#something something without the rest of himself. he lost the color/life in his eyes or whatever
synthshenanigans · 1 year
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just-jordie-things · 10 months
just like my crush - fushiguro megumi
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word count: 3.8k warnings: swearing, reader is doped up from anesthesia summary: confessing that you have a crush on someone really isn't that hard. all it takes is anesthesia clouding your judgment. a/n: brought to you by my lovely nanami flowershop anon's beautiful brain !!!
Injuries in this line work wasn’t unusual.  Someone was always occupying Shoko’s little infirmary and keeping her busy.  Nasty gashes, sprained wrists, broken bones- it was practically a part of the job description.  No, it wasn’t pretty, but at least with a master of the Reverse Cursed Technique on site, the mishaps that came with assignments never lasted too long.
Because of this expectation, Megumi had never been put in a position where he worried over someone’s well being after an exorcism gone awry.  He’d had life threatening wounds get healed more times than he could count on both hands, hell, Yuji lost a hand and got that back! 
So why did he feel sick to his stomach when she took a bad hit during an assignment? Why did his throat close up too tight for him to explain the situation to the manager on the assignment? Or to Ieiri when he got her back to campus? Why was there a cold sweat racing down his spine, but his insides felt like they were on fire? 
Despite all of Ieiri’s insisting that (y/n) was fine, that she’d gotten here just in time, that she was healed and would wake up at any time- likely without the memory of what happened- and that she would still be fine then… Megumi didn’t tear himself out of that room in the infirmary even once.  
When she does wake up- two days and a couple hours later- he doesn’t look too good.  He’d pale and he’s been bouncing his leg for so long it’s gone numb, but the relief that washes over him brings some color back to his face.
Her eyelashes flicker about a few times before she finally opens her eyes, but his attention is drawn to the way her hand twitches above the stark white sheets.
“Hey,” He murmurs, as quiet as he can stand to speak.  He didn’t want to startle her, and he thinks that if she were to flinch back at him, he’d flinch too.  “(y/n), you awake?” He asks when she doesn’t say anything right away.
Then her eyes finally find him, and with a hazy gloss over her blown pupils, she smiles.  It’s slow, and so, so impaired, but it’s pretty nonetheless.
“Oh, wow,” 
Her voice is strained, likely from not having been used for a couple days, but the light and breezy way in which she speaks is enough for him to know that her anesthetics haven’t worn off.  The stoner-like smile also tipped him off pretty well, but Megumi’s sure now.
“You know who you look like?” 
It’s not the question Megumi’s expecting, and his confusion is obvious in the way a tiny knot forms between his brows.  He would’ve thought  ‘where am I?’ or ‘what happened?’ would be in order, but maybe the anesthesia was more on top of her than he would’ve thought, so he hums in response and waits for her explanation.  Surely she’ll have something silly to say, it wouldn’t be the first time she called him a sea urchin for his messy hair.
“You look jus’ like my crush” (y/n) half-slurs back.  She tilted her head in his direction, trying to get a better look at him from where she was laying, but the rest of her body felt too heavy to move.
Megumi’s eyes widen, and before he can stop himself a small laugh comes out.  Confusion, humor, and disbelief blend into the overwhelming relief in knowing that Ieiri hadn’t been lying to him to protect his feelings.  (y/n) would be completely fine.
Maybe a little bit high, but still, completely fine.
Her shoulders shake in the slightest when she laughs in response to his own little chuckle, delighted purely by his reaction.
“I’m serious,” She mumbles out, eyes falling heavy for a minute the longer she stares at him.  “And it’s a compliment too, b’cause he’s, like, really cute”  “I didn’t know you were crushing on anyone” Megumi hums, leaning his elbows against the edge of her cot so that he could prop his chin in his hands.  Amusement flickers in his eyes when her expression noticeably shifts.  Her eyes widen and her lips part but no words come out.  Was he actually making her nervous? Who the hell did he look like in her eyes right now that had her reacting like this? 
Megumi can’t recall a time she’d ever talked to him about crushing on anyone.  Nothing of the sort, not even a hint.  And he’d definitely never seen the ruthless sorcerer appear so… 
Well, she looked like a girl with a crush.  A blush was forming on her cheeks the longer he held eye contact with her, and the way the corners of her mouth twitched and betrayed her as she tried to bite back a smile.
“Y-yeah, duh,” She stammers back at him with a sassy roll of her eyes.  Megumi’s quick to push his hand against his mouth to stifle his laughter.  “The point of a crush is it’s secret” 
“So you’re not gonna tell me then?” He asks curiously.
She probably didn’t know it, but (y/l/n) (y/n) was the only person in the world that got to see the playful side of him.  It was hard not to act on his intrigue, though.  It was too entertaining to see her in this state… and the rapid beating of his heart in his ribcage made him ache to know more.
But she shakes her head against her pillow, sealing her lips shut to further prove her point.  She’s still smiling, though, and she hasn’t torn her eyes off of his since she woke up.
“How’re you feeling, anyways?” Megumi decides to steer the topic back to one of more importance.  “Anything hurt? Can I get you anything-?” 
“Even your eyes are pretty like his,” She interrupts him, and then sighs as though this was a large inconvenience for her.  “You must be related,” She says matter-of-factly.
He hopes that when the drugs wear off she doesn’t remember this moment, because Megumi knows his face is as red as a tomato with how fiery his skin feels.  A nervous laugh bubbles out of him before he could choke it down, and her whole face lights up in response.
“You must not get compliments often, huh?” She teases in a slow drawl.
“I… I guess not,” He says, followed by more nervous laughter that happens against his will.  “But thank you, (y/n).  That’s very… kind” 
He’s painfully awkward, and he knows that as soon as he leaves this room he’s going to overthink this entire interaction, but for now he tries to bask in the warmth that sparks from knowing she thinks he has pretty eyes.  Or at least, she does when she’s so doped up she can’t quite focus on a conversation.
But at least she's obviously not in any pain.  Megumi’s worries begin to melt away, but that might just be the work of her flattery.
“You’re welcome,” She grins back at him, but she just as soon furrows her brows and regards him curiously.  Even after staring at him so shamelessly, she suddenly doesn’t appear to recognize him one bit.  “I thought Megumi only had a sister, though”
It comes out in a mumble, and he’s sure that she’s talking to herself in her deluded state, but the rush of heat that floods his chest and shoots up his neck is nearly too much to bear.
She actually didn’t recognize him this whole time? Was she talking about him this whole time? Was the flattery not a drug-induced misconception and actually-?
Before he can settle on a question to ask her to clear his confusion, she’s settling back into her pillow and her eyes are falling shut.  Megumi opens his mouth, ready to force out the first thing that comes to mind, but she drifts off almost immediately.  Her chest rising and falling in slow, steady movements.
It felt like a cruel prank.
Now he was left sitting and gaping at her unconscious form.  His heart is racing and his leg is bouncing again, and Megumi thinks he might be even more anxious for her to wake up this time.
He decides then and there that when she does, and when she’s of sound mind again, he’ll ask her about it.  Because if she really did have a crush on him he’d have to finally get over his ridiculous anxiety and make a move. ___
A week after making a full recovery, (y/n) comes to the decision that if she wants Megumi to talk to her, she’ll just have to corner him.
She’s not sure why he hasn’t been talking to her- hence her cornering plan- but ever since her last assignment had gone awry and she’d been put on a minor hold, he’d been dodging her.  And sure, Megumi wasn’t always the most sociable guy, but he was a friend and even if he didn’t feel like hanging out, he wouldn’t completely ghost her like this.
Of course she’d tried asking Yuji and Nobara about it, but they were a dead end.  They’d been just as surprised as she was that he’d been avoiding her.
I thought you were best friends, Yuji had frowned at the idea of a falling out between his two friends that he cared about so much.
Maybe he realized you have a crush on him and pussied out, Nobara had cackled at the scenario, not feeling an ounce of worry that this weird bump wouldn’t get resolved.
Needless to say, (y/n) was quick to steer her investigation far away from them, before the blabbermouths could do what they do best and blab around the wrong people.
She corners him while doing laundry, of all things.
And when she walks into the room while he’s tossing his freshly washed laundry into the dryer, Megumi hits his head on the lid when he swivels around in shock to see her there.
“Oh god, are you alright?” 
“I’m fine- it’s fine,” He answers all too quickly, before she’s even finished her question.  “I’m almost done with the washing machine” 
(y/n) can’t help but chuckle a little bit, seeing as she wasn’t currently holding a basket of laundry, but Megumi’s already back to filling up the dryer.  It appears every piece of clothing he tosses in is monochrome- mostly black, but a few gray pieces here and there.  This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it is a bit funny.
“I actually was looking for you,” She tells him, leaning against the doorframe.  It’s half casual, and half to block his only escape.  Megumi responds with a small hum, still putting all of his focus on moving the laundry.  “Are you upset with me?” 
The question has him swiveling again, finally giving her his undivided attention.  It’s a bit unnerving, the way he straightens up and goes rigid as he stares back at her in bewilderment.  She wants to be annoyed that he has the audacity to look confused when he was the one that had been avoiding her for days, but she gives him the benefit of the doubt 
“Upset? No.  No of course not” He answers, and his words are so certain, that she believes him straight away.  But the small bit of truth doesn’t provide much relief.
“Then how come you’ve been dodging me?” She asks, unable to help her frown.  What other reason could there be? If he’s not mad at something, why would act so flaky?
“I haven’t been dodging you” 
“That’s a lie” 
“It’s not?” 
“It is,” She crosses her arms defensively.  “You haven’t been answering your phone and you always have some excuse to not talk to me.  Did I do something?” 
“Not really” 
He winces as soon as the answer leaves his mouth.  It wasn’t like him to get so careless- but it also wasn’t like him to avoid her.  Really, he was falling apart at the seams and trying quite desperately to appear as though everything was normal.  
It wasn’t working.  (y/n) could see the panic in his eyes as clear as day.  Not to mention the way his lips twitched like he was holding back further explanation.  She narrows her eyes as she studies him carefully.
“Not really?” She repeats his lame answer.  “So sort of? So I did do something?” 
Megumi’s certain that she chose to stand in the doorway so he couldn’t make an easy escape.  Would it be immature to summon the rabbits? 
“(y/n) it’s- it’s fine.  It’s me, alright?” He’s not very convincing.
“So you did something?” Another question he doesn’t want to answer.
“No- just- not really- it was just-” He stammers, and then groans, tilting his head back and glaring at the fluorescent light hanging over him.  
He recalls the way he’d sworn to himself that he’d talk to her about her little anesthesia-induced confession, and kicks himself now for cowering out of it.  Megumi never really ran away from a challenge, even when he knew he was in over his head.  But something about standing before her now and explaining how she’d inadvertently confessed to having a crush on him makes his heart beat out of sync and his throat go dry.
“Look I just don’t want things to be weird between us,” (y/n) sighs, giving up on interrogating him so heavily.  “So just… whatever it is, can we talk about it?” 
And he swoons, actually swoons.  His knees physically feel weak and he has to resist the urge to let all of his muscles relax and sink towards the ground.  It was so sweet, so considerate of her to want to mend the nonexistent conflict between them.  Megumi didn’t think it was possible to like her more than he already did, but she had a knack for proving him wrong.
So with an anxious breath, he thinks screw it and just lets it out.
“Do you remember waking up and talking to me in the infirmary?”
Her brows furrow, giving him her answer, and then her features soften with realization.
“You visited me in the infirmary?” She asks, almost in a whisper.  No, she didn’t remember, and no one had told her she’d had any visitors during her short stay there.
Megumi nods his head.
“Yeah, I… I stayed till you woke up.  And you did, for a couple minutes anyways, but you were pretty out of it.  Anesthesia and all” He explains.
She tries to rack her memory for any hazy glimpse of talking to Megumi in Shoko’s clinic, but nothing comes to mind.  She feels a little guilty now, having forgotten so easily.
“Okay…” She trails off, waiting for the rest of his explanation.  “So… something happened then?” 
Megumi hesitates, his expression twisted in mild displeasure, like he just stubbed his toe or has to deliver an oral presentation.  (y/n) tries to be patient, she really does, but the longer he draws this out the larger the pit in her stomach grows.
“Yeah,” The word comes out through a heavy breath, and he pauses for just a moment longer before admitting the last detail.  “You… you sort of confessed that you have a crush on me” 
Relief settles into her bones, and then a spike of panic.
Her eyes are widening and her arms wrap tighter around herself, fingers digging into the sides of her ribs as if she could possibly ground herself with her anxiety reaching an all time high.
For fuck’s sake, she wasn’t this anxious when that Grade One tried to take a massive bite out of her body.
“You were really out of it, though,” Megumi says quickly.  “You were just… high.  You probably just couldn’t see or think straight-” 
“No, I wasn’t just high,” She cuts him off with surprising calmness in her voice, and a short shake of her head.  “I do.  Have a crush on you, I mean.  I didn’t… obviously I didn’t intend to tell you that, but, I guess high-me can’t keep a secret, so…” 
She trails off with a bashful giggle that would have embarrassed her if she wasn’t already filled to the brim with embarrassment.  Megumi’s lips part, but he doesn’t say anything.  The corner of his mouth twitches a few times too, and still, he’s standing in bewildered silence before her.
It’s not that he didn’t believe her, he was eighty-five percent sure that she’d meant what she said while she was still under the influence of the anesthetics, but that fifteen percent of uncertainty was his paranoia getting the best of him.  But now she was of sound mind, dead sober, and dead serious as she stared at him and awaited some sort of reaction.
No real reaction came, unless you counted the drumming of his fingers against his side, slow at first, but picking up speed the longer they both stood there and waited for the other to say something.
Megumi knows he should say something, and probably something along the lines of; well that’s a relief because I’m actually crushing on you so hard I don’t know what to do with myself… but unfortunately, he really didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Do I even want to know how badly I embarrassed myself?” (y/n) breaks the silence with a nervous but curious smile.
“You said I looked just like your crush,” He explained, heat flooding to his face as he recalled the other things she said.  “It was actually the first thing you said when you woke up,” 
She has to laugh at that a little, to which Megumi feels some of the tension in his shoulders disappear.  The tension in the room also starts to thin out, much to his relief.
“Then you went on about how cute your crush was.  And when I tried to ask how you were feeling, after, you know, surgery and all that, you ignored me and said…” He rubs the back of his neck, growing shy as he realized he was rambling and the subject matter already had his heart racing.
“Oh god… what?” (y/n) gasps, eyes widening, hoping she didn’t let out some dirty thought that she worked very hard to keep in the back of her mind.
“You said I had pretty eyes, and then you sorta let it slip that I was your crush, so I guess you didn’t realize you were talking to me the whole time… and then you passed back out” 
She’s laughing again, but this time she covers her face with her hands in a pitiful attempt to hide her blush until it goes away.  A small groan dies at the back of her throat.  The second hand embarrassment from her past-inebriated-self was just too much.
After all this time she's done so well at keeping her feelings under wraps, of never letting it be known with a slip of tongue or lingering touch, only to tell him so brazenly while in a hospital cot… it was ridiculous.
“God… I’m so sorry, that’s… wow, that’s probably the most humiliating thing I’ve ever done” She starts off looking at him, but ends up muttering to herself and looks away, still overwhelmed by the mortification of it all.
A small smile graces Megumi’s face, and in a moment of being true to his word, he musters up the courage to speak up before she could walk away and pretend this didn’t happen.
“It was more cute than humiliating,” He tells her, and she peeks back up at him in soft surprise.  “Maybe just a little embarrassing, just a little… but… still cute” His voice gets softer the longer she looks at him and he starts to lose the confidence he started out so strong with, but he still holds her gaze, hoping that she’ll know he means it.
“Cute?” She repeats in quiet disbelief.  Megumi nods back at her with absolute certainty and sincerity.
