#soothing yet slightly creepy
sad-drake-lyrics · 1 year
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lovelyghst · 4 months
craving consensual somno with (slightly intoxicated) simon riley and his (extremely heavy sleeper) girl. take this as ur warnings.
just him coming home late at night as usual, the bourbon in his system keeping him loosened up and tranquil, yet ever so cognizant as he enters your shared bedroom. those familiar creepy-crawlies invading his stomach with boyish excitement to see you, and quickly turning towards his dick when he lays eyes on your pretty body.
it’s nearly a routine at this point; you purposely fall asleep in these skimpy, two-piece pajamas, usually some sort of small berries, cherries, or flowers adorning the thin, white fabric that leaves little to the imagination, knowing it’ll get him all worked up. the curtains are left pulled and the door cracked open, you kick the covers off and lay with a pillow hugged tightly in your arms beneath you to give him the best view; infinite signs telling him you want it just as bad as he does. it is routine, but it gets so him riled up, each and every time.
he trudges over, as quietly as the tipsy man can manage to the end of your bed, and with tunnel-vision on your exposed thighs. even his jaw fallen slack just a bit in hunger. desperate to get his hands on you after being apart for so long, and wanting to soothe that ache in his cock he hadn’t even realized he was palming through his jeans.
you barely stir when he kneels on the foot of the bed, and neither when he crawls above you and places a kiss right behind your ear.
he presses a cold palm to your shoulder, attempting to urge you onto your back to give him a visual of your features. to let him see your curves in the raw moonlight, how the dainty material of your pajamas becomes a tad bit see-through around your tits and incidentally rides up past your bellybutton, endless thoughts running through his dazed mind as he eventually manages to flip you over successfully.
though, your sleepy hum suddenly alerts him to a standstill, his worst nightmare being to wake you from your serene rest. not now, anyway.
“shhh, sweetheart,” he gently coaxes you, and he can’t help the grin spanning his lips when you mumble the first syllable of his name in that questioning, dreamy tone. he clears fallen hair from your face, slipping his pillow from your grasp as he mutters, “yeah, dovie, s’only me. you’re okay, you’re safe… jus’ go back to sleep for me, now.”
your unconscious mind obeys like clockwork, the smallest of smiles curling your lip corners in contentment, and it’s only a matter of seconds before he’s returning to his endeavors.
kissing all across your exposed collarbone, thoughtlessly slipping a finger or two beneath the strap of your little pajama shirt and carefully allowing it to glide down your shoulder as he repeats the process on the other side. peppering kisses to your soft skin, before rolling the fabric upward from the bottom so he can properly pay attention to the rest of your chest and tummy.
lips grazing your sternum with short, controlled breaths fanning your sensitive parts; aware of how easily ticklish you are and attempting not to light that fuse, equally straining himself in not turning too feverish as he takes your hardened nipple in his mouth and paws at the other in his hand.
he works his way down slowly but surely, until he’s pulling your shorts off with tender hands and unveiling your bare, soaked pussy, and he can’t even think to suppress the low groan pushed from his lungs at the sight in front of him. he inches forward with nearly crossed eyes, taking incisive ministrations in lifting your legs up and over his back.
your breathing hitches a bit in your slumber when he licks an almost reluctant yet long stripe from your hole to your clit, unable to give himself a moment to savor it before he’s diving back in for more.
“missed this pretty, little cunt on my tongue, baby… christ,” he chuckles lightly to himself, “good girl’s gonna be the death o’ me.”
he sloppily makes-out with your pussy, any and all devotions of rhythm and precision thrown far from his intentions. he only gets to be selfish when he has you like this, and he’d be damned if he doesn’t take advantage of the opportunity as it’s laid out on his bed. moaning at your wetness and taste, how your pussy drools for more and coats his chin with a slick he devours like a madman deprived.
the small whines you make in your sleep are nothing but precious to simon, burning them into his brain like any other occasion he’s pulled them from your lips. saving them for the later times like when he’s a thousand miles away, locked away in some office, and can’t possibly bring himself to bother you with a pestering, horny phone call.
you turn your head to the side with a hum, empty hands reaching for any semblance of comfort on your abdomen, which rather concerns him for a moment until he realizes just what you want.
he gives you one of his hands and you blindly accept it, wrapping your smaller fingers around his wrist and thumb to pull the appendage closer. resting just below your ribcage, satisfied and holding it close like you would a teddy bear.
“sweet thing… always loved this perfect pussy,” he mumbles right up against your warmth, quiet as to not disrupt your blissful obliviousness in your sleep. he’s utterly drunk on you and your taste, and the alcohol he had beforehand certainly contributes to his filthy, forward language.
“how easy y’get on my mouth, ‘nd yet how tight you are around my cock… fuckin’ hell—”
he watches intently as the tips of his fingers delve between your folds, gradually disappearing whilst your chest begins to heave a little heavier; a faint, broken noise of pleasure omitting straight from your throat. tightening around his digits as he pushes them further in, just as you do wrapped around his cock when you’re conscious.
he’s not thinking straight; he’s merely experimenting with you as he curls his fingers upward, prodding at that gummy spot in your cunt and greedily sucking on your clit to push you over. toying with you, rather, because the face you make when you’re first emerged from your slumber with a mind-shattering orgasm is truly priceless.
your eyes snap open as you come around his digits, squeezing his hands tight with your vision going blank. the high is strong but you don’t allow it to last very long when the dots in your brain are connecting, turning you all excited for the implications of it all.
erratically catching your breath with a huge grin on your face, matching his as he comes up to greet you. he’s stupid, shamelessly drunk on your taste, and it radiates from his expression as if he just witnessed a star being born right before his muddy eyes.
you haven’t a clue what just happened, but you fucking loved every sober second of it.
and before you know it, he’s coming back up to meet your lips with his own, which you graciously accept, taste of slick and alcohol and all. humming as he slips his greedy hands upward and behind your back, giggling when he impatiently flips over on his back and hauls you with him. til you’re curled up by his side, halfway on his chest whilst one leg slips between both of his bulky ones.
“i‘m glad you’re home…” nearly a pout, “really missed you, si.”
you’re the first one to speak, quietly, sincere as ever as you examine his pretty face. the faint bags beneath his lids, the wetness that sticks to his dirty-blond stubble. his rough and gruff exterior that hides behind it a boy who’s absolutely and utterly whipped for you.
“that right?” he taunts, eyes remaining shut. “and my tongue, i bet?”
you shy away with a laugh. he won’t remember these words in the morning, but you’ve always loved how cocky and brazen he gets with a couple of drinks running through his blood.
“i missed all of you...”
his eyes barely have to open for him to effectively, and lovingly, judge you with a mere glance. it’s one of his talents.
“some parts more than others, clearly.”
“that’s not true,” you contest, but the humorous hesitancy and sheepishness in your voice tells him otherwise.
“sure, baby, sure.” he takes a moment to breathe, overtly proud of himself. “y’missed my mouth, n’ my hands. even with how rough they are with ya sometimes, yeah?” you hide your flushed face in his neck with a groan, praying this embarrassment is short-lived though preparing for the worst as you feel his lips inch closer to your ear.
“prob’ly missed me fuckin’ my cock into that tight, little cunt—”
“okay, fine!” you finally admit and pull away defensively, slapping his chest but only earning a laugh from him. “but i definitely don’t miss that dirty brain of yours, you big dog.”
“you love me anyway,” he states, matter-of-factly.
you give a big smooch to his forehead, then the bridge of his nose, and then down to his lips, which he returns.
“i do. a lot,” you add and he hums, feeling fulfilled.
and, oh, he’s so fulfilled with you. you take care of him by allowing him to take care of you, and it’s a two-way street. you ground each other whilst never forcing one to tether themself to earth.
you sit up to fix your top, smoothing over the fabric and shrugging the straps back into place. shimmying back into your shorts when you catch a glimpse of the large man’s dark jeans contrasting your light sheets, belt buckle glimmering in the corner of your eye.
“simon, honey, you need to change before you—”
you look over and are suddenly forced to stifle a giggle when you discover that the poor man has fallen asleep, a droopy smile still ornamenting his slick-covered face. taking your hand and swiping the apple of his cheek with your thumb, you’re pleased when he doesn’t budge one bit. dragging it downwards past his muscled chest and abdomen, landing just beneath his leather belt.
your fingertips trace his hard-on over the jeans, knowing you can’t just leave him like this, all aching and pent up and too exhausted to do anything about it himself.
maybe you could do him a favor and return the sweet gesture? <3
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strang3lov3 · 1 year
Self-Indulgent Tendencies
dbf!joel x fem reader
Summary: while on your night walks, you decide to sneak into your dad’s best friend’s pool. When you’re finally caught you’re faced with two options: Joel can call the cops on you or teach you a lesson himself.
Warnings: pervy!Joel, slightly creepy joel, manipulative joel, kinda dark joel, slight dubcon but it’s not crazy, public nudity, semi public sex, rough sex, blowjobs, masturbation, attempted orgasm denial, reader calls joel daddy (couldn’t help myself), unprotected piv, voyeurism, oral f and m receiving, substantial age gap (reader is 20s and joel is 40s, honestly picture whatever age gap you want. I think the girthier the sexier LOL) I was feeling filthy sorry
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: this poisoned my mind and I had to write it. Please enjoy <3 I would like to dedicate this story to @toxicanonymity who inspires me to be myself and have fun when writing this absolute filth ❤️
@speckledemerald deserves some credit with creating this story. Thank you for brainstorming with me and proofreading and your words of encouragement love!!! 😘❤️😘❤️😘
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Texas in July. You did not miss it one bit, yet here you were, walking in the smoldering heat wave, beads of sweat dripping down your body. It was the kind of heat that weighed heavily in the air and suffocated your lungs with each and every breath.
After graduation in May, you moved back home, settling on a cute little townhouse not far from where your parents lived.  
As you walk, you wave hi to the Adlers, then to Joel, who’s mowing his lawn. Oh yeah, he’s in this neighborhood too. 
Joel, your dad’s best friend since…long before you were around. Joel, with his dark curls, his patchy beard and thick mustache, his sparkly dark eyes, his syrupy-sweet smile. He looks sinfully handsome mowing his lawn in his denim cutoffs and white tank top, his sun kissed skin shimmering in sweat.
He smiles back with a wave, and you walk right past, continuing your walk. It’s late in the evening, the sun is beginning to disappear. This is the best time to get your exercise, you’ve decided. It’s when the air is coolest, but still, not quite cool enough. 
 You loop around the neighborhood a couple times more and before you know it, you’re back at Joel’s house. You see the waves of his pool out of the corner of your eye, the moonlight dancing on the dark water. 
How refreshing it would be to swim right now, you think to yourself. Joel’s pool is big, so clean, and refreshing. You’ve spent many barbecues in his pool, long summer days filled with chicken fights, swimming contests, seeing how long you could hold your breath under the water. 
Fuck it. 
You tiptoe to his pool, climb up the steps of his deck and begin stripping articles of clothing. It’ll be just for a minute, you decide. Just a quick dip to cool off, then you’re gone, and your daddy’s best friend is none the wiser. You strip completely bare and dip a toe in the cool waters, then quietly slink into the pool.
The water is soothing against your hot skin, the familiar smell of chlorine filling your senses. You wade for a bit, then dip your head under the water, doing a little flip. Pure fucking bliss. 
Joel is in his bedroom, he thought he heard his deck creak. He figured it was the raccoons again, Sarah was always feeding them cookies and chips that she shouldn’t have been. But then he hears a splash.
Joel peels his bedsheets off his body and takes a few steps towards the window, finding a young woman in his pool. Naked, her bare ass exposed to the air as she swims across the pool back to the deck. It’s only when she hoists herself up and steals a towel from the basket on the deck he recognizes her as you. 
And dear lord, what a fucking sight you are. Your dripping skin illuminated by the pale moonlight, your nipples pebbled and perky from the cool water. You towel your body, then your hair, and then dress yourself. And as quickly as you got in the pool, you leave, hanging your towel over the ledge of the deck. 
Joel bites back a groan and palms his cock. He tries his best to shake the images of you, his best friend’s daughter, from his mind. But he can’t. Instead, he strokes his cock furiously, your supple tits and plump ass tattooed on his eyes. Who the fuck do you think you are, swimming bare assed in his pool? Before he even realizes just how close he is, he spills onto himself, making a mess on his clothing. 
The next week, you do it again. You walk past Joel’s house, Joel chokes on the mouthful of beer when you wave to him and Tommy. 
Tommy smirks at Joel’s mishap. “She sure grew up, huh?”
Joel swallows thickly. “Yeah,” is all he can choke out. Tommy doesn’t know the half of it. He knows your skimpy workout shorts and sports bras, but he doesn’t know what’s underneath. Not how Joel does. 
On your way home, you eye Joel’s pool. Empty and dark, waiting for you. You tiptoe through the grass for a second time, strip bare, and dip into the water. This time, you swim for a longer duration, feeling confident after pulling off last week’s stunt with ease.
What you don’t realize (other than the fact Joel watched you through his window last week and subsequently masturbated to his memories of your naked body) is that Joel is in his garage, waiting for you. He stands in the doorway, hidden by the shadows. He planned it this way when you walked past his house. This way, he thinks, he can get a closer look. Watch how your body moves, hear the noises you make. 
When you dip under the water, Joel quickly sneaks to the deck and ruffles through your clothing, finding your panties. He grips them tightly, hides back in the garage, and watches you emerge from the water. This time, he jerks off to you with your worn panties clutched into his hand, held under his nose as he inhales your scent. When he comes, he feels a tinge of guilt, but pushes it deep in the back of his mind. He’s dead fucking wrong for this, but so are you, after all. 
When you step out of the pool, you can’t find a towel. Joel smirks mischievously at your confusion when you realize your panties are missing too. Did you forget to wear them? Left with no choice, you put on your clothes over your wet skin, your dripping hair soaking your t-shirt. You slip on your sandals and quickly sprint around his house to make your way home. 
Only, you run right into Joel, literally. His torso is firm and he grabs your shoulders with his big hands. 
“Woah there, kiddo. Finishing up your walk?” he asks you. 
“Y-yeah,” you stutter. “Just on my way home.”
Joel eyes you as he blocks you with his big imposing body on the sidewalk, still holding you tightly by the shoulders. You feel small, vulnerable. “Whatcha all wet for?”
You freeze, any words you can think of getting caught in your throat. Joel raises an eyebrow in suspicion, or entertainment, at the way you try to think up a lie. “Got caught in some sprinklers,” you mumble. Your eyes dart past him, but his pupils stay focused on yours. It makes your cheeks burn. 
You’re not much better of a liar now than when you were a teenager, he notes. He loves watching you lie to his face when he knows your dirty little secret. He’s made himself come twice now to your dirty little secret, after all. It’s really quite amusing. 
You stay frozen in place, Joel’s intense gaze making you uncomfortable. There’s something so off about his demeanor. There’s something unnerving about him, he seems too cool. Shouldn’t he be as startled as you are?
“Gotta get home. Goodnight, Joel,” you pull away from his grasp. You need to get out of this situation before he puts the pieces together, if he hasn’t already.
“Goodnight, sweetheart,”
A few days later, on your regular evening walk, you pass Joel’s house. This time, Joel’s alone on his porch and sipping a beer. 
“Get your ass up here and have a drink with me!” he shouts at you, a playful tone in his voice. “Now that you’re legal.”
You blush at the memory he’s referencing. You were only a teenager, couldn’t have been older than sixteen or seventeen. But how rebellious you were. 
You snuck into his garage, a cigarette between your lips, and stole a bottle of vodka from his freezer. As you turned to leave, you saw Joel in the doorway, his expression somewhere between upset and amused. He said nothing as he took the ice cold bottle of alcohol from your hands, his fingers gracing lightly over yours. 
He motioned for you to sit in the dusty patio chairs by the fridge as he put the bottle of vodka back in his freezer. Then Joel pulled the cigarette from your lips and took a drag, letting the ash fall on the cold cement of the garage floor. “S’not good to smoke,” he exhaled, smoke rising out of his mouth as he sat in the chair closest to the fridge. 
Once you sat down, he passed the cigarette back to you and you took a drag of your own. “I know,” you mumbled, unable to meet his face. You could handle the disappointed expressions of your parents, but Joel? Forget it. 
“I won’t snitch to your parents if you quit f’me. Can you do that?” 
You nodded shyly. 
“Good girl,” he said. You shared the rest of the cigarette before Joel smudged it out on the floor with his boot. He pulled you up out of your seat, shoved his hand into your jacket pocket, and stole your pack of cigarettes. Then he sent you home. 
That was the night your budding infatuation with Joel really took off. Of course, you were attracted to him before, but it was something about that night. The way he called you good girl, how he took your hand. How he shared your cigarette, the thought of tasting his lips without actually kissing him. 
You never smoked another cigarette again.
“Beer?” he offers you. 
You don’t really like beer, but you do like Joel. “Sure,”
He walks into his garage to grab you one, opens it and then hands it to you. “Settlin’ in okay?” he asks you as he pulls you in for a hug, perhaps squeezing you a bit too tight. 
“I’m doing okay, yeah,” “Stayin’ out of trouble?” he teases you. 
You roll your eyes. “Yes, Joel. I’m staying out of trouble,”
Joel winks at you, pulling another swig of his beer. There’s something about him, he’s got that same smug look from the other night when you ran into him. Like he knows something you don’t. “Sure, kiddo,”
You smile shyly, unsure of how exactly to respond. 
“How about this heat, hm? You keepin’ cool?”
“Oh, yeah,”
“S’good,” Joel smirks again. You can’t help but squint at him, unsure of what he’s getting at. He’s not talking about–he doesn’t know. Right?
Sarah interrupts then, calling for Joel to come in and watch American Idol with her. Joel bids you goodbye, you finish up the last of your beer and leave, starting for your walk once again. 
When you cross Joel’s house on your way home, you battle yourself in your mind. Today is by far the hottest day of the summer, the heat never once breaking. You’re conflicted: on one hand, you’re dripping sweat and aching for the cool waters of Joel’s pool to soothe you, but on the other, you risk getting caught. It seems that Joel is onto you already, but he would have confronted you. Right?
You decide to go for a swim. Walking into Joel’s backyard like it’s your own, you strip and sink into the pool. You dip your head under the water, doing flips and twirling in the water. The starlight dances over your skin, you look like Aphrodite herself. 
Joel just watches you, quietly. This time he’s not in the garage, not in his bedroom. He’s next to the deck, watching how your perky breasts break through the surface of the dark water. He’s sick of being teased by you. It’s his turn to fuck with you. 
Joel discreetly grabs your pile of clothes and a nearby water gun. Ever so subtly, he fills the water gun with the pool water, and waits. It’s not long before you swim back to the deck and you realize your clothes are gone. You lean over the edge of the pool, checking to see. Did they fall under the deck? Where the fuck did they go? How are you supposed to get home?
You feel a squirt of water on your asscheek as you’re leaning over the edge. You whip around, not seeing anyone. This is getting fucking eerie, you search for your clothes frantically now. 
