#someone please give weiss a hug
toasterdrake · 1 year
*wakes up to a beautiful morning* weiss doesn't know for sure that everyone else escaped after she fell. for all she knows, if penny's body isn't here then cinder could have killed more people. more people she loves. winter. jaune, before they meet him.
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danurso · 10 months
NWN Challenge
*At a nice bar in Atlas*
Ruby: You’re still dealing with the fallout of that mess?
Blake: Of course. As the head of the white fang I can't just clean up a mess and ignore what caused it and who was affected by it…..*sigh* The last thing I want is people thinking we’re slipping back into what we used to be years back.
Yang: Good thing your pops is really good at de-escalating, well that and Weiss’ PR team.
Blake: Yeah. Where is her by the way? I wanted to thank her personally for all the help.
Ruby: She said she was coming, something came up during work.
Yang: Or someone. If Jaune went to visit she might be an hour or so late.
Blake: That. . . . . . probably isn't the case.
Yang: Why?
Blake: *nods* Because she doesn't look like she just had a good time.
The trio then turned to see a familiar heiress coming in, looking like she was about to murder someone.
Weiss: *sits down on the table*
Bartender: What will it be mi-
Weiss: Vodka. Pure. And make it a triple.
Yang: Yeesh. Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today.
Ruby: What happened?
Blake: Who did you kill?
Weiss: He's not dead, the doctors said just broke a few bones.
R_BY: . . . . . . . .
Weiss: . . . .what?
Blake: . . . . .i was joking.
Weiss: Oh. . . .right. . . . .
Ruby: Wait, wait, you tried to kill someone!?
Weiss: I didn't! I just exaggerated a bit while dealing with a jerk.
Yang: What happened?
Weiss: . . . . .*sigh* I was venting to Winter about some private things about Jaune, as soon as she left an associate came in, he must've heard something about what we're talking, because as soon as we were done talking business he tried asking me out.
Yang: Doesn't everyone at the company know you just married?
Weiss: They do and he knew about it. But he insisted saying we could do something “fun” and that he could “Give me what i needed” since my husband wasn't doing so.
Ruby: Oh gods. . . . . .
Yang: Hah!
Blake: Like, I understand why that made you angry, but did you have to send the guy to the hospital?
Weiss: Not really, but i’ve been having a really stressful week and even after i said no multiple times, he kept pushing, and the moment he got too close i catapulted him out of the room with a glyph, though because of everything i miscalculated and sent him through a wall instead of the door.
Yang: *laughs* Please send me the video whenever you can! I wanna see that.
Ruby: Well, jerk aside, is everything okay? You sound like there's been stress even before that.
Bartender: Here miss. *Puts down her drink*
Weiss: Thanks.
Blake: Is everything okay at home? You said you were venting about Jaune, is everything okay between you two?
Weiss: No! The last three weeks been awful! HE has been awful!
Blake: Wait what?
Yang: Wow, That's a surprise.
Ruby: But why? What's wrong with Jaune?
Weiss: He’s been the worst! I keep having to deal with issues at the company! Cleaning the mess my father made! And then, after an awful day of work, what am I greeted with!?
Yang: A blown up house?
Blake: Another woman?
Ruby: Jaune wouldn't do that blake! Geez. . . . .Oh! Was it maybe a dead body?
Weiss: No! As soon as I come in he greets me with that stupid! Bright! And warm smile! He hugs me tight goes on about missing me soooo much! He covers me in kisses! Takes me in to show the warm bath he prepared for me! The house which is basically spotless and the dinner which was my favorite! Aaaarggh! Just thinking about it makes my blood boil! *Chugs the drink*
Ruby: . . . . . . . .
Yang: . . . . . . . .
Blake: . . . . . . . . . .that's it?
Weiss: Oh no. No no no, it gets worse. After dinner he brings me a whole cheesecake! Freshly made! And after we ate he took me to the living room and massaged every corner of my stressed body! I felt like I was melting! Oh gods the nerve of that man!!!
Yang: Wow, sounds like a nightmare.
Weiss: I know! Because it is!
Blake: *deadpan* Is it though?
Ruby: Err, Weiss? Are you sure there's a problem there? Because you make it sound like he's doing something bad but apparently he's been really sweet to you.
Weiss: I know! And it's unbearable!
Ruby: But why?
R_BY: Ohhhh. . . . .
Blake: He’s doing that dumb challenge too? I thought it was just Sun.
Ruby: *sigh* Nah, Oscar was doing it too.
Yang: Sounds like a headache. Lucky me and Arslan don't struggle with that stuff.
Blake: Yes, because she's not a guy, they tend to be incredibly stubborn about the stupidest things. Well, as stubborn as you can be with someone who knows all your weaknesses.
Ruby: Got him to give up?
Blake: Around a week in, would’ve been sooner if i wasn't busy with the fang. Oscar giving you trouble?
Ruby: Nope. He went for ten days straight, then he walked in on me coming out of the shower and he snapped. *Chuckles* I wasn't even trying to make him lose.
Weiss: *eyebrow twitching* Good to know I'm the only one suffering here.
Yang: Come on ice cream. You know that guy is basically addicted to you, if you give him a push in the right direction I'm pretty sure he’ll just crumble.
Weiss: And you think I haven't tried!? Skimpy swimsuits, Lingeries, Nudes throughout the day, dirty comments, cosplaying his favorite characters, offering to do the most questionable things! I used every last trick in the book and he STILL didn't cave in!
Yang: Oh, wow.
Blake: I knew he had a strong will but this is still surprising to hear.
Weiss: It's so frustrating! I get to come back home every day to the most wonderful husband in the world, who pampers and looks after me, doing everything I wish and making me the happiest woman in Remnant! And you tell me I can't ride him to oblivion after all that!? It's unfair!!! Utter Injustice!!! I wished I knew who came up with this challenge so I could strangle them until they're blue!!!
Yang: *chuckles* I can't tell if you're angrier at not getting laid for three weeks now or at him for not falling for your charms.
Weiss: BOTH!!!
Ruby: I mean, you said you tried everything but it doesn't sound like it.
Weiss: I did Ruby. I most certainly did! And wore basically anything you could imagine, I went as far as to wear things that, if images were leaked online, my life would be ruined and Blake would never talk to me again.
Yang: . . . . . . .you wore a-
Blake: *covers her mouth* Please don't, I’d rather our friendship still exist by the end of the night. For once in my life i do NOT wanna know.
Yang: *pushes her out* Wow. You really pulled all the stops.
Weiss: And it did nothing to him!!! *Depressed sigh*
Ruby: I mean, so far it sounds like all you did was dress up and act sexy to try and make him cave in.
Weiss: What else was I supposed to do!?
Ruby: Did you forget who you're married to? It's pretty easy to get him to bend and do what you want once you pin his weakness down.
Weiss: . . . . . .that sounded very wrong, especially being about my husband.
Ruby: What? I never abused that weakness mind you! He's my best friend, I could never!
Yang: Unless he has your favorite cookies.
Ruby: *pink* That's different!
Weiss: Spit it out already!
Ruby: *sigh* . . . . .fine. but he ever asks, you didn't learn this from me.
Weiss: *walks in* I’m home.
Jaune: *wearing pajamas* Hey, how was your night? *Hugs her* Everyone doing well?
Weiss: Yeah. *Kisses him* Everyone is doing well.
Jaune: I left some food for you in the microwave, wasn’t sure if you would eat out so i made something.
Weiss: It's fine, we got something to eat on the way back.
Jaune: I’ll pack it up for tomorrow then. *Walking to the kitchen* By the way, Whitley called. He said something about a guy you sent to the hospital. Is everything okay at work?
Weiss: Yeah, someone tried hitting on me earlier, and I accidentally used too much force to push him off when he tried to get too close.
Jaune: *storing the food* Ouch. Almost makes me feel bad for him. . . . .almost. *feels a pair of arms wrapping around his torso from behind.* . . . . . .Weiss?
Weiss: *inhale* . . . . . .*deep exhale*
Jaune: *serious* Weiss. . . . .that guy didn't hurt you, did he?
Weiss: *chuckles* Good to know my knight is still there to protect me if I ever need, I thought he ended up buried under my cute husband.
Jaune: Weiss-
Weiss: He did nothing, just a few sweet words which I already forgot. I just wanted to hug you.
Jaune: If you say so, then I believe you. What do you wanna do now?
Weiss: Bed. I’m tired, could you come with me though?
Jaune didn't answer, he only turned around and picked her up in his arms, making her chuckle in response, he took her to the bedroom and helped her out of her clothes and into her nightgown, and soon enough, they were both in bed cuddling.
Weiss: *Chuckling*
Jaune: What’s so funny?
Weiss: Nothing. I’m just happy.
Jaune: That's good to hear. You seemed a little stressed these last few days.
Weiss: Yeah. . . .but I'm fine now. In fact, I couldn't be happier.
Jaune: Really?
Weiss: Of course. *Hugs him closer* I’ve got a nice house, a good job, great friends and above all else *Looks up to him* the most wonderful husband in the world.
Jaune: *pink, scratching his cheek* Hehehe, I’m just doing what I can. It's not a big deal.
Weiss: It is for me. . . .for someone who grew up in a cold house, surrounded by people I couldn't trust, having someone that I can trust and love this much is everything.
Jaune: Weiss. . . . .
Weiss: You never ignore me, you always know when I'm not okay, you look after my every need, you go above and beyond to make me happy, and you know me even better than I do myself. I must've been a saint in a past life to be blessed with someone so wonderful as you are. I wanna stay like this and hold on to you for the rest of my life. *Angelic smile* Thank you for marrying me, my love.
Jaune: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jaune: *naked on the bed and spooning her* God damnit. . . . .