He gives into another bout of a confidence boost and takes a few steps forward, closing some of the space between them.  (y/n) practically scrambles to straighten up away from the doorframe, her shoulders squaring and her eyes widening as she watches him move towards her.
“And for what it’s worth, I think you have pretty eyes, too,” 
It’s quieter than he intends, but his words are effective in replacing the nervous tension in the room with something much more palpable.  The electricity buzzing between them was so thick they were practically choking on it.
(y/n) smiles, slow at first, processing the sudden compliment, and then all once.  Every inch of her skin warmed from the sweet words, and she’s not sure she’s ever felt flattery like this before.  She’s never taken a compliment so to heart, never known that she was going to go to sleep that night playing it over and over in her head.
Megumi’s eyes flicker between hers for a moment, admiring the way she lights up with delight before him, and then he opens his mouth again.
“They look just like my crush’s” 
Her brows furrow and despite that feeling of embarrassment spiking in her chest again, the corner of her lips curl into a smirk that gives into a smile almost immediately after.  Megumi’s clearly amused by this reaction, laughing to himself like he was so proud of his own tease.
“That’s so corny” She mutters, before stepping away from the doorway and closing the last bit of distance between them.
Despite his nerves he anticipates her movements, large hands finding purchase on her hips and practically yanking her the rest of the way that it takes to have her body against his.  There’s no extra time for words before their lips crash fast.  The kiss is surprisingly tender for how rushed their movements were, but it had them both melting into the other right away.
Her hands are gentle as they smooth over his shoulders before wrapping lightly at the nape of his neck.  Her fingers poke into the dark strands of hair that hang there, and when she curls a few locks between her index and middle finger, he presses his lips against hers with a little more fervor.
Even once they part from one another, neither one goes very far.  Gasping for air with lips still brushing each other’s, noses bumping, and hands still holding on tight all in the name of not putting an inch of distance between them.
Still no words are exchanged as they share a look before both glancing at the open doorway behind them.  It doesn’t take verbal communication for Megumi to reach behind her to grab the door by the handle and swing it shut.  The only sound that fills the room is the white noise buzzing from the dryer cycle, and the soft giggle that’s immediately suppressed by warm, inviting lips pressing against hers again.
a/n: thank u again my amazing nanami flowershop anon for this really fun idea. also i just love playful megumi. he's so cute n shy <3
xoxo ~ jordie
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ponderingmoonlight · 11 months
Gojo's little sister seducing Choso at Shibuya
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Pairing: Choso x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,6k
Synopsis: When Gojo's little sister is at Shibuya in order to find her brother, she meets none other than Choso - a man that seems to have everything she has ever dreamed about. Is she able to seduce him?
Warnings: the end is spicy as hell so read at own risk, Choso being a lil slow but straightforward in the end, this has no real plot so be aware of brainrot
Tags: @96jnie @shebibtedmypepnis @chososwhoresblog @sanicsmut (you didn't ask for that but I tagged you anyway) @curlynoodle937565 @ifuckfictionalmen (thought you might like that) @nyahctrl @khaleesihavilliard
„Let’s see where you are…”, you mumble to yourself.
Satoru has some nerves, letting himself get sealed when the whole country needs him and his stupid six eyes and hollow purple. You’ll definitely make fun of him for the rest of his life for that. What else should you do? After all, you are his little sister. It’s your job to get on his nerves.
Your heels klick against the hard floor beneath almost therapeutically while your eyes scan the area. Seems like none of these fuckers are here. Who the hell is responsible for this whole mess? Surely not that volcano and flower guy from before, right? If Satoru is smart, he already exorcised both of them.
Something inside you makes you stop in your tracks. There is someone, without any doubt.
“Don’t be shy, you don’t have to hide from me. I promise I won’t bite. Just beating the shit out of you”, you announce into the darkness, the only thing lighting up the hallways being the colorful signs.
This definitely isn’t one of Satoru’s students, that’s for sure. None of them is already skilled enough to hide from your sharp senses. Fuck, even Nanami can’t escape you.
So, who the hell is this?
Your nerves begin to tickle just the way you like it, a bright grin plastered on your face. Finally some action, finally someone you can fight eye to eye. How long has it been since you’ve experienced that? Too long, that’s for sure.
Despite being Satoru’s little sister, you aren’t gifted with six eyes or unlimited cursed energy. No, even though being a member of the Gojo-clan you were never able to meet his standards, always a shadow by his side. Gifted with the same blue eyes but without the glow, gifted with a few strands of white hair but your head isn’t fully snow-colored. That didn’t stop you from becoming a grade 1 sorcerer, one of the bests under the special ranks. Yes, you are an exceptional jujutsu sorcerer all by yourself, without being gifted since birth.
But regardless of your big brother always came first, he loves you with all his heart. Protected you when you didn’t want to be protected, trained you even though you hated getting beaten by him, comforted you when all you could do was cry. To be honest, Satoru is the best big brother you could have asked for and it’s your responsibility to save him. What do you have siblings for?
“You’re starting to get on my nerves. Come out or get out of the way.”
Foreign steps start to echo through the hallway, making your heart hammer against your ribcage in an instant. These footsteps don’t sound familiar to you, you haven’t met whoever this is yet.
Your vibrant blue eyes dart towards the figure of what seems like a man, coming closer and closer to you. He’s tall, dark hair hanging into his face. Oh, his face…he’s really handsome with that tattoo over his nose. Since being Satoru’s sister comes with meeting many good-looking man, this is nothing new to you. But something about him is special, more your type. A look into his brown violet eyes is enough to get lost in them.
“You’re hot”, you coo out, heels clicking while you approach him.
“Who are you?”, his deep but bored voice questions.
Choso hates to admit it, but you’re easy on his eyes. Something about your appearance seems familiar while he’s sure he has never seen you before. That ocean eyes…
“You look like Satoru Gojo.”
“Yeah, I hate to admit it but I’m his little sister. Are we really that similar? I don’t want to look like him”, you remark, face twisted.
That means you’re his enemy, that means he has to kill you. Instinctively, he shoots slicing exorcism your way, attempting to pierce right through your heart at horrendous speed.
“Watch out, that is dangerous!”, you warn him, flying through the air with ease to avoid his attack.
Damn, you’re fast. Your speed is exceptional for a human being, almost as fast as Satoru Gojo himself.
“Let me come closer”, you hush.
Before he’s able to react any further, you stand right in front of him, fists flying his direction.
“You’re so quiet, what’s on your mind?”, you insist, careful to not get sliced open by his blood manipulation.
“I wish you were too”, he hisses before catching your fist mid-air and slamming your body into the ground.
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad”, you purr, hands grabbing his strong shoulders tightly.
Satoru would kill you right here on the spot if he’d hear you, always disliking your taste in men like nothing else.
“I think he’s kinda hot”, you admitted while eyeing the dark-haired boy from Kyoto named Kamo.  
Satoru almost choked on his coke, eyes and face screaming in disgust.
Are you serious, (y/n)? What the fuck is wrong with your taste in men, why always the bad ones? Maybe you should get them checked.”
He roughly smacked the back of your head, making you almost lose it completely.
“Are you out of your mind, idiot? I heard your eyes can freeze if someone hits you in the head while you’re squinting!”
“Your eyes aren’t functioning properly anyway. How about someone like Yuta or somethin’, a nice guy with good intentions. Or even better, just do this world a favor and stay single.”
“Can you just shut the fuck up? You have nothing to say to me!”
Hehe. You smile to yourself while shaking your head, focus back on the man in front of you. Oh, you can tell by the way he moves that he’s absolutely buff underneath that cloak. And his eyes…They look even more stunning up close. What a gorgeous man. Yes, he’s definitely more than your type. Who is he?
“Tell me your name.”
With a swift motion, you’re back on your feet, curse-loaded fists aiming for him.
“Choso Kamo”, he presses out.
What’s wrong with you? Are you really trying to seduce him while battling? He’s your enemy, he’s on his way to kill your comrade, he…you…
Why are you so good-looking? And why does your confident smile make his usual calm heart flutter? You don’t seem scared at all, let alone determined to kill him.
“Oh, that explains the blood manipulation.”
“I’m here to kill Yuji Itadori.”
“Yuji, huh? What did that poor boy do to deserve your hate?”, you question, letting yourself fall into a split to avoid his blood.
“He killed my brothers”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
You stop in your tracks for a second, gaze fixed upon his. Oh. This certainly wasn’t the answer you were expecting. In your mind, all of these curses and the people working with them are cold-hearted monsters, walking on this earth to kill every human that gets in their way. But Choso…
You can feel his pain.
“I’m sorry to hear that”, you breathe out.
And you mean it. You’d be devastated too if someone killed Satoru, seeking for revenge with every fiber of your being.
Your glistening eyes and words make it hard for Choso to raise his hand against you. The eyes that look like those of Satoru Gojo, those eyes that are partly responsible for the death of his beloved brothers. No, he can’t let you get away, you are a part of the problem, you have to die, you…
You are grabbing his hand.
“If someone killed my brother, I would do exactly the same thing. But let me tell you this wasn’t easy for Yuji, he had no other choice-“
“I don’t want to hear it”, Choso yells, slapping your hand away, trying to slash you open again.
“Good for you I like my man feisty and strong. You’re a great catch”, you shout, entangling him in close combat again.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Don’t you understand that we are on different sides?”, he questions.
“Why though? We’d be a perfect match. I bet those fingers look good around my neck.”
The way Choso’s face instantly twists in disbelief and that little blush that creeps up his face are the best things you’ve seen for a long time while suddenly water rains down on him, fire alarms going off around both of you.
“Opsie, might have hit something important”, you comment, white uniform now soaked in water.
Did you really just say that? Are you too dumb to realize that he is your enemy, that romance has no place in his world, that he is fucking reincarnated? No, you are way too smart to not be aware of the fact who he is. You simply decide to ignore it.
But not only that, are you really flirting with him? Choso never really thought much about his appearance, it was never his goal to be ‘attractive’. But at the moment, when seeing your wet skin, your eyes lingering over him…
Something about your words and looks make him wonder.
“Do you…really mean that?”, he mumbles while blocking your attack.
“Huh, that you’re hotter than hell? Look me in the eyes and tell me I’m lying.”
Choso feels like fainting when your dripping face comes so close that it’s only inches away from his own, your mesmerizing orbs locking with his through wet lashes while your hands rest against his chest. Can you feel his heart hammer, can you tell that this the first time a women ever touched him? Oh god, what is he supposed to do? He has a mission, he needs to kill Yuji Itadori, he-
Your fingers start to draw small circles over the fabric of his soaked cloak, making something twitch inside his pants. Fuck, why do you have to look so absolutely stunning when your hair is completely wet, light up by purple light that makes you look almost angelic?
“Oh god”, he breathes out.
This feels so good. No, this is so wrong.
“You…you shouldn’t be flirting with me. I am party responsible for your brother getting sealed and killed. I am your enemy.”
“Urgh, stop talking about my damn brother, he’s fine anyway. He doesn’t let himself get killed by some idiots. And you don’t have to me my enemy. Let’s be…friends”, you suggest.
“Friends”, he repeats.
“Maybe more, who knows…I’m not mad about the things you’ve done. I fully understand why you’re outraged and what your mission is, I respect your motives”, you reply.
God, why does he have to be so breathtaking beautiful and relatable? Under all the men you’ve met, why is it exactly him you fell the hardest for? Why can’t it be someone like Ino or Todo? Why does it have to be him? Oh, Satoru will definitely kill you when he finds out about it.
But you don’t care. No, Choso has something you were looking for in every man you’ve met before. He is strong, outstanding smart, has clear goals, is straight up stunning and a little dangerous. You couldn’t care less about the fact that you’re standing on opposite sides.
You want him.
“You won’t stop me from killing Yuji Itadori.”
“I will have to try. But until then, there is absolutely no reason for us to fight, right? I’m into bad guys anyway.”
Choso looks at you completely lost at words. You, a breathtaking fine-looking and skilled jujutsu sorcerer, are really interested in getting to know him? This has to be a dream he didn’t know about until now, a deep desire that comes to life.
But he can’t resist. Despite all the things that speak against it, he can’t.
“Fine”, he grumbles.
“Great! Would you mind taking off that cloak so I can see your abs?”, you ask, eyes sparkling in excitement.
But why is this not enough? Why is a simple ‘fine’ not enough to fulfill that desire? Something inside him begs him to pull you closer, to hold your body firmly against his, kiss you and-
He swallows heavy. What has gotten into him?
“I won’t do that”, he automatically replies, gaze fixed on your pretty little mouth.
Oh, the things he wants to do right now, things he never thought about before. Is it because of the human body he reincarnated him? No, he never felt the desire to be close to a woman before. It’s because of you and the way you tilt your head, how you seem to know which words you have to use in order to drive him insane.
“Oh, was it too early for that? Fine, I’ll wait then… ”
Fuck it.
It happens faster than you’re able to react. With a swift motion, Choso pins you against a nearby wall, looking down at you with dark eyes.
“What do you have that other women haven’t had before?”, he hisses.
“Beauty, brain, power…”
You aren’t able to finish your ramblings. With rough hands, he grabs your waist and neck before pressing his lips against yours. You melt into his touch in an instant, too stunned by this sudden reaction. Instinctively, your very own hands begin to roam around his body, muscles now perfectly emphasized by the stream of water that pours down on both of you through the dim purple neon lights. Fuck, you’re melting like butter in his hands, your shared sloppy kiss being the only thing apart from the dripping water that fills the empty hallway.
“Fuck”, you moan into his lips, fingertips tracing through his wet hair.
This is straight out of your dreams. Making out with a man you didn’t even know an hour ago, a man that seems to have everything you want, a man who’s your enemy. But since when are enemies this good at kissing, since when is it allowed that they are so damn fine?
Why the hell are you so turned on?
He let’s go of you as suddenly as he grabbed you before, panting hard while looking down at you with glimmering eyes.
“I will search for Yuji Itadori now”, he proclaims, licking over his lips and closing his eyes for a second.
Slowly but surely, Choso returns back into reality, mind sorting itself. That felt good, way too good for his liking. If he didn’t let go, he’d probably stay here with you until the night ends. But he still has a mission to fulfill.
“You sure about that? Y’know, we could stay here a little longer, that fire alarm with all that water pouring down and the neon lights are kinda romantic…”, you begin.
“I’ll meet you again. Until then, don’t get in the way.”
One last touch. He allows his fingertips to brush over your cheek and mouth one last time before turning around and disappearing.
He’s gone, leaving you sinking down the wall as your knees give in. Mindlessly, your fingertips trace over your lips.
This really happened. Did you really just seduce the enemy? Your heart still hammers roughly against your chest, hands trembling in sensation while the water from above keeps pouring down on you. No man ever touched you like that, no man ever gave you that kind of feeling. Fuck, what did you get yourself into?
You chuckle into yourself, eyes fixed on the pouring water.
“If Satoru finds out about that…”
Click here for Part ll
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leviathanleva · 5 months
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem Reader [DARK FIC]
Description: Cooper Howard was not a kind man, he cared for nobody, but himself. Then he found you, a lost little dove, barefoot and crying, torn dress and big innocent eyes staring at him like he was a hero. He knew you’d be a burden, he knew you couldn’t survive in the wasteland, he was doing you a favor.
But he couldn’t pull the fucking trigger...
[4k words]
Chapter 1 "The Savior"
Since the day you were born, there was something horribly wrong with you.
You had no immune system, your skin was paper-thin, you couldn’t exercise without collapsing, and every nerve in your body was in constant pain. There was no use for you aside from being a measly archive keeper and book transcriber. Your father was a weak man, despite your disabilities and how costly it was for the rest of your Vault, he kept you alive, consumed by the idea of finally finding a cure for his little girl.
