#so like. please ignore this. i just need to word vomit. but like im fine.
semercury · 5 months
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multixsposts · 5 months
This is the THIRD part of my wattpad series ‘One Night Stand’
this is a ‘My Hero Academia’ fan fiction!
this ship is ‘Dabi x Femreader’
please keep in mind that i do not own ‘My Hero Academia’ or its characters, but i do own this story and i don’t allow anyone to use it without my permission.
please read on and enjoy.
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(reminder: this story is NOT for minors. 18 years or older please and thank you.)
It's been about two weeks since you hooked up with
dabi, and today you've been feeling awfully...ill? more nauseous than anything. You just thought it was something that you ate but since it's been like this for the past couple of days you think it might be something else.
But you didn't want to believe it.
So you chose to ignore it and continue to get ready.
You and your friend were going to go out to eat at this nice restaurant that just opened around the corner, when you finished getting ready you left your apartment after locking the door behind you.
Since the restaurant was close you decided it was fine to walk and it was beautiful outside today so that was an extra plus. You make it to the newly open restaurant and get you and friend a table.
The hostess walks you to the table and you take a seat, getting on your phone as you wait for your friend to arrive.
"im here im here" you hear the familiar voice of your friend say in a rushed tone.
"im so sorry im late" she apologizes as she takes the seat in front of you. Honestly you didnt even realize she was late, but it's not like it was surprising. She's never on time to anything.
"eh..it's okay i was busy playing a game on my phone anyways." you tell her as you put your phone away and look at her scan the menu.
"so any new hook ups lately?" she questions if you didn't know her, her bluntness would have left you stunned but you've been friends for a decade, so you were used to this.
"nope, just that one. also i think im done with that stuff" you explained and she looks up at you.
"oh really?. that's new of you." she says with a little laugh following after.
You shrug with a sigh "i know but..it just get boring after a while you know? plus i've been feeling a little sick lately." you tell her and she smiles a bit.
"yeah i get that. I hope you feel better though.." she says and you smile back at her, when the waitress comes to see if you two are ready to order you look back at your menu to read what you wanted and your friend did the same.
You two chat for a while as you wait for the food.
"oou! this looks good." your friend says as the waitress puts her plate down it front of her.
"thank you" you say politely when yours was placed infront of you.
"enjoy." the lady tells you with a wide smile as she leaves you and your friend to eat your food.
you hear your friend make a moaning noise as she takes a big bite of her food.
"this might be my new favorite place. This is so fucking good." she says with her mouth half full.
You laugh as you shake your head, picking up your fork you go to take a bite. Ignoring the way your stomach turned at the smell of the food in front of you.
You take a bite and swallow it..while it was good you stood up in a hurry your chair screeching along the floor.
"are you okay" your friend asks, slightly worried at your sudden movements.
you nod. "i need to go to the bathroom" your words rushed as your hand flies to your mouth, vomit threatening to spill out all over the floor.
"o-okay" she says as she stand up and walks over to you quickly and helps you to the bathroom. once you make it you immediately go into a stall not even caring to lock the door behind you, you and throw up everything you ate today, which wasn't much.
"..how long have you been feeling sick?" you friend asks as she holds you hair and rubs you back soothingly.
"for about four days.." you tell her as you cough a bit and wipe your mouth with the toilet paper next to you.
"um.." she clears her throat. "have you been feeling anything else besides being nauseous?" she asks and you look up at her and shake your head.
"just very tired...but that's normal when you feel sick right?" you ask and she sighs..
"maybe we should get you home.." you nod in agreement as she helps you stand up.
"i'm sorry i ruined our lunch date" you tell her and pats your back. "You didn't ruin it, don't say that. We can have another one" "...just not sushi.." she mumbles the last part, so you couldn't hear her.
"hm? what did you say?" you ask as you two leave the bathroom.
"oh nothing! let me pay and i'll meet you in the car okay?" she says sweetly and hands you her car keys, she walks away before you got to tell her you could pay for your uneaten food knowing she wouldn't let you do that anyways.
You sigh and make your way outside unlocking her car doors and sliding into the passenger seat. You lean the seat back just a little and close your eyes. It's so weird how you were fine and then all of a sudden the food you've been looking forward to made you so sick. The car door opens and your friend gets in and starts the car.
"i need to make a quick stop before i drop you off, that okay?" she asks while you buckle yourself in and she does the same.
you didn't say anything just nodded and she started driving.
"i'm not taking this." you tell your friend with a stern look. She took it upon herself to go to the store and buy a pregnancy test, and now you two were sitting in your bathroom while she's trying to convince you to take it.
"look all you have to do is pee on it and we wait about five-" you roll your eyes "i know how it works" you say and snatch it from her.
"i'm not even pregnant! i just have like...food poisoning or something" you grumbled out and she crosses her arms over her chest and gives you the 'don't bullshit me' look.
"yeah if food poisoning was a baby cause that's what you got."
"it's not possible because we used protection!" you tell her, starting to feel a bit frustrated.
"hey..it could have broke or something you never know." she tells you as she hold her hand up in defense.
"just take it so we know for sure. it can't hurt." you sigh as you look at the stick in your hands.
"fine." you huffed out and pulled down your pants to sit on the toilet, but before you go to pee on it you look up at your friend to see her staring at you.
"can you turn around!" you yell at her and she squeaks out a "sorry" before she turns around.
after you do your business you pull up your pants and wash your hands.
"now we wait" you tell her as you stare at the test..what if you actually were pregnant? would you keep it ? would you get rid of it? it's not like you couldn't afford to have a child but could your mental state deal with it?
dabi...i'd have to tell him. god. what would he say? would he even help out with it? would he even want to be around the kid? you don't even know anything about him! this is fucking insane.
"y/n.." you hear the hushed tone of your friends voice and you look at her to see her holding the test in her hands.
have you really been thinking about the what if's situation that long?
"what?..what does it say?" you ask and she turns it over and shows it to you.
your eyes widen as you stare at the little screen on the stick.
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thank you for reading my story i would greatly appreciate it if you reblogged it and voted for it on ‘Wattpad’.!
please remember ‘Wattpad’ gets the first uploads and Chapter five has been uploaded today!.
i hope you enjoyed this story just as much as i did writing it.
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kanna-banana · 8 months
Ok, serious talk, I know nobody wants to read this but I'll feel better posting somewhere as opposed to vomiting my feelings all over my friends again, they've had enough, please feel free to ignore this and I'll be back to being silly in no time
Ok so, I know my blog is uncomfortable to read, I understand that my negativity and constant venting is at best annoying and at worst upsetting, i am aware of that but I also know that bottling up is worse to me and i feel like a liar if i just pretend everything is fine and just post silly stuff here.
My friends keep telling me I'm not a horrible person and am pretty funny actually and I think that is because they've know me for years and I was like that but things have not been going well im the last few years.
Yes I am not a bad person and I can be funny sometimes, but all of that gets overshadowed by the numerous mental issues I have and cannot cope with properly.
English is not my first language language so this gets a bit confusing because this nuance is pretty tricky in the language but as you all know is that "i am" can mean either "i am like this at the moment" (example "I'm cold" or "I'm hungry", those are not things that are inherent to you, they are temporary states) or "i am like this PERIOD" (example "I'm human" or "I'm Brazilian", they are permanent states about yourself)
I know I AM (inherent) creative, funny sometimes, alright at drawing, and a bunch of other nice things people say about me when I'm crying, but you have to understand that i also am (temporary) completely fucked up mentally and emotionally, I'm not saying I'm going to be "cured" from being autistic btw, I'm counting not being able to handle my issues "being a bad temporary thing", like, i will never stop having ADHD symptoms (cannot afford a diagnosis so I'll just call them symptoms for now, or signs if you thing the word 'symptom' is a bit tone deaf) but i know i can learn how to live with it and function, even if my functioning looks very different from what's expected from a neurotypical person.
I am, at the moment, NOT DEALING WITH MY SHIT PROPERLY, and THAT is the issue I believe can be fixed. I will never have a good knee again, even after the surgery I just feel less pain, but i can learn how to adapt to my limitations, you know?
So, I am not, inherently, a failure, i know I'm not stupid or ugly or boring, but I'm so full of debuffs that basically I'm a piece of shit right now.
Yes, I did quit my job and tried to become a web developer and it went catastrophically bad, but I can't even count that as a failure because i NEEDED to quit that job either way (it was destroying my mental health) and if you're gonna quit going to live with a friend so dear to you she's basically a sister for a while and learning a skill you always wanted to at least start learning, isn't it worthy?
Yeah I "failed", but the happiness i felt along the way was worth even if it didn't work out in the end.
I know that, my mind knows that, but my feelings are absolute chaos and I sometimes fall into a deep self hatred spiral that makes me believe lies about everything around me, it even makes me believe everyone secretly hates me, which is OBJECTIVELY not true, if there's one thing I am in this world is loved.
I know it's sad, annoying, or even upsetting to see my posts and I'm not going to pretend they're inevitable, I CAN stop myself and I should have better restraint, I'm failing at that and I apologize for all the negative feelings I might have caused.
I know it's a pretty hard goal considering how my life is a huge mess right now, but my goal in life is to be the trans person i needed to meet when I was in the closet.
I want to be the type of happy, mature and intelligent person that my friends were when I met them 6? 7 years ago?
The people that completely shattered an entire lifetime of prejudice and fear that was forced into my brain since i was a toddler, the type of people that made me look at transphobic posts and go "that's not true, I've met trans people and they're some of the best people i know", the type of people who made me realize living as who you really are is both possible and achievable.
I want to be that person, someone who, just by being themselves, can melt away prejudice or at least be that kink in the armor of an angry reactionary that one day will help shatter the barrier of lies they protect themselves with and help them see that this hate was manufactured to use them as paws in a stupid made up culture war.
I got out of this horrible place with the help of wonderful people i will never be able to thank enough, and my dream is to help others out too.
I'm not saying i want to "trans" others, obviously, just to show that we are not the weird monsters thet so many out there want you to believe we are. To destroy the prejudice with the power of a honest, happy existence.
I want to be the person I needed when I was younger, lost, depressed, considering suicide, and constantly angry at anyone the liars and grifters who I trusted told me to hate.
I want to become the person who would have saved me back them.
I know it's going to take a lot of work, I have many barriers ahead of me, some inside of myself, some external, but neither way I have a LOT of work to do, and if there's one thing i can never do is give up.
I don't even know what "giving up" means at this point, I have to keep going, not only for myself but for those I might help in the future.
I can't change the past. I can't erase the harm my bigoted ignorant words caused, but I can grow into a person who heals as much as i used to hurt.
I know I'm a handful right now, and I am trying to control my words until i have the means to work on myself and improve as a person. Just, please be patient with me. If my posts upset you in the past please for your own sake unfollow/block me, I'm sorry I hurt you while trying to hurt myself, but unfortunately it will probably happen again, and there's nothing wrong with distancing yourself from someone that hurts you, even if they didnt INTEND to hurt you.
I am NOT (inherent) a failure
I am (temporary) failing
But I will get better.
I don't know how, I don't really have a plan, but I will figure it out somehow.
Life is not a game. I am not in a "doomed run", I can and I WILL live and be the best person I can be.
Thank you.
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letskadagetke · 2 years
So I've recently seen people do prompts and I was thinking of doing a fluff one for Taehyung. The reader is gender-neutral.
Please enjoy! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️🧡💛
Word Count: 722
Warnings: Curses, just arguing a bit, vomiting, reader is sick.
and that's it.
Summary: You and Taehyung had an argument in the morning and you finished work and a bunch of stuff happened (no, im not telling you) . Of course, Taehyung came to save your ass being the best boyfriend ever.
Enjoy <3
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︶⏝︶ ⊹ ︶︶ ୨♡୧ ︶︶ ⊹ ︶⏝︶
"YN, I'm telling you babe, take a day-off."
"Taehyung, I can't. There's a problem with the mailing service and I have to go and fix it." You told him, taking your phone and necessaties.
"Please, just take a break. I'll tell Mrs. Chi that you need to rest." He said, taking put his phone and looking for your supervisors number.
"Taehyung, I'm fine. Look, let me finish and I promise I'll tell you to come pick me up. Is that okay with you?"
He sighed, he originally wanted to spend time with you but with your coughs and high temperatures, he wanted to take care of you.
"Fine, call me when you're done."
"Okay, love you!" You said, he grabbed your waist before you could even do anything and placed a kiss on your forehead.
You smiled, and placed a kiss on his cheek.
Waving bye and driving away, you started to regret going, if you went back he'd probably say 'I told you so,' or 'You should've listen to me,'
You brushed the thoughts away and tried to ignore the itch in your throat. Arriving, your supervisor, Mrs. Chi, noticed as soon as you arrived something was up.
"Sweetie, are you alright?" She asked.
"Yeah, just a bit tired." You said, you placed your stuff down.
"You know, the mailing doesn't need to be fixed today."
"But, if we don't fix it, the same thing will happen just like when people stopped cleaning after the meetings."
She sighed.
"Fine, go do it, I guess." She went back to her phone.
You went and saw the baskets of boxes, papers, and packages.
You looked for the things that people were missing and the ones that had to be shipped today on the computer. Your eyes grew tired after seeing the same thing over and doing the same thing over and over. The pain in your stomach grew more and more. You stood up and went to the bathroom to wash your face.
As soon as you saw the mirror you realized Taehyung was right. Your face was red and your eyes were puffy. You then felt your throat itch more, coughs filled the empty sound and later on, the sound of throwing up replaced it.
Wiping the excess puke off your face, you washed your hands and face.
"God damn it," You muttered, getting out of the bathroom, you were face to face with one of your friends, Jihyo.
"YN, don't get mad at me, but I heard you throwing up and I called Taehyung."
"What? No, Ji, I have to finish the mail. I'm halfway done!"
"YN, you need to rest. Also, think of it as a day-off." She said.
Getting a call from Taehyung, you excused yourself from her and answered it.
"YN, I'm at the parking lot, get your things, we're leaving." He said.
"Taehyung I-," "Shush, let's go!" He whined.
"Fine, I'm coming," You chuckled and got your things.
"Mrs. Chi, I have to leave early, if anything happens, call me." You told her.
"Good! Go rest, you need it!" She said.
You smiled and then looked for Taehyung.
Finding his car, you ran to the car and went inside.
"Can I say it?" He asked, smirking.
"God, fuck you."
He chuckled and started driving back home.
Taehyung sent you some glances here and there.
"YN, why'd you want to go to work?" He asked.
"I just wanted to finish everything,"
"Well, look. If you go to work tomorrow, we're gonna fight." He chuckled.
He parked the car in the driveway and insisted on opening your car door. He turned on the shower, got your clothes ready, and went to make something hot for you to eat.
Before you went in the shower, you gave him a kiss.
"Thank you, Tae,"
He kissed your head and you went to shower.
After washing your hair and body, you went and put the clothes he got you. It was cute pajamas, the one he especially liked on you in fact. You smiled to yourself and put them on.
Walking out, you saw Taehyung cooking something at the stove. You went and hugged him from behind, Taehyung hummed when he smelled your shampoo.
"Thank you, Taehyung." You said.
He turned off the stove and turned around to give you a hug.
"Anything for you," he said, kissing your forehead.
︶⏝︶ ⊹ ︶︶ ୨♡୧ ︶︶ ⊹ ︶⏝︶
I hope you enjoyed this small story and please don't repost without my permission. Love youuuuuuu ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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rottingsullengirl · 2 years
BRO UR WRITING IS SO GOOD IM SORRU FOR REQUESTIING AGAIN BUT JEEZ!! ANYWYAS! Could I please request a one shot with mirabel where julieta is out of town and reader comes down with a bad fever and makes them extremely drowsy, where they end up confessing to mira but don’t remember the following day?? Love my girl sm bro 😞
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| 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓 ✧・゚: — one-shot.
| 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 (𝐒) ✧・゚: — mirabel madrigal x gn!reader.
| 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ✧・゚: — fluff, mention of vomiting, comfort, established relationships, angst?.
| 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 ✧・゚: — 3401 words.
| 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 ✧・゚: — omg don’t apologize! i love getting requests!! thank you so so much! i hope you enjoy it and don’t mind i changed a very minor detail! :)
| 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ✧・゚: — in which you come down with a bad fever and mirabel assigns herself as your nurse. drowsy and more than just a bit out of it you confess something mirabel has been wanting to hear since she became your best friend.
“Mirabel I’m fine…” You groan out softly from your resting place on Mirabel’s bed. The short spectacled girl shuts the door to the nursery with her hip. Holding the wooden tray in her hand, she gently shakes her head while carefully watching her steps. “It’s just a little cold, it's no big deal.” Such false words only make Mirabel shake her head once more with a soft snort. “I need to help my papa in the shop…”
“Nice try but you’re hotter than a day when Tía Pepa is sick. You’re not leaving that bed until your temperature goes down.” She replies with a firm tone and soft furrow of her thick brows. “Plus I already talked to him and he said he’ll be fine.”
Your beautiful eyes slowly shut, leaning your head back against the pillow and your chest moving with a heavy sigh beneath the blanket. Mirabel frowns a bit at your clear hate to be sick and in bed. The soft groans and whines leaving your lips not exactly letting her be unaware of it. As if your soft pout and furrowing of your brow wasn’t already saying enough.
One of the things Mirabel likes so much about you is your drive to constantly be helping others. But unfortunately that drive often means you are constantly overworking yourself. Mirabel does wish she could just give you one of her mama’s arepas but her mama is very adamant about never using her gift to heal sicknesses. Something about the immune system weakening.
Mirabel sets the tray down on the dresser at the foot of her bed with a soft smile. In some effort to make a smile spread across your lips and to lift up your grumpy and irritated mood, she pulls the cold wet rag off the plate and walks over to you. “I thought you’d be happy to hangout all day with me.” She teases while gently brushing away your hair from your forehead slick with sweat.
Your eyes flutter open, Mirabel ignores the way her heart flutters and her face warms up when a soft grin tugs at the corner of your lips. “Mira you know I love hanging out with you the most.” You say so casually and in such a sugary manner. If only you knew just how deeply Mirabel let those words soak into her heart and drip into the bottle of hope in her stomach. If only you meant those words the way she wishes you would. “I just don’t want you burdened like this either…” Grumbling out, your grin falters and brows thread up.
A soft sigh of relief and bliss leaves your lips, your eyes fluttering shut once more when Mirabel places the cool rag against your face radiating with heat. “Y/n don’t be ridiculous, I offered to take care of you remember? You’re my friend.” That last bit hurt Mirabel to say. But it was true, you are her friend. No matter how much she imagines the possibility of something more. And you really couldn’t ever be a burden to her. Not in a million years.
Once more, that sweet smile of yours spreads across your slightly chapped lips and you nod. Mirabel’s expression melts to one she’s sure is displaying pure happiness and adoration when your hand weakly grabs her’s. “Yeah I am…I got lucky with such a good friend like you.” You say with your eyelids fluttering open and closed, clearing fighting unconsciousness. Those words leaving your lips are bittersweet, Mirabel squeezing your hand gently before placing it down beside you.
