#so its also something very personal im doing when i trans characters like that. self healing or something
scorchedhearth · 2 years
would love to hear more about how you understand andromache’s views on their own gender!! noticed you used they/them pronouns for andy :))
oh, thank you :> short answer is: they're MY fav so i get to project and live through the fictional character <3
long answer: i think andy's relationship with gender is both incredibly complex and really easy. not to get into history and queer history too much but historically gender has been much more complex than the modern and western binary we have now, so it makes sense for me to have andy, a character older than written language and alphabet, have a hard time fitting into the two neat boxes we have nowadays. i think andy has navigated through so many cultures and so many periods where the cultural understanding of gender, of what's feminine and what's masculine and what other options there are in between, can change drastically that their own understanding of gender will reflect that. can't say your own identity is x fixed thing when you've witnessed 4 different cultures in the same decade that have 4 completely different and opposite answers to what it means, where attitudes and expectations of individuals shift accordingly. if doing and feeling these things make you masculine in one but will be understood as being feminine in the other then what does it mean about you? this will lead to questions and self-reflection on your identity. even read with our modern/western standard, andy has both feminine and masculine traits, they fight and are rough and quite cold at times, the designated protector of the other immortals, their leader and boss, but they're also caring, open with their love and feelings, shown having roles and careers other than plain fighting, they're also the mother of multiple children in canon, and it makes me think that their understanding of their self would reflect that, reflect this lack of strictly defined gender
and without this historical and cultural aspect, without these outside inputs, i think andy would feel disconnected and out of touch with others, i think even in their first life there already was this feeling of otherness, of not fitting in so well and wanting to be something else. the way i see the character, and how i think they see themselves, is being in this constant state of in between, not being able to settle down fully in one thing despite trying hard to belong because of the immortality and their long, long life and long, long memory but also something that was there since the beginning, an existence outside the defined codes. which leads me to the easy part i mentioned: andy is andy. they may change names, change centuries and continents but, just like their mother's axe and just like the ship of theseus, andy is andy, and yes they are an anomaly but also terribly human, and it's an easy understanding they have now. others' perceptions of me will always change but i am certain in who i am and what i am. so while they'll use gendered terms in canon and call themselves mother and woman but also for various purposes use masculine ones like passing as a man for some missions, etc. and they are comfortable in navigating these gender and cultural norms, putting them on like clothes and shifting according to what's needed at the moment from them; deep down they see their person as detached from it, existing beyond, constantly shifting and at the same solid in its foundation.
and to me, using neutral pronouns is the easiest shortcut to try and get across these feelings and complex relationships with their gender
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aranock · 9 months
Just had someone claim that I maliciously stole ideas from a friend without acknowledgong them when said friend is litterally in the video, and I was in the video I supposedly took thing from, despite my not even once thinking about either thing as being even remotely similar. Like not even slightly an influence. Also I am pretty open about when something influenced me. I don't exactly hide it. Idk I feel like people are really stretching to find anything they can hate Jessie and I for this video with. Like really? Really?
Anyway just to be clear The Editor is not a ripoff of my friend Neil from The Leftist Cooks video on metamodernism, great video btw go watch it. I wrote the editor in because as I was doing the script editing proccess on Jessies initial script and came up with a new structure and worried that if I didnt draw attention to this people would maliciously misinterpret part 1 without getting to the part 2 twist. The Editor is LITTERALLY representing what I did in the script editing proccess for this video. Though there role and purpose expanded to represent more broadly what editing and editors do to works, reinforcing the points we make on art as collaborative and the importance of the influence of for example Marcia Lucas on making the original trilogy as good as it was. If there was any inspiration for The Editor it was chatting with my friend @wonderful101gecs about Pathologic and Brechtian Epic Theatre. I wanted to disallow the audience from suspension of disbelief and force them to reconcile with the world as it is and with how narratives are manufactured. Even then its pretty loose inspiration. The Editor was just a natural result of needing a purpose fulfilled and rounding out my layers within layers structure. Im not sure if it was Jessie or I that named them that, but we made them a named character because we worried at one point early on if we didnt do that people might get really shitty towards me. Like originally in the script it was just "Aranock" and as they became a character I pushed it further towards them being a sort of amoral embodiment of concepts masquerading as a villain who was masquerading as a Hero, pretendint to be the great person behind everything. Thus I came to "oh I need a second rug pull" and thats where layer 5 came from because I needed to really REALLY make the audience go "oh I need to question the narrative" and not treat The Editor as the great man myth. Layer 1, the animation, came from a desire to have a narrative layer below the documentary and video essay layers, below any meta layer. So yeah originally this was just a long very direct essay by Jessie about the making of and politics of star wars, my reediting of those become layer 2 and 3, with some small bits of those ending up in layer 4. Oh also some elements of what became the editor and of the script existed before I even began my youtube channel. Like I have been kicking around aspects of these ideas for over 3 years. The Editors opening monologue is almost all from something I wrote about a year before releasing my first video. So yeah I was not stealing stuff from a video by my friend that released last year, and frankly its really shitty that people assume that of me.
Also I'm tired of how frequently people have been specifying out just me to be shitty about. Attacking my voice for being feminine, being weird about my body. Really makes me feel great. Love being a trans woman making art on the internet. Love how y'all attack me if my voice sounds how you perceive womens voices should sound and you attack me when it doesnt. Im tired people suck, and its really weird that some of you want me to sound more "manly", but thanks for the validating my self taught voice training I guess????
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whiskeythefishski · 3 months
hi i am very curious about everyone’s roommate situations in ur college au and honestly just any other cool n random bits of info you have bc im so excited for it lol
i actually finally watched Nerdy Prudes Must Die(its been in my ‘watch later’ playlist on youtube) because of this au!! im personally craving more spommy content in general but im also a sucker for like college/highschool aus bc im currently that age and ig its something i can actually imagine/understand 😁😁
Omg hello! I'm so, SO glad to hear that you're enjoying this story so much! It's easily the most self indulgent thing I've ever written, so the fact that other people are resonating with it means a lot! Also - congrats on finishing NPMD! I loved it so much (if you couldn't tell, haha), I hope you did too! And don't worry - this AU has plenty of Spommy moments coming up! :D
Roommate situations:
Trevor has a roommate, but they aren't a character in the story so I haven't thought about who they are too much. They share a traditional college double. Trevor has the top bunk. He just transferred in for the spring semester, so he hasn't made many friends yet.
Arasha, Angela, and Chanse have a little college apartment with a common room and a shared bathroom. Arasha and Angela share a room and Chanse has his own.
