#sorry I initially posted October 6
chalamet-chalamet · 1 year
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Timothée Chalamet and Stéphane Bak in Paris recently. ✨✨
IG credit to holycolorfulpig
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diabolicalacid · 2 months
birds of a feather— d day
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october 6, 7:57 PM
location— tokyo university girls dormitory
you’re waiting by the gate to your dormitory for atsumu to show up. you’re dressed like a dime, in the prettiest outfit you could find. it’s the one you purchased on the rare occasion when tobio tagged along to the shopping mall with you. you’ve dolled yourself as much as possible, from your outfit to your hairdo, to your stiletos, the ones you never wear because your feet hurt terribly when you’re in them. all that, hoping it would catch atsumu’s eye.
as you wait, going back and forth between the watch on your wrist and the street in front of you, there’s one constant thought stirring around your mind. call it a newbie’s curiosity.
exactly what is it that atsumu miya has planned for the two of you. you cannot help but wonder. after all, he did say he’d make it a day you’d remember for a long long time. but if you’re being honest, even if it’s just the bare minimum, you’re still likely to appreciate it just as much since it’s your first time. if no one has done it for you before this moment, you’re bound to acknowledge the first time someone does it.
it’s twelve minutes past eight when a black sedan pulls up a few feet away from you. you’re sure it’s atsumu in there. the fact that you’ve seen this car dropping shoyou off a couple of times, and the fact that it’s an expensive luxury car only someone with atsumu’s net worth can afford, is enough to provide you confirmation.
atsumu opens to door to his car, letting himself out. he smiles softly, waving at you the moment he spots you standing by the gate. you’ve seen the man in his social media posts, you’ve seen him in several pictures with shoyou, you’ve seen him on television. but to see him in person, looking so crisp even whilst donning only a baggy jeans and a white tee, ropes your heart into losing control over its rhythm.
you haven’t even made a conversation with the man yet, all he’s done from his end is to wave you a hello, but you already feel your cheeks getting warmer by the second as he trails toward you, hiding something behind his back.
“shit, he’s quite good looking.
chuck that.
he’s very very good looking. who am i kidding?”
you drop your face into your palms, turning around for a moment. you need to take this in. it’s very heavy and scary and exciting and new all at the same time. for someone who’s never been taken out before, you think it must be normal for one to get goosebumps moments before their first date. the fact that atsumu miya is such a good looking, charismatic and gentle man isn’t helping either.
you take a deep breath, regain composure and turn around to face him, letting out a sigh as you attempt to shake the nervousness off yourself before you finally initiate a conversation.
“hey.” the word barely makes it out of your mouth, instead what comes out is a cracked rendition of his name, “miya.”
“atsumu, i mean.” you shake your head, embarrassed, correcting yourself.
you shrug, saying in an undertone, eyes unable to meet his gaze, “but miya is your last name, so that will do too, i guess.”
“i’m not sure.” you give up, dropping your head in your palms again.
he chuckles at you. you’re sure he knows you’re quite nervous. there’s no hiding the fact from the man who witnessed the colour red brimming off your cheeks as soon as he waved at you. not to mention, the way your dropped your face into your palms, not once, but twice, and your terrible attempt at greeting him while you couldn’t even say his name. if he knows, he should be a little more considerate. it’s your first time, you’re allowed to lose your cool.
he puts his hand on your head, ruffling it, a huge smile creeping up his face, “well, hello there, cutie.”
you whine, instinctively reaching his hand to take it off your head, “you’re ruining my hairdo.”
“i did my hair,” you mutter, under breath, “just for you.”
he apologises, withdrawing his hand, chuckling, “alright, alright, i’m sorry. no more, cutie.”
“you don’t have to be nervous.” he reassures you, moving his hand and places it over your cheek.
he caresses your cheek, then pinches it, beaming like a cheshire cat, “just call me atsumu.”
you nod, “okay.”
you breathe to render yourself in a better position, then speak up in an attempt to say his name, “atsumu.” you still falter.
“nice to meet you.” you manage to pull out a small smile for him, and though it’s plagued by nervousness, he accepts it.
“you too, cutie.” he affirms as he takes his hand off your cheek and pats your shoulder, continuing, “i hope you’re looking forward to our date.”
“i’ll make sure you have the best time today, my cutie.” he winks at you, adding, “it’s going to be a perfect date.”
if you weren’t flustered already, you sure are now. your cheeks turn a shade darker and your heart starts beating a little faster. to dramatise the moment, there’s a gush of wind and for a second, just for a second, it’s like atsumu and you are in middle of a scene from a romance movie. if it weren’t you in the situation, you would’ve thought to oneself, how cheesy.
he reveals the bouquet of flowers he was hiding behind his back all this while. it’s sunflowers. you love sunflowers. something about those flowers always facing the sun gives you hope. for someone like you, who yearns to have happy moments in her life in order to get by, and tries her best to be optimistic even on that worst days, sunflowers are quite symbolic to you.
he’s offering you something that means magnitudes to you. it seems his gesture allowed the heart inside of you, that was beating in a hazy rhythm, to calm down a little. however, after this, you aren’t sure if letting go of miya atsumu following only a single date is going to be an easy task.
he offers you the bouquet, “for you.”
“thank.” you stutter, taking a hold of it, “you.”
you look at the present in your hand for a moment. it instantly puts a smile on your face. you’re quick to embrace the bouquet of flowers closer to yourself.
“they’re beautiful.” you look up to him with the warm smile his gift put on your face, signifying your gratitude, speaking his name confidently for the first time, “atsumu.”
“just like you.” he compliments you, leaving you stunned. you don’t think your cheeks can turn another shade darker, and you heart that had managed to calm itself down, beats faster once again. at this rate, you might end up needing an ambulance for the tachycardia.
he takes one of many daisies mingled in with the numerous sunflowers, and puts it against your ear, mumbling, “pretty.”
it is at this moment that you feel your heart waging a war against its cage and your cheeks burning up quite literally. you step back, nervousness clouding your thoughts once again, but atsumu takes your hand and pulls you closer to himself.
with your bodies in close proximity of one another, only an inch apart, you aren’t sure what to feel in the moment. you feel dizzy, you’re about to lose your footing. you’re still being held by him, and when you lose your balance, atsumu’s hold tightens, his arm instinctively curving around your waist.
he looks to your feet, noticing your stiletos, instantly aware you’re quite uncomfortable.
he growls, “did you have to wear that?”
he sets you free from his embrace, hand reaching out to flick your forehead, as he reminds you, “i asked you to dress comfortably, didn’t i?”
