#sometimes he gets the white hair sometimes he doesnt
melkyt · 9 hours
Aromantic experience I have been thinking about in a purely fictional sense, dialing up them dynamics
Luffy choses Law, he takes an effort and works to show his love in every moment, every gesture as he never experienced 'love' in a way that Sanji or Robin would describe it, he cares for Law, wants him to be happy, healthy and never leave, its almost an obsessive desire but love? He doesn't know. It doesnt feel that different then the effort he puts in to loving his friends but its different because Law loves him in a romantic sense, and Luffy does not mind, even wants to feel that way with Law even if sometimes he doesn't get it when people talk what love feels like to them
He likes whatever he does have with Law.
So here comes the angst.
There is a devil fruit user, sleeping beauty style that can make people fall into a deep sleep. That only a 'loves kiss' would wake them.
Luffy tries, he doesnt hesitate to kiss Law after he finds him, sleeping as if nothing ever went wrong, so peaceful, beautiful the way the light of the moon shines over damp hair.
Yet, it doesn't work. Luffy's love does not fit the rules of magic, not in how the devil fruit owner, who defines love, sees it. So it doesn't work
Luffy going on a rampage, determined to beat the shit out of the one who did this. If the cure or whatever doesnt work he will beat on the bastard until it does. They are weak, but they make skin contact and pull him into the dream world where they gave Law a deal
Luffy is not about listen to them, and tries to activate Haki but he is away from his body and it doesn't quite work. It will take him time to think different.
The DF owner threatens to kill Law if he doesn't stop. Who is faster? Luffy in breaking out of the dream or them killing Law.
Luffy stops, and they propose a deal. One where Luffy swaps places with Law, falls asleep and tests the theory if anyone loves him in a way that the DF user defines love, a black and white view that maybe nobody would fit, even those who understand the fluttering all encompassing emotion that love brings.
Luffy agrees, even if nobody loves him in that way, it doesnt matter. He will break out on force of will. There are people who care for him and trying to prove or define it in anyway is stupid, people are different and they all feel different things. The DF user has no fcking clue what it means to care or love!
So he says yes.
Falling into a deep sleep.
Law waking up to find debris all around them, broken trees, torn up ground and Luffy's unconcious body, his skin ashen. Law who has his own doubts about being loved holding him close, not sure what to do. Knowing that if Luffy does not wake up from his kiss will break a part of him. He thinks he feels for Luffy but what if that is a lie his brain conjured up because it is attracted to the sun?
He squeezes his eyes shut. Trying to focus his thoughts. He opens them again to study Luffy's face, he would call him an idiot and to just kiss him. So Law does, and Luffy stirs, with a bright grin. Content in the knowledge that Law loves him, and maybe their relationship is different from others, he will fight for the man he chose to love.
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oifaaa · 2 years
Apollo survived the war world saga he was just captured and I believe mind controlled. (iirc only lightray and manchester black fully died in that arc but I might be forgetting people). Also I don’t think they’re in nightwing’s generation they’re still batman/superman ages of like anywhere from late 30s to 40s (I think they have a slow aging thing but that might have been taken out in the current iteration? I love them but boy does dc not)
I don’t think Jenny Quantum/Jenny Quarx’s has a confirmed current status. I know she sacrificed herself in the 2008 wildstorm and was in the 2011-2014 dc stormwatch but I don’t believe she’s really been referenced since. The 2017 The Wild Storm reboot had Jenny Sparks? JQ should be 23 now but I think dc just doesn’t know what to do with her and she’s got that thing where she’s too powerful and not popular enough for writers to want to use her
See I remember the mind control thing I just honestly don't remember him getting fixed from that tbf that arc went really weird at the end it felt like it went straight from they won to being back on earth but I might of just missed an issue or something
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And another thing! Literally any queer story that takes place during the colonial age would have a huge gaping hole in it if it didn't have anticolonialism as a theme. Especially one that centers indigenous people. Like the reason that every culture had their own concepts of gender until something happened and then suddenly the gender binary was ubiquitous is because western European colonial powers made their view of gender the only acceptable one as part of christianizing and colonizing the world. You're not gonna have a show set in 1717 in the Caribbean where the love interest is a gay Maori man and the main deuteragonist is a non-binary mestizo catholic and just skip over colonialism. Like these are exactly the people who western gender roles are being forced on at fucking gun point during this era. Jim and Ed are both mixed race characters who's gender and sexual identities are in active defiance of the colonial powers that be. And this is the fucking Stede Ed and Jim show.
And there's something to be said for the fact that Stede's toxic masculinity plot line is internalized and Ed's struggle with toxic masculinity is largely external in the form a white guy who rubs elbows with the British Navy when Ed doesn't behave to his standard of masculinity. That choice didn't come out of nowhere and it shows a deep understanding of where homophobia comes from. That's not to say that precolonial communities of color were paradise for people that we today would consider queer but the rich tapestry of sexual and gender expressions that existed in those communities were erased in the name of colonialism. That's going to affect literally any queer person at the time when OFMD is set. These two things are inextricably linked.
Like when David Jenkins says a lot of what we're taught about being men is wrong, motherfucker who taught us what a man was. Who taught Ed what a man was? Who taught Stede what a man was for that matter? It's the white dad with the English accent who is violent (derogatory) and overbearing.
Like you get what I'm saying right? Like it's a silly little rom com but also it must necessarily be that deep because of who these characters are and when and where they exist.
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cheesey-rice · 1 year
And also I think I found it harder to understand/be sympathetic towards ambrosius when I read the comic but like having him and ballisters relationship shown up front is so important in adding just these Stakes of kind of showing what they had, and like the idea that you can survive in this institution with just this one person as your pillar of support but that it's also something that can exist without that system in a different context and having to rediscover that..... Hmmmnmm
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icallhimjoey · 3 months
please bestie i want some soft love that's so second nature joe doesnt even have his attention with you whilst he gives it, please can you write something like that?
im not allowed to write right now because work and stress and boundaries and mental health etc etc so 🥰fuck you🥰 for this Wordcount: 1.8K
Cotton Soft Touches Gentle Voices Smooth
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“What are you doing?”
You barely even heard Joe ask the question from across the room. You were so buried in whatever was happening on TV, focus completely zoomed in, mind somewhere else entirely. It took Joe another try for you to register the question directed at you.
“Hey. What are you doing?”
“Hmm?” you turned your head to Joe before your eyes followed and for a moment, you just slowly blinked at him. Something about his face combined with the fact that it really took you a minute to find yourself back in the room made you smile. You were so cosy.
“Watching TV.” you answered innocently, because you were, eyes back on the screen already.
You were warmly nestled into the sofa, curled up, knees pulled in, all comfortable in your white ribbed cotton pyjamas. The throwpillows and blankets on the sofa created the perfect nest for you to happily curl up into.
Soft ambient light from several lamps placed in strategic corners lit up the room just enough. If you stood and opened the curtains a bit more, you could still catch the faint and fading oranges of the sunset.
You were shower fresh, limbs covered by white clean cotton, nose still a little cold from the difference in temperature after getting out of the hot stream, and wet hair cool where it touched your skin.
But you felt so warm.
So fucking cosy.
When you’d walked back into the living room post shower, skin glossy and wet hair brushed back, Joe had installed himself at the dinner table with his laptop and a notebook.
He’d cleared away the mess from dinner and had turned his spot into a desk.
“Just need to do these e-mails,” he said after you’d let your arms curl around him from behind, arms that he grabbed hold of for a second, and you kissed the top of his head.
“Will only be a minute.”
You’d left him to it then, not minding that Joe had some work to do, just happy that he was in the same room instead of hidden away in what he called the office and you called the guest bedroom.
The ‘only a minute’ easily turned into an hour plus. Joe kept busy on both his computer and his phone, and would sometimes scribble some things down onto paper. There was a phone call or two, just quick “Sorry to call so late, but have you seen the...” and, “Hey, yea, I'm just reading it now, can I call you back in a minute?” type things.
Joe became background noise to you the second you snuggled up, and similarly the low sounds coming from the TV were just a nice reminder that Joe wasn’t alone.
But then, halfway through typing a response to an e-mail, something in Joe’s peripheral vision caught his attention.
Something moving slowly.
A little rhythmically.
When he peeked over his laptop screen and saw his girlfriend looking just about the most comfortable she’d ever looked, he didn’t even think you were aware that you were doing it.
In your layers of soft cream fabrics, head slumped to the side, Joe saw how you let your fingers softly skim over the area below your ear. They danced in circles and lines by your jaw, onto your cheek just a little before trailing back to your neck and—
That was what Joe always did.
That’s where Joe let his fingers draw shapes.
He would brush some hair from your face and would then let his fingertips linger, and it always made you hum. Made you relax. Gave you tingles that made your hearing go funny for a second.
Joe watched you lazily self soothe, and after a moment he decided that he’d actually done enough work. He could finish this e-mail tomorrow.
“What are you doing?”
“Hmm? Watching TV.”
Your eyes were back on the screen before Joe could’ve even said anything about how you were touching yourself.
It was nothing sexual - not really. Not what he was witnessing right now anyway. He imagined it just felt nice.
He closed his laptop and got up from his seat, and without looking away from the TV, you moved to make space for Joe next to you, knowing he’d make his way over to press himself into your side.
Joe smiled as you moved blankets aside but kept that one hand near your ear, index finger mapping out your hairline towards the nape of your neck and back.
Instead of sitting down though, Joe pushed a knee into the sofa right next to your thigh and placed his fingers right were yours were, pushing them aside.
“I do this,” Joe said as he hovered over you, and you grinned as you let your head fall to the side more. “This is my job.”
Joe tickled his fingers along your soft skin, fresh and clean from the shower, and it only took a few seconds for you to sigh into his touch.
It was nicer when Joe did it.
“S’nice?” Joe murmured, still with just one knee on the sofa, and you hummed, eyes closed, nodding.
“Is nicer when you do it.”
Joe leant forward to press a kiss to your cheek, getting you just under your eye, and then he moved to sit down next to you.
After a shuffle of throws, pillows, and limbs, you found yourself under Joe’s arm, curled up into his side.
You were comfortable before, but this would always be infinitely better.
“Hmm, you smell nice.” Joe commented after taking a moment to press his nose into your still damp hair.
“Yea? What do I smell like? Shampoo?” you whispered, voice not wanting to be any louder.
Joe easily bit, taking the invitation to get another real good whiff of you, his whole face now pressing into the crook of your neck.
You relished the attention, feeling fuzzy on the inside, heat blooming in your chest.
“Yea, sort of lemony… all fresh and clean.”
You blushed and were unable to hide your smile as you settled together for some TV watching, warm bodies pressed together, always fitting just right somehow.
Joe’s arm rested on the back of the sofa and bent around your head just right for his fingers to play. To touch the skin around your ear like you’d been doing before. To lightly trail and leave goosebumps down your whole body.
You could easily fall asleep like this, legs intertwined, head on his chest.
You lazily watched TV in silence for a while and if Joe was going to keep up the barely there shapes drawn down your neck you knew you actually would fall asleep.
It was becoming difficult to keep your eyes open, every blink a comfortable invitation to just keep them closed, but then the soft buzzing of Joe’s phone pulled you both from your haze.
Joe had your earlobe in between his fingers when he answered, and for a moment you were fully expecting him to get up. Move to where his laptop lay shut to open it once more to maybe finish something he hadn’t yet.
But when you tried to sit up a little for Joe to slip out of this cocoon you’d created, you felt his arm tense. He wasn’t letting go of the soft skin of your ear and to make sure you stayed put, he bent a leg to keep yours in place.
“It’s past ten, mate,” Joe answered and although you didn’t know who was calling him, just from his tone of voice you knew it wasn’t work related.
Joe gently rubbed your earlobe between his fingers and it felt so nice, it turned the world blurry as you unfocused your eyes.
When you relaxed back into him, sinking into the line of his body, Joe tilted his head down to look at you, barely catching your little smile but happy to see you were still enticed by whatever was happening on TV.
You weren’t though.
Not really.
Because as Joe spoke, he let his fingers continue what they’d been doing and if he thought you were able to try to follow his conversation as well as what you were watching whilst he made you melt with his touch, he was wrong.
You were bad at multitasking on a good day, and you knew Joe was too. The fact that he was somehow able to keep you lax and floating whilst simultaneously being mentally present for this phone call was impressive.
Joe laughed through casual conversation with a friend who had some questions about future plans they’d made. Their chat quickly turned into a hey-now-that-I’ve-got-you-on-the-phone catch up.
The low vibrations from his smooth voice were nice. You felt them where your face rested on his chest and relished in the tender love you were receiving that felt like a second nature sort of thing.
