#jaune has had so much time to come to terms with it but for weiss it happened *hours ago*
toasterdrake · 1 year
*wakes up to a beautiful morning* weiss doesn't know for sure that everyone else escaped after she fell. for all she knows, if penny's body isn't here then cinder could have killed more people. more people she loves. winter. jaune, before they meet him.
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littlemisssquiggles · 2 months
In today’s episode, Jaune revealed that Lewis and Alyx were actually residents of Vacuo Kingdom (surprise, surprise) during a time before the Great War. And since we know that Lewis actually returned from the Ever After, it make wonder something curious.
If Lewis was the author of the Girl Who Fell Through the World fairy-tale then it would make perfect sense as to why he omitted himself from the written adventures in the Ever After and chose to make Alyx the protagonist. It makes sense since, unlike Lewis, Alyx never returned home and basically “died” in the Ever After.
So my assumption is that Lewis must’ve maintained his sister’s story through his story about her. That way Alyx’s legacy was able to live on in some shape or form despite the real Alyx practically ceasing to exist after never returning home.
Since Jaune was shown to still be have some qualms over his time in the Ever After, it got me thinking.
What if…Jaune were to (somehow) discover the original journal of Lewis which he had used to record his experience in the Ever After in the Vacuo archives?
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What if…Jaune were to meet someone closely connected to Lewis and Alyx while in Vacuo? Like a surviving member of their family bloodline still thriving in modern Remnant.
What if… Headmaster Theodore was that surviving member? I know the main popular theory is that Lewis was one of Ozma’s reincarnations but imagine if Lewis wasn’t an Ozma reincarnation but Theo’s ancestor instead?
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I haven’t read either of the RWBY After the Fall books so I’m not familiar with Headmaster Theodore in terms of characterization or like what his backstory is.
That being said, I do, however like the idea of the final maiden being connected to Theo in some shape or form.
For me, I like the prospect of the Summer Maiden being either Theo’s daughter or younger sister or cousin or niece or some important person to him as she’s probably the only family he has left.
Again, I don’t know anything about Theo but thus far, none of the other headmasters of the huntsmen academies have had any reason to be protective of their respective maiden outside of a moral obligation as per Ozpin’s instructions.
To make Theo stand out more, I think it would be a nice change of pace if Theo, the final headmaster, were to share an actual connection to the final  maiden as she is a beloved relative of his.
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Why bring this up? Well I like the idea of Jaune forming a close relationship with another Maiden candidate. Maybe he could even fall in love with the Summer Maiden.
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Technically, Jaune hasn’t had a legit love interest since Pyrhha and I don’t know about ya’ll but…after six seasons (and half a movie), I’m kind of tired of being reminded of Arkos, ya’ll.
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It was the Ship that was meant to be that never got to be because Writers decided to kill it off early.
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Don’t get me wrong. I love Arkos. Arkos was a great ship that was gone too soon.
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To (finally) close the chapter on Jaune moving on from Pyrhha (since even after all of his growth, I still don't think he's over her as the show keeps constantly bringing up whenever they can)...
I think it actually might be cute if Jaune does end up being romantically involved with the Summer Maiden who he actually succeeds in protecting from Cinder when she comes to steal her powers.
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I’ve grown tired of new maidens showing up in the story just to die for the sake of the powers being passed onto a main character.
Since Summer is the last maiden, it would be nice if Summer is the one to stop the cycle of original maiden deaths and she actually gets to live on even after opening the vault.
As much as I like WhiteKnight as a ship, I honestly gave up on it becoming canon after V5 dropped and nothing else was done to further develop Weiss and Jaune’s relationship as a prospective romance.
Yeah sure, V9 tossed us a crumb of Weiss being attracted to Jaune in his more mature Rusted Knight persona.
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But after further deliberation, I’ve concluded that that little nugget of hope isn’t enough to get me back on the horse of hoping for a romance between these two.
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Do you know what would actually be pretty wild?
If Jaune fell in love with the Summer Maiden who is not only a red-head (like Pyrhha) but is also a descendent of Lewis who is the author of the Girl Who Fell Through the World and thus a relative of Alyx.
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And unlike Alyx and Pyrhha who Jaune failed to protect/help/save, Jaune is able to do just that with the Summer Maiden by protecting her from Cinder and thus, the two are able to live happily ever after.
That would actually be wild.
Not saying this would become true in the canon. I'm just tossing it out into the RWBY FNDM ether as a food for thought.
~LMS (2024)
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bridgyrose · 3 months
“I thought you were going home for the break.” 
Blake looked up from her book to see Ruby standing over her. “I… decided to stay here for winter break. I’m still a bit nervous about trying to go see them.” 
Ruby sat down with her. “Yeah, but, dont you think you’ll have to talk to them at some point?” 
“I do but… only once I’m ready.” Blake closed her book and sighed. “And right now, I'm not ready.” 
“Anything I can do to help?” 
Blake shook her head and got up, stashing her book back into her bag. “I’ll figure it out on my own. Though I thought you’d be with Yang and your dad.” 
“Dad and I arent exactly in… talking terms right now,” Ruby said a bit nervously. “He’s still not exactly thrilled about me being at Beacon, especially with what we did at the docks.” 
“I figured he’d be proud of you guys.” 
“He was, but, well, you know how parents are, right?” 
Blake sighed and looked away for a moment as she thought about it. “I… I should get back to the dorm.” 
“I’ll come with-” 
“I want to be alone.” 
“But you’re my teammate, I shouldnt leave you alone.” 
Blake paused for a moment as she looked at Ruby, struggling to find any excuse to be alone. It wasnt like she could just tell Ruby not to come back to the dorm, nor could she just stay with team JNPR when the rooms are already pretty cramped, but it wasnt like she had anywhere else she could go or stay for the couple weeks that break was. Finally she let out a sigh and motioned for Ruby to follow. “We can have a quiet day then, right?” 
“Of course! No adventures, just us, homework, and a good book.” 
“You know I do more than just read, right?” 
“Well, yeah, but its a cold day and its not like we’re going to be going outside or going to have classes. And while Weiss and Yang are away, we dont have enough people for a board game without asking Jaune and his team, but then that’ll give us too many.” 
“You’ve put a lot of thought into this, didnt you?” 
“I dont think anyone should have to spend break alone.” 
Blake smiled a bit at hearing that, watching as Ruby got up to follow her. “Then, maybe we can do something else. Besides read or play games.” 
Ruby looked at her. “And what do you have in mind?” 
“We could talk about the people we like.” 
“Talk… about the people we like?” Ruby asked with a blush. 
“You know, talk about boys or girls we have a crush on. Maybe even do some of that girly stuff that Weiss likes like doing our nails.” 
“I didnt think you’d be into that kind of stuff.” 
“I’m not normally,” Blake admitted as she opened a door for Ruby. “But the way Weiss talks about doing her nails like its some sort of intricate ritual, I think it’ll be fun to try. Besides, I’ve realized that we really dont know much about each other beyond liking to read.” 
“We know plenty about each other.” 
“Like what?” 
“W-well, you uh… you… like to be alone.” 
Blake giggled a bit as she watched Ruby fumble around a bit while trying to find anything else she knew, blushing a little. While it wasnt exactly uncommon to see Ruby like this, it was different to see her be so uncertain of herself and a bit more shy while she tried to think. Just another thing that made her fall for her leader the same way she had started to fall for Yang. “You arent completely wrong.” 
Ruby sighed. “Alright, maybe you arent entirely wrong that we dont know each other that well.” 
“We have been spending a lot of time with your partners. Weiss drags you around where she wants to go, and Yang and I have been trying to get a bit closer so we can figure out how to work together like you and Weiss.” 
“I wouldnt take Weiss and I as a… good example to follow. We still argue a lot and the only reason we seem to be working well together is because Weiss has decided to try to follow my lead and take a step back from trying to be the leader.” 
“And yet, you both seem to be able to work with each other almost as if you’ve known each other for years.” Blake sighed and opened the dorm door for Ruby, letting her in first. “I envy that. Yang and I still have to call everything out and even then, its hit or miss if what we do works.” 
Ruby sat down on Weiss’s bed and took her shoes off. “And you dont see the training she puts me through. Sometimes I wish she’d lay off trying to get everything perfect. Though, I have to admit, having a silent signal for what we want to do has made things a bit easier.” 
Blake closed the door and went to her own bed, taking her book out of her bag to set down on her pillow. “Still, it all seems to be working for you.” 
“You and Yang arent exactly slouching either when it comes to working together. I’m a bit jealous with how often the two of you go off together.” 
“Jealous, huh?” 
