#some kinda beast on the roof
corax-corone · 4 months
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quick Swiss thing for render testing
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oldmannapping · 4 months
Mama - a Red Hood fanfic
Directly inspired by this post by @webshood
You don’t jack a car in Crime Alley. And you definitely don’t jack a car in Crime Alley that almost certainly has a child in it.
The “Welcome To Gotham: 10 Things You Need To Know” pamphlets that Harley Quinn earnestly distributed to newcomers to the Gotham underworld were very clear about Red Hood’s list of Dos and Don’t.
Among the top Don’ts were:
Crime in Crime Alley
Crimes against women in Crime Alley
Crimes against children in Crime Alley
It wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t been so goddam cute.
Felicia Aidia, barely a year old. Couldn’t quite walk yet, but she could stand unassisted for five seconds of startled jubilance before her own shock at the situation would send her flopping back on her adorable diapered butt. Huge almond eyes that were nearly black, wispy black hair and full pink cheeks, she looked altogether too cherubic to be real.
Felicia had been strapped safely in a booster seat, poking at the condensation on the window of the rideshare car she was in with her babysitter, when they were carjacked by an idiot with either a death wish or less situational awareness than a stoned beetle.
There was no other excuse for why this man jacked a She-Share, one of the brightly-marked cars in a fleet that was famous for being Gotham’s first rideshare company to boast child seats in every one of their vehicles at no extra cost.
They were famously affordable and primarily utilised by single parents in low-income areas such as Crime Alley.
You don’t jack a car in Crime Alley. And you definitely don’t jack a car in Crime Alley that almost certainly has a child in it.
The “Welcome To Gotham: 10 Things You Need To Know” pamphlets that Harley Quinn earnestly distributed to newcomers to the Gotham underworld were very clear about Red Hood’s list of Dos and Don’t.
Among the top Don’ts were:
Crime in Crime Alley
Crimes against women in Crime Alley
Crimes against children in Crime Alley
The car thief had shoved the driver and Felicia’s babysitter out of the vehicle but utterly failed to notice the giant car seat and the appropriately-sized child occupying it.
A city-wide Amber Alert was out within minutes, which honestly was pretty good considering it happened in Crime Alley and Gotham police liked to pretend that area was just a mysterious Bermuda Triangle kinda place where people just mysteriously went missing, who can say why, oh well, what can you do.
The police were fast but Red Hood was faster.
The vigilante was leaping across rooftops with the speed of a panther. One police helicopter pilot completely forgot their assignment and started following him instead of the stolen car. People livestreamed blurry videos of the car careening around corners that hadn’t yet been blocked off, panning up to catch a glimpse of red metal and brown leather streaking across the sky in pursuit.
The end was anticlimactic. Hood crashed onto the roof of the car from the awning of a deli like a feral beast and punched straight through the driver’s side window. He knocked the driver out and wrested control of the vehicle until it skidded to a stop a few blocks away from the official police cordon.
Before any officers got there, Hood had hogtied the unconscious car thief and carefully extracted Felicia from her carseat.
She let out a small, uncertain wail at the sight and sound of cheering locals, crowding close to film and too boisterous with relief to realise they were scaring a baby.
Felicia pouted. It had been loud, and then fast, and then unfamiliar, and then loud again, and suddenly she was outside, and she was supposed to be napping, and she didn’t know any of these people.
Wait, yes she did. The man cradling her protectively with one arm and holding the other out to the crowd, telling them to, “Back off, back off, give her some space,”, she’d seen him before. She didn’t know how but he was familiar. His big red face (no eyes, very strange, no mouth too! How did he suck his thumb?) wasn’t scary. He was the man on the wall painting! The big wall near the playground had a picture of him painted on it. The playground was safe, and he reminded her of the playground. He was holding her protectively and he was all nice and warm.
Felicia didn’t know many words. But she did know the word she used for the person who felt safest.
“Mama!” she said loudly, clinging to the red man’s arm. “Mama!”
“It’s okay, kiddo,” he said in a very soothing voice for someone without a mouth, “We’ll get your mom.”
A police officer arrived and tried to take Felicia away. She did not appreciate it.
“Mama!” she cried louder, torn between frustration and fear. No one ever listened to her! She reached for the red man. “MAMA!”
Well. Like we said. She was so goddam cute. All eyes were on her fat little face, her adorable, freshly-rescued, chubby little hands reaching out to Red Hood. Everyone was filming her on their phones.
And she called the Red Hood “Mama”, in a perfectly clear, tiny, adorable little baby voice.
Of course it went viral.
For a while, it was a fun in-joke between Gothamites. People playing vigilante bingo to see who they’d spot each night would jokingly ask each other if they’d seen “Mama” down by the docks. Goons blustered amongst themselves that “Mama” didn’t scare them, as they kept their heads down and prayed he didn’t notice them. One bold news website captioned a picture as “Red Hood/Mama” in a story about Felicia’s rescue, while the commenters lost their minds either rofl skull skull skull dying laughing or warning the editors that they should be careful in case the trigger-happy vigilante didn’t have a sense of humour.
Closer to Hood’s home though, the reception was different. And, to him, wholly unexpected.
It started with Felix, the 16-year-old who’d been a sex worker until Hood cleaned up the under-18 scene in the Alley, and who now helped shuttle street kids to the lowkey safehouses Hood and his team had set up. Felix was a good middleman the kids trusted to take them somewhere with food, water, electricity, and no one called CPS. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a good compromise until Hood could clean the stink out of the city’s social services.
Felix was smoking on a stack of crates one night, chatting to a couple of his friends, when Hood strolled over.
“Hola, Mama,” Felix greeted casually, taking a drag of his cigarette as his friends choked.
Hood just sighed. “Not you too.” With a weary exhale, he got to business. “I got those extra blankets you needed for the safehouse on Cedar. They’re at the Warehouse B if you want to run them over tonight. Sheila knows you’re coming, she’ll sort you out.”
And so, with Felix not dead and two witnesses with big mouths to tell the tale, word spread. It was open season on Red Hood’s new nickname.
“Hey, mama!” called the girls on the corner as Hood checked to make sure none of the johns had gotten too rough.
“Mama’s here!” crowed the gays and theys across the block as he dropped off condoms and hot soup.
“It’s mama!” announced the receptionist at the shelter when Red Hood stopped by to do an inventory check.
Everywhere he went.
Whatever. It would pass. People’s attention spans were shot to shit, and the loudest viral jokes always burnt out the fastest. At least, Hood was pretty sure. He wasn’t really online much but it was impossible to exist in the world without hearing a few meme references, and they always seemed to die out fast. When was the last time anyone talked about Baby Shark? Or that kid who said “corn” weird? This would blow over.
Granted, it was taking a bit longer than Hood initially expected.
When Dick gleefully changed his name in the Family Chat, Jason ignored it. He never replied to that thing anyway.
When Red Robin said, “Mama, you’re clear,” in perfectly neutral tones during an otherwise routine surveillance operation, and several comm lines immediately muted themselves, Jason ignored it.
When Damian’s new black kitten, with huge blue eyes and a white streak on the forehead, was named Mama, Jason started to get annoyed. Even DAMIAN?
When Roy answered his call with, “Mama, I missed you!” followed by thirty seconds of unhinged cackling, Jason hung up the phone and didn’t speak to Roy for three days.
When Cass used the ASL sign for Mom to relay information to him during a mission brief, his shoulders dropped.
When Alfred gave him an exquisite pink cupcake on the second Sunday of May, Jason thanked him, left the room, walked into the nearest bathroom, carefully put the cupcake on the bench, and screamed into a towel for six minutes.
When Duke finished a story about growing up in the Narrows with, “Mama knows what I’m talking about, right?”, Jason was defeated.
Fine. They win. Everyone wins.
He worked so hard on a legacy. He dug out of his own GRAVE. He clawed himself back from insanity and anger and reclaimed himself, reclaimed Red Hood, reclaimed his home. He carved a new space for himself, not quite a vigilante, not quite a villain. He made his own rules. He built an empire.
And now, he’s FUCKING Mama.
Life isn’t fair. Sometimes the Joker kills you and you sever heads and butcher bad guys and build up a reputation and then one goddam adorable child says two goddam syllables and you’re fucking MAMA for the rest of your goddam life.
Fuck it. He’s going home. He’s too tired for this shit.
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trippygalaxy · 10 months
Hi there, is it okay to request a headcanon of legend,hyrule and twilight separately on how they find or found a baby and they have to raise the baby themselves?
OOOOOO!! How fun!!
Paring: Legend, Hyrule, Twilight w/ baby (separately) Warning: Death/blood in Hyrule's, mention of child abandonment, swearing,
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Ravio was actually the one to find the baby! The small infant was wrapped in a tattered blanket on his doorstep, and being the resourceful merchant he is--
he panicked and ran to Legend's house
Legend was utterly confused and shocked at the sight of a frantic Ravio holding a sleeping baby. The veteran was quick to ask him how he got the kid and why on the goddesses green earth would he come to him?!
The two stood over Legend's bed, watching the sleeping baby before turning to eachother. They had no clue what to do.
For the first while, Legend are set on trying to find the kid's parents. He was angry at the thought of this kid being abandoned and wanted to give the idiots who dropped them off a piece of his mind.
But after no progress had been made, Legend kinda realizes that HE had to take care of the baby....
Legend nearly had a heart attack that day
How Legend Would Raise The Baby
The first step Legend has to take is BABY PROOFING HIS ENTIRE HOUSE!!
THIS MAN has all kinds of cursed relics and powerful magic items scattered across his house!! 'A totally hazard for the grabby hands of a infant child!' - Ravio
Most of the items are now in a basement/protective shed aka no where the baby would go without the supervision of Legend or Ravio
Struggles the most with calming the kid and putting them to sleep. No matter how much Legend rocks them or tries to sing to them, their big eyes stare up at him without a wink of tiredness
Eventually, from the lack of sleep and as an act of desperation, Legend turns into his bunny form and curls up against the kid. After tugging on his ears for a bit, the child eventually relaxes against the fluffy bunny, falling asleep.
Legend is relieved the kid is finally getting some rest and haunted at the thought of having to do this everytime they can't sleep.
The Veteran is very paranoid in general but now that he has a full ass baby he has to take care of? OOO ITS GONE THROUGH THE ROOF--
Only Him, Ravio and his Zelda (Fable) are allowed to look after the kid. If he has somewhere to be and NEITHER of them are available? Yeah no, fuck whatever plans he had, he is staying with this kid.
Also has a quiet fear of someone trying to take the kid to get to him
Ravio is very set on dressing up the kid, giving them cute little outfits-- which Legend doesn't fully mind but still doesn't see the point of such fancy onesie that they'll grow out of in a month--
okay...He's a little bit more on board
Overall, he's a very paranoid and anxious parent but will throw everything aside for this kid.
While wandering around the wastes of his Hyrule, the traveler heard the faint cries of a...baby?
Quickly, the boy made his way towards the sound, sword drawn and at the ready as he prepares himself to face a hoard of monsters to protect this kid.
But as he crests the dirt mount, he isn't met with the sight of ghoulish monsters or howling beasts. No, he is met with a much more somber sight, one that made his heart ache.
There infront of him were two lifeless figures, bloodied and torn, embracing eachother with thin arms, a small baby laid between them both.
The baby, stained with the blood of their parents, cries into the wind. Blood is caked around their small and chubby hands, weakly holding onto their mother's shawl as a wordless beg for comfort.
A beg that would go forever unanswered..