“i dressed to impress.” you mumble, barely audible, eyes fixed on the concrete underneath you.
he sighs, saying, “give me a moment, i’ll be right back.”
atsumu jogs to his car, leaving you stranded with that massive bouquet of flowers. you aren’t sure what his intentions are, you can’t bring yourself to think straight either. your mind is fogged because of the things this man has been doing since he jolted into your life. if all this is for nothing in the days to come, you’ll be quite disappointed.
he returns with a pair of crocs in his hand. they’re the colour purple and approximately your size. they must belong to rin.
“here.” he hands you the pair, but before you can take it from his grasp, he stoops down and gets on one knee, muttering, as he lifts your foot, “nevermind.”
he takes the stiletos off your feet and replaces them with the crocs, looking up at you and smiling, raising his brow in question “better, isn’t it?”
you purse your lips, shrugging, “yea, i suppose.”
you cannot caulk your curiosity, so you ask, gesturing to your feet, “these belong to rin, don’t they?”
“yes, they do.” he confirms.
you smile, dejected, as you look to your feet, slightly smaller in size than rin’s as they sit in her crocs. you don’t understand the cause of your disappointment. you should probably be grateful that atsumu helped you out because if he hadn’t, your feet would’ve undergone tumultuous suffering through the day. but the fact that they belong to rin, his ex, seems to bother you to the core.
“rin would do the same thing.” he starts, raising himself off the floor and dusting his hands, giggling, “she’d wear ridiculous shoes too, until it made her feet hurt.”
you aren’t sure what to say, or how to feel about this. so you thank him, pursing your lips as you speak, “i’m grateful.”
he holds out his hand for you. you take it. he pulls you in once more, voicing, “let’s go.”
he starts walking to his car, pulling you alongside him, remarking, “we don’t have time for you to get cold feet, cutie.”
“i have the entire day planned for us.” he informs you, as he continues to tow you to his car. you allow your fingers to entwine with his.
his hold of you tightens and he drags you closer until you’re walking right next to him.
you chirp, lips stretched into the widest smile you have to offer, dimples apparent, “thank you.”
“i’m looking forward to spending the day with you.” you divulge, ending your sentence with his name, “atsumu.”
atsumu notices the bright smile tugging at your lips from the corner of his eye. he comments, “you have a beautiful smile.”
you receive his compliment, shifting the loose strands of hair behind your ear, so that they won’t pry with your smile that atsumu seems to appreciate so much, “thank you.”
“also, it’s my pleasure to be taking you out on a date.”
“are you sure it’s not the other way around?” you ask playfully, poking fun at him.
he wags his head, declining, a light chuckle accompanying his words, “not the other way around.”
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౨ৎ it wasn’t yn who gave up making the summoning circle, it was me.
౨ৎ yn isn’t half as confident in real life as she seems online.
౨ৎ atsumu doesn’t know yn has been single all her life.
౨ৎ if it isn’t obvious, yn is hoping for more than one date with atsumu, expecting it leads to something more.
౨ৎ atsumu asked shoyou all about yn’s favourite stuff before he planned the date.
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previous : every dog has his day
masterlist | next : the head and the heart
🐰 i have a feeling atsumu, shoyou and yachan are going to regret this. i had so much fun writing this chapter. special thanks to @wolffmaiden, i asked her to describe her perfect date with her favourite haikyuu boy and because she’s so delusional, she gave me a very in depth reply. i based off this chapter and the next based on her response.
taglist— @wolffmaiden @kafkassexchoe @luna-mothii @bomjug @le000xxgrd @dazqa @ineednanami @iluvaquaphor @debussy42 @choizzn @bunninio @empress-pug-pug @karasunoya @sereniteav @yuminako @reooreo @loveelylacey @nbcvs
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matan4il · 6 months
Update post:
Today is the 180th day of the war. Almost 6 months since the Hamas massacre started this war. And still, when I came across a video clip of TV announcers broadcasting on Oct 7, 2023 and I heard the words, "hundreds of Israelis have been killed" (even as I know that the number was actually greater than that, something that took time to confirm back in October), it still felt like it just happened, like it's still hard to believe it's real, and not a nightmare that we might wake up from any moment now.
A combined terrorist attack (vehicular and then stabbing) took place over night. A 26 years old Arab man drove his car into 4 policemen, injuring them, one initially was in a serious condition. The terrorist then drove on, stopped by another group of police personnel, where he got out of the car and tried stabbing them. He was neutralized.
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Obviously, everyone in Israel has heard about the aid workers killed in Gaza. IDK yet how it happened, what the details are, we're all waiting to hear, just like other fair-minded people are (I'm not talking about the anti-Israel crowd, who have made up their minds before the incident even happened, they come pre-programmed with the belief that everything wrong is both Israel's fault and intentional). For now, it looks like a huge, tragic mistake, based on misidentification in the middle of the night (such mistakes sadly happen. The accidental death of 3 Israeli hostages in broad daylight was an example that it does, and other "friendly fire" incidents that have happened to Israeli soldiers are another. That's war, there's tragically no army with zero mistakes on its record). I am SO sorry for the innocent people killed, and their loved ones. I feel for them, for their pain and loss.
That said, how do I know it wasn't intentional? For one thing, because World Central Kitchen is actually one of the few humanitarian aid organizations that tried to help both Palestinians and Israelis. Which is one reason Israel very much wanted WCK to be a major factor in aiding people in Gaza in the long run, not just during the war, and the last thing it would want, is for these workers to be hurt, and for this organization to stop working there. The other thing is that we know an incident like this might provide enough international pressure to force Israel to stop the war, while our hostages are still held in the hands of brutal rapist terrorists, and while Hamas still exists, and threatens more massacres like the one we saw on Oct 7. What logical country would sacrifice the safety of its 9.8 million citizens (and the 8.4 million non-citizens it sees itself as responsible for, too) just in order to kill 7 random people, who were perceived as helping it, and who aren't even a part of the group that supposedly this country is targeting? It's not a logical call to make. Anyone who thinks Israel did this intentionally, is treating the Jewish state as if it's a comic book evil villain. I wonder why. When a humanitarian aid airdrop accidentally killed at least 5 Palestinians, and at least 18 were killed during another, I don't remember that anyone was quick to say it was intentional without so much as an investigation, or that those responsible for it must be stopped, rather than that they must study what went wrong, and continue while taking precautions that it won't happen again.
