absolutely, yes!"
Tears welled up in his beautiful blue eyes as he stood, and pulled the ring from its box, slipping it on with jittery fingers over the knuckles of her ring finger before he crashed his lips into hers for a deep, happy kiss. "I love you so much, Sugar."
With their foreheads pressed sweetly together, they both cried a little. 
"Tell me about it, Stud." She smiled.
They were late to dinner that night, both of them showing up glowing. But his surprises hadn't ended there, no. He'd had both their parents waiting on them for their eight o'clock dinner reservations to celebrate their new good fortune. It was a night he'd never forget, not ever. 
Paul glanced down at the ring on his girl’s finger as she slept. Her left hand just close enough to her face so it wasn't obscured as she still lay with her back to him while her right lay tucked up under her pillow. The five raw cut diamonds were set in white gold, a center stone with two diamonds on each side. The center cut wasn't gargantuan and it didn't need to be. She knew how hard he'd worked to buy her the simple design with the small stones it held. 
He'd wanted to upgrade it the month he'd solved his first case as a detective but she'd denied him, explaining that it didn't matter how big or fancy it was, the first one was special because of all the thought and effort he'd put forth to even consider her as his wife.
With a sigh he bowed his head and turned to go wash up, before he climbed into bed, Y/N’s back still facing him and he lay awake, looking at the ceiling until finally, an hour or so later, sleep finally took him.
**** The next morning your alarm went off for the first time in weeks. With a groan you hit the button to silence it and cracked open a sore, tear swollen eye, it was still dark outside. You rose, heading on auto-pilot to the bathroom and showered quickly before you wrapped in a robe and headed in to make yourself some breakfast. Just as you were finishing up, Paul walked into the kitchen and you stood up and left the room, not speaking a word to him, you had nothing else to say.
Unfortunately, your bad mood soured what should have been a happy return to work, a sign that your life was getting back to some form of normalcy. Instead, you were off your game, and it didn’t go unnoticed.
"Yo, Panny, you come to work or just fucking off?" Rodriguez hollered from behind you as an entire clip of used bullets lay at your feet, still hot from firing. You slammed your hand against the button that brought your target to you, all but four shots missing the target. "Fuck off, Ro." "Y/L/N!" Captain Rogers shouted from the doorway. "Outside, now." With a grumble, you rolled your eyes and holstered your weapon, but not before changing out the empty clip for a new one. The tone of his voice was not comforting. "You got your ass handed to you on the mats in hand to hand, you couldn't even shoot a decent hand at sniper poker, and now my ace shot, a skilled and decorated marksman, can't sink a suspect in range." Your tongue poked the inside of your cheek as you drew a deep breath. “Sorry Cap, must be a little rusty.” He sighed and shook his head as it dropped disappointingly to his chest. "You're not ready, go home Y/N." "Steve...." "I pushed you too far. Go home, chill the fuck out, take the weekend." You groaned, “I don’t wanna go home.” The petulance evident both in your tone and body language as you folded your arms across your chest. “I'm fine. It's just a rough start." "Go the fuck home, Y/N. Or I'll send the Mrs. after you." You couldn't stand his wife and given your relationship with Steve, it was a credible threat. Karen Rogers was as green as Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West. "I'd call you an asshole but you're my sup so...." "Now, Y/N." “Fine.” You shrugged. “I’ll go back home. Wonderful.” "I didn't miss the sarcasm," Steve called out to your back.
You flipped him the bird as you kept walking.
**** Paul slammed the door to his mom and dad’s house, storming into the kitchen. It had been a shitty morning, with Y/N not speaking to him and then that damned fucking speech and physical therapy he had to endure twice a damned week.
“Who pissed in your cornflakes?” Big Jim looked at him, frowning a little. Paul ignored him and headed straight to the fridge, pulling out a soda.
“Paul, honey, what’s got into you?” Dot asked gently and he sighed, turning to face both his parents who were sat at the bar top, the remnants of a brunch on their plates in front of them. “Y/n wants to postpone the wedding.”
“Ah.” His dad leaned back in his chair. “And let me guess, you don’t?”
“Fuck, no.”
“Language.” His mother chastised and Paul rolled his eyes, as he paced slightly across the kitchen.
“And, you clearly discussed this in your usual, calm and rational manner?” His dad arched an eyebrow. Paul paused for a moment to eye his dad, before he resumed his movements.
With a sigh his mom spoke. “Paul, sit down for a second, quit pacing my kitchen floor.”
“I don’t want to sit down.” He shot back, petulantly.
“Paul Christopher Diskant, you sit your grown butt down, now.” His mother’s tone was sharp and with a groan he pulled a seat out from the breakfast bar, opposite his parents, and flopped down.
“Now, out with it, from the beginning.” His mother instructed and Paul let out another growl of frustration.
“I just told you. She wants to postpone the wedding. I don’t. There’s nothing else to tell you.”
“Don’t sass me!”
“I’m not sassing you, you’re just not fucking listening.”
“Hey, cut the shit. Don't talk to your mother like that.” Big Jim pointed at him, his voice stern. “You might be a grown man but I'll still kick your ass into next week, you little shit.”
Paul took a deep breath, his head hanging slightly. “Sorry Mom. It's been a really crappy couple of days.” At that he snorted. “Crappy couple of weeks one way or another.”
“Oh, Paul. I know it's not been easy.” Dot gave him a gentle smile. “But you're here with us and that's really all we care about.”
“I just feel like Y/N is getting cold feet. And that really sucks.”
“Don't be a dick.” Dot scoffed at his admission of feelings. “That girl has stood by you while you knocked on death's door.” “Mom, did you just call me a dick?” Paul looked at her, his brow raised and she nodded.
“She’s not wrong.” His dad interjected.
“What is this gang up on Paul day?”
“You’re acting like a spoiled child who just had his best toy taken away.” Big Jim looked at him. “Son, she wants to postpone, not cancel!”
“Well it didn't feel that way last night or this morning. She stormed out for her first day back at work all pissed off I wasn't agreeing with her.”
“And I refer back to my previous observation. Maybe you should have attempted to discuss the issue in a calm and rational manner as opposed to shouting and getting all pissy.” Big Jim observed.
"I’m not pissy, I’m just... look, we've waited twice as long as we wanted to because she loved the venue so much, hell, I loved the venue. That place means a lot to us and it's so perfect. Everything has been perfect until now." He sighed, his voice again weak.
"What was her reasoning?" Dot pressed.
"Me." He said sadly, frustration clearly featured on his face.
"Paul, I highly doubt it's just you."
"She doesn't think I'm ready. Healthy enough. Healed enough. There's till eight weeks, Mom. Eight weeks, I can be so much better by then."
Dot reached across the granite for his hand. He took it, and held tight, like a boy needing his mother.
"My sweet, love sick boy," she softly smirked at him and he rolled his eyes .”Y/N is only thinking about you. She knows how frustrated you get when you struggle to talk and how would you feel if that happened during the vows or speeches? Look, Sweetheart, you’ve waited years for this, what’s another couple of months?” 
“Mom, it won’t be a couple of months, there’s no way that place won’t be booked up for at least another year. I just... Is it so bad that I want to marry her right now as we planned?" His voice breaking and cracking. Too much talking.
“No, Son, it's not.” Jim cut in. “But listen to yourself, your struggling to talk now after this conversation. Y/N just wants to have the wedding you both have dreamed of, and spent so much time planning. Don't take that from her or yourself. You'll look back and think, I should have waited, when I was at full strength.”
Diskant looked at his father before he sighed and his shoulders sagged a little. “Seems like I’m out voted.”
"Not out voted, just...." Big Jim couldn't come up with a reasonable example. 
But Dot interrupted, "We just think you need to think about this a little more and be open to what's going on."
"Open to what? The fact I’m now not gonna get married for another year coz some asshole shot me in the neck?" 
He shrugged, "Whatever. Guess, I have some rearranging to do."
Automatically, he looked down at his phone and saw that Tom Ludlow was calling. If there were any better time to get off this hamster wheel of an argument it were now. "I gotta take this."
He stepped outside and took his call. An hour later, he was meeting Ludlow at their apartment, fresh bottles of beer in the fridge and two on the coffee table between them.
Ludlow filled him in on exactly what happened after he'd left the scene and Paul behind. He talked about how Biggs was using Ludlow to get to Wander, how Tom had killed his entire unit out of self-defence and in turn discovered all the corrupt shit Captain Wander had on Tom, the unit, multiple officers, judges, councilmen and other local politicians and prominent community leaders. He told Diskant about the stolen money, hidden in the walls of Wander's home and he explained how important Biggs seemed to think Tom was for IA and the department. 
It didn't surprise Diskant in the slightest that Ludlow's department was dirty. In fact, he'd half expected it and the realization hit moments before he was shot. The rest of Tom's story however was just insane, insane enough that he joked a movie could be made about it. 
That said, Paul trusted Ludlow from the start. And he’d clearly been right about the guy, even if helping him had resulted in him being moments from death. Painful memories aside, it was nice to see him too. They’d been through a lot, but Paul wasn’t dumb enough to figure this was a purely social call. He knew Ludlow felt guilty about what had gone down and that was partly the reason for his visit. But it was misplaced guilt, one Disco was happy to absolve him of.
"Listen, Paul, with what happened, I..."
"Hey, it's okay. Shit happens. I'm alive. I knew what I was getting into, the risks involved. You gave me an out and I didn't take it." His voice rasped a little.
"Felt like I took a kid to a gun fight." Tom sighed, tossed back some of his beer and shook his head with a slight shrug. "But you're one helluva kid. A fucking fighter. You're a good cop, even better detective and I'm sorry I pushed you so far."
“No hard feelings, man.” Disco took a slug of his beer and shook his head as Ludlow made to speak. “I mean it. I knew what I was signing up for the second the call came in. Our jobs are shady as fuck and twice as dangerous.”
“You can say that again.” Ludlow sighed. “Still, what happened was rough, I’m glad you’re through it.”
Disco gave him a smile as they clinked bottles and Ludlow’s eyes scanned the small living room, stopping on the photo on the small shelf above the television. Paul glanced at it, looking at his and Y/N’s smiling faces as they stood in his parent’s back yard, both dressed in casual jeans and t-shirts, taken a few months before he’d been shot. A time when everything had been simpler and his life on track.
“How's the Missus?” Ludlow asked and Paul took a deep breath.
"She's, uh, she's good,” he answered, deciding not to burden Ludlow with details of their argument, “first day back today, getting her ass kicked I'm sure. Rogers told her it was training day."
"That's rough. Rogers is a hard ass.” Ludlow mused before his eyes flicked down to the beer bottle in his hand. “She er, she due back any time soon?"
Paul shrugged, “I wouldn’t expect so. Why you ask?”
“Because I don’t intend to be here when she returns.” Ludlow replied. “She wasn’t very happy to see me last time.”
At that, Paul frowned. “Last time?”
