#so slay and just ugh her range????
makotoscoffee · 7 months
Paloma's first performance in drag being In The Next Life by Kim Petras (bc it was Halloween, and if you didn't know, Kim's first album was a Halloween album and it had just came out) is so.... wow
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mayakrish08 · 5 months
Percy Jackson And The Olympians: The Series
Alright fellas, buckle up for the rant. I can’t believe it’s week 4 already and that we are 5 episodes in. I’m gonna start with the current episode. The story is slowly picking up pace, and BOY I loved this episode. The fact that this episode has the FIRST HUG and the FIRST SEAWEED BRAIN are good reasons for that. Another being the way Annabeth dealt with the situation, and how she admitted that Percy was better than her. It must have taken a lot. It’s been… what, a couple of days, and that guy is tilting her world from its axis. Being a self righteous daughter of Athena, and finding yourself with an impulsive guy like Percy? Ha. The most unlikeliest pair, but let’s not forget their parents, hmm? At least their kids don’t have the emotional range of a teaspoon. And I remember thinking that Percy has made Annabeth cry in a matter of few hours. ANNABETH and CRYING do no go in the same sentence that easily. I also remember thinking that Percy was sooo… Percy! “Where is our ride?” And “You think you know me, but you don’t” and ohh, the ultimate, “It’s… smelly.”
Ares was a douche, but I loved his aesthetic with the black leather jacket and the motorcycle. Felt like he jumped right outta the book.
But but, can we like talk about Grover? Ma Man SLAYED it! IS SLAYING IT actually! The way he dealt with Ares, holy gods!! RESPECT!! He was such a SMOOOOTH CRIMINAL! “Pottu vangardhu,” we say in Tamil. That’s exactly what he did with Ares - getting the information he needed from Ares, but in a way that satisfied Ares’ ego. Ah Grover is such a badass. “So, thank you for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers. We will take you up on the ride too.” DAAAAMMNNN DUUUDDEEEE!! Ah I feel in love with him right from the consensus song. {Muttering “Oh Golly, the road’s gettin’ bumpy}
Speaking of, that episode was really good too! I loved how Grover kept deflecting every question, how Percy kept questioning the hierarchy, and how Annabeth was constantly rolling her eyes at Percy, BUT they still didn’t give up on each other, and Grover snapped, and hey! They are finally bordering on the friend zone.
Ah, I wish current Percy and Annabeth could revisit their initial years. Or, I keep thinking, how would House of Hades be, with this cast? *Snort* Ironically, when I think about that, it feels like we are JUST five episodes in. It also makes me feel awed because… We may as well be watching these kids grow up! Like, sure, there will be PLENTY of new characters (Personally, after seeing Hephaestus, I can’t wait for Leo), but Percy and Annabeth are going to be constants, even more so than Grover! So, that means, we will be watching Leah and Walker grow, and we will have a chance of coming back to the first few episodes and coo at how small they are. Gosh, watching the cast interviews now makes me see the difference already!
There is one thing with this series: I keep forgetting the book! It feels like that, certainly! I mean, I don’t remember the Golden Throne thingy, nor did I remember the way Medusa was killed! While the scenes fit the series’ storyline, it is making me doubt my demigod-ness 😭 I also think Gabe is too… decent in this series. He is… MUCH worse in my head. Ugh.
All in all, I think they are doing a good job. At first, I was a bit skeptical, but after watching a certain review of a certain YTber I follow, my perspective changed for the better. Like, she is the perfect Demigod and Witch! Finally, someone I can totally relate to!! Check out her content!
Alright, I am gonna wrap up the rant for now. But I am planning on posting a review every Wednesday, because I NEED PEOPLE TO TALK TO ABOUT THIS DAMMIT!!
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 5 months
For the toh asks, 2?
HI YES!! Okay!! Thank you sm for the ask and creating the list!!
(Here is the ask game for those who want to follow and ask!)
2.) Ramble about your favorite character of all time as much as you want. We're listening
Oh my titan. WHERE TO EVEN START??
So my favorite character is probably either Amity or Luz. Mostly Amity but I kin Luz and ship Lumity so fucking hard like UGH I LOVE THEM.
Me as a person just resonates with Amity a lot. Even though I found the show as I was 17 going on 18 and not at all in the same age range as her. When I first saw the show back during 2020 in the pandemic; I'd seen an Instagram edit. My entire feed was blowing up about this show. Like "Oh my god these two characters are really hinted at being gay!!" Because Enchanting Grom Fright literally was such a big thing, and even though I had no idea what this show would become; it literally was an eye-opening experience.
As I said, I was 17; but I was out as a lesbian (not nonbinary yet but a month or so later I did), and for such a long time I was struggling to find actual mf representation that fit and represented me. That's one of the reasons why I believe shows like TOH are unbelievably important to have-- because that representation can literally save people's lives. Anyway... Finding out that Amity was cannonly a lesbian (or was suspected to be subtext wise) and Luz bisexual, my entire demeanor was like "this. This is absolutely the content I needed when I was younger."
And I love Amity for many reasons, not just as a representational aspect but as her character develops and grows, she starts to change over the course of the show in a way that is healthy. She's realizing how to act for herself-- something I also related to because of semi-not-so-great parents. And her making decisions for what SHE wants.
Her and Luz's relationship as well, it's so undermined as just "oh they're gay" not just that but the fact that Luz is able to show and reveal the parts about Amity as herself, and help her grow; not only as a person but into someone she wants to be?? Amazing. Their relationship is real and feels truthful. Especially when they have that miscommunication about Luz's Dad and them just talking. They aren't perfect, but they communicate, and they do their best to be there for one another.
And not only that but Amity being so worried about not being a good girlfriend for Luz because she cares a lot. Just feeling insecure, but like Luz being her; she doesn't care!! She likes Amity as she is, and she doesn't even think twice if she's "good enough" or not because to Luz, she always is. In combination of that thought too it's like, Amity being afraid of rejection because she feels that Luz can see her for who she truly is despite what guard she projects and holds up from and on the behalf of her family name from the earlier of S1. Just the whole part where Amity over the course of the story changes and is actively flawed in ways that doesn't constitute for dismissing that previous growth that Luz helped with.
She is flawed but she is herself.
Also, not to even cover her designs throughout the show, I absolutely love her timeskip design. The undercut?? Absolutely love. Every fit she has, she absolutely rocks. Same with Luz. They just both look so slay. The absolute power couple.
Anyway, what I'm getting at is that not only because of Amity but also as a whole with TOH (just in this case of her because she's my favorite character) that representation that Dana brought to the table with TOH was so impactful to me and like- Amity is just so cool. I love her.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
I looooove your fancasts for Akasha, Gabrielle and Magnus! Akasha especially, if I see lupita nyong'o playing her, I might die happy right there on the spot :") I thought that I didn't have any fancasts myself, but then I suddenly remembered how cool Robin Wright looked in Bladerunner, and now I just can't unsee her as Gabrielle, with short hair, heavy boots and dark coat. Although on a more serious note, I'd prefer them to keep finding "hidden gems" among less famous actors like they did for S1. I was impressed with everyone I think, but it's like Assad rewired smth in my brain :D He looked amazing in the "reveal" scene, I feel he has the potential of becoming my favourite vampire ever!
Gosh, yes, Lupita is incredible. She would just rock Akasha.
Ohhhhhh, and damn, I had forgotten Robin Wright!! And yessss, I absolutely loved her in Blade Runner as well, that would fit so well, too???? Just....
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Yes. Thank you^^.
And yeah, as I said, I adore the casting they have done for IWTV, I also would love for them to just... slay us with the ones they choose. It's just hard to fan cast more "unknown" (to the broad public at least, aka me here *laughs*) actors, because I cannot really judge their range... and RANGE is imho even more important than looks for these vampires. Because they are all beyond complex (and I love that).
Assad is truly amazing. I... anticipated him being Armand ever since the Marius painting tbh, and I really watched in glee how it all played out... it is no wonder he was scared shitless *laughs*, but he is doing such a fantastic job. So, so fantastic.
Ugh. Whatever else Rolin Jones may be, he is damn good at casting for this show.
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Gleeful Paintbox Project #9: dog days/new tricks
Underrated scenes/performances
A little late and this is maybe gonna be long, but here's my thoughts on why more than a woman is underrated and I love it and it's so good I don't even know where to start (just know I'm praising all couples lol).
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First of all, Saturday night gleever is in my comfort episodes, not like story wise but mostly for the music, unlike the new directions, I love disco, and the music is soooo good it makes me forget all the garbage going on in this episode, and that it barely has Klaine on it...
I'm gonna talk outfit wise, dance moves, setting, mood and context, bts, vocals and ugh THE COUPLES (mostly Klaine tho, there's a lot of underrated Klaine moments here).
Gonna talk about Klaine first cause they're my boo's, outfit wise will be covered later with the rest of the couples. I love Kurt leading the dance, I'm guessing cause he's taller, either way it's perfect. I love how Kurt first appears being held by Blaine and as he extends his arm, he vocalizes that (Para-dise) 'diiiiise' and his face singing it, that little head twirl 🥺.
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Them just caressing each other's hands reminds me of: 'the touch of a fingertip is as sexy as it gets' 🥺, since I can't describe steps, I'm gonna let the gifs talks, just know every single move they make I worship (like a dog at the shrine of your lies okno).
It's hard to pick a favorite moment from them here but I think I'll choose Kurt spinning Blaine and then lowering him and then PUPPY DOG EYES 🥺🥺🥺 this guy is so in love with his man I think I would diiiie, and when Blaine's down, it's just a millisecond but you can see his hand resting so comfortably in Kurt's shoulder.
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Now that I thought I picked a fav moment, this two start to spin and jump around like two pretty ponies 😠, Yeah, I love Kurt jumping, he's just soooo happy, and prob this wasn't in the choreo or who knows, cause no one else did it, but it makes me think it's improvised by Blaine's look, his smile becomes bigger the minute he begins to jump, like he wants to laugh, he just thinks it's so cute, or either way it just could be him happy that he's happy 🥺🥺
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BLAINE TOUCHING KURT'S SHOULDER'S AND KURT'S FACE (YOU'RE KILLING ME 😩, slay me, kill me, RIP me, I died dead), let's ignore they're really looking at the camera man when spinning lol, Kurt's just having a blast and Blaine's really feeling the music.
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Now vocals, this is just made for Chris's range. I find it funny how in the YouTube comments they said Cory's struggling a little with the song this high, and Chris is just vibing using his regular voice, this man's range, I'm still astoundished.
If really the low voices are Darren and Naya, like the comments said then wow, I think it's him singing the 'my only chance for happiness, and if I loose you now...' Chris is also singing that part but higher so it's kinda like a duet right? Lol.
And ugh the chorus, MORE THAN A WOMAN TO MEEE, Chris's voice is soooo smooth, is the whole reason the song was my most listened, just the whole chorus, imagine him singing this in your ear 😍
Okay outfits, I love the 70's vibes, the colors, not a fan of Kurt's hairstyle in this, a little too s1 for my taste, apart from that they all look great, I love the guys wearing those gold necklace things, Finn and Mike's outfits are pretty similar and they're fine, but Kurt and Blaine steal the show, I love red for Blaine, makes him look more in love.
But the girls are the one who really steal the spotlight... I really can't decide which is my fav dress, Rachel is just glowing, her face looks like it's been glittered or something, purple looks so good on her and the tail, now Brittany's, that double colored dress and her necklace and hair, so pretty. Santana, ugh that light blue dress with ruffles (not really good at describing fashion sorry) I think is my second favorite dress, but I gotta say that my number 1 fav look is Tina's, pink dress, with that shoulder thingy, and in this it's easier to appreciate her hair and it looks like she has highlights so yeah, gorgeous Tina for the win, Santana second close, and Brittany and Rachel's looks are tied for me, they all look great otherwise, this is just my taste if I had to chose lol. Woo, that was just for the outfits, this is gonna be a long one, prob nobody will read lmao.
For the setting, I love the dance floor of course, the lights and obviously the fog, it makes it look more romantic, I'm not great at technical stuff but everything about this gives it such a warm relaxing vibe filled with love.
For the bts, I love how much fun everyone had on this, I love that part where it seems like Darren missed a step and he looks at Chris to see how the step goes, and the best part, filming the spinning around, it's so funny how Cory explains that viewers actually think he's looking at Lea, and it's so awkward for him to look at a camera guy this lovingly, it was really fun, and I think everyone did a great job looking like they're in love.
So context wise, despite not knowing what to do with his life, and the assignment having to be about him and his future, Finn instead turns it into a serenade for Rachel, I don't think he sings to her very often (correct me if I'm wrong), and choosing this song is so lovely (the first lines are a little inappropriate but that's not his fault lol), the rest is just so fitting for them, and I love Finn for having a dream sequence picturing all of his friends dancing around them, I only wish it wasn't a dream, but oh well it's still sweet, Rachel's little look before he starts, she looks a little shy and overwhelmed 🥺.
You can really feel the love, and I think that's just cause it's really Lea and Cory radiating real love. How they don't take their eyes from each other and both have this huge grins on their faces, and when they do have to look away they're still smiling 🥺, and the whole dance, really the whole dance, Finn just won't look anything else but Rachel, in some parts she's just feeling herself, but that's not a bad thing, I think is really sweet how Finn is making her feel pretty and loved and it shows, so he lets her be the center.
I really don't wanna discuss much how the lyrics fit them, cause it's bittersweet ('and if I loose you now I think I would die, Oh say you'll always be my baby') but let's discuss the sweet lyrics like the chorus, again about Finn's future, he's unsure about everything except for one thing: Rachel, she's more than a woman to him, she's everything and he's trying to be everything for her ('just trynna get a hold on you'). I love the part where he lowers her and when he brings her back up, ugh somebody look at me like that, I can't describe it, it's such a comfy look sorta like: I can't believe you're mine, and I'm yours, he's just admiring her as he slowly brings her back up 🥺. Rachel's little touches on Finn's shoulders 🥺.
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We don't hear Finn this high very often, found it very interesting the first time, I read somewhere once they autotuned him a little, I'm not sure tho, however it was, he sounds amazing, makes him sound more beamy. Highlights: that high note in those ah ah ahhhh before the last chorus. And the ooh, ooh, ooh's.
So that's it for Finchel I think, let's move on to Tike.
Tike is underrated by themselves, the show tends to be more Finchel, Klaine and Brittana, so I loved they included them in this. I don't know if Mike or Tina sing backup on this, I couldn't hear it, but I'm not great at that lol.
Tina's dress steals the show everytime she spins, my fav part of them is when Mike spins her very fast and then lowers her (terrible at describing dance moves I know), Mike's moves when spinning, he's really having the time of his life lol. Unfortunately, that's it for them, cause the camera was barely on them 😔.
So Brittana, Brittany's smile when the camera first focuses on her 🥺, that part when Brittany is holding Santana's hips and they're just like moving sideways Idk how to call it lol, that's my fav part of them in the song.
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How they hold hands when the first chorus starts 🥺. I've seen some opinions that either Brittany or Heather's not really good at portraying emotion, but in this, really, her eyes make hearts all the time, for me this is the time when she looked at Santana the most lovingly. Someone pointed at YouTube (I didn't noticed it at first but it's cute to share) that when the second chorus starts, everyone is letting go their partner for the step, but Brittany is still holding onto Santana's hips, the YouTube section of this was full of Brittana, and they're right when they pointed out they're really radiating chemistry here, so underrated performance for Brittana fans also. Can't stop staring at Britt's hair 😳😍 srsly omg, so dance and vibe wise Brittany wins here, but let's talk about Naya's vocals omg. That oh uh wow uh 🤯,for being my most listened song on Spotify last year, I'm finding out new things each time, thanks to YouTube again, did anyone else knew Naya is the one singing the lower voice of "you're more than a woman to me" 😳? I was shocked. So if it's Chris and Naya singing those lines together, well that's an interesting mix, I wish they sang together more often (do they have a song together? Remind me please).
Vocals in general, kudos to whoever did those ah ah ah ah's after the choruses. Also kudos to the band, specially the violin's omg.
Despite being the same coreography for everyone, you can really see how each couple makes them their own, like when the one's leading first spins their partner and then lowers them, Kurt does it more slowly than Mike. Don't know if this was a choice or part of the choreo but love how each couple reflects their personality through the dance moves, it still shocks me only two people did every single choreo so thank you Zack and Brooke.
It was fun looking and overanalyzing the other couples, cause I'm usually just staring at Klaine lol, but thanks to this, I found out new things to love about this performance.
I just think this performance as a whole could give world fandom peace, all the couples look happy and lovely, the vibes are so chill and romantic, if we forget for a minute about their mistakes or whatever, either you hate or love some couple, I think this has something for everyone to enjoy, you can't deny they all look very much in love and everyone did an amazing job and this is so underrated, total serotonin boost, I close my case.
I got the gifs from angelhummel so thanks <3
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marauder-exe · 3 years
Self care- p!Tommyinnit x reader
i wish i was bsfriends w tommy :’)
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings:themes of depression, nothing too deep
A/N: Taking Tommy and Wilbur requests!! u cant tell me tommy doesn’t do the classic british X’s on txts to his friends
It had been a rough stream, 8 hours sat in the same chair putting on the same happy face, it was unbelievably exhausting some days. You took of your headset and set it down after pressing ‘end stream’, you ruffled your hair and took in a deep breath, throwing a glance at the clock on your computer. 5am. You tried to throw caution to the wind, maybe it was an off day? But no, you could feel it, deep inside, another episode. You looked directly into the webcam, your face scrunching up as you take note of your appearance, your ruffled hair, your dark eye bags. It felt like hours, just staring at yourself, your famous thousand-yard stare painted across the screen. Suddenly, your phone vibrated from its place on the desk. You lethargically picked it up as the bright screen illuminated your otherwise dark room. It was Tommy.
Big T: ‘bedwars stream tmrw? : ) x’  
You really didn't feel up to it in all honesty, but you didn’t want to let Tommy down like that, he loves bedwars. A sad smile made its way to your face as you drafted your text back.
Gremlin: ‘only if were on duos together : ) x’
Big T: ‘5pm? X’ You responded with a simple yeee.
You discarded your phone to the side and stood up for the first time in hours. Your bones ached as you outstretched your limbs. Pain. You walked over to your bed and sat on the edge, eyes scouring the room, even though you weren't sure what you were looking for, an escape maybe? It wasn’t even like you had anything to be upset over, great friends, successful streamer, everything was going great, but alas, depression does not give a shit. You crawled into bed, putting your phone on charge and grabbed all of your covers over your head, a long sigh making its way from your lips.