Weiss: *sweaty and giggling*
Jaune: I can't believe I fell for that.
Weiss: Fell for what~? I was being honest, you know?
Jaune: I know! And that makes it even more of a dirty move!
Weiss: My heart bleeds for you.
Jaune: *groan* I was just a week away. I resisted everything you threw at me and this is how I lost?
Weiss: Yep. I thought there was no way out until a certain someone reminded me how weak you are to someone being genuinely emotional with you.
Jaune: It was Ruby wasn't it? Every time i have her favorite cookies she'll go on this emotional speech about how much it matters to her that i’m her best friend and all we went through, and when i realize i already gave her the cookies.
Weiss: I won't confirm nor deny anything.
Jaune: Ugh, figures.
Weiss: *turns to him* Oh please, you say it as if you didn't like it.
Jaune: Of course I did, I've been craving you for weeks.
Weiss: Good to hear, I felt the same.
Jaune: Just don't do that next year or I'm telling Blake about your secret costumes.
Weiss: You’re doing that again next year!?
Jaune: *chuckles* That's your main concern?
Weiss: Of course I am! These last three weeks have been hell!
Jaune: If that's the case. . . .*on top of her* Then let me take you to paradise.
Weiss: *pink* That wasn't enough for you?
Jaune: Nowhere near enough to make up for these three weeks. You gotta work Tomorrow?
Weiss: Not really, they have to fix the wall in my office so. . . . .
Jaune: Good. You won't have to make up an excuse then. Might need one for after tomorrow though.
Weiss: *red* . . . . . . .I’m in danger aren't i?
Jaune: The plan was to win the challenge and slowly ease back into routine. You tricked me into losing so now I’m giving you what you want, all of it.
Weiss: *redder* C-can we talk about this for a mome-AAHHHH~!?!?
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thatanimewriter · 9 months
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➳ request: Hello! Can I request Ruby, Blake, Yang, Weiss, and Neo with either a male or gn!reader (whichever is more comfortable for you) s/o who is tall (Not that tall, I’m talking like 6’0) and normally very stoic but absolutely melts when shown any affection at all from the girls and turns into a massive cuddle bear. Please and thank you! Have a wonderful day!
➳ character/s: ruby rose, weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long, neopolitan
➳ warnings: you're a criminal (neo)
➳ notes: 6'0 feels tall for my little 5'2 ass LMAO thanketh for request :)), also sorry these are kinda short-
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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no one knew why y'all were together initially, it was weird
why is this energetic child with this sophisticated partner????
but everyone knows you have a soft spot for ruby, because even if she's annoying you, you'll be less harsh with her
and if she ever clings to you, a nearly invisible smile rests on your lips
she could use her semblance to sit on your shoulders or cling to your bicep, yet you never pushed her away
if anything, the people saw how you kind of craved it
people wouldn't believe their eyes when they see you with your head atop hers and your arms wrapped around her waist
especially with the big, innocent looking eyes rather than your usual half-lidded gaze
they would think someone is a photoshop wizard if they showed them a photo of you cuddling in your sleep
who knew someone could have such different sides to them??
what a strict couple istg
you're both so serious most of the time, if weiss wasn't so dramatic at times, people would think you were the same person
not a big affection person, but only because she's touch-starved
when she starts initiating, she's very nervous to because she doesn't know if you want her to
but then she sees the way your face relaxes and your body slumps a bit
and now shes gonna be initiating a lot more, but mostly in private or in times of high stress
if anything, you want hugs all the time and she's the one telling you to chill out (pun intended)
she'll never reject you though, but she will look annoyed
often forgets you're perceived as stoic, because she's more accustomed to cuddly you now
wishes you weren't so tall so that you could cuddle easier though-
another stoic girlie
she probably purrs if you give her cuddles and scratch her head and behind her ears
rubs her head against you when she wants attention (only in private)
found out how much of a cuddle monster you are because of it
probably complains a little when you don't let go of her in the mornings and hug her tighter
gets whiplash from soft you and serious you all the time
the moment you're alone with her you're being all pouty and making grabby hands for hugs
secretly loves it, but she also has a reputation to uphold
has a lot of photos of you being cuddly on her scroll
you're 100% mor affectionate than she is, but it's fine
you'll never be perceived as a stoic person ever with her around
she's constantly coming to give you affection, so you'll have to give up the serious thing
she always teases you about being soft around her
you'll never escape her snide comments about how you're not as stoic as you want to be
you're the one being hugged, not doing the hugging
and she'll secretly film you every time-
hidden scroll on the bookshelf waiting for you to come in the room and get hugged >:((
when she feels sad she always reviews those videos to feel better about things
and she never tells you she's filming :))
is small enough to dangle from your arm as well
constantly clinging to you
she's very mischievous, but i think when she sees you melt a bit at any semblance of physical contact, a genuine smile would cross her face
you being softer also encourages her to be more vulnerable and less performative
she lives for the height difference though-
she won't be too affectionate in public when y'all are criminals
will let you keep the stoic facade when wreaking havoc for sure, won't jeopardise that reputation
but in private, only soft times, never serious times in the scary sense
serious times in a loving, deep talk way ;v;
she also has lots of photos of your sleeping face while you cuddle her
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 10 months
Penny: Auriel, Mary-Annette! Please pick up your toys before your father gets home, you know he'll trip over them!
Auriel Arc-Polendina: Okay Mama!
Mary-Annette Arc-Polendina: Yes Ma!
Jaune: Too late, but you should still pick them up.
Mary+Auriel: Dada/Daddy!
Jaune: *Hugging them* It feels like you've grown in the few hours I've been gone! Growing right in front of my eyes!
Jaune: *Hugging Penny* Good afternoon Honey.
Penny: You are home early. I assume Oscar saw fit to give you the rest of the day off?
Jaune: Yeah. I missed you~
Penny: I missed you to.
*They lean into to kiss each other, so close Penny can almost feel his lip against hers*
~Vacuo Desert, 3:00 am~
Penny: *Sits up so fast she hits her head on the upper bunk* OH MOTHER OF PEARL!
Weiss: PENNY! Penny are you okay?
Penny: I am ... I had an odd dream and the shock awakened me. I simply hit my head against your bunk and need an Cooling pack if you could get me one.
Weiss: *Cooling a handkerchief, slipping into her * Here, Do you want to talk about the dream?
Penny: No, I'd just like to 'sit' on it.
Weiss: Okay. You would like me to stay here?
Penny: Please do.
~The Next Night~
Weiss: Argent, Wash your hands, Dinner will be ready soon.
Argent Schnee-Polendina: Okay Mama! I love you!
Weiss: I love you to, but please do wash your hands.
Penny: *Kissing Argent's Cheeks* Actually, dinner is ready.
Weiss: You're very efficient Penny. *Hooking her arms around Penny's shoulders* It's why I love you~
Penny: *Sits up so fast she hits her head on the upper bunk. Again* GOSH DARN IT NOT AGAIN!
Penny: *Blushing* Oh- I- Ow! I had an odd dream and hit my head again. Like last night.
Jaune: Are you alright? Your face is red.
Penny: I'm fine, just ... I bit flustered this has occurred twice.
Jaune: Would it help if I slept next to you? It helped my little sisters to cling to someone.
Penny: *Blushing slightly harder* yes, I believe that would help ...
~The Next night~
Penny: *In a great big cuddle pile with Weiss, Jaune, and their kids*
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bridgyrose · 1 month
Penny paused as Weiss and Ruby stepped into a bakery, not quite sure what the two had planned. She was familiar with the concept of baked goods, and since Ambrosius did whatever he had to to keep Penny living, she’s had bread… or at least whatever you could call the tough bread in the military rations. Still, she was more than excited to follow Weiss and Ruby for whatever plans they had since they’ve come back and had been trying to feel more normal. 
“Are you coming, Penny?” Weiss asked as she held the door open. 
“Yeah, but I do not understand why we are here,” Penny said as she walked into the bakery. “If Ruby wants bread, we can get some from the ration packs.” 
“Yeah, but this is fresh bread and not that hardtack that Atlas gave us,” Ruby answered as she took Penny’s hand. “And there’s more than just bread here. There���s also sweets like donuts and pastries.” 
“I do not think I understand. Bread is bread, right?” 
“Well no, but I think it’ll be best if you try what Weiss and I like to understand.” 
Penny nodded, still a bit confused as she hung back while Weiss and Ruby ordered their pastries. She looked around at all the breads and sweets that were around, still not quite sure what the difference was between any of it. As far as she was concerned, it was all food, nutrients that was needed to survive. Though, she did have to admit that most of her thoughts about food did come from how Winter helped her after arriving in Vacuo. 
She watched as Weiss and Ruby were handed a couple pastries, pausing when she caught the smells. Unlike the breads on display, these pastries smelled sweeter and more like baked fruit. Penny could already feel her mouth water as she watched Weiss and Ruby come back to her and both offer her one of their pastries. 
“This one is a sweet bread,” Weiss said with a smile. “Its much softer than the bread you get in military rations and its baked with sugar on top of it. Give it a try and let me know what you think.” 
Penny slowly took the sweet bread, being careful when she almost squished it in her grip. It was certainly softer than what she’d been used to from the rations, and as she took a bite, her eyes lit up at how sweet it was. She took a few more bites, a small smile coming across her lips from both the taste and how it felt to chew. 
Ruby handed over a fruit filled bun. “Try this. Its called a fruit bun. They make it by frying up some dough filled with some baked fruit.” 
Penny finished off the sweet bread and took the fruit bun that Ruby offered to her. She took a bite and paused as she tasted the sweet baked fruit more than the bread itself, though she liked how crisp the bread was while still soft. She finished off the fruit bun just as quickly as she finished the sweet bread, already wishing she had more. 