..Like hell it would!! Hyrule skid down to the two-- three figures, eyes blurry with tears that threatened to spill. Quiet coos came from the hero as hands slowly reaching to the wailing child.
Blood quickly stuck to the hero's tunic like glue and yet, he couldn't of cared less in that moment.
How Hyrule Would Raise The Baby
Hyrule is in WAY over his own head when it comes to raising a baby
But he'd be DAMNED if he gave this kid away. He found them, so they're his reasonability now!
Hyrule soon found an unexpected bonus his magical abilities! The sparkling lights and crackling energy were a great way to distract and calm the young child!
Speaking of magical abilities, Hyrule uses his healing spells a lot when it comes to keep his child safe and healthy! Baby has a small case of the sniffles? BOOM heals! Baby's temperature is higher than normal? BAM! healing peak to the forehead <3
Oh, the fairies absolutely love the little child!!! Hyrule can not stop the fluttering circles they do around him and his new child! Hyrule is about to gently scold the girls for overwhelming the baby but stops when he hears the giddy laughter.
They laugh, bouncing in Hyrule's arms as they reach out and garble at the dancing lights. That...That was the first time he has heard them laugh like that!!
The traveler didn't have a proper home/place or residence due to his wandering nature and heroic duties, but as soon as he takes in the kid he'll make it his mission to find a proper home for the two of them
Now, that is easier said than done-- and the two mostly stay in the few inns that are scattered across his Hyrule or any homes the two were invited in.
And it takes Hyrule a while to find somewhere the two could stay parentally, but never once did he ever give up. Even when doubts flooded his head and people offered to raise the child for him, he stood his ground.
One night, while the two sleep in their newfound home the hero comes to the realization that...One day he'll have to explain what happened to you and...your real parents...
He couldn't help the tears that welled up in his eyes and he most certainly couldn't help but pull the sleeping child a little closer to his chest.
The hero dreads that day. But until then, he'll give them the life their parents would of wanted..
It had been a few years after the hero's adventure. Hyrule was now in s state of peace, which allowed the hero to return to his humble village and continue his once humble life.
Another peaceful day, another day as simple and normal like the ones before. A new and welcomed change of pace compared to those stressful ones from prior years. During the day, our hero of Twilight made his way down his list of daily chores.
One of these chores brought the hero out to Ordon spring (a spring with many complex memories and emotions tied to it) with his trusted steed, Epona!
As Twilight gently washed the young mare, he noticed how restless she got the longer the two stood within the spring. It was a rare sight to see Epona in such a antsy state, especially considering the early morning rides the two did since returning home.
But not even the gentle coaxing of her rider can calm her.
Growing more worried for his trusted companion, Twilight made a move to guide the two back out of the spring, intending to go home. But all the rancher got was a snort of air as the mare dug her hooves into the dirt.
"Epona, what is going on with you?" The rancher asked, eyebrows furrowed with concern. The mare stood strong, stubborn as ever as she...kept facing away from Twilight? Huffing, Twilight glances in that direction as well, expecting...anything other than what he saw.
There by the sides of the alcove stood-- or well laid the golden wolf, the same spirit that has helped him along his journey. A small sense of dread fell over the rancher's shoulders, worries of a new adventures prickled at his mind.
Before those thoughts can swirl, the wolf slowly uncurled from himself. His tail pulling back to reveal...a...a blanket?
Cautiously, Twilight approaches the spirit as he tried to get a better look at the blanket bundle. The sudden shift from the blanket causes the hero to pause, shoulders tensing as he expects something to pop out (and he swears he hears the slight puff of an exhale from his mentor, a wolfish mimic of a laugh) but the hero nearly falls to his knees when the small hand of a child pops out from the fabric.
A...A baby...Covered in a soft blanket with the golden wolf curled around them...Ohhhhh Boyy....
How Twilight Would Raise The Baby
Twilight is actually one of the more capable ones when it came to raising a baby!
Since he grew up in the small village of Ordon, he and a lot of the others in the village helped with raising and taking care of babies! So since he was a young boy he knew what sounds meant what and how to properly care for this baby.
Though he does get in his head quite a bit, questioning if he's the right person to raise a kid and if he's actually doing anything right, he can always count on his friends-- his family to give him a helping hand!
Ilia is around quite a bit! She knows how stressed Link can get when it came to juggling his daily tasks (he refused to let anyone take his work load, saying they've helped him far more than they should of) with raising a baby, so whenever she can she'll watch the small bundle of joy while Link catches up on his sleep.
Colin loves sitting with the young baby, excitingly but gently rocking the child as Link is busy wrangling those cheeky ordon goats
Ya know Wolfie? Yeah, that's the baby's new best friend! Whenever the rancher turns into his wolfish form (out of view of course), his young pup is quick to cling to his soft fur
The two will playfully 'wrestle' (both in twi's wolf form and human one), which is really just Twilight/Wolfie falling over while narrating his defeat as his kid climbs all over him while giggling.
Using his strength, Twi definitely picks up his pup and 'flies' them around their home! The home is filled with childish giggles as Twilight twirls around, lifting them high and 'diving' back down.
A certain golden wolf might watch from afar, peering through the candle lit windows with a softness unlike any other. Wolfie might be the baby's best friend, but a certain goldie will soon join the ranks as one of their bestest of friends <3
Taglist: @the-cucco-nuggie @miadancer24
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itsmebytch001 · 2 months
OH MA GOD THE CARMY WRITING ABOUT BEING HIS KID WAS SO CUTE! maybe you could do something about bringing them to christmas with the family whiel mikey and donna are there (maybe they all have a soft spot for her, like she'sa baby carmy to them), or helping him cook in the restaurant while she is still young 🥰
Camry: "I don't want to go in"
He said sat in the drivers seat of his car, you in the back behind him right outside the large enough house, snowing profusely down, collecting on the roof of the car.
Richie: "Jesus cousin we just pulled up you can't chicken out now"
Carmy: "They don't even know were her-"
Richie: "Yeah because it's a surprise!, like surprise your out of touch son is here! and special guest, your granddaughter that he failed to fucking mention"
Y/n: "Language"
Richie: "Sorry Princess, but seriously Carm you can't just hide away forever, especially now you got Y/n it's not fair"
Carmy: "you don't ever bring round your kid to these god damm family events"
Richie: "I don't need to"
Carmy: "And why's that?"
Richie: "Cuz they know she exit's!"
Camry inhaled deeply, looking at you and back at the house.
Camry: "You ready baby?"
Y/n: "Yep!" You giggled swinging open the door and rushing over to the house, your father and Richie rushing after you.
Camry: "Y/n, Y/n stop!" He caught up to you, leaning down and placing a hand on your shoulder.
Camry: "My family's a bit intense yeah? so y'know if you wanna leave at any point just say the word and were gone, kay"
Y/n: ""M'kay"
Richie: "we literally just got here and your already planning an escape? Jesus man"
The closer the door got the worse his anxiety got,
breath in breath out it's all gonna be okay, they're gonna love her it's all gonna be just fine.
Finally approaching the door, Riche knocked, and not getting an immediate answer knocked again.
click click
dear God, take me now please Carmy thought to him self.
Donna's tired face peers round the door.
Donna: "OH! look who it is!"
Camry: "You invited us" He said monotonely
Donna: "And who is this?" She asked gesturing to you.
Carmy: "uhh That's my kid...Y/n"
Donna: "WHAT?!"
Camry: "I know Ma jus-"
Donna: "Don't fucking 'Ma' me!"
Now, having moved to the kitchen Richie took you upstairs, while your father fended for himself down stairs against the beast.
Donna: "Jesus Camry, fucking Jesus you had a baby and you didn't even call?!"
Camry: "I know it just didn't feel like the right time"
Donna: "The right time? The right time would have been when you found out whatever floozy you knocked up realised she was pregnant"
Camry: "Don't, don't say that Ma"
Donna: "How old is she, like 8, 9?"
Carmy: "eight"
Donna: "8 years?! You had eight years and you didn't even call?" She said, her eyes misting gripping onto a serving spoon.
Carmy: "I know, I know I should have called but, but I just got so busy with, with life with school with all sorts of shit I was just trying to keep everything afloat an-"
Donna: "Your only 29, you had her 21? Are you insane?!"
Carmy: "It's a bit late now to be lecturing me"
Donna: "Oh God, Oh God" She cried still gripping the spoon tight in her grasp, leaning over the sink taking deep breaths in and out.
Donna: "You need to leave"
Carmy: "What?"
Donna: "You cannot just show up to my house, after no fucking contact dragging along some kid"
Camry: "She's not some kid Ma, she's your granddaughter you can't just kick us out"
Donna: "This is my house! this is my house It's mine It's mine Its MINE" She cried, sounding almost in pain, bashing the spoon onto the pan.
Carmy: "Okay...Okay" He said putting his hands up in defeat, scurrying out of the kitchen and into the living room only to bump into...Mike.
Mike: "hey hey man, what the hell is going on in there?"
Camry: "Ma's acting crazy, I really don't want to expose Y/n to this kinda shit but I don't want to drive back and have to explain to her why were leaving, can you take this?"
Mike: "yeah, yeah I got you" He patted his brothers back sending him off up stairs, where Richie kept you entertained with TV blaring so that you could not hear the commotion down stairs.
Camry: "Hey sweetie, you good?"
Y/n: "I'm good"
Camry, to Richie: " I told you not to let her use the TV"
Richie: "Why the hell not?"
Camry: "Cuz it's bad for her! I don't want to fucking Ipad kid"
Richie: "It was ethier this, or let her hear your Mom ripping you a new ass hole."
Camry:"...Okay, fair enough"
After Mike had finally gotten Donna to calm down, Camry and Y/n were invited down to the dinner table for charismas dinner, with you across your father, next to your Aunt Nattily crammed in the corner, all enjoying the delicate peace you had established.
For Now...
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vampyrsm · 2 years
Hear me out-
I was in a restaurant and y'know how so eti.es you get really horny for no apparent reason?
Well that kinda happened and all I could think about was waiter Bakugou noticing and giving you his keys so you could have car sex about half an hour later when his shift ended.
I'm so tired of brain rot tbh 😮‍💨
I am listening
I swear it always happens at the most inconvenient of times too, it's just an intrusive thought like 'imagine if u got bent over this table and fucked' LMFAO ITS SO CRAZY
warnings: mdni; two strangers having car sex lol female reader in mind, fingering (f!receiving), vaginal sex, protected sex. 1.6k
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Anyway, yeah he noticed at first the fleeting glances you were giving to him. He was much too sexy cute to be working at some restaurant, he was worthy of being a model with how defined his body is, how his face is probably the most beautiful face you've ever lied eyes upon. But back to his muscles, the way his white dress shirt strains against his biceps whenever he's carrying multiple plates on his arms (you know how they just balance them like magicians) and you can't help but... watch him.
He at first thought you were maybe trying to flag him down to order something but you'd always look away the second he'd make eye contact with you with the most bashful of smiles on your face, trying your hardest to hide your face away from him so he didn't see just how much he was effecting you. So now he has a new interest in you, watches you whenever he comes over to fill up your friend's drinks, and how you most definitely check out his hands, arms, and gold chain beneath his shirt's open collar. You definitely looked at his ass when he turned around for a moment to let a colleague pass.
Bakugou is a man who draws a lot of attention, naturally, man is a greek statue. So he discretely passes you his keys, maybe you get up to go to the toilet or something—yes he knows it's a bit creepy of him to be basically lurking waiting for you to come out before he's pushing his car keys into your hand. "Wait for me, it's the black car in the number 3 parking spot." It's quick, already turning away before you can even process what the hell he's on about and the fact you're holding keys to some fancy car.
