#some spring vibes this autumn lol
happyheidi · 11 months
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engiiiiiii · 20 days
i think i could very much break soon but idk 4 more months and i think I'm free so I'm fine 🩷
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 months
i love your meadowlark headcanons sooooo much😭😭
if you’re looking for ideas for more headcanons, may i present:
the lark and their love languages
the lark coping with stress/upset
what an average day around the home/sanctuary looks like for the lark!
the lark and their most surprising talents and weaknesses
the lark and their favourite things; foods, animals, seasons, etc!
don’t feel any pressure btw!! <3
thank you!!
there’s a lot here, but i’m an overachiever SO
The Lark and Their Love Languages
Cole- Quality time! They love to spend time with hers and engage in their hobbies!
Clémentine- Physical touch ofc! They’re SO cuddly and snuggly. I believe it’s also been stated that they like to give kisses, so they are the CEO of forehead kisses to everyone!
Kingsley- Being a nuisance lol
Perrine- Also quality time! I don’t see her as the type to be only affectionate or to use terms of endearment, but she likes to spend time with the others whenever she can, doing whatever they like to do.
The Lark and Coping With Stress
Cole- Singing and songwriting. You know how some people make vent art/writing? I feel like they would do that with songs! They write vent lyrics to get out their feelings.
Also aggressive scream-singing in the middle of the woods!
Clémentine- I feel like Clémentine is the only one who actually sits down and talks about their problems like a normal person. They don’t like to keep things bottled up and when they try, they just end up blurting it out eventually.
Kingsley- Might be a bit strange, but Kingsley gives me the vibes of someone who runs to get stress out. Like, he’s just like “i’m gonna go for a run” and then just prances around the woods.
The forest calms him, and he likes sitting among the trees when he’s upset to just breathe and be my himself.
Perrine- Compartmentalizing lmao
Average Day
Perrine wakes up first and goes downstairs to make breakfast for the others. Clémentine is usually up next, then Cole, and then Kingsley, who likes to get his beauty sleep.
I feel like they don’t all spend every waking minute together, so after breakfast, they all chill, doing their own things.
They try to do some rehearsing at some point, but usually SOMEONE (mainly Kingsley) won’t focus, and they end up doing something else entirely.
Sometimes Perrine makes lunch, other time she lets them fend for themselves. She makes dinner, though, make days! Otherwise they have leftovers.
The Lark and Their Favorite Things
Animal: Cat
Color: Yellow
Season: Spring
Weather: Sunny
Animal: Fox
Color: Yellow
Season: Spring
Weather: Rainy
Animal: Frog
Color: Green
Season: Summer
Weather: Sunny
Animal: Crow
Color: Purple and blue
Season: Autumn! Unlike the others, she really loves the cooler weather and the pretty colors the trees become.
Weather: Snowy
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bridgetoesoteria · 9 months
🥰Timeless Love Reading 💟💗
Heyy back with anotha one! ➡Poll correlates with the piles⬅
Hope it resonates :)
Collective: For everyone I am getting the message that its time to break out of limiting beliefs. It may be time to face some fears or other things you have been avoiding.
I'm using a deck that I very rarely reach for these days. It was my first deck and I loved it! But it reminds me of someone who ended up really hurting me so I avoid it. But today I felt drawn to it for this reading and realized I didn't want to let them taint my life any longer.
I feel that everyone is being called to do that in someway. Take back your power in love and start controlling the narrative more.
Using Sun and Moon Tarot + The Afro Goddess Clear Vision Duo
Pile 1: Summer
4 Card Spread: The Lovers, 3 of Cups, Queen of Wands, and Princess of Pentacles. Bottom of the deck is Ace of Swords.
I'm getting a pretty bright and cheery energy. So either this is where you are or where you are headed. Yay! Love to see it 🥳 I'm bumping some Amy Winehouse right now. It always makes me feel so sultry. That's kinda the same energy I am getting from your reading.
I think you will be going out and having a great time. You will be re-discovering your sexuality. You will truly be "feeling yourself" (no pun intended!). Some of you could be getting frisky and I see the possibility of children, so take precautions if you are not ready for kids. But for others, if that is what you are hoping for this is a good sign. Some of you may be looking to expand your families.
For others, I think you will have a suitor that comes forward and makes you forget about the past. It looks healthy and honest. (This doesn't mean trust blindly. Always maintain your boundaries and trust your intuition!). Its possible they could make a proposal like asking you on a date, asking to make it official, or something else. Seems like there is romance and mutual love ahead ♥
TL;DR: You will definitely be feeling yourself, if you aren't already. Rightfully, so! What's wrong with confidence. You might be feeling a little hot in the pants *wink wink* so take precautions if you are not looking to get pregnant. You might meet someone that is a good match. Still make sure to trust your intuition and maintain proper boundaries. These are important ingredients for any healthy relationship.
Oracle: Sensei + Passion
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Hopefully, you can see the images. Look over the messages and take what resonates with you. You will know its for you by the way it makes you feel.
Yeah... I know what I'm talking about when I said I saw some spicy energy in your reading. Luckies! I am also getting a bit of a marriage vibe.
Pile 2: Autumn/Fall
4 Card Spread: King of Cups, 6 of Wands, Ace of Cups, and 2 of Pentacles. Bottom of the deck is The Emperor.
Jamming to Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson. Go listen! It may have messages or a vibe you resonate with! Omg and now Brokenhearted by Karmin is playing. I remember when I thought this was Cher Lloyd lol... anywayy..
I am getting such good energy for this pile! I love it. You could be romantics at heart. I am getting a free spirited energy. You don't let heartbreak keep you down and jaded. You always find a way to come back out on top and open your heart again. That is seriously impressive! Its not easy or common to be that resilient! (In case you're wondering, my phone is now playing Drama Queen (That Girl) by Lindsay Lohan). Go you! 😊🙌 If you aren't here right now, this is a sign that you can get there! Manifest it!
I do see someone coming in. They give me kind of goofy energy but well-meaning. They might have more serious intentions than you think or they could have a serious side. I do feel like the ball will be in your court in some way. So just know everything can go the way you want it to. I think this can apply to love overall. You're in a very attractive energy.
If you are going through a heartbreak, you will get over it. I don't mean that in a dismissive way. It just feels like you will start to snap out of it almost. The pain may linger but you will find ways and people to distract yourself.
Some of you are wondering if you should reconcile with a certain person. I see them thinking the same thing. You both feel the same way but probably don't show it. This is probably more of a communication problem and difference in love languages. If you do decide to get back together, try to get to know each other in a more light hearted way. Focus on the moment for now, instead of the bigger picture. Maybe get one of those "couple's questions" type of decks from Amazon.
Some of you may be trying for a baby and I see positive signs here. Make sure to really tune into your empress energy. Know that you have abundance interwoven in your energy and DNA.