“Did no one tell you I came by the hospital?”
“Well, yeah they mentioned it but-“
“Well your girl packs a mean right hook.” Ludlow ran a hand over his jaw, almost as if he was recalling the punch he was talking about.
“Wait, what? She hit you?” Paul leaned forward, deeply concerned and slightly proud.
Tom nodded, "then said that if you died, I was next."
“Dammed, she’s vicious.” Paul couldn’t help the smirk which flicked onto his face at the thought of his girl landing one on the man sat next on the small armchair opposite him. 
But the grin soon faded as it sunk in just how downright upset and distraught she must have been to do that. For all his jokes about her being a hard ass, she wasn’t one to throw punches around for no reason, in fact, given her job, she often did everything she could to avoid altercations in any shape, stating she saw enough of it at work without seeing it in her personal life too.
"Yeah, she is and frightening. But she's got good intentions. I don't fault her. I'd have popped me one too." Ludlow shrugged.
Paul took a deep breath as he pondered what Ludlow had said. His girl had that stupid nickname “Panny” for a reason, nothing much phased her. So for her to be rattled enough to sock Ludlow in the face just goes to show exactly how distraught she had been.
None of that was news to Paul, he knew all of this, and it had been pointed out to him again earlier that day by his parents. And then, in a moment of clarity, he realised that he might be being slightly unreasonable. Whilst logically, a compromise would be to perhaps cancel their current venue and forgo the huge day they had planned and book something smaller and less flashy for a few months down the line, Paul understood that she wanted this to be the best day it could possibly be for both of them. They had fallen in love with the Shutters on the Beach from the start, and had booked it with enough time to save for their dream day, even though they could have done something smaller and been married by now.
But that was a decision they had taken together, and hadn’t taken lightly, understanding that it would mean a long wait until they said “I do”, but that wait would be worth it. So, in the grand scheme of things, whilst he might not completely agree, she was right. Another year or however long made fuck all difference, even if he didn’t necessarily want to postpone, he understood.
And damned, now he felt like a right jerk.
You pulled up to the curb to your duplex and frowned as an unfamiliar black car was parked outside, one you couldn’t recall seeing before. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes, resting your head back against the seat as you gave yourself a moment, trying to rid yourself of the frustration of the day.
Rogers was right, you weren't ready to come back. Not yet. Or at least not after the argument you’d had. It frustrated you entirely that this one small thing had spiralled so much as to affect your job. Never, since you'd joined the force, not even since you'd been on S.W.A.T., had you been sent home for misconduct of your behavior. That angered and frustrated you more. And right now, that frustration was leveled firmly at Paul.
You knew he was angry and upset, but so were you. You were thinking logically, wanting your wedding day to be as perfect as it could be for you both, but Paul was blinded by emotion. You understood. Of course you did, it wasn’t like you wanted to postpone, hell you wanted nothing more than to become his wife but it wasn’t worth rushing if it meant that when the time came you could both make those declarations to one another without either of you worrying his voice would give out.
And it irritated you that he couldn’t see that.
Growling out loud and slamming your palms against the wheel, you shook your head. That was when you saw him, you saw the one person you unadmittedly blamed for your mood, your position and your current situation.
"What the... That mother fu..." you stopped yourself, downright pissed at seeing Tom Ludlow leaving your residence.
You waited until Ludlow pulled away before exiting your car, slinging your 'go bag' over your shoulder from the back seat. You didn't miss your fiancé tossing what appeared to be bottles into the recycling bin at the side of the duplex.
He saw you and smiled, but you did nothing to acknowledge his gesture, allowing the screen door to slam behind you.
“Babe?” Paul’s voice called after you as he followed you in. “Sugar, look, I’m sorry-“
“What the fuck was he doing here?” You dropped your bag to the floor of the small hallway and wheeled round to face him.
“Don’t play dumb with me! Ludlow, why was he here?” Paul sighed, "He called me while I was at my parents, wanted to come by. We talked for a bit, had a couple of beers and clearly you saw him just leave." There was a pause between you. "Which by the way I heard all about how you decked him in the hospital lobby." "The fucker deserved it. He's lucky you pulled through or I would have killed him. It would have been a clean shot too, non-traceable round. I'm not a marksman for nothing." Paul rolled his eyes, “you’re being ridiculous, this-“ he gestured to his scar, “- was not his fault.” "It was and you know it was. This is all because he didn't think you could do your job on your own." “Bullshit Y/N!” Paul shot back. "He gave me an out and I said no. He told me to go home, but I told him I knew what I was doing." You could see him flush with anger and, at his surprising admission, you were shaking in it. "He what?" "You heard me." "You fucking asshole. You stupid, stupid son of a..." you couldn't bring yourself to talk about Dot like that so you carried on, your anger raging as you railed into him. “How dare you throw that at me? You had every fucking chance to come home and let him take the fuck up on his own and you still went. You still stepped right into the fucking madness when, Tom fucking Ludlow of all the people in the entire fucking department, gave you a chance to come back to me?"
“Stop it Y/N! You know as well as I do, you don't take up the badge and go 'you know what, I might die today, imma sit this one out'!”
He had you there, he wasn't wrong. You literally growled at him, your chest rumbling. Paul sighed, and swallowed, looking down at the floor before he raised his head and licked his lips as he glanced over your shoulder for a moment before meeting your eyes.
“Listen, about the wedding-“
You groaned, “I can’t do this now.”
“Just listen to me, will you?”
“Why? So you can tell me again how you don’t want to change our wedding date? Because of your pride and..."
At that something flashed in his eyes and he took a sharp inhale through his nose.
"My pride?” His voice his voice strained harshly, "Okay, how about we discuss why you do want to change the date because you’re embarrassed. You're embarrassed of me."
His comment floored you momentarily and you frowned. “Is that what you really think? That I’m ashamed of you?”
"Feels like it."
"Pull your God damn head outta your ass, Paul."
“The only person round here with anything up their ass is you, a big fucking stick about Tom Ludlow paying me a visit.” He croaked back. “What, you want me to be sat at home, helpless, waiting for you to come back? Does that fit with the narrative of why you wanna call the wedding off? Poor Paul, he can’t manage much at the moment so-“
“Fuck you!” You screamed back. “Fucking fuck you!”
Your chest heaved, your nostrils flared. You. Were. Done. You moved to leave, but as you made towards the door, his arm shot out and his hand wrapped around your upper arm.
“Where are you going?”
“Anywhere you’re not!” You spat, wrenching your arm from his grasp.
He grabbed you again, this time by the waist and pinned you to the near-by wall. It wasn't painful or abusive, it was just enough roughness to keep your attention.
“Get off me.” You hissed, attempting once more to rid yourself from his grip.
“Fucking calm down!” He instructed, his hands pinned yours to the wall, his chest lifting away from your body. It reminded you of how he'd treat a suspect, enough force to maintain control but not to hurt.
His words were said through clenched teeth, his own hot breath from his nose flicking your hair a touch, he was so close. His blue eyes, full of fire, blazed into yours as the two of you stood still, chests heaving from the exertion of the shouting and anger.
He was the one to break first as he slammed his lips into yours. It stole your breath as he kept you pinned against the wall.
Eventually he pulled back and you glared at him. “Prick.”
“Shut the fuck up.” He hissed again, his voice breaking before his lips crashed back to yours. His hips ground into yours, keeping you pinned to the wall and it didn’t escape your notice that he was hard. The fucker was turned on.
But, in all honesty, no matter how pathetic it was, his display of dominance had you fluttering slightly but you were damned if you we’re going to show him that.
You felt him release your arms as his hands quickly moved to your work cargos. Your utility belt and flies were no match for his swift movements and you felt the release of their hold on you as the material flew open.
His chest and kiss kept you pinned to the wall as he undid the zipper to his denim and you quickly felt the head of his cock slip between your folds. “Seriously?” You whispered, making no attempt to stop him. “You think a fuck is gonna sort this out?”
He rutted up into you, stuffing himself right inside and jolting your body up the textured paint. The burn and stretch took your breath away, you weren’t as prepared as usual but it wasn’t uncomfortable.
"I said shut up." He growled as your arms swooped around his neck, trying to find purchase to grab and your fingers found the collar of his shirt. You gave a tug, no doubt stretching the collar but you didn't care. He thrust upward and used his hips to keep you in place as he leaned back enough to slip his shirt off, his built chest and less defined abs now on display, that necklace bouncing off his chest from the speed of his disrobing.
His eyes still blazed as you caught them in your own gaze. He looked down right feral, his skin flushed with anger. His hands flew to the hem of your navy uniform tee and in a wrench he had that over your head, his lips dropping to your collar bone and he nipped along the line, stinging bites that would no doubt leave their marks.
“Not so fucking mouthy now, are you Sugar?”
Your only reply was the 'fuck' that escaped your lips at a whimper as he spoke. The rasp of his injury mixed with the deep tone lust did to him had you fluttering in all the right places.
You weren't sure how he'd done it but your boots were unlaced and falling to the floor at his feet with a thud. You barely registered the way his fingers slipped under the hem at the leg of your cargos and slipped your socks away. He was rutting into you with such hard measure, his tongue aggressively and passionately dancing with your own. You felt a rawness against your back from the wall. He stopped kissing and fucking you long enough to tear down your pants and panties the rest of the way, leaving you in your sports bra, your nipples rock hard poking into the material. All whilst his body still pressed hard against you.
With a yelp, he lifted you and carried you the few short steps to the couch, dropping you on your ass and turning you to your knees. You caught just a glimpse of how he looked, chest naked and heaving, tattoos glistening with sweat, that look still raging in his eyes. You wagered you looked about the same because he looked how you felt. His cock glistened with your slick as he slipped right behind you, a knee on the cushion of the couch, the other boot planted into the carpet.
Without a word his hands grabbed your hips, unceremoniously repositioning you before he slammed straight back inside, jolting you forward a little as you cried out, your hands curling round the arm of the sofa, elbows locking to prevent you from falling face first into the cushions.
The angle change along your swollen walls filled you with a deep, rough pleasure and you groaned loudly as his hips rotated in a dirty grind as he bottomed out on one of his thrusts.
"Oh my... fuck..." you stuttered and behind you Paul gave a moan of his own.
“That all you got to say?” He panted, his voice cracking slightly, punctuated by his pants.
“Asshole.” You managed to whisper and with that, Paul grabbed that ponytail you sported and held tight, arching you head back towards him.
“Jesus Christ you just can’t stop can you?” His lips crashed to yours in a sloppy, filthy, tongue filled kiss before splaying his chest over your back, his hot breath against your ear as he made the most pleasurable grunts and moans, his hips pounding back and forth in a relentless rhythm.
He was close, you could feel it in the subtle rhythm change of his hips, his hand on your hip squeezing your skin, bruising it no doubt later.
"Do. It." You punctuated.
