#so like wft is happening
coffeefromvoid · 11 months
POV: u wanna work on your patches for your battle jacket and patch pants but the sudden allergy outbreak fucked up your skin and your limbs feel heavy as fuck
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Why can’t my brain just calm down for like. A week.
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pumpumdemsugah · 2 months
You lot get on my nerves
You can't defend woc without dipping into race science. Wft is " Eurocentric hormone levels" ??? Can you people not defend someone that isn't white without being fucking weird? and making up BRAND NEW RACE SCIENCE.
The way some of you have taken the fact woc are targeted more to immediately imply the targeting is a biological fact for who we are and that's why it happens. Of course! they have big muscular bodies as standard but attach 'colonial' or 'white supremacist' to it, you're not being fucking racist and making invasive claims about the bodies of billions of people. Some of you only understand the advice,to not to talk about people's bodies because its creepy when it's someone white, otherwise you're very comfortable making shit up, protecting ideas onto our bodies to make your point work, or pretending athlete woc being put in the spotlight because of misogyny and racism is broadly applicable to all and everyday shit.
Being targeted for something doesn't mean it's a quality you actually have or its reflected in truth. Just like how Imane isn't trans.
You can understand that Michael phelps isn't representative of the average white man as an athlete, but God forbid a woman of colour is caught up in a hate shit storm and culture war, you must claim this is standard for us all and our weird little pigmented bodies. Especially when you people bring up Black women, you fuckers talk about us like we're 8ft tall unlike little white you but don't worry you said transphobia and white supremacy are linked so you're not being racist
And then you lot will bring us ( Black women ) up because some of you heard " black women are masculinised" and instead of paying attention that the conversation is about high femicide, domestic violence and that 'masculinity' being an excuse and tool to use and abuse us because we're seen as tough and strong so can take it, you lot are saying shit about our hormone levels and inventing new stereotypes for us. When Black women bring up womanhood we mean GENDER ROLES and physical violence and aggression aimed at us. We're not being treated as the dainty woman. I do not think about gender the way trans people do, as race isn't interchangeable with being trans and im not trans. im sorry you've not read Black feminist lit ( i can tell), so you're just repeating misunderstand points on social media. This goes for some of you enablers of colour who also haven't read shit but need to sound credible
Have this conversation in a more normal way that doesn't Other the bodies of people who aren't white
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reyreadersblog · 5 months
Underrated TIG characters (part 2)
Rebecca Laughlin
She is such a misunderstood character, honestly she is everything E*ily could've been.
• She spent her whole life under a shadow of her manipulative older sister, her own parents loved her sister more than her, if you ask me they didn't loved Rebecca at all.
• E*ily MADE Rebecca belive their favourite color was purple (if i'm not wrong). Also in TFG when she cuts her hair she says "E*ily liked our long hair" WFT...anyway she is queen for cutting it.
• I feel like Rebecca (other Max and Xander) is the closet thing to a friend Avery ever had, i mean at least she apologized for her behavour towards Ave and actually become a better person unlike..Thea.
• Even tho her sister was a terrible person she still blames herself for what happened, and i feel so bad for her, bc she has so much trauma from her whole family.
• lastly as much as i dislike Thea, i have to admit she is an amazing gf and Rebecca is really lucky to have in her life.
Her aesthetic
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Hazbin Hotel Episode 8 blind blogging.
spoilers and whatnot. Doing one of these at midnight again even though most of my morning is free
The training to fight the angels being showned through montage…i don’t know how to describe it. It would have been a good change to show how trust and depenence on each other for the hotel gang would have developed. As well as how they get along with the cannibals while also having a few of them convert to the hotel’s ideal.
Whatever but at least vox is on screen.
24hrs and they still don’t know if they’re prepared? Ugh. Cherri’s here, okay. She fells more like a cameo than a character but alright. The emotional speech fells unearned.
What good is she seeing them? The hotel gang just started to get along. The cannbals have had not change only battle training. In ep 6 it was implyed that angel was getting better, but he was just tired from working with Val for 16hrs. If cherri would have showed up on any other day and the interaction with Val wouldn’t have happened, he would have gone along with her.
The cherri / pen ship is painful to watch please stop
Song #1 already. Short, kinda boring, but romance i guess. Idk, not my genre.
Heaven time. Really, Lute is the one that’s too much. Not adam, mr move the extermination date to every 6 months and miss pronouncing Vaggie’s name? Lute better not be Vaggie’s ex i swear.
