#so when I do fire it'll be more than I've ever made in one firing before! SUCCESS
robinsceramics · 1 year
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A closer look at some of my summer creations.
[image descriptions: photos of clay sculptures. On a shelf are two Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters, a cabin with vines and a flower bush and tulips on and around it, and two luna moths in green and blue. On white fabric are two shaggy-feathered kiwi birds and two vaguely humanoid canids with their hands in their laps.]
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mcmansionhell · 2 months
namesake mcmansion
Howdy folks! Today's McMansion is very special because a) we're returning to Maryland after a long time and b) because the street this McMansion is on is the same as my name. (It was not named after me.) Hence, it is my personal McMansion, which I guess is somewhat like when people used to by the name rights to stars even though it was pretty much a scam. (Shout out btw to my patron Andros who submitted this house to be roasted live on the McMansion Hell Patreon Livestream)
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As far as namesake McMansions go, this one is pretty good in the sense that it is high up there on the ol' McMansion scale. Built in 2011, this psuedo-Georgian bad boy boasts 6 bedrooms and 9.5 baths, all totaling around 12,000 square feet. It'll run you 2.5 million which, safe to say, is exponentially larger than its namesake's net worth.
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Now, 2011 was an anonymous year for home design, lingering in the dead period between the 2008 black hole and 2013 when the market started to actually, finally, steadily recover. As a result a lot of houses from this time basically look like 2000s McMansions but slightly less outrageous in order to quell recession-era shame.
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I'm going to be so serious here and say that the crown molding in this room is a crime against architecture, a crime against what humankind is able to accomplish with mass produced millwork, and also a general affront to common sense. I hate it so much that the more I look at it the more angry I become and that's really not healthy for me so, moving on.
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Actually, aside from the fake 2010s distressed polyester rug the rest of this room is literally, basically Windows 98 themed.
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I feel like the era of massive, hefty sets of coordinated furniture are over. However, we're the one's actually missing out by not wanting this stuff because we will never see furniture made with real wood instead of various shades of MDF or particleboard ever again.
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This is a top 10 on the scale of "least logical kitchen I've ever seen." It's as though the designers engineered this kitchen so that whoever's cooking has to take the most steps humanly possible.
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Do you ever see a window configuration so obviously made up by window companies in the 1980s that you almost have to hand it to them? You're literally letting all that warmth from the fire just disappear. But whatever I guess it's fine since we basically just LARP fire now.
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Feminism win because women's spaces are prioritized in a shared area or feminism loss because this is basically the bathroom vanity version of women be shopping? (It's the latter.)
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I couldn't get to all of this house because there were literally over a hundred photos in the listing but there are so many spaces in here that are basically just half-empty voids, and if not that then actually, literally unfinished. It's giving recession. Anyway, now for the best part:
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Not only is this the NBA Backrooms but it's also just a nonsensical basketball court. Tile floors? No lines? Just free balling in the void?
Oh, well I bet the rear exterior is totally normal.
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Not to be all sincere about it but much like yours truly who has waited until the literal last second to post this McMansion, this house really is the epitome of hubris all around. Except the house's hubris is specific to this moment in time, a time when gas was like $2/gallon. It's climate hubris. It's a testimony to just how much energy the top 1% of income earners make compared to the rest of us. I have a single window unit. This house has four air conditioning condensers. That's before we get to the monoculture, pesticide-dependent lawn or the three car garage or the asphalt driveway or the roof that'll cost almost as much as the house to replace. We really did think it would all be endless. Oops.
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dixons-sunshine · 5 months
👉👈 Because your my fav writer for Dad Daryl 👉👈 Just wondering if you’d consider him stepping up as a parental figure for his niece (Merle’s kid) after he “died” and when he actually died 👉👈
I'm Right Here | Uncle!Daryl Dixon x Niece!Reader (platonic/familial)
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*GIF isn't mine.*
Summary: With Merle gone, you were the only family Daryl had left. He had unofficially stepped up as your dad, and in those eight months with your actual father "dead", Daryl was a better dad than Merle ever was. And he proved it in more ways than one, even before Merle went missing.
Genre: Fluff, some light angst.
Era: The Quarry, The Prison (season three).
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood and death, fear of abandonment.
Word count: 2.4k
A/n: I've been bouncing back and forth between fics and finally managed to finish this. Next up is I Never Lived For The Applause, and then some more young!Daryl. Anyhow, I hope you like this!
“Hey, kiddo. Ya alrigh'?”
“I'm fine. The walkers didn't get me,” you tried to reassure him. “You didn't find my dad?”
You looked up at the sound of your uncle's voice, meeting his intense gaze. You gave him a small, unconvincing smile that he could see through instantly.
Daryl sat down on the log next to you, placing his crossbow down on the ground. He stared ahead at the ashes of the prior night's fire, an unreadable expression on his face. “Nah. Wasn't nothin' to find 'cept his hand. He had to cut it off.”
You winced, absentmindedly grabbing your own hand at the mere thought of the pain that it must've caused your father. Despite your strained relationship with the man for obvious reasons, he didn't deserve that fate—to lose his hand because some people couldn't find another way to deal with his temper.
“Oh,” you mumbled, feeling your heart break. Despite everything, Merle was your father and you loved him. At least he had stuck around. The same couldn't be said for your mother, who had dropped you on Merle's doorstep the moment you were born.
“Yeah,” Daryl responded, instantly picking up on your downtrodden mood but not knowing how to bring you comfort in a moment like that. He'd just essentially told you, his thirteen year old niece that was so wise beyond her years due to the shit Merle had gotten into, that your father was most likely dead. It tore him apart to have to bestow that news on you, but it was necessary. What could he do, lie to you? That was out of the question.
You blinked the tears away that had started to well up in your eyes, trying to put on a brave face for your uncle. “Looks like it's just us now, huh, uncle Daryl? The two remaining Dixons.”
Daryl gave you a tight-lipped smile and ruffled your hair, chuckling quietly at the sound of protest you let out. “Looks like it. We're gon' give the world hell, ya and I. Jus' like the old times.”
You smiled up at him. Even though your father was gone, you still had your uncle, and that made you feel better about everything.
“We are. The world ain't ready for us.”
“It won't work.”
“It'll stir things up,” Rick told Daryl, adamant with his decision.
“Look, the Governor's probably on the way to the prison righ' now. Merle knows how he thinks, and we could use the muscle,” Daryl replied defiantly, glancing between his companions on the road.
“Do you really want him sleeping in the same cellblock as Carol, Beth or Y/n?” Glenn questioned, unwilling to let Merle, a known hothead and former drug user, near the people he's come to care about.
“He ain't a rapist,” Daryl responded, frowning at Glenn's accusation. “And he sure as hell wouldn't touch his own daughter like tha'. Merle may be sick in some ways, but he ain't like tha'.”
“Yeah, okay, but his buddy is.”
“They ain't buddies no more. Not after last nigh'.”
Rick chipped in to the conversation, turning the archer's attention back to him. “There's no way Merle's gonna live there without putting everyone at each other's throats.”
“What, so ya'd cut Merle loose and bring the last samurai home with us?” Daryl asked, motioning over to Michonne who was waiting for them by the car.
“She's not coming back with us.”
“She's not in a state to be on her own,” Maggie denied, giving Rick a pointed look.
Glenn nodded in agreement to his girlfriend's statement. “She did bring you guys to us.”
“And then ditched us,” Rick stated in a bored tone, eyeing Michonne warily.
“At least let my dad stitch her up?” Maggie asked.
“It's too unpredictable,” Rick denied vehemently, shaking his head.
Daryl nodded in agreement. “He's righ', we dun' know who she is. But Merle... Merle's blood.”
“No. Merle is your blood. My blood, my family is standing right here and waiting for us back at the prison,” Glenn countered, crossing his arms over his chest.
“And you're part of that family,” Rick told Daryl, looking at him expectantly. “He's not. He's not.”
Daryl stayed quiet for a few moments, pondering over his decisions. Thoughts of leaving with Merle, going off and fending for themselves like the old days flashed through his mind, but then he thought of you. You, his sweet, kind, low-key badass, now fourteen year old niece who he'd gone to great lengths to protect over the past eight months. The girl who he'd been taking care of since his brother "died", the girl who had unknowingly started to feel like his own daughter, though he would never tell Merle that. And at that moment, he knew he couldn't just leave. He wouldn't.
“Man, wha' do y'all expect me to tell my niece?” Daryl began, effectively silencing everyone. “Tha' I found her father after all this time and he's alive, but he couldn't come back to her 'cause y'all said so? How's tha' gon' fly with her? Ya'd really deprive the girl a chance at gettin' her father back 'cause of wha' might happen?”
That seemed to really make everyone reconsider. Even Glenn didn't have a counter argument now. Everything was silent for a good thirty seconds while Rick weighed his options, exchanging wordless exchanges with Maggie and Glenn. It was clear that nobody wanted it, but the group couldn't deny Daryl's argument. They cared about you, and it would be unfair for them to deny you the chance of getting your father back.
Rick turned and whistled, signalling Merle over. When he stood in front of him, Rick gripped him by his shirt, getting into his face.
“You're coming with us, but this isn't an invitation for you to be a jackass with everyone back at the prison. The only reason you're even coming back is because of your daughter. If it wasn't for her, you'd be gone.”
Merle's eyes widened the slightest bit with surprise, but it soon morphed back into his usual careless look. “Well, would ya look at tha'. My lil' girl still lives. M'surprised, quite honestly. Didn't think she was built fer this world. Kinda expected her to have kicked the bucket by now.”
“Man, shut up!” Daryl's voice boomed unexpectedly, shutting his brother up. “Dun' make me regret convincin' them to bring ya back. And if ya even say one degradin' thing to yer daughter, I will personally gut ya and feed ya to the walkers. Tha' kid's been through 'nough.”
Unbeknownst to either brother, Rick, Glenn and Maggie had walked ahead to get everything settled into the car, leaving the two brothers to their feud. It was a good idea, too. That was a family matter.
“Wha', ya actually care 'bout her now? Didn't see ya stickin' 'round to play pretend with her back before the world went to shit, and now yer tryna tell me how to parent my own child? Nah, lil' bro. Tha' ain't how it works.”
Daryl scoffed and shoved past him, walking over to the car. He didn't miss the unmistakable sound of Merle's laughter, rolling his eyes at it. He pressed forward and slipped into the passenger's seat, not missing the way everyone tensed up when Merle got into the car.
He just hoped that he hadn't made the wrong decision by bringing Merle back.
You and Carl were rushing over to the gates when you saw the familiar vehicle enter the courtyard. The car was noticeably more crowded, and with one glance through the window, you were relieved to see your uncle. You had been so worried that something might have happened to him, but there he was, relatively unscathed.
Daryl was barely out of the car when you practically launched yourself into his arms. He stumbled a bit but regained his footing, hugging you tightly to him. He didn't miss the unmistakable sound of your sniffles.
“Hey, kiddo, s'alrigh'. M'okay,” he reassured you in whispered tones, rubbing his hand up and down your back in comfort.
“I was so scared. I couldn't stop fearing the worst,” you choked out, trying to will the sobs away. You buried your face into your uncle's shirt, dampening it slightly with your tears, but he didn't seem to mind.
“M'righ' here. I ain't goin' nowhere, I promise,” he assured you. “No more tears, alrigh'? Ain't no more need fer 'em.”
“Well, ain't this jus' sweet.”
A familiar raspy voice met your ears. You tensed up, pulling away from the hug and turning around, facing the man you had thought to be dead for eight months—your father, Merle Dixon.
“Wha', no hugs fer yer old man, girl?” Merle asked, a grin on his face as he extended his arms in a silent invitation for a hug. “Yer not gon' greet the man who helped with givin' ya life?”
Subconsciously, you took a step back. Daryl stepped in front of you, shielding you with his body. He gave Merle a warning glare before turning to you.
“Why dun' ya go help Hershel with tha' lady we brought back? I know he's been teachin' ya some medical things. It'd do ya good to learn how to do stitches.” You nodded, understanding his underlying message and sped off, leaving him alone with Merle. Daryl turned to face him, a glare on his face. “Man, back the hell off. She ain't gotta give ya anythin' if she dun' want to.”
“Because I was with the enemy?”
“'Cause yer a simple minded piece of shit who never even bothered to play dolls with her, much less give her hugs! Ya wanna know somethin'? When tha' lady dropped her off on our doorstep, who do ya think took care of her when yer ass was too high or drunk to? To answer yer question from earlier, I did stick 'round. I changed her diapers. I bathed her, fed her, stayed up with her at nigh' when ya wouldn't. I took care of her. Ya were jus' too fuckin' out of it most of the time to realise it! Hell, did ya think those things happened magically?”
“Now listen here, bro—” Merle started, but Daryl didn't light up.
“And when she got older, who the hell do ya think took her to school? Picked her up, encouraged her to do the spelling bee, went to parent teacher conferences? Do ya think the fuckin' tooth fairy did tha'? Say wha' ya want, bro, but she dun' owe ya shit. Ya may not have been like dad, but ya weren't a good father, either.”
Merle stayed silent for a moment, the weight of his brother's final statement weighing heavily on his shoulders. “Then why the hell did ya convince 'em to bring me back?”
“'Cause despite everythin', tha' girl still loves ya. And she deserves to have her father 'round,” Daryl responded simply before turning around and stalking off, leaving Merle alone and dumbfounded.
Merle Dixon wasn't right about most things, but one thing he knew for certain he was right about was that you probably didn't care whether he was dead or not. If what Daryl was saying was true, you didn't need him. You had a perfectly good father figure in your life already. Daryl had been a better father to you than your actual father was.
And for some unknown reason, that crushed Merle's heart.
“You found him like that?”
Daryl's heart shattered at the broken sound of your voice. It was the second time that he had needed to tell you that Merle was dead, but this time, it was real. Your father's lifeless corpse layed motionless six feet in the ground in the designated graveyard, Daryl having dragged him there and buried him.
Daryl nodded. “Found him as a walker. He had tried to kill the governor but failed. Son of a bitch got to him first.”
“I should've stopped him. I should've known that something was wrong,” you said, a sob threatening to escape your body. “Before he left, he told me that he was proud of me. That he loved me. I should've known that there was a reason to it. He never told me that before. I should've—”
A choked up sob finally fell past your lips. Daryl instinctively pulled you into his arms, offering to be the pillar of strength for you as you crumbled. Despite everything, Merle was still your father. You still had a handful of good memories with the man—when he wasn't drunk or high, Merle was an okay father. But just okay.
It took a while, but you finally managed to calm down. Instinctively, Daryl pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, running his hand soothingly over your back.
“S'alrigh', kiddo,” he whispered soothingly.
You didn't know what made you say what you said next. Maybe it was the fact that you weren't thinking straight. Maybe it was because you were desperately looking for a pillar of support, you didn't know. But before you could stop it, the words slipped past your lips—
“Please don't leave me. I can't lose you too, Dad.”
A moment of silence passed. Unbeknownst to you, a small smile spread over Daryl's face. He pulled you closer to him.
“Ya still got me. M'here and I ain't goin' nowhere, kid. Yer stuck with me.”
Merle Dixon wasn't always a good man. He wasn't always a good father either. But in the midst of a cruel world, before and after the dead started walking, Merle managed to give Daryl a sweet gift—you, his daughter. Because despite biological relations, you were now truly his.
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biggaybunny · 6 months
Games I Don't Hear Anyone Talk About, So I'm Going To Talk About Them
There's no rhyme or reason to the order here, and maybe these games do have fanbases I've just missed! But that's the premise, here we go:
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The vibes to me are like, if Celeste were a metroidvania. It has exceptional platforming mechanics that are easy to learn, hard to master, and a colorful and expansive map that rewards exploration. The characters are all adorable too.
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A horde survival game a la vampire survivors with a stark and effective color palette. It has tons of atmosphere and the characters offer actual differences in playstyle from one another. I admittedly haven't put too many hours into this because it's tough as nails, but I still recommend it.
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A choose-your-own-adventure VN with a light card battling element, I Was A Teenage Exocolonist was both comfy and a little melancholic about finding happiness and meaning in times of change and strife. It'll take you some time to uncover the full story, and I found myself doing four or five repeat playthroughs without feeling the repetition because there are so many branching routes to take. Also, while you can opt out of the card battling to focus on the story experience, mastering it is a lot of fun!
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Have you ever thought to yourself "The only thing wrong with XCOM is that I wasn't playing as a group of weird superpowered teens, also I need the plot to be more JRPG, also there weren't enough auxiliary mechanics for me to get lost in"? Have you ever wanted to see a teenage girl roundhouse kick a man so hard he catches fire?
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What if SimCity was set in the future, and also made by insane people? I admit, this game has a learning curve, and is niche. But if you're as much a fan of citybuilders as I am, this is a gem. This isn't a sandbox city builder, but doesn't follow the format of traditional guided city builders. But if you do succeed, the art style and level of detail makes regarding your successful metropolis all the more rewarding
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It's part battle chess and part deck builder, and all fun. Lots of combat styles to pick from as you work your way through ridiculous odds. Not much plot, but a good game for people who like games like Slay The Spire and Monster Train.
I think those are my top games I don't see talked about. Hope someone finds this interesting, but tbh, I just had fun talking about these. There's more I could add, but I could be here all day if I wanted to. There's just so much out there, I don't know why anyone's buying price-gouging triple-a games when you can get hundreds of hours out of a title asking less than twenty bucks.
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alterhuman-buddies · 8 days
Heya, Writer !!!!!
Saw you wanted some random questions, so;; How'd you discover your non-humanity? Can go for any of your 'types :]
(^ nfta)
Have a good day!!