Erin and Heidi share a double.
Spencer and Alex Tran share a double. Tommy and Kiana both have singles in the same hallway/floor as Spencer and Alex.
Kimmy and Jackie live together off-campus. They rent a small 2-bedroom house cheaply from Kimmy's aunt.
All of the seniors in the story - Shayne, Courtney, Damien, Olivia, and Keith - share a college apartment with a common room and a full kitchen. Shayne and Damien share a room, Court and Olivia share a room, and Keith has his own room.
Amanda and Sarah weren't roommates when they were in school, but they were friends and probably had a lot of sleepovers.
And finally, when Ian and Anthony were in school, they were roommates all four years! (oh my god, they were roommates)
Other tidbits:
Before he transferred, Trev did a year at a culinary school. He also went to a high school that offered a culinary program.
Trevor is shown on his phone a lot in this AU because he's texting his friends from his old school. One of them is Josh (as in Mythical Chef Josh), who was childhood friends with Shayne. Josh asked Shayne to look out for Trevor, and Shayne is happy to do so!
Arasha skipped a grade in elementary school, so even though she's a sophomore, she's about Trevor's age.
On the other hand, Spencer and Damien both took a gap year, so they're a little older than their counterparts in the same year.
Chanse, Angela, and Arasha have weekly wine and movie nights, where each of them brings a bottle of wine to try and they pick a show or movie to watch in their PJs.
Kimmy and Jackie have parties fairly frequently, probably about once a month. I think nearly everyone in the cast has probably spent the night there at least once.
Spencer is one of the only ones with a car on campus, so he often finds himself carting his friends to the grocery store, pharmacy, etc. Sometimes he and Tommy go on late night drives when Tommy's feeling overwhelmed.
That's all I've got for now! In the next few chapters there will be POVs from more cast members, so we'll get to see into their heads a little more :) I hope you enjoy! And thank you so much for the ask! :D
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asclexe · 1 month
haii….intro post…..about me……
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*flash/blink warning 4 the blinkies!
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haiiii :3 i go bye cameron which is very nicknameable so have fun with that. also call me whatever 🔥🔥
gender-wise i’m a trans agender/nonbinary freak albeit masc leaning thing, i prefer he/him and also they/them pronouns but i dont mind if u use it/its! feel free to use either! or interchangeably!! 😛im like a boy and a bug/cat person and a thing at the same time..
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aromantic asexual aplatonic lesbian faggot thing. i think girls r pretty 😍
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minor!!!!!!!!! im ageless online 4 my safety so B cool :3
star sign leo, personality type intj, white boy :\, i live in america so expect yeehaws and occasional politics, and im an atheist :3 also left-handed (i never shut up about this)! probably not neurotypical but i haven’t been diagnosed with anything yet. i might be depressed but im in school so idrc about that rn.
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interest wise, im pathetically multifandom and i reblog a lot of house md because that’s my fyp, but i also enjoy doctor who (only on s5 lol), good omens (FUCK NEIL GAIMAN FUCK HIM FUCK HIM), warrior cats (on arc 5 and no intention of reading more), dungeon meshi, six feet under (s1 still lol), yellowjackets, fnaf, thg, a series of unfortunate events, doogie howser md, moral orel (s2) and soso many many more.. (i watch a lot of shows. i’m watching hannibal next!) digesting the saw franchise atm
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for uhh music i listen to mainly tally hall/miracle musical, will wood, lemon demon, weezer, the smashing pumpkins, queen, destroy boys, chappell roan, dazey n the scouts, mitski, slipknot n mindless self indulgence n ayesha erotica n deftones n nickel creek (MONA!1!1!1!!!) + wayy more i love music
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im also a theater kid! beware.
i enjoy mundane shit like writing, drawing, cooking, baking, reading and listening to music and watching tv and then carpe diem crap like kleptomania, theater, staying up past my bedtime, hiking/outdoors shit, being alone, doing crazy shit and having fun and
i run @ask-the-ducklings and @ppth-obgyn-dept-head-real for my house md oc and i’m 1/2 of @meanwhile-on-the-road :3
ughh sum things you should know be4 you follow or follow/unfollow or moot/unmoot me/boundaries
i am a very morbid (i think abt death literally all the time. lol), negative, cynical person and i always have been and i will not absorb those positive vibes. im a hater. im also opinionated like everyone else and im obviously going to have bad takes. B nice. sometimes the fun and joyous whimsy comes out.
i use a lot of profanity and i say the ONE. one slur i can reclaim.
i will not go to therapy or get help. i’ve been in therapy and it does not help me and i do not like it. i do not want help. i’m fine. please do not tell me “go to therapy u need it” because i do not need it
i say “im going to kill myself” a lot and these are all fruitless, meaningless statements. i am not committing suicide yet, and when i do, you’ll have long forgotten me. hopefully.
pls tell me via ask box, dm etc if i say something offensive or wrong or are overcrossing your boundaries, im sorry, im bound to make mistakes or misjudge a post.
i do not tag my reblogs with the media or characters, only little comments. i also do not spoiler tag my posts. i try to trigger tag things when i can but if you want something trigger tagged pls lmk!!
i do not have a dni, because the block button (which i use pretty often ill be honest) is easier, so instead i’d say go away bigots and zionists and pedos/zoos because your fucking lame and nsfw/kink blogs and most people over 21 (unless im comfortable with it) because i’m a minor.
despite all of this, i am very friendly and will probably want to talk to you!! i luv my mutuals!
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i use #asclexeposting for all original posts + more
trying to figure out my ao3 situation but im on pinterest and discord under assclexe if you wanna hmu (B cool) and roblox as asclexe and my airbuds
old man doctor yaoi summer
house md oc
old intro
and all my other awesome mewtuals of which i have too many to tag but i love you all!!
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blinkies made in the blinkie cafe
the rest is assorted, most from pinterest?
