#something about how both things intertwine and parallel each other
exmotranny · 10 months
beaded bracelet grasped/like a rosary
hands pressed together/hands in prayer
sit in a circle/say the words
sing the songs/we all know
you're part of the group/you are one of us
candlelit comfort/been around forever
generations of girls/exact same thing
now you are older and have left/the group
now you cannot relate/to those days
no longer a girl/no longer believe
hands sit loosely/stay silent
left the circle/they talk about you
your short hair/your old jeans
original/not worthy
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matan4il · 1 year
Buddie 617 meta
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I’m gonna be honest here, this was one of the funniest 911 eps to me. I loved how this ep showed us both Buck and Eddie completely sucking at dating. It was very obvious in Buck’s case, what with each attempt to have quality time with Natalia being ruined by one of his past decisions, but then when he called out Eddie for also sucking at it, Buck wasn’t wrong. Eddie’s attempts seem half-hearted at best. First off, if he really wanted to date, then Tia Pepa’s help and dating apps are actually not that awful as options. Magic might happen there as well. The right person could even stand out more against a sea of not so great choices, turning the dreary experience into a colorful, magical one. But even when Eddie tries on his own, his attempts are LAME. Seriously, there are pastime activities that offer way more potential to start a conversation, and maybe a romance, than the ones Eddie chose. Not only that, these are not his actual hobbies, where he knows he’ll find someone who likes the same thing he does (the way he shares so much with one tall firefighter that we’re all thinking of right now. Eddie’s also being dumb about wanting it to “just happen” as if that’s not exactly what he got with buck. Also, just a friendly reminder that Buddie have been dating for almost 5 years, and they are GREAT at it when it’s with each other).
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On top of that, we for real got a guy checking Eddie out (hi, hello, should I start a collection of him checking and being checked out by guys?) as well as him witnessing a woman he was looking at being embraced by another one. Why the hints at being surrounded by queer people? Your guess is as good as mine, but I’m here for it no matter what. ;D Now, I’ve talked before about the ongoing theme of Buddie’s dating life being intertwined in terms of when they start dating someone, or of why they break up, but now in addition to them dating at the same time, we also see them simultaneously sucking at it? Yeah, that takes the connectedness of their dating life up a notch. ~~
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Which brings me to one line that grabbed my attention in this ep. THE line that offers the explicit resolution for the most important romantic plot here is the one from Gina, the insurance lady, to Chimney, about not regretting the attempt. Yes, even when the result is bad. That’s what Madney will embrace. One of the biggest obstacles to Buck and Eddie, besides their obliviousness, is the fear of ruining the good thing they have by attempting to take it to the next level. But here we have Chimney being reminded by Gina that it’s worth it, to try. Because the good thing you can have, if it works out? Is worth it. And you never have to live with the “what if” of it all. Now look at Buck and Eddie being once more adorable morons together on the job! Imagine the moment when they stop running around and let themselves try taking it to the next level, because they realize no matter what the result will be, they would never regret the attempt. ~~
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Speaking of Buddie paralleling one of the canon couples on the show who were acting lovey dovey in this ep, the way Bobby described what made him and Athena happen reminded me of Buddie connecting. In both cases, there’s an intense and upsetting call, after which one of our first responders turns to find support (Buddie promising to have each other’s back) and comfort (Eddie wants to go grab something to eat together) in the other one. ~~
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I did not miss Taylor Kelly, and true to form, she was back because she’s advancing her career by exploiting her personal connection to Buck and the exposure to the 118 it provided her. I’m pretty sure this basically buries any option of any showrunner ever trying to re-set these two as a romance, since it echoed and reinforced Buck’s decision to break up with her. It WAS funny to see her and Lucy cockblock Buck (I do think Lucy’s tone with which she spoke of their past also closes the door on anyone ever trying to set her and Buck up as a serious couple), but what I found to be funniest is that Buck tells Natalia he was trying to figure out the perfect place for their date, and then he took her to the bar where he kissed Lucy. A bar reminiscent of the one where he hooked up with Taylor. Possibly a spot where he hooked with other women during his Buck 1.0 stage based on how it’s THE hang out place for the 118 and we know Buck had no issues hooking up anywhere back then. Natalia, hon. This is not a good sign for your r/s with him. ~~
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Speaking of which, there’s an ex who didn’t come back in this ep, but her spirit loomed large over Buck and Natalia IMO, and that is Ali. The reason why she and Buck broke up after 218 is because at the end of the day, she couldn’t accept the choices he had made in his professional life (hoping he would move on from firefighting). In the same way, Natalia revealed in this ep that she can’t accept Buck’s choices in his personal life. A small reminder the only partner we’ve ever witnessed truly seeing and accepting Buck, in every aspect of his life, has been Eddie. ~~
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Another funny thing about this (911 is a comedy, y’all) is how Natalia flees the second she comes across Kameron. I mean, this is in addition to the hilarity of the death doula’s first name connecting her to birth and to all things natal, yet she flees the second that she sees a pregnant lady. Because if this is Natalia’s reaction when it comes to a bio kid that Buck explicitly said he is not going to raise, what would she do once she realizes he co-parents a fully grown kid? (and a very sassy one, too. LBR, Natalia doesn’t stand a chance in a show down with either Diaz boy) ~~
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Much like Natalia doesn’t seem like the right fit for Buck based on this ep (or based on 616), neither does Marisol. Can I point out the fact that Eddie’s disapproval in the last ep of Buck dating Natalia applies here, too? They both met these women on calls. Second, Eddie wanted it to happen naturally, which is why it’s so lame he tried through all sorts of activities that he’s not ACTUALLY into and wouldn’t continue doing past the initial stage of meeting someone else. And that holds true for Marisol as well. We saw that her brother and her are very into DYI, which I guess was meant to lay the groundwork for Eddie running into her in a DYI shop. But the thing is, Eddie himself isn’t into this! Sure, he can do it, because as a single dad he’s had to, but it’s not something we’ve ever seen him being passionate about. He’s only at this store because of Christopher’s project. And then once more, just like he steps away from Pepa’s help, dating apps and chooses the wost places for a chance romantic connection, he walks away from Marisol even when the whole scene plays out as if she’s the climax of his search throughout this whole ep. This might all hint that despite initial appearances, just like the people he came across while golfing and hiking wouldn’t be the right fit, Marisol wouldn’t be either. Even more importantly, just like Ana at first appeared like she would be perfect for Eddie in 312, starting out in a “it just happened” sort of way and with supposedly being fated because she happened to guess correctly that Eddie stands for Edmundo, this thing with Marisol might look in the moment like it’s exactly what he was looking for, but it will fizzle out as well.
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~~ Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the incredible @whosoldherout​​, there are no words to describe how much I love your gifs and appreciate you!
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anghraine · 6 months
I saw a popular author post about how, while of course Elizabeth has some obligatory flaws, Darcy's are exponentially more severe, and it was like stepping into a view so far removed from mine that it was almost disorienting.
The thing is, I periodically see people wondering why Elizabeth/Darcy is such a behemoth in Austen fandom when either/both of them have substantial flaws that the narrative doesn't shy away from. Their flaws aren't identical, but they do obviously mirror each other and are thematically intertwined, with reflecting character arcs and specific beats. As I see it, the novel maintains a tense and careful balance between them—not in terms of centrality (Elizabeth's mistakes and growth are more central to the narrative than Darcy's IMO) but in terms of the weight given their flaws and virtues.
And for me that's essential to their appeal!
I love plenty of other Austen characters and relationships, but for me, personally, none of the other canon pairings are balanced in such a fun and satisfying way. The closest (and the other most conventionally romantic pairing in Austen IMO) is probably Anne/Wentworth, where at least the choices of both of them are heavy contributors to their current problems. But a) the novel is ambivalent as to whether Anne actually erred morally in the first place and b) that is long in the past by the time of the novel; the Anne of the main story of Persuasion is a fairly idealized figure by contrast to Wentworth.
I sometimes see arguments that, say, Anne or Mr Knightley or Elinor Dashwood or whomever are actually as flawed and prone to error as their romantic counterparts, but I just ... don't buy it, honestly. As far as canon Austen goes, I only really see that balance in the course of the main story with Elizabeth/Darcy. P&P loves them and holds them up as admirable (and they are!), but it also loves undercutting them in clearly paralleling ways and does it over and over throughout the novel.
So the idea of an Elizabeth and Darcy where one of them has obligatory storytelling flaws that can't seriously be compared to the other's is just ... blah. It cuts out the fundamental interconnection and resonance between them that I think is built into the structure of the novel down to its bones and is what makes their relationship special. A lot of stories pay lip-service to that kind of dynamic, sure, but despite the many (many) imitators, I don't often see it done successfully. But P&P is the real deal.
So yeah, when people are like "why do people like Elizabeth with Darcy so much when she could have a different man who doesn't make serious mistakes" I'm just thinking ... why on earth would I want Elizabeth "there was truth in his looks" Bennet with someone who would never make mistakes on that level? Or when people are like, Darcy's just misunderstood, wouldn't he be better off with Jane [or another relatively idealized female character] it's like ... hell no, I love him, but I do not want to inflict him on that poor woman.
It's not that there's something wrong with multishipping them (I've written alternate pairings for both!) or shipping them with other people, but just in terms of the novel as it exists, I do think the balance and echoes between them are part of what makes the novel work and one of the sources of their long-standing popularity. And I feel that trying to pin the "real" blame on one or the other up-ends that balance and diminishes a lot of what I, at least, find appealing about the dynamic between them.