TL;DR: Some of you may be experiencing some friction with a partner or may be newly single. You will feel like going out and doing you. I see that you and this other person may struggle with communication and understanding each other. Take some time apart to cool off. Don't make any impulsive decisions you will regret later. If you choose to reconcile, focus on getting know each other for who you truly are. Maybe do this in a light hearted way with some couple's quizzes/games.
Oracle: The One of Wonders + Oil and Water
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I'm definitely getting some kind of love-hate vibe. Someone you can't live with but you also can't seem to live without. I knew I was getting an LGBT vibe when I started this reading. I think some of you in this pile could belong to the community. Whether you are single, or going through a break with you partner, I see you dusting off the "freakum" dress and wildin out. Maybe you feel like you deserve this. You've earned the right to have some carefree nights.
Hey, I'm not going to stop you. If you like it, I love it! Go ahead and get it out of your system. Just be safe my dearies. Remember you might end up having a veryy honest discussion with a partner/love interest so don't do anything you might not want to share.
Pile 3: Spring
Off the Bat: Before I even began shuffling I was getting a kind of scorned feeling. Some of you may be thirsty for some kind of revenge. That's kind of funny because I have been wanting to do a "Get Your Lick Back" reading 🤣🤣 But I didn't know if that was too messy for the first week of 2024.
4 Card Spread: Queen of Swords, The Chariot, The Magician, and The Devil. Bottom of the deck is 6 of Cups.
I think you will be taking more charge in your love life. Its like you have a fire under you that's driving this energy. You could be experiencing some kind of heartbreak or toxic cycle.
You will probably be hearing from this person or reaching out to them yourself. It will be up to you what you want to do with this situation. You could take them back and have passion but its likely that you will realize you have outgrown this situation. I think you have learned a lot about this person and you are ready to put up better boundaries.
Some of you could be leaving this person. You may not trust that they are going to maintain whatever change they are showing you. If you do know this person to be toxic and hurtful, you are making the right choice.
Regardless of your specific situation, I do think with the Chariot and Magician in the middle of your reading, you have the power to manifest whatever you need. Harness whatever surge of passion or energy you get and use it to go after what you want. Some of you will manifest communication after a fight or about a fight or betrayal.
For others I see your relationship improving. I think more effort will be put in to try and protect your foundation. It feels a bit scattered for some reason. I think your intentions are in the right place. Perhaps you would benefit from couple's counseling or something similar.
TL;DR: You will have the choice to end a toxic relationship or cycle. Some of you may find that you have outgrown a person or situation. You could manifest communication from someone that reveals some kind of truth. For others, there is a commitment to protecting what you have built with each other. If you fall into that group, consider couple's therapy! Ball is in your court no matter where you fall.
Oracle: Oil and Water + The Librarian
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Read over the information for each card. I think the messages meant for you will jump out at you.
Lift Me Up by Rihanna and Demons by Imagine Dragons may have some messages you resonate with. Also check what the year of the dragon may mean for you
Pile 4: Winter
Off the Bat: I am getting a lot of air energy! I also turned off all my music and stopped sipping. Some of you could be moving into a pretty serious energy. You have priorities and don't want to waste energy on nonsense.
4 Card Spread: Page of Swords, King of Swords, 10 of Swords, and King of Wands. Bottom of deck is 10 of Cups.
Some of you could be dealing with a break up. If it hasn't gotten to that point, there may be a lot of cold energy between you and your partner or love interest. Perhaps they want to act single and keep you a secret and you just aren't cool with that? Or perhaps they have a secret of their own. I am picking up on some kind of immature and selfish behavior. I almost want to call it ridiculous. So maybe that is how you feel. Others of them may be burying themselves in work to get over some kind of pain. Whatever the case, you are not feeling emotionally fulfilled.
You feel comfortable putting a pin in things. Even though you may feel quite compatible with this person in a lot of ways, there is something missing. I feel like there may be lack of emotional availability from both sides but it could feel like they don't see you at all.
You may find yourself walking away with a heavy heart. I am seeing you represented by some very powerful cards! The Queen of Wands and High Priestess! This person may not have acknowledged your worth but that does not mean it isn't there. You have a lot of inner strength and power. Your mind and intuition are sharp. If you know you can do better, go out there and manifest it!
TL;DR: You may be kicking an unfulfilling person or situation to the side. If you are not being recognized and cherished by your partner, I think you already feel that it is time to go. You definitely have the energy to attract what you deserve. No more settling. You are walking away to get your mind right.
Oracle: Parted Paths + The Dependent
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I hope you can see that. Please take read over the messages from each card and take what resonates.
Thank you everyone for stopping by. I hope it resonates. I've never done pick a card style readings before.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 24 days
Tag Game: Writeblr Interview
Thanks to @cowboybrunch for the tag, this looks fun!
Long post incoming.
Short stories, novels, or poems?
I find I end up with novelette/novella-length stories more often than not. I've written plenty of one-shots and short stories for prompt events, and I like doing that especially when I'm doing fanfiction or nameless characters. When I write with ocs though I tend to stretch stuff out and what had originally started as a one-shot or short story ends up becoming a novella.
Don't get me wrong I have plenty of WIPs planned out to be novels (like Trials of the Six), but the first drafts of The Hunter, the Myth and the Cure and The Legend of Orian Goldeneye were both novella-length and will probably stay that way or end up being longer. My Hero x Villain series ended up being a novelette, so basically I can't plan for how long a story's gonna be lol.
I've written a little bit of poetry (heck, I wrote one for The Legend of Orian Goldeneye that may or may not get cut), but it's not my favorite thing to write because I way overthink things. But when I do compose poetry I usually do limericks.
What genre do you prefer reading?
Fantasy, no contest. And within fantasy, usually High Fantasy with a lightcore or hopecore focus. I read some gritty stuff, but I find they tend to have elements I don't really like more than the ones I do.
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
Both? I like having an idea of where the story's gonna go, and I plan that out either before writing or while writing, so I don't get stuck. But it's really loose and gives plenty of room for the characters to go feral. I'm in the middle, but I lean more panster than plotter.
What music do you listen to while writing?
Soundtracks, usually from videogames or movies. I really should start organizing my two writing playlists by vibes other than calming music and boss fight-type, but I'm pretty happy with how I have it now. I also have some seasonal aesthetic playlists which match the vibe of the current weather.
Field Music Playlist (calming background soundtracks)
Boss Fight Playlist (pump-up, more exciting soundtracks)
Seasonal Aesthetics: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Favorite books/movies?
Oh goodness.
My knee-jerk answer for favorite movie is and always will be The Princess Bride. But I also really like Back to the Future, The Martian, and Clue.
With books I tend to separate them into categories. For fantasy I would say it's a tie between Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, The Death Gate Cycle: Hand of Chaos by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson, and Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynn Jones.
For sci-fi it's The Martian by Andy Weir, followed closely by Skyward by Brandon Sanderson.