“Get some rest, Y/n.” She says in a soft whispery voice, brushing your hair off of your slick cheeks it sticks against. Soft milky brown eyes look down at you as you nod with a soft mutter before letting yourself fall asleep. Mirabel is filled to the brim with worry over you, you’ve already thrown up in the yard of poor casita. This is a bad fever.
Mirabel tears her eyes from you for a moment to look from the cloth over your forehead to the tray. A soft curse leaves her lips when her large eyes land on the small skinny medicine vial on the tray. You were meant to take that before falling asleep. She moves across the floorboards quietly and quickly, swiping the black vial before making her way back over to you.
The bed shifts with her weight, sitting down beside your sleeping figure. Pulling the cork out of the small bottle, her eyes fall to your lips parted with heavy breathing. Blinking back, she shakes her head and wipes away the wonder of how soft your lips are. She shakes you gently, guilt panging her heart over having to wake you up. “Psst. Y/n…” She whispers out while shaking you a bit more.
You don’t so much as stir. You’re out cold.
Sighing out softly, Mirabel cracks a bit of a smile while pushing the cork back into the bottle. She’ll give it to you when your soup is finished cooking. The dark-haired girl stands up and makes her way over to the dresser. “Casita can you close the blinds please?” Mirabel asks kindly while placing the medicine bottle beside the tray before opening up her top dresser drawer.
The sound of the blinds creaking and shutting brings Mirabel’s hand to the wall as she pulls out a small carry-on lantern. “Gracias, casita.” Petting the wall for a few moments, she brings the small lantern towards the desk beneath the blinds and she places it down. Tugging a match from behind her dark curls, she swipes the wood and a sparkle sprouts into a hot flame.
Mirabel knows how much you dislike the dark, it’s best to not leave you in it. But still the outside glowing sun is far too bright.
Once she blows out the match, she leaves the room bathed in warm lighting to head downstairs with the tray in hand. Humming softly to herself it’s hard for Mirabel to ignore the fact that you’re asleep in her bed. She feels strange and a bit weird for hoping that your scent remains on the cloths even when you leave. Obviously she’s going to wash everything but still one small inhale wouldn’t hurt!
Díos mío she really needs to get a grip of herself.
Walking into the kitchen smelling of caldo de pollo, Mirabel looks at her Tía Pepa and her mama standing in front of the stove. “How are they doing?” Julieta questions with a soft worried pinch of her thick brows, hands folding down in front of her stomach. The fair-skinned woman shares the same expression of worry. Her mama walks towards Mirabel holding the tray and takes it with a sympathetic smile.
“They fell asleep. I think they should be okay after they wake up.” Mirabel says while handing over the tray. Sighing out softly, she doesn’t notice her shaking hands while wiping them off on her blouse. “How’s the soup coming?” She questions with a gentle smile while looking at her tía. Not seeing a storm cloud above her head must be a good enough sign.
Pepa smiles, gesturing towards the pot. “Your mama is being very helpful—just a bit overbearing—“ She says quickly before continuing”—but it should be done soon.” Julieta serves her triplet sister a narrowing of her ashy brown eyes, the green-eyed woman simply ignoring the soft glare. She instead turns around with a soft smile and grabs ahold of the ladle. “Maybe you can get the crackers and juice ready for them, Mira.” Pepa says with her back turned, taking the lid off of the pot.
Nodding and humming out in agreement, Mirabel makes her way over to the fruit bowl with a soft exhale. Her thick brows threading together and palms sweating profusely. She’s unable to stop the worry melting within her. Hopefully you get better soon, you’ve been sick many times before and recovered quickly.
Although, Mirabel has never been the one to take care of you. And truth be told she’s enjoying it just a bit too much. Being able to hold you close by your waist while bringing you to Casa De Madrigal from the riverbank, praising her and thanking her for being such a good friend, and just being able to be around you. Yes she wants you to get better and she’s worried sick…
…but she can’t help the way she feels!
Squeezing out the oranges is a lost of muscle work Mirabel very much lacks so by the time she’s squeezed out an entire cup and laid out the crackers, a bowl of caldo de pollo is set down on the wooden tray. It’s been an hour, hopefully you’re not out cold anymore or even better you’re awake. After thanking her tía and mama who call the others to come have some of Pepa’s cooking for the first time, she makes her way back to the nursery.
Humming a rhythmic tune to herself, Mirabel is careful to not be her usual klutz self. In fact she’s so careful and cautious with wide analytical eyes that it takes her another ten minutes to get up the steps then another five to make her way to the nursery. At least the steam coming from the bowl has decreased so it will be ready for you to eat.
Once more she shuts the door with her hip, eyes looking to the bed feeling relieved to see you slowly sitting up by your elbows. “Oh good! You’re awake.” She chirps in a bubbly manner with a big smile, bringing this tray over to the desk holding the lantern. A soft groan comes from you, glancing at you Mirabel notices the way you look around confused. “Tía Pepa made you some caldo de pollo, and not to brag but I made—“
“Where’s Mira?” You speak out in a soft, slightly slurring manner. A tone of voice and manner of speaking that Mirabel has only ever heard after Dolores’s wine indulgence. It sounds as if you’re drunk. And the confusing question has her turning to you slowly, hands falling to her sides. Those beautiful eyes of yours remain on her, the rag fallen off and onto your lap, lips parted with heavy breaths.
Chuckling a bit nervously, Mirabel shakes her head. “Y/n it’s me. Mirabel.” She states while walking towards your confused and dazed expression. Admittedly the look across your features is adorable, like some lost puppy. Smiling a bit, she pushes up her circular frames and makes a funny face. Your lips spread into a smile, eyes sweeping all over her in a doubtful manner.
When they light up and widen with what seems to be realization, she gasps out when you pull her down by her hands and laugh loudly. “Aw nonono Camilo you’re not tricking me again you little gremlin you!” You sweetly exclaim while poking her nose with a soft giggle, still slightly slurring your words. Gently shoving her away with a dismissive wave, you look around with a sudden wide-eyed expression. Mirabel is now thoroughly confused and lost, tilting her head when you shush her loudly.
“Y/n what—“
“Okay now go before Mirabel gets back!” You exclaim shoving her once again. “You can keep a secret as well as Dolores and she’ll know the moment she comes in!”
Her thick brows thread together, confusion beginning to melt into curiosity while slowly sitting down on the edge of the bed. This action earns a soft pout from you, arms crossing over your chest. Mirabel looks into your ditzy and dazed eyes, fluttering open and shut. Are you hallucinating? You must be really out of it. Mirabel should lay you back down, give you the medicine and simply leave this encounter in the back of her mind.
But you’re keeping a secret from her? One shared with Camilo?
A pang hits her heart, expression falling as she looks at your hot face still slick with sweat. Thinking of the worst case, she feels herself speaking before she can stop herself, as if she was going to stop herself. “What secret?” She questions softly, her heart begins to ache and her palms sweat. Could it be possible? Camilo has expressed having a crush on you too…what if…
“Exactly!” You exclaim with what seems to be an attempt at a wink but just turns into a weird blink and a gentle punch to her shoulder. She rubs the spot you gently punched, frowning at your avoidance of her question you must have taken as a subtle remark. But then your grinning expression falls, shoulders slumping and face falling into your hands. “Mirabel called me her friend again…I’m telling you she doesn’t—she doesn’t—“ Stammering out muffled through your hands, you drop them and tears seem to be welling in your eyes.
Her expression softens, even more worrying welling up inside of her. She shakes her head gently, voice dropping to a quiet and hushed manner softer than the softest pillow. “Y/n…why—“
“And—“ You interrupt her tossing up your hands. “—I-I know you said she obviously does but she just…she—“ She gasps out when your hands reach out and grasp her cheeks, squishing her face together. Frowning deeply, your bottom lip trembles and your tears finally bleed out and down your flushed cheeks. Her chest aches and blooms with warmth simultaneously. “She’s so pretty…I just want her to love me like I love her…more than just a friend. Just…wanna have the guts to tell her…”
Mirabel’s eyes widen, brows raising in surprise and breath catching in her lungs as you bring your forehead to rest against hers. No. You can’t possibly mean what she thinks you mean right? Releasing the grip on her cheeks, you sigh out through your nose and grab her hands. Mirabel’s eyes widen as tears drip down onto the backs of her hands, your thumbs gently stroke the hot skin. No…you can’t possibly mean what she thinks. Her palms are sweating by the gallon in your hand, her heart hammering so furiously in her chest it’s sped up her breathing.
“I’m in love with you, Mirabel.” You speak in a clear voice that holds just a slight tremor towards the edge of her name.
The speed at which the cheesy smile spread across her lips is a speed quicker than light. Looking up with wide eyes and pure joy spread across her bronze features, she yelps out when you slump forward and pass out against her shoulder. For a few moments she is completely still, the soft sound of your snoring filling her ears and the feeling of your wet tears and sweat smearing on her skin.
“You’re in love with me.” Mirabel finally manages to mutter out while slowly lifting you off her by your shoulders. Wearing wide eyes and an ear-to-ear smile, she lays you back down on the bed with a sharp exhale. “Y/n is in love with me.” She repeats a bit louder and clearer this time while lifting up the cool rag and flipping it over, placing the fresh side of your forehead.
It feels as if a firework is lit up inside of her as she slowly makes her way out of the room after tucking you back in. The fuse slowly burns until she gets to hurry along the railings and make her way to Dolores’s room where she peeks inside for a moment. Not seeing her prima, she steps inside and shuts the door behind her. The moment the door shuts, the firework explodes. She screams at the top of her lungs and begins to dance wildly along the clean floorboards of the soundproof room.
“Y/n is in love with me! Y/n is in love with me! Y/n is in love with me! Y/n is in love with me! Y/n is in love with me!” She repeats over and over in a screeching sing-song manner while wildly dancing around her primas room, strumming instruments and running her fingers along keys. No other feeling in the world has ever compared to the pure relief, joy, euphoria, and happiness exploding inside of Mirabel right now.
Needless to say Mirabel was walking on air the rest of the day and she couldn’t sleep a wink that night. Yet somehow after so much dancing around and squealing and Luisa tossing a pillow at her head in the shared room for the night and not a single wink of sleep—Mirabel is completely awake as she skips on over to the nursery to see you.
After her mama checked on you she said you were fine and would be okay once you woke up.
Standing outside of the door, Mirabel breathes out deeply and tries to compose herself. She’s more or less very ready to tease you until confessing she feels exactly the same. This may be the best day of her life! It’s best to get on it, so she raises her fist and delivers three quick warning knocks before she walks into the room with a beaming smile. Her heart spreads with warmth to see you standing and fixing your hair.
“Ah Mira! Good morning.” You chirp in a happy and much better state than yesterday. Mirabel’s smile falters just a bit, brows furrowing in confusion as you walk towards her with a big smile. Sure she’s happy you seem to be in a good mood and physically better than the day before, fully recovered from your fever, but you’re acting like it’s any other day. Like you didn’t just confess to being in love with her yesterday.
Then again you did think she was Camilo.
“Are you okay, Mirabel? Why are you staring at me like that?” You question with a hint of worry, your happy and content expression shifting to the same amount of worry.
Mirabel raises her brows gently, smiling big and rocking back and forth on her shoes. “You don’t have anything you want to say about what happened yesterday? When we were alone?” She asks with a big smile and small nod of expectancy.
All she gets in return is a confused look before a soft laugh. “What are you talking about, Mira? All that happened was you forcing me to sleep and then I fell asleep.” You say with a gentle shrug, arms gently crossing over your chest.
Mirabel’s smile falters, the pure warmth of complete euphoria beginning to fade within her. “What…What happened yesterday?” She questions softly with her fingers playing at the skin slightly chewed around her nails on her other hand.
“Umm well…” You start with a confused look, worry dripping from your tone. “When I fell while playing football with Camilo you brought me up to the room—after I threw up which I still need to apologize for—and you made me get into bed. Then I fell asleep and woke up, your mama fed me and I fell asleep again and woke up this morning.” You speak in a quick but coherent manner, squinting a bit while recalling the day as you remember it yesterday.
Breathing out softly, Mirabel’s shoulders slump just a bit. You don’t remember the exchange. Did you not mean any of it?
“Why? Did something else happen?” You ask softly, drawing her gaze up from the floor.
Mirabel looks into your worried eyes, her entire chest freezing throughout. What if you didn’t mean any of it? If you don’t even remember it then how could you have possibly meant it? She forces a smile across her lips, chuckling awkwardly and shaking her head. Tucking back her dark curls, she shrugs. “No I’m just a bit tired today, sorry I’m kind of out of it.” She lies and apologizes.
Your worried expression shifts to a soft one, opening your arms which Mirabel gladly falls into with tears stinging her eyes. She wraps her arms beneath yours, burying her face into the crook of your neck and enjoying your arms holding her close by her neck. That heavenly voice of yours speaks out so kindly. “Thank you for taking care of me, Mira. You really are the best friend a person could ever ask for.”
A pang like a thousand pin needles drives into Mirabel’s heart as she forces out a soft chuckle.
“Yep…that’s me…your best friend…”
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takamikeiigos · 3 years
Okay I know made an ask already like 2 days ago🙄 but what if hawks s/o had to fake their death on a mission for like a month or 2😮‍💨 and when they come back the first thing they do is look for hawks even though they’re tired, beaten and look like complete shit😩😩 I’m just such a sucker for these kind of tropes !!!
Also how’s ur day been :))
ayo i got you fam!!!
this was legit all i could think of for like 3 days so i hope it's okay!!
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Title: "You Came Back to Me"
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (for now)
Relationships: Hawks x Reader
Tags: temporary character death, violence, drinking as a coping mechanism (minor on hawk's part), emesis
Word Count: 2.8k
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3
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You look up at the villain who currently has you pinned to the floor, your ragged breaths leaving your mouth with every rise and fall of your chest.
His vibrant green eyes are piercing as they stare down at you, his expression wicked and merciless as he presses his foot harder against your throat as a warning.
"Here are your options, darlin'," he pulls his foot away, instead opting to sit back on his haunches. He brushes your hair from your face and rests his hand on your cheek. It makes you flinch and your breath hitch.
"You either find a way to dissappear, or I'll track down that precious little birdy of yours and take his wings for myself."
○ ○ ○
- three weeks prior -
"Let me come with you. Please."
"Kei.." you say softly as you back the rest of your necessities in your bag, finally turning to look at him.
He's on edge, you can tell by his posture. His wings are drawn tight to his back, but his feathers are puffed out. It reminds you of how hair stands on end and goosebumps make them selves known under fear and stress.
"You know I can't.."
"This is too much for one person to handle." His arms are folded across his chest now as he leans against the doorframe of your shared bedroom.
"You don't think I can handle myself?" The words leave your mouth sounding offended, and he instantly deflates.
"That's not what I meant. If you didn't know what you were doing, you wouldn't be working for one of the top agencies in Japan." Keigo steps forward, now in your space, and you can see a faint trace of fear flicker across his face. "I just.. this man is very dangerous, y/n. And if anything happens.."
"Hey. It'll be okay. It'll only be a month and I'll be home before you know it. I won't let anything happen, I promise." Your hand falls against his cheek and he nuzzles into it, both of his hands coming to rest against your own.
"You promise?" he asks quietly, needing one more confirmation that you'll be home and safe in a couple weeks.
"I promise."
○ ○ ○
"Have you made your mind up, sweetheart?" Kimura, the man who has had the utmost pleasure in beating you within an inch of your life, asks. He slams you against the brick wall of the alleyway one more time for good measure, his hand wrapped firmly around your throat.
"Please.." you gasp out, your hands coming to wrap around his wrist, trying to relieve the pressure against your larynx. "P-please promise me you won't hurt him, that you w-wont lay a hand on him.."
He chuckles darkly, tossing you aside onto the cold, dirty floor of the alleyway.
Your vision is blurring, slowly darkening at the edges, but you manage to see him move a few feet away, bending down to pick something up off the ground. You blink sluggishly and suddenly he's in your space once more, holding the object, which you soon realize is your phone, in your face.
"Go ahead, songbird. Give him one last goodbye."
You cringe at the abuse of the nickname that you hold so dear, but weakly reach out and take your phone from his hand, Hawks' number already dialed.
All you had to do was hit send and that would be it.
You close your eyes and rest your head against the brick wall, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. You can feel tears burning as they make themselves known, clinging to your eyelashes and not yet falling to your cheeks. You blame it on the amount of pain you're in, but you know the true reason is because you're absolutely terrified.
You press send.
As it rings you notice Kimura bringing out his own phone, holding it up and aiming it in your direction.
What a sick bastard.
"Baby bird!" Keigo's voice comes cheerfully from the other line. Though it warms and calms your senses, it still makes you sad knowing that he's completely oblivious to what's about to come.
"H-Hey, Kei.." you try your best to keep your voice steady, but the damage from excessive force to your throat is unforgiving and the words leave your mouth sounding raspy and distant.
"Y/n, where are you?" Keigo's voice drops an octave and you can tell his worry has set in, which was exactly what you wanted to avoid.
"I'm okay, just uh," you pause mid-sentence, your throat tightening around the words as tears threaten to spill again, "just got knocked around a lil bit."
Your laugh comes out bitter. You hate the sound of it.
"Y/n. Tell. Me. Where. You. A-"
"Kei, listen. I need you to know how much I.." your voice betrays you and cracks, and you suddenly find that you can't fight the overwhelming fear and sadness coming over you. You weakly bring a hand up to wipe at your battered cheeks, tears continuing to fall and mix with the grime and blood that covers your skin.
You try again to steel yourself, another deep breath falling from your lips shakily, making your lungs rattle. It's becoming harder each second to keep your eyes open and your mind focused, but if you make it through this one phone call, you know you'll be able to rest easy.
"I need you t'know how much I love you. 'N that everything's g'nna be fine. That you'll be okay. And to not c-"
Suddenly a gunshot rings out and your whole world stands still for a split second, before turning completely sideways.
You register warmth blossoming over your abdomen, spreading and soaking your hero uniform. You can hear Keigo frantically yelling from where your phone slipped from your hand and landed on the concrete next to your head. And the last thing you see is Kimura holstering his gun with one hand, tapping away on his phone with the other.
"What a shitty ending for a hero, don't you think?" Kimura grins down at you.
Yeah. What a shitty ending for a hero.
○ ○ ○
The quiet trickle of water finds its way to your ears, and the feeling of something cold and damp against your forehead is a soothing contrast to how hot your body feels.
Opening your eyes feels as though it takes half of whatever strength you have left, and your vision swims. Suddenly hit with a wave a nausea, you lean over and vomit over the edge of the bed you're laying on. Luckily there's a bucket on the floor, and you assume it was placed there for a reason.
That someone placed it there.
In a panic you sit up, your wounds pulling tight and your body protesting. Your vision swims again and it takes you a few moments to ground yourself.
"Ma'am, please don't move too fast. You'll re-open your wounds and you're already in bad shape," a quiet voice projects throughout the room. You look up and notice an older man, probably in his sixties, sitting in a chair next to the bed you're currently occupying.
"Who are you? Where's Kimura?" You grit out, grabbing the edge of the blankets and tossing them off of you. The man in front of you is ready for your attempt at escape and he places steady hands on your shoulders, pushing you back onto the bed.