Rolling on the end of his shift, Bakugou is nervous. What if you just said fuck it and stole his car? He doesn't think you look the type but shit, it's a thought he has regardless. But the instant relief he finds when you're leaning against his car, a nervous look on your face until you see him approaching and instantly that shy smile is back on your face.
"Didn't think you'd still be here," he admits, watching the way your eyes once again roam over his face and down his chest before you meet his eyes again. He's stood right in front of you, a boyish smile on his face.
"I did think about leaving." you smile back easily, and he's relieved you didn't leave so soon. He admits you're extremely cute, and this is not something he does—ever. You offer his keys back up to him, pretty finger holding them up for him and he goes to reach for them before you're pulling them back towards you. Oh, you wanted to play with him? He's always down to play.
Bakugou's crowding into your space, your back pressed into the passenger's door of his car and he places both of his hands against the roof to fully lean into your space. His head tilts, he can feel your soft breaths against his face now with how close he is, can taste your perfume on the back of his tongue and he just wants to devour you. So he doesn't waste a second, moving in to lay a hungry kiss against your lips that quickly develops into him pushing his tongue into your mouth.
It doesn't take much for both of you to fumble with the keys to open the backdoors of his car, you're the first to get in with your back down against the seats and Bakugou crawls in after you to loom over you like a beast. It's so dark in the car, just the neon light of the restaurant sign giving the both of you an orange glow.
Whilst you half expected him to jump on you, to start tearing your clothes off to indulge in spur-of-the-moment sex with a stranger. You're pleasantly surprised when he lowers his lips to yours again, slow yet fulfilling kisses; he's drinking you in entirely. It has your stomach stirring to life with both butterflies and undeniable arousal. His hands wander, slipping beneath the hem of your shirt to glide up against your sides until his thumbs roll over your bra.
Your eyes flutter at the feeling of his thumb roaming over your stiffening nipples, it's all so intoxicatingly intimate that it should feel weird but instead, it just has your head whirling. Unable to stop yourself from gasping when he pulls his lips away from your own to tuck his head into your neck, sucking blood to the surface of your skin in the form of small bruises.
When he does finally work you out of your clothes, as well as his own, you're both panting against each other. It was unbearable hot in the back of his car, all you could smell was him and it had your eyes in half-mast, staring up at him as if he were the only person in the world. Bakugou has a very similar look in his eyes, his fingers gliding between your legs to feel just how wet you are before plunging two fingers into you to work you open.
He swallows your moans whole and lets his tongue roll against your own and the rumbling groan making its way up his throat is almost lost in the kiss when you clench around his fingers. When he finally feels like you're stretched enough for him, he pulls his fingers back and raises up enough from you to let you watch the way his tongue drags over his fingers and sucks them into his mouth. It has your eyes fluttering, hole clenching around nothing in desperate need to be filled with what's been bobbing against his stomach this entire time.
"Patience," he grins when you whine a little, bucking your hips into him whilst he leans over you to dig through the gym bag you hadn't even noticed on the floor next to you. He pulls out a golden square package, your eyebrows shooting up in silent question. "Promise I don't usually do this,"
"You just keep condoms in your bag?"
And he shrugs, rolling the rubber down along his length and it has you licking your lips. His dick is fucking pretty, a pretty dick isn't something you'd ever think but nevertheless. That is what it is, it's flushed a pretty pink, the tip leaking with pre and the veins are practically throbbing. "Never know when I'll run into a pretty little thing like you." He snickers at the way you roll your eyes playfully, rewrapping your legs around his lithe waist to adjust himself.
His eyes meet yours in a silent ask for consent, and you nod your head. Hips raising just enough for him to roll the head of his cock through your lips before pushing against your entrance. Even with his fingers having stretched you some, it doesn't quite help with how thick he actually is. It's an impossible stretch, has your eyes rolling into the back of your head with a moan leaving your lips. Bakugou is no better off either, unable to stop the groan in his throat and his eyebrows furrow together at the way you clench around him.
Your body nearly jumps from the sudden friction against your clit, thick yet delicate fingers rubbing circles against you to try and coax you into relaxing more. His eyes are locked onto where the two of you are joined, he watches how your arousal is sticking to the condom and he can't help but wish he just went in raw. Maybe next time.
The thought has his hips unexpectantly bucking forward, a moan pulled from your pretty lips when he lays flush with his thighs to your ass. Next time? Will there even be a next time? Fuck, he sure hopes so. Your pussy feels too fucking good for a one-time thing, but would you want to see him again? That's when he decides to make it his mission to ensure you're not gonna ghost him or turn him down whenever he asks for your number.
His hips are fluid, rolling back and forth until he feels you relax, listening to the way your breaths become more erratic as you try to not get lost in the sensation of his cock pressing against that one spot that has your head filled with no thoughts other than him. The muted slap of his hips against your ass is loud in the car, you're certain the whole thing itself is moving from the way he's fucking hard and deep into you. So deep in fact you can feel him in your throat, choking on the moans and gasps.
He holds your gaze, watching the sheen of sweat on your pretty face in the flickering orange neon light and how your eyes are glazed over in what must be your approaching orgasm face. It's fucking beautifully sexy, his stomach tenses and he throws everything he has at you. Fingers pinching and swirling at your clit until he feels your walls flutter, and then squeeze, milking him for all he's worth. Bakugou moans, more of a whine when he starts to spill his seed in the condom and he wishes it was inside of you, wishes he could watch it be pushed from your abused little hole and roll down the crease of your ass onto his fancy leather seats.
The car is hot, warm and stuffy, Bakugou leans over you but is careful to not lay his entire weight on you. You're positively boneless beneath him, still reeling from your orgasm when he peppers a string of delicate kisses along your collarbone. Your head rolls to look at him, a dopey smile on his face that you can't help but mirror.
He's the first to break the air, a blush on his face. "I never caught your name."
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theyscreamjade · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do Shoto, Izuku, Bakugo, and Kirishima as villains? Like maybe they meet the reader and are basically struggling to comprehend their feelings?
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「 Did I make new banner gifs for this? Maybe. Did I go crazy when I saw this? I pled the fifth. THANK YOU ANON for requesting this! How did you know I love BNHA villains? HOW DID YOU KNOW!?~ෆ」
⊰ 18+! (Anyone who’s underaged will be blocked!)ও
↬ word count: 2.4k ෆ
↬ Disclaimer: Cursing, Mention of Gore, Death, & Murder.
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⧽ Within his head cannon, I honestly believe each of these characters all started in the usual way..until something.  
⧽ As you’re wondering, what erupted this in our cute green boy? 
⧽ Remember when Kacchan said, “Why don’t you take a swan dive off the side of the building, and maybe in the afterlife you’ll be able to get a quirk in the afterlife?” That kinda took him to the heart, so..he waited until it was late. He snuck out to the roof and started jumping but…no one truly knows what happened.  
⧽ The next day, his stuff was found, and Deku was recreated.  
⧽ You met Deku in the same way most would, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Exhausted and tired, who would’ve thought you’d wound up in some shit with Izuku Midorya. You caught a glimpse of him and a few villains rushing past you before his hand slammed over yours.  
⧽ In seconds, cops swarmed you while his blade pressed against a vital organ. His heart was racing as he stared toward the cops, waiting for a sign or something. They were barking commands and orders, instructing him to let you go.  
⧽ His fingers dug into your skin while he chuckled softly. “Hope you’re ready for a ride~” and then poof, you’re in a cloud of smoke and appeared in a building of some sort.  
⧽ You catch a glimpse of the host that was holding you and immediately you recognize him. The green hair, and…dead eyes? He didn’t look as recognizable as he did in his missing photos. You helped his mother during the searches for him and for years, everyone assumed he was dead.  
⧽ “Surprised? You look as if you know me?” He teased and cutely flicked your nose, that’s how you meet him.  
⧽ You were held for ransom for a day before you were tossed in the exact spot you were taken before and were ordered to go straight home, reassuring your family that you were fine and that you couldn’t tell anyone that Deku was still alive.  
⧽ It’s unexplainable how or even why he fell for you, but he did. When he was out visiting his mom and popping extra cash into her bank account, he found where you lived and decided to stop by.  
⧽ Unlike the thousands of people who would’ve screamed or called the police. 
⧽ You welcome him in, and you get to know the new man that he is. You get to know his past and his life now…and not one bit did you question it.  
⧽ You two started as friends until shit hits the fan with Deku and he comes over at midnight or texts you on your burner phone so you two can see each other. He enjoys having you around.  
⧽ It’s hard for him to comprehend and even process after holding his back for so long, he barely even cries anymore. He’s an unhinged man that isn’t afraid to fuck someone up and can do it strategically.  
⧽ He takes a while, I’d say almost a year, to tell you how he feels. He confesses his feelings when he and the league are wanted for something enormous. He’s staring at the night sky and just takes your hand and tells you. He bursts his feelings out and doesn’t expect an answer without delay.  
⧽ “I’m in love with you and have been for a while now…. but as a heads up, avoid downtown and leave your apartment.” That’s what he leaves you with before he disappears in a cloud of the same smoke.  
⧽ You follow his orders that night…and you’re not caught up in the massive wave that Deku causes with his new quirk that’s stronger than All Might could handle. Buildings are sent to the ground including yours, Kacchan can’t even stop him because he’s watching this beast of someone he once knew.  
⧽ You watched from out of town, staring at the diner which he took you to before. A hand tapped your head, and you looked up to see the green maniac with two cups of coffee in his hand. “H-How are y- “ 
⧽ “Oh? That? It’s a recent Nomu advancement, we copied me…and gave him something I always thought I’d never have. Too bad, I still got it.” He said with a smirk, taking your hand before you teleported away with him, hiding away from the brewing shitstorm to happen. 
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⧽ Mister Kacchan became evil after he was kidnapped and held by the villains. He was a part of the school of his dreams and was simply training amongst his mates before everything went crazy.  
⧽ While being held captive, he sees the one person he’d hoped to never see again. With a knife to his neck, Deku suggests ways that he can either die or get the desired forgiveness.  
⧽ They brainwashed the stubborn almost hero, moving fast when All Might tried to bust through the doors.  
⧽ Bakugou isn’t as anger he once was, with his voice finally heard and his passion altered towards a new direction.
⧽ It’s hard to stop the exploding boy who gets exactly what he wants with the help of Shigaraki and others. Twice literally loves him, Compress shoved some manners in his head though he and Toya are another story.  
⧽ He met you through rather funny circumstances, He was going to rob you, but you fought back, and he liked your flame. You were terrified but didn’t want to deal with more shit. He still kinda robbed you, taking your phone and putting his number in it once he got your information.
⧽ Little did he know, you were also a petty little robber.  
⧽ He appeared at your door, holding your phone while you were holding his phone, and All Might wallet while Toya cackles behind him. He entirely underestimated you…and takes you on the ride toward destroying hero society.  
⧽ “…. Ya wanna fuckin destroy hero society and change the way shit is now?”  
⧽ Quirk or Quirkless, You’re a perfect match for Lord Explosion Murder.  
⧽ While he’s causing mayhem, you’re getting the shit needed for Shigaraki and the boss. You’ve collected all the fucked asses shit that heroes have done through the years and exposed every last piece of information.  
⧽ While Deku’s Nomu is out there wreaking havoc, Bakugou’s watching from afar with you. You’ve been with them for a while now.  
⧽ After the first few times you’ve come over and helped the league out, he discovered his feelings that he denied telling you. How can he tell you something like that?  