“What do you think?” Weiss asked after a bit as she finished up her sweet bread. “I know its not the… healthiest… thing for you to try, but its still a nice pick me up on a day off.” 
“I liked them,” Penny said quietly as she pulled Ruby and Weiss into a hug. “Can… can we get some more, please?” 
Ruby nodded and hugged Penny back. “We can, but I think we have other things we can try first. Yang and I found a nice little boba shop that we can go to.” 
Penny broke the hug and looked curiously at Ruby. “What is… boba?” 
Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose. “Here we go..” 
“Just the best drink in the world!” Ruby half yelled. “You can get it as a tea or a smoothie and it has little tapioca balls in it, but you can do other flavors and they’re nice and squishy when you suck them up from your straw-” 
Penny smiled as she was half dragged down the street, listening to Ruby talk about boba while Weiss tried to keep her a bit more calm. Winter had always told her that nutrition was meant to keep someone healthy, that taste didnt matter as long as you ended up getting everything that you needed. But taking a day to spend time with Weiss and Ruby, getting to try the sweets they liked and to see them happy… she couldnt think of a better way to spend her first day trying sweets. As long as her girlfriends were happy, she’d be willing to try anything they wanted.
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infoglitch · 9 months
A dear Pain in the ass sister
(so uh.. I like blackguard.. that's all)
To say Weiss' family was inherently fucked up... Would be a understatement. Constantly at each others throats and either arguing or in the case of their mother, drowning in wine to wash away the pain.
So you can imagine weiss' horror when she received news her twin sister was on a bullhead to beacon to... Catch up apparently.
Weiss, was not all to pleased to receive this info, infact she was quite the opposite. She was INFURIATED to beyond belief.
She was pacing in her teams dorm as she was basically wanting to rip out her own hair at this point because of the rising fury she held in her as one ruby rose looked at her confused as she was gaming.
Ruby: Weiss I fail to see how "evil" sister is going to ruin you.
Weiss: because you dolt, my sister is everything wrong with the world! She's loud, obnoxious, her mouth has spewed so much vulgarity that it would make my father look like a saint. She is TERRIBLE-
Suddenly a knock on the door was heard as Weiss grumbled before going up to the door only to scowl as she saw one jaune arc.
Weiss: arc. What stupid plan do you have to court me now.
Jaune: wait.. how are you- i just- hold on im confused i just saw you at the gate also.. when did you have time to change and wash your hair?
Weiss looked at him before going pale as she immediately grabbing him by his collar.
Weiss: arc I will give as much lien as you want just please tell me you were hallucinating!
Jaune: hold on I'm still confused-
Weiss: ARC, please just say you were hallucinating. Please don't tell me you saw-
Weiss felt her heart plummet into her stomach as she looked to her right and saw her. This woman was a near replica of Weiss down to her cheekbones. Everything except her black hair, her biker attire and her vivid magenta eyes.
Belamere "bleiss" noir givrése. Weiss Schnee's twin sister and the only daughter to bear their father's last name.
Weiss: bleiss.. good to see you too.. dear.. sister
Bleiss walked up to her sister as she bear hugged her which seemed to catch off surprise.
Bleiss: how long has it been since we seen each other? Days, months. I lost count after the man-whore decided to send me to vacuo.
Bleiss let go as Weiss looked at her as she was beaming with a smile on her face as Ruby appeared next to Weiss.
Ruby: i don't see how she's bad.. nor the fact she's apparently your evil twin.
Bleiss looked at Ruby curiously as she leaned in REAL close to observe every aspect.
Bleiss: hmm I wanna say your going for a goth aesthetic but the red pops out which I wanna say is intended but-
Ruby: well hello to you too I guess-
Bleiss: oh right shit apologies.
Bleiss stepped back and stuck out her hand as Ruby looked at her curiously.
Bleiss: i am belamere givrése but my enemies call me bleiss
Jaune: oh that's interesting.. what do your friends call you.
It went dead quiet as bleiss turned around and looked at jaune.
Bleiss: ok.. who the hell are you?
Jaune: im-
Weiss: -less of a pain than you that's who he is!
The twins glared at each other as bleiss narrowed her eyes at her "proper" reflection.
Bleiss: interrupting someone is rather rude dear sister, especially when their introducing themselves. I thought you knew this since father was so focused on making you his doll.
Weiss said nothing but her hand hovered over myrtenaster as she glared daggers at her counterpart.
Weiss: you... take.. that. Back.
Bleiss: oh struck a nerve did I dear sister?~ you always were easier to enrage than winter and bitchley.
Weiss growled at her as she took out myrtenaster as she thrusted her weapon towards her twin as bleiss caught it with her twin axes, Berta and Marta.
Bleiss: hmm seems your fuse is getting shorter by the day-
Suddenly Weiss and bleiss found themselves picked up as Ruby was hold up Weiss with jaune holding bleiss.
Jaune: l-lets calm down everyone!
Bleiss: hey- let me go jackass, no one is allowed to touch me!
Jaune: really sorry but I don't feel like watching a bloodbath, especially when this is the first time Weiss has gotten like THAT!
We see Weiss was basically foaming at the mouth as Ruby carried her into the dorm as bleiss felt jaune let go as she landed before pointing berta at his throat as jaune raised his hands.
Bleiss: ok. One. NO ONE. Gets involved in matters with my family, two. next time you touch me I am chopping off your hands and then you probably tiny DICK.
Jaune and bleiss stared at each other as jaune put his hands on berta as he spoke calmly and softly.
Jaune: look I think I get your frustration, but Weiss is my friend, you two may be family but family don't act like that. So pardon me for making sure my friend is ok.
Bleiss looked at him as something clicked in her head.
Bleiss: your an arc aren't you?
Jaune nodded.
Jaune: what's it to you?
Bleiss: nothing just... Makes sense an arc of all people would act like they know about family.
Bleiss put away her axes as she walked passed him.
Bleiss: I'll be around the campus to check in on my sister. Don't get in my way again, jaune.
Jaune looked at her slightly confused on why she knows his name but he shrugged it off as we end our story here....
For now.
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
Team JNPR meets Team RWBY's mothers (besides Summer for obvious reasons) and things go well. That is until Jaune is asked FMK between Willow and Kali and Raven. Maybe it was Ruby or Nora or even the daughters themselves. Either way good luck to Jaune in answering this.
Thanks for answering my previous FMK ask!
No problem. I hope you like this one as well.
Today is a great day, Blake, Weiss, and Yang's moms for some reason came to visit their daughters and meet their friends. They are all in the living room sitting around talking a bit.
Kali: It's nice to meet my daughter's friends.
Willow: I feel the same way, I'm glad to know that my daughter has all of you for support.
Raven: Support? I would call them weakness.
Unfortunately, there is always a person who kills the fun. Just with that comment Raven made, everyone in the room became uncomfortable.
Jaune: (My God, read the room)
Kali: Why don't we play a game to break the ice.
Willow: Oh I love the idea.
Raven: *rolled her eyes* Whatever.
Kali: What can we play?
Nora: Oh! I know a game!
Kali: Great, least hear it.
Nora: Hey Jaune!
Jaune: What?
Nora: Between these three mommies.
Jaune: Nora, don't do it.
Nora: Who would you fuck...
Jaune: Don't you dare.
Nora: ....marry,...
Jaune: I am being serious! Don't say it!
Nora:...or kill?
Jaune: God dammit Nora!
Raven: Well, this got interesting.
Willow: *Concern* What kind of game is this?
Nora: It's just a game we use to annoy Jaune.
Kali: Sounds like fun.
Jaune: Is not fun. Is embarrassing.
Nora: Come on Jaune, you know the rules. Answer the question.
Raven: *Teasing* Yes Jaune, which of us do you want to fuck, marry or kill?
Jaune: Maybe we should play another game.
Raven pulls out a knife out of nowhere and plunges it into the chair she's sitting on.
Raven: Answer now!
Jaune: *Scared* Yes Ma'am!... So... I will fuck Mrs, Belladonna...
Kali: *Blushing* Oh my~
Jaune: ...Marry Mrs. Schnee...
Willow: I didn't expect that.
Jaune: ...and-
Raven: *Angry* Kill me?!
Jaune: It would be an honorary warrior's death of course! Because you are a warrior, and that is the best to go out. I didn't chose you to be kill because you're a bad mom or something like that.
Raven: *Calms down* Your are right. That's the best way to die. I like that
Yang: *Whispers to Jaune* Nice save
Jaune: *Whispers back* Thanks
Kali: So Jaune, why would you fuck me?~
Blake: Mom, don't ask that!
Kali: Don't worry sweetheart, it's just for fun.
Jaune: Well Mrs. Belladonna. With all due respect, and I say it again, with all due respect… I wanna clap does ass cheeks, Respectfully, of course.
Blake: JAUNE!
Kali: *giggles* I like you Jaune, Please continue to be my daughter's friend.
Jaune: Of course.
Willow: And what about me? Why would you marry me?
Jaune: I don't want to poke my nose into matters that are none of my business. But Weiss told us about your situation at home.
Willow: Oh... I see...
Weiss: I'm sorry mom.
Willow: It's ok Weiss, I think you need to talk to someone about it in order to grow into the wonderful woman you are becoming.
Jaune: I also want to apologize for that. Because of it I thought that if I chose you to marry, I would try my best to give you the closest to a happy life. Make you live a more loving marriage.
Willow: *Smiles* How thoughtful of you. Thank you Jaune.
Jaune: Sure.
Willow: By the way, are you single?
Weiss: MOM?!
Pyrrha: *Hugs his arm* Don't even think about it, ma'am!
Willow: *Chuckles* I see someone already beat me to it.