“No, I’m just at home. Watching TV.”
Not being mentioned suddenly made Joes fingers feel a little scandalous. Like the person on the phone wasn’t allowed to know you were there and how he was making you feel right now.
It got a little worse when you felt how Joe let his fingers trail down your neck to disappear into your pyjama top where they slowly caressed over your collarbone.
Your voice let a little noise escape when his hand snuck back up again, finding its way into your hair, and Joe chuckled lowly.
You let yourself balance on the borders of consciousness, half asleep with thoughts so far removed from where you were, yet half laser focused on Joe’s fingers and where they tickled your skin.
Unsure of when you’d drifted off, or when Joe had finished his phone call, the next thing you registered was a soft and low far away, “Have I done a plait?” that pulled you back into the room a little more.
With your eyes still closed you reached a heavy hand up to feel what was essentially just a twirled strand of hair, not a plait at all.
You couldn’t hide the little smile that spread at how adorable you thought it was that Joe’d just been playing with your hair and thought he’d actually done something.
He hadn’t.
He just made you feel loved, which was actually far better than a plait.
“Mhm,” you hummed approvingly, snuggling up into Joe more, understanding that it was likely much smarter to just get up and find your way into bed, but you’d quite literally never been more comfortable before.
“I’ve done a plait.” Joe whispered, gleefully proud of himself and making sure that you knew, that you’d heard him, give him some praise.
“Well done.” You lied, because he’d not done a plait, but that was okay.
You weren’t going to shoot yourself in the foot, because you were about to sink back into sleep and there was just one thing that’d make you feel even more comfortable.
That would send you right back off into sleep.
 “Do another.”
The Taglisted
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struwberrii · 3 months
Hii! I love your headcanons and I’ve been listening to your haikyuu playlists daily<3 i was wondering if you’re able to do kuroo headcanons cause that would be great(^_^) take care
kuroo headcannons ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
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thank you so much!! and thank you for the request!! here are some of my silly headcannons for this dork kuroo tetsurou ヽ(^◇^*)/ (also here’s the link to the kuroo playlist i made)
his love language for EVERYONE is teasing them, especially using his height to his advantage to pick on shorter people
doesn’t really study all that much but has crazy good grades
always walks you to class and surprises you during breaks with snacks
constantly picking on you (guys it just means he likes you)
helps you study but not without making fun of you for being ‘dumb’ first
unironically uses reddit and is constantly reading aita stories
i feel like mentally he’s a middle aged white dad
his favorite show is rick and morty or south park
his mom still packs his lunch (he would pack it but he always forgets)
not secretive about anything, like the entire nekoma team knows his phone password
has very creative insults in arguments
type of guy to eat like instant ramen at 8 am and not have a stomach ache
has a weird amount of sponge bob clothes
doesnt have a skincare routine, doesn’t even use face wash when he washes his face but has perfect skin
honestly he’s kind of a dork
can never tell when girls are flirting with him (girls always think he’s flirting first bc of how he talks)
super good at imessage 8ball
loves grabbing fast food and just eating with you or his friends in the parking lot
plays scrabble on his ipad during class
listens to rock and metal bands
sarcastic af
the worlds louded snorer, sleepovers with him are crazy
at the gym a lot and always asking you to come, sometimes he forces kenma to come too (trust he’s on those work out bikes with his switch in his hands)
gets so nervous when trying to compliment you so he’s just like stuttering and fumbling his words
keeps up with basically every sport
very touchy, always has an arm around you
super confident in your relationship, like he trusts you 110%
loves brushing/playing with you hair, probably knows how to braid hair too
always packs snacks, water and medicine just for you
if anyone else asks him if he has those things on him he says no 😭
looks so good in sweat pants
he met your mom one time and she’s always asking about him now (she loved him and wants you guys to be together)
likes the weirdest foods, like he eats the craziest food combos
literally drinks out of a 64 oz yeti water bottle and refills it hourly
probably really likes deathnote and is always watching those hour long video analysis about the characters and the story
brings a speaker to practice and forced the nekoma team to make a practice playlist with him
tries every new video game with kenma
probably loves hot topic and spencer’s
has a garfield mug
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shroomdreams · 4 months
jealousy doesnt look good on you hunny
various possessive!HSR characters x gn!reader
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cw: somewhat dark content, slightly yandere, amab and afab reader (yukong’s part)
Lets get one thing straight: you’re burnt out from love, having been heartbroken so many times by partners you thought you could trust. Eventually you gave up and started fooling around for fun and fortune, giving your intimacy to some lonely souls in exchange for money, gifts, or food. You have a good system going on, but that may change...
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Welt Yang
You first saw the gentleman from the Astral Express during the whole fiasco in Penacony, being there to serve as arm candy to a rather wealthy businessman while he parades his wealth around. You seemed quite bored with your surrounding, taking the occasional sip from your drink when you spot Welt from the corner of your eye.
Something about him was captivating... Was it his golden eyes, filled with so much wisdom and experience? Was it perhaps the way he spoke, how his words seem to make you want to fall to your knees? Or maybe it was because you have a thing for older men?
Either way, when your contract with your previous client ended, you couldn’t help but hope that Welt would make another appearance before you left Penacony. It was unlikely to happen and you were more than ready to accept that he’d be another passing interest in the grand cosmos. That’s what you thought until you met him again, this time before the Astral Express departed from the land of dreams.
You talked with Welt about your situation, finding it easy to admit that you aren’t exactly in a good place in your life. Welt seemed to understand, but you wouldn’t be surprised if he was just pretending to sympathize. Most older folk you’ve met disapproved of your current lifestyle, calling you all sorts of awful names. But not Welt. Welt listened to your story, and appeared to genuinely feel sorry for you.
Somehow, you find yourself on the Astral Express as a passenger. Welt said you were allowed to stay on the train until they reach your final stop. You were very grateful for that, and perhaps the constant change of scenery would do you some good.
Of course, old habits are hard to break. Cozying up to Welt was second nature to you, leaning your head on his shoulder while he talks to you about his experiences on a planet called “Earth.” He doesn’t seem to mind, running a hand through your hair as you snuggle into your arms. The flustered face he makes when March takes a couple of cheeky photos is something you want to forever.
On times where Welt’s frustrations are close to breaching the surface, you’re more than happy to help. You could feel his hand struggling not to tighten around your hair as you suckle on his cock, your moans muffled as he came in your mouth. Sometimes, he’d simply ask you to keep his cock warm, sighing heavily as you sink down on his length. He’s probably the oldest man you’ve taken, if you didn’t count any of your Xianzhou clients.
There are times where Welt’s dominance shines through. He huffs, bending you over his desk as lubricates his cock. You squeal when the tip of his cock enters your hole, moaning when he sheaths himself all the way in, hitting the sensitive spot within your walls. Welt groans out your name as his hips make contact with your ass, obscene noises filling his room as he roughly pounds you. His eyes hold a golden glint as he cums deep inside, painting your walls with his whites as he rubs circles on your hips.
Sessions of lovemaking slowly turn rougher and rougher, to the point where you wake up with hickeys, bruises, and cum splattered on your thighs from how intensely Welt treated you. He’s even drawn your fucked out state in a secret sketchbook of his, something to keep him company when you eventually leave...
...Which is something Welt doesn’t want. There are times where you seem keen on the newest place the Astral Express stopped at, which fuels his possessiveness. You’re safe here on the Express with your new family, and most importantly him.
One day, Welt has you on his bed with just his scarf on, the item wrapped around your wrists. You cry out his name when Welt’s mouth wrap around your nipple, his hand playing with the other bud as you arched your back. When Welt finally relented from his teasing, you were panting heavily, chest overstimulated from his actions. “Stay-” He mutters, placing one of your legs over his shoulder as he enters you. “Stay with me, please... You don’t have to- mmm- Be on the move all the time.”
As you lay in Welt’s hold, you wonder if staying in the Express would be better for you in the long run. You have food, shelter, and bed to share with Welt... And to be fair, you’ve left many things behind. Why not leave your old life as well?
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Getting tangled with the Galaxy Rangers was not something you wanted to experience, and yet here you were, slung over a cyborg’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
Apparently, the client you were with had a bounty on her head, and was also a very dangerous individual. You didn’t mean to pick such a high value target- You were just enticed by the money, that’s all. But according to Boothill, that made you a bad guy as well. However, he seemed pretty flustered when he barged into the room while you were about to go down on your client. You didn’t so much as blink when your benefactor fled the scene, leaving you at Boothill’s mercy.
The cowboy wanted to turn you in, but when he couldn’t find any bounties on your head, he just shook his head, grumbled as he let you go. Before you left, you slipped him your number, cheekily telling him to call when he’s feeling lonely. You thought that would be the last of your interactions with Boothill, that was until your phone rang with an unknown number displayed on the screen.
Boothill asked- more like demanded that you meet with him somewhere, told you he’d make it worth your while. With a shrug, you throw on a sensible outfit and follow the coordinates he sent, leading you to a carnival ran by the Masked Fools. Boothill gives you a grin, slinging an arm over your shoulder as he takes you out on a date. By the end of the day, you’ve filled up on cotton candy and popcorn, while Boothill proudly carries the large stuff animal he won you.
When you get home, you decide to let Boothill in. He sits on the couch, legs spread wide as you go about your business, preparing some refreshments. When you set the tray of snacks on the coffee table, trying to sit on the cushions leads you to straddling Boothill, hands on his shoulders. Boothill’s sharp teeth grazes your neck as his hands wander your body, squeezing your flesh.
Whether you have a pussy or a cock, it doesn’t matter, you will be riding Boothill’s dick until you’re brainless. Metal makes contact with your skin, ass jiggling as you try to keep yourself awake while Boothill’s length rubs against your walls. You had no idea he could even cum- You’re pretty sure his release is just some kind of white lubricant. Either way, he has you crying by the end of the night, and he’s such a bastard about it. He licks away your tears while he fingers your cunt/strokes your dick.
Boothill becomes something of a random event in your life. He’ll either call you and vie for your attention, or he’ll just show up with some gifts, holding your hips as he grinds against you. At some point you learn that he’s a very jealous man, growling when you come home with hickeys on your neck (you’ve given him a spare key since he decided he wants to make your home his base.) Perhaps he’s forgotten, but you made sure to remind him that what you had was not exclusive. You had to make a living somehow, after all. However, this response just pisses him off.
“Maybe yer sweetie little tush don’t belong to no shirtbag before,” He growled, trapping you against the wall, looking down at you with an angry expression. “But that changes now. Yer mine, ya hear?” You don’t get a change to respond before Boothill captures your lips, his tongue tangling with yours as he shreds your clothing, leaving you in underwear... the same underwear your previous client bought you. The cowboy slides between your legs, making you cling onto him as he pulls out his cock.
“Those good-fer-nothing sons of nice ladies don’t deserve ya,” Boothill growled into your ear as he slides in, his cock providing a generous amount of lube so as to not hurt you. “Always flaunting you around like yer nothin’- fffffudge- nothin’ but a pretty accessory they bought, but- haaah- that won’t be the case with me, baby.” You could barely comprehend the words coming out from his mouth, gasping and panting as he grips your hips tight, bouncing you on his cock. “Shirt- Dang it!” Your back makes contact with the wall as Boothill speeds up, his length hitting the deepest spots in your walls as you beg for his mercy.
“Mine mine mine mine-” He rasps, mouthing at your jaw as you wail out his name, babbling about how you’ll break. Boothill pushes up into your hole as he cums deep- groaning into your ear as you shudder around him, whimpering from the overstimulation. “Say it,” Boothill urges, looking at you through lust-filled eyes. “Say that yer mine, darlin’...”
You mumble his name before promptly passing out.
Perhaps it’s time you changed the locks on your door... Maybe even move out and find a new place.
Then again, the Galaxy Rangers are pathstriders of the Hunt. It wouldn’t be long until Boothill finds you once more. Maybe it’s time you retire from your “job,” just to keep your clients safe until Boothill gets bored of you... Hopefully.
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How did you even get involved with the Helm Master of the Sky Faring Commission? It’s a bit of a story. It involves some missing documents, your client getting into a scuffle with the Cloud Knights, and now you’re sat in an interrogation room. When you see Madam Yukong herself walking in, you’re nearly certain that you’re in deep, deep shit. However, she surprises you by making you a cup of tea and asking about how you’re feeling.
The foxian clarifies that she just wanted to check on your status, since seeing your boyfriend be apprehended must have been a shock. Her face sports a confused expression when you laugh and shake your head, saying that he man they apprehended is more of a business partner than a boyfriend. Though not visible on her face, anger bubbles within her as you admit that you’re just an escort for that man. She asks a few more questions before bidding you farewell.