⧽ As more buildings crumble in front of you two, he starts to say something before he spots a red dot looming over your head. He snatches you off and dives toward the ground before the shot could touch you.
⧽ He hears wings flapping and a sudden gush of wind before he orders you to get behind him. He creates an explosion so large that it takes attention off of the Nomu. With the smoke in the air, you two are running through the abandoned and cheap homes of the worse side of town.  
⧽ You hear his footsteps behind you one second before they disappeared when you entered a dark alley. You saw a pair of white eyes and your heart sank to your chest, reaching into your pocket to pull out a flash bomb. Bakugou warned you about Tokoyami and how he can be, just wasn’t sure how big he was.  
⧽ Your shadow started to become dark before a bunch of red feathers swooped down and started to pull you up. You kicked as much and hard as you could as they collected and silenced your screams. Your body felt crushed, like a caterpillar in a cocoon.  
⧽ Suddenly, your body crashed to the ground, and you saw Bakugou. Hawks were down as Tokoyami; smoke covered the corner you two were in. He began to check you out before engulfing you in a hug. “Don’t scare me like that, dumbass. I was worried.” He said into your shoulder…before he kissed you.  
⧽ And that was the start of something new and the end of the world as heroes once knew it.  
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⧽ You’re probably wondering, how in the hell does Shoto Todoroki end up a villain? 
⧽ Welp, Toya came back home one night and seemed revenge. The bandaged-up teen looked towards the reason why he was the way he was…and simply kidnapped Shoto from his own home.  
⧽ Endeavor and everyone lost their shit while Touya carried his youngest brother on his back to the hideout. Shoto was five when he was kidnapped and practically raised by his oldest brother.  
⧽ The original plan was to kill Shoto…but Tomura proved that Shoto had better use and Touya could hurt Endeavor ten times worse.  
⧽ He grows to be a near copy of his oldest brother with a slap of cockiness and manipulation.  
⧽ You met Shoto through the internet, being a tech wizard, and excelling in your studies. Who would’ve thought you’d be kidnapped by a single flame on some stranger’s finger? 
⧽ He took you back and plopped you in front of the newest computers on the market. Touya and Tomura are ready to burn and dust his ass, but he knew what he was doing.
⧽ He saw you leave the heroes’ main headquarters, and he knows of your work within the tech fields. You solved the most locked computer in the world…He’s more than sure that you can do a little hacking.  
⧽ “Come on, Sweetheart. I’m sure you can do a little hacking for me” 
⧽ Boom, You’re in Endeavor’s account and cleaned that bitch out dry. As expected, you’re able to alter it into cards that can’t be traced, leaving Touya and Tomura shocked.  
⧽ You’re quickly appointed in the group without your permission and help them linger and move silently in better areas. You’re given a laptop without a mic or camera but you’re able to work in their favor.  
⧽ It’s hard to explain why you don’t even call for help throughout the chances you’ve got. Toga builds a relationship with you while you and Compress relate to your love for show buzz. Plus, you get along with Touya by annoying the shit out of Spinner.  
⧽ You end up in the sights of Shoto…who’s unsure of what he’s feeling. He’s experienced anger and more than he can figure out, but love was new. It was hard to comprehend even with Kurogiri’s help.  
⧽ He usually spends his days getting underneath your skin, like how guys would when they were younger to show they liked you. This is the best Shoto can do and it’s not even good.  
⧽ It was early in the morning before the Nomu would attack. Bakugou and his crush were heading out while you typed and altered each video to perfect precision.
⧽ Each video from the heroes and every corrupt thing they’ve done was brushed under the rug. You were going to display how fucked everyone was…only if Shoto could stop annoying the shit out of you.  
⧽ He was slurping his soba noodles in your ear, watching you work. “Can I help you?” You’d finally asked him, only to get a smirk out of him.  
⧽ “You’re just so cute when you’re focused and shit.” He mentioned catching you off guard. “It’s one of the many things I like about you.” He admits before walking away, leaving you dumbfounded.  
⧽ During the escape, he might sneak a kiss while sliding you to safety.  
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⧽ Kirishima is the most shocking one of all.  
⧽ His reign of terror started after Mina was killed and he was forced to watch as that villain killed them. His hero of all time, Crimson Riot and simply declared their deaths as a spur-of-the-moment situation.  
⧽ He mentioned how Mina shouldn’t have defended her friends and saved herself. It was somewhat of a wake-up call. Originally, he was going to be a simple vigilante.  
⧽ After Bakugou was kidnapped and how the heroes simply gave up, he was devoted to simply fucking shit up.  
⧽ By day, he was a student within the confines of the academy, by night, He’s Blood Riot. He creates his team of bandits that terrorize the city and makes heroes all around disappear.  
⧽ The plan was simple, kill off every hero in the city until there was barely enough for the remaining bunch to handle the massive pile of shit that Nomu was going to bring.  
⧽ But you had to be curious. Heroes were suspecting a backstabber was in the midst…. you never suspected it to be Kirishima.  
⧽ The most positive and sweetest person you’ve ever met wasn’t who you thought he was. You weren’t caught that night, however…He knew that you knew.  
⧽ By the weekend, he had you dangling off the roof with your life in his hands. You’re begging profusely and say you’ll hold his secret if he tells his reasons.
⧽ He pulls you onto the roof, into his room…and plays every single death from the fault of heroes. Videos from decades back to now, as recent as last week…which left a massive impact on you.  
⧽ Is this what heroes truly are? 
⧽ Is this what…you could be? Someone, to take a life while fighting to save lives?  
⧽ A new flame erupts inside you and Kirishima fuels it more.  
⧽ “Glad you finally see what the world doesn’t.” 
⧽ You join in on altering the information, killing the small heroes and sidekicks, and acting as normal as possible.  
⧽ Kirishima was too busy killing with you...to realize how you made him feel. He notices it for a week until his feelings are overwhelming during a session with a hero.
⧽ You swung a baseball bat at them, hitting them at full impact. Their blood soon covered your cheek and Kirishima realized there that he was in love with you.  
⧽ He snatched you over and kissed you, nearly forgetting the fact that there was a nearly dying hero at your feet. You both never question the actions…until the Nomu attack happens. While your ‘friends’ were out there fighting for their lives, you two stood on the sidelines, watching. He looked over at you. 
⧽ “Can I trust you?” He questioned, earning a confused look from you. “I’m in love with you…but I will kill the person I love if you betray me..” He confessed, earning a smirk from you.
⧽ “I would’ve killed your ass when I found out you were the traitor.” You responded, earning a smile from him. “I’ve learned my lesson from this awful world..and I’m glad I get to witness it crumple.”
⧽ “I’m glad you’ve opened my eyes.”
“Can I trust you?” He questioned, earning a confused look from you. “I’m in love with you…but I will kill the person I love if you betray me..” He confessed, earning a smirk from you.
* “I would’ve killed your ass when I found out you were the traitor.” You responded, earning a smile from him. “I’ve learned my lesson from this awful world..and I’m glad I get to witness it crumple.”
* “I’m glad you opened my eyes.”
“Can I trust you?” He questioned, earning a confused look from you. “I’m in love with you…but I will kill the person I love if you betray me...” He confessed, earning a smirk from you.  
“I would’ve killed your ass when I found out you were the traitor.” You responded, earning a smile from him. “I’ve learned my lesson from this awful world...and I’m glad I get to witness it crumple.” 
“I’m glad you opened my eyes.” 
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monsoon-of-art · 1 year
Hmm, just a thought but what if the reason The Pearl and diamond clan in your au and the people of jubilife stopped seeing each other as a threat is because...
Well, maybe on the side of the clans, seeing the humans standing on roofs in flood water or huddled in desperate groups on the mountains, and remembering the stories Dawn told about them, they stopped seeing the humans as invasive monsters and started seeing them as they really were and what they probably were all this time: Refugees. Just people with a troubled past who needed a space of their own and the time to heal and grow from losing everything...and now they were losing everything again.
Maybe on the side of the village, seeing these giant creatures come to their aid, acting like ferries to higher ground, calling upon the Nobles to do the same or sharing rescources, they realised how...human these beasts were. And some of them look worse for wear from the chaos of the elements. Perhaps there's something they could do to help them. Some of them are marine biologists after all. (Maybe in the first place they found one of the mers sick and stranded in the polluted water and helped them out, prompting the other mers to reach out to help the humans in turn)
Maybe waiting out the floods forces them to share stories and past hardships and consider ways they could make life easier for each other.
Your pups are in danger all the time out in the ocean? Maybe we could section off some of our beaches as sanctuaries to help them grow in peace.
Perhaps we could teach you better ways to catch and farm fish so you don't have to risk your lives on boats so much.
I dunno. Just some thoughts. Cheers!
This is all really good!! I had some similar ideas, like merfolk hauling themselves into their boats like how seals jump onto boats to escape predators (they don't wanna be in the water with fighting gods in it!)
I was also literally just talking to the discord about Kamado standing in his stupid metal armor and slowly sinking to the bottom and Adaman and Irida kinda giving each other a 'why were we ever afraid of this guy' before pulling him out
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
sweet sunday request!
i've been thinking about reader giving Ari a massage. He could be complaining about his stiff shoulders and back (bc he's beefy🤤 or his muscles are sore after a workout) and reader insists to help him feel better.
( I guess reader doesn't have much strength and didn't really relieve the tension on Ari's shoulders, but Ari likes her hand on his back, so it's a win-win 🤭)
and congrats on 600 followers!😘😘😘
Do you know? I never realized until yesterday that I hadn't ever written Ari. (Why???? I've read soooooo much of him.) But I love this. He is a big, burly, beast of a man, and he deserves attention. I originally thought this would wife!reader, but upon further thought, I'm going with best friend!reader and mutual pining...kinda.
Tension (see previous)
Warnings for oh my Gawd this got steamy and I didn't even mean for it to, light/vague smut, some dirty talk that made me walk away from my computer to cool down, hot!Ari you've been warned.
Summary: Your best friend helps you around your new house.
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The step stool is wobbling while you carefully unscrew a blown lightbulb. Your body seizes in fear momentarily, and you can't help but grumble, "I don't know how you talked me into this."
"What was that?" Ari calls from the kitchen.
"Nothing, dear," you joke back.
Buy this one, he said. It's a fixer-upper, he said. I'll help.
It's a piece of shit is what it is. The house needs more than just TLC; it needs to be saged and bleached, needs all this horrifying wallpaper stripped off, and needs roof repairs badly. Luckily, it doesn't rain much here, so Ari can wait for that part. The goal today (more like this week) is to make the master bedroom, one bathroom, and the kitchen livable.
Otherwise, your best friend is about to have a surprise roommate because this is his fault.
"Shit," Ari hisses. You can hear a soft bang.
"What happened?" Before you're off the stool, he's poking his head around the dividing wall.
He holds his hand tight with his other. "Nothing," he groans, "just got myself on a nail from the cabinet. Where's the kit?"
"Let me see--"
"No, no, I'm fine."
He flashes a pretty, white smile before his lips curl back down.
"Medicine cabinet." You point across the living room. "Second shelf."
Ari lumbers off to clean up while you inspect his handiwork for the first time.
Say what you will about men's eye for detail, but damn, Ari is babying every surface of the kitchen, smoothing every corner, polishing every inch, leveling every shelf. If the man shows even half this devotion to his own house one day, it'll be the prettiest place on Earth. Also, the man is good with his hands. Hopefully, he's not hurt too badly.