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blackhakumen · 10 days
Mini Fanfic #1229: Spending the Night with Her Two Dolts (RWBY)
9:24 p.m. at Atlas Hotel Suite: Pines' Room...........
Weiss: (Knocks on an Already Opened Hotel Room) Knock-Knock.
Oscar: (Smiles Softly at an Old Friend While Sitting on the Bed and Playing Cards with his Wife, Ruby) Well, look who finally made it?~
Ruby: ('GASPS') (Happily Waves Hello to her Former Teammate and Best Friend) Weiss!~ Hi-(Suddenly Piunts and Yells at Weiss) DON'T TAKE ANOTHER STEP CLOSER INSIDE THIS ROOM!!
Weiss: (Immediately Stops Walking and Gets Startled by Ruby's Sudden Yelling at the Same Time) W-What!? Why- (Starts Pinching the Bridge of her Nose and Sighing at the Dreadful Realization) Oh, for the love of-Please don't tell me you're playing that stupid Floor is Lava game again years later.......
Ruby: (Happily Nodded) Indeed we are!~ It's a perfect way to spend the rest of the night after all the walking and sightseeing we did earlier.
Weiss: (Rolls her Eyes) Perfect for a simpleton maybe. (Turns to Oscar) And you there! Are you still letting your own wife drag you into one of her foolish shenanigans after all these years?
Oscar: (Casually Shrugs) If it keeps making her happy. I'm used to her craziness at this point.
Ruby: (Happily Hugs her Husband) Spoken like a awesome hubby you are!~ (Starts Kissing on Oscar's Freckled Cheek Before Turning Back to Weiss) Now, hurry up and get in our bed already, Schnee! (Forms a Teasing Smirk on her Face) Unless you're too chicken and have no clue of getting in-
Weiss uses her Myrtenaster to create a Glyph before stepping and then leaping hersslf off it towards the other side of the very same bed Ruby and Oscar are sitting on, flawlessly.
Oscar: (Smiles Softly at Weiss) Nice landing.
Weiss: (Simply and Poudly Nodded to Oscar) Thank you.
Ruby: (Starts Pouting) Show-off.
Few Minutes of Waiting For Pizza......and Finding a Way to Get it Without Touching the Floor Later.......
Weiss: You did all of that work towards one measly bear Grimm?
Ruby: (Proudly Nodded) Yep! Zigzagged that beast into tiny pieces with my trust Cresent Rose, in record time too. (Forms a Cocky Smirk on her Face) That'll show those twerps I still got!
Oscar: (Whispers to Weiss) One of my students told Ruby she past her prime day she visited the academy the other day. It got to her ever since.
Weiss: ('Sigh') Children can be the most cruelest beings these days........
Oscar: ('Sigh') Ain't that the truth.
Weiss: (Turns to Oscar) Speaking of which, how's everything going for you at the academy, as of late? They're not making you overwork yourself again, are they?
Oscar: Not as of recent, thank God. It's been going along more smoothly than I could ever hope it would go.
Weiss: (Smiles Brightly) Good. We wouldn't want to see our precious farm boi get himself stressed out so easily.
Oscar: (Gives Weiss a Deadpinned Look on his Face) That's a nickname I never thought I would here again. I already grew out of the cuteness phase, remember?
Weiss: ('Scoffs') Oh please. (Playfully Pulls on One Side of Oscar's Cheek) Like that ever mattered to us to begin with~
Ruby: (Playfully Pulls on her Husband's Other Cheek) You'll always be cute and precious to us no matter how old we all get~ We love ya like that, honey~
Weiss: Precisely.
Oscar: (Annoyedly Swats Both Hands Off Him) Anyways! (Turns Back to Schnee Heiress) Weiss, how's life been treating these days?
Ruby: (Turns Back to Weiss) Yeah. You been to a lot of places recently? (Starts Smirking Again) Got any luck guy and/or gal you might be pining for?~
Weiss: I've been through a few places as of late, some new, some familiar, most of which are business related trips. (Takes a Sip of her Glass of Wine) I can't say I found anyone that peak my interest though.
Oscar: Really? Not a single person?
Weiss: (Shakes her Head a Bit) Nada. I've been far too occupied with my business to even think about anything romance related at the point. Even then, I doubt anyone would be interested in someone like me to begin with.
Ruby: (Glares at Weiss) And why the hell not? You have a lot of great qualities! You're elegant, rich, gorgeous, way more smarter than I am at least-
Weiss: I'm also bossy, uptight, too prideful for my own good at times, dull and boring-
Ruby: Being a boss came beneficial, everyone of us had our pride filled moments at one point in our mundane lives, and you are FAR from being the most dull, boring person alive! Remember the time Sun dared you to finish twelve containers of ice-cream under five minutes at sleepover night, and you managed to get it all done three and a half minutes earlier?
Oscar: You didn't even flinched once while doing it either.
Weiss: ('Ugh') Don't remind me. It almost took a day for that stupid brain freeze migraine to go away completely.....
Ruby: Yeah, but it doesn't take away the fact that you showed those boxes of ice cream who's boss that night!
Weiss: I suppose. (Shyly Moves the Front of her Hair Back a Bit) You two really think highly of me?
Oscar: (Happily Nodded) Yea, ofcourse. You've always been amazing in our eyes, Weiss.
Ruby: (Nodded in Agreement) Exactly. It's anyone's loss if they think otherwise. (Forms a More Playful, Seductive Smirk on her Face This Time) Hell, just say the word and Oscar and I can take you out on the best date night you'll ever have in your whole life!~ (Winks at Weiss)
Oscar: Something nice, relaxing, simple- (Slowly Turns his Head to his Wife) Legal, trouble free!
Ruby: (Gently Slaps Oscar's Chest) Oh will you relax? We won't get ourselves locked up Ike last time. Promise.
Weiss: I'm sorry. You two got- (Eyes Widened at the Married Couple in Front of Her) ARRESTED at one point!?
Oscar: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face Again) Yeah. Back in Argus.
Oscar shoes Weiss pictures of him and Ruby's mugshots from his scroll. The former was Shock amd mortified at the fact he actually got arrested the time in his lifetime while the latter was smiling up for the camera (to this day, it might be one of her cutest smiles Oscar has ever bear witness.), trying to make light of a more dumb and reckless situation.
Oscar: We spent the whole night in the cell together until Emerald came and bailed us out. She never let me live it down ever since......
Ruby: (Smiles Sheepishly) We may or may not took a skydive from off a tall building after our date night and then a joyride all around town by using my semblance the whole way through.......
Weiss: (Facepalms Herself While Groaning) Should've know YOU would have something to do with this, Rose.....(Pouts at Oscar) And you didapppoint me, Oscar Everlynn Pines! You're supposed to keep her out of trouble, not let her dragged you into one with her!
Oscar: ('Sigh') I know. Not one the best moment of my mundane live thus far. (Rolls his Eyes a Bit) I really need to learn not to fall for the Puppy Dog Eyes too easily....But I did promise that I will always be by her side till death do us part and I intend to keep it that way.
Ruby: (Happily Hugs her Husband Next to Her) Me too!~ I'm sorry I got us both in trouble that night.
Oscar: It's fine. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have some fun out of it, at least until the arrest happened. (Smiles Softly at Ruby) I'm just glad my beautiful wife had a good time at all.
Ruby: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as She Starts Snuggling onto Oscar) I love you so much, Oscar~
Oscar: I love you more~
Ruby: No, I believe I love you far more than you could ever imagine inside that cute head of yours~
Oscar: (Forms a Bit of a Seductive Smirk on his Face) Wanna prove that?~
Ruby: (Smirks Back at Oscar While Placing her Hand onto his Cheek) Gladly!~ (Starts Kissing on a Now Ticklish Oscar's Face)
Weiss: (Sighs as She Watches the Married Couple's Romantic Antics in Front of Her) You two really are made for one another.......Alright, I'll accept your invitation.
Ruby: (Puts Her Kissing Session to a Screeching Holt as She and Oscar Gives Weiss her Fill Attention) You will? Truly?
Weiss: (Simply Nodded) Yes. (Raises an Eyebrow) IF you let me take lead and pick out any activities I want us to do for tomorrow, that is.
Ruby: (Rolls her Eyes Again) Day of boredom, here we come.....
Oscar: Ruby! (Turns Back to Weiss) Ignore her, Weiss. Tomorrow's your day.
Weiss: (Puts on a More Satisfied Smile) Thank you. I'm certain it'll be a day to remember, even considering you two will be a part of it.
Ruby: D'awwwww~ You've been missing us that a lot these days, haven't you?~
Weiss: (Scoffs Before Turning Away a Bit) Please. I wouldn't say I missed you dolts THAT much. Despite how......dull, quiet, and slightly lonely life has gotten for- (Suddenly Felt Ruby Hugging Her) Me.
Ruby: The feeling's mutual, Ice Queen~
Weiss: Will you ever stop calling that?
Ruby: Not as long as I still live and breathe, your highness!~ (Forms Yet Another Smirk) 'Less you give me a few riches in retu-
Weiss: No.
Ruby: (Playfully Snuggles onto Weiss) Then your request is denied indefinitely.
Weiss: ('Ugh') Oscar, your wife is being a complete nuisance again!!
Oscar: (Watches the Obnoxiously Cuteness Unfolds in Front of Him) She's been wanting to see you all day, Weiss, let her have this one. She'll let go eventually.
Weiss: ('Sighs in Defeat') She should consider herself thankful and lucky that I'm in a better mood these days. (Pouts at Oscar Again) And you better come over here and hug me next once she's done or you will be sorry!
Oscar: (Chuckles Lightly Playfully Salutes to Weiss) Will do, your highness.