“W-well, not exactly too jealous, just… well… you know, the two of you are always going out to eat together and she knows you a lot better than Weiss and I do, so… you know…” 
Blake smiled a bit as she watched Ruby try to hide her own blush as she fumbled with her words. It was refreshing to see her just as nervous as she was, even if it may have been for different reasons. “Yang told you I wasnt going home, didnt she?” 
“...yeah, she did.” 
“Well, I guess now’s a better time than any to get to know each other better.” Blake smiled a bit and pulled out a bottle of Weiss’s nail polish and sat down on the floor. “We can start simple by playing twenty questions. You start.” 
Ruby nodded and sat down in front of Blake. “Alright, what’s your favorite color?” 
Blake uncapped the bottle and made sure to get the excess nail polish off the brush before carefully painting Ruby’s nails blue. “Violet. And yours?” 
“I figured it’d be red.” 
“I like red, especially strawberry red, but its not exactly my favorite color.” 
“With how much red you wear, everyone thinks differently.” 
“The cloak my mom made for me when I was younger was red, and I never could find a blue that matched it,” Ruby answered, keeping her fingers still. “And once I started sewing my own clothes, it was easier to get ahold of black and red fabric than it was any other colors.” 
Blake paused for a moment. “You sew your own clothes?” 
“I thought it was my turn to ask a question.” 
“R-right, it is.” 
Ruby took a moment to think. “So, what made you want to be a huntress after you left the White Fang?” 
“I… wanted to do something to fix the damage I’ve caused.” Blake dipped the brush in the nail polish again before starting another finger. “Before I realized how far Adam was willing to go, I… I thought following the White Fang was the right thing to do, that those that left were just cowards willing to give up on changing everything. But after a few years, I started to realize that we did a lot more damage than good. It didnt take long for me to start looking for excuses to avoid missions or to start looking for other ways to get the job done while hurting as few people as possible. After I left, I told myself I was going to fix things the right way.” 
“Sounds like you’re on the right path now.” 
Blake nodded and slowly started to move onto a third finger, making sure to be careful not to stain Ruby’s fingers. “I hope I am. Though, there are some days that I think what I’m doing isnt enough.” 
Ruby moved her hand away for a moment to let the nail polish dry. “Your turn.” 
“So, who taught you how to sew?” 
“I learned on my own.” 
Blake smiled a bit and moved Ruby’s hand back towards her to finish off the rest of her fingers. “Seems a bit tough to learn on your own.” 
“It was.” Ruby held herself still again, letting out a soft sigh as she kept a smile on her face. “Yang taught me how to cook and build weapons, but when it came down to sewing, that wasnt something she was good at. And dad… well, he threw himself into work often, coming home late and usually a bit too tired to do much else beyond making dinner. So I’d look up how-to videos and learned to sew. It didnt take long for me to start sewing my own clothes and making my own style.” 
Blake paused for a moment as she listened, Ruby’s story sounding a bit different from how Yang would describe life when she was younger. Not that Yang really said much, but she always made it sound like she was the one who taught Ruby everything and that their dad was there more often than not. Still, she couldnt look away from the smile that Ruby kept, even if the smile wasnt as genuine as it could be. “Still sounds like a great skill you have.” 
“I wouldnt have made my own combat gear if I hadnt learned. Any hobbies you have besides reading?” 
“I… never really got myself into much.” Blake finished Ruby’s left hand and started to paint the nails on her right. “My mom taught me how to cook and my dad made sure I could live on my own if I ever needed to. But after I ran away, I… didnt exactly have a lot of time to pick up anything else. Most of everything else I learned to do was on the fly by other members of the White Fang. Lockpicking, basic hacking, pickpocketing… mostly things that were needed to get the job done.” 
Ruby smiled a bit. “Maybe you can teach me a few things.” 
Blake went quiet for a moment as she finished painting Ruby’s right hand, giving a small smile as she pulled away. “So, what do you think?” 
“I… think I dont quite understand why Weiss likes this,” Ruby answered. 
“Once your nails are dry, we can remove the polish if you dont like it.” 
“Let’s keep it on. Besides, we still need to do yours, right?” 
Blake nodded and passed the bottle to Ruby, holding out her left hand for her to paint. A blush crossed her cheeks again as she felt Ruby gently hold it still as she painted her nails. “So… anyone you like?” 
“Well, I like you and Weiss. Then there’s Penny and Jaune, Nora and Ren are pretty fun to hang around as well-” 
“I meant as a crush.” 
“Oh.” Ruby paused for a moment. “I… havent actually thought that far yet. Part of me thinks I might be a bit broken because I havent had a lot of interest in people like that.” 
“I doubt you’re broken.” 
“I tried dating a guy at Signal and I… couldnt do it.” 
“Maybe you need to find the right person.” Blake blew on her nails as Ruby pulled away to dip the brush in the nail polish again. “Or get to know the right person.” 
Ruby shrugged and pulled Blake’s hand back to finish her nails. “I think I’ve met someone that I might be able to make things work with.” 
“Is that so?” 
“Isnt it my turn to ask a question?” 
Blake nodded. “I guess I am getting ahead of myself.” 
“What about you? Anyone that you like?” 
“I-” Blake paused for a moment as she tried to figure out how to answer the question, her blush started to grow a bit. “There… might be someone on our team that I like. And I hope I can get to know her a bit more.” 
Ruby smiled a bit and finished painting Blake’s nails. “Maybe you’ll have a chance to.” 
Blake nodded and pulled her hand away, smiling as she looked at her now black nails. Then, she looked up at Ruby, relaxing a bit as she let out her breath. “Would… you go on a date with me? Nothing fancy, just… a trip around town and maybe you can teach me a thing or two about sewing.” 
Ruby paused for a moment, hand shaking as she put the nail polish away. “I… I think I’d be up to that. We can go tomorrow if you dont have anything else to do.” 
“I’d like that.”
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howlingday · 2 months
on a scale of Gomez Addams to Vernon Dursley (for treatment of Harry not Dudley) where do you think Jaune's dad falls in terms of neglect?
Hm... That's a pretty good scale.
Gomez is especially attentive of his kids, and though his enthusiasm may get taken away when praising one of his kids, he will quickly shift gears to support his other child, though it may take some guidance from his wife, Morticia, like we've seen in the animated series. So, let's put him at... 10.
Vernon Dursley is... clearly at the bottom of the scale, even if his weight scale only shows three digits, considering he puts more attention and care to his biological son than to his adopted son/nephew. Dudley has his own room while Harry sleeps in a storage space under the stairs. To be honest, the only good Dursley in the house is Dudley, though he starts off as an entitled shit, he actually apologizes to Harry later on for how horribly he treated him (sure, I only know this because it's in a deleted scene, but eh). So yeah, 1.
Obviously, there are worse fathers in media, just like there are better fathers in media. Now, let's look at Jaune's dad and... Oh... Uh... It seems he's... misplaced... Not to worry, though! We can just look at what kind of person he was based on what his kids are like.
First off, we have Jaune's dad's "infamous" quote of "all you need is confidence". And I put infamous in quotations because people don't like that this was something he learned from his dad. But, to be honest, I think this is a great first step. Jaune's dad is clearly offering life advice for his son. It's not perfect advice, but it is good advice, especially for a lanky teenager like Jaune who only just decided to become a huntsman.
People will harp on Jaune's dad, saying that he should have trained his son to be a huntsman, but... I don't think Jaune wanted to be a huntsman until he was much older. Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and probably everyone else in the show already had training under their belts from an early age and chose to go to Beacon to continue their training so they can become huntresses. Jaune... didn't, if I'm assuming right. Jaune basically did the same thing as hopping on a bus for boot camp- Wait, no. No, it's more like he jumps into a platoon, SKIPPING boot camp so that he can get that OJT. Then again, there's probably a better analogy for this, but my point is that I don't blame Jaune's inexperience as much on his dad as I do on Jaune himself.
BUT there's also one scene that shows us what kind of parents Jaune's dad AND mom were like. Jaune says in V3 that when he left for Beacon, his parents told him "Hey, if this doesn't work out, you can always come home". Normally, this is common rhetoric for parents telling their kids that they can always fall back to their family whenever they fail. But Jaune interpreted this as "You are going to fail, and we'll see you when you do". Jaune believes his parents don't believe in him, which, if you consider they raised him, they probably have good evidence to believe this.
That said, let's look at how Jaune's sister turned out. Saphron, whom we meet in V6, is a married homemaker mom who opens her home to her brother and his many, many, many friends. That said, I want to take this time to say that if my sister dropped in on me with a dozen people looking to crash for the night, I'm... hesitant... to welcome anyone but her into my home. But Saphron, champion Arc that she is, welcomes everyone. Overall, Saphron seems happy, like, genuinely happy with her son and wife. She even goes along with Jaune's plan to steal the bullhead from Cordovin.