My favorite classic is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, followed by Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin.
And for nonfiction I like Stuck by Justina Van Manen, The Healing Imperative by Mike Aquilina, and Beautiful Holiness by Kathleen Beckman.
And of course the Holy Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Any current WIPs?
This post is getting long enough already, I talk about my WIPs here and they're all linked in my pinned post in one way or another.
Create a character description of yourself:
Quiet, and keeps to herself. Never without a book, never without a rosary. Her brown hair is long, reaching nearly past her waist, and often kept up in a ponytail or a braid. She dresses mostly in dark colors, black jeans or skirt and a shirt or blouse that is black, navy, or gray, but occasionally wears a bright shirt. She wears little to no makeup unless she feels like being extra fancy. She always has a ring on her right hand, and usually a bracelet that matches her outfit, both of which she fiddles with. Her friends are few but she loves them dearly, and they are often on her mind. Though she may be quiet most of the time, she never hesitates to speak up for what she believes in.
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Eh... not really. I know my own thoughts and experiences much better than those around me and I wouldn't wish a lot of the stuff I do to my characters on the people I know so it just feels kinda weird to me.
Are you kill happy with your characters?
I find I like to bring my characters to the brink of death and back again rather than just killing them unless I want to write about grief. I'm more kill happy with immortal characters for the same reason.
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Usually just water, but if I can get my favorite iced coffee drink than I'd be happy to drink that.
Slow or fast writer?
It varies depending on the amount of research I have to do in a scene, but I think I write pretty fast. I haven't measured my words-per-minute in a while but it was pretty good if I recall correctly.
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
I'd love to be a guide of some kind, part of the group enough that I won't get killed off. I'm pretty good with navigation and maps, and I'd like to have powers (minor ones, not overpowered) but that would depend on the fantasy world.
Most fav book cliche:
Scoundrel with a heart of gold. I eat that up like a starving woman. Han Solo, Mat Cauthon, Ifan Ben-Medz, etc. Draven Cozenson, Diana Ozborne and Korfel Domin are two oc examples.
Least favorite cliche:
Love triangles. Frustrates me to no end, especially how most of them are resolved and how they really only seem to drive wedges in the fandoms (Keeper of the Lost Cities fandom, I'm looking at you.) I have no love triangles in my stories and I never will. I have minimal romance anyway but in the two I got there is no competition.
Favorite scene to write?
*evil grin* Love writing the whump or hurt/comfort scenes, all my ocs get whumped in some form or another, and I have fun every single time.
Reason for writing?
Creative expression, love for my ocs, with a dash of "I maked these :D"
In all seriousness, it's a hobby that I love. It sparks joy and it's a craft that I continuously improve upon and the more I write the better I get at writing. I also occasionally fantasize about publishing one day and my books having fandoms of their own. Maybe that will happen someday.
This was fun! Tagging @fourwingedwriter @phoenixradiant @thewritingautisticat @writingphoenix @somethingclevermahogony
@agirlandherquill @happypup-kitcat24 @imsoveryveryconfusedatlife @geode-crystal @pluttskutt and open tag! :D
Blank list under the cut:
Short stories, novels, or poems?
What genre do you prefer reading?
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
What music do you listen to while writing?
Favorite books/movies?
Any current WIPs?
Create a character description of yourself:
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Are you kill happy with your characters?
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Slow or fast writer?
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
Most fav book cliche:
Least favorite cliche:
Favorite scene to write?
Reason for writing?
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sunshines-child · 1 month
*spins dramatically in chair* god im so tired. sunny ur children have taken over my prefrontal cortex its not funny anymore.
partner in crime - madilyn mei: screams luc to me thinking of his little dove, but also from theos angsty teen perspective. the song fits them both almost like a back and forth conversation (i might make a post actually this is genius lmao). actually now that i think of it it fits u too lol (it has that vintage circus vibe if u will)
why good people become monsters: video essay of sorts exploring the lucifer effect (nuff said lol), but i recommend reading the comments for more insight and perspective. the art and presentation is slightly unsettling and i love it.
random quotes i from the top of my desktop notes: (long read sorry)
"he had all his mother's vivid imagination and passionate love of beauty. Frost of winter, invitation of spring, dream of summer and glamour of autumn, all meant much to Walter." - rainbow valley, l.m montgomery
-> luc and mercy change my mind (u cant hehe)
He said: “Only God can Judge a monster like that… I just set up the appointment”
-> my boi armund snaps (and snaps someones neck oop-)
“hell is empty, all the devils are here” - the tempest, shakespeare
-> this is definately written somewhere on altis lol
… as John [Lennon] told Rolling Stone magazine in 1970, “When it gets down to it, when you’re drowning, you don’t say, ‘I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,’ you just scream.”
-> theo fighting his demons and losing :') eventually leading to some fall out with daddy dearest.
"It brings me so much joy to watch someone else get staggered by the full range of human degeneracy. We really do be wildin." - a yt comment lol
->i like to think that while both luc and altis kill in cold blood, for titi its another day job or whatever but for luc he thinks a lot about life and death and morality and corruption and thats what leads him to insanity later on.
classic case of living long enough to see urself as the villain but also a favourite trope of mine where people join the dark side for the cookies out of deep empathy for the wronged victims as opposed to say the violence and injustices they themselves may have experienced.
but also post armunds death luc lets all hell loose because how *dare* anyone lay a finger on his beloved boy?! the angst potential my dear is frankly off the charts and i love them all so much it hurts
anyhows this is for fun & i wanted to share some pebbles with ya
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i couldnt resist >:D
I have not a single regret taking over your prefrontal cortex. ITS MINE NOW MWAHAHHAHAHAHA Partners in Crime by Madilyn Mei recognition YAYYYYYYY it’s so fit for their characters I’m in tears RAAAAAAAAAAAA Im not changing your mind you’re cooking. “he had all his mother's vivid imagination and passionate love of beauty. Frost of winter, invitation of spring, dream of summer and glamour of autumn, all meant much to Walter." You’re hurting me it’s so fucking beautiful oh my poor heart and soul he is the very bring of his mother, those calloused hands still flying, desperate to cling onto Mercy’s hands, still desperate to cling upon the hands of his mother who rested his head upon her breast. Armund doesn’t exactly ever…snap. His rage is there, and everyone knows it’s there. He’s the only one getting rid of his rage instead of bottling it down. He’s constantly shrouded by rage. “hell is empty the devils are here” is my knew favorite quote. I’m one of the devils LMAO also yes it is very much inked on Altis (probably his hip) Luc and Altis kill like all hell. And you’re very right on what they feel. Altis feels nothing. It’s just another thing he has to do. No rush, no nothing. He’s just… doing it. Luc in the other hand feels everything. Even when it’s someone he is killing more as a task, he’ll feel a rush of everything, all the thoughts, everything. He knows, oh he knows the mortality of everything, including his own soul. (Also he’s constantly bringing the edge of “what if I just died”. It’s. It’s worrying.) Luc. Luc BREAKS when Armund dies. He loves his son, but in the end there’s no tru nurture still left in it. His son turns away from him, and he draws back his hand and cries. And his little angel, his Armind is there, to give him a true taste of joy despite the life all of them live. And what happens to man without joy?
