#sometimes i fuck it up and fuck you if you get a wet burrito but its fun
rat-clown420 · 5 months
just rolled the biggest fuxking burrito I thought I'd have to get another tortilla but I did it in 1 babey. the fuckass customer was surprised too. best Chipotle worker right here
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reareaotaku · 8 months
You're an Idiot
Summary: Eddie realizes he's inlove with an idiot Pairings: Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader Tw: Slight Angst, Slight Jealousy
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He doesn't know when he came to the conclusion that you were an idiot, but it must have been all the little things adding up. The first incident was a few months ago.
The group was at a party, buying stuff to celebrate New Years. You, Eddie, and Richie were looking at party hats and noisemakers. The last thing the party needed was noisemakers, which is what Eddie and Richie were arguing about.
"I don't want to have my fucking eardrums blown out by those stupid things," Eddie says, taking the noise makers out of your hands.
"Oh, you're such a wet fucking blanket, Eddie," Richie rolls his eyes, snatching the noisemakers back and giving them to you.
"You guys New Years Revolution should be to stop arguing with each other," You offhandly remark, causing them both to stop and stare at you.
"Revolution? Do you mean RESolution?" Richie mocks you, causing you to blush. "God, that's so funny. You're such a stupid bitch."
"Leave her alone, you asshole."
"Aww, does this princess need her knight in shinning armor to save her?" He makes a clicking noise as he taunts you both.
Eddie grabs your hand, dragging you off, leaving Richie there to make a fool of himself.
Eddie hadn't thought about it much, but then another incident happened less than a week later.
You had been holding a can of Tuna by Chicken of the Sea and you turned to him and said-
"Is this chicken or fish? I know it says Tuna, but it says..... it says Chicken of the Sea?"
In that moment he had questioned every life decision he made. He thought maybe he had misheard you, so he asked you to repeat yourself. Though, you just repeated yourself, making him lightly sigh.
The final straw, when he really had to accept you were the stupidest person on earth.
He was at your house, just the two of you and you wanted a burrito. You put it in the microwave and he watched when you took it out, threw it away and grabbed another burrito.
"Why did you throw it away?"
"It wouldn't heat up."
You had said it like HE was being stupid. His jaw was nearly on the floor. When he finally gathers himself, he decides to question what the hell that meant.
"What do you mean?"
"It was still cold."
"Why didn't you heat it longer?"
"I heated it for the time on the package and it was still cold."
You were so simpleminded and he was actually impressed. He respected you, but not in the way as one respects someone. He just respected you lived this long being so stupid. He couldn't go another day without saying something.
"You're so dumb."
You turned towards him, confused, "What?"
"I love you, like a lot. But, god you are so stupid."
"That is so rude." You were looking at him wide-eyed, as he covered his mouth, trying not to laugh.
"You're so dumb, though. Like don't get me wrong, I DO love you, but come on."
You frowned and didn't speak to him for a solid week.
Fast foward to now, you were sitting across for each other at a cafe. Neither of you were talking, but he was looking at you, wanting to talk to you.
You looked up at him, glaring. He could sense your anger and he leaned in, reaching for your hands.
"You know I love you-"
"Oh really? I thought I was an idiot."
"You are-" When he saw your glare sharpen his eyes widened and he coughed into his hand. "I mean.... Sometimes, your light isn't as bright as it could be."
"You're just calling me stupid in a metaphorical way."
"That's not true." He tried to justify, and your head dipped, your face going blank.
"Oh, don't patronize me."
There's a moment of silence as he watches you, trying to think of what he's supposed to say. Finally, he speaks-
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine. Richie's called me worse."
"Well, you and Richie aren't dating and he's just an asshole."
"Thank god," You joke, lightening the mood, "Imagine if we were though." You close your eyes, thinking about it. Though, with your eyes closed, you couldn't see Eddie's glare.
"You like Richie?" He accused, causing you to quickly open your eyes.
"What? No- God, no." You repeatedly shake your head, "I'm just saying, imagine. God, that'd be terrible," You laugh and Eddie finally lightens up.
"Nightmare fuel," He jokes, "I'm sure I'd be mad if you were dating."
"Oh yeah?" You lean on your hand, smirking. "Why would you be mad?"
His eyes follow you, a light smile growing on his face, "I'd be jealous, because that idiot would be dating the most incredible, amazing, pretty-"
"Oh, flattery? You're really trying to win brownie points."
"Is it working?"
"Well, it sure isn't hurting you."
"Then I won't stop."
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new-tella-us · 3 months
Alright. No art. Just positive rant. The entire point of my redesigns was me being slightly annoyed at the designs and story of Seduce Me and having way too much positive nostalgia to be normal about this game. I love-hate this game. However! The one thing I will never, never shit talk Seduce Me for is its characters. The main six love interests (Yes I am counting Diana as a main love interest. Thank Demon War for that) are all so well written! I genuinely love them. Even Sam, my least favorite character, isn’t boring. I don’t dislike him for being a bad character, I dislike him because the tsundere trope annoys me.
But this isn’t a rant about the characters as a whole. This is a rant about Damien. Let me rave for a second. Because as melodramatic as his backstory is, it got me hook, line and sinker. I am convinced that either Michaela had a period of being obsessed with Damien or some redheaded fuck boy named Damien pissed her off so much that she made him into a character just to make him suffer. This boy is tragic!
Like b r o, all the other boys’ backstories can be summed up with “The palace life is boring, my dad is kinda shitty and I got one other, reoccurring, minor inconvenience” and then there’s Damien being like- “My mom suffered as my dad’s harem girl until she couldn’t take it anymore and tried to murder me before killing herself. Also my dad is extra shitty to me. He tried to kill me a few times. Food? That’s a luxury. Energy? I’m used to not having it. A room? What is that? Please let me become human because mind reading kinda sucks, oh wait, I only got a 1 out of 6 shot for that ending. And I’m not even the canon ending!”
And another thing! Matthew’s main bad ending has traumatized me for multiple reasons but that line, “That’s what you get for making me go to the human world” after he kills Damien! Now, Matthew is a favorite of mine, but in that moment, I wanted to shake that little bitch until his soul evacuated his body! Like, I don’t care that he was being controlled, how d a r e he come firing shots at Damien when all he wanted was a good life away from his abusive ass dad!? Bro Damien may have been the illegitimate child but at that moment Matthew was the bastard.
On a different, lighter note, I do love the sort of contrast between him and Matthew, at least on the topic of “naivety”. Of the two, you expect the fun loving, goofball to be the naive, kind of innocent one. But that’s not the case. Matthew is optimistic, Damien is innocent. Matthew knows what he wants and while the world is a wonder to him, he goes about the world with this sort of maturity, knowing what he wants to see and when. Damien is more of the spacey type. There is this level of inexperience to how he grasps the world as if he can’t even believe that it can exist. Plus, as much as he has an idea of what he wants to see, sometimes he feels like he must ask permission. Like in the New Years Episode where if you go on Damien’s route, he asks “Can we do this every year?”.
In conclusion, I want to wrap Damien into a blanket burrito and tell him that everything is going to be okay. And then take him to therapy because this man probably has C-PTSD. As my friends would say, I am mentally ill for this demon equivalent of a sad, wet dog.
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sweaty-confetti · 1 year
physical self care tips for folks who don’t have the emotional/physical capacity to do so
disclaimer: these are not going to work for everyone nor are they a cure-all. sometimes you need additional help or sometimes these just aren’t going to work for you. this is not me assuming that every single mentally or physically disabled person is able to do all these. at the lowest points in my life i wasn’t even to get out of bed for days on end and once didn’t brush my teeth for several months. but these help some folks, and that’s all i’m going for!
can’t brush/floss your teeth? mouthwash. mouthwash always. plus you can get it in fun flavors :)
- additionally: are physically capable of brushing/flossing but can’t find the emotional capacity to do so? put on a video/show you like in the background. it helps me !
- oh also you can get toothpaste in fun flavors too if that helps
- you only really need to wash your face like once a day with a fairly gentle soap. like even a bar soap or a diluted hand soap works.
- don’t wanna deal with acne and stuff? pimple patches are your best friend (but wash your face first)
- additionally, acne is normal and common. you don’t have to have “perfect skin” and it’s super rare that people do (and if they do, they most likely invest in a bunch of expensive skincare products and routines).
- don’t/can’t shower? deodorant on stinky/sweaty areas. your armpits, your neck and upper back (trust me on this one), your crotch area, all that stuff.
- or you can just use a washcloth. wet it, put some soap on it, and then rub it on stinky areas. make sure there’s more water on it than soap so that you can wipe it off with a dry washcloth after.
- if you don’t wanna take care of your hair and you don’t need/want to keep it long, buzz it. or just cut it short!
- alternately, if you want/need to keep your hair long but can’t take care of it:
- if you have a looser hair type, run through it every now and then with a brush or your fingers. if you’re able, run through it with your fingers at least a few times a day. running it under water for a little and then gently running through it with your fingers/a comb works as well. also, dry shampoo is your best friend if you’ve got oily hair. if you don’t want to brush/wash it often, keep it in easy to maintain styles like regular braids.
- for black/coiled hair types: i’m not black and have 2c/3a wavy/curly hair so i really don’t know much about this so please do not take this as if i have firsthand experience, this is all internet knowledge/from black peers. i always open to better information, please tell me if you have any! from what i’ve heard and learned black/coiled hair doesn’t need to be washed as much. keeping it short helps because it shrinks easily and means you don’t have to wash/clean it often. but if you want to keep it long, it can get dry easily. separating it into sections and then running through it with a detangling brush helps (a good option is the Spornette DeVille Cushion Paddle Boar Bristle 344). protective hairstyles mean you don’t have to wash it that often as well. 
- some foods may not be healthy but if they’re easy to prepare and leave you sustained for some time, fucking go for it. as long as you don’t have any dietary/medical restrictions regarding them.
- foods like omelettes, oatmeal, microwavable burritos/ramen/etc, peanut butter on toast, tuna sandwiches, frozen chicken nuggets, bag salads, and mixed nuts are all easy to make and/or good sources of vitamins and protein.
- fatness isn’t a bad thing. you don’t need to work out or eat specifically to “stay in shape.”
- but if you do want to work out: i am not a physical therapist, personal trainer, etc. nor do i have much gym experience. listen to your body and consult legitimate medical sources/medical professionals. i am also not physically disabled. i cannot judge what is right for your body; only you and medical professionals can do that.
- remember to warm up and cool down. wear comfortable clothes that make you feel good. drink plenty of water!!!! and listen to what your body is telling you !!! if you experience pain/nausea, it’s time to stop for a bit and there’s no shame in that.
- simple workouts! focus on one specific thing, like flexibility or strength or something. walking/pacing is an easy one if you’re able to do that. listening to music while doing it helps too. - stretches are awesome. yoga is awesome. simple things that increase flexibility and don’t require a lot of physical activity are awesome. just a simple stretch now and then is rad as fuck.
- as always, laziness is a myth. sometimes your mind or your body just doesn’t want to do something and that’s perfectly fine. 
- that’s all i can think of for now i might add more later
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
Pairing - John B x Reader
Summary - You can’t sleep, seeing as your woken up to the cold. John B helps you gets to sleep in more ways than one, he knows how to nourish his princess.
Warnings - Smut (Unprotected sex, Praise kink, Daddy kink) 
A/N - More John B fan fiction to come..
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John B is a rough yet passionate lover, loving to treat you right as you should. You love how sometimes, he is gentle but mostly rough around the edges. knowing how to nourish you in any type of situation, which is pretty rare for guys.
Sleeping with John B is like being on a cloud, full of fluff as you close your eyes and let sleep take over. Unfortunately, tonight you are having trouble sleeping. It’s got nothing to do with John B, you actually, sleep better with him than just by yourself.
You love to sleep at the chateau, being in his bed is so comforting as to oppose to your own. Maybe that’s because of family life but anyway, your mind wonders else where.
You stir in his bed, John B’s arm is around you under the covers. You can’t seem to get comfy, eyes fluttering wide open to see John B softly, snoring. His wavy hair sticking to parts of his face, he’s on his side squished into you.
Your guy, being adorable, wrapped up like a burrito. You give nothing more than for you to sleep like him but some how, you just can’t. Counting the seconds, looking at John B in a daze way or even thinking about him isn’t making you sleep. 
You try to sleep as you don’t want to wake John B up but you shift again due to the coldness. winter has arrived in outer banks, can’t be summer all the time but your learning to deal with it. You snuggle into John B, he tightens his arm around you as he is half awake.
“What’s wrong? Why are you not sleeping, baby?” John B mumbles, concerned written on his face as he opens his eyes to you.
“Can’t sleep and I’m freezing,” You mumble, “Mm, I can think of a few things that might help you..” John b trails off, pulling the cover over you as it slid off your shoulder.
“What might that be?” You question curiously, John B smoothed your hair with his fingers. Your boyfriend just smirks and rubs your thighs with his hands, “God, you are cold, aren’t you, sweetheart?” He groaned, “That’s, not good!”
“Told you,” You giggle as John B pulls you closer, “Let me warm you up,” he winks, hiking one of your legs up, “Do you want me to fuck you back to sleep?” His fingers tips brush your face, before kissing your cheek.
“That sounds so fucking good!” You giggle, “Mm, please! Fuck me back to sleep,” John B pulls your panties down your legs, “Your warm, here! So wet,” he whispers, attacking your neck with kisses as his fingers press into your pussy.
You can’t believe your letting him do this right now, it feels so good of having his hot lips on your body. John B trails his lips from your lips, neck, shoulders, boobs to your thighs.
You can feel his bulge into your side, John B slips a couple of fingers into your wet, tight hole letting it consume his fingers.
“So wet for me, princess,” John B whispers, teasing you, “Has my baby been thinking of me?” kissing your plump lips as his fingers slide into your wet, tight slit.
Your hands glide over his perfectly, carved out abs as he stretches you out, ready for his cock.
“Yes!” You moan softly, “Gotta nourish my princess, haven’t I?” John B takes his cock pushing the tip into your pussy, “Oh, John B,” you gasp, “Feels so good!”
“Good girl, Mm Letting Daddy warm you up,” John B praises, kissing your forehead, he grabs your hips, “Mm, Oh Yes Daddy!” You whimper with your mouth wide open, John B sinks his whole 9 inch cock into your cunt.
“That’s it! Baby, Take Daddy’s cock,” John B slams his length into your wet, cunt, “Mm, John B! Fuck,” You moaned out, “Such a good girl…my good girl,” He groans as he thrusts harder, buckling his hips into yours.
“Yours, John B!” You moan out loudly, John B tightens his hold onto your hips properly, making marks on what is his. He pulls almost all the way out, shoving his thick, pre cum large cock into your tight, dripping wet, snack!
“Yes, yes! Ahh err!!” Your mouth opens, “Right there, John B,” John B grounds his hips deeper, slowly pulling out. You whimper at the lost of contact, “Mm, face down, ass up, baby!” He told you, giving your ass a smack and cupping your boob to give it a gentle squish.
You repositioned at his words, “Ready? Sweetheart!” John B smirks, he has the cover over him, radiating heat off of him onto you, “Yes, Just fuck me, John B,” You roll your eyes begging, his cock slams into your pussy again, him fucking you into the mattress.
“Love, when you beg for my cock, Princess!” John B grunts, you hold onto him tightly, feeling his back as he thrusts into you with pure passion.
All you can see is stars and let out those pretty, moans, “Such a good slut, letting me fuck this wet, cunt to sleep,” John B grunts, forcing himself deeper into your walls, “Mm, your slut!” You whimper feeling your core clench around him, “Damn, right baby,”
“Your leaking, so much baby! Can feel your god, damn walls clench around me,” John B groans, he leans into you peppering kisses along your back, hips and neck, “This pussy, is mine,”
“Yes, yours,” You scrunch your face up, feeling his cock swell even deeper if that’s possible into you.
John B is so deep inside you and you love it.
“I’m close, John B,” You mange to let out, breathless as you make pretty, moans.
“Cum for me, Princess! Let me feel you on my cock,” John B smooths his hands up and your hips to comfort you as he hits your deep, sweet spot.
With a few more Thrusts of his hips, “I’m coming,” You scream, “John B,” You release all over his cock, making him throb for you even more than he has.
“Felt so fucking good, princess,” John B smirks, releasing himself into you, kissing your neck lovingly, “Are you going to sleep? With my cum dripping down you, sweet girl,” he teases, not actually thinking you was going to.
“Of course, I am,” Your mind, not budging from that idea, John B nodded as there no point in saying anything else. He already knew, when you pulled yourself closer laying into his chest, falling asleep.
“Looks like it definitely worked, I’ve fucked you to sleep so good,” John B whispers, kissing your forehead.