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you know, i like hordak as a character. he's interesting, he's likeable, he's a good example of an abuse victim who isn't overly infantilized and coddled by the narrative. his relationship with entrapta was cute, his relationship with horde prime was tragic and i like that he at least gets a proper confrontation with his abuser, where he is able to declare his own independence and get some closure from his trauma.
however, there are two main problems i have with his character (some of which i've already talked about but i want to go into more detail):
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1. hordak was not an effective villain. heck, he was barely a villain at all.
you cannot tell me that hordak was the main villain of the first four seasons when the majority of his screentime was spent with him either lurking in his sanctum or canoodling with entrapta.. in his sanctum.
at first i thought that hordak was going to be this looming presence that had control over everything and puppeted everyone's every move, and was this evil masterpiece who orchestrated everything behind the scenes but.. nah. turns out he's just an incompetent manchild who needs a literal teenager with no battle experience to plan everything out for him. how did he conquer half of etheria before that? who knows? not important.
hordak also has no meaningful relationship with adora, the hero. there were actually a lot of parallels that could be drawn from hordak and adora both being raised by abusers who valued perfection over everything else. granted, in that aspect, hordak is more like catra but there isn't even that many parallels with him and catra. there are, in fact, more parallels with catra and shadow weaver or catra and horde prime.
and okay, not every hero and villain needs a deep intertwined relationship or complex narrative parallels. but at least give us something? a proper interaction?? the show even acknowledges the fact that hordak and adora have absolutely no connection with each other, when adora asks him why he kidnapped her and he basically replies with "lol who are you again". and then he just randomly remembers her at the end of the finale and it’s supposed to be this touching, emotional scene except you feel nothing because these characters literally never interacted, what are we looking at?
adora is supposed to be fighting the horde, but it seemed like she was just fighting catra most of the time. as the hero who opposes etheria's oppressors, shouldn't adora mainly be targeting hordak, the person who started it all? and shouldn't hordak, as the leader of the horde, be more concerned about the rebellion having an actual god on their side? i guess it doesn't really matter if said god can be easily defeated by a inexperienced catgirl
it just feels like hordak didn't have to be a villain at all. we only know he does horrifying things, because the narrative says that he does. oh, and he tortures catra once and sends her to crimson waste, so i guess that qualifies as being a villain.
the point of a villain is to drive the central conflict of the story. to oppose the hero and to pose an actual threat to the status quo. any character who doesn't do this is merely an antagonist. in hordak's case, i don't even know if he counts as an antagonist. he's like that one edgy antihero with a dark past where he murdered countless people but it doesn't really matter in present time. it’s just there to add flavor and to enhance his tragic past, because war is obviously a fictional fantasy trope and totally not something that has happened in real life. /s
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2. like many other characters in this show, hordak's character almost completely revolves around his love interest.
yes, entrapta taking care of hordak and boosting his self-esteem is endearing. yes, hordak breaking his defenses and being vulnerable around entrapta is very sweet. but apart from entrapta, the only characters who have any kind of effect on hordak is horde prime and catra. and.. i guess, imp? but again, imp is mostly just a stand-in for the cute animal sidekick.
i know that hordak was supposed to be a recluse but it's impossible to believe that this kind of person was able to start an army and feed them with false propaganda. again, if you read my post about cults and their methods of indoctrination, you would know that cult leaders are often very charismatic and friendly people. and i know the horde isn't exactly a cult but we are supposed to believe that at least some of the cadets raised there genuinely believed that they were on the side of good, when their leader was a mysterious shut-in who basically didn't do anything substantial and their mentor/superior officer was just actively radiating Evil Vibes™.
i just wish they did more with hordak’s character and actually made him interact with some of the other characters. he doesn’t even interact with shadow weaver that much, and she was his second-in-command. even if it’s not direct interactions, it would have been interesting to see the characters mention hordak more, especially the ex-horde soldiers. apart from the general “oh no he’s evil and wants to kill everyone”, that is.
like we see people talking about shadow weaver. we see adora open up about her relationship with shadow weaver and ponder about whether there’s some good left in the woman who raised her. we see glimmer talking about how powerful shadow weaver is and how she could help the rebellion. we see catra complaining about how shadow weaver treated her in comparison to adora. we see angella talk about how shadow weaver shouldn’t be trusted.
when you think about it, shadow weaver was much more of a looming menacing presence in spop, despite not even being a villain, let alone the main villain.
even when she was on the good side and helping the princesses, there was always a ceaseless feeling of unease and fear, because we’ve seen what she’s capable of. we weren’t just told that “shadow weaver is sooo abusive, she’s bad!” we see how she treats adora and catra, we see how she manipulates situations and people for her own benefit, we see how she slowly starts to get into glimmer’s head. the show actually does a good job with shadow weaver, and i have to give credit where credit is due. shadow weaver was genuinely a well-written character.
hordak is just.. there, most of the time. he acts evil enough to be considered as one of the villains but he’s not actually a villain if you consider it for more than five seconds. he doesn’t really do anything for the bulk of the narrative, he has one kinda cool scene where he stands up to his abuser and then he just peaces out with entrapta.
i don’t really understand the point of taking a main villain of the show and turning him into this. sure, the OG hordak was more of a comedic villain and wasn’t super complex, but from what i know, he still played an important role in a narrative and his humorous moments made up for the lack of a tragic backstory.
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raayllum · 5 months
So what's the Mirrored Trio Theory?
The Mirrored Trio theory is, for lack of a better explanation, a two pronged theory regarding the way the main trio will parallel both the generation that led to / immediately received Aaravos upon his fall (himself, Leola, and a speculative human who may or may not have been a mage / helped to found Elarion) and how they may also parallel the Orphan Queen, Jailer, and Aaravos yet again. So put your tinfoil hats on and strap in because it's going to be a speculation heavy one, lads! We're going to get deep in the weeds.
Fallen Trio
So the first trio we want to talk about is what I'm going to, for lack of a better term / meta simplicity, refer to as the Fallen Trio, consisting of Aaravos, Leola, and 'Elarion' — our stand-in for a potential human Aaravos had a close dynamic with that may be intertwined with the human city of Elarion.
First, I want to talk about Aaravos and Leola. We get our first mention of Leola in S5, specifically with Leola's Last wish being a star for both Xadians and for humans, who use it to navigate and "to find their way in the endless darkness of the night." This is fitting given that what we know of unicorns from the book one novelization — that they gave primal magic and stones to humanity out of mercy and compassion — and that Tales of Xadia singles her out further as the specific unicorn to do so, although it omits primal stones from the equation:
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This is, of course, a big parallel between Leola and some details we know from Aaravos as well, who also gave gifts to humanity: the relic staff that Ibis identifies as truly belonging to Aaravos ("It was a gift from one of the Great ones" / "If you seek to return that staff to its true owner...") and, as Claudia says, dark magic:
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However, there's also been indications that Leola might've been a Startouch elf (tweet from Aaron Ehasz identifying her as the Startouch child + the star on the star chart map, although it's not entirely clear), that star magic can be reality altering, that Startouch elf designs had unicorn like horns protruding from their foreheads, and that history can change and shape things differently than they necessarily were.
Either way, unicorns are one of the few creatures we know to also possess the Star arcanum and, seemingly like the Startouch elves, are all but gone from Xadia (+ the Pentarchy)'s physical plain. And that she, like Aaravos, were two Star(touch) beings who both wanted to help humanity and help them develop magic, but did so in very different ways. Whether they are literally related or the same species, I think this parallel between them means they're set up to have an almost sibling-esque bond — one that existed, and one that accordingly fell apart under the brunt of dark magic and other disagreements, as TDP is prone to do.
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(Put a pin in Callum and Ezran for now, cause we're going to circle back to them shortly.)
Bare minimum, Leola and Aaravos will have to be foils if not contemporaries of each other, given the closeness of their original goals in manifestation, regardless of motivation. This is particularly true given that Aaravos preys on mages in particular and that dark magic (plus a little Star magic, maybe?) allows him to literally possess people who have done dark magic, which can be no happy accident.
Given that Leola seemed dead set on giving humans primal magic, it seems unlikely she might've been too keen on a dark magic, alternative development either, which we know came after, thanks to Ripples.
It happened long ago, when humans had only just learned to hold fire in their hands without burning. They nurtured their precious primal flames secretly—in the dark of night, beneath shadows and shrouds—as cultivating its glow drew the eyes and ire of monsters. Eventually, for the audacity of their fire, they were hunted, and—though they looked to the stars for salvation—the stars, too, looked down upon them with disdain. Humanity had been given something it was never meant to have.
So again, you have two characters with very similar goals/desires, but very different ideas of how to achieve said goals. This one of the reasons why, I think, that TDP loves to have siblings disagree, as it's an effective way of having more worldviews on display with some hope for reconciliation or the tragedy of deterioration, or both. Callum and Ezran stand alone as the one sibling pair that hasn't been terribly wrenched apart by political or ideological disagreements thus far, save for Sarai and Amaya, who were torn apart by Sarai's death.
Which brings me to my next point: if Aaravos and Leola had a sibling like bond, did he lose her to their potential ideological disagreements, or did those disagreements actually cost her life?
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Whether Leola just walked away and likewise abandoned him (like Soren), became too distant in disagreement to continue having some sort of bond (like Harrow and Viren, and Janai and Karim), flat out died (like Khessa, Harrow, and Sarai), or all three, that could be one of the many cogs motivating Aaravos to keep turning the wheel of the cycle, as grief has often been the primary motivator throughout history, even amongst the 'villains'. A "song of love that loss" that Aaravos has chosen handpicked "instruments" for, after all (4x03, 4x04).
And like I said, Callum and Ezran are long over due to have a disagreement, given that they haven't had a substantial one since season one, and given that Ezran has grown to only be more assertive than he was since then, not less. This could easily be over Runaan (Callum, having already sworn himself to helping Rayla free her parents, and Ezran, understandably holding onto anger and grief concerning Harrow's death). I'm sure there are also plenty of other things they could heavily disagree over in the future, like military aid or action or how to approach trying to defeat Aaravos, etc.
The point to all of this is that I think Ezran could be a very good stand in for Leola — at least in terms of being selfless, deeply compassionate, uncomplicated, and adamant about giving people their freedom even at the cost of themselves and even if that gift can be misused or discarded (3x04) — which means Aaravos could offer a potential parallel to Callum in the sibling split. Aaravos, who turned to dark magic as an option regardless of or precisely because of the potential violence, and Callum, who argues for the Nova Blade whereas his brother still always champions a non-violent route thus far.
After all, TDP loves to have their "person A is estranged from their sibling and is determined not to lose their lover" parallel, given that it's happened four times (Harrow, Viren, Sarai; Viren, Harrow, Lissa; Claudia, Soren, Terry; Janai, Karim, Amaya) already.
Now, this could be wildly off base as we know very little about Leola and even less about her potential dynamic with Aaravos, but if we follow along with the idea that Ezran could parallel her and Callum could parallel Aaravos, I think now maybe we can talk about Elarion and Rayla.
