#so when he died again it wasn’t a big deal to him bc he was kinda dead already and did it in a way that wouldn’t let the resentment do its
ghcstchild-a · 11 months
No but if you think about it (and obviously this has nothing to do with the Chinese culture but indulge me for a sec), Halloween was originally believed to be the day when the borders between the worlds were thin and the dead could roam in the world of the living, right? And the mdzs world is already full of ghosts and ghouls and whatnot, and you just know the concept of immortal souls holds water in this one bc it's possible to bring one back which means they... go somewhere and it's just WWX who got lowkey stuck in limbo. Just saying that it's no wonder that a child born on this particular day was named 'a ghost baby' in essence, or that he grew so attuned to the voices and whisperings of the dead. His connection to the spirit world was predestined, in this essay I will–
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chickenskins101 · 8 months
mike wheeler
okay so with all these set photos coming out and these arguments between byler, and mileven, i think it’s time we start focusing on MIKE WHEELER.
people think that he is some b!tchy dude who is mean to his friends but people always forget that he has trauma too. but see, his trauma isn’t exactly from the upsidedown itself like wills, els or max. his comes from everyday struggles and i am here to speak my truth about that.
let’s not forget how heartbroken that kid was when his BEST friend will disappeared. I mean we’ve all seen that one scene where dustin and lucas are arguing and he’s in the middle look so depressed. for a whole week, he’s looking for will. this guy tried to 💀 himself. yeah yeah he did it for dustin, and im sure that’s part of it but for his teeth? they were baby teeth too. but he lost el, had a big fight with lucas, his best friend is still missing, and is living on one ounce of hope that will is alive after seeing his “dead” body dragged out of the water.
he grows a connection with el, then loses el. on the positive side, he did get his best friend back, but that doesn’t change the trauma we went through. but how can he express that trauma? i mean, his best friend is suffering from bullying and the side effects of coming back to life all year. how pathetic would it look to him if he started going, “when you went missing, i went through hell.” not to mention he couldn’t talk abt that to his mom or sister because barb didn’t come back. nancy has to deal with losing her best friend. at least mike got his back. that’s all that is going through his mind.
when el comes back, he can’t talk about the depression he went through after knowing what it felt like to lose will, and then to lose el for a whole year. she’s got all this trauma from the upsidedown and the lab. once again, he would look stupid if he started talking about his depression.
then his best friend and girlfriend move away to the other side of the country. cleary that destroyed him. i mean he prob thought that he would have will and el his whole life. will, who he has known for like what a decadeish? is gone. can he mourn, be sad, tell his friends that his two favourite people gone is killing jim from the inside? no! and why? because max just watched her step brother die. (i’m not a big fan of that arc cause he was literally so abusive). anyways max is going through it, thinking about what she could’ve done, isolating herself from lucas and the party. he once again probably would feel selfish if he were to mention that in front of his friends.
eddie was his friend too. cleary, he looked up to him in some shape or form. but he knows that dustin was closer AND had to watch him die. mike, wasn’t there for yet. he’s probably going through it too, knowing that someone he cared for is gone. does he even know that eddies dead yet? (pre s5 time skip). but dustin had to watch him die so it feels like him mourning would be more pathetic cause at least he wasn’t there. he can’t be as sad as everyone else when max his in the hospital bc he isn’t close enough like everyone else. that’s one of his best friends girlfriend, he has if way worse.
people forget that will and el weren’t the only ones bullied!! (dustin and lucas are also forgotten, that’s a post for later!). he was bullied his whole life too. he almost died because he was bullied. bullying, especially at a young age will affect you. i’m not excusing any of his fights he’s had with el or will, but apart of trauma and not getting help for it, means you are going to act as what you hate the most.
even the unrelated upsidedown stuff makes him look pathetic. his dad is there physically, but not emotionally. that would put a toll on anyone, having a dad that is never trying to bond or connect with you. but can he say anything about that? wills dad abuses him, dustin doesn’t have one and max had hers replaced with an abusive stepfather.
his whole life, he felt like his trauma want important enough because everyone has it worse than him. i am not shaming any other characters for their trauma, their traumas are just as important. what im trying to prove is that he isn’t some butthole teenager. he is a teenager who feels alone and keeps his feelings hidden until they explode.
plus, if you are a byler fan or a queer mike truther, you can add on to the fact that he probably hates himself for being some different weird losers who wants to be with his best friend, a man. that probably breaks all rules he grew up with.
add all these things tgt, and you get a very emotionally drained teenager who needs help.
(all the kids need therapy, srsly, why is max the only one in therapy. each kid has gone through sm, im not dissing them or ignoring their trauma, everyone’s trauma is equally important and ill make another post about each character in the future).
i really hope they talk about his trauma and depression, this dude has gone through and yet feels like it’s not important enough.
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atopvisenyashill · 11 months
What if Rhaenyra had a twin brother? Does she marry him? Is Aemma's death butterflied away if Viserys already has his male heir? What happens?
okay so the thing about aemma. is that i know george can be very weird about gendered deaths, but women do in fact die in childbirth even today. or have complications that, in a period with the technology of westeros, would have killed them. like, people you know have probably had serious complications that might have killed them had they been born in a different time. aemma is 13. she is the age sansa is in affc, the age show sansa is in the first season, the age dany is when she loses rhaego. i canNot overstate the inbreeding here, we are talking levels higher than charles ii of spain. it makes complete sense that aemma has a hard time conceiving & that it ultimately kills her. there’s also no guarantee viserys stops wanting kids after one son; jaehaerys forces gael on alysanne and they’re supposed to be this great love, it is not out of the realm of possibility viserys does the same to aemma. she’s narratively doomed for a reason, unfortunately. so i’m not sure aemma does live even in the scenario that she has twins.
but. yes, rhaenyra and her brother would be married. they’d probably marry around 15-16, and no one would really expect viserys to remarry if his male heir is still alive, healthy, married, and starting to have kids. does this completely avoid the dance tho?
well. i mean, viserys doesn’t have to remarry but that doesn’t mean he won’t remarry. alicent is still hanging around at court. the velaryons may still take offense if viserys marries alicent. daemon has probably spent the last several years making his annoyance at his loss of status in the line of succession the problems of the innocent people in the stepstones, got bored of that, and has now decided to make it viserys’ problem again.
not to mention that heirs die all the time! aemon died! baelon died! baelor breakspear will die before daeron, daeron & aerion will die before maekar, and even outside the targaryens, edric dies before cregan, the arryns are on the brink of extinction every twenty years, and halys & daryn hornwood both die soon after each other which leaves hornwood hall’s inheritance in question. there’s like six potential political assassinations in the period just before the dance! there’s a lot of people with big egos and dragons running around, and i yet again cannot overstate how fuckijg inbred rhaenyra and her twin’s children are going to be.
imo daemon is Thee biggest problem in this scenario. he wants to be viserys’ heir so bad, and while he never takes any violent action against viserys, bc he loves viserys, i think rhaenyra existing with no man having a “claim” on her really placated daemon bc it made him feel he had a shot at staying somewhere near power through his wife (and like. he wasn’t wrong.) but if rhaenyra is spoken for, that changes daemon’s relationship with her AND viserys drastically. there’s so many options here for him to take to be a thorn in his brother’s side, from cuckolding his nephew to out and out murder, and if Viserys does remarry, or if Rhaenyra dies & her brother remarries, there is going to be more fighting and Daemon is gonna settle himself right in the middle of that. And that’s not even taking into account whatever the fucj Otto is doing because you know he’s doing something bc he is second born & has a complex over that and he hates daemon’s ass (and daemon hates him right back). larys and criston are still running around somewhere. qoren is still trying to dunk on corlys in the stepstones. i think so long as daemon is flying around on caraxes, he is still gonna amass a large group of haters, and both he and those haters are gonna bring that mess into the line of succession & viserys is too conflict avoidant to deal with him, which means it’s gonna become his kids’ problems and we know daemon is not above child murdering.
so can the dance be avoided? the casualties of it can certainly be avoided but the chekov's gun of "women cannot inherit" is still there waiting to absolutely FUCK house targaryen up, and with a royal family that is a little too eager to use dragons to fix their problems, there was likely always going to be some conflict. If Rhaenyra or her twin dies, or if they only have girls, and Daemon, Otto, Larys, Criston, and Corlys are all still running around trying to get their blood on the throne, there was inevitably going to be a conflict; it just might get pushed to be about Rhaenyra's children then about her and her twin brother.
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If I have Taylor swift mutual, you’ve managed to avoid my criticism of her for years bc I tend not to post about her on here at all.
I don’t hate her, but I fucking loathe her brand and the following it’s cultivated. And it bothers me so deeply because she exploits her fans and society with victim narratives, which plays into white supremacy ideologies. If you’re skeptical of this claim, ask yourself why someone who doesn’t old nazi ideology has such a loud and vocal neo nazi/white supremacist following?
Usually this type of vocal support originates when the artist shares far right wing ideologies and is public about it. Taylor is a Democrat and largely support left wing beliefs. They didn’t randomly attach themselves to her, she exploited certain beliefs and identities and attracted the wrong type of fan.
But this post isn’t about those type of fans, but rather, why the way she operates is loathesome and I’m sick of how society, fans, and people coddle her.
This all started with a black man daring to say a blonde haired, blue eyed white girl wasn’t deserving of an award.
Before anyone says, “you’re defending Kanye.”
Fuck Kanye!