You let a little smile cross your lips, “Mm, Night,”
“Night, Baby,” John B smiles back, cuddling you into his arms as he hears your soft snores.
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bb-babyy · 2 years
The Unplanned Road Trip (1)
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Argyle x reader
Warning(s): Mature; swearing; violence
Summary: You were unfortunate enough to get wrapped up in the chaos of finding El with your boyfriend, his best friend, his best friend's younger sibling, and his best friend's younger sibling's best friend.
Word Count: 5.3k
“We have to wake up early tomorrow; we still have to pick up that Mike kid," you murmured, brushing Argyle's hair gently. He hummed, keeping his head resting against your thigh. The joint from early had been snuffed out long ago as he relaxed into your presence. "We should totally get burritos for breakfast tomorrow," he said, finally opening his eyes to look up at you before looking at Jonathan.
Jonathan looked over and shrugged before looking down at his book again from his laying position. 
Argyle's eyes were glazed over, but the smile on his face was still present. You swooped down and placed a kiss on his lips despite the awkward angle. "I'm down, but it's going to be a late breakfast." You had finally finished brushing each section of his hair before braiding it into a loose plait. Once you had placed his purple satin bonnet over his hair, you had officially finished helping him with his nightly routine. 
You kissed him on the head and nudged him towards the blow-up mattress beside Jonathan's bed. It wasn't the first time either of you had slept the night at the Byer's house, and it wouldn't be the last. Stretching your arms, you slowly got up and crawled next to Argyle. "Ugh, I don't want to go to work tomorrow," your voice was muffled on Argyle's shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled your upper body on top of him. 
"Do you work with Karissa?" he asked, rubbing soothing circles on your back. Your body practically melted as his palms touched your exposed skin under your shirt. You kicked a leg over his body and pulled yourself closer. 
"God, I hate her. But yes, I have to close with her, sadly." Karissa happened to be your most hated coworker, and the feeling happened to be mutual. For some reason, she felt the need to make everything a competition. At first, you brushed it off, but the chick was relentless.
It was silent between the three of you as you all continued to relax. "Fuck, Karissa." You and Argyle began to giggle at Jonathan's random outburst. He smiled down at both of you before finally reaching over and turning the lamp off. It didn't take long before you all had drifted away to dreamless slumber. 
You didn't want to get up as the alarm had blared to life. Jonathan grunted and turned it off, but he didn't attempt to get up. Sometime during the night, your position with Argyle had shifted. He now had his head on your chest and legs entwined with your own.
You were awake, but your eyes closed as your nails trailed up and down Argyle's back. He was still snoring and nowhere close to waking up. The door to Jonathan's room slammed open as Jane and Will came in. "Wake up! We have to go get Mike," Jane said, charging over to the queen-sized mattress. She placed her hands on the soft rubber and began to create ripples with her hands. 
You grunted as your body bounced around from the erratic movement. "No, Jane, honey, please. We still have an hour before we have to be at the airport," you groaned. Will followed her lead and began to jump on his brother's bed. Jonathan grunted and pulled him down.
He wrestled with his brother before he gave up and finally sat up. Will's smile only grew as you made eye contact. You gave him a wink and rolled over to face Jane again. She smiled down at you and finally stopped shaking the mattress. 
"Please get up?" She gave you her best puppy dog eyes. You only sighed, placing your hand on her face and pushing her slightly. "Stop with the eyes, little sister. 'M getting up," you said, using the nickname she deeply cherished. 
The wet sensation on your hand caused you to flinch and move your hand back. "Gross," you mumbled, wiping your hand on the back of Argyle's shirt as he snored. Jane giggled and stood up. "Help me find something to wear?" she asked, holding her hand out. 
You sighed, nodded, and promised to meet her in her room once you got Argyle to wake up. He could practically sleep through anything, but you knew the secret to getting him up over the times you have slept together. 
"Argyle, wake up, quick! Your Abuela is coming," you hissed in his ear. He flinched awake and looked around with a look of fright. You could hear Jonathan's and Will's muffled laughter as you bit back a smile. 
"W-what?" he mumbled, sleep thick in his voice. "Argyle, babe, we gotta get ready to go to the airport." He blinked at you a couple of times before he snuggled his face into the junction of your neck. 
"Not cool, man," he groaned. You laughed softly and scratched the back of his neck with your nails bluntly in a silent apology. "We have to get ready to go to the airport, babe." He only groaned but gave a slight nod. His breath tickled the back of your ear as he slowly pulled away. 
You gave him a quick kiss, not wanting him to smell your morning breath, even though he had stated repeatedly that he did not care, and got up to start your day. 
Sitting between Jane and Will, you had an arm across each of their shoulders in comfort. Jane attacked her thumbnail with her teeth as Will fiddled with his rolled-up painting. They radiated with nerves as they waited for the boy of the hour to walk through the baggage claim. 
"I hope you kids have fun this week and don't worry, I'll try and give you guys some space since you clearly love this Mike kid more than me," you huffed. Will only rolled his eyes and leaned closer to you. Jane tried to protest and explain herself, but your giggles let her know that you were just joking. 
It didn't take long before people flooded in from the baggage claim. You stood up with the group but stood in the back with your boyfriend to lean against his tall frame. His arm instantly went around your shoulders as he continued to talk to Jonathan. 
"I don't know, man, Blade Runner's theory on how the future looks are way better than Back to the Future. I mean, think about it, dude. With the state of the world right now, no way is it going to be as colorful as it is portrayed in Back to the Future. The eighties are so different from the seventies, so why would it look like it does now?" You listened as Argyle spoke passionately about his theories of the future. 
Jonathan froze and took in what he said and nodded in understanding. His eyes were just as glazed over as your boyfriend's, so you doubted he was all there. Rolling your eyes, a smile overtook your face at how deep their conversations could get with just about anything when they were high.
 You absentmindedly began to play with a loose string on his colorful button-up shirt while you continued to wait. It didn't take long for the kids to run up to the boy of the hour as he weaved through a throng of people.  
You cringed internally from how awkward the interaction between Will and Mike was. Seeing Will go for a hug while his best friend, since kindergarten, just gave him an awkward pat on the arm left a sour taste in your mouth. You felt your lips lower into a frown at the sight of the spark in Will's eyes begin to dim. 
You already didn't like this kid. 
"That's a rad shirt, man. Ocean Pacific?" The seams of your lips had quickly quirked up briefly as you watched Argyle interact with Mike. His glassy eyes refused to move past the colorful open button-up shirt that hung over Mike's shoulders. 
"Oh, hey, Mike. These are my friends." You simply waved politely as Jonathan introduced you and Argyle to the kid. Mike had lifted up his hand for a handshake between you, but Argyle unwrapped himself from your arms and pushed himself into Mike's personal bubble. 
You placed a hand over your mouth, and an unattractive snort escaped from your lips. Mike looked uncomfortable as Argyle's hands caged him in. 
"Oh, no, no, no. No, it's a shitty knockoff. Yeah. But don't sweat it. I'll give you the good threads out here." The smile on his face was genuine, although he had just dissed Mike unintentionally. There was an awkward pause as everyone looked at each other.
"I heard a lot about your sister." A shriek of laughter finally ripped out of your throat as you buried your face into Argyle's back to muffle the sound. Growing up, you had been told quite a bit that the sound of your laughter could be pretty beastly. You could feel the tears prick the corner of your eyes from how hard you were laughing. 
When you finally pulled away, you realized everyone was looking at you. Will, Jane, and Jonathan were already used to your horrid laughter, so they only smiled in amusement, but Mike looked at you strangely. Argyle, however, looked down at you with love and admiration as a dopey smile fell on his lips. Your laughter was one of his favorite sounds, so he always tried to make you laugh. 
"S-sorry!" One last giggle escaped from your lips as the group decided to make their way outside the airport. You chose to walk behind the group next to Will, and you could clearly see the rejection in his eyes. You gently rubbed his head in understanding, but he only shrugged wordlessly and held his painting closer.
You had a slight inkling that Will liked Mike more than he let on from how he spoke about the boy, but it wasn't your business to out him in any way. When he was ready, he would come to you. One of your favorite things about Will is that you didn't have to communicate to know what was wrong. You could always sense when he was upset and tried to be there for him.
 You casually laid your head on Will's lap in the van as Argyle started driving back to the Byer's residence. It didn't take long for you or Argyle to grow close to the family during your senior year. Argyle had forced his way into Jonathan's life as he did with yours when the two of you were still sophomores. 
And through Jonathan, you met his two younger siblings, who you absolutely adored and thought of as your own, seeing as you were the youngest between your own siblings. You would never admit it out loud, but Will was secretly your favorite only by a little bit. 
You enjoyed simultaneously listening to the multiple conversations as music blasted through the van's stereo. Sure it was loud, but you preferred it over the quietness of your own home. If you weren't with Argyle, you were with Jonathan and his family. 
You listened as the kids made plans while you let Will play with your hair. He was quiet for the most part; even when he ate his favorite breakfast burrito, he mostly just picked apart his food. 
"You okay, kid?" you asked as you sat up and watched as Mike and Jane ran inside while Will was again left behind. 
"Yeah, I'll be okay," he lied. Biting your lip, you watched his sullen form trek closer to the doors with his shoulders hunched over. He was a shit liar, but you let it be. No use pushing the kid.
"You coming, babe?" Argyle asked. He held his hand towards you, which you took graciously as you hopped out of the van. He continued to hold your hand until you arrived in Jonathan's room. Kicking off your shoes, you waited for Argyle to take a seat on the beanbag chair in the corner of the room before you sat down between his legs.
You gave him a loving peck on the lips before pulling out your art supplies from within your bag. You began to quickly draw everything in front of you with the small, expensive color pencil kit that Argyle bought for your birthday a few months ago. You wanted to attend art school to be a courtroom sketch artist, and your boyfriend wholeheartedly supported the idea.
Hours went by as you continued to talk and sketch in your notepad. The boys smoked a few puffs out the window, not wanting the kids to get a contact high as time drifted by. It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. You all turned your attention to Jane peeking her head through the door. "No," you groaned and slumped to the floor. The girl only giggled and pushed the door further open. 
Mike and Will stood behind her, watching as you rolled around on the scratchy carpet. "I don't wanna go to work today!" Argyle smiled down at you and gave your calf a loving pat before he climbed out of the beanbag chair. 
Working at Rink-O-Mania had its pros and cons like every other job, but this job just happened to pay you to do one of your favorite things right after drawing, which happened to be skating. However, dealing with shitty kids and coworkers like Karissa made you loathe it sometimes. But at the end of the day, you would instead serve customers cheap shitty frozen pizza and other unhealthy foods, then work at Surfer Boy Pizza, regardless of Argyle working there.
You loved Argyle but didn't like being understaffed, and making pies for people who couldn't tip worth of shit. He somehow enjoyed it; he was way more patient than you were, even with tasteless customers who sometimes harassed him. 
You were snapped back into reality as your arm shot across Will's chest to keep him in his seat from the sudden halt of the van. Argyle was a very high-functioning stoner, but he could still be a careless driver. You let Jane, Will, and Mike out of the van before shutting the door behind you.
You ran to the driver's side and leaned your head through the window. Placing your hand on Argyle's cheek, you gently pulled him closer for a kiss. Your lips meshed together gently as you gave him a few more quick loving pecks and slowly moved away. He had a lovesick look on his face that always made you melt. His eyes slowly drifted away from your lips back to your eyes. Your heart sped up at the sight of wonder that gleamed in his half-lidded brown eyes.  
"I'll see you later, Argy," you said, giving him one last kiss on his plump lips, making sure that it lingered for a moment. "Bye, babe," he said, smiling a lazy smile in return. 
"Bye, Jonnyboy! I'll keep an eye on the kids, don't worry." You waved as you watched his concerned gaze jump from where his siblings stood and then back to you. He gave you a small smile as you spun on your heel to run over to the kids.
"Now, kids, I want you all to be on your best behavior unless it's Karissa helping you. Make her life hell," you chirped, pulling to door open. Jane and Will only laughed, knowing how much disdain you felt for the woman. 
You directed the kids to the counter and had them wait as you went to clock in. You gave them their skates and watched them walk away to go put them on. 
Unzipping your hoodie, you threw it under the counter to display your uniform. You wore a tight disgusting yellow polo shirt with the logo on the breast, green and white short shorts, a whistle, and knee-high white socks with yellow and green stripes. Despite the outfit being a decade old, your manager insisted that almost all employees dressed similarly. 
You were just about to change your shoes for skates as Mike walked over for a pair of socks, which you gave him for free once you noticed that Karissa wasn't looking. 
Work was far from thrilling as you assisted the many teenagers who came in to enjoy the start of their spring break. You would have instead enjoyed your time playing golf with Argyle and Jonathan or even catching a film at the new cinema a few blocks away. 
But no. You had to weave in between the sudden arrival of skaters, who insisted on getting in your way. You grew increasingly annoyed that they weren't letting you through as there was a sudden commotion on the rink. You gave the empty tray to your coworker before turning to assess what was going on. 
In the middle of the rink, Jane sat looking around, frightened about the number of skaters who began to taunt and skate around her. You could see the glistening tears reflecting off her wet cheeks from where you were standing. 
You felt rage bubble up in your chest as almost everyone collectively agreed to bully and taunt the poor girl. You pushed off the counter and quickly skated towards the center of the ring. You brought the whistle to your lips and blew it as hard as possible. 
The piercing sound was heard over the music, and a few skaters turned and moved out of your way. You shoved a blonde girl to the side, allowing the continents of her drink to spill all over her front as you stood over Jane. 
You gently reached down and helped her stand up. She leaned against you heavily as you brought her off the rink and into the employees-only room. 
She continued to sob as you helped her take off her skates. Once the task was done, you brought her to the floor next to you and allowed her to cry into your arms. You gently rubbed up and down her back to get her to calm down. 
"Are you alright, sweetheart?" you asked. She wiped her cheeks and gave a slight shrug. 
"What happened?" She told you everything that had been going on at school, from how they bullied her to how she lied to Mike and to now. 
"Oh, sweety. I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell us earlier? We would've helped you! Hell, I would have beat the shit of that little girl if you just asked," you said. She gently laughed as tears still continued to cascade down her cheeks. 
"I want to go home now, please," she whimpered as a new wave of tears threatened to spill. 
"Let me call Argy, and I'll have him come pick you and the guys up, okay? Just stay right here. I'll be right back," you said as you began to skate away. You looked at her one last time before closing the door behind you.
You quickly skated to the counter and began to ring up Jonathan's home phone. You eyed the little blonde-haired bully bitch named Angela as she complained to her friends about her ruined shirt as they passed by glaring at you. 
"Byers' residence, Argyle speaking. How can I help you?" A smile broke out on your face at your boyfriend's drawled-out tone. "Hi baby, I need you to come to pick up the kids. There was an incident at work today," you said. 
"Woah, dude, I don't even know you like that. And I'm sorry, but I already have a partner who I love and is super hot, so I think you got the wrong number," Argyle said. You unintentionally let out a loud snort which you tried covering up with a cough at the look Karissa sent you. 
"Argyle, baby, it's me. I need you to come to pick up Jane, Will, and Mike at the skating rink," you said, trying to get through to his hazy mind. 
"Oh, babe! Hey, what happened?" he asked. Just as you tried to explain what had happened, your eyes widened, seeing Jane marching towards Angela with a skate held in a death grip.
"I can't talk right now, babe, but I need you and Jonathan to get your faded asses down here now!" You hung up, and right as you turned to call out to Jane, it was too late as she clobbered Angela in the face.
The next couple of hours were a bit of a blur with the police and ambulance. Everyone was sent home early since various incident reports had to be filled.
Jane sat emotionless in your arms during the drive home as Argyle and Jonathan failed to make her feel better. She ripped herself away from you as the van pulled to a stop. She charged into the house while Mike called out to her as he stumbled over his feet.
Argyle once again waited for you to climb out of the van before he threw an arm over your shoulder to bring you closer. "Sorry I yelled at you over the phone," you said, remembering how harsh you came off. 
"Don't worry about it, dude; I totally understand," he said, dipping down to give you a kiss. You smiled once he pulled away, catching his eye, and he began to smile his lovesick smile back at you. Stepping in the door, you watched in confusion at the mysterious man in front of you. 
He greeted all of you with a promise of risotto. You debated on leaving, seeing that dinner would be a shit show, but Argyle directed you towards the nearest bathroom to wash up. You were jealous, as Argyle and Jonathan were both high while you had to suffer in the tense atmosphere while entirely sober. 
Sitting between Jonathan and Argyle, you listened as Murray and Joyce explained the coincidence of him being in town as you ate. You didn't believe them. Joyce was a shit liar just like her son.