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This may or may not be a huge rant that may or may not go slightly off topic :3c
I first started questioning my alterhumanity because of my friend, who is a therian. They love talking about its experiences, especially with their therian identity. I related to their psychological and physical experiences (not as much spiritual), which made me wonder if I am nonhuman in any way.
My first awakening or discovered 'type was a domestic black cat, which made a lot of sense. Other than the dream and mental shifts; I love neutral colors, I've always enjoyed meowing as a vocal stim, I've been a black cat for Halloween for two years straight (lol), the thought of having paws and sharp teeth was euphoric, fish has been a favorite food of mine for a while, and I also feel a tail and another set of ears almost constantly (which I realized wasn't something everyone experiences).
My next discovery was both the dragon and red panda 'types. I've been a huge Wings Of Fire fan, and I have way too many dragon figurines on my shelf. Wings and flight have always been fascinating to me; I wanted to do a project on dragon wingspans in fifth grade, but unfortunately, my teacher didn't let me. I don't feel my wings as much as I do the cat or red panda tails, but I know that they're feathery. Also, birds were a huge hyperfixation of mine. Plus, i have a hoard of plushies, figures, (150) rubber ducks, and so many shiny things. I'll have to post some pictures of it one day! I'm really proud of it, especially my nest of plushies. Though, I hate other people touching it without permission. My hoard, not yours.
For the red panda 'type, I think I first labeled it as a hearttype until I realized how much euphoria I got from wearing my paper red panda mask. It's like the others, which is more of a theriotype/kintype, and it took me a while to realize that! I remember when I first saw a red panda at a zoo. It was so amazing, and I just wanted to join them! I feel like that should have been a sign, but I didn't know what alterhumanity was at the time. I love making the high-pitched red panda yips (the ones that humans can hear—my vocals aren't that good) and chewing on pencils as if they're bamboo. Greens and browns are my favorite colors to wear and I absolutely love fruits!!! I feel my ears and tails most of all of the other 'types, I think red panda is my strongest 'type!
And last but not least, the wolf 'type. This is my weakest 'type, but it's still a part of me! I have a feeling it'll be the first of my four to change (if it ever changes). I don't remember how I discovered it, I think it was through a mental shift? I also feel more wolf-y when I feel like I'm in danger or if I need to protect someone/something. The thought of dens and snow are really nice for me, but I'm not too much of a meat eater. However, during my wolf shifts, I do feel cravings for steak and venison, I also feel more masculine?
I like different pronouns and names during my shifts for each 'type.
Black cat: Luci, they/it/purr/paw/meow
Dragon: Talon, they/it
Red panda: Red, it/her/vix
Wolf: [no other name], he/him
I think that's all for me to say! Thank you so much for the ask, anon, and have a good day as well! ദ്ദി(• ˕ •マ.ᐟ
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hi can I request a smut or blurb of Jason where the reader is Starfire’s younger sister (Jason’s age ofc) and there is something about her that Jason can’t resist and he can’t stop thinking about her especially during training then he eventually gets frustrated and does something about it
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[❤︎] pairing: Jason Todd x starefire!sister!reader [❤︎] warnings: [❤︎] word count:
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requests are open🖤 request guidelines✨ 🌻masterlist🌻 smut night masterlist 💦
JASON KNEW YOU WERE OFF LIMITS. Kory had made that very clear from day 1 of you living in the tower. While she could appreciate his skills in the vigilante world, she would never trust him to be with you. Jason knew that, Dick knew that, hell even Rachel sided with Kory. Jason wasn't to be trusted around you.
But there was certainly a fire in you (no pun intended, of course) that kept Jason on his toes. He first noticed in one of the first training sessions you had with Gar, Jason and Rachel. Your skills in martial arts blowing them away immediately. He quietly paid attention to you, taking mental notes on that you liked and didn't like.
At first, he found it cute that you were oblivious to his flirting. Though, you were warned by pretty much everyone, that Jason was a massive flirt. But as more time passed, the more he couldn't stop thinking about you. He wanted, needed even, to be with you. It was odd, he thought, that you are the only one in his house that keeps him level headed. You weren't even together, let alone close enough friends, so how do you manage to do that?
Training got even harder too, the more you pinned him to the wall or the floor, or even did that to the others, the more infatuated he got.
"That's it. I'm gonna ask her out," he tells Gar. The two had been talking about you about the better of a half hour now. Of course Gar noticed Jason's little crush, and he told Jason that it wasn't long before everyone else figured it out too, that is, if they haven't already.
"Dude, you can't. Kory-"
"I couldn't give two shits about Kory right now. I can't keep waiting around for [y/n] to make a move on me, so why-"
"It's a dumb idea."
"I don't care."
"Well, don't tell you I told you so if Kory finds out," Gar throws his hands up in surrender.
"She won't find out," Jason tries to argue, but failing. Even he could see how weak of a point that was. He sighs, rubbing a hand over his face, "She consumes my every thought. This obsession, this - I don't even know what this is - it's too much. Of course you'd never understand, I mean-"
"Hey, who said I've never had a crush before?" Gar defended himself with a slight chuckle.
"You know what I mean," Jason rolls his eyes. He flops down on his bed, a heavy sigh running out his mouth. He rubs his face in his hand again before standing up. "Right, well I'm going to blow off some steam."
Jason stops in his tracks when he sees you in the training room, looking as flawless as ever. Your hair's a mess, strands coming out of your bun from every angel, sweat glistening over your forehead and chest, tired hands gripping the sword as you try another trick.
"Hey," you smile at him, noticing his presence. He can barely get a word out, so all he can do is give you a small wave. "Wanna train together? I've been trying this new thing, and I think it'll work better if I actually have someone else here," you laugh charismatically.
"Uh, yeah, sure." You've learned not to take Jason's tone too seriously. There's no point in getting upset over an angsty, brooding guy. Jason was cute though, there's no doubt about that. Rough around the edges, sure, but over the last few months that you've been here, you've gotten to know him better. A lot more than he thinks.
Jason grabs a sword and positions himself to get ready to fight. The two of you start sparring, swords clinking together from contact. As impressively good as he was, he seemed distracted.
With a flick of your wrist, you easily caught him off guard and made his weapon drop from his hand. “Everything okay? You don’t seem yourself?”
“What makes you say that?” Jason rubs the back of his neck, his eyes boring into yours. He needs a plan, and he needs it now. If there’s any time to ask you out, or at least try to, it had to be now.
“Your footings off. Your footing is never off,” you stand closer to him, a hand on his shoulder. It was a simple gesture, really. A sign that meant he could trust you no matter what. But the sensation jason felt all over his body was too much. He pulled away, not wanting too, but his body seemed to do it for him. Almost like your touch caused a knee-jerk reaction. Your brows not together.
“I like you, okay! I know Kory’s sworn me off as the bad guy, but you-you’re just so-“ he couldn’t even put into words on how to describe you. Your eyes softened, hands cupping his checks as a soft, flattered laugh slips your lips.
“Took you long enough.”
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alienducky · 9 months
Fire Emblem Three Houses Crochet Wyvern - attempt 1
I finally finished it! It's taken me since the end of March 2022 (on and off, I got sidetracked making Alligator Loki for a while) but my prototype wyvern is done
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Wyvern is 123.5 inches / 10foot 3.5 inches / 313.69cm wingtip to wingtip, and 56 inches / 4 foot 6 inches / 142.24cm nose to tail tip, and roughly 6 lbs / 2.72 kg ish. So a chunky baby He was made out of aran weight yarn using a 5mm hook and for the most part is Tunisian knit stitch. His toes were done in Tunisian simple stitch, and I think I did his teeth in normal rounds?
And now I do a cut to save everyone's feeds from all the pictures I'm going to share ^_^
(For reference, here are two photos of the wyvern from in game)
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First, a few more angles on wyvern, and then I'll point out things I want to change for the next one
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He's a handsome lad, and very recognisable for what he's meant to be!
But he also could be improved. A lot
Example 1, I lined up wyverns nose and tail tip against the in game 3d model to see how close he was to being accurate. And, er. yeah.
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To give myself credit, when I first started this back in March 2022, I was working out lengths and widths and general sizing from screenshots taken from examining units in Three Houses, where I traced the outline onto a sheet of paper to measure things and perspective makes things AWKWARD, ok? (As is having brain farts and not remembering that the ruler had metric on the other side of it, but shush, let's not mention that bit)
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So the biggest thing to fix will be the scaling, if I can. I can definitely make the tail longer, the head shorter and thinner, the chest between the wings thinner, the wing sockets bulkier, and thanking all the stars, the wings get to be smaller too. By a LOT
The other major thing I want to do different/better is how the ridges along his back from nose to tail tip work.
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While they do work on wyvern, they don't look as great as I think they potentially can? So I'm going to be doing double layers of crochet, sort of, to help give the sticky up bit of the overlapping ridges more definition, and hopefully make them look like the slightly thicker scaling they're meant to be. It'll also help to smooth them out, so they won't have the weird dips where I've joined one to the next
I'm going to do the wings differently too, because what I did with these ones was quite frankly awful? I cut each wing segment into individual pieces to then hem and flip inside out to over sew the visible edges, and then hemmed up the sides that went inside the struts to then sew the crocheted parts to the fabric. So the fabric was the cheese to the crochet bread in this awful, awful sandwich situation. I am also never, ever buying anything that is even vaguely silky or satiny or slippery ever again for anything
For the next one I'll keep the two pieces of wing fabric as one big piece, since the top and bottom of the wing membranes are actually slightly different colours if you look closely, but I'm going to cheat and use some of that iron on hemming tape stuff to fill the inside of the fabric after I've done all the outer hemming and over sewing so it'll kind of look like all the veins and stuff that the membranes have? So the fabric hopefully won't slip around so much, so will be easier to sew, and keeping it as one big piece means there's less change of me messing up the positioning of the struts on the panels because the wings on this one aren't equal despite my best efforts
Next is Claude's white wyvern, but it'll be made with DK yarn and either a 3.5 or 4mm hook, so it will (hopefully) come out significantly smaller than this one. And that one is going to get plastic boning/skeleton in it, so it'll be poseable!!!
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ladyloveandjustice · 3 months
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The complete look of horror on Laios' face when Succubus Marcille is trying to kiss him is so funny. As is his immediate assumption she would be shaking in pure horror if she thought he was attracted to her (He Knows. Subconciously He Knows) and that Senshi would be deeply disgusted. Not sure where the second part comes from other than the idea everyone would find this pairing deeply horrible. Also that his immediate decision is to stab her and dump the body so no one can ever find out.
(And the famous "Izutsumi" gag BECAUSE SHE WOULDN'T GIVE A SHIT)
To be honest, I WAS genuinely a little worried Laios x Marcille would become a thing thanks to this part. I wasn't like, deeply gutted (this was before the brainrot had deeply set in and I was managing my expectations), but I was like "that's a bummer. hate the trope that the main guy and girl always have to get together. I liked their friendship a lot. I'm sure it'll be well written at least, but I really related to her as a lesbian and liked her with Falin. Oh well."
But FORTUNATELY I did not need to be worried. Especially since Marcille being here is actually just a prelude to what makes him TRULY SMITTEN.
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okay Laios monsterfucker allegations may have been confirmed, but we're seeing what really gets him going is the idea of becoming a monster and all his friends also being monsters. Well except Izutsumi she's already part monster (Izutsumi).
We've seen a few times that Laios REALLY REALLY wants to be a monster., but he also wants to be with his friends and also have Falin be happy. So this hits him on all fronts (the fact Chilchuck's breathing fire and ice is clearly a reference to his consistently foul mouth). This is in part due to how alienated he feels from people, who often reject and misunderstand him.
The succubus clearly had to work a little harder to get to him, (which I think could support an ace/aro (or both) reading of him). Marcille's the member of the party he's closest too, so the succubus went with that, but it was a no sell. Marcille trying to (apparently) kiss him not only made it clear to him it WASN'T Marcille, he didn't get flustered at all. It was only when it went with "ACTUALLY I'M A MONSTER AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE MONSTERS AND I CAN TURN YOU INTO A MONSTER" he starts sweating.
(hmmm I actually think it's possible succubus regular Marcille was leaning in to bite him, revealing monster traits so he wouldn't fight back, but he stopped it before the reveal).
And hey, since I've had obnoxious fucking people commenting on my liveblogs, glad the fandom getting bigger inevitably means more shitlords bothering me: If you want to think this means Laios had a little bit of a crush on Marcille and was just smart enough to realize Marcille wouldn't do that, that's fine too. I'm not your boss and it makes as much sense as anything else (though it really doesn't say anything about Marcille's side of things).But this is My Liveblog, and from where I am knowing the whole story, I just do not see it based on the text. Because regardless, and I will spoil this because obviously my reaction would be different otherwise, this does not go anywhere. Marcille and Laios do not get together in the story. You can ship them, I don't care, but don't act like it's "more canon" or some bullshit like that.
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songbirdsanctuary · 3 months
Secrets Beneath
Warnings: Implied self-harm.
Word count: 2,450
The sun blazed mercilessly over Hermitcraft, the heat radiating off the cobblestone paths and wooden structures. It was one of those scorching summer days where even the thought of venturing outside seemed unbearable. Skizz wiped the sweat from his brow as he made his way through the bustling Hermitcraft community, his eyes scanning the horizon for his friends.
He found them near the town square, gathered under the sparse shade of a large oak tree. Zedaph and Impulse were laughing and joking, while Tango, ever the blazeborn, seemed unaffected by the heat. Grian stood a little apart from them, tugging uncomfortably at his heavy sweater, his face flushed with perspiration.
"Hey, Grian," Skizz called out, his voice filled with concern. "Why are you wearing that thing in this heat? You look like you're about to melt!"
Grian offered a sheepish smile, pulling at the collar of his sweater. "Yeah, it's a bit much, isn't it? I just didn't think to change this morning."
Zedaph, always quick with a solution, clapped his hands together. "I've got an idea! Why don't we all head down to the lake for a swim? It's the perfect way to cool off."
Impulse's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "That sounds awesome! What do you say, Grian? It'll be way cooler than standing around here."
Tango nodded in agreement, though he preferred to stay dry. "Yeah, come on, Grian. It'll do you good."
Grian hesitated for a moment, glancing at his friends' expectant faces. "Alright, you talked me into it. Let's go for a swim."
The group set off towards the lake, their spirits lifted by the promise of cool water. As they walked, Skizz couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Grian's discomfort than just the heat. He made a mental note to keep an eye on his friend, hoping that the swim would help Grian relax and feel better.
When they arrived at the lake, the sight of the shimmering water was a welcome relief. Zedaph and Impulse wasted no time diving in, their laughter echoing across the water. Grian followed more slowly, pulling off his sweater to reveal a simple t-shirt underneath. Skizz, already in his swim trunks, was about to join them when he noticed something that made him pause.
The cool water of the lake was a welcome relief from the oppressive heat, and the Hermits quickly settled into a rhythm of swimming and splashing. Zedaph and Impulse engaged in a playful water fight, their laughter echoing across the lake. Tango, staying true to his blazeborn nature, remained on the shore, content with building an elaborate sandcastle.
Skizz, however, found himself less engrossed in the fun and more preoccupied with his observations. He floated on his back, letting the water buoy him up as he watched Grian wade deeper into the lake. The sun glinted off the surface, creating a shimmering reflection that danced around them.
As Grian moved, Skizz's eyes were drawn to the scars again. He saw that most of them looked like cuts and scratches, some faded with time, while others were more recent and still raw. There were even scars on Grian's wrists that resembled self-harm marks. Skizz's heart tightened with concern.
The Hermits usually knew each other's battle scars. They had shared their stories over countless nights around the campfire. Skizz's own scars were a testament to his adventures and mishaps, tales he had recounted with a mix of pride and humor. Everyone knew how Scar had been caught in a terrible fire as a kid, leaving him with burn scars that he wore like a badge of honor. Xisuma's prominent X-shaped scar was a mystery he had chosen to reveal in fragments, each piece adding to the enigma of their leader.
But Grian's scars were a different story altogether. Skizz had never seen them before, and Grian had never spoken about them. The realization that he knew so little about Grian's past unsettled him. They were friends, part of the tight-knit community of Hermitcraft, yet there were parts of Grian's life that remained hidden.
Skizz swam closer to Grian, trying to keep his curiosity in check. "Hey, Grian," he called out, aiming for a casual tone. "You're really quiet today. Everything okay?"
Grian glanced up, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Yeah, just thinking, I guess. The water feels nice."
Skizz nodded, not wanting to push too hard. "It does. It's a good break from the heat."
They swam in companionable silence for a while, but Skizz's mind kept returning to the scars. He wanted to ask, to understand what his friend had been through, but he also didn't want to pry or make Grian uncomfortable.
As the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over the lake, the Hermits gradually made their way out of the water. Skizz, still preoccupied with the troubling sight of Grian's scars, waded to the shore, his mind swirling with unanswered questions. He dried off quickly and scanned the area, spotting Tango near his impressive sandcastle creation.
Tango, with his blazeborn heritage, didn't enjoy swimming, preferring instead to stay dry and build elaborate structures in the sand. Skizz approached him, trying to gather his thoughts. The afternoon had been fun, but the discovery of Grian's scars weighed heavily on his mind.
"Hey, Tango," Skizz greeted as he plopped down beside him, admiring the intricacy of the sandcastle. "That's looking pretty epic."
Tango glanced up, a pleased grin spreading across his face. "Thanks, Skizz. Just trying to make the most of the day."
Skizz nodded, his gaze drifting back to where Grian was sitting, toweling off and chatting with Zedaph and Impulse. He took a deep breath, deciding to broach the subject that had been bothering him. "Tango, can I ask you something?"
"Sure, what's up?" Tango responded, his attention shifting from his sandcastle to Skizz.
Skizz hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Do you know anything about Grian's scars? I noticed he has quite a few, and some of them look pretty serious. I don't remember him ever mentioning them."
