#so much infodumping oh god
sefusneezed · 4 months
What was Kat's upbringing like (with having three dads)
Ermm TECHNICALLY one dad and two uncles 🤓🤓🤓🤓
UHHHH probably not the typical admech upbringing experience. She didn't have any like, tiger parent stuff. But its honestly not any typical upbringing experience in general lmfao Von Kuronar is nuts.
She's an orphan and adopted RIP but she doesn't remember her birth parents because she was literally an infant when Von Kuronar took her in. Like five months old. This guy who claims he's ALL logic NO emotion went out and adopted a baby just to spite the ecclesiarchy who was calling her blessed by the Emperor when it was his skitarii blessed by the OMNISSIAH who found her. Then he comes back to the rest of the gang ranting about the hardships of being a single father and Kalanis and Mordekai are just confused as hell.
Problem is this guy had no idea what he was doing. A SUPER old archmagos who's not only disconnected and out of touch, but also unhinged and strange in general to begin with. He's literally the worst guy you could pick for parenting. Dude yells way too much at everyone, he had to get his vocal chords augmented so they can handle the amount of yelling he does. He just seems angry all the time. Literally everything he says can be taken negatively. And he just Cannot Relate to stupid biological child problems so he has no idea what to do when she comes crying over random kid stuff and he ends up saying and doing the stupidest most braindead stuff you can imagine to try and "fix" it. I mean, dude tried his best. He read as many parenting books as possible. Let's her get away with everything (literally bans her from the biologis labs and then conveniently "forgets" the next day) And he spoils tf outta her. So then you get this weird disconnected dynamic that's literally just based off miscommunication where he loves her as his own and thinks her not wanting to be around him is just "grr my dad is old and NOT cool" but then actually she's just scared of him and every interaction is awkward as hell. He will not admit any fault though he did nothing wrong he is the best dad. UHH MORE INFO She was homeschooled. She was so bad at basic admech stuff that she would not has survived in any kinda schola and it got too expensive to keep bribing them. She does not vibe with the machine spirits and tbh didn't have much interest in them anyway. But its ok she makes up for it by being a biologis savant. Literally ten years old and doing open heart surgery sticking augmentations on people messing with clone vats. It's so weird she is so bad at machinery unless that machinery has SOMETHING to do with biology, and then she's a genius. So Kuronar just let her focus on that because mechanics was just painful for everyone involved when she did that. Unfortunately UHH she also had no friends. Literally none besides like, SUPER old people and servitors because like she just simply didn't know anyone else. She was so lonely she harassed anyone who made the mistake of giving her attention RIP to all of Kalanis' offworld diplomat guests.
In general umm it wasn't really good but it wasn't bad either?? I mean, its kind of shit but in the context of 40k childhoods she was soooo lucky. Didn't even have the typical admech rigid structures and schedules and whatever smh smh they just let her do whatever she wanted. Sucks for her though because she's still a big nerd who made HERSELF study biologis stuff and now everyone must suffer for it when the latest Kat Beast escapes containment. They should have just left her with the ecclesiarchy and made them deal with her.
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grayintogreen · 15 days
If you knew the amount of restraint I have to utilize to not talk ALL THE DAMN TIME about my fanfic series and the extremely specific characterizations and worldbuilding within, you’d give me a medal for how well I hold it all in.
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important announcement: my wife is amazing and literally the most special person in the entire world
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ex-textura · 5 months
Hi hello! Any fun facts you would like to share about your characters? (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
[i'm sorry this has taken me so long i've been picking away at this since you sent it 😶 apologies for the verbosity, but you got me started and i couldn't stop lmao]
I have SO MANY facts I want to share about my characters 👀 are they fun? ehhhhh. They sure are facts.
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The big scar on Auric's face is from his sister's ex. He was jealous and abusive and the one time he flew into a rage in Auric's presence, he stepped in and took the hits so she could run. He almost died then. When he woke up his head was in her lap, he was surrounded by blood, and the abusive ex was dead.
He and Gale settled down after the events of the game, got married, and opened a tavern outside of Waterdeep with his sister and her love, Halsin. They have a teleportation circle in the basement connected to Gale's tower and they basically treat it like a guest house. They've also set up a place for Astarion in the basement so he can stay there whenever he's handy. He still doesn't really like Astarion, but his sister pleaded and he couldn't say no.