The risotto was surprisingly delicious so you were more focused on your plate than uncovering the lie. You would be asking for seconds after everyone had finished. 
"Can you pass me the olive oil?" Jonathan asked, leaning over to ask either of you for the dressing. "That's wine." You smirked down at your plate, Jonathan was a lightweight, and it was always surprising when Joyce never noticed that he was almost always high as a kite. 
"So, do Eskimos, like, still live in igloos, or are they like fully-blown, like, living in the suburbs now?" You gently tapped Argyle's arm, knowing that the question was offensive. You gave Murray an apologetic smile as he studied the both of you. 
"Who are they?" He turned to look at Joyce. "We're her adopted children, she's exploiting us for government benefits, but it's alright, she gives us a cardboard box to live in, sometimes," you said, trying to keep a straight face. Argyle looked shocked and turned to look over at Joyce. "Mom?" he asked. 
She paused to smile at the both of you knowingly before talking to Jonathan about her trip once again. "Wait? What? What's going on?" he finally looked up from his plate, looking around. 
"Your mom is going to Alaska," Argyle said, leaning over you to whisper to Jonathan. "What's going on in Alaska?" Argyle quickly filled him in on each question he asked as Joyce stared at him with confusion. 
"Jonathan. What is wrong with you," Joyce asked. "I think I know what's wrong with him," Murray said. You slumped in your seat and kept your head down, not wanting to get in trouble. Jonathan had only started smoking since you and Argyle introduced him to it.
"We just had a super stressful day," Jonathan said, trying to cover his tracks. 
"This girl got schmacked in the head at the roller rink," Argyle said. You felt your lips twitch as a laugh threatened to bubble out. The entire situation was bizarre but it was 1000% better than the stuffy dinners with your parents. 
"Yeah, it was one of those vicious skate attacks." You winced, seeing that Jane was becoming upset. You squeezed Argyle's leg to get him to stop talking, but he didn't get the hint in his hazy state of mind. 
Jonathan and Argyle only tried to improve the situation, but it was futile. "Was the skate made out of rubber, babe?" Argyle asked as you attempted to take a sip of water. You choked and nodded, not expecting him to bring you into the conversation. You felt Argyle rub your back as your breathing went back to normal.
"Anyways, she looked like she was going to be fine," Argyle said, while Jonathan backed up his statement. 
"She didn't look fine," Mike said, poking around his salad. That must've been the breaking point for Jane as she stood up and stormed away. "El, aren't you going to finish your–" Joyce attempted to get her to sit back down, but she had already walked away. 
"Wow, Mike. Nice. You're a real Romeo, you know that?" Sarcasm dripped from your lips as he looked up at you in shock. But you only glared at him and got up to chase Jane down. ‘God that kid is something else,’ you thought to yourself as you climbed up the stairs to Jane’s room.
"Hey, little sister, it's me. I just wanted to check up on you.” You didn't have to wait long for her to open the door since you were the only one who called her that.
Once, she deemed that you were alone, she opened the door and beckoned you in. Once you took a few steps away from the door, she closed and locked it. You brought in her sullen appearance as she had her arms crossed in a way to comfort herself. You opened your arms for a hug but allowed her to decide if she wanted it. 
Her bottom lip buckled before she walked into your arms and lay there. She didn't cry or talk, but occasionally a sniffle would slip out. 
"You know, I am so fucking proud that you stood up for yourself today. That was such a badass move that you pulled today, and if I hadn't been working, I would have gladly helped you jump that bitch," you said, pulling away slightly so that she could see your expression. 
She looked shocked as you continued to praise her for her brave actions. A smile finally broke onto her face before she let out a loud laugh from how silly you looked as you pretended to fight the air as if it were Angela. 
"You don't think I'm a monster?" she asked after her laughing fit. "You? A monster? Nah, you're too cute," you said, holding her face in your hands. "Fuck, Angela and her rag-tag group. They're just a bunch of bullies, but you, Jane Hopper, are extraordinary, so they're just jealous." 
You sat around Jane for an hour before she wanted to shower and go to bed early. You gave the girl one last hug and promised a horror movie marathon later that week before you made it back to the living room/dining room. 
Your plate was missing, which made you sad; however, Joyce walked over to you and placed a Tupperware in your hands. You looked at her with confusion before cracking it open and seeing your leftovers plus more. You gasped and closed the container once again.
"Mama Joyce, I love you. And I hope you continue to exploit Argyle and me," you joked, leaning in for a hug. She scoffed at your joke but wrapped her arms around you anyways. "Take care of everyone while I'm gone, please?" she asked, pulling away from the hug to look you in the eyes. You smiled lightly, seeing the worry in her eyes. 
"I promise." She smiled and gave you one last hug before returning to her room. "Hey, ma?" She turned around to look at you once you called out to her. "Give my compliments to the chef? This risotto is to die for." She laughed and gave a nod. You smiled as she disappeared around the corner and headed towards Jonathan's room. 
Argyle was once again opening the door in his favorite spot as Jonathan sat and flipped through a comic book. Argyle smiled at the sight of you. His smile continued to grow as he looked up at you lazily, watching your walk over to him. 
You gently tucked a loose flyaway strand of hair behind his ear as you leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was tender as your lips moved in sync only months of practice could achieve. You gave his plump bottom lip a nip before standing up again. You giggled as he tried chasing your lips with his own. 
Rolling your eyes, you faced Jonathan after he groaned in disgust. "Shut up. You know if Nancy was here, you'd be all over her," you said, standing up. You grabbed your bag tucked in the corner and replaced your sketchbook with your leftovers. 
"Would not," he mumbled out. He had a faraway look in his eyes at the thought of the girl. After weeks of mulling over flying out to see her and trying to gain the courage to tell her that he wasn't accepted to her dream school, he was in a constant battle within his head.
You sighed and began to sign and date your picture from earlier. Walking closer to your friend, you placed your drawing on his face. "Stop moping around, Byers. You decided not to go, so live up to it," you said, looking down at him. His face scrunched up as he took the drawing and rolled over, so his back was facing you.
"S'not that easy," he mumbled as he appreciated your drawing.
 "C'mon, babe, don't be like that. What if that was us?" Argyle asked. You opened your mouth to deny ever being in a situation like that but decided against ruining their high with a useless argument. 
"Look, I'm sorry, Jonathan. I don't know what you're going through, but I also have a feeling that Nacy doesn't as well. It might be in your best interest to call her, and hell, I don't know, tell her that she's hot or whatever," you encouraged. The corner of his lips curled up, seeing that you were finally getting to him.
"Maybe you're right," he said slowly, sitting up as he continued to look at the detailed drawing. 
"Of course I am. I'm the one who uses the one collective brain cell between the three of us." You poked the back of his head teasingly. Your boyfriend only laughed as he checked the time. He stood up and grabbed your bag before walking towards you. 
"I– 'll call her tomorrow," Jonathan said, finally looking up. "It's getting late, and she's probably sleeping." 
"Oof, we should probably head out, don't want to overstay our welcome," Argyle said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You scoffed, you had overstayed your welcome months ago, and now the Byer–Hopper family was now stuck with both of you. 
 Argyle looked down at his best friend and gave him a pat on the arm in encouragement. "Good luck with your phone call tomorrow, man," he said, leading you out of the room. You waved and closed the door behind you.
"So, my house or yours?" you asked, turning to see the content smile on your boyfriend's face once you sat in his van.
"I'm fine with whatever; as long as we get to be together, I don't care," he said. During your time of knowing Argyle, you quickly noticed that he didn't realize that he was a real-life casanova without trying. 
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virtualcarrot · 2 years
[DE] Wherein the unit gets takeout
"Yo Kit," McLaine yells over the open space, "we're ordering from the new Seolite place down the street. What's your poison?"
Kim pointedly does not freeze, and slides his desk drawer closed like the words didn't kick a storm of conflicting emotions inside of him.
"Ah, I don't have a preference, officer," he says mildly, and makes busy with the files left on his desk. There aren't many; he's a tidy person. Presently a curse.
He does have a preference, though. It'd be hard not to. A Vacholiere of forty-four such a him has had more than a few opportunities to try a wide variety of restaurants. And Revachol isn't a stranger to foreign foods--though who are they foreign to, really? A city of immigrants, Revachol is home to many able to lay a claim of familiarity to the purportedly unconventional.
There have been cassava fritters, handouts from an old man near his childhood district that used to take pity on his scrawny teens. Crab cakes from a classmate, shared in spontaneous and welcome goodwill. Tapioca burritos, wet with sweet condensed milk, a gesture of appeasement from an overwhelmed grandmother when Kim was working in Juvie. Later, pita bread and doner kebabs would often make office of meals to the Kimball. And, in-between, late night noodle broths on too tall bar stools; skewers of fried tofu from street vendors around the corner; Dai's dumplings, painstakingly handmade in Kim's kitchen, his grin unabashed before Kim's misshaped results...
"Kim," calls a voice over his right shoulder.
It's Harry. He's holding a plastic bag up for Kim to see, head angled towards the office tables pressed together in the middle of the room. McLaine appears busy arguing with Torson over the ownership of the food they've already unloaded.
"Ah, yes. Thank you."
Turns out, Harry took care of ordering for him. Kim's handed stir fried rice with chicken and cashew nuts. It's satisfyingly spiced, the sort of kick Kim takes smug satisfaction in enjoying. He almost denied himself, at some point, out of sheer spite--
"Shit, I don't know how you can bear the heat. Fucking Seolites, man," Rémi marveled with a laugh.
--but in the end, he keeps indulging.
Harry doesn't say any of the sort. Truthfully, it wasn't like he was able to say much of anything at all, the first time he stole some of Kim's food. Face still blotched, looking up at Kim with wonder in his eyes, all his effort went into choking out the usual question.
"How are you so cool?"
Kim takes his rice and stabs a fork in it. Heidelstam falters from where he's snapping his own chopsticks free, and visibly refrains from commenting on it.
"The fuck are you doing," Dai asked, horrified laughter tight in his throat.
"I mean, you can try? But why would you eat rice with a fork? Dolores, but I've got so much to teach you."
"How do you find your meal, Lieutenant?" Minot asks him, a companionable smile on her face. There's a spot of sauce near her chin from where a recalcitrant noodle decided to fight back.
Across the table, Torson pulls himself straighter. For some reason, the Sargent often seems eager for his opinion. "Yes, does it get your seal of approval?"
The rice is fat and sticky; the cashews crunch pleasantly under Kim's teeth. Kim takes time to chew and blinks slowly before he speaks.
"It's good, Sargent" he says mildly. "Do you want some?"
McLaine snorts. "Don't encourage him or you'll have nothing left to eat."
The partners bicker. Kim goes back to his meal. He doesn't dislike these people, really. It's been months, now; they have a rapport. Minot and him share the very necessary responsibility of being a stabilizing, mild-mannered presence in the unit, as well as a core belief in doing right by Revachol's people. Jean respects him, too, sometimes in an envious, sympathetic sort of way, like he's just waiting for Harry's other shoe to drop and he feels duty-bound to warn Kim of the tripping hazard when that happens. For his part, Torson has decided to project the most incomprehensible hero worship onto him, and McLaine doesn't call him Kimball. He tried. Once.
They now have an understanding.
He will still shorten Kim's name to Kit so long as he feels he's far away enough to escape any swift retaliation.
Truthfully, Kim likes them.
Harry leans over, breath flavored with cilantro, scallions and beef.
"They thought it'd make you happy," he says, tone surprisingly, diplomatically, insightfully neutral.
Kim doesn't reply. He spots dark, chewy mushrooms in Harry's dish before he turns back to his own meal. He doesn't think his attention went unnoticed. Harry has a way of seeing things.
Sure enough, some beats later, fat mushrooms start piling up on the discarded lid of Kim's takeout box.
Harry's using chopsticks. One in each hand.
In return, Kim tilts his container in a silent offer. The bark of laughter that follows is neither unexpected nor unwelcome.
"Ah! Hell no, you won't catch m--" Harry pauses, blinks, briefly lost in one of his whirlwinds of thoughts, then grins, all teeth. Kim wonders if it's the Expression, the one his partner once confessed to having struggled so much to tame. If so, it's not too bad. Disturbingly compelling, actually.
With spiced chicken speared on a chopstick, Harry stands, making a whole performance out of it. That, too, is up for the par. "Alright, baby! let's see how the dies roll today!"
Wherever the dies are, it appears they land poorly. Harry chokes, flushes. He sways under the heavy slaps Torson sees fit to lay on his back. He's laughing himself silly in spite of the pain.
When Heidelstam's glass of water fails to bring any relief, Jean pushes the sugar box from the coffee room right under Harry's nose.
"Fucking shitkid," he says, but he's smiling, a bit. "Eat a cube."
Harry eats five.
Kim eats a mushroom and knows next time Harry orders for him, he'll have more than enough of those to spare.
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duckiiboop · 11 months
for the OTP asks: 8, 12, and 47 for both jolymayu and mayumes >:) sorry I'm gay and love drama
Worry not anon for I too am gay and love drama
Also you accidentally got novels. You’re welcome.
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
When Mayu gets sick, both girls can immediately tell: Mayu is an early bird and is usually up and running before the other is. She will absolutely refuse to get out of bed when she’s under the weather. She hogs the blanket and rolls herself in a burrito to keep the other girl (physically) away from her. However, she’ll whine for their company and then she usually ends up cuddling with them anyway lol.
Jolyne will (attempt to) pry Mayu’s head out of the burrito and pump her full of medicine and lay cold towels on her forehead. Jolyne’s not a strong cook, but she’s taught herself to make Mayu’s favorite soup to get some food in her tummy. They end up falling back asleep together. 🥺
Ermes likes to tease her (“That’s what you get for being barefoot!” “That’s what you get for going outside with wet hair!” Just little Gloria-isms) but she immediately gets to work by making some chicken broth, lathering Mayu in Vick’s vapor rub and switching between giving her sprite, Tylenol and ginger ale. That’s the way Gloria would take care of her growing up and it always works like a charm!
Nurse Mayu is ALWAYS on call when her baby’s sick. She’ll push them back into bed, tuck them in and hand feed them homemade chicken noodle soup. At the end of the day she will climb into bed with them and try to coax them back to sleep with some singing and a neck massage. Then she’ll get herself sick after drowning them in kisses lol.
Jolyne is pretty resilient and will take care of herself when she doesn’t feel good, but she knows when to admit defeat and tells Mayu when she doesn’t feel good. (Plus she absolutely loves being pampered by her muahaha)
BUT ERMES BEING SICK... Ermes is stubborn as FUCK and refuse to admit that she’s sick in the first place. She’s one of those that doesn’t believe that she’s sick unless she’s green and puking, but Mayu knows when she feels like shit. She knows Ermes doesn’t like feeling like she’s imposing on her, but Mayu lives to take care of her. After lots and LOTS of coaxing, Mayu will have Ermes asleep on the couch teehee
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
Both couples are pretty civil! The two situations that could cause some heat between them would be 1) someone eating someone else’s food or 2) Mayu getting fed up with the other girl’s teasing and accidentally blowing up on them by making a mean comment towards them. Mayu’s always a good sport, but if it’s taken too far she’ll end up making a comment that she regrets later. Jolyne will knock it off, but sometimes Ermes will feed off of the bad comment and one-up it. From there, they’ll walk away from each other to chill out. If Mayu makes the other girl mad, she’s chasing after her spewing apologies while the other stews in her anger while she calms down.
Mayu always feels guilty afterwards regardless of the situation so she tends to shut herself away from the other person for a little bit to calm herself down.
Mayu’s always the first one to apologize and beg for forgiveness even when the other person claims responsibility for starting it. A big old hug and a kiss solves everything!
47. Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship?
Between Jolyne and Mayu, not really. Mayu knows about Jolyne’s preteen activities, but she has a good understanding as to why it happened and doesn’t judge her for it. (Honestly Mayu thinks she’s a bad bitch for getting a tattoo so young lol) BUT they’re open books to each other.
Between Mayu and Ermes… it wasn’t something that would have ruined their relationship and Mayu also understands why Ermes didn’t share the information with her, but Mayu was definitely hurt by the fact of not knowing about Gloria. The two of them bonded a lot before the Kiss of Love and Revenge arc, and Mayu would talk about her family often. Ermes never talked about Gloria. Mayu definitely noticed the change in Ermes’ demeanor when she started tailing Sports Maxx and once she, Jolyne and FF got the scoop about what happened to Gloria, her heart was shattered. She understands that Ermes didn’t owe her that information, but she was definitely hurt that despite how close they’d become, Ermes didn’t tell her; she also felt like she had constantly rubbed the fact of having family on the outside in her face. After the Limp Bizkit fight, Mayu paid her respects to Ermes and ensured her that she’d always be there for her no matter what.