Phwit phoo! You hear a whistle and whip your head back around, and there’s Joel. Right in front of you, holding a squirt gun. “Tsk. Thought you said you were stayin’ out of trouble,” he chides. He doesn’t look the slightest bit surprised or angry. He just looks like…he knows. Like he’s been watching you this whole time. Has he?
“Joel!” you gasp, quickly covering your breasts. 
“You lookin’ for these, sweetheart?” Joel holds up your pile of clothes in his hand for you to see. Your mouth drops open. “Tresspassin’ and public nudity ain’t no joke, you know.” “Joel, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was–”
“All y’had to do was ask me if ya wanted to use my pool, honey. You know I woulda’ let you. This heat wave and all,” he stares at you, eyebrows raised, playing with the squirt gun in his hand. He squirts it a few times into the water before tossing it aside. “Certainly wouldn’t want you to get heatstroke.”
“I know, I just–”
“You just what?” Joel interrupts you, “I know what your problem is, honey. You still got that rebellious streak in ya. S’that why you’re wearin’ these slutty panties, hm? Skinny dippin’ in my pool every night?” he holds up the panties, lacy and cheeky. “C’mon now, you know better.”
You reach for the panties, your heart beating through your chest and your cheeks on fire. Joel pulls them out of your reach. “Ah ah ah, mine now. You’re in trouble now, sweetheart. Since you wanna act like a fuckin’ slut and whore yourself out for the whole neighborhood to see,” he tuts disapprovingly at you, “Where’s your self respect?”
You swallow thickly. You don’t know what to say, what to do. You’re caught red handed.
Joel climbs up the steps, each thud of his foot hitting the deck like thunder in your ears. “I’ve got half a mind to call the cops,” he mutters. 
“No, Joel, don’t. Please, don’t,” you plead in desperation.
“I dunno, kiddo. This is pretty serious. Think it’s about time you face some real consequences,” his voice is dark and unwavering, you know he means business. “The way I see it, hon, you got two options,” he starts, sitting down at the pool. He dangles his legs next to you, sending ripples your way. He’s wearing nothing but his boxers and a thin gray t-shirt. “Cops can teach you a lesson or I can. What’ll it be?”
It’s no question. “You,” you say. “You, Joel. Please, don’t call the cops.”
Joel chuckles. “Smart girl. First good decision you’ve made in a long time, sweetheart. A long time,”
He takes off his shirt, his tan skin glowing under the sparkling stars and moonlight. Then he takes his cock out of his boxers, already hard and leaking precum. Your mouth drops open, knowing exactly the type of punishment you’re in for. “You know what I think?” he starts, exhaling deeply, “I think you’re bored.”
“Y’need somethin’ to keep you busy, out of trouble,” he continues, “Let’s start with that filthy mouth of yours, hm?” Joel begins stroking his member, smearing precum with each pass of his hand.
Desire shakes your bones and you nod, understanding where this is headed. 
“Always thought you’d be nicer with a cock down that throat of yours. Shut you right up so you can’t backtalk me. Now get your ass over here, girl,”
You swim over to him, situating yourself between his thighs. 
“C’mon, open wide for me. Know you can,” he commands you, and you part your lips around the angry tip of his cock, so rosy and agitated.  “Suck.”
You don’t waste a moment. You drag your tongue up and down his shaft, swirling a couple of times over his tip. You savor the salty tangy flavor of his skin, so soft and smooth under your tongue. 
“Quit your teasin’,” Joel shoves your head down on his cock, hard. You gag and sputter onto him, pulling back to catch your breath. Your struggle only encourages him, he forces your head to stay down. 
“You’re gonna take my cock all the way down your throat, baby. Just relax, open wide,”
Your jaw is already sore trying to accommodate his member. He’s thick and long, filling your mouth completely. You begin bobbing your head up and down, up and down. Massaging him with your tongue, tracing over his bulging veins. 
“That’s it,” he praises you softly. “Doin’ so well f’me. Always knew you’d suck me real good.
You cup his balls in your hand and continue sucking, making a mess of his cock. Spit dribbling down your chin and into the thick tuft of curls at the base of his dick. 
Your jaw is aching, but you don’t dare stop.
“Look at you,” he coos, his strong hand caressing the side of your face before settling at your jaw. “Good lord.”
He bucks into your mouth, pushing you to your limits. He’s letting out little grunts and groans now and then, and then you feel his cock twitch in your mouth. 
Joel pulls you off his cock, a trail of spit connecting his member to your lips. Then he grabs you by your biceps into his lap. “Gonna let me fuck some sense into you, hm?”
Your heart jumps at his request, but you’re not ready. “No, Joel, need you to touch me first,” you beg. After the way his thick cock made your jaw sore, you know your pussy needs warming up to accommodate his massive size. 
Joel chuckles darkly, one hand firmly gripping your ass and the other holding his cock. He lines himself up to your entrance, notching the tip at your hole, not yet ready to take him. “This is your punishment. Ain’t s’posed to feel good, honey,” he says, his voice cool and collected. 
“No, Joel,” you protest, wiggling your hips away from him. Your heart is pounding, your stomach drops. 
“Maybe,” Joel grunts, both hands now holding your asscheeks in a vice grip. “If you’re good t’me and keep out of trouble, I’ll love you a little sweeter next time,”
He doesn’t give you a moment to process his words before he unceremoniously pulls you down on his cock. The stretch and burn is unimaginable, your eyes blur with tears and you nearly scream, but Joel covers your mouth to muffle your shock. 
“You be quiet,” he warns you with a stern voice. You’re on top, but he’s the one in control, pushing and pulling your hips up and down on his cock. Using you as his own fuck toy. You bite into his hand, doing your best to hold back your screams. 
“Joel,” you cry into his palm, tears falling down your cheeks and over his knuckles. The pain is bordering on unbearable.
“Relax,” he commands you, his voice somewhat soothing. “Just relax f’me, hon. Quit squeezin’, open up,”
He’s right. You just need to relax your muscles, let yourself take him. As he fucks into you, you focus on the small amount of pleasure you can feel deep inside. It grows larger with every thrust, and soon enough, the painful stretch is replaced by pleasure.
You sigh in contentment, savoring every delicious thrust. Joel fucks into you with such fervor, hitting that sweet spot inside you with each and every one of his movements. “Oh, Joel,” you moan. Your arms are wrapped around him, your head falling to his neck. You bite into his neck and inhale his musky scent, woody and slightly sweaty. That, coupled with the smell of the chlorine fills your nostrils, a wonderful combination.  
“Jesus, girl,” he whispers, his hot breath making your skin prickle. “Lettin’ me fuck you like this for the whole neighborhood to see. You like this, don’t you?”
“Yes, daddy,” you gasp. 
Joel stops, pulling you back from him. “Daddy, huh? S’that how we’re doin’ things?”
You blush, unsure of what to say. You didn’t mean to say that. 
Joel fills the silence. “You’re worse off than I thought,” he says like it’s a fact. You can’t quite place his tone, or how he feels. “You’re a lost cause, baby.” he exaggerates his sigh, disappointed.
You look to the side, trying to think of something, anything to respond to him with. 
“S’alright, though. I like you like this,” he begins fucking you mercilessly again. “All mine.”
“Fuck, Joel,” you scramble on top of him, grasping at his toned body to keep from falling into the water. 
“Mhm. Who am I?” he grunts through gritted teeth. He drags a hand up your torso and pinches at your pebbled nipple. 
“Daddy,” you whine. He bounces you up and down his cock, fingers painting bruises into your soft skin.
“S’right,” he mumbles. 
Joel fucks you like you’ve never been fucked before, deep and hard and intentional. His movements are precise, calculated. You’re clay in his hands, he’s molding you into what he wants. With each movement, you become his entirely.
You’re breathless as he thrusts into you. His feet splash in the water, you feel drops on your back every so often. His calloused and rough hands holding you tightly. His warm torso pressed to yours, one of his hands groping at your soft breasts.
He feels you squirm, he feels your pussy clench around his cock. Your breaths are frantic and uneven. “You’re close, aren’t ya?”
“Yeah,” you whine. He’s reading your body like a fucking book. 
“That’s just too bad,” he tuts. Your stomach fills with dread, knowing what his next words likely will be. 
“Joel, please,” you cry. 
“Mm mm,” he mumbles, his eyes fixed on yours. His eyes are dark, full of lust. Desire. Desire to control you, make you his and his alone.
“Let me come. Please, daddy,” you grind your hips into his, feeling the friction of his hair on your clit. 
“I don’t think you deserve that, my love,” his voice is sickeningly sweet, full of fake sympathy for your predicament. 
“No, m’so close, please. N-fuck, not gonna last,” 
“Don’t you dare, sweetheart,” he warns you, never once changing his pace as he fucks you. “You’ll be in deeper shit than ya are now, I don’t think you need that,”
“Please,” you cry, feeling the beginning of your orgasm bloom deep in the pit of your stomach. “Please, please, please,”
You can’t help it. You can’t stave off your release any longer. With whimpers and moans, you come all over his cock, your slick dripping from your cunt and painting his lap. It sends bolts of electricity through your veins and you shudder uncontrollably, mouth wide open and your eyes screwed shut. 
Your pussy quivers, squeezing and massaging Joel’s cock is all he needed. Making a strangled sort of groan, he spills into you, hot ropes of his come shooting inside you and painting your walls. He holds you tight enough to break bone as he fucks you through your shared releases. 
With the stars in the sky now behind your eyes, your chest heaving up and down in gasping breaths, Joel lifts you off of his cock. Your skin is damp with sweat and you dip back into the water. And to think you thought you were hot after your late night walks. 
Joel watches your slick and his own come drip from your spent cunt onto the deck, then into the pool. “Look at this godforsaken mess you made,” he points to his lap, glistening with your juices. “Naughty fuckin’ girl. You just can’t help yourself.”
Godforsaken mess is right. You look at him with wide eyes, speechless. He stares right back at you with his own intense and piercing gaze, that same look when he caught you stealing his vodka.
How far away that night seems now. It hits you, what you just did with your father’s best friend. Joel, who practically raised you, who taught you to drive a stick and held your graduation party at his house. All of those barbecues, those hot summer nights spent on his deck, the same deck you desecrated just moments ago. 
You just can’t help yourself. 
“Shoot, you poor thing,” he sighs, tucking himself back into his boxers. He doesn’t bother putting his shirt back on, but he does grab your panties and clutches them in his fist. “You’re fucked now.”
Joel’s legs splash in the water as he stands up and goes back inside his house, then tosses you a clean towel from inside. 
You really are fucked now.
tags: @swiftispunk @rosaliedepp @pedrotonin @kittenlittle24 @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @brittmb115 @bigboiseason123 @laysmt @guiltgoreglory @aubreysylvain @leeeesahhh @oliveg95 @ifall4dilfs @alloftheboysivelovedbefore @harriedandharassed @vickie5546 @louisxosblog @southernbe @ravenouswild @luvrking @r02eg0ld @amythenortherner @walkintheprk @zpandaqueen @silkiers @angel-with-a-heart @kdogreads @boofy1998 @theoremrobin @ihatespoilers @2valentines @happy--birthday--kiddo @elissaaa @paleidiot @brie-annwyl @str84pedro @sesigsss @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @palomaluvsdilfs @kyloispunk @tiredbuthappy @yuk-for-president @jazzy-music-cat @anoverhwhelmingdin @dontatmethebeasts @venus122idkpleaze @nopealoupe @blackvelveteen1339 @monboudoir @darleneslane @bbyanarchist @spideysimpossiblegirl
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fandom-wreck-9000 · 1 year
Welcome home my Darling new neighbor (Wally Darling x Male reader) Yandere Fic
CW: Scopophobia, stalking, and kidnapping.
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Chapter 2: Welcome home
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You slightly woke up your eyes still feeling heavy, so you didn’t try to open them, you felt as if you couldn't move your body maybe you were still tired, but you could still hear, and the only thing penetrating your ears was the eerie noise of a heartbeat and something breathing all around you… You could still slightly feel, although it was as if your sense of touch was numbed. The most you could make out from what little sense of touch you had was that you were laying in a bed with soft heavy covers. due to your mind still being fuzzy with sleep, you couldn’t remember much of what happened before this moment of waking up… all you could remember was being picked up and basically being kidnapped before this moment of sleepy paralysis. This all felt like some kind of nightmare more specifically a sleep paralysis nightmare.
You decided to try and put your mind back to sleep but before you could, you hear a door open and someone walking in closer to you… You had the familiar feeling of fear in your body although it couldn’t paralyze you any more than you already were, you heard them place something down next to you on a hard surface most likely a nightstand… You could slightly feel the slight weight shift of the bed as they sat down next to you, you could feel them staring it felt so familiar, they touched your face which sent a shiver down your spine… Who the fuck was this person? “(M/N) it's time to wake up.” Their voice spoke softly it seemed monotoned, and creepy yet soothing. it took some might but you eventually managed to open your eyes, and they widened in horror as you saw a puppet sitting before you staring straight into your eyes. As soon as you saw that familiar face all the memories came flooding back with a force, it gave you a headache… And made you even more dizzy and sick than you already were because of the fear you felt… It was Wally Darling…
You tried to sit up and hit him scream and get away, but you couldn’t now being more awake you could tell just how weird your body felt and how much more difficult it was to just move it, you could only do tiny movements like move your fingers, toes, and your head a little bit. “Now now just relax you’re still getting used to your new body friend.” He said that smile you first thought was adorable and cute now seemed absolutely horrifying, and your eyes traveled to look at your arms which your once (S/C) human skin, was now (S/C) colored felt… You could tell your face showed the pure fear and horror you felt for what Wally said next. “No need to be scared friend your in good hands you are safe with me within home.” You became confused what did he mean by ‘within home’? He didn’t answer that as he helped you sit up as your body was still hard to move, your eyes moved to the nightstand which was right by the bed. What was placed onto it by Wally was a tray with food and water, you had no idea how you would eat it since you were now a puppet with supposedly no digestive system.
He apparently saw you stare at the tray with confusion and he grabbed the cup of water and spoke. “You can still drink and kinda eat you just don’t really need to but since there are still some changes happening to your body and you're getting used to your new body, I thought you could use the extra energy boost. But soon you won’t need to eat or drink anymore!” he said bringing the glass of water to your felt lips and gently opening your mouth with his hand so you could ‘drink’ it when you drank some to your own surprise, he placed it back down on the tray. You had to admit it mentally since you couldn’t really vocally admit it and frankly didn’t want to, the water slightly helped you gain some energy. During this entire interaction Wally has not stopped staring at you the only time he looked away was when he went to grab the water and place it back down, it freaked you out how much he stared at you… Especially now since he’s kidnapped you… His eyes were like empty black voids as he intensely stared at you. You also still heard the sound of a beating heart and breathing, but you decided to try and ignore it as best you can, even though it was creepy… especially for the fact that it wasn’t coming from you or Wally…
Wally seemed to be staring into your eyes with the same intensity as the day before, it was unnerving… “I’m really glad your pretty (E/C) eyes stayed even after your form changed to accommodate my world… so very glad… your eyes and yourself are the absolute most after all…” He said in his soothing monotone voice as he continued to stare, you shifted the gaze of your eyes uncomfortably. “I have to go 'cause I have stuff to do today but just rest, Friend 'cause you need to be at your best… remember you are the absolute most.” He said he got up from the bed and he blew you a kiss before leaving the room and soon the house itself, now by yourself, you sat in the bed terrified and scared you gripped the sheets with the little strength you had… how did you get into this situation why you? You felt tears gather in your eyes somehow but you didn’t pay mind to it you just wanted out, you just wanted to get back home… you didn’t want to be here anymore…
After a few hours, you were finally able to move your arms and upper body so you turned to pick up the tray that was on the nightstand looking at the food itself… it seemed less than edible… it seemed to be an attempt at french toast, but the toast wasn’t fully cooked and it seemed that the egg that was on it was still raw, there was also bacon but that was burnt to nothing but charcoal… the only thing that seemed edible was the berries, so you decided to slowly eat those because as time passed… it started to feel like your stomach was being filled with stuffing… I guess he was right about the fact you soon wouldn’t need to be eating or drinking soon anymore… you placed the tray back on the nightstand and continued to sit on the bed, still not having the energy to move your legs…
A few more hours passed and you were finally able to move your legs, so you moved so you could try to stand up from the bed, as you did you heard the front door open. You quickly stood up of course as you did you felt dizzy and your legs felt like complete jello but you grabbed the lamp that was on the nightstand and stood your ground, the ominous steps toward the room you were in frightened you… Your grip on the lamp was relentless. You heard the house creak and squeak, the steps slowed down as they stopped in front of the door to the room you were in… The door started to slowly open so you started to rush forward but you underestimated how wobbly your legs were because not even two steps forward and you tripped over your own feet and dropped the lamp, before you fell face first you heard quick footsteps toward you, and someone caught you and you knew who it was exactly. Looking up you saw Wally his stare seemed kinda angry but he helped you up and hugged you tightly to him, his face resting on your shoulder he held you tightly so tightly that you could barely move your arms away from him… but you were still too weak to fully fight back against him.
“Friend it’s okay Stop being so scared and freaking out… you almost fell and hurt yourself there you still need some rest… Let's put you back in bed friend…” He said as he picked you up with ease and put you back into the bed, sitting next to you again, back to staring at you…
You were stuck here, weren’t you?
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@morallygreyhound, @grungedemon, @orquydia, @Kodasstar, @itsawildsaltychip, @yippeeboi, @bombshellbella, @bloodblossomtree, @shaggy-carpet, @fake-it-25, @eddwardtheseventhspacewizard, @r4ggedy-andy, @random-theater-kid, @kayssweetdreams, @animedestler, @zeroplay-69, @n1mble, @salems-apiary, @magno-13, @lucialaotakuxd, @loveolgy, @fufawa, @penisbanger, @callmenobodythehoe, @dragonea, @funbugz, @vato-moo, @h0n3y-f1ll3d- g1ng3rbr3ad-man, @emohaircutstumblur, @puppetskulls, drc00l4tt4, @artistesimp, @hatmekindsirr, @sirenafterdark, @flwerdeath, @wxntcl, @emerald-dream, @lurkingposting, @syrupnscones, @gay-and-random-shit-i-can-find, @bread-samdwich, @tremendouskingcherryblossom. @floof-boop, @thewisteriarchives, @the-reaper-of-souls, @justaconfusedorganism, @theoats420, @fuck-bitches-get-milk, @looneytunestime, @aoniv, @mangle5, @lurkerintheabyss, @judos-tavern, @good-from-all-sides, @buttertoast432
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clockwayswrites · 10 months
Like Betta Fish Do Part 23
Jason had a gun in his hand before he even registered that he was awake. A window closed in the living room. Gun trained on the door, Jason pulled up the security feed on his phone. The only reason he wasn’t out the door and shooting was because even his silent alarms weren’t going off. That pointed to this being an annoying sibling.