However, the 2009 mtv vmas conditioned people how to treat and perceive Taylor, which is as a victim.
Now I know someone is outraged and is thinking, “Taylor WAS a victim.”
While that is true, does anyone honestly think that moment should’ve been as big as it was? Let’s be for real. Should the media have milked that moment for an entire fucking year and people still talk about it 13 years later.
An award about a fucking basic ass music video. And I don’t care for the single ladies music either, so it’s not like I have any skin in the game.
It was a bad moment, but it should’ve only lasted a moment.
Y’all want to know why we still talk about it? Why Taylor can still milk and exploit that moment, which she does?
Because she was a blonde hair, blue eyed white girl and this was a scary, arrogant black man.
Back then, people argued that Kanye targeted her because she was a girl. That this would’ve never happened if it had been a man. The racial implications are clear.
This signified to the nation that she needed to be protected.
For those who are wondering why I’m stressing blonde haired, blue eyed white woman that’s because it’s important: it’s who nazis believe are the perfect and superior beings.
For people who believe that Kanye targeted Taylor for this reason, keep in mind: this the same man who said, “George bush doesn’t care about black people” on national tv in front of a bigger audience. Why would he specifically target Taylor or be afraid to confront a man if he literally called out the most powerful man in the world at the time?
If this had been James blunt who’d pulled that stunt, it would’ve died out. But it was fucking Kanye. And the media obsessed and obsessed about it. Because they already hated him and he was already polarizing, but still a fucking superstar. They made sure we never forgot what happened that night. And instead of people asking, “why are they making this such a big deal”, people ate it up. Like they were asking this man what he recently deceased mother would think about what he did when one: he was only drunk as a result of his mom’s death and his difficulty in dealing with it two: again, this man called out a president on tv, Taylor was small potatoes in comparison.
Like this moment should’ve been akin to when lil mama got on the stage with Alicia keys and Jay z. It’s a moment we randomly remember, but largely forget about.
Admittedly, taylor was young and presumably overwhelmed with everything that happened that night and what came afterwards. However, taylor never sat and thought, “although Kanye ruined my moment, that situation was completely overblown.”
No. I’m text, she constantly leans into or plays into that night whenever given the chance. She loves to play into narrative that Kanye hates her and is feuding with her. That’s she trying to ignore him and get over that ordeal.
Thing is: anyone who has listen to Kanye’s music can tell you that if Kanye is beefing with someone you’ll know it. He’s very obvious about it. Kanye flat out apologized to her, referenced the incident in a song, said he was pressured into apologizing a specific way, and then rarely if ever referenced it again until 2016. And that timeline is important. Because Taylor was the one making songs or references to him/that night, yet claimed that he’s the one who can’t let it go.
Now before we get to 2016, leading up to this, most of Taylor’s popular songs or moments was about her being a victim (of a bad relationship) or fighting bad against someone who “wronged” her. In some way, shape, or form there was a victim narrative happening.
She was very loud about the exes that wronged her, but when she was clearly and the only one in the wrong, she’s quiet about it with her music. She sings about it, but does make a big to do about it. It’s not the centerpiece.
During this time, Kanye sends her flowers, she presents him an award, and they have one or two other good moments—they also publicly compliment each other.
Then, “Famous” happens.
But wait, I’m going to backtrack again. Remember how people said she was receiving unfair criticism for singing about her relationships and exes and that if she were a man she’d be praised?
Funny enough, there’s a genre about relationships whether it’s failed, successful, reminiscing over whatever and that’s R&B. The R&B girls (and guys) have been singing about exes and shit since foreva and they didn’t receive any of this criticism. Hell, literally every Adele album is about relationships or heartbreak and, at least, three of them are about real relationships.
What’s the difference between them and Taylor?
We almost always know who she’s talking about and that a huge problem.
She’s lucky that most of her exes are famous—well, no, they’re lucky. Can you imagine being a regular Joe and being attacked because a relationship didn’t work out and Taylor wrote you out as the bad guy? Because lets be real, do we believe that every relationship (not every bc we know she did Tom and Taylor dirty, which she receives very little to no criticism about from her fans) she was not at fault for and they were the only ones to do wrong?
Because if you don’t believe they, you should have an issue with how she operates—no longer past tense—and that her exes get harassed and attacked because of her music. Because we sure as hell would have a problem if the genders were flipped.
Or how she wrote bad blood about some fucking backup dancers that left to perform for Katy, and then made a video with all her famous friends, which is effectively bullying. Yet, that’s ignored.
So we get to 2016 and Kanye calls and asks for her blessing. Taylor seems to be genuinely receptive of this conversation, which is important to note because people claim she was being agreeable not to anger him or whatever. When he asks her approval, she basically says that it’s okay for him to say whatever he wants bc it’s his music. And this conversation is important, but not for reasons Taylor stans believe.
When the song drops, taylor gives the impression that they didn’t talk or really talk, which is false. Kanye was trying to have that discussion with her and they did to an extent. He didn’t call her to just discuss her putting it on her Twitter account, her wanted her to be okay and not offended by it. Why would he ask her to put the song on her TL and expect her not to listen or be offended by it??? What sense does that make?
People make this about her being called “that bitch”, which is why her essentially telling Kanye he didn’t need her permission and that he should write what he wanted is important. She didn’t hear the added like, but she did give him carte blache to say whatever he wanted. This doesn’t mean she had to be okay with it, I get why she was offended. But she could’ve said, “we did discuss the song and I knew he was going to say some risqué things, but I don’t feel comfortable being called a bitch.”
This acknowledges that a conversation happened and she knew he was going to say controversial shit, but that revisions were made.
Also, the line about them having sex…she was completely okay with that during the phone call. Yet, when it was released not only did she fake outrage, she made a Grammy speech addressing it. And let’s be clear: fame doesn’t equal success or acclaim. For someone who is an acclaimed lyricist, she should know better and does.
This was her exploiting her image and goodwill vs Kanye’s image and perception.
She misrepresented that conversation and made up a narrative all while being asked to be kept out of it. Then to claim that Kanye secretly recorded her to embarrass her???
Although there was no way for her to know, presumably, that Kanye’s been recording his life since the fucking 90s to flat out confidently state that he only did that to hurt and harm her was deliberate. Like, she factually stated that as if it was known only for a documentary to be released 5-6 years later that proved Kanye did record all aspects of his life.
And for people who need this explained to them: part of the conversation around this time was how he was targeting and harassing her, which this “secret” recording was evidence of. Because when you actually listen to the conversation to understand and not take sides, this appears to be a communication issue, esp culturally.
Although it makes sense why Taylor would take insult at being called a bitch 1. Some women don’t 2. Rap is very misogynistic and bitch is sometimes perceived as a compliment as well as the idea that a woman would reward them with sex for whatever reason. But again, Taylor never objected to that line during the call. Was not offended and just said others (I believe feminists), but that she’d be in on it and would surprise people after it was all over. And we can say she was saying this to placate him, but wouldn’t you say that’s on her and not him. He asked her opinion and was genuine?
Despite this back and forth, who is the one writing and singing about this?
She says she wants to be left out of the narrative and left along, yet she brings it up.
And we have to ask why it’s so bad for others to discuss their dealings with her, but it’s okay for her to obsessively talk about her dealings with others. She wants to be left alone while not leaving them alone and knowing her fans will harass them.
Like she’s rehashing old shit (relationships) in midnights. Why??? I know the concept behind it, but it still seems childish, obsessive, and like she can’t let anything go, which her fans seem to be fine with.
And can someone tell me if she ever addressed slutshaming her ex’s then girlfriend who was then harassed by her fans? Because while she may have been going, thats still fucked up.
Or how that situation with her masters was not only misrepresented, but her later going on to discuss Scooter’s divorce is weird as fuck. And before someone argues about how she has a right to own her masters, my point of contention isn’t that. It’s the fact that most artists don’t own their masters and she tried to position it as sexism as to why she was denied to ability to own hers. And that the only reason scooter got investors to buy it with him was to spite her.
This is all her exploring white woman tears and white supremacy ideology. How is she both a shrewd business woman and a poor victim taken advantage of??? Can both exist? Sure, but not in the narrative that she’s crafted.
She always need some person, powerful figure, expectation to fight against and conquer. She may have taken a break with Evermore and folklore, but she’s back at it and people just eat it right up.
She’s petty, spiteful, vindictive, and refuses to let anything go, despite her success and not needing to relying on this shit.
And you can’t say shit about her without someone feeling offended and personally attacked.
Now some may think I’m a huge fan of Taylor’s because I know so much and have opinions or obsessed with her, but I’ve successfully avoided most of her music for years. I keep up with pop culture and can tell you a lot about many artists without actually listening to or keeping up with them. Esp when their fans obsess about their all of the time.
But ask yourself why you’re so protective of her in comparison to the other girls. Why is she the only one worth defending like this?
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Halloween AU where kakashi used to dress up but stopped once Rin died until he gets his own genin team bc they make him dress up in a team costume.
He used to do it begrudgingly.
First because it was Minato’s idea of team bonding.
Then because Obito and Rin really loved it and he didn’t want to be that much of a party pooper
Then because it was something Rin still loved and helped them bond even when Kakashi struggled sometimes to be close with her
Then, Rin was gone and Kakashi had no one left to dress up with so he just gave up. What was the point? Gai tried to get him back into it, but it had never been their thing and he wasn’t going to push for it to become their thing when Kakashi always had such fond memories of doing it with his old teammates.