Every single moment since your birth, you had spent in this squeaky clean, insanity-inducing, paper-ridden medical room. Everything was plagued by the stench of medicine and spirit, disinfected down to the core. The floor and walls and even the ceiling were covered in a leather cushioned layer to prevent any injuries, sparkling white, of course. Who needed color when the stench of new paint might cause you a migraine?
In honesty, you’d give away half of your miserable life just to see color outside of the packaged book covers stacked neatly on the floor. You built a makeshift city out of them, following the pictures drawn in an old magazine you’d read ages ago and kept hidden under your pillow. With time, you learned how to make paper flowers out of some stray files that nobody would miss. You had to find some solace, something to keep you from crying your delicate heart out every night because this was no way for anyone to live.
You weren’t just isolated from the world above, but from everything, only getting glimpses of the bright metal vault corridor and bustling dwellers whenever your father would open that wretched vacuum-sealed door to give you medicine. You knew people’s names and faces, everyone in your vault was memorized to the letter, but you’d never met them and probably never would.
You were never given your own Pip-boy, never assigned as a potential marriage candidate, and you’d never have children or any family once your parents passed away. A small part of you knew that you wouldn’t even outlive them, frail and genetically inferior as you were. You’d die within the next few years and you’d take the burden of your existence off the shoulders of everyone who worked tirelessly to find a solution to your illness.
You waited for that day with hope, dreaming of the end of the torture and solitude.
You had pleaded with your father that night with angry tears in your eyes to at least bring you coloring pencils or crayons or a radio to chat with the rest of the residents and make friends. But, as usual, he had refused gently while rocking you in his arms, cooing at you with a regretful tone and pain carving deep wrinkles in his features. Then he’d smiled at you, melting away your worry and frustration and misery, and he’d kissed your forehead tenderly. He still treated you like a little girl and to him, you’d always be one. He wiped your tears away and hope shone in his eyes, they looked exactly like yours, that was the only thing you’d taken from him. Everything else was a gift from your mother and you often looked in the mirror just to remember what she resembled.
She’d stopped visiting a long time ago, months, maybe even years, you weren’t sure. The passing of time was a fickle matter when you were caged in a cushioned prison every single day.
Your father hummed softly, lulling you while he gently tucked you into the nursing bed and secured the oxygen mask over your mouth. He was your angel, your only salvation, your only source of conversation and comfort and interaction and love. He adjusted the catheter back into your vein before fluffing up your pillow.
“This might be it, Sweetheart.” he whispered while watching you doze off slowly, his gaze held such affection for you. He placed a new IV bag to drain into your arm, one you’d not seen before, but you trusted him. This was nothing new. He came up with a new medicine recipe every month, without fail. “This might just be the cure. You’ll tell me how you feel tomorrow.”
You can only sigh and give your best smile, unable to share his enthusiasm after so many failed attempts. He rubbed a thumb over your sickly-colored cheek, his skin like sandpaper against yours, worn and calloused from spending a lifetime in the vault’s field.
“Have some faith in your old man.”
“I do, dad…I’m just so tired of this…”you bite into your tongue to keep more tears from spilling, and your bottom lip trembles despite your best efforts to tame it. Watching his face falter breaks your heart and you suck it up, push your tantrum down and pout instead. “And you’re not old.”
He laughs at your whiney remark, the first laugh he’d had in a long time, and he slicks back your hair, taking note that he needed to trim it soon before it got too long. Maybe when he had the energy, he’d sit down for more than a few minutes and braid it like he used to when you were just a child.
“I know you are, Baby girl, I know.” he shushes you with the utmost care and stands. “Just a little longer and you’ll be strong enough to help your pop pick out the tatoes. Get your pretty hands all dirty and then have a big plate of spam for a job well done.” he gazed at you, masking his sorrow and bitterness at the cruelty life had forced upon you. His hand hovered over the lamp switch and he glanced one last time at the brand-new IV bag slowly emptying in your bloodstream. “Night, Sweetheart. Love you.”
Too stricken with grief over your miserable lifestyle, you didn’t return his tender words, hoping he understood and knew that you loved him just as much if not more. When the lights went out, your eyelids closed, squeezing out a few lonely tears in the darkness before you begrudgingly drifted off to sleep. A dreamless slumber when you were gently rocked through the foggy confines of your subconsciousness.
Your one wish was to see the world outside, uncaring if it were a wasteland or a paradise, ignorant of the dangers and naïve towards the people who potentially lived up there. You just wanted to be free, even if it would cost you your life, you wanted to see the sky just once, wanted to prove to yourself that no, it looked better than any picture your father had shown you. You wanted to swim in the ocean and see fishes and see a whale, a creature so big it was unfathomable to imagine, you wanted to taste the salty sea water and become sick and just be happy to be alive for once. You wanted to feel the grass beneath your feet, to touch snow and dance in the rain until you slipped and fell in a puddle only to splash in it because you’d never seen or felt any nature.
You just wanted to live…
The hours ticked by in a hazy blur as you lay lifelessly on your bed. Your room was partly sound-proof, you heard nothing of the ruckus slowly brewing beyond your medicinal prison. Sleepy soundly, you didn’t hear the slaughter, the begging and pleading voice on the brink of crying before the sickening cracks of broken bones. You didn’t hear the crazed ramblings of the raiders stalking your fellow vault dwellers like it was a game of cat and mouse. Your vault was slowly succumbing to chaos and rampage and it was only when the electricity went out and your door unlatched that you were startled awake.
You bolt up with wide eyes and in a panic, gaze averting to the door and heart skipping a beat when you realize it’s open. With a small grunt and a relieved inhale once the oxygen mask is ripped from your face and tossed on your pillow, you scramble to stand. The IV is disconnected from your arm with an expert touch, replaced by a cotton ball to obscure any heavy bleeding from the open puncture wound. Your bare feet shuffle over the soft floor, slippery against the white leather because you’d unknowingly started to sweat from anticipation.
Was this just another cruel dream?
You walked to the exit with timid footsteps before opening the door wide enough to stick your head out. An incessant voice kept repeating how disappointed your father would be if he saw you sticking your nose out and potentially catching an infection from the unsterile air. That voice was dismissed promptly, this was your first chance at seeing anything beyond the medical room and you’d rather die than miss it.
Had the power gone out? But that was impossible. The power never went out, there had always been a steady flow of electricity for as long as you could remember.
The lights flickered, most were broken, letting the eerie darkness overwhelm all corridors except for one.
“Hello?” you call out hesitantly, shaky voice hoarse with sleep and anxiety both. Looking around, you couldn’t see much, there wasn’t a soul in sight and the silence was deafening. “Dad?”
Nothing. Nothing and no one.
A hand clutched at the door to support your buckling knees and you breathed deeply, encouraging yourself to be brave, that this was your chance. After dutifully gnawing on the inside of your cheek you stepped forth into the crossroads of corridors, letting go of the door and leaving everything familiar and safe behind. Your head whirled so much your neck popped multiple times as you frantically looked around in the scarce light and as terrifying as all of this was, it was also heaven unknown. You had never seen so many things – plant pots, plants, all bright green and juicy, you’d stuck your nail in a particular one only to feel a strange gooey discharge on your finger. It was a succulent, you’d read about those somewhere, very sturdy indeed, very pretty, but had no smell. You liked them already.
The further you went, the more a nagging thought kept creeping up your spine like a chill.
Where was everybody?
You kept looking, following the corridor and under the guidance of blinking lamps. You knew the Vault like the back of your hand after spending countless hours studying its diagrams, having nothing better to do. Now you were experiencing it in person. No longer needing to strain your imagination to picture every nook and cranny, you could see it with your own eyes. The floor was so cold under your feet, but you didn’t care, too high on adrenaline and pure joy to notice such a small inconvenience. A hand glided absentmindedly against the wall, tracing over pipes and posters and glass windows until you prickled your finger on a jagged edge and winced away.
You stuck the winger in your mouth with a pained scowl and glared up, searching for the source of your misfortune.
You froze.
Blood, everywhere, oozing down the wide hole in the window and silently gushing out of the disemboweled corpse of a human being, still warm. And even through the liters of blood and the sickening feeling of nausea that had your eyes dart to the floor, you immediately noticed the dark blue suit they were wearing. A dead vault dweller tossed through the window so hard they’d broken through and gotten impaled on the glass.
A vault dweller.
You stumbled back and wretched, stuffing your mouth in the crook of your elbow and sputtering saliva as your stomach churned with bile. You bumped into a metal cabinet in your stupor, scraping for purchase as your legs lost all function, knocking over a clock and a radio that came to life as soon as it hit the floor. The sound echoed through the Vault, like a haunting melody to the arrival of a new victim, lured out and ready for slaughter. You.
Horror. A massacre, as the light flickered your eyes feasted on more marred flesh and ripped skin and so much blood. Crimson splatter and trails of handprints were strewn over the walls, the echoes of an dire struggle which ended in vein, trails of violence were etched into the hallway. You couldn’t hold it in anymore, you threw up, clutching at your stomach as you let out the traumatizing sight the only way your body knew how. Doubled over and twitching as the shock was replaced by such a raw feeling that you nearly lost your mind.
Corpses littered the floor beyond, caked in their own entrails, skulls bashed in, unrecognizable and still and…
“Hi there, Princess.”
A chill went up your spine as you realized that the frilly white dress you wore wasn’t enough to keep you warm beyond your room. Your skin littered with goosebumps, thin hairs standing up in fear as you stiffly craned your neck and looked back to the other end of the corridor. What little color was left in your face dissipated at the sight.
A man, disfigured and disgusting, with wild hair and wilder eyes and a grin that shook you to the bone stood there. He was shirtless, showing off a large hairy belly and covered in stick-poke tattoos, one of his legs was replaced by what you made out was a metal stick of sorts. He was three times your size…and he looked at you with such perverse intent that you nearly screamed. A vile creature, not even human anymore.
“Don’t be scared, Pretty.” he leered, chapped lips and rotting teeth and a foul blackened tongue, and raised a large palm in front of him to halt you from moving. “It’s okay…Come here. Come to me.”
Instinct took over and you automatically stepped back, not daring to take your eyes off him.
“Ah, don’t do that now.” he warned sweetly and slowly began walking towards you, creeping closer every time the lights flickered off. “You’ll just make this harder for you, yeah? Come to Eddie, Sweetheart. I’ll take care of you.”
Everything about him screamed evil. He looked deranged and capable of things you’d never even begin to imagine.
A surface dweller. A survivor. A killer. A monster.
The moment his boot sunk in a pool of blood and squeaked against the floor realization hit you like a speeding truck. The grim expression should have been his sign to catch you, but you were already leaping over corpses with a blood-curdling screech. Your mind raced as you tried to orientate yourself through the corridors, bolting over shattered glass and spoiled food and so many dead bodies.
You needed to get out. Leave. Escape.
His hollars bellowed behind you, alerting the rest of his friends because of course there were more and now they were aware of you and hunting you down like a deer in the forest. You let the tears run down your cheeks, forced the questions of your parents’ whereabouts and health because you already knew the answers, but you let them sink you’d end up like them or worse.
A horde of footsteps nipped at your bare heels and you sprinted and begged your weak little legs to go faster. Sucking in air as adrenaline pumped through your veins like poison, you jumped and ducked and whirled and assured yourself that you had the upper hand here, you knew the vault better than them. You stood a chance, you’d survive.
When the elevator came into view after you rounded a corner you nearly cried out in delirium. A roar nearly deafened you and you flinched, but your pace only increased as you pleaded and struggled not to trip over your feet. They were desperate, clawing at the air to try and reach you before it was too late. Your lungs burned with strain, your muscles felt like they’d tear any moment, but you kept pushing, high on horror and anger and a newfound zest for self-preservation
Salvation. Your only chance to live.
Your shoulder screamed in pain when you slammed against the metal walls of the elevator and thrusted your fist against the button vigorously.
“Come on. Come on. COME ON!”
“Get back here you little whore!”
“Please!” you wailed, screaming and stumbling back when a rusty axe collided with the shutting doors and made sparks fly with an ear-piercing screech. A hand flew up to cover your squinted eyes, sneering and sobbing as the raiders banged on the outside of the elevator and shot conniving curses at your crumbling form. You were slammed down on your arse by gravity as the elevator finally moved, taking you away from certain death as a slew of grim promises were expelled at you from below.
They’d find you, rip you apart, and make you wish you’d just died like the rest of your pathetic vault dwellers. You balled your eyes out, choking on spit and tears and gulping down air as your body shook violently. Clutching at your face, you stared down at your bloody feet with wide, unblinking eyes.
What was this nightmare…
When the elevator came to a halt and the doors reopened you barely managed to stand, the numbness in your limbs proving too much to handle and your upset stomach only contributing. But you had to keep moving, you had to run.
With ugly sobs and meek noises of strain and discomfort and utter distaste for your cruel fate, you tumbled towards the ajar vault entrance. Pressing down the button timidly before taking the discarded Pip-boy from the severed hand, you lock your tormentors into their grave and hurriedly tread towards the slowly closing vault exit.
The sun nearly blinds you and the hot desert sun knocks you to your knees as your hands sink to the wrists in sand. You gasp, squeezing your eyes shut before blinking rapidly and shielding your sensitive pupils from the blaring light.
A desert, stretching as far as your sight could reach, heated enough for the air to wiggle and dance in the distance, a decrepit city can be seen nestled not too far. A plethora of buildings crumbled to their bases hide away the sealed entrance to your vault, bones are scattered through the coarse sand, human shapes frozen in time, hinting towards a previous era of life on Earth, an era you’d only read about. Again, there wasn’t a soul around no matter how many times you circled your vision.
A wasteland. Painted yellow and orange and contrasting so beautifully with the clear blue sky.
You wanted to marvel and swoon and you would have given any other circumstance, but now, after everything you’d seen, after your mind had been so brutally defiled with images of slaughter, you were incapable. You stood, resisting the harsh breeze and angry sun, clad in nothing but a Pip-boy and a thin summer dress that was everything but white.
You had to walk, seek help, do…something. Anything.
And so you did. Trudging through the sea of sand and stepping hastily as the heat beneath your delicate feet nipped uncomfortably at your skin. Sweat clung to you like a protective layer, washing away any trace of the sensitive lavender shampoo you had used the previous night. Strands of hair clung to your flushed face as you fought a silent and unfair battle against the burning sunrays, one step at a time, with the wind as your only companion. Your nostrils struggled to breathe in enough air, but you didn’t dare open your mouth despite the temptation, fearing dehydration and death as it loomed over you like a shadow.
You walked for what felt like miles, accompanied by your thoughts and nothing else, until the Vault was hidden behind the golden dunes and your feet felt raw. The city was so close now, yet you were so tired, sucked dry by a heat you’d never experienced before, if it hadn’t been for your Pip-boy crackling to life you would have collapsed, too burdened and weak to continue.
You raised your wrist and looked down and were met by a familiar meter.
Something around you was radioactive enough for the device to pick up easily, but there was nothing but waves of yellow hell and you doubted the ground itself was emitting it. Then you heard it. That strange, high-pitched chirping, an alien sound that made your skin crawl and scraped at the back of your head tauntingly.
A scream loud enough to shatter glass ripped through your throat as a sharp sting pierced your ankle. You hit the soft sand with a whimper and rushed to turn on your back before kicking blindly at your assaultant. An ambush from below. Blood trickled from the gash, painting your skin a deep ruby red and spilling over the ground, luring out your predators like moths to a flame.
Insects, roaches too big to be real and too much for your fickle mind to comprehend crawled out of the sand. You’d fallen right into their trap, an unsuspecting victim, a banquet they’d probably not seen since they’d hatched.