You don’t hear from your client after you are released. Yukong says he was kicked out from the Luofu shortly after. Realizing you don’t have a place to stay, you were about to ask Yukong where you could take up residence when she happily offered for you to stay at her home. That’s how you wound up in guest room, sat on the bed as Yukong explains a few rules: 1. You would no longer offer your services to the citizens of the Luofu. 2. You tell if her anything bothers your. 3. No funny business when Caiyi visits. 4. No staying out at nighttime.
Rules you’re familiar with. She reminds you of your previous landlady. You can’t complain too much, but you’re worried about how you could repay her for her kindness. So you end up working a few odd jobs here and there, stashing away your strales until you felt you had enough to give to Yukong. But when you presented the strales to the foxian, she just shook her head and told you to spend it on yourself.
A routine settles between the two of you. You would wake up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for the two of you, and when Yukong leaves, you take care of the housework (which admittedly isn’t much.) And when she comes home, you greet her with a smile joining her for dinner. Sometimes, she gives you a trinket or two.
However, you’re unused to this level of domesticity. The lights outside tempt you to flee, find some lost soul, and just... do whatever. So that’s exactly what you do. One night, when Yukong was too busy with work to come home, you put on a traditional Xianzhou outfit and head out to Aurum Alley. You quickly found a foxian to hang out with, clinging to his arm as he showed you around. A quick drink or two, and you find yourself in an alleyway, sat on a crate as he made out with you.
What you both fail to realize is that another foxian had been following the two of you for some time. Yukong glowers at the man as he begins disrobing. “That’s enough.” Her sharp tone has him freezing up in alarm, while you gulp. “Leave, and I’ll consider not reporting the two of you for indecent behavior in a public space.” Cowed by her words, the foxian man ditches you, leaving you with a very angry Yukong.
She drags you back home, the journey heavy with silence. You’ve never seen her so mad before, her gentle features warped into one of pure wrath. But instead of hitting you or screaming into your ears, Yukong beckons you over with her finger. When you get close to her, she has you sat on her lap as her violet eyes bore into yours. Her hand settles on your cheek, her thumb swiping at your bottom lip. “I told you before that you are to cease your activities.” She growls, her tail swishing in anticipation as she kisses your face. “Perhaps I need to teach you a lesson.”
She captures your lips in a frenzied haze as she starts taking off your clothes, leaving you bare while she remains fully clothed. One of her hands stays at your neck as the other one makes its way down to your intimate parts. If you have a vagina, her fingers would be sliding over the lips of your cunt, getting you wet enough so she could start pumping her digits inside, watching as you gush around her. If you have a penis, she would wet her hand before grasping your length, stimulating your shaft until you came all over yourself.
And she doesn’t stop, not until she thinks you’ve learned your lesson. You gasp and grab at her hands, feebly trying to stop her as she sped up, driving you to another orgasm. Yukong forces her fingers into your mouth, making you taste yourself as she commands you to clean off her fingers. After that, you find yourself blindfolded and tied up, laying on your back.
(AFAB!Reader) You whine as you feel her cunny rubbing up against yours, her clit kissing your sensitive nub as she pants. Yukong plays with your tits, kneading and squishing your nipples as she ruts against you, your union creating a cacophony of wet noise. Yukong sighs as she ground her pussy against yours, cumming on your cunny as you gasp out her name.
(AMAB!Reader) Yukong pushes your thighs to your chest, folding you in half as she hovers above your cock. A moan tumbles out your mouth when Yukong sinks her warmth down, squeezing your length. She growls, bouncing her hips while you moan out loud, feeling your release building up. Yukong slams down one last time as your cock twitches, breathing heavily as you cum deep in her walls.
As you recover from your orgasm, Yukong leans over and sinks her teeth into the junction between your neck and your shoulder, marking you with a very noticeable hickey.
Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to be Yukong’s cute house spouse, is what your lust-addled mind tells you. And to be frank- It would be difficult to leave. Not after Yukong hastily kisses you with an iron-stained mouth, moving her hips once more.
In the end, you begin the process of fully integrating into the Xianzhou society, Yukong beaming and helping you with any documents.
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She’s actually one of your regulars, if you can believe it. You had no idea of her Stellaron Hunter status until she showed up at your place, bloodied and covered with viscera did you finally discover her true identity. But that didn’t exactly deter you. Maybe it’s because you got used to her antics, or that you might be a fellow pathstrider of the Nihility, but you took it in stride. You just prepared a nice bath for her while taking her clothes, running the washing machine while she chats about her day.
She’s basically your sugar mommy, buying you pretty clothes, foods, trinkets, and other oddities when she swings on by. Kafka has you model various outfits for her, humming in appreciation as she eyes your body, sending shivers down your spine. Admittedly, the idea that you have such a dangerous woman desiring you has your mind in a heated tizzy. Still, you still have other people to entertain...
...Which does irritate Kafka just the tiniest bit. She knows that you two are worlds apart, you being a very promiscuous, yet law abiding citizen while the IPC has several billion credits hanging above her head. But she keeps her cool, smiling as her hands ghost your body, teasing you.
One day, when you came home crying, Kafka is quick to let you fall into her arms. You don’t say anything, just curling up in her hold as she whispers into your ear. One of your toys hurt you? Oh, poor little pookie. Don’t worry, Kafka’s here to keep you company. You don’t protest when Kafka takes you to the bathroom, pulling off your clothes and sitting you on a stool while she gets the water running. Warm water surrounds you, tears merging with the liquid as Kafka pampers you.
And when you’re dried and dressed in a bathrobe, Kafka leans in and whispers... Suggestions into your ear. The next day, you’ve canceled some plans with your other partners, leaving just Kafka in your schedule. She takes full advantage of this, kisses peppering your neck as she mumbles her adoration for you. “Such a good darling,” She laughs. “Listen to me: You don’t need to do anything else. Just let your beloved Kafka take care of you, okay?” You feel your head nod as Kafka settles between your legs, kissing your thighs.
The Stellaron Hunter gives you the best head of your life. The wind knocked out of your lungs as Kafka licks up your sex, suckling and tonguing intimately while you whine and buck your hips. As you reach your peak, Kafka seals her mouth over your hot, sticky cunt/cock, making you cum in her mouth. You’re definitely not the one in control, though, let me remind you of that.
“Hmm? You want to eat me out, honey?” Kafka says. You aren’t quite sure when you said it out loud, but Kafka wastes no time in discarding her shorts and tights, hovering above your face with a wicked smile. Your hands fly up to her hips, trying to tug her down. Kafka chuckles. “Go on then, darling. Eat up~” She sits on your face, her presence nearly suffocating you, but you don’t care. All you cared about is making her cum on your face, tongue swiping over her cunt.
She rewarded you with hums and moans while her nectar dripped down your face, your mouth eagerly collecting her slick. Kafka ground her hips down when you sucked her clit, gripping your hair as husky laughs escaped her. Eventually, her release covered your face, Kafka beaming with pride as she cleaned you up.
Eventually, Kafka becomes the only one you see. The only person you pleasure, the only person allowed to touch you. And she couldn’t be happier about it.
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jhopezwrld · 21 days
can you do some nsfw five headcanons? thanksss
aw hell yea man. i want aidan gallagher so bad it’s criminal i need to be locked up in horny jail !! (surprise surprise i like another white man)
five hargreeves nsfw headcanons
tw: smut !! mdni plz xoxo 💋
ngl it took him a WHILE to stop cumming so quick after the two of u had sex for the first time. dude was alone for like 50 years with nothing but a mannequin and his left hand ok cut him some slack
but trust me when i say he always made up for it. if he’s cumming after 5 minutes he’s making u cum at LEAST two times that night (more for himself than for you bc busting so quick damaged his ego a bit)
had never eaten pussy before you so he was super hesitant going into it at first, even though he didn’t act like it
probably spent a few minutes exploring what you had down there before rlly going to town on you
picks up on things very quickly bc he’s so smart so it was easy for him to figure out what you liked and didn’t like
is able to make you cum the first time he goes down on you and will never forget it (huge ego boost)
blowjobs are one of his favorite things in the world, second only to actual sex with you
he’s heard his brothers talk about sex in passing but brushed it off as some stupid superficial thing they were obsessed with
but oh man after the first time you two do it he wants it all the time
for the first few months he’s practically insatiable, which is so far from his normally calm and collected persona
after a while, he’s able to control himself more. it becomes less of an addiction and more of a luxury to him
but don’t get me wrong, just because he doesn’t need it every day doesn’t mean he doesn’t need it often
he considers it the perfect way to unwind from a long and stressful day
or the best way to apologize after upsetting you
prefers using his fingers over his mouth on you because he gets a better view of your face and how good he’s making you feel
he gets super possessive sometimes (especially when he’s drunk) so he will occasionally leave dark bruises on your neck, just below your collar. easy enough to cover up but easy to show off as well
doesn’t like hickies on himself but appreciates scratches on his back from time to time
doesnt talk about your sex life with his siblings, but it’s clear by the way he relaxes around them more after the two of you get together that he’s getting that ‘good good’ (direct quote from diego said to a disgusted allison)
keeps his hair long because he likes when you tug it
favorite position is missionary bc he’s a classic man what can i say. he loves that he can see your entire body and your face all at the same time
however you on top is something he’ll never refuse
pls just top him every once and a while he’s so tired from saving the world thrice and taking care of his siblings and murdering people… he needs a break !
is always so hesitant to relinquish control to you but he knows he always enjoys himself in the end
doesn’t usually get into ‘roles’ during sex but he prefers being the one to call the shots
if ur able to get him to sub be prepared bc he’s a mouthy little brat
probably likes being slapped around a lil bit i can’t lie
is a secret sucker for soft romantic sex (but he saves that for special occasions like anniversaries and birthdays)
he’ll cradle your face and whisper how pretty you are and press gentle kisses to your cheeks. he’ll even hold ur hand the whole time!!
ok last addition but i feel like when he gets super drunk he’ll accidentally spill the beans about your sex life to klaus and ben and now ben can’t look at him or you the same without remembering that five told him you swallow LMAO
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thatgirlsza · 7 months
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Satoru Gojo
Take your panties off as soon as you get home, and you will end up being eaten out until you fall asleep and wake up again. Satoru loves loves it when you are tugging his white locks and crying out his name, so much so he will offer it. As for you giving him oral, he would let you, but it's not his favorite thing. Sure, you are really good at it. He just gets too busy wanting to taste you.
Kento Nanami
Nanami will let you sit on his face and pull his pretty blonde hair until you crumble into a boneless mass on top of him. But for him, he doesn't really like receiving. He'll do it if you ask to because it gives you please, but he's not a fan.
Suguru Getou
Suguru ikes receiving oral, fucking hard into your thoart so it brusises. And it equally he loves eating your pretty cunt out. For him it really is an equal love, you both end up sixty nining most of the time, sometimes for hours.
Toji Fushiguro
Toji is a suckered for you wrapping your lips around his dick and sucking him off. He could have you there on you knees looking up at him all day, simply kissing the tip and taking all of it in your mouth. He does give especially because he is in love with the feeling of your thighs against his head but feels insecure thinking he may not be doing a good job.
Ryoumen Sukuna
Ryoumen has two mouths that he uses to please you. Its either he'll place your legs on his big hulking shoulders and fuck you insane or he'll lift you off his dick when riding and let you straddle around his wasit so he can lick you senseless. More than that though he likes watching your pretty lips stretched around his big fat crown, eyes all teary as you struggle to take all of him.
Ino Takuma
Ino loves giving you oral. He could eat your pussy like a man starved for hours at a time. The feeling of your thighs incasing his head never gets old. As for receiving Ino would prefer it if i was on your accord. He doesnt like asking for head.
Chousou loves getting his dick wet and slobbed over by you pretty mouth. Je loves seeing the tears that fall when you do and the little teasing smile you give him while you kiss the tip. As for giving, yes he enjoys it but he is still not too confident in his ability to pleasure you. So his favorite thing is when you.stroke his hair and gentle whisper how good his doing.