The next day/  
Tommy loaded up minecraft on his computer, reading to slay game at bedwars with you. He got unusually excited when he played minecraft with you, even more excited than normal. There was something about you man, but he just couldn’t figure it out. Youd met in high school, same town and everything, and since then you were like a drug. Not a day had gone by since year 9 that you didn’t talk. He decided to drop you a message as you hadn't texted first. He asked if you were still up for bedwars. Surprisingly though, he didn’t receive a response. He waited. Just 5 minutes he said. And then 10. And then 20. Then 30. He decided to ring you just to check. Plus, he wanted to hear your voice. It rang thrice and nothing. His eyebrows drew together in confusion. You were almost always online. He tried not to overthink, but this is Tommy were talking about. Maybe you were still asleep? He wanted to believe that, but there was an itch, in his brain, that told him not to. Just to make sure, he decided to ask some of your mutual friends on the server. He clicked onto the group discord and noticed Wilbur, philza and Nikki in a vc.  
“Hello Hoes and Homies alike” He bellowed when he joined the vc. Wilbur drew a confused look.
“I thought you were doing duo bed wars with (Y/N) today?” Tommy scoffed.
“Well yah, Wilburrrrr, if you let me get a word out” He joked light heartedly “No seriously though has anyone heard from her since her stream last night” They all looked confused and shook their heads. This made him even more concerned than he was. He quickly thanked them before disconnecting. His mind was running rampant. He quickly decided to throw his shoes on, you didn’t live that far, only a bus ride away on the otherside of town. He grabbed his keys and his jacket and rushed down the stairs.
“Going over to (Y/N)s for a bit” He shouted to Motherinnit as he slammed the door shut.  
You were straing at the roof in a pit of self loathing when you heard your phone ring. Ugh. It seemed so much work to pick it up. Your hand made its way from under the mountain of covers and snatched your phonr from the side. Tommy. You felt a sting in the back of your eyes and tossed your phone on the bed, turning over and curling up in the covers. You stared at the inside of your covers for minutes on end. Your doorbell sent a sharp chime through the house as your mother went to answer it.
“Hello Tommy, what a surprise" He threw her a quickly greeted her and got straight to the point.
“Is (Y/N) in?”
“Shes upstairs I think, I havent heard from her all day though. Go on up” She stood to the side and let him pass.
You heard the entire conversation through your open window, and let out a heavy sigh, although you were secretly thanking Tommy in uour head for checking up on you. You heard his converse hit the steps as your door was threw open. Tommy immediately regretted his actions, wondering if you were asleep as he took note of the heap of covers on the bed. He let out a quiet whisper.
You didn’t really feel like talking, but you let out a quiet ‘yeah’. He rushed over to your side upon hearing your weak response.
“is everything alright? We were meant to be playing bedwars like an hour ago” This prompted you to pull the covers off your head and look at him. He took note of your puffy red eyes, and the dark eye bgs lying underneath. He looked around your room, empty energy drink cand and food containers littered your room. It suddenly clicked to him. You weren't doing okay. He looked back at you deeply, something about that look just caused the floodgates to open. Your eyes were glassy, as Tommy practically melted. He hated seeing you like this. Sure he had the bit of him being a big man with no emotions, but you where his weakness. “Hey, cmon don’t cry” He whispered as he opened his arms, welcoming you into a hug. In an instant you where in his arms, leaving tear stains on his TShirt. He didn’t seem to mind though. After a moment of silence, only broken by your sobs, he piped up. “How about, we forget about the stream for today, and ill go to the corner shop and get us some snacks, and marshmallows and whipped cream, and we can have those killer hot chocolates your mom makes. We can watch a bunch of movies, and ill even let you put one of those stupid facemasks on me, yeah?” This caused a laugh to pierce your sobs, which started to lighten up. You sniffled and pulled back from his hug, a huge smile making its way onto your face, the first genuine smile in a while.
“Thats my girl, that’s what I love to see” He matched your smile. You quickly threw your arms around him and pulled him into a long hug.
“Thank you Tommy” You said sincerely.
“Anything for my favourite girl” He smiled, as he pulled back from the hug. “Maybe while im gone you could try to shower?” He knew how tough some simple things where when you felt like this. You nodded smally and sat up. He leapt from the bed and smiled. “Okay, I wont be long!” And with that, he dashed out of the room.  
You lay back on your bed. You werent okay, but that’s okay, because Tommyinnit is your best friend :)
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Hi :DD can i request a giyuu x childhood friend reader? Where they met during the final selection and reunite when she became the lightning pillar? The lightning pillar headcannons made me melt 👌👌😭 i loved it alot and i thought the idea would be cute, don't need to do it tho if you want to ofc :D thankiess 💙
Hello!! Thank you for the request and thank you so much for liking those headcannons!! 🥺 Of course I’ll write it ^^
Here’s the Fem!Lightning Pillar headcannons
Giyuu Tomioka x Fem!Lightning Pillar
Synopsis: You and Giyuu had met when you were doing the final selection and became friends with him. However, life made you drift apart and you both became pillars just to meet one another again.
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You panted heavily as you ran through thick fog and towering trees. Your hand griping firmly around the hilt of your nichirin blade. Your eyes were darting from every direction, waiting for another demon to pop out of nowhere and take a slash at you. There was rustling ahead of you and prepared your blade. You brought both your hand to your blade handle and lifted your arms to swing when-
‘Shit, it’s a slayer!’
A small boy with long black hair and a red haori looked at you frightened as you had your blade lifted, ready to slice him down. You couldn’t stop yourself, you had already charged and you couldn’t stop now. In a flash, another boy appears out of seemingly nowhere and connects your two swords, pushing you away with his strength.
You went skidding to the side and almost tumbled over. You were too much in a panic of almost slicing another slayer to process the boy’s strength. After you got your grounding, you quickly jog to the two boys, “I’m so sorry! The fog was so thick and I thought it was a demon! Please excuse my incompetence!” You bowed low to the two boys just to hear one of them scoff.
“Maybe you shouldn’t be a slayer if you cannot tell the difference between human and demon.” The boy with pinkish hair spat.
You cocked a brow at the boy and thought to yourself ‘what’s with this kid??’ You opened your mouth to argue before the boy with black hair interrupted, “It-it’s fine, Sabito. I’m sure she didn’t mean it.”
“Tch, fine. Just as long as she learns her lesson.”
You raised your brow at the pink haired boy with squared patterned haori again. You then noticed that the both of them had fox masks on.
“Oh? What are those. They look very nice. Whoever made them must be really good at woodcarving.”
“It’s a warding mask,” replied the pink haired boy, “to help keep evil spirits and demons away. The craftsmanship is very good. Urokodaki Sensei is very talented and taught us all we know.”
“And you two are?”
“I’m Sabito and this here is Giyuu...”
“Ah, hello Sabito, Giyuu. I’m Y/N,” you bow once again and they do the same, greeting you. “Let’s just forget that incident. I’m sorry, Giyuu.” You smile at him and he timidly tells you it was alright and that they’ll look past it now.
You tagged along with the two for a couple a days. You were very surprised by how strong Sabito was. He was saving everyone and no demon was too strong for him. It was amazing watching him. Giyuu was strong as well but Sabito kept outshining him.
One day, a demon attacked the three of you and you ended up getting separated from the two and finished the rest of Final Slection on your own. Once you reached the wisteria section of the mountain to claim your ore and uniform, you were too out of it from injuries and exhaustion that you didn’t see Sabito or Giyuu again. You figured they’d both be alright though.
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Years had passed and you had become stronger. You accomplished Total Concentration Breathing Constant and slayed a number of demons. You quickly climbed the ranks as you went on more mission and killed more demons. Eventually you were finally able to slay one of the Twelve Kizuki and was given the message to join the Hashiras.
You were pretty banged up from the demon and met Shinobu before any of the other Pillars. She tended your wounds and gave you medicated water to ease your pain before guiding you to Master Ubuyashiki’s garden where everyone else had been waiting.
You felt very nervous to see such a range of people. Two of them were very, very tall and stood in the way of seeing some of the other pillars.
They were all greeting you and asking you a ton of questions. Many of them were very proud to see another slayer defeat a Twelve Kizuki and join them in the ranks. Eventually, Master Ubuyashiki made his appearance and everyone got in line to kneel to him. You did the same until he called you up front to introduce you to everyone. You were finally able to see all of the pillars now that everyone was in line. You scan through until you see a familiar face, farthest away and the end of the line.
You eyes widen after seeing a familiar red haori with raven, black hair sat on top and ocean blue eyes staring right back at you. ‘I can’t believe it,’ you thought to yourself, ‘It’s Giyuu! I thought I’d never see him again!’ You were ecstatic to talk to him again but had to wait until Ubuyashiki had dismissed everyone first.
The meeting finally came to an end and you made a beeline to Giyuu, ignoring all the other pillars who wanted to ask further questions.
“Giyuu?! Is that you? It’s me! Y/N! We were in final selection together! Gods, I can’t believe it! I thought I’d never see you again!” He’d grown a lot since you last saw him. His hair was longer, his jaw was more defined and you now had to look up to meet his eyes. Dare you say he looked more handsome.
“Y-Y/N, Its been so long.” Giyuu stuttered out, completely flustered. He could feel his cheeks burning the more he spoke with you. You hadn’t grown much in height but your body filled out more and your hair had gotten a bit longer as well. He was nervous to say that you were making his heart flutter again.
“Don’t be so shy, give me a hug!! I can’t belive you’re a Hashira, how did that even happen?” You continued on as you outstretched your arms to pull Giyuu in. He was very stiff and awkward but couldn’t resist embracing you after thinking you’ve been dead for years. He was completely wrong. You were strong, so strong in fact that you managed to take out one of the Twelve Kizuki and became a Pillar. For some strange reason, he felt so proud of you despite not seeing you for so long.
All the other Pillars just stared in disbelief and confusion. Who where you? How did you know Tomioka? How did you get him to talk? How the heck did you get him to hug you?! And how were you making him so flustered?!?! He’s stoic!!
After pulling away from the hug, you opened your mouth to ask about Sabito when you noticed the other half of his haori. Your eyes softened and touched the yellow and green patterns, you heart sinking a little. You bring your eyes back to Giyuu’s, “Did... did Sabito... not... not make it...?” You ask him sadly, tears threatening to swell your eyes. Giyuu’s eye become very sad as he looks to the side and just simply shakes his head.
“I’m so sorry, Giyuu... he was a very good man. I’m sure he’ll be reincarnated, his heart was very kind and pure.”
The other Pillars finally interrupted and started bombarding you with more questions and you spent some time talking with all of them and keeping Giyuu close to you since he kept trying to leave. You still wanted to talk with him afterwards.
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“Ugh, what a relief!” You let out as you stretch your arms upwards, “I thought they’d never stop asking questions.”
You and Giyuu were walking side by side and leaving Ubuyashiki’s garden.
You excitedly turn to Giyuu, you eyes sparkling as you made contact with his deep, ocean blue ones, “We have so much to catch up on! Tell me, Giyuu, what Pillar are you?”
The both of you spoke all night and caught eachother up on a lot of things. You talked a bit more than Giyuu did of course, but he still replied and shared enough of his thoughts to not make it seem like you were talking to a brick wall.
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Giyuu was so relieved to see that you were okay. He knows he didn’t know you a lot but there was just something so magnetizing about you when you first met. He couldn’t help but feel so interested in you. You’d occasionally come across his mind the years you weren’t there and he would just wonder what you were up to. Pessimism would often creep in and make him think that you might already be dead. He tried his best to shake those thoughts but there was a high chance of that being the reality. Being a slayer never guaranteed a safe future.
It turns out all those pessimistic thoughts were wrong and now here you were, reunited with him. He couldn’t understand why he was so overjoyed to see you again. His heart pounded a bit more around you now than it did years ago. It confused him how you made his thoughts hazy and his temperature rise. But most importantly, he was just so relieved that you were still alive. And to top it all off, you became a Hashira. I mean, a Hashira! The new Lighting Pillar! It made him feel so proud of you. He couldn’t believe you were that strong. Not that he ever doubted you, he just feared that since he enjoyed your presence that you’d be doomed to die too soon.
But now you’re here, stronger than he could have ever imagined, and he was not going to let you leave his side ever again.
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mr-walkingrainbow · 3 years
battle for abimel? i want a power showdown.
Basically OverWitch + I guess the rest of the charmed ones, face the new demon of the day, the Cancellor, which nullifies any power thrown at them.
They have to really think hard to figure this one out.
But like, mainly gay OverWitch.
“Ugh,” Macy groaned audibly for the fourth time in the past two minutes, “What’s taking her so long!”
“Ok could you tone down the whine today?” Mel replied exasperatingly, “It’s not like Abby lives next door. And she can’t orb like Harry. It takes time to get here.”
“Yeah and by the time she does the DotD will be long gone!” She stated in annoyance.
Maggie rolled her eyes, “I think the demon of the day can wait for a few minutes. I doubt their in a rush for a Appointment at the nail salon.”
The eldest huffed, “Yeah but Abbys just taking forever!”
“You rang?”
Everyone turned to the source of the voice, which oddly, seemed to be nix.
But more understandingly, smoke started to swirl, practically a mini tornado, until it took the form of Mels beloved.
“Abby!” The Latina cheered, running over and giving her girlfriend a hug.
“Hello lovely,” Abigael grinned, before smirking in Macy’s direction, “Now what’s this about me being slow? Shall I remind you how long it took you and Witchbanger to actually bang?”
Macy made a squawk of protest, while Harry looked on in mute surprise.
“Witchbangers new.” He commented, although Mel couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or curious.
Abby gestured towards him with a flourish, then nodded towards Macy, “Well, this pile of nerves is Whitebanger, only fitting we have the other half.”
Harry seemed to nod in numb acceptance, before turning back to the gadget in his hands.
“Now that we’re all here, I introduce, the Cancellor !” He waved his arms dramatically for the reveal, the gadget projecting a hologram of a dark woman in a white suit.
Maggie stared blankly, “the counselor?”
Harry looked a bit miffed, “No, the Cancellor.”
Macy tilted her head, “The chancellor?”
“NO, lovely, the CANCELLOR.”
Mel narrowed her eyes, “Cancer?”
Harry gasped for breath, “-wha- how?? It’s the CAN-CELL-OR.”
Abigael smirked, snickering lightly, “Oh Harold, why didn’t you just say so?”
Everyone offered nods of agreement while Harry sputtered for words.
Macy graciously took this time to step forward.
“As my dear was beginning to, ahem, say?” She broke off to give the sputtering whitelighter a concerned look, “This is apparently, in fact, the Cancellor. They have the power to nullify or ‘Cancel’ any powers used against it.”
“Oh but who needs powers when your in the middle of fighting a bloodthirsty demon!” Abby snarked typically.
Mel would normally scold her for such a comment, but found herself cracking a smile at the humor of it.
Macy looked annoyed, but shrugged it off, “As I was saying, something good to note, the Cancellor takes the form of whatever it nullified last, so it might not look like this. That’s just the last recorded form.”
She gestured to the regal woman in white. To which Abby purred delightfully.
“At least it’s last participant knew how to dress well.”
Mel shot her a glare, giving her a slap to the arm.
“What?!” The Britt squeaked. She just rolled her eyes in response.
“Aww,” Abby cooed, wrapping her arms around Mels smaller frame, “Is someone jealous of a power taking, identity stealing demon of the day?”
The Latina grumbled a bit, embarrassed of the blush that had indeed made its way across her face.
“Oh I think you are.” The later whispered, “But don’t worry my love, no matter how amazingly dressed someone is, they cant even manage to come close to your overall beauty.”
Mel blushed again, this time for an entirely different reason. And a bit bashfully, she turned and gave Abby a chaste kiss.
“I hate you.” She stated grumpily.
“Love you too grumpy.”
“Ladies,” everyone turned to harry, who had finally recuperated, holding an Orb, “Will you generously accompany me to fight a fashionable identity stealer?”
“Oh Harold,” Abby sashayed forward dramatically, “I thought you’d never ask!”
Macy growled jealously while Mel shared a secret laugh with Maggie. The two of them had slowly found Abbys wit more humorous then insulting.
Harry threw the orb, the Group proceeding to jump through it into a wide circular stone covered room.
“Where are we?” Maggie questioned, peering around, their seemingly was only one entrance, a small archway carved into the surrounding rock. Leading into another room.
“We’re in the Cancellors Lair, that ark leads to the cancellor.” Harry answered informatively.
Mel was confused, however, “If so, how do people get in?”
“I think I have the answer to that.”
Everyone turned to Macy, who was staring at the ceiling. They followed pursuit, only to find their room was not really a room, but the bottom of a very deep pit.
“What a treacherous trap.” Abby seethed respectively, if possible, “Some loner demon falls down the pit. And if they survive. The Cancellor can steal their powers and harvest their body.”
“No… no that can’t be?” The youngest stated sadly, ever the empath, “Some have to escape. What about the innocent humans who fall?”
“I guess some could escape,” Abigael reasoned blatantly. If they realized where they were before the Cancellor found them. They would have to have some type of powers that could propel them upwards, like smoke phasing. Because no lucky Jim could climb these walls. Their smooth as stone.”
She wasn’t wrong, Mel found herself absentmindedly feeling the slick walls with her hand.
Someone tapped her shoulder, and she turned to see her girlfriend smiling at her bashully, and hand held out.
“Head in the Clouds my love?”
“Yeah,” the Latina grinned, taking the britts hand, “Thanks for always finding me.”
“Oh why of course!” The hybrid proclaimed, “What else is a loving girlfriend supposed to do?”
“Oh you know, fight demons, slay monsters, make out from time to time.” She monologued coyly.
-“while I’d love to hear this agonizing conversation,” Macy interrupted, “We have a demon destroy.”
Both of them rolled their eyes, but gladly shared secret smiles.
The ragtag group of magical beings entered the room. Nearly immersed in pitch darkness.
Mel felt Abby take her hand, and she tried to send soothing vibes, squeezing it to show she understood.
Abigael wasn’t a fan of the dark, it wasn’t cause she was afraid of it specifically, moreover, it reminded her of being locked in the crate. And mentioned it made her feel quite claustrophobic.
