#some goofing
oncillabrigade · 21 days
The Bats all have personalized ring tones for one another, but everyone has both a civilian and a Bat ring tone. The civilian ones are chaos, with everyone choosing whatever they want for their various family members and friends. BUT! Everyone has a single Bat tone that all other team members use for them.
The catch? Bruce forbid them from choosing their own Bat ring tones because he proposed this plan back in Dick's Robin days and he IMMEDIATELY picked "Toxic." The choice was not well received.
Bruce: Dick, I will not be alerted to the fact that you're in danger by some Britney Spears song.
Dick: First of all, it is not some Britney song, it is the Britney song. That song finally won her a Grammy.
Bruce: *sighs*
Dick: Second of all, it won't tell you when I'm in danger... it'll tell you when Robin is.
Bruce: I'm taking the Walkman out of the Robin kit.
Dick: *offended gasp*
(Yes, Dick is old enough for a Walkman. No, you will not change my mind. Yes, the Tim-and-on siblings all find that hilarious. Yes, Jason has to be VERY careful not to mention that he borrowed that Walkman for years because he was uncomfortable taking expensive electronics out and about with him.)
Dick then proposes a slew of other songs for the whole team to use, all of which are pop culture references, e.g. the Scrubs theme because they're not Superman and also they're a dysfunctional family of coworkers; the theme from the Godfather because "let's be honest, B, we are basically our own mafia"; "Where is My Mind" by the Pixies because lol identity shenanigans, etc. The list is endless. Bruce spends weeks groaning every time his son texts him.
Eventually, they compromise on the version of "The Entertainer" from The Sting because they're hiding in plain sight to enact a mission defending good people in a hard world. Bruce, Dick, and Alfred are all so pleased with this that they each take a different section of the song as their ring tone.
Then Barbara becomes Batgirl, so she gets a section... and then Jason becomes Robin and gets one, too... and then Tim, then Steph, and then Cass is taken in, and... uh oh. That's a lot of people for one song.
But it's family tradition! They can't stop now. That would be so unfair to the new kids, B!
So they start using alternate arrangements of the song. Bruce has mellowed slightly on the "no choosing your own" thing. As long as it's a version of "The Entertainer" (within reason) he'll allow it.
Tim retroactively changes his ring tone to a weird groove-ska arrangement Bart randomly sent him on YouTube because have you met Tim Drake? Of course he went for hilarious obscurity. (Bruce grits his teeth and approves it after lots of prompting from Dick and Alfred). Steph makes it her mission to find a weirder one (Bruce agrees because he's too tired to deal with accusations of favoritism).
Cass creates her own arrangement on theremin because apparently she knows how to play the theremin. No one is sure why. Upon inquiry, she just says, "spooky noises are fun," but does not elaborate further even when she's asked to do so. A Batgirl's gotta have her secrets—Babs taught her that.
When Jason starts working with his family again, he pays an aspiring music producer within Red Hood's ranks to create a minor key remix of the original Robin II ring tone. His siblings (minus Cass) are VERY jealous he has his own personalized arrangement. Dick, Tim, and Steph end up paying this goon who owns Garage Band to do ones for them, too. Duke does the same when he joins the team.
Meanwhile, in a fit of little brotherly pique, Damian steals Tim's original ring tone. He hopes to rub salt in the Robin replacement wounds. He fails! Tim finds it beyond funny that Damian's ring tone is groove-ska. So Damian quietly pays the amateur producer to make him one that's cooler than Tim's. He pays a ludicrous amount, though, because Steph paid for one cooler than Jason's and Tim paid for one cooler than Steph's.
(Dick wanted one cooler than Jason's too, but he had $63.02 in his bank account at the time and Bruce flat out refused to use the Batbudget on "a super cool ring tone that's better than Jay's." Eventually, Dick just paid himself for an averagely cool one. In installments.)
At this point, the Bats have single-handedly given this fledgling producer enough money to quit being a goon and start an indie music studio. His first customers are mostly superheroes from out of town who like what the Bats have going on and want their own team ring tones. Harley and Ivy get in on that action, too.
