#something about jonathan dad kent that makes me need to kill him off
bluejaysandblackbats · 5 months
Hair Trigger
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Superfam, YJ98
Summary: A junior at Gotham University, Jason finds it difficult to conceal his worsening mental health from his family and his friend, Jon Lane Kent. Family secrets are revealed and boundaries are pushed as Jason and Laney struggle to navigate through school, their romantic feelings, and their trauma. Could the reintroduction of Laney Kent be more trouble than it's worth, or is it just what Jason needed to confront the demons of his past?
I will also do trigger warnings for chapters and if there is smut I have the chapter(s) tagged so you don't have to worry about nsfw in the fic if you're just here for the story itself.
Chapters: 6/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Jonathan Lane Kent, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Conner Kent, Natalia Knight, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Chris Kent, Bart Allen, Original Character(s)
Relationships: JayLaney, Clois, TimKon
Additional Tags: University AU, No Powers AU, Sharing A Bed, Romance, Angst
Chapter Six: Ring
"Dad, what are you doing?" Laney asked. Clark sat on the fire escape typing something on his laptop. "Dad?"
"It's such a nice day. We should go do something," Clark whispered, "Do you still like to eat at Taco Whiz?"
Laney smiled. "Mhm, but what are you working on? Is it the article?" Laney asked. Clark shook his head.
"I'm looking at the cost of a CPAP machine—."
"Dad, we talked about that over breakfast—."
"I know, but I would just feel better if I knew why you didn't want one," Clark asked, "I think our insurance would cover it. I could make a call and—."
"I kind of didn't want to make a big deal out of it—."
"Can I bargain with you on this? Is there anything that I can say or do to get you to discuss this with me like an adult?" Clark asked.
"Would it help you sleep at night if I made an appointment to talk to my doctor about getting a CPAP?" Laney asked. Clark nodded. "Fine, but only because I don't want to argue about it." Laney went into his room and changed out of his pajamas.
"You promise?" Clark asked.
"Dad, I promise," Laney replied, "Now what are we doing today?"
"Do you wanna take a walk there?" Clark asked. Laney nodded and waited for Clark to come in from the fire escape. Clark stumbled on the way to get his shoes, and Laney steadied him.
"I wanted to ask you something," Laney mentioned.
"Okay," Clark replied as they stepped out of the apartment. Laney locked up, and they started on their way to the elevator.
"How's Conner doing?" Laney asked.
"He's doing fine. You haven't spoken to him?" Clark asked as he held the elevator for an older woman.
"He gets on my nerves," Laney replied, "So, no, I haven't talked to him this month." Clark chuckled.
"He's doing fine. Did he tell you he's playing at your school in two weeks?" Clark asked.
"I'll text him later and ask if he wants me to come," Laney replied. The elevator opened on the fourth floor, and the woman got off.
"Thank you, young man," she waved at Clark. Clark smiled at her, and they got off on the first floor and started their walk.
"Young man?" Laney chuckled.
"I was young once," Clark joked, and Laney laughed as his phone started to ring.
"Speak of the devil... Hey," Laney answered, and he put the phone on speaker.
"Hi, I've got two questions. Can I borrow your ID, and can I stay the night at your place?" Conner asked.
"One, Dad heard that first question. Two, yeah, you can stay at my place," Laney answered.
"Dad's with you?" Conner asked.
"Hi, Conner," Clark greeted him as he grabbed the back of Laney's shirt. "Laney, watch the cars. Why do you need Laney's ID?"
"Disclaimer: It's not for alcohol... But I am gonna need Laney to take me off speaker before I give him a reason," Conner replied. Laney sighed and turned off the speaker.
"I took you off the speaker," Laney replied.
"I lost my ID, and I kind of scheduled a tattoo appointment in your name," Conner replied.
"That's so stupid. Mom would kill both of us if she found out I helped you do that," Laney replied.
"For real?" Conner whined.
"No," Laney replied.
"Sick, thanks," Conner whispered. Clark led Laney across the street by his forearm as Laney took Conner off the speaker.
"Well, he was telling the truth, Dad. Conner, you're back on speakerphone. Also, you're gonna have to sleep on the floor," Laney replied.
"See you tonight then. Love you, Dad. Later Laney," Conner hung up before they could say anything further. Laney and Clark reached the restaurant soon afterward and stood in line together.
They walked to the park after they got their order, and they sat together. "Don't eat so fast," Clark warned him. Laney took a sip of his soda.
"Hey, Dad. Do you remember when Conner and I were little, and you used to take us on walks in the double stroller?" Laney asked.
"I didn't think you remembered that. You were so little then. Do you remember you used to get upset because you didn't want to sit on the sunny side?" Clark laughed. Laney smiled. "Remember when you were five and insisted that I carry you everywhere because you weren't ready to be a big boy?"
Laney tried to conceal his smile. "And I flipped out when I was nine because I didn't want another little brother... I never was much of a team player—."
"You were a team player. You just never liked us to know it. Think I don't remember when Sammy was a baby, and you used to fall asleep holding him on the couch? Or how you asked to share a room with Christopher because you said you'd wake up if he had a nightmare?" Clark whispered. "You've always been a team player, but I think you're hard on yourself. You and Jason have that in common."
"How do you know?" Laney asked. Clark took a sip of his soda.
"He used to talk to me sometimes. He wouldn't say a lot, but I heard enough to know that you boys are... Perfectly matched," Clark whispered, and Laney tensed up.
"What do you mean?" Laney asked.
"I was only making an observation," Clark replied.
Laney went back to eating, and he fought the urge to address what Clark said, but he knew he had to. "So, I think he's attractive. Is that what you wanted me to say?" Laney asked.
"Actually, I had no idea that you liked him. I just meant that in the context of you both being what the other needed in a friend... How long have you liked him?" Clark asked. Laney shrugged.
"I don't know, since that one Christmas... But I wouldn't do that to him," Laney mumbled and reached to run a hand through his hair.
Clark grabbed his wrist. "Your hands are dirty... And what do you mean?" Clark asked.
"I don't wanna impose my feelings on him while he's going through stuff..." Laney finished his soda off and went back to eating. They sat in the park and ate and talked for nearly an hour, and they started on their way back to Laney's apartment.
Laney turned on the tv while Clark got ready to take his shower. Laney broke into a sweat, and he felt a pain in his chest. He plopped down on the couch and leaned his head back as he tried to catch his breath. Clark stepped out of the bathroom in his pajamas. "Laney, I was thinking we could—."
"Dad," Laney interrupted him.
"What's wrong?" Clark asked.
"My chest hurts," Laney replied. Clark watched as Laney took a few unsteady breaths and clutched his chest.
"Laney, I'm gonna get you an aspirin. Okay, just sit up, and I'll be right back," Clark replied calmly. He grabbed the aspirin from the medicine cabinet and grabbed Laney's soda from the kitchen before going back to the room. "Here you go," Clark whispered and sat next to his son. He waited for a while until Laney relaxed enough to speak. "I think I should stay a few more days with you..." Laney nodded and took a few more deep breaths.
On the other side of Gotham, Jason got a ride up to the manor to surprise Bruce. He found himself caught in the middle of an argument between the driver and someone on the phone. "Listen! I've got this fucking kid in my car right now, and I can't—."
"Shut up! Shut up! I'm gonna take all your shit, and I'm gonna sell it! A-and whatever I can't sell, I'm gonna burn," the woman on the phone yelled, and the call dropped.
Jason didn't say anything. He just watched as the driver pulled up to the gate and he got out of the car. "Thank you," Jason whispered, and Jason waited until the driver was almost out of sight to punch in the code to the gate and let himself in. He walked up the paved driveway all the way to the front door, and he just stood there. Jason swallowed hard and lay his knuckles against the door, careful not to make a sound. After standing there frozen, he knocked. No one answered, so he waited a few seconds and tried again, and the door swung open.
"I'm sorry, but I've got to—. Jason?" Bruce asked. He seemed surprised, but he was obviously dressed to go out. "I was just about to call you."
"Where are you going?" Jason asked.
"Clark's taking Laney to the emergency room," Bruce replied, "Do you want to ride with me?"
"Uh-huh. Did Mr. Kent tell you what happened?" Jason asked, raising his voice without thinking as he followed Bruce to the garage. "Dad?" Jason grabbed Bruce's arm.
"I don't know yet. Jason, what are you doing here?" Bruce asked.
"I wanted to see you guys. See, if you wanted to do something... Why wouldn't he tell you what was wrong with Laney?" Jason asked. Bruce pulled up to the gate and punched in the code so that they could leave, and he shrugged at Jason. "Well, can you tell me why you're just as worried as I am? You never liked Lane—."
"Clark would do the same thing if you were in the emergency room," Bruce answered, "I'm sorry if I seem agitated this morning, but I just got this call a few minutes ago." Jason bit his nails as he looked out the window. "Jason, I'm sorry. I'm not snapping at you... I'm actually happy to see you—."
"It's alright. I'm not even thinking about that," Jason snapped as he dug in his pocket for his phone and made a call.
"Who are you calling?" Bruce asked.
"I'm calling Laney. Maybe he has his phone with him," Jason replied.
Clark answered the phone. "Hello?" Clark answered. "Jason?"
"How is Laney? We're on our way," Jason blurted out without thinking of how concerned he sounded.
"I'm just holding his phone for him while he's getting checked out. I'm more panicked than he is, I think," Clark confessed.
"What happened?" Jason asked. "Is he hurt? Was there an accident?"
"No, it's nothing like that... He—. Laney? Sorry, Jason, hold on... What'd they say?" Clark asked, and Jason could hear Laney's voice in the background, but he couldn't make out what Laney said. "What does that mean?" Clark asked.
"What is Clark saying?" Bruce asked. Jason shrugged.
"I don't know—."
The call dropped, and Jason's jaw tightened. "He hung up..." Bruce looked over at Jason, and he opened his mouth to speak but couldn't find anything comforting to say.
"Laney's a good guy, Dad."
"Are we really going to argue about whether or not I like him?" Bruce asked.
"You didn't address it when I said you didn't like him. Don't you think he knows that?" Jason asked.
"It wasn't that I didn't like him as a person. I didn't like what he did—."
"What did he do?" Jason asked. "Because I'm starting to feel like you didn't split us up over a rated R movie." Bruce wouldn't look at him. "Dad?"
"Now isn't the time—."
"When?" Jason asked. Bruce turned the radio on, and Jason shut it off. "I'm not a child, Bruce. That doesn't work anymore. Why couldn't I see Laney anymore?"
"Jason now is really not the time to discuss why I don't like him. He's in the hospital, for god's sakes," Bruce whispered.
"Now you're just being evasive—."
"You're right. I am being evasive. I don't want to argue with you today. I really don't want to argue with you at all, and there's nothing I can do to change what happened now... I'm sure you already know," Bruce replied.
"I don't know. That's why I'm asking you... And Laney refused to tell me when we hung out, which I guess is your doing somehow, right?" Jason asked. "And for the record, we're arguing right now."
"Do you remember Natalia? Well, he was going to help her meet up with you at the movie theater—."
"And now you're bullshitting me. I haven't seen Natalia since you said she got in trouble for some laundering stuff... Unless she was trying to say-... Pull the fucking car over!" Jason hollered.
"Jason, I'm not gonna pull the car over—."
"You're gonna pull the car over, and we're not gonna argue! We're gonna fight because you know what you did to me," Jason yelled. Bruce sighed.
"What did I do?" Bruce asked.
"You took Laney away! You took my foster mom away! It's like you don't want anyone else in my life—."
"That's not it. Natalia was a criminal and what Laney did was—."
"Kindhearted? Selfless?" Jason asked as Bruce pulled over.
"Reckless. Jason, Laney was reckless. She could've run off and took you away from me," Bruce replied sternly, "And he was going to tell you what happened. I couldn't let him do that—."
"Why the hell not? He was my best friend! Don't you think that I deserved to know the truth? I would've been upset, but I would have gotten over it! I know realistically I wouldn't have run away because I love you, but I would have appreciated you explaining to me that you cared..." Jason took a deep breath and pushed his hair back. "But Laney, as rude and childish and hotheaded as he was back then, he was my very best friend. So, no, I'm not pissed about Natalia. I'm pissed that you held a grudge against my best friend for being my best friend."
"Jason," Bruce whispered.
"You can keep driving now... But you're going to apologize to Laney, and I want you to tell him you appreciate how understanding he's been," Jason commanded. Bruce nodded. "And one more thing, you will never ever come between me and someone I lo-. I care about ever again."
"Wait, Jason. Did you say—?"
"I don't want to talk about that with you," Jason replied. The rest of the drive was silent. Bruce didn't plead with him. He only sat in the silence and thought about what Jason said to him.
When they got to the hospital, Clark pulled Bruce aside and talked to him for a second before taking them to Laney's hospital room, where Laney lay in bed talking to a nurse. "I can't stay here three days? What am I gonna do here for three days?" Laney asked.
"Rest," the nurse replied as he turned to leave the room.
Jason's shoulders relaxed as soon as he locked eyes with Laney. "Mind if I talk to Laney alone?" Jason asked. Clark and Bruce stepped outside, and Jason walked over to Laney's bed. "I'm gonna hug you, and you are never allowed to tell anyone about this." He embraced Laney and Laney held onto him.
"I'm fine," Laney reassured him.
Jason let go and took a deep breath. "I asked my dad... And he told me what you tried to do for me. You're the best friend a guy could ask for," Jason whispered. Laney smiled.
"I'm glad you know now. What are you doing here?" Laney asked.
"If one more person asks me that-. I'm here because I heard you were in the hospital," Jason replied. Laney smiled. "What?"
"You love me," Laney joked.
"Actually, I like you, but we'll see where things go," Jason winked, "Hey... In all seriousness, though, why are you in here? Your head seems okay." Jason grabbed Laney's head, and Laney swatted his hands away playfully.
"If I tell you, you'll freak," Laney replied, "I know my mom freaked out..."
"What is it?" Jason asked. "It's gonna freak me out more to not know."
"I'm at risk for a heart attack... The doctor said something about my sleep apnea putting stress on my heart," Laney whispered. Jason sighed.
"Jesus, Laney... A heart attack?" Jason asked.
"It's not like I'm dying or anything, but I can feel my dad stressing from outside. Can we let our parents in so—? You're pissed at our dads, aren't you?" Laney asked. Jason shrugged and turned to go get Clark and Bruce. Laney grabbed his hand. "Don't be like that. They meant well, but you've gotta admit it does feel good to know that you know the truth about your foster mom... That she still cared."
"It does," Jason replied. He could feel the heat build-up in his face as Laney held onto his hand. "Laney? I'm gonna go get our dads." Laney nodded and let go of Jason's hand, only allowing their fingers to touch for a few seconds longer. Jason didn't address it. Instead, he left to find their parents.
"Dad? Mr. Kent?" Jason whispered.
"Are you okay?" Clark asked. Jason nodded and took a deep breath.
"Mhm, I'm fine," Jason lied as Bruce went in to speak to Laney and Clark stuck behind. He sat with Jason in the hallway, and he let out a sigh.
"So you know now?" Clark asked.
"About my mom? Because I'll be fine... I mean, I'm upset, but now I've got other things on my mind," Jason mumbled.
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oftomorrow · 13 days
3. What is your muse’s biggest fear?
4. How easy is it to anger your muse?
5. What is your muse’s biggest regret?
6. Does your muse believe in an afterlife?
10. Does your muse have nightmares? What about?
11. Would your muse kill for someone they care about?
13. How much pain can your muse withstand? For how long?
14. What was the most traumatic moment in your muse’s life?
16. If your muse could talk to one person they’ve lost, who would it be?
angsty character questions (accepting)
What is your muse's biggest fear? — Being used against his planet. Becoming the terrible weapon that some people already fear that he is. Also, not being able to protect his family, especially his boys.
How easy is it to anger your muse? — He honestly angers easily, but he's learned to keep it in check and channel it appropriately... for the most part. He knows that losing control of himself can be incredibly dangerous. His mild-mannered demeanor is very much something adopted by choice, to let the little things bounce right off him so he doesn't lose his cool. But he carries a lot of righteous anger, at the injustices of the world, and he does his best to channel that constructively into his work as Superman. (The few times he has visibly lost control as Superman, he's had to spend time winning back the public's trust. They don't like the reminder that he can be truly destructive if he wanted to be.)
What is your muse's biggest regret? — Leaving Smallville how and when he did. He left at age seventeen, and didn't return for about five years. Martha knew why he'd gone, but not where he was. And Lana didn't know anything at all. Looking back, Clark knows that the journey was necessary for him at the time... but leaving his loved ones like that was incredibly selfish, and he could have gone about it differently. He could have contacted his mother every so often. He could have told Lana where he was going, or even just broke things off cleanly so she could move on more quickly.
Does your muse believe in afterlife? — Frankly, Clark has seen too much to believe that there is simply nothing after death. The universe is too complicated and complex for this life to be all there is. He's not sure what exactly that afterlife is, but he's confident that there is one.
Does your muse have nightmares? What about? — Yes, sometimes. There are recurring themes:
Not being able to save a loved one. Usually Lois or his boys, sometimes his mother, sometimes Lana. (The Lois nightmares got particularly bad while she was going through her cancer treatment.)
Being controlled by an outside force and turned into a weapon, watching from inside his own body as he tears through cities. (These ones ramped up after he was possessed by Zod.)
Would your muse kill for someone they care about? — If he deemed it absolutely necessary to ensure their safety, and there was no other solution, then yes. But it is not a decision he will ever make lightly. He will attempt non-lethal solutions first, every single time.
How much pain can your muse withstand? For how long? — Clark has a very high pain tolerance, and strong willpower. (When Tal needed to break him for Zod to possess his body, it took threatening his family and at least a full day of torture.)
What was the most traumatic moment in your muse's life? — Gonna go with the Zod possession again. Clark always knew that he could potentially be used as a weapon, but watching it happen from inside his own body, while his only plan was to hope that John Henry would be able to kill him before he did too much damage... yeah. That rattled him to his core.
If your muse could talk to one person they've lost, who would it be? — Jonathan Kent! Clark misses his dad so unbelievably much. He'd give anything just to see him again for five minutes.
0 notes
blorb-el · 2 years
what if i was physically able to stop myself from adding angst into fluff pieces
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You Don’t Have To
Happy Birthday @screennamealreadyused !! Your birthday gift is a damijon ficlet. I get the feeling you like overdramatic, soap-opera-y fics based on the kinda stuff you come up with in the server, so hopefully that came across. 
What Jon didn’t think other people realized was that Damian, if comfortable enough, enjoyed talking. Of course, the subjects he was interested in were a tad limited, and he mentioned decapitation too often for Jon’s liking, but he enjoyed it. Barring Nightwing, Jon doubted anyone had ever taken the time to sit and listen to what Damian had to say, but Nightwing was his own adult superhero with his own adult life. And despite the fact that Damian was prickly and rude, his holier-than-thou attitude absolutely infuriating, his tendency to just drag Jon wherever he wanted despite the fact that Jon could technically crush him with one foot, despite all of that, Jon decided he wanted to be Damian’s friend. He was interesting, loud and abrasive in a way Smallville never boasted. 
Today it was cows. Ma Kent had let Damian milk some of the cows, and now, sitting on the roof of the barn, licking melting ice cream drops off their hands, Damian was telling Jon the story of a couple bulls Ra’s had bought.
“You ever think about going to go visit them?” Jon asked.
“Jon,” Damian said dryly. “Grandfather killed the bulls a long time ago.”
“Also,” Damian’s voice had dropped, going quiet in a purposefully shy way that Jon had never heard before, “I’m not even sure I would be welcomed back.”
“What?” Jon said, almost on instinct. “That’s nuts! I mean, I know your Grandad is a crazy assassin or something, but your mom...she loves you right?”
“She does,” Damian said, then added, “sort of.”
“You can’t only sort of love someone,” Jon said, because Mom was sharp and pointy, her lips turned up in a smirk as she chased down a story, her fingernails tapping on a paper pad. But she tried to make Jon cookies even though she always burnt them and called Kon over so they could do their nails together and told Jon bedtime stories and she loved him.
Damian hesitated, as if trying to find the right words. “My mother wanted a perfect son. One she could use to reclaim her supposed place by Father’s side, one that would take over Batman title.”
“But...” Jon urged on.
“But I don’t think Batman was ever meant to be a legacy, not the way Robin or Batgirl were. And,” Damian paused, growing so quiet Jon had to use his superhearing to make out what Damian mumbled. “I don’t really want to be Batman.”
Damian cringed, as if expecting Jon to say something cutting, something admonishing. Jon just said the first thing that came into his head.
“You don’t have to.”
Startled, Damian looked up. “What?”
“You don’t have to,” Jon repeated. “You don’t have to be Batman if you don’t want to. You can be some other hero, or even make your own name.”
“I can’t just do that!”
“Sure you can,” Jon said. “What’s stopping you?”
“My mother, I think. Also, I suppose it’s just expected of me.”
“Nah,” Jon said, finishing off the last of his ice cream. “No one’s expecting you are forcing you to do anything. If you don’t want to be Batman, you don’t have to be Batman.”
Damian eyed him suspiciously. “I don’t think it’s that simple.”
“Maybe not,” Jon shrugged. “But I’ll back you up.”
“She wants me to come back,” Damian whispered, his voice drowned out by the chirping of crickets outside, the sunset approaching. 
“What?” Jon asked, scrambling to sit up. His limbs move awkwardly on the bed, moving with the exact opposite of grace, the way most teenagers were known for. But as Damian pulled himself into a seated position, curling up his legs, Jon saw nothing but control and elegance. “Who wants you to come back?”
“My mother.”
“Woah, your mother?,” Jon bounced over to sit next to Damian. “And she wants you to come back to...what? The League of Assassins.”
“You can’t be serious,” Jon poured every ounce of incredulity he could muster into his voice. “You’re a hero. You’re not an assassin anymore.” 
Damian shrugged, limbs taught and face stony.
“Hold on. Damian. You’re not actually thinking of going with her, right?”
“She’s my mother,” Damian said helplessly. “And though she hasn’t always been the best one, she seemed sincere the last time she asked.”
“Let’s go back to the part where you said she hasn’t always been the best mother, because she hasn’t, at all.”
“What do you want me to say, Kent?” Damian demanded. “By blood, she is my mother. By blood, I am an al Ghul!”
“You don’t have to be.”
“It’s not about being, Jonathan. You cannot change what you are.”