In Belgium, a home for Holocaust survivors has been vandalized with supposedly pro-Palestinian graffiti, reading "Gaza free" and followed by a swastika. This is pure antisemitism, very thinly veiled.
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Here's a reminder that if Hamas is allowed to continue existing, and ruling Gaza as a dictatorship, that's not just a threat to the lives of Israeli and Jews, it's also horrible news for Palestinians. IDF soldiers found in Gaza documents that reveal how Hamas had tortured and brutally executed one of its own commanders back in 2016, based on the accusation that he's gay. Anyone who claims to be pro-Palestinian, but is silent about the human rights abuses that Palestinian suffer at the hands of their own leadership, is not that at all, they're just exploiting the Palestinians to demonize Jews.
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This is 22 years old Dor Almog (right) and his best friend, Amit.
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Amit invited him to the Nova music festival, but he had to miss most of it due to an exam he had. Dor planned to study, and then join his friend at the end of the party, but he fell asleep, and was woken up by the sirens alerting everyone about the thousands of Hamas rockets fired at Israel at 6:30 in the morning. "That was the last time I saw Amit," Dor said about the moment his best friend left for the party. "We've been friends since the age of zero." Amit went to the party and was murdered by Hamas terrorists. Dor and the rest of Amit's friends decided to get his tattoo on their body, and that at some point they would travel to India, which was his dream that he didn't get to fulfil. Dor fought to be called for reserves duty in Gaza. He's the only soldier who survived the deadliest incident there, in which 21 Israeli young men were killed, the last operation his unit was supposed to be a part of, before being discharged. When the explosion took place, he was in a building that collapsed, he fell two floors, and the building crashed over him. "I smiled, because I thought I was about to die, and be with Amit again. But then I literally saw a light at the end of a tunnel, and started crawling there." He was kept in a coma for 5 days, to help his body cope, and only 2 days after he woke up, was he told the news about what happened to his friends in the unit. "That was the real blow." When asked about being a hero, he said, "I'll be that when I get back on my feet."
May Amit's memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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stillgrows · 3 months
i keep saying i will make a return and then not doing it, so i'm going to give a comprehensive little update, explain my difficulties, and explain my plans. warning for weed talk and panic talk below the cut.
sooooo back on 4/20 i tried a new delta 8 gummy that handed my ass to me and landed me in the ER with a panic attack. after that, all was well for the most part... until the morning of 6/2, when i woke up to another panic attack i thought was a heart attack. since then, i've been dealing with a panic disorder. fortunately, i'm medicated now and doing better.
all that to say: i'm doing okay now. the prozac is actually also helping with depression (which was always mild, hence me never seeking anything for it, so i may want to stay on this after the initial six months planned). so where does that leave me?
well, i've moved my computer out of my bedroom and into an office space, which is part of my hurdle. out of sight, out of mind. i'm not on it at all unless i have gaming/streaming planned ahead of time. so i need to remind myself to actually get on here.
on top of that, with the closure of tango gameworks, i want to actually write my the evil within 3 fic idea that i started a few years back. ideally i'll have it written to (start) post(ing?) in october, coinciding with the tenth anni of the series. so, while i do want to get back into roleplay as a hobby, i do need to write this long-form fic as well.
i've started reading yet again, which is good.
mostly i just need to get into better habits. i know this is just a hobby, and i'm not really "sorry" i'm not here because it doesn't matter, but i do really want to be here. it's a hobby i love dearly, and i don't want to abandon it altogether. life is just a bitch sometimes.
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What's your thoughts on Ray and Norman's conversation after the spy reveal, where Ray says Norman should've discarded him and Norman says he would've but Emma convinced him otherwise? Was Norman really going to do that? (sorry if you've already talked about it but I missed;;)
You're good! I talked about the framing of the end of the scene here forever ago in internet time, touch on it here as an add-on to a post regarding the false belief there was a rivalry founded on the basis of a classic love triangle inextricably integrated into the core of the narrative (i.e., Norman and Ray actually dislike each other because they're both vying for Emma's romantic affection), and a brief summary of those feelings in this paragraph from this post, so my thoughts on it are kind of scattered about lol
Ray knows Norman, knows his sense of rigid morality well enough to account for him discovering his alliance with Isabella and using that to his advantage, to further push Norman away so he’ll be more comfortable with using him (he even chides Norman for not keeping his original plan to do this a secret) and so his death will hurt him and Emma less. And for roughly the entire back half of October 2045, Norman did genuinely hate Ray for his betrayal in the same way he hated Isabella, his reaction so visceral at being deceived and hurt by people he had loved all his life. He would have been willing to sacrifice Ray if not for intervention from Emma, which opened him up to directly confronting Ray and, in turn, led him to discover Ray’s true motives. He was so humbled and taken aback by the depths of Ray’s love and loyalty he returned to his original categorization of him: a dear friend who needed to be saved from his intended fate in their cruel world. Even if saving him came at the cost of his own life; even if he desperately wanted to live.
So I do believe Norman would have done it given the circumstances, and that Ray was banking on him doing so if Norman suspected him of being the traitor (and from Ray's perspective, this was the more likely outcome because of how much stock he puts in Norman's intelligence).
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It fits with Ray's meticulous planning, Norman's overall morality when left on his own at this point in his life plus his pride and ruthlessness, and the series' themes of redemption/second chances for those who genuinely work toward change and the positive influence of friendship/solidarity over isolation.
Upon discovering the truth of the house, Norman's first instinct is to grab Emma and Ray and get out of there.
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His mind is absolutely fried by what's just taken place and its implications, and he's scrambling to come up with a plan, focusing on whatever he believes is still familiar and safe to ground himself so he can shake off the emotional and mental paralysis he's in. I love how both the manga and anime convey how shell-shocked he is with the weary lines under his eyes and the thousand-yard stare he's got going on as he's floating outside himself. It's all completely understandable.
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This is one of my most-cited details about the anime taking advantage of the medium shift. Both Emma and Norman are completely shocked by Isabella being there, but it only takes Norman a second to shift between that initial shock to sorrow over realizing what it means that the woman who he’s viewed as his mother his entire life is here casually talking with demons and not recoiling in horror at what’s taken place. He genuinely loved her.
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(Chapter 6)
It's part of why he reacts so viscerally to her betrayal, another being his pride taking a hit due to being outmaneuvered by her. He's scored perfect 300s on his test since the day he started taking them at four-years-old, the first child in the history of Grace Field ever to do so. While he's never haughty or smug over this, he does find comfort in his intelligence. This undermines him in a way that not only cuts him to the quick, but also puts his family at risk, and he's determined to come out on top in this game of high-stakes wits and save them.