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noctumbra · 3 years
summary ─ “fuck him,” you muttered. “fuck him sideways.”
pairing ─ avenger!alpha!bucky barnes x omega!reader
warnings ─ smut, +18, a/b/o dynamics, mutual pining, flirting, kissing, light choking (:d), rough sex, getting together, heat/rut sex, scenting, idiots in love
a/n ─ blame seb for that ig story picture. it made me do it. but seriously, can he choke me. anyway sfjdsjf hope you like it! leave a comment if you do! thankl youuuu <333 (italic is bucky, bold is reader) enjoy this 5.6k monstrosity. 
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You and Bucky had been flirting for some time, but it was more of a friendly flirting rather than something more. He would call you cute pet names and let you play with his hair on movie nights, and you would let him cuddle or hug you whenever he needed touch. You liked spending time and having a lot of fun with him.
Sometimes you scented each other, too.
His scent was reminding you all kinds of things that you considered safety and homey, so you never said ‘no’ when he wanted to scent you. He let you scent him back most of the time and you used it on his behalf; scenting him when he felt anxious, letting him bury his nose into your neck so that he’d calm down after a brutal mission or nightmare. It worked well for both of you.
Sometimes, though, you wished something more from him. There were times where you wanted him to kiss you, to pull you flush against his muscle-clad, big and warm body and to touch you like that. You wanted to know how his arousal smelled like up-close, but you were valuing your friendship a bit too much to make a move; you were afraid that you’d lose him, and you couldn’t take the risk.
So, you kept it to yourself.
Times went by while both of you went on with your cute flirting and occasional hair-playing and cuddle/hug and scenting game. You knew you should have stopped scenting him back, you didn’t want to get in between him and his potential mate, since he’d been seeing other women sometimes. You overheard him and Sam talking about Tinder and getting dates from there. You also saw him carrying a gorgeous blonde to his room while kissing the daylight out of her.
You wanted so badly to be her, but it was just not possible. You knew it.
Sighing to yourself, you wiggled under your thick duvet, burying your body into the bed even more. It was way too late for you to be awake, but you couldn’t sleep. Your bed was comfy, warm and you put your duvet into a position that got you looking like a burrito. You were supposed to be passed out with these beautiful conditions, but your body was too hot, you felt too itchy to go to sleep. Your heat was close. You could sense it; you were in the pre-heat phase and you had about two days until it hit you.  
You growled to yourself angrily a little as you wiggled a bit more. Your head was partially under your pillow when you heard your phone ping-ing. Frowning, you stuck your hand out to grab it, seeing that you had one unread message. You opened it.
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned out accidentally when you saw what it was.
It was Bucky. He was shirtless and had his dog tags on. He was holding a cup in his big hands. All the muscles and veins were visible and bulging. He had a flirtatious look on his face. He seemed to wearing thin basketball shorts under, but they did very little to hide whatever he was… hiding there.
“Shit,” you whimpered. Your face was heating up rapidly. You felt your body was ready to burst, explode, whatever. Your heart was beating in your mouth. You could feel your pussy getting wet and even throb a little. You swallowed the spit that collected in your mouth when you heard another ping.
ah, shit, sorry, doll. i meant to send that to someone else.
Well, you thought and sighed.
“It’s not fair,” you whined and inched down on your bed, your legs spreading themselves instinctively. You bit your lip. You could finally make a move and say something suggestive, or you could just… chicken out. “Fuck him,” you muttered. “Fuck him sideways.” Your phone ping-ed again.
how is it look, though? i’m not sure about sending it rn
i think i’m chickening out
You rolled your eyes as his texts. Of course he didn’t like the picture where he looked so fucking sexy.
no, you look good, you texted him back. you look damn good, actually. idk why you’re chickening out. You saw the three dots that were inclining that he was writing and waited.
i dunno, he sent. she’s real nice, ya know. i don’t wanna fuck up
“Fuck whoever she is,” you whispered. “Fuck her if she thinks you’re fucking up when you send her a picture like this.”
why would sending a shirtless pic make you fuck up anyways?
she might think i’m a bit forward? idk honey i really care about her and i don’t want her to think i’m only talking to her bc i wanna fuck her ‘til she passes out.
“What the fuck,” you whispered again, your eyes narrowing and scent turning into its sickly sweet self by the half-dirty talk. Bucky never said anything to you like this before. You shared almost everything, but when the subject was sex Bucky was always a bit shy. Now, though, he didn’t sound shy. “I shouldn’t find this sexy.”
well, i don’t think she’ll have a problem with that, pal. esp with that pic
hell no
The three dots appeared again.
so you’re saying that she’ll know that my only purpose isn’t fucking her through her mattress?
i mean i know this isn’t a dick pic but still
You shake your head fondly. Even when he was trying to sext with a woman, he was being a gentleman. You liked that about him. He was always thinking how the other person would feel if his actions were to get misunderstood. It was cute.
you’re cute, you sent. she’ll understand.
Dots appeared but disappeared a second later. It repeated itself for a couple time before it totally vanished. You frowned but didn’t think too much about it. There really wasn’t much he could say to your last text, you thought. Maybe he finally sent the picture to the person who should have received it in the first place.
You took a deep breath as you looked at the picture again.
God, he was so handsome. He recently had a haircut, and it looked very good on him. He had faint stubble. When you first looked at the picture, you thought he had a flirtatious look, but actually he was just adorable. He was caught in mid-wink, you thought. His flesh hand was dwarfing the big navy colored mug he had in his hand. You knew that mug, you bought him that as a birthday gift, and it was a very big one. You never noticed how big his hands were before, but now that you knew, it was going to be hard to take your eyes away from them.
“Ugh,” you grunted, feeling the itchy sensation increasing. “Fuck me.” Locking your phone, you dropped it on your night stand. You were wet and horny, but you didn’t have any energy to touch yourself. So, you just hugged your pillow and closed your eyes.
The morning found you pouring yourself a cereal with still sleepy eyes. The sun was shining brightly, the kitchen was quiet and it seemed like you were the only living creature in the tower. You yawned as you put the cereal box down and poured some milk into your bowl. You perched yourself onto the chair by the kitchen island and dug into your cereal.
You had… vivid dreams last night. It included a pair of hands touching your naked skin, blur of colors and some moaning. You vaguely remembered that there were hushed whispers of a little dirty talk, but the details blurred as soon as you woke up.
That meant you were even achier than last night. You grunted into your cereal.
“Hey,” you heard someone murmur and jumped, it was Bucky. He looked like he just came back from a run. “Shit, sorry,” Bucky muttered. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” You shrugged as you slurped the last of your cereal. With the corner of your eyes, you saw his nostrils flare and realized he was scenting the air. “Y’alright, doll?”
“Mmhm, just achy,” you murmured and carried your bowl to the sink. Bucky stayed silent and watched you washing your bowl and rolling your shoulders a couple times. He could smell your scent; it was content but somehow… off. He also knew your heat was close. Your scent was too sweet albeit being a little off, it was like he just stepped into a bakery and got hit with freshly baked goods. It was mouthwatering. Eyes narrowing, Bucky murmured a silent ‘fuck it’ to himself, he stepped behind you.
“You seem awfully tense, honey,” Bucky muttered into your ear as he pressed his body to yours. “Couldn’t sleep well?” You tensed. You could feel the heat coming off of his body, could smell his clean sweat, cologne and his own musk; it was woody and fresh: like a bonfire in the middle of a forest. More importantly, you could feel all the muscles and ridges on his body against yours.
“Somethin’ like that,” you whispered. Bucky cooed at you softly. His arms wound themselves around your waist, pulling you in and making you rest your body against his. His scent surrounded you in a second, and you felt like you were being cocooned in your bed by your soft blankets.
“Breathe with me, love,” he murmured. “It will help you loosen up.” You swallowed and nodded. Feeling his chest moving behind you, you followed his movements. “That’s it,” he said, “You’re doing great.” You breathed in, in, and in and then let it ouuuut. You felt your shoulder relax a bit. “That’s it,” he whispered and─
His lips were right over your pulse. His stubble was rubbing the sensitive flesh of your neck. You shuddered uncontrollably. Bucky hushed you as his lips brushed against your skin. His hot breath was licking your neck, making the hair on your body rise. He nosed your glands there; taking lungful of your scent, Bucky grumbled to himself about how good you smell.
With a small grunt of his, he took a step forward and cornered you against the counter. You gasped.
“Hmm,” Bucky hummed, “You are tense, honey.” His lips found your jaw, his nose poked your temple and you shuddered again.
It felt like you were underwater but weren’t drowning; everything was peaceful quiet, and you were floating.
“Bucky,” you whispered. He hummed. “Bucky…” He kissed your neck, bit down on the flesh and sucked it a little. You felt your legs tremble when you felt your heat creeping in even closer and grabbed his arms around your waist for support. You tipped your head back, exposing your throat to him, and closed your eyes.
Placing kisses all over your neck, nibbling on your jaw, one of his hands grabbed your face to turn it towards him. “Tell me you don’t want it, and I’ll stop. I promise I’ll stop.” You didn’t say anything but leaned into his touch. “Tell me.”
“I want it,” you whispered, surpassing a shiver. Your heat was taking over your body, and Bucky needed the verbal confirmation before it consumed you.
“Honey,” he said softly. “Your heat is starting, do you want me to help you?” You gasped silently, realizing that you were feeling woozy a little and your vision was fuzzy around the edges, now.
“Yes,” you answered him. “Please, alpha?”  
Bucky’s chest rumbled lightly with approval and captured your lips with his. You moaned into his mouth. It was as soft as it looked and was caressing yours so nicely. You whimpered as you sneaked your hand into his slightly damp hair. You craned your neck to deepen the kiss, letting your tongue join the game, too. Bucky groaned.
“Fuck, love,” he whimpered. “Your skin feels so soft under my hands, your body is so warm… Mmm, I wanna eat you right up.” You wiggled in his arms.
“Please,” you whispered. Bucky bit down on your bottom lip. His other hand sneaked into your pajama bottoms, sliding right into your panties and nudging your clit gently. You gasped loudly as Bucky cursed.
“Holy shit, honey,” Bucky groaned. “You’re wetting your pajama bottoms with your slick.” You whimpered when you felt one long digit swiping the slick that gathered between the lips of your pussy. “Is it for me?” He asked, a low growl could be heard in his voice. You nodded. Bucky tugged on your hair. “Words. Use’em.”
“Yes!” You cried out. “Yes, only for you, Bucky, yes!”
“That’s more like it,” Bucky murmured and slid two of his fingers inside you. Biting your lip to stop yourself moan loudly, your hand tightened in Bucky’s hair and you bared your throat to Bucky by the throwing your head back even more, submitting him.
The way Bucky was fingering you was relentless; two of his long and thick fingers were stroking your wet walls, crooking them to graze over your sensitive spot sometimes while the heel of his hand was pressing down on your clit. You were being stimulated from almost all your open ended nerves so perfectly, you wanted to cry.
“I wish you see how you look right now, baby,” Bucky whispered. “You’re so deep into your pleasure...” You hummed and let out a gasp when he crooked his fingers again. “You take my fingers so nicely. My hand is drenched, baby, goddamn.” He nosed your bared throat, taking deep breaths, Bucky filled his lungs with your sweet heat scent. “Gotta get you to your room, love. The whole kitchen is gonna smell like your heat if we don’t.” You whined, but you weren’t lost in your head yet, so you knew he was right. You nodded. Bucky kissed your neck and suddenly, your world was upside down.
You were thrown over his shoulder like he was a caveman and you were his prey. “Bucky!” He chuckled, his metal hand slapping your ass, he stepped into the elevator and told Jarvis to go up to your floor. He carried you like that throughout the whole trip. You got to feel his back muscles all the way to your room, though, so you thought it wasn’t so bad.
Bucky dropped you on the floor gently. You were standing right in front of your room. “I can wait here,” Bucky murmured and continued when he saw your confused look. “While you are getting nest sorted out, I can wait here.”
Your heart swelled in your chest because ain’t he the most thoughtful.
“Aww, James,” you whispered. He just smiled and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Really?” He nodded. You knew he took these kinds of things serious because he was a bit old-school, but you liked that about him very much.
“Yeah,” he said. “Actually, why don’t you go ahead and sort your nest out while I get us some water and snacks?” You placed your hand on your heart.
“A man after my stomach,” you said dreamily, making him snort. “Okay.” He kissed your neck one more time and walked back to the elevator.
You had a spring on your step as you walked inside of your room and stripping the bed from unnecessary things. You pulled out your softest linens, blankets and pillows; arranging them on the bed the way you liked, you added some extra tiny pillows. It looked inviting, personal and smelled like you strongly. You smiled, pleased with your efforts. Just as you sat down on the bed in your underwear, you had kept your oversize t-shirt though, you heard a knock.
“Come in!” You called out and saw Bucky’s smiling, handsome face. He had arms full of snacks and water bottles, he also had other things which you couldn’t figure out what. You watched him as he put the things he carried into your room on your small desk.
“I, uh,” he started, suddenly looking bashful. “I thought you might want, uh,” Bucky stammered over his words and just handed you something.
It was his blanket from his bed and the sweatshirt you saw him wearing yesterday.
“I can always put them aside or bring more, whatever you want,” Bucky hurriedly added. You shook your head as you reached and took them from him. You folded the sweatshirt and put it right next to your bed where you would be reaching something to wear after you were through, and spread the blanket on your bed, rearranging your pillows. You took your t-shirt off before you turned and faced with Bucky.
You walked up to him slowly until you were standing right in front of him. You could see his nostrils flaring, pupils dilating and him scenting the air. “Kiss me, alpha?” Bucky let out a broken sound before he pulled you against his body, his flesh hand cradling your face gently, and leaned down to give you the kiss that you asked for so nicely.
It was, hands down, the most loving and gentle kiss you’ve ever had. It was nothing like the kiss you’ve shared in the kitchen. This one was chaste. Bucky’s lips were soft, and he was kissing you like a longtime lover. Moaning lightly, you tilted your head to your side and deepened the kiss a bit; pushing up on your tiptoes and winding your arms around his neck, you felt his arms wrapping themselves around your waist one more time.
You felt amazingly consumed and caged and overwhelmed, and you were fucking loving it.
Bucky pulled back slightly. “Bed,” he commanded. His voice was rough and low. His woodsy, fresh smell had taken a sharp turn and now it was more like burning wood and citrus. You loved how forest-y his scent was. You quickly climbed on the bed, and a second later Bucky joined you.
His big body caged yours under him. The body heat this man had was driving you crazy because he was so fucking warm, it made you want to wrap yourself around him like a koala and never let go.
“Bucky…” You breathed when you felt his teeth grazing over the sensitive skin of your neck, gasped when he placed a soft bite there. His light stubble was rubbing your skin raw, but you were loving it just like everything else. You felt him press his body against yours fully as he drew in a deep breath.
“God, your scent is drivin’ me fuckin’ crazy,” he murmured and kissed his way downwards. He stopped when he came across to your bra, looking up in your eyes, he silently asked for permission to take it off. You nodded. As soon as your breasts were free from their containment, Bucky latched on to one of your nipples, making you throw your head back and moan loudly.
“Fuck!” You yelped when he bit down and sucked and did… things with his tongue. He was licking and sucking, his saliva had covered your nipple and you could hear the slurping sound. It was so sexy, the pleasure was so intense; you felt like you were about to come. Whimpering, you slid your hands in his short hair, pulling and scratching his scalp. Bucky hummed. The vibrations and the graze of his teeth made you hiss, your body was trashing beneath his strong one.
Bucky pulled back with a ‘pop’, licking his lips, his fingers toyed with your other nipple. “How are you feelin’, love?” He asked. You panted lightly as you gave him thumbs up but yelped again when he pinched your nipple. “Words,” he growled. “I told you to use them.”
“’m good,” you whimpered, nipple throbbing deliciously. “’m good, I swear, ‘m fine, alpha.” Bucky hummed at the name. He always liked being called ‘alpha’ during sex before, he was never shy to tell his partners to call him that when he wanted to end his dancing night with someone, but hearing you call him that was turning him on in a whole different level.
Growling approvingly to himself, Bucky’s fingers found the hem of your panties. Before he could ask for permission, you lifted your hips to help him remove them easily. Bucky took a hold of the flimsy fabric, quickly dragging it down your beautiful legs, he threw them somewhere in the room. You were now under him with all your naked fucking glory, and Bucky’s mouth was watering at the sight of you. His gums were hurting with the desire to claim and mark you.