All seems well when he returns though, and you inspect his bandaging to see if he's okay to keep using the hand.
"You wanna take a break?"
Ari looks at you while his hand is palm-up in yours, smirking.
"Maybe just for some of that lemonade in the fridge."
Good because that's 'bout the only thing in the fridge at this point. You tell him to go sit while you rinse out two dusty glasses and pour each of you a serving.
He's reclining on the sheet-covered couch, which is again one of the only pieces of furniture here already, and you hand him his drink.
"Thank you kindly." He gently tips the glass in a toast to you and takes a huge gulp, puckering at how tart it is. That's how he likes it, you know--little less sugar, little more lemon.
He's just starting to sweat through his cut-off shirt, pushing his long hair out of his face as he runs his fingers through it, wincing as the bandaged hand pains him.
You sip your lemonade and lounge on the other end of the sofa. "The fixer-upper fights back, huh?"
"Oh, I'll win the war. Don't you worry," he booms with a cocky smile.
"I'm not," you mutter.
If you can trust anyone in your life to follow through on helping you with such a monumental undertaking, it's Ari Levinson. He's the kind of friend who sticks around. He won't even leave when you two argue, which is borderline annoying, but he is that reliable.
I'm not going anywhere until you see sense, woman.
Granted, half of the time it's Ari who sees sense and admits you're right. That's when he sticks around to apologize and makes sure you both cool down. He's bull-headed and strong, strong like a friggin' ox, so he's--
Ari puts his empty glass on the floor and rubs his neck with his undamaged hand. You can tell by the way his bicep bulges and the veins in his forearm pop that he is using whatever force he can to get at a knot.
"Here, let me help." It's the least you can do.
Sheepish blue eyes flicker over to you. "Yeah, okay." His voice is softer than usual as he scoots forward for you to position yourself behind him, seated up on the back of the couch.
The height gives you good leverage to knead into the taut muscles of his shoulders, but you can't make much headway over the cotton shirt.
"Why are you built like a brick shithouse," you grumble loudly, digging as best you can while he seems barely affected.
Ari snorts. "Thank you?"
You jump off the couch and head to the bathroom. "This isn't working."
He's standing in confusion by the time you return with your bottle of lotion.
"Sit," you insist. "Shirt off."
He flops back down but eyes you questioningly. "You sure?"
For such a big man, he looks so cute when he pouts, so you kiss his temple playfully.
"Yes, I'm sure. How else am I gonna stop you from filing worker's comp?"
That makes him snort again, and he rips the tank off over his head.
Now, you've seen Ari shirtless probably hundreds of times, but there's never been an occasion to touch him other than a bit of suntan oil at the beach several summers ago. Sitting this close behind him gives you full view (and access) to the expanse of his back--
--and hoo boy, is it expansive.
Right at the base of his neck and down his spine, Ari's slippery with sweat, but you add a pump of lotion, working first at his right shoulder and then his left, warming up his muscles and your hands until everything is a bit more pliable.
When you grip and knead at the column of his neck, his head lolls forward and Ari moans, a sound that somehow makes you giggle and clench your thighs all at once.
"Sorry," he mutters, "feels nice."
Seems so, you bite back. Instead, you simply say, "good."
It's indulgent and fascinating to see and feel such strength yield beneath your touch, so you get lost in working his back, his shoulders, his neck, and then his chest when Ari melts backward to lean between your spread legs. You're following the corded bands in his pecs. You've grabbed more lotion three times when he finally breaks again.
"Fuck, you've got magic hands, woman."
Up until now, he's made pleased noises and offered soft praise for your efforts, but the timber of that statement is much lower and undeniably more sexual.
Ari's your best friend, so you know when he's dating someone. You know it's likely been a few months since he last got laid, and since he's a relatively affectionate man, you rationalize that he just can't help his phrasing at this particular moment.
That's what it is.
He's a bit touch-starved, but he's not starving for your touch.
You only realize you've stopped moving when his hand encircles your wrist.
You can't think of anything to say, so your mouth hangs open as you watch Ari crane his neck to look up at you with brilliant, blue eyes.
Don't undo my handiwork, you think. The angle of his head looks uncomfortable, but Ari doesn't move.
You're completely frozen in place, wondering what he's thinking, what you're thinking, if you should be thinking it at all, and then he pounces.
He stands so fast and pulls you so swiftly to him that the couch tips over, and you both land along the back cushions as if they are the seat.
Ari's plush lips and rough beard sear a hot trail across your jaw till he finds your mouth, and that same dirty moan of his vibrates down your own body this time. His hands paw at your baggy work shirt until you feel the textured bandage slide across your bare ribcage. The contact makes you shiver up into his hold and open for him, allowing his tongue in, a gush of arousal soaking your underwear.
Ok, fine, maybe it's been a while for you, too.
Your fingers dig into the lotion-slicked skin of his back while he ruts against you, each roll of his hips pushing your shorts tighter and tighter against your heat.
But the top half of the couch isn't angled for this. You two lose balance and topple halfway onto the floor. The fall knocks Ari out of whatever feral trance he was in, and his hips stop moving.
He buries his face in your neck, panting.
You can hardly hear him say your name.
"I'm sorry, I--" he drags his hand away from your breast to press it to the floor and hold some of his weight "--I didn't want to tell you like this." He won't remove his head from its hiding place.
"Tell me what," you gasp, scrambling to control a frantic heartrate and throbbing core. "That I have magic hands?"
You expect a laugh and instead get a heavy thrust of his pelvis in response.
"Fuck, honey."
Yeah, no chance you're gonna wrangle that throbbing now.
Ari still won't lift his head, but he does turn slightly to suck a mark beneath your ear. The tickling suction makes you keen again, arching up off the floor and cushion enough that his arms thread through the gap beneath you. He has you pinned and wrapped up tight now. You feel him everywhere.
"The times I've imagined this..." His gruff words trail off as he latches another kiss to your collarbone.
Your turn to dry hump him helplessly from below. You're hot all over and about to writhe right out of your skin for more contact.
You swallow harshly, closing your dry, gaping mouth. You have to think while his lips drag up and down your throat, and that is hard to do.
"So what you're saying is--" you take a few big breaths "--we have work to do in the bedroom now?"
Ari groans into your skin.
"Yes," he shouts with elation, using all of those thick muscles to haul you upright.
Your legs cross over his expansive back and hold on as he thunders across the empty house to the lonely mattress beyond.
Buy this one, he said. It's a fixer-upper, he said. I'll help.
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Have an idea for a Sweet Sunday Scenario? Send me an ask!
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positivelybeastly · 5 months
Is the krakoan era X-Men the most unlikable interation of X-Men?
"I - don't think that's fair to say about them. From what I understand, they put all of their hopes on the establishment of a new country, joined everyone together under one roof, and then . . ."
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He'd never seen anything like it. The sheer amount of carnage. He didn't even know most of the people he'd seen being torn apart in the footage, but that hadn't stopped him wanting to throw up when he'd seen them being . . . God, and then, when Bobby . . . he'd dragged his hands down his face and wanted to wail.
Who could do that to Bobby of all people?
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The short, glib answer is that Chuck Austen's run of X-Men continues to exist, so by default, no-one can be as unlikable as them.
But the long answer is that the Krakoan X-Men aren't really the X-Men for a lot of that era, and, in their hurry to enjoy the fanfic-esque tropical island paradise setting that Krakoa presents, the fandom forgets just how . . . weird, and culty, the island actually is.
Hey, do you wanna know something semi-embarrassing about me? I only read House of X yesterday. I've only ever read the finer details on other Wiki pages and the occasional plot synopses, never actually read the issues themselves, and . . .
It's fucking creepy, man.
I had an instant negative reaction to the weird shit to do with resurrection, and I just, was not comfortable. The way Cyclops was all creepy about Franklin Richards, acting like they have more claim on him than his actual birth family? I'm sorry, dude, that's fucking whacked out.
Like, I'm sorry, I think that mutant sovereignty is an absolute must and a mutant nation is a narrative necessity, but Krakoa's been fucking creepy and weird and cult-y since moment one.
The weird rituals about resurrection, the whole dying in combat to earn your powers back bullshit, the vilification of Scarlet Witch, everything that went down in LaVelle's Sabretooth books, the Quiet Council and X-Force (full stop, just - in general), the casual sex leading to popping out babies you just LEAVE ON THE FUCKING GROUND?
It's a fucked up society. It's dystopian. You conquered death, and guess what? That never ends well. Suddenly you have to redefine life's meaning, and they chose to make it just fucking around and being weirdos, and, like, sure, that's a mood, but it's also not particularly heroic, and it's very significant that it takes a while for the X-Men to reform as an actual hero team because, well, they decided to give up on protecting a world that hated and fear them for a bit there.
But that's in-universe. Out of universe?
They just aren't putting in the time to service the relationships between the characters properly, and a lot of the time, when those moments do happen, it's become extremely clear that almost everyone on Krakoa is a self-obsessed narcissist with increasingly toxic levels of coping with it.
Think about Kate Pryde just completely fucking flubbing her chance to spot that Piotr Rasputin was under mind control, think about Storm just fucking off to Mars and abandoning everything on Earth, think about what happens to Orphan-Maker at the end of Hellions, think about LITERALLY EVERYTHING to do with X-Force - this is not a healthy society.
And that's a good story.
But it feels like at some point, they just kinda forgot about the fucked up shit and decided nah, this is just paradise, this is great, let's sand off the edges. Like, when Jean tells Firestar to just throw X-Force Beast under the bus to make her cover better during the Hellfire Gala, it's read by so many people as this girlboss OMG SLAAAAAAY moment, but . . . you . . . guys do realise that, like . . . that's fucked up, right? You do realise what that moment means?
"You should invoke Beast's reputation as a butcher of humans and a genocidal maniac and a massive lying piece of shit, WHICH I KNOW ABOUT AND HAVE DONE NOTHING ABOUT, and in fact, I'm going to validate his work because it's useful to me now!"
Like, X-Force Beast would tell Jean that she did EXACTLY the right thing in that moment, would welcome it, compliment her on her cunning, and if that's not a sign that you fucked up, that your moral priorities are completely and utterly fucked, then I don't know what to tell you, man.
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cosmara1 · 9 months
Inner Beast - Scott (LimL)
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Main Character(s): Scott, Martyn
TW: Blood, Minor Gore, Sensory Overload
Scott stared out over the ocean, the salty sea breeze flowing through his hair. He was enjoying the beginning of this new series, now that the boogeyman chaos had settled down and he had set up an island over the coral reef. There was only one thing bothering him.
He had no tail.
In every other life series, he had sprouted a long tail with a furry tip that matched his current colour, and he had similar tails in a few other worlds as well.
Oddly, he didn't have that here. Instead, Scott had realized that he was sprouting gills, currently non-functioning, on his neck. He also had sleek faintly grey skin on the top of his nose, head, arms, and legs. This seemed to serve no function though, and he thought little of it.
-Time Skip-
It was now three hours into the series, according to his clock that he had received from Grian, but that was clearly wrong. Nine days had passed, not a few hours.
That was not the worst of Scott's worries at the moment though, as he had found that he had gotten webbed hands and feet. His grey skin had become very prominent as well, as Martyn had pointed out when he had visited. He even had sprouted flowing teal fins, two from the sides of his arms and one on his back.
What is happening to me? He stressed, raising an arm to scratch at his head. What am I? Some sort of weird sea beast?
Scott's eyes skimmed over the water, wondering if there was anything in there that could give him a clue about his predicament. Pufferfish? No... Lionfish? No. Maybe a Blue Tang? No. Dolphin? N- Wait a moment...