"Please! My name is Daichi Tanaka, I am a doctor! I found you in an alleyway near Higashiosaka. I would have taken you to a hospital but you begged me not to," the man pleads, his hands persistent on your shoulders.
You glare at him momentarily, before relaxing back onto the bed, still weary of his intentions.
"Kimura? Is that the name of the person who did this to you?" The man - Tanaka - asks hesitantly.
You ignore his question in favor for asking your own, "How long have I been out?"
Tanaka stares at at you, seeming to contemplate answering, but you figure he finally realizes you aren't taking any shit because his answer comes out with a sigh.
"A little over a week. You've been in and out, your fever finally broke this morning."
Over a week. You've been out for over a week and you don't know where you are, where Kimura went, and where Keigo-
It all comes crashing back to you and you lie back, your hands resting over your eyes.
Tanaka seems to have been reading your mind, because he pulls your phone from the nightstand next to you and passes it over.
"I wiped as much blood from it as I could. You have many new notifications and quite a few missed calls. I wasn't able to unlock it to call anyone, but it seems there are many people worried about you." Tanaka stands then, making his way toward the bedroom door.
"I will give you some privacy for now, but expect me to be back in twenty minutes to check up on you."
With that, Tanaka leaves, closing the door behind him with a soft click.
You stare down at your phone, the screen cracked and a few specs of blood and dirt tucked into its crevices. You type your pin in and pull your notifications up, Keigo's name amongst others filling the screen.
You don't realize you're crying until a small hiccup forces its way from your mouth, your cheeks wet with tears.
You notice a voice-mail from him, and though you know it's only going to make you more upset, you force yourself to open it to make sure he's okay.
His voice floods the room and it immediately breaks your heart at how wrecked he sounds. You can tell he's been crying by how gravelly his voice sounds as the message plays out.
"You know," Keigo laughs bitterly over the phone, "I punched Ryosetsu in the face for letting you go on this mission alone. Gave 'im a real nice shiner on your behalf."
The message goes quiet and you can hear what sounds like a glass bottle being opened in the background, Keigo's quiet sniffles also making themselves known.
"Fuck, y/n. They didnt even.. they didnt even find your body. What the fuck am I supposed to do with that, huh?
"They wouldn't even let me anywhere near the scene, I had to sit back at the office while they kept me informed. He said there was uh.." you assume Keigo pauses to take a swig of whatever he's drinking based off the tink of the glass bottle, "heh, he said there's a low chance you're even alive because there was so much blood. Fuck."
You grimace at how blunt he is with the statement and how distant his voice sounds. You can only hope that he hasn't been drinking as often as your thoughts are telling you.
"Please come back to me," he whimpers over the message, and a new wave of tears fall down your cheeks. "Please.. I can't do this without you."
○ ○ ○
A few days pass.
Tanaka refuses to take any of your shit.
He most definitely refuses to let you leave until you had one more solid meal in you, and one more day of rest.
You're still a little weak, bruises and abrasions littering your skin ( not to mention the nasty bullet wound Tanaka managed to sew up for you ) but you finally have enough strength to stand and walk on your own.
He pleads with you to stay one more day, just to ensure you're strong enough to be by yourself, but you shake your head and bow before him.
"Thank you, Mr. Tanaka, but I have to keep moving. It might be unsafe for you if I stay."
So instead he writes down his phone number on a crumpled piece of paper and hands it to you, patting your hand briefly.
"You're a strong one, just be sure to take care of yourself." He smiles kindly at you, and you nod before taking your leave.
○ ○ ○
Days go by as you hop around from town to town, only stopping for food and rest.
It's been a little over two weeks since you made the decision to distance yourself to ensure the safety of your friends and Keigo, and nearly two months since you were assigned the mission. While you knew faking your death was the only way to keep people from asking too many questions about why you suddenly disappeared, you weren't expecting to actually get shot and almost die.
You keep up with the recent events as best as you can, continuously watching news coverage and especially keeping tabs on Keigo's agency.
Your breath catches in your throat one day while you're moving through a rural seaside town, large red wings and a familiar hero uniform immediately catching your attention.
A flood of emotions run through you and it takes everything in you to not run up to him and hold him. But the fear of Kimura's prying eyes hold you back, and you steadily remind yourself that you're doing this to protect him.
You keep your distance and watch his every move. He's staring down at his phone for a while and after a few moments it rings. He brings it to his ear and though you can't hear what he's saying, it must be something important.
Because soon enough his wings are spread out and he's taking flight into the afternoon sky.
○ ○ ○
'Pro-Hero Hawks makes appearance in. Tanabe - finds lead on hero killer'
'Hanamatsu hero case still under investigation'
'Top Hero Agency in Japan pursuing hero killer - Kimura'
The news headlines on your phone cause your blood to run cold. How foolish of you to think Keigo would let this go so easily.
To think he wouldn't trace every piece of evidence and go to the ends of the earth to take down someone who hurt you.
○ ○ ○
You keep tabs on him as best you can. It begins to feel like you're stalking him, in a weird way, but you'll be damned if you did all of this just to put his safety on the line.
Keigo stays in Tanabe for the time being, the week passing by in a blur as you track his movements.
You figure Kimura went into hiding since his criminal activity fell flat after your encounter with him, but Keigo is as persistent as he's ever been, nitpicking every lead that comes his way.
A few days later word gets out that Kimura has been spotted in the village of Hidakagawa, just thirty minutes northwest of Tanabe.
You only hope you can get there before Keigo does.
○ ○ ○
Hidakagawa is exactly what you pictured, a perfect little town for a low-life criminal to live under the radar.
Its quiet and rural, its occupants living their lives happily tucked away from the bustling life of the city.
A few squad cars rush past you as you look at the map you have pulled up on your phone. It seems a little out of character for such a small town, so you push yourself forward and follow them.
○ ○ ○
When you finally catch up to the squad cars, the scene before you makes your hair stand on end.
Keigo has Kimura pinned to the ground, battered and bruised, his fist closed around a one of his feathers that he's currently wielding as a blade. A few dozen officers surround the scene, guns drawn and on edge.
Kimura smirks up at him and whatever he says is out of earshot, but its enough to piss Keigo off and send him into a frenzy.
"Kei, stop!" You find yourself yelling shakily. You finally manage to push through the barricade of officers and it's then that Keigo makes eye contact with you, his closed fist halted in the air.
Kimura takes the split second of distraction to knock the blade from Keigo's hand, flipping their position so the winged hero is pinned to the floor of the temple. He pulls out his gun and cocks it, pressing it to Keigo's forehead.
All the while Keigo keeps his eyes on you.
"I thought I told you to stay away, little one," Kimura grits out, wiping a trail of blood from his mouth, "Now it looks like your little hawk is about to lose his wings, all because someone can't listen."
You move on impulse when Kimura turns his attention back to Keigo, and you grab the handgun from the officer closest to you.
You waste no time in firing a bullet, hitting Kimura right in the temple. But as it strikes he squeezes the trigger of his own gun on impulse, which is still trained on Keigo, a second round going off.
- to be continued -
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tbh i was super nervous to post this bc im so new to the fandom but here we go!!
also i just made up random characters bc im not quite caught up with the manga, and also picked random spots in japan that i know absolutely nothing about
rip to my writing skills lmfao
♡ ky
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hnnyoongs · 3 years
adults accidentally fueled deku's hero complex
bnha spoilers up to 319 but I do make some nudges toward 320
I'm going to be really controversial here and say that none of the adults around deku helped this mindset one bit yes they cared but they never saw.
I'm not slandering anyone here because I love everyone in bnha except afo I just think the mentors deku had did not understand Deku's mentality correctly which btw isn't their fault
aizawa's first lesson to deku is crucial cuz he essentially says if u get hurt you'll be a liability. deku is not letting anyone be around him because they'll be a liability tho it's more fueled by fear instead of logic as much as I love Aizawa and I know he didnt mean for deku to take his word in that way, for deku it means no one should help me, if I get help that means less people are saved and that means im a liability. if im not mangled & broken I don't need any help.
enji who's my favorite mentor of them all because he's the one that respected Deku's thought process the most did not help either while yes he was right that heroes should be able to do everything by themselves, deku once again did not understand it correctly. he did not see it as, I need to be able to do everything so when there's no one to help me I can do my job. he took it as I won't need help if I can just do it by myself. I can manage fine alone so why have extra?
there was also a tweet I saw that really stood out to me and if it ends up becoming true im going to be very scared here's the screenshot:
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this scares me because Deku's hero complex is an overdrive even though all might did enable deku there were times were he did put the line down and this is one of them where he told izuku he couldn't save everyone showcasing that all might's hero complex is not completely controlling him, he does not believe he can save everyone
it would not be out of character for deku to IGNORE something he did not like just like he ignored his mother all those years ago all of Deku's mentors taught him very good things but I can see deku ignoring a part that doesn't fit his way of thinking and it scares me because im not sure who can save deku anymore I'd love it to be katsuki or ochako or tenya but idk who Deku's gonna listen to because his hero complex has taken him over especially after what happened to nagant
im not blaming the mentors because they were teaching to the best of their degree and im not blaming deku for his hero complex because while it's not an official mental illness it's psychologically damaging to the person with it
anyways to end off this long word vomit post I'd like to say if u disagree with me just ignore this because it'll be better for the both us I promise anyways someone please save deku from himself
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aetherarf · 3 years
Tw!! Post R*pe — May I request a Diluc x reader where the reader is really close to him and visits and takes care of him while he’s in the cathedral? It broke my heart to imagine Diluc feelings very alone there and I had wished for at least someone to support him during his darkest time. I read your FAQ but im not sure if this is cutting to close to what you don’t write. I deeply apologize if it is and you are free to ignore this request.
Oh, this is perfectly fine... I've written a J.ean.luc and a Ros.aluc with basically the same concept. Don't worry, I've written things that would haunt your nightmares :D
[[ Summary: Diluc is alone, aching, and exhausted. Despite his efforts to let his pain be forgotten by the world, you managed to find out and visit him, and reassure him that he doesn't need everyone to 'forget'.
Word Count: 1'139 ]]
He felt cold, empty, and alone.
There seemed to be an eternal chilling breeze going through the cathedral, even in his closed-off room. He felt horrible-- was he even empty, or full of what should not be inside him?
Shifting weakly, Diluc grabbed his pillow out from under his head, squeezing his legs together tightly- something he dreaded that he couldn't do before, and he pressed the pillow to his face...
And he began to sob, softly weeping into the pillow. At first, it was little more than whines, mutterings of a broken man who just felt so...
Eventually, it grew louder and louder, until he was nearly screaming his sobs of pain into his pillow, so violent that he was nearly gagging-- he wanted to gag, to vomit, to get this poison, this filth that still resided deep in his stomach, moving one hand to his stomach, sinking blunt nails into his stomach--
If he had claws, or his nails were even marginally thicker, stronger, longer, then he would sink them into his stomach, it having gone flat, baring his sensitive abdomen, he would sink his nails deeper and deeper, past the muscle, ignoring the pain and blood, just to rip out his own stomach--
For that is where the filth must be most accumulated.
He had gotten thin before everything, and thinner still after. His ribs poked out, and he found himself scratching at them-- they still ache, his chest still burning from the former abuse that long since had physically healed-- he wanted to rip his ribcage apart, just so all that was left was the pure parts of his body- Untainted. Wholesome.
This had been his life everyday since he first came, bar only the first day, of which he had not been conscious enough to sob. He wondered-- could he hit himself hard enough to not be awake, to endure this agony?
Half throwing the pillow off the bed, it barely even got halfway off, slowly and miserably tipping off, flopping onto the ground, and with his hand that once scratched at his stomach--
He his his palm against his forehead once, hard enough to leave a bit of redness, but he was awake. He tried again, and again, and again, until it hurt and ached and burn, sending a shock of pain everytime...
But he just- he wasn't strong enough to knock himself out, and choking back his sobs, he tried one last time--
But it never came. He thought, for a second, he blacked out, and there was a second of bliss, but then he was able to feel the ache of his body, of what had not healed and what would never heal, of existing in a body he did not want... Why was he awake?
The feeling of a hand on his wrist, and his eyes slowly widened, looking at the hand that held his back... slowly, he set his hand down, and said hand retreated, he following it to see, what he assumed, would be one of the sisters...
But, much to his horror, it wasn't.
It was you.
He could only stare, and slowly, he went slack, his head resting on the bed, entire body limp... but he was, regrettably, still clearly awake. He breathed in slowly, then sighed weakly, staring forward, at nothing in particular.
What was there to say? He did not want anyone to know, but if you knew... Then it didn't matter what he did. The world knew. They knew of what happened to him, and from what the sisters said, telling him that he was lying...?
He might as well just go funnel as much mora from the Winery as he could within a day, and leave forever. There was nothing to come back to, when the worst-- one of the worst pains in his life would taunt him eternally...
That couldn't of happened to a strong man like you... you can tell us the truth.
But that is the truth...
No, it's not. Men can't suffer that way, only women can... If you can't tell us the truth, then-
Only that one, odd sister, was able to stop her from talking... But it was enough. He knew no one would believe him, finding a twisted sort of facsimile of peace with it. He had no other option but to find peace with agony.
Much shakier than before, he lifted his hand again, with every intention to try and hit himself, but instead your hand grabbed his... and with all the strength he could muster, he tried to hold onto yours, just to not make it feel limp and clammy and pathetic... But failed.
"Diluc," you said, softly, "Please stop... please don't hurt yourself."
He whined, the sound of a broken, dying beast rather than a once-dignified man.
You let go of his hand, just long enough to grab the pillow on the floor, taking great care to lift his head and tuck the pillow underneath, and he sighed... and hummed softly. His best attempt at thanking you.
You rested your hand on his shoulder... he couldn't really move much at all. But... he realized, he did truly enjoy the feeling. He missed being touched, in a way that was gentle and wholesome, but any sister that offered it just... couldn't fulfil that need, his fear overcoming him...
He missed skin... skin without fear.
Slowly, he moved his hand, hearing you inhale sharply--He couldn't move his jaw well, but he just moved slowly, suddenly feeling incredibly guilty for trying to knock himself out... he wouldn't have done it if he knew you saw.
Finally, he put his hand atop yours, resting there silently, and he exhaled... relieved.
For a second, there was nothing, but as he felt the bed shift, he knew you were moving, and with all the strength he could muster, he held tightly onto your hand...
"Shh," you hushed, softly, "It's okay."
The bed sunk lightly, and he had to strain a bit to not flop onto his back- a position that would hurt violently. Slowly, the shifting stopped, and he felt your body against his own, your chest to his back, legs behind his, and you took your hand from his, and wrapped it around him the best you could...
He sighed, softly..
Would you believe him, when he told you?
For now, he'd let himself think you would. There was no anger or disgust or accusations here... which... it gave him a little bit of hope, and the pain morphed to exhaustion, and the world went dark...
A gentle darkness with warmth, warning him by tickling the edges of his vision, before slowly sinking in.
You'll be here when I wake, he thought, unsure if it was the truth...
But, somehow, he knew. He just knew.
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pandoraborn · 3 years
im so sorry for the vagueness of this, but please. any kind of ghostbur+sbi angst. please.
Characters: Ghostbur, c!Tommy, c!Techno, c!Phil Word count: 1497 words Content: canon divergence, techno’s execution, post exile, Tommy is sick, Techno is injured, gore, blood, whump, angst, hurt/comfort, mention of death, SBI, sleepybois inc,
He sees the anvil drop.
He sees Techno crumble, falling to his knees before springing back up. Ghostbur can only stare, as if hypnotized by the gory scene before him, because Techno is very much a skeleton, slowly being stitched back together by some unseen force. Logically, he knows it’s the totem of undying working its magic, but emotionally, Ghostbur knows he’s never going to purge this memory from his brain.
He holds Friend closer to himself as he watches Techno jump away and disappear in the following madness. If he had a heart, it’d be pounding rapidly. If he had lungs, he’d be wheezing and gasping in fear. The ability to cry is also nonexistent, leaving the ghost unable to do anything but stare at the empty cage. Ghostbur stares for a long time.
When he looks up at Phil, trying to find some explanation for what happened, he finds that Phil’s house is empty. Phil must’ve snuck out in the chaos, when Tubbo and the rest of the ‘butcher army’ hadn’t been watching.
Now he’s alone. There’s no one else around, no distant voices to help him come back to reality. Reality is watching a long time friend turn into a skeleton and magically stitch himself back together, before running for his life. Reality is his father being put under house arrest simply for protecting Techno.
Reality is Friend bumping into him, startling him out of his swirling thoughts. Ghostbur puts a smile on his face, taking the lead and tugging Friend inside Phil’s house. The sheep will be safe here for the moment, while Ghostbur thinks of someone to turn to. He needs comfort from someone who can actually speak to him.
Tommy comes to mind.
Part of Ghostbur wonders if he should even talk to Tommy, because he hadn’t seem Tommy since before his party. Would Tommy be angry with him for not showing up? Maybe it’s a risk worth taking, because it’s Tommy, and they love each other. A dim memory surfaces; he remembers Phil mentioning the other day that he’d been in contact with Tommy, and Tommy’s now safe from any sort of harm. Ghostbur wonders if that means Tommy’s at the cabin, so he heads in that direction.
It doesn’t take long for Ghostbur to reach the cabin. He hopes the others are already here and in one piece, but Ghostbur can’t get the image of the execution out of his head. If he had the ability to feel sick, he’d probably be vomiting in the snow.
Techno’s clearly home, because Ghostbur can see the trail of blood leading toward the cabin. Carl, his horse, is also just outside, unharmed.
Before Ghostbur can enter, he hears raised voices. He pauses at the door, leaning closer to hear more clearly, but nothing he’s hearing sounds great.
“Techno, hold still, you’re bleeding everywhere! You’ll also wake Tommy.”
“I’m sorry, I had to rip my arm out of an entire bar, right after being executed! I’m not exactly going to remember my manners for the stupid kid beneath us. He can always sleep later!”
“If you don’t shut up and hold still, I will splash you with a weakness pot and smack you over the head so I can heal you properly. Your bones need to set and you need stitches.”
Ghostbur’s heard enough. He barges in, trying to plaster a smile on his face, but it feels off when he sees the wound on Techno’s arm. It’s not just a deep gash, but a giant hole where muscle and skin should be. There are tears in the pig’s eyes, there’s an expression of anger in Phil’s eyes that render him almost inhuman. If Ghostbur were to actually let himself think about it, he’d admit he was terrified of them both right now.
“Ghostbur,” Phil says curtly. “Go downstairs and check on Tommy.”
“Your arm-”
“I’ll explain it to you later Ghostbur,” Techno grumbles. “Do what Phil says and don’t ask questions.”
“I was there! I saw what happened! Phil, I left Friend in your house.”
“Ghostbur, go downstairs and sit with Tommy. He needs someone more than Techno does.” Phil’s voice has an air of finality to it; Ghostbur doesn’t want to argue with him. Shoulders slumping in disappointment, he disappears down the ladder to check on Tommy.
 Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen the boy since before his beach party. Would Tommy be mad at him for not showing up? Why is Tommy even here, isn’t he supposed to be on holiday? Everything is far too confusing anymore, but even those thoughts are pushed out of his mind when he sees the teen sitting in a bed.
Tommy is far too thin and sickly looking. His skin is too pale, almost colorless, with dirty, greasy hair falling into sunken eyes. Each breath he takes is a painful wheeze, his fingers tremble too much to grip the bowl of food he’s trying to eat.
Tommy’s gaze flicks up briefly when he sees Ghostbur, glancing back down a second later. “Hello.” Even the boy’s voice is rough.
First he watches Techno die, now he has to see his brother sick and malnourished? What kind of holiday had he been on?
“Tommy?” He moves closer, just as afraid of the teen as he was of Techno. Ghostbur already wants to forget today’s events and go back to being ignorant. He’s happier when he doesn’t have to think about anything.
“Surprise, we’re all alive.” Tommy’s tone is unbelievably dark, as if he doesn’t believe it himself. “One minute I’m contemplating everything that went wrong, and the next, Philza’s carrying me here like I suddenly matter. I go to sleep, and wake up to Techno missing half an arm. Dunno what happened there, neither of them will tell me.”
“I watched Techno die,” Ghostbur blurts. He probably shouldn’t have phrased it like that, but the words are out. “He had a totem though, so he survived. It’s a good thing, I think.”
“Ah.” Tommy sets the bowl of food aside, lying back down. Rather than looking colorless now, he’s turning a shade of green. “That’s information I didn’t need while trying to eat.”
“I’m sorry Tommy.”
“Are you okay?” Tommy asks. “Forget about me, I’m in great shape. You, on the other hand, look pretty shaken up.”
“Ah, yeah.” Ghostbur looks away. “Tommy, I forget a lot and I’m not the best, but what happened to Techno isn’t fading. I’m not sure how to process it.”
“You need a hug or something?” Tommy stretches one arm out toward Ghostbur. “Because you look like you could use one.”
“Are you sure you’re not using that as an excuse to get a hug for yourself?” Ghostbur can’t resist the tease. Nor can he resist the offer, letting himself move closer until he’s in Tommy’s arms.
“Fuck you, I don’t need a hug from anyone.” Tommy’s voice is muffled. “I’m independent and can do anything I want to on my own.”
“You keep telling yourself that,” Phil’s voice interrupts. “Even on your deathbed, you’re going to give us all a headache.”
Ghostbur’s eyes nearly bug out. “Deathbed?” His gaze whips back toward Tommy to make sure Tommy isn’t actually dying. “Does he need a tot-”
“Ghostbur, relax. Tommy isn’t dying, and I assume you’re here to talk about Techno. He’s not dying either. Everyone here will be fine.” Phil rolls his eyes. “All three of you are the most dramatic shits I have the misfortune of knowing.”
“Fuck you Phil,” Tommy groans. “I can still fight you.”
“If you can get up without fainting, I’d love to take you on,” Phil laughs.
“Is... Techno’s really okay though, right?” Ghostbur asks. “Because-”
“Ghostbur.” Phil sombers up to give the ghost his full attention. “I’m sorry you had to see that earlier. I know it’s not easy, and judging by your reaction, your brain isn’t letting you forget it so easily. Techno’s strong, Tommy’s strong. We’re all going to make it out of this in one piece, alright?”
Ghostbur looks down. “Three of you will. I’m afraid it’s a little late for me, dad.”
No one has a come back to that. Whatever fragile bonds still connect this broken family are still fraying. Ghostbur may be there, they may be able to see and hear and touch him, laugh with him even. At the end of the day though, it’s a harsh reminder that he is not Wilbur, that the Wilbur they’d all loved is still dead, and not even his ghost can replace him.
“Hey Ghostbur?” Tommy tugs on his sleeve. “Will you stay with me for awhile?”
“Yeah.” Ghostbur lies back down, wrapping his arms around the teen. Everything about the boy is too bony, nothing about his appearance is okay. He wonders if Tommy actually is dying.
Nothing more needs to be said though. Broken family or no, at least all four of them are together.
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Traumas and Confessions (tealer x frill) @waluigis-massive-fucking-tits @that-gay-crow
(Ok so i was originally gonna make this wholesome, but decided to make some angst at the beginning. Also im not a good writer so sorry if cringe. Also this si my first time writing angst)
It was a month after the "incident". An incident that changed everything.
A murder.
Tealerland closed, its doors probably never opening again. Left to rot. Forgotten.
And tealer could not help but feel disgusted at himself. He fully believed it was his fault.
He alongside the others, willow, frill and tacey, were moved underground so they would not suffer from vandalism.
But in reality they were put in there becuase of them. Not safety for them, but safety from them.
The corpse of the victim was found inside him. Or more like pulled from him. If tealer could vomit, he would have. He still remembers most of it...
Tealer opens his eyes, or well, activates them. He was under maintinence, and was getting checked up by one of the workers. Keyword was.
"Hm? Whats this?" He said to himself. He felt heavy. He also noticed something that caught him off guard.
The worker was nowhere to be seen, instead, he saw frill looking at him with something he never saw frill have.
Fear. Fear and disgust.
He then heard his voice. "Tealer, please." Frill said with Dont. Look. Down." Frill said with emphasis on every word. Tealer got scared, because he has had experiance with an angry frill, and seeing him like this scared him.
But tealer ignored him, and looked down.
Now he knew why he felt so heavy. He saw a very human looking arm sticking out of his stomach. He also noticed the blood on his fur.
Did he......?
Tealer started shaking, and felt like he was choking. He never felt this way what is happening?
"Tealer?" He could hear frill's voice. "Tealer!? TEALER!?" Frill screamed his voice multiples times. Each time he sounded further away. He then heard the sound of a door opening.
"TEALER!!!!" "EEEEK" Tealer practically jumps and screeches. He then noticed where he was. 3 animatronicas were there with him. A wyvern, a smaller dragon holding a doll, and a mime treceratops.
Willow, tacey, and mischievous were looking at him worried.
"Tealer are you ok? You looked like you were spacing out." His younger brother, mischievous looked at him with worry.
"Huh? Oh im fine buddy!" Tealer tried acting happy to try to not worry them. "I feel better as ever! I was just thinking about good jokes to tell that is all!" Tealer said with a grin. The other 3 did not buy this at all.
"If you were thinking about jokes, you would have not screamed like that when i called you the 7th time." Willow said with a serious look on her face, which was rare. Tacey also looked serious.
"Are you really ok tealer? Be honest please." Tacey tried being as polite as she could. She alongside mischievous, did not want to see their elder brother hurt.
Tealer felt terrible, because he knew he was worrying them. But he did not want to worry them further. "Im serious! I really do fee-" he was interrupted when he felt a hand grab his shoulder. He looked behind him and saw frill looking at him with a face that meant business. Did he anger him again?
Frill looked at the other 3 "i need to speak with tealer in orivate. I hope you dont need him?" He says looking at willow.
"No, but please be careful with him, he just spaced out." Willow said. Tealer gave her a "what are you doing!?" Look, while frill glared at him.
"Come. Now." Frill says walking away. Tealer follows suit horrified.
"Did you have to tell frill that? He looked even more mad now." Mischievous asks willow. Willow looks at him.
"I know what im doing. Trust me."
Frill and tealer are currently in a supply closet. It was an udnerstatment to say the frill was angry.
Tealer was scared, because he knew what frill was going to say.
"S-so, W-what did you n-need?" Tealer was shaking.
"How many times did i tell you? How. Many. Tealer." Frill said with his arms crossed. "If you dont feel ok, come to me." Frill looked at tealer with a more calmer look.
"R-right. Sorry." He really did forget. But he did not want to worry frill.
"So, what happened?" Frill asked.
"I was thinking... about it." Tealer responded looking down at the floor.
"The... corpse?" Frill said with caution. Tealer nods. But then he says something that pisses frill off.
"My muerder victim..." tealer says looking down. He then hears loud footsteps and ths souns of armor. Frill was infront of him looking at him wirh anger.
"What did you say?"
Tealer shakes his head "i-im sorry i did not-" tealer winces as frill slams a hand in the wall beside him.
"Why are you apologizing!? ITS NOT YOUR FAULT!" Frill screamed. And tealer out of nowhere, felt angered.
He looks at frill angrily. "It IS my fault." Tealer says with a glare. "I dont even know why you even care for a murderer like me..."
"Stop that..." frill threatens tealer. "Dont say that. You know its no-"
"NO!" tealer pushes frill, knocking him to the ground. "I AM A MURDERER FRILL! A MURDERER! WHY YOU EVEN STILL CONSIDER ME A FRIEND IS WEIRD!" Tealer pants cause of his outburst. He then realized what he did.
Frill started standing up and tealer prepared for the worst. But what happened next will always be remembered by tealer.
Frill looked at him, and proceeded to hug him. Tealer was frozen in schock, he did not expect this. Before he could protest, frill spoke.
"Listen to me. Please." Frill said in a calming voice, something he never saw frill do towards him. Tealer could feel calmer in his embrace. "You are not the murderer. You were framed." Frill pulls out from the hug and teal saw that frill no longer had a angry look, but a sad one. Tealer took time to process what he said. This whole situation has tealer confused.
"By who?" Tealer asks, his anger gone.
Frill sighed, and the words he proceeds to say surprsie tealer.
"David artel." Frill said as if it was taboo. "He, was the one that killed him and... pushed the corpse inside you..." frill said with clear disgust.
"I-i-" tealer could not speak properly. He knew frill is not lying, frill would never lie about these things. But instead of feeling happy that he was not the murderer, he felt another way.
Betrayed. David, his creator, framed him for a murder.
"It hurts." Tealer said looking down. "I thought he cared about us. And this is what he does?" Tealer was not even mad, just dissapointed. But at the very least, tealer could be at some peace since he did not kill someone.
But something other than the incident has been bothering tealer.
Tealer noticed that since the incident frill has been the one helping him. Yes the others did help him too, but frill has been since day one taking care of tealer. He was also the one that was there with him in the incident. Its not that he does not appreciate his help. He just never understood why.
Frill has been known to not be the nicest lizard. He is always serious or very strict. But when he is around tealer, he is very kind or calm with him.
In fact, he was the one helping tealer during panic attacks, as the others did not know what to do.
And so he took the chance that they were in private.
"Thank you frill. I really am grateful you told me this. But i still dont understand something." Tealer said looking at frill in the eyes. Frill raises an eyebrow.
"Why do you care so much about me?" At this question frill narrows his eyes. "O-oh i m sorry if that was out of line!" Tealer quickly apologized, and his fear returned.
"Its fine. In fact, im glad you asked." Frill said smiling a bit. "That was the reason why i was looking for you in the first place."
Frill looked at tealer in the eyes. "When we first performed together, i for some odd reason had my eyes on you. Seeing you happy, playing around with the children, laughing." Frill smiles as he remembers those moments. "Honestly, i thought you were to cute for your own good." Frill chuckles a bit. Tealer blushes like crazy, but he did not say anything so he did not interrupt frill.
"You really are an amazing dragon tealer. You always made the others smile, even me. Everyone here loves you." Frill then sighs. "So when i found you in that room, with the body inside you, i panicked. Not only did something horrific happen, you were hurt and blamed for something you did not do." Frill then scoffs. "Its an understatment to say i was angry when i found out it was david. I almost killed the bastard." So thats why david has not returned. Frill got him tealer thought. "I then noticed how this changed you. You were not always as happy as before, and dont pretend i have not heard you crying alone." Tealer lowers his head cause it was true. He did cry in secret.
"To be honest, i did not understand either why i cared so much about you. But yesterday i realized why." Frill approached tealer.
"Tealer. I love you."
Tealer, surprised beyond imagination, simply stood there looking at frill.
"Everytime you laughed or smiled, something inside me told me i must protect you. And soon i began seeing you in a different way. I wish to cherish you and your smile. I want to be the one to make you smile. And i want to be the one to help you in your darkests times." Frill then proceeds to kneel.
"Tealer, willl you let me be the lizard to make you happy?" Frill said looking at tealer.
Tealer begins to cry. "Frill i-" he does not how to respond, so he too kneels and proceeds to hug him. He then proceeds to sob. "Frill, *sniff*thank you. Thank you so much." Tealer, with teary eyes looks at frill with a smile.
"Let me be too the one to make you happy." Tealer says as a response to frill's earlier question.
Frill smiles like an excited child as his eyes to start to tear up. " Is this a yes!?" Frill says as his long tail begins to wag in excitement.
Tealer laughs at the sight. "*sniff* yes you dork!"
Frill then kisses tealer.
He widens his eyes and gives tealer an apologetic look. "Im sorry i just-" tealer kisses him back.
As they break the kiss tealer giggles. "Its fine. I liked it." They both stand up. Frill's tail was still wagging in happiness. "Look at you all happy. And then you say im the cute one!" Tealer give frill a playful jab. Frill laughs.
"Well sorry to break it to you jester, but you are the cuter one!" Frill says as he procedss to give a head pat to tealer. He then notices how tealer begins to wag his tail aswell. "Aha! You just proved my point!"
Tealer simply snuggles with frill. But they heard squeals from outside the door
"Mischievous, tacey! They are gonna find out!" Willow whispers.
"Sorry!" Tacey and mischievous apologize quietly.
Tealer and frill look at each other, and proceed to exit the room. They then saw tacey, mischievous and willow in the hallway. They both knew why they were there.
Frill sighs. "Let me guess, willow decided to spy on us and and ypu two joined." Frill said looking at the clown and mime. They both nod scared.
"Aww c'mon frilley, they were gonna find out soon enough!" Tealer said, making frill blush at the nickname. Then tealer looks at the other 3.
"Now then, may we know how long you were here?" Taler said crossing his arms and tapping his legs on the ground like a mad parent jokingly.
"We arrived when frill started his confession. And i have to say frill, you should become a romance writer!" Willow said giggling. Frill blushes even more with a now grumpy face.
"Oh you are buring at the stake today witch!" Frill with sword in hand, was about to charge at her when he felt someone grab his tail.
Tealer, gripping frill's tail, pulled him back. "If you attack her, no cuddle later." Tealer said in a fake angry tone. Frill gasps dramatically and then looks at willow.
"You are safe this time. But know that this is not the end." Frill sheaths his sword.
After that silence.
"So, want to play go fish? I found some cards earlier in one of the offices." Mischievous says trying to break the silence.
They all agree and proceed to go back to one of the offices. They noticed tealer and frill holding hands, and tried all they could not to squeal so they dont anger frill.
(Quick note: t lure and deterrent are not activated yet.)
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sicjimin · 3 years
A.N : been sitting in my draft for long and inspired by PTD's behind :) i am sorry .. for the lame ending as always i really dont know how to end a story properlynsbdsjns and im sorry if this does not make sense TT yeah, i hope u like it !
TW : emeto
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Jimin's heart filled with sadness as he continues to massage his boyfriend's nape, that is now too busy burying his head deep in the plastic bag as his stomach keep twisting and turning, won't stop bringing a copious amount of food he just disgests.
"You were doing fine hyung, let it all out", Jimin mutters, his free hand reaching to tucked Yoongi's silver hair that now has grown long.
Yoongi coughs, groaning as he spits thick saliva that dangling after he lets out a mouthful of brown vomit down.
" I'm sorry, Minie", Yoongi croaked out in between his effort panting for air when he finally lifts his head up. Grimacing when he sees the bag that is already half-filled with his stomach content.
Jimin frowns, reaching for tissues to dap Yoongi's wet lips and nose. The older mutters a small thank you before he leaned himself back. He's exhausted.
'What are you sorry for?"
"It was gross", Yoongi mumbled with his eyes closed. He huffs when he could feel his stomach already turned again. It seems like he will have a second round.
" Do you want water hyung? Your throat must be sore", Jimin asks, completely ignoring the nonsense apology from his boyfriend.
Yoongi hummed, taking the bottle shakily and gulp down some of it. He sighs in relief when the cool liquid hitting his burning throat. He drinks half of it before pushing it back to the younger and leaned back on his seat again.
"How are you feeling?"
Yoongi opened his eyes, shifting his position so he could lean on Jimin's shoulder then he let his eyes flutter close. Maybe with that he won't be too aware of the car movement.
"Like shit", he mumbled. " I don't understand why i get sick. I already took my dramamine", he adds.
The younger chuckled, ruffling his boyfriend's hair lovingly, he leans his head closer to Yoongi's to peck at his lips.
"Do you think we can pull over on the next stop?", Yoongi asks. His voice sounds hoarse, but still soft enough so that Jimin can hear him clearly.
Jimin frowned, " Why? Do you need something?"
Yoongi shakes his head lightly, "Think i'm going to be sick again. I still feel so nauseous Jimin-ah", he exhales shakily. " And this bag already filled"
Yoongi pressed his fist on his lips. " I don't want to puke or make another mess", he added, eyes squeezed tightly shut, his whole body shakes from side to side, hands clenching the handle of the plastic bag tightly to avoid making any sudden movements that could jostle his stomach more.
Jimin's eyes widen. His hand quickly rummaging through his bag, the dashboard and everything to find something. "Is it urgent hyung?", he asks while he still hastily rummaging every place, hoping that he would magically found a plastic bag hidden somewhere in that car.
A wet gag answered Jimin's question. " Mhm", Yoongi whimper. "I think i could hold it", he voices out. His voice was a little bit muffled as his mouth was tightly clamped. He was trying his best not to puke all over the car, his face feels sweaty because of his sweat, and he's pretty sure if he open's his mouth, it'll be full of vomit.
But curses the driver, that suddenly swaying lane as apparently, the car in front of them were doing the same. The sudden movement set Yoongi off, as he let out a new wet gag, making his body bent over.
He squeezes his eyes shut, tightens his grip on his cheeks. His breath becomes heavy with an effort to hold more of his food down.
" Minie ..", Yoongi whimpers. " Help.. I..."
Jimin curses under his breath, "I know hyung .. wait-", he stammered. He almost screams in joy when he found a crumpled plastic bag in his bag. He quickly opened it and shoves it under Yoongi's clamped mouth, taking the already soiled bag from Yoongi in his hand and tied it.
His boyfriend let out a quiet moan against the plastic bag.
It didn't take long before Jimin heard the sound of liquid rushing to fill the bag, followed by the older coughs and groans. Jimin closes his eyes. He hates seeing Yoongi being this sick.
He wrapped his arm around Yoongi's arched figure. His heart clenched when he feels the latter back jerked against his arm as he heaves more to the bag.
" Gosh, you were so sick hyung", Jimin whispers, caressing Yoongi's back softly while he holds him.
Yoongi didn't manage to muster anything as his stomach seems eager to empty everything out. Liquid after liquid keeps finding its way to back up from Yoongi's stomach, leaving him no room except for a quick gasp for air in between heaves.
His hand grips Jimin's forearm, the other gripping the plastic bag tightly.
" I'm sorry", Yoongi said quietly once his heaving is finally halted. " I didn't mean to"
" Hyung please don't apologize," Jimin interrupts Yoongi quickly with a soft smile. " You did nothing wrong."
Yoongi nods weakly, his eyes closing as he tries to calm his breathing.