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(Chapter 10)
So after being dealt the crushing blow that Isabella was raising him and his siblings just to be food for demons, a few days later he's dealt another one when Krone's appearance leads him to instantly suspect Ray as the most probable and convenient informant for her. Ray was one of his two main pillars of strength he could fall back on in a time where his whole world has shifted beneath him. They had been together ever since he could remember, and he was disgusted with himself for even thinking Ray could do this. Like Isabella, he genuinely loved him too. In the face of the insurmountable conclusion he'd drawn, however, he couldn't ignore reality, not when the lives of Emma and his siblings hinged on him not making any more mistakes.
The revelation of this betrayal silently festers over the course of roughly two weeks. During that time, Ray even encourages Norman to be ruthless when dealing with his enemies.
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(Chapter 7)
It doesn't take long for Norman to get on board.
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(Chapter 9)
And while he ultimately comes to the conclusion that suppressing the adults is the better course of action,
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(Chapter 10)
the poignancy of the fork symbolism is still there: stay vigilant, stay sharp, stay ruthless. Even if it means discarding one of your best friends once he's no longer useful in the escape plan. (I'll use this as an opportunity to plug one of my favorite pieces of art on the subject by @nekokat42. It's funny how over the course of the story, Norman ends up taking after Isabella the most out of the trio on this front.)
In the same way his categorization of Isabella has shifted in his mind, so too has his categorization of Ray, and he would have stayed there if Norman hadn't sought Emma's perspective on the matter. It parallels nicely to when she acts as his moral compass in chapter 1/episode 1.
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Emma's automatic, genuine desire to save everyone quickly sobers him up from his stupor and his plan for just the three of them to escape. He's touched by this, her being far more selfless than him, and he silently chides himself for not even considering trying before resolving to make Emma's ideal outcome a reality.
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(Chapter 13)
Emma reaffirms the importance of considering the nuance and material circumstances of their situation, what the logical fallout would be for the traitor if they were left behind during the escape, and the biggest thing for Norman, striving for better instead of settling for pragmatism when you still have the opportunity to effect change on the world around you and reach an outcome you'll be happier with.
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(Chapter 14)
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(Chapter 13)
Norman being willing to use and discard Ray makes the impact of him switching his stance on the matter and later realization of Ray's true motives hit harder while also providing a basis for his actions and beliefs during later arcs after he's been isolated from the positive influence of his family.
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(The Good Place; borrowing because I like the conciseness and feel it's applicable to Norman, Ray, and Yuugo.)
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With the way the final seconds of this sequence are framed in the anime—going from a shot of a giddy yet harried Norman to a self-chiding Ray to Eugene's drawing of a trio of children—I feel like they wanted to draw attention to this aspect of his realization more than chapter 14 did where Norman's more focused on what Ray's position as Isabella's spy affords the plan. Here it looks like he's taking in the full ramifications of the choice he would have made if he hadn't talked with Emma; a future where he threw away a dear friend who had made years of impossible decisions as Isabella's sheepdog and was willing to die so that they could have one, because for Ray it's always been about Emma and Norman. What once appeared to be a selfish choice to save his own skin was actually one born out of love and loyalty, and once again Norman is disgusted with himself over his presumptions and saddened by Ray's intention to die, though at this point he hasn't seen the lighter fluid stockpiled under Ray's bed, so he has yet to figure out how he plans to pull it off. It's an ache profound enough to leave him startled and reaching to cover his mouth in its wake. One that could possibly be prompted without Norman intending to discard Ray since on top of everything else already going on he's now aware Ray plans on killing himself, which is devastating, but I think it's more poignant if he was going to go through with it.
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comfortlesshurt · 3 months
July 2024 Plans!
I'm trying something new to see if it works for keeping me more consistent, so don't mind me.
Still insanely obsessed with Keith Kogane so uhh... sorry, that's all you're probably going to see from me this month if you read my stuff.
General Goals:
Get more comfortable with writing shorter fics instead of pushing for record word counts
Work on finding better end scenes for fics
Brainstorm for some longer multi-chapter fics for the future
Newly published word count: 19,920/15,000
Come up with a consistent writing schedule before August
Drafting priority - aim for the minimum viable amount of initial editing (then go back and refine everything in September)
Whumperless Whump Month:
7/1 (emergency first aid) - published
7/3 (like a record, baby) - published
7/10 (your work is never finished) - published
7/16 (say goodbye to filters) - published
7/19 (the whump morning after) - published
7/30 (I don't mean to get emotional) - published
Looking into 1 or 2 more days between the 19th and the 30th, but I haven't picked any yet! (Got sucked into another project and moved on to that!)
Really pushing to finish the days on time for this and move on no matter what at the end of the month. No completionist attempt here!
Bingo Prompts from @builder051:
Addiction/withdrawal - published along with whumperless whump fill
Self-surgery - published along with Whumperless Whump fill
Outlines for 3 other TBD squares, but unlikely to finish those fics in July (I'm short on my projected word count goal for August, so I'm expecting to get these finished and posted then)
Apologize profusely for taking 6 years to get to this
By mid-July, decide between path of hurt and path of whumperless whump
Resist urge to say I can do both because I simply cannot
Complete all outlines for chosen path by end of July (did I say outlines? because I accidentally made rough drafts for all of these instead)
Draft the first week by the end of July (I suspect work will be busy in August, so we're getting a buffer ready)
July and August are both planned writing months, but I'm expecting to take September to publish less and focus more on editing some stuff I've posted in the past without polishing as well as I could have. I also think I'll burn myself out if I try to write a ton three months in a row, so this just works out well.
Quick overview of the rest of 2024:
July - Whumperless Whump Event focus
August - Augusnippets focus
September - 1 or 2 short fics and a big round of editing my backlog; start to get a detailed outline on my Klance series
October - Whumptober focus
November - NaNoWriMo (either original fiction or a longfic I've been outlining, depends how I feel by October)
December - probably a heavy editing month (I want to get that NaNoWriMo fic edited so it can start to be published as we ring in 2025, but that probably means I won't publish anything new in November or December)
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Multi-Fandom Postcard Exchange: Important Announcement
Hey there, everyone. It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to begin the process of closing the Multi-Fandom Postcard Exchange. The exchange will officially close on August 29th of next year (2024).
The primary reasons for this decision are a lack of funds and a lack of commitable time. The lack of funds in particular has made it impossible to keep up with annual increases in PO box pricing, ever-growing postage rates, and maintenance of required tech.