He paused, watching the grey creatures swim around in the reef. That could be it. But dolphins don't have gills, do they?
He frowned, then got to his feet and leaped into the water. He sank down slightly, before beginning to try and swim towards the pod of dolphins, but when he tried to kick with his newly webbed feet, he instead jerked forwards at an odd angle, quickly spiraling out of control as he attempted to kick again and again. ACK- What's happening?! What's going on now?!
The hybrid's eyes glanced down for a moment to see what was wrong with his legs just to find that...
He had no legs.
In place of his legs, he had a huge tail akin to that of a dolphin, but instead of the usual grey fin at the end of it, there was the same loose, flowing, material that made up his fins.
Scott carefully moved in back and forth, in a slower and almost snakelike way, moving with the flow of the water around him. As he did so, he began moving forwards in a much more controlled fashion. I could get used to this...
-Time Skip-
It had been several weeks in this place, and the clock was still only moving by 20 minutes each day. Scott had slowly become more and more fish-like as the time ticked on, slowly growing a tail for his non-aquatic form as well as his gills beginning to partially work. With the help of Martyn he even confirmed that he was part dolphin as well as part betta fish.
He had not died as of yet, but he quickly realized that every time that he got a major wound, coral would begin to grow on him. So far he only had a little bit on his arms and legs, but he was sure more would appear.
"Cleo, your children want you home now." Scott called down the ladder where his undead ally was climbing up. She nodded, climbing up onto the roof of the tower with him.
"Are you ready? Are you really sure you want me to kill you?" She asked, drawing her axe as she said it.
Scott nodded. "Yeah, if you don't, the others will."
"Now? Before boogeyman?"
"Yeah, I would do it now, because otherwise we could get into an awkward situation..." He trailed off, staring at her axe nervously.
Cleo grinned. "Okay." He axe sliced down, colliding with his chest painfully, but he ignored it.
Scott respawned at the Coral Isles where Martyn was just kinda chilling on the beach and he immediately jumped back in surprise when he saw Scott.
"I- Scott! The coral- It's- Look!" Martyn stammered, fumbling for his communicator and opening up the mirror function, showing Scott his reflection. The coral on his limbs had spread slightly, and a new patch of coral was now growing on his tail. He also now had little deer-like antlers of light orange coral.
A small voice of primal instinct inside him cried out that this was an intruder in his territory, but the urge to attack was easy to quash for now. He gave a little laugh, shrugging off the alarm from his ally.
"Martyn, chill, it does that." Scott told him "Save your terror for when the boogeyman is gonna be chosen, it'll be in like five minutes."
Martyn sighed, but nodded. "Okay, okay, fine. There's something I need to show you though, and I think it has something to do with you."
Scott cocked his head "Uh, sure? What is it?"
The blonde turned around to reveal a spiked fish tail growing from his lower back, as well as brown spines protruding from his elbows. He then turned back to face Scott and pushed his hair to the side, showing that he had similar looking spikes as horns.
"... Oh. I don't know why that happened." Scott shrugged. This has never happened before... And I've also never based with Martyn, and I'm sure that he's not quite human.
He quickly diverted Martyn's attention to the communicators, which were showing their boogeyman messages now. I've got to look into that.
-Time Skip-
"Ow ow ow, dang, that's a lot of poison-" Scott hissed "Shouldn't have put down that pufferfish." He was being chased by the yellows, as he was one of the last greens on the server after a little while of people killing each other.
That little voice screaming for murder was now a lot louder with so many people aggravating him, and his head pounded as he resisted the urge. Oh no, oh no. I can't do this for much longer. He could see Jimmy and Joel right outside of the water, and the Clockers had just dived in after him, weapons at the ready.
"Martyn. Martyn where are you?!" He yelled, but he couldn't see his ally among the mass of people that had surrounded him.
He was cornered.
That was the breaking point for him, and he let himself go feral, feeling a huge rush of anger and adrenaline. His fins flared aggressively and he bared his teeth in a threat of violence.
Scott hissed and snarled at the people circling him, coiled like an angry viper, but they didn't move in range of a strike for a little while. Until, finally, one did.
Jimmy, yellow wings flailing in the ocean currents, swam for him with a crossbow in hand. Bad move. Scott sprung towards him, sharp teeth sinking into his shoulder. His tail coiled around the canary's legs, and his clawed hands tore at his chest.
The man would have died right them and there, ripped to shreds, if it wasn't for Grian and Joel grabbing Jim and pulling him away. The water around him was slowly turning red, and the Bad Boys scrambled for healing potions to help their dying ally.
Everyone stared in shock at the cuts and slashes all over Jimmy's body, and then turned their wide-eyed gazes to the angry hybrid.
"... Scott?" Someone broke the silence that had fallen over the server. It was Pearl, who was half hidden behind BigB. She poked her head out of the water for air before swimming a little closer.
"Are you okay? Can you hear me?" She called. There was no weapon in her hands, and a small voice of sanity inside of him cried for him to stop, to not hurt her, to calm down, but nothing it did could stop him from what he was about to do.
Pearl inched closer and closer. "Listen to me, I don't know what's really happening with you, but-" She was cut off by Scott suddenly striking, claws aimed at her face.
Chaos exploded in the ocean, some people fleeing, some trying to help Pearl, and some just screaming. Loudest of all being Pearl herself, until she was saved by a very generous Tango. Scott lashed out at the people attacking him, but there were too many for him to fight at once, even in this manic frenzy.
Scott swam away, darting through the water to escape his attackers. He found a tiny underwater cave and quickly entered it, then poked his head up into a pocket of air inside. The only light in there came from the dim screen of the communicator, which showed a few new messages.
Okay, calm down Scott, nobody's here. The hybrid told himself, his heartbeat slowly getting back to a normal pace, and he began to read the messages.
ImpulseSV: idk ask martyn
InTheLittleWood: I don't know either
ZombieCleo: i think we need a moment to deal with this
BdoubleO100: time pause?
Grian: i'm not supposed to mess with the games, but i'll pause the timers for this. something's really wrong here.
No shit, Sherlock. He grumbled to himself, but he was still thankful that his time had stopped for now. Every nerve in his body still screamed for a fight, and he knew he would be triggered by literally anything. Scott tried to start calming himself down, but then he felt a hand grab his shoulder.
Scott hissed, whipping around. ENEMY! It was still pitch black in the cave for another moment, until a torch was placed on the wall, illuminating the face of his attacker.
He nearly went in for the kill, but he had just enough self-control to hold himself back. It was Martyn, and the man clearly meant no harm to him. The two stared at each other for several seconds.
"Hey there... You good?" Martyn asked cautiously. Scott stared back at him, fully aware of how unhinged he currently looked, with traces of blood still on his teeth and claws, as well as how his hands twitched towards Martyn involuntarily.
"Er- Okay, if you don't mind, could you..." The other hybrid carefully swam outside, beckoning for him to follow. Safe? Maybe?
Scott floated out after his friend, but then spotted something a few meters below him. NOT SAFE-
He was too late to escape. A net closed around him, lifting the feral hybrid out of the water, where his large tail became legs once more. Scott screeched, clawing at the ropes, but they were too thick for him to break.
He could tell that the others around him on the shore were yelling something, he could see their mouths moving, but he couldn't hear them. All he heard was a painful ringing in his ears, and his head throbbed horribly. The sunlight practically stabbing his eyes didn't help either.
The hybrid clawed at his head as the horrible agony didn't stop, it only got worse. Scott could feel his own irregular breathing, and hear his own heart pounding, but he could do nothing about it. After several minutes of enduring this torment of his mind's own creation, it all suddenly went silent.
No ringing
No yelling
No screams of terror
"-ott? Scott? Scott, can you hear me?" It was Martyn.
Scott cracked open his eyes, his slitted pupils locked onto the man's face. He nearly leaped again to attack, but it was much easier to refrain from doing so now. Scott could see the faint figures of everyone around him, watching him in silence.
The net that he had been trapped in was gone, and he was in a small fenced-in area with nobody but him and Martyn in it. The two stared at each other as Scott's breathing slowed to a normal pace, and his headache began to subside.
"Are you okay?" His friend whispered, putting one hand on his shoulder.
Scott hesitated, then replied in a horrible croaking voice. "Y-Yeah. I'm okay... I think." Martyn smiled softly, then wrapped his arms around Scott in a hug.
"Thank god you're alright. What happened there anyways? Do you remember anything?" The other hybrid asked him worriedly.
"I... Don't really want to talk about it here, if you don't mind." Scott mumbled nervously, and Martyn quickly nodded, a sympathetic smile crossing his face.
"I understand"
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silvermare · 7 months
If you know me outside of Tumblr, don't tell my mom
I said goodbye to my old car last night. Vivid green 2012 Hyundai Accent hatchback. That thing had stellar fuckin gas mileage (for a non-hybrid anyway, I could squeeze like 40mpg out of it if I tried), hauled around way too much shit, played FAFO with black ice, was stolen in Amarillo, TX and recovered south of Oklahoma City, OK - and for context, I live in Indianapolis - back in 2018, and transported many friends and even some coworkers. It also has had kernels of dry field corn in the floorboard for the past two years. Oh, and I broke the frickin passenger side mirror by backing out of the garage too close.
Her name was Arachnaverde because she was green and I kept an anatomically incorrect spider skeleton (halloween decoration) on the dashboard. Spood's job was to let me know when I was taking a turn too fast. He would skitter away if I did.
Prior to Arachnaverde, I had a 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme that I called Madame Blueberry. She was a lovely teal color, had two doors, and I once forgot an entire watermelon in the back floorboard in college and it rotted and stank so badly. -4/10 do not recommend. Also her trunk had loose soybeans from when I took a few dried soybean plants for some reason or another. ADHD be like that sometimes.
Prior to Madame Blueberry, I had an unnamed charcoal gray 89 Mercury Grand Marquis. This car had one interesting anecdote, and 3 notable events.
In the long long ago when I was still in junior college (2 year college for people who live in states that don't fuck with junior colleges), I left it overnight in the college parking lot for some reason I no longer recall. When I retrieved it in the morning, someone had used car window paint to write "HOOPTY" on the back windshield. To be fair, it was.
That car was how I learned not to leave a can of silly string in a hot car. Did you know if a can of silly string gets hot enough it will straight up explode? I didn't until I found a really messy plastic bag and blue spatters all over the roof of my car.
I used to park under a specific tree in front of the house, because I lived with my parents on a farm, and the garage was for my mom's vehicle, no one else's. Dad's main ride parked in the patch of ground between the barnyard fence and the garage (dad's parking spot, mostly), and the farm truck parked in the barnyard. Anyway, point is, I parked under a tree which worked quite well for many years except at the very end a large fragment of dead tree pierced my car *right* in front of the hood so I had a rough rectangle of Missing Car for the tail end of my ownership.
Anyway, I've known for months that I needed to get a new car. Needed new front struts, a replacement sensor in the steering column, new back brakes, new front tires.... I tried back in May but for some reason the car I found just didn't vibe with me (Mitsubishi Mirage). It was kinda noisy, very basic. Also very cheap.
Last week, the stars aligned and I found a hopeful prospect with low mileage, decent mpg, and within my budget.
So now I have a new-to-me brick of tofu (white Kia Soul 2020).
I have said my farewells to the green beast, and look forward to what kind of adventures I'll get into with the as-of-yet-unnamed toaster.