Years ago we learned that there was a place on Xadia's map (both sides) that was named after someone who had a deep connection to him, and that many of his choices are based around this relationship. Given the Midnight Star poem, people defaulted to Elarion ("Elarion, black-eyed child / her twisted roots spread deep and far / The humans’ might sparked by the light / of Aaravos, her midnight star") although I've also considered Kalik.
And while I'm still not unconvinced that Elarion isn't just a name like Elara and Laurelion, before Aaravos changed his name, combined, I do think Elarion has to be important in Aaravos' backstory, and that it's more than likely that a founder of Elarion / a human involved with Elarion for a variety of reasons.
For starters, while we can be told that Aaravos had a soft spot for humans at one point, giving us a specific person or dynamic to think of is helpful in regards to emotional investment, and in helping to explain why he may have developed said soft spot. We also know, thanks to a birthday post years ago, that a human once gave him a gift:
He thinks that if he cared for the idea [of birthdays], he’d like to remember the taste of a smooth red fruit a human had plucked from a tree for him, once. It had been so crisp, and so sweet.
While this could've been the Orphan Queen (we do know, thanks to 1x01, that there's a tree planted in the castle courtyards 300 years ago, but we don't know it was an apple tree), an apple transfer like this one feels far more "Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and knowledge isn't always a Good thing" type schtick. Not only does it seem to indicate a more intimate bond, it also might foreshadow the reason Aaravos Fell.
One of the most interesting, but perhaps more discreet, reasons I think there's a connection between 'Elarion' as a person and Aaravos is because of the nature motif running between what little we know of Elarion and to do with Aaravos' mirror and appearance motifs. The Midnight Star is riddled with flower and nature symbolism, referring to it as a "trembling seed" and "fading bloom," that "her roots took hold" and later became "twisted," and that before the gift of Aaravos, she was "wilting" with "bone-white branches". And Aaravos' mirror and the box that held his matching key have blooming flowers on it.
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See the flowers along the bottom on the actual frame of the mirror, then sculpted along the sides, and the top? Yeah. We also know that flowers themselves, thanks to Tales of Xadia, are featured in a story told both in Katolis and amongst the Moonshadow elves in particular, featuring an elven thief who steals what you value most, leaving only flowers in their wake. This is the only story in all of Tales of Xadia that we see two cultures share, even if they interpret it wildly differently.
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Flowers that were always gone by morning, and gifts that couldn't be accepted or understood ("I’ve got one more gift for you, Callum: I'm going to keep you safe. I have to. I love you too much not too [...] Taking on hard choices and going to dark places is an act of love. It’s a gift. So, please let me give you this gift, Callum. Stay safe, and stay in the light").
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We also know that whoever Aaravos loved, he inevitably lost whether due to time or tragedy. While this form of grief is one the show has explored, it was previously largely only through Harrow, who mourned Sarai for 9 years upon losing her, and who avenged her by slaying Avizandum, and more briefly through Ethari believing Runaan was dead.
That was, until season four, where Callum grieving Rayla and dealing with the fallout of that grief and distance turned it into more of an accentuated plot point, both before and even after her return.
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Before, losing your partner in this manner would've been something Callum had witnessed, but not experienced. Now, whether the show wants Callum to sympathize with Aaravos or not, it is an experience that they could both understand, particularly if it is going to be one of Aaravos' main motivators.
Thus, we have a disagreement set up between 'siblings' (Leola, Aaravos; Ezran, Callum) as well as lost love (Elarion, Aaravos; Rayla, Callum) as a big motivator for choices, grief, and what possibly led to the fall. That Aaravos, at least in practice / thematic lineups, being a Callum who lost his Rayla and his Ezran*, and then lost himself.
Aaravos — Callum
Leola — Ezran
Elarion — Rayla
[ * This is not to say that Callum would pull an Aaravos and go on a hellbent 1000+ year revenge scheme, because he's not like that, but I do think it could be a very poignant and apt parallel of giving him and Aaravos more in common than they currently have, which is about nothing but magical curiosity and connection. ]
However, 90% of this is all speculation of things that have been kept supremely under wraps. For something a little more tangible simply because we have slightly more information, let's talk about the
Imprisonment Trio
The Imprisonment Trio, as the name implies, refers to the two humans who seemed to directly (the Jailer) and potentially indirectly (the Orphan Queen) be involved in imprisoning Aaravos (the third in this trio). This time, however, I'm going to argue that Aaravos — in terms of his imprisonment — is going to parallel someone other than Callum, but we shall see.
To start, I want to look at the Jailer and the Orphan Queen, since their parallels to Callum and Ezran respectively are the most obvious.
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We don't know for sure whether the Jailer came from Katolis, but we know that the Orphan Queen did, eventually taking on the throne from the previous royal family and starting Harrow and Ezran's royal line, first hinted at in 3x05 with "Only orphans can ascend to the throne". Ezran has been directly compared to her in both role and appearance by the show's framing and by characters like Rex Igneous in 4x08: "I should have seen it before. Long ago, it was a human who saw through the Fallen Star's schemes and helped Xadia put an end to them. You look so much like her." This plays well into Ezran's tendency to discover or unearth long lost things, most notably Zym's egg, just as the Orphan Queen became the Truthteller of Aaravos' treachery.
Callum, for his part, is a human mage, just like the Jailer. He's clever, very talented with magic, and despite being Aaravos' preferred prey as a mage will ultimately — like the Jailer — play a role in his defeat. He will also work with and for the archdragons and their wills, but has no problem being disobedient either, in the name of concern or mercy, much like how the Jailer kept Akiyu alive rather than tell the archdragons the truth. And like the Jailer, he understands the potential danger of knowledge: "The entire world would be in danger if she let him live with this knowledge" / "I need you to kill me."
Like the brothers, they were a (future) royal and mage working together, starting off what perhaps was a long tradition of Katolian monarchs having high mages. If, as often theorized due to having an Aaravos-y twin box (S2 novelization) and his love of puzzles, Kpp'Ar is indeed descended from the Jailer, that adds another layer onto Kpp'Ar being one of Callum's predecessors as High Mage. While Ezran has the job and the bloodline of the Orphan Queen, Callum would've more directly inherited the position of (high) mage from the Jailer's thematic and occupational line.
Granted, there are differences. Most notably, the Key of Aaravos was given to Callum, not to Ezran, although there could be potential future parallels between the brothers and the Sunfire siblings, with Karim unable to undo Kim'Dael's chains because his sister is still queen, and the brothers needing to work together to fully use the cube. I wouldn't be surprised if Ezran learns more about the cube and the Orphan Queen in S6 while Callum still has some unknowns to its true meaning, leading to some delicious dread and dramatic irony. But I digress.
The point is that the Jailer and the Orphan Queen both had their roles to play in imprisoning Aaravos, and that Callum and Ezran, respectively, will both have their roles to play in trying to keep Aaravos contained, only to inevitably somehow fail in a way that allows him to escape, if by another's hand. We do know the brothers will be going to weird ruins in a future season thanks to some out-of-context spoilers that have yet to pass, and the Ruins of Elarion would certainly fit:
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Which, just like the out-of-context spoiler card, you might've noticed that I haven't mentioned Rayla and who she's going to be paralleling yet. Well, that's because this time / generational pass around, I think she's going to be the primary foil to Aaravos.
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Now, this train of thought isn't new by any means. I've thought Rayla paralleled Aaravos reasonably well since S3 aired largely due to their status as ghosted/banished elves, a compassion for humans (at least implied for Aaravos) that other elves disapproved of, and their dynamics with Callum and Viren, respectively.
Both Rayla and Aaravos have to work to earn their high mage's trust ("And should we trust you? Have you told us the truth about everything?" / "And why should I trust you?") over the course of season one for Rayla and season two for Aaravos, ending in promises of allegiance and togetherness: "You've got to stay with me" / "I will stay with you" (2x09). Aaravos leads Viren to his doom in being tackled off the Pinnacle, and Callum throws himself off the Pinnacle after Rayla.
You can imagine my delighted surprise, then, when S4 simply cranked it up even further: Rayla was hunting Aaravos' mage ("I spent two years hunting"), and Aaravos was hunting Rayla's mage ("Yes, mages were his prey"). Rayla wants to protect Callum and kill Viren, and Aaravos had promised to save Viren and use Callum. Even for Callum himself, 4x04 and 4x07 seemed like clear set up for Rayla symbolizing agency in Callum breaking free from Aaravos' control someday, putting the two in literal opposition to each other. Two potential paths (although picking Rayla, at least at first, may not be mutually exclusive from picking Aaravos).
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Rayla, who was also harshly punished by Xadia with no trial.
This isn't to say that Aaravos didn't do anything wrong and is being unjustly punished — far from it — or that Aaravos' imprisonment and subsequent freedom won't have parallels to anyone else like say, Callum, who will likely be imprisoned by Aaravos through possession in S6 and ultimately freed by Rayla. More so that imprisonment of different sorts has been a running theme throughout Rayla's arc, and that Callum — who is primed to be Aaravos' chain breaker, whether through possession or not — could also be hers (if not just her parents') the way he has routinely been in the past, whether it was from instigating the events that eventually led to her binding (chain) coming off or saving her from being emotionally stuck (3x08) or from doing anything for her freedom (5x01, 5x08). He's primarily been someone who is tethered to freedom when it comes to recognizing and breaking cycles (chains of history) or literal restraints, and it's only in season four and season five that he's shifted to being both tied to freedom and having himself restrained.
I've speculated in the past this may result in Callum (and Ezran) leading to Aaravos' release in order to save/free Rayla; however, the show may not want as much of a repeat from 5x08, and freeing the Moon fam from the coins also resulting in Aaravos' freedom through an escalation of events would also keep that ironic thread, so it could really go anywhere.
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Two humans, one elf, and endless tragedy, repeating and breaking cycles all at the same time. Ezran, discovering important info about his ancestor and possibly the Key; Callum, following in the Jailer's footsteps and unravelling the final puzzles of the prison and figuring out how to undo it; and Rayla, ghosted, banished, vying against Aaravos for the control and agency of his latest pawn who also happens to be the love of her life.