I'm probably speculating here, but I think there's two ways to look at this. You could either see this as "Mama and Papa Arc kicked out their daughter and she's much happier having left them" OR "Papa and Mama Arc raised their kids to rely on each other because family always helps family". Me, I prefer the ladder, and the second of the two options.
So on a scale between "maliciously neglectful papa" and "accidentally neglectful but still well-meaning papa", I would put Papa Arc higher on the scale simply for the fact that Jaune and Saphron don't really have anything to say about their parents being neglectful, intentionally harmful, or in any real negative light. But they still let Jaune run off to be a Huntsman with the family sword, so... 8/10. Good parents, but not perfect. He's no Bandit, that's for sure.
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skye-huntress · 1 year
Ruby and Weiss
A while ago I was asked what my thoughts were on these two characters and the trajectory of their character arcs. I had something of a revelation recently and wanted to do a follow up, especially now after we’ve seen some developments on Ruby’s arc. The focus on this post will be on their relationship. It hasn’t escaped my attention that in this volume especially there seems to be little interaction between these two who were so much closer just a few volumes ago. It has only recently occurred to me that there is a reason why there is suddenly this distance between Ruby and Weiss.
Weiss is in a different situation from everyone else. Her entire life has been reduced to rumble, literally and figuratively. Her home kingdom is gone, and everyone she knew from there, from family to acquaintances, are either dead or permanently displaced. She has been more focused on getting back to Remnant than anyone else because in addition to checking up on her family, there is a lot she needs to do for herself, her family and her people. It’s certainly not helping that she was part of the plan that resulted in sacrificing Atlas, and that she couldn’t at least keep the Staff from falling into Salem’s hands. She’s focused on the challenges ahead while feeling the weight of her choices bear down on her, she doesn’t notice what Ruby is going through.
On the other hand, Ruby can see Weiss clearly. I don’t think it hit Ruby until she made a comment about going home and Weiss pointed out she no longer had a home to go back to. Then there was the moment at the market where she commented about not wanting to keep leaving places in ruin, and Ruby just silently guides Weiss away. Then within the punderstorm, as Weiss stares at the image of Atlas falling, Ruby doesn’t move to touch her or say anything at all. Whether it’s a conscious decision or not, Ruby has been distancing herself from Weiss, and the reason is so obvious I’m actually shocked I hadn’t considered it sooner.
Ruby blames herself for destroying Weiss’ home and ruining her life.
Throughout their journey through the Ever After, Weiss has been a constant reminder to Ruby of her failure to protect Atlas. Of course Weiss understands that if any blame needs to assigned, it is at least shared among all of them, that’s why when she talks about the plan to drop Atlas she uses “us” and “we”. She did not understand that at the time, Ruby was placing the full burden of the blame on herself. There was also the issue of the comments Weiss made about Jaune back at the Paper Village, about how he was unreliable and that they needed to find someone else to guide them. Weiss wasn’t talking about her, but Ruby was thinking all the same things about herself, and it clearly bothered her enough that she threw those words right back at Weiss during her outburst later.
So, there’s the reason that the two of them have been so distant this volume. Now it seems like Weiss is starting to catch on to what’s going on with Ruby and how she and the rest of her friends may have unwittingly contributed to the problem. Right now though, there is nothing for them to do but wait for Ruby to figure out some of her own issues for herself. It will be up to Weiss and the rest of them to accept Ruby’s decision.
Moving forward is where things get interesting though. Ascension will only help Ruby with her internal issues, but it won’t fix the rift that was caused in her relationships, especially with those who were with her in the Ever After. Regardless of how she comes back, she’ll need to take the time to reconnect with everyone and have an honest conversation about her feelings and how her relationships with everyone should work. There’s a bit of imbalance in terms of how everyone relies on her but she feels like she can’t rely on anyone else, at least when it comes to emotional support.
As for Ruby and Weiss specifically, there are definitely things they specifically need to work out. For a start, Weiss needs to let Ruby understand that she doesn’t blame her personally for what happened to Atlas. I also think it would ease Ruby’s conscience if she works with Weiss to pick up the pieces of her life as well as helping the refugees from Atlas. As I’ve mentioned before, the immediate future for Weiss especially is full of hardships and uncertainty even without the ongoing conflict with Salem. She’ll have her family with her of course, but it might be nice if her best friend was helping share the burden as well.
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razorblade180 · 8 days
And as a bonus because I felt it wouldn't fit with my last ask: It is mean to say Blake's character development when it comes to being in a relationship might have gone backward? I mean, you would think after Adam she would want to be more upfront with wanting to stand on equal terms with Yang. But Blake mostly went along with what ever Yang wanted in Vol 7-8. It makes her advice to Nora feel hallow and that she's back to where she was before she met the others. The only difference is that Yang is a way better person then Adam. I know I've probably brought this in an ask before, but it's something that I've thought about in recent days. Blake really got the short end when it came to her character.
I saw both of your questions so I’m just gonna combine them in this post.
You’re right about Blake not having much of a personal investment to Salem. That could’ve been solved by making Adam run back to Salem with the other villains in V5 instead of completely divorcing him from the main plot. There’s irony in him working with humans but they could double down on him simply wanting the world and enemies to suffer. I would’ve paid money to see Jacques’s face hearing a soldier say “Adam Taurus is in the manor.” You can argue Weiss needed more of reason at the beginning but that remedies itself by her learning Winter is supposed to be a maiden. She doesn’t need a specific villain. Her reason is making sure her sister doesn’t get murdered.
As for Blake’s relationship status, o stand by my opinion it makes the most sense for her to want to be single for a while. Nora’s character arch is a very nice message, but it honestly should’ve gone to Blake who needs it more because the entire show makes Blake act based on the partner they attach her to.
V1-V2 had her act based on what Adam trauma and she only stopped because Yang told her to get a grip. Her even finding the WF was with Sun’s help.
Blake wasn’t planning on doing much or letting people help her in V4 without Sun kicking her butt into gear for the next volume; also implying a little bit of romantic behavior since V1. Then V6 has her trying to be a good partner to Yang and once again deal with her ex. After that traumatic experience, the show has her flirting with Yang. I know V7 has time skips but the flirting started after the haircut which was only a few days after V6
The decision to tell Robyn was brought up and pushed by Yang without any say from the other teammates which personally bugged me. Yang is obviously a better person than Adam by far but you can make the argument Blake gravitates to strong willed and outwardly passionate people, which creates an environment where she has less agency, or more likely to be a follower. Especially in later seasons because she would actively be trying to be a better partner instead of a better teammate to all.
So yeah I also found it a little odd for her to be one saying “You have to know who you are outside of the other person” when the audience doesn’t really get Blake making strong decisions and statements that come from her own way of thinking and not outside sources. Her strongest choice was cutting the train to leave the WF.
Nora’s never had a problem telling Ren and her friends when she thinks something is dumb or wrong and that they should be doing something else. She took the lead in the V6 conversation telling Jaune to heal, and is perfectly fine slapping Ren to his senses when he needs to get a grip.
If you read this far, just know I actually like bmblb and I think Nora’s development was sweet, but I really wish Blake stood up on her own more often.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
nah, bit the fact old!jaune of all characters watches bees kiss and is like "I've waited so long for this to happen" it's like, bro, please leave. get out of here.
Finally watched the episode!
That line makes absolutely no sense to me. Last interaction Jaune had that was bees related was him (understandably) assuming that Yang would be worried about Ruby being mad at her and he notably doesn't realize that she actually meant Blake. Then he goes into survival mode when Yang falls, having no time to reflect on Blake's reaction because he's off collecting the civilians, and then he spends literal years, likely decades, living in the Ever After, entirely removed from his friends' lives and, frankly, with bigger things to worry about than another team's romance. Jaune has to confirm that this is really Team RWBY, a moment which to me read as both hesitance that what he's waited so long for has really come to pass and ensuring that his mind isn't playing tricks on him. That's really what Team RWBY looks like, right? That's what they sounded like back when I was a teenager?
So you're telling me that Jaune, who to my recollection has NEVER shown that he knows what's up with Blake and Yang (that was his role with Ren and Nora) and who has now spent half a lifetime away from these girls to the point where he needs to reassure himself that he can even properly recognize them... was waiting "so long" for them to kiss?
Agreed: nah.
This is just another version of Weiss' earlier comment. As much as I liked it at the time for being the closest thing to confirmation in a then unconfirmed tale, Weiss likewise hasn't expressed any impatience, knowing looks, or other background hints to tell the audience, "I know they like each other and am waiting for them to overcome their fear and just SAY IT already." RWBY consistently tries to retcon things via dialogue. What do you mean Blake/Yang wasn't an established slow-burn the whole cast was aware of? Here are Weiss and Jaune saying just that!