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skullvgirl · 4 months
attractive things they do | bllk
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incl. isagi, bachira, gagamaru, kunigami, naruhaya, nagi, reo, barou, shidou, chigiri, raichi, niko, zantetsu, sae, rin, ego, ayru
warnings. fem reader, probably ooc, established relationship, suggestive
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isagi likes laying his head between your lap, he says their soft like pillows and he likes squishing them like stressballs. ( which they kinda are if you ask him ) he especially loves to lay in your lap while you comb through his hair ; talking about whatever it is that you're talking about as your sexy soothing voice calms him to the brink of extinction sleep.
bachira says he would live under your skin if he could. and you wholeheartedly believe him. he's always touching you, he feels insane around you ( not that he already isnt ) and it makes him giddy. the thought of being able to be with you 25/8 365 days a year always next too him. ( he watches you while you sleep ) .
gagamaru puts all his weight on you when your cuddling. in the way it feels like a weighted blanket so that you dont have any sort of urge to leave him. he's quite direct with you if you attempt to leave however. its always 'yn, where are you going, ill get cold if you leave so stay please'.
kunigami kisses your knuckles without thought, all the time. he usually does it when the conversation is deep and unintentionally holds the longest eye contact with you—all while he's grazing his lips over your fingers as he listens to you speak.
naruhaya is a share-er, and despite having to share his whole life ( curtesy his many siblings ) he doesnt mind sharing with you some more. it's like second nature for him to break, split or divide whatever it is he has for you so that both you and him can have a piece.
nagi likes resting his head on the top of yours, no matter your height he'll bend himself over to snuggle the underside of his chin against your hair, his large arms wrapped perfectly around your neck, squishing your cheeks together in endless bliss.
reo sticks money between your bra. his favorite thing to do is push 100 dollar bills in between your cleavage ( mostly so he can feel you up ) and see how easily your arguing fades away. on a side note he probably does this in bed too but instead of your breasts its used as a gag too soften the exponentially loud moans you emit.
its might sound cliche but barou has a hand around your waist, all the time. its his outward show of affection to let everyone in the vicinity know he's yours and your his. his hands like resting on your hips ( and your hip dips ) out of habit now, and it honestly feels more weird too have his hands off your hips than on them.
shidou likes holding onto the loop your belt buckles, specifically the one right on your hip. he likes tugging at it and pulling you towards him—mostly when he wants a innocent kiss, other times when he's hot and bothered, and needs you as close to him as possible. sometimes he'll slide his two fingers back and forth between a loop and the next one, if you ask him about it hell say he's 'just practicing'.
chigiri has an obsession with your neck, especially when it's exposed. you say its sensive so he likes to tease you, lightly grazing his fingers over it or even kissing the most sensitive spots so that you squirm and giggle all the while he thinks about when he could snatch a chance and bite it.
raichi runs his tounge over his teeth, alot. letting the sparkley white shine with giddy thoughts and damn is it hot. he mostly does it when your telling him a story or when you're trying on clothes for him and the most he could manage without pouncing on you is a grin and tounge across his teeth.
niko is like your shadow. some could even say he has scary dog privileges ( i know, hear me out ) he's not terribly short ( 173 cm or 5'8 ) and the hair that covers his face can kind of give him a scary look, especially when his big green eyes death stare all the guys that try and hit on you. it runs them out trust me.
zantetsu despite being rather slow to understand somethings and hardly knows what he's talking about sometimes can defend you in a conversation like crazzzyyy, he knows you well and honestly sometimes just likes talking about you, even if someones not attacking you.
sae has the biggest softspot for you, but on the down low. he'll never admit and he's different about showing it but man. if you could hear his thoughts and you though him, you'd be blown away. at the store: i wonder if she'd like something like this..i remember she was twiking me about it one day... as he's speaking to you : wow i cannot stop looking at her eyes, i think thats a new mascara she's wearing. i should tell her it looks pretty on her. only he never does these things because he's emotional constipated and hasn't found a reason yet to fix it.
rin is clingy but like his brother, on the downlow. he actually 10x more emotionaly constipated than his older brother and his attachment to you is 10x worse. he's got the cutest way about asking though ; he'll hold onto your shirt like a little kid or even pout when you try to leave him. (#abandonmentissueswho?)
ego has petnames he only uses for you, hes the type of husband that is super evil too the boys but falls quickly under your pressuring gaze. he obviously isn't to fond of many things much less people but i can say for a fact he cares for you like he wouls himself ( which i guess if you really think about it, not all that much but you get my point —) .
ayru twirls your hair when you kiss, his own longer hair covering all the action while you two smooch like lovebirds in a tree. it's so thick and luscious that whenever you guys kiss, hardly anyone can see because its like a sheild in your face.
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an's. this took a lifetime omgg, anyways more parts too the 100 SKULLHEADS special out soon, check my events masterlist too see whats next !
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mukbangg · 9 months
Soft Billy thoughts...
(I'm waiting for my rollercoaster ride like this queue is so long for what....anyways billy drabble)
Early mornings before the summer sun comes out, and the chill has yet to leave the air so its cozy and snug under the sheets pressed against Billy. Hes sprawled over you like you'll fly away if he hasnt got his arms and legs wrapped around you. Honestly the first few times you had tried to kick him off but you're resigned to your fate after he keeps crawling back , cooing and kissing your jaw, face tucked in your neck with half his body practically pressing you down. Sometimes you say hes more baby than cowboy.
But mornings like this with Billy, pressed skin to skin like hes trying to merge with you, half naked and toasty sandwiched between him and the bed, you couldn't ask for anything more perfect.
"Mornin' doll,"
He murmurs, lips already trailing hot kisses down the side of your face that could only mean one thing. His arm was under your back and hooked under your armpit, pressing your side into his chest while his other hand palms at your belly, thumbing at the under curve of your breasts. Billy's obssessed with touching you, often times trailing behind like some puppy, hand stuffed down your back pocket despite your repeated chidings that you're busy.
He cant help it, he just need his girl.
Breath hot on your cheek, theres no stopping Billy when he gets like this, so full of love for you as he mumbles sweet nothings, hand sliding down to tug your panties off and tease your clit. You whine, still bleary with sleep, eyes barely open as each press of his callous finger shoots straight pleasure up your spine.
"Open up f'me,"
Billy chuckles, tapping on your thighs.
You breathed out a sigh, doing as you're told and he awards you with another kiss on your cheek.
"That's my girl,"
He sucks in a harsh breath when he dips a finger into your cunny, slippery with the slick pooling already. He squeezes two thick fingers in, curling to rub at your sweet spot as he echoes your moans, nuzzling into your hair.
Then he squeezes a third finger in, stretching out your sloppy cunt and you mewl, back arching to grind down lazily on his fingers.
He swirls his thumb on your clit a few more times and you sputter gasping breaths as you gush around his fingers.
But Billy's not done and he continues to fuck your cunny with three fingers, trying to coax another orgasm out of you.
"Its t-too much Billy-"
"I can't-"
But he doesnt care and your jaw goes slack as he fits his pinky in, the sweet burn accompanied with his frantic swirling on your clit making you choke out a broken whimper at the sudden burst of pleasure as you see stars.
You're panting, head lolling back as you try to blink away the fuzziness in your head, his fingers pulling out to stroke your wet folds. Hes murmuring praises into your ear and you think hes finished as he pull you into his lap, brain too stuffed with cotton to register his large palms spreading your thighs again his chin hooked over your shoulder to watch your sweet cunny swallow his cock.
Then hes planting his knees firmly into the bed to thrust up frantically into you, the wet slickslickslick of your sloppy pussy filling the room alongside your choked moans and the squeak of the flimsy bed.
"G'me another doll,"
Billy coos into your ear, almost condescending if not for the soft lilt of his pet name for you.
"Y'can do it, hm? My best girl,"
His hand leaves the underside of your thigh and reaches in front of you, fingers rubbing roughly on your swollen clit as tears leak out your eyes at the overstimulation, not a single coherent thought in your mind.
Then he drops you down on his cock just right and your orgasm rips through you so hard your vision goes white for abit as you practically squirt his dick out.
You can hear Billy's delighted snort of laughter before he choked out a moan, his other hand going to fist his cock desperately and hes spurting thick strings of white over your pussy. His fingers were quick to smear his cum over your folds, tap tapping at your clit to coax out spurts of clear liquids as you whine in protest, too sensitive to do anything but jolt and tremble in his arms.
But then hes squeezing three fingers back into your sloppy hole to fuck his cum in slowly, tutting at the waste.
"My girl's the best in the world, hm?"
He mumbles into the side of your head, kissing you softly and watching your sleepy eyes flutter as his other hand goes to cup your jaw to support your lolling head.
His thumb swipes at the line of drool at the corner of your lips, thumb pressing into your mouth for you to suck lazily before hes lining his already hard cock up to your leaking hole, rubbing against your clit once, twice, and you both moan as he pushes his swollen head in to kiss your cervix.
"This time you'll take my cum in your tummy, 'kay? Don't waste it again,"
The threat in his tone as he forces you to look at your drooling cunny stretch over his fat cock was enough to make you mewl in agreement, nodding clumsily as he begin to fuck you in earnest once more.
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4pfsukuna · 3 months
B.A.S G. Suguru
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Debrief: heavily inspired by Megan thee stallions new song B.A.S. Warning: Smut like turn your screen brightness down and read in private. Geto suguru is his own warning
part 1 can be read here but not necessary to read it’s just Gojo smut🙃
Suguru Geto was a very jealous man, although he kept a calm exterior inside he was a storm of brewing emotions.
You had been friends with both him and Satoru since 6th grade enjoying having two bodyguards…and jesters.While the three of you jokingly flirted with another the boundary was set when it came to any of you being in relationships even if Suguru never stayed with a girl longer than a few months, he blamed it on getting the ick and sometimes you dont know whos sassier him or Gojo.
“Ah so you were kidnapped by snow white” you hear before you catch a glance of his dark hair going into the fridge rummaging around as if he owned it. The two of you had made such a habit of going through satorus things and taking it, honestly it was a surprise he even let you back in. You sat infront of Gojos laptop checking emails and things for your job since you’d gotten so comfortable and he practically forced you to stay. Not that you minded he had fast WiFi good snacks and his bed felt like those luxury hotel rooms.
“I'm assuming that's why you bluffed our trip to the museum” he smirks over his shoulder, covering his pure jealousy, watching your face fall. Stopping your chewing you reach for your phone seeing the missed calls and text from him covered on your lock screen of you him and satoru with your matching koi fish tattoos behind your ear. 
“Sorry my glorious—“ you begin but he scoffs.
“I am not satoru, you can't sweet talk me!” He rolls his eyes taking a bite out of a cake pop left in the fridge. He doesn't seem to be bothered by it but you know better.
The previously mentioned man walks in shirtless black sweats hanging low on his hips revealing the designer logo on his boxer briefs. There's a certain pep in his step and arrogance about the way his sweats hang that Suguru absolutely does NOT miss.
“You're just jealous she spent the weekend with me and not at some boring ass museum” he smirks, bumping shoulders with Suguru who shoves him back with a pointed look. And he knows that glow on satoru, knows that you two fucked he doesnt know you two recorded it but even though he had a new girlfriend this week you two fucking gave him the absolute ick.
For her.
“It was a day and a half and i promise we can go to the museum after i finish this portfolio for my client” you correct Gojo and send a soft smile to Geto who smirks at the pouting snow haired man.
“No i don't want to share you, besides don't you have a girlfriend to bother and take on dates” Gojos sharp tongue jabs at his friend as he walks over to the fridge and he knew exactly what he was doing Getos got a sharper tongue though when he's jealous.
“Actually i do she wants to go on a double date tonight so get dressed” he tells him a challenging look in his eye and the tension in the room grows thick. he's challenging to see if either of you will speak up on what happened and he doesn't miss the way you two avoid eye contact his smirk growing wider.
Gojo catches it though. 
“Mmm no thanks, I'm getting my dick wet tonight” He shrugs knowing whatever upper hand suguru thought he had… he didn't. He can't help the way his heart skips a beat when he catches your smile confirmation for round 7…8?
“Why not two in one night, youre never one to turn down a sexscapade” and he's quick, so quick that it gives you both whiplash as he toys with you now pulling a random piece of lint off your shorts… a pair of Gojos boxers which makes his brow twitch in frustration. You had on his shirt, boxers and socks…you fucking smelled like him.
There was nothing he could say to Gojo so he turned his metaphorical dagger on you.
“Isn't that right sweetheart? Don't you just love listening to your favorite fuckboys sex stories” and he had the audacity to try and GOAD you. Knowing how incredibly possessive your ass was and poison is dripping from his lips at “your favorite fuckboy”. Oh he knew it's definitely known between the 3 of you that he knew. The room gets hotter and before Gojo could say anything they're both reminded why you fit so perfectly into the trio.
“If you think I spent the whole weekend with this blue eyed glow stick and he didn't spew complete filth into my ear the whole time— don't humor me” and it's a triple threat. The nickname, double entendre and you poke back. Both of their heads are spinning at the way you say it without even so much as glancing up from your laptop screen.
Yeah you heard about his sex stories satoru couldn't hold water if you gave him a bucket and strapped it to his chest but now that you've had it there was a tinge of possessiveness you now claimed over him.
It's a tense silence only being broken by Satorus phone ringing letting you know the uber eats driver is down stairs.