Tango's brow furrowed in confusion. "Scars? What do you mean?"
Skizz explained, describing the various marks he'd seen on Grian's arms and back. He mentioned the top scars and the ones on Grian's wrists that looked like self-harm marks. Tango listened intently, his expression growing more serious with each word.
"Honestly, Skizz, I had no idea," Tango said, shaking his head. "I didn't even know he had that many scars. Grian's always been pretty private about his past. He's never mentioned anything like that to me."
Skizz sighed, feeling a mix of relief and frustration. "Yeah, it's just... we usually know each other's stories, you know? But Grian's scars... they seem like they've got some heavy history behind them."
Tango nodded thoughtfully. "You're right. We've all shared our scars and stories over the years, but Grian's always been a bit of a mystery. Maybe there's a reason he hasn't told us."
Skizz looked back at Grian, who was now laughing at something Impulse had said. "I just want to make sure he's okay. Those scars... they don't look like they're from the usual adventures."
Tango placed a reassuring hand on Skizz's shoulder. "I get it, Skizz. But maybe we need to respect his privacy. If Grian wants to share his story, he will. Until then, we just have to be there for him, like we always are."
Skizz nodded, appreciating Tango's wisdom. "You're right. I just hope he knows he can talk to us if he needs to."
The two friends sat in silence for a moment, watching the sun dip lower in the sky. The day had been filled with fun and camaraderie, but the discovery of Grian's scars had cast a shadow over Skizz's heart. He resolved to be patient and supportive, hoping that one day Grian would feel comfortable enough to share his story.
As the afternoon turned to evening, the Hermits began to pack up their belongings and prepare for the journey back to their respective bases. The sun's golden glow bathed the landscape in a warm, soft light, creating a serene atmosphere.
"Thanks for inviting me, guys," Grian said, a genuine smile lighting up his face as he gathered his things. "I really needed this."
Skizz returned the smile, feeling a mix of satisfaction and concern. "Anytime, Grian. It was great having you with us."
Just as Grian turned to leave, something caught Skizz's eye. Grian's hair shifted slightly, revealing that his right eye was missing, the socket covered with a patch of scar tissue. Skizz's heart skipped a beat at the sight, a fresh wave of worry washing over him.
"See you later, Grian," Skizz called out, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside. Grian nodded and, with a quick flap of his wings, took to the sky, flying towards his home.
Skizz watched him go, the image of Grian's missing eye seared into his mind. He said his goodbyes to Zedaph, Impulse, and Tango, then took to the air himself, his destination clear. He headed towards the docks that Grian had built, a peaceful spot where his friend often went to fish and reflect.
The flight was short, and Skizz landed softly on the wooden planks of the dock. The evening air was cooler now, carrying the gentle sounds of water lapping against the shore. In the distance, he saw Grian sitting at the end of the dock, his oversized sweater once again hiding his scars from view. A fishing rod was in his hands, the line cast out into the still water.
Skizz approached quietly, not wanting to startle his friend. "Hey, Grian," he said softly, taking a seat beside him. "Mind if I join you?"
Grian glanced up, offering a small smile. "Of course not, Skizz. It's nice to have some company."
For a while, they sat in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the occasional splash of a fish and the gentle creaking of the dock. Skizz watched Grian out of the corner of his eye, trying to find the right words.
"Grian," he began carefully, "I noticed something earlier. You... you're missing an eye."
Grian stiffened slightly, his grip on the fishing rod tightening. "Yeah," he replied quietly. "It's not something I like to talk about."
Skizz pressed on, unable to hold back his concern. "And the scars, Grian. They look pretty serious. Some of them... they look like they've been there for a long time. How did you get them?"
Grian's expression hardened, and he turned his gaze back to the water. "Skizz, I told you. It's not something I want to talk about."
Skizz felt a pang of frustration but tried to keep his tone gentle. "I understand that, Grian, but we're friends. We care about you. If something happened, if you're in trouble or if you need help—"
Grian cut him off, his voice cold and distant. "Skizz, drop it. I'm fine. I don't need you digging into my past."
The silence that followed was thick with tension. Skizz could see that Grian had shut down, retreating behind a wall of silence. He wanted to push further, to break through that wall, but he knew it would only drive Grian away.
"Alright, Grian," Skizz said quietly, feeling a mix of disappointment and helplessness. "I won't bring it up again."
Grian didn't respond, his focus remaining on the fishing line bobbing gently in the water. Skizz sat beside him, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavily in the air. He hoped that, in time, Grian would feel safe enough to share his story. Until then, he would respect his friend's silence, offering support in the only way he could: by being there.
The night air grew cooler as Skizz sat beside Grian on the dock, the tension between them lingering like a fog. The stars above twinkled brightly, casting a soft light on the still waters of the lake. Skizz glanced at Grian, who remained focused on his fishing line, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
After a while, Skizz sighed and began to stand up, feeling it was best to give Grian some space. "I guess I'll head back now," he said quietly. "Take care, Grian."
As he turned to leave, Grian's voice stopped him. "Skizz, wait."
Skizz paused, looking back at his friend. Grian was still staring at the water, but there was a vulnerability in his voice that hadn't been there before.
"Can you... can you promise me something?" Grian asked, his tone hesitant.
"Of course," Skizz replied, sitting back down. "What is it?"
Grian finally lifted his gaze to meet Skizz's eyes, the pain and uncertainty clear in his expression. "Please don't tell the others about my scars. I don't want them to worry or to treat me differently. I just... I want to keep it to myself for now."
Skizz felt a surge of empathy for his friend. He reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Grian's shoulder. "I promise, Grian. I won't say a word to anyone. It's your story to tell when you're ready."
Grian's shoulders relaxed, and he gave a small nod of gratitude. "Thank you, Skizz. That means a lot."
Skizz hesitated for a moment, then pulled Grian into a gentle hug. "I'm sorry for prying earlier. I just care about you, and I didn't want you to feel alone."
Grian returned the hug, his grip tight as if seeking comfort. "I know, Skizz. And I appreciate it. I'm just not ready to talk about it yet."
They pulled apart, and Skizz gave Grian a reassuring smile. "Whenever you are ready, I'll be here. We all will."
Grian nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Thanks, Skizz. I appreciate that more than you know."
As Skizz stood up to leave once more, he felt a sense of peace settle over him. He had made a promise to his friend, and he intended to keep it. The journey to understanding Grian's past would take time, but for now, he would respect his friend's wishes and be there when he was needed.
"Goodnight, Grian," Skizz said softly.
"Goodnight, Skizz," Grian replied, turning his attention back to the water.
Skizz walked away from the dock, his heart lighter than it had been earlier. He knew that the road ahead might be difficult, but with patience and understanding, he believed that their friendship would grow stronger. And until Grian was ready to share his story, Skizz would be there, a steadfast friend in the face of whatever challenges lay ahead.
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tubbytarchia · 6 months
i think a lot about scott in regards to both jimmy and pearl. like. i feel like not a lot of scott fans want to talk abt the fact that he’s actually very clever and manipulative and cowardly and just not very good!!
and it’s just something abt the fact that jimmy and pearl are some of the most loyal and loving people on earth. and yet they didn’t want him back. when scott asked jimmy to kill tango of all people. he said you should run. when he told jimmy to say i love you he said you have 30 seconds. and then it happened again. in secret life he told pearl he loved her and she wouldn’t say it back
i am just so in love with it. the fact that scott used jimmy and pearl and then tried to win them back after they didn’t need him anymore. the fact that he left his first two beloved partners in the series with a permanent bad taste in their mouth. i think he changed both their characters irreversibly and that they did the same to him and i needddd jimmy and pearl to talk about it
Yeees anon YESSSSSS you understand...
It's nothing I haven't expressed already, but the combination of serious topics like manipulation attributed to a minecraft series and Scott being the culprit of it makes it kinda taboo to talk about for a lot of people so I'm not surprised that people don't! (Scott being part of LGBTQ and thus attributing negative traits to his character makes you "insensitive" and such, unless you turn it into an AU lol, then it's fine apparently) And if these people are here just for something carefree and the CCs more than the characters, that's absolutely fine! And as I've also said before, Scott is a very compelling character to me and I absolutely don't hate him no matter the things I think he's done to change Jimmy and Pearl for the worse. I wanna know who hurt him...
But as far as my perception goes of the characters etc, yeah, it's this. Scott is terribly clever and skilled and frightfully good at manipulating whether he always intends to or not (he's more or less admitted to it anyhow). He's not often explicit but the kind of language he uses around Jimmy makes Jimmy feel talked down to, or that he's to blame for things, etc, and then sweetens it up with claims of caring. Statements that basically go "I do this for your own good" and such. He was obviously more explicit about it with Pearl but that doesn't make it any better haha
Jimmy's attitude towards Scott after third life is such an interesting thing to analyze and I'm so happy of his feelings manifesting more. In Double Life Scott had it out for the ranch and ofc Jimmy did what he could to defend the ranch's image etc, but oh boy, the LimL "you have 30 seconds" moment... Also when Jimmy was about to kill Scott for the time that Scott promised him, Scott said "I love you" again and "it's fine even though you didn't say it back" (paraphrasing) and Jimmy just fucking stays silent before going "appreciate it" and shooting him. Very fire of him. That made me so happy lmao. And him taking gradual enjoyment out of hitting Scott in Secret Life (as he deserves to). And the further moments you brought up, and now what happened in Real Life even if it was a one-off SMP. I hope he keeps going like this lol
There is the time in Secret Life where Jimmy seems to project onto Pearl in telling her to attack Skizz and be mean about it, sigh..m they just need to sit down and talk. I need this so desperately. They just need to get talking and it'll all work out from there, they can do it, I believe in them...
Either way both of them refusing Scott's approaches is the best thing ever. Scott should team up with people like Gem more instead who aren't affected by his bullshit anyway and also just make for fun dynamics
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shyvien · 11 months
Here are 100 random quotes from Beelzebub!
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Sourced from the OM! Wiki, chats, devilgram, screenshots I found, etc. I made this list to help with studying to write the characters in character. (Not really proofread, sorry if there are mistakes. Also, there may be spoilers. If so, they're minor spoilers)
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“You look tasty.”
“*sniff* *sniff* You smell good.”
“I'm fine. I'm sure it'll go away. It's nothing new. Whenever Belphie gets sad, I get sad, too. That's probably what's happening now.”
“ Sorry, that was a really strange question to ask, wasn't it? Forget I said anything.”
“Cool, this works.”
“Huh? This is an interesting feeling. I'm finding it hard to relax.”
“I'm hungry, but I feel like another part of me is full.”
“It looks like someone's having fun. I'm glad.”
“So. hungry... You look delicious.”
“That tickles.”
“You are what you eat. You know what that means, right?”
“You can touch me. I don't mind.”
“Yeah. Tie it nice and tight, okay?”
“Standing watch at the gates means being ready for anything. So, I'm going to do some combat training like this.”
“Oh, hey. Perfect timing. I was hoping you'd spar with me.”
“I want to poke his cheek, too…”
“..This feels..really close, huh?”
“It's all because of the custard.”
“That's the spirit! Nice form, MC.”
“Great! You did it, MC! Not many people get it on their first try. That was amazing.”
“The light's turning the sea orange. It's like waves of delicious orange juice are rolling onto the beach.”
“Can I hold your hand...?”
“I don't know... Either way, I'm heading to the kitchen.”
“…I take it this means we're heading for something much more intimate than just partners in crime… One thing's for sure, MC... You and I are going to be amazing together.”
“I want you to film me while working out. If my form's not right, I won't be able to work the right muscle groups the way I want to. It shouldn't be tough getting here. Just ask somebody out on the street for directions.”
“I'm not constantly eating all the time. I'm only constantly eating sometimes. There's a big difference.”
“It said that in the human world, lovers who don't kiss at least once a day are destined to break up. Is that true?”
“I'm glad you mentioned something besides how much I eat. Thanks.”
“But there's no way that I'lI ever forget what you did for me then. And if you or MC are ever in trouble, I'll be there for you. Next time, l'll be the one saving you.”
“I'II protect you if something happens. Don't worry.”
“If that will make you smile… Heh, good. You smiled. I want to see your smile more. I would do anything if it means I get to see you smile like that.”
“Were you lonely? Don't be mad.”
“My face feels like it's on fire. I hope I can cool down before we get to class.”
“I’m going to take you as my hostage, MC. I don't want the Fallen Angel's Tear anymore. I've decided to rob you of MC here instead.”
“Take care, MC. We'll meet again...before my stomach growls.”
“Could I nibble on you just a bit? Just a taste.”
“What's that? Some sort of dessert?”
“The more I think about it, the more I start drooling.”
“The cookies I was saving in my pocket for later... All that's left are crumbs.”
“That explosion sent whipped cream flying everywhere. It's all over you too, MC. You're covered in it from head to toe. ...Which actually makes you look even more delicious than you did before. I was trying so hard to resist the urge to nibble. But now that I see you standing in front of me covered in delicious whipped cream, I... I…”
“It's just too much to handle! First things first, we've got to do something about all of the whipped cream you've got on you. Otherwise there's no telling when I might lose control and just...”
“Your lips? MC, it almost sounds like you want me to give in to these urges... Still, your lips look so soft... How can I say no? ..See? I knew it. They are soft. And sweet. It makes it really hard to stop. It's like...I can't get enough of you…”
“…Sorry. I was trying to stop you from falling…but we both ended up falling.”
“Are you comforting me..with a kiss on my cheek? Thank you, MC.”
“…I admit it. I'm jealous of the people who get close to you, MC.”
“This is so embarrassing.”
“You're so weird. But, thanks.”
“My feelings are still a mess... Can I hold you, MC?”
“You know, I was just thinking I was hungry. Come here, l'm going to take a few bites out of you two.”
“‘Do not eat’… It says ‘Do not eat.’ ‘Do not eat’…That's what it says...
“Don't blame me if the contents of these pages keep you up at night.”
“*gulp*... Whoops. I may have just, um...eaten that entire book…”
“You really are... Hm. I don't know how to say it. Mysterious? Strange? Incredible?”
“Do you want to sleep next to me? Not that I mind. But if there's something else you want, don't hesitate to say so.”
“Fun? No, no time for fun. This is about getting candy. This is war.”
“I… can't take it anymore. This is your fault. Your blood smells so good... Too good...”
“You want me to feed you? It's really sweet. Here... *munch* Oh, whoops. I didn't mean to eat that. Let me try again... Don't pout, I'lI be careful this time.”
“Check out those buns!”
“I've put him in a sleeping bag for easy transport, so someone else can drag him along.”
“Yeah. He's just lost faith in humanity more than usual, that's all.”
“…You're so warm--inside and out.”
“He fell asleep hanging from the bar...? That's some grip.”
“Qu-Quit it, MC! Th-That tickles...! Hahaha! Stop…! Okay...okay. I promise to stop tickling you. Just no more tickling me back, please!”
“It's a little embarrassing holding you this close. You can probably hear my heart beating. But, it does make me feel happy.”
“It's really nice to see that my workouts are paying off. And now you can count on me to carry even heavier stuff. It'll be good training.”
“I'm working out in my room right now. Something welled up within me, and I got the sudden energy to lift 10 times as hard. I can't do all the stuff I want to unless I have a spotter, though. That's why I want you to come here and be my workout partner. Oh yeah, I'll be hungry from lifting, so can you bring some food with you as well?”
“...I don't know what happened in there, but whatever it was really messed with Belphie... I'm not letting that thing get away with this.”
“You bet. I'm going to destroy that bogeyman.”
“When push comes to shove, I know they've always got my back. My family is what drives me. Wanting to keep them safe makes me strong. I'm going to have to work harder at protecting them from here on out.”
“Hup...! Hah! ...Heads up!”
“You'll always be the only one on my mind. ...Okay, you and tasty treats.”
“You sure have been paying attention, huh? I'm always looking at you, too. But, now l'll be watching you even more, so that I can draw you from memory.”
“Use my power, MC. My power is yours to command. Everything I do, do for you and for Belphie! Evil spirit, sinister and foul! In the name of Beelzebub, Avatar of Gluttony ...be gone!”
“It's strange. Normally when I'm hungry, I'd be going into a rampage right now.”
“Calm down, Levi. That cake just fell into my mouth by accident, that's—“
“You're the only one who will always have my attention, MC, now and forever.”
“Thank you. This candy tastes like the Destroyed Devil Burger I wanted but was sold out. Is this your way of letting me try it? You don't know how happy this makes me.”
“*munch* *nom* Sorry, I ate it before I could say thanks. It was great. I appreciate it.”
“Don't barge in on my mealtime.”
“I just might eat you from the head down. ...You don't seem that delicious though.”
“You don't want to see me angry. I'll just get even MORE hungry.”
“Was that an earthquake? Ah, nope. Just my stomach.”
“Aahh, this is taking too long... If I die from starvation it's your fault.”
“Geez, you left me so hungry I almost ate YOU.”
“Do that all you want. I'm not giving you my food.”
“Hm, that... felt pretty good.”
“It looks...mouth-watering.”
“And...I like how touching you makes my heart speed up.”
“I can't wait to dig into some freshly grilled meat!”
“Got you! Nope. I'm turning the tables on you. ...Tickle attack!”
“Ah... Ahahaha! Wait, I- Hahahaha! Come on, give it a res--Pfft! Ahahaha!”
“...I did some of my combat training blindfolded, actually. So, this kind of brings me back.”
“I thought so. You look good. I'll buy it for you… A matching look? I've never done that before, but why not?”
“This can't be happening...say it's not happening! I'm scared…..! Please…..don't go anywhere, MC... Please, I'm begging you, don't go...”
“…I think I've calmed down a bit. I feel a lot better with you in my arms. But...this isn't fair. I'd like to also see you getting jealous of people who get close to me. I wouldn't mind. I'd like to see that side of you too.”