Sure enough, the camera showed Dick crossing the room. He stopped to blow a kiss at the hidden camera, the fucker, and then went to disable the alarms at the front door. Jason shoved the gun back under the bed frame and buried his face in his pillow. If his siblings were going to invade without warning, they could wait until he was actually ready to get up.
Jason got fifteen more minutes of sleep and a shower in before he was ready to brave his family.
“Nice of you to finally join us,” Tim said with a pointed sip of his coffee.
He was sitting on the couch, Cass perched on the arm next to him. Dick had the other half of the couch, with an angry Damian tucked next to him, while Duke took the arm chair.
“If you wanted punctual, you should have texted,” Jason said. “There better still be coffee in the pot.”
This seemed like a coffee sort of day.
“There is, and we brought donuts,” Dick chirped. “I made sure the horde left a cake and a raspberry cream for you.”
“You are slightly forgiven for whatever the fuck is going on here,” Jason said. Of course someone had taken his favorite mug already. He settled for the one with the Shakespeare quote and added more than a splash of cream to the coffee before he went to face his siblings.
Tim motioned to the table.
The aforementioned box of donuts was there as well as a pile of tabloid papers. Jason raised his eyes at them. Huh.
“Well?” Tim asked.
“News moves fast?” Jason said with an unaffected shrug. At least seemingly unaffected. His heart was going a mile a minute it felt like. He hadn’t wanted them to know yet. He wanted more time.
But he was the one who had gone to pick Danny up. He had known that this could happen. Fuck, he should have thought about this more, he wasn’t ready. Jason picked up the top one. They were just a little side picture for that publication, but the one under it they were main page.
It wasn’t a half bad picture. Danny’s face was obscured, shot from the back as he leaned in to kiss Jason. Danny’s hands on the edge of his leather jacket were clear though, as was how nicely he fit in between Jason’s legs.
Maybe he’d keep that one.
Not that he’d tell Tim that, because, “You’re fucking creepy, Replacement. Why’d you buy all these?”
“I’m keeping track of the family! It’s what I do. Someone has to stay on top of it all.”
“Creepy,” Cass echoed, but soothed her word by pressing a kiss to the top of Tim’s head.
Tim pouted. “How long has this been going on?”
“Well see, I first realized that I liked boys when—”
“How long have you been dating Daniel Nightingale,” Tim interrupted, clearly having no mood for sarcasm today. “Or should I say Daniel Fenton.”
“I’ve been dating Danny for about a month and a half now,” Jason said casually as he very purposefully picked a donut from the box.
“And you didn’t tell anyone?”
“I told Dick.” Jason motioned to his oldest sibling before taking a large bite of the donut. “He’s even met him twice.”
Tim sighed like he had the world on his shoulders. “I meant anyone who could actually hand PR, not make it worse.”
“I will take that as both an insult and a compliment,” Dick said. “And don’t talk with your mouth full, you’ll choke.”
Jason rolled his eyes. Like Dick didn’t all the time. He very purposefully swallowed. “We’ve only been on two real dates.”
“There are photos, Jason,” Tim said like that was a big deal.
Jason shrugged. “And that means you had to bring an entourage?”
“This is a family matter,” Tim said with a sniff. “…and they insisted.”
“I did not. I was just shoved in a car,” Duke said. He honest to god raised his hand to say that.
“Richard made me,” Damian grumbled (snootily, but it was still a grumble).
“Mhum,” Jason said and sipped his coffee. “I think we’re missing at least two family members and several side members.”
“Please, Alfred would just be trying to figure out the guy’s favorite food—”
“Anything that doesn’t try to bite back.”
Tim actually paused. “That’s concernedly specific.”
“That’s Danny for you.”
Dick covered a laugh. “Yeah, sorta is. That’s a weird fish you have, little wing.”
Various other siblings mouthed ‘fish’ in confusion. Cass just grinned. That was either a very good sign or a very bad sign.
“And Bruce? Why didn’t you just do this tomorrow at the manor?” Jason asked.
“Bruce needs time to be prepped,” Tim said with a wave of his hand, “Or he’d osculate between relentless questions and staring at you with big watery eyes of joy. It’s best if I give him a dossier first, ideally one that has an answer about this name change. The less he has to be concerned about the better.”
Jason exchanged a look with Dick. Well that certainly wasn’t happening in full. That coffee wasn’t sitting so well anymore. “I blame you, Dick, for the way Tim turned out. I was busy being dead and dubiously brainwashed.”
“Oh no, he came to us like this, I don’t take any of the blame,” Dick said.
Tim was pouting again. “I’m just trying to protect the family! Why is that so bad?”
“Caring creepy,” Cass said with a little nod.
“Yes! I mean no, I’m not being creepy! It’s publicly accessible information… mostly.”
“Tim,” Dick started, “have you been—”
A knock at the door cut the question off and everyone’s head turned to the noise. They were like a pack of meerkats, Jason thought, as he headed that way. Pack? Herd? Jason glanced at the video feed and lamented the timing of it all.
Which really was very Danny; the fish had the worst timing.
Jason opened the door with a sigh.
“Hey! Hold this, breakfast burritos,” Danny said, shoving a plastic bag Jason’s direction before he started working on untangling his scarf. “Picked them up from that little corner place you showed me a few weekends ago. Don’t worry, remembered the extra house hot sauce.”
The scarf seemed to have basically tied it self in a knot and Danny frowned down at at it. He shoved his coffee cup at Jason too as is words turned into an odd mix of absent minded and rushed. “But thought that would be nice. There was something I was going to… Oh! So I was reading this article, which is actually a little old, but it’s so cool! And about trilobites! Which you know, now I have to read it, right? So they actually had no idea how trilobites had sex cause, you know, ancient dead bugs, but then they found this pair that was killed and fossilized while mating. Which like, one, what a way to go, and two, what are the odds! And it turns out it’s not far off from horseshoe— ah-ha! Take that scarf!”
Danny pulled the length of red fabric off, looked up to the living room full of wide eyed siblings, and froze.
“You have people over?” Danny squeaked.
“Against my will,” Jason said. “My siblings invaded.”
Dick waved.
“Siblings, right, I’m just going to…” Danny took a step to the left, effectively hiding himself behind Jason’s back.
Jason felt Danny’s head impact against him and had to hold back a laugh, but knew he had no hope of stopping the smile that spread across his face. Jason ignored whatever Tim’s soft little ‘huh’ was about. “You okay back there?”
“Am I okay— why didn’t you stop me?” Danny asked, his morose words muffled by Jason’s shirt. “I was just going on!”
“Mhum, about trilobite sex.”
Danny whacked Jason’s arm hard for that, and this time Jason couldn’t hold back a laugh.
“Adorable,” Cass cooed.
“Come on, this just means that they know that you’re a huge nerd already. It’s not like you were going to be able to hide that from anyone for long,” Jason said.
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t. Come on, stop being a prickly puffer fish,” Jason said, shifting slightly to figure out the best way to reveal Danny. “You can’t hide behind me forever.”
“No I’m just going to sink through the floor out of embarrassment.”
Jason was afraid that Danny might actually go through with that so he gentled his tone. “Come on, fish, It’s fine. Tim is a complete nerd. And Damian, for all his bite, is an art nerd.”
Damian bared his teeth. “I will stab you.”
“There’s the bark,” Jason said, unconcerned. “Duke is a dork and you’ve met Dick. Cass is actually cool, but she already said you’re adorable so you might just have to put up with being hugged a lot from her. Besides, they’ve already seen you and they’re my family, there’s no getting out of this long term.”
It had gotten so quiet in the apartment Jason swore he could hear Danny’s heart thudding, or was that his core?
Eventually, Danny loosened his death grip on Jason’s shirt, took a deep breath, and stepped out to stand beside Jason.
“There you are,” Jason said and dropped a kiss to the crown of Danny’s head. “Everyone, Danny. Danny, that is Duke, Cass, Tim, Dick you know, and Damian. He really does bite so maybe don’t sit near him.”
Damian sniffed. “He is lying. I prefer bladed weapons and I was frisked before abducted to come here.”
“Um, hi? Please don’t attack me, I’m still being trained with a xiphos, I’m not going to be a challenge for you with a sword,” Danny said. He sat dutifully in the chair that Jason has brought over from the kitchen table and set near the other living room furniture.
“You’ve trained in the blade?” Damian asked, actually looking interested.
“Training,” Danny reiterated. He accepted his coffee back from Jason with a slightly strained smile and clung to it like a lifeline. “But yeah, I’ve had some lessons. Mostly it’s been a dory though, outside of hand to hand. My teacher prefers the spear. She, ah, likes the reach it gives her, not that she really needs any help in the reach department.”
“We should spar,” Damian decided with a little nod.
“No stabbing my boyfriend, demon brat,” Jason said as he pulled over a chair for himself. He broke off part of the cake donut and handed the rest to Danny who took it with a pleased noise.
“So, you prefer Danny?” Tim asked with an all too innocent expression. At Danny’s nod he added, “And is it Nightingale or Fenton?”
Danny stiffened. “Well, considering I legally changed my name the day I turned eighteen, I think it can be pretty clear I prefer Nightingale.”
“But Fenton…”
“Is my parent’s last name, yes. Look, I’ll be blunt,” Danny started. There was that resigned note to his words that Jason had come to hate. He slipped his hand into Danny’s, rubbing his thumb along the lines of the back of Danny’s hand. “My parents love my sister and I, I know that they do. But that love isn’t enough to see us past their work. They’re… obsessive, to be polite. We were always last. So once we decided to move on, it wasn’t too hard to actually do so. My sister changed her name when she turned eighteen and I did the same when it was my turn. I moved out as soon as it went through. I don’t hate them, I don’t feel strongly enough about them to hate them anymore.”
Tim winced at the words. The neglect clearly hit one of Tim’s own sore spots, but Jason couldn’t muster up any sympathy for him. It severed Tim right for starting this whole conversation.
“Was that… a fight?” Dick asked. He always put such a weight in names.
Danny just snorted, softly. “It took them three months to even notice I’d moved. So no, not really. I still don’t know if they’ve caught on to the name change. We don’t really talk.”
“How did you end up in Gotham?” Duke asked, eager to change the conversation.
“Oh. Well, I’d been doing gen-ed through an online community college. I was getting done with them so applied to some scholarships. I’m actually here on a Wayne Inventors’ Scholarship, which is, ah, a little awkward now,” Danny said with a little wave at all of them, “all things considered.”
“It took him a really long time to put together who I was,” Jason said. “I thought he knew, but nope.”
“Look,” Danny said defensively. “I actively try to avoid the lives of the rich and famous after my Godfather.”
Jason raised a brow and made a mimicking motion to the room. “Yeah, how’s that working out for you?”
“Badly. I’m clearly cursed.”
----- AN: And then Danny proceeded to be beat soundly in Mario Kart/Party. He did hold his own in Smash though.
I am very sleepy, but have some fish! Stay delightful, darlings.
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lilacsbeeswax · 7 months
Pairing: Theodore Nott x Reader
Warnings: Panic Attack, Party, Underage Drinking, Petnames, Unedited
Notes: First Theodore fic kinda nervous
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“God that exam was awful! If these bloody staircases didn’t move I’d be passed out in my bed right now!” I complained stomping up the polished stone stairs. The staircase room was buzzing with people trying to get to dorms and house common rooms since the last exam hour just ended.
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Hermione comforted, “I’m sure you did better than Ron.”
“When do I not do better than Ron? A rat could do better than Ron!” I complained loudly.
A loud, “Hey!” Resounded from behind us as well as a boyish laugh. “It’s not funny Harry! She’s callin’ me daft!” Ron exclaimed.
“Well, she not wrong,” Ginny added.
“Alright guys let’s not pile on. I’m sure Ron did just fine.” I said sarcastically raising my eyebrows as we reached the common room portrait.
We continued our slow journey loosing people along the way to their dorms. By the time Hermione and I reached our dorm room I was exhausted.
“That Theodore Nott guy was staring at you again,” Hermione said passively as she sifted through her pockets for her key.
I chuckled nervously, Theodore and I had been dating for awhile, but I had told none of my friends. “Okay?”
“All you have to say is okay?” She asks incredulously as she opens the wooden door to our slightly messy dorm. “Either he’s incredibly creepy or he’s into you!”
“And either way we both know he’s a dick head.” I run and jump into my plush bed, Hermione followed suit into her own bed.
“But you have to admit,” she pauses with a giggle, “he’s quite hot with all of his brooding anger.”
I rub my temple with my thumb and forefinger. “If you want him that badly you can have him yourself!” I dramatically throw my arms back onto the mattress.
“Oh please! You think I have time to deal with all of that Slytherin drama?”
“And I do?”
“Doesn’t matter, Ginny insists that we go to this party tonight in the Slytherin common room, so you better wake up and prepare yourself for the night if your life!” She stands up and starts rummaging around her trunk.
“A party? Are you bloody serious Hermione? Who are you?”
“I am someone who has worked her self to the bone the entire semester to get perfect grades on the exams that are finally finished! It’s time to have a little fun, don’t you think?” She pulls out a low key yet fashionable outfit and lays it out on her bed. “Now, we have about 3 hours until the party, so take a 30 minute nap and then we are getting to work my friend!”
I’m not sure what Hermione had thought when Ginny said we had to come to this party. Everything about the event is placed on her bad list. There has to be at least 200 people in attendance, so it’s loud and hot, people are drinking and making out, and dancing to the slightly too loud music. To talk you have to yell at the top of your lungs for gods sake!
The already dimly lit common room had become extraordinary dark, so I had lost Hermione and Ginny in about 5 minutes. I sifted through the crowd trying to find someone that I knew but everything is so overwhelming. The people, the music, the darkness, the smell, the heat, everything’s pushing through my brain so fast I can hardly breathe.
What can I taste? Nothing.
What can I smell? Fire whiskey, body odor, and cologne.
What can I touch? What can I feel? People way to many people trying to push me out of the way as I try desperately to find a wall or a closet or anything safe from the numerous people.
I make it to an unoccupied chair in the corner, maybe I can take a moment to breathe. Tears stream down my face but I can’t find the strength to care.
Count your fingers, take a deep breath. In, out. Think about Theo. His charming smile, his sweet words, his voice, his smell… wait his smell…
I’m shocked out of my thoughts by Theodore.
“Hey, sweetheart you’re okay.” He soothed me like a child it was barely audible with the loud yells of people and the music. “Come on.”
He grabs my hand and moves through the crowd with ease. I feel a sort of power radiate off of us, I never realized Theo is as respected as he is.
He leads me all the way to his dorm where it’s much quieter. When we walk into the emerald green room he asks, “Is this better?
“Much,” I sigh. The tears have stopped but my heart beat runs strong and I’m still incredibly shaky. I sit down on his bed bring my knees to my chin. “God, why did I let Ginny and Hermione bring me here? I hope they’re okay.”
“I’m sure they’re just fine,” he sits down next to me and places his hand on my knee, rubbing it gently with his thumb. “And I’m not god, but I think you wanted to have a little fun with your friends.”
“Yeah, but I should’ve known that I’d do this.”
“That wasn’t your fault, you know that right?”
“It was though, I don’t know why I can’t just have fun without being dramatic.”
“That wasn’t dramatic, that was traumatic and you couldn’t help it. It’s just the way your body reacts to stress.” He removes his hand from my knee and sits against his head board. He holds his arms out and says, “Now, come here.”
I crawl towards him and let him wrap me in a warm embrace. “Thank you Theo,” I mumble, attempting to get even closer to him.
“Always my love.”
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onesaltyhunter · 1 year
Far Too Soon for a Sacrifice
Vessel x fem!reader
Summary: Sleep blesses Vessel with a gift like no other--to be used for one purpose, and one purpose only. To many, it seems to be a curse. How will he attempt to draw the line between what Sleep wants, and what he wants?
WARNINGS: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI: we got HORRIFICALLY down bad vessel for y/n and we got smut WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO + unrealistic concert stuff my bad peeps, swearing
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(y/f/n)○°○{gn!}= your friend's name--pick one! any one!
"Hello? Y/N? You there?" (Y/F/N) waved their right hand, their left one gripping the steering wheel.
Y/N's eyes had been focused on the road for quite some time, and she almost didn't have any response to (Y/F/N)'s attempt to catch her attention. They had begun to poke her shoulder, which caused your gaze to shift towards them.
"Do me a favor--when we get to the concert, don't awkwardly look at the band like that." They laughed, earning a small one from Y/N.
"Oh you think that's bad? Wait until I stare at them like that when you're trying to get a picture with them." Mimicking the stare she had been holding for the past several minutes, she broke into more laughter, seeing (Y/F/N) bite their inner lip to hold in theirs.
"They're gonna cancel the whole fuckin VIP session with your creepy ass."
Tonight was Y/N's first Sleep Token concert. Being quite well versed in knowledge about the band itself, alongside the unusual lore the members had so carefully fabricated--the excitement Y/N was holding in was almost incredible. The exhaustion that had been building over sleepless nights in the time she had waited for this day to come, was building up. Her eyes fluttered closed every few minutes, with an urge she's been trying to fight off for the past thirty minutes.
"Go on. Nod off if you have to. We have an hour ahead of us still, before we get there." (Y/F/N) placed their right hand on the wheel again. "You okay with taking an Uber back to your place later?"
"Yup." Y/N reclined her seat, reaching behind herself for a jacket, which she spread out on top of her. "Goodnight."
"It's 3pm."
"Yeah, yeah fuck you too dipshit."
Y/N's eyes shut, and the soft sounding rumble of the car slowly drifted away.
The hallways were lined with finished oak. Something reminiscent of and old church, or perhaps some old legislative building. Y/N lifted up a small picture frame, adorned with gold around the edges. The picture in the middle was pure black. She had believed it to only be some piece of dark paper, but it had that shine that those designated printers for the job.
Looking around one of the doorframes into the next room, she made sure that no one was around. A click resounded from above her--the igniter of a heater. Y/N immediately felt its warmth from the vent above her. Placing the picture frame down after flipping it around a few times, she looked up at the mirror in front of her. It was fairly small, one of those wall mounted ones a person would use to see how they'd look before heading out.
As she took a step away, she felt a few hairs upon her head move slightly. Glaring up at the vent above her, she pushed those hairs back into their original position. Before she could drop her hand back to her side, her wrist had been caught in a tight grip--with cold metal pressed against her skin. She soon glared at the figure that loomed above her.
The familiar white mask with a red sigil was almost falling from the figure's face. Vessel had loosened his grip on her, and in a panic, Y/N grabbed his shoulders firmly--turning him around and pressing him against the wall. Her heartbeat had only jumped from the initial startle, yet somehow, it had managed to stay at its fairly normal pace. Y/N began to question why the idea of fear seemed almost impossible to wrap her mind around.
"Oh come on now." He leaned his head forward, his warm breath soothing her with every exhale. "Don't act as if you haven't dreamt of this before. Don't act as if you've dreamt of something that delves farther into the...intricacies of one another."