A lot of her fears spiraled from the singular subject of her childhood. It didn’t make them any less valid, however.
“Macy.” Mel whispered in the dark, “A light please?”
“Since when are you afraid of- oh.”
Her sister caught on, a tad second too late. But thankfully, mentioned nothing when the room was engulfed in flames. Just sending Mel a understanding nod.
Abby may get on Macy’s nerves, but she truly did care about her overall well-being.
“Oh thank you Lovely, now we can see where the Cancellors coming from.” Harry commented, subtly driving attention away from Abigael.
The Latina still could see the flush on her girlfriends face. And squeezed her hand again. Trying to say it was ok through touch.
Annoyingly, even with Macy’s flame, the room was not very bright. And from what Mel could see, it was another circular room, but with a domed ceiling, and vine-snaked walls.
Everyone sorta teetered around, peering closely at the cylinder wall, some parts holding ritualistic type carvings underneath the vines.
“How interesting.” Abby mused lightly, tracing a line finger in the indentions.
Mel winced slightly, as the light behind her got abruptly brighter.
“Hey Mace, good job with the light! Didn’t know you were practicing.”
“Mel…” Macy’s voice sounded nervous and halted, “Mel that isn’t me.”
“What do you mean who else would it-“
She cut off, as everyone turned to the center of the room.
Somehow, submerged in the darkness, a middle platform was completely unseen.
But now, from a spotlight coming from nowhere, it was illuminated in a ghostly, nearly theatrical glow.
And on top of that platform, posing dramatically, was the Cancellor.
Maggie scrunched her nose, “Wait… is that-“
-“LIL NAS X?!?” Mel exclaimed abnormally loud.
Her brain was completely shot. How could this be possible. This shouldn’t be. It couldn’t be.
But yet, it was, no one else rocked Red dreads, tiny black & white boxers, and thigh high leather boots then the number 1 black gay pop artist.
Macy looked thoroughly confused, “Who..? And are you sure that’s him?”
“I thought he looked familiar.” Maggie mumbled to herself.
Harry’s eyes were bugging out of his head, caught between staring and trying to give the Cancellor some privacy. The bulge in his CK boxers leaving nothing to imagination.
“No that’s definitely him,” Abby purred, practically hypnotized, “No one wears those raunchy underwear but him.”
Mel blushed jealously, “He’s gay Abby. As in into penis.”
Abigael jerked her head, trance broken as she gazed at her pouting girlfriend.
“Aww,” she cooed once again, leaning in close, “Is someone jealous of a LilNausex clone?”
The lesbian flushed, hating how adorable Abbys mispronunciation of his name sounded in her accent.
“It’s Lil Nas X.” She stated huffily.
Abby frowned, just a tad, “Oh come on Lovely.”
“Don’t lovely me!” Mel denied stubbornly.
It was a bit childish, yes, but right now the Demon straddling a chair from literally nowhere was undeniably hot for the Men lovers in the room. And she was green with envy.
“Oh you should know by now,” Abby whispered, her tone seductive and lovely, “Your the only one I want to see in those flamboyant boxers.”
Mel hated how much she was turned on right now.
“Also,” her girlfriends voice was now soft, “No matter how much I may ogle or tease, you really are my one and only love.”
Ok, now she could love her again.
“I hate you.”
“Love you too.”
“Not to break up this repetitive conversation,” Macy once again interrupted, “But how is ‘Lil Nas X’ in the room?”
“Yeah,” Harry piped up finally, “He’s human. And it’s not like he’s killed and stolen the crown, and powers of some random leader.”
“OH MY GOD.” Mel screeched, going straight back to mortified.
Everyone turned to her for an explanation, while she blushed from the heavy gaze, and sexual nature of the rationale.
“I-In his recent music video,” she whispered meekly, “he kills satan and steals his power.”
Her blushed increased dramatically at the implication.
“Not that I’ve watched it or something.”
“Don’t worry darling,” Abby whispered with a devilish attitude, “I’ve watched it plenty enough for the both of us.”
“Basically he stripper poles his way down to hell, does a Lap dance for Satan himself, and then proceeds to kill him in the middle of the throws of it. Ergo stealing his crown. And then his powers. We avid fans all assumed it was apart of gay pride and acceptance and sticking it to the homophobes. Turns out it’s that, and becoming all powerful.”
True to their personality. Mel loves what Abby says, Maggie nods appreciatively and nonchalantly, while Macy and Harry look seconds away from dying of pure awkwardness.
“Um, why isn’t he saying anything?” Maggie points out. The sexy demon staring at them all unblinkingly, thoroughly creeping them out.
“Maybe the voices doesn’t carry when he takes the form?” Macy suggests, “So he tries to hide it by not talking? False sense of security?”
Lil N’as Cloné then opened his mouth, revealing a large jagged set of teeth, jaw unhinging slightly.
“Or!” Maggie says with a state of panic, “He was just waiting to eat us alive!”
The demon crouches low, nearly spider like. Swaying from side to side.
“Ladies! Backs to the wall!” Harry announces, “And make sure to show some type of power, we don’t know how long the transformation takes, so we need to keep track on who still possesses them.”
Mel needs no second affirmation, grabbing Abbys wrist and yanking her back.
“Mel?” She looks outraged, “We need to fight it!”
“Yeah we’ll I can’t fight it if your powers are stolen and need someone to protect you!”
Abigael huffs, “I can take care of myself Melanie. See?”
She holds her hand up as if to summon a flame.
Head jerking when none appears.
Her expression changes to one filled with fear and confusion, “Bloody hell??”
Abby continued to unsuccessfully summon a flame, hand whirring to a blur.
“Mel!” She exclaimed in a frenzy, “Mel, it’s not working, why isn’t it working? To hell with this!”
“Hey! Hey,” the Latina soothed, rushing to place a hand on her arm in a calming motion, “Carino it’s ok. Don’t panic. The lil n’as dude just took your powers assumingly.”
“Are you sure?!?”
It seemed kinda like a controversial question to ask; considering she couldn’t activate her fire powers, but Mel understood it was from fear rather then logic.
“Well, try to smoke phase.”
Abby nodded tentatively. Raising her hands once again.
The very tips of her fingers produced ashy whisps, but aside from that, their was nothing.
“Your smoking.” Maggie unhelpfully stated, as she edged towards them.
“Why thank you Captain obvious!” Abby snarked bitterly.
The brunette looked concerned, glancing at the Latina instead, “Mel, what’s wrong?”
Abby was outraged, “Mel?! I am RIGHT HERE y’a know, if your just gonna stand their like a blathering idiot you might as well-“
-“She’s been cancelled,” Mel interrupted blatantly, witch just a tad of irritation at her raving girlfriend, “Her powers aren’t working and she’s lashing out.”
Maggie shrugged, “Naturally.”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN NATURALLY?! I have a RIGHT to be upset I-“
-“So you sure their fully gone?” Her sister continued, “I never saw the Cancellor do anything? And he still looks like Lil N’as!”
Mel turned back to the center, brows furrowing at the now empty stage.
“Where’d he go?”
The dead silence, and lack of demon, filled the room with an eerie unsettling vibe.
“Mel, I don’t like this.” The empath warned.
She didn’t either.
“MACY!” The Latina called out, “WHERED HE GO?”
Macy looked just as panicked, probably even more, “I DONT KNOW! HE WAS JUST HERE?!”
“Oh for gods sake! We should rejoice for all I care! I’m the one with my powers gone and if you would STOP bloody ignoring me id-“
Mel whirled around, placing one finger in front of Abbys lips, the other hand firmly around her waist.
“Abby. I love you. I know your freaking out right now. But please, can you refrain from ranting till we leave?”
Abbys eyes were both murderous and loving, and softly, Mel kissed her until it changed to a lightly irritated.
“Better?” She puffed quietly.
The Britt nodded silently, blushing lightly at the affection showed.
Mel scrunched her eyebrows, briefly seeing the abrupt look of horror sweep it’s way across her girlfriends face.
“What’s wr-“
Abby had shoved her aside roughly, the witch groaning as she hit the ground, but enough adrenaline rushing through to allow her to roll to her elbows.
She glanced up, Just in time to see a dark shadow drag Abigail to the the darkest parts of the room.
“ABBY!” She screamed, arm outreached and terror in her eyes.
“MACY!” Mel barked, “MORE LIGHT.”
Her sister didn’t have to be told twice, “ON IT!”
Immediately, the softly glow from Macy’s flame turned into a raging fire, illuminating all that it could without burning something.
Dead silence followed.
Maggie gasped, “Oh no.”
Standing before them, with the shadows gone and dust settled, was two identical Abigael Jameson-Caines. Each with matching clothes and injuries.
“By all things science.” Macy blanched.
“The Cancellor has taken Abbys form!” Harry informed quickly, “Ready yourself for an attack from either one.”
Mel rose to her feet on shaky limbs, reading an icicle from the air particles around her.
“Alright,” her voice was steady, although she wasn’t calm in the slightest, “One of you is the hot pain in my ass who I love dearly. And the other is a cannibalistic identity stealer. So. Who’s who.”
Immediately both of them rushed to ensure her trust, voices perfectly identical.
“I’m the real Abby!” The one on the right said.
“No!” Lefty said, “Don’t listen to them I’m the real Abby!”
[Authors note - Right side Abby will be in bold.
Left side Abby is in Italics.]
“Their perfectly identical,” Macy stressed, “How are we gonna tell them apart?!”
“Their must be a logical way to solve this.” Harry muttered under his breath.
“Come on guys, really?” Maggie shot them a glare, Mel seemed to catch on, “It’s easy really.”
“We quiz them.”
After a quick group huddle, and their bearings regain, they were ready to give a life or death quiz.
“Alright Abby clones,” Maggie narrated, “We’ve each prepared a question, something only the real Abby should know. Based on your answers, we will decide if your truthful or not.”
“Great just don’t dose me with truth serum while your at it.” Both Abbys snarked in complete unison, before shooting matching scowls at the other.
Maggie looked drastically discouraged but the display, voice wavering.
“U-uh, um, y-yes. Questions. H-Harry your up.”
The man walked up a few feet, nervously wiping his palms against his button up.
“Alright, ladies,” he gave his habitual gentlemen nod to the two of them, “When one of you invited me over for dinner, what was the main course?”
“Duck!” Righty said immediately. Grinning proudly.
“Hey! That one was too easy!” Lefty argued, “Duck is the best meat for a date! Everyone knows that! Not to mention I gave Harold a massage beforehand.”
“Of course it’s the best! What else would you eat, bloody chicken like an uncultured heathen?!”
Righty paused to glance at Harry, “Uh, I get the point for that one right?”
Harry looked overwhelmed, panic evident on his face.
“Uh, um. Undecided!” He then quickly scampered to the back of the pack, face flushed while doing so.
“Completely identical.” The Whitelighter whispered to no one.
Macy shrugged, “Guess I’m up.”
She approached the twins glancing at either with an impassive face.
“Let’s see, what’s Abbys favorite nickname for me?”
“Whitebanger.” The two answer in synchronized perfection. Shooting yet another glare at each other.
Macy looked tired, pinching the bridge of her nose, “Of course that one was too easy. Any Abby could apparently answer that in her sleep. Let me think of a harder question.”
It wasn’t long before her poker face soon returned. Leveling them up once again.
“When You fake poisoned yourself, what was that one question that was actually subserviently a dig on me?”
“To spoon!” Left jolted, “I asked you to spoon!”
“Actually! I asked her if she was the big spoon or little spoon.”
“Well excuse me for messing up one tiny detail! At least I got the spoon part before you!” Left rolled her eyesz
“Well mine was actually accurate, so yours doesn’t count!”
“Yeah it does!”
“Does not!” Right argued.
Macy had both hands out, face strained, “You two need to stop arguing so I can think!”
The clones shut up, as she stormed back towards the group, shaking her head.
“They share a freaking mind.” The eldest stated bitterly.
A few minutes passed as they waited for Maggie to step up. Who looked severely intimidated by the task at hand.
Mel coughed, “Maggie it’s-“
“I KNOW!” The Latina shrieked, “GIVE ME A SECOND!”
The youngest took a couple very hesitant feet forward.
“Hello!” She waved awkwardly, “I’m Maggie -wait ugh, Abby already knows that of course! Gosh stop talking to yourself and think of a damn question!”
She bit her lip nervously, looking at them with a fearful expression.
“Ok, um. Let’s see. What’s some things Abby likes to do?”
“Oh that’s easy, Alcohol, Mel, making Macymorts life miserable!” Righty laughed to herself.
Mel ignored the fierce blush that rose to her face at the implication.
“But that’s easy,” Lefty sneered meanly, “I like to do many things, all which someone could easily guess.”
“Pray tell, tell me how you could ‘guess’ I like those things?”
“Well I-“
-“Ok!” Maggie squeaked, “Another question then!”
She then proceeded to flounder for a few moments. Hands waving rapidly in anxiety.
“Um, ok then. Who’d you save my life from?”
“My brother.”
“My half-brother, Parker.”
The answers seemed to be the same, yet lefty seemed to be happy with how specific she was.
Maggie, however, had paused. Eyes narrowed at the two, caught in a thought.
“Maggie?” Mel whispered, “What did you see?”
The Brunette jolted, plastering a fake smile on her face, “Oh nothing! Just a trick of the light!”
Mel grabbed her arm once she returned closer to the group, “Pfft, trick of the light my ass, you saw something? What was it?”
“I honestly don’t know,” her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, “It was something about how they said it. They said the some thing, yet one sounded right, and the other wrong?”
“But how is that possible?” Macy interject lowly, ever the logical person.
“I don’t know!” Maggie whined, arms flailing, “It just was!”
“We’ll don’t stress,” Mel soothed, “We definitely have something by now from other questions.”
“We definitely, do not, have something from any of these questions.” Harry muttered a few minutes later in a group huddle.
“Maggie,” he glanced at the youngest, “Were you able to get anything, you know, empath wise?”
Her gaze snapped to his, a bit of fire in her pupils, “Don’t you think I would have said something if I did?! It’s hard enough that their identical, but their emotions are too! The Cancellor apparently has the ability to copy someone completely! They know everything about the other, because they know it themselves!”
Mel gasped, realization hitting her in a flash, “Oh my god Mags, that’s it!”
Maggie looked confused, as did the rest of them, “What’s it? What did I say?”
“I can’t be something Abby already knows,” she explained carefully, in a deep whisper, “If it’s something she already knows, the Cancellor can immediately pick up on it. He has a copy of all her memories! It’s gotta be something she doesn’t know, or, Moreover, something we know that can get a honest reaction she doesn’t know she makes.”
“But that’s practically impossible!”
“Don’t say that Macy, it’s not impossible if your the girlfriend of Abigael Jameson-Caine!”
Mel pulled from the group, walking up to the two with a confident swagger.
Both, of course, seemed a bit taken aback by her bold demeanor.
“Ok Siamese freak from hell,” she grinned, cracking her knuckles, “Your in my court now, It’s my turn to ask the questions.”
“One of you is the woman I love, and the fact she’s currently having to take a quiz for her life is sickening, so that stokes the fire of hate I have for whoever is causing this. And once I find out who is it, I promise you will regret ever messing with us, and mi Cariño!”
Mel let her monologue be a distraction, gradually advancing forward as she spoke. Until she was directly in front of them.
“Now, it’s time for your final question.”
She stared them in their chocolate orbs, lingering over the right one. Mel couldn’t understand it, but she felt as if the righty was the true Abby. Even with no proof. Their was just something in her eyes.
“Can you kindly hold you hands like this?”
The Latina then proceeded to hold one hand up, baring the wrist, the other slightly bellow, pressing on a very specific patch of skin.
The two were confused, both tilting their heads to the side slightly, in a way Abby would commonly do when she was thinking.
Mel let her hands drop to her sides, watching like a hawk as the complied. She could feel the groups eyes on her, and was desperately praying that this worked.
A few seconds passed. Nothing happened. Perfectly identical.
Then, it happened. The Abby on the right legs swiftly crumpled.
Mel rushed in, and in one move, caught Abby with one arm. The other, which had been hidden from sight, stabbing the duplicate with a quickly formed air icicle.
The demon gave a feral screech from the weapon embedded in its chest, clawing at it weakly.
The group watched in awe as it switched between numerous forms, one which of was lil n’as, the others it’s countless victims.
“How?” It gasped hoarsely, “I’m completely identical.”
“That’s where your wrong!” Mel smiled proudly, “You see, in a way, you were identical. You knew everything Abby did because you could copy her mind! But what about something she didn’t even know of? Like the fact that from years of being put in shock cuffs consequently damaged the nerve in her right wrist? That when pressed, would cause her to pass out?”
“But how?” It wailed, “She would have known!”
“Except she didn’t!” The Latina cradled the unconscious body gently, kissing Abbys crown lightly, “I only found out by accident. And she didn’t remember a thing about it when waking up. I didn’t want to worry her, so I just stayed quiet. I soon understood why it happened due to her trial. But as a demon who can only copy what the person knows, you wouldn’t have.”
The creature let out a few more pitiful whines before crumpling to ash and dust.
“MEL!” Maggie shrieked in happiness, giving her a gigantic hug, “That was AMAZING! How did you figure it out?!”
“Just by what you said,” she answered honestly,” Their emotions were the same, and physically they were too. But the body is an amazing thing, and it does many things were not even aware of!”
“That is factually correct!” Macy complimented with a smile.
“I suppose this calls for a celebration when we get home, err, when do you think she’ll wake up?” Harry gestured to the peacefully resting girl.
The lesbian grinned softly, “Oh, any moment now. It only knocks her out for a minute or two.”
“Oh!” Maggie perked up, “I just remembered what I noticed about her response!”
Everyone stared with great interest.
The youngest smiled, “Abby called Parker ‘Brother’. Even though he’s only half related, she always adressed him as her brother. I guess the clone thought we wanted more specific.”
“She truly is just that amazing.” Mel noted warmly, lips parting when she felt Abby starting to stir.
The group took this as their key to leave, telling Mel to meet them back in the other room.
She nodded, expression soft when Abigaels eyes fluttered open.
“W-what happened? D-id we do it? Is it gone?”
“Gone Cariño,” Mel cooed, smoothing the stray hairs off her face and stroking her forehead just the way she liked, “All thanks to you my love.”
“Me?” Abigael questioned, “What did I do? All I remember is, ugh, I have a killer headache, I just remember doing some weird hand signs and then darkness?”