Why does heaven have money!?!?
All the exorcists are women? With adam being what he is, that’s gross.
Wait they can shield themselves form the angels? Why bother recruiting fighters then? If alastor can shield the hotel and use the spears to kill the angels then the entire prev episode was pointless.
Neither adam or Lute knew that angel weopons can hurt angels, despite being the ones to sever Vaggie’s wings. Were the writers even trying. That���s something that should be caught in the first draft let alone the second and overall production wft.
My confidence in my own writing has skyrocketed.
Why are cherri’s bombs effecting the angels? How have they been altered to hurt them. This is not explained or shown by the bombs look any different than the previous ones.
How are Husker’s card hurting the angel’s? Have they been altered? This is the first time we’ve seen them so who knows.
Angels are dying. In the last episode charlie was shown to be bother by this, but all of a sudden she’s fine with it.
Liked the alastor v adam fight, no notes
Why did charlie even show up to the fight? She isn’t doing anything but shielding.
I’m ignoring the cherri/pen kiss cuz that was unearned, but why wouldn’t they give pen the war blimp beforehand? And really? The blimp and pen are gone just like that?
Razzle and dazzle are dragons, cool. Charlie cold have pulled this power out at any time and just didn’t. Why? They are at war. They should have started with that.
And one of them is dead now!?! What was the point of them at all? The second one just disappears. Also, charlie can fight, how? She knows nothing of hell, had rose colored glasses so opaque that she’s blind, but you’re telling me she can fight a guy how goes around killing hundreds once a year. Where did she learn? I doubt lucifer taught her considering their relationship is nearly nonexistent.
Anyway, the fight scenes are pretty good, but there is literally no reason Vaggie should’ve let Lute live. The other angels were less of an threat and they died so why where.
Why did lucifer show up now? They had a month of preparation, why is he here now.
That shitty joke absolute kills the tension and momentum of the scene.
Lucifer v adam fight scene has the same seriousness the one in the first mlp movie. I mean that, watching it and see for yourself. Also, why are they an even match? adam is just a guy, the first one but still just a guy, he should be getting stomped by lucifer. Is he just that weak or is adam that strong, if so why?
Why didn’t adam used the death laser at the start?
WHy did lucifer not transform to start!?!
Why are they showing mercy to these genocidal maniacs? The fuck is that going to do but give them another shot down the road. Heaven isn’t watching, they have nothing to prove. Next time adam could just start with the lazer thing and carve up half of hell.
Adam’s dead, cool. But like, lucifer beating the shit out of him isn’t okay, but niffty stabbing him a thousand times is fine. And again, there are angel dead everywhere, who cares if two more are added to the list.
Okay, so i didn’t do one of these on ep 1 and 2, but killjoy’s voice is bad. It’s just brandon talking. There’s not inflection or anything.
Anyway, fight over I guess.
Why do they have a pic of adam?
Cute pet moments, but we’ve gotten little to no interactions with them. Sad song for pen
Song #2
No, the bloodshed could’ve been avoided if you 1) didn’t sign a paper you didn’t read. 2) went to heaven with a real plan instead of index cards with definitions. 3) Vaggie helped make a plan and 4) use the hell princess powers and dragons at the start of the fight instead of playing with that fucking shield that vanished anyway.
She did not change the town, she started a fight. Her hotel for redemption plan as not taken a single step forward.
Her story is just beginning? It’s the end of the season with only one more to come. Why are they talking up rebuilding the hotel, she has a bunch of money, just pay people to do it. Alastor magic-ed up most of it in the pilot, why can’t he do that again.
As much as I live the Vees, why are they here? Nothing concerning them has happened. They happy because the other overlords are thrown off by what happen, but did anything happen outside of the hotel? If it did, we weren't shown it.
Velvette didn't speak once, damn
Alastor’s missing again? Nevermind, there he is. Thanks for the four second suspense on that. Can’t wait to see what deal he made was about and to who. But like, he was winning the fight. adam almost killing comes out of nowhere. Is he physically weak, so if someone lands a hit on him he goes down easy?
So one of the dragons did die, but which one? Who knows cuz the other one doesn’t show back up.
I did not need to see vox and val making out. Isn’t val just licking a screen?