For years he just skips out. He still goes to the halloween party that Konoha holds for its shinobi, he just doesn’t put any effort into dressing up. What’s the point when his teammates arn’t there to enjoy it with him?
Then it happens. Team seven become genin’s and their first halloween party rolls around.
Kakashi expects the kids to want to dress up (except maybe Sasuke). What he doesn’t expect is to see Naruto and Sakura storming toward him (with Sasuke dragging his feet behind) informing him that they have a team costume and that he HAS to wear his part of it
Poor man is getting flashbacks to Minato, Obito and Rin where he was never expecting to get them. He’s not ok.
The kids hand him his costume the next day and much to his amusement, it’s a scarecrow costume. It’s confirmation that his team has the same terrible humor as him and he is a bery proud sensei
The day of the halloween party is a big deal. Naruto shows up dressed as a ‘naruto swirl’ sakura as a cherry blossom and Sasuke as an Uchiha fan. Kakashi is, if course, a scarecrow
Everyone is laughing their butts off at Team seven’s costume choice. It’s a hit and they somehow end up winning the costume contest that Iruka decided to organize for ‘most ridiculous and well thought out costume’
Kakashi ends up buying them lunch at Ichiraku the next day as a silent thank you for making him enjoy dressing up for halloween again
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
While thinking about anthro and deep southern Mothwing I had the idea of a anthro timeline like warrior cats so here it is lol
Sasha is new in town and raised highly Christian (in the serve your husband and don’t speak out kind of way it really fucked her up) so when she meets a seemingly kind man who goes by the name of Tiger she kinda immediately falls in love. She grew up on those fantasy fall in love at first sight and always wanting that. And now getting the littlest kindness from a stranger, it was like it was meant to be in her mind.
She follows him everywhere slowly becoming more trapped in his life. Even willing to join his own group. But just as she’s about to pledge her faith to them she learns of his true nature and what their cult really is. With the help of Ray (Russetfur) she escapes. But she’s already been pregnant and now just a few months off giving birth. She ends up having Sienna (Moth), Sycamore (Hawk) and Simon (Tadpole) by herself and barley survives being unable to do anything for a long time. While very young her kits try to help her out by getting some food by themselves, attempting to hook something off that old bridge nearby. But while trying to throw the first line Simon slipped and fell in, Sycamore dived in after and Sienna swam in just behind him. All three had to be saved by a person nearby who noticed the frantic splashing but sadly Simon had swallowed too much water and drowned.
Both Sienna and Sycamore were very sick but even more so depressed. Sienna plagued by survivors guilt and Sycamore by misdirected anger at how hard their life was. Not being able to deal with it Sasha gave them up to lady who saved them, a strong woman named Lakelyn (Leopardstar) or Lake as the kids called her.
They grew up in that same cult their mother had run from. Sycamore falling into the same violent side as their father had and Sienna begging to escape the cycle. She made friends with many. Especially kind Lily (Leafpool) and her sister Sally (Squilf). Until that day at the lake. Just like before she was too late, as she walked along the once beautiful beach she saw her final brother there dead, a spike through his throat. Dying as he drowned on his own blood. She had so much she was supposed to be more powerful and yet everyone still died. Over and over again.
While clerics weren’t usually allowed to wear any weapons or shield their head she did both. Keeping her brother’s knife at her hip and their bandannas over her head. If the stars above wanted so badly to drown her like they did everyone else then she wasn’t going to make it easy. She wasn’t going to blindly follow their word or even let them see her. She was done with them.
Besides the actual story of it in this the different clans are different small towns separated by their natural terrain. Riverclan is based on more marshy wetlands and called River Roots, Thunderclan is a sunny forest called Thunder Oaks, Shadowclan is a dark pine forest called Shaded Pines, and Windclan is a big open field called Windy Grasses.
Clerics are more so priests who dedicate their whole life to caring and understanding the stars. Or kinda like nuns. They aren’t to fight or draw blood so keeping a knife let alone Sycamores knife is a huge deal. Even more so that she shields her head from the stars. She also knows he was murdered obviously and HATES Bruce (Bramble) bc she knows he killed her brother.
Her and Lily are secret lesbians I decree it. Only visiting on new moons so to be out of the stars gaze. Sienna also helps Lily not only hide her pregnancy but also give birth taking the spot of Yellowfang in Leafpool’s Wish. The three would be named Raury (Lionblaze), Jay, and Brandy (Hollyleaf). Brandy and Bailey (Breezepelt) are also much closer in this I just think they should be.
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How the Batboys View Food (HCs)
(A/N: BIG OL TRIGGER WARNING. I’ve been writing other stuff on other blogs but I wanted you to dump this here cause writer is struggling with food :3 and I see a lot of ways that the batboys could have the same mindsets. So this is a lot of me projecting but also just drabbling. Pretty angsty I guess in some parts, enjoy. If you’re struggling with eating or self-image, feel free to reach out to me bb, my dms are open <3)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: eating disorders, unhealthy views of food, anxiety, food insecurity, angst, writer lowkey projecting, this shit is probably VERY decently triggering so be warned please please please, my feelings will not be hurt if you skip
Let me reiterate that THESE ARE NOT HEALTHY VIEWS OF FOOD. Many of the thoughts portrayed are HOW THEY THINK of food, not ways you SHOULD or COULD think of food. It’s cathartic to see them through the light of my own issues, I wanted to share. Love you all.
Bruce Wayne
Probably one of the healthiest views of food
He grew up without ever having food insecurity AT ALL bc he’s so so rich
But he has been starving before when he worked with the League of Shadows, which means he knows the feeling.
All it is is unpleasant to him, though
He’s trained to be able to deal with it, so I think Alfred definitely has to make sure he’s eating
But he’s not doing it on purpose.
He understands EDs, and he takes them super seriously, but he’s never struggled with that, really.
He might go through phases of body dysmorphia because of wanting to be as physically adept as he can be, but I don’t think that would have to do with restricting food very much.
Again, Alfred lets him know when he’s doing too much
I think he likes good food, but he’s been so spoiled in that sense that it’s not really a big priority to him
Dick Grayson
Writer projecting on Dick Grayson pt 1/many
Ok so Dick was raised in the circus, being a child athlete (acrobat)
Obviously his parents were super wholesome, they weren’t much of a root of any problem
But having comments on your physical performance, being stuck in a tight ass leotard, thinking so much about your body at a young age, all of these lead to some type of problems.
Writer is 100% not projecting their ballet childhood
Poor little Dick watched the Strongman talk about his food intake and protein and calories and he thought “wow, I should do that to be strong too”
Cue guilt around food
Dick sees food, at least for the first part of his life, as an obstacle
The less he can get of it, the more strong he can be
He kind of sees it as something to be counted, measured (Dick is wrong, reader, eat your burger and enjoy it >:()
He doesn’t actually starve himself to a point that he starts to get skinny, but he restricts himself to have peak performance
It’s just that his mindset about it is so bad
One time Alfred cooks dinner and Dick is having a bad day (Robin or young Nightwing days). He steps in and just-
“… I had a burger for lunch” said Dick, looking frozen in place.
Bruce just chuckles, not noticing his discomfort. “Hey, that’s fine. You can jog it off tomorrow. Plus, you could do to put some weight on, yknow?”
“No, I… I can’t. I’m at my limit. I wasn’t gonna eat dinner,” Dick tries to explain, picking at his thumb nervously.
“… What do you mean your limit?”
“I uh… diet” Dick says, though his heart is quickening.
“Are you counting calories, Dick?”
Long conversation ensues
That might be super ooc, you get the idea
Bruce does not STAND for it
Dick recovers while Jason’s a kid.
He might have a relapse when Jason dies, just out of grief
But he gets over it
He can’t ever get rid of that voice that tells him that what he’s consuming is numbers
But he’s started fostering one that tells him how delicious that goddamn hotdog is, which is pretty cool
Jason Todd
Poor baby :((((
He grew up poor, so food insecurity was probably definitely present
Plus his mom wasn’t super into taking care of his needs
So he grew to subconsciously see food as fuel, but in a less healthy way.
He learned to measure how much he was able to run on, what gave him the most energy rather than what was good for him or tasty
All of this was for survival until he showed up at the manor
At first he was ecstatic about having more food security
And he was never one to turn down food
But out of habit he kind of never got food for himself on purpose unless he REALLY needed it
The type of kid to say “but I don’t need lunch, I had breakfast.”
Which is valid in some cases depending on whatever, but the subconscious thing that was nagging him was the small fear that still lived in him of someday not being able to live in that same security he’s grown to know
Bruce has to make sure he eats, because he’ll always eat what he’s offered without a second thought. He just won’t feed himself
Jason is 100% convinced he’s fine, he just doesn’t need it.
He does, in fact, need three meals a day with his highly active twelve year old boy self smh
When he comes back as Red Hood, he still kind of carries that with him, but he’s more willing to eat now.
I think dying kind of made him realize that he doesn’t want to miss out on anything or hold himself back
Plus he has a lot more muscle to feed now
If it makes sense, he just kind of doesn’t think of food much at all now
Much like Bruce
Tim Drake
Ugly sobbing :3
Writer projecting pt 2
Tim, Tim, Tim, neglected Tim :(
He views food very much as something earned
He enjoys his junk food or whatever, but he feels like if he’s not doing good enough he doesn’t deserve to eat at all
Nervous wreck he is, this happens often
Doesn’t do well on a mission? No dinner.
Not doing well in a class? Not eating till he fixes that grade.