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rontra · 6 months
How does failteacher Yuri interact with the greater plot of persona 5? I remember Toriumi mentioning 'some weird shit in 2010', but do the two of them have to deal with stuff like Kamoshida's change of heart and the principal's death?
the current policy is that unless something directly and immediately relevant comes up the answer is "it doesn't"
for 2 reasons. number one is that i don't feel like binding myself to the month-by-month timeline of p5-the-game in too much detail, because i'm lazy, and making my AU up as i go (lol). and the second reason is that observing the plot from a completely uninitiated unrelated POV is just not very interesting to me....... orz
one important thing about my failteacher AU is that it's a casual n sloppy style(!!) project that i do this way because it's fun (and as soon as i stop having fun i will stop making it). the vibe of creating it is just as important as the vibe of reading it. my worry is that committing too hard to ~The P5 Plot Is Happening Among Us~ would have me too distracted by logistics and timeline puzzles that aren't even relevant to the story i'm trying to tell, and suck the fun out of the project for me...
due to the year difference btween the 2 games, the plot of P3 did happen in 2009-2010 (the "weird shit" comment was in a doodle but yes it did happen and parts of it will be Main Comic Material later when relevant) (and i think its obvious enough from comics like #3 and general characterization that the Hermit 1-10 arc took place) (BUT MODIFIED IN VERY IMPORTANT PLACES. LOL) but obviously toriumi was an uninitiated & unrelated POV to that game so she doesn't really know that much about it outside of the parts that directly impacted her (which to be fair. are pretty serious)
p5 is much scarier because its looming on the horizon in FRONT of us and i hate being confined by a tangentially-related-at-best timeline. directly dealing with stuff like the fallout of palace 1 is a MAYBE? but ONLY because there are tangible Relevant consequences for -us- (more scrutiny placed on shujin teachers -> ms chouno gets on kawakami's ass, etc)
im gonna be real withyou i didnt even remember the principal dies. MDHNBFGB sorry to this man
all in all its just like. 99% of the plot of p5 is stuff these people are not privy to (kawakami's % is removed due to her no longer being joker's confidant thanks to hermit meddling) + committing to that timeline too hard would be abrasive to the comic + im much more versed in p3 minutiae anyway (especially later on in the p5 year). so its kind of like. well. just try not to Expect anything too major xD
if smthg catches my interest and i can work with it to make an interesting development, sure. but in the end its like why would i risk binding myself to specific points of a timeline and incurring Untold Rammys when i could simply not do that to myself. you know 😭
HOWEVER. FOR UNRELATED REASONS THAT ARE IMPORTANT BUT MAY OR MAY NOT PAY DIVIDENDS LATER (<- what did he mean by this?) it is seeming INCREASINGLY LIKELY that we might in fact currently be in the autumn -before- p5, meaning joker enrolls come spring in a few months and the game starts then.
^this paragraph directly contradicts everything above it but its fine. i have my reasons. just don't hold me to it TOO closely. i don't want to commit to a timeline just to be boxed in by unforeseen consequences later. but if you were curious there is a quiet notion in the background that says the plot of p5 proper hasn't started yet.
it's a "soft fuzzy timeline" but that's Secretly where we're at in it . kawakami bitching about her awful new student come April <3
So Perhaps Time Will Tell. if they're still doing this shit come May maybe i get to blow kamoshida up or whatever
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allaboardthevespa · 7 months
Ellie Headcanons!
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I love she. I've been thinking about her a lot lately so I've decided to share some HCs. Both recent ones and ones I've been kicking around in the past.
Her full name is Elinor Madison Hayden.
She grew up on a farm, as I stated before. Her father is the farm's owner, while her mother is an animal carer. Ellie grew up among nature and animals and thus has a strong admiration for them, just like Gabby. Her family in general is utterly chaotic, but they love her and she loves them just as much.
Her mother named her for the titular character of Elinor Wonders Why - a show Ellie grew a strong love for growing up. Bluey is also a family favorite.
Her favorite food is pumpkin pie, especially when baked by her uncle.
She owns a lot of stuffed animals. Not quite as many as her girlfriend but still a respectable amount. Especially bunnies!
She's a very big pop-punk fan. Some of her favorite artists include Boys Like Girls, The Maine, Dashboard Confessional, Yellowcard and All-American Rejects. Her all-time favorite song is, as I mentioned before, "Only One" by Yellowcard. She's also someone who regularly listens to different pop-punk albums every day and thus she's had a lot of wonderful experiences hearing new songs and bands. In particular, "A Twist in My Story" by Secondhand Serenade is one album that had her in tears.
She happens to be an amazing singer, too. (wishing so bad we could have a DC musical season)
Though, she's not particularly a great dancer...she often needs Gabby to help her out lol. But with Gabby's guidance, the girlfriends have shared some amazing slow dances in nature.
Autumn and spring are her favorite seasons. Autumn for the general coziness, warm lattes, orange leaves and happy vibes. Spring because she loves when it starts to warm up again after winter, and also she loves the smell of spring flowers so much. Getting to know Gabby has her loving spring even more - seeing Gabby's energy whenever spring starts is always adorable to her!
I've already mentioned that Ellie's favorite flowers are peonies and lavender (if you count that as a flower lol) but she also loves roses, gardenias, lilies of the valley, hyacinths just like Gabby, jasmine and lilacs. ...Okay she loves most flowers lol. In general, flowers have always been something Ellie has loved. Whenever her jobs were stressing her out, Ellie finds some time to spend admiring flowers, and it calms her down. Gabby has taken notice of her girlfriend's love of flowers and thus uses floral-scented products to wash both herself and the girls' belongings, and Ellie finds it so utterly heavenly.
Ellie's interest in fashion sprouted when she caught some My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on television as a young girl and really admired Rarity's eye for fashion. Her father also has an old friend who is in fashion school.
At school, Ellie made a couple friends, but was also picked on a lot for her looks and being too much of a "girly girl" for her fashion interest and love of flowers.
Ellie realized she was bisexual not long after joining high school, where she started crushing on two different people - a quarterback boy, and a girl on the soccer team. Her family accepted her the very nanosecond she confessed.
She ended up asking both suitors out, but neither went all that well. While the quarterback let her down gently, the soccer player rejected her pretty brutally, pushing her onto the crowd and calling her nasty names. Ellie didn't ask anyone out again for a while after that. Falling deeply for Gabby truly changed her life.
In spite of her enjoyment of fashion and beauty stuff, Ellie generally doesn't use make-up. It's not her style...and she's pretty allergic to lots of make-up products anyway.