Please read on for further important information.
❤ Vex and Rebel
Sending Postcards
Current members are welcome and encouraged to continue sending postcards from now until July 1, 2024. This cut off date should allow mail from international members to reach us before our PO box closes at the end of August 2024.
Please remember to continue registering your received postcards!
Membership Management
Membership has been CLOSED and no new member applications will be accepted. Current members are still welcome to manage their membership through these forms:
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Fortune Friday
There will be one more members-only Fortune Friday event. It will occur on Friday, October 13, 2023.
Holiday Cheer
We are very sorry to announce that we will be unable to coordinate Holiday Cheer this year. We understand that Holiday Cheer has been a popular and appreciated event for the past three years and we apologize for any upset this change causes.
Additional Information
If you have any questions, the ask box is open.
Behind the Keep Reading cut below, you will find:
Any information we forgot to include when initially making this post. (Anything we missed will have its own separate post, but since this will be our Pinned post, we want it to be comprehensive.)
A more in-depth and personal explanation of our decision to close the Multi-Fandom Postcard Exchange, ways to keep in touch, and a thank you.
Explanation of Circumstances
The decision to close the MFPE came down to two things: money and time.
Since opening in August 2020, we have spent $1,260.09 in postage, $582 in PO box fees, and $180.31 on certain miscellaneous gifts to our members. That last number does NOT include the cost of things won from our Prize Vault, the cost of items distributed during our Member Appreciation Giveaway, or other gifts that were never itemized. In other words, far more has been spent than the $2,022.40 outlined above.
As of October 6, 2023, the MFPE has received $757.53 in donations, and we have been grateful for every penny. But the MFPE was never meant to run off of donations.
Why? Well, Vex (that's me) had a secure, stable, well-paying job for over a decade and expected to stay at said job until retirement. I definitely did not expect to become increasingly unable to work due to traumatic stress. In fact, when my therapist suggested I take a long break from work, I laughed and said it would be impossible. (Ha ha ha.) So instead of applying for the short- and long-term disability benefits I had access to at the time, I kept going and going until I suddenly reached my breaking point and quit my job in a fit of desperate frustration.
That is the simplified version of the story. The tl;dr version would be: I used to make money and now I don't.
But even if it were possible to fund the MFPE purely through donations, Rebel and I are still unable to commit the time.
Keep in Touch
If you would like to keep in touch, I am currently more active on Dreamwidth than anywhere else. A majority of posts are friends-only, but feel free to subscribe and request access (drop a comment saying you're from the MFPE!).
Other places you can find me are listed on my Fandom vCard.
Thank You
To our members, volunteers, and supporters: thank you for all of your kindness, interest, passion, and cheerleading throughout the years. It has meant more to me than I could possibly express and you have my endless gratitude.
Spread joy. Be kind to each other. Every small action has the potential to save someone's life.
❤ Vex
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anim-ttrpgs · 1 year
Apologies for the delay.
Phew, I just finally finished the big updates I needed to do to the Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy rulebook so that I can get it to our Patrons for October.
I'm still waiting on a teammate to update the character sheet and add some art into the adventure modules before I can make the big post on our actual Patreon page, but in just a few minutes I will be uploading the updated Rulebook to our Patreon Discord server so that our Top Secret Patrons can at least see it right away; the other updated stuff will follow later. If you're a Top Secret Patron following this blog and you haven't joined our Discord server, go ahead and do so if you want access to the October Patreon rewards a few days early (even though it's already a little delayed, sorry about that).
If you somehow didn't automatically get an invite link when you signed up (i am kinda paranoid about that not working), then message us and we will get you an invite link.
This update is big. Here's the changelog.
Several new Traits, updated old Traits.
Additional Traits in character creation (investigators can have up to 6 traits but must extend their investigation point bar to do so)
Grievous Wounds (permanent injuries as an option instead of becoming incapacitated in combat)
Added another optional initiative rule.
No major changes.
Removed Target Body Part
Added ability to Guard
Hugely treamlined and better codified monster character creation. Consider it totally revamped. Weaknesses are now a separate thing and don’t take up a Trait slot. Codified all monster traits and added bullet points to make them easier to memorize and easier to put on a character sheet. Monsters now have easier access to mundane traits. Unkillable monsters have their own Grievous Wounds, including the ability to still function after being decapitated!
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ogdencollegerp · 1 year
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MAY 7TH, 2023
It had been a couple hours since they had all received the address, and the students of Ogden College seemed mostly interested in taking advantage of the party that they had been invited to. Much to the disappointment of their tormentor, who was waiting for someone to come looking for them...and since no one had, it meant it was time for another text.
Because G was waiting.
g: sorry....did you miss the text where i said see you soon ??g: or are you just not interested in finding me ??g: [photo attached]
The photo G sent them was a picture of a polaroid. And while it's not immediately clear where the polaroid had been taken....it was the very underground rave they were at. If someone could find where it had been taken....would they find G there too ??
IC DATE: early morning hours of Sunday, May 7th
OOC DATE: Wednesday, October 4th - Friday, October 6th
PLEASE NOTE: Feel free to incorporate this text blast into a THREAD or SELF-PARA if you want, but take care not to pass it in the timeline !!! If you DO choose to have your muse react to this plot drop, please submit the link of the post where they react to the main by THIS SUNDAY at 6 PM (just the initial reaction needs to be done by then & sent). And as always, DM the main with any questions or concerns !!!
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I posted 3,841 times in 2022
That's 3,841 more posts than 2021!
1,445 posts created (38%)
2,396 posts reblogged (62%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,481 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#lunar liveblogs - 927 posts
#jrwi riptide - 880 posts
#lunar lullabies - 491 posts
#gillion tidestrider - 418 posts
#jrwi prime defenders - 384 posts
#jay ferin - 335 posts
#chip - 260 posts
#jrwi apotheosis - 164 posts
#pretzel!!! - 159 posts
#william wisp - 158 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#sometimes they’ll be like ‘the fan’s are at fault’ about shit and i’m like ‘my guy my homie you were the one who initiated sqlumi fuckin’
My Top Posts in 2022:
JRWItwt being little bitches about DSMP fans, meanwhile the majority of my JRWI mutuals here on tumblr are former or current DSMP fans and having an amazing time
171 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Obsessed with Goobleck’s character traits and additional notes section
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175 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
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[Image ID:
A cropped screenshot of a Grizzcord question with a reply by big G.
The question reads “how old are the riptide pirates?”