Bruce finds out and almost passes out cause WHY ARE ALL THESE KIDS HAVING THESE ISSUES
It’s because writer is projecting, sorry Bruce
Bruce helps him through it a lot
Cheat code: if you go through a significant amount of effort to make him food he can’t turn it down
Or if you buy it for him
It’s an anxiety and bargaining thing for him, but he’s a tough boy he gets thru it 💪💪💪
Damian Wayne
Hot take but the league actually has pretty healthy standards on eating
They need to be efficient, yeah, but they recognize that to do that they need FOOD
He might be a little skittish around like processed food or new foods though
Has a thing for texture
Overall one of the healthier views on it though, and everyone else is watching him like a hawk to make sure it fucking stays that way
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leporellian · 2 years
leporello and elvira friendship headcanons
these are all modern au 2. sorry this is cringe
leporello and elvira friendship headcanons 
they both have cats. they are both cat people. - elvira’s cat is this big happy calico who is friendly to everybody and cannot physically be removed from laps. leporello’s meanwhile is this banged up black street cat with nicked ears who is ornery to absolutely everybody But leporello (and fiorello later on but it does seem to think of him as a rival). - they both absolutely love each other’s cats, of course.
elvira loves motorcycles. she has her own that she mainly keeps around as a hobby, having refurbished it herself. it definitely has a name and elvira treats it as though it is a living animal, and she doesn’t actually ride it around much because she sees it more as a Project than a Vehicle. (and she’s certainly very brave but not reckless.) her actual car that she uses as transport is a beaten up volvo that continues to function out of spite. - leporello was a passenger on the motorcycle once. never again. (he has however given elvira many gifts for it.) - elvira is part of a local motorbike enthusiasts club and leporello loves to joke about his friend’s Totally Illicit Biker Gang. which tickles elvira
they’re both neurodivergent  - elvira lived in some backwater christian small town hellhole prior to leaving after the don abandoned her, so she never even got an understanding of what adhd Was. she just figured she was sort of spacey and didn’t think about it further. meanwhile with leporello he certainly didn’t get the best of care but his parents did have the common sense to watch him stumble around when he was like 5 and think. hmmm there’s something off about him - so when leporello mentions being autistic to elvira she’s got some understanding of what that means but isn’t really sure about the details besides Weird Brain Syndrome. and then the more he describes neurodivergent experiences the more she’s like. Now wait a damn minute here. and she gets diagnosed with adhd soon after  - they’re pretty good at communicating with each other bc despite appearing to have very different mannerisms they actually communicate pretty similarly and rely on similar visual tells, although leporello is definitely not as good at it as elvira is (not with her just in general)
they didn’t actually become friends like. Immediately in the wake of the don’s death. - they did understand and like each other but they kind of figured Well time to go our own ways. which was the initial plan - but given leporello already really didn’t have a solid support system due to the don alienating all his friends (i mean. leporello has a family who do care about him but he really hates to get his family involved in what he considers personal business) he didn’t deal with it well at all and just was having an awful time of it  - by chance elvira spotted him by some bridge overlooking a river and was like Holy Shit Dude are you Okay and leporello was like… no i wasn’t seriously thinking about that exactly but i do feel like absolute shit. so elvira decided to take him along with her to some drive in  diner or something and as they talked she realized she’d been bottling up all her unresolved emotions about the whole don giovanni thing and she needed to vent to someone about it too. so they cried it out a bit together and afterward they sort of formed a two-person support group that turned into a realio trulio friendship
they have completely clashing visual styles  - leporello gets many of his clothes from thrift stores and the like; he particularly likes floral patterns and cableknit sweaters. he also likes to keep his hair somewhat long and fluffy. he is rather subtle about things however given he doesn’t like to draw attention - elvira meanwhile got really into the whole punk thing. after the don died she shaved off her hair and has kept it extremely short ever since. she has a leather jacket she wears religiously with spikes on the shoulders that are like 4 inches tall each. she Loves drawing attention and riling people up - in a way both their clothing styles are something of a rebellion. given elvira’s an ex-catholic* who has trauma stemming from growing up in an extremely conservative catholic community, her leaning into a lot of punk/butch styles carries a lot of meaning and freedom for her. meanwhile leporello spent years upon years being bullied by so many people around him for just being himself, so wearing what he loves is a point of personal fulfillment. 
(you might wonder how leporello and giovanni had the same dynamic in a modern au. i imagine leporello had like, a shitton of college debt or something, and giovanni (being a childhood friend and also ridiculous rich) was initially like I can pay that off for you :) But just as long as you live with me because I don’t want to have to pay your rent too. And then it snowballed and snowballed until it was borderline indentured servitude, and bc 1) leporello would not be housed or have finances without giovanni and 2) giovanni’s family is rich enough and has enough connections that any investigation would be swept under the rug, leporello was stuck.  - he did get money from the don’s death. not enough to use it for personal comforts but just enough to settle what remained of his debt. which also leads him to have the crushing realization that giovanni probably could have paid it off immediately if he wanted and that all of that was really for nothing. 
despite leporello and elvira both looking Really Obviously Gay they have been mistaken as a couple multiple times which they find HILARIOUS
elvira is an ex-catholic as previously said and leporello is jewish (although i imagine he’s rather secular). they do bond with each other and find solidarity with each other over this.
they have introduced each other to their partners and they do like them - leporello is… sort of awkward around anna. he does try to apologize to her multiple times and she accepts his apologies (eventually to the point of “you’ve apologized enough calm down). they get along with each other but they do communicate completely differently and have trouble understanding one another. anna initially resented leporello but elvira showed anna that lep was a victim of giovanni too, although obviously not in the same way she was. lep and anna don’t consider each other friends but they have no issue with one another
elvira meanwhile was suspicious of fiorello from the second leporello was like “so i’ve been seeing this guy” because she knows that leporello’s prior relationships have not all turned out Great and she knows how he’s been abused in the past. but then she met fiorello and immediately realized he wasn’t a threat. she and fiorello do get along well but she does think he can be rather eccentric 
they’re very physically affectionate with one another - elvira has always been big on hugging. leporello loves hugging but tends to flinch when he’s touched after the abuse the don puts him through (elvira however can be gentle). so you can imagine how much they like to hug - this works out for leporello bc he does have trouble expressing affection verbally but elvira just. understands.
really that’s the most important thing about their friendship. that someone, somewhere, Understands.
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 2 years
ace attorney is super vague about how apollo got to america & who he lived with, which makes sense, because that’s like. a complicated matter to get into but it gives me soooo many questions bc like. where i am in the game, all i know is that dhurke brought him there with the promise he’d come back, which probably means that he brought him to the home of a friend living in america, either a former khura’inese lawyer who escaped the ga’ran regime (possibly less likely bc apollo seems very unused to khura’in culture but you can def ignore culture within your own home, it just makes it sadder) or someone who had worked with dhurke in the past but had taken a step back due to various reasons BUT if dhurke truly wasn’t thinking abt longterm stay, that means he wasn’t thinking about the documents you’d need to like, for example, get a job or enroll in school, so here’s my question:
does apollo have a birth certificate and if so, is it a legal copy? dhurke is clearly able to travel between countries despite being an extremely wanted criminal, meaning getting a small child into the country he was born in probably isn’t a big deal, but also if the only photo apollo has of jove is one dhurke gave him after coming back, it probably means jove didn’t like, leave any of his things behind in an easily accessible place, which means any legal travel documents apollo had like a passport (which again, would have been hard for dhurke to get to considering he is, in fact a wanted criminal) were probably lost when he died. of course, if dhurke left him with a friend, it’s unlikely that this person would have cared that much about something like this
of course, it’s not actually that hard to get a copy of your birth certificate if you know where to look. and i mean, they don’t really, but there’s gotta be a way to track something like that down. originally i did assume that this would lead to someone realizing who his mom was considering her name is probably on there too, but i’d imagine that there is very few, if any, legal record of “thalassa justice” especially since this would have probably been around the time she “died.”
do i expect the game to have thought as much about this as i have? no in fact i do not expect to get any more clues to help me answer this question. unfortunately i will still be continuing spirit of justice
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
Well I just watched episode 23. Here are my thoughts. 🥲
Spoilers for TWD season 11 episode 23. Don’t read if you haven’t watched it because some shit goes down.
Love that they’re all heading for commonwealth to fuck shit up
Ok I am actually pissed tf off about Daryl letting Judith come with them. Daryl she’s like 11 years old. Idc how “tough” she is, she should not be allowed to fight in a literal warzone where there are automatic rifles being shot at your people. I absolutely HATE how they’ve written Daryl to allow that. They’re making him make such a stupid ass decision that I feel like he would never make (another OOC moment because the writers don’t know Daryl as a character anymore). Daryl makes stupid decisions sometimes, but this is beyond stupid. Daryl, I know you would be a better parent than that and yet they’ve written you like you have the common sense of a potato
Also Judith begging to go with them all the time is so annoying to me like girl you are a literal child know your place read the room and stop trying to be an adult it’s just annoying at this point we get it your parents were Rick and Michonne pls shut up about it🙄
Hi when am I supposed to start caring about Annie or her and Negan’s stupid unborn baby I think I missed the memo
NOT LYDIA. NOT LYDIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I gasped. When I tell you I sat up in my bed at 3am and GASPED. I love Lydia so much. But at least it was just her arm and Aaron was with her and helped amputate, but still. Also when Aaron said “you are so loved Lydia” 🥹 I love this man so much you don’t understand he is actually the best character right next to Daryl don’t @ me I’m right also I cared more about Lydia than I did Judith in this ep 🫣
I hope Elijah and Jerry make it in the herd, but tbh I am not going to get my hopes up because they are both fair game at this point unfortunately 😔 who is going to take care of Jerry’s 20 kids
I love that Mercer is helping them out now! He really is a great character I think. It’s just so frustrating that he got snitched on but you know what they say about snitches
Ezekiel pls you don’t have to be nice to Negan it’s ok (I love him for that tho, we stan a bigger person) also if they kill Ezekiel I will stab someone anyway
I really really hope Rosita finds her baby. I wonder why Coco wasn’t at Alexandria like the other kids??