“You are gorgeous, baby,” Bucky murmured, fingers trailing over your soft skin and making you shiver happily. He leaned in. His light stubble rasped against your nipple as he nosed your collarbone, licking and sucking small marks there. You sighed. Your hands were buried deep in his short hair, the fluffiness of it turning into a messy state. “You feel so good against me,” he murmured again, lips brushing over the sensitive skin of your breasts. You whimpered. The ache between your legs was getting intolerable with each passing second, and you wanted him to take you already.
“Bucky…” You breathed. “Please, Bucky, alpha, I-I can’t, it h-hurts,” you babbled, hands now clawing his strong and wide shoulders. Quickly, Bucky shushed you with kisses, murmured filthy nonsense into your ear as he trailed one hand down your front. You gasped when his fingers brushed against your clit. It was already so sensitive and throbbing and aching─
“So wet,” Bucky whispered. “I’m gonna taste it later.” He brushed his fingers up and down for a couple times and pulled his hand back. “Now, we make your hurting stop, love.” You nodded. Your eyes were half-closed, you looked debauched without Bucky doing anything properly yet, and more importantly you looked drunk with only a couple kisses and touching from him.
If that ain’t the best kind of ego boost, I don’t know what is, Bucky thought to himself as he bit his lip and removed his clothes. Your sweet heat scent was filling his lungs and the room, and making him feel lightheaded. His skin was prickling with the intensity of your scent. He knew very well no matter how many times he’d shower that he would be smelling like you even days after your heat ended. Honestly, that would be a dream come true for Bucky.
His crush on you was getting stronger rather than dying down. He had tried dating with other people, hooking up or just spend his rut with at least a partner, but he just couldn’t because his body was yearning yours. His lungs were desperate for your sweet, calming scent filling them, his fingers were itching to feel your skin, and his lips were tingling to meet with yours… His whole body had been wanting you, no one else had made him feel this way before.
“God, Y/N,” Bucky breathed. His eyes were now fully black, face darkened with lust and his body heat had increased. He was about to enter his rut, he knew it. Bucky leaned forward and licked a fat line from your collarbone to all the way up to your ear, making your bonding glands throb. You gasped at the feeling.
“Fuck, Bucky!” You sighed, eyes screwed shut. Bucky hummed. His fingers moved south, were quick to find your dripping and aching core, he slipped two of his fingers in you. You moaned. His fingers were moving in and out of you rapidly, thumb pressing lightly on your clit. He could feel the poor thing throb beneath his fingertip, Bucky chuckled against your throat and nipped the skin there. You moaned one more time, but louder, your nails dug them deep into Bucky’s meaty shoulders. Bucky hissed at the slight pain, but all the pain during sex was welcomed in his book.
Bucky pulled his fingers out and pushed off of you, ignoring your little whines. “Present,” he ordered, his voice was still soft even though his commanding tone. Whimpering, you flipped onto your tummy, pressed your chest against the soft linens beneath you and lifted your ass high up on the air. Bucky groaned. “Damn, kitten,” he whispered. You shivered. He placed his hands on your ass, and then moved them up, up, up and slid one of them into your hair. “Do I need a condom?” You nodded.
“Birth control is no good for me,” you panted lightly. Bucky nodded, pressing a kiss on your cheek, he leaned sideways to grab a condom from his bedside drawer. You rubbed your face, wiggled your hips and fisted the bedding as Bucky put on the condom. As soon as he was done, he walked closer to you on his knees and immediately draped his body onto yours. You sighed at the skin-to-skin contact.
“Tell me if you want to or need me to stop because you don’t like what we’re doing, alright?” Bucky murmured. You nodded.
“I will,” you slurred slightly and earned another kiss on your cheek. You hummed happily. You felt the blunt tip of his cock against your wet folds and held your breath. With a smooth, slow thrust of his hips, Bucky slid into you. “Fuuuck,” you sighed, eyes closed and mouth open, drooling just a little bit. The ache in your core was disappeared as soon as Bucky filled you up.
“Goddamn,” Bucky gritted. Your pussy was hugging his hard as hell cock so nicely, Bucky felt like he was being wrapped with the softest blankets to ever exist. Falling onto his elbows, Bucky placed kisses on your bare shoulders. He moved his arms carefully and wrapped them around your torso. One of his hands was wrapped lightly around your neck, and you felt another flame taking over your body with the feeling.
“Move,” you whispered. “Alpha, please, move.” Bucky shushed you gently. Never stopping peppering kisses on your shoulder, neck and cheek, Bucky moved his hips slowly at first. You gasped, head thrown back on Bucky’s shoulder, you closed your eyes.
Your mind was fogged, body wrung tight with sexual frustration and the coil in your belly was burning hotter each passing second. You could feel your heat taking over your body. Bucky’s strong scent was covered with the traces of faint rut, and his scent was clogging up all your senses.
It felt magnificent.
“Alpha,” you moaned when his cock touched a spot in you, your body suddenly waking up. Bucky grunted. His rut was making him a little non-verbal, but he was okay with it. “Faster,” you whimpered. “Faster, harder, alpha, fuck!” The breath knocked out of your lungs with Bucky’s hard thrust.
Grunting and rumbling deep in his chest, Bucky started slamming into you. Your slick was now covering his inner thighs and groin, making these obscene sounds to echo in your room and your skin to stuck each other whenever Bucky’s pelvis kissed yours. You whimpered. Your body was both loosening up and tightening even more as Bucky’s thrusts became harder and deeper. Your body was melting under his, muscles were getting lax because of the rut scent and soft rumbles Bucky was occasionally letting out.
“Mmm,” Bucky hummed, nose poking your bonding glands. “You smell so good, omega,” he murmured, and you shuddered under him. Bucky chuckled darkly. His hot breath licked over your pulse. His short fangs grazed over the sensitive skin, tongue poking out to lick and suck as his pace turned into even something more feral. The sound of skin slapping skin was so loud, you were deafened by it.
You whimpered when you felt his teeth again. You had no fear of Bucky mating you, you knew him enough to know that he wouldn’t do that, but feeling him dragging his fangs up and down like that on your bonding glands was incredibly turning you on. You grabbed onto his arms when he slightly straightened up so that he could drive in you deeper.
“Shit,” you gasped. Bucky growled. His arms around your neck tightened its hold a bit, enough to make you feel every drag of oxygen. “Fuck, Bucky─” His cock was driving in and out of you at a mad pace, balls slapping against your clit and obscene sounds of your wet pussy was driving you even crazier.
With a snarl, Bucky pulled you up against him, flipping you on your back in a matter of seconds. When he slid into your once again, you felt the bulge of his knot at the base of his cock. You gasped, looking down, your mouth hung open on its own. Bucky chuckled.
“That mouth of yours is hungry, ain’t it?” He asked, a filthy smirk on his face. You tried to swallow the spit, but he didn’t let you. He stuffed three of his metal fingers into your mouth. “Suck on’em, honey,” he ordered lovingly. You moaned as you did what you were being told and felt his pace falter for a second. “Fuck.” You hummed around his fingers. His rut scent getting stronger, covering your body, your bed and leaving its mark deep into your bones, you felt like a cat under the sun.
Bucky placed his flesh hand on your pussy. His hips were moving with a rapid pace, your fluids were mixing with his. His thumb found your clit and started to play with it. You cried out. your back arching, you moaned around his fingers, your pussy tightening on his cock. Bucky gasped and grunted. His balls were hurting because of how full they were.
“Come for me,” he whispered. “Fuckin’ come for me, omega,” his harsh whispering voice commanded. You felt your eyes roll back as the pleasure and blinding orgasm took over your body. Bucky cursed as he felt your mouth watering even more around his fingers, pussy walls clamping on his cock and knot. Gasping, Bucky leaned in and pulled his fingers out your mouth so that he could kiss you. Bucky was so close, so fucking close─
“Mmm,” you hummed into his kiss. “C’me f’r me, alpha,” you murmured, placing sloppy kisses on his mouth. “C’mon, breed me, fill me up, make a mess─”
Groaning loudly, Bucky slammed forward one last time before he felt his knot popped. His balls seized so hard, Bucky let out a wounded sound. You shushed him. Placing your hands on his face, you kissed him. He sighed into the kiss as he thrusted in and out of you slowly, fucking his come deeper into you.
“Fuck, honey,” Bucky breathed out when the intense part of his orgasm washed away. You smiled, kissing him again. Bucky kissed you back soundly. “Damn, I’ve never come that hard before,” he said, chuckling.
“Good,” you said. Your scent flaring up with smugness, Bucky laughed.
“Yeah, alright, you’re possessive,” he said with a smile on his face. You felt your cheeks heat up and ducked your head. Bucky continued to smile but couldn’t stop himself from leaning down for another kiss.
After a couple minutes of lazy make-out, Bucky carefully re-arranged your positions so that he could cuddle you without crushing you. You lay like that in silence, feeling content. Your heat and his rut had diminished for the time being, giving you some time to recover. You were playing with his metal hand when the thought struck you.
“Hey,” you murmured, and Bucky hummed as an answer. “What did she say?” You asked him. He made a confused sound.
“Who? About what?”
“You sent me a picture last night and said you were chickening out because she was real nice and you don’t wanna fuck it up,” you explained, a little bit jealousy slipping into your scent. “Did you send her the picture? What did she say?” You felt him freeze momentarily, but then he let out a small chuckle.
“I sent it, yes,” he said. “She said that I look damn good and that I can’t fuck this thing up, not with that picture, and that I’m cute and she’ll understand why I sent it.”
You froze.
“It was intentional,” you murmured. Bucky hummed in approval, kissing your shoulder and tightening his arms around you. “You asshole,” you shrieked, hitting his arm. “You could have just come to me!” Bucky laughed as you hit him again.
“I’m sorry!” He said. “I actually didn’t mean to send you that picture, I swear. I hit send accidentally, but I also said ‘might as well’ afterwards, so,” he murmured, shrugging.
“God, I can’t believe this,” you grumbled. Bucky nuzzled your neck. “I couldn’t sleep last night because of that picture,” you admitted.
Bucky frowned. “Why?”
“I was horny, Bucky,” you said. Bucky let out a loud laugh.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he murmured, but you knew he wasn’t sorry at all.
“No, you’re not,” you rolled your eyes, pouting at the same time.
“No, I’m not,” he agreed, slowly moving on top of you. “I can make it up, though…” Kissing your cheek, he poked your nose with his playfully. “You said you were horny, right? How about I do something about that?” You smirked.
“I’m in heat, Barnes,” you said. “You better make it up to me.” Bucky smirked right back at you.
“Your wish is my command, m’Queen,” he said, sweeping you into a passionate kiss. 
tell me what you think please!!
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lunaticsandidiots · 2 years
thoughst on reader having a poly relationship with adrian and chris because I know damn well those two are in love
so this goes one of two ways
either you’re the straight forward, no-nonsense, practical, intelligent, levelheaded glue that keeps everyone together.
or you’re even worse than the two of them combined.
Tumblr media
if you’re a more calm, nurturing, loving partner, the both of them would drift towards you for obvious reasons.
mostly unspoken reasons i think, i don’t believe either of them actively prioritise logic or composure, but subconsciously they can’t help but drift towards you - the serene, all-knowing puzzle piece they’ve been missing all along.
it’d probably mean they’d fight over you a lot, only getting properly heated occasionally, but they’d both crave your attention, addicted to your unwavering kindness and love and eventually (again, subconsciously) wanting to learn how return it to you.
you’d end up being the approving authority between the three of you, and sometimes it might grow weary being the decider every single night on whether you’re watching fargo or WWE, or the unofficial mediator on whether you guys are listening to Wig Wam or Aqua in the car, but it’s always made clear that its just because they value your opinion and your wisdom so, so deeply.
now, if you’re on the other end of the spectrum and you fancy yourself more of a human tornado (heyooooo), they’re absolutely drawn to your chaos.
despite the fact that they’re both utter goofballs, it’s not uncommon for things to get tense between chris and adrian. and your presence nips that angst right in the bud.
they’re arguing over who broke your favourite coffee mug? no problem, let’s take the rest of the dishes outside and smash them too, you wanted new ones anyway.
a dispute breaks out over who steals the blankets at night? you can barely hear it as you’re burrito-ed inside the entire thing, grabbing their attention with muffled laughter.
now certain things, regardless of your role, would be somewhat the same.
the middle spot? that was yours, save for special occasions like when adrian dropped his slinky out the car window or chris had another vinyl-induced meltdown.
the group chat? would have the most ridiculous name and icon possible, each of you stuck with the dumbest, cheesiest nicknames. (the emoji was always the mermaid, though. no exceptions)
the sex? oh my god the sex.
chris is definitely the roughest. i mean, look at the size of him, he could scoop you and adrian up by the scruff like two wet kittens out of a puddle, one for each arm. many a night would be spent under his control, swapping spit with adrian every so often, in between fighting over who got to fuck chris first.
adrian is by far the nastiest. he’d cum all over himself, free from any form of touch if you and chris tied him up and fastened him to the headboard, unable to do anything but squirm and whine as he watched chris fuck your brains out at the other end of the bed.
and man would they love a fucking spit roast. it was the one thing they could do harmoniously every time, not once arguing about who’s turn it was to fuck you where.
when it was chris’ turn to fuck you, adrian would be on the highly pleasurable receiving end of your muffled cries. chris’ size meant you could never just hold them in, and thankfully so - adrian would be left gasping at the sensation of your throat vibrating around him as his hands yanked at your scalp.
when adrian fucked you, he always fucked you with no mercy, jackhammering away as his pelvis harshly smacked against your ass. chris would never complain though, it was less work for him; adrian’s animalistic pace meant that chris barely had to move in order to facefuck you.
all in all, writing this has truly destroyed me and it’s all i’ll ever want in my life ever so i guess i will be dying sad and alone <3
677 notes · View notes
jarofstyles · 3 years
can you please write something on H taking care of the reader after a bad day??
thank you! xx
Absolutely 🥰
He knew something was wrong with his lover simply from the texts they’d exchanged. Instead of her normal emojis and enthusiasm, he was met with shorter answers and a lack of continuation. Usually she would drag out the texts for as long as possible but it was almost as if she wasn’t even paying attention.
He decided to leave work early, promising he would come in and work later to make up for the sudden leave. Nothing was more important than his angel and he was dead set on making sure she was okay. It didn’t take too long to get to their newly shared home, unlocking the door and kicking his shoes to the side.
There was barely any sign of her being home. Despite the car in the drive and the mere knowledge he had to know she was, if he didn’t it would seem like the house is empty. The living room and kitchen were bare, the backyard void of the one person he adored the most. It didn’t take too long for him to venture towards their bedroom.
Opening the door, he could hear the low sounds of the home makeover channel on the television. On top of the bed was a Y/N sized lump, blanket burrito and all as she sniffled sadly. Her eyes looked up to Harry, concern easily seen on his face, and that unlocked the floodgate of tears. Little sobs left her as the man panicked, rushing towards the bed with a soft soothing noise.
“Hey…. Baby, shhh. What’s wrong?” He asked with a concerned furrow between his brow. His hands grabbed at her, disassembling her blanket burrito go have her launch herself into his lap. Her wet face buried itself in the crook of his neck and he could feel the tears begin to stain his skin and shirt bur he didn’t care about that. His arm wrapped around her and rubbed over her waist, the man’s other hand cupping the back of her head and using his thumb to rub her neck.
“Jus- I can’t. Everyone sucks!” She sobbed, clutching his tee shirt in her fists. “Everyone’s mean and I can’t do shit right.”
Considering she had just started a new job, Harry had a clue in now that it wasn’t going so well or she was overwhelmed. His love tended to pour everything she had into her passions and commitments and sometimes it led to breakdowns. It was something he was slowly learning how to deal with.
“Mm. You’re right, angel. Everyone does suck- but you do things right. Remember what we talked about? What I said?” He kissed the side of her head as he waited for her to repeat what he told her when she self deprecated.
“T-That… Bein’ mean to ourselves… serves no purpose cos’ we have t’be our biggest fans. M’you love me, and think m’the best.” She sniffled, calming slightly as Harry just had that power. Being with him was bettering her, and he knew she bettered him as well. They truly were so good for one another.
“Mhm. Exactly. You’re my beautiful, talented, incredibly intelligent and capable girl. No one should let you forget it. S’a bad day and people do suck, I agree. But maybe they had a bad day too. You’re doing amazing, my love. So fucking lovely and I know you’re overwhelmed again… so…” he pulled her face back and cupped it with his large hands. His thumbs wiped away the sticky remnants of her tears, his glossy swollen eyes clawing at his heart. “Why don’t we run a bath, hm? Take a relaxing bath… order take away… make some cupcakes. Any flavor you’d like… and then we can watch whatever movie you’d like.” He leaned in to kiss her hot cheeks, not minding the salty taste of tears as he peppered them around her. The squeak of a giggle alerted him to knowing it had the right affect.