" Are you okay now?", Jimin asked, his voice laced with concern.
Yoongi nodded, " Yeah, I'm good now. I feel like i'm already empty enough"
Jimin 's hand moved from where it was placed gently on Yoongi's back, and he held Yoongi's chin between his thumb and index finger and looked into the other's eyes. They were glazed and tired. Not to mention Yoongi was sweating profusely as well.
"Do you want to sleep hyung? We still have few minutes before we arrived", Jimin suggested, trying to look serious even though his expression was one of worry.
Yoongi nods tiredly, leaning his body to his initial position again, that is on Jimin's shoulder. " 'Mkay", he slurs. Exhaustion starts creeping on his body, making his eyes flutter close.
"You need to eat first when we arrived, okay? The make-up noona won't mind a couple of mins of delay. I won't let you shoot with an empty stomach"
Yoongi only gives out a slight hum in response as he slowly falls into a light slumber.
"Hyung.. wake up, we're here", Jimin soft voices sipping into Yoongi's sleepy mind. Waking him up from his quick nap. He scrunches his face. He feels groggy, dissociated, and worse. He thought his nausea was just because of motion sickness but apparently, it's still latching on him. But he shakes it off as an after effect from a round of vomiting and car movement.
" Hyung, are you sure you just have motion sickness? You look pale", Jimin chimed in as he slides his hand on Yoongi's arm. Steadying the older that look so out of it.
Maybe he still tries to wake up. Jimin thought.
"Am i?", Yoongi asks. Ruffling his hair that's messy because of the wind as they walk to the tent. He could see the other members already scattering around the snack table and some of it already got touched with makeup.
Jimin only nods. "Yeah, you're really pale, hyung. Just come inside and lie down. We will check on you later okay?"
Yoongi shakes his head, "No, I'm fine baby. Maybe my body still trying to adapt. I don't know. Dont worry too much", he bites a small smile, quite a weak one, "Let's get this shoot over and quickly go home, okay?"
Jimin frowned, " But hyung-"
" I promise i am fine, okay", Yoongi says.
Jimin was about to mutter another concern before his manager shouting from somewhere, telling them to quickly preparing and soon, make-up noona already scurrying them.
Yoongi sighs as he pulled with one of the stylists, and is seated in front of the mirror. He definitely looks pale, and to be honest. He really does not feel good. His stomach still feels like it's bloated. It's still churning every then and there.
He huffs. He can do this. Just a few hours.
The filming starts. Today they gonna shoot a few individuals, dance scenes, and teasers. They fall into a work vibe, everyone just focused on their tasks as everyone seems to have the same mission to finish the shoot quickly.
Yoongi could feel Jimin's gaze lingers on him every time they had a break or something. And he would shoot a reassuring smile when his eyes catch the latter gaze, making Jimin's cheeks redden in instant. Either it's because of him or because of the blazing heat. Who knows.
Yoongi managed to push down the horrible feeling he had earlier until their last scene. They had to do a flashmob and few dance scenes.
They have been shooting some of it outdoor. And doing that while you had to dance .. in the middle of summer with blazing heat is quite challenging.
The second takes, and Yoongi starts to feel lightheaded.
"The last take everyone", the camera director shouted. Yoongi groans.
Jimin that positioned beside him chuckles, squeezing the older arms, " Last one hyung"
The moment the camera director shouts cut, Yoongi was sure he already breaks into a cold sweat. He lower himself, steadying his body on his knees immediately when the music stopped.
He pants for air. His head is swimming. He let his mouth fall open to fasten air to fill in his lungs.
"Hyung!", Yoongi could hear Jimin calling for him, with a lot of " thank you, you've worked hard" throwing in the background.
"Hyung .. are you okay?" A worried Jimin says.
Yoongi manages to nod weakly, but it was obvious how he didn't really want to move right now. He felt like his stomach was going to leap on his throat anytime soon and he gonna falls over at how dizzy he feels.
"Hyung you need to sit", Jimin tells him.
Yoongi shakes his head, "no.. wait. i can't move", he shakily says. " 'm too dizzy" he murmurs, panting through each word.
Soon, he feels arms wrapped around his shoulder. "Let's walk slowly, okay? You seem like you're going to faint. And staying here won't do you anything good", Jimin tells him softly.
Yoongi lets his eyes slip closed. His head is spinning as if he was drinking a bottle of whiskey.
"Okay", he whispers.
The two walked slowly and carefully to the tent. Yoongi's legs feel like jelly, and the world keeps turning into shades of black. He can barely stand.
Few steps from the tent, Yoongi halts on his feet.
" Hyung?", Jimin asks. " You okay?"
Yoongi couldn't answer as his stomach lurch, he quickly bent his body forward just in time as water spraying from his mouth to the ground below. He could hear gasps from everyone near them. But he can't bring himself to care as his stomach clenched again.
It wasn't long before all water came spilling out of his mouth.
Jimin gasped in shock, his hands instinctively moving to hold Yoongi, who seemed to pass out as soon as he collapsed on his knees, still holding onto Jimin's sleeves tightly in his fist.
"Breathe hyung ..", Jimin whispered as he patted Yoongi's back. " Just breathe"
Minutes passed by, Yoongi was still puking his guts out, his head throbbing painfully, and his hands clutching on the fabric of Jimin's clothes, trying to stay upright and not collapse on himself yet.
"Jimin-ah", Yoongi wheezes out after he spits the last round. "Can we go home?", he whines, his grip around Jimin's sleeves getting tighter, "I really don't feel well-"
"Sssshh .. i know hyung. Let's get you to the car, okay?"
After that, it went like a blur. The next thing Yoongi knows is Jimin woke him up for the second time, telling him that they already reached their apartment.
He blinks repeatedly, trying to gather all his senses, taking in his surroundings.
His vision is blurry but he can tell he is lying on Jimin's bed in the dark room, covered in covers, and Jimin kneeling next to him, looking concerned. "Are you feeling better now?",
He nodded, not having any energy left to speak or talk, or do anything really. He knew his head is pounding and everything feels like it's spinning, and maybe he will throw up again, but he really wants to sleep already. "Jimin", he mumbled.
"Yes?", the younger responds gently brushing his thumbs on Yoongi's knuckles soothingly, "what is it?", he softly says.
"Stay with me... please", Yoongi whispers and reaches both his hand, palm upwards towards Jimin. Jimin was slightly taken aback for a moment before a little smirk appears on his lips, pulling the blankets covering Yoongi more closer.
"Always", Jimin says quietly as he wraps his hands around Yoongi's thin frame. As Yoongi lays comfortably on him, closing his eyes to take in his scent. Jimin can feel Yoongi breathing slowly and evenly. Feeling relaxed, he kisses his forehead and continues to stroke his hair, running his fingers lightly through his hair.
Yoongi hums. Feeling Jimin's warmth against him.
He smiles.
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luvspence · 3 years
darling, you’re the one i want
spencer reid x reader
{im not quite sure this is how a song fic works but this is basically stolen from paper rings by taylor swift, i’m using the lyrics as like prompt one liner things?????? idk bare with me}
- 1,3,4 are mainly fluff but 2 is a lot of fighting and bickering
i want to drive away with you
“do you ever feel”
you took a pause in the middle of your thought, spencer spun around in his chair to face you
“indeed, i do feel”
“shut up i’m thinking” you said as you laughed and slapped him on the arm
“do you ever feel like, trapped? like boxed in almost”
he chewed on the end of his pen
“i guess? elaborate”
“well, i love my life. i have no regrets. but sometimes i feel like just running into the streets and screaming and keep running and never stopping? just fleeing in a sense”
“yeah, i get that. sort of an intrusive liberating type thought”
“exactly” you said tapping your finger to yourself head, a few seconds of silence passed before you spoke again
“i want to drive away with you”
spencer looked at you in confusion
“you’re all i need, seriously. i love everything in our lives right now i do, but i could go without all of it, besides you”
he rolled his chair up next to your and caught your hand in his
“i’d get up right now, keys in the ignition, and i’d drive into nowhere with you y/n. you’re it for me”
i want your complications too
you chased spencer up the stair way
he turned around
“listen to me would you? every time i open my mouth it seems that you turn off your ears”
“i’m all ears y/l/n” he said, giving you more attitude than necessary, but you were having a hard time getting through to him
“that was unbelievably stupid! you could’ve gotten yourself killed! spencer this isn’t the first time, let alone the second, let alone the 7th time you’ve put yourself in harms way! this is so dumb spencer you understand this shit but you still are reckless! and don’t give me that crap about calculated risks”
you were fuming at him
“so what i’m alive, so is our victim what more do you want?”
“why are you turning this on me? i don’t want shit from you spencer! it’s not what i want! it’s your life! my god i shouldn’t have to justify to my colleague, god to my friend why i care about them being alive!”
“well i am alive. so i don’t know why you’re so bothered y/n it’s like your my mother or something” he said as he continued walking up the stair case
“no, you don’t get to do that. you don’t get to put your life on the line and then treat me like i’m the irrational one. painting me as the villain when i only just care about you”
“why do you care so much?”
“because i’m your friend?! because i love you?!”
he ignored you and resumed walking up the stairs
“you know what spencer? it’s because i love you. it’s because i love you so much that it affects my sleep. so much that i always make you coffee when you come in. so much that no matter what i’m doing, where i’m doing or who i’m doing it with, you’re always on my mind. the problem is spencer, not that i love you, that i’m IN love with you. and even at that you can’t seem to let me in. so i don’t know what the fuck to do anymore”
a tear fell down your cheek as you slammed the door and left
spencer standing dead in his tracks on the stair case. honestly wanting to vomit
you spent the rest of your day scream crying. so many emotions that you couldn’t quite process anything
you were laying on your couch, radio head on your phone, dried tears on your cheeks when your heard the doorbell ring
you go and open it
you stood in your doorway, looking at each other with swollen eyes
silence, 2 seemingly frozen bodies
until spencer opened his mouth
“look, i’m sorry.”
“yeah me too”
you were sick of him, sick of how he couldn’t communicate, of how blind he could be. but something about his face was so so good. you were about to shut the door in frustration before spencer started to speak again 
“and with what you said, about the love thing...”
he took a big gulp 
“i do too. i love you too. i mean i’m in love with you too”
what. the. fuck.
between the shock and the upset you were feeling, there was little part of your heart that warmed when he said those words. you opened your mouth to speak but spencer cut you off
“and i just wanted to say that because i uh i owe you the truth always. regardless. but anyway, i don’t think we should pursue that though”
you stood in your doorway in shock
you didn’t know if you wanted to fight him, cry, or vomit
probably all of the above
you were blank, nothing came to your mouth. you tried to speak, tried to scream , but the only thing that came out was 
“i’m no good for you, you deserve someone who can be perfect for you. you deserve that truly. and i can’t be that. so i’m sorry but that’s just how it is. i just want you to be happy. you don’t deserve a guy that you have to yell at in stairways, that makes you cry until your eyes swell shut, a guy that cant reconcile his emotions for crap or can’t communicate or anything that i am. so im sorry, but i think this is what’s best for you.”  he stuck his hands in his pants
“so bye i guess”
you were paralyzed, a surplus of information hitting you all at once. you couldn’t quite process it but you knew you couldn’t just let him walk away
“you’re idiotic” you shouted as he was about to get on the elevator
“i’m what now?”
“idiotic. no ones buying the ‘i’m not a nice guy’ crap”
“it’s not crap, it’s true. i’m no good for you”
“oh please spencer you’re acting like this is your villian orgin story. first off, who do you think you even are? i’m an adult i don’t need a white man who doesn’t know how to brush his hair to tell me whats ‘good for me’”
“i’m just looking out for you”
“okay, thanks, but i’m a big girl spencer i know how to take care of myself. and even so i don’t even think thats what this is about. you know what i think? i think that you’re too scared to admit that you don’t feel the same way. which is fine by the way, but if you’re to scared to face the reality of whatever your feeling and youre covering it by turning it on me? by saying that ‘i’m too good for you’ thats fucked up and thats that spencer.”
you caught your breath and continued 
“because spencer i know you’re pulling all this shit about not being good for me but is that even true? spencer reid we’re perfect for eachother. in every way. and if you’re blind to that than whatever, but i don’t want you to lie to try and tiptoe around my feelings”
“ever since you walked into the bau y/n ive loved you. every word you’ve ever said to me get played on repeat in my head. i love you i would want nearly nothing but to be with you y/n. i love you that much. that’s why i’m trying to our myself above what i want and above whatever so that you can be the happiest you can be. it’s just that i don’t want to hurt you. you don’t deserve that. i never want you to hurt ever. and i can only prevent that by taking myself out of the picture”
“spencer, when i said i love you. it means all of you. i want every side to spencer reid. i want your complications too. it’s all worth it spencer because you’re the one for me”
you two stood there for a couple minutes. it was the longest and shortest time of your life. spencer eventually took a deep sigh and stepped in a step closer to you, looking down at your face
red from the crying, left eye swollen shut, giving him a weak smile
“you’re the one for me”
i want your dreary mondays
“no?! the worst day of the week is monday obviously”
“monday is underrated in my opinion”
you were conversing with spencer while walking through the park after dinner
“monday is the worst, it’s so hard after the two perfect days of rest to return the mundane process of life”
“so thursday? story behind that?”
“hey have you seen spence?” you asked around the office, only getting head shakes
it was the monday after a long weekend, and spencer has had a less than ideal day
just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, spilt hot coffee on his pants, forgot his satchel at hole
you searched around for him, when you realized
when spencer was overwhelmed or stressed or sad or anything like that, he retreated to the basement file room
no one ever went down there, and there was a closet with a couch in it that was good for taking mid day breaks
you ran down the stairs, opening the door to the closet and sure enough spencer was there
he wiped his hand across his face, presumably for a tear
“what’s up spence?”
you said scooting next to him on the closet couch
“having a monday”
“i’m sorry to hear that, what’s going on”
“well besides the coffee incident and satchel problem...” he began to rant about how his day was going less than ideal. when he stopped abruptly
“hey, you don’t need to listen to this”
“i dont have to, but i want to”
“are you sure? i’d hate to bore you with my bad day”
“come on spence, i want your dreary mondays something you gotta recognize, is that you’re such an incredible person, that your bad days are better than most people’s best.”
“yeah, perspective right. my worst days are someone’s best”
“yeah, but don’t ever feel invalidated abt your bad days, you always deserve to feel upset, and i’ll always be here to listen to it”
“god i love you”
wrap your arms around me baby boy
spencer wasn’t a touchy person
germaphobe habits
but something about you, he was magnetic to you
no matter what it was, on the jet, in the office, while in line at the grocery store, anywhere and everywhere he always had you in a hug
coming up behind you while you were cooking, wrapping his arms around the back of your neck while you were working
he adored you, and you adored him
after a case, the team decided to hit the local bar, nearing the end of the night, they started to play slower stuff
slower jazzier beats, the dj came on and said
“okay you couples! get up there”
a few couples hand gone up, you were tugging on spencer’s arm to accompany you up there
“well if you don’t go you know morgan will”
derek raised an eyebrow at him, and before you knew it he was dragging you on stage.
poor spencer didn’t know how to dance correctly, he was standing so far from you. hands in each other’s hands like middle schoolers
“jeez spence, wrap your arms around me”
you grabbed his hands, positioning them on your waist, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and leaned into his chest
swaying back and forth, as the sinatra echoed the other the bar and the click of garcias camera could be heard
and in that moment, nothing felt better or more right, than dancing in spencer reids arms
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hufflautia · 3 years
In Sickness and in Health
Requested by @milk-leaves!​  
Warnings: A very brief and non-explicit sexual implication
Summary: Slytherin catches the flu. Luckily, her husband is there to help. However, her stubborn nature and insistent claim that “she can’t be sick because she’s never been sick in her entire life” makes it a little difficult for Hufflepuff to assist her. Marriage isn’t always easy, but with the proper amount of love and patience, everything works out in the end. 
Slytherin grabs the garbage can just in time to vomit into the basket. When she finishes, she wipes her mouth with a grimace and rests her forehead against the bed. 
She looks up and sees Hufflepuff standing by the door, his forehead puckered as he takes in her appearance. Her hair unruly, she’s slumped on the floor of their bedroom, looking tired and pale. 
Usually, Slytherin would be happy to see her husband. However, all she feels is irritation in the wake of his presence, and she leans against the side of the mattress once more. 
“What are you doing here,” she croaks, eyeing him as he approaches her and kneels down. “I thought you had to go to the Ministry today.” 
“It was a minor emergency, so I left early.” He regards her carefully. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine.” 
Hufflepuff frowns. “But you threw up.” 
“Yeah, I’ve been doing that a lot today,” she murmurs weakly. Noticing his eyes widen, she snorts. “I’m not pregnant if that’s what you’re thinking. I got my period today.”  
He gives her a sympathetic look. “I imagine it’s been a very fun day for you.” 
“The best I’ve ever had, actually.” 
Leaning in ever so slightly, that’s when Hufflepuff sees it—the faint flush on her face, the way she folds her arm around herself, the tinge of hoarseness in her voice.  
He reaches out and touches Slytherin’s forehead. Her skin feels hot and cold at the same time. She bats away his hand in annoyance. “What are you doing,” she snaps, scowling at him. Her anger immediately falters when she notices how his eyebrows rise, a look of surprise mixed with hurt spreading onto his face. 
“You have a fever,” he confirms quietly. 
Slytherin resists a frown. “But I never get sick.” 
“Well, it happens to the best of us.” He gets up. “Wait here, I’ll get some medicine.” 
“I don’t need it,” she calls after him but he’s already in the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets. He returns with a bottle and a small cup. Taking a seat before pouring red liquid into the cup, he ignores her when she says his name in a tone of indignation, insisting that she isn’t sick.
Hufflepuff hands it to her. “Drink,” he says firmly. When she juts her chin out and pouts, he lets out an exasperated sigh. “Honey, I know you don’t want to, but it’ll make you feel better.”
She still doesn’t move. This time, he returns her unyielding stare with one of his own. His tone is hard and demanding as he warns, “I’m not gonna repeat myself.” 
Slytherin grudgingly brings the cup to her lips. If she didn't feel like complete shit right now, she would keep pushing his patience for fun. She’d even be a little turned on by his authoritative voice. Probably both. 
She immediately makes a face as the medicine slides down her throat. “This tastes like ass,” she grumbles, pressing the back of her hand against her mouth and setting the cup down. 
He chuckles. “Medicine tends to taste that way.” He stands and offers his hand. “Come. I’m sure a warm shower sounds perfect right now.”  
A faint smile twitches at the corner of her mouth. “How’d you know,” she asks, taking his hand. A wave of nausea sweeps over her when she gets up, and he quickly plants his hands on either side of her. 
“I’m your husband,” he pulls her closer, “I know these things.” 
Slytherin wraps her arms around him. “Will you carry me to the bathroom,” she mumbles into his sweater. 
He presses a kiss to the top of her head before picking her up bridal-style with care. 
“Do you even have to ask?” 