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Ciaran collected every poetry book, love letter, and diary he could find once he started to get feelings for Gale. He also bothered everyone in the party constantly(Gale included) about what love is, how do you know that's what you're feeling, what do you do about it? He had no frame of reference for love so the whole thing was completely foreign to him. He was like an alien trying to learn human customs. He thought he was being sneaky.
Now that he's no longer trying to die all the time, he's taken up painting and gotten pretty damn good at it, too.
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Jinx is 43 years old. Technically.
His skin used to be more red, but a wild magic surge turned him blue and the colour never totally faded.
He's demisexual
Fully incapable of picking up when he's being flirted with. He doesn't think he's handsome, or ugly. He's just Jinx.
He'll try literally anything once, so he let Astarion bite him, and then let him drain him because he'd never been bitten by a vampire before, and never died before. He turned him down for sex though because "I've already had gay sex before :) thanks though!" Astarion is still reeling from that one.
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Amaris is one half of a splintered soul. They grew up with their other half as their best friend and had no idea.
The illithid abduction went funky and rather than just scooping them up into the nautiloid, it shunted them into an entirely different, mirrored reality. It wasn't until before the push on moonrise that they learned the truth.
Their best friend and other half had a massive crush on the infamous Gale of Waterdeep that they used to give her hell about all the time. Until they met him, and fell for him too.
Luckily, due to alternate universe fuckery, they each got a Gale and everyone is happy.
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Naught is something of an urban legend to people who travel the roads outside Baldur's Gate. He hunted highwaymen with the help of his birds Quothe and Madge. Known only as The Raven on account of the only warning of their presence being a ruffle of feathers and the cry of ravens before the arrows would start flying.
He took payment for his heroism in money, food, or sex. Whatever was on offer.
Before they hit Baldur's Gate and rented out the Elfsong they hadn't slept in a bed in over 10 years.
Their boyfriend was teaching him to read before the fire that killed him and sent Naught on the run. As such, the lad still can't fucking read.
Apparently their type is nerds who are older than him.
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Jack married his ex-wife when he was 18.
Has two kids - a son and a daughter - and a grandchild on the way.
His job in the city was general labour. Lifting, fixing, building, cleaning. Anything that paid.
His ex-wife, and therefore his kids, are dwarves. He's 6'5. There's a bit of a height difference there.
He plays the drums.
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Ilztaufein is a name he gave himself after escaping the fall of Ched Nasad.
He'd only been training as a wizard for about 10 years when he left. Still though, he thinks he's hot shit and won't hear otherwise.
The only wizard he thinks is better than himself is Gale. Elminster is a nobody in his eyes.
He's 5'4!
For all his big talk he's kind of terrified of women and will automatically obey any order given to him by any of the women in the party. Except for Shadowheart..who he killed......And Mystra... who he's got plans for.
He's been researching the gods after hearing Mystra's order for Gale's sacrifice. He wants to usurp her.
Most of his work on the surface has been in and around Waterdeep, and he's been to Blackstaff Academy a number of times in that time, in disguise, trading information.
He doesn't understand how humans age.
He's never seen a cat in person until they entered Last Light. He's obsessed with them (they're regal, vicious, fancy little bitches. Just like him). The first time he sees one with fur he's going to lose his damn mind.
He's never been with a human before. It's only been drow and the occasional surface elf. Gale's body hair is magical to him and he's not at all subtle about it.
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He's 6'2.
Muse more or less adopted Flair - his partner in crime - when they were still teenagers. He saw this homeless kid trying to flirt with him after one of his shows and, like one might with a pet, decided this one was his and took her in. He taught her everything he knew about flirting, manipulation, and getting away with it.
Astarion clocked them both as thieves right away when they met Gale and immediately started trying to use thieves cant to communicate to each other that he was the perfect mark, and whose turn it was to do the flirting.
They caught on that Astarion was on to them later, so Muse was tasked with distracting him, lest Astarion rat them out or, worse, take their mark out from under their noses.
Absolutely devastated when Astarion started using the same tactics on him that he'd used on his targets and that shit actually worked.
He's really bad at the whole...feeling your real genuine emotions...thing. He's been writing songs about Astarion trying to sort out his feelings, rather than..yknow. talking to anyone. at all. ever.
He got really mad at Flair when she started giving Gale expensive items so he wouldn't explode. He voted to send the wizard to the underdark cause he wasn't worth the trouble.
He smells like patchouli and vanilla.