“Oh, I know. If I sit next to you, then you won't feel so self-conscious, right? Hang on, try lying down on the bed. Okay, good.”
“You can't even throw a pillow far enough to reach me. You should give up before you hurt yourself.”
“Open your mouth then. Say "aah" Well? Tasty, right?”
“Don't stop, MC. Kiss me more…”
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Extras! (It’s hard to pick just 100 y’know?)
1. “Were you waiting for the perfect time to kiss me? That's adorable. It's my turn next.”
2. “Belphie, you've got that dead look in your eyes again.”
3. “My feelings for you won't change, not even after a thousand years...no, a million years.”
4. “It's sort of like...you're more special to me. Do you understand what I'm trying to say? ...Up to now, I always felt like I was hungry for something. I'd eat and eat and eat, but I still wasn't satisfied, so I'd eat more. But when I'm with you, it's like that hunger is suddenly gone. For once I feel strangely satisfied.”
5. “I hope I'll always have you here by my side, just like I have them. From here until…..forever. No matter how I might change in the future.”
6. “When I feel you in my arms like this, it lets me know for sure that I really am alive.”
7. “Even though as a human, your life is a lot shorter than that of us demons. And yet you still tried to save me. ...That meant a lot to me.”
8. “Where do you think you're going? Whoa, I don't think so. I'm not letting you go anywhere.”
9. “It's all right, MC. Just listen to my voice, MC. Forget about everything else...”
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𝒮𝒽𝓎 𝒲𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓇 ༝༚༝༚
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dokidokitsuna · 7 months
...I just remembered I wanted to make my own statement on the AI thing. ^^;
So you've probably heard, but in case you haven't: Tumblr just sold out everyone's data to the AI trash compactors, they probably did it long before they gave us the option to opt out, and even if you do opt out they're probably still taking and using your work anyway (telling people to opt out instead of actually asking for their permission is already scummy business practice, but when it comes to AI it's functionally meaningless. :/ It's always "well, we're telling them not to use these people's data and we're hoping they'll be nice and go along with it" with no regulations or consequences if they decide to just steal everything indiscriminately...)
Despite that, I am not leaving Tumblr anytime soon. I'm looking into other sites*, but at this moment in time, I have nowhere else to go. ^^; Besides, I still like it here. When I left DeviantArt I was already getting sick of the place, having my art stolen regularly by "fans" and paradoxically getting less and less interest in my work over time. By the time the devs turned the website into eye-blinding slop with Eclipse, I was more than ready to move on.
But I still enjoy using Tumblr. I like writing long text posts that no one would bother to read anywhere else, I like answering asks, and I like the unique sense of humor and style among the users here. ^^ It would take a lot to force me out.
Also, I can take a little solace in the fact that AI-bros do not value "low-quality" art like mine. ^^; If messy cel-shaded sketches with visible pixels ever become popular, then I'll worry, but for now I think it's highly unlikely that anyone will want to wholesale regurgitate my art. If anything, I think prioritizing it in their datasets would only make them worse...and on that note, if you do have "high quality" detailed/painterly/semi-realistic art that would be targeted, I'd recommend 'poisoning' it with Nightshade/Glaze. Although I heard a rumor a while back that AI is "building immunity" to Nightshade and already learning to work around it, but I'm really hoping that was just a wishful lie from the trash compactors themselves. I haven't heard it repeated since then, so I think it's still worth a shot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So anyway, like the post I reblogged said, I think the best thing we can do now is to make it clear that WE DON'T WANT AI ART. We don't care how easy it'll be to instantly generate thousands of hours of mindless 'content' to look at; we don't want it. Since regulation is lagging so far behind (wanna know why Disney's copyright hounds didn't shut this down on sight? Most likely, they're hoping to profit from it down the line) the only way to fight this right now is with individual litigation and consumer demand.
Don't support projects made with AI**; don't hate-watch them or spotlight them. Focus your energy on the millions of human artists who are still here, and need your support now more than ever.
*I've heard people mention moving to Twitter and/or Artstation: fam, you're jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. ^^;;; IIRC, Arstation was one of the FIRST art sites to start flirting with AI, and Twitter has been selling off its users' data for several months already. Go there if you must, but don't go under the impression that it's "safer".
**Please keep a cool head when discussing AI art, and keep in mind that it used to mean something other than "mass theft". Artists have and still do create AI tools that are built on limited data sets with permission/compensation, that are used to aid them in their work and encourage human artistry (Vocaloids and DAW's, for instance) rather than stamp it out. Until a specific word evolves into popular use for exploitative AI, we're kinda stuck with this confusion, so remember to get the facts before you speak out.
P.S. Praying every night that this is a dumb fad that will soon die and go to the same hell as NFTs. >_< Praying every morning that the influx of AI art into its own datasets will eventually corrupt itself and make it useless. >_< >_< Praying every afternoon for both at once! >_< >_< >_< Like to charge, reblog to cast, all that
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Haunted By The Ghost Of You
[Dew is sick, Rain is worried, and the devil is always making plans. Title from the Lord Huron song "The Night We Met". Angst.] Below the cut.
"I just... I can't."
This isn't the first time Dew's body has betrayed him.
It happens more often than not since his transition from water to fire.
Some days are better than others, mild numbness or a dull ache...
But today it's bad.
His muscles are on fire, but his bones feel... messy, jello-like, like he's made of rubber bands and bullshit.
He wants to get up, to push through it and join the others outside, but it hurts, it hurts, and he can't seem to keep himself upright without help.
Rain runs a hand through his hair, disappointed but understanding as ever, "It's alright, we can go swimming together another day."
But they both know it's going to storm tomorrow, and the next day, and the next...
"...I'm sorry." Dew sighs, "I... I just... I... If you help me, I could, I could maybe float in the water with you-"
"You need to rest." Rain says, leaning over to fluff the pillow propping the smaller ghoul up, "You've been pushing yourself too hard lately, so... don't worry about what I want and just focus on getting better, yeah?"
He pushes Dew's hair out of his face and presses a kiss to his forehead, clicking his tongue when he pulls away.
"You're really warm."
"I mean-" Dew starts, but stops when Rain soothes a hand over his chest, "-Whatcha doin'?"
"Cooling you down a bit."
Dew shivers, feeling Rain's energy swirling around inside of him.
"Rainy... Mn... You're making me sleepy..."
"That's the plan." Rain smiles sadly, "Sorry, I know you don't like it when I do this, but it'll help you sleep better, I know how bad you overheat when you're like this..."
He hates that he's right.
Letting the embers in his chest cool to near ash, refusing to stoke the flames, it does help.
His body wasn't made to contain hellfire.
"Should just... just completely douse me in water..." Dew mumbles, bringing shaking hands up to hold Rain's wrist, pinning his hand to his chest, "Drown me."
"Dew." Rain growls, pulling back, severing the cool tether of his touch, "I would never-"
Dew stares up at him through his lashes, "I know... It just, maybe it would be better if I-"
"You can't talk like this."
"...But I am." Dew counters, "Even if.. if you don't want to hear what I have to say..."
"Dew, please."
"If... If you woke up one morning and I was-"
"You're not dying, Dew." Rain pleads, "You're not. You're just sick."
"I've been sick for a very long time... and maybe-"
Rain squeezes Dew's arm tightly, to the point of pain.
Dew doesn't react much at all, he finds comfort in the bruising.
"I think..." Dew starts, "...you and I, we don't really have a say in any of this at all."
"...Stop." Rain's nails dig into his skin, his eyes water, and his voice sounds far away.
"I need to sleep." Dew says finally, patting the hand gripping him like a lifeline, "And you need to go outside."
"I'll be here when you come back, so don't feel... feel like you have to hurry back, okay? Have fun and... tell me all about it later."
Rain relents, his grip lessening.
"You better be." he says, leaning over to press one more kiss to the side of Dew's face before moving to stand, "Bring you something from the lake?"
Dew shakes his head, giving a breathy laugh, "I'll be there again soon enough."
"I love you."
"Mn, love you, too."
Rain passes Aether in the hallway as he makes his way outside, they make the briefest of eye contact, and it might be Rain's imagination, but there's an apology written in the way he looks at him.
It makes him slow his pace.
Makes him follow him with his eyes to Dew's bedroom.
And for a second...
For a second Rain is concerned about what it could mean.
"I'll be there again soon enough."
Rain swallows his worry.
"I'll be there again soon enough."
He'll be there again soon enough.
...Dew isn't in his room when he returns.
Nor is Aether anywhere to be found.
Rain and the other ghouls take to searching the hallways, frantic.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
And then-
"I'll be there again soon enough."
The far side of the lake.
The sunken chapel where all ghouls first awake.
And Aether standing on the hill overlooking it all.
Looking sorry.
But Dew's not there with him.
There is no blood on his hands.
Only water.
"I'll be there again soon enough."
"No." Rain shakes Aether at the shoulders, "No, no, no, no-"
The rush of the wind chills his skin as he enters the water, searching.
He scans the surface and finds nothing.
Dives under and adjusts slow to the darkness.
A trail of white gold waves in the water, pulled by the churning waters.
And Dew rests in there, amongst the water plants and the fish swimming this way and that.
Eyes shut, skin cast green from the murk.
Rain reaches for him, expecting warmth despite the chill all around them.
But instead...
Dew's cheek presses into his palm, eyes opening gently, less burning coal and more...
"I'll be there again soon enough."
Rain stares.
Pale, opalescent scales shimmer in the low light, colorless gills, once burnt shut, breathe...
And it's certainly good that one of them remembers how to, to breathe, because Rain almost forgets how to when Dew mirrors his touch, and Rain feels a strange tingle, a connection that had barely been there before, but...
"You scared me."
"I'm sorry."
"You could have told me."
"I did."
"Don't be so cryptic next time then, be straightforward, be obvious, be you."
Dew laughs.
And for as angry as he should be, Rain accepts the sound of Dew's voice like an apology.
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kocherry · 2 years
⟡ Truthful Adoration in False Illusions ⟡
Pierro x Isekai!Reader
(Part 1/3) (Part 2/3 is here now :>)
I am really nervous to post this fanfic since this is only for my self-indulgence but I decided to share it with everyone. It has been years since I've actually written a fanfic this long.
In all honesty Pierro really did a number on me ever since the Winter Night's Lazzo trailer. Genshin really needs to release more dilf characters huhu. Aaaand this fic is inspired by numerous works but especially two fanfics namely:
Petty Desire by @shumidehiro and Disjecta Membra by @jessamine-rose (Please check them out they're fantastic writers!)
This is only the first half of my Pierro x Isekai!Reader because it'll be a hassle to read 30k words if I combined it all in one post :> Also please keep in mind that this is pre-released characters.
TW: Vomitting, Mental Instability, Mentions of Suicide, Death, Dottore, A lot of Holding Hands
< 15k words under the cut for Prologue, Acts: I, II, III >
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⟡ Prologue ⟡
‘I am so pathetic.’
That is what you thought as you were dying in the sea of flames that consumed your entire house.
Perhaps coming back to save those thesis papers isn’t worth it. In hindsight you were a troubled adult that struggled between having a job and getting your own degree. Truly your ambition may not be that big but all you ever wanted is to get a better paying job.
If you had maybe your family would've been prouder of you.
The tears you shed dried up from the fire, your vision slowly made its way to the walls of your room. Your lips weakly smiled at the sight of your favorite character from Genshin Impact smiling down at you. Their hand is directed to your direction as if wanting you to take them.
How you wish you could just do that… you didn’t want to die yet... if only your favorite could save your life. Perhaps being inside the game wouldn't be so bad if you were there.
Gasping for air, sitting upward, letting out a strangled cough, the sun shined directly into your eyes. Looking around and noticing that this wasn’t a burning bedroom anymore. But instead surrounded by a bright blue sea, legs dipped slightly into the soft waves of the water. Back laid on the grainy white sand, it was more comfortable than dying on your bedroom floor.
First things first... you look at your hands realizing that you weren’t dreaming.
‘How the fuck did I not get any burned scars?’
You place a hand on your cheek then placing them in front of you counting them one by one, “Holy shit I'm still alive...” Then by the spaces between your fingers you had realize that you are not alone.
Your entire body froze at the sight of a silver haired older man with his face covered in half by a black mask. He stood tall, his figure loomed over you and his broad figure blocked your view of the sea. His diamond shape eye stares at you with such intensity that it made the sand you lay in start to melt. 
Well, you got your wish to be in Genshin Impact, but at what cost? Well for starters this person in front of you is definitely not Paimon. Wait scratch that thought... he is by far the scariest man you have ever seen in your life.
There is no mistaken it, this person is the Jester, the Director of the Fatui Harbingers.
The outfit he wore isn’t quite different from the trailer. He just didn’t have the Fatui cloak draped around him.
“You're—wait wait don't kill me I'm not a threat!” You yelled at him with a hoarse voice, it’s as if your body is exhausted. Though you were surprised that your elbows could prop itself up. 
“Princess (Y/N) I advise that you remain calm as you had just woken up after falling from Starsnatch Cliff.”
The Jester's frightening deep voice startled you badly. Honestly at this point you thought that this was all just a dream. Yet reality starts to sink in when your mind started to comprehend what he just said.
Wait a minute…
What did he just call you?
And did he say you just fell from the god damned famous wishing spot?! 
“Princess (Y/N), do you not remember who you are?”
Ignoring the Jester, ran pass by him to see your own reflection in the water. 
The reflection of your image became clear, the first thing you saw is that your eyes had diamond shaped pupils. You didn't look like yourself anymore like back in the real world. If this is how you look and if Pierro called you a Princess then there is no mistake that you have been reincarnated into another body.
When you wished to be in the game... Being the Princess of Khaenri’ah isn't what you had wanted. You only wanted to live in the game after seeing the smile of a poster of your favorite Genshin Impact character. 
However… seeing that you were in the first spot where the traveler meets her traveler buddy…
You definitely in Mondstadt.
But the one who greeted you isn't of cute floating little girl.
Now you just have more questions than answers. Turning to the Director of the Fatui Harbingers with a pursed lip, you asked: "How many years has it been since Khanri’ah’s downfall?" Your question is difficult to say but the older man seems to be indifferent by it.
"...a century." 
‘Shit so I'm 400 years early?!’ You bit your lip to conceal your bewilderment. “I'm afraid... I could not recall anything Lord Jester.” You bat your lashes at him, you didn't pass in feigning innocence but your diamond shaped pupils were wide in fear.
Pierro’s eye narrowed down at you, he certainly didn't expect you to treat him like a stranger. Though he didn't voice out his worries just yet... after all he could forgive this minor inconvenience since you had been in a coma for a while.
“It is understandable that your memories are not intact.” For now, he had seemed to believe (more or less going with the flow) with your lies. “Since you had woken up from the fall, I advise we must go to the camp and examine if there are injuries that needs to be well taken care off.”
The Jester’s show of concern surprised you, his tone shifted into a much softer tone. Somehow you could not believe how utterly different he is from the Winter Night's Lazzo trailer. He is rather calm and gentle so far, although if looks could kill, you would be dead by now.
You gulp a bit, perhaps you ought to just listen to him. But what if the Princess has bad blood with the Fatui? The Jester certainly didn't tell the reason why she fell from the cliff.... what if the Fatui did it because you weren’t of use to them anymore? Would they dispose of you again? Would you be subjected as Dottore's lab rat? 
“Alright I guess I can come it's not like I have any other choice, right?” You feel utterly helpless by asking that, it’s as if you had any other option at all. 
Though you did remember that some of the Fatui do have compassion. However, that may not be true for most of the Harbingers. But there is no way you were going to die again.
Not on your favorite game.
You place a hand over your chest, eyes determined instead of feeling hopelessness. This was not the moment to show the Jester that you were a weak-minded fool. “I may forget who I was but if I couldn’t remember a century of my life. Since I'm still alive, perhaps I can repay your kindness Lord Jester.” ‘Yes, this is utterly a good idea, offering yourself for the Fatui how dumb can you be?!’ You let the second sentence be an afterthought.
The Jester paused for a while, he certainly didn’t expect that you would be so calm. Anyone would start to break down if they suddenly lost their memories and to find out shortly that your home country, Khaenri'ah, has fallen. Perhaps he had underestimated how you value your nation or that you already had come to peace that the nation would fall someday. After all, the Princess of Khaenri'ah is the one who witness how the sages and King Irmin refused to heed to his warnings. 
Either way it didn't matter anymore for what you thought. He could tell that there is no lies when you told him that you couldn't remember the past century you had lived in his care. 
“Lord Jester...?” You ask after realizing he went silent for a minute.
The Jester snapped out of deducing what was happening. He certainly thinks that this is too much of a troublesome situation he is in. “Princess, I would have to consult your condition to a medic. I will have the soldiers immediately prepare our voyage back to Snezhnaya. Meanwhile it is on your best interest to cooperate so that you can recuperate from your memory loss.” When he suggested this, all you could do is nod and follow after him when he held out his hand towards you.
Somehow a flash of red encased your vision and the burning wallpaper of your bedroom is in sight. Then a poster of your favorite Genshin Impact character didn't burn among the rest.
Was that really what happened?
Wait why is the Jester the one holding out his hands?
“Or do you need more time to rest in the city of Mondstadt?” He asks though his tone shifted into a softer one, yet gaze is still intense as ever. 
But much to your relief his hand is still open for you to take and it would seem your presence is accepted... for now at least.
This time you are able to place your hand to the one holding it out to you. Taking note how warm his hands were as he held yours.
Oh by the way...
This is a story after I died in the real world then getting isekai'd into Genshin Impact but why the fuck is the Director of the Harbingers is the one who greeted me instead of Paimon?!
⟡ Act I: Masquerade ⟡
Masquerade! Paper faces on parade... Masquerade!