Your heart pounded frantically, pulse thumping in the side of your neck as you flailed and screeched, chucking sand at them as they circled you. You wanted to run, every cell in your body fought for you to stand, but you couldn’t, you had no fight left. You’d die here, alone in this decrepit desert and eaten by giant cockroaches and this was going to be the story of your life. You sobbed so pitifully, so angry and bitter and bratty that after everything, this was to be your end. The world spun painfully fast and you wanted to vomit, but your stomach was empty and you only gagged.
With one last scream, you curled in a ball, covering your head with your arms and your legs protecting your belly, as one of the insects lunged forward.
When the gunshot rang in your ears you froze in place and time stopped. The roach flew back, slimy green entrails covering your form like a canvas. The other two hissed and you revolted at the noise, but they were shot a second later, blown to bits, dainty skittish legs twitching as the last few beats of life escaped them. The shadow of your savior dwarfed you completely, giving you respite from the cruel sun.
You roll over and sit up on your knees within a blink only to be met with the barrel of a gun too ratchet and rusted to belong to anyone but a wastelander. You recoil and blink through tear-heavy lashes before roughly adjusting your dress to try and cover your bare thighs from what you presumed was another man. The tip of the gun slid under your chin and guided your eyes up to feast upon your hero. You gulped and whimpered.
He was grotesque, like a man skinned alive and somehow survived, melted skin deformed his features and you’d bet your dinner there wasn’t a strand of hair under that worn cowboy hat. He had no nose, no eyebrows or even lashes, not a spec of hair. He grinned something awful down at you, looking at you like you were a fresh piece of meat, a delicacy among a table covered with rotten food. His stance was wide, torn dark cloth swaying dangerously in the breeze, he seemed almost aetherial in his own twisted and rugged way. You mewled softly as he turned your head from side to side with his gun, gently, mockingly, drinking you in from every angle as if you’d disappear if he so much as blinked.
Your hands clutched at the edge of your dress when he finally spoke and his voice made you inhale sharply and clench your jaw in anticipation.
“Well…Aren’t you a pretty little thing…”
(Listen, it's 7AM and I need sleep, but this mother trucker didn't want to leave me alone so have a chapter from my hastily strewn-together upcoming story. I'll post it on AO3 and probably here if it even happens. I'll fix mistakes later, don't eat me please.)
Chapter 2 >>>
🌼 Daisy Masterlist 🌼
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d0youc0py · 1 year
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You had spent the night in your car. You hoped by now he had sobered up. Hell, he was probably still asleep. The sun was rising, not that you enjoyed its pale blue color. Your eyes throbbed. You had barely slept, and while you were awake you did nothing but cry.
You turned your car on.
You didn’t want to go back. He could still be drinking. He could be passed out in the living room. He could be out looking for you. He could not care at all. You didn’t believe that last one. You knew without a doubt Simon loved you more than anything. Last night was the first time he’d ever shown you something different. You hoped he was worried. Pacing the floor. Wondering what the hell he did last night. Buckling your seatbelt you headed back to your shared flat, with no clue what was in store for you- but you knew one thing: he was going to have to work hard to make it up to you.
You had barely opened the door before he was on you. His knees hitting the ground with a loud thump, two powerful arms gripping your waist. His hands clawed at the back of your shirt, pressing you suffocatingly close to him.
Your exterior was already faltering. You stopped your hands from digging in his hair, telling him you forgave him- but yell at him to never do it again. He was mumbling into your stomach. You maneuvered the both of you so you could get the door shut.
“Simon?” You questioned slowly. You couldn’t understand a word, or see his face. Your shirt began to feel wet. His whole body was quivering as he dug himself closer to you. He pulled his mouth away from your stomach, but you were still only able to catch every other word. You sighed and cupped his face in your hands forcing him to look at you.
You winced as a sharp pain stabbed you right in the heart.
He looked worse than you’d hope. You thought you’d take a little joy from it- seeing him feel bad. You were wrong.
His molten eyes were bright red and swollen. His pale face covered in red splotches from crying. He had rubbed his jaw completely raw, something he did when he was upset. You wiped a tear away from his eyes. They instantly closed craving any scrap of comfort you wanted to give him.
“Where’d you go?” You murmured, craning your neck down closer to him. He furrowed his brows at your question. He’d been here, getting shitfaced. Then it dawned on him. You meant Simon. After a year of dating he opened up to you a little more about his “alter ego”- Ghost. When Simon had been acting the way he was a part of you wondered if maybe you had been dealing with Ghost.
“You know I can’t tell you.” He choked.
“It had to be pretty bad for you to come home and treat me the way you did though.” You tried your best to keep your tone cold. He whimpered, but nodded his head agreeing with you. “Treating me like I didn’t even exist- then having the audacity to get drunk and yell at me. Do you know how scary that was for me? How would you like a 6’4, two hundred and fifty pound man- in an obviously bad headspace, drunk, yelling at you? You scared me Simon Riley and I don’t know how long it will take for me to trust you again.” You felt lighter getting that off your chest. The weight was quickly replaced by Simon curling himself around you. His sobs shook your whole body, and you fought against gravity to stay upright. You lost that battle, your body tumbling into his lap. He made quickly work of tangling both of you together, resting his cheek against the top of your head.
This was the most excruciating experience of his life. He didn’t sleep last night either, even in his drunken state he knew he’d messed up. After you left he stumbled off the couch and grabbed a few pieces of bread and shoved them down his throat. He grabbed any item containing alcohol and dumped it down the drain, throwing it straight in the trash. He tried calling you, you had left your phone on the counter. This was his worst nightmare. He had acted like his father.
He pleaded for your forgiveness against your head. He didn’t know how to make it better. All he could do was hope that you saw how truly sorry he was. How his heart was twisting so painfully in his chest that he’d had a grimace on his face for the past six hours. “How can I fix it.” He murmured. His sobs had calmed down after you caved and started rubbing his back.
“I don’t know Si.” You mumbled. His grip on you tightened. “I think you should figure that out.”
He did figure it out. It took about a month for the two of you to get back to normal. He made a point to never drink while he was home- only drinking one or two drinks after a mission if he really needed it. In the future when you two fought he made sure to control his volume and temper- stepping away from the argument if he felt he was going to scare you. More importantly though he started to see a therapist and became much more open with you about his life before you. He will always put in the work for you.
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You could barely hear your name being shouted over the heartbeat in your ears. It wasn’t until a hand wrapped around your arm did you become aware of your surroundings.
“Fuck off.” You shouted tugging your arm away from Johnny.
“Bonnie please.” He begged, pulling you back towards him. He felt sick to him stomach. Your terrified voice ringing in his ears as he pressed the accelerator. The fat tears rolling down your cheeks, your chest heaving up and down. He’s had more than enough panic attacks to know one when he sees one. You gripped the wall for support your other hand pushing roughly at his chest. His heart clenched as he realized you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. “Bonnie.” He tried again. Your breathing was so ragged he was surprised you were still conscious. “Sit down with me, please.” His voice was so soft, like he was trying to not scare off a deer. He sunk down slowly, his hands pulling you down with him. You put your legs between the two of you, resting your heated head on the cold brick of the building. You grabbed his wrists and threw his hands off of you.
He couldn’t hold back a tear any longer, his throat constricting so tight he knew it would be sore tomorrow. He quickly wiped it away. He didn’t deserve to feel sorry for himself. He’d put you- the most precious thing in his life- in danger. He deserved whatever punishment you had in mind for him.
You began to feel lightheaded. You shut your eyes, focusing hard on calming your breathing down. People walked past you- assuming the two of you had gotten a little too plastered.
“How could you do that to me.” You whispered finally. You opened your eyes and took in the sight of him. He was trying his hardest not to break down. The veins in his neck becoming more prominent.
“I was mad. You laughed at that bastards joke and it hurt me. If someone was poking fun at you I wouldn’t laugh along with them.” He tried to reason.
“So you thought almost killing us was the right way to go about it?” You snapped. Another tear fell from his eye. Usually the sight would absolutely break you, but you were so mad at him you hardly noticed it.
He didn’t know how to respond.
“We wouldn’t have died.” He assured. He had no way of knowing that and the crack in his voice made it obvious he knew that too.“I’m sorry, Bonnie.” He rose his head to look at you. He shivered as you looked at him with cold eyes.
“You wanted to scare me Johnny. You wanted to get back at me for making you feel bad. I’m sorry I laughed at his jokes- I’ll admit that wasn’t a kind thing to do. It sure as hell doesn’t excuse what you did though. How am I ever suppose to trust you again?” This was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. Now you were wondering if his impulse would kill you one day.
“Let me make it up to you.” He said quickly. “All I ask for is one more chance. I’ll do anything for you, sweetheart and I know it doesn’t feel like it right now but you’re the most important thing to me. Please let me fix this.” He pleaded to you. The sincerity so evident in his eyes chipped at your cold heart. You stared at him for a long moment waiting for any falter. To see if this was just some facade. As the silence grew his gaze became more panicked- more heartbroken.
“One more chance Johnny.” You agreed. You could feel the weight of worry leaving his body. He was about to throw his arms around you but stopped himself.
“I’ll make it up to you, Sweetheart. I promise.” He swore. He did in fact, keep his promise. He never let his temper get the best of him again and completely changed his communication style, making sure he was always open and honest with you about the way he was feeling.
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If you asked anyone what Captain John Price was most proud of in his whole life, they knew without a doubt his answer would have something to do with you. He took such pride in you and his relationship with you. He lived off of the way you looked at him. The way he was able to keep that lovestruck glint in your eye no matter how long the two of you had been together. He reveled in the feelings he got when someone asked him how he was able to keep someone like you so infatuated with him. He couldn’t help but puff his chest when someone came to him for relationship advice, because there was one thing no one could ever deny:
John Price was a fantastic Husband.
He was a fantastic husband.
That night changed everything. He took the easy way out. Leaving an ‘I’m sorry’ note on the fridge before he left for three months. The first week he was away he had the chance to call you. Pour his heart out, beg you for forgiveness. Remind you how much he loves you. How he would kill and be killed for you in a heartbeat. Yet he just stood there. Staring at the small burner phone in his shaking palm.
He hated himself enough for the both of you.
Everyone quickly noticed the shift. The always present loveglow he had was completely gone. He was a ghostly color- besides the red the that never left his eyes. He was completely dead. Only speaking to bark something out. They didn’t know the pain he was in. His heart constantly constricting in his chest. He wasn’t able to sleep because all he could think about was the sobs that left your body that night. He could hear them all the way from the living room. The look of complete and utter heartbreak as you watch the love of your life beat you down with words. He had shattered your world completely. He knew the comfort you found in him. He was a natural protector and he scared you more than anyone ever had. It was the most torturous experience of his life. Yet all he did was sit there and let silent tears roll down his face.
He hated himself enough for the both of you.
He had become a menace on the field. If anyone had forget why the man was Captain- they had sure been reminded. Talks of a promotion lingered in the air but he could care less. He wasn’t John Price anymore.
Hence why no one argued with him when he demanded to be taken back to you. He had been shot. Three times. He stayed still enough to receive some treatment, but he couldn’t be away from you. Not now. He couldn’t die thinking you hated him. He couldn’t have shame be the last emotion he felt for you. He couldn’t have his name written proudly on a tombstone, because if you didn’t want his last name anymore- he didn’t want it either.
He managed to convince one of the new rookies to fly him to home base. He jumped into his truck and sped as fast as he could to you.
A familiar pair of headlights shining into the bedroom window woke you up.
It couldn’t be. He had only been gone for a little more than six weeks. The front door opened, followed by your name being shouted. You tore off the covers. The sight of him alone was enough to make you sob.
“John.” You whimpered. He tugged you against him. Your mind was spinning. He was here, covered head to toe in blood, sweat, and tears, pressing quick hard kisses anywhere he could reach.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He repeated over and over against your skin. He knew he would have to work hard to get back to where you two were. To get that same lovestruck glint back in your eye. He could do it. The way you pressed yourself closer to him gave him some hope. Hope that he could one day, become a fantastic husband again.
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“Can we talk.” You we’re just about to fall asleep when the words struck through the air. You rubbed your sore eyes nodding. The living room light flickered on and you sat up. You decided it was best for you to sleep on the couch tonight. Give each of you time to think and cool down. Looks like Konig was done. The couch squeaked uncomfortably at the newly added weight. “I did some research and I realized that the way I acted towards you wasn’t normal.” He said softly. His eyes met yours and all doubt slipped from your mind. He knew it wasn’t right. And he was sorry.
To Konig the world was very black and white. You either fought or took flight- he was choosing to fight. He knew he needed to change. He would die if you ended up resenting him. He was going to fight for this relationship by changing the way his brain worked- and he prayed that you didn’t already choose flight.
You scooted closer to him, your hand resting on his shoulder. You could feel his tense muscles relax under your touch. He leaned into you. Before you knew it you were both laying on the couch, your body nuzzled into his wide chest.
“I’m sorry I acted like that, Schatz.” He ran a huge Hand up and down your back. “I’m still so new to this. I just want you all to myself.”
“I know Konnie.” You smiled, pressing a kiss against his lips. “There are times I want you all to myself too. It’s natural to want to be close to what you love. Just try to remember I love you more than anything.” His face flushed and you snickered at the wide smile spread across his face. “I’m sorry for what I said too, Konnie. That was uncalled for.”
“No you’re right. Its true I’m not the most popular person, but I’m happy with my friends at work and of course you. I don’t really need anything else.” He sighed. “Does this mean you’ll come to bed now?” He questioned. You nodded your head rapidly, already feeling a crick in your neck.
Part one here
I just want to thank everyone for the support on this little mini series! Some of you had asked for alternative endings and I’ll have those out soon! Thank you for your patience!
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celestelunia · 3 months
Saying "I love you" for the first time.
Characters: Azul Ashengrotto & Jade Leech. Separate.
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Azul Ashengrotto:
Y/N sat in Azul's office as she glanced over at her boyfriend. He was in his usual spot at his desk as he worked on the report for today's sales in the lounge. While he looked no different than usual, Y/N could see the small signs that something was wrong. The way his eye twitched lightly every now and then, how his grip on his pen was tight, and the sighs that escaped his mouth, which even Y/N could tell Azul didn't notice he was doing.
When she came into the lounge, the twins were nice enough to inform her that their friend and boss ran into some rather unruly students who had some rather mean things to say about the octoman. While Floyd took that moment to put those students in their place, Azul had retreated to his office and hadn't come out for the rest of the day.
Standing up from the couch, Y/N walked over towards her boyfriend's desk and behind him. Once she was in position, her arms reached out, hugging Azul from behind as she rested her chin on his shoulder.
"Angelfish?" Azul called out surprised as he glanced back at her. He had been so lost in thought that he didn't even notice that his girlfriend had moved behind him.
Not enjoying how crestfallen Azul was, Y/N just closed their eyes as she gently tightened her hold around his shoulder. She knew Azul didn't have the best reputation and that many people really hated him but not her. Yes, he put on a mask when he was working, but she knew he did it to protect himself. While Azul could be sly and calculating, he could also be very kind and loving.
Even if the world turned against him, she would always be by his side.
At that thought, Y/N smiled softly before she placed a kiss against her boyfriend's cheek. It was clear to her now. This feeling she had for Azul was love.
"I love you." She whispered against the shell of Azul's ear.
"I lo-" Azul had started to say but froze completely when his mind registered the words.
AzulAshengrotto.exe had stopped working.
Y/N watched as his whole face turned as red as a crab before she let out a soft giggle. Seeing him flustered was always fun. Maybe she was spending too much time with twins?
In that next moment, Y/N felt Azul spin around in his chair before he pulled her down into his lap. With his arms wrapped around her waist, Azul buried his head against his girlfriends chest as the tips of his ears were beat red.
Hearing him mumble something, Y/N gently ran her hand through his hair. "Hm? I couldn't hear you." She said.
"I said..." Azul responded as he glanced up at his girlfriend. "..I love you too." His heart was racing as his earlier mood from a moment ago vanished. His work was left forgotten for now as he just took in Y/N warmth. He really was lucky to have her.