“Oh my love, you were yourself! Undeniably, and amazingly yourself. And no Lil N’as, fancy identity stealer could ever imitate you perfectly. For theirs only one of you. And for that, I am greatful.”
“Why?” Abby arched an eyebrow, smiling erotically, “Because I’m too hot to handle?”
Mel scoffed, chuckling despite herself, nearly dropping her girlfriend in the process.
“More like because i can barely tolerate one of your personality!”
The Britt pouted slightly, “Your mean.”
“Oh am I?” She leaned in and kissed her pouty lips, “No but actually? It’s because I’m reminded to never take you for granted. I only get one of you. And it be the worst mistake of my life to waste it.”
Abbys lips turned to a fond smile, “And their you go again, making me feel things and generally be a better happier person.”
“Oh the audacity of myself!” The witch smirked.
“Ugh, I hate you!”
She grinned, “Love you too.”
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 8 (Bucky Barnes au)
“No, I don't wanna know, Where you been or where you're goin'
But I know I won't be home, And you'll be on your own”
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Maniac by Michael Sembello was blasting from Wanda's room as she was going through her closet,  looking for something you could wear at the party. You were tapping your feet to the beat and shaking your head softly.
"This is perfect," Wanda said as she handed  you  jean shorts and a T-shirt. Finding something in your style had been hard, but the outfit turned out really cute on you. "And before you ask, I still have your plaid shirt if you want to wear that."
Your sister knew you too well ; or maybe it was just her ability to read minds. You were pretty sure it was a mix of both. You looked at your watch : five in the afternoon were already passed and you knew Nat was supposed to arrive soon, so you went to the kitchen after changing. Actually, she was already there.
"Happy birthday, girl! How do you feel about hitting thirty, huh?"
"Surprisingly good, to be honest," you answered as you hug her tight. "I'm glad you came by."
"Me too. Steve told me pretty interesting news about some guy." She wiggled her brows, making you raise yours.
"Not that interesting. Yes, he is my supposed soulmate, but I got married last week, not matter how that's turning out."
"Yeah, sorry I couldn't be there, by the way. However, if I trust Steve's words..."
"Don't? Please." You smiled, making her laugh. You really must've sounded desperate, or in denial –  or, once again, both.
"Fine. But I can't promise I'll hold back my thoughts."
"I know you won't," you joked. "Anyway, is the cake already here?" You asked Sam.
"No, Bucky's not back yet."
"Oh, alright. I thought since he left early..."
"He had stuff to do, apparently." He shrugged, showing he didn't know any more than you did. A smirk appeared on his face. "Miss him already?"
"Ugh, I hate you all."
"No, you don't!"
Everyone around you laughed and, frankly, you couldn't hold it in either. These people always had a way of making you forget about your problems, and Darren hadn't crossed your mind until now.  Hours went by and more people arrived at the compound. It wasn't supposed to be a big party, but Tony was obviously unable to resist to Peter Parker asking if he could tag along. This kid loved being around here, maybe as much as you did. Once eight hours rang, almost everyone was there, except for Bucky. You were sure he'd eventually show up, even though you  couldn't help but feel a little anxious while everyone shared champagne bottles.
"Alright, close your eyes," Sam said, dragging you out of your thoughts. He put his hands on your eyes as you giggled softly.
"What is it now, you asked?"
"Patience, lady."
You couldn't see  anything – obviously – but you soon heard voices around you singing you a happy birthday. When Sam removed his hands, your eyes took some time to adjust to the sparkling candles on the big birthday cake. More importantly, it took you a second to recognise the man carrying it. Where had his hair gone?
"Your hair," you whispered once he was close enough.
He shrugged. "C'mon, the candles will melt if you don't blow them out." His own smile quickly spread to your face as you blew out your thirty candles. Everyone applauded and Bucky started cutting it so that people could help themselves. Once seated next to him, you took a bite of your own piece and closed your eyes in delight.
"Raspberries. I love those."
"Yeah, Wanda said it was your favourite," he told you before eating a chunk of cake. "How do you like the party  so far?"
"I love it. Everyone I love is here, so I couldn't be happier, really." You didn't even think about what you were saying. Tony's champagne did that to you for sure.
"Of course, why do you ask?" You gave him a confused look  before it dawned on you. "Oh,  I know. Well if he's not here by now, I guess that means something."
"Well I'm not the one saying it. It's your night, anyway, so let's not talk about him and let you have fun." He gently poked your arm – you felt delighted, as it was him who'd  made the move this time. It felt as if he was becoming more comfortable around you : you'd noticed he'd been laughing with you a lot more frequently these last few days.
"So, why the new haircut?"
"I wanted some change. New me, old me, I guess." He took a sip of his beer.
"I like it. Can I have some?" You pointed at the bottle. He gladly handed it to you ; damn, this man did not know what one beer might do to you, especially after champagne.
Wanda spotted you from across the room and stopped walking towards you, interrupting her conversation with Scott Lang.
"I hope that's your first drink tonight," she said with a grin. "You don't want to expose your party demon now, do you?"
You chuckled at Bucky's scared eyes. "I'm taking this back," he said, taking his beer back and finishing it.
"Don't worry, Bucky. I'm fine. I'm just a little more outgoing when I drink, that is all."
A screeching sound made you turn your head : Steve had just plugged a microphone into the speakers.
"Alright, so, as you all know, tonight's Y/n's thirtieth birthday. For the occasion, I'm sure she'll gladly treat us to a speech now."
If looks could kill, Steve would've died on the spot, super soldier or not. You never had inspiration for that kind of stuff.
"C'mon guys,  she needs some encouragement," Sam chimed in.
Tony and Peter both whoo'ed  at you with huge smiles, and you had no other choice than going on that improvised stage which consisted of the space between the speakers. You took the microphone from Steve's hand and Nat handed you a beer.
"Oh my, thanks for that," you said, chuckling. "I want to thank you all for coming. You  might have known me for a while, or not, but hum...you guys are family. I couldn't be happier to celebrate thirty years on Earth with you." You raised your bottle in front of you. "To found family."
Everyone  drank to that, and you jumped as Sam placed his hand on your shoulder and started speaking in another mic.
"So many emotions there, I love to see it. Now we're not done with you. Remember that night in Brooklyn?"
"Oh no."
"Oh, yeah... we're  gonna do it. And you're gonna love it, don't you dare say otherwise."
You stared at Sam before downing your drink. He was damn right.
"Okay Scott, fire away!"
"Toniiight,  I'm gonna have myself a real good time..." Sam started singing this fabulous bop as the music soared in the air. You obviously joined him right away.
"I'm burning through the skyyyyy, yeah." You probably were not singing right, but you couldn't have cared less. Everyone around  you was singing – more like yelling – along and you finally let go of your last inhibitions.  You were singing and dancing,  pretending you were the international rock star giving a representation. For once, you saw a wide smile on Bucky's face that couldn't seem to go away, and you decided to have fun with him a little. You pointed at him and smiled as you basically jumped to the beat.
"I'm a sex machine ready to reload like an atom bomb about to oh, oh, oh,  oh exploooode!"
He couldn't help but laugh and he even started tapping his feet to the beat as well. You went back to Sam and you ended the song back to back, definitely yelling more than you were actually singing.
"See, I told you you'd love it!" he exclaimed.
You laughed out loud before handing the mic to Scott. "You have fun now, I gotta rest for a sec."
You happily got back to Wanda and Bucky as Scott and Sam were joined by Peter to keep this improvised karaoke going. Your sister was less than surprised, since this wasn't the first party she had with you. Bucky, on the other hand...
"I didn't know you could do that," he said with a grin.
"What, absolutely slay the day with a mic in my hand? Hell yeah I can, only after some drinks though."
"Yeah, I don't know if your cheeks are this red from drinks, dancing or just regular blush."
You chuckled at his laugh, even placing your hand on his shoulder while doing so. When your eyes were done squinting from all the laughs, you froze.
"Darren, I-"
"That science guy let me in."
Bruce shot you a sorry look, raising his hands in the air. "He wouldn't let me ask you for your opinion first anyway."
Damn, you hadn't realised how much everyone disliked your husband. After all, no one had ever been rude to his face, unlike his friends. Bucky turned around to face him and crossed his arms over his chest : his smile was long gone now, as if it had been only a fever dream.
"You put on quite a show there."
"Wow, so not even a 'happy birthday', huh?" You didn't even look down this time : you stared at him, no trace of a smile on your lips. "When I said you could come if you wanted to, I didn't say  that so you could come and be condescending."
"I'm not gonna wish you a happy birthday after I saw you hit on that guy in a fucking song!" he yelled, pointing at Bucky. Darren's anger was so unjustified that you would've laughed at him, hadn't you been remotely nice and equally angry at him.
Bucky didn't say a word as he slowly put Darren's hand down. You noticed he'd used his metal arm, even though you knew for a fact he was right handed and usually prioritised his dominant hand. That was quite passive-agressive ; you held back a smile.
"Do you even hear what you're saying?" Keeping your cool was not an option anymore, and you walked away from everyone. Contrary to Darren's belief, you didn't like 'putting on a show'.
"We're going home, now," he said firmly. "Your little crisis lasted long enough."
"My crisis? You've left me alone at home for days and now you expect me to come back? You're unbelievable, Darren. And you started pulling this shit before we were even engaged!"
"You never complained about this,  so why do it now?"
"Because I can't take it anymore! Is that so hard to believe? Is it hard to understand that I want to be treated the way I deserve?"
You ran a hand through your hair, looking at Darren in disbelief as the anger in his eyes just grew harder.
"You know what?" you continued. "If you have nothing better to say, I might as well just  go back to the people who really love me. As far as I'm concerned, this" — you gestured at the both of  you – "is over."
You turned around, feeling a huge confidence boost that still wasn't strong enough to overcome your disappointment.
"What's that on your back?" His voice was so low compared to seconds earlier that you looked back at him.
He walked up to you fast, but too slowly not to be noticed by Steve and Bucky, who'd been watching the scene carefully. Despite their obvious strength, they couldn't get to you before Darren violently lifted the back of your t-shirt, scratching  your back with his nail at the same time. You let out a cry and next thing you knew, Darren was pinned against the wall, held back by Bucky's arm.
"You lied," he whispered. "You do have a tattoo."
Damn. You had always been careful to wear high waisted jeans. All it took was one careless pair of shorts. You had no answer to give to him, so Darren looked at Bucky instead.
"It's you. Right? I fucking knew it." He looked back at you. "I should've known you weren't to be trusted around other guys. You're such a-"
"I think you should leave." Steve had laid his hand on his friend's shoulder to try and calm him down. Bucky let go of your husband and shot you a side glance to check on you. You were crossing your arms on your chest and your eyes had never been more interested in the floor.
"Steve's right," you uttered. "You should go." You  walked away with these words. You hadn't even noticed there was no longer any music playing in the room. Silence was oppressing and everyone seeing you cry was not an option. You walked to your room in daze. Once you felt the door closing behind you, you allowed yourself to break down. It was a knock on the door that made you tilt your head up a few minutes later.
--- You have no idea how excited I am for part 9!!! If I wasn't strictly following my self-imposed rule of having two unpublished chapters at all times, I would post it right away. x) I hope you liked this one!! Feel free to give me any notes you may have : I improve thanks to readers.
Message me if you want to be added to the tag list (seeing it grow is making me so happy)!
Tag list :
@ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02 @coniumalces @writehistorynotthegrocerylist @bluemoon-icecream @lady-loki-ren @simplybombshell
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doyouever-daydream · 4 years
I’m every woman.
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A/N So today is the International Women’s Day and I felt inspired to write something, I tried to incorporate as many women that appeared on Criminal Minds but failed to include them all. I’m going to start writing reader insert imagines for my CM Bingo prompts so SSA y/n y/l makes her first appearance here. 
Today I’ll be attending my first Women’s March so that obvioulsy inspired this imagine, if any of you are going to the Women’s March please be safe and thank you for taking the streets and suppporting the cause (the current situation in my country is pretty fucked up so this year is even more important to me to try and do anything I can so women can have the same rights as any human being)
English is not my first language and although I love writing and spent most of my teenage years writing fanfiction, everything I wrote was in Spanish so it took me years to finally decide to post my writing in another language, I’m still super insecure but I want to share it so, apologies for any mistakes (also it is currently 3:00 AM so I am practically writing with my eyes closed), I believe it is important for women to speak up and take actions so they can be heard and there are equal rights so that’s how this imagine was inspired. Also these female characters have inspired me as a woman so I hope you can enjoy this! 
Warnings: I mean I don’t think this qualifies as warning but talks of feminism
Word count: 2201
“I’m every woman, it’s all in me, anything you want done baby, I’ll do it naturally.”
It was a Saturday night and Chaka Khan’s song played in the background at Penelope’s and Luke’s apartment, it was a special girl’s night, all of them, even Kristy was there while Matt and Luke baby sat the kids.
“Wine and sign making? This is my kind of girl’s night!” Garcia was ecstatic that all of them were going to the Women’s March.
“I know! Although I’m not sure I’m creative enough to do this” JJ stared at her blank poster.
“Come on, JJ, you can do this! Put feminist AF” Emily was already a little tipsy and was clueless as to what her sign would say but she was excited.
“Actually yeah, I think something like that will be fine, what about you, Tara?” JJ looked at Tara who looked as if she was struggling to decide.
“I don’t know, there’s so much I would like to say but unfortunately I can’t write an entire sermon”
“Same, girl, I’m so torn up, not only about what to write but how to decorate, Garcia here has like a million of art supplies we could use, I’m about to turn up a 9 year old and put glitter on all of your signs.” y/n grabbed one of Garcia’s boxes an eyed the glitter selection her dear friend pulled out.
“YES! Glitter and colors and stickers and ugh, I love you y/n, let’s throw biodegradable glitter as a protest!” Penelope hugged y/n while the rest of the gang decided what to put.
“I’ll need your help with Chloe’s and Lily’s signs! So Penelope and y/n, unleash all of your creativity on her signs” y/n smirked.
“I already know what I’ll write for one of them, tell me what you think, girls just wanna have fun” She paused “…damental human rights”
“I HATE YOU, you should’ve told me to put that” JJ teased.
“I’ll be honest and say that I saw it on instagram but thought it would be cute to put it on one of the girl’s sign.” y/n confessed while she started drawing on her poster.
“She’s drawing already, man, I wish I was as artsy as you are” Tara tried to see what she was drawing but couldn’t make a figure just yet.
“Oh, oh, OH, I got it, y/n will not be the only one using music” JJ started writing on her poster “Check this out” She lifted up her poster that read ‘ok, ladies, now let’s get in formation’.
“I still think you should add my idea” Emily laid comfortably in Penelope’s couch while seeing her friends work on her signs and siping on her glass of wine. “We should’ve brought donuts”
“Oh, I can call someone to pick up some” Penelope already had her phone and was, apparently, sending a text.
“Who else is coming? I thought it was only us?” y/n asked while she kept drawing.
“I invited an old friend but she only just told me she could make it” Now everyone was eyeing Garcia while she smiled proudly.
“Who? Linda Barnes?” Emily’s sarcasm had everyone laughing.
“Nope, but it’s a surprise, let’s continue please.”
“You know what? I already know what I’m gonna put on mine, back when I worked in San Francisco, I had this really annoying co worker, whose name I can’t remember but he was a pain in the ass that constantly went around joking with everyone in the office about how I had the biggest case of resting bitch face, not only did I have to endure that but also his misogynistic jokes” When Tara finished writing on her poster she showed it to her friends.
“I’m gonna decorate the shit out of it now” She proceeded to grab cut outs from magazines that Garcia had.
“I love it Tara, and I love being here with you, thanks for counting me in Penelope” Kristy was happy to hang out with these women that she considered her friends.
“Nonsense, you’re part of the girl power gang, we’re family, now, what do you think about my progress?” Everyone turned to see Garcia’s sign, it read: destroy the patriarchy, not the planet.
“Penelope Grace Garcia, you are perfect” y/n stated and everyone agreed with her.
“It’s totally you.”
“Ah, see? Baby girl is a great feminist and ambientalist” Penelope smiled proudly while she painted flowers.
“You know? I’m inspired, I’m gonna start working on that sign, that is until the donuts arrive” Emily sat straight while she put the glass on Garcia’s coffee table and then went to get her poster.
“I finished mine” Kristy said proudly while she held her sign up: ‘women belong in all places where decisions are being made’
“You are a genius, woman” JJ was in awe of all her friends.
“I love it, Kristy” y/n finally speaked up after being very focused designing her sign “I know I’ve told you this many times but growing up I was a tomboy, I loved playing in the dirt, climbing trees, playing I was a spy, I had bunch of guy friends, I loved, I still love baseball with my life, and other sports, I truly believe ‘all clothes are unisex if you stop being a little bitch about it’ and because of that I’ve had to put up with a million comments about how ‘weird’ I am because despite all of that I also like wearing makeup and other ‘feminine stuff’, I grew up being an ‘enigma’ to some people because I like boy stuff and girls stuff and I always hated when they told me bullshit like that, I always refused to accept there were stuff for girls and boys, now after giving you this lecture as if I was presenting my dissertation, look at my sign”
I eat gender norms for breakfast
y/n accompanied the quote with a drawing of a cereal box adorned with blue and pink glitter.
“SLAY” Emily cheered. “I feel you, y/n, I grew up speaking my mind and sometimes that wasn’t well received because I wasn’t a man, it drove me insane, it still does, as much as the brass wants to believe they are ok with having women in charge, they’re not completely convinced, you know?”
“You are a total boss bitch, and we love you” Tara commented while she raised her glass.
“Yes, Emily Prentiss, one day you’ll be THE boss bitch of the FBI, I know it” y/n added as the doorbell rang.
“Ooh, my surprise for you is here” Penelope hurried to the door and when she opened it she shrieked in delight when she saw Alex Blake standing there.
“Hello ladies” She entered the apartment and went to say hi to everyone, introducing Kristy to their former teammate, since she was the only one that did not know her, Prentiss had met her before and y/n was also familiar with her as they’ve worked together when y/n worked for the Crisis Negotiation Unit.
“It’s so nice to see you, Alex, how you’ve been?” JJ asked while offering her a glass of wine.
“Great, I am back teaching at Georgetown, James is also teaching there and we’re very happy to be back from Massachusetts”
After catching up with Alex’s life and the rest of them trying to sum up everything the BAU had been through during her absence time flew by quickly.