Y/N grasped Vessel's necklace, pulling him closer to herself. A small moan escaped his mouth, as she snaked her hand around his neck , propping it on the back of his head. He softly pressed his lips against hers, before resting his head on hers.
Moving her arms lower, to his back, she pressed her face into his chest. Vessel stifled a small laugh with an exhale.
"My love, you're going to have paint all over your face." He wrapped an arm around her waist.
"Doesn't matter." Y/N's muffled voice caused a smile to form across Vessel's face. "There's far worse--"
"We're here!" (Y/F/N) screamed, hitting the horn a couple times--which sounded awful with the resonance of the parking structure. "Grab your shit, we gotta go."
Y/N looked at the dash, seeing the various Sleep Token songs being shuffled for what seemed to be the entire drive. Pressing the off button, she unbuckled her seat belt before stepping out of the car. Assuming that was the cause of the unusual Vessel related dream, Y/N tried her best to shake it off. But that feeling still lingered--something about that dream made it feel so... real. But again, its a mixture of having a "celebrity crush" and hormones was the basis of dreams like this, right?
Walking up to the venue with (Y/F/N), the two entered through the VIP entrance, which was lined with a lavish red velvet carpet. A few turns and the two were in front of where Sleep Token would perform. It was only moments until the band started setting up various bits needed to go about the show properly.
The VIP session was first.
"Is this close enough to have a make-out session with one of the band members or do I need to help you climb on stage to do that?" (Y/F/N) raised a brow, and earned soft punch on the shoulder from Y/N.
Being the first people to wait for the band during the VIP session, the 4 members gazed beyond the edges of the stage after going back behind it. III frantically looked at the 2 concert goers on the floor talking to each other while Vessel stood still, unwavering. His fingernails digging into the side of his thumb.
"What's wrong?" II picked up a new pair of drumsticks from a box, before sealing it up as best as possible. "The staring--it's a problem, you do realize that?"
You are infatuated with me; are you not? He thought, gazing longer at Y/N.
Y/N looked all over the room, wondering where a certain voice came from.
"You alright?" (Y/F/N) put their hand on her shoulder, leaning down a bit.
Get their hand off of yourself.
"Hey, I'm good, I'm good." Y/N chuckled. "Thought I heard a mosquito or something. Shit makes me go crazy."
That is not the only thing drives you insane, is it? What of the time we--
"I think I'm having a manic episode." She took a deep breath, crossing her arms. "The voices in my head are telling me that THEY'RE IN MY WALLS! THE FOG IS COMING!"
Y/N jokingly shook (Y/F/N), the whole near empty venue filling with their laughter. A small poking battle commenced between the two, which puzzled Vessel.
"Quit doing the mind thing with others." II patted him on the shoulder. "Sleep didn't give us these things for you to abuse them."
"They should have known better than to give them to me as well." Vessel adjusted his mask, and without any delay, Y/N's gaze darted over at him, peeking from the side of the stage.
Within minutes, there was a line forming outside for the VIP meet and greet, with (Y/F/N) and Y/N being first, as they had already stepped foot into the allotted area. Each member of Sleep Token stepped out and down from the stage, with an individual ready to help with pictures in front of them. (Y/F/N) walked up first to the four to get a picture with them. A nervous Y/N offered to take the picture of the 5 of them, and their friend gestured them to join them. She shook her head in response, smiling to be polite.
I can assure you, my love, the safest place in the world for you, is next to me. Vessel thought, as he scooted over the right for her to stand between him and II.
One really weird dream and all of a sudden the voices in my head are louder than my actual speaking voice. Y/N thought in response.
Darling, you know you've had far more 'unusual' dreams than just that. He smiled, looking down at the woman who had scooted even closer to him.
With her arms at her sides, Vessel slipped one of his hands to intertwine his fingers with hers. Y/N found it moderately unusual, but yet--not as bad as she thought it was. It was if her dreams had been brought to life. But no, this was wrong. She'd never met this man before in her entire life. To her, he'd just been a masked face and a voice behind the speaker in her house. Y/N pulled her arm away from his.
Vessel, hurt ever so slightly looked at her once again. He had to do the best to accept the possible forms of rejection as much as possible. After all, he knew he wasn't "forcing himself onto her." He had gotten to know her over time, but he was terrified to tell her.
The entire show, he couldn't get it off his mind. The woman he'd grown so fond of, over the years didn't seem to like him, no matter how much time they had spend together. Behind every word he sang that night, it was if a needle had been embedded in his heart, and it was pushed further and further in.
--time skip because I can't write lmao--
(Y/F/N) had already left, as Y/N waited for her Uber. As much as she wanted to leave, there was some ominous feeling tying her to this place. Something in her mind was screaming for her to go back--to yell back in Vessel's face about what the fuck was going on. To ask him if, if she... Her thoughts were all mashed together, and it was hard to process it all.
My love, please meet me here. Please. I don't know how much I can fare without speaking to you. Please. The voice in her head made her want to break into tears. It was if whatever emotion this voice was feeling, she could feel as well. And it hurt. So, much.
She changed the address of where her Uber was supposed to take her. The whimper in her head was too much to bear. It felt wrong to ignore it--it was like she had to console whatever it was. An urge to stop all of its pain that was completely inexplicable.
After it dropped her off at the front of it, she walked up and was about to knock on the door, but it immediately opened. Vessel, in full worship wear, leaned on the frame, almost out of breath. There were light black streaks down his neck as if he had been crying for hours.
"The dreams. They--" He paused to catch his breath. "You've dreamt of me, thrice a week, every week--for the past 6 years. They weren't just dreams, I was actually talking to--"
Y/N pressed her face into his chest, wrapping her arms around him just as she had did in her dreams before.
"You've told me all of your feelings--simple things like how your days have been. You've poured your heart out for me some nights and I've done the same." He choked behind another sob. "I approached you today thinking that this would be like any other 'dream' for you but, I just--I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"All those dreams, that was, actually you and me?" Y/N looked up at him, arms still wrapped tightly around him.
"The things we did, the ways we felt, I--I just wanted to find you." He slowly rested his chin on her head. "When I found you, I treated you poorly and I just lost control of myself."
"Those thoughts, were yours? All of them?"
"Could you hear mine?"
What? No complaints about me getting paint on my face? Y/N thought.
You're actually fucking magic.
I'm blessed, my love.
"You really suck at talking to people you know that?" Y/N chuckled, earning a small smile from Vessel.
"That's what the dreams are for, Y/N." He exhaled. "I tend to be better at such things in that form of communication."
"Next thing I know, you're going to like propose to me or something."
"I've made plans."
"That's a new one."
"What is, may I ask?"
"How the fuck am I ever going to tell people how I got to know you?" She raised a brow, licking her lips. "Yeah, 'I met this guy through my fucking mind'."
"God, you're just as amusing as you were when we spoke a couple nights ago."
"So when we--" Y/N paused, looking down at her shoes, shuffling her feet slightly. "Did the--uh. The..."
"When we had...um" Vessel scratched his head.
"Are we both just completely unable to speak right now?" She laughed again, muddling the sounds against his chest. "Where's the awfully sensual, headstrong Vessel that wanted to have a full make-out session with me in that venue?"
"You slightly, intimidate me."
"I thought you were a figment of my imagination until Sleep showed me, and..." Vessel slowly intertwined his fingers with hers again. "I don't want anyone else to be with you. Sleep didn't only show me, you. They showed all of us."
"II, III, and IV--they know about us?" Y/N tightened her grip on his hand.
"They want you just as much as I do. I won't let them have you. We belong to each other--I will not let anything change that, love." He led Y/N to his couch, where he laid his head in her lap. "No God, or friend of mine will stand in my way."
"You're awfully possessive of a girl you just met."
"You don't know what they want of you. What they require of me to fulfill Sleep's wishes."
"Are you going to sacrifice me, Ves?"
He remained quiet, pulling her arm to set it on his chest.
"I don't want to hurt you."
"I know you won't do it."
"I would do everything for you. And more."
He sat up and pressed a soft kiss against her lips. Y/N leaned into it more curling her fingers into claws and digging them slightly into the top of his back. Vessel trailed his soft pecks down until his lips met her collarbone, his canines grazing it ever so slightly. She reached for the buttons of his black jeans, and he pushed her hand away, undoing them himself. He paused all of a sudden.
"Is this too soon?" Y/N pulled back, breathless.
"We have waited far too long for one another. This is long overdue." He growled. "I won't do this here, however."
Slipping his arms under Y/N, lifting her up bridal-style, he carried her to his bedroom. Setting her down softly on his bed, she stood up.
Y/N grabbed his necklace, pulling him closer to herself--earning that one particular moan from him.
"I miss that sound." She pulled him into another kiss, but this one was not like the last.
Within minutes, Vessel's kisses became hungrier, as if he needed more that what he was getting. Being pressed up against the wall as the two of them managed to throw all of their clothes on the floor in a matter of seconds. In another kiss, Vessel's tongue begged for an entrance. Once he was let in, he ravaged all he believed to be his. Y/N's tongue grazed one of his canines, almost drawing blood, but ignored it in the moment.
Vessel's kisses trickled farther down her body yet again, and he softly pushed her onto his bed. Once his attacks reached he inside of her thigh, Y/N could not hold back a moan any longer. The mere sound of it began to illicit the deepest growl from Vessel. He lined the edges of her folds with just as many hungry kisses as he has planted on her face.
"Please, Ves." She arched her back. "I need more than that."
"Darling, you deserve far more than I could ever give you." The words escaped his lips. "But I will do my best, I promise you."
"You better."
"We shall see."
Vessel slowly pressed his member against her folds, refusing any sort of entrance he was allowed. Y/N's attempts to get any friction were fruitless.
"As I said, I will not deny you of anything you deserve."
In one stroke, his entire member had slid almost completely inside her. His pace was slow, and deadly almost, as he wanted the two of them to savor every single moment of it. Y/N pressed her lips against his again, in an almost violent clash for control. Her nails dug further into his back, causing him to hiss--and she loosened her grip.
"No, I'm fine. Don't stop that." He mumbled.
"Are you sure?"
"Don't. Stop."
Y/N placed her hands around him yet again.
"Ves, please I'm going to--"
"I know. I am as well."
The sweet release for the both of them, caused them to roll on their backs, catching their breaths.
"Were those better, or worse than your dreams?" He laid his head on her chest.
"Do you even need to ask, babe?"
"That's a new one."
"You've never had any sort of--pet name for me."
"If you don't like 'babe,' you can get 'vessy-wessy' instead."
"Please no." His laughter rumbled as he leaned more on her shoulder.
With their legs entwined, the two cuddled up next to each other, it was as if everything, yes everything, was perfect.
"So now are you going to sacrifice me?"
"My love, it is far too soon for a sacrifice."
sorry for the worst smut in the world, but hey, if you didn't think this fic was awful, maybe I'll give it a PART 2??? PART II? WITH II? okay I'm done :)
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zu8her · 1 year
“Just Ask Me.” | tsukishima kei.
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Synopsis: tsukishima just wants her to ask.
TAGS: black!fem, college au, consensual kink, protected sex (wrap that will y'all), fingering, multiple orgasms, wet dream, gentle!tsukishima, black coded character no beta.
NOTE: if this is shit let me know. this is inspired by many (black/poc) writers. especially @dejwrites.🙌🏾
Oh, she was gorgeous— fucking beautiful even. Her skin glistened under the sun's dull gaze. The bounce of her curls. Her curves everything she wears outlines. Her, oh so alluring smile. Simplicity as it's finest, he thought.
But as he grow to knew her the deeper he fell. Consumed by her. Her scent, subtle coconut and something he can't put his finger on. Her. She was kind, so kind. Childishly so at times but she put her foot down when need be and he liked that. She was steadfast yet fragile.
Complex. She was a person. Someone he had fallen in love with, in an illogically short time. One of his favourite things about her was that she kind of a pushover, at the very least he could jokingly bully her. He loved getting a rise out of her.
That still didn't stop his heart from beating out his chest when he asked her out. She had been going on and on about her lastest hyperfixation. And he loved that about her. Always attentively listening about things she's so passionate about. Taking the chance, he leaned in when she dropped her pen.
When he finally uttered the words, yn went silent. Regret washed over him. She rarely went silent, while studying, when she's overwhelmed and now.
“If you don't want just forget it-” he gently murmured.
“Yes.” A hint of genuine shock settled on his face, before getting consumed by his familiar condescending smirk. She couldn't place it the but that smirk, his smirk, slightly changed since that day.
She had noticed his gaze. How he looked at her. His gaze held her so fondly. Held at her, so fondly. Everytime they were together. Even when he was so fucking cocky, he looked at her with such admiration. It was subtle gaze. A gentle gaze yet so wonderfully suffocating.
Just like yn, Tsukishima loved noticing the little things. The things he never had before they started dating. He was genuinely surprised about how little he truly knew her considering she spoke incessantly.
Like the way she always has a book. Her love of plushies and satin pillows. The products she uses for her hair to smell so good.
His favourite thing he had noticed is that she loves touch. It was clear that she needed it, craved most days. Whether it be holding hands, hugging or simply sitting close. But she constantly stopped herself. Taking his boundaries into consideration, she wanted to ask. She really did. She just didn't know how to.
“You know, if you want something, just ask me.” Lifting her gaze from her phone, she searches for a hint of his usual playfulness but to no avail. He's being serious.
“Yeah. Uhm. I will. You do the same.” To that, he nods.
Why would he ask me that? yn's thoughts are consumed by this question as she rolls in her bed. Feeling her phone vibrate, she reaches for it. It's Tsukishima.
“Hi, can you check if I left my duffel bag at your apartment? ”
Through her mirror she sees it in the corner. “It's here. I can bring it to you. You're going to practice right?”
“I'll come get it after practice, thank you,” he sighs.
Staring at her ceiling, she spins in her chair throwing a ball in the air, in only his shirt and underwear. Just go, ask him. Like: ‘Hey, Kei I really want you to touch me more.’ That sounds creepy.
Hearing a familiar knock at the door she snaps her head forward. “Fuck,” she cusses as she drops the ball on her face. She grabs his duffel bag before rushing to the door she straightes herself before opening the door.
“Can I come in?” He stands. Taking sharp breaths to soothe his exhaustion. It's a godly sight. He gives a tired smirk, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.
“Huh? Sorry, yes.” She allows him to enter.
“Thank you.” he pecks her forehead. She breaths. She hasn't grown use to his kisses. She especially loves his kisses that lead to make out sessions that leave her breathless.
“You know, if you want something, just ask me.” His words echo.
He immediately darts to her bedroom.
“I'm going to take a shower.”
“Sure.” She lays on the bed. Watching as he takes of his shirt before disappearing into the connecting bathroom.
Slowly, she drifts asleep.
“Baby,” she hears Kei coo. Opening her eyes to see him above her, between her legs.
“I just- really want you. Can I?” She feels him tugging at the band of her panties.
Nodding, he gives a fucked out smile before leaning down to kiss her. She gasps against his mouth as she feels him rub her clit.
His face a tint of crimson as he looks down at her. “Just, relax 'm gonna make you feel so good.”
Feeling calloused hands on her back she snaps her eyes open. “Didn't mean to wake you.” He gives a soft smile before returning to his book. He's sitting next to her. She feels her hand in her panties. Subtly taking it out she shifts more into the blanket. Fuck . “Just wanted to check on you. You were mumbling in your sleep. Did you have a nightmare?”
“No,” she hastily babbles.
She lays still. Can he smell it? Fuck, I need to change. Did I just- masturbate-? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
She lays still for a few more minutes hoping, praying the ache to continue subsides. But it doesn't.
Breathing, she turns facing him. He's in a plain white tee and joggers. His hair is still wet and his face is a tint of crimson from the hot shower. He looks down at her. That gaze, it pushes her to the edge.
“Do you need anything, baby?" His voice tender. He has moments where he is incredibly sweet. Sadistically sweet.
This is one of those moments. And this turns her on even more.
“You know, if you want something just ask me.”
She always wondered what he meant by it, guess now she has an idea of what he meant.
Pushing herself up with her elbow she tries to gather the words and confidence. She sits up in front of him.
“I really like when we make out,” she stammers. A wide smirk spreads on his face.
“Really?” He takes off his glasses and places it on the nightstand alongside his book, his infamous grin spreading across his irritatingly attractive face. “I like it too,” he hums.
“Yeah, uhm. Can I– can we—”
“Can we, what?” he tilts his head in false confusion. He knows what she's asking for but he wants to pry it out of her. He's been waiting for her to ask. So, needless to say he's going to milk the hell out of this.
“Can we ya know, make out? If you... want to.”
“I'd like that. I'd like that, every much.” He leans in grazing her lips. Giving her a peck before deepening the kiss. It's slow at first, gentle as she climbs on top of him. His hands roam her body as she has his blonde locks between her fingers.
She shivers as he sneaks his calloused hands into her shirt. Breaking her kiss, he pivots for her neck. “uhmm~” she whimpers. Absentmindedly, she starts grinding on his thigh. As she continues her whimpers grow louder.
Feeling a wet patch on his joggers he stops resulting in yn stopping as well.
“I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-” She tries to get off but he holds at her hips firmly.
“It's okay," he breathes against her neck. “Do like doing that?” She bites her lip nodding.
“Can I, please?” She whines bucking her hips.
“Of course, baby.” He coos, smirking. She continues grinding as he watches her. “Kei~” she moans.
Groaning he gets her on back. His knee between her legs, he rubs her clothed clit. He watches as her face twists in pleasure and gasps as he applies pressure.
“Lift your hips for me, baby.”
She obeys as he slips off her shorts and soaking underwear. She gasps as he slips in two fingers. “Fuuuuck, your so tight.” Knuckle deep, she begins to pull at his shirt.
She always stared at them. His longer slender fingers. Gasping as he hits her g-spot. She bucks her hips against his fingers.
“Do you want to cum for me?”
She hums. Feeling her orgasm wash over her. She moans eyes locked on Tsukishima as she gives him a blissful grin, slowly grinding into his fingers.
Removing his fingers from her gaping hole he places his digits into his mouth. She groans twitching from her orgasm.
“I'm not done with you." He pulls at her hips placing her at the edge of the bed.
Pulling down his joggers, a lengthy cock springs out. Precum trickling down the base of his cock, groaning, near moaning, as he strokes it.
“Fuck. Do you have condoms?” She whines. He leaves to the corner of the room, hastily rummaging through his duffel bag before returning.
Above her, he pulls his shirt over his head. Tearing the patch open with teeth, he hisses as he slides it on, tapping the base of his cock on her clit before entering her.
She moans wrapping her arms around his neck as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck.
He starts slow. Easing in and out of her wet folds as they moan. He pulls his head up. Deepening their kiss as his thrusts become more erratic. Pulling away, he gleefully watches as she desperately tries to quiet her ever increacing moans but fails. Smirking down at her as he rubs her clit.
“argh~” his repeated groans rocking his hips into her.