Jade Leech:
Y/N stood behind Jade as she watched him kneel down to pick some mushrooms that he had found. They had come out in the early morning to do a hike and to look for a particular mushroom he was wanting. When Jade had asked her the day before, if she wanted to join him, she eagerly agreed.
While he was talking, Y/N found her mind wondering in thought to the merman before her. Part of her couldn't picture her life here without him. He had positioned himself so deep in her heart now that there was no way she could think about anyone else.
If she had to put a word to this feeling, it would have to be love. Not that she had much experience with it, but she did have faint memories of her parents when they were still alive.
Feeling her heart race and her cheeks growing warm, Y/N reached up and gripped the front of her deep [color] hoodie she was wearing to help steady herself and her overflowing feelings. His smile, his teasing, his strange love for mushrooms, his protective side, and the gentle side of himself that he only showed to her. 'I...really do...' she whispered in her mind as her gaze was still locked onto Jade's back.
"Love you." Y/N said out loud without realizing it.
At that moment, she noticed Jade had stopped talking before he slowly stood up and turned to face her. She couldn't help but notice how his eyes were a bit wide in surprise before she saw him smile.
Wait. Why did he look surprised? In that moment, Y/N eyes went wide as her whole face flushed red. S-she didn't say that out loud, did she!?
Jade walked over as he leaned down close to his girlfriends face as he invaded her personal space. "I love you too, my little mushroom." He said with a smile before he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a kiss. Jade was someone who thought that all he needed in his life was his brother, Azul, and mushrooms, but now that had changed. No matter what path he took here moving forward, he was going to make sure his precious pearl was always here with him.
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doki-doki-imagines · 11 months
tw: some suggestive, nsfw (Johnny Cage one)
author note: another idea I needed to write out. Hope you'll enjoy reading those!
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If there is something Raiden can’t stand is seeing you cry; tears and snot don’t suit you. Raiden’s warm hands cup your face, calloused hands against your soft cheeks, thumbs brushing the remaining tears  “Come with me” he whispers, chocolate brown eyes looking at you with such passion they almost make you forget all your problems.
He takes you to the field where he spends most of his day “The stars here are brighter than anywhere else” he tells you, voice strong and reassuring before sitting on the ground next to you.
Words escape your mouth like a waterfall, no filter, brain shut, just the need to share, something you are not used to do.
Raiden listens to you, eyes never leaving your face, while you look at the starry sky, your eyes always elsewhere, too worried you’d lose the thread of the discourse if your eyes happened to meet.
“If I know something is that everything other than death has a solution.“ His forefinger push behind your ear a strand of your hair, the action makes you jerk, eyes widening and finally, you look at him.
There isn’t much light, but the moon frames his face perfectly. You can see a reddish hue coloring his cheeks, and a smile full of hope that makes your heart thump with joy “I’m sorry I can’t offer you a better answer, but-“ his hands grip your arms, strong, but without hurting, his strength perfectly stable “Never let yourself down, life will get better believe me.” You bite your tongue “It never does Raiden” you’d like to reply, but his words carry so much hope that you can only nod at him.
He lifts himself up from the ground and extends his hand out to help you.
“Thanks” You say after minutes of silence, your steps on the ground the only sound, not even cicadas try to interrupt.
“For the hand? It really is no-“
“For the company, for your words.” You look at him, now standing in front of your room. You kiss his cheek and wish him goodnight, a shy smile appears on his face as he waves at you.
The newfound warmness spreading from your heart is a new problem you’ll have to learn how to deal with in the next few months, for now, you can only rest and wait for a new day to start.
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“You finally woke up, you idiot.” Tomas could recognize that voice between millions of others, so sweet and so caring even if they just called him an idiot.
Grey eyes scan the room, he’s in the infirmary bed, at Madame Bo restaurant. He and Kuai Liang got ambushed not that far and he remembers getting hit at the back of his head; that stung a lot.
“Do you know who I am?” Your voice trembles and Tomas has the urge to coo at you; obviously, he knows who you are, his heart keeps thrumming mercilessly against his ribcage the moment he opened his eyes.
“Yeah, I know, who do you think I am? A simple knock on the head won’t either kill me or make me lose my memory.” He half teases, but the scowl is still stuck on your face.
“Tomas-“ Your voice is serious and he can only look at you, at your trembling lips and shiny eyes “I seriously thought I lost you.” Your arms envelop his figure, your face hidden resting on top of his right shoulder,  new warmth adding to Tomas one.
He is stuck in place, but his mind is running wild. His left hand pats your head and he feels the corner of his lips twitching.
You must care about him a lot.
You lift your head up, your teary eyes locking into his gray ones, pupils wide, so deep he may lose himself in them. Tomas feels the time slowing down, almost stopping, your lips inching closer and closer ‘till they finally touch.
He reciprocates, not a single second lost, your lips dancing and searching for each other, breath mingling, tongue fighting in a battle of supremacy, both wanting to feel more of each other. Tomas pulls you towards him and your body falls onto his, chest against chest, heart beating at the same rhythm, divided by the layers of your clothing. Limbs tangle, hands everywhere, caressing and groping;  from an outside view, it wouldn’t be able to tell where one starts and the other one ends.
This ‘till your hand pulls Tomas’ hair. He breaks the kiss and flinch, maybe that was more than a little hit on the head. He can see you try to pull off from him, eyes full of worry, but his hands keep you in place, on his lap, fingers leaving indent on your hips that will for sure bruise.
“I-I shouldn’t have, sorry Tomas.” Your hands, so tiny and soft in contrast to his ones, push against his chest, like you are trying to distance yourself from him, head turned to the side not looking at him.
Your hair messy, your lips still red and bruised, and that worried expression, fuck, Tomas would like to frame his moment, your cuteness overwhelming all his senses.
Then you both hear a voice, it’s Madame Bo telling you to go back to work, the signal that he has to let you go. You remove yourself, Tomas’ hands finally loosening up. You brush your clothes in place and rush towards the exit.
“See you later” Tomas rasps out.
You nod.
Later you’ll have more time to talk about your feelings.
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“Johnny-“ A breathy moan escapes your mouth.
The atmosphere is humid, the heat of your two bodies entangled is almost suffocating.
You missed Johnny, this new project he has been working on keeps him away from home for months. You are a supportive partner, you love him and you want to see him happy but, fuck, you missed him so much.
You are lucky he is on your same wavelength. He opens the door and your lips are already locked, hands unbuttoning shirts and pants being thrown somewhere.
“I missed you so much, Johnny.” You gasp in between kisses, your hand on the back of his neck to keep him impossibly close to you.
He groans, his hands now on your lower back lifting you up from the ground.
Everything else is a blur in your mind, you soon find yourself lying on the bed, legs open and Johnny working his tongue southward, your warm sex as inviting as water in the desert.
“Fuck-“ Your hand lay on his head, trying not to grip to harshly his dirty blonde locks.
“Yeah baby, tell me how good I am.” You look down to see his hips grind against the mattress, so desperate for you.
A wave of pleasure licks down your spine, your eyes roll back, throat exposed while you bit your bottom lip trying to keep a louder moan.
How good it is to be desired.
“J-Johnny you are so go-“ Your phrase gets interrupted by a gasp, a particular flick of his tongue makes you see stars, your legs reflexively close, but Johnny’s strong hands keep your thighs apart, fingers circling the inner side and you don’t know if it is done to calm you or him.
One of his hand leave your legs to play with your sex, his face now squeezed between your soft thighs, but your mind is too fogged to worry about crushing him, not that he minded his motions only getting faster and uncoordinated.
An orgasm soon permeates your body, Johnny lifts up, his lips drenched with your essence, his pupils blown wide, your heartbeat impossibly fast, a different kind of heat enveloping your limbs.
Your lips meet again, you taste your flavor on his tongue, lips locking, his hands now resting on your waist, pushing your chests impossibly close, but not enough, never enough.
“I love you.”
The night ahead is still long.
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Bi-Han is awake, sitting on your bedding, naked, but the covers hide everything under the navel. The moon shines bright in the sky,  the light and shades framing his lover's body sleeping soundly next to him.
Bi-Han is a man eaten by greed, by pride, a man made more of scars than flesh.
But you love him and he loves you. It’s a feeling he never knew, it isn’t the kind of warmth he got from his mother's compliments, or from his brother's support, it is something much more exhilarating, that makes his eyes soften and his hardened core melt more than he’d like to admit.
His eyes land on your body, so soft, so sweet, he wants to defend you from all the ugliness of this world.
Maybe from him too.
He looks outside the window, the night is still long, but there is no sign of tiredness in his eyes.
“Bi-Han, it is late you should sleep.” Bi-Han breaths, he didn’t even notice how long he had been keeping his breath in, mind so busy and heart uneasy.
Your arms wrap around his neck, naked body laying on his back, your lips kissing his neck, where arteries and veins flow.
“Worried about something?”  Your eyes look at his face, he doesn’t look back but he knows, searching for any telltale sign of his emotions.
“Nothing you should worry about sparrow.” He breathes out, voice raspy as always.
You don’t believe him, he knows it. Your hand starts to trace the scars painting his skin, your lips barely caressing the newborn scratches on his back.
 “Tell me your worries, my heart.” Your arms hug his frame and push him down together with you.
Bi-Han doesn’t struggle against your hold, his head now in the crook of your neck, free hair tickling you.
“Don’t worry about me, tomorrow is a busy day and you need to rest.”  He kisses the tip of your nose, his calloused hand caresses your cheek, thick fingers drawing circles on your skin.
You kiss him, in a slow liplock. Eyes closed, hands holding.
Bi-Han bites your bottom lips before breaking the kiss and you groan, the only kind he likes.
He looks into your eyes and he only finds love, sweet and blissful. A new fire starts inside his heart.
Bi-Han still doesn’t know how to protect you from this accursed world, for now, he’ll have to settle for showing how much he loves you.
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planet-dusk · 1 year
☆ raspberry sour ∘ b.c
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after a few too many drinks at your boyfriend's party you decide to sleep it off in his room. inebriated, you take a wrong turn and end up in chan's bed instead. but fear not — he'll take good care of you...
─── ☆ pairing: bang chan x f!reader
─── ☆ length: 1.4k
─── ☆ warnings: noncon, somnophilia (yn passed out drunk), fingering, fantasies of breeding yn, unprotected sex, pet names: babygirl, name calling: slut
─── ☆ note: this is a rewrite of an old fic previously posted on this blog. 18+ minors dni. this work contains noncon, proceed with caution if the above warnings could be triggering to you. the characters don’t represent real idols; this is fiction for entertainment purposes only. fictional smut is not a reflection of real life ! always communicate with your partner and practice consensual and safe sex ‹33
─── ☆ skz masterlist ∘ all masterlists
© planet-dusk do not copy, translate or repost my works anywhere.
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You're asleep. In his bed.
Chan closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He must’ve had more to drink than he thought. It’s either that or he’s dreaming. 
But when he opens his eyes again you’re still there. You’re on your stomach, one leg stretched out and the other bent at the knee. Your head rests on your arms and the only visible movement is the slow rise and fall of your breathing. 
You look so peaceful. So pretty. 
Chan steps into his room and closes the door behind him. He doesn’t know why he locks it. Out of habit, perhaps. 
But something tells him the real reason. You. He pushes the thought away, deep down to the pit of his stomach, far from the unraveling edges of his conscience. 
The party is still going strong downstairs; he can hear the bass and the cheers from his friends. And while he didn’t have nearly as much to drink as you, Chan feels the titillating buzz of alcohol in his veins. It makes him bolder than usual. 
The right thing to do would be to leave and tell Minho you’ve wandered into the wrong room. Let your boyfriend carry you back to his own bed. 
But even before he steps closer Chan knows he’s already made up his mind. He’s not going to do the right thing. Not tonight. Not when you look so beautiful, spread out on his bed like a present. Like it’s his birthday. 
You’re stunning. He was already painfully aware even though he’s only seen you a handful of times when his roommate had you over. Never long enough to take a good look. Not without it feeling inappropriate. 
As if this is appropriate…but a quick look won’t hurt anyone, Chan thinks. And if the sounds you’re making when you’re with Minho are anything to go by, you’ve never seemed to mind an audience. Surely you know the walls are paper thin. Chan’s lost count of the amount of times he’s cummed to your moans and whimpers filling the apartment. 
He walks around the bed and takes in your features. Your makeup smudged a bit and your skirt has hiked up, barely covering the swell of your ass. 
You’re wearing pink lace panties. The same color as the drinks you’ve been drinking all night. Besides black, it’s his favorite color. 
His cock swells in his pants. 
If only he could…
Chan palms himself over his jeans. He shouldn’t be looking at you like this. Shouldn’t be thinking about touching his roommate’s girlfriend. But his other hand reaches out before he can stop himself; fingers pressing against the pink fabric, right where your hole should be. 
What happened to just one quick look? Any semblance of self-control is slipping away from him. All he needs now is one touch. You would let him have this, wouldn’t you? You’ve always seemed like such a good girl. He knows you are. 
And he can be good for you, too. Make you feel good. 
He’s not sure if he’s imagining the throbbing of your pussy through the fabric but it turns him on even more. He traces the outline of your hole and trails his fingers down to massage your clit. With slow rubs of his index as not to rouse you, Chan’s surprised to find the material quickly dampening under his touch. 
When he applies a bit more pressure you stir and he freezes, panic flooding him at the thought of getting caught. Your eyelashes flutter and you spread your legs wider before stilling again. 
Chan curses under his breath. His heart pounds in his ears as realization hits him. His cock is painfully hard now, neglected in his pants. The wet patch on your panties is growing and Chan can’t hold back any longer. He needs to see your pretty cunt. 
He pulls the gusset aside, gulping at the sight of your soaked folds. He runs his fingers through them to wet them, plays with your clit, noticing the way your breathing quickens a little. 
“You like that, babygirl?” He whispers, barely audible. “Want some more?”
You let out a soft whimper when two fingers breach you, finding no resistance. Your slick drips over his hand and down his wrist. He toys with you for a while, obsessed with the way your greedy hole swallows his fingers. 
It’s addicting. And he needs more. He needs to feel your snug walls around him. He’s already fucking you with his fingers, what difference would his cock make now? 
Chan brings his hand up to his lips. You even taste delicious. So fucking sweet. He wishes he could bury his face between your cheeks and eat you out for hours. Suckle on your clit and bite your thighs until you’re begging him to stop. 
But he doesn’t have time, so he shoves his jeans down his legs and frees his thick cock. He drags it through your slit to wet it, circling your hole before pushing inside. You whimper again and he stills, brows knitted in worry. He doesn’t want to hurt you. Didn’t he prep you enough? You’re dripping and took his fingers so well —
Then you whine again, canting your hips a little as if to urge him on. 
Chan’s worry dissipates and he chuckles. Even while asleep your body reacts to him. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise; he knew you’re a bratty little slut. He’s heard the tell-tale sounds of a good spanking mixed with your loud whimpering more than once. 
Now it’s his turn to feel your warm, wet cunt and Chan can’t believe his luck. He’s sure Minho would want you to feel good too. A pretty girl like you deserves to get fucked every day. 
He bites his lip to stop himself from moaning and starts moving with slow strokes. Your pretty little hole stretches around his cock so well. He can’t get enough of the sight, pulling out completely and watching you clench around nothing. 
He hasn’t even fucked you properly and your body already wants more. 
Chan feels so dirty about taking you like this. It’s wrong and it makes him so fucking hard. He hates how much he enjoys it. Even though he wishes he could fuck you while awake there’s something about using you like this that sends a rush of adrenaline through him unlike anything he’s ever felt before. 
He settles for a slow grind and his fingers find their way back to your clit. He supposes it doesn’t matter if you cum or not (even though he hopes this feels good for you, too) but your hole tensing around his cock whenever he touches the sensitive bud makes him lightheaded. 