“I'll be back, don't miss me too much” Gojo humms arrogantly, fingers running over your shoulders before bumping suguru on his way out. 
You barely wait for satoru to close the door before you start speaking knowing Suguru would try to take control of the conversation.
“Jealousy isnt a good look on you—“ you smirk and he cuts you off, grabbing your chin.
“Are you FUCKING him?” He asks, a deadpan look on his face, his cologne enveloping your senses with a slight hint of japanese cherry blossom making you glare at him.
“Not you in MY business” you roll your eyes pulling your chin from his hand. The fucking audacity.
“Princess” he goads with that nickname glimpses of when satoru moaned it in your ear flash back “Are YOU fucking him?” He enunciates and you hated to be questioned it didn't matter who he was to you.
“Smelling like another woman and questioning ME is crazy” you scoff as he stands in between your legs eyeing you with a slight eye roll.
 “You aint shit” and something about that sets him off, his eyes getting darker as if you didn’t smell like Satoru.
“Oh! Are you jealous?” He steps closer leaning toward your face, eyes flickering toward your lips as he licks his. “Does Satoru know how many times we’ve kissed?” He asks you, hands setting on your thighs with a slight squeeze.
Sure you’ve shared a few drunk kisses with Suguru and maybe a couple of sober ones too but he was a good kisser and you liked kissing when drunk. Why kiss a random stranger when HE was there. Plus you had to test to see if he was that good sober… for research purposes.
Licking your teeth you watch as his smirk returns and you’d do anything to wipe it off, taking his thick neck and wrapping as much as your green acrylic covered fingers around his neck as possible. You smile when he melts into it, eyes focused on your thick pink lips.
“Yeah… guess we both AINT SHIT” and as if he’s psychic he pulls back just in time for Satoru to walk in with bags of food. 
“Guess who got extra food for being shirtless and the delivery guy thinking i was a God” he whoops, setting it on the marble island top  in front of the two of you, you  and suguru sharing a look before laughing. He was sooo…. Himself. 
You engage in mindless chatter opening up the white carry out boxes of food unaware of the looks the duo keeps giving you before Suguru notices there's only two platters of sticky rice he slides one to you and keeps the other for himself quickly using a set of chopsticks to gather a large amount.
Before he could even lift it to his mouth satoru lurches forward taking it in his mouth letting his tongue twirl around the tips of the sticks before pulling back and chewing with a vicious smile on his face.
“GOJO!” He snaps bewildered and the tips of his ears being red lost on the two of you due to his long hair covering it.
“That's for my cake pop” he retaliates sitting back on the stool and you giggle taking a bite of your own rice.
“Satoru, I don't know where your mouth has been.” Suguru says in fake disgust although he goes to eat off the same chopsticks.
“My mouths been places you wish yours was” and the tensions back this time it's playful as the two begin play fighting.
Getting caught up with work you hardly have time to spend with either of them except for a few texts here and there Suguru is relentless in the thirst traps he sends you— laying in bed with audio of his morning voice, shirtless gym selfies even after shower selfies with his towel hanging dangerously low.
 You entertain his game by sending him a photo of you arching in the mirror spine tattoo illuminated by the red mood lights and a black thong and ask ‘do you think this is good enough to send to my hoes’ and he chuckles at your little cat and mouse game. You're conniving, bratty and know how to work his nerve. He doesn't care who you send it to because he saw it first.
Ge-hoe {whats the plans for today, sweetheart} 
You know that's his subtle way of seeing if you wanted to hang out but you were out on a date and it wasnt with satoru either. You debate responding to the text when your phone buzzes again.
Ge-hoe {and Satoru already blabbed that you two went to breakfast today and he was drunk of mimosas so i know that idiot doesn't have your attention for the rest of the night}
You {just enjoying some me time, you?} 
Ge-hoe {Same.}
You had actually been out on a date, makeup done, fresh nail set, new hair style and a brand new outfit to an arcade date followed by a small cafe. You weren't complaining, it was something casual and fun without too much pressure.
You're sitting on the basketball game watching as he misses every jump shot, the two of you laughing about it until you feel someone brush up against your arm. Ready to snarl about personal space until their cologne hits your nose and you instantly know who it is. Dior sauvage with a hint of coconut conditioner.
Ge-hoe {Pleasure seeing you here princess.}
You {likewise}
And when you hear the high pitched voice of another woman you can't help but glance, she was cute you'll give her that— but not his type. You like her style and just as you're ready to compliment her she muggs you sending you the nastiest glare which your smile grows at. You weren't entertaining her when you had matching tattoos with this man. Not enough of a threat when he's lying about spending time with her. But you were lying too.
Lying to me and im lying to him guess we both aint shit
Ge-whore { you look so pretty propped up there}
8 more messages come through and you nearly block him as he lays his compliments on thick. 
The last one catches your attention though.
Ge-whore{can you condition my hair tonight, you know i love when you scratch my head with fresh nails} 
You {youre so annoying} 
You {i want food}
Blueeyedking to group chat {i know you two didn't go to the arcade without me!}
When Suguru pulls up to your semi spacious loft (apartment) donned in a tight fitted compression shirt, gray sweats and sneakers two bags in hand you know he's serious. There's a lot of things he played about but his hair wasn't one so when he sees your extravagant hair care routine he knows he can trust you.
You turn into a certified yapper talking about work taking pride in it as you lather his scalp with conditioner and when his eyes close you know he's thoroughly enjoying it.
“And your date?” He ask now moving to lay his head in your lap as you use your diffuser on his hair claiming something about heat damage but you know he just likes the feeling of your fingers in his hair. You shrug looking over at your calendar.
“What are you wearing to your boyfriends party on saturday” and he opens his eyes to send you a glare knowing you were talking about gojo and you send him a coy smile. Heavy arm dropping down to your calf he begins massaging it pressing a thumb heavily into a specific spot that causes you to let out a strangled sound.
“Ngghh- Suguru! S-stop” you tug on a lock of hair which doesn't phase him. Suguru was no idiot he knew exacctly where every pleasure point on the body was and would sometimes fuck with you and Gojo at the worst times.
“Sounds so pretty saying my name” and this time his fingers brush your knee making you squirm so focused on his hair you don't notice the oversized shirt has been rising this whole time and it now rests on your hips giving him a perfect view of your red lace underwear.
“You wore this for your lil date?” He asks, hooking a finger in the band and snapping it against your skin.
“I wore it for myself cause i look hot as fuck dont piss me off” you pop his finger but that doesnt stop him as he plays with the lace hem the tension rising as you try to focus on his hair.
“Suguru stop fucking playing” you hiss pulling half his hair up into a bun to section off the finished part and he takes that as a challenge.
“I never play with my food” and he leaves a kiss on top of your mound over the lace listening to the way your breath hitches. He flips the both of you in one movement so his back is laying on the couch and you're straddling his mouth.
His tongue is licking a long stripe through your underwear that you feel on your slit making you let out a stifled moan. 
Satoru was an idiot.
Satoru was a big fucking idiot.
There was no way satoru tasted you and let you walk out. Hes licking at your folds feverishly before his tongue swirls around your clit. 
“S- suguru” you moan softly and that triggers an insatiable side of him. He locks an arm around your thigh so you can't move before sucking your clit into his mouth with more intensity.
The moans are spilling out the same way your wetness is your body instantly so responsive as he flickers a tongue through your folds. Thrusting a tongue up into you twisting and curling your hips buck at the intrusion earning a groan.
He uses his free hand to slowly push a thick middle finger in your core curling it pulling the sluttiest moan from you. watching your head lul back and back arch he's committing everything to memory, every moan and gasp when he curls or flexes a finger, the way your brows furrow and nose scrunches cutely when he sucks on your clit but most importantly the way you’re hips buck when he pushes his tongue harder against your clit.
Your moans begin to get higher and thighs start to tighten around his head and damn is he so contempt you both miss the vibrations of his phone on your coffee table nearing the edge…just like you.
He can't help but to snake one of his own hands down to his aching dick that's so painfully hard he bucks into his hand the minute he gets a grip on it.
He moans out the vibration traveling up your whole body as one hand grips the armrest of the couch and he nearly loses it when you start to babble.
“Fuck fuck nnggh fuck sug…suguru i—“ you whine hips bucking against his face and fuck hes losing his mind at the way your hand comes down to hold his face in place.
“Talk to me sweetheart” his muffled words come out and you feel the orgasm ready to rip through you watching his hooded eyes look up at you.
It's when you notice he's jerking off from pleasuring you that you can no longer hold back the orgasm and release down his face juices falling in his chin, down his neck even falling to his shirt.
He doesn't stop eating though, oh no his mouth latches on adding a second finger in listening to the squelching sounds he's pulling from you and the way you keep moaning his name like a prayer. His mouth starts making smacking sounds as he pushes you more into his mouth.
“F-feels so good! Im gunna—Suguru please please please” you whine and you never had to beg but fuck do you sound so pretty when you do and the way your tone gets higher, voice gets needier and pussy gets so much wetter. He moves his fingers faster,  mouth faster and his grip faster on himself matching the way your hips move on his lips.
“J-just like tha—nghh” You cum extremely fast this time your whole body shaking  and his hips stutter ropes of white cum shooting from his tip all over his pants as he lets you come down from your high noticing your body swaying as your breathing gets extremely heavy. 
Chuckling he sits up pushing your hips down to his lap as he rubs your back and thighs before placing a sloppy kiss on your lips. He wanted nothing more than to let you keep cuming on his face but if he didnt get up he was going to lose his mind and take everything you had to give and then some. Hed never make it to actually fucking you.
“So you done fucking with that loser from earlier?” He asks in your ear trailing kisses down your neck listening to the way you pant for him soaking up his whole lap nails digging into his broad shoulders. His phone rings on the coffee table a contact photo of the girl from the arcade and you peel yourself off of him wiping your essence off his lips.
“Quit asking when imma leave my niggas knowing you still with your bitch” and he pulls you back by your thighs massaging them over his lap pushing his hair out of his face long locs cascading over his broad shoulders covered in his now soaked shirt. He pays little attention to what you were saying knowing he'd be single by tonight.
You don't speak to either of them much until Gojo’s party taking your time getting ready, only waltzing in once the party is in full swing.
Its only a minute in before Getos by your side pulling you in for a hug a smooth “hey sweetheart” chuckled in your ear as he holds out his drink for you never moving his arm from off of you. Gojo isn't too far behind pulling you away from the dark haired man taking you in an embrace of his own.
“Princess you finally made it” he yells kissing the top of your head with 3 shots in his opposite hand. You scrunch your nose as you take the shot and push the empty glass back towards him.
“Free alcohol and a chance to dress up and look pretty as fuck? Of course” you finish the drink Suguru had given you,  eyes landing on Shoko and Maki who waves you over.
“Ditching us already?” Suguru purrs an unashamed glint in his eye. He licks his lips and the way your eyes flicker and watch momentarily let him know the two of you are thinking about the same thing.
“Yeah you’ve been ignoring us the past few weeks. I can't remember the last time you called me your blue eyed king” Satoru pouts crossing his arms over his chest.
“What can i say…I’m a hot commodity” you wink before going over to the couch where the girls are, your heels sinking slightly in the rug as you walk.
“I'm surprised you could get away from your boyfriends” maki smirks over her red solo cup and you roll your eyes taking her cup downing all the contents, the cognac sliding down your throat smoothly. 
“Not my boyfriends” you fake gag giving her back the empty cup making her scowl at you.
“Please Suguru hasn’t stopped staring at you like he wants to eat you since you walked in, and Satoru… Satoru has that arrogant smirk” Shoko speaks, lighting her cigarette knowing it would piss off the latter.
“Have you seen how good my ass looks in this dress, and satoru always has that arrogant smirk. Besides we’re a trio” you smile coyly you could feel the heat of sugurus eyes burning into your back. They both send disbelieving looks not even wanting to get into your relationship with the two before pouring more shots enjoying the music and chatter.
It's when the alcohol begins tasting like water that you know it’s beyond time to slow down on drinking especially when you begin…feeling absolutely feral.Truthfully you were not…okay. At all. Geto must have some magic tongue because the way every time you blinked you could picture the view of him under you. Could feel his mouth on you. You nearly came to the thought of this man.
How did you feel like you were missing out when you were the one that let him taste test the goodies. 
“You alright?” Maki asked after you release a small hiccup relaxing further into the cushion. Watching as Suguru and an older dark haired man with a scar on his lip has what looks to be a muscle off. 
He's glaring at suguru with a look of disgust that borders “ill kill you” while sugurus look of disgust is “bitch please your filthy hands couldn't even touch me. They exchange a few words before settling into arm wrestling positions and you smile Sugurus definitely been drinking to partake in something so… beneath him.