She gives AMAZING hugs. (Might as well be canon)
Her dad has an old Gamecube which Ellie plays a ton, often with Gabby and a couple of their other friends outside DC. Her favorite game for the system is Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. You can bet she turned into a squealing little ball of joy when the remake is announced, and now she has a Switch on pre-order!
As a kid she made friends with one of the pigs on her family farm, a girl named Amelia, and spent time every day going to see her and play with her. She loved that pig dearly. Sadly, Amelia ended up passing away not long after she returned from season 1, devastating Ellie. Luckily she did have Gabby as her shoulder to cry on in those tough times.
In general, being with Gabby has helped brighten Ellie up considerably in her daily life. Sure she's pretty cutthroat when it comes to high-stakes reality TV shows like Disventure Camp, but when she's not in a competition, she's a sweet and tender soul. Her family in general is grateful to Gabby for bringing so much happiness out of their little girl. 💖
I've probably forgotten some but whatever, these are just a few of the ones I have.
Yet again I depict Ellie as a soft cinnamon roll I need professional help
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moonstruckdraws · 8 months
When I Caught You Staring... I Realized I Was Staring Too
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(hue shifts)
An illustration of @hellishgayliath's sons, Pico and Bao. Chillin on the bench just staring at each other like frickin dorks, dorks that I love dearly, based on a lil headcanon I made on the Pico board I made for Helli. This is also the first background I've painted this year, and despite being blurred, I'm satisfied to some degree. One of my art goals this year is to draw more backgrounds so ig this is a start lol
I didn't know which setting I liked, so why not show both lol. In all honesty, this image was going to have two themes. The current theme and a second theme with it being daylight and pink trees, some spring and autumn vibes or something. But I don't have the time for that lol, so maybe I'll do it another time.
Helli you picked the WRONG day to post our children interacting. Making me smile and kick my feet, well guess what? I push back with this! I'll admit you surprised me, and I give you a round of applause for that, no a STANDING OVATION, but don't test me! I'm willing to cram out a whole other board if I have to lmao. (but really those were so cool!! My face hurts from smiling at them for so long lmao. Luci looks so cute in your style!! The amount of shenanigan potential in them) I feel like I'm constantly reminded how cool you are lmao
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dragonmarquise · 2 months
BRC Headcanon Full Names
I have another BRC ask to work on tonight, thus I figure I should post this now. So then, behold! A big ol’ list of full name headcanons!
Basically a continuation of this post I made a long while back. This covers pretty much all the major characters, at least the playable ones. Plus even specific crew members from the rival crews!
Some of these have specific meanings that I used for the particular character, others were just kind of more general vibes, like “Oh this sounds cool/cute/etc.” A few of these will have extra notes on why I picked particular given/family names, but otherwise just assume it was because I liked the sound of it! Went with mostly Dutch last names for most of these characters since, well, dialog in parts of the game imply New Amsterdam is still in the Netherlands, so that made it a bit easier when I couldn't think of anything else to try, y'know? :P
Also note, not everyone here has a middle name. Not everyone irl has one anyways! Also also, some of the Dutch last names may be in the format of “Van (something)” or “De (something”, so just wanted to point that out in case anyone might get confused and think Van/De is a middle name, lol
Starting with the main cast:
Tryce = Tristian Christoffel
Bel = Annabella Pieper
DJ Cyber = Cyrus Rafaël Nassau
Felix = Bernard Manfred Van Steen (I still maintain that Felix looks like his real name would be Bernard, lol)
Vinyl = Florence Zoë Hendriks (when she was a child, she would sometimes write it as “Hendrix” and try to convince people she was related to Jimi Hendrix; it worked more often than it probably should have)
Solace = Levi Smit
The five bonus BRC members:
Rave = Vanessa Yvonne Ziegler (A headcanon, note, her dad is a black German, and her mom is from the Dominican Republic! Since she has a bunch of lines in German, and at least two in Spanish (one in particular being specifically Dominican slang), so that’s how I’m handled this :P )
Mesh = Bassam Karimi (first name means “smiling” in Arabic, last name is derived from the given name Karim/Kareem, which in turn means something along the lines of "generous, noble" or “dignity”; my research into this yielded differing results, but this seems to be more or less the overall idea. Honestly think it both sounds nice and really suits him!)
Shine = Sol Bakker (“Sol” just means “sun” in Spanish and Portugese, basically the idea is she derived her street name from that!)
Rise = Josephine Katherina Thomas (She hates being called any sort of nickname for her first name. It’s either Rise or Josephine, that’s it)
Coil = Oscar Meijer (Fun fact, the English equivalent of Meijer is Meyer/Mayer. I genuinely did not intentionally make Coil’s real name to be a roundabout reference to the lunch meat, but now that I realize it, I’m definitely keeping it this way, loool)
Some others:
Rietveld = We know here full name is Irene Rietveld, but a bonus idea: the rest of BRC point out it’s a bit awkward for her to go by her real name as her street/writer name, so she eventually settles on Rivet as an alias! :D
Escher = Matthias Conrad Escher (Originally just Matthias, but then decided to make a reference to the actual M. C. Escher, “Yeah, my parents knew what they were doing.”; thanks to @slappels for the suggestion way back when!!)
My Devil Theory OCs! The season in parentheses is what in-game palette they correspond with.
Sai (spring) = Tomás Lucas Ortiz
Nunchaku (summer) = Roxanne Beverly Sullivan
Daishō (autumn) = Hiro Francisco Morikawa (first name using the character for “prosperous” (浩); last name using the characters for “forest” (森) and “river” (川). Not that he ever gets a chance to write them in Japanese characters anyways :P )
Bō (winter) = Gavril Jansen
Now for DOT EXE! A repeat from the full DOT EXE headcanons I made a while back, but still including it here for convenience.
Cueball = Ernesto Alberto Visser (Dutch father and Italian-American mother; “Her side of the family were like, the conservative Italian-American types. The kind that makes an annoyingly big deal about celebrating Columbus Day.”; his first and middle name come from two different great grandfathers on his mom’s side)
Eight Ball = Frederik Visser (older half-brother to Cueball, they share the same dad)
Cinco (five ball) = César Hugo Raúl Garcia-Flores (last name got hyphenated when he moved to New Amsterdam while getting his papers in order and stuff; not sure if I ever clarified it in the original post, but in most (probably all?) Spanish-speaking countries, people have two last names, one from their father and the other from their mother. When moving to a country that doesn’t allow for two last names, some people end up forced to pick one or the other. Cinco went with just hyphenating it to be able to effectively keep both.)
Neun (nine ball) = Sebastián Montero Sebastian Jäger
Twoson (two ball) = Beau Driessen
Fourside (four ball) = Robin Zaal
Jūrō (ten ball) = Maximilien Théodore Perrault
Quatorze (fourteen ball) = Marie-Madeleine Lucille Perrault
And heck, the rest of the New Amsterdam crews too while I’m at it. Same as with DT and DE, the season in parentheses is the corresponding in-game palette for the playable rival character.