A couple of hours pass. Feeling drowsy from the medicine, Slytherin took a long nap before waking up to the smell of homemade soup. Hufflepuff cooked something for her while she was sleeping. To her dismay, he also gave her another cup of NyQuil, but she drank it without any resistance. Afterwards, her headache subsided and was diminished to a dull pain, which is nothing compared to before. 
Now, she is laying in bed, feeling comfortable and content as she snuggles with her husband while he reads her favorite book out loud. She’ll probably never openly admit it but she loves when they cuddle. Listening to the smooth drawl of his voice, she catches a few words while dozing in and out of sleep. Her lips curve into a smile. He’s getting to her favorite part where he speaks in a ridiculous voice when reading the dialogue of an ancient wizard. 
Hufflepuff had read the book to her before when they were dating. He used the same wise and raspy voice as he uses now. At that moment, as she attempted to hold in her laughter, she knew he was the one. Funnily enough, he ended up proposing to her a month later. 
Feeling the familiar tug in her heart that can only be classified as complete adoration, Slytherin musters enough strength to pull herself out of the cozy arms of sleep. She shifts around so that she can properly see his face and says his name tenderly. 
“What is it,” he asks, putting the book down. “Is your headache still bothering you?” 
“A little, but...I’m sorry for being mean to you before. I was angry at you for no reason, but it might’ve been because of my period, and you already know how bad my PMS gets sometimes, but I still feel terrible about being so rude because you’re so great and sweet and you were only trying to help but I was being so difficult and I think I’m just not really used to people taking care of me, so I was trying to handle this flu on my own but I still shouldn’t have acted that way—and I literally hit your fucking hand and I hate myself for it because you don’t deserve it at all, you deserve so much more than whatever I have to offer...” Words continue to spill from her mouth as she rambles on and on, not bothering to pause for a breath of air. 
Hufflepuff says her name and she finally stops, staring back at him with a contorted expression as if she were trying to back tears. He cups her cheek, to which she leans into his warm touch. “Please don’t worry about that anymore, honey, it’s okay. Honestly. I’ve been with you long enough to know that there’s no one else I would rather be with but you. Even with your stubbornness, I love you all the same. Maybe even a little more.” He gives her a reassuring smile as she looks back at him with watery eyes. “Just focus on resting for now, okay?”
She nods and tries to smile back, getting a little choked up in the process. His words are laced with so much endearment that she realizes just how lucky she is to have someone like him to spend the rest of her life with. She puts her hand over his. 
“Thank you,” she whispers, “for loving me as you do.”  
His gaze is so unimaginably soft that, for a split second, Slytherin wonders how it’s even possible. He leans in, and she happily closes the distance. 
One might think that as time passes for a married couple, the love begins to stale. This is not true in their case, for the flutter in her stomach intensifies as they kiss. She can only focus on how soft he feels against her lips, how he invades all her senses in the best way possible. Her fingers grip the front of his shirt while his hand rests against the curve of her neck when they finally pull apart. Their noses brush against each other as they lock eyes. 
“I love you,” she breathes. 
“I know,” he murmurs. “And I love you.” 
“Good. Because we’re stuck with each other forever.” 
“I’d be sad if we weren’t,” he replies with a grin, retrieving the book. “Shall I continue reading?” 
She beams at him before laying her cheek against his chest. “Yes please.” 
Hufflepuff flips to the page he left off from. While he reads, he traces patterns around her stomach, as if he's painting a beautiful masterpiece over her skin. 
A couple of chapters in, Slytherin momentarily closes her eyes as his melodious voice washes over her. 
The sound of his steady heartbeat lulls her to sleep. 
Check out my masterlist! | Kind comments and reblogs are most appreciated :) 
Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. It took me a while to come up with an idea for this (also, to the person who requested this, I hope you are satisfied :D). My friend had the idea of “a vacation gone horribly wrong”. It was a fantastic idea - I even made a google doc for it and everything, but I did not write out a sufficient amount of general details for it because nothing solid came to mind. Then, when I was trying to go to sleep, I came up with this idea and I am very happy with how it came out!! 
I modeled Hufflepuff after Steve Rogers to some extent. He has that gentle giant type of vibe. He is kind and loving, but he’ll be stern if he needs to. I have to admit, the thought of making a series about slytherpuff married life has crossed my mind while writing this one-shot. I am still contemplating it. If I do create the series, it won’t be restricted to this couple specifically, but I will consider writing more stories about them because I really do adore their dynamic! Anyways, if I were to write that series, it would be different stories with different couples. It might not even be classified as a series but more as a collection of slytherpuff married life stories. Also, there would probably be at least one nsfw story included in that collection, but I will not be writing any smut until after my birthday, which is in April. *HI THIS IS JESSICA FROM THE NEXT DAY, aka the day that i’m gonna post this and im just going over the fic. while i was sleeping, i just thought of ANOTHER marriage fic so i think im going to make a married life collection of storiessss :D :D :D!!! however, im still wondering about whether i should write it, because the story idea is a little eh. if anyone has any other marriage life ideas, please feel free to let me know! before, i was a little hesitant on making a collection because it was hard for me to think of ideas for this fic when the request came in. hopefully, that will change in the future. also why do i keep coming up with good ideas for stories in my sleep lmao* 
Writing this story was fun. I stayed up until 2 am for four straight days while writing. Lmao how odd is it to see those two sentences right next to each other? In all honestly, I didn’t feel like it was 2 am because I was in the zone. I just kept writing until I told myself to go to bed because the future morning me will regret it--and lemme tell you, she really does. Anyways, I used my own experience with medicine for fevers. I absolutely hate the taste of NyQuil; I remember when my mom would make me drink small cups of it whenever I was sick. Also, when I was writing Sly’s rambling bit, I did not put any periods in the paragraph because I wanted to make it seem like she’s going on and on and isn’t stopping. However, I thought it to be weird and so I put the paragraph into the “translate to english” thing so that I could press the audio icon and hear what it sounds like. I’m happy to report that it was one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard in my entire life because her monotone voice saying all that was very amusing. 
There is no telling what fic I will post next. Last week, I was all over the place and working on several fics, moving from one to another when I got bored of the story. Also, my mental state is not the best at the moment. I’ve been feeling self-conscious about my writing recently, and I’m probably gonna go through another episode of that because this is gonna be the first fic that marks the end of tag lists and so this is probably gonna be an underrated fic because fewer ppl will see it. I came to realize that it’s not me who’s writing bad fics; even though I tag people, there’s a noticeable lack of interaction, so it’s likely that some of my followers just aren’t active anymore. There was a fanfic writer who I really like because their loki fics are amazing. A few weeks ago, I found their other blog that I was not aware of beforehand and they made a post 3 weeks ago saying that they would no longer be writing fics because there were barely any people interacting with them. She seemed really upset, saying stuff like “I guess my fics just aren’t good enough”, “no one can save me anymore” (I know that sounds very ominous but she was insinuating “no nice comments will make me change my mind”), and “I feel like deleting my blog because there’s a sense of failure in just leaving them there”. This made me really sad, and a part of me was afraid that one day, I would adopt a similar mindset. However, I know that there’s a group of people who will always be there to read my stories, so I’m gonna try to hold onto that idea and continue writing to make you happy and myself happy as well. Also I just realized that I always include one part in my author’s note that’s just sad for some reason :’)
ANYWAYS, I remember making a post a longgggg time ago that said “I promise that I will finish the slytherpuff series if it’s the last thing I do”. That has changed; I plan to post all the chapters leading up to their requited love at last (aka the part in which they actually get into a relationship together). After that, there’s still a bunch of chapters but they’re just fluffy bits, i.e. rainy day, they bake together, oop it’s one of their birthdays, etc. In other words, they aren’t essential to the plot. I could turn them into one-shots and stuff, but some of the chapters relate to the characters’ lives. In addition, it’s sweet to see their relationship progress. For those chapters regarding fluffy bits of their relationship, I won’t feel incentive to write them right away because their love is already requited and I also have two big series that I would rather work on. However, I’m not gonna start another series yet because I don’t wanna leave you on a cliffhanger in Chapter 3 and suddenly start writing a whole other series. The plan is to post all the chapters for the slytherpuff series leading up to the moment when they start dating (Chapter 7 or 8 will probably be when they actually get together). That way, there’s no rush to complete it because it’s just easy and sweet since they’re already in a relationship and readers aren’t anxiously waiting to see what happens next. After that, I will probably begin writing the other series, which will be different from the original slytherpuff series. You’ll see why. Once in a while, I will go back to the original series and write for that when I feel like it. 
I’m trying my best to finish writing Chapter 4 :( It is gonna be long - I’ve already written about 7 pages and I am thinking of splitting it into two parts. If I do, I might be posting part 1 soon because it’s kind of already done. Then again, I like the idea of just posting it all at once. We’ll see! I’m gonna try to work on that after this. My desire to write is sporadic, but comments and interactions from readers are very impactful in terms of my motivation to write, so be sure to leave feedback if you can! I’ll see you all again the next time I post a fic. Thanks for reading!
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poptod · 3 years
Cambridge Ghouls pt. 3 (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
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Description: Your friend’s antics has pulled you and Ahk out of your comfortable library and into Scotland.
Notes: been a hot minute since i updated this so renewal on what is going on here: you are a zombie named crayon who lives on the grounds of cambridge university. your friends are ahk, a revived mummy; amy, a ghost; phillip, a vampire; rose, a corpse; and benjamin, a human. i wrote and came up w this while high and i feel like im following in the footsteps of shawn, the writer of natm. enjoy the story i tacked onto the one drawing i made WC: 6.8k
The pressure of your head on his shoulder, face hidden in the beaded cloth of his collar, was the only sensation he cared to feel. Early hours of night often lead to this position––cradled in blankets, trying to learn English, and trying to cope with the new world the both of you were vomited into. Tonight was much the same, though the familiar warmth of the hearth was cold in the dusty dark of the library room.
Your friends had yet to join you, a fact that had Ahk glancing at the door every five minutes. It was unlike them to take so long. If he had to guess, he'd surmise they'd gotten into a spot of mischief, and were held up with their own problems. That happened an unfortunate amount of times, but Ahk didn't mind much, as it often left the two of you in peace and quiet. While the four of them cavorted off on school grounds, he kissed the top of your head.
"- and did I ever tell you where I got that from?" came from behind the door, muffled but growing steadily closer. The footfalls of several people followed, and Ahk assumed it was his friends finally visiting you and him.
The door slamming open startled you into a jump that pushed your cat off your lap, knocking Ahk's jaw as you frantically scanned the room. His lower teeth clashed with his upper, sending a sharp wave of pain through his skull, one that quickly dissipated upon seeing his friends. Phillip, leading the pack, was talking loud and fast with wildly fast hand movements, and was clearly not being understood by anyone present. Amy followed close behind, floating above the heads of the others for ease. Then came a very distressed-looking Ben, whose usual soft features were contorted into panic.
Phillip continued talking for a minute, unchallenged for attention, until Ahk, who grew easily irritated at times, finally stopped him.
"Phil!" He said, his accent still twisting his words. "None of us can understand you."
"Wh -" he paused at last, looking to each of them, "I – Ben lost my violin!"
"A what?" Ahk said, taken aback.
"I'm sorry!" said Ben in a fluster.
"He did what?!" said Amy.
You stumbled over quietly, hanging off of Ahk's arm as you attempted to listen.
"I got that violin from my grandfather, crafted out of this beautiful wood and enchanted, and... ohh! You are so irritating sometimes," Phillip whined, growing into a growl as he pointed a finger at Ben.
"Enchanted? What, like a magic violin?" Amy asked.
"Precisely like a magic violin," Phillip said with a sigh, looking dramatically morose. What else could you expect of a vampire from the 1600's?
"Can someone please tell me what a violin is?" Ahk said, glancing between Ben, Amy, and Phillip.
"It's an instrument like the harp or lyre," Amy quickly explained. "Ben borrowed a 'special' violin from Phil after almost failing music class."
"I can't afford to fail another class," Ben moaned, "I'm already two classes over the limit, and my parents can only do so much."
"Mein Gott," Phil said under his breath.
"Is your grandfather going to be mad?" Ben asked nervously, turning to Phil.
"No, they're not hard for him to make. He's just the only one who's capable of making them, and the wood is very specific. It's the only kind that can channel pure magic."
"So... the Tree of Life," Ahk said. He had his hands folded beneath his chin, eyes concentrated on the vampire.
"Something like that. It's just – look, I need that violin, too. We can go and try to find that tree and ask my grandfather to make another, and you can use it to pass the class, but after that it comes back to me. Don't take music next year," Phillip said, turning to face Ben.
"Damn it," Ben cursed. "Fine. Deal."
"Wonderful," Phillip said with a curt smile, shaking Ben's hand firmly.
Once he let go, Phillip went straight to the bookcase, supernaturally fast eyes scanning the many titles. Ahkmenrah watched on for a moment in mild confusion before his attention was diverted to you, your weight falling onto him as you leaned.
"Careful there," he murmured, helping to rebalance you. You wouldn't understand him, but the sentiment was there, and you stayed close-by.
Ben, being a tall lad, looked over Phillip's shoulder every time he pulled a book down. While he did that you got distracted by your cat Winchester purring at your feet, kneeling down to gather him in your clumsy arms. The undead cat––much like you––didn't weigh much after the rot.
"Amy, are these books up-to-date on their information?" Phillip asked, ignoring Ben's breathing in his ear.
"Why should I know that?"
"Because you know an absurd amount of things that don't really matter except for in certain, usually odd instances," Phillip replied without looking up.
"... most of them are up to date," she mumbled. Phillip thanked her before promptly returning to his search.
You tugged on Ahk's sleeve again, opening your mouth to say something but only a soft whine leaving you. He took your hand, facing you with concerned eyes, but said nothing. Instead he scanned your expression, waiting to see if you would motion or signify anything. You wouldn't understand his words, anyway.
"Hunngryy.." you suddenly breathed out, your fingers coming to rest on high on his cheek, dragging down to the end of his jaw. His eyes widened.
"Hungry?" He repeated.
Ahk turned to the others, contemplating how he would get you something to eat. There was no food in the library, and very little food in the whole of the school, what with the winter break nearing. Best choice would be to keep with the others, he decided.
"You'll be alright for a little bit, right?" He asked you. You showed no signs of any reaction, only staring at your fingers touching his face.
"Ahk, we need to go to Scotland," Phillip said, snapping a book shut and sliding it back into its' place on the bookshelf.
"What? Why?"
"Because of the British," he seethed, promptly whipping around and walking out the door.
Ahk watched on in his usual state of confusion, but knew better than to ask questions. As much of a leader as he was born and bred to be, he was happy to follow the vampire's lead, to look after you as the others panicked about their petty things.
So he took your hand––followed only when everyone else was out the door, and locked the library behind him, fingers still entwined with yours. Though your hands were in a constant clumsy blunder, you tried your best to keep still in his touch. He never minded. Your fingers, while a little cool, had a forgiving magic that calmed him easily.
Brisk night air hit his face the moment he exited the school, following his friends through the grassy fields growing outside the brick and mortar building. Disappointing as it was unavoidable, none of the stars showed in the sky, blurred by the bright streetlamps lining the puddle-filled roads. The distinct scent of rain––petrichor––intoxicated the air he breathed, a leftover of the rains plaguing the city all day. Cars passed by, though luckily not often, as the sound of a roaring engine followed by rainwater splashing up his leg was not something Ahk enjoyed. His beautiful, golden robes never fared well in dreary English weather.
You showed no aversion to the cold or the wet. He had never seen you shiver, or wipe rain off yourself, or avoid stepping in puddles. You tried to stay out of mud, yes, but that was about it.
Phillip paused at the roadside, glancing out at the street with wide, searching eyes. Ben joined him on his right, and the two of them began to look for a cab, a fact that Ahk only knew because it was how they always got around. Once you caught up to Ahk halting, you bumped into his shoulder. Winchester followed you in a quick strut, ever loyal to his owner. For a second you stumbled back, but with a tug from him you were centered, once again resting part of your weight on him. Without him, you slouched in a noticeably-undead way.
"Can I ask what we're doing?" Ahk asked Amy, though he kept his eyes on the two men trying to hail a cab.
"One moment," she said.
A second later and he noticed the car driving up, rolling wheels flicking water onto the shined ends of Ben's tailored shoes. He stepped back with a gasp, backing into Phillip, who quickly pushed him away. Once the cab came to a full stop, Phillip made his way to the front window to speak with the driver. After a quick conversation, the five of you crammed into the back of the cab, your knees held up high to your chests with each of your hands in your respective laps.
"Now can I ask what we're doing?" Ahk asked again.
"We're going to Scotland to get the tree," Amy said.
"It's a specific strain that doesn't exist in England, but there should be a few up in the highlands," Phillip further explained.
"Are we taking a cab all the time?"
His slip-up in english was overlooked as Phillip said, "we're getting to the train station. Won't be a comfy car but we should get there in time."
"We'll need you two to get the tickets for us. They see Ahkmenrah, or Crayon, they're going to ask questions. If they see me, well... um.. I suppose I could just act like a ghost," Amy said, trailing off as she thought strategically.
"Good point. And we need an excuse for when they come to check our tickets," Phillip said as he leaned inward into the group, his right leg bouncing up and down.
"Movies! Or – or a musical, how's that work?" Ben suggested in a sudden moment of brilliance, a wide smile matching his sporting tone.
"Good idea, for once. And – wait," Phillip paused, "is the screen between us and the driver...?"
"It's there," Amy said, sparking a sigh of relief out of Phil.
"Gott sei Dank," Phil mumbled.
For the next 10 minutes of driving that should've been six without traffic, the three of them discussed the technicalities, the lies they would have to formulate in order to achieve their goal. In that time you began to gnaw on your fingers, hunger tearing at your already shoddy intestines. Ahk scolded you twice, though it never worked, and the third time he did so you whined and hid your face in him. He sighed quietly, leaning in to kiss the top of your head.
As the cab began to slow to a halt, Benjamin pulled out his wallet, handing several notes to the driver through the tray given. With that the five of you stumbled out of the tiny black automobile, watching it speed off only to stop at the next hailing woman.
"Alright, you guys wait out here. Benjamin and I will be back in a couple minutes," Phillip said, halting you, Ahk, and Amy beside a bench near the entrance.
Though clearly irritated by the command, Amy took the invisible seat beside the bench. Ahk took a seat as well, and you easily followed, fidgeting with the skin on your hands.
"How long will they take do you think?" Ahk asked.
"Ten minutes maybe? Neither of them have great... people skills," Amy said hesitantly, her eyes never leaving the doors of the station.
A tug on his head stopped him from asking for clarification, and instead he turned back to you, patiently but quietly asking what you were doing. You hummed something unintelligible, continuing to pull at his crown. To spare himself the headache he took it off for you, handing the heavy gold to you, and chuckling softly when you couldn't quite carry it.
To your side sat Winchester, who gingerly sniffed the shining metal before shrinking away in disdain. You mumbled something again before landing a kiss on top of the cat's head.
"I'm going to need that back, you know," Ahk said with a chuckle, bringing your attention back to him.
You just tilted your head and smiled, slightly spaced out but eyes filled with a warmth. Every now and then he glimpsed this, this spirit that had nothing to give but kindness, who shone from the best center a human can have; honest adoration for another. You raised your hand, tangling your fingers in his dark hair and ruffling the curls there.