Hide your face, So the world will never find you! Masquerade!
Every face a different shade... Masquerade!
Look around - There's another mask behind you!
The lush green of trees, bushes, and plants.
The river stream flowing from the rocks above.
The Barbatos Statue of the Seven stood tall in the middle of Starfell lake.
And the fake blue sky had the sun giving light to Mondstadt’s environment made the scenery quite beautiful. Truly is a wonderful sight for any daily Genshin Impact player seeing it with their own eyes in real time. Being able to walk into the nation of Mondstadt, the beginning of the game, is truly a good part of this isekai fanfic.
However, the only downside is that the Director of the Fatui Harbingers is the one who is accompanying you. Perhaps it wasn't what you had wished for but besides him... nothing could ever ruin your day.
Maybe except for the fact that you've actually reincarnated into the body of a Princess of Khaenri’ah.
At least together with Pierro you were at least able to travel safely since he avoids monster camps and he even lend you his coat since the clothes when you woke up is quite a mess. If you were alone, you would’ve fought a hilichurl with a rock or a stick then die pathetically.
“Wait a second Lord Jester.” You halt in following after him, there is something on your mind for what he said earlier. “Are we really going back Snezhnaya immediately? I don't even remember living there or even meeting you at all.”
The Jester once again narrows his eye towards you. It's as if he's analyzing the way you would act. Whether it be talking, walking, or even looking in awe with your surroundings. You felt bare in his gaze and yet you didn’t find his constant staring hostile.
He then lets out a deep sigh after realizing that you had honest reactions of having a memory loss. He reluctantly let’s go of your hand, “Princess (Y/N) you were under my care after Khaenri’ah has fallen. Three months ago, you left Snezhnaya for a diplomatic mission in Sumeru. You never had reported back and we traced that you’ve been in Liyue, Inazuma, and finally...” He pauses for a while not wanting to overwhelm you with information.
“Found me in Mondstadt where I fell from Starsnatch Cliff?” You finished his sentence but wanted to ask how did you fall but didn't since the Jester wouldn’t probably disclose that information.
The Jester pursed his lips he knew that lying would be terribly bad for his image towards you especially at this stage of your so-called memory loss.
At this point, you didn't trust him enough to lead you to camp without so much doubting his words. “The Fatui does not take traitors very lightly, you may leave if you wish so. However, beware that there is no place in Teyvat that you could hide.” The harsh glare from his deep blue eyes made you shiver.
‘What the fuck did the owner of this body do?!’
You whisper yell at yourself after hearing what he had said. Out of all the people you could isekai into, it's someone who did the Fatui wrong. And so, without any choice you continue to follow Pierro to the camp.
This time you didn't feel the warmth of his hand on yours.
Although it is kind of weird that he even held your hand in the first place.
‘Maybe he's trying to gain my trust since he thinks can't remember anything?’ You ask yourself that, no answer came into mind of course. In all honesty you wanted to tell Pierro that you were not the Princess. That seems like a bad idea now since the Fatui might misinterpret it as the Princess trying to escape from her crimes against them. Or worst-case scenario they might give you up to Dottore for further examination.
You shudder at the thought.
Okay maybe you were just being paranoid because you were definitely not treated as a prisoner when the Jester brought you to a Fatui camp. Instead of being put into handcuffs, the soldiers just served you a warm cream stew soup and chicken skewers as a side dish. Then you were also the only one inside the tent slightly shivering but with the coat that the Jester lend to you earlier… at least you feel warm and covered.
Not that you were ungrateful or anything but he literally just called you a traitor and now you were getting away with it?
‘Oh shit, what if he’s just making sure that we would lay low and not attract any surveying knights?’
You stare at the Jester talking to the Fatui agents who were preparing a small carriage and the horses which concludes your disappointment not being able to camp outside.
“Princess, you haven’t finished your food, do you feel ill?” He caught you peeking at the slight opening of the tent, although he immediately ignored you after asking that question. “Get the Cicin Mage, she needs a fresh change of clothes.”
“Wait Lord Jester-”
The tent opened itself but it wasn’t Pierro anymore, it was an Electro Cicin Mage that greeted you as she zips up the entrance of the tent. “Greetings Princess (Y/N), since we are both women, Lord Harbinger permits me to assist you.” She is holding a clean and brand-new clothing, it’s not like what you had seen on Sneznhayan NPCs.
The clothes look like what noblewoman in Snezhnaya would wear. Its shade matches the shade of your favorite color and it would help in making your skin tone shine as well. Although there is a fluffy coat made from a wolf’s fur that would cover your skin.
“Thank you it looks beautiful Miss uh… what’s your name?” You accepted the clothes of course delighted it matches your aesthetic but you also want to know the Electro Cicin Mage’s name since she would be with you on the journey back to Snezhnaya.
“…” She didn’t react and you don’t know what expression she makes behind her mask.
“Oh, are you not allowed to tell?” You ask tilting your head slightly.
“Forgive me Princess (Y/N), I just find it hard to believe that you had lost your memories but you may call me Natalia.” The Electro Cicin Mage replied her nonchalant tone retained.
“I like your name, Natalia.” You gave her a sympathetic smile thinking that she may have known the Khaenri’ahn Princess. “I can change by myself, since I don’t feel really weak but uh thank you for the sentiments.”
Natalia just nodded as she turns around while you change into a much cleaner and fresher clothing. After a few minutes, you tapped her shoulder then unzipped the tent.
“Alright I’m done changing, so when are we leaving?”
The Jester is the only one outside as the other soldiers along with Natalia who hurriedly went to help were still arranging the carriage ride (probably into Mondstadt’s city). “You seem to be more complacent Princess (Y/N), earlier today you did not desire to be return in Snezhnaya.” He raises an eyebrow curious about your sudden desire to leave.
“Well not that I have any choice, plus… my life would also be in danger if I won’t be with the Fatui.” You say that fact first of course but seeing how his face starts to contort into a frown you immediately backed up your poor choice of words. “Oh Lord Jester, you may call me just (Y/N), princess is just an empty title now.”
Your request is simply more personal and despite the fact that may wear the Princess’ mask, you were still (Y/N) by heart. Being called a princess from a nation that has been obliterated is merely an insult to the surviving people of Khaenri’ah, and the Jester is of course one of them.
“Very well (Y/N) we shall sail ten days from now, you may extend your recuperation in my estate in Snezhnaya.” Yet somehow the Jester is indifferent from the request, he focuses more on your well-being. “You need not to call me formally by title, when it’s only just the two us, you may call me Pierro.”
Now that you are actually processing that you were inside the gacha game you had often played…
Did your ears betray you? You certainly are surprise by Pierro’s request as well.
Did your eyes betray you? You saw his lips turn into a soft and small smile but it disappeared quickly as it came.
Did your mind betray you? You just spent five hours in this world with him and even when he calls you a traitor, he does not treat you like one. You would think that he only keeps you because you’re probably a useful character and yet you did not feel used.
It feels the opposite, you were using him just to be comfortable in your isekai experience.
Perhaps you were not the only one parading in this masquerade of lies, the Jester still has not disclosed his relationship with the Princess. If he truly calls her a traitor then why do you receive warm food and getting assigned Natalia to be your personal body guard/helper?
“Shall we head to the City of Mondstadt?”
Maybe the answer would come by another time, you were too busy taking his gloved hand once again.
9 days later…
Teyvat is quite different in the perspective of being with the Fatui. Aside from the indifferent attitudes of the soldiers, you were at least compensated in being able to explore the City of Mondstadt for nine days now. Of course, Natalia is the one who is your bodyguard or personal assistant? Whatever she is, it’s still kind of annoying how she would always follow you everywhere even staring at you intensely while you go to the comfort room.
At this point you didn’t think much about your privacy, if you did it again… Pierro will beat your stubbornness with his logical expiation about how your health needs to be monitored… blah blah blah you stopped listening to him since you were distracted by the smell of Mondstadt’s local foods.
And speaking of the Jester, he hasn’t shown his face around for two days now and tomorrow is your last day in experiencing Mondstadt and you’ll probably never come back here again. Even though you were satisfied with the tour, you kind of wish you could glide everywhere and collect mushrooms on top of rooftops. Or maybe even blow dandelion on top of the Barbatos statue in front of the Favonius Cathedral.
“Lady (Y/N), you’re spacing out again do you need to rest?”
“Ah no worries, Natalia I was just wondering if I could do a summersault if I could glide from the hand of the Barbatos Statue.”
“That would be unfortunate Lady (Y/N), your neck may break if you fail.”
Natalia’s dark and dry humor is what keeps you sane sometimes, but despite the fact that she is growing into you then vice-versa she still won’t listen to your requests.
“Hey Natalia,” You call out her name softly
“Yes My Lady?” The maid immediately replied.
“Uhm it’s quite alright, you really can call me just (Y/N).” You have been tirelessly asking everyone to drop the lady title and especially to Natalia for the last six days.
“It is within the interest of the Jester that you would be addressed properly. After all you are still recuperating from your fall in Starsnatch Cliff and could not remember the past century that you had lived with him.” And of course, Natalia’s answer is the same as always.
Although you find it odd that the daughter of King Irmin would be with the Jester. From the lore you had read, he didn't gain the favor of the sages and royalty about his warnings.
Ah maybe you two were friends before in Khaenri’ah.
That’s literally the only explanation you could really come up with.
Disregarding those serious topics, at this point you have given up hope that Natalia would call you by your name instead. So, you grabbed her hand surprising her a bit since she has been given strict orders not to touch you. “Let’s go to a tavern, I want to talk to you like a friend I’m quite tired of not being able to communicate properly with anyone who see themselves beneath me.” You gave her a pout to emphasize that you did not enjoy having someone to treat you as their superior.
“I have nothing to share Lady (Y/N), all my life I only have been a Fatui soldier, so you might just be listening to a teacher instead of a friend.” She replied with a deep sigh knowing she would have to give in.
“If I am to learn, shouldn't I be hearing it from someone who lives in Snezhnaya? I do want to learn more about the country that I somehow forgot in remembering…. in your own perspective of course." You were looking at her with puppy eyes hoping she would be okay with your request.
“Very well ask away Lady (Y/N) but no alcoholic drinks.” Natalia replied which made you smile.
“...and that is why we would always follow the Tsaritsa. She does not need to be alone in the war against the Heavenly Principles.” The way Natalia spoke is as if she had lived through a rough life then having a place in the Fatui. Although she censored a lot of things related to the organization meaning that Pierro might have been the one to order her in withholding the information regarding the Fatui.
Again, you were not interested in them, you were always curious about the remaining three unreleased nations. Snezhnaya presented itself as available to learn so why bother hiding your curiosity about the nation that has a bigger role in the game.
It is most interesting that despite their differences and ailments towards one another they always have one thing that they agree. All soldiers in the game speak highly of their loyalty to the Tsaritsa and Natalia isn’t an exception.
“A most delightful insight Natalia!” ‘Although it got boring and I zoned out a bit but still…’ “I admire your passion to your archon.” Despite being satisfied with your curiosity about the Tsaritsa, you were distracted by more important details. Such as the relationship of the Khaenri’ahn Princess to the Director.
Every time you think about him, your stomach starts to sink in with heavy guilt, that’s what you had noticed for the last nine days. And earlier you did come up that maybe they were friends since he treats you kindly… now your curiosity got the better of you. With a gentle clap you brought Natalia’s attention to you.
“So now tell me more about the Jester.”
Natalia seemed surprised by the sudden shift of your mood and the soldiers that is nearby the tavern doors perked up with the mention of their boss.
Suddenly the air felt colt despite the tavern having a hearth that continuously producing heat.
You could tell you made a mistake by showing that you are aware of your situation as a prisoner. You held both of your hand up, “Ah I see he made sure that I would not run away by being friendly. Ha! I'm fully aware that the Jester is keeping me as a prisoner. Besides if I prove myself that I can cope in this foreign country I can be some use, right? In that way...” Your tone is soft and gentle, which made Natalia flinch, she isn't really good with dealing with such a venomous hiding in the softest expression.
“...I can slap Pierro in the face that he made a mistake in imprisoning me!”
Natalia takes everything she thought of you as a gentle soul with a motherly personality, you were like a wild hilichurl who always have an unpredictable behavior.
“U-Uhm L-Lady (Y/N). you should not talk about the Jester like that!” She stuttered not wanting to get into trouble as she stares at the space behind you that is now occupied by the said person.
“And why I shouldn't I? The Jester is not even here, besides he's busy with the meeting between him and other harbingers." You cross your arms but then saw the maid’s eyes that is staring at the space on your right. You suddenly became extremely nervous, "Oh shit... he's right behind me isn't he?”
“I was always behind you all this time Lady (Y/N).”
‘I fucked up lol.’
Natalia excused herself while you turn around to face the Jester. He didn't seem amused nor does he look annoyed, he just stares at you blankly.
On the other hand, the Jester is actually surprised by your behavior (deep inside his blank stare), it honestly contradicts with how he viewed you as before. Although despite the fact that you are a Princess of Khaenri'ah, he already could tell that you already know your place. You were really going to play hard to get at his attempts of being patient towards you and in all honesty, he really didn’t have any ulterior motives… maybe he has but…
Now you just threatened to slap him, it amuses him.
“Such attitude is unbecoming of a royalty such as you Lady (Y/N).” Well despite his inner thoughts, his expression is somewhat annoyed by what he had heard.
“If you scold me, can you at least drop the formality? I’m definitely not a Lady or anything.” Honestly if they call you Lady (Y/N) again for the nth time, there is always the temptation to slap Pierro for real.
“For some reason the title isn’t really farfetched to the Princess title, I don't know who she is nor do I care to become her.” Although it is pretty convenient that you share the same name as the original Princess.
Indeed, you looked like the Princess of Khaenri'ah who wasn't even mentioned in game. However, there were features that you could see yourself as. If not for the diamond shape pupils you would look no different from the real world.
“Very well, (Y/N), I should have not dishonored the drop of the titles when we are together.”
Your ears perked up by the sound of the Jester's voice saying your name for the first time since the day you met him. “It would seem that I underestimated how much you had remembered. You are more perceptive than I thought. So, I am going to be honest with you…”
‘Wait is he going to really discuss this with a lot of Fatui soldiers and Natalia overhearing us?’
“There are traces that you recently used the Art of Khemia before you jumped from Starsnatch Cliff.”
⟡ Act II: Music of the Night ⟡
Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation
Darkness stirs and wakes imagination
Silently the senses abandon their defenses
Helpless to resist the notes I write
For I compose the music of the night
You were taken aback from what Pierro had said, the Art of Khemia is now the lead reason to why you were isekai'd to this world.
‘Alchemy that is said to be the biggest factor in the fall of Khaenri’ah. So that means the princess might've been afraid of dying but the question is... did we actually just switch places?’
‘Wait why would she even be afraid if she willingly jumped…?’
‘Fuck her and fuck this situation holy shit…’
You shook your head now is not the time to be distracted. You need to know if you are allowed to investigate if you can go back to the real world. “Wait are you afraid of what I can do? Are you not also waging war against Celestia itself so why be cautious of me performing alchemy?” The questions were already answered because by the look in the Jester’s eye.
It would seem that he disapproves of what you plan to ask next.
“I had not lied to you that you jumped intentionally, you wanted to die, and it is merely your own consciousness that responded to your will to live that made you use alchemy as a last resort.” The Jester seems to fixed on the idea that you know the alchemy. “Art of Khemia is forbidden to use, I do not wish to awaken the Heavenly Principles, at least not yet...”
‘Of course, not yet... the Gnoses would only be collected 400 years from now. Great just great, I might be fucking stuck with him for a while!’ You shifted your thoughts to that part and not the fact that the Princess tried to kill herself.
Despite the desire to actually just tell Pierro the truth about yourself. It would seem that it’s a dangerous thing to do. He hates the Heavenly Principles and from what you had read in the Enkanomiya story quest they were also descenders from another world.
So, if the Jester were to find out that you too are a descender, perhaps your fate would be in the hands of the Doctor. 'Normally I'd say why not since Dottore is hot, but perhaps it's not really a good mindset to simp for anyone in this game.' You cloud that thought not wanting to become a perverted isekai character like the ones you would read in light novels.
“Then can I at least act like a citizen of Snezhnaya? You can assign guards around me if you wish so. I do not want to remain a prisoner by your orders.” You suggested, not wanting to be useless and a piece of decorative prisoner under his care.
The Jester looks at you with a raise eyebrow as he sits on the empty seat beside you. He honestly is still baffled that you were quite sure that he is treating you like a prisoner. His gloved hand reached out to yours placing them on top. His thumb gently caressing your forehand.
Your cheeks suddenly became red from the contact.
“(Y/N). If you feel that you are a prisoner, cease those senseless thoughts. I am merely looking out for your well-being.”
It actually surprises you that he would actually care for your mental health. Not that you could blame him if he would still have such disdain towards the royal family. Then again you wouldn’t complain that much, maybe the Princess is now definitely a close friend to the Jester.
Wait you really haven't asked him about that part, "Err... are we friends Lord Jester? Because you seem to care about me which is odd since you're you... you know?" Not wanting to be rude about his stoic and indifferent attitude, you didn't say anything to make this even more awkward than it already is.
“Ah nevermind it's a weird question!”
“If that is how you want to play it, then I shall indulge such foolishness.” The Jester lets out a deeply annoyed sigh, “Do as you please and maybe you can be useful to the Fatui and Her Majesty.”
Some use huh? So, the Jester thinks nothing of you but a tool? Of course, what did you expect from the Fatui Harbinger. After all, knowing their lore so far, Pierro and Dottore were by far the scariest amongst them.
The way they manipulated Scaramouche's life, it’s as if they would disregard all life for the goal of burning the Old World.