“Yeah I just need some air” you tell them standing up and walking to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water seeing Satoru already in there cracking open another bottle of alcohol.
“You okay, princess?” He ask genuinely and your nod holding the bottle of water towards him so he can open it he complies, loosening it lightly before handing it back to you. You waste no time guzzling it nearly choking as you laugh at him goofily singing along to the song earning a smile. 
He sets the bottles down,wrapping you up in his arms, versace cologne strong but not overbearing as he rocks you two gently, unaware of the looks you were getting.
“I miss you, we haven’t hung out in weeks. Do you think I’m ugly or something?” he gasped dramatically, making you laugh as you used his belt loops to keep you steady.
“Ohhhh thee Gojo Satoru” you begin to tease knowing that as much as an arrogant bastard you’re friend was he called your friendship and quality time aka he was a softy that loved validation, a brat.
He leans into your teasing pushing his face into your neck before you feel his sharp teeth graze your neck.
“S-satoru” you gasp shocked and you go to laugh but he beats you to it.
“Never let them know your next move. That’s what you get for ditching me” he pokes your chin and you feel an energy shift. Both of you looking to the right you see Suguru approaching, his eyes focused on Satorus arms around you.
Geto suguru is a jealous man and the thought of someone else having you in the way he wanted pissed him off.
When he’s close enough he leans against the table Satoru has you pinned against staring strictly at the other man.
“The people are waiting for alcohol, especially old scar lip. How'd you even know him?” He ask, taking a shot from the bottle. Satoru only groans, grabbing another bottle quick to walk out.
“You must taste good to have my best friend openly licking you in public” he points daggers at you and if so bitchy at that, he’s not angry. He's good at hiding his jealousy behind a teasing facade but you knew better drunk or not.
“Oh don't tell me you've forgotten Suguru.” you milk his ego slightly reminding him of a few nights ago with a purr and an adorable head tilt batting your eyelashes up at him. It's when you take your bottom lip between your teeth that he's reminded of the faces you were making as you rode his face until you came. While Gojo likes outright straight up flattery Geto prefers the mind games getting off on the mental stimulation. In other words he likes to be talked out his boxers.
“Of course not sweetheart,” he chuckles warmly, using the band on his arm to tie half of his hair up brushing the rest off his broad shoulders. “The offer is always on the table”.
Standing up on your tiptoes and using his muscular bicep as leverage secretly feeling him up you match his smirk pulling the band from his hair.
“I actually like your hair better down it would look so hot in missionary like that” you say innocently pulling his hair back over his shoulders and like a charm… he was talked out his boxers.
The minute the door is closed behind the two of you your hands are pulling him down by the front of his shirt lips on his and he's moaning into your mouth.
He's pushing you back on the bed behind your lips never leaving yours as he straddles your hips one hand propping him up the other holding your head in place.
“You’ve been giving me those fuck me eyes all night” he breathes kissing down your neck directly over where Satoru jokingly bit you making sure to suck a mark of his own on your neck. Pulling your dress down there's a slight shredding sound before he's completely ripping off your dress.
“S-Suguru!” You stutter pulling away and he just lets out a slight hum taking in your bare body.
“What? It's not like it was covering much anyways i'll take mine off too” he pulls his black sports jersey off revealing a perfectly sculpted body and you are momentarily distracted running a hand from his happy trail up his abs to his chest.
“We do have to leave this room eventually,” you begin tilting your head with a pointed look which he shrugs at.
“Won't be anytime soon” he chuckles amused at you even assuming you would. Your hand trails back down to his belt yanking him forward your lips meeting again his hair acting as a curtain shielding the two of you. 
His tongue dances down your chest until his mouth reaches a nipple, his fingers sneaking inside your waistband brushing against your slick clit.
“Oh sweetheart”he grins like a Cheshire cat enjoying the way you arch into him and soak his fingers up. He watches you throw your head back,whines coming out as he circles his middle finger around your clit. Arching up into him to get more pressure he chuckles his finger sliding between your folds and into your core.
“Soaked soo fucking soaked” he heaves adding a second finger grinning when you push your hips down twisting. Giving you exactly what you want he starts thrusting them faster, feeling you clench.
“Suguru” you moan, clutching onto him your soft pants increasing more and more until he makes a particular curl of his fingers against your g spot that makes your eyes cross.
“G-gunna…Sug—“ your body begins twitching as the pressure builds so intensely from his fingers and he only chuckles, pulling his fingers away, making you gasp at the sudden loss.
“Suguru PLEASE” you beg gripping onto him so tightly and it’s exactly what he wanted you under him his jealousy twisting into his need to have you a begging  mess under him.
It satisfied a sick part of him, itching a certain scratch that inflates his ego. So while people were lusting after you, you were writhing and begging under him.
Stroking his thick length you hiss when he slowly starts pushing in feeling the burn of how thick he is youre ready to wrap your legs around him to take some form of control but he grips your thigh pushing it to your chest. 
He leans forward as he bottoms out groaning feeling the way your tight pussy sucks him in and grips his fucking soul.
“Fuck… FUCK” he grunts feelings his pelvis touch your mound and he needs a second or hes going to burst until he hears you let out a soft exhale that sounds strangled and his eyes meet your wide ones. You had never felt so full before, never had your legs forced open because someone was so thick, you could actually feel him in your stomach.
You could fall apart just like this. Everything about this moment was more than sexually satisfying his scent, his touch, his hair dangling down over you the way his dick spread you open but isn't painful. You begin to wonder how many kids he wants and can instantly picture him as a girl dad.
Fuck kids, you needed to be able to fuck this man for breakfast lunch dinner and a midnight snack. Until the walls had no paint, until he couldn't tell left from right, until your throat was sore and his hips hurt. Until your knuckles hurt from clenching the sheet so tight and his bottom lip bruised from biting it so hard.
“Y/n, you okay?” And him calling you by your actual name brings you back down to him bringing your mind from the spiral he sent you into, damn how long was i daydreaming.
“Baby?” He ask sliding out slighty and the sloshing sound makes you look at him grabbing his face to pull his lips to yours. Oh he was so fucked. YOU were fucked. Sliding back in, your hands, find your way to his hair tugging lightly when he snaps his hips. You couldn't find words so the kiss would have to suffice.
“Oh fuck” you whine in his mouth and that’s all it takes before he’s creating a steady pace of strokes  grunting when you clench around him any thought of… anything was lost. The only thing he could focus on was how tight and hot you were around him and how perfectly you were taking him. Part of the reason why he switched women so much was because they always had a hard time taking him and while yes he may look every bit of a sex God some things just aren't enjoyable. Oh, but you? If heaven was real this was it and he could die happily between your legs.
“That's right baby youre doing so good” his voice rasp gently, nearly being drowned out by the loud music of the party. Getting wetter at the sound of praise he takes note kissing your leg that's bent by your face.
“So good at taking me” he grunts in your ear, biting on it easily, pushing you into your first orgasm from just talking and he looks too satisfied to be done any time soon. The way your nose scrunched cutely and you clenched tighter before the warm gush pushed all over his dick oh he needed so many more. How were you so pretty and perfect at everything you did?
Finally relaxing slightly he nearly lets out a strangled moan when you tighten your legs around his hips and flip him over. It happens so fast one minute he feels like he has the upper hand and the next he's at your mercy. There's a feral look in your eyes, you look like you absolutely want to ravage him and as dominant as he is the thought of you taking charge makes him twitch inside of you.
Raising your hips slightly and propping yourself up using his abs as balance you slowly inch back down so painfully slow squeezing as you do and he lets out a broken groan. Inching back up against the headboard to give you a hand he almost regrets it  the way your hips twist and grind into him so deliciously. His grip on the headboard tightens the wood creaking slightly.
The way he bites his lips and gives you such a loud moan fuels you as you repeat the action, hips moving faster as you raise and drop releasing moans of your own as his dick hits that perfect spot inside of you every time.
You slither a hand up to his neck watching his eyes widen the wicked smirk on your face growing the widest its ever been. Its when you squeeze that his hips buck involuntarily up into you but being the rider you are you let the movement adjust you on your tiptoes picking up speed a bit more.
So when he lets out a broken moan that almost sounds like a whine he starts scrambling to get some sort of control over the situation. Using his thumb he presses against your clit rubbing circles to stimulate you more listening to the sounds the two of you are making.
“Fuck baby s-slow down” he moans but the way hes watching himself dissapear fully inside of you is letting you know hes enjoying this to much for you to slow down. Squeezing his neck a tad bit more and tilting his head up so you're making eye contact the smile on your face never leaves.
“I cant keep— ngghh, feel so good Suguru” you purr and even though you look fully incontrol you never fully recovered from that first orgasm you were actually still brain scrambled but you were still taking him— riding him and using him to your advantage so well. 
“Suguru” you whine eyes rolling back and that's his undoing oh but he's not done yet, you decide. The feeling of his hot cum bursting inside of you satisfies a sick part of you knowing you could reduce him to… this. You had to see it again but this time you had to watch his face.
“If you… if you can tell me what i'm spelling” you start leaving a peck on his lips “i'll let you cum again” and he's confused as hell but likes the sound of it. Shit you could probably ask him for his credit card number and he’d sing it.
Twisting your hips in a certain direction you smile when he says the first letter of your name.
“Good, how about this one” and you twist again with a thrust moving his hand to play with your clit yourself watching his eyes zero in on you.
He stutters out the second letter of your name but quickly clears his throat. You smirk repeating through all the letter of your name watching how wrecked hes becoming the closer you get to the end of your name and hes melting at the thought. You spelling your name out on his dick taking your ownership he wanted to lay you on your back and go feral but that would mean he'd have to give this up and for a jealous and possessive man he loved being claimed.
Its when you get to the last letter that you reach behind you grabbing his balls and squeezing as you twist the last letter on his dick and he bursts for the second time and never has he cum this fast back to back… you could definitely ask for his credit card number and have it. Credit card number, his house key… fuck it his soul anything you wanted was yours he swore it.
He realizes quickly that you making him cum wasn't for his satisfaction… it was for yours you were having fun milking him for every drop taking taking taking until nothing was left. In fact looking for more ways to make him cum. He gets a moment of relief when you climb off of him. He was entirely too sensitive and any second longer he was sure he wouldn't be able to feel his dick— in the best possible way.
Hes heavily panting, still closing his eyes trying to get his shit together when the next sensation has his eyes shooting open.
Your tongue teases his sensitive tip and he nearly thrashes in your hand but the lack of energy has him only let out pathetic whines that nearly sounds like whimpers. Oh the joys of breaking a man! Watching your thick gloss covered lips spread around his thick girth was a sight he’d commit to memory and never forget. Twisting both of your hands down and around his length you let your mouth follow licking up your combined mess hollowing out your cheeks with a particular suck that makes his stomach squeeze.
“Fuck baby” he groans ready to tangle his hands in your hair but settling for running it down your spine tattoo over and over. He knew better than to touch your hair. Its when you let half fall out of your mouth, spitting it back into his dick, licking it back up and swallowing before swirling your tongue around the tip is when he starts to plot the murder of everyone you’ve been with prior.
He listened to the way you gag when you take him as far back t in your throat as you can, the sound of you sitting and licking it back up, the slurping the gawk and the gulk before he finds himself getting too overstimulated. But there's a soft wet sound that he knows isn’t coming from him so he follows it between your legs watching your slick covered skinny brown fingers rub maniacally at your clit oh his little freak indeed. 
Your mouth travels down his shaft before sucking his balls into your mouth and he throws his head back, hips bucking up unable to stop himself from grabbing your hair this time as your thumb presses into the slit on his tip.
“Come here” he rasp out, finally coming to his senses slightly right before coming again pushing you on your stomach.
“Sug—npphhh” and your muffled by the pillow as he pushes his dick back in the squelching sound only fueling him as he slides in. He pulls all the way back to the tip placing a hand on your upper back to push you deeper into an arch before snapping his hips back in all the way.
“Fuck Sug!” You borderline yell arm reaching back to grab onto something and he chuckles repeating the motion over and over using your hips as leverage. He slams you down onto his dick right where he knows your g spot is watching as you try to run arch falling completely. 
“Whats the matter baby?” He antagonizes wrapping a hand around your hips to find your clit terrorizing the bundle of nerves until your legs are quivering and lip trembling.
Leaning forward he brushes your hair out of your face taking a moment to just observe how fucking pretty you are like this. His pretty baby, with a face like this you could call him at any time and he’d come running.