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plulp · 1 year
you seriously dont want to ask about my ocs. i swear to god you dont. we're all going to have a horrible time. the last time i talked about worldbuilding it was all refrigerators. its all fridges. we'll all have a bad time
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octoxicash · 9 months
I has a question about the man built like a possum (Narrator). I get he is already sorta creature, but he is still kinda humanoid. So, my question is, can he go like full blown creature-creature, if that makes any sense.
literally packing for christmas travelling tomorrow morning rn but i had to stop and open my laptop bc oh my god i love talking abt my narrator thank u so much anon. get infodumped on. sorry
In my own tsp headcanon he literally has no physical form and just kinda loads a model in whenever he wants to actually interact w something? but its very much like the perspective of paying a video game to him.
At some point i just decided he kinda made his own custom "human" body out of convenience but its editable / customizable still however he wants it. I mainly just draw the same one out of habit/comfort but also I think he'd choose a similar form for Stanley's sake. In my head its also the first form he saw of Narr's so that's just kinda. him. so he looks like how i draw him for most of the time.
The reason he gave his form non-human traits (tail(s), extra set of arms, claws, weird eyes, yellow tones in claws / mouth / blush, bioluminescence, etc.) is that he felt being human didn't encompass him fully / felt too important to let himself look like one. Also he's just more fun to draw like that
an actually! most of the time he doesn't even have his full body loaded up! the only parts that r actually there are head/hands/tail bc he's lazy and sensory inputs a bitch! the clothes kinda just go around where his body WOULD be n act like its there but there's. nothing in there. like if u rolled up his sleeve boom he's hollow in there (doodles on right unrelated I'm too lazy to crop)
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I do have a post-parable au as well that i haven't rlly done much with in which he's no longer able to change his form and is just fuckin stuck w how i usually draw him because that's just what he looked like when they escaped so that's silly. imagine ur just chilling irl and randomly some guy who lookes weirdly jaundice-d up and has a fucking. TAIL. comes asking you questions yet acts perfectly healthy.
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in the parable tho he can look like anyone he wants or any Narrator design (or other character designs) out there I just have a few "preset" ones that i draw just cause that's how i view him :3
he can go full Thing™️ and one of the designs for him that i DEFINITELY need to draw more of is kinda angel-like (its literally based on how i draw the wtnv angels) an its one of my fav designs of him to doodle. same colors i use for my main design for him but shifted around some. ill draw / color him a shitty ref one of these days i prolly
tl:dr yes. and also im ill.
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nthexplzn · 9 months
hi guys. just found out how to pose and make little silly guys do silly little things on avatar catalog plplplpslspls looky here!!!! jingle jingle 🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑
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oetscop · 3 months
i love my petscop mutuals. we should kiss
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blujayonthewing · 4 months
extremely funny to me that I originally thought melliwyk was maybe asexual just because of my own biases over character tropes and then years later discover that if an attractive person infodumps at her that is it for her
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
so i just had a meeting with the department heads for the comedy major at my college bc since scott is going on tour next year and he's going to be spending time in my city he's said he wants to do an event with my college so this meeting was pitching the idea and setting it up. and like i was a little nervous bc like. i am literally just a 20-year-old student but yeah the meeting went very well!!!! i'm gonna get to interview scott in person in front of all my classmates!!!! and i'm also gonna get to do another semester of independent study credit for the buddy cole documentary next semester WOOO!!!!
but that's not even the coolest thing. i met another nonbinary person who's obsessed with kith and specifically scott thompson! but the thing is. not only is this person irl. THIS PERSON IS THE NEW ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF THE COMEDY MAJOR!!!!!