So for the Imprisonment Trio:
The Orphan Queen — Ezran
The Jailer — Callum
Aaravos — Rayla
In Conclusion
Is any of this something? I don't know, honestly. I think it's plausible, at least partially. I think it'd be neat. We know TDP likes varying intergenerational parallels and looking at how history repeats, whether that's directly through family (blood or not) lines, or by having repeating plot points (the dragon quartet, or Rayla being immobilized) and trials (Rayllum facing Sol Regem, much like Ziard, etc). We know there was someone Aaravos loved and lost, we know he's not above using what people want against them, and the connections between Ezran and the Orphan Queen are just Text at this point, although how they may manifest further, we don't know.
This is just one particular stab at it, and an examination of three of the series' most interesting (potential) trios. We'll simply have to see if anything here hit the nail on the head.
As always, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
—Dragons Out
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mxqlss · 4 months
part of the sunshine au
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Sypnosis .ೃ࿐ In which Sunny is grateful that all of Rutger's past lovers made him who he is now.
Pairing .ೃ࿐ Rutger Mcgroarty x Sunny
Song Choice .ೃ࿐
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When you think of all the late nights Lame fights over the phone Wake up in the mornin' With someone but feelin' alone
Before Rutger had met Sunny, he was in relationships that didn't sit right with his teammates. Either his girlfriends were rude when Rutger was there around or they just controlled him and he let it happen since he loved them so much
Rutger would constantly fight over these things in his relationships, when he got home late, went out partying, everything. He would sometimes wake up in the morning with his lover but it made him feel so alone cause he didn't have someone who wanted him for him and could deal with his golden retriever personality instead of using him.
A heart is drawn around your name In someone's handwriting, not mine We're sneakin' out into town Holdin' hands, just killin' time
When Sunny was enrolled in UMICH she would go to the hockey games to support her best friend, Mark Estapa. She knew everyone else, they just didn't know her, except Rutger Mcgroarty. Sunny was hanging out with some friends of hers and they knew Rutger, introducing Sunny to him. From that day forth Rutger knew her.
In class one day, Sunny was sitting with one of her friends until someone in the row in front of her was drawing hearts, Sunny being curious tried to look over and saw that, that person had written their name with Rutger’s, hearts all over.
Sunny knew she liked Rutger but only confided it within Mark, she didn’t want Rutger to ever find out, and knowing Mark, he wouldn't tell a soul about his best friend's secrets even if his life depended on it.
One day, Sunny and Rutger were holding hands coincidentally. it wasn’t a thing where they were dating but it was something to them that brought them comfort. They were sneaking around and holding hands to kill time before and after exams or stressful games.
Your past and mine are parallel lines Stars all aligned, and they intertwined And taught you the way you call me baby Treat me like a lady, all that I can say is
everyone knew that Rutger and Sunny liked each other but never made their moves on each other because they didn’t want to ruin the friendship they both loved, adored and cared for.
“I’m telling you! Both of you are meant for each other!” Mark said he was talking to Rutger, thinking Sunny was sleeping in Mark’s bed. When Sunny had heard it, her face turned red.
weeks later Rutger was in the same position. He was in Sunny’s dorm to surprise her after coming home from a long roadie, till he heard Sunny and Mark talking as they got to her dorm.
“Suns, all I’m saying is that look at the way he looks at you, the way you look at him. You both like each other! All I’m saying is that he likes you!”, “Mark, how would you know? It could’ve been those looks where they look at you like they love you but it’s in a friendly way.”. when Sunny opened the door she was met with Rutger standing there in her dorm. “is it bad to say that marks right about me liking you?”
Rutger had let out a soft nervous smile as Sunny stood there in shock, after what seemed like an eternity she smiled and let out a soft breath giggle as she walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and giving him a tight loving hug. Rutger then smiled at Mark as Mark smiled back and walked away to his dorm, Rutger then smiled at Sunny, hugging her back.
All of the girls you loved before (ooh) Made you the one I've fallen for Every dead-end street led you straight to me Now you're all I need I'm so thankful for All of the girls you loved before But I love you more
when Rutger and Sunny had called it official, all his teammates knew how he was actually happy and that he was with someone who brought out the best and him. Sunny was finally happy, and it made Mark happy that he saw how happy Rutger had made her.
Sunny is glad that Rutger’s exes made him who is now. Every dead end Rutger was at, girl after girl, Sunny was the only girl he needed. Rutger was the only boy she needed, she’s thankful that all of the girls he loved before made him the loving, affectionate boy that Sunny now can call hers. Yeah maybe the girls he loved before, loved him but one thing was for sure, she loved him more.
And all Rutger needed was his sunshine.
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jess's notes ⋆·˚ ༘ * I've been planning this AU for like a week now.. and I'm so excited to finally do this au cause I have so many ideas for it. If you have any AU ideas you can go ahead and ask away in my inbox!
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createandconstruct · 1 year
 With skip and loafer 53 out I’m struck by Shima and Mitsumi’s feelings and how their romantic feelings for each other are intertwined with their friendship but more importantly that  the “romantic feelings” for each other can be equated with the other being “special.” 
Mitsumi first asks about feelings of romance & Fumi gives her own take. It’s an interesting parallel to the current chapter and Shima & Chris. Mitsumi uses Fumi’s clues to recognize her feelings but it’s not until later that she signifies to us what romantic love is to her 
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A feeling of being “special.”  It’s how Mitsumi sees Shima and how she also *wants*to be seen. She fears him finding someone else, that he may not come to school, that they’ll begin to drift apart after a long vacation. It’s these little things that make him *her* exception 
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And the reason they break up is bc she recognizes that while they’re important to each other - that yes Shima values her as a friend - (she thinks) he doesn’t see her in the same special light. He loves her but not how she does him? And yeah that’s what Shima thinks too??
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But if we go by Mitsumi’s definition of being special… it feels like Shima’s not so far off. “I wanted him to get upset for me.”
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Even Fumi’s definition…getting nervous, worrying about what to say.
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Or Mukai’s… Fun to talk to and relaxed to be around.
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But that’s their definitions. Does it apply to Shima? Does he feel it? *Can* he feel it? If he did could he even recognize it? Romantic love is tied up in his parents’ divorce & selfish adolescence. He was used. His mother hurt. Romantic love is associated with hurt. 
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And yet despite all that, Mitsumi is special to Shima. She’s  why he begins looking forward to school, she makes him want to talk with her more, he’s comfortable with he and likes her as a person because he *does.* And what that equates to for Shima it is the BE ALL level of affection in his head
But it can’t be romantic because that’s transactional, disconnected from the person, full of pain and hurt, & not at all how Mitsumi makes him feel. So when she says how their feelings aren’t the same… he’s hurt.Because Mitsumi’s always right… right?
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But 53 gives Shima a new perspective on both her and what romantic love can be. Neither he nor Mukai’s answers are definitive, much like Fumi’s or Mitsumi’s but it does come back to the idea of something that is “special.” Something that Shima says he recognizes.
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Did he though? Did he really? If you’ve never experienced love? How can you know? And not just romantic *any love.* Shima’s friendship/family were kept surface level. He hides from them was hurt by them - until Mitsumi. never liked anyone like her. Never opened himself.
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Which is why he’s hit with Mitsumi’s actions. The little moments. The kindness. The comfort. How special he’d been treated. How special she’d always seen him. How *those* actions were her love. So… what is Shima’s? We don’t see the culmination of his thoughts but the reaction.
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And who knows, maybe right now he’s thinking too, just how special Mitsumi is and whatever that means for him romantic or not. Whatever the case she is his exception the one who’s shown him what connection and love can be and I love them for it.
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hightwer · 2 years
after 48+‎ hours of trying to encompass what it is about holmesbury‎ that works so well without venturing too far into‎ my personal bias toward them,‎ i think the best thing about‎ them is what they mean for each other’s lives.‎ long post ahead.
enola’s biggest distinction is that she’s self-sufficient.‎ from the very beginning,‎ she’s known her own abilities,‎ and she’s known that she wanted to remain independent.‎ independence‎ ≠ loneliness,‎ however,‎ and that was a lesson she still needed to learn.‎ her story with tewkesbury was never about her sacrificing her independence to be with him,‎ it was never about enola herself changing.‎ it was about her accepting that love didn’t hinder her independence or her strength.‎ at the end of the first movie,‎ enola refuses his offer to stay with him because she’s essentially refusing to sidetrack her own desires.‎ she also refuses him because,‎ at the time,‎ she wasn’t ready to accept that both of these things could coexist.‎ this is so representative of how to be truly independent and what makes enola so different from characters like sherlock by the end of the second film.‎ she’s learned that she can be with someone and still be her,‎ no change necessary,‎ and immediately puts it into practice because that’s who she is.
it’s not only important that she didn’t have to change to be with tewkesbury,‎ but‎ also that he grew as a person from being with her.
most people might look at the circumstances these two met under and insist that enola parallels disruption in tewkesbury’s life,‎ but it couldn’t be more obvious that she represents a necessary change. when he’s first introduced,‎ tewkesbury is a boy trying to outrun the politics of his family.‎ becoming intertwined with enola means accepting the unconventional,‎ the things he never saw growing up the way that he did.‎ enola is strong,‎ she’s a fighter,‎ and he’s‎ never just looked at her as a girl that he loves.‎ he’s looked at her wit and her courage,‎ and albeit chaotic in the moment,‎ it’s what tewkesbury needed.‎ he needed to meet someone who didn’t need to be saved,‎ and tewkesbury didn’t have to change because of that,‎ he just needed to be willing to accept it.
they propel each other,‎ as well as counter each other,‎ and their relationship not only teaches them something new,‎ but makes them stronger because of it.‎ the fact is that they’re one of the of the most accurate teen romances due to how they showed each other something new.‎ seeing enola act so ooc,‎ getting jealous of seeing tewkesbury with another girl,‎ conveniently ending up on the same path as him,‎ all of it makes sense for someone who’s trying to deny that she’s fallen in love. it doesn’t dim that she’s a capable young woman,‎ it simply makes her more human. tewkesbury basically admitting that he loved enola on three separate occasions because he’s never known someone like her makes sense for a boy who’s been exposed to something new,‎ and found himself needing more of it.