Sera’s back. And emily, who I called sara 2 cuz names don’t stick in my brain. I guess the problems they were having are solved. Emily what happened to helping charlie- BITCH WHAT
Sera looks horrified.
Oh, Lilith, hello…in heaven. What.
How is charlie threatening the foundation of heaven. idk if lute even knows about pen yet, but like charlie hasn't really done anything yet
Cool cliff hangers I guess.
Ending thoughts.
Pen being in heaven hopefully means we get to see more of it, but like we didn’t get enough of him as a character. Or anyone for that matter. He died so suddenly that it felt more like a joke than a tragedy.
Ending thoughts for the entire season might come later, but like everything in this was rushed. The songs were lackluster. nothing felt earned, while the answers were handed to the the cast.
I don't have high hopes for season two or the story as a whole
[ugh its almost 2am I might come back to this]
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uninformedartist · 1 year
Ok so I saw the leaked hazbin clips um ╭( ๐_๐)╮ oof. Alastor voice (my soul the voices will get used to Ed you will always be my Alastor) its ok its probably without the radio sound effect over it but overall its ok not great just ok. LUCIFER on the other hand _(´ཀ`」 ∠) _ ayo wft. Full on preppy theater kid voice, like oh my soul I did not expect THAT voice (no hate to the VA) but when I think Lucifer ruler of hell my last thought is a white wall twink in a ringleader costume with preppy mc-prep theater kid voice. Like subverting expectations and being different on his interpretation is cool and all ╭( ๐_๐)╮ but fuck Viv wtf is that, what is he (ಠ_ಠ).
Animation is cool and good 👁👁 makes me wonder what animator let this slip out or just how tf it got out.
Not gonna link anything cos my account already got compromised before don't want iy to happen again but if you look in the critical tags it the links/videos/4 chan thread should be all there.
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fite-club · 5 months
I used to read a fair amount of fan fiction and a pretty well known ace author in the fandom wrote a fic where a lesbian sucked off one of her male friends and they tagged it with the & (platonic) indicator, and I was like “hey dude can you use the “/“ indicator so people know that there’s sexual stuff going on” and the author was like “hmm no, I don’t think I will - it’s a PLATONIC” blowjob” and like wft dude?? I don’t know who else I can tell that to without sounding insane but totally wft dude???
y'know i have heard second-hand accounts of people who, when underage, were groomed/pressured into doing (or talking about) sexual things by adults who identified as asexual. but whenever i say that to anyone as an example of toxic inclusion in the ace community, they either don't believe me or claim that pedophiles are in every community and therefore doesn't count. but "queerplatonic" relationships between adults and minors was defo something that happened
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joseopher · 1 year
That scene in Atlas's office where Atlas tries to explain to Tristan that they should dimension hop is so funny.
It was basically this:
Atlas: Please, please tell me you can use your powers now🥺
Tristan: I mean, kinda
Atlas: Hm, I wish we had more time to perfect it
Tristan: WE? Are you going to USE me??
Atlas: No lol, I'm not going to use you, the library is going to use you, keep up Tristan.
Tristan: Wft??
Atlas: Anywho, I have a theory, a crazy one. We should do something with worlds/universes, like Dalton's research.
Tristan: You want to create a new world?
Atlas: NO Tristan, don't be RIDICULOUS, we are going to TRAVEL to a different world, not make one!
Tristan: But what if this is the only world?
Atlas: Then we all die and life is miserable and pointless <3
Tristan: The fuck?
Atlas: The point is not the answer but the question.
Tristan: My god, you actually want to discover if we truly are the only world or not.
Atlas: NO, stop being FOOLISH, I want YOU to do that.
Tristan: ...
Atlas: I don't want to be god, I want you to be god
Tristan: But what about—
Atlas: I want to open the door. What happens afterward literally does not matter, I don't care if the whole world burns down.🥰
Tristan: What?
Atlas: Nothing, Tristan, everything is fine and happy in my normal and sane mind🌼 🌻 🌞
Tristan: Why are you calling me "Tristan"? You call the others by their surnames. You...you like me.