Don't get me wrong, I'm ECSTATIC that they're finally canon, both because fuck yeah queer rep and, frankly, because I'd long grown sick of having my guard up in regards to this ship. But reaching this point doesn't erase the tumultuous journey getting there. Already I'm seeing a lot of folks going, "Of course RWDE is unhappy. They're homophobic 🙄" but the reality is that none of our criticisms have changed. We've said for years that RWBY needs to confirm the bees, but that confirming them won't suddenly free the writing of its long-term problems. Waiting this long was one of the biggest problems, so of course it's a bittersweet moment. You finally did the thing fans wanted you to do years ago and you did it with a number of pitfalls, not the least of which was scaring a good chunk of your fanbase into thinking we might end this series by being told we'd just been 'reading into things.' That's... a lot to unpack. I feel like I ordered takeout and it arrived five hours late. It's now stone cold, the food was only meh to begin with, and waiting in annoyance all night has now put me off my appetite. The response to that isn't usually a, "Why are you whining when you got your food??" Like yeah... I got my food... but damn, can you really not see how the experience of getting it impacts my feelings towards the food itself?
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anthurak · 1 year
So here’s something:
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I think it would be a really cool touch if ‘Evil, Trauma/Guilt-Possessed Knight!Jaune’ turns out to NOT actually be a good fighter. Like sure, maybe he’s really strong, but all of his attacks are these wild slashes and punches that the girls are able to fairly easily duck and weave around when fighting him.
Why? Because Jaune has literally never been all that GOOD of an actual fighter. At least compared to his teammates and friends.
When it comes to offensive capability, Jaune’s weapon is about as bare-bones as you can get. He doesn’t even have any ranged attack capability. Even Crocea Mors‘ so-called ‘upgrade’ in Volume 4 doesn’t actually add that much of actual significance. All the ‘two-handed’ mode adds is a bit more striking power and SLIGHTLY more reach, while at the same time SACRIFICING a large chunk of Jaune’s defensive capability with the loss of the shield. In effect, the upgrade causes Jaune to LOOSE more than he actually gains. There’s a reason I keep calling that upgrade a gross perversion of what Jaune represents and a manifestation of his guilt, grief and self-destructive drive to avenge Pyrrha’s death.
And all of Jaune’s fights across the series have repeated this idea. Think about it; Jaune is NEVER shown doing anything significant in terms of directly fighting opponents or enemies, at least when compared to his teammates and friends. Literally the only time Jaune manages to do some kind of meaningful, direct attack on an enemy; Cinder during the Battle at Haven, it was only because Cinder in no way considered him an actual threat. And once Jaune proved he might be a threat, it very nearly got him and Weiss killed.
Instead the actually important contributions Jaune makes to fights come in the form of coming up with plans, coordinating, and tanking hits directed at his allies. And of course, healing, rejuvenating and powering up his allies’ once he discovers him semblance. All things he’s been doing more and more of since Volume 5.
THOSE are the areas Jaune actually excels at. Not slaying monsters or crossing blades with bad guys.
So I think it’s only logical that some kind of dark, ‘possessed’ Jaune would likewise reflect those qualities.
I mean, really ask yourself: What kind of sense does it make that an ‘Evil Jaune’ would randomly become actually ‘good’ at fighting? Are we saying that being fully consumed with guilt, trauma and regret somehow imbues a person with a bunch of fighting skills that they have never actually demonstrated or possessed?
It is literally the same tired trope of ‘I’m evil now so that means I’m suddenly a badass fighting for some reason’ because the writers couldn’t think of another way to make this person a threat. Not to mention, you know, being a pretty fucked up line of logic.
Instead, what could make Evil Jaune an actual threat is an extrapolation of one of the strengths he HAS always had; being really tanky. Basically, Team RWBY are able to knock him down without too much trouble, but they can’t seem to keep him down. THAT’S the actual threat a Dark-Possessed Jaune could pose while staying consistent with the character that’s been built up over the course of the story.
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rachetmath · 1 year
Jaune vs Rwby
Yang: Guys it’s Jaune. We have nothing to fear.
Jaune: No.
Yang: What?
Jaune: Run it.
Yang: What?
Jaune: Run me my fade.
Ruby: Wait really? You really want to fight us?
Ruby: Why?
Jaune: Why?! Oh little bitch. I had to kill Penny. Endanger millions of people. Almost got blown up. Now, I’m trapped on island. Alone. No teammates. All because I was loyal to your dumb ass.
Blake: Jaune, I understand-
Jaune: Cat bitch, you best shut the F*** up, you first on my list.
Blake: Whoa why you mad at-
Jaune: After everything you been through. After confronting and coming with terms with your past. Why- please tell me WHY would you repeat the one thing that caused you a lot of problems? Which was associating with criminals!
Weiss: Well if wasn’t for those ‘criminals’ we wouldn’t have been able sneak in Atlas bases and be able to launch Amity Arena.
Jaune: True. But what happened after the launch? Did anyone show up? Did anyone come to help?
Weiss: … …
Ruby: Well it was more made to warn other kingdoms about Salem. They needed to be prepared.
Jaune: You do know that once everyone starts asking for conformation about Salem and learn about the fall of Atlas, which was known to be the most ADVANCED kingdom in the world, could cause panic. You know that right?
Yang: Well at least we were putting some effort.
Jaune: Goldy Locks your ass is all talk. You haven’t done shit. Even on my team, you was barely useful. Ren, Oscar and myself were carrying you the whole time.
Yang: … …
Jaune: Weiss, you had f***** dust in the chamber. Why did you not use that to repair the walls?
Weiss: I mean I-
Jaune: I have semblance to increase your performance, we could have done something.
Weiss: Well I proved my father cheated-
Jaune: Your father was just business man who we wanted no business with. In all honesty neither him nor Robyn were the best choice for council members. Plus the council barely did anything.
Weiss: … ….
Jaune: So again, run me my fade.
Yang: Okay fine. This will be easy anyways.
Ruby: Yeah. Jaune can’t beat us.
Me: oh its not about whether he can beat you or not.
Ruby: Huh.
Me: It’s about whether can he give you that work.
Ruby: Well-
Me: Ruby, you do know Jaune was almost able to react to Tyrian’s speed right?
Ruby: Well my semblance-
Me: Mercury was able to knock you out of it. Plus, I don’t know if that was fluke but Jaune was fast enough to defend Oscar out of nowhere. Neo didn’t even see him coming. In fact, neither did Cinder.
Yang: My semblance-
Me: How much power can store in your body take?
Yang: Um.
Me: Remember Jaune can amplify you and you will eventually have to release your semblance because it could build up to where you can’t contain it.
Yang: So.
Me: Meaning just like Izuku with One for All,if your body can’t handle the output of your power, then you could end up breaking a few bones.
Yang: Oh dear god.
Blake: Don’t worry Yang, Jaune can’t handle-
Me: Make sure you plenty of dust in chamber.
Blake: Why? I don’t want to hurt Jaune.
Me: Amplification effect the semblance. Remember Ren semblance was unable to cover thousands of people. Jaune helped with that.
Blake: And?
Me: Your semblance literally leaves a past version of yourself for one second. Imagen what could happen if Jaune grabs that clone and amplifies it to stay longer.
Blake He’s just grabbing a- oh my gosh.
Me: Yeah if something happens to your past self wouldn’t it affect you in the present?
Blake: Oh shit and I’m out of dust.
Weiss: Then it’s up to me.
Me: Name one time your summons were useful.
Weiss: Jaune not fast plus it’s four against one.
Me: True you right. But let me add on a special detail in a form a question. Has ever used his grand sword mode?
Ruby: No.
Me: Did Pietro ever removed it?
Ruby: We don’t know.
Me: Not only that doesn’t Jaune have hard light dust and gravity dust?
RWBY: … …
Me: And if I’m correct Jaune uses gravity dust to create waves right?
Ruby: *nervously* And?
Me: Hmm so wouldn’t using it offensive basically be equivalent of using a Gestuga Tensho or Excalibur.
Weiss: Oh my goodness! Give us a break!
Me: Also, fun fact, hard light dust can burn you skin. I wonder how would it affect metal.
Me: Good luck ladies.
RWBY and Jaune fan: … … …
Me: What?
RWBY fan: You do know everything say is not canon and is only a theory.
Me: I mean, yeah, duh, I’m no fool. But if everything I said could be true, then ya’ll would hate him and RT even more.
Jaune fan: How come?
Me: If what I said is to be true, then why didn’t Jaune try none those methods on any of his enemies.
RWBY and Jaune fan: … … …
Jaune fan:  My god man.
RWBY fan: The plot damn it.
(Hello. It’s been a while since I lasted posted anything. I’m not died though so please hear me out. I’ve been working on a few projects to get used to process that I really want to learn. I will show you shortly. Also I will release some artwork.)