this goes as far back to the first film.‎ the scene where tewkesbury is shot and enola is overcome with emotion.‎ her tears,‎ her vulnerability are what make them so real.‎ he brings out the side of her that has no qualms about crying,‎ or about being open. in that moment,‎ the two of them truly became tethered to one another.‎ it also reinforces that tewkesbury has never downgraded enola and her capability.‎ he’s never treated her like this thing that needs to be protected,‎ even if he does view her as delicate,‎ and is still so reluctant to hit her while they’re in the carriage before the two of them have their first proper kiss.‎ they parallel back to this scene in the second film when tewkesbury once again checks to see if enola is okay.‎ him knowing that she’s capable has never stopped him from worrying,‎ or chasing her down whenever she’s been gone for too long.
he doesn’t do it because he’s her keeper. he does it out of love. he wouldn’t do anything that would consciously hurt enola, even knowing how strong she is,‎ because of that love.‎ enola will never be like any other woman,‎ she’ll never stop persisting once she’s set her mind to something,‎ and tewkesbury will never be able to truly hold her back. he has no desire to.‎ he sees enola for who she is and he loves her all the same.
their separate worlds are essentially what make them work so well.‎‎ their inclusion in each other’s lives,‎ whether accidental or purposeful,‎ exposed them to things they both needed,‎ and added to their strength as characters.‎ enola has a man that she loves,‎ that loves her,‎ and she didn’t have to stop being herself for that to happen.‎ tewkesbury has now become more responsible and faithful to his duties,‎ but he’s still a lover of flowers,‎ and a lover of enola,‎ and all of those things get to coincide.
their relationship is all about growth and healthy change. it isn’t as simple as a “she hates every boy but one” trope,‎ nor is it simply sacrificing enola’s strength, or her reducing her as an individual just so she can conform to her male love interest.‎ they’re both their own characters,‎ with more differences than similarities,‎ but the love that they share is genuine and that doesn’t make them less of anything. that makes them better.
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sokkastyles · 1 year
How much do you feel Zuko is to blame for his part in Ba Sing Se? I've seen people saying what he did there was never meaningfully brought up or addressed, so I'd love to know what you think.
Never meaningfully brought up or addressed?
It's a major plot point that heavily affects the narrative on multiple sides. It's also something that is telegraphed as something Zuko instantly regrets and will regret. It's a pretty classic pyrrhic victory, and part of the reason it's not continuously brought up like some of the other things Zuko did is because Zuko never gets to realize the benefits of it.
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Even when he's being pampered back in the palace, even while his father is praising him, even while he's standing in front of a cheering crowd, it's pretty clear that he's not happy, that his victory in Ba Sing Se is based on a lie and something he knows he should not have done.
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Ba Sing Se marks a turning point in Zuko's narrative that pretty clearly primes him for redemption, not just because he flirted with switching sides but failed, but because from the moment he chooses the wrong side, he knows, and everyone in the audience knows, that he chose wrong.
That's why it's not continually brought up or reminded to us that Zuko did a bad thing. Because he's already paid the price for it.
I've also talked a lot about how Zuko is manipulated by Azula, which doesn't negate the harm he does by choosing her side, but it does mitigate the gaang's understanding of why he did what he did and their ability to forgive him. Particularly with Katara, who is the person who does continually confront Zuko with what he did in Ba Sing Se. She gets the last word the first time Zuko tries to join the gaang and is rejected, and then specifically brings up Ba Sing Se to the others, and they agree with her, all except Toph.
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Katara brings it up again twice after he's accepted into the gaang. But the reason she brings it up is not because Zuko needs to like, do reparations or something, or be continually punished for something that he felt bad about the instant he did it. It's because she can't trust him again after having her trust betrayed before.
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Which is why the focus is more on Zuko earning back Katara's trust, and Katara coming to understand that Zuko has genuinely changed.
Katara also comes to understand that Zuko was manipulated and that if he didn't side with Azula in Ba Sing Se, he would have been brought back as her prisoner. This is important for Katara as it relates to her arc with Azula and how that relates to her arc with Zuko. I'll never get over talking about how these three characters are intertwined. Katara goes from having to fight Zuko and Azula together in Ba Sing Se, after feeling betrayed by Zuko and not understanding why he sided with her, to protecting Zuko from Azula when she comes back for him at the Western Air Temple, and finally joining him against Azula, warning Zuko when she realizes Azula is trying to manipulate him again, and finally saving him from her.
Same with Zuko's arc with Iroh and how his betrayal at Ba Sing Se is about accepting Iroh's forgiveness, not about the specific actions he did. It's about Zuko needing to accept that he could be forgiven for his choices just as much as it is about atoning for them, so continually bringing it up as a mark against him would be pointless.
As far as him atoning for the specific actions, I think saving the world should be enough.
There's also the (neglected) parallel of Zuko and King Kuei as leaders that is established in "The Earth King" episode, with Zuko dreaming of being on the throne while being manipulated by a dragon with Azula's voice and not being able to make a decision, while King Kuei's inaction leads to the fall of his city and Azula using the Dai Li to take control. Zuko becoming the leader of his nation and ambassador of peace to the nation he helped to conquer definitely has a symmetry to it, and I think both of them work together and learn from each other post-series.
I've said this repeatedly, but what a character did in the past matters less than whether they've stopped doing bad things and are not motivated to continue doing those things. Once Zuko has proven himself as on the side of good, and once the characters who were personally wronged have already forgiven him, why would it need to be continually brought up?
As Toph points out, there's a difference between holding someone accountable and letting hurt feelings get in the way of making progress towards a greater good.
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I know I already told you and showed you the role I had with Lyle's AI but people also deserve to read about it.😈 and here is the idea that you could use one day: Lyle and reader trapped in a broken elevator at the RDA base. BOOM!💥 I don't know, I'm just saying, think about it🥴
O M G I was literally thinking about doing that!! Final push to do it now!
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Recom!Reader x Recom!Lyle
Warnings: Smut, semi-public sex(no one can see them but if they're no quiet someone could hear)
You two were celestial masses, caught in the gravity that pulled you both towards one another. Both moons to ones another's planets or great asteroids destined to crash together.
Every space you inhabited was inevitably Lyle's too. More often that not it seemed like fate that pulled you back together. As humans you'd spent your lives orbiting one another but never touching. Never quiet together but never far apart.
You'd both been through basic training together, just not on the same teams. Then you'd both been assigned to escort the scientists but again not the same groups. The first time you'd even officially met was after your soul-drive had been made. A polite excuse me and nothing else, though Lyle's eyes had lingered on your retreating frame.
Fates boldest move was to bring you back together. Recom bodies grown in parallel tanks, curled to the side to face one another in silent dreaming. Then assigned the same mission, hunt down the leader of the na'vi insurgency.
You had a week on base before they'd have you re-enter the forests of Pandora. Your excitement grew at the opportunity to take in the beautiful sights with your new eyes. Everything sharper, more vibrant and exquisite than before.
More so you grow excited to spend more time with your new friend. Lyle Wainfleet. You'd seen him so many times before as a human. Captivated by his dark eyes but never having a chance to introduce yourself. Now here you were on the same team and he'd come to you.
He was all smirks and jokes, lightening the foul mood your new situation threatened to suffocate you with. Lyle was just as handsome as you remembered, though in new and exciting ways. Same bulking arms and broad chest that made your stomach flutter but vivid striking eyes.
It only took a day before he'd started the flirting. Little comments here and there that you'd taken as jokes to begin with. Even firing back your own remarks. As the days past he got bolder, egged on by your reciprocation.
He snaked arms around your waist, tugging your body to his, nipping at your ear with sharp fangs. All moments interrupted by the other recoms or human soldiers. You'd laugh it off but he was setting a fire in you and each night you went to bed with the feel of him burned against your skin.
Lyle was getting frustrated too. He'd never get away with outright going to your room at night. No there were rules against that kind of thing, so stolen moments were all he could get. He yearned for more, to feel you beneath him, to taste you, to have you writhing and singing his name.
Lyle walked with you down the corridor. Tomorrow you'd both be off, heading out to search for the na'vi base camp. He imagined stealing you away, bribing whoever was on watch to have a couple hours with you. It was filthy, imagining you bare in the wilderness, arching off the dirt.
He snapped back to reality, cursing the twitch in his pants. Then something slapped against his rear. He jumped a bit, looking to you and catching your smirk. Your tail flicked back, slapping his butt a second time. Lyle laughed, then pretended to cough when the soldier leading them shot him a look.
You chuckled under your breath. Moving to swipe him again, his own tail caught yours however. Twisting around it's length tightly. Neither of you were aware how the sensitive skin would feel intertwined the way they were. You bit your lip against the groan and turned your eyes to Lyle. His were blown, pupils hiding the yellow of his irises.
"Right that's it for today, head up to the 4th floor. It'll be a long weeks ahead so you'll want some rest." The soldier turned to them. Lyle quickly untangled his tail from yours, saluting the soldier. He seemed somewhat aware he'd been the last thing on either of your minds but just stomped off.
When he was out of earshot you turned to Lyle, as soon as your eyes met you both laughed. The tension of the moment passing, you entered the lift. A good long shower, a decent meal, then the last sleep on a real bed before tomorrow. That's what you were going to do, though there was something you wanted more.
The lift doors come together as you both do. In an instant Lyle has you cornered against the wall, arms on either side of your shoulders and head tipped down to yours. His lips are on you before you can speak, pressing hard, molding against your own. You react immediately, arms flying around his neck as you moan into the kiss.
You know it won't last, that the lift will ping and you'll pull apart and that it'll be over. So you drink him in, as much as you can get in this moment together. He nips your lip and you part yours, letting his tongue curl around your own. You can't help the way your body arches, pulling flush against his. Lyle's hands roaming, squeezing your ass then coming to tangle in your hair.
Then the ground jolts under your feet, you stumble a little at the sudden movement, pulling away from the kiss. The lights flicker off and for one horrible second your in complete darkness, before the red emergency light comes on.
The lift doesn't move again. You both stand still in the silence for a moment before a voice speaks through the intercom.
"Hello? Hello is anyone in there?" A panicked women speaks.
"Yeah! Recom Corporal Lyle Wainfleet and Recom Private Y/n" Lyle answers back. He's speaking in his commanding officer tone, the one he uses when he's giving out orders. Something in the authoritative tone always set you off. Even now given the situation you can't help the heat that pools.
"I'm so sorry sir!" the women squeaks. "They're resetting the lift now, it shouldn't take too long to get it back working!" She stammers out. "Maybe ten minutes?" She blurts the last part out, clearly expecting to be chewed out.