“Oh, baby girl , you should know by now,” he growled as his right hand moved from your hip, slipping around your belly and down between your legs, “not. before. you.” In no time at all his fingers had teased you to relief, your back arched as you cried out loudly, the heat and surge of your orgasm washing over you, the world spinning as you crashed over the edge.
He growled your name as he came, filling you but not stopping his relentless thrusts as if he couldn't help the automated way his body had taken over, taken you. You felt how warm your insides were at his spend, no doubt absorbing most of it. You fell forward onto the couch, his body lightly crushing you into the cushions.
As the two of you worked at recovering, his lips brushed over your skin in super soft kisses; along your shoulder, the back of your neck.
The only sound in the room were the two of you breathing heavily, a stark contrast to the screaming match you shared for the last two days. Then you felt his weight shift and a sweet kiss to the back of your neck.
"About the wedding...."
You groaned, after everything you just threw at each other and the most ridiculously, satisfying angry sex you had ever had, he wanted to start back up again. "Please don't. I don't want to argue."
He hushed you and your walls squeezed against him. He let out a low chuckle mixed with a moan. "I’m not." He kissed your shoulder. "Before you came in before like a buck shot grizzly bear, I was gonna say you were right."
You stilled and turned your head to look at Him. “I’m sorry, say that again?” You teased
He smiled and nipped at your neck, "don't be a dick."
He pulled out of you and sat down on the sofa. Your body was jello but you couldn't miss the chance to seize an opportunity to slip him back inside you and simply sit on his lap. He gave a grunt as you kissed him, soft at first, then lolled your tongue over his lips. "I'm sorry too."
“I never said I was sorry.” He playfully chuckled and this time you nipped at him, teeth grazing his jaw.
“Don’t be a dick.”
His hands moved to your hips and then up your back, pulling you against his tacky damp chest.
“You don’t really think I’m ashamed of you, do you?”
"It'd crossed my mind."
"Look at me," you sat up and held his jaw in your palms. "Never, in my entire life will I ever be ashamed of you. You are the absolute strongest, bravest person I know."
You kissed those sweet little moles on his right cheek by his nose and just below his bottom lashes. "I love you like no other, Paul Diskant."
His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed and that gorgeous soft smile spread across his lips. Then you wrapped your arms around his neck and placed a kiss where you knew he'd feel and understand what you meant, what you felt. It was covered by a still healing scar, but he felt everything.
“I only want us to have the day we want, the day we deserve.” You whispered, sniffing a little as you blinked back tears.
"I'll call Shutters tomorrow. See what they can do." He whispered into your hair as he kissed your head.
“Thank you.” You lay your head on back his shoulder, his arms holding you close.
***** Part 6.1
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
retrouvailles; l.mk
Summary: counting down the days until you finally see your long-distance boyfriend.
Mark is a jerk at one point. Also noticed how I put skype when they were calling through the phone and ft through laptop LOL
word count: 5.7k
Also lets pretend we can use spotify in korea ok
--Day 98
(10:33PM) Cutie: you idiot
(10:33PM) Cutie: answer my call!! You loserrrr
(10:34PM) You: omg give me a second
(10:35PM) You: ffs jshkdmj
(10:35PM) Cutie: omg what are you doing
(10:35PM) Cutie: why are you taking so long
(10:37PM) You: GIVE ME A SECOND 
(10:37PM) You: im taking food
You plop onto your bed, placing the  plate of grapes on the mattress, resulting in some to topple out of the bowl. You quickly pop one in your mouth before turning on your laptop. 
Before you could even call Mark, he was already requesting a facetime with you. You immediately answered. 
“Finally,” your boyfriend huffs when the call was finally connected. 
You hum, your hands searching for more grapes that has dropped on your bed sheets, popping them in your mouth. 
“What are you eating?” he asks. 
“Grapes,” your voice came out muffled from chewing, but Mark understands. 
“That’s what took you so long?” he frowns, “I can cut a watermelon in 5 seconds,”
“I didn’t ask,” you bite back. 
Your boyfriend automatically raises his hand to flash his middle finger while you did the same back at him. 
“What time is it there?” you ask him with raised eyebrows. 
You were studying in Korea but because of the virus, you had to go back to Canada. You didn’t know how long you would be staying, but Mark had promised you that he would make it work. 
“Um,” he looks at the clock that was a hanging next to him, “it’s 2:30PM here,” he answers, looking back at you, “It’s about 11 there, right?”
You nod.
“Don’t you have class tomorrow?” Mark asks. 
Lucky for you, your classes has changed to the local timing in Canada. Meaning, you don’t need to stay up at ungodly hours for your classes. 
“I think I can wake up tomorrow,”
“Do you want me to call you?”
“Please,” you pout.
Mark scowls jokingly at you, “the things I do for my girlfriend,”
You giggle innocently at your boyfriend, “I love you,” you make a heart with your hands, grinning at your laptop. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he rolls his eyes. 
--Day 90
“Babe, look up,” you call. 
Mark looks up to see you holding your phone up, obviously filming him through the screen. 
He could hear you grinning from behind your phone.
“Smile,” you instruct. 
He grins awkwardly while you let out a snort from behind the screen. You put your phone down, typing something before looking back up at your boyfriend. 
“What did you do?” 
You look up at him, biting back a smile— to which you failed, “go check Instagram,”
Mark immediately opens Instagram to see that you had posted something on your private Instagram. Only him and the members are following your private account since your relationship is still private. 
He clicks on the bubble to see a video of him that you had recorded. When he smiles, his face morphed into a horse from of the filter you were using. Mark couldn’t help but chuckle at the funny effect. 
“Okay, that’s kinda funny,” he admits. 
He looks back up at you to see you holding your phone in front of your face again, probably trying another filter on him again. 
“Is this another ugly filter, again?” whines your boyfriend. 
You laugh, your phone not covering your face anymore, “it’s not!”
“Don’t lie,”
Your giggles got louder, “it’s not! I swear!”
“Fine,” he huffs. He straightens his back and stares at the camera, waiting for you to finish recording. 
You put your phone down re-watching the video, chuckles leaving your lips. 
“What filter did you use?”
“It’s on my insta, baby,”
He looks down on his phone again to see that you have posted another story. He immediately clicks on it to see it was an NCT filter. 
‘Who is your NCT Bias?’  Was written on top of his head.
Mark waits for the filter to show the result. He grimaced when he got Jeno. He swipes up to reply to your story to send you a message. 
markleeee99 replied to your story: ewww
--Day 87
(1:18PM) mwark: hello baby
(1:20PM) you: wht im having class rn
(1:20PM) mwark: so
(1:25PM) you: i have class??? go away loser
(1:25PM) mwark: :( I just wanna talk to my girlfriend tho :/
(1:27PM) you: later
(1:27PM) mwark: nooo 
(1:33PM) you: omg youre an idol why are you so free
(1:34PM) you: go dance or rap or smth
(1:34PM) mwark: babyyyy
(1:35PM) you: im putting my phone on dnd
(1:35PM) mwark: nooo
(1:35PM) mwark: babe
(1:40PM) mwark: did you actually leave me D:
(1:40PM) mwark: ok whatev
(1:40PM) mwark: I was about to send you something but I guess I won’t now
(1:40PM) mwark: are you still ignoring me????
(1:41PM) mwark: omg babe I was jst joking I’ll send you some gifts
(1:41PM) mwark: booo u suck :(
--Day 81
This time, it was slightly different. Instead of your usual late-night calls through the computer, you had immediately skype him through your phone when you had received a package from Korea. 
“You got me something?” you ask loudly when your boyfriend answered your call. 
“Jeez, hello to you too, babe,” he rolls his eyes, “and yea, did it arrive?”
“What did you get me? And what type of shipping did you choose? It arrived so quickly,” 
The box was pretty heavy, so you had to put your phone down to place the huge box on the counter before bringing your phone back into view. 
“Express, I paid like extra,” Mark answers, eyeing you through the screen.
You click your tongue, opening the drawer to take out a knife, “stop wasting your money, you dumbass,”
Mark didn’t reply, instead he waits for you to open the package.
You let out a sigh, “what did you get me this time?”
You open the cardboard box, a navy-blue hoodie covering the top of it. You pull it out, looking at Mark who has a smile plastered on his face. 
“Is this your hoodie?!” you squeal, putting it on yourself. 
Your heart melt when the familiar scent fills your nostrils. It smells just like Mark. 
“Canada is getting cold isn’t it? Keep yourself warm, baby,”
You lean over to take everything out from the box. Mark had given you his half-used cologne that he uses on a daily.
“I bought a new one just so I could give you mine,” he tells you, a playful smirk on his lips. 
He had also packed some of your favourite Korean snacks, and some that you haven’t tried before. Along with some matching phone cases for the both of you. 
“Now I feel bad I didn’t get anything for you,” you frown., pulling the hoodie over your head.
“Don’t be,” he reassures you, “being able to see you is already enough,”
You scrunch your nose in disgust, “cringey, Mark-ie,”
“Fuck you,” he chuckles, flashing his middle finger at you. 
Your eyes widen when he cursed, “my mom’s home, you idiot!”
You laugh loudly when Mark’s eyes widen in surprise, both his hands covering his mouth. 
“Y/N?” you hear your mom call from the living room, “who are you talking to?”
Before you could even reply, your mother was walking towards you. 
“It’s Mark,” you answer as your mother got into frame to see Mark. 
“Mark! It has been a while, how’s Korea?”
Your boyfriend greeted your mom politely, a grin plastered on his face. Your mom was about to reach for your phone to talk to Mark, but you frown and pull away. 
“Noo, I wanna talk to Mark,”
You gathered the gifts Mark had given you in your arms before skipping up the stairs to your room, to spend the whole day (night for him) with him.
--Day 80
“Yo, Mark, there’s some food left outside, do you want it?” you heard Johnny ask from through the screen. 
Mark turns to look at the intruder, “knock next time, dude,” groans Mark. 
“Is that y/n?” 
Johnny suddenly enters the frame with a gummy grin, waving enthusiastically at you.
“Hi Johnny, how are you?” you smile, waving back at the older boy. 
Just when Johnny was about to get comfortable on Mark’s bed, your boyfriend let out string of whines, moving his phone until you could only see his cheeks. 
“Ah, that’s enough,” your boyfriend says in annoyance, “y/n is tired, goodnight, baby.”
You  couldn’t even reply because Mark had already ended the skype call. 
You pout, opening your messenger to send a text to your boyfriend. 
(7:35PM) You: heyyy why’d you end the call? ):
(7:36PM) Bubba: sorry
(7:36PM) Bubba: johnny was being annoying
(7:36PM) You: he wasn’t tho ):
(7:36PM) You: can we call again?
(7:38PM) Bubba: sorry angel
(7:38PM) Bubba: johnny wants me to go make music
(7:38PM) Bubba: later tonight?
(7:38PM) You: oky
(7:42PM) You: love u!