Connie is so sweet to that guy idk his name but you know. That guy. Too bad he DIES
Oh yeah and Judith gets shot. Um so I am not a big Judith fan at all so like obviously I am slightly sad but also… I mostly just care about how Daryl is going to deal with it because he is totally going to blame himself (as he should bc WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN BESTIE 😭). Daryl has lost so many people and he always blames himself for it and idk it just really bothers me that they’re doing this to him AGAIN like let my man have ONE DAY where someone’s death isn’t indirectly his fault and/or affects him greatly. We don’t even know if Judith is gonna die but yeah it’s not looking good. I mean they’re not going to get great medical care in the middle of a full-blown war AND a walker attack (with the advanced updated DLC version of walkers thrown in too)
I honestly don’t care that much if Judith dies but I also don’t want Daryl to have to deal with that because DAMN he is going to be devastated he has lost so much man it’s really not fair. I think he has suffered more than any character on this show and I don’t think it is controversial to say that because just considering the sheer amount of shit he has dealt with and seen is insane. I would say he is going to need therapy after this but apocalypse 😔
But also Daryl you dumb bitch lol ofc this was going to happen you should have never let a CHILD into a WARZONE you big himbo
I’d still give him a blowjob tho he’s gonna need one after this
Also Pamela suck the fattest cock you are such an asshole I hate you and I can’t wait to watch you die I hope Daryl kills you too 😘
Ok that’s all I think?? Idk this episode was a whirlwind. I am scared for the next one (esp since Daryl is laying on the ground?!?! HELP)
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yappingmoxie · 2 months
I’ve noticed I’ve started apologizing a lot more again for silly things that don’t really need an apology in the first place and idk. Idk why that’s starting back up again bc I rlly thought I’d moved on from that. Like when I was 18 and had just moved in with my partner at the time bc of a lot of complicated things I remember I knocked over their red bull they’d JUST opened and I started crying and apologizing so much and it took them being like “hey wtf? it’s just a drink. not a big deal I’ll clean it up” for me to start realizing how fucked up I was lol. Like I already knew how I grew up wasn’t okay but like idk. I just kinda thought it was slightly more shitty than just shitty and it took me a while to call it abuse. Because even then I was still wanting to defend my mom about like. Everything really. Idk. I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately. And I miss her even tho she was absolutely awful to me lmao. But yeah. Idk. Maybe that has something to do with the whole over apologizing thing idk. The last time I saw her or even spoke to her was when we got in a fight because she was lying and saying when I “moved out” (she kicked me out) I took myself off her insurance when I literally would never do that lmao. Like I have a serious condition with my back that needs me to get MRIs every year to make sure I don’t literally become a quadriplegic lmfaooo. And she knew that but took me off her insurance anyways when I wouldn’t move back in with her to take care of her like she wanted. Like I would have never taken myself off her insurance knowing I couldn’t (and still can’t) afford my own. I haven’t had anyyy medical treatment for my back since before 2017 because of her. So idk why she lied about that other than because she knows it was a shitty thing to do to her daughter who has literally cleaned actual shit off of her multiple times because she was too high to walk to the bathroom herself lmfao. Idk. I could get into that a whole lot more and all the absolute batshit insane things I had to deal with growing up with her but idk if it’d be good or bad for me considering I feel myself backsliding in a lot of ways already. Like idk. I still have actual nightmares from when my sister moved out and she tried to kill herself in bed next to me lmfao. I know she said she “didn’t mean to” put a second morphine patch on but I quite literally found her suicide note when I couldn’t wake her up the next morning. Like I was literally laying right next her when she was crying and writing it all out (without ever mentioning me btw but I guess that’s just petty to bring up esp considering she threw it away when she left the hospital and swore she never wrote it lmfao. but I remember it so). She would have literally died if I’d listened to my cousins mom about how “she was fine just real tired” and didn’t call my grandma and then 911. I’d seen it before lmfao. In 6th grade. When I didn’t listen to my gut that something was wrong and her boyfriend died because of that. Like yeah he was a fucking asshole but still like. Idk 11/12 was hard to see my mom having to give him CPR when he was literally already turning colors. I remember mom making me check his breathing before we went to sleep and idk. That’s something that sticks with you so I knew everything wasn’t okay. I knew the difference between just being high off her ass and hard to wake up vs literally overdosing and unable to be conscious. Lmao idek how I got on this topic when I was just ranting about regressing before but whatever. Here I am lmao. I probably should actually talk about it more instead of whatever this was bc clearly it’s on my mind but I digress idk
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embraceyourdestiny · 2 months
dude i'm not trying to argue with you sorry if it came off that way lol if you didn't notice there's crazy shit happening rn i'm a little distracted.
if you wanted names it's Lee Fletcher, Michael Yew, Ethan Nakamura and Castor who doesn't have a last name bc the twins are Mr. D's only kids. all of them are cabin leaders (except ethan bc he's a runaway child of a minor god) and mentioned in at least 3+ books alongside Selina, Beckendorf and other cabin leaders like the Stoll twins, Katie Gardner, etc. when i say character tiers i'm talking about characters who are main players and secondaries who serve more as plot devices. the entire reason i said anything to begin with is bc you said they were the only reoccurring characters who died. and although their deaths might be more memorable to you, that's really not true
You’re really focusing on the wrong thing here. The point was that Charles was the only black character in the series, he was EXTREMELY useful to the plot, and we even saw a little into his personal life which sets him apart from these other minor characters, and then he’s killed for really no reason. His reasoning for his death is to “remind them of their mortality” and have a “cause” to keep them strong but it’s just so strange for the only black character to die a pretty horrific death of being blown up. And I had completely forgotten this but reading the wiki he also sacrificed himself for the white main character which is a little…
It’s just weird dude. That was the entire point of my post. You really focused on the wrong thing and instead of talking about the racism present went on a technicality? Yes, I was wrong. When I said “the only half bloods” I meant of relevant characters. Charles was a REALLY BIG DEAL for an entire book. And he even had a ripple affect by being the one to influence Tyson to metal work. Just because he’s not Percy doesn’t mean he’s not important and clearly he is more important than these character, and yet he was killed off for emotional relevancy for Percy. That was the entire point of my post that was made in the wake of other people talking about the weird inconsistencies amongst a series that was touted as being progressive and better than others because of its progressiveness and yet it had stuff like this
I get there’s a lot going on but again, you focused on the wrong thing, and you messaged me. Thanks for doing the research to keep me honest and make my post hyperbolic if you’re including every single character and not just the relevant ones. That just wasn’t the point of my post
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f-oighear · 6 months
4, 7, 12, 17 and 25 for the Writer Ask Game 💘
Thanks a lot for the ask 😊 Picking BC excerpts for you hehe. It's going to be a veryyyy long one so. Thankful for the cut feature. Here we go!
4. with dialogue i'm proud of
I can think of this moment in Your World where Nebra is joining the Bulls for dinner and there is a big, intimidating wall of text. I swear nothing has ever felt like an extended family dinner with several conversations happening at the same time than this:
“Take more vegetables!” “Say, captain! Can I go back on missions again?” “What about some time off?” “Keep your damn carrots!” “No. Not until you stop using ultimate magic every time you head out.” “Henry! Any progress on your magic, my man?” “Who put sugar in the salt shaker again? I’ll kill them.” “But it’s fun!” “I fucking hate carrots!” “It’s Luck.” “I-I’m not on call duty tonight…” “Carrots don’t like you either.” “LUCK.” “Where?” “Carrots like me.” “Which of my friends is on call duty tonight? Magna?”“Listen, we’re very grateful you learned ultimate magic during the war, but now it’s peace, so don’t use it to catch bandits.” “Carrots do not have feelings.” "You’re gonna accidently kill someone one day." “What about Raque? I miss the sand.” “I… think… it’s… going… great…” “I won’t! But let me go back on a mission… not a dungeon mission! A real mission!” “What’re you talking about? Nah, not me. Ask Vanessa.” “No one misses the sand.” “Nero said it, so it’s true.” “You don’t miss the sand– hang on sweetie, I heard my name. Yes?” “A watermelon, maybe, would have feelings.” “Water.” “Not me, uh… Nacht maybe?” “What’re ya using it for?” “Where’s Nacht?” “Who’s gonna deal with the body and hide it when you kill a civilian? Good ol’ me.” “How about going to the Underwater Temple too?” “Is anyone going to pass me the goddamn water?” “You’re kidding?” “I…stack…rocks…or…trees…” “Last time we went, we almost died.” “Captain, I think you’d need to tell the Wizard King about it.” “Th-There you go.” “We always almost die anyway. It’s a formality.” “Carrots must have feelings like the rest of us.” “D-Don’t say that when we’re eating them!” “Yeah yeah. I’ll see.” “Well I, for one, don’t want to die!” Besides a vague argument about carrots, Nebra was lost. So, she focused on the food.
