#so sad 😢....
heyhotstuffs-blog · 4 months
*sighs looks at drafts full of the flags x reader content.*
I wish my husbands had more representation....
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zivazivc · 4 months
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bby floyd sleeping with their dad's vest
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zoobus · 1 year
All housing should be $1 per month to rent. The deposit can't be more than two. And if I see one roach I can beat you (landlord) like Jesus. I'm open to suggestions though
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demelly · 11 months
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Someone give this guy back his wife 😭
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kamino-coruscant · 2 years
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Diana et Callisto; Federico Cervelli 17th AD
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ziangjiya · 9 months
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jiang and daji 😆😆😆🤮🤮🤮😭😭😭😢
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camakkuma · 5 months
Day nine Skizzleman!
Who's the best Hermit -ah- this guy
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daeneryseastar · 4 months
quick how shocking is it that an alicent stan is claiming that DAENERYS of all people isn’t an ‘actual mother’ and that her only children are her ‘fur babies’ and how DARE she be included in a mother’s day post?
she’s the mother of dragons (they were extinct for over a hundred years, she dreams of her hatching them by walking into a great fire, literally breastfeeds them as if they were her own), she’s ‘mhysa’ to the freedmen AND missandei, she became pregnant at 13 after being routinely raped for months and gave birth to a stillborn son. a baby she wanted so desperately, and it’s disingenuous and nasty af to reduce the bonds she’s procured with her dragons, the people she’s freed from their shackles, and her actual dead child(ren, maybe, bc she might have had a miscarriage at the end of adwd) to ‘can’t stand a fur baby bitch’ i am in your fucking walls.
i forget though, the only women deserving of sympathy in universe need to be given made up rape and abuse storylines in order for their suffering to count. not the THIRTEEN YEAR OLD who was sold into slavery, married off against her will to a 30 year old warlord, raped repeatedly to the point she wanted to die; along with being sexually exploited and physically abused by her brother, the only living family member she had left. they also need to be a white red headed woman who’s either an abusive piece of shit or a massive ungrateful xenophobe. i hope you have that same energy when a real life person loses their baby, make sure to tell them that because their kid is dead they can’t call themselves a parent anymore.
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zweiginator · 3 months
Imagine this for Stepbro Pat: His father is throwing a house party, like gathering, and has neighbors over. Some of those neighbors, who are adults and married, have kids- boys and those boys around your age. So during the party/gathering your talking to one of these boys, who's clearly interested in you. This boy starts whispering in your ear, making you smile, grazing your ass, but being careful to make sure no one's watching- but Patrick sees. And them some jealous over takes him or sum shit. But like then he takes you somewhere in the house where it isn't crowded, your room or his. He fucks you out of jealous but it's like sweet sex? Like he tells you sweetly how much he cares abt you and doesn't like seeing you with other guys, if you get the idea. Anyways just thoughts!
yes and he’s so confused with his emotions. because you’re his stepsister and no he clearly can’t be exclusive with you that’s fucking crazy. but the jealousy he feels in every bone of his body when he sees those boys flirting with you, touching you—it drives him crazy. makes him see red. and patrick is already easy to anger and pretty hotheaded so he has to physically restrain himself. removes himself from the situation.
patrick comes over to you, says some bullshit about his dad asking them to help him in the kitchen with something. you know it’s bullshit since the zweig family hired caterers for this party. and patrick knows you know it’s bullshit. i guess it’s more for show. to see if you’ll follow him.
so you do. and patrick is quiet. so weirdly quiet. takes you to his room and locks the door. and soon he’s rocking into you slowly. it’s more deep and sensual and intimate than it’s ever been before. his moans are shallow like his breaths and he repeats your name, how good you feel. and then he starts telling you how special you are, how beautiful, how nobody in the world is good enough for you.
it makes you shudder beneath him. makes you whimper and your cunt squeeze him tighter. you care about him too. way too much.
your mom and patrick’s dad have talked about it, hushed in the dining room at night when you’re asleep in each others rooms. it’s something nobody wants to bring up but everyone has their suspicions about.
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lord-shitbox · 3 months
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jangle rizz skills
[4 context: jangle (aka crimson)'s ability shows them mathematical functions that quantify things like a person's luck over time, so they can see concretely how lucky someone is @ any given moment & whether it's going to go up or down in the future]
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victoriaspriing · 1 year
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narlieweek | day seven: free choice
Can you stop taking pictures of me? Absolutely not.