Lyle's hands roam back down to your ass, slipping the skirt you'd worn up. You blush, briefly concerned at being seen but you couldn't be. The woman had no idea who was in the lift, the camera must have malfunctioned too!
"No worries mam, take your time." He speaks, his attention returning to you. His mouth at your neck, leaving love bites as the woman stammers out more apologies through the speaker. Your trying so hard not to moan too loudly, scared the microphone will pick up your mewling.
"I need you too honey..." Lyle whispers into your ear, nipping the edge between fangs. His hand slips into your blouse, cupping your breast as the other slips further under your skirt.
Lyle loved when you had to dress up for meetings. He'd seen you when you were human, heels clacking on your way to one. Some jackass had bumped you, sent your work flying. Asshole didn't even stay to help. Lyle had moved to you but had stopped in his tracks. You'd clearly not worn a skirt that short in a while and seemed unaware what leaning down like that would show.
The image was burned into his retinas and he'd definitely thought back to it alone in the showers. That flash of lace covered pussy came to him every time he'd glimpsed you since.
Now he felt his fingers skimming against that material. Thanking whatever perverted designer had thought to make the recoms lace underwear. Lyle ran a finger along the clothed folds, the material already wet. He tutted.
"Already this worked up honey?" He smirked, pinching a nipple. You whimpered your hands tugging at his shirt.
"I like when you talk like that." You confessed, his hand on your chest coming up to cup your cheek again.
"Like what buttercup, like what I did to the lady?" He questioned, feeling a buzz running through his veins. You nodded in his hand, your own coming to grip his. His other hand slipped bellow the lace, finding your sensitive bud.
"You like when I'm ordering you about?" He smirked, circling the clit. His mind called back to the drills he'd ran. Thinking about you getting all hot and bothered while he commanded the group. Taking long colder shower to calm yourself.
You let out a louder moan as he slipped a finger inside you, thumb continuing his motion against your clit. The speaker lit up again, the crackling voice coming through.
"Sorry what was that? We're still working to get everything up and running." The woman spoke. You froze, Lyle slid a second finger in, beginning to pump them. You bit your lip against another moan as he curled the digits.
"Nothing mam, we're fine." Lyle spoke, his voice calm. His other hand shifted over your mouth and he leaned in closer. "I'm gonna need you to keep quiet honey." His tone shifting to the authoritative one. You clenched around his fingers, a knot forming in your stomach.
Lyle delighted at the feeling, the knowledge of just what he did to you. He pulled his fingers out, removing the other from your mouth. You let out a quiet whine but your eyes darkened as you watched him suck his fingers clean. He groaned at the taste, wishing he'd have the time to dive down there.
"You ready honey?" He asked, unbuckling his belt. A look of hunger flashed in your eyes as you nodded eagerly. Lyle grinned, unzipping and letting his cock bob free.
Your eyes snapped down to the length, the shine of precum on the tip and the ridges along the girth. You swallowed still eyeing him. Lyle ran his hands down, lifting you behind each knee. You stifled the squeak in his shoulder at the sudden movement. With you pressed between his chest and the wall he could align himself.
Lyle pushed the fabric of your panties to the side, letting your body slide down his length. You pushed your face into his neck, feeling him stretch you out. He was so big, making you feel so full, the ridges adding extra sensation as he went.
Satisfied, Lyle began to thrust up. The small space filled with the lewd squelching and the slapping of skin. You hoped these sounds were quiet enough, that the woman couldn't hear. That no workers were under the box listening to the show.
Lyle groaned against your neck, growling and grunting as you milked him. Your walls clenching around him as he drove deeper. You struggled against the need to make more noise. The pleasure blinding in its intensity, the knot tightening in your stomach till it snapped. You bit down hard on Lyle's shoulder, the waves of ecstasy hitting you as he road out the orgasm.
Lyle couldn't last much longer, the sting of pain, the clenching around him, your scent overwhelming. He came hard, hot cum painting your insides as he groaned out your name.
You both panted against one another. Lyle slipped out, moving your lace underwear over to catch his leaking cum. God it was a sight to see and he wanted it all pressed up against you. He gently placed your weak legs back to the ground, holding your elbows for support. His own wound forgotten as he watched your wobbling steps.
The lights flickered a moment before the voice spoke "Sir! Hello? The lift should be operational now. Sorry for the inconvenience!" The woman chirped. The lift stuttered to life, moving up.
Lyle smirked down at your messy hair, you blissed out expression turning to him. Maybe he could bend a rule and see you again tonight.
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Buddie & Madney - 7x6 & Karaoke
I'm still frustrated about the fact that 9-1-1 promoted episode 7x6 by using clips of Buck and Eddie to get people to watch. Also, I'm going to be real about it because the reason they did it was to get engagement but that's not the only thing that's pissing me off.
The Buddie and Madney 'ships have been intertwined since 2x6 "Dosed" when Buck, Eddie and Chimney helped Maddie move into her new apartment. They're ship pairings are similar to the Bathena and Henren 'ships because Hen and Athena are best friends and the four of them play cards and spend time together all the time. They don't necessarily hang out with Maddie and Chimney or Buck and Eddie like they do each other.
Buck and Eddie aren't married (Yet! If the narrative continues the way that it began in season 2 they will be but only TM knows what he's trying to accomplish with them now) but their friends to lovers love story has paralleled Maddie's and Chimney's and it appears the karaoke scene was intentionally added to parallel with Maddie's and Chimney's karaoke scene from 2x8. Furthermore, Maddie's and Eddie's lives parallel (both are the eldest siblings and they also had to shoulder a lot of their parents' responsibilities/secrets). Also, believe it or not but Buck's and Chimney's lives do too (they both have abandonment issues. Reminder, Sang left Chimney to fend for himself when he moved back to Korea).
The thing that's really irritating me about 7x6 is from the start it SHOULD HAVE ONLY BEEN ABOUT MADDIE AND CHIMNEY getting married. That's it! There shouldn't have been this whole Chimney gets kidnapped/abducted or whatever is supposed to happen because they've been through a lot. Why couldn't they have simply had a nice wedding episode that highlighted their relationship? It could have included flashbacks that showed where they started and how they arrived at the point they're at now. Also, it could have shown how they overcame adversity even after they decided to end things when they were on their way back to L.A. after Maddie left in season 5. Then they could have proceeded to show how they rekindled their true love in season 6. Too much has happened for them off-screen and also, they've had the most tumultuous relationship especially with the Doug Kendell of it all when he tried to kill both of them.
Buck and Eddie's party shenanigans might still be included but if they never intended to air their "karaoke scene" (they knew they weren't going to include it by the end of 7x5 because it's been said it takes 2 weeks for an episode to be edited but they kept promoting Buck and Eddie instead of Maddie and Chimney), therefore they shouldn't have focused on Buddie as much as they did. Additionally, OS said he was terrified of singing karaoke but he did it and he's proud of it. RG and OS both looked like they were having a good time doing it so IMO, they could have at least included 15 seconds of the song and eliminated something else.
I'm really trying not to feel like they're using Buddie shippers for views but that's what it seems like. If they wanted people to genuinely watch Madney's wedding for their love story then there wouldn't have been a need to add Buck and Eddie in the promos and they should have let JLH and KC do all the interviews after 7x5 aired in preparation for 7x6.
Finally, since they have more than an hour and a half of footage, it appears the wedding should have been slotted for 2 episodes instead of one and they could have accomplished it if they would have planned better. A lot of things that's included in 7x5 could have been condensed or added to 7x4 so they could have started the wedding scenes at the end of 7x5.
Be clear, this is NOT 9-1-1's first time filming a 10-episode season, that was season 1. Also, season 4 only had 14 episodes and that was because of the pandemic so they're not strangers to understanding how to fit everything into a limited number of episodes. Maybe they need to focus on time management instead of adding people to the ever-growing list of recurring characters and focus on their mains. Karen, Denny and Ravi are all recurring characters who've been around for several seasons (Karen and Denny since season 1 and Ravi since season 4) but for some reason they keep bringing new people and giving them more screen time instead of focusing on the core cast. We've all seen it before in season 5 with all the time they gave Taylor Kelly so this 7x6 debacle basically comes down to poor planning. IMO, someone who's responsible for the decisions that were made with the promos and the final edits should say something to the audience about it.
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I thinks it’s really interesting how Mori is the anti-thesis of Oda in practically every way.
I think a more general way to see this is in their ideals. Mori believes that only Darkness can thrive in Darkness, whereas Oda believes it is possible to redeem yourself and live in light. So even their basic principals and ideals are foils of each other.
And then you have their personality’s.
When we think of Mori we think of how manipulative he is, how he controls everyone in the mafia and pretty much abuses them. We think of his cruelty for which we have numerous examples of.
Oda is the exact opposite. It’s pretty well agreed upon that Oda’s a good person. That he isn’t manipulative or cruel like Mori. We see this in his treatment of not only people in general, but specifically the orphans and Dazai.
So already they are opposites. But then you look at them and their impacts on the story (?). Or basically the two separate cycles they start. These “cycles” per say parallel each other.
Mori starts one aspect of the cycle of abuse. He abuses Dazai, who then abuses Akutagawa and then Kyouka.
Oda does something a little different (very different). He treats Dazai well, kindly. He eventually saves him in a sense. He convinces him to leave the Mafia.
Then Dazai goes onto help Atsushi. Save him for starving on the street and help him heal from his trauma. Atsushi does the same with Kyouka.
Oda starts a cycle of saving people while Mori starts one of abuse. They both start with Dazai and the cycles both end with Kyouka.
I’m not really sure what this means for the larger story, if anything at all, but I thinks it’s really neat. I love when Bsd connects things like this because it really helps keep the story grounded.
And a side note about this general topic, that I really couldn’t find a way to tie in with everything else: I find it really interesting how Natsume started both Oda and Mori on their paths.
Like Natsume convinced Oda to be a writer, which leads him to no longer kill and then somehow ends him up in the Mafia.
With Mori, it’s been alluded to that Natsume started both Fukuzawa and Mori on their paths to help bring balance to Yokohama. The Night and Day of the city, as I’ve seen some refer to them as.
While I can talk about Fukuzawa and Oda later, I’m focused on Oda and Mori for the sake of this conversation.