“I can’t believe you didn’t joined the BAU when I was there, it would’ve been incredible to work with you Tara, you as well, y/n” She smiled fondly at the two women she had known for the longest time out of the rest.
“It’s known to everyone that has worked with me that I learned so much from the both of you, I can’t believe that now you are my friends and here we are, making signs for the Women’s March”
“Hearing you talk about working together at the BAU almost makes me want to join you, girls” Kristy joked “If only the cases you worked weren’t so dark” They all laughed.
“There have been incredible ladies in that unit” y/n admired the women that had been before.
“I remember when Elle Greenaway joined the BAU boys club and I wasn’t so lonely during our cases anymore”
“I miss Elle so much” Garcia sighed while she reminisced on her friend that grew apart from them.
“I never got to work with her during her time in the Bureau but I heard she was a badass” y/n said wondering what had happened to her.
“She was” JJ added.
“Talking about awesome BAU ladies, the other day I saw Jordan, remember her?” Emily looked at Penelope and JJ.
“No way! I haven’t seen her since she came to our rescue when I was on maternity leave”
“I’ve seen her a couple times, she’s worked her way up, I think she’s also unit chief but I can’t remember which unit, she also has an adorable son, once we bumped into each other and showed me some pictures”
“Ashley Seaver also worked briefly with the BAU, didn’t she?” y/n asked.
“Oh yeah, Seaver! She was nice” Emily said.
“Reid had a crush on her” And as soon as those words came out of Penelope’s mouth she regretted them, she didn’t want to make y/n uncomfortable, not that y/n and Reid were anything but Garcia knew they were pining for each other but were too stubborn to act on their feelings.
“I know her, we’re not friends friends but I like her very much, we have some mutual friends, she’s married now, still working for the FBI at a field office” y/n said making a mental note to call her soon.
“Isn’t it amazing knowing how many women are kicking ass in their jobs and making our country a better place?” Kristy said.
“You’re a part of that change Kristy, you should’ve worked at the FBI”
“Oh no, just one FBI agent is enough in our family but thank you for the trust, now I need ideas for the girls signs, y/n has already helped me with one but I still have one to go”
“What about fight like a girl? Matt has told me how much Lily loves Taekwondo” JJ suggested.
“Actually that’s perfect” Kristy went to write that on the poster her little girl would be holding during the march.
“You know, tomorrow Lily and Chloe will not be alone, Kate is bringing Kelly along with her and Meg.”
“I wished she was here” JJ really wanted to see Kate, it had been a while since she had seen her.
“She had to cancel last minute, poor Kelly has a stomach bug” Penelope lamented their friend couldn’t joined them.
“Alex, do you know what you’re putting on your sign?” Tara questioned.
“Actually yeah, I’ve thought about it all the way here, let me get on with it so we can help you clean and then we continue talking?”
They all agreed and went to finish their signs, after a half an hour later they were all done.
It’s time to ovary-act.
“I’m telling you I live surrounded by incredible women, ugh, I love all of you, mis mujeres” Penelope had learned a few Spanish from Luke.
“I couldn’t resist a little wordplay, after all I’m a linguist” Alex was proud of her idea as the others reassured her it was witty.
“You know what? I’m not that drunk that I actually thought deeply about mine, but I finally got it, and while I’m not that drunk I’m drunk enough to make a speech so prepare” She stood up straight while everyone turned to see her “All my life, no matter where I lived, men have tried to intimidate me just because I am a woman and I’ve always fought against those dicks that try to tell me what I can and can’t do, even when it came to my own fucking body, they felt entitled to give their opinion, it’s time we show them and our next generations that we will not accept being silenced, we have the right to speak and be heard and we’ll rule the world, mes amis.” She jokingly raised her glass while y/n grabbed Prentiss sign so she could show it to the rest of their friends.
Vulva la résistance
The rest of the girls cheered on Emily, they were now standing beside each other, with their arms resting on their friends shoulders.
JJ and Penelope went back as far as 15 years, 14 with Emily and y/n, apart from Tara and Alex, had only met these incredible women a little over a year but she was amazed by the amount of courage they had, she felt extremely lucky to be surrounded by women that did it all. Absolutely all.
Truth was being a woman in the FBI, hell, being a woman anywhere wasn’t always easy, but having a support network like the one they had created made life a little easier, knowing if anything happened all they had to do was look beside them and there would be another woman lending a helping hand.
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schaefferisqueen · 4 years
Twisted Song Ranking
OK ITS FINALLY HERE I SORRYYYYYY. So this took forever cuz SCHOOL and I needed to watch Twisted again cuz I can’t buy the sound track. so. long time. ANYWAYS AJ and Kaley KILLED IT I love the soundtrack so much it so good..... but not my fave oops. so ya this show is amazing and my ranking is slightly controversial (as always) so sorry oops.
14. Orphaned at Thirty-three (Ok so I love Jeff but I don't like this song oops. it makes me uncomfy and Jeff is creepy but like that's his brand so I get it. but also rlly don't like oh well)
13. One Thousand and One Nights Reprise/Finale (ok so this is good its just way too short for me and I feel like it lasts .5 secs lmao)
12. Take Off Your Clothes (Ok so this is a good song and it doesn't make me uncomfy I just like more songs better and I don't rlly jam to this one like others)
11. Everything and More (ok I LOVE Rachel no hate I Stan her she's amazing but I think the songs in twisted were out of or at the edge of her range and she sounds kinda strained so it kinda hurts to listen sometime. but no hate I love her she's amazing and hilarious especially in twisted shut up she's amazing)
10. Happy Ending (ok I love this song its so good especially at homecoming its amazing and Jeff going crazy at the end is so relatable I cant. also.... this is end of first act,,..... there are only 5 songs in act 2???? lmao but ya amazing we Stan harmonies I love)
9. One Thousand and One Nights (ok this is great go OFF Dylan/Meredith u r too good for this world. their voices together so good and they have so many starkid characters that r a thing lmao but honestly so cute amazing vocals their love story is great we ship and Stan)
8. I Steal Everything (ok I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONGGGGG amazing intro to scumbag!Aladdin and his mentality. he also rlly fucking funny and the choreography kills meeee GO JAMES KINGGGG James Tolbert choreographed he DESERVES the recognition and Jeff is hilarious and Lauren as monkey is great too. also rip Robert lmao)
7. Sands of Time/Golden Rule (yayay so this song is great and so good and it SHOULD be the 1st act closer or smtg but its not so rip oh well. ANYWAYS we love when the ppl appreciate j’afar but go apeshit later and hate him its hilarious contrast. ALSO dancing duet Robert/Lauren PART 2 we love them sm the two dancers killing it. and Laurens a boy again lmao)
6. If I Believed (GO DYLANNNNNNNNNNN ok so I know I will prob get hate for putting this ‘so low’ cuz its normally in top 3 for most rankings but oh well. I love Dylan and this song breaks my heart BUT I LOVE OTHERS MORE IM SORRY OK anyways Dylan slays and hits THAT NOTE and kills it I cant I want the sound track purely for this song (and the top 5))
5. Power in Me (yessssss I know this song gets a lot of hate but I genuinely love it tis amazing and heartfelt and Dylan/Racheal duet is WHAT WE NEEDED the only thing better would be Dylan/jaime duet and I will advocate for that until the day I die FIGHT ME they need to sing together. ANYWAYS I love this song it so emotional and great closer for j’afar as djinn and ugh EMOTIONS so ya)
4. Golden Rule Evil Reprise (yesssssssssssss this songgggggggg GO JOE GO JOE KING OMG U KILLLLL ITTTTTT I cant this song is so good and way too short it should be so much longer but omg amazing. also. CHOREO EXCUZE ME GO OFF JAMESSSSS. sry I love this song I cant its so clever the lyrics I cant GO OFF KALEY its amazing we stannnnnn)
3. Dream a Little Harder (ok this song is hilarious and Alex and Robert GO OFFFF they kill it and fun fact Kaley/aj have said that the song would be completely diff if they weren't in the cast sooooo that just tells u how amazing they areeeeee. also the fuck you and the belle parody and Jaime as bell and Denise as the parrot is so funnyyyyyy and Jeff at that one part where everyone is saying that their mom died is amazing I loveeeeeeee we Stan this song so much and it was almost higher BUT just wait lmao)
2. No One Remembers Achmed (OK I KNOW SHUT UP IT SHOULD BE NUMBER ONE BUT ITS NOT SO DEAL I love achmed and the soldiers (especially #3) steal the show like H E  F U C K E D  A  T I G E R is so good and Jim is amazing and Jim harmonizing w/ Lauren in the beginning is also amazing and this song just SLAPS so hard I love so muchhhhh the ensemble just goes off and so does Joe and its amazinggggg w eloveeeeeeeee)
1. Twisted (OK SO YES THIS IS FIRST IT IS MY FAVE DONT @ ME. I love twisted so much firstly cuz GO JAIME YES URSULA GO YESSSS and Nick as scar and Robert as Gaston and Lauren as maleficent and Alex as Captain Hook and DENISE HOLY SHIT DENISE UR SO FUNNY I CANT ALSO did u know that Jim was going to be hades but the costume was too complicated and too much so they couldn't im sad that would have been hilarious. AND LETS NOT FORGET DYLAN OMGGGGGG he's amazing and he kills it and again GO JAIME GO OFF QUEEEEENNNNN GO OFFFFF I LOVE UUUUUUUUUUUU also jaime has said multiple times that ursula was her fave starkid role ever and yes so accurate its so amazing and iconic like the voice the costume the body movement the SPLIT AT THE END YES SHE SPLITS WHEN SHE DROPS INFRONT OF J’AFAR GO OFFFFFFFF I LOVE HER HAND THIS SONG EEEEKKK)
OK so once again if u actually got thru all of that (especially the last one lol) u r my fave person and I love u sm u absolute queen. so ya again im sorry it took so long school sucks and so does senior yr and college essays and screw that shit. so... next is avpsy. imma have to watch other ranking vids to get the songs cuz there is no soundtrack that I can find and I DO NOT have the time nor energy to watch the whole thing so I sorry in advance. BUT I have already ranked HMB AND STARSHIP I just need to add commentary so after AVPSY it should go fasterish. oops ANYWAYS
luv u all
<3, alimay (lmao it autocorrected to alimony lol I cant that's hilarious)
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clockworkswans · 4 years
thoughts on mots:7?? *eyes emoji*
aaaaaaah it feels like SO LONG since we’ve had music, even though we get so much content!  i feel so spoilt lmao.
think i’m gonna skip the tracks from persona, they’re all legends but i’ll end up making this ten pages long otherwise!
under the cut cause it’s looooooong, oops.
interlude shadow - this had some serious challenge coming after its god-tier predecessor, seesaw, ngl, but WOW. yoongi’s solo songs have such a unique style despite being different genres/moods and his lyrics are always what i especially look forward to diving into and shadow was no different! a lot of people say this too but the autotune works SO WELL for him and the way he plays with the rhythms in shadow is amazing. and that last section?? EXPLOSIVE. that’s gonna slay on tour oh my god.
black swan - i wish i’d made notes when it first came out but it took me a while to get used to this sound because it was so interesting and haunting. the topics in this song are so relatable and frightening tbh, it’s something i feel a lot recently, that fear of losing passion for your hobbies and job, etc, and surrendering to the darker emotions of giving up on those dreams (wow, dark, CHILL). after seeing the first performance of it as well!! omg!! some of their absolute BEST choreo yet, easily.
filter - mr. park. JIMIN. I was not prepared for this song and it’s so sexy and smooth and i want to scream thinking about choreo for this on tour, wtf man. this song was my jam right away!! the latin vibes!! rumba/salsa in a club at 2am vibes!! also idk if this is misreading the lyrics but i love the lowkey dark/seductive undertone of making anyone fall in love with you/celeb perception, etc. (probably reading way too much into it lol but still, loved the lyrics). But yes, WOW. Can he let me choreo pls?? i want him to have a CHAIR and a suit and tie and to absolutely destrOY us.
my time - before i go into this, i wanna say how much i loved the vocal line doing completely different stuff and defying all my expectations. the mood of this song is so unique and the slow rhythm with his just…absolutely gorgeous emotive voice makes it so refreshing. Also!! something i found really cool is jungkook doing stuff that’s more complex in emotion and a bit sadder/darker? he’s always had the happy golden perfect boyTM vibe and that’s cute af but also this song lets him be a bit confusing and mature and lost for once. This song hit me quite personally too because the lyrics about time and distance hit close to home as i have friends and loved ones moving out of my life and i just wanna feel not so stuck. I can’t WAIT to see what kind of staging he’ll do for this?? it could be anything lol, i really can’t guess.
louder than bombs - legit EVERYTHING i wanted from a troye/bts collaboration project oh my god. The music and build-up for this song is so bittersweet and haunting, the VOCALS oh my god?? truly stole my breath, wow. the rap line verses had some seriously hard-hitting lyrics too, the lower ranges of namjoon and yoongi made my heart STOP. (something i’ve always loved with bts is the way they play with flow through members taking different parts, which sounds so obvious lol, it’s what you do with a group, but i always love the way bts uses their members’ tones/styles to create a great mix in a song). I feel like this song truly sets up the recurring theme of acknowledging and embracing the good and bad, the wholeness of it is really vulnerable and - pun intended - explosive! it reminds me of the ‘sing louder to drown out the pain’ kind of mindset. sometimes you just gotta sing louder and sadder and ache.
ON - i actually don’t have much to say on this one because it’s just SO BTS and perfect for a title track and will absolutely GO OFF live. also the choreo is hard as hell lmao GOOD LUCK PEOPLE TRYING TO LEARN IT. also i’m gonna say it alongside everyone else but…JUNGKOOK’S HOLY BRIDGE!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh! - *aroused and scared.* this beat!!!! slaps!!! rapline songs can never fail tbh, also….i think i already love this more than outro: tear and we haven’t even had a performance lol. I don’t have any coherent thoughts to add other than HOLYYY SHIIIIT. This will be so fierce live??? i’m gonna get whiplash headbanging probably. also…can they PLEASE do choreo for that last bit??? please. please.
zero o’clock - lol some songs just make you ugly sob and then you read the lyrics and ABSOLUTELY SOB. this little asshole right here came for my entire heart. it’s pretty spot on for how i feel right now: just get through the day and wait for the next and try and be a bit happier. the bittersweet, hopeful tone is so lovely and really touching. it’s heartbreaking ngl, but in a healing, therapeutic way. it’s so soft and mellow without being too air-y which is pretty hard to get right tbh.
inner child - my favourite vocal line solo!!! i’m always so in love with taehyung’s solo songs tbh, his voice and songs are always my cup of tea, thank you for being a true hopeless romantic sir. this song is SO end-of-indie-movie and i’m completely hooked on it already, i walk to work and keep looping it and it makes me smile and tear up just thinking about hearing it live already. I love how it’s a love letter to his younger self, comforting, sad and so full of heart and acceptance. We all find it hard to look back but to have a song that says it’s okay to be proud of every version of yourself and your growth is AMAZING. i haven’t stopped thinking of the ‘we gonna change’ and i’ll give you my world’ lines. truly magical.
friends - shut up this is the SWEETEST SONG EVER. so my best friend is finally moving away from the hometown we’ve shared for 11 years and i am very vulnerable about it right now, so this coming out when it did?? a bit of an attack lol. but it really made me smile and be SO GRATEFUL to her, and to everyone else in my life and the bonds i have around me. jimin and tae’s friendship is the sweetest thing and to have them release a platonic love song??? to sing on tour together?? after growing up and becoming legends together? wow. talk about bff goals. the adorable details in the lyrics make it so personal and genuine, and the crowd-chanting bits in the chorus are gonna sound awesome live. also not to get sappy and cheesy but this also makes me think of all the friends people have made in this fandom and community and how we’re all enjoying this awesome thing together? love that, man.
moon - THAT’S THE LOML, KIM SEOKJIN, SLAYING AGAIN. awake and epiphany were both so epic and emotional in the traditional ballad genre, so hearing this was just?? SO COOL. it’s so happy and sweet and shows off his high range effortlessly. this has such an addictive melody, i kept humming it at work today and driving myself nuts lmao. it makes me think of summer days and hanging out with friends or on your own in the sun, reading. i also love how he expanded on ‘beauty’ as it’s always a word thrown at him lol, but he made it so innocent and lovely, like idk if he’s fed up of everyone yelling handsome at him and embarrassing him lmao but it was so wholesome of him to then turn around and make a song about appreciating subtle beauty and the bonds between army and bts (god i’m LAME, blame this album).
respect - this song’s such a VIBE. love the founders of bts doing a song together, god, just bros being bros and jamming together?? WE LOVE TO SEE IT. I didn’t realise how much i’d love this duo together but it’s so natural and you can see how much they love writing and working together. the lyrics are so fun and snarky and the throwback old-school bts vibe is PERFECT. it’s that clever thing they do of re-visiting older works and combining it with your present self to make something familiar yet different. so so cool.
we are bulletproof: eternal - omg so the first line of this i started laughing so hard because i was SO SURE it would be a Concert Jam™. then i sobered up pretty quickly and cue the tears and emotions lmao. This song gives me heartbeat/sea/mikrokosmos energy, it falls in that ‘epic emotional singalong’ genre they do beautifully. you bet your ass i’m gonna be bawling at this on the tour. i lost it crying in that last bridge when they say ‘why are you still walking with us’, it just hit me that wow, i’ve been a part of this journey and tbh, it’s gonna stay with me for life. the emotions packed into this song are overwhelming af whilst still being a celebration of the 7 years bts have been together, and the individual achievements too, of them and also armys? idk it feels very collective ‘us’ vibe and it’s beautiful. 
outro: ego - READY, SET AND BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAP OF THE SOUL MAP OF THE AAAAAAAAAAAL THAT’S MY EGOOOOOOOOOO. Oh my god, this song just slays everything tbh. When it came out i could not stop repeating it for the entire week and i’m still so in love with it. By far one of my favourite solos of the album! it’s so colourful, clever and A DANCE BOP. It’s everything about why i bias jhope and his style is freaking awesome. 
okay wow, all done!!!!!
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toothpastecanyon · 5 years
We Walk Like Humans Do, Chapter 1
The Transcendence has been, on the whole, a good thing for magical creatures... for the ones that walked on two legs and fit in doorways, at least. Lacie has other problems to overcome before she can live in the big city.