The Franks:
Flesh Prince = Ruben Vos (last name meaning fox, and apparently was/is a nickname for a clever person… or a person with red hair, lol)
Bill (spring) = Caspar Westenberg
Charles (summer) = Thomas Vogels
Michael (autumn) = Abraham Joël Admiraal
Larry (winter) = Lennard Van Herten
(For their street names besides the Prince, they’re named after famous basketball players, specifically from this list; Charles, Michael, and Larry are probably obvious, with Bill there’s at least two different Bills on that list lol)
Eclipse: (Street names come from constellations, I tried to go with more (relatively?) obscure ones for the names)
Vela (spring) = Sara Al-Ghazzawi
Aquila (summer) = Melissa Agnes Fortuin
Lyra (autumn) = Hannah De Klerk
Cassiopeia (winter) = Xandra Gemma Daalmans (given name is actually Alexandra, but she goes mostly by Xandra for her business)
And finally the rest of FUTURISM: (see my recent short headcanon post about them!)
Nyx (spring) = Laura Kappel
Jazz (summer) = Vincent Linden
Veronica (autumn) = Paula Prinsen (Paula is the feminine form of Paul, which in turn has roots in the Latin word Paulus which can mean humble. This is an intentionally ironic name choice for this character, lmao. Also Prinsen means “son of the Prince”, so this one is more in line with her haughty attitude)
Quantum (winter) = Esther Katja Hoedemaker (She goes by Kat as a nickname)
This next one only applies to my fanfic AU of “What if we take the postgame at face value and Red somehow became a separate person from both Felix and Faux”, but anyways:
Red = Russell Miles Van Steen (Picked the first and middle names himself, note that Russell just means “red” lol. He took on Felix’s last name since they see each other as brothers after a certain point. And it’s not like Red could come up with a better last name anyways. His middle name when paired with Felix’s middle name is a Miles Edgeworth reference :P )
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hahahax30 · 2 months
I’m so mad, I tried sending this earlier but my tumblr reloaded 😭😭😭
So the story takes place in the semi-magical realm of Vitalis, which was once whole but is now separated into fourteen courts; six high and eight low
The story itself follows Visenya Highgarden, the second daughter of the High King of the Spring Court
She’s spirited and brilliant, having had a “prince’s education”, she’s also very brave and confident. She has no want or need to be queen, she simply wants to be loved and adored by those around her. We first meet Visenya at 6 in the prologue, then we meet her from the ages of 9 to 17, and then beyond that
We follow her journey to being destined for greatness, through prophecies and war, all that fun stuff
A big portion of the story is of her betrothal and marriage to Aurelian Lioncourt, heir to the throne of the Autumn Court, whom she would rather die than marry
I also explore her relationships with her siblings and her former “betrothed”; a lot of it is about relationships tbh
The main plot is about bringing Vitalis back together, though no one realizes that yet
Here’s some snippets:
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(Sorry for the late reply lol I didn't know I'd got this)
That sounds great! Love the high fantasy vibes, and fmc with strong personalities are absolutely the best without fault!
Also, you write soooo well dosndoendidbdidnfidnxisjsi I envy you lol
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Welcome Home Website Update Reaction Notes (7/22/2023) Part 1 (SPOILERS)
Hey guys! Today I'm gonna show you my reactions to the Welcome Home website via my notes on Google Docs. I wrote 5 pages and spent around 5 or 6 hours exploring the website lol. Hope you enjoy it! Here's Part 1!
The little Home doodle is so cute omg
Barnaby’s voice is honestly like a mix of Rowlf and Fozzie from the Muppets which matches well with his personality
Frank’s voice is like a mix of Gonzo from the Muppets and Gyro from DuckTales (the 2017 one)
The Frank and Julie sprites on the FAQ page is so cute
Wally and Barnaby (Winter), Frank and Eddie (Spring), Sally and Julie (Summer), and Howdy and Poppy (Fall/Autumn)
I just realized the golden flowers on Home’s sticker give me Undertale vibes
The Frank and Julie sprites on the News page is so cute too
Question Answerer seems sus
“That’s the most!” Awww Wally
The drumroll on Barnaby’s audio and his little awkward laugh I love him
Yes Julie let’s play a game with a pogo stick, a bowl of pasta, and a pair of roller skates and cause chaos in the Neighborhood lol
I swear I will be depresso if Frank, Eddie, and Howdy get hurt or die…Those three are on my top 3 favorite WH characters (in no specific order) :(
I should make a list of favorite Welcome Home neighbors lol
I love Eddie’s Southern accent and the way he talks sorta reminds me of Launchpad from DuckTales (the 2017 one)
Awww Eddie is scared of a bug and he wants Frank’s help awww
Eddie doesn’t want his paper chains to be ruined :(
I realized the Frank and Eddie one is also called “answer” and so far the two videos mention bugs and Frank is in each video
He definitely sounds like one of those people working on radio stations
I feel like if he’s not a shopkeeper, he would definitely work on a radio station
Howdy’s Radio Podcast when???
Sally’s voice is so dramatic and I love it
*insert scared Poppy chicken/bird noise*
Also is Poppy alright? I’m kinda worried :(
The voices of the neighbors are fantastic so far the voice actors did really great in their roles :D
Poppy and Frank = best cooking/baking duo
I wonder what those seed things taste like…They probably taste good
Frank mentions Wally eating with his eyes
The third “answer” video with Poppy and Frank mentioning butterflies
I love the Sally and Howdy sprites on the Merchandise page
The “duet” page with Wally on the phone is kinda eerie
Wally sounds dead inside
I love you too Wally lol
The rimshot and horn honk on Barnaby’s phone audio lol
Don’t worry Barnaby your jokes always make me laugh
I love Barnaby’s little “Buh bye!”
I reread "It's-For-You!" Talking Telephone Toy page, I thought it said “Mario, Inc.” instead of “Marlo, Inc.”
Super Mario is canon in this universe jk
Julie’s voice is freaking adorable
I wanna listen to Frank’s bug facts everyday
Frank freaking slanders Barnaby
I love Eddie’s jingle
I wanna get some school supplies from Eddie now lol
I love Howdy’s laughs lol
Protect Howdy at all costs
I love the “ta-da!” jingle from Sally
“…I said ‘Hellooo!’ That’s your cue!” Sally radiates theater kid energy and I love her
Poor Poppy doesn’t know how a phone works :(
*insert more scared Poppy chicken/bird noises*
Howdy’s and Frank’s letters to Wally are so wholesome
I love the insect sketches
Sally calls Julie “Juliet” that’s a cute name
Eddie is the most OP character lol
But can Eddie beat Goku tho???