“Close… im s’close” your legs begin thrashing even wilder as you clench his sensitive tip leaking ready to fill you up with another load. The way your acrylic fingers grips the sheets as you fall into your  arch even more was such a sight. Party be damned, Satoru be damned and exes be damned. Suguru felt so head high the electricity brewing between the two of you as you both fought off your peaks to elongate the sex as long as possible.
“Oh yeah, sweetheart?” He ask rubbing your clit faster picking up his speed releasing loud obscene groans in your ear and it’s when his thrust start becoming sloppy that you know he's just as close as you are and that’s enough to muster up the tiniest bit of energy to throw your ass back and match his rhythm.
“Cum with me sweetheart” and he begins counting down from 5 knowing he wasn’t lasting 10 seconds at all nor did he even remember all the numbers at a time like this.
“3…2..” he breathes roughly in your ear and your eyes roll back in your head the both of you releasing at the same time before he could even reach 1 the intensity too much and he collapses onto you his fingers still rubbing you through the orgasm until the two of you are reduced to nothing but sweaty heaving bodies.
It’s a comfortable silence even when he moves off of you and pulls you to lay on his chest…and out of the wet spot.
“So messy” he teases, brushing your hair down with his hand, ignoring the way he has strands sticking to his own forehead.
“It’s your fault.. you made me that wet” you grin trailing your fingers over his abs loving the way he convulses slightly.  You're so ready to sink into the soft sheets and warmth he provides until a distinct buzzing grabs your attention, pulling your vibrating phone from the floor seeing you had about 10 text messages from Gojo 2 from Shoko and one from Maki. 
Suguru uses the time to check his own messages seeing he has quite a few missed messages himself though all from the same person.
His ex girlfriend that he broke up with the other night through text directly after leaving you.
Gojo had been looking for you and all you could tell him was that you stepped out for sure ignoring that you’d have to face reality at some point.
“I could go for another round”
“Fuck it, Guess we both aint shit”
tag list(and my very first🥹) @gardenof-venus
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littleplantfreak · 3 months
Down to my level
Headcanons Ft. Umemiya Hajime, and Togame Jo
These guys are 6'2 and I think 6'1 respectively so have some writing about being shorter than them cause I'm 5'7ish and wanna climb them like a tree literally. Some ended up not being about height because i got off track thinking about Ume's arms //shrugs
Umemiya Hajime
Loves ruffling hair and he thinks it's endearing when you try to do it yourself to him. Catch him while hes squatting in the garden for perfect ruffling opportunities. (maybe a smooch or two as well)
He will seat you on things when he's kissing you so he doesn't get a cramp in his neck, or better yet just wrap your legs around his waist and he'll hold you up. Give those big arms of his a workout, he'll be more than happy to hold you.
Can't help but grab things for you if they're too high. If you have a problem with that he makes sure to have a step stool. (Just stop putting things so high? Nah he thinks it's cute when you're on your tip toes)
King of carrying - once again he is a big guy so he can do princess carries, piggybacks, fireman's carry, you name it. He's even tried carrying you under his arm like a football though it's not the cutest carry to be in.
He's easy to pick out in a crowd even if he didn't have white hair so you don't really have to worry about losing him.
Blocks out the sun really well or if you're hiding from someone you can basically disappear behind him.
His height also helps in games of chicken fights when you're in the pool or at the beach. Sturdy af AND tall? Y'all are unstoppable no matter how short you are.
"How's the weather up there?"
"Oh! Wanna find out?" Before you can answer he's wiping his hands off and scooping you up effortlessly, arms looped around your waist. Hands resting on his shoulders, you're a few inches taller than him like this. "What do you think?"
"Crystal clear skies...approximately 76 degrees fahrenheit and," you lick the tip of your pointer finger, sticking it out, "wind is blowing from the west. Not to mention the scenery up here is so much prettier than down there." He puffs out a laugh when you gaze at him a little lovestruck as you say the last part.
"You think I'm pretty?" he whispers, looking up at you for once.
"Illegally so." Your answer is so serious it's got his heartbeat taking off and he couldn't fight the smile if he tried.
"Y'know my normal weather man told me the exact same thing this morning!"
"So he's my competition?" You huff and giving him a pat on the arm signalling for him to put you down. Instead, he lowers you just enough so you're eye level with him, noses brushing lightly. Being this close you can smell the dirt from his gardening and the lingering of his minty shampoo from earlier this morning.
"You win every time sweetheart."
Togame Jo
Uses his height for good - usually. Kisses the top of you're head when you aren't paying attention to him.
If you're a brat he'll hold something you want just high enough for you to start jumping for it (thats the evil). He's impossible to knock down or and weighing his arm down to grab it doesnt work either. If Choji's around you can enlist his help in getting it since his jumps are always impressive. He accepts payment in candy though.
Also a carrier. He likes piggybacking you places the best. Especially in the winter cause you're extra toasty.
He's good at typing hair up and can help whenever you have a bad hair day. He's got a full view so he'll fix it as soon as its messed up.
loves being dragged down by his shirt to be kissed. He wears that gi sometimes though I don't know if thats the correct name for what he wears. In jiu jitsu its really solid and tough near the neck areas so you can pull and maneuver you're partner around? In any case when I see him wearing it I just wanna cross collar grip it and drag him on the floor (lovingly I swear) (I think its a gi?? I know he wears monks clothes so they might just be really similar)
You are not in a good mood. Togame's holding the last strawberry ramune over your head with a small frown and refuses to give it back. If anything you should be the one frowning. Sure you snapped at him because you were a bit grumpy, and it wasn't even his fault but you're tired, it's raining, and thats the last strawberry ramune.
"All ya gotta say is 'sorry' doll. I'll even open it for you if you want." he drawls slow as ever.
"I can get it," the words are punctuated by small hops and desperate grabs at air. You're even more winded than before and Togame's just deciding whether he should give in when Choji rounds the corner. A small gasp as a light bulb goes off in your head seeing Shishitoren's leader. "Choji I CHOOSE YOU!" You yell, pointing straight at the drink being held hostage. He moves before any thought can cross his mind as he makes a high jump between the you and Togame, successfully grabbing your prize. As he's handing you the ramune, you root around your hoodie pocket for the last few candies and trade him.
"Nice doing business with you! That wasn't very nice though Kame-chan" Choji chirps and waves before being lured away by the sounds of the other members laughing and talking about going out for karaoke.
There's a moment of quiet before you peek to the side to stare at your boyfriend. You realize you haven't been nice either and bite the bullet. Roll the ramune over in your hands, you look down at your feet.
"I'm sorry I've been grumpy at you. Think I'm just tired. 's no excuse but-" The drink is gone, being popped open by deft hands before Togame gives it back with a silent nod.
"There's a couch in one of the rooms down the hall. Want me to carry you?"
"You gonna lay with me?"
"That's the plan, yeah." Whether it's from the weather or from fighting with you, you can tell he's tired too.
"Good. And yes please." Your voice is soft as you reach up, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
"There's my sweet girl," he grunts, hoisting you up in a princess carry and making his way to one of the back rooms further from the noise of the other boys in the theater.
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ghxstyfae · 7 months
Jake Webber coquette girl? 😻‼️
Hi cutie🫶🏻 just did some headcanons for ya<3
Pearly Kisses ♡ J.Webber
Synopsis: headcanons of Jake Webber and his coquette gf
Warnings: 18 + under labelled section, cigarettes, let me know if i missed anything
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These two are like night and day, aesthetically speaking.
This causes them get looks (mostly from old ppl) wherever they go
Jake 'steals' her makeup
Sometimes when shes getting ready in the morning, sitting at her vanity with a fluffy headband and dozens of skincare and makeup products, he'll just sit on the floor beside her and watch
Makeup all over his bedsheets, especially mascara and lipsticks
"Jakey my dress doesnt have any pockets!! Can you keep my lipstick, wallet and phone in yours? Pretty please"
And of course he will, but tells her to leave her wallet at home because ?? Obviously hes gonna pay for anything she would need, and he's driving anywhere she needs to go.
Takes her to get her nails done on routine, he makes a whole day of it.
First, the appointment, if its a longer one he might leave for a bit and bring back some food for her and her tech. Next, they'll either go to get food if they havent already eaten, or some kinda drink (dunkin, tims, maccas, etc). Then they go shopping or thrifting, and finish the evening with dinner
Feels so out of place in her bedroom at first. Pastel pink, white, and cream shades were they only colours in her room + its full of clean, fluffy blankets and stuffies
"Jake theres literally a huge wine stain on my rug and empty snack wrappers everywhere idc if you make a mess"
But within a month half his tiktoks have a girly background because he records them while hes waiting for her to be done her makeup.
Jake now actively listens to Lana del rey on a daily basis, and his spotify wrapped will have atleast one of her songs on it
Sometimes, if gf happens to smoke, they share a cigarette and she leaves a lipstick stain on it
Speaking of, lipstick stains on his cheeks, neck, forehead, etc 24/7
Jake plans on getting her kiss mark tattooed on his neck after they get married
Likes to have her ride his cock in her tiny little miniskirts, will play with the bows in her hair and praise her for being such a good girl for him
Corruption kink goes brrr
Loves seeing tou all dolled up for him just so he can destroy it🤭
Valentines day special: bought her some cute lingerie and covered the room in pink flower petals, lit some candles and they had a beautiful dinner. He proceeds to absolutely WRECK her.
Would actually go FERAL if gf happened to have some kinda womb tattoo/trapstamp . just saying.
Hey, their isnt too many and they arent very good, so Im so sorry my love. I really hope you still enjoy though<3 if you'd like, id love to make a part two
My masterlist
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kichikichiko · 4 months
Hi! Can you write the demon brothers with little sister reader? The reader is the 8th of the family. It must be so cute since all the brothers will care so much for their only little sister.
Our little Angel in Hell
This is so cute wtf 😭 Sorry for being so late anon Ive been busy with stuff and only got the motivation do write it now! Hope you enjoy ❤️ Synopsis: HC of the 7 demon brothers with their only sister after Lilith (who's younger than them all) Pairing: PLATONIC OLDER BROTHER! Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Satan, Beelzebub and Belphegor & lil sister! reader Note: Nicknames (Dove : lucy | Goldie: Mammon | Shellfish: Levi | Angel: Asmo | Rose: Satan | Hamster: Beel | Moonshine : Belphie ) CW: I PUT A LIL CAMEO OF MY OBEY ME OC "Kojika" (Asmodeus' part only) IN HERE FOR FUNSIES BUT SHE DOES NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT TO THE STORY AT ALL 🤠 Platonic siblinghood, fluff, hc, not proofread, nothing else!! 𖤣.𖥧.𖡼.⚘
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Your brothers love you DEARLY. At this rate, "Love" is already an understatement. They would do anything for you and spoil you rotten. You want plushies? Food? Books? Make up? A sacrifical human for a ritual (/j) they'd to it all for YOU.
After losing Lilith, not only did you take it hard but they did as well. Not wanting to lose their only remaining sister, they've become more over protective.
♤ As the eldest sibling and the head of the family, it is to no surprise that he holds the most composure out of the brothers.
♤ Around his other brothers he appears as "harsh" (but they all know he just cares for them) but around you, he doesnt even try to look stern. Everytime he looks at you his gaze softens and he smiles slightly
♤ "Mammon I'm taking away your credit card privellages" Lucifer sighs while taking away Mammon's credit card for the 5th time this month.
"Give it back Lucifer! An auction for this awesome gold car figure is coming out TOMORROW I NEED IT!" The white hair demon groaned.
You walked into the scene with a smile "Hi Lucy, is it okay if I get this thing on sale tomorrow? Ive been waiting for it to come out for a while now."
Lucifer's frowned expression turned soft in an instant and he gave you a nod "of course, just don't spend too much."
"OH FUCK YOU LUCIFER" Mammon screamed.
♤ If hypothetically he doesnt allow you to get something, instead of giving you a glare, he pats your head and shakes his head a little "Sorry Dove, but not today. We can get it another time okay?"
◇ Mammon is the greediest among his 7 siblings. He is the embodiment of the deadly sin, greed anyways.
◇ He HATES sharing and he doesnt hide that, but with you? He is more lenient.
◇ Don't get me wrong, he hesitates and tells you no sometimes, but other times if not most times, he is more willing to give you something or lend you something, albeit with his snarky/ stuck up personality 😭.
◇ youve been staring at a certain display case everytime you and Mammon pass by, and the yellowed eye demon couldnt help but notice it.
◇ At first he wanted to ignore it, but seeing at your longing/ awed gaze he folded.
◇ "Oi Goldie, you want that?" He pointed to the item on the display case, his hand on his hip trying to act tough and unbothered.
"Uhm.. yes but I don't have any mo-"
Mammon cut you off and walks into the store. "C'mon let's go get it."
♧ Levi loves games, he's always cooped up in his room and rarely comes out.