Everyone in this book needs so much help
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 1 year
i hate when they make a sequel to a series and make the characters terrible/abusive/neglectful/awful parents. no the FUCK he would NOT favor one kid over the others, why the FUCK would he even do that- did you even read your own book??? i hate it when ppl (authors) don’t even know the facts (their own work) and then try and have an opinion on a subject (making their OWN OCS terrible parents when they literally WOULDNT BE) that they know nothing ab. it’s the equivalent of if Rick wrote a series ab Percy and Annabeth’s, and made Percy Smelly Gabe 2.0??? We would be outraged bc wft, that’s so out of fucking character. Or he made Annabeth neglectful (like her stepmom and dad). we have so much textual evidence that supports that they would be nothing like that, and even if they were mediocre as parents (unlikely), they would still not turn out like that.
i just honestly hate when authors write their OWN CHARACTERS OOC. like, sorry JJKRF (girl who wrote hp idk) harry would NOT have named his son after SNAPE, the man who made his school years a LIVING HELL, turned out to be obsessed with his mom, and did like, one (1) thing out of self preservation that ended up helping him out???? (among other things, which included being one of the top guys in the wizarding kkk)
i just want to scream at them to read the goddamn source material, which you just so happened to write yourself.
i get that it’s their story or whatever, but sometimes i see stuff and just have to be like “i guess i only follow canon up until this bitch apparently lost her goddamn mind???”. if it doesn’t make sense for their character, and everything you’ve had them go through, learn and grow from… open up a new google docs sis, bc u ain’t publishing that shit
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deviousdevilx · 2 months
Silverusso au prison/mafia idea
Daniel is wrongfully imprisoned, his cousin promises to represent him, but in the meantime he's stuck inside prison. Petrified, Daniel is shown into his cell, but his cellmate isn't there. So poor Daniel spends some time terrified and miserable in the cell until his cellmate returns and he is taken a back by how...handsome and soft spoken the super tall man is.
Terry returns to his cell to find his new cellmate and is quite surprised to find a pretty little scared thing, curled up in the top bunk, watching him with very expressive big brown eyes.
(terry's character probably works for as like a hitman or henchman for the mafia because why not?!)
Knowing what will happen to a boy that pretty in prison, Terry decides he'll protect the boy, but honestly does not expect anything in return because he's not that kind of scumbag. Daniel though due to a misunderstanding, assumes Terry will want favors, and after an incident where Terry defends him, tries to clumsily "repay" him but Terry is like "wft no no I don't do that."
over a few weeks while Daniel's attorney works to get him out, the pair start to bond. Terry IS attracted to Daniel, and Daniel starts to realize he is too but then he is freed once the real culprit is found.
Daniel writes letters to Terry until one day Terry shows up at his door. They start a romance until Daniel realizes oh no Terry isn't some one time criminal who made a mistake but works for the mafia, maybe a high up position or something, is very dangerous and does kill people, so he panics, running away from Terry.
Terry now madly in love with his sweet little Daniel, chases after him.
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moefling · 1 year
ok i’m gonna talk about the RWRB Movie...
SPOILER: i’m gonna be negative and i’m not planning on watching the movie (i guess that means ppl are gonna block me??? idk why ppl are just mass blocking because of this but whatever) (edit: per a suggestion I swapped the tag on this post so it isn't tagged under "rwrb movie")
so i’m gonna start by saying that i’ve watched the trailer a few times and honestly i love the vibes, it makes me smile ever time.
-the kiss is great
-the butt slap is everything
-Henry’s facial expressions *chefs kiss*
-the visible chain around Alex neck. yes
i’m also gonna say that its great that people ARE going to see the movie, we need more queer movies and the only way for that to happen is if ppl watch the ones that are being made now.
so the bad.
honestly i could deal with a lot of the little things.  like they make my eye twitch a little but i do actually understand that you can’t 100% remake a book into a movie.
it’s June that i can’t forgive.
if i’m wrong and she is in the movie than amazing and i redact everything but it doesn’t seem to be that way.
removing June makes me SO angry.  its like removing Alice from Twilight or Sam from Lord of the Rings.  if Main Characters are just the romantic leads (Alex and Henry) than June defiantly falls into secondary tier - all the Super Six kinda do (Bea would be the most removable for me but is is also necessary for Henry’s development as much as June is for Alex.
June balances Alex out.  the book even specifically states WHY all of the White House Trio are needed (page 28: “Alex pushes them. June steadies them. Nora keeps them honest.”) She keeps him sane and she put her life on hold to watch out for Alex, and Alex knows this!
the idea of Alex being an only child is terrifying.  he is already kinda selfish (i say that lovingly) and “a little shit” without growing up with an older sibling to shut him up he would be a monster (and Nora doesn’t count because first they don’t actually meet until Ellen is running with Mike as VP and second Nora’s personality is to “go with the flow” to really steady Alex)
June also has some important moments that happen in the book! like it doesn’t really work to have Nora be fake dating Henry for the like 2 days that that happens and no June means no Magazine moment (i know that isn’t really directly in the book but its a fav for everyone).  no June also really changes the tone of the Lake House....