Then, as word spreads, every local crook/henchperson with a side band (there are many) flocks to the studio to have their stuff produced by one of their own. Gotham rogues suddenly have an unemployment problem, while the city finds itself with a flourishing indie music scene that puts Metropolis' to shame. The entire state of New Jersey is celebrating the dual victory.
Dick has never been so glad someone doesn't like Britney Spears' magnum opus.
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unsurebisexualcore · 6 months
watching percy pet that white gecko in ep2 with the biggest fricken grin on his face single-handedly cured my depression for the rest of the calendar year
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nameko-nick · 20 days
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I rewatched to goofy movies recently…. 👀💦
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broodingheroine · 4 months
list of weird things I want to hear in a case file in tmagp:
baker (or just a person making their own bread) getting progressively more paranoid about the bubbles in their sourdough starter being sentient
teenager on some sort of social media talking about how the clothes pile on their chair looks at them in the dark
very cliche tree branch shadow tapping on someone's window in the middle of the night but it's actually an evil tree
I want more haunted theaters. It can never be overdone.
musician finds the one out of tune key on their piano deeply disconcerting to the point of obsession
someone gets a splinter and can't quite seem to get it out..... they keep digging for hours
avalanche. being stuck under the snow and not being able to tell which way is up.
story of someone who got stuck in an office building all alone and couldn't find the exit but there's just enough details similar to the oiar building that it freaks someone out.
worm sex part 2: electric boogaloo
someone with frost bite who couldn't stop rubbing their arms even though the skin was getting shredded from the ice particles :) flesh
everytime someone gets their picture taken, even if it's a candid, the result is them staring dead into the lense. even if they were turned the opposite direction when it was taken. they avoid cameras now.
someone's voice cannot be recorded and they start to question whether or not they're real.
someone who realizes everyone they've ever known has forgotten them. kind of an inverse not!them where they're the only one who knows themselves.
apartment complex finds body in their water tank, people had been drinking corpse water, one of the tenants obsesses over it and starts putting more bodies in the tank to get the ✨️flavor✨️ back.
love induced cannibalism and I want that shit genuinely romanticized. like i want it portrayed as if it's the most reasonable thing on earth to consume your loved ones.
time loop. except the person in the time loop is there so long they get desensitized and start just having fun with it. the time it finally stops looping is when they've done the most heinous thing they could think of and then they have to live with it.
might add more if they occur to me
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some-pers0n · 7 months
Will Wood archive channels are wild cause one video will be like a 9 second recording of a concert from 2016 showing this man wearing like seven layers of eyeliner and mascara, no shirt, and has bleached his hair an unnatural blonde banging on his keyboard while screaming about drugs, skeletons, and suicide and then the next video will be this guy who looks like he majors in philosophy and computer science with an oversized ukulele telling people that he is doing well in therapy
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dustin-ajar · 8 days
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more femme maxley
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hitwiththetmnt · 10 months
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Peepaws do some tech talk
P1 (what could go wrong with some tech talk) other doodles
Based on @butterfilledpockets B.E.N.T. au
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nomiyakazehaya · 5 months
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a tired and disappointed mom i've been wanting to draw that one tfp concept art for a while, and since my internet decided to implode on itself, i decided to do exactly that to cope 🥲
some silly alternatives under the cut bc i thought they were funny 😂
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azure-shuttle · 1 day
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the family's pride and joy...and the owner of the good hair gene
(co-au of the AU @0kleva0 💜)
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booasaur · 1 year
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The Marvels (2023) - Teaser Trailer
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simorys · 22 days
Guys umm
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mrprettywhenhecries · 2 months
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Happy Birthday Joe! 💚
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midnightblue66 · 13 days
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Maxley but add a bit of ✨️angst✨️
Saw this trend going around twitter and thought of them... so yeah 😭
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theokapuco · 7 days
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I've been trying different ways to draw these two silly goofy ahh guys. here's a human-ish version with Bradley still looking like himself 😭. Plus some of my own head canons of the characters
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acoraxia · 11 months
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(2022 sketches) Oop never posted these here…
(rambling in tags)
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starch1ldz · 6 days
Me seeing Maxley on my fyp: oh they feel familiar.... Hmm
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Oh no..
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