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superiorsturgeon · 2 years
Schnarkos: Revelations
Weiss: *wearing an elegant blue dress* Thanks for agreeing to come with me to this SDC function, Pyrrha. Without you and Jaune here I don’t know if I would have come…
Pyrrha: *wearing an elegant dress trimmed with gold* Of course, sweetie. We’re always here to support you. Though I hope Jaune arrives soon…
Jacques: Good evening, daughter. So glad you could make time to attend and support the family business!
Weiss: *under her breath* Oh, gods…
Weiss: Good evening, father. Allow me to introduce Pyrrha Nikos, my girlfriend.
Jacques: Ah! The champion herself! We were so pleased to hear that Weiss was dating a woman of your stature! *takes her hand* Could I impose on you to join us later for a photo?
Pyrrha: It’s…nice to meet you, Mister Schnee. *awkwardly shaking hands*
Weiss: And my boyfriend Jaune should be along soon as well…
Jacques: *talking over Weiss* I hope that now that Weiss is settling down we will see more of her in Atlas. It seems more proper for the SDC heiress to spend time close to home!
Pyrrha: *uncomfortable* Um, I see…
Jacques: We were all supportive of her decision to go off and attend Beacon, of course, but we’re looking forward to-
*disturbance occurs across the ballroom*
Jacques: Now what could that be?
Atlas Elites: *murmuring and staring*
Whitley: *pulls Weiss aside* Sister, I need your help RIGHT NOW.
Weiss: Whitley, what’s wrong?
Whitley: *puts his hands on Weiss’s shoulders* Someone just arrived. Someone BEAUTIFUL! A blonde angel in the most perfect, pure white! I only caught a glimpse from behind, but I need your help talking to her!
Weiss: Uh…okay, I suppose…
Whitley: There she is now! *points*
Weiss: *follows Whitley’s finger and immediately recognizes the blonde in the dress* Oh, dear…
Whitley: *slowly blushing as his eyes travel up long, shapely legs* I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful…
Whitley: I must meet her! *hurries forward*
Weiss: Whitley, wait-!
Whitley: Excuse me, miss! My name is Whitley Schnee. Are you enjoying yourself at my family’s party? I hope you might do me the honor of a dance?
Jaune: *turns around, causing his skirt to twirl elegantly* 🙂?
Whitley: 😧
Jaune: Oh, hey! You’re Weiss’s little brother right? Nice to meet ya! *wraps Whitley in Arc hug™️*
Whitley: 😳?!?! So warm…?!
Jacques: What is going on here? Whitley, do you know this…person?!
Whitley: *face squeezed against Jaune’s chest* 😖 I…? 🥵
Jaune: You’re Weiss’s dad, right? Nice to meet you! Sorry for being late, I had trouble getting my dress zipped in the back. 😁 *holds out a hand while continuing to hug Whitley*
Jacques: *speechless*
Weiss: …Father, brother, this is Jaune, our boyfriend.
Pyrrha: *gives Jaune a kiss on the cheek and pries open his arms to release Whitley* Jaune, you don’t have to wear a dress to every fancy event!
Jaune: 😅 I know, but you and Weiss always say you like how it looks, so I figured I’d dress up for my girlfriends!
Jacques: This…is your boyfriend…?!
Whitley: I’m attracted to my sister’s boyfriend?! Wearing a dress?!?! 🤯
Weiss: *links her arm with Jaune’s* This is Jaune Arc, my boyfriend and Pyrrha’s. We met at Beacon where he was the leader of his team.
Jaune: 😁
Jacques: …I see…*ignores Jaune’s hand*
Jacques: …I suppose it’s understandable that you would go slumming while away.
Jaune: What’s slumming?
Pyrrha: 😡 How dare y-
Weiss: *steps between her father and her tall boyfriend/girlfriend*
Weiss: 😈 *gently taps her glass with a spoon to draw everyone’s attention*
Weiss: Attention, everyone! I’ve noticed that some here have been watching my boyfriend Jaune Arc since he arrived. May I have a show of hands for those who find mister Arc attractive in his dress?
Atlas Elites: 🙋‍♂️🙋
Whitley: 😣 🤚
Jacques: *sputtering in indignation*
Weiss: And how many people here are also attracted to my girlfriend Pyrrha Nikos, champion athlete and Vytal tournament winner?
Atlas Elites: 🙋‍♂️🙋
Whitley/Winter: 😣🤚
Jacques: *enraged sputtering intensifies*
Weiss: *wraps arms around Pyrrha and Jaune’s waists* Thank you for inviting us to the party, father, but I’m afraid we have someplace to be! *turns to Pyrrha/Jaune* Shall we?
Jaune/Pyrrha/Weiss: *turn together to walk away*
Pyrrha: 😡 🖕
Jaune: 🙂 👋 Thanks for inviting us! See you at the next holiday party!
Weiss: 😉 *swaying her hips and strutting between her two tall muscular partners as Schnarkos trio make their exit*
Jaune: Uhh…Weiss? Your hand is sliding down to my-
Weiss: Don’t worry, Jaune, I’m just making sure everyone knows which Schnee is most successful in life. 😈
Jacques: …
Whitley: 🥵 Am I attracted to men?!
Winter: 🥲 Weiss has done so much better than the rest of us…
Atlas Elites: 😧 *staring at Jaune/Pyrrha in their respective dresses, escorting tiny ice princess out the door*
Willow: *sniffles* I’m so proud/jealous of my daughter!
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deliciouskeys · 1 year
@cozycornerkinktober ‘s prompt #29: Sex doll
Cloth Mother (Homelander, pre-canon, lab days)
Warnings: Um. Underage person discovers masturbation. No sexual abuse, but general Vought abuse of human rights warning. Agalmatophilia. I was going to finally skip a day of Kinktober, and then I didn’t, cause, OCD. But probably skipping tomorrow. AO3 link
After John kills his second tutor in a very similar fashion to the one two years prior, something had to be done.
“We’re training him and teaching him all manner of things, except how to touch people without hurting them apparently. We need to fix it before it gets any worse. Vought wants him to give firm handshakes, not take senators' hands off. We need formal training put in place here.” Vogelbaum looks around at his staff, expecting suggestions from the more enterprising members of his team.
The medical team all look askance, apparently only dreading where the unlucky volunteers would be recruited from to run this training.
Vogelbaum rolls his eyes. “No, we’re not going to have any more casualties in that room. It’s not good for anybody,” he adds. “John’s been traumatized every time, not to mention it’s a huge headache for the company.”
He looks at the CCTV and sees John still sitting on his bed, hugging his legs and rocking ever so slightly. It’s these kinds of repetitious behaviors that worry Vogelbaum. The child starts to engage in them when stressed, but it’s maladaptive, and more importantly, it won’t look good if it persists into adulthood. The executive team will scrap the entire project if they can’t obscure the fact that John’s been raised in an unorthodox environment. Of course, Vogelbaum sometimes wonders what scrapping would mean in this case. John is already twelve, and a formidable force, who stays in the room out of obedience. He could probably break his way out with his fists if he was motivated to. How do you scrap a project that is a human being whom there is no known way to kill? He watches John on the cam screen, faintly hears the child mumbling something to himself, another bad habit in the making, but Vogelbaum smiles. He just needs to tweak all of this, nip it in the bud. He needs John to please everyone on the board, and be allowed out to be free once he’s of age. He’s not his son, but it still feels like someone he’s been raising. Probably with more attention than his own children at home, if he’s honest. He’s personally invested in this one, and they’re not going to just scrap him, dammit.
“Good morning John, you awake?” Dr. Weiss asks over the intercom. Vogelbaum watches the cam as John turns over under his bedcovers and shakes his head, listening to the laughter over the intercom and smiling at having a joke succeed with the adults. He sits up abruptly when he hears that they have something new to show him. Maybe the monotony is getting to him, but he’s always very excited at the prospect of anything new being introduced to his room.
He watches as the orderlies wheel in an unassuming looking female mannequin, mostly a torso, sporting neither a head nor any legs below the knees, just a uniform beige color, made of what appears to be stiff foam, with approximately as much give as human skin and flesh. Must have picked it up cheap at some local mall, Vogelbaum sighs with disdain. But perhaps the less human resemblance the better, for the time being.
“Is that a statue of a lady?” John asks hesitantly, tilting his head.
“Not exactly. She’s the Hug-Trainer,” Dr. Weiss announces in a voice Vogelbaum finds a little too patronizing—John is twelve, not six. “I rigged her up so if you squeeze her gently, she won’t make a sound, but if you’re rough and squeeze too hard…” Dr. Weiss lets out a straining sound as he demonstrates, and the mannequin emits an annoying high pitched alarm. John claps his hands to his ears, even though Vogelbaum is fairly certain that despite his exquisite hearing ability, his cilia should be more resistant to any damage from deafening noise than anyone else’s.
“I have to train to hug her correctly?” John verifies.
“Yes, we expect you to be an expert hugger in no time,” Dr. Weiss continues to use the same grating voice, like he’s hosting a kid’s TV show. Vogelbaum’s hand pulls down his face in impatience, but John seems to be impressed at least, eyes wide.
John doesn’t bother to change out of his pajamas and goes straight to the mannequin standing in the middle of his room. It’s perched on a metal pole on wheels, and there are wires that run out of the torso and plug into the wall. Not a very elegant design, but Vogelbaum won’t complain when they’ve MacGyvered the thing to order in less than 24 hours.
John looks up at it, and he seems a little intimidated. The way it’s set up, John’s head is about at chest height for the hugging dummy. He reaches for it tentatively and hugs the foam body gently, not triggering any alarms. But Vogelbaum knows neither of the tutors were killed instantly. John tends to start out unsure, slow, cautious, and then at some point forgets himself and starts to get overcome by emotion and that’s when the trouble starts. It’s not that different from his earlier years when he couldn’t control his eye lasers adequately, especially if he’d become upset or even mildly irritated.