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sainns · 3 months
jake as the main chambelan at ur quince and hes so bossy at practices cos hes really excited for it and he gets mad when people mess up cos this is literally about his gfs day
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hykwky47 · 1 month
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I. Forgro to post this (again)
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faeriekit · 1 year
Health and Hybrids (VI)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and whatever prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWO is here PART THREE is here PART FOUR is here and PART FIVE is here and this is part six💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts
Where we last left off... Danny and Bart are bros now. The Speedsters chat about the horribly injured entity their kid has decided is like a...pet? Theydk?
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my awful attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
Danny wakes up to an unbridled wave of nostopdon’t.
…He rouses. His lungs flutter.
Danny flinches. 
There’s something— it’s large and it’s green in a way that humans are not and it’s taller and wider than Danny’s human and the space it makes in Danny’s senses—
The red human Danny is too attached to now buzzes to his bedside, spilling worrywor/rynerv/ous all over Danny’s section of this abandoned hospital. His muscles tighten up to compensate; and when the green not-human adult gets closer, Danny pushes himself forward on his elbows— closer to his vibrating human, closer to a defensive formation. 
The green thing moves and Danny can’t see the gesture. He bristles. 
And then
Danny’s skull spl
                                                down the middle. 
Everything hurts and everything is on fire. 
Danny screams. 
                        And he screams. 
                                                        And he screams. 
Danny isn’t moving— everything else moves when Danny screams but he isn’t moving— the fast human has gotten even faster and they’re zooming through the building, through rooms and past adult humans that Danny has never seen, and all Danny can do is sink his claws into the human and hope that it stays. That Danny stays. In its arms, and not next to— that. 
The fast-buzzing human finds a dark room. 
It shoves Danny and itself inside. Good. 
They hide. 
Even better. 
Someone comes to the door, and Danny can feel the frigid heat of a blast forming in his fingers. But it’s only two of the humans Danny has already met. And another young human.
This one has light hair, he thinks. It shines in the light spreading out from the cracked doorway. 
They talk and they don’t crowd his space but to be honest Danny would rather they did. There’s something horrible out there, and he knows these humans aren’t that bad and whatever green thing out there certainly is. They should all be safe in this nice dark room. 
He makes a grabby hand. Come here. Get closer. 
…One of them does. Great! Danny gently bats at it with his knuckles until it joins them underneath the table. Danny puts the buzzing human in front of him and his new human behind him, so that he’s in the middle. There’s layers now. They can’t all get wiped out at once. 
Danny makes grabby hands at the other. It makes a huffy sort of vibration. Probably a laugh. Stupid. Doesn’t it notice that they’re in danger?? 
Danny whips a very sharp comehererightnowbetween them— not lashing, but not gentle. They are in danger. Come here. 
Thankfully, the last two obey—Danny’s pretty sure he’s being humored, but that doesn’t matter. Not as long as they’re all under the table. And safe.
The buzzing human’s anxious vibrations slowly move out into a slower, calmer boredom, and that’s fine, because boredom means that it doesn’t think they’re in danger. No one has found them yet and the humans are twitchy and nervous.
One of the darker-dressed humans says something. Danny can’t tell what it says, exactly, but he can turn his head to listen. The words flow around him like water. Someone else murmurs something else.
A human hand bats at Danny’s. Danny flinches. It—is it fighting?? Are they fighting??
They don’t start…hitting. But they keep batting at Danny’s hands, very carefully avoiding his claws, and—oh. They want to play. And they probably want to play quietly, so they’re being smart about not getting caught. Ugh. If Danny had his toys, they wouldn’t be so bored. This is almost worse than boredom.
…Fine. Danny’s claws don’t exactly retract like an animal’s, but they’re not so essential to his being that they’re formed and present all the time. The sharp shapes of his claws shift in the darkness, until they’re only blunt nails: suitable for playing.
All the humans make very excited noises under their breath. It’s all very interesting or something. It can’t be that special. Danny sees other ghosts reshape little bits of themselves all the time.
The quiet human in red gently lifts up Danny’s hands with its own. It gently tosses Danny’s hands in the air, so that they clap together very quietly once they fall down onto its own. Danny lets it happen. They’re this close to him anyway. They’re probably not a threat.
(The real threat is outside, anyway.)
Then his hands get flipped over. The human gently bats its hands against Danny’s, extremely careful not to anger him enough to claw. They do this a couple times before Danny figures the game out.
Oh. It’s a hand game—Danny even knows this one. It’s Ms. Mary Mack. The quiet one whispers the right tune under its breath.