You feel so fucking good. As if your body was made for him.
It takes all his strength to stay quiet and his thrusts are getting sloppier now. His fingers press into your hips and your heavy eyelids blink open slowly. Your eyes are glassy, staring into the distance.
“Minnie,” you slur, “s’good.” 
Chan doesn’t reply, tightening his grip instead so he can bury himself deeper between your walls. Your cunt clenches around him and you moan softly, drifting in and out of consciousness.
If you were to tilt your head back you’d see him. How would you react when you realize it isn’t your boyfriend who’s making you feel this good? Would you scream? Would you try to push him away? Or would you whimper and moan louder? 
The last possibility makes his cock twitch. His balls tighten and he pulls out just in time to jerk himself to completion. Chan’s smart enough to not cum inside (the cleanup would be a pain) even though he wishes he could…
He wants to fill you up. Mark you and breed you until his seed leaks out of your spent hole. Instead he spills all over your bare thighs, thick white ropes painting your skin. 
Gently, he wipes you clean with one of his old shirts. He tucks his softening cock away, puts your panties back in place and pulls your skirt down. 
Other than your smudged makeup you look presentable. Your breathing is steady and even as if nothing happened. 
Chan brushes a strand of hair out of your face and tucks it behind your ear. Your plush lips are parted slightly and there’s some drool on his pillow. How cute you are... His own lips curve into a smile and he kisses your temple.
Next time he’ll try your pretty mouth.
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chococolte · 2 years
Hello! May I request SAGAU childe reaction to his god letting him rest his head in their lap and saying they love him? I hope that’s alright thank you I hope you have a lovely day!
word count. 669
୨୧ — ꒰ cw. yandere, unhealthy relationships, possessive & obsessive thoughts/behaviors, religious + cult themes, sagau + cult au, gn reader. i do not condone yanderes irl.
୨୧ — ꒰ a/n. something possessed me and i wrote this in like 30 mins?? also this is barely proofread so im sorry for any mistakes TT
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Childe is acutely aware of every muscle in his body.
Your hand rests on his head, gently caressing his hair. Every glide of your fingers against his skin sends a rush of euphoria down his spine, mixed with the ever growing urge to hide his face in your thighs and escape into your warmth.
He feels every minute twitch of his fingers, the rumble of his heart, the dull ache in the back of his head that presses deep against his skull the longer every word of worship stays unsaid on his tongue.
Childe has never felt so blessed before. If every death on his hands was for this short moment, he would do it how many times it takes for another second. There is no place he'd rather be than by your side— whether that is at your feet, as your shadow, or merely another in a crowd of worshipers.
He doesn't know what exactly he did to deserve this, but he would throw himself back into the abyss if it meant figuring out what it was. Anything for a repeat of this moment. Anything for it last a little longer.
Your breath is barely audible above him, but he bites his tongue anyway— stops his breath short in his throat so he can etch the sound into his mind; burn it into his memory so he can never forget. Anything to make the you in his dreams more accurate. Anything to make it so the next time he sleeps, it feels a little bit more like reality.
Sacrilegious to tarnish your image in his mind, maybe; but your fingers still coil around the curls of his hair, still hum under your breath a tune unfamiliar to him. His copper-lashes still flutter close, his mind still veiled with fog and dazed thoughts of where this moment could go next— and you're still there, letting him enjoy this short reprieve before he is torn from you again, back to another battlefield drenched in blood, to the darkness and bitter silence found in the halls of the Tsaritsa's palace.
He once lived without you, utterly lost and alone. He should be used to the ache left in the wake of your presence. But then you found him, and he can't bear the thought to be apart from you again.
Childe feels your hand still, and his eyes snap open before he can register anything else.
Did he do something wrong? Did he do something to upset you? Fears muddle his mind and dread clings to him like a cloak, burrowing into his flesh and wrapping around his lungs.
"I love you, Ajax."
Life rushes into him all at once. Like the warm morning rising onto a world covered in black and ash, an unbearable heat suffused his cheeks and spread from his chest to every inch of his body. It wrestles with gray of his world and brings it color and vibrancies.
He jumps, rising so he can catch the expression on your face. You're smiling, eyes crinkled at the corners, with so much fondness dancing within that it hurts. Childe doesn't feel deserving of it— he's only barely begun to prove himself to you.
Maybe you read the disbelief on his face, because you repeat yourself. You say it softly. Gently. You say it with so much affection and love he can barely comprehend it. His soul sings, and his heart drums, and his eyes turn glossy before he can stop them.
Only you can make him feel this way. Only you are deserving of his worship. Only you, in all of your grace— only you, in all of your perfection. Anybody else is secondary. They are inherently meaningless when compared to you. And in this moment, you shine ever brighter— you make him realize just how lucky he is to have you as a god.
"I..." Childe chokes on his words, finding it harder to keep his emotions at bay. "I love you too, Your Grace. Only you."
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itsmeatballworld · 6 months
| it ends in heartbreak |
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pairing | daryl dixon x f!reader
summary | you both knew he would break your heart. he couldn't help himself.
wc | 1400
warnings | cursing, sadness/heartbreak [aka the title]
a/n | I've had this in my drafts forever lol I forgot about this one! Also this is the first time I've ever written pure angst so go easy on me <3
continue... [ part 2 ] - [ part 3 ]
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You always knew this day would come.
There were signs pointing to the downfall of your relationship, signs you chose to ignore to enjoy the moments of happiness.
But the signs couldn’t be any clearer–it would never last. It couldn't.
It was the end of the world, for starters. Life was always in shambles. The group never stayed in one spot long enough. Even the prison wasn’t safe. With everything unstable, it should’ve been obvious this would happen, but you were naive to think you’d would be any different.
Because the reality was: this was always how it was supposed to end.
He was built on a fractured foundation. He set up walls and built his life around a broken base, worn down by his past that he couldn't escape. First, parents had cracked and hardened his outlook on life. Then his brother taught him he meant little to others by leaving him behind. Not once did he ever learn how to fix the ache in his heart.
Yet when he met you, things changed.
It was gradual. Pieces of him started to align and heal. The tough outer shell wasn't as indestructible as he first imagined. After some time he opened up and let you in.
But you both knew he would break your heart.
He couldn't help himself. It was in his nature to push back, to fight and wrangle away from anything that became too real. Too good.
But for the time being, you enjoyed the blissful moments of his affection.
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When he kissed you goodnight it was over.
He lingered, almost as if he was allowing his lips to memorize the feeling of your skin on his. His fingers fell against your curves as you pressed into the cellblock’s cool cement wall. It was in these seconds of quiet where you both had a chance to breathe.
Pulling back, Daryl rested one arm above your head. He leaned in close, gazing sweetly down at you. His other hand slowly traveled to your face and Daryl’s thumb brushed against your bottom lip.
Without hesitating you whispered the words he never imagined hearing from you.
Love you.
There. Right there. You saw the spark in his bright blue eyes dim. The crystalline color washed away into a deep ocean blue. Rocky and turbulent. Daryl’s eyes were no longer filled with love, but rather, fear.
You lost him, right there, pressed against the concrete wall of Cellblock D.
This was destined to fail.
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“Please don’t do this.”
“Have to.”
“No…no you don’t have to, Daryl.” Your chest tightened. It was like the air was on fire. No matter how deeply you breathed in and out, pain still resided in your chest. He was crippling you.
“Ain’t up for debate.” He stepped back, snatching his crossbow from the watchtower’s metal flooring.
Your hands fumbled to find your shirt, hating how he sprung this on you in the middle of the night. He didn't have patience to wait, apparently. Just break your heart and go, like it was nothing.
“I’m not trying to…I just…” you groaned. “What happened? Was it me? Did I do something?”
His eyes went wide. That scared, fearful expression washed over him once again.
Fuck, you squeezed your eyes shut. That was it. That look. It was just like the other night. When those stupid words stumbled out of your mouth, falling to the ground at Daryl’s feet. Just before he crushed them with his silence.
“Was it something I said?”
He didn't answer and his silence (unlike most nights) wasn't good enough. You needed answers.
“So that’s it then. You say ‘I’m done’ and leave before sunrise?”
The broody man fought to glance in your direction. Instead, he focused out towards the tree-line. He grabbed onto the windowsill and squeezed so tightly that the white of his knuckles appeared. But his tactics to avoid the conversation at hand weren’t getting past you tonight.
You shot up from the floor. “Daryl.”
“I ain’t got time for this.”
“You fuck me, say we’re done, and leave? Like this was all nothing? Like we mean nothing to each other?”
Daryl paused. He turned to you with lips curled into a tight frown. Even in the darkness of the watchtower, through the bright white moonlight, his frustration was clear.
“I said ‘I love you’, Daryl.” There was a desperation behind your words. Your voice was so deeply distressing it made your chest ache. It was heavy and exhausting to display your feelings out to him in the middle of the night. But you wanted more–deserved more–than a shitty ending to whatever you had with him.
“You think this is love?”
You gawked, “yes!”
He paced the small room like a caged animal ready to pounce.
You love this man.
“This ain’t love.”
You love this man. This jerk.
“Then what the fuck is this, Daryl? Tell me.” You paused, tears welling in your eyes but you refused to let them fall. “Fucking tell me!”
The shirt in your hands balled up tight around your closed fist. You were hurt. Everything about him was trouble and you let him in.
“I said ‘I love you’. I said it and now you’re pulling away.”
As he watched you, just for a moment, his eyes didn’t fill with fear or confusion. There was something there. Between the declarations, he looked apologetic. His blue eyes softened, letting the emotions he desperately tried to conceal slip past those walls he built back up.
“Well, shit! I’m sorry I said it. I fucked this up, didn’t I?” The gravel in your voice scratched your throat. Everything burned.
The apologetic stare turned pitiful. A deep scowl crossed his face and your heart sank. “Can’t mess it up when there was nothin’ here, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart. It was so condescending as his drawl pulls at the syllables. That tightness in your chest balled into a pit of rage. Fire that burned you before ignited an anger inside.
You moved closer towards him. “You sleep with me every night. You kiss me before leaving on runs. When you think nobody’s looking, you hold my hand. We talk about our past. Our future. This is real, Daryl.”
“Nah.” He grabbed his belt, twisting it through the loops. “This ain’t real.”
Your fingers tightened on the fabric as you tugged the shirt on. “That’s not true—“
He huffed, staring out into the cloudy night sky. “You’re better off without me anyway.”
“Don’t. Don't say that. I’m not better off without you. I’d be worse.”
Daryl paused.
But the hurt and anger fueling your body didn’t stop. “So don’t make me feel crazy for falling in love with you. Like it was a choice? If I was fucking smart, I would’ve ran far away from you the second we met. But I didn’t. Because I saw you for more than the asshole you pretend to be. So excuse me for feeling blindsided by your decision to leave me.”
“Leave you?” He spat. “Get it through your head, girl. You ain’t mine! You’re just some bitch I screwed.”
The frogs croaking down by the creeks ceased to exist. Trees stopped rustling in the breeze. Crickets no longer sang under the stars. The world froze as his words were thrown at you with such haste. Like he didn’t think twice.
Your arms wrapped around your waist, tugging at the fabric clinging to your body.
He didn’t look back at you. His eyes seemed to drift anywhere but you like he couldn't face the fact that he said it out loud.
No, no. He doesn’t really think that…
Your voice cracked as the tears from earlier were not going to wait much longer. “Daryl–”
He turned on his heels and was out the door. Down the ladder, each step was louder than the last. You paused, bawling your fists as the tears finally spilled across your cheeks. Loud and heaving gasps, muddled together with hot tears.
He broke you down within seconds. The tears and sobs continued on for what felt like forever until you finally had a moment of rest. The tightness in your chest subsided, thankfully, but this was the easier part. Tomorrow will be harder when you’ll have to put on a fake smile, wipe away tears in the dark prison hallways, and avoid him.
Forget him. Forget him…right like it would be easy. It’ll be fucking impossible to forget him.
You wished you could hate him. But you don’t.
So for tonight, you let yourself feel the heartbreak and planned to stand taller tomorrow. Because in the end you knew it would never last.
But it didn't matter.
You loved that man.
Yet after everything, he might have been right. You weren't truly with him.
And maybe he never really cared for you at all.
a/n 2.0 | daryl PLEASEE {as if I didn't write him to act this way}
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neverchecking · 1 year
hi i just discovered your blog and your writing is amazing 😳 could i request wild x reader, breeding kink? can be yandere or not, up to you!
This deleted twice- if it does it again I'm going to cry-
You ABSOLUTELY can. You can, you can you can-
I have a bit of a favorite. sue me.
If your looking for some noice breeding stuff with wild, @fanfic-fairy-fountain has some mouth watering, thigh clenching, till it remembers every vein DILF! Wild content that made me bark man.
Anyway, Smut so MDNI! 18+
Smut CW: AFAB reader, Breeding Kink. Wild being his namesake, mans has baby fever badly.
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He couldn't explain it.
After coming out of the shrine of Resurrection, he had felt...lost. Like a shattered vase with too many pieces missing to have any hope of being put back together. He was no longer the knight that Zelda boasted around- that Link died in the shrine over a century ago- even if it didn't stop her from parading him around like a show pony. He wasn't a champion of old, Revali was right about one thing. He was just...Link. Link of Hateno, who lived on the outskirts of the small village. Who came into town every once in while for supplies. Who otherwise kept to himself, but remained friendly, as long as his companion was happy.
The village couldn't quite place what you meant to him, but that was fine. He knew what you meant to him. You were his Goddess. His reason for living. You kept him sane. You saw his shatter pieces and decided they were worth it. You saw his jagged edges and razor sharp features and soothed them all with a gentle hand and graceful words. You placed yourself firmly in his life without any intentions of leaving. He wouldn't let you leave anymore anyway.
Not when you had made such an impact in his life. Not when you put value in something he saw as worthless. Not when you put your entire trust into believing he could be someone worthy of your love. How could he let something like you, such a blessing, go? He couldn't.
And what better way to keep him tied to you by doing everything you asked of him? Want him to slay an entire monster camp? Elementary. Want him to go, venture out into the wilderness just to hunt this incredibly rare animal? Done. Want to sit on his face and choke him with your thighs? You better be ready to suffocate him because he's not coming out until your coming undone over top of him. Wanna ride his thighs? He's sitting prim and proper for you. Want to tie him up in satin ribbons to use for your own desires?
Just tell him when.
Anything to keep you happy. So when you came up to him, asking him so nicely to breed you, to fill you up, who was he to say no?
So he didn't.
Honestly, what better way to tell everyone you were his, and his alone than to fatten you up with his child? To make you round and plump with his seed. To tie you to him for the rest of your lives.
There was no better way he realized.
Sure he could paint your neck and back and chest and thighs in bitemarks and bruises in his own signature color, singing his name on you in his own unique way. Sure he could put the fattest, prettiest rock he could mine on your finger, watching as you wore it with pride. Sure he could that all.
But none of it quite painted you as his as a child did. An absolute precious little being a perfect mix of the two of you. He could see it now. And absolute angel with your hair and nose, maybe his eyes and ears. Filled with his trademark sense of curiosity, only to be paired with a healthy sense of caution you would instill in them.
Would you want an entire Litter of children to trample along your feet? Or maybe just two or three to focus your attention to carry your legacy? Or perhaps just one perfect mix of you two to shape into the best person this world had to offer.
Didn't matter. He would give you anything and everything you wanted.
Right now? You wanted to be filled.
And he would comply, tearing your tunic and bottoms from your body and pinning you to the dining room table. One hand kept your chest to the table, pushing between your shoulder blades as he freed himself with a single hand. Your whines and please, all but begging for him to breed you, fill you, start your family right then and there ignited a fiery inferno underneath of him, just aching to make your dreams come true.