(7:42PM) Bubba: love u too 
(7:42PM) Bubba: <3
--Day 76
You were in the middle of facetiming mark when your phone vibrates from a text. You raise your eyebrows, thinking it was Mark. 
(12:11AM) Johnny: hey
(12:11AM) Johnny: I need to ask you something
(12:13AM) You: yeah?
(12:13AM) Johnny: is mark okay lately?
(12:13AM) You: he seems fine to me, why? Did something happen?
(12:14AM) Johnny: I don’t know if I should tell you about this
(12:14AM) Johnny: but
(12:14AM) Johnny: youre the only one who can probably help him
(12:14AM) You: help him with what?
You look up at your laptop to see that Mark’s eyes was still glued on his phone. Probably playing some games. 
(12:17AM) Johnny: he hasn’t been eating lately
(12:19AM) Johnny: he doesn’t really tell us stuff anymore so I was wondering you would’ve known something?
(12:22AM) You: oh
(12:22AM) You: he hasn’t told me anything
(12:23AM) You: I’ll talk to him about it
(12:25AM) You: thanks johnny :)
“Hey,” you jump at your boyfriend’s voice. You snap your head to look at your boyfriend who was already staring at you with curious eyes. “What are you so busy with?”
You clear your throat, shaking your head, tossing your phone to the side. 
“I wanna ask you something,” you say.
“Whats up?”
You scratch your head, unsure of how to put it into words without offending your boyfriend. You knew he hated being babied but you still want to care for him. He was your other half, after all. 
“Have you been eating well lately?”
You could sense Mark was stunned by the random question. He looks away from your wary eyes. 
“Who told you?”
“It was Johnny wasn’t it?” he cuts you off in anger. “God damn it, this is why I don’t want you talking to my friends,”
Why was he making this such a big deal?
“Mark I was just asking a simple question, why are you acting this way?” you argued back. 
He shakes his head, threading his fingers through his black hair stressfully. 
“I need to go Y/N,” sighs your boyfriend, “Goodnight,”
“Mark—” you were too late. Mark had already ended the call. 
A heavy sigh left your lips as you lied down on your bed. 
You weren’t sure if you should text him or give him space. Should you apologize? Was it your fault for bringing it up?
After thinking for a while, you decided to send him a text. 
(8:33PM) You: hi baby. I was just asking because I was worried about you. I know you hate it when I baby you, but I’m just looking out for you. I didn’t mean to bother you
(8:33PM) You: please don’t blame your friends for this. 
(8:36PM) You: I’m sorry, okay?
(8:40PM) You: I just want you to eat healthily. I’m not there to take care of you and I just want you to be healthy.
(8:47PM) You: just text me whenever so we can talk this out
(8:57PM) You: goodnight, mark
--Day 75
(12:03PM) Lovey: hey
(12:03PM) Lovey: I was thinking and realised how selfish I acted towards you
(12:05PM) Lovey: I know you were just looking out for me and I was just wasn’t in the mood because of how stressful it has been
(12:05PM) Lovey: please don’t apologize. Its my fault
(12:15PM) You: why haven’t you been eating?
(12:15PM) Lovey: comeback
(12:15PM) Lovey: I’m trying to lose some cheeks for this comeback
(12:30PM) Lovey: sorry for worrying you
(12:31PM) You: whaa…
(12:33PM) You: but you know my favourite part of your face is your cheeks D:
(12:33PM) Lovey: :(
(12:33PM) You: will you start eating again?
(12:35PM) You: im not going to force you, mark. It’s really up to you. 
(12:35PM) Lovey: im eating right now
(12:35PM) You: what are you eating
(12:38PM) Lovey: cereal
(12:38PM) Lovey: and um some left over sushi from yesterday
(12:38PM) You: ohhh sounds delicious
(12:40PM) You: okay I wont disturb you anymore, have fun eating bby
As you were about to put your phone away but there was an incoming videocall from your boyfriend. A small chuckle left your lips as you answered the call.
­--Day 73
“Yo, did you see it?!” was the first thing Mark had asked you when you answered his call. 
You raise your eyebrows in confusion, sitting up from your laying position, “see what?”
“We just posted a new dance practice; did you not see it?” his eyes widen dismay. 
You shook your head, grabbing your laptop from the table, placing it on your lap, “nope, my phone was on dnd,”
“How did you answer my call, then?”
“You’re in my favourites dumbass,” 
You type in your password before searching YouTube and clicking on the video that your boyfriend was talking about. 
While watching the video, you placed your phone resting on the laptop so Mark could see your face. Throughout the whole video, you were singing softly to the song. 
“Did you see that?! Did you see it?” Mark suddenly yells through the screen during the dance break part. 
You jump a little, “what? What? What did I miss?”
He groans at you, “the bracelet! Johnny dropped it!”
“Huh?” you press the arrow to repeat it again and you noticed how Johnny’s bracelet fell while he was dancing. 
“Wait a little more, I picked it up! Like a professional!”
You waited a little longer and your boyfriend was right. While he was getting into position, your boyfriend had swept the bracelet in his hands. 
You grin, “proud of you, babe,”
You wanted to continue watching but your laptop started lagging from the terrible wi-fi. You groan in annoyance, pressing pause, hoping it would reload but it only hangs even more. 
“God damnit, this fucking wi-fi,”
“Should I buy you a router? Or a new laptop?” he jokes. 
--Day 71
(9:02PM) You: hey wanna call?
(9:02PM) You: today was so stressful I just wanna talk to you
(10:12PM) You: ahh you must be busy with comeback
(9:32PM) You: sorry babe! We’ll jst call tmr? :)
(9:33PM) You: love u! make sureee u drink lots of water <3
-Day 67
Mark lets out an aspirated sigh as he answers your facetime call. “What, Y/N?”
You frown at the way he greets you. He was moody probably because he just finished practicing. 
You could tell from how he was laying on his bed without a shirt on, or how he would repeatedly thread his fingers through his black locks. 
“I just wanted to talk to you,” you mumble out softly, your eyes softening, feeling guilty that you were disturbing him. 
You bit your lip anxiously when Mark simply sighs, rolling his eyes slightly, “should we just call another time?” 
He sighs once more, moving around until he lays on his side, “no, no, what’s up?”
You felt a little hesitant, unsure if he was being sarcastic or not. Mark wasn’t the type to approach something if he doesn’t like it, he would just go with the flow. 
You shook your head, laying back down onto your bed, “No, you’re tired and I shouldn’t be disturbing you right now.”
Mark opens his mouth but you cut him off, “Sorry, Mark. Goodnight.”
You quickly end the call with a heavy heart, throwing your phone next to you. You knew you shouldn’t be expecting an incoming call from your boyfriend, but you shamelessly waited for his specific ringtone. 
It did break your heart a little when you didn’t get any response from your boyfriend. 
That night, you had spent your time watching Netflix with tears rolling down your cheeks. 
-Day 62
A choked sob left your throat, your hands wiping the tears running down your cheeks. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Johnny’s voice filled your ears. 
You gulp as your heart clench painfully when you hear Mark’s laughter in the background. 
“Y/N, d-do you want me to pass the phone to Mark?”
“N-no,” you quickly say out, pausing a little. Hiccups leaving your lips, “d-don’t… please,”
“Okay?” Johnny replies in uncertainty, “Are you… okay? Should I beat Mark up?” he jokes. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to smile. “How is he doing?” you whisper, but Johnny could hear very clearly. 
You assumed that he had moved somewhere else since you can’t hear the boys screaming in the background. 
“Did something happen?” Johnny asks, “I’m not with them right now, so you can tell me.”
You remember the last time you had last talked to Mark.
It has been exactly 5 days since the both of you last texted— or even called. You weren’t sure why or how it happened. 
It had taken a big toll on you— you couldn’t focus during lessons and you had spent most of the nights wide awake, thinking what had gone wrong. You had contemplated multiple times whether you should send him a text, but every time you push yourself to say something, you would always remember how busy he is. 
“We haven’t been talking for a while,” you answer painfully, “but he’s doing fine, right?”
You hope he’s doing fine.
You hear Johnny lets out an agitated sigh, “Don’t worry Y/N, I’ll go talk to him, okay?”
“Just… don’t stress him out even more.”
“I won’t. Just… stop crying over him, okay?” he says, “Mark is an idiot, he’s not worth crying over.”
A small giggle leaves your lips, “you sound like a girl right now,”
-Day 61
(12:12AM) Mark: hey babe
(12:12AM) Mark: johnny just talked to me about what happened
(12:13AM) Mark: can we talk?
(12:45AM) You: okay
(12:45AM) Mark: great, I’ll call you
(12:45AM) You: no
(12:46AM) You: we’ll text
(12:46AM) You: here
You just know that you would be a sobbing mess once you hear Mark’s voice. 
(12:46AM) Mark: oh
(12:46AM) Mark: okay
(12:46AM) Mark: youre okay tho
(12:47AM) Mark: right
(12:52AM) You: mhm
(12:52AM) Mark: that’s great um
(12:52AM) Mark: i didn’t know you were feeling that way
(12:53AM) Mark: i’ve been so busy lately i forgot to text or call you
(12:53AM) Mark: and that is not your fault at all
(12:53AM) Mark: i shouldn’t be acting like that in the first place
(12:54AM) Mark: its just really hard with timezones and everything
(12:54AM) Mark: especially with the comeback and all
(12:54AM) You: what are you saying mark?
(12:55AM) Mark: what?
(12:58AM) You: are you breaking up with me?
(12:58AM) Mark: wat? no. what.
(12:58AM) You: wait so we’re not breaking up?
(12:58AM) Mark: what
(12:58AM) Mark: no of course not what are you saying?
(12:59AM) You: I DON’T KNOW 
(12:59AM) You: i thought you wanted to break up
(12:59AM) Mark: no I don’t want to what the fuck
(12:59AM) You: so we’re good now right?
-Day 51
 Soft melodies were playing in the background while the both of you were doing different things. 
You were sitting on your chair, your elbows pressing painfully against your desk, working on your homework diligently. Your phone was perched on your lamp, making sure Mark could see your face.
Your boyfriend was laying on his bed with a notebook laying in front of him, a pen in his hand while he thought of lyrics. He had his legs swinging back and forth behind him cutely. 
You exhale loudly as you re-read the same question over and over again. 
Mark immediately looks up, “you okay?”
You hum without even looking at him before you continued doing your work. 
Mark decides to leave you alone as to not distract you. He rests his cheek against his arm as he tries to think of another sentence to finish the song he was working on. 
His eyes slowly dart towards you who had their eyebrows furrowed cutely, a pout plastered on your lips, baby hairs littering against your forehead and cheeks. 
Without even realising, a small smile spreads across Mark’s lips. His breath slows down as he relaxed and stares at your figure. 
Multiple sentences that could be used as lyrics flooded through his head. He quickly sits up to write the flood of inspiration that was bursting through his veins. 