“I'm- I'm gonna— fuuuuck,” she moans. Tsukishima pulls out as liquid gush onto his torso. He cusses before continuing his rapid thrusts in her already sensitive pussy.
“Just one more, okay?” He bites at her neck. Sending her over the edge. She rolls her hips onto his cock to meet his thrusts. Feeling her orgasm fast approaching once more she digs her nails into his back as she cums. She continues to claw at his back as he reaches his high.
They lay in silence, the sound of skin clapping replaced with heavy breathes. Kei lays top yn as she runs her hands through his damp locks.
Getting up he grabs a towel, one of his shirts and shorts from his duffel bag.
“Do mind laying on the couch while I change the sheets?” He asks helping her put on his shirt. Nodding he picks her up and lays her on the couch.
After a bit she feels him settle behind her. He sneaks his hand into the blanket rubbing her stomach as she begins to drift off.
“Was that good?” He hums. Sluggishly she nods a wide grin on her face as she nuzzles against his bare chest.
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bordysbae · 1 year
Can I request either a Luca or Jack fic where the readers at a party with them and she just walks over and makes out with them as a boy was harassing her and she goes your my boyfriend now and then they actually date for real after that moment. Like that was her asking him out as well
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“a little drunk kiss”
luca fantilli x reader
warning: creepy men, cursing, & underage drinking
not proof read so sorry if it’s confusing lolz
its your freshman year of college at michigan, and you and johnny druskinis have a class together. you both instantly became friendly, and you guys became quite close over first semester. of course this meant him forcing you to go to every home game, and also meeting the team. you’re stuck with a shitty dorm mate, and have no one from home, so considering johnny as one of your best friends is an understatement.
of course you’re acquainted with the guys on the team, but you aren’t necessarily close with many of the guys besides johnny and for some odd reason ethan and dylan. johnny’s best friend on the team is easily luca, so obviously one would assume you and luca are close, but it’s the opposite. you’re always so shy around luca, and he just gives you the same treatment you give him.
why you’re so shy around him is a mystery. a mystery to only yourself and luca. everyone knows how outgoing luca is, yet for some reason he gets shy around you and vice versa. this proves that there’s some underlying issues as to why you’re both so shy, and everyone assumes it’s because you guys find each other attractive. which isn’t necessarily incorrect, but neither of you would ever admit that to anyone.
as you tap your fingers on the side of your half full solo cup, you notice johnny getting up from the spot on the couch next to you. “where ya going?” you say, slightly slurring your words. johnny chuckles at your tipsy state, and pats the top of your head.
“i’ll be right back solider, i gotta piss” he says, calling you the stupid nickname that you have no idea where it came from. you nod your head and pull your phone out of your pocket. a few moments later the couch dips next you, and you assume johnny’s back.
“that was qui-“ you look up, and see one of the fraternity brothers sitting next to you. “oh, hi?” you say, confused what he could want from you.
“you’re pretty and you’re sitting alone. what’s your deal? you got a boyfriend?” he winks, making you immediately disgusted. you have no intentions of hooking up with anyone, so you lie. “yeah i do actually.” you smile, trying to be nice.
“oh shit really? who? where? i don’t see anyone.” he smirks, about to place a hand on your thigh. you groan and spot the only familiar face in the crowd, luca. your intoxicated and slightly scared self rises up from the couch and walks over to the luca. he turns his head to face you, and you turn your head to see if the guy is still looking. he is, so you grab lucas cheeks. “you’re my boyfriend now, okay? i’ll explain later.” you say, before immediately pulling him in for a kiss. luca is shocked at what’s happening, but quickly soothes when he realizes that the girl he’s been so desperately wanting to ask out is kissing him.
he kisses you back, before you suddenly pull away from the kiss. you trun around to see the guy from earlier looking at you both dumbfounded. luca doesn’t really know what’s going on, but begins to put the pieces together looking at the guys face. luca raises his eyes at the guy and smirks, letting him know he can back off. the guy leaves the room and you turn back to luca. now embarrassed, realizing what just happened, you apologize, “sorry about all that. he was hitting on me and asked if i had a boyfriend. i lied and said yes, and then he didn’t believe me so i had to go kiss you” you chuckle awkwardly.
“if we’re being totally honest here, i didn’t necessarily hate it.” luca smiles shyly, scratching the back of his neck nervously. your eyes open wide, and your cheeks run hot. thankfully the room is dim so he can’t really see them, or so you hope. “w-what?” you say, immediately dumbfounded.
“you heard me, y/n,” luca says, taking a sip from his cup. your heart rate increases and you’re at a loss for words. luca can see how he’s made you nervous, and usually the golden retriever boy would be panicking but the alcohol in his system is telling him otherwise. “did you hate it?” “no.” you blurt out, afraid he might take back his statement from a few seconds ago.
“good.” he says before pulling you back in. you guys both taste like different alcoholic drinks, and smell a little bit like sweat, but who cares. after a little bit of making out, ignoring all of the people surrounding you both, you both pull back and just smile. “so, you have any interest in being my actual boyfriend?” “hey! i thought i already was!” luca jokes, making you playfully hit his chest.
“i’d love to be.” he says, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. you lean into his side, and he presses a soft kiss into your hair. you both go do a shot together to celebrate the impulsive idea, both knowing damn well that the sober versions of you guys will be so confused, yet so happy.
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veeluvss · 10 months
ghost train
emily prentiss x reader
second date jitters or ghost train jitters?
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“babeeeee, please,” emily whined, gripping your arm and tugging it gently.
“but i don’t like them!” you replied, stomping your foot slightly. it was your second date with emily prentiss and she’d brought you to a carnival. at first, you were extremely apprehensive. the sudden phone call at 8pm when you were already in your pjs and curled up on your sofa with two cats was cute but you hated rides.
she hadn’t made you go on anything too drastic yet. you refused the waltzers and cooperated on the teacups instead.
“just this one and then we can go!” emily begged, giving you puppy eyes.
“em,” you whimpered.
“look baby,” she giggled and took your hands in hers. “we go on it just once and i hold you the whole time!” you smirked, being held did sound nice.
“you promise?” you asked.
“i promise. you can even close your eyes super tight and not look.” you thought about it for a second and looked at her sweet face. her eyes, big and glimmering like dravite.
“okay fine.” you gave in. she did a jump before taking one hand and dragging you towards the ticket booth.
the ride creaked as the wheels began spinning. instantly, you grabbed hold of emily’s hand and shot her a scared look but she smiled, wide. had she done this on purpose? the train entered the darkness and violins played spooky tunes as it turned corners. echoing laughter filled the void around you and you inched closer to emily. her arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer but just as you went to look at her, a skeleton jumped at the you.
screaming, you jumped closer to emily. she laughed and wrapped another arm around you so both her arms were around your waist.
“it’s okay,” she giggled in your ear. the train continued through the dark halls. creepy portraits were hung on the walls, the lit up eyes followed you as you passed - staring into your soul. more laughter echoed around you and you gulped, anticipating another jump.
inching up a hill, the music stopped suddenly and you gulped as the train puled to a sudden stop and all lights went off.
“em?” you whispered, inching closer to her - if that was possible.
“it’s okay,” she whispered back, although uncertainty was riddled in her tone.
fear creeped up as you thought about what was around you. your breath hitched and when the sudden voice came, you jumped in emily’s hold.
“are you alright folks? we’ve just had some technical difficulties. the ride will be going again soon. sit tight,” the ride operator said and you gulped even more. you needed to get out of here.
“it’s okay, it’s okay.” emily mumbled, holding you tighter. you moved closer, if that was even possible and put your head in her neck, hiding from the eyes around you.
“none of it is real baby, you’re okay.” she reassured you. she was a god damn fbi agent, she didn’t feel fear but you - you were a teacher at a primary school. you were as terrified as the four year olds you taught to count right now and you hated it.
“i’m scared,” you whispered, as loud as your voice would make itself.
“i know sweet, i’m right here. nothing will hurt you.”
surprisingly, you felt safe in emily’s arms. her strong muscles wrapped around your smaller frame made you feel a lot better. her soothing voice settled your heart beat. you moved one of your hands to her chest, feeling her heart. it pounded hard and fast in her chest. in the dim light, you looked up from her neck. she smiled down at you.
“are you scared?” you asked, why was her heart going so fast?
“not quite the same way as you,” she chuckled. you frowned. her hand came up from your waist and to your hair. you felt her fingers interlace with your lose curls before she pulled your head up closer to hers. shit, she was going to kiss you. you smiled, suddenly not scared of the dark or the ghost train at all.
keeping your hand on her accelerating heart, you connected your lips. hers were soft, her kiss as gentle as her hold yet as fierce and protective too. your lips worked in unison, moving rhythmically. she pulled away, smiled then connected your lips again before holding you closer.
the lights flashed suddenly and the music began again. seconds later the ride jumped to a start and you pulled away. feeling like a lucky school girl, you blushed and hid in emily’s neck. you heard her giggle before holding you close yet again.
the ride continued with no more faults yet a lot more screams and jumps from your nervous body. however, being held in emily’s arms made you feel so, so much better. you weren’t as scared or as nervous because you had your protector. as the carnival lights flooded you, emerging from the ghost train tunnels, you finally saw the big, beautiful smile emily held. the ride stopped, in the right place this time, and emily climbed out of the cart. she held her hand out for you, helping you out.
“we’re so sorry about that, we can give you your money back. full compensation and some free tickets-“ the operator rushed, coming towards the two of you. but emily hadn’t taken her eyes off you.
“don’t worry about it,” she said to the man. she wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into her side.
“these things happen and beside,” she looked at you. “it was worth it.”
blushing and lowering your head, you hid a smile. it was worth it. you knew that without the train, neither of you would have had the guts to kiss on the second date. it was certainly a kiss to remember, and one you wouldn’t mind doing again.
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hxzxrdous · 1 year
The School for Good and Evil
Lady Lesso x daughter!reader
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You were one of the Nevers. A reader, so they said. You were took from your adoptive family by a huge creepy looking raven. At first you thought you were dreaming. Maybe the stove in the kitchen leaked and the gas messed with your brain? Nevertheless, you decided to live in the moment. There were two castles connected by a bridge. And the raven dropped you to the castle which you learned later was The School for Evil. In the following days, you tried to blend in the best you could.
You were intimidated and respected by your peers. You seemed to be cold and preserved. Just like Lady Lesso, the dean, you figured out. You were smart and cunning but humble at the same time.
You were in your dormitory when you heard commotion in the hall. Some group of older boys were bullying one of the younger Nevers. You stepped in between them, cold expression on your face and the boys immediately hurried away from the scene. "You okay, Lilith?" You asked your classmate.
Lilith stood silently, her face showing no reaction of what had just happened, her pale skin almost blending with the white walls. Her grey eyes were the only color on her whole face. "Yes, thank you," she spoke, her voice almost impossible to hear, her voice was soft like a whisper.
"Want to go to my dormitory and hang out?" You offered.
"Yes, that would be nice" Lilith said, following you silently, she did not seem to have much of a social life.
"You know if those boys ever bother you again come and tell me, I'll take care of them." You plopped yourself down on the bed.
Lilith's shoulders relaxed, she smiled slightly as if relieved to have someone stick up for her. She knew she couldn't take the boys on by herself, and no one else at school would stand up for the unpopular girl who is always by herself.
"Thank you, Y/N. Perhaps we can hang out tomorrow?" She asked, offering a brief smile as she spoke, her grey eyes staring into your eyes as a thanks, the faintest hint of pink rose on her pale cheeks.
"I would love to, Lilith." You replied, climbing under the covers of your bed as she left.
You couldn't sleep that night. You quietly tiptoed to the library... You walked around the apple that the Snow White took a bite off. There was Cinderella's glass slipper on display, and her famous pumpkin coach. You touched the glass slipper. Who would wear that kind of shoes? And then you glanced at the mirror on the wall. You looked at the mirror, reaching your hand to touch it.
A voice came from the mirror, as if there was an invisible presence speaking inside of it. "Who dares awaken the enchanted mirror?" The voice asked, it was deep, and yet, soothing. The mirror seemed to glow slightly, an eerie brightness to it that made the room a little brighter, it's voice echoed as if it was inside of your head. The dark eyes in the mirror looked at you with curiosity.
You shrugged your shoulders but decided to ask the mirror a question the same way The Evil Queen did from the fairytale you read as a child. Why not? Since you were already there... It wouldn't hurt, would it?
Magic mirror on the wall, who's my mother of them all?" You tilted your head, wondering if it will work, waiting for the answer. There was silence and you were about to turn away when it spoke.
"Dear child, your mother has hair of copper red, she carries a cane for her bad leg." the mirror answered.
Your eyes widened in surprise when the mirrior gave you an answer, you were stunned, your heart racing in your chest. You had not expected the mirror to even speak to you, let alone tell you the answer to your question. Though... the little poem was a bit too much.
In the reflection stood Lady Lesso in all her glory. You stayed silent for a few seconds, letting everything the mirror had told you sink in. Could it really be true? The mirror was never wrong after all. You stayed there for a few more seconds, your eyes locked on the mirror as if you expected the dean to suddenly appear from the reflection any minute. Finally, you looked away, realizing the room was actually empty.
You were overwhelmed with a ton of questions and emotions, your brain practically buzzing. You made your way back to your room and shut the door behind you as quietly as you could, laying on your bed as you tried to process everything. Your life made a lot more sense now, you should've realized sooner. You stared at the ceiling, your mind full of thoughts, a couple of tears came to your eyes as you thought of how much this may affect your life.
You wondered... Should you tell Lady Lesso? Should you keep it a secret? Would Lady Lesso get defensive and angry if you told her? Would she even believe you? There must have been a reason she left you. Perhaps she hated you?
You did not sleep at all that night, as it was filled with thoughts. You had always been an over thinker, the type of person who was constantly over analyzing every single thing to the point where all the thoughts in your mind turned to an endless spiral out on every aspect of the situation. Morning finally came and it was time to leave for class. Your head was filled with thoughts that would not leave you alone.
Lady Lesso knew her daughter should be a first year Never in the School for Evil. She glanced arround the classroom as she was giving a lecture to the new students. She noticed the two girls sitting together... when one of them caught her eye. Her hair was copper red, her eyes were grey, her frame tall. Had she finally found her baby?
You noticed Lady Lesso looking in Lilith's and your direction, and you immediately froze, you did not expect the Dean to even notice you. Your heart started to pound and her palms started to sweat, your face slightly flushed red as you felt embarrassed. You were in the middle of class, you should not be getting yourself caught up in a situation like this. You had a feeling that the dean would not like this, and the fact that it would make you uncomfortable did not help your state of mind at the moment.
Then you noticed the way Lady Lesso looked at Lilith and the way she looked at the rest of the students and you, your heart broke, you knew Lilith and Lesso were basicaly almost eerily looking like clones... you thought you would've been a huge disappointment if you revealed her the truth. You looked nothing like Lesso.
Your heart sank when you saw Lady Lesso's cold, uncaring expression. You did not understand how your mother could look at you like that, but you got the message loud and clear. You had to do something about this, you had to talk to the dean, but you had to do so on her terms. You felt betrayed, your whole life you had dreamt about what a wonderful life you would have once you finally met your mother, and what you got instead was a cold, uncaring expression that made you feel absolutely unloved.
You were back in your dormitory, studying with your new friend.
"So... Lilith... I really like your hair. Is this your natural color?" You asked, dropping your pen.
Lilith looked up from her book, her eyes looking at you with confusion. "Oh.. it's not actually. My real color is blonde." She answered, her accent sticking out a little. "Why?" She asked, she was a little curious as to why you would be asking her that question. Not many people cared about her hair color.
"I just don't see alot of redheads in this school." You tried your best to explain. "My, my, you're blonde?... Now that I imagine you blonde- Oh, you would look so pretty with your natural color, Lilith!" You added, giving her an exciting and polite smile.
Lilith's face turned pink as a she blushed, no one had complimented her before. She smiled nervously and shifted a little bit in her seat as she replied. "You really think so?" She asked, her eyes wide with surprise. She had never gotten compliments before, she had always been a bit of a loner, no one bothered to pay any attention to her, to Lilith, it felt so good to finally have someone care and compliment her.
"Mhm- boys love blondes." You nodded quickly.
Lilith's cheeks reddened even more as she tried to hide the smile on her face, her whole face pink. Her eyes were wide full of excitement, she was practically beaming. "I.. do?" She asked in surprise. She was still not all that confident, she had never been complimented and boys had never paid her much attention either, this was all so new for Lilith.
You smiled at Lilith, raising an eyebrow. You had a really clever idea. Or so you thought...
The next day in class all the boys looked at Lilith in awe. You lifted your eyebrow, nudging Lilith. "You have some new admirers," you whispered.
Lady Lesso entered the classroom, glancing over at Lilith with confusion, twirling around her cane.
"Good morning, ma'am, don't you think Lilith should embrace her natural hair colour that is blonde?" You looked up at the dean, emphasizing the last word.
Lady Lesso's cold face did not change, her grey eyes stared down at you as her jaw tightened. She was silent for a few moments, looking back at Lilith as she tried to decide what to do. After a few moments she finally spoke.
"Y/L/N, please stay after class, we need to have a word." She said, her voice strict and cold as ice. She looked back at Lilith, staring her down with her intense grey eyes, studying the blonde haired student.
After the class finally ended, you were left with Lady Lesso. Lady Lesso sat behind her desk and stared at you, she had not spoken yet as she waited for you to speak first. She wanted to know what you had to say for yourself.
"You wanted to talk to me, ma'am?" You asked the dean. You hated the way Lady Lesso was looking at you. She hated the way your own mother was looking at you.
The dean looked at you, her lips pulled into a tight line as she stared back, the cold look she once had was replaced with a furious one. "What do you think you were doing?" She spat, looking you up and down. She was not happy, and it was showing, as Lady Lesso was usually more calm and collected than this. Was she upset because of the question you asked earlier? Or was there something else going on that was affecting the dean's mood?
Lady Lesso stared at you, her gray eyes like two spears pointed directly at your face, if looks could kill you would have been on the floor. She spoke her next words in a cold and deadly whisper, her body language showing how furious she was. "You're here to be educated." She spat, her tone making the room feel colder and harsher. "We are here to become the greatest villains, not to have little tea parties." Lady Lesso said, her voice cutting through the room like a knife.
Lady Lesso was mad and she took it out on you. She hoped Lilith was her long lost daughter but all her hopes went down the drain once she found out Lilith in fact wasn't a redhead.
"I apologize, ma'am. I understand. No more tea parties and more focus on education." You nodded, returning the cold stare back.
Two can play that game. And whenever you played games you won them. You always won them.
Lady Lesso stayed silent for a few more moments, her grey eyes still staring at you as if she was trying to scare you, but it had no effect on you.
No matter how hard Lady Lesso tried, she couldn't intimidate you, instead she sighed, dismissing you with a wave of her cane.