Anything to keep you tied to him.
His grip was practically bruising as he pulled your hips to meet his with every thrust, ensuring the head of his cock kissed your cervix with every plunge. It had you crying out for him over and over again, tears pearling in your eyes. He cooed at your trembling form, leaning over you without loosing tempo to thumb away your tears. He kissed your cheeks, temples, anywhere he could reach really, letting the one hand left holding your hips drift to fiddle with your clit. He circled it in steady circles, making the tears come back as you jutted against him, thighs twitching wildly.
"Shh, that's it wildflower, just let me take care of you. Leave everything to me. I'll fill you up so nicely, you'll have no choice but to carry our child. In no time at all, you'll be all round and gorgeous, telling everyone you're mine. All mine."
You came with with a hard cry, milking him for what you desperately craved. And if you wanted it, he'd give it to you. The one hand that was gently brushing your tears away snaked between your body and the table, gently cupping your throat so he could pull you against his chest while the other one returned to your hips. He pulled you flush against him, biting into your neck with a muted growl as he emptied into your womb.
But that wouldn't be enough. No. he wouldn't be satisfied until you were nothing but a brainless little thing, trusting him to breed you, and even then, one more wouldn't hurt, would it?
You'd get the child you wanted. He'd make sure of it.
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turvi · 1 year
hi! id like to request a prof remus x prof wife that involves the reader being jealous that remus is being flirted with and he finds it cute that she’s jealous <3
Thank you for sending this request. Keep sending me requests <3 REBLOGS AND COMMENTS IF YOU LIKE THIS
Y/n is an independent and strong woman. For a long time, she had believed she needed no man to make her feel good. She was confident in herself to never fall on her knees for a man.
But not only Remus John Lupin has torn down Y/n's walls that she had built up throughout the years and brought her down to her knees, but he also made her feel something she never knew she was capable of feeling. Jealousy. She watched as a 7th-year student blatantly flirted with her husband. Oh, how the ancestors were right. Jealousy is an ugly color. And Y/n hated how she was throwing daggers at the student who leaned towards Remus too closely.
But Y/n lost her cool when the student touched Remus' arm for a second too long, giggling over a joke Remus made. Y/n rolled her eyes. It wasn't even that funny. She has heard better. Y/n started rolling the ring on her left hand. It's weird how the coldness of the metal brought warmth to her heart, reminding her of the promise she shared with Remus of spending a life with him only to be apart when death says it's time.
Remus immediately noticed the discomfort on his wife's face and excused himself, not noticing the scowl on the student's face. His eyes only focused on his Y/n. A mischievous smirk spread on his face as he saw her picking her nail clear telltale sign that she was upset about something and had no intention of sharing it with Remus. But he has his ways of making his dove speak.
Remus tugged her towards him taking her to his office but Y/n did not react even though internally butterflies were raging in her stomach. Without a word Y/n sat in his chair and picked up a worn book that was resting on his desk.
He watched her as he held back his laughter. With a coquettish grin, he approached her, his hands behind his back. "Is something the matter, dove?" he asked in a soft tone.
Y/n stubbornly shook her head, clearly enjoying the attention of the werewolf. He grinned. "If that's the case, why are you holding the book upside down?"
She gasped and instantly straightened the book in her hand. "Honey..talk to me." His voice was almost whiny as he nudged his nose on her neck.
"Why don't you talk to that student and ask her what's the matter?" Even before she could roll her eyes, Remus held her jaw gently and made her look into his eyes.
"Dove, you have my heart, my soul and my body. Then why are you so grumpy about an 18 year old when I have eyes only for you?"
He gently caressed her cheek when she revealed with a pout. "I know Remus. I just don't like it. I know I seem possessive, but even you look like you will turn into your werewolf form when a man merely looks my way."
Remus tugged her towards him again, chuckling at his own hypocrisy. "I'm sorry, dove. I didn't realise I was being hit on. But I would love to let that happen to me again if I get this reaction from you."
He laughed when she scoffed and lovingly hit him. Remus wrapped his arms around her, taking her in as she glowed under the dim lights of his office. Remus didn't believe in God but was willing to pray that God would let him spend eternity with Y/n.
As her eyes searched his eyes, Remus took this moment to kiss her passionately and deeply. His breath, his tongue clashing with hers. His arms held her possessively. Remus smirked when Y/n broke the kiss with a gasp.
"You wanna mark me up or what?" He asked her with a shit eating grin, clearly enjoying the effect he had on her.
"Moony, I hate you." She finally got to roll her eyes.
With a chuckle, Remus said as he kept pressing kisses all over her face. "I love you too, dove."
A/N: Welp I tried my best. Please do tell me if you like it or hate it. REBLOGS AND COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Holaa, can you write about a scenario where the reader makes a diy bracelet for Gavi using beads in his favorite color and with his initial too, as a gift. Gavi really likes it and wears it all the time, and the reader is so happy. However, one day when Gavi is at an international match, the reader sees one of Gavi's teammate's Instagram stories and notices that Gavi is no longer wearing the bracelet. This makes the reader feel hurt and they start to think a lot of negative thoughts. :((
Actually, the reason why Gavi doesn't wear the bracelet anymore is because one of his teammates accidentally pulled it during practice, causing it to break. Gavi tried to fix it himself, but was unable to do so. When Gavi returned home, they tried to make it up to each other. I prefer a lot of fluff after, thank you so much anyway! Te amo 🩷
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"Um..I have something for you Pabs.." you said when he sat down on your couch having just came back from the national team training session absolutely exhausted.
He asked you to fly out and spent his days with him in Madrid while he practices for his first national game and you agreed really missing your best friend in the past few months.
"What's that princesa?" he said using the usual nickname but ever since your crush intensified as you grew older, you started reacting a lot more to it.
"It's for good luck on the nationals..do you like it?" you said putting it around his wrist and he smiled looking at your adorable blushed face. Pablo secretly had a crush on you as well but he didn't want to complicate our life by ever admitting it. Truth be told, he doesn't feel like he deserves you...not with all the negativity people label him as.
"It's pretty. Gracias princesa! I'm always going to wear it!" he said playing with the beads while you looked at him dreamily. He looked so beautiful without trying that you found your eyes focusing on his lips for a little too long.
"Everything okay? Do I have something on my face?" Pablo teased and you looked away shyly shaking your head and continuing to watch the movie on the TV screen.
Since you gave it to him, Pablo really wore it non-stop and started to believe that it was really a lucky charm because he never played better. During trainings he would get praises by coaches, and during games he would never be more efficient and get less yellow cards.
Whenever he would get angry, after being provoked, he would look at his wrist and take a few deep breaths before continuing the game without getting in trouble. Your face would pop into his head and he didn't want you to watch him get in trouble no matter where you were in that moment.
One day during the training, Ansu jumped on his back making him loose balance falling and pulling on his bracelet breaking it in process. Pablo almost cried while collecting the beads packing them up and putting them all into his wallet.
He wasn't home since then, so he couldn't ask you to fix it for him and had to play the next game without it. He was never feeling more nervous feeling like he lost his luck charm. This won't be good..
"What's up with you Gavi?" Ansu asked seeing his friend shaky and anxious standing in the corner alone while the rest of the team chatted like usual before heading to the pitch.
"Your fault cabrón! I don't have my good luck charm now!" Pablo said and his friend rolled his eyes already having apologized thousand times for pushing him and breaking his bracelet.
"Who gave it to you when it's so special?" Ansu teased not thinking that it was anybody in particular but when he saw Pablo's cheeks blush he knew that he poked the right spot.
"Wait! Did Gavi finally get tamed by a girl?? Who is she hermano??" Ansu said and Pablo talked about your long friendship since school and how you've always been there, through everything never leaving his side. Ansu could tell that what Pablo felt for you was something special..something more than simple attraction he had for other girls since the fame arrived.
During the same time, one of Pablo's teammates took a video and posted on his story catching he glimpse of Gavi and Ansu talking. What caught your eye tho is that there was no bracelet on Pablo's wrist..you thought it was because he was still wearing long sleeves?
When he came out on pitch, you realized that he really was not wearing the bracelet..why would he take it off?
You thought about all the recent rumors about him and this other girl from Sevilla who kept hinting their relation and in return gain quite a fame. But Pablo said she is a fame chaser and that he was never with her..maybe he lied? Maybe he found someone else?
Your heart was braking as your eyes kept checking on his wrist hoping that the bracelet would suddenly appear but it never did. Did you really think he would end up with someone like you? you thought to yourself feeling like you wanted to cry.
Close to the end of the game, Spain was still winning but Pablo didn't seem to play as well as he did in the past games. He looked like he was lost on the pitch and he was also easily agitated. In 90th minute someone slid down collecting Pablo's legs and hurting him badly in response.
You gasped moving closer to the screen while they tended to his wounds and carried him off the pitch. You were so worried texting Aurora to see if they had any information. Thankfully it wasn't permanent damage but he will need to miss the next match so he is coming back home.
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Come back stronger hermano! @pablogavi
liked by 50K others
pablogavi: gracias hermano! coming back with my lucky charm ;)
alejandrobalde: we're waiting for you!!
sefutbol: waiting for the Golden Boy! <3
aurorapaezg: proud of you hermanito! <33
pablogavi: <3
pedri: get your but back to the pitch quickly cabrón!! jajaja
pablogavi: look who's talking jajaja only you can cover my position so get to it!!
ansufati: get that luck back ;)
pablogavi: !!
Pablo was partly happy that he was going back home, that was he can get his lucky bracelet fixed and see you while he was there. He really missed your adorable face..
When he came home, you weren't staying with his family like you said you would and Aurora told him that you've left a few days ago..same time he stopped wearing the bracelet. He knew that you must have seen it and he wished that he texted you about to so you don't make assumptions. Mierda Pablito! You're so stupid sometimes!
pablitoo: are you home princesa??
amotcito: i'm not, sorry
pablitoo: don't lie to me. i see you through the window!
You looked through the window smiling involuntarily when you saw that he was indeed standing down there looking up at you while holding his phone.
"What do you want?" you asked through the window
"Let me in princesa" he said pointing at the door and you sighed nodding your head and letting him through nervously waiting for him to arrive to your apartment. He knocked and you opened saddened when you saw his leg being wrapped in gauze.
"Hola princesa.." he said
"Hola.." you moved so he can come in letting him sit down on your couch asking if he needed anything but he shook his head opening his arms signaling that all he wanted was a hug.
"I don't know if we should do that now.." you said gulping using last bits of your strength not to hug after missing him for a whole month.
"What's different now?" he asked and you blushed looking away which made him curious what you were thinking about.
"Um..you have a girl don't you?" you said and he sat up quickly raising his eyebrows wondering where did you get such nonsense from.
"What!? Who told you that?" Pablo said and you met his eyes again wondering if you really assumed everything wrong. But if he wasn't with another girl, why would he take a bracelet off so suddenly??
"Um..you took the bracelet off so I thought.."and Pablo chuckled grabbing your hand and pulling you closer before you were sitting besides him and he pulled you into a hug.
"You're so cute when you make up scenarios like this princesa..but no I don't have a girl..and I did not take the bracelet off" Pablo spoke as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
"But you weren't wearing it on the last game?" you said as he pulled out his walled opening it and reveling the beads inside.
"Ansu jumped on me and I broke it..I couldn't fix it on my own and you weren't there to do it..so I had to save it here until I came back home and let you fix it for me" Pablo explained and you blushed feeling so silly for assuming something so quickly and telling him about it too. Now he must think you were jealous..which wasn't far from the truth..but still..he was just your friend!!!
"I feel so stupid now.." you admit and he raised up your chin making your heart jump in your chest while you looked into each others eyes.
"Don't feel stupid princesita..I think it's cute how you were worried some other girl will take me away from you..but that could never happen" he whispered the last part before finally placing his lips onto yours softly.
When he pulled away you face was bright red and you were in utter shock. Did..did he just kiss you? So he felt the same for you!?
"Would you be a good girl and fix it for me princesa?? I really need my lucky charm back.." he smirked when he saw how stunned you looked and you looked down at the beads nodding and taking his walled form his hands.
Before you could get up to grab what you needed to fix in his hand grabbed your chin again and pecked your lips like it was the most natural thing in the world to do.
"Um here you go Pabs.." you put it back around his hand when it was fixed and he smiled playing with the beads before looking back at you like he expected something else. You knew what he expected but you were too nervous to do it..it was still so fresh and you've been crushing at him for years.
"Come here..I won't bite" he pulled you closer kissing you a few times and you smiled into the kiss finally relaxing into the kisses "unless you beg me to princesa.." he whispered into your lips and you swore you could die in that exact moment.
"Pablo!!" you said hiding your hot face into his neck and he chuckled at how easily you get embarrassed kissing the top of your head and holding you tightly against him.
"I don't just need the bracelet for luck..I need you princesa..so be my girl..and come with me to the next game?" he said and you were so happy you could scream but instead you kissed him passionately letting go off all your nerves.
"Yes! Yes!" you said and he chuckled nodding his head and kissing you back sweetly before pulling you closer and letting you rest your head on his chest while he played with your hair. He was content..you were finally his..he had his lucky bracelet back..and he was ready to win this national league with you by his side!
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My luck is back <3 @y.n.bebe
liked by 100K
gavigavigavira: wait!!!? girlfriend!???
gavipablo: she is his old friend..that's so cute <33. liked by 12K other
pedri: what!?? lucky cabrón ;)
pablogavi: yeahhh ;)
ansufait: glad luck is back hermano!
pablogavi: she is backkk!!
y.n.bebe: hehe <33 liked by pablogavi
alejandrobalde: vamooss españa!! you're girl is beutiful!
pablogavi: yeah MY girl is beautiful jaja liked by y.n.bebe
y.n.bebe: hehe good luck cariño <3
pablogavi: you're here amor..we are winning <33
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My best friend..my campeon <3. @pablogavi
Liked by 50K others
pablogavi amor <33 only won because of you!!
y.n.bebe: te amo cariño!! liked by pablogavi
gaviraaa: i might be sad that he is not single but I'm happy it's with someone who loves him for him and not for his fame <33
gavithebest: yeahh this girl has been his friend for years too
gaviraaa: they are so cute!! <33
aurorapaezg: lindooos! ahhh!
y.n.bebe: you always knew this would happen Rora jajaja
aurorapaezg: my hermanito is head over heels in love with you!!
pablogavi: Rora!!! That was a secret!!
belengavira79: take care of my boy princesa <3
y.n.bebe: promise <33
gavifanss: aweee my heart!! this is so adorable!!
It's longish but I enjoyed writing it A LOT! Hope you like it :)
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roxiezsxx · 3 months
Saw your joost fic idea post. Hear me out , you and joost are in a club in Vancouver and he notices the reader who is just dancing vibing and having the best time of their life and joost is drawn to them because they like how they’re dancing like no one is watching
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The pulsating beats of the music throbbed through the air, a living, breathing entity that enveloped everyone in the club. Neon lights flashed in sync with the rhythm, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that danced across the walls and floors. The bass was so deep it seemed to come from the earth itself, vibrating through every bone in your body. The energy in the room was electric, and everyone was caught up in it, letting the music guide their movements.
In the heart of Vancouver's most popular nightclub, The Velvet Room, the dance floor was a sea of people moving in perfect disarray. Each person lost in their own world, swaying, jumping, spinning to the relentless rhythm. Amidst this crowd was you, the Reader, dancing like no one was watching. You were in your own universe, a place where the music took over, and every worry, every thought, every responsibility melted away. Your body moved fluidly, uninhibited by the presence of others. Your eyes were closed, a blissful smile played on your lips, and your arms swayed above your head.