-Day 43
(2:53AM) boyfie: duuudee!!
(2:53AM) boyfie: vlive!!
(2:53AM) boyfie: quick!!!!!
(3:15AM) You: omg ok give me a sec
(3:15AM) You: I just woke up
With a yawn, you open the vlive app and click on the NCT127 page to enter the live your boyfriend was doing. 
‘Hi’ you type in the comment section. You stare at your boyfriend, scanning his facial expression to notice your comment. 
Exactly 5 seconds later, a huge grin spreads across his lips as he looks up at the camera to wave. 
It eased you to know that he was waving at you, for you. Maybe you were being selfish, but you were glad that Mark was yours. Although it does get on your nerves when you see your friends post about how much he loves your boyfriend. 
‘mark is so handsome’ you typed. 
Unfortunately, Mark didn’t notice your comment, but Donghyuck did. Donghyuck nudges your boyfriend, who immediately responded, turning to look at him. 
His friend showed him your comment, which your boyfriend immediately smiles to. 
‘I love mark lee so much!!!’
A few seconds later Mark creates a small heart at the camera before looking away with crimson red cheeks. 
-Day 38
“So you and Mina, huh?” you say bitterly, rolling your eyes. 
You were referring to the interaction between the two when Mina was leaving music bank. You might’ve been slightly jealous of the chemistry between the two, especially when all the fans would ship the both of them.
Mark can only watch you in amusement, a small smile playing along his lips. 
“Is she better than me?” you say sarcastically, clicking your tongue, 
You envied their friendship. Someone who was merely a friend was able to see your boyfriend so easily. 
His face softens, “you know she’s not like that, baby,” his tone was soft, easy to persuade you. 
Baby. You wanted to scoff at that. He only used that term when he was trying to win your heart. 
You huff, crossing your arms violently. “You’re always with her!”
He chuckles, looking down at his phone before looking back up at you quickly.
You pout at the boy through the screen, “you love me more, right Mark?”
He sarcastically rolls his at your question. What kind of question was that?
His face scrunches in disgust, “Firstly, I don’t even love Mina that way, babe,” he tells you, “and secondly, the only person I love you, alright? So stop being jealous you wimp.”
“Wimp?” you scoff, “and you’re my boyfriend?”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” 
Just as you were about to respond to him, your phone vibrated with a notification. You look down and gaped. 
_happiness_o wants to send you a message.
You unlocked your phone to see the message that Mina was trying to send you.
“You told her?!” you exclaimed, looking up at your boyfriend who was stifling  his laughter. “Mark! Why would you do that?!” you whine, throwing your phone next to you. 
“In my defence, I didn’t tell her to send you a text,” he says, “I was just talking about how cute you were being!”
-Day 22
You were laying on your side, deep in a slumber while Mark stares at you lovingly. 
Your cheek pressed cutely against your pillow which made your lips pout cutely. The little pieces of hair adorning your temples and cheeks only made Mark want to push it back against your ear. Something he would do every time you were sleeping with him. 
He suddenly got an idea and fishes out his phone, searching a filter that he had saved for this particular moment.
He clicks on the filter, waiting for it to load for a moment, before adjusting the angle so the filter could scan his face properly. Once he was sure it won’t budge, he presses record. 
‘your soulmate is sleeping right now’
A sad smile adorns his lips, looking at you through the screen. He flips the camera, zooming into your sleeping form then ending the video. 
Mark was quite hesitant to post it since he was never the type to post about his relationship with you. But these past few days has been hitting him differently. 
He missed you so much, he swore he could go crazy. He had spent another unreasonable amount on you again. He couldn’t even sleep because you were always stuck on his mind.
He bit his lip anxiously before posting the video on his Instagram story. He noticed how your phone vibrated right when it was uploaded— you had his notifications on.
-Day 15
“So it’s gonna be forever~” you sing loudly, pointing your hairbrush to Mark who was laughing loudly through the screen. 
“Or it’s gonna go down in flames…” he sings off tune. 
While you were busy singing and dancing from all Taylor Swift’s song, Mark had stealthily recorded you with his phone to upload them on his private Instagram. 
‘idiot. But my idiot’ he captioned before tagging you and posting it on his page. 
“Sing with me, Mark!” you shout, looking at your boyfriend. “Cherry lips, crystal skies, I could show you incredible things,” you sang, pointing at Mark. 
Your boyfriend blushes when he realizes you were singing to him. 
You cough loudly before clearing your throat after blaring out lyrics to Taylor swift. You reach for your cup of water before gulping it down. 
“What song should we sing to next?” you ask, scrolling down through you and Mark’s playlist. The both of you had shared one account ever since he found out the both of you shared the same music taste. 
“Should we do a rap?” he suggests. 
You smirk up at him, “oooh, because you’re a rapper, huh? Okay, okay.”
You thumb press on ‘Beauty and a Beat’ by Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj. 
“I’m a better rapper than you, Mark Lee,” you shout at your boyfriend before rapping to Nicki Minaj’s part. 
It was so adorable at how you stumbled over some words, or when you had your eyebrows furrowed trying to rap to the lyrics.
At this moment, Mark thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. You had your hair tied up in the ugliest bun he has ever seen, but you looked so adorable, especially in the huge t-shirt you were wearing. But most importantly, the huge grin plastered on your lips and tint of red adorning your cheeks, puts a smile on Mark’s face.
Right when the song has ended, you let out a tired sigh, lying against your bed. 
“Am I better than you, Markie?”
He bit back a smile and nodded, “you should replace me in NCT, babe,”
You pretend to think, “I should, shouldn’t I?”
-Day 7
You were talking about Mark about your friend who had pissed you off earlier today.
He shrugs, “honestly, I saw that coming. I never liked her,”
You groan, throwing your head back, “I know right,” you stress, “I should’ve listened to you,”
Mark rests his cheek against his palm, “so what are you going to do?”
You pout, “I don’t know. What should I do, Mark?”
Your boyfriend hums, thinking for a while, “I think it’s best if you cut her off. She doesn’t deserve you, babe.”
You let out an aspirated sigh, frowning. “she was just a close friend…” you trailed off sadly. 
“I know, baby,” he coos, “but your mental health is important too.”
Your eyes widen cutely, “I love you,”
That caught your boyfriend off-guard, his eyes widen in awe. “w-what, don’t be weird!” he sputters out.
“You’re weird!” you bite back. 
-Day 3
“Mark,” you call out, your boyfriend immediately humming. “I learnt a new tiktok dance,”
He raises his eyebrows. He has never downloaded Tiktok but he knows how much you love the app. Most of the time the both of you were calling, you would be scrolling through the app, sending him links of videos that you found funny. 
It was a secret: Mark never actually watches the video. But you do not need to know that. 
“Show me, baby,”
You stood up, adjusting your laptop in a decent position. You reach for your phone to play the music before you started dancing. 
Mark recognized the song as Savage. It was a song that Taeyong would constantly play. 
Your boyfriend’s eyes widen in bewilderment, amazed at how good you were at dancing.
“Woah, woah,” he gapes when you started throwing back. 
When the song ended, you ambled towards your laptop, “how was it? Was I good? Was I as good as Taeyong and Johnny?”
He rolls his eyes at that, “do you do it to other people?”
“The throwing back thing,”
Ah. He was jealous. 
You shrug, looking away from his intense gaze, “I don’t know. I was planning to ask some of my friends about their opinion.”
“Y/N,” he says sternly.
“I was joking! Jeez. You’re such a party pooper.” 
-Day 2
You laid on your side, your arm supporting your head. A movie was playing on your laptop screen but you could only stare at Mark’s face. 
He was busy laughing at one of the scenes but you couldn’t focus from his handsome face. 
He was wearing the ugly black glasses that he chose a few weeks ago, but he still looked so good in your eyes. His black hair was styled messily from laying around.
“Babe, are you watching?” his eyes widen cutely after sensing how quiet you were being. 
“I am,” you mumble out, but your eyes never leaved your boyfriend’s screen.
“Okay,” he whispers, resting his body as he continued watching the movie that was played on the screen. 
At this moment in time, you wanted to tell Mark how much you love him. You wanted to smother him in kisses.
“Mark,” you called. You realise how he had paused the movie that was playing to listen to you. “I love you,” you tell him. 
Mark was frozen for a second, confused yet flustered by your sudden confusion. He smirks, playing the movie, “weirdo. I love you too, you cutie.”
-Day 1
(11:01PM) bub: babyyyy hiiiii
(11:01PM) bub: wanna call ;)
(11:05PM) bub: hello why r u not replying
(11:05PM) bub: it’s only 11 there
(11:10PM) bub: I know youre not asleep babe
(11:10PM) bub: arghhh
(11:10PM) bub: are you asleep????
(11:10PM) bub: :(
(11:10PM) bub: well ok gn bb I’ll talk to you tmr
(11:10PM) bub: love youuuu
You were laying on Mark’s bed restlessly, waiting for your boyfriend to reach his dorm. When you heard the door unlock, a grin spread across your lips when you saw your boyfriend walk in. 
“Hi Mark,” you greet, waving at your boyfriend.
Mark looks up at you and nods, “hi y/n,” he says back before turning the other way to go to the bathroom.
You bit back a smile quietly, giving him a minute to realise. You quietly stood up by the bed to amble towards your boyfriend.
“Wait,” he pauses, turning around slowly, his eyes widening at the sight of you walking up to him, “w-what? Is this real? y/n?”
You smile at him, spreading your arms, waiting for him to tackle you in a hug. “I’m here, baby.”
“Oh my god,” he breathes out before rushing towards you to pull you against his chest. “You’re here, oh my god,”
You rest your head on his chest, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist. You’ve missed the moment for so long. For more than 3 months, you had to live without Mark’s presence.
He pulls you away, his hand gripping your shoulder tightly. “How— what are you doing here?!” he exclaims. 
Your cheeks were hurting from smiling so much, “to see you, of course!”
“You surprised me!” he exclaims, pulling you in for another hug, “oh my god, you scared me so much, I love you so much. When did you get here? You didn’t answer my texts yesterday!”
“I love you too and I was in the plane, I couldn’t text you back,” you reply, however your voice was muffled by the black cotton shirt he was wearing. You pull away, looking up at him, “are you not going to kiss me?” you asked abruptly.
He looks down at you with wide eyes, “w-what. That is so sudden, don’t say that!” he stutters out, looking away from you. 
You pout at him, wrapping your arms around his neck, “what? I came all the way here, didn’t get enough sleep just to see my boyfriend but he won’t kiss me?”
He scowls at you, his arm dropping to rest around your waist. He leans down to connect both your lips. You felt your heart spark when you felt his lips graze against yours. 
You didn’t even realise you were pulling him down even more to kiss him deeper. Mark’s grip on your waist tightened, pulling you even closer. 
“Ah, the kids have finally met,” you heard someone say from behind you two. 