ANWAY, moving away from June here is some other things that i don’t like (because its my rant and i want to, feel free to change my mind)
- the height difference (i did love the lifts comment in the trailer but idk if they’ll be able to keep that up in a way that makes since - that means that if they are every barefoot Alex would have to be shorter *cough* like swimming)
-the actor for Alex is to old.  i know ppl are really split about this but the actor feels put together and like an adult to me (vs. book Alex feels very young - or he honestly acts his age of 21/22).  i think the polo match scene says a lot for me in the postures of the 2 actors, Henry is ok (tho honestly i think he wouldn’t have the loose posture once he rejoined ppl but its cute so pass) but Alex is to stiff, he should be almost bouncing as he walks.
-WFT is Ellen’s accent in the trailer???
-i heard a rumor that Raf and Liam are merged and redone.  Gross and big no.
-King instead of Queen.  i understand why this was done but the tone changes a lot in my head of abusive Grandpa vs. Grandma
-Zahra.  don’t like, the vibe is off with the actress... can’t explain why except the smile in the photos and the bow in the trailer
 -i feel like some of the scenes feel still (this is 100% my opinion and i could be reading this VERY wrong so ignore this if you interpret it differently)
i really wanted to like the movie but realistically i probably wouldn’t watch the movie anyway because i have issues with that so..... i guess it doesn’t matter.
i hope ppl who watch it enjoy it and please separate tags of movie vs book, thanks
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emo-metalhead-punki · 3 months
Rant About SolarDiscomfort
⚠ TW // Gr00ming ⚠
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(idk I do wanna draw this so yea....this isn't a gift)
So SolarDiscomfort or Brooke which is her real name
She is a deviantart artist that I meet in 2018 when I was 13 yrs old (I was okay, kinda, mental health issues)
So I remember Brooke followed me and requested me to draw her OC and so I did, and she thanked me so yea
Then I followed her back, her art is...alright ig lol, but I think is cool but need some progress, and we send each other gift and all that, so it's before all the gr00m3R thing happened, so let's talk about that if I can remember
So on somewhere on 2020, Brooke has proposed her best friend named Kate who is 17 at the time, they been best friends for 4 years but later becomes a couple which I was "nice, congratulations you two" but it's not...so, I use the wayback machine and I do remember reading this but I didn't understand
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Ngl this give me a huge "WFT" moment like, what kind of state that you live in and how this is okay?... And get this, she doesn't support mapp even tho she DATED A 17 YEAR OLD WHILE BEEN A 20 YEAR OLD LIKE YOU CAN'T DO THAT BITCH
And then one year later, they fuxking broke up which is a good thing and I remember Brooke telling me to stop supporting Kate cuz she's.... too be honest, idk
All I remember that Kate is a tracer cuz she use a base without giving the artist credit but then her mutual tell her and then there the credit and more drama of Brooke did
Like, she would rant that one artist named serpy and I try to understand what's going on after reading the posts of Brooke but I feel like Brooke is taking her anger out on serpy, but I did stay away from the drama cuz is was too much and she keeps typing "crazy laughs" like...uhm...okay then...no one cares what you did man....I do really remember the drama but her account is deactivated....like every Deviantart artist do....
But if you know her, here a drawing of it, in case you recognized the art style
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The left one is Brooke and the left one is kate
And I do wanna talk about Kate, like she may be kinda of annoying (cuz she kept requesting me a lot like everyday ) but all in seriously, I do remember her dating that one Mexican dude named Max (not his real name lol but I'm gonna called him)
That I don't trust like I hate him, I don't trust him and I seeing his irl photo of him and I still don't trust him...and I do remember seeing the message from him like I got highly uncomfortable by him
(I'm a Mexican, if someone didn't know lol)
Oh btw he also made NSFW as well, while being a minor ofc, classic teenagers in 2017 are started drawing NSFW cuz that's fine...right?...
Nope...it's not...you gotta wait dude...