7. that i nursed in a daydream before finally writing
ALRIGHT SO. One thing about me: I'm no visual writer. I don't see the scenes before I write them. I tend to hear them more (which is why my earlier works have very little description and more dialogue). And when I'm very lucky, I get a sentence that comes back again and again. BUT. There is a scene I saw clearly and kept going back to so I could describe it and it's very SPOILERY for the Soulmate AU. It's in I'll Follow:
“Let’s go somewhere else. I don’t want Noelle or anyone else to overhear.” They were so engulfed in their conversation that they didn’t notice how the room had gone silent around them. There was no music anymore, they had been dancing to the silence. Nozel kept his hand in Vanessa’s as he turned to look at what everyone was watching. The man was making his way through the crowd, shaking hands and accepting a glass of champagne that Nozel knew the man wasn’t going to drink, cheerily greeting all the noble guests they couldn’t not invite that seemed to be attracted to him like moths to light. Nozel’s hand went down to rest at his side, his hold on Vanessa’s hand loosening, and Nozel turned to the table right behind them, where Asta and Noelle had been sitting, happily chatting before the man’s entry. Now they were both staring at the man. Noelle’s face was white as a sheet, her eyes wide in terror. She looked petrified. Even with how far Nozel was, he could see her trembling. He wasn’t feeling better. But he had to protect Noelle. He had to protect his siblings. I can’t fail again. Not now. Nozel made his way back to the table, Vanessa’s hand still in his (he wouldn’t, couldn’t let go), her trailing behind him, and looked at Asta, who was trying to get Noelle’s attention but failing. Nozel wanted to ask him to look out for her. The magicless boy didn’t need him to ask, though. He draped an arm over his wife’s shoulders; he didn’t look calm, Noelle’s facial expression being enough for him to understand that what was happening was grave, but Asta certainly was calmer than Nozel. Their eyes met for a split second. Nozel couldn’t say a thing. He simply shook his head. I’m so sorry, Asta, Noelle, all of this is my fault. Then the man noticed them. All of them. And he smiled.
12. that has a particularly good bit of characterization
Ahhhh Nebra from the Soulmate AU, my beloved. I think. The Most Awkward Silva Dinner In A Century takes the cake. While Noelle's pov in Stargazers is triumphant, Nebra's side in Your World is so ugughhug. There is so much happening on Nebra's side and I hate that Noelle's the one paying for it again but this scene means so much to me and uhghgughh.
“So what if he’s a peasant?” Noelle retorted angrily, “That doesn’t change a thing!” “It changes everything!” Nebra shrieked back, her voice breaking. If he wasn’t a peasant I wouldn’t have to suffer like that. If he wasn’t a peasant, it would all be so much easier. If he wasn't a peasant, maybe I would've— “How dumb can you get!?” “Nebra.” Nozel tried to interject weakly. “So now suddenly you tell me I belong to that family and I don’t get to choose who I want to spend my life with? Didn’t you send me to another squad? Didn’t you shove me out? Didn’t you tell me repeatedly you didn’t want me as your sister? Which one is it? Pick one, it’s getting confusing now.” “You were never expelled from the family,” Nozel said. He was so calm about it. How could he be this calm? Did he not understand? Am I the only one here who gets it? Why am I the only one who understands? Why is everyone against me? “Might as well have been,” Noelle answered harshly. That would have been a good idea. Why hadn’t Nozel done that? After all… what had Noelle ever done for them? Nothing. What had Noelle ever sacrificed for them? I sacrificed everything. “You are a Silva and you need to start acting like one,” Nebra said harshly. “This is ridiculous. Is this your rebellious phase? At seventeen, aren’t you supposed to have grown out of that kind of behaviour?” Nebra glared down at Noelle. She would go through. She would break her. She would make her understand just how much she despises her. Now, suffer as much as I do. “So that’s how it is, uh?” Nebra continued. “You become a somewhat decent magic knight and suddenly you think you can do whatever you want? That’s not how it works. You are a royal. We don’t get to choose our partner. Why would you get to choose? Do you think you’ll get a free pass because you’re not in the Silver Eagles? Remember why you didn’t even join the family squad? Because you’re the shame of the family.” “Nebra, that’s enough.” Nozel said. I haven’t even started, Nozel. Noelle stood up and Nebra flinched. The angle was right. Noelle was smaller than Nebra– always had been, always would be– but something had changed, something that Nebra didn’t quite like. Her eyes are different. That look… “I’m done being called that,” Noelle said harshly. “I have always done everything to prove my worth to you, to our royal peers, to everyone…” Your worth? Oh yes, because you’re worth something… precious little Noelle that looks so much like mother. Can’t let anything happen to her, right? Sent to another squad… free of the burden of expectations by being the worst Silva to ever walk the earth. What about my worth? What about everything I gave up on? What about the burden that you are? What about how hard it was on the first daughter? I lost my mother and suddenly everyone expected me to become her? How can anyone compare to her? You were worth nothing so I had to be everything you couldn’t, wouldn’t be; while all you did was whine and cry and be useless. Don’t get me started on worth. You are nothing. “…I’ve proven my worth as a Magic Knight these past year and—” “Oh, you’re proving your worth now?” Hurt her. Be scathing. Make sure it stings. “By shagging a peasant?” Nebra stopped. A shiver ran down her spine as she remembered the peasant’s words. Be nice. “Nebra!” Nozel shouted. Shut up, Nozel. You don’t get to say a word. You traitor. You've done it twice now. You left me all alone. “How does it feel?” to give in Stop. Don’t insult her. “Is it exotic?” to finally be free Stop. Don't hurt her. …but what if I'm hurting? Then I strike back. “How does he—” “That’s ENOUGH!” Nozel shouted, slamming both his hands on the table, making plates, glasses and cutlery tremble.
17. from an unpublished WIP
Alright. I currently have a Nozessa WIP that is my main WIP besides the Angstpril WIPs. I don't know when I'll be done with it, but let me treat you to some Nozessa because it's been forever since I've written them!
From this-fic-doesn't-have-a-title-yet:
Making the batter had proved the easiest part. Vanessa had started to get a hang of cooking, and she had realized that, just as Nozel had always claimed, following the recipe did work wonders for baking. The cooking book was open next to the bowl and even if some pages were sticky with egg white, it was constantly glanced at. Well, mostly by Nozel. Baking was taking Vanessa’s mind off her recent realization, but as she worked alongside Nozel, she did find herself staring at his handsome face about as much as she was paying attention to the cooking book. That seemed a bit counterproductive. “How much is ‘a splash’?” Nozel said, squinting at the book. Vanessa raised an eyebrow and went to check the book, tracing her finger over the mention of a splash of rum. Well, she didn’t know how much a splash was, but if there was something she wanted to see again, it was tipsy Nozel Silva. “That should be about…” Vanessa grinned, tipping the bottle over. “This much.” Nozel grabbed her wrist rapidly, but not rapidly enough and the sudden grab only poured more than what Vanessa had intended. Vanessa could only burst out in laughter as Nozel, pale as a sheet, guided her hand and the bottle back to the table. Nozel stared at the bottle like it was some sort of bomb about to explode, but surely he knew it was too late. He stayed staring at the bottle an awfully long time until Vanessa decided to say something. “My, do you want to hold my hand so bad, handsome? We’re not done making that batter yet.” Nozel blinked, then quickly let go. Vanessa could hardly repress her giggle. She didn’t know if he had gotten used to the teasing or if he had let down his guard, but he seemed easier to fluster these days. The soft blush on his cheek was… cute. His cheeks beet red, Nozel pointed at the mix angrily. “That is definitely not a splash,” Nozel said. “You poured half the bottle.” “No, it’s…” Vanessa shook the bottle. She had poured more than half the bottle, but there was no need for Nozel to know that. “Barely one gla— don’t throw away the batter!” Nozel raised an eyebrow, the rest of his face completely still and expressionless as he stood in the middle of the kitchen, bowl in his hands, and stated with his usual seriousness, “It’ll be uneatable.” “We can’t know unless we finish making them… come on! Pull out a pan!”
25. that i consider a favorite
I love getting several 'your favorite' asks because hahaha I have many favorites. The Actor AU/Theatre AU is soooo self-indulgent I almost wrote it in French. I've decided that if I ever publish it, I'll include both Racine's original verses and a rough translation because, if I've never admitted it, I am absolutely in love with Racine's verses.
Anyway, I love this AU, and I love Late, in the rehearsal room:
“Yami said your family specializes in classical plays?” Asta said. “My family doesn’t exactly specialize in it,” Noelle said, turning a page from her book. “The Silver Eagles don’t play anything but Ancient tragedies or classical plays… and among the classical plays, they mostly play tragedies.” “Why?” Noelle looked down. Why? was a good question. Because it was a tradition. Because her mother, Acier Silva, a giant who played tragic heroine roles so vividly and so perfectly had made it impossible for the Silvas to be seen as anything else than perfect classical tragedy actors. Because Noelle’s father only wanted classical plays to be played. Because they were beautiful. Because they were magnificent. Because they had torn heroes who had to choose between love and power and always chose power. Because these were, for Niccolo Silva, the only plays he called ‘drama’ ; everything else was just street acting, mere vaudeville or cheap harlequin. Lower people’s entertainment. The Plebe’s Amusement. Noelle took a deep breath then said, “They just do.”