“Can we do… Funfetti?” She attempted, looking at him almost similarly to a kicked puppy. Harry swore he never realized someone would be able to have this hold over him.
“Of course we can. Let’s go get up and run our bath… can discuss icing flavors in there.”
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hubbytaeil · 3 years
Hiiiii can I request a hyuck smut with 6, 16?? Like oc being super cocky and bratty and him not being able to keep up with her sometimes so he just has to fuck her up a little bit, idk maybe turn her fierce personality into a pillow princess? I can’t believe I’m gonna ask for this but can him suck/lick her cheek?
Thanks so much for sharing your works✨💕
Donghyuck + #6 It’s a real shame that no one asked for your opinion &  #16 Did you hear something
genre: smut
contains: swearing, way too many petnames, praising
word count: 2525
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while (hence the santa claus joke) but hey she’s here, hope you like it <3
-ˏˋ⋆ ̥ prompts ̥ ⋆ˊˎ-
"Did you hear something?" "What?" Donghyuck turns his head, following where your gaze has posed. It gives you enough time to steal a punch of fries from his plate and stuff them in your mouth. When he realises what you're doing (for the umpteenth time during lunch), he is the face of disappointment. "I'm going to break this plate over your head if you do that again." He replies with the straightest look you've ever seen on him. "No, you wouldn't." You assure him, sending him a flying kiss to which Donghyuck answers with fake gagging sounds. "Drama queen." You hiss, biting onto your hangover burrito. "Oh, look who's talking." "Oh, shut up." "Someone's forgotten the scene she caused last night." You munch shaking your head left and right. "I have no idea what you're talking about, are you sure it wasn't you?"
 You tease after swallowing the big bite. "I wasn't blacked out drunk, clinging on my friend and whining like a little bitch." You snicker at how offended he looks, fists tight on the edge of the table. "So what? Are you mad you couldn't get any pussy because of me?" Donghyuck's eyes widen in shock as the restaurant falls silent. You have a sneaky look in your eyes, perfectly aware that every single client has heard your not so ladylike remark. You bite into your plastic straw and Donghyuck is not sure why his cheeks are flushed now. "I wouldn't worry too much, Hyuckie." You say after taking a sip of soda. "It's not like you would've gotten any if I wasn't there anyway." Donghyuck gives you a dry laugh, glaring at you. "As a matter of fact, you didn't get laid either, missy." "At least I got some offers" "Oh, yeah? From who? The stripper that was dressed like Santa Claus?" You chuckle remembering how absurd (and hot) that guy looked. "No, from Mark." Donghyuck's jaw drops to floor, as you finish your drink, purposely exaggerating the sounds coming from the can. "You fucked Mark?! What the fuck, y/n." "We didn't fuck." You affirm, standing up to get the bill. 
Donghyuck haunts you all the way back to your apartment until you spill every detail. "So, he chickened out?" Donghyuck laughs, anticipating the moment when he will be able to tease Mark about the entire incident. "I guess he was taken back, the poor thing." "By what exactly?" He looks at you from head to toe mockingly. You hit his shoulder purposely hard and he whines. "We weren't doing anything crazy once we got back to his place, just the usual... some groping, some kissing..." Donghyuck shakes his shoulders vigorously letting out disgusted sounds, trying to shake off the vision of his friend Mark in a sexual situation. "But then I started talking dirty and he just sort of... stared at me. Like, just staring. He looked like a deer in headlights. Just stood there." "Oh my God." Donghyuck bursts out a big laugh as he imagines everything you're saying. "Please, tell me what you said to him." He is more than ready to take written notes if that means embarrassing Mark Lee. "Well..." you hesitate, wondering if you're getting a bit too personal. "Something like 'yeah baby, I know you want to fuck this pussy, come and get it you bastard'." Donghyuck stops his steps on the concrete, not expecting to hear these words flow out of your mouth at 2 p.m. on a Sunday. You turn around and see him take in the little too graphic information. Slowly, he starts massaging the bridge of his nose, sighing, feeling unexpectedly bad for his strictly vanilla sex-oriented friend. "Y/n, of course he chickened out, Jesus. I mean... I guess you don't know him that well." You shrug your shoulders unbothered. "Whatever, he looks like he only does it in missionary." you both resume your walk. "And he probably does." Donghyuck chuckles. "I guess no one can tame me." You joke, but Donghyuck doesn't take it as such. Those word stick with him until you reach your door. It doesn't help when the wind swiftly blows under your dress while you're unlocking your door, teasing Donghyuck with a quick glimpse of your white laced panties, you don't even notice. That's when he realises, he's been staring at your ass.
The afternoon continues lazily, both of you still feeling the final effects of last night's drinks. You put on some classic rom-com you both saw thousands of times just to kill another few hours and have the excuse to slack on your couch. Every time the handsome male lead comes on you let out a weird strained sound that annoys Donghyuck until he can't take it anymore. "He's not even that good looking, y/n." "It's a real shame that no one asked for your opinion." You fire back, lifting up your leg to hit him with your foot. He groans but doesn't do anything to stop you, so you just keep on going, curious on how long he'll last. "Y/n, stop." His tone is lower than ever, he's not even looking at you but it's enough to make something snap in you. "What if I don't?" You whisper, tapping your foot on his thigh restlessly. He finally turns to you, setting up little flames all over your skin with just his eyes. He goes from your cocky smile, to the slightly visible line of your breasts, and down to where your dress is barely covering what's under it. Donghyuck grins without moving any other muscles. "Really, y/n?" "What?" You protest all the while 'casually' exposing the panties Donghyuck couldn't stop thinking about for the past forty minutes. His throat runs dry at heavenly sight, but he doesn't break. "I'm not going to fuck you just because you couldn't score some dick last night." He states, biting the inside of cheek. You huff, annoyed at him wanting to play hard to get at a time like this. You let your left leg hang off the couch, just to give Donghyuck a better look. "Then you're just going to watch." You affirm before letting your hand trail along your thigh as you reach your wetness. You had been ‘in the mood’ for quite some time, if one counts last night’s complete failure, and you noticed just how wet you were already just by touching the outside of your underwear. Donghyuck holds his breathe while his eyes scan every single movement of your fingers. You chuckle way too innocently when he coughs in the back of his throat. You never take your eyes off him as you work your way towards pleasure. You've done this so many times, it's like applying an obvious mathematical formula to you. But having someone watch you do something reserved to the intimacy of your bedroom is new kind of thrill. It feels especially thrilling with Donghyuck gawking at your skilled fingers caressing your folds with the perfect amount of pressure. You feel your breathe shortening, throwing your head back on the cushions. You pull your panties to the side and Donghyuck suppresses a low moan when you eagerly put a finger in, chasing after your high like a wild animal. He waits a few moments to enjoy the view of you pumping in and out of your heat, juices making lewd sounds that fill up his ears. "You dirty girl." Donghyuck whispers before dragging your hand away from yourself to which you whine loudly. "You want someone to tame you, uh?" Donghyuck mutters before putting your fingers in his mouth, savouring your taste. You can't help but moan at the contact, feeling sensitive in every inch of your body. "Think you can?" You blurt out and within seconds your friend has you pinned on couch. You sigh loudly when he swiftly resumes the work you had left unfinished, all the while securing your hands above your head. Donghyuck doesn’t need to ask how his fingers feel inside of you, he can read in your more than satisfied expression, he can hear it in your ever so delighted moans that come straight out of a porno. “Fuck, I should bother you more often.” you whimper in between chuckles and whimpers, struggling to keep your legs apart, overwhelmed by bliss. “I think you do that way too much already, doll.” Donghyuck remarks before aiming for your neck to place sinful kisses. His fingers work skilfully to find out when to slow down and when to speed up, you grab his bicep encouraging him whenever he hits the right spot. You start wondering why you haven’t done this earlier. Your mind is too cloudy therefore you are taken by surprise when you perceive Donghyuck sucking slightly into your cheek. You hold your breathe, surprised at your own enjoyment and you both smile at each other. You are quick to connect your lips to his, brushing your tongue against his as soon as you get the chance. “Greedy, aren’t we?” Donghyuck groans, amused and aroused at the sight of your neediness. You just hum in response, palming his member over his gym shorts. “I need it.” you plead, showing him your best puppy eyes. “I know you do, baby.” he smirks as he says this, taking his fingers out of you, completely soaked in your juices. “Look at this. Look at how needy you are.” you nod desperately at his statement and Donghyuck is beyond pleased. You, caged under him, not being able to put into words how badly you wanted to get fucked. A sight to see indeed. “How do you want it?” he asks, helping you out of your dress and underwear and removing his t-shirt afterwards. You open your legs once again, not needing an explicit answer. Donghyuck clicks his tongue in disappointment, showing off an indecent smile. “I thought you were against missionary.” he reminds you, but you are fast to bring your hands to his, pulling him over you. “I never said I was against it.” you whisper, at this point consumed in your lust. Donghyuck takes his time to caress your hair, your cheek, until his fingers ghost over your hardened nipples and over your stomach. You take in the sudden affectionate gesture, then you feel his weight over you shift and you see him rummage inside your bag from the night before that had been forgotten on the coffee table. You’re not shocked when he pulls out a condom, given that you were the one who had put it there for ‘good luck’. “I guess we can finally put this to good use. Don’t we, babe?" You hum happily, savouring his assertive yet considered tone. You sit up on your elbows admiring every second of him putting it on. “Now, where were we?” “Need a reminder?” You suggest getting closer, ghosting his lovely lips with yours. He smirks amusedly before pinning you down once again. “Ready, baby girl?” the pet names were driving you crazy in a way you had never experienced before and Donghyuck had been taking note of that every time you moaned at the sound of those words. “Interesting, knowing you I thought you might’ve like being called a whore or something.” he mocks you, aligning himself at your entrance without giving you full satisfaction. “How do you want to call me?” you moan softly in response, revealing to him your most docile nature that surely you hadn’t let a lot of people witness, let alone lovers. And you knew that he was enjoying every second of it. “Let me think... I quite like babe.” he utters as he delivers a first thrust. You throw you head back, feeling more than joyful in receiving what you had been craving. “Baby girl is nice too.” A second hip movement, this time painfully slower, in between frustration and gratification. The slower he goes the more you can feel just how much he fills you up perfectly. “I think I’m gonna go with baby girl.” you cry desperately at the third thrust, both at the pleasure and the words he whispers in your ear. “Yes, yes, call me like that.” you almost scream when he finally speeds up the rhythm. Lewd sounds of skin against skin fill up the living room, now you understand why they call it afternoon delight. “You feel so good around me, baby girl.” You smile at his statement, squeezing around him purposely, to which Donghyuck grunts happily. “Let me take care of you.” he then positions your arms around his shoulders, setting his head in the crook of your neck, delivering even deeper thrusts that make your eyes roll in the back of your head. You can’t help but turn into a moaning mess, unable to answer when he asks you how good he’s making you feel. He chuckles at the gibberish that comes out of your mouth followed by a long and strained sigh that is music to Donghyuck’s ears. “This is what you wanted, didn’t you? Getting fucked until you can’t function?” he groans before giving a sloppy kiss that can only muffle your now uncontainable whine. “Hyuck-ah.” His name is all that you can mutter as he pushes himself into you quicker and quicker. Donghyck knows that he can’t hold on any longer, not after hearing his name flowing out of your lips. “God, I want you to fuck me all the time.” you blurt out. It’s no use say that your brain can’t filter your words anymore. “All the time? Oh, don’t tempt me, y/n. I could fuck you on this couch for hours, until you can’t take it anymore.” Your mind runs wild, imagining getting stuffed with Donghyuck’s cock for hours on end, in every corner of the house. You haven’t finished yet and you’re already lusting for more. Electricity sparks throughout your body when Donghyuck balances himself on your knees, spreading your legs even further apart. “C’mon, baby. Come all over my cock, you’ve waited long enough.” He’s not wrong. Those words are enough for you to crumble under him, perceiving the familiar grip in your stomach you had longed for far too long. “That’s it baby, let go.” you can’t help but do as he says and when your high finally hits you the ungodly sounds you release are out of this world. When you finally open your eyes, you see Donghyuck still painfully hard inside of you, the pulsation almost hurting you. “Cum on me, Hyuck.” you whimper, wishing for him to feel just as good. He is more than happy to do so as he removes himself from you, discarding the condom and grabbing his member right above the space between your breasts and your stomach. “Fuck, y/n.” “Let me do it.” He lets you do as you please, letting you milk his cock with so much fervour, moaning with him, encouraging him just like he has done with you. It doesn’t take long for him to shoot his cum all over your breasts, you hum at the feeling of the warm liquid. Donghyuck takes his time to admire the sinful vision right below him. “We... are gonna need to do that again.” “Touché.”
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lovethoery · 3 years
can👏 i 👏request 👏a 👏drabble👏 of 👏hockey 👏 player 👏jeno👏 please 👏
a/n: CLENCHES FIST SO FUCKING TIGHTLYYYYYYYY. i’m not sure if you want smut or not but i’m feeling particularly soft for jeno so i’m gonna stick to something a little soft <3 it’s also not very good because i kept getting distracted by bob’s burgers. it’s also also not proofread </3
pairings: hockeyplayer!jeno x gn!reader
warnings: none, this is just soft goalie!jeno... i’m a firm believer jeno mainly plays winger but like. he can fill in when he needs to. oh, there’s mentions of food, but it’s literally just what the reader got jeno for dinner. 
“thanks, mark! will you let jeno know to call me when he’s all finished up? and please stay off that foot. you know your coach will kill you if his star player isn’t all healed up by playoffs.” your voice lilts at the end, knee nudging at mark’s side. he’d taken the bag of dinner you’d snatched up for jeno on your way home from the campus library.
mark rolls his eyes at you, setting jeno’s food down close to the bluenette’s things. mark had sprained his ankle three weeks ago during a bad fall on the ice and had been benched by the athletic trainer in charge. needless to say he’s been pretty restless, sometimes trying to sneak his way onto the ice despite the instability. “yeah, yeah... ten’s already watching me like a hawk. i don’t need you harping on me, too.” his tone is pointed, but you know he’s only playing when his lip curls at the corner. you roll your eyes back, grinning while leaning forward against the boards.
you watch as the coach shouts from the other side of the rink, waving his hands and getting red in the face. the other boys are all on the ice, fully engaged in a practice game, prepping for tomorrow night. jeno’s got his helmet pulled down over his face, and even still you can make out the droplets of blue-tinted sweat from his freshly dyed hair. you can’t help the grin that pulls at your lips. 
“are you sure you don’t wanna just wait for him to be done? practice is over in like...” mark looks at his phone. “45 minutes? you could keep me company.” he giggles, dragging out the last syllable. his eyes are wide as he looks at you, almost pleading. you breathe out a sigh, sitting down in the seat next to him. 
you relax for the next 45 minutes, eyes sparkling every time you catch jeno ripping his helmet off. his frame, while not the largest, he still manages to look intimidating when he’s in position in front of the goal. the pads he wears only make him larger. your skin feels warm despite the chill that runs through the facility when he looks to the side during a break and notices you. his eyes widen, eventually curling into pretty crescents before he’s skating over to you, pulling his mouth guard out as well. 
the boards shake with his weight and the force that he slams into them at, gloves immediately being thrown to the ice in order to pull you into his arms. it’s a little tricky with the boards between your bodies, but it doesn’t deter jeno from burying his face in your neck, disregarding the blue stain it’s going to leave on your jaw. 
jeno groans out at the feeling of your arms wrapping around him, squeezing as tight at you can. “since when do you play goalie?” you grin, bringing a hand to play with the dampened hair at the nape of his neck. 
“since this one got hurt and we had to adjust the roster,” he quips back, nodding in mark’s direction. mark just whines, tossing a chip at the goaltender. “ten’s playing center right now, meaning everyone’s gotten all switched around. i’m just filling in for tonight since sungchan’s making up an exam right now.” you can’t ignore the way jeno leans back into your touch, eyes closing as he practically purrs from your gentle caressing. 
“i brought you dinner,” you tell him after a moment, gesturing towards the brown paper bag on the bench by his things. “i figured you wouldn’t wanna go anywhere after practice and i’m not letting you live only on ramen. especially as a college athlete.” mark snorts from behind the two of you, but holds his hands up in defense when you turn to squint at him. “it’s just a burrito bowl from chipotle, but hey... i got you extra steak, just like you like!” 
jeno’s eyes practically glimmer when you speak, sweat droplets sliding down his cheeks. you’re quick to brush away one that trails towards his eyebrow, threatening to drip into his eye. “you’re an absolute treasure,” jeno breathes, fond smile pulling at his lips. 
pink tinges your cheeks at his words, causing you to look away for a moment. 
it must be a moment too long though, as jeno is quick to wrap a bandaged hand around your chin, pulling you in for a soft kiss. you respond in kind, humming against his lips. the moment, while as sweet as it is, is promptly interrupted by the shouting of jeno’s teammates. 