So far the best name I've come up with is Tofungus because I am awful. I definitely want to give it a black horizontal stripe and add the "Fujiwara Tofu Shop" decal to the side because i'm a fuckin weeb and also did you know there's a sequel to Initial D this season? I'm enjoying it.
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upwards-descent · 6 months
I started writing a self-insert OC Venture Bros fic but idk if I'll finish it, however what I've got is too good not to share (spoilers for season 6 & 7)
"This... Is our new target. Or, I guess more like this is Venture's newest Guild mandated arch."
Henchman 21 leaned over the dining room table, shuffling the stack of papers around so he could read them better.
"Doctor Bedlam?" 21 hissed through his teeth, a sympathetic twist in his furrowed brows. "He's like. Y'know."
"What? Like what?" The Monarch demanded. He had one fist propped up on his cocked hip, the other spread flat across the table. It was still a bit funny to see him in both his cowl and a silk robe. "You chickening out on me now, huh?"
"No, no, no, no," 21 shook his head emphatically. "I just think we should exercise some uh... Extra level of caution."
"Is there something I'm missing here?" The Monarch held up their target's picture. "Are you really that afraid of this fucking... Tony Stark/Slumdog Millionaire lookin' motherfucker?"
"The only reason why Doctor Bedlam isn't a 10 is he doesn't actively kill," 21 crossed his arms, one brow quirked. "Imagine a beast like Red Death but sub the bloodlust for, like, literal clinical psychopathy. You wanna act casual about that?"
"Really?" The Monarch looked at the picture again, pursing his lips in thought. "This guy? He looks like one of those cringey pick-up artists but he only goes after yacht club college girls."
Henchman 21 simply shrugged.
"I'm only speakin' the facts, boss. Don't underestimate this guy."
"Feh," The Monarch flapped his hand and let the sheet of paper flutter back down onto the table, already distracted by an exploration of the fridge. "Nothing the mighty Blue Morpho and his trusty Kano can't handle. We'll suit up after breakfast."
The Monarch-- or rather, Blue Morpho whistled in appreciation once he and 'Kano' were dropped off by taxi at their location. 
"Damn, nice digs," The Monarch mumbled. "What floor is this guy on again?"
"Penthouse suite," Henchman 21 double-checked his notes before folding up the paper into a tiny square and tucking it in his pocket. "Top floor, baby. This guy's an arms dealer, he's like rich rich."
"Like Batman rich or like...?"
"I've heard rumors he's like Oprah rich."
Shockingly, the duo got into the building with no issue. Strange. The security seemed non-existent, the only visible employee being some older guy snoring at the front desk. They slipped into the elevator but when The Monarch reached for the penthouse button, 21 superceded him, obscuring it with a cupped palm.
"We'll take the floor below then climb the stairs to the roof," He encouraged, thumbing the 29th floor instead. "Who knows what kinda shit he's got waiting for us at the door."
"I still think you're overreacting," The Monarch rolled his eyes but didn't fight back, leaning against the wall as the elevator ascended. "Why the hell would the Guild assign such a supposed level 11 badass to a shmuck like Venture?"
"No clue," 21 frowned for a moment. "It's not like Dr. Venture goes out and does superhero work, he's kind of a shut-in."
"Yeah," The Monarch snickered. "He doesn't save cats in trees or kiss babies or whatever. Sometimes he's almost as much a villain as I am. Did you know he powered one of his inventions with a fucking dead orphan kid once?"
"Fucked up but also hardcore."
The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Just across the hall was the emergency exit and, once again, the pair slipped out and up with no issues whatsoever. After a brief climb, they were on the roof and overlooking the rest of New York City from a bird's eye view.
"Alright, here's a vent we can enter through," 21 grunted with effort as one of his knives popped open the grate. "This should hopefully take us to the living room but we'll take it nice and slow."
"Move over," The Monarch barked, easily tucking both long legs into the vent, using a swift rush of momentum to zoom in like a slide. "And have more confidence in your leader!"
Crawling on hands and knees, they managed to move rather quietly, pausing over every subsequent grate to peek down and do some reconnaissance. There were exits into a master bathroom, the living room, the kitchen, and what looked like a study. It was too dark to tell but that seemed advantageous so 21 silently lifted the grate and the pair soundlessly hit the floor on two feet.
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winterhawkkisses · 2 years
Bucky and Clint and a corn maze for the autumn prompt please?
Loving all your stories and shares!
Bucky Barnes was brought up in Brooklyn, and as such had been woefully unprepared for the concept of corn mazes as some kinda competitive sport.
"Swear to God," Clint muttered, shoving his feet into unlaced boots at some ridiculous time in the morning, "if the Butchers win again this year I am going to shove my foot so far up that judge's ass -"
Bucky must've made a sound, or raised an eyebrow, or given off some kinda aura that questioned Clint in this, 'cos Clint whirled on him and pinned him with a crazy-eyed stare.
"Five years," he said, low and fervent. "Five goddamn years of the same Iowa Hawkeyes logo, stalk for goddamn stalk. I have done Steve's shield. I have done a damn circus. I have done the cataclysmic destruction of the Death Star that I had to finish with a scythe -"
"I don't understand that reference," Bucky said, deadpan, and Clint pointed a shaking finger at his chest, opened his mouth, then snapped it shut again and threw his hands in the air, slamming the screen door behind him.
Bucky couldn't help sniggering into his coffee.
It wasn't always so dramatic. Sure, the farm in general, where the pace of the days was generally pretty slow, peace rising up from the ground like the morning mist, but also the run-up to fall and the county fair. Most of it was quieter: Clint groaning happily as Bucky tried out another pie recipe on him, determined to perfect it this year; the daily measurement of a beast of a pumpkin, and Clint's cracked voice singing rock ballads to it every night before bed.
Somehow he'd got it in his head, though, that everything was riding on his corn maze this year. Somehow everything seemed to be hinging on getting it just right, and Clint had strung up a sheet over the back bedroom window so Bucky couldn't jinx it by seeing it too soon.
"Like seeing a bride before the wedding?" Bucky asked, unable to keep the laugh outta his voice, and Clint had twitched and headed hurriedly out to sing Sweet Child Of Mine.
"Hey," Bucky murmured from the porch swing one evening, catching Clint by the belt loops as he paced along the porch and pulling him closer, between his legs. "Hey, Clint, it's gonna be fine. You've got this."
Clint ran his hands through his hair, looking down at Bucky with a weird sort of vulnerability in his eyes.
"You think?"
"I know it," Bucky said, pulling him in closer still, wrapping his arms around Clint's lean hips and resting his cheek against a plaid shirt that still carried the warmth of the late summer sun. "You can do anything you set your mind to."
Clint's hand came up to cup the back of Bucky's head, his callused thumb catching a little as it swept across his hair.
"You know I love you, right?" Clint said, and Bucky couldn't help but smile with it, the way happiness filled him up like there'd always been a space ready for it.
"Sure," he said. "I know."
It was the week before the fair when Clint finally seemed to settle. Not completely relaxed, maybe; more like the pause at the top of the rollercoaster, where all the potential's somehow resolved itself into a final moment of calm.
He cornered Bucky in the kitchen, taking the coffee mug out of his metal hand and weaving their fingers together instead.
"It's ready," he said, on a long breath. "You wanna see?"
Bucky couldn't help laughing a little, but followed along gamely enough as Clint dragged him up the stairs, then climbed the precarious ladder into the loft before opening the little window that led out onto a just about perchable part of the roof. Bucky led the way out, bracing himself on the weathercock - which was a good thing, since it gave him something to grab when he finally got a look at the corn maze Clint'd been working on so long.
He'd been expecting the title card for Dog Cops, maybe. Or Iron Man in flight, like Clint'd been promising Tony for at least the last few years. He hadn't expected -
"What d'you think?" Clint asked, just by his ear, and Bucky let out a choked laugh, reaching back to grab Clint's hand.
Most of it was - it had to function as a real maze, if it was gonna win, and the complicated knotwork was gonna make it a bitch to run. Bucky's focus, though, was the center of it all, the way the corn had been cut away to ask the curling cursive question Bucky, marry me?
"Think it'll beat the Hawkeyes?" Clint asked, and Bucky turned to drag him down so he could press their foreheads together, so Clint could be close enough to hear him breathe out a fervent yes.
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anglbrkr · 2 years
Unyielding [Orc/Male Reader]
Ive been into orcs lately. Might post another one with another orc thats smuttier 
Content Warning: Blood and injury, shorrt, nothing happens lol, kinda fluffy ig
There are no typos
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It’s a stormy night when a disturbance comes to [N]’s cottage. Not even minutes before checking on the pigs and the hens, insuring them shelter, there’s a rattling against the front door of his home, much too harsh to be rain. The young man’s eyes study the door once he gets near it, waiting for another noise. It comes again, much too rough to be mistaken. Someone is knocking at his door.
Before the next knock comes, he hesitantly opens the door, his head peeking from the inside. He’s face to face with an abdomen, and when his eyes trail up to look, his neck strains until he meets the face. A flash of lightning dramatically reveals the bloody face of an orc, looking down at him coldly. The rain falls on him harshly, catching in his hair and beard, [N] manages to notice a bleeding cut on his face, quickly dripping down. The boy gulps.
“Shelter,” the orc says, his voice baritone and grim. The grip he has on his battle ax loosens and it falls to the floor, startling [N], yet his eyes remain strained on the human. “I require shelter.”
[N] stares for what seems like an eternity, before opening the door wide, and stepping aside to allow the orc in. He watches how the orc cranes his head down to get through the door, even once inside, his neck bends so as not to touch the cottage roof.
In the dim lights of the candles inside, [N] finally registers the nasty wound on the orc's abdomen, a deep-looking stab wound. Soon enough, his eyes find more and more fresh wounds over the orc's body, a worried look in his eyes. He must have been in a serious fight to be covered with so many cuts and bruises. The boy thinks for a moment about calling out someone who might help him, but he's miles away from civilization, and no one would hear him if they did come. No matter how much he worries though, he can't let this happen. He needs to do something for the orc, he can't fathom the idea of the stranger being hurt any longer. His heart pounds as he makes up his mind and rushes into a nearby room where he grabs some bandages and water.
The orc stands in place as the young man silently panics, watching the human run to get something. His wounds ache and sting, and there's a pulse of pain coursing through his body, but he still manages to stand and keep a straight face. With what seems like medical supplies, the human returns and carefully takes his hands, leading him to another room.
Urzul must say, it was a stroke of luck to find a cottage in the middle of the wood, especially after getting this injured, he almost found himself resting in a nearby cave. He lets the boy lead him to another room, a bedroom, where Urzul must duck his head again to not hit the doorframe. When he is sat on the bed, he lets out a barely noticeable sigh of relief. It's been days since the last time he slept without being chased off by any wild beast or enemies.
The orc lets his muscles relax, the sound of the rain and the small human running around forming a pleasant ambiance while listening to this softness. He finds the smell of medicinal herbs soothing and relaxing, as well as the warmth they provide during these cold nights. After some more silence, he finally asks if he can ask about his injuries. The boy looks at him with pitying eyes, before turning away and going back into the other room.
[N] rummages through boxes, looking for bandages and clean cloth for the orc's wounds, which are now covered in dirt and blood. As soon as [N] sees them though, there's no way he could ignore all those cuts and bruises, some even sticking onto his skin, and making it look like someone had tried to carve the whole thing from him. Swallowing hard, he sits down next to the orc, taking one hand in both of his own to examine it thoroughly, causing his heart to race when he notices how much pain is present in that body. His hands shake as he cleans the wound and carefully wraps it up in the white fabric. With great care, he takes the orc's head between his hands to get a better view of the cut on his face, but his fingers stop moving after finding a large bump underneath the hairline, right below his brows. "What happened?" He whispers to himself, brushing over the injury with his thumb.