Mark and you pull away breathlessly, his lips tinted a bright shiny red. The both of you turn around to see Taeil standing at the door. 
Your boyfriend whines, “Go away, Hyung,”
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1engele · 3 years
daybreak | sal fisher x fem!reader - 3. frogger
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[warnings: cursing, smoking, light violence, blood]
"i don't want to be friends. i want all of you."
"Can I get your number?"
You and Larry both whip around to face Sal, the person who'd spoken that sentence. You're stood at the foot of Addison's Apartments.
"What?" You blink. "Me? My what?"
You assume Sal mirrors your nonplussed expression because he bats his eyes just as startled as you did. "Uh- your phone number. So we can be in touch easier. You know, for school and stuff."
Eager anxiousness in the form of butterflies batted their wings in your gut and your ribs. You reached into your back pocket, flipped your flip-phone open, and handed it toward the blue-haired boy. "Here," you blurted. "Put it in there." You gloss your eyes toward Larry. For some apparent reason, he's wearing a wide, shit-eating grin.
"You can put yours in too if you want."
He waves a tan hand. Your attention is on Larry, but it somehow drifts and you're glancing toward Sal. His veiny hands are jerking which each movement of his thumbs as he presses numbers on the keypad.
"No, that's okay," Larry replied, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I'll get it off of Sal."
"Here," Sal holds the flip phone out to you. It's small in his hand.
He has long fingers, you thought.
"Oh, thanks." Your fingers brush his as you reclaim your phone and return it to it's place in your back pocket.
Your heart is beating unnecessarily loud by the time they've walked you to your apartment. Your hands are in your coat pockets to conceal the mild trembling in your hands. You're almost nervous that they can hear the rushing of your blood as your heart rapidly pumps it through your body—because you know you certainly can.
"I had fun today," you smiled, your expression nothing but sincerity. "Thanks for everything. I appreciate it."
Larry grins. "That's cute. No need to thank us, alright?"
You twitch the corner of your lips upward and nod towards him.
Sal tucks a strand of blue hair behind his ear—you'll never get used to the color. In a good way. You could look at it for hours—and fiddles with his backpack strap. "See you tomorrow, yeah?"
"Yeah," you respond, your teeth making an appearance. "Goodnight, you guys."
With that, you're inside of your apartment and shutting the door behind you. You hear their muffled voices and unintelligible words through the wall as they retreat from your door and towards the elevator.
You drop your bag at the door and make haste to your room. You sit on the side of your bed and hurriedly open your phone.
The first phone number you'd ever had—save your mother, which doesn't count— was "c you tomorrow :)", sitting right beneath "Mom" on the contact list. After changing his name to "Sal :)" you breathed out shakily, and slowly pushed enter on his contact.
Should you send him something? Isn't that a bit weird? You'd just seen him a few minutes ago. Should you wait a little longer? What if he's still with Larry, and they see what you'd sent a message so quickly and make fun of you?
You shake your head. That was unlikely. All they'd been was great to you.
"c you tmrw."
You inwardly linger over the thought of pressing the send button.
Why the fuck were you so nervous, anyway? Because a boy with nice hands and a pretty laugh said he'd see you tomorrow?
Yeah.. okay, maybe that was it.
"c you tmrw." The message was sent.
You slapped a hand over your face. Should you have said something else? Should you just have not texted him at all? You fell back into the mattress, draping your arm over your face and blinking into your wrist. The feeling of exhilarated dread churned in your gut.
A subtle vibration reverberated on the comforter. It buzzed in your ears momentarily. You paused, before lurching upward and snatching the phone back into your grasp.
"you too. let's try not to rouse mrs. packerton's suspicions tomorrow like we did today lol."
You grinned, and replied before you could stop yourself. "might not be possible. you may need to answer another math question for me."
Sal replied after a pause. "can't say no to that. goodnight, y/n"
You breathed out slowly, typed out a goodnight message, and slowly dropped your hands back down to the comforter.
Your fingers shook and your heart was beating itself against your rib cage. Not long after, you dozed off into sleep thinking of the way your body felt when the warmth of his palm was flush against the nape of your neck.
Getting up the next day is a bit harder than getting up the previous one. You couldn't seem to rub the sleep away from your eyes, and, for some reason or another—you'd waken up in a cold sweat, and your sheets stuck to your body. Not only that, when you'd went to shower, the water was freezing, for no apparent reason. You'd come to terms with the fact that this building had multiple personalities.
Standing beneath the shower head felt like being pricked with itty-bitty pitchforks. Topped with miniature ice cubes.
You'd gotten dressed in an oversized black sweater (over a long-sleeved, black top for added warmth), along with an a-lined plaid emerald green and blue skirt on top of your sheer black tights. The skirt was not short—not amongst your standards, it was mid-thigh—but nowadays teachers were weird about how girls dressed so you'd have to keep an eye out about that.
Also, surprisingly—instead of the usual beat up and raggedy sneakers you usually wore you decided on some of your chunky Mary Janes you'd thrifted not long back. You'd never given them a go outside before. The only time they'd been worn was in your room and by yourself.
When you were fully dressed, you let yourself examine your outfit in the mirror. While doing so, your phone chimes in your hand. You snap it open hastily and read the notification.
"it's larry. sal gave me your number :P meet us outside when ur ready"
You grinned and walked out of your room. You grabbed your bag and made for the door. When you'd gotten outside, what greeted you there was not exactly what you'd expected.
"Oh! Ashley, is this yours?" You inquired, gazing over the pale silver Ford Fiesta that sat in the driveway. It was a cute car. Ash sat in the driver's seat with the window down and her forest green eyes attentive and on you.
"Yeah! My little brother had an allergic reaction while eating out at some big corporate food chain and we got it in compensation. We already have a family car so it was given to me."
What a nice story, you thought, making sure you maintained your pleasant expression.
"Oh," you passed your gaze over the vehicle again. "Cool!"
You noted Todd's place in the passenger seat. You met his eye and gently waved. He returned the wave, with that neutral look on his face he always seemed to have.
"You're going to be cold," a voice behind you says rather abruptly. You jump, whirling around.
"You scared me," you laughed, your face burning as you made eye contact with none other than Sal Fisher. "What do you mean?"
"Your skirt," he replies, glancing away momentarily. Your eyebrows raise comically.
"You don't like it?"
"No-" he rushes out, a bit too fast. "Uh, no. It's g- it's nice. I meant you're going to be cold in it."
He was right. It was nearing the end of August.
You pass your eyes over your legs, from the a-lined skirt, the sheer black tights, and the chunky Mary Janes. You return your gaze to his—not before catching a glinting glimpse of what seemed to be rings adorning his fingers—and shrugged.
"Oh well. All I'm worried about is being dress coded," you look to Larry, who's near Sal. "Good morning."
"You too," he grins. "Let's get in the car. It's chilly."
You all clamber into the backseat. You're in between Sal and Larry. Hot air blew from the car vents and hit you in the face as Ashley turned the temperature up further. While doing that, she turns on the radio and channel surfs until she's found some sort of soft rock station. She turns it up to a moderate volume.
A car freshener in the shape of a red tree dangled from the rearview mirror and swayed as Ashley put the car in reverse and pulled out of the driveway. It had a charming illustration of what resembled two strawberries on the front.
The car smelled nostalgic—like the smell of the hair on one of those Strawberry Shortcake dolls you owned as a child.
The wistful scent is abruptly overpowered by the smell of smoke and the autumn air. Larry had rolled a window down and had just lit a cigarette to your left. On your right, Sal has pulled out his flip phone and is playing some sort of shit quality version of Frogger.
Interested, you lean over.
"How'd you get that on there?"
He looks over at you. He's close. You can hear him slowly inhaling and exhaling through his nose. "Todd did it for me," Sal replies. He gestures toward you with the phone. The phone makes a sound. The digital frog had fallen into the water. "Wanna play?"
"Oh," you pause, and smile. "I like watching you."
His eyes flicker over your face. "Okay."
He returned to the game. Finally, you had an excuse to stare down at his hands. Multiple silver and black rings adorned his hands. They fit him perfectly—snug on his pretty fingers and accenting his veiny hands perfectly.
During your examination, you hadn't exactly realized it but your cheek was now flush against his shoulder and your hair was tickling his neck.
No, you weren't smelling him, but it was hard not to scent it when you inhaled through your nose. He smelled of delicate laundry detergent—fresh, clean—and of minty vanilla. Breathing that in made you feel what was probably the most at home you'd felt in months.
You glanced up from his hands, to his Adam's apple, to his prosthetic face—his gaze remained attentive on the flip phone, dark lashes moving along to accommodate his flickering eyes. You looked away before he'd noticed, and paid attention to the game.
"You're good," you commented.
He didn't reply immediately, almost as if he'd looked over at you. The side of your face remained on his shoulder and your hair still brushed against the skin on his neck.
"Well, it's only Frogger," he remarked. "I bet you're better. Try it."
The sudden scent of ashy smoke consumed your senses. Larry must have exhaled halfway inside of the car. The vapor floated for a moment before dissipating into nothing.
You took the phone from Sal's hands and shifted in your seat to sit straight up. You pressed play on the game, and within seconds your frog had fallen into the water.
"I suck."
"No, you don't. You're just not trying hard enough."
"Potato, Potahto," you reply, shortly laughing at yourself and pressing play again nonetheless.
Suddenly, the vehicle slammed to a halt. You held onto the phone tight in one hand and steadied yourself on the passenger seat in front of you with your other one.
Sal seemed to have the same idea, except he seemed to panic and had braced yourself on your knee instead. You could have sworn you saw white for a split second, your insides jumping and chills fluttering down your spine. He quickly retracted his touch, catching your eye immediately.
"Sorry," Sal uttered.
"That's okay," you'd done a fine job gathering yourself together. "Perfectly fine."
"Jesus Christ, Ash! What the hell was that?" Larry calls from your left, the cigarette between his pointer and middle fingers. He was halfway through exhaling his smoke when he spoke again. Vapor spilled from his lips as he stared at the front of the vehicle. "Trying to kill us?"
"Whoops! Sorry guys, I almost missed the red light."
"That wasn't very wise," Todd remarked from the passenger seat, turning his head to look at Ash. You couldn't help but shortly giggle, looking back down at Sal's phone.
You heard Sal slowly exhale a breath of relief beside you.
"Yeah, anything but fucking wise," Larry scoffed. "Thought I was about to die, dude."
"I said I was sorry," you could hear the roll of Ashley's eyes in her voice. "My parents would kill me if I got a ticket. Also, who told you that you could smoke in my car?"
"I did." In your peripheral vision, he was staring blankly. "What're you going to do about it?"
In the rearview mirror, Ashley squinted her eyes but said nothing.
"This is a shit show," Sal murmured, looking back to his phone in your hands. You'd returned to the game, still attempting at getting past the first level. The digital frog continuously leaped over lily pads and logs. It was almost therapeutic.