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citadelofmythoughts · 11 months
Here’s a tough question. Top 3 favorite and least favorite things about each RWBY volume?
Sorry for the delay, this is something I've had to really think about.
V1 Faves
The initiation/Nevermore fight. Let's be honest this is where these legends started.
Blake & Yang meeting for the first time
Weiss and Blake coming to terms with each other
V`1 least faves
The animation. I know it was Poser, they had no budget, etc. That doesn't make it any easier to watch
That one line from Yang about boys that has haunted the discourse for nearly a decade.
TBH barely anyone had a character any deeper than surface level
V2 Faves
Yang talking to Blake in Burning The Candle. This is where their relationship became more than partners, deeper than just friendship
The talk between Weiss, Blake and Yang at Mountain Glenn. Something that would be directly referenced much later in V9
"Best Day Ever" - the food fight between RWBY and JNPR is just big dumb fun
V2 least faves
Jaune and his pursuit of Weiss. Obnoxious to the extreme.
Sun - that's it
"Breach" in general was kind of a mess and really was there to have a giant fight scene.
V3 Faves
"Heroes And Monsters" - It feels weird listing something so horrible and tragic as a favorite thing but what happened between Yang, Blake and Adam in this chapter would define these characters going forward all the way until almost the end of V6 and was a significant point in Blake & Yang's relationship
Also from "Heroes And Monsters" - Velvet unleashing Anesidora with "I May Fall" blasting is still so amazing to this day.
Yang being framed for injuring Mercury and Blake deciding to trust in her.
(I really could go on about V3 with many more positives.)
V3 least faves
Might be controversial but Pyrrha's death. I understood the narrative need for it but it doesn't mean I liked it
Same for Penny
V4 Faves
Meeting Blake's parents. Ghira and Kali are treasures.
The fight with Tyrian
Yang getting her new arm and starting her healing process
(Honorable mention to Blake, with Sun's help, starting to understand that sometimes you have to let people in and it's THEIR choice to want to be in your life. Also honorable mention to Ruby's letter in "No Safe Haven")
V4 least faves
Tai's "advice" both in "Family" and "One Step Forward..."
Sun. (I didn't start to be able to tolerate him unti V5)
Not nearly enough Yang
V5 Faves
Yang and Ruby reuniting - I always cry
Weiss' talk with Yang in "Alone Together" (which is also when I'm convinced she realized that Yang loved Blake)
"Yang...?" *Dumbfounded stare from Yang
(Honorable mention to Yang reading Raven for filth)
V5 least faves
The pacing wasn't great and yeah the big fight was lackluster
While the animation was fine the colors always felt very muted to me
Lionheart (not that I resented his use in the story, I just hate the dude)
V6 faves:
The Bees Vs Adam (was I gonna say anything else?)
The Brunswick Arc (why is CRWBY so good at horror?)
The fight with the Leviathan.
V6 least faves:
These are mostly really minor complaints
Dee and Dudley - annoying
The big lore dump, while not BAD was a LOT
Oscar vanishing and getting a new set of clothes off camera not that I care that much but I think it could have been handled better
V7 Faves
The makeovers, with the possible exception of Wess I thought everyone looked great and TBH Yang never looked better
The Bees getting ready to go on a date
Nora spilling the tea ABOUT the Bees
(Honorable mention to RBY standing by Weiss when she confronted Jacqass. Also honorable mention to Yang/Blake VS Elm/Vine)
V7 least faves (not writing critical just characters getting on my nerves)
Harriet is annoying
The AceOps being Ironwood's unthinking lapdogs
Ironwood coming out as a complete dumbass.
V8 Faves
Beeunion 2.0
Yang, Jaune and Ren infiltrating Salem's HQ and the fight that ensues. Especially Yang getting to talk smack to Salem and blowing her tits off.
Penny frying Cinder
(Honorable mention to Maria kicking Neo's ass)
V8 least faves
Ironwood continues to be a complete and total dumbass
Ren being a jerk. Thankfully he gets over it
Yang's fall. (not bad on a value level but it HURT)
V9 Faves:
The Bees confession - absolutely perfect. Could not be improved on
The fight scene in Rude, Red and Royal
Ruby getting her groove back and showing CC just how powerful she really is.
V9 least faves: (and I'm allowing for what I know was a difficult production)
We could have used at least another two chapters because some scenes and transitions were way too brief and as a result didn't have the emotional impact they should have
We didn't get the prologue that was shown at RTX
Minor complaint but in Chapter 1 I wish Blake had been shown as being a bit more worried about Yang since she saw her "die"
Wow, this was a LOT!
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Arculus Ribbed for her pleasure
God I feel nervous about this. I would appreciate feedback, because I want to write smut, but I never have. So I hope this is good?
Penny’s Heart fluttered in excitement. Her and Jaune had officially been dating for a year, and she wanted to make it special for the both of them. 
Her and Jaune were currently at an High Quality restaurant, Penny trading in her usual olive skirt and white shirt for a deep green Drop Waist dress, with a deep cut in the front providing her beloved blond with an ample view of her cleavage, perfect for what she had planned tonight.
In terms of accessories and makeup, Penny had bought a brilliant brass and copper necklace that once again drew attention towards her chest, with matching pearl earrings. Ruby and Weiss had provided her with - in her opinion - absolutely gorgeous purple eyeliner, pale orange lipstick, just bright enough to make her lips noticeable against her own pale skin. Yang had mentioned that the combination of colors, as well as the way Penny had wanted the make up applied, “made her look like an … Escort.” 
Penny was fully aware of what she looked like, which was the point. She wanted to seduce Jaune, to be ravished by him, to have … Sex! The thought sent shivers down her spine, as well as other areas of her body. Not to mention Jaune, ever the gentleman, was doing his damndest to not make a complete fool of himself, or stare too long at Her assets. Yet every time his gaze lingered a moment more than he had meant for it to, Her desire grew.
“Yes, Jaune?”
“Are you okay? Having Fun?”
“Of course! The food is wonderful, I’m spending time with you, and we haven’t gone out for dinner for two months, so it’s a good change of pace as it were!”
“Good! Good ...” Jaune paused, scanning over her once again, only pausing on her face, staring directly into her eyes. Penny’s blush had grown nearly red enough to drown the freckles out of her cheeks. 
“You l-look absolutely stunning tonight, Pen.” His own face was flushed, clearly trying to keep his cool.
“I’m well Aware Jaune~” Penny was getting very excited about all the teasing, and glances Jaune tried so hard to resist. She knew it was time to lay the sensuality of her outfit on thick, draw him in, make him Hers.
Penny didn’t know where that thought had come from. The thought felt good though. Really good. She wanted Him. He would be Hers!
That Idea of Captivating Her boyfriend to the point of making him act so Flustered, and Horny, that he couldn’t keep her Eyes off her~
It made Penny’s slit nearly drip in excitement.
She reached across the table running her hands down Jaunes arms, pushing her breasts together.
“I’m pretty full of Food. I’d Like to be full of Something Else~”
Jaune lit up like a christmas tree, eyes wide from the shock of Penny of all people saying that. Penny! Sweet, innocent, socially unaware Penny!
“W- Where did all this come from Penny?”
Penny Shrunk back slightly, the confidence she put up wavering somewhat as she responded “Well … It’s our first anniversary of being together … And I want it to be special, because you mean a lot to me! You’ve helped me experience things just as much as Ruby has,” She took a breath and a sip of her water, trying to calm her nerves before continuing, “But there is something I want to experience with you that Ruby can’t give me, seeing as We’re both in closed relationships separate from each other.” Penny took one more deep breath before staring into the soft cerulean of her Lover’s eyes.
“I want you to want me, Jaune. I want you to want me carnally, sexually, I want you to give me all you are, and all you can. We’ve seen each other naked, We’ve been close to each other physically, but I want there to be no more barriers between us. No clothes, no glass doors of showers, only us.”
Jaune, in response, simply stared at her, eyes wide, mouth agape. Penny Felt a little hurt by the lack of response. 
Seeing her face fall shocked Jaune back into reality. “Sorry! Sorry. I was, uh, Surprised by what you said! I … I really do want you Penny. I was worried about pushing you into something, so I didn't bring it up. You didn’t need to get all dressed up like this to seduce me.”
Penny felt a twinge of irritation at that, but mostly she felt love. A great deal of it, her heart aching to take him, here and now. It was somewhat unfortunate that it would be a social Faux Pas to have intercourse in public.
“Although I do really appreciate you putting all this on for me. You really know how to make a guy feel special!”
“I’m going to ride you until neither of us walk properly tomorrow.”
“With your consent of course! Though to deny your loving girlfriend what she desires would be cruel~”
“ … Waiter!”
