#so who really knows
tiredmamaissy · 1 year
idk if anyone has asked this but are u straight issy??!
👁👄👁 I just like what I like ya know
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qazastra · 1 year
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so last time I was at this store (late summer I think because begin had come out already but it wasn’t really cold out) they had zero ooo stuff. to the point where i asked the workers if they had any of their albums and they said “onlyoneof? how do you spell it? girl group or boy group or…?” and then I came back last week and they had a whole section!!! 🥺🥺🥺❣️
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Look I get it.
I do.
I am a wholly unhinged member of this fandom, and I know the first rule of the weewoo show is that they don’t need to take the time to recover from injuries.
But at least when Carlos had his episode, they didn’t show him the next episode and we could assume that he was recovering (they literally did not mention him in any way shape or form the following episode which isn’t the best I’ll grant you)
But at least he was not attending events and going to work like nothing happened-
Like I’m sorry, did they not watch the episode they created?
Marjan was shot.
I’m sorry, I’m always told at work I need to speak up and project more-
Like it would’ve been one thing if she attended the cancer thing and said yeah I can’t wait to get back to work or some shit-
But no there she was at lunch just shooting the shit like she was not shot in a time that apparently wasn’t recently!
Okay I’m done I’m sorry I just- I couldn’t get past this watching the episode
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I believe I'm done being indecisive about the title and tags, so, new fic!
Summary: Life is difficult, but having someone there for you can help. They won't solve all your problems, but it's nice being able to smile for a moment when everything else hurts.
Or, Sam and Castiel are there to check on each other, becoming each other's support system.
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mjlol52 · 6 months
i havent ate or used the bathroom in like 8 hours i am busy touhouing
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hippolotamus · 1 year
Buddie top/bottom/verse hc?
Whoops, almost forgot about this one. I definitely HC them as Verse. Eddie could potentially be characterized as a top because of gender norms and coming from previous hetero relationships. And truly we've seen very little of Eddie's sex life.
Additionally, Buck's praise kink/need to please can be seen from space, and what we've seen of his sex life is mostly S1 (Baby Buck, my beloved). Still, I think there's a lot of room for them both to get a turn at having the control, and enjoying that role.
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thefact0rygirl · 1 year
I just started ep 3 of the mandalorian season 3 and its so stressful for me that they don't have a door spy thing. Or a camera. Anything. To look outside and see who is ringing the door bell
Before, I was like, "That's nice and pretty much everything I would need. I could live there, " and now I'm horrified
Lmaoooooo they’re thinking, “You know what? If you got all the way out here, made it passed the crocodile monster, AND live then we’ll let you in. You want some tea?”
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crazypossumman · 2 years
Started a new antidepressant (that is also supposed to promote focus) recently on top of my prior medication and today I just like… woke up when my alarm went off and didn’t feel the need to lay in bed dreading my existence for an hour before getting up? I got up, ate, and watched my shows while drawing. Like it didn’t take until 6pm for me to muster the motivation to do stuff. Like… maybe I was more fucking depressed before than I thought
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 months
The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
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sarah-cam · 1 month
context is marinas pregnant. her friend posted pic with her with caption ~have you ever seen cuter preggo~ on story. they are talking about departure arc for her and saying they think she wont return to film because shes pregnant
i don’t have any personal knowledge of this and marina has not announced anything, but assuming she is indeed pregnant—filming for the season is over and they’ll have a break but i’m assuming they’ll hide her with clothes/props and then have her missing for a few episodes like they did with her last pregnancy, it won’t be hard considering they basically only care about one character per episode and are already cutting the actors from episode due to “budget” (aka refusal to pay their actors what they’re worth)
i can’t imagine why she wouldn’t return unless she wants to leave the show, which would be surprising considering how much she clearly loves it. she’s pregnant, not ill!!
i would say this is a perfect opportunity for a burzek storyline but one chicago hates pregnant women so i doubt it
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theshadowrealmitself · 8 months
I like to think that Vulcans who come to understand that Humans just can’t try to process emotions the same way as them, it’s just healthiest to let it out in harmless ways, decide that venting and stuff should be taken just as seriously as Vulcan’s meditation time, and will encourage the Humans around them to complain about what’s upsetting them
People who are used to aloof Vulcans who avoid Humans at all cost running into one comforting a Human
“-and then they said my cheesecake was subpar, and they didn’t even bring a dish!!!”
“The purpose of this event was that every participant brings a food item of sorts, correct?”
“And they did not follow this rule while insulting dishes that were brought?”
“Mostly just my dish but yeah >:(“
“How illogical”
“That’s what I’m saying!!!”
#star trek#Vulcans#Humans#not based on a specific thing#but I used to know this annoying couple that were ‘family friends’#who would show up to potluck dinners and the like and would either bring nothing or bring something really just. out of left field?#like a bag of frozen chicken to a bbq#and then proceed to make sure they are first even if it was stated to let kids go first#would take HUGE amounts before anyone else got a chance to get a plate#and then make off with the leftovers again even if they were already claimed for#and it wasn’t a food insecurity thing trust me I would never speak bad about a person getting food if that was even a remote chance#the adults who raised us knew them really well and we’d been to their house a ton of times#they were just dicks#and yeah. they’d occasionally insult the food. while eating the MAJORITY of it.#it was so weird at their home they would go out of their way to get the healthiest options possible#you know the really bland tasteless expensive stuff that apparently was healthier#but then if they were visiting our house they would. eat all our unhealthy snacks.#that always pissed me off so much as a kid because we actually had a food insecurity thing going on#and also a variety of other reasons that are a bit too depressing to bring up on this post#but anyways we’d hardly ever get to have nice snacks#and this couple would just take them all??? even after we’d tell them repeatedly that it was ours and those snacks weren’t gonna be#replaced#hated that couple#if you’re wondering why they were ‘family friends’ it’s because the couple who raised us#(it feels weird to type it out like that but apparently legal guardians doesn’t fit since they never finished petitioning 💀)#liked having them around because it made them look like ‘such great Christian’s’ being nice to the people#that no one else wanted to be friends with#I always thought that was a really weird and fucked up reason to be friends with someone#this got long sorry 😭
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foolsocracy · 1 month
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identity reveals are always fun
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disteal · 9 months
I hate gay people so much. I haven’t been able to hear an imagine dragons song on the radio or in a shop without my brain just IMMEDIATELY being flooded with ‘Okay im imagining his dragon’. People think i just rly hate imagine dragons with the way my face reacts but i don’t im literally fighting such a personal battle against saying something fruity abt mr dragons out of nowhere because the shit gay people say online is so funny
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oobbbear · 6 months
I want to post this here too because I’ve seen it happen a few times
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Please understand that there are cultural differences and language differences, if you see this happening let the person clarify what they meant, that person might just not be familiar with words the western side of the internet use
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Listen, you should never film strangers in public without their consent, but I swear there need to be fines or something for people who do that shit in some spaces. For example: I had to go to the ER last night, and some jerk filmed a woman who just came in and was clearly having an asthma attack. She immediately got to go back, and he was unhappy about that. Believe me, I get that it sucks having to wait when you're in pain, but you don't get to pick who deserves care when. The medical system in the US is a nightmare, and the ER could be the worst moment of someone's life. No one deserves to be recorded because some jack ass believes someone doesn't look like they need care.
This is fine to reblog. People who film strangers should be shamed if nothing else.
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