#sometimes it's cuz of the anxiety
i think it's nice how tengoku's the first game but also still manages to be v good. the second best rhythm heaven. i mean the second best rhythm heaven is fan club 2 but i mean you know what i mean-
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clarabowmp3 · 3 months
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whiskeyswifty · 2 years
"the only kind of girl they see is a one night or a wife" and "i gave my blood sweat and tears for this" and "like i'd be saved by a perfect kiss" and "something different bloomed, writing in my room" and "he wanted a bride, i was making my own name, chasing my fame" like what’s not clickinggggg she’s saying hey soooo once again can you guys stop acting like me getting married would be the pinnacle of my life and the most fulfilling thing to happen to me instead of, oh idk, how fulfilling the complete realization of my dreams was and then how fulfilling all that I’ve achieved beyond what I could have ever dreamed was after that? I mean it’s just a massive empire I built myself purely off my own talent and a few corny jokes and is the culmination of my life’s work and everything I’ve ever wanted and although it has its ups and downs I have and will choose it every time, whether i'm 15 or 35, over any romance cuz this career and fame and recognition for my talent is my one true love in life and not being some guys wife, or whatever.
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egberts · 2 years
i get why anons don't want their name to be associated with their hate but for the life of me i can't understand why some of you send the most innocent things on anon. anonymous love. anonymous commenting on the current discussion. anonymously asking for a recommendation.
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cinnabundolly12 · 4 months
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Sometimes you just get forgotten too smh
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Silly lil guy c:
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I have words for sun wukong tho >_>
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faineant-girl · 1 month
hey guys is it embarrassing to like characters.
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pa-pa-plasma · 1 month
growing up ace/aro is so funny because you spend all your time thinking that just being able to acknowledge someone is conventionally attractive or "hot" is sexual or romantic attraction & then one day someone hits you with the "I would actually date/have sex with this person & would change my behaviour/life to do so" & you're like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatt???
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mishy-mashy · 3 months
The same fic as Hasta la Vista baby, but going a bit more back in time to focus on En's wacky marriage with his best friend (Hima. An OC) when he was actually alive
In which two ace people marry into a QP relationship, because one (Hima) wouldn't shut up about marriage
Tall woman + short man = PROFIT?
"Ah! Ow! I'm sorry OW!! Hey!!!"
En hmphed, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed.
"Just so you know, I've grown another inch."
She rubbed her head, relieved of his pulling her hair for her slight. "Congratulations on hitting 5'2, then."
En deals with spontaneous proposals everyday until he agrees
[Day 1]
"Let's get married!" she seemed to decide, planting her fists on her hips.
"What's with that look?!"
En had stopped midstep and stared at her, eyes slightly wide in confusion, brows crinkled, not sure what to say or if she really meant it. Much like the face of one seeing a drug addict suddenly burst in front of them, butt naked, and running off. She was absolutely the equivalent to that right now.
".... We- We're 19," En tried to reason, not understanding why she decided that. "We just graduated, and we're too young-"
"Age is just a number," she deadpanned. "Jail is just a room. Marriage is just an agreement."
"How does jail tie into this conversation?!"
"Clearly, you deserve it, for breaking my heart," she sniffed. "Jail! Jail for a thousand years!"
Banjo squinted. Because did En just sprint by in a panic, with Hima-san on his heels with a rolled newspaper, shouting "JAIL!!!"?
"... Was that En?"
"He probably deserved whatever it was," Torino dismissed. He kept his gaze ahead, taiyaki between two fingers. "You don't argue with girls. They'll rain hell when you do."
Banjo didn't look convinced. His brow scrunched, turned in the direction the pair ran off.
"Would you'd like to get in Hima-san's warpath?" Torino quirked a brow. "Once she makes up her mind, she doesn't stop. I don't doubt her Quirk influences that."
"Welp! Good luck, En!" Banjo threw him under the bus, turning away immediately to continue a happy march down the ruined pavement.
[Day 2]
"Please please please please please!"
En stared blankly at her. Then his gaze went down to the distance between them. His paused yellow tape measure was pointedly stretched in front of him.