The car ride home was excruciating. Penny kept rubbing her thighs together, tugging her panties higher into her crotch, desperate for someone, something to solve the tightness in her core! The fact that each minute she spent in the car more and more of her arousal seeped into the seat turned her on more.
The second the car stopped at Jaune’s apartment Penny was on him like a starved cat on a fresh caught Tuna. Jaune lifted her, holding her in one arm while she kissed and sucked and nipped at his neck, holding him in a bear hug that was so strong it was more like a bear trap.
They were like that for two staircases, and a half dozen doors before they reached the apartment. Once inside, Jaune set Penny on the couch, nearly tore his shoes off, as Penny kicked her heels off, and grabbed Jaune behind the head, mashing their lips together, causing their teeth to knock against each other, as they began to strip.
When they eventually reached the bedroom, Penny had already dropped her hair band, letting loose the absolute tidal wave of Orange that accompanied her, her dress had slipped down her arms, her small freckled breasts barely covered, with the faintest hints of pink peeking over the hem of her dress. 
Jaune, for his part, had lost all but his briefs and undershirt, his cock straining against the fabric, precum staining the front of the fabric. Tearing the shirt off and sending buttons everywhere, he dove between Penny’s thighs, burying his face in her Muff, trimmed red pubes tickling his nose.
Arching her back, and crying out at the sudden, deeply welcomed intrusion, Penny wrapped her legs around his head, grabbing his hair in one hand, while running the other through her own hair. She gasped as Jaune’s tongue dug as deep as her biggest toys, pressing into areas she hadn’t even known before!
“F-fuck! Jaune! RIGHT THERE!” Her Thighs squeezed his head as he twisted his tongue, causing her whole body to shake like she was riding Bumblebee.
“MMM~” Was Jaunes only response, as he savored the bitter, salty flavors of his girlfriend's pussy, invigorated by the cuss words she struggled to keep in. That and the fact her thighs were as soft and thick as they were strong, heat enveloping his head like an oven of deadly squish.
“AH! Fuck” Penny blushed more and more with each swear that slipped by her lips. She was having her pussy eaten, yet she was blushing like a schoolgirl over a couple words. The blond expertly sucked her clit while pressing into each and every inch of her walls that his tongue could reach. 
He licked against every sensitive fold, every soft spot, as not one part of her in his reach was left unloved.
“Jaune! J-JAUNE!” Penny’s whole body stiffened, her legs pulling him almost painfully hard into her labia, her insides clenching around his tongue like a vice, as bitter fluid flooded his mouth.
Jaune pulled himself from the now limp redhead, as they each gasped for air, squirt coating his mouth, chin and chest. He crawled on top of Penny, giving her a deep kiss. She licked his mouth, tasting herself all over him, pulling him into the deepest kiss the two had shared, tongues wrapping around each other, rubbing across the other’s teeth. Jaune retreated first, grinning ear to ear. “How was that?” 
Penny’s eyes sparkled, as she grabbed his right arm, hooked his right leg, and rolled them so that she had him pinned.
“Sensational~” She said, beginning to trail kisses down his torso, “But Now (Mwah!)  it’s time (Mwah) I repay (Mwah) the Favor~” When she reached the straining cloth that barely restrained his member, She pressed the biggest, wettest kiss she could manage through the cotton, Causing Jaune to buck his hips, desperate for release.
“Uh-Uh-Uh! We’re going at my pace now~”
“P-Penny! What’s gotten into you?”
“I’m not exactly certain, but it feels Quite good~ Though perhaps something else that will get in me will feel even better” She pressed a finger into the swollen tip, twirling it like one would a joystick on a controller.
Penny wasn’t lying. It felt Good, not ‘fine’, not ‘nice’, it felt good to have control over a situation, to have someone begging for her mercy.
She bit the hem of Jaune’s underwear, finally freeing his dick, springing to its full nine inches, eliciting a deep groan in response.
Precum drooled from it, engorged, with veins almost visibly throbbing. It would get its attention in time, but for now Penny placed three kisses along the shaft, before placing her nose against Jaune’s nuts, taking a deep whiff of his musk.
“Oh~ Jaune, you smell so strongly! it’s making my head spin~” 
She sucked one of his testes into her mouth, savoring the deep, salty, sweaty flavor, Grabbing his cock in one hand, gently massaging it, spreading precum all over, his hips jerking and bucking, trying so hard to get stimulation on his painfully erect rod.
“Penny! P-Please!”
Penny released her suction on his ball, and paused to ask a question “Is this good for you, or are you actually hurting?” 
Jaune, in response, took a couple breaths, before finally meeting her gaze. “I’m doing Fine, just. It’s a little intense? I can go like this for a couple more minutes, but I’d appreciate, uh, getting there soon.” He Flushed as he said ‘getting there’ like he was a virgin, which Penny knew wasn’t true.
“May I continue then?”
“Just loosen your grip. Please.”
Penny gripped his dick a little more lightly, pushing her face back between his legs, sucking a little less roughly on the remaining nut, sniffing his dense, unshaved pubes. Her other hand slipped between her own legs, fingers pushing into her labia, pinching her clit between her palm and her thumb.
Her Humming caused his back to straighten, and legs to flex. Interesting. She Popped his sack out of her mouth, thick layers of spit coating the loose leather pouch, as she took some of Jaune’s length in her mouth.
It practically Burned her tongue, a hand finding itself on the back of her head. Penny looked up at Jaune, as her cheek bulged with Jaunes length, as there was no way she was going to try throating this thing.
Jaune Bucked, fingers gripping her hair, as he did his best to restrain himself from forcing his dick into the hot, tight hole of the Redheads throat, having to clench his teeth. She licked all over, coating his cock in her warm, wet saliva, strands of it connecting from her lips to the head.
“Shouldn’t I get a condom first?”
“If you’re concerned about the potential of pregnancy, it is roughly 15 to 25% likely to occur between two healthy adults. I also have acquired Day-After Contraceptives. If you’re that worried, I don’t mind if you use a condom, I simply wish to feel you as much as possible.”
“Alright then Penny. I want to feel you as much as possible to.”
He grabbed the hem of her dress, pulling it up over her head. As the sweat-soaked garment fell away from her, her nipples became even harder as cool air she hadn’t felt before made itself known.
Penny’s heart rattled in her chest, as she set her legs on either side of his hips, Rubbing her lips on his penis, their natural lubricants mixing together, as Penny hesitated for the first time tonight
He was Big, at least twice as long as her toys, and three times as thick.
Would he even fit? Was she able to make him cum? Most of his other partners had, and a lot of them had experience. What if she wasn’t enough? What if -
“Penny? You look worried. What’s wrong?”
She looked her handsome, kind boyfriend in the eyes, his countenance an expression of worry.
“Sorry, I simply got caught up in anxiety. I’d like to start now.”
Penny lifted herself up, guiding Jaune into her pussy.
“Oh Fuck Penny! You’re tight!”
“I’d have been to tight if you H-HADN’T - ” She Clenched around his member as it hit a sensitive spot in her walls. “Hadn’t p-provided your oral ministrations~”
“I - Hah! Do my best!”
Jaune slid deeper and deeper, more and more fluids leaking down his shaft, hot and fresh, until finally their pubes caught in each other.
Her perfectly trim orange tufts met his own yellow bush, as Penny moaned almost as loud as when she had cum on his face.
“You’re v-Very Large! Oh my god you are large!” Penny’s voice shook, almost laughing in ecstasy.
“Ready to start Moving?” 
“Yes. I believe so.”
Penny slowly, meticulously rose, savoring every last inch, and once the tip was back at her entrance, she lowered herself slowly back down, repeating this process for a few minutes, gradually gaining speed. Jaune placed his hands on her Hips at some point, encouraging her to go faster, Before eventually moving his own hips in time with hers.
“J-JAUNE! FUCK!” Penny grit her teeth as she screamed through her second orgasm of the night, throwing her rhythm off, but she kept Riding, determined to Get Jaune off, beginning to roll her hips.
She felt His Grip on her hips get stronger, as they began to fall out of time with each other, tearing through another climax, as Jaune was Reaching his.
“PENNY! I’M -”
Penny Slammed her Hips down as hard as she could, Spraying all over his crotch, Dragging marks across his chest with her Nails, As a new warmth filled her.
She collapsed onto Jaune’s chest, gasping for air as The Blond wrapped his arms around her, gently running his fingers through her hair as she came down from the biggest high of her life.
After A few Minutes Penny Spoke again. “That … Was Sensational.”
Jaune smirked at her. “Always glad to hear it. We should brush our teeth though. The aftertaste isn’t great, and we should probably wash the sheets too.”
“Ah. We should get on that then.” Penny Tried to get on her feet, she found her hips were too sore to walk. “I need assistance getting to the Restroom Jaune …”
Jaune picked her up Bridal Style, getting an indignant squeak from His girlfriend.