For a moment you tried to say something, but as it continually didn't come out right, you instead attempted bopping his nose with your fingertip. Attempted meaning not successfully; you missed and almost poked him in the eye, but Ahk flinched and you just poked him on his cheek. He chuckled, took your hand, and kissed the back of it.
A blush of sorts took to your cheeks. Like most times, you had little idea why you were feeling strangely, and thus pulled away from his touch. He knew not to mind by now.
"Do you think they have any food in there?"
"Nothing that's open. Might have a coffee place still up, but... well, they might have some croissants. Bread," she said, taking a moment to think before she spoke.
"I don't think Crayon would eat it," Ahk said.
"Probably not." Amy looked past Ahk to you, watching you for a moment before continuing. "The dinner car might be open, though. Depends on how expensive the tickets are."
"Hmm," he sighed. "Thank you."
She nodded with a smile before turning back to the train station, the warm light of lamps both indoor and outdoor illuminating the empty waiting lines and streetsides. Those still outside were dressed in coats and scarves, though weren't piled up in different layers––those would have to wait for colder months, which would not come until the warmer ones came and went.
Most people ignored the three of you. Close to no light shone on the bench shadowed by the overhang, and since you kept quiet, no one bothered to spare an extra glance. In the dark, Amy was mostly invisible. You and Ahk didn't have that power, but you mostly looked like a homeless person, and Ahk... well, he wrapped himself up in his cape, and that was about the best disguise he could manage.
The door of the station clicked open, drawing all eyes to the approaching figure of Phillip, silhouetted against the lights of the station inside.
"Ben's inside, we booked a room and we're leaving in five minutes," Phillip said, almost out of breath as he stopped in front of you.
"Five minutes?" Amy asked as the three of you stood. "Rather last minute, isn't it?"
"It's a night train, no one's got tickets anyway," Phillip said, tapping the backs of each of you as you passed him, coralling you all into the building.
It wasn't warmer inside as Ahk expected, leading him to thoughtlessly tuck his arms into himself. He'd been looking forward to some warmth. Hopefully he'd find that on the train. Just as Amy surmised, most of the restaurants inside the building were closed, iron grates pulled over once-colorful shops. Ahk paused to take in what little architecture he could see in the dark, but was soon pulled away by Phillip leading the group onwards.
Once again he tapped your backs, counting each of you as you entered the halted train. You reached for Ahk's hand as you walked down the long hallway, searching for the right room number, which only Benjamin and Phillip knew. Most of the lights outside the train were dimmed by the darkened windows, and instead the way was shown by tiny lamps lining the hallways and rooms.
"Here," Ben said, stopping those ahead of him. You and Ahk turned, and the five of you piled into the little room, whose velvet seats were soon covered up by your group.
As usual, you took your seat beside Ahk, who had claimed a window seat that happened to be near the table as well. On the other side of the train car, there was nothing but empty tracks and the eerie darkness of cities at evening. You sniffed and leaned back against the Pharaoh.
"Mmm," you mumbled, turning to press your face into his side, "hunngryy."
"I know," he said softly. "Do we have a food car?"
"I don't know if they'll have any real food, but they probably have snacks," Phillip said, still situating himself in the crowded room.
Ahk looked to Amy, who shrugged.
"Might as well try," she said, and with no reason to refute her, Ahk clumsily led you past the seated legs and back into the hallway.
The train began to rumble forward as the two of you walked. You bumped into Ahk's back when it happened, but you regained balance easily, and two train cars down you found the dining car. Only one light was on, sat upon the bartop beside a single bowl of nuts. The windows, lined by red and gold curtains, showed nothing but speeding darkness outside.
You moaned uneasily, tugging on Ahk's sleeve as your eyes remained entranced upon the flickering buildings outside.
"Fast, isn't it?" He said softly, glancing to you before looking back outside. "You'll be alright?"
Of course you didn't understand his words, but seeing as he wasn't upset by the high speeds, you calmed down. He then glanced over the bar counter, searching for any food besides the bowl of nuts. Upon finding nothing his face screwed up in dissatisfaction.
"Will you eat nuts?" He asked as he took the bowl, handing it to you.
You fingered through them, pushing aside the ones you deemed inedible. He watched you for a little while––and you did take a while to sort the whole bowl––but in the end you only ate about three. It might tide you for a little while, but you would have to eat again later.
After thoroughly searching the train car, the two of you returned to the rest of your friends, who had made busy discussing the fickle state of Phillip's teeth. Phillip himself wasn't engaging much considering he didn't find the topic an agreeable conversation point, and his stubbornness had led way to Ben and Amy getting once more embroiled in debate.
"I honestly think his teeth grow. I'm pretty sure I've heard of that being a condition, and I mean, it happens to rabbits. It could happen to humans," Ben said, crossing his arms but keeping a polite tone. Amy, however, had no consideration for such niceties.
"I... I don't care to unpack all that, but we've told you this before. He's a vampire. He can retract his teeth, and that's why they have different sizes at different times," she explained in a seething voice, her teeth clearly gritted behind her lips.
"Where would someone store a retracted tooth? It's not like claws, there's no space in the skull," Ben said, completely passing over the very clear indicator of something he had yet to figure out; Phillip was a vampire.
"Tiny bit of food over there, but I'm still going to be looking," Ahk said halfheartedly to Amy, crawling in beside her on the bench. "How long's this ride supposed to be?"
"Ten hours," Phillip replied gruffly, his half-lidded eyes staring vacantly out the window. He slouched against the wall, balancing his cheek on his palm, elbow rested on the tiny desk beneath the glass.
"Oh dear," Ahk said, his voice suddenly small.
"Yes, well," Phillip sniffed, shifting in his seat, "we'll have to be quick once we get there. Our ticket back is for the coming morning."
"Wait, morning?! Have you forgotten Crayon and I can't see the sun?"
"Oh, shit, my apologies," he said, eyes wide as he remembered your unfortunate curse. He stood, smoothing out the wrinkles in his suit. "I'll, um, I'll go see the director. I'm sure I can get something sorted, trade in your tickets for, um... tomorrow night. We can get you a hotel room or something."
He left quick after that, scooting past all your legs before pushing himself out the door. A deep uneasiness settled itself inside Ahk, appearing in the form of a racing heart, and paranoid thoughts. To die, to risk seeing the dawn just for a violin, seemed to him a strange way for his story to end. He had a feeling––one that would never go away––that he would not die to the sun. Not him, the undead King of a sunkissed land. Still, just because he was somewhat-certain about himself not dying, he had you to worry about. You didn't understand the whole 'sun will kill you' thing all that well, and you had no fear regarding the morning. He would have to keep an eye on you the later into the night it got.
The stars, once clogged by streetlamps and busy restaurant lights, shone brighter in the suburbia sprawling out across the land. Very slowly the tall buildings began to fade, and the homes grew less and less frequent till each one had a personality of its' own. Grass and overgrowing flora took the place of wide, car-lined streets, and eventually the short brick walls flanking either side of the train tracks fell away to show the whole of the land.
Ahk didn't need sleep. You didn't either, but the two of you nonetheless curled into one another, dozing in the warm light as the others conversed quietly. He overheard little (considering he didn't care to listen), but the others seemed to be in good spirits despite the loss of an apparently valuable violin.
Brakes screeching outside brought him to stir, dazed eyes landing first on the pale sky, and then to you, completely zonked out. He chuckled but had no time to comment on it before Phillip was rushing the five of you out, grabbing the few coats you kept in the top rack and coralling you down the hall.
The air here had a certain taste; that was what Ahk first noticed upon exiting the train. Although the sky was already beginning to lighten, it was clear the sun would not come for a good several hours, as the stars still shone in the darker pockets of space. Rolling hills and jagged mountains surrounded him, framing the tiny train station that remained entirely unoccupied save for him and his friends. Down the grass-filled valley lay a town whose houses consisted of wood, painted dull colors but decorated with flowers, petals of red, yellow, and purple lining the brick roads. Very little light from the horizon reached the town.
Phillip hit Amy on the side. "There," he said, eyes trained on the distance as he pointed across the outdoor station, "tree groves. Looks like pine."
"Indeed it is," she said with a smile.
"Is that what we need then? A pine tree?" Ben asked.
"Well... sort of," Phillip said, shrugging.
He scanned the train stop, and in less than a second he began to go in the right direction, headed for the tall bridges that crowned the railroad. The others followed quick behind, though Ahk had to grab your hand and pull you away from the alluring lights of the town.
"Hunng..gry," you whined, stumbling over your feet as you tried in vain to escape Ahk's grasp.
"Crayon, you can't go down there," he said, feeling more and more as though he was taking care of a child. "Come now."
You whined again but made no more attempts to refuse. Once you caught up to the rest of the group, the sudden loss of speed in Ahk's step had you bumping into him again, but once your head rested on the back of his shoulder you stayed put. Each time you rested yourself on him in any way, a fluttering light would suddenly overtake him with a blush. This was only strange because you did that a lot––each night, multiple times, you would put your head on his shoulder, lean on his chest, rest your hands in his lap. Another charm of yours.
Freezing damp surrounded his feet, open to the coming breezes since he never wore anything but sandals. His state of being mostly-undead kept him from feeling a good deal of the cold, there was still a tingling numbness, apparent in all of his fingers and the tip of his nose. For the first time he shivered, helpless to the vibrations pulsing through him.
"Ah, careful here," Phillip said, slowing the pace to make way for a long, stone fence ranging all the way down into the village. "The rocks are still very wet, so..."
Amy floated on over the wall, materializing her hand to help Phillip step over. He took it with a thank you, balancing himself on her, and soon helping Ben and Ahk over as well. Even Winchester got over, his large paws landing on the stones before jumping back down into the mud and grass. Unfortunately, you were still on the other side and incredibly confused. Your head tilted to the side, brows furrowed deeply as your mouth hung half-open.
"Take my hand, dear," Ahk said as he held out his own hand, which you gingerly took.
Your grip remained as gentle as you could manage, a habit you grew after accidentally hurting Ahk, but the habit had you nearly slipping and cracking your skull further.
"Woah there," Phillip said, instinctually zipping over to catch you. "Just – sit on the rocks."
Although you didn't understand, Ahk made sure to motion to you, and you reluctantly sat on the rocks. Your face scrunched up as your pant soaked from waist to ankles. With a little help, you swung your legs over.
"Alright, good?" Phillip asked the group at large, looking to each of you. When he received all nods, he continued onwards to the nearing grove of trees, searching carefully for any dips in the terrain.
"How are you, my dear?" Ahk asked to only you, his voice a murmur in your ear. He leant in to speak more secretively, an action that made you giggle, which in turn brought a smile to his face. Of course you couldn't verbally respond, so instead you gently headbumped him in the shoulder.
The same questions as always rang in his head as he watched you, wondering if you understood any part of him at all. It was clear by now there was something in your head––you had learned the word for hunger, and you showed affection to him specifically. Was that because he was a safe space, or because you loved him? He tried to never contemplate it, as it was likely he would never get answers, even if he wanted nothing more than that.
"Alright, so, we're looking for trees that can support magic. It's relatively easy to test it," Phillip said, ducking beneath the unavoidable branches to continue through the grove. "Just concentrate your magic into the tip of your finger and put it to the tree. If it leaves a burn mark, it isn't magic, but if the light flows through the bark, it works with magic. It'll look a bit like glowing veins."
"You'd know all about that," Amy mumbled beneath her breath.
"What was that?"
"Nothing," she said, and he didn't pry further.
"Um, Phillip?" Ahk said slowly, raising a single brow as he scanned the forest. "How do we, um, consecrate magic?"
"Concentrate," Amy corrected.
"What? I thought you could. You're a cursed mummy, why wouldn't you have magic?" Phillip said with a frown.
"I don't have it either," Amy said, raising her hand slowly, reluctant to meet his eye.
"You're – okay, alright, it's fine. I suppose I'll... just have to check myself," he grumbled, cursing under his breath as he turned back to the woods.
"So how do we do the magic?" Ben asked quietly once Phillip had left earshot.
"Unless you come from sorcerers, we don't," said Amy.
"What's sorcerers?" Ahk asked, and although he hadn't meant to, Amy began to grow irritated.
"A type of person who uses magic. Come on, let's catch back up," she said, expertly pulling the conversation off of her, and onto the path ahead.
He didn't remember when you stopped touching him, or when Winchester had disappeared from sight, but as he looked behind him panic filled his lungs. You were not there. Actually, you weren't anywhere in sight––you, and your cat, had run off.
"Amy!" Ahk said, eyes widening as his face paled. "We've got to find Crayon!"
"Wh- you let them run off?!"
"I thought they were still with me!" Ahk cried, holding his head in his hands as dread dripped from his eyes like tears.
"Ben, go find Phillip. We have to find Crayon," Amy said, and with that Ben sped off, and Amy floated above the trees. "I'll try and find them in this direction. Go fifty paces that way and then come directly back, it won't work if you get lost as well."
"Um – what's paces?"
"Fifty steps or something," she said.
"I'm.. really sorry, what's fifty?"
She sighed but floated back to the ground, patiently taking the time to write it out in Egyptian numerals in the dirt.
"Ohhh," he mumbled. "Thank you."
"Of course. Now go," she said, pushing him back to it.
Paranoia pounded in his heart as he walked, carefully counting the number of steps he took, and carefully keeping in the right direction. Much of his concentration stayed in keeping the right path, but the good rest of it was absorbed in looking for you. He was easy to spot in both day and night with his golden robes. You, on the other hand, blended in nearly everywhere. Perhaps your cat would give you away, but he didn't rely on that happenstance.
Throughout his search he remained in high alert, paying special attention to each of his senses. As much as he wanted to run through the forest, looking for you at every turn, it would do no more than waste his energy and get him as lost as you. So he kept to his pace no matter what his instincts told him, and retraced his steps once he hit 50.
"Any sight of them?" Ahk asked once Amy appeared from among the twisting branches.
"No," she said with a curt sigh. "No sign of the cat, either."
"Damn," he cursed. "Where would they have gone?"
"I don't –"
Phillip's voice nearly echoed with the strength of it. Amy just sighed, again, but took off in the direction of the yell. He followed quick after, following her ethereal form through the pines. The two of them soon came to find Phillip and Ben standing beside a tree that, as expected, had glowing tangles of string lining up and down the bark, much like veins.
"Find it?" Ahk asked, panting slightly from the exertion of running.
"Yes, but we've run into a horrible problem," he spluttered, clearly overwhelmed by the whole of the night.
"What's that?" said Amy.
"We forgot the ax," Ben said, hiding his face in his hands in such a way that his voice came out muffled.
"Oh... fuck," she said.
Muffled grumbling dragged him out of the conversation, though seeing as no one else turned, Ahk assumed he was the sole listener. For a moment it sounded like a wild animal, and his heart began preemptively racing in its' cage. Then came movement––the rustling of bushes and trees, footsteps sloshing in the mud as though something was being dragged.
Thick, clotted blood ran down from your mouth, streaking down your shirt and staining both of your hands. Flecks of it had landed all across your torso, coloring the dull mud caked onto the shirt. Winchester stood at your side, looking lovingly up at you, and on your other side you clutched the leg of a creature long-dead.
"Crayon," Ahk whispered out, and the conversation behind him fell silent, all eyes turning to you. No one moved, entranced in the strained breaths heaving your chest up and down.
You made your way forward, passing Phillip and coming to the tree, whose veins still held the eerie glow. Ignoring the sharp needles and branches, you grabbed the trunk. With a mighty shout and a horrible cracking that likened far too much to bones for anyone's comfort, the tree came crumbling down, a victim to the uncontrolled strength of the aggravated undead.
The four watched on in great surprise and mild horror as you turned back around, looking as though you'd done no more than picked up your cat.
"Ahhk..m," you mumbled past blood-soaked lips, shuffling forward. Halfway to him you dropped the leg of what was now clearly a sheep, and soon you bumped into him, leaning part of your frail weight on him.
He didn't react, too flabbergasted to do so. A number of things had him petrified, and all together it was too much––you going missing and then returning, covered in blood no less, and then the part he didn't know what to think of.
You said his name. Out of all the words you could have learned, you decided his name was most important; second to hunger, of course.
You hummed, satisfied, and wrapped your arms around Ahk, squeezing him. As much as he wanted to return the affection, you were still covered in blood that was now painting his stomach. Another horrid part was the smell––the raw meat you'd torn into and the half-dry blood beneath your fingernails, paired with the corpse of the sheep, whose white coat was now soaked in both blood and clotted sludge.
"Well... at least Crayon's back," Amy said, gesturing vaguely when Phillip raised his brow. Both were at a loss.
"Sun will rise soon, we need to get the tree back. Ahk," Phillip said, motioning the Pharaoh over, who quickly obeyed.
Phillip stood near the trunk end, split open to expose the raw wood, and Ahk stood at the tip on the other side. Once both were situated, they heaved upwards to balance the weight on each man.
Rain began to pour as the five of you made your way back to the train station, you remaining adamantly at Ahk's side despite his pace being a little too fast. After your massive splurge of strength, your muscles ached, and your mind was beginning to slow. Amy suggested that perhaps you got stronger––both physically and mentally––when you had a decent diet of raw meat.
"Do you think we could get food to them more often, then? Obviously it makes them feel better, so long as you don't exert too much of it at once," Ahk said, eyes narrowing playfully as they fell upon you. You made no sign that you understood but giggled from his expression.
"I don't know, raw meat can –"
"Crayon can just eat my leftovers," Phillip said, grunting as he adjusted the tree beneath his arm.
"Leftovers?" questioned Ahk.
"I get most of my blood from raw meat that you can get from a butcher. The meat'll be a tad pale, but it should work. Might even be less messy," he said.
"/Anything/ would be less messy than that," Ben said as he gestured to you.
"Don't bother about him," Ahk said, swiftly kissing your forehead. "He's just jealous you're stronger than him."
While Ben and Amy stood right outside the train station, guarding the tree, Phillip took you and Ahk down to the town down in the valley. The walk down was long and rainy eough that by the end of it, there was no need to go wash off in the river. Most of the mud and all of the blood had washed away. The only problem left was Ahk's clothes––to remedy that, Phillip gave him his long, sunproof coat, just for the morning.
Warmth finally enveloped him as the three of you entered the tiny hotel, glowing with yellow light but occupied by only a ticking clock and a woman behind the counter. Much of the rainy streets outside were blocked by the overgrowing flowers lining the windowsills. Phillip, using his human skills and human money, booked one of the five rooms available in the whole of the small hotel.
"Don't get much business here, do you?" Phillip asked as he rooted around in his wallet.
"Do, actually," the woman said with a sigh. "Ever since the castle got refurnished, that's the only place people want to stay. Plenty of customers, no business. Been here 50 years and that hasn't changed."
"... my apologies, ma'am."
The cheaper room happened to be the one with no windows which, for Ahk and Phillip, was a win-win. While Phillip could make do in the sunlight, wearing long coats, gloves, and bearing umbrellas, Ahk would not have that freedom. The two of you would have to stay in the little town with your tickets back until the next evening. Phillip left you there to rejoin Amy and Ben, hopefully to find Phil's grandfather and recarve that special violin.