“No,” Jon said thoughtfully. “You can’t change Talia being your mom. But you don’t have to be an al Ghul.” 
“That’s what her being my mother means, moron.”
“Well by that logic, Dick’s not your brother,” Jon pointed out.
“He’s a Grayson. He was never adopted by Bruce, and he never changed his name either. By blood, he’s a Grayson, and he can’t change who he is.” 
Damian was silent, and Jon felt a little surge of pride at being able to render Damian speechless. But there was a time for gloating, and this wasn’t it. “See? Just because you were born an al Ghul doesn’t mean you have to be one of them. You can be a Wayne, with your dad! Or a Grayson. Or maybe even a Pennyworth!”
“Being a Pennyworth does seem like rather intriguing idea,” Damian said, and he was agreeing with Jon, but drawing closer into himself, huddling up into a little ball. So Jon scooted a little closer and, projecting his movements, wrapped his arms around Damian. Damian didn’t relax into it, but made no move to stop Jon or shift away, so Jon kept holding on.
“Just stick with being Damian for now,” Jon said. “You can figure everything else out later.”
Damian hummed in acknowledgement and slowly, oh so slowly, leaned into Jon’s hug. Privately, Jon didn’t know what he’d do if Damian ever decided to leave and become an assassin. You’d think someone like him would have tons of friends, but Jon’s terrible attempts at secrecy and the way he tried to distance himself in order to keep his powers in check turned most people away. That and being miles ahead of everyone else in class due to Damian’s tutoring (I will not stand to have an associate who is of such low intellectual level) led to Damian being the best of his few friends. He would not handle Damian leaving very well at all.
But he knew that was the last thing Damian wanted to hear. So Jon simply hugged him for a little while, until Mom called them down to dinner.
Jon tried and failed to track Damian’s movements, eyes latching onto his best friend. Exercising to work off anger was apparently a saying Damian took to heart, because Damian had shown up at his house in the middle of the day and, after avoiding Jon’s questions, had paced around the living room, somehow angrily done a backflip and scoffed, saying how he was just as capable of acrobatics to a very confused Jon, and was now doing push-ups.
And the view was—the view was really nice if Jon was being honest with himself, but he was sick of Damian ignoring him. So, he sighed and walked over to Damian, plopping down on his back and folding his legs.
“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on,” Jon said.
Damian had been startled into pausing when Jon first made his way over, but soon restarted his reps, and snarled, “I don’t need your help, Kent.”
“Well clearly you do, since you showed up at my house on a weekend seething mad.”
“I’m not seething mad.”
“You’re doing anger push-ups.”
“I am not doing anger push-ups. Those aren’t even a thing.”
“Then what exactly are you doing right now?”
Damian was silent.
Jon made an exasperated noise. He’d sworn to break through Damian’s emotional constipation a long time back, but it clearly wasn’t working. “Damian,” Jon said, stressing each syllable. “Tell me why you’re mad.”
For a minute, Jon thought Damian was going to ignore him entirely. Then, all at once, Damian burst out, “She wants Robin!”
“Who?” Jon asked, though there could only be one candidate.
It was like a dam broke. “Mar’i. She wants Robin. It’s not like she hasn’t been training for it, and I was someone who helped with her training.”
“But you’re not ready to give it up.”
“No,” Damian said quietly. “I didn’t realize how much I relied on the role. I have to be Robin.”
“You don’t. You don’t have to be Robin.”
“Yeah,” Damian sighed. “And I want to give it to her, I really do. I want to pass down Robin so Mar’i looks up to me like right now, instead of ending up with a relationship between their replacements like my brothers. And I don’t even want to imagine how Grayson will feel about it if there’s a fight.”
“You don’t need it, Damian. You’re just scared.”
“Robin was the thing that gave me purpose outside my old life. It’s what made me a hero instead of a villain.”
“Giving it up won’t turn you into a villain either,” Jon hopped off Damian’s back. Holding a hand out, Jon said, “Come on. I think an early patrol will help the both of us. You don’t have to be Robin, and I’m gonna show you that you can still be a hero without it.”
Jon wasn’t exactly sure when the title of “Official Damian Wayne Translator” switched from Dick to him. Granted, the two of them spent a lot of time together, and he knew Damian better than himself.
Then again, that was the problem, wasn’t it. 
A bunch of random heroes will just show up in Jon’s dorm room and demand Jon talk some sense into Damian, or work through his problems, or do something to make him less unbearable. And usually, Jon did it.
He listened to Damian’s complaints without hesitation, talked through his struggles and worries attentively. And he never once asked for anything in return.
He knew how hopelessly gone he was. Damian was his best friend, Damian trusted him like no one else. It made Jon feel special, though it really shouldn’t. Because Damian sure didn’t think he was special.
Some small, spiteful part of himself wanted to say something the next time Damian came over with a set of problems for Jon to solve. To say sorry, he had an important assignment due and he had to finish. To say he really didn’t have the time, maybe Damian could come back later. To say he was sick and tired of Damian taking him for granted, for believing Jon would always be there to support him no matter what.
But one look at those eyes filled to the brim with trust and Jon’s resolve crumbed. There were very few people in the world Damian trusted, and Jon would do anything to make sure he never fell off that list.
So he sucked it up, stayed quiet, stayed kind, stayed helpful.
Until Damian came to him one day asking him how to ask a guy out.
“Stop,” Jon whispered, feeling something inside him crack. “Just stop.”
“You have no right being so cruel.”
Damian stared at him, a hint of apprehensiveness in his face. “What are you talking about?”
“As if you don’t know, Damian. Your family is full of detectives, there’s no way you don’t know.” Oh no, Jon’s voice was starting to waver, but he couldn’t stop it. Couldn’t control it, couldn’t pull himself together long enough to tell Damian this one thing. “And I was okay with it, because you didn’t really like anyone. But apparently that’s not true. You just don’t like me.”
Jon looked up at Damian and saw nothing but shock in those green eyes.
“But you need to stop,” Jon continued. “Stop always assuming I’ll be there for you, stop treating me like your personal therapist or whatever, stop taking me for granted.”
“I don’t—” Damian tried to whisper, but Jon cut him off.
“Because I don’t think I can take it anymore,” Jon said, and his voice was entirely too raw for his comfort, so he took a breath to gain some semblance of control. “I’m sorry. I really can’t help you with that. But I can still be your friend.”
There was silence, a thick, heavy silence. Jon opted to stare at the floor, watching his feet fidget nervously. 
Then, “You don’t have to.”
“You don’t have to. Be just my friend, I mean,” Damian clarified.
“You...you really—what?”
“I didn’t know, Jon,” Damian said, sounding almost ashamed. “I swear I didn’t. If I had, well,” Damian trailed off, stepping closer and looking up at Jon, his face filled with pain. 
He tugged Jon down into a kiss, and Jon could barely process what was happening, but Damian was kissing him, so he responded mindlessly. When Damian pulled back, though, he realized the other boy was saying something, over and over and over.
“I’m sorry,” Damian breathed. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
It was like a slap to the face. Damian never said sorry. He fixed the problem, sometimes avoided it outright, or gave a halfhearted, forced excuse. All those years with the Bats had done little to his pride. But here he was, gripping Jon’s arms and apologizing, asking for Jon’s forgiveness like he meant it.
“I never meant to make you feel like that,” Damian “I would never, I swear. You’re my best friend, and I thought that meant being able to talk to you about anything.”
“You can, you always can,” Jon was quick to reassure him.
Damian shook his head. “But I never offered you the same in return. And that was awful of me and I’m sorry. I’ll,” Damian’s voice faltered. “I’ll apologize as many times as I need if it means I still have you.”
“You don’t have to,” Jon assured him. “It’s okay, you mean it, I can tell.” Then, he leaned down to kiss Damian once more, and mumbled against his lips, “You’ll always have me.”
tag list: @woahjaybird @birdy-bat-writes @elles-shitposts-personified @subtleappreciation @screennamealreadyused @pricetagofficial @catxsnow @yesboopityboop @dangerduckjpeg @iconbicon
164 notes · View notes
frasier-crane-style · 3 years
Watching Snyder League
-Diana literally vaporizes a guy armed with nothing but an assault rifle.
-Also, these have gotta be like the dumbest terrorists. Their plan:
A. Send multiple armed gunmen to take hostages.
B. Stall for time
C. Set off a suitcase bomb on a one minute countdown (why not just set it off immediately? It's In The Script)
You have a suitcase bomb--just park a car somewhere, set the timer, leave it in the trunk, and walk away. You can kill as many people as you want without losing any of your own guys.
-Superman's scream sends out five separate shockwaves. Which makes me think the guy's milking it, personally.
- I'm amused that both SOP for the Amazons is having, like, fifty people standing around guarding the Mother Box. AND that they don't ramp up security after it wakes up.
- And there's this system of burying the Mother Box.  Which 1. seems like the only way to get there in the first place is to teleport in. What good is this system against a teleporter?
2. It takes six guards to suicide themselves by knocking down pillars, which seems like--in five thousand years, you couldn't come up with something where you just pull a level from twenty feet away?
This is the problem with the Amazons. They're all women, so none of them go into STEM fields.
- It's also real weird that this Bruce Wayne doesn't even try to hide that he's Batman. He just walks right up to Aquaman and goes "hey, Bruce Wayne, I'm also Batman." And remember, he's getting the Justice League together entirely based on a hunch. At least in Josstice League, there were Parademons all up in Gotham.
- And should I even bother to ask why Darkseid's people can't just bring three new Mother Boxes to Earth? Are those the only three? If so, you'd think they'd try to get them back sooner. Like, A LOT sooner.
- Okay, this was supposed to come out one year before Infinity War, but still, it was pretty obvious what Marvel was doing with Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet. They had to know they were inviting comparisons.
-I love the implication, tho, that Darkseid just lost track of the Mother Boxes and just... no one realized they were back on Earth. And they have Parademons that can specifically sniff out the Mother Boxes. 
-And if Superman dying was such a momentous occasion that it woke up a Mother Box, why not the Old Gods dying? Why not Ares dying? Wouldn't that have left Earth just as undefended?
-I have no idea why any of this is happening a couple years after Superman debuted and then died and not in, like, 1446.
-Are the Mother Boxes like finicky computers? Do you need to turn them off and on again? When Superman showed up, did they shut down for real, and then he died, so they came back on for real? Is it like a Windows 95 thing, where you can't JUST turn the computer off, you have to go to the start menu and press Shutdown and then wait for it to close up shop?
-It’s so weird that this is supposed to be a Dark, Mature Adaptation For Adults! And it doesn’t have the same basic logic you’d get from an episode of Power Rangers. 
-So. Much. Daddy issues.
-Please stop letting Ezra Miller improv.
-They cast like the gayest man in America to play the one guy with a love interest.
-Diana: "I lost someone I loved once." Well, twice, but who's counting?
-All those reshoots and they couldn't get Amber Heard to knock off the British accent?
-Why is Desaad, of all people, Darkseid’s dragon? Is it just because they were rifling through all the Fourth World saga to find the few guys with scary names instead of Granny Goodness or Virman Vundabar?
- And they really play up Darkseid appearing to Steppenwolf, but we've not only already seen him in the big flashback, we saw him get his ass kicked by Zeus of all people.
- And the whole thing where Steppenwolf is part of Darkseid's 'family' really isn't helping the Thanos-Nebula-Gamora comparison.
-It's weird to introduce Darkseid as the guy who was already beaten once. Wouldn't it make more sense that Steppenwulf was the guy who lost, and that allowed Darkseid to take over, and now he's trying to redeem himself for his defeat? Or that Darkseid was never defeated at all, but someone stole the Anti-Life Equation from him and hid it on Earth? Something. Instead, it’s literally just randomly burnt into the crust of the Earth, Darkseid discovers it, then forgets all about it for reasons the movie doesn’t get into despite being four damn hours long.
-It’s only the central plot, whatever, forget about it.
- Pretty sure Kal eye-lasered a couple Army guys to death after he was resurrected, not that he ever gives a shit.
-Third big reveal of Darkseid. Come on, you've shown him three times now. We've heard him talk.
-And this does the same thing as Josstice League with Superman being more powerful than the rest of the JLA put together. Here, he even no-sells Steppenwolf's axe. He just lets it hit him and it doesn’t do shit. So Doomsday could kill him, but Steppenwolf can't even scratch him. And yet Wonder Woman seems pretty evenly matched with both, if not outclassed by Steppenwolf.
-Barry Allen spends the whole climax running in a circle. And he fails at it! Dude's really retarded when he doesn't have Team STAR Labs cheering him on.
-He also casually travels back in time to undo his side getting a Game Over, which makes you wonder how any conflict in this universe can ever have any stakes. Say what you will about Endgame, but at least they explain why time travel can’t solve every problem they ever have.
-Hell, the Mother Boxes can bring people back to life. The example used is literally “it can turn smoke back into a house.” Why not bring Joe Morton back to life? He did a good job in T2, c’mon.
-Speaking of, according to TV Tropes, Ray Fisher got to come up with his own backstory for Cyborg (”I don't praise Chris Terrio and Zack Snyder for simply putting me in Justice League. I praise them for EMPOWERING me (a black man with no film credits to his name) with a seat at the creative table and input on the framing of the Stones before there was even a script!”), which makes it kinda hilarious that this movie’s characterization of Cyborg is that he’s a genius sports hero who also loves helping out the underprivileged.
-AND his big conflict with his dad is that Silas Stone was never there for him, as literally represented by there being an empty seat next to his mom at Vic’s big sportsball game. So apparently the black experience is indistinguishable from Austin Powers In Goldmember. Who knew?
-What else? It's weird that the narrative tries to put some importance in Martha Kent, but then in her big scene with Lois, she's really Martian Manhunter (not kidding) and when Superman is resurrected, he hears encouraging words ONLY from Jor-El and Jonathan. All she really contributes to the story is hugging Superman after he comes back.
-Also, Batman spends a lot of time in the climax shooting people with a rifle. They're bug people and it's, like, a Halo rifle, but still. You can tell Snyder's just chomping at the bit to have Batman carry around a Colt Commando.
-They give no shits about secret identities in this, so why do they still bother with putting a shitty distortion effect on Batfleck's voice? He has a pretty good Batman voice outside the suit, but once he puts it on, he starts sounding like he's giving a blowjob to Daft Punk.
-One of the movie’s, like, four cliffhangers is Lex Luthor telling Deathstroke about Batman’s secret identity, because Deathstroke has a private vendetta against Batman and is out to get him. Of all the Bat rogues who are solely motivated by taking out Batman--why choose Deathstroke, the guy that’s just a mercenary for hire, to characterize as simply hating Batman? (They also imply Batman took out Deathstroke’s eye and THAT’S the big feud between him and--guys. C’mon. This was really supposed to be a whole movie of Deathstroke getting revenge for his eye?)
- The movie ends with them making Wayne Manor the JLA headquarters--God, just tell me if secret identities matter or not.
-Did we really need two ‘beyond the impossible’ scenes back to back, one for Cyborg and one for the Flash?
-Oh, it’s not Arkham Asylum, it’s ‘Arkham Home For The Emotionally Troubled.’ Was this supposed to be one of those Arrowverse things where they call it Starling City for a while, only to rebrand it Star City because that’s somehow better than just calling it Star City in the first place?
- "[Snyder] also said that the reason Darkseid lost track of which world the Mother Boxes were left on was because he was gravely injured and their forces sent limping away, and upon returning to Apokolips had to fight a civil war for the throne (possibly the event hinted where Steppenwolf betrayed him), wherein their records were lost." Imagine having a movie four hours long and not explaining the fucking backstory.
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Beyond the Mountains - fic
Characters: Jon Kent, Damian Wayne, Ra’s al Ghul, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, bits of Tim, Conner, Terry Pairing: jondami Summary: There was a new Batman in town, but it wasn’t Damian. No, Damian returned to the League of Assassins with his grandfather. Jon married him anyway. A/N: A batman beyond ‘verse kind of?? based on the comics! Referenced the two arcs Damian are in in Batman Beyond currently (like, 10-13 and 43 through current) a few times in here, but also changed a few of the canon details. Since the current arc Damian is in in BB is not yet out, I bs’d the end and I’m sorry it sucks. I imagine Jon being the hot/dorky high school teacher so...that’s what he is haha. Also reminder that I am nooooooo good at sex scenes haha. I worked a fuck ton on this, so if you like it, please consider checking out my ko-fi or patreon! 
Jon was used to Damian breaking into his house in the middle of the night. He’d done it since they were kids. Jon had started breaking into Damian’s house right back when they began dating. It was a thing between them. Their thing.
But this time. This was different.
The bright light shining through the window woke him up first. It was blinding, and he had no idea what it was. Was it daytime? Did he sleep in? Impossible, his parents would have never let him, despite being nearly twenty-three years old, and a guest.
Next, he caught on to the wind, the sound of something hovering. The light was coming from an airship? Batman? Wonder Woman? One of the Lanterns? Was there an emergency?
But as he sat up, he saw a shape drop onto his windowsill. A familiar one, one that put his heart at ease almost always.
But…it didn’t this time.
Because Damian’s silhouette was wrong. There was no cape, or even pointy-eared mask like there should have been. In fact, he seemed to only be wearing what he always wore under one of those uniforms. Compression leggings and long-sleeved shirt.
“Damian?” Jon asked as he sat up, and Damian dropped to the floor. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing you need to worry about. But I’m not staying.” Damian explained quickly as he came into view. His face looked hollow, eyes dark. “I just…I just needed to see you before I left.”
“Left?” Jon kicked his blankets off, stumbling to his feet. Damian wasn’t the type to throw words like ‘left’ around easily. “What do you mean? You’re…you’re leaving?”
“Wha…where are you going? What happened?” As an afterthought. “Is your dad okay?”
“He’s fine. In Gotham where he belongs. I…” Damian looked away. “I’m going with my grandfather.”
“No.” Jon stepped forward, grabbed Damian’s biceps. “You are absolutely not going with him, and I don’t care what he said or who he threatened, he cannot make you do anything you don’t want-”
“But I do.” Damian whispered. “I…I want to go. And I’m going of my free will. No one is forcing me.”
“No.” Jon was shaking his head. “No. I don’t believe you. You would never-”
“What my father is doing isn’t working, Jon.” Damian pleaded. “And his scope isn’t wide enough. His vision is today, not the future. But that’s what we need to work towards. That’s what my grandfather envisions.”
Jon was still shaking his head, still squeezing Damian’s arms. “No way-”
“I didn’t come here to debate.” Damian sighed, closing his eyes. Carefully, he wiggled his way out of Jon’s grip. “I just came to say goodbye.”
Before Jon could say anything else, Damian took a soft hold of his face and kissed him. It was heavy, desperate, but gentle, and so clearly apologetic. But even as Jon began to shift his arms to hold on to Damian’s waist, keep him there forever, Damian slipped away and was back to the window.
He looked back only once, then disappeared back into the dark.
To say Jon was furious was an understatement.
It’d been weeks since Damian disappeared. Weeks. And when he first went back to Gotham to tell him what Damian had said to him, Bruce hadn’t been surprised. Said he knew, and that he was looking for Damian himself.
And for a while, he gave Jon updates. Called him every few days with his new leads or any evidence he may have found.
Then he stopped.
And when Jon showed up in Gotham a few weeks after, he saw some kid with Bruce, at Wayne Enterprises. Same dark hair, athletic build and eager face as the rest of them.
“You’re not looking for Damian at all, are you?” Jon snapped as he burst into the office, ignoring all security and secretaries. “You’ve already…moved on, haven’t you?”
“You know that’s not true, Jon.” Bruce countered, weakly standing in front of this new boy.
“Do I? You stopped calling me with your leads.”
“Because none are panning out.” Bruce promised. “I don’t want to get your hopes up.”
“Yeah, okay.” Jon huffed. “…All this time, I defended you to Damian. But here, it turns out he was right all these years. You never gave a shit about him.”
“Jonathan!” Bruce admonished, face filling with his own anger.
“Save it.” Jon waved him off as a security guard grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. “I’ll just go find him myself.”
Nanda Parbat.
He’d never heard of it before, not even from Damian. But this lead came from Tim, through Conner, and not Bruce, so Jon believed it. Especially with Tim’s own unfortunate ties to Ra’s al Ghul.
It was freezing here, and Jon was almost starting to doubt Tim’s intel of a secret village, when a barrage of arrows came out of nowhere in the fog. They barely missed him, just as he almost missed the bola swinging straight for his throat.
In the moment of being overwhelmed with weapons, he lost track of where he was going, and found himself bouncing off the sharp edge of a jutting cliff, falling out of the air like a crashing plane.
The landing was surprisingly soft, thanks to the snow that he plopped into. But when he rolled over and opened his eyes, he found himself surrounded by a circle of masked assassins, each one holding a matching sword to his throat.
“Um…ow.” He murmured, rubbing his head. Slowly he raised his hands. “I, uh…come in peace?”
“You should not have come at all.” A voice called further away. The assassins all backed up a step, and some shifted to allow him to see. An old man had spoken, older than anyone Jon had ever seen.
Damian stood behind him.
“Surely the Detective has told you.” The man – Ra’s, Jon assumed – said. “You are not welcome here, Superma-”
Ra’s trailed off as Jon sat up. As he slowly got to his feet and ignored the danger of death all around him.
“You are not the Superman I am aware of.” Ra’s countered. Damian, still silent behind him, let his eyes grow wide. Jon grinned back at him. “But the rules still apply to you, and you are as unwelcome here as the original Superman is…”
Jon tuned him out as he moved forward. One of the assassins stuck his sword in front of him, and Jon just bent it in half as his walk turned into a run, and he all but barreled towards Damian.
He hit him head on, like a freight train, almost knocked him over, really. But Damian caught him anyway. Wrapped his arms around Jon’s neck as Jon wrapped his around Damian’s waist.
“You’re here.” Damian gasped, shifting his hand to clutch at Jon’s hair. “You’re here, you…you…what are you doing here?!”
“Looking for you, obviously.” Jon smiled against his throat. “I mean…last I checked, you’re still my boyfriend.”
Damian’s fingers twitched against his head.
“Unless that lame ass goodbye you gave me was supposed to also be a breakup.” Jon smirked. “And if that’s the case, I didn’t get the message, and also don’t accept.”
“It doesn’t matter what you are to him.” Ra’s reinserted himself into the conversation. “We don’t allow visitors of any sort here, least of all unannounced ones.”