Grizzly’s reply reads “Gillion, 22, Jay 21, Chip 19, Ollie 12, Alphonze 5, Gryffon 30, Pretzel 10-12”.
End ID]
213 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Gillion’s Speech towards the Elders about his final Sin of Hatred
[Transcript Begins:
Triton Elder: We are at the conclusion. Gillion you have one last line of defense before the elder council comes to a verdict. There are multiple times in your life, both under the sea and over the sea, where you, without thinking, have put people in danger.
Gillion: This is true.
Triton Elder: There are times when you put honour and pride above friendship, camaraderie and trust in those around you. What do you want to say?
Gillion: I want to say many things, but what I will say is this. This trial exists to judge me for my sins and there is one sin that even when you fail me I want you to know. That I try to bury but that I will not bury any longer. Because my last sin is that I hate you. I. Hate. You. For waking me up every day to watch me fail over and over again and to watch me fall and to get me back up the next day to do it again. I hate that the only time that I got a real life was when you got fed up with my shit and kicked me out of my home. And so I know what lies before me. Another failure, another disappointment. But I tell you this now because when I fail this time I don’t want to do it anymore as the weapon you sharpened. I want to do it as Gillion Tidestrider, not just the person you made me, but the person I have become. So fail me one last time. I’m sorry I couldn’t be the chosen one that you wanted. I’m not even the chosen one I wanted.
Transcript Ends]
270 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Philza Minceraft talking about how he thinks people will regret getting tattoos themed after his streams makes me think of Grizzly’s approach to tattoos as reminders of who you were at the time that you got them. You don’t have to regret a tattoo of something you’re not into anymore if you see it as a fond reminder of a younger self
359 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mediumtires · 2 years
the question you asked to clarify: how long until we have a seven years next may update? 👀😂
omg i would not have guessed that from the initial ask i’m so sorry! (also i literally just realised SYNM stands for seven years next may and yes i AM stupid ok) (so sorry anon)
to answer your question: i don’t know how long it’s going to take me to update! usually i go into hibernation for about 3 to 6 months after posting/finishing a wip until i am struck by a sudden surge of inspiration and write 30k in two days because i have no self control and also my brain hates me. so my guess is any time between next week and october.
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adamsmasher · 2 years
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I posted 13,931 times in 2022
That's 6,022 more posts than 2021!
300 posts created (2%)
13,631 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 430 of my posts in 2022
#me - 119 posts
#gpoy - 113 posts
#my work - 9 posts
#crochet - 8 posts
#boyf - 6 posts
#cantrip - 5 posts
#plant dad - 5 posts
#possum - 4 posts
#gvoy - 3 posts
#personal - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#so we're gonna keep making videos and if you can't watch them cuz of me then i get it but there's no way i come out of this looking good
My Top Posts in 2022:
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New plant dad vibes I guess. Summer evening vibes I suppose. Self-care, if I must.
155 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
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Current crochet project!! It's gonna be fuckin' huge. Great to have while watching the finale of Fantasy High!
157 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
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199 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
Btw if we're mutuals and you feel like you always have to start the conversation I'm really sorry, my ADHD means I'm really bad at keeping track of people that aren't literally in front of me so it's very hard for me to keep up with Internet friends, even the ones I love the most cuz I'm either like "oh I wonder how they're doing?" and then do nothing about it or I'm like "oh so and so is messaging me yay! I wonder what's happened in the couple days since we last spoke!!" and they're like "so how was your summer" and I'm like "what?" and the last time we spoke was April.
Tl:dr; please don't read my lack of initiation as lack of caring, I'm just very bad at friendship maintenance skills like time management and task initiation
3,011 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Please I'm begging you all to turn this on in your settings
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Now that I've enabled this I can see how old a post is and also when anything added via reblog was posted. I'm now able to see, for example, people inadvertantly circulating news that's years old but responding to it like it's new. I can see if a post with 10k notes is a day old or a decade old. It's very, very useful. Please do it.
21,602 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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femcreek · 2 years
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I posted 1,210 times in 2022
That's 1,210 more posts than 2021!
64 posts created (5%)
1,146 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,135 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#creek - 256 posts
#style - 149 posts
#tweek - 96 posts
#craig - 84 posts
#kyle - 72 posts
#kenny - 67 posts
#stan - 57 posts
#clyde - 44 posts
#main 4 - 39 posts
#butters - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#my favorite thing about this is that it’s craig initiating most contact and physically affectionate craig is like my favorite thing ever so
My Top Posts in 2022:
zzzz wips
8 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
you’re kinda annoying, please just be quiet and reblog stuff
8 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
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my internet went out while i was watching wednesday last night and i was sad so i made goth stan then put all my stans together here
his lil earring under the cut
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11 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
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12 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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23 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hideyseek · 10 months
6. 10, 11? For ur ao3 wrapped? Mehabs?
(im on mobile if something is weird. No it isnt)
bro ,,,,, im so sorry to report something was weird, i only saw this guy come in today he was not in my inbox before. apology for delay. but hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii yes thank you for the ask!!!!! of course i will answer i love to fucking TALK hehe :3
ao3 wrapped asks
6. Favorite title you used?
mmmm hehe. i'm gonna answer this based purely on title vibes as opposed to like "how well the title fits the fic" bc i wrote a bunch of shorter (to me) fics without a lot of internal thematic happenings that a title could reflect and so i don't really think of anything i published that a title is doing very much work.
i think my favorite title of anything published this year is i wish you the wind just because ah ... what a phrase! no idea what this means but it sounds so damn romantic to me! really has a flavor of like ... bittersweet farewell!