The alarm goes off, and John startles backwards, releasing his arms immediately. They must have rigged it pretty sensitively. That didn’t look like he was getting particularly rough with the dummy.
“It’s okay. This is for practicing! It’s okay to make mistakes,” Dr. Weiss reassures him.
No it’s not, Vogelbaum grits his teeth. Not when you’re a superhuman capable of such destruction.
They left the hugging dummy to stay in the room and Vogelbaum sees John practicing quite a lot in his downtime. He masters it quickly, just as Vogelbaum knew he would. Now they just have to wait for muscle memory to cement itself so anyone he embraces will be safe. But something disturbing started to happen at some point over the past week. Vogelbaum ends up reviewing tapes until he pinpoints when it started. They put John under particular strain one day in the other larger testing room, and the session ended with him feeling like he’d failed to hit targets with accuracy while moving through the air. Failure to achieve something was already stressful enough in this boy’s mind and they shouldn’t have pushed him further, but some impatient genius decided to test yet another neurotoxin on him at the end of the session. John’s body handled it, but Vogelbaum can see on the footage that he was fatigued, and on the verge of tears. Vogelbaum follows by watching the footage in John’s sleeping room, and sees him lie face down on the bed, shoulders shaking, probably crying although no sound is picked up by the mics. Then John gets up and walks over to the mannequin, wrapping his arms around it gently, not triggering the alarm, petting his hand against its back, and mumbles something the room’s microphones don’t quite catch either. And that’s when he starts to squeeze harder until he hears the alarm and stops. Then does it again. And again. He squeezes just enough to elicit just a short chirp from the alarm. John ends up doing that for about half an hour, and Vogelbaum is once again worried if confinement indoors and alone is going to manifest as these bizarre coping behaviors and fixations.
So that’s how it started. But John seems to have made a much more elaborate game of it every day since. And there’s added behaviors. He makes little noises to go along with the mannequin’s plaintive sounding chirps. He rubs his face into the mannequin’s chest. They’re stylized breasts, relatively small and nondescript lumps in the foam, but Vogelbaum still thinks this isn’t appropriate. And sometimes he walks around the room, dragging the mannequin around with him, talking to it.
“This is where I live. I don’t get so many visitors here. That’s my bed. And that’s my desk. And here’s the toilet, and here’s the door where people can come in, or they can give me stuff through the slot without coming in.”
It’s mundane, boring banter, but Vogelbaum wonders if he’s missing interactions with other children for proper development.
He starts to eat all his meals standing next to the mannequin, phantom offering it spoonfuls of whatever they served him that day before having it himself. Vogelbaum resolves to have the thing removed from the room by the end of the week.
There’s a panicked voice over the intercom at 10pm, after lights out. “Dr. Vogelbaum! Please advise on how to handle this situation with the subject!”
Vogelbaum hasn’t gone home yet. He lifts his head from his notes to look at the nightvision cam in his office. He gets up woodenly and walks down to the labs floor.
“Dr. Vogel-”
“Who taught him this? Who showed this to him?”
Everyone is silent.
“No one? Not even as a joke? Maybe some movie?”
A nightshift orderly whose name Vogelbaum doesn’t remember has the gall to say “He might have figured it out on his own?”
Vogelbaum puts up a hand to shush everyone. “I’ll handle this.” And he flicks the button for the intercom into John’s room to say “John I’m coming in” just before opening the door and flicking on the light with the switch outside the room.
John is sprawled in bed, the mannequin, metal stand and all, is tilted on its side, laid out on the bed next to him, facing him. He’s got one leg wrapped around the truncated thighs, and he’s humping the foam torso quite vigorously, triggering the alarm briefly with each thrust of his hips, and shaking the entire bed. Vogelbaum was hoping John would stop his motions as soon as he’s in the room, but John just looks over at him, not even guilty.
“John, stop that at once!” Vogelbaum says sternly. John blinks at him with a dazed, downright stupid facial expression. His cheeks are red but he’s not blushing. It’s effort. He’s panting. Vogelbaum just thanks the stars that at least his pajamas are still on.
John does obey and instantly comes to a halt, but now slowly grinds his crotch against the mannequin. “It’s heavy,” he laments.
“What’s heavy,” Vogelbaum asks with some irritation.
John touches himself through his pants. “It’s swollen and heavy, and it gets like that when I’m with her.”
“You mean this hug training mannequin?” Vogelbaum sits down on the bed, deciding that not overreacting to this behavior is key, but finding his tone wavering. “That’s not a person. Don’t call it a she.”
John looks sad and shifts uncomfortably. “When I’m near it I want to touch her- touch it all the time.”
Vogelbaum shakes his head. “That’s not appropriate.”
John’s eyes are glistening, and he squirms his legs. “What’s wrong with my…” he hesitates, knowing it’s a word Vogelbaum hasn’t used much if at all. “My thingy.”
“Just say penis.”
“Yes, that. What’s wrong with it? It’s so swollen and all I want to do is to rub it against her. I mean, it.”
Vogelbaum stands up and takes the mannequin to stand upright again, noting John’s bereft gaze following it, and then covers John up with the sheet and bedspread. “When that happens, you ignore it and it will go away. The more you touch it, the more you’ll want to touch it. And it’s very rude in public.”
“What about private?” John asks, but his voice is smaller and smaller, as he senses from Vogelbaum’s withering gaze that this is not a favorite topic of conversation.
“Don’t do it in private either. It’s not good for you. All the staff watching out for you, they were worried tonight.”
John’s eyes get rounder and Vogelbaum regrets escalating the stakes. “Is it dangerous? Can I… kill someone like that or something?”
“Yes,” Vogelbaum says tersely, very eager to end the conversation. “Yes you certainly can, if you’re not careful.”
John looks stunned and starts rubbing his legs against each other until he remembers himself and stops. But when he sees Vogelbaum unplug and wheel out the mannequin he falls into despair.
“Wait, please don’t take her! I promise I won’t put her in bed with me ever again!”
“You don’t need this anymore, you’ve learned everything this was supposed to teach you,” Vogelbaum says dismissively over his shoulder as he wheels it out the door and shuts it behind him.
And then some, he thinks as he watches John on the monitors, curled up in a fetal position and weeping quietly. He’s under the covers, but there’s definitely some kind of motion his hand is doing near his crotch. This child just doesn’t listen sometimes.
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Did you see the v9 epilogue?
I've been dying to know how everyone back on Remnant has been faring, and seeing RWBY & Jaune make it back healed so many things in me. (Nora's face 😭💕)
I had assumed Qrow & Robyn would make it to Vacuo and was glad to be assured of that. And someone please please please give my girl Winter a nap and send her to therapy. I need to see her hug Weiss until she can't breathe.
Also, Raven's back?? That should be interesting. I can't imagine that two powerful Maidens with differing priorities and strong personalities will mesh well.
And now my question is........how long were RWBY and Jaune gone for? Weeks? Months?? Years???
Anyway now I'm stuck in indefinite hiatus with the rest of y'all. Huzzahhhhhh
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danurso · 1 year
Yang: Aaahhh! The beach! Oh, I missed this place!
Weiss: *holding an umbrella* Why do you feel the need to be so dramatic about it? It's just a beach.
Yang: It's the best place in the world! Not that you would know anything about it, being the first time in a place with so much sun and all.
Weiss: I've been to beaches before!
Yang: Your pale ghost skin begs to differ.
Weiss: *eyebrow twitching*
Ruby: Relax everyone, we came here to enjoy the place.
Nora: Hell yeah we did! *holding a surfboard above her head* Last one in the water smells like a dead fish! *Bolts away*
Ren: I better make sure she doesn't hit a rock again. *Follows*
Ruby: You're coming Blake?
Blake: *sitting on a shadow and reading* Thank you, but no thank you.
Yang: Your loss!
Yang shifts her focus to a fellow blonde, and makes her way towards him with a cheeky grin.
Yang: Hey there ladykiller~
Jaune: *putting on sunscreen* Hey. Gimme a second, gonna join you guys as soon as i finish here.
Yang: So, I'm done changing. Whaddya think?
Jaune, who up until now was focused on covering himself with sunscreen, finally looked at Yang who had her hair on a ponytail and wore a simple orange bikini, with her favorite glasses resting on her head.
Jaune: *red* Oh. . . .it looks uhmm *scratching his neck* I-it looks pretty good.
Yang: Hehehe, that's good to know. Mind getting me something to drink?
Jaune: S-sure. *Walks off*
Yang: *Grinning*
Ruby: Planning to make a move already? Or are you just gonna use him as an errand boy?
Yang: Oh please, I'm taking things slowly for now, giving it time to do stuff right y'know?
Ruby: Uh-huh.
Weiss: Well, taking your time is a good thing, but if you don't pay attention someone might snatch him from under your nose.
Yang: Oh yeah? And who would try and do that?
Weiss: *Looking behind Yang* Apparently, quite a lot of girls.
Yang turned around to see Jaune in the distance, drinks in hand and with an awkward smile as a flock of girls surrounded him.
Weiss: Well, it seems like Nora was right.
Ruby: Dammit! Now I owe her twenty bucks. . . .Yang?
Yang: *walking towards the group*
Ruby: . . . . . .think they're going to be okay?
Weiss: No clue, but for all legal intents and purposes, I do not know her.
Ruby: *deadpan* Thanks, that was very reassuring of you.
Jaune: Err. . . .look, I really need to go now.
Girl1: Aww, why don't you come hang out with us?