Jon backed up a little bit, but only enough to turn. He kept Damian in his arms. “I’m not leaving without him.”
“Then I’m afraid you won’t be leaving here alive, Little Superman.”
Damian was instantly between them. “A few nights, Grandfather. Please.” Ra’s narrowed his eyes at him. “He was unaware of the rules, and their strictness. He should not be executed for his ignorance.”
“We don’t make exceptions here, Damian. You know that.”
“I also know I am the heir to your throne, and as future Demon’s Head, can do as I please.” Damian countered. “I’m only asking as a courtesy, out of respect for you. Now, either you let him stay, or I let him carry me away, and decide later if I wish to actually return.”
Ra’s frowned. “Watch yourself, Damian.”
Damian merely raised his chin. It’d look regal, if he wasn’t still half corralled into Jon’s arms.
“…Fine. He may stay.” Ra’s spun away, waving to the nearby assassins to stand down. “This time. Inform him of the rules, and remind him that he won’t get this mercy next time.”
Damian glanced back up at Jon, who gave him his best grin. “…Yes, sir.”
“Who told you about this place?” Damian asked. “Or how to find it?”
“Tim, technically.” Jon hummed from the bed, watching as Damian slowly walked around the room, lighting candles as he went. It gave the space a warm, comforting glow. “Well, I mean, Conner told me. But the info was from Tim.”
Damian nodded. “Guess I have to kill him, then.”
Jon laughed and rolled to his side. He couldn’t stop staring at Damian as he moved. He was graceful, yes, but it was more his clothes. Loose pants under an open, deep green robe.
Even in his pajamas, he looked royal. Like a king.
(Like his king.)
He himself was just in borrowed clothes. Offered the same as what Damian wore, but only took the dark green pants. Robes were never his thing.
“Well unfortunately, I won’t let you do that.” Jon laughed, ducking his eyes only a little when Damian looked back at him. “…He misses you, by the way.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” Damian said dryly. “He and Father both, right?”
Jon sighed. “…I don’t know what Bruce is doing, but Dick, Tim and them…they never stopped looking for you. In fact, I told them I’d contact them if I found you.”
“I’d rather you didn’t.” Damian hummed.
“Why, want to hide all the terrible al Ghul secrets from them?” Jon smirked. “I mean, doesn’t Tim already know most of them?”
“He does I suppose, but that’s not why.” He finished lighting the last candle and blew out the match between his fingers. He carefully put the smoldering piece in a nearby ashtray and turned fully towards Jon. “I want to spend time with you.” Damian admitted. “Uninterrupted.”
Jon felt his cheeks heat up instantly. He suddenly remembered that he was, gloriously, only half clothed. And that the only extra piece of clothing Damian had, the robe, was light and easily rippable.
“And you know if you contacted them, they’d attempt some kind of rescue mission, and come in guns blazing, etcetera, etcetera.” Damian drawled as he waved his hand around, walked towards the bed, and sat on its edge. “And that would just waste our time together, wouldn’t it?”
Jon smiled and flopped his hand out for Damian to take. Damian did so instantly, leaning down to drape himself across Jon’s chest.
“…You sure it can only be a few days?” Jon whispered as Damian trailed his fingers along his cheekbone. “Sure you really don’t just want to come back with me?”
“Want to, of course. We could get that log cabin in the middle of the forest you’ve always talked about.” Damian lamented, even as Jon dragged their combined fingers to his mouth and kissed them. “But I need to stay.”
“I can do good here.” Damian offered. “I can…learn things. Maybe one day put them to good use, or, heaven forbid, tell them to my father. Work together to save the world, and all that.”
Jon kissed at his fingers again. “And where do I fit in that plan?”
Damian hesitated, then sighed, attempted to pull his hand away and sit up, but Jon didn’t let him. Clung to his fingers, and wrapped his free hand around Damian’s back.
“It’s just a question.” He promised. “Not an accusation.”
“I…suppose I had hoped you’d take my last visit to you as an ending to our relationship.” Damian admitted sheepishly. “Not because I don’t-”
“I know.” Jon smiled, kissed his hand again.
“…I’d hoped you’d forget about me. Move on. Find happiness elsewhere.”
Jon grinned, pulling Damian down farther. “Impossible.”
Damian pursed his lips. “Well, it would have made my plan a lot easier.”
“I’d say sorry if I was.” Jon released their hands to hold the side of Damian’s face. “But we both know I’m not.”
He felt Damian’s smile as he pushed their mouths together. Damian melted against him immediately, hands running up his sides to curl into his chest.
Jon’s heart pounded, and he could feel the fast beat of Damian’s through his jaw. His hand twitched, nails just biting into Damian’s skin.
God, he missed this. Missed him.
“How…many?” He gasped as one of Damian’s hands found their way into his hair. “Days? How many days can I stay?”
Damian hummed. “Three at most.” He answered when parted for a quick inhale. “Four, if I begged, perhaps.”
“You, begging? I’d love to hear it.” Jon laughed as he shifted to begin kissing along Damian’s jaw. Damian pinched at his collarbone. “Any way we can extend my visit indefinitely? Or gain unlimited visiting access without potentially getting murdered?”
Damian hummed again, pulling back to lean thoughtfully on his elbow.
“…There are not many, I don’t believe. At least, not many that would apply to you.” Damian thought out loud. Jon reached up to tuck a lock of hair behind Damian’s ear, then ran his hand down to his shoulder, where he began to subtly push Damian’s robe off. “Members of governments and armies we are having dealings with and spouses are all that come time mind.”
Jon’s hand stopped on the curve of his arm. “Spouses?” He blurted. “People are married here?”
“Not many, but a few. Higher generals and some of the scientists, maybe. My bodyguard, Koru. He is. I’ll introduce you to some of their children in the morning, they’ll enjoy you.” Damian shrugged. “At least two of Grandfather’s wives stayed here in their lifetimes.”
But when Damian looked back towards Jon’s face he frowned. Jon was smiling.
“There’s our solution, then.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“We get married. I become husband to the next Demon’s Head.” Jon’s grin grew impossibly wider. “Problem solved.”
Damian scoffed, sitting up completely. Jon released him only reluctantly.
“That’s ridiculous.” Damian snapped. “You can’t marry someone just to have unlimited…as Todd would put it, booty calls.”
“One, rude that you believe I think of visiting you as purely earth-shattering sexcapades.” Jon pushed himself up onto his forearms. “Two, also rude that you don’t think I’d want to marry you because, I don’t know, I love you?”
Damian just glared at him.
“Don’t look at me like that, we’ve said I love you to each other before. Many times.” Jon countered. “I mean, I know we haven’t said it since, you know, you ghosted everyone for three months, but still.”
“Marriage is a big decision.” Damian countered. “And I’m not letting you make such a spur of the moment decision on my account.”
“Who said it was spur of the moment?” Jon demanded. “I’ve been thinking about this for ages.”
Damian snorted. “You have not.”
“Have so. Ask your sister.” Jon countered. “She was helping me for weeks to figure out what kind of design I wanted for a ring, and had scouted a bunch of jewelry stores in Gotham and Metropolis. We were planning on checking them out the weekend you disappeared.”
Damian just stared at him. But there was less annoyance in his face now, more wonder. His eyes glowed in the dim light from the candles.
“I mean, we never made it to the stores, so I don’t have a ring. But I’ll go fly out to one of the mountains outside and make one out of stone if you want me to.” Jon sat up completely now. “I’ll even get down on one knee if you want that too.”
Damian just stared up at him. His cheeks were rosy, and Jon wanted to kiss him again, but now that he’d started down this path, he had a feeling it would be awkward if he just stopped his weird admittance of adoration to make out some more.
“I always thought we’d have a giant wedding, you and me.” Jon whispered with a dreamy smile. “But…this is an opportunity. This is a good opening. We’re together, we’re alive. And it kills me to think about, but when is our next chance to be both those things together?” He looked down, and took Damian’s hand between both of his own. “I…forgot, until I saw you again, outside. How much I missed you. How lonely I was. How worried. How miserable. How much I…worship the fucking ground you walk on, Damian.”
Damian didn’t say a word.
“Is it a means to an end? Well, if the end is me not getting killed for just stepping foot here, then to some it may look like that. But it’s not.” Jon hummed, stroking his thumb along one of Damian’s knuckles. “It’s just…no time like the present, you know? Potentially getting murdered gives us a good reason to get it done. To not wait, or hesitate.”
Damian stared at their hands.
“And I…I realized. When I saw you again. I don’t want another day without you. I don’t want another day without being yours.” Jon squinted, feeling tears welling up in his eyes. “Even if marriage wasn’t a potential solution, and I mean, you said maybe, you didn’t even say sure thing. But even if it wasn’t, even if Ra’s locked me up for staying too long, or showing up again, that’s fine. I’d be here with you, so I’d be happy anyway.”
“…It’d have to be long distance.” Damian murmured, turning his hand in Jon’s grip. “I can’t leave here. But I refuse to damn you to stay in this place forever too.”
“I know. I have stuff I need to do back home, too. A job and hero stuff. I’m not going to stop helping people or anything like that. But hey, it might work in our favor. I can be your eyes and ears back home. Keep you in the loop in case anything serious happens, and you need to come back, if only for a day or two.” Jon tilted his head. “And now that I know where Nanda Parbat is, I can be here every week. Every night.”
Damian looked up at him, eyes wide and almost disbelieving.
“And it’s weird to say, but you’d be safe here. No one will be able to find you, except me.” Jon smiled. “My very own prince hidden away and guarded by an evil dragon.”
Damian quirked a smile at that. “…We’d have to do it quickly. The wedding I mean. Before your three day time limit is up. After informing Grandfather, of course.” His smile faltered. “You wouldn’t get the big wedding you wanted.”
“I didn’t say I wanted a big wedding. I just said I always imagined that’s what it’d be, with both of us knowing so many people, and, you know, being Superman and Batman’s sons.” He squeezed Damian’s hand. “I’m more interested in the act than the event.”
“Oh, the wedding night?” Damian teased, rolling his eyes. “Of course you are.”
“Stooop.” Jon drawled as he threw his head back with a laugh. “I do not want to marry you so we can have, as you put it, secret mountain village booty calls whenever I can come out here.”
He heard Damian laugh too. Felt Damian squeeze his hand. “…Yes.”
The answer was soft, almost inaudible. Jon lowered his head to look Damian in the eyes, the tears in his threatening to overflow. “What?”
“Yes, I will marry you.” Damian whispered. “It would be my greatest honor.”
Jon felt a tear escape even as he leaned forward and engulfed Damian in his arms. Felt Damian wipe it away as he twisted his head to kiss him. Felt Damian’s own tears drip onto his face as they fell back into the bed together.
In the middle of the night, he reluctantly slipped out of the warmth of Damian’s bed and tiptoed to the door. He slowly slid it open and stuck his head out, glancing around for the one Damian called Koru, the bodyguard.
“Pst!” He hissed when he saw him, just down the hall. Koru narrowed his eyes, but quickly pattered over. “Can you do me a favor?”
Koru frowned. “No.”
“Why no…oh. Right.” Jon whispered. “You can leave your post, I promise I won’t tell. And I promise I’ll protect him in the meantime.” He let his eyes glow red as he pointed at them. “I’ve got heat vision and super strength and all that. He’s in good hands.”
Koru’s eyes had widened slightly. “…What do you want?”
“Go out and find the coolest stones you can find. As many as you want, but at least two.”
“What for?”
“A secret, but I promise it’s not a weapon. And I promise you’ll find out tomorrow.”
Koru hesitated for a moment, then huffed. “Fine. But if any of his blood is spilled, I will have your head.”
“Perfect.” Jon gave him a thumbs up. “Knock twice when you’re back?”
“…Yes, sir.”
“Cool.” Jon grinned at him and slid the door shut once more.
In all his years, in all his fantasies of getting married to Damian, the one thing he never thought was that he’d be getting married by the one and only Ra’s al Ghul.
He was ordained. In at least six different religions, and all countries but Norway. Who knew?
Ra’s wasn’t thrilled when Damian barged into his quarters the next morning, Jon in tow, to inform him of their intentions. If anything, he seemed most annoyed at the fact that Damian had upturned his plans for the day, and entered the room without knocking or any of the formalities he was supposed to perform.
He didn’t seem surprised, though.
“His mother fell in love with the Batman, and he fell in love with the future Superman.” Ra’s sighed in answer to Jon’s question as servants suddenly swarmed the room, dragging Damian away for wedding preparations. “It follows a pattern. Why should I be surprised?” Another group of women came into the room and began pushing him out of it as well. “Your ceremony is at dusk. Don’t be late.”
He didn’t see Damian the rest of the day, but it’s not like he was given a chance to notice. He was fed and, awkwardly, bathed. He was presented with what appeared to be traditional robes, made of the nicest materials he’d ever seen in his life, and stood on a stool as the clothes were tailored and hemmed by some of the women – “Call us your grannies, little American boy.” The eldest of them said – for the rest of the afternoon.
It was…nice, though. The women were kind, and the assassins sent as guards were respectful. Jon even got a few of them to smile. The children who were following their working mothers chattered his ear off, in between drawing pictures of him and ‘Prince Damian’ as they jokingly called him, and creating colorful crowns and headbands for him from the scraps of fabric scattered around the room.
After a light dinner that, against the instructions and commands of all the adults in the room, Jon ate with the children, there was a quiet knock on the door before it opened to reveal Koru, Damian’s bodyguard.
His clothes were much finer than the battle-ready armour Jon had seen him in since he arrived, and he felt a sense of honor wash through his system at the thought.
“It’s time.” Koru mumbled. Jon stumbled to his feet, and practically ran after him. The women and the children cheered in his wake, sending salutations and well-wishes after him.
Koru led him outside and down a path that seemed to leave the small village completely. Suddenly, the path took a sharp incline into the hills surrounding them, and Jon felt like they were walking into the clouds.
The end of the path opened into a clearing of pure stone, a cliff jutting into emptiness. The sky around them was a deep orange, the sun, giving off rays of golden light through passing clouds, merely a sphere of blood red on the horizon.
It was beautiful.
But Jon didn’t even see it.
Because Damian was there, with Ra’s and Goliath, standing on the edge of the world. His hands clasped behind his back as he surveyed the cold earth below him.
He and Ra’s were in similar clothing, both green with golden accents, but Damian’s seemed a little more formal. The golden patterns a little more detailed, a sword fastened on his hip with a sash.
He looked a like a king on his coronation day.
And he was breathtaking.
The snow crunching under their feet alerted the others to their presence, and Damian spun around instantly. His eyes widened at the sight of Jon, and Jon had a feeling he was just as enamored with what he saw as he himself was.
Koru didn’t go with him as he walked forward, but he didn’t notice. He didn’t notice anything, Damian was the only thing that existed. Not the cold, not the assassins, not their superhero fathers.
“Stunning.” Damian breathed as Jon reached him. Jon smiled as he reached for his hands. Damian grabbed at them greedily.
“Those ladies know what they’re doing.” Jon laughed. He looked Damian up and down, then blinked, and looked at himself. “Oh…oh, that’s cute.”
“The robes.” Jon grinned, nodding down to his dark yellow clothing, with green embroidery. “Mine’s the opposite of yours. You know, minus the sword part.”
“…Indeed.” Damian hummed, seemingly just noticing it himself. He smiled. “Very…cute.”
Ra’s suddenly cleared his throat. “Are you two ready?”
“Yes, sir.” Jon answered instantly.
“Don’t expect anything overly sentimental, Mr. Kent.” Ra’s warned, pulling a notebook from his own jacket. “This will be quick.”
“The quicker the better.” Jon grinned, squeezing Damian’s hands. Damian smiled warmly back. “Honestly, we can say our personal vows later. You can just skip the to ‘I do’ part, Ra’s and it’d be – oh!”
Damian frowned. “What?”
“I forgot.” He turned. “Koru? You still have them?”
“Of course.” Koru scoffed, offended. He reached into his pocket and pulled out something Damian couldn’t see, dropping it into Jon’s outstretched hand. When Jon pulled his hand back, Damian couldn’t help but gape.
Two rings, made out of the black stone of the mountains surrounding the village.
“Told you I’d make you one.” Jon said sheepishly.
“Last night, when you were sleeping.” Jon laughed. “You’re a heavy sleeper when you’re happy.”
Damian’s face reddened with embarrassment, but Jon paid it no mind. Instead, he reluctantly let go of Damian’s hand, only to slowly slip the ring on. Ra’s took the hint, and began reciting the vow for Jon to repeat.
Jon didn’t hear a word he said. Repeated on autopilot, waited until he had permission to say the two words he wanted to most.
“I do.”
And Jon could have sworn that Ra’s said the vows slower for Damian, just to torture them both. So instead, he focused on the warmth of Damian’s fingers as he gifted him with the second ring. Laughed as Damian then reeled Jon in, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist.
He was already descending as he whispered, “I do.”
The universe restarted when they kissed; the second coming of the Big Bang. It took all Jon had not to clutch at Damian as tight as he could, and float off into the sky like a runaway balloon.
When they parted, Jon leaned their foreheads together. Goliath shrieked happily into the darkening sky.
“I love you.” He murmured, running his thumb along Damian’s cheek. “More than…than…I don’t even know what. Everything.”
Damian chuckled as Ra’s stepped away.
“You’ll both catch your death out here if you stay much longer. And it would be rude of you to die before your own reception.” He called over his shoulder. Jon leaned back, staring after the old man in confusion. Ra’s grinned. “The al Ghul heir just married. Even I am not so cruel as to say that’s not a time for celebration.”
Damian took his hand, tugging him along a few feet behind Ra’s and Koru. Goliath stayed behind them. “Why do you think no one else was up here, Beloved? They were preparing the food for the wedding feast.”
The party was a blur. But the best night of Jon’s life.
There was music, and dancing. He danced with the women who dressed him, and even a few of the assassins who, literally a day before, had swords to his throat. Ra’s even shook his hand at some point in the evening, muttering a tender. “Love him properly, or I’ll rip your throat out with my own hands.”
He danced with Damian, and they both danced with the children. Jon watched in amazement as the kids swarmed Damian, presenting him with tiny gifts like a flower or drawing, or those cloth crowns they’d made him earlier. Smiled as Damian thanked each child individually, let them climb all over him and drag him this way and that.
He thought he understood why they called him their Prince now.
But the best part, the most magical part of the night, was when the party was over, and they went back to Damian’s quarters. When Damian lit all those candles again and then came to the bed and laid in his arms.
There was no sex. Jon probably wouldn’t have wanted it even if it were offered. There was just basking in the presence of each other. Staring at each other in the dim, warm glow of the candles. Holding hands that now bore matching rings. Holding each other.
“Beloved.” Damian whispered. Jon closed his eyes, and hid his face in Damian’s throat. Damian ran his fingers through his hair. “My dear Beloved.”
It was the best night of Jon’s life.
He stayed for another two weeks. He befriended many of those living in the compound, and helped where he could, where he didn’t think his morals would be tested. Painting the kitchen and planting in the greenhouse, not sitting in on treaty negotiations or looking over scientific blueprints like Damian was with Ra’s.
But two weeks still wasn’t long enough, and saying goodbye – that he’d call, that he’d visit whenever he could, that he’d still listen for his heartbeat every second of every day – still ripped his soul out.
And Damian had smiled, but Jon could see the pain behind it anyway.
Because they both knew that along with missing each other, it would be hard. Because Jon couldn’t tell anyone. Didn’t want to tell anyone. Because Damian was his, and he couldn’t let anyone know he knew where he was. Where the League of Assassins was. Wouldn’t put him in that danger. Wouldn’t put those families and children he’d met and come to already love in that danger.
(Knew despite the acceptance of the marriage, if Damian got out of line, Ra’s would threaten Jon. Use Jon against Damian any chance he got.)
So he couldn’t brag about his husband. Couldn’t tell his parents he was married, couldn’t tell Dick, worried out of his mind, where his brother was. Had to lie about the ring on his finger. Yes, it was where you put a wedding band, but if he was married, he would have said something! Obviously! Besides, who would he marry? His last boyfriend disappeared into the wind!
And then most obvious problem. Jon was still a superhero. Damian the heir to one of the largest underground crime organizations in the world. Emergencies arose. Schedules were changed. There was never a promise of when they would see each other next. Never a promise that either of them would be alive tomorrow.
And that just sucked.
It was about a year and a half later, and Jon was sitting at his desk. The final bell had just rung on a Friday afternoon, and his students were gone for a long weekend. He just had to finish marking down the grades of Wednesday’s tests, schedule a parent-teacher conference or two and then put in that maintenance request to Phyllis, then he could go enjoy the long weekend himself.
A three-day weekend in the mountains sounded great right about now.
So he was a little embarrassed when the gentle knock on his doorframe made him jump. But the embarrassment was quickly replaced by surprise.
“Dick?” He asked incredulously.
Dick Grayson, newly minted mayor of Bludhaven, stood there, a smirk almost hidden by the beard around it. Jon still couldn’t get used to that facial hair, no matter how long he’d had it.
“Howdy, Jon.”
“W-what are you doing here?” Jon scrambled to his feet. “Everything okay?”
“Fine, fine.” Dick waved off, leaning against one of the desks. “It’d just…been a while.”
“I suppose…” Jon trailed off suspiciously. “But I’ve known your family long enough to know that no one just stops by without reason.”
Dick laughed. “You always did spend way too much time with Damian. Sounds like something he’d say.” That smirk widened. “How is he, by the way?”
Jon’s heart sputtered, but he kept his face the same. “How would I know? I haven’t seen him since he disappeared, just like you. What’s it been, two years now?”
“Well, I mean. I just figured you’d seen him since then.” Dick shrugged nonchalantly. “With you being his husband, and all.”
Jon opened his mouth to respond, to give the same lies as always, when Dick suddenly reached into his jacket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He unfolded it, and skimmed it before showing it to Jon.
A marriage certificate.
Jon knew there was one. Knew Ra’s and his League was able to pull strings and get one expedited for their cliff side ceremony. He’d signed it, Damian signed it, Ra’s and Koru signed it. Then it was discreetly put into the United States’ system. No fanfare, no newspaper or tabloid announcements, no one knowing it was even there to look for either.
Jon closed his mouth and gulped. “…How did you find that?”
“Being a mayor gives you some privileges, I’ve found.” Dick hummed, even as Jon came around his desk and took the paper from his hand. “And I found myself missing my brother the other day, so I looked him up. Thought I might find some more recent activity or sightings. And here this was, right on the first page.”