10. What work was the quickest to write?
mmm, haha. well, two answers to this i suppose. on one hand, there was keep me here which unfortunately i wrote in about one day from nothing (and therefore had approximately 12 minutes to revise) because i was determined to post SOMETHING for that day of kaze week 2023. but the first fic that came to mind (and perhaps the most accurate answer, time-wise) was my drabble from week 2 of inception wicked which came together in about three hours total drafting, but there was a span of several days (and truthfully several days that felt like several weeks lol) between me initially having the idea and sitting down to draft. but like, to be fair, it is about 400 words so revising goes exponentially quicker. truly this shocked even me, though i guess really what this means is i already was primed with a bunch of subconscious thoughts about the dynamic in this fic lol. (you can read it here on the gdoc with the other fics from that week! bc i haven't gotten around to posting on ao3 yet lol. content warnings for: semi-explicit sexual content, fantasizing about a married couple, voyeurism)
11. What work took you the longest to write?
hmm ... i don't know if there's a winner for anything i published, tbh. most of the rest of the kaze week fics from january kind of came together in a span of 3-5 days depending on the fic, and most of the other drabbles for both events came together in about the alotted week. so instead i'm going to gleefully misinterpret this question so i can talk about my beloved unpublished nemesis project, narrative!fic :3
i hate that guy! (<- said extremely lovingly) i probably earnestly worked on this fic for ... 4 or 5 months of this year? had a nice breakthrough for some story logic in august / september ish, outlined from that through october, and wrote pretty diligently for most of november. (i did tell my roommate fully two years ago, "hey you need to watch kazetsuyo so i can make you betaread this fic i'm writing at the end of the year, i'll watch star trek with you in exchange". that was literally 2021 lmao. they have not yet seen a draft bc there has not been a draft worth having anybody else look at yet.)
i think the thing that has made the process of drafting narrative!fic so long is really just that, for the last two-ish years, narrative!fic wasn't actually a story to me, so much as it was a project into which i dumped all my post-college facing-the-future feelings and loosely tied up with a string called "i'm sure i can make haiji go through this as well". but then, due to various life events in april of this year, suddenly i came back to the draft and it was like: oh. ohhh, okay. i can see how this can be a story, actually. this is about haiji, as a character, as opposed to haiji, as a semi-direct proxy for myself. and then over the next few months i cut out a ton of stuff and reworked his main arc and now it's like ... a story, instead of just a bunch of feelings and events. which, truly, is only my personal marker for what i was looking for from the project. like, i personally want a separation of my own experiences from what is in my fic, i want to be thinking about developments in the fic as narrative choices the story requires rather than as alternatives to how my own life could have gone. (which ultimately may well be the same thing but its the headspace im in, for me).
and i think the other part is just -- i didn't know how to write! i mean, obviously i know how to string words into a sentence lol. but a LOT of i guess the first two years of drafting and then setting all the drafted stuff aside to start again from scratch like four times over, was me learning to like, figure out my own longfic writing process. (big sobbing emoji, lmao. i remember in my youth reading about maggie stiefvater having 200k of unused draft material for one of the trc books and i was like, how??? and now i am like: yeah. unfortunately i get it. not that my tossed-out drafter material is of that specific magnitude. but there is a lot of it, goddamn.) and now that i've got at least an initial / foundational sense of it, the hardest part is only actually sitting down and writing. (i say as if this is not also, extremely challenging for me lol). so uh, i guess i'll say here "maybe this time next year i'll really have a full draft of narrative!fic", and. we'll see how that goes :3
0 notes
ofbetterbodies · 2 years
for date night: this is going to be a multiseries ask because shit is complex, BUT, here is a summary of a very complicated situation that has been going on for 3+ years... I work with a guy six years older than me. Over this time we have become really good friends, but also definitely more than ~friends~. He initiated us talking back in 2019, and since then anytime he would get drunk at work events he couldn't leave me alone. During 2021 we became closer, talking every day. (Part 1)
DATE NIGHT!!!! Send asks about dates and romance!!
(Anon's full story under the cut)
ANON. Hi love. Ok reading this made me want to give you the worlds biggest bear hug because oh my god?? Oh my goddd? First off you seem like such a genuinely sweet person and I'm so sorry this guy has been stringing you along for so long. I do want you to genuinely ask yourself what *you* want with him because ultimately that's all that matters. I hope he gets his shit together and realizes what's right in front of him- as a grown ass man. I think this gets even more complicated because you work together and no matter what happens, there will be consequences in the place you work,,, which is never good. My wish for you anon is to find the kind of shining love you deserve, in whatever manner you need it 💗💗 but also. He was cruel, you were so real for that. Clown away my babe 🤡
Pt 2). Over the years i have had fleeting crushes. But last year around March, my friendship feelings had turned into waaaaaaaaaaay more. We had over the course of the past year and a half been talking way too much, every day, for hours on end. There have been numerous times we have been chatting until 3am. We tell each other vastly too much. We are also chaotic shits at work, and are definitely constantly flirting (which is funny cause we're radiographers at a major trauma centre haha). 3. In May last year we spoke until maybe 2am one night and he asked if i wanted to get breakfast with him the following day post his nightshift. I said sure (I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON). We met up at a quite cafe in the city and had breakfast for two hours, we were just chatting so much. he paid and he also walked me to my car. i was so unsure about what to think of this, like was this a date? A few days later he called me beautiful in a different language (a friend had to translate it for me).
Pt 4. He went overseas in june. And during that time was sending me so many photos and selfies!!!! which was interesting because he hates being in photos. We were still chatting all the time, even though he was on the other side of the world. over this time, my feels had fully developed. At the start of august my cat died, and he invited me to his house to like "sleep" or "not sleep" lol. I wasn't up for driving. I had decided i needed to say something because all i was getting was mixed signals. Pt 5. I wrote a note on my phone app, but never sent it because i was scared. It got to october and we were meant to hand out, but never made concrete plans. we had a really weird conversation that turned a bit hmm not great. i told him he was confusing me, he asked for a list of i did, and then he gave me a piss poor response. i called him cruel. we stopped talking. i cried so much. it was awful in person, we were so awkward, wouldn't talk and wouldn't look at each other. People noticed...
Pt 6. I tried to get over my feelings and things started going back to normal in Nov. we were consistently talking again. Well then it was the work xmas party. he asked my opinion on what he should wear. He kind of avoided me for the first hour and a bit. Everyone was telling me i looked really nice and i just wanted him! to! comment! everyone was progressively getting drunk (i don't drink). i was chatting to one of my male coworkers and he literally cut in and sat between us, lol. Pt 7. We got chatting and he brought up me calling him cruel the month prior (we had never discussed those texts, but knew we had to that night). We moved outside and like started kind of chatting, but like he could not stop touching me, he went to kiss me at one point and i was like stop what are you doing, there are people here. I ended up taking him home (which was an effort). I also ended up staying with him for four/five hours... um we had a very big chat about many things. we both admitted. Pt 8. that we like each other a lot. like more than friends. i asked him how long he had liked me for. he said a long time, and i was like how long is long. he said as long as we'd been talking, and i was like but thats THREE YEARS.... he tried to kiss me again, and i was like i'm not kissing you while you're drunk. i told him i didn't want to be a drunken mistake. he said i wouldn't be, but i was scared. i changed out of my dress because stuff happened lol and had on one of his tshirts. Pt 9. i ended up leaving his house cause i got my period, so i left him a note being like we need to chat tomorrow and that i would text him when i woke up. i got home at 4am anme at like 7:30am. i was so angry and tired. we texted all day off and on. but didn't end up chatting in person for another two days. i was so anxious. we ended up chatting for over 4 hours. i cried. it was a hard conversation. we admitted that we both like each other. but he doesn't want a relationship with anyone ever. Pt 10. we gave each other some space, lol that lasted 3 days before he messaged. i cried a lot again. and now its 2023 and we are back to what we were, which is openly flirting, now in front of other people to the point they mention it to me... we chat every day. we know too much about each other. our physical contact is more than friendly.. i worked with him alone for 5 hours the other night and boy did we flirt, i could say so much, but, i am a clown over this man, and 2023 is my clown year.