Girl2: We're gonna play volley, we could use someone like you on our team~
Girl3: It's gonna be fun! Come on~
Jaune: I would love to, but i'm with my friends already so-
Yang: Hey there everyone! *Pushes through the group and hugs jaunes arm* You need something?
Jaune: *red* Y-yang?
Girl2: Who are you?
Girl1: We got here first! Dibs on the Blondie
Girl3: Yeah! Go find your own!
Yang: Oh really? *Hair on fire, eyes glowing red* Wanna say that again?
The trio yelped in surprise, falling back on the sand before running away.
Yang: Hmph, That's better.
Jaune: Weren't you a little too harsh with them?
Yang: You're too nice y'know? You can't just let girls harass you like that.
Jaune: They weren't harassing me, they're staying in a house around here and just wanted me to go with them to play volleyball.
Yang: . . . . .so they wanted you to follow them to their house just to play volleyball?
Jaune: Yes.
Yang: Even though there's like, three volleyball areas a few meters from here
Jaune: Well. . . . .yeah.
Yang: *sigh* You're so innocent it's almost cute. But keep something on your head, girls like that usually want something else from you.
Jaune: What could they want with-
Yang: *gives him a look*
Jaune: . . . . . . .*pink* oh, right. I see your point.
Yang: Oh don't worry, no one really gets it the first time it happens to them. Just remember, the next time you get approached by a girl, pay attention so you don't get tricked by their charms. *Takes her drink and starts drinking*
Jaune: Thanks but. . . . .this isn't the first time that happens.
Yang: *spits drink* It's what!?
Jaune: It already happened before now that I think about it.
Yang: When!?
Jaune: Well, there was this one time where a girl stopped me and asked for directions, and insisted that I guided her myself, even offering lunch as thanks. . . . .there's also that lady from the dust shop who keeps calling me a good boy and offering me a job as her personal assistant. Oh, there's also the time where I tried to help a girl who fell from her bike and twisted her ankle, I offered to use my semblance on her but she kept insisting that I should carry her to a hospital. There was also this one time where. . . . . . . .wow, this happens way more often than I ever thought before.
Yang: . . . . . .
Jaune: Yang? You okay?
Yang: *Smiling* Yeah, doing great.
Jaune: Uhm, okay. I'm going in the water, you're coming.
Yang: Sure, I'm right behind you.
Jaune: *leaves*
Yang: . . . . . . .
Weiss: *joins in* So, problem solved?
Yang: No. . . . .nowhere near that, my noodle was in danger all this time and I didn't even know.
Ruby: It's just some girls trying to hit on him, it's not a big deal. It's not like Jaune is the type of guy to let himself be swayed by someone he just met.
Weiss: Though maybe, if you're really so concerned about someone stealing him from you, you could stop playing around and do what has to be done already.
Yang: . . . . .you're right. No more joking, I have to take this seriously from now on, there only one way to keep him safe and I'm doing it!
*A few days later*
Jaune: You sure you wanted to come? I thought you didn't like comics.
Yang: They're pretty nice, ruby loves them too.
Jaune: I know. . . . .can i ask you something though?
Yang: Yes?
Jaune: Why are you dressed up like this?
Yang: *Wearing a black suit, sunglasses and an earpiece* No particular reason.
Jaune: I see. . . . . .
Girl: Hey there handsome~
Jaune: Hey-
Yang: Hostile in sight! Deadly force authorized!
Girl: What the- GHAA!!! *gets tackled to the ground*
Jaune: YANG!?!?
Ruby: *in the next aisle, sorting through comics* Welp, that went well. Looking on the bright side, no one died yet, so your plan seems to have worked.
Weiss: *holding a pile of comics for her* THAT WAS NOT WHAT I MEANT FOR HER TO DO!!!!!
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howlingday · 7 months
Question: What 3 things do you really want changed from each volume
And what 3 things do you want to see in volume 10
And please share it with everyone you know have entertaining answers.
Ooh, that's a good set of questions. But three per volume seems a bit much for me, so I'll just do my big three for all volumes.
Starting off, and people are gonna get mad at me for saying this, but give us more Bee action from Volume 7. Specifically, during the election night. Seriously, you could have SHOWN us instead of telling us they're going out. Give us some episodes of Blake and Yang out at the club AND Jaune, Weiss, and Oscar going to the movies. Give us the shenanigans, the hijinks, ALL OF IT! If you really cared about this ship as much as you say you do, CRWBY, you need to prove it with more than just hand holdings and forehead touches. Give us CHEMISTRY! Not Yang throwing a fucking tantrum on Blake's behalf.
Khm... Sorry. BMBLB keeps getting me riled up with how bad it was.
Okay, next on the list, let's get some more JNR coping. Get them talking. Actually, let's get everyone interacting more. Pyrrha's death was felt by everyone, and it wasn't just her, but RWBY was cut down to just one person. Have them all talk to each other. Don't summarize it to just one post dinner conversation in Volume 6. I understand the plot is important, but let's actually take a breather. And swinging back around to BMBLB, let's have them talk about the fact they murdered the guy. Like, they looked him in the eyes as he died and we're supposed to expect they feel nothing from it? What the hell is that?!
Okay, one more and I can stop getting mad over things that already happened. How about we get an actual episode of Oscar, and not just him getting beaten up and tortured and forced along the way. It seems like he's just... there... not doing anything unless the plot calls for it. Have him make a joke about wanting to be a farmer, or something. Since Volume 5, it's just... He's basically that one girl from that David Cage game. The one about her having a ghost living inside of her? He exists for no other purpose than misery and to give Ruby someone to make out with by the end of the series.
Okay, Rosegarden is getting me riled up this time, but whatever.
Overall, though, despite my many gripes, I can take the series as it is. Could it have been better? Yes, it could, but there's no such thing as a perfect series. Even Avatar: The Last Airbender has some spots in it, but everyone agrees that it's the best show that was ever made.
Okay. Now for something better. What do I expect from Volume 10? Well, first and foremost, THAT IT'S NOT THE LAST VOLUME! Don't try to rush this out and Game of Thrones us, CRWBY! Give us an actually decent series finale WHEN IT'S READY! Just have Volume 10 be its own thing and then work on the finale later.
Second, let's get some shots of the family at home. Taiyang, Willow, the Belladonnas, the Arcs, all of them. I want to see some actual family moments and not just Yang giving Ruby a hug. Show us Nora and Ren and Oscar being bros with Jaune again, or at all. MAKE ME BELIEVE THEY'RE ALL HAPPY.
And last, and this is a big one, make sure Teams SSSSN and CFVY aren't a bunch of assholes. It's simple. It's efficient. It's bare. Fucking. MINIMUM. The novels left a bad taste in my mouth because the only decent person in them were Velvet and Yatsuhashi.
And yeah. That's what I've got. Until then, here's hoping both CRWBY and you all KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
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walpywalpy · 1 year
WhiteRose Week 2023: Day 2
A Dance of Flowers and Snow | Homecoming
“No no! Put the table there! I want this area completely cleared!” Weiss ordered, and the two students moved the table away. She looked at the surrounding area with pride. The round tables were placed neatly around the cafeteria. The middle area was completely cleared. Golden banners were flying between the pillars of the cafeteria. At the entrance, there was a black carpet with a beautiful golden arch over it. The windows were covered in black and golden drapes. At the center of the cafeteria was a large golden chandelier. ‘It’s perfect,’ Weiss thought.
“Weiss!” Ruby screamed out as she burst into the cafeteria. “There you are!” Ruby hugged Weiss.
“Is everything okay, Ruby,” Weiss asks as she hugs Ruby back.
“You weren’t in class so I got worried,” Ruby says.
“There’s no need to worry, Ruby,” Weiss affirms. “I was merely getting the decorations ready for the homecoming dance next week.”
“The what?” Ruby asks. Weiss sighs and turns to show the room to Ruby.
“The homecoming dance,” Weiss repeated “I used to have a lot of these back in Altas. I was happy to hear that Beacon held one every year.”
“Oh, a dance,” Ruby grumbled. “Doesn’t sound that much fun.” Weiss gasps and shakes her head disapprovingly.
“Ruby, this dance is going to be a great way for students to connect with each other,” Weiss explains. “I think it can help you too, so you must start looking for a partner for the dance. I will not have a leader who can’t connect with others.” Ruby groans and walks out of the cafeteria.
“She sounds just like Dad,” Ruby complained. “How am I going to find a partner?” Ruby pulled her hood over her head as she thought about it. Did she have to dance? If she had to, then who would she want to dance with?
Preferably no one, really. But then she had a thought. Why not take someone who probably hasn’t gone to a dance?
Ruby went off to find Penny in hopes of her accepting to be Ruby’s dance partner. She found her sitting at a cafe with some sort of straw hat on. “Penny!” Ruby exclaimed as she waved. Penny waved back as she made her way to Ruby. Penny gave her a massive hug, causing the air in Ruby’s lungs to fly out. Penny let go, leaving Ruby in a breathing frenzy.
“It’s so nice to see you, Ruby!” Penny cheered.
“Nice to see you too, Penny,” Ruby gasps. Ruby regains her composure and takes Penny’s hand. “I was wondering if you’d like to go with me to the dance next week.”
Penny smiles, but the smile fades almost as fast as it formed. “Sorry, Ruby,” Penny mumbles. “Dad needs me back in Atlus. He wants to make sure I am combat-ready.” Ruby whimpered and Penny hugged her.
“It’s okay,” Ruby assures. “I’ll find someone else. Also, what’s the hat for?” Penny leans in and whispers.
“Magnet.” Ruby nods and hugs Penny again. Penny smiles at Ruby softly and Ruby returns the smile. Ruby waves goodbye and walks off.