They stood in silence. Jon staring at the paper and Dick staring at him.
“Dick, I-”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Dick asked instantly, the hint of pain in his voice. “Why did you lie about that ring on your finger? Hell, why didn’t you tell us at the very least where he was?”
“Because Bruce stopped looking for him.” Jon said coldly. “And don’t defend him, Dick. You know he did. He stopped looking when that McGinnis kid showed up. And I don’t blame the kid, it’s not his fault, it’s just how Bruce is.” A deep inhale. “And then you know how Bruce is with Ra’s. He already had a feeling Ra’s took Damian, or Damian went with him, or whatever, so even if he found Damian, you know he would have gone in pissed off and wouldn’t have listened. Would have jumped to conclusions. Would have potentially hurt him.”
“…Okay, I’ll agree to that potential.” Dick admitted. “But, Jon, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because nobody could know, Dick. Nobody.” Jon said. “My parents don’t even know.”
“Famed investigative journalist Lois Lane doesn’t know?” Dick asked incredulously. “I don’t believe you.”
“Well maybe she does, I don’t know. But she took my word and hasn’t pushed the issue.” Jon shrugged. “If she and Dad are playing purposefully ignorant, that’s fine. That means Damian’s safe.”
“He’s not safe with Ra’s, Jon. I know you know that.” Dick countered.
“I do. And so does Damian. But he’s biding his time.” Jon explained. “He’s working from the inside. He wants to save the planet like Ra’s does, but he’s trying to manipulate the organization from within, make their methods more like Batman’s. Kinder.”
Dick shook his head. “He can’t do it by himself. He’s crazy if he thinks he can.”
“Well.” Jon smiled. A sad, lovesick smile. “Then he’s crazy.”
Dick frowned, ran a hand through his hair. “…I have to see him, Jon.”
“You can’t.” Jon stepped forward. “And you can’t tell anyone either.”
“Why the hell not?”
“Because even if Bruce doesn’t make a move, word will get back to the League that they’ve been found.” Jon’s eyes widened. “And they’ll know it’ll be through me. They’ll know it’s because I spilled the beans and then Ra’s will punish Damian for it.”
Dick pressed his lips together.
“You know he will.” Jon breathed. “And until…until Damian can change the League or until I can convince him to come back, that’s not a risk I’m willing to take.” A second to think. “And I’d hope it’s not one you would either.”
Dick turned his head away and closed his eyes.
“…On one condition.” Dick said after a moment. “You put me in contact with him.”
When Dick looked back, he suddenly seemed like he’d aged ten years. “I just want to talk to my little brother again, Jon.”
Jon pursed his lips, spun that stone ring with his thumb.
Damian was going to kill him. It was a secure line for just the two of them. But…
Most of the time, people were sick of snow by mid-February. Jon wasn’t though. And despite the fact that his school district had called for a snow day, he was up at his normal time. Only instead of rushing to the school, he took a leisurely walk to a nearby coffee shop to give himself a little reward for once.
A nice caramel-chocolate latte with extra whipped cream.
He was just exiting the shop, deciding to go to the park to have his treat. Just glancing up into the gently falling snowflakes.
Jon spun around so fast, he almost launched his coffee into a nearby window.
And it was, Damian stood right there, looking far too fashionable than any human had a right to be. A gray pea coat with a blue scarf wrapped neatly around his neck. Black leather gloves, one of which held a bouquet of flowers, dark jeans and black combat boots.
Jon’s heart soared.
“Dames!” He shouted, running at him and jumping into his arms. Damian chuckled, returning the embrace. “What are you doing here?”
“I had meetings in San Francisco yesterday, and decided to stop by on my way home.” Damian smiled as he pulled back, and presented the flowers. “It seemed that it would be…rude not to, given the occasion.”
Jon took the flowers. “Occasion?” He sniffed at the petals. “What’s the occasion?”
Damian blinked, then laughed. “Jon, I think you’ve been working too hard, if you’ve forgotten.”
Jon closed his eyes. “It’s not our anniversary, I know that.”
“You didn’t have a party with your students?” Damian asked. “Or, I suppose that tradition ends after elementary school.”
Jon racked his brain. “The…Super Bowl?”
Damian laughed again. “Valentine’s Day, Beloved.”
“Oh my-” Jon gaped. He glanced into the coffee shop’s window. Paper hearts adorned the walls in decoration. “Oh my god. I forgot Valentine’s Day.”
Damian laughed for a third time, reeling Jon into his arms.
“I can’t believe I forgot Valentine’s Day.” Jon lamented, leaning against Damian’s shoulder. “Divorce me, Damian. I forgot Valentine’s Day.”
“Never.” Damian said warmly. “I know your classes were cancelled today. Have any other plans?”
“Honestly, I was just going to watch cartoons all day.” Jon admitted sheepishly. “But now I just want to spend all day with you.”
“That can be arranged.”
“…How long are you in town?” Jon whispered. “How long can you be in town?”
“Two days.” Damian returned, with a kiss to Jon’s forehead.
“Then we better make it count.” Jon decided, leaning up and capturing Damian’s lips with his own. When he allowed Damian to pull back, he smiled. “Hope you like take out.”
“Oh? Why?”
“Because baby, you are not leaving my bed for the next forty-eight hours.”
Once more, Damian laughed as Jon clutched his flowers and coffee to his chest in one hand, grabbed Damian’s hand with the other, and all but dragged him down the street.
The phone rang in the middle of the night.
Jon didn’t jump, phone calls in the middle of the night weren’t new. And he didn’t bother to look at the caller ID. He supposed it didn’t really matter. If they had his number and they were calling now, it was enough.
Still, when he hit answer, he couldn’t help but slur, “Hm?”
“It’s me.” Damian whispered, his voice trembling. He seemed to hesitate, thinking what he was going to say next. “It’s done.”
Jon sat up. “Sweetheart?” He asked. “What’s done? What’s wrong?”
“Ra’s is dead.” Damian said simply. “I…I am now the sole leader of the League of Assassins.”
“Oh, Damian.” Jon cooed. He threw his covers back. “Give me thirty minutes, okay? I just need…I need to grab some pants and I’ll be there.”
And he was. In less than thirty minutes, really. Closer to twenty.
Koru was waiting for him at the compound entrance. He nodded solemnly, then silently led Jon to where he needed to be.
Jon could hear people wailing in the distance. Word must have spread already. And he’d forgotten – Ra’s was a monster. A villain. Evil.
But he meant something to the people here.
Koru led him to a large, ornate door. He opened it, and gestured for Jon to go inside.
The room was dark, but it didn’t matter. Even if he didn’t already see him standing next to that bed, the sound of his heartbeat would have guided him.
He only glanced at the dead body. It was Ra’s alright, and even without the lack of a heartbeat, Jon could tell by the color of his skin he was gone.
But he didn’t care, if he was honest. Never cared about that old man, never cared about what he was doing so long as it was held in check. He only cared about Damian.
Jon stepped up behind him, carefully wrapping his arms around his waist, pulled him back into his chest.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
Damian shrugged. “We knew it was coming.”
“That doesn’t make it hurt any less.” Jon tried. “You’re allowed to grieve.”
“There was no love lost between Ra’s and I, so there’s no need.” Damian pushed back. “I just…wasn’t ready.”
Damian pulled away and turned towards him.
“I…I didn’t have enough time to gain the loyalty I needed.” Damian sighed. “Many…many here do not trust me. Or do not believe in me.”
“I believe in you.” Jon offered.
Damian smiled sadly. “Unfortunately, Beloved, your opinion does not matter to the assassins now under my rule.” The smile disappeared. “I’ve already been visited by one of my grandfather’s most loyal scientists. He and I have never agreed, and he’s never trusted me. I sense that will get worse in the coming days.”
Jon frowned. “Do you want me to stay? In case he tries anything?”
“He won’t. He’d be stupid to do anything during these days of mourning.” Damian promised. “And Koru is more than capable. I am more than capable.”
“I’d feel better if I did, though.” Jon shrugged. “I don’t want you to be alone right now.”
Damian’s eyes suddenly twitched over Jon’s shoulder. Jon turned and found an older man passing by the door. He had white hair, and wearing an odd metal suit of armor.
The man glanced in at him and frowned at Jon. Seemed to frown at Damian too. But he didn’t say anything, just continued on his way.
When Jon turned back, Damian was looking at him again, his face warm. “You’re too sweet, Beloved.” He gently took Jon’s hand. “Now come. Since you’re here, you can stay for the funeral at dawn.” A snorted smirk. “Superman attending the funeral of Ra’s al Ghul. Isn’t the world a funny place?”
Jon was woken by a rapid knocking on his apartment door. Damian must have heard it too, as he was suddenly trying to burrow into Jon’s side.
“I’m going to buy your building a doorman.” Damian mumbled as Jon reluctantly rolled away from him. “So then no one can knock on your door. Ever.”
The knocking continued. “I’m coming!” Jon shouted as he yawned. “I’m-”
“Hurry up, bro!” Jon froze.
That was Conner.
“Just give him a minute.” Another voice scolded.
“Fuck.” Jon whispered, spinning around. Damian was still curled up in his bed, only half hidden by comforter. Jon quickly ran from the room, slamming his bedroom door shut behind him. He fell into the front door, opening it only enough for his face to show. “…Hey guys.”
Conner grinned. “Mind if we come in? We just had a killer patrol, and we’re starving.”
“Uh…” Jon hesitated. But before he could answer, Tim pushed his door open for him. “…Well, I guess.”
“Conner’s not lying. We’re starving.” Tim mumbled, bee-lining towards the kitchen. “I’ll reimburse you, I promise.”
As he shoved his head into the refrigerator, Conner smiled apologetically, clapping a hand on Jon’s shoulder. “How you been, Jonno? Feel like I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“I’m…good.” As Conner went into the kitchen himself, Jon glanced back to his bedroom door. “Summer vacation and all that.”
“I’d say you’re lucky if you got paid more during the school year.” Conner hummed around a piece of bread Tim handed him. “Doing anything for a second job this summer?”
“Just more patrols as Superman.” Jon shrugged. And more time at the League of Assassins compound in Nanda Parbat he didn’t say. “Some travel, if I feel like it.”
“You meet the new Batman yet?” Tim asked as he poured some orange juice. “Terry. He’s not bad.”
“No. Haven’t had the chance.” Jon mumbled. Hadn’t wanted to was the real answer. Because Damian was Batman to him, he still had that hope. Still believed Damian would return to the title one day, permanently. “So much for World’s Finest, huh?”
“Well, you know Bruce.” Tim shrugged. “He’s kind of hogging him anyway. We only see him at galas.”
“None of you work with him?” Jon asked. He tuned into Damian’s heartbeat for a second, found it still slow, so Damian was still dozing. He could only pray Conner didn’t use his same ability, and hear the same thing.
“Not really. We’re getting old.” Tim laughed. “I’m spending more time at Wayne Enterprises. Dick’s a goddamn mayor. Cass works at Steph’s practice. Jason’s doing…whatever Jason does.”
“But you’re working with Conner.” Jon smirked.
“I called in an old favor. Timmy can’t say no to me.” Conner grinned.
“Please.” Tim snorted into his glass. “I was bored.”
The two began to banter, and Jon found himself glancing back to his room.
God, what he wouldn’t give to be able to tell his brother, and someone like his brother, that Damian was there. That they were married.
That Damian was fucking alive.
And he wanted to bring it up. Wanted to bring Damian up. Ask if Tim remembered his brother, if they’d been looking for him still, if he cared at all. Or at least more than Bruce.
But he couldn’t risk that.
So he smiled and nodded and partook in the conversation, and didn’t mention a thing. Entertained the two for a half an hour or so before, luckily, they excused themselves first before he had to start leaving hints for them to leave.
As soon as he closed the door behind them, he dashed back to his bedroom, only to find Damian still sleeping, only now taking up more of the mattress, arms spread side to side.
Jon blinked then laughed out loud as he walked forward and collapsed back into bed. Damian groaned as Jon twisted their legs together, and he began peppering kisses along Damian’s shoulder.
“…Has my brother left yet?” Damian whispered after a moment. Jon pressed his head against Damian’s.
“…Did you tell him anything?”
“If I did, do you think you’d still be in here peacefully sleeping?” Jon smirked. “Tim probably would have come in here just to kill you.”
Damian hummed.
“But alas.” Jon sighed dramatically, curling his arms around Damian’s one. “You’re still my dirty little secret, Mr. Demon’s Head.”
Damian never opened his eyes, but he smiled anyway.
“I think…I should feel insulted.”
Damian’s lips twitched up. “Most people would feel honored, I believe.”
“No, I mean.” Jon rolled towards the edge of the bed, glancing towards the drawing desk his husband sat behind. “You sent me a text that said ‘ASAP.’”
“I did.” Damian murmured, eyes following the tip of his pencil as he moved it across the paper.
“And here I came running because I thought you were in danger. That the mutiny you’re so concerned about finally happened.” Jon continued. He glanced at the candle nearest him, gently hovered his finger through the flame.
“That’s very kind of you, Beloved.” Damian glanced up, frowned. “Please don’t burn your finger.”
“But there was no emergency. You weren’t dying.” Jon sighed, flopping his hand down. He looked up through his lashes. “You just wanted to draw me.”
Damian smiled. “Like I said, most people would probably be honored.”
“I feel like I should be mad.” Jon muttered.
“In my defense, I did say as soon as possible, not right this instant.” Damian mused. “That was your interpretation.”
“Well, how am I supposed to stay mad at you, sitting over there looking like a…a goddamn angel in a wave of holy light?” Jon scoffed. “And you sit there worried about me burning myself? You bump one candle and your desk and drawings are all up in flames in an instant.”
“I doubt you’d let that happen.” Damian chuckled. “Now, despite your wiggling, I’m almost finished.”
“And what’s my payment?” Jon asked, stretching his leg in the air, curving his spine. He felt Damian’s heartbeat stutter a little. “For being your beautiful model?”
“Well, I hope some ice cream your so-called Grannies made when I informed them you were en route is satisfactory.” Damian suggested. “And…I can only hope my undivided attention is a suitable accompaniment.”
“I do love my Grannies and their cooking.” Jon agreed. He turned to his side and propped himself up on his elbow, gave Damian his most seductive grin. “And I definitely do love you a whole lot more.”
Jon watched the heat rise to Damian’s cheeks. The pencil suddenly began moving across the paper faster.
“I’m almost done.” Damian promised.
When he saw it was Bruce Wayne calling, his stomach dropped.
“Jon.” He’d murmured softly. “I…I found Damian.”
Jon blinked.
“What?” And it wasn’t a faked question. He felt his heart speed up. Because if Bruce, if Batman, found Damian and the League then-
“He’s…alive.” Bruce whispered gratefully. “He’s…leading the League of Assassins, and I’m working on that. But…but I just thought you’d want to know. He’s alive. He’s…okay.”
“I…I didn’t know.” Jon lied. “Thank you. Thank you for telling me, Bruce.”
“You were…you are so important to him.” Bruce sighed. “You deserve to know.”
“Can I…Can I see him?” Jon continued. “Can you tell me where he is?”
“I…don’t think that is a good idea. For now.” Bruce sighed. “But. One day, Jon. I promise.”
When they hung up, Jon immediately took to the skies for the Himalayas.
He found Damian on their wedding cliff. He was staring out into the emptiness again. Back straight, hands clasped at the small of his back.
Goliath stood nearby.
Damian’s head lifted and he turned. Jon instantly took in the new cuts and bruises.
“Jon?” Damian immediately moved towards him. “What are you-”
“Your dad called.” Jon reached out when Damian got close enough. He ran his thumbs over a blossoming bruise on his cheek. “Told me…the basics.”
Damian smiled sadly.
“We…reconciled, I suppose.” Damian whispered.
“You suppose?” Jon asked gently. “You don’t sound very confident about that.”
“It’s…it’s what we’ve always said. He didn’t come after me. He didn’t care where I’d gone. He replaced me.” Damian breathed. “He…he only came here after McGinnis. When he thought I was going to kill him.”
“Well. You clearly proved him wrong. You didn’t kill anyone.” Jon paused, glanced back at Goliath. “Where’s Koru? He never lets you out of his sight.”
“He is…recuperating.” Damian sighed, trying to turn out of Jon’s hands. Jon didn’t let him. “He attacked my father for a grudge I was unaware of. I had to take him down. He then attempted to set off missiles that I’d decided against. He needs…time to think about some things.” Damian closed his eyes. “…I have no control.”
“You do.” Jon said. “You’re doing…amazing things here, Damian. I know it. Your dad knows it.”
He paused, to run his hand over Damian’s hair.
“I could tell when he called.” Jon offered. “He missed you.”
“He didn’t look for me.” Damian reminded.
“But he’s protecting you now.” Jon said. “He called to tell me you were alive. I played dumb, I asked if he would tell me where you were and he refused.”
“That’s not protection, that’s shame.” Damian countered.
“Damian, change takes time. You know that. I know that. Bruce knows that.” Jon squeezed his cheeks a little. “I don’t think he would have called me to tell me you were alive if he was ashamed.”
Damian shook his head. “I don’t know if I can change the League faster than the coming mutiny.”
“I know you’ll do everything you can.” Jon kissed his forehead. “And I’ll be right behind you. I won’t let them do anything to you. I swear.”
“…Thank you, Beloved.” Damian whispered.
“Mhm.” Jon murmured into his hair. “Now, come on. I’m making an executive decision. You need a break.”
Damian merely wrapped his arms around Jon’s neck as Jon lifted them into air and turned towards Metropolis. Goliath followed.
He should have been more alarmed when he heard the lock jiggle. Should have at least had his super strength ready.
But he’d had the flu all week. Him, having the flu. What the fuck.
“Just go ahead and kill me.” He whined as loud as he could. “Give the stuff in my fridge to my neighbor. I don’t want it to go bad.”
He heard the lock click and the door open, but didn’t even look.
“I might have some pizza you can heat up if you want.” He mumbled, closing his eyes. “If I even tried to eat it, it’s coming right back up.”
He didn’t hear anyone.
“If I puke on you, will you go away?” Jon drawled. “Oh wait, can you give me another blanket first? I’d like to at least be warm when you kill me.”
Suddenly there was a scoff, and blanket fluttering over him.
“Beloved, since when did you become so dramatic?” Jon looked up and felt tears well up in his eyes.
“Damian.” He cried. He reached a shaky hand up and Damian took it in his, kissing his knuckles.
“Hello Jonathan.” Damian smiled. “Still feeling bad?”
“Worse than when I called you.” Jon admitted. “You didn’t have to come all this way just because I’m puking.”
“Through sickness and in health.” Damian reminded. “It’s the same in all languages and religions.”
“Stop.” Jon called as Damian backed away. “Stop being so cute.”
Damian snorted. “You need fluids.”
“They won’t stay down.” Jon sighed. “…Wait, did I give you a key to my apartment?”
“No.” Damian hummed. “I could have just come in through the window, but I figured that might concern you. So I…called Grayson.”
“He has a key to my place?” Jon called. “Since when?”
“It’s Grayson.” Damian reappeared behind the couch, handing Jon a glass. “Probably since forever.”
“I hate your family.” Jon decided. “I barely even see them and I hate them.”
“I know.” Damian offered sympathetically. As Jon took the glass, Damian walked around the couch, and Jon found himself staring.
“What?” Damian asked when he noticed. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re in your evil leader garb.” Jon mumbled, gesturing to Damian’s green robes. “You didn’t change?”
“I came as soon as my meeting was over.” Damian shrugged. “So…I suppose I didn’t think about it.”
“…The Demon’s Head is making house calls.” Jon smiled weakly. “The new Ra’s al Ghul is going to make me soup.”
“Eventually, if you can keep that drink down.” Damian smiled, smoothing Jon’s blankets.
Jon felt his exhausted tears fall as he took a sip.
It was like out of a movie.
He arrived in the middle of the afternoon, and gave a fake name to the hotel concierge. The man typed in the name, stared at the screen, then smiled, and handed Jon a key.
He took the elevator, inserted the key for the private floor, and stood in the corner. Smiled to the couples and families who stepped on and off on various floors. Tapped his finger against the lining of his pocket.
And when the lift opened into the penthouse apartment, Jon almost fainted. Almost swooned right then and there.
Damian sat in the breakfast nook, practically glowing in the early evening sun that shone through the window. He wore nothing but a silken robe, open at the chest, a book open on his crossed knee and a cup of tea in his hand.
“Damian.” Jon whispered carefully. Damian looked up and smiled. Sweetly, welcoming. “You’re going to need to put that tea down.”
He barely gave Damian the second he needed to that before he crossed the room and swept him up in his arms, all but throwing him onto the nearby bed.
Damian grunted as he bounced, but gave a laugh as Jon crawled up his body. “And here I thought you’d want to eat first after your flight.”
Jon just grinned and kissed him as hard as he could.
And that’s where they’d been now, for hours. The sun had set, but Jon had never gotten off of Damian. Not that Damian had let go of Jon himself.
“One more.” Jon whispered into Damian’s neck, remarking a hickey on Damian’s next that was already dulling. “One more round.”
“Oh?” Damian hummed sleepily, fingers locked on and tugging at Jon’s hair, the other arm was tight around Jon’s waist, just above where his ankles hooked together. Jon glanced up at Damian’s amused eyes. “I didn’t realize the last round ended.”
Jon bit at his throat, and thrust his hips at the barb. Damian groaned, his leg twitching involuntarily in pleasure, digging into Jon’s spine. He released Jon’s hair and ran his hand down to his chin, tipping Jon’s face up until he could kiss him properly. Jon smiled as Damian tried to devour him, tried to act like he was the one in control.
Well, that just wouldn’t do.
Jon shifted his weight upwards, changing the rhythm of his movements, drinking in every sound Damian tried to hide. He carefully took the hand Damian had under his chin and intertwined their fingers, pushing the hand into the mattress. Damian tried to push back, but Jon decided he wanted to cheat, just a little, and used his super strength to keep his hand down.
Damian noticed. Growled quietly, “You asshole.”
Jon looked down at him with half-lidded eyes. “You like it.”
Damian bit his lip, lowered his eyes. Jon felt him dig his nails into his hip. That was as much of a yes as he was going to get.
And that was fine. That was good. Because Jon wasn’t lying, he wanted this to be the last round. He was getting a little bit tired, and he could tell Damian was too.