"Didn't I say five meters?"
She slumped in her dogeza. "Come on, En! I didn't mean to knock you out! I'm sorry! Marry me!"
"En, it was only for a few seconds," Nana said, exchanging paper bills with Torino in a silent bet over the pair. "And to be fair, you're the one that ran into the pole."
"I wouldn't have been running if she wasn't chasing me," En kept on, arms crossed.
[Day 3]
En didn't look away from the hamburger menu he was pointedly keeping his attention on, gaze up at the shining neon.
Very obviously so, to avoid looking at his friend, who currently bended down on one knee to his left, waiting for his attention to propose.
"Oh, honeybunch? Sugar plum?" No way was she starting to sing-song for his attention. "Pumpy-umpy-umpkin?"
"Hey, my sweetie pie-"
En speedruns the marriage process because his friend wants to (divorce included?)
"Sorahiko-senpai, give me the marriage certificate," En nearly hissed over their burgers.
Sorahiko chewed slowly. "Why?"
"I'm about to set the world record for fastest divorce—!!!"
Sorahiko is the worst person to go to for relationship advice.
[Case 1]
"Gran Torino, you should really keep your nose out of their business," Crimson Riot said, after watching Hima walk off after a quick conversation with Torino.
"I didn't say anything bad," Torino said.
"You just told Hima-san to fill Smoke Eater's shoes with pie filling and bake for 20 minutes?"
"If she can't find Smokey, he'll eventually come looking for her as the culprit," Torino defended.
Then his phone started blowing up with panicked texts from said Smokey.
"See? She found him."
"Actually," Crimson glanced at his own phone, receiving similar messages, "he's asking why you told her to do that. She just texted him the new plan you told her to do."
Couldn't she have just texted him for his location? Crimson thought.
Truly, she was not the sharpest person there was.
"Her phone was 1%, so it's probably dead now... he can't reach her cell either," Crimson read, taking in the new information pouring through his texts in even more of a frenzy. "Straight to voicemail. And he's two districts over, so he's not gonna make it home in time to stop her. Oh, wow."
He chewed. "Sounds like a skill issue."
[Case 2]
"I'm just saying, naming a kid Butter Stick isn't a bad name," Torino defended over his mochi. That he stole from En's pantry, but no one really cared to stop him at the time. They already learned to stop buying taiyaki, because Torino was a rat who kept breaking into their apartment for it.
It still didn't stop them from waking up and finding him eating their cereal in the kitchen. He'd broken 3 windows – always the same one – before Hima finally explained how to open it.
En currently laid on the couch he was kicked to sleep on tonight, back facing them and angry steam wafting from his head.
Nana pulled the container of mochi away from him. After he egged on En's wife, leading to her original "intellectual debate" over what foods would work as human names becoming too heated, Torino didn't deserve his sweet cravings fulfilled. Especially when it was out of En's pocket.
[Case 3]
"Divorce her," Torino declared immediately, after bearing witness to Hima blue shelling En on the TV.
"It's just a video game," Nana said from her spot on the couch. "Stop telling him that every time something happens."
"She took the last taiyaki earlier, she deserves it," Torino decided.
"Right," Nana mumbled into her hot chocolate. "Tell me that again when she's strung you up on a flag pole with her Quirk."