But I did check his bio for his age but he didn't put his age...but then I saw a post of it, it turns out his 18 (on 2020) so I assume that he was 15 or 16 while Kate was like either 12 or 13 (i can't do math right, if I'm wrong then yea...) but I do believe that Kate was also groomed by him and till this day, she didnt talk about this like she was like too busy being happy instead of talking about this like why, how you deal such a traumatic thing and then later forget it, i mean, good for her but I will like be traumatized for life and not feeling happy
But for Brooke, yea...so if she like made an account on Tumblr and then see saw this post I be like...yea man...you got exposed as a P3d0 and a groomer man like...you should have say any of these things and your so toxic to serpy that she didn't do anything to you
So your career is over lol but I'm glad you didn't groomed me and talk shit about me cuz I didn't even like you like your so toxic towards any artist like why man...you didn't do anything to you like "oh she suck ass" and "she ugly asf" and "she's dumb as hell*
I mean...I dont like serpy ship cuz it's a zoophilia ship like...she basically ship Anne from frozen with mr. Peabody (the dog) from I forgot the name like it's highly uncomfortable to look and which I should have say no to her when she requested me that shit...so yea...she still ship it till this day...and her ships are mostly crossover so...yea...(That one shipper that ships spinel with a fucking car from cars movie)
So yea...Brooke...if you reading this...
Keep your nasty behavior to yourself instead of spreading it like a disease, I use to think your cool but now, your just a toxic woman, a p3do and a groomer
Peeps, watch out for SolarDiscomfort in case she made a Tumblr account
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 2 years
Been thinking so much about Ed and the crew moving forward. Like, it's so common a theme in fic that they can't/won't forgive him, that what he did to them is final and they will never really be friends again, or that it takes a lot of grovelling and stuff, and, yeah, I mean, from an outsider perspective that all makes sense, but looking at it from a canon perspective... Like, guys, they're pirates, and they're all completely unhinged, no sensible moral compass to speak of!
Let's start with the worst grievance, Ed throwing Lucius overboard, because yeah, wft Ed. But, the show actually gives us a precedent for this situation? In what happens with Jim and Lucius.
Lucius might be horrible at keeping secrets, but he is awesome at discovering them. He is the one to figure out all sorts of things about his shipmates, and he is the one to stumble across Jim's secret concerning their gender. And what does Jim do? They do the pirate thing: they try to kill him. And when that fails, they knock him out and keep him hidden in their room as a hostage.
I think this is a really interesting thing we need to talk about, because Jim and Oluwande's story is a mirror to Ed and Stede's, just that for that part, Jim is Stede's mirror. Jim is the one who is closed off about their past, and the one who goes away, leaving their partner behind. But because Jim and Oluwande have actually talked about the things that drive Jim away, Wande is sad for a while, but Jim comes back and all is well between them. Stede never talks to Ed about his issues, how he's haunted by his past and wrecked with guilt about his unfulfilled obligations to his family, so his leaving seems out of the blue and pulls the proverbial rug out from under Ed's feet, and we all know how that goes.
So we've got Jim as a Stede mirror, but what if they're an Ed mirror, too? Lucius discovers something about Jim that makes them extremely vulnerable, and Jim, protecting themselves, lashes out against him. Their first reaction is to try and stab him, and then they end up keeping him hostage instead.
And Ed? Lucius has seen the worst of his grief and vulnerability, so when Izzy triggers him, threatens him and Ed slams his walls back up to protect himself, the biggest threat to the safety of the Blackbeard mask is Lucius, clever and insightful and empathic Lucius who's seen through it before Ed even actively let him (he calls Ed out on his interest in Stede and the fact it's mutual when Ed doesn't think Stede is into him and isn't actually trying to pursue anything). So of course Lucius has to be silenced, and like Jim, Ed takes the pirate way of solving problems - he kills him.
Now, I'm firmly in the Lucius isn't dead boat here and you can't convince me otherwise, and yeah, it's a fun headcanon and a fun plot point in fics that Lucius is hiding in the Revenge's many hidden passages, but look, if the Lucius-Jim situation is a mirror to Lucius-Ed, and I think it might be, then that's Lucius's second time hiding/being hidden on the ship after an attempted murder.