Besides, sex was cool. Sex with his husband was great. But it wasn’t even his favorite part.
The afterglow. The cuddling. The staring into Damian’s eyes and seeing the universe. The warmth of his skin as he held him in his arms. The gentle sounds of them saying just how much the other means to him.
And they’d been at it for hours. They were slow, they were fast, they were desperate, they were sensual.
So he’d hoped he’d be forgiven for rushing now, ready for it to end. He bucked quickly, bordering on faster than the speed of sound, needed to stay in his head enough not to do that, not hurt Damian beyond pleasure, but he kissed slowly. Carefully.
When Damian tugged his hand away, Jon let him. Felt his heart pound as Damian wrapped his arms around Jon’s neck, held him as close as their skin would allow.
They came together.
Jon collapsed onto Damian’s chest, shifting only enough to pull out. Damian kept his arms tight around Jon’s shoulders, his hand returning to stroke at Jon’s hair.
“There is a warm bath ready for whenever you’d like it.” Damian whispered. “And room service. We just have to call the front desk.”
“Hm.” Jon smiled. He found himself pressing more kisses to Damian’s throat. “I’m good right here with you.”
Damian laughed. “Jonathan, we’re disgusting.”
“I’m okay with that.” Jon hummed into Damian’s skin.
Damian snorted and rolled them to the side. He held the side of Jon’s face, staring into his soul.
“Happy anniversary, Beloved.”
It was silly, and he was ashamed of himself.
Like, jeez, he was almost thirty, and here he was in the middle of the night, drowning in insomnia because he missed his husband.
Well…there were other things. But it was mostly that.
He rolled to his side, grasping for his cell phone even as guilt coiled in his gut.
The line rang only once. “Hello, Jonathan.”
“Hi.” Jon muttered. “You busy?”
“No.” Damian sounded amused. “It’s only seven in the morning.”
“Oh. Oh yeah.” Jon sighed. Timezones sucked. “Can you…video chat?”
“Okay. Hang on.” Jon said a little too quickly than he meant. He pulled the phone away and tapped a few buttons. An instant later, Damian filled the screen.
He was still in his pajamas and dressing gown, but he sat at his drawing desk, the phone propped up on the top corner. When he realized the connection was made, he smiled. “Hello.”
Jon gave him a tight smile. “Howdy, handsome.”
“Is everything okay?” Damian asked immediately. “You sound…sad.”
“I miss you.” Jon mumbled into his pillow. “It’s been months.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” Damian sighed. “I’ve been swamped.”
“It’s not all your fault. I could fly out there any time.” Jon flopped back. “But being Superman…”
“Is far more important.” Damian finished for him. “I understand.”
“Cases haven’t been great lately.” Jon continued. “I haven’t really been saving the day real well.”
“But I know you did your best.” Damian soothed. “…Is there anything I can to make you feel better?”
“Come here?” Jon tried.
Damian laughed. “Anything reasonable?”
Jon glanced around his screen. “Are you drawing right now?”
“Okay.” Jon smirked. “Draw me a picture.”
“And what would you like a picture of?”
“I don’t know.” Jon sighed. “A puppy.”
“A puppy.” Damian snorted. “Alright.”
He flipped over whatever he was working on and instantly the pencil started flitting around the page.
“I really do miss you, though. More than being bummed about the bad cases.” Jon sighed. “I think I’m just lonely.”
“It happens to the best of us.” Damian agreed. “Would you like me to have Grayson come visit you?”
“Nah, he’s busy.” Jon waved off. “I can call my own friends. Eventually.” He paused, listened to the pencil. “…What do you do when you’re lonely?”
“Call you.” Damian smiled. “And when you don’t or can’t answer, I call Maya while I draw you.”
“You draw me? When I’m not there?”
“Of course. I have an entire folder.” Damian admitted, turning his page. His hair, still unkempt from sleeping, fell into his eyes. “Koru calls me obsessed.”
“You’ve never shown me this folder.” Jon pouted.
“Because I was embarrassed.” Damian admitted. “And sometimes the children take the sketches as coloring pages.” Damian’s eyes widened a little bit, a blush dusting his cheeks. “The…less lewd ones, anyway.”
“Oh my god, if you want me to sext you, just ask.” Jon teased, the tension in his heart releasing a little.
“I prefer the real thing.” Damian chuckled. He made a few more lines across the page, then picked it up, twisting for the camera. “How’s this?”
It was a Dalmatian, with large dark spots and big eyes. Floppy ears and a doggy grin.
“It’s perfect.” Jon smiled. “Send it to me so I can color it?”
Damian snorted. “Sorry, it’s only available for pick-up.”
“Okay. I’ll come get it soon.” Jon yawned. “…Sorry.”
“Don’t be. You need your rest.” Damian hummed.
“…Draw me to sleep?” Jon asked. He felt pathetic, like he was begging.
“Of course.” Damian nodded, reaching for another piece of paper. “Want me to tell you a story as well?”
“Sure.” Jon sighed. “Tell me about your day yesterday.”
“Not that exciting, but if you wish.” Damian nodded.
Jon closed his eyes, and drifted off to the sound of a scratching pencil and Damian’s soft voice.
Jon was in the middle of class, when he got the sense something was wrong. He tripped over the cord of his overhead projector, and his students laughed, but he told them to get an early start on their homework as he scrambled to his desk.
He checked all the news sites, but there didn’t seem to be anything urgent. No mention of his parents or friends. No catastrophe or apocalypse. Everything was fine.
But then he tuned in to Damian’s heartbeat. And everything was not fine.
It was slow and weak. And Jon had heard that sound before.
He’d heard the sound of someone dying before.
He jumped to his feet and out of the classroom, ignoring his students’ calls after him. He ran to the principal, rambled about a personal emergency, then was gone before his boss could ask any questions.
Jon waited until he was off campus before he took to the skies.
But there was a problem, he realized, as he neared Nanda Parbat. He could still hear Damian’s heartbeat, he was still alive, but it…it wasn’t here. The heartbeat was far away. Faint.
He slowed above the League compound, hesitating. He could see men running around, shouting, loading into airships.
He could also see a trail of blood, leading away. He could see where the trail ended, at a mess of claw marks.
There was blood. There were marks from Goliath. Damian was dying.
Where would Goliath take him?
It took him two seconds to realize.
Jon spun around and took off for a second time.
He knew he was on the right path when Damian’s heartbeat got louder. But it didn’t bring any comfort, because it didn’t sound like it was getting any stronger.
As he reached Gotham airspace, he got a glimpse of Goliath, flying behind some black dot, heading towards Wayne Tower. So he didn’t think. Didn’t decide. Let instinct take over and followed them.
He saw the assassins coming in the distance, and he felt his anger grow.
The mutiny must have happened. Damian’s worst fear.
He balled his hand into a fist.
He would not let them hurt him.
He burst into the building, hot on Goliath’s tail. He landed and slid across the tiles, destroying them completely. The black dot, Batman, spun around, stepping in front of Bruce, who had appeared in the room.
“What happened?” Jon bellowed.
“Jon?” Bruce asked. “How did you-”
“What. Happened?” Jon repeated. He glanced at Goliath, Damian limp in his arms. Blood oozed from wounds all across his body. He was unconscious. “…Can you save him?”
Bruce looked over. “…Yes. Goliath, over here. To the recovery tank.”
And Jon never felt so helpless as now, as he watched Terry McGinnis help Goliath lower Damian into water that looked far too much like Lazarus. As little robots swarmed his body.
He stood next to the machine, wishing more than anything that he could stick his hand in the liquid and hold Damian’s.
“…How long?” Bruce suddenly asked. Jon twitched and looked up at him. Batman and the little boy who Jon only just now noticed were tending to Goliath.
Bruce pointed to Jon’s hand, to his ring. He pointed to the matching one on Damian’s hand. “How long?”
“…Seven years.” Jon murmured tiredly. “We eloped in Nanda Parbat.”
Bruce closed his eyes. “You never told me.”
“I never told anyone.” He tilted his head in a wince. “…Dick only found out on accident.”
“Dick knew?” Bruce asked. Jon nodded.
“I swore him to secrecy. I’m…kind of surprised he followed through.” Jon admitted. “I…you two were on bad terms. I didn’t want you going in there and potentially starting a war. Potentially hurting each other.”
“We saw each other last year.” Bruce whispered.
“I never stopped him from telling you. That was his choice.” Jon added. “…How did you not notice the ring then? Damian said he never takes it off.”
“He wore gloves the whole time.” Bruce shrugged. “It wasn’t something I was looking for.”
Terry reappeared then, and he and Bruce began to talk about the situation at hand. The city currently being overrun with assassins.
Jon didn’t care.
He had just crossed his arms, was tapping on his forearm, when suddenly, Damian burst from the water in a frenzy. He was screaming and disoriented, and he set his sights on the new Batman.
“Kill.” Damian hissed. Bruce tried to grab for him, but he was too slow in his old age, and missed. But that was fine. That was cool.
Jon was between Damian and Terry in a millisecond.
“I’ll…kill…” Damian breathed, fist still ready. Jon just smiled, and took his face in his hands.
“I’d like to see you try.” Jon mused, leaning down to kiss him. Damian instantly became putty in his hands.
“…You’re with family.” Bruce offered behind them, as Damian’s mind seemed to catch up. His spine straightened, and he reached out to hold Jon’s waist. “You’re safe.”
Jon pulled back, but continued to hold his face as he repeated, “You’re safe.”
“Well. For now.” Terry interjected. “Mind telling us what the hell is going on, so we can maybe save the world?”
Damian sighed, stepping away from Jon. But not too far. Not far enough where Jon couldn’t immediately hook their fingers together. “His name is Zeh-ro. But some call him Mr. Zero…”
It was kind of cool, if Jon thought about it. There was a short ice age. Dick showed up, his daughter too. Damian played well with others. And Zeh-ro was taken down, his plan destroyed.
The Earth saved. Millions upon billions of people were saved.
“The League is yours again.” Jon hummed, watching Matt jump around the roof with Goliath. “…So, I take it you’ll be leaving again soon?”
“…Well, not necessarily.” Damian shrugged. “I mean, Nanda Parbat was turned into a launch pad, and is currently unlivable. The families there have been moved to safer ground, and those remaining loyal to me are all here or protecting the families, so.” He looked at Jon. “You’re stuck with me for the time being.”
“Great.” Jon smiled. He stepped to the side, winding one arm around Damian’s waist. “Better than great, actually.”
“In fact, the longer you’re here, the more time I’ll have to think up a plan to keep you with me forever.” Jon smirked, bouncing his nose off Damian’s cheek. Damian laughed, and leaned into him. Jon looked across the roof. He could see Dick glancing their way as he spoke with Bruce, a warm grin on the old man’s face himself. “And I don’t think I’m the only one who might be happy with that.”
Damian looked over himself. “…You’re all a bunch of old, sentimental fools.”
“…I’m younger than you.” Jon reminded.
Damian pursed his lips. “Old, sentimental fool.”
Jon laughed out loud, the sound echoing through the city. Goliath responded with a happy roar of his own. Damian smirked as the McGinnis brothers, Graysons and Bruce laughed too.
It was a good day.
“…Welcome home, Damian.” Jon whispered.
Damian sighed, taking hold of the hand Jon had on his hip and leaning into his chest. “Thank you, Beloved.”
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ladymoonveil · 4 years
Thoughts on Zack Snyder’s Justice League
If the original JL was a 3/10, this one is closer to a 6/10.  It's definitely an improvement given the fact that it has twice the running time to flesh out various characters and scenes.  Unfortunately, this movie still doesn't make me excited to see more of the Snyderverse, and I'm kind of glad that DC is starting to go in a different direction with their cinematic stuff.  Some additional thoughts below:
The Good
There are some really gorgeous shots in this movie when the slo-mo is aptly used.  A standout scene for me is the football match in the falling snow; from a visual perspective it looked fantastic.
Cyborg got a lot more backstory compared to the original JL, and so did the Flash and Aquaman to a lesser extent.  This time around I was more interested in Cyborg, so the additional time taken to develop his character paid off well.
Overall, the plot is also a lot more cohesive.  For the most part, I understood why the characters acted in certain ways, and the story flowed better from scene to scene.
Despite the fact that this movie is 4+ hours long, it didn't feel like a drag.  I think breaking it up into chapters was a smart decision, and the pacing was fine.
Steppenwolf looks much better in Snyder's version.  I really like the way they animated his armour.
There are some neat fight scenes, and all the characters got their chance to shine at least once.
The Bad
The slo-mo in this movie is like 300 on crack.  It's so excessive that even the moments that really benefit from this effect became less special because you see it so often.
I particularly disliked the scene where the Flash saved the girl from the car accident.  It felt like a worse version of the Quicksilver scenes, and him brushing back the girl's hair instead of just saving her right away is kind of creepy.
I also did not understand why Wonder Woman used her gauntlets to blow out part of that building instead of just incapacitating the guy with the gun.  She's obviously fast enough to do it, and she didn't have to put anyone else outside the building in danger of falling debris or give the impression that a bomb went off.  Just felt incredibly out of character.
There is no reason for the Martian Manhunter to be in this movie.  The fact that the discussion between Martha and Lois was actually a discussion between MM and Lois really cheapened that entire scene for me.  Martha and Lois have barely anything to do in this movie, why didn't Snyder let the real Martha have a heart to heart with Lois about the death of someone that they both loved dearly?  Instead, he turned it into a cheap cameo that ruined the emotional impact between the two characters
Although new characters like Cyborg had some additional screen time to flesh out their backstories, we should have gotten more.  For example, they brought up the huge revelation of Cyborg having control over all the nukes in the world, but then completely glossed over how that works.  Does he need to be in proximity to the nukes?  Can he "accidentally" fire off the nukes if he has a nightmare or something?  Does he even have nightmares anymore?  Cyborg deserves to have his own solo film instead of just being thrown into JL.
Overall, the palette of this film is quite dark and dreary.  The most obvious is when you compare Mera's hair to how it looks in Aquaman.  Even the scene of Clark standing in the field with the sun shining down felt less vibrant than it should have been because of the muted colours.
I'm okay with the whole "motherboxes were sleeping until Superman died" thing, but Darkseid just...forgot where he left the motherboxes and anti-life equation??  What???
The Ugly
Although this cut was better overall, the major failing of JL (and the DCEU in general) is still very clear.   They rushed to get their Avengers equivalent ensemble film but forgot to establish the building blocks first.  This movie basically introduced Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg, and the Martian Manhunter.  That's four new superheroes in a film already dealing with the return of Superman plotline.  Even with the extended running time, this is a terrible idea that does not translate well to a movie franchise, even if it might work in the comic format.  (I honestly forgot that the Aquaman solo movie came after JL.  The order in which they released these DC films is all over the place.)
To be honest, I still think that it was a bad idea to give Snyder Superman.  All the characters in these films keep talking about him as a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration, but I never really felt it.  Snyder's Superman is hyper-focused on Lois Lane, but doesn't seem to care much about humanity in general.  I'm wracking my brain but I can't remember any instances of genuine joy or compassion from this version of the character.  I just don't think that Snyder is capable of writing a good Superman story without turning him evil or killing him. (I'm still salty that Snyder had the Kents suggest to Clark that maybe he should hide his powers instead of using them to help people, and that Clark watched his dad die in the hurricane instead of saving him.  I much prefer the comics where Jonathan Kent died due to a heart attack, since that was a perfect way of humanizing Superman.  No matter how powerful he is, when it came to the  unexpected death of his father in this manner, he was just as vulnerable and helpless as the rest of us.) I guess I have a soft spot for the boy scout characters, and Marvel did a much better job at bringing Steve Rogers to life while keeping him true to his character.   Somehow they made me care more about Captain America than Superman in the cinematic universe, even though Superman is probably my favourite superhero.  I honestly think a lot of the fault lies with Snyder's portrayal of the character on the big screen.
It looks like Snyder's original plan is to build towards something like Injustice (which doesn't surprise me at all).  However, because his Superman is already toeing the edge of darkness, I don't think it will have nearly as much impact/contrast if he does turn evil.
Final Thoughts
This new cut of Justice League is worth watching if you are 1) a fan of the characters, 2) a fan of the genre, and 3) a fan of Snyder's directorial style.  If you don't fit into any of the categories above, you can skip this and spend four hours watching something else instead.
Maybe the biggest issue for me is that he never got me invested in his version of the characters.  I waited for years to see Superman and Batman together on the big screen.  World's Finest are some of my favourite comics to read.  What I got instead was the absolute dumpster fire that was BvS, where Bruce acted like a murderous psychopath, Clark was emotionally detached from the world, and their fight was resolved because "Martha".  While it's true that his cut of JL is better than BvS, it still wasn't enough to redeem the DCEU IMO.
To leave things on a more positive note, if you're as tired of the evil Superman/dead Superman/brooding Superman storylines as I am, might I recommend Jeff Loveness' works?  He's one of my favourite Superman writers, and when I read his stuff I always get that injection of hope that Superman is meant to inspire. Two of my favourites are "Help" (where Lex Luthor is assisted by a regular civilian when his car breaks down), and "Glasses" (where we see Superman through Lois Lane's eyes).  You can also find the scans of these stories on Tumblr if you look around.
My favourite line about Superman from Loveness' comics is, "He could be anyone...and he chooses to be kind."
I wish that we saw more of this Superman in the DCEU, because we could all use a little more kindness in our lives these days.
(And if you do prefer the darker stories, Loveness' entry for the Dark Multiverse: Death of Superman story is fantastic too.)
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jupitermelichios · 4 years
S3E2: Phoenix
Oh Jesus it’s been a whole 2 months since I last watched any Smallville and in that time I somehow managed to forget about Lex living on a desert island with his imaginary boyfriend, so that recap section hit me like a sack of angry ferrets to the face
I think this episode opened with Clark murdering Jonathan, which I am so here for
Oh no, apparently Jor-El gave Jonathan superpowers off screen. Because that’s the sort of thing you shouldn’t show on screen obviously
Time to dramatic shirt rip, under 2 minutes, excellent
“If I could raise a son who could kill, I’d rather be dead” boy do I have some news for you about S1E1 Jonathan my dude
“Oh honey we never blamed you for me loosing the baby!” Hey Martha maybe you should check with Jonathan before saying something like that, given he very much did exactly that, or was gaslighting your son your whole plan?
Say what you like about Buffy, at least there were consequences for her running away from home at the end of season 2. Clark can apparently dose himself up on PCP, become a professional bank robber, and then try and murder his own father, and just waltz back into his life without consequences
God I love tiny gay Lex Luthor. I do have to ask how the fuck he got back from Jamaica though, given he’s got no money, no ID, and HE’S LEGALLY DEAD! How the fuck did he pay for flights?!
I do admire Jonathan’s consistency when it comes to anything being morally okay as long as it’s Lionel who’s the victim. “You can’t steal, Clark, that’s wrong!” “But it was from Lionel.” “Oh, lmao that’s totally cool then”
If a suicide is a real cocktail no one tell me because Lionel and Rutger Hauer apparently used to drink them when they were young and based on how it looks, I’m guessing the main ingredients are advocat and tango
Also I’m pretty sure Lionel and Rutger used to fuck, I’m getting strong Giles and Ethan Rayne vibes from this conversation
How do we tell people this is a flashback? Oh I know, lets cover everything with so much bloom it looks like a 360 launch title and no one can see what’s going on, you know, like the past looks
Angry-cupboard-sex-doctor (who is getting abbreviated cos she’s in this episode a lot) is serving strong season 3 Morganna energy and I love it. She’s like the straight woman’s Katie McGrath, I really hope she sticks around as a season villain
Oh Chloe’s hair is so much worse now! Given who the actress turned out to be as a person she deserves it, but it’s still phenomenally terrible. Hands up who remembers Balamory?
“We all do things we regret” yes but being a massive bitch generally has less consequences than TAKING PCP AND BECOMING A BANK ROBBER. He’s not running from himself he’s running from the law
Literally the first thing Lex says to Clark after 3 months of being legally dead is a pick up line. I appreciate your dedication to your brand tiny gay Lex Luthor
Holy shit actual confirmation that Lana doesn’t got to school any more. Go to school Lana! You can’t keep running an ancient Egypt themed coffee shop for the rest of your life!
Okay, I know she’s an objectively terrible love interest given the whole murder thing, but Lex just implied he killed his dad and ACSD was definitely into that, and damnit I just want them to be happy! She’s so much better than Clark, why the fuck is he still into this dickhead when he’s got this homocidal queen as an option?
I love that Rutger Hauer just takes it on trust that the thing Lionel is hunting for is a mason jar full of this random farm boy’s blood, he’s just like ‘yeah, that seems like a thing Lionel would be into’
Lana arrives at the Kent farm, walks up to the most gangster looking gangster to ever be a ganster, who is literally holding a gun and leaning against a black SUV, and is just like ‘hey didn’t know the kent’s had visitors’ and fucking immediately gets taken hostage
But then immediately fucking murders a guy, holy shit, Lana actually did something that contributed to the plot and it’s really sad that the closest thing to agency Lana has is when she stabs a guy to death with a pitchfork, what the fuck
I’m pretty sure Lex is about to kill ACSD, but fuck if I’m not enjoying the two of them standing on a private plane drinking champage and sniping at each other like they’re in a tenessee williams play
Oh my god they shot the fucking pilot. Lex has literally been back from the dead a day, and he’s in another fucking crashing plane, what the actual fuck????
Aaaand there goes ACSD right out the crashing plane. Goodnight sweet bitch, you were the only good love interest lex has ever had, may a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest
You’ve heard of day for night shooting, now get ready for we can only use this set at night as we’re just going to adjust the brightness and hope you don’t notice! (Spoiler, we noticed)
Clark’s jeans and plaid shirt are fireproof. They’re literally fucking fireproof. Which I guess makes sense given he sets shit on fire every time he gets horny but even so. Does explain where all the Kent’s money goes not they’re not going to the feed store every epsiode.
Oh to be Lionel, sitting in the dark drinking scotch and listening to opera, waiting for my son to get back from murdering his wife, so I can congratulate him on becoming a true Luthor
Credit to the makeup artists for giving lex scars and sunburn, and then remembering that they did it. That’s not the kind of consistency I expect from this show but I appreciate it
LEX GETTING FATHER FIGURES LEX GETTING FATHER FIGURES the only thing I want more than that is for them to bring back Lex’s long lost brother and for chloe sullivan to get possessed or something so I don’t have to deal with her. Where’s Joey Wilson when you need him?