Once Danny knows it, it’s easy to gently follow the motions. He surprises them when he knows the motions as well as they do; his wrists hurt when he goes too fast, or when the human kids do—when they push too hard, Danny makes himself intangible, to their delight—but he can be gentle, and eventually everyone else is gentle, and they carefully plot out Mrs. Mary Mack and a veeeery slow version of Concentration.
It’s all very fun, right up until the Large Green Not-Human pushes itself through the floor.
Danny pulls his hands back, unsheathes his claws, and shrieks.
Everyone yells and everyone gets closer—it’s a defensive formation and that’s good but it’s not enough if he needs space to help defend them—and everything is loud and upsetting and Danny’s already hurt but he can fight and he will—
—Apology, Apology— something whispers, infinitely quieter than the attack Danny had suffered.
He bolts upright. What? Oh, oh no. It wants to talk to him. Danny does not want to talk back. NonononoGoAWAY.
The giant green thing backs off. Danny gets a distinct sensation of —Questions, Answers— sent to him. The feeling is accompanied by a procession of Danny’s own memories: the stars from the base, the container he’d woken up in, his bed nest and all the waste in it.
Danny winces further back under the table. Just because he likes his cot and feels safe in it doesn't mean it isn't gross. It is gross. But everything is going to be gross until all of his insides are actually inside of him again, and not squished up in his more liquid form.
The quickfasthuman darts in front of Danny, as if it is going to be any defense against whatever this creature is, and starts yelling in its little human voice. Danny keens.
—Care, Concern— flows towards him. With it comes Danny’s memories of the buzzing human bandaging him, a flesh-tone bandage stretching across the hole where more of his nose ought to be.
…Danny stills. It’s. That’s.
It’s a very gentle emotion. Maybe the thing is…lying…? But if it was, Danny would be able to feel it. Right?
There are more thoughts and feelings that come by, first very quietly and softly, and then a little too fast to track as the being get ahead of itself. When Danny pulls away, it slows down, and the flow becomes manageable again.
The Earth. Green and peaceful.
Space. —Home. Home—
This base that Danny is on. On it are faces that the green being can see, that Danny can’t— but in its memory it shares, all of them are welcoming and friendly with…their coworker. This being.
(Is this an alien?!)
(The being pauses in its recollection. It feels distinctly —Amused, Amused—. And then Danny gets space memories!! Of Mars!!!)
He carefully eases his claws out of the carpet. Okay. This is pretty cool. Danny’s getting the hang of this.
He (thinks? Successfully?) bounces back a memory of his first room, his first shuttle model of the Atlantis, the glow in the dark stars on his ceiling.
The alien (Alien!!!) treats him to a memory of his own offsprings’ resting places in his home. On Mars.
Danny doesn’t even argue when his buzzing human tries to pick him up. They can break formation. It’s fine. Danny purrs and purrs with his core. For the first time in months and months, someone can speak to him properly. Someone wants to speak to him.
What Danny thinks matters.
The stranger invites Danny into a mutual conversation, and Danny accepts.
Danny sinks himself into a memory of the earth, as seen from the upper atmosphere. The stars were all-encompassing there. He misses flying. 
The Martian sends him a memory of a crashed…
…Oh. Danny squeezes further under the table. That’s the Specter Speeder. From the stranger's eyes, his crash into the dirt looks so bad. That’s…that crash hurt him. He’s still hurt. Still so bad. 
Even the alien’s —Concern, Fear, Worry— isn’t a comfort. 
The Martian replays the memory of the bandaids again. And then a new memory: the laboratory where Danny woke up. 
The room was full of nervous humans in scrubs and lab coats, all of whom were nervous, nervous, fussing over problems like safe food and adequate oxygen and sanitary environment and please, please be okay. Danny’s empathy is limited to other empathetic beings, but the humans' thoughts and worried faces are bare and transparently clear to the alien. 
Danny thinks of the young humans crowded around him, trying to keep him comfortable and safe, even when the alien knows that the humans know that he isn’t a threat. But that they worry for Danny anyway, because he’s scared and unhappy and in pain. 
Oh, Danny thinks. …Oh. 
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lilliesthings · 1 year
"Garcia you saved my life ... Thank you for doing that."
"Thank you for being there when I woke up. It meant a lot."
"Luke... Thank you for coming [...] I can't thank you enough."
"Thank you for going out on a limb for me."
"It's for all the times you worried about me. Thank you."
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