"Nice enough room," Ahk commented once the two of you were left alone.
It wasn't anything grand––of course it wasn't, but it had that certain charm that made it feel quite cozy. An electric heater sat behind the door, and beside it stood a table, two chairs tucked into it and a small clock atop it.
He sat on the bed and you followed, fingering the scratchy blanket placed above soft, worn sheets.
"Don't wander off like that again," he said softly in his native tongue, concern in his tone as he raised your head to look him in the eye. "I get horribly worried about you."
Slowly you raised your hand, coming to rest your palm against his cheek. Your dull eyes, rimmed with red, told him of a sadness you couldn't quite articulate. In its' place you gave what would best substitute the words––a kiss on the forehead so carefully gentle he barely felt it. The way you moved, slow and cautious, made him feel as though he were made of porcelain.
"I feel as though we are the only sane people in the world," he admitted with a smile, blushing from your affection. "That's silly of me, isn't it? For the undead Pharaoh to think he and his undead friend are the sane ones. My old self would find this hilarious."
"Ahhk," you mumbled out, moving attentively till your arms wrapped around his shoulders and neck, your cheek squished against his head. You kept moving, moved to your knees, and soon you were pulling him down to lay on the bed. He laughed and held you back, keeping your fragile form comfortably on top of his chest.
"You are, undoubtedly, one of the kindest creatures I've met," he said, whispered against your temple. Energy was beginning to leave him––/life/ was beginning to leave him, as the sun rose hidden behind the hotel walls.
Since you couldn't manage any more strength for words, you kissed the top of his head once more. As numbness filled his limbs, he tried not to think of the coming hours, how the two of you would be no more than corpses in a bed.
You were the first to stop breathing.
In the next evening the two of you snuck back onto the train, enjoying 10 hours to yourself before you were racing back to Cambridge. The sun would rise soon enough, and neither of you had money for a cab home, thus leaving only one option: sprinting.
The two of you collapsed with laughter as you slammed the door of the library shut behind you, the light of the sun already peering over the horizon.
"Gott sei Dank, you're safe," Phillip said, greeting the both of you with a smile and outstretched arms.
"Phillip, my friend," Ahk said, laughing, "thank you for your jacket. I don't think they would've let me without it."
"Of course!"
"And of the filing?"
"The what?"
Soft violin came from around the hallways of bookcases, filling the room with music just as the fireplace filled the room with warm light. Ahk took your hand, and the three of you made your way to the hearth, Ahk taking his seat on the floor with you, cradled in a swath of blankets. Above the two of you Ben played, dressed in a fitted black and white suit that accentuated the strength of his chest and his lean waist.
"You two have a fun evening?" Amy asked, careful to keep her voice below the volume of the violin.
"Wonderful," he answered for both of you. You nuzzled further into him, and with your head tucked below his chin, the two of you finally relaxed back in your home.
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flutterji · 3 years
anything| renjun ff
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hi! this is my first ff on tumblr so hopefully it all works out well. hope u enjoy!
desc: y/n and renjun have only been friends for about a month, but renjun was in too deep. whipped renjun, gender not specified reader!! semi drabble, high school au (like all my stories hhh), very fluffy ! barely edited, its a bit long too but whatever
word count:  2103
y/n and jisung briskly walked the halls of their oh-so-dreadful high school, talking about, of course, absolute nonsense. ‘i mean, like, salamanders are so cute, right?’ y/n questions the tall boy, and jisung nods enthusiastically. “right! so then why would they eat each other?” jisung added. “as babies, too! it doesn make se-” cut off from their sentence, renjun snaked his arms around the both of them before yelling, “hey guys!” “renjunie!” y/n exclaims, and a wide smile paints renjun’s lips. “whats up shawty?” jisung says before making The Fuckboy Face™. “eh, not much, just absolutely dreading and stressing beyond human compacity about the calc exam tomorrow.” renjun says, pulling his arms away and shoving himself in between the two. “maybe we can study? i- honestly i wont be any help, but i have some pretty cool notes i could share?” y/n proposes. “sure, when?” renjun says, without skipping a beat. jisung looks at the two and then looks away in disgust. “you oldies.” he says, before sticking out his tongue in a teasing manner. “whatever, loser!” y/n says, emphasizing the ‘loser’. jisung pretends to cry and is all but payed attention to when renjun bothers y/n for an answer. ‘we cant study if you dont tell me when!” “well if the exam’s tomorrow then obviously we study today! what are you, an idiot?” y/n says, lightly teasing the poor boy. “right, but like, when today?” “you annoy me.” y/n responds without really responding, traveling away to meet their other friend group. “haha, y/n hates you!” jisung says. renjun then nudges jisung not-so-gently before sighing. “i dont get it. i would do anything for them and they just brush me off like im... i dont know, what am i?” he asks, confused. “an idiot. a complete idiot.”
as soon as school ends, renjun sends y/n a text. ‘library?’ is all he says, and y/n answers quickly. ‘get here quickly pls,,, i dont wanna waste time” y/n sends back shortly after. renjun walks to their schools library, and sees his study mate. “hey jun, hurry up before i start growing grey hairs.” y/n whisper yells from one of the tables. he had taken longer than he wanted to, so he rushed to the table and scurried to get out his notebook and a pencil. ‘right, so, show me your notes.” y/n says, half distracted by the drawing they were creating in the corner of a scrap piece of paper. renjun opens his note book, revealing his subpar notes. “dude, what-- how much time do you spend actually taking notes?” y/n asks before revealing their organized notes that definitely weren’t the best, but better than renjun’s. “i look out the window more than i pay attention, ha...” renjun admits with a sheepish smile. “sure, just read my notes and copy whatever you need.” y/n says nonchalantly. “thank you so much, you’re a life saver, y/n!” renjun exclaims. “of course i am, i’m me.” y/n says unexpectedly, before ‘posing’ and rolling their eyes.
after some time had passed, renjun had gotten distracted. “junie, can i tell you something?” y/n asked, looking at renjun’s renovated notes. “sure, whats up?” renjun responds while flipping his pencil between his fingers. “there’s this girl that likes me, but i don’t like her back. it’s kinda so awkward, but i don’t want it to be. ugh, its so frustrating!” y/n whines as they drum their fingers against the table. “oh? who is it? can i know?” renjun immediately asks. “she told me tot to tell anyone. so i’m kinda already not listening, but as long as i don’t tell you her name that should be fine, right?” renjun whines and begins asking more questions. “is she nice? do i know her? when-” “shut up.” y/n cuts him off and runs their temples. “she’s... its not like she’s not nice, and you don’t know her, okay? ugh, i shouldn’t have even tried telling you about my love life.” y/n grumbles. “love life?” renjun asks. “maybe you could repay me by telling me something.” y/n offers, a smirk growing on their face. renjun tries hard not to blush and looks away quickly. “there’s, uh, nothing to talk about, ha.” he explains half heartedly. “sure there is! maybe not recent, but tell me something at least a little interesting.” y/n persuades. “uh, well, last year i made friends with this... person, and i liked them. they, uh, they moved away. yea.” renjun cant help but blush as he struggles to find literally anything else to do. “yea, sure.” y/n takes note of his blush and can’t help but wonder if he’s lying. 
y/n begins packing up and renjun looks at them in confusion. “you have to go?” he asks, trying to hide his disappointment. “yea, im sorry. you got everything you needed, right?” y/n responds. y/n has a knack for ignoring renjun, the way he blushes, the way he often looks at them with wide eyes, the way he looks around aimlessly when he thinks, the way he throws his head back when he laughs, the way he bends his knees when he screams into the air when he’s frustrated or flustered, and... maybe they didn’t ignore renjun. maybe they didnt ignore him at all. “yea, thank you so much!” and he smiles the cutest smile and starts packing up his things as well. “you have a ride home? i’m taking the bus.” y/n asks. “i’m taking the bus too! maybe we should get a snack for the ride?” “YES.” y/n answers right away. renjun laughs and throws back his head, just like how y/n was just thinking about. a small smile creeps up y/n’s face and a boldness takes over. “you’re adorable, you know that?” y/n asks, swinging their backpack over their shoulder. renjun blushes, and hard. his heart races and he struggles to come up with a reply as his hand thoughtlessly covers his smile. “adorable, ha.” he says quietly. y/n internally yells and waits for him. “yea. so what type of snack do you want?”
on the bus with chip bags on their laps, the silence is almost comforting, right before it’s not. the bus stops to let in more people, and renjun looks at y/n. y/n pops more chips in their mouth before looking back, and renjun swiftly looks away. they’re sitting next to each other, and renjun has never been that close to y/n. he starts noticing their more delicate features up close and feels his chest tightening. after y/n swallows the chips, they look at renjun’s hand, a single ring on his pointer finger. mindlessly, they pick it up to examine the ring. renjun’s heart starts beating louder at the contact, and he looks out the window without knowing what else to do. “pretty ring.” y/n says. “thank you, chenle gave it to me.” he says, smiling shyly. “so you’re married?” y/n says, a single brow raised. renjun takes back his hand and and looks at his ring. “its not like that! besides, i dont like him.” he says. “do you like someone else then?” “maybe.” renjun mutters so quietly that he can barely hear himself. “HA! I KNEW IT!”  y/n celebrates their small victory and renjun looks back towards the window with a stupid smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks.
once renjun reaches his stop, he stands up. “this you?” y/n asks. “yea, bye!” he says, almost sadly walking in front of y/n to get out of the aisle. “no, not bye, lemme walk with you the rest of the way.” y/n says and gets up, walking out and away from the bus shortly after. renjun smiles to himself and walks towards his street, leading the way. “so... who is it?” y/n asks. renjun blushes and covers his face. “i can’t tell you that!” he says. “why not? huh? i’ll tell you mine.” y/n says. “yoU HAVE A CRUSH?” renjun practically screams. “yea, it’s not a big deal.” y/n says, right before pulling two lollipops out of their pocket and handing one to renjun. “fine, but, please don’t hate me.” renjun pleads, putting the wrapper into his pocket. “i promise i wont hate you. who is it?” “well, we only started being friends recently, but they’re just so.. i don’t know. and i’ve told jisung this, but i would do anything for them.” he says, trying hard not to stutter and even harder to not get a heart attack. y/n puts the lollipop in their mouth, and renjun follows. “anything?” y/n asks playfully. “yea, pretty much. i don’t even know why i like them so much, they act like... i don’t know, they kind of ignore me.” y/n secretly wondered what type of human would be able to ignore someone as nice and as attractive as renjun. “ignore you? it’s hard to do that with how whiny you are.” y/n laughs and renjun whines. “see, i told you!” y/n says and smiles around their lollipop. “anyways, do i know them?” y/n asks shortly after. “yea, kinda... hah, all of a sudden i dont really wanna talk about it anymore, so, bye?” renjun forces his hands into his pockets. was he really ready to confess? “fine, i’ll tell you about mine then. he’s really charming in his own way, and i just realized that i liked him recently. we also haven’t been friends for long, ha. i don’t know why, there’s just something about him, his cute little habits are so endearing to me. ew, i sound gross.” y/n pretends to vomit, and renjun sighs lowly. “you really do like him, huh?” he asks, defeated. “yea, i guess i really do.”  y/n smiles to themselves and nudges renjun.
renjun kicks at a rock before stopping in front of a house. “well, this is my house, so...” “right.” y/n nods and presses their lips together. “hey, could you do me a favor?” y/n asks, right before renjun goes to walk up to the door. “sure, anything you want?” “anything?” y/n asks with a smile on their face. renjun lightly blushes, before saying quietly, “yea, anything.” he sends a small smile and y/n can’t help but walk closer to the boy. renjun’s heart starts pounding inside his chest. did he just confess?   y/n reaches out to him and gives him a hug. renjun frantically tries placing his hands on y/n’s back multiple times before finally resting them in one spot, placing his head in the crook of their neck. to him, it felt like they fit together perfectly. a giant smile paints his lips and y/n starts retracting their arms. ‘it’s you, renjun.” y/n faulters with their words. renjun’s eyes go wide and his lips part to let in air. he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “me. i am? it’s… what? he says, absolutely speechless. “you’re the guy i was talking about earlier. not that it matters.” y/n shrugs, trying to hide the fact that their heart was absolutely racing. “it does, uh, to me, because, you’re the person i was talking about earlier too, so…” he hides his face with his hand and looks away. ‘you think i ignore you?’ y/n says, surprised. ‘uh, a little bit…” he admits, shyly. he felt like he was going to explode, he was so flustered. “sorry, i’ll try to pay more attention to you?” y/n offers, paired with a crooked smile. renjun bends his knees and screams into the air, making y/n smile and laugh shortly after. “sorry, and, yea, that would be nice.” y/n hesitates before stepping forward and planting a quick kiss on renjun’s cheek, sending the poor love-struck boy’s heart to heaven and hell at the same time. a wide goofy smile is shared between the both of them. “ill text you?” y/n offers, hands trying to find a place to stop before finally landing in their pockets. “yes, great! i mean, uh, cool. very cool.” renjuns fails to hide his excitement as he practically floats on air and lets out a sigh, shooting y/n a thumbs up. “very cool, yes.” y/n laughs and finally leaves the boy to go inside, and he automatically starts jumping in a circle and clapping out of happiness.
the end! 
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I’ve Had Enough - Rafe Cameron
caution: rafe x reader, drug addiction, swearing, children, teen pregnancy, yelling, flashbacks on “doing it” with rafe and the aftermath, vomit, kinda toxic relationship??
a/n: OKAY WAIT HIII. This is my first ever writing piece and i literally thought about this idea while i was falling asleep. it will probably be absolute SHAT, so don’t be surpirsed if it is. plus, my spelling and grammar is doo doo.  i dont know that much about cocaine addiction, im trying my best jsyk! lets pretend that rafe isn’t a murderer, and that rafe and you are +18.
Part 2  Part 3
words: 1.1k
outline: rafe and you moved in together after your second child was born. but of course, rafe’s addiction didn’t ease up. in fact, it go worse. you finally broke out after having to deal with it for more than 2 years.
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“baby!” you yelled out from you and rafe’s bedroom, holding your head in your hands to try and focus on the schoolwork on your desk. no response came back as marie, your 1 year old daughter, kept on crying. you scoffed and pushed yourself up, walking into the living room where you last saw rafe. as you went through the bedroom door frame, you saw rafe bent down above the coffee table, a snorting sound coming from him. anger filled your body. 
“rafe!” you yelled out, louder to get his attention. he whipped his head up, white powder littering under his nostrils. you stormed up to him as he looked around, getting familiar again with his surroundings. you leaned in and looked into his eyes, recognizing the symptoms. you shook your head and sat up as rafe finally looked at you. you stormed into the crying baby’s room, looking at your 4 year old son, spencer trying to shush her. you leaned over the crib rail and took her into your arms, bobbing her up and down.
rafe was a hook up that you didn’t know would turn into a future relationship because of a child. rafe saw you at the boneyard and immediately took a liking to you. he wanted to get into your pants, see how you moaned and how you screamed his name, he wanted to know every single curve of your body like the back of his hand. what was surprising was that you were a pogue, and he was a kook. to be honest, you were kinda tipsy, so things weren’t registering right. all you remember was a heated make out session behind a tree, then you woke up naked in rafe’s bedroom. rafe didn’t spread about what he did to you, which was new of him. he felt something different about you. he wanted to make a relationship with you, he wanted to know other than how you were in bed.but he never told anyone about it, even you. y’all went on hooking up here and then, from time to time. 
until, you started feeling sick when you went on the HMS Pogue. you didn’t get motion sickness at all, so you just thought that the food that you ate was bad. but then, it started to happen everyday. you running to the bathroom every morning you woke up to spill your guts. you started to get scared, and avoided rafe at all costs. you still hung out with the pogues, but had to sneak away to the bathroom every time you felt it coming. you felt the need to take a test, and so you did. surprise, surprise, it came out positive. you panicked and didn’t tell anyone, still not having any contact with rafe. the first people to find out were the pogues, kiara noticing your baby bump. telling them who the baby daddy was was hard, since y’all didn’t like the kooks at all. they were very disappointed, but said they would support you all the way through.
“calm down baby, you’re okay.” you shushed marie tenderly and walked out her room. rafe now had his arms spread across the back of the couch, slouching in his seat. “you still have kids, rafe.” you said. he grumbled and threw his hand up, bending it. as you went into the kitchen to get formula, you heard a sound come from the living room. you turned around and saw rafe leaning up against the bar, separating the living room from the kitchen and dining room. you huffed and walked over to rafe, helping him to the couch once again. “you need to stop, this is getting out of hand.” you lightly put him down back where he was. “don’t tell me what to do.” he mumbled back. you pulled back, pulling marie close. “what did you say?” your eyes narrowed at rafe. “don’t tell me what to fucking do!” he yelled out, his face turning red.
“i take care of this fucking family while you go to barry’s with our rent money to get more drugs!” you yelled, not holding yourself back. all the anger you built up after multiple times seeing rafe like this finally showed. the continuous screams from both of y’all were drowning out the scared cries of your children. tears were streaming down your face, but you stood still, holding marie closer. as rafe was screaming at you, you felt a grip on your leg. you quickly looked down, a tear dropping onto the carpet. there you found spencer hugging your leg as tight as a 4 year old could. seeing him like that, screaming and crying, tore up a piece of your heart. you knew they shouldn’t have heard this, seen it or be anywhere need it. so, you didn’t let rafe finish what he was talking about. you went into you and rafe’s room and grabbed your phone and your car keys. he stepped into the door way, still expressing his thoughts loudly. your vision was blurry from your tears, but you quickly wiped your eyes with your extremely shaky hands to see what you were doing on your phone. 
“what are you doing?” he asked, cutting off what he was last talking about. “hey baby? whats up?” the female voice said. “who is that?” rafe said, stepping closer to you. “get back, rafe!” you exclaimed out. “y/n, what is happening?” her tone became concerned and worried. “mom, i can’t anymore.” you replied, your voice cracking. “y/n, talk to me!” yelled out rafe. you sniffled, and tried your best to go around rafe’s size. spencer’s hand was in yours, holding onto your finger. “baby, please!” he begged as you slipped past him. “can you please meet me at ihop?” you asked, walking toward the door. “y/n, please don’t do this! we can talk it out, just please!” rafe grabbed your waist, turning you toward him. “don’t touch me!” you cried out, jiggling the front door handle. the expression on his face showed the guilt he had just put on himself by how he acted. “yes, yes i’m on my way right now.” she said before ending the call. you finally got the door to open, and you quickly slipped through. you put the phone in your back pocket, ignoring rafe’s begs. “w-where are we going, mommy?” spencer asked quietly, still crying. “don’t worry about it, baby.” you said, your lip quivering. you pulled him up into your arms, and his tiny head turned around. 
“what about daddy?” he said. “he’ll be fine, but we’re going to see gigi, okay?” you said, looking at him. he looked at you and nodded his head slowly, tear streaks going down his cheeks. a sob left your lips, seeing your child that scared and hurt. he’ll be fine, he’ll be fine.
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