Lady Lesso stayed in her room after you left, her face remaining cold and stone like as she stared blankly at a wall. No one would be able to tell what went through the dean's mind, she seemed completely unfazed after her encounter with you, but on the inside she was furious, she was going to have to keep a close eye on you from now on.
The next day in class, Lady Lesso stayed cold as ice, her face as uncaring and emotionless as before. She looked at the students, her eyes staring at them like she was studying them. Her demeanor would scare most students, she was cold and calculating, and the way she looked at them made it obvious that she did not care for them at all. She kept her eyes on the students for long enough before finally starting the lecture. She kept looking around, as if she was searching for something... or someone.
While the other students were too scared to look over at Lady Lesso, you could not help but glance over at the dean. She was cold and emotionless as always, it was obvious she was not thinking too highly of the students, they were all insignificant to her. When her eyes met with you, they seemed to stop and a cold and indifferent look appeared on her face. "Y/L/N" she called out in her usual cold tone.
"Ma'am?" You replied, confused.
"I wish to speak with you, now." Lady Lesso replied, her words coming out like an order rather than a request. She wanted you to know that she was not asking, she was demanding your attention and your obedience. She did not give you a chance to speak, she expected you to go to her office right now.
"Oh, you wish, ma'am? That's cute- And you expect me to make your wish come true? You think I'm a gold fish or a shooting star, a wishing well perhaps? A horse shoe? A four leaf clo-"
"Enough!" Lady Lesso shouted.
She was silent for a few seconds, her grey eyes still staring at you with cold fury. She was used to having people obey her immediately, this was the first time someone had spoken back to the dean in such a way, it was a slight to the dean's authority and she did not tolerate any type of bad behavior. She took a few more seconds to think as she tried to hold back her anger.
"Follow me." Lady Lesso stated again, her tone low.
"I don't think I will- this chair I'm sitting on is rather warm and comfortable." You crossed your arms, leaning back.
Lady Lesso stared at you, her expression becoming grimmer and grimmer as the seconds went by. She was growing angrier and angrier the longer you refused to obey her demands. "This is your last warning" Lady Lesso hissed through her teeth. "Follow me or be dealt with." She threatened, as she rose from her seat, the anger on her face was now visible, her eyebrows furrowed and her jaw clenched. She seemed like she was ready to explode at any minute now if you did not comply with her orders.
"No, I'm good." You streched yourself, putting your feet up in the air and on the desk.
Lady Lesso grew more furious now, she could not believe that you would still refuse to follow her orders, the Dean had never been talked back to before by any student. Lady Lesso's tone become even more threatening as she spoke. "This is your final warning." Lady Lesso spoke in a voice that could send a shiver up anyone's spine, her cold eyes stared at you.
"Follow. Now." She ordered one final time.
"Another final warning? How many more of them do I get them-Three? Four?" You tilted your head.
The whole classroom watched the argument between the two of you. You have never acted this way before, you were just so angry, so pissed, you were testing the woman's boundaries. She was stubborn. But so were you. You wanted revenge.
Lady Lesso was not amused, if looks could kill you would be dead in the spot, she grew more furious the longer you went on. She was ready to explode at the next word.
"Your last." Lady Lesso whispered, she was no longer warning you.
"Fine." You sighed, standing up, giving a slight smirk to the class. "Did I put on a good show for you people?"
"Let's go," she commanded in a cold voice, her face still unamused and angry.
Lady Lesso dismisses the class and dragged you to her office. You plumped down on a chair with a heavy sigh.
Lady Lesso slammed the door behind her as you entered her office, she then walked over to her desk and sat down behind it, staring at you silently for the next few minutes. After a few minutes of silence Lady Lesso finally opened her mouth and spoke, the anger in her voice was clear. "Why" She asked, her tone full of anger.
You ignored the question and spoke.
"I heard somewhere you had a daughter, ma'am. Did you hate her?"
Lady Lesso was quiet for a few seconds, her icy eyes growing even colder as they widened a bit at your question. "That is a bold question Y/N, who told you such a thing?" Lady Lesso asked, her tone remaining cold as her eyes narrowed.
"So you loved her? Would you still love her if she was here?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.
Lady Lesso stayed quiet for a few more seconds, a look of anger and hatred on her face, she had never been asked a question so direct before, no one had ever dared to even speak to the dean in such a way. "She was and will always be my daughter." Lady Lesso barked, her tone full of cold fury as it came out. She was clearly infuriated that you would even dare to question her like that, her anger was obvious. "Why would she be here?" The Dean asked, her eyes narrowing even more as she continued to stare you down.
"That's not an answer. Please tell me, ma'am, would you love your daughter if she was here?" You asked again, clearly frustrated.
Lady Lesso was quiet for a few more seconds, her anger boiling away. "Of course I would." She finally replied, her tone showing a clear hint of anger. "She is my daughter after all, my blood and flesh, how could I ever hate my own daughter?"
"Well I think- I think she would hate you," you replied.
Lady Lesso's face went red and she stood up from her desk.
She was beyond furious, the thought of anyone saying anything bad about her daughter like that was not able to be tolerated. "What did you say?" Lady Lesso asked through gritted teeth, her tone cold and vicious. There was no way you were about to disrespect her daughter like that and go unpunished. She should have sent you to the doom room the first chance she got.
"I hate you, mother, alright? I hate you!" You stood up, holding your cheek and running out of the office, leaving Lady Lesso absolutely puzzled.
"That... little..." She whispered to herself, her tears spilling over as she realized what she had just heard. It was something she had not expected at all, her first reaction was to go after you and bring you back here and punish you for that insubordination, but she could not do that now.
Lady Lesso sat in silence as she thought, a tear running down her cheek, shocked at the words that you had just spoken as you ran out of the door. Were you her daughter?
Lady Lesso tapped her cane and went after you. She expected you to be in her dormitory but you weren't there. Lady Lesso sighed, her heels clicking as she walked around the whole school. Until she got to the library. The scene infront of her broke her heart. You were leaning onto the magic mirror, sobbing, the other Lady Lesso inside the mirror who was smiling down at you.
Lady Lesso stared in shock for a few moments, her heart broke, the thought of her own daughter hating her was more than she could take. She slowly approached her daughter from behind, she could not believe this was happening, she was so in shock that she was not able to say a thing.
"My... my..." She tried, she was choking up now, her tone was softer as she spoke.
You nodded.
"Did you finally figured it out?" You replied.
"Yes... yes I did," Lady Lesso kneeled down infront of you. It was clear her mind was running a million miles a minute, trying to process this new revelation.
"My daughter... my darling, Y/N..." Tears of joy started to run down Lady Lesso's face as she got closer to you and hugged you.
"Oh how I have missed you... oh my sweet child, I'm so sorry..." She whispered.
"I'm sorry too. I must admit I was a little over dramatic and stubborn and a tad bit impulsive." you hiccuped through your tears.
"A little over dramatic?" Lady Lesso laughed as her tears stopped flowing. It had seemed to run in the blood.
"Yes, just a bit..." She replied in a soft gentle tone, the dean's cold and serious exterior had melted away now. "You must have taken it after me, my darling, Y/N." The woman added.
"W- what happened? Why did you leave me?" You asked.
"I... I was afraid... for you..." Lady Lesso answered, her tone soft and gentle as she spoke.
Lady Lesso was quiet for a few seconds, her heart broke once more. She could not bear to talk about the topic of how she had lost her daughter, it was painful. In the end, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she opened her eyes and put on a strong face, she could not show any weakness to you, not at this moment. "It is a painful memory." Her voice cracked a bit when she spoke as she remembered Rafal.
"It doesn't matter, we have eachother again." Lesso hugged you even tighter, caressing your hair. You smiled to yourself. You won?
Hehe drama queens. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
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itslottiehere · 2 years
even the sun gets clouded sometimes (h.s) — part two
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hello beautiful people 🤍 welcome back! it’s been an eventful couple of days — i saw harry in bologna and turin and i had the time of my life. god, i miss him already. but i didn’t forget about you! as in part one, i kindly ask you to read the trigger warnings, because it’s a sensitive topic and it may bring up unwanted feelings. i seriously hope that you’ll like this, even though i’m not too sure about it. please, tell me what you think! your feedback is really helpful. you can do so in your tags or in my asks, if you want! without any further a do, happy reading! <3
> part one | part three
masterlist | leave your feedback or requests here
tw: angst, fluff, swearing, talk of self harm, alcohol.
word count: 7.2k
the brisk air of the october morning hit his face as soon as he was out the door, making him shiver. the sun still wasn’t totally up and the sky was tinted with pinkish hues, the grass glistening with morning dew; his breath was coming out of his parted lips in small little clouds, thanks to the chilly morning. everything was so peaceful, so quiet. was there a way to bottle up this feeling and just carry it with him wherever he goes?
was there a way to gift this feeling to someone?
it was still early, no one was awake yet aside from him. while he got outside, he passed the living room, seeing niall and adam still sound asleep. he imagined mitch and sarah were asleep as well, and he knows for a fact that she was.
she kept her door slightly ajar, and when he walked out his bedroom, he saw her all cuddled up in her comforter, like in a soft cloud. 
“she looks kinda cute when she sleeps, i guess.” he thought, but soon tried to shake that out of his head. wasn’t it a bit creepy to think that about a sleeping person? they were at their most vulnerable state, after all. although, after what happened yesterday, he was pretty sure that was her most vulnerable state. the previous night she looked like something that he could’ve broken if he held it a bit more tightly, and seeing her eyes full of tears made his heart hurt. he never wanted to see that again. 
the sound of the door shutting made him turn his head, and there she stood, still in her pjs, eyes still puffy and full of sleep, her body wrapped in his (or well, now officially hers) baby blue sweatshirt.
“what are you doing up? the sun’s not out yet.” she slurred, voice a bit more raspy from not having used it yet. 
“could ask you the same question, darling.” darling? where the hell did that come from? he was already starting to overthink about how she may have taken that, but it looked she was still a bit out of it, so she may not even have understood what he called her.
“why are you not in bed?” he asked her.
“i-“ she yawned, covering her mouth with her hand, hidden by the sleeve of the sweatshirt. “i heard you coming downstairs, and thought you might need help making breakfast. but then i walked into the kitchen and saw you weren’t there, so i figured you’d be out here.”
“ah, i see. you can go back to bed now, it’s still very early.”
“i don’t want you to be out here alone, and you also need to sleep a bit more. that pretty face won’t last forever, if you don’t start sleeping more.” she confessed.
he was taken aback. did she just say he was pretty? 
“i actually like it out here, it’s peaceful. but i guess the spell is broken, now that you’re here.” he teased.
“hey! it’s too early for that, i don’t deserve it.”
“alright, alright, let’s go back inside.”
the creaking of the floorboards woke her up, always the light sleeper. inside her cocoon of blankets, she blinked away the sleep from her eyes, and saw a silhouette heading down the stairs.
what time was it? there wasn’t much light coming through the window, signalling that it was very early in the morning.
she grunted, taking her left arm out of the blankets to search for her phone; the other arm was cuddling the sweatshirt, the smell soothing her and lulling her to sleep.
her phone screen showed how early it was, not even approaching 6am. she imagined harry went downstairs to get a glass of water or something, but when after 5 minutes he didn’t come up, she decided to check on him. maybe he wanted to start preparing breakfast? if so, he could use a hand.
so she quietly went down the stairs, gripping the railing, her knee slightly throbbing. she headed towards the kitchen, stopping for a second to take a picture of adam and niall, dead asleep, spooning. 
“huh, niall is the big spoon. never would’ve guessed.” she thought.
once she entered the kitchen, harry was nowhere to be seen. where was he? 
“maybe he’s outside?” she didn’t remember if harry was a smoker, maybe he went outside for a cigarette. even though smoking as soon as you wake up isn’t something that she thinks she’d enjoy. 
so she headed for the back door, and could already see a mop of chestnut curly hair. he was still wearing his sweatpants, seated on a chair, looking at the world waking up.
“what are you doing up? the sun’s not out yet.” she told him.
“could ask you the same question, darling.” 
oh wow. she always thought that harry had a nice voice — even if he mostly used it to fire insults at her— but she never heard it in the early morning, and it was.. more than nice. it was warm, raspy, comforting in a way. she thinks it could put her to sleep in no time. 
what? the thought was a bit weird, but she blamed it on her mind still foggy from sleep. 
after a little back and forth, with a little teasing, they headed back into the house, to get at least another hour of sleep.
a few hours later, they were all up and ready for the hike. niall wasn’t too thrilled about being woken up earlier than he wanted, but still managed to get ready in time, without too much fussing.
the hike was fine, it was actually quite easy, and she didn’t need any help getting there with her knee. harry still stood close by, just in case she may need some assistance, or just to try and stop her from falling every ten minutes.
“my god, it seems like you started walking yesterday.” he said under his breath, making her chuckle. these were things she could get accustomed to: a little teasing, without any intention to hurt the other person.
once they settled near the small waterfall, they spread out a blanket to sit on and had a nice picnic all together, chatted a bit about anything. it was just a lovely day. around 3pm, clouds began forming in the sky, a silent warning that they should head back, or else they were going to be soaked. 
they packed everything up and walked back as fast as they could, harry staying back with her, who was walking a bit slower than the others, making sure she wasn’t left alone.
“don’t strain yourself, go at your own pace. it’s just a little water.”
luckily, they got into the house just as soon as it started pouring. once they were all showered, they wondered what to do that night, deciding at last to bake something sweet all together.
“i’m quite the baker, you know.” 
“yeah harry, we know, you worked in a bakery for a summer at 16. let it go.” mitch replied.
the rest of the week was just as lovely: they relaxed, had some quiet time in nature, and just enjoyed each other’s company. the whole situation felt lighter, her and harry’s silent conflict not putting any weirdness on the whole group. she saw the looks the rest of them exchanged whenever they would talk, wondering what the hell happened on the first day.
maybe he hit his head against a branch that managed to reset his brain? that was sarah’s best guess.
the only one who found out what actually happened was niall.
“yeah, i got mad and i took his sweatshirt off, he saw and i guess he was a bit surprised.”
“but are you okay? with him knowing.”
“i mean, i kinda have to be, don’t i?” she chuckled wryly. “it’s not like i can go back in time and change it. if i could, i would. i wasn’t planning on telling him — or anyone for that matter — but he knows now and that’s it. i just have to accept this and move on.”
“mmh” he really didn't like the sound of that. “you didn't say you were okay with it, but that you just had to. although, it does seem like he’s a bit nicer to you though.”
“yeah i know, i already told him that nothing had to change. i hate to think that he’s doing this all out of pity, it makes me feel like a charity case.”
“i don’t think that’s the case, though.” he objected, shaking his head.
“what do you mean?”
“i just think that maybe he did feel a bit sorry for you, but that seeing that side of you actually turned you into a real person, you know?”
“a real person? was i not before?” what the hell does that mean, a real person?
“of course you were, it’s just- uh.” he scratched the back of his neck. “it’s just that sometimes you seem a little too perfect, a little too nice, as if you’re playing a part instead of being yourself. i thought so at first, to be honest.” he looked at her to catch her reaction to his words, but she wasn’t showing any big emotion, just listening closely. “but when i actually got to know you, i understood that you were just like that, but that you had a secret side that you don’t show to just anyone.” he paused for a second. “i just think the same thing happened to harry. he finally saw you, all of you.”
she was a bit surprised to hear this from niall — especially that he felt the same way as harry at first, but didn’t act on it like he did — and she wasn’t really sure on what to say. so she changed the subject.
“c’mon, let’s get inside or the others may think we froze out here.” 
the only moment things were weird was the last night at adam’s, before going back to their day to day life.
“i understand that we came here for a relaxing week, but i think we should start behaving like we’re in our 20s instead of our 80s, so niall is taking control of the situation.” whenever niall started talking about himself in the third person, you know things were going down. 
and that’s how they ended up drunk of their asses, sarah and mitch, adam and niall playing against each other in a game of twister. (it was the only game they could find in the house, even if niall did suggest strip poker.)
she was the one spinning the wheel, telling them where to put their hands and feet.
“adam, right feet, red!”
“how am i even supposed to reach it?!”
“you better do it, because i won’t lose!” niall told him, voice strained by his position on the mat.
after adam tried to put his feet on the spot she told him, he lost his balance and dragged the other three of them down with him.
“for fuck’s sake, adam!”
“nice job, baby.” sarah told mitch, giving him a high five. 
after this game, she decided to get a little air outside. maybe it’s just her, but whenever she was drunk, she’d get overwhelmed sooner than usual, and often needed a quiet time to herself. 
so she sat outside, breathing in the fresh night air. the view was breathtaking: the sky was clear, no light pollution hiding the stars. she could pinpoint the ones she was most familiar with: cassiopeia, ursa maior and the polar star. she could also see jupiter, who was shining extremely bright. 
she was always fond of the stars, and she often found herself wondering how it would feel to be so far away from everything. she used to see that distance as a good thing — asking herself how it would be to be far away from all her problems, all the guilt, all the pain. fortunately, as she grow up and distanced herself from the toxic environment and people she was surrounded by, she found that the world was for the better part a good place, and the people she loved — her “chosen family”, as she liked to put it — was definitely a good reason to stay on earth, observing the stars, leaving them shine miles and miles away. 
the quiet sounds of the nature around the house brought her an immense sense of peace, and she felt content, like she could cry at how happy she was feeling right now. she could feel her cheeks turning red from the cold air, but she couldn’t care else. but someone clearly did.
“thought you could use a quilt, it’s a bit cold outside.”
harry’s voice startled her a bit, his words slightly slurred, indicating his inebriated state.
“oh, thank you.” she gave him a small smile, accepting the quilt and putting it on her shoulders. 
“mind if i sit here a while? or else niall is going to drag me into a game of twister, he doesn’t want adam as his team mate anymore.”
“of course!” she scooted over, so he could sit, and offered him a part of the blanket, which he gladly accepted.
“so, how are you?”
“i’m really good right now.” she gave him a druken smile with her eyes closed, making him chuckle.
“yeah, i can see that.” he smirked and looked at her.
“what about you?”
“yeah, i’m okay.”
“you sure about that?” she look at him with hooded eyes.
“what do you mean?” he inquired.
“i don’t know if you know this, but i’m great at reading people.” she said smugly. “so i can see that you’re not really okay. penny for your thoughts?”
“wow, you are good.” he chuckled. “it’s just, uhm, i’ve had something on my mind all week and i can’t seem to stop thinking about that.”
“alright, spit it out then.”
harry took a second to think about what he was about to say. 
was it really a conversation to have when he was drunk? when they both were? was it really a conversation to have, in general? 
so he decided to ask her the second question he had on his mind.
“why were you always nice to me, even if i never really was?”
he looked at her, and saw her pursing her lips, as if in thought. this was a loaded question, he knew that. 
she was pondering how to put down the words, because she really didn’t want to make him feel bad, but she also didn’t want to lie to him. 