Urzul stays silent as the human observes him, flinching now and a cut is brushed over. He closes his eyes, limbs heavy. The human had begun washing his face at some point, placing bandages on his face. When he felt the human begin to bandage his abdomen, he lifts up slightly, to allow the bandage to go around him. It's too tight at some parts, causing him to grunt with pain, his breathing shallower than before.
"I'm sorry," [N] says softly, eyes filled with worry, covering the bandaged area again.
The young boy is so slow-moving, Urzul thinks to himself, watching him continue this process slowly. After some time passes in silence, he finally speaks up, making his voice soft, yet still audible through the room. "Thank you."
[N] stops mid-way, looking at the orc for a moment before nodding, a small smile on his lips, but then quickly turning away to find something else in one of the boxes. "You're welcome... I hope that doesn't hurt too much?" He asks, shaking slightly as he looks into the box, picking out what he needs.
A deep sigh escapes the orc's nostrils as the human continues working on him.
The orc falls asleep at some point, while [N] is still bandaging him. The human only notices when he goes to ask the orc if he's hungry, and no response is heard. His shoulders slump, the night feels so long, he should be in bed. He traverses upstairs to his room, giving himself a reminder to make breakfast for the orc, who knows how long it's been since he's eaten.
He falls asleep the same way he always does, staring into space until unconsciousness finds him.
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nightmaremp · 9 days
Weremayhem: Song of Beasts. Ch 41: Pictures of Lost Memories
Nora looked over to the trash can that had pictures in it, Zoot’s pictures. “Wait” said the black haired female as she walked over to the trash can. 
“Zoot threw away his camera?” she asked as she saw the camera sitting on top of the pictures in the trash can. Label Lady picks up the camera from the trash as Hannah walk over to her sister. 
And his pictures” Nora added as she picked up some pictures. 
“Yeah, Zoot’s gone digital” replied Hannah. 
“Hey Animal” said Label Lady as she looked at the pictures in her hands. 
“Huh?” replied Animal as he looked at the black haired female. 
“What do you say we forget about all of this and just remember the good times?” replied Nora as she hold up the pictures. 
“Good times?” replied the drummer. 
Label Lady picked up a VCR tape of The Muppet Show, Elton John episode and put it into the player of the TV. Her, Hannah, and the wild man all sit down on the couch. “Good times” said Animal as they watched the episode. 
On the TV screen, Elton John was singing while the Mayhem was playing along with him. “The band was perfect, just being the Mayhem,” said Nora. 
“No phones, no goals” she added with a sad tone in her voice. “Just music and each other” said Label Lady. 
“At least you helped them make that album, right?” replied Hannah with a soft smile. 
“Yeah” replied Hannah’s sister. “But I think this whole time, I’ve been focusing on the wrong album,” she added with a sigh. 
Nora sits up from the couch and opens her family photo album. She looked through it, all the photos of her and Hannah, from kids to adults. Then she stops at a blank page in the album book. Label Lady starts to pick up Zoot’s pictures he took and place them on the blank pages of the family album. 
The black haired female softly smiles as she looks at each picture. When she finished, she looked at the good memories. “Growing up, I watched our family fall apart,” Nora said. 
“I’m not gonna let it happen to this one,” she added. 
Meanwhile, on a hill. Moog was sitting on top of his trailer while Lewis and Annie were sleeping on his bed. He looked at the city down below. Nora slowly walks up to the trailer and spots the black haired male. “Hey!” Label Lady said in a soft yet loud enough voice for him to hear her. 
“How’d you find me?” he asked with a huff. 
“Well, my sister kinda has a knack for cyber-stalking people on the internet” replied Nora. A horn honks behind the black haired female. They both look over. Hannah and Animal were in the car that belonged to Hannah. 
“Moog!” said the drummer with a chuckle. “Nora,” he added. 
“What are you doing up there?” asked the black haired female to the Mayhem fan. 
“You know, just contemplating my life choices. Now that my favorite band has fallen apart and that I’m taking care of the band leader’s kids” replied Moog. 
“It’s not like anybody warned you” he added as he turned to face Label Lady. 
“I know, okay?” replied Nora. “We were a team and I let JJ get in the way. I blew it” she added. The black haired male hop off the trailer’s roof and landed on his feet. 
“Look, whatever you want, I’m just not interested,” replied Moog as he turned to look at the city below. Same with the black haired female. 
“You will be” replied Nora. “I don’t care what it takes,” she added. 
“The Electric Mayhem will play the Hollywood Bowl” said Label Lady. 
“Nora, come on,” replied the Mayhem fan. “There is no Electric Mayhem,” he added. 
“Not unless we fix this” the black haired female replied. “Please” she added as Moog shakes his head. 
“Moog, they need you,” said Nora. There was silence between the two. She takes a deep breath. 
“I need you,” she added. He looks over to Label Lady with a bit of shock. The black haired male was dead silent, he didn’t know what to say. 
“Can you please say something?” she asked. 
“I say…” Moog started to say before he shut his mouth for a bit. “Let’s get the band back together” he said with a soft smile on his face. 
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
Week Three, Day Four of Kinktober 2022
Public Sex: Attack on Titan: Eren Jaeger
Word Count: 1.4K
Tags: public sex, car sex, reader is on top/rides, slight exhibitionism/voyeurism
“Eren, are you sure we won’t get caught?” You ask your boyfriend, voice breathy and whispered under the quiet bass blasting through his car. It’s a rainy night, storm clouds rolling through the skies so badly that you two were forced to pull over in some empty grocery store parking lot. You’ve been sitting for entirely too long at this point, and Eren had obviously gotten restless—and handsy. 
“Who the hell is out here in this kinda weather?” He asks against your throat, pressing hurried and wet kisses on your salty skin. You shiver when he nips at your pulse point, sucking on the area before he moves up to bite at your jaw next. You peel your eyes open and look around the parking lot, and despite it being empty, the store’s lights are still on. 
“Um, we are.” You remind him, pulling him back by the tie in his hair so that he can finally look at you. Eren frowns when he’s interrupted, glaring up at you with vibrant green eyes that are almost hidden from his fringe, chocolate brown hair spilling from its bun the more you tug at it. 
“I’ll be quick.” He tries to goad you, diving back in for your neck again, but is stopped when you tug at his hair once more. 
“We could get into serious trouble for this.” You bite at your bottom lip, trying to ignore how he grinds his hips up into your mound from where you sit on his lap in the drivers seat. It’s uncomfortable as hell—one of your knees is digging into the car door, the other digging into something else you don’t even know, but you sure as hell don’t like it, your head practically grazing the roof. 
“Well, that’s all apart of the fun, ain’t it?” Eren asks you with a small smile, head cocked to the side, his hair finally freed from its confinements. You have no control over this little beast in front of you, as he dives in for your mouth to silence anymore of your worried rambles. He pulls you close into him, wraps slender arms around your form and squeezes you hard, mouth engulfing yours. He tastes like some strawberry snack you two shared on the ride home, before having to pull over, all sweet and savory, and it makes you moan into his mouth when he licks at your tongue. Eren can feel how you melt with every kiss, every breath of air you take apart from each other, every whimper when he pulls you back in and bites at your lip. 
He takes that as your sign of giving in, of letting him have his way, even if he has to be quick about it all to keep your worries at bay. He hurriedly starts to unbuckle his belt, watches how quick you are to hike up your loose bottoms until they’re bunched up and your panties are slid to the side with a single finger. 
“You better be quick, damnit, I’m not getting caught with my ass out by some nosy worker.” You try to sound stern, but its hard to when Eren ignores your words to start rubbing his leaking cockhead against your slit and between your folds. He leans forward to spit on his cock, lubricating it as much as he can while he watches your hole start to part for him as he tries to work you open with slow pushes inside. 
“I’ll be quick as can be when you open up for me, baby,” Eren finally mutters when he realizes that its been a few minutes and you’re not even fully sat down on his cock yet. It’s supposed to be a hurried process, but he’s on the thicker side, and you’re not prepped, and he’s not really a fan of seeing you in pain because of him. He wants to bust as much as you do, but he’s not going to rush it and risk hurting you, so he tells you to just deal with it. 
“I’m so gonna beat your fuckin’ ass if we get caught.” You grunt to him under your breath, trying your best to stop squeezing around him as you try to work your hips down, but its hard when he just feels so fat and full inside of you. You finally collapse on his shoulder when you start to feel his curly pubes tickling your ass cheeks, realizing you’re close to finally taking all of him. Mentally saying fuck it, you take a deep breath of his scent before forcing yourself all the way down, groaning at the same time Eren hisses low in your ear. 
“Why the fuck would you—”
“Just hurry up and fuck me, damnit.” You sneer to him, biting at his earlobe to hear him groan and feel his hips stutter beneath you. It makes his cock rub gently against your walls, barely grazing your sweet spot, makes you dig your nails into his old hoodie and hide your face into the curve of his neck and shoulder. 
Eren starts a slow but steady pace, sucking on the skin of your neck as he leans the seat all the way back until it lays as flat as it can, watches how you immediately start to take control to bounce on his cock. You hold onto his shoulders, head down as you watch him from under your lashes, mouth dropped open in a constant moan as you lift and drop your hips as much as you can without tiring too fast. It’s handwork though, and Eren can sense how you slow down steadily, before he starts to pick up where you slack, hips thrusting underneath you to match your pace. 
“What if someone was watching us right now?” Eren suddenly blurts out, eyes darting to where he can barely see over the curve of the window. It makes your hips stutter, your own eyes widening as you watch the devious little smirk crawl up his face. 
“Don’t—Don’t say that, you creep,” you mutter to him, despite how the thought makes you clench down a little harder on his cock, and if it’s from fear or from excitement, you honestly couldn’t tell. 
“What? You like the thought of some old geezer watching you bounce on my cock?” Eren teases, all wide grins now once he sees how much it flusters you. You try to retort back, but its hard when he suddenly has a wet thumb he’s licked on your clit, and starts jackhammering his thick cock inside of you. 
“Like the thought of someone watching you cum all over me? How they get to see just how pretty you look when you orgasm?” You can’t help but cover Eren’s mouth at that with your own, groaning in frustration at just how much you like the sound of someone watching you, getting off on you getting off, of having a hand down their pants as you bounce and bounce all over your favorite cock. 
Even without Eren talking anymore, it still drives you to orgasm, still makes your hips stutter and your cunt clench down tight around him. Eren only throws his head back and groans, grabs at the fat of your ass to chase his own orgasm, uses your body until he can finally shoot ropes and ropes of sticky cum inside of your spasming walls, flood your cunt until it drips from where you’re plugged up. 
It takes you both a few seconds to calm down, panting against each other, before you both realize that the rain has finally stopped, through the fogged windows. You huff, wiping at the windows to see that the lights in the grocery store are still on and that it definitely looks like someone was standing in the window facing your car. Maybe you’re just paranoid, but it makes your hole twitch around Eren’s cock, before you find it in you to crawl off of his lap and situate yourself back in the passengers seat. 
“Okay, we can go home now.” You whisper to him, trying to fix your hair as you guiltily look at the store window again, still finding that same person standing there. Eren catches where you’re looking and snorts, pulling his seat back up and buckling his belt before he puts the car in drive and finally pulls off. 
“Whatever you want, baby.” He says smugly, pinching at your thigh and laughs heartily when you swat at him.
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