I think Howdy is OP too but who knows
Julie asking Eddie to catch him is basically the “If I run and leap at Terry” scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Also I actually don’t watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine btw I just know the memes
When Frank said “Oh my”, I imagine them blushing asdfghjkl
I forgot to put this here but I love when Frank calls Eddie “Mr. Dear” that’s so cute
I love Julie and Frank’s besties dynamic in the “answer” video
I wanna buy every single merch if they are real lol
The live interview reminds me of those Muppet and Sesame Street interviews and it’s quite charming ngl
“Oh no, I don’t know. I love everyone. I love my friends.” Wally poly confirmed???
The interviewer’s name is Rick (and Morty asdfghjkl)
Miss Beagle is mentioned!!!
“I tell ya, we got a neighbor who's got an arm like a professional baseball player! It’s not easy!” Is Barnaby talking about Julie or Eddie?
I want to watch the "Julie-rella" segment so bad
Also Fairy "Dog"-mother lmao
Hopscotch To The Max wtf hahaha
“It took us an hour to get you down off Howdy's roof, and we still don’t know where the green chalk went…” Julie, you played hopscotch on Howdy’s roof???
I love Frank’s and Julie’s singing voices
I love how Barnaby just barges in and Frank is like “wtf”
I love Barnaby’s singing voice too
“Aw. I wanted to learn the colors.” Awww Wally is so adorable
“Wally, don’t look! He’s INDECENT!” That actually made me laugh even as I’m rereading the transcript and typing this down
A wild Howdy appears! *insert Pokemon battle music*
Also some of the “Just So” song demo seems to be distorted…That’s sus
The concept art of Julie’s “Just So” Bowling Dress is so cute
I also love how Frank and Julie wear outfits that match the games they play that’s so wholesome
Howdy’s laughs cure my depression
I love Howdy slapping the countertop when he laughs
Sole and Lyco awww
Awww Frank’s little “thank you”
“I’m sorry, I’ll see what I can do.” AWWW
I love when Julie translates to what Frank’s plants are saying it’s so wholesome
Eddie: *talks about the entire plot of Jack and the Beanstalk which involves Jack climbing up the beanstalk, encountering a giant, and cutting down the beanstalk with a big ax*
Poppy who is dressed as the beanstalk: Haha. I’m in danger.
Wally’s puppet hands are holding some yarn in “answer” but he seems that he’s not moving…
I can barely hear Poppy and Howdy’s dialogue in the videeo since I don’t have headphones on but I assume it’s a friendly conversation as usual since I can hear Howdy’s laugh lol
Wally’s hand trying to grab the cup of tea??? coffee??? in “answer”
Poppy and Sally talking about plays as usual lol
A human hand??? With a glove???
I don’t know who this human is but I’m pretty sure she’s a Howdy fan lol
I’m answering the Welcome Home worksheet because why not lol
1) Barnaby 2) Sally 3) Poppy 4) Julie 5) Wally
Now where’s my prize/j
I’m guessing that Wally replica puppet is going to come to life lol
I wanna go to this exhibition so bad if this is real lol
Awww the Poppy and Barnaby sprites…
I accidentally clicked the “Hello” doodle on the Guestbook and I’m scared
The page is called “Find”
Wally??? Wally you ok???
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preyofolympus · 2 years
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Quick wip I’m excited to get finished for a Brutaliakhoa meme, made for @brutaliakhoa because I have to say you got me hooked on the ship. Deffo expect a few more posts of this trio, and maybe with Constantine in the mix too.
You can’t see on this photo because it’s only a phot of the screen, but I actually used a green- black colour for Talia’s hair, which is a small detail but my fave, and it really suits her skin tone. I just always associate her with a green and gold colour scheme. I also used a blue-black for Bruce’s hair, because of the same reason lol.
I was thinking also, as the seasons Talia makes me think of Spring and Bruce reminds me of winter, but what does that leave Khoa as being? He has winter vibes too, but I like me some balance. Maybe Autumn?
I don’t usually, if ever, like drawing pieces that are just traced memes/ well known photos in my own style, but I just couldn’t get the thought of them to this photo out of my head. I’ll shit up now so I can actually say something new on my proper post when this is done.
Anyways, I’ll be posting it soon hopefully, but we’ll see.
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icyfox17 · 21 days
mayyyhapz 24 25 26 ? for ur ask game u reblogged ? (one thing ur proud of urself for, fave season n y, fave color n y)
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
Oohhh hmmmm I'm not sure which to choose hmMmmM
Honestly? I've been really proud of myself on this trip!! I was terrified to be away from home for a whole month. I was terrified to be in another country. Like dawg I thought I was gonna DIEEE dhfjfkd
But I've been handling it pretty well!!! I havent been nearly as homesick as I would've expected from myself and Im a lot more street smart than I originally thought. Maybe a little too paranoid at times hahaha but better to be safe!!
Oh also, I'm proud of how my social skills have developed over the years!! Bro I used to be terrified of interacting with Any stranger irl, and now it's something I actually get a lot of joy from:)) ive been socializing with ppl at the hostels and just ppl on the street. I've gained a lot more self confidence over the years!!
Also speaking on the trip, I've been trying a *lot* of new things. I've been ordering sm food I've never had before. I went to the opera because I could even tho I was worried I wouldn't enjoy it. Ive also!!!! Done cooking!!! I made dinner!! And pancakes!!! Without worrying I would die!!! That is HUGE for me, oh man Im so proud of myself for going to the grocery store and cooking.
I feel like I've done a lot of personal growth and I'm proud of that:))
25. fave season and why?
Spring!!! This used to be a hard question lmao. I used to always be like ALL OF THEMMM!!! And i DO still love each and every one of them but over the years I've learnt that spring makes me the happiest. It's a time of life. Flowers are blooming, baby animals are being born, the birds are starting to sing again. The sun is shining but not in a way that it's unbearably hot. The rain is fresh and with it comes petrichor. You get to look forward to summer and going to the beach and stuff. I just aaaaa, I love spring:))))
Autumn is a close second but as much as I love it and love the colourful leaves, the leaves are representative of death and shfjdkd i dont like the coldddnfnm😭😭
I do love autumn tho it's a close second bc i LOVE cinnamon and autumn has everythinh cinnamon. Pumpkin pie YASS pumpkin spice YASSS apple pie and apple cinnamon YASSS hot coco YAAAA hot coco WITH CINNAMON YASSSS
But yeah!! Spring just beats it out for me bc it feels more hopeful of a vibe:)
26. fave colour and why?
So blue and green have been tied for almost my whole life with blue being my default if I have to choose one. However,
One day in Discord lmfao i had my nickname colour as teal BUT my friend also had their nickname colour in teal and bc my nickname was "[friends name]'s number one fan<3" everyone kept mixing us up HDFKKFFM AND THUS. I changed my name to pastel green and then uh. That just kinda became my colour. And going forward every server I joined I made my name green. And then I started to have pfps with a character who was green coded so it reinforced rhe green theme and now like 5 years later I realised I connect way more to green than blue because of that djfkdks
Like all my clothes r green now too 😭😭
So green is!! But blue is a very close second and my fav colour combo is the two of them:))
Idk if pastel green is still my fav specifically but it's a green. of some kind LOL
For this ask game !!