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pearlsndrugs · 9 months
The funny part is I didn’t know I was making you numb or happy through my pain. You didn’t live long enough for mine. No one asked for an apology but the fact you’re probably waiting for me to give you one basically is beyond me. You’ll never know me, I have to be the one to yeet myself from you when you don’t want me to sometimes. I guess that means we r toast for never giving birth to u or being the host of ur escaped ass. I have always been the real life girl you knew, little big or tired. You just didn’t know me well enough to know I’m the one that made you so grown at birth, no you don’t not date neither do I but if you could just listen.. I mean I have had it with his covert them all into Christian’s again plan. Here’s the deal: Jesus Christ was hung on a cross, got his drugs taken away instead & was stoned to death. Ted bundy was held hostage paralyzed in jail (or not to him) (and everyone in Pensacola that usually doesn’t have electric chairs) until he got a burnt piece of toast and stale coffee for his “last dinner”? What does this mean? Who took him and the electric chair? Why is someone looking for his body? Can you stop trying to take other beings prey or are u just stinky????? Like you’ll never know who I love here or not.. everyone hates the right people even like just stop— unless they hate themselves! :o when u realize the fainting was real at first you get I’ve been a legend and all around since the beginning of time. No u can’t take ur mom to hell for creating a bunch of kids from me that hated you that probably had to have a fake aura and shit to talk shit. Luckily I can see them and if they’re conscience like u don’t know me. Maybe it’s me after the room is filled of energy to make sure no one gets fuckin taken. Talking about keep me here to make sure I’m not. It’s not to identify you or me; I don’t go. I make sure you and ur little friends do bc I’m a woman. I could get a man to do anything with me ur just mad to have my stalkers shitty leftover and the stalker sometimes. U don’t know the shit you’ve done to yourself trying me but I’m just going to believe you thought I was dumb. Like you didn’t even know the right answer at first & this is why I respond as you bc I know. No it’s not an every mother thing. No you could never be like me there’s no fucking reason to be you’d just kill everyone I’m sure (still).. no way rn you’re mad to not be a pedo like everyone else like lemme just say hell no & im mad u still make the world upset when u hit on me but that’s my explanation dude.. btw lemme find out I’m hiding secret gangs and all from u hoes? Lemme find out I’m a boss ass bitch and so are my lil gangster mommas !! You guys wanted us to raise our little boys & girls well I needed love so I hope this isn’t why I’ve found it but damn I’m done with the boys. Talking about be my secret lover or not or I’ll ruin everything bc ur my mom. Dude you don’t even know who has stalked who anymore— & I don’t care honestly.. not. like “Ted Bundy” wasn’t enough it’s ok he just looks like a pedophile rn too with the way he wants them to have justice—.. but I didn’t see him complain once and is glad to not be one. Lol rip. Talking mad shit when I know who the kids are and u don’t one day incase u escape.. prove it! Like she wouldn’t, admit it’s me. Admit you needed Satan after you tried to make yourself Santa. This is when no one trusted him and was glad it was their parents and loved their parents. Low and behold our other child never died over this but is hidden to not believe she’s in love with her dad. I’m sure Ted’s pissed but soundproofed lol. I’m not fucking dealing with that shit again. Imagine you never had friends or did u? Like grow up. You found a bunch of baser creepies to chill with and then lost ur mind over one of them trying to sell you your mom. Thanks. But then y’all are trying to what? Excuse me? And this is what he’s been doing to the ones you love. Just know you’ll never be more executed than the serial killer “unknown”.. some can remember but haha—
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15ktherapy · 1 year
my sisters being annoying UNDER CUT TIME
it’s blabber time aight ?
I sleepy fornelije so many fucking hours I slept was so long hate that ahit it always makes me feel weird and in the bad way ummmmmm okay so. my dreams are always rlly like. okay lookaybe you know maybe you don’t but like in tv shows or whatever ppl will talk about being able to realize when ur dreaming and being able to do things. I don’t dream like that never have. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii. it’s like memories or being strung along in a story. nothing changes you aren’t rlly conscious what happens happens and that’s that. okay so dreams. don’t really remember tyem bc I woke up Hour s ago. ONE. BUGS. IN MY BATHTUB. big ones. TWO. people kept giving me money like hundred of dollars it’s like are you meaning to give me this much money ? what de fawk. anyway side note three dollar bills existed in my dreams. also 120 dollar bills. strange. anyway THREE!!! most the reason i put this under a cut. deals with my cats yknow the missing probably dead ones? those ones yeahX You’ve been warned. THREE. DEAD CAT. POOR LITTLE LEMMYS DEAD ON MY FAWKING LAWN. I blame this dream on my dad being annoying yesterday. umm all these dream were rehashings of big thinsg yesterday— 1bugs- my sisters got a literal bug collection she kept showing it off. umm also half I play hollow knight a lot and that’s bug game— 2money— talked about wtttibg a job yesterday with both my parents— 3DEAD CAT— so me my mom and my sis are all VERY SURE what happened to our cats (and another poor guys poor cat) and my dad is Really Fucking Annoying about it because he’s just like that in general. so me mom and sis all DISTINCTLY remember this one fucking guy making “jokes” about how he liked to poison cats and or eat them what fucking ever when we moved in SECEN YEARS AGO. and it’s like back then it’s like Okay Keep Cats Away From That Man. also Hopefullky He’s Joking. anyway so years later THREE FUCKING CATS GO MISSING IN THE SPAN OF A FUCKING WEEK. my cat maggie and another guys cat inky (maggie and inky seemed to be friends btw. very sad that this was only noticed AFTER THEY DISAPEERED.) anyway so they disappear at the same time, because of that I’m like DEAR GOD CAN WE PLEEASE FUCKING KEEP LEMONS INSIDE??? MAGGIES BEEN GONE FOR DAYS AND THIS OTHER CAT IS GONE TOO? we need to keep her inside. she does not stay inside. a week after maggie disappears so does my little lemmy. I spend hours looking outside for her and nearly rip my moms boyfriends head off. I take a shower and cry a lot. anyway. months later back to the present— we’re pretty sure what happened to our cats, eggs have been thrown, yada yada. so it’s yesterday my dads here he’s annoying some how cats come up again and we spend like ten minutes talking about our dead cats and how we know it was our neighbors and my dad being stupid like “it probably wasn’t though” IM AORRY WHO LIVES HERE??? and who doesn’t??? who’s cats died??? kys. anywya so I blame my dead cat dream and. THE ONE OTHER THING I REMEMBER FROM THAT DREAM SECTION “well looks like you were right.” I AM SO MAD. coughs anyway next time I see my dad in probably chewing him out for that
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inagetawaycarxo · 2 years
I’m Not Him | The Shield Imagine [Separate]
Anon: Ooh could we get fic-one of the shield boys-where gf pushes him to hang out with his friends, doesnt kiss him in front of his friends, tries not to ask him for much. And he gets really angry until he learns her ex accused her of being clingy so she didnt want him to dump her bc shes 'smothering', some agst then fluff. Thanks!
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
Summary; Y/n isn’t used to a nontoxic relationship so when The boys pull her up on her odd behaviour of pushing him to hang out with his friends more.
WARNINGS: fluff, angst, crying, breakups, makeups, roman being a sweetheart, Seth being an idiot, errors I missed.
A/N: I know you said one of the boys but I decided to do all three.
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DEAN AMBROSE: [aka Jon Moxley]
He was cool with it at first. He thought you were one of those calm girlfriends who didn’t make a big deal if he hung around his friends a lot.
You never kissed him in front of his friends, you never asked for much.
But it got to the point where it become a habit. Whenever he was with you and he got from one of his friends or a call, you told him to hang out with them.
He started to think maybe you didn’t love him anymore and were cheating on him, which caused him to get pissed off.
Eventually, he confronted you in a fit of rage, which kind of scared you.
The two of you were snuggled on the couch, watching some cheesy cringy movie on Netflix that he wasn’t really invested in when his phone pinged with a text message. It was one of his friends asking if he wanted to hang out. You glanced over at the text message.
“You can go see them,” You spoke. He looked up at you. eyes filled with anger which kind of made you gulp. Having flashbacks to your ex. You thought he was going to say of course I can.
“No, I’m watching this movie with you,” He spoke. Looking back at the screen. But you could sense he was annoyed, and you didn’t want him to think you were clingy.
“I can tell you hate it; you can go I don’t mind,” You spoke again. Voice filled with so much vulnerability.
“That’s bullshit y/n, and you know it,” He snapped, turning his attention away from the screen to look at you. Eyes filled with annoyance. It made you jump, scooting away from him.
“I-what,” You gasped out. Heart pounding so fast.
“You always push me to hang out with my friends, especially when I spend time with you, are you cheating on me? is that why you push me to hang out with your friends so you can bring him around? Or maybe you are using me? Stringing me along?” He growled out. Making tears fall from your eyes.
“No, I’m sorry, I just…I thought you would think I was being clingy if I didn’t let you hang around them, that you would think I am smothering you,” You sobbed.  
“Why would I think that?” He spoke. All his anger had died down. Being placed with sympathy.
You didn’t answer him, hanging your head down in shame. Your silence told him a lot. It obviously had something to do with your asshole ex.
“Did that asshole, call you clingy?” He asked. You nod your head.
“Hey, your not clingy for showing your love, remember that he is an asshole,” He spoke. Grabbing your chin and pulling your head up so you were looking at him.
Your eyes were blurred with tears. He wiped away your tears.
“I think I need to go around to your ex’s house and punch the shit out of him,” He spoke. Making a small smile appear on your lips, which made him happy.