You did not think any of this too deeply, once you find out how to switch with the real Princess again. You would be back into the real world and leave this world for good. Genshin Impact is much more enjoyable if you would be thrown to Mondstadt without actually reincarnating in the body of a person who has deep ties with the Fatui Harbinger Director.
‘What's Genshin Impact again?’
You suddenly panicked flinching your head sidewards making the Jester raise an eyebrow. ‘Why did I suddenly question my own reality?’ You look at the older man and strained a smile.
“Now I can't wait to get out of this nation and actually see Snezhnaya for real.”
Now if there is anything that the Jester could conclude for today's interaction is that you hide your real emotions through a bravado façade. From the reports of your maid, it would seem that you love to engage in nonsense conversations. You perk up the moment they serve hot chocolate and cookies when you take a break from reading. You who often poke the soldiers randomly while Natalia scolds your behavior.
You are quite a headache to the soldiers...
But the Jester honestly did question himself if you're having an identity crisis or if you did actually lose memories of the past century you spent with him. It troubled the former royal mage because the Princess of Khaenri'ah started to revert to your attitude before the Cataclysm. You were always a curious girl and talkative as well.
So why did you suddenly revert to the Princess he knew before the Cataclysm? Does your memory loss have anything to do with it? ...Or is it something else?
“However, I still cannot allow you to be without any soldier accompanying you just yet. You would need time to recuperate and it is unwise to rush in adjusting to your situation and maybe I shall allow you to pick up your claymore once again.” Again, the Jester talks as if he really doesn’t believe that you have already  
‘Wait back the fuck up am I gonna be like a playable character once I can prove to him that I recovered?’
“If I can prove myself, will you finally disregard the soldiers but I’ll have Natalia if it would ease your mind!” You suddenly have a stupid plan but it’s worth a try.
“Pray tell how on Teyvat are you going to prove that you are recovered?” He raised an eyebrow already expected something ridiculous would come out of your mouth.
“I challenge you to a chess match!”
Consider him a prophet, he is right to assume that you are an idiot. You never beat him once before and most especially now that he assumes about your memory loss.
And of course, to prove your worth to Pierro, you challenged him for a match in chess. That is the only reason you could think of, he is an intelligent man after all. He wouldn't be the Director of the Fatui Harbingers if not for his tactical mind.
Although the look of surprise in his expression is something you would relish. Since he didn't expect that the Princess would actually be so bold in threatening him in front of his subordinates.
Perhaps he would believe that you are a descender from another world like how you would often whisper to yourself.
Yes, he can hear you by the way, you are not as discreet as you think.
“Well? Are you not going to accept? You know Lord Jester this is not a behavior I would expect from someone like you. Are you afraid that you might lose to me?” Your behavior can be quite irritating, you know how to pull your strings and by challenging him while the subordinates he borrowed from the Doctor and the Fair Lady that were stationed in Mondstadt are present… it meant he needed to accept.
Gossips are more bothersome than dealing with you.
Pierro didn't break eye contact as he steps forward utterly disregarding the close proximity between the two of you. He notices your cheeks reddening and that made his lips quirk upwards. "Is this how you would beg for my attention? Perhaps it is time that I teach you a lesson for being such a headache." He lifted your chin upwards with his glove fingers, he knew how to make you squirm.
And he succeeded.
You were far more endearing when you try to take control of the situation but in the end, you never were in control.
You were always at his mercy.
“Let us begin.”
Pierro breaks contact from holding your chin, he stands up leaving you alone in the couch. He went to the nearest soldier ordering them to prepare a room for the chess match. While you on the other hand stare at him dumbfoundedly wondering if he is mocking you or seducing you. Either way your face is incredibly red as you grumbled.
“Damn it, here I thought someone like Scaramouche is my type.”
You utter those words out loud and the Fatui solders who heard you started to question if themselves if you were insane. And Natalia’s response is wanting to have a mental breakdown.
Of course, in conclusion you had lost that chess match.
You did last at least two hours against him until he utterly cornered your white king piece on the corner of the chess board. The empty space had been your downfall, it was a blocked road to make sure the white king is being surrounded by the white pieces.
The match is lost due to the fact you moved your white pawns to save them which made way for his black queen and black knight piece to corner your king piece.
“There is no need to feel defeated Lady (Y/N), you lasted against Lord Harbinger for two hours to which he does recognize that you are recuperating faster than the medic had anticipated.” Natalia spoke up after she notices that you were not paying attention to the bard that is playing in the middle of the plaze, just underneath the statue of Barbatos.
“Aw Natalia that’s the first time I heard you being so nice to me.” You tease your companion, although she did have a point of not being upset. Despite losing the chess match Pierro still allowed you to roam Mondstadt for a few hours since he still has some final business to tend to.
“I am merely stating a fact Lady (Y/N).” She blankly replied, “And I have to ask if you had enjoyed enough of the view of the Favonius Church and the statue of the Anemo Archon.”
There were glares and stares directed at the two of you, yet their gaze would not linger because of the bard that was still performing.‘Oh, right I forgot the Fatui has a bad rep here I guess I underestimated their ability to piss off people in different nations at their century of existing.’ You let out an unbothered hum because technically you were not part of the Fatui, the Princess is. “We’ll go after the bard is finish performing his piece.” In all honesty you just wanted to listen to the ballad since you haven’t really heard it after gloating over your lost to the Jester.
The bard with twin braids dressed in all green and white is looking at you while he strums his lyre and sang a ballad that made your body turn cold.
“You take in anything the ego tells you
Whatever you believe, it will always be a lie to you
The truth is constantly hidden by deceptive mental concoctions
Clear your perceptions from your palette
Be free of egoic contamination to see clearly
Peace emerges from the calm of the mind~”
Your stomach churned at the lyrics of the song, it’s as if it insulted your very mind and soul. The bard’s words were meant to ease the people who were listening. And yet why didn’t it do the same to you? Why were you wallowing in guilt that for some unknown reasons is buried deep inside your consciousness?
Then familiar voices started playing inside your mind, there were two people that spoke, one is your own voice and the other…
Your vision suddenly shifted into a different scene.
“After all these years why have you begun to regret what we had done? Do not forget that you were the one who started this with me.”
“I wish I did forget all of this.”
“It’s time to end these foolish theatrics (Y/N), if you wallow in your delusional fantasies then you will truly succumb to madness.”
“Then so be it, █ █ █ █ █.”
A strangled gasp came out from your throat, bile rose up from your stomach and you fell on your knees with tears in the corners of your eyes. You clutch your chest and heaved, ‘What the fuck was that memory inside my head? And whose name was the one that the Princess had uttered?’ Your ears were ringing and the bile you held back from the back of your throat has finally relieved itself.
“Lady (Y/N)…? Lady (Y/N)…!”
Your vision started to blur but you could still make out the view; Natalia yelling, the Fatui soldiers hurrying to your side, and the bard who played that dreadful song started to walk towards your direction.
A warm comforting wind enveloped your entire body. The pain stops along with your consciousness as the world began to fade in black.
When you came to be the first thing you observed is the wooden ceiling, the smell of the ocean, and the slight sensation of rocking. Alarmed by the fact that you were most definitely in a ship, you sat up immediately which is a bad decision. Your head started to ache again and bile threatened to escape your mouth once more.
“Fuck…” You curse under your ragged breath. “Is this the consequences of switching bodies with the Princess?”
You murmured as you turn to your side and to see the window that gave you the view of the ocean, the fake sky turned dark projecting the illumination of the fake moon and stars to the water. Once again you stare at your reflection instead of the view, you were still (Y/N) with the same features as in the real world, the only difference is the diamond shape pupils in your eyes.
“(Y/N) you should lay down again.”
The Jester had been sitting at your side and it would seem he was there ever since you were brought into the ship. His hand hovered over your shoulders and yet he refuses to touch you afraid that you might break like glass.
‘Did he hear what I just said?’
“I already ordered the Cicin Mage to bring you warm water and soup.”
‘Maybe not since he didn’t question me, I probably just said that out loud inside my mind.’
Since you weren’t responding Pierro never talked again, you just lay back down and did what he told you since your head is still pounding. After a while Natalia came inside to place your warm soup and water just beside the table near your bed to where Pierro sat. Her gaze lingers at your form for a few seconds and excused herself right away to leave the two of you alone.
“Okay this is really awkward Pierro, I think I’m alright now but… I don’t know whether or not I want to immediately move to Snezhnaya.” You broke off the silence first because the atmosphere would become more intense if the two of you would continue to gloat in silence.
“You may scorn me for leaving Mondstadt but we need you to be checked by the finest doctor in Snezhnaya one that could help in your case.”
When the word ‘doctor’ is heard your vision began to change.
“I suppose you have my gratitude. This amount will suffice until my experiment is a success. You were the one who killed this minor god right?”
“A fine observation Doctor, is the blood on my claymore not enough proof?”
“Oh no no, I'm just curious since you do know the consequences of killing a god. The people are plagued with madness already so I thank you for saving me the trouble of finding new test subjects for the archon residue you had collected.”
“Do not test me Zandik. Get to the point.”
“Hahahahah! Hah. It's just amusing that you once called me a monster but are we really so different Princess (Y/N)?”
“No! Do not bring me to that crazy fucker!”
In all honesty you would have just normally tell him calmly but your chest began to constrict and your stomach churned at the thought of Dottore. The memories started to flood your head once again, your arms flail as you smelled the miasma dried blood that is poison to most humans. The memories of the Princess with the Doctor plagued your mind and clouded your logic to respond appropriately.
“I would never let Dottore check on your health, he isn’t the best person to ask that of him. What I meant is the group of doctors that is based in Snezhnaya’s capital.” Pierro replied calmly although his eye widens the second you had yelled at him. “We need to get you examined otherwise you might self-destruct again.”
Your heart skips a beat at the tone of his voice. It’s as if this body of yours is programmed to be flustered at everything he says or do.
“I’ve always wondered… isn’t it a great traitorous sin to betray the Fatui? So why bother yourself with me. Be honest Pierro… I just want to know.” You pleaded because the very fate of your existence in this game depends at the fate of the Princess of Khaenri’ah. You looked helpless in the Jester’s eyes, one that he is not used to seeing you in such state of distress. You were confused and afraid, yet despite the fact that he knew that you often mumble about this world being in a game, what you experienced so far is quite real.
With a sigh Pierro cups your cheek, his thumb gently brush your soft skin. “If you would stop lying to yourself, you would find it easy to believe why I would do this for you and pleaded for your mercy. Had it been up to Her Majesty, you won’t find forgiveness in the land of ice and snow.” His tone shifted from a soothing voice to a cold one. You learned that whatever the Princess had done must’ve pissed of the Tsaritsa and that Pierro would have to obey her had she not accepted his plea.
“Had you accepted our fate had been damned from the beginning we would not have been in this situation. Nevertheless, who am I to scrutinize you when I am partly to blame of what happened between us.” He added as he lets go of your cheek after realizing his touch had lingered to your warmth longer than you had realize.
Although you did not expect that honesty from him.
“Will you play another round with me?” You ask wanting to change the topic.
“Does this game have anything in return?” He asks and… was the Jester teasing you?
“Nothing at all, I merely wish for a companion. Just to get my mind off of things… if you are not too busy of course.” You didn’t want to further analyze the situation besides why would you face the consequences of the Princess if she’s not even you in the first place.
“Very well, I shall indulge your wishes.” He gives in to your request, “However, I am not foolish enough to know that you are diverting this topic (Y/N) when the time comes, I need you to accept what will happen.”
“If that is the case when that time comes when I am to be honest with you, will you listen to me first?” You wanted to clear up this whole misunderstanding about you being the Princess because Pierro had misplaced his sentiments to you instead of her.
“Like I said when you find it in your soul to accept, I will consider it.” He replied, well that was to be expected but you accepted his answer with a nod.
And just like that another game of chess had begun as Pierro brings the board to your bed with a much more relaxed expression. As he arranges the pieces you quietly observed the older man, his expression did not much how his eyes look so desolate as if he is longing for something. Perhaps his homeland? Or is it the real Princess he had miss? It was certainly an emotion you had not expect when the fans and some speculation deemed him as someone who is determined for a war that will end the Heavenly Principles.
“Let us begin.”
Despite your unfortunate experience in getting isekai’d in Genshin Impact, getting to know Pierro is the one you somehow enjoy. So, for now you let your mind wander to this the soft and deft music of the soft splash of the sea waves and the tap of the chess pieces as you both move them around. Although it is Pierro’s presence that you can feel and hear it closing around you.
For tonight you would open up your mind and let your fantasies unwind because in the dark night at the sea, you cannot fight your fate in this world. At least not yet. So, for now you let yourself get immerse in a game of chess and accept Pierro’s presence.
“Like I said before (Y/N), do not let your pawns be your downfall, they are called pawns for a reason so you should at least keep that in mind.”
Your thoughts stop as Pierro takes your white bishop.
“Fine fine… I just can’t help it you know?” You shrugged but despite being nonchalant about it you notive that Pierro means to break the towering strategy before letting his black knight and black rook to corner your white king. “I’m often known as a soft person back in my world and ugh I really need to admit to myself that its okay to use others to win.” Okay maybe you really ought to be careful of your choice in words but this game is making you lose concentrate on what you were saying since your mind is focused on how to turn the tables on him.
“A precise reminder to make sure you will improve. I do take pleasure in playing a game that would mentally challenge me.”
Pierro smirks as he notices that you had taken his black knight with your white queen, at the very least this game should be more interesting than the first.
Thus, the following nights would end with the two of you being entangled in each other and let the darkness of the night be the witness of your chess games until your arrival in Snezhnaya.
“Is she here Jester?”
Wait was that La Signora’s voice that you just hear outside your quarter in this ship?
The slight fierceness of the sea covered your movement as you slow crept up to the door as you try to overhear them. You gently place your ear near by the door and made sure your feet couldn't be seen underneath the small cracks. 
“Yes.” Pierro answered shortly and with annoyed tone if you may add.
A chuckle could be heard from the woman, “I heard that she had gone mad, part of the rumors is because you had her locked up in your estate. Another said that she had defected the Fatui and got caught since Scaramouche had spotted her over in Inazuma. Then... the last speculation is that she is on a mission and that someone had altered her memories.” Every speculation is quite bizarre to be honest, you hadn’t expected that word of your incident would actually be a hot topic in the Fatui ranks.
“Baseless rumors are nothing more than to be their entertainment.” Thankfully it would seem that Pierro is definitely on your side in covering this incident, he did imply that this matter is between you, him, and the Tsaritsa.
“So what has become of your wife then?”
Wait what?
“Such information is not of your concern, now what of the Tsaritsa’s letter?” The topic quickly changed from the tone of his voice, he is not amused anymore.
“Ah we should discuss that without your Electro Cicin Mage here.” Finally, La Signora dropped the topic and two footsteps slowly made its way to the other side of the ship.
Your head started to pound at this new information and your heart started to beat faster out of nervousness. At least the questions you kept pestering Pierro had finally been cleared up via eavesdropping.
‘The dots finally connected…’
‘I’m his fucking wife what the hell?!’
“Lady (Y/N), you heard that didn’t you?” The door opened without you noticing it, Natalia had caught you eavesdropping on Pierro and La Signora’s conversation earlier.
With a defeated sigh you nod at Natalia’s question.
⟡ Act III - Phantom of the Opera ⟡
Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you
Grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me
To glance behind
The phantom of the, opera is there
Inside your mind
Zapolyarny Palace is colder than anticipated, the atmosphere is far from the feeling of comforting winters. The atmosphere is tense and the tension is thick. No one could cut it with a knife, a claymore maybe... a really hot claymore.
The cold gaze of the Tsaritsa is something you could feel. Your entire body felt like as if it incases in layer by layer of ice. Nothing could have saved you from her gaze, not even from Pierro.
The Harbingers were summoned, Pierro and Signora are there of course is there since they were the one who delivered you to the Tsaritsa. Pulcinella, Columbina, Scaramouche, and Dottore were all present. The other Harbingers... well that isn't really something you can think about.
When the Tsaritsa mentioned your name, you feel so small and terrified from the calm anger of her tone. “You have deserted your position in the Fatui. The price for your sins would be equal with death. A founding member capable of defection... does death seem like a proper punishment for you?” She spoke with such gentleness yet her void of emotion is what made this encounter unnerving. This is what the Cryo Archon is like face to face she is not like the other archons you had encountered in the game.
“Your Majesty, the Tsaritsa, can I really be guilty of defecting the Fatui when there is no evidence of my sins?”
Natalia had advised not to look guilty or weak in front of the Tsaritsa and the rest of the Fatui Harbingers. You actually don't know why the Electro Cicin Mage would side with the likes of you but thankfully your question did break the tension that was directed towards you. All the Harbingers’ eyes were on you, some is expecting you to fail while the others are indifferent towards you.
Columbina is the only one who is smiling and humming to herself. Although despite her eyes being closed you could still feel her gaze is directed towards you. She's so relaxed as if she didn't care about what's happening right now.
“Hoh hoh. Despite having your memory lost, you seem to have a sharp tongue as ever, Lady (Y/N).” Pulcinella amusingly let out a chortle but his amused tone betrayed the hostility in his gaze.
“Lady (Y/N), your claims do not have enough proof. Still your mission is to have diplomacy to the Akademiya which you had not failed.” Dottore looked at a stack of report papers, “Not only that you've established connections with some officials in Liyue, Inazuma, and Mondstadt. However, you disappeared for five months somewhere in building those connections. Coincidentally, the Jester found you in Mondstadt with no memories.” His tone is amused yet you could feel it mocking what the Princess had done although he does seem impressed by how there zero evidence of her defection. Dottore would at least acknowledge the effort to cover up a big scandal within the Fatui.