“You feel nice in my arms, Pen. Almost like you’re meant to be there!”
“It f-feels very nice to be held like this …” Her face was hot, burning in embarrassment from the position she found herself in. “I’d Actually like to bathe if you could set me in the tub. I hate sleeping when I’m sweaty.”
“Of course Pen.”
When Penny got out of the Bath, all the sheets were off the bed, and there was a bowl of orange slices with a note on the nightstand.
“Hey Penny, I Don’t really know what a good snack to have after a session like that is. Or any session, I guess, but I know you like oranges, so I figured that would be fine. Of course, my home is your home and you may feel free to have anything you’d like. I’m at the laundromat washing the sheets, I’ll be back by 10:15. 
-with Much love, Jaune.”
Penny Loved that doofus.
Next Time Neither of them would be able to walk afterwards for sure.
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nyxlarkyn · 1 year
Do you think Yang would understand why Jaune had to kill Penny or Will Weiss and Blake be the only ones to understand?
That's such a good question. I never really put thought to how Yang would react. She had the least number of interactions with Penny, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care for her.
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I believe she will either be the most neutral on what happened or the one to express anger if Ruby decides to bottle it up.
Yang does tend to be the hot-headed one of the cast. Reacting with anger first towards things. Her hair getting touched, her not understanding things, when she reaches an obstacle, when a loved one is in danger, when she doesn't get the answers she wants, the whole Oz situation, and even her giving Ruby advice she comes off a bit annoyed with her tone.
However, Yang, Jaune, and Blake are the only main cast members to have ended a life in show.
I think for that reason Yang will have an understanding. Death sometimes is unavoidable.
Penny's death is something she and others had to come to terms with at least twice. During the fall of Beacon she died. Everyone had the opportunity to mourn her. The second time was when she got hacked. I'm sure some of our protagonists started preparing for her death once again the moment she started talking about self-terminating and asking for herself to be killed.
This is a show about war, and losses already have been met. Yang understands this. Yang has lost so much. Her mothers, her childhood, her arm, Pyrrha, Penny, her sister and partner left her for a couple of volumes along with another teammate being forcibly taken away. Yang knows loss.
A notable moment in volume 8 is the talk Yang has with Ruby. Which sets out her thought process:
"We need hope. We need to take risks.---- Ruby they're not sure things, they're called risks. And in case you didn't notice, my plan for Mantle didn't work either. But we got Oscar back and did a lot more that was never in the plan. Mom took a risk the day she left, and I don't... I don't think it went the way she wanted it to, but she's still my hero."
She'll view Jaune mercy killing Penny as exactly that, a mercy kill.
They made a risk in order to protect Penny. They did their best but like Yang said, they're not sure things. Penny had the odds against her and in the end fell. Jaune killing Penny sucked but was the best option at the time.
Yang will understand.
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professorspork · 1 year
I’m Supermonaman from AO3 & I had a question about ships I think it’s clear that bumblebee is your favorite ship but what are 5 other ships you love if you don’t mind answering? Also what is your opinion/what do you think about the Sunnybees or Blake/Yang/Sun? It’s a guilty pleasure ship/crack ship I love that I think makes sense/works in my mind it’s similar to the Weiss/Blake/Yang in some ways.
I certainly do not mind answering! I thought about writing this out as a list of five and like, that sort of falsely put everything on the same level in a way that didn't reflect my feelings, so.
We must begin with Nuts and Dolts. Honestly this might be my All Time RWBY Ship in terms of like-- the scope! the themes! the longing! the intimacy the belonging the SCALE of it the TRAGEDY of it!! THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS THE SPINE OF THE WHOLE SERIES. But also like, while it's So Big it's also so terribly small, so dependent on the smallest and most innocent moments and touches. I haven't had the ambition to tackle them the way they deserve to be written about but oh my god, iconic sensational perfect I have no words they are SO IMPORTANT
I adore Renora, and while I've rarely sought it out I'm very intrigued by every permutation and side-leg of the Weiss/Pyrrha/Jaune polycule. No polycule will ever do it as hard as whatever the fuck STR had going on bless their unhinged souls and bless Qrow for mostly staying out of it; Seamonkeys are delightful though I rarely seek them out on their own. I am an Emerald/Ilia truther and I am certain that as soon as they meet in canon it's going to be OVER FOR ALL OF US, just you wait. Oh, and of course add full JNPR polycule and the Happy Huntresses group marriage to my list can you see I hate choosing and love togetherness
Which brings me to your final question! I don't ship any bees poly ship as much as I ship the two of them with each other, but you're very right about Sun and Weiss having very similar "beekeeper" energy. This is why my bee's schnees tag has always been "ot3: the parent trap" because my primary conception of their dynamic will always be 'weiss is on the outside looking in and trying to curate and help, and little does she know she's not nearly as subtle as she thinks she is and also they're noticing her right back.' I generally tend to think of Weiss as aromantic and more looking for Her People than she is looking for partners, which I think comes across pretty strongly in Newsbees AU-- a world in which Blake and Yang would JUMP at the chance to give Weiss her first kiss if only she'd ask them and meanwhile she's got a spray bottle on hand to make sure they don't. but who am i to turn down monochrome braintrust or freezerburn divorce?
as for sunnybees, I'm particularly partial to it in terms of like Blake's Beacon Daydreams when she just. lets herself have fun and be a person and experience desire in the theater of her own mind, even if she's not quite brave or secure enough to try and act on it in reality. I don't tend to think of Yang as someone who's attracted to dude-identified people, so that one is more of a "Blake has two hands" situation regardless of timing than it is a fully-balanced equilateral triangle (at least in my heart of hearts).
but also I'll give just about anything a try if I like the author or if the summary seems promising, so!
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blumingtoadstool · 1 year
So can we talk about how Ruby was moments away from ascending in episode 4?
I’m sure others have realized this and I’m being slow, but the younger versions of team RWBY the girls meet wasn’t just them coming to terms with what they’d become and how they have or haven’t grown.
That was The Tree trying to convince them to ascend.
From what we’ve seen a person has to be willing in order for The Tree to take them in order to Ascend. Herb realized he lost his focus for his work and got swallowed up, the Paper Pleasers wanted to change for a long time, they just need to get away from Jaune long enough.
Yang becoming whole again, Weiss losing her family name and burdens, Blake becoming just a human or cat, that was the tree coercing them to give into ascension.
And Ruby was seconds away from falling for it. If the Cat hadn’t jumped in, there a good chance Ruby would’ve had the same fate as Herb. When they yelled ‘get away from her’, they weren’t yelling at Herb, he was just as out of it as the rest of them. They were yelling at the illusion The Tree was making.
And the Cat knew to jump in because he saw what happened with Alyx.
When Jaune was retelling what happened with Alyx and Lewis, we can see he wasn’t in the Herbalist’s hut. We only saw Herb, the Cat, Lewis, and Alyx. And Jaune said he didn’t know what happened in there, just that Alyx suddenly changed, got very defensive and untrusting.
Almost like she was a new person. A new person that would poison one of their guides, lie to their other guide about bringing them back to their world, and willingly give up their sibling in order to leave.
The Tree is very much a sentient thing in Ever After, and it targets peoples most insecure points to manipulate them in order to feed itself.
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if The Tree is the big bad of the whole volume.
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
It's finally here... my review of the final episode of RWBY Volume 9. Criticism under the cut. Don't like it, keep scrolling.
Yang and Ruby still got bigass heads
I'll immediately digress for a moment to talk about how funny I find the discrepancy in head sizes between the characters in this show
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Winter got that Megamind-lookin-ass head
No but for real every female character in RWBY seems to have a significantly wider skull than the men it's so funny to me
Winter's brain has infinite wrinkles
So the first thing we see Summer do after putting the kids to bed is, potentially, lie to her husband (Qrow mentioned that even Ozpin was in the dark about Summer’s final mission, and I’m assuming that we’re seeing that mission here). Seems like she wasn’t quite the paragon everyone in-universe seems to believe.
The Summer/Tai scene was kind of cute I guess
Raven what the fuck are you doing did you just hang out in a tree so you could make a dramatic entrance to impress a girl
Fucking loser-ass bird
Okay, so I was right and Summer is definitely lying out her ass, and Raven’s in on the deception.
I’m guessing whatever this is is what broke Raven, maybe? She's evidently already left her team and probably the fight, but maybe this is what utterly destroyed her hope?
Lmao Raven you’re such a fucking dork you have no rizz like mother like daughter I guess
Not that you had any right to claim Yang as your daughter even before she turned into Yuck
Damn, Summer, throw some shade. Raven deserves it tho, fuck her.
At least Raven’s well aware of her failings as a parent.