Inspired by @marshmellowextract‘s ideas on the TAU Discord.
See most updated version on Archive of Our Own.
               The Transcendence has been, on the whole, a good thing for magical creatures. True, there’s been no shortage of misunderstandings and pro-nat sentiments over the years, but all those centuries of hiding away from humans had been just as harmful.
               Humans are everywhere, after all. Avoiding them means avoiding most places on Earth, holing yourself away in dwindling forests and as-of-yet unexplored cave systems. Some could pass as human and live in their cities, but pre-Transcendence accounts of disguised elves or vampires often spoke of the burden of carrying such an immense secret, the disconnect they felt with any humans they befriended. They could never truly live as themselves.
               For some magical creatures, the Transcendence changed that. The Transcendence let them live freely amongst the humans, let them attend their schools and work alongside them to better the world.
               For some magical creatures, the Transcendence was the single best thing that had ever happened to them.
               For others?
               Well… for the less humanoid ones, they didn’t notice so much of a difference. For Lacie, she was still hanging out in the same old sewers she’d been hatched in.
               After all, when you’re a giant basilisk several bus-lengths long and capable of killing a man with a single glance, there are more obstacles to living in the city than ‘not feeling like you can be true to yourself.’
               A snore rumbles through the depths of London’s sewers. Deep, deep underground, somewhere in a maze of rank-smelling tunnels sloshing with wastewater, there lies a hidden door, and behind that door slumbers a vicious, terrible monster guarding a tome of forbidden knowledge.
               That’s how the treasure hunters always describe Lacie’s home on the forums, and honestly, she finds it a little insulting. They’ll go on and on about how much the place stinks and how loudly she snores; it’s like they expect her to fix it or something, and… no? This is a sewer, it’s going to smell bad. And she needs to sleep, so it’s going to be noisy, too.
               If they’re gonna come down here to try and slay her and steal her shit, the least they can do is stop being so goddamn whiny about it.
               Like, look at these bozos coming in now. Lacie was having such a peaceful nap until they started messing around with the hidden door.
               She cracks a tired eye open, and glares at the sound of their voices.
               “No, it’s this one!” A rock shudders on the wall. “Didn’t you read the riddle? You touch the symbols clockwise!”
               “How did you get clockwise from the riddle? It’s way more complicated than that; the cipher clearly states-”
               “A-B-C-D. Clockwise.”
               “No, that’s- ABCD? Where on earth did you get ABCD?”
               Lacie lets out a rumbling sigh. Incompetent treasure hunters, oh joy. She shifts a little bit on her pile of gold, and waits for them to bumble their way into a solution so she can go back to  sleep.
               “Look, I don’t know how you’re getting ABCD, so why don’t we try my way first, and if mine doesn’t work-”
               “It’s absolutely not going to work.”
               “It will! I took a class in cryptography once, I know how this works.”
               “Ooo, aren’t you special.”
               “Look, just let me work, will you?”
               “Do it fast. Ugh, it smells like death down here.”
               At least it’s more bearable than your voice, Lacie thinks. She snorts at her own joke before hooking her tail around a wooden sign and dragging it in closer. She’ll need this later - quite a while later, most likely, but it’s good to be prepared.
               “That didn’t work?”
               “Of course it didn’t work, you idiot. I’ll open it-”
               “Hey, wait, maybe I did that wrong! Let me try that again!”
               “No, you had your chance!”
               “Just let- hey, get off me!”
               “No, you get off me!”
               “Come on dude, just let me try-”
               After listening to the treasure hunters scuffle and shout at each other for what felt like forever, Lacie hears a click in the door’s opening mechanism. The whole thing starts to rumble and dust loosens from the ceiling as it opens inwards, revealing… well, she doesn’t look at them directly in case they’re dumb enough not to bring basilisk protection, but she makes out two human figures with rifle-shaped sticks, which they immediately point at her face.
               “There it is!” The first man ushers the other back. “Stay behind me!”
               “Stay behind you? Dude, I’m a way better shot.”
               “What? No way, you are not!”
               “I totally am. Don’t you remember back at the range-”
               Lacie lets out a hiss before they can get into another stupid argument. She points the end of her tail at the sign, and it takes them a second to notice.
               “It’s doing something weird.”
               “Quick, let’s shoot it!”
               “No, look, that’s a sign it’s holding!” The second guy peers at the message. “Says ‘Fighting not needed, can’t let you take the physical book but am posting all chapters online at https- wait, you have a website?”
               She nods. A blog, actually.
               “Don’t be stupid.” The other guy gives him a shove. “There’s no way it has a website; this is some sort of trick!”
               “Yeah… yeah, you’re right! Wait, how is it a trick?”
               “Obviously it’s to confuse us and distract us from getting the treasure!” He cocks his rifle. “We have to stay focused! Stay behind me, I’ll get this thing right between the eyes-”
               Lacie finally looks down at the guy. Their gazes meet, the guy’s eyes widen; he yelps and staggers back, dropping his rifle and slapping a hand over his face… but he doesn’t drop dead. A second later, he peeks out behind his fingers.
               “I’m… still alive!” He cackles. “These contact lenses really do work!” Ha! Take that, you dumb lizard!”
               The other guy high fives him. “Yeah, take that! Now let’s kill this thing!”
               Huh, they’re slightly more prepared than she thought. Lacie stares at his smug smile a moment longer, then swings her tail around and dashes both of them against the right wall.
               There are no contact lenses that protect against blunt force trauma. They let out short-lived screams, cut off as soon as their bodies crash against stone; there’s a chorus of splintering cracks, then silence as they crumple to the ground amongst a pile of other shattered skeletons.
               Lacie looks at them now. Listens to all the familiar noises that could be heard in the absence of their voices - the dull roar of running water, the drips that fall from the ceiling and splash in puddles, the tinkling of gold coins as she shifts her weight.
               All the things she could hear, now that they were dead.
               Does she feel bad?
               Eh… sort of.
               She feels... more frustrated than anything else, these days. It’s not like she doesn’t give them a chance to escape, and they are trying to kill her… but still. It’s such a senseless loss of life - especially for such young, stupid humans - and over what? Some useless book?
               She turns and glares at it now, sitting on its little lecturn at the far end of the room. Stupid thing.
               One day, she will be free of it.
               But for now, she’s tired. She lays her head on glittering gold, closes her eyes, and falls asleep to all the quiet, comforting sounds of her home.
               She probably starts snoring, too… fuck, they’ve made her self conscious about it.
               Chapter 7 of Wizard Animago’s Not-So-Secret Spellbook - His Shitty Death Spells and Why They’re Not to Die For, Seriously
               Hey everyone, this is 18Lacie5 back with another chapter overview. I know it’s been a year since I last posted, sorry about that. I’m usually way too tired to work on one of these - the joys of being cold blooded in England. Annnnnyyyyywwwwaaaayyyy, here is the much-anticipated chapter on ol’ Animago’s secret death spells!
               Spoiler alert: it’s gonna disappoint you.
               Now, for anybody new reading this, Sironus Animago was a 19th century English wizard that specialised in the study of animal transmogrification. If you don’t know who he is, that’s because he was a recluse who hated humanity so much he spent half his life trying to turn himself into literally anything else. The only time anybody hears about him is generally in treasure hunting circles, concerning a riddle he left behind for ‘any man worthy enough to learn his secrets.’ It is said that he wrote a spellbook containing all the knowledge he had accumulated over his lifetime, and considered it so dangerous he bound a basilisk into guarding it after his passing.
               Well, I am that basilisk, and I’m here to tell you why Animago’s spellbook is stupid and absolutely not worth dying for.
               This chapter’s an easy one: his death spells suck. Even by pre-Transcendence standards, they suck. He wasn’t the slightest bit interested in offensive magic, and I’m pretty sure he threw these ones in here because hey, every spellbook’s gotta have a spooky scary dark magic section, right?
               Let’s examine the first spell of Chapter 7: ‘Planis fugere a mortalis huius’ (a moment of silence for that Latin.) So ‘fly away from this mortal plane(s?)’ sounds pretty and all, but it’s way too poetic to be a reliable spell. Unlike the standard modern equivalent, which is, you know, just ‘Die’, your magic’s gonna have to figure out a whole lot about this sentence before it puts it into action. Fly away, how? Where are they flying to? What could count as our ‘planis’ here? The ground?
               You see how easily this could result in something like giving your enemy a pair of wings instead of killing them. Great. That’s totally what you’d want to happen in battle, right?
               This issue would have come up immediately in testing, which leads me to believe it was a purely theoretical spell of Animago’s, and not a particularly good one (but hey, at least it’s original this time, right?) As with all of them it does come with the minorly unique addition of alternate pronounciations in five different animal forms, but again, unless you’re turning yourself into a chicken, a dog, a hawk, a bear or a snake on a regular basis, when are you ever going to need this?
               All in all, probably the worst chapter in the entire spellbook, with sloppy, overly complex incantations I’d toss away in a heartbeat if not for the fact that I’ve been bound into protecting them. Next post, we tackle chapter 11: turning your furniture into animals!
               (Because that’s what your couch is missing. Teeth and claws and an ability to run away from you.)
               Do s both a favour, and don’t make me kill you over these shitty spells.
               Curled around her favourite pile of gold, Lacie scrolls down her blog, reading its contents with drooping eyes. She uses her tail to move a laptop’s trackpad, which makes it a little difficult to navigate - the frustration she feels whenever the clicker shoots off in random directions is the main reason she’s still awake - but not as much as one might be expecting, as the laptop is not an ordinary laptop.
               It’s gigantic. The screen is bigger than her, and the top almost scratches against the ceiling. Carefully balanced above the wet stone on four smaller gold piles, the charging port is wired up to a truly massive, glowing purple power strip. It hums with magical energy, charging her laptop as she gets to the end of the blog post.
               ‘Do s both a favour ’... ah, typo. Lacie shoves her mouse in the general direction of the edit button for a few seconds before landing on it; now she clicks, adds a u, and struggles her way back to the main page.
               Fixed. That was totally worth the effort.
               She lets out a snort, which turns into a great big yawn and leaves her head resting on top of the laptop. The metal’s got some warmth to it; she feels that against her cheek, and almost immediately starts struggling to keep her eyes open.
               This was a mistake, she thinks. Come on, she literally just got up! She can’t go right back to sleep!
               Just a little more time… to herself… without any… any humans… she was supposed to... to...
               The distant whoosh of water overhead and the steady hum of the power strip lulls her closer and closer to sleep, and she tries one last time to lift up her eyelids-
               And plop.
               A little water droplet lands right in her eye, and she jumps. Rises up, blinks rapidly - first to get the blurriness out of her vision, then to get rid of the sleepiness already creeping its way back in.
               She shakes her head to clear it. Once she’s mostly awake again, she lets out a triumphant little puff of air: not today, sleep! Not when she’s got shit to do!
               With that, Lacie turns back to her laptop and mouses over to another tab, titled ‘List of Craig’ and next to it, ‘(1)’ for one new message.  She’s been waiting for that (1) to show up - hopefully she hasn’t taken too long to respond back.
               The tab opens after she jabs left click a couple times, revealing a short chatbox:
L at 20:25: [is that double length chalk shipment still available?]
M at 20:35: [yes]
L at 20:36: [would be very interested in buying that, are you are ok with teleswitch methods of payment? you don’t have to wheel it anywhere, just let me know where it is in the house]
               Fifteen whole minutes later at 20:51, there’s the much-anticipated reply:
               Lacie reads this, and has a sudden urge to smack her head against the keyboard. With a growl rumbling in her throat, she gets typing
L at 20:52: [okay, where is the shipment in your house? what room? the spell i use needs this.]
               She sends it off… and waits, scowling at the chatbox.
               And waits...
               And waits...
               And is still waiting. Stars, maybe she could’ve taken a nap.
               Speaking of that, her eyelids are starting to droop again. She huffs and shakes her head in a couple quick, flicking movements; that jolts her back awake, and she clicks back to her blog page.
               The latest post on chapter 7 stares back at her. In the dim-lit room, it’s glaring down on her, almost accusingly.
               Next post, it reads, we tackle chapter 11: turning your furniture into animals!
Post updated: less than two minutes ago
Post uploaded: more than two years ago
               Lacie sighs. This is what happens now when she takes a nap.
               Years, they’ve begun to pass her by like nothing . All she remembers of the past two are groggy hazes, half-recalled dreams; the only times she’d wake would be to fend off the occasional treasure hunter, then back to her slumber she’d go, like that was her only purpose in life.
               It didn’t used to be this way. She didn’t used to feel so tired all the time. Why?
               ...She’s getting too big for her home. The magic that sustains her, it isn’t enough anymore.
               That’s got to be the explanation.
               Which means she’s got to get out of here. She’s got to break that damn binding that tethers her to the spellbook…
               Lacie shoots a look at it now. Glares at the stony grey lectern it rests on, and everything piled around the base of that. The wax candles. The incense burners. The unholy artefacts. The tomes upon tomes of academic research, summoning circle references, nonstandard incantation guides…
               She has to break it.
               By any means necessary.
               She’s got a new message from the human.
M at 21:13: [I put it outside for you. Its in the back yard. Your welcome.]
               With an eyeroll, Lacie wraps her tail around the lectern’s pole and brings it in closer. The spellbook slides precariously around the surface it’s resting on, but with a bit of care she places it down in front of her without anything falling off the edges.
               Now, the book - she peers at it now.
               As always, it looks like a mess; its leather binding had been handmade by Wizard Animago himself, but only because the guy was too paranoid to have anybody else do it. He did a sloppy job, and over the centuries it had fallen to pieces until the only thing holding it together anymore was a couple remaining strings and a headache-inducing cocktail of protection charms.
               For Lacie, it’s tiny, making it incredibly hard to flip through. She can’t help but wonder if it had seemed this tiny the last time she’d opened it… maybe she’d grown a little bigger since then.
               Stuffing that thought down, she keeps flipping; past Chapter 2 on transfiguration, past Chapter 3 on general transmutation, Chapter 4 on alchemy… Chapter 5, there it is.
               And bingo bongo, there’s the spell she wants: ‘Sironus Animago’s Telekinetic Switch’... and Lacie can’t help but snort at that name, because it isn’t actually a spell he invented.
               Like many less-than-reputable wizards of his time, he had a habit of stealing spells from contemporaries in other fields of magic, slapping his name in front of them and trying to pass them off as his own to pad out the number of chapters in his spellbook.
               (The internet was a terrible invention for guys like him. Lacie had a lot of fun ripping into this practice when she wrote about Chapter 5.)
               Anyway, while she could find the original spell anywhere on the internet, there is something Animago added to every entry he wrote down in his book - that something is off to the far right, almost obscured by the yellowing and curling of the page.
               Here, next to five simple illustrations of a chicken, a dog, a hawk, a bear, and a snake, are the alternate pronounciations of the spell.
               Lacie squints at the last line - her mouth moves as she refamiliarises herself with the incantation - then she nods to herself, and scoops up a generous portion of gold coins, and closes her eyes.
               Pictures a backyard, with a crate full of summoning chalk, just waiting for her to pick them up.
               And with that in mind, she speaks.
               Not in words. Not in a language. She speaks in hisses and spits, in a string of meaningless noises that fit better in her mouth than any human tongue. At the end of it, though, that specific arrangement of sounds triggers an enchantment, which triggers the telekinetic switch.
               The coins in her grasp blink out of existence. A second later, they’re replaced by a crate of summoning chalk. It rattles when she picks it up; the sound echoes around her room until she puts it down by the rest of her demon supplies.
               There’s a lot piled up there now, Lacie thinks. Enough to summon a demon, and at that, she grimaces. Suppresses a yawn.
               She’d better get on with it, then.
               Lacie is starting to think that maybe demons don’t design their summoning rituals with basilisks in mind.
               She’s cleared a space in her room for the circle - has shrunk her laptop back down to normal size with one of Animago’s spells - and now that it’s time to draw the thing, she’s encountered a problem.
               Have you ever tried to draw a chalk circle on wet stone tiles? Have you ever tried to do it without hands?
               It is, in a word, difficult.
               Fortunately, she’d seen this issue coming from day one. She bought a shape template from some website selling school supplies, and blew it up with the same sizing spell she uses on her laptop. She put that over a stone slab she pulled off a drier part of the wall, traced the circle, and voila! A summoning circle.
               (She still needed to decorate it, but she’d rather intentionally chosen a demon with a simpler design. It didn’t take too long to replicate, all things considered.)
               Now onto the candles. To Lacie’s eternal disappointment, there’s no spell on the books for fire, or heat, or anything like that; she has to get creative. While rifling through the backpacks of some ex-treasure hunters, she comes across a portable gas cooker. The ignition is a simple switch she can flip - tick tick tick fwoom , it goes, then fire.
               She keeps that close to her, ready to use.
               After that… The incantation. She physically can’t pronounce the Latin chants needed to perform a sufficiently compelling summoning, which is a big problem. Most powerful demons - ones powerful enough to break bindings - tend to be rather picky about how they’re summoned. Unless it’s done exactly right, they won’t bother showing up for her.
               She needs a demon that’ll be a little more forgiving, and after pouring through textbooks, how-to guides, summoning lists, there’s only one name that seems to fit the bill.
               Lacie lights the candles, one by one, and watches as the circle of Alcor the Dreambender begins to glow.
               Strange things begin to happen. Shadows lengthen. The air gets colder - she feels that like a punch in the gut. In the centre of the chalk lines, a wispy black smoke forms, and golden eyes open from within the darkness.
               Those eyes… Lacie isn’t used to being scared of things, but she stares into those eyes and knows, suddenly, definitively, that she isn’t the monster in the room anymore.
               They turn to look at her now, and-
               “Ow!” The void-black being winces back, rubbing its forehead. “What the heck? It’s like a migraine… what is this?”
               She blinks. Huh, her stare works on demons. They didn’t mention that the summoning guides.
               The demon’s straightening again. “Is this a binding? Because guys, I’m gonna be real annoyed if you tried… to… to bind me with..? Guys?”
               It looks around the circle in confusion… then up, up, following the line of her body to meet her eyes again.
               “Oh.” It gives a hard blink. “Ow, okay. You know you’re supposed to give me a sacrifice before you sic me on the big scary snake monster, right?”
               Shit, it doesn’t see the sign. She holds it up higher.
               “Like, at least a little bit of candy for starters, y’know? Just to be like ‘Hey, I appreciate you for coming all this way’ and I’ll be like ‘Thanks! Now I actually feel motivated to save you from-’” It notices the sign, and pauses. “Um. Hang on a second, I’m missing something.”