Joost stood at the bar, nursing a drink, eyes scanning the crowd out of habit more than interest. He wasn't particularly in the mood for company, having come to the club to unwind after a long week. His friends had dragged him out, convincing him that a night out would be the perfect remedy for his fatigue. Joost was a tall, lean figure with sharp features softened by kind eyes and an easy smile. His tousled dark hair framed his face, giving him an effortlessly cool appearance.
As his gaze roamed the room, it landed on you. There was something different about you, something that set you apart from the others. You weren't just dancing; you were immersed in the music, letting it move you in ways that were both captivating and freeing. Joost found himself unable to look away, drawn to the sheer joy that radiated from you. You danced with an abandon that he rarely saw, a genuine love for the moment that made you glow.
He watched as you spun around, your laughter carried by the music to his ears. You were lost in your own world, and he found himself wanting to be a part of it, to experience that freedom. Joost downed the rest of his drink and made his way through the crowd, eyes never leaving you. As he got closer, the energy around you seemed to intensify, pulling him in like a magnet.
Joost hesitated for a moment, standing at the edge of the dance floor. He wasn't sure how to approach you without breaking the spell you were under. But something inside him urged him to move forward. He took a deep breath and stepped into your orbit, letting the music guide him as he began to dance nearby.
You didn't notice him at first, too caught up in the rhythm. But eventually, you opened your eyes and saw him there, dancing with an ease that matched your own. He gave you a friendly smile, one that you couldn't help but return. There was something about him that made you feel comfortable, as if you had known him for years.
The two of you danced together, not speaking, just letting the music do the talking. It was as if the world outside the club didn't exist, and the only thing that mattered was the beat, the movement, and the connection between you. Joost found himself getting lost in the moment, the fatigue and stress of the week melting away as he danced with you.
As the song ended and another began, Joost leaned in closer, his voice barely audible over the music. "You're an amazing dancer," he said, his eyes shining with genuine admiration.
You laughed, a sound that made Joost's heart skip a beat. "Thank you! You’re not too bad yourself," you replied, a playful twinkle in your eye.
"I'm Joost," he said, extending a hand.
"Nice to meet you, Joost. I'm [Y/N]," you said, shaking his hand.
For a moment, the world stood still. The music, the lights, the crowd—all faded into the background as the two of you stood there, hands clasped, eyes locked. It was a moment of pure connection, one that neither of you would forget.
The night wore on, and you and Joost found yourselves inseparable. You danced, laughed, and talked as if you had known each other for years. The connection between you grew stronger with each passing minute, a bond forged in the heart of the music and the magic of the night.
At one point, the two of you took a break from dancing and found a quieter corner of the club to sit and talk. The conversation flowed easily, topics ranging from favorite songs to life dreams and everything in between. Joost found himself captivated by your passion and enthusiasm, while you were drawn to his kindness and genuine interest in getting to know you.
As the night began to wind down, Joost couldn't help but feel a sense of reluctance. He didn't want the night to end, didn't want to say goodbye to you just yet. "Hey, would you like to go for a walk?" he asked, hoping to extend the evening a little longer.
You smiled, your eyes lighting up. "I'd love that."
The two of you left the club and stepped out into the cool Vancouver night. The city was alive with lights and sounds, a perfect backdrop for the continuation of your magical evening. You walked side by side, the conversation flowing as easily as it had inside the club. The connection between you grew stronger with each step, a bond that felt unbreakable.
The streets of Vancouver were bustling with life, yet it felt like you and Joost were in your own little world. The cool night air was refreshing after the heat of the club, and the sounds of the city created a soothing background for your conversation.
"So, what brought you to The Velvet Room tonight?" Joost asked, genuinely curious.
You smiled, a hint of nostalgia in your eyes. "I needed a break, I guess. Life's been a bit hectic lately, and dancing is my way of escaping. It's where I feel most free, most myself."
Joost nodded, understanding completely. "I get that. I came for the same reason. It's been a long week, and I needed to unwind. I'm glad I came though," he said, giving you a warm smile.
"Me too," you replied, feeling a warmth spread through your chest.
The two of you continued to walk, eventually finding yourselves at a small park. The trees were adorned with fairy lights, creating a magical atmosphere. You found a bench and sat down, the conversation flowing easily. Joost found himself opening up to you in ways he hadn't with anyone else, sharing stories of his life, his dreams, and his fears. You listened intently, offering your own experiences in return.
As the night wore on, you both realized just how late it had gotten. Reluctantly, you decided it was time to head home. Joost walked you to your car, the silence between you comfortable and filled with unspoken words.
"I had a really great time tonight," Joost said, his voice soft.
"Me too," you replied, feeling a twinge of sadness that the night was coming to an end.
Joost hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath. "I'd love to see you again, if you'd like."
Your heart skipped a beat, a smile spreading across your face. "I'd like that too."
You exchanged numbers, promising to keep in touch. As you drove away, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The night had been magical, and you had a feeling it was just the beginning of something truly special.
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lizziespoem · 11 months
all yours | noritoshi kamo ͏⸺ one shot
͏⸺ So light and soft in perfect elegance, the innocent petals danced one by one down from the swaying branches of the ancient trees into the weary breeze of the pleasant air and mingled with the sweet scent of the honey-coated peaches. Without any effort, the innocent wind chime flitted through the old stone balcony, into the cozy interior of the bedroom and whirled the wafer-thin curtains around in silent dance. What a glorious and comforting view it had been to lean its sluggish body slightly against the stony terrain and cast a daring glance down into the inevitable gardens. It was like a timeless film of sophistication in which the ripe fruits hung from the dense treetops of the orchard and the babbling waters flowed through the wide pit of the river.
Silently the dripping, grapefruit-colored sky shone in all loveliness and their special rays kissed the naked honey-shining back of you, while the golden highlights rested on your cheekbones and like gentle waves the strands of your hair bobbed around in the hourly breeze of the heated air.
"how could my eyes ever get tired of seeing your beautiful grace?” a raspy voice mumbled as footstep came closer behind you and you didn’t needed to turn around to know who it was.
Nothing could have stirred in the universe and faded into cruel darkness, yet you would shine in silence as a pearl did in the depths of the sea or the shattered shards of glass, which had fallen down on the unimaginative, murky ground that had not been worthy of such a heavenly existence and yet even if Noritoshi Kamo wasn’t afraid to speak out loud his thought, he knew he could never have you. How much he had been afraid of proximity, of being desired and loved, but all it took for him was one look for the distance at your astonishing beauty to make him beg the gods to let the hungry waves wither.
His heart already been scorched, a punishment for longing for a sin, but god did you urge him on to another crime, to make him sin again.
Two clans, both alike in dignity and glory, but completely different in personality, what a cruel faith to be born in such a clan, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny haunted and distressed by the continuance of their parents' rage. Filthy stains of blood of most distant relatives of the kamo clan sticking on your skin and on his the blood of yours and yet they were meant to be a pair of star-cross'd lovers, ready to take their life to bury with their death their parents' strife. Even the magnificent stars and the illuminated moon didn’t knew how those two lost souls have found each other, between all the hatred and resentment, but there was this fine line, the unknowing end of the both star-cross’s lovers, which prevented the moon and the stars from saving them from their sins.
"noritoshi" you whispered quitely, afraid someone could hear your gentle voice saying the name of the enemy, yet your eyes carried so much love and affection as they met his, pleating to never look at something else than him. A soft smile crosses your tinted lips as you stepped inside into your bedroom, closing the gigantic doors of the balcony behind your back as you tilted your head a bit to the side while you watched the dark haired man sneaking into your room like it wouldn’t have cost him his life "someone could’ve caught you"
The son of the kamo clan and the fallen angel from the hostile clan fell in love, they love was marked with death from the beginning, yet those lovesick hearts couldn’t been saved from drowning in the abyss of their foolish fate.
"I took precaution…" there it was the smile of a foolish lovebird, who thought the world could never touch him as long as he was you and even though he knew that he wasn’t untouchable of death, he would risk his life to burn himself by the fallen star you were.
These star-cross’d lovers, their love a secret, yet this beautiful to astonishing the moon, the sun and their children.
"god, you’re so gorgeous" he said quitely as he took a few steps closer to you, placing his hand under your chin as his other hand travels through your hair, hidden under the satin face over your head, trying to hiding yourself from the sun and the cruel rays. Your hand placed on the back of his, feeling how cold his pale skin was, as your gaze feel down to the shinning floor, letting the soft fabric over your hair fall a bit down to your face "what if someone sees you… you could’ve been disowned or killed"
Noritoshi placed his hand on your cheek and carefully leaned forwards, pushing the satin fabric out the way as his eyes glimmered in affection "I do not care. I will risk everything for you. If my ancestors can risk thousands of years of tradition… then let it be a new era"
Softly is fingers grasped your chin, lifting your head up again to look into your eyes as his thumb stroked over you lower lip, while his other hand stroked a strand of your hair behind your ear under the satin fabric, before his tumb sweeped along your cheekbones. A small satisfied smile crosses his lips as he drew you closer and his lips brushing against your as he spoke "tell me you need me like I need you, that you know that we’ll be alright"
"Noritoshi, you’re going to be the death of me" you chuckle softly as you hand placed onto his chest, feeling how his heart beats his chest, trying to crawl through his ribs into your hands.
A raspy laugh escaped from his lips while his long fingers travels to your neck carefully down along your spine, before Noritoshi sealed his lips with yours, closing his tired eyes, pretending like the world wouldn’t judge you, as if it wasn’t a sin to hold you close to him, like it wasn’t burn him down and as if you both were meant to be.
Noritoshi's heart pounded out a staccato rhythm of desire as his lips pressed against yours with a passion that could be described as a hunger, his tongue pushing past your lips with a desire to mingle with yours. His arms encircled you, drawing you even closer to himself, while his hands entangled in your hair and he deepened the kiss, even as the world around you two seemed to melt away.
His hand slipped past your waist, tracing along your side and coming to cup your bottom as his other hand went up her chest, before his fingertips teased the base of your spine, causing goosebumps to form along your skin. A a low and passionate groan escaped Noritoshi's mouth as he traced your lower lip over and over with his tongue. His hand squeezed and grasped your bottom, letting out a low groan as passion overcame him.
"Noritoshi…" you mumbled against his lips as he pulled away slightly to gaze at you in awe, his breath heavy with passion. His hands held onto you tighter, tracing the curves and lines of your body as his eyes stared into yours with pure affection, before he lets one of his hand creasing you cheek "y/n, my beautiful y/n"
Noritoshi's mouth released yours to trail soft kisses along your cheek to your ear as he nipped at your earlobe, running his tongue along the bottom of your ear before whispering in a husky whisper "I can not beat it any longer"
His fingertips danced across your skin as he trailed a line of kisses from your shoulder down to your neck "I want you to be mine"
"I am all yours" your breath was a heavily as you closed your eyes, feeling how his teeth nipped at your shoulder and his fingertips sliding down to grip the waistline of your skirt, teasingly playing with it befor he pulled on the waistband of your skirt and tugged it upwards.
"say it again" he breathed. Noritoshi looked into your eyes, a passionate fire burning there as his hand caressed the contours of your face, his thumb brushing away a strand of hair that fell across your cheek.
A low gasp escaped his lips when he saw your flushed pout after repeating your words and his fingers pushed against your chin, forcing you to look into his hungry eyes "Say it one more time, y/n"
"Be a good girl and say it like you mean it" his finger traced your bottom lip and he leaned in to kiss your pout but stoping before his lips stroked yours. You feel his long fingers gently brushing over the fabric of your panties as his lips met your neck, his tongue carefully licked over the arteries of your throat as a low chuckle rumbeling after hearing you moan quitely.
You couldn’t help but laying your head back into your neck as you feel his fingers massaging over your sweet spot, while your shaking voice quitely moans "I am subjected to you"
Suddenly a raspy groan escaped his mouth as you pulled him closer by the waistline of his pants, letting your lips meet his earlobe as you seductively whisper "do you want me to show you how much Iove you?"
Noritoshi closed his eyes as felt your fingers playing with the waistline of his pants, letting him teasing pulling on the fabric of your panties as the cold air touches your wet count. Your soft lips nibbed on his neck as you opened the clasp of his pants.
A love forbbiden by faults of the past, marked to death, so fragile and unfair, impossible to bare yet to special to hide, too wrong to be processed and yet the moon and the stars were to exited to see how far they would come.
© 2023 LIZZIESPOEM. please do not copy any of my writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
notes༯ I was too afraid to write smut and fuck up the whole chapter because I suck at it so I thought I leave it like this
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quimichi · 1 year
can u write about itto crying for u and you tugging on his horns..? just needy, like he missed you and was so so upset after having a bad nightmare that you left
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Itto x Creator!Reader
Itto is missing you terribly.
His heart aches with his thoughts of you— your smile, your laugh, your presence. He misses the way that you look at him, the way that he could gaze into your eyes and feel like everything would be alright. The nightmare he had of you, leaving him forever, for good, felt way to real.
Without you, Itto feels like his heart is about to be torn from his chest, and he cannot imagine life without you by his side. The thought of never hearing your laughter again is one that leaves him shaking. He knows you're only gone for a night, maybe two.
Though he knows intellectually that you are only gone for a short while, Itto's heart doesn't care. His body aches in your absence, and he feels lost without your presence. Each night without you leaves him trembling, wishing for the moment that he could press his head into your shoulder again.
Itto sobs like a child alone in the dark who is afraid and wants nothing but for your warmth to comfort him. He feels nothing besides your absence, and without you, he could not even imagine wanting to live. He's needy, he's aware. But he cant help it.
Itto's sobs quiet to a whimper. He feels so pathetic for crying in your absence, but nothing can stop him. All he wants right now is to feel your touch. A simple hug from you is all he desires, if only to comfort him.He closes his eyes, hoping that he can somehow teleport just to be with you. He waits, willing and hoping that you might reach out to him through his dreams. Even in the most desperate of hopes, he wants you to hear him.
"Please..." he whispers silently.
"It's okay now Itto" Itto's eyes open instantly.
Was that your voice talking to him? Was it really you? Or was he just hearing things?
He looks around in his desperation to see you, but he only sees the void of the darkness surround him.He gulps as he wipes his eyes.
"Your Grace, d-did you call me? Are you here?" He asks, his hopes still high. Perhaps you'd heard his pleas, and had come to him after all? "Yes"
Itto's eyes light up like the brightest of fires.He can't waste a moment more, and so he moves with a speed that he hardly knew he could achieve. He launches himself into your arms, his hair falling over your chest. He trembles as he presses his cheeks against your chest, desperate for your touch to calm him.
He clings to you for life itself. Your hug is like a balm for his wounded heart. He could have your embrace every moment of his life if it would ease the empty ache without you. He is at peace only when you hold him, and now he is free of his pain and anxiety. He leans into you, and he is finally himself again.
With a gentle yet firm touch you pull him closer by his horns to press a kiss to his forehead. Itto can't help but melt as you press your lips to his forehead. He feels loved, and cherished, and valued— he feels as if he's returned home after so long. It's a warmness that fills him, which he has never felt before you.
And even though his skin heats as your lips touch him, He doesn't move or pull away. He could stay in this place for the rest of his life.
"There you go..." softly you wipe his tears away, letting your thumbs rest on his watery cheeks, "is my needy boy all better now?" Itto gulps and nods. He takes a deep breath in, and out once again
"Y-Yes," he whispers, his voice still trembling. "M-My need has been sated."
Now he smiles to you, his face relaxed, despite having been crying so much. He is with you again, and he is at peace. His cheeks flush with color as the warm touch of your hand caresses his face. For all his strength of body and will, there is something vulnerable about the way you hold him. He feels so safe, and he doesn't want your hand to ever leave his face.
He loves when you touch him. He feels so soft and gentle, and it makes his breath hitch in this chest.
The way your fingers trace his face as you hold him feels so tender and loving. Even though he tries not to seem like it, it is something he loves and craves. He craves your touch.
He craves your affection.
Most of all, he craves you.
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