I honestly think this goes to show how unexpectedly intertwined their stories were, right up to Oda’s death. And then even after Oda’s actions effect the story with continues to parallel what Mori started. They start and sort of end with the same person.
This is all I really have for now. I think I could maybe elaborate on the second paragraph of this a little more (Mori and Oda’s ideals). And by that I mean give examples.
So maybe more coming in the future??
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Read an excellent post from @evendumbo about media literacy, rom-communism and the Ted Lasso finale & wanted to add my two cents.
I think in retrospect, the answers given by the cast during promo either ring hollow or seem bittersweet because there seems to have been a split between those who knew what Ted & Rebecca's dynamic was/had the potential to be & those who didn't.
For Brendan Hunt to give conflicting answers in the recent AMA, it shows that there was no cohesive Ted & Rebecca arc this season. They used callbacks and fake-outs that fooled the viewers into thinking they meant something. BH admitted that they 'considered Tedbecca [...] without enthusiasm'. Which seems very odd considering the fact that they'd spent three whole seasons proving how irrevocably intertwined these two characters are. Whether you viewed their relationship as platonic or romantic, it says a lot that the platonic crowd recognized that shippers were fobbed off.
From my own perspective as a screenwriter, I think BH (and perhaps the writer's room as a whole)'s interpretation of romantic relationships on-screen was too black-and-white. It was defined by heat and passion rather than an intimate connection between two people.
The idea that a middle-aged second chance romance has to conform to the same standards as a young couple like Roy & Keeley is where they fumbled the bag. They'd already established Ted & Rebecca's deep connection and their parallel lives. The romantic potential was teased several times, right until the very end.
The show prided itself on its use of rom-communism and the way it effortlessly weaved subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) references to classic rom-coms into the narrative. The episode 'Rainbow' was a love letter to Nora Ephron. It reinforced the idea that Ted & Rebecca's bond shared similarities with Harry & Sally. Friends to lovers is an age-old trope that, when written well, works beautifully. There doesn't have to be sizzling passion or palpable heat every time the characters are in the room together. There just has to be a strong connection. A soft, unspoken thing that's obvious to the viewers through the way the characters communicate (particularly non-verbally).
'In the airport scene they are both struggling with whether or not to say [they love each other]. But they both know instinctively that if they do, it could open a floodgate they’d rather not open.'
They could have gone down the Harry & Sally route. It would have made perfect sense. But in the same vein, their relationship had all the hallmarks of a classic Nancy Meyers marriage - think Steve Martin & Diane Keaton in Father of the Bride. We didn't have to see them kiss on-screen or even sleep together in order to establish a romantic connection (although it would have been a huge victory for the shippers) - Ted & Rebecca have nothing to prove. Everyone already knows.
We could have had a beautiful, soft love story between these two characters, but instead the writers chose to squander that potential because of antiquated ideas of 'social conditioning'. It's greatly disappointing.
You can backtrack on authorial intent, but you can't deny the things that transpired on-screen.
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year
Gambol Shroud And Blake's 2 Beauties
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Your hopes have become my burden. I will find my own liberation…
This quote is the crux of Blake's arc and it can be read in 2 complementary and intertwined ways:
Blake needs to find "freedom" for the Faunus (outside)
Blake needs to find her own freedom from Adam (inside)
These 2 different "freedoms" give birth to 2 different plot-lines that together make Blake's story. They are initially intertwined in Adam, who is Blake's partner both romantically and politically. This is highlighted also by Blake's fairy tale. As a matter of fact Adam is:
Blake's Rose > He is Blake's mentor whose ideals have corrupted and trapped her in an abusive relationship fed by hate
Blake's Beast romantically > He is Blake's boyfriend, who is a beast because of his abuse towards his Beauty
Blake's Beast politically > He is Blake's partner in crime, when it comes to Faunus Guerrilla. They are the Beasts society refuses to see, so they fight to be seen
In short, Adam plays all the characters of Blake's fairy tale. This is because he has poisoned her life so much, she is initially completely dominated by him. Luckily, things start to change at Beacon where she finds a young fresh rose:
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Ruby becomes an inspiration for Blake and helps her find hope again. At the same time, she also leads our black beast to 2 beauties that can help her:
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Weiss is the Cold Beauty who is wary of the Beast at first, but eventually warms up to her. She is going to help Blake overcome the hate between humans and faunus.
Yang is the Yellow Beauty our Beast is falling in love with. She is going to show Blake healthy and balanced romantic bonds are possible and wonderful.
This meta is going to briefly explore the set up for both Beauties to help Blake with her arc. In particular, it is gonna show how Gambol Shroud is used to comment Blake's relationship with both Weiss and Yang.
Blake's arc seems to follow a specific pattern. In every arc where she gets major focus, she has 2 climatic moments tied to her 2 subplots (faunus/political + abuse/romantic).
In Vale we have:
volume 2 climax that ties with Blake facing the White Feng and her past affiliation with the group (political)
volume 3 climax where Adam comes back into Blake's life with a tragic result (romantic)
In Mistral we have:
volume 5 climax where Blake leads the Managerie Faunus and defeats the White Feng (political)
volume 6 climax where Blake fights Adam and shows she is strong enough to resists his manipulation (romantic)
Let's highlight that these 2 plotlines are initially thightly united, as Adam is both a political leader and Blake's abuser. That said, as the story goes on, they start to separate. Right now, I would say they do not overlap anymore, as Adam is gone forever.
Let's now analyze Weiss and Yang's role in Blake's 2 subplots and their climaxes.
Blake starts her arc in Vale by
facing the White Feng and her past affiliation with them
facing Adam and their past romantic relationship
Weiss is involved in the first subplot, while Yang in the second.
Weiss's bias and racism bring to the surface Blake's past, forcing our cat girl to open up about it. Later on, Weiss is the first to notice Blake's suspicious demanour in volume 2:
Weiss: Stop. Lately you've been quiet, antisocial and moody! Yang: Uh, have you met Blake? Weiss: Which I get is kind of your thing, but you've been doing it more than usual! Which quite frankly, is unacceptable! You made a promise to me, to all of us, that you would let us know if something was wrong! So, Blake Belladonna, what is wrong!?
They fight together against the giant paladin:
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And in the train battle, Weiss and Blake help each other out. Weiss stays behind to give Blake the chance to move forward and confront Torchwick. Blake chooses to save Weiss's life even if it means she is letting Torchwick go:
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This scene is particularly important because it parallels (and it foreshadows) this scene:
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Blake ends volume 2 by running away with a wounded Weiss and it ends volume 3 by running away with a wounded Yang.
As a matter of fact Weiss kickstarts Blake's arc through their initial conflict, while Yang is the focus of Blake's romantic subplot. She is the one who symbolically "brings Blake" to the dance by convincing her to take a break:
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She is the one directly compared to Adam:
Blake: I had someone very dear to me change. It wasn't in an instant, it was gradual - little choices that began to pile up. He told me not to worry. At first they were accidents, then it was self-defense. Before long, even I began to think he was right. This is all just… very familiar. But you're not him. And you've never done anything like this before. So… I want to trust you. I will trust you. But first, I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me that he attacked you. I need you to promise me that you regret having to do what you did.
And obviously she becomes Adam's target and victim, which traumatizes Blake and pushes her story forward
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In Mistral Blake succeeds in 2 different ways:
She takes the White Feng back from Adam's clutches
She herself escapes Adam's clutches once and for all
Weiss doesn't play a big role in these developments. Still, she and Blake are tied up symbolically, as they go through parallel arcs. They both escape their abusers and deal with their opposite legacies. On the one hand Blake embraces Ghira's political legacy. On the other hand Weiss refuses Jacques's. Blake finalizes this part of her development in Mistral. Weiss finalizes hers in Atlas. Basically, both girls are given "narrative personal space" to deal with their opposite sides of the conflict. Blake takes care of the most extremist faction of the White Feng. Weiss saves her family and stops Jacques.
This thematic connection is still highlighted in Haven, when it is Weiss's Queen Lancer which breaks the wall and symbolically reunites Blake with her team:
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On her hand Blake is quick to step in when the Queen Lancer is shattered:
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She joins when Weiss needs her the most.
This kind of separated and yet intertwined development is shared by Blake and Yang, as well. Throughout volume 4 and 5, the bees face their insecurities and traumas, until they defeat the ones responsible for them:
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After that, they share a climax, where they top off their developments by overcoming Adam together:
Nevermore Will I be afraid Nor will I run away It's behind me Freedom is finally here You may have taken the lead but I'll even the score You won the battle you won't win the war Not now and Nevermore
Adam tests their respective growths. He tries to manipulate Blake with guilt and Yang with anger. However, he fails because both girls are now stronger. Together.
Obviously there is another key character to Blake's arc and that is our good boy Sun:
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Sun plays the role of the helper in our cat girl's story. Specifically, both in Vale and Mistral he prepares the terrain for Blake's climaxes with respectively Weiss and Yang.
He follows Blake when she runs from her team because of Weiss
He follows Blake when she runs from her team because of Yang
He is key in supporting Blake throughout her personal journeys both in Vale and Mistral/Managerie and is a big reason why Blake finds her way home both times:
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In short, he is the beast who leads the Beauty back to her 2 Beauties/Beasts, who wait for her to complete Blake's fairy tale on two different levels. Macrochosm/political (Weiss) and microchosm/romantic (Yang).
So, structurally Blake seems destined to solve/top off her 2 major conflicts through her relationships with Weiss and Yang. Still, what are these 2 relationships like?
Obviously, throughout the volumes they have been slowly built up.
Weiss and Blake start as complete opposites, but throughout Beacon they grow closer and this process is still going on:
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Weiss: She will. Yang… You, Ruby, and even Blake are more like family to me than my brother or even my own father. I would do anything for you three, and I'm willing to bet Blake feels the same way. So, when she's ready, I'll be there for her. And I know we're not as close, but… I'm here for you too.
Drunk Man: Stupid Faunus like you wouldn't unders-- He looks down to unscrew his flask and pauses when he sees a black glyph beneath his feet. His glasses hover off his face as his eyes widen in surprise. The glyph flings him into the air, and he falls into a dumpster in the nearby alley, his glasses and flask accompanying him soon after. Yang, Nora, Blake and Ruby stare at the dumpster, then turn to see Weiss pointing Myrtenaster where the man had been standing. Weiss: It was worth it.