               Lacie watches the demon read over the sign: BOUND TO SPELLBOOK, it reads, DEAL TO BREAK BINDING IN EXCHANGE FOR HUMAN SACRIFICES? Its glowing eyes steadily widen, and it glances back up at her.
               “Wait, you summoned- agh!” It blocks her stare with a hand. “You summoned me?”
               She nods.
               “Okay, that’s… new. What did you want again… spellbook... break binding to spellbook- human sacrifice?” Its eyes narrow. “Where are these humans you’re talking about?”
               Putting down the sign, she points at the pile next to the door. Most of them are bones by now, but hey, apparently some demons like that. She watches this one inspect them.
               “Oh, they’re… not fresh. Where did they all come fr- ow ! Okay, please stop with the staring, that’s not gonna work for me!” When she obligingly averts her gaze, he lets out a sigh. “Thank you. Now, uh, I kinda wanna know where you got all these bones from?”
               He sounds way more bothered about that than Lacie thought he would. A little panic fluttering in her chest, she flips the sign over and grabs her carving rock.
               “What are you…? Oh, you can’t talk, can you. Alright.” It shuffles its feet. “You wanted me to break a binding… I can see it now. Connected to that book over there?”
               Out of the corner of her eye, she watches Alcor float closer to it. Closer, closer, too close - it tiggers something in her, and she has to stop writing to block it with her tail. Has to let out a hiss at the literal demon; thank the stars its eyes widen in understanding instead of darkening in anger.
               “Oh, you’ve been bound to guard it,” it says, stepping back. “I see. Sorry. So, those bones - they’re from people who tried to take it, right?”
               Thank the stars again that it realises, because she isn’t even halfway done with the message. She nods.
               “That makes sense. Wow, that must be some important spellbook you’re guarding, huh?”
               An important spellbook - Lacie can’t muffle a snort as she shakes her head. Alcor laughs too, though he sounds a little bit uncomfortable.
               “Oh, that, that’s gotta suck. I’m sorry, uh… What’s your name? If you have one- oh stars what am I saying, ‘if you have one’ that sounds so rude -”
               With another snort, she points at a welcome mat she’s carved just in front of the hidden door.
               “‘Welcome to Lacie’s home. You found the way in, now’ - heh - ‘find the way out.’ I like that, it’s funny!” He grins up at her. “I guess these guys didn’t- ow . Agh, sorry, I was gonna say, I guess these guys didn’t see the sign when they came in, huh?”
               A head shake; they did not. They certainly didn’t laugh at it either.
               (To be fair, they were generally too busy gaping at the giant basilisk in the room to give an opinion on her decorations, but it was nice to finally get a little validation. She is funny sometimes, isn’t she?)
               “Didn’t think so.” Alcor straightens his cufflinks. “Well, Lacie, while I don’t think I can technically count this as a human sacrifice, it should still be more than enough to break any basic bond. So ,”
               She watches him extend a hand wreathed in blue fire, hears him speak with a voice that brings back a little of that initial fear, reminds her that as friendly as he may seem…
               “D̵̜͍͖̘o̱͖̙̰̪̥̹͜ w̹͖̝̩͢e ̵̲͓̖h͇̹͖̞̦̠̮͘a̤̰v̹͔͚̭̦͜e̻ ̻̘̭̫a̩ ͈̳̯̯̰̣̪d̕e͇̪͍̜̻̪͘a̙̻̬̦͔ͅl̲̝͓͔?”
               She’s still dealing with a demon.
               “Wait, uh… you don’t have to shake.” He retracts his hand, demonic reverb gone as suddenly as it showed up, but the memory of it is hard to shake. “You can just, you know, nod or something, that’s fine.”
               Lacie thinks hard on that for a moment. She glances back at the spellbook, the stupid, useless spellbook she’s been bound to, sitting on a lecturn in a room she’s been trapped in her whole life, a room that’s getting smaller and smaller as the years go by.
               She’s outgrown this, she thinks. It’s time to move on.
               “Hang on a second.”
               Alcor’s voice makes her turn. He’s closed his eyes, and there’s a frown on his face that Lacie doesn’t like the look of. She leans in closer, listening to him mutter to himself.
               “This isn’t- now how did he do this…? Oh. Oh , that’s not… dammit, that’s not good.” He opens his eyes. “Uh, Lacie? Got some bad news: I, uh, can’t break the binding.”
               ...What? Why not?
               She blinks, watches him struggle to explain.
               “I-I mean I can, technically! But not with this deal - not that I don’t want to help you, but… it’s complicated. Demon deals are complicated, there’s got to be a give and a take and it sucks, it’s...”
               She watches him sigh. Frowns, as he looks away.
               “Look, uh, I was going on the impression that this was a simple guardian bond, but it’s not. I didn’t think - you know, you were laughing when I said it was an important spellbook or something - I didn’t think it was gonna be some high-level magic… but it is.” He clenches his fists. “He’s managed to bind it to your soul , and that gets tricky for demons. There’s got to be a give and a take, right? And if I give a soul freedom…”
               … he has to take another’s , Lacie thinks, and narrows her eyes. Is this heading where she thinks this is heading?
               “I have to take freedom too, which… well, you don’t feel like selling your soul to me, do you?”
               No no no, that’s the one thing all the manuals said never ever to do! She shakes her head vigourously, and he gives a quiet chuckle.
               “Yeah, didn’t think so… I really did want to help you with the binding, but I can’t. Not without enough payment in return.” The most powerful demon in the world just shrugs helplessly. “I’m sorry. It’s a stupid rule and I’m always trying to bend it if I can, but I can’t outright break it.”
               Lacie looks back at the spellbook. She knows a thing or two about stupid rules she can’t break. She really can’t, apparently.
               Apparently, she’s going to be stuck with this thing for the rest of her life. Well. This… this sucks.
               What is she going to do now?
               “Um, listen,” Alcor clears his throat. “I can’t- uh, I may not be able to break the binding, but if there’s anything else I can do… well, you’ve got a lot of stuff you can sacrifice to me, I can probably do just about anything - anything that’s not soul-related, anyway.”
               Lacie blinks. Just about anything... she could still get out of this room before it starves her. Yes, if he was able to teleport both her and the book outside-
               But what would she do after that? The book’s tiny ; she’d need some way to lug it around, and she’d need to do that while finding food for herself, and oh stars all the guides on demon deals were screaming at her to be specific right now-
               “Do you need some time to decide?”
               She looks down at Alcor, and nods. He floats back towards the summoning circle.
               “Alright, well, call me up again when you’ve got a deal in mind...” Glancing around the circle, at the crispy candles and the shaky drawings of his symbols, he blinks, then he glances back at her. “Uh… how long did this take you to do?”
               A while, Lacie thinks, and snorts. He seems to get the message.
               “Right, well, I’ll leave my calling card with you, so you don’t have to do that all over again.” He fishes the card out of his pocket; somehow, it comes out almost as big as him. “When you’re ready to make a deal, just prick your fing… uh, just hold it, okay? I’ll keep an eye out for you.”
               She takes it, and nods. Tries for a smile, like the humans do to show gratitude.
               “What are you-? Ow.” He squints away from her stare. “Um, well, it was nice meeting you, Lacie! I’m sorry I couldn’t help more.”
               Alcor seems like he wants to say more, but after a moment of hesitation he gives a quick wave and disappears in a puff of smoke. The candles go out with him - remembering the sheer effort it took to light them in the first place, she cringes at that.
               Well, at least she doesn’t have to summon him again. She looks from the smoke wisping off the wicks, down to the business card in her grasp.
               It’s glossy and black; on one side, there’s a white circle around Alcor’s golden symbol; presumably that’s the place you’re supposed to prick your finger on. There’s a little note up top that says, ‘Need help? Summon Alcor the Dreambender today!’ and she snorts at that.
               What a strange little creature… strangely endearing. She can hear how crazy she sounds thinking about it, but that demon was actually kind of a decent guy? She isn’t about to go selling her soul to him any time soon, but it felt like he genuinely wanted to help and that’s… refreshing.
               It’s certainly a change of pace from the treasure hunters she usually encounters.
               With that in mind, Lacie grips the card. It feels sturdier than it looks, but she still takes care tucking it underneath her. Once she’s done that, she turns back to face the circle again.
               She sighs. Blinks, slowly. After something like that, all she wants to do is take a nice long nap, but...
               Well, she’d better get cracking with that deal.
Showing comments for Chapter 7 of Wizard Animago’s Not-So-Secret Spellbook - His Shitty Death Spells and Why They’re Not to Die For, Seriously
EdgyTwedgy666: [fake lol]
               Sometimes, Lacie really doesn’t like humanity. She likes reading their writings, she likes looking at the photos they take of their world, she even likes the occasional specific human, but as a whole?
Rey_hunter: [can you tell me how to solve animagos riddle?? plz]
JarrSlayer8: [I dont get it. Author keeps calling himself a battlisk? Is this a joke account, because he needs to say its a joke so people don’t get confused.]
Foundit_56: [hehe nice try dude… im coming for that spellbook even if your to scared to…]
               If this is what humans are like, she can understand why Animago hated being one so much. I mean seriously, she’s telling people what’s in the spellbook so they’ll leave her alone, and these are the kind of comments she gets?
Pyrocandro: [ummm, you know planis fugere a mortalis huius doesn’t translate to fly away from this mortal plane right? It looks more like go away to me… jus sayin. Maybe you should take a latin class? ;)]
               Lacie narrows her eyes.
               Maybe the non-treasure hunting humans are nicer.
               Maybe up on the surface, humans are actually cool and not smugly correcting her Latin on every post.
               Maybe, but it’s a shame a human trapped her down here to guard his shitty book, so she might never find out.
               A sigh, long and tired. She’s been brainstorming deals ever since Alcor left, but with her still lugging around the spellbook they all seemed… unfeasible. The thing is falling apart already - how’s she supposed to keep it safe out there? Call it a lack of imagination, but she’s exhausted and the only thing she can think of is to keep holing up in her room, ask Alcor to boost the energy of Animago’s old sustaining spells so it can support her again.
               That would work. It would, but it feels…
               Lacie grimaces.
               It feels like there’s more than this. There’s a whole world out there beyond her room, beyond guarding some spellbook; she’s been looking at it ever since she took a laptop off a treasure hunter’s body. She’s been looking, she’s been reading, she’s been writing, and, just as she was about to make that deal with Alcor, she suddenly realised she’s been wanting .
               Wanting to go out there. Wanting to explore, wanting to leave this place. She’s outgrown it, in more ways than one, and now the thought of staying here, forever...
               It feels like she’ll regret not making a better deal when she had the chance.
               But what is a better deal? Maybe she’s just too tired to think, but her mind is blank and now she’s just scrolling through stupid human comments, thinking this is what I’ll have to deal with for the rest of my life...
woodzarcor4lyfe: [how does a bastlisk type lol theyve got no arms]
               Oh, god. Oh, no.
SheldonHunts: [Actually, basilisks are classified as supernatural BEASTS instead of supernatural BEINGS. They’re non-sentient, so I’m preeetty sure you’re not a basilisk dude... cool post tho, was fun to read :)]
               Fucking. Humans. Why are they like this?
Epicbl00dhound: [looooool i bet there’s so many dumbasses in the comments fallin for this………. your not a bastlicks buddy i bet you made this up to feel special………  i bet your just some guy in your moms basement pretending…… dont pretend cuz humans are THE BEST we beat all other spacies (watch pronatpat he has the TRUTH) so get out of there….. be a human!]
               Ugggghhhhhhhh, why is this her life? Why can’t she-
               Lacie reads that last comment again. Through all the weird grammar and the pro-nat grossness and everything else she doesn’t even want to unpack… it’s giving her an idea.
               Be a human...
               A strange, strange idea - but it might just actually work.
43 notes · View notes
osmw1 · 5 years
Poison-Wielding Fugitive   Chapter 69
With her sword in hand, Celes uses the same skill on me as the one she used on Safkrym.
“Luminous Blade!”
A streak of light trails off from her sword towards me.
Right away, I dropped my crossbow in exchange for the Flyiron Sword tied to my hip. I raise it up to block Celes’ blow, but the sword splits into two. Still, at least I was able to avoid being struck.
“Take this!”
Celes holds up her sword again as I flick up the crossbow on the ground with my foot. I catch it then immediately jumped back and fired three shots at her, taking full advantage of the opportunity. However, accompanied by the sound of metal colliding on metal is Celes chopping down the bolts in mid-air.
“… impressive.” “Only because you still hesitate, Celes.”
She may be swinging down at me with tenacity, but her movements are nowhere near as nimble when compared to the fight against Safkrym. But it’s because she’s still hesitating that I still have a chance. Now… what do I do?
‘Thou standest nary a chance against her, unless thou strikest her with poison.’
That’s assuming I can even hit her. Well, it’d be easy if I were to spray poisonous mist, but I’ll end up killing Celes and there’s no way I would get out of that situation alive. I just have to find a way to somehow make an escape.
“Hey, Celes.” “Speak.” “I really don’t want to die, so honestly, I’d prefer to not duel you anymore. You understand, right?” “…”
Celes remains silent as she rushes up to my face. She’s crazy quick. It’s scary how much her stats are better than mine! I dodge the swing of her sword by the skin of my teeth, but I get kicked right in the chest.
Yeowch! Her kick sent me flying three whole meters. I try my best to safely tumble then ready my crossbow.
“Celes, you don’t have to do this—this witch hunt you call a dragon extermination.” “I must. But I must also dispel the baseless suspicions in the hearts of my brethren, even if you resist!”
Jeez, talk about stubborn. But that’s not bad either.
“You can’t do that. You can’t worry about me while ignoring the most important person. You can’t any doubt. You and I both know that there’s someone waiting to be saved by you!” “Hmpf… I cannot believe you would say such a thing. Cohgray, they suspect you because you lifted the curse. Let me take you in so you may help yourself!”
You get familiar to just about anyone. Even Celes and the lightning quick thrusts of her blade are things I can learn. And with my intuition, I can predict her. Now, it’s like a game of tag, but using a sword and a crossbow.
“Yukihisa…” “Muuuu…”
Arleaf and Muu watch the two of us with full attention. Obviously, they can’t let their guards down either, in case the Saint Yggdrans attack any one of us. We can’t let them interrupt our duel, even with the priest clamoring for Celes to hurry and slay me. … Veno, I don’t think it’s innocent until proven for us. But Celes is still hesitating and I don’t think they have much evidence anyway. Can’t you do anything?
‘Nay. I cannot so much lift a single talon, let alone use any of my magic.’
I quickly check the buffs from the poison and Arleaf’s cooking. Hey Veno, you can’t penetrate that Forced Possession Summoning barrier at all, right?
‘Obviously. Surely, thou shouldst know by now.’
But… your fecal matter does.
‘Aye, but… of what art thou thinking? I cannot read thine mind unless thou producest the thought.’
I didn’t really expect Veno to be able to pick up a passing thought. Alright, then I’ll focus on it. Can you pass your own poison through the barrier?
‘I see… I, too, have wondered. My poison can be thought of to be similar to my blood. However… the two are separate. It is much smaller than any talon or scale of mine… so I may be able to open such a hole small enough for them not to notice yet large enough to pass a drop through to thee. I shall be releasing the strength that had been sealed away thus far… but aye, it may be possible.’
Then, if I could have just one single drop of the strongest poison you can produce.
‘Thou must absolutely not use it against anyone. Do not drop it either. If it were to vaporize even the slightest, it shall prove to be fatal to bystanders! Gah… even something like this is so obstructed… hmpf!’
Veno wrings out his seldom used magical energy and exerts his might as a Poison Dragon to create a single drop of his poison, dripping it onto the tip of the bolt in my hand. Alright! Once again, I forcefully stab the bolt into my own arm.
It instantly courses through my entire cardiac system, scorching through as though it were liquid fire in my veins. Static and noise fill my vision, leeching all color from my view. Light flickers, nauseating me. Blood oozes out from every part of my body, but at the same time, all my wounds quickly heal due to my Poison Absorption. However, the negative effects of Veno’s poison outweigh the regeneration.
Deadly Ancient Dragon Poison α
The text appears in my vision as the effects kick in. I can definitely see Celes’ movements a lot clearer now. Yo, Veno! The toxins from Arleaf’s cooking is nothing compared to yours!
‘‘twas all I could muster, so knowest that thou art yet at the level of thine opponent!’
Damn, you totally just wanted to diss me!
‘Not to mention that thou hast both the poisons of the lass and mine. ‘tis no surprise that it had exceeded thine limits.’
I wonder. … at least Arleaf doesn’t look discontent with her poison this time around. Anyway, now it’s a fair fight.
“C-Cohgray?! Are you okay?!” “Haha, that was the ace up my sleeve. Looks like I can’t escape without surpassing my own limits.”
My body is screaming at me. I can’t keep this up for too long.
“… how considerate of you to be holding back until now. No, we have no time. Cohgray, come and end this!”
Ah. She must’ve realized that I haven’t been using my poison against her. Really, I can’t thank Celes any more for being so honorable. But I really can’t do much but fire my crossbow at her. I can’t help but feel like I can’t hit Celes with a bolt, no matter how strong I get. In that case…
“Let’s wrap it up then! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”
I scream out loud like Muu using War Cry and I rush over at Celes. Of course, I activate the Cloaking on my armor as I rapidly zigzag my way over to her.
“What is this speed?! There are even afterimages trailing behind him…”
Celes swings her sword at me while I sneak towards her. Though she was hesitant at first, now she’s gotten much more precise with her movements. She’s taking this one-on-one duel seriously now, eh? But… she’s no match with me and my buffs! Damn, it hurts though. My head feels like it’s on the verge of splitting. My vision’s still all messed up too.
But… even so… I can do this! I close the distance between us and I jam my crossbow into her chest while unleashing Power Shot at point-blank range. The bolt strikes and pierces Celes’ substantial chest plate. I don’t think anyone would survive this if this were real life Japan. But video game logic exists in this world.
The evidence is clear: the bolt left only a large fissure in her armor without penetrating through. I nimbly leapt backwards while my crossbow automatically reloads.
“V-Very impressive… but—”
Celes raised her voice as puts her hand to her chest. She’s tough… but that’s also not good for me.
‘Thou avoided both critically striking her and omitted thine poison.’