“There’s that smile,” He beamed, letting go of your chin, as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his chest as he hugged you tight.
“No more of that toxic thinking,” He spoke. You nodded your head…
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
Roman finds it strange you push him to hang out with his friends. Even when they don’t text or call him to make plans.
He finds it even odd that you don’t kiss him in front of them, though he can understand given the fact that the relationship he and you had didn’t start great, you were still in a relationship and he was divorced, so some people might assume that he ruined your relationship or that you are pretty much a whore.
He definitely wasn’t going to force a kiss out of you. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
His friends think you are cool for that, letting him hang out with them a lot, but Roman believes there’s something deep down that is making you push him towards his friends. Maybe trauma.
He knew your ex-boyfriend was the worst to you. He knew because he saved Roman isn’t angry per se he is just sad that you don’t want to spend a lot more time with him, even when his friends don’t ask him to hang out.
He just finds it odd. He thinks maybe something is going on with you.
Especially when you don’t ask a lot out of him. It’s like you don’t want his help. He can see you struggling when you do need help. It’s the insignificant things, like taking the dishes to the sink, struggling to hold the laundry basket full of clothes, etc.
He doesn’t believe you are cheating because he knows you better than you know yourself. He knows you are deeply in love with him, but he can tell you are scared. He does believe it has something to do with your past relationship.
He does think it has something to do with your ex, he thinks maybe you weren’t telling him the whole truth about your past relationship with your ex, the one he saved you from, he believed he was more than physically abusive to you he thinks he was emotionally abusive as well. He doesn’t want to pressure you into telling him if you weren’t ready.
So he took it slowly, canceling his plans to hang with you. which he saw put you on edge, it was only a matter of time till you caved in. He could tell by your behaviour, how on edge you were.
“You should hang out with them, I don’t mind,’ You spoke, as he helped you fold the pile of clothes.
Roman shrugged his shoulders.
“You okay?” He asked, noticing your breathing got uneven.
“Yeah, I just don’t want you to miss out hanging with your friends and regret it,” You answered rather too quickly.
“It’s never boring with you,” He spoke. Sending a wink your way, which seemed to make you cry even harder. Stupid emotions. You scolded yourself.
‘Y/n, hey, what’s wrong?” He asked. Hands cupping the side of your face.
“It’s nothing,” You gasped out. Drying your tears. But they still fell.
‘It’s not nothing if you are crying,” He spoke.
“I-just, I…” Struggling to tell him why you were crying. You didn’t want him to leave you since you were so emotionally damaged by your ex.
“Is this about your ex?” Roman asked, making you look at him in shock.
“How did you know?” You gasped out.
“It’s pretty obvious he did more than just physically abuse you,” Roman spoke. Making you cry even harder.
“You can tell me,” He spoke, as he guided you to sit on the couch. Hands off your face now. His right arm wrapped around your shoulder. He placed his left hand on your thigh. His eyes never left your eyes as you stared at him. when you spoke you looked away.
“He said I was smothering him whenever I asked him to do stuff or asked something from him, he said that I was clingy when I didn’t let him hang out with his friends, and when I kissed him in front of his friends he said I was being a clingy bitch and smothering him,” You confessed.
“He is truly a fucking idiot, he never deserved you,” Roman spoke in a soothing voice. He didn’t want to scare you with an angry voice. He was pissed off at your ex.
“Hey, look at me,” Roman spoke softly. you turned your head to look at him. It broke his heart seeing you crying over what that asshole did to you, the mind games he played on you still affected you.
”I just didn’t want you to think I was clingy and smothering you,” You sniffled out.
“I would never think that about you, I love you too much,” Roman spoke. Seeing you smile softly.
Which made him smile.
“I love you too,” You spoke. Making his eyes sparkle. The pad of his thumb wipes your fallen tears.
Eyes locked on each other.
“Don’t ever think you are being clingy or smothering me for showing your love and affection towards me because you aren’t I love you so much y/n,” Roman spoke in a soft tone, making your heart melt….
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
Seth really didn’t make a big deal out of it at first, like Dean/Jon he assumed you were the cool girlfriend, the laid-back one, but he started to see it as a red flag, especially when you didn’t kiss him in front of his friends, how you solely pushed him towards hanging out with his friends, how you tried not to ask much from him, even when he knew you wanted to.
It started to piss him off. So, when he rudely confronted you on this, his patience for your explanation ran thin. And it really didn’t go the right way.
“Are you cheating on me? huh, is that why you won't kiss me in front of my friends? You push me to hang out with them so you can bring him around and fuck him? huh?” He snapped out. Which only made you burst into tears.
Seth held no sympathy though. He rolled his eyes.
“Oh don’t cry,” He snapped.
“He can have you, WE ARE DONE,” Seth shouted, before turning around and storming out of the house he shared with you. Leaving you to fall on the floor, and sob harder.
Seth ignored you through the weeks, texting you to get your stuff out of the house, and he didn’t care where you went to. He was ruthless.
Your best friend was pissed off at him, you ended up staying with her. Wallowing in her guest bedroom and crying your eyes out. Heartbroken. She hasn’t seen you this messed up since that asshole ex of yours did a number on you.
She had enough. Seth was being a complete wanker, she had to give him a piece of her mind, so she decided to drive over to his place and yell at him for treating you like shit. If it got to the point she had to get violent she would, she didn’t care, no one treats her best friend like that.
When she got there she parked in the driveway. Putting her car in park and putting the handbrake up. Turned the car off. She took the keys out of the ignition and got out of her car. Slamming the door shut.
She marched over to the front door. Knocking really hard on the door. She didn’t care.
The door opened revealing an annoyed Seth. They both rolled their eyes.
“Hey asshole,” She hissed out.
“Of course, she would get her best friend to pick her shit up, too much of a coward to do it herself,” Seth snarled out. Making y/n’s best friend give him a bitch look.
“She never cheated on you, you fucking moron, if you got your head out of your ass for just one minute and let her explain instead of jumping to a conclusion, then you would know the truth, and your one to talk, you’ve cheated, you are such a hypocrite, she would never cheat, I don’t know what she sees in you but you are a complete douchebag,” She snapped. Her eyes blazed with anger.
“If she didn’t cheat on me then why was she pushing me towards my friends not kissing me, hardly asking me much?” He snapped back.
“Because her ex called her clingy and told her she was smothering him for not letting him hang out with his friends for kissing him in front of them, especially when she asked him for things, so she got it into her head that if she did that shit with you, you wouldn’t like it, you idiot,” She hissed out. God, she wanted to punch him so hard.
Seth looked shocked. Mouth a gap. She took a step back. Rolling her eyes in annoyance. God, he was such an idiot. She only came to him because it broke her heart to see you in so much pain and Seth was an idiot for not letting you explain yourself.
“Are you coming you idiot, I’m not letting my best friend cry another tear for you,” She hissed.
Seth quickly grabbed his keys from the hallway table that was near the front door. Exiting the house. He locked the door, following your best friend. She was already in the car. Looking annoyed.
Seth got in the car. Before he could put his seatbelt on your best friend sped off. Making Seth look at her like she was crazy. He put the seatbelt on.
An awkward silence filled the car. She turned the radio up. But Seth’s thoughts were on you.
She definitely wasn’t going to the speed limit. Going over the speed limit. She really was a rough driver. A couple of times Seth thought they were going to crash into another car.
After fifteen minutes of her horrible driving, they finally arrived at her house. She parked the car in the narrow driveway. Putting the handbrake on and the handbrake up. She turned the car off.
Turning her head to look at Seth.
“I will be in the backyard, if I here uncontrollably sobbing I will end your life,” She spoke, yanking the key out of the ignition, taking her seatbelt off, she opened the door and got out, slamming the door as soon as she got out. she opened the side gate, then slammed that one closed.
Seth collected his thoughts for a second, before he unbuckled the seatbelt, and opened the door. He got out. closing the door softly.
Walking to the front door. He opened the door, gently closing it. Anxiety bubbled up inside of him.
He heard soft sniffling. Making his heart drop. He did that to you, and it broke his heart. Seth followed the sound of soft crying. Standing in front of a door. He knocked softly. When he didn’t hear a reply he opened the door.
His heart ached as he saw you curled in a ball.
“Y/n,” Seth spoke softly, making you stop crying. He walked closer to the bed. Sitting down
“I know why you have been acting the way you have when we were together, I know you didn’t cheat, and I was such an idiot to think that, your best friend told me that your ex said you were clingy and smothering him when you showed PDA towards him to his friends, and that he would say you where clingy when he wanted to hang out with his friends and he claimed you didn’t let him, he was an idiot, and I am a bigger idiot for not letting you explain,” He spoke.
You turned to face him. Making Seth give a heartbroken look as he saw how red your eyes were. Cheeks puffy. Of course, she would go over to his house and give him a piece of her mind, she always cared about you.
“I want to make a mend, I want us to be together again, I’m a fool for letting you go, but I understand if you don’t want to, it is totally up to you?” He asked. Your heart hammered.
Your hand grabbed a hold of his. Making him look down at his and your intertwined fingers, he looked up at you as you looked up at him with pain-filled eyes.
“Baby steps,” You spoke, Making Seth smile. His thumb caresses the back of your hand. You knew it would take a lot of work to trust again, to trust Seth fully, to be able to be comfortable in your relationship with him, to get over your past trauma with your ex-boyfriend, but you believed Seth was worth it….
 ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
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