"Sorry you don't want me back here, Sal." Larry's tone had transformed from mildly annoyed to slightly bitter. His cigarette had been held unattended for a decent amount of time so it had begun to burn out. "I didn't ask to third wheel."
You blinked and convinced yourself you'd heard him wrong.
You weren't looking at Sal's face. He was silent for a few seconds.
"Just chill out, alright?"
"I'll say what I want."
"It's too early for this, Larry," Sal bit out. "Cut it the fuck out."
Your heart pumped furiously.
"Where do you want to take this, Sal?"
Ashley jumped in incredibly quick, the car jerking as she turned the wheel abruptly, pulling the vehicle into the school's parking lot. "Fuck no. What the fuck are you thinking, Larry? Going to fight Sal because you're in a pissy mood?"
"I'm not going to fucking fight him, Ashley," He shook his head. "It's just- apparently he's got some kind of vendetta against me today so I guess we could talk somewhere else-"
"That's in your head, Larry," Sal said honestly. "I don't know what makes you think I have something against you today, but I don't. I don't know how you want me to prove that to you."
Larry settles into silence as Ashley pulls the Ford Fiesta into a parking space.
"Just- put the cigarette out and calm down, okay?"
It didn't look like the smoke had much left in it, but Larry still drew one last hit out of it before he stepped out of the car and crushed it beneath his shoe. He throws his bag over his shoulder and slams the car door behind him.
You look over at Sal, who was reaching for the door handle. Ashley and Todd had already exited the vehicle, and Ashley was standing by and waiting for you both to get out so she could lock the car.
"Hey," you murmured before he could leave. The blue-haired boy turned his head and inquired you with raised eyebrows. "Try to be patient with him, when you two talk it out. I haven't known him long—but I can tell he's the sort of person that wouldn't act like that unless something's bothering him."
Sal looks down at you thoughtfully, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. You hear him swallow thickly. "Yeah," he muttered. "He is that type of person. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks."
With that, you both exit the vehicle and Ashley locks the car. Todd and Larry had already walked up a measured distance ahead of the three of you.
"Do you know what that might have been about?" Ashley asks, directing the question toward Sal by holding eye contact with him. You walk to Sal's left, looking ahead as to not be intrusive on the conversation.
"Uh.." he trails off. A cool breeze filters past your face and legs and it makes you shiver. "Not really. Usually, it's about his mom. Whenever they've argued about something, it puts him in a bad mood."
Ashley seems to give herself a moment to reply.
"Anything else?"
Sal does the same.
"Not that I know of."
Your eyebrows twitch downward.
Ashley walks slightly ahead of the two of you. She calls your name, and you look up from the ground, startled. "How are you liking the apartments? Anytime I've been there, they're kind of creepy."
You giggle. "Yeah. You could say that. I'd say they're alright—it gets kind of cold. The water was fucking ice cold today. Could barely shower."
Ashley mirrors your laughter. "Anything else?"
You pause. "Larry has this really great treehouse. I don't know if you've been, but it's honestly pretty cool. It's homey."
She looks up to Sal in surprise. "She's already been? When did you guys show her?"
He tucks a strand of hair behind his ear. "Uh, well, we didn't necessarily show her.."
Ashley looks at you curiously. You sarcastically pout towards Sal, finding his eyes to be twinkling with amusement. "I may have broken into it."
"Oh, you didn't break into it," Sal protests, exhaling sharply through his nose in a gentle chuckle. "You just didn't realize it was inhabited."
You look towards Ashley. "Long story short—I found a cool treehouse. Thought it was abandoned. Climbed into it. Coincidentally, Sal and Larry climbed into the treehouse while I was in it. It was embarrassing."
"It wasn't. It was funny," You could hear Sal's grin. "She smoked for the first time that day."
Ashley's jaw dropped in faux-astonishment. "You've tainted her innocence."
You smile. "It was honestly kind of horrible at first."
Before you knew it, the three of you had entered the school. After a few more minutes of banter and friendly conversation, you and Sal parted ways from Ashley to head towards your first class of the day: math.
Once again, Mrs. Packerton had given the class a math sheet. For god knows why she expected you to know all of these things off of the bat and get all of the questions right with barely any assistance. You were stuck on one problem like it always went.
Someone nudged your arm. You looked to your left and smiled at who was looking at you. He glanced down at your paper. "The answer's-"
"Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Mr. Fisher?"
Fuck, you thought, slowly looking up to your elderly teacher. Glancing over to Sal, his eyebrows were raised and he peered up at the woman at the front of the classroom with something akin to surprise in his eyes. "Uh-"
Before he could explain himself, Mrs. Packerton's entire facade did a 180 and her eyebrows were suddenly furrowed and her frown was deep-set. It was almost comical, and you strained to keep the laugh in. You weren't looking to break a rib, so you unfortunately giggled beneath your breath.
Her dark brown eyes slid over to you. After a moment of being examined and feeling extremely uncomfortable, she sighed.
"I'm administering detention for both of you, after school. I will let you finish the test, but next time this happens it'll be an immediate fail for both of you. Understood?”
You and Sal exchange both equally supposed expressions, before nodding together.
Before class is over, you see Travis giving Sal another sour look. Oh my god, you thought, twirling your pencil around in between your fingers. Is this going to have to be another talk, Travis?
The bell rang. You and Sal jumped up and fled the class as quickly as you could.
"Oh my god," he breathed, as you both stepped into the hallway and began maneuvering through the countless amount of students flooding the halls. "She's super fucking scary. I was so wrong."
You abruptly laugh. "Yeah. She's got that look in her eye." You pause. "I'm sorry, Sal. You wouldn't be getting a detention if it wasn't for me."
Sal tilts his head just slightly. "It's no big deal. It was my fault, anyway. It's not like you asked for my help either times I helped you out. It's not like my dad's going to be mad, anyway—he'll probably be relieved. I've never really got detention for anything, especially involving talking to another person. Probably'll be glad I'm being more social, haha."
You frown. "I'm still sorry."
"I appreciate it, but you don't have to be-"
"If only your friend wasn't so dumb, Sally Face. It's a shame that your perfect record is all tarnished."
Sal appears as though he knew who was talking a few words in. He inhales, turns around to face the blond boy behind him, and backs up a step. "What do you want, Travis?"
Your fingernails sink into your palms. It stings. You told him yesterday!
"Nothing. Just wanna know why she's so stupid."
Sal's eyes flicker. "Mm, think you're forgetting about how close you were to failing mid-terms last year. You're not very bright yourself."
Travis grows a bit red but he looks as though he's trying to ignore his growing frustration. It boggled you—the fact he was so easy to anger because of the fact Sal was defending himself. Defending.. you?
"Whatever. Why am I fucking arguing with a fucking satan worshipper, anyway?"
That genuinely surprised you. What kind of insult was that? And where did it come from?
"Whatever, Travis. God doesn't like bullies, either. I hope you don't kiss your daddy with that mouth-"
You're glad the hall is relatively empty because the crack you hear when Travis' fist meets Sal's prosthetic face is loud and startling. Your heart is in your throat. You place your hands on Travis' chest and push him into the lockers. The metal cages rattle beneath the sudden weight.
"What the FUCK is wrong with you?" You shout, red hot anger coursing through your body and pumping through your veins. "Get the fuck away. I swear to god, I'll-"
Sal murmurs your name, gripping your wrist. "Stop. Don't push him."
You give Travis the bitchiest expression you can muster. He scoffs and walks away. You're surprised he didn't throw one last insult into the air—but he instead walked down the hall with heavy footing, turned around the corner, and disappeared.
As soon as you're done watching him down the hall, you whip around to Sal with wide eyes. He was cupping the place where the mask cut off, collecting blood that dripped down.
"He's got a mean right hook," Sal breathily laughed.
The rage you currently felt made your head hurt. You quickly grabbed him by the wrist and hurried him towards the restrooms at the opposite side of the hall. On your way, the bell rings. You couldn't care less whether or not you were going to miss your class—it's not like you didn't have detention already.
"Hey, what're you-"
You pull him into the girl's bathroom, which was empty. You make sure to turn him away from the entrance. His eyes are as wide as two dinner plates.
"Huh. Smells nice in here," he comments. The fact that's the first thing he says tells you he's clearly in shock from being clocked in the face.
You grab some paper towels and look him in the eye.
"I'm going to clean you up now,"
You reach around his head.
"Hey, I- wait, you don't-"
You unbuckle the clasps at the back of his prosthetic and pull the prosthetic off of his face. You set it aside, and set it on the edge of the sink.
He slowly meets your gaze. The amount of internal fear that's held inside of those eyes—fear you know that's been held in for so long—is astonishing to you. Your eyes soften. You slide your gaze over his face, and all you can feel is an unbelievable amount of happiness and satisfaction.
Butterflies swarm your insides and beat against your ribs at the sight of his mouth.
It's just as kissable as you'd imagined.
Shut the fuck up, you snap back at yourself. Not the time.
You're unable to hold in the large smile that grows on your lips as you bring the paper towels toward his face and wipe away the blood that dripped from his nose, down his mouth, and fell down his chin—there was so much of it that it had made its way down to the collar of his shirt, staining the material scarlet red.
"You can give that to me later," you uttered. "I know a thing or two about getting blood out of clothes, haha."
His lips twitched, but he remained silent and let you do your thing.
After thoroughly cleaning his face off, you return the prosthetic to him, handling it with care.
"Here you go."
After he'd put it on, you met his eyes.
"Hey, Sal, I'm-"
"It's okay." He peered at you sincerely. "That went.. better than I thought it would. I just hope you don't think of me differently."
The thought appalled you.
"No!" You exclaimed, a bit too forceful. You gathered your composure and tried it again. "No. Um- I could never. Seriously. Your face doesn't change who you are, Sal. It doesn't make me think of you any different. You're still you. Besides, I- um... I liked it."
His eyebrows jump and he jerks his head upward. "What?"
"I liked it. I liked your face."
He was silent like it was taking him a little bit to process that. Your eyes wandered during this time, and they landed on the collar of his shirt, again. You cursed.
"Shit. Hold on."
Suddenly, you'd crossed your arms around your midriff and began pulling the sweater upward. The noise Sal made was almost comical.
"No, uh, you don't have to! It's fine, I can-"
Before he could stop you, the shirt was up and over your chest and it was off of your head. Thank god that you'd remembered the black top beneath, or else you'd feel really bad that you couldn't give him the sweater—it wasn't like you could walk around in just a bra (as much as you'd like to sometimes.)
He grabbed the article of clothing from you, hesitant. "You're sure?"
"Alright," he murmured, cautious, pulling your sweater over his head and pulling it down his torso. Once he'd done so, he looked back to your eyes and inquired you with his own. "So? What do you think?"
Heart beating so loudly it thrummed in your ears, you replied: "You've never looked better," and grinned wider than you ever have before.
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thran-duils · 3 years
My Perfect Pet
Title: My Perfect Pet Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark!Boss Tony Stark. Reader disobeys Mr. Stark’s order to work in his office and learns her lesson for disobeying when he tells her to do something. Words: 2,303 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Dom/sub, fingering, shameless smut, boss/employee relationship, punishment, office sex Author’s Note: I had a dream, alright? I got distracted from the other fics because of it.
Masterpost (mobile)
You walked into one of the old filing rooms where one of the old assistants was already working to scan old documents in. A whole archive had been discovered recently and they needed all of the papers uploaded onto the Stark database.
Aeisha looked up when you walked in and cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, I thought Abby was going to be down here with me.”
“She really wanted to be around and in Mr. Stark’s office.”
When you had arrived this morning, the head security told you where you were supposed to be. Mr. Stark gave orders at the beginning of the day where all of you were supposed to be and he had wanted you assisting him today. But Abby had complained to you, pouting. You figured it was not a big deal and told her you would take her job down in the filing room instead. She had been ecstatic.
The other girl snorted and said, “Of course she does. She’s been trying to get him to fuck her for months.”
You stammered, “W-what?”
“He has his favorites. She wants to be one of them.” She held up her phone, the newest version, and smirked, “He gives good gifts to keep us away from HR. Not that I would ever consider that.”
“You… have sex with him?”
Aeisha shrugged, “When he wants. It’s not often. In between the ladies at his parties and some other girls in the building, there’s time in between.” She saw the look on your face and gave a hearty laugh. “He’s good in bed. Don’t worry. When I said I wouldn’t consider going to HR, I mean it. That man knows how to work my pussy.”
‘That’s not what I’m worried about,” you muttered, opening one of the boxes. ‘I didn’t know I was gonna have to potentially fuck my boss if he ever gets a wild hair. Wasn’t in the job description. Sure, he’s extremely attractive – sexy – but, Jesus. That’s asking for issues if you ever wanna be in a relationship with someone and he’s still expecting it. Maybe I should be thanking Abby for taking his office today.”
Aeisha closed the scanner and shot you a curious look. “Wait… did you clear that switch with him?”
You shook your head and she rose her eyebrows, looking concerned.
“What?”’ you asked worriedly. “I didn’t think it would be a big deal. We are both gonna do the same thing no matter where we are at.”
“He wanted to see you in there, Y/N. He’s very specific about his instructions.”
Your stomach did a flip flop and you asked worriedly, “Am I going to get in trouble?”
Aeisha shrugged, “Who knows? If he hasn’t sent Abby back down here in the next twenty minutes, maybe it’ll just slide.”
You did not want to lose this job; it was well paying, especially for NYC.
“I guess I’ll just… go up there if she gets put back down here,” you said slowly, thumbing through the files.
You picked some of the papers up and asked Aeisha where she was filing the paperwork before going to your own scanner. You kept tensing whenever you heard someone walk by, thinking it was Abby coming down to fetch you and make you go upstairs where Mr. Stark wanted to see you. It was customary for you to wear pencil line skirts and low-cut shirts with heels, something that had been encouraged by the hiring manager. And you learned quickly it was just the norm with all of the assistants. Thankfully, you had already had a good enough collection started with going out wear that was easily masked as office wear. Such as the bodycon dress you were wearing today, the long zipper up the back that you had had to have your roommate help you with. But now you wondered if maybe you should cut back on it a little bit, knowing what you did now.
Shaking your head, you pushed the thoughts of your mind, focusing on your work.
It was almost 9:00pm when you were walking back from the filing room. You told your immediate supervisor that you would take a few more hours today to be able to get off early tomorrow for your appointment tomorrow afternoon a few weeks ago.
You stopped though outside Mr. Stark’s office, hearing noises coming from within. You furrowed your brow confused considering how late it was. You put your hand on the door, your ear coming closer. Someone yelped loudly inside and you threw the door open in alarm, thinking someone was getting hurt.
Upon seeing Mr. Stark being straddled by a naked woman and another kissing him beside them on the couch, you almost vomited in embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark. I thought—goodnight!” you stammered, closing the door clumsily and rushing off.
You were not surprised in the slightest when you arrived the next morning that Mr. Stark wanted you in his office. Reluctantly, you walked to the door and knocked. He called from inside and you took a deep breath, your heart hammering. All you could see was them on the couch last night and feel your mortification that had kept you up half the night.
He was working off to the side of his desk with a hologram table, his back to you. He was wearing a three-piece suit as usual, sans the jacket, all black.
You did not know what to say – if you should say anything too – so you just stood there awkwardly until he sensed the awkwardness too and turned around. You did not miss the slight smirk that graced his lips at the sight of you.
“Mhm, Y/N. Good morning,” he greeted you, closing the hologram and turning around to stride back to his desk.
“Good morning, Mr. Stark,” you managed to say.
He sat on the edge of the desk, running his eyes over you. You had chosen a mid-thigh dress, still showing leg but the top was long sleeved, no cleavage.
You blurted becoming uncomfortable with the silence, “I really am sorry.”
“For?” he questioned.
That caught you off guard and you stammered, “U-uh. Last night?”
“Oh, that,” Tony chuckled. “I didn’t know anyone was still on the floor. Quite a surprise to see you. Did throw the vibe off a bit, took me out of my element, really.” He cleared his throat and said, “As a matter of fact, thank you for apologizing because the sex really wasn’t as great as it was going to be if I hadn’t of seen you. Because it just reminded me of earlier in the day when I was expecting to see you when I came in the morning and I was severely annoyed when it wasn’t you. So, I was just a little irked during the whole threesome.”
He snickered seeing you at loss for words. “Well, I figure you can make it up to me. We can break in the couch. Just you and me.”
A strangled noise left your throat. “What?”
“Did I stammer? You disobeyed what I asked yesterday. I was gonna let it slide and give you a chance to make it right next time – aka this morning when I requested you again to be in here. I like my assistants in the building to follow directions specifically how I ask them. But then, you came in and interrupted when I was about to plow two of the hottest models on the market right now and threw off my vibe.”
That sounded so ridiculous, you said before you could stop yourself, “You still had sex with them.”
His eyes crinkled with his dangerous smile. “That’s cheeky. You are very determined to get me even more riled up, aren’t you? I didn’t mark you as bratty. Everyone’s got their surprises though...”
He stood up from the desk and you fought to stand your ground, your hands still folded in front of you. His eyes were searching hungrily, eyeing you up like a piece of meat.
“You’re definitely not a top rider like Vivian or Aeisha. They love sitting in my lap… reverse cowgirl…” Heat came to your cheeks as he ran his eyes over you again, lingering on your legs. A wicked smirk came to his face as he met your gaze again. “No. That’s not you. Not at all. You’re a perfect candidate for training.”
“In fact, we can have your first lesson now. Lock the door.”
“Mr. Stark—”
He sat on the couch and said, “Do you remember me just saying that I like my assistants to listen? And follow directions just as they’re told? This is your chance to do that. So, impress me, sweetheart. Or leave the building and don’t come back. I’ll have someone mail your check or direct deposit. Whatever the hell you have set up.”
You stared at him in bewilderment, and he was staring back, a hard look in his eyes. He was not messing around. Swallowing sharply, you turned on your heel and went to the door, sliding the lock into place. You turned around, your heart thumping.
“Take your dress off. Put this blindfold on,” he ordered, reaching for the piece of cloth on the table. You had failed to notice it sitting there before; he had already had this on his mind before you had come in apparently. “And get over my knee.”
Mortified, you took a step back towards the door and his eyes flashed at the movement.
“What’s it gonna be, sweetheart?”
You had a choice, really you did. You could find other work, but you did not want to. Sucking down a deep breath, you walked over towards him. He reached forward again and grabbed a small remote, clicking it. The large TV turned on at the end of the office and he turned on a random show, turning the volume up.
Your dress fell to your ankles and you stepped out of it. There was a fire sparked seeing the way he was looking at you, drinking you in. But it made you extremely nervous too; what if this went sideways and you lost the job anyway?
The blindfold was waiting on his thigh and you reached for it, putting it on and laid across his lap. You could feel his length through his dress pants, causing heat to come to your core already as well. You squirmed with the anticipation.
He smacked your ass hard and you gasped loudly with the sting. His hand caressed at your ass, squeezing. “Look at that nice jiggle you had just there. You’re gonna tell me you’re sorry when this is all done and take this like an obedient girl. Right?”
“’Right, sir’,” Tony corrected you.
“Right, sir,” you squeaked in repeat back to him.
He hummed in approval before he smacked you again, harder this time. He yanked your underwear down and ordered you to kick them off. He helped getting them around your heels and you felt him toss them. His hand was back on your ass, squeezing and admiring. Another smack landed and then another, drawing a low groan from you.
Tony’s fingers delved past your wet folds, running up and down your sex. A finger slipped in as his thumb massaged your clit, causing you to pant in need.
“Look at you, you little wanton harlot,” Tony husked, adding another finger.
He pulled his hand away and laid another hard smack across your cheeks, leaving wetness from you.
“Spread your legs,” he ordered.
You did what he told you and you squealed when he slapped your pussy, instinctively clenching and driving your hips forward.
“Keep them open!”
Hesitantly, you did what he said, and you cried out softly when he smacked your pussy again, repeatedly. The contact was reverberating, stimulating. He was driving you insane, loving the contact on your clit from each hit. You heard him spit and his other hand came to rub at your tight ring, wet from his spit, while the other found your nub again, circling faster now. He was working you too well, it was too much pressure. You did not want to come all over him, and you clenched again, trying to stop him from touching you.
He laid a rough smack across your ass and growled, “I told you to keep your legs open!”
Whimpering, you opened your legs again to him and he praised, “Good girl. Now, are you, sorry, pet?” You nodded and he squeezed at your nub causing you to whine sharply. “Tell me!”
“I’m sorry, sir!”
“Mhm, you’re a fast learner. Such a good girl. But what are you sorry for?” he asked, his fingers picking up speed.
“Not listening to you! For interrupting you!” you panted, gripping at the couch fabric.
“Yeah, that was really naughty of you,” Tony agreed, his knuckles brushing your sex as he hit your g spot. “Very naughty.” Your breath was quick and short, and he cooed, “Sweetheart, do you need to come?”
“Yes, sir! Please!” you begged, embarrassed simultaneously how easily you had come unraveled. How easy it was for you to fall into this role.
Tony hit your spot again and you moaned pathetically. “You can let go. Come for me.”
You cried out, shaking, coming undone around his fingers. His other hand came to your throat, holding tight as he continued to stroke you, slower now as you shook with your release. He squeezed in slightly and that only added a cherry on top to your orgasm.
Empty of him, you heard him salaciously sucking on his fingers, his other hand still flexing gently on your throat, and he hummed in approval again. “I think with some more lessons, you can shape up to my perfect pet.”
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld
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