literally HOLY SHIT!!!!!! i already know the department heads pretty well bc like. i'm me, i'm a joy to have in class but also an overachiever who WILL show up at office hours for a class i'm not even in just to infodump about comedy. but the former assistant director stepped down last year to focus on teaching (he's actually the one who's the advisor for my independent study rn lmao) and i hadn't met the new person until today and wow this was such a great first impression lmao hi my name is jessamine ze/zir/zirs and even tho i'm literally a junior i'm gonna help you meet your comedy hero
but seriously this is so cool. all the other comedy faculty here are cis and most of them are straight, so just having a nonbinary person in one of the leadership positions in the program is HUGE. but not only that, they're also really into my hyperfixation???? i may have found a new favorite faculty member lmao i need to find when their office hours are
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toonagi · 1 year
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everybody shut up and look at my creatures
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hauntedgrease · 9 months
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seilon · 1 year
man im really fucking bad at hanging out with people no wonder i have like two friends
#sometimes it’s worse than usual and tonight was one of those times#I just. couldn’t get myself to be interested in doing anything they wanted to do#just was not having a good time and for no real reason#also every time they talk about stuff they do with other friends and whatever it hits unreasonably hard that oh yeah! I don’t have#other friends. like everyone else does. I don’t do anything or see anyone. I just obsess over a special interest and rot in my room#and it’s completely my own fault because I can’t fucking socialize#idk but anyway that’s just. a part of it. aside from that i was just. yeah not interested in anything#I wasn’t even tired or lethargic or anything like I usually am so it’s just a fucking waste of everyone’s time including mine#that I’m. like this#idk. I should drink a lot more next time. probably.#im more sociable and actually somewhat enjoyable to be around that way. sucks that it takes so fucking much to get me drunk lol#god I hate being like this I hate that social conditions have to be so specific or else my brain short circuits like this#I honestly think it was largely something to do with there being two people hanging out that usually aren’t there#even if they’re not new people to me or anything and they’re friends and all#I guess I was just kind of only in the headspace to hang out way more casually with the two main people I tend to be around the most#conveniently the two people who have played yakuza and aren’t as annoyed by me playing it or talking about it or whatever#I hate being so consumed by interests like this where I literally don’t want to talk about anything else basically#I wish I could actually infodump to my friends#but yeah . only one of them I sorta do that to and even that I’m just. idk I still feel like I can very easily be too much#there’s something very wrong with me#and now I’m gonna feel bad the rest of the week because that was my only shot at social interaction for the week. and now I’ll be in my room#being. the mentally ill husk of a person that I am the rest of the week.#woohoo#im going to split my skull open I hate this I hate being so bad at being a person#kibumblabs
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thethingything · 2 years
for the last couple of days our brain has kind of felt the way it does when we've not had any caffeine and our ADHD gets really bad and we start getting distracted all the time and having racing thoughts and being generally unhinged, except we've been drinking energy drinks so I know it isn't that.
our psychosis definitely started flaring up as well because we've had the usual stress induced hallucinations we get (usually just spiders and little orbs of light. it's whatever) but also really intense paranoia over how people perceive us, but it's combined with the racing thoughts and we keep just rambling and jumping from one thing to another while freaking out about doing exactly that.
so yeah anyway if I talk to anyone and it looks like I'm typing stuff really frantically or it doesn't make sense properly, that's probably why. I just felt like this was worth clarifying in case anyone noticed and wondered what the hell was going on
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scabbardsystem · 2 months
expertise (who rarely talks without blurring) suddenly and very loudly: "OH MY GOD CLASSPECTS PLEASE LET ME FRONT."
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icharchivist · 5 months
oh thanks god, i looked for a guide to see how i could get my favorite Cloud's dress, but i also didn't want it to compromise my own gameplay so there's stuff i didn't follow to the letter.... but now i'm getting the sidequests that are associated to that dress and i'm so damn relieved.
I'll have all my favorite dresses for the girls' auditions at least
#tho i must mention that for Aerith it's a tie actually#her red dress is drop dead gorgeous and oughhhhh#but her long pink dress is so pretty....#.... when the concept arts for the remake came out and i shared the arts of the dresses in priv#one of my best friend (who's known me for over 10 years) messaged me#'i legit saw you wear this type of dress before. like almost the exact same. is that why.'#and it wasn't because my dresses in question predated the remake#while the fact i have many pink dresses may be a deep Aerith's influence#but for this one? total luck.#(i do also wear a ribbon in my hair everytime i wear them up so much so she gifted me a ribbon once. so there's that too)#and it keeps making me cry laughing like. friend clocked me immediately#though there's worse. there's how i infodumped about ff7 to her boyfriend last time i saw them#guy who's also one of my best friend for over ten years#(and those two know me very very deeply on every single ones of my issues and behaviors and everything)#and the more i was talking the more i saw him visibly grimacing.#before hitting me with a 'so like you basically.' after i recalled elements of Cloud's character arc.#i WASNT trying to make a point about that my friend just came for my fucking life.#and then i tried to explain some stuff about the movie#and my friend bursted into tears and laughers because 'oh no. no way. just like-- oh my god.'#of course my own bias may have colored the way i talked about it but i swear it wasn't the point#my friend just knew me enough to grimace and go 'so you're cloud ain't ya'#fucking kinassigned by best friends.#ichablogging ffviirg
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