I love how they managed to turn superman of all the fucking characters into a YA supernatural love triangle story
Lana has a new horse. She’s never owned a paint horse before. WHAT IS SHE DOING TO HER HORSES?????????????????? I need to know!
Clark just conclusively told Lana he’s not interested. Who wants to bet the writers have forgotten that by the start of next episode?
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luci-cunt · 4 years
@petalsfloating​ ilysm akjsdfajsdlfkjasdlk
#i want details#i am a fann#please how did mycroft and irene get together#how did sherlock and watson meet#is carrie realllly a babey do they have le qualifications huh#please no pressure but i would like to seee
(also @moonsandstarsaregay if you have anything to add on feel free <33)
Ok so #1: How did Mycroft and Irene get together? 
asldkfja;sljfal;sdkfj this one’s funny because Moony and I haven’t really thought about how they got together XDD, it was probably something like Mycroft going “oh my god you’re gorgeous please let me feed you expensive food and kiss u” and Irene going “abso-fucking-lutely” BUTT!!! the way they get engaged,,,,, now that’s a story!!!
I’ll give u a snippet from the plot outline: 
[More happens but later on Mycroft wisens up and runs through the rain to stand, dripping, on Sherlock’s doorstep asking for Irene.]
“Irene Adler,” Mycroft said softly, her voice shook as she said it, and it was like watching rain fall up seeing this woman so fragile as she watched Irene through her wet, ruined hair. “When I look at you I feel more than I’ve ever felt in my entire life, I hate it sometimes, because I think it’s going to kill me,” she took a long breath, setting her jaw as her eyes shone with emotion. “But hell is a heaven compared to what life would be like without you.” 
“Yes,” Irene said, tears streaking down her face as she reached out for Mycroft and kissed her frantically. It seemed like an odd response, at least until Mycroft broke from the kiss to curse. 
“Jesus fucking christ woman I didn’t even pull out the ring yet,” she hissed, and Irene laughed though her sob and threw herself into Mycroft’s arms. 
#1: Is Carrie really a baby?
In the figurative sense of the word? yes. In the physical sense of the word? No akjdssadflkajsd, he’s actually older than Watson!
For context, Carrie, Bill, Watson, and Kent had all been in foster care for a while before they got dumped into a boys home where they all met and became really quick friends. Carlton Watson--a local police chief--helped out at the home enough that he and the boys started getting close, and then when the ppl running the home found out Bill was a “girl” (because he’s transitioned but hasn’t had surgery) they were going to send him to a girls home and in order to avoid that Carlton adopts Bill, but he can’t just leave the other boys so he adopts them all. Their actual ages go: Kent, then Carrie and Bill, and then Watson, but the fam acts like Kent and Watson are the oldest. 
Also Carrie and Bill always get called the “twins” because their birthdays are like 3 days apart and they make it “twin week.” Also they’re the closest of the brothers and just akjd;flakjsdf perfect I love them so much. 
“Do they have le qualifications?” alksdjf;lajsdflkajsd absolutely. 
Carrie doesn’t like confrontation, at all--he had a special spot under the stairs he used to hide in when he was growing up anytime the boys started fighting. He also jsut really wants everyone to get along. He and Bill share an apartment with some roommates because both of them had a hard time moving out of Carlton’s place. He became a cop because his brothers (except Watson) and dad did and he wanted to work with them more. aajsd;lkfajlsdk there’s more but this is so long I love him he’s babey.
Here’s a snippet (also this is technically the begining of Sherlock and Watson’s 2nd meeting!): 
he got a text from Bill. Dinner.  Bill always phrased questions like that, rarely using question marks. It was something he’d picked up from Kent and Carlton--though, which one of them got it from the other was debatable. Carrie was the only one aside from Watson himself who had actual manners, and his text came through a few minutes after Bill’s. Dinner? Bill wants Chinese but I want pizza. Thoughts? 
Before Watson could answer however, another text came through. Please say pizza? Ask Kent, I don’t care. Watson tapped out, filling his coffee maker with water and flicking it on. He poked his head in his fridge, but the contents were abysmal, so he stuck a bagel in the toaster and called it good as his phone rang again. Kent said to ask you :( Because of course he did. A text from Bill came through. If u say yes to pizza its favoritism and Ill hate u forever. Carrie’s: pleeeeaaaseee came through at the same time, along with a string of emojis.    Instead of answering Watson called Kent. “What do you want?” Kent answered, picking up on the third ring like he always did. “Pizza or Chinese?” Watson asked. “I’m working Watty,” Kent said, with an exhausted sounding sigh. Watson just waited, and he heard another sigh before the sound of Kent opening the door to his office to yell for Bill and Carrie to stop bothering Watson and get back to work. “There,” he said, back on the phone. “Thanks, are you still working the DeMain case?” Watson asked, pouring his finished coffee into a mug and singing his fingers on the toasted bagel. “Yeah, it’s mostly just paperwork at this point.” “Make the twins do it.” “I’m not--what do you want? What--yeah it’s Watty wh--what?” Kent’s tone suddenly went up four octaves in surprise and Watson furrowed his brow. Before he could get a word in though Kent was back on the line. “Jonathan Watson do you have something to tell me?” he said sharply, and Watson blinked, freezing where he was about to bite into the bagel. “What?” Watson managed. “Do we get to go to the reception at least!?” Carrie’s muffled voice came over the line, which only proved to further confuse Watson. “Watty there’s a nutjob here for you claiming to be your husband,” Bill’s voice suddenly piped in, and Watson swore colorfully. “This had better be some asshole I need to have committed because if this is how I’m finding out--” Kent threatened, and Watson tipped his head back and muttered more curses at the ceiling. “No--no, I’m not--Jesus--relax, ok, I’m not married or getting married,” Watson said, rubbing his eyes in exasperation.
#3: How did Sherlock and Watson meet? 
At a crime scene askdjf;lasjdf;lkj Watson was hired to steal Sherlock’s job but instead he helped solve the case and then Sherlock fell in love and moved from Portland to Seattle so he could work with him more kajs;dlfkjalsdfj
Here’s a snippet: 
[WARNING: non-graphic mentions of suicide]
Before he could really look into it, however, the front door slammed open. “Remarkable how you didn’t even think to call me--” a man said as he sauntered in. “You’re giving me the impression you don’t like me.” The man’s grin was feral looking, a bit unsettling. He was tall--though shorter than Watson by almost a full foot--and lanky. Seemingly all long, sharp limbs that somehow managed to fall exactly where he seemed to want them. He was wearing a haphazard version of the clean suits, with the actual jumpsuit only half on and a pair of gloves. His longer brown hair was tied back and he didn’t have a mask on. Watson knew in a moment this must be Sherlock, and he was already annoyed by the man simply by his blatant disrespect of sterile crime scenes. He looked like a TV show detective, it was infuriating. “Montez! Baby! Give me the details, who’s our lady?” the man said with a sloppy grin as he crossed the room with his arms out. “What was it this time? Pills? No--don’t answer that I can see it,” he said, frowning a little as he examined the woman’s body, lingering for a moment on the slipper that had fallen off. “See, funny story, I actually didn’t call you because I don’t want you here,” Montez said with a scowl Watson could see even behind her mask. “You just keep getting funnier Montez,” Sherlock said, cocking his head and then following some invisible trail to the bathroom, where Watson was still standing. Watson went back to looking at the iPad. The doctor who’d prescribed the pills appeared to be legit, and the pharmacy was too--just down the street actually. He was scrolling through the other crime scenes to check for pills as well when suddenly Sherlock stopped in front of him. “You--” the man said, narrowing his eyes on Watson. “--are new…” “They called him in to disprove your crack-pipe theory,” Montez said, and Watson suppressed a sigh. “Really?” Sherlock said, his smile was not the reaction Watson expected. “And what are you looking up Mr. Job-Stealer?” He asked, standing on his toes to look over the top of the iPad. Watson jerked it out of view without thinking, but that just made Sherlock’s grin widen. “Oh! That’s something new--look Montez he doesn’t think your people can do basic detective work,” Sherlock said, before patting Watson’s shoulder. “Don’t worry you’re not wrong but--” “What?” Montez asked, and Watson really did sigh then. “I’m not--” Watson started, but Sherlock was spinning around. “I’ll make this easy for you Mr. Job-Stealer,” Sherlock said. “Doctor,” Watson said through gritted teeth. “Doctor Watson.”    “She did kill herself doctor Job-Stealer, I’m sure you’ve come to that conclusion, I’m sure you all have--I’d honestly be worried if you didn’t,” he started rambling, and Watson scowled as he went back to the iPad, only half listening as the man continued. “As you can see this room is what one might call the dictionary’s definition of a depressed woman’s home. The curtain’s drawn--no natural light, a dying plant that must have only recently stopped getting regular water, the mess around the corners, like she only had the energy to clean up the center--” Watson frowned as he realized another connection. All the suicide victims had been taking the same antidepressents, prescribed by different doctors, but, they were all getting their prescriptions from the same pharmacy down the street. “--and there’s the disaster of a kitchen, I’m sure the fridge was emptier than heaven, and--” Watson was so busy double checking his findings that he didn’t notice Sherlock slowly coming back over with his head cocked and a curious expression on his sharp face. “--there’s the matter of the slipper, I’m sure of course you found the pills in the bathroom, you can see the scuff marks from where she dragged her feet as she got… closer to the… couch as the drugs kicked… in--Doctor what are you so interested in?” Watson’s head snapped up and he blinked out of his thoughts. “Ah--” he said, but Sherlock stole the iPad, scrolling through the page and flipping through the other’s Watson had been looking at as his eyes widened, and then he looked up at Watson. “You--” Sherlock started, “Are the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on, please explain and tell the cops to catch up,” he said, and then he was gone. Watson blinked, his brain reeling as he tried to comprehend exactly what just happened. “The fuck was that?” Montez asked, and Watson fumbled to come up with a response. “I--uhm--I don’t--” he managed. Thankfully the detective didn’t seem to be actually paying him any attention, instead leaning out the doorway of the apartment to yell something at Sherlock. When that didn’t get her anywhere she turned back to Watson. “Where is he going?” she asked, and Watson just flipped the iPad around to show the pharmacy’s address. 
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trulycertain · 5 years
Unpopular opinion: god, Batman v Superman had some really good ideas that it chucked down the U-bend, and there are parts of it I really enjoyed. I don’t regret seeing it (and yes, I watched the Extended Cut. All three hours). I was just discussing this with @masutrout​, and here’s a slightly abridged version of my thoughts.
Look, I know no-one sets out to make a bad film, and with so many moving parts, a film getting released at all is a miracle. I know it’s not down to one person and (I’m quite glad) it’s not up to me, because I have no idea how to make films. But if I had, say, a magic lamp and a wish for an ideal BvS and DCEU in general... Here’s what I liked; here’s what I’d magically tweak in a parallel universe; here’s a rant. A 2.2k rant. An Extended Cut rant.
I know it's all desaturated and so on, but I genuinely really love Snyder's style. Dude can set up a shot, and he knows how to use chiaroscuro. In theory, I totally get why they'd look at him and go, "his shit is like comics brought to life, pick him." I wish he'd just... allow a bit more colour into it and let people colour grade properly, because the Metropolis/Gotham Clark/Bruce contrast could've been played up beautifully with visual language and colour too. I mean, I know he can do overwrought iconography and imagery, look at how they went to the trouble of CGI'ing Clark's cape in every scene because it was such a banner, and the pop of red. 
I'll admit, I wasn't always all-in on Affleck's performance, though it was one of his best in his back catalogue (I am one of the few people I know who has zero problems with him as an actor and tends to find it more the material, but I grew up on Kevin Smith films and his shtick works for me, even if he has a manner. I'm not too discerning). But. A Bruce who's tired and broken-down and greying and has lost even more, and still in the aftermath of that, tries to find hope and "I can't let this happen to anyone else" again, in the wake of one more death? God yes give it to me. A Bruce who's taller than Clark and just plain tall in general, because maybe Kryptonian ideals are different and because it'd give Bruce one more thing to desperately play down? God yes. Just... in general, middle-aged Bruce but without a lot of the Batfam stuff (which I like, I have a love for several of the Bats, but my favourite stories are always solo) with a regimen of painkillers and who's turned Wayne from an "I'll just jump into the water feature" jackass to a schmoozer and flirt and maybe a drunk. Take out the branding. I wanted Bruce as a broken idealist, not a fascist. It's actually way more fascistic than the original Dark Knight Returns, even. But goodness, the whole idea of an established, tired Batman is good. There’s a reason the comics and animations keep coming back to it.
"Superman was just a story. Superman was just the dream of some farmer from Kansas." I forget the exact phrasing, but everything about that idea, and this idea that Superman is as much an ideal for Clark to live up to as everyone else, and he’s daunted by it? Yeah. There’s something in there.
I loved everything about Jeremy Irons' Alfred. Seriously, everything. Tech guru, little less RP, little rougher around the edges, clearly has some scars of his own. Absolutely biting, even more than most incarnations, and gets all the best lines. Yes, keep that, it'll do.
I liked the voice changer... halfway. To me it makes way more sense than putting on a voice, which is a bit daft and way more variable. I just wouldn't have gone that heavy on the processing, so that Bruce sounded less like a hacker from 1999. I also thought it was a good way of representing how Bruce desperately tries to emotionally distance himself when he’s the Bat, and how his anger has made him colder.
Batman as just a rumour or an urban legend is great, and a wonderful contrast to Superman, who’s this bright, transparent... common god. Bruce never did it for credit, he did it to get it done. It’s stretching the bounds of credulity, sure, but in this strange, semi-operatic storytelling with heavy myth feel, it makes a bunch of sense thematically.
Bruce meeting Martha Kent, and their first meeting being him saving her life. Even this broken-down Batman who thinks he’s a mess. Actually, just more Martha in the DCEU in general.  I mean, I get why they didn't lean into it so much because they maybe wanted Bruce and Clark to feel more like equal peers, rather than Bruce being too dadly, but... god, again, more Martha. In JL, in something, if nothing else. Martha who's lost a son (Jason); Martha who later has a son in another city trying to do good and is worried as hell about them (Dick's canonically in Bludhaven PD at this point); Martha who is one of about five people in the world who knows who Batman is and hasn't spilt that information; Martha who saw Bruce at the cemetery and might have some really interesting things to say to him, angry or forgiving; Martha who is one of the few people who's seen the good in the Bat (when Bruce himself couldn't)... Man, I was so, so glad that fic leaned into that. I would read a regular comic book of just Martha and Bruce Being Reluctant Friends and Worrying A Little About Their Kids, But Maybe In An Enemies-To-Friends Way Because Holy Shit You Had A Fucking Spear What the Fuck.
No, really, wait, I’m going to go on about Martha again.  The scenes in BvS where she was basically saying, "God, don't kill yourself for them, come home, if they're gonna hate you they don't deserve you..." On the one hand she could've been a contrasting voice to Jon, but this way also makes sense. "I know you want to help but please don't kill yourself..." It was always both parents in the comics who affected him equally, even if the Donner films had his father's death, iirc. It was Martha who pushed to keep him, Jon who taught him not to break people and show off, Martha who taught him how to cook and be gentle with things and in Superman: Birthright, which MoS is heavily, badly based upon (I love that miniseries, time to read it again) she researches alien sightings in the hope he won't be alone. I get why they went for a more "grounded" Kryptonian uniform thing, but Martha made his costume, in the original canon. In all canons, she was a huge help in creating the "Clark Kent" persona (yeah, sure, maybe a woman would have something to say about making yourself quiet and shrinking in a room and having to look helpful and nonthreatening all the time, but Snyder and Goyer were never gonna be the kind of people to explore that and even Waid, whom I love, barely touches on it). Every other film or comic book is crap, dead, or crap and dead dads. Clark's relationship with his mother and father is hugely important.
Getting to see Bruce doing the society beat, and just a little more philanthropy would've been great. You don't have time to build that character? Sure, OK. Take out the Flash dream sequence and the sleeping-with-random-women, maybe don't have a totally unnecessary but kinda hilarious shower scene, and replace it with some identity weirdness where Bruce and Clark are stuck interacting as civilians a little more. Or something about what the hell happened with Jason and the manor, though I don't mind most of it being unexplained. There, still building character, still serving a purpose, you can fit a brief scene into your three hour movie. Civil War had a ton of "Steve Rogers and Tony Stark brood or sit in rooms talking to each other."
If they were going to throw away all the secret-identity potential, they could at least have done it interestingly. That scene at the gala made it clear how hard they both had to act, and Jesus, the idea of Clark eventually, finally finding someone else who has to lie and cut off what they can do, who has to bumble almost the way he does... That could've been interesting and also maybe worried the shit out of him. Or made him want to talk to this crazy billionaire who goes round combat-booting people in the face and try and get what his deal was, which could've led to more interesting misunderstandings. 
And then there's Diana, who's not a bumbler but a "nothing to see here, rich eccentric" type too (no wonder she and Bruce had weird insane chemistry in that "sizing each other up/I know exactly what you are" way), and why the hell does Clark basically never see her? I actually don't mind the whole "she's only here for her photo and never meant to get involved, so she's only needing to chase Bruce," that makes sense, but after Doomsday?! In Justice League?! She understands what it is for the world to be frightened of you, resistant to you, the urge to go and hide where it's safe with your family, the loneliness. I mean, just imagine MoS!Clark meeting her and the goddamn relief of it. And the way it could've played off the whole Jonathan Kent is a creepy "kill em all" weirdo now thing, if they insisted on keeping it.
Similarly, please god please show Clark being a journalist more. Perry chewing him out more. A mild hint of office politics. That's the perfect place to leaven a rough film with a dose of humour. People wouldn't have been so bothered by "Is she with you?", which is actually not that terrible a line next to some Marvel "zingers", except for it being so tonally inconsistent. A gentle thread, a few moments of it. Maybe have Clark save someone and have to scrabble to keep his identity a secret, like in MoS - maybe a minute, you could go for some physical humour or a mild sight gag. Obviously, this'd be pre-bombing the courthouse. Relatedly... 
Take out Nairomi and the branding. They serve very little purpose, story-wise, basically never come back into the plot, and only serve to make Clark and Bruce look like dicks unnecessarily when if you want to inject flaws, you have a ton of opportunities to do it with how they deal with people and their loved ones, how they deal with perps, and their brooding moments. 
Seriously, Bruce kicking the shit out of people and investigating shipments from the Black Zero and World Engine crashes would be enough to worry and piss off Clark, as would the whole "I am the night"/lack of transparency shtick. I mean, for a start, John Byrne retconned their first meeting that way in the 80s and that issue is actually great (Clark is trying to arrest Bruce when they meet, because he's young and idealistic and maybe a little up himself and he's been Supes for about five and a half minutes). Look: Clark is being revered and hates it. He blames himself for Black Zero, at least a little. He has excellent reason to be desperately projecting brightly-coloured not-a-threat and also hate that someone else is terrorising a city and violence is being revered, especially when Metropolis and Gotham are still so raw. I mean... Snyder and Goyer did the fucking stupid offensive 9/11 comparisons. Look at how that affected people and still does to this day; emotions run bloody high, and the entire point of Clark is that he's still human and terrified and guilty. And with Wallace O’Keefe and all the threatening notes... look, there's already a good plot in there! 
Meanwhile, Luthor clearly knows Bruce has been sniffing around the K shipments and could've just tipped off Clark about that as well, saying, "He clearly is gonna use it for his own power, and with how sinister and opaque and violent he's already been, he's gonna hurt people." Having his heritage used against people is one of Clark's worst nightmares, it was implied pretty clearly in MoS, and you'd still have the righteous anger. No branding needed. Kryptonian artefacts and the entire masked violent vigilantism are already enough "this is someone who thinks he's above people and can decide their lives" to piss Clark off. He could even investigate that as himself rather than Supes. You need it to be an unanon tip-off and Keefe wouldn't have access to that information? Sure, OK, just filter it through Mercy Graves and make her a "worried confidential source." I mean, she's in the movie and completely wasted. Why not actually, you know, do something with her? Clark wants to believe the best in people, and he might dislike Luthor personally, but he doesn't know Luthor's out to get him yet - or wouldn't, if the writing was better. Again, Birthright, the text Goyer repeatedly ripped from, did this brilliantly. The brand... it's overkill. Grimdark overkill.
I actually... look, I had a really fun, if baffled, time with this movie, but goodness I’d like to see what it could’ve been. And now all the film sites are waving goodbye to Batfleck again while running DC retrospectives due to Birds of Prey, and Cavill’s blue tights are in doubt, it seemed like as good a time as any.
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g-on-ef · 6 years
Hi! You mentioned in your blog that you needed a distraction and that fic-requesters were free to come your way? If this is convenient, then can I request a damijon fic? One where batfam is overprotective and keeps interrupting the time damian and jon spend together and the two get frustrated? Thanks!
A/N: Of course you can sweetie ^^
So there is no confusion Jon is 14 and Damian is 17
He knew it was a mistake to tell Dick that he was dating Jon, he should have listen to his instincts when they told him that it was a bad idea but Jonathan thought he was embarrassed of him because he didn’t want to tell his family about them.
The truth was in the Batfamily you learn that you share everything, the bathroom, food, your dad’s attention; anything you could think of the family shared even when the girls and their personal problems, okay that was mainly Steph but the point is if one had something they had to share with everyone in the family.
So, it was natural that Damian wanted to keep something to himself for as long as he could but Jon wanted everyone to know and Damian just couldn’t say no to those big blue puppy dog eyes so he gave in and told his family.
Of course, the last thing he expected was for Grayson to tell Todd, who told Brown, who told Thomas, who tried to keep it a secret but Drake figured it out himself and told Damian that he was going to need a lot of luck.
Now he understood why he said that.
His worst fear was that he might have to share Jon’s attention with everyone, he never thought that his brothers would do everything they can to keep him from enjoying his time with Jon.
“I guess it could be-”
“Don’t say it,”
“Say what?”
“Don’t say it could be worse because every time you say that something worse happens,”
Jon puffed his cheeks in anger and Damian did not think that was adorable…okay he did but he was not going to say that out loud.
“That’s not true,”
“Our trip to the zoo?”
“Oh, right that was…I mean it wasn’t…okay so it could’ve…”
The look on Damian’s face told Jon that he was right and nothing Jon could say would prove him wrong.