“yo, lee!” 
jeno pulls away, groaning to himself with his eyes close. “fucking donghyuck...”
you can only laugh, reaching to once again card through the wet locks on his head, grimacing before wiping them on his practice jersey. “i’ll be waiting in the lobby. come find me when you’re done and we can have dinner at my place, okay?” the boy in front of you grins, nodding quickly as he pulls one of his gloves back on. 
“deal... i’ll be quick in the showers.” jeno pulls you in for one last kiss before he’s pulling away, leaving you dazed as he shoves the mouth guard back in, gloves and helmet on to take his place in front of the goal once more. 
“you can make out with them once practice is over!” is the last thing you hear from the boys as you make your way out to the lobby, lips quirking at the corners. 
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Avenger Things - Bucky Barnes x powered (f)reader
Summary: You’re just trying to make it through the day without breaking anything, or anyone.
Warning: language, fluff, bit of nonesense
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Practically limping into the Avengers large kitchen you couldn’t believe how sore you were from, well, let’s just say you’re not entirely so sure. What you do know is that it’s the morning after a stealth mission and your more beastly self, if that’s even the correct term, must have done or gotten into something last night that might have knocked you out cold. 
Hence the memory loss.
Honestly you could laugh, it’s like trying to figure out what drunk you was getting themselves into. Problem is, this “drunk you” at the time was 2.4lb of absolute raging adrenaline with an apparent lack of safety awareness and good judgment skills. 
Not a good combination. Also you were a hawk.
So here you are, piecing together the jumbled puzzle of last night while you make an attempt at finding breakfast before the crowds come noisily shuffling into the temporarily quiet hang out room slash luxurious kitchen, of the famous Avengers Facility. Ah, the life of an Avenger who’s fantastical ability allows them to shift into any animal in existence.
Although it’s a blessing, you sometimes suffer the consequences of being an actual avenger, and shit, your left shoulder and rib cage are so sore right now you could scream. Your accelerated healing has already kicked in but alas that does not mean your body will spare you some soreness and bruising.
“Fuck what did I do?” You mutter grumpily while reaching for the fridge door handle, making certain not to pull to hard for fear of ripping the metal right off.
Soon your eyes scan over the multitude of various healthy snacks and equally as healthy leftovers due to Steve’s insistent attitude towards fueling yourselves with the best, to be the best or some cheesy hero shit like that.
Spotting your left over hidden burrito in the back of the fridge sends an excited thrill into your otherwise tired and achy self, you snatch it up quickly, and without thinking pull the metal door off its hinges while quickly trying to close it.
Tossing the burrito onto the nearby counter top, you swiftly grasp the large food filled door with both hands as you hold it up with ease. Well this is just a fantastic situation isn’t it? Apparently you’re incapable of having an easy morning like just previously planned. Wait are those footsteps?
“You know, you can just have Tony buy you a mini fridge for your room.” Quips Sam with an amused chuckle as you quickly snap your head over to the startling sound. “I think he could afford it.” 
Your eyes widen in surprise before narrowing in annoyance at his happily smirking face, Bucky and Vision right behind him to your great pissed-off-ness. “Fuck off I didn’t mean to do....this.” But of course it happens to me.
Eyeing you up with a face that practically says “I know but this is hilarious” Sam nods before sitting down on the bar’s stool, Vision coming to your aid as he phases through the counter to take the fridge door out of your hands.
“Thanks Vis.” You mutter with an appreciative nod.
Setting down the door onto the floor, Vision turns to greet you, “No problem Y/N, it appears you needed the help, I’ll just um....go inform Tony of this....fridge.” He says before turning to leave out the way he came. Guess he’s not one for awkward situations.
Watching him go you suddenly glare down at the two whispering Avengers seated in front of you on the other side of the counter, “Thanks for helping assholes.” You growl unenthusiastically, reaching into the fridge to pick up a water bottle.
“Oh doll, we would have helped you.” Assures Bucky with a kind smile as you force yourself to keep a stoic face. “Vision seemed to handle it pretty well on his own.”
“Yeah well now this fucking fridge is broken and I still feel sore.” You complain with a sneer as Bucky and Sam share a chuckle.
“What?” Laughs Sam, “Don’t tell me you both?....and after the mission too?” He implies with raised brows as you send him the most done-with-your-shit face you can muster.
Sensing your growing irritation, Bucky speaks up, “No, no....definitely not that..it was the mission.”
“Oh shit you’re right.” Realizes Sam as you roll your eyes at him, let’s just say that last mission was a rough ending one. Also you can’t remember much after shifting into a hawk, seeing some bright lights and then...
“Yes.” You grumble, “and I’ve come to the thrilling conclusion that I must have gotten hit by a car......so that’s fun.” You mutter with as much enthusiasm as a stick, causing both Bucky and Sam to begin laughing again. What the hell is so funny?
Listening to them lose it inevitably causes you to start chuckling which in turn causes your ribs to shoot with a hot flaring pain. Holding your injured side you use your other hand to pound against the marble table, “Stop laughing this shit hurts and neither of you dumbfucks are helping.” You grumble half-heartedly.
“Alright.” Says Bucky standing up, “Come on doll let’s get outta here and get a heating pad on that tire mark under your shirt.” He adds sarcastically with another laugh.
Letting out a quick snort you shake your head at his handsome face, “Okay smartass I’ll let that one slide.”
He smirks at your good humored reaction and admittedly adorable messy hair, “I’m thinking we get cozy, watch that weird pirate movie you like with the Sparrow guy, and then see where it takes us.” Suggests Bucky with a lazy smile as he stretches his arm causing his shirt to rise up and reveal a bit of toned tummy.
Sam whines, “What? We have sparring at three this afternoon and you’re gonna leave me hanging for Miss. Grouchy-pants over here?” Points out Sam to Bucky as you cross your hands over your chest while raising a brow.
“Yup.” Quips Bucky with a shrug.
Sam blinks, “Unbelievable.”
“I like Y/N more.”
“You suck and I need a new sparring partner now.”
“Just ask Steve or Nat.” You suggest, not caring much for Sam’s problems at the moment.
“No they’re hard-core and mean.”
“Spar with Clint then.” Adds Bucky.
“No he cheap shots.”
“And I got hit by a car last night we all got problems.” You sass, gaining their distracted attentions once again. “Try and steal Bucky from me and I will make sure you remember what getting a wet towel slapped across your ass feels like.”
“Very specific and greatly noted Y/N. He’s all yours.” Says Sam while raising his hands defensively, “By the way you look rather stunning today did I mention that yet?”
“Don’t press your luck bird boy I’m not known to be very forgiving.”
“Clearly.” Jabs Sam under his breath while you take a swig of water, though you’re increased hearing enables you to catch that loud and clear.
After twisting the cap back on you immediately chuck it at his head, conveniently nailing him right in the temple causing him to yelp in surprise. “Jesus!” He shouts before falling off of the stool and onto the wooden floor below.
“Nope just me.” You deadpan with a satisfied smirk, walking over to Bucky while Sam gathers his bearings.
Bucky immediately throws an arm around you, making sure not to squeeze you too tight in the process. Leaning into his warm side, Sam throws you a half annoyed glare, showing how much he’d like to retaliate but also knowing he’s outnumbered in more ways then one.
“As much as I’d like to see you two beat each other’s ass right now.” Suddenly announces Steve, “We have a mission report in five.”
“What?” You sigh in annoyance, “Really? Right now? Can’t this shit wait?”
Steve sends you an apologetic smile, understanding you’re still in pain and thus very grouchy, “It’ll be quick. The team just needs to go over some credentials about the mission yesterday. Then you can go about your day off.”
Holding Bucky close, you pull him in a little closer, eyeing up Steve defensively, “Bucky too.”
Steve gives you an unsure look, “Well uh...”
“That wasn’t a question Rogers.” You growl, causing Steve to take a cautious step back as Sam lets out a chuckle.
“Yeah Cap I wouldn’t.”
“Right.” Nods Steve, “Yeah, you two are off the rest of the day after the meeting. Uh, see you guys then.” Waves the man with a plan himself, smartly deciding not to linger for much longer or face another steely glare from you.
“Fine. Let’s get this over with.” You mutter, parting from Bucky to lead the way down the hall to the usual meeting room.
After nudging Bucky to go on ahead to claim your unofficial official meeting chairs, you swung by your room to put on a sweatshirt and now are finally, though begrudgingly, making your merry way down the hall and into the expensive meeting room. 
Hood up, you trudge into the brightly lit area, practically squinting as the sunshine hits you like a blinding wall through the obnoxiously giant glass windows. “Nice of you to join us Y/N. Get lost on your way here?” Quips Clint as the whole entirety of the Avenger’s turn their heads to face you. 
“No, I just didn’t want to come.” You deadpan with a humored glare, earning a couple snickers from your friends. 
“Yeah that’s fair.” He shrugs.
Plopping yourself down in the facility’s decently comfortable swivel chair, you slouch tiredly, leaning your body against the arm rest to keep your bruised side from bothering you more then it already does.
Bucky is already in the seat to your left, Sam opting to snatch the one across from you two, while Vision and Wanda have claimed the seats to Sam’s right. Natasha and Steve sitting at the two chairs at the far end to your left, while Clint stands. 
“So...” Begins Clint, the apparent leader of todays meeting, “Yesterday’s mission in Quebec was a challenging one, I won’t lie to you. We took a hit, some more then others.” Nods Clint in your direction.
“You’re fucking hilarious.” You mutter, rolling your eyes in annoyance as Sam and Bucky hold in their laughter, while the others ignore the obvious implication, keeping it professional and in your good graces. 
“Thank you Y/N I know. Anyways, I think our team training days have improved our performance and been worthwhile. Now, as usual, Steve and Nat...great leadership skills. Vision, Wanda, the whatever the shit you guys are able to do, amazing...keep it up.” Clint glances back down at his notes while you yawn, “Sam and Bucky, nice recovery at the end, things where getting heated and you both really pulled through.”
“Hell yeah.” Smirks Sam as he leans over to fist bump Bucky from across the table.
Practically lowering yourself deeper into your seat, you mentally prepare yourself for whatever smartass comment you’re about to get from Clint. He looks down at his notes then moves to pick up a thin metal remote that connects to the blank screen behind him. 
“Uhh lets see here,” He mumbles while clicking some buttons that inevitably turn the screen on, “Okay good it works.” Swiveling around on his heal, Clint points the remote directly at you, “Y/N.” He says with a mischievous grin.
“Clint.” You point back in confusion, side eyeing Wanda nervously.
“Let’s talk...” Stretching out his arm, he clicks the remote to reveal a PowerPoint, “about safety awareness.”
Okay fuck you.
Chuckling tensely you shake your head, “I’d rather not.”
“Which is precisely why we...meaning you all,” Motions Clint to all of you with both his hands in two circles, “need to be educated on safety in the field.” A second later he flicks the lights off with a swift click of the remote, Okay great.....slide number one, do you have a buddy?”
As Clint keeps droning on and on for the next five minutes you suddenly decide to scoot over to rest your chin against Bucky’s right shoulder that's leaning against the table. He immediately smiles, turning his head away from an obliviously jabbering Clint, “Buck I’m going to commit a crime in the next two minutes if I don’t get the fuck out of here.” You whisper, squeezing his shoulder for emphasis.
Biting his lip to refrain from laughing, he reaches to take one of your hands with his, “And what crime will I have to admit in the police report?” He quietly muses.
Kissing the pack of your hand to help you try and relax for the moment, he smirks, “Y/N it’s going to be difficult to break you out of jail.”
“Not if I don’t get caught.” You quip smartly while resting your head against his shoulder, “I’ve been contemplating taking out Clint since 2012 but then Natasha always stops me.”
“What’s stopping you now?” Challenges Bucky with the tiniest snort of amusement.
“Natasha.” You mutter, “Also I’m god-mother to one of his kids so I’m morally not allowed to kill him.....but I’ve never been more tempted then today.” 
“Shh.” Whispers Bucky with an amused smile as you roll your eyes, wanting nothing more then to leave this boring meeting. Fine, but if it was just me and Clint I would pummel his ass into the wall without a second thought, you think to yourself.
A moment later Wanda lets out a random snort of laughter that causes the team to look over at her in confusion while Clint is in the middle of explaining why it’s important to (make sure the enemy is knocked the fuck out before walking away). She quickly covers her mouth in embarrassment as Clint abruptly ends the PowerPoint, clicking back the lights on as he sighs in disappointment.
“Come on Wanda I was almost done.” He whines, setting a hand on his hip as she bites her lip to keep a straight face. Parting from Bucky, you move to lean yourself against the table top and listen to Clink complain. She looks down then glances over at you while Clint fumbles to turn the screen off. 
Oh, shit did she hear me say that?
“Sorry.” Mutters Wanda as you quickly realize you’re the reason she started to laugh, resulting in the abrupt ending of Clint’s 30 minute presentation. 
Giving her a quick wink, you quickly stand, causing your friends to look over at you, “Alright, good work team, we’re the best huh,” You add sarcastically before looking directly at Clint, “also Clint fantastic work at being the most interesting 87 year old, I’m thoroughly impressed you even know what a PowerPoint is. Kudos to you, I’m out.”
Before anyone can stop you, you’re already at the door, “Y/N you can’t just leave we’re only taking a break. And I already know how to use a PowerPoint.”
“Yeah and you also know how to put someone to sleep even without an arrow.” You sass while the others start to get up as well. 
“What? Guys, come on.” Complains Clint as Bucky almost trips shuffling quickly to the door.
“Babe I’m with you wait up.”
“So you really did get smacked by a truck. Who would’ve thought.” Mumbles Bucky humorously as the two of you lay sprawled out on your shared bed, a heating pad on your side as Bucky’s head lays on the corner of your right hip. His hands absentmindedly holding your right hand to his chest while your other one presses the heating pad to your ribs.
You lazily stare up at the ceiling while he studies your face, “I guess it makes sense since I can’t remember anything after that. I didn’t even see the damn hunk of moving metal coming either, so stupid.”
“No.” He assures softly, “We all fuck up and miss things sometimes. It happens to everyone.”
Smiling you simply roll your eyes, “Bucky you’re adorable but I, who was a hawk at the time....to be real here, got bitch slapped by a truck.”
“I’ve been thrown off a car a couple times actually.” He confirms with a shrug, “But yeah, you’re way tougher then me.” He finally chuckles.
“I’m tougher then everyone.”
Bucky smiles proudly, “Fuck yeah you are.”
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mellointheory · 3 years
la lune, within our bones
He should probably be thinking about the kiss, but there’s pulsing lights and deep, determined bass and the buzz in his head from alcohol. The woman was sitting next to him at one point, but now one of her legs is hooked over his lap and her hands are in his hair and her lips are on his. He’s kissing her back, because on some level it’s what he wants to do, but most of his mind is occupied by watching the slow transition of the throbbing lights from blue to purple to red. There’s the wet-velvet sensation of another tongue in his mouth and the taste of peach from a drink he’s never tried, He’s not sure if he forgot her name already or if she never introduced herself in the first place.
“Oi, Punz!” Someone shouts. The woman pulls back, glancing over her shoulder at where Red stands with his boyfriend slumped in his arms.
“Stop trying to get your cock sucked and keep an eye on Ant for me while I go find Gumi.” Red orders, dumping Antfrost on the couch next to Punz.
“Sorry about this,” Punz says to the woman, compelled to apologize as he eases her off of him. She smiles, a little regretfully he thinks, and slides off the couch.
“Hi, Punzo.” Ant slurs, his cheek squished up against Punz’s shoulder. He’s absolutely wasted, eyes dilated from a combination of alcohol and lack of light to the point where his pupils have widened to take up most of his irises. His ears are perked upright, twitching and swivelling at the slightest noise.
“Hi, Ant.” Punz whispers back, because he knows the hybrid’s ears are sharp enough to hear him even if he keeps his voice down. “You ready to head home?”
Ant nods. His shock of pink hair looks purple in the blue lights, and Punz is compelled to reach over with the arm Ant isn’t pinning down and pat him on the head. Ant blinks, eyes drifting closed, and a stuttering purr starts up in his chest. If Punz had been irritated in the first place by getting interrupted, it would have taken no more than this to mollify him.
“Where did Red go?” Ant asks, lifting his head slightly.