Summer just walked through her just like Yang did at Haven iirc like mother like daughter 2.0
I’d care more about this bit of Summer lore if she was an actual character instead of a Macguffin that had barely received any definition over 9 Volumes despite supposedly being important
Looks like Ruby has to come to terms with the fact that her mother wasn’t a perfect paragon after all, which is what actually matters right now, inasmuch as anything that happens this Volume actually matters
I’m vaguely curious about what her mission actually was but frankly at this point it’s too late to get me invested in Summer. If the writers wanted me to care about Team STRQ as an entity or any members other than Qrow and maybe Raven, we needed to learn a lot more about them a lot sooner.
Great. Back to Jaune. It appears Weiss failed to adequately remove him from the narrative. Try harder next time, Weiss.
You love seeing Weiss and Yang working together. Here’s how Freezerburn can still win...
Brilliant. We free Neo with the power of magic marijuana. Can this Volume get any stupider? Can we get a decent action scene at any point? Find out next time on JauneyBall Z
The weed made the Cat stronger lol. Stupidest villain of all time.
Lmao get wrecked Jaune.
Hooray, Ruby’s learned an important lesson about how she’s actually enough and doesn’t have to constantly struggle to meet everyone else’s expectations of her. If only she’d learned that in a way that didn’t involve killing herself and then getting magic tree therapy.
At least the reprise of her theme is decent I guess
No hesitation left about taking up her scythe at this point, but then that magically disappeared 2 episodes ago
Ruby looks competent in a fight against something more intelligent than your average Grimm for the first time in literal years, we love to see it
Team RWBY really is so much stronger when they work together than when they try to fight alone. At least we managed to be consistent with a theme here.
Fight was anticlimactic as hell. Would’ve been fine as a mid-Volume skirmish, but not as the capstone fight that’s supposed to serve as the pinnacle of the Volume.
RWBY’s fights have been pretty lackluster since the end of Volume 7, but Volume 9 was especially bad about it. I can barely even remember that this Volume had fights in it, much less name any that were actually compelling. For a show that built itself on badass fight scenes, RWBY has really fallen far.
“Weak… confused… incomplete…” Are you talking about humans or yourself, buddy? (It's both)
And of course Ruby’s teammates place her right back up on a pedestal because the entire theme of this Volume seems to be “learn as little as possible”
Like seriously way to instantly undermine your own theme with zero self-awareness. Really makes WBY seem like they understand and care about Ruby.
Like was the whole point of the Volume not Ruby grappling with the fact that she was, in fact, those things her team said she wasn’t?
Wow okay having the Cat be messily devoured by a bunch of Jabberwalkers was certainly a choice. 2 major nonbinary characters in this show and both of them are a) animals and b) violently killed. Wonderful. Rooster Teeth’s progressive storytelling strikes again.
Now that Ruby’s looking back at Neo I bet we get a fucking redemption arc I fucking hate it here
At least Neo’s too exhausted to pose a threat while everyone else hugs it out. You’d think they’d be a little more wary of her given her track record but whatever, I don’t even care anymore, I just want this to be done with.
Roman's new voice still bothers me. It's not annoying or flamboyant enough to fit the expectations set by the old one
It can’t be Miles or Kerry because this shit only started showing up in, like, Volume 8, so it has to be Eddy or Kiersi.
Why are we even wasting time on Neo she’s done absolutely nothing to deserve sympathy at this point
Boo hoo she has a sad backstory that we don't even learn in the show proper, doesn’t give her carte blanche to be a sadistic little cunt every time she’s on the screen
I’m sure that if this show ever gets that far she’ll show up as an ally later on. Fucking Christ.
Yes, Blake, I do think you made things worse, but also I don’t care because the Ever After sucks. Please just walk through the door so we can finally be done with it.
If you did any good, Ruby, I can’t name it.
Great, the mouse is back. Woohoo.
Guess it was Little’s mask the Blacksmith was forging after all
Oh look Ascension does wipe your memory
Almost like going through with it would’ve resulted in a death of personality for Ruby, but hey, it’s just magic tree therapy, right? This is a good thing, yeah? Fuck you MKEK.
They’re back in the Tree. I had hoped we were done with this shit.
Looks like a carving of the hawk guy on the table, so I guess he’ll be okay
Damn, are those carvings of the Brother Gods? It’s already been implied that they’re connected to the Tree somehow, but I’m starting to think maybe it predates them.
Okay didn’t take long to confirm that lmao
So they’re the first beings born from the Tree, huh? Can’t imagine the tree is proud of its kids
No wonder the Ever After is so strictly regimented and has so many things mashed together, it’s Baby’s First World
Of course they immediately dump the problems on the Cat lmao
God there really is nothing likable about the Brother Gods for real
Oh look the God of Light is bitching about balance again. Good to know he’s consistent, at least
Aaaand Jaune is young again. I knew they’d never have the balls to make it permanent. Characters might have to grapple with the implications of the changes if they did, and RWBY doesn’t like grappling with the implications of anything
Are we gonna have bullshit time travel shenanigans after all this too
So we get our first glimpse of Vacuo (with the Mexico filter applied at full power) and it looks like somehow the people still on Remnant managed to fix up Amity Colosseum and get what’s left of Atlas’s air fleet to Vacuo. Interestingly, I think I can see aircraft designs from Mistral/Vale, which doesn’t make a ton of sense when Volume 7 established that telling the world about Salem would cause mass panic and we know both of those Kingdoms are currently struggling to survive as it is (Vale has to deal with the impact of the Fall of Beacon, Mistral lost a bunch of Huntsmen because Lionheart sent them out to get killed), but whatever. I’ve given up on this show giving a shit about consequences or consistency.
What even was the point of this Volume? Anything remotely relevant could've happened in an hour-and-a-half movie instead of wasting resources on that dumbass Justice League crossover no one wanted or asked for
Hell, all of it could've been trimmed down to like 2 episodes if you just drop them into the Tree with the Blacksmith, have them confront their insecurities and shit, and then send them back to Remnant
Honestly, literally all of it except maybe the stupid-ass lore dump could've happened in fucking Vacuo instead of this dumbass knockoff Alice in Wonderland crap. The Bees could've confessed there and done it organically instead of being forced to admit their feelings by a rogue weather condition. Ruby could've had her breakdown there. Idek what else of relevance even happened besides Jaune's manpain and frankly at this point I don't care about that. Even the loredump could've been worked in somehow with a little effort tbh
Instead we get this stupid fucking mess that doesn't even give us any reusable assets lmfao great allocation of the budget when your company is already struggling financially and all your hopes are pinned on this dogass show specifically
Anyway I hope Volume 10 never manifests. Not only is Rooster Teeth shitty and bigoted and deserving of a violent death as a company, these writers are painfully incompetent and actively promote harmful messages like “suicide is the solution to your problems” and “minorities can be equated to animals for comedic effect”. This shit does not deserve to continue, and neither does the company that makes it.
I'm pretty much done RWBYposting at this point. Just gotta clear out 2 or 3 asks and then I can finally be free of this hell
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razorblade180 · 2 years
How does Jaune and Weiss do the holidays throughout the phases of their relationship? Like from first one after dating to the point they are married with children.
Well in the beginning the world was still in danger so no big celebration was ever available. Instead they found the time to make or buy small trinkets that they could carry whenever they were apart. Those were always Weiss’s favorite. Pendants and charms never felt more special than when given to you for sentimental reasons.
After the war there was more time for proper dates. However, they were both poor and worked a lot to keep things afloat. They always made sure though save money all year so they both could stay at home for the holidays. Their friends always came over so it’s not like anyone was left in dire straits and against their reluctance, someone always gifted them money to do whatever they wanted with it. It usually went to a nice dinner. Both enjoyed the holiday nights and time alone on their couch. Maybe it was their upbringing, but they really valued time over gifts at this point. Though after they got married they both secretly prepared presents in advance.
When the twin were little, the holidays didn’t change much. Between quality time, good food, and their dog, everyone was happy. After Weiss was reinstated into the family’s fortune and returned to Atlas after her father’s passing, she didn’t really see a reason not to spoil everyone who showed her kindness. Her siblings were on wonderful terms, Jaune’s family was pretty great, all their friends, etc. Jaune had showed her countless of those cheesy over the top Christmas movies and truthfully, she wanted that a few times. Her inner child wanted to have one Christmas that looked like the ones on tv and every was for it. A real dream come true.
With the kids older now and everyone getting into the groove of balancing their status and the fun/influence that comes with it, the family has learned to make the holidays their own while also giving back. Them, Winter, and Whitley enjoy going around to different malls, the park, and other notable areas to spread sudden cheer by doing impromptu caroling. Everyone is always excited to listen to the harmonies of the mother and daughter or some acoustic guitar. Though a crowd favorite is Hallelujah.
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