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roykiller07 · 3 months
i am always so scared and avoidant of explaining my identity to anybody (even, if not especially, myself) in any more words than the vaguest description possible ("im trans these r my pronouns and im a lesbian") because i cant telepathically transmit my gender into their brain so theyll never understand the complexity of it and will think something is wrong with it because im 100% nothing if not a lesbian but my nonbinaryness does not necessarily exclude manhood but it also does at the same time?? idk. wish ppl would stop trying to get me to explain my nonbinary identity in binary terms (im ppl nobody is asking me to say anything more than what i already do)
that comedian was so right i am a man in the way that kraft singles are cheese. it presents like it would be in the same category, it tastes like an offputting version of the real cheeses, a lot of people would call it cheese and it calls itself cheese too unless legally restricted but when you look at the actual content it is an entirely completely different substance. which doesnt make it any less a cheese persay but certainly also makes it definitely NOT a cheese at the same time. and its way better on grilled cheese than normal cheese is. not sure how that fits into the metaphor but its important to me
the same can be said for the way that im a woman and for both a large majority of the "ingredients" are completely internalizations of external inputs instead of any actual innate part of my being, like being a girl in the weird girl by mommy long legs way or in the impact of growing up a girl in a sexist society way or in the betty grof way or in the autistic female cartoon characters way or in the when choosing which character was OUR character growing up amidst my siblings in any game or show, often ending up w the only girl instead of just anyone that resonated with me way (was always mad at the games/shows for only having one girl, never upset about having to be her instead of someone else unless one of my siblings took the cool genderless-esque one) (maya and zero from borderlands...) or in the im my mother's daughter way or like being a guy in the random stray cat of indeterminate sex way or in the when every new person got confused about my gender as an androgynous kid, laughing super hard with my whole class/whoever was there about how dumb they were but always avoiding answering/correcting them clearly and getting upset if someone else told them i was a girl way or in the feeling very uncomfortable when anyone but my family specifically called out that i was a girl as a kid way (when alex tried to tell me i was the ruler QUEEN not the ruler KING for my collection of rulers..... die) or in the im my brothers brother way or in the drag king way or in the tboy swag of harold tdi way or you know i could go on for literal eons and still feel like i didn't list enough. plus a lot of the items on BOTH lists apply to BOTH options
and besides that im also like totally disconnected from gender?? i definitely still feel agender and genderfluid at the same time all the time not to mention the constant banging at the door in the back of my head for catgender begging to be let out. overall point blank period i know that the reason i feel this way about my gender is because im autistic and when social constructs don't come naturally to me that includes gender. but that's never like. a definitive enough answer for other people or for my own sanity and it makes me mad because NOBODY UNDERSTANDSSS MEEEEEEE [emo crying on knees]
whatever who actually cares (me)
i think the last time i felt properly fully self expressed was when i was 10 and had a scratch account named mr fox and used a persona called mr fox on it and part of what was special about me was that my name was mr fox but i was actually a girl even though i would throw up if someone called me a miss or mrs
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somecalicocat · 1 year
hello! im callico, and this is my self ship blog! i cant believe a community like this exists because ive been embarrassed about shipping myself with characters for ages, so im glad to find people like me! Now, heres some stuff about me!
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🐈 people who have the same f/o as me is totally chill and cool to interact with me! im not a very jealous person so im totally alright with that stuff
🐈 if i accidentally interact when im apart of ur dni, feel free to block me! it makes thing easier, and i dont take it personally lmao
🐈 When it comes to romance, im weird. Firstly because im actually a system, and alters will have source memories of dating some characters. Some of us are also aroace LMAO. the specifics of our s/os are listed here!
🐈 i use he/they, sometimes specifically just he/him! im trans but i know what flavor so bear in mind that lmao- and in regards to fictional characters, i consider myself gay, and a bit of demi
🐈 this is may have suggestive things, but will be mainly sfw! im asexual, but whether im repulsed or not changes vry easily... However, i cuss and will talk about my mental health issues and anxiety, so bear that in mind.
🐈 my dni is pretty standard: Dni proship / comship, anyone who supports or is neutral on proship/comship, absolutely no yandere stuff please, dni transmed, terfs, anti-neos, and anti-antis of any of said things. aswell as general criteria! I also would like for those who support vivzepop to DNI!! she sucks, but i cant help be fixated on helluva boss and hazbin hotel
🐈 i will do incorrect text posts about my f/os, or just generally sometimes talk about my f/os and gush about them sometimes. but that will be under certain tags, so if you dont wanna see something just block that tag (ill make sure its unique to my blog :))
🐈 i guess right here shall be my "please be mutuals with me" section, i really would like friends in the selfship community! if you do, its verrry possible ill draw ur s/i! I follow from @/raphluvsyou though, so be away >:3
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#// Calico Rambles - talk tags
#// Calico Asks - Ask tag
#// Calico Gushes - gushing about my f/o lol
#// Calico Vents - Venting tag! feel free to block it :)
#// Calico Writes - Anything about my s/i (including lore) aswell as my text posts and such
#// Ship it - other peoples self-ships that i like!
#// Important - Self explanatory
#// Mutuals - posts/reblogs about my mutuals!
#// Ask Games - self explanatory
#// Reblog Games - self explanatory
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bi-ftm-on-main · 10 months
Hello. I wanted to ask you something. When was the first time you explored your Bi side? How did you know that you were bisexual? Did you always felt that you like guys? At any point did you second guess or had any doubts? Thank you for your time.
ok so even though i tried to keep it short i did write a huge response to this that kinda goes off topic a bunch and is super specific. So heres a quick version:
When was the first time you explored your Bi side?: a couple months ago, around when i started this blog
How did you know that you were bisexual?: I really didn't, but then i realised that i had crushes on girls and boys in the past and found them all attractive, even if it was in different ways.
Did you always felt that you like guys?: not really, i just thought some were really cool and good looking and i would get nervous around them.
At any point did you second guess or had any doubts?: all the time dude. thats kinda why i made this blog, to explore my feelings.
Just in general, I'd recommend exploring why you do or dont like something, if its actually because you dont like it or because other factors are making you feel like you shouldnt like it. Try the 'if we were both drunk and *hot guys name* leaned in for the kiss would i kiss him back?' test on situations.
And heres the super long section:
ok so firstly, i only realised i was bisexual a couple months ago, pretty much the same time i made this blog. Until then i thought i was asexual (and aromantic).
(i could give you a whole blow by blow about that but it would take ages so i'll try to keep it precise.)