♧ When he plays a multiplayer game, everyone knows how competitive this demon can get
♧ So to spare themselves from the death glares and the not so PG 13 name calling, they avoid playing him... well unless they truly wanna pick a fight with him.
♧ When you play games with him though, he's a completely different person.
♧ He's patient and kind when teaching you the basics
♧ During your first few games, he'd allow himself to take the loss
♧ He wont admit it, but he loves to see the way your eyes shine and how youre mpre determined
♧ This way, you'll play the game longer and spend more time with Levi
Your eyes shine and you smiled widely "YAY I WON! Beat that Levi! I just started the game and I won against you on. The. First. Try!"
Levi rolled his eyes and smirked "Don't get too cocky Shellfish, I might just beat your ass in the next round"
"Bring it on big bro" You grinned, holding the controller tightly.
♡ He's aware you've lost the only female influence in your life (Lilith)
♡ you being surrounded by so many masculine energy worries Asmo
♡ Not wanting you to lose your feminine side, he decided to take on the role of being your main "female influence" in your life.
♡ He is the perfect man for the job
♡ He will take you out for shopping, to the salon, kareoke, photo booths, manicures and pedicures, spas. You name it he'll do it
♡ He's even be the one you go to for sex ed/ advice bc.. well come on
♡ If youre into none of that that's fine too, he'll be your irl diary and listen to whatever you have to say... even hot boiling tea you cant keep to yourself😁
♡ "Asmo!! Are you free?" You opened the door to his room with a smile
Your brother looks at you through his mirror as he was doing his skincare "Yes sort of. Why?"
Your smile turned into a grin as you closed the door behind him and jumped onto his bed "I've got delicious tea"
Seeing your hands on your cheeks and your facial expression made Asmodeus return the grin "Oh yeah? Is it piping hot tea?" Finally facing you as he asked
"Piping.HOT!" You responded unable to contain your excitement "Miss Kojika was finally caught going out with Simeon"
"No way you better not be kidding Angel. Wasn't she just complaining about not liking Angels before?"
"Yeah but you see the way her cheeks turn pink at the MENTION of the Angel Simeon" you made sure to remind him.
♡ The conversation went on for hours, and both you and your brother are happy to have someone to talk to like this.
□ Somewhat simillar to his older brother Levi. He gets impatient and is angry quite often, especially at the mention of Lucifer.
□ His way of escape is through his love of cats OR his abode, his sanctuary: his personal library.
□ During the times he disappears, it's a sign that he does not want to be bothered by anyone. And the only one who can bother him is you.
□ He wont exactly call it "bothering" when it comes to you, because he knows you have good intentions and only want to help him.
□ Especially if he just came out of Lucifers office after a heated argument
□ You were in the kitchen when you heard the door to Lucifer's office being slammed shut, followed along with heavy footsteps stomping away. You knew instantly that it was Satan's footstep.
Without wasting another second, you finished up the dishes and went straight to the hallway leading to his abode.
"Satan?" You knocked. "It's me, (name)"
After a few seconds, you heard a muffled "come in" and you twisted the door knob open. "I heard you walking out of Lucifer's office before."
Both you and Satan knows that he didnt "walk out" but you both decided to not correct it.
"Just another fight" he answered quickly while reading a book. "Same as always."
Slowly walking towards him, you took a seat beside him and smiled softly "Dont listen to him. You know he can make no sense sometimes... most of the times" you shruged. "Besides Im here for you. Whaddya say we do something fun?"
Satan's stern face turned soft, and when he made eye contact with you, he smiled "Sure. Thank you, Little Rose."
□ You've got his back, and he's got yours.
♤ the hungriest brother. He just never stops eating.
♤ Whenever anyone catches Beel, he's always got something in his hands to munch on.
♤ And sometimes he's not willing to share his food.
♤ Whenever you ask though he's willing to give you a bite or 2. Hell maybe even give you the whole darn thing if he sees you TRULY enjoying the food.
♤ "Wow you seem to REALLY like the snack more than I do, Hamster..." he'd joke, mouth still full.
♤ Whenever youre feeling hungry he'd take the time out of his day to cook you (and him) some food.
♤ When he's feeling experimental and want to try a new recepie, he'd call you down to try his food and if you like it he smiles earnestly.
♤ Nothing makes Beel more happy (other than food) than seeing you enjoy his cooking.
♤ Even if you ask for it or not, he starts cooking for you more often. It's his love language and you dont seem to mind it. Cooking is a tedious job indeed and you appreciate your brother's efforts to keep your tummy full and happy.
♤ VICE VERSA! You love to bake and cook for your brothers.
♤ If you dont have the talent for either, Beel will be the first gobble up your food and give you a big thumbs up in approval. While the rest of your brothers have a hard time even swallowing the first bite
♤ Beel appreciates your effort and doesnt want you to become disheartened.
♤ But next time he'll supervise you in the kitchen and give you some tips and tricks
♧ You and Belphie are both the younger siblings (Beel as well but hes regarded as older than Belphie)
♧ And Youngest tend to stick together!
♧ You like having sleepovers, even though its a little bit of a silly ideas because you already live in the same estate as your brothers.
♧ Theyre usually busy so whenever you want this specific want of yours to be endulged you always go to Belphie.
♧ and he never says no to sleeping.
♧ With Belphie you both like to build tent fords together and watch movies together while eating popcord (that you both made sure Beel does not see nor smell because he'll pounce on the both of you before you have the chance to walk out of the kitchen)
♧ Other times you both would go online to buy matching onsies for your sleepover
♧ You both do this so often you end up having a closet full of matching onsies together.
♧ Sleeping with Belphie is indeed very relaxing. And Belphie likes having you around especially
♧ Usually the avatar of sloth put on a pair of Pyjamas and goes to sleep instantly, however with you around, he'll make the effort to put on essential oils, ambiance (if you'd like) and night lights 🤍🤍
♧ "Wow Belphie you put a lot of effort for the sleepover today!" You smiled looking at his room in awe
Belphie smiled and yawned "Of course, anything for you Moonshine. I want you to be as comfortable as possible."
♧ Safe to say you both will sleep in to the point your other brothers will have to drag you both out of bed to start the day
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viiennie · 26 days
its my first time writing on tumblr and also my first time writing fluff pls b nice ):
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content: streetracer!reader x obsessed!nervous!gojosatoru
- yuji and gojo almost die on a late night drive but thats okay because gojo thinks he just met the hottest woman in the world.
this is part one,,, probably??? idk
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
tw: car chase, curse words, small car accident, reader might be a little insane, GOJO IS A LITTLE AWKWARDS BUT ITS OKAY HES A CUTIE
“ne, sensei the car behind us is being weird…” itadori sweats, hands tight on the steering wheel as he winces at the way the lights from the suv car behind him reflect on the mirror.
gojo nods, “yeah, he’s being a real asshole.” he sighs, “it’s alright, the next left turns is ours. turn on your signal light.” he reassures his student, proud that he isnt panicking because of the blinding light and the close proximity between them.
yuji follows his teacher’s instructions, turning on his signal light and making his turn.
but he’s surprised when the car suddenly launches forward, accompanied by the sound of a loud thump from the back. “this dude is an ass!” he shouts, hitting the breaks as he stops on the side of the road behind the white lane. (thankfully not the sidewalk.)
“stay put first itadori, i’ll go–” before the blue eyes sorcerer could finish his sentence, they hear the car behind them accelerating away, followed by a loud shouting of, “WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING ASSHAT!”
gojo watches as you speed after the drunkard in a nissan skyline gtr r34, the flutters of your turbo sending chills down his spine.
he chuckles, finding the situation absolutely bewildering before turning back to focus on his dearest student….who was gone from the driver’s seat????????
“gojo sensei, the exhaust fell out!” yuji calls out from outside, staring defeatedly at the chunk of metal on the green grass.
the next day, you were at the police station, getting your speeding ticket settled.
all you wanted to do was be a good person and help out your fellow citizens. i mean, what else were you supposed to do when you had witnessed a hit and run?
“um…call the police? miss y/n you cant just get into a high speed chase, you have to let the us do our jobs sometimes.”
the officer scolds you, a stern look on her face as you lower your head in shame. you felt like a highschool student being reprimanded by your adviser all over again.
after the long lecture, you were finally free to go, and the moment you step out of the station, you bump into the chest of a person, almost tripping and falling down if it wasnt for the hands that caught you before you lost your balance.
“ah, im sorry. i wasnt—”
“were you the person who chased a drunk driver last night by chance?”
you look up to see a man seemingly in his 20s, pale white hair, and very very tinted shades. his ears a slightly tainted red as he patiently awaits a reply, watching as you regain your balance and straighten out your windbreaker jacket.
“yes, i was. is there a problem?” you raise an eyebrow and cross your arms, shifting your weight to one foot.
“i just wanted to say thank you.. it was my student and i that got hit.”
gojo satoru doesnt know why he’s being so polite. he doesnt know why he cant keep eye contact. he doesnt know why his heart is about to beat out of his chest, and he doesnt know why he decided to search the nearby police stations despite his busy schedule, hoping to maybe bump into you, and he did.
“oh..” you uncross your arms, having thought you were about to receive another scolding from a person that you maybe somehow wronged in the streets. “uhh, its no problem really.” you smile before walking past him. you were hungry and wanted to have a feast.
“i..” gojo satoru, for the first time in his life, panics, “let me treat you out for dinner!” its five pm, you probably havent had dinner right? otherwise it’d be embarassing if you refused his offer.
you stop in your tracks, wondering if your actions really meant that much to this stranger before shrugging. this was a free meal that you would never pass up on. “sure.”
so now, here you were, in the beautiful cafe, with beautiful food, and a very nervous gojo satoru in front of you.
god this is so embarrassing! gojo screams in his head. he was usually good with women. he usually always knew what to say to ease the mood. and he was always smooth with his words. so why are all the letters of the alphabet suddenly stuck in his throat? why cant he find the right sentences to form?
“so..i never learned your name?” you begin, picking up your spoon and fork. “my name is y/n l/n.”
he clears his throat, “gojo satoru.” his voice almost breaks, his shaking hand reaching for the straw of his drink to guide to his lips. whatdoisay?whatdoisay?whatdoisay?whatdoisay?WHATDOISAY??????
“gojo, you need to relax. im scared you’ll start crying.” you honestly admit, hand reaching out for his shaking ones, “i dont think you can even eat look how much you’re trembling.” you sigh, watching as he turns completely red, steam erupting from his head.
“o-oh im sorry..” he mumbles, almost whispers. absolutely frozen as he just stares at the way your hand wraps around his.
“okay look, lets get the food for takeout and i’ll show you something, alright?” you hum, not really minding since you had already eating enough to quell your hunger.
gojo swears it happened too fast. the waiter took too fast to give the bill and the takeout, you walked too fast to your car, and he walked too fast, sat too fast into the passengers seat.
hell, he doesnt even know how he ended up telling you he had no ride home when he, in fact, had his bmw waiting for him on the other side of the parking lot. “so where do you live?” you hum, starting your car and smiling at the sound of the motor coming to life.
gojo says his address, eyes focused on the way your hands grip the steering wheel, the way you seem to fit into your seat like a puzzle. he loves the way your car smells, he loves the way its customized to fit your tastes. and he loves the way you look when you begin driving.
you looked so content.
“you look so beautiful, angel.” he unknowingly mutters, loud enough for you to hear.
“why thank you.” you giggle, “finally calming those nerves down?” you assumes he just had some type of social anxiety that made him nervous around other people, so you were glad he got to relax in the safety of your car.
as you drive, the view of the sunset over the sea comes into view, the orange and yellow hues casting a glow over the city. you slow down, “you wanna stop and admire the view first?”
“yea, i would love to.”
you nod, parking into a nearby open parking lot, and turn off the engine of the car.
you cant help but notice the way gojo stares at you through his long eyelashes, blue eyes boring holes into your soul. this is the first time you actually got to see his eyes, the black shades no longer in the way of them.
you notice his eyes, yes, but you dont notice the way you’re slowly leaning closer towards him until you’re only inches away from his face.
this is wrong, you both think.
i have a mountain load of missions to finish, i shouldnt be here.
i barely know this guy, should i be doing this?
but did all that really matter? what if this was a risk worth taking?
gojo satoru forgets his fears, raising his hand to cup your cheek, pulling you in closer to finally meet your soft lips.
you swear you could almost hear fireworks going off the moment you kiss this stranger whos name is the only thing you know about him, oh, and you also knew that he was cute too. the way he furrowed his eyebrows as the kiss deepened, the way his cheeks turned so red that you wondered if he would start overheating, the way his thumb on your cheek caressed your skin, it was all so adorable.
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