“uhm, i think-“ she sighed. “i think i did it because i know what it feels like to be on the other side of it?” she looked back at him. “like, i know how it feels like to be on the receiving end of it, and i wouldn’t want other people to feel the same way, i guess.” she stared at him, afraid to see how he would react. would he be mad? offended? sad? all she saw was him nodding his head, before speaking.
“huh, i see.” he turned his head towards, giving her a small smile. “thank you for answering me.” 
“no problem.” she smiled. “was that it?”
“was that the big thing you had on your mind all week?” 
“uh- yeah, it was.”
“yeah, of course it was.” she rolled her eyes. “c’mon now, talk.”
he took a deep breath, preparing himself. was he sure he wanted to ask this? was it the right time? was there ever going to be a right time? he could feel his head was a bit floaty, he could feel the alcohol coursing through his system. 
maybe if he was sober, he wouldn’t have uttered the next words.
“why did you do that to yourself?”
it seems like his brain shut down altogether.
he felt her tense beside him, just like when he touched her wrists a few days prior. her gaze was set in a indistinct spot in front of her, stony.
fuck, fuck, fuck.
how can you even ask something like that to someone? someone who you basically didn’t even acknowledge existed a few days before, who was somewhat forced to tell you a part of her past she didn’t even want to share in the first place?
“i’m sorry, i-“he tried to make up for his inappropriate question, but he just wished he could turn back time.
“i’d rather not speak of this. not with you, not with anyone.” she said coldly, detached.
harry wanted to smack himself in the head. they were finally civil, on speaking terms, and he ruined all that, making her shut down. fuck.
he was contemplating on what to do, what to say, but his buzzed mind wasn’t helping him at all.
“i’m going to bed.” she said, standing up and leaving the quilt behind on his body.
“i, uhm-”
“goodnight, harry.” she interrupted him, making him understand that the conversation was over.
the following day, in the late afternoon, everyone was ready and packed to go. during the day, she and harry had basically exchanged no words, setting them back to how they were at the start. their friends could feel the shift, but they couldn’t pinpoint what had happened. niall was sure it had to do with harry’s discovery, but he decided to ask her about it later. 
before they all could get to the cars, sarah took her aside for a quick second.
“you guys are cool to drive back together?” sarah whispered to her.
“yeah, i think so? i don’t know, we’ll see how he feels.”
in the kitchen, mitch was asking him the same question.
“if she wants to, i’m okay with it.”
when they were all in the living room, harry took the courage and spoke.
“you ready?”
“huh, some things never change”, she guessed.
the first half hour of the ride was silent. definitely not something either of them wanted to relive after last time, but they were clearly on edge. 
after a few more minutes, harry spoke up.
“i’m sorry.”
she was a bit surprised, already made her peace that these we’re going to be three hours of pure silence. pure, uncomfortable, silence. “uhm, what?”
“i’m sorry, about last night. it was insensitive of me and i should’ve never asked you such a thing.”
“it’s okay, i-“
“but it’s not. i was drunk, but i still shouldn’t have asked you something like that. it was incredibly insensitive, and i let my curiosity, if we can call it that, get the best of me. so, i’m sorry.”
“thank you for your apology, i appreciate it.” she told him, truthfully. “although, i was the one who urged you to speak your mind, so it’s partially my fault, i guess.” she said the last part smiling, making him smirk.
the rest of the drive was peaceful, they made a bit of small talk, but there wasn’t any weirdness. it just felt like two friends simply going on a drive. 
were they friends now? she found herself asking to no one in particular. she really wished they were.
about two hours into the drive, the sky started darkening, filled with big, heavy clouds. soon after, they were caught into a rainstorm.
“oh, fuck me.” harry muttered. “it’s coming down hard.” 
“yeah, it is.” she started getting antsy in her seat. that caught his attention.
“you okay?” he questioned, giving her a side look.
“of course i am. just-“ she breathed shakily. “just go slow.”
“yes ma’am.” he smirked, but it soon faded when he saw her still not totally at ease. “hey.” he said to catch her attention. “i’m gonna go slow.” 
and again, it seemed like his brain short-circuited, but he couldn’t stop himself from putting his hand on her thigh, and giving it a soft squeeze, to reaffirm his words, letting her know that he truly meant what he said.
his hand felt warm, its presence comforting. she welcomed the feeling, kinda disappointed when he took it away soon after.
“do you want to come upstairs? just until the rain stops, i don’t want you to drive in the rain, without me reminding you to go slow.”
and that’s how harry ended up in her apartment.
it was a nice place: small, cozy, but not cramped. there was a living room attached to the kitchen, her bedroom and a bathroom. 
“it’s nothing fancy, but it’s home.” 
her home was a perfect resemblance of her nature: warm, comforting, welcoming. 
he spotted some art pieces on her wall, and he realised that he had little to no idea of what her interests were, because he never really bothered to listen to what she said. 
from what he saw in her living room, he could see that she liked art, candles — because they were scattered all around the room — and books. a huge bookcase was filled to the brim with books, of all genres. 
was she one of those people who carried a book anywhere they go? who ditch on plans because they just had to find out what happened next? would she put on her pjs, cover herself in a quilt, and get cozy on the sofa with her book, a candle lit on the table, during a stormy night?
at the centre of the living room there was a big, nice couch, that seemed super comfy. he recalled that niall said something along the lines of it being “soft like a cloud” and that he’d rather sleep on that than on his own bed. he could picture her in his mind, face all smushed down on the cushion, falling asleep in front of the tv with a movie playing in the background. 
at the sound of his name being called, he turned his head. 
“harry? do you want to order something for dinner?” she asked him from the kitchen, where she went to get them both. a glass of water.
“yeah sure, sounds good. wanna put on a movie?” he answered.
“I can clearly recall that the first time you said more than two sentences at me –in the bathroom at adam’s cabin – you said we weren’t going to have movie nights.” she said, teasing him.
he shook his head, she was something else. “just shut up and put on the movie.” he answered, plopping on the right end of her couch. “what are we watching?”
“mmh, one of my favourite movies, actually.”
“oh god.” he rolled his eyes. when she noticed, she threw a pillow at him.
“don’t roll your eyes at me, mister, it’s one of the best movies in the history of movies.”
“let me guess, it’s ‘tangled’?” 
“uh- how did- who told-“ she stuttered, look at him wide eyed.
“niall talks a lot after a few drinks.” he smirked, pure tease in his tone. “didn’t take you for someone who liked children’s movies.”
“first of all, it’s not a children’s movie. it’s a masterpiece. secondly, that’s because you never bothered to get to know me before you startled me and made me fall down.”
“yeah, yeah, okay.” he dismissed her, but he could feel a pang of guilt in his chest. he really didn't bother to get to know her before, and he kind of regretted it right now.
“plus, it’s one of the best love stories there is, and eugene fitzherbert is the guy of my dreams.”
“how so?”
“just like-” she sighed. “they started off as a sweet, nice girl and a bad guy, who begrudgingly wanted to spend time with her. but once he got to know her, he started appreciating the way she saw the world, and at the end he was so completely smitten that he didn’t even think twice about losing his own life, if it meant that she was going to be free. how can that not be the sweetest love story? a person who gets to know the worst sides of you, first — or what they think are the worst sides of you — and ends up loving them?”
harry stared at her for a moment, pondering her words for a second. but soon after, she interrupted his thoughts.
“but that isn’t what we’re watching tonight, we’re watching a grown up movie.”
“oh, dear god, we’re about to watch porn!” he said loudly, faking surprise.
“would you shut up! it’s not porn, you idiot, that you can do on your own time. tonight we’re watching “the secret life of walter mitty”. it’s one of the best movies out there, in my humble opinion, so i forbid you to make too many bad comments about it, or else you’re going to make me sad.” 
“alright you sap, let’s see it.” 
“one more shot at me, and you’re going to be kicked out the door. i don’t care if there’s a tornado or the apocalypse outside, you’re done.” she said, pointing the door with her pointer finger.
“yes ma’am, i sincerely apologise.” he smiled, giving her another toothy grin. she didn’t see that often. she quite liked it.
twenty minutes into the movie, their takeout arrived and she went to the door.
“you just watch the movie, stay focused!” 
after harry asked her how much he owed her for dinner, she dismissed him, telling him that he was her guest.
“i’m basically forcing you to stay here, it’s the least i can do.”
harry didn’t tell her that it was nice to know someone cared about him so much, so much so that they offered him a place to stay so that he wouldn't drive home in a rainstorm.
harry didn't tell her that, but thanked her for dinner.
after the movie was over, she looked over to him, eyes sparkling with excitement.
“so? what did you think?” 
harry pursed his lips. “the soundtrack was amazing, all the songs were.”
“alright, and?” she encouraged him to go on.
“and... it was a nice movie, i enjoyed it.”
“yes!” she did a little happy dance while remaining seated. “do you want to watch another one? i’m not tired and it’s still pouring outside.”
“yeah, if that’s okay with you, but i don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
she shook her head. “don’t be silly, i invited you up. we can watch “the notebook”, if you’d like.”
he looked at her wide eyed. “wait, how did you-“ 
“mitch talks too after a few drinks.” she said, teasing.
truth was, she was tired. really, really tired. but she was actually enjoying his company, and didn’t want this moment to end. she eyed him a couple of times during the first movie, to make sure he was paying attention, and he was: he never looked at his phone, or anything. the only couple of times he took his eyes away from the screen was when he’d caught her staring. 
“want a picture, darling?” he said, smugly. 
“shut up and watch the movie, i’m going to quiz you later.”
when she proposed to watch the notebook, lying about the fact that she wasn’t tired, she did so because she knew he liked it, and thought it was only fair to watch a movie he enjoyed. (she also liked it a lot, so that was a plus). what she really hoped was that maybe if he was too taken by the movie, he wouldn’t see her nodding off for a little.
that was a wrong assumption.
“hey?” a soft hand was carefully placed on her shoulder, lightly shaking her.
“mmh?” she got up, eyes still half closed, looking around the room.
“c’mon, let’s get you to bed.” harry whispered. “then i’m going to head home.”
“what-“ she swallowed thickly. “what time is it? is it still raining outside?”
“no, don’t worry.” he told her. he was soon caught in his lie, because a loud thunder-clap followed his words. 
she looked up at him, her eyes narrowing. “you liar. i’m going to make you up the sofa, alright?”she already headed towards her room to get the blankets.
“no really, there’s no need-” he tried to let her know that there was no need, that he could get home in 30 minutes at best, maybe a bit more if he went slowly. 
she shushed him. “wait here, i’ll get the blankets and something comfortable for you to wear.” 
in 15 minutes, harry was snuggled on her couch, a soft quilt wrapped around him. he thought that may be her favourite, that she used it often, because he could smell a little of her perfume on it. the couch really was soft like a cloud, niall was definitely right. 
“nighty night, harry. wake me up if you need anything.” she said, eyes soft.
“goodnight, thank you.” he smiled, and she headed towards her bedroom.
while she nodded off pretty easily, sleep just wouldn’t come to harry. his mind was filled with all that happened in the previous days, how he went from not being able to stand her presence, to sleeping on her couch, in the span of seven days. 
what would’ve happened if he didn’t spot her on her walk? if she didn’t get mad at him? would they be here right now? would he still treat her badly? would she be hurt by his words? was she ever hurt by something he said to her?
“for fuck’s sake, what’s happening to me?”
harry was woken up by the smell of eggs and pancakes. or, well, what used to be eggs and pancakes. he could hear her curse softly in the kitchen.
“shit, shit, shit.” she muttered under breath, trying to salvage something from their breakfast, failing miserably.
“‘morning.” he said in her ear, sneaking behind her.
“AH!” she screamed, turning her whole body towards him, making the pan drop on the stove.
“i’m so sorry, i didn’t want to wake you up! i mean, i did want to, but with a nice breakfast, not with this shit show, i’m sorry, i didn’t think i could mess up eggs for fuck’s sake, i’ll just-“
“hey, breathe.” he interrupted her rambling. “it’s okay, it happens, you’ve already done too much. and i’m good with just some coffee.” he smiled softly.
“okay.” she said. “just coffee?” he nodded. “that, i can do.”
niall couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“what do you mean he slept over?”
“just that. he slept on the couch, it was pouring and i didn’t want him to him drive home in that weather. i’ve done it with you a million times.”
“yeah because i’m me and you love me. don’t tell me you’re harboring a crush on harry, now.”
“oh please. he still looks at me with those pity eyes, and i still can’t stand that.”
“is that why you guys were so tense the last night at adam’s?”
“no, that’s another thing.”
after a bit of prodding, niall got her to confess what had happened and he couldn’t believe that harry actually had the guts to ask her that. not only has she confessed something so personal to him against her will, but he also had the gall to ask her even more questions? 
he can’t say he wasn’t somewhat “curious” himself, but never, ever, drunk or not, had he ever thought about asking her something so personal. and he was her closest friend. 
harry didn’t even speak a nice word to her until a few days prior.
so that’s why, the next time they all hang out — about two weeks and a half after they came back — he took harry aside and decided to finally have a word with him. he couldn’t care about what she may have thought about that, he wasn’t going to fight her battles, but he couldn’t stay silent anymore. harry crossed a line. 
“harry, mind helping me getting the next round for the table?” niall suggested;  he knew harry was the designated driver — him and mitch.
“uhm, yeah, sure.” harry stood up, and walked to the bar with niall.
after they almost reached the counter, niall turned left, which made harry frown in confusion, but then niall turned around and asked him to follow him.
“this is not good.” harry thought.
“alright, let me tell you this and please don’t interrupt me because we don’t have too much time, but i need to get this all out.”harry just nodded. 
“i know you know about her and her situation, she told me all about it and i made sure she was okay with everything, and she seems like she is. but don’t you ever try and pull something like you did that night.” niall’s gaze was piercing. “you don’t have any right to ask her something like that, and you won’t. it seems like she trusts you and that’s none of my business, but i know her and i know how she wears her heart on her sleeve. so don’t ever try and ask her something like that ever again, because i can’t think about seeing her crumbing down. not again.”
harry was shook, he really did not expect niall to tell him all this. he knew what he did was wrong, and he apologised to her for it, so why was niall lecturing him right now? 
he so wanted to tell him to fuck off, but at the same time he could understand why niall was so worked up. he apparently saw her at her lowest, had to witness all the pain, and just wanted to spare her other suffering. he just loved her, much like a sister. 
“you heard me?” niall inquired.
“yeah, i- i will never ask something like that again. i was wrong and i apologised to her, but i know i crossed a line. i’ll never do that again.” he told him, meaning every word.
“good.” niall nodded. “let’s get those drinks now.”
when they went back to the table with their drinks in hand, they could already see the two girls and adam drunker than they left them, shot glasses all over the table. 
“hey! where were you guys?” adam said loudly. 
“we were just getting the drinks, but we can see you guys already did that.” niall chuckled. 
“yep, we sure did.” sarah said, chirpily.
harry didn’t hear any of that, because his eyes were focused on the girl sat at the end of the booth. she looked so small, like she somehow shrunk in the few minutes he was away, clearly a different kind of drunk that the last time he spoke to her when inebriated. she had a sort of lost look in her eyes, and he just couldn’t stand it. so he sat down close to her, and whispered in her ear. 
“do you want to go home?” he didn’t want to force her, but he wanted her to know she could leave whenever she wanted to.
she looked at him, and slowly nodded. as soon as she did, harry quickly gathered her things, and told the others he was taking her home. after they bid their goodbyes, he headed towards the door, with her in front of him.
her legs felt all wobbly, maybe those last three shots of tequila were too much. she felt his hands on her hips, holding her up and she didn’t mind, at all. he was warm, and smelled good, and she felt safe. 
once they were out of the bar, he stood in front of her, making her tilt her head up to look at him in the eye. he had a really pretty face, really pretty eyes, she could see that even with her impaired vision. 
“are you okay?” he asked, checking her face for any signal that may give away that she didn't feel good. she just nodded.
“i need words, love.”
she nodded again, but soon added “yes. can you take me home?” she said, so softly harry could feel his heart tighten.
“of course i will. let’s get you in the car, yeah?”
and that’s what he did. he opened the passenger door, letting her in; he asked if he could fasten her seatbelt, and she said yes. he put his jacket on her legs, he could see her visibly shivering, and from the small smile that rested upon her lips, he could tell she appreciated the gesture. then he got into the car, and drove her home. the drive was pretty quick, and he cranked the heat at the max, wanting her to feel as comfortable as possible.
after getting out of the car with a little help from harry, she managed to open her apartment door, and went straight for the couch. 
“oh no ma’am, we need to get you to bed. no sleep on the couch.”
“fuck off.” her voice was muffled by the cushions.
that made him laugh out loud. “god, you’re mean when you’re drunk, aren’t you?” 
“am not. i’m nice. always nice.” she pouted. “always.”
man, did she look cute.
“yes love, you are. just playing with you. let’s get you in bed now, okay?”
he made her stand up and guided her towards the bedroom. this was the first time he saw her room, and it was just pure her, just like her whole flat, but perhaps as tad bit more. the bed was spacious, with a heavy comforter, the duvet a forest green. on the bed rested two big pillows, and what seemed like a teddy bear. did she like to cuddle it at night?
the walls were filled with art posters, pictures of friends and family, fairy lights hang just above the headboard. her desk was filled with papers, and other books. there were books laying around on almost any surface; and even in the messiness, they seemed to be in the perfect spot. she had this quality about her, of making anything seem just right. 
he picked up the shirt and pjs bottoms she had under her pillow and handed them to her. she took them from his hands and headed towards the bathroom, harry following close to make sure she didn’t hit anywhere.
“if you need anything, just say the word. i’m right outside.” she just nodded.
while she was in there, harry went in the kitchen and filled a glass of water, to put on her nightstand. after a little, she came out from the restroom changed into her pjs, shivering a bit, clearly feeling the october chill. she headed towards the bed, and wrapped herself in the comforter, looking like a little caterpillar.  
“alright then, i’m gonna go. sleep tight, and drink lots of water tomorrow.” he headed towards her bedroom door.
“yeah?” he turned back towards her.
“why did you hate me?”
his face dropped. did he heard that right? of course you did, dumbass.
“i didn’t hate you, I-” he tried to tell her a lie, but apparently even when drunk she was still vigilant.
“but you did. why? have i done something?” her voice was so small, almost a whisper, slightly slurred. he couldn’t bear hearing her like this, almost defeated. especially, if he was the cause of it. he never liked being the reason someone was sad, and he never realized – or even thought – that she may have felt like this before. just thinking about it made him sick.
“no, you didn’t do anything, i promise. i, uhm. i guess it was just me.”
she made a noise that meant she wasn’t too happy with the answer she got, but apparently she let it slide. 
“alright love, if you’re okay, i’m gonna-”
“what changed?”
dear god, this girl was something else, wasn’t she?
“i guess-” he paused, thinking deeply about what to tell next. 
“i guess once i got to know you, i appreciated the way you saw the world.” 
those words sounded familiar to her, but she couldn’t remember where she heard them before, her mind a bit confused by the alcohol coursing through her veins.