Weiss: I wish I could take back the years of pain my family has caused the Faunus and all of my complacency in it.
Weiss: Blake… I’m really glad you’re okay. Blake: I’m really glad you are too.
Their story is full of little interactions that show how they are progressively becoming more intimate. From teammates, to friends, to family, to sisters.
Yang and Blake start as fighting partners and grow as romantic love interests. This journey is like... obvious:
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They are currently together and closer than ever, as they have finally symbolically united.
Here we come to the motif I really wanted to explore! Blake's bond with her 2 Beauties is conveyed also through Gambol Shroud. This weapon comments Blake's arc as a whole, so it should not be surprising it tells us something on her relationships with others.
It is used early on to highlight her connection with Yang:
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Blake and Yang's combination (Bumblebee) is the only one where a weapon is shared with another person. None of the other combos work this way. Moreover, Blake usually does not share her weapon with other people, despite how much she swings around with it. So, it clearly becomes indicative of Yang and Blake's chemistry.
This is true for Weiss and Blake, as well:
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Weiss sharing her Dust with Blake emphasizes the girls slowly overcoming their differences. This is why it is also interesting that in volume 9 Blake shares Gambol Shroud with Weiss of all people:
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Weiss takes Yang's place in their combination attack (and Yang takes Ruby's). This is a minor detail, but it is still interesting considering another strong parallel:
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So far, Gambol Shroud has been damaged twice. Firstly by Adam, who shatters it. Then by Cinder, who burns its ribbon. Both times, a Beauty picks the weapon up and uses it. Yang uses its fragments to help Blake kill Adam. Weiss wields the weapon as a memento of her team and family. Yang and Weiss are also why Gambol Shroud goes back to Blake:
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Yang helps Blake heal from Adam and Weiss leads Blake to where Gambol Shroud is in the Ever After. In short, both help Blake to rebuild and find herself again.
What does it all mean for Blake's story? I think it points to where she is going as we approach the end, tbh. She should have 2 major moments:
One with Weiss where they solve thematically the human/faunus conflict. It doesn't mean they will have racism disappear, of course. Just that they will fight side by side and inspire their respective people to do the same.
One with Yang where they finish their Beauty and Beast love story. As a matter of fact I think we still miss a final top off for them, despite all their focus so far.
When it comes to Blake and Yang's final moment, I think they should go through an inversion of what happened in Mistral. There, Blake leaves Yang and Yang forgives her and is there for her. In Vacuo, I think Yang might unwillingly trigger Blake (for example, her hiding the truth about Raven might have some minor conflict arise). Still, Blake will be able to overcome it and to stay by Yang's side. In this way, she would do for Yang what Yang did for her. Moreover, she will metaphorically overcome Adam once and for all, as she will conquer the traces he left in her by trusting Yang, no matter what.
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dangerpronebuddie · 2 months
Hi, baby, hope you're having a good day 🩷
But about Buck, Actually, no, the newlyweds call is not the last one, it is see me Norman, gas station, newlyweds, and then Thomas and Mitchell, with bathena and madney intertwined in the middle. I will definitely write something in more detail depending on the types of shots we get from the bachelor party, but madney has the whole bar sequence, the karaoke of it all, then the scene in Chim's apartment with the food and what Buck says that will quite literally describe buddie too as of 706 once we see the karaoke, and bathena is about Athena accepting the changes in the family that come with Michael dating? Like there's the dinner with Michael and the boyfriend and the kids and bathena (and then bathena gets engaged the next episode lol) that I kinda wanna argue you can parallel to outside looking in but I will have to rewatch both scenes again to make sure lol and well, the episode is very much a madney begins in a sense, we see the friendship and they talk about Maddie not being ready yet and we have a lot of parallels to draw if they are going that direction, even more with the whole repeat names and the Thomas/Tommy thing yk? I have to watch 706 for the thoughts to fully form tho ksoskspskspskapka I am losing my mind a little about it ngl
Hi baby, hope you are too🩷
Okay, that's what I thought. So doing the trapped dads thing could definitely have a confession, and they could possibly combine the car crash and Thomas and Mitchell, at least in terms of how Buck sees love. And like you said, if Eddie's the one in worse condition, he's not going to tell Buck and let him live with that forever. Buck would tell Eddie, just so he'd know he died being loved (I didn't tear up writing that. At all).
Given the fact Buck, Actually had such a focus on Madney, it kinda makes sense for 7x06 to have a Buddie focus. We haven't even seen Chim at his own bachelor party yet! With Madney in 2x08, we get to see how they communicate (Chim spam texts lol), how well they know each other (her wine order), the karaoke, the buff-fridays thing, and Buck calling them out on being oblivious. The fact we're getting the same colors and the thing with their arms around each other is INSANITY. Even more so considering Maddie and Eddie have so many similarities. Still haven't figured out the point of Eddie in pink, we'll just have to see there. (I think I'm having thoughts on that but now I need to look at 7x01 again. Maybe the pink is tied to Eddie specifically right now. I need to find some coherent thoughts on that lol).
I just thought of something. Athena struggling with accepting changes in the family sounds oddly familiar... Chris broke a salad bowl over Eddie dating again. Would he have similar emotions to finding out Buck and Tommy are together? Or, a step further, if he somehow figures out how Buck and Eddie feel about each other? It's kind of a stretch but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
With the Outside Looking In parallel, it's possible. I'd have to watch and see.
7x06 could be a Buddie begins in a sense. They're practically attached at the hip in all the promos, the karaoke thing, and God knows what else we'll see. I'm all for an *almost* happening, just not a cheating storyline, no thanks. The almost would push them to think whether or not they're ready, and they aren't- at least not Eddie considering Marisol and the whole guilt thing. OH! An almost would pile onto that!
And it's perfect for someone to point out their feelings. Anyone watching them could spot it, Maddie already has her suspicions, so does Tommy. Ideally, at least for me, I want Maddie to call Buck on it and Chim to Uno reverse and throw out "if you love him, tell him." It's not likely to happen in 7x06 specifically, but it could be very soon. Tommy's likely to mention something too, considering he barely knows them and still spotted it, but I would love for it to be Madney.
The Thomas/ Tommy thing is really bugging me. Are we going to see a Charlie or a Mitchell in the near future? I still haven't figured out Tommy's motives, it really makes no sense.
There's so many parallels we're getting, and probably A LOT more in 7x06. I already know it's gonna be one of those episodes that keepe me up all night lol.
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childotkw · 9 months
Stranger Things AU (some of this is based on popular theories): Similar to canon, Tom grew up in an orphanage and was always different than the other children, with rumors of him being able to do strange things. One day he kills every single person in the orphanage, with the blame falling on one of the matrons. Unfortunately he ends up getting the attention of Dr Dumbledore, who grew interested in his abilities and brought him to a lab and used to him as a test subject to create more super-powered children. He stays years in the lab, with a microchip that seals his powers, until something happens that causes him to be able to use his powers again but is subsequently sent to the Upside Down where he was able to become even more powerful, and decided that he would shape the world to his liking. Enter Harry Potter, a similar child who was seen as different from his peers, although he actually had people who cared for him, unlike Tom, and also seems to have similar powers to him related to the UPD. Tom sees potential in him (and a lot of himself) and brings him to the UPD. Harry is able to escape at some point but he and Tom are intertwined afterwards, with both of them being able to sense each other's presence and even feelings, with Harry also being connected to the UPD and its monsters.
It's not really a full-fleshed (or even good) AU but the parallels between Tom and Harry with Henry and Will from ST were too hard to resist making an AU about.
Ooooh I like it!
Tom was born different. Wrong. It wasn't obvious from the start, no matter what the Matron had muttered when she had signed over the rights to him after The Incident.
There had been no signs, no hint of otherness to him, nothing strange. Beyond his mother dying to bring him into the world, there was nothing extraordinary about Tom's birth at all.
But in the years that followed? Oh, how that changed.
Strangeness became synonyms with Tom as he grew - inexplicable things occurring around him, to him, because of him.
Creepy, the other children whispered.
Odd, potential parents said before leaving in a rush.
Fucking Freak, Billy Stubbs had sneered a day before he and six other orphans were lifted into the air and had their limbs folded like pretzels while they bled from their eyes.
Professor Dumbledore quietly ushered Tom into his nice car before all the bodies had even been loaded into the vans and taken to the coroner.
It was at the lab that Tom learned a new word for what he was - a better word, one that made him preen and smile and go along with all the tests they had him perform.
Years passed, and eventually Tom grew bored playing obedient pet to people who stunk of fear whenever they were in the room with him. He only meant to try something new, to start a new game with the scientists that crawled over and around him like weevils.
He hadn't meant to kill the two technicians, honest, Professor Dumbledore.
The lie didn't work, and Tom learned all too quick that all the studying they had conducted on him had not just been into honing his skills but on suppression.
For the first time in his life, he was just like everyone else, and he hated it.
Hated it more when Dumbledore started to bring in other children.
When they made him a janitor of all things, trapped in the halls, doomed to just watch lest the fucking chip in his neck activate.
When they started using Tom's blood and samples and other bits of research gleaned from him to make these children, these rats, special too.
It burned, being regulated to the background - white garbs, white shoes, blending in to the white walls and floors and doors - and seeing other, unworthy brats be lauded and praised for their mediocre powers.
They called Tom 'One' in all their notes now, but no one dared to say it to his face - couldn't have their precious new experiments making the connection after all, even if they were all too stupid to realise they weren't the first.
Only one in the bunch was interesting. Only one out of all of them caught Tom's attention.
Mousy little thing, but there was an oh so clever glint in those bright eyes that sparked at the oddest times.
Seven was small, and light-footed, and skittish - but Tom knew, knew deep in that part of himself that the chip hadn't quite numbed, that Seven had taken to Tom's abilities better than the rest.
There was a connection there, buzzing in the back of his mind, and he knew Seven felt it too because those eyes followed him whenever they passed each other in the halls. Green eyes tracking him with curiosity and wonder, only ducking away when Tom looked back.
It was Seven, and that strange connection between them, that gave Tom the opening he needed to escape. Only his escape was less an escape and more swapping one prison for another.
The world he found himself in was monstrous, twisted, cold.
He needed to get out - and there was only one person he knew who could help.
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