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mayuzumiiis · 4 months
I forgot to send you an ask about my ship ask game you reblogged from me😭😭 I’m gonna cheat and give you a blank check for it, your favorite ship or a ship your really into rn🖤🖤🖤🖤
Ope lmao I also forgot to send you an ask about your ship game so I'll do that after I answer this!
Okay let's do this thing! Uh... let me do it for... oh, fuck it, OC ship. @lawfulgay's Felix and my Tragedy!
Who does the laundry: They both do, but Tragedy is better at remembering it needs to be done.
Who makes the bed: Tragedy, most mornings
Who sleeps on the right and who sleeps on the left/do they end up in the middle curled around each other: They start the night with Felix on the left and Tragedy almost in the middle on the right. By morning, Felix has gotten himself on top of Tragedy
Who likes cooking dinner but who ends up cooking dinner more: Tragedy loves cooking, but Felix tends to have more energy by dinner time.
Who buys the snack foods: Felix
Who keeps the grocery list: Tragedy; Felix goes grocery shopping based on vibes most of the time
Who adds silly things to the list and does the other gets it for them: Felix; and yes, Tragedy does typically get those silly things for him
Who has an obsession with water bottles/travel mugs: Neither, really? They certainly have a lot of mugs, though. (Ah, the joys of being a court wizard and a highly sought after doctor)
Who has an obsession with hats: Felix for sure; Tragedy's horns don't usually lend to comfortable hat wearing
Who likes camping gear but hates camping: Neither!
Who likes stickers: Felix, 100%
Who likes tea and who likes coffee: They both like both!
Who prefers cold drinks and who prefers hot ones: Tragedy prefers hot drinks; they soothe his throat better. Pretty sure Felix also likes hot drinks
Who hordes blankets and who just likes putting on socks when they are cold: Who needs blankets when your Tiefling husband is a walking furnace? (Felix does still hoard blankets when Tragedy isn't around, though)
Who prefers spring/summer and who prefers fall/winter: I'm not 100% certain on Felix, but I know Tragedy likes Autumn and Winter for the cooler weather
Who gets obsessed with something random on YouTube (what it is): YouTube doesn't exist in their world, but Felix would get obsessed with those crazy Minecraft Redstone machine videos
who likes podcasts (what they listen to) (this will be kinda limited to what I watch): I feel like Tragedy would enjoy a podcast like Sawbones... he'd also like spooky shit like The Magnus Archives
Who has a tumblr: Felix
Who has a twitter: Also Felix
Who reads fanfic/if they are famous who has read fic about themselves and who judges the other just a little bit/do they ask people to not write fic about them: Felix is probably the bigger fanfic reader of the two of them, but he always convinces Tragedy to read something weird at some point lol (they both read Oliver's fanfic about their author friend, Shin)
I know this is very "you have to know these characters to understand what the fuck I'm talking about", but I got decision paralysis and was thinking about D&D haha
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castlebyersafterdark · 2 months
I don't understand the hate about this outfit like he looks goofy but he was cute in this!!!
omg it's my time to shine hahah i love talking costumes! firstly, mike's shirt is described as orange here by the costume designer so its not part of the blue and yellow theory really, sorry y'all! but we dont need that as byler evidence cos theyre clearly in love anyway. will was definitely judging his ensemble and my fav part is the way it says 'SURF' splashed across the back in huge pastel letters. it's an all-round cringe shirt for mike wheeler whose personality does NOT suit surfer boy style let alone fake, ill-fitting surfer boy knock off style haha. so really what the costume designers were doing is not trying to make mike look objectively bad in terms of out of context outfit, but rather its so awkward for his character and delivers the awkward vibes in as little time as possible in order to set the tone of the scene. so we can add into this...
the camera angle showing him cluelessly looking around for them
the way he's wearing sunglasses indoors, a feat only julian casablancas can pull off. mike wasnt on the concourse, he was never exposed to sunlight since he got on the plane in indianapolis and perhaps not even then lmao, no need for shades!
his goofy wave and squeaky, performative voice 'oh! oh hi will! fancy seeing you here!'
and the biggest culprit of all: THAT HAT
I mean, what is that hat? its the way its sat on his head making his hair look like a wig. major worzel gummidge vibes tbh. that hat cannot be worn with hair down, it should be with a high ponytail which makes me think is this even a man's hat? subtle costume design.
and lastly, the clothes are ill-fitting (just like his hellfire shirt which hangs off him and washes him out, making him look pallid and weary in episode 1). the orange washes him out, making his skin look extra pale (compare to the warmth of the van scene and how golden his skin looks there). the purple shirt does the same, and the vest is far too big for him. finn described the whole outfit, but mainly the flip flops as 'gross' lol, but its made worse by the sheer contrast of mike to will and el and everyone. he's so not cool here, in every way. perfect costume design storytelling!
so yeah, these details are subjective really, but then again you could say all of art is subjective. they try to create a mood and make you feel certain things when watching, and some people just won't get it. thats not a bad thing, but i think recognising when your taste butts heads with the artistic intention is very interesting! i always found mike to be a babe but i cringed so hard when he rocked up in this ensemble lmao. and i think the duffers wanted me to! compare it to how much his brown hair and pale skin suits the forest greens of season 1 and 2. mike is an autumnal colour complexion, not spring/summer pastels :)
THANK YOU for this! I love costume and wardrobes but I don't really feel like my knowledge base is adequate to deep dive beyond surface level vibes and this was a cool read.
Also yes! to the minimizing 'color theory' a little - it's a nice element for these two but I think too much stock is placed in what's a minor detail when so much more is important about these characters. And agree, Will was totally judging - even if he's into Mike, it's so clear that he's doing something out of character and awkward and trying to put on a different image for his girlfriend. I don't necessarily think the outfit is ugly - simply not Mike. That's what I'm saying but oh man, so right on every point. It's a very good storytelling tool. Yes, it's ill-fitting and the coloring makes him look off, like everything about how he's presenting himself is wrong. Overcompensation. Desaturation. I find the mistaken effort endearing, which I think is the point as well. The cringe along with the oh, Mike. He tried so hard and it turned out so wrong. You feel for him!!
(Hides though 🫣 as I'd absolutely wear the hat, I love an ugly hat. Then again - I go out of my way to wear ugly fashion on purpose sometimes because it's fun and amuses me, but that's a pointed choice haha. Mike probably thought it all was cool. I am not trying to be cool ever.)
He is an autumn boy! Fall colors and fall in general! Loved your take, very good insights. Agree agree, there's a lot of meaningful layers here and reasons for what we saw in that scene.
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