“and are you sure it’s not because you pity me?” it was probably the thousandth time she asked him something along these lines, but she didn’t want a friendship based on this kind of feelings.
not this again, harry thought.
“would you stop with that already? i don’t. i really don’t. i swear.” he replied.
after a quiet second, she started talking again.
“can i ask you one more th- actually, two more things? pretty please?”
how could he say no if she said pretty please? he was just a man, at the end of the day.
“sure, but then you’ll go to sleep, alright?” it seemed like he had to negotiate sleep time with a toddler.
“promise.” she put her pinky out of her cocoon of blankets, pointing it towards him. he hooked his own to hers, moving his hand slightly back and forth.
yup, exactly like a toddler.
“go on, love.” he said softly, getting closer to her bed.
“can you please turn on my desk lamp? there’s a dimmer, just set it a bit low, not too much but not too little.”
he wasn't sure what she meant exactly, but her mind was probably a bit foggy at the moment. so, after muttering a low “sure”, he stood up and did just what she asked. “what's the second thing?”
“uhm, uh.” she seemed embarrassed, and he couldn’t understand why.
“could you — if it’s not too much trouble — just stay here till i fall asleep?” she said it with such a low voice, barely a whisper, that if he hadn’t been listening closely he would’ve missed it. was this the big request, the reason she was embarrassed?
“you don’t have to if it’s weird, i just don’t want to get sick and be al-” she couldn’t finish her sentence, because harry interrupted her.
“hey, it’s okay. i’ll stay here till you fall asleep, yeah?” he set down at the foot of her bed, looking at her swaddled in her comforter. “now you should definitely go to sleep. that pretty face won’t last forever, if you don’t start sleeping more.”
those words sounded familiar as well.
“mmh, think I've heard those words before. who told you that?” she inquired, her eyes closed and brows furrowed.
“just someone i know. but enough now, you promised to go to sleep, with a pinky swear at that.” he said lowly, hoping she would drift off soon.
she nodded, bringing her knees up to her chest, getting in a fetal position. soon after, he heard her sleepy voice speaking. “nighty night, harry.”
“goodnight, love.”
he watched her fall asleep, lips parting a little, her breath coming out in small huffs. he had to fight the urge to move the hair from her face and tuck them behind her ear. 
but, as promised, harry stayed there until she was well asleep. 
and perhaps, even a little longer after that.
> part three
tag list (please tell me if you want to be added!):
@his-only-angel-1989 @sunshinemoonsposts @cherrysulewski @idgasb
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hyeongjunbae · 2 years
falling asleep on xdinary heroes
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pairing: ot6!xh x gn!reader word count: 0.3k warnings: none
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― gunil :
• loves to watch you sleep (not in a creepy way obv)
• would lean in and place a kiss on your forehead
• but later, he'd carry you in his arms to bed (i mean, have you seen his arms???) so you can have a proper sleep
• definitely jump into bed with you and pull you closer to himself <3
― jungsu :
• notices that you have fell asleep immediately
• makes sure you’re comfortable
• softly hums whenever you looked like you are having trouble while sleeping to soothe you back to sleep <3
• tries to continue whatever he was doing, but instead, he'd keep looking at you to see if you are alright
― gaon :
• slightly panics
• yet still thinks it's the most adorable thing ever
• tries his best not to move too much
• instead of waking you up, he'd fall asleep sitting up while you sleep peacefully on his lap
― o.de :
• he can't take his eyes off you while you sleep on his lap, and he can't help but smile to himself <3
• he'd tuck any hair strands behind your ears and kiss your temple gently
• would draw shapes on your body with his fingertips
• but keeps it low-key to not wake you up
― junhan :
• so happy that you trust him this much :<
• you remember that vlive when he was playing with jooyeon's hair? he’d do the same to you <//3
• he’d reassure you that he didn’t mind you falling asleep on his lap
• and ask you if you want to rest more
― jooyeon :
• he would be so giddy
• “oh my god, look! they fell asleep on my lap.”
• he ends up waking you up because he was so excited :(
• cuddles you to sleep later as an apology <3
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chimkin-samich · 11 months
Involving that fun monopoly picture. (Also, good luck with art block.) Sundrop looks so complex! His design from the arms all the way to the cute toe numbs. XD Is there anything else that complex about their design that we haven't see before/yet? (Also, I love how Sun is just chilling with his pink flamingo floaty.)
We actually slightly redesigned their bodies, so whatever you see on Sun, Eclipse and Moon have the exact same thing other than less rays for Eclipse and lack of rays for Moon
Their body’s were made more sturdy and durable as well as slightly more complex to allow them to be more stable when it comes to acrobatics, so 3 toes that can spread out to help their balance, an actual neck that is sturdy and just an overall better body and design to make them look more aesthetically pleasing to look at (lots of parents complained about how creepy they looked)
Their internals are also complex as well, they have a better power core and diagnostic center that keeps track of their “vitals”
A stomach that allows them to eat, the acid is neutralized when it comes into contact with air so no damage if it gets out somehow (it was put in cuz Chica ate no matter what so best to just let them all eat and not have to clean their internals when they ate)
A set of lungs, mainly to help soothe kids but they use it themselves for the same reason
Nose and tongue sensors so they can smell and taste things as well
As well as sensors all over their body to be more aware of their surroundings, all this together pretty much allows them to feel the same way as a human, so they can feel pain, cold, heat anything you can feel they pretty much do as well
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evycloudberry · 10 months
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* note: I am writing this as (Y/N) being a fire fairy.
* note: I did not name the friends, so all readers can ‘personalize’ this story easily. They are mentioned according to their ability.
Disclaimer: swearing
Taglist: @slytherinambitious @ellatitanium @untalentedsideoffandoms
Back to the menu chapters
Begin Again (Part 9)
"Talk about the devil," her brother remarked, nodding towards the figure at the entrance. "That's definitely my cue to leave!"
And he hurried off in quick footsteps.
She approached him, smiling but a bit puzzled.
"I thought I'd check on you after today's events," he began.
"That's very considerate of you, Riven. You didn't have to," she said appreciatively.
"As crazy as this is going to sound, I care. I can only imagine what happened this evening, so I had to make sure to check on you," he replied sincerely.
"That's very sweet. I am fine. Thank you for taking the time to do that, especially after the hectic day you must have had yourself. You're a good friend," she replied warmly.
He chuckled nervously. "Friend... yeah. Well, this friend saw some pretty ugly shits this evening, and thought he might just take a another big risk before the next attack. We never know, I could run out of luck."
She frowned, puzzled. "I needed to make sure you know that I will fix whatever is going on. I guess it's a fucked-up way to teach me a lesson, but I am going to fight for you. Even if all our memories together are gone from your memory, even if I get erased, I will find a way to get back to normal. Our normal... now that sounded completely insane," he laughed, and she joined in.
"It absolutely did! And to be honest, I am not sure I understand" she admitted.
"Just try to remember that I love you, (Y/N)" he blurted out.
The silence hung heavily. "Your timing is very bad" she said with a low voice.
"And technically, you love me." He added
"You don't say..." she quickly responded, she wanted out of the awkward situation, and passing him, but she stopped abruptly upon hearing his next words.
"And, icing on the cake: You and I, we are dating! Or at least, we were... it's complicated."
"I can see that." She turned to face him
"I broke up with you."
"May I ask why?" she said in a harsh tone, feeling strangely hurt by the revelation
"Honestly, I'm not even sure anymore..."
"Are you doing this because you want closure?" She questioned her heart tightening, and accelerating. But she could not understand why. Could he be telling the truth? Why couldn’t she remember?
"No! I mean, honestly, this situation is fucking confusing..."
"You're a nice guy, Riven. But communication doesn't seem to be your forte. I'm going to assume this was a drunk conversation," she concluded, then turned and left for good.
As she approached her suite, she noticed a shadow at the door.
"This might be creepy, but I was hoping to see you before turning in," Zane greeted her.
"Zane, hey. You didn't have to. Funny, someone had the same idea."
"Oh. Someone I know?"
"Let's not go down that road... it's too late for heavy conversations."
"Well, let's not talk then," he smiled, opening his arms. "Sometimes all you need is a hug. And you look like you could use one right now."
She contemplated it for a moment before accepting. It felt nice—his strong yet gentle arms, his calm and soothing heartbeat, his regular warm breath on her head. It was pleasant yet oddly unsettling. As if this comforting moment was somehow wrong. For now, she decided to push those feelings aside. She was tired, emotionally stirred by her earlier conversations: her brother's warning and Riven's strange revelations had left her feeling on edge. So, she welcomed this support.
Zane started to rub her back and then her arms slowly and tenderly. She relaxed, wrapping her arms around his waist, savoring the moment. How could this be wrong? His lips brushed against her forehead, and he gave her a gentle kiss. She shifted her body slightly, just enough to look up. Only a few inches separated their faces, their noses almost touching. His eyes admired her features, eventually moving to her lips. With no opposition from her, he leaned in.
Her mind got hazy for a moment, enjoying the softness of his lips on hers, warm and gentle. She opened her eyes and gently pushed on his torso, creating some space between them. They gazed at each other, both smiling.
She broke the silence first. "I'm sorry. We have a rule about boys staying over that prevents me from asking you to stay the night..."
"Well, we could go to my dorm? Nothing frisky, I swear. It's just that... it would be such a shame to walk away right now," he suggested.
She laughed before agreeing. Before leaving together, she slipped into her room to grab some essentials for the next day.
Note: feel free to share your thoughts!
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obsidiancreates · 4 months
One Undead To Another (Chapter 13)
“We can’t just charge people blood as payment, Shawn!”
“Why not?! Gus, it’s so much more ethical than any other way to get it!”
“What about finding someone who’s not desperate for help to donate it?”
“What, like you? Gus, I’m pretty sure I’ll need some every day, you can’t handle that!” And Shawn’s not sure he’d be able to stop at one bag, one pint. The blood bag is still laying on the floor, the fridge door is still open, some of it is still lingering in his mouth, and yet already he can feel the tight, twisting sensation taking hold of his insides, the slight dryness in his throat. It’s not too bad– he might be spot-on with thinking he’s gotten used enough to their… scents? Tastes? To them, being around him, and being used to them helps, but the temptation is still there. He thinks if he got a taste of Gus’s smooth, comforting, important blood, he wouldn’t be able to stop until he had every. Last. Drop.
The thought is so strong, so enticing, that Shawn actually has to reel back from it, as though he can leave it hovering where his head had been. He can’t. It follows. He clears his throat, swallowing the iron-tainted saliva (or whatever it is now) to try and soothe the new dryness. It doesn’t work. “Besides, that’d just be weird. You guys are my friends, not an all-you-can-eat-buffet.”
“You guys? Uh, newsflash, Spencer, I never offered.”
“I didn’t either.”
“Good! Then you agree the blood payment thing is the right option!”
“No, it’s still creepy,” Lassie says matter-of-factly. 
“And a little like they’re making some kind of evil deal with you,” Jules says with an apologetic wince. 
“Not an evil deal. A supernatural one, yes, but I’m clearly a good vampire. Like that angsty guy in Buffy.”
“No, Gus, the guy in the trenchcoat, looks like he was made out of all square bones.”
“Yeah, Angel!”
“They named the trenchcoat wearing brooding vampire Angel? … Wow. Point is, I figured out a solution! … Kind of. I’m still not sure how often I’ll need this, I guess. So far it seems… a little dependent on a few things.”
“... Like?” He can’t tell them. If he tells them they’re apart of it, they might leave. He’s already on thin ice as it is, it was thin before he was a vampire and now he’s basically only above the water because he’s clinging to some kind of branch of his own making above him. Maybe a big kite? Could be a low-flying helicopter, but then the water would be all choppy– what was he thinking about again?
Right, thin ice. He knows he’s been just barely clinging onto deserving them all these years, he knows, and now…
He can’t tell them. He can’t.
“Like getting hurt,” he blurts out. “I uh– I dove out of the way of a car earlier and it hurt, and that’s why I was suckign the bag down like that when you came in.”
“You dove out of the way of a car? Spencer what the hell did you–”
“Look, I caught a kidnapper for a guy who told me without any prompting, that he’d give me the blood from his veins to catch her. That is a direct quote! He offered first!”
“Where is this kidnapper now?”
“The station, probably the holding cell.”
Lassie and Jules share a look, and finally fully put their guns away. Lassie points at Shawn. “We’re checking your story,” Lassie warns. “Guster, do you think you can handle keeping an eye on him?”
“Please.” Gus pulls a cross made out of two taped-together pencils from his jacket.
Shawn’s entire body tenses, and he finds himself lurching backwards with a hiss. The moment passes as suddenly as it comes over him, and before the hiss is even done leaving his throat he slaps his hand over his mouth and looks at Gus with wide eyes.
For a long, breathless second, nobody moves. Gus stares at Shawn with his mouth agape and a low squeal leaking out of his throat. Lassie and Jules are frozen in place, slightly hunched, waiting for Shawn to pounce. He doesn’t. He’s as frozen as the rest of them, hand over his mouth and keenly aware that his heart isn’t beating in his ears. He didn’t know he could miss the sound of his own organs so much. Muscle? Gus said something about the difference once. Maybe Shawn should’ve paid more attention when Gus talked about how squishy inside parts worked.
It seems to stretch on forever. Shawn is the first to break the moment, clearing his throat again and pulling his hand down to his jacket pocket. Lassie and Jules reach for their guns. Gus’s hand holding the cross starts to shake.
“That… was involuntary,” Shawn says, sniffing and nodding at nothing. “That uh– that was bad, I’ll own up to that one. That was creepy.”
“No kidding.” Gus doesn’t lower the cross. His voice is garbled and strained, like he’s holding back from throwing up. Again. Shawn starts looking through the cabinets for an antacid, maybe a Ginger Ale.
“Please tell me you have more than just that on you,” Jules whispers. It’s weird to hear whispering sound so loud, so clear. There are qualities to it that make it obvious she’s keeping her voice quiet and low, but to Shawn it’s as easy to hear as if she’s shouting it. He pretends he can’t hear it for her sake. Maybe he should be hurt by her suggesting Gus need weapons– okay, maybe he is hurt– but he also understands.
That was a lot. The instinctual lurching away, the hiss, he’s pretty sure his eyes went red again just based on a feeling– he’d want to make sure Gus had a way to protect himself too.
“I’ve got a bunch of really sharp wooden pencils in my desk,” Gus mumbles back. Would those work? Shawn’s not sure if he hopes they do, or if he hopes they don’t.
“Carlton, do you have an extra gun in your car?”
“I’m not giving Guster a gun.”
“Besides, guns can’t kill vampires. Unless they had silver bullets.”
“I thought that was werewolves?”
“Vampires too.”
“Gus.” Shawn finds the antacids and tosses them Gus’s way. He misjudges how much force he puts into it. The bottle hits Gus in the chest hard enough to knock him back and take the wind out of him.
“Crap! I’m so sorry man, I–!”
“I’ll grab the gun.” Lassie leaves and comes back in the time it takes for Jules to help Gus into his desk chair and make sure he’s okay.
“I’m fine,” Gus wheezes. “We need to kick Shawn off the softball team, though.”
“You almost threw a bottle of medicine through Gus’s chest!” Jules opens it and hands Gus a tablet, which he accepts with a slight whine and grateful nod. “Shawn, you could kill someone with a pitch!”
“I’ll get a handle on it! This whole vampire powers thing has been a little spotty is all! I’m sure I’ll get used to it!”
Lassie hands the gun over to Gus, with no small amount of hesitation or visible emotional turmoil. “If I get that back in anything less than perfect condition, Spencer won’t be the one you have to worry about.”
“He doesn’t have to worry about me in the first place!” He does, he really does, Shawn can’t even close his mouth all the way because he wants to drink up every bit of their smell-tastes he can he loves it he loves them he wants them around forever–
He shakes his head, trying to make it seem indignant by throwing in a huff. With one last concerned (and suspicious) look his way, Lassie and Jules head out to check on his… alibi? Story? Excuse? On what he told them, at the station.
The ache in his throat fades away a bit when they leave. Not totally, but a little. He sits at his own desk, watching Gus nurse a bottle of water. For a long time, neither talks.
And then Shawn sits up. “Dude, wait, we totally need to talk about the psychic thing!”
Gus blinks, and then sits up straight as well (with a small groan of pain as he does). “Oh my gosh! I totally forgot with everything else!”
“Dude, I’ve been psychic my whole life!”
“You’re followed around by the ghosts of people we solved the murders of!”
“I totally have visions and psychic intuitions! I thought they were just gut feelings, and-and a good imagination!”
“You’re walking proof the afterlife exists!”
“My grandma was psychic!”
“Wait, what? Your grandma? The one who was in the car with us?”
“No, Gus, my other grandma. Yes, that grandma!”
“You do have another grandma, Shawn. Your mom has a mom.”
“Oh yeah. … I don’t know if I’ve met my mom’s parents. They were never really interested in meeting me.”
“Wow, and with how involved your mom is that’s such a surprise.”
“Whoa, whoa! Why would you say that, man?”
“Sorry. I’m just kind of freaking out!”
“You are?! I’m the one who’s realizing my entire life is a lie! And then a truth, but I thought it was a lie, but it’s not!”
“Have you had any more visions yet?”
“A bunch!” Shawn flings himself out of his chair, picking up a ball toy from his desk and tossing it between his hands. “I felt my grandma and asked her something and she gave me visions of her being psychic, for one.”
“Seriously! Oh my– Gus, does this mean my dad knew she was? Has he been hiding that from me this whole time?!”
“He probably didn’t believe her. But you should ask him.”
Shawn feels the phantom pain, the dryness, the hunger. He swallows. “Maybe another time. I still gotta process this, man. I don’t even know what’s psychic and what’s not.”
“Now that I can help you with. One hundred percent normal brain, at your disposal.”
“Gus, we both know that’s not true. If you weren’t black and I wasn’t a chatterbox we’d both have been diagnosed as Autistic ages ago.”
Gus nods a little. “Alright, fine. But it’s still a non-psychic brain, so it’s better than nothing.”
“... Okay, uh… do you see thing highlighted when they’re important?”
“Like, you notice a detail and it highlights. Gets a little glowy, stands out, maybe lifts up a little in your vision like someone cut it out of a magazine?”
“Yeah, now that I say it out loud I know that’s not normal. But is that psychic or eidetic hyper-observant whatever else? I have too much stuff going on up in here, man! I can’t pick it all apart!”
“Okay, try something easier.”
“Okay, okay, uh… do you zoom in on things you notice? Like if you see something across the street, can you zoom your vision in?”
“Like a camera?”
“Yeah! Okay, so that’s nor–”
“Not even kind of normal, Shawn! You could do that before the vampire powers?! Okay, I’m starting a list.”
“Better pull out a couple of pages, buddy. I have a feeling it’s going to be a lot.”
“A psychic feeling?”
“Man, you know I can’t tell if it is or not! … It might be. How many days off did you take?”
“I blocked out my whole week.”
“... Maybe make it two weeks. Just– you know. Just in case.”
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