‘Well, that’s Penny off the list,’ Ruby thinks. She walked back to Beacon, but she still had no clear answer. JNPR were clearly taking each other to the dance. Blake is most likely taking Yang or Sun, so she’s out of the question. So who can she—
Weiss crashes into her and drops rolls of fabric. “Ruby!” Weiss growled.
“Oh, sorry,” Ruby apologized. “Here, let me help.”
They both crouched down and hit their heads together, causing both of them to fall backward. “Great,” Weiss grumbles. “Ruby, be careful, please. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“Yeah, sorry,” Ruby says. Ruby picked up some of the rolls and gave them to Weiss.
“Have you found a date for the dance?”
Date?! That’s what this is?! Ruby wasn’t anticipating something so intimate. Her cheeks grew red as she thought about it. Weiss caught what she said and blushed as well. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to say date,” Weiss apologizes. “Sorry for giving it so much weight.” Ruby hides behind her hood.
“It’s okay,” Ruby mumbles. “I haven’t found a partner yet.”
“I was afraid of that,” Weiss says. “Follow me. Take this.”
Weiss passes Ruby a roll, and Ruby follows her into the cafeteria. They enter and Ruby sticks close to Weiss. Weiss takes Ruby’s roll and gives it to a student who walks away. “This dance means a lot to me,” Weiss explains. “That is why I want you to have a partner for this.”
“Weiss, I’m sorry but I can’t find anyo—” Weiss cuts her off.
“I know, which is why I’ll be your partner,” Weiss claims. Ruby’s eyes widen and she blushes. She frowns as she realizes that she never considered Weiss for the dance. “It will be a great dance, so I want to practice tomorrow.”
“Dancing, you dolt.”
“One two, Ruby,” Weiss says as she demonstrates the waltz. “It’s that simple. Now join me.” Ruby sighs and takes Weiss’s hand. At first, the waltz was going well, but that all came crashing down as Ruby stepped on Weiss’s foot, causing Ruby to fall. Weiss catches her and sighs. “Ruby, follow my lead. Please,” Weiss nags. “My patience is beginning to run thin.” Ruby apologizes and takes Weiss’s hand again. Weiss shook her head and let go. “That’s enough for today. If we continue, I won’t be able to walk by tomorrow.”
“Sorry,” Ruby mumbles. Weiss pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs. Ruby sits down on the floor and uses her hood to hide her face.
“Just have fun tomorrow, okay?” Weiss insists, and Ruby nods without lifting her gaze. “I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
Ruby watches Weiss solemnly walk to her bed and wrap herself in the blanket. Ruby takes a deep breath and looks at the time. 12:03 in the morning. She bit her lip and decided what she had to do next. She silently walked out of the room and walked to the bathroom. She closes her eyes and lifts her arms.
“One two, Ruby,” she says to herself. She focuses on her footwork and realizes that she’s doing it. She smiles, but it comes too soon as she slips and falls backward. She groaned through her gritted teeth and continued until she got it down. When she had the footwork down to a tee, she cheered and looked at the time.
4:28?! Ruby bursts out of the restroom and dashed to her bed. ‘Weiss is gonna kill me if she finds out!’ Ruby thought to herself. Ruby closed her eyes right, hoping that it would knock her to sleep. Luckily for her, the time spent practicing caught up to her and she dozed off to sleep.
“Ruby, wake up!”
Ruby jumped up and hit Weiss in the head. “You have to stop doing that!” Weiss shouts as she rubs her forehead. Ruby laughs nervously.
“Sorry, Weiss,” Ruby mumbles.
“Forget it! Get up!”
“The dance is in an hour!”
Ruby’s eyes widen and jumps down her bunk bed. “I’m so sorry, Weiss!” Ruby cried out. “We won’t be late, I promise!”
“Can’t believe we made it in time,” Ruby says as she runs into the cafeteria with a giant red frilly dress and black high heels (Weiss’s choice, not hers). She looks over at Weiss, who is panting for air after the sprint. Ruby blushes as she looks at her beautiful blue and white dress.
Weiss was gorgeous. She was the prettiest girl in the room. “Ruby.” Ruby breaks her trance and catches Weiss looking at her with red cheeks. “Let’s sit and have some food.”
“Shouldn’t we dance first?” Ruby asks.
“I didn’t think you would want to,” Weiss claims. “Plus, we won’t do well.”
“I’ll do it because you want to,” Ruby assures. She takes Weiss’s hands and smiles at her. “I expect my partner to be able to dance when asked to.” Weiss smiles and walks with Ruby to the dance floor.
Ruby took Weiss’s hand gently in hers and wrapped her hand around her waist. Ruby pulled Weiss closer, which caused Weiss’s face to glow red. They started their dance with some simple and slow footwork. “You’re doing great, Ruby,” Weiss assures. Ruby smiles as her face glows. Then came the hard part of the waltz. Ruby took a deep breath and looked at Weiss with determined eyes. She followed each step to perfection. She carried Weiss and spun her slowly. Weiss took her hand and spun her once and then twice. The dance ended with Ruby leaning backward and Weiss looking down at her.
“You did it, Ruby!” Weiss laughs, and Ruby follows her laughter. They’re laughter subsides as they realize how close their faces are to each other. They both turn red, but neither of them moves. Ruby glanced down at Weiss’s lips and back at her eyes. Weiss cradled Ruby’s head and brought her closer. Ruby felt Weiss’s soft, rhythmic breath on her cheeks. Ruby closed her eyes and brought her lips to hers. Weiss brought Ruby back up and cupped her cheeks. Their lips parted away from each other and they looked at each other.
“That was something…that happened,” Weiss whispers. Ruby giggles and looks around the room. Her eyes widen and her cheeks grow red as she sees the rest of the school staring at them.
“We may sort of have an audience,” Ruby mumbles. Weiss looks and smirks.
“Ignore them,” Weiss assures. “This is our moment.” Ruby’s smile returned.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
Ruby grabbed Weiss’s shoulders and kisses her once more.
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
The reality of the angry person in fandom whose job is to be arbitrarily mad or just outright reject storytelling in front of them is that they famously are unwilling to integrate new information, which is why I don't think that section of the fanbase is necessarily something you can actually pander to in any way. Like, they can't handle character development and they don't listen to dialogue (please understand this. They outright ignore it) and they don't care about thematic motivation and they don't understand that narrative is change and set-up.
Like even based on the asks I've received 90% of these askers assert their conclusions on the foundation. Cinder is evil and will be evil forever. Ironwood is good and will be good forever. Ozma was secretly evil all along. Jaune is weak and does nothing. Ruby is annoying and does nothing. Ruby isn't complicated and doesn't do anything. They don't understand that the basic rule of storytelling is set-up and reversal, and they get really fucking mad about it. The latter part of that is the problem, the former is a basic tool of storytelling (surprise).
None of these viewers care if you lampshade your story, if you show your hand about your embarrassment for the setting. That is not an excuse and to someone like me it's just embarrassing because you didn't need to lampshade that for me! I get it! It's a story! Things happen! If it's not character-motivated (e.g. Weiss is passable on this point) it's not interesting.
I get it. Shipbaiting and furore and controversy and stoking parts of the fanbase is partly how you keep a fandom alive. It's not nice for some of us but I'm not about to be assuming the best especially because I do remember very vividly when someone asked Miles Luna on stream 'Will there be any Ironwood/Qrow this volume (7)?' and he cackled madly, at this point I think it must have been after the hug which had people going. Like, I get it. The hug between those two (a show of genuine relief and affection despite the circumstances) stoked fans and also made his fall hurt worse. To some degree I think this was even true of Blake/Sun even if it did have narrative purpose, I just don't think it's always and only that straightforward and sometimes explains what feels to me out of place development contrary to the best interests of the story, especially when there are more interesting characters to play with. (E.g. I have been waiting for Jaune-Ruby interaction this volume, and the Jaune-Weiss interactions might be setting it up, but I also find it tiresome and weird).
I don't know if catering to such a fanbase will be successful. You give them crumbs with (motivated) spectacle and they'll complain about the animation, you give them crumbs with Ironwood sympathy and compassion (the story is compassionate towards him) and they'll still get mad if not madder about his fall because they don't understand what his fall is achieving in the story.
I don't know if there's winning. I think you can only keep committing to the things that make them unhappy because they'll fucking keep watching anyway. So tell a good story.
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
Ok. Ok ok. So. Someone IS reading! It COULD be Summer or or or
Y’all I had to pause if it’s SUMMER IM GONNA SCREAM
GOD she’s so beautiful and we don’t even see her face or her full outfit but it Does Not Matter fuuuuuuck
Sorry I was so focused on the most beautiful woman to ever exist I forgot to be worried about my baby boy. Jaune honey please be ok
ok well no we still need to figure out what the cat wants they don’t know it was trying to possess Ruby hang on
I’m gonna CRY
Blake being so tender with Yang and Yang being so so afraid to lose her sister oh my god oh my GOD she’s cradling her face and wiping her tears. Any Yang haters I see will be sent into the pit
So bc Neo’s plan was to kill Ruby, or get rid of her or whatever, she’s empty. Without Roman and without her revenge she has no attachments back on Remnant that would make her want to leave
Cat. If you think Anyone is gonna let you touch Ruby. I’m sorry to Neo’s body but you’re about to be torn to shreds
Oh lordy lordy we have gotten. No /I/ have gotten everything I’ve EVER wanted like. If we ever get a team STRQ flashback I’ll die happily ever after but I know next week will HOPEFULLY be Ruby talking with her mom or something like that. I need smarter ppl to talk about the lore I am too head empty but BABY WE JAVE COMPLETED THE PARENT GAUNTLET WEVE COLLECTED THEM ALL A ROUND OF APPLAUSE
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