“Shut up,” he said while grabbing a fry and throwing it at Damian, Damian just laughed as he looked around the food court and saw that the close was clear, he then reached for Jon’s hand however, before he could another hand landed on the table making a loud banging noise, poor Jon nearly wet himself at the loud sound that appeared out of nowhere.
“Hey you guys! Tim, Duke, Jay, and I brought you guys some food,”
If Damian had heat vision he would use it to burn Grayson’s smug look off his face right about now.
Meanwhile, Jon was hoping against hope that he didn’t look like he was seconds away from soiling himself.
“I thought I told you Grayson that Jon and I would be getting our own food,”
“True…but since me and your brothers are already here why not get you guys some food,” he said with a huge smile.
Damian wanted to slap that smile off his face.
The rest of the batboys came with Duke giving him an apoligic look, Tim giving him a smug look, and Jason glaring down at the baby supe.
“Ummm…that’s so nice of you Dick,”
“Of course it is, I mean my baby brother is on a date and I really want to make sure you guys have a good time,” he said with a sweet smile, a little to sweet for Damian’s liking.
When Jason placed the food down he also gave Jon a sweet smile.
“I took the liberty of ordering for you hope you don’t mind,”
“N-not at all,” Jon was about to grab his plate before Damian grabbed his wrist to stop him.
“Don’t eat that,” was all he said before he gave him his own plate.
“We can share from mine,”
Jon just smiled and didn’t want to admit that he was scared to eat the food Jason got him, mainly because he could smell the spicy condiments coming off of the plate.
Dick and Jason glared at the baby supe while said supe was doing everything not to pay attention to their glares even though it was easier said then done.
Duke and Tim looked at each other before they slapped the back of their brother’s heads.
“Why don’t the two of you go to the arcade while Tim, Jason, Dick, and I finish eating,” Thomas said smiling at the two boys.
He had to admit, Damian and Jon were the cutest thing and while he can somewhat understand Dick’s need to be overprotective with Damian the older boy needed to let go and let him be on his own.
Damian smiled and grabbed Jon’s hand.
“Thomas, you are officially my favorite,” he then pulled Jon away from the mess that was his brothers and headed for the arcade.
“What the fuck Duke?!” Could be heard from the other side of the restaurant and Damian and Jon couldn’t help but laugh.
He thought of all people Drake would be the most understanding, the one who would let them be and not bother them but he was wrong, he was so wrong.
He turned his gaze to Jon who also looked annoyed and was holding himself back from burning off his brother’s face.
Connor and Tim overheard Jon telling Damian that they should spend some time at the park. Damian agreed and couldn’t wait to spend a nice day out with Jon.
The it was a nice day, the weather wasn’t to hot or cold, not to mention that Alfred prepared them a nice home cook meal, informing the boys that he hopes they have fun.
The plan was simple, eat some food play on the swings-Damian would never admit it to his brothers but he loved the swings they were really fun-and flying kites together. Overall, it was supposed to be a relaxing day…until Drake and the Clone showed up ate their food and asked them what they were doing at the park.
Jon had to bite his tongue to not say anything rude but he was close to snapping and if it weren’t for the fact that he was a little intimated by his big brother he probably would have gone off on him.
“So, where you two planning on flying kites?” Tim asked gesturing to the kites on the floor.
“What do you think?” surprisingly it wasn’t Damian that answered but Jon.
Kon and Tim looked shock for a moment before laughing it off, clearly Damian was rubbing off on Jon.
“Okay right silly question, so what else where you two planning on doing here?”
“Nothing,” the two said simultaneously both wearing matching glares. Tim just shrugged it off and kept eating when neither Tim nor Kon were looking Jon used his ice breath to freeze both their drinks, both of the older boys were shock to see their tongues stuck inside their drinks, Damian was shocked and laughed as he realized that his boyfriend just played a cruel trick on them.
“Wanna go back to my place and play some video games?” Jon asked.
“Sounds like a plan,” 
Jon smirked as he took Damian in his arms princess style and flew off, ignoring the muffle screams from his brother and Tim.
It’s been two years since young Masters Wayne and Kent started dating and it still surprised Alfred how overprotective his siblings were of him.
With Jon being 16 and Damian being 19 you would think that his other grandchildren would stop harassing them and leave them be, Jon has proven time and time again that he wasn’t going to leave Damian and Damian continued to show everyone how important Jon was to Damian.
And yet his other grandchildren-minus Duke and Cass, and everyone wonder why those two were his favorites-and Bruce decided to always interrupt Master Kent and Master Wayne’s dates and it was beginning to take a toll of both boys. Not that he blamed them, two years of having older sibling interrupt your date can get to you. It was a miricale  that Damian hasn’t killed any of them.
 Tonight was Jon’s 17th birthday and Damian decided to throw a huge party at Wayne Manor, of course this meant that all the batboys and girls were gonna keep a close eye on Damian and make sure that Jon behaved himself, surprisingly Damian invited every superhero but none of Jon’s or his friends which was weird in their eyes.
“Okay guys it’s almost time for the birthday boy to get here,” Lois said, if Dick didn’t know any better he would’ve assumed that Lois had a mischievous look on her face but dismissed that idea. Lois was an amazing woman who would never do anything to harm anyone right?
An hour into the party and Jon nor Damian were nowhere to be found, even Clark looked surprised before he and Bruce approached Lois, Dick and the rest of his siblings followed close behind them.
“Hey Lois?” Lois turned away from her conversation with Diana to look at her husband, his best friend, and said best friend’s adoptive children.
“Yes?” Lois asked with sickly sweet smile.
“Where are Jon and Damian? I thought you said that Jon would be here soon, so where is he?”
“And Damian?” this time it was Dick Bruce looked at his eldest with a disappointed look for interrupting him.
Lois looked at them before shrugging her shoulders.
“I don’t know, I mean Damian just texted me saying he was on his way but I guess they might have made a stop somewhere in Smallville?”
The two families looked at each other before flying off to Smallville, there was no way their baby was going to lose his virginity to some asshole
(Both families failed to see that they were having similar thoughts)
Meanwhile Lois smirk as she send Talia a quick text
Talia watched as Damian, Jon, Maya, Kathy, and the rest of the tiny heroes danced around having a good time, she felt her phone buzzing in her pocket.
Pulling it out she saw she recieved a message from Lois who let her know that their families are on a wild goose chase and won’t be back home until morning.
Talia laughed as her son’s plan to keep Bruce and Clark occupided worked. 
She looked up to see Damian and Jon kissing one another while everyone else was having fun and not paying attention to the couple since they knew their friends needed some peace.
Talia made a mental note to give Jon his present later, after all a private island where no one, not even Tim Drake himself would find would be the best thing he’ll ever get since he can use it to spend some time with Damian with no interruptions.
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dukereviewstv · 5 years
Duke Reviews TV: Smallville 1x20 Obscura
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews TV Where We Are Continuing Our Look At Smallville By Talking About Episode 20 Of Season 1, Obscura...
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This Episode Sees Lana Gaining The Ability To See Through Other People's Eyes When She's Caught In An Explosion Near Some Meteor Rock Fragments...
This Power Comes In Handy During The Episode As Lana's New Powers Let Her See Through The Eyes Of A Person Who Kidnaps Chloe And It's Up To Her And Clark To Find Chloe And Rescue Her, Will They Find Chloe And Stop The Kidnapper Before He Kidnaps Someone Else?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Obscura...
The Episode Starts In A Field Where Lana And Whitney Are Riding Their Horses...
Slowing Their Horses Down, Whitney Asks Lana To The Spring Formal (Despite Next Week's Episode Being His Last As Full Time Cast Member) Only To Hear A Loud Explosion That Spooks Their Horses...
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Tieing Their Horses Up, Lana And Whitney Go Toward The Source Of The Explosion Which Happens To Be A Gas Main On Fire, Seeing Another Pipe Near Them Shake Whitney Shows The Guys Trying To Fix The Gas Main Only For Them To Decide That It's Time To Clear Out...
With Whitney Telling Lana To Run...
Yeah (In The Style Of Forrest Gump) Run, Lana, Run...
The Gas Main Explodes In The Style Of Michael Bay Apparently...
All That's Missing Is Shia Labeouf Going No, No, No, No, No A Billion Times And Ben Affleck Saying That It's A Homage To Which I Got A Feeling That's What This Explosion Was...
Taking Lana To The Hospital, Whitney Tells Clark That They Gave Lana Something To Sleep But She'll Most Likely Pull Through...
With Chloe Stopping By To Check On Lana, Clark Knows That She Should Be Half Way To Metropolis Right Now As She Has An Interview For The Daily Planet's Summer Internship Program But Despite That Chloe Saying That She Could Reschedule Clark Knows How Important This Is To Her So Chloe Takes Off...
But As Clark Gets Coffee With Whitney, Lana Sees Chloe Being Taken Outside Of The Hospital By Some Mysterious Person...
The Next Day At The Kent Farm, Martha Talks With Clark About The Spring Formal, Before Lex Enters As Clark Leaves To Deliver A Very Generous Check To Jonathan And Martha For The Chemical Spill That Happened Earlier In The Season In The Episode Zero For The Land And Livestock They Lost, All Lex Wants In Return Is To Leave Any Doubt Between Them In The Past To Which Jonathan Agrees...
Later At School, Lana Stop By The Torch To See Chloe But Clark Tells Her That She's In Metropolis Until Tonight, Asking Why, Lana Tells Clark About Her Dream About Chloe Being Kidnapped. Offering To Call Her Dad To See If Chloe's Okay, Lana Decides To Let It Go For Now As She Doesn't Want To Make Her Father Worry...
Back At The Luthor Mansion, Lex Gets A Visit By Roger Nixon When He Hears About Lex's Visit By Carrie Castle In The Episode Drone....
(Start At 0:26, End At 1:35)
Worried About Chloe As She Hasn't Called Yet, Jonathan Tells Clark Not To Worry About It As She'll Probably Call Eventually, But Talking About Their Broken Tractor, Clark Knows What He Spend Lex's Check On However There's One Problem, Jonathan Hasn't Cashed It Yet And He Doesn't Know If He's Going To As Something Is Telling Him That It's A Bad Idea...
But When Clark Says That Slamming The Door In Lex's Face Over And Over Will Only Turn Lex Into His Father, Jonathan Tells Clark He'll Sleep On It...
Stopping By The Torch Afterwards, Clark Talks With Pete (Who Tells Him That He's Taking One Of The Hottest Girls In School To The Spring Formal) Before Talking With Lana About Chloe Before She Has Another Vision Of Chloe Tied Up In A Funhouse And That The Kidnapper Is Apparently One Of The Flying Monkeys From The Wiz...
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Telling Clark What She Saw, Him And Lana Call The Police And Chloe's Father (Who Hasn't Heard From Chloe All Day And Is Starting To Get Concerned) To 9 Tell Them About What She Saw And Despite One Officer Laughing It Off The Other Officer Says They'll Look Into It...
Getting A Call From Someone, Chloe's Father Tells Clark And Lana That They Found Chloe's Car Abandoned In The Woods...
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Meanwhile On The Other Side Of Town, Nixon Takes Lex To Talk With His Source, A Former Crop Duster Named Eddie Cole Who Was Dusting Baker's Field The Day Of The Meteor Shower And Saw Something Come Down That Looked More Like A Spaceship Than A Meteor...
Hours Later He Went To Check It Only To Find It Gone...
With Lex Believing That Eddie Is...Well...
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Lex Tells Roger To Come Up With Something Better Before He Leaves...
Visiting Clark At His Barn, He Tells Lana That He Searched The Woods With His Father And Chloe's Dad And Found Nothing, So Tomorrow They're Going To Organize A Search Party...
This Leads Clark To Tell Lana About When He First Met Chloe...
(Start At 1:12, End At 2:06)
But As Lana Starts To Leave After That, She Has Another Vision Of Chloe Being Buried Alive At Chandler's Field, Superspeeding There, Clark Uses His X-Ray Vision And Finds Chloe Before She Runs Out Of Air...
Immensely Happy To See Clark, Clark Takes Her To The Hospital So She Can Recuperate After What Happened They Ask Chloe If She Saw Anything But She's Too Traumatized To Remember Right Now Either Way Though She Thanks Lana For Picking A Good Time To Be Weird And Decides To Relax...
As Lana Walks Down The Hospital Hallway She Has Another Vision Of Chloe's Kidnapper Except This Time He's Watching Her...
Coming Home Late From The Hospital, Clark Gives Jonathan A Hand With Bags Of Cornfeed That Need To Be Delivered To Another Farm While Talking To Him About Chloe, Lana And Her Visions And If Jonathan Plans On Cashing That Check To Which The Answer Is Yes After They Deliever The Feed....
But As They Drive Over, They Find Lex And A Crew Of Men Going Over A Piece Of Land, Asking Lex What's Going On, He Tells Jonathan And Clark That He's Thinking About Buying The Land For An Agricultural Project But He Wanted To Test The Soil First...
Asking About The Hazmat Suits And Metal Detectors, Lex Tells Jonathan That That's Because They Think That There May Have Been A Meteor Strike On The Site And With Luthorcorp's Environmental Record Taking A Hit Recently And It Never Hurts To Cross Your T's And Dot Your I's
Not Buying Lex's Story, Jonathan Gives Lex Back His Check Saying That He Can't Accept It. Asking Why His Father Did That As People Test Land All The Time, Jonathan Tells Clark That This Land Was Where His Spaceship Landed Years Ago And If They Find Anything, They'll Trace It Back To Clark...
Later That Night, Whitney Visits Lana At The Talon After Going Through His Father's Things And While Doing So He Comes Across Some Military Medals That His Father Got From His Time In Vietnam. Seeing This As A Sign That His Father Is Telling Him That Throwing A Football Isn't The Only Way To Do Something Important With His Life...
Visiting Clark In His Barn, Lex Says That He Owes Jonathan An Apology But He Doesn't Know Why Exactly But Despite Saying It's Not You, It's Him Lex Gets A Feeling Clark Doesn't Believe Him Either
(Start At 2:13)
Doing Research At The Torch, Clark Is Surprised By Chloe Who Decided That Relaxing Will Only Give Her Nightmares So The Best Place For Her To Be Is There...
Calling Whitney To Drop By, Clark Tells Whitney And Chloe That The Explosion Caused Lana's Visions, Giving Her De Kretser Syndrome Which Is A Post Traumatic Stress Disorder That Caused People In Bomb Shelters In London To Become Psychically Linked To One Another And It Only Happens When The Person Is Stressed, Angry Or Excited
Clark Also Discovered That There Were Meteor Rocks At The Site And The Energy Must Have Binded Lana To Someone There, Asking Whitney Who Was There, He Tells Clark That It Was Only Him And The 2 Officers, Watts And Vertigo But It All Happened So Fast Whitney Has No Idea Of Which Of Officers It Could Be...
Visited By Vertigo At The Talon, Lana Makes Him A Cup Of Coffee Only To Get Another Vision Of The Kidnapper Entering The Talon And Hitting Vertigo On The Head So He Can Kidnap Lana...
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So Yeah By The Time Clark, Chloe And Whitney Get There, Both Lana And The Kidnapper Are Gone With Vertigo Having No Clue Where He Went, Asking About Watts, Vertigo Tells Clark That He Has A Second Job At The Carnival Grounds And With It Closed It's The Perfect Place To Hide Someone...
With Lana Sitting Up To Call For Help, She Is Confronted By The Kidnapper Who Happens To Be Watts Who Only Kidnapped Chloe To Get Ahead In His Career As A Cop...
Which Is Kinda Stupid When You Think About It...
Trying To Salvage His Plan By Killing Lana And Solving Her Murder, Watts Is Stopped By Clark When He Bounces The Bullet Off Of His Hand And Into A Glass Mirror Above To Which Clark Covers Lana With His Body To Protect Her From The Falling Shards...
With Watts Trying To Escape, He's Thrown By Clark As The Police Arrive To Arrest Watts But Not Willing To Go Down Without A Fight, The Police Have No Choice But To Kill Watts...
A Perfect End To An Idiot With A Dumb Plan...
The Next Day On The Kent Farm, Chloe Arrives To Tell Clark That She Got The Internship At The Planet Because Of An Article She Wrote For The Ledger On Watts But Before She Can Leave Clark Asks Chloe To Accompany Him To The Spring Formal To Which She Says Yes...
Visited By Dr. Hamilton At The Mansion, He Tells Him Information That They Found On An Octagonal Disc They Found In The Field And It Turns Out That Whatever It Is, The Alloy That It Is Made Of Is Not Of This Earth And Reminding Us That Clark's Ship Has An Octagonal Hole And Most Likely That Disc Will Open Said Ship, Our Episode Ends...
And That's Obscura And Can I Say That This Is The Only Episode This Season That I Don't Care For?
It's All Right, It Has Possibilities For Being Good But In The End It Doesn't Pay Off Giving Us A Stupid Reason For Why Our Kidnapper Did It But Aside From The Story Not Being That Great The Characters Are Well Written And The Effects Are Okay, I Guess But Still This One's A Skip It For Me, If You Like It Good Enjoy It But For Me It's A No...
Tune In Next Week For The Final Episode Of Season 1 Of Smallville Till Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
0 notes
iconicblur · 8 years
Send me “✗” for a drabble in which my muse kills yours.  &  My muse punishes yours for something 
Clark Luthor had rules, there was no doubt about that and when it came to Aiden, that was no different. He expected much of her, for her to follow everything he said but she was stubborn and hard headed, she’d often do the opposite of what he said just in spite of him. Their relationship was tricky and complicated, not something you could sum up in a few words. They had met when they both attended Excelsior, back then, Clark wasn’t nearly as bad as he was today. There was still hope for him back then and maybe that’s why Aiden was drawn to him, through the years and plenty of corruption from Lionel, Clark soon became the most feared man all over the globe; and yet, Aiden still stuck by him. Maybe it was now out of fear, or out of hope that she could change him, he wasn’t too sure. But lately, they had been going head to head, Aiden seemed to be rebelling against everything he said and he wasn’t having it.
One rule between the both of them was that their families were off limits. Aiden couldn’t touch or harm his family and Clark couldn’t touch or harm hers. That rule quickly changed.
He hadn’t planned to kill Piper - Aiden’s mother, and he never planned to kill her brothers either - Wyatt and Chris. It just sort of.. happened. He was at risk of losing Aiden, of her running from him and he knew if she ran and got away; she could reveal who Ultraman was, he wasn’t about to let everything he built up for years be torn down by Aiden. So, he did what he had to do. He killed the only family she had, the people she loved, in order for her to see that he wasn’t messing around, that this was a serious situation. He knew once her family was gone, she would surrender to him - she’d have no other choice. He was right, after he slaughtered her family right before her very eyes; she gave in, she pledged the rest of her life to him.
You’d think it would stop there, everything would be smooth sailing from then on but it wasn’t. Aiden took the one last chance she had to hurt Clark the same way he had hurt her. That was her biggest mistake, and maybe his too.
“I heard your sister is back in town,” Her voice caused him to bow his head, take in a breath before turning around to face her “I suppose she has unfinished business here,” He drawled out, narrowing his eyes at Aiden, curious as to how she found out Tess was back in town in the first place. Tess was a topic Aiden wasn’t aloud to speak about, she knew next to nothing about his sister; as far as he knew, and he didn’t want her to know anything. They hadn’t even met because of that reason. “Unfinished business meaning you?” Aiden’s brows rose, her gaze not wavering from Clark’s. His brows knitted for a moment before a small lie of a smile took his face “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He played confused, acting stupid on the topic but worry now engulfed him. Aiden stepped forward with arms folded over her chest, “I know about you and your sister, I’m not stupid, Clark. Every time you leave Smallville or Metropolis you just happen to end up exactly where Tess is.” She challenged him, her own facial expression blank as she stared at him. He raised his head, a loud exhale escaping his nose “Like I said, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He spoke through gritted teeth, his words being more of a threat now. “Play stupid all you want. I know you’re fucking your sister.” Aiden taunted him with a small smirk of her own, all it took was a second to flash by before Clark had his hand around her neck, her feet no longer touching solid ground. “Tess is off limits!” He yelled in pure rage, his voice so loud it hurt his own ears. “So was my family, that didn’t seem to bother you.” Aiden gasped out, her words spaced out as she struggled. He quickly dropped her to the floor, not caring if she broke a bone or two. “If you hurt Tess or even touch a hair on her head, I will kill you.” He breathed out coldly, close to a snarl.
He was sure Aiden wouldn’t even go near Tess now, knowing her own life was at stake. Even still, he warned Tess of Aiden and to hide somewhere safe. It was a tricky situation, the love he had for his sister wasn’t comparable to the devotion, hate and somehow love - he had for Aiden. But of course, feelings meant nothing when it came to his sister; he’d stop at nothing to protect her and he hated having the ultimatum of Aiden VS Tess, but if it came down to it, he knew he’d have to kill Aiden.
Tess was hiding out at the old Kent Barn, it was mainly unoccupied, the man who owned it - Jonathan Kent was too busy drinking his days away to notice any presence on his farm. It was their shared secret place, neither of them ever spoke a word of it for fear of their father finding out.
It was his first stop, it always was whenever Tess was back in town. Any amount of time with his sister was never enough. 
“Tess?” He called out as he entered the barn, seeing a dark shadow walk out from the corner of the loft, a familiar smile made a grin wash onto his own face. “Clark, finally!” Tess beamed as she made her way down the stairs, he walked over to the landing and caught her in his arms, their lips merging together from a long awaited kiss; too long of a wait, really. “I’m not here long, I just came here to see that you were safe. Dad needs my help at the fortress.” He announced in a whisper, Tess’s brow darted up, a coy smile on his face “You mean you haven’t killed that bastard yet?” She laughed as he shook his head “In time.” He nodded with a sly smile, “So this Aiden girl.. is she really a threat to me?” Tess questioned, skeptical. “If she’s really that big of a problem, why not kill her?” She posed another question as Clark shook his head “It’s complicated, Lutessa. But if it comes to that, you know what I’ll do.” He merely said as his eyes analyzed Tess’s. She raised her head with a small smile “She must be really important if you kept her around this long,” Her voice was small, realization setting in. “Don’t be jealous, it’s not a good look on you.” His tone was menacing, placing yet another kiss on Tess’s lips “Call me if she shows up.” Clark stated as Tess nodded, “I’ll be back later.” He flashed Tess a small smile before speeding off in a blur.