“Getting Gumi.” Punz runs a hand through his hair, trying to get it to look less messy. He’s nowhere near as drunk as Ant is, but most definitely not sober enough to drive. Thank god Red’s less-than-legitimate profession as an enhancement maker gives him a better alcohol tolerance than the other three of them.
Red slides through the crowd again, this time hauling Gumi with him. She wavers a little when he lets go, but manages to stay upright.
“I’m gonna go get the car,” Red turns with a two-fingered salute and ducks through the throng of dancing, swaying people. Punz meets Gumi’s eyes as she waves, her mask removed for once and clutched loosely in one hand. She walks, very carefully, over to him and folds her arms.
“What’s up, bastards?”
“Hi, Gumi.” Ant lifts his head off Punz’s shoulder and raises his hand. Gumi lurches forward and high-fives him with more enthusiasm than her balance can handle. She stumbles and Punz rises to his feet and grabs her by the elbows, keeping her from falling.
“Can either of you walk?” He asks, turning to look at Antfrost still settled into the couch.
“Shut up, Punztholemew, I can walk better than you can!” Gumi declares. Punz already knows she’s lying. He takes a deep breath and turns around, hauling her up onto his back. She used to weigh less than she does now; but the metal reinforcements in her arms and legs add to it. Her chin rests on his shoulder and she folds her arms around his neck.
Moving slower, careful to keep from overbalancing the cyborg on his back, Punz reaches over to Ant and heaves him upright. If Foolish had agreed to come to the club tonight he would have someone to help him drag these two to Red’s car, but as it is he has to maneuver his way through the crowd and down the street without any help. He can sling Ant’s arm over his shoulders to help the hybrid walk, but Gumi’s too short for her to reach. He used to tease her for getting so many augmentations, yet not changing her height at all.
Red’s car is idling in the street when Punz has finally managed to shoulder his way through the crowd and get outside. The enhancement dealer reaches over and opens up the passenger side door, holding a hand out to his boyfriend. His pale green eyes catch the light from the club’s sign, turning reflective like a stray dog’s at night. Red is full human, much like Punz, but the amount of time he spends with whatever ingredients he puts in his concoctions...it changes him, subtly.
Punz slides Ant’s arm off his neck and helps the hybrid into the car.
“I miss my dawg.” Gumi mumbles into the back of Punz’s neck as he opens the car’s side door and eases her off his back into the middle row of seats. He slides in next to her and closes the car door.
“I miss Floof.” Ant says sadly from the front seat as Red steps on the gas.
“She’s literally at our house.” Red tells him patiently.
Gumi leans over and bumps her head against Punz’s shoulder. Her purple eyes are dark violet at the moment, lit only by the sporadic brightness of street lamps they pass. She’s not using them to read communications or analyze weak points or capture images, so their glow is dormant. It reminds him of back before she got her enhancements, when her eyes were always this dark and her bones weren’t reinforced with steel.
“Kazu’s at your apartment with your roommate, right?” Punz asks her, because he’d like to reassure her but he legitimately has no idea where her dog is. It’s not something he often concerns himself with.
“Yeah, but I miss him.” Gumi sighs, making grabby hands at Ant in the front seat. He flicks his tail back, above the center console, and she immediately wraps her hands around the soft fur. She always gets like this when she’s drunk; wanting to go pet whatever animal is in the vicinity. Antfrost is usually willing to stand in as a replacement when there are none.
The car falls into a comfortable silence. Punz stares out the window, watching the play of street lamps on the ground, how the light they cast dims almost to darkness until, just in time, another lamp is stationed to brighten the road again. Ant is purring in the front seat, the noise barely distinguishable over the rumble of the car’s engine. Gumi hums quietly to herself as she rubs the fur of his tail between her fingers. Every once in a while the humming becomes soft, mumbled singing that Ant joins in on before they both fade to silence again.
Sometimes Punz thinks about the irony of him and Red, both full unmodified humans, dragging a sloppy drunk cyborg and cat hybrid home from a club. Street noise down below, Gumi’s weight on his back as he stands outside the apartment door. Red fumbles with the keys, one arm wrapped securely around Ant’s waist as he tries to unlock the door. The hybrid is almost asleep on his feet, and as soon as Red gets the door open he uses his free hand to pick his boyfriend up and heads straight to their bedroom.
“I claim the burrito blanket!” Gumi whispers into Punz’s ear as he kicks the door closed behind them and carries her to the living room. He’s not actually certain if he’s ever been in this house sober, but both of them have slept on these couches enough that they know where everything is. He lowers Gumi to the loveseat and she immediately snatches the fuzzy burrito print blanket that’s draped over the top of it.
It’s easier for him to think without the overwhelming sound and lights, but his head is still foggy as he goes to the kitchen, squinting against the light that shines from the fridge when he opens it. He pulls out a bottle of water for Gumi, then one for himself, and leans against the door to close it.
“Punztholemew!” Gumi calls from the living room, head poking out over the top of the couch. She’s wrapped herself in the blanket, black jacket discarded on the carpeted floor. He looks over, then sighs and starts back to the living room.
“I love you!” She says, poking a finger into the side of his cheek.
He hands her a bottle of water. “Drink water, Gumi.”
“Say it back, bastard.” She frowns at him.
“I love you too, Gumi.” Punz says gently as he sinks into the recliner. She smiles and snuggles down against the arm of the couch, uncapping her bottle.
He lets his mind drift down into the haze of alcohol and exhaustion, staring at the blue light from the back of the tv. It’s the only light in the room and it illuminates the pair of couches, shag carpet, and Gumi’s curled-up form in soft milky light.
“Punztholemew,” she whispers, her face shadowed by the blanket wrapped all around her.
“Yes, Gumi?” Punz’s voice is gravelly in his tiredness.
“Where did my mask go?” She frowns.
Punz pats the front pocket of his hoodie and finds the curved dark mental there. He pulls it out and puts it on the coffee table. Gumi always wore the mask, even back when she was full human like Punz. He couldn’t have forgiven himself if he let her forget it at the club. “Here.”
“Oh, good.” Gumi yawns. “I miss my dawg.”
“You said that already.” Punz tells her. They keep their voices low, partially out of worry of waking up Ant and Red and partially because the dark room and the faint street noise and the blue, steady light of the television demand it from them somehow.
“Gumi…” Punz puts the hood of his jacket up and pulls on the strings, engulfing his face in white fabric. “Do they still hurt?”
She’s quiet, lifting a hand out of her blanket cocoon and staring at it thoughtfully. Hurting isn’t the word for it, Punz knows. Gumi could afford a technician who knew how to augment someone without fucking them up in the process. Hurting was just the way Gumi described it to Punz years ago, when they got drunk a few months after her surgery and she passed out on his couch crying about it. It wasn’t pain, she’d said, it was feeling like there was something missing about her, like the metal woven into her system made her less human. They didn’t talk about it often, only on nights like this when secrets whispered may not even be remembered when morning came.
“It still feels weird sometimes.” Gumi closed her fist, then tucked her hand back under the blanket. She lowered her cheek to the arm of the couch, the side of her face squishing up. “But nights like this are good. We all get to ignore them.”
Punz wasn’t known for his eloquence or anything, nor his ability to verbally comfort his friends. He wasn’t good at that kinda thing, nor did he fully understand what it was like for Gumi to have all of the little modifications that made her slightly more than human. All he could do was treat her the same as he’d always done: help carry her home even with the new solidity of the metal in her bones, let her lose her balance in her alcoholic haze even though if she wanted she could automatically stabilize herself even unconsciously. Let her have nights where she drank until she forgot, because sometimes it felt wrong to remember everything.
“Do you ever wish you hadn’t done it?” Punz asks. When she first made the decision she’d asked if he was going to do it too, and he’d said no because he couldn’t imagine letting his entire body no longer be wholly his.
“No.” Gumi’s answer comes without any hesitation. “I’m all strong and buff now. And I’m fucking cracked at combat.”
Punz cracks a smile. “You are.”
“I just like not always having to be like this.” One of her hands is absent-mindedly caressing the felt of the couch covers. “Is it annoying sometimes?”
“Is what annoying?”
“Havin’ to do all this funky monkey stuff for me when I’m wasted.” She giggles.
“Ant gets drunk as hell too and no one ever gets bothered by him.” Punz points out.
“It’s different, bastard.” She waves her middle finger at him.
“Damn, okay.” Punz laughs softly. “No, it’s not annoying. You’re just being you.”
“I’m s’posed to be better.” She mumbles, pushing her face into the arm of the couch. Silky black hair, highlighted in blue, blocks her face from his vision.
“You’re not supposed to be anything except our friend, Gumi.” Punz says gently. “And you still are. Always will be.”
“Pinky promise?” Gumi sticks out her hand across the gap between the two couches, hand in a fist except for her smallest finger sticking out. Punz stretches across, leaning a little to reach, and wraps his pinky finger around hers. She knocks their fists together, then lowers her hand.
“Love you, Punztholemew.” Gumi curls back up in her blanket burrito.
This time he says it back before she can remind him to.
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americasass91 · 4 years
Hidden Fantasy
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So i’m sure we’ve all thought about this. Well at least I have. I’m a proud shameless hoe for Chris Evans and more specifically, Steve Rogers. I’ve had this idea for awhile and thought what better time to post it than for @stargazingfangirl18​ and @navybrat817​ #shamelesshoesforchris. It is explicit so please proceed with caution. 
Prompts used:
“Oh God, Did I say that out loud?
“Okay, wait, that kind of turned me on”
“We’re not done yet”
If it sucks, i’m sorry. But I greatly enjoyed writing it! 
Warnings: Smut, embarrassment, Steve’s Arms
Steven Grant Rogers.
It sometimes still amazed you that he was yours. Sometimes you had to pinch yourself to remind you it was real. He was your man. He was the best boyfriend you could’ve asked for. Sweet, considerate, old fashioned, and charming.
Not to mention the sex was amazing.
You really didn’t know going into the relationship what sex with him was going to be like. You didn’t really care because you liked him for who he was, not how he was in bed.
But what you weren’t expecting was for Steve to be a sex god. He was insatiable. Having you at any chance he could get. Whether that be taking you in the back of the quinjet after a mission or bending you over his desk in his office. When he wanted you, he took you.
Not that you had any complaints. You were a proud shameless hoe for the Super Soldier and you let him take you any way he wanted.
You 2 had indulged in a couple fantasies you had (role play, spanking, tying each other up). But there was something you had always wanted to do but were way too embarrassed to ask or even bring it up.
You were insanely attracted to his arms. They really did something for you. All it took was for him to wrap you in a warm hug or wrap his arm around you while watching tv and all of a sudden you needed new panties.
Or now, when he was lifting weights, watching his muscles flex. You were supposed to be getting your run in on the treadmill but had come to a slow walk not being able to take your eyes off him.
God you just wanted to ride his biceps. And yes you are aware of how weird and kind of creepy that sounds. You hadn’t brought it up to him because you didn’t want him recommending you to a therapist. But you couldn’t help yourself. You had a dream about it and ever since, it’s all you wanted to do.
Steve must feel eyes on him because he looks around the room until he sees you. He gives you a wink and goes back to his weights. The wink makes you stumble so you decide it’s probably best you get off the treadmill.
Natasha and Wanda walk by talking animatedly about something. They look over and see you drooling over your boyfriend. They turn and smirk at each other.
“Hey, Y/N. You have some drool right here.” Nat teases as she points to the corner of your mouth. You quickly bring your hand to your mouth to wipe it away. Your cheeks start to heat up in embarrassment.
“Hey don’t be embarrassed, you and Steve are still in your honeymoon phase. Totally normal to be drooling over him.” Wanda says sweetly, trying to make you feel better.
“Thanks, sometimes I can’t help it.” You reply as you once again look over to Steve who has now started sparring with Sam.
Your mind has once again drifted back to his arms. You tilt your head to the side and watch as he pins Sam on the mat. ‘Jesus Christ, I just want to hump his arms.’ You think as you watch him help Sam to a standing position.
All of a sudden you hear snickering and you look over and see Nat and Wanda laughing behind their hands. Your eyes widen. “Oh god, Did I say that out loud?”
“You sure did and I think some Super Soldier ears heard you.” Nat continues laughing as her and Wanda walk towards another sparring mat.
You reluctantly look up and sure enough Steve is staring at you. He looks somewhat amused. Great, now he probably realizes how much of a weirdo he’s dating. You break eye contact and quickly make your way out of the gym as fast as you can.
You decide that just staying in your room was the best option at this point. You didn’t want to face anyone knowing that Nat has probably told the whole tower by now that you want to ride your boyfriend's impressive arms.
You’re getting ready to bury yourself in your couch when you hear a knock on your door.
You decided to ignore it and go back to your burrito state on the couch. But whoever is knocking is persistent and won’t let up.
You sigh heavily and throw your blankets off of you and head towards the door. You look through the peephole and see Steve waiting patiently.
“Come on doll, I know you’re in there. Open up please.”
Well how can you say no to that? So you hesitantly open the door.  
You’re greeted with a pair of bright blue eyes and a warm smile. “Hi doll, may I come in?” You nod and stand aside allowing him to enter your room.
You close the door and turn around looking at him expectantly. He walks over and pulls you into a sweet kiss. You gladly accept the kiss and bring your arms up around his neck. Not realizing you’re doing it, you squeeze his biceps on the way up.  He chuckles and pulls away. “So, you like my arms huh?”
You press your forehead against his chest. “Can we please just forget I said anything?”
“No, I don’t think I can forget, doll. I believe you said you wanted to ‘hump my arms’. And what my baby wants, my baby gets.”
You snap your head up to look at his face. “What?” Is all you can manage to reply with.
“You heard me, I don’t need to repeat myself. Now I want you to be a good girl and strip for me.” He casually says as he walks towards your bed, stripping himself of his shirt and sweats.  
You just stand there for a moment not quite sure what’s about to happen. But when he turns around and sees that you haven’t stripped yet you quickly jump into action. Usually you like being punished when not listening to him but you’re too curious about what he’s getting at.
You hastily strip as you walk towards him. He lies back on the bed and casually starts palming himself through his dark blue boxer briefs. You can feel yourself getting wet as you stand there and watch him harden beneath his palm.
“Well come on doll, my bicep isn’t going to ride itself.” He says somewhat impatiently. You snap your eyes to his, noticing there is no sign of joking on his face. “Steve, I’m not going to ride your bicep, that’s embarrassing.”
“Why doll, you’ve ridden my thigh until you came. What’s any different really?” You still stand there, unsure if you really want to do this. “Y/N, get your ass over here and mount my arm before I do it for you.” He says sternly.
Not wanting to piss him off any further, you quickly climb up on the bed and straddle his right arm. You kind of just sit still, still too embarrassed to move.
“Come on sweetheart, ride me. I can feel how wet you are. Just let go.” He says as he stares up at you sweetly, still palming himself. You hesitate for just another second before you think ‘Fuck it, I may never get this opportunity again.’
You slowly move your hips back and forth against his arm and he pushes up into you just a little. You throw your head back and moan quietly as you pick up your pace a bit. Then he starts flexing his arm muscles and dear god the sensation makes you fall forward, placing one hand on the headboard and the other on his chest. You really start riding his arm while he continues to flex under you.
“That’s right sweetheart, take what you need from me. My dirty girl, wanting to ride my arm. Such a whore for me aren’t you? Now lean forward more, I want to suck on those beautiful tits.”
You whimper and pick up speed once more as you lean forward. He takes his hand off his erection and grabs your breast. He sucks his nipple into your mouth and bites down. You arch your back and moan out his name. You can feel your orgasm coming, it’s going to hit you, and hard. You move your hand that’s on the headboard and thread your fingers through his hair.
He can tell you're close, he removes his hand from your breast and grabs onto your hip, helping you grind on him even harder and faster. “You gonna come for me, dirty girl? Gonna make a mess all over my arm? Come on sweetheart, make a mess on me.”
That was all you needed to tip you over the edge. You come hard with a silent scream and fall forward onto his chest, slowing the grinding of your hips until the aftershocks wear off. You pant heavily as you remove yourself from his arm and glance down at it, seeing the mess you made. You look over at his face and he’s looking at you expectantly. “Well come on doll, you better clean up the mess you made.” You go to get up to grab a towel when he grabs your arm.
“With your tongue, sweetheart. Make sure to lick me all clean.” You smirk down at him. “Okay, wait, that kind of turned me on.” You declare as you lean down and get to work on licking his arm from your slick.
“Yeah? That’s good cause we’re not done yet doll.” He goes back to palming his erection. You glance over at him as you lick the last of your mess up and see dark lust filled eyes looking back at you.
You feel a shiver run down your spine as you realize you’re in for a long night.
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