Well, I don’t want to kill her either. I just want her to give up.
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musicalmukebox · 6 years
Let’s Get (Back) Together | l.h. (2B)
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Ctto of the gifs!!
AU: Parent Trap Dad!Luke
Summary: A strong love which led to a strong marriage and twin daughters. Yet in the end, it didn’t turn out so well. You strongly refuse to encounter him ever again. But what happens when both of you coincidentally send your twin daughters to the same summer camp in Florida after 10 years?
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: slight heated moments and swearing
A/N: Let me just say, I didn’t expect that this series would get so much attention so thank you!! So if you have suggestions or anything else about and for the series, come thru and slide to my ask box. Here’s your side after 10 years, and sorry if the ending is abrupt. Enjoy!
I don’t own Parent Trap and its ideas. It’s only used as inspiration.
1 / 2A / 2B / 2C / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Feedback/Questions/Others? Here.
2034, Los Angeles
“Alright, Gina. I’ll be there in 15.” You hung up the phone on your personal assistant, who reminded you that you have an interview and photoshoot with E!News for your film named Take Me or Leave Me. You’ll be interviewed alongside Timothée Chalamet, who played your love interest. Of all the times and days you could have this interview, it had to be at the same day and time when your daughter Stella is about to arrive home in a few minutes.
Take Me or Leave Me was set in the 1950’s, where there were 2 people named Mercedes and Clark who were in arranged and unhappy marriages. One day, they encountered each other in a diner, where they firstly sulked about how crap life is individually. That was until Mercedes received the wrong order, which so happens to be Clark’s. It instigated them to create conversations when they swapped food. Furthermore, it created a close friendship, which grew something more intimate. But recap, they are married to other people. Was the spark they felt worth to take or just leave it alone?
“We’re home!” You heard your butler, Mark, call out from downstairs of your home. Excited, you ran to the stairs, meeting eye to eye Stella.
“Stella! You’re back!” You called, extending your arms out for an embrace for her.
“Mom!” She shrieked, letting go from her grasp of her luggage, running towards you.
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As you two were face to face, you reached out for a warm embrace, ecstatic to finally see each other after a month and a half, which felt longer. As you let go, you were fast enough to observe some minor, physical changes on her.
“You cut your hair!” You traced some strands of her hair.
“Oh yeah, but only a bit! It got really hot there, if that’s okay with you.” 
You chuckled. “That’s alright! As long you’re here.” You then raced her hair behind her ear, finding an earring there.
“Ooh, you pierced your ears there too.” You were a bit confused because you remembered that she didn’t want one back in her younger years.
“I was pretty interested with it because it was really cool, and other girls had their ears pierced too. I’m not afraid anymore!” She cheered. 
You smiled at her happiness, but then it was interrupted once your phone rang from your pocket. Bringing it out, it was Gina calling. Answering it, “(Y/N), the interviewers are here.” 
“Shit.” You mumbled. 
“Are you okay, mom?” Stella asked, worried.
“Alright, I’m really on my way, tell her my apologies and stall a bit for me, Gina?”
“Sure, (Y/N).” Giving your thanks, you hung up the phone. You looked at Stella, looking for an answer. 
“I’m okay, love. I just found that I have an interview with E!News for Take Me or Leave Me with your uncle Timmy. Would you like to come?” Stella’s eyes widened.
“Oh yes please!” She chirped. 
“Alright! I’ll grab my bag and you freshen up, then we’ll go.”
The ride to the E! Studios was pretty fast. Yet it was delightful to catch up with her since you werent able to talk her as much you wanted to. “One night, there was this one girl who dared me to jump in the cold lake because I lost to her in a game of poker!”
“Poker? Oh my, has grandpa been teaching you behind my back?” 
“Maybe, maybe not.” She smirked, earning a laugh from you.
“Well, like mother, like daughter.” 
As soon as your chauffeur parked the car, instantly so much paparazzi hovered your path to the studios. You held hands with Stella, hoping she won’t panic.
“(Y/N), are you with Timothée?”
“(Y/N), any other spoilers you can spill for Take Me or Leave Me?”
“(Y/N), does Stella know about her real dad?”
That last question was so harsh on you, like come on, it’s been 10 years?
Old news, dude.  Yet, you just shrugged it off. 
Finally, you managed to bump your way out of this insensitive crowd, and finally entering one of the studios. Instantly, you see Gina and Timothée, or Timmy, by the hair and makeup station.
“(Y/N)! There you are.” Gina called you out as you walked to her direction, then sitting down at one of the chairs to get your makeup done.
“I’m sorry for the tardiness, just wanted to see this little bub before heading here.” You referred to *Stella*, who sat on the chair beside you.
“Oh, I see. So how was camp, Stella?” Gina asked her politely.
“Really fun! Made new friends, got to dance and learn how to fence too!” 
“That’s really cool! Any boys?” She raised her brows cheekily. 
“Nah, they’re disgusting, and it was an all-girls camp!” She groaned, earning a laugh from Gina and you.
“Well, you never know. Times are different now.“ Gina stated. This is a topic very dear to her heart, especially when she came out to you as a lesbian 2 years ago, and you remained to have your full support and love for her nonetheless.
Homophobia can fuck off.
You also find Gina more like family than your assistant, and that she bonded with Stella really well, just like sisters. As the makeup artist added lipstick, you were done and ready for the cameras.
“Hey, love.” Your eyes glanced at Timmy, looking good as ever.
“Hey, Tim.” You greeted back, facing him.
“I see that Stella is back.” He pointed out as you glanced at Stella, laughing over something Gina said.
“Yeah, just this morning, thus me being late.” He chuckled, looking down for a bit then looking back up to you.
“Are you going tell her about us?” He asked, curiously. You sighed. 
You’ve been non-exclusively dating Timmy for a few months, way before Stella went to camp. No one knows except Gina. Ever since you were started filming, especially those intimate scenes, you felt a spark. 
A spark you haven’t felt in 10 years. He felt the same way, so you figured why the hell not? 
“I don’t know, Tim. She hasn’t had any other fatherly figure in so long, unless you count my dad. Hell, she doesn’t even know what happened, which is not an easy thing to tell and process.” You worried. He put his hand on top of yours.
“Hey, I can be there if you want. I really like you, (Y/N). I don’t her to be left out.” He gave you a half yet reassuring grin. He has a point. Sighing again,
“Tonight. Come over for dinner.” You invited, wiggling out from his grasp in hopes no one saw that moment.
“Alright.” He accepted. 
“Okay, guys! Interview time!” One of the producers to both of you, leading you to the area where you’ll be interviewed.
“Yes, slay that smirk!” The photographer, whose named is Finn, praised as he took numerous shots of you and Timmy. 
Since you both served so much intense shots, Timmy changed up things and made a joke, which made you laugh and cringe at the same time. Your facial reaction changed the mood for both of you.
“I love these candid laughs, guys!” Finn complimented. Out of nowhere, Timmy brought out Stella to take pictures with you both, which made the mood livelier. 
When the photoshoot reached its end, you were ready to go home and eat, but pretty nervous to tell Stella about you and Tim. 
“You are so pretty, mom.” Stella complimented. 
“Thank you, bub. Everything was much more lively when your uncle Tim let you join in the pictures.”
“True. He’s an amazing guy, he’s the right guy to play your love interest, like awhile, it felt so real, like you were Mercedes and Clark.” She agreed, even mentioning your and Tim’s character names in the film.
“You think so?”
“I know so.” You gave her a smile. Maybe telling her would be easier.
“Have you not felt anything like that before? Like pure happiness?”
“What do you mean?”
“Did you ever felt that with dad?” Her question shook you. 
“What’s this question, bub?”
“I don’t know, mom. I mean you’re an amazing and hard-working person, why would a guy like my dad leave you?” You grew anxious at the indirect mention of him. 
“Why so curious all of sudden, Stella?”
“You know eventually, you‘re going to have to tell me what happened between you two because it wouldn’t be fair.” She pouted.
“Let’s just say that it didn’t work out because we grew unhappy and held back each other in reaching our goals.” I admitted, hoping she will be satisfied and wouldn’t ask any more questions. 
Luckily when she was about to ask again, you arrived home. Thank God. Stepping inside the front door, you were surprised to see Timmy was already there, setting up the table. 
“Hey, uncle Tim!” Stella came up to him for an embrace, which he returned.
“Hey, squirt!” He ruffled her hair, making her groan.
“What brings you here?” She questioned.
“Your mom invited me for dinner. I heard there’s pasta and shrimps.” 
“Shrimps, ugh. But I can’t wait to eat!” Stella beamed.
“Since when did you hate shrimps, bub?” You asked, confused. This girl love shrimps, especially tempura.
“C-Camp. It was so nasty.” She stutters, trying not to reveal her true identity just yet.
“Well, camp can change one so fast must I say.” As Timmy lets go from her grasp, he approached and hugged you. 
“You’re here so quickly.” You pointed out.
“Nothing wrong with that. A gentleman is never late.” He justified, making you roll your eyes.
“Smooth. Kinda.” You joked as he also rolled his eyes, taking a seat in the dining table. As Mark all of you dove in, enjoying every bite. Timmy even brought out some wine for you and him.
“Can I have a sip?” Stella asked as she watched you sipped your wine glass. 
“Hmm, no. You’re only 11.” Stella frowned in disappointment. 
“Here’s mine.” Timmy encouraged, offered his wine glass to her, letting her sip the delicious wine.
“Timmy, why? She’s only 11!” You scolded.
“When I was around her age, my dad encouraged me to drink wine too because hello, I’m part-French and it’s in our blood, he says. It’s a way to bond with people.” He answers, waiting for a reaction from Stella as she sipped it. Instantly, she spat it out. Probably out of sourness or bitterness.
“I don’t like this! Why do adults drink this?” She blurted, earning a laugh from you and Tim. 
“You’ll understand when you’re older.” You responded, stifling in some laughs. Suddenly, you felt a hand on top of yours. You faced Timmy, who gave you that ”you should tell her” look. Lord knows how many times you’ve sighed today.
As you waited for Stella to calm down after her terrible encounter with wine, you spoke up.
“Stella, my bub.” You called.
“Yes, mom?” She focused her full attention on you.
“You know that you can tell me anything and that I can tell you anything as well if times are tough, right?”
“Yes, mum. What’s wrong?” She worried, confused with what you’re telling her.
“Nothing. But I want to tell you something.”
“What is it?” You felt Timmy’s hand again on yours. Stella’s eyes saw that too. You prepared yourself for the worst.
“Your uncle Tim and I are dating.” 
She was stunned, her jaw dropping a bit. You couldn’t decipher whether it was bad or good. But to your happiness, she smiled.
“That’s great, mom! Both of you make each other so happy, especially during that photoshoot and interview! I’m happy you’re happy.” Yet you were confused at first, especially just a while ago, she was asking all these questions about her dad.
“You’re not mad or anything?”
“Why should I be? I care about you, mom. You deserve only the best.” She looked at Timmy, standing up and giving him a hug.
“Take care of her, ey?” She reminded as he nodded.
“I will.” It was such a great moment, but it was interrupted when Stella saw the time, shocked again. 10 pm.
“What’s wrong, bub?”
“I feel sleepy and exhausted because camp”.
“Oh okay, good night, bub.” You responded, right before you heard her bedroom door closed.
“Well, I think she handled it well.” Timmy speculated.
“She did.” You affirmed, feeling that wave of relief and sipping more wine, only for Timmy to get it from you.
“I believe you have enough wine for tonight.” He implied, putting back the cork inside.
“No, I haven’t.” You tried to get back his wine, but it raised it up higher so you couldn’t reach it.
“We still interviews tomorrow, love.”
“Ugh fine.” You groaned. Timmy laughed as he put the wine back down.
“You’re cute when you’re annoyed, love.” He complimented, pulling your waist closer to him and his lips just inches away.
“I like it when you call me that.” You blushed, wrapping your arms around his neck.  
“You want me to say it again?’ He teased, making you nod.
“Love.” He rasped. Your insides were screaming for help, wanting you to do something about it. You can’t just let him go home without a kiss or two.
“Fuck it.” You instantly planted your lips on him. He returned the desire, lifting you up to the counter. Grinding against each other crazily yet much to your dismay, he was the first to let go.
Hmm, grinding against each other. Sounds familiar?
“What the fuck, Tim?” You cussed in disappointed.
“First, language. Your daughter is upstairs and I’m still seeing you tomorrow.”
“You tease! You can’t tell me what to do, you’re not my dad.” You rolled your eyes, pulling him closer to you, your lips in near proximity once more. You have your ways on turning him on.
“But you like it, babygirl.” He winked. As you jumped down the counter and led him to your front door, he kissed you one last time for the night.
“Good night.” He said before walking to his car.
“Good night, Tim.” You waved as he took off out your driveway. Entering your house, feeling giddy, you reflected on how life has been going well so far. Great career, amazing boyfriend, a great daughter. Nothing can change that, right?
Also, wine is flowing along your veins, so you couldn’t be too sure.
Well, just get to bed, self.
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nako-doodles · 6 years
I know you said you watched king of masked singer, so I was wondering what some of your favorite stages are and why :3
👀caution spoilers!!!👀 
for the troubled souls who have not been blessed with viewing king of masked singer
sohyang - breathe
sohyang is a Vocal Queen ok?? her technique is Godly. I esp like this stage esp bc she was super sick from chemo, so she was like ‘imma do an easy song’ and then proceeded to kill the runs with all the f5s and d5s and hit an Bb5??? Queen. plus this song really emphasizes her lower range, and pure head voice and just UGHHHHH A God
sojung (ladies’ code) - its only my world
I have always loved her voice and I straight up started crying once she hit the chorus and I recognized her. like straight up sobbing. she sings with so much emotion, that im going to quote my queen cheetah, ‘I can feel your pain.’ this was her first tv appearance since the car accident and she knocked it out of the water
wheein - who’s your mama?
she absolutely SLAYED the stage + that smooth bassline mmMmmm and she didnt even change the pronouns I love my soft talented daughter ok? she was sick on the of recording and still managed to murder us all???? a Queen
hui (pentagon) - DNA
tbh I dont pay attention to pentagon unless it has to do with triple h, and when I first heard this I WAS SO SHOOK?????? ABSOLUTELY KILLED IT. PLEASE LOVE THIS TALENTED SON AND DONT BE AN IDIOT LIKE ME
luna - mom
luna is such a gem, and the fact that people kept doubting her even after this showing upset me so much?? she has some of the best pipes in the industry but she still keeps getting overshadowed by the other members of f(x) and then got so much shit for getting plastic surgery just ughhh this show is such a blessing bc people actually sat their asses down to listen to her beautiful voice 
sunyeol (up10tion) - tears
thE greATEsT pLOTtWIsT I started laughing so hard at the judges’s dumbstruck ‘namja?????’ omfg this is such a GEM I love everything about this stage. he absolutely played everyone while positively slaying this song
chen (exo) - drunken truth
I love Chen’s lower register ok? everyone only remembers his high notes but like his lower register and chest voice is the best feature of his voice?? @sm let my son feature his lovely lovely chest register
hani (exid) - honey
hani has the smoothest velvet soul/jazz voice and should thusly be Appreciated Appropriately with suitable soul/jazz songs. she really knows her voice and what a revelation this stage is
roy kim - confession
im not crying you are. roy kim has such a great voice, its so soothing and lovely and this song perfectly showcased it!! im glad hes getting more attention post appearance 
solji (exid) - maria
this is the song that got me to pay attention to EXID tbh? she’s so talented ugh listen to how clean her head voice is and how supported her belting is. incredible. pls stan my talented daughters AND STAN DASONI YES 
seunghee (oh my girl) - whale hunting
holy fuck her Voice??? her stage presence??? incredible. tbh I only paid attention to oh my girl bc of their closer promotions, but seunghee’s voice always stood out for me, and this stage absolutely showcased why, with her beautifully steady chest voice and lovely support ughhhhh
shin bora x solji (exid) - don’t touch me
I love shin bora’s lower husky voice and she’s not even a prof singer?? add her lovely voice with solji and you get pure vocal witchcraft. I almost like this version better than ailee’s original
jungkook (bts) - if you
if you is my favorite bigbang song along with blue and fxxk it, and jk absolutely killed it. 
umji (gfriend) - free time
honestly this is for all those haters who said umji was just a rich girl who relied on her money to debut. listen at my girl, slaying. sure she isnt a vocal powerhouse, but its such a sweet lovely voice and haters should Leave Her Alone
dk (seventeen) - fate
another excellent showing of one of the best vocalists in the industry ugh wow what a voice
gummy - yanghwa bridge
I love zion t’s original song, and gummy absolutely have done it justice. her vibrato makes me want to crawl into the next blanket burrito and softly cry for the next year
sungjae (btob) - one day long ago
another super underrated voice. pls love him and his solid chest and mixed voice and how soothing it is
seulji (red velvet) x ali - genie
ugh I love seulji so much you dont understand, and ali, one of the best technical singers in the industry and you get a Treat, like this song is
yeeun (hat:felt/wonder girls)- re bye
tbh yeeun is one of my fave voices like her debut solo album me? is still one of my faves and her rendition of akmu’s rebye is Amazing
kyuhyun (super junior) - wild flower
ah yes an appearance from king five octaves. honestly theres not much for me to add exp is anyone surprised he absolutely slayed? such vocal talent despite his dick personality
ailee - bruise
and here we see ailee, with her infinite knowledge of what songs compliment her voice, in her element and rocking the stage aka my Aesthetic
haeri (davichi) - snow flower
davichi honestly comes out with the best ballads so honestly im not surprised that haeri absolutely rocked the stage
sohyang - home
yes sohyang gets another song bc this song really showcases her head voice and its such a pure sound im always so in awe holy fuck, no wonder she set the record for the most wins by a female singer. just sit back and enjoy her voice
hong jimin & lee younghyun – Lying On The Sea
two words: “holy shit” and “SLAY QUEENS”
jimin (15&) - memory of the wind
ANOTHER UNDERRATED SINGER YES SLAY MY SOFT DAUGHTER, I will always love her chest/mixed voices
kim yeonwoo & bae dahae – The Phantom of the Opera
they absolutely brought this song to justice??? this is a horribly finicky song to pull off, and they killed it with their spot on interpretation and lovely lower registers and incredible head voice. 120% would put on endless loop. the only better version is with ramin karimloo and sierra boggess, and maybe sarah brightman and michael crawford
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