He flew to the fortress in a blink of an eye, entering as he saw his father standing; waiting, “You’re late.” His father warned as Clark hung his head to the side “I know.” He merely said, Lionel shook his head before dropping that topic “I think our team might have found something linking to Veritas,” Lionel spoke in a matter of fact tone as Clark’s eyes narrowed “How? I killed everyone linked to Veritas, except you.” Lionel laughed quietly, “A descendant of Virgil Swann has cropped up, she’s on to you, Clark. I’m sure you’ll take care of it.” Now Lionel’s head hung to the side as he eyed Clark, Clark nodded “Of course, give me the address and consider it taken care of.” A hostile smirk swept his face as Lionel smiled himself, “Good. Good, oh - excuse me for a moment.” Lionel’s cellphone rang, answering it quickly. Did he really expect Clark not to listen in?
It was the police, speaking about a somebody that was hurt. The body was transported to Metropolis hospital. They’re not going to make it, goodbyes have to be made. Tess. It’s Tess.
Clark didn’t even bother to listen to the rest of the call, in a blink of an eye, he was gone.
He stood in the arch way of Tess’s hospital room before entering, she looked so helpless, so weak and he could do nothing about it. Sitting beside her bed, her head turned to look at him as she took his hand in hers. “Is that sadness I see on Clark Luthor’s face?” Her voice was hoarse, sounding stuck in her throat, Clark blinked before a small smile took his face “What happened, Tess?” He looked at her for an answer as she took a slow, deep hasty breath - it sounded painful. “You know.. what happened.” Her voice was more gravely and raspy then usual, “Aiden.” He breathed out in anger as Tess attempted a nod. “You’ll be okay, I’ll deal with Aiden.” He promised as a broken laugh escaped Tess’s lips “I’m dying, Clark. I’ll be dead in minutes.” A tear ran down her face as she eyed Clark, he bowed his head for a moment “I’ll find a way to bring you back, there must be some kryptonian thing that can help you.” He was desperate, Clark Luthor was never desperate, that’s how you knew how serious this was. She shook her head “Dad won’t let you, this is his life long dream.” She frowned and tightened her grip on his hand. “Clark, I-I want you to know how much I love you.” Her voice was weaker now, barely able to get out the words - he took a breath, a moment before his eyes readjusted on Tess “I love you too, Tess.” He nodded, his lips twitching and quivering before he cleared his throat. “I’ve waited.. so long.. for you to say that.” She laughed, coughing after the fact. Maybe he should have said it more, maybe he should have said a lot of things before, but he couldn’t let himself, now, he was more mad at himself then he had ever been. Slowly, Tess’s grasp on his hand loosened, he could hear the thumps of her heart weaken and fade, before it stopped all together. For the first time in his life, he felt genuinely sad, heartbroken.. devastated and for the first time in his life, tears rolled down his face. Quickly, though, that changed to pure rage.
“I told you not to touch her!” He was sure his voice was so loud that a window would break, but it didn’t. Aiden’s back was turned to him as he stood in the office with in the mansion. She turned around to face him, seemingly unfazed by what had happened - what she had done. “Now you know how it feels to lose the one person you love the most.” She was taken over by emotion, unsure why, did she feel guilty? Or was she reminiscing over the loss of her own family? “I should have killed you when my father told me to.” The veins in his neck were now bulging, his fists clenched together as he dug into his own skin. “You can’t and you won’t. You love me too Clark.” She seemed so sure of herself, so confident in what he felt for her. He shook his head left and right slowly, nostrils flaring and his chest rising and falling heavily “But I loved Tess more.” He whispered in a snarl, exposing his teeth as he did so in a demonic smile. Taking one of the faux swords off the wall, it wasn’t real; it wasn’t even sharp enough to slice through skin; but give anything enough speed and it becomes a weapon. He didn’t even think, he didn’t even blink. In one swift, super speed motion, the sword was flying through the air. Piercing right through Aiden’s heart. He watched as she dropped to her knees, his whole body still filled with a high amount of anger. “Once I’m dead, you’ll have no one.” The words were broken up, a sick laugh coming from Aiden at the mere thought of her own words. He hung his head to the side before walking over to her, twisting the sword further as she weakly screamed in agony, slowly, her body fell limp to the floor.
The things he was feeling, he didn’t understand. He didn’t know what to connect it to. He didn’t even know what it was. Sorrow, anger, sadness, grief, pain..
She was right, he was now ultimately alone.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Superman & Lois Finally Gave Lois Lane The Story She Deserved
This article contains SUPERMAN & LOIS episode 8 spoilers.
Superman & Lois has done so many things right in its first season, using familiar comics characters to explore an uncharted onscreen corner of the Superman mythos, focusing on the struggles of small town businesses in an increasingly corporate America, and embracing bold and risky storytelling decisions like introducing hero John Henry Irons to the DC TV universe – just initially disguised as both a villain and a Luthor.
If fans and critics (or, more specifically, me, who is both) have had one lingering complaint throughout Superman & Lois Season 1, it’s that the show has often left the Lois part of its title to languish in the background of its primary plots a bit more than we might have liked. Sure, it’s been very careful – and rightly so! – to give Lois her own life and story outside of her roles as a wife and mother. But her investigation into obvious corporate dirtbag Morgan Edge has often felt like a vehicle to give Lana and her husband Scott some conflict as much as a real story centered on Lois, herself.
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Thankfully, “Holding the Wrench” changes all that, giving us what is essentially our first Lois-centric Superman & Lois episode that not only adds some incredibly unexpected layers to this incarnation of the character, but takes a long overdue look at the emotional toll that comes with loving and living with someone who has the abilities of both her husband and her son.
And it turns out that Lois has been carrying a lot more than we ever realized.
The scene in which she reveals the miscarriage she suffered a year and a half after the twins were born is beautifully and sensitively handled, allowing Lois to not just give voice to the specific fear she feels as a result of Jonathan’s near-death experience but to also acknowledge how the lingering grief and guilt she carries over the loss of her daughter still informs her choices and behavior, even all these years later.
Bitsie Tulloch is absolutely phenomenal throughout the hour, whether Lois is furiously lashing out at the son she thought recklessly endangered his own life or tearfully recounting the feelings of powerlessness parenthood often inspires. (Her description of parenting as letting her heart walk the world freely where anything could happen to it was…whew. Something else.)
And, of course, Lois is not the sort a woman who makes time for therapy more than once or sees a traumatic event like a miscarriage as something she should allow to slow her down. She took her vacation days in the wake of her loss and clearly expected that to be the end of it. But even Lois Lane is human, and apparently has been living with a heavy emotional burden ever since.
It makes sense that she’d unfairly blame herself for losing her child – who she had planned to name Natalie, just as the daughter she had in Irons’ universe was called – because Lois is a hero, and someone used to saving the day when it counts. She solves problems, breaks big stories, makes people’s lives better by finding the truth. Surely, there must have been something she could have done. Taken time off work, eaten healthier, stressed less, made better – or just different – choices. It must be her fault, and that’s the truth she’s told herself, for what is apparently a heartbreakingly long time.
Read more
Superman & Lois Episode 7: Inside the “Man of Steel” Ending That Changes the Series
By Mike Cecchini
Why Superman & Lois Went Full Friday Night Lights
By Jim Dandy
 “Holding a Wrench” smartly avoids the temptation to make this narrative subplot about anything other than Lois and how her experiences have shaped who she is as a mother. As a result, Clark is present solely to support his wife and encourage her to get whatever help she needs without judgment or unnecessary couple drama. (I’m positive Clark probably carries his own share of guilt about not being able to save his daughter or protect Lois from the pain of her loss, but this particular story isn’t about him and Superman & Lois thankfully recognizes that fact.) Their relationship truly is goals.
To be fair, Jordan Elsass’s Jonathan also deserves a special shoutout – as the most normal Kent child he’s often found himself taking a backseat to his brother Jordan’s problems in a way neither his family or the show itself often directly addresses. He’s the most normal, sure, for whatever that means in this family. But he’s also the one who sacrificed the most – his friends, his girlfriend, his college football dreams, his social status – in the move to Smallville in the first place. And while Superman & Lois has done a bang-up job thus far exploring Jordan’s struggle with his developing powers, it hasn’t always let us see how Jonathan is dealing with his lack of them.
“Dad, you and Jordan basically are weapons. I’m the only one in this house who is completely unarmed,” Jonathan says during his animated defense of his decision to snoop in Irons’ RV, which is a truly nonsensical reason for trying to rob a man who just tried to kill your father, but a completely understandable decision for a boy who doesn’t know what his place in the world – or his own family – is supposed to be anymore.
It’s Lois, of course, who sets him straight, allowing herself to be truly vulnerable to her son in the process – not just about the daughter she lost, but about the fact that she knows how humbling and frustrating it can sometimes feel to be part of a family that also contains people like Clark and Jordan. They’re “extraordinary humans in a family of super people”, and that’s not always easy. But it doesn’t mean they don’t have important roles to play, and the episode underlines that fact by making Lois – with her deep and oh-so-human understanding of loss – the one person who manages to talk Irons out of killing Clark.
As satisfying as this season of Superman & Lois has generally been, “Holding the Wrench” is the first installment that has felt truly great instead of just good – and it’s because the show finally gave us the piece it had so often been missing: Lois, fully realized in all her complexity, and heart, and guts, and fury. This is the woman I was waiting for, and I can’t wait to see where this story – and this show – takes her next.
The post Superman & Lois Finally Gave Lois Lane The Story She Deserved appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3vL2vd4
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years
Dressing Up as Santa Claus Is a Serious Business
Dressing Up as Santa Claus Is a Serious Business
Jonathan Meath is first and foremost an entertainer. At 62, he has his own Wikipedia page that details his entertainment work as Santa Claus, something he’s been doing for 12 years. He’s also the image for the Wikipedia page for “Santa Claus,” which might mean he’s actually Santa.
When I called him up to ask him what it’s like, his voice sounded ecstatic: “My daughter was nominated for a Grammy!” (His daughter, it turns out, is Amelia Meath of Sylvan Esso, a band I adore.) As our conversation wore on, though, I got the sense that I hadn’t merely caught him on a good morning: his joy never wavered. I soon learned he considers year-round jolliness part of the gig. Perhaps that’s why he’s got such steady work.
Below, his as-told-to account of being (possibly the real?) Santa Claus.
The lightbulb moment
My daughter will tell you: “Dad became an empty-nester and then became a Santa.” I got into it when she went off to college. My wife bought a Santa suit from eBay on a whim — quite frankly, as a way to say, “Dude, lose a little weight.” Putting on the suit was fun, but I had never thought about doing any Santa activities. I mean, I am of a certain shape, and I had a big beard, and people had been telling me that I looked like a Santa, but I never really thought about it.
Then one day — this was about 12 years ago — while laying in the bathtub thinking, as you do, an idea occurred to me. I had been singing in a wonderful performance group and it dawned on me: I might be able to get a gig from singing, in a Santa suit, those wonderful Christmas songs that Bing Crosby and others sang in the ’40s and ’50s. Wouldn’t that be a hoot? I might be a able to get myself to New York!
So I produced an album of four songs called Santa Sings. I hired musicians and an arranger — we did the whole thing. Then I found a band and did a couple of gigs and it was great. But there was no demand for a singing Santa! It was a rude awakening, but the fact that I had done it, and had worn the suit, got the entertainer in me going.
The beginning
I got involved with The International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas, where I now sit on the board. We’re 1,700 members strong, and I know a lot of them. I’m not the best-looking Santa, but the adage, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” applies here. Some people like small Santas, some like incredibly large Santas. It turns out that I fit the mold of a very particular Santa. I am the spitting image of the Coca Cola Santa, which is how that became my job: I went to a casting call and Coke saw it. I was in the 2016 and 2017 campaign. There should be a couple of billboards in Times Square this year!
I’ve appeared at Radio City Music Hall as their in-house Santa for pictures. I’ve appeared in Delta’s airplane safety video — in the part that says, “Put your safety mask on before assisting others around you,” the oxygen masks fall and I put mine on and then assist an elf. Tons of friends recognized me.
I also have a special Santa in-flight suit that I wear on planes. It’s a red jumpsuit with flight wings and an embroidered sleigh with reindeer on the back and on the front it says “Santa’s Flight School.” One of my favorite things to do is walk on the plane, stick my hand in the cockpit and say, “You know, I’m a flyer too.” It’s great. They love it.
But you know who loves Santa most in the airport? The TSA. They go wild. I hand them my regular ID and go, “This is my Clark Kent,” and they flip out. You think it would go the other way — that they’d see me and request a cavity search. But it’s so fun.
Mall work
When you embody Santa, you automatically find that your heart grows that much bigger. It’s like in How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Your heart gets bigger and you realize that those kids want the experience of an adult who’s all about joy and giving. When you’re a mall Santa, and you’re asking the child what makes them tick and what makes them happy, you bring them joy. And it’s great.
Unfortunately, sometimes when I’m working at the mall, the company who does the pictures — and god bless, there’s a business there — they want it to be about the picture only. But it’s not really about the picture, it’s about the childhood experience. And then if you can get a good picture, fine.
A lot of kids are scared at first, either because here’s the guy who knows whether you’ve been naughty or nice all year, or because they’re well-trained not to trust strangers, or because they have their parents saying, “Get up on that fat guy’s lap,” and it’s weird! But as Santa, you get to make those moments fantastic. Some kids need a big hearty, Ho Ho Ho!, but most just need a warm hello and a chuckle and to be asked what they want for Christmas. It’s that simple. When kids ask if I’m real I say, “Of course I’m real! I’m right here with you!” But I never promise anything. I just listen and say things like, “That’s a wonderful thing to want,” or “We’ll see…” (I actually learned that one from my mother.)
Santa never pushes anything. Santa is a receptacle. A safe space. Santa doesn’t bring the capitalist edge —  other entities and marketing people bring that. My representation of Santa is pure. Santa, in his origins, is pre-Christian and not really affiliated with any religion. There are a numbers of Santas from every religious persuasion. Some people try to put Santa in that box, but my Santa is not in that box.
Looking the part
We’re all peacocks. We love our outfits. It’s a business suit, but man do we love to trick it out. The right belt, the right shoes, the right fur. I have 10 suits. I have three Coca Cola suits, three standard…then we start to get crazy. I’ve got an all-German one with leather pants and lederhosen, and we’re not even talking about the summer suits yet. Santa is a clothes horse.
The standard Santa boot is called an engineer boot. I’ve got a pair in regular leather and patent leather. Man are those patent leathers sharp. It’s expensive because it’s not just one suit; you’re never done buying. You’ve got to have the accessories. You need a good magic key. I have actual bells made by a real bellman on what is a leather harness for reindeer. It goes on and on.
Here’s the kiss of death: the words, “Santa, we have a place for you right over by the fire.” The suit is made and designed to be in an open sleigh at 24 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s horrible. Some Santas, especially out in California, they do a rendition of the workshop look. They come in in the full outfit and then very ceremoniously take off the jacket and put it on a hanger so they don’t have to sit all day long in a suit that’s built for 20 degrees in an 85 degree mall.
Sometime’s your super sweaty, but fun fact: almost every dry cleaner cleans Santa suits for free.
Embodying Santa all year
I keep a shorter beard these days, but when I was full beard/full hair, in Santa mode, I got recognized every day, all year round. That’s part of why there are “Real Bearded Santa” organizations, because a real beard will get that every day. It’s part of the deal. You embody Santa. I never have a problem being jolly; it’s part of the calling. I do think there are other Santas who struggle with this, but I’m a very happy, extraverted, ebullient man, and I never have a problem bringing Santa when he’s called for.
But since I went to a shorter beard, I really don’t look as much like Santa out of context. And as for my weight, these days I pad. There are Santas who subscribe to that [aesthetic] ideal and I certainly know some who will never refuse a cookie. I’ve been known to refuse a cookie and ask for celery though.
It really does come down to bringing the joy. It’s a responsibility. There’s a misconception that Santa is a punisher, but the Santa who you’re talking to right now is all about joy and love. There are no such things as bad kids. They might be a little misguided or mischievous or angry, but kids need to be celebrated. The season is about celebrating family and togetherness and our commonality, not our differences.
Images by Heather Morey
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jupitermelichios · 4 years
Smallville S2E23: Exodus
Nothing happens in this episode and then everything happens. Pacing!
Also Lex gets married off screen becuase the writers are wildly misled about which characters their audience is invested in.
Credit to Tom Welling, for 2002 that is some pretty decent screaming at nothing in the hope that it will make sense once the CGI is added in.
So we open with Jor-El speaking to Clark, giving the standard ‘reject the puny humans and join with me’ kryptonian bullshit, and as part of that he makes projections of Lana and the Kents, and a) he made the Lana projection significantly shorter than Kristen Kruek, and b) instead of just turning off the projection when he’s done with it he uses an effect I can only describe as ‘I don’t feel so good Mr El’
Okay on the one hand angry cupboard sex doctor is 100% justified in being angry at Lex admitting he broke into her office at the beginning of the season, but god damn it their relationship was one of the only compelling things in this fucking show!
Two horses. Lana has two horses again. Did she retrieve the one she left in the graveyard in the first episode?! Did she retrieve one of the many many others that fell into plot holes and disappeared between seasons? Although one of them is piebald, and I’m certain we’ve never seen a piebald horse before, so maybe she went and bought one to replace the last eight she abandoned
Oh god, they just made it really explicit the only person Lex has to take relationship advice from is professional sex pest Clark Kent, no wonder he fucked shit up with angry cupboard sex doctor.
Lionel and Clark are completely alone, in an underground cave, and Lionel still feels the need to whisper all his lines, just for the drama of it. God I love Lionel Luthor.
Oh wow, Chloe is wearing a pale pink Cheongsam over flared jeans, which is the single most 2000 thing I have even seen in my life.
So Jor-El is A Lot in this, and his idea of a compelling argument for why Clark should renounce his human family and take over the world is to levitate Clark and burn the superman logo into his chest with lazers, right across his nipples. Which is certainly an arguement.
Ugh I hate that I’m rooting for Lex and angry cupboard sex doctor even though I know Lex is going do a full villain heel-turn any time now, but I’m so fucking invested at this point and there is literally nothing else in this barren wasteland of a show for me to care about, so fuck it, I’m rooting for them anyway
In order to get both Clark’s shiny new superman scar and Pete’s face into shot at the same time, that shot was framed like Pete is thinking about licking Clark’s nipples, which was a Choice
Pete is 100% going to grow up to be the kind of asshole who writes op eds about how anyone can own property if they just try because he inherited a house at sixteen and got a 6 figure salary thanks to nepotism and if lazy poor people tried harder they could do the same
“There’s something I have to do, I can’t tell you what just know it’s for our future” then followed up a “I just want to remember this moment”. I’m assuming Lana now thinks Clark is going on a killing spree, because that’s the kind of thing people only say in movies before they go on killing sprees and/or hand themselves over to the bad guys to be murdered, and tragically Clark cannot be murdered yet because no one evil knows about the kryptonite thing
I hate Jonathan Kent so much but also I am so invested in Lex getting father figures so this whole Jonathan giving him a Kent family traditional wedding gift thing has me very torn
Jesus fuck I hate Chloe Sullivan. She’s apparently shocked and betrayed that Clark IS INTO LANA. We are two fucking seasons into this sickening bullshit and instead of just being sad that the dude she likes is dating someone else, she’s furious and screaming at him that he betrayed her trust. By fancying the person he’s been consistently into since he was like 3 years old
FFS Lex’s fucking wedding happens off screen so we can spend more time on Clark’s absolute fucking bullshit. Oh, and Clark missed his best friend’s wedding. The wedding at which he was supposed to be best man. Because he’s the absolute worst person in the world
So in literally less than 30 seconds with almost no build up, Clark blew up his entire house in an attempt to murder the tech-ghost of his dead bio-dad, nearly killed his parents in a car crash, and caused his mom to have a miscarriage. The rest of the episode is filler with a tiny bit of relationship drama. You know, like a well paced episode of TV!
On that theme, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE POINT OF THE PREGNANCY SUBPLOT?!!!!!! It’s taken up so much fucking time in this season and the pay off was meaningless. Martha could have had a concussion and it would have achieved the exact same thing without the need for that complete culdesac of a subplot!
So after we skip the wedding entirely, because it’s not like we’ve had five or six episodes build up, we cut to Lex and angry cupboard sex doctor on their private jet drinking champagne on their way to the honey moon, and firstly the editing implies this is happening at the same time as the house blowing up and holy shit I think that might be a record for the quickest wedding ever (and apparently they didn’t bother with a reception), and secondly it’s framed like she’s poisoned Lex and I have absolutely no fucking idea why she would do that
Okay so after the weird “I’m going to do something terrible but it’s for us” dialogue Lana turns up to find Clark standing in the exploded ruins of his house. And then he tells her he did this. And at no point does it occur to her that Clark was clearly making explosives in the basement. I mean, he wasn’t doing that, but literally all evidence points to that. But she’s just like ‘no clark, how could you possibly have caused a massive explosion that’s not a thing humans can do’
So Chloe’s teamed up with Lionel because she’s sad about the shock reveal that when Clark said he fancied Lana he wasn’t lying, and just in case we didn’t realise this was a villain heel-turn, they’ve dressed her in all black, with twice as much make-up as normal, and also made her hair all spikey in a style we haven’t seen since the red kryptonite episode. Subtlety!
Holy shit we’re getting a drug addiction subplot. Why the fuck are we getting a drug addiction subplot?! Who on the writing staff thought they were competent enough to handle that, because whoever it was was so very very wrong
Okay time out, how the fuck tall is Kristen Kruek?! Because over the course of this episode she’s been the same height as Tom Welling, taller than him, barely come up his his nipples, and about a head shorter. I need answers, right the fuck now!
So Clark just dosed himself up on red kryptonite, stole a motobike, and noped the fuck out of the show. Is it too much to hope that he doesn’t come back and the show just continues on without him because I would honestly be so up for that. Chloe and Lana could go back to being cute sisters instead of fighting over a man barely worth spitting for never mind throwing hands with your best friend, the Kents could adopt Lex and then when he’s had some father-son bonding time Lex could then have Jonathan quietly murdered, Martha could marry Lionel… There’s literally no downsides to cutting Clark out of the show.
Okay so apparently angry cupboard sex doctor drugged Lex, waited until the plane was in the air and then she and the pilots fucking parachute jumped out the plane leaving Lex to crash into the ocean and die and like, him stealing medical files from her was fucked up, but I really don’t feel like it was fucked up enough to warrant going full Bane!
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