“A convenient scenario yet despite the coincidence evidence of your defection has not been seen in the investigation. Quite the cover if I do say so myself.” Scaramouche didn’t hide his distaste towards you and you do wonder what the heck did the Princess do to receive hostility from these three Harbingers.
Well at least they did acknowledge that you were not a traitor but you do recall Pierro accusing you of one when the two of you first met. “So... uh there you go. I technically have not defected the Fatui if there is no evidence.” You shrug your shoulders instinctively feigning innocence… which is technically true in your case.
Although despite the fact that you were about to calm down, the entire throne room suddenly became extremely cold even for your immortal body, you could not endure this cold. Icicles formed around your shivering clothing and your skin started to turn blue. You however did not break eye contact to the throne that stood so far from where you had stood.
The Harbingers all looked at the Tsaritsa, and one by one they left the throne room leaving you all alone. Pierro is the only one who stayed, his gaze never left you. His expression looks hardened and he did not show any ounce of pity, which you are thankful or else you would have looked really guilty in front of Her Majesty.
“Well played Princess of Khaenri'ah.” The Tsaritsa rose and descended from her icy throne. She slowly stepped towards you in a menacing way if you may so add. Your eyes widen in panic as you look at Pierro for help but he remained standing still at the bottom of the throne letting the Tsaritsa pass.
“You have not betrayed me nor the Fatui.”
You gulp as she stood in front of you not even noticing that her arms were slowly moving up to your body. “But the one you had truly betrayed is yourself.” Her tone is more disappointed than angry with only the three of you left in the throne room.
‘I’m genuinely confused…’
‘Does that mean the Princess really did not defect?’
‘Base on what Pierro had said she tried to kill herself... Maybe...’
“Welcome back.” The Tsaritsa's tone became soft as she wrapped her arms around your body. The hug you had receive is cold but it felt so pure of love. It cut you off from the numerous questions that ran through your mind and without any reservation you returned her gesture.
“Forgive me Your Majesty, I really am not the Princess of the Khaenri'ah...” Your eyes widen a second, maybe that's not really the answer you should tell her. “...E-Er uhm only because I feel like I am not her due to my memory loss.”
The Tsaritsa's gaze remains to be soft as she pulls away from the hug. "(Y/N), stop this foolishness you had been gone long enough I do not want you to succumb to madness. "She cups your cheek while holding your hand rubbing your forearm softly with her thumb. "Do not betray yourself again, that is all I would ask." She lets go of her hold on you, her gaze became cold now as she slowly ascended the throne.
Pierro then stood at your side he nods at you as if he was telling you did well.
“You two are dismissed.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” You and Pierro then place a hand over your chest bowing slightly to the Tsaritsa.
On the way out of the throne room and back into the halls of Zapolyarny palace. Pierro poked your index finger slightly, you turn to him and he looks relieved that you hadn't really made the Tsaritsa angry. Pursing your lips slightly, the look he gave you is something your parents never gave to you.
The look of someone being proud.
Hugging him is out of the question instead you held out your pinky poking his hand back. In return his own pinky intertwined with yours as the two of you discreetly held each other.
At the first few seconds it felt nice but panic started to slowly sink in... ‘Is this really okay to go on even if I'm not really his wife?’
Then you look at his face, he had a really cute expression right now. His cheeks were slightly painted with a small blush. So, for now you don't think about the consequences and just let Pierro escort you to a carriage ride back to his estate with your pinkies intertwined.
“Did you ever regret it █ █ █ █ █?”
“Regret what?”
“What we became.”
It’s that voice and name again, the one that plagued you on Mondstadt up until the journey back to Snezhnaya. You purse your lips wondering who that mysterious person was.
“Lady (Y/N)? You're shaking from the cold.”
Thankfully Natalia’s voice cut you off from drowning in your own thoughts, ever since the bard playing a song about self-deception and the Tsaritsa claiming you to betraying yourself hit the nail and buried it deep inside your mind. You wonder why those words affected you so much when it was all for that Princess.
“Dear me it would seem that you had a hard time in your journey Lady (Y/N).” A small elder man with an elf like ears and moustache came in with servants who prepared a tea set that seems to be locally made and it looks really fresh. “Have some tea just to calm you down.”
The encounter with the Tsaritsa had passed by a month and Pierro suggested to have you work again, it was only simple work. Organizing the files in the mayor’s office while he would temporarily take over the heavy burden for you. Pulcinella wasn’t amused by the fact that you would be so casually taking over his work for 5 months during your disappearance.
To him it’s not about the power hierarchy but how serious were you in helping Her Majesty improve this nation that keep enduring hard these past few years.
“Pulcinella, you don’t have to be so friendly towards me just because I lost my memories, I can tell that you spite me because of what I have done.” Honestly the fandom doesn’t really justify the grandpa vibes from this specific harbinger, he is the total opposite of a kind and gentle grandfather that community had concluded.
“Hoh. Perceptive I see, I will give it to you Lady (Y/N). I really could not forgive that you are utterly weak minded. You once said that being a leader required a mind of steel and a stone heart to overlook the carnage, after all an empire could not be built without blood.” The elderly man stated his tone is rather venomous but you maintain your composure, despite the fact you absolutely intimidated. He may be short but between the two of you, you’re the one who felt small.
‘Why the fuck would the Princess say that? Now this little shi-old man isn’t giving me a break.’
With shaky gulp you inhale the tension and exhaled deeply to let out your nervousness, “Then if I maybe so bold Pulcinella, how about you would take over the position from me?” That was the very thing that Pierro had suggested from the start, give Pulcinella what he wants and he will open his mind to reconsider his thoughts about your competency.
In all honesty you absolutely do not want to involve yourself with the Fatui but for Pierro you really have to endure it since he’s your provider and caretaker. This is the least you can do to take a lot of workloads from his shoulders, and since the Princess isn’t here to decide for herself is she still wants to be the mayor then it’s up to you.
You smile at Pulcinella, sarcastically. “Oh, make no mistake I am not affected by what you had said, from the five months that the Princess had gone you have done well in managing Snezhnaya. Perhaps it is time that I would retire from such position and focus on more important matters… behind the scenes.” Although you are genuinely impressed that he shouldered the burden of being a mayor. And from the Winter Night’s Lazzo, a harbinger did call him mayor and it definitely wasn’t the Princess.
“And what are these matters?” Now the Rooster took the bait from your words.
“Rooster.” The deep baritone voice surprised you, only you the rest were already aware that he had entered the office. “Have you ever read the accounting-”
“Damn it Pierro!” You smack his arm.
The servants under Pulcinella were utterly horrified that you just slapped their superior’s boss meanwhile Natalia had already seen that coming. You were truly unaware that he had already came inside the mayor’s office when you asked the Rooster to take over as mayor. He is actually impressed that you had already spot the problem, although he did already spot it a few weeks ago but he does admit that he is far engrossed in searching for you.
And this problem is just perfect for you to prove yourself to the one who is most passionate about Snezhnaya’s improvement and who worships the Tsaritsa devotedly.
“-as I have said, the accounting is poorly managed, what can you do to recuperate from the billions of mora that we had lost these past decade?” He ignored your slap since it didn’t really hurt him, besides he does admit it amuses him that he can sneak up on you like this. Garnering such adorable expressions truly makes his day better.
Pierro does make up with him surprising you with presence by handing out the official documents that would prove that Snezhnaya is on the verge of bankruptcy.
“Please don’t surprise me like that…” You grumble as you grabbed the accounting records from Pierro, “Look this right here the numbers don’t add up, why should we fund Dottore’s laboratory anyway? As far as I am concerned his experiments have done nothing but take mora and results don’t even compensate for what we have lost.” You pointed at the numbers of mora, which would probably can pay your student loans and fund your family for at least a century.
Pulcinella does pay attention at least and now you have finally hooked him, least to say that being the mayor won’t be your problem anymore.
“The noble families in this country should be contacted, the taxes of the people have not seen the light of day in the north and eastern side of this country.” You continued while he takes the papers that would be under his care to solve.
“And with your built connections in Liyue Harbor and Ritou we could recuperate millions of sums.” Pulcinella finally connected the dots of your disappearance, although, you really don’t know what happened to the Princess predicting this situation. It was as if she truly is ready to pass on the mantle of the mayor to Pulcinella. Perhaps she was really ready to… you shook your head and gave Pulcinella the second main problem of the bankruptcy, “Then we cut off Dottore’s funding for a while, if he wants his research to be funded then we should expect more results rather than more hypotheses.”
“While I do this, Pulcinella can we both trust you in handling things here in Capital? And if those noble families hold back the taxes and refuse to give us the real documents…”
“Ah it would seem that I had made a mistake in being bitter towards you Lady (Y/N), you truly do know how to manage this country.”
“An honorable job such as being the mayor is something I would give up just so we couldn’t overlook Snezhnaya’s built up of corruption. The Fatui is indeed establishing its influence but can we really stay in power when Snezhnaya is going against itself?” Okay your mouth suddenly went on autopilot because what you have been saying so far… it’s as if you already know how to handle Snezhnaya’s economic problems.
“And what of the blood that will be spilled?”
Now the tension is back again after the Rooster asked an ominous question, Pierro gave him a warning look but of course he chose to ignore it.
“Why would there be a need for bloodshed?” You asked the elder man back unaware of the tension.
Your response made Pulcinella close his eyes, though he does seem disappointed but nonetheless he finally got what he wanted. “Hmm. I can overlook this naivety for once since your memories are lost, you may not have them yet but that doesn’t mean your compassion to those who doesn’t deserve it should stay.” He leaves the room to start working with the position you passed onto him, the servants and soldiers inside the room followed after him.
“Leave us.” Pierro ordered his subordinates and so they all left including Natalia.
Now that it’s only you and Pierro who were left, you turn to him a bit worried. “Did I say something wrong Pierro?” You look absolutely helpless compared earlier that held a really suave and dignified aura.
“What you had said, can it be really resolved without any people being killed?” His tone is soft as if crossing through a fragile bridge, he notices you starting to panic. When your hands start to shake and your knees buckle that is the cue that you would start to shut down. “Breathe… and think carefully (Y/N), is bloodshed truly the answer?”
The palm of his gloved hands were on your shoulders, he rubs them gently knowing how affected you can get when it comes to death. The way he rubs your shoulder blades with such tenderness and slowly unknotting the tension made you calm down.
“No… but it can be avoided…” You finally answered him.
“And how are you going to do that?” He urges you to go on.
“Talking… chatting…” You purse your lip as you had been enlightened. “Negotiation! Scare their fucking asses!”
Well your answer finally came through the acceptable answer that he also have thought of, “Remember not to use profanities when you do it, intimidation often comes from how well you would handle yourself. Though you are aware that words won’t work if you do truly want to save Snezhnaya from bankruptcy.” Talking to him feels so natural at this point, whether it be casual or work conversations you find comfort in hearing his voice. Although you were still quite reserve with him trying to get close to you, especially now that you found out that the Princess is his wife.
It is wrong to lead him on believing you were her.
“Of course, but I don’t know if I can do this alone… sheesh! We truly need a banker.” You replied jokingly, you were walking to the door not really wanting to be alone with him. “Well, I guess we should go now, right? You are still needed in-”
You mentally cursed for being too slow.
Pierro’s strong grip is wrapped around your wrist, he was so close to you that you could feel his chest on your head. The size difference between the two of you is quite evident when he stands so close, his hand trapping yours made it hard to leave the room. You didn’t dare look at his direction and close your eyes letting out a shaky sigh then faced him tilting your head, “Do you need something?”
He chose to ignore your question, “Since you cannot recall, we used to work together when the Harbingers haven’t formed yet. Shall we do this together once again?”
You nervously let out a chuckle, this wasn’t supposed to be your role to this world, you only helped Pierro as a thank you not as a permanent job. Even if you were starting to look at him in a different way, you were not the Princess of Khaenri’ah. You were not his wife.
This time instead of holding his hand, you let go of it but his grip became even tighter and looks of remorse is evident on your facial expression. “But uhm what if I am not really your wife? What if I’m not the Princess you once knew? What if… her soul is no longer in this body?” There you finally said it but it was more of a hypothetical question rather than being firm with the real thing.
“That she believes she’s in a different world reincarnated into her favorite game? Do you truly still believe in that false illusion?” The more you had tried to avoid his voice the more it starts to invade your mind.
“Isekai? Reincarnation? That is ridiculous and it definitely doesn’t seem to be well written base on its title.”
“It isn’t so bad and besides I think it’s funny that the title of this novel is ‘This is a story after I died in the real world then getting isekai'd into my favorite board game but why the fuck is the Demon Lord who greeted me instead of a cute fairy guide?!’ It’s creatively eye catching.”
“I would close my eyes.”
“Ugh come on don’t you find it funny?”
Now it was clear who the mysterious person was during your relapses, it belonged to Pierro.
Now you were utterly helpless from this confrontation, Pierro started to believe that you were faking your memory lost. It was all the same from everyone, including the Fatui subordinates, Signora’s gossip, and the Tsaritsa’s words that you truly had betrayed your own mind.
“What?! I’m not crazy Pierro! I am not the Princess! I’m just (Y/N)!” You cried loudly not wanting to loosen your grip on your own reality, “I’m a corporate worker who is underpaid while balancing my life in getting my master’s then-”
“Died by saving your thesis paper and then reincarnated into your favorite game. I know I have read the novel you had bought in Inazuma.” Pierro’s calm angry tone scared you now… and what’s even scarier is that your vision started to change and this time the visual is clear as day on who you were talking to.
“Don’t you have a diplomatic mission in Sumeru?”
“Ah… well I just want to see you one last time my dear husband…”
“Is that why you came to annoy me so late in the evening? You know you could have just asked, we’ve been married for decades now and you’re still shy as ever (Y/N).”
“Yeah… I know… I just really wanted to see you, █ █ █ █ █.”
“█ █ █ █ █! you’re hurting me…!”
When you yelled his real name, Pierro froze like deer in headlights, he realizes that fragments of your memories were slowly slipping through the alchemy marks that you had planted within your mind. His grip is still tight and you began thrashing around and yelling at him to let go. You sounded so confused and hurt that he is tempted to let you go but he already had enough of your lies and his patience is grounded to zero.
“We will return to my estate and continue this conversation there.” He declares since you were starting to get hysteric.
How could you not go hysteric? This man confused your mind and the reality you had believed in, you weren’t so sure about what’s real and not. It didn’t help when he started to have a vice grip on your wrist on which you are sure that it will bruises.
“I said let go!” You slapped his cheek unaware of the blue wisp on your palm hitting the right side of his face as his mask is thrown on the ground.
Red started to drip on the marbled white floor of the office, your eyes widen as you saw the cut on Pierro’s cheek. The blue wisp of your abilities is the one that created the wound, you look at your hand and saw wisp still lingering. Then you look at Pierro again his reaction made your heart dropped from what you had seen
An expression filled with so much grief, anger, and pain. Before the older man could say anything you ran out of the office afraid of the consequences of your actions.
And though you turned your back on him.
You knew he would always plague your mind from this day on.
You absolutely underestimated Zapolyarny Palace, when you ran away from the mayor’s office you were surrounded by dark hallways that had soldiers stationed in each door of every room. They seem to ignore you which is good because you clearly could not deal with anyone else especially Pierro. They all think that you had gone mad, you weren’t… but are you really sure about believing in your own reality?
When you ran away from the mayor’s office, your feet dragged you to a secluded garden nearby, the bushes were all painted in white snow and the flowers never grew in this area. You realize that your stamina still hasn’t been depleted and physically you were still okay but mentally? You were absolutely exhausted by the events that transpired as you squat down letting your knees sink down the soft and cold bite of snow.
“Fuck…” You curse under your breath, “Fuck fuck… they all think I’ve gone mad.”
“Hah. I suppose that makes two of us then.”
Dottore’s voice didn’t even startle your exhausted form. When you raise your head up this one is the same clone back in the Tsaritsa’s throne room and in your vision, the Omega Build, you could tell from the beak mask and clothing. Although beside him is Scaramouche who remained silent as he is disinterested in whatever was happening.
You look up to the two of them, “Why are you still not leaving?” Honestly you didn’t want to talk to anyone who doesn’t think you’re insane.
“As much as it is not my business to meddle, I am just curious to why you would continue to deny that you are living in a fake reality of your own making?” Dottore genuinely is curious but his lack of empathy somehow made it easy to talk to him.
“That’s the very thing I don’t understand Dottore, why do you all assume that I am the Princess and not some poor soul that had switched places with her?!” You were starting to get riled up again because even Pierro hadn’t believed in you even though back in the ship he said that he would listen and trust you… and yet he didn’t, you do understand his reaction but when he made you start to question your own memories that was when you begun to get upset.
“Switch souls…?”
Dottore began to laugh.
And you were on the verge of tears.
“Amazing! This is truly a product of your own research except you have not reached for the conclusion of your hypotheses because you had failed. To put you out of your misery Lady (Y/N), the answer has already been given by Her Majesty, the one you had truly betrayed is yourself.” Dottore had been lost to his own ramblings now and had bark insults at your pathetic crying form, “Well, I could not blame you for completely living in ignorant bliss, you always have a fragile soul despite being the fiercest Harbinger that we have. Unlike the Jester he accepted that he no longer had any ounce of humanity left in him and you on the other hand, continues to deny that you had long fallen from grace. And, proof of your denial is your own belief that you had truly switched places with a poor soul from another world.” Dottore dropped something on the snowy ground, it made a small crater but the white color of snow turned red.
“Here I wanted to give this back.”
For your dignity, you swallowed the scream that you want to let out and the object became clearer in your vision. “This is…” The item is the container of the archon residue that you had seen in your elapse with Dottore being there. “The minor god that I had killed and those people that I purposely turned my back to so that you may be able to use them.”