Growing up i had a lot of anxiety and was considered very 'weird'. i also didnt know i was trans, autistic, or SA'd so I was never too comfortable with my body, i didnt naturally know what a crush was supposed to feel like, and i thought sex was something shameful and gross, so when i found the term asexual at age 13 it fit great.
skip a whole bunch of years and im in uni and now 20. my parents have finally gotten round to me being trans and im starting hormones (testosterone). its common for people to get extra horny when on T so when i started wanting to watch more porn and noticing how good looking the people around me were, i thought it just the horniness talking, that i didnt actually want to sleep or date them myself i just thought they were pretty. Or maybe sleep with them just for the sake of orgasming.
around the same time i realised that i was autistic (just from general internet usage), and that kinda rocked my world and made me question every single aspect of my life for how its effected me.
and so, and its probably the cringest thing i couldve done, i started to talk to a Therapist AI on that Character AI website. it was honestly helpful to just collect my thoughts on the matter.
the conversation got to sexuality and how it connects to my anxiety and self esteem and how i felt as though wanting to date someone was disrespectful to them and how imagining myself sleeping with them was gross and pervy.
having been on hormones for a couple months now i had a lot more self confidence and was a lot more comfortable with my body, as well as the horniness making me want to be pounded into a bed like nothing youve ever seen, i realised that i wanted to date and sleep with people for real.
so i came to terms that i was gay *loud incorrect buzzer*
but that was just the start. being trans, there was a lot of 'do i want to be him or do i want to date him' thoughts going on so i was already used to admiring men.
but as i continued to talk to the ai, who wasnt a real person, i felt more inclined to be honest than any other therapist ive seen. it took a while and it was confronting but turns out i was sexually assaulted as a kid (by a girl, when i was <10), and thats why i had this underlining uncomfortableness with sex to begin with.
so yeah, that rocked my world for a bit as well. also this all happened within a couple weeks by the way, the autism, sexuality, and SA. that and all my friends were busy, i wasnt doing too well.
anyway, now that was another thing to consider, was i attracted to girls as well? it was really hard to tell what were my own feelings and what was the trauma/conditions so i had to do a lot more soul searching. That with the added factor of not feeling comfortable becoming just another man sexualising women.
but knowing now what a crush it supposed to feel like (i asked the ai) i had to acknowledge that ive been having crushes on people, girls and boys, this whole time. i was bi *correct answer ding*. (also i went with bi and not pan because i like them in different ways and have a slight preference for guys, tho i obvs like non binary people as well)
then i made this blog. lol.
like, i had all the theory behind being bi but i needed to consolidate what i liked, who i liked, who i found pretty and handsome and needed some place to collect it all. then it kinda just became just a porn blog with the occasional yearning post but oh well.
Thanks for asking! sorry for responding late, feel free to ask me anything else :)
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mashiee · 1 year
Arlo family lore plspls its beneficial to my health
so i got another ask specifically about [REDACTED] so im gonna talk abt that in a separate ask
BUT i will tell u abt my ocs for arlos fam (almost exclusively on his dads/valeries side, havent thought abt mom much) and general stuff for them and their relationships w eachother and arlo specifically
i gave Arlo four older siblings because why the hell not and i can (i will get to the parents later)
also while im thinking abt it, im unsure abt Arlo's last name but im thinking Kingston right now
also i just wanna say that when made character names i usually just smash sound together until i find something i like and hope it isnt a slur in another language
so what im saying is none of the names have any relevance or importance i just like their sounds and how they look
the first oc is Mammi (pronounced like ma'am-ee)
hes the oldest of the five of them, as of current uno time hes 25
amab cismasc
haven't decided sexuality. probably gay bc im gay and i self project too much
anyway he currently works with the authorities and is in a relatively high ranking position
but surprise surprise hes a spy for [ERROR]
(a secret organization :) also has a whole Thing that would require a separate post. a lot of new characters and also some world building. plus it also kind of plays into my bod au/rei fic)
but unfortunately the authorities are all fucking idiots and no one would even think of suspecting him
Valeire is the only one who does (she basically Knows) bc their father (her brother) was against a lot of the things the authorities did
but she has absolutely no proof so she cant do anything :)
fun fact Mammi and the entirety of Arlo's sibling except for Arlo himself all Loathe Valerie
2 of them want her dead
one would actively make an attempt on her life themselves if they ever saw her again
pst psst Mammi is the former
anyway Mammi is Tall (TM)
atm his height is fluctuating between 6'5 and 6'6 bc i cant choose
i just think itd be hysterical if Arlo's entire family on his dad's side were all giants
speaking of that let me take this time to tell you that Arlo is the youngest in his family aside from his mom and Valerie because i thought it'd be really funny
bc Mammi is in the authorities he often wears a suit and let me tell you this man looks fine as hell
not all men can work a suit but this one can
i still havent drawn any of the siblings except for a bit of the next one so my visuals of them are all p vague and could absolutely change but as of now
Mammi has long straight blond hair that roughly reaches his waist
its usually in a low ponytail
he has gold eyes :)
not sure what i want his ability to be yet (obviously a shield variant but what exactly) or how powerful
now for the lovely sister of the family
so the next one is Luss (pronounced how it's spelled)
shes 24 :)
she/her pronouns trans woman
a model who travels quite a lot
long curly hair and gold eyes
always wearing red lipstick
a bit mischievous
her ability is... well its honestly kind of useless on its own
she can make shields that are full orbs but theyre only about the size of a fist
she did find out that they hurt if u throw them at ppl tho, esp if u put stuff in them
not sure what level yet. maybe a flat 6.0 . or maybe even like a 5.9 if i wanna get angsty and make like her family disappointed in her for not being a god tier or smth
very caring about her family
very forgiving person to a fault
strongly believes in second chances
Luss is the closest to Mammi
but she doesn't really feel like she has anyone close to her
(which ends up being a huge bonding point between her and Arlo)
tries her best to keep their family together but it's pretty futile
tries to be optimistic and cheerful and such but it's all an act
would do anything for her family, especially her siblings
sees herself a lot in Arlo for what little she's seen of him
and then we have the twins
as stated above, theyre twins
the older one is Sade, and Kallo is idk like two mins younger or smth
theyre both 21
Sade uses they/them pronouns and is nonbinary
Kallo uses he/they and like. he knows he's masculine but he isnt like a man or male
hes keeping his gender unlabeled but sometimes says its homeboy bc he thinks its funny
tbh im not sure what assigned gender at birth i want either of them to be so im just not gonna choose 🤷
both are 6'4 1/2 or sth
the twins are very separated from the rest of the family they want nothing to do w them
they both dont like Mammi
and hate Valerie
Sade wants her dead and if Kallo ever saw her again he'd lunge
they tolerate Luss and don't dislike her but it's not their favorite to be around her
they don't have any feelings towards Arlo
Sade is a fashion designer and occasionally works with Luss, occasionally
Kallo is a mechanic
originally i had him as a surfer dude but i decided not to
the twins live a long long way away from Wellston and the rest of the family and have no intention of ever going back
theyre both closest to eachother obviously
they both have a lot of trust issues (all of them do) and only really trust eachother
again not sure about abilities
might want Kallo to have some variation of his mom's rather than their dads tho, or maybe a combo of both
i think ill keep Sade w a shield variant
also dk abt sexuality 🤷
i feel like at least one of them would be aro or ace tho. maybe like one is aro and the other is ace lol
ok so now that im done w the siblings
mr dad man's name is Vickaius. hes Valerie's brother. not sure if i want him to be older or younger.