And what is Lucius's reaction to Jim trying to murder him and then keeping him in that box? He forgives them! He understands the struggle, he's empathic of their situation, and because he's (rightfully) afraid of them, he tries to get on their good side by stealing back their family dagger. Jim tried to kill him. Jim kept him in a stuffy old box for days. And his reaction is to pickpocket their dagger for them, gift it back to them, and they are friends again and that's that. We see no hard feelings between them afterwards. Sure, they don't interact that much anymore, but Lucius doesn't hold a grudge. We'd know if he did, because he certainly wouldn't be quiet about it.
And that's why I think Lucius will forgive Ed. He's seen all the ugly grief, he's clever enough to figure out the rest, probably before Ed does, and yes, killing him is a dick move, but it's not the first time someone's tried that, it's a life of piracy, and Lucius can and has moved past that. Depending on what place he ends up in, it might be harder for Ed to forgive himself than for Lucius to do so, because we know Lucius is forgiving, and we know Ed doesn't forgive himself anything (he still thinks he is a monster for killing his abusive father as a kid and all, that man doesn't forgive himself).
And everyone else? Really, they're pirates. Look at the unhinged shit they do!
Pete? Pete idolises Blackbeard, and he idolises the Blackbeard of legend, the head of smoke, nine guns, brutal horror story haunting the seven seas Blackbeard. Pete is mad at Stede and wants to mutiny at the beginning of the show because he doesn't get the cruel, bloodthirsty life of piracy he signed up for on the Revenge.
Same for Roach, really. He's a huge fan of Blackbeard's, he says so himself, and that too is the cruel, dangerous Blackbeard of story he's referring to, because neither of them have met the softer side of Ed yet at the time. Roach is also the kind of guy who likes to torture hostages to relax and who'll nonchalantly chop off a finger, who sewed up his own arm.
Wee John too might be a sweetheart who enjoys making dresses like he did with his mum, but he is also a pirate who looked forward to doing to the heads of his foes what they practice on watermelons on the deck of the Revenge.
Seriously, look at the crew in the pilot and in Episode 2. They aren't soft men. They aren't harmless sweethearts. Buttons wants to chew up people. All of the crew, including Lucius, are on board with killing Stede not for being a cruel captain, but for being boring and not pirate-y enough. Well, except for Oluwande, who is the only normal and smart person on the entire ship.
Being marrooned? That's probably not the worst thing they expected to happen to them as pirates. For Roach and Pete, especially looking back at it after a while... Being marrooned by Blackbeard? That's so cool a story to tell! Nobody is going to believe it! Now that's a pirate experience!
Will Pete be mad about Lucius? Sure he will, and won't that be a terrible conflict, but I think in the end the Cool Pirating Adventure will win out for him.
Oluwande will be quietly disappointed. I don't really think he does "mad and vengeful", no, he does "disappointed parent" (because let's be honest he's the adult on that ship). He'll look at Ed like "really man, you should be so much better than this".
But Our Flag is a story about forgiveness and moving on from your mistakes. People make a lot of bad decisions in it, people hurt others (compare Stede and his family), but if they try to make amends and express their regrets, they are forgiven and they can be friends with the people they wronged again, and I don't think that's a theme they will give up on.
That aside, Our Flag is a pirate comedy. In it, pirate-y violence is funny. Maiming is a thing they do on the job. "Lucius, note the gusto!" Yes, from a normal person with a normal moral compass perspective, what Ed did is terrible. But throwing someone overboard and marooning someone on a little island? In a pirate comedy, that's just Tuesday on the job.
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D-Day Preliminary Review:
D-Day: Is this a Stray Kids song? The autotune used in this way is a no. The song is okay apart from the chorus, which is truly awful and cringe, and I never expected to call Suga cringe. Something about the rhythm reminds me of Daechwita. The lyrics also seem to remind me of other songs of his. (7/10?)
Haegeum: The instrumental in the beginning is very cool and really sounds like Tony Montana to me. His flow many times reminds me of Daechwita, especially the bridge. The instrumental never changes just like in Daechwita, but he did a lot more with that song. Haegeum had potential but was not achieved (7.7/10?)
Huh?!: Okay, the beginning was cringe again. You're not actually a fourth gen rookie, Yoongi. I hate the chorus, my god. So cringe, WFT is happening. J-Hope sounds like a fourth gen idol too, and some of the lyrics seemed a bit cringe (the English ones). This is like a bad 3Racha song, no offense to Stray Kids (6/10, being generous...)