Tears finally streamed down to your face as the memory of the carnage the Princess of Khaenri’ah, who’s real identity is none other than you, the one who put fake memories in your mind to forget the sins of what you had done for the Fatui, for Her Majesty, for Pierro, and for your vengeance.
Dottore crosses his arms looking down at you with a smirk “And there you go, the first step towards the answer, acceptance.” In all honesty he is proud to have made you realize to the answer you had been looking for. Although he does not look forward if Pierro ever finds out about this incident.
“Enough already Dottore, you have taken too much time of your schedule to bother the Jester’s wife, shall we proceed to your laboratory?” Scaramouche asked a bit irritated that his precious time is being eaten by a woman he doesn’t even know and she started to cry because of Dottore.
“Ah yes of course but this is basically a service to Her Majesty and the Fatui,” Dottore is surprisingly honest with his answer but it did give him satisfaction he finally had snapped the hanging thread of your fake memories. “Scaramouche you may have just joined the faction but Lady (Y/N) is not just the Jester’s wife, she currently holds the title of the Second of the Fatui Harbingers.”
“I see, then if that is the case Lady (Y/N), the solution to your problem is something you already have passed through. Start from the beginning and it may just help you.” When Scaramouche had said that, you stopped crying and looked at him.
Although he and Dottore were already walking away from you.
“Is your advice a reference in your contribution in ending the Raiden Gokaden?” Dottore asked with a grin.
“And yet I did not get the results I wanted, the Electro Archon simply didn’t care, this isn’t about me Dottore… I am just giving Lady (Y/N) a better advice than yours because if she recovers from losing her mind then I don’t have to take orders from you.” Scaramouche scoffs at him clearly annoyed by his entire existence.
“Indeed, what an insight Scaramouche, would you like a lollipop for that?” Dottore teased.
“Eat shit.” Scaramouche then pointed his middle finger at the Doctor.
As soon as they were out from your view, you stood up from the snow, you let your tears dry on your cheeks as you held the bloodied container in your hand. Pursing your lip, you wonder what really had transpired for you to even think about erasing your own memories and replacing them with ones that you had once read in a novel from Inazuma.
Pursing your lips your grip of the bloodied container started to grow stronger and the glass started to crack as you angrily contemplated on what to do from now on. A hand is place over your own, smaller hands, one that belonged to the first friend you had made in your entire fake isekai journey. You turn to Natalia and smile, at the very least someone is at your comfort for today’s events.
“(Y/N)?” She didn’t use the lady title and her tone is softer than you had remembered. “Forgive me for not intervening, I thought by having Dottore speak to you it would benefit your mind, if you linger in living through this fake memory. Your entire brain would collapse and you would be nothing more than a hallow shell.” She rubs her thumbs over your forehand as she lets out a soft hum that somehow soothes your disturbed thoughts and feelings slightly.
“Natalia… Do you truly think that I have gone mad? I… I can’t even remember being the Princess of Khaenri’ah nor do I even can’t stop believing that I am an isekai character.” You grit your teeth in frustration.
She softly pats your hair, “I do not think you have gone mad, you were overwhelmed with emotions of vengeance and guilt, with a delicate heart as yours… only you have the answer to why you had replaced your memories.”
“Scaramouche said that I should go back to the beginning…” Of course, it is obvious that the Jester is the one you had first encountered. Every question and answer all lies anything related him. “Pierro… I need to go to him…” The beginning of your journey is Pierro and you were not an isekai’d character but truly the Princess of Khaenri’ah who finally remembered that you deliberately tried to kill yourself and since that won’t work you somehow re-wrote your memory.
No wonder Pierro was so upset earlier, now you feel like the asshole because you were the one who got scared then slapped him then ran away. You feel deserving of Dottore’s cathartic way of letting you accept the reality.
“Right answer but wrong action, now are you really sure you would sing a duet with him once again?” Natalia asked in a sing sang tone which is now completely different from his monotonous voice.
“If he would have me…” You do wonder if he can truly forgive you, the man had gone through enough and he has a mentally ill wife as his partner unfortunately. Although it is odd that Natalia knows a lot about the situation, you narrow your eyes at her. “Wait Natalia, how do you know so much about this situation I thought you were just an Electro Cicin Mage?”
Natalia then smiled for the first time, it was an unsettling smile but somehow it didn’t look intimidating. As the matter of fact her smile is somehow comforting as she pulls the hood of her uniform and removed her mask. The true identity of Natalia the Personal Assistant is another Fatui Harbinger…
“I truly had missed you dearest (Y/N).” The shorter female tackled you into a hug, she rubs her cheek onto your chest as she lets out a hearty giggle. “Forgive me for lying but your husband didn’t want me to reveal myself to you yet so I became your body guard~” Now it makes sense why Pierro is so confident in letting you roam Mondstadt with minimum soldiers.
Columbina then lets you go and she closes her eyes still smiling, “So now that you’re finally aware of your situation would you like me to return your memories?”
Your breath suddenly hitches in anticipation, “You could do that?” Natalia… Columbina… either way she is truly a dear friend of yours.
“With the help of Dottore’s child segment Zeta, you were able to withhold your memories in the archon residue container. I am able to slowly put your memories back so you won’t get hurt.”
Your eyes widen in surprise because you never thought that the Doctor actually gave you the memories back by making you cry of course. Now that you think about it, you didn’t feel the intent to murder him anymore but instead thank him. Oh, how ironic it is that he just showed the actual traits of a doctor towards you.
Turning to Columbina you gave her a determined look, you wipe your tears once more and let out a really heavy exhale. “Please return everything to me my dearest songbird.” When you had said the nickname that you would often call her, she then slowly turn the container around as small purple colored wisp started to seep through.
As the wisp surrounded your head, you close your eyes and readily accept its content. Under the false illusions of your lies, Pierro had never given up his adoration for you and your response to it would also be the same. You would finally stop giving up on yourself.
Now you were back from the start, to your real life as the Princess of Khaenri’ah, the memories of your childhood to your coming of age had all start to come through like a fast wind. It’s as if these memories were but a fraction of your long life, after all you had spent 100 years in the Fatui and 23 years as a royalty.
Now face to face with a younger Pierro who wore the suit of a royal mage. He brought your hand to his lips, “Truly you have a compassionate heart Princess (Y/N) thank you for always checking up on me on my lowest days.”
“Hush now Grumbles.” He grunted at your poor choice of nicknames but accepted your hug happily he buried his face on your hair inhaling the scent of pine and mint with a tad mix of strawberries and custard since you had made him some pastries, “We’ve been friends since my coming of age so I would always come by and check on you, okay?”
The grumpy mage couldn’t help but smile at that, what is love without friendship first. Had it not been to you, he surely would be wallowing in self-pity and anger by himself after being ridiculed endlessly by the sages ever since he had failed to stop them from doing something that tore away the veil of sin.
You always had hated those assholes from your father’s council anyway, even Rhinedottir is insufferable as she would not stop creating those monsters. Your friend had been your saving grace from this insufferable castle, at the very least the citizens of Khaenri’ah were not all obsessed with technology but more inclined in everyday lives such as baking, sewing, reading fictional literature, or even gardening.
Those kind of things is what you want to preserve in Khaenri’ah and the grumpy mage is the one you wish to do this with. “Hey there’s something I’ve always wanted to tell you...” You place both your hands on his chest while your cheeks start to heat up from the close proximity between the two of you.
“What is it Princess (Y/N)?” His eyes slowly soften up when you called him by his real name.
You purse your lips finding it hard to say those three words to him, yet you would not end this day without confessing your love for him “I-”
The door of his quarters slammed opened, a tall blonde man with blue eyes holding a longsword came, his expression is panicked and extremely troubled.
“I have been looking everywhere for you Princess-Mage an impeccable timing we need every warrior we can get to protect the people!” He barked out orders his voice is shaking from fear.
“Dainsleif! What is going on?” You ask as your claymore materializes on your hands.
“Twilight Sword who is attacking the people?” The mage asked as well as his catalyst also materializes as it hovers above his hand.
Dainsleif grit his teeth, his eyes were wide open as if he had seen the most horrifying sight of his life. The Twilight Sword is one of the strongest warriors in this kingdom and to him looking so afraid… you were beginning to know the reason for his fears.
“The gods… they have come to destroy Khaenri’ah.”
~ End of the First Part of Truthful Adoration in False Illusions
I would like to apologize for scamming everyone who thought this was going to be an isekai reader but it's actually a mentally illed princess reader who could not deal with the fact she had done horrible stuffs for vengeance against Celestia.
In all honesty isekai was really the plot for this fanfic but I changed it due to the fact that isekai reader wouldn't really connect with Pierro emotionally unlike Princess of Khaenri'ah reader whom he already had known for five years before the Cataclysm.
If you guys want to read Act IV: All I Ask of You it's available on AO3 now but I'm holding it back since I haven't polished Act V, Interlude, and Epilogue yet.
I truly admire if you guys actually read this whole thing and enjoyed it, I feel like I'm such a messy writer since its been years since I posted a fanfic ;u;)
Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the first part of this fanfic! <333
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beetled-juice · 2 years
Do you have any sfw fluff hc's for MusicalJuice? Maybe even light nsfw like kissing, making out, Beej being pretty handy with reader, etc?
I love your writing so much, I wish I was able to write and share my writing like you and others in this fandom!
Hello! I really appreciate that you like my writing, thank you so much! I've honestly never been one to really create and share content outside of little circles of friends, but this fandom has just been so incredible and full of so many amazing people that inspire me every day!
I've always believed that any writing is better than no writing, especially when it comes to fandom. Not all of us have the skill or capacity to be full-fledged fic writers, but that doesn't mean we can't share our little bullet lists and notes app drabbles! You and everyone else can absolutely share anything, and I guarantee that myself and many others will love it.
Now, onto the hc's! I'm gonna throw it under the cut since it's a longer read, and as always I'm using a gender neutral reader ♡
Fluff HC's For Musicaljuice:
Right off the bat, it needs to be said that this guy loves whenever you treat him like a living person. Whether this means serving him his own plate at dinner or offering him a blanket during movie night, he absolutely adores it. At first he thought it was just you forgetting that he wasn't actually alive, but after a while he realized it was just how you showed people you cared about them!
He refuses to admit it, but it took him a ridiculously long time to figure out why every meal or drink you made for him was so much better than anything he or anyone else made. You'd patiently walked him through the steps of making tea just the way he liked it multiple times, but no matter what he did it just didn't taste the same. He'd complained about it to you, and without hesitating you'd offered to always make it for him. That was the moment he realized he was in love with you.
Unfortunately for your kitchen, this revelation was immediately followed up with him making several attempts to return the favor by cooking for you. Attempt is the key word, because nothing he made was edible, he somehow caught your electric kettle on fire, and mysteriously all of your dishcloths have vanished into the ether. The final straw was him putting a metal bowl into your (now deceased) microwave, and electrocuting himself when he reached into the still-powered device to pull the bowl out through the closed door. Once he'd stopped throwing sparks, you'd carefully pulled him into a standing position while informing him that he was forever banned from using your kitchen ever again. Before he could get too upset, however, you'd placed a kiss on his scruffy cheek and thanked him for the effort. His hair didn't lose its pink hue for the rest of the evening.
SPEAKING OF PINK - this guy will start having pink pop up in his hair at the most seemingly random times, and this ratchets up to a 10 once y'all start dating. A simple touch or smile has pink settling into his patches of moss. A kiss or hug sends it up through his beard and into the roots of his hair. The most surefire way to get him to turn completely pink, though, is to use his name - you're the only person he lets call him Lawrence, and it gets an instant reaction every time you do. For so long he'd hated the way his name sounded in the mouths of others, mostly because the only person who ever used it was his mother. But when you say it, it's gentle, warming, like coming home. You don't say it often, preferring to use it only when the moment is right, but when you do it'll result in an immediate hug (and probably more).
Now his hugs? Simply the best. You could be having the shittiest day possible and one long hug from him makes it all better. He loves getting to hug you, no matter the circumstances, and if he can get away with it then he'll be hugging you whenever possible. He also has several preferred hugging methods, that way he can adapt to any situation. He loves to hug you from behind while you're cooking or working on the computer, especially if he can wrap his arms around your waist and bury his face against your neck. Bear hugs where his large frame seems to envelope you completely? He does them daily (oftentimes more than once). Side hugs where he pulls you close and wraps an arm around you are always fair game, especially if you're around others or just chilling on the couch. He loves having you close by and tucked against him, no matter what's going on - any excuse to pull you in for a hug, he'll take it.
Hopefully you don't mind sharing a bed with an octopus, because he'll do his best impression of one every. damn. night. Good luck getting up to use the bathroom at 3am, because this guy isn't gonna let you go easily. Sometimes a kiss to wake him up is enough, but other times you have to elbow him in the ribs or kick him in the shins to finally be released from his grip.
And oh man you better invest in some ear plugs - this guy snores like a freight train, only this freight train has a penchant for settling in right against your damn ear. When he first started sharing a bed with you (long before you guys were dating, completely uninvited) he was silent, hardly daring to breathe lest you decide to kick him out. Eventually, after you'd agreed to let him stay, he started actually sleeping at night. He doesn't really need to, and you suspect he does it because it feels more human, but he insists he gets the "best" dreams about you when he sleeps pressed up against you. You interpret this as sex dreams, especially since he would waggle his eyebrows and make honking noises when he said it, but what he actually had were more like daydreams about being with you and his family for the rest of time. Okay, and also sex dreams. He's a highly sexual being after all, and he does love an orgy.
Once you'd agreed to (read: "given up fighting him on") his sharing your bed, hands would absolutely wander if given half a chance. Whether this is an arm slung a little low around your waist or a leg sticking between your own just a little too much, he'll take what he can get. If you established a hard boundary, however, he was pretty good about not pushing it. As soon as you guys started seeing each other, however, all bets were off - any chance he got, he'd have a hand up your shirt or in between your thighs. He wasn't necessarily trying to start something every time, he just genuinely enjoyed being able to touch you in such an intimate way. It's also not his fault that breathers are warmest at their cores - if your crotch wasn't so damn toasty he wouldn't be putting his hands there! (<- he's lying, that's a lie, he totally would be)
Finally, the thing he's least likely to admit to is that he loves when you're holding him. He loves laying with his head on your lap, or with his back pressed to your front and your arms wrapped securely around his middle. He also loves when you hug him close and let him press his face into your throat - yes he usually has to contort himself to do it, but it feels so nice to simply be held and listen to your heartbeat while ignoring the rest of the world. On his worst days he can always go to you for comfort, and even if he won't necessarily ask you for it directly, it's the one thing he craves most.
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animentality · 9 months
I just had the most devastating honor mode run end that I have ever had, and I'm not going to lie.
I have never been tilted by Baldur's Gate 3...until today.
And it's honestly more tilted than I've ever been at a video game...and I spent like 3 years playing fucking Overwatch...and Dead by Daylight, where the world's worst people congregate to torture one another.
The last time I was at the gith creche, I got my ass handed to me by That Prick who I am going to call Wargass. He's the bitch who tries to murder you when you don't kill the Emperor.
Last time, I almost lost the run because of his legendary move, which is the most horse shit thing in existence.
Basically, every time you fucking hit him OR AN ALLY...he summons a sword to shove up your ass. And it just fucking appears next to you, and surrounds you, so you can't escape without taking opportunity attacks.
So last time, I escaped by going invisible, and running away so I could come back and kill him by dragging him out to the bridge outside the Vlaakith room.
This time, I thought, well last time I got fucked because I was in the center of the room, and we were just taking hits from everywhere. No cover anywhere. This time, I gotta be able to position, maybe surprise enemies.
So I choose the right dialogue options, to make sure Vlaakith doesn't just nuke us.
But then I see the Astral Portal...and I think...well, what if I position myself now? And we just kill him before going into the Portal...can you do that?
And like a fucking moron...
I say fuck it, let's try it.
And uh. I don't know how many of you have ever tried this, but...when you do that?
Lae'zel immediately leaves your party.
I was fucked instantly. Lae'zel is a fucking fighter, which is the second most demonic class after Paladin. She is fucking stacked and has the best goddamn gear I have, and she immediately kills Karlach using action surge. Gale also dies immediately, because he's squishy and there are a million bitches with psychic rend around him.
The only reason the run didn't end there was because I went invisible and fled.
Now I went and revived everyone in camp, but I thought ok...so I have to go back, with four people, and get my shit back...
I bring in Astarion, because I think, it'll be fine, we just need to drag them out onto that bridge...
Guess what? It wasn't fine. I had to draw Astarion and myself back, because Gale and Karlach die again. See, the fucking problem is, the normal strat of making distance doesn't work here. Normally, you can aoe a ton of enemies or have them run into walls of fire or whatever. But these fucking swords that Wargass summons literally APPEAR NEXT TO YOU. And they all take a swing, and break your concentration. Plus, even if you do manage to break them, and good luck with that, he just makes more, every goddamn turn.
So almost in tears, I swap out Astarion and pull in Wyll.
I need Hunger of Hadar, my cheese spell.
It kind of works, because I put it on the bridge, and all of his dumb bitch guards get stuck in it. But THEN Wargass, being a fucking prick, chases me around and murders me out of pure spite. Then Karlach and Gale almost kill him...but then he does his usual bullshit, of using his swords to kill everyone.
And I just...at this point, I'm just done.
Wyll can't do anything, he's out of spells. He can't even run, because there are swords near him.
I just have him take an opportunity attack, and call the run over.
And it's funny, because I'm doing an honor mode run with my buddy, where we've done basically everything wrong...but we still made it to Act 3 mostly unscathed.
With only one or two close calls.
But this is the second time my run's been fucked by the goddamn creche boss battle.
And you know... I love Bg3...but I have played way too many goddamn hours.
Need to take a break and just write porn about it, like god intended.
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