0 notes
Hey, i kinda wanna explore the full scope? Of fundys character esp during season 1? So i was gonna ask for some Fundy vod recommendations to really understand him. Thank you!
Sure! Sorry this one took me a while to answer. I wanted to give a properly fleshed-out list
I'll just sort of give the whole list of streams that include character lore with a brief description of what happens. Not every one of these is the most important stuff, but figured it might be nice to just make a full reference post so that you can decide for yourself which ones to watch.
Fundy Lore VODs List: Season One (+ a bit of Season Two)
First up: The L'manburg War.
July 30: Dream SMP - joining a revolution
At this point Fundy had been on the server for a few weeks and he had already gotten involved in the hot dog drug van scheme before, but here's where his character lore starts getting fleshed out. This is where he first becomes Wilbur's son.
July 31: $1000 minecraft wipeout event
Towards the end of this stream is where Fundy attempts to convince George to betray Dream in the war and join L'manburg.
August 2: Dream SMP - THE GREAT WAR!!!!!!
Fundy's POV of the L'manburg War.
August 4: Dream SMP - I hurt my mouth so I can't talk a lot
This is the stream where Fundy shrinks Eret's tower. When Tommy and Jack come talk to him, Fundy comes up with some lore about his mother for the first time: "Sally," the accountant salmon who raised him.
After this, it's mostly a period of fun pranks and more casual hijinks. The next big thing for Fundy's character is the Pet War.
Fundy finds out about Fungi's death and takes his revenge on Sapnap with Niki's help.
August 30: SAPNAP MUST PAY - Dream SMP
This stream is mostly chill up until towards the end where Fundy plays his bee game with Punz. Tommy, Tubbo and Quackity come to back him up at the tower.
August 31: NO MERCY - Dream SMP
Fundy and Niki find Sapnap and Dream's hidden pets and create an obsidian chamber to house Beelloon. Towards the end, there's a confrontation between Fundy and Sapnap.
This is the L'manburg civil war stream where there's a brief conflict between Fundy and Tubbo, and Tommy diffuses it before it escalates. This is the event that Wilbur references when he describes how he needs to consolidate power with an election.
September 8: unboxing, then becoming president! - Dream SMP
Fundy's POV of the King's Court Election Debate stream.
September 9: ENDING THE WAR - Dream SMP
The final duel in the arena between Sapnap and Fundy, refereed by Tubbo, to end the Pet War.
With the Pet War over, the focus turns to the Election.
September 14: ruining the Dream SMP
After Tommy ridicules Fundy in an attempt to secure Sapnap's vote, Fundy suspects Tommy might be trying to destroy L'manburg. He, along with Niki, join forces and come up with a name for their new campaign: COCONUT2020.
Fundy didn't stream his POV of Schlatt's inauguration, but you probably already know what happened next...
(From Eret's POV) Fundy burns the flag of L'manburg, declaring it a new era.
From here on out, it's the Schlatt Administration.
September 23: DREAM SMP - A New Era...
Fundy begins to work under Schlatt in Manberg, building a new purple flag. Niki and Tommy intervene. While talking with Schlatt, Fundy rejects Wilbur as his father.
Fundy begins to write a new book documenting his experiences under the new administration: A Spy's Diary.
Following the previous incident, Fundy replaces the purple version of the Manberg flag with a new one built out of obsidian. Fundy begins to question his allegiances in his diary.
After Schlatt spots him writing, he pulls Fundy aside for a talk...
The next VODs are more casual work in Manberg. Fundy starts building a hidden underground bunker that uses a key in a certain spot to open with redstone. He gets Iskall to help.
October 7: Dream SMP THE NEW MANBERG
The legendary Dreamon Hunter stream.
The second Dreamon Hunter stream.
At the beginning, Fundy admires his work on the Festival decorations and gives a short speech about progress in the country, asking what Tommy and Wilbur ever really did for them.
Tubbo and Fundy later recruit Sapnap into their ranks. Fundy tells BadBoyHalo about these "Dreamons" and gets him to begin digging out a certain large, underground room to be used as the headquarters for the operation.
Fundy's POV of the Manberg Festival. Chaos ensues, and Fundy learns that the person he hunted Dreamons with was a traitor after all...
November 3rd: Dream SMP - PRANK MARATHON
That's an awful lot of buttons.
November 6: [DreamSMP] The Meeting
(From Wilbur's POV) After the meeting with Schlatt goes wrong, everyone gathers in Pogtopia. Fundy arrives, revealing his change of sides to his father.
November 16: Dream SMP - THE FINAL WAR
Fundy fights in the final war against Schlatt.
That's it for Season One, but the aftermath of the explosion in early Season Two is a hugely important arc for Fundy's character as well, so I'll include a few of those here too.
With the first appearance of Ghostbur, Fundy helps the New L'manburg cabinet begin to rebuild. He talks about how he feels about Wilbur's death.
November 22: Dream SMP - REVENGE
Fundy has a conversation with Jack Manifold about Ghostbur, who has started to follow him around while invisible. He continues to work through his feelings.
November 23: POWER AND DOMINANCE (and vibing) on the Dream SMP (!newvid)
(From Eret's POV) While working on the museum, Eret asks Fundy if he would like to be adopted...
November 24: Amangus with new and old friends and Minecraft
(From Wilbur's POV) Ghostbur gets Fundy's gear and returns it as a kind gesture. Fundy breaks the news to him about the adoption.
November 27: Dream SMP - BEING ADOPTED
The climax of Fundy's initial arc with Ghostbur. After Eret doesn't show up for the adoption, Fundy goes fishing with Phil only to get into an argument with Ghostbur about avoiding responsibility.
And that's it! There's plenty more to say about Season Two, but that first arc is the most important.
Hope this helped! Happy watching!
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