Amygdala: The album is improving? I'm not sure, I hate the chorus again. Suga has ruined autotune and he was literally the one who knew how to use it. Is this album so much worse than the other two because he didn't produce half the songs? But he had full creative control... Wow, will I actually like any song? This one also reminds me of SKZ, but in a bad way. (6/10)
SDL: We've moved on to softer songs. I think Suga felt pressured to write hard-hitting songs, which are Agust D's trademark, but Suga doesn't know how to write them anymore (that Agust D is gone). He told IU that he found he was better at writing softer songs, I can see why now. Suga used Adora's vocals in this track. I liked them, unlike in other tracks, because they fit the song. It sucks that they pretty much use Adora as a feature, but since she's a no name artist, they don't credit her properly. She has as many lines as IU in People Pt. 2. It's even worst in Sweet Night. Also, doesn't the beginning of this song sound like Wine? (7.8/10)
People Pt. 2: Unexpectedly, will this be the best track in the song? Maybe I liked Haegeum and SDL better (7.5/10?).
Polar Night: Okay? Forgot the song as I was writing my review (7/10).
Interlude Dawn: Really nice, actually. Suga said Ryuihci Sakamoto started out writing popular music before writings scores, and that he envisioned himself following his path because he liked writing instrumental tracks, and I think there's something there (8/10).
Snooze: The chorus is nice, the track is nice.. It's pretty comparable to People Pt. 2, maybe more my style though, it's darker and Suga's rap is more dynamic. But I loved the So Far Away callbacks, really elevated the song (8/10).
Life Goes On: He really used his LGO rap here. The original song is better, and that's not saying a lot. (6.7/10)
It's good I had low expectations for this album, especially after Face. This album is like the Face-fication of Agust D (in terms of sound). 7/10, by far the worst Suga album. It's not an Agust D album, it's a Suga album, but Suga's solo tracks in BTS are much better than this (except for Seesaw which is at the same level as some other tracks in the album). Suga said people who listened to this album only said it was okay and that he didn't have many expectations for the album, and he was right. It's just okay, whereas his other two mixtapes were outstanding, revolutionary, I cried listening to D2 for the first time because of how good it was. Musically, only RM is actually doing new stuff, challenging himself, and growing creatively. Maybe J-Hope is too, but I didn't love JITB. Fingers crossed JJK doesn't disappoint, because I need to love a BTS album again.
Favorite tracks: SDL, People Pt. 2, Interlude Dawn, Snooze.
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ace-fandom-dumbass · 2 years
Finally started welcome to night vale, cough because of the poll cough and uh
Okay so I'm on episode 23 and several episodes ago, don't remeber which one, Cecil was going on about the voicemails from Carlos right (if you know the episode please give me the name) I'm sitting here just like
"Oh my God you useless dork. Maybe pay attention to literally anything in there but "can we meet up" holy shit. He's obviously freaking out over whatever the hell is happening in this batshut town, maybe notice that"
Uh, but now I'm several episodes later. Like, a lot of episodes later I think. And he somehow hasn't mentioned Carlos since? Wft he never went more than like, a full episode with out being gay for him what is happening
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edvinception · 1 year
was reading the translation of the recent podcast and:
Em: The only time you’ve put a tiny tiny question mark around everybody’s right to love who they want, was when you got molested at the pride parade?E: No, I’ve never doubted that people should be able to love whoever they want. That’s more about some people not understanding boundaries. Em: Did you get molested? Did you walk the pride parade?E: Yeah, I went there last year. But I didn’t get molested there.Em: But somewhere else?E: Yeah.Em: Oh, you did?E: Yeah. It was at the QX-gala.Em: What happened?E: I’m not going to expose anyone, but it was pats on the ass, caressings of my lower back and intense looks, and it was uncomfortable. But I’ve never doubted.. it doesn’t have anything to do with-Em: No, I get it.
Like wft? And people were losing it over E mentioning getting an STD test? This seems a lot more pressing imo?
I feel so bad for him! I know how being treated like that feels! (and I've been treated like that by all genders) little uncomfortable touches that, even if accidental or 'harmless', that get to you and start making your skin itch a bit. It must have ruined his night as well ❤️‍🩹
I hope he's okay x
I think there were some misunderstandings about the STD thing that made people react strongly and then it spread and people discussed it more than the other questions.
That being said, noone should be touched inappropriately no matter the circumstances or situation. It's sad that it happens to people over and over.
But I'm sure he's okay 😊
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