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chemicalarospec · 4 months
The funniest thing I wholeheartedly believe is that I have a neurodivergency not catergorizable or diagnosable as any currently recognized disorder. (disorder emphaized because heavily impairing functioning is generally a requirement of the clinical definition and a condition of diagnosis, and although i'm vexed i still Get By Just Fine)
because like yes those probably exist; there's no way psychiatry is in its final form now and there are definitely levels of neuro-difference that don't qualify as disorders, but like. that's so random and it's kinda pretentious to make such a bold claim about yourself. like oh u wanna be special, huh? 🙄 just be AuDHD like everyone else (<- joking)
#look the Mental Illness is bad frequently enough the PMS prolly is exasterbating SOMETHING but what?? who knows#maybe testorterone would fix me... i'm afriad but i've been thinking about trying it a lot#i've been so clsoe to having persistant depression (looking back something was wrong with me in middle school???)#but it just isn't consistant and strong enough to be dysthymia#cuz like i don't feel sad so much as i just feel. psychologically unwell. maybe i've just always been stressed.#the lack of focus being a PMS symtpom is too real tho once i found that out i was like. damn that's why i thought i had ADHD sometimes and#then i wouldn't.#my autism score test ONLY being outside of 100% allistic range on the social stuff....#but i'm not a poor enough communicator for that to be a disorder#like there's all these little parts and they don't come together in the shape of anything i know#anxiety but not as bad as my mom who can't even get diagnosed bc it doesn't impair her functioning -'trich' but i don't pull; i snap or cut#but i'm still going to see a gyncologist bc PMS is the only lead i've got#i am goign to bring up T but tbh i think that's outside of their domains....#i wish menopause didn;t exist bc typical birth control is NOT an option bc high risk of hormone-positive breast cancer#but blocking my menstrual cycle would honestly be my dream outcome#but my understanding is if i don't replace E with T i just go into menopause and htne like. well my mom's going through it now and it#doesnt seem like. a good time.#I said this#personal
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werebutch · 4 months
It’s really fucked up how scents stick with you stronger than any other sense. My sisters use the same shampoo as my ex did 🤦
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seeminglydark · 4 months
bleh messed up my screenprint stencil and need to get new material to make a new one. time to sit on the floor and cry from frustration for a bit.
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on-leatheredwings · 5 months
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emphasis on this . i'm just feeling softcore rn
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mangostar · 2 years
theres a different between having sensory issues with foods and being an asshole
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tokyoteddywolf · 6 months
22 isn't very much at all, I think.
#5am rambles#anyways ignore this as per usual im just thinking in a post that i'll delete soon. i just worry and writing it helps.#you ever wonder when you'll “grow up'? and then realize youre not even fully grown?#that theres still more to learn in life and that the mistakes you make are just that? mistakes?#that you are still so very very young in a world that is so very very old?#im almost 23. barely a quarter of my lifespan. im still a child in a way- my brain not fully formed.#you ever wonder how many mistakes you can make before you figure something out?#I dont know much of anything really. that's the sad part. and the adults who were supposed to help me learn... didnt.#i was failed. and now im a failure. at almost not quite 23 years old. Maybe i wont be a failure in another few years.#i still have a while to go before I die. I'm not going to waste time thinking about it. im just going to try my best.#I have time. I can learn. Grace and patience are not endless but damn if i dont try to figure things out#first step though is meds and therapy tho. we're done with the pity party. some things you just have to accept are okay#cuz my whole life i was taught that being emotional is a weakness. its pathetic and stupid to be upset or angry about anything.#any time i wanted to show i was upset or angry i was 'wrong'. i was 'selfish' and 'dramatic'#so i suppressed and pretended i was fine. that i wasnt weak and pathetic. that i was good and not an annoyance or burden.#i am not weak. i am not pathetic. i am fine i am fine i am fine you dont need to worry about the inconvenience at your door.#sometimes the shame is so much that i cant look at myself or even think i deserve help. that therapy is for people with real problems.#that i feel like ill just be told im like this for attention or dramatics. that im such a disappointment and selfish too.#ive been a “problem” my whole life to the point i dunno if i CAN be fixed. that anxiety eats me alive every day.#therapy is supposed to give you methods to cope#i dunno if it'll work though. I forget my appointments a lot. i struggle to talk sometimes. i may be autistic but its hard to get diagnosed.#emotions are so hard to figure out.
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hells-greatestdad · 7 months
// mun vent in tags
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ilov3b00kss0much · 3 months
so the funny thing about my friend group is
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ignore my crappy drawing, I'm working on it, ANYWAY. do you see the problem. all the nds (nuerodivergents) grouped together. also ignore that j looks like Michael Jackson its irrelevant.
yes most of us are mainly self diagnosed (W RESEARCH) (b is diagnosed with all, e is diagnosed with chronic pain, a is diagnosed with depression, and I'm diagnosed with anxiety. j is not.)
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