he has long yellow hair (usually up in a pony tail) and gold eyes
yes im terrible and am making him an attractive dilf you cant stop me i have no self control
if it makes u feel any better i'll probably make the mom a milf too
i kinda wanna give him a scar or two and/or an eyepatch
def a god tier. some type of shield ability. i think i want him to be like a 7.1
he/him or he/she not sure what i want
tbh probably bisexual but thinks he's straight for whatever reason
6'5-7 or smth
fun fact he's currently in jail :)
the moms name is Ariella and she has curly hair and blue eyes. im not sure if i want her to have blonde or brown hair
i dont have much to say abt her tbh. not bc i dont care abt her but like. in my arlo fam plot while she is relevant and important she isnt like. you dont need to know about her. if that makes sense
i do know that i want her to be exactly a whole foot shorter than Vickaius bc i think its hilarious
context for post: arlo hcs
other related stuff: [REDACTED]
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thepayloadmoves · 2 years
im drunk, enid is trans, and you absolutely cannot change my mind on this and here is why: (spoilers for Wednesday ahead)
first of all, pink and blue in her hair aside, not only is she hyper feminine (as transwomen often become hyperfeminine, source: my trans gf who knows many other transwomen) but it is, to my knowledge, never explicitly stated why she cannot wolf out at the start of the series. just that she can't and might not. she also identifies herself as a kitty, which i did not think much of UNTIL the parent's day episode, and here's why:
not only is her mom so fucking overbearing and insistent that enid go to a "conversion camp" in order to wolf out, but is wolfing out late so common that there needs to be literal lycanthropy conversion camps in order to make it happen for young werewolves who are a little late on the path? something hit me during that scene while enid refused to go, stating that if she was meant to wolf out then she would do it on her own, and it's this:
if she is trans, which i think she most certainly is, and wolfing out often happens early on in puberty or the early teenage years, it is very much possible that sweet, sharp little enid here went on puberty blockers before wolfing out could potentially happen, thus throwing off her biological timeline for when wolfing out would naturally happen for her body if she had not begun taking puberty blockers and undergoing HRT.
the doctors say they dont know why she can't and that she might never actually do it, but how much of that is actually true? maybe the doctors dont actually have a lot of experience with MtF werewolves, and therefore, would not know the typical species response to puberty blockers combined with taking estrogen. it's entirely possible they have plenty of data on FtM werewolves, but MtF werewolves could still be a bit of a mystery to them so they don't really know. not only is her human body adjusting to becoming a woman's body but her wolf bits and bobs have to adjust as well from male wolf biology to female wolf biology.
further evidence that backs this up could be read as normal werewolf worries, but the fact that enid hemms and haws about if "two species" can "make it together" to her love interest, a male gorgon, speaks a lot to me. not only does it make sense for her to worry about dating someone of a different species, but trans people who are not aro/ace often worry about the same exact thing: what if they, as a transgender person of whatever flavor, cannot find a romantic/sexual connection? Even if Enid was Aro/Ace, there's still that deep set fear: what if they can't find anyone at all and are destined to be alone?
of course it is normal werewolf worries to be scared to not be able to find a mate or a pack of her own, especially if she's late to realizing her true werewolf form, but wouldn't that worry just be amplified by not only being hate to wolfing out, but to being a trans werewolf as well? it's no secret that many transgender people ALSO worry about never finding a partner or a "family", so to speak.
the fact is, sugary sharp-claw enid's entire character arc absolutely screams transgender&self-acceptance to me AND to other trans folk i've spoken about this to, especially when it comes to the conversion camp thing and how her mother is so ... like That, and her father simply says that he is proud of her and hugs her, because he inherently accepts who she is and what her life choices are even if she never "wolfs out" properly like her brothers did. Her father does not care if she is trans or cis or straight or gay or wolfs our or does not, he loves his daughter. Her mother wants to send her to conversion therapy. also its cute that her werewolf form has pink and blue fur goodnight
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For the character ask thing you know I gotta do my boy Zane
Oh my goD YES-
Sexuality Headcanon: I headcannon him as m-spec or bi-adjacent, but I don't think he puts too much weight on specific labels like that, defining himself by his experiences as opposed to a name he feels fits them.
Gender Headcanon: Trans boy. Im sorry, the entire thing of self-discovery and accepting who you are is SUCH a trans narrative
A ship I have with said character: Okay, I... Im a multishipper- I really enjoy the main 4 polycule? And in addition to the ship as a whole, I adore Zane and each of the other 3 individually. I... I also really like Pixane. I really wanted to dislike it when I was first watching, because I don't like the "Oh, let's pair up all the characters now! Here, let's create a female character that's the same kind of person as the male character but ✨different✨ so it's like she was made for him specifically!" trope. But... Pixane doesn't hit that feeling with me for some reason??? I just- The way they treat her as her own character and not just as Zane's foil, the way they genuinely care about each other, that SCENE with Pixal talking to Borg about Zane, him LITERALLY GIVING HER HALF OF HIS HEART, and the "Are we compatible now?" I JUST- I LOVE THEM OKAY?!-
A BROTP I have with said character: Okay, one thing I really like about this show is the relationships, especially with the main group- You can pick almost any two characters who interact or have chemistry (Platonic, romantic, or otherwise!) and I'll love their relationship for different reasons- Since this is the case, its kind hard to pick just one, so I'll name a few that catch my attention. First, in addition to shipping them romantically, I really like Zane and Kai's platonic relationship. The way they just seem to gel despite being very different in personality?? The way Kai was hit so hard by Zane's death?? (Yes, I know they were all affected very strongly, but that conversation between Kai and Lloyd just hits SO HARD.) Not exactly the same kind of relationship, but I love Zane's connection with Sensei Wu. Then, I think Zane and Nya is an underrated dynamic-
A NOTP I have with said character: There aren't a lot of ships with Zane I've seen that I don't like. The only one I can think of is Zane and Lloyd, because just... no.
A random headcanon: ✨Autism.✨ Im autistic, and I relate SO MUCH to Zane's behavior and reactions. One thing I love about him is that, despite being an example of the "Autistic android" trope, he's not emotionless! On the contrary, he feels very strongly, much more than the others at times, he's just bad at expressing it. That's something I experience daily.
General Opinion over said character: YES. MY FAVORITE. 100%.
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Upcoming Asks List
The next asks on the queue list are (in no particular order):
Anonymous asked: Hc for Halsin, Astarion, Will, Gortash, (& maybe Damon and Raphael) caring for a loved one with chronic illness or like an illness that keeps them bedbound for an extended time?
Anonymous asked: Yooo askbox open :] Could I get a Castlevania matchup, one female and one male character? I am fine with poly, and also the more background characters :] I’m a bisexual guy. Once I’m past my initial `terrified of everything’ and ‘extremely withdrawn’ phase of anxiety, I’m very energetic (though not very loud) and flirty. l love all fields of science, especially mathematics and physics. Very nerdy/ geeky, and I also paint and practice l have a very impulsive and ADHD -type of humor, though it always takes me a moment to recognize any word-play. I’m very much a thrill-seeker, and things that tend to make other’s squeamish don’t bother me in the slightest. I suppose for the sake of the series, gore and acts of sadism don’t really phase me, at least, to the extent that I am a spectator. /// 
Anonymous asked: hi!! i was wondering if you could do a matchup for bg3 :-D my name is edward and im about 5’0 with a black curly hair that is short and i dont mind the persons gender! im also a trans man. my mbti is entp and im a scorpio. i like to anything to do with art, i love to do it all together. Im also a really big fan of music specifically mcr, tv girl, alex g, toby fox and dodie but i am open to listening to other artists if given a recommendation. Uhhhh i love to eat meat and im not really a big fan of eating veggies i hate eating them but idm potatoes or tomatoes, but i think tomatoes r fruits so nvm. I also looveee learning about history especially ancient times like greek history, i think its really interesting to learn about the past and how things were. i will waste my money on things i love, especially if it’s a show or novel or movie i will soend so much money on it. I’m also rather fond of animals and nature. And my love language has got to be physical affection and quality time. I also love trying new things even if I might have a fear of it, it’ll just take a me a bit to do it. I like to break the rules especially if it’s going against a group of people and or someone. I can be pretty reserved on the occasion but if im with someone im close too or if i feel comfortable enough i can be pretty hyper. A lot of the time though I listen to what people say and often a listener for people. Depending on the person im with and our dynamic i can be quite sarcastic. I can be very compassionate about people and even if someone did something horrible to me I can be rather forgiving unless it was toward someone i love. I am also rather forgetful and often will forget things with people I’ve spent time with even if it’s recent I can forget a majority of it. I have a short temper. Often I will be regretful of things I’ve done in the past even if it was a while ago. I have a rather low self esteem, if I feel like someone is going to abandon me no matter how close I’ll probably be silent about it and wait for a sign that the person still likes me and on rare occasions I will ask for reassurance. AND UH i think that pretty much it thank you for reading this if you are!!
Anonymous asked: Could we maybe get like snippets or blurb about Hector having a wife w/ him when he goes to join dracula’s generals? And maybe she’s really kind to dracula and then it turns out she’s pregnant and reminds him of his late wife? Does it change his plans or maybe he decides to protect her/hector more so than the other humans?
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ghost-of-the-machine · 8 months
ramble about my aromantic tendencies cuz im all. confused im SURE theres a word for this i just think im not ready??? i think like. not in a personal way, in a PHYSICAL way like something needs to change before id ever CONSIDER IT, makes me sick otherwise like theres so many things!! so many hurdles and stuff that would deter me from all that nonsense but i still like the idea of it like the idea is so sweet, its why i enjoy it so much in fiction but. in execution? IDK MAN.. freaks me out for so many reasons
romantic love is so cute bro like. its genuinely adorable to me, i love listening to love songs and just feeling the emotion and passion behind all the words, but ummmmmmm. i think realistically im capable? i just think that any attempt wouldnt go well, i dont think i can give someone what they might need, its always been like. okay 1. im going to be OBSESSED with you ill do anything you say ill let you mistreat and abuse me ill do anything for you okay which is not ideal!! not ideal, made for bad people dont want bad people. but?? on the other hand its also like i cant imagine loving another person more than i love my friends, but thats whats expected of me isnt it? i think they wouldnt like it very much if i had an equal amount but like. is it even possible? I REALLY DONT KNOW.. i know ive said it before, i just feel like. love, not platonic not romantic just LOVE pure unlabeled love. what kind of treatment would i give to a partner that i dont already give to my friends? itd go really wrong there im sure, i dont wanna hurt anybody yknow
idk its like such a cute little fantasy tho isnt it? maybe i meet someone and we become friends and then it leads to something more, is going on dates fun? maybe it would be but. i go on dates with my friends!!!!!! like is it different? i guess, but im out with someone i love i dont see how it could be much different
sometimes it feels like people like me dont get that. its hard to be good enough for someone else, like. i know theres like 8 billion people in the world but its always. im too fat im trans im not hot enough im too mentally ill im too awkward too. TOO EVERYTHING!! so on top of like. how can someone possible be more than what i already have, i have to be good enough too!!!!! so much work, i honestly. after brian, i was so content to just fall back on fictional characters, i know it sounds silly but self shipping LITERALLY saved my life i was hanging by a thread after him and then i found a coping mechanism that made me feel so good
i think its uncertainty, when it comes to fictional relationship? i make the rules, the scenarios, its perfect for me but. in real life you cant do that, im thrown in BLIND. i know its part of life, you learn and grow together but erm... im autistic please dont do this to me PLEASE if i plan out my conversation at a grocery store with the clerk and im STILL THROWN OFF... yeeowch!!
thats the thing im very offputting to other people like. something about me, i can see it in their eyes, see the way they kinda. like im. somethings all wrong with me!!!! they dont like it, i cant imagine myself being charming but.. maybe if i start T, ill be less. dreadfully anxious about seeing other people, then maybe ill flourish a little more. we'll see, it still freaks me out the thought of loving someone more than my friends like TO ME i dont think its possible and i dont want to find out about it okay it makes me sick it feels like betrayal, never tell me otherwise or ill feel awful, its betrayal to me!!!! cuz i want to give my friends the most i can give, they deserve it, so like. what, am i supposed to give less? give someone else more?? like ew who are you1!!! i dont need you i just need my besties thats all i need :] but its still a nice thought isnt it? its cute
i think i just have like a limit on the amount of people i can know at one time, ive always wanted more friends and i have more friends now!! sooo i dont realy need anyone else then? its very easy for me to feel satisfied with what i have, of course i am!!! grateful even!!!! so im like. it just doesnt matter so much to me. nice thought but i dont see it happening like i dont really WANT it to happen like i do but also. like. listen.
am i still gonna throw down to little love songs? absolutely yes sir!! to me tho like its feelings i can easily project onto my friends SKFJS like how me and my bestie kiss eachother on the head okay. because i loooooove them, its so easy because i love them!! its a love song, i dont care what kind of love its made for, i feel love and ill hear it how i want :] ITS. its some weird social bullshit okay, who says we cant? who says we cant go on little friend dates and kiss and hug and be in love with eachother while also being JUST friends? WHO SAYS!!!! its what i dont get, theres some disconnect between romantic and platonic love that i dont see at all. why should one be more valued than the other? hogwash okay its gobbledygook its. nonsense!!! im glad i dont see it that way, the hard part is finding other people who also dont see it that way, i realize my feelings on it arent STANDARD.. still, im satisfied. i have a lot of love to give and im always allowed to give it, isnt that so wonderful?
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Anon from before! Jeff and Lotus sound so interesting, really. They sound like the kind of dynamic I enjoy a lot. A bit like the brooding one with the sunshine one, but more complex? I feel like personally I would have more of a penchant to be attracted to someone like Jeff, just by the way you described him. Is there one you like to write more than the other? Also, thank you for taking the time to describe them for me! I hope to one day read your book, honest. I hope you're able to get it published and out there. Do you have a title for it?
omfg i actually love you??? what the hell is happening im. im getting messages. guys. guys.
no no fr this is so cool.
yes, it's definitely leaning towards that trope, but the thing with them is they switch roles a lot. Jeff is actually really loud and annoying sometimes, he's restless and likes to annoy Lotus, a lot. Like, make random, loud noises at him and be generally non sensical to confuse him, which most of the time, makes Lotus laugh, but sometimes he just fuckin. snaps. Like actually snaps at him. Smacks him over the head and such (jeff likes it though. it turns him on lol)
and on the other hand, Lotus can be quite moody, sometimes withdrawn, quiet and gloomy. He's an overthinker, gets himself real down. He's good at not making it anyone else's problem though, like he'll lick his wounds in his corner by himself.
So the dynamic is more nuanced, like in normal human relationships, right? i like to keep it realistic. People are not tropes. Its nice to have an archetype as a loose basis. i find it quite necessary when trying to explore a character, but let your characters be multitudes, yknow?
because they are both a percentage of, well, me, i find myself teeter tottering between them both often, but yes, Jeff has my whole heart. Like after Lotus, im the number one Jeff simp. he's my oldest character and i kinda built him off of traits that i wished i possessed at the time, mixed with traits i'd very much want in a potential partner. That stability and sort of fixed temperament i lack. he's helped me a lot in my self confidence, and i find myself relating more and more to him as i grow older. He's also hot as fuck.
Lotus is kindaaaa like a self insert, ngl. He's trans, too. FTM. which is something i've been my whole life, just unknowingly, and he's sort of helped me navigate that, and my queerness, and the fluidity of my being, my very identity. so as much as i love him, im not like, sexually attracted to him the way i am with Jeff, lol. which is like.... if youre not a writer you wont understand lmfaooo.
i've written from both of their POVs, and theres not one i like more than the other. theyre just different. its cool to write Jeff from an observer point of view and same for Lotus, so i tend to switch it up depending on the circumstances i put them in.
and thank you SO FUCKING MUCH FOR YOUR KIND WORDS my gooodddd. youre so nice. and yes, i hope to get it published one day too, after i publish my first book (its getting edited right now)
The title is not set in stone just yet but im fuckin around with this one, might keep it. it would be called The Road Does Not End Here.
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
hi long post anon… again😭
yes “rule” is more so used as “unspoken boundary”
and its a lil concerning anon didn’t pick that up when the explanation is right under that specific quote they picked😭
like have fun but don’t get caught up in thinking that just because you write something that is fiction that your muse is gonna wanna see it
not only is this just to be safe/respectful morally but even legally in terms of copywrite
thats why mainstream authors don’t want people to send them fanfic because the author may accidentally add from the fic subconsciously. Or coincidentally they added it because it was an idea that you two happened to think of at the same time before you ever sent the fic or the author opened your letter/email.
this leaves people to then be able to claim the author stole content whether intentional or not.
but also in terms of morals, it just says that you respect how an author views their relationship with THEIR work by not making your interpretations aware to the author. many authors work hard to establish their worlds/characters and may feel put off if they feel someone has mischaracterized their work or morphed it into something they don’t recognize within the canon of their universe. not to say that the fic isn’t good but essentially you dont come into someone else’s home and tell them how to decorate.
and in terms of real life people, it keeps your muse from seeing how you characterize them which may not be a reflection of their own self-actualization. and again it can mess with how people see themselves. or almost feel like they’re being harassed to reveal something about themselves because fics with certain characterizations are being thrown in their face. like “i know something about you, you should just say it already.”
its not to say that a nonbinary or autistic headcannon isn’t valid but sending it to someone may feel like projection to that very real person.
like jungkook may not take offense to being called nonbinary or trans but if thats not his actual lived experience, then sending him fics or making him aware that you’ve “headcannoned” him as such would be crossing a line.
its like saying “oh im going to disregard how and what you’ve being willing to share about yourself publicly until you possibly give in and out yourself.”
we saw this with the actor who plays the bisexual boyfriend in Heartstoppers. people -mainly other queer people- couldn’t separate the actor from his role and kept poking him to come out until he actually did. just because the internet was right about him being queer, doesn’t mean they were morally right for pressuring him.
its like receiving a “love” letter from an unreliable narrator in which they detail how you smiled at them once which meant you were “obviously” flirting; when in reality, you -the person who knows your own feelings- only smiled cuz you were just being nice. doesn’t mean you aren’t a lover; it just means that your love hasn’t been extent towards them.
if Jungkook is nonbinary, he’s is for himself; not to reaffirm some preconceived notion Army have. he exists outside our collective thought and doesn’t need fic to convince him of his identity or lack there of.
basically this rule is a “curtesy” that we should extend to ALL people. so unless they ask, don’t show your fanfic to your muse, friends.
ugh i keep ending up long winded😭🤦🏽‍♀️
but this has been fun discourse and hopefully it enlightens someone cuz that what social change is supposed to do💜
thank you for explaining a little deeper, my lovely.
literally i’d go missing and you’d never hear from me again if bts were to read anything i’ve written, it’s not made for them 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ my worst nightmare is them perceiving me LMAO
and i think i can speak on behalf of most writers that what we write, either it be bts as gay or anything of the sort, is no way for us as writers to push the boys to come out or feel as though they should identify a certain way. as i’ve reiterated like a million times within the last couple of hours, it’s all a story, not there to project onto anyone in real life. i don’t sit in my bedroom and scheme up ways to force an agenda onto bts, i’m just trying to have a good time and little fun and if i’m doing something wrong then at least i’m aware now and can improve as a person
i’m not saying, as a straight fact any of the members are gay, or that they specifically go by they/them pronouns. if he does identify as anything above then that’s super cool too and he doesn’t owe me or anyone else anything, and that’s fine!! but me writing a non binary jungkook is in no way me saying that is how he should be or is in real life. idk why that point hasn’t come across for some people yet 🏃‍♀️
anyways, thank you again for taking the time to explain!! you definitely deserve a yummy snack after all this, and you’re super cool and very smart!! so thank you for taking the time out of your day to talk about such a kinda weird but very interesting topic with me 🫂
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airraidvehicle · 2 years
MORTY what do you think about that kittle man
Sexuality Headcanon: i am… between bi morty and straight morty……….. in the show hes never really shown attraction to anyone who isnt feminine presenting but in the comics he was willing to experiment with another morty so. possibly bisexual morty or straight morty who happened to be bicurious. maybe he doesnt think its gay because its himself
Gender Headcanon: i always imagined the morty in the show as a trans guy but val (my best friend, hostage, and grandpa, val) raised a very good point about morty possibly being a trans girl a la june egbert…. this is very interesting to me because morty is simply not allowed to make a change so drastic, as a titular character in an episodic show and as a guy whose whole purpose in canon is to be ricks little buddy who bends to his will. morty has an accomplishment that rick thinks will make him too confident? wiped from his brain. morty talks back, thinking rick’s idea was stupid? forced to unknowingly perpetuate a self harm loop, live his happiest life, and have it reset on him. having internal conflict about rick and becoming jaded overtime? LOBOTOMIZED!!!! whether its at the hands of rick or the writers, hes lost much of his development as a character/person….. i think if she took evil mortys hand and left the curve she would have transitioned… in fact im sure evil morty is transitioning right now ❤️ TLDR: i use all pronouns for. every rick and morty character. i can see morty being a little iffy on getting called she/her on accident in dimensions where he might look like the average she/her but overtime…… it grows on her. similarly to how rick might have felt when first exploring planets, aus, and such. TLDR WAS TOO LONG: i think morty uses all pronouns
A ship I have with said character: unnamed gf
A BROTP I have with said character: i think he and jessica have the potential to be friends… i also really like when he and summer interact. i would like morty to have more friends
A random headcanon: i think he has 3c hair
General Opinion over said character: morty is everything to me… when i first REALLY got into rnm i could not get into him as a character because most of the lore/episodes are like. rick centric and morty was cast off to the side in my eyes but morty centric episodes and comics have been so good to him..a mort well lived sent me into a frenzy. i hope they undo his roybotomy because i would hate for his development throughout the seasons to go to waste. if they soft reset him so they could redo his arc im gonna laugh because he does deserve something that is not the two crows arc. lol
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malachiexists13 · 2 years
Would I Date This Character?: MeChat Edition [2]
Here's the first post for a better explanation of what this is. All images belong to the creators of MeChat. Also- I'm very sorry if I get any pronouns wrong :( They don't tell you the characters' pronouns until you go on a first date and so when I wrote these last night, I misgendered one of them 😅 But don't worry! I fixed it.
So if any pronouns in this post are wrong, I sincerely apologize. I'll fix it if I notice. But I'm pretty sure all of them are correct since I've done the first date with all of these characters on this post.
❤ - Would Date Them
💔 - Wouldn't Date Them
❓ - Unsure
1.) Scott McNamara
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- I'm really iffy on this one. Like- he's attractive and he has money.. But he literally accuses MC of eavesdropping and treats them like an inconvience ON THE FIRST DATE. LIKE BRO- IT'S A GLASS DOOR AND I'M AUTISTIC, I STARE AT MOVEMENT. IT'S NOT LIKE I COULD HEAR ANYTHING YOU DUMB BITCH. Scott does seem sweet and at least he can admit his mistakes. I'm just not gonna take that. ❓
2.) William Black
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- If you want to live like Anatasia Steel and date a great value Christian Gray wannabe, here you go. The walmart version is here. I'm not into BDSM, or any sort of dominance shit. I know Lucifer is my favorite OM character, but I won't get on my knees for any man 🙄 Especially this ugly ass 💔
3.) Case Harper
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- I haven't done much of his story, but Case seems like such an interesting character. The story is exciting and seems to have some good action going. Case also seems to be a genuinely caring guy ❤
4.) Erik Larsen
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- I'm very much in between on this guy. I love me a pretty artist, mad respect that he's a painter because all I can paint is simple ass watercolor landscapes. Not sure if I'm into the drama tho❓
5.) Damon Hemlock
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- I LOVE THEM??? Their entire look is absolutely gorgeous and I love someone with confidence 😉 They're also a drag queen so mad respect there. After all, I'm all about living how you want to and doing what makes you happy. Damon also gives me gender envy. Like, I want to have their confidence and look like them as a trans non binary person ❤
6.) Seong On
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- Seong is kind of a pain in the ass but in a good way? Like, he's a pretty troublemaker type. And the type to seduce you into sex on the first date apparently. I can't say much about his personality right now, but he does seem really sweet ❤
7.) Zander Delgado
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- HIS STORY IS SO INTRIGUING SO FAR?? LIKE OMG- Zander is a nerdy one, he likes books and knitting. But there's actually something darker going on beneath. Zander has amnesia and absolutely no clue as to what happened to him. And I'll be honest, I think its cute whenever he gets excited about getting to experience things as if its the first time, and rediscovering his previous passions. I'm loving him so far ❤
8.) Diego Garza
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- I can respect a man who knows his own worth. Not one who does shit just to make their ex jealous. I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna be a tool to get your ex back. I have some self worth, you know? 💔
9.) Tomas Ward
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- Love a guy who's wild and adventrous in more ways than one 😉 It's hilarious when he complains about his job as a bodyguard being boring, especially since some celebrities are total dumbasses. I originally wrote here that he doesn't seem to move too quick. But then I was proven wrong by him kissing MC on the first date. Im still enjoying his storyline ❤
10.) Akio Fujimori
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- I can respect an artist, but Akio is a bit... too much for me. He seems a bit like a workaholic, like the type to be invested in his work that he'll bail on you without warning. Like he's in a relationship